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Travel and Expense
Policy and Procedures
February 2019
Version 4.0
Owner Title: Travel Manager
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Table of Contents
Scope of Policy………………………………………………………
Principles and General Guidance………………………………….
Authorisation of Travel Requisitions and Expense Claims……...
Travel Booking……………………………………………………….
Making a Travel Reservation……………………………………….
Medical and Visa Requirements Before Travel…………………..
Class of Travel……………………………………………………….
Mode of Transport…………………………………………………...
Travel by Air………………………………………………………….
Travel by Rail...………………………………………………………
Travel by Car…………………………………………………………
Hire Car……………………………………………………………….
Personal Vehicles for Official Business…………………………..
Travel by Taxi………………………………………………………..
Official Travel………………………………………………………...
Duty Travel…………………………………………………………...
Group Travel…………………………………………………………
Travel with Spouse, Partner, Dependent Child or Other
Personal Travel While on Official Travel………………………….
Hotel Booking Policy………………………………………………...
General Principles…………………………………………………...
Standard of Hotel Accommodation………………………………...
Special Rate Hotels………………………………………………….
Early Check In and Late Check Out……………………….………
Subsistence and Incidental Allowances…………………………..
Subsistence Payable on Official Business Travel…………...…..
Subsistence Payments for Interview Candidates………………...
Cash and Accountable Advances………………………………….
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Rest Periods………………………………………………………….
Home Leave………………………………………………………….
Family Visit Travel and Education Grant Travel………………….
Non-Secretariat Staff………………………………………………..
Non-DSG Equivalent………………………………………………..
Frequent Traveller and Other Loyalty Schemes and Personal
Sponsored Travel……………………………………………………
Official Entertainment on Duty Travel…………………………….
Excess Baggage…………………………………………………….
Operational Equipment……………………………………………...
Insurance for Employees and Dependents on Official Travel….
Emergency Contact Information……………………………………
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1. Scope of the Policy
1.1 This policy applies to all persons travelling on Secretariat business except for
those few whose contracts set out terms and conditions that differ from this
policy and are not intended to be covered by it. The application of the policy
All Commonwealth Secretariat employees.
Families of Commonwealth Secretariat employees (for example in relation
to commencement, termination and home leave for overseas recruited
Temporary workers.
Consultants and contractors.
Participants in workshop and other meetings.
Technical assistance resource personnel.
Members of specially convened groups (for example election observers and
Special Envoys).
All other persons whose travel is organised or funded by the Commonwealth
Secretariat, including those funded by the Commonwealth Youth Programme
and the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation.
2. Definitions
2.1 The lowest logical fare: Travellers are expected to book the lowest restricted
fare (air or rail) via the most direct route in the class of travel permitted.
If significant savings can be obtained by making one additional stop with a
stopover of no more than 4 hours then this should considered. Class of
service will be determined by the travel time of the trip, will be consistent
for all sectors if available and in accordance with class of service operated
by an airline on the specific route.
If a destination can be travelled to via a direct flight in under 8 hours and
on the day of travel, the direct flight is not available, the travel provider
will supply direct flight options at the nearest possible dates for
Trips with more than 2 stops with stopovers of more than 4 hours each should
be avoided where possible.
In all cases when the lowest cost option is not selected, a short rationale
justifying the choice needs to be provided by the staff member and
supported by the Director. This rationale will be reflected in the travel
provider’s reporting to management.
2.2 The most direct route: This is defined as the line between the point of origin
and the point of destination.
2.3 Travel time: This is defined as the combined travel time of all legs of a journey
from point of original departure to a specific destination. Travel time only
includes scheduled time from departure airport or train station, scheduled stops
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for connections and scheduled time of arrival at destination airport or train
station. For travel which is entirely by road or rail, travel time must be
calculated prior to departing the point of origin using established mileage charts.
2.4 Contracted Worker: All references to contracted workers include all persons
listed in (1) above who are not permanent employees of the Commonwealth
2.5 Events Participant: A person other than an employee of the Commonwealth
Secretariat who may be in part or whole sponsored by the Commonwealth
Secretariat to attend workshops, training courses, or any other event.
3. Principles and General Guidance
3.1 The purpose of the Secretariat’s Travel and Expense Policy is to ensure that
persons travelling on Secretariat business are properly supported in performing
their duties to the best of their abilities in the office and while travelling on
business; to mitigate the impact of travel and create conditions which will
support them in managing their work and, to the extent appropriate, their
personal life.
3.2 All Requisitions and Purchase Orders must be completed in accordance with the
procedures set up by the Secretariat for the procurement of travel and travel-
related services.
3.3 The Travel and Expense Policy should ensure that individuals are reimbursed all
necessary expenditure reasonably incurred in the performance of their
Commonwealth Secretariat duties as approved by the Secretariat. Reasonable
expenses are determined to be those that are cost-effective. The basis of
expense claims will be reimbursement of actual and reasonable travel costs up
to the limits specified in this policy and any subsequent amendments duly
3.4 Persons travelling on Secretariat business are expected to exercise the strictest
economy and accountability in relation to publicly funded domestic or overseas
travel and to ensure that such expenditure represents value for money. They are
expected to exercise the same care in incurring travel expenses that a prudent
person would exercise if travelling at their own expense. To this end, persons
travelling on Secretariat business and those who approve such travel are
expected to consider the following questions before planning travel:
Is this journey absolutely necessary?
Could this meeting or event be held in any other way, such as by telephone,
online discussion or video conferencing to minimise the financial and
environmental impact?
What method of travel is most appropriate for the destination given the
Could this work be conducted by any other colleague already on site, nearby
or whose travel to the destination has already been approved?
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3.5 In addition, persons travelling on Secretariat business and those who approve
such travel are expected to:
Ensure proper and efficient use of Secretariat funds which should be used
solely for the business purposes for which they have authorised.
Recognise that all official financial transactions must represent value for
money and withstand internal and external scrutiny.
Account accurately and honestly for money with which they are entrusted;
Be aware that failure to follow procedure and/or provision of false
information may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the
Employee Handbook.
Take responsibility for their medical and visa requirements including
ensuring that they are fit to travel.
