Highlights from the BBMG Conscious Consumer Report
November 2007
Conscious Consumers Are Changing
the Rules of Marketing. Are You Ready?
Highlights from the BBMG Conscious Consumer Report
Raphael Bemporad and Mitch Baranowski
BBMG Conscious Consumer
Report Highlights
Raphael Bemporad and Mitch Baranowski
Green. Sustainable. Fair trade. Locally grown. Socially responsible.
We know the words, but what do they really mean to America’s families
and consumers? With conscious consumers representing an increasing
market opportunity in the United States, is being green truly poised to go
mainstream? How can socially responsible business leaders build authentic
brands for a more sustainable future?
As a growing number of brands aspire to the same values, socially minded
business leaders and marketers face the new challenge of distinguishing
their companies, products and services in an increasingly crowded green
In the first major study to combine field observations with a national survey
on purchasing behavior and social values, increasingly conscious consumers
are demanding that companies be transparent about their practices and
accountable for their impact on people and the planet.
According to the inaugural BBMG Conscious Consumer Report, nearly nine
in ten Americans say the words “conscious consumer” describe them well
and are more likely to buy from companies that manufacture energy efficient
products (90%), promote health and safety benefits (88%), support fair labor
and trade practices (87%) and commit to environmentally-friendly practices
(87%), if products are of equal quality and price.
Conducted by branding and marketing agency BBMG, in conjunction with
research partners Global Strategy Group and Bagatto, the report combines
ethnographic research in three U.S. markets with a national survey of 2,007
adults to reveal how companies can reach, inspire and motivate today’s
savvy and values-driven consumers.
“Many companies are
honestly looking to engage
in sustainable business
practices and become more
socially responsible, says
Raphael Bemporad, founding
partner of BBMG. “But in
a world of green clutter,
conscious consumers expect
companies to do more than
make eco-friendly claims. They
demand transparency and
accountability across every
level of business practice.
Highlights from the BBMG Conscious Consumer Report
November 2007
From the ethnography — which observed the behaviors, experiences
and values behind 24 consumers’ purchasing decisions in Lawrence,
KS; Long Island, NY; and Livermore, CA — researchers first learned why
these Americans are thinking more about the social and environmental
impact of their purchases on the world in which they live. Specifically, after
analyzing 1,000 photographs and 150+ hours of direct observations, the
ethnographers discovered five core values driving the nation’s more socially-
minded consumers:
Health and Safety. Conscious consumers seek natural, organic and
unmodified products that meet their essential health and nutrition needs.
They avoid chemicals or pesticides that can harm their health or the planet.
They are looking for standards and safeguards to ensure the quality of the
products they consume.
Honesty. Conscious consumers insist that companies reliably and accurately
detail product features and benefits. They will reward companies that are
honest about processes and practices, authentic about products and
accountable for their impact on the environment and larger society. Making
unsubstantiated green claims or over promising benefits risks breeding
cynicism and distrust.
Convenience. Faced with increasing constraints on their time and household
budgets, conscious consumers are practical about purchasing decisions,
balancing price with needs and desires and demanding quality. These
consumers want to do what’s easy, what’s essential for getting by and make
decisions that fit their lifestyles and budget.
Relationships. Who made it? Where does it come from? Am I getting back
what I put into it? These consumers want more meaningful relationships with
the brands in their lives. They seek out opportunities to support the local
economy when given the chance, want to know the source of the products
they buy and desire more personal interactions when doing business.
Doing Good. Finally, conscious consumers are concerned about the world
and want to do their part to make it a better place. From seeking out
environmentally-friendly products to rewarding companies’ fair trade and labor
practices, they are making purchasing choices that can help others. These
consumers want to make a difference, and they want brands to do the same.
“While consumers continue to prioritize personal and practical concerns like
health, safety, price and quality, they are also looking to make a difference
in the world,” said David Lubensky, founder of Bagatto, a San Francisco-
based ethnographic research firm. “We see a trend toward ‘self-centered
consciousness,’ whereby consumers want companies to meet their personal
needs and positively impact society.”
The five core values driving the nation’s
socially-minded consumers.
“I really feel good about going to the
farmers market. There’s something
great about connecting with this
other person who’s responsible for
growing your food.”
Lisa and Alex, married, 30s, California
Highlights from the BBMG Conscious Consumer Report
November 2007
To discover what segment of the larger U.S. population shares these values,
the research team then surveyed 2,007 adults nationwide between Sept.
11 and 17, 2007. The key findings shed new light on how companies can
more effectively navigate the market opportunity of reaching and involving
consumers who care more and more about corporate social responsibility:
The most important issues are the most personal. The most pressing
issues by far are those that most directly affect consumerssafe drinking
water (90%), clean air (86%) and cures for diseases like cancer, AIDS and
Alzheimer’s (84%). By comparison, only 63% of those surveyed described the
more abstract issue of global warming as the most or a very important issue.
A conscious boom. The language and labels of the “conscious consumer”
have penetrated the marketplace and become part of the consumer
culture. Americans readily self-identify as “conscious consumers” (88%
well, 37% very well), “socially responsible” (88% well, 39% very well) and
“environmentally-friendly” (86% well, 34% very well). There is less traction
with the term “green” (65% well, 18% very well), which continues to be
viewed as more exclusive and harder to achieve.
Making more informed decisions. Consumers are looking beyond the buzz
to make more informed decisions about the products they buy and the
companies they support. To understand if a company “does good things
for people and the planet,” most use magazines and newspapers (53%),
certification seals and labels on products (52%), the Internet (41%) and
advertisements (30%). Friends and family members (24%) are certainly
influential, but do not appear to be the primary source of information for
purchasing decisions.
