Blinn College
Student Resident
Life Handbook
Office of Housing and Residence Life
Updated: 06/03/2024
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................. 1
Introduction ................................................................................ 1
Housing Agreement ................................................................... 1
Room Assignments .................................................................... 2
Criminal Background Check ...................................................... 3
Health Insurance Requirement ................................................... 4
Attendance Policy/Below Hours ................................................ 4
Grade Point Average (Required GPA) ....................................... 6
Identification Card (Blinn ID) .................................................... 6
Keys, Cards, and Fob Access ..................................................... 6
Room Condition Sheet ............................................................... 7
Buc E-mail Accounts ................................................................. 7
Community Living Agreements ................................................. 8
Signs/Notices/Fliers ................................................................... 8
Safety Tips ................................................................................. 9
Blinn College Non-discrimination Statement ......................... 10
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES: A – Z ..................................... 12
Threats to Safety (Active Shooter, Bomb Threat, Dangerous
Conditions). 12 Blinn Alert System
................................................................................................ 12
Camera (Surveillance) System ................................................. 12
Fire and Fire Alarms ................................................................ 12
Fire Drill ................................................................................... 13
Fire Extinguishers .................................................................... 14
Missing Person ......................................................................... 14
Severe Weather ........................................................................ 14
COMMUNITY LIVING: A – Z ................................................. 15
Abandoned Property ................................................................ 15
Bicycles ................................................................................... 15
Check-in and Checkout Procedures ......................................... 15
Children in the Halls/Apartments ............................................ 16
Dress Code .............................................................................. 16
Facilities ..................................................................................
Guest/Visitor Restrooms ......................................................... 22
Hall Meetings .......................................................................... 22
Illness/Injury ............................................................................ 22
Insurance ................................................................................. 23
Microwaves ............................................................................. 23
Parking .................................................................................... 23
Pets and Assistance Animals ................................................... 24
Profanity .................................................................................. 26
Prohibited Items ...................................................................... 26
Quiet Hours ............................................................................. 27
Residence Hall Directors ......................................................... 27
Resident Assistants (RAs) ....................................................... 27
Solicitation .............................................................................. 28
Television ................................................................................ 28
Visitation ................................................................................. 28
Blinn College Park Apartment Specific Policies (BCPA) ....... 29
STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT ............................................ 31
Introduction ............................................................................. 31
Blinn College Disciplinary Point System ................................ 31
Failure to Meet with Student Conduct Coordinator ................. 31
Incident Reports ...................................................................... 31
Summons to Student Conduct Office ...................................... 32
Restitution ............................................................................... 32
Alcohol .................................................................................... 35
Assault ..................................................................................... 36
Disruptive or Violent Conduct ................................................ 37
Drugs ....................................................................................... 37
Fire Code Violations ............................................................... 38
Gambling ................................................................................ 39
Hazing ..................................................................................... 39
Loitering .................................................................................. 40
Noise ....................................................................................... 41
Removal from Housing ........................................................... 41
Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco ........................................... 41
Tampering with College Property ........................................... 41
Tampering with Personal Property .......................................... 42
Theft ........................................................................................ 42
Manner ............................................................ 42
Weapons.................................................................................. 42
STUDENT SERVICES .............................................................. 45
Activities and Recreational Sports .......................................... 45
................................ 45
Blinn College Police Department ............................................ 45
Copy Machines ....................................................................... 46
Counseling/Advising and Career Services .............................. 46
.............................................................................. 46
Dining Services ....................................................................... 46
............................................................................ 48
Health Clinic ........................................................................... 48
Housing Costs ......................................................................... 48
Laundry Facilities ................................................................... 51
Mail Service and Post Office Boxes........................................ 52
The contents, policies, and procedures in this handbook are subject to change at
any time at the discretion of the Blinn College District administration. You will
be notified as soon as possible of any changes.
Blinn College District Mission Statement
Blinn College District is building stronger communities by providing quality,
comprehensive education, and empowering students to achieve excellence in their
educational careers and personal goals.
Blinn College District Vision Statement
Shaping future academic, workforce, cultural, and economic leaders by providing
excellent instruction, resources, services, and innovative partnerships, for students
and the community.
Blinn College District Core Values
1. Access
2. Collaboration
3. Diversity
4. Excellence
5. Innovation
6. Respect
7. Service
Blinn College District does not discriminate on the basis of sex
and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or
activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and its
regulations, including in admission and employment.
Inquiries about Title IX may be referred to the College’s Title IX
Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil
Rights, or both. The College’s Title IX Coordinator is
Dr. Adrienne McCain, Title IX Coordinator
902 College Avenue
Brenham, Texas 77833
Administration Building Room 219
Blinn College District’s nondiscrimination policy and grievance
procedures can be located at
To report information about conduct that may constitute sex
discrimination or make a complaint of sex discrimination under
Title IX, please refer to
Blinn College District prohibits discrimination, including
harassment, against any employee on the basis of race, color,
national origin, religion, age, disability, or any other basis
prohibited by law. Retaliation against anyone involved in the
complaint process is a violation of Blinn College District policy.
For more information, please see Blinn College District Board
Policy DIAB.
Any student who, because of their pregnancy or parenting
status, may require special arrangements in order to meet the
course requirements should contact the Parenting Services
Office. Please note that the instructor is not allowed to provide
classroom accommodations to a student until verification from
the Parenting Services Office has been provided. For additional
information, please contact the Parenting Services Office.
Housing and Residence Life Mission Statement
The Department of Housing & Residence Life supports the Student Services
mission through the development of safe, comfortable living learning
communities that are conducive to academic success and personal and social
Blinn College District (hereinafter referred to as “College
District”) is a multi-campus postsecondary educational
institution with a residence life program contained on the
Blinn-Brenham campus. Residence halls and on-campus
apartments are available for students to live in while
pursuing their educational endeavors. The College
District is responsible for ensuring that residence life is
supportive of the educational mission of the institution
while maintaining a safe and supportive housing
experience for each student. This publication is subject
to change without notice. Additional information that the
resident may find helpful is included herein.
By completing the Residence Life Application and
signing the Housing Agreement, students agree to adhere
to the College District policies and procedures set forth in
this document while residing on campus. Lack of
familiarity with applicable policies and/or procedures
does not constitute a reasonable defense for violation of
any policies or procedures. The College District reserves
the right to institute additional policies and procedures
applicable to the College District Residence Life and to
amend or modify any policy or procedure contained
herein without any prior notice as the College District
determines to be appropriate.
Housing Agreement
Each resident must electronically sign the Housing
Agreement as part of their housing application. The
Housing Agreement covers the full academic year that
the resident is enrolled at the Brenham Campus of the
College District. For purposes of this handbook,
academic year shall be defined as beginning at the start of
the Fall semester through the end of the following Spring
Separate Housing Agreements are available for students who will only
attend Spring or Summer semesters.
Room Assignments
The Office of Housing and Residence Life reserves the
right to move residents to another hall or housing unit for
any reason, including but not limited to, the following:
safety reasons, health reasons, to conserve energy, to
conduct repairs, or any other circumstances deemed
necessary by College District staff.
Room Changes - No room changes will be made until after
the tenth business day of the semester. All room change
requests must be submitted to and approved by the Office
of Housing and Residence Life. Any resident requesting a
new roommate may be required to change rooms.
Residents changing rooms must follow standard check-in
and check-out procedures. Failure to follow these
procedures may result in the students being required to
return to the originally assigned room and/or be assessed a
fee. The Office of Housing and Residence Life will only
allow ONE room change per semester Room changes are
not guaranteed and depend on space availability. Room
changes are on a first-come, first-served basis. Changing
rooms may require additional housing charges.
Hall/Apartment Transfers - If space is available,
residents may be permitted to transfer to another residence
hall or apartment. This request must be made to and
approved by the Office of Housing and Residence Life.
The same procedure must be followed when checking in
and out of the room as stated above. The Office of
Housing and Residence Life will only allow ONE room
change per semester. Hall/Apartment changes are not
guaranteed and depend on space availability.
Hall/Apartment changes are on a first-come, first-served
basis. Changing Hall/Apartments may require additional
housing charges.
Special Housing Assignments - Students with
disabilities requiring special housing arrangements
must complete an application for housing to the Office
of Housing and Residence Life and submit justification
to the Office of Disability Services (ODS).
Blinn College Park Apartments (BCPA) Eligibility
Requirements - Apartment-style living offers a more
independent living option for students and requires the
student to have a high level of maturity. Furthermore,
students who live in BCPA housing and violate the Code of
Conduct or any other College District policy are at risk of
being removed from BCPA housing. Eligibility for living
in BCPA housing does not guarantee placement in BCPA
housing. Students must apply for BCPA housing and be
approved by the Office of Housing and Residence Life.
Eligibility for BCPA housing is based on the following
Current College District Students
o Minimum 2.25 GPA
o Disciplinary record: Two or less points
o Will be given priority over new students
o New College District Students
o Minimum 3.0 GPA from high school Two letters of
recommendation emailed to
(from current high school administrator, teacher, or
Requests for exceptions to these requirements must be
submitted to the Office of Housing and Residence Life
for review. The Office of Housing and Residence Life
reserves the right to place special populations in the
BCPA facilities.
