DOD Dictionary of
Military and Associated Terms
As of March 2017
1. Scope
The DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (DOD Dictionary) sets forth
standard US military and associated terminology to encompass the joint activity of the
Armed Forces of the United States. These military and associated terms, together with
their definitions, constitute approved Department of Defense (DOD) terminology for
general use by all DOD components.
2. Purpose
This publication supplements standard English-language dictionaries and standardizes
military and associated terminology to improve communication and mutual understanding
within DOD with other US Government departments and agencies and among the United
States and its allies.
3. Application
This publication applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Services, the
Joint Staff, combatant commands, DOD agencies, and all other DOD components. It is the
primary terminology source when preparing correspondence, to include policy, strategy,
doctrine, and planning documents. Criteria for inclusion of terminology in the DOD
Dictionary is enumerated in Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 5025.12,
Standardization of Military and Associated Terminology, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 5705.01, Standardization of Military and Associated
4. Format
The primary parts of the DOD Dictionary are:
a. Explanatory notes.
b. Terms and definitions.
c. Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms.
5. DOD Dictionary Online Availability and Update Schedule
The DOD Dictionary is accessible online as a searchable database and in PDF format
at the following Internet address: and at the
following Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNET) address: The contents of the DOD Dictionary are updated on a monthly
basis to include any terminology additions, modifications, or deletions made within the
previous calendar month in accordance with CJCSI 5705.01.
6. Terminology Repository for DOD (OSD/JS) Issuances
This publication is supplemented by the Terminology Repository for DOD (OSD/JS)
Issuances. Over the last 65 years, specific and technical DOD terms and definitions established
in senior policy document glossaries reside outside of the DOD Dictionary and not subject to
joint doctrine terminology criteria for general and universal usage listed in CJCSI 5705.01.
The repository provides awareness on those specific or descriptive terms in defense documents
(policy, strategy, planning, doctrine, etc.) that support the foundation of the DOD Dictionary.
Its creation is the first step in deconflicting terminology nuances within organizational
documents that may impact joint doctrine. The repository is located at
7. Revision
Future editions of the DOD Dictionary will be updated according to policy and posted
online at:
EXPLANATORY NOTES ..................................................................................................1
TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. ............................................................................................5
ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, AND INITIALISMS .............................................261
ADMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS .........................................................................385
Table of Contents
Intentionally Blank
1. Updates
Per guidance in CJCSI 5705.01, Standardization of Military and Associated
Terminology, terminology changes to the DOD Dictionary (additions, modifications, or
deletions of DOD terminology) are approved using one of the following five methods:
a. DOD terminology proposed from JPs;
b. DOD terminology proposed from DOD (OSD and CJCS) issuances via specific
c. DOD terminology directed by the Secretary of Defense, the Deputy Secretary of
Defense, or CJCS;
d. Terminology proposed from Allied Administrative Publication-6, North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) Glossary of Terms and Definitions (English and French);
e. Approved administrative changes/updates by the DOD Terminologist.
2. Terminology Categorization (Policy and Joint Doctrine)
a. Military Terminology. Standardized military and associated terminology forms the
foundation of joint doctrine. It enables the joint force to organize, plan, train, and execute
operations with a common language that is clearly articulated and universally understood.
Since 1948, military terms have been codified in the DOD Dictionary. Although different in
purpose, policy documents also require standardized terminology. While some policy terms
are included in the DOD Dictionary, the bulk are codified in the Terminology Repository of
DOD (OSD/JS) Issuances. Policy terms may form the basis of doctrinal terms, further
describe doctrinal concepts, or temporarily fill gaps in joint doctrine until adopted as extant
practice. If included in the DOD Dictionary, policy terms should conform to the CJCSI
5705.01 and standing operating procedure guidelines.
b. Policy and Joint Doctrine. Policy directs and assigns tasks, prescribes desired
capabilities, and provides guidance for ensuring the Armed Forces of the United States are
prepared to perform their assigned roles. Implicitly, policy can create new roles and
requirements for new capabilities. Joint doctrine enhances the operational effectiveness of
the Armed Forces by providing authoritative guidance and standardized terminology on topics
relevant to the employment of military forces. Although joint doctrine is neither policy nor
strategy, it serves to make United States policy and strategy effective in the application of
United States military power. Terminology developed within policy and joint doctrine serves
different purposes. The terminology required to support the employment of forces (doctrinal
terms) may not be optimal for policy developers, whose purpose may be to illuminate resource
or requirement documents. Terminology developed for DOD policy is not limited by the
constraints imposed on doctrine terminology. Policy definitions may provide the basis for the
doctrinal terms. Doctrinal terms cannot be in conflict with the law, regulation, or policy.
Explanatory Notes
3. Terminology Definition Development
The DOD Dictionary is designed to supplement common English-language dictionaries
with standard terminology for military and associated use. A definition should address the
meaning of the term only and should not contain doctrinal or procedural information (i.e., it
should focus on describing “what” a term is and not “how” or “why” it is used). If
additional text is desired to elaborate on a definition, that information should be provided in
the text of the publication. Accordingly, the following CJCSI 5705.01 and standing operating
procedure criteria are used to determine the acceptability of terminology for inclusion in the
DOD Dictionary:
a. The definition in a standard, commonly accepted dictionary (e.g., Merriam-
Webster’s, is inadequate for DOD use).
b. The term is not a standard dictionary definition with non-definitional text added
(e.g., Capability – The ability to complete a task or execute a course of action under
specified conditions and level of performance).
c. The term is not self-defining (e.g., capability requirement – the requirement for a
d. The term is not a policy term that competes or overrides a term in the DOD
e. The term proposed followed established procedures in this issuance version.
Verification must be provided that the DOD Terminologist approved; otherwise, the term
will only be reflected in the Terminology Repository.
f. Reflects extant DOD capabilities and practices.
g. Of general military or associated significance. Technical or highly specialized
terms may be included if they can be defined in easily understood language and if their
inclusion is of general military or associated significance.
h. Terms for weaponry are limited to generic weapon systems.
i. Unless there are special reasons to the contrary, terms and definitions are not to
consist of or contain shortened forms; e.g., abbreviations, acronyms, initialisms.
j. Must be UNCLASSIFIED and marked as such in controlled or classified
documents’ glossaries.
k. Are not prowords, code words, brevity words, or NATO [North Atlantic Treaty
Organization]-only terms.
l. Are not Service-specific or functionality-specific unless they are commonly
employed in US joint force operations.
Explanatory Notes
m. An approved joint term with similar definition does not exist.
n. Must be consistent with US law, treaties, international agreements, and executive
o. Should be singular in number.
p. With few exceptions, should be general terms, not proper names.
q. Cross reference entries (i.e., ‘also called’ terms) will not have a separate entry.
(e.g., ‘Universal Time’ is also called ZULU time - no separate entry for ZULU time).
r. Terms in glossaries that are not referenced in the core document will be
administratively removed.
s. Proposed entries should be written as a definition and not as a description.
See CJCSI 5705.01, Standardization of Military and Associated Terminology, Enclosure
C, “Definition Writing Guide,” for specific guidance that should be followed when
developing terms and definitions intended for inclusion in the DOD Dictionary.
4. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
The DOD Dictionary includes abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms (also known as
shortened forms), for DOD and associated military terms. Although all are shortened versions
of a word or phrase, typically by a series of letters, there is a difference.
a. An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase pronounced as a word (e.g.,
b. An acronym is a shortened form of a phrase, where the letters of the acronym stand
for the terms of its meaning and is also read as a word (e.g., ASAP [as soon as possible]).
c. An initialism is a shortened form of a word or phrase that is not spoken as a word;
each letter is spoken separately (e.g., DOD).
d. Parenthesis use after definitions.
(1) The term associated with an abbreviation, acronym, or initialism is referred
to as the definition (e.g., the definition for FOUO is ‘for official use only’). In some cases,
there may be another abbreviation, acronym, or initialism in parenthesis following the
definition. If the term is associated with a specific organization, the definition will include
this tag in parenthesis showing it is an organizational-specific term. For example: ACE --
aviation combat element (USMC) or AFNORTHWEST -- Allied Forces North West
Europe (NATO).
(2) There should only be a DOD Dictionary-approved abbreviation, acronym, or
initialism in the parenthesis.
Explanatory Notes
5. Terminology Repository for DOD (OSD/JS) Issuances
The Terminology Repository was established to provide awareness on specific and
technical policy terms and definitions that reside outside the DOD Dictionary (universal and
general terms). The Terminology Repository supports the foundation that the DOD Dictionary
is the primary terminology source. It is recommended that when accessing joint publications
or policy, strategy, and planning documents, to review both the DOD Dictionary and the
Terminology Repository to develop a full understanding of how a term may be described,
defined, or used to proceed accordingly. It is also recommended that all glossary developers
also use the criteria enumerated in paragraph 2 in maintaining terms and definitions. Like the
DOD Dictionary, the Terminology Repository is unclassified and uncontrolled. Unlike the
DOD Dictionary, the Terminology Repository is not meant to capture or track abbreviations,
acronyms, or initialisms. The Terminology Repository can be found on the Terminology
Program webpage at
acceptability — The joint operation plan review criterion for assessing whether the
contemplated course of action is proportional, worth the cost, consistent with the law of war;
and is militarily and politically supportable. See also adequacy; feasibility. (JP 5-0)
access — In counterintelligence and intelligence use, a. a way or means of approach to
identify a target; or b. exploitable proximity to or ability to approach an individual,
facility, or information that enables target to carry out the intended mission. (JP 2-01.2)
access to classified information — The ability and opportunity to obtain knowledge of
classified information by persons with the proper security clearance and a need to know
of specified classified information. (JP 2-01)
accompanying supplies — Unit supplies that deploy with forces. (JP 4-01.5)
accountability — The obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an officer
or other person for keeping accurate record of property, documents, or funds. (JP 1)
acoustic intelligence — Intelligence derived from the collection and processing of acoustic
phenomena. Also called ACINT. (JP 2-0)
acquisition and cross-servicing agreement — Agreement, negotiated on a bilateral basis
with United States allies or coalition partners, that allow United States forces to exchange
most common types of support, including food, fuel, transportation, ammunition, and
equipment. Also called ACSA. See also cross-servicing. (JP 4-08)
action phase — In amphibious operations, the period of time between the arrival of the
landing forces of the amphibious force in the operational area and the accomplishment
of their mission. See also amphibious force; amphibious operation; landing force;
mission. (JP 3-02)
activation — Order to active duty (other than for training) in the federal service. See also
active duty; federal service. (JP 4-05)
active air defense — Direct defensive action taken to destroy, nullify, or reduce the
effectiveness of hostile air and missile threats against friendly forces and assets. See also
air defense. (JP 3-01)
active defense — The employment of limited offensive action and counterattacks to deny a
contested area or position to the enemy. See also passive defense. (JP 3-60)
active duty — Full-time duty in the active military service of the United States, including
active duty or full-time training duty in the Reserve Component. See also active duty
for training; inactive duty training. (JP 4-05)
Terms and Definitions
active duty for training — A tour of active duty that is used for training members of the
Reserve Component to provide trained units and qualified persons to fill the needs of the
Armed Forces in time of war or national emergency and such other times as the national
security requires. Also called ADT. (JP 4-05)
Active Guard and Reserve — National Guard and Reserve members who are on voluntary
active duty providing full-time support to National Guard, Reserve, and Active
Component organizations for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting,
instructing, or training the Reserve Components. (CJCSM 3150.13)
activity — 1. A unit, organization, or installation performing a function or mission. 2. A
function, mission, action, or collection of actions. (JP 3-0)
act of mercy — In personnel recovery, assistance rendered to evaders by an individual or
elements of the local population who sympathize or empathize with the evaders’ cause
or plight. See also evader; evasion; recovery; recovery operations. (JP 3-50)
acute radiation dose — Total ionizing radiation dose received at one time and over a period
so short that biological recovery cannot occur. (JP 3-11)
acute radiation syndrome — An acute illness caused by irradiation of the body by a high dose
of penetrating radiation in a very short period of time. Also called ARS. (JP 3-11)
Adaptive Planning and Execution system — A Department of Defense system of joint
policies, processes, procedures, and reporting structures, supported by communications
and information technology, that is used by the joint planning and execution community
to monitor, plan, and execute mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment,
redeployment, and demobilization activities associated with joint operations. Also called
APEX system. (JP 5-0)
adequacy — The joint operation plan review criterion for assessing whether the scope and
concept of planned operations can accomplish the assigned mission and comply with the
planning guidance provided. See also acceptability; feasibility. (JP 5-0)
administrative chain of command One of the two branches of the chain of command
described in Joint Publication 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States,
through which command is exercised from the President through the Secretary of
Defense to the Secretaries of the Military Departments, and from which forces are
assigned to combatant commands to compose the operational command structure
baseline. (DODI 8260.03)
administrative command structure The organizational hierarchy through which
administrative leadership is exercised, as contrasted by the operational command
structure through which operational authority is exercised. (DODI 8260.03)
Terms and Definitions
administrative contracting officer — Contracting officer whose primary duties involve
contract administration. Also called ACO. See also contracting officer; procuring
contracting officer. (JP 4-10)
administrative control — Direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or other
organizations in respect to administration and support. Also called ADCON. (JP 1)
administrative loading — A loading method that gives primary consideration to achieving
maximum utilization of troop and cargo space without regard to tactical considerations.
Also called commercial loading. (JP 3-02.1)
advanced force operations Operations conducted to refine the location of specific,
identified targets and further develop the operational environment for near-term
missions. Also called AFO. (JP 3-05)
advance guard — Detachment sent ahead of the main force to ensure its uninterrupted
advance; to protect the main body against surprise; to facilitate the advance by removing
obstacles and repairing roads and bridges; and to cover the deployment of the main body
if it is committed to action. (JP 3-07.2)
adversary — A party acknowledged as potentially hostile to a friendly party and against
which the use of force may be envisaged. (JP 3-0)
adversary template — A model based on an adversary’s known or postulated preferred
methods of operation illustrating the disposition and activity of adversary forces and
assets conducting a particular operation unconstrained by the impact of the operational
environment. (JP 2-01.3)
Aegis A ship-based combat system that can detect, track, target, and engage air, surface,
and subsurface threats, including ballistic missiles on some modified ships. (JP 3-01)
aerial port — An airfield that has been designated for the sustained air movement of
personnel and materiel as well as an authorized port for entrance into or departure from
the country where located. See also port of debarkation; port of embarkation.
(JP 3-17)
aeromedical evacuation — The movement of patients under medical supervision to and
between medical treatment facilities by air transportation. Also called AE. (JP 4-02)
aeromedical evacuation control team —
A core team assigned to a component-numbered
air force air operations center air mobility division that provides operational planning,
scheduling, and execution of theater aeromedical evacuation missions and positioning of
aeromedical evacuation ground forces. Also called AECT. See also aeromedical
evacuation; air mobility division. (JP 3-17)
Terms and Definitions
aeromedical evacuation unit — An operational medical organization concerned primarily
with the management and control of patients being transported via an aeromedical
evacuation system or system echelon. (JP 4-02)
aeronautical chart — A specialized representation of mapped features of the Earth, or some
part of it, produced to show selected terrain, cultural and hydrographic features, and
supplemental information required for air navigation, pilotage, or for planning air
operations. (JP 2-03)
aerospace defense — 1. All defensive measures designed to destroy or nullify attacking
enemy aircraft and missiles and also negate hostile space systems. 2. An inclusive term
encompassing air defense, ballistic missile defense, and space defense. See also air
defense; space defense. (JP 3-27)
afloat pre-positioning force — Shipping maintained in full operational status to afloat pre-
position military equipment and supplies in support of combatant commanders’ operation
plans, consisting of the three maritime pre-positioning ships squadrons, the Army’s afloat
pre-positioning stocks-3 ships, and the Defense Logistics Agency, and the Air Force ships.
Also called APF. See also maritime pre-positioning ships. (JP 4-01.2)
afloat pre-positioning operations — Pre-positioning of ships, preloaded with equipment
and supplies that provides for an alternative to land-based programs. See also
operation. (JP 4-01.6)
agency — In intelligence usage, an organization or individual engaged in collecting and/or
processing information. Also called collection agency. See also agent; intelligence
process; source. (JP 2-01)
agent — In intelligence usage, one who is authorized or instructed to obtain or to assist in
obtaining information for intelligence or counterintelligence purposes. (JP 2-01.2)
aimpoint — 1. A point associated with a target and assigned for a specific weapon impact.
2. A prominent radar-significant feature used to assist an aircrew in navigating and
delivering their weapons. See also desired point of impact. (JP 3-60)
air and missile defense — Direct [active and passive] defensive actions taken to destroy,
nullify, or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air and ballistic missile threats against
friendly forces and assets. Also called AMD. (JP 3-01)
air apportionment — The determination and assignment of the total expected effort by
percentage and/or by priority that should be devoted to the various air operations for a
given period of time. (JP 3-0)
air assault — The movement of friendly assault forces by rotary-wing aircraft to engage and
destroy enemy forces or to seize and hold key terrain. See also assault. (JP 3-18)
Terms and Definitions
air assault force — A force composed primarily of ground and rotary-wing air units
organized, equipped, and trained for air assault operations. (JP 3-18)
air assault operation — An operation in which assault forces, using the mobility of rotary-
wing assets and the total integration of available firepower, maneuver under the control
of a ground or air maneuver commander to engage enemy forces or to seize and hold key
terrain. (JP 3-18)
airborne — 1. In relation to personnel, troops especially trained to effect, following transport
by air, an assault debarkation, either by parachuting or touchdown. 2. In relation to
equipment, pieces of equipment that have been especially designed for use by airborne
troops during or after an assault debarkation as well as some aeronautical equipment used
to accomplish a particular mission. 3. When applied to materiel, items that form an
integral part of the aircraft. 4. The state of an aircraft, from the instant it becomes entirely
sustained by air until it ceases to be so sustained. (JP 3-17)
airborne alert — A state of aircraft readiness wherein combat-equipped aircraft are airborne
and ready for immediate action to reduce reaction time and to increase survivability. See
also combat air patrol; ground alert. (JP 3-01)
airborne assault — The use of airborne forces to parachute into an objective area to attack
and eliminate armed resistance and secure designated objectives. (JP 3-18)
airborne early warning — The detection of enemy air or surface units by radar or other
equipment carried in an airborne vehicle, and the transmitting of a warning to friendly
units. Also called AEW. (JP 3-52)
airborne mission coordinator — The designated individual that serves as an airborne
extension of the component commander or supported commander responsible for the
personnel recovery mission. Also called AMC. See also combat search and rescue;
personnel recovery coordination cell. (JP 3-50)
airborne operation — An operation involving the air movement into an objective area of
combat forces and their logistic support for execution of a tactical, operational, or
strategic mission. See also assault; assault phase. (JP 3-18)
air-breathing missileA missile with an engine requiring the intake of air for combustion
of its fuel, as in a ramjet or turbojet. (JP 3-01)
air-capable ship — A ship other than an aircraft carrier, nuclear; amphibious assault ship
(general purpose); or amphibious assault ship (multipurpose) from which aircraft can
take off, be recovered, or routinely receive and transfer logistic support. Also called
ACS. (JP 3-04)
Terms and Definitions
air corridor — A restricted air route of travel specified for use by friendly aircraft and
established for the purpose of preventing friendly aircraft from being fired on by friendly
forces. (JP 3-52)
aircraft carrier — A warship designed to support and operate aircraft, engage in attacks on
targets afloat or ashore, and engage in sustained operations in support of other forces.
Also called CV or CVN. (JP 3-32)
air defense — Defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy aircraft or missiles
in the atmosphere, or to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack. Also called
AD. See also active air defense; aerospace defense; passive air defense. (JP 3-01)
air defense area — 1. overseas — A specifically defined airspace for which air defense must
be planned and provided. 2. United States — Airspace of defined dimensions
designated by the appropriate agency within which the ready control of airborne vehicles
is required in the interest of national security during an air defense emergency. (JP 3-01)
air defense artillery — Weapons and equipment for actively combating air targets from the
ground. Also called ADA. (JP 3-01)
air defense identification zone — Airspace of defined dimensions within which the ready
identification, location, and control of airborne vehicles are required. Also called ADIZ.
