Based on the 2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog
AAS Transfer Plan
Human Services Technology, AAS to Social Work, BSW
Associate in Applied Science degrees through the North Carolina Community College system are not necessarily
designed to transfer to 4-year institutions. However, ECU wants to see you complete your bachelor’s degree
regardless of the associate degree you complete. Therefore, we have created AAS Transfer Plans for popular
NCCCS AAS degrees.
The Social Work, BSW is a program of classroom study and fieldwork. The program supports the concept that
professional social work practitioners in human services have a strong professional knowledge, skill, and value
base from which they offer services. Thus, the Social Work, BSW ensures graduates master the following nine
generalist practice social work competencies:
Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.
Engage diversity and difference in practice.
Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
Engage in policy practice.
Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Admission to the Social Work, BSW is by application only. Students must have at least 32 hours of general
education credit, an overall 2.5 GPA, and have completed the equivalent of SOCW 1010 and SOCW 2010
with a 2.5 GPA. For more information, click here.
To get in touch with an Academic Advisor, email [email protected]du.
Note: This program does not currently have an online completion option.
Based on the 2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog
Part of Degree
ECU Course
NCCCS Course
General Education
Written Communication
ENGL 1100
ENG 111
ENGL 2201
ENG 112 satisfies this
requirement if allowed in your
AAS plan; if not, complete at
MATH 1050 or higher
MAT 143 or 171 will satisfy this
requirement if allowed in your
AAS plan; if not, complete at
Natural Science
BIOL 1050, 1051
BIO 110 will satisfy this
requirement if allowed in your
AAS plan; if not, complete at
BIOL 1060
BIO 140 will satisfy this
requirement if allowed in your
AAS plan; if not, complete at
Humanities & Fine Arts
PHIL 1175
Take 2 at ECU.
PHI 240
Take 2 at ECU.
Social Sciences
PSYC 1000
PSY 150
ECON 2113
ECO 251 will satisfy this
requirement if allowed in your
AAS plan; if not, complete at
POLS 1010
POL 120 will satisfy this
requirement if allowed in your
AAS plan; if not, complete at
Health Promotion and
Health-Related Physical
Complete at ECU.
HEA 110 will satisfy both the
HLTH and KINE competencies. If
not allowed in your AAS plan,
complete at ECU.
General Education
Complete at ECU.
Depending on other courses
required in your school’s AAS
plan, this may be satisfied in your
Complete at ECU
HIS 131 will satisfy this
requirement if allowed in your
AAS plan; if not, complete at
PSYC 3206
PSY 241
PSYC 3375
PSY 281
SOCI 2110
SOC 210
SOCI 2111
SOC 220
(if allowed in AAS plan or
complete at ECU)
Social Work Tier
SOCW 1010
SWK 110
SOCW 2010
SWK 113
SOCW 3101
SOCW 3201
SOCW 3202
SOCW 3306
SOCW 3401
SOCW 3402
SOCW 3501
SOCW 4102
SOCW 4203
Based on the 2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog
SOCW 4306
SOCW 4980
SOCW 4990
ADRE 2003
SAB 110
SOCW 2400
GRO 120