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Dear Applicant,
Please read application carefully and follow all directions.
Application period:
Wharton- Fall- November through March Sugar Land –Spring- April through August
Wharton Third Wednesday of March Sugar Land - Third Wednesday of August
If deadline falls on a holiday or a time when the college is closed it will change to the following Monday.
It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to make sure all required paperwork and information is received
by the ADN department before the above deadline at 3:00 pm. Our office will not follow up on any
information that is not in the applicant’s file. Incomplete files will not be considered for admission.
All requirements must be fulfilled. There will be no exceptions.
Mail completed packet by the deadline to:
Wharton County Junior College- ADN Program
Attn: Lori Baumgarten
911 Boling Highway
Wharton, TX 77488
Or Hand Deliver completed packet by the deadline to:
Lori Baumgarten- Wharton County Junior College- ADN Program
911 Boling Highway
Johnson Health Occupations Center - Lot#5 - Room 206
Wharton, TX 77488
Sandra Davis, MSN, RN
Sandra Davis, Program Director
Associate Degree Nursing Program
Telephone: 979-532-6391
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Information Pertaining to Admission
Consideration for acceptance into the Associate Degree Nursing Program is based upon the submission of the
following items directly to the Associate Degree Nursing Department:
1. Admission to WCJC:
Applicant must apply to the college at and be fully accepted as a student to WCJC by the ADN
application deadline.
2. T
exas Success Initiative (TSI):
Must have all components of TSI satisfied before applying to the program. If unsure if TSI complete look at applicant’s
official transcript or contact WCJC Office of Admissions and Registration.
3. Application to the ADN Program:
Applicant must complete application for admission to the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
4. Transcripts:
An unofficial or copy of official transcript from each college attended including WCJC must be included with the ADN
program application packet. *Must have an unofficial or copy of official transcript from each college attended even if other
colleges are on WCJC transcript.
5. Transcript Evaluation Form:
If applicant has attended any institution other than WCJC, then a transcript evaluation MUST be done. You must submit your
transcript evaluation form at least one month prior to ADN application deadline.
The form can be found at:
or, Information for, Current Students, Student Forms, under Graduation, Request for Degree/Certificate
Evaluation and fill out form and submit online.
6. Prerequisite Courses and GPA:
Prerequisite courses must be completed by the application deadline:
BIOL 2401 (Anatomy and Physiology I)
PSYC 2301 (General Psychology)
PSYC 2314 (Life Span Growth and Development)
ENGL 1301 (Composition I)
Applicant must submit proof of completion by the stated deadline. Grade must be a “C” or better and an overall GPA of
2.5 or higher. There is no time frame on the prerequisite courses.
7. Entrance Examination Recommendations:
TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) with a minimum score of 70% in Reading, 70% in Math, and
70% in Science will receive application points. An applicant may retake any section to achieve the 70%. All exam component
results must be within two years. Please print out the Individual Performance Profile Sheet to turn in with the individual
Reading, Math and Science scores for submission. Do not turn in ATI transcript with overall Individual Score only.
To register and pay for the test go to
It is strongly recommended that testing be scheduled at least one month prior to the date you plan to test.
8. Statement of Students’ Responsibility Form:
Review, print name, sign and date at bottom as verification that you have read and understand this information.
9. Hepatitis B Vaccine Requirement:
Applicants must show proof of completion of the Hepatitis B vaccine series or serologic confirmation of immunity to
Hepatitis B virus.
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a. If you had the Hepatitis B series as a child and do not have proof of your immunizations, it is recommended that you
have the Hepatitis B titer (antibody not antigen) drawn to check the status of immunity. If the titer comes back
negative, the applicant must re-start the series and have another titer drawn 2 months after the last immunization.
b. If you have never received the Hepatitis B vaccine series, it will take six months to complete. You must start the first
shot no later than:
1. For fall admission must have been started by February 1st
2. For spring, admission must have been started by July 1st.
Applicants must have proof of two vaccines by the deadline of the application.
10. Letter of Good Standing:
If you have previously enrolled in any nursing program, you must provide a letter from the program director stating that you
are a student in good standing and eligible for readmission to that program
Competitive Ranking Process
Acceptance to the program is a competitive ranking process based on points awarded for designated criteria. Meeting all
of the criteria does not guarantee anyone admission to the program.
Only completed application packets are competitively ranked.
Criteria for points include, but not limited to:
1. Proof of completion of prerequisites courses by stated application deadline. Grade must be a “C” or higher and an overall
GPA of 2.5 or higher in prerequisite courses. There is no time frame on prerequisite courses.
a. BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I
b. PSYC 2301 General Psychology
c. PSYC 2314 Life Span Growth and Development
d. ENGL 1301 Composition I
2. Proof of completion of required general education courses required for Associate Degree submitted in application packet.