(JP 3-52)
air defense region — A geographical subdivision of an air defense area. (JP 3-01)
air defense sector — A geographical subdivision of an air defense region. (JP 3-01)
air defense warning condition — An air defense warning given in the form of a color code
corresponding to the degree of air raid probability with yellow standing for when an
attack by hostile aircraft or missiles is probable; red for when an attack by hostile aircraft
or missiles is imminent or is in progress; and white for when an attack by hostile aircraft
or missiles is improbable. Also called ADWC. (JP 3-01)
air domain — The atmosphere, beginning at the Earth’s surface, extending to the altitude
where its effects upon operations become negligible. (JP 3-30)
airdrop — The unloading of personnel or materiel from aircraft in flight. See also air
movement; free drop; free fall; high velocity drop; low velocity drop. (JP 3-17)
air expeditionary task force — A deployed numbered air force or command echelon
immediately subordinate to a numbered air force provided as the United States Air
Force component command committed to a joint operation. Also called AETF.
(JP 3-30)
Terms and Definitions
airfield — An area prepared for the accommodation (including any buildings, installations,
and equipment), landing, and takeoff of aircraft. See also departure airfield; landing
area; landing site. (JP 3-17)
Air Force special operations air component — The Air Force component of a joint special
operations force, normally composed of a special operations wing, special operations
group, or squadron, and element of an Air Force special tactics personnel. Also called
AFSOAC. (JP 3-05)
Air Force special operations air detachment — A squadron-size headquarters that could
be a composite organization composed of different Air Force special operations assets,
normally subordinate to an Air Force special operations air component, joint special
operations air component, joint special operations task force, or a joint task force. Also
called AFSOAD. (JP 3-05)
Air Force special operations forcesThose Active and Reserve Component Air Force
forces designated by the Secretary of Defense that are specifically organized, trained, and
equipped to conduct and support special operations. Also called AFSOF. (JP 3-05)
airhead — 1. A designated area in a hostile or potentially hostile operational area that, when
seized and held, ensures the continuous air landing of troops and materiel and provides
the maneuver space necessary for projected operations. Also called a lodgment area.
(JP 3-18) 2. A designated location in an operational area used as a base for supply and
evacuation by air. See also beachhead. (JP 3-17)
airhead line A line denoting the limits of the objective area for an airborne assault. See
also airhead; assault phase; objective area. (JP 3-18)
air interdiction — Air operations conducted to divert, disrupt, delay, or destroy the enemy’s
military surface capabilities before it can be brought to bear effectively against friendly
forces, or to otherwise achieve objectives that are conducted at such distances from
friendly forces that detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and movement
of friendly forces is not required. Also called AI. (JP 3-03)
airland — Move by air and disembark, or unload, after the aircraft has landed or while an
aircraft is hovering. See also air movement. (JP 3-17)
air land operation — An operation involving movement by air with a designated destination
for further ground deployment of units and personnel and/or further ground distribution
of supplies. See also airland. (JP 3-17)
air liaison officer — The senior tactical air control party member attached to a ground unit
who functions as the primary advisor to the ground commander on air power. Also called
ALO. (JP 3-09.3)
Terms and Definitions
airlift capability — The total capacity expressed in terms of number of passengers and/or
weight/cubic displacement of cargo that can be carried at any one time to a given
destination by available airlift. See also airlift requirement. (JP 3-17)
airlift control team — A core team within the joint air operations center with intratheater
airlift functional expertise to plan, coordinate, manage, and execute intratheater airlift
operations in support of the joint force air component commander. Also called ALCT.
See also air operations center; air mobility division; intratheater airlift. (JP 3-17)
airlift mission commander — A commander designated when airlift aircraft are
participating in airlift operations specified in the implementing directive. See also joint
force air component commander. (JP 3-17)
airlift requirement — The total number of passengers and/or weight/cubic displacement of
cargo required to be carried by air for a specific task. See also airlift capability.
(JP 3-17)
air mobility — The rapid movement of personnel, materiel and forces to and from or within
a theater by air. See also air refueling. (JP 3-17)
Air Mobility Command — The Air Force component command of the United States
Transportation Command. Also called AMC. (JP 3-17)
air mobility control team — A core team within the joint air operations center that directs
or redirects air mobility forces in response to requirements changes, higher priorities, or
immediate execution requirements. Also called AMCT. See also air operations
center; air mobility; air mobility division. (JP 3-17)
air mobility division — Located in the joint air operations center to plan, coordinate, task,
and execute the air mobility mission consisting of the air mobility control team, airlift
control team, air refueling control team, and aeromedical evacuation control team. Also
called AMD. See also air mobility; joint air operations center. (JP 3-17)
air mobility liaison officer — A rated United States Air Force mobility air forces officer
selected, trained, and equipped to assess, train, advise, and assist with mobility air forces
and ground force integration for air movement and sustainment. Also called AMLO.
(JP 3-17)
air movement — Air transport of units, personnel, supplies, and equipment including
airdrops and air landings. See also airdrop; airland. (JP 3-17)
air operations center — The senior agency of the Air Force component commander that
provides command and control of Air Force air and space operations and coordinates
with other components and Services. Also called AOC. (JP 3-30)
Terms and Definitions
air refueling — The refueling of an aircraft in flight by another aircraft. Also called AR.
(JP 3-17)
air refueling control team A core team within the joint air operations center that
coordinates aerial refueling to support combat air operations or to support a strategic
airbridge. Also called ARCT. See also air operations center; air mobility division;
air refueling. (JP 3-17)
air route — The navigable airspace between two points, identified to the extent necessary for
the application of flight rules. (JP 3-52)
air sovereignty — A nation’s inherent right to exercise absolute control and authority over
the airspace above its territory. (JP 3-27)
airspace control — Capabilities and procedures used to increase operational effectiveness by
promoting the safe, efficient, and flexible use of airspace. (JP 3-52)
airspace control area — Airspace that is laterally defined by the boundaries of the
operational area, and may be subdivided into airspace control sectors. (JP 3-01)
airspace control authority — The commander designated to assume overall responsibility
for the operation of the airspace control system in the airspace control area. Also called
ACA. See also airspace control; airspace control area; airspace control system;
control; operation. (JP 3-52)
airspace control order — An order implementing the airspace control plan that provides the
details of the approved requests for airspace coordinating measures. Also called ACO.
(JP 3-52)
airspace control plan — The document approved by the joint force commander that provides
specific planning guidance and procedures for the airspace control system for the joint
force operational area. Also called ACP. See also airspace control system; joint force
commander. (JP 3-52)
airspace control procedures — Rules, mechanisms, and directions that facilitate the control
and use of airspace of specified dimensions. See also airspace control authority;
airspace control order; airspace control plan. (JP 3-52)
airspace control system — An arrangement of those organizations, personnel, policies,
procedures, and facilities required to perform airspace control functions. Also called
ACS. (JP 3-52)
airspace coordinating measures — Measures employed to facilitate the efficient use of
airspace to accomplish missions and simultaneously provide safeguards for friendly
forces. Also called ACMs. See also airspace control area; airspace coordination
area; high-density airspace control zone; weapons engagement zone. (JP 3-52)
Terms and Definitions
airspace coordination area — A three-dimensional block of airspace in a target area,
established by the appropriate commander, in which friendly aircraft are reasonably safe
from friendly surface fires. Also called ACA. (JP 3-09.3)
airspace management — The coordination, integration, and regulation of the use of airspace
of defined dimensions. (JP 3-52)
air superiority — That degree of dominance in the air battle by one force that permits the
conduct of its operations at a given time and place without prohibitive interference from
air and missile threats. (JP 3-01)
air support coordination section — In amphibious operations, the section of the Navy
tactical air control center designated to coordinate, control, and integrate all direct
support aircraft and assault support operations. Also called ASCS. (JP 3-02)
air support operations center — The principal air control agency of the theater air control
system responsible for the direction and control of air operations directly supporting the
ground combat element. Also called ASOC. See also close air support; operation;
tactical air control center. (JP 3-09.3)
air support request — A means to request preplanned and immediate close air support, air
interdiction, air reconnaissance, surveillance, escort, helicopter airlift, and other aircraft
missions. Also called AIRSUPREQ. (JP 3-30)
air supremacy — That degree of air superiority wherein the opposing force is incapable of
effective interference within the operational area using air and missile threats. (JP 3-01)
air tasking order — A method used to task and disseminate to components, subordinate
units, and command and control agencies projected sorties, capabilities and/or forces to
targets and specific missions. Also called ATO. (JP 3-30)
air terminal — A facility on an airfield that functions as an air transportation hub and
accommodates the loading and unloading of airlift aircraft and the intransit processing of
traffic. (JP 3-17)
air traffic control section — In amphibious operations, the section of the Navy tactical air
control center designed to provide initial safe passage, radar control, and surveillance for
close air support aircraft in the operational area. Also called ATCS. (JP 3-02)
alert order — 1. A crisis action planning directive from the Secretary of Defense, issued by
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that provides essential guidance for planning
and directs the initiation of execution planning for the selected course of action
authorized by the Secretary of Defense. 2. A planning directive that provides essential
planning guidance, directs the initiation of execution planning after the directing
Terms and Definitions
authority approves a military course of action, but does not authorize execution. Also
called ALERTORD. See also course of action; execution planning. (JP 5-0)
alliance — The relationship that results from a formal agreement between two or more
nations for broad, long-term objectives that further the common interests of the members.
See also coalition; multinational. (JP 3-0)
allocation —Distribution of limited forces and resources for employment among competing
requirements. See also apportionment. (JP 5-0)
allocation request — A daily message that provides an estimate of the total air effort, to
identify any excess and joint force general support aircraft sorties, and to identify unfilled
air requirements for preplanned missions. Also called ALLOREQ. (JP 3-30)
allowable cabin load — The maximum payload that can be carried on an individual sortie.
Also called ACL. (JP 3-17)
all-source intelligence — 1. Intelligence products and/or organizations and activities that
incorporate all sources of information in the production of finished intelligence. 2. In
intelligence collection, a phrase that indicates that in the satisfaction of intelligence
requirements, all collection, processing, exploitation, and reporting systems and
resources are identified for possible use and those most capable are tasked. See also
intelligence. (JP 2-0)
ammunition lot — A quantity of homogeneous ammunition, identified by a unique lot
number, which is manufactured, assembled, or renovated by one producer under uniform
conditions and which is expected to function in a uniform manner. (JP 3-04)
amphibian — A small craft, propelled by propellers and wheels or by air cushions for the
purpose of moving on both land and water. (JP 4-01.6)
amphibious advance force — A temporary support force assigned to the amphibious force
that conducts shaping operations in the amphibious objective area or operational area
prior to the arrival of the amphibious force. (JP 3-02)
amphibious air traffic control center The centralized air traffic control agency on an
amphibious warfare ship responsible for operational control of aircraft departing from
and recovering on the ship and tactical control of airborne helicopters in support of
amphibious assaults. Also called AATCC. (JP 3-02)
amphibious assaultA type of amphibious operation that involves establishing a force on
a hostile or potentially hostile shore. See also assault; assault phase. (JP 3-02)
amphibious assault vehicle launching area — An area, in the vicinity of and to seaward of
the line of departure, to which landing ships proceed and launch amphibious assault
vehicles. (JP 3-02)
Terms and Definitions
amphibious breaching — The conduct of a deliberate breaching operation specifically
designed to overcome antilanding defenses in order to conduct an amphibious assault.
(JP 3-02)
amphibious bulk liquid transfer system — Hose-reel system providing capability to deliver
fuel and/or water from ship to shore. Also called ABLTS. (JP 4-01.6)
amphibious construction battalion — A permanently commissioned naval unit, subordinate
to the commander, naval beach group, designed to provide an administrative unit from
which personnel and equipment are formed in tactical elements and made available to
appropriate commanders to operate causeways, transfer barges, warping tugs, and assault
bulk fuel systems, and to meet salvage requirements of the naval beach party. Also called
PHIBCB. (JP 3-02)
amphibious defense zone — The area encompassing the amphibious objective area and the
adjoining airspace required by accompanying naval forces for the purpose of air defense.
Also called an ADZ. (JP 3-02)
amphibious demonstration — A type of amphibious operation conducted for the purpose of
deceiving the enemy by a show of force with the expectation of deluding the enemy into
following an unfavorable course of action. (JP 3-02)
amphibious force — An amphibious task force and a landing force together with other forces
that are trained, organized, and equipped for amphibious operations. Also called AF. See
also amphibious operation; amphibious task force; landing force. (JP 3-02)
amphibious objective area — A geographical area of sufficient size for conducting
necessary sea, air, and land operations, and within which is located the objective(s) to be
secured by the amphibious force. Also called AOA. See also amphibious force;
mission. (JP 3-02)
amphibious operation — A military operation launched from the sea by an amphibious force
to conduct landing force operations within the littorals. Also called PHIBOP. See also
amphibious force; landing force; mission; operation. (JP 3-02)
amphibious raid — A type of amphibious operation involving swift incursion into or
temporary occupation of an objective followed by a planned withdrawal. See also
amphibious operation. (JP 3-02)
amphibious squadron — A tactical and administrative organization composed of
amphibious warfare ships used to transport troops and their equipment for an amphibious
operation. Also called PHIBRON. (JP 3-02)
Terms and Definitions
amphibious task force — A Navy task organization formed to conduct amphibious
operations. Also called ATF. See also amphibious force; amphibious operation;
landing force. (JP 3-02)
amphibious vehicle — A wheeled or tracked vehicle capable of operating on both land and
water. See also landing craft. (JP 3-02)
amphibious vehicle availability table — A tabulation of the type and number of amphibious
vehicles available primarily for assault landings and for support of other elements of the
operation. (JP 3-02)
amphibious vehicle employment plan — A plan showing in tabular form the planned
employment of amphibious vehicles in landing operations, including their employment
after the initial movement to the beach. (JP 3-02)
amphibious warfare ship — A combatant ship having organic capability to embark, land,
and support landing forces in amphibious operations and which has characteristics
enabling long duration operations on the high seas. (JP 3-02)
amphibious withdrawal — A type of amphibious operation involving the extraction of
forces by sea in ships or craft from a hostile or potentially hostile shore. See also
amphibious operation. (JP 3-02)
analysis and production — In intelligence usage, the conversion of processed information
into intelligence through the integration, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of all
source data and the preparation of intelligence products in support of known or
anticipated user requirements. See also intelligence process. (JP 2-01)
antemortem data — Medical records, samples, and photographs taken prior to death. These
include (but are not limited to) fingerprints, dental x-rays, body tissue samples,
photographs of tattoos, or other identifying marks. These “pre-death” records would be
compared against records completed after death to help establish a positive identification
of human remains. See also mortuary affairs. (JP 4-06)
antiaccess Action, activity, or capability, usually long-range, designed to prevent an
advancing enemy force from entering an operational area. Also called A2. (JP 3-0)
Antideficiency Act violations — The incurring of obligations or the making of expenditure
(outlays) in violation of appropriation law as to purpose, time, and amounts as specified
in the defense appropriation or appropriations of funds. (JP 1-06)
antiradiation missile — A missile which homes passively on a radiation source. Also called
ARM. See also guided missile. (JP 3-01)
antisubmarine warfare — Operations conducted with the intention of denying the enemy
the effective use of submarines. Also called ASW. (JP 3-32)
Terms and Definitions
antiterrorism — Defensive measures used to reduce the vulnerability of individuals and
property to terrorist acts, to include rapid containment by local military and civilian
forces. Also called AT. See also counterterrorism; terrorism. (JP 3-07.2)
anti-vehicle land mine A mine designed to immobilize or destroy a vehicle. Also called
AVL. (JP 3-15)
application — 1. The system or problem to which a computer is applied. 2. In the intelligence
context, the direct extraction and tailoring of information from an existing foundation of
intelligence and near real time reporting. (JP 2-0)
apportionment — In the general sense, distribution of forces and capabilities as the starting
point for planning, etc. See also allocation. (JP 5-0)
approach schedule — In amphibious operations, this schedule indicates, for each scheduled
wave, the time of departure from the rendezvous area, from the line of departure, and
from other control points and the time of arrival at the beach. (JP 3-02)
apron — A defined area on an airfield intended to accommodate aircraft for purposes of
loading or unloading passengers or cargo, refueling, parking, or maintenance. (JP 3-34)
area air defense commander — The component commander with the preponderance of air
defense capability and the required command, control, and communications capabilities
who is assigned by the joint force commander to plan and execute integrated air defense
operations. Also called AADC. (JP 3-01)
area command — A command that is composed of elements of one or more of the Services,
organized and placed under a single commander and designated to operate in a specific
geographical area. See also command. (JP 3-10)
area damage control — Measures taken before, during, or after hostile action or natural or
manmade disasters, to reduce the probability of damage and minimize its effects. Also
called ADC. (JP 3-10)
area denial Action, activity, or capability, usually short-range, designed to limit an enemy
force’s freedom of action within an operational area. Also called AD. (JP 3-0)
area of influence — A geographical area wherein a commander is directly capable of
influencing operations by maneuver or fire support systems normally under the
commander’s command or control. (JP 3-0)
area of interest — That area of concern to the commander, including the area of influence,
areas adjacent thereto, and extending into enemy territory. Also called AOI. See also
area of influence. (JP 3-0)
Terms and Definitions
area of operations — An operational area defined by a commander for land and maritime
forces that should be large enough to accomplish their missions and protect their forces.
Also called AO. See also area of responsibility; joint operations area; joint special
operations area. (JP 3-0)
area of responsibility — The geographical area associated with a combatant command
within which a geographic combatant commander has authority to plan and conduct
operations. Also called AOR. See also combatant command. (JP 1)
area search — Visual reconnaissance of limited or defined areas. (JP 3-50)
Armed Forces of the United States — A term used to denote collectively all components of
the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard (when mobilized under Title
10, United States Code, to augment the Navy). See also United States Armed Forces.
(JP 1)
arming — As applied to explosives, weapons, and ammunition, the changing from a safe
condition to a state of readiness for initiation. (JP 3-15)
arms control agreement — The written or unwritten embodiment of the acceptance of one
or more arms control measures by two or more nations. (JP 2-01)
Army air-ground system — The Army system which provides for interface between Army
and tactical air support agencies of other Services in the planning, evaluating, processing,
and coordinating of air support requirements and operations. Also called AAGS.
(JP 3-09.3)
Army corps — An intermediate headquarters between divisions and the theater army
consisting of two or more divisions together with supporting brigades. (JP 3-31)
Army Service component command — Command responsible for recommendations to the
joint force commander on the allocation and employment of Army forces within a
combatant command. Also called ASCC. (JP 3-31)
Army special operations forces — Those Active and Reserve Component Army forces
designated by the Secretary of Defense that are specifically organized, trained, and
equipped to conduct and support special operations. Also called ARSOF. (JP 3-05)
Army support area — The specific support area for a theater Army that is outside of a
division or corps’s operational area established primarily for the positioning,
employment, and protection of theater support units; and where the majority of the
sustaining operations occur. (JP 3-31)
arrival zone — In counterdrug operations, the area in or adjacent to the United States where
smuggling concludes and domestic distribution begins (by air, an airstrip; by sea, an
offload point on land, or transfer to small boats). See also
transit zone. (JP 3-07.4)
Terms and Definitions
ascent phase That portion of the flight of a ballistic missile or space vehicle that begins
after powered flight and ends just prior to apogee. (JP 3-01)
assault — 1. In an amphibious operation, the period of time between the arrival of the major
assault forces of the amphibious task force in the objective area and the accomplishment
of the amphibious task force mission. (JP 3-02) 2. To make a short, violent, but well-
ordered attack against a local objective, such as a gun emplacement, a fort, or a machine
gun nest. (JP 3-18) 3. A phase of an airborne operation beginning with delivery by air
of the assault echelon of the force into the objective area and extending through attack of
assault objectives and consolidation of the initial airhead. See also assault phase.
