Less than $5,000
$5,000 to $10,000
Goods or low-
risk services
High Risk Services
(see Risk Matrix)
Will the
take our
Goods & Services
$10,000 to $25,000
Services Goods
Over $25,000
Goods Services
Step 4: Send proposal or
estimate from Vendor to
Linda Ouellette.
Step 1: Obtain a proposal
from Vendor & send it to
your Designated Buyer.
Step 8: Vendor sends you
an invoice and you receive
it in Colleague; ‘PORC’.
Pick the Best
Value for the
Step 3: Requisition is
entered in Colleague.
Step 6: Purchasing sends
PO to Vendor via email;
and copies the Initiator
and Designated Buyer.
Step 7: Manage the
service and/or receive
Step 9: Use ‘VOUM’ to
enter a Voucher.
Step 5: Send anything the
Vendor wants CMC to
sign to Lucas, cc Steve
Never sign anything
on behalf of CMC.
1. This 4 page guide is a summary and reference; for more detail see the Purchasing Handbook.
2. Your Designated Buyer is an expert in purchasing goods and services for the College, has additional approval authority and a higher P-Card limit. P-Card
reconciliation reports, expense reimbursement requests and obtaining a signature on an agreement or contract are managed locally by the Designated Buyer. Be sure
that he or she is involved early in your purchase. The submittal procedure for expense reimbursement forms, P-Card reconciliations and Vendor contracts is
managed by your Designated Buyer, and may vary slightly by Campus; see your Designated Buyer for instructions and involve him or her in early in the process.
The list of Designated Buyers is on the following page. All high-risk services require a Purchase Order or Blanket Purchase Order so that our Terms and
Conditions apply and we collect a compliant insurance certificate if necessary. See Chapter 4 on Risk Management in the Purchasing Handbook for a list of high-
risk services. All services over $5,000, and all high-risk services regardless of amount require a CMC Purchase Order.
3. Send all contracts and agreements for signature to Lucas TenHarmsel and cc Steve Boyd; don’t sign documents yourself.
4. Refer Vendors to www.coloradomtn.edu/purchasing/vendors, everything they need to do business with CMC is there.
Step 10: Submit invoice
to Accounts Payable.
Quick Reference Guide
In most cases a Vendor will give you
something in writing prior to your
buying decision. Include the
requisition number in the email
subject line and forward it to Linda
CMC needs a clear description of the
product or service you are procuring
including who, what, when and where;
and define any deliverable the Vendor
will be expected to produce.
Step 11: Purchasing
processes check.
Compliant invoices in to Kim before
noon on Wednesday are paid on
Put Vendor email address in
‘Printed Comments’.
Purchasing is responsible for
confirming compliance before
processing the PO.
Step 2: Confirm that the
Vendor is registered.
Ask Vendor to visit our webpage and
complete Vendor Registration Form.
Use ‘VOUM’ to voucher against the
PO, write the voucher number on the
invoice and forward it to Kim
Your Designated Buyer will either
enter the Voucher or ask you to.
Contact Steve Boyd if you have a
problem with a Vendor’s
Invoice must be dated after the
Purchase Order to avoid an
Page 1 of 4
--------Step is done by:--------
Arrow type:
Visit www.coloradomtn.edu/purchasing for all purchasing information and resources
Legal Name: Colorado Mountain Junior College District
FEIN (TIN): 84-0567768; Tax Exempt: 98-00796
Step 12: You are Done!
See page 4 See page 3
How to get a:
Get a contract signed:
1) Download and complete the Contract Intake Form.
2) Send the unsigned contract to Lucas and cc Steve
with all attachments.
3) Do not sign Vendor contracts or agreements.
4) Purchasing will contact you with any outstanding
requirements and will work with you and the Vendor
to obtain them.
5) Ask Vendors to visit the ‘Vendors’ page of the
Purchasing website and, if necessary;
-Submit our Vendor Registration Form, and/or
-Send our Insurance Requirements to their agent.
6) Forward the scope of work to Linda Ouellette.
