The Ohio State University
Mission and Vision Statement
The Ohio State University has as its mission the
attainment of international distinction in education,
scholarship, and public service. As the state’s
leading comprehensive teaching and research
university, Ohio State combines a responsibility for
the advancement and dissemination of knowledge
with a land-grant heritage of public service. It offers
an extensive range of academic programs in the
liberal arts, the sciences, and the professions.
Ohio State provides accessible, high-quality
undergraduate and graduate education for qualified
students who are able to benefit from a scholarly
environment in which research inspires and informs
At Ohio State, we celebrate and learn from our
diversity and we value individual differences.
Academic freedom is defended within an
environment of civility, tolerance, and mutual
The Ohio State University is a community of
scholars in which:
teaching and research are recognized as part of
the same process: learning;
academic units and curricula are structured to
foster learning and nurture creativity;
administrative services, facilities, and technology
enrich the academic experience;
academic programs and research opportunities
are extensive and excellent, but not exhaustive;
human resources complement our promise.
High-ability students, faculty, and staff from
diverse backgrounds participate in leading
programs and enrich an environment that
sustains learning and growth.
Affirmative Action, Equal
Employment Opportunity and
The Ohio State University is committed to building a
diverse faculty and staff for employment and
promotion to ensure the highest quality workforce,
to reflect human diversity, and to improve
opportunities for minorities and women. The
university embraces human diversity and is
committed to equal employment opportunity,
affirmative action, and eliminating discrimination.
This commitment is both a moral imperative
consistent with an intellectual community that
celebrates individual differences and diversity, as
well as a matter of law.
Discrimination against any individual based upon
protected status, which is defined as age, ancestry,
color, disability, gender identity or expression,
genetic information, HIV/AIDS status, military
status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, or veteran status, is prohibited.
For more information or questions regarding
University Policy Number 1.10, contact The Ohio
State University Office of Human Resources, 1590
N. High St., Suite 300, Columbus, Ohio 43201-
2190; 614-292-1050.
CFAES Wooster / Ohio State ATI
Mission ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
General Information ................................................................................................................................................ 2
Academic Opportunities ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Fees and expenses ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Curricular information ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Associate of Applied Science Degree programs
Business Management .......................................................................................................... 7
Construction Management ..................................................................................................... 8
Crop Management and Soil Conservation ............................................................................. 9
Dairy Cattle Production and Management ........................................................................... 10
Greenhouse and Nursery Management .............................................................................. 11
Horse Production and Management .................................................................................... 12
Hydraulic Power and Motion Control ................................................................................... 13
Landscape Horticulture ........................................................................................................ 14
Livestock Production and Management ............................................................................... 15
Power Equipment ................................................................................................................. 16
Turfgrass Management ........................................................................................................ 17
Associate of Science Degree programs
Agribusiness ........................................................................................................................ 18
Agricultural Communication ................................................................................................. 19
Agricultural Systems Management ...................................................................................... 20
Agriscience Education ......................................................................................................... 21
Agronomy ............................................................................................................................. 22
Animal Sciences
.................................................................................................................. 23
Biochemical Sciences .......................................................................................................... 26
Community Leadership ........................................................................................................ 27
Construction Systems Management .................................................................................... 28
Environment and Natural Resources ................................................................................... 29
Horticultural Science ............................................................................................................ 30
Sustainable Agriculture ........................................................................................................ 31
1 + 3 Programs
Entomology .......................................................................................................................... 32
Professional Golf Management............................................................................................ 33
Certificate Programs
Feed Mill Operations ............................................................................................................ 34
Hydraulic Service and Repair .............................................................................................. 35
Turfgrass Equipment Manager ............................................................................................ 36
Course offerings ................................................................................................................................................... 37
Faculty and staff .................................................................................................................................................. 51
University Calendar .............................................................................................................................................. 52
Phone numbers and web sites ............................................................................................................................. 52
At The Ohio State University, every effort is made to provide accurate and up-to-date information. However, the university reserves the right to change
without notice statements in university publications concerning rules, policies, fees, curricula, courses, or other matters when necessary. In addition,
Ohio State is currently reviewing and restructuring many of our academic programs in an effort to enhance their quality and improve our efficiency. In
that process, some of the programs and courses mentioned in this bulletin may be modified, consolidated with other programs or courses, or eliminated.
WOOSTER, OHIO 44691-4000
800-647-8283 (in Ohio only)
The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical
Institute provides educational programs leading to
associate degrees in agriculture, horticulture,
environmental sciences, business, and
engineering technology. With a high value placed
on lifelong learning, we provide accessible, high-
quality, applied educational experiences. Our goal
is to prepare individuals to be technically
competent, self-reliant, and productive citizens in a
global society.
The purposes of the institute are to offer: 1)
associate of science and associate of applied
science degrees and certificates which include
general and technical courses; 2) credit and non-
credit continuing education and workforce
development opportunities; and 3) transfer
programs leading to higher levels of education.
Emphasis is placed on: 1) preparing technically
proficient individuals for various careers; 2)
developing skills and abilities in problem solving,
critical thinking, leadership, and communication;
and 3) fostering an environment where diversity is
valued and integrated throughout the institute.
General Information
Ohio State ATI provides outstanding educational
opportunities for students interested in careers in
agriculture, horticulture, business, engineering
technologies, and the environment. Twenty-three
programs of study leading to the Associate of
Applied Science, Associate of Science, or
Associate of Technical Study prepare students for
careers in as little as two years.
An Ohio State ATI education is based on the
premise that students learn best when they
participate actively in the learning process.
Teaching and learning reach beyond the
classroom to the laboratories, greenhouses,
studios, and farm facilities that complement the
Ohio State ATI campus. An experiential learning
approach to education lets students learn by
doing, complementing traditional classroom
To help students succeed, Ohio State ATI offers a
personalized learning environment in which
students receive individual attention from faculty
with real-world knowledge and expertise. A
student/full-time faculty ratio of 18:1 gives students
the opportunity to work side-by-side with faculty
who take a personal interest in their success.
In an increasingly competitive job market,
experience coupled with technical training makes
the difference. Sixty-seven percent of Ohio State
ATI graduates report they had secured
employment before graduation.
Internships are an invaluable part of an Ohio State
ATI associate of applied science degree. Students
complete internships to gain work experience,
make professional contacts, earn money, and
receive academic credit. Faculty and staff assist
students in locating internships that reflect their
career goals and interests.
Ohio State ATI is located in a major agricultural
center one and one-half miles southeast of
Wooster, Ohio, and is easily accessible from any
area of the state. The city serves as the Wayne
County seat and is home to approximately 26,000
people. In addition to an expanding number of
concerts, intramural sports, dances, and other
activities held on campus, the surrounding
community provides students opportunities to
attend theater and cultural events, YMCA
programs, movies, and fairs. Wooster is within an
hour’s drive of Cleveland, Akron, and Canton,
which offer a variety of activities including major
league sports, concerts, and shopping.
Established in 1969, Ohio State ATI has a
statewide mandate to provide comprehensive
agricultural education. The institute is an
administrative unit of The Ohio State University
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental
Sciences and maintains a close relationship with
the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development
Center (OARDC), Ohio State University Extension
(OSUE), and the Ohio Department of Higher
Education. These affiliations provide students
access to additional resources and opportunities.
The Ohio State University is a member of the
Association of American Universities, the National
Association of Land-Grant Colleges and State
Universities, and the Higher Learning Commission
(phone 800-621-7440,
Academic Opportunities
Ohio State ATI offers the Associate of Applied
Science, the Associate of Science, and the
Associate of Technical Study degrees. All degrees
include courses in communication, social
sciences, mathematics, and science basic to the
technical component of the program. (The code
following each program will be used on your
Application for Admission)
Associate of Applied Science
The Associate of Applied Science degree program
provides students with the technical and
management skills to enter the workforce in
middle management positions. Each curriculum
has minimum requirements that have been
established with input from industry advisory
The Associate of Applied Science degree is
offered in the following areas:
Business Management ...................... BUSMGT-AA
Construction Management .............. CNSTMGT-AA
Crop Management and Soil Conservation ..............
.......................................................... CRPSOIL-AA
Dairy Cattle Production and Management ..............
.......................................................... DYPMGT-AA
Greenhouse and Nursery Management ..................
....................................................... GHNRMGT-AA
Horse Production and Management........................
........................................................ HRSPMGT-AA
Hydraulic Power and Motion Control .......................
....................................................... HYDRPWR-AA
Landscape Horticulture .................... LANDHRT-AA
Livestock Production and Management ..................
........................................................ LVBSRSW-AA
Power Equipment ........................... POWEREQ-AA
Turfgrass Management ................... TUFGMGT-AA
Associate of Science
The Associate of Science degree program is
designed to prepare individuals to transfer to a
Bachelor of Science degree program in the
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental
Sciences at the Columbus campus of The Ohio
State University. Students can complete
approximately 50 percent of the requirements for a
bachelor’s degree while capitalizing on the
experiential learning, small, caring campus
environment and other advantages provided by
Ohio State ATI.
Associate of Science degree programs can be
transferred to various departments at the Columbus
campus, including Agricultural Communication,
Education and Leadership; Agricultural,
Environmental, and Development Economics;
Animal Sciences; Food, Agricultural, and Biological
Engineering; Horticulture and Crop Sciences; and
the School of Environment and Natural Resources.
The Associate of Science degree option is
available in the following areas:
Agribusiness ..................................... AGRIBUS-AS
Agricultural Communication ........... AGRCOMM-AS
Agricultural Systems Management . AGSYSMT-AS
Agriscience Education ............................... ASE-AS
Agronomy ....................................... AGRONOM-AS
Animal Sciences ................................. ANIMSC-AS
Biochemical Sciences ....................... BIOCHSC-AS
Community Leadership ..................... COMLDR-AS
Construction Systems Management .......................
........................................................ CONSYSM-AS
Environment and Natural Resources ......................
......................................................... ENVNATR-AS
Horticultural Science ......................... HORTSCI-AS
Sustainable Agriculture ...................... SUSTAG-AS
1 + 3 Programs
This program allows students to complete one
year of coursework at Ohio State ATI before
transitioning to Columbus to complete a Bachelor
of Science in Entomology.
Entomology ..................................... ENTMLGY-PR
The professional golf management (PGM)
program is a four-year curriculum for aspiring PGA
professionals. The objective of the PGM program
at Ohio State ATI is to allow students to complete
the first year of the Bachelor of Science in
Professional Golf Management.
Professional Golf Management .......... PGM-PRE-AI
Associate of Technical Study
The Associate of Technical Study degree allows
students to create a unique curriculum that
focuses on special interests based on individual
career goals. An educational plan identifying the
courses chosen must be approved before the
student earns 30 credits. The approval process
begins after enrollment with the student’s advisor.
Undeclared Majors
Students who have not yet decided on a major
should enter the following code on their
Application for Admission:
Undeclared .......................................... ATI-UNDEC
Certificate of Competency
The Certificate of Competency is a program that
can be completed within a year. These programs
emphasize technical courses.
Feed Mill Operations ........................ FEEDM1A-CR
Hydraulic Service and Repair ......... HYDSERV-CR
Turfgrass Equipment Manager ....... TURFEQP-CR
Continuing and Professional
Education Options
The Ohio State ATI Business Training and
Educational Services Program offers opportunities
for adults to upgrade their skills to meet the
requirements of current technology and to retrain
for new positions. The instructional offering
consists of credit courses; noncredit workshops,
seminars, and certificate programs; and
specialized programs contracted with individual
companies or associations.
Credit courses Students can enroll on a non-
degree basis in any credit course offered at ATI.
Non-degree students may enroll full- or part-time
and can choose to audit courses or take courses
for a grade.
Certificate programs These programs consist of
courses, workshops, and seminars aimed at
upgrading an individual’s skills and qualifications
to meet the needs of technological change.
Certificate of Completion given to students
completing a course or series of courses in a
specific skill area.
Certificate of Achievement given to students
completing a pre-approved series of courses.
This series of courses may be a prescribed
curriculum designed to meet the employment
qualifications for a specific job classification or
may be individualized to meet the career goals
of the student.
Transitioning to Columbus
Students who have completed at least 30
semester credit hours post-high school (may
include transfer hours) and have a minimum
cumulative college GPA of 2.0 are eligible to
transition to the Columbus campus.
Fees and expenses
All fees are subject to change.
Application fee .......................... $60
Required of every student upon first application to
the university. Nonrefundable and not applicable
toward any other university fee. Fee for
international applicant is $70.
Acceptance fee ........................ $100
Required of every degree-seeking student upon
first admission to the university. Nonrefundable
and not applicable toward any other university fee.
Course fees ....................... variable
A course fee is assessed for any term in which the
student is enrolled in the following:
BIOLOGY 1101 ................................. $80
BIOLOGY 1113.01, 1114.01 ............. $50
BIOTECH 2218T ............................... $50
CHEM 1110, 1210, 1220 .................. $50
GENBIOL 1200T, 1250T ................... $50
PHYSICS 1200 ................................. $50
Distance education fee ........... $100
Housing space reservation and
academic-year fees ........ $350/$125
All students in campus housing are assessed a
space reservation fee of $350 ($300 of which is
refunded if they complete the conditions of their
lease) and a $125 per year non-refundable fee for
academic year housing.
Housing ATI Hall Council
Program fee .............. $20/semester
Required of all students living on campus.
Publication fee ............................ $2
Assessed for all students in the College of Food,
Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences including
Ohio State ATI in their first term of enrollment for
the academic year.
Safety and Security fee .. $22.50/term
Ohio State ATI students are assessed this fee for
safety and security costs on the Wooster campus,
even when students are on internship.
Student health insurance .......................
....................................... $1884/semester
Students will be billed for health insurance through
the university unless they opt out of insurance at
the time of registration.
2024-2025 Per Semester Tuition
*Qualified Residents: Ohio Law requires male students between the ages of 18
and 26 to be registered with the Selective Service System, unless they are on
active duty with the armed forces of the United States (other than the National
Guard or Reserves) or legally excluded, to be eligible for state educational
assistance programs. Residents who are not registered or have not indicated
they do not need to register by the first day of the semester are required to pay
the Out-of-State Tuition as required by Ohio law. Students can register with
Selective Service in the year they become 18 and must complete registration by
30 days after their 18th birthday. Selective Service registration can be
accomplished within a few minutes at Students wishing to indicate
exempt status can request materials to do so by contacting The Ohio State
University Buckeye Link at 614-292-0300.
**Non-resident tuition is reduced for students enrolled in a degree/certificate
program and taking all distance learning classes.
University fees
The university reserves the right to change
fees without notice. Undergraduate students
enrolled in any semester or term for 12-18 credit
hours will be assessed full fees. Fees for
undergraduate students enrolled for 11 or fewer
credit hours shall be assessed fees on a per-credit
hour basis. Students taking over 18 credit hours
pay the full-time tuition plus the per credit hour
rate for each additional hour.
Approximate costs for CFAES
Wooster 2024-2025
All figures are rounded to the nearest dollar.
Ohio Residents
Learning Technology
Campus Housing
Academic-yr housing fee
Meal Plan (Carmen 2)
Miscellaneous fees*
Books and supplies**
Totals $12,301 $24,473
Non-Ohio Residents
Learning Technology
Campus Housing
Academic-yr housing fee
Meal Plan (Carmen 2)
Miscellaneous fees*
Books and supplies**
Totals $26,126 $52,123
* Safety/Security, Publication, and Housing Hall Council Program fees
** Costs listed are estimated. Miscellaneous/Personal expenses consist of
transportation, clothing, laundry, phone, etc.
Curricular information
Graduation requirements
To obtain a degree at Ohio State ATI a student
earn the minimum number of semester credit
hours required with a cumulative point-hour
ratio of 2.00 or above;
satisfactorily complete a prescribed curriculum;
earn a minimum of 30 credit hours through
regular course work at the institute (exclusive of
the internship);
complete an occupational internship with a
grade of C (2.00) or better, if included in the
degree requirements;
complete the prescribed hours of practicum with
a grade of C (2.00) or better in each semester
of practicum enrollment; a maximum of 9 credit
hours of practical experience courses (e.g.,
practicum and internship) will count toward
file an application for the degree in accordance
with institute deadlines; and
enroll in the institute during the last semester
necessary to complete the degree
requirements. This may be waived on petition
by the student.
Internship and practicum
Occupational internship is a required course in all
Associate of Applied Science programs. It consists
of a minimum of one academic semester of
employment in the student’s specialized field of
study and completion of a major written report. For
this course, the student enrolls for credit, pays
fees, receives grades, is supervised by Ohio State
ATI personnel, and is paid a salary by the
Practicum is a course of supervised practical
experience required in most Associate of Applied
Science programs. The practicum is designed to
develop and improve occupational skills beyond
the levels achieved in normal classroom and
laboratory activities.
Credit by examination
Ohio State ATI offers the opportunity to earn
college credit through satisfactory achievement on
a variety of examinations. The credit by
examination (EM) program is available to all
currently enrolled students for most courses during
the semesters they are offered. Students
interested in this opportunity should contact the
course instructor.
Associate of Applied
Each curriculum has minimum requirements
(described on pages 7-17) that have been
established with input from industry advisory
Associate of Science
The curriculum includes both courses required for
the Bachelor of Science degree and selected Ohio
State ATI courses. The courses will transfer to
fulfill major or minor requirements or may be used
as electives. Practical applications may be
required through internship and/or practicum.
Each curriculum has minimum requirements which
are described on pages 18-31.
Associate of Technical
In addition to the general graduation requirements,
students pursuing the Associate of Technical
Study (AT) degree must meet the following
General Education
English composition; social science or humanities;
mathematics; natural sciences; and applied Gen.
Ed. ............................................ minimum 30 credits
Technical Studies courses
Courses chosen in consultation with an advisor .....
........................................................... 30-35 credits
Certificate programs
Certificates are available on both a credit
(Certificate of Competency) and noncredit
(Certificate of Completion and Certificate of
Achievement) basis. For a description of the three
certificate options, see pages 3 and 4.
Associate of Applied Science Degree programs
Business Management
The objective of this program is to prepare individuals to
assume various positions such as sales, customer
service, as well as entry level management with
businesses involved in retailing, wholesaling,
manufacturing, and/or agriculture.
Career opportunities
The Business Management program provides students
with the tools they need to be successful in a business
career or to start, run and manage a business. There are
numerous opportunities in the business world for
individuals with good interpersonal skills and the
knowledge of accounting, marketing, and computers
The curriculum emphasizes management skill
development, marketing, accounting, computer
technology, human resource management, business law,
and small business operations. By choosing a
specialization in either General Business or Agricultural
Business, the students have the opportunity to gain more
knowledge about a specific industry. General Business
students gain more in-depth understanding of the
business world by taking classes such as Fundamentals
of International Business and Foundations of Personal
and Professional Leadership. Agricultural Business
students choose a specialty in agriculture where they take
a minimum of six credit hours of classes within their
chosen area.
Core courses
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
AEDECON 2105 Managerial Records and Analysis
BUSTEC 1201T Exploring Business
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
BUSTEC 2191T Business Internship
BUSTEC 2207T Problem Solving with Spreadsheets
and Databases
BUSTEC 2231T Fundamentals of Marketing
BUSTEC 2232T Personal Selling
BUSTEC 2241T Small Business Management
BUSTEC 2244T Human Resource Management and
BUSTEC 2247T Business Law
BUSTEC 2249T Fundamentals of Business Finance
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENBIOL 1200T General Biology
or 1250T General Botany with Applications
GENCHEM 1100T Introduction to General Chemistry
GENCOMM 2115T Technical and Business Writing
GENMATH 1141T Business Mathematics
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
PSYCH 1100 Introduction to Psychology
Special Area Electives (from approved list)
Specialization courses
Agricultural Business
Additional Natural or Applied Science
AEDECON 3142 Agricultural Cooperatives
General Business
Humanities Elective
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in this
course to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Business Management.
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Applied learning opportunities
Business management students must also complete an
industry internship consisting of 450 hours of full-time
employment in the field of their study or interest.
Other degree options
Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree may
be interested in the Associate of Science degree in
Construction Management
The objective of this program is to educate and prepare
individuals for technical and management careers in the
construction industry; emphasis is primarily on building
construction, with an introduction to other sectors of the
construction industry provided as well.
Career opportunities
Career opportunities are available with general
contractors, testing and inspection firms, home builders,
land surveyors, agricultural builders, building material
retailers, and manufacturers. Graduates could fill roles
such as project engineer, site supervisor, assistant
superintendent, estimator, or assistant project manager.