(JP 3-18)
assault breaching — A part of amphibious breaching in support of an amphibious assault
involving a fire support mission using precision guided munitions to neutralize mines
and obstacles in the surf zone and on the beach. (JP 3-02)
assault craft unit — A permanently commissioned naval organization, subordinate to the
commander, naval beach group, that contains landing craft and crews necessary to
provide lighterage required in an amphibious operation. Also called ACU. (JP 3-02)
assault echelon — In amphibious operations, the element of a force comprised of tailored
units and aircraft assigned to conduct the initial assault on the operational area. Also
called AE. See also amphibious operation. (JP 3-02)
assault follow-on echelon — In amphibious operations, that echelon of the assault troops,
vehicles, aircraft, equipment, and supplies that, though not needed to initiate the assault,
is required to support and sustain the assault. Also called AFOE. (JP 3-02)
assault phase — In an airborne operation, a phase beginning with delivery by air of the assault
echelon of the force into the objective area and extending through attack of assault
objectives and consolidation of the initial airhead. See also assault. (JP 3-18)
assault schedule — In amphibious operations, this schedule provides the formation,
composition, and timing of waves landing over the beach. (JP 3-02)
assessment — 1. A continuous process that measures the overall effectiveness of employing
capabilities during military operations. 2. Determination of the progress toward
accomplishing a task, creating a condition, or achieving an objective. 3. Analysis of the
security, effectiveness, and potential of an existing or planned intelligence activity. 4.
Judgment of the motives, qualifications, and characteristics of present or prospective
employees or “agents.” (JP 3-0)
assessment agent — The organization responsible for conducting an assessment of an
approved joint publication. Also called AA. (CJCSM 5120.01)
Terms and Definitions
asset validation — In intelligence use, the process used to determine the asset authenticity,
reliability, utility, suitability, and degree of control the case officer or others have.
(JP 2-01.2)
asset visibility — Provides users with information on the location, movement, status, and
identity of units, personnel, equipment, and supplies, which facilitates the capability to
act upon that information to improve overall performance of the Department of
Defense’s logistics practices. Also called AV. (JP 3-35)
assign — 1. To place units or personnel in an organization where such placement is relatively
permanent, and/or where such organization controls and administers the units or
personnel for the primary function, or greater portion of the functions, of the unit or
personnel. 2. To detail individuals to specific duties or functions where such duties or
functions are primary and/or relatively permanent. See also attach. (JP 3-0)
assumption — A supposition on the current situation or a presupposition on the future course
of events, either or both assumed to be true in the absence of positive proof, necessary to
enable the commander in the process of planning to complete an estimate of the situation
and make a decision on the course of action. (JP 5-0)
asymmetric — In military operations the application of dissimilar strategies, tactics,
capabilities, and methods to circumvent or negate an opponent’s strengths while
exploiting his weaknesses. (JP 3-15.1)
atmospheric environmentThe envelope of air surrounding the Earth, including its
interfaces and interactions with the Earth’s solid or liquid surface. (JP 3-59)
attach — 1. The placement of units or personnel in an organization where such placement is
relatively temporary. 2. The detailing of individuals to specific functions where such
functions are secondary or relatively temporary. See also assign. (JP 3-0)
attack assessment — An evaluation of information to determine the potential or actual nature
and objectives of an attack for the purpose of providing information for timely decisions.
See also damage estimation. (JP 3-14)
attack group — A subordinate task organization of the Navy forces of an amphibious task
force composed of amphibious warfare ships and supporting naval units designated to
transport, protect, land, and initially support a landing group. (JP 3-02)
attack heading — 1. The interceptor heading during the attack phase that will achieve the
desired track-crossing angle. 2. The assigned magnetic compass heading to be flown by
aircraft during the delivery phase of an air strike. (JP 3-09.3)
attack position — The last position occupied by the assault echelon before crossing the line
of departure. (JP 3-09.3)
Terms and Definitions
attack the network operations Lethal and nonlethal actions and operations against
networks conducted continuously and simultaneously at multiple levels (tactical,
operational, and strategic) that capitalize on or create key vulnerabilities and disrupt
activities to eliminate the enemy’s ability to function in order to enable success of the
operation or campaign. Also called AtN operations. (JP 3-15.1)
audience In public affairs, a broadly-defined group that contains stakeholders and/or
publics relevant to military operations. (JP 3-61)
augmentation forces — Forces to be transferred from a supporting combatant commander
to the combatant command (command authority) or operational control of a supported
combatant commander during the execution of an operation order approved by the
President and Secretary of Defense. (JP 5-0)
authentication — 1. A security measure designed to protect a communications system
against acceptance of a fraudulent transmission or simulation by establishing the validity
of a transmission, message, or originator. 2. A means of identifying individuals and
verifying their eligibility to receive specific categories of information. 3. Evidence by
proper signature or seal that a document is genuine and official. 4. In personnel recovery
missions, the process whereby the identity of an isolated person is confirmed. See also
evader; evasion; recovery operations; security. (JP 3-50)
authorization data Department of Defense military and civilian manpower and
equipment resources authorized by law. (DODI 8260.03)
authorization inventory The set of manpower and equipment authorizations associated
with one or more organization. (DODI 8260.03)
authorized departure — A procedure, short of ordered departure, by which mission
employees or dependents or both, are permitted to leave post in advance of normal
rotation when the national interests or imminent threat to life require it. (JP 3-68)
Automated Repatriation Reporting System — A Defense Manpower Data Center system
used to track the status of noncombatant evacuees after they have arrived in an initial
safe haven in the United States. (JP 3-68)
automatic identification technology — A suite of technologies enabling the automatic
capture of data, thereby enhancing the ability to identify, track, document, and control
assets (e.g., materiel), deploying and redeploying forces, equipment, personnel, and
sustainment cargo. Also called
AIT. (JP 4-09)
autonomous operation — In air defense, the mode of operation assumed by a unit after it
has lost all communications with higher echelons forcing the unit commander to assume
full responsibility for control of weapons and engagement of hostile targets. (JP 3-01)
Terms and Definitions
available-to-load date — A date specified for each unit in a time-phased force and
deployment data indicating when that unit will be ready to load at the point of
embarkation. Also called ALD. (JP 5-0)
avenue of approach — An air or ground route of an attacking force of a given size leading
to its objective or to key terrain in its path. Also called AA. (JP 2-01.3)
aviation medicine — The special field of medicine which is related to the biological and
psychological problems of flight. (JP 4-02)
Terms and Definitions
Intentionally Blank
backfill — Reserve Component units and individuals recalled to replace deploying active
units and/or individuals in the continental United States and outside the continental
United States. See also Reserve Component. (JP 4-05)
bale cubic capacity — The space available for cargo measured in cubic feet to the inside of
the cargo battens, on the frames, and to the underside of the beams. (JP 4-01.2)
ballistic missile — Any missile which does not rely upon aerodynamic surfaces to produce
lift and consequently follows a ballistic trajectory when thrust is terminated. See also
guided missile. (JP 3-01)
barrier — A coordinated series of natural or man-made obstacles designed or employed to
channel, direct, restrict, delay, or stop the movement of an opposing force and to impose
additional losses in personnel, time, and equipment on the opposing force. (JP 3-15)
barrier combat air patrol — One or more divisions or elements of fighter aircraft employed
between a force and an objective area as a barrier across the probable direction of enemy
attack. See also combat air patrol. (JP 3-01)
barrier, obstacle, and mine warfare plan — A comprehensive, coordinated plan that
includes responsibilities; general location of unspecified and specific barriers, obstacles,
and minefields; special instructions; limitations; coordination; and completion times; and
may designate locations of obstacle zones or belts. (JP 3-15)
base — 1. A locality from which operations are projected or supported. 2. An area or locality
containing installations which provide logistic or other support. 3. Home airfield or home
carrier. See also facility. (JP 4-0)
base boundary — A line that delineates the surface area of a base for the purpose of
facilitating coordination and deconfliction of operations between adjacent units,
formations, or areas. (JP 3-10)
base cluster — In base defense operations, a collection of bases, geographically grouped for
mutual protection and ease of command and control. (JP 3-10)
base cluster commander — In base defense operations, a senior base commander designated
by the joint force commander responsible for coordinating the defense of bases within
the base cluster and for integrating defense plans of bases into a base cluster defense plan.
(JP 3-10)
base cluster operations center — A command and control facility that serves as the base
cluster commander’s focal point for defense and security of the base cluster. Also called
BCOC. (JP 3-10)
Terms and Definitions
base defense — The local military measures, both normal and emergency, required to nullify
or reduce the effectiveness of enemy attacks on, or sabotage of, a base, to ensure that the
maximum capacity of its facilities is available to United States forces.
(JP 3-10)
base defense operations center — A command and control facility established by the base
commander to serve as the focal point for base security and defense. Also called BDOC.
(JP 3-10)
base defense zone — An air defense zone established around an air base and limited to the
engagement envelope of short-range air defense weapons systems defending that base.
Also called BDZ. (JP 3-52)
base development — The acquisition, development, expansion, improvement, construction
and/or replacement of the facilities and resources of a location to support forces.
(JP 3-34)
baseline costs — The continuing annual costs of military operations funded by the operations
and maintenance and military personnel appropriations. (JP 1-06)
base operating support — Directly assisting, maintaining, supplying, and distributing
support of forces at the operating location. Also called BOS. (JP 4-0)
base operating support-integrator The designated Service component or joint task force
commander assigned to synchronize all sustainment functions for a contingency base.
Also called BOS-I. (JP 4-0)
base plan — A type of operation plan that describes the concept of operations, major forces,
sustainment concept, and anticipated timelines for completing the mission without
annexes or time-phased force and deployment data. Also called BPLAN. (JP 5-0)
base support installation — A Department of Defense Service or agency installation within
the United States and its territories tasked to serve as a base for military forces engaged
in either homeland defense or defense support of civil authorities. Also called BSI.
(JP 3-28)
basic encyclopediaA compilation of identified installations and physical areas of potential
significance as objectives for attack. Also called BE. (JP 2-01)
basic load — The quantity of supplies required to be on hand within, and which can be moved
by, a unit or formation, expressed according to the wartime organization of the unit or
formation and maintained at the prescribed levels. (JP 4-09)
battalion landing teamIn an amphibious operation, an infantry battalion normally
reinforced by necessary combat and service elements; the basic unit for planning an
assault landing. Also called BLT. (JP 3-02)
Terms and Definitions
battle damage assessment — The estimate of damage composed of physical and functional
damage assessment, as well as target system assessment, resulting from the application
of lethal or nonlethal military force. Also called BDA. See also combat assessment.
(JP 3-0)
battle damage repair — Essential repair, which may be improvised, carried out rapidly in a
battle environment in order to return damaged or disabled equipment to temporary
service. Also called BDR. (JP 4-09)
battlefield coordination detachment — An Army liaison located in the air operations center
that provides selected operational functions between the Army forces and the air
component commander. Also called BCD. See also air operations center.
(JP 3-03)
battle injury — Damage or harm sustained by personnel during or as a result of battle
conditions. Also called BI. (JP 4-02)
battle management — The management of activities within the operational environment
based on the commands, direction, and guidance given by appropriate authority.
(JP 3-01)
beach — 1. The area extending from the shoreline inland to a marked change in physiographic
form or material, or to the line of permanent vegetation (coastline). 2. In amphibious
operations, that portion of the shoreline designated for landing of a tactical organization.
(JP 3-02)
beachhead — A designated area on a hostile or potentially hostile shore that, when seized
and held, ensures the continuous landing of troops and materiel, and provides maneuver
space requisite for subsequent projected operations ashore. (JP 3-02)
beachmaster unit — A commissioned naval unit of the naval beach group designed to
provide to the shore party a Navy component known as a beach party, which is capable
of supporting the amphibious landing of one division (reinforced). Also called BMU.
See also beach party; naval beach group; shore party. (JP 4-01.6)
beach party — The Navy component of the landing force support party under the tactical
control of the landing force support party commander. See also beachmaster unit;
shore party. (JP 3-02)
beach support area — In amphibious operations, the area to the rear of a landing force or
elements thereof, that contains the facilities for the unloading of troops and materiel and
the support of the forces ashore. Also called BSA. (JP 3-02)
Terms and Definitions
begin morning civil twilight — The period of time at which the sun is halfway between
beginning morning and nautical twilight and sunrise, when there is enough light to see
objects clearly with the unaided eye. Also called BMCT. (JP 2-01.3)
begin morning nautical twilight — The start of that period where, in good conditions and
in the absence of other illumination, the sun is 12 degrees below the eastern horizon and
enough light is available to identify the general outlines of ground objects and conduct
limited military operations. Also called BMNT. (JP 3-09.3)
believed-to-be In mortuary affairs, the status of any human remains until a positive
identification has been determined. Used interchangeably with tentative identification.
Also called BTB. (JP 4-06)
bill — A ship’s publication listing operational or administrative procedures. (JP 3-04)
biological agent — A microorganism (or a toxin derived from it) that causes disease in
personnel, plants, or animals or causes the deterioration of materiel. See also chemical
agent. (JP 3-11)
biological hazard — An organism, or substance derived from an organism, that poses a threat
to human or animal health. (JP 3-11)
biometrics — The process of recognizing an individual based on measurable anatomical,
physiological, and behavioral characteristics. (JP 2-0)
biometrics-enabled intelligence The intelligence derived from the processing of biologic
identity data and other all-source for information concerning persons of interest. Also
called BEI. (JP 2-0)
blister agent — A chemical agent that injures the eyes and lungs, and burns or blisters the
skin. Also called vesicant agent. (JP 3-11)
blood agent — A chemical compound, including the cyanide group, that affects bodily
functions by preventing the normal utilization of oxygen by body tissues. (JP 3-11)
blood chit — A small sheet of material depicting an American flag and a statement in several
languages to the effect that anyone assisting the bearer to safety will be rewarded. See
also evasion aid. (JP 3-50)
Blue Bark — US military personnel, US citizen civilian employees of the Department of
Defense, and the dependents of both categories who travel in connection with the death
of an immediate family member. It also applies to designated escorts for dependents of
deceased military members. Furthermore, the term is used to designate the personal
property shipment of a deceased member. (JP 4-06)
boat group — The basic organization of landing craft. (JP 3-02)
Terms and Definitions
boat lane — A lane for amphibious assault landing craft, which extends from the line of
departure to the beach. (JP 3-02)
boat space — The space and weight factor used in planning for one person with individual
equipment to determine overall ship-to-shore movement requirements for boats,
landing craft, and amphibious vehicles. (JP 3-02.1)
bona fides — 1. In personnel recovery, the use of verbal or visual communication by
individuals who are unknown to one another, to establish their authenticity, sincerity,
honesty, and truthfulness. See also evasion; recovery; recovery operations. (JP 3-50)
2. The lack of fraud or deceit: a determination that a person is who he/she says he/she is.
(JP 2-01.2)
boost phase — That portion of the flight of a ballistic missile or space vehicle during which
the booster and sustainer engines operate. See also midcourse phase; terminal phase.
(JP 3-01)
bottom mine — A mine with negative buoyancy that remains on the seabed. See also mine.
(JP 3-15)
boundary — A line that delineates surface areas for the purpose of facilitating coordination
and deconfliction of operations between adjacent units, formations, or areas. (JP 3-0)
branch — 1. A subdivision of any organization. 2. A geographically separate unit of an
activity, which performs all or part of the primary functions of the parent activity on a
smaller scale. 3. An arm or service of the Army. 4. The contingency options built into
the base plan used for changing the mission, orientation, or direction of movement of a
force to aid success of the operation based on anticipated events, opportunities, or
disruptions caused by enemy actions and reactions. See also sequel. (JP 5-0)
breakbulk ship — A ship with conventional holds for stowage of breakbulk cargo and a
limited number of containers, below or above deck, and equipped with cargo-handling
gear. (JP 4-09)
brevity code — A code word, which provides no security, that serves the sole purpose of
shortening of messages rather than the concealment of their content. (JP 3-09.3)
brigade combat team A combined arms team that forms the basic building block of the
Army’s tactical formations. Also called BCT. (JP 3-31)
broken stowage The space lost in the holds of a vessel because of the contour of the
ship, dunnage, ladders, stanchions, and the shape of the cargo. (JP 3-02.1)
broken stowage factor A factor applied to the available space for embarkation due to
the loss between boxes, between vehicles, around stanchions, and over cargo, that will
Terms and Definitions
vary, depending on the type and size of vehicles, type and size of general cargo,
training and experience of loading personnel, type of loading, method of stowage, and
configuration of compartments. (JP 3-02.1)
buddy-aid — Acute medical care (first aid) provided by a non-medical Service member to
another person. (JP 4-02)
buffer zone — 1. A defined area controlled by a peace operations force from which disputing
or belligerent forces have been excluded. Also called area of separation in some United
Nations operations. Also called BZ. See also line of demarcation; peace operations.
(JP 3-07.3) 2. A designated area used for safety in military operations. (JP 3-01)
building system — A structure assembled from manufactured components designed to
provide a specific building configuration. (JP 3-34)
bulk cargo — That which is generally shipped in volume where the transportation
conveyance is the only external container; such as liquids, ore, or grain. (JP 4-01.5)
bulk petroleum product — A liquid petroleum product transported by various means and
stored in tanks or containers having an individual fill capacity greater than 208 liters.
(JP 4-03)
bulk storage — 1. Storage in a warehouse of supplies and equipment in large quantities,
usually in original containers, as distinguished from bin storage. 2. Storage of liquids,
such as petroleum products in tanks, as distinguished from drum or packaged storage.
(JP 4-03)
cache — A source of subsistence and supplies, typically containing items such as food, water,
medical items, and/or communications equipment, packaged to prevent damage from
exposure and hidden in isolated locations by such methods as burial, concealment, and/or
submersion, to support isolated personnel. See also evader; evasion; recovery;
recovery operations. (JP 3-50)
call sign — Any combination of characters or pronounceable words, which identifies a
communication facility, a command, an authority, an activity, or a unit; used primarily
for establishing and maintaining communications. Also called CS. (JP 3-50)
campaign — A series of related major operations aimed at achieving strategic and operational
objectives within a given time and space. See also campaign plan. (JP 5-0)
campaign plan — A joint operation plan for a series of related major operations aimed at
achieving strategic or operational objectives within a given time and space. See also
campaign; campaign planning. (JP 5-0)
campaign planning — The process whereby combatant commanders and subordinate joint
force commanders translate national or theater strategy into operational concepts through
the development of an operation plan for a campaign. See also campaign; campaign
plan. (JP 5-0)
canalize — To restrict operations to a narrow zone by use of existing or reinforcing obstacles
or by fire or bombing. (JP 3-15)
candidate target list — A list of objects or entities submitted by component commanders,
appropriate agencies, or the joint force commander’s staff for further development and
inclusion on the joint target list and/or restricted target list, or moved to the no-strike list.
Also called CTL. See also joint integrated prioritized target list; target, target nomination
list. (JP 3-60)
capstone publication — The top joint doctrine publication in the hierarchy of joint
publications that links joint doctrine to national strategy and the contributions of other
government departments and agencies, multinational partners, and reinforces policy for
command and control. See also joint publication; keystone publications.
(CJCSM 5120.01)
cargo increment number — A seven-character alphanumeric field that uniquely describes a
non-unit-cargo entry (line) in the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System time-
phased force and deployment data. (JP 3-35)
carrier air wing — Two or more aircraft squadrons formed under one commander for
administrative and tactical control of operations from a carrier. Also called CVW.
(JP 3-32)
Terms and Definitions
carrier control zone — The airspace within a circular limit defined by 5 miles horizontal
radius from the carrier, extending upward from the surface to and including 2,500 feet
unless otherwise designated for special operations, and is under the cognizance of the air
officer during visual meteorological conditions. (JP 3-52)
carrier strike group — A standing naval task group consisting of a carrier, embarked air
wing, surface combatants, and submarines as assigned in direct support, operating in
mutual support with the task of destroying hostile submarine, surface, and air forces
within the group’s assigned operational area and striking at targets along hostile shore
lines or projecting power inland. Also called CSG. (JP 3-32)
cartridge-actuated device — Small explosive devices used to eject stores from launched
devices, actuate other explosive systems, or provide initiation for aircrew escape devices.
