The Mathematics Majors Handbook
(updated Spring 2016)
Mathematics Faculty and Their Areas of Expertise
Jennifer Bowen Abstract Algebra, Nonassociative Rings and Algebras,
Jordan Algebras
James Hartman Linear Algebra, Magic Matrices, Involutions,
(on leave) Statistics, Operator Theory
Robert Kelvey Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory
Matthew Moynihan Abstract Algebra, Combinatorics, Permutation Enumeration
R. Drew Pasteur Dierential Equations, Mathematics in Biology/Medicine,
Sports Data Analysis
Pamela Pierce Real Analysis, Functions of Generalized Bounded Variation,
Convergence of Fourier Series, Undergraduate Mathematics
Education, Preparation of Pre-service Teachers
John Ramsay Topology, Algebraic Topology, Operations Research
Ondˇrej Zindulka Real Analysis, Fractal geometry, Geometric Measure Theory, Set Theory
1 Mission Statement and Learning Goals 5
1.1 Mathematics Department Mission Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Learning Goals for the Mathematics Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Curriculum 8
3 Requirements for the Major 9
3.1 Recommended Timeline for the Mathematics Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2 Requirements for the Double Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Requirements for Teaching Licensure in Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4 Requirements for the Minor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4 O-Campus Study in Mathematics 12
5 Senior Independent Study 13
5.1 Mathematics I.S. Student/Advisor Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.2 Project Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.3 Project Submissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.3.1 Project Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.3.2 Project Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.3.3 Annotated Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.3.4 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.3.5 Completed Chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.3.6 Digitial I.S. Document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.3.7 Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.3.8 Document Submission and oral presentation schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6 Independent Study Assessment Guide 21
7 Further Learning Opportunities 23
7.1 At Wooster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.2 Beyond Wooster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
8 Departmental Honors and Prizes 25
9 Mathematics After Wooster 25
List of Figures
1 Map of Department Learning Outcomes to Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2 Map of Department Learning Outcomes to Graduate Qualities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
List of Tables
1 Recommended classes for double majors or minors in other fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 Recommended classes for majors preparing for graduate school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3 Recommended Timeline for the Mathematics Major . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1 Mission Statement and Learning Goals
1.1 Mathematics Department Mission Statement
The Mathematics Department’s mission is to provide quality academic programs in mathematics that
will allow students to prepare for graduate work and for employment in mathematics-related
positions. Students will develop their analytical and problem solving skills while learning about the
beauty of mathematics. In addition to providing specific content knowledge in mathematics, the
mathematics program will develop the strong communication skills that are necessary in today’s
society. We will also strive to provide courses that will serve the needs of other departments and
programs within the college.
1.2 Learning Goals for the Mathematics Major
The following five goals are what the department expects majors to achieve by the end of their course
of studies.
1. Communication
(a) Students should be able to read and understand mathematical statements.
(b) Students should be able to express mathematical ideas with precision and clarity orally.
(c) Students should be able to express mathematical ideas with precision and clarity in writing.
2. Content
(a) Students should know the fundamental concepts, definitions, theorems and techniques of
(b) Students should know the fundamental concepts, definitions, theorems and techniques of
linear algebra.
(c) Students should demonstrate competence in several specific areas of pure mathematics.
(d) Students should demonstrate competence in several specific areas of applied mathematics.
3. Problem Solving/Reasoning
(a) Students should be able to reason mathematically using graphical, numerical, and symbolic
points of view.
(b) Students should be able to write sound proofs.
(c) Students should be able to use technology appropriately to solve mathematical problems.
4. Connection
(a) Students should be able to synthesize material from multiple perspectives.
(b) Students should be able to make connections between dierent areas of mathematics.
5. Independent and Collaborative Learning
(a) Students should demonstrate skills in approaching and solving problems independently.
