Published on August, 2023
1 Welcome Letter
2 Residency Requirements
5 Apartment or House Eligibility
6 Gender-Neutral Housing
6 Family Housing
6 Graduate Student Housing
6 Rights & Responsibilities
7 Room Entry & Search
10 Noise
11 Visitation
12 Overnight Guest Registration
12 Cohabitation
12 Subleasing
12 Firearms, Weapons, Etc.
13 Harrassment, Intimidation, Invasion of Privacy
13 Alcohol
14 Drugs
14 Smoking
14 Theft
15 Disruption of Community Living Environment
15 Pets
16 Renter's Insurance/Liability
16 Reimbursement
16 Solicitation
17 Furnishings
19 Roommate Agreements
19 Room Condition Reports (RCR)
19 Moving Out
20 Damages
21 Repairs, Maintenances, and Construction
22 Cleaning
23 Projectiles
23 Roofs, Ledges, and Balconies
23 Windows
23 Fire Safety
24 Candles and Incenses
24 Extension Cords/Multi-Plug Adapters
24 Decorations
25 Appliances
25 Refrigerators & Microwaves
26 Barbeque Grills
26 Lighting
26 Posting Signs & Information in Public Areas
27 Cooking
27 Air Conditioners
27 Bicycles
27 Skates, Skateboards, Etc.
28 Recreational Vehicles & Transportation
28 Cable/Internet Use
28 Outside Vendors
29 Holiday Inn (Mocs South)
30 Community Living Resources
Welcome, Moccasins!
On behalf of the Office of Community Living staff at Florida Southern
College, we would like to welcome you home. We are so excited you
are here and a part of the FSC community!
Living on campus is an integral part of the college experience. We
will provide you with a residential environment that is available,
ready to listen, and knowledgeable in campus resources.
I encourage you to take advantage of what FSC has to offer. Take
part in one of our over 110 student organizations or our countless
programs. Attend an athletic event or see a performance. With
everything right outside of your door, your FSC experience is yours
for the taking.
Residents are also encouraged to reach their highest potential as
responsible members of their residential community. Our policies
exist to maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect and academic
success. Please familiarize yourself with these standards. These
policies provide each resident with guidelines and policies to help
acquaint you with your residential community.
Here’s to a great year - go Mocs!
Romel C. Boiser, M.S.
Assistant Dean
Office of Community Living
To be at least 23 years old prior to the semester you are
requesting to live off campus
To be married or have custodial children
To live with your custodial relative in their primary residence,
within a 30-mile radius of the campus
Will be a part-time student (less than 12 undergraduate hours)
for the remainder of college career
Have fulfilled the four-year campus residence requirement (all
at FSC)
Residency Requirement
Florida Southern College has a four-year residency requirement.
Residents must maintain full-time status to reside in college-
owned housing. We recognize that a student should be considered
for exemption.
Approved reasons for consideration on an exemption from the
residency requirement are:
Residents who meet one of the criteria must complete an Off-
Campus Request Form available by contacting the Office of
Community Living. Any student may complete the form, but must
await approval BEFORE signing an off-campus lease. Denial of the
off-campus housing request means that residents are still
considered a part of the campus residential community and will
remain in their campus residential housing.
When residents are assigned, Community Living considers a
student’s status based on their time removed from high school
graduation and age while at FSC. For example: despite the number
of credits an incoming new student has, a student will still be
considered a first-year student or “freshman” status and will reside
in designated first-year student housing. Similarly, that same first-
year student will reside in second-year student housing upon
returning to FSC after their first year.
By living in college-owned housing, residents agree to an online
housing agreement. This document is a binding agreement between
the student and the College. It is the student's responsibility to
understand and abide by all terms in the agreement. Housing
agreements are effective for one academic year, provided the
student has been accepted to the College and has made all
payments in full. The housing agreement only assures housing
during the period when classes are in session during the fall and
spring semester. Summer Housing is a separate application
Residents residing in college-owned housing must provide proof of
required immunizations or a request to be exempted from them.
Any student seeking an exemption on the basis that immunizations
would be contrary to religious or personal beliefs should complete
the religious or personal exemption form which can be attained at
the Student Health Center (SHC) and returned to the same to be
maintained on file.
Additionally, campus housing is provided for only full-time
registered residents that are at least 17 years of age (unless
approval is provided by the Vice President of Student Life or
designee). A student who is under the age of 17 years, or who is
dropping below full-time hours, must be given permission by the
Vice President of Student Life or designee to remain in a campus
residential facility.