Declare any benefits received or rebates or other contributions provided in
relation to the travel.
Book travel for staff and/or participants, non-staff DSG equivalents persons etc.
via the Travel Management Company as defined by the Secretariat.
The Travel Section retains the right to request any further details required in
order to ascertain the compliance of employees with this policy. Claims not in
compliance with the policy, lacking sufficient justification, or arising as a result
of negligence by the employee, will not be paid. Non-compliance with policy and
the documented authorisation process may result in disciplinary action.
3.6 The expectation for all travel is that the lowest logical fare will be used. In
addition, wherever practicable the Secretariat’s audio and video conference
facilities should be used as an alternative to travelling. This is not only in keeping
with the value for money principle but is also in line with the Commonwealth
Secretariat’s Environmental Policy which states that as an organisation “we are
committed to ensure that environmental best practice permeates all the day-to-
day and strategic operations of our headquarters; facilities, procedures and
3.7 It is not possible to set out rules for every conceivable situation. Persons
travelling on Secretariat business are accordingly expected not only to adhere to
the express terms of this policy, but also to exercise judgement to ensure that
all claims made are within the spirit of the policy. The Secretariat reserves the
right to reject or reduce claims that are considered to be excessive or claims for
items not allowed under the policy. False, exaggerated or duplicate claims
intentionally submitted may be treated as fraud and appropriate investigatory
action will be taken in line with Secretariat policies. Expenses proven or deemed
to have been submitted as a result of misinterpretations or mistakes will be
reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
3.8 The Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General or Senior Director Corporate
may waive the normal travel policies in emergencies as it is accepted that, in
extreme circumstances, persons travelling on Secretariat business may need to
travel by the most expedient means. Extreme circumstances may include, but
not be limited to, severe weather problems, war, civil disruption, acts of
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terrorism, earthquake or any incident that has the potential to affect the safety
or well-being of an employee or contracted worker.
3.9 Persons travelling on Secretariat business may not benefit from savings, gifts,
hotel points or air miles from group bookings or other compensation such as travel
vouchers resulting from official travel and, in particular, any savings that result
from the use of a lower standard of transport or unused travel cash advances.
Benefits accruing through travel paid by the Secretariat, including air miles
received from group bookings belong to the organisation. However, employees
may utilise personal air miles accrued through individual official travel.
3.10 Any unused advances are to be returned to the Secretariat immediately upon
return from mission, irrespective of whether the due date for the acquittal has
been reached.
3.11 If any advance (i.e. DSA, cash or accountable advance) has been provided and
the mission has been cancelled or delayed for more than 14 days, all advances
(irrespective of type) should immediately be returned to the Secretariat.
4. Authorisation of Travel Requisitions and Expenses Claims
4.1 All official travel must be authorised in accordance with the Scheme of
Delegation by the traveller’s Divisional Approver (or in the case of travel involving
the Divisional Approver, his/her line manager), and, where necessary, the
Divisional Approver whose budget the travel is to be charged.
4.2 All travel expenses claims must be authorised as per the Scheme of Delegation
of Financial Authorities and, where necessary, authorised by the Divisional
Approver to whose budget the travel is being charged.
4.3 By authorising a person’s request to travel the Divisional Approver is confirming
that the costs will be incurred for the purposes of the business of the Secretariat
and that there is adequate budgetary provision to cover the expense.
4.4 By authorising a request for travel, the Divisional Approver confirms that the
mission does not include unnecessary additional days or weekends and maximises
value for the limited budgets of the Secretariat. Only in limited situations where
there are specific business reasons should missions include the requirement to
stay in country on the weekend.
4.5 By authorising a travel claim, the Divisional Approver is confirming that the costs
have been necessarily incurred for the purposes of the business of the Secretariat
and that supporting documentation such as original receipts, have been
4.6 As a matter of good corporate governance and internal control, no employee may
authorise their own travel request nor travel claim.
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4.7 Travel on commencement and termination of employment must be approved by
the respective Human Resource personnel as provided for in the Scheme of
Delegation of Financial Authority.
4.8 Any amendments to the approved trip must be subsequently approved via the
Secretariat’s documented approval process. Justification may include:
Cost considerations.
Operational purposes.
The health and safety of the traveller.
Reason(s) why it is otherwise in the best interest of the Secretariat.
4.9 In exceptional cases, such as when an employee or contracted worker already
travelling overseas is given oral instructions to divert from the approved itinerary
authority must subsequently be approved in writing by the Divisional Approver,
or in the cases where the Divisional Approver is the traveller, by her/his
supervising Approver, and communicated immediately to the Travel Management
Company (TMC) and Travel Section.
4.10 If flights are cancelled or rescheduled and this results in an increase to the price
of the ticket, this must be authorised by the Divisional Approver, or in the cases
where the Divisional Approver is the traveller, by her/his supervising Approver.
Unless there is an emergency, authorisation should occur before the new tickets
are issued. Any reimbursement of costs for changes made in such circumstances
will need to be based on clear justification with supporting evidence.
4.11 All travel acquittals must be submitted: Within 30 days of return from mission
for DSA and Cash Advances; within 60 days of return from mission for Accountable
Advances. It is the responsibility of the employee undertaking the travel to
ensure that all necessary documentation is provided.
5. Travel Booking
5.1 Making a Travel Reservation
5.1.1 It is the responsibility of persons travelling on Secretariat business to ensure
that their passports are valid and up-to-date (at least six months before
expiration and often with the requirement for three remaining blank pages);
that they obtain the relevant visa and obtain the relevant health advice in the
course of booking their travel.
5.1.2 Travel should be booked via the Secretariat’s preferred suppliers. Significant
savings can be obtained by booking flights or rail well in advance of the date of
travel and persons travelling on Secretariat business should ensure that travel
arrangements are made in a timely manner bearing in mind the important
principle of value for money.
5.1.3 All tickets for official travel are to be purchased in advance by the Secretariat
or an authorised representative of the Secretariat, through the Travel
Management Company of the Secretariat.
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5.1.4 All travel should be booked ideally six weeks in advance but certainly no less
than 14 days in advance, including for planned events such as:
Training courses.
Election observer missions.
Good offices missions.
Scoping/planning missions.