Copy Gina Pedrick in Risk Management if the service
is high risk.
7) Communicate any additional needs directly to
Vendor or ask Purchasing to send to Vendor.
8) Manage the project, contact Steve Boyd or Linda
Ouellette if you have trouble with a Vendor.
Purchasing Department Team:
Steve Boyd x8402 Director of Purchasing; sboyd@coloradomtn.edu for contract
signatures, vendor issues, to initiate an RFP or RFQ, to discuss emergency purchases or
other exceptions, purchasing/contracts/accounts payable problems, back up to Linda and
Lucas for P-Card increases and other issues.
Linda Ouellette x8400 Procurement Specialist and P-Card Coordinator;
for RFPs, RFQs, P-Card issues, requisition and PO
questions, status checks on purchasing items, central services mailroom and supplies
questions, Vendor relations.
Kim Buchanan x8510 Accounts Payable; kbuchanan@coloradomtn.edu for accounts
payable activities, expense reimbursements, travel advances, status checks on Vendor
payments, vouchers, Vendor registration forms, Vendor invoice questions, vendor W-9s.
Karen Roberts x8405 Administrative Assistant; klroberts@coloradomtn.edu for any
administrative issues.
Lucas TenHarmsel x8401 Contracts Administrator; ltenharmsel@coloradomtn.edu
for contract intake forms, status checks on contracts, requests for copies of contracts and
agreements, scheduling purchasing department training and activities.
Linda English x8508 Vice President of Fiscal Affairs; lenglish@coloradomtn.edu is
our supervisor, feel free to direct any feedback to her.
Mileage rate reimbursement for use of personal vehicle =
Per diem amount = Up to $60 per full travel day within
Colorado, CONUS out-of-state. A Traveler may claim
breakfast if departure is before 5:00 am and dinner if
arrival home is after 8:00 pm and it extends your work
day. No lunch per-diem for day trips.
Maximum hotel rate = Use CONUS rate for guideline,
prior supervisor approval needed for authorization to
exceed CONUS. See Best Practices in Booking Hotel
Rooms for help.
CONUS stands for ‘Continental US’ and represents the
government’s travel per-diem for food and lodging by
geographical area. Link to CONUS rates:
Maximum amount for reimbursement of a single purchase
using personal funds = $100. Be sure to submit your
expense reimbursement form within 60 days from the time
of the purchase.
Approval and competitive bid limits if over;
- $5,000 requires a purchase order
- Goods over $10,000 require RFQ
- Services over $25,000 require RFP
- $100,000 requires legal review and COO signature
- $250,000 requires Board of Trustees approval
*Note: Bold items are Board Policy
Apply for a P-Card: Read the Purchasing
Handbook, watch the P-Card training video and
complete the application at the end of the P-Card
chapter, then submit to your Designated Buyer.
Request a P-Card limit increase: Send an email to
Designated Buyer and pcardhelp@coloradomtn.edu
stating the last eight digits of your card number, what
the purchase is, amount of limit and for how long.
Remember to copy your supervisor. P-Card limits are
increased daily at approximately 10:30 am.
If your P-Card is declined: contact your Designated
Buyer or Linda Ouellette for help.
If you get a call from UMB’s fraud protection
department: Return the call, CMC’s purchasing
department cannot talk to fraud prevention on your
behalf. Fraud prevention number: 1-800-337-3392.
If you see a charge on your P-Card that you don’t
recognize: Fill out and submit the P-Card Dispute
Form located on the website per its instructions.
Reconcile your P-Card: Instructions are located in
the training section of the Purchasing website. Send
completed form to your Designated Buyer.
Hire a Contractor to provide a service:
1) An RFP must be awarded for services
over $25,000. Work with your vendor to
obtain a clear description of the scope of
service and its deliverables. Often the
Vendor will provide an estimate or a
2) Consult the Risk Management
chapter in the Purchasing Handbook for a
list of high-risk services; these are
primarily facilities-related services.