Conduct standards are in place and if a violation occurs, the student
may be removed from campus housing. If the student does not
meet the off-campus criteria, the student must withdraw from the
institution. To obtain College housing all residents must ensure that
all holds are removed from their student account before the
housing selection process can be finalized. College residential
facilities are limited to single-student housing. The College will not
accommodate infants or children.
Should a student’s behavior become disruptive to the residential
living environment, the College may refuse the student housing in a
campus residential facility. The College reserves the right to relocate
residents at any point to accommodate its housing needs. Though
relocation can take place at any point in the year, the College will
work to limit relocations during the housing selection process of the
spring and during the summer prior to residents arriving for fall
2.5 cumulative GPA for Garden Apartments, Lake Morton
Apartments, Star Apartments, and houses; 2.0 cumulative GPA
for all other apartments.
Second-year residents or Sophomores with at least a 2.0
cumulative GPA are eligible to live in Lake Hollingsworth
Apartments and Colony Arms apartments if requested by an
upperclassmen student.
Second-year residents or Sophomores are ineligible to live in
Garden Apartments, Star Apartments, Lake Morton Apartments,
and houses, except for Hollingsworth Scholars and Honors
Must be 18 years of age or older.
As residents progress though their academic careers at Florida
Southern College, they may have an opportunity to occupy a
college-owned apartment or house. Residents must meet the
following requirements in order to be eligible to live in an apartment
or house:
The College can reassign a student’s apartment assignment if the
student or residents significantly neglect to clean the apartment or
house, fail to follow to federal, state, or local laws, fail to follow
Florida Southern College policies, or continually cause considerable
damage to the apartment or house. Residents who lose the
privilege of residing in a campus residential facility because of a
campus residential facility probation violation will be unable to
remain a student unless they meet the approved reasons for
residency exemption.
The College does not currently offer gender-neutral housing in the
residence halls.
Due to the limited number of bed spaces on-campus, Family
Housing is not available for residents. Family Housing entails
housing for residents with spouses, children, and/or dependents.
Similarly to Family Housing, the limited number of bed spaces on-
campus limits the college’s ability to house non-undergraduate
residents. Graduate student housing is not guaranteed and is based
on availability after all undergraduate residents have been assigned.
Due to the timing of the college’s housing selection process,
information regarding graduate housing availability may not be
known until the month leading up to the start of the academic
semester. It may be in the best interest of the graduate student to
identify alternative housing options for them.
As a campus residential community member, a student can expect
and has both a responsibility for and the right to:
Read and study, free from undue interference in one’s room
(unreasonable noise and other distractions inhibit the exercise
of this right)
Sleep without undue disturbance from noise or guests of a
Expect that a roommate will respect one’s personal belongings A
clean environment in which to live
Freely access one’s room and facilities without pressure from a
Personal privacy
Host guests who respect the rights of the host’s roommate(s)
and other community residents
Address grievances (Office of Community Living staff is available
for assistance in settling conflicts)
Be free from all forms of intimidation, harassment, prejudice,
and physical and emotional harm
The policies below are put in place and enforced to ensure that the
rights above are afforded to all residential students.
While living in a college residential facility, residents should expect
reasonable privacy in their living space. However, there are
circumstances in which authorized persons using approved
procedures may key into a room, suite, apartment, or house.
College facilities and housekeeping staff may enter
rooms/suites/ apartments/houses in response to any cleaning
or maintenance concerns.
Student Development staff members may enter rooms/suites/
apartments/houses to perform any health inspections or
respond to any safety or accountability concerns.
Campus Safety Officers or College-contracted LPD officers may
enter rooms/suites/ apartments/houses in response to any
safety concerns or to ensure that fire-safety regulations are
being met.
Resident Advisors (RA) and other Community Living staff may
enter a room/suite/ apartment/house in response to any safety
or accountability concerns with permission from a Community
Living professional staff member. Resident Advisors may also
enter a room/suite/ apartment/house during regularly
scheduled Health and Safety Inspections. Your RA will notify you
when these inspections occur.
Law Enforcement may enter an apartment/house when
accompanied by a college official or if invited into the
room/suite/apartment/house by its resident(s).
Access and/or search a student’s campus residential facility
room for the purposes of inspection, inventory, custodial
service, and protection of college property.