Moving beyond convenience. Consumers have moved beyond just
convenience when shopping for various products. While price (58% very
important) and quality (66% very important) are paramount, convenience
(34% very important) has been edged out by more socially relevant
attributes: where a product is made (44% very important), how energy
efficient it is (41% very important) and its health benefits (36% very
important) are all integral to consumers’ purchasing decisions.
Rewards for social responsibility. When given a choice between products
of equal quality and price, consumers are more likely to buy from a company
that manufactures energy efficient appliances and products (90%), promotes
consumer health and safety benefits (88%), supports fair labor and trade
practices (87%), commits to environmentally-friendly practices (87%) and
manufactures its products in the United States (86%).
Is it easier being green? Consumers willingly engage in “easy” behaviors,
such as recycling cans, bottles and newspapers (55% always) and using
energy efficient appliances (46% always), but they often fail to adopt a
plethora of more “demanding” behaviors like carpooling (10% always), using
public transportation (9% always) or purchasing carbon offsets (3% always).
Americans think before they
buy. Our poll reveals that
many consumers evaluate
the social and environmental
impact of their purchases
on the world in which they
live. They tend to prefer to
buy from companies that
reflect their values and are
increasingly likely to buy from
companies that demonstrate
they are good for people
and the planet, said Jefrey
Pollock, president of Global
Strategy Group.
“In my ideal world, everything in my
fridge would be organic. To me, it just
makes the whole earth a better place.
Mark, single male, 40, New York
Highlights from the BBMG Conscious Consumer Report
November 2007
Finally, a segmentation analysis of the poll findings reveals four profiles
of U.S. consumers representing a broad range of attitudes and behaviors,
including Enlighteneds (10% of consumers), Aspirationals (20%), Practicals
(30%) and Indifferents (40%).
Enlightened consumers are the most driven by their values when making
purchasing decisions and will go out of their way to reward companies who
align with their social goals. Aspirationals are more likely to balance their
ideals with convenience and often switch between social concerns, availability
and price when making purchasing decisions. Practicals are looking for
convenience and prioritize products based on price, quality and energy
efficiency. Indifferents are the least motivated by social concerns and prioritize
price, quality, convenience and products manufactured in the United States.
In the end, three lessons for marketers and business leaders emerge from
our research into the conscious consumer:
Trust matters. At a time of extreme clutter (messages, labels, products),
conscious consumers are prizing transparency, accountability and authenticity
more than ever. They are looking for deeper, more meaningful relationships
– a chance to participate in brands and be empowered by them. Companies
who align their values with their actions will earn enduring loyalty among
conscious consumers.
Self-centered consciousness. While conscious consumers care deeply
about the world around them, they prioritize issues that affect them directly.
Companies offering products and services that deliver quality, affordability and
sustainability will do better with conscious consumers than those that do not.
It’s a journey. Small steps can make a big difference, both at multinational
companies and with conscious consumers. Global businesses understand
the market opportunity presented by sustainability, and they recognize they
have much more to do. Individuals, even the most enlightened, are also on a
journey. Indeed, during the same trip to the grocery store, consumers make a
variety of choices that balance health, price, convenience and social benefit.
Smart marketers will meet conscious consumers where they are. They
will help companies back their eco-friendly promises with sincere socially
responsible actions. They will empower consumers to become brand
ambassadors. They will share knowledge across communications platforms,
and increasingly, they will see marketing’s power to enable deeper, more
meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships.
Marketing’s next frontier will move beyond transactions to embrace
connections and collaboration, as trust, transparency and purpose become
the new currency of corporate reputation.
Raphael Bemporad and Mitch Baranowski co-founded BBMG in January 2003.
Enlighteneds: 10%
Aspirationals: 20%
Practicals: 30%
Indifferents: 40%
Enlighteneds, the most conscious
consumers, represent 10% of the
U.S. population.
At a time when consumers
have more options than
ever, what companies bring
to market is less important
than how they bring their
products and services into
the marketplace, says Mitch
Baranowski, founding partner
at BBMG. “By aligning their
values with their actions,
companies can close the trust
gap with conscious consumers
and reap the rewards of
deeper relationships, enduring
loyalty and a growing triple
bottom line.
Highlights from the BBMG Conscious Consumer Report
November 2007
Top Issues:
Most Important Product Attributes:
Self Identification: (% rated as “very well”)
Desired Company Practices:
Most Responsible Companies:
Research Methodology:
BBMG designed the conscious
consumer study in August 2007.
Bagatto, Inc. performed the
ethnographic study, which included
extensive observations and
interviews with 24 consumers in
three markets: Lawrence, KS; Long
Island, NY; and Livermore, CA.
The ethnography focused on single
males, single females, married
couples with no children, married
couples with children and empty
nesters. A national online survey
of 2,007 adults was conducted by
Global Strategy Group from Sept.
11-17, 2007. The margin of error is
+/- 2.2 percentage points.
Highlights from the BBMG Conscious Consumer Report
November 2007
With offices in New York and San Francisco, BBMG is a branding and
integrated marketing agency dedicated to helping values-driven organizations
harness the laws of branding to stand out, build relationships, win loyalty
and inspire action. Recent clients include CNN, Luna Bar, Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation, Harvard University’s JFK School of Government, Library of
Congress, and UNICEF, among others. www.bbmg.com
Global Strategy Group is a leading strategic research firm specializing in
identifying the underlying factors that impact consumer and voter attitudes
and behavior. Global Strategy Group believes that all marketing and
communications strategies should be based on an in-depth understanding of
the target constituency, and they devise real-time decision roadmaps to help
corporations, associations, governments and political candidates realize
their goals. www.globalstrategygroup.com
Bagatto is a Customer Insights Consultancy specializing in customer focused
business, product, and service design research and strategy. www.bagatto.net
To order the complete BBMG Conscious Consumer Report, visit www.bbmg.com.