Room Consolidation - The Office of Housing and
Residence Life reserves the right to make assignment
and reassignment of accommodations as deemed
necessary. Residents will be required to consolidate upon
notice from the Office of Housing and Residence Life.
Residents occupying single rooms must select one of the
following options:
Elect to contract and pay the additional fee for the
private room. This option is permitted only if
space is available and approved by the Office of
Housing and Residence Life.
Choose to move to another half-filled room in
the same building.
Residents who are directed to consolidate but fail
to do so, will be billed automatically for a private
room. Residents who refuse to accept an assigned
roommate, or who elect to pay for a private room
after a roommate is assigned, will also be
automatically charged the private room rate
prorated from the date single vacancy occurs.
If a resident is occupying a double room
without a roommate, the resident must:
Keep the unoccupied half of the room in
the condition that would allow someone to
move into the room on short notice.
Agree to accept a roommate assigned
by the Office of Housing and
Residence Life if required.
Criminal Background Check
The College District conducts criminal background
checks on all housing applicants prior to acceptance into
campus housing and prior to each semester. Additional
background checks on residents may be conducted at any
point during the school year. Students with a Class B
misdemeanor or higher charge (including pending
charges) will not be allowed to live on campus until
verification of dismissal from the court has been
provided. Should a student be charged with a criminal
offense during the course of a semester which would
preclude them from being a housing resident, that
resident will not be eligible to remain in housing. The
student may reapply for housing at a later date but will be
subject to all housing requirements, including the required
background check.
Health and Wellness Check
In accordance with College District Board Policy
FFAC(LOCAL), students may be subject to a health and
wellness check prior to move in and randomly during
the academic year. Students displaying a temperature of
more than 100.4 degrees (a fever, as defined by the
CDC) will not be allowed to move in to their housing
assignment until their fever has subsided and they are
fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing
medication. Students who refuse a health and wellness
check prior to move in will not be allowed to move into
the residence halls.
Health Insurance Requirement
All students are REQUIRED to maintain health insurance
coverage continuously while enrolled and attending the
College District. The student must provide proof of
coverage that meets the requirement of the College
District. Any lapse in coverage during the time the student
is enrolled at the College District will be considered a
breach of the housing agreement and will result in the
immediate removal of that student from their housing
Students who have been removed from Housing due to
lack of insurance must provide proof of insurance to the
Office of Housing and Residence Life in order to move
back into their housing assignment. Proof of insurance
includes, but is not limited to, a valid health insurance
Attendance Policy/Below Hours
Students who live in campus housing are required to enroll
in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester and remain
enrolled in 12 hours throughout the semester. Students are
required to attend all of their classes regularly. When a
resident drops below 12 credit hours, the resident has 3
College District business days to begin the academic
reinstatement process or complete an appeal to stay in on-
campus housing. If reinstatement is not possible and the
appeal is denied, the resident must move out within 48
Appeals will be heard by the Director of Housing and will
take academic performance, discipline record, and additional
circumstances into consideration. If a resident is approved to
remain on campus below (12) hours and commits a discipline
violation, the student must vacate from campus housing
within 48 hours of notification. All class drops must be
approved by the Office of Housing and Residence Life. No
refunds will be issued for housing or meal plans after the
eighth week of class. Prorated amounts may be issued for
cancelled housing assignments prior to the eighth week of
The fall and spring semesters are 16 weeks long. There
are 8 parts of term inside the 16-week semester: 16-
week, 12-week, 1st 8- week, 2nd 8-week, 1st 4-week,
2nd 4-week, 3rd 4-week, and 4th 4-week.
Students who move into housing at the beginning of the
fall or spring semester must 1) be enrolled continuously
for the entirety of the sixteen-week fall or spring
semester and 2) stay enrolled in at least twelve hours
total during the 16-week semester except under
exceptional circumstances approved by Vice- Chancellor
of Student Services.
Students starting classes the second eight weeks must
be enrolled in six (6) credit hours to live on campus.
Below is an example of a student's schedule
who is not continuously enrolled for the
entirety of the semester:
MATH 1314 College Algebra in the 2nd 8-week part
of term. = 3 credit hours
PSYC 2301 General Psychology in the 2nd 8-week part
of term. = 3 credit hours
SPAN 1411 Beginning Spanish I in the 12-week part
of term. = 3 credit hours
ARTS 1304 Art History II - in the 3rd 4th week part of
term = 3 credit hours
This student is not enrolled in any class in the first 4
weeks of the semester and therefore is not enrolled
continuously for the entirety of the sixteen-week
semester. This student would not be eligible for student
housing until the 2nd 8-week part of the term
Grade Point Average (Required GPA)
No student with less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point
average (GPA) will be allowed to live in student
housing. At the end of each long semester, students who
fail to maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA will be notified
by email that they no longer meet the GPA requirement
to live on campus and that their room will be cancelled.
Students who have successfully filed an appeal with the
office of Admissions and Records to remain a student at
College District will be allowed to remain on campus.
Identification Card (Blinn ID)
Each student must obtain a College District Student
Identification Card (Student ID) from Enrollment
Services prior to moving into their housing assignment.
A Student ID is not transferable and may not be used by
or given to others. It can be used to swipe for meals in the
Dining Hall and other food service locations, to check out
materials in the library, and is needed for entrance into
College District sponsored activities. Students must
always have their current Student ID with them/on their
person and present it willingly upon request by any
professional or student staff member or any College
District Police Officer. Students must present their
Student ID when entering a residence hall.
Keys, Cards, and Fob Access
Keys, access cards, and fobs to doors/rooms/apartments
are issued during the check-in process. Duplication of
keys and loaning keys to others is strictly forbidden and
will result in disciplinary action. Locks must not be
altered or added to student residences or resulting
charges and disciplinary action will be assessed. Keys are
the property of the College District and must be returned
to the Residence Hall Director at the end of the resident’s
occupancy. Residents must carry their keys or cards at all
times. Broken, lost, or stolen keys/cards/fobs must be
reported to the Residence Hall Director immediately.
Lost key, card, or fob fees are charged to the student’s
account before replacements will be issued.
Lost key, card, or fob fees charges are as follows:
$125 individual key
$25 key fob
$25 wardrobe key
$150 lock change ($125 re-core and $25 individual key)
Improper Use of Room Key - All occupants are issued
a designated key and/or access card/fob to gain entrance
into their residence hall and/or apartment room. At no
time may a resident allow anyone other than themselves
to be in possession of or use these items. Allowing
another resident, student, or person access to a living
space they are not assigned to can jeopardize the safety
of all students residing within a hall. Individuals who
violate room key usage policy will be issued a
disciplinary summons. If an individual loses possession
of their key(s), access card, or fob, they should contact
their Residence Hall Director immediately. The
Residence Hall staff will apply the appropriate charge to
the students account for replacement keys and fobs.
Improper Change of Room - All occupants are
assigned a given space (Hall/apartment, Room #, Bed
#.) No resident is allowed to switch rooms with any
other resident without proper clearance from the
Office of Housing and Residence Life. No resident
may move out and allow another person to move into
their assigned space without proper clearance from the
Office of Housing and Residence Life. Residents who
do so will be issued a disciplinary summons, will be
fined, may be required to vacate student housing, and
may not be allowed to live in student housing in the
Room Condition Sheet
The evaluation of the room condition and the inventory
of the furnishings must be recorded on the Room
Condition Sheet (RCS) prior to move in. The RCS must
be signed and returned to housing staff during hall move-
in. A complete listing of existing room damages, missing
furniture and other irregularities is imperative. This form
serves as a contract between the College District and the
occupying resident on the move in condition of the
student’s residence hall room or apartment. Any
excessive wear or damage to the room observed at check-
out that is not indicated on the RCS that was submitted at
move in will be the responsibility of the resident and
damage/cleaning charges may be assessed accordingly.
Buc E-mail Accounts
The College District student email account is the
primary communication method between the College
District and students, including communication from the
Office of Housing and Residence Life. Students are
required to activate and regularly check their account to
receive College District communications. Failure to
activate the account does not relieve the student of the
responsibility for the information disseminated through the
email account. The College
District partners with Microsoft Windows Live @ Edu
to provide e- mail accounts to future, current and former
College District students. Each student is provisioned an
account once their application is complete.
To verify your email address in MyBlinn
You can log into MyBlinn to determine your
College District e-mail account.
It should appear as the following:
To start using your account
Go to:
Enter your Windows Live ID and e-mail
address: (See instructions above to verify
email in MyBlinn)
Enter your password.
Your initial password is your date of birth in the
format mmddyy
(For Students enrolled before Fall 2011 who never
set up email, the password is last six digits of
student ID)
For additional information go to the College District
Web page and click the “e-mail” link.
Community Living Agreements
All students must complete a Community Living
Agreement within the first week of moving into their
housing assignment. This document is a living contract
between the resident and their roommates and suitemates
addressing how cleaning, conflict, and shared living
issues will be handled throughout the semester. Students
shall complete this document in the presence of their
Resident Assistant (RA), who will help mediate the
concerns of residents as they work through the
document. Students are expected to uphold the
agreement they set forth with their roommates at the
beginning of the semester. Any changes to the original
Agreement need to be updated with the Residence Hall
Director (RHD) of the
resident’s respective building.
