Tools and Resources for Transferring to
Four-Year Colleges and Universities
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Introduction 4
Prepare (0-15 Credits) 5
Building a Support Network 5
Choosing an Academic and Career Pathway 5
Getting Involved on Campus and in Your Community 5
Financing your Education 6
Determining Transferable Courses 6
Transfer Opportunities 7
Transfer Articulation Agreements 7
Guaranteed Admissions 7
Transfer Databases and Dictionaries 7
Contacting Admissions Representatives to Determine Course Transferability 8
City and State Programs: Mass Transfer, Commonwealth Commitment and Boston Bridge 9
Mass Transfer 9
A2B Mapped 9
A2B Linked 10
Commonwealth Commitment 10
Tuition-Free Community College and Boston Bridge 11
Boston Bridge 12
The 15 Credit Check-List 15
Explore (16-30 Credits) 16
Exploring Four-year colleges 16
Web Research 16
College Events at BHCC 17
Meeting with College Admissions Counselors 17
Meet with a BHCC Transfer Advisor 17
The 30 Credit Check-List 18
Apply (31-45 Credits) 19
Overview of Transfer Application Materials 19
When to Apply 19
Which application to use 19
Common Application 20
College Report and Mid-Term Report 20
College Reports 20
Mid Term Reports 21
Personal Statement/Essay 21
Letters of Recommendation 22
Official Transcript 23
Standardized Tests 24
SAT or ACT scores 24
TOEFL or IELTS scores 24
Résumé/Curriculum Vitae (CV) 24
Complete the FAFSA 25
Complete CSS Profile (for private colleges) 25
The 45 Credit Check-List 25
Decide (46-60 Credits) 27
Finalizing Your Transfer Applications 27
Review: Your Application Check-List 27
Graduation from BHCC 27
Reviewing acceptance letter(s) 27
Reviewing (and appealing) financial aid award letters 28
Officially accepting or declining your institution’s acceptance 28
Submitting Official BHCC transcript 28
The 60 Credit Check-List 28
At Bunker Hill Community College, we have many resources to support students in successfully
completing their Associate’s degrees and transferring to a 4-year college or university to
complete Bachelors degrees and launch careers. There are great college options out there for
any student who wants to transfer, including adult students, those who work full-time or
part-time, veterans or those active in the military, international students, students with
disabilities, and students who are undocumented, have DACA, or other immigration statuses.
BHCC students have attended public and private colleges in Massachusetts and out of state.
In this resource guide, we have organized the transfer process into four main parts:
Prepare: Choose an Academic and Career Path
Explore: Discover your fit at a potential 4-year institution
Apply: Start applying to transfer institutions
Decide: Make a final decision about what college you will attend.
We encourage you to use this guide alongside BHCC academic, career and transfer advisors each
semester as you embark on this process. It is never too early to start thinking about transfer!
Contact Us: transferser[email protected]
BHCC Transfer Services Webpage:
Prepare (0-15 Credits)
Building a Support Network
The first step to completing a bachelor's degree is to build a network of support with advisors,
professors and employers. Advisors can assist you in choosing a program of study, exploring
career options, determining transferable courses, and getting connected to co-curricular
opportunities and other supports. We encourage you to build relationships with your
professors, employers, and advisors. Members of your network can provide letters of
recommendation and assist you in your transfer process.
Choosing an Academic and Career Pathway
At Bunker Hill Community College, students can choose from more than 100 Programs of Study.
Programs of Study, also known as majors, are made up of the courses and requirements a
student must complete before receiving their Certificate or Associate’s Degree. Visit the
Programs of Study page to see all the degrees and certificates Bunker Hill Community College
Many students choose a program of study based on their career plans. To learn more about
what Program of Study is right for you, we encourage you to take advantage of the wide range
of career advising resources that BHCC offers, including career skill and readiness workshops,
individual career advising appointments, career assessments, and more. Exploring careers and
Programs of Study is a process that requires time and commitment. As students learn more
about themselves and their goals, their educational and career development plans may change.
Getting Involved on Campus and in Your Community
Co-curricular opportunities are a wonderful way to grow your skills and experiences, build a
network, and strengthen your resume, making you a more competitive applicant when applying
to transfer. These may include honors programs, community service, internships, on-campus
jobs, athletics, performing arts, study abroad, and clubs and organizations.