The Ohio State ATI construction laboratory provides
space and learning opportunities for students to design,
construct, test, and evaluate construction materials and
system components. The Ohio State ATI computer lab
features industry specific software such as Bluebeam,
Procore, P6 Professional, AutoCAD, and Revit which are
utilized in technical courses throughout the program.
Applied learning opportunities
Construction Management students must also complete
an industry internship consisting of at least 480 hours of
full-time employment in a work experience related to their
career interest.
Construction Management students also have
opportunities to engage with professionals, network, and
develop advanced skills through attending construction
industry conferences as well as volunteering with the local
Habitat for Humanity.
The construction management curriculum emphasizes
two major content areas: building science and business
General Education
AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
BUSTEC 2244T Human Resource Management
and Leadership
BUSTEC 2247T Business Law
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
ENGTECH 1201.02T Exploring Construction Careers
and Industry
ENGTECH 2121T Drafting and Computer-Aided
ENGTECH 2310T Building Science: Electrical and
Lighting Systems
ENGTECH 2345T Building Science: Mechanical
GENCOMM 2115T Technical and Business Writing
GENMATH 1145T Technical Mathematics
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
TECPHYS 1150T Technical Physics
Technical Studies
AEDECON 2105 Managerial Records and Analysis
ENGTECH 2110T Construction Drawings and Basic
ENGTECH 2120T Building Science: Methods and
ENGTECH 2160T Estimating and Scheduling
ENGTECH 2170T Construction Project Management
ENGTECH 2191.01T Construction Management
ENGTECH 2440T Site Development and Surveying
ENGTECH 2600T Construction Safety and Health
BUSTEC elective (from approved list)
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in this
course to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Construction Management.
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Other degree options
Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree may
be interested in the Associate of Science degree in
Construction Systems Management
Crop Management and
Soil Conservation
The objective of this program is to educate students to
maximize the quality and quantity of cereal and forage
crop yields through the application of scientific principles.
Students enrolled in this program may specialize in crop
management or soil conservation.
Career opportunities
Graduates are employed as farm managers, machinery
operators, and field persons for seed, fertilizer, and
chemical companies, and grain elevators. Graduates may
be self-employed through custom application of farm
chemicals and fertilizers.
Students in the program study grain and oil seed
production, forage production, soil science and
management, pest management, and machinery
Core courses
AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
CRPSOIL 1201T Exploring Agronomy, Sustainable
Agriculture, and Crop Management
and Soil Conservation
CRPSOIL 2191T Crop and Soil Internship
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
CRPSOIL 2301T Introduction to Soil Science
CRPSOIL 2412T Technology and Field Management
of Forage Crops
CRPSOIL 2422T Weed Control Technology
CRPSOIL 2580T Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENCHEM 1100T Introduction to General Chemistry
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
HCS 2201 Ecology of Managed Plant Systems
Technical electives (from approved list)
Specialization courses
Crop Management
AEDECON 2105 Managerial Records and Analysis
HORTTEC 2819T Pesticides and Their Use
CRPSOIL 2189T Practicum in Crop and Soil
CRPSOIL 2265T Integrated Pest Management
CRPSOIL 2280T Applied Precision Agriculture
CRPSOIL 3800T Principles of Farm Business Mgmt.
ENGTECH 2016T Tillage, Planting, Harvesting, and
Storage Equipment
GENMATH 1141T Business Mathematics
HCS 3100 Introduction to Agronomy
Applied Gen Ed elective (from approved list)
Soil Conservation
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
CRPSOIL 2228T Manure Management
CRPSOIL 2324T Soil Management
ENGTECH 2040T Soil and Water Conservation
ENGTECH 2050T Introduction to Geographic
Information Systems
ENGTECH 2121T Drafting and Computer-Aided
ENGTECH 2600T Construction Safety and Health
ENR 2100 Intro to Environmental Science
GENMATH 1145T Technical Mathematics
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in this
course to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Crop Management and Soil Conservation.
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Students are involved in field work and related activities at
the 1,700-acre Grace Drake Learning Laboratory and the
143-acre Land Laboratory.
Applied learning opportunities
The practicum course provides students with supervised,
practical work experience, and an opportunity to apply
classroom instruction in the field.
An internship provides students with an opportunity to
gain industry experience through full-time employment for
450 hours in the area of their interest.
Other degree options
Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree may
be interested in the Associate of Science programs in
Agricultural Systems Management, Agronomy
, or
Sustainable Agriculture.
Dairy Cattle Production
and Management
The objective of this program is to educate students in
techniques of dairy production and management for
careers with dairy farms and associated dairy businesses
and industries.
Career opportunities
Dairy cattle production and management positions are
available in production management, service, sales, and
quality control.
A graduate of the dairy cattle production and
management program could fill the following positions:
herd manager, dairy farm manager, dairy field
representative, dairy technician, or sales representative in
the dairy industry. Careers opportunities are available on
dairy farms and nutrition, milk quality, reproduction,
genetic, equipment, and other related dairy businesses.
The curriculum includes principles and application of milk
production, genetics, reproduction, nutrition and feeding,
health, animal selection, and financial management.
General Education
AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
AEDECON 2105 Managerial Records and Analysis
ANMLTEC 1201.07T Exploring Dairy Careers and
ANMLTEC 3140T Animal Anatomy and Physiology
ANMLTEC 3157T Dairy Cattle Genetic Improvement
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENBIOL 1200T General Biology
GENSSC 1181T Hispanic Culture and Language in
the Workplace
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
GENMATH 1141T Business Mathematics
or 1145T Technical Mathematics
Applied Gen Ed elective (from approved list)
Technical Studies
ANMLTEC 2787T Appl. Dairy Herd Practices and Mgt.
ANMLTEC 2797T Dairy Industry Seminar and
ANMLTEC 3137T Dairy Cattle Feeding Management
ANMLTEC 3167T Dairy Cattle Milking and
Reproductive Management
ANMLTEC 3177T Dairy Cattle Health Management
ANMLTEC 3191.07T Dairy Industry Internship
ANMLTEC 3207T Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Herd
ANMLTEC 3407T Dairy Cattle Facilities,
Environment, and Equipment
ANMLTEC 3800T Principles of Farm Business
or 3887T Integrated Dairy Farm Business
Technical electives (from approved list)
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in these
courses to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Dairy Cattle Production and Management.
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
The Wooster Campus Dairy facilities are home to around
200 Holstein cows at Krauss Dairy and more than 200
Holstein and Jersey heifers at Grace Drake Learning
Laboratory. Animals are housed in free-stall barns with
drive-through total mixed ration feeding. The fully
automated double-eight parabone milking parlor is
equipped with electronic identification, computerized milk
weight recorders, and herd management software.
On-site computer systems house internal herd and
financial records and are online with the Dairy Herd
Improvement Association’s processing center and breed
association. In addition, feeding and nutrition tracking
software and an electronic health and reproduction
monitoring system are used in herd management.
Applied learning opportunities
Students take Applied Dairy Herd Practices and
Management (supervised, practical work experience),
which provides an opportunity to apply and practice skills
learned in class at the Krauss Dairy their second
academic year.
Dairy students must also complete an industry internship
consisting of a minimum of 400 hours of full-time
employment in the dairy industry. Internship locations
and type of dairy business production or agri-business
are based upon student field of study or interest.
Opportunities are available for students to participate in a
variety of activities like the national award-winning dairy
cattle judging team, Dairy Challenge, and the Ohio State
ATI Dairy Club.
In addition, part-time jobs are available on many of the
200 dairy farms in the local county (Wayne County) while
attending Ohio State ATI.
Other degree options
Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree may
be interested in the Associate of Science program in
Animal Sciences – Animal Industries Specialization
Greenhouse and Nursery
The objective of this program is to educate individuals for
managerial positions in the controlled environment
agriculture (CEA) related industries.
Career opportunities
Depending on the specialization, graduates will find job
opportunities in greenhouse and/or nursery businesses,
indoor farms, garden centers, public horticulture, plant
propagation, and horticultural supply companies.
Graduates may fill the following positions: greenhouse
and/or nursery grower, manager, technician, and sales.
The curriculum emphasizes greenhouse crop production
and greenhouse environmental controls and include
hands-on experience in the production, harvesting,
handling, use of floriculture and food crops, and
greenhouse maintenance. Pest and pathogen
management principles are taught and practiced. In
addition to business management and marketing,
merchandising and selling plant products are presented.
The Ohio State ATI production and propagation
greenhouses, hydroponics production systems and the
outdoor display gardens provide opportunities for practical
experience in greenhouse and nursery production. In
addition, facilities at OARDC and Secrest arboretum are
Core courses
AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
BUSTEC 2231T Fundamentals of Marketing
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENBIOL 1250T General Botany with Applications
GENCHEM 1100T Introduction to General Chemistry
GENSSC 1181T Hispanic Culture and Language in
the Workplace
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
HORTTEC 1201T Exploring Horticulture
HORTTEC 2189.21T Practicum in Greenhouse
HORTTEC 2190.21T Practical Leadership in
Greenhouse Management
HORTTEC 2500T Greenhouse Environment Control
Specialization courses
BIOTECH 2218T General and Applied Entomology
HORTTEC 2819T Pesticides and Their Use
GENMATH 1141T Business Mathematics
HORTTEC 2110T Plant Materials I
HORTTEC 2191.21T Greenhouse Management
HORTTEC 2520T Greenhouse Perennial Production
HORTTEC 2540T Greenhouse Production of
HORTTEC 2560T Greenhouse Vegetable Production
HORTTEC 2740T Plant Propagation
HORTTEC 2890T Plant Diseases of Ornamentals
and Turf
Greenhouse Engineering Technology
ENGTECH 2312T Engineering Tech Fundamentals
ENGTECH 2322T Basic Electricity and Electronics
ENGTECH 2325T Analog and Digital Electronics
GENMATH 1145T Technical Mathematics
HORTTEC 2191.23T Greenhouse Engineering
Technology Internship
HORTTEC 2520T Greenhouse Perennial Production
or 2560T Greenhouse Vegetable Production
HORTTEC 3550T Components of Greenhouse
HORTTEC 3560T Integrated Greenhouse Climate
TECPHYS 1150T Technical Physics
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in these
courses to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Greenhouse and Nursery Management.
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Applied learning opportunities
Students take practicum (supervised, practical work
experience in campus greenhouses and outdoor nursery),
which provides an opportunity to apply skills learned in
Students must also complete an industry internship
consisting of 450 hours of full-time employment in the
greenhouse or nursery industry.
Other degree options
Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree may
be interested in the Associate of Science program in
Horticultural Science
Horse Production and
The objective of this program is to prepare individuals for
employment in the horse industry.
Career opportunities
A variety of opportunities exist in horse training, horse
breeding, stable management, and other equine support
industries. Graduates are prepared for employment in
independent or corporate-owned units. Additional
employment opportunities exist in businesses which
supply goods and services to horse-related industries.
Horse production majors may find positions as trainers,
instructors, breeding farm managers, stallion managers,
stable managers, breed association representatives,
racetrack or veterinarian clinic employees, or marketing
representatives for feed, tack or equipment companies.
The curriculum includes principles and practical
application of training, nutrition, reproduction, genetics,
live animal evaluation, health, equine marketing and
facility design and management. Business and
accounting principles are also presented. Practical
application and hands-on experiential learning are
emphasized at Ohio State ATI’s horse facilities.
General Education
AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
AEDECON 2105 Managerial Records and Analysis
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
ANMLTEC 1201.01T Exploring Equine Careers and
ANMLTEC 3140T Animal Anatomy and Physiology
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENBIOL 1200T General Biology
GENMATH 1141T Business Mathematics
or 1145T Technical Mathematics
GENSSC 1181T Hispanic Culture and Language in
the Workplace
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Applied Gen Ed Elective (from approved list)
Business Elective (BUSTEC 2232T, 2241T, or 2244T)
Technical Studies
ANMLTEC 2189.01T Horse Practicum
ANMLTEC 2201T Introduction to Horse Science
ANMLTEC 2800T Basic Horsemanship
or 2801T** Horsemanship and Equitation
ANMLTEC 3101.01T Equine Marketing
ANMLTEC 3101.02T Equine Facility Management
ANMLTEC 3131T Equine Feeding and Nutrition
ANMLTEC 3151T Horse Breeding and Selection
ANMLTEC 3171T Horse Health and Disease
ANMLTEC 3191.01T Equine Industry Internship
ANMLTEC 3201T Horse Judging and Evaluation
ENGTECH 2015T Agricultural Equipment Operation
and Maintenance
Technical Electives (2-3 credit hours needed**)
ANMLTEC 2801T Horsemanship and Equitation
ANMLTEC 2811T Schooling and Training the Riding
ANMLTEC 3161T Applied Equine Reproductive
BUSTEC 2232T*** Personal Selling
CRPSOIL 2412T Technology and Field
Management of Forage Crops
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in these
courses to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Horse Production and Management.
**If ANMLTEC 2800T (2 cr) is taken, 3 technical elective
credits are required. If ANMLTEC 2801T (3 cr) is taken, 2
technical elective credits are required.
***If BUSTEC 2232T is taken as the business elective,
may not be used for the technical elective and vice versa.
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Applied learning opportunities
Students take practicums (supervised, practical work
experience), which provide an opportunity to apply skills
learned in class. Supervisory experience can be gained
in a required Leadership practicum.
Horse students must also complete an industry internship
consisting of 450 hours of full-time employment in the
field of their study or interest.
Other degree options
Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree may
be interested in the Associate of Science program in
Animal Sciences – Horse specialization
Hydraulic Power and
Motion Control
The objective of this degree program is to prepare
students to service, design, and sell hydraulic,
electrohydraulic, and pneumatic equipment and systems.
Career opportunities
Hydraulic power and motion control is rapidly expanding
into numerous segments of industry. Hydraulic power and
motion control graduates are employed as service or
production technicians, test technicians, applications
engineers, market and product engineers, quality control
technicians, troubleshooters, and sales representatives.
Areas of study include power transmission, properties and
application of hydraulic components, repair and
maintenance of fluid power system components, system
design and analysis, control circuits, electrohydraulics,
instrumentation, and troubleshooting of fluid power
General Education
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
BUSTEC 1151T General Economics
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
ENGTECH 2092T Problem Solving: Career and
Society Applications
ENGTECH 1201.01T Exploring Engineering Technologies
ENGTECH 2121T Drafting and Computer-Aided
ENGTECH 2322T Basic Electricity and Electronics
ENGTECH 2331T Distributor Management
GENCOMM 2115T Technical and Business Writing
GENMATH 1145T Technical Mathematics
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
TECPHYS 1150T Technical Physics
Soc Sci or Arts/Hum Elective (from approved list)
Technical Studies
ENGTECH 2191.02T Hydraulic Power and Motion
Control Internship
ENGTECH 2214T Fundamentals of Fluid Power and
ENGTECH 2224T Fluids, Filtration, and Fluid
ENGTECH 2226T Components of Hydraulic Circuits
ENGTECH 2234T Basic Pneumatic Systems
ENGTECH 2238T Electrohydraulics and System
ENGTECH 2242T Metals and Metal Manufacturing
ENGTECH 2248T Instrumentation and Control
ENGTECH 2312T Engineering Technology
ENGTECH 2325T Analog and Digital Electronics
ENGTECH 2336T Methods of Power Transmission
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in these
courses to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Hydraulic Power and Motion Control.
Course descriptions
begin on page 37.
Students utilize a state-of-the-art fluid power lab with
specialized facilities and equipment in hydraulics,
pneumatics, and electronics. Students design, assemble,
and test an array of fluid power components and systems
in the fluid power lab.
Applied learning opportunities
Hydraulic Power and Motion Control students must
complete an industry internship consisting of 450 hours of
full-time employment in the field of their study.
Hydraulic Power and Motion Control students also
participate in state and national industry trade shows,
meetings, and scholarship programs.
Landscape Horticulture
The objective of this program is to prepare individuals to
enter the workforce in a variety of landscape related
industries. Students learn sustainable techniques that
develop responsibility as tomorrow’s land stewards.
Career opportunities
Career opportunities exist with landscape businesses,
recreational organizations such as amusement parks, and
large organizations with grounds to be managed and
maintained. Graduates may fill positions such as
designer, landscape crew leader, account manager,
landscape manager, or horticulturist.
The Landscape Horticulture program provides students a
broad introduction to all areas of landscaping, including
design, management, construction, and pest control.
Students will practice their skills not only on the Ohio
State ATI grounds but will work with outside clients as
well. Basic classes in plant identification, landscape
design, and landscape construction lead to more
advanced classes in weed science as well as pest
identification and control.
Ohio State ATI’s Landscape Horticulture program is one
of only 19 two-year programs in the nation to be
accredited by the National Association of Landscape
Professionals, the national trade association for
landscape professionals.
Landscape students have access to outstanding facilities
at Ohio State ATI:
• The adjacent 122-acre Secrest Arboretum
• 5 specialty gardens
• Ohio State ATI campus grounds
• Landscape laboratory with digital design software
• Landscape Construction and Construction building
General Education
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
BIOTECH 2218T General and Applied Entomology
BUSTEC 1151T General Economics
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENBIOL 1250T General Botany with Applications
GENCHEM 1100T Introduction to General Chemistry
GENMATH 1141T Business Mathematics
GENSSC 1181T Hispanic Culture and Language in
the Workplace
or PSYCH 1100 Introduction to Psychology
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
HORTTEC 1201T Exploring Horticulture
Arts/Hum Elective (from approved list)
Business Elective (from approved list)
Technical Studies
HORTTEC 2110T Plant Materials I
HORTTEC 2120T Plant Materials II
HORTTEC 2191.30T Landscape Horticulture Internship
HORTTEC 2230T Fundamentals of Turfgrass
Science and Management
HORTTEC 2320T Landscape Construction
HORTTEC 2360T Landscape Design
HORTTEC 2880T Principles of Weed Science
HORTTEC 2890T Plant Diseases of Ornamentals
and Turf
Technical Elective
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in these
courses to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Landscape Horticulture.
Course descriptions
begin on page 37.
Applied learning opportunities
Landscape students must also complete an industry
internship of 450 hours of full-time employment in their
chosen field of study.
Other degree options
Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree may
be interested in the Associate of Science program in
Horticultural Science
Livestock Production and
The objective of this program is to prepare individuals for
successful employment in beef, swine, or small ruminant
production or related industries.
Career opportunities
Livestock production majors may find positions in the
areas of beef, swine, sheep or goat production, related
service industries, and sales of related products. A
variety of commercial opportunities exist in purebred,
commercial or club-animal production. Graduates are
also prepared for employment in entry-level positions in
agri-businesses such as breed associations, artificial
insemination centers, animal research laboratories, feed
and pharmaceutical companies and the meat industry.
The curriculum emphasizes the principles and practical
application of reproduction, genetics, nutrition, live animal
and carcass evaluation, health, facility design, and record
use in the efficient management of all phases of
production. Business and accounting principles are also
presented. Practical application is emphasized at the
Ohio State ATI Grace Drake Learning Laboratory which
houses beef, swine, and goats.
Ohio State ATI’s Grace Drake Learning Laboratory
houses a 100-cow beef herd along with a small herd of
swine. The beef herd includes purebred and commercial
animals. The farm also has access to a herd of goats and
the sheep flock housed at the Ohio Agricultural Research
and Development Center.
Applied learning opportunities
Students take operations management courses
(supervised, practical work experience) which provide an
opportunity to apply skills learned in class.
Students also complete an industry internship consisting
of 450 hours of employment in the field of their study and
Core courses
AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
AEDECON 2105 Managerial Records and Analysis
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
ANMLTEC 1201.02T Exploring Livestock Careers and
ANMLTEC 3140T Animal Anatomy and Physiology
ANMLTEC 3150T Livestock Genetic Improvement
ANMLTEC 3170T Principles of Livestock Health
ANMLTEC 3200T Livestock Selection and Evaluation
ANMLTEC 3800T Principles of Farm Business
CRPSOIL 2228T Manure Management
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENBIOL 1200T General Biology
GENMATH 1141T Business Mathematics
or 1145T Technical Mathematics
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Applied Gen Ed Elective (from approved list)
Technical Electives (from approved list)
Specialization courses
ANMLTEC 2202T Introduction to Beef and Small
Ruminant Production
ANMLTEC 2510.02T Food Animal Resource
Management I Beef
ANMLTEC 2582.02T Food Animal Resource
Management II Beef
ANMLTEC 3132T Ruminant Feeds and Feeding
ANMLTEC 3191.02T Beef Industry Internship
ANMLTEC 3402T Beef Production and Management
Small Ruminant
ANMLTEC 2202T Introduction to Beef and Small
Ruminant Production
ANMLTEC 2510.04T Food Animal Resource
Management I Small Ruminants
ANMLTEC 2582.04T Food Animal Resource
Management II Small Ruminants
ANMLTEC 3132T Ruminant Feeds and Feeding
ANMLTEC 3191.04T Small Ruminant Industry
ANMLTEC 3404T Small Ruminant Production and
ANMLTEC 2510.03T Food Animal Resource
Management I Swine
MLTEC 2582.03T Food Animal Resource
Management II Swine
ANMLTEC 2603T Swine Production & Management I
ANMLTEC 3133T Practical Swine Feeding
ANMLTEC 3191.03T Swine Industry Internship
ANMLTEC 3403T Swine Production & Management II
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in these
courses to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Livestock Production and Management.