(b) Students should demonstrate skills in working together in teams to solve complex
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Figure 1: Map of Department Learning Outcomes to Courses
Figure 2: Map of Department Learning Outcomes to Graduate Qualities
2 Curriculum
Core Courses
111. Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (or 108. Calculus with Algebra B)
112. Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
211. Linear Algebra
212. Multivariate Calculus
215. Transition to Advanced Mathematics [(W) Writing Intensive]
200-Level Courses
221. Dierential Equations
223. Combinatorics and Graph Theory
225. Mathematical Modeling
227. Operations Research
229. Probability and Statistics I
299. Special Topics
Problem Solving
279. Fall Problem Seminar preparation for the Putnam Competition
279. Spring Problem Seminar Exploratory Mathematics or preparation for the Modeling contest
300-Level Courses
327. Numerical Analysis
329. Probability and Statistics II
330. Topology
332. Real Analysis I
333. Real Analysis II
334. Abstract Algebra I
335. Abstract Algebra II
336. Functions of a Complex Variable
399. Special Topics
Senior Independent Study
451. Senior Independent Study (I.S.) Semester One
452. Senior Independent Study (I.S.) Semester Two
3 Requirements for the Major
A major in mathematics requires completion of the following thirteen courses, with grades of C- or
better in each course:
One of MATH 111 or 108
MATH 112
MATH 211
MATH 212
MATH 215
CSCI 100 (Scientific Computing)
Two 200-level math courses: MATH 221, 223, 225, 227, 229, or 299
Two 300-level math courses: MATH 327, 329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, or 399
One elective full-credit Mathematics course numbered above 215
MATH 451: Senior Independent Study
MATH 452: Senior Independent Study
The mathematics program does not include a Junior Independent Study (401) course. The College
requirement for a third unit of Independent Study is satisfied through the independent work done as
part of the courses numbered above 200, which are taken to fulfill the requirements of the major.
At most, two courses of advanced placement may be counted toward a major or minor.
Majors are encouraged to pursue a minor and/or second major in related fields, such as the
natural sciences, computer science, economics, or education. Double majors write a multidisciplinary
I.S. thesis, typically using mathematics as a tool to better understand a problem in the other field.
Tables 1 and 2 highlight recommended courses for students interested in double majors, minors,
and/or graduate school. Students considering a mathematics major should discuss their plans with a
member of the department, ideally during their first year as a student.
Major or Minor Recommended Classes
Biology, BCMB, Environmental 221, 225, 229
Science, Neuroscience, Geology
Chemistry 221, 225
Computer Science 223, 229, 327
Economics 221, 227, 229, 329
Education (minor) 225 or 227 (required), 229 (required), 334 (required)
Physics, Pre-Engineering 221, 225, 327
Political Science 227, 229, 329
Table 1: Recommended classes for double majors or minors in other fields
Field Recommended Classes
Pure mathematics 221, 229, 215, 330, 332, 334, 336
Applied mathematics 221, 225 or 227, 229, 327, 332, also consider 329
Computational mathematics 221, 223, 225, 327, 332, also consider CSCI 200 and CSCI 220
Financial mathematics 221, 227, 229, 329, 332, also consider ECON 210 and ECON 224
Statistics 229, 329, also consider 221 and 227
Table 2: Recommended classes for majors preparing for graduate school
First Year: First Year:
Calculus I Calculus II
Calculus II Multivariate Calculus
CSCI 100: Scientific Computing CSCI 100: Scientific Computing
Sophomore Year: Sophomore Year:
Linear Algebra Linear Algebra
Multivariate Calculus Transition to Advanced Mathematics
Transition to Advanced Mathematics 200-level course
Junior Year: Junior Year:
200-level course 200-level course
200-level course 300-level course
300-level course 300-level course
Senior Year: Senior Year:
300-level course Senior IS Semester One
Senior IS Semester One Senior IS Semester Two
Senior IS Semester Two
Table 3: Recommended Timeline for the Mathematics Major
3.1 Recommended Timeline for the Mathematics Major
The courses in the department are systematically related; skills and knowledge developed in some
courses are presupposed and/or integrated into other courses. Thus, there is a timeline or schedule
that helps students most eectively progress through the major. In general, we expect students to
follow one of the schedules in Table 3.
This sequence will help eectively develop your mathematical skills and knowledge. Since Linear
Algebra, Multivariate Calculus, and Transition to Advanced Mathematics provide important background
for other courses, they should be completed by the end of your sophomore year. It is strongly
recommended that Transition to Advanced Mathematics an informative precursor to any 300-level
course. Additionally, students are urged to take courses that are relevant to their Senior I.S. before
their senior year.
However, we recognize that the program of study for each student may vary according to
individual circumstances and needs. For example, students who study o-campus for a semester will
need to carefully adjust their schedule, and double majors will need to be attentive to scheduling
conflicts that can arise between required courses, such as Junior I.S. It is important to follow one of
these proposed schedules when possible and to discuss possible variations with your advisor.
3.2 Requirements for the Double Major
We encourage students to consider a double major. There is a synergy between the study of
mathematics and of the basic concepts and principles of another discipline: each can enhance ones
understanding of the other.
Students who have a strong interest in two fields should begin by discussing their interests with
faculty in each department. This will help in identifying questions that can be eectively explored
using the methodologies of dierent disciplines. To ocially declare a double major you need to
obtain the “Double Major Proposal” from the Dean of Curriculum’s website. To complete the form
you must meet with the Chair of each department to discuss potential topics for Senior I.S.