(JP 3-04)
case officer — A professional employee of an intelligence or counterintelligence
organization, who provides directions for an agent operation and/or handling intelligence
assets. (JP 2-01.2)
casualty — Any person who is lost to the organization by having been declared dead, duty
status – whereabouts unknown, missing, ill, or injured. (JP 4-02)
casualty evacuation — The unregulated movement of casualties that can include movement
both to and between medical treatment facilities. Also called CASEVAC. See also
casualty; evacuation; medical treatment facility. (JP 4-02)
casualty rate The number of casualties per 1,000 population at risk. (DODI 8620.04)
casualty receiving and treatment ship — In amphibious operations, a ship designated to
receive, provide treatment for, and transfer casualties. Also called CRTS. (JP 3-02)
catastrophic event — Any natural or man-made incident, including terrorism, which results
in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the
population, infrastructure, environment, economy, national morale, and/or government
functions. (JP 3-28)
causeway — A craft similar in design to a barge, but longer and narrower, designed to assist
in the discharge and transport of cargo from vessels. (JP 4-01.6)
causeway launching area — An area located near the line of departure but clear of the
approach lanes to an area located in the inner transport area. (JP 3-02)
C-day — The unnamed day on which a deployment operation commences or is to commence.
(JP 5-0)
Terms and Definitions
cell — A subordinate organization formed around a specific process, capability, or activity
within a designated larger organization of a joint force commander’s headquarters.
(JP 3-33)
center — An enduring functional organization, with a supporting staff, designed to perform
a joint function within a joint force commander’s headquarters. (JP 3-33)
center of gravity — The source of power that provides moral or physical strength, freedom
of action, or will to act. Also called COG. See also decisive point. (JP 5-0)
centigray — A unit of absorbed dose of radiation (one centigray equals one rad). (JP 3-11)
central control officer — The officer, embarked in the central control ship, designated by
the amphibious task force commander for the overall coordination of the waterborne
ship-to-shore movement. Also called CCO. (JP 3-02)
centralized control — 1. In air defense, the control mode whereby a higher echelon makes
direct target assignments to fire units. (JP 3-01) 2. In joint air operations, placing within
one commander the responsibility and authority for planning, directing, and coordinating
a military operation or group/category of operations. See also decentralized control.
(JP 3-30)
chaff — Radar confusion reflectors, consisting of thin, narrow metallic strips of various
lengths and frequency responses, which are used to reflect echoes for confusion purposes.
(JP 3-13.1)
chain of command — The succession of commanding officers from a superior to a
subordinate through which command is exercised. Also called command channel.
(JP 1)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction —
A document for all types of
correspondence containing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff policy and guidance that
does not involve the employment of forces, which is of indefinite duration and is applicable
to external agencies, or both the Joint Staff and external agencies.
Also called CJCSI. See
also Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual. (CJCSM 5120.01)
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual — A document containing detailed
procedures for performing specific tasks that do not involve the employment of forces,
which is of indefinite duration and is applicable to external agencies or both the Joint
Staff and external agencies. Also called CJCSM. See also Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff instruction. (CJCSM 5120.01)
chalk number — The number given to a complete load and to the transporting carrier.
(JP 3-17)
Terms and Definitions
change detection — An image enhancement technique that compares two images of the same
area from different time periods and eliminates identical picture elements in order to
leave the signatures that have undergone change. (JP 2-03)
channel airlift — Airlift provided for movement of sustainment cargo, scheduled either
regularly or depending upon volume of workload, between designated ports of
embarkation and ports of debarkation over validated contingency or distribution routes.
(JP 3-17)
chemical agent — A chemical substance that is intended for use in military operations to kill,
seriously injure, or incapacitate mainly through its physiological effects. See also
chemical warfare; riot control agent. (JP 3-11)
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defense — Measures taken to minimize or
negate the vulnerabilities to, and/or effects of, a chemical, biological, radiological, or
nuclear hazard or incident. Also called CBRN defense. (JP 3-11)
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear environment — An operational
environment that includes chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats and
hazards and their potential resulting effects. Also called CBRN environment.
(JP 3-11)
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazard — Chemical, biological,
radiological, and nuclear elements that could create adverse effects due to an accidental
or deliberate release and dissemination. Also called CBRN hazard. (JP 3-11)
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incident — Any occurrence, resulting from
the use of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons and devices; the
emergence of secondary hazards arising from counterforce targeting; or the release of
toxic industrial materials into the environment, involving the emergence of chemical,
biological, radiological and nuclear hazards. (JP 3-11)
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapon — A fully engineered assembly
designed for employment to cause the release of a chemical or biological agent or
radiological material onto a chosen target or to generate a nuclear detonation. Also called
CBRN weapon. (JP 3-11)
chemical hazard — Any chemical manufactured, used, transported, or stored that can cause
death or other harm through toxic properties of those materials, including chemical
agents and chemical weapons prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention as
well as toxic industrial chemicals. (JP 3-11)
chemical warfare — All aspects of military operations involving the employment of lethal
and incapacitating munitions/agents and the warning and protective measures associated
with such offensive operations. Also called CW. See also chemical agent; chemical
weapon; riot control agent.
(JP 3-11)
Terms and Definitions
chemical weapon — Together or separately, (a) a toxic chemical and its precursors, except
when intended for a purpose not prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention; (b)
a munition or device, specifically designed to cause death or other harm through toxic
properties of those chemicals specified in (a), above, which would be released as a result of
the employment of such munition or device; (c) any equipment specifically designed for
use directly in connection with the employment of munitions or devices specified in (b),
above. See also chemical agent; chemical warfare; riot control agent. (JP 3-11)
chief of fires The senior organic fires Army staff officer at division and higher
headquarters level who advises the commander on the best use of available fire support
resources, provides input to necessary orders, and develops and implements the fire
support plan. Also called COF. (JP 3-09)
chief of mission — The principal officer in charge of a diplomatic facility of the United States,
including any individual temporarily assigned to be in charge of such a facility. Also
called COM. (JP 3-08)
chief of staff — The senior or principal member or head of a staff who acts as the controlling
member of a staff for purposes of the coordination of its work or to exercise command
in another’s name. Also called COS. (JP 3-33)
civil administration — An administration established by a foreign government in (1) friendly
territory, under an agreement with the government of the area concerned, to exercise
certain authority normally the function of the local government; or (2) hostile territory,
occupied by United States forces, where a foreign government exercises executive,
legislative, and judicial authority until an indigenous civil government can be established.
Also called CA. (JP 3-05)
civil affairs — Designated Active and Reserve Component forces and units organized, trained,
and equipped specifically to conduct civil affairs operations and to support civil-military
operations. Also called CA. See also civil-military operations. (JP 3-57)
civil affairs operations — Actions planned, executed, and assessed by civil affairs forces that
enhance awareness of and manage the interaction with the civil component of the
operational environment; identify and mitigate underlying causes of instability within
civil society; or involve the application of functional specialty skills normally the
responsibility of civil government. Also called CAO. (JP 3-57)
civil augmentation program — Standing, long-term external support contacts designed to
augment Service logistic capabilities with contracted support in both preplanned and
short notice contingencies. Also called CAP. See also contingency; contingency
contract; external support contract. (JP 4-10)
civil authorities — Those elected and appointed officers and employees who constitute the
government of the United States, the governments of the 50 states, the District of
Terms and Definitions
Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, United States territories, and political
subdivisions thereof. (JP 3-28)
civil authority information support The use of military information support operations
capabilities to conduct public information dissemination activities to support national
security or disaster relief operations within the United States and its territories in support
of a lead federal agency. Also called CAIS. (JP 3-13.2)
civil emergency — Any occasion or instance for which, in the determination of the President,
federal assistance is needed to supplement state and local efforts and capabilities to save
lives and to protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat
of a catastrophe in any part of the United States. (JP 3-28)
civilian internee — A civilian who is interned during armed conflict, occupation, or other
military operation for security reasons, for protection, or because he or she committed an
offense against the detaining power. Also called CI. (DODD 2310.01E)
civil information — Relevant data relating to the civil areas, structures, capabilities,
organizations, people, and events of the civil component of the operational environment
used to support the situational awareness of the supported commander. (JP 3-57)
civil information management — Process whereby data relating to the civil component
of the operational environment is gathered, collated, processed, analyzed, produced
into information products, and disseminated. Also called CIM. (JP 3-57)
civil-military medicine — A discipline within operational medicine comprising public health
and medical issues that involve a civil-military interface (foreign or domestic), including
military medical support to civil authorities (domestic), medical elements of cooperation
activities, and medical civil-military operations. (JP 4-02)
civil-military operations — Activities of a commander performed by designated civil affairs
or other military forces that establish, maintain, influence, or exploit relations between
military forces, indigenous populations, and institutions, by directly supporting the
attainment of objectives relating to the reestablishment or maintenance of stability within
a region or host nation. Also called CMO. See also civil affairs; operation. (JP 3-57)
civil-military operations center — An organization, normally comprised of civil affairs,
established to plan and facilitate coordination of activities of the Armed Forces of the
United States within indigenous populations and institutions, the private sector,
intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations, multinational forces,
and other governmental agencies in support of the joint force commander. Also called
CMOC. See also civil-military operations; operation. (JP 3-57)
civil-military team — A temporary organization of civilian and military personnel task-
organized to provide an optimal mix of capabilities and expertise to accomplish
specific operational and planning tasks. (JP 3-57)
Terms and Definitions
civil reconnaissance — A targeted, planned, and coordinated observation and evaluation
of specific civil aspects of the environment such as areas, structures, capabilities,
organizations, people, or events. Also called CR. (JP 3-57)
Civil Reserve Air Fleet — A program in which the Department of Defense contracts for the
services of specific aircraft, owned by a United States entity or citizen, during national
emergencies and defense-oriented situations when expanded civil augmentation of military
airlift activity is required. Also called CRAF. See also reserve. (JP 3-17)
civil search and rescue Search and/or rescue operations and associated civilian services
provided to assist persons in potential or actual distress and protect property in a
nonhostile environment. Also called civil SAR. (JP 3-50)
clandestine — Any activity or operation sponsored or conducted by governmental
departments or agencies with the intent to assure secrecy and concealment. (JP 2-01.2)
clandestine operation — An operation sponsored or conducted by governmental
departments or agencies in such a way as to assure secrecy or concealment. See also
covert operation; overt operation. (JP 3-05)
classes of supply — The ten categories into which supplies are grouped in order to facilitate
supply management and planning. I. Rations and gratuitous issue of health, morale, and
welfare items. II. Clothing, individual equipment, tentage, tool sets, and administrative
and housekeeping supplies and equipment. III. Petroleum, oils, and lubricants. IV.
Construction materials. V. Ammunition. VI. Personal demand items. VII. Major end
items, including tanks, helicopters, and radios. VIII. Medical. IX. Repair parts and
components for equipment maintenance. X. Nonstandard items to support nonmilitary
programs such as agriculture and economic development. See also petroleum, oils, and
lubricants. (JP 4-09)
classification — The determination that official information requires, in the interests of
national security, a specific degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure, coupled
with a designation signifying that such a determination has been made. See also security
classification. (JP 2-01.2)
classified information — Official information that has been determined to require, in the
interests of national security, protection against unauthorized disclosure and which has
been so designated. (JP 2-01.2)
clearance capacity — An estimate expressed in agreed upon units of cargo measurement per
day of the cargo or people that may be transported inland from a beach or port over the
available means of inland communication, including roads, railroads, airlift, and inland
waterways. See also throughput capacity. (JP 4-01.5)
Terms and Definitions
clearance decontamination — The final level of decontamination that provides the
decontamination of equipment and personnel to a level that allows unrestricted
transportation, maintenance, employment, and disposal. (JP 3-11)
clearing operation — An operation designed to clear or neutralize all mines and obstacles
from a route or area. (JP 3-15)
climate change — Variations in average weather conditions that persist over multiple
decades or longer that encompass increases and decreases in temperature, shifts in
precipitation, and changing risk of certain types of severe weather events.
(DODD 4715.21)
close air support — Air action by manned or unmanned fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft
against hostile targets that are in close proximity to friendly forces and that require
detailed integration of each air mission with the fire and movement of those forces. Also
called CAS. See also air interdiction. (JP 3-0)
close support — The action of the supporting force against targets or objectives that are
sufficiently near the supported force as to require detailed integration or coordination of
the supporting action. See also direct support; general support; mutual support;
support. (JP 3-31)
close support area — Those parts of the ocean operating areas nearest to, but not necessarily
in, the objective area. (JP 3-02)
closure — In transportation, the process of a unit’s arriving at a specified location.
(JP 4-01.5)
coalition — An arrangement between two or more nations for common action. See also
alliance; multinational. (JP 5-0)
coastal sea control — The employment of forces to ensure the unimpeded use of an offshore
coastal area by friendly forces and, as appropriate, to deny the use of the area to enemy
forces. (JP 3-10)
code word — 1. A word that has been assigned a classification and a classified meaning to
safeguard intentions and information regarding a classified plan or operation. 2. A
cryptonym used to identify sensitive intelligence data. (JP 3-50)
collateral damage — Unintentional or incidental injury or damage to persons or objects that
would not be lawful military targets in the circumstances ruling at the time.
(JP 3-60)
collection — In intelligence usage, the acquisition of information and the provision of this
information to processing elements. See also intelligence process. (JP 2-01)
Terms and Definitions
collection agency — Any individual, organization, or unit that has access to sources of
information and the capability of collecting information from them. See also agency.
(JP 2-01)
collection asset — A collection system, platform, or capability that is supporting, assigned,
or attached to a particular commander. See also collection. (JP 2-01)
collection management — In intelligence usage, the process of converting intelligence
requirements into collection requirements, establishing priorities, tasking or coordinating
with appropriate collection sources or agencies, monitoring results, and retasking, as
required. See also collection; collection requirement; collection requirements
management; intelligence; intelligence process. (JP 2-0)
collection manager — An individual with responsibility for the timely and efficient tasking
of organic collection resources and the development of requirements for theater and
national assets that could satisfy specific information needs in support of the mission.
Also called CM. See also collection. (JP 2-01)
collection operations management — The authoritative direction, scheduling, and control
of specific collection operations and associated processing, exploitation, and reporting
resources. Also called COM. See also collection management; collection
requirements management. (JP 2-0)
collection plan — A systematic scheme to optimize the employment of all available
collection capabilities and associated processing, exploitation, and dissemination
resources to satisfy specific information requirements. See also information
requirements; intelligence process. (JP 2-0)
collection planning — A continuous process that coordinates and integrates the efforts of all
collection units and agencies. See also collection. (JP 2-0)
collection point — A point designated for the assembly of personnel casualties, stragglers,
disabled materiel, salvage, etc., for further movement to collecting stations or rear
installations. Also called CP. (JP 4-06)
collection posture The current status of collection assets and resources to satisfy identified
information requirements. (JP 2-0)
collection requirement — A valid need to close a specific gap in intelligence holdings in
direct response to a request for information. (JP 2-0)
collection requirements management — The authoritative development and control of
collection, processing, exploitation, and/or reporting requirements that normally result
in either the direct tasking of requirements to units over which the commander has
authority, or the generation of tasking requests to collection management authorities
at a higher, lower, or lateral echelon to accomplish the collection mission. Also called
Terms and Definitions
CRM. See also collection; collection management; collection operations
(JP 2-0)
collection resource — A collection system, platform, or capability that is not assigned or
attached to a specific unit or echelon which must be requested and coordinated through
the chain of command. See also collection management. (JP 2-01)
collection strategy An analytical approach used by collection managers to determine
which intelligence disciplines can be applied to satisfy information requirements.
(JP 2-0)
collective protection — The protection provided to a group of individuals that permits
relaxation of individual chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear protection. Also
called COLPRO. (JP 3-11)
colored beach — That portion of usable coastline sufficient for the assault landing of a
regimental landing team or similar sized unit. See also numbered beach. (JP 3-02)
combat air patrol — An aircraft patrol provided over an objective area, the force protected,
the critical area of a combat zone, or in an air defense area, for the purpose of intercepting
and destroying hostile aircraft before they reach their targets. Also called CAP. See also
airborne alert; barrier combat air patrol; rescue combat air patrol. (JP 3-01)
combat and operational stress — The expected and predictable emotional, intellectual,
physical, and/or behavioral reactions of an individual who has been exposed to stressful
events in war or stability operations. (JP 4-02)
combat and operational stress control — Programs developed and actions taken by military
leadership to prevent, identify, and manage adverse combat and operational stress
reactions in units; optimize mission performance; conserve fighting strength; prevent or
minimize adverse effects of combat and operational stress on members’ physical,
psychological, intellectual and social health; and to return the unit or Service member to
duty expeditiously. (JP 4-02)
combatant command — A unified or specified command with a broad continuing mission
under a single commander established and so designated by the President, through the
Secretary of Defense and with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff. Also called CCMD. See also specified combatant command; unified
command. (JP 1)
combatant command chaplain — The senior chaplain assigned to the staff of, or designated
by, the combatant commander to provide advice on religion, ethical, and moral issues,
and morale of assigned personnel and to coordinate religious ministries within the
combatant commander’s area of responsibility. See also command chaplain; religious
support; religious support team. (JP 1-05)
Terms and Definitions
combatant command (command authority) — Nontransferable command authority, which
cannot be delegated, of a combatant commander to perform those functions of command
over assigned forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces;
assigning tasks; designating objectives; and giving authoritative direction over all aspects
of military operations, joint training, and logistics necessary to accomplish the missions
assigned to the command. Also called COCOM. See also combatant command;
combatant commander; operational control; tactical control. (JP 1)
combatant commander — A commander of one of the unified or specified combatant
commands established by the President. Also called CCDR. See also combatant
command; specified combatant command; unified combatant command. (JP 3-0)
combatant commander logistic procurement support board — A combatant commander-
level joint board established to ensure that contracting support and other sources of
support are properly synchronized across the entire area of responsibility. Also called
CLPSB. See also joint requirements review board; joint contracting support board.
(JP 4-10)
combatant command support agent The Secretary of a Military Department to whom
the Secretary of Defense or the Deputy Secretary of Defense has assigned administrative
and logistical support of the headquarters of a combatant command, United States
Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command, or subordinate unified
command. The nature and scope of the combatant command support agent
responsibilities, functions, and authorities shall be prescribed at the time of assignment
or in keeping with existing agreements and practices, and they shall remain in effect until
the Secretary of Defense or the Deputy Secretary of Defense revokes, supersedes, or
modifies them. (DODD 5100.03)
combat assessment — The determination of the overall effectiveness of force employment
during military operations. Combat assessment is composed of three major components:
(a) battle damage assessment; (b) munitions effectiveness assessment; and (c) reattack
recommendation. Also called CA. See also battle damage assessment; munitions
effectiveness assessment; reattack recommendation. (JP 3-60)
combat camera — Specially-trained expeditionary forces from Service-designated units
capable of providing high-quality directed visual information during military operations.
Also called COMCAM. See also visual information. (JP 3-61)
combat cargo officer — A Marine Corps embarkation/mobility officer permanently assigned
to amphibious warfare ships or naval staffs, as an adviser to and representative of the
naval commander in matters pertaining to embarkation and debarkation of troops, their
supplies, and equipment. Also called CCO. See also embarkation officer. (JP 3-02.1)
Terms and Definitions
combat chart — A special naval chart, at a scale of 1:50,000, designed for naval surface fire
support and close air support during coastal or amphibious operations and showing
detailed hydrography and topography in the coastal belt. (JP 2-03)
combat control team — A task-organized team of special operations forces who are certified
air traffic controllers that are trained and equipped to deploy into hostile environments to
establish and control assault zones and airfields. Also called CCT. (JP 3-17)
combat engineering — Engineering capabilities and activities that directly support the
maneuver of land combat forces that require close and integrated support. (JP 3-34)
combat identification — The process of attaining an accurate characterization of detected
objects in the operational environment sufficient to support an engagement decision.