Course descriptions
begin on page 37.
Other degree options
Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree may
be interested in the Associate of Science programs in
Animal Sciences Animal Industries
Power Equipment
The objective of this program is to prepare students for
careers involving the purchase, utilization, maintenance,
repair, and sale of off-road machinery.
Career opportunities
Career opportunities are available with agricultural
equipment, construction equipment, and industrial
equipment dealerships, manufacturers of mobile
equipment, contractors, and fleet operations.
Areas of study include internal combustion engines;
agricultural, construction, and industrial equipment;
electronics; hydraulics; air conditioning; metal fabrication;
power transmission; business management; marketing;
and sales.
General Education
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
BUSTEC 1151T General Economics
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
ENGTECH 2092T Problem Solving: Career and
Society Applications
ENGTECH 1201.01T Exploring Engineering Technologies
ENGTECH 2322T Basic Electricity and Electronics
ENGTECH 2331T Distributor Management
GENCOMM 2115T Technical and Business Writing
GENMATH 1145T Technical Mathematics
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
TECPHYS 1150T Technical Physics
Soc Sci or Arts/Hum Elective (from approved list)
ENGTECH 2191.03T Power Equipment Internship
ENGTECH 2214T Fundamentals of Fluid Power and
ENGTECH 2224T Fluids, Filtration, and Fluid
ENGTECH 2240T Welding Technology
ENGTECH 2312T Engineering Technology
ENGTECH 2314T Introduction to Power Equipment
ENGTECH 2324T Engine Diagnosis and Repair
ENGTECH 2332T Mobile Heating and Air
ENGTECH 2334T Vehicle Electrical and Electronic
ENGTECH 2336T Methods of Power Transmission
ENGTECH 2338T Diesel Engine Systems
ENGTECH 2348T Performance of Mobile Power
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in these
courses to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Power Equipment.
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Students utilize a fully equipped power equipment lab. In
addition, students also utilize the institute’s campus
equipment along with the latest agricultural equipment in
their course work.
Applied learning opportunities
Power Equipment students must complete an industry
internship consisting of 450 hours of full-time employment
in the field of their study and interest.
Students participate in local and state industry trade
shows, meetings, and scholarship programs.
Turfgrass Management
The objective of this program is to educate and prepare
individuals for technical and management positions in the
golf course and sports turf industries.
Career opportunities
Career opportunities exist with golf courses, sports turf
facilities, lawn care services, sod farms, parks,
educational and corporate campuses, and other
institutional grounds, and other decorative and
recreational users of turfgrass. With sufficient on-the-job
experience, a graduate of the turfgrass program could fill
one of the following positions: golf course superintendent,
sports complex field operations manager, lawn care
manager, sod farm manager, turf research technician, or
sales representative within the turf industry.
The curriculum emphasizes botany, turfgrass science and
turfgrass facilities management; weed, insect, and
disease management; maintenance of other ornamental
plants; irrigation and drainage; pesticide usage; and
power equipment maintenance and operation.
General Education
AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
AEDECON 2105 Managerial Records and Analysis
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
BIOTECH 2218T General and Applied Entomology
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
CRPSOIL 2301T Introduction to Soil Science Lab
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENBIOL 1250T General Botany with Applications
GENCHEM 1100T Introduction to General Chemistry
GENMATH 1141T Business Mathematics
GENSSC 1181T Hispanic Culture and Language in
the Workplace
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
HORTTEC 1201T Exploring Horticulture
Technical Studies
ENGTECH 2011T Small Engine Basics
HORTTEC 2110T Plant Materials I
HORTTEC 2191.50T Turfgrass Management Internship
HORTTEC 2225T Turf Equipment Operation and
HORTTEC 2230T Fundamentals of Turfgrass
Science and Management
HORTTEC 2240T Golf Course and Sports Turf
Irrigation and Drainage
HORTTEC 2250T Turfgrass Cultural Systems and
HORTTEC 2260T Sports Turf Operations
Organization and Management
or 2270T Golf Course Organization and
HORTTEC 2880T Principles of Weed Science
HORTTEC 2890T Plant Diseases of Ornamentals
and Turf
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in these
courses to receive an Associate of Applied Science
Degree in Turfgrass Management.
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
The Ohio State ATI campus grounds include sports fields,
turfgrass plots and a model golf hole.
Applied learning opportunities
Optional: Students can participate in a turf practicum
(supervised, practical experience on campus) which
provides an opportunity to apply skills learned in class.
Turfgrass students must also complete an industry
internship consisting of 450 hours (based on OSU’s
academic calendar) of full-time employment at an
approved turfgrass facility.
Other degree options
Students interested in earning a bachelor’s degree may
be interested in the Associate of Science program in
Horticultural Science
Associate of Science
Degree programs
The objective of the Agribusiness program is to allow
students to complete the first half of a Bachelor of
Science in Agriculture, majoring in Agribusiness and
Applied Economics or to prepare for employment in
agricultural businesses.
Career opportunities
Graduates with a BS in Agribusiness and Applied
Economics will find careers in management, finance,
marketing, resource management, and community or
international development.
The curriculum of the agribusiness program emphasizes
the application of business and economic principles to
agribusiness; firms that produce, process, distribute, and
sell agricultural and natural resource products.
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Natural Science
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
BUSTEC 1201T Exploring Business
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Additional Science
Major courses
AEDECON 2105 Managerial Records and Analysis
AEDECON 3105 Principles of Agribusiness and Food
Supply Chains
BUSTEC 2231T Fundamentals of Marketing
BUSTEC 2241T Small Business Management
BUSTEC 2249T Fundamentals of Business Finance
Major Electives (from approved list)
Electives (courses selected in consultation with advisor)
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Other degree options
An Associate of Applied Science degree is available in
Business Management
The objective of the Agricultural Communication program
is to allow students to complete the first half of a Bachelor
of Science in Agriculture, majoring in Agricultural
Communication at The Ohio State University.
Career opportunities
Graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural
Communication have many career options. A few of the
possibilities include: writers and editors for agricultural or
natural resource publications, advertising, marketing, and
public relations professionals who work with
agribusinesses, commodity or environmental groups,
directors of communication for agricultural or natural
resource organizations, and on-air broadcasters and
reporters for agriculture and natural resource-related
radio and television programs.
Agricultural Communication majors must complete a
minor in the College of Food, Agricultural, and
Environmental Science. Students can start working on
their minor at Ohio State ATI. Minor options include:
agribusiness, animal science, crop science, equine,
horticulture, natural resources, production agriculture,
turfgrass, and more. A complete listing can be found at
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*BIOLOGY 1101 Introductory Biology
or 1113.01 Bio Sci: Energy Transfer & Dev.
*COMLDR 3535 Toward Cultural Proficiency
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
GENCOMM 1201T Exploring Agricultural
Communication, Education and
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Additional Science
Major courses
AGRCOMM 2330 Perceptions of Agricultural and
Environmental Issues
AGRCOMM 2531 Introduction to Agricultural
Communication Practices
AGRCOMM 4130 Publication Design & Production
AGRCOMM 4530 Communicating Agricultural
COMLDR 3530 Foundations of Personal and
Professional Leadership
COMLDR 3537 Data Analysis in the Applied
GENCOMM 2189.01T Practicum in Agricultural
Electives (to be selected in consultation with advisor)
A grade of C or better is required to meet graduation
Course descriptions
begin on page 37.
Agricultural Systems
The objective of the Agricultural Systems Management
program is to allow students to complete the first half of a
Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture, majoring in
Agricultural Systems Management.
Career opportunities
Graduates with a BS majoring in Agricultural Systems
Management will have specialized in one of three
specializations available within the major: Power and
Machinery, Soil and Water, or Facilities Management and
Planning. Graduates from this major have a wide array of
opportunities based on the specialization selected.
Employers include equipment manufacturers, farmstead
designers, equipment dealerships, seed producers, grain
cooperatives, food distributors, production agriculture,
and various agriculture facility construction companies.
The curriculum of the Agricultural Systems Management
Associate of Science program allows the student to take
technical courses for the major along with general
education courses required for the Bachelor of Science
degree majoring in Agricultural Systems Management.
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
PHYSICS 1200 Mechanics, Kinematics, Fluids,
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
CRPSOIL 2301T Introduction to Soil Science Lab
ENGTECH 1201.03T Exploring Agricultural Systems
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Major courses
ANIMSCI 2200.01 Introductory Animal Sciences
or HCS 2202 Form & Function of Cultivated
or HCS 2204 Ecology of Managed Plant
AGSYSMT 2305 Professional Development I
CRPSOIL 2228T Manure Management
ENGTECH 2040T Soil and Water Conservation
ENGTECH 2120T Building Science: Methods and
ENGTECH 2191.04T Agricultural Systems Technology
ENGTECH 2240T Welding Technology
Electives (from approved list)
A grade of C or better is required to meet graduation
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Applied learning opportunities
Students must also complete an industry internship
consisting of 300 hours of full-time employment.
Internship locations are based upon student field of study
or interest.
Other degree options
An Associate of Applied Science degree is available in
Crop Management and Soil Conservation
. An Associate
of Science degree is available in Agronomy and
Sustainable Agriculture.
Agriscience Education
The objective of the Agriscience Education program is to
allow students to complete the first half of a Bachelor of
Science in Agriculture, majoring in Agriscience Education
at The Ohio State University.
Career opportunities
Graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Agriscience
Education will find careers as educators in schools,
extension, and agribusiness.
The curriculum of the Agriscience Education program will
focus on the agricultural science/production
specialization. There is an additional GPA requirement in
the bachelor degree program that must be met following
transition to the Columbus campus.
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*BIOLOGY 1101 Introductory Biology
*COMLDR 3535 Historical and Cultural Studies
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
ENR 2100 Intro. to Environmental Science
GENCOMM 1201T Exploring Agricultural
Communication, Education, and
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Major courses
AGRCOMM 2330 Perceptions of Agricultural and
Environmental Issues
ANIMSCI 2200.01 Introductory Animal Sciences
ANMLTEC 2200.02T Introduction to Animal Sciences Lab
ASE 2189 Early Field Experience in
Agriscience Education
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry
or 1210 General Chemistry I
COMLDR 2530 Introduction to Agricultural
Communication, Education and
COMLDR 3537 Data Analysis in the Applied
ENGTECH 2240T Welding Technology
HCS 2204 Ecology of Managed Plant Systems
HCS 2205 Ecology of Managed Plant Systems
PSYCH 1100 Introduction to Psychology
Course descriptions
begin on page 37.
The objective of the agronomy program is to prepare
students to complete a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture,
majoring in Sustainable Plant Systems with an Agronomy
emphasis or for employment in the crop production and
agricultural services industry.
Career opportunities
Graduates with a BS in Sustainable Plant Systems:
Agronomy may find careers as independent crop
producers; professional agricultural consultants; technical
representatives for seed, fertilizer, equipment and
agrochemical companies; and other related careers.
The agronomy program curriculum provides students with
the opportunity to take technical courses in crop
production along with general education courses required
for the Bachelor of Science degree in Sustainable Plant
Systems with an Agronomy emphasis.
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*BIOLOGY 1113.01 Bio Sci: Energy Transfer & Dev.
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
CRPSOIL 1201T Exploring Agronomy, Sustainable
Agriculture, and Crop Mgmt. and
Soil Conservation
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Major courses
BIOTECH 2218T General and Applied Entomology
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry
or 1210 General Chemistry I
CRPSOIL 2189T Practicum in Crop and Soil
CRPSOIL 2301T Introduction to Soil Science Laboratory
CRPSOIL 2580T Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
HCS 2202 Form and Function in Cultivated Plants
HCS 2204 Ecology of Managed Plant Systems
HCS 2205 Ecology of Managed Plant Systems
HCS 3100 Introduction to Agronomy
Electives (from approved list)
A grade of C or higher required to meet graduation
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Other degree options
An Associate of Applied Science degree is available in
Crop Management and Soil Conservation
. An Associate
of Science degree is available in Agricultural Systems
Management and Sustainable Agriculture.
Animal Sciences
Animal Bioscience Specialization
The objective of the Animal Sciences Animal Bioscience
program is to allow students to complete the first half of a
Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture majoring in
Animal Sciences (Animal Bioscience) at The Ohio State
University with a focus on academic preparation for
professional degrees or graduate work.
The Animal Bioscience Specialization is specifically
designed to provide: 1) opportunities for students to
receive instruction and experience in multiple animal
species, 2) an educational track for students interested in
veterinary medicine or graduate school to receive
instruction in and experience with large animal production
methods, and 3) an opportunity for students interested in
food animal medicine to apply to the Veterinary Early
Commitment Program offered by the Department of
Animal Sciences in conjunction with the College of
Veterinary Medicine.
Career opportunities
Graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences
will find careers as technical representatives for
pharmaceutical, animal health, feed, breeding/genetics,
equipment, and other related companies; research or
product development technicians; quality assurance,
public health, animal welfare, inspection, and laboratory
technicians; managers of livestock production units; and
Graduates may also apply to veterinary school or other
graduate programs for careers in veterinary medicine,
veterinary research, public health, toxicology,
pharmacology, nutrition, animal welfare, and other
The curriculum of the Animal Sciences program allows
the student to choose one of three specializations: animal
biosciences, animal industries, or horse. The Animal
Biosciences specialization provides a broader approach
to course selection and career goals within the Animal
Sciences major as required courses can be selected from
various species-specific classes and additional
opportunities are available for animal, business, and
internship elective courses.
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*BIOLOGY 1113.01 Bio Sci: Energy Transfer & Dev.
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
ANMLTEC 1201.08T Exploring Animal Bioscience
CHEM 1210 General Chemistry 1
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Major courses
ANIMSCI 2000 Animal Handling
ANIMSCI 2200.01 Introductory Animal Sciences
ANIMSCI 2200.03 Animal Systems
ANMLTEC 2200.02T Introduction to Animal Sciences
ANMLTEC 3140T Animal Anatomy and Physiology
ANMLTEC 3150T Livestock Genetic Improvement
or 3157T Dairy Cattle Genetic Improvement
CHEM 1220 General Chemistry II
COMLDR 3537 Data Analysis in the Applied
Electives (from approved list)
Course descriptions
begin on page 37.
Animal Sciences
Animal Industries Specialization
The objective of the Animal Sciences Animal Industries
program is to allow students to complete the first half of a
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, majoring in Animal
Sciences at The Ohio State University.
Career opportunities
Graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences
will find careers as managers of animal production units;
technical representatives for feed, equipment,
pharmaceutical, breeding/genetics and other related
companies; research or product development technicians;
and other related employment opportunities. Practical
application is emphasized at the Ohio State ATI Grace
Drake Learning Laboratory, Krauss Dairy, and the
Sheep/Goat Research Center on the Wooster Campus.
The curriculum of the Animal Sciences program allows
the student to choose one of three specializations: animal
biosciences, animal industries, or horse. Students in the
Animal Industries Specialization can select a focus on
beef, dairy, small ruminant, or swine species or select a
focus that combines multiple animal species.
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*BIOLOGY 1113.01 Bio Sci: Energy Transfer & Dev.
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
ANMLTEC 1201.01T Exploring Equine Careers and
or 1201.02T Exploring Livestock Careers and
or 1201.07T Exploring Dairy Careers and
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry
or 1210 General Chemistry 1
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Major courses
ANIMSCI 2200.01 Introductory Animal Sciences
ANIMSCI 2200.03 Animal Systems
ANMLTEC 2200.02T Introduction to Animal Sciences
ANMLTEC 3140T Animal Anatomy and Physiology
ANMLTEC 3150T Livestock Genetic Improvement
or 3157T Dairy Cattle Genetic Improvement
COMLDR 3537 Data Analysis in the Applied
Electives (from approved list)
ANIMSCI 2000 Animal Handling
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Bio Sci: Form, Function, Diversity
and Ecology
or CHEM 1220 General Chemistry II
or MICRBIO 4000.01 Basic and Practical Microbiology
BEEF focus
ANMLTEC 2202T Intro. to Beef & Small Ruminant
ANMLTEC 2510.02T Food Animal Resource
Management I Beef
ANMLTEC 3132T Ruminant Feeds and Feeding
ANMLTEC 3170T Principles of Livestock Health
ANMLTEC 3402T Beef Production and Management
DAIRY focus
ANMLTEC 2787T Applied Dairy Herd Practices and
ANMLTEC 3137T Dairy Cattle Feeding Management
ANMLTEC 3167T Dairy Cattle Milking and
Reproductive Management
ANMLTEC 3177T Dairy Cattle Health Management
ANMLTEC 3207T Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Herd
ANMLTEC 2202T Intro. to Beef & Small Ruminant
ANMLTEC 2510.04T Food Animal Resource
Management I Small Ruminants
uminant Feeds and Feeding
ANMLTEC 3170T Principles of Livestock Health
ANMLTEC 3404T Small Ruminant Production and
SWINE focus
ANMLTEC 2510.03T Food Animal Resource
Management I Swine
ANMLTEC 2603T Swine Production and Mgmt. I
ANMLTEC 3133T Practical Swine Feeding
ANMLTEC 3170T Principles of Livestock Health
ANMLTEC 3403T Swine Production and Mgmt. II
A grade of C or higher is needed to meet graduation
Course descriptions
begin on page 37.
Other degree options
An Associate of Applied Science degree is available in
Dairy Cattle Production and Management and
Production and Management.
Animal Sciences
Horse Specialization
An Associate of Science degree in Animal Sciences with
a Horse Specialization provides the student with a solid
foundation in general studies and science courses to
continue their education for a Bachelor of Science degree
in Animal Science. An abundance of equine specific
courses provides applicable skills and knowledge to those
seeking professional employment in many areas of the
equine industry.
Career opportunities
Graduates in Animal Sciences Horse specialization are
prepared for careers in horse breeding, management, and
equine related industries.
The curriculum of the Animal Sciences Horse program
allows students to complete an Associate of Science
degree which transitions easily into several bachelor’s
degree programs offered in the College of Food,
Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio
State University.
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*BIOLOGY 1113.01 Bio Sci: Energy Transfer & Dev.
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
ANMLTEC 1201.01T Exploring Equine Careers and
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry
or 1210 General Chemistry 1
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Major courses
ANIMSCI 2000 Animal Handling
ANIMSCI 2200.01 Introductory Animal Sciences
ANMLTEC 2189.01T Horse Practicum
ANMLTEC 2200.02T Introduction to Animal Sciences
ANMLTEC 2201T Introduction to Horse Science
or 2800T AND Basic Horsemanship
2189.01T Horse Practicum
or 2801T Horsemanship and Equitation
ANMLTEC 3101.01T Equine Marketing
ANMLTEC 3101.02T Equine Facility Management
ANMLTEC 3131T Equine Feeding and Nutrition
ANMLTEC 3140T Animal Anatomy and Physiology
ANMLTEC 3151T Horse Breeding & Selection
ANMLTEC 3161T Applied Equine Reproductive Mgt.
ANMLTEC 3171T Horse Health and Disease
The student must earn a grade of “C” or higher in these
courses to receive an Associate of Science Degree in
Animal Science.
Course descriptions
begin on page 37.
Other degree options
An Associate of Applied Science degree is available in
Horse Production and Management
Biochemical Sciences
The objective of the Biochemical Sciences program is to
allow students to complete the first half of a Bachelor of
Science degree, majoring in Biology.
Career opportunities
Graduates with an Associate of Science in Biochemical
Sciences can find careers as quality assurance
technicians, or research/laboratory technicians.
Graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Biology can find
careers in communications, business (pharmaceutical,
sales, technical), teaching, scientific or biomedical
research, scientific or technical writing, product
development, forensics, and health professions (medical
school, dental school, etc.).
Biochemical Sciences majors consist of a variety of
general courses designed to give students a foundation in
the natural sciences. Areas of study include: biology,
chemistry, microbiology, mathematics and data analysis.
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*BIOLOGY 1113.01 Bio Sci: Energy Transfer & Dev.