Requirements for each major in a double major are the same as those for a single major with the
exception that, subject to the approval of both departments/programs, a joint Senior I.S. project may be
done on a topic that incorporates materials, methodologies, and approaches from both disciplines.
Students who declare a double major must complete a separate Junior I.S. course (401)one in the
other major department. Students who have been approved for a double major must register for the
Senior Independent Study Thesis in one major during the fall semester and in the second major during
the spring semester. An individualized piece of work for two departments requires some additional
planning, and double major students are strongly advised to consult with both departments in
mid-April of their junior year. Your mathematics advisor should help you to build a preliminary
conceptual thesis that dovetails with your work in the other major.
As a double major student, your Senior I.S. thesis must satisfy the requirements of both
departments. For example, most of the social and natural sciences will expect you to complete
empirical research using the appropriate methods. Likewise, in the humanities, you will be expected
to employ the critical methodology of the other discipline, such as literary criticism. Thus, you will
learn how each discipline can inform the work of the other. In this way, one can write a joint Senior I.S.
that satisfies the criteria for both departments and yet that has the integrity of a unified piece of work.
In addition, the Dean of Curriculum requires a “Double Major IS Agreement” to be completed by the
student in conjunction with their advisors before the end of the fourth week of the fall semester. This
form is available at the College’s website.
3.3 Requirements for Teaching Licensure in Mathematics
Students who are planning to receive licensure in early childhood education are required to take
Education 260 Curriculum: Math/Science/Social Studies in the Early Childhood Years. No mathematics
beyond this course is required to fulfill the State requirement; however, MATH 100 would be an
excellent choice to help meet Woosters Learning Across the Disciplines requirements. Any student
wishing to pursue licensure in early childhood education should plan a program carefully with the
Department of Education.
For Ohio licensure in middle school or adolescent to young adult/secondary teaching of
mathematics, State requirements call for at least a minor in mathematics. Because specific courses in
education and mathematics are required for licensure, mathematics majors seeking licensure for
teaching middle school or adolescent to young adult/secondary mathematics should plan their
program early, in consultation with the Department of Education. These students may choose to write
a Senior I.S. thesis on a topic related to the teaching of middle school or adolescent to young
adult/secondary mathematics.
3.4 Requirements for the Minor
A minor in mathematics consists of six courses for credit, three of which must be Calculus I (111 or
108), Calculus II (112), and Linear Algebra (211). The remaining three mathematics courses must be
full credit and numbered above 211. To determine which math courses would be most applicable to
another discipline, students should contact a member of the department. A maximum of three courses
may be transferred in to count toward a minor.
To ocially declare a minor you need to obtain the “Declaration/Change of Minor” from the Dean
of Curriculum’s website.
4 O-Campus Study in Mathematics
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics:
The College has direct connections with the overseas program Budapest Semesters in
Mathematics ( ). This program is designed for American
and Canadian undergraduate mathematics students interested in an overseas study experience
that does not hinder their progress toward a degree. Junior mathematics students with a very
strong mathematics background may spend one semester in Budapest, Hungary. All courses are
taught in English by Hungarians, most of which have spent some time teaching in the U.S. or
Canada. Most financial aid is applicable to the program, but students with financial aid should
consult directly with the Director of Financial Aid. Courses taken in Budapest appear on the
student’s transcript, but grades do not count toward the student’s grade point average. Only
courses receiving a grade of C or above will receive Wooster credit.
Math in Moscow:
MASS program at Penn State: (advanced courses in Fall semester; also has summer research
5 Senior Independent Study
5.1 Mathematics I.S. Student/Advisor Guidelines
To meet the graduation requirements of The College of Wooster, the major in mathematics requires a
two-course Independent Study Project, which culminates in an Independent Study thesis along with
an oral presentation describing the thesis. The additional college requirement of one course in
Independent Study is satisfied by work in courses above 212 taken to fulfill the major. This guide is
intended to complement the general regulations governing Independent Study (I.S.) as articulated in
the College’s Handbook for Independent Study and to assist students in the planning, organization,
and completion of the I.S. thesis. This guide also provides a description of what the I.S. advisor
expects from the student.
I.S. is of central importance in the mathematics major and in the entire academic experience of the
student. I.S. is the student’s opportunity to do a significant piece of work in an area of personal interest
and to expand his or her understanding of mathematics. The ability to engage in independent study is
one of the primary goals of the major, and the successful completion of the I.S. thesis represents the
culmination of the student’s academic program. To this end we recommend that the student give
serious thought to the I.S. requirement and become thoroughly familiar with the Handbook for I.S.
and this guide. We reserve the right to make changes in future editions of this guide.