Staff who book within 14 days will be recorded as out of policy.
5.1.5 Requests to book tickets outside the timeframe above must be authorised by
the Divisional Director, or in the cases where the Divisional Director is the
traveller, by her/his supervising Deputy Secretary-General, with clearly
documented justification. Travel may be refused or brought to the attention
of individuals or Divisions submitting requests outside the time frame if
arrangements are deemed to be the result of poor planning or otherwise
reasonably avoidable.
5.1.6 The Secretariat will cover surcharges for changes to a non-flexible ticket for
official reasons subject to clear justification and prior authorisation.
5.2 Medical and Visa Requirements Before Travel:
5.2.1 All persons travelling on Secretariat business must ensure that vaccinations and
visas are valid for any particular country/region.
5.2.2 The Secretariat will reimburse the cost of required vaccinations and visas on
production of original receipts.
5.2.3 It is that the responsibility of persons who are likely to travel on Secretariat
business to ensure that they are medically fit to do so.
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6. Class of Travel
6.1 The classes for which persons travelling on Secretariat business are eligible to
travel are set out in the following table:
Table 1: Class of travel by Air and Rail on Official Business
Eligible person
Class of travel
Air Travel
Secretary General and
Eligible family members when
accompanying the Secretary-
General on official Secretariat
Business Class
travel for day
First Class travel
for overnight
Secretary-General and eligible
family members when travelling
together on home leave,
termination and commencement
Business Class
travel for day
First Class travel
for overnight
Eligible family members travelling
separately from the Secretary-
General on home leave,
termination and commencement
Business Class
Deputy Secretary-General (DSG)
DSG on official Secretariat
Business Class
DSG and eligible family members
when travelling together on
commencement, home leave and
Business Class
Eligible family members travelling
separately from the DSG on
commencement, home leave and
*See 15. Stopovers below
Economy Class
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Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) & Senior Directors
ASG & Senior Directors on official
Secretariat business
Business Class for
flights of a
duration of 6 hours
or more
Economy Class for
flights under 6
ASG & Senior Directors and
eligible family members when
travelling together on
commencement, home leave and
Business Class for
flights of a
duration of 6 hours
or more
Economy Class for
flights under 6
Eligible family members travelling
separately from the ASG & Senior
Directors on commencement,
home leave and termination
*See 15. Stopovers below
Economy Class
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All Other Secretariat Employees
All other Secretariat employees
travelling on official Secretariat
Business Class for
flights of a
duration of 10
hours or more
Economy Class for
flights under 10
Eligible employees and family
members travelling with them on
commencement and termination
Business Class for
flights of a
duration of 10
hours or more
Economy Class for
flights under 10
hours duration
Family members travelling
separately from employees on
commencement and termination
Economy Class
Except for the SG, DSG, ASG and
Senior Directors as set out above,
Home Leave travel for all eligible
Secretariat employees and their
eligible family members including
family members eligible for
education travel
Economy Class
Non-Secretariat Employees
Members of specially convened
groups who are not Secretariat
employees, such
Contracted Workers, Keynote
Speakers, event participants and
interview candidates (with the
exception of candidates for posts
at DSG level who are permitted to
travel Business Class)
Economy Class*
*This Class of travel
may be upgraded to
Business Class at the
discretion of the ASG
or Senior Director, in
very limited and
special cases such as
in recognition of
official status of the
individual e.g. a
former Head of State
Non-staff DSG equivalents, Special
Envoys, and interview candidates
at DSG level
Business Class
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7. Derogation
7.1 As the Travel and Expense Policy is based on the principle of fair treatment of all
persons travelling on Secretariat business, derogations from the class of travel
will only be applied in exceptional circumstances. In such cases the justification
for such a variation must be properly documented and such derogation will not
be taken as a precedent but rather recognised for the exception that it is.
Derogations to policy must be approved by the budget-holding ASG, Senior
Director, DSG or SG, as per the Scheme of Delegation.
7.2 All requests to travel in a higher class on health grounds must be accompanied
by a medical certificate. The Secretariat reserves the right to seek confirmation
from its own medical adviser on a case-by-case basis. Medical certificates must
be sent to the budget-holding ASG, Senior Director, DSG or SG, as per the Scheme
of Delegation.
8. Mode of Transport
8.1 Travel by Air
8.1.1 Whenever practicable and most cost-effective, persons travelling on Secretariat
business should typically use public transport such as the express trains to
Gatwick and Heathrow airports, or the free transport often provided by airlines
or hotels. Persons travelling on Secretariat business are encouraged to seek the
most cost-effective mode of transport (for example, their local taxi service as
opposed to the more expensive UK Black Cab service).
8.1.2 With very few exceptions that can be fully justified and documented in writing,
non-flexible and non-transferable tickets should be the norm.
8.1.3 The Secretariat does not permit persons travelling on Secretariat business to
volunteer for denied boarding compensation. Itineraries should be arranged to
ensure that travellers arrive at their destination at an appropriate time and
that they are not away from the office for an undue length of time.
8.1.4 Airport lounge access will be provided, where available, through the
Secretariat’s preferred supplier.
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8.2 Travel by Rail
8.2.1 The option to travel by rail may be approved if it is the lowest logical fare. A
direct air journey should not be broken to facilitate rail travel or cause an
overnight stop.
8.2.2 The Eurostar should be the preferred means of transportation between London
and Brussels or Paris: city centre departure and arrival facilitates quicker and
cheaper access to central locations, greater traveller comfort on board the
Eurostar and reduction of overall journey time.
8.3 Travel by Car
8.3.1 Persons travelling on Secretariat business are encouraged to consider the high
environmental impact and the higher risk to the individual when contemplating
using a motor vehicle for official purposes.
8.4 Hire Car
8.4.1 The only persons authorised to drive hired vehicles are Secretariat employees
or properly contracted consultants.
8.4.2 Requests to hire vehicles must be authorised in advance of travel by the
Divisional Approver.
8.4.3 It is the responsibility of individual travellers to ensure that they and any driver
they contract during an overseas official visit possess a valid driver’s licence
and are appropriately insured.