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1151 Calculus I
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
BIOTECH 1201T Exploring Biochemical Sciences
and Biotechnology
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
MICRBIO 4000.01 Basic and Practical Microbiology
Major Courses
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Bio Sci: Form, Function, Diversity
and Ecology
CHEM 1210 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1220 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2510 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2520 Organic Chemistry II
COMLDR 3537 Data Analysis in the Applied
Electives (selected in consultation with advisor)
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Community Leadership
The objective of the Community Leadership program is
for students to complete the first half of a Bachelor of
Science in Agriculture, majoring in the Community
Leadership program at The Ohio State University.
Career opportunities
The Community Leadership major is designed to equip
students with knowledge and skills needed to exert a
leadership influence in a future context. Graduates in the
Community and Extension Education specialization as
part of the Community Leadership major are prepared to
pursue careers as After-School Educators, Extension
Professionals, Non-Profit Specialists, Volunteer Trainers,
Youth Leaders, and Youth Outreach Coordinators.
The curriculum of the Community Leadership program will
focus on a variety of courses designed to give students a
broad understanding of community issues and the
preparation to continue in the Bachelor of Science degree
in Community Leadership at The Ohio State University.
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*COMLDR 3535 Toward Cultural Proficiency
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Natural Science
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
GENCOMM 1201T Exploring Agricultural
Communication, Education and
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
PSYCH 1100 Introduction to Psychology
Major Courses
Community and Extension Education
AGRCOMM 2330 Perceptions of Agricultural and
Environmental Issues
AGRCOMM 4130 Publication Design and Production
COMLDR 2189 Early Experience in Community
and Extension Education
COMLDR 2530 Introduction to Agricultural
Communication, Education, and
COMLDR 3530 Foundations of Personal and
Professional Leadership
COMLDR 3537 Data Analysis in the Applied
Electives (selected in consultation with advisor)
AGRCOMM 2330 Perceptions of Agricultural and
Environmental Issues
AGRCOMM 4130 Publication Design and Production
COMLDR 2530 Introduction to Agricultural
Communication, Education, and
COMLDR 3530 Foundations of Personal and
Professional Leadership
COMLDR 3537 Data Analysis in the Applied
GENCOMM 2189.02TPracticum in Community
Electives (selected in consultation with advisor)
A grade of C or better is required to meet graduation
Course descriptions
begin on page 37.
Construction Systems
The objective of the Construction Systems Management
program is to allow students to complete the first half of a
Bachelor of Science in Construction Systems
Career opportunities
Graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Construction
Systems Management may be employed by specialty or
general contractors, designers, land developers, or may
secure a position in one of the various roles that support
project construction. These individuals could be supplying
materials, performing testing and inspections on a jobsite,
or performing construction surveying. The Bachelor of
Science in Construction Systems Management provides
the graduate maximum opportunity in the commercial,
heavy highway/infrastructure, residential, or agricultural
sectors of the construction industry.
The curriculum of the Construction Systems Management
Associate of Science program allows the student to
complete both technical construction management
courses along with general education courses required for
the Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Systems
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
*PHYSICS 1200 Mechanics, Kinematics, Fluids,
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
CRPSOIL 2301T Introduction to Soil Science Lab
ENGTECH 1201.02T Exploring Construction Careers and
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Major courses
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
CONSYSM 2305 Professional Development I
ENGTECH 2110T Construction Drawings and Basic
ENGTECH 2120T Building Science: Methods and
ENGTECH 2121T Drafting and Computer-Aided
ENGTECH 2160T Estimating and Scheduling
ENGTECH 2170T Construction Project Management
ENGTECH 2191.01T Construction Management
ENGTECH 2240T Welding Technology
ENGTECH 2310T Building Science: Electrical and
Lighting Systems
ENGTECH 2345T Building Science: Mechanical
ENGTECH 2440T Site Development and Surveying
ENGTECH 2600T Construction Safety and Health
A grade of C or higher required to meet graduation
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Other degree options
An Associate of Applied Science degree is available in
Construction Management
Environment and Natural
The objective of the Environment and Natural Resources
Science program is to allow students to complete the first
half of a Bachelor of Science degree in the School of
Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State
University. Students choosing our Environmental Science
specialization can transition into either Environmental
Science, or Forestry, Fisheries and Wildlife; while
students in our Natural Resource Management
specialization can transition into Natural Resource
Management, or Environmental Policy and Decision
Career opportunities
Graduates with a Bachelor of Science degree from the
School of Environment and Natural Resources will find
careers as environmental and ecosystems scientists and
consultants, land use management planners and
specialists, wildlife and fisheries biologists, environmental
health and safety managers, wetland and soil scientists,
foresters, environmental policy analysts, outdoor
recreation and park administrators, and environmental
educators, naturalists, and communicators.
The curriculum of the Environment and Natural
Resources program consists of a variety of technical and
general courses designed to give students a broad
understanding of environmental and natural resources
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*CHEM 1110 (NTR) Elementary Chemistry
or 1210 (EVS) General Chemistry I
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 (NTR) College Algebra
or 1151 (EVS) Calculus I
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
ENR 2100 Intro. to Environmental Science
ENVSCT 1201T Exploring Environmental Science
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Major courses
Environmental Science
BIOLOGY 1113.01 Bio Sci: Energy Transfer and
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Bio Sci: Form, Function, Diversity
and Ecology
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
CRPSOIL 2301T Introduction to Soil Science Lab
ENR 2300 Society and Natural Resources
ENR 2367 Communicating Environment &
Natural Resources Information
ENR 3300 Introduction to Forestry, Fisheries,
and Wildlife
Electives (from approved list)
Natural Resource Management
COMLDR 3537 Data Analysis in the Applied
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
ENR 2300 Society and Natural Resources
ENR 2367 Communicating Environment &
Natural Resources Information
ENR 3280 Water Quality Management
ENR 3300 Introduction to Forestry, Fisheries,
and Wildlife
Electives (from approved list)
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Horticultural Science
The objective of the Horticultural Science program is to
allow students to complete the first half of a Bachelor of
Science in Sustainable Plant Systems, with a focus in
Agroecology, Horticulture, Plant Biosciences, or Turfgrass
Career opportunities
Graduates with a horticulture specialization will find
careers in design, sales, management, grounds
management, greenhouse production, vegetable
production or public gardens. The turfgrass science
specialization leads to careers in golf course
superintendents, athletic field managers, lawn care
specialists, or sod producers. The agroecology
specialization leads to careers in soil science, extension
specialists, and the plant biosciences specialization
concentrates on plant research, genetics, physiology and
The curriculum of the Horticultural Science program
consists of a combination of general and technical
courses. Selection of courses from a group of transferable
electives will allow students to individualize the
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*BIOLOGY 1113.01 Bio Sci: Energy Transfer & Dev.
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
HORTTEC 1201T Exploring Horticulture
Major courses
CRPSOIL 2301T Introduction to Soil Science Lab
HCS 2204 Ecology of Managed Plant Systems
HCS 2205 Ecology of Managed Plant Systems
The courses below will meet requirements for the
bachelor degree program in Sustainable Plant Systems in
these focused areas.
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Bio Sci: Form, Function, Diversity
and Ecology
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry
or 1210 General Chemistry I
HCS 2202 Form & Function in Cultivated Plants
Electives (from an approved list)
BIOTECH 2218T General and Applied Entomology
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry
or 1210 General Chemistry I
HCS 2202 Form & Function in Cultivated Plants
HORTTEC 2110T Plant Materials I
HORTTEC 2120T Plant Materials II
Electives (from an approved list)
Plant Biosciences:
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Bio Sci: Form, Function, Diversity
and Ecology
CHEM 1210 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1220 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2510 Organic Chemistry I
HCS 2202 Form & Function in Cultivated Plants
Electives (from an approved list)
Plant Pathology:
CHEM 1210 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1220 General Chemistry II
COMLDR 3537 Data Analysis in the Applied
HCS 2202 Form & Function in Cultivated Plants
or BIOLOGY Bio Sci: Form, Function, Diversity,
1114.01 and Ecology
HCS 3100 Introduction to Agronomy
MICRBIO 4000.01 Basic and Practical Microbiology
Turfgrass Science:
CHEM 1110 E
lementary Chemistry
or 1210 General Chemistry I
HCS 2202 Form and Function in Cultivated
HCS 2270 Historical Perspectives on Golf
Course Design and Management
HORTTEC 2230T Fundamentals of Turfgrass Science
and Management
Electives (from an approved list)
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Other degree options
Associate of Applied Science degrees are available in
Greenhouse and Nursery Management,
Horticulture, and Turfgrass Management.
Sustainable Agriculture
Students majoring in sustainable agriculture will take a
broad range of courses in the soil, crop, animal, and
environmental sciences, while also gaining an
understanding of key economic and business principles.
The objective of the Sustainable Agriculture program is to
allow students to complete a 2-year Associate of Science
degree that makes them competitive in the agricultural job
market. Upon completion of this degree, students may
also continue their studies in Columbus by transferring
into the Sustainable Agriculture Bachelor of Science
Career opportunities
Graduates typically find employment in a wide range of
crop, livestock, and dairy enterprises. Graduates may
also pursue careers as farm and natural resource
Sustainable Agriculture majors enroll in general education
and technical courses developed to enrich student’s
understanding of crops, soils, animals, and marketing in
the agricultural system.
General Education
*AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
*BIOLOGY 1113.01 Bio Sci: Energy Transfer & Dev.
*ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
*MATH 1148 College Algebra
or 1150 Precalculus
Literary, Visual and Performing Arts
Historical and Cultural Studies
Race, Ethnicity and Gender Diversity
* One possible course from approved GE list or major
requirement that has multiple options
Degree Requirements
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry
or 1210 General Chemistry 1
CRPSOIL 1201T Exploring Agronomy, Sustainable
Agriculture, and Crop Mgmt. and
Soil Conservation
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Major courses
BIOTECH 2218T General and Applied Entomology
BUSTEC 2241T Small Business Management
COMLDR 3537 Data Analysis in the Applied
CRPSOIL 2210T Sustainable Agriculture Methods
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science
CRPSOIL 2301T Introduction to Soil Science
ENR 3100 Introduction to Sustainable
HCS 2202 Form and Function of Cultivated
or 2204 and 2205 Ecology of Managed Plants
Systems and EMPS Lab
Electives (selected in consultation with advisor)
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Other degree options
An Associate of Applied Science degree is available in
Crop Management and Soil Conservation
. An Associate
of Science degree is available in Agricultural Systems
Management and Agronomy.
1 + 3 Programs
The 1 + 3 program at Ohio State ATI is designed to
capture students who are interested in Entomology and
the agricultural sciences, allowing them to complete the
first year of the Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in
Entomology. After one year, students campus change to
Columbus to complete the remainder of the program.
Career opportunities
Entomology majors are well prepared for careers in plant
health management, public health (including the armed
forces), research laboratories, greenhouse management,
university extension services, agrochemical industries,
environmental and crop consulting, environmental
education, zoo and wildlife management, natural resource
protection and conservation, and government agencies.
The entomology major couples a strong background in
the biological sciences with in-depth study of insect
biology and applied entomology. Students learn insect
physiology, behavior, ecology and taxonomy, as well as
beekeeping, veterinary and public health entomology,
sustainable agriculture, and integrated pest management
in agricultural, forest and urban environments.
Applied learning opportunities
Required student internships are customizable by student
interest. While some students use research experience
with entomology faculty as their internship, many students
secure hands-on experiences outside the university
through government agencies, non-profits, and private
business and consulting firms.
The following courses are offered on the Ohio State ATI
General Education
BIOLOGY 1113.01 Bio Sci: Energy Transfer and
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
GENED 1201 GE Launch Seminar
MATH 1150 Precalculus
Degree Requirements
BIOLOGY 1114.01 Bio Sci: Form, Function, Diversity,
and Ecology
ENTMLGY 1100 Dept. Survey
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
MATH 1151 Calculus I
Major supporting courses
CHEM 1210 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1220 General Chemistry II
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Professional Golf
The professional golf management (PGM) program is a
four-year curriculum for aspiring PGA professionals.
Students in the program are required to provide proof of
an 18-hole golf handicap of 10 or better. The objective of
the PGM program at Ohio State ATI is to allow students
to complete the first year of the Bachelor of Science
degree, majoring in Professional Golf Management. After
one year, students campus change to Columbus to
complete the remainder of the program.
Career opportunities
Career opportunities in professional golf management
(PGM) include positions such as director of golf, head golf
professional, assistant golf professional, teaching
professional, general manager, tournament director,
merchandising director, sales or technical representative,
and rules official.
The PGM curriculum emphasizes the knowledge and
skills necessary for success in the golf industry through
extensive classroom studies, internship experience, and
player development. In addition to business, finance,
marketing, turfgrass science and hospitality management
classes, the curriculum encompasses specialty classes in
swing analysis and swing concepts, tournament
operations, golf club repair, club fitting, retail
merchandising, golf course design, and coaching golf.
Applied learning opportunities
All professional golf management (PGM) majors are
required to complete five semesters of internship
experience locally, nationally or internationally. PGM staff
provides counseling and advice on choosing an
appropriate internship that will provide them with real
world experience in the golf industry while preparing them
for the PGA’s knowledge tests.
The following courses are offered on the Ohio State ATI
General Education
AEDECON 2001 Principles of Food and Resource
CHEM 1110 Elementary Chemistry
COMPSTD 2301 Introduction to World Literature
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
HISTORY 1152 American History since 1877
MATH 1130 College Algebra for Business
or 1148 College Algebra
MUSIC 2250 Music Cultures of the World
RURLSOC 1500 Introduction to Rural Sociology
Degree Requirements
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
HORTTEC 1201T Exploring Horticulture
Major courses
HCS 2250 Introduction to Professional Golf
HCS 3488.02 PGM Player Development
HCS 4191.02 PGM Internship
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Other degree options
Students interested in the management and maintenance
of golf facilities may be interested in the Associate of
Applied Science in Turfgrass Management
or the
Associate of Science in Horticultural Science.
Certificate Programs
Feed Mill Operations
The Certificate in Feed Mill Operations is designed to
provide a foundation in animal feed milling technology.
This certificate program will enable the student to acquire
an understanding of the function of a modern feed mill; to
learn procedures to assist in operating a feed mill; and to
apply academic skills to the challenges of operating a
manufacturing facility.
Career opportunities
According to The American Feed Industry Association,
there are more than 5,800 animal food manufacturing
facilities in the United States which provide more than
944,000 jobs. Students earning the Feed Mill Operations
certificate might pursue employment as a feed mill
technician, assistant manager, or operator.
ANIMSCI 2200.01 Introductory Animal Sciences
ANMLTEC 3131T Equine Feeding and Nutrition
or 3132T Ruminant Feeds and Feeding
or 3133T Practical Swine Feeding
or 3137T Dairy Cattle Feeding Mgmt.
ENGTECH 2061T Feed Mill Operations and Quality
ENGTECH 2062T Feed Technology, Formulation, and
ENGTECH 2189T Feed Mill Practicum
Recommended, but not required:
AGSYSMT 3330* Grain Handling, Drying, and
*Prereq: MATH 1130, 1131, 1148, 1149, 1150, or 1151
The CFAES Wooster campus has a state-of-the-art
feedstock processing research facility, or feed mill, which
provides the quality, nutritional value and precision mixing
of feeds needed to support internationally recognized
CFAES livestock and poultry research programs.
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Hydraulic Service and
The increasing complexity of equipment and a shortage of
qualified maintenance personnel have created an
immediate demand for skilled technicians with the ability
to maintain, repair and rebuild fluid power components.
This Certificate of Competency will prepare individuals
with the skills and knowledge to get started in the
industry. Students may choose to pursue the Associate of
Applied Science degree at a later time.
Career opportunities
Because rebuilding is often more cost effective and
quicker than buying new components, many large
industrial users and manufacturers seek individuals with
the skills to repair or rebuild pumps, valves, motors, and
Graduates can enter the work force as a system
assembler, component rebuilder, or test technician.
Employment opportunities also exist with firms that
specialize in the repair or rebuilding of hydraulic
components and industrial machinery.
Areas of study include hydraulic principles of operation,
component technology, fluid conveyance, hydraulic
component rebuilding, electrical and electronics, and
welding metal fabrication.
General Education
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
ENGTECH 1201.01T Exploring Engineering
ENGTECH 2322T Basic Electricity and Electronics
ENGLISH 1110.01 First-Year English Composition
or AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
Free Elective
Students must be eligible to enroll in GENMATH 1141T or
1145T to complete the certificate requirements. If not
eligible, students will need to successfully complete
remedial mathematics courses depending on math
placement level.
Technical Studies
ENGTECH 2214T Fundamentals of Fluid Power and
ENGTECH 2221T Component Rebuilding
ENGTECH 2224T Fluids, Filtration, and Fluid
ENGTECH 2240T Welding Technology
ENGTECH 2312T Engineering Technology
ENGTECH 2336T Methods of Power Transmission
BUSTEC elective (from approved list)
ENGTECH elective (from approved list)
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Turfgrass Equipment
The Turfgrass Equipment Manager Certificate of
Competency program is designed to prepare aspiring turf
care specialists with the applied technical skills needed in
the field. These skills include the maintenance,
adjustment, and repair of commercial turf equipment as
well as management of turf care facilities. This program
is one of a very few of its type in the country and is
attracting the attention of leaders in the turf equipment
and sports turf industries, where the demand for qualified
employees continues to expand.
Career opportunities
Graduates work with equipment dealers, wholesalers,
manufacturers, lawn care companies, landscape firms,
nurseries, golf courses, parks, and professional athletic
enterprises. Fulfillment of this certificate brings with it a
wide spectrum of employment opportunities such as
equipment service manager at a golf course, country club,
or park, OEM sales representative, or service technician
with a manufacturer, wholesaler, or dealer.
Areas of study include engine principles of operation,
diesel engine service and repair, power transmission,
hydraulics, electrical and electronics, welding/metal
fabrication, reel mower maintenance, and turfgrass
General Education
AGRCOMM 3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture
BUSTEC 1202T Software Applications
ENGTECH 2322T Basic Electricity and Electronics
GENBIOL 1250T General Botany with Applications
GENSTDS 1201.01T College Orientation
HORTTEC 1201T Exploring Horticulture
Students must be eligible to enroll in GENMATH 1141T or
1145T to complete the certificate requirements. If not
eligible, students will need to successfully complete
remedial mathematics courses depending on math
placement level.
Technical Studies
ENGTECH 2011T Small Engine Basics
ENGTECH 2214T Fundamentals of Fluid Power and
ENGTECH 2240T Welding Technology
ENGTECH 2312T Engineering Technology
ENGTECH 2336T Methods of Power Transmission
HORTTEC 2191.55T Turf Equipment Manager Internship
HORTTEC 2225T Turf Equipment Operation and
HORTTEC 2227T Turfgrass Reel Mower Maintenance
Course descriptions begin on page 37.
Course offerings are subject to change.
Course offerings
CFAES Wooster Ohio State ATI courses are scheduled according
to the published sequence for each offered major. Sequences can
be found at: Course
availability is guaranteed for students following the published major
sequence. Length of time to degree will likely be extended for
students entering with remedial course needs or those selecting
dual major enrollment. While remedial courses are not eligible for
application to degree requirements, they are used in calculation of
full-time status enrollment and are also included in GPA
calculation. We recommend remedial courses be taken the first
year of enrollment, to ensure future course enrollment is not
hindered. Students should work with their assigned advisor each
term to ensure courses are being schedule appropriately.
The following pages describe courses offered by the Agricultural
Technical Institute. The most current information regarding new
courses, changes to existing courses, credit hours, sections, days,
times, buildings, rooms, and instructors may be found in the
semester Master Schedule of Classes.
Explanation of a course listing
A 3140T Animal Anatomy and Physiology U 4
B An introductory study of the structure and functions of the
various organ systems of domestic animals.
C Au, Sp. 3 cl, 1 2-hr lab.
Prereq: GenBiol 1200T or Biology 1113. This course is
available for EM credit.
A Course number: 3140T
A dagger (†) denotes that the course will not be offered this year.
An asterisk (*) indicates that the course is offered every other year.
Course title: Animal Anatomy and Physiology
Instructional level: U—Undergraduate
Credit hours: 4
B Course description:
An introductory study of the structure and functions of the various
organ systems of domestic animals.
C Semesters of offering:
Su—Summer; AuAutumn; SpSpring
Classroom and laboratory hours: 3 cl, 1 2-hr lab
Course credit is earned through satisfactory completion of course
work which may involve classroom, laboratory, field trip attendance,
or internship participation.
Prerequisite(s): GenBiol 1200T or Biology 1113. The course
number(s) or other information indicates the preparation or
classification required to enroll in the course. If no department
name is listed, the number(s) refers to the specific course within the
same department.
