Lori A. Cooper, Wilkes University
This study examined the impact of Conscious Discipline
on Michigan elementary
teachers’ perceptions of their self-efficacy and burnout levels. Teachers completed a
survey of the Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) and Maslach’s Burnout Inventory
(MBI) and were observed using a fidelity instrument (Rain, 2014) by the researcher
five months after the adoption of Conscious Discipline
school-wide in the treatment
group (n = 12). The control group (n = 15) was matched with similar student pop-
ulation demographics, and the same surveys and fidelity instrument (Rain, 2014)
were used. Results from this study found no statistical significance in the TSES or
MBI scores between those in treatment and control groups. Additionally, no statistical
significance was found in the observed implementation level of Conscious
and efficacy or burnout scores.
Keywords: Classroom management; Emotional intelligence; Efficacy; Burnout;
Conscious Discipline
Classroom management and discipline can be a challenge for teachers; they have
the potential to either help a teacher to manage daily practices with ease, or they
can cause a teacher to flee the profession due to insurmountable challenge. As service
professionals, teachers are likely to experience burnout and leave the field (Farmer,
2017; Vandenberghe & Huberman, 1999), and those who feel they are less effective
The Impact of Conscious Discipline on
Teacher Efficacy and Burnout: Perspectives
for Elementary Teachers
Lori A. Cooper. (2019). The Impact of Conscious Discipline on Teacher Efficacy and Burnout:
Perspectives for Elementary Teachers. International Journal of Education Policy & Leadership 15(14).
URL: http://journals.sfu.ca/ijepl/index.php/ijepl/article/view/882 doi: 10.22230/ijepl.2019v15n14a882
Volume 15(14)
IJEPL is a joint publication of PDK International, the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, the
College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University, and the University of Delaware.
By virtue of their appearance in this open access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution, in
educational and other non-commercial settings 90 days after initial publication. Copyright for articles published
in IJEPL is retained by the authors. More information is available on the IJEPL website: http://www.ijepl.org
at teaching are at increased risk of burning out. Because the management of class-
room daily activities, functions, procedures, and student discipline can affect the
flow of the day, it can significantly influence the amount of time spent in quality
learning experiences for students and impact teacher efficacy. Problems with student
discipline (one component of classroom management) are the most taxing aspect of
the work environment for teachers (Kuzsman & Schnall, 1987). Classroom manage-
ment is paramount because it is so closely linked to student academic outcomes and
teacher efficacy (Wong, Wong, Jondahl, Ferguson, Allred, Barlak, Candler, Gulle,
Rogers, & Seroyer, 2014).
Problem statement
Teachers often encounter challenges with classroom management issues and varying
levels of emotional intelligence in students. Teachers who struggle with classroom
management and emotional intelligence challenges may experience low levels of self-
efficacy and a high tendency toward burnout. These problems can lead to teachers
leaving the profession. Teacher attrition is disruptive and can be costly to schools
and students (Ronfeldt, Loeb, & Wyckoff, 2012; Sutcher, Darling-Hammond, &
Carver-Thomas, 2016). Teacher attrition is especially significant in large urban areas
(Jurist Levy, Joy, Ellis, Jablonski, & Karelitz, 2012).
The problem is that some teachers experience burnout and low self-efficacy
(Brown, 2012). There is a significant need in the education community for tools that
help teachers to perform more effectively in the classroom. One such tool, Conscious
is a classroom management, emotional intelligence program that can as-
sist teachers not only effectively manage problem behaviors but also manage their
own emotions and teach students methods of effective problem-solving and empathy
(Bailey, 2001).
Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the Conscious Discipline
emotional intelligence and classroom management program on teachers’ efficacy and
burnout scores for elementary teachers. Since behaviors in the classroom can impact
teachers’ feelings of their own efficacy (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001),
the study sought to discover whether implementing this particular emotional intel-
ligence and classroom management system specific to teachers, Conscious Discipline
for Educators, impacted teachers’ perception of their own effectiveness in the class-
room. Also, since teacher efficacy is linked to burnout in a negative correlation
(Brown, 2012), this study sought tond out the impact of Conscious Discipline for
Educators, developed by Dr. Becky Bailey (2001), on burnout scores.