Also called CID. (JP 3-09)
combat information — Unevaluated data, gathered by or provided directly to the tactical
commander which, due to its highly perishable nature or the criticality of the situation,
cannot be processed into tactical intelligence in time to satisfy the user’s tactical
intelligence requirements. (JP 2-01)
combat information center — The agency in a ship or aircraft manned and equipped to
collect, display, evaluate, and disseminate tactical information for the use of the
embarked flag officer, commanding officer, and certain control agencies. Also called
CIC. (JP 3-04)
combating terrorism — Actions, including antiterrorism and counterterrorism, taken to
oppose terrorism throughout the entire threat spectrum. Also called CbT. See also
antiterrorism; counterterrorism. (JP 3-26)
combat loading — The arrangement of personnel and the stowage of equipment and supplies
in a manner designed to conform to the anticipated tactical operation of the organization
embarked. (JP 3-02)
combat organizational loading A method of loading by which a unit with its equipment
and initial supplies is loaded into a single ship, together with other units, in such a manner
as to be available for unloading in a predetermined order. (JP 3-02.1)
combat power — The total means of destructive and/or disruptive force that a military
unit/formation can apply against the opponent at a given time. (JP 3-0)
combat search and rescue — The tactics, techniques, and procedures performed by forces
to effect the recovery of isolated personnel during combat. Also called CSAR. See also
search and rescue. (JP 3-50)
Terms and Definitions
combat service support — The essential capabilities, functions, activities, and tasks
necessary to sustain all elements of all operating forces in theater at all levels of war.
Also called CSS. See also combat support. (JP 4-0)
combat service support area — An area ashore that is organized to contain the necessary
supplies, equipment, installations, and elements to provide the landing force with combat
service support throughout the operation. Also called CSSA. (JP 3-02)
combat spread loading A method of combat loading by which some of the troops,
equipment, and initial supplies of a unit are loaded in one ship and the remainder are
loaded in one or more others. (JP 3-02.1)
combat supportFire support and operational assistance provided to combat elements.
Also called CS. See also combat service support. (JP 4-0)
combat support agency — A Department of Defense agency so designated by Congress or
the Secretary of Defense that supports military combat operations. Also called CSA.
(JP 5-0)
combat surveillance — A continuous, all-weather, day-and-night, systematic watch over the
battle area in order to provide timely information for tactical combat operations.
(JP 3-01)
combat unit loading A method of loading by which all or a part of a combat unit, such as
an assault battalion landing team, is completely loaded in a single ship, with essential
combat equipment and supplies, in such a manner as to be immediately available to
support the tactical plan upon debarkation, and to provide a maximum of flexibility to
meet possible changes in the tactical plan. (JP 3-02.1)
combined — A term identifying two or more forces or agencies of two or more allies
operating together. See also joint. (JP 3-16)
combined arms team — The full integration and application of two or more arms or elements
of one Service into an operation. (JP 3-18)
command — 1. The authority that a commander in the armed forces lawfully exercises over
subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment. 2. An order given by a commander; that
is, the will of the commander expressed for the purpose of bringing about a particular
action. 3. A unit or units, an organization, or an area under the command of one
individual. See also
area command; combatant command; combatant command
(command authority). (JP 1)
command and control — The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated
commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission.
Also called C2. (JP 1)
Terms and Definitions
command and control system — The facilities, equipment, communications, procedures,
and personnel essential for a commander to plan, direct, and control operations of
assigned and attached forces pursuant to the missions assigned. (JP 6-0)
command chaplain — The senior chaplain assigned to or designated by a commander of a
staff, command, or unit. See also combatant command chaplain; religious support.
(JP 1-05)
commander, amphibious task force — The Navy officer designated in the initiating directive
as the commander of the amphibious task force. Also called CATF. See also amphibious
operation; amphibious task force; commander, landing force. (JP 3-02)
commander, landing force — The officer designated in the initiating directive as the
commander of the landing force for an amphibious operation. Also called CLF. See
also amphibious operation; commander, amphibious task force; landing force.
(JP 3-02)
commander’s communication synchronization — A process to coordinate and synchronize
narratives, themes, messages, images, operations, and actions to ensure their integrity
and consistency to the lowest tactical level across all relevant communication activities.
Also called CCS. (JP 3-61)
commander’s critical information requirement — An information requirement identified
by the commander as being critical to facilitating timely decision making. Also called
CCIR. See also information requirements; intelligence; priority intelligence
requirement. (JP 3-0)
commander’s estimate — A developed course of action designed to provide the Secretary
of Defense with military options to meet a potential contingency. (JP 5-0)
commander’s intent — A clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and
the desired military end state that supports mission command, provides focus to the staff,
and helps subordinate and supporting commanders act to achieve the commander’s
desired results without further orders, even when the operation does not unfold as
planned. See also assessment; end state. (JP 3-0)
commander’s required delivery date — The original date relative to C-day, specified by
the combatant commander for arrival of forces or cargo at the destination; shown in the
time-phased force and deployment data to assess the impact of later arrival. (JP 5-0)
command information —
Communication by a military organization directed to the internal
audience that creates an awareness of the organization’s goals, informs them of
significant developments affecting them and the organization, increases their
effectiveness as ambassadors of the organization, and keeps them informed about what
is going on in the organization. Also called internal information. See also command;
public affairs. (JP 3-61)
Terms and Definitions
commanding officer of troops — On a ship that has embarked units, a designated officer
(usually the senior embarking unit commander) who is responsible for the
administration, discipline, and training of all embarked units. Also called COT.
(JP 3-02)
command net — A communications network that connects an echelon of command with
some or all of its subordinate echelons for the purpose of command and control.
(JP 3-09.3)
command relationships — The interrelated responsibilities between commanders, as well as
the operational authority exercised by commanders in the chain of command; defined
further as combatant command (command authority), operational control, tactical
control, or support. See also chain of command; combatant command (command
authority); command; operational control; support; tactical control. (JP 1)
command-sponsored dependent — A dependent entitled to travel to overseas commands at
government expense and endorsed by the appropriate military commander to be present
in a dependent’s status. (JP 3-68)
command structure The organizational hierarchy through which administrative
leadership or operational authority is exercised. (DODI 8260.03)
commercial items — Articles of supply readily available from established commercial
distribution sources which the Department of Defense or inventory managers in the
Military Services have designated to be obtained directly or indirectly from such sources.
(JP 4-06)
commercial vehicle — A vehicle that has evolved in the commercial market to meet civilian
requirements and which is selected from existing production lines for military use.
(JP 4-06)
commit — The process of assigning one or more aircraft or surface-to-air missile units to
prepare to engage an entity, prior to authorizing such engagement. (JP 3-01)
commodity loading —A method of loading in which various types of cargoes are loaded
together, such as ammunition, rations, or boxed vehicles, in order that each commodity
can be discharged without disturbing the others. See also combat loading. (JP 3-02.1)
commonality — A quality that applies to materiel or systems: a. possessing like and
interchangeable characteristics enabling each to be utilized, or operated and maintained,
by personnel trained on the others without additional specialized training; b. having
interchangeable repair parts and/or components; and c. applying to consumable items
interchangeably equivalent without adjustment. (JP 6-0)
Terms and Definitions
common item — 1. Any item of materiel that is required for use by more than one activity.
2. A term loosely used to denote any consumable item except repair parts or other
technical items. 3. Any item of materiel that is procured for, owned by (Service stock),
or used by any Military Department of the Department of Defense and is also required
to be furnished to a recipient country under the grant-aid Military Assistance Program.
4. Readily available commercial items. 5. Items used by two or more Military Services
of similar manufacture or fabrication that may vary between the Services as to color or
shape (as vehicles or clothing). 6. Any part or component that is required in the assembly
of two or more complete end-items. (JP 4-01.5)
common operating environment — Automation services that support the development of
the common reusable software modules that enable interoperability across multiple
combat support applications. Also called COE. (JP 4-01.2)
common operational picture — A single identical display of relevant information shared by
more than one command that facilitates collaborative planning and assists all echelons to
achieve situational awareness. Also called COP. (JP 3-0)
common servicing — Functions performed by one Service in support of another for which
reimbursement is not required. (JP 3-34)
common tactical picture — An accurate and complete display of relevant tactical data that
integrates tactical information from the multi-tactical data link network, ground network,
intelligence network, and sensor networks. Also called CTP. (JP 3-01)
common use — Services, materiel, or facilities provided by a Department of Defense agency
or a Military Department on a common basis for two or more Department of Defense
agencies, elements, or other organizations as directed. (JP 4-01.5)
common-use container — Any Department of Defense-owned, -leased, or -controlled 20-
or 40-foot International Organization for Standardization container managed by United
States Transportation Command as an element of the Department of Defense common-
use container system. See also component-owned container; Service-unique
container. (JP 4-09)
common-user airlift service — The airlift service provided on a common basis for all
Department of Defense agencies and, as authorized, for other agencies of the United
States Government. (JP 3-17)
common-user item — An item of an interchangeable nature that is in common use by two or
more nations or Services of a nation. (JP 4-0)
common-user land transportation — Point-to-point land transportation service operated by
a single Service for common use by two or more Services. Also called CULT.
(JP 4-01.5)
Terms and Definitions
common-user logistics — Materiel or service support shared with or provided by two or
more Services, Department of Defense agencies, or multinational partners to another
Service, Department of Defense agency, non-Department of Defense agency, and/or
multinational partner in an operation. Also called CUL. See also common use.
(JP 4-09)
common-user network — A system of circuits or channels allocated to furnish
communication paths between switching centers to provide communication service on a
common basis to all connected stations or subscribers. (JP 3-33)
common-user ocean terminal — A military installation, part of a military installation, or a
commercial facility operated under contract or arrangement by the Military Surface
Deployment and Distribution Command that regularly provides for two or more Services
terminal functions of receipt, transit storage or staging, processing, and loading and
unloading of passengers or cargo aboard ships. (JP 4-01.2)
common-user sealift — The sealift services provided by the Military Sealift Command on a
common basis for all Department of Defense agencies and, as authorized, for other
departments and agencies of the United States Government. See also Military Sealift
Command; transportation component command. (JP 4-01.2)
common-user transportation — Transportation and transportation services provided on a
common basis for two or more Department of Defense agencies and, as authorized, non-
Department of Defense agencies. See also common use. (JP 4-01.2)
communications intelligence — Technical information and intelligence derived from
foreign communications by other than the intended recipients. Also called COMINT.
(JP 2-0)
communications network — An organization of stations capable of intercommunications,
but not necessarily on the same channel. Also called COMNET. (JP 6-0)
communications security — The protection resulting from all measures designed to deny
unauthorized persons information of value that might be derived from the possession and
study of telecommunications, or to mislead unauthorized persons in their interpretation
of the results of such possession and study. Also called COMSEC. (JP 6-0)
communications security material — All documents, devices, equipment, apparatus, and
cryptomaterial used in establishing or maintaining secure communications. (JP 4-01.6)
community engagement Public affairs activities that support the relationship between
military and civilian communities. (JP 3-61)
competing observable Within military deception, any observable that contradicts the
deception story, casts doubt on, or diminishes the impact of one or more required or
supporting observables. (JP 3-13.4)
Terms and Definitions
completeness — The joint operation plan review criterion for assessing whether operation
plans incorporate major operations and tasks to be accomplished and to what degree they
include forces required, deployment concept, employment concept, sustainment concept,
time estimates for achieving objectives, description of the end state, mission success
criteria, and mission termination criteria. (JP 5-0)
complex catastrophe — Any natural or man-made incident, including cyberspace attack,
power grid failure, and terrorism, which results in cascading failures of multiple,
interdependent, critical, life-sustaining infrastructure sectors and caused extraordinary
levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the population,
environment, economy, public health, national morale, response efforts, and/or
government functions. (DepSecDef Memo OSD001185-13)
component — 1. One of the subordinate organizations that constitute a joint force. (JP 1) 2.
In logistics, a part or combination of parts having a specific function, which can be
installed or replaced only as an entity. See also functional component command;
Service component command. (JP 4-0)
component-owned container — A 20- or 40-foot International Organization for
Standardization container procured and owned by a single Department of Defense
component. Also called Service-unique container. See also common-use container.
(JP 4-09)
composite warfare commander — An officer to whom the officer in tactical command of a
naval task organization may delegate authority to conduct some or all of the offensive
and defensive functions of the force. Also called CWC. (JP 3-32)
compromise — The known or suspected exposure of clandestine personnel, installations, or
other assets or of classified information or material, to an unauthorized person.
(JP 2-01.2)
concept of intelligence operations — Within the Department of Defense, a verbal or graphic
statement, in broad outline, of an intelligence directorate’s assumptions or intent in regard
to intelligence support of an operation or series of operations. See also concept of
operations. (JP 2-0)
concept of logistic support — A verbal or graphic statement, in a broad outline, of how a
commander intends to support and integrate with a concept of operations in an operation
or campaign. Also called COLS. (JP 4-0)
concept of operations — A verbal or graphic statement that clearly and concisely expresses
what the joint force commander intends to accomplish and how it will be done using
available resources. Also called CONOPS. (JP 5-0)
concept plan — In the context of joint operation planning level 3 planning detail, an operation
plan in an abbreviated format that may require considerable expansion or alteration to
Terms and Definitions
convert it into a complete operation plan or operation order. Also called CONPLAN.
See also operation plan. (JP 5-0)
condition — 1. Those variables of an operational environment or situation in which a unit,
system, or individual is expected to operate and may affect performance. 2. A physical
or behavioral state of a system that is required for the achievement of an objective. See
also joint mission-essential tasks. (JP 3-0)
conduits Within military deception, information or intelligence gateways to the deception
target, such as foreign intelligence entities, intelligence collection platforms, open-source
intelligence, and foreign and domestic news media. (JP 3-13.4)
confidential — Security classification that shall be applied to information, the unauthorized
disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the national security
that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe. (EO 13526)
configuration management — A discipline applying technical and administrative direction
and surveillance to: (1) identify and document the functional and physical characteristics
of a configuration item; (2) control changes to those characteristics; and (3) record and
report changes to processing and implementation status. (JP 6-0)
conflict prevention — A peace operation employing complementary diplomatic, civil, and,
when necessary, military means, to monitor and identify the causes of conflict, and take
timely action to prevent the occurrence, escalation, or resumption of hostilities.
(JP 3-07.3)
constellation — A system consisting of a number of like satellites acting in concert to perform
a specific mission. See also Global Positioning System. (JP 3-14)
constraint — In the context of joint operation planning, a requirement placed on the
command by a higher command that dictates an action, thus restricting freedom of action.
See also operational limitation; restraint. (JP 5-0)
consumer — Person or agency that uses information or intelligence produced by either its
own staff or other agencies. (JP 2-01)
consumption rate — The average quantity of an item consumed or expended during a given
time interval, expressed in quantities by the most appropriate unit of measurement per
applicable stated basis. (JP 4-05)
contact mine — A mine detonated by physical contact. See also mine. (JP 3-15)
contact point — 1. In land warfare, a point on the terrain, easily identifiable, where two or
more units are required to make contact. (JP 3-50) 2. In air operations, the position at
which a mission leader makes radio contact with an air control agency. (JP 3-09.3) 3.
Terms and Definitions
In personnel recovery, a location where isolated personnel can establish contact with
recovery forces. Also called CP. See also control point. (JP 3-50)
contact procedure — Predesignated actions taken by isolated personnel and recovery forces
that permit link-up between the two parties in hostile territory. See also evader.
(JP 3-50)
container — An article of transport equipment that meets American National Standards
Institute/International Organization for Standardization standards that is designed to
facilitate and optimize the carriage of goods by one or more modes of transportation
without intermediate handling of the contents. (JP 4-01)
container control officer — A designated official (E6 or above or civilian equivalent) within
a command, installation, or activity who is responsible for control, reporting, use, and
maintenance of all Department of Defense-owned and controlled intermodal containers
and equipment from time received until dispatched. Also called CCO. (JP 4-09)
container-handling equipment — Items of materials-handling equipment required to
specifically receive, maneuver, and dispatch International Organization for
Standardization containers. Also called CHE. (JP 4-09)
container management — Planning, organizing, directing, and executing functions and
responsibilities required to provide effective use of Department of Defense and Military
Department owned, leased, or controlled International Organization for Standardization
containers. (JP 4-09)
containership — A ship, usually non-self-sustaining, specially constructed and equipped to
carry only containers without associated equipment, in all available cargo spaces, either
below or above deck. (JP 4-09)
contaminated remains — Remains of personnel which have absorbed or upon which have
been deposited radioactive material, or biological or chemical agents. See also mortuary
affairs. (JP 4-06)
contamination — 1. The deposit, absorption, or adsorption of radioactive material, or of
biological or chemical agents on or by structures, areas, personnel, or objects. Also called
fallout radiation. 2. Food and/or water made unfit for consumption by humans or
animals because of the presence of environmental chemicals, radioactive elements,
bacteria or organisms, the byproduct of the growth of bacteria or organisms, the
decomposing material or waste in the food or water. (JP 3-11)
contamination avoidance — Individual and/or unit measures taken to reduce the effects of
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazards. (JP 3-11)
contamination control — A combination of preparatory and responsive measures designed
to limit the vulnerability of forces to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and toxic
Terms and Definitions
industrial hazards and to avoid, contain, control exposure to, and, where possible,
neutralize them. See also biological agent; chemical agent; contamination. (JP 3-11)
contamination mitigation — The planning and actions taken to prepare for, respond to, and
recover from contamination associated with all chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear threats and hazards in order to continue military operations. (JP 3-11)
contiguous zone — 1. A maritime zone adjacent to the territorial sea that may not extend
beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea
is measured. 2. The zone of the ocean extending 3-12 nautical miles from the United
States coastline. (JP 3-32)
continental United States — United States territory, including the adjacent territorial waters,
located within North America between Canada and Mexico. Also called CONUS.
(JP 1)
contingency — A situation requiring military operations in response to natural disasters,
terrorists, subversives, or as otherwise directed by appropriate authority to protect US
interests. See also contingency contracting. (JP 5-0)
contingency basing The life-cycle process of planning, designing, constructing, operating,
managing, and transitioning or closing a non-enduring location supporting a combatant
commander's requirements. (DODD 3000.10).
contingency contract — A legally binding agreement for supplies, services, and construction
let by government contracting officers in the operational area as well as other contracts
that have a prescribed area of performance within a designated operational area. See also
external support contract; systems support contract; theater support contract.
(JP 4-10)
contingency contracting — The process of obtaining goods, services, and construction via
contracting means in support of contingency operations. See also contingency;
contingency contract. (JP 4-10)
contingency engineering management organization — An organization formed by the
combatant commander, or subordinate commander to augment their staffs with
additional Service engineering expertise for planning and construction management. See
also combat engineering; contingency; crisis action planning; geospatial
engineering. (JP 3-34)
contingency location A non-enduring location outside of the United States that supports
and sustains operations during named and unnamed contingencies or other operations as
directed by appropriate authority and is categorized by mission life-cycle requirements
as initial, temporary, or semi-permanent. (DODD 3000.10)
Terms and Definitions
contingency operation — A military operation that is either designated by the Secretary of
Defense as a contingency operation or becomes a contingency operation as a matter of
law (Title 10, United States Code, Section 101[a][13]). See also contingency;
operation. (JP 1)
contingency plan — A plan for major contingencies that can reasonably be anticipated in
the principal geographic subareas of the command. (JP 5-0)
Contingency Planning Guidance — Secretary of Defense written guidance, approved by
the President, for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which focuses the guidance
given in the national security strategy and Defense Planning Guidance, and is the
principal source document for the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan. Also called CPG.
(JP 1)
contingency response program — Fast reaction transportation procedures intended to
provide for priority use of land transportation assets by Department of Defense when
required. Also called CORE. (JP 4-01)
contingency ZIP Code — A unique postal code assigned by the Military Postal Service
Agency to assist in routing and sorting mail to a contingency post office for the tactical
use of the Armed Forces on a temporary basis. (JP 1-0)
continuity of operations — The degree or state of being continuous in the conduct of
functions, tasks, or duties necessary to accomplish a military action or mission in carrying
out the national military strategy. Also called COOP. (JP 3-0)
contract administration — A subset of contracting that includes efforts to ensure that
supplies, services, and construction are delivered in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the contract. (JP 4-10)
contracting officer — A Service member or Department of Defense civilian with the legal
authority to enter into, administer, modify, and/or terminate contracts. (JP 4-10)
contracting officer representative — A Service member or Department of Defense civilian
or a foreign government civilian or military member appointed in writing and trained by
a contracting officer, responsible for monitoring contract performance and performing
other duties specified by their appointment letter. Also called COR. (JP 4-10)
contractor management — The oversight and integration of contractor personnel and
associated equipment providing support to the joint force in a designated operational
area. (JP 4-10)
contractors authorized to accompany the force — Contingency contractor employees and
all tiers of subcontractor employees who are authorized to accompany the force in
applicable contingency operations and have afforded such status through the issuance of
a letter of authorization. Also called CAAF. (JP 4-10)
Terms and Definitions
contract statement of requirement A document that provides a summary of anticipated
contracted supply or service requirements by phase of operation and location. Also
called CSOR. (JP 4-10)
control — 1. Authority that may be less than full command exercised by a commander over
part of the activities of subordinate or other organizations. (JP 1) 2. In mapping, charting,
and photogrammetry, a collective term for a system of marks or objects on the Earth or
on a map or a photograph, whose positions or elevations (or both) have been or will be
determined. (JP 2-03) 3. Physical or psychological pressures exerted with the intent to
assure that an agent or group will respond as directed. (JP 3-0) 4. In intelligence usage,
an indicator governing the distribution and use of documents, information, or material.