Grade must be a “C” or higher and an overall GPA 2.5 or higher in prerequisite and general education courses.
There is no time frame on required general education courses.
a. BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II
b. BIOL 2420 Microbiology
c. Language, Philosophy, & Culture elective (per WCJC catalog)
3. TEAS examination results with a minimum score of 70% in Reading, 70% in Math, 70% in Science will receive applications
4. Proof of completion of specific course work towards RN-BSN Transition Program submitted in application packet will give
you extra points on the calculation process. These courses do not need to be taken before applying to the program. Must
have minimum grade of “C” or better.
Courses include:
a. ENGL 1302 Composition II
b. MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods
c. HIST 1301 U.S. History I
d. HIST 1302 U.S. History II
e. GOVT 2305 Federal Government
f. GOVT 2306 Texas Government
g. SPCH 1315 Public Speaking or SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication
h. CHEM 1405 Introductory Chemistry I or CHEM 1411 General Chemistry I
i. Creative Arts elective (per WCJC catalog)
j. BIOL 1322 Nutrition
k. PHED 1164 Introduction to Physical Fitness and Wellness or PSYC 1300 Learning Framework
5. Additional points may be awarded for military veterans, healthcare certificates and Bachelor’s degree. See program
checklist for required documentation to be submitted.
For questions regarding program information, please call: Lori Baumgarten at 979-532-6391
The Wharton County Junior College Associate Degree Nursing Program is fully approved by the
Texas Board of Nursing, 333 Guadalupe, Ste. 3-460, Austin, TX, 78767-0430.
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(Please print clearly in ink or type. Do not print double sided.)
This application is valid for admission only for
Fall-Wharton: November through March Spring-Sugar Land: April through August:
(Circle one)
Wharton/Fall Sugar Land/Spring
Name: (Last) (First) (Middle) (Maiden)
2. Date of Birth __________________________ Social Security Number__________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: (No. and Street or Box) (City) (County) (State) (Zip)
4. Telephone Home_______________________ 5. WCJC Student ID#____________________________
6. Telephone Cell _________________________ 7. E-mail_____________________________________
8. Have you ever been enrolled in courses at WCJC? Yes No
9. Testing: TEAS Test Date_______________________________
10. Have you previously attended any nursing program? Yes No If yes, complete the following:
Name of Nursing Program
City, State
Dates attended
11. Colleges/Universities Attended including WCJC:
Name of School/College
City and State
Dates Attended
Major/Degree Earned
I CERTIFY that this application and the submitted transcripts and scores are complete and accurate. I understand that these
documents are being used to make an academic decision regarding admission to the ADN Program at Wharton County Junior
College. I understand that inaccurate or omission of information will make me ineligible for admission to or progression through
the ADN program at Wharton County Junior College. I have received verbal and written information regarding criminal
background checks and eligibility for initial RN licensure by NCLEX examination.
Date_____________________ Legal Signature of Applicant__________________________________________
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Review and sign as verification that you have read and understand this information:
I have read and understand the admission process for the Associate Degree Nursing program which is a
competitive selection process with a limited number of spaces available.
I understand that successful completion of prerequisite courses, required TEAS test, and submission of
complete application packet materials does not guarantee acceptance to the Associate Degree Nursing
I understand that I must submit a copy of my current transcripts (transcripts may be unofficial or copy of
official) from each college attended including WCJC to the ADN program as part of the application packet.
I understand that I must have my transcripts evaluated for all non-WCJC courses. I understand that this
request must be submitted at least one month prior to application deadline.
I understand that the prerequisite courses must be completed before applying to the program.
I understand that I must submit my individual TEAS scores. Recommendation is 70% Reading, 70% Math
and 70% Science within the last two years.
I understand that documentation must be submitted for the Hepatitis B Vaccine series or Hepatitis B titer
results to apply.
I understand that I must meet the essential performance standards and activities for ADN students.
(Standards Attached)
I understand the essential eligibity requirements for admission, progression and completion of the
Associate Degree Nursing program.
I accept full responsibility for submitting a complete Associate Degree Nursing application packet prior to
or by the designated application filing deadline. I understand incomplete packet will disqualify my
__________________________ _______________________________
Date Legal Signature of Applicant
Print Name
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Associate Degree Nursing Program Checklist
It is the prospective studentsresponsibility to ensure all documents listed on this page
are included in your admission packet when turned in. Information will not be accepted
by fax or email. All required Documentation must be submitted together in one packet.