8.4.4 Vehicles should only be hired for business purposes where this service is cost-
effective and when public transport and taxis are impractical, more expensive
or unavailable. Furthermore, the total hire cost including insurance, delivery
cost, estimated fuel, mileage and related costs must be less than the rail and
taxi cost and/or air fare for the same journey. Costs associated with the rental
car, including the cost of full insurance coverage, may be reimbursed by the
8.4.5 The type of rental car used will be determined on a case-by-case basis taking
into account health and safety considerations, the number of passengers
travelling in the vehicle, the requirements of the journey as well as overall cost
considerations. Normally, the class of vehicle hired should be the minimum
size and specification necessary to allow duties to be performed generally in
a category no higher than a standard size 4-door family saloon e.g. engine
capacity between of 1.6 2.0 litres.
8.4.6 Full insurance must be taken including insurance for Collision Damage Waiver
to lower excess payments in the event of an accident.
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8.4.7 Cars should generally be hired with a full tank of fuel and returned with a full
tank of fuel at the end of the rental period, to avoid the inflated rates for
refuelling often charged by hire companies. However, if the hire company
operates a different policy, which offers better value for money, then that
policy should be followed.
8.5 Personal Vehicles for Official Business
8.5.1 An individual may elect to use their own vehicle to travel to/from the airport
if this is the most practical method of transport and the aggregate of mileage
allowance and airport parking fees does not exceed the rail or taxi allowance.
8.5.2 In such cases, it is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that they possess
a valid driving licence and that their vehicle is insured (at his/her own cost) for
business use.
8.5.3 When an employee is authorised to travel by private car, the employee will be
reimbursed at the mileage rate as published by The British Government
department, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), or local applicable
rate. The travel distance used in the reimbursement will be calculated on the
basis of published road maps used by the Secretariat.
8.5.4 With prior approval, reasonable receipted parking fees, congestion charges and
tolls while on official business will be reimbursed.
8.5.5 It is the responsibility of individual travellers to ensure that they hold a valid
driver’s licence and they abide by the rules and regulations of the issuing
Government. It is also the responsibility of the individual traveller to carry an
international driver’s licence, if required, and to abide by the rules and
regulations in the country in which they will be driving. Staff should not be
using their mobile phones whilst driving.
8.5.6 The Commonwealth Secretariat accepts no liability for loss of, or damage to,
private vehicles or their contents including where used on Secretariat business.
8.5.7 Fines for illegal parking and motoring offences will not be reimbursed.
8.5.8 Claims will only be reimbursed where the employee provides the relevant
documentation and supporting original receipts.
8.5.9 No reimbursement is available for travel between home and one’s normal place
of work.
8.6 Travel by Taxi
8.6.1 Persons travelling on Secretariat business are expected to use public transport
to and from meetings and social events wherever appropriate.
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8.6.2 Travel by taxis or minicabs while on official duty overseas is included in the
subsistence allowance and will not be reimbursed with the following
For transport from the airport on arrival and travel to the airport on
There is no suitable public transport available.
Public transport is infrequent.
It is the safest and/or most cost effective means of transport.
8.6.3 In the interest of safety, persons travelling on Secretariat business should
ensure that they only use licensed taxis and registered minicabs.
8.6.4 Travel by minicabs or taxis for airport or rail transfers in the United Kingdom
may be reimbursed for journeys costing no more than £75 each way. These
should be booked and paid for by the traveller and will be reimbursed to the
policy limit above on the basis of original receipts produced.
8.6.5 In exceptional cases the ASG/Senior Director or DSG, or in the cases where the
ASG/Senior Director or DSG is the traveller, her/his line manager, may approve
an increased taxi fare. Except in emergencies, a written justification needs to
be provided prior to travel.
9. Official Travel
9.1 Duty Travel
9.1.1 Duty travel is travel undertaken for Secretariat business-related purposes from
the normal place of work to another place of work for a short period of time.
Duty travel may be to, from or between the Secretariat Headquarters in the
UK, Secretariat offices in New York and Geneva, member countries or other
destinations as dictated by business needs. Duty travel may be undertaken by
an individual employee or contracted worker or in groups of two or more
9.2 Group Travel
9.2.1 Group travel should be limited to the number of staff that are absolutely
necessary for the event/mission and would not critically affect the continuity
of the operation of the Division or the Secretariat in the event of an incident.
For this reason, no more than eight members of staff may travel together on
the same means of transport e.g. train, plane, coach etc. Should it not be
possible to adhere to a maximum of eight members of staff on the same means
of transport, approval must be requested from Senior Director - Corporate prior
to booking and committing Secretariat funds. All members of the Secretariat’s
Management Committee may not travel on the same means of transport e.g.
flight, train, coach etc.
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9.2.2 The organisation of group travel and travel-related services should be
completed a minimum of 14 days in advance of departure and/or requirement.
For further reference, please see Guidelines available on Compass.
9.2.3 All contracts for hotel accommodation and event venues for groups should
comply with the Guidelines for the Management of Contracts for Group
Reservations at Hotels and Venue Providers for Events which is available on
Compass. All contracts and any other legal instruments should be sent to Legal
Counsel for review and approval prior to any commitment or signed document
being provided to the supplier.
9.2.4 Persons travelling in groups on Secretariat business are expected to share
ground transport wherever practicable.
9.3 Travel with Spouse, Partner, Dependant Child or Other Companion
9.3.1 Other than where authorised as part of an employee’s commencement,
termination or home leave arrangements, an employee accompanied on
Secretariat business by a spouse, partner, dependent child or other companion
who is not involved in such business, will not be reimbursed for any costs of the
9.3.2 It is not permitted to downgrade travel or accommodation class in order to fund
travel costs for a companion.
9.3.3 Similarly, it is not permitted to downgrade the class of official travel to sit with
family or friends in a lower class of travel as this can be expected to impact on
the ability of the officer to conduct his/her duties on arrival at the place of
9.3.4 Spouses, partners, dependent children or other companions not engaged in the
business of the organisation or employed by the Secretariat are not covered by
Secretariat insurance policy except where agreed as part of an employee’s
contractual arrangements with the Secretariat.
9.3.5 Persons travelling on Secretariat business will not be reimbursed any additional
surcharges for multiple room occupancy and other services used at hotels by
their accompanying spouse, partner, dependent child or other companion.