See also administrative control; operational control; tactical control. (JP 3-0)
control area — A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the
Earth. See also control zone. (JP 3-04)
control group — Personnel, ships, and craft designated to control the waterborne ship-to-
shore movement. (JP 3-02)
controlled information — 1. Information conveyed to an adversary in a deception operation
to evoke desired appreciations. 2. Information and indicators deliberately conveyed or
denied to foreign targets to evoke invalid official estimates that result in foreign official
actions advantageous to United States interests and objectives. (JP 2-01.2)
controlled substance — A drug or other substance, or immediate precursor included in
Schedule I, II, III, IV, or V of the Controlled Substances Act. (JP 3-07.4)
controlled technical services — The controlled use of technology to enhance
counterintelligence and human intelligence activities. Also called CTS. (JP 2-01.2)
control point — 1. A position along a route of march at which men are stationed to give
information and instructions for the regulation of supply or traffic. 2. A position marked
by coordinates (latitude, longitude), a buoy, boat, aircraft, electronic device, conspicuous
terrain feature, or other identifiable object which is given a name or number and used as
an aid to navigation or control of ships, boats, or aircraft. 3. In marking mosaics, a point
located by ground survey with which a corresponding point on a photograph is matched
as a check. (JP 3-09.3)
control zone — A controlled airspace extending upwards from the surface of the Earth to a
specified upper limit. See also control area. (JP 3-52)
conventional forces — 1. Those forces capable of conducting operations using nonnuclear
weapons. 2. Those forces other than designated special operations forces. Also called
CF. (JP 3-05)
Terms and Definitions
convoy — 1. A number of merchant ships and/or naval auxiliaries usually escorted by
warships and/or aircraft — or a single merchant ship or naval auxiliary under surface
escort — assembled and organized for the purpose of passage together. 2. A group of
vehicles organized for the purpose of control and orderly movement with or without
escort protection that moves over the same route at the same time and under one
commander. (JP 3-02.1)
convoy escort — 1. A naval ship(s) or aircraft in company with a convoy and responsible for
its protection. 2. An escort to protect a convoy of vehicles from being scattered,
destroyed, or captured. See also escort. (JP 4-01.5)
cooperative security location — A facility located outside the United States and US
territories with little or no permanent US presence, maintained with periodic Service,
contractor, or host-nation support. Cooperative security locations provide contingency
access, logistic support, and rotational use by operating forces and are a focal point for
security cooperation activities. Also called CSL. See also forward operating site;
main operating base. (CJCS CM-0007-05)
coordinated fire line — A line beyond which conventional surface-to-surface direct fire and
indirect fire support means may fire at any time within the boundaries of the establishing
headquarters without additional coordination. Also called CFL. See also fire support.
(JP 3-09)
coordinating agency — An agency that supports the incident management mission by
providing the leadership, staff, expertise, and authorities to implement critical and
specific aspects of the response. (JP 3-28)
coordinating altitude — An airspace coordinating measure that uses altitude to separate
users and as the transition between different airspace control elements. Also called CA.
(JP 3-52)
coordinating authority — A commander or individual who has the authority to require
consultation between the specific functions or activities involving forces of two or more
Services, joint force components, or forces of the same Service or agencies, but does not
have the authority to compel agreement. (JP 1)
coordinating review authority — An agency appointed by a Service or combatant command
to coordinate with and assist the lead agent, primary review authority, Joint Staff doctrine
sponsor, and assessment agent in joint doctrine development and maintenance. Also
called CRA. See also joint doctrine; joint publication; lead agent; primary review
authority. (CJCSM 5120.01)
coordination level — A procedural method to separate fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft by
determining an altitude below which fixed-wing aircraft normally will not fly. Also
called CL. (JP 3-52)
Terms and Definitions
cost-type contract — A contract that provides for payment to the contractor of allowable
cost, to the extent prescribed in the contract, incurred in performance of the contract.
(JP 4-10)
counterair — A mission that integrates offensive and defensive operations to attain and
maintain a desired degree of air superiority and protection by neutralizing or destroying
enemy aircraft and missiles, both before and after launch. See also air superiority;
mission; offensive counterair. (JP 3-01)
counterdeception — Efforts to negate, neutralize, diminish the effects of, or gain advantage
from a foreign deception operation. (JP 3-13.4)
counterdrug — Those active measures taken to detect, monitor, and counter the production,
trafficking, and use of illegal drugs. Also called CD. (JP 3-07.4)
counterdrug activities — Those measures taken to detect, interdict, disrupt, or curtail any
activity that is reasonably related to illicit drug trafficking. (JP 3-07.4)
counterdrug operational support — Support to host nations and drug law enforcement
agencies involving military personnel and their associated equipment, provided by the
geographic combatant commanders from forces assigned to them or made available to
them by the Services for this purpose. See also counterdrug operations. (JP 3-07.4)
counterdrug operations — Civil or military actions taken to reduce or eliminate illicit drug
trafficking. See also counterdrug; counterdrug operational support. (JP 3-07.4)
counterespionage — That aspect of counterintelligence designed to detect, destroy,
neutralize, exploit, or prevent espionage activities through identification, penetration,
manipulation, deception, and repression of individuals, groups, or organizations
conducting or suspected of conducting espionage activities. (JP 2-01.2)
counterfire — Fire intended to destroy or neutralize enemy weapons. (JP 3-09)
counterguerrilla operations — Operations and activities conducted by armed forces,
paramilitary forces, or nonmilitary agencies against guerrillas. (JP 3-24)
counter-improvised explosive device operations The organization, integration, and
synchronization of capabilities that enable offensive, defensive, stability, and support
operations across all phases of operations or campaigns in order to defeat improvised
explosive devices as operational and strategic weapons of influence. Also called C-IED
(JP 3-15.1)
countering threat networks — The aggregation of activities across the Department of
Defense and United States Government departments and agencies that identifies and
neutralizes, degrades, disrupts, or defeats designated threat networks. Also called CTN.
(JP 3-25)
Terms and Definitions
countering weapons of mass destruction — Efforts against actors of concern to curtail the
conceptualization, development, possession, proliferation, use, and effects of weapons of
mass destruction, related expertise, materials, technologies, and means of delivery. Also
called CWMD. (JP 3-40)
counterinsurgency — Comprehensive civilian and military efforts designed to
simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes. Also called
COIN. (JP 3-24)
counterintelligence — Information gathered and activities conducted to identify, deceive,
exploit, disrupt, or protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or
assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons or
their agents, or international terrorist organizations or activities. Also called CI. See
also counterespionage; security. (JP 2-01.2)
counterintelligence activities — One or more of the five functions of counterintelligence:
operations, investigations, collection, analysis and production, and functional services.
See also analysis and production; collection; counterintelligence; operation.
(JP 2-01.2)
counterintelligence investigations — Formal investigative activities undertaken to
determine whether a particular person is acting for or on behalf of, or an event is related
to, a foreign power engaged in spying or committing espionage, sabotage, treason,
sedition, subversion, assassinations, or international terrorist activities, and to determine
actions required to neutralize such acts. See also counterintelligence. (JP 2-01.2)
counterintelligence operational tasking authority — The levying of counterintelligence
requirements specific to military activities and operations. Also called CIOTA. See also
counterintelligence. (JP 2-01.2)
counterintelligence operations — Proactive activities designed to identify, exploit,
neutralize, or deter foreign intelligence collection and terrorist activities directed against
the United States. See also counterintelligence; operation. (JP 2-01.2)
counterintelligence production — The creation of finished intelligence products
incorporating counterintelligence analysis in response to known or anticipated customer
counterintelligence concerns. See also counterintelligence. (JP 2-01.2)
counterintelligence support — Conducting counterintelligence activities to protect against
espionage and other foreign intelligence activities, sabotage, international terrorist
activities, or assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations,
or persons. See also counterintelligence. (JP 2-01.2)
Terms and Definitions
countermeasures — That form of military science that, by the employment of devices and/or
techniques, has as its objective the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy
activity. See also electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
countermobility operations — The construction of obstacles and emplacement of minefields
to delay, disrupt, and destroy the enemy by reinforcement of the terrain. See also
minefield; operation; target acquisition. (JP 3-34)
counterproliferation — Those actions taken to reduce the risks posed by extant weapons of
mass destruction to the United States, allies, and partners. Also called CP. See also
nonproliferation. (JP 3-40)
countersurveillance — All measures, active or passive, taken to counteract hostile
surveillance. See also surveillance. (JP 3-07.2)
counterterrorism — Activities and operations taken to neutralize terrorists and their
organizations and networks in order to render them incapable of using violence to
instill fear and coerce governments or societies to achieve their goals. Also called CT.
See also antiterrorism; combating terrorism; terrorism. (JP 3-26)
counter threat finance Activities conducted to deny, disrupt, destroy, or defeat the
generation, storage, movement, and use of assets to fund activities that support an
adversary’s ability to negatively affect United States interests. Also called CTF.
(JP 3-05)
country team — The senior, in-country, United States coordinating and supervising body,
headed by the chief of the United States diplomatic mission, and composed of the senior
member of each represented United States department or agency, as desired by the chief
of the United States diplomatic mission. Also called CT. (JP 3-07.4)
courier — A messenger (usually a commissioned or warrant officer) responsible for the
secure physical transmission and delivery of documents and material. (JP 2-01)
course of action — 1. Any sequence of activities that an individual or unit may follow. 2. A
scheme developed to accomplish a mission. 3. A product of the course-of-action
development step of the joint operation planning process. Also called COA. (JP 5-0)
cover — In intelligence usage, the concealment of true identity or organizational affiliation
with assertion of false information as part of, or in support of, official duties to carry out
authorized activities and lawful operations. (JP 2-01.2)
covering fire — 1. Fire used to protect troops when they are within range of enemy small
arms. 2. In amphibious usage, fire delivered prior to the landing to cover preparatory
operations such as underwater demolition or mine countermeasures. (JP 3-02)
Terms and Definitions
covering force — 1. A force operating apart from the main force for the purpose of
intercepting, engaging, delaying, disorganizing, and deceiving the enemy before the
enemy can attack the force covered. 2. Any body or detachment of troops which provides
security for a larger force by observation, reconnaissance, attack, or defense, or by any
combination of these methods. (JP 3-18)
covert operation — An operation that is so planned and executed as to conceal the identity
of or permit plausible denial by the sponsor. See also clandestine operation; overt
operation. (JP 3-05)
crisis — An incident or situation involving a threat to the United States, its citizens, military
forces, or vital interests that develops rapidly and creates a condition of such diplomatic,
economic, or military importance that commitment of military forces and resources is
contemplated to achieve national objectives. (JP 3-0)
crisis action planning — The Adaptive Planning and Execution system process involving
the time-sensitive development of joint operation plans and operation orders for the
deployment, employment, and sustainment of assigned and allocated forces and
resources in response to an imminent crisis. Also called CAP. See also joint operation
planning; Joint Operation Planning and Execution System. (JP 5-0)
crisis management — Measures, normally executed under federal law, to identify, acquire,
and plan the use of resources needed to anticipate, prevent, and/or resolve a threat or an
act of terrorism. Also called CrM. (JP 3-28)
critical asset — A specific entity that is of such extraordinary importance that its
incapacitation or destruction would have a very serious, debilitating effect on the ability
of a nation to continue to function effectively. (JP 3-07.2)
critical asset list — A prioritized list of assets or areas, normally identified by phase of the
operation and approved by the joint force commander, that should be defended against
air and missile threats. Also called CAL. (JP 3-01)
critical capability — A means that is considered a crucial enabler for a center of gravity to
function as such and is essential to the accomplishment of the specified or assumed
objective(s). (JP 5-0)
critical element 1. An element of an entity or object that enables it to perform its primary
function. 2. An element of a target, which if effectively engaged, will serve to support
the achievement of an operational objective and/or mission task. Also called CE.
(JP 3-60)
critical information — Specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities
needed by adversaries for them to plan and act effectively so as to guarantee failure or
unacceptable consequences for friendly mission accomplishment. (JP 2-0)
Terms and Definitions
critical infrastructure and key resources The infrastructure and assets vital to a nation’s
security, governance, public health and safety, economy, and public confidence. Also
called CI/KR. (JP 3-27)
critical infrastructure protection — Actions taken to prevent, remediate, or mitigate the
risks resulting from vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure assets. Also called CIP. See
also defense critical infrastructure. (JP 3-28)
critical intelligence — Intelligence that is crucial and requires the immediate attention of the
commander. (JP 2-0)
critical item list — A prioritized list identifying supply items and weapon systems that assist
Service and Defense Logistics Agency selection of supply items and systems for
production surge planning, or in operational situations, used by the combatant
commander and/or subordinate joint force commander to cross-level critical supply items
between Service components. Also called CIL. (JP 4-05)
criticality assessment — An assessment that identifies key assets and infrastructure that
support Department of Defense missions, units, or activities and are deemed mission
critical by military commanders or civilian agency managers. Also called CA.
(JP 3-07.2)
critical joint duty assignment billet — A joint duty assignment position for which,
considering the duties and responsibilities of the position, it is highly important that the
assigned officer be particularly trained in, and oriented toward, joint matters. (JP 1-0)
critical requirement — An essential condition, resource, and means for a critical capability
to be fully operational. (JP 5-0)
critical vulnerability — An aspect of a critical requirement which is deficient or vulnerable
to direct or indirect attack that will create decisive or significant effects. (JP 5-0)
cross-leveling —At the theater strategic and operational levels, it is the process of diverting
en route or in-theater materiel from one military element to meet the higher priority of
another within the combatant commander’s directive authority for logistics. (JP 4-0)
cross-loading — The distribution of leaders, key weapons, personnel, and key equipment
among the aircraft, vessels, or vehicles of a formation to aid rapid assembly of units at
the drop zone or landing zone or preclude the total loss of command and control or unit
effectiveness if an aircraft, vessel, or vehicle is lost. (JP 3-17)
cross-servicing — A subset of common-user logistics in which a function is performed by
one Military Service in support of another Service and for which reimbursement is
required from the Service receiving support. See also acquisition and cross-servicing
agreement; common-user logistics. (JP 4-08)
Terms and Definitions
cruise missile — Guided missile, the major portion of whose flight path to its target is
conducted at approximately constant velocity; depends on the dynamic reaction of air for
lift and upon propulsion forces to balance drag. (JP 3-01)
culminating point — The point at which a force no longer has the capability to continue its
form of operations, offense or defense. (JP 5-0)
current force — The actual force structure and/or manning available to meet present
contingencies. See also force. (JP 5-0)
custody — 1. The responsibility for the control of, transfer and movement of, access to, and
maintenance of accountability for weapons and components. 2. Temporary restraint of
a person. 3. The detention of a person by lawful authority or process. (JP 3-63)
customer direct — A materiel acquisition and distribution method that requires vendor
delivery directly to the customer. Also called CD. (JP 4-09)
customer wait time — The total elapsed time between issuance of a customer order and
satisfaction of that order. Also called CWT. (JP 4-09)
cybersecurity — Prevention of damage to, protection of, and restoration of computers,
electronic communications systems, electronic communications services, wire
communication, and electronic communication, including information contained therein,
to ensure its availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation.
(DODI 8500.01)
cyberspace — A global domain within the information environment consisting of the
interdependent network of information technology infrastructures and resident data,
including the Internet, telecommunications networks, computer systems, and embedded
processors and controllers. (JP 3-12)
cyberspace operations — The employment of cyberspace capabilities where the primary
purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyberspace. Also called CO. (JP 3-0)
cyberspace superiority — The degree of dominance in cyberspace by one force that permits
the secure, reliable conduct of operations by that force, and its related land, air, maritime,
and space forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by an
adversary. (JP 3-12)
damage assessment — 1. The determination of the effect of attacks on targets. 2. A
determination of the effect of a compromise of classified information on national
security. (JP 3-60)
damage criteria — The critical levels of various weapons effects required to create specified
levels of damage. (JP 3-60)
damage estimation — A preliminary appraisal of the potential effects of an attack. See also
attack assessment. (JP 3-60)
danger close — In close air support, artillery, mortar, and naval gunfire support fires, the term
included in the method of engagement segment of a call for fire that indicates that
friendly forces are within close proximity of the target. See also final protective fire.
(JP 3-09.3)
dangerous cargo — Cargo that is subject to special regulations for its transport because of
its dangerous properties. (JP 4-01.5)
data element — 1. A basic unit of information built on standard structures having a unique
meaning and distinct units or values. 2. In electronic recordkeeping, a combination of
characters or bytes referring to one separate item of information, such as name, address,
or age. (JP 1-0)
date-time group — The date and time, expressed as six digits followed by the time zone
suffix at which the message was prepared for transmission (first pair of digits denotes the
date, second pair the hours, third pair the minutes, followed by a three-letter month
abbreviation and two-digit year abbreviation.). Also called DTG. (JP 5-0)
datum (geodetic) — 1. A reference surface consisting of five quantities: the latitude and
longitude of an initial point, the azimuth of a line from that point, and the parameters of
the reference ellipsoid. 2. The mathematical model of the earth used to calculate the
coordinates on any map. Different nations use different datum for printing coordinates
on their maps. (JP 2-03)
D-day — The unnamed day on which a particular operation commences or is to commence.
(JP 3-02)
de-arming — An operation in which a weapon is changed from a state of readiness for
initiation to a safe condition. Also called safing. (JP 3-04)
debarkation — The unloading of troops, equipment, or supplies from a ship or aircraft.
(JP 3-02.1)
Terms and Definitions
debarkation schedule —A schedule that provides for the timely and orderly debarkation
of troops and equipment and emergency supplies for the waterborne ship-to-shore
movement. (JP 3-02.1)
decedent effects Personal effects found on human remains. Also called DE. (JP 4-06)
decentralized control — In air defense, the normal mode whereby a higher echelon monitors
unit actions, making direct target assignments to units only when necessary to ensure
proper fire distribution or to prevent engagement of friendly aircraft. See also
centralized control. (JP 3-01)
decentralized execution — Delegation of execution authority to subordinate commanders.
(JP 3-30)
deception action — A collection of related deception events that form a major component of
a deception operation. (JP 3-13.4)
deception concept — The deception course of action forwarded to the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff for review as part of the combatant commander’s strategic concept.