5.2 Project Topics
The range of topics in mathematics is very broad. Theoretical, applied, pedagogical (for those
intending to be certified to teach), and perhaps historical I.S. topics are possible. The crucial question
the student must ask when evaluating a possible topic is: ”Will there be a significant increase in my
knowledge of some area of mathematics or in mathematics education?” The previously mentioned
conversations with faculty members will be helpful in answering this question. Since I.S. constitutes
two courses in the major, it is expected that about two courses worth of work in mathematics beyond
that in previous courses will be done.
The topic should be chosen on the basis of the student’s total academic experience and personal
interests. Students are encouraged to develop projects that grow out of previous course work and
related reading. Often topics, which can be only surveyed briefly in a formal course, can be expanded
into an appropriate I.S. thesis. Some practical considerations that should be taken into account when
choosing a topic:
1. Personal background and ability
Be sure that the topic chosen is within the range of your abilities as determined by your previous
course work and reading. For instance, a student would be unwise to choose a topic in the area
of Topology or probability if no formal courses have been taken in these areas. This holds true
especially in application-oriented topics from specific subject matter areas. For example, a
student should not choose a mathematical modeling project in biology without demonstrable
background in biology as well as the formal course in mathematical modeling.
2. Manageability and available resources
Be sure that the project is narrow enough in scope to complete within the time allotted for the I.S.
thesis. A student should be certain that there exists a sucient bibliography to support the
project. Necessary materials that are not among the holdings of the Andrews Library can usually
be acquired through other Library services, although a considerable time lag might be involved.
Therefore, students should use existing resources available on campus as much as possible.
3. Limitations.
The project must expand the student’s knowledge and demonstrate a synthesis of
information on a topic from many sources.
There must be resources available, or which can be readily acquired, for the project.
The student must have the appropriate mathematical background for the project.
A faculty member must agree to supervise the project.
Working selected problems from a single textbook on any topic will not constitute an
acceptable I.S. project.
The history of an area of mathematics is not acceptable in and of itself unless it encompasses
the learning of a significant body of mathematics.
Although the faculty advisor must approve all topics, the student is free to pursue virtually
any area of mathematics that is of interest. Some suggested topics include Abstract Algebra,
Number Theory, Partition Theory, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, Matrix Theory, Operations
Research (Deterministic and Stochastic), Mathematical Programming (Linear, Nonlinear,
Integer, Dynamic), Management Science, Topology, and Algebraic Topology.
5.3 Project Submissions
5.3.1 Project Proposal
The project abstract is a formal document, not a slip of paper with a few vague ideas on it about what
the student thinks would be interesting to do. In order to receive approval for a project, the student
will present a proposal outlining the following:
The project’s focus (e.g., examine the Riemann Hypothesis, study Queuing Theory, examine the
Axiom of Choice).
The project’s objectives in terms of the topics that the I.S. thesis will cover and the learning that
will result from accomplishing the project;
The eorts that will contribute to the project: programming, interviews, special library research,
trips, and needed materials (books, software, documentation, etc.).
Potential problems in the project that might become trouble spots. Identify the challenges the
student might encounter in accomplishing the project. The student should investigate whether
these trouble spots could make the rest of the project impossible if they can’t be surmounted.
A suggested timetable specifying the points throughout the two semesters at which the various
phases of the project will be complete.
A minimum of five references (journal articles, technical reports, books) on your proposed topic.
Online references are not, generally, acceptable.
5.3.2 Project Research
The project should begin with a substantial amount of library research. The description of this
research should involve a clear exposition of the problem or research area, an annotated bibliography,
and an outline for conducting the research.
5.3.3 Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography is a bibliography in which each entry includes a description of the entry’s
content and the role it might take in the research. This description is not a copy of the entry’s abstract.
For example:
Taalman, Laura. “Taking Sudoku Seriously.” Math Horizons. September 2007, 5-7.
The author gives an overview to the Sudoku puzzle, including the rules and counting the number of
possible Sudoku boards. It is an introductory article complete with concise terminology to use, mention of results
about Sudoku and remaining open questions are included. Many of the primary resources in the article should be
investigated and evaluated.
5.3.4 Thesis Outline
This will include a proposed table of contents (or outline) for the thesis. The table of contents should
include a title and a specification of chapters and sub-sections.
5.3.5 Completed Chapters
In mid-October, the student will reach an agreement with his/her advisor about a comprehensive
narrative to be completed as a prerequisite to satisfactory completion of the first semester of Senior I.S.
This comprehensive narrative must be submitted by the date given on the timeline later in this
document. The comprehensive narrative is not an outline or a draft, but a significant written portion
of the I.S. that has been through at least one review by the advisor.