Access and/or search a student’s campus residential facility
room and/or possessions to ensure compliance with College
Policies and to ensure the welfare and safety of individuals and
groups on campus.
By exercising the privilege of enrolling in the College, all residents
consent to the following and the College reserves the right to:
Access and/or search a student’s vehicle on college property to
ensure compliance with College Policies and rules to ensure the
welfare and safety of individuals and groups on campus; and search
a student’s person and personal effects in the student’s possession
in order to ensure the welfare and safety of individuals and groups.
Residents and guests must present proper identification when
requested. Residents must comply with any FSC official’s request
(including, but not limited to: Resident Advisors, Community Directors,
Community Living Staff, Student Development Staff, and Campus Safety
Officers) when such official is working within the performance of their
duties. A notification to schedule and/or maintain an appointment or
meeting with a staff member must be honored.
Residents must carry their assigned residence key and student ID card.
Campus residential facility security is a shared responsibility of all FSC
staff and residents. Residents may not prop open or allow doors to be
propped open for any floor or building exit door. Doors should not be
pulled on or attempted to be forced open. Residents should never
allow people who are not their guest into the building or onto the floor.
Tampering with or damaging lock mechanisms is prohibited. Additional
locks may not be added to doors or other college property or
equipment. Duplication of keys is prohibited, and fines will be assessed.
Keys may not be stored in lock boxes and should only be used by the
person to which they are issued, including chapter room keys.
Residents may not borrow or loan keys or student ID cards.
Residents must return keys immediately upon check-out or
reassignment and must report any lost or stolen keys or student IDs
as soon as possible. Residents are responsible for locking and
securing their assigned room, suite, apartment, or house. Lost or
stolen keys and ID cards are to be reported to Campus Safety as
soon as possible.
Each residential facility on or off campus is equipped with video
surveillance cameras. The cameras are in place to ensure and
improve the safety and security of residents and campus property.
Residents should expect reasonable personal privacy while living in a
Florida Southern College residential facility. Camera footage will
however be reviewed by appropriate campus officials in response to
a security, safety, or student conduct concern. Approved FSC
cameras are on the exterior of residential facilities, in residential
facility lobbies, or in the halls of Allan Spivey Hall. FSC, nor individual,
personal cameras will be permitted inside residential rooms, suites,
apartments, or houses. Individual, personal cameras are not
permitted outside residential rooms, suites, apartments, or houses.
Quiet hours are from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Courtesy hours: Each resident is responsible for keeping noise levels
reasonable. Noise levels should be low enough to not to disturb
others. Courtesy hours are 24 hours a day. During mid-semester and
final exam weeks, quiet hours are 24 hours a day.
Roommate(s) approval is provided.
Guests will have access to a campus residential facility bathroom
designed for use by their respective gender.
Private bathrooms in suites, apartments, or houses may be used
by any guests with consent of suite-mates or apartment and
house roommates.
Residents residing in communities with common-use bathrooms
like Dell Hall, will not be able to have overnight guests of the
opposite gender as they will not have access to a gender specific
bathroom in the community.
Residents complete the Overnight Guest Registration Form
found on Community Living’s Engage page.
FSC residential guests are welcome in student rooms provided they
are always escorted. No non-FSC guests will be permitted in
residential facilities. Residents and their guests are required to
conform to the guidelines and policies established by the College.
Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests and must
inform them of Community Living and Florida Southern College
policies. All campus residential facilities work on the honor system.
Abuse of the visitation policy may result in revoking of the visitation
privileges in any campus residential facility. Roommate approval is
required for any guest. Overnight guests are permitted when the
following criteria are met:
All residents must register their overnight guests with an Overnight
Guest Registration Form. This form can be found on Community
Living’s Engage page. Residents and guests are expected to abide by
the policies set forth in the FSC Student Handbook and Community
Living Policies. If a guest is leaving a vehicle on-campus, a parking
permit will be required. Parking Permits can be picked up upon
arrival at Campus Safety. The guest must be accompanied by their
Resident Host to redeem their permit.
Cohabitation, as defined by Florida Southern is: Married or
unmarried persons, living together or occupying the same living
space over 3 consecutive days or 10 total days throughout the
semester. Cohabitation is prohibited. Only residents assigned to a
room, suite, apartment, or house may live there.
Residents are prohibited from transferring possession, leasing, or
subletting the premises or giving accommodations to roomers,
boarders, lodgers, or family members.