Residents must pay special attention to all signage posted
on bulletin boards and on resident doors. This is a
frequently used means of communication by the College
District to distribute information, including but not limited
to registration, check out, holiday close down, etc. Do not
remove or tamper with notices posted by College District
staff. All signs or posters must be approved by the Office of
Housing and Residence Life before they are displayed. If
signs are tampered with, damaged, or removed, a general
charge of $10 per sign will be issued to the entire
hall/apartment building for replacement of the sign. See
“Group Billing” under Community Living for further
Safety Tips
Crime Stoppers - To anonymously report a crime,
students may contact Washington County Crime
Stoppers by calling 979-836-8177 or going to with any information. This
information is not monitored 24 hours a day. In the
event of a true emergency, please contact 911 or the
Blinn College District Police Department (BCPD) at
979- 830-4755. This system is not meant for reporting
noise violations. Information of this type should be
reported directly to the Residence Hall Director/Resident
Assistant or the College District Police Department, if
Personal Safety Escort - When on campus and feeling
uncomfortable going from one destination to another,
students can request a safety escort from a uniformed
Blinn College District Police Officer. For an escort, call
979-830-4755 or 979-277-7373 for after-hours
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) prohibits
discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities that receive
federal financial assistance. Title IX states “No person in the United States
shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the
benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or
activity receiving Federal financial assistance[.] Any form of sexual
discrimination, harassment, misconduct, or violence will not be tolerated in the
Blinn College District community.
itle IX applies to all students (as well as applicants for admission) at
educational institutions (and off-campus) regardless of their sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, part- or full- time status, disability, race, or national
origin in all aspects of educational programs and activities. All students deserve
the right to a fair and safe educational environment.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment of a student by a College employee includes unwelcome
sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; sexually motivated physical,
verbal, or nonverbal conduct; or other conduct or communication of a sexual
nature when:
1. A College employee causes the student to believe that the student
must submit to the conduct to participate in a college program or
activity, or that the employee will make an educational decision
based on whether or not the student submits to the conduct; or
2. The conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it limits or
denies the student's ability to participate in or benefit from the
College’s educational program or activities.
Sexual harassment of a student, including harassment committed by another
student, includes unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; or
sexually motivated physical, verbal, or nonverbal misconduct when the
misconduct is so severe, pervasive, or objectively offensive that it limits or denies
a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the College District’s
educational program.
Examples of Sexual Harassment
1. S
exual jokes, gestures, comments or looks (repeated and unwanted, or to
the extent of creating a hostile and/or threatening environment).
2. Forced or coerced sex act, including instances in which a person is
incapable of giving consent due to use of drugs or alcohol, or due to
3. Spying on someone or following someone in a sexual way.
4. Forced kissing.
5. Spreading sexual messages about someone on social media.
6. Calling someone homophobic names.
7. Making unwelcome sexual advances to a student.
8. Public sexual indecency against a student.
9. Continuing to express sexual interest in a student after being informed the
interest is unwelcome.
10. Nonconsensual touching or groping, including unwanted hugging or
shoulder rubbing.
Sexual Violence
Sexual violence is a form of sexual harassment. Sexual violence includes
physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person's will or without the
person's consent. "Consent" means assent in fact in accordance with law.
Sexual assault is any unwanted, nonconsensual sexual contact against an
individual by another. Sexual assault can occur either forcibly (against a
person's will) or when a person cannot give consent (under the age of
consent, intoxicated, developmentally disabled, or mentally/physically unable
to consent).
Rape is nonconsensual sexual intercourse that involves the use or threat of
force, violence, or immediate and unlawful bodily injury or threats of future
retaliation and duress. Rape includes nonconsensual sexual intercourse
when the person is incapable of giving consent because he or she is
incapacitated from alcohol and/or drugs, or if a mental disorder or
developmental or physical disability renders the victim incapable of giving
"Dating violence" means violence committed by a person who is or has been
in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The
existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the reporting
party's statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the
type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the persons
involved in the relationship.
Gender Based Harassment
Gender-based harassment includes physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct
based on the student's gender, the student's expression of characteristics
perceived as stereotypical for the student's gender, or the student's failure to
conform to stereotypical notions of masculinity or femininity. For purposes of
this policy, gender-based harassment is considered prohibited harassment if
the conduct is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that the conduct limits or
denies a student's ability to participate in or benefit from the College
District's educational program.
Acts of gender-based harassment may also be considered sex
discrimination or sexual harassment.
Blinn College District Non-Discrimination Statement
The Blinn College District, including its career and technical education programs,
does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex/gender, national origin,
disability, age, or any other basis prohibited by law. A lack of English language
skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career and technical
education programs.
Title IX Coordinators
Blinn College has designated the following person as coordinator to monitor
compliance with these statutes as they related to students and to resolve
complaints of discrimination based on race, gender, age or disability. Any student
who believes that they, or another student, have experienced sexual
discrimination, harassment, misconduct, or violence should immediately report
the alleged acts to:
1. Any College Employee or Resident Assistant (RA)
2. Any Campus Police Officer (979-277-7373 or 979-830-4100)
3. Any College Counselor or Nurse (or staff) (CONFIDENTIAL)
Violations may also be reported via:
itle IX Hotline at 979-830-4700
Title IX Email at
Dr. Adrienne McCain
itle IX Coordinator
Office: Administration Building 219
Phone: 979-830-4216
or by using the online reporting form. You have the option to
fill in your contact information or submit the report
anonymously. Reports submitted anonymously may limit our
ability to follow up on an incident. Once a report is submitted
online, a copy is emailed to the Title IX Coordinator for initial
assessment and necessary action.
You may locate the online reporting form on the College District website either
by searching Title-IX in the search bar or selecting Student Title IX from the
College District A-Z menu. Because the form permits up to 1,000 characters, you
also have the option to attach an external document. Note that any report will
generate an email to the above named person outlining the allegations, the alleged
victim, and the reporter.
he College District maintains a strong relationship with the Sexual Assault
Resource Center, which offers resources to survivors and outreach to institutions,
including donations and guest speaking presentations. The College District
Counseling Services also offers free counseling sessions to students who schedule
Threats to Safety (Active Shooter, Bomb Threat, Dangerous
In the event of an imminent threat to life safety (i.e., an
active shooter on campus, bomb threat) Blinn Alerts
will be sent. Please follow all instructions provided
within the alerts or given by emergency response
personnel. When in doubt, find shelter in a safe, secure
area away from harm.
In the classroom or office:
1. R
ember the principles of AVOID, DENY, and DEFEND.
2. If you can safely leave the area to AVOID the emergency, do so
3. If you are in a classroom, room or office, and cannot safely leave, remain
and DENY entry to the shooter by securing the door
4. If the door has no lock and the door is open, look for furniture or objects
to barricade the door
5. I
f the door has a window, cover it if you ca
6. If no police units are yet on scene move well away from the incident and
find safe cover positions (not the parking lots) and wait for the police to
7. O
nce in a safe place stay put.
8. Get out of sight from the door and stay low and quiet.
9. I
f the shooter is able to gain entry into the space you are occupying,
DEFEND yourself and others using any means and/or improvised
weapons available to you.
hallways or corridors:
1. If in the hallways, AVOID the emergency by immediately exiting the
area. If you are close to an exit, leave the building only if it will lead you
away from where shooting is taking place. Run away from the incident
and find a safe place to hide.
2. If avoidance is not possible, get in a room that is not already secured an
NY entry by securing the room
3. F
ollow the same steps listed above for classroom and office procedures.
4. If the shooter is able to gain entry into the space you are occupying,
DEFEND yourself and others using any means and/or improvised
weapons available to you.
In open spaces:
Stay alert and look for appropriate cover locations. Brick walls, large trees,
retaining walls, parked vehicles and another object which may stop firearm
ammunition penetration, may be utilized as cover.
Police response:
Police are trained to respond to an active shooting incident by entering the
building as soon as possible and proceeding to the area of the shooter(s). Officers
will move quickly and directly. Early in an incident, officers may not be able to
rescue people because their main goal is to get to the shooter(s). Involved persons
need to try to remain calm and patient during this time so as not to interfere with
police operations. Cooperate with officers who may ask you information
concerning the incident. Normally, a rescue team is formed shortly after the first
responding officers enter the building. They will be the officers who will search
for injured parties and get everyone safely out of the building. Follow all
directions given by the officers at the scene or responding to the scene.
Blinn Alert System
The Blinn Alert System is an emergency mass
notification tool used by College District to inform
students and provide safety information in the event of an
emergency. This system can alert students via e-mail,
phone call, and/or text message. To be warned of any
pending danger, students must update their cell phone,
text messaging, and/or alternative email contact
information by going to their MyBlinn portal and
completing the instructions for setup. All residents are
expected to activate their College District e-mail account
and check it regularly as Blinn Alert messages will be
sent to this account.
When the College District initiates an emergency
message, by default the student will be contacted by
the method(s) selected. The call sequence will cease
when the affirmative response message has been
Enrollment in the program is free. Cell phone carriers
may charge fees if students do not possess a plan that
includes calls/messaging; consult carrier for details. The
College District will not use this contact information
except in an emergency with the potential to affect health
and safety or for tests of the system.
Camera (Surveillance) System
To help deter theft, damage, and to monitor the traffic
flow in and out of the residence halls, surveillance
cameras are installed. Tampering with surveillance
camera equipment is viewed as a threat to community
safety and may result in damage charges, disciplinary
actions, removal from housing, and possible legal action.
Recorded activity may be used as evidence in the
campus judicial system or in legal proceedings.
Fire and Fire Alarms
When the fire alarm sounds, EVERYONE must exit the
building immediately. Follow instructions below.
Primary Escape Route: Emergency exit doors at the end of each
hallway. If living in the apartments, immediately exit the front
door, go down the stairs nearest your door (if applicable), and
move away from the building.
Secondary Escape Route: Inner common area use stairwells.
Prior to Evacuating the Residence Hall Room
If your door is hot to touch, DO NOT OPEN IT!
Roll up a wet towel and place it at the base of
the door to prevent smoke penetration.
Use a secondary means to exit the room.
If your door is cool to the touch, OPEN IT SLOWLY.
If you encounter heat and/or pressure in the hallway,
leave your room carefully, closing the door behind
you, and proceed to the nearest exit/stairwell to the
designated area to be counted by a staff member. (If
possible, alert other students on your way to the exit.)
If the hallway is clear, close your door behind you
and proceed to the nearest exit/stairwell. (If
possible, alert other students on your way to the
Always use stairs to evacuate the building. Do not use
If you encounter smoke, take short breaths through your
nose and stay close to the floor (crawl if possible).
DO NOT attempt to remove personal items.
If your clothing catches fire: STOP…DROP…AND ROLL!!!
Once outside the building, move far away from the
building and wait until recalled by an authorized
College District official.
Students with disabilities who require assistance in
evacuating should alert their Resident Hall Director and
Resident Assistant in advance.
Fire Drill
Fire drills are conducted every semester to educate
residents on how to react in the event of a fire in the on-
campus housing. Fire safety and evacuation safety routes
and procedures are explained at the first Hall Meeting.
Become familiar with the exit routes, posted at focal
points in each building. You are required to participate, if
present, in periodic fire drills. Evacuation is mandatory
when the fire alarm sounds. Failure to evacuate during
a fire alarm could result in disciplinary action, fines,
removal from on-campus housing, and/or legal
Fire Extinguishers
Fire extinguishers are provided in the halls as a safety
device for use in the event of a fire. Tampering with fire
extinguishers when there is not a fire emergency could
result in disciplinary action, fines, removal from on-
campus housing, and/or legal repercussions.
As a student, your responsibility during a fire emergency
is to evacuate the building. YOU ARE NOT EXPECTED
TO FIGHT A FIRE. If you attempt to fight a fire or use
the fire extinguisher, you are doing so at your own risk.
Missing Person
In the event of a missing person, the student’s designated
emergency contact will be contacted immediately. If there is
reason to believe that student is missing, all possible efforts will
be made to locate the student to determine their state of health and
well-being. The assigned Blinn College District Police Officer
will complete a missing persons case report and request that
College District administration enter required missing persons
information into appropriate state and national databases. Efforts
to locate the missing student will involve collaboration between
Blinn College District Division of Student Services, Blinn
College District Police Department, fellow students, family
members, and friends.
Severe Weather
In the event of immediate severe weather (i.e.,
tornado, severe thunderstorm), a Blinn Alert will be
sent, and housing staff will direct students to a
location within each facility to take shelter.
In the event of inclement weather (i.e., hurricanes, winter
weather, flash flooding) housing staff will coordinate
with students to plan for evacuation or shelter within the
facility. Blinn Alerts and announcements will be used to
communicate with students as severe weather situations
Abandoned Property
Abandoned property is defined as any items that are left
in on- campus housing when residents check-out of their
residence hall room or apartment. A fee of $75 will be
charged to the responsible resident for any abandoned
property. Abandoned items will be confiscated. If the
property is not picked up within one (1) week of check-
out, the items will become the property of the College
District and t will be disposed. Abandoned cars will be
towed at owner’s expense.
Bicycles racks are provided near on-campus housing
facilities. Bicycles cannot be stored or ridden in
hallways, stairwells, or resident rooms or apartments.
Bicycles should not be stored or chained to outside
stairwells. The College District is not liable for damage
to or loss of bicycles. If bicycles are left chained to
bicycle racks for more than one (1) week after the end of
a semester, the bicycles will become property of the
College District Police Department and will be removed.
Residents should register bicycles with the College
District Police Department, located on the first floor of
the Student Center on the Blinn-Brenham campus.
Scooters cannot be stored or ridden in hallways, stairwells, or
resident rooms or apartments. Scooters should not be stored
or chained to outside stairwells. The College District is not
liable for damage to or loss of Scooters. If scooters are left
chained to bicycle racks for more than one (1) week after the
end of a semester, the scooters will become property of the
College District Police Department and will be removed.
Check-in and Checkout Procedures
Check-in and check-out procedures are crucial. Students
must complete all check-in paperwork before occupying
their housing assignment. Prior to leaving campus at the
end of every semester, each student must complete all
designated check-out procedures. Students will be
notified of designated check-out procedures via email
and fliers placed on resident doors and in hallways.
Students are expected to check out within 24 hours of
their last final exam or by the terms designated closing
date and time, whichever comes first.
Residents must check out with Housing and
Residence Life Staff - Failure to follow the posted
check-out procedures, including leaving on time, will
result in the resident incurring a $25.00 improper check-
out charge. Residents are expected to checkout and
complete a check-out form for Thanksgiving Break,
Winter Break, end of semesters, and Spring Break. The
Office of Housing and Residence Life will collect and
inspect these forms.
When a resident departs- Student must remove ALL
possessions. If any items are left, they will be subject to the
Abandoned Property procedures outlined above.
Residents approved to stay late- Residents may approved to
stay after a designated check out time in extenuating
circumstances, this may include Resident Assistants (RA's) or
residents approved to stay for graduation. These residents will
be provided with a check-out date and are required to check out
by 12:00 p.m. on that day.
Holidays - College District housing is officially closed
for designated holidays as listed on the College District
Calendar. Room rates do not cover these holiday periods.
Campus housing officially closes at 5:30 pm before the
holiday period begins. YOU MUST LEAVE ON TIME.
Valuable possessions should be removed during these
periods. The College District is not liable for property
that is vandalized or stolen.
Winter Break (Three Criteria) - In order to leave things
in rooms between the Fall and the Spring semesters,
residents must meet three criteria. The resident must: (1)
be returning to the same room, (2) be registered for the
next semester, and (3) their next semester bill must be
paid IN FULL or have verification of adequate
scholarship or financial aid. If the resident does not meet
all three criteria, all possessions must be removed from
the room. Leaving items will incur a $75.00 abandoned
property fee. Leaving items between any other semesters
is not allowed without express written permission from
the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Housing may
be available for student populations who need to remain
on campus due to an extreme circumstance or related to a
College District sponsored event.
Children in the Halls/Apartments
Childcare is not permitted in on-campus housing. No
student is allowed to house a child in on-campus
housing temporarily or overnight.
Dress Code
Residents and their guests are expected to dress appropriately,
following generally accepted community standards of
neatness, cleanliness, and modesty. Clothing should remain
free from pornographic, vulgar, images and/or language. Pants
are to always be worn around the waist. Sagging of pants
below the waist is prohibited. Workout clothing should be
worn modestly outside of housing or gym facilities. Shoes
must be worn in lobbies and dayrooms of the residence halls,
and when entering or exiting the building. No student may
walk barefoot in the hallway or across campus.
Alterations to the Room/Apartment - Alterations,
changes, or remodeling of the premises, interior or
exterior, are not permitted. Students are expected to
report maintenance issues to the Office of Housing and
Residence Life. Students should not use screws, nails,
staples, tacks, sticky tack, or tape to hang items on walls.
Only damage-free adhesive hooks and strips, such as
Command products, may be used to attach items to
residence hall walls and must be removed properly
without damage to the wall upon resident checkout (also
see Decorations section).
Bathroom Cleaning - Students in suites or apartments
are responsible for maintaining sanitary conditions of the
bathroom facilities by cleaning the sinks, toilets, and
showers regularly and taking out the trash daily. Do not
use drain cleaners in clogged drains. For clogged drains,
notify the Office of Housing and Residence Life, who
will notify Maintenance. Custodians clean guest
restrooms regularly, but students are expected to help
keep the bathroom clean and not damage the facilities or
products put there for the residents convenience. No
foreign objects, including but not limited to food, should
be put in toilets, sinks, or shower drains. Students will be
responsible for damage resulting from misuse of the
aforementioned objects.
Cleaning Supplies - Residents must supply their own
cleaning products. All residents must supply their own
toilet tissue except in hall facilities with community
bathrooms where the custodians will place and re-stock
toilet tissue. If the supply is depleted, check with the hall
director. Apartment residents furnish their cleaning
products and toilet tissue. DO NOT use bleach to clean
as bleachspills cannot be corrected.
Damage Charges - General and specific damages
including but not limited to destruction of College
District property, defacing signs, walls, doors, windows,
floors, trim; creating holes in doors, trim, walls; leaving
stains, glue, and putty residue will result in charges being
added directly to the resident’s account. Residents may be
held accountable for any abnormal wear, damages, and
cleaning of public areas of their hall or apartment.