A full final draft will be submitted to the advisor in the second semester of the Senior I.S. project.
5.3.6 Digitial I.S. Document
It is required that students submit online to the Registrar a digital copy of your Senior I.S. project for
the Digital I.S. Repository.
5.3.7 Poster
This document represents the I.S. in poster form and will be presented during the Senior I.S.
celebration day in April. It can be a traditional or digital in nature and students should consult their
advisor about the format of their poster.
5.3.8 Document Submission and oral presentation schedule
The student will meet with the advisor once a week to discuss ideas relating to the project, review
progress, and map out work to be done. In December, all Mathematics I.S. students will meet as a
group to give a brief presentation of their work and progress to that point (dates are below).
With the exception of the oral defense, the student will submit a typed document for each item by
4:00 PM on the indicated day. The student will submit the final thesis to the Registrar’s oce on the
indicated day; all other documents will go to the advisor. Advisors will not discuss assignments with
students on the day they are due or the day before. The schedule of submission follows here.
Junior Year, Second Semester
Tuesday of Final Exams Week - IS Preliminary Proposal
Proposal form needs to be submitted to the Department Chair.
Senior Year, First Semester
Friday of 3rd week - Topic and Annotated bibliography
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is
followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the
annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and
quality of the sources cited. Below is an example of one such citation that would appear:
Taalman, Laura. “Taking Sudoku Seriously.” Math Horizons. September 2007, 5-7.
The author gives an overview to the Sudoku puzzle, including the rules and counting the number of
possible Sudoku boards. It is an introductory article complete with concise terminology to use, mention of
results about Sudoku and remaining open questions are included. Many of the primary resources in the
article should be investigated and evaluated.
Friday of 6th week - Project Proposal - Description/Goals
This is a one-page description of what your project will be about.
Friday of 12th week - A Comprehensive Narrative
This could be a background exposition, a history chapter describing the general area of research,
a literature review, or it may be a later chapter of the thesis. In any case, it should be a substantial
written portion of the thesis.
Friday after Thanksgiving Break - Outline
This should be a detailed outline of the thesis.
Tuesday of last week of classes - Oral presentation
This should be a five-seven minute presentation on your project and progress in the first
semester. Your presentation should make use of some form of presentation software.
Grading, Fall Semester:
Below are the components that will determine your IS grade for MATH 451 (usually completed in
the fall semester of the Senior year). The due dates given earlier are suggestions and you will
determine and record the actual due dates in consultation with your advisor. Each component is
worth approximately 20% of your overall grade for MATH 451. Your grade on each component will
reflect your promptness, clarity of presentation, thoroughness, and consistency with documents
already submitted. To obtain a satisfactory progress (SP) grade in MATH 451, the student must
complete all indicated submissions and receive at least an 81%. The table below suggests a 100-point
scale but it is within the purview of the advisor to determine how they will measure successful
progress and to communicate this to the student.
Project Proposal and Outline 20 points
Oral Presentation 20 points
Subject and Annotated Bibliography 20 points
Comprehensive Narrative 20 points
Attendance 20 points
Grade for first semester: SP (81-100 points); NC (0-80 points).
Senior Year, Second Semester
Tuesday of 1st week - IS Student meeting
A meeting to remind students of formatting requirements and to answer any questions they may
Friday of 1st week - Table of Contents and Second chapter
A Table of Contents that should be close to the final product and another substantial written
portion of the IS.
Friday of 7th week - First complete draft
Changes beyond this copy should only be editorial and only a minimum of new material should
be written. See the IS Guidelines for formatting information.
First Monday after Spring Break - Final thesis
Grading, Spring Semester:
The spring semester grade (H, G, S, NC) will largely represent an evaluation of the final thesis, the
oral presentation, and the organization of the project eort. The following criteria determine the final
grade. You should also look at the attached evaluation rubrics for the IS thesis and oral presentation.
The content of the independent study document must meet the requirements agreed upon by the
IS advisor and advisee. These requirements will dier for each project.
The final independent study document is evaluated for mechanical and grammatical errors. The
text must be well organized, grammatically correct, and complete - including a table of contents,
an introductory and conclusion chapter, a bibliography, and a user manual if necessary.
Overall Document
· Left margin 1.5 in
· Right margin 1.25 in
· Top margin 1 in
· Bottom margin 1 in
· Pages should also be numbered
· Double-sided and Spiral bound
· Chapters start on a new page
· Theorems, lemmas, examples, corollaries, definitions, propositions, remarks,
notation, terminology, figures, and tables numbered within Chapters.