Possession and/or use of these items or look-a-likes is not
permitted anywhere on campus or in campus residential facilities.
Bottle rockets and any fireworks
Chemical bombs
Firearms, rifles, bayonet, BB guns, stun guns, and tasers Switch
blades, hunting/fishing knives, and recreational knives with
blades longer than 4 inches
Medieval weapons, slingshots, nunchucks, martial arts weapons,
and bows & arrows
Interior paint, paint cans, spray paint, and paint thinner
Propane canisters, lighter fluid, gasoline, gasoline cans, charcoal,
tiki-torches, and tiki-torch fuel
Prohibited Items include, but are not limited to the following:
Threatening, defaming, or abusive behavior will not be tolerated.
This includes, but is not limited to, sexual, racial or religious
harassment, intimidation, hazing, pranks, or invasion of privacy. This
behavior can also include electronic communication. If you are
aware of a situation listed above, we encourage you to report using
the Just Ask Anonymous Report Form.
FSC is an alcohol prohibited campus. Alcohol is not allowed in any
college residential facility or any other campus facility.
Shot glasses, beer steins, wine glasses and other drinkware related
to alcoholic beverages are permitted, however these items will be
discarded if being used as part of an alcohol violation. The items
below are always prohibited.
Alcohol bottles, cans, and kegs.
Boxes, containers, bottle caps, or any other item that once held
alcohol as packaged.
Drinking paraphernalia such as shot luges, beer bongs, keg taps,
Items set up for drinking games - flip cup, beer/water pong, etc.
Any alcohol related item for which you need to provide ID to
Prohibited items include, but are not limited to the following:
The use or distribution of drugs, illegal or prescription, is not
permitted. For more information regarding the College's stance and
policies of drugs can be found in the FSC Student Handbook.
Smoking inside all college buildings is prohibited including the use
of electronic cigarettes, disposable or reusable vaporizers, Juuls, or
any device that emits smoke or vapor. Persons should maintain a
minimum distance of 10 feet from buildings when smoking.
Smoking is prohibited on patios, balconies, and entryways.
Theft of any kind or the possession of stolen property is prohibited.
This includes, but is not limited to the following:
Roommate or student belongings
Signs such as street, FSC signage, banners, plaques, etc. Safety
Hazard barriers
Any FSC community items
Any items belonging to the City of Lakeland or any public or
private entity
Throwing items in the hallway or bouncing balls on the
Fighting Pranks
Public indecency
Any other behavior that may cause physical injury or is
potentially dangerous to the health and well-being of residents
Behavior which is disruptive to orderly community living is
prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
No pets are allowed in any residential facility, including apartments
and houses. Only small fish are allowed in aquariums of 10 gallons
or less in capacity. Any animal that has not received approval as an
Assistance or Service Animal is considered a pet and will be
Students interested in obtaining a Service Animal or Emotional
Support Animal, will need to contact the Office of Student Disability
Services to review the necessary steps to begin the reviewal
process. Information about Service and Emotional Support Animals
can be found in the Student Handbook and Student Disability
Service’s website.
Community Living and the college are not liable for damage or loss
of personal property, failure or interruption of utilities, or
unforeseen accidents/injuries. Residents are strongly encouraged to
review family homeowner’s/renter’s insurance policies and/or to
purchase personal renter’s insurance. Renter’s insurance is not a
requirement for residential living.
There shall be no allowance to residents and no liability on the part
of Community Living from the making of any repairs, alterations,
additions, or improvements to the premises or any portion of the
building in which the resident student is located. Community Living
and the college will not reimburse a resident for losses created by,
or resulting from, unforeseen events, loss of utilities, acts of nature,
fire, accidents, injuries, or theft, which may occur.
Any personal or commercial solicitation (including door to-door
sales and distribution of advertisements) within the residence halls
is prohibited.
All college furniture must remain in the room and be reset to
check-in configuration upon check-out.
All college furniture must remain assembled.
Any furniture that is not supplied by the college must be fire
resistant. A permanent manufacturer's label must be affixed to
every item of personal furniture.
Any furniture intended for indoor use is not permitted outside.
Furniture must not block access to doors and windows.
Furniture in the common areas is provided for all residents' use
and is not to be moved from the common spaces. Personal
mattresses are not permitted unless previously approved via an
accommodation request through the Office Student Disability
Waterbeds or water mattresses are not permitted.