Charges will be first deducted from the $100 refundable
security deposit which is collected at the beginning of
each semester. Any remaining charges must be paid
before the student is permitted to register for classes for
the next semester. Any outstanding charges may result in
legal action, including but not limited, to the charges
being sent to collections.
Damages/Vandalism Charged to Group Billing for
Common/Public Area Damages - Residents are
collectively accountable for abnormal cleaning or
damages occurring as a result of horseplay or vandalism
to the hall or apartment. This includes billing for damages
to an entire apartment building or residence hall if these
damages cannot be attributed to a specific resident or
unit. The College District will determine the amount of
loss or damage and the applicable fees. Bags of trash left
in hallways, laundry rooms, community bathrooms, on
porches, walkways or balconies will incur a charge of
$10 per bag per occurrence. This charge could be an
individual charge or a group charge to an entire apartment
building or residence hall.
Decorations - Residents are expected to use good taste
and common sense in decorating their rooms or
apartments. No articles may be displayed in the windows.
No objectionable material, in accordance with College
District Policies, should be displayed in the room. Refer
to Board Policy FLA and the accompanying
Administrative Regulations for additional guidance.
Residents are permitted to post posters on the doors of the
rooms to which they are assigned. Signs cannot be larger than
22” x 28” inches or cover up a room number. Due to fire
code, do not attach anything to the ceiling. Do not use
screws, nails, bolts, or hooks on interior or exterior walls
or ceilings. All interior and exterior doors must remain
free of nails, white boards, bulletin boards, or any other
additions to the original surface. Use only damage-free
adhesive hooks and strips, such as Command products, to
hang decorations inside the room. These products must be
properly removed without damage to the walls upon
checkout. Failure to do so could result in
damage/cleaning charges. Push pins, thumb tacks, nails,
and staples may not be used to attach decor to walls.
Residents will be charged for damage caused by any
decorations that mark, deface, damage or mar the interior
or exterior of the facility. Seasonal decorations must be
fire retardant.
Locks—Each resident is issued entry door keys
or an access card/fob. For security reasons all
room/apartment doors and windows should
remain locked at all times. Additionally, all
residents should keep their bedrooms doors and
apartment/suite entry doors locked at all times.
When Housing Staff find an unlocked door, the
room will be inspected. After the room inspection
is complete, the door will be locked. Leaving
these doors unlocked jeopardizes resident security
and the security of residents in the hall or
occupants of the apartment.
Entry and Exit doors— All entry and exit
doors must remain locked 24/7 in the
residence halls.
Escort Policy- Residents must meet their guests
at the entry door of the housing facility and
always stay with guests.
Propping Exterior Doors- Propping exterior
doors open or closed is strictly prohibited.
Propping doors open or closed threatens the safety
of the entire apartment/residence hall community.
Tailgating Policy -Do not permit “tailgating”
(allowing persons to follow you into the
building) when entering halls.
Pin Locking - Tampering with a room door
lock (i.e. pin locking) will result in a $25
charge, plus damage charges. After 4:00 p.m.,
the charge for tampering with a door lock/pin
locking the door will increase to $50.
Driveways, Sidewalks, Passageways, and Stairs -
Driveways, sidewalks, passageways, and stairs, along
with other public areas, must not be obstructed at any
Food Storage - To live in a healthy, pest-free
environment, food must be stored in a sealed containers.
Do not leave food containers and packages open. Do not
dispose of food through sinks (except where garbage
disposal is available-BCPA), showers, or toilets.
Furniture - Residents are responsible for the furniture
in their room/apartment. For the safety of the student
and to prevent damage to furniture, stacking/bunking of
beds is not permitted. No furniture is to be taken,
borrowed, or exchanged from one room to another.
Furniture may not be taken outside. If College District
furniture is removed from an assigned room, a student
may be referred to the conduct process and the original
furniture must be returned within 48 hours. Furniture
must not be taken apart. Students are not permitted to
bring duplicate furniture (beds, couches, etc.). No
furniture provided by the College District Department of
Housing and Residence Life may be removed or
requested to be removed from the living space.
Grooming - Personal grooming is not permitted in the
residence hall day room, lobby, or hallway. Do not
dispose of cut hair through the sink, toilet, or by
sweeping it into the hallway.
Hallways and Porches - Hallways and porches are open
passageways and must not be blocked. Do not use the
hallways for talking on the phone as it disturbs others.
Lights in stairways, hallways, and common areas must be
on at night for safety. In order to report a light that is out,
please submit a work order via myBlinn.
Lock Outs - If residents lock themselves out of their
room during the day, they should check to see if the
RHA or RA is available to unlock the door. Wheeler
residents should go to the Reception Desk and BCPA
residents should go to the Commons
Office/Clubhouse. If a staff member is unavailable,
please contact the corresponding duty phone number to
reach a staff member. If a pattern of lockouts (more
than three times during a long semester) occurs a
student could be subject to disciplinary action.
Windows Blinds - Blinds should be closed to
conserve energy and for safety. Fire safety requires
that windows not be obstructed. Windows are never
used to enter or exit a room, except in an emergency.
Use only tension rods for curtains.
Maintenance Concerns - Residents are responsible for
promptly reporting any maintenance needs or broken
items to the Residence Hall Director. Maintenance
personnel are on duty between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and
4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, yet may not always
arrive at hours most convenient to the residents.
Residents should cooperate with maintenance personnel
so that repairs can be made as quickly as possible.
Maintenance concerns that occur after hours
should be directed to the on-call Resident Hall
Director, pending on where the issue is
East Side of Campus (979-830-
4650): Beazley, Hallstein,
Helman, Katherine Atkinson,
Spencer, Prairie Lea, and
West Side of Campus (979-830-
4650): Blinn College Park
Apartments, Buccaneer,
Lockett, Mill Creek, and
Plumbing In the event of a flood, plumbing repair bills
are charged to the apartment, room, or hall via group
Room Appearance - Residents must maintain an orderly
living area, using reasonable sanitation and safety
standards. Residents must regularly empty wastebaskets
and clean rooms, bathroom area, and common area (if
applicable). Residents must also keep dirty clothes in
laundry containers.Right of Entry - The College District
reserves the right for authorized personnel to enter the
room/apartment by passkey without prior permission or
consent of the student at all reasonable and necessary
times. These are to ensure rooms are free of prohibited
items and residents are following all sanitation
requirements. Unsanitary conditions will be
communicated to the resident through written evaluation.
An incident report will be created for the resident if the
conditions have not changed after 24-48 hours indicated
on the evaluation received. If a prohibited item is
observed in plain view during inspection, authorized
College District personnel can search any College
District property and students’ items for further
prohibited items. An incident report will be created for
the resident(s) where prohibited items are found, a
disciplinary summons will be issued, and the Resident
Hall Director(s) will notify resident of the confiscated
items via email. These measures help to facilitate a
healthy and safe environment for the on-campus housing
population by minimizing risk of insects, rodents, and
unhealthy living conditions. Bed Bugs - Students who
suspect they have bed bugs need to contact their
Residence Hall Director immediately. Bed bugs are a
serious community health issue. Rooms that are found to
have bedbug must be emptied; all clothes and bedding
must be laundered. Students must leave the room during
the inspection and treatment. Keeping a clean and
sanitary living space, including but not limited to,
keeping clothes on hangers, and limiting items on the
floor, helps to prevent this issue.Mold - Students must
report any signs of mold to their Residence Hall Director.
To reduce the possibility of mold, keep wet towels off the
floor and run the fan while in the shower. Make sure to
regularly empty room and bathroom trash. If mold is
found or suspected, residents will have to leave their
room during the inspection and treatment.
Trash - Place trash and garbage from the room/unit in
the trash dumpsters provided by the College District.
Bags of trash left in hallways, laundry rooms,
community bathrooms, or on porches or balconies will
result in a charge of $10 per bag via group billing,
potentially to all building/hall residents.
Littering - Littering is prohibited. Residents
may also be charged a cleanup fee for their
visitor’s littering.
Guest/Visitor Restrooms
All guests have restroom privileges only in-residence
hall guest/visitor restrooms (where provided) or
restrooms in the Commons Building. Restrooms in
suite style, private bath, and shared bath facilities may
be used by guests only if all suitemates and roommates
agree to the use of the restroom by guests.
Hall Meetings
Mandatory hall meetings are held throughout the
semester to inform residents of important information.
They are usually held at the beginning, middle and end of
each semester, but can be called within three College
District business days’ notice at any time. Hall meetings
may be advertised via posters, on bulletin boards, or via
email. Residents are required to attend all hall meetings.
Exceptions must be cleared with the Residence Hall
Director prior to the meetings. Missed meetings must be
made up with Housing staff. Disciplinary action will be
taken for unexcused absences from hall meetings.
The Office of Housing and Residence Life staff members
are NOT permitted to transport residents to the doctor,
health clinic, or hospital. The staff is not allowed to
provide any form of medical care to residents or students
If the resident is unable to transport themselves to the
clinic on campus, they should contact the Health Clinic
(see Services section: Health Clinic) to see if a virtual
appointment is available at 979-830-4005. In the event of
an emergency, please call 911. If a resident becomes
critically ill or incapacitated, the resident/parent/guardian
authorizes the College District’s staff to engage the
services of the local emergency medical resources to
administer to the immediate medical needs of the resident.
Upon the advice of the emergency medical personnel, the
resident may be required to be transported from the
room/apartment to a medical facility, and any expense so
incurred is the obligation of the resident or responsible
Residents are strongly encouraged to inform their
Residence Hall Director of any special medical
conditions, needs, or requirements, so that information is
available if an emergency arises. The resident is also
encouraged to speak to the Health Clinic Nurse
concerning any special medical needs the resident has.
The College District is not responsible for any
injuries/death due to the services received from local
medical resources or emergency medical personnel,
including but not limited to the response time of
emergency personnel.
The College District does not carry insurance covering
loss, damage, or theft of an individual’s personal
property. Residents desiring such protection must plan
for the necessary coverage at their own expense. Each
resident is encouraged to carry personal property
insurance, often referred to as “renters’ insurance” on
valuables they intend on keeping in their
Liabilities - The College District is not responsible for
the loss of or damage to (i.e. water leaks, fire, and theft)
resident rooms or personal possessions. Students or
their families are encouraged to carry appropriate
insurance to cover personal losses.
Personal Property - The College District assumes no
responsibility for loss or damage of personal property
because of theft, fire, vandalism, or maintenance failure.
Residents are responsible for keeping track of personal
items in the common area. The College District will not
store personal possessions between semesters.
Commercial storage may be available in Brenham for
students to arrange at their own discretion and expense.
The College District is not responsible for personal
property left behind when a resident checks out or
leaves the premises. Property left more than one week
after check-out shall be declared abandoned and can be
disposed of without discretion/delay and without
liability by the College District. Please refer to the
Abandoned Property portion of this handbook.
Microwave ovens are not permitted in student rooms.
They are provided in the common areas of each hall.
Please clean microwaves after use. If smoke caused by
burning food sets off a fire alarm or causes damage to
the building or microwave, the responsible student could
be held accountable for any violations or damage
To park on campus, residents must purchase a resident
parking permit. If the permit is purchased before housing
check-in, it will be included in your move in packet. If the
permit is purchased after or during housing check-in, you
will be contacted by email when it is available to pick up
at Enrollment Services.
It is your responsibility to become familiar with Blinn
parking and traffic regulations before parking a vehicle on
campus. The owner of the permit is responsible for all
parking citations incurred while utilizing the permit for
noncompliance with College District parking policies.
Parking and traffic regulations are always in effect. Please
visit for additional information or
for permit rules and regulations.
Pets and Assistance Animals
General rule: Pets and other animals are not permitted,
even temporarily, in College District residence halls and
apartments. This prohibition applies to dogs, cats, and all
other creatures, including but not limited to mammals,
fish, reptiles, birds, rodents, and insects. Feeding stray
animals on campus is prohibited. If a pet or unauthorized
animal is found in a resident’s room, or if the student fails
to comply with administrative directives, this handbook,
or the code of student conduct, the College District may
take disciplinary action, which could include removal of
the animal and/or student from student housing,
monetary sanctions to cover damage to property,
suspension, and expulsion from the College District in
the event of repeated or flagrant violations. Exception
for students with disabilities: The College District
recognizes that some students with disabilities use
assistance animals. College District Policy FAB (Legal)
provides an exception to the no-animal policy for
students with disabilities. Assistance animals work,
perform tasks, assist, and/or provide therapeutic
emotional support. There are two types of assistance
animals: (1) service animals and (2) support animals.
Information regarding assistance animals is available on
the web page of College District’s Office of Disability
Services [
assistance- animals.html]. The phone number for the
Office of Disability Services is 979-830-4157.
Service Animals: Students with disabilities may
reside in student housing with their qualified
service animals. By law, a service animal means a
dog that is trained to do work or perform tasks for
the benefit of an individual with a disability,
including a physical, sensory, psychiatric,
intellectual, or other mental disability. Other
species of animals, whether trained or untrained,
are not service animals (however, in limited
circumstances a miniature horse could qualify).
The tasks performed by a service animal must be
directly related to the individual's disability.
Service animals are permitted in all areas of the
residence hall (e.g., laundry room, recreation
rooms) and in all campus buildings where the
public is allowed. Students with disabilities
requiring a Service Animal must fill out the form
below prior to moving on to campus for the selected
Residents and/or students with service animals
are solely responsible for the care, sanitation
and cleanliness, proper disposal of animal
waste, and control and supervision of the
animal to prevent disruption, danger to others,
and damage to property. The animal must be
harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless the
individual’s disability prevents using these
devices or these devices interfere with the
service animal's safe, effective performance of
tasks. In that case, the individual must
maintain control of the animal through voice,
signal, or other effective controls.
Emotional Support Animals (ESA): Under the Fair
Housing Act, a support animal is an animal that
provides therapeutic emotional support to a student
with a disability. In contrast to service animals,
support animals must remain in the student’s personal
residence and cannot be brought to public common
spaces in the residence hall such as a laundry room or
lounge. When the animal is transported outside, it
must be in an animal carrier or restricted by leash or
Students who require the assistance of an ESA
must complete an ESA Authorization Request
form with the Office of Disabilities Services.
The resident will receive an email through the
College District email approving or denying the
ESA request from ODS within 5 business days
after submitting a complete Authorization
Request. ODS will also contact the Office of
Housing and Residence Life as to the approval
or denial of the request.
Residents are not allowed to have an animal on
campus until the Authorization Request with
ODS has been fully reviewed and approved.
If an animal is found on campus and the resident
either has not submitted an ESA Authorization
Request or the application has not yet been
approved, the animal must be immediately
removed from campus and an incident report
shall be submitted resulting in disciplinary
action, based on the Student Code of Conduct
(points system). There will be no exceptions.
The RA or RHD will verify every twenty-four
hours that the animal has been removed. For
every day that the resident has not removed the
unproved animal, the resident will be in
violation of this manual and the Student Code of
Conduct resulting an additional and disciplinary
action and/or points.
Approval of ESA Authorization Request is NOT
retroactive and will NOT erase accrued points
that may have been assigned to a resident for
having an unapproved animal in the resident hall
and/or refusing to remove the animal pending
the ESA authorization process.
Once approved, residents with ESAs are solely
responsible for the care, sanitation and
cleanliness, proper disposal of animal waste,
and control and supervision of the animal to
prevent disruption, danger to others, and
damage to property. The animal must remain
in the resident’s assigned room. If the resident
must take the animal out of the room for any
reason, the animal must be harnessed,
leashed, or tethered.
Residents who have questions about ESAs or Service
Animals should contact ODS for additional information
and requirements
Impact on other students with disabilities: Some
students or employees may have medical conditions that
are adversely impacted by the presence of animals (e.g.,
respiratory disease, asthma, severe allergies) and may be
unable to live in or occupy shared spaces with assistance
animals. ODS will consider the needs and/or
accommodations of all persons involved on a case-by-
case basis.
The College District prohibits the use of profanity and
obscenity on College District owned property and at
College District sponsored events. Use of profanity and
obscenity may in an incident report and result in
disciplinary action.
Prohibited Items
Appliances - Students are not allowed to bring space
heaters, microwaves, hot plates, additional AC units,
candle warmers, or any appliances with a heating
element. If there is a question about an appliance not
listed here please contact the Office of Housing and
Residence Life for clarification at 979-830-4461.
Bulletin Boards and Dry Erase Boards - Bulletin
boards and dry erase boards are not permitted to be hung
on the outside of resident’s doors. They may be hung
inside of rooms and apartments using only damage-free
adhesive hooks and strips, such as Command products.
Hammocks - Hammocks, swings, or other type
items are not allowed to be hung from trees or
bushes on College District property.
Hoverboards - Hoverboards, motorized scooters, or
motorized personal transportation devices are not allowed
on College District property. Storage of these devices in
any campus buildings, halls, or apartments is strictly
prohibited. If these items are found within a campus
building, students may be subject to disciplinary action.
Physical Fitness Equipment - Weight stacks,
dumbbells, or barbells are NOT allowed in on-campus
housing due to excessive weight, which may cause
damage to floors and disturb others.
Recreation/Sports Equipment - Dart boards are not
permitted inside any residence hall or in campus
apartments. The possession of BB guns, paintball guns,
nerf guns, water guns or sling shots is prohibited.
Baseballs, basketballs, bats, golf balls/clubs, softballs,
volleyballs and similar items should not be bounced,
thrown, or swung inside College District buildings.
Surge Protectors and/or Surge Protected Power Strips
Residents must use surge protectors or surge protected power
strips. Extension Cords are prohibited.
Extension Cords vs. Surge Protectors
shuts off power during surge to
must have switch for
can spark and cause fires
Quiet Hours
Courtesy hours are in effect within all residence
halls and apartments 24 hours a day. This includes
keeping noise (i.e., conversation, music, TV,
screaming, slamming doors, etc.) to a minimum
throughout halls, stairwells, and outside areas.
During quiet hours, noise should not disturb the nearest
neighbor (including roommates). Quiet Hours are in
effect 24 hours a day during the week of final
Quiet Hours are as follows:
Daily 10 PM – 10 AM
Residence Hall Directors (RHDs)
Resident Hall Directors (RHDs) are live-in staff members
who work to develop a community for the academic and
personal growth of their residents. Staff office hours are
posted within each hall/facility, including after-hour
contacts and emergency phone numbers. Residence Hall
Directors are the Direct Supervisors of Resident
Resident Assistants (RAs)
Resident Assistants (RAs) are student staff members who
report directly to the Residence Hall Director (RHD). RAs
assist in planning
programs and creating a community environment that is
conducive to academic, personal, and social growth.
They aid students in solving problems and act as a
resource to students. One RA lives in each of the seven
Blinn College Park Apartment buildings. One or two
RAs lives in each of the traditional residence halls. An
RA lives on each floor wing of Wheeler Hall and Mill
Creek Hall. As College District officials, RAs are
responsible for the enforcement of housing policies.
Residents should not hesitate to take their problems or
suggestions to their RA.
Staff members must sometimes remind residents
and/or their guests about policies and procedures as
well as document policy violations. The staff
members are doing their job. No resident should
abuse them through shouting, being argumentative, or
making rude, vulgar, indecent, or obscene comments
and/or gestures toward the staff. Students who chose
to disregard staff member’s redirection or are hostile
to any staff member may be subject to disciplinary
Solicitation is the sale or the offer for sale of property
or service, whether for immediate or future delivery.
No soliciting and/or canvassing of any kind, without
the prior approval of the College District, will be
permitted on campus premises.
Both basic cable and extended basic cable are provided in all
Basic cable is provided in all Housing and Residence
Life facilities except for Prairie Lea and Mill Creek
Halls. Students experiencing problems with their cable,
should contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life
(979-830-4461) or their RHD. Refunds are not issued for
cable outages.
Commercial Activities
Residents are not allowed to operate commercial activities,
including concessions or businesses of any type, on the
College District campus.
A visitor is defined as anyone who is not assigned to live
in that specific room/hall/apartment. If a visitor becomes
unruly, verbally abusive, physically abusive, or
disruptive, the visitor must leave the premises
immediately. If the visitor is a student, they may also face
disciplinary action for their behavior. Lack of compliance
could involve College District Police and result in legal
action. College District students and students’ immediate
family are allowed to visit during scheduled visitation
hours. Non-College District students are not allowed to
visit within the residence halls, except for a student’s
immediate family. Immediate family is defined as
parents, grandparents and siblings.
Guests are permitted in on campus
housing facilities during the following
Sunday – Thursday: 6 am – 11 pm
Friday & Saturday: 8 am – 12 am (Midnight)
One visitor per resident may visit in the resident room,
residence hall/apartment dayroom or community
The hall resident must meet the visitor at the entry door.
The visitor, escorted by the resident, must sign in with
residence hall staff and leave their ID with residence hall
staff. Guests are not allowed to remain in the building
unaccompanied by a resident. The visitor must be
escorted by the resident to pick up their photo ID and to
the exit doors when they leave.
Guests are not allowed to remain in the room or
apartment unaccompanied by the resident.
Residents allowing another person to live in their
assigned room or found to be cohabitating with a person
not assigned to their room by the Office of Housing and
Residence Life are subject to removal from campus
housing. Criminal Trespass Warnings (CTWs) may be
issued and legal action may be taken.
Visitation is not allowed when the College District is closed.
If an individual involved in a visitator violation is not a
student at the College District or does not live in College
District housing the individual(1) will be issued a
Criminal Trespass Warning by the College District
Police Department, (2) will not be permitted to visit any
campus housing facilities, and (3) can be arrested or
have legal action taken against them for further
If an individual involved in a visitor violation does is a
student at the College District and/or does live in
College District housing the individual, (1) will be
issued a disciplinary summons.
The College District reserves the right to
determine when provisions of these policies are
violated and to determine the appropriate course
of action, including a criminal trespass warning.
Violators of the CTW are subject to criminal
sanctions, fines, and disciplinary action, up to and
including expulsion.
Blinn College Park Apartment Specific Policies (BCPA)
Appliances - BCPA residents are allowed to have kitchen
Bar-B-Q Pits - No personal BBQ pits are allowed
on the College District premises.
Public Areas - The public areas of the complex are for
use by the complex residents and their guests. Public
areas include parking lots, walkways, and the Commons
Recreation - No recreational or sporting games are
permitted in the buildings, balconies, or parking lots.
Basketball games are permitted on the provided
basketball court adjacent to the east side of BCPA
building 6.
Please note that the Student Code of Conduct is enforced in
addition to all College District Board Policies and
Administrative Regulations. The Student Code of Conduct,
College District Board Policy, and Administrative Regulations
are subject to change. Please refer to the versions of these
documents located on the College District website for the most
up to date information.
Each student who enrolls in the Blinn College District
accepts the policies of the College District and agrees to
abide by them. Failure to follow the rules and regulations
of the College District will lead to appropriate
disciplinary action. Each student is expected to conduct
themselves in accordance with acceptable standards of
good behavior. Behavior of residents and their guests
should not be loud, obnoxious, offensive, or unlawful.
This behavior should also not disturb the rights,
comforts, or conveniences of other persons. The College
District staff will determine what constitutes disorder or
interference with the rights and comforts of other
residents, including roommates and suitemates. All
offenses will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Disciplinary action will be taken if/when deemed
Blinn College Disciplinary Point System
The disciplinary point system is designed to promote
consideration and safety for all community members.
Violations occurring within on-campus housing are
assessed by the disciplinary point system at the discretion
of the Student Conduct Coordinator.
Points do not expire and remain part of the student’s
educational record even if the student withdraws and
subsequently reenrolls at the College District.
Refer to the College District’s Student Code of Conduct
for a list of disciplinary infractions that may result in
the assignment of points to a student.
In addition to the infractions listed in the Student Code of
Conduct, any illegal activities committed by at resident
student, on or off campus, may be grounds for removal
from on-campus housing.
Restitutions are sanctions for policy violations that are in
addition to any disciplinary points assessed. They are
designed to promote a learning experience for the
students and assist them with their own development as a
member of the on-campus community.
Restitutions must be appropriate to the circumstances of
the violation and can include, but are not limited to,
coaching with a student affairs’ professional, counseling
with an on campus professional counselor, drug/alcohol
awareness courses, probation or disciplinary contract,
community service, or reflection essays.
Restitutions will be determined and assigned by the
Student Conduct Coordinator.
Incident Reports and Summons to Meet with Student Conduct
An incident report is written in any situations that need
to have a documented record of events If an incident report is
written whenever a violation, or suspected violation of the Student
Code of Conduct has occurred that incident report is submitted to
the Student Conduct Coordinator.
When a staff member writes an incident report for
disciplinary purposes, all students involved will be issued a
summons to meet with the Student Conduct Coordinator. The
meetings are by appointment only. It is the student’s responsibility
to contact the Student Conduct Coordinator within 24 hours to
schedule an appointment to meet with the Student Conduct
Coordinator. Students can call 979-830-4643 to arrange an
appointment with the Student Conduct Coordinator or can
schedule an appointment via email. These meetings must occur
within ten (10) College District Business days following receipt of
an incident report but will likely take place in a shorter time frame.
Failure to schedule a meeting, show up for a scheduled meeting, or
correspond with the Student Conduct Coordinator is considered an
additional disciplinary violation.
Activities and Recreational Sports
Residents are encouraged to use the Student Center rooms
for recreation and relaxation. Pool tables, ping-pong
equipment and comfortable sitting areas are available for
student use in the Student Center Game Room.
Entertainment, sports events and special activities are held
throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. An intramural
program is provided to give each resident the opportunity
to participate in supervised recreation and competitive
sports activities.
To change a name or address, a resident should notify
Enrollment Services. All College District communication
that is mailed to the name and address on record or is e-
mailed to the student’s Blinn e- mail address is considered
to have been delivered and the student is responsible
contained in the communication.
Blinn College District Police Department
Blinn College District Police Department (BCPD) is a professional
law enforcement organization—not a “security” organization.
BCPD Officers are Certified Texas Peace Officers with equal
authority of any police officer in the state. They investigate all
criminal incidents on campus, carry firearms, and make arrests
independently or in cooperation with other law enforcement
agencies. Their primary responsibility is the protection of the
property and safety of the College District community as well as
the enforcement of College District policies. Residents are
expected to comply with city, county, state and federal laws,
ordinances, policies and regulations of the College District and the
Department of Housing and Residence Life. Residents are
encouraged to contact BCPD to report any criminal activity or
suspicious persons. In case of health/safety-related emergency,
officers may be reached by dialing 911. BCPD Police Officers
assigned to the Brenham Campus are available 24/7.
Crime Stoppers To anonymously report a crime, students may
contact Brenham and Washington County Crime Stoppers at
979-836-8477. This information is not monitored 24-hours a day.
In the event of a true emergency, please call 911. Additionally,
Crime Stoppers and 911 are not meant for reporting noise
violations. Please contact your Resident Assistant, Residence
Hall Director, Building Monitor, or the BCPD non-emergency
line at 979-277-7373, if necessary.
Lost and Found - Items lost or found should be reported
and taken to BCPD in the Student Center.
Personal Safety Escort – When you are on campus and
feel uncomfortable going from one destination to another,
you can request a safety escort from a uniformed BCPD
police officer. For an escort, call 979-277-7373.