Title page (no page number - everything centered except Advisors which are on left
Independent Study Thesis
Presented in Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Arts in
the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
at the College of Wooster by
The College of Wooster
Advised by:
Frontmatter (Page numbers at bottom of pages)
· Blank page hidden page number
· Copyright page (optional and hidden page number)
· Abstract (roman page number (ii or iii based on copyright or not))
· Dedication (optional)
· Acknowledgments (optional)
· Table of Contents
· List of Figures (only needed if there are figures)
· List of Tables (only needed if there are tables)
· List of Listings (only needed if there are code listings)
· Preface (optional) (A chapter which is not numbered or lettered)
· Numbered Sections (Page numbers in arabic, first page number of chapter centered
at bottom, remaining page numbers in upper right and running header on upper
left (Chapter number Chapter title))
· Introduction (Chapter 1)
· Body (Chapters 2-?)
· Lettered Sections (Page numbers in arabic, first page number of appendix centered
at bottom, remaining page numbers in upper right and running header on upper
left (Appendix letter Appendix title))
· Appendices
Sections not lettered or numbered
· Afterword (optional)
· References
· Index (optional) (two column alphabetized)
· Colophon (optional)
· Blank page (hidden page number)
An example of a completed thesis can be seen in the LaTeX IS Guide found at: and a template will be circulated
in fall semester for all seniors.
The essential factor here is the degree to which the student has approached the project in an
organized and ecient manner and has applied eort consistently throughout the entire year.
The quality and promptness of intermediate submissions is highly important. A major item is
the promptness and quality of the rough draft submission since it measures the ability of the
student to eectively coordinate the research eort in an ecient manner. Attendance and
presentation issues from the first semester will carry a heavy weight for this criterion.
Grading of the oral presentation evaluates the organization, spontaneity, flow, continuity, and
comprehensibility of the presentation. It also evaluates the student’s ability to respond to
reasonable questions and explain points of confusion. The student should use visual aids as a
means of guiding the presentation, but should avoid reading material to the audience. The
presentation should last approximately thirty-five minutes to permit approximately fifteen
minutes for questions and extended discussion. A major challenge of the presentation is to
identify the key points to cover in giving a good description of the project in a relatively short
time period.
6 Independent Study Assessment Guide
Math 452 Evaluation Rubric (revised fall 2012)
This rubric serves as a starting point for discussion among the mathematics faculty about Math 452 grades. Not
all questions apply equally well to every project, and some are only appropriate for the first reader. Roughly
speaking, a score of 4 in an area corresponds to Honors-level achievement, 3 to Good, and 2 to Satisfactory, with
1 and 0 indicating substandard performance. However, the way in which these elements are weighted is topic-
dependent, and a particular set of scores does not guarantee a certain 452 grade. For double majors, the
evaluation of the project from the perspective of the other discipline is also significant in determining the grade.
1. Extent of Material Covered Based on the material covered in the final written document and (for first
readers only) your weekly meetings with the student, which statement best describes the extent of the
student’s investigation? (Use 1a for all projects, and also 1b if it applies.)
1a. Extent of Investigation Which statement best describes the extent of the student’s investigation?
(4 - Exceptional) The student did a thorough investigation into a focused topic, providing examples and going well beyond the
minimum extent required of a two-semester project.
(3 - Strong) The student did a comprehensive summary of a focused topic, providing examples and personalizing the material.
(2 - Adequate) The student did a good summary of material pertaining to a defined topic, and the extent is sufficient for a two-
semester investigation.
(1 - Marginal) The student covered some portions well, but failed to go far enough with others, and/or lacked a topical focus.
(0 - Unsatisfactory) The student provided a brief summary of the material, but the extent was insufficient for a two-semester
investigation and/or the content was so widely scattered as to make the central topic unclear.
1b. Extent of Application If applicable, which statement best describes the student’s mathematical modeling?
(4 - Exceptional) The student has a thorough understanding of the application area, which is reflected with originality in an
innovative model.
(3 - Strong) The student has a thorough understanding of the application area, and all key aspects are reflected in the model.
(2 - Adequate) The student has an understanding of the application area, with some key aspects reflected in the model.
(1 - Marginal) The student has a weak understanding of the application area, resulting in a deficient model.
(0 - Unsatisfactory) The student has a clear lack of understanding of the application area, resulting in a poorly-designed model.
2. Appropriate Use of Resources (Use one or both parts, based on their applicability to the student’s project.)
2a. Use of Prior Literature Allowing for differences based on mathematical subfields and the topic of the
student’s investigation, which statement best describes the use of related prior literature in the thesis?