Any structure which has a function of serving alcohol (stores
alcohol containers, mixes drinks, and/or is used to serve drinks,
i.e. a bar) is prohibited in any college operated building. College
staff will be responsible for determining whether a structure is
bar-based on the condition in which it has been found. Anyone
found in violation of this policy will be required to remove the
The college provides each resident with a bed, mattress, desk and
chair, drawer space, hanging clothes space, and in some cases,
bookshelves. Residents are responsible for maintaining the
condition of the furnishings in their rooms and in any communal
areas such as lounges and lobbies.
Residents are permitted to arrange furniture within a room in any
reasonable manner, providing that all furniture is placed in its
original location at checkout, within certain guidelines below:
We acknowledge that conflict may arise in a shared, living
environment. If a concern is present, residents should utilize our
trained staff members to help them work towards a resolution. If a
resolution cannot be found, a room change may be explored.
Residents may not change rooms without the written approval from
a professional staff member from the Office of Community Living.
Room and roommate change requests may be made to the Office
of Community Living beginning on the third week of each semester.
It is important to note that room changes are limited by available
spaces and cannot be guaranteed.
Residents must first speak with their Resident Advisor or
Community Director before requesting a change. Mediation may be
deemed necessary prior to a room change as there will be a period
of time where all residents of a space will continue to reside
It is the responsibility of the student who initiates the room change
to inform their roommate that they would like to move out.
Residents who are approved for a room change must make the
move within 48 hours after receiving approval. The move entails
checking out of the originally assigned room with the Resident
Advisor, completing the room condition report, and returning the
room key to the Office of Community Living. Residents who do not
follow this procedure may be charged a fee and be subject to
disciplinary action by the Office of Student Conduct.
If a student is going through the Accountability process, they may be
reassigned or removed from housing as a result of a sanction.
It is Community Living’s belief that proper communication will lead
to a more seamless, hospitable living environment. Therefore, all
residents must complete a roommate agreement between all
roommates/ suitemates/ apartmentmates of a residential space.
Roommate Agreements can be completed on your respective
community Engage page (e.g. Joseph-Reynolds Community Engage
page). Prior to a roommate mediation, it is expected that a
Roommate Agreement will be completed. It is with a Roommate
Agreement and efforts through Mediation that will result in either
cohabitation or, in some cases, movement of one or more
individuals from a residential space.
Residents have the opportunity to thoroughly inspect their assigned
rooms and shared space (as appropriate) and report any additional
existing conditions within 24 hours of check-in. Proper completion
of the RCR will prevent the student from incurring charges for pre-
existing damages. Residents are responsible for immediately
reporting any damages to their Resident Advisor and completing
Work Requests that may occur during the academic year.
Prior to a resident moving, the Community Living staff enter and
assess the room’s current condition.
When checking in, each resident is strongly encouraged to make
their own assessment before fully unpacking. The resident will have
an opportunity to review the condition with their RA within the first
few days after move-in. The RCR will be valuable to both the staff
and the resident upon the resident’s check-out and will be reviewed
in the Damage Assessment process.
When a resident officially checks out of a residential space, the RA
will review the condition of the room with the student present. This
is the opportunity for the resident to discuss or report any
additional damage that may have occurred while they were
assigned in the space. A second review will take place with the RA’s
supervisor after the student departs. It is possible that damages can
be found following a student’s departure. To limit the concern of
having to pay a fee, it is important for the student to be sure to
schedule their check-out with a RA and not leave.
Failure to respect FSC property and any other property that is not
your own is prohibited. Individual residents will pay for any charges
assessed for damages in their room and shared spaces. All
residents may be responsible for floor or community damages and
will equally pay for any charges to the suite, apartment, house, floor,
or community.
Damage charges will be assessed to student accounts at the end of
the academic year or upon vacancy of the space and may include
any community damages from throughout the year, as well as any
damage or cleaning charges assessed to residents after vacating
their assigned residence.
Ceiling light bulb replacement
A/C not functioning properly Insect or pest control
Lock and key repair
Appliance or furniture repair Plumbing concerns
Cleaning up broken glass
Leaks or water build up
When public areas are vandalized or College property is damaged, a
group of residents, a floor, or a building where residents live in close
proximity to the damage will be assessed fees for the damages if no
one resident or group of residents accepts responsibility. Each time
an incident occurs, a Resident Advisor, Community Living staff
member, or Facilities Maintenance staff member will document it.