Copy Machines
Copy machines are in the College District Library.
Counseling/Advising and Career Services
The College District provides free and confidential
counseling by professional Counselors to all currently
enrolled College District students. The Counseling
Office is in the Administration Building, Room 104.
Job Opportunities - For off campus job openings,
consult the bulletin board outside the
Counseling/Advising office in the Administration
Building. For on-campus work, apply online at: . Students also have the
option to apply for work study positions within the
College District. More information about the work study
program can be obtained through the Financial Aid
Day Rooms
Television/Cable/Videos - A TV is usually available in the
day room of residence halls and Commons Building. The
TV may be watched from 9 a.m. until the hall or office
closes. Videos/movies will not be shown in the day room
without staff approval.
Dining Services
The College District maintains a dining hall for the convenience of
the students, faculty and other College District personnel. The
dining hall is in the College District Student Center.
Monday – Friday
7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.: Breakfast Buffet
8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.: Continental Breakfast
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.: Lunch Buffet
4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.: Dinner Buffet
12:00 p.m.- 2:30 p.m.: Lunch Buffet
3:30– 6:00 p.m.: Dinner Buffet
Three meals per day (Monday-Friday) are served in the
Dining Hall. Pre-paid credit is redeemable in either
dining facility.
Meal Plans - Residents residing in on-campus housing are
required to purchase a meal plan. Any students requiring
modifications for special dietary needs, need to contact the
Dining Hall staff directly to see what accommodations can
be made. Students wishing to cancel their meal plan must
provide proof of special dietary needs by their doctor and
must provide verification from the Director of Dining
Services that reasonable accommodations cannot be made
in order for the student to utilize the meal plan.
Residence Hall students may choose either the Blue or
Silver meal plan. Students residing in the apartments will
be assigned the Apartment meal plan. All plans may be
used in the Dining Hall or Cove. THERE IS NO
Additional Information
Blinn IDs - The student ID card is required for all
meals. A student must present their ID card to the
cashier and swipe it through the card reader for
each meal. Students are not allowed to purchase
any meal for another individual with their meal
Meal Rates - Students and their guests may
purchase meals in the dining hall on a cash basis.
Prices are subject to change.
Summer Sessions - Students who stay on
campus during the May Mini-Semester,
Summer I, and Summer II sessions will be
required to purchase a meal plan. These prices
are to be determined by the Office of Housing
and Residence Life. For the summer sessions
three meals are served daily Monday Friday.
When a summer camp is scheduled, meals are
served on weekends. Student ID cards can be
swiped for each meal the student desires to eat.
Dress Requirements - Students entering the
dining hall should dress in accordance with the
student dress code policy.
Food/Containers - All food served must be eaten
in the dining hall and cannot be taken out. Glasses
or dishes must not to be taken from the dining hall.
Personal glasses or cups are not allowed in the
dining hall for sanitation reasons.
Holidays - Dining service hours will be modified
on holidays, between semesters, and on other
occasions when classes are not in session. When
this occurs, changes will be posted at the cashier’s
Menus - Menus are posted weekly at
and are also available at the cashier’s station.
Dietary Restrictions Students with special
dietary needs must make arrangements in
advance with Housing and Residence Life prior
to the first day of class.
Dining Hall Holiday Closings
Campus Dining Services is available throughout the year except
during holidays, semester breaks, Spring Break, or as otherwise
determined by the College District.
Fax Machine
A fax machine is available in the Student Leadership and
Activities Office in the Student Center for students to use
during business hours.
Health Clinic
The College District Brenham Campus has a Campus
Health Clinic located at the corner of Green Street and
College Avenue. Services provided include evaluation and
treatment by a Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant.
Most services are free of cost. Certain testing will be at
cost of student.
Hours will be Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Friday 8
a.m-2 p.m. during the Fall and Spring Semesters. Hours are
subject to change.
Clinics are open for walk-in appointments on a first-come,
first-served basis.
Students can provide insurance for those services requiring fees.
In the event of an emergency, students should call 911
and/or the Campus Police at 979-277-7373.
Students are encouraged to report any illness or
hospitalization to the Hall Director and/or Office of
Housing and Residence Life as soon as possible. If a
resident has an accident on campus, a staff member will
file an accident report with the Director of College District
Safety and Emergency Management/Police Chief.
Housing Costs
Students living on-campus will be charged the
following costs for housing for each semester they live
on campus. Pricing varies between each residence
hall. Please visit the Housing website at for detailed information on
each facility.
Please note costs are per semester, and only reflect Housing
costs, not meal plan costs. Meal plan costs will be an
additional charge for summer students. Please note that not
all residence halls will be available for occupancy during
the summer.
There is a $100 refundable security deposit due each
semester. Pending any damage to the room, the deposit
will be refunded at the end of the academic year or
semester. Refunds will transfer from the fall to the spring
term unless the student submits a request to the Office of
Housing and Residence Life. The deposit may be used to
cover any other costs remaining on students’ bills,
including but not limited to, parking tickets, library fines,
etc. Deposits will be refunded two weeks after the end of
the semester, pending damages.
Use of Technology Resources - The College District’s information
technology resources are made available to students to further the
educational mission of the College District. The appropriate use of
information technology is primarily related to the academic assignments
and coursework of students. To ensure availability and reasonable levels
of service, the users must exercise responsible behavior. The misuse of
information technology by a few can result in degraded performance for
all users and interfere with legitimate academic endeavors. For more
information, please refer to Board Policy CS – Information Security.
Prohibited Activities - While the policies in place attempt
to enumerate activities that constitute misuse, the rapid
changes in technology make it impossible to list every
possible misuse. Therefore, the general areas of misuse are
identified with examples of each given. This list is not all-
Interfering with normal operations and other users:
The execution of any program or
instructions with the intent of:
Disrupting the normal operations
of the network, software, or
computers at the College District;
Obscuring the true identity of the user; or
Harassing of any individual or group.
Use of College District resources for non-
College District related activities that
create an undue increase in the network
load, e.g., file sharing, network games,
spamming, and/or chain mail;
Scanning systems to find running
services and vulnerabilities.
Commercial Use - Using any College District
technology equipment, including but not limited to
computers, network equipment, or transmission
lines, for any commercial use or gain not expressly
approved by the College District; using any College
District resource to support or benefit a private
Unauthorized access and use - Using College
District resources to gain unauthorized access and
use to either the College District’s resources, or
other entities’ and individuals’ technology
resources; Use of network packet ‘sniffers’ or
packet analyzers; Providing access to student’s
Ethernet port to other persons; Installation of
routers, switches, hubs, or wireless access points;
Making unauthorized copies of copyrighted
material. The general assumption should be that
all software, music, graphic images and similar
items are copyright protected. Both copying and
downloading without authorization from the
copyright holder is a violation of
copyright law and subject to prosecution. More
information about copyright laws can be found at the
US Copyright Office,
Violation of city, state and federal laws -
Violation of any applicable state or federal law
or city ordinance governing criminal activity,
property, copyright, harassment or electronic
Damage or impairment of College District resources
- Using or damaging any technology resource that
results in the impairment or otherwise adversely
affects the access of others. This includes the
introduction of any virus, worm, Trojan horse, or
other software or instructions that attack or
diminish access to resources, and disruption of
transmission cables or transmission equipment.
Servers/Internet services - Students are not
permitted to run web, proxy or e-mail servers from
their connected computers.
Actions for Violations of Acceptable Use Policy
Failure to follow this acceptable use policy can result in
suspension or termination of access to the College
District’s information technology resources or other
disciplinary actions by the College District. The College
District reserves the right to investigate any unauthorized
or improper use of College District information technology
resources. Violations of the College District’s information
technology use policies by users will be reported to the
Director of the Department of Housing and Residence Life.
The appeal of any suspension, termination of access or
other disciplinary actions shall be governed by the due
process procedures outlined in the Blinn College Board
Policy Manual and the College's Student Handbook.
Violations of local, state, and federal laws will be reported
to appropriate authorities for investigation and prosecution.
Laundry Facilities
Laundry facilities are available free for the residents’ use
only. Residents doing laundry for other people will be
subject to disciplinary action. Washers and dryers are
available in each residence hall and each apartment
building. The College District is not responsible for
laundry that is lost, damaged, or stolen. Students found
to abuse the facilities or laundry machines may be subject
to disciplinary action.
Any non-resident found using on campus laundry
facilities may be subject to a Criminal Trespass Warning.
Mail Service and Post Office Boxes
Mailboxes, located in the College District Student Center,
are available to residential students. The mailroom is open
from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Students may request a mailbox in the Student Leadership
and Activities office. There is no charge for the use of the
mailbox. The key to the mailbox will be issued by the Mail
Clerk. Replacement fee for a lost post office box key is
$25. At the end of each semester the student must return
the key to the Mail Clerk. A $25 charge per key will be
placed on the student’s account for keys not returned. Any
student who expects to receive packages or mail is
encouraged to get a mailbox to ensure delivery.
Please use the appropriate address for your Blinn mail:
Blinn College District
902 College Avenue
Residence Hall Name, Box
9-XXX Brenham, Texas
Two important items in the address:
The box number must consist of four (4) digits.
The box number must begin with either a 9 or 90.