(4 - Exceptional) The student used appropriate resources, integrated them into one coherent narrative, and understands the
place of their own work in the context of the wider subfield of mathematics.
(3 - Strong) The student successfully used appropriate resources, and some integration is apparent in the thesis.
(2 - Adequate) The student successfully used appropriate resources.
(1 - Marginal) The student’s use of resources is somewhat inadequate.
(0 - Unsatisfactory) The student’s use of resources is substantially inadequate, significantly impacting the quality of the thesis.
2b. Use of Computational Tools Which statement best describes the student’s use and justification of
computational methods used in this investigation?
(4 - Exceptional) The student successfully used appropriate computational tools, and fully justified them (through literature
review and/or preliminary investigation).
(3 - Strong) The student successfully used appropriate computational tools, and mostly justified their use.
(2 - Adequate) The student successfully used appropriate computational tools, but the justification is weak.
(1 - Marginal) The student used inappropriate computational tools, did not justify their selection, and/or was only partially
successful in using them.
(0 - Unsatisfactory) The student was unsuccessful in using computational tools.
3. Writing Quality Which statement best describes the quality of the student’s writing in the thesis, including
organization, readability, mathematical precision, form (grammar, spelling, typesetting), and style?
(4 - Exceptional) The I.S. is written in a clear, precise well-organized manner, with excellent form. Moreover, it is written in the
student’s unique style and directed toward an audience of peers.
(3 - Strong) The I.S. is well-organized and very readable, with only minimal errors in any of these areas.
(2 - Adequate) The I.S. is well-organized and readable, despite some lack of precision and/or errors in form.
(1 - Marginal) The I.S. is somewhat difficult to read, because of weak organization and/or significant issues in form or precision.
(0 - Unsatisfactory) The I.S. is quite difficult to read, because of disorganization and/or pervasive issues in one or more of these
4. Presentation Which statement best describes the quality of the student’s final oral presentation,
considering organization, knowledge of content, audience awareness, and professionalism? (For double majors
whose oral exam begins from a poster, rather than an oral presentation, consider the poster instead.)
(4 - Exceptional) The presentation was excellent overall, and strong in each of these aspects.
(3 - Strong) The presentation was solid, with only minimal problems in any of these aspects.
(2 - Adequate) The presentation was acceptable, despite some weakness in one or more aspects.
(1 - Marginal) The presentation was substantially hampered by a pronounced weakness in at least one aspect.
(0 - Unsatisfactory) The presentation was unacceptable, with pronounced weaknesses in multiple aspects.
5. Independence of Learning (for first readers only) Based on the weekly meetings with your I.S. student,
which statement best describes the student’s initiative and independence throughout the process?
(4 - Exceptional) The student demonstrated strong initiative and independence, requiring only a minimal amount of guidance.
(3 - Strong) The student demonstrated good initiative and worked mostly independently, requiring an appropriate amount of
(2 - Adequate) The student was self-directed for some of the thesis, but required lots of guidance on other parts.
(1 - Marginal) The student was unable to work without strict deadlines and lots of guidance regarding the direction of the
(0 - Unsatisfactory) Despite deadlines and guidance from the advisor, the student failed to complete work in a timely manner.
6. Student Understanding and Mastery of the Subject Based on the written thesis, the oral examination, and
(for first readers only) weekly meetings, which statement best describes this student’s understanding of the
content in the I.S.?
(4 - Exceptional) The student has a thorough understanding of the material and was able to answer nearly all probing
(3 - Strong) The student has a good understanding of the material was able to answer questions in all areas of content,
including some probing questions.
(2 - Adequate) The student has a good understanding of most of the material, but had difficulty answering probing questions.
(1 - Marginal) The student lacks understanding of significant portions of the material, and had difficulty answering most
(0 - Unsatisfactory) The student lacks a basic understanding of the material and was unable to answer basic questions.
7 Further Learning Opportunities
7.1 At Wooster
Mathematics Colloquia
Throughout the year, mathematicians are invited to campus to give talks. These are valuable
opportunities to be exposed to dierent mathematical ideas and to engage mathematicians
outside of Wooster faculty.
Math Table
Roundtable is held every week, usually in Lowry dining hall. All majors, faculty, and friends are
invited to attend.
Student Mathematical Association of America Chapter (SMAAC)
Students are encouraged to join Math Club. The organization plans social activities and an
annual high school mathematics competition. Each year, ‘Taylor Bowl’ pits the Mathematics and
Physics departments against one another in bowling at Scot Lanes.