Significance of the study
While the subject area of teacher self-efficacy has been studied regarding various as-
pects of teaching, foundational authors in the field, Sherri Gibson and Myron Dembo
(1984), suggested that further research is needed to relate efficacy specifically with
classroom management. Additionally, classroom management has been lauded as a
critical component of effective teaching (Brophy, 1988), and there is a positive cor-
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
relation between teacher self-efficacy and effective methods for dealing with students
that exhibit behavior issues (Almog & Shechtman, 2004). This research study ex-
amined this relationship with a specific focus on the program Conscious Discipline
and also related efficacy scores with the implementation of Conscious Discipline
and burnout.
This study is significant because although studies have been done on the effec-
tiveness of the Conscious Discipline
program in schools and classrooms around
the nation, past studies focused on the impact of Conscious Discipline
on student
achievement scores (Rain & Brehm, 2012), social validity (Caldarella, Page, &
Gunter, 2012), and discipline referrals (Zastrow & Simonis, 2005). No studies have
been published thus far on the effect of Conscious Discipline
on teachers’ sense of
self-efficacy or their tendency toward burnout. “Teachers’ efficacy beliefs have a pro-
found effect on the educational process” (Knoblauch & Hoy, 2008, p. 166), increases
student achievement (Schunk, 1991), and reduces teacher burnout (Lee, Patterson,
& Vega, 2011). In addition, efficacious teachers are of higher quality than those who
are not (Knoblauch & Hoy, 2008). Since these conclusions have been made, an in-
vestigation regarding how this program impacts teacher efficacy and/or teacher sense
of burnout could contribute to the field of literature and ultimately empower teach-
ers. In order to pursue the study of the influence of Conscious Discipline for
Educators on teacher self-efficacy and burnout levels, a comprehensive review of
the literature was completed.
Literature review
The review of the literature focused on the subjects of teacher efficacy and burnout,
emotional intelligence, and Conscious Discipline
(Bailey, 2012; 2015) to give a full-
spectrum view of the various components leading to the research study.
Teacher efficacy and burnout
Albert Bandura (1986) defined self-efficacy to be “people’s judgments of their capa-
bilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types
of performances” (p. 391). To feel competent at their job, teachers need to feel as if
they are making a difference in the lives of their students and their school (Bandura,
1997). When teachers feel defeated by the roadblocks in their way of success, no
matter the cause, they tend to go on the defensive and blame others for their lack of
success, instead of working to form a solution to the root of problems (Knight, 2010).
Bandura (1977) established and refined efficacy theory as a predictor of behav-
ioral change and mastery of content. Additionally, Bandura (1977) proposed that
the activities in which individuals choose to engage are related to their feelings of ef-
ficacy regarding the task. For example, a teacher who feels incompetent at engaging
in the scientific process may avoid implementing science experiments in the class-
room when possible. Teacher efficacy revolves around the ability to engage students,
maintain effective classroom management, and implement effective instructional
strategies (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001). Teachers’ abilities to effectively
manage classrooms and perceive themselves as efficacious are imperative to con-
structing a quality educational system (Smitta Dibapile, 2012).
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
Efficacy, according to Bandura (1997), is more than merely a function that is
only evident within the classroom. Isaac Friedman and Efrat Kass (2002) asserted
that Bandura’s efficacy theory has evolved to include other functions of teaching,
such as decision-making, student discipline, family involvement, and school climate.
When these elements are added to the definition of efficacy, one can deduce that the
measure of efficacy goes beyond mere classroom instruction to relationships between
teachers and all stakeholders around them, such as students, administrators, parents,
and the community (Friedman & Kass, 2002). The perception of the effectiveness
of teachers goes deeper than what is communicated to them from colleagues, families,
and administrators. Teachers’ self-efficacy is their perception of their own effective-
ness in various aspects of teaching. Bandura (1986) defined self-efficacy as “peoples
judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to
attain designated types of performances” (p. 391). For teachers, the perception of
their own effectiveness can not only impact their feelings about their role in the field
of education, it can also impact their pedagogical methods, their relationships with
peers, parents, and students, and can alter their abilities to become effective role
models for sound decision-making (Babaoglan & Korkut, 2010).