9.3.6 For further information on Travel on Appointment, Home Leave and
Termination, please refer to the Employee Handbook.
10. Personal Travel While on Official Travel
10.1 The Secretariat’s Travel Management Company (TMC) is contracted to provide
travel for official purposes only. Leisure travel can be booked separately via the
TMC's dedicated leisure team.
10.2 Travellers may extend their stay at the destination of their official travel,
provided the extension does not increase the cost of the ticket, deviate from the
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in-policy mission itinerary nor increase the processing time required to arrange
the travel.
10.3 An employee taking personal leave in conjunction with official travel requires
the authorisation of the Divisional Approver, or in the cases where the Divisional
Approver is the traveller, by her/his supervising Approver, and relevant
authorisation of annual leave.
10.4 Itineraries for official mission travel may not be altered to accommodate
additional cities/countries to facilitate personal travel.
10.5 Should a traveller wish to add personal travel to an official mission, they may
extend the start or return date but may not change either the point of origin or
the official mission location for the purpose of return flights. A comparison of
pricing must be attained from the TMC showing the cost for the official return
date versus the return date allowing personal travel. If there is additional cost
to allow for personal travel, the traveller will need to pay for the additional cost
either directly to the TMC or to the Travel Section.
10.6 Where a traveller wishes to add personal travel i.e. an additional location to their
official travel, this should be procured separately and personally from their
official travel.
10.7 Travellers should exercise care when booking tickets to additional locations to
ensure that any changes will not affect their official travel that would necessitate
a change to their tickets. Travellers will be personally financially liable for any
additional cost to their official ticket as a result of the impact of their personal
10.8 Persons travelling on Secretariat business would not be expected to select the
route or mode of transport for personal convenience. Personal travel should not
impact on the resources of the Secretariat and there must be no detriment to
10.9 Additional journey time as a result of personal travel shall be taken as annual
leave to be booked and authorised at the time of travel request.
10.10 Personal travel that makes a journey longer than that which would be required
through a direct route to meet the timescales or attendance for duty at the place
of work should be taken as annual leave. Thus, any travel that requires an
individual to depart their place of residence (either at home or abroad at a hotel)
more than one day prior to, or return more than 1 day after, an event should be
considered in this respect and leave taken for the extra day(s).
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11. Hotel Booking Policy
11.1 General principles
11.1.1 The Secretariat has negotiated discounted rates with a number of hotels in
London with the aim of ensuring a safe and satisfactory level of hotel
accommodation. Please refer to Compass for further information.
11.1.2 Travel arrangers are required to book accommodation at the Secretariat
preferred hotels in the first instance using the discounted tariffs.
11.1.3 In exceptional circumstances, where accommodation cannot be found at the
Secretariat preferred hotel or at another hotel within the daily subsistence
allowance as set by the United Nations, travel organisers are required to consult
the Travel Section for guidance before making any arrangements.
11.1.4 The Secretariat will not reimburse employees for accommodation booked above
the daily subsistence allowance for the city as set by the United Nations (UN
city rate) without prior consideration by the Travel Section based on clear
justification and authorisation by the Divisional Director, or in the cases where
the Divisional Director is the traveller, by her/his supervising Deputy Secretary-
11.1.5 Employees are required to state the name of the hotel and the agreed tariff on
the Acquittal Form and attach a copy of the original receipt on the submitted
11.1.6 Staff staying in one location for more than 7 days should consider serviced
apartments rather than hotels. Where available, the serviced apartments
should be safe and practical.
11.2 Standard of Hotel Accommodation
11.2.1 The prescribed class of accommodation on official travel is as follows:
Table 2: Standard Hotel of Hotel Accommodation
Deputy Secretaries-General
Executive Room
All other Staff Members and contracted workers*
*Section 2 - Definitions
NB: The ASG/Senior Director, in very limited and special cases, may approve a
higher level of accommodation for non-staff DSG equivalents in recognition of
the official status of the individual e.g. Head of Government or former Head of
Standard Room
11.3 Special Rate Hotels
11.3.1 Every effort should be made to select hotels within the city rate DSA or as
provided in the list of corporate negotiated hotels. In situations where the
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hotel tariff falls outside this provision, travellers should request out of policy
approval prior to departing on the mission from the Divisional Approver, or in
the cases where the Divisional Approver is the traveller, to her/his supervising
Approver. In such cases, staff would receive the hotel rates approved plus the
non-accommodation portion of City UNDSA as set out in Section 12.
11.3.2 In situations where the hotel tariff falls outside of the UN DSA city rate, the out
of policy hotel costs will only be paid if Purchase Orders are received 14 days
or more from departure. The out of policy hotel costs will not be paid or
reimbursed if the hotel is booked within 14 days from departure unless good
business justification is provided to the Traveller’s Divisional Director prior to
request being approved (or in the case of travel involving a Director or DSG,
his/her line manager).
11.3.3 In situations where a hotel is selected for safety or security reasons, the full UN
Special Hotel DSA rate will be paid on the condition that a security report is
provided by the security provider, as advised by HRD, and the request is
approved by the Traveller’s ASG/Senior Director or DSG (or in the case of travel
involving the ASG/Senior Director or DSG, his/her line manager) prior to
departure of the mission.
11.4 Early Check In and Late Check Out
11.4.1 If early check-in and/or extended check-out times are required,
travellers/travel arrangers are encouraged to negotiate cost-free terms with
hotels. An additional night of accommodation may be booked if staff are
arriving before 08:00 from an overnight flight or departing after 22:00 in the
evening. The Secretariat will usually only consider reimbursement of these costs
where this has been approved prior to travel by the Traveller’s Divisional
Approver (or in the case of travel involving a Divisional Approver, his/her line
12. Subsistence and Incidental Allowances
12.1 Subsistence Payable on Official Business Travel
12.1.1 A maximum subsistence allowance of one night’s per diem as set out below may
be claimed for each night that is spent related to Secretariat business away
from a person’s normal place of work. Subsistence allowance will not be paid
for any element of personal travel during a business-related trip.