Students who get involved on campus at a community college have a better adjustment to the
new environment at a four-year college. And it shows four-year colleges that you have been
involved with your community. For instance, you may consider joining Phi Theta Kappa which is
an honors society specifically for community college students. Through your membership, you
can network, find resources and scholarship opportunities. We also encourage students to join
the Commonwealth Honors Program at Bunker Hill which provides students opportunities for
excelling academically in a rich and challenging environment, enhancing transfer and
scholarship applications, and being part of an inclusive community of scholars that builds on the
strengths of our College’s diverse communities.
See below for more information on:
Student Clubs and Organizations:
Volunteering and Civic Engagement:
Many students who work long hours find that they are not able to participate in student clubs
and organizations. For students in this situation we recommend working with a transfer advisor
to get support describing the skills and leadership you have built through your paid work
experiences and/or supporting your family. There is so much that students learn through work
experiences that are an asset to colleges and universities.
Financing your Education
One way to help pay for your education is to obtain scholarships. While some funding is
available to students based on financial need, applying for scholarships and grants is a
multi-step process. Finding scholarships involves doing research, achieving high grades, and
being involved with your community. We encourage you to check out the BHCC Scholarships
page, Money for Four Year Colleges Resource Guide, and sign up to receive weekly Scholarship
Newsletters, which provides a list of external scholarships compiled by Advising & LifeMap staff.
When signing up, please use your Bunker Hill Community College email address.
Determining Transferable Courses
We strongly encourage students to complete an Associate’s degree prior to transferring to a
four-year institution. There are many benefits to earning an Associate’s degree including: saving
money on your education, eligibility to certain scholarships, eligibility to participate in
MassTransfer and Transfer Partnership programs, and earning an Associate’s degree is an
accomplishment that can provide you with better job opportunities. Finally, an Associate’s
degree is a great way to prepare for earning a Bachelors degree.
Students who complete an Associate’s Degree are often able to transfer to a Bachelor Degree
program with only 2 years of full-time college coursework remaining. In other words, students
complete their freshman and sophomore years at community college and then transfer to
complete their remaining junior and senior years at the Bachelor degree-granting institution.
Throughout your Associate Degree program at BHCC, you will take 100-level and 200-level
courses within your major along with General Education requirements. After you transfer, you
will take more advanced 300-level and 400-level courses which will primarily focus on your
selected program of study or major.
An important piece of this process is making sure your classes transfer into a corresponding
bachelors degree. For that reason, we encourage you to work with an advisor and four-year
colleges to determine transferability so that you are not taking unnecessary classes (such as
classes that do not count towards your degree). Make sure you save all class syllabi (the
documents that professors give students that explain course requirements and assignments) in
case you need them later to help you get credit for the courses you have taken.
While we at Bunker Hill cannot confirm how your classes will transfer, there are a variety of
tools that can help, including BHCC Transfer Partnerships and Articulation Agreements,
MassTransfer, transfer databases, and admissions counselors at four-year colleges. Students
who transfer at least 90% of their credits from community college are much more likely to finish
their Bachelors degree.
Transfer Opportunities
Bunker Hill has various Transfer Partnerships with four-year colleges that may guarantee
admission of our students if they meet certain requirements, and/or guarantee transfer of
credits for certain programs and majors.
Transfer Articulation Agreements
Through Transfer Articulation Agreements, students complete an Associate’s degree at BHCC,
meet all eligibility and admissions requirements, and are guaranteed admissions into the
specified major. All eligible BHCC credits transfer toward the specific Bachelors degree.
Explore BHCCs Transfer Articulation Agreements
Guaranteed Admissions
Through Guaranteed Admissions, students complete an Associate’s degree at BHCC, meet all
eligibility and admissions requirements, and are guaranteed admissions into select majors
within a bachelor degree-granting institution. Credits are guaranteed for transfer but
applicability into specific majors may vary.
Explore BHCCs Guaranteed Admissions Programs
Transfer Databases and Dictionaries
7 is a tool that shows exactly how your credits will transfer to certain colleges.