Must be fully accepted to WCJC for admission prior to ADN application deadline
Must be TSI (Texas Success Initiative) complete with the College
Completed application of admission to Associate Degree Nursing program
An unofficial or copy of official transcript from each college including WCJC
Submitted Transcript Evaluation Form online for non-WCJC courses
Copy of TEAS individual test scores
Completed Statement of Students’ Responsibility Form
Hepatitis B Vaccine series or titer results documentation
Letter of Good Standing-only if previously enrolled in any nursing program
Send in documentation for extra points:
Military Veteran Honorable Discharge (copy DD214)
Current Healthcare Certificate/License
(copy EMT, CNA, CMA, LVN, Med Aide certificate/license)
Bachelor’s Degree- (list on application page in section 11)
All above information turned in by third Wednesday of March for fall admission and third
Wednesday of August for spring admission
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Upon conditional acceptance into the ADN program, students will be required to complete a criminal background check, which includes a
set of fingerprints for the purpose of obtaining a criminal history from the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Federal Bureau
of Investigation. This is submitted to the Texas Board of Nursing (BON).
Full acceptance into the ADN program is dependent upon BON verification of eligibility for future licensure as a Registered Nurse prior to
the start of the program. If there is something in the background check that cannot be resolved prior to beginning of classes, the
student will have to reapply to the nursing program when the problem has been resolved
Information regarding how to obtain the background check will be provided upon conditional acceptance. The background check
expense is the prospective student’s responsibility.
Licensure Eligibility
For any criminal offense, including those pending appeal:
1. Been convicted of a misdemeanor?
2. Been convicted of a felony?
3. Pled nolo contendere, no contest, or guilty?
4. Received deferred adjudication?
5. Been placed on community supervision or court-ordered probation, whether or not adjudicated guilty?
6. Been sentenced to serve jail or prison time or court-ordered confinement?
7. Been granted pre-trial diversion?
8. Been arrested or have any pending criminal charges?
9. Been cited or charged with any violation of the law?
10. Been subject of a court-martial; Article 15 violation; or received any form of military judgment, punishment, or action?
NOTE: You may only exclude Class C misdemeanor traffic violations or offenses previously disclosed to the Texas Board of Nursing on an
initial renewal licensure application.
Expunged and Sealed Offenses
While expunged or sealed offenses, arrests, tickets, or citations need not be disclosed, it is your responsibility to ensure the offense,
arrest, ticket, or citation has, in fact, been expunged or sealed. It is recommended that you submit a copy of the Court Order expunging
or sealing the record in question to our office with your application. Failure to reveal an offense, arrest, ticket, or citation that is not in
fact expunged or sealed, will at a minimum, subject your license to a disciplinary fine. Non-disclosure of relevant offenses raises
questions related to truthfulness and character of the Nurse.
Orders of Non-disclosure
Pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code §552.142(b), if you have criminal matters that are the subject of an order of non-disclosure, you are not
required to reveal those criminal matters on this form. However, a criminal matter that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure may
become a character and fitness of duty issue. Pursuant to other sections of the Gov't Code Chapter 411, the Texas Nursing Board is
entitled to access criminal history record information that is subject of an order of non-disclosure. If the Board discovers a criminal
matter that is the subject of an order of non-disclosure, even if you properly did not reveal that matter, the Board may require you to
provide information about any conduct that raises issues of character.
Are you currently the target or subject of a grand jury or governmental agency investigation?
Has any licensing authority refused to issue you a license or ever revoked, annulled, cancelled, accepted surrender of,
suspended, placed on probation, refused to renew a license, certificate or multi-state privilege held by you now or previously,
or ever fined, censured, reprimanded or otherwise disciplined you? (You may exclude disciplinary actions previously disclosed
to the Texas Board of Nursing on an initial or renewal licensure application)
*Within the past five (5) years have you been diagnosed with, treated, or hospitalized for schizophrenia and/or a psychotic
disorder, bipolar disorder, paranoid personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, or borderline personality disorder?
(You may answer "No" if you have completed and/or are in compliance with TPAPN for mental illness OR you've previously
disclosed to the Texas Board of Nursing and have remained compliant with your treatment regimen and have had no further
hospitalization since disclosure)
*In the past five (5) years, have you been addicted or treated for the use of alcohol or any other drug? (You may answer "No"
if you have completed and/or are in compliance with TPAPN)
For more information, visit the Texas Board of Nursing website at:
Texas Board of Nursing
33 Guadalupe, Ste. 3-460
Austin, TX 78767-0430
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The following performance standards and activities have been identified as essential for successful admission, progression and
completion of the ADN program. Applicants to the program must be able to meet the following performance standards.
The essential eligibility requirements for admission, progression and completion of the program are listed below. American Disabilities
Act (ADA) supports these eligibility requirements.
Performance Standard
Essential Activity/Tasks
(Examples are not all inclusive)
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking ability sufficient for
clinical decision-making.