3) Submit the scope of work via email
to Linda Ouellette once you and your
supervisor are satisfied with it.
Purchasing will send our Terms and
Conditions with a PO to the Vendor and
establish them as a part of the transaction.
4) Be sure to submit all related Vendor
paperwork including any terms and
5) All high-risk services require a PO or
BPO, regardless of the amount. The PO
process is how we establish our terms
and conditions and collect Vendor
insurance certificates when necessary.
6) For low-risk services under $5,000
follow the process to pay for it with a P-
Card or voucher.
7) For services over $5,000 enter a
requisition in Colleague to get a PO.
Transportation: You can use your personal vehicle and
submit for mileage reimbursement. You may rent (decline
the insurance coverage) or you may contact facilities to
use a motor pool vehicle. Contact Risk Management to
become an approved CMC driver to reserve a motor pool
vehicle. Consult Chapter 7 in the Purchasing Handbook.
If part of your trip is partly personal: Notify Linda
Ouellette prior to your trip if you are extending your CMC
trip for personal reasons or if you are traveling with
another person. Purchasing will work with you to
accommodate your needs, it is important to know that the
burden of proof is on the College to demonstrate that no
College resources were expended for any personal part of
your trip. An exception for travel and professional
development may be made to the $100 personal
reimbursement limit if the expense cannot be separated.
Designated Buyers:
Your Designated Buyer is a specialist in how to buy for CMC.
Designated Buyers are the authority on use of account numbers, act as the
collection point for expense reimbursement forms, P-Card
reconciliations, Vendor contracts and requisitions/vouchers. Designated
Buyers have additional training in fiscal affairs, access to Purchasing
resources and higher than normal approval authority.
Designated Buyers have a higher P-Card limit and are authorized to
approve expenditures up to $5,000.
How do I know what account number
to use? Consult the Budget Quick
Reference Guide on the Business Office
page of the Portal. For additional
assistance or to open an account for use,
contact Ken Keister in the Business
Office. Your Designated Buyer is the
authority on which account number is
used for a transaction.
Quick Reference Guide
Leadville: Susan Estes
Steamboat: Carol Richards
Roaring Fork: Jackie O’Brien
Edwards: Wendy Wotring
Summit: Jen Kemppainen
Aspen: Christina Montemayor
Rifle: Linda Shoup
Central Services:
Academic Affairs: Jamie Kruis
IT: Margaret Flesner
Student Affairs: Kim Arnold
Facilities: Pete Waller
Executive Office: Myia Lackey
Marketing: Kendra Wilson
Other Central Svcs: Kim Buchanan
Page 2 of 4
Visit www.coloradomtn.edu/purchasing for all purchasing information and resources
Send link to
Designated Buyer
Facilities or
high risk
Do you want
to pay with a
Initiator’s Card
Your Designated
Buyer’s Card
Buy With:
Make your purchase
Designated Buyer emails
report to Purchasing
Reconcile online by
the 20th
Designated Buyer
Supervisor reviews
and approves P-Card
Limits lifted daily at
10:30 am
Good to go?
Designated Buyer
checks with Initiator
Is Issue
Designated Buyer emails to
with non-compliance list by
the last day of the month
Non-compliant issues are included in
monthly report to VP of Fiscal Affairs
Best Practice:
o It is the quickest way to “done”
o No Chasing
o Right Account Number
o Right Description
o Right Approvals
o Right Receipts
o Reconciled on time
Purchasing checks
with Initiator to help
Include cardholder name, purchase
description, last 8 number of card if
it is for a CMC fleet vehicle, amount
of increase requested and for what
dates, including dates of travel if
applicable; copy your supervisor
and Designated Buyer
Important: Cardholder must have read the Purchasing Handbook and
watched the P-Card training video prior to making a purchase
Review for:
Account number
Adequate description
High-risk services
Unapproved expenditures
Correct approvals
Itemized receipts included
Send scanned copy to
Designated Buyer by
25th; list any items
that are not compliant
Includes a description of violation with
any relevant documentation or details
Detailed reconciliation instructions
are available at
To document the violation(s),
help mitigate as much as
possible, and demonstrate
institutional control of the P-Card
Less than
Buy with P-Card
Supervisors should carefully review
and provide a brief explanation for any
out-of-compliance transactions
See your Designated Buyer for local
submittal procedure; campus
processes vary slightly
Include in email: live or active link to
the actual product being ordered, GL
account number, copy supervisor and
Designated Buyer
Consider: do you want to
track it in Colleague
using VENI? Is there a
convenience or
processing fee? Do we
need to tag it for
inventory as high theft?