Click here for an instructional video on how to use Transferology
Many colleges have their own transfer equivalency tools called “transfer dictionaries.” See if
your school does by doing a quick google search. For example, you may search: “Northeastern
University Transfer Dictionary.
Contacting Admissions Representatives to Determine Course
Finally, you are encouraged to contact the Admissions office at the college you are applying to
to set up a meeting with a counselor to discuss how your credits will transfer.
You can sign up for a Virtual College Visit to speak with admissions representatives who are visiting BHCC, or contact admissions representatives
Before contacting admissions representatives we encourage you to do the following:
Check the college website for transfer credit policies. What grades do they accept? How
many credits?
Create a spreadsheet of course equivalencies based off of transfer databases (i.e., show
you've done some work).
For courses not available in databases, look at the curriculum of certain programs. What
are the course requirements and descriptions? Is there something similarly offered at
What else are colleges looking for transfer students? (I.e., MIT says they will not accept
transfer students who don't complete calculus and physics).
Here is a sample email you can use to contact admissions representatives:
Dear [MR., MS., MX., NAME],
I hope you are well.
My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am a current student at Bunker Hill Community College. I am
writing to you because I am very interested in transferring to [COLLEGE NAME] to study
[MAJOR]. I am currently studying at [YOUR PROGRAM] and plan to graduate in
[SEMESTER/YEAR]. As part of the transfer process, I was hoping to learn what courses would be
accepted to your institution.
May we please set up an appointment to discuss the transferability of my courses? I am happy
meet in your office or to talk on the phone if that is more convenient.
I have attached my unofficial transcript and am providing a link to the catalog of BHCC course
Thank you for considering this request.
City and State Programs: Mass Transfer, Commonwealth Commitment and
Boston Bridge
After completing an Associates degree at BHCC, many students choose to attend one of
Massachusetts’ public colleges and universities to complete their Bachelor's degrees.
Massachusetts has many excellent public universities to choose from, and often these are the
most affordable options. To help you leverage those savings toward completion of a State U or
UMass bachelor's degree, Massachusetts’ public colleges and universities have joined together
to offer a variety of cost-saving transfer pathways to reduce the cost of a State U or UMass
bachelors degree.
Additionally the City of Boston offers tuition benefits to students participating in its Tuition-Free
Community College program when they transfer to a State U or UMass through the Boston
Bridge program.
Mass Transfer
MassTransfer seeks to reward community college students who complete associate degrees at
Massachusetts community colleges before they enroll in linked bachelors programs at
Massachusetts state universities or University of Massachusetts campuses. Not only does
MassTransfer guarantee full transfer of a minimum of 60 credits but, depending on their final
GPA and/or prerequisite coursework, students who complete A2B Degrees (Associate to
Bachelors) may also receive guaranteed admission and tuition discounts.
A2B Mapped
A2B Maps guarantee that courses listed and taken as major requirements will be accepted as
major requirements at the receiving institution. Full-time students following A2B Mapped
agreements may also choose to participate in the Commonwealth Commitment to achieve the
highest possible cost savings among all MassTransfer options.
A2B Linked
Although A2B Linked agreements guarantee 60 credits will transfer, whether the credits are
applied in your major, or as general education or electives is at the discretion of the receiving
Commonwealth Commitment
Through Mass Transfers Commonwealth Commitment program, students commit to:
Begin at one of Massachusetts' Community Colleges
Complete associate degree within 2.5 years
Transfer to one of Massachusetts' State Universities or UMass campuses
Complete bachelor's degree within 2 more years
Maintain full-time, continuous enrollment and a cumulative 3.00 GPA- 12 credits at the
community college - 14 credits at the state university or UMass
As a benefit students will receive:
Freeze on all tuition & mandatory fees on program entry-Valid until student successfully
completes or leaves Commonwealth Commitment program
A 10% rebate off tuition & mandatory fees payable at the end of every successfully
completed semester
Additional MassTransfer Tuition Credit on bachelors program entry
Guaranteed admission, space permitting in the major and college
Guaranteed transfer of credits
No application fee or essay
Sign up for Commonwealth Commitment at:
If you are interested in receiving Mass Transfer benefits, we encourage you to meet with an
advisor as soon as possible.