Putnam Exam
The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, often abbreviated to the Putnam Exam,
is an annual mathematics competition for undergraduate college students of the United States
and Canada, awarding scholarships and cash prizes ranging from 250to2,500 for the top students
and 5, 000to25,000 for the top schools. Elizabeth Lowell Putnam founded the competition in 1927
in memory of her husband William Lowell Putnam, who was an advocate of intercollegiate
intellectual competition. The exam has been oered annually since 1938 and is administered by
the Mathematical Association of America.
COMAP Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM)
Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM), challenges teams of students to clarify, analyze, and
propose solutions to open-ended problems. The contest attracts diverse students and faculty
advisors from over 500 institutions around the world each February.
Teaching Apprenticeships
The department oers students the opportunity to serve as a teaching apprentice for some
courses. The goal of this course is to help students reflect upon the nature and process of
teaching and education and to also gain a deeper understanding of the courses subject matter. If
there is an area of mathematics in which you are especially interested and you would like to
assist in the teaching process, please approach the professor as early as possible.
The Math Center Tutoring and Grading
The Math Center sta assists students with understanding of concepts, examples, and
homework problems. Each semester there are tutor openings for students and availability for
students to grade homework assignments for faculty.
Sophomore Research
Faculty are engaged in research projects, and the department itself sometimes has research
needs. If you are interested in participating in the Sophomore Research Program, please ask
members of the department. Information about the Colleges support for undergraduate research
is available on the College website.
Applied Mathematical Research Experience (AMRE)
The Applied Mathematical Research Experience (AMRE) is a program initiated by the
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science designed to give students from The College
of Wooster experience in the practical applications of mathematics and computer science that the
classroom cannot provide. For eight weeks of the summer, student teams and faculty advisors
from the College of Wooster are joined with a (usually local) business, industry, or agency
The structure of the program is based upon several research teams that work independently on
separate projects, but also come together for discussion of progress. These teams are comprised
of students (usually three) and a faculty advisor. The faculty advisor involvement is heavy
initially as the student team becomes familiar with the project definition. After approximately
two weeks, involvement becomes primarily advisory as the students work directly with client
representatives and others. Student teams give weekly progress reports in the form of oral
presentations, in addition to periodic presentations to their respective clients. Each team also
gives a final oral presentation and written report to the client upon completion of the project.
In addition to work done on the project, a number of lectures are a part of the AMRE program.
These lectures are intended to teach the students skills or tools necessary to complete their
assigned projects. Colloquia are also given on a variety of topics including group dynamics and
oral presentation. These presentations are given by individuals from academia, local
corporations and professional consultants.
Applications are accepted each February and positions are open to all College of Wooster
7.2 Beyond Wooster
Summer Programs in Mathematics
Program Website
REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates)
Further Undergraduate Opportunities
Miami University of Ohio SUMSRI
SMI at Cornell University
Wabash College
Summer Programs that do not require US citizenship
Program Website
Williams College SMALL
Park City Math Institute
MBI at Ohio State
Summer Internships
Summer Experience Website
Math-related Jobs in Industry
Math internships database
Statistics internships
Summer Teaching
Program Website
PROMYS at Boston University
CTY at Johns Hopkins University
Other similar programs
8 Departmental Honors and Prizes
The Foster Prize in Mathematics was established in 2001 with gifts from Walter D. Foster and
Richard S. Foster 71. Income from the fund is awarded annually to the senior mathematics major
who has demonstrated the most improvement in mathematics during his or her college years, as
judged by the Mathematics Department faculty.
The Lyman C. Knight, Sr. Prize in Physical Education and Mathematics was established in
1978 and honors Professor Knights thirty years of service from 1910 to 1940 as a member of the
Department of Mathematics. It is awarded to a sophomore who has demonstrated both
outstanding promise in high school and first-year mathematics and has superior physical skills.
The Elizabeth Sidwell Wagner Prize in Mathematics, established in 1966 by Dr. and Mrs. Cary
R. Wagner, is awarded annually at the beginning of the senior year to that student who showed
the greatest aptitude during the junior year and, in the opinion of a jury, seems most likely to
succeed in mathematics.
The William H. Wilson Prize in Mathematics was established in 1926 in memory of William H.
Wilson, of the class of 1889, professor of mathematics in the College from 1900 to 1907. The prize
is awarded annually to that member of the senior class who has shown the greatest proficiency
in mathematics.
9 Mathematics After Wooster
Selected Mathematical Careers
Organization Website
American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
National Security Agency (NSA)
Society of Actuaries (SOA)
US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
The Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI)
The College of Wooster also has a Career Services oce in APEX. The mission of Career Services
oce is to help students bridge their liberal arts education with their career journey. They oer a
comprehensive range of services, including individual career advising and group programs, assisting
students in understanding their skills, interests, and values while connecting this knowledge with
various career options.