Consider: Does the P-Card need to be physically presented?
Is the Cardholder traveling?
See Page 4
Email Purchasing to
open P-Card at:
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--------Step is done by:--------
Arrow type:
LESS THAN $5,000
Visit www.coloradomtn.edu/purchasing for all purchasing information and resources
Quick Reference Guide
Page 4 of 4
Request for Proposal (RFP)
for Services >$25,000
Visit www.coloradomtn.edu/purchasing for all purchasing information and resources
Initiator sends RFP/RFQ Request Form to Linda Ouellette (1)
Purchasing drafts the RFP and forwards to Initiator (2)
Initiator reviews, edits, sends back to Purchasing (3)
Purchasing posts to Rocky Mountain BidNet and coloradomtn.edu (4)
Initiator and Purchasing determine selection committee; Purchasing invites (5)
Purchasing sends Outlook invites for meetings and deadlines to Initiator (6)
Purchasing receives questions, drafts Addendum 001, sends to Initiator (7)
Initiator answers remaining questions and returns to Linda Ouellette (8)
Purchasing posts Addendum and bid sheet if applicable (9)
Bids are due from vendors (10)
Purchasing receives, compiles and summarizes bids, sends to Committee (11)
Committee reviews responses individually (12)
Committee meeting is held to select shortlist if applicable (13)
Purchasing announces shortlist and invites candidates (14)
Interviews are conducted if necessary (15)
Selection is made; Initiator notifies winner or asks Purchasing to (16)
Final scope and contract is negotiated (17)
Initiator sends winning vendor to www.coloradomtn.edu/purchasing
Vendor submits registration form to Initiator (19)
Vendor sends insurance requirements to their agent if applicable (20)
Initiator sends Vendor Registration form to Kim Buchanan (21)
Purchasing posts award and notifies non-winning firms (22)
Initiator, or their Designated Buyer starts the payment process (23)
Initiator contacts Vendor to schedule work and manages the project (24)
Purchasing helps with any Vendor performance problems (25)
Request for Quote (RFQ)
for Products >$10,000
When each process step happens:
Initiator sends RFP/RFQ Request Form to Linda Ouellette (1)
Purchasing drafts the RFQ and forwards to Initiator (2)
Initiator reviews, edits, sends back to Purchasing (3)
Purchasing posts to Rocky Mountain BidNet and coloradomtn.edu (4)
Purchasing sends Outlook invites for meetings and deadlines to Initiator (5)
Purchasing receives questions, drafts Addendum 001, sends to Initiator (6)
Initiator answers remaining questions and returns to Linda Ouellette (7)
Purchasing posts Addendum and bid sheet if applicable (8)
Bids are due from vendors (9)
Purchasing receives, compiles and summarizes bids, sends to Initiator(10)
Initiator reviews, makes selection, documents the decision and emails Purchasing (11)
Purchasing confirms best value (12)
Selection is made; Initiator notifies winner or asks Purchasing to (13)
Initiator sends winning vendor to www.coloradomtn.edu/purchasing
Vendor submits registration form to Initiator if not already in Colleague (15)
Initiator sends Vendor Registration form to Kim Buchanan (16)
Purchasing posts award and notifies non-winning firms (17)
Initiator, or their Designated Buyer starts the payment process (18)
Initiator contacts Vendor to schedule work and manages the project (19)
Purchasing helps with any Vendor performance problems (20)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
When each process step happens: