EPA 833-B-07-005 September 2007
EPA Example Construction SWPPP:
Small Commercial Site (< 5 acres)
This example Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) was prepared using the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) guide, Developing Your Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan: A Guide for Construction Operators and its accompanying SWPPP template.
Both the SWPPP Guide and the SWPPP template are available at
http://www.epa.gov/npdes/swpppguide. The instructions and references in this SWPPP refer to
the SWPPP template and are left in for illustrative purposes. The SWPPP guide, SWPPP
template, and this hypothetical SWPPP example are provided for compliance assistance purposes
only; for a complete list of permit requirements, refer to EPA’s Construction General Permit at:
Use of this example SWPPP
This example SWPPP represents a hypothetical project for the construction of a postal and
distribution center on less than 5 acres in New Hampshire. For this example, the SWPPP was
prepared in March 2006 with construction beginning in April 2006. To illustrate how an actual
SWPPP should be used, this example SWPPP includes marked-up edits to pages and copies of
records such as inspection reports. For purposes of this example, this SWPPP was copied on July
20, 2006. Therefore, inspection reports and other records are current as of that date.
This example SWPPP was developed for EPA’s 2003 Construction General Permit (CGP), as
modified effective January 21, 2005. If you are subject to a different general permit issued by a
state or EPA Region, your requirements and SWPPP template might be slightly different.
This SWPPP is for a hypothetical project. Any similarities to actual construction projects,
operators, or places are purely coincidental.
Do not copy this SWPPP for your project! The best management practices and explanatory text
in this SWPPP are intended to apply only to this hypothetical site. Each SWPPP must be created
on a case-by-case basis to address the unique conditions and issues at a given construction site.
Relying on the wording in this hypothetical SWPPP is discouraged and will not necessarily result
in compliance with the Construction General Permit.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
3100 Sixth Avenue
Stormville, NH 03061
(603) 444-3333
United States Postal Service (USPS) Advanced Construction Contractors (ACC)
Russ Braybrooks Joe Butler
1125 Capital Street, NE 5800 Washington Avenue
Boston, MA 02101 Nashua, NH 03064
Office Phone: (617) 333-1122 Office Phone: (603) 444-3210
Office Fax: (617) 333-1121 Office Fax: (603) 444-3211
SWPPP Contact(s):
Martina Davis
Advanced Construction Contractors
5800 Washington Avenue
Nashua, NH 03064
Office Phone: (603) 444-3210
Office Fax: (603) 444-3211
SWPPP Preparation Date:
Estimated Project Dates:
Start of Construction: 04/05/2006
Completion of Construction: 04/05/2007
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
SECTION 1: SITE EVALUATION, ASSESSMENT, AND PLANNING ....................................................... 1
1.1 Project/Site Information .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Contact Information/Responsible Parties ......................................................................................... 2
1.3 Nature and Sequence of Construction Activity ................................................................................. 5
1.4 Soils, Slopes, Vegetation, and Current Drainage Patterns............................................................... 6
1.5 Construction Site Estimates ............................................................................................................. 7
1.6 Receiving Waters ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.7 Site Features and Sensitive Areas to be Protected.......................................................................... 9
1.8 Potential Sources of Pollution........................................................................................................... 9
1.9 Endangered Species Certification .................................................................................................. 11
1.10 Historic Preservation ...................................................................................................................... 12
1.11 Applicable Federal, Tribal, State or Local Programs ...................................................................... 13
1.12 Maps .............................................................................................................................................. 14
SECTION 2: EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS.................................................................. 15
2.1 Minimize Disturbed Area and Protect Natural Features and Soil.................................................... 16
2.2 Phase Construction Activity............................................................................................................ 16
2.3 Control Stormwater Flowing onto and through the Project ............................................................. 17
2.4 Stabilize Soils................................................................................................................................. 18
2.5 Protect Slopes................................................................................................................................ 20
2.6 Protect Storm Drain Inlets .............................................................................................................. 21
2.7 Establish Perimeter Controls and Sediment Barriers ..................................................................... 22
2.8 Retain Sediment On-Site................................................................................................................ 24
2.9 Establish Stabilized Construction Exits .......................................................................................... 25
2.10 Additional BMPs............................................................................................................................. 27
SECTION 3: GOOD HOUSEKEEPING BMPS ...................................................................................... 28
3.1 Material Handling and Waste Management.................................................................................... 28
3.2 Establish Proper Building Material Staging Areas .......................................................................... 30
3.3 Designate Washout Areas.............................................................................................................. 31
3.4 Establish Proper Equipment/Vehicle Fueling and Maintenance Practices...................................... 33
3.5 Control Equipment/Vehicle Washing .............................................................................................. 33
3.6 Spill Prevention and Control........................................................................................................... 34
3.7 Any Additional BMPs...................................................................................................................... 35
3.8 Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharge Management ...................................................................... 35
SECTION 4: SELECTING POST-CONSTRUCTION BMPs .................................................................... 37
SECTION 5: INSPECTIONS ................................................................................................................ 40
5.1 Inspections ..................................................................................................................................... 40
5.2 Delegation of Authority ................................................................................................................... 42
5.3 Corrective Action Log ..................................................................................................................... 42
SECTION 6: RECORDKEEPING AND TRAINING ................................................................................ 43
6.1 Recordkeeping ............................................................................................................................... 43
6.2 Log of Changes to the SWPPP ...................................................................................................... 43
6.3 Training .......................................................................................................................................... 44
SECTION 7: FINAL STABILIZATION................................................................................................... 45
ACC ii
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
SECTION 8: CERTIFICATION AND NOTIFICATION............................................................................. 47
SWPPP APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................... 48
Appendix A – General Location Map
Appendix B – Site Maps
Appendix C – Construction General Permit
Appendix D – NOI and Permit Authorization Letter from EPA/State, Alteration of Terrain Application, and
Storm Water Permit Basics: New Hampshire Digging Needs a Federal Permit Fact Sheet
Appendix E – Inspection Reports
Appendix F – Corrective Action Log
Appendix G – SWPPP Amendment Log
Appendix H – Subcontractor Certifications/Agreements
Appendix I – Grading and Stabilization Activities Log
Appendix J – Training Log
Appendix K – Delegation of Authority
Appendix L – Additional Information
Table 1. Timeline of Activity...........................................................................................................................5
Table 2. Potential construction site pollutants.............................................................................................. 10
Figure 1. Vegetated swale ........................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 2. Erosion control blanket ................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 3. Silt fence....................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 4. Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap ........................................................................................................... 25
Figure 5. Stabilized Construction Exit.......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 5. Above Grade Concrete Washout..................................................................................................32
ACC ii
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
1.2 Contact Information/Responsible Parties
List the operator(s), project managers, stormwater contact(s), and person or organization that prepared the
SWPPP. Indicate respective responsibilities, where appropriate.
Also, list subcontractors expected to work on-site. Notify subcontractors of stormwater requirements
applicable to their work.
See SWPPP Guide, Chapter 2.B and EPA’s Construction General Permit (CGP) Part 3, Subparts 3.2,
3.3.A, and 3.4.A.
Contact Information Geographic Area of Control*
United States Postal Service (USPS)
Russ Braybrooks
1125 Capital Street, NE
Boston, MA 02101
Office Phone: (617) 333-1122
Office Fax: (617) 333-1121
The United States Postal Service (USPS) is the
principal land owner and contract manger for the
project. USPS has contracted Advanced
Construction Contractors (ACC) to develop and
implement the SWPPP and build the Stormville
Postal and Distribution Center. USPS will be
responsible for general oversight of the project and
will retain operational control over construction
plans and specifications, including review of the
SWPPP and any amendments, inspection reports,
corrective actions and changes to stormwater
conveyance or control designs. USPS will
participate, when possible, on self-inspections
conducted by ACC.
* See Construction Operator’s Cooperative Agreement
Contact Information Geographic Area of Control*
Advanced Construction Contractors (ACC)
Joe Butler
5800 Washington Avenue
Nashua, NH 03064
Office Phone: (603) 444-3210
Office Fax: (603) 444-3211
ACC has entered into a contract with USPS to
develop and implement the SWPPP and perform
all construction activities at the site. ACC will
implement and maintain the best management
practices (BMPs) specified in Sections 2 and 3,
conduct inspections (Section 5) and address
stormwater over the entire site including all areas
disturbed by construction activities, areas used for
materials storage, discharge points, and
construction exits.
* See Construction Operator’s Cooperative Agreement
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Project Manager(s) or Site Supervisor(s):
Advanced Construction Contractors
Bill Rustler, Project Manager
5800 Washington Avenue
Nashua, NH 03064
Office Phone: (603) 444-3210
Office Fax: (603) 444-3211
Site Phone: (603) 444-3333
Mr. Rustler is responsible for managing day-to-day site operations at the site.
SWPPP Contact(s):
Advanced Construction Contractors
Martina Davis, Stormwater Compliance Officer
5800 Washington Avenue
Nashua, NH 03064
Office Phone: (603) 444-3210
Office Fax: (603) 444-3211
Site Phone: (603) 444-3333
Martina Davis is the primary SWPPP contact and is responsible for site compliance with the
SWPPP and EPA’s Construction General Permit.
This SWPPP was Prepared by:
Mattock Compliance
Roy Mattock
2588 Paver Avenue, Suite 310
Boston, MA 02101
Office Phone: (617) 222-2221
Office Fax: (617) 222-2222
Mr. Mattock was contracted by ACC to develop this SWPPP.
Emergency 24-Hour Contact:
Advanced Construction Contractors
Martina Davis, Stormwater Compliance Officer
Site Phone: (603) 444-3333
Cellular Phone: (603) 235-2222
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Contact Information Area of Control*
Jim Young, Owner
JY Street Sweeping, Inc.
345 Liberty Avenue
Nashua, NH 03064
(603) 444-0987
JY Street Sweeping has entered into a contract with
USPS and ACC to perform street sweeping for Johnson
Street and Sixth Avenue.
Bill Ways, Vice President Ways Waste and Sanitary Services have entered into a
Ways Waste and Sanitary Services contract with USPS and ACC to deliver dumpsters and
56 Washington Road temporary sanitary facilities to the site. They will also be
Nashua, NH 03064 responsible for dumpster and recycling waste pick up and
(603) 444-0044 disposal of sanitary wastes from the temporary sanitary
George Smith, Owner Smith Plumbing Company has entered into a contract
Smith Plumbing Company with USPS and ACC to install plumbing fixtures for the
234 Dunn Way postal and distribution center.
Nashua, NH 03064
(603) 444-3333
Bart Thomas, Owner
Thomas Electric
6502 Capital Avenue
Nashua, NH 03064
(603) 444-0000
Thomas Electric has entered into a contract with USPS
and ACC to install electrical components for the postal
and distribution center.
Jean Askew, Owner Askew Foundations has entered into a contract with
Askew Foundations, LLC USPS and ACC to construct the foundation for the postal
78 Toms Road and distribution center.
Nashua, NH 03064
(603) 444-7777
* See Appendix H – Subcontractor Certifications/Agreements
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
1.3 Nature and Sequence of Construction Activity
Briefly describe the nature of the construction activity and approximate time frames (one or more
paragraphs, depending on the nature and complexity of the project).
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.A. and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subparts 3.3.B.1 and 2,
and 3.4.A.
Describe the general scope of the work for the project, major phases of construction, etc:
ACC is contracted by the USPS to build an 18,000-square-foot postal and distribution center at
3100 Sixth Avenue, Stormville, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. ACC is responsible for
overall site development and building construction. Soil disturbing activities will include
clearing and grubbing; installing stabilized construction exits; installing erosion and sediment
controls; grading; installation of the building foundation; excavation for utilities and parking lots;
and installation of post-construction controls.
What is the function of the construction activity?
Residential Commercial Industrial Road Construction Linear Utility
Other (please specify):
Estimated Project Start Date: 04/05/2006
Estimated Project Completion Date: 04/05/2007
Table 1. Timeline of Activity: ACC will follow the sequence of activities below for major construction
activities and BMP installation.
Estimated timeline
of activity
Construction activity and BMP descriptions
Before any site grading activities begin
05/01/06 1. Install perimeter silt fences (See Section 2, Part 2.7)
2. Install storm drain inlet protection on Johnson Street and Sixth Avenue (Section 2, Part 2.6)
3. Construct stabilized construction exits (Section 2, Part 2.9)
4. Construct vegetated swale along the north perimeter (Section 2, Part 2.3)
5. Construct sediment trap (Section 2, Part 2.8)
Site grading
05/16/06 1. Begin site clearing and grubbing operations
2. Begin overall site grading and topsoil stripping
3. Establish topsoil stockpile (Section 2, Part 2.1)
4. Install silt fences around stockpile and cover stockpiles (Section 2, Part 2.1)
5. Disturbed areas where construction will cease for more than 14 days will be stabilized with
erosion controls (Section 2, Part 2.4)
Infrastructure (utilities, parking lot, etc.)
07/02/06 1. Construct staging and materials storage area (Section 3, Part 3.2)
2. Install temporary sanitary facilities and dumpsters (Section 3, Part 3.1)
3. Install utilities, sanitary sewers, and water services
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
02/06 –
Building Construction
02/20/07 1. Construct temporary concrete washout area (Section 3, Part 3.3)
2. Begin construction of building foundation and structure
3. Install gutters, curbs, and prepare pavement subgrade
4. Parking lot paved, exterior building constructed (by Sept. 30
5. Remove temporary concrete washout area (Section 3, Part 3.3)
6. Implement winter stabilization procedures (Section 2, Part 2.4)
Final stabilization and landscaping
04/05/2007 1. Finalize pavement activities
2. Convert sediment trap to a permanent bioretention area
3. Install infiltration trench, porous pavers and tree box filters
4. Remove all temporary control BMPs and stabilize any areas disturbed by there removal with
erosion controls
5. Prepare final seeding and landscaping
6. Monitor stabilized areas until final stabilization is reached
1.4 Soils, Slopes, Vegetation, and Current Drainage Patterns
Describe the existing soil conditions at the construction site including soil types, slopes and slope lengths,
drainage patterns, and other topographic features that might affect erosion and sediment control.
Also, note any historic site contamination evident from existing site features and known past usage of the
This information should also be included on your site maps (See SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.C.).
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.A and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subpart 3.3.C.
Soil type(s):
According to a review of the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service soils map for
Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, on-site soils consist of Ridgebury, Canton, Udorthents,
and Chatfield. These soils are classified as hydrologic groups A, B, and C soils, respectively.
The site consists primarily of hydrologic soil group A; therefore, the site has well-drained soils.
Slopes (describe current slopes and note any changes due to grading or fill activities):
The site is a relatively flat site (less than 2 percent slopes) and does not contain any major
Drainage Patterns (describe current drainage patterns and note any changes due to grading or fill
Preconstruction stormwater runoff flows northwest over the undeveloped site to
Stormville’s municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) on Johnson Street. (See
Appendix B – Pre-Construction Site Map)
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Following overlot grading, stormwater runoff will flow to the northwest corner of the site
to a temporary sediment trap. Excess stormwater runoff will be diverted to the town’s MS4
on Johnson Street through a raised outlet structure in the temporary sediment trap. Runoff
from the adjacent property to the north will be captured by the vegetated swale and diverted
to the town’s MS4. (See Appendix B – Site Map)
The site supports unvegetated soil areas and blocks of shrubs, grass and other undergrowth.
1.5 Construction Site Estimates
Estimate the area to be disturbed by excavation, grading, or other construction activities, including
dedicated off-site borrow and fill areas.
Calculate the percentage of impervious surface area before and after construction
Calculate the runoff coefficients before and after construction.
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.A and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subpart 3.3.B.
The following are estimates of the construction site:
Total project area:
4.36 acres
Construction site area to be disturbed : 4.36 acres
Percentage impervious area before construction: 5 %
Runoff coefficient before construction: .0715
Percentage impervious area after construction: 21 %
Runoff coefficient after construction: .3145
Because this site disturbs less than 5 acres, ACC also calculated the rainfall erosivity factor for
the site and period of construction activity. An R factor of 103 was calculated using EPA’s
Rainfall Erosivity Factor Calculator; therefore, this project is not eligible for the rainfall
erosivity waiver because the R factor was greater than 5.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
1.6 Receiving Waters
List the waterbody(s) that would receive stormwater from your site, including streams, rivers, lakes, coastal
waters, and wetlands. Describe each as clearly as possible, such as Mill Creek, a tributary to the Potomac
River, and so on.
Indicate the location of all waters, including wetlands, on the site map. For more information, see EPA’s
CGP Part 3, Subparts 3.3.B.4 and 3.3.C.6.
Note any stream crossings, if applicable.
List the storm sewer system or drainage system that stormwater from your site could discharge to and the
waterbody(s) that it ultimately discharges to.
If any of the waterbodies above are impaired and/or subject to Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs),
please list the pollutants causing the impairment and any specific requirements in the TMDL(s) that are
applicable to construction sites. Your SWPPP should specifically include measures to prevent the
discharge of these pollutants. For more information, see EPA’s CGP Part 1, Subpart 1.3.C.5 and Part 3,
Subpart 3.14.
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.A and 3.B.
Also, for more information and a list of TMDL contacts and links by state, visit
Description of receiving waters and storm sewer system:
Stormwater runoff, except run-on entering the vegetated swale, will be discharged to a temporary
sediment trap during construction without direct discharge to any surface waters. As an
emergency overflow, the sediment trap will have a raised outlet structure connected to the town
of Stormville’s MS4 on Johnson Street. Run-on captured by the vegetated swale will be
discharged to the MS4 on Johnson Street through a raised outlet structure.
After construction, stormwater runoff will discharge to the stormwater bioretention area, with an
outlet structure connected to the MS4 on Johnson Street. The vegetated swale will remain as a
permanent stormwater conveyance following construction.
The town of Stormville’s MS4 discharges to Fern Creek, a tributary to the Pine River. The MS4
discharge point is 0.5 mile south of the city. Fern Creek has a reach of 4 miles and flows
southeast before entering the Pine River. Fern Creek is designated for the following uses under
New Hampshire’s Water Quality Standards: Secondary Contact Recreation, Agricultural Water
Supply, and Wildlife Habitat.
Description of impaired waters or waters subject to TMDLs:
Mattock Compliance conducted a review of Fern Creek and the Pine River to determine if the
above receiving waters were impaired or subject to TMDLs. Mattock Compliance first reviewed
the 2006 303(d) list for the state of New Hampshire available at
http://www.des.state.nh.us/WMB/swqa/303dList.html (accessed 01/20/06). Mattock Compliance
did not identify Fern Creek or the Pine River as impaired waters or subject to TMDLs.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
To verify that Fern Creek and the Pine River are not impaired waters or subject to TMDLs,
Mattock Compliance contacted Margaret Foss with the New Hampshire Department of
Environmental Services. Mattock Compliance described the project location, MS4, and receiving
waters during the conversation on 01/20/06 (see Appendix L – Telephone Log #1). Ms. Foss
verified during the telephone call that Fern Creek and the Pine River are not impaired waters or
subject to TMDLs.
1.7 Site Features and Sensitive Areas to be Protected
Describe unique site features including streams, stream buffers, wetlands, specimen trees, natural
vegetation, steep slopes, or highly erodible soils that are to be preserved.
Describe measures to protect these features.
Include these features and areas on your site maps.
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.A and 3.B.
Description of unique features that are to be preserved:
This site does not contain any unique features or sensitive areas to be preserved.
Describe measures to protect these features:
1.8 Potential Sources of Pollution
Identify and list all potential sources of sediment, which may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of
stormwater discharges from the construction site.
Identify and list all potential sources of pollution, other than sediment, which may reasonably be expected
to affect the quality of stormwater discharges from the construction site.
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.A and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subpart 3.1.B.
Potential sources of sediment to stormwater runoff:
Clearing and grubbing operations
Grading and site excavation operations
Vehicle tracking
Topsoil stripping and stockpiling
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Landscaping operations
Potential pollutants and sources, other than sediment, to stormwater runoff:
Combined Staging Area—small fueling activities, minor equipment maintenance,
sanitary facilities, and hazardous waste storage.
Materials Storage Area—general building materials, solvents, adhesives, paving
materials, paints, aggregates, trash, and so on.
Construction Activity—paving, curb/gutter installation, concrete pouring/mortar/stucco,
and building construction
Concrete Washout Area
For all potential construction site pollutants, see Table 2 below.
Table 2. Potential construction site pollutants
Material/Chemical Physical Description Stormwater Pollutants Location*
Pesticides (insecticides,
fungicides, herbicides,
Various colored to
colorless liquid,
powder, pellets, or
Chlorinated hydrocarbons,
carbamates, arsenic
Herbicides used for noxious
weed control
Fertilizer Liquid or solid grains Nitrogen, phosphorous Newly seeded areas
Plaster White granules or
Calcium sulphate, calcium
carbonate, sulfuric acid
Building construction
Cleaning solvents Colorless, blue, or
yellow-green liquid
methylene chloride,
trichloroethylene, petroleum
No equipment cleaning
allowed in project limits
Asphalt Black solid Oil, petroleum distillates Streets and roofing
Concrete White solid/grey liquid Limestone, sand, pH,
Curb and gutter, building
Glue, adhesives White or yellow liquid Polymers, epoxies Building construction
Paints Various colored liquid Metal oxides, stoddard
solvent, talc, calcium
carbonate, arsenic
Building construction
Curing compounds Creamy white liquid Naphtha Curb and gutter
Wood preservatives Clear amber or dark
brown liquid
Stoddard solvent, petroleum
distillates, arsenic, copper,
Timber pads and building
Hydraulic oil/fluids Brown oily petroleum
Mineral oil Leaks or broken hoses from
Gasoline Colorless, pale brown
or pink petroleum
Benzene, ethyl benzene,
toluene, xylene, MTBE
containment/staging area
Diesel Fuel Clear, blue-green to
yellow liquid
Petroleum distillate, oil &
grease, naphthalene, xylenes
containment/staging area
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
cal Physical Description Stormwater Pollutants Location*
Kerosene Pale yellow liquid
petroleum hydrocarbon
Coal oil, petroleum
containment/staging area
Antifreeze/coolant Clear green/yellow
Ethylene glycol, propylene
glycol, heavy metals
(copper, lead, zinc)
Leaks or broken hoses from
Sanitary toilets Various colored liquid Bacteria, parasites, and
Staging area
*(Area where material/chemical is used on-site)
1.9 Endangered Species Certification
Before beginning construction, determine whether endangered or threatened species or their critical
habitats are on or near your site.
Adapt this section as needed for state or tribal endangered species requirements and, if applicable,
document any measures deemed necessary to protect endangered or threatened species or their critical
For more information on this topic, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.B and EPA’s CGP Part 1, Subpart
1.3.C.6 and Appendix C.
Additional information on Endangered Species Act (ESA) provisions for EPA’s Construction General
Permit is at www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/esa
Are endangered or threatened species and critical habitats on or near the project area?
Yes No
Describe how this determination was made:
Mattock Compliance conducted a review of any potential endangered or threatened species or
their critical habitats on or near the Stormville Postal and Distribution Center in Hillsborough
County, New Hampshire. Mattock Compliance first reviewed the Endangered Species Act
(ESA) review procedures and endangered species list for New Hampshire at
http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/esa.cfm (accessed on 01/20/06). Mattock Compliance
did not identify any endangered or threatened species or critical habitats on or near the project
Mattock Compliance also reviewed the endangered or threatened species and critical habitat
listings available from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department at
http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Wildlife/Nongame/endangered_list.htm (accessed on 01/20/06)
and http://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/Wildlife/Wildlife_Plan/critical_habitats_species.htm
(accessed on 01/20/06). To verify that there were no endangered or threatened species or
critical habitats on or near the project area; Mattock Compliance contacted John Canter of the
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, Wildlife Division on 01/21/06 (see Appendix L –
Telephone Log #2). Mattock Compliance described the location of the construction project,
and Mr. Canter verified in the telephone call that there were no endangered or threatened
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
species or critical habitats on or near the project area.
Because no endangered or threatened species or their critical habitats were found during the
screening process, Criterion A will be reported on the NOI form.
If yes, describe the species and/or critical habitat:
If yes, describe or refer to documentation that determines the likelihood of an impact on
identified species and/or habitat and the steps taken to address that impact. (Note, if species are
on or near your project site, EPA strongly recommends that the site operator work closely with
the appropriate field office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Marine Fisheries
Service. For concerns related to state or tribal listing of species, please contact a state or tribal
1.10 Historic Preservation
Before you begin construction, you should review federal and any applicable state, local, or tribal historic
preservation laws and determine if there are historic sites on or near your project. If so, you might need to
make adjustments to your construction plans or to your stormwater controls to ensure that these historic
sites are not damaged.
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.B or contact your state or tribal historic preservation
Are there any historic sites on or near the construction site?
Yes No
Describe how this determination was made:
Mattock Compliance reviewed the New Hampshire State Register of Historic Places available
from the New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources at
http://www.nh.gov/nhdhr/barnstatereg.html (accessed on 01/24/06) and the National Register
Information System available from the National Park Service at http://www.nr.nps.gov/
(accessed on 1/24/06) to determine if any historic sites are on or near the Stormville Postal and
Distribution Center in Hillsborough County, New Hampshire. No historic sites were identified
from the review.
To verify that there were no historic sites on or near the project area, Mattock Compliance
contacted James Mcconaha, State Historic Preservation Officer, of the New Hampshire
Division of Historical Resources on 01/25/06 (See Appendix L – Telephone Log #3). Mattock
Compliance described the location of the project, and Mr. Mcconaha verified in the telephone
call that there were no historic sites on or near the project area.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
If yes, describe or refer to documentation that determines the likelihood of an impact on this
historic site and the steps taken to address that impact.
1.11 Applicable Federal, Tribal, State or Local Programs
Note other applicable federal, tribal, state or local soil and erosion control and stormwater management
requirements that apply to the construction site. See EPA’s CGP Part 3.9.
An Alteration of Terrain Application has been submitted to New Hampshire DES (see
Appendix D). To complete this application, ACC reviewed the EPA fact sheet Storm
Water Permit Basics: New Hampshire Digging Needs a Federal Permit, which is also
included in Appendix D.
The SWPPP complies with Stormville’s erosion and sediment control requirements,
including the requirement that sediment traps be designed for a minimum of 1,800 cubic
feet of storage per acre of drainage area [REG 24.56].
The SWPPP also complies with erosion and sediment control requirement that vegetated
swales must have a minimum length of 100 feet, be vegetated with water-tolerant,
erosion-resistant grasses, and be at least 2 feet above the seasonal high water table and
bedrock [REG 25.40 (b)(1-6)].
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
1.12 Maps
Attach site maps. For most projects, a series of site maps is recommended. The first should show the
undeveloped site and its current features. An additional map or maps should be created to show the
developed site or for more complicated sites show the major phases of development.
These maps should include the following:
Direction(s) of stormwater flow and a
pproximate slopes before and after major grading activities;
Areas and timing of soil disturbance;
Areas that will not be disturbed;
Natural features to be preserved;
Locations of major structural and non-structural BMPs identified in the SWPPP;
Locations and timing of stabilization measures;
Locations of off-site material, waste, borrow, or equipment storage areas;
Locations of all waters, including wetlands;
Locations where stormwater discharges to a surface water;
Locations of storm drain inlets; and
Areas where final stabilization has been accomplished.
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.C and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subparts 3.1.B.1 and
See Appendix B – Site Maps
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Describe the BMPs that will be implemented to control pollutants in stormwater discharges. For each major
activity identified, do the following
9 Clearly describe appropriate control measures.
9 Describe the general sequence during the construction process in which the measures will be
9 Describe the maintenance and inspection procedures that will be used for that specific BMP.
9 Include protocols, thresholds, and schedules for cleaning, repairing, or replacing damaged or failing
9 Identify staff responsible for maintaining BMPs.
9 (If your SWPPP is shared by multiple operators, indicate the operator responsible for each BMP.)
Categorize each BMP under one of the following 10 areas of BMP activity as described below:
2.1 Minimize disturbed area and protect natural features and soil
2.2 Phase Construction Activity
2.3 Control Stormwater flowing onto and through the project
2.4 Stabilize Soils
2.5 Protect Slopes
2.6 Protect Storm Drain Inlets
2.7 Establish Perimeter Controls and Sediment Barriers
2.8 Retain Sediment On-Site and Control Dewatering Practices
2.9 Establish Stabilized Construction Exits
2.10 Any Additional BMPs
Note the location of each BMP on your site map(s).
For any structural BMPs, you should provide design specifications and details and refer to them. Attach
them as appendices to the SWPPP or within the text of the SWPPP.
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 4 and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subparts 3.3.B.2 and 3.4.A-
D, and Part 4, Subpart 4.5.
Consult your state’s design manual or one of those listed in Appendix D of the SWPPP Guide.
For more information or ideas on BMPs, see EPA’s National Menu of BMPs
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
BMP Description: The proposed site is too small for phased grading to be practical. To minimize
erosion during grading activities, grading and site work will be conducted in late April and May
after snowmelt and during periods of predicted dry weather. The areas of the site that will remain
vegetated after construction will be graded first and stabilized with hydromulch or seeding
immediately after grading activities are completed. All other areas of the construction site will be
stabilized if site work is not planned for more than 14 days. To minimize potential erosion from
the site, only areas necessary to construct the vegetated swale, sediment trap, and construction
exits will be disturbed initially. These areas will be cleared, grubbed, and graded and the above
measures will be installed. These areas will be stabilized immediately after construction but no
later than 14 days after construction ceases. Overall grubbing, clearing, grading will be
conducted over a 2-week period in May to limit erosion from the site. Areas graded during this
time period will be stabilized with hydromulch immediately after construction but no later than
14 days after construction ceases.
Installation Schedule:
For a timeline of construction activity, see Section 1.3.
Responsible Staff: ACC
2.3 Control Stormwater Flowing onto and through the Project
Describe structural practices (e.g., diversions, berms, ditches, storage basins) including design
specifications and details used to divert flows from exposed soils, retain or detain flows, or otherwise limit
runoff and the discharge of pollutants from exposed areas of the site. (For more information, see SWPPP
Guide, Chapter 4, ESC Principle 3.)
Vegetated Swale
BMP Description: A vegetated swale will be installed along the northern perimeter of the site to
capture stormwater run-on from the adjacent property. The swale will convey stormwater to a
raised storm drain inlet in the northwest corner of the site. The inlet will be raised 1 foot above
the bottom of the swale to allow for infiltration of the run-on. The vegetated swale will have a
trapezoidal shape with a slope ratio of 2:1. The bottom of the swale will be at least 2 feet above
the seasonal high water table and bedrock. The slopes of the swale will be stabilized with a dense
cover of water-tolerant, erosion-resistant grasses, mulch and erosion control blankets
immediately after final grade is reached. The vegetated swale will remain as a permanent
stormwater structure after construction is complete. For design specifications, see Figure 1.
Installation Schedule:
The vegetated swale will be installed before site grading
operations begin at the construction site.
Maintenance and
The swale will be inspected for erosion and structural failures
weekly and immediately after storm events. Before vegetation has
been established in the swale, it will be inspected for erosion and
accumulation of debris and sediment. Remove debris, sediment,
and repair erosion and embankments immediately.
Responsible Staff:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Figure 1. Vegetated swale
Design Specifications
1. The swale will have side slopes no steeper than 2:1 and a minimum length of 100 feet,
per Stormville’s erosion and sediment control requirements [REG 25.40 (b)(1-2)].
2. The slopes of the swale will be stabilized with a dense cover of water-tolerant, erosion-
resistant grasses, per Stormville’s erosion and sediment control requirements [REG 25.40
3. The bottom of the swale will be at least 2 feet above the seasonal high water table and
bedrock, per Stormville’s erosion and sediment control requirements [REG 25.40 (b)(6)].
4. The swale will have a positive drainage to convey runoff to the storm drain inlet.
2.4 Stabilize Soils
Describe controls (e.g., interim seeding with native vegetation, hydroseeding) to stabilize exposed soils
where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased. Also describe measures to control
dust generation. Avoid using impervious surfaces for stabilization whenever possible. (For more
information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 4, ESC Principle 4, EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subpart 3.13.D.)
Also, see EPA’s Seeding BMP Fact Sheet at
Temporary Stabilization
BMP Description: Hydromulching will provide immediate protection to exposed soils where
construction will cease for more than 14 days and over the winter months. Straw mulch and
wood fiber will be mixed with a tackifier (amount specified per manufacturer’s instructions) and
applied uniformly by machine with an application rate of 90–100 pounds (2–3 bales) per 1,000
square feet or 2 tons (100–200 bales) per acre. If the tackifier does not appear effective in
anchoring the mulch to the disturbed soil, crimping equipment will be used to provide additional
binding to the soil. The mulch will cover 75 to 90 percent of the ground surface. In areas, where
hydromulching is inaccessible, straw mulch will be applied by hand with an application rate of
90–100 pounds (2–3 bales) per 1,000 square feet.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Winter stabilization will occur between November 15 and March 15. All disturbed areas are
scheduled to be stabilized well before winter; however, if any vegetated areas show signs of
erosion, mulch will be applied at the same rate as described above.
Permanent Temporary
Installation Schedule:
Portions of the site where construction activities will temporarily
cease for more than 14 days will be stabilized with mulch.
Winter stabilization will occur between November 15
March 15.
Maintenance and
Mulched areas will be inspected weekly and after storm events to
check for movement of mulch or erosion. If washout, breakage, or
erosion occurs, the surface will be repaired, and new mulch will
be applied to the damaged area.
Responsible Staff:
Permanent Stabilization
BMP Description: Permanent stabilization will be done immediately after the final design grades
are achieved but no later than 14 days after construction ceases. Native species of plants will be
used to establish vegetative cover on exposed soils. Permanent stabilization will be completed in
accordance with the final stabilization procedures in Section 7.
Permanent Temporary
Installation Schedule:
Portions of the site where construction activities have
permanently ceased will be stabilized, as soon as possible but no
later than 14 days after construction ceases.
Maintenance and
All seeded areas will be inspected weekly during construction
activities for failure and after storm events until a dense cover of
vegetation has been established. If failure is noticed at the seeded
area, the area will be reseeded, fertilized, and mulched
immediately. After construction is completed at the site,
permanently stabilized areas will be monitored until final
stabilization is reached.
Responsible Staff:
Dust Control
BMP Description: Dust from the site will be controlled by using a mobile pressure-type
distributor truck to apply potable water to disturbed areas. The mobile unit will apply water at a
rate of 300 gallons per acre and minimized as necessary to prevent runoff and ponding.
Dust control will be implemented as needed once site grading has
been initiated and during windy conditions (forecasted or actual
wind conditions of 20 mph or greater) while site grading is
occurring. Spraying of potable water will be performed no more
than three times a day during the months of May–September and
Installation Schedule:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
once per day during the months of October–April or whenever the
dryness of the soil warrants it.
Maintenance and
At least one mobile unit will be available at all times to distribute
potable water to control dust on the project area. Each mobile unit
will be equipped with a positive shutoff valve to prevent over
watering of the disturbed area. For vehicle and equipment
maintenance practices, see Section 3, Part 3.4.
Responsible Staff:
2.5 Protect Slopes
Describe controls (e.g., erosion control blankets, tackifiers) including design specifications and details that
will be implemented to protect all slopes. (For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 4, ESC
Principle 5.)
Also, see EPA’s Geotextiles BMP Fact Sheet at
Geotextile Erosion Control Blanket
BMP Description: Geotextile erosion control blankets will be used to provide stabilization for
the slopes in the vegetated swale and sediment trap. The blanket will cover the entire area of the
graded slope and bottom channel. The bottom and side slopes will be seeded and mulched before
the blanket is applied. The blanket will be installed by digging a small trench on the upside of the
slope, 12 inches wide by 6 inches deep, and stapling the leading edge of the blanket in the trench.
The blanket will be rolled down the slope slowly to maintain soil contact and stapled in 12-inch
intervals. If the blanket cannot cover the entire slope, the blankets will be overlapped (minimum
of 2 inches) and stapled at the overlapped edge. The erosion control blanket will always be
installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and specifications. For design
specifications, see Figure 2.
Installation Schedule:
The erosion control blankets will be installed once the vegetated
swale and sediment trap have reached final grade.
Maintenance and
The erosion control blanket will be inspected weekly and
immediately after storm events to determine if cracks, tears, or
breaches have formed in the fabric; if so, the blanket will be
repaired or replaced immediately. Good contact with the soil must
be maintained and erosion should not occur under the blanket.
Any areas where the blanket is not in close contact with the
ground will be repaired or replaced.
Responsible Staff:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Figure 2. Erosion control blanket
Design Specifications
1. Slope surface will be free of rocks, clods, sticks and grass. The blankets will have good
soil contact.
2. Lay blankets loosely and staple to maintain direct contact with the soil. Do not stretch.
3. Install per manufacturer’s recommendations.
2.6 Protect Storm Drain Inlets
Describe controls (e.g., inserts, rock-filled bags, or block and gravel) including design specifications and
details that will be implemented to protect all inlets receiving stormwater from the project during the entire
project. (For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 4, ESC Principle 6.)
Also, see EPA’s Storm Drain Inlet Protection BMP Fact Sheet at
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Existing Storm Drain Inlets
BMP Description: Existing storm drain inlets on Johnson Street and Sixth Avenue will be
protected from sediment by commercially available catch basin inserts. Commercial devices,
such as the catch basin inserts that are installed inside the inlet, will be used because of the large
traffic volumes on these roads. These commercial devices were selected over gravel bag or block
and gravel filters because of safety concerns. The catch basins will be removed once the
construction site has been permanently stabilized.
Installation Schedule:
Inlet catch basins will be installed along Johnson Street and Sixth
Avenue before construction activities begin on-site.
Maintenance and
The catch basin inserts will be inspected weekly and immediately
after storm events. If the basin insert becomes clogged with
sediment, the insert will be removed and cleaned or replaced per
the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Responsible Staff:
2.7 Establish Perimeter Controls and Sediment Barriers
Describe structural practices (e.g., silt fences or fiber rolls) including design specifications and details to
filter and trap sediment before it leaves the construction site. (For more information, see SWPPP Guide,
Chapter 4, ESC Principle 7.)
Also see, EPA’s Silt Fence BMP Fact Sheet at
www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater/menuofbmps/construction/silt_fences or Fiber Rolls BMP Fact Sheet at
Silt Fence
BMP Description: Silt fences will be installed along the north and west perimeters of the site
and around the topsoil stockpile. Silt fences will be installed by excavating a 12-inch-deep trench
along the line of proposed installation. Wooden posts supporting the silt fence will be spaced 4 to
6 feet apart and driven securely into the ground; a minimum of 18 to 20 inches deep. The silt
fence will be fastened securely to the wooden posts with wire ties spaced every 24 inches at the
top, mid section, and bottom of the wooden post. The bottom edge of the silt fence will extend
across the bottom of the trench and the trench will be backfilled and compacted to prevent
stormwater and sediment from discharging underneath the silt fence. For design specifications,
see Figure 3.
Installation Schedule:
The silt fences will be installed before construction begins at the
site and around topsoil stockpiles once they have been
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Maintenance and
Responsible Staff:
Silt fences will be inspected weekly and immediately after storm
events to ensure it is intact and that there are no gaps where the
fence meets the ground or tears along the length of the fence. If
gaps or tears are found during the inspection, the fabric will be
repaired or replaced immediately. Accumulated sediment will be
removed from the fence base if it reaches one-third the height of
the silt fence and hauled off-site for disposal at Middletown
Landfill. If accumulated sediment is creating noticeable strain on
the fabric and the fence might fail from a sudden storm event, the
sediment will be removed more frequently. Before the fence is
removed from the project area, the sediment will be removed. The
anticipated life span of the silt fence is 6 months and will likely
need to be replaced after this period.
Figure 3. Silt fence
Design Specifications
1. The silt fence will be constructed long enough to extend across the expected flow path.
2. The support posts will be a minimum of 4.5 feet and driven a minimum of 18 to 20
inches in the ground. Posts will be spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. Fabric will be
securely fastened to posts with half-inch staples or 16-gauge wire ties spaced a maximum
of 6 inches.
3. A 12-inch trench will be excavated along the uphill side of the silt fence posts. The
bottom edge of the fabric will extend across the bottom of the trench. The trench will be
backfilled to 4 inches above ground and compacted to bury and secure the bottom of the
filter fabric.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
2.8 Retain Sediment On-Site
Describe sediment control practices (e.g., sediment trap or sediment basin), including design
specifications and details (volume, dimensions, outlet structure) that will be implemented at the
construction site to retain sediments on-site. (For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 4, ESC
Principle 8 or EPA’s CGP Part 3.13.E.)
Also, see EPA’s Sediment Basin BMP Fact Sheet at
Sediment Trap
BMP Description: A temporary pipe outlet sediment trap will be constructed on the northwest
portion of the construction site to remove sediment from stormwater runoff for the site. The trap
will be constructed to have a total volume of 7,500 cubic feet. The design volume is based on
Stormville’s erosion and sediment control requirements (REG 24.56), which requires a minimum
of 1,800 cubic feet of storage per acre of drainage area for a sediment trap.
The trap will discharge through a riser outlet with a trash rack. The pipe outlet will be connected
to the town’s storm sewer system and is designed to discharge only for storms one-half inch or
greater. The slopes of the trap will be stabilized with erosion control blankets. Influent to the trap
will be supplied from natural drainage of the site. For design specifications, see Figure 4. The
sediment trap will be converted to a permanent stormwater bioretention area following
construction activities, see Section 4.
Installation Schedule:
The sediment trap will be installed before overlot grading
operations commence at the construction site.
Maintenance and
The trap will be inspected weekly and after storm events. The trap
will be checked for signs of erosion, seepage, and structural
damage. The outlet and trash rack will be checked for any damage
or obstructions and any damage present will be repaired and
obstructions removed. Sediment will be removed and the trap
restored to its original dimensions when the sediment has
accumulated to one-half the design depth of the trap. The
removed sediments will be hauled off-site for disposal at
Middletown Landfill.
Responsible Staff:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Figure 4. Pipe outlet sediment trap
Design Specifications
1. The area will be cleared, grubbed, and stripped of any vegetation and root mat.
2. The fill material of the embankment will be free any vegetation, root mat, rocks, or
oversized stones. The embankment will be compacted by traversing with equipment.
3. Slopes will be stabilized in accordance with Part 2.4 of this section.
2.9 Establish Stabilized Construction Exits
Describe location(s) of vehicle entrance(s) and exit(s), procedures to remove accumulated sediment off-
site (e.g., vehicle tracking), and stabilization practices (e.g., stone pads or wash racks or both) to minimize
off-site vehicle tracking of sediments and discharges to stormwater. (For more information, see SWPPP
Guide, Chapter 4, ESC Principle 9 and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subparts 3.4.G and 3.13.B.)
Also, see EPA’s Construction Entrances BMP Fact Sheet at
Stabilized Construction Exits
BMP Description: Anti-tracking pads consisting of stone and corrugated steel panels (rumble
pad) will be installed at the exits to Sixth Avenue, as identified on the site map, to prevent the
off-site transport of sediment by construction vehicles. The anti-tracking pads will be at least 50
feet long, a minimum of 10 feet wide, flared at the end closest to the paved road, and will consist
of a 6-inch-thick layer of crushed stone (2 inches in diameter). The crushed stone will be placed
over a layer of geotextile filter fabric to reduce the mitigation of sediment from the underlying
soil. The rumble pad will be placed on top of the stone. Orange-colored plastic mesh fence will
be installed along the length of the construction exit to keep construction vehicles and equipment
on the anti-tracking pads. For design specifications, see Figure 5.
Installation Schedule:
The stabilized exits will be installed before construction begins on
the site. The stone will remain in place until the subgrade of
pavement is installed at the site. The anti-tracking pads will be
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
placed on the pavement and will remain until all areas of the site
have been stabilized.
Maintenance and
The exits will be inspected weekly and after storm events or
heavy use. The exits will be maintained in a condition that will
prevent tracking or flowing of sediment onto Sixth Avenue. This
could require adding additional crushed stone to the exit. All
sediment tracked, spilled, dropped, or washed onto Sixth Avenue
will be swept up immediately and hauled off-site for disposal at
Middletown Landfill. Sediment will be swept from the anti-
tracking pad at least weekly, or more often if necessary. If excess
sediment has clogged the pad, the exit will be topdressed with
new crushed stone. Replacement of the entire pad might be
necessary when the pad becomes completely filled with sediment.
The pad will be reshaped as needed for drainage and runoff
control. Broken road pavement as a result of construction
activities on roadways immediately adjacent to the project site
will be repaired immediately. The stone anti-tracking pad will be
removed before the subgrade of pavement is applied to the
parking lot. The removed stone and sediment from the pad will be
hauled off-site and disposed of at Middletown Landfill.
Responsible Staff:
Figure 5. Stabilized construction exit
Design Specifications
1. Stone applied to the pad will be 2-inch stone.
2. The length of the pad will not be less than 50 feet.
3. The thickness of the pad will not be less than 6 inches.
4. The width of pad will be a minimum of 10 feet.
5. Filter fabric will be placed over the entire area before placing the stone.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
2.10 Additional BMPs
Describe additional BMPs that do not fit into the above categories.
Street Sweeping
BMP Description: Super Sweeping will perform street sweeping and vacuuming on Johnson
Street and Sixth Avenue. Super Sweeping will use a regenerative air sweeper to remove
sediments and other contaminants directly from the paved surfaces.
Installation Schedule:
Street sweeping will occur weekly and before forecasted storm
events on Johnson Street and Sixth Avenue.
Maintenance and
All materials collected during street sweeping will be disposed of
at an off-site location by the subcontractor.
Responsible Staff:
Cooperative Agreement and Operator Communication
BMP Description: All construction operators working on the Stormville Postal and Distribution
Center project are required to sign the Construction Operator’s Cooperative Agreement (see
Section 1, Part 1.2) and agree to abide by the conditions of the agreement throughout the
duration of the construction project. ACC will attend biweekly meetings with the USPS to
discuss any issues related to implementation of this SWPPP and compliance with the
Construction General Permit. ACC will maintain the SWPPP documentation and will conduct
and document self-inspections in all areas of the site. ACC will provide copies of inspection
reports to USPS immediately following each inspection.
Responsible Staff:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Describe the key good housekeeping and pollution prevention (P2) measures that will be implemented to
control pollutants in stormwater.
Categorize each good housekeeping and pollution prevention (P2) BMP under one of the following seven
3.1 Material Handling and Waste Management
3.2 Establish Proper Building Material Staging Areas
3.3 Designate Washout Areas
3.4 Establish Proper Equipment/Vehicle Fueling and Maintenance Practices
3.5 Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharges and Control Equipment/Vehicle Washing
3.6 Spill Prevention and Control Plan
3.7 Any Additional BMPs
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 5 and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subparts 3.4.(F), (G), (H),
and (I).
Consult your state’s design manual or resources in Appendix D of the SWPPP Guide.
For more information or ideas on BMPs, see EPA’s National Menu of BMPs
3.1 Material Handling and Waste Management
Describe measures (e.g., trash disposal, sanitary wastes, recycling, and proper material handling) to
prevent the discharge of solid materials to waters, except as authorized by a permit issued under section
404 of the CWA (For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 5, P2 Principle 1.)
Also, see EPA’s General Construction Site Waste Management BMP Fact Sheet at
Waste Materials
BMP Description: All waste materials will be collected and disposed of into two metal trash
dumpsters in the materials storage area. Dumpsters will have a secure watertight lid, be placed
away from stormwater conveyances and drains, and meet all federal, state, and municipal
regulations. Only trash and construction debris from the site will be deposited in the dumpster.
No construction materials will be buried on-site. All personnel will be instructed, during tailgate
training sessions, regarding the correct disposal of trash and construction debris. Notices that
state these practices will be posted in the office trailer and the individual who manages day-to-
day site operations will be responsible for seeing that these practices are followed.
Installation Schedule:
Trash dumpsters will be installed once the materials storage area
has been established.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Maintenance and
Responsible Staff:
The dumpsters will be inspected weekly and immediately after
storm events. The dumpster will be emptied weekly and taken to
Middletown Landfill by Ways Waste and Sanitary Services. If
trash and construction debris are exceeding the dumpster’s
capacity, the dumpsters will be emptied more frequently.
Hazardous Waste Materials
BMP Description: All hazardous waste materials such as oil filters, petroleum products, paint,
and equipment maintenance fluids will be stored in structurally sound and sealed shipping
containers, within the hazardous materials storage area. Hazardous waste materials will be stored
in appropriate and clearly marked containers and segregated from other non-waste materials.
Secondary containment will be provided for all waste materials in the hazardous materials
storage area and will consist of commercially available spill pallets. Additionally, all hazardous
waste materials will be disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and municipal regulations.
Hazardous waste materials will not be disposed of into the on-site dumpsters. All personnel will
be instructed, during tailgate training sessions, regarding proper procedures for hazardous waste
disposal. Notices that state these procedures will be posted in the office trailer and the individual
who manages day-to-day site operations will be responsible for seeing that these procedures are
Installation Schedule:
Shipping containers used to store hazardous waste materials will
be installed once the site materials storage area has been installed.
Maintenance and
The hazardous waste material storage areas will be inspected
weekly and after storm events. The storage areas will be kept
clean, well organized, and equipped with ample cleanup supplies
as appropriate for the materials being stored. Material safety data
sheets, material inventory, and emergency contact numbers will
be maintained in the office trailer.
Responsible Staff:
Sanitary Waste
BMP Description: Two temporary sanitary facilities (portable toilets) will be provided at the site
throughout the construction phase. The toilets will be in the staging area. The portable toilets will
be located away from a concentrated flow paths and traffic flow and will have collection pans
underneath as secondary containment.
Installation Schedule:
The portable toilets will be brought to the site once the staging
area as been established.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Maintenance and
Responsible Staff:
All sanitary waste will be collected from the portable facilities a
minimum of three times per week by Ways Waste and Sanitary
Services. The portable toilets will be inspected weekly for
evidence of leaking holding tanks. Toilets with leaking holding
tanks will be removed from the site and replaced with new
portable toilets.
BMP Description: Wood pallets, cardboard boxes, and other recyclable construction scraps will
be disposed of in a designated dumpster for recycling. The dumpster will have a secure
watertight lid, be placed away from stormwater conveyances and drains and meet all local and
state solid-waste management regulations. Only solid recyclable construction scraps from the site
will be deposited in the dumpster. All personnel will be instructed, during tailgate training
sessions, regarding the correct procedure for disposal of recyclable construction scraps. Notices
that state these procedures will be posted in the office trailer, and the individual who manages
day-to-day site operations will be responsible for seeing that these procedures are followed.
Installation Schedule:
Designated recycling dumpsters will be installed once the
combined staging area has been established.
Maintenance and
The recycling dumpster will be inspected weekly and
immediately after storm events. The recycling dumpster will be
emptied weekly and taken to an approved recycling center by
Ways Waste and Sanitary Services. If recyclable construction
wastes are exceeding the dumpster’s capacity, the dumpsters will
be emptied more frequently.
Responsible Staff:
3.2 Establish Proper Building Material Staging Areas
Describe construction materials expected to be stored on-site and procedures for storage of materials to
minimize exposure of the materials to stormwater. (For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 5,
P2 Principle 2 and EPA’s CGP Part 3.4.H.)
Materials Storage Area
BMP Description: Construction equipment and maintenance materials will be stored at the
combined staging area and materials storage areas. Gravel bag berms will be installed around the
perimeter to designate the staging and materials storage area. A watertight shipping container
will be used to store hand tools, small parts, and other construction materials.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
disposed of according to the maintenance section below, and the area will be stabilized. For
design specifications, see Figure 5.
Installation Schedule:
The washout area will be constructed before concrete pours occur
at the site.
Maintenance and
The washout areas will be inspected daily to ensure that all
concrete washing is being discharged into the washout area, no
leaks or tears are present, and to identify when concrete wastes
need to be removed. The washout areas will be cleaned out once
the area is filled to 75 percent of the holding capacity. Once the
area’s holding capacity has been reached, the concrete wastes will
be allowed to harden; the concrete will be broken up, removed,
and taken to Middletown Landfill for disposal. The plastic
sheeting will be replaced if tears occur during removal of concrete
wastes from the washout area.
Responsible Staff:
Figure 6. Above grade concrete washout
Design Specifications
1. Temporary concrete washout type Above Grade will be constructed as shown above,
with a recommended minimum length and minimum width of 10 feet.
2. The washout will be a minimum of 50 feet from storm drain inlets.
3. Plastic lining will be free of holes, tears, or other defects that compromise the
impermeability of the material.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
3.4 Establish Proper Equipment/Vehicle Fueling and
Maintenance Practices
Describe equipment/vehicle fueling and maintenance practices that will be implemented to control
pollutants to stormwater (e.g., secondary containment, drip pans, and spill kits) (For more information, see
SWPPP Guide, Chapter 5, P2 Principle 4.)
Also, see EPA’s Vehicle Maintenance and Washing Areas BMP Fact Sheet at
Vehicle/Equipment Fueling and Maintenance
BMP Description: Several types of vehicles and equipment will be used on-site throughout the
project, including graders, scrapers, excavators, loaders, paving equipment, rollers, trucks and
trailers, backhoes, and forklifts. All major equipment/vehicle fueling and maintenance will be
performed off-site. A small, 20-gallon pickup bed fuel tank will be kept on-site in the combined
staging area. When vehicle fueling must occur on-site, the fueling activity will occur in the
staging area. Only minor equipment maintenance will occur on-site. All equipment fluids
generated from maintenance activities will be disposed of into designated drums stored on spill
pallets in accordance with Part 3.1. Absorbent, spill-cleanup materials and spill kits will be
available at the combined staging and materials storage area. Drip pans will be placed under all
equipment receiving maintenance and vehicles and equipment parked overnight.
Installation Schedule:
BMPs implemented for equipment and vehicle maintenance and
fueling activities will begin at the start of the project.
Maintenance and
Inspect equipment/vehicle storage areas and fuel tank weekly and
after storm events. Vehicles and equipment will be inspected on
each day of use. Leaks will be repaired immediately, or the
problem vehicle(s) or equipment will be removed from the project
site. Keep ample supply of spill-cleanup materials on-site and
immediately clean up spills and dispose of materials properly.
Responsible Staff:
3.5 Control Equipment/Vehicle Washing
Describe equipment/vehicle washing practices that will be implemented to control pollutants to stormwater.
(For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 5, P2 Principle 5.)
Also, see EPA’s Vehicle Maintenance and Washing Areas BMP Fact Sheet at
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
BMP Description: All equipment and vehicle washing will be performed off-site.
Installation Schedule:
Maintenance and
Responsible Staff:
3.6 Spill Prevention and Control
Describe the spill prevention and control procedures to include ways to reduce the chance of spills, stop
the source of spills, contain and clean up spills, dispose of materials contaminated by spills, and train
personnel responsible for spill prevention and control. (For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter
5, P2 Principle 6 and EPA’s CGP Parts 4.3 and 4.4.)
Also, see EPA’s Spill Prevention and Control Plan BMP Fact sheet at
Spill Prevention and Control Procedures
BMP Description:
i. Employee Training: All employees will be trained via biweekly tailgate sessions, as
detailed in Section 6, Part 6.3.
ii. Vehicle Maintenance: Vehicles and equipment will be maintained off-site. All
vehicles and equipment including subcontractor vehicles will be checked for leaking
oil and fluids. Vehicles leaking fluids will not be allowed on-site. Drip pans will be
placed under all vehicles and equipment that are parked overnight.
iii. Hazardous Material Storage: Hazardous materials will be stored in accordance with
Section 3, Part 1 and federal and municipal regulations.
iv. Spill Kits: Spill kits will be within the materials storage area and concrete washout
v. Spills: All spills will be cleaned up immediately upon discovery. Spent absorbent
materials and rags will be hauled off-site immediately after the spill is cleaned up for
disposal at Middletown Landfill. Spills large enough to discharge to surface water
will be reported to the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802.
vi. Material safety data sheets, a material inventory, and emergency contact information
will be maintained at the on-site project trailer.
Installation Schedule:
The spill prevention and control procedures will be implemented
once construction begins on-site.
Maintenance and
All personnel will be instructed, during tailgate training sessions,
regarding the correct procedures for spill prevention and control.
Notices that state these practices will be posted in the office
trailer, and the individual who manages day-to-day site operations
will be responsible for seeing that these procedures are followed.
Responsible Staff:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
3.7 Any Additional BMPs
Describe any additional BMPs that do not fit into the above categories. Indicate the problem they are
intended to address.
BMP Description: No Additional BMPs were identified.
Installation Schedule:
Maintenance and
Responsible Staff:
3.8 Allowable Non-Stormwater Discharge Management
Identify all allowable sources of non-stormwater discharges that are not identified. The allowable non-
stormwater discharges identified in Part 1.3.B of EPA’s CGP include
9 Discharges from fire-fighting activities
9 Fire hydrant flushings
9 Waters used to wash vehicles where detergents are not used
9 Water used to control dust in accordance with EPA’s CGP, Part 3, Subpart 3.4.G
9 Potable water including uncontaminated water line flushings
9 Routine external building wash down that does not use detergents
9 Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred
(unless all spilled material has been removed) and where detergents are not used
9 Uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate
9 Uncontaminated ground water or spring water
9 Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as
9 Uncontaminated excavation dewatering
9 Landscape irrigation
Identify measures used to eliminate or reduce these discharges and the BMPs used to prevent them from
becoming contaminated.
For more information, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 3.A or EPA’s CGP Part 1.3.B and 3.5.
List allowable non-stormwater discharges and the measures used to eliminate or reduce them and to prevent them
from becoming contaminated:
Any changes in construction activities that produce other allowable non-stormwater discharges
will be identified, and the SWPPP will be amended and the appropriate erosion and sediment
control will be implemented.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Water Used to Control Dust
BMP Description: Dust control will be implemented as needed once site grading has begun and
during windy conditions (forecasted or actual wind conditions of 20 mph or greater) while site
grading is occurring. Spraying of potable water at a rate of 300 gallons per acre or less will be
performed by a mobile pressure-type distributor truck no more than three times a day during the
months of May–September and once per day during the months of October–April or whenever
the dryness of the soil warrants it.
Responsible Staff:
Uncontaminated Excavation Dewatering
BMP Description: Because construction for this site is being conducted during the dry season,
dewatering activities are not expected to occur at the project site. If dewatering does occur, the
SWPPP will be revised to address the need for appropriate BMPs.
Responsible Staff:
Landscape Irrigation
BMP Description: Irrigation waters will not be sprayed onto impermeable surfaces such as
paved driveways and roads. Waters will be directed onto soil and lawns by using hoses and
correctly sized sprinklers with adjustable spray patterns. To avoid discharges of irrigation waters,
the sprinklers will have low-flow rates and increased watering time. The irrigated area will be
inspected for excess watering and to adjust watering times and schedules.
Responsible Staff:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Describe all post-construction stormwater management measures that will be installed during the
construction process to control pollutants in stormwater discharges after construction operations have
been completed. Examples of post-construction BMPs include the following:
9 Biofilters
9 Detention/retention devices
9 Earth dikes, drainage swales, and lined ditches
9 Infiltration basins
9 Porous pavement
9 Other proprietary permanent structural BMPs
9 Outlet protection/velocity dissipation devices
9 Slope protection
9 Vegetated strips and/or swales
Identify any applicable federal, state, local, or tribal requirements for design or installation.
Describe how low-impact designs or smart growth considerations have been incorporated into the design.
For any structural BMPs, you should have design specifications and details and refer to them. Attach them
as appendices to the SWPPP or within the text of the SWPPP.
For more information on this topic, see your state’s stormwater manual.
You might also want to consult one of the references listed in Appendix D of the SWPPP Guide and EPA’s
CGP Part 3, Subparts 3.4.E and 3.9.
Visit the post-construction section of EPA’s Menu of BMPs at: www.epa.gov/npes/menuofbmps
Bioretention Area
BMP Description: During the final stabilization phase of construction, the sediment trap will be
converted to a permanent bioretention area. The existing sediment trap will be graded and
excavated to a minimum depth of 5 feet. The outlet structure does not need to be modified for
this conversion process. An underdrain will be installed and tied into the bottom of the existing
outlet structure to completely drain the planting soil to avoid oversaturation. The underdrain will
be covered with 8 inches of 1- to 2-inch pea gravel and backfilled with a homogeneous soil mix,
consisting of sand (50 percent), topsoil (20–30 percent) and organic leaf compost (20–30
percent). The backfill will extend to a depth of 12 inches below the top of the bioretention area,
which allows a ponding depth of approximately 6–8 inches. The bioretention area will be planted
with native species of vegetation consisting of small trees, shrubs, and grasses. A 2- to 3-inch
layer of wood mulch will be applied after planting stabilize the area and allow vegetation to be
established. Two riprap spillways will be constructed, as detailed on the site map, to reduce
runoff velocity before entering the bioretention area. Design specifications are omitted from this
example SWPPP.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Installation Schedule:
The basin will be converted to a permanent bioretention area
during the final stabilization phase of construction.
Maintenance and
The bioretention area will be inspected weekly and after storm
events during construction. The area will be checked for signs of
erosion, seepage, and structural damage. Erosion, seepage, and
structural damage will be repaired immediately. The outlet and
trash rack will be checked for any damage or obstructions and any
damage found will be repaired and obstructions removed.
Immediately after the completion of construction, the plant
material will be watered for 14 consecutive days unless there is
sufficient natural rainfall. The area will be monitored until final
stabilization is reached. Following completion of site construction
and final stabilization, maintenance and inspection
responsibilities (see Appendix L – Post-Construction
Maintenance Plan) will be taken over by Russ Braybrooks, USPS.
Responsible Staff:
Vegetated Swale
BMP Description: The vegetated swale as described in Section 2, Part 2.3 will remain as a
permanent stormwater management structure for the site. The swale will convey runoff to an
overflow inlet in the northwest corner of the site.
Installation Schedule:
Maintenance and
Responsible Staff:
Infiltration Trench
The vegetated swale will be installed before site grading begins.
See Section 2, Part 2.3 for maintenance and inspection procedures
for the vegetated swale. Following completion of site construction
and final stabilization, maintenance and inspection
responsibilities (see Appendix L – Post-Construction
Maintenance Plan) will be taken over by Russ Braybrooks, USPS.
BMP Description: An infiltration trench without a stormwater outlet will be installed in the
north parking area to control stormwater runoff from that parking area. The infiltration trench
will consist of an excavated, shallow trench backfilled with sand, coarse stone, and pea gravel,
and lined with a filter fabric. The trench will be 65 feet long, 5 feet wide, and have a depth of 3
feet. Design specifications are omitted from this example SWPPP.
Installation Schedule:
Maintenance and
The infiltration trench will be installed during the final
stabilization phase of construction.
The trench will be inspected weekly and after major storm events
during construction. The area will be checked for signs of erosion,
seepage, and structural damage. Erosion, seepage, and structural
damage will be repaired immediately. Following completion of
site construction and final stabilization, maintenance and
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
inspection responsibilities (see Appendix L – Post-Construction
Maintenance Plan) will be taken over by Russ Braybrooks, USPS.
Responsible Staff:
Porous Pavers
BMP Description: Interlocking concrete paving blocks will installed in the north and south
overflow parking areas as detailed on the post-construction site map. The voids in the concrete
paving blocks will be filled with soil and seeded to allow vegetation to grow. Design
specifications are omitted from this example SWPPP.
Installation Schedule:
The infiltration trench will be installed during the final
stabilization phase of construction.
Maintenance and
The porous paver’s area will be inspected weekly and after major
storm events during construction. Any structural damage found
during the inspection will be repaired immediately. After
installation of the porous pavers, the plant material will be
watered for 14 consecutive days unless there is sufficient natural
rainfall. The area will be monitored until vegetation is
established. Following completion of site construction and final
stabilization, maintenance and inspection responsibilities (see
Appendix L – Post-Construction Maintenance Plan) will be taken
over by Russ Braybrooks, USPS.
Responsible Staff:
Tree Box Filter
BMP Description: Tree box filters will installed at the site, as detailed on the site map, to control
runoff from portions of the parking area. Runoff will be directed to the tree box, where it will be
cleaned by vegetation and soil before infiltrating into the surrounding soil. The filters will consist
of a container filled with a soil mixture, mulch layer, perforated under-drain system and
vegetation. The filters will be designed and installed according to the manufacturer’s
specifications. Design specifications are omitted from this example SWPPP.
Installation Schedule:
The tree box filters will be installed during the final stabilization
phase of construction.
Maintenance and
Immediately after installation of the tree box filters, the plant
material will be watered for 14 consecutive days unless there is
sufficient natural rainfall. Following completion of site
construction and final stabilization, maintenance and inspection
responsibilities (see Appendix L – Post-Construction
Maintenance Plan) will be taken over by Russ Braybrooks, USPS.
Responsible Staff:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
5.1 Inspections
Identify the individual(s) responsible for conducting inspections and describe their qualifications. Reference
or attach the inspection form that will be used.
Describe the frequency that inspections will occur at your site including any correlations to storm frequency
and intensity.
Note that inspection details for particular BMPs should be included in Sections 2 and 3.
You should also document the repairs and maintenance that you undertake as a result of your inspections.
These actions can be documented in the corrective action log described in Part 5.3 below.
For more on this topic, see SWPPP Guide, Chapters 6 and 8 and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subparts 3.6.A, 3.10
and 3.11.C.
Also, see suggested inspection form in Appendix B of the SWPPP Guide.
1. Inspection Personnel: Identify the person(s) who will be responsible for conducting
inspections and describe their qualifications:
Ms. Martina Davis is the stormwater compliance officer for ACC and is responsible for
site compliance with the SWPPP and EPA’s Construction General Permit. Ms. Davis will
conduct inspections for all areas of the site disturbed by construction activities, areas used
for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation, discharge points, and
construction exits.
In absence of Ms. Davis, Mark Smith, Associate Compliance Officer for ACC, will
conduct inspections.
Martina Davis
1. Ms. Davis has 15 years of experience complying with stormwater regulations and has
developed construction SWPPPs for more than 40 different construction projects and
conducted inspections for those projects.
2. Received certification as a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control
(CPESC) in August 2000 (see Appendix L).
3. Completed the IECA training course The Best of BMPs: Application, Implementation,
and Maintenance in Reno, Nevada, July 2004 (see Appendix L).
4. Completed the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center: Stormwater
Concepts, Regulatory Concepts, Hydrology and Design training course in Concord,
New Hampshire, September 2005.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Mark Smith
1. Mr. Smith has developed construction SWPPPs for 10 different construction projects
and conducted inspections for those construction projects.
2. He received certification as a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control
(CPESC) in May 2003.
2. Inspection Schedule and Procedures:
Describe the inspection schedules and procedures you have developed for your site (include
frequency of inspections for each BMP or group of BMPs, indicate when you will inspect, e.g.,
before/during/and after rain events, spot inspections):
Inspections of the site will be performed once every 7 days and within 24 hours of the
end of a storm event of one-half inch or greater. The inspections will verify that all BMPs
required in Sections 2 and 3 are implemented, maintained, and effectively minimizing
erosion and preventing stormwater contamination from construction materials. For
detailed inspection procedures, see Sections 2 and 3.
All inspections will be coordinated with an inspector from the USPS. A USPS inspector
will accompany Ms. Davis, when possible, during inspections.
Describe the general procedures for correcting problems when they are identified. Include
responsible staff and time frames for making corrections.
If corrective actions are identified by Ms. Davis during the inspection, she will notify and
submit a copy of the inspection report to the project managers, Bill Rustler and Russ
Braybrooks. For corrective actions identified, Mr. Rustler will be responsible for initiating the
corrective action within 24 hours of the report and completing maintenance as soon as possible
or before the next storm event. For any corrective actions requiring a SWPPP amendment or
change to a stormwater conveyance or control design, Mr. Rustler will notify Russ Braybrooks,
as soon as possible, before initiating the corrective action.
Attach a copy of the inspection report you will use for your site:
For a copy of the inspection report, see Appendix E.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
5.2 Delegation of Authority
Identify the individual(s) or specifically describe the position where the construction site operator has
delegated authority for the purposes of signing inspection reports, certifications, or other information.
Attach a copy of the signed delegation of authority form that will be used.
For more on this topic, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 7 and Appendix G, Subsection 11 of EPA’s CGP.
Duly Authorized Representative(s) or Position(s):
Advanced Construction Contractors
Ms. Martina Davis
Compliance/Inspection Officer
5800 Washington Avenue
Nashua, NH 03064
Office Phone: (603) 444-3210
Office Fax: (603) 444-3211
See Appendix K – Delegation of Authority
5.3 Corrective Action Log
Create here, or as an attachment, a corrective action log. This log should describe repair, replacement,
and maintenance of BMPs undertaken as a result of the inspections and maintenance procedures
described above. Actions related to the findings of inspections should reference the specific inspection
This log should describe actions taken, date completed, and note the person that completed the work.
Corrective Action Log:
See Appendix F – Corrective Action Log
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
6.1 Recordkeeping
The following is a list of records you should keep at your project site available for inspectors to review:
Dates of grading, construction activity, and stabilization (which is covered in Sections 2 and 3)
A copy of the construction general permit (attach)
The signed and certified NOI form or permit application form (attach)
A copy of the letter from EPA or/the state notifying you of their receipt of your complete NOI/application
Inspection reports (attach)
Records relating to endangered species and historic preservation (attach)
Check your permit for additional details
For more on this subject, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 6.C and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subparts 3.4.C, 3.8,
3.10.G and 3.12.A.
Records will be retained for a minimum period of at least 3 years after the permit is terminated.
Date(s) when major grading activities occur:
See Appendix I – Grading and Stabilization Activities Log
Date(s) when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site:
See Appendix I – Grading and Stabilization Activities Log
Date(s) when an area is either temporarily or permanently stabilized:
See Appendix I – Grading and Stabilization Activities Log
6.2 Log of Changes to the SWPPP
Create a log here, or as an attachment, of changes and updates to the SWPPP. You should include
additions of new BMPs, replacement of failed BMPs, significant changes in the activities or their tim
ing on
the project, changes in personnel, changes in inspection and maintenance procedures, updates to site
maps, and so on.
Log of changes and updates to the SWPPP
See Appendix G – SWPPP Amendment Log
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
6.3 Training
Training your staff and subcontractors is an effective BMP. As with the other steps you take to prevent
stormwater problems at your site, you should document the training that you conduct for your staff, for
those with specific stormwater responsibilities (e.g. installing, inspecting, and maintaining BMPs), and for
Include dates, number of attendees, subjects covered, and length of training.
For more on this subject, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 8.
Individual(s) Responsible for Training:
Ms. Dorothy Williams
Describe Training Conducted:
General stormwater and BMP awareness training for staff and subcontractors:
Ms. Davis will conduct informal training for all staff, including subcontractors, on the
site. The training will be conducted primarily via tailgate sessions and will focus on
avoiding damage to stormwater BMPs and preventing illicit discharges. The tailgate
sessions will be conducted biweekly and will address the following topics: Erosion
Control BMPs, Sediment Control BMPs, Non-Stormwater BMPs, Waste Management
and Materials Storage BMPs, and Emergency Procedures specific to the construction site.
(See Appendix J – SWPPP Training Log)
Detailed training for staff and subcontractors with specific stormwater responsibilities:
Ms. Davis will provide formal training to all staff and subcontractors with specific
stormwater responsibilities, such as installing and maintaining BMPs. The formal training
will cover all design and construction specifications for installing the BMPs and proper
procedures for maintaining each BMP. Formal training will occur before any BMPs are
installed on the site. (See Appendix J – SWPPP Training Log)
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Describe procedures for final stabilization. If you complete major construction activities on part of your site,
you can document your final stabilization efforts for that portion of the site. Many permits will allow you to
then discontinue inspection activities in these areas (be sure to check your permit for exact requirements).
You can amend or add to this section as areas of your project are finally stabilized.
Update your site plans to indicate areas that have achieved final stabilization.
For more on this topic, see SWPPP Guide, Chapter 9 and EPA’s CGP Part 3, Subparts 3.11 and 3.13.D,
and Part 5, Subpart 5.1.
Permanent Seeding
BMP Description: Permanent seeding will be applied immediately after the final design grades
are achieved on portions of the site but no later than 14 days after construction activities have
permanently ceased. After the entire site is stabilized, any sediment that has accumulated will be
removed and hauled off-site for disposal at Middletown Landfill. Construction debris, trash and
temporary BMPs (including silt fences, material storage areas, sanitary toilets, and inlet
protection) will also be removed and any areas disturbed during removal will be seeded
Seedbed Preparation
a. In areas where disturbance results in subsoil being the final grade surface, topsoil
will be spread over the finished area at minimum depth of 2 to 6 inches.
b. The seedbed will be free of large clods, rocks, woody debris and other
objectionable materials.
c. Fertilizer and lime will be applied to the seedbed according to the manufacturer’s
recommendations or soil tests (soil tests are omitted from this example SWPPP).
d. The top layer of soil will be loosened to a depth of 3–5 inches by raking, tilling,
disking or other suitable means.
Grass Selection/Application
a. Common areas at the site will be stabilized with a mixture of Tall Fescue,
Creeping Red Fescue and Redtop at an application rate of 30 pounds per acre or
0.95 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Lawns will be stabilized with a mixture of
Kentucky Blue Grass and Creeping Red Fescue at an application rate of 100
pounds per acre or 2.3 pounds per 1,000 square feet.
b. Seed will be applied uniformly by hydroseeding or broadcasting. Where
broadcasting is used, the seed will be covered with .25 inch of soil or less, by
cultipacking or raking.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
a. Hydromulch will be applied immediately following seeding at an application rate
of 90–100 pounds (2–3 bales) per 1,000 square feet.
Installation Schedule:
Portions of the site where construction activities have
permanently ceased will be stabilized, as soon as possible but no
later than 14 days after construction ceases.
Maintenance and
All seeded areas will be inspected weekly during construction
activities for failure and after storm events until a dense cover of
vegetation has been established. If failure is noticed at the seeded
area, the area will be reseeded, fertilized, and mulched
immediately. After construction is completed at the site,
permanently stabilized areas will be monitored until final
stabilization is reached.
Responsible Staff:
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
Stormville Postal and Distribution Center
Attach the following documentation to the SWPPP:
Appendix A – General Location Map
Appendix B – Site Maps
Appendix C –Construction General Permit
Appendix D – NOI and Permit Authorization Letter from
EPA/State, Alteration of Terrain Application, and
Storm Water Permit Basics: New Hampshire
Digging Needs a Federal Permit Fact Sheet
Appendix E – Inspection Reports
Appendix F – Corrective Action Log
Appendix G – SWPPP Amendment Log
Appendix H – Subcontractor Certifications/Agreements
Appendix I – Grading and Stabilization Activities Log
Appendix J – Training Log
Appendix K – Delegation of Authority
Appendix L – Additional Information