(JP 3-13.4)
deception event — A deception means executed at a specific time and location in support of
a deception operation. (JP 3-13.4)
deception goal — Commander’s statement of the purpose of military deception as it
contributes to the successful accomplishment of the assigned mission. (JP 3-13.4)
deception means — Methods, resources, and techniques that can be used to convey
information to the deception target. (JP 3-13.4)
deception objective — The desired result of a deception operation expressed in terms of what
the adversary is to do or not to do at the critical time and/or location. (JP 3-13.4)
deception story — A scenario that outlines the friendly actions that will be portrayed to cause
the deception target to adopt the desired perception. (JP 3-13.4)
deception target — The adversary decision maker with the authority to make the decision
that will achieve the deception objective. (JP 3-13.4)
decision — In an estimate of the situation, a clear and concise statement of the line of action
intended to be followed by the commander as the one most favorable to the successful
accomplishment of the assigned mission. (JP 5-0)
decision point — A point in space and time when the commander or staff anticipates making
a key decision concerning a specific course of action. See also course of action;
decision support template; target area of interest. (JP 5-0)
Terms and Definitions
decision support template — A combined intelligence and operations graphic based on the
results of wargaming that depicts decision points, timelines associated with movement
of forces and the flow of the operation, and other key items of information required to
execute a specific friendly course of action. Also called DST. See also course of action;
decision point. (JP 2-01.3)
decisive point — A geographic place, specific key event, critical factor, or function that, when
acted upon, allows commanders to gain a marked advantage over an adversary or
contribute materially to achieving success. See also center of gravity. (JP 5-0)
deck status light — A three-colored light (red, amber, green) controlled from the primary
flight control. Navy — The light displays the status of the ship to support flight
operations. United States Coast Guard — The light displays clearance for a helicopter
to conduct a given evolution. (JP 3-04)
decompression — In personnel recovery, the process of normalizing psychological and
behavioral reactions that recovered isolated personnel experienced or are currently
experiencing as a result of their isolation and recovery. (JP 3-50)
decontamination — The process of making any person, object, or area safe by absorbing,
destroying, neutralizing, making harmless, or removing chemical or biological agents, or
by removing radioactive material clinging to or around it. (JP 3-11)
decoy — An imitation in any sense of a person, object, or phenomenon that is intended to
deceive enemy surveillance devices or mislead enemy evaluation. Also called dummy.
(JP 3-13.4)
defended asset list —A listing of those assets from the critical asset list prioritized by the
joint force commander to be defended with the resources available. Also called DAL.
(JP 3-01)
defense coordinating element A staff and military liaison officers who assist the defense
coordinating officer in facilitating coordination and support to activated emergency
support functions. Also called DCE. (JP 3-28)
defense coordinating officer — Department of Defense single point of contact for domestic
emergencies who is assigned to a joint field office to process requirements for military
support, forward mission assignments through proper channels to the appropriate
military organizations, and assign military liaisons, as appropriate, to activated
emergency support functions. Also called DCO. (JP 3-28)
defense critical infrastructure — Department of Defense and non-Department of Defense
networked assets and facilities essential to project, support, and sustain military forces
and operations worldwide. Also called DCI. (JP 3-27)
Terms and Definitions
defense human intelligence executor — The senior Department of Defense intelligence
official as designated by the head of each of the Department of Defense components who
are authorized to conduct human intelligence and related intelligence activities. Also
called DHE. (JP 2-01.2)
defense industrial base — The Department of Defense, government, and private sector
worldwide industrial complex with capabilities to perform research and development,
design, produce, and maintain military weapon systems, subsystems, components, or
parts to meet military requirements. Also called DIB. (JP 3-27)
Defense Information Systems Network — The integrated network, centrally managed and
configured by the Defense Information Systems Agency to provide dedicated point-to-
point, switched voice and data, imagery, and video teleconferencing services for all
Department of Defense activities. Also called DISN. (JP 6-0)
Defense Satellite Communications System — Geosynchronous military communications
satellites that provide high data rate communications for military forces, diplomatic
corps, and the White House. Also called DSCS. (JP 3-14)
Defense Strategic Guidance — A document approved by the Secretary of Defense for
applying the Armed Forces of the United States in coordination with Department of
Defense agencies and other instruments of national power to achieve national security
strategy objectives. Also called DSG. (JP 1)
defense support of civil authorities — Support provided by US Federal military forces,
Department of Defense civilians, Department of Defense contract personnel, Department
of Defense component assets, and National Guard forces (when the Secretary of Defense,
in coordination with the governors of the affected states, elects and requests to use those
forces in Title 32, United States Code, status) in response to requests for assistance from
civil authorities for domestic emergencies, law enforcement support, and other domestic
activities, or from qualifying entities for special events. Also called DSCA. Also known
as civil support. (DODD 3025.18)
Defense Support Program — Satellites that provide early warning of missile launches. Also
called DSP. (JP 3-14)
Defense Switched Network — The component of the Defense Communications System that
handles Department of Defense voice, data, and video communications. Also called
DSN. (JP 6-0)
Defense Transportation SystemThat portion of the worldwide transportation
infrastructure that supports Department of Defense transportation needs in peace and
war. Also called DTS. See also common-user transportation; transportation system.
(JP 4-01)
Terms and Definitions
defensive counterair — All defensive measures designed to neutralize or destroy enemy
forces attempting to penetrate or attack through friendly airspace. Also called DCA. See
also counterair; offensive counterair. (JP 3-01)
defensive cyberspace operation response action — Deliberate, authorized defensive
measures or activities taken outside of the defended network to protect and defend
Department of Defense cyberspace capabilities or other designated systems. Also called
DCO-RA. (JP 3-12)
defensive cyberspace operations — Passive and active cyberspace operations intended to
preserve the ability to utilize friendly cyberspace capabilities and protect data, networks,
net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems. Also called DCO.
(JP 3-12)
defensive minefield — 1. In naval mine warfare, a minefield laid in international waters or
international straits with the declared intention of controlling shipping in defense of sea
communications. 2. In land mine warfare, a minefield laid in accordance with an
established plan to prevent a penetration between positions and to strengthen the defense
of the positions themselves. See also minefield. (JP 3-15)
defensive space control — Operations conducted to preserve the ability to exploit space
capabilities via active and passive actions, while protecting friendly space capabilities
from attack, interference, or unintentional hazards. (JP 3-14)
defilade — 1. Protection from hostile observation and fire provided by an obstacle such as a
hill, ridge, or bank. 2. A vertical distance by which a position is concealed from enemy
observation. 3. To shield from enemy fire or observation by using natural or artificial
obstacles. (JP 3-09)
definitive care — Care rendered to conclusively manage a patient’s condition, such as full
range of preventive, curative acute, convalescent, restorative, and rehabilitative medical
care. (JP 4-02)
degaussing — The process whereby a ship’s magnetic field is reduced by the use of
electromagnetic coils, permanent magnets, or other means. (JP 3-15)
delayed entry program — A program under which an individual may enlist in a Reserve
Component of a military service and specify a future reporting date for entry on active
duty that would coincide with availability of training spaces and with personal plans such
as high school graduation. Also called DEP. See also active duty.
(JP 4-05)
delaying operation — An operation in which a force under pressure trades space for time by
slowing down the enemy’s momentum and inflicting maximum damage on the enemy
without, in principle, becoming decisively engaged. (JP 3-04)
Terms and Definitions
delegation of authority — The action by which a commander assigns part of his or her
authority, commensurate with the assigned task, to a subordinate commander. (JP 1)
deliberate planning 1. The Adaptive Planning and Execution system process involving the
development of joint operation plans for contingencies identified in joint strategic planning
documents. 2. A planning process for the deployment and employment of apportioned
forces and resources that occurs in response to a hypothetical situation. (JP 5-0)
demilitarized zone — A defined area in which the stationing or concentrating of military
forces, or the retention or establishment of military installations of any description, is
prohibited. (JP 3-07.3)
demobilization — 1. The process of transitioning a conflict or wartime military establishment
and defense-based civilian economy to a peacetime configuration while maintaining
national security and economic vitality. 2. The process necessary to release from active
duty, or federal service, units and Reserve Component members who were ordered to
active duty, or called to federal service. See also mobilization. (JP 4-05)
demonstration — In military deception, a show of force similar to a feint without actual
contact with the adversary, in an area where a decision is not sought that is made to
deceive an adversary. (JP 3-13.4)
denial measure — An action to hinder or deny the enemy the use of territory, personnel, or
facilities to include destruction, removal, contamination, or erection of obstructions.
(JP 3-15)
denied areaAn area under enemy or unfriendly control in which friendly forces cannot
expect to operate successfully within existing operational constraints and force
capabilities. (JP 3-05)
Department of Defense civilian — A Federal civilian employee of the Department of
Defense directly hired and paid from appropriated or nonappropriated funds, under
permanent or temporary appointment. (JP 1-0)
Department of Defense components — The Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military
Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the combatant
commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the
Department of Defense agencies, Department of Defense field activities, and all other
organizational entities in the Department of Defense. (JP 1)
Department of Defense construction agent —
United States Army Corps of Engineers,
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, or other such approved Department of Defense
activity, that is assigned design or execution responsibilities associated with military
construction programs, facilities support, or civil engineering support to the combatant
commanders in contingency operations. See also contingency operation. (JP 3-34)
Terms and Definitions
Department of Defense container system — All Department of Defense owned, leased, and
controlled 20- or 40-foot intermodal International Organization for Standardization
containers and flatracks, supporting equipment such as generator sets and chassis,
container handling equipment, information systems, the 463L system, and other
infrastructure that supports Department of Defense transportation and logistic operations,
including commercially provided transportation services. See also container-handling
equipment. (JP 4-09)
Department of Defense information network — The set of information capabilities, and
associated processes for collecting, processing, storing, disseminating, and managing
information on-demand to warfighters, policy makers, and support personnel, whether
interconnected or stand-alone, including owned and leased communications and
computing systems and services, software (including applications), data, security
services, other associated services, and national security systems. Also called
DODIN. (JP 6-0)
Department of Defense information network operations — Operations to design, build,
configure, secure, operate, maintain, and sustain Department of Defense networks to
create and preserve information assurance on the Department of Defense information
networks. (JP 3-12)
Department of Defense Intelligence Information System — The combination of
Department of Defense personnel, procedures, equipment, computer programs, and
supporting communications that support the timely and comprehensive preparation and
presentation of intelligence and information to military commanders and national-level
decision makers. Also called DODIIS. (JP 2-0)
Department of Defense support to counterdrug operations — Support provided by the
Department of Defense to law enforcement agencies to detect, monitor, and counter the
production, trafficking, and use of illegal drugs. See also counterdrug operations.
(JP 3-07.4)
Department of the Air Force — The executive part of the Department of the Air Force at
the seat of government and all field headquarters, forces, Reserve Component,
installations, activities, and functions under the control or supervision of the Secretary of
the Air Force. Also called DAF. See also Military Department. (JP 1)
Department of the Army — The executive part of the Department of the Army at the seat
of government and all field headquarters, forces, Reserve Component, installations,
activities, and functions under the control or supervision of the Secretary of the Army.
Also called DA. See also Military Department. (JP 1)
Department of the Navy — The executive part of the Department of the Navy at the seat
of government; the headquarters, United States Marine Corps; the entire operating
forces of the United States Navy and of the United States Marine Corps, including the
Reserve Component of such forces; all field activities, headquarters, forces, bases,
Terms and Definitions
installations, activities, and functions under the control or supervision of the Secretary
of the Navy; and the United States Coast Guard when operating as a part of the Navy
pursuant to law. Also called DON. See also Military Department. (JP 1)
departure airfield — An airfield on which troops and/or materiel are enplaned for flight.
See also airfield. (JP 3-17)
departure pointA navigational check point used by aircraft as a marker for setting course.
(JP 3-17)
dependents — An employee’s spouse; children who are unmarried and under age 21 years
or who, regardless of age, are physically or mentally incapable of self-support;
dependent parents, including step and legally adoptive parents of the employee’s
spouse; and dependent brothers and sisters, including step and legally adoptive
brothers and sisters of the employee’s spouse who are unmarried and under 21 years
of age or who, regardless of age, are physically or mentally incapable of self-support.
(JP 3-68)
deploymentThe rotation of forces into and out of an operational area. See also
deployment order; deployment planning; prepare to deploy order. (JP 3-35)
deployment health surveillance — The regular or repeated collection, analysis, archiving,
interpretation, and distribution of health-related data used for monitoring the health of a
population or of individuals, and for intervening in a timely manner to prevent, treat, or
control the occurrence of disease or injury, which includes occupational and
environmental health surveillance and medical surveillance subcomponents. (JP 4-02)
deployment order — A planning directive from the Secretary of Defense, issued by the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that authorizes and directs the transfer of forces
between combatant commands by reassignment or attachment. Also called DEPORD.
See also deployment; deployment planning; prepare to deploy order. (JP 5-0)
deployment planning — Operational planning directed toward the movement of forces and
sustainment resources from their original locations to a specific operational area for
conducting the joint operations contemplated in a given plan. See also deployment;
deployment order; prepare to deploy order. (JP 5-0)
depot — 1. supply — An activity for the receipt, classification, storage, accounting, issue,
maintenance, procurement, manufacture, assembly, research, salvage, or disposal of
material. 2. personnel — An activity for the reception, processing, training, assignment,
and forwarding of personnel replacements. (JP 4-0)
design basis threat — The threat against which buildings and other structures must be
protected and upon which the protective system’s design is based. Also called
(JP 3-07.2)
Terms and Definitions
desired perception — In military deception, what the deception target must believe for it to
make the decision that will achieve the deception objective. (JP 3-13.4)
desired point of impact — A precise point, associated with a target and assigned as the
impact point for a single unitary weapon to create a desired effect. Also called DPI. See
also aimpoint. (JP 3-60)
detainee — Any person captured, detained, or otherwise under the control of Department
of Defense personnel. (JP 3-63)
detainee collection point — A facility or other location where detainees are assembled for
subsequent movement to a detainee holding area. Also called DCP. (JP 3-63)
detainee debriefing The process of using direct questions to elicit intelligence information
from a cooperative detainee to satisfy intelligence requirements. (JP 2-01.2)
detainee holding area A facility or other location where detainees are administratively
processed and provided custodial care pending disposition and subsequent release,
transfer, or movement to a theater detention facility. Also called DHA. (JP 3-63)
detainee operations A broad term that encompasses the capture, initial detention and
screening, transportation, treatment and protection, housing, transfer, and release of the
wide range of persons who could be categorized as detainees. (JP 3-63)
detection — 1. In tactical operations, the perception of an object of possible military interest
but unconfirmed by recognition. 2. In surveillance, the determination and transmission
by a surveillance system that an event has occurred. 3. In arms control, the first step in
the process of ascertaining the occurrence of a violation of an arms control agreement.
4. In chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear environments, the act of locating
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear hazards by use of chemical, biological,
radiological, and nuclear detectors or monitoring and/or survey teams. See also hazard.
(JP 3-11)
deterrence — The prevention of action by the existence of a credible threat of
unacceptable counteraction and/or belief that the cost of action outweighs the
perceived benefits. (JP 3-0)
deterrent options — A course of action, developed on the best economic, diplomatic, and
military judgment, designed to dissuade an adversary from a current course of action or
contemplated operations. (JP 5-0)
direct action — Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions conducted as
a special operation in hostile, denied, or diplomatically sensitive environments and which
employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or
damage designated targets. Also called DA. See also special operations; special
operations forces. (JP 3-05)
Terms and Definitions
direct air support center — The principal air control agency of the United States Marine
Corps air command and control system responsible for the direction and control of air
operations directly supporting the ground combat element. Also called DASC. See also
Marine air command and control system; tactical air operations center. (JP 3-09.3)
direct air support center (airborne) — An airborne aircraft equipped with the necessary
staff personnel, communications, and operations facilities to function as a direct air
support center. Also called DASC(A). See also direct air support center. (JP 3-09.3)
directed energy — An umbrella term covering technologies that relate to the production of
a beam of concentrated electromagnetic energy or atomic or subatomic particles. Also
called DE. See also directed-energy device; directed-energy weapon. (JP 3-13.1)
directed-energy device — A system using directed energy primarily for a purpose other than
as a weapon. See also directed energy; directed-energy weapon. (JP 3-13.1)
directed-energy warfare — Military action involving the use of directed-energy weapons,
devices, and countermeasures. Also called DEW. See also directed energy; directed-
energy device; directed-energy weapon; electromagnetic spectrum; electronic
warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
directed-energy weapon — A weapon or system that uses directed energy to incapacitate,
damage, or destroy enemy equipment, facilities, and/or personnel. See also directed
energy; directed-energy device. (JP 3-13.1)
direct fire — Fire delivered on a target using the target itself as a point of aim for either the
weapon or the director. (JP 3-09.3)
direction finding — A procedure for obtaining bearings of radio frequency emitters by using
a highly directional antenna and a display unit on an intercept receiver or ancillary
equipment. Also called DF. (JP 3-13.1)
directive authority for logistics — Combatant commander authority to issue directives to
subordinate commanders to ensure the effective execution of approved operation plans,
optimize the use or reallocation of available resources, and prevent or eliminate
redundant facilities and/or overlapping functions among the Service component
commands. Also called DAFL. See also combatant command (command authority);
logistics. (JP 1)
direct liaison authorized — That authority granted by a commander (any level) to a
subordinate to directly consult or coordinate an action with a command or agency within
or outside of the granting command. Also called DIRLAUTH. (JP 1)
director of mobility forces — The designated agent for all air mobility issues in the area of
responsibility or joint operations area, exercising coordinating authority between the air
Terms and Definitions
operations center (or appropriate theater command and control node), the 618 Air
Operations Center (Tanker Airlift Control Center), and the joint deployment and
distribution operation center or joint movement center, in order to expedite the resolution
of air mobility issues. Also called DIRMOBFOR. See also air operations center;
coordinating authority. (JP 3-17)
direct support — A mission requiring a force to support another specific force and
authorizing it to answer directly to the supported force’s request for assistance. Also
called DS. See also close support; general support; mission; mutual support;
support. (JP 3-09.3)
disaster assistance response team A team deployed by the United States Agency for
International Development, if a large-scale, urgent, and/or extended response is necessary, to
provide specialists to assist the chief of mission and the United States Agency for
International Development mission (where present) with the management of the United
States Government response to a disaster. Also called DART. See also foreign disaster;
foreign disaster relief. (JP 3-08)
disease and nonbattle injury — All illnesses and injuries not resulting from enemy or
terrorist action or caused by conflict. Also called DNBI. (JP 4-02)
disengagement — The act of geographically separating the forces of disputing parties.
(JP 3-07.3)
dislocated civilian — A broad term primarily used by the Department of Defense that
includes a displaced person, an evacuee, an internally displaced person, a migrant, a
refugee, or a stateless person. Also called DC. See also displaced person; evacuee;
internally displaced person; migrant; refugee; stateless person. (JP 3-29)
dispersal — Relocation of forces for the purpose of increasing survivability. (JP 3-01)
dispersal airfield — An airfield, military or civil, to which aircraft might move before H-hour
on either a temporary duty or permanent change of station basis and be able to conduct
operations. See also airfield. (JP 3-01)
dispersion 1. The spreading or separating of troops, materiel, establishments, or activities,
which are usually concentrated in limited areas to reduce vulnerability. (JP 5-0) 2. In
chemical and biological operations, the dissemination of agents in liquid or aerosol form.
(JP 3-41) 3. In airdrop operations, the scatter of personnel and/or cargo on the drop zone.
(JP 3-17) 4. In naval control of shipping, the reberthing of a ship in the periphery of the
port area or in the vicinity of the port for its own protection in order to minimize the risk
of damage from attack. (JP 4-01.2)
displaced person — A broad term used to refer to internally and externally displaced persons
collectively. See also evacuee; refugee. (JP 3-29)
Terms and Definitions
display — In military deception, a static portrayal of an activity, force, or equipment intended
to deceive the adversary’s visual observation. (JP 3-13.4)
dissemination and integration — In intelligence usage, the delivery of intelligence to users
in a suitable form and the application of the intelligence to appropriate missions, tasks,
and functions. See also intelligence process. (JP 2-01)
distant retirement area — In amphibious operations, the sea area located to seaward of the
landing area to which assault ships may retire and operate in the event of adverse weather
or to prevent concentration of ships in the landing area. See also amphibious operation;
landing area. (JP 3-02)
distressed person — An individual who requires search and rescue assistance to remove he or
she from life-threatening or isolating circumstances in a permissive environment. (JP 3-50)
distribution — 1. The arrangement of troops for any purpose, such as a battle, march, or
maneuver. 2. A planned pattern of projectiles about a point. 3. A planned spread of fire
to cover a desired frontage or depth. 4. An official delivery of anything, such as orders
or supplies. 5. The operational process of synchronizing all elements of the logistic
system to deliver the “right things” to the “right place” at the “right time” to support the
geographic combatant commander. 6. The process of assigning military personnel to
activities, units, or billets. (JP 4-0)
distribution manager — The executive agent for managing distribution with the combatant
commander’s area of responsibility. See also area of responsibility; distribution.