Efficacy related to teacher burnout
While high self-efficacy can bring positive influences, low self-efficacy can lead to
frustration for teachers. This frustration can lead to feelings of incompetence, result-
ing in burnout (Brouwers & Tomic, 2000; Friedman & Farber, 1992; Ozdemir,
2007). Burnout is comprised of three components: emotional exhaustion, deperson-
alization, and personal accomplishment (Maslach, Schaufeli, & Leiter, 2001). There
is a statistically significant negative correlational relationship between teacher efficacy
and teacher burnout (Brown, 2012); therefore, teachers are headed down a path of
enormous challenge if they perceive themselves as lacking in efficaciousness. Since
teachers leave the profession at alarming rates (Aloe & Amo, 2013; Lynch, 2012;
Sutcher, Darling-Hammond, & Carver-Thomas, 2016), improving teachers’ self-ef-
ficacy is imperative to keeping teachers in the profession, as well as helping students
to enjoy positive classroom experiences.
Efficacy was also shown to predict attrition and retention rates positively (Lee,
Patterson, & Vega, 2011). The perception of efficacy can empower teachers to be
able to stay in the field, as teacher effectiveness was a predictor of job satisfaction
(Viel-Ruma, Houchins, Jolivette, & Benson, 2011). Teachers who consider them-
selves to be effective are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs (Viel-Ruma et al.,
2011). Teachers who feel effective in the classroom will feel more satisfied in their
profession and not only stay in the field longer but could bring more energy, innova-
tion, and creativity to their classrooms because of their job satisfaction. Refining the
process of educating working teachers in a meaningful way can help them to be more
successful in classroom settings and experience less burnout (Viel-Ruma et al., 2011).
Conscious Discipline
Many social/emotional curricula have been studied for their effectiveness and have
been linked to social/emotional and academic gains (Powell & Dunlap, 2009).
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
Programs with an affective approach, as compared to a cognitive approach, have
seen favorable results concerning student behavior (Shechtman & Leichtentritt,
2004). A primary focus of Conscious Discipline
, as opposed to other social/emo-
tional curricula, is to help children to take ownership of their own feelings and
use conict as a means of developing this control. A major component of this
model is that interaction with others sets the stage for problem-solving (Bailey,
2001, 2015).
Conflict is no longer perceived as a hindrance in the classroom, but rather an
opportunity to teach social skills (Bailey, 2001, 2015). Conflict is perceived as an
avenue for generating motivation for students to want to solve problems and/or let
go of previous misconceptions of ineffective problem-solving (Bailey, 2001, 2015).
Moving from impulsivity in the lower centers of the brain, where reaction takes place,
to conscious decision-making in executive function, is a primary goal of the
Conscious Discipline
program (Zastrow & Simonis, 2005). It is in this higher center
of the brain where true problem-solving capabilities lie (Bailey, 2001, 2012; 2015).
While the focus is on classrooms for teachers and home environments for parents,
the principles embedded within Conscious Discipline
are applicable to all types of
human interactions and relationships (Bailey, 2001, 2015).
Because of the issues many teachers face with regard to managing classroom be-
haviors and because Conscious Discipline
has been identified as having positive
effects on social validity (Caldarella, Page, & Gunter, 2012), student discipline re-
ferrals (Zastrow & Simonis, 2005), and student academic outcomes (Rain & Brehm,
2012), a gap in the literature of how Conscious Discipline
affects classroom teachers
was pursued. This model of classroom management and the teaching of emotional
intelligence and self-regulation was studied to determine if this program has any im-
pact on the scores of teachers’ self-efficacy or tendency toward burnout.
Implications for teachers
Teachers who experienced low efficacy indicated behaviors that were more control-
ling of their students’ behaviors (Tschannen-Moran, Hoy, & Hoy, 1998). These teach-
ers were more likely to be pessimistic about student motivation and enforce strict
punishments and extrinsic rewards (Tschannen-Moran et al., 1998). These behaviors
are contrary to those elucidated in Conscious Discipline
. The link between teacher
efficacy and a classroom management program that is contrary to behaviorist meth-
ods such as extrinsic rewards and punishments is a connection that could be an in-
teresting one. In addition, because educators typically enter the profession of
teaching to help students to develop and grow in positive ways, a lack of personal
accomplishment in student development contributes to educator burnout (Maslach,
Jackson, & Leiter, 2010).
Because Conscious Discipline
has a focus on conflict resolution and problem-
solving, it is imperative that teachers cultivate relationships with every student.
Students will not feel motivated internally if they do not feel a connection with others
around them (Bailey, 2001). Motivation for change and academic success stems from
positive relationships between teachers and students (Hinton & Fischer, 2010).
Additionally, optimal learning can only occur for children when students and teachers
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
have strong relationships surrounding learning (White, 2007); therefore, teachers need
to strive toward helping students make connections with each other and their teachers.
Due to the challenges of classroom management variations on teachers, a study was
conducted of elementary (kindergarten through Grade 5) teachers in Michigan to
see how implementing a classroom management and emotional intelligence program,
Conscious Discipline for Educators, would influence teacher efficacy and burnout.
Previous studies conducted on Conscious Discipline
focused on student achieve-
ment (Rain & Brehm, 2012) and student discipline referrals (Hoffman, Hutchinson,
& Reiss, 2005; Zastrow & Simonis, 2005). No previous studies were published re-
garding the impact of Conscious Discipline
on teachers. The following research
questions were posed for this investigation:
RQ1: What is the difference in the survey scores of teacher efficacy between el-
ementary teachers who are implementing the Conscious Discipline
classroom man-
agement/emotional intelligence program and those who are not?
RQ2: What is the difference in the survey teacher ratings of teacher burnout be-
tween elementary teachers who are implementing the Conscious Discipline
room management/emotional intelligence program and those who are not?
RQ3: What is the difference in the survey scores of teacher efficacy for teachers,
and high scores versus low scores on the fidelity measure of the implementation of
content learned through Conscious Discipline for Educators training?
RQ4: What is the difference in the survey scores of teacher burnout for teachers,
and high versus low scores on the fidelity measure of the implementation of content
learned through Conscious Discipline for Educators training?
In order to seek answers to the research questions, two charter schools in the
greater Detroit area agreed to participate in this study. The schools were matched ac-
cording to geographic location, English-language learners, those requiring special-
needs services, and the number of students receiving free and reduced lunch
offerings due to income.
Ensuring the level of implementation of Conscious Discipline
was needed for
internal validity. A fidelity observational instrument was used. The principal inves-
tigator visited all the classrooms of teachers that participated in the research study
(n = 27) and used a fidelity measure (Rain, 2014). This rubric was used to assess all
participants on Conscious Discipline
implementation five months after teachers in
the treatment group (n = 12) attended a two-day training of Conscious Discipline
for Educators. In addition, all participants completed a survey via SurveyMonkey
that included the long-form Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES; See Appendix A)
(Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, n.d) and the Maslachs Burnout Inventory (MBI-ES; See
Appendix B) (Maslach, Jackson, & Leiter, 2010) shortly after the fidelity observation
was conducted.
The independent variable in the study was the level of implementation of Conscious
based on the delity score. There was no issue of inter-rater reliability since
the researcher was the only individual conducting the fidelity observations. The de-
pendent variables for this study included scores on the TSES and the MBI-ES.
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
The setting for this study took place in charter schools in the greater Detroit,
Michigan, region. The treatment and control schools were located approximately 15
miles apart and served at-risk populations of students and families. This particular
location was chosen because three schools nationwide were implementing Conscious
school-wide, and this location was both a large enough sample and
agreed to participate in the study.
The treatment school has been in existence for ten years and serves children
from kindergarten through Grade 12. The school is split between three campuses,
but only two campuses were observed for the study. Kindergarten is in a separate
campus approximately five miles away from the elementary campus, which houses
the remaining grades observed in the study. The third campus houses the middle
and high school. At the elementary campus, the majority of classrooms are in the
main building, but two additional modular buildings with several classrooms are lo-
cated outside the main building.
Teachers in the treatment school were chosen by their administrators to attend
the Conscious Discipline for Educators training and implement the structures in
their classrooms due to the school-wide implementation of the program. Since the
school in the treatment group decided to implement Conscious Discipline
wide, monthly training in the form of a book chapter review, support, and coaching
were provided for teachers throughout the academic year.
The control school was also located just outside Detroit, Michigan; it serves ap-
proximately 800 children in kindergarten through Grade 8 and has been in operation
since 1999. All grades observed in the study, kindergarten through Grade 5, were
housed in one building, with an addition being built to accommodate the growing
school. Teachers in the control school did not attend Conscious Discipline for
Educators training, but instead were trained in their school-wide discipline system.
All teachers participated in training in their school-wide discipline system through
in-service training and webinars.
The grade bands studied in the treatment school were in multiple buildings,
which affected the ability of the administrator to lead effectively. Faculty and staff in
these buildings were not consistently aware of where the administrator was located
each day, and did not know how to locate her with ease when needs arose. In addi-
tion, the climate in this school seemed somewhat strained; responsiveness was lack-
ing in warmth and leadership was disjointed.
The control group school was housed in one location and had multiple administrators
within the building, allowing multiple layers of leaders to be readily available to faculty.
Each wing of the school had an administrative mentor who was a resource to educators
in their wing, as well as a building-level principal. The climate in this school was extremely
welcoming, with responsiveness warm and leadership consistently evident.
The participants in the study consisted of a convenience sample of certified elemen-
tary teachers in Michigan (n = 27) who taught in classrooms of children in kinder-
garten through Grade 5 in two charter schools in the greater Detroit metropolitan
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
area. The treatment group consisted of early childhood teachers who experienced
some Conscious Discipline
training, implemented the program in their classrooms
at varying levels, and received support in the implementation methods of Conscious
through book and/or video studies. The control group members were
elementary teachers who did not have any Conscious Discipline
training and are
not implementing the program in their classroom. The control group was comprised
of teachers in matched schools with similar student populations of similar geographic
location, socioeconomic backgrounds, race, and disability proportions as per state-
level data reporting (Michigan Department of Education, 2019).
Teachers in the treatment group (n = 12) were both observed and completed
the online survey of the combined TSES and MBI instruments, as well as questions
pertaining to their level of training in Conscious Discipline
. In the control group
(n = 15), teachers completed the identical online survey and were observed using
the same fidelity measure during the same time frame as the treatment group.
In addition to the TSES and MBI, participants were asked several questions in the
online survey. One preliminary question asked if the participants were certified to teach
the grade level assigned to them in the current school year. All participants responded
that they were certified to teach in their current grade level in the state of Michigan.
Table 1 summarizes data that pertains to the group’s participation in Conscious
Discipline for Educators training and the level of self-study in DVD and/or book form.
Of those in the treatment group who attended the training offered by the school, two
of the treatment group participants also attended the Conscious Discipline
Institute. The y-axis names the amount of self-study for participants, and the x-axis
notes the type of self-described DVD and/or Book study each participant had taken.
Table 1: Amount of self-study participants engaged in
Teacher sense of efficacy scale
The Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) and Maslach’s Burnout Inventory (MBI)
were used for participants to electronically complete as the survey in this study. The
TSES uses a nine-point Likert scale, with one denoting that nothing can be done by
teachers to affect the situation, to nine signifying that a great deal can be done by
teachers to influence the situation (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, n.d.). The
authors of the instrument performed factor analysis to determine respondent trends
and found the following to be correlated: efficacy in student engagement, efficacy in
instructional practices, andefficacy in classroom management (Tschannen-Moran
& Woolfolk Hoy, n.d.). The long-form of the TSES was used for enhanced precision
in the identification of trends.
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
Self-study DVD Book
Frequency (percent) Frequency (percent)
No self-study 15 55.6 15 55.6
Minimal self-study 7 25.9 5 18.5
Some self-study 5 18.5 6 22.2
Lots of self-study 0 0.00 1 0.04
Total 27 100.0 27 96.34
The TSES scale has been studied with regard to reliability and validity
(Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 2001) with additional factor analysis and reliability analy-
sis performed by Megan Tschannen-Moran and Anita Hoy (2007). The TSES is a
valid and reliable tool for measuring teacher efficacy by implementing three separate
studies using the instrument with a reliability score of 0.94 (Tschannen-Moran &
Hoy, 2001). Additionally, the Cronbach score for reliability was 0.93 in a separate
study by Helenrose Fives and Michelle Buehl (2010). The TSES was also found to
have construct validity with previous measures (Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 2001).
The addition of questions regarding a wider variety of teaching tasks allowed for a
greater application in a variety of settings (Tschannen-Moran & Hoy, 2001).
Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey
The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey (MBI-ES) was used to measure
the level of burnout each teacher is experiencing. This scale was developed specifi-
cally for teachers after the development of the original Maslach Burnout Inventory
(MBI) for those in human service professions (Maslach et al., 2010). The MBI is avail-
able in various editions for various professions and is the most commonly used tool
in the assessment of burnout (Leithwood, Menzies, Janzti, and Leithwood as cited
in Vandenberghe & Huberman, 1999). Additionally, extensive research has been
conducted on the use of the MBI for over 25 years (Maslach et al., 2013). The three
subscales of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment
are identified and factored in the survey (Maslach et al., 2013). This seven-point
Likert scale can be coded as low, average, or high by using cut-off points listed on
the scoring key (Maslach et al., 2013). While the MBI-ES is not a clinical diagnostic
tool, it can give a clear indication to school administrators of where potential prob-
lems may lie and help support teachers who need it most (Maslach et al., 2010). The
MBI-ES can also help teachers to self-assess and gain a clearer awareness of what
areas are contributing to the most satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction in their work so
remediation or other steps in career management can be taken (Maslach et al., 2010).
The MBI has been tested for reliability (α = 0.91) with each subscale of the in-
strument demonstrating average reliability of emotional exhaustion (EE) (α = 0.88,
SD = 0.05), depersonalization (DP) (α = 0.71, SD = 0.09), and personal accomplish-
ment (PA) (α = 0.78, SD = 0.08) (Aguayo, Vargas, de la Fuente, & Lozano, 2011).
Thirty-eight studies were represented in the regression subsample of the meta-analy-
sis using the English version of the scale. Their reliability alpha ranged from 0.72 to
0.95, with M = 0.88 and SD = 0.04 (Aguayo et al., 2011). Descriptive statistics from
the full sample were similar to those from the regression subsample. In addition,
studies done on the English version of fty-three studies of the EE subscale and co-
efficient alpha estimates ranged from 0.72 to 0.95, with M = 88 and SD = 0.04, 95%
CI = 87, 0.89 (Aguayo et al., 2011).
Fidelity instrument
The Fidelity Checklist provided by Loving Guidance, Inc., the parent company for
Conscious Discipline
, was never used to produce an overall score in previous stud-
ies. Because of this, no validity or reliability information could be obtained for an
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
overall score. The Fidelity Checklist was previously used in observing and rating the
four subscales. These four subscales are Structures, Rituals, and Routines-Observer
(SRRO); Social Emotional Personal Development (SEPD); Teaching Style Rating Scale
(TSRS-O); and the Classroom Social Emotional Behavior (CSEB). The TSRS-O con-
tains three subscales: Positive Discipline (PD); Classroom Management (CM); and
Positive Emotional Climate (PEC). Table 2 shows the reliability alpha scores for each
of the Fidelity Checklist subscales as reported by the author of the instrument (Rain,
2014). The x-axis names the various subscales of the Fidelity rubric and the y-axis
lists the reliability scores for each.
Table 2: Reliability scores for fidelity checklist subscales
According to the author of the Fidelity Checklist, all subscale measures are con-
tent valid (Rain, 2014). Additionally, all subscale measures have demonstrated crite-
rion-related validity through correlations with similar measures, with the exception
of the structures and skills rubrics. Since there were no like measures for the struc-
tures and skills rubrics, they have been validated only against earlier versions of
themselves (Rain, 2014). The mean score on the Fidelity Checklist for the treatment
group (n = 12) was 98.25 (sd = 23.33). The control group (n = 15) mean score was
76.53 (sd = 20.04).
The survey used was the TSES long-form and MBI combined with questions regard-
ing Michigan certification, level of education, attendance at training, and participants’
level of education in Conscious Discipline
. Directions for completion were sent to
teachers via email with a link to an electronic completion webpage included. Consent
for participation in the study was obtained before the email was sent to the admin-
istrators in both the treatment and control groups to be forwarded to participants in
the study.
The surveys were completed electronically with accuracy of question wording
to ensure the validity and reliability of both instruments, and were sent to teachers
in both the treatment and control groups in an email with a link to SurveyMonkey.
Both schools served children of the same age group and similar school demographics.
The treatment for this study is implementing a new program of Conscious Discipline
in elementary classrooms after receiving training about Conscious Discipline for
Educators. The measurement of the implementation of the program was done
through the fidelity measure developed by Dr. Jeffrey Rain (2012), named the
Conscious Discipline
Fidelity Rubric. The principal investigator was responsible
for implementing the fidelity measure approximately five months after the teachers
attended the initial training.
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
0.85 0.91 PD 0.89
CM 0.78
PEC 0.94
Three instruments were used in the study: a fidelity instrument to measure the im-
plementation level of Conscious Discipline
(Rain & Brehm, 2012), the TSES
(Tschannen-Moran & Woodfolk Hoy, n.d.), and the MBI-ES (Maslach, Jackson, &
Leiter, 2010). The delity instrument was composed of 28 items with scores ranging
from little to no evidence (score of one) to full implementation (score of four). The
highest possible score on the fidelity instrument is 112 with moderate fidelity scores
of approximately 56 (Rain & Brehm, 2012). The TSES long-form that was used in
this study had 24 questions, with each question measuring how much can be done
from nothing (score of one) to a great deal (score of nine) regarding teacher percep-
tion on what they are able to do in their classrooms (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk
Hoy, n.d.). The highest possible score on the TSES long-form is 216, with moderate
efficacy scores of approximately 108 (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, n.d.). The
MBI-ES was composed of 22 statements regarding educators’ perception of feelings
related to their role as teachers, with scores ranging from never (score of 0) to every
day (score of 6) (Maslach, Jackson, & Leiter, 2010). The inventory includes three
subscales, with overall moderate burnout scores between 62 and 70 points (Maslach,
Jackson, & Leiter, 2010).
After a descriptive analysis of the sample and instrument results (see Table 3), an
analysis was conducted between a treatment and control group in this post-test-only
design using SPSS 20.0 software. An independent t-test was used to compare means
for each research question at the recommendation of Meredith Gall, Joyce Gall, and
Walter Borg (2007). The y-axis names the various instruments used in the study,
and the x-axis denote the descriptive statistics regarding each instrument for the con-
trol and treatment groups.
Table 3: Descriptive statistics of instrument results by group
Note: Despite the small sample size, assumptions were met for normality using both the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2007).
The findings of this analysis from the t-test analysis resulted in no significant
difference in all four research questions at the 95 percent confidence interval. Given
the low sample size, the results fromRQ1 regarding teacher self-efficacy and attend-
ing Conscious Discipline for Educators training prompt a need for further explo-
ration with a larger sample (t(25) = 1.76, p = .098). For this reason, investigating
the impact of Conscious Discipline for Educators training on teacher self-efficacy
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
control (n = 15)
treatment (n = 12)
m sd Max Min
Fidelity Control
TSES Control
MBI-ES Control
should be considered for future research. While the ability to nd an effect in a small
sample is difficult, a recommendation for future research would be to replicate this
study with a larger sample size to determine the potential effect with greater confi-
dence. Additionally, the study should be replicated with schools that have imple-
mented Conscious Discipline
for longer periods of time than five months.
There are some possible explanations for the results of the study. There are factors
that were notably different between the schools that could affect study results that
were not possible to measure before arrival on site. Insignificant results make sense
in the results of this study due to the following possible reasons.
Purpose of the program
Because Conscious Discipline
was designed to help adults and students to manage
emotions and handle conflict through problem-solving (Bailey, 2001), and the largest
correlative factor of burnout has been found to be student misbehavior (Burke,
Greenglass, & Schwarzer, 1996), the link between the implementation of this disci-
pline program and teacher self-efficacy and burnout could potentially be strong.
Since the program had been shown to improve academic outcomes and discipline
referrals for students, it was postulated that the program could also be supportive of
teacher efficacy. Because Conscious Discipline
was not designed specifically to in-
crease teacher efficacy or burnout, however, the lack of statistical significance be-
tween the variables is logical and meaningful to the eld. Any classroom management
program has the potential to help teachers in how they see themselves with regard
to their effectiveness and willingness to remain in the field of education; since the
treatment and control group schools implemented classroom management programs,
they both had similar outcomes with regard to efficacy and burnout.
Implementation time
One possibility is that teachers have not yet had enough time to implement the new
skills learned to have a significant effect on efficacy and/or burnout. Since the ma-
jority of teachers in the treatment school attended the two-day Conscious Discipline
for Educators training in August, measuring efficacy and burnout five months later
is not an ideal implementation time due to teachers having recently begun their DVD
and book self-studies.
Another reason why it makes sense for the results to be insignificant could be attrib-
uted to the difference in leadership in the schools. The treatment group school was
split up into two different campuses in the elementary level, one with multiple
portable buildings. During observations, administrators were absent from one cam-
pus or another due to issues at the other building. One administrator was on a med-
ical leave of absence for several weeks. The lack of daily support from school
administration can contribute to teacher burnout (Burke, 2014). The leadership at
the control group school was different in that each wing had an administrator who
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
was available to coach, mentor, evaluate, support, and answer questions on a daily
basis. There was also a principal who oversaw this process for further accountability.
Since the mere presence of administration and the perception of support and avail-
ability were so strong, this could contribute to the lack of burnout in the control
group school.
In addition to increased numbers of administrators, the building in the control
group housed all classrooms in the kindergarten through Grade 5, which encom-
passed the study participants. Because leadership style was not measured in the cur-
rent study, formal conclusions could not be made, but the fact remains that the
possibility exists that this could contribute to affecting the study results. For instance,
not providing support for teachers has been noted as the largest factor in contributing
to burnout, and ultimately, teachers leaving the profession (Burke, 2014).
School climate
Finally, the climate of each school was also varied between the treatment and control
group schools. Even though both schools were charter schools, the environments
were different. School climate was not formally assessed in the current study, but dif-
ferences were evident. The treatment school personnel demonstrated challenges with
using welcoming language with visitors, the knowledge of programs used was low,
and there was a lack of administrator availability and consistently warm interactions.
Due to multiple buildings and the absence of an administrator at times, support for
teachers could be lacking. When daily support of teachers by administrators is lacking,
this can contribute to teacher perceptions that are not efficacious (Burke, 2014).
The control school personnel, on the other hand, served visitors promptly with
knowledgeable responses to help direct people to the services needed. Administrators
were available regularly as there were more of them, and administrative assistants were
privy to administrator availability to help visitors and families reach the proper person.
Although Conscious Discipline
has been shown to impact school climate
(Hoffman, Hutchinson, & Reiss, 2009), this was not evident yet in the treatment
school. Perhaps, as noted above, implementation with fidelity would increase over
time and improve school climate in the long run. Additionally, due to the recent
adoption of the program, teachers may have resisted the change or become over-
whelmed at the thought of additional work. If teachers do not have confidence in a
new program, the likelihood of success is drastically diminished (Rutherford, 2007).
This confidence in the program is essential for success in the adoption of reform
(Rutherford, 2007). If teachers were not included in the decision-making for the im-
plementation of Conscious Discipline
, or they were not given clear justification for
the adoption of the program, their resistance could influence overall school climate
(Friedman & Kass, 2002).
Since the climate in the control school was so positive, this could impact teachers
feeling more efficacious and less likely to experience burnout. School climate can
be a huge determining factor in the success of teachers (Collie, Shapka, & Perry,
2012). If teachers are successful in their endeavors in the classroom, their outcomes
for their own work will be perceived as efficacious. Therefore, the climate of the
school affects teacher perceptions of efficacy.
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
Recommendations for further research
In order to investigate this subject matter further, more studies are needed regarding
the use of classroom management programs on teacher efficacy and burnout. Teacher
shortages have been noted nationwide and throughout the world with no limit to
stage of career (Aloe & Amo, 2013). High attrition rates greatly exacerbate the prob-
lem of not having enough educators to supply the field (Sutcher, Darling-Hammond,
& Carver-Thomas, 2016).
In addition, studies of Conscious Discipline
relative to teachers are needed.
Previous studies have been published regarding the impact of the program on stu-
dent achievement and student discipline referrals, but teachers were not a focus pre-
vious to this study.
In order to see if the results of this study were lacking significance due to the re-
cent school-wide implementation of the Conscious Discipline
program, further
study of schools that have implemented the program over several years would be a
logical next step. Bailey (2015) has recently suggested that three to four years are
needed, at minimum, to see full implementation. Keeping this time frame in mind
would be helpful in replicating the study with schools that have implemented the
program for at least three years. Furthermore, other classroom management or emo-
tional intelligence programs could be studied to see if they had an impact on teacher
efficacy and burnout rates.
Certainly, the need for supports for classroom teachers is clear. A lack of profes-
sional support drives teachers out of the profession and prohibits stable learning en-
vironments for students (Burke, 2014). Teachers leave the field at high rates, with
beginning teachers leaving the field at the highest rate of all populations (National
Commission on Teaching and America’s Future, 2010) and those who remain in the
field can eventually be harmful to student success and well-being if they are feeling
ineffective and burning out. Continuing to search for possible ways to support teach-
ers so they can be efficacious and satisfied with their jobs would benefit the profes-
sion as well as the children they serve.
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IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
Appendix A
Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES)
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
Note: For use by Lori Cooper only. Received from Mind Garden, Inc. on March 11, 2013.
Appendix B
Maslach Burnout Inventory Educator Survey (MBI-ES)
Example Questions
Example Questions:
How Often:
______ I feel I’m positively influencing other people’s lives through my work.
______ I feel like I’m at the end of my rope.
______ I worry that this job is hardening me emotionally.
IJEPL 15(14) 2019
Teacher Efficacy
and Burnout
Note: For use by Lori Cooper only. Received from Mind Garden, Inc. on March 11, 2013.