Solve problems and make valid, rational decisions using logic, creativity, and
Analyze and use assessment findings to plan care for clients and families
Identify priorities of care based on analysis of data
Evaluate the plan of care and revise as appropriate
Communication abilities sufficient for
interaction with others in verbal,
nonverbal, and written form.
Speak English in such manner to be understood by general public
Communicate effectively in verbal and written form by speaking clearly and
succinctly when explaining treatment procedures, describing patient
conditions, and implementing health teaching for clients and / or families
based on assessed needs, available resources, age, life style and cultural
Interpersonal abilities sufficient to
interact with individuals, families,
and groups from a variety of social,
emotional, cultural, and intellectual
Establish rapport (relationship) with clients and colleagues through speech,
touch, and hearing
Work effectively in small groups as team members and as a team leader
Function safely under stressful conditions with the ability to adapt to ever-
changing environments inherent in clinical situations involving client care
Motor Skills
Gross and fine motor skills sufficient
to provide nursing care in a safe and
accurate manner.
Manual dexterity to maintain sterile technique when performing sterile
procedures such as insertion of a catheter
Manual dexterity to perform all steps required for medication
administration (IV, PO, IM, etc)
Be able to use a computer keyboard
Hearing ability sufficient to monitor,
assess, and provide safe nursing care.
Be able to hear monitor alarms, emergency signals, call bells, and to answer
Distinguish changes in tone and pitch such as when using a stethoscope to
hear a blood pressure, heart, lung, vascular, and abdominal sounds
Visual ability sufficient to monitor,
assess, and provide safe nursing care.
Distinguish alterations in normal body activities such as absence of
respiratory movement
Identify changes in color, size and symmetry of body parts, such as
development of cyanosis
Read fine, small print on medication containers, physician’s orders,
monitors, thermometers, measuring cups, and equipment calibrations
Visualize written words and a computer screen
Physical abilities to move from room-
to-room or maneuver in limited
spaces, and to accommodate
stairwell when necessary.
Perform physical activities necessary to do basic nursing skills such as
putting on sterile gloves, performing health assessments
Provide or assist with activities of daily living such as bed bath, oral hygiene,
ambulation, and positioning
Transport and transfer patients using equipment such as stretchers,
wheelchairs, walkers, and commode chairs
Respond quickly in an emergency
Physical ability to stand for prolonged periods of time, perform
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, lift patients and objects of 30 lbs. or more
Tactile ability sufficient to monitor,
assess, and provide safe nursing care.
Palpate for pulses, temperature, texture hardness or softness, landmarks,
Demonstrate accountability and
responsibility in all aspects of nursing
Be able to distinguish right from wrong, legal from illegal and to act
Accept responsibility for own actions
Be able to comprehend ethical standards and agree to abide by them
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This form does not need to be filled out. This is only an example of the criteria used to choose prospective students.
*Prerequisites & General Education Courses in ADN Curriculum
A = 4 points B= 3 points C = 2 points
* BIOL 2401
* ENGL 1301
* PSYC 2301
* PSYC 2314
BIOL 2402
BIOL 2420
Lang, Phil, & Culture
*Prerequisites Courses Total Grade Points: __________
GPA from Prerequisites Required General Education Courses in ADN Curriculum
3.99 & Above = 4 points
3.49 - 3.98 = 3 points GPA: ________
2.99 - 3.48 = 2 points Grade Points divided Semester Credit Hrs.
2.50 - 2.98 = 1 points
GPA Adm. Points: __________
TEAS Scores
Date Taken: ___________________ Reading Score: _____________
70% - 70.9%......1 point 73% - 74.9%......3 points 77% - 78.9%........5 points
71% - 72.9%......2 points 75% - 76.9%......4 points 79% & above…...6 points
Reading Admission Points: __________
Date Taken: ___________________ Math Score: _____________
Math Admission Points: __________
Date Taken: ___________________ Science Score: _____________
Science Admission Points: __________
RN-BSN Pathway
Each Course taken worth 1 extra point Admission Points: __________
ENGL1302, MATH1342, HIST1301, HIST1302, GOVT 2305, GOVT 2306, SPCH1315 or 1318,
CREATIVE ARTS, BIOL 1322, CHEM 1405 or 1411, PHED 1164 or PSYC1300
Sub Total Admission Points: __________
Other Data
WCJC In District (2pts) Admission Points: __________
Subtract 10 pts for W/D or Failure from WCJC Level 1 ADN Program Admission Points: __________
Graduation Ready (5 pts Prerequisite and Co-requisite completed) Admission Points: __________
Military (copy of DD214 2 pts) Admission Points: __________
Healthcare Certificate (2 pts) Admission Points: __________
Bachelor or Higher Degree (5 pts) Admission Points: __________
Grand Total Admission Points: __________