Tuition-Free Community College and Boston Bridge
The City of Boston has committed to pay for up to three years of college for low-income eligible
students pursuing an associate degree through its Tuition-Free Community College (TFCC) Plan.
To enroll in TFCC, you must:
Be a Boston resident
Receive your high school credential (diploma, HiSET, or GED) within 18 months of
starting the plan
Have a grade-point average of at least 2.0*
Require no more than three developmental courses by the start of the semester
Be eligible for a Pell Grant, per the FAFSA
Have low to moderate household income, per HUD guidelines
* Does not apply to HiSET/GED completers
The following costs are covered for most TFCC students:
Any remaining tuition or mandatory fees after the Pell Grant has been applied
$250 each semester for up to three years of college-related expenses, such as books or
Sign up for Tuition-Free Community College/Boston Bridge at:
Boston Bridge
The Boston Bridge combines the benefits of the
Tuition-Free Community College Plan with the
benefits of Commonwealth Commitment, a state
plan that makes the continuation to four-year
college more affordable. Through the Boston
Bridge, you can attend one of TFCCs
participating community colleges and then
transfer to one of Massachusetts’ four-year state
schools to finish your bachelors degree at no
As a Boston Bridge student, you will earn all the benefits of the Tuition-Free Community College
Plan, as well as:
A financial contribution each semester to help with school-related expenses. This
contribution is equal to 10% of the costs of your school’s tuition and mandatory fees.
Complete payment of your tuition and mandatory fees during the final two years of your
bachelors degree.
To be eligible for the Boston Bridge, you must:
Meet the requirements of the Tuition-Free Community College Plan
Attend one of TFCCs public community colleges (BHCC, RCC, MassBay or Massasoit)
Have no more than 15 community college credits to start
Finish your associate degree in 2.5 years
Finish your bachelors degree in another 2 years
Attend school continuously, full-time
Maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA
Commit to one of 16 eligible majors
Interested in the Boston Bridge? On your Tuition-Free Community College Plan application,
check the box that says, “I’m interested in the Boston Bridge.” You will then receive instructions
on meeting with an academic advisor at your community college in your first semester. Your
advisor can help you fill out the necessary Commonwealth Commitment participation form,
which must be completed prior to earning 15 community college credits.
Unsure if you can meet the Boston Bridge requirements? Don’t worry: You should still apply!
There is no penalty for enrolling in the Boston Bridge and then falling short of requirements. You
would no longer be enrolled in Boston Bridge, but you would still be a part of TFCC for as long as
you meet its eligibility requirements.
Overview of City and State Programs
Finish Associate’s Degree
Attend college full-time OR
Maintain at least a 2.0 GPA
Guarantee Transfer of Credits
(2.0 GPA)
Guaranteed Admissions (2.5
MassTransfer Tuition Credit (3.0
Go to College Full-Time
Maintain 3.0 GPA
Graduate in 2.5 years at most
Be eligible for in-state tuition
Sign up before you attain 15 credits
All MassTransfer Benefits
10% refund on Tuition and Fees
each semester!
Price Freeze on Tuition and Fees
MassTransfer Tuition Credit
There is no penalty for
discontinuing--whatever refund
checks you earned, you keep,
and you can still do
Be a Boston resident
Receive your high school credential
(diploma, HiSET, or GED) within 18
months of starting the plan
Have a grade-point average of at
least 2.0*
Require no more than three
developmental courses by the start
of the semester
Be eligible for a Pell Grant, per the
FAFSA (DACA and TPS students ARE
Have low to moderate household
income, per HUD guidelines
Complete FAFSA on an annual basis
to continue to receive the Pell grant
and maintain eligibility
Make "satisfactory academic
progress" according to your college
See this video more info:
Any remaining tuition or
mandatory fees after the Pell
Grant has been applied for up to
three years
$250 each semester for up to
three years of college-related
expenses, such as books or
Same protocol as Commonwealth
Commitment. But only available to
students in the Free Tuition Community
College Program.
See this video on Boston Bridge:
Earn all the benefits of the Tuition-Free
Community College Plan, as well as 10%
of the costs of your school’s tuition and
mandatory fees.
The 15 Credit Check-List
Attend Transfer 101 Workshop
Begin to identify faculty and supervisors who can serve as references
Attend the College Transfer Fair and Visiting College events
Work with your Advisor to understand Mass Transfer programs and BHCC Transfer
Explore co-curricular programming and internship opportunities
Sign up for Commonwealth Commitment and/or Tuition-Free Community
College/Boston Bridge
Save all syllabi
Explore (16-30 Credits)
Exploring Four-year colleges
During your time at Bunker Hill, we encourage you to research and connect with four-year
colleges. As you start to explore four-year colleges that might be a good fit for you, here are
some questions to consider:
What do I want to do for a career?
What degrees and areas of study are required for this career?
What do I value in a college?
When will I transfer to a four-year college?
Do I want to attend college nearby or out-of-state?
Will I be applying for scholarships?
Do I want to attend full time, part time, during the day or at night?
Will I finish my associate’s degree at Bunker Hill?
How much can I financially contribute to my education?
Will I commute or live on campus?
Web Research
Sometimes the research begins by Google Searching colleges in Massachusetts that have
bachelor degrees in your major or your desired program. Websites like MassTransfer or College
Board's Big Future are other great places to start your research.
Looking at college websites and speaking with college officials will help you find what you value
in a school, such as diversity, internship opportunities, and student support services. College
websites have vast information for students. You use the websites to explore information such
Programs and areas of study offered
Application requirements and Deadlines
FAFSA Deadlines
Activities for transfer students, such as open houses, campus tours, and on one on
Cost of attendance
Keep track of your research on our Transfer Research Worksheet
College Events at BHCC
Many colleges work closely with Transfer Services to facilitate visits to the campus for fairs,
tabling, one-on-one appointments, and creating articulation agreements. Please visit our
Transfer Services page to register for a Visiting/Virtual College Visit.
Meeting with College Admissions Counselors
When attending college events at BHCC, we encourage you to come prepared with a list of
questions you might ask the admissions counselors. You can refer to our Getting Ready for the
Transfer Fair document for examples of well-informed questions to ask an admissions counselor.
Some questions may include:
Can you tell me about internships offered to students in certain majors?
What careers do students pursue upon graduation?
Are there scholarships available to transfer students?
Is there a minimum GPA required for my program?
What activities support services are available to students?
Why should I apply to your college?
Remember, this is a time for you to learn more about the colleges, and for their staff to learn
about you. In fact, many admissions counselors work closely with members on selection
committees, and can advocate for your application if you make a good first impression.
Meet with a BHCC Transfer Advisor
Between 16-30 credits is a good time to meet with a BHCC Transfer Counselor to discuss your
Before meeting with a BHCC Transfer Advisor, we ask that you answer the following
Identify 1 to 3 colleges of interest
Will I use a MassTransfer pathway, Articulation Agreement or another way to determine
how my credits will transfer?
Does the college have the major I want?
What is the deadline to apply?
Does the college have virtual tours, meetings, open houses, or other events for
prospective students?
Will this college be hosting an onsite or virtual information session, or is there an
admissions counselor I can contact?
Identify at least one professor who can write you a letter of recommendation. If you
don’t feel you know someone who can, what are ways that you can begin building that
relationship with professors?
The 30 Credit Check-List
Attend Transfer 101 Workshop
Prepare for a meeting with a transfer advisor
Determine if you will participate in a Mass Transfer pathway or BHCC Articulation
Identify faculty and supervisors who can serve as references
Identify 2-3 colleges of interest and understand how your credits/major will transfer
Participate in student organizations and internship opportunities
Save all syllabi
Apply (31-45 Credits)
Overview of Transfer Application Materials
When Applying, we recommend you follow this list of needed materials. While this is a reliable
list, it is not complete. We recommend students visit college admissions websites for specific
application requirements and instructions.
Common Application or College Application
Personal Statement/Essay
Letters of Recommendation
Official Transcript
Standardized Tests (TOEFL, SAT, etc.)
Résumé/Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Complete FAFSA
Complete CSS Profile (for private colleges)
You can use this Transfer Application Tracking Worksheet to keep track of required materials and
your submission progress
When to Apply
We strongly encourage students to complete their Associate’s degree before transferring to a
4-year college. However, there are a few reasons that you may want to transfer before you earn
your Associate’s degree:
The program you are interested in is not offered at BHCC. For example, pilot school,
veterinary assistant, dental hygienist, and more. You can usually complete the General
Education requirements or prerequisites here at BHCC, but will need to transfer in order
to maximize your transferable credits.
Your new institution is a better fit for your lifestyle. Whether it is a better location or
they have different types of activities (athletics, for example) and classes you want to be
involved in, a new institution can be a better fit for your lifestyle.
Whatever your timing is, you should connect with a counselor to review your best options for
your unique situation.
You will submit your applications during your final semester at Bunker Hill.
Be sure to check the transfer admissions deadlines for each college you apply to. Colleges with
fall-only admission often have earlier application deadlines, which means you would need to
start working on your applications almost a year before you plan to attend.
Some universities offer rolling deadlines which continue throughout the summer. Still, we
encourage you to apply as early as possible to ensure you have the greatest chance of
admission and opportunities for scholarships and financial aid.
Which application to use
The transfer admissions website for each college should tell you which application to use.
Many colleges use the Common Application (see below).
Some colleges will have their own application.
Common Application
Many colleges use the Common Application, a free service that is required by nearly 900
colleges in the United States, including 57 in Massachusetts. A benefit to the Common App is
that you can see all the requirements of the application when you select the colleges of your
choice. It is important to check the college Admissions website to see if they use the Common
App or another service.
First time users must create a Transfer profile by going to CommonApp.Org
The Common App has a youtube Channel with videos that guide users on each section.
In addition, users can live chat with or email a Common App staff person in the Help Center of
the website.
When you create your Common App profile, be sure to select Transfer Student for accuracy.
College Report and Mid-Term Report
The College(s) I am transferring to require a College Report and/or Mid-Term Report. How do I
submit those documents?
If you are applying to colleges for the Fall or Spring, some four-year colleges require the College
Report and/or Mid-Term Report through the Common Application.
College Reports
1. Fill out the section of the College Report labeled “To the Applicant” on the first page.
Please note that for a representative of BHCC to complete the College Report on your
behalf, you will first need to complete the "To the Applicant" section and sign the
document before submitting the College Report to BHCC.
2. Fill out the Transfer Cover Sheet by listing all the colleges you are applying to that
request the College Report.
3. Please upload both the College Report and the Transfer Cover Sheet to the secure
student upload portal on the Financial Aid Form Upload. (If you print anything to fill out,
you can scan or take a picture of the form to upload it).
4. The form will be directed to Academic Records and the appropriate offices for
completion. Once completed, Academic Records emails the form to the colleges that the
student listed on their Transfer Cover Sheet. Then Academic Records will send the
student an email letting them know their college report has been completed and sent to
the colleges.
Mid Term Reports
Mid-Term Reports need to be completed by your current professors; please email your
professors and ask that they print and fill out the attached document and send it back to
you. Send the Mid-Term Report to the contact information found on the Common
Personal Statement/Essay
Personal Statements or essays are an opportunity to use your voice. Take the opportunity to
humanize your candidacy beyond the grades, test scores, and other information. This can make
a big difference in your application. You can always start by meeting with a transfer advisor who
can provide feedback on what a college would be looking for in an essay.
Where can you get help at BHCC with writing your essay?
The TASC (Tutoring and Academic Support) room E174, E Building, Charlestown Campus.
The Writing Place, room E142, E Building, Charlestown Campus.
Links to sites with helpful information about essay writing:
The Transfer Essay is a part of your transfer application, but not the only thing that will
determine whether you get in. The essay does, however, give you a chance to tell your future
college why you are a good fit, something your transcript doesn’t really do. Many students have
excellent GPAs. BHCC students have interesting lives and inspiring dreams; the essay is where
you can express these.
The essay allows you to take responsibility for less than perfect grades. You have an
opportunity to explain grades that aren’t representative of the work you can do, but be
careful to not complain or place blame on others.
You have an opportunity to explain the academic challenges you have had to overcome, be
The essay is the place where you can explain WHY you want to attend. What are your goals?
How will this college help you reach those goals?
How has your time at BHCC helped you? Did it help you find your way? Become
academically prepared? Is it where you discovered or confirmed your career/educational
Make sure to:
Take your time and start well in advance of the deadline.
Follow directions exactly. Pay attention to details.
Be aware of and stick to any word-count restrictions. Some colleges have character counts,
not word counts. Be sure you know which you need to follow.
Be specific. Use facts and examples. Be honest.
Use vivid details. Do not make statements anyone could write, for example, “I want to
transfer to complete a degree in accounting because there are many good jobs in
accounting.” This is accurate but shows nothing about you. Here is an example of the
opening of a successful essay: “I have taken all the engineering courses I can at my two-year
college. I am transferring to complete a degree in chemical engineering. With my degree, I
will return home to Sri Lanka to clean up the water pollution that has made me angry since I
was a child.
Edit and then edit again. Make sure to have multiple people help proofread. Make sure
there are no typos or errors.
Meet deadlines.
Letters of Recommendation
Each college that requires letters of recommendation will need at least one from a professor.
Ideally, Letters of Recommendation should come from professors who can speak to your
abilities as a student who will be academically successful at the receiving institution. Other
letters can come from academic or club advisors, employers, athletic coaches, or others that can
speak to your professionalism, diligence and commitment to academic excellence. Make sure to
give your references at least one month before your earliest deadline to complete and send
your letters. Most importantly, be sure to pick someone who will be enthusiastic about writing
the letter for you.
We encourage you to use this Request Form
Please note:
Professors do not have to write you a letter of recommendation and may decline your request.
Make your request in writing at least 30 days before the deadline for the letter. Professors may
decline requests with shorter deadlines.
You want the professor to say something such as: “Maria told me she wanted to be a doctor when she
was in my biology class in the fall of 2013. Her A in my course and the lab work she did indicate to me
that she will succeed in her plan to major in biology at your school.” Provide your professor with enough
details to write a recommendation that could only be about you.
When asking for a recommendation, please give your professors the following information in writing:
Your full name
Your BHCC Email
Your BHCC major
Number of college credits you have earned
Course or courses you took with the professor(Course name and number, with date and section)
Grade you received in the course
Describe work from those courses that demonstrates your academic ability. For instance, remind
them about a paper you wrote, a lab or a project you participated in, give them details that will
remind them about you as a student.
Anything you want the professor to know about you. For example, if you earned an A in the
professors class while working 25 hours a week outside of school, it is fine to say so. Provide
details: Where did you work? What was your job?
The names of the colleges the recommendation is for
What you plan to major in when you transfer
What you plan to do with your undergraduate degree
Deadline for the recommendation
Directions on what the professor needs to do with the recommendation.
o If the professor needs to mail it, you should provide an envelope that has the address
where the recommendation should be sent.
o If the professor needs to submit it online, to the Common Application or somewhere
else, you must provide your professor with the links and specific directions.
Official Transcript
You will need to submit an official transcript to the College you transfer to twice:
1. When you submit your application so the college can verify your grades and coursework
2. Once you decide to enroll in that college in order to transfer your credits with your final
semester grades
Some colleges allow students to submit unofficials in the initial application. You will also need to
send all transcripts of institutions you attended prior to BHCC.
Bunker Hill has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide official academic
transcript ordering via the Web. For convenience, we recommend sending the transcripts
directly to the colleges of your choosing, rather than having them sent to you. Remember that
you will have to order one transcript per college. Be sure to know the mail or email address of
the admissions office prior to placing the order, and check the college website to see how they
prefer to receive transcripts.
Order an official BHCC transcript here.
Standardized Tests
SAT or ACT scores
Most colleges will not require SAT or ACT scores for transfer students, but be sure to confirm if
this is a requirement for the college you are applying to, or if high scores might enhance your
TOEFL or IELTS scores
If the colleges require TOEFL or IELTS scores, you can get help preparing and take practice tests
through the BHCC Language Lab.
If you are an international student, It is recommended that you look at the requirements for
international applicants first, and then the requirements for transfer students. Some colleges
may have all information on one page, whereas some may have separate pages. Just be sure to
follow all instructions.
Résumé/Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Including a Resume or CV in an application is not always required for an application. If given the
option, it could provide reviewers valuable information on how you have spent time being
involved in your community or building transferable skills in the workforce through full time or
part time jobs.