The Facilities Maintenance Department of Florida Southern College,
or any outside contractors hired by the College oversee any repairs,
maintenance, or construction of the College’s residential facilities.
Attempting to repair, paint, or structurally alter any appliances, living
space features, or lobby features is prohibited. Doing so can result
in damage or replacement charges.
This includes Micro-fridges, beds, closets, armoires, furniture, desks,
stoves, refrigerators, dishwashers, microwaves, A/C units. Any
maintenance requests need to be submitted through the Florida
Southern College Facilities Maintenance website. Maintenance
Requests can be submitted to assist with the following:
Clear pathway between bed, room door, and window(s)
Residents regularly washing dishes and removing trash to avoid
pest and odor issues
Trash is to be disposed of in designated dumpsters
Resident laundry is cleaned on a regular basis
Sweep/vacuum room, suite, apartment, house
Wipe down surfaces in room, suite, apartment, house
Remove all personal items and/or furniture not belonging to the
Report any damages or issues to Community Living staff
Each resident is responsible for the proper care of one’s room and
shared space. All campus residential facility rooms and shared
spaces must remain clean throughout their occupancy and must be
returned to the original condition upon vacating the space.
Community Living defines a clean and healthy living environment as:
Upon vacating a space, residents:
Failure to maintain a clean and healthy living environment may
result in documentation by Community Living staff. Residents may
be assessed cleaning charges upon vacating their assigned room,
suite, apartment, house if space is not returned to original
condition. Room Condition Reports will be submitted to document
the initial status and check out status of a room.
The throwing, dropping, pouring, or hanging of anything (including
keys and ID cards) from windows, balconies, ledges, and landings is
strictly prohibited. Throwing anything at windows and buildings is
also prohibited. Residents are responsible for damages and/or
clean-up charges that result from this action.
Residents are not allowed on roofs, ledges, or balconies at any time.
Windows cannot be opened. Residents may not enter or exit a
building through windows. Leaning out of windows for any reason is
not allowed. Windows may not be covered except with the blinds
installed by the college or personal curtains. Window blinds may not
be removed.
Arson or the setting of fire, tampering with fire safety equipment,
falsely pulling fire alarms, stopping existing fire alarms, or failing to
immediately evacuate during a fire alarm are all violations of state
fire codes. Immediate evacuation when an alarm sound is
Re-entry into a building before the alarm is silenced and College
officials have given residents the all-clear to re-enter is prohibited. In
a fire drill, all residential rooms will be entered by Campus Safety
and Community Living Staff (including RAs) to ensure the building
has been evacuated.
Contact paper and stickers are prohibited in all residence and
public area locations
Alcohol containers or signage
Décor containing profanity or inappropriate references is
prohibited in all public areas
All candles, candle warmers, and incense are prohibited in
residential communities, including college owned apartments and
houses. Wax warmers are permitted unless the heating source is an
open flame.
No extension cords are permitted in campus residential facilities.
UL approved power strips with an on/off switch and surge
protection are the only multi-plug adapters permitted in campus
residential facilities. The power strip must be plugged directly into
the outlet and may not be plugged into another power strip. Only
one power strip may be used per double outlet.
Residents are encouraged to personalize their rooms and decorate
public areas within established guidelines and policies. Residents
are encouraged to use 3M hangers, sticky putty, or other non-
damaging hanging methods for decorations. Hanging decorations
from ceilings is prohibited.
Any décor that causes or has potential to cause damage to the
residential facilities
Confederate flags are prohibited in all residential facilities
Residents of Dell, Miller, Hollis, Joseph Reynolds, Allan Spivey, Publix
Commons, Jenkins, Nicholas, and Wesley Halls may use appliances
that do not have an heating source. Examples of approved
appliances include blenders, coffee pots, and Keurigs.
Prohibited appliances include, but are not limited to, toasters,
toaster ovens, air fryers, hot plates, sterno burners, induction
burners, and any appliance with an open coil or open flame.
All other campus residential facilities are permitted to have any
kitchen appliance. All appliances must have an automatic shutoff
A MicroFridge has been provided in all on-campus residence hall
rooms. Residents in these areas are not permitted to bring a
refrigerator or microwave to campus. Apartments and houses are
furnished with a fridge, but residents in apartments may need to
provide a microwave, depending on which community they reside.
Residents are permitted to use charcoal barbecue grills at a
minimum distance of 15 feet from all campus residential facilities.
Propane grills and accompanying propane tanks are prohibited.