12.1.2 For overnight absences on official duty the full 100% rate of the applicable city
rate of the daily subsistence allowance will be as set by the United Nations for
the applicable city of travel. This allowance is intended to cover
accommodation, meals and incidental expenses such as personal porter
services, gratuities, laundry, newspapers, snacks, personal internet usage,
drinks, gym access, toiletries, clothing, books, personal entertainment,
personal telephone calls, local taxis (see section 8.4) and other miscellaneous
personal expenses. Additional reimbursement will only be allowable in
exceptional circumstances and on production of original receipts. Where meals
Page 21 of 30
and/or accommodation are provided, special rates of subsistence apply (see
12.1.3 Subsistence allowance is not paid for flying time. However, persons on
Secretariat business travelling in economy class in transit at an airport for more
than 5 hours may claim an allowance of up to £20 for a meal on production of
a receipt.
12.1.4 Prior to travel, the traveller will be paid the published UN City DSA rate in GBP.
The Foreign Exchange (FX) Rate will be sourced from Oanda and published on
Compass at the beginning of each month. This rate will be applicable for all
DSA payments processed during that month. For purposes of calculating the
acquittal on the return from mission, the member of staff should use the UN
City DSA rate for the dates of travel in conjunction with the published FX Rate
for the month of processing.
12.1.5 Expenses incurred for the use of the internet on-board any aircraft will not be
eligible for reimbursement under any circumstances.
12.1.6 Persons on Secretariat business travelling in business class in transit at an
airport for more than 5 hours are expected to use the Airline Lounge facilities.
Where this is not available, they may claim an allowance of up to £20 for a meal
on production of a receipt.
12.1.7 Actual and reasonable incidental expenses on official duty that may be claimed
on production of a receipt include taxi fares to/and from the airport to the
hotel (or place of work if required to go directly from the airport see Section
8.4 above) as set out in this policy, official telephone calls itemised on the hotel
invoice, internet use for official purposes, recommended medical vaccinations,
prophylactics and visas for official travel. For employees who travel frequently
on Secretariat business, the Secretariat will also reimburse the cost of renewing
passports where the pages have been exhausted as a result of official travel.
12.1.8 Items such as commission charges, currency exchange charges or transaction
fees cannot be reimbursed as the UN DSA rate covers any foreign currency or
fees charged.
12.1.9 Items such as commission charges on currency exchange either at a bank or at
a hotel will not be paid to individuals who request and are given their
subsistence allowance in advance.
12.1.10 Subsistence allowance will not be paid for any period of leave.
12.1.11 Where a meal is provided by the Secretariat, by the host Government or
another party, as part of a meeting or included in the rate for accommodation,
the applicable rate of subsistence allowance will be reduced by the component
for that free meal as follows:
If accommodation is provided, then only the non-accommodation part of the
UNDSA city rate is payable.
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If meals only are provided, then the UN city hotel rate plus 50% of the non-
accommodation part of UNDSA city rate is payable.
If both accommodation and meals are provided, then 50% of the non-
accommodation part of the UNDSA city rate is payable.
If the approved hotel rates (including levies) are more than the city rate
UNDSA, the full hotel rate will be paid directly by the Secretariat or host
government and the non-accommodation part of UNDSA city rate is payable
in accordance with provisions on “Special Rate Hotels”.
NB: Non-accommodation part of UNDSA city rate is UNDSA city rate less the UN
city hotel rate.
12.1.12 Where a free meal, including hotel breakfast, is provided by the
Secretariat, by the host Government or another party, the applicable rate of
subsistence allowance will be reduced by the component for that free meal as
25% of the non-accommodation part of UNDSA if dinner provided.
15% of the non-accommodation part of UNDSA if lunch provided.
10% of the non-accommodation part of UNDSA if breakfast provided.
NB: For example, if all meals are provided then the individual gets 50% of the
non- accommodation part of the UNDSA as above).
12.1.13 When an employee or contracted worker becomes sick while travelling
on official business, subsistence allowance will usually continue to be paid. If,
however, the employee is admitted to hospital, only 50% of the non-
accommodation part of the applicable rate of subsistence allowance will be
12.1.14 When a traveller chooses not to stay in paid accommodation, only the
non- accommodation part of UNDSA city rate will be paid, unless an original
hotel bill is submitted with the travel acquittal. Reimbursement of the hotel
bill will be paid up to the maximum of the accommodation part of the UN city
12.1.15 Employees or contracted workers staying with family or friends may only
claim the non-accommodation part of the UNDSA city rate.
12.2 Subsistence Payments for Interview Candidates
12.2.1 Candidates attending interview boards may be provided with accommodation
and/or air travel in line with the provision in the class of travel Table 1(at
section 6 above). An allowance to cover airport transfers, meals and incidental
expenses based on the prevailing non-accommodation element of the UNDSA
London city rate may also be paid.
12.2.2 Candidates for interview may be granted a stopover or an additional night in
London (at the applicable UNDSA City rate) if travelling for 16 hours or more.
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13. Cash and Accountable Advances
13.1 All Advances should be managed in accordance with Cash & Accountable
Advance Policy on Compass.
13.2 All requests for Advances should be received by the Travel Section 14 days or
more prior to travel. If the request falls outside of this period, please refer to
“Time-Frames for the Processing of DSA and Cash & Accountable Advances” on
13.3 Accountable Advances are payments made to third parties such as Government
Ministries, Departments or Agencies (MDAs), consultants, public agencies and
companies to cover anticipated business or reasonable expenses incurred in
facilitating or organising events such as meetings, workshops, election observer
missions, seminars and conferences (including DSA payments for delegates).
13.4 Contracts for Accountable Advances for hotel and venue providers must be
reviewed and approved by the Legal Counsel prior to signature and prior to
confirming a venue. A minimum of 10 days prior to the event are required for
review and approval. Please refer to the Guidelines for the management of
contracts for group hotel accommodation and venue providers which is available
on Compass.
13.5 Cash Advances are payments made to staff and consultants in order for them to
pay Daily Subsistence Allowance to participants or to cover reasonable expenses
incurred in facilitating or organising events such as meetings, workshops,
election observer missions, seminars and conferences.
13.6 Funding options for Cash Advances should be agreed by the Travel Section prior
to completing the workflow Travel Requisition for approval via the Scheme of
13.7 Individual cash advances must not exceed £2,000 and total cash advances
carried collectively by a group at any one time must not exceed £10,000.
14. Rest Periods
14.1 The provision of rest periods is to ensure that employees are fit to resume their
duties on return to work. The rest periods are to be taken immediately after
travel. Rest periods not taken at the due time are forfeited and cannot be
utilised at a later date.
14.2 Time taken as Rest Period cannot be accumulated or included as part of the
annual leave entitlement or claimed as TOIL.
14.3 For travel by air on official business, as far as possible given the exigencies of
service, employees will be allowed rest periods as follows:
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Table 3: Rest Periods
Duration of
Class of Travel
Up to 6 hours travel
No rest period
6-9 hours travel
Employee not required to commence
duty within 10 hours of arriving at
their final destination or before the
morning of the day after arrival,
whichever is earlier.
10 hours or more
Employee not required to commence
duty within 12 hours of arriving at
his/her destination, or before the
morning of the day after arrival,
whichever is earlier.
15. Stopovers
15.1 Home Leave
15.1.1 If direct air travel time exceeds 16 hours and the employee is travelling in
economy class, the employee may claim one night’s UN daily subsistence
allowance each way on a reimbursement basis per family.
15.1.2 In such cases reimbursement will be subject to the destination being agreed
and documented on file on commencement of employment as the home leave
destination when assuming his/her post.
15.1.3 No accommodation or subsistence allowance will be paid for travel time under
16 hours, or if the travel is in a class other than economy.
15.1.4 Claims cannot be made for ground transportation on home leave travel except
where an employee has identified a home leave destination on commencement
of their employment to which onward travel by road or rail is essential. In such
cases funded onward travel must be by the most economic means and must be
agreed in advance by the Human Resources Division.
15.1.5 At the discretion of the ASG/Senior Director, or in the cases where the
ASG/Senior Director is the traveller, her/his supervising DSG or SG, an employee
may be allowed to take home leave in a country other than their home country
providing that the cost does not exceed the most economic and most direct fare
to their home country.
15.1.6 The Secretariat will not provide any subsistence or accommodation allowance
for transit stops or overnight stops for employees who choose to take home
leave in a country other than their home country.
15.1.7 Family members need not travel on home leave on the same flight as the
employee but in order to be eligible for reimbursement for flights some period
of their home leave must correspond with that of the employee. No stopover is
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granted for family members unless they are travelling on the same flight as the
15.2 Family Visit Travel and Education Grant Travel
15.2.1 No stopover is granted for staff or family members travelling on education
16. Non-Secretariat Staff
16.1 Mindful of the corporate image of the Secretariat and the concept of value for
money, it is not considered appropriate that events such as seminars and
workshops should be held in 5-star hotels. Where there is no alternative meeting
venue than a 5-star facility, accommodation for delegates and the Secretariat
team should be provided at a less expensive hotel nearby.
16.2 Non-employees of the Secretariat i.e. event participants/Guests/DSG
equivalents who wish to deviate from the official trip that has been booked by
the Secretariat must not change the tickets issued by the TMC (Travel
Management Company). They must book and pay for the additional sectors with
their own form of payment. This can be facilitated via the TMC's leisure service
or with another vendor. Class of Travel/Airline Upgrade Economy ticket is
booked via TMC and paid for by the Secretariat. The difference between the
economy fare and business fare/other airline fare is paid for by the participant
via personal credit card. Class of Travel Upgrade (no personal credit card)-
Economy quote is provided by TMC. Participant does not have a personal credit
card. The Secretariat will reimburse the traveller for the cost of the ATPi quote
for economy fare only. Participant can then book via an alternative travel
16.3 Class of Travel
16.3.1 The class of travel for all Event Participants whose travel is financed by the
Secretariat shall be Economy (as set out in Table 1).
16.4 Accommodation
16.4.1 Divisions may arrange suitable accommodation for Event Participants. This
should cost no more than the applicable UN City Hotel Rate.
16.5 Overnight Stopover
16.5.1 Where event participants travelling for more than 16 hours are required to have
a stopover due to flight schedules, they will be permitted to claim
reimbursement for accommodation and meal allowances as outlined in Section
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16.6 Meal Allowances
16.6.1 Divisions may also provide meals for event participants. Divisions may also
decide to contribute towards the cost of meals of event participants but
whatever the circumstances the maximum allowable contribution towards this
cost, where meals are not otherwise provided, is:
Dinner - £30.
Lunch - £15.
Breakfast - £10 (where this is not part of the negotiated accommodation
16.7 Transport and Incidental Allowances
16.7.1 In the interests of cost effectiveness and efficient use of Commonwealth
member country resources, no daily allowance will be paid to event
participants. With the exception of those mentioned below, no other
allowances, stipends or gratuities will be provided by the Commonwealth
Secretariat for event participants.
16.7.2 Divisions may provide a one-off transport allowance of £50 to each event
participant towards the cost of airport transfers and any other travel costs.
Taxis should not be booked for event participants to be provided at the
Secretariat’s expense.
16.7.3 An additional incidental allowance of £10.00 per day may also be offered to
event participants, if considered necessary.
16.7.4 Participants will be responsible for any additional expenses e.g. mini-bar
expenses, telephone calls, newspapers and tips, incurred during their stay.
Event participants should be asked to declare any other benefits which they
may be receiving in order to attend such events and these should be taken into
account by Divisions in deciding what would be an appropriate contribution by
the Commonwealth Secretariat towards their attendance within the limits
stated above.
16.7.5 Where events are located in the Greater London area, Commonwealth
Secretariat staff will not be eligible for accommodation or daily subsistence
allowance. However, at the discretion of the ASG/Senior Director, light
refreshments may be provided for a team of staff required to work after 8 pm.
For events located elsewhere in the UK, the provisions for meals,
accommodation, transport and incidental allowances in Section 16 above apply.
17. Non-Staff DSG Equivalent
17.1 Non-staff DSG equivalents may claim the DSA rate applicable for that country
as per the regulations in Section 12. If DSA, under Section 12, is paid, then no
other allowances are payable.
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18. Frequent Traveller and Other Loyalty Schemes and Personal Incentives
18.1 Selection of an airline, or ticket type, for official travel is not to be made on
the basis of frequent flyer points or other personal incentive or loyalty schemes
(‘loyalty points’) and must be based strictly on the most cost-effective option
presented by the Secretariat’s preferred supplier(s).
18.2 Where loyalty points are provided for group bookings (such as hotel bookings or
airfares) these should if possible be used to reduce the costs of accommodation
at and/or travel to the particular event, or if that is not possible, be used for a
future event. Loyalty points so accumulated remain the property of the
Secretariat and are to be sent to the Conference Section for corporate use.
18.3 Employees may use personal loyalty points during travel on official business to
upgrade to a class of travel beyond that in which they would normally be
travelling, provided there is no additional cost to the Secretariat; employees
should exercise judgement on this matter, bearing in mind public visibility and
perception and possible reputational damage to the Secretariat.
18.4 Persons travelling on Secretariat business may not downgrade the class of travel
for personal benefit.
19. Sponsored Travel
19.1 Sponsored travel may be approved by the Divisional Approver, or in the cases
where the Divisional Approver is the traveller, by her/his supervising Approver,
where the offer is considered to be beneficial to the work of the Secretariat
and/or to the professional development of the individual. In considering such
offers, the purpose of travel overall must be shown to support the work of the
20. Official Entertainment on Duty Travel
20.1 Employees must obtain prior authorisation for official entertainment from the
ASG/Senior Director and the relevant member of the Management Committee,
in advance of travel, wherever possible, and such official entertainment must
be shown to be directly related to and in the interests of the work of the
Secretariat. Full justification must be given in writing on claiming
reimbursement including:
Names of those entertained.
Business benefit to be gained.
Dates, location and original receipts.
20.2 Official entertainment must be of a level appropriate to the guests entertained
as agreed with the ASG/Senior Director and the relevant member of the
Management Committee with the emphasis on public perception, cost
consciousness and reasonableness.
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20.3 With the exception of the Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General,
there is no provision for employees to claim for entertainment or meals for
other Secretariat colleagues under the Travel and Expenses Policy. The only
exception to this provision is where prior approval has been obtained. Such
entertainment should be authorised and claimed in accordance with the Scheme
of Delegation and divisional procedures.
21. Excess Baggage
21.1 It is sometimes necessary for material relating to workshops/conferences to be
carried in excess of the personal baggage allowance.
21.2 Persons travelling on Secretariat business should use the most cost-effective
means for shipment of meeting equipment and documents or personal and
household effects.
21.3 Significant amounts of excess baggage (e.g. for meetings, workshops, observer
missions) must be pre-booked. Where the Secretariat has specially negotiated
arrangements with preferred suppliers, these should be used.
21.4 Persons travelling on Secretariat business may not claim reimbursement of
excess baggage related to any personal leave during a business trip.
21.5 The Secretariat will reimburse the cost of accompanied baggage for official
travel, subject to prior authorisation from the Travel Section, providing that
the items are for official purposes and cannot be sent by any cheaper means.
21.6 Employees and contracted workers should use the Secretariat’s preferred
freight-forwarding companies through the Facilities Management Section.
21.7 It is the responsibility of an employee to ensure that shipments overseas comply
with all relevant customs and excise regulations.
21.8 Reimbursement of VAT, Customs and Excise Fees for excess, accompanied or
unaccompanied baggage will require documented justification and original
receipts, which should be attached to travel claims. Employees are expected
to use the good offices of the host government or their strategic partners in the
host country to minimise such taxes and to facilitate timely clearance of
21.9 When travelling on home leave, if staff take more than one flight and one of
those flights has a lower luggage allowance, staff should adhere to the lowest
luggage allowance for the entire journey. Staff will not be reimbursed for the
additional weight.
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22. Operational Equipment
22.1 If required, employees should take their work laptops on official mission travel.
22.2 Employees are able to borrow IT equipment for official mission travel. ITS
equipment is loaned to members of staff in accordance with the (ITS) Equipment
Loan Policy.
22.3 Employees should avoid the high costs of “roaming” on mobile devices when
overseas. Employees using issued or loaned mobile devises need to comply with
the (ITS) Mobile Device Policy. Travellers will be required to pay for all personal
calls in accordance with the (ITS) Mobile Device Policy.
22.4 The Secretariat will only reimburse the cost of local SIM cards purchased on
overseas trips.
23. Insurance for Employees and Dependants on Official Travel
23.1 Employees and contracted staff travelling on official business and employees on
authorised home leave are covered by the Secretariat’s Group Personal
Accident and Travel Insurance Policy for medical and emergency expenses,
personal baggage and loss or theft of money (subject to the insurance policy
maximum limits see link below). The coverage will, subject to underwriters’
conditions, include the spouse/partner and any dependent child of the
employee when travelling outside the UK on authorised home leave up to a
maximum of three months duration.
23.2 Persons travelling on Secretariat business requiring details of the insurance
cover and claim procedures should contact Help Desk of the Facilities
Management Section.
24. Emergency Contact Information
24.1 Travellers on official travel are required to provide contact details to the
Divisional Approver for the period of their official travel including their mobile
phone number and contact details for the hotel.
24.2 All members of staff travelling on official Secretariat business should complete
a Traveller Profile held by the Travel Management Company (ATPi) as per the
guidelines on Compass. Information required includes Advanced Passenger
Information (APIS) requirements as well as email and mobile phone number
which will allow for contact during an emergency situation.
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Authorisation and approval:
Reviewed by: Senior Management Committee
Date: February 2019
Approved by: Senior Management Committee
Date: February 2019
Revision History:
Timing of revision and outline of frequency of revision required
Description of
Initial Release
Provide the Secretariat
with a Travel & Expense
Review after Initial
Clarifying Policy after
initial release
Review and Update
Ensure Policy is
relevant for efficient
and cost effective
travel and expenses
Update to Class of
Travel for ASG &
Senior Directors &
Alignment with
ASG and Senior
Directors have taken
on additional duties
with the amalgamation
of Directorates and are
undertaking more
frequent long-distant
Policy Owner
Travel Manager