We recommend doing some research to see which colleges accept, require, or consider
resumes. At times, resumes may be used for scholarships and applications for honors programs.
If you decide to use a resume, consider attending a Resume Workshop that is offered by
Advising and LifeMap.
Complete the FAFSA
Eligible students should complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Include
the school codes for all the schools you are applying to on your FAFSA application.
Be aware of each college’s deadlines for applying for financial aid, they may be earlier
than the application deadline.
Complete CSS Profile (for private colleges)
The College Board’s CSS Profile is an online application that collects information used by
almost 400 colleges, universities, professional schools, and scholarship programs to award
financial aid from sources outside of the federal government.
After you submit your application, the College Board sends it to the colleges and scholarship
programs you have chosen.
Not all colleges and scholarship programs require the CSS Profile. Check with the ones you’re
interested in to see if they require it.
Please note, that unlike the FAFSA, the CSS Profile is open to all students this include both
domestic and non-residential students, including international students, students who are
undocumented, and DACA recipients.
Many colleges using the Common Application also require that you complete the College Board
CSS/Financial Aid Profile. Click here for directions on how to complete the CSS/Financial Aid
Please visit our Money for Four-Year College page to begin research on scholarships.
You may also visit MassEdCO for information about application fee waivers, scholarship
opportunities, and assistance with financial planning such as completing FAFSA and the CSS
The 45 Credit Check-List
Attend Transfer 102 workshop
Attend a Visiting College event and the College Transfer Fair
Document and reflect on your experience in participating in a club, organization and/or
volunteer experience.
Meet with a transfer counselor
Research and apply for scholarships
Research and finalize list of potential colleges – know the application deadlines
By your second to last semester be prepared to submit transfer applications
Attend visiting college events/transfer fairs
Confirm faculty and supervisors who can serve as references
Get support with your application/scholarship essays
Save all syllabi
Decide (45-60 Credits)
Finalizing Your Transfer Applications
Once you have collected and finalized all your materials you are ready to submit your
Upon completion, you will receive confirmation messages that your application has been
submitted successfully. You will have a short time frame to wait to hear of acceptances.
While we encourage you to explore colleges before applying, you might take this time to revisit
some of your notes and past conversations with admissions counselors and other advisors.
Review: Your Application Check-List
Common Application (or other platform)
Personal Statement/Essay
Letters of Recommendation
Official Transcript
Standardized Tests (TOEFL, SAT, etc.)
Interviews (if offered)
Résumé/Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Complete FAFSA
Complete CSS Profile (for private colleges)
Graduation from BHCC
Remember to apply for graduation from BHCC during your last semester through your online
self-service account. You can take up to 6 credits over the summer and still participate in BHCC
Reviewing acceptance letter(s)
Perhaps the most important part of the transfer process is deciding which college you will
attend. This decision requires careful consideration. When you receive an acceptance, you will
likely have new information that may affect your decision.
Your acceptance letter will include the good news of your admissions decision and an outline of
next steps. This includes the deadline to decide if you will attend their college and when to
submit the non-refundable deposit.
Reviewing (and appealing) financial aid award letters
It is also important to review the financial aid award letter. This letter will outline the financial
support you will receive, including federal financial aid, federal loans, MassTransfer benefits (if
applicable), and institutional grants and scholarships. Remember that private colleges will
determine financial need as reflected in the FAFSA and CSS Profile.
You are also encouraged to appeal your financial aid awards to see if you can get additional
funding. Learn more about strategies for doing this here:
Officially accepting or declining your institution’s acceptance
Once you feel comfortable with one college, be sure to adhere to the deadlines to accept or
Submitting Official BHCC transcript
As a final requirement for your admittance, you will be required to send in an official transcript
again, this time, with all your classes completed with final grades. If you will be taking additional
courses to complete your degree prior to attending (such as summer classes), be sure to discuss
this with the college of your choosing.
The 60 Credit Check-List
Apply for Graduation
Submit transfer applications
Review acceptance letters and financial aid awards
Officially accept or decline institution’s acceptances
Send thank you notes to faculty and supervisors who served as references
Save all syllabi
Submit official BHCC transcript