The use of grills is not permitted indoors, under covered walkways,
landings, or balconies. Propane tanks, charcoal, or lighter fluid are
not permitted, and may not be stored within any residential
Residents may bring a lamp to added additional lighting to a space.
Light emitting diode strip lighting is permitted in a room, but only a
single strip 6 feet or less is permitted. Multiple strips, strips longer
than 6 feet, or non-strip LEDs are not permitted.
The Office of Community Living reserves the right to limit the
number of materials posted per event or organization to ensure
equitable access to limited posting space. All signs must be
approved by the Center for Student Involvement via the Engage
form and posted by Community Living staff.
Residents are prohibited from posting signs in yard or grass areas
outside of residential areas, including residence halls, apartments,
and houses.
Residents should not leave items unattended on the stove or in the
oven at any time. Residents are responsible for the proper use of
approved cooking appliances and attention to food items while
using the appliances.
Residents may not install air conditioners or ceiling fans in their
campus residential facility room. Residents may not plug AC units
into any other outlet not designed specifically for the unit. Residents
may not open windows when air conditioning units are in use.
Bicycles may not be parked in the walkways, hallways, stairways, or
entranceways. Bicycles may be stored in student rooms. Illegally
parked bicycles will be impounded at the Campus Safety Office. If a
student would like to, they can register their bicycle at Campus
Safety. More information about bicycle registration is available at
Campus Safety.
Skateboards, inline skates, hoverboards, self-propelled scooters or
similar devices may not be ridden anywhere inside campus
residential facilities or any campus building. Persons may use these
devices on walkways adjacent to the campus residential facilities for
transportation only (i.e. no acrobatics) and with due regard for
pedestrian walkways.
Motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, and jet skis must be parked in
designated areas. Such vehicles may not be parked on sidewalks,
under building overhangs, or on patios. Under no circumstances are
they allowed in the buildings.
Residents are not permitted to splice into existing television cables
or split or splice into data cables or outlets, wrapping TV cable,
share cable, or otherwise add to existing cable. Setting up
unauthorized wireless access points is prohibited. Tampering with
telephone hardware is prohibited. Residents are also not permitted
to set up outside antenna systems, satellite systems, or other similar
Residents are expected to follow all college policies regarding
internet use while on the college's network.
Information about outside vendors
No representatives from outside companies are allowed to work on
the Florida Southern College (FSC) campus or enter any buildings
without prior approval from designated FSC officials. Anyone
seeking approval to complete work on the FSC campus may inquire
about the process with our business affairs office. Those seeking
permission to conduct a student event should contact the Center
for Student Involvement.
Holiday Inn (Mocs South)
Students residing at the Holiday Inn are subject to both FSC and
hotel policies. The Holiday Inn is classified as a residential facility
akin to our on-campus, residence hall properties.
The College's use of the Holiday Inn will be based on the occupancy
needs at the start of each semester. The length of time the College
will opt to use the Holiday Inn is dependent on its needs.
Due to the nature of the community, prolonged presence of animals
(including service and emotional support animals is prohibited. The
College will prioritize housing residents with service animals to avoid
prolonged residency at the Holiday Inn.
Go to https://www.flsouthern.edu/campus-offices/facilities-
Click on "Maintenance Request"
Sign into SchoolDude, or register if it is your first time
submitting a Work Order. Any email can be used.
Fill out your contact information in "Step 1" on the Work Order
screen if it is not prepopulated from a previous submission
Complete "Step 2" as it pertains to the area for which you are
requesting maintenance
Complete "Step 3" to select the reason for the request (Ex: Air
Conditioning, Lighting, Pest Control, Custodial, etc)
Fill out "Step 4" detailing the reason for submitting the
request. Please be as detailed as possible to better assist
Facilities Maintenance in addressing the request
Provide time available for maintenance and a desired
completion date in steps 5 & 6
Submit your request in "Step 7" with the following password:
Click submit, and you should receive an email confirmation of
your request, as well as emailed status updates.
Follow these easy steps to submit maintenance requests:
Go to https://www.flsouthern.edu/campus-offices/facilities-
Click on "Information Technology Request"
Sign into SchoolDude, or register if it is your first time using
Click "Go to Help Desk"
Fill out appropriate areas and click "Create Ticket" at the
bottom of the page, using the code "gomocs" to submit it
Follow these easy steps to submit an IT request:
Note: Please be as specific as possible in your request so your
request can be addressed efficiently