Repeatability clause: Indicates the maximum number of hours a
course may be repeated for credit.
General information clause: Gives general information about the
Animal Sciences Technology
1201.01T Exploring Equine Careers and Industry U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
1201.02T Exploring Livestock Careers and Industry U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
1201.07T Exploring Dairy Careers and Industry U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
1201.08T Exploring Animal Bioscience Careers U 0.5
Provides an overview of the unique requirements of the Animal
Biosciences specialization, promotes student success in college,
and explores personal and career interests, needs, and goals.
Increase student awareness of necessary steps to present a
competitive application to professional and graduate schools.
Au. 1 cl.
2189.01T Horse Practicum U 1
Practical experience in supervised equine laboratories with
emphasis on developing and improving competencies related to
classroom objectives and horse industry standards.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation
requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr hrs.
2189.07T Practicum in Dairy Cattle Production U 1-2
Supervised practical experience in dairy cattle production at the
Ohio State ATI dairy farm with emphasis on developing and
improving dairy cattle production skills and competencies.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: Permission of instructor. A grade of C or
better required to meet graduation requirements.Repeatable to a
maximum of 4 cr hrs or 4 completions.
2190.01T Leadership in Equine Operations Management U 1
Practical, supervised leadership experience in equine facility
management with emphasis on herd and facility operations and
personnel supervision.
Au. Arr. Prereq: 2189.01T (289.04T) with a grade of C or above;
2201T (211T); Completion of tractor/mobile equipment safety
certification process. A grade of C or better required to meet
graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 2 cr hrs.
2193T Individual Studies U 1-3
Designed to give an individual student an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Au, Sp. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a
maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
2200.02T Introduction to Animal Sciences Laboratory U 1
Laboratory application of basic animal husbandry practices in the
various livestock and related industries.
Au, Sp. 1 2-hr lab. Prereq or concur: 2200T or AnimSci 2200.01.
This course is available for EM credit.
2201T Introduction to Horse Science U 3
Fundamental survey of the development of domestic horses and
breeds, terminology, behavior, uses, conformation, management
and safe horse handling.
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for
211T. This course is available for EM credit.
2202T Introduction to Beef and Small Ruminant Production
U 3
Overview of beef cattle, sheep, goat, and other small ruminant
species industries with regard to production and marketing; focus
on ruminant livestock needs and the opportunities involved in their
Au. 2 cl, 1 rec, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit
for 222.01T. This course is available for EM credit.
2510.02T Food Animal Resource Management I Beef U 1
Supervised practical experience in beef production and
management at the Grace Drake Learning Laboratory with
emphasis on developing and improving beef production and
management skills and competency.
Au, Sp. 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. A grade of C or better required to meet
graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr hrs.
2510.03T Food Animal Resource Management I Swine U 1
Supervised practical experience in swine production and
management at the Grace Drake Learning Laboratory with
emphasis on developing and improving swine production and
management skills and competency.
Au, Sp. 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. A grade of C or better required to meet
graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr hrs.
Course offerings are subject to change.
2510.04T Food Animal Resource Management I Small
Ruminants U 1
Supervised practical experience in small ruminant production and
management at the Grace Drake Learning Laboratory with
emphasis on developing and improving small ruminant production
and management skills and competency.
Au, Sp. 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. A grade of C or better required to meet
graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr hrs.
2582.02T Food Animal Resource Management II Beef U 1
Supervised practical experience in beef production and
management at the Grace Drake Learning Laboratory with
emphasis on developing and improving leadership characteristics,
beef production and management skills and competency.
Au, Sp. 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2510.02T. A grade of C or better
required to meet graduation requirements. Repeatable to a
maximum of 4 cr hrs.
2582.03T Food Animal Resource Management II Swine U 1
Supervised practical experience in swine production and
management at the Grace Drake Learning Laboratory with
emphasis on developing and improving leadership characteristics,
swine production and management skills and competency.
Au, Sp. 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2510.03T. A grade of C or better
required to meet graduation requirements. Repeatable to a
maximum of 4 cr hrs.
2582.04T Food Animal Resource Management II Small
Ruminants U 1
Supervised practical experience in small ruminant production and
management at the Grace Drake Learning Laboratory with
emphasis on developing and improving leadership characteristics,
small ruminant production and management skills and competency.
Au, Sp. 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2510.04T. A grade of C or better
required to meet graduation requirements. Repeatable to a
maximum of 4 cr hrs.
2603T Swine Production and Management I U 3
A study of the basic principles of production and management for
contemporary commercial swine production enterprises. 1 to 3 day
field trips, including weekends, may be required. Students will pay
costs associated with field trips (lodging, transportation, meals, etc.)
above Ohio State tuition and fees.
Au. 2 cl, 1 rec, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit
for 222.02T. This course is available for EM credit.
*2707T Dairy Cattle Presentation U 1
Principles and skills practiced in fitting, presenting, and
merchandising dairy cattle. Field trips, including weekends, may be
required. Students will pay costs associated with field trips (lodging,
transportation, meals, etc.) above Ohio State tuition and fees.
Sp of even-numbered years. 3-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students
with credit for 206T. This course is available for EM credit.
2787T Applied Dairy Herd Practices and Management U 1
Experience in applying, directing, and evaluating dairy herd
management procedures and practices at the Ohio State ATI dairy
Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: Soph standing; permission of instructor;
completion of the Equipment Training and Certification process and
a driver background check required. A grade of C or better
required to meet graduation requirements. Repeatable to a
maximum of 3 cr hrs.
2797T Dairy Industry Seminar and Experience U 1
Current trends, issues, technology, and developments in the dairy
industry; emphasis on developing lifelong learning skills through
evaluation of science/trade journals, participation in professional
meetings, and visits to innovative businesses. 1 to 3 day field trips,
including weekends, may be required. Students pay field trip costs
of lodging, meals, etc. above Ohio State tuition and fees.
Sp. Arr. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Prereq or concur: English
1110.01 or 1110.03. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs or 3
completions. This course is graded S/U.
2800T Basic Horsemanship U 2
Study of equine behavior, applied safe horse handling techniques,
and an introduction into basic training and handling methodologies.
Au. 2 2-hr labs. Prereq or concur: 2201T. Not open to students
with credit for 2801T or 2811T.
2801T Horsemanship and Equitation U 3
Intermediate course in equitation with emphasis on continued
development of balanced seat riding skills that incorporate natural
horsemanship concepts into mounted work. Students should have
riding proficiency at walk, trot, and canter.
Au. 1 cl, 2 rec, 2 2-hr labs. Prereq: Permission of instructor.
Concur: 2189.01T or 2190.01T. Not open to students with credit for
213T. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs. This course is
available for EM credit.
2811T Schooling and Training the Riding Horse U 3
Applied techniques of schooling and training riding horses with
emphasis on producing supple, willing and knowledgeable mounts.
Au. 2 cl. 3 1-hr labs. Prereq: 2201T (211T), 2801T (267T),
permission of instructor. Concur: 2189.01T or 2190.01T. Not open
to students with credit for 268.01T.
3101.01T Equine Marketing U 1
Students will gain experience in sale prepping horses and develop
an understanding of equine sales industry practices. Students will
develop promotional materials including ads and videos.
AU. 2 2-hr labs. Prereq: 2201T and 2189.01T.
3101.02T Equine Facility Management U 3
This course explores equine facility design, management, and
business planning. Students will locate and use resources to
develop a business plan and manage an event. The event is
typically on a Saturday.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2201T and 2189.01T. This course is
available for EM credit.
3131T Equine Feeding and Nutrition U 3
A study of the nutritional needs of equids and of the principles and
practices involved in providing balanced rations to different
nutritional classes of equids.
Au. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2201T or AnimSci 2200.01; GenMath
1040T or Math 1075 or Math placement level R or higher. This
course is available for EM credit.
3132T Ruminant Feeds and Feeding U 3
Principles of beef cattle and small ruminant nutrient requirements
and feeding management with emphasis on the critical evaluation
and formulation of rations in current management situations.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2202T or AnimSci 2200.01; GenMath
1040T or Math 1075 or Math placement level R or higher. This
course is available for EM credit.
3133T Practical Swine Feeding U 3
A study of the basic nutritional requirements and feeding
management of swine, with an emphasis on evaluation and
formulation of common feedstuffs and ration balancing.
Au. 3 cl. Prereq: 2603T or AnimSci 2200.01; GenMath 1040T or
Math 1075 or Math placement level R or higher. This course is
available for EM credit.
3137T Dairy Cattle Feeding Management U 3
Principles of dairy cattle feeding management with emphasis on the
critical evaluation and formulation of rations in current management
Sp. 2 cl, 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: GenMath 1040T or Math 1075 or
Math placement level R or higher. This course is available for EM
3140T Animal Anatomy and Physiology U 4
This subject will introduce the principles of animal body structure
(anatomy) and function (physiology) as relevant for students of
animal sciences and technology. This includes an introduction to
anatomical nomenclature, cells and tissues and body systems.
Au, Sp. 3 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq or concur: GenBiol 1200T or Biology
1113 or 1114; or permission of instructor. This course is available
for EM credit.
3150T Livestock Genetic Improvement U 3
Principles of inheritance and the genetic improvement of livestock
through cellular, qualitative, and population genetics; emphasizing
breeding values, selection, and mating systems.
Sp. 3 cl, 2 rec. Prereq: GenBiol 1200T or Biology 1113; GenMath
1040T or Math 1050 or Math placement level R or higher. This
course is available for EM credit.
Course offerings are subject to change.
3151T Horse Breeding and Selection U 3
Principles of equine breeding management with emphasis on
applied equine reproductive physiology, breeding methods,
breeding stock management and basic genetics and selection.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2201T (211T). Recommended prereq:
3140T (221T) or GenBiol 1200T (120T). Not open to students with
credit for 266T. This course is available for EM credit.
3157T Dairy Cattle Genetic Improvement U 3
Principles of inheritance and the genetic improvement of dairy
cattle through cellular, qualitative, and population genetics;
emphasizing breeding values, selection, and mating systems.
Sp. 3 cl, 2 rec. Prereq: GenBiol 1200T, or Biology 1101, or 1113;
Math 1050, or GenMath 1141T, or GenMath 1145T, or Math
placement level S or higher. This course is available for EM credit.
3161T Applied Equine Reproductive Management U 2
Advanced course in equine reproductive management with
emphasis on understanding and improving equine infertility;
applications of current research; and development of technical
Sp. 1 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2201T (211T). Prereq or concur: 3151T
(266T). Concur: 2189.01T or 2190.01T. Not open to students with
credit for 269T.
3167T Dairy Cattle Milking and Reproductive Management U 4
A study of recommended dairy cattle milking and reproductive
management practices, based on the anatomy and physiology of
the systems.
Au. 3 cl, 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit
for 201T and 203T. This course is available for EM credit.
3170T Principles of Livestock Health U 3
A basic introduction to the relationship between animal health and
performance. Topics include: immunology, sanitation, disease
etiology, and disease prevention, symptoms, and treatment.
Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: 2202T or 2603T or AnimSci 2200.01. This course
is available for EM credit.
3171T Horse Health and Disease U 3
Study of equine disease, lameness and emergency first aid with
emphasis on preventative health care and the manager's role with
the veterinary professional.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2201T or AnimSci 2200.01. This
course is available for EM credit.
3177T Dairy Cattle Health Management U 4
A study of immunology and dairy cattle health management,
including disease prevention, identification, and treatment of
common diseases influencing the performance of dairy cattle.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for
201T, 203T, and 252T. This course is available for EM credit.
3191.01T Equine Industry Internship Experience U 1-3
Employment in the equine industry structured to provide varied
occupational experiences: supervised by an industry employer and
coordinated by faculty; comprehensive report required.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 2189.01T (289.04T), 2201T (211T), CPHR
2.0 or above, Soph standing, and permission of instructor. Not open
to students with credit for 290.04T. A grade of C or better required
to meet graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr
hrs or 3 completions.
3191.02T Beef Industry Internship U 2-3
Employment in the beef industry structured to provide varied
occupational experiences; supervised by an industry employer and
coordinated by faculty; comprehensive report required.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 2202T, 2510.02T; CPHR 2.0 or above;
permission of instructor. A grade of C or better is required to meet
graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 2
3191.03T Swine Industry Internship U 2-3
Employment in swine industry structured to provide varied
occupational experiences; supervised by an industry employer and
coordinated by faculty; written comprehensive report required.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 2603T, 2510.03T; CPHR 2.0 or above;
permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for
290.02T. A grade of C or better is required to meet graduation
requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 3
3191.04T Small Ruminant Industry Internship U 2-3
Employment in a small ruminant industry structured to provide
varied occupational experiences; supervised by an industry
employer and coordinated by faculty; comprehensive report
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 2202T, 2510.04T; CPHR 2.0 or above;
permission of instructor. A grade of C or better required to meet
graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 2
3191.07T Dairy Industry Internship U 2-3
Employment in the dairy industry structured to provide varied
occupational experiences; supervised by an industry employer and
coordinated by faculty; comprehensive report required.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 3167T (201T and 203T), 3207T (202T),
3177T (252T); CPHR 2.0 or above; permission of instructor. A
grade of C or better is required to meet graduation requirements.
Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 3 completions.
3200T Livestock Selection and Evaluation U 2
Principles of live animal selection and carcass evaluation of
Au. 2 rec, 2 2-hr labs. Prereq: 2202T or 2603T or 3140T or
AnimSci 2200.01.
3201T Horse Judging and Evaluation U 2
Comparative evaluation of horse conformation by breed,
assessment of performance in a variety of performance disciplines;
development of tools for assessing and placing show horse
Sp. 1 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for
212T. This course is available for EM credit.
3207T Dairy Cattle Evaluation and Herd Records U 2
Comparative evaluation of dairy cattle conformation and
introduction to herd performance records; emphasis on breed
characteristics, functional type, lifetime profitability, and record data
collection, analysis, and use.
Au. 2 3-hr labs. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 201T
and 202T. This course is available for EM credit.
3402T Beef Production and Management U 4
The application of science and basic principles of nutrition,
genetics, physiology, and marketing to the production and
management of beef cattle in breeding and feeding production
programs. 1 to 3 day field trips, including weekends, may be
required. Students will pay costs associated with field trips (lodging,
transportation, meals, etc.) above Ohio State tuition and fees.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2202T and 2510.02T. Recommended
prereq: 2582.02T, 3130T, 3132T, 3140T, 3150T, and 3170T.
3403T Swine Production and Management II U 4
An advanced study of the principles of managing a commercial
swine enterprise. Coordination of production programs, evaluating
economic performance, and a survey of contemporary swine
housing and equipment options. 1 to 3 day field trips, including
weekends, may be required. Students will pay costs associated
with field trips (lodging, transportation, meals, etc.) above Ohio
State tuition & fees.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2603T, 3140T, 3170T. Prereq or
concur: 3133T, 3150T. Not open to students with credit for 2613T.
This course is available for EM credit.
3404T Small Ruminant Production and Management U 4
The application of science and basic principles of nutrition,
genetics, physiology, and marketing to the production and
management of sheep, goats, and other small ruminants. 1 to 3
day field trips, including weekends, may be required. Students will
pay costs associated with field trips (lodging, transportation, meals,
etc.) above Ohio State tuition and fees.
Sp. 3 cl. 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2202T and 2510.04T. Recommended
prereq: 2582.04T, 3130T, 3132T, 3140T, 3150T, 3170T.
3407T Dairy Cattle Facilities, Environment, & Equipment U 3
Design and management of dairy cattle facilities, environment, and
associated equipment; emphasizing milking equipment and parlors,
animal housing, environmental control, waste management, feeding
systems, and utilities. 1 to 3 day field trips, including weekends,
may be required. Students pay costs associated with field trips
(lodging, transportation, meals, etc.) above Ohio State tuition &
Au. 2 cl, 2 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: GenMath 1040T or Math 1050 or
Math placement level R or higher. Prereq or concur: 3167T. This
course is available for EM credit.
Course offerings are subject to change.
3800T Principles of Farm Business Management U 4
A study of economic and management principles involved in
planning, organizing, operating, and administering a farm business;
emphasis placed on developing a business plan and problem
Sp. 3 cl, 1 rec, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: AEDEcon 2105 (BusTec 101T or
102T). Prereq or concur: BusTec 1151T (151T) or AEDEcon 2001
(200). Not open to students with credit for BusTec 240T. This
course is available for EM credit. Cross-listed in CrpSoil.
3887T Integrated Dairy Farm Business Management U 4
A study of dairy farm business management combining business,
financial, and animal management principles, practices, and
strategies; emphasis placed on developing a business plan and
problem solving.
Prereq: AEDEcon 2001 or BusTec 1151T; Soph standing; minimum
of 10 cr hrs in AnmlTec. This course is available for EM credit.
Biotechnology (BIOTECH)
1201T Exploring Biochemical Sciences and Biotechnology U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
2194T Group Studies U 3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
2218T General and Applied Entomology U 3
Classification, identification, life cycles, external/internal structures,
and functions of insects; common insect pests and their damage;
methods of control and their applications.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for
218T or LabBioSc 218T. This course is available for EM credit.
Course fee: $50
Business Technology (BUSTEC)
1151T General Economics U 3
Study of macro and micro-economic principles applicable to
business, agricultural and personal financial decision making.
Prereq or concur: GenMath 1040T or Math 1050 or Math placement
level R or higher. Not open to students with credit for AEDEcon
2001. This course is available for EM credit.
1201T Exploring Business U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
1202T Software Applications U 1
An overview of basic computer skills and study of the features and
capabilities of presentations, word processing, spreadsheet and
database software as decision management aids.
Au, Sp. 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for
202T. This course is available for EM credit.
2191T Business Internship U 3
Experience of employment in a business to provide varied
occupational experience, supervised by an employer, and
coordinated by faculty.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: GPA 2.00 or above, and permission of
instructor. Not open to students with credit for 290.02T or 290.03T.
A grade of C or better required to meet graduation requirements.
Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.
2193T Individual Studies U 1-3
Designed to give an individual student an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Au, Sp. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a
maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
2207T Problem Solving with Spreadsheets & Databases U 2
A problem-solving approach to managing typical business
scenarios utilizing spreadsheets and databases.
Prereq: 1202T (202T). Not open to students with credit for 204T
and 205T. This course is available for EM credit.
2231T Fundamentals of Marketing U 3
A survey of the field of marketing including functions, policies,
problems, structure, strategies, and opportunities.
Sp. 3 cl. Prereq or concur: AEDEcon 2001. This course is available
for EM credit.
2232T Personal Selling U 3
A study of the basic principles and concepts of personal selling with
emphasis on practical application and personal interaction.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 232T. This
course is available for EM credit.
2240T Introduction to Project Management U 3
An introduction to project management concepts and techniques
focusing on how to initiate, plan, manage, control, and close a
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr. lab. This course is available for EM credit.
2241T Small Business Management U 3
A general study of the field of small business focusing on policies,
strategies, organization, operation, and problems associated with
the operation of an entrepreneurial enterprise.
Au, Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr. lab. Prereq: AEDEcon 2001. Recommended
prereq: AEDEcon 2105. This course is available for EM credit.
2244T Human Resource Management and Leadership U 3
A study of human resource, supervisory, and leadership principles
and practices that focus on recruitment, training, evaluating, and
compensating employees for improved productivity.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. This course is available for EM credit.
2247T Business Law U 3
A study of legal principles, contracts, negotiable instruments,
leases, sales, product liability, and consumer protection.
Au. 3 cl. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 247T. This
course is available for EM credit.
2249T Fundamentals of Business Finance U 3
A study of basic finance principles, such as financial institutions,
time value of money, financial analysis, risk and return, budgeting,
and investments.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: AEDEcon 2001 and 2105. This course
is available for EM credit.
2250T Fundamentals of International Business U 3
An overview of international business including the environment,
strategies, issues, decisions, and challenges that global businesses
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr rec. Prereq: 1151T or AEDEcon 2001. This course
is available for EM credit.
Crop and Soil Technology (CRPSOIL)
1201T Exploring Agronomy, Sustainable Agriculture, and Crop
Management and Soil Conservation U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
2189T Practicum in Crop and Soil Technologies U 1
Supervised experiences in field, laboratory, and/or industry work.
Au. Arr. A grade of C or higher required to meet graduation
requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs.
Course offerings are subject to change.
2191T Crop and Soil Internship U 3
Supervised employed work experience on a crop production farm
or related industries.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: Soph standing, and CPHR 2.0 or above,
and permission of instructor. A grade of C or better is required to
meet graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr
2193T Individual Studies U 1-3
Designed to give an individual student an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Au, Sp. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a
maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
2210T Sustainable Agriculture Methods U 1
This course will give students experience with the practical on-farm
skills, management practices and entrepreneurship expertise
needed in various sustainable agriculture enterprises. Students will
work as a team to select, plan and execute a hands-on or field-
based project that intergrates the environment, social and
economic aspects of sustainable agriculture.
Au. 1 3-hr lab. Prereq or concur: 2200T. Repeatable to a maximum
of 2 cr hrs. This course is available for EM credit.
2228T Manure Management U 3
A study of the biological, chemical, and physical components of
animal manures; methods for safe handling and storage; and land
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. This course is available for EM credit.
2265T Integrated Pest Management U 2
A review and application of sustainable methods for controlling
disease, insect, and weed pests in crops.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq or concur: 2411T (260T). Not open to
students with credit for 265T. This course is available for EM credit.
2280 T Applied Precision Agriculture U 3
An introduction to precision agriculture technologies including auto-
guidance, prescription mapping, variable rate technologies, and
remote sensing with a focus on practical application of the
technologies in modern production systems.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 2-hr lab, 1 3-hr lab.
2300T Introduction to Soil Science U 3
An introduction to soil physical, chemical, and biological properties
related to plant systems, environmental quality, and construction.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 221T. This
course is available for EM credit.
2301T Introduction to Soil Science Laboratory U 1
Laboratory analysis of soil physical, chemical, and biological
properties related to plant systems, environmental quality, and
Au, Sp. 1 3-hr lab. Prereq or concur: 2300T. Not open to students
with credit for 221T. This course is available for EM credit.
2324T Soil Management U 3
A study of sustainable-use of soil resources related to soil
formation, mechanics, and erosion control.
Prereq: 2300T and 2301T. This course is available for EM credit.
2412T Technology and Field Management of Forage Crops U 3
An applied study of the crop species, field management practices
and agricultural technologies used to grow grasses, legumes, and
forbs for forage and livestock production systems.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. This course is available for EM credit.
2422T Weed Control Technology U 3
An introduction to the application of technologies used to control
weeds in field cropping systems, including bioloigcal, chemical, and
mechanical methods.
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. This course is available for EM credit.
2580T Soil Fertility and Fertilizers U 3
A study of plant nutrient cycles, fertilizer recommendations,
application of ag-lime, fertilizers, animal manure, and municipal
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2300T and 2301T. This course is
available for EM credit.
3800T Principles of Farm Business Management U 4
A study of economic and management principles involved in
planning, organizing, operating, and administering a farm business;
emphasis placed on developing a business plan and problem
Sp. 3 cl, 1 rec, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: AEDEcon 2105 (BusTec 101T or
102T). Prereq or concur: BusTec 1151T (151T) or AEDEcon 2001
(200). Not open to students with credit for BusTec 240T. This
course is available for EM credit. Cross-listed in AnmlTec.
Engineering Technology (ENGTECH)
1201.01T Exploring Engineering Technologies U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.2411t
1201.02T Exploring Construction Careers and Industry U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
1201.03T Exploring Agricultural Systems Management U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
2011T Small Engine Basics U 4
A study of the theory of operation, service and maintenance and
repair of small off-road gasoline and diesel engines.
Sp. 2 cl, 2 2-hr labs. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for
240T and 247T. This course is available for EM credit.
2015T Agricultural Equipment Operation and Maintenance U 2
A study of tractors and other agricultural equipment with emphasis
on operation, maintenance and adjustment for safe, efficient
Au. 1 cl, 2 rec, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit
for 215.01T or 215.02T. This course is available for EM credit.
2016T Tillage, Planting, Harvesting, and Storage Equipment
U 3
Principles and applications of safely operating, adjusting, and
maintaining agricultural equipment and storing crops.
Au. 1 2-hr rec, 3 2-hr labs. Recommended prereq: Completion of
tractor/mobile equipment safety certification process. This course is
available for EM credit.
2040T Soil and Water Conservation Systems U 4
Introduction to erosion control, irrigation, drainage, and wetland
systems with an emphasis on land surveying and mapping, system
selection, and design.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: CrpSoil 2300T and CrpSoil 2301T
(221T). Not open to students with credit for 224T. This course is
available for EM credit.
2050T Introduction to Geographic Information Systems U 3
A study of spatial relationships using global positioning and
geographic information systems in urban and rural landscapes.
Prereq: GenMath 1040T or Math 1050 or Math placement level R
or higher. This course is available for EM credit.
2061T Feed Mill Operations and Quality Assurance U 3
Principles of feed manufacturing, equipment operation, feed and
ingredient quality assurance and regulatory compliance in a
modern feed milling operation.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab.
2062T Feed Technology, Formulation, and Safety U 3
Technical knowledge in feed manufacturing operations, feed
regulations, and materials handling and storage; emphasis on how
feed processing affects animal nutrition and performance.
Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: 2061T.
Course offerings are subject to change.
2092T Problem Solving: Career and Society Applications U 2
A multi-discipline, problem-solving course with emphasis on the
application of problem solving and related topics in career and
society settings.
Prereq: Soph standing. Not open to students with credit for 292T.
This course is available for EM credit.
2110T Construction Drawings & Basic Estimating U 1
Reading and interpretation of various types of construction
drawings, as well as an introduction to material quantity
calculations and estimate development.
Au. 1 rec, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: GenMath 1030T or Math placement
level S or higher. This course is available for EM credit.
2120T Building Science: Methods & Materials U 4
A study of materials science and installation methods used in
residential and commercial construction. Emphasizes structural and
architectural systems, moisture managed designs, air sealing, and
thermal design for energy efficient structures.
Au. 2 1½ -hr cl, 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq or concur: English
1110.01; GenMath 1145T or Math 1148 or higher. This course is
available for EM credit.
2121T Drafting & Computer-Aided Design U 2
Principles and applications of technical drawing utilizing proper
drafting techniques for creating two dimensional, scaled drawings
both by hand and by using current computer-aided design software.
Basic computer skills required.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Recommended prereq: Previous experience
with mechanical drawing, engineering graphics, drafting, or
equivalent. This course is available for EM credit.
2160T Estimating and Scheduling U 2
Estimating complete projects and developing project schedules for
standard construction projects in the residential or commercial
sectors of the industry.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 rec, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2110T, 2120T, 2440T, and Soph
standing. This course is available for EM credit.
2170T Construction Project Management U 2
Principles and practices of construction project and construction
business management.
Sp. 2 2-hr lab. Prereq or concur: 2160T, and Soph standing. This
course is available for EM credit.
2189T Feed Mill Practicum U 1
Supervised practical experience in the operation of a feed mill, such
as the Feedstock Processing Research Facility. Emphasis on
developing competencies related to employability and problem
Sp. Arr. Prereq: 2061T or 2062T.
2191.01T Construction Management Internship U 2-3
Construction Management occupational internship, structured to
provide occupational experiences; supervised by an industry
employer and coordinated by faculty.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 2110T and 2120T (253T, 256T, and
257T), and 2600T, and CPHR 2.0 or above, and permission of
instructor. A grade of C or better is required to meet graduation
requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 2
2191.02T Hydraulic Power and Motion Control Internship U 3
Employment in fluid power industries; structured to provide varied
occupational experiences; supervised by an industry employer and
coordinated by faculty.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 2224T (274T), 2226T (271T), and 2322T
(202T); CPHR 2.0 or above; permission of instructor. A grade of C
or better is required to meet graduation requirements. Repeatable
to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.
2191.03T Power Equipment Internship U 3
Employment in power equipment industries; structured to provide
varied occupational experiences; supervised by an industry
employer and coordinated by faculty.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 2314T (241T), 2322T (202T), and 2324T
(245T), and CPHR 2.0 or above, and permission of instructor. A
grade of C or better is required to meet graduation requirements.
Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.
2191.04T Agricultural Systems Technology Internship U 2
Agricultural Systems Technology occupational internship structured
to provide occupational experiences; supervised by an industry
employer and coordinated by faculty..
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: CPHR 2.0 or above, and permission of
instructor. A grade of C or better is required to meet graduation
requirements Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr hrs.
2193T Individual Studies U 1-3
Designed to give an individual student an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Au, Sp. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a
maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded S/U.
2214T Fundamentals of Fluid Power and Components U 4
An introduction to the fluid power industry and the principles of fluid
power system operation. Characteristics of operation and
performance are investigated for pumps, motors, and valves.
Au. 3 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: GenMath 1030T or Math placement
level S or higher. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation
requirements for Hydraulic Power and Motion Control. This course
is available for EM credit.
2221T Component Rebuilding U 2
Supervised laboratory experience with emphasis on developing and
improving hydraulic component service competencies related to
classroom and career activities.
Sp. 2 2-hr labs. Prereq: 2214T (262T or 270T). Prereq or concur:
2224T (274T) and 2336T (273T). Not open to students with credit
for 289.03T.
2224T Fluids, Filtration, and Fluid Conveyance U 2
Characteristics of hydraulic fluids; methods of filtering oils and of
conveying pressurized fluids.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2214T (262T or 270T). Not open to
students with credit for 274T. This course is available for EM credit.
2226T Components and Hydraulic Circuits U 2
A study of advanced hydraulic component topics and of how fluid
power components are integrated into a complete system, including
performance characteristics and energy efficiency.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2214T. Prereq or concur: GenMath
1145T. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation
requirements for Hydraulic Power and Motion Control. This course
is available for EM credit.
2234T Basic Pneumatic Systems U 2
Principles, operation, maintenance, service, and application of
pneumatic components and systems used for control and
automation on industrial equipment.
Au. 1 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq or concur: GenMath 1145T. This course
is available for EM credit.
2238T Electrohydraulics and System Design U 3
A study of the interface and design applications of electricity and
electronics with fluid power components integrated into a complete
system, including performance characteristics and energy
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2226T (272T). Not open to students
with credit for 278T. A grade of C or better required to meet
graduation requirements for Hydraulic Power and Motion Control.
This course is available for EM credit.
2240T Welding Technology U 3
A study of basic welding including materials, equipment, and
Au, Sp. 1 cl, 2 2-hr labs. Prereq: Not open to students with credit
for 250T. This course is available for EM credit.
2242T Metals and Metal Manufacturing U 2
Introduction to metals and metal manufacturing; including materials,
equipment, processes, and products.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: GenMath 1040T or Math 1050 or Math
placement level R or higher. This course is available for EM credit.
Course offerings are subject to change.
2248T Instrumentation and Control Systems U 4
Techniques and equipment used for instrumentation of fluid power
systems for the purposes of data acquisition and control.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2238T (278T). Not open to students
with credit for 279T. This course is available for EM credit.
2310T Building Science: Electrical and Lighting Systems U 3
Principles, equipment, and applications of building electrical and
lighting systems with emphasis on energy and resource
conservation and sustainability.
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: TecPhys 1150T. Not open to students
with credit for 2150T.
2312T Engineering Technology Fundamentals U 3
An introduction to basic scientific and engineering concepts
commonly encountered by engineering technicians emphasizing
calculations, measurements, and instrumentation.
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. This course is available for EM credit.
2314T Introduction to Power Equipment U 3
An introduction to the off-road machinery industries, their past and
future, and the application of engineering principles to the
associated equipment.
Au. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: GenMath 1030T or Math placement
level S or higher. This course is available for EM credit.
2322T Basic Electricity and Electronics U 3
Principles of AC and DC electricity and electronics with emphasis
on components, operations, and applications.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: GenMath 1040T or Math 1050 or Math
placement level R of higher. This course is available for EM credit.
2324T Engine Diagnosis and Repair U 3
An advanced study of multiple cylinder diesel engine diagnostic
techniques including repair and rebuilding procedures.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 rec, 2 2-hr labs. Prereq: 2011T (240T) or 2314T (241T).
Not open to students with credit for 245T. A grade of C or better
required to meet graduation requirements for Power Equipment.
This course is available for EM credit.
2325T Analog and Digital Electronics U 3
An introduction to analog and digital electronics with emphasis on
industry applications.
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2322T (202T). Not open to students
with credit for 203T. A grade of C or better required to meet
graduation requirements for Hydraulic Power and Motion Control.
This course is available for EM credit.
2331T Distributor Management U 2
Organization and operation of distributor marketing of mobile
equipment and fluid power components and systems; emphasis on
service and parts distribution.
Sp. 2 cl. Prereq or concur: BusTec 1151T or AedEcon 2001. This
course is available for EM credit.
2332T Mobile Heating and Air Conditioning U 1
Principles, operation, maintenance, service, and repair of mobile
heating and air conditioning components and systems.
Au. 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: GenMath 1030T or Math placement level S
or higher. This course is available for EM credit.
2334T Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Systems U 2
A study of electrical and electronic systems utilized in off-road
Au. 1 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2322T. A grade of C or better required
to meet graduation requirements for Power Equipment. This course
is available for EM credit.
2336T Methods of Power Transmission U 2
Comparison and evaluation of power transmission by mechanical,
electrical, and fluidic means.
Au. 1 cl, 1 2-hr lab. This course is available for EM credit.
2338T Diesel Engine Systems U 3
A study of the principles, operation, and service of diesel engine
systems with emphasis on fuel systems and engine controls.
Au. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2324T. Prereq or concur: 2334T and
TecPhys 1150T. This course is available for EM credit.
2345T Building Science: Mechanical Systems U 3
Principles, equipment, and applications of building mechanical
systems with emphasis on energy and resource conservation and
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: TecPhys 1150T. Not open to students
with credit for 2150T. This course is available for EM credit.
2348T Performance of Mobile Power Units U 2
A study of operator comfort and safety, ballast, traction, stability,
hitching, engine power ratings, fuel efficiency and other factors
affecting the performance and application of mobile power units.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2336T (273T), 2338T (248T), TecPhys
1150T (102T); Completion of tractor/mobile equipment safety
certification process. Not open to students with credit for 249T. A
grade of C or better required to meet graduation requirements for
Power Equipment. This course is available for EM credit.
2440T Site Development and Surveying U 4
Principles of hydrology, soil mechanics, and surveying as applied to
residential and commercial construction.
Sp. 2 1½-hr cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq or concur: 2110T or HortTec
2320T (235T); GenMath 1145T (145T) or Math Placement Level L,
M, or N. Not open to students with credit for 253T. This course is
available for EM credit.
2600T Construction Safety & Health U 2
Health and construction safety awareness; focusing on OSHA 30-
hour training and certification, OSHA mandated recordkeeping, and
corporate health plan development.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: English 1110.01.
Environmental Sciences
1201T Exploring Environmental Sciences U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
General Studies (GENSTDS)
1201.01T College Orientation U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au, Sp. 1 cl.
1201.02T College Orientation for Transfer Students U 0.5
Introduction to the advanced steps and opportunities for success in
a life-long journey of becoming an educated person as you
integrate into the Univrsity and ATI communities.
1 cl.
3191T Conducting Your Internship in the College of Food,
Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences OSU ATI U 0
Ohio State ATI strives to provide opportunities for students to
develop the critical competencies and technical knowledge and
skills that employers demand in the job market and that are
mecesssary for student success in their chose field. This class
provides students the structure to complete the initial requirements
of their internship experience. Advisor approval required.
Su. Arr. Prereq: Permssion of instructor. This course is graded S/U.
General Studies: Biology (GENBIOL)
1200T General Biology U 4
A basic course intended to provide a biological foundation, with
supporting chemistry concepts, emphasizing principles and
applications of biology.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 120T or Biology 1113
(113). This course is available for EM credit. Course fee: $50
1250T General Botany with Applications U 4
Introduction to the fundamental structures and processes of plants,
including plant anatomy, physiology, morphology, reproduction, and
Au. 3 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for
125T or HCS 300 or PlntBio 300. This course is available for EM
credit. Course fee: $50
Course offerings are subject to change.
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
General Studies: Chemistry
1100T Introduction to General Chemistry U 3
Develops the basic concepts of atomic structure, bonding theory,
molecular structure, chemical reactions, solutions, equilibrium, and
acid-base chemistry.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: GenMath 1040T or Math 1050 or Math
placement level R of higher. Not open to students with credit for
Chem 1110 or 1210. This course is available for EM credit.
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
General Studies:
Communication Skills
1201T Exploring Agricultural Communication, Education and
Leadership U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
2115T Technical and Business Writing U 3
Principles of technical and business communication in the global
setting with emphasis on practical applications for professional and
business environments involving correct usage and documentation
in writing, reading, speaking and listening.
Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: English 1110.01 or 1110.03. Not open to
students with credit for AgrComm 2367. This course is available for
EM credit.
2189.01T Agricultural Communication Practicum U 1-2
Practicum is an experiential learning class that allows students to
gain practical agricultural communication experience in a
supervised environment. Emphasis is placed on developing
technical communication skills in preparation for careers in the
agricultural communication industry.
Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: AgrComm 2531. Repeatable to a maximum of
3 cr hrs or 2 completions. A grade of C or higher required to meet
graduation requirements.
2189.02T Community Leadership Practicum U 1
Practicum is an experiential learning class that allows students to
gain practical community leadership experience in a supervised
environment. Emphasis is placed on developing technical
communication skills in preparation for careers in the community
leadership industry.
Sp. Prereq or concur: Comldr 2530. A grade of C or better is
required to meet degree requirements.
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
General Studies: Humanities
1190.02T Humanities as a Window on Cultural Pluralism:
Global Arts U 3
An introduction to specific visual arts and cultural contexts of four
societies: Japan, Ghana, France, USA.
Au. 3 cl. This course is available for EM credit.
2193T Individual Studies U 1-3
Designed to give an individual student an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Au, Sp. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a
maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
General Studies: Mathematics
1141T Business Mathematics U 3
The mathematics of business and finance: ratios, proportions,
decimals, percents, markup and discounts, the income statement,
simple interest, compound interest, annuities, amortization and
sinking funds.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: Math 1050, or Math Placement Level S or
higher, or Concur: GenMath 1193T. This course is available for EM
1145T Technical Mathematics U 3
A study of technical applications and computational methods
involving variation, systems of equations, quadratic equations,
graphical solutions to equations, logarithmic and exponential
equations, and trigonometry.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: Math 1050 with a grade of C- or better, or
Math Placement Level R or higher, or Concur: GenMath 1193T.
This course is available for EM credit.
1193T Individual Studies U 2
This course serves as additional support for students to successully
complee a college level mathematics course.
Au, Sp. 2cl. Concur: 1141T or 1145T. This course is graded S/U.
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
General Studies: Social Sciences
1181T Hispanic Culture and Language in the Workplace U 3
Develop an understanding of how various Latino cultures influence
workplace issues in order to improve the working environment and
learn a basic workplace Spanish vocabulary.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 184T. This
course is available for EM credit.
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
Horticultural Technology (HORTTEC)
1201T Exploring Horticulture U 0.5
Promotes student success in college and preparation for a career;
explores personal and career interests, needs, goals, and the
support services available for student success.
Au. 1 cl.
2110T Plant Materials I U 3
Plant identification course to include: trees, shrubs, evergreens,
vines, annuals, perennials and tropical plants common to the
Midwest covering: identification, morphology, classification,
nomenclature and adaptability.
Au. 1 cl, 2 2-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for
243T and 244T. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation
requirements for Landscape Horticulture and Turfgrass
Management. This course is available for EM credit.
Course offerings are subject to change.
2120T Plant Materials II U 3
Plant identification including: less common deciduous and
evergreen trees, shrubs, vines and herbaceous plants common to
the Midwest covering: identification, morphology, classification,
nomenclature and adaptability.
Au, Sp. 1 cl, 2 2-hr labs. Prereq: Not open to students with credit
for 243T and 244T. A grade of C or better is required to meet
graduation requirements for Landscape Horticulture. This course is
available for EM credit.
2189.21T Practicum in Greenhouse Management U 1
Supervised experiences in greenhouse crop production.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. A grade of C or better is required to meet
graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 cr hrs.
2189.50T Turfgrass Management Practicum U 1
Practical experience in supervised horticultural/turfgrass
laboratories, with emphasis on developing and improving
competencies related to classroom, laboratory and career activities.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: Open to Turfgrass Management majors. A
grade of C or better is required to meet graduation requirements.
Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr hrs.
2190.21T Practical Leadership in Greenhouse Management U 1
Supervised experiences in greenhouse leadership and
Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 2189.21T. A grade of C or better is required to
meet graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 2 cr
2191.21T Greenhouse Management Internship U 1-3
Employment in the greenhouse industry, structured to provide
varied occupational experiences, supervised by an industry
employer, and coordinated by faculty.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 1201T, 2189.21T, and 2500T. A grade of
C or better is required to meet graduation requirements.
Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 2 completions.
2191.23T Greenhouse Engineering Technology Internship U 3
Experience of employment in the greenhouse industry, structured
to provide varied occupational experiences supervised by an
industry employer, and coordinated by faculty.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 1201T, 2189.21T, and 2500T. A grade of
C or better is required to meet graduation requirements for
Greenhouse and Nursery Management Greenhouse Engineering
Technology specialization. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.
2191.30T Landscape Horticulture Internship U 3
Employment in the landscape industry structured to provide varied
occupational experiences. Supervised by an industry employer and
coordinated by faculty.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: 1201T (230T); a grade of C or above in
2110T (244T); GPA 2.0 or above. A grade of C or better is required
to meet graduation requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr
2191.50T Turfgrass Management Internship U 3
Employment in turfgrass management industry at an approved
facility structured to provide varied occupational experiences.
Supervised by an industry professional and coordinated by faculty.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: A grade of C or above in 2225T (289.05T
and EngTech 219T), 2230T (223T) and 2250T (225T), and CPHR
2.0 or above. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation
requirements. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.
2191.55T Turfgrass Equipment Manager Internship U 2
Employment in turfgrass equipment management industry at an
approved facility structured to provide varied occupational
experiences. Supervised by an industry professional and
coordinated by faculty.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: A grade of C or above in 2225T and
2227T. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation
2193T Individual Studies U 1-3
Designed to give an individual student an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Su, Au, Sp. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a
maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Su, Au, Sp. Arr. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a
maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions.
2225T Turf Equipment Operation and Maintenance U 3
Principles and practices of turf facilities organization and
management, equipment maintenance, operation, safety and fleet
Au. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq or concur: GenMath 1040T or Math
1050 or math placement level R or higher. A grade of C or better
required to meet graduation requirements for Turfgrass
2227T Turfgrass Reel Mower Maintenance U 3
Theory, configuration, and maintenance of turfgrass reel mower
cutting units, including a study of the bedknife attitude, spin vs relief
grinding, backlapping, bedknife selection.
Sp. 4 cl, 2 3-hr labs. (7-wk offering)
2230T Fundamentals of Turfgrass Science and Management
U 3
Identification, growth and development characteristics and
responses, uses, and fundamental practices essential to the
production and management of fine quality turf.
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq or concur: GenBiol 1250T and GenMath
1040T or Math 1050 or math placement level R or higher. A grade
of C or better required to meet graduation requirements for
Landscape Horticulture and Turfgrass Management. This course is
available for EM credit.
2240T Golf Course and Sports Turf Irrigation and Drainage U 3
Principles of design, selection, installation, maintenance, and
operation of equipment and materials used in golf course and
sports turfgrass irrigation and drainage systems.
Sp. 4 cl, 2 3-hr labs. (7-wk offering) Prereq: GenMath 1040T or
Math 1050 or math placement level R or higher. A grade of C or
better required to meet graduation requirements for Turfgrass
2250T Turfgrass Cultural Systems and Practices U 3
A study of cultural and environmental factors related to maintaining
fine turfgrasses with special emphasis on mathematical calculations
and materials applications.
Sp. 4 cl, 2 3-hr labs. (7-wk offering) Prereq: 2225T (EngTech
219T), 2230T (223T). Not open to students with credit for 225T. A
grade of C or better required to meet graduation requirements for
Turfgrass Management.
2260T Sports Turf Operations Organization and Management
U 3
Specialized course in sports turf management including the
organization, design, construction, equipment, field surface quality,
safety, personnel, finances, renovation, and maintenance of a
sports turf facility.
Au. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2191.50T (290.05T), BioTech 2218T
(218T). Prereq or concur: 2880T (272T) or 2890T (274T). A grade
of C or better required to meet graduation requirements for
Turfgrass Management.
2270T Golf Course Organization and Management U 3
Specialized course in golf course management including the
organization, design, construction, equipment, personnel, finances,
and maintenance of the golf course.
Au. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2191.50T (290.05T), BioTech 2218T
(218T). Prereq or concur: 2880T (272T) or 2890T (274T). Not open
to students with credit for 227T. A grade of C or better required to
meet graduation requirements for Turfgrass Management.
2320T Landscape Construction U 3
Techniques for building, pricing, bidding and installing various
landscape plantings, features and structures including (but not
limited to): pavers, retaining walls and wooden structures.
Au. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: GenMath 1040T or Math 1050 or math
placement level R or better. A grade of C or better required to meet
graduation requirements for Landscape Horticulture. This course is
available for EM credit.
Course offerings are subject to change.
2360T Landscape Design U 3
Introduction to landscape drafting, CAD, design and planning
emphasizing the design program, form composition, drafting
techniques, design representation and 2 and 3-dimentional CAD.
Sp. 1 cl, 2 3-hr labs. Prereq or concur: 2110T. Not open to
students with credit for 231T. A grade of C or better required to
meet graduation requirements for Landscape Horticulture.
2500T Greenhouse Environment Control U 4
Principles and practices of sustainable greenhouse operation and
management. Topics include glazings, frames, heating, cooling,
energy conservation, nutrition, irrigation, light, plant growth and
operations management.
Au. 3 cl, 1 3-hr lab. A grade of C or better required to meet
graduation requirements in Greenhouse and Nursery Management
Nursery Specialization. This course is available for EM credit.
2520T Greenhouse Perennial Production U 3
Principles and practices of greenhouse perennial plant production,
including propagation, vernalization, photoperiodic treatments,
production techniques, integrated pest and plant health
management, and post-harvest marketing.
Au. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2500T (251T). Not open to students
with credit for 255T. This course is available for EM credit.
2540T Greenhouse Production of Annuals U 3
Principles and practices of greenhouse bedding and flowering
container plant production, including propagation, transplanting,
nutrition, environmental requirements, height control, harvesting,
pests, pathogens and post-harvest marketing.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr 45-minute lab. Prereq: 2500T.
2560T Greenhouse Vegetable Production U 3
Principles and practices of greenhouse vegetable crop production,
including propagation, production systems, nutrition, environmental
requirements, management practices, harvesting, pests,
pathogens, food safety and post-harvest handling.
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr 45-minute lab. Prereq: 2500T.
2720T Arboriculture U 3
Principles of proper tree culture, management and care
emphasizing planting, maintenance, evaluation, and diagnosis and
care of tree problems.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2110T (243T or 249T); and GenBiol
1250T (125T) or Biology 1113 (113). Not open to students with
credit for 278T.
2740T Plant Propagation U 4
Principles, techniques, skills, materials, and facilities used to
propagate herbaceous and woody plants with emphasis on
commercial propagation methods.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 2-hr 45-minute lab. Prereq: GenBiol 1250T or Biology
1113 or HCS 2202.
2819T Pesticides and their Use U 3
A study of the classification of pesticides and their mode of action,
physiological effects, persistence in the environment, benefits,
hazards, use, performance and regulation.
Au. 3 cl. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for BIOTECH
2219T. This course is available for EM credit.
2880T Principles of Weed Science U 3
A study of weed classification, ecology, plant competition, herbicide
formulation, properties and uses of herbicides and weed
management in horticultural crops.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: GenBiol 1250T (125T). Prereq or
concur: GenChem 1100T (131T). Not open to students with credit
for 272T or CrpSoil 2422T (266T). A grade of C or better required
to meet graduation requirements for Landscape Horticulture and
Turfgrass Management. This course is available for EM credit.
2890T Plant Diseases of Ornamentals and Turf U 3
Principles and practices in diagnosing and treating plant diseases
on woody ornamentals and turf.
Sp. 2 cl. 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: 2110T or 2120T or 2230T; GenBiol
1250T. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation
requirements for Landscape Horticulture and Turfgrass
Management. This course is available for EM credit.
3550T Components of Greenhouse Technologies U 3
A study of selected components of modern greenhouse technology,
including electric motors, automated material handling and watering
controls, pesticide application, and supplemental lighting.
Au. 2 cl. 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 2500T; GenMath 1145T; EngTech
2312T and 2322T. This course is available for EM credit.
3560T Integrated Greenhouse Climate Control U 4
Computerized climate control for greenhouse plant production,
including data acquisition and control basics, use of the data, and
climate control strategies for improved production efficiency.
Prereq: 2500T and 3550T. This course is available for EM credit.
Technical Physics (TECPHYS)
1150T Technical Physics U 5
Principles and applications of forces, motion, energy, matter, heat,
thermodynamics, electricity, mechanical waves, and
electromagnetic radiation.
Au, Sp. 4 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: GenMath 1145T (145T) or Math
1148 (148) with a grade of C- or better. Not open to students with
credit for 101T or 102T. This course is available for EM credit.
2194T Group Studies U 1-3
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue
special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr
hrs or 10 completions.
Associate of Science
Agricultural Communication
2330 Public Perceptions of Agricultural and Environmental
Issues U 4
Students will explore vital issues in food, agricultural, and
environmental sciences and be exposed to methods to critically
evaluate, effectively communicate, and influence decisions made
about these issues. They will engage with issue stakeholders and
investigate the impacts that their varying perceptions have on the
food system, the environment, and society.
Au. 3 cl. 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: Completion of GE Foundations Writing
and Information Literacy course. GE theme lived environments
2531 Introduction to Agricultural Communication Practices U 3
This course provides an introduction to the field of agricultural
communication and examines how agricultural communicaton fits
into the larger U.S. mass media system. This course will introduce
the communication process, how media serves as a communication
channel, and how agriculutral communicators utilize media to reach
a variety of audiences.
Au. 3 cl.
3130 Oral Expression in Agriculture U 3
An introductory public speaking course that will analyze the
communication process and prepare students enrolled to write and
deliver speeches for various occasions and purposes.
Au, Sp. 3 cl, 1-hr lab. Not open to students with credit for 390.
4130 Publication Design and Production U 3
Introduces students to basic practices and techniques used in
designing and producing professional-quality publications for
agricultural and general audiences. Agricultural communicators will
find application for these skills in a variety of ways.
Sp. 3 cl.
4530 Communicating Agricultural Issues U 3
This course is designed to introduce students to the world of
communicating agricultural science to a variety of audiences. Many
times the topics we are asked to write or speak on are complex
science in nature and highly emotional. This course will walk you
through the theories and skills needed to craft messages that can
reach farmers, consumers, politicians, and the like.
Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: 2330.
Course offerings are subject to change.
Agricultural, Environmental, and
Development Economics
2001 Principles of Food and Resource Economics U 3
Microeconomic principles applied to allocation issues in the
production, distribution, and consumption of food and natural
resource use.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Not open to students with credit for 2001H or Econ
2001. This course is available for EM credit. GE soc sci human,
nat, and econ resources course. GE foundation social and
behavioral sci course.
2105 Managerial Records and Analysis U 3
Nature and need for business records, analysis and interpretation
of essential records from manager/owner viewpoint; their use in
small business practices.
Au, Sp. 3 cl, 1-hr lab. Prereq: 2001 or 2001H or Econ 2001.01,
2001.02 or 2001.03H. Not open to students with credit for AcctMIS
2200 or 2300.
3105 Principles of Agribusiness and Food Supply Chains U 3
Study of the actors, intrinsic issues and support systems that are
essential to make agribusiness, commodity and food supply chains
Au. 3 cl. Prereq: 2001 or Econ 2001.
3142 Agricultural Cooperatives U 3
Cooperatives are jointly owned, democratically controlled
enterprises that present an alternative model for doing business
compared to investor-owned structures. This course will explore the
basic principles and operations of cooperatives compared to other
business structures with a focus on cooperatives in food,
agriculture, and rural communities.
Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: 2001 or 2001H or Econ 2001 or Econ 2001H.
Agricultural Systems
2305 Professional Development I U 2
Business communications and professional development in
agricultural systems management including job search strategies,
informative and persuasive writing, academic planning,
collaboration, project documentation and reporting, and
Sp. 2 1½-hr cl. Prereq: English 1110. Not open to students with
credit for CONSYSM 2305. This course is available for EM credit.
3330 Grain Handling, Drying, and Milling U 3
Principles of handling, drying, storing, and milling grain. Grain
handling equipment will include grain pits, conveyors, augers,
bucket elevator, and hazard monitoring. Drying and storage will
include dryeration, in-bin counterflow drying, batch and continuous
flow systems. Dry milling principles will include methods,
applications, and parameters such as separation of particle size by
Sp. 2 cl.1 3-hr lab. Prereq: Math 1130, 1131, 1148, 1149, 1150, or
Agriscience Education (ASE)
2189 Early Field Experience in Agriscience Education U 1
The course is designed to help students explore careers and gain
experience in Agriscience Education. Students will learn first-hand
about the Agriscience Education profession by working in K-12
school settings with a mentor educator (cooperating teacher). This
is a licensure requirement for Agriscience Education majors
pursuing an initial teaching license.
Au. Arr.
Animal Science (ANIMSCI)
2000 Animal Handling U 2
General introduction to domestic animal behavior and hands-on
experience handling food animal species.
Au, Sp. 1 cl, 1 2-hr lab.
2200.01 Introductory Animal Sciences U 3
A study of the basic principles of genetics, breeding, reproduction,
nutrition, behavior, and biotechnology as it applies to the molecular,
cellular, and physical underpinnings of domesticated animal form
and function.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 2300H.
GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation natural sci course.
2200.03 Animal Systems U 2
Overview of the size and scrope of the livestock and companion
animal systems, the economic and social impact of the animals and
their products, and the structure of the industries.
Au, Sp. DL.
4999 Research with Distinction U 0-6
Conducting and reporting research with distinction.
Su, Au, Sp. Prereq: CPHR 3.0 overall, and GPA 3.0 or above in
major, and permission of project supervisor. Repeatable to a
maximum of 6 cr hrs or 6 completions. This course is graded S/U.
Biology (BIOLOGY)
1101 Introductory Biology U 4
Basic principles of biology; topics include the nature of science,
organismal diversity, evolution, ecology, genetics, reproduction,
and cellular structure and function. Not intended students majoring
in one of the biological sciences.
Au. 3 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for
1101E, 1113 (113), 1113H (115H), 101, Entmlgy 1101 (101), or
MolGen 1101 (PlntBio101). This course is available for EM credit.
GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation natural sci course. Course
fee: $80 (WST campus)
1113.01 Biological Sciences: Energy Transfer and
Development U 4
Exploration of biology and biological principles; evolution and the
origin of life, cellular structure and function, bioenergetics, and
genetics. A broad introduction to biology comprises both Biology
1113 and 1114.
Au, Sp. 3 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: Math 1120, 1130, 1148, 1150, or
above, or Math Placement Level L or M. Prereq or concur: Chem
1110, 1208, 1210, 1610, or 1910H, or permission of course
coordinator. Not open to students with credit for 1113 or 1113.02.
This course is available for EM credit. GE nat sci bio course. GE
foundation natural sci course. Course fee: $50 (WST campus)
1114.01 Biological Sciences: Form, Function, Diversity, and
Ecology U 4
Exploration of biology and biological principles; evolution and
speciation, diversity in structure, function, behavior, and ecology
among prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A broad introduction to biology
comprises both Biology 1113 and 1114.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: Math 1120, 1130, 1148, or 1150 or
above, or Math Placement Level L or M. Prereq or concur: Chem
1110, 1208, 1210, 1610, or 1910H, or permission of course
coordinator. Not open to student with credit for 1114 or 1114.02.
This course is available for EM credit. GE nat sci bio course. GE
foundation natural sci course. Course fee: $50 (WST campus)
Course offerings are subject to change.
Chemistry (CHEM)
1110 Elementary Chemistry U 5
Introductory chemistry for non-science majors, including
dimensional analysis, atomic structure, bonding, chemical
reactions, states of matter, solutions, chemical equilibrium, acids
and bases, along with topics in organic and biological chemistry.
Au, Sp. 3 cl, 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: Math 1073, 1074, 1075 or
above; Math Placement Level L, M, N, or R; or ACT Math subscore
of 22 or higher that is less than 2 years old. Not open to students
with credit for 1210, 1250, 1610, 1910H. This course is available for
EM credit. GE nat sci phys course. GE foundation natural sci
course. WST campus course fee: $50
1210 General Chemistry I U 5
First course for science majors, covering dimensional analysis,
atomic structure, the mole, stoichiometry, chemical reactions,
thermochemistry, electron configuration, bonding, molecular
structure, gases, liquids, and solids.
Au, Sp. 3 cl, 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: One unit of high school
chemistry, and Math Placement Level L or M; or a grade of C- or
above in Math 1120, 1130, 1131, 1148, 1150, or above. Not open
to students with credit for 1220, 1620, 1920H, 1250, 1610, or
1910H. This course is available for EM credit. GE nat sci phys
course. GE foundation natural sci course. WST campus course fee:
1220 General Chemistry II U 5
Continuation of 1210 for science majors, covering solutions,
kinetics, chemical equilibrium, solubility and ionic equilibria,
qualitative analysis, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, descriptive
chemistry, coordination compounds, and nuclear chemistry.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 1210, 1215, 1250, 1610, or
1910H; and Math Placement Level L or M; or a grade of C- or
above in Math 1120, 1130, 1131, 1148, or 1150, or above; or credit
for both Chem 1206 and 1208. Not open to students with credit for
1620, 1920H, 2310, 2510, 2610, or 2910H. This course is available
for EM credit. GE nat sci phys course. GE foundation natural sci
course. WST campus course fee: $50
2510 Organic Chemistry I U 4
Introduction to structure, nomenclature, physical properties,
preparation and reactions of alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohols,
ethers, epoxides, aldehydes and ketones. Other topics include
stereochemistry, acids, bases, and reaction mechanisms.
Au. 3 cl, 1 rec. Prereq: 1220 (123), 1620 or 1920H (203H). Not
open to students with credit for 252.
2520 Organic Chemistry II U 4
Continuation from 2510, including aromatic systems, carboxylic
acids, carboxylic acid derivatives, amines, carbon-carbon bond-
forming reactions, polymers, carbohydrates and amino acids.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 rec. Prereq: 2510, 2610 (252) or 2910H (252H). Not
open to students with credit for 2620 (253) or 2920H.
Community Leadership (COMLDR)
2189 Early Experience in Community and Extension Education
U 1
The early experience program is designed to help students explore
careers and gain experience in Community and Extension
Sp. Arr. Prereq: Permission of Instructor. Not open to students
with credit for AEE 280.
2530 Introduction to Agricultural Communication, Education,
and Leadership U 2
Creating an awareness and understanding of the agricultural
communication, education and leadership profession. The class will
provide a basis for educating, communicating, and leading by
synthesizing theoretical knowledge with practical application.
Sp. 2 cl. Not open to students with credit for AEE 230 or AgrComm
3530 Foundations of Personal and Professional Leadership
U 3
Leadership theories, principles, and concepts. Research-based
theories, methods of social scientific inquiry, individual strengths,
personal leadership philosophy and vision, concepts of diversity
and ethics, and professional development plan.
Sp. 2 1½-hr cl. Not open to students with credit for AEE 342.
3535 Toward Cultural Proficiency U 3
Learner effectiveness in multicultural, multiracial learning
environments. Strategies for obtaining insight into learners from
varied cultures. Theory will connect practice through service-
learning using cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.
Au. 3 cl. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for AEE 594. GE
cultures and ideas and diversity soc div in the US course. GE
foundation historical and cultural studies course.
3537 Data Analysis in the Applied Sciences U 3
A general education course focused on developing quantitative
literacy and logical reasoning through analysis and interpretation of
descriptive and inferential statistics. Students will be able to utilize
SPSS to perform statistical data analysis, organize and summarize
quantitative data, formulate conclusions, and critically evaluate
research reports.
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: Math 1130 or 1148. GE data anly
course. GE foundation math and quant reasoning or data anyl
Comparative Studies (COMPSTD)
2301 Introduction to World Literature U 3
Analysis of oral and written literatures of diverse cultures and
historical periods.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: English 1110 or equiv. GE lit and diversity
global studies course. GE foundation lit, vis and performing arts
and race, ethnicity and gender div course.
Construction Systems
2305 Professional Development I U 2
Business communications and professional development in
construction systems management including informative and
persuasive writing, academic planning, project management,
research techniques, teaming, report writing and presentations.
Sp. 2 1½ -hr cl. Prereq: English 1110. Not open to students with
credit for AGSYSMT 2305. This course is available for EM credit.
English (ENGLISH)
1109 Writing & Reading U 4
Provides intensive practice in integrating academic reading and
writing. Credit may not count toward graduation in some degree
Au, Sp. 4 cl. Prereq: English Placement Test score of 6. Not open
to students with credit for 1110.01 (110.01), 1110.01H (110.01H),
1110.02 (110.02), 1110.02H (110.02H), 052, 060, or 110.03, or
1110.01 First-Year English Composition U 3
Practice in the fundamentals of expository writing, as illustrated in
the student's own writing & in the essays of professional writers.
May be available as a service learning course with five hours
community service required at the Lima campus only.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: EduTL1902 (108.01) or 1902.04 (108.01), or
English Placement Level 4. Not open to students with credit for
1109 (109.01 or 109.02), 1110.01 (non-DL version), 1110.01H
(110.01H), 1110.02 (110.02), 1110.02H (110.02H), 1110.03
(110.03), 1167H (167H ), 110.01. GE writing and comm course:
level 1. GE foundation writing and info literacy course.
1110.03 First-Year English Composition U 3
Intensive practice in fundamentals of expository writing illustrated in
the student’s own writing and essays of professional writers; offered
in a small class setting and linked with an individual tutoring
component in its concurrent course, 1193.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: 1109 or English Placement Level 5
(Placement Level 4 allowed if student requests service). Concur:
1193. Not open to students with credit for 1110.01 (110.01),
1110.01H (110.01H), 1110.02 (110.02), 1110.02H (110.02H),
1167H (167H), 110.03, or equiv. This course is available for EM
credit only through the AP program. GE writing and comm course:
level 1. GE foundation writing and info literacy course.
Course offerings are subject to change.
1193 Individual Studies U 1-4
Intensive practice in fundamentals of expository writing.
Au, Sp. Prereq: Permission of Director of First-Year Writing.
Concur: 1110.03. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs or 6
completions. This course is graded S/U.
Environment and Natural
2100 Introduction to Environmental Science U 3
Introduction to environmental science, the ecological foundation of
environmental systems, the ecological impacts of environmental
degradation by humans, and strategies for sustainable
management of environment and natural resources.
Au. 3 cl. This course is available for EM credit. GE nat sci bio
course. GE foundation natural sci course.
2300 Society and Natural Resources U 3
Introduction to interactions between humans, natural resources,
and ecosystems from a social science perspective.
Au. 2 1½-hr cl. GE soc sci human, nat, and econ resources
course. GE foundation social and behavioral sci course.
2367 Communicating Environmental and Natural Resources
Information U 3
Concepts, skills development, and practice in accessing and
communicating information about the environment and natural
resources to varied audiences; emphasis on written and oral
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq: English 1110 and Soph. standing or
above. GE writing and comm course: level 2.
3100 Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture U 3
This course is an introduction to the issues, concepts and practices
associated with sustainable agriculture. Since agriculture is a
complex social-ecological system which integrates a wide range of
economic, environmental and social aspects, this course uses a
multidisciplinary approach to enable students to assess the
sustainability of agricultural systems.
Au. 2 cl, 1 3-hr lab.
3280 Water Quality Management U 2
Causes, consequences, and solutions of pollution in lakes, rivers,
wetlands, and groundwater; analysis of the physical, chemical, and
biological indicators of water quality.
Sp. 2 cl.
3300 Introduction to Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife U 3
This course is an introduction to the basic elements of forestry,
fisheries, and wildlife (FFW) ecology and management for majors in
environment and natural resources. This course has also been
organized to provide an introduction to non-majors who may not
have the opportunity to take further courses in these fields.
Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: 2100 or EEOB 3410. Not open to student with
credit for 3300E.
Food Science and Technology
2300 Role of Food Science in Human Health U 3
This course explores the role of food in an individual’s health by
addressing mainstream controversies. Students will have an
understanding of food supply chain, food components, food safety,
food processing, food additives, labeling, food laws and regulations
and their impact on ensuring a safe food supply and protecting
consumer’s health.
Sp. DL. Not open to students with credit for 2200 or 4597.02. GE
theme health and well-being course.
2410 Brewing Science U 2
To understand the scientific principles of brewing as related to
modern beer production.
Sp. Prereq: Biology 1101 or 1113, and Chem 1110 or 1210
4410 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
U 2
Teaches the basics of HACCP. Upon completion of the course,
students will understand the relationship of GMPs (Good
Manufacturing Practices), SSOPs (Sanitation Standard Operating
Procedures), pre-HACCP steps and the Seven Principles of
HACCP. The students will select a food processing operation and
develop a HACCP plan.
Sp. Prereq: 2400, or permission of instructor.
4600 Food Composition and Function U 3
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to diverse and
modern topics in Food Composition and Function. At the end of the
course, students should have clear understanding of the macro-
components of foods, understand basic food chemistry principles,
and understand the composition-function relationship in foods.
Au. Prereq: Biology 1101 or 1113, and Chem 1110 or 1210.
General Education (GENED)
1201 GE Launch Seminar U 1
This course is first GE Bookend class. The Launch seminar
provides a strong introduction to the broad goals of the General
Education program, introduces key skills, and supports sustained
growth in terms of attaining program goals.
Au, Sp. 1 cl. This course is graded S/U. GE bookend launch
seminar course.
History (HISTORY)
1152 American History since 1877 U 3
The political, constitutional, social and economic development of
the United States from the end of Reconstruction to the present.
Au, Sp. 2 1½-hr cl. Prereq or concur: English 1110.xx, GE
foundation writing and info literacy course, or permission of
instructor. Not open to students with credit for 1150 or 2002. GE
historical study course. GE foundation historical and cultural studies
Horticulture and Crop Science
2201 Ecology of Managed Plant Systems U 4
Origin, diversification, and biogeography of plants inhabiting
managed landscapes.
Au. 3 cl, 1 2-hr lab. GE nat sci bio course.
2202 Form and Function in Cultivated Plants U 4
An introduction to plant growth and development with special
emphasis on structure function relationships important to
productivity and quality in cultivated plants.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Not open to students with credit for 300, 300E,
310, 315, or PlntBio 300. GE nat sci bio course. GE foundation
natural sci course.
2204 Ecology of Managed Plant Systems U 3
Origin, diversification, and biogeography of plants inhabiting
managed landscapes.
Au. 3 cl. Not open to students with credit for 2201. GE theme
sustainability course.
2205 Ecology of Managed Plant Systems Laboratory U 1
Origin, diversification, and biogeography of plants inhabiting
managed landscapes.
Au. 1 2-hr lab. Prereq or concur: 2204. Not open to students with
credit for 2201.
2250 Introduction to Professional Golf Management U 2
Acquaints students with the PGM program, including program
facilities and resources, components of the PGA/PGM Program,
golf history, PGA Constitution, Career Enhancement, Golf
Operations, and Customer Relations.
Sp. 1 cl, 1 rec. Not open to students with credit for 250 or 350.04.
Course offerings are subject to change.
3100 Introduction to Agronomy U 3
An introductory course of row crop and forage agricultural
production (agronomy). This course introduces students to row and
forage crop species common in Ohio and surrounding states, and
provides fundamental information on how these crops are managed
in the region. Management aspects include site preparation,
seasonality of management activities, and fundamentals of nutrient
and pest management.
Sp. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab.
3488.02 PGM Player Development U 1
Focus on assisting students who have not passed the PGA of
America's Playing Ability Test. Encompasses golf skills evaluation,
mental approach, development of a corrective action plan and re-
evaluation of skills progress.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr
hrs. This course is graded S/U.
4191.02 PGM Internship U 1
Real world job experience at golf courses, clubs, or resorts.
Students are mentored by the on-site PGA professional and must
complete specified written Work Experience Activities. Must be
enrolled while on internship.
Prereq: 2250 (250), and enrollment in Pre-Professional or
Professional Golf Management majors. Repeatable to a maximum
of 5 completions.
Mathematics (MATH)
1050 Precollege Mathematics I U 5
Fractions and decimals, basic algebra, graphing lines, factoring,
systems of equations. Credit for this course will not count toward
graduation in any degree program.
Au, Sp. 5 cl. Prereq: 1040 (40) or 50, or Math Placement Level T,
or permission of department. Not open to students with credit for
any Math course above 1050 (50). This course is available for EM
1075 Precollege Mathematics II U 4
Algebraic, rational, and radical expressions; functions and graphs;
quadratic equations; absolute value; inequalities; and applications.
Au, Sp. 3 cl, 1 rec. Prereq: 1074 or 075; or a grade of C- or above
in 1050; or Math Skills Assessment Level R or S; or ACT math
subscore of 22 or higher that is less than 2 years old. Not open to
students with credit for any Math course above 1075, except for
1116; or for any quarter-system class above 075, except for 116.
Credit for this course will not count toward graduation in any degree
program. This course is available for EM credit. GE quant reason
basic computation course.
1130 College Algebra for Business U 4
Algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Matrix algebra.
Applications to business.
Prereq: A grade of C- or above in 1075, or credit for 104, or Math
Placement Level M or N, or ACT math subscore of 22 or higher that
is less than 2 years old. Not open to students with credit for 1131
(131), or for any Math course numbered 1149 (150) or above. This
course is available for EM credit. GE quant reason math and logical
anly course. GE foundation math and quant reasoning or data anyl
1148 College Algebra U 4
Functions: polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and
logarithmic. Introduction to right-angle trigonometry. Applications.
Au, Sp. 4 cl. Prereq: A grade of C- or above in 1075, or credit for
104 or 148, or Math Placement Level N, or ACT math subscore of
22 or higher that is less than 2 years old, or permission of
department. Not open to students with credit for 1144, or for Math
courses numbered 1150 (150) or above. This course is available for
EM credit. GE quant reason math and logical anly course. GE
foundation math and quant reasoning or data anyl course.
1149 Trigonometry U 3
Trigonometric functions and their properties. Vectors, polar
coordinates and complex numbers.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: A grade of C- or above in 1148, or permission
of department. Not open to students with credit for 1144, or for any
Math course numbered 1150 (150) or above. This course is
available for EM credit. GE quant reason math and logical anly
course. GE foundation math and quant reasoning or data anyl
1150 Precalculus U 5
Functions: polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic,
trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric. Applications.
Au. 5 cl. Prereq: Math Placement Level M. Not open to students
with credit for 1144, 1148, or for 1149 or above, or for any quarter
Math course numbered 150 or above. This course is available for
EM credit. GE quant reason math and logical anly course. GE
foundation math and quant reasoning or data anyl course.
1151 Calculus I U 5
Differential and integral calculus of one real variable.
Sp. 5 cl. Prereq: A grade of C- or above in 1148 and 1149, or in
1144, 1150, or 150, or Math Placement Level L. Not open to
students with credit for 1152 or 152.xx, or above. This course is
available for EM credit. GE quant reason math and logical anly
course. GE foundation math and quant reasoning or data anyl
Microbiology (MICRBIO)
4000.01 Basic and Practical Microbiology U 4
Provides an understanding of microorganisms and their interaction
with the human experience.
Sp. 3 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: 3 cr hrs in Biology. Not open to
students with credit for 4000 or 4000.02. GE nat sci bio course. GE
foundation natural sci course.
Music (MUSIC)
2250 Music Cultures of the World U 3
A survey of musical cultures outside the Western European
tradition of the fine arts.
Au, Sp. 2 1½ -hr cl, 1 rec. Prereq: Not open to students with credit
for 250. GE VPA and diversity global studies course. GE foundation
lit, vis and performing arts course. VSP Admis Cond course.
Physics (PHYSICS)
1200 Mechanics, Kinematics, Fluids, Waves U 5
Algebra-based introduction to classical physics: Newtons laws,
fluids, waves.
Au. 2 cl, 2 rec, 1 3-hr lab. Prereq: A grade of C- or above in Math
1120 or 1148, or Math Placement Level M. This course is available
for EM credit. GE nat sci phys course. GE foundation natural sci
course. Course fee: $50 (WST campus)
Psychology (PSYCH)
1100 Introduction to Psychology U 3
A prerequisite to advanced courses; a broad survey of
psychological science. Application of the scientific method to the
empirical study of behavior with emphasis on individual and cultural
Au, Sp. 2 -hr cl. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for
100, 1100H (100H), or 1100E (100E). This course is available for
EM credit. GE soc sci indivs and groups and diversity soc div in the
US course. GE foundation social and behavioral sci course.
Religious Studies (RELSTDS)
2370 Introduction to Comparative Religion U 3
Introduction to the academic study of religion through comparison
among major traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,
Buddhism, etc.) and smaller communities.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. Prereq: English 1110 or equiv. Not open to students
with credit for 2370H or CompStd 2370H or 2370. GE cultures and
ideas and diversity global studies course. GE foundation historical
and cultural studies and race, ethnicity and gender div course.
Faculty and staff
Kris Boone, PhD, Assistant Dean and Director
Carri A. Gerber, PhD, Associate Director
Michael D. Amstutz, PhD, The Ohio State University, Professor
Haley Campbell, MS, The Ohio State University, Lecturer
Adem Cakmak, PhD, Texas Tech University, Assistant Professor
Nathan Crook, PhD, Bowling Green State University, Associate Professor
Joshua Deily, PhD, University of Missouri, Lecturer
Seth Ebert, BS, Colorado State University, Lecturer
D. Elder, PhD, The Ohio State University, Associate Professor
Nathan Firestone, BS, College of Wooster, Lecturer
Jennifer Fischer, MA, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Jonathon Flad, PhD, Stanford University, Associate Professor and Chair,
Division of Arts, Science and Business Technologies
Robby Frutchey, MS, Iowa State University, Senior Lecturer
Van Ryan Haden, PhD, Cornell University, Associate Professor
William Glenn Hollandsworth, MA, Ohio University, Lecturer
Kimberly Hostetler, MS, The Ohio State University, Associate Professor
Thomas Janini, PhD, Kent State University, Associate Professor
Benjamin King, MS, University of Akron, Lecturer
Subbu Kumarappan, PhD, Michigan State University,
Associate Professor
Forrest Lang, MS, The Ohio State University, Lecturer
F. Paul Lee, MS, Mississippi State University, Associate Professor
Daniel Linden, PhD, Kansas State University, Associate Professor
Sara Mastellar, PhD, University of Kentucky, Associate Professor
Zack Matesich, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Assistant Professor
Kathleen Miller, BS, Ashland University, Lecturer
Edward Nangle, PhD, The Ohio State University, Associate Professor
Leslie Pearce-Keating, MA, University of Akron, Lecturer
Dominic Petrella, PhD, The Ohio State University, Assistant Professor
Mitchell Ploskonka, PhD, Michigan State University, Assistant Professor
Rachael Ramsier, MS, The Ohio State University, Senior Lecturer
Joy Rumble, PhD, University of Florida, Associate Professor
Uttara Samarakoon, PhD, Institute of Agriculture and Environment at Massey
University, Associate Professor
Royce Thornton, MS, Pennsylvania State University,
Assistant Professor and Chair, Division of Agricultural and Engineering
Jonathon Van Gray, PhD, Kent State University, Assistant Professor
Daniel C. Voltz, PhD, Colorado State University, Associate Professor
Shaun Wellert, DVM, The Ohio State University, Senior Lecturer
Eric Williams, PhD, Akron University, Senior Lecturer
Karen Wimbush, PhD, University of Missouri, Associate Professor
Jon Witter, PhD, The Ohio State University, Associate Professor and Chair,
Division of Horticultural Technologies
Professional and Support Staff
Aspen Adams
Laila Alharbi
Rachel Bell
Kevin Brown
Abagail Burkey
Jill Byers
Stuart Courtney
Chris Dicus
Lisa Dicus
David Dietrich
Leslie Eisberg
Alyson Erick
Dawnielle Essig
Justin Estill
Kelly Etzwiler
Julia Everhart
Sarah Everhart
Bill Fisher
Greg Fogle
Mary Ann Frantz
Jill Gallion
Caroline Georskey
Lissia Gerber
Jalyn Goddard
Keegan Hange
Julia Hellickson
Elizabeth Helterbrand
Cate Hunko
Zoey Keith
Kelly Kyser
Katie LeMasters
Kevin Martin
Casey Meek
Ruth Montz
Julie Morris
Tyler Morris
Penny Nemitz
Lori Nicholson
Jason Owens
Jordan Roemer
Jesse Rossington
Kim Sayers
Amanda Schaad
Steve Schaner
Mark Schleppi
Rick Schneiderman
Jeanne Semilia
Cassi Sewell
Cindy Shelly
Jarrod Snell
Dee Dee Snyder
Chad Stanton
Brooke Steele
Jeff Strouse
Cort Sutherland
Michael Sword
Seth Walker
Frances Whited
Carla Wilkinson
Kathy Yoder
Emeritus Faculty
Gary A. Anderson, PhD, Michigan State University
Professor Emeritus
John Arnold, MS, The Ohio State University,
Associate Professor Emeritus
Shirley E. Badger, MS, University of Akron
Assistant Professor Emeritus
Roger Baur, PhD, The Ohio State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Michael L. Borger, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Ronald J. Borton, PhD, Michigan State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Thomas L. Bowman, PhD, Michigan State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Michael M. Fulton, MS, The Ohio State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Gregory P. Gordon, MS, The Ohio State University
Assistant Professor Emeritus
Wesley A. Greene, PhD, Cornell University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Kent D. Hammond, MS, Michigan State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Mark E. Headings, PhD, Michigan State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Linda S. Houston, MS, Syracuse University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Frank L. Jennings, MBA, University of Akron
Assistant Professor Emeritus
George M. Kreps, PhD, The Ohio State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Philip R. Kroll, MA, University of Minnesota
Associate Professor Emeritus
Teresa E. Lanker, MEd, University of Illinois
Associate Professor Emeritus
Frederick A. Lendrum, MS, The Ohio State University
Assistant Professor Emeritus
Robert W. McMahon, PhD, Iowa State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Emil Miller, MA, University of Akron
Assistant Professor Emeritus
Arnold L. Mokma, PhD, Michigan State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
Jean Opliger, MS, University of Akron
Associate Professor Emeritus
Shah Rahnema, PhD, University of Arizona
Professor Emeritus
Robert M. Rupp, MS, University of Akron,
Assistant Professor Emeritus
Larry G. Steward, MS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Associate Professor Emeritus
David A. Willoughby, MEd, Miami University
Associate Professor Emeritus
University CalendarSubject to change
Autumn Semester 2024
August 17-19 Welcome Days (Sat. Mon.)
August 20 Classes begin (Tue.)
September 2 Labor Day no classes, offices closed (Mon.)
October 10-11 Autumn Break no classes (Thur. Fri.)
November 11 Veterans’ Day – no classes, offices closed (Mon.)
November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break – no classes (Wed. Fri.),
offices closed (Thur. Fri.)
December 4 Last day of regularly scheduled classes (Wed.)
December 6-12 Final examinations (Fri. – Thur.)
December 15 Autumn commencement Columbus Campus
December 24 President’s Day observed offices closed (Tue.)
December 25 Christmas offices closed (Wed.)
Spring Semester 2025
January 6 Classes begin (Mon.)
January 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day no classes, offices
closed (Mon.)
March 10-14 Spring Break (Mon. Fri.)
April 21 Last day of regularly scheduled classes (Mon.)
April 23-29 Final examinations (Wed. – Tue.)
May 3 ATI commencement (Sat.) Wooster Campus
May 4 Spring commencement (Sun.) Columbus Campus
Summer Term/Sessions 2025
May 6 - July 25 Summer Term (12 weeks)
May 6 - 30 4-week Session #1
June 2 - June 27 4-week Session #2
June 30 - July 25 4-week Session #3
May 6 - June 13 6-week Session #1
June 16 - July 25 6-week Session #2
May 6 - June 27 8-week Session #1
June 2 - July 25 8-week Session #2
May 26 Memorial Day
June 19 Juneteenth National Independence Day
July 4 Independence Day
July 28-30 Term Final examinations
August 3 Summer commencement – Columbus Campus
Autumn Semester 2025
August 23-25 Welcome Days
August 26 Classes begin
September 1 Labor Day no classes, offices closed
October 16-17 Autumn Break
November 11 Veterans’ Day no classes, offices closed
November 26-28 Thanksgiving Break
December 10 Last day of regularly scheduled classes
December 12-18 Final examinations
December 21 Autumn commencement Columbus Campus
December 24 President’s Day observed offices closed
December 25 Christmasoffices closed
Phone numbers and web sites
The Ohio State University
Agricultural Technical Institute
1328 Dover Road
Wooster, OH 44691-4000
(330) 287-1331
(800) 647-8283 (Ohio only)
Academic Records
Fees & Deposits
Financial Aid
Residence Life
Student Resource Center
Business Training/Educational Services
1625 Wilson Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Columbus campus Office of
Undergraduate Admissions
Student Academic Services Building
281 West Lane Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
College of Food, Agricultural, and
Environmental Sciences
Buckeye Link
Columbus campus Office for
Disability Services
Columbus campus Office of Military
and Veterans Services
614-247-VETS (8387)
Master Schedule of Classes