(JP 4-09)
distribution pipeline — Continuum or channel through which the Department of Defense
conducts distribution operations, representing the end-to-end flow of resources from
supplier to consumer and, in some cases, back to the supplier in retrograde activities. See
also distribution. (JP 4-09)
distribution plan — A reporting system comprising reports, updates, and information
systems feeds that articulate the requirements of the theater distribution system to the
strategic and operational resources assigned responsibility for support to the theater. See
also distribution; distribution system; theater distribution; theater distribution
system. (JP 4-09)
distribution point — A point at which supplies and/or ammunition, obtained from supporting
supply points by a division or other unit, are broken down for distribution to subordinate
units. (JP 4-09)
distribution system — That complex of facilities, installations, methods, and procedures
designed to receive, store, maintain, distribute, and control the flow of military materiel
between the point of receipt into the military system and the point of issue to using
activities and units. (JP 4-09)
Terms and Definitions
diversion — 1. The act of drawing the attention and forces of an enemy from the point of the
principal operation; an attack, alarm, or feint that diverts attention. 2. A change made in
a prescribed route for operational or tactical reasons that does not constitute a change of
destination. 3. A rerouting of cargo or passengers to a new transshipment point or
destination or on a different mode of transportation prior to arrival at ultimate destination.
4. In naval mine warfare, a route or channel bypassing a dangerous area by connecting
one channel to another or it may branch from a channel and rejoin it on the other side of
the danger. See also demonstration. (JP 3-03)
domestic emergencies — Civil defense emergencies, civil disturbances, major disasters, or
natural disasters affecting the public welfare and occurring within the United States and
its territories. See also natural disaster. (JP 3-27)
domestic intelligence — Intelligence relating to activities or conditions within the United
States that threaten internal security and that might require the employment of troops;
and intelligence relating to activities of individuals or agencies potentially or actually
dangerous to the security of the Department of Defense. (JP 3-08)
dominant user — The Service or multinational partner who is the principal consumer of a
particular common-user logistic supply or service within a joint or multinational
operation and will normally act as the lead Service to provide this particular common-
user logistic supply or service to other Service components, multinational partners, other
governmental agencies, or nongovernmental agencies as directed by the combatant
commander. See also common-user logistics; lead Service or agency for common-
user logistics. (JP 4-0)
double agent — Agent in contact with two opposing intelligence services, only one of which
is aware of the double contact or quasi-intelligence services. Also called DA.
(JP 2-01.2)
double container — A 9.8125 feet by 8 feet by 8 feet (2991 millimeters by 2438 millimeters
by 2438 millimeters) reusable International Standards Organization compliant double
container, with double doors at both ends, used for the storage, transportation, and
distribution of dry cargo. Also called BICON. (JP 4-09)
downloading — An operation that removes airborne weapons or stores from an aircraft.
(JP 3-04)
drop altitude — The altitude above mean sea level at which airdrop is executed. (JP 3-17)
drop zone — A specific area upon which airborne troops, equipment, or supplies are
airdropped. Also called DZ. (JP 3-17)
drug interdiction — A continuum of events focused on interrupting illegal drugs smuggled
by air, sea, or land. See also counterdrug operations. (JP 3-07.4)
Terms and Definitions
dual-role tanker An aircraft that can carry support personnel, supplies, and equipment for
the deploying force while escorting and/or refueling combat aircraft to the area of
responsibility. See also air refueling. (JP 3-17)
dwell time — The length of time a target is expected to remain in one location. (JP 3-60)
dynamic targeting — Targeting that prosecutes targets identified too late, or not selected for
action in time to be included in deliberate targeting. (JP 3-60)
dynamic threat assessment — An intelligence assessment developed by the Defense
Intelligence Agency that details the threat, capabilities, and intentions of adversaries
in each of the priority plans in the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan. Also called DTA.
(JP 2-0)
earliest arrival date — A day, relative to C-day, that is specified as the earliest date when a
unit, a resupply shipment, or replacement personnel can be accepted at a port of
debarkation during a deployment. Also called EAD. See also latest arrival date.
(JP 5-0)
early warning — Early notification of the launch or approach of unknown weapons or
weapons carriers. Also called EW. See also attack assessment. (JP 3-01)
economy of force The judicious employment and distribution of forces so as to expend
the minimum essential combat power on secondary efforts in order to allocate the
maximum possible combat power on primary efforts. (JP 3-0)
E-day The day landing force personnel, supplies, and equipment begin to embark aboard
amphibious warfare or commercial ships. (JP 3-02.1)
effect — 1. The physical or behavioral state of a system that results from an action, a set of
actions, or another effect. 2. The result, outcome, or consequence of an action. 3. A
change to a condition, behavior, or degree of freedom. (JP 3-0)
effective United States-controlled ships — United States-owned foreign flag ships that can
be tasked by the Maritime Administration to support Department of Defense
requirements when necessary. Also called EUSCS. (JP 4-01.2)
electro-explosive device — An explosive or pyrotechnic component that initiates an
explosive, burning, electrical, or mechanical train and is activated by the application of
electrical energy. Also called EED. (JP 3-04)
electromagnetic battle management The dynamic monitoring, assessing, planning, and
directing of joint electromagnetic spectrum operations in support of the commander’s
scheme of maneuver. Also called EMBM. (JP 3-13.1)
electromagnetic compatibility — The ability of systems, equipment, and devices that use
the electromagnetic spectrum to operate in their intended environments without causing
or suffering unacceptable or unintentional degradation because of electromagnetic
radiation or response. Also called EMC. See also electromagnetic spectrum;
electromagnetic spectrum management; electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
electromagnetic environment — The resulting product of the power and time distribution,
in various frequency ranges, of the radiated or conducted electromagnetic emission levels
encountered by a military force, system, or platform when performing its assigned
mission in its intended operational environment. Also called EME. (JP 3-13.1)
Terms and Definitions
electromagnetic environmental effects — The impact of the electromagnetic environment
upon the operational capability of military forces, equipment, systems, and platforms.
Also called E3. (JP 3-13.1)
electromagnetic hardening — Action taken to protect personnel, facilities, and/or equipment
by blanking, filtering, attenuating, grounding, bonding, and/or shielding against
undesirable effects of electromagnetic energy. See also electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
electromagnetic interference — Any electromagnetic disturbance, induced intentionally or
unintentionally, that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or limits the effective
performance of electronics and electrical equipment. Also called EMI. (JP 3-13.1)
electromagnetic intrusion — The intentional insertion of electromagnetic energy into
transmission paths in any manner, with the objective of deceiving operators or of causing
confusion. See also electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
electromagnetic jamming — The deliberate radiation, reradiation, or reflection of
electromagnetic energy for the purpose of preventing or reducing an enemy’s effective
use of the electromagnetic spectrum, and with the intent of degrading or neutralizing the
enemy’s combat capability. See also electromagnetic spectrum; electromagnetic
spectrum management; electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
electromagnetic operational environment — The background electromagnetic
environment and the friendly, neutral, and adversarial electromagnetic order of battle
within the electromagnetic area of influence associated with a given operational area.
Also called EMOE. (JP 6-01)
electromagnetic pulse — The electromagnetic radiation from a strong electronic pulse, most
commonly caused by a nuclear explosion that may couple with electrical or electronic
systems to produce damaging current and voltage surges. Also called EMP. See also
electromagnetic radiation. (JP 3-13.1)
electromagnetic radiation — Radiation made up of oscillating electric and magnetic fields
and propagated with the speed of light. (JP 6-01)
electromagnetic radiation hazards —Transmitter or antenna installation that generates or
increases electromagnetic radiation in the vicinity of ordnance, personnel, or fueling
operations in excess of established safe levels. (JP 3-13.1)
electromagnetic spectrum — The range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation from
zero to infinity. It is divided into 26 alphabetically designated bands. See also electronic
warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
electromagnetic spectrum control The coordinated execution of joint electromagnetic
spectrum operations with other lethal and nonlethal operations that enable freedom of
action in the electromagnetic operational environment. Also called EMSC. (JP 3-13.1)
Terms and Definitions
electromagnetic spectrum management — Planning, coordinating, and managing use of
the electromagnetic spectrum through operational, engineering, and administrative
procedures. See also electromagnetic spectrum. (JP 6-01)
electromagnetic vulnerability — The characteristics of a system that cause it to suffer a
definite degradation (incapability to perform the designated mission) as a result of having
been subjected to a certain level of electromagnetic environmental effects. Also called
EMV. (JP 3-13.1)
electronic attack — Division of electronic warfare involving the use of electromagnetic
energy, directed energy, or antiradiation weapons to attack personnel, facilities, or
equipment with the intent of degrading, neutralizing, or destroying enemy combat
capability and is considered a form of fires. Also called EA. See also electronic
protection; electronic warfare; electronic warfare support. (JP 3-13.1)
electronic intelligence — Technical and geolocation intelligence derived from foreign
noncommunications electromagnetic radiations emanating from other than nuclear
detonations or radioactive sources. Also called ELINT. See also electronic warfare;
foreign instrumentation signals intelligence; intelligence; signals intelligence.
(JP 3-13.1)
electronic masking —The controlled radiation of electromagnetic energy on friendly
frequencies in a manner to protect the emissions of friendly communications and
electronic systems against enemy electronic warfare support measures/signals
intelligence without significantly degrading the operation of friendly systems.
(JP 3-13.1)
electronic probing — Intentional radiation designed to be introduced into the devices or
systems of potential enemies for the purpose of learning the functions and operational
capabilities of the devices or systems. (JP 3-13.1)
electronic protection — Division of electronic warfare involving actions taken to protect
personnel, facilities, and equipment from any effects of friendly or enemy use of the
electromagnetic spectrum that degrade, neutralize, or destroy friendly combat capability.
Also called EP. See also electronic attack, electronic warfare; electronic warfare
support. (JP 3-13.1)
electronic reconnaissance — The detection, location, identification, and evaluation of
foreign electromagnetic radiations. See also electromagnetic radiation;
reconnaissance. (JP 3-13.1)
electronics security — The protection resulting from all measures designed to deny
unauthorized persons information of value that might be derived from their interception
and study of noncommunications electromagnetic radiations, e.g., radar. (JP 3-13.1)
Terms and Definitions
electronic warfare — Military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed
energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum or to attack the enemy. Also called EW.
See also directed energy; electromagnetic spectrum; electronic attack; electronic
protection; electronic warfare support. (JP 3-13.1)
electronic warfare frequency deconfliction — Actions taken to integrate those frequencies
used by electronic warfare systems into the overall frequency deconfliction process. See
also electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
electronic warfare reprogramming — The deliberate alteration or modification of
electronic warfare or target sensing systems, or the tactics and procedures that employ
them, in response to validated changes in equipment, tactics, or the electromagnetic
environment. See also electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
electronic warfare support — Division of electronic warfare involving actions tasked by, or
under direct control of, an operational commander to search for, intercept, identify, and
locate or localize sources of intentional and unintentional radiated electromagnetic
energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition, targeting, planning and conduct
of future operations. Also called ES. See also electronic attack; electronic protection;
electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
electro-optical-infrared countermeasure — A device or technique employing electro-
optical-infrared materials or technology that is intended to impair the effectiveness of
enemy activity, particularly with respect to precision guided weapons and sensor
systems. Also called EO-IR CM. (JP 3-13.1)
element — An organization formed around a specific function within a designated directorate
of a joint force commander’s headquarters. (JP 3-33)
elevated causeway system — An elevated causeway pier that provides a means of delivering
containers, certain vehicles, and bulk cargo ashore without the lighterage contending
with the surf zone. Also called ELCAS. See also causeway. (JP 4-01.6)
elicitation — In intelligence usage, the acquisition of information from a person or group in
a manner that does not disclose the intent of the interview or conversation. (JP 2-0)
embarkation — The process of putting personnel and/or vehicles and their associated stores
and equipment into ships and/or aircraft. (JP 3-02.1)
embarkation and tonnage table — A consolidated table showing personnel and cargo, by
troop or naval units, loaded aboard a combat-loaded ship. (JP 3-02.1)
embarkation area — An area ashore, including a group of embarkation points, in which final
preparations for embarkation are completed and through which assigned personnel and
loads for craft and ships are called forward to embark. See also mounting area.
(JP 3-02.1)
Terms and Definitions
embarkation element A temporary administrative formation of personnel with supplies
and equipment embarking or to be embarked (combat loaded) aboard the ships of one
transport element. (JP 3-02.1)
embarkation group A temporary administrative formation of personnel with supplies
and equipment embarking or to be embarked (combat loaded) aboard the ships of one
transport element group. (JP 3-02.1)
embarkation officer — An officer on the staff of units of the landing force who advises the
commander thereof on matters pertaining to embarkation planning and loading ships.
See also combat cargo officer. (JP 3-02.1)
embarkation order An order specifying dates, times, routes, loading diagrams, and
methods of movement to shipside or aircraft for troops and their equipment.
(JP 3-02.1)
embarkation organization — A temporary administrative formation of personnel with
supplies and equipment embarking or to be embarked aboard ships. See also
embarkation team. (JP 3-02.1)
embarkation phase — In amphibious operations, the phase that encompasses the orderly
assembly of personnel and materiel and their subsequent loading aboard ships and/or
aircraft in a sequence designed to meet the requirements of the landing force concept of
operations ashore. (JP 3-02.1)
embarkation plans — The plans prepared by the landing force and appropriate subordinate
commanders containing instructions and information concerning the organization for
embarkation, assignment to shipping, supplies and equipment to be embarked, location
and assignment of embarkation areas, control and communication arrangements,
movement schedules and embarkation sequence, and additional pertinent instructions
relating to the embarkation of the landing force. (JP 3-02)
embarkation team — A temporary administrative formation of all personnel with supplies
and equipment embarking or to be embarked (combat loaded) aboard one ship. See also
embarkation organization. (JP 3-02.1)
embarkation unit A temporary administrative formation of personnel with supplies and
equipment embarking or to be embarked (combat loaded) aboard the ships of one
transport unit, which is dissolved upon completion of the embarkation. (JP 3-02.1)
emergency action committee — An organization established at a foreign service post by the
chief of mission or principal officer for the purpose of directing and coordinating the
post’s response to contingencies. Also called EAC. (JP 3-68)
Terms and Definitions
emergency authority — A Federal military commander’s authority, in extraordinary
emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and
duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage
temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil
disturbances because (1) such activities are necessary to prevent significant loss of life
or wanton destruction of property and are necessary to restore governmental function and
public order or (2) duly constituted Federal, state, or local authorities are unable or
decline to provide adequate protection for Federal property or Federal governmental
functions. (DODD 3025.18)
emergency-essential employee — A Department of Defense civilian whose assigned duties
and responsibilities must be accomplished following the evacuation of non-essential
personnel (including dependents) during a declared emergency or outbreak of war. See
also evacuation. (JP 1-0)
emergency locator beacon — A generic term for all radio beacons used for emergency
locating purposes. See also personal locator beacon. (JP 3-50)
emergency operations center — A temporary or permanent facility where the coordination
of information and resources to support domestic incident management activities
normally takes place. Also called EOC. (JP 3-41)
emergency preparedness — Measures taken in advance of an emergency to reduce the loss
of life and property and to protect a nation’s institutions from all types of hazards through
a comprehensive emergency management program of preparedness, mitigation,
response, and recovery. Also called EP. (JP 3-28)
emergency preparedness liaison officer — A senior reserve officer who represents their
Service at the appropriate joint field office conducting planning and coordination
responsibilities in support of civil authorities. Also called EPLO. (JP 3-28)
emergency repair — The least amount of immediate repair to damaged facilities necessary
for the facilities to support the mission. See also facility substitutes. (JP 3-34)
emergency support functions — A grouping of government and certain private-sector
capabilities into an organizational structure to provide the support, resources, program
implementation, and services that are most likely to be needed to save lives, protect
property and the environment, restore essential services and critical infrastructure, and
help victims and communities return to normal, when feasible, following domestic
incidents. Also called ESFs. (JP 3-28)
emission control — The selective and controlled use of electromagnetic, acoustic, or other
emitters to optimize command and control capabilities while minimizing, for operations
security: a. detection by enemy sensors; b. mutual interference among friendly systems;
and/or c. enemy interference with the ability to execute a military deception plan. Also
called EMCON. See also electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
Terms and Definitions
emission security — The component of communications security that results from all
measures taken to deny unauthorized persons information of value that might be derived
from intercept and analysis of compromising emanations from crypto-equipment and
telecommunications systems. See also communications security. (JP 6-0)
employment — The strategic, operational, or tactical use of forces. (JP 5-0)
end evening civil twilight — The point in time when the sun has dropped 6 degrees beneath
the western horizon, and is the instant at which there is no longer sufficient light to see
objects with the unaided eye. Also called EECT. (JP 2-01.3)
end item — A final combination of end products, component parts, and/or materials that is
ready for its intended use. (JP 4-02)
end of evening nautical twilight — The point in time when the sun has dropped 12 degrees
below the western horizon, and is the instant of last available daylight for the visual
control of limited military operations. Also called EENT. (JP 2-01.3)
end state — The set of required conditions that defines achievement of the commander’s
objectives. (JP 3-0)
end-to-end — A term that describes joint distribution operations boundaries, which begin at
the point of origin and terminate at the geographic combatant commander’s designated
point of need within a desired operational area, including the return of forces and
materiel. (JP 4-09)
engage — 1. In air defense, a fire control order used to direct or authorize units and/or weapon
systems to fire on a designated target. See also cease engagement; hold fire. (JP 3-01)
2. To bring the enemy under fire. (JP 3-09.3)
engagement — 1. In air defense, an attack with guns or air-to-air missiles by an interceptor
aircraft, or the launch of an air defense missile by air defense artillery and the missile’s
subsequent travel to intercept. (JP 3-01) 2. A tactical conflict, usually between opposing
lower echelons maneuver forces. See also battle; campaign. (JP 3-0)
engagement authority An authority vested with a joint force commander that may be
delegated to a subordinate commander, that permits an engagement decision. (JP 3-01)
engineer support plan — An appendix to the logistics annex or separate annex of an
operation plan that identifies the minimum essential engineering services and
construction requirements required to support the commitment of military forces. Also
called ESP. See also operation plan. (JP 3-34)
Terms and Definitions
en route care — Continuation of the provision of care during movement (evacuation)
between the health service support capabilities in the roles of care, without clinically
compromising the patient’s condition. See also evacuation. (JP 4-02)
enterprise force structure The digitized hierarchical representation of Department of
Defense organizations, documented in accordance with the standardized precepts of the
Organizational and Force Structure Construct, generated and shared from .org servers for
Department of Defense-wide integration and use. (DODI 8260.03)
entity Within the context of targeting, a term used to describe facilities, organizations,
individuals, equipment, or virtual (nontangible) things. (JP 3-60)
environmental baseline survey — A multi-disciplinary site survey conducted prior to or in
the initial stage of an operational deployment. Also called EBS. See also general
engineering. (JP 3-34)
environmental considerations — The spectrum of environmental media, resources, or
programs that may affect the planning and execution of military operations. (JP 3-34)
equipment — In logistics, all nonexpendable items needed to outfit or equip an individual or
organization. See also component; supplies. (JP 4-0)
escapee — Any person who has been physically captured by the enemy and succeeds in
getting free. (JP 3-50)
escort — A member of the Armed Forces assigned to accompany, assist, or guide an
individual or group, e.g., an escort officer. (JP 4-06)
essential care — Medical treatment provided to manage the casualty throughout the roles of
care, which includes all care and treatment to either return the patient to duty (within the
theater evacuation policy), or begin initial treatment required for optimization of
outcome, and/or stabilization to ensure the patient can tolerate evacuation. See also en
route care; first responder; forward resuscitative care; theater. (JP 4-02)
essential element of friendly information — Key question likely to be asked by adversary
officials and intelligence systems about specific friendly intentions, capabilities, and
activities, so they can obtain answers critical to their operational effectiveness. Also
called EEFI. (JP 3-0)
essential elements of information — The most critical information requirements regarding
the adversary and the environment needed by the commander by a particular time to
relate with other available information and intelligence in order to assist in reaching a
logical decision. Also called EEIs. (JP 2-0)
Terms and Definitions
essential task — A specified or implied task that an organization must perform to accomplish
the mission that is typically included in the mission statement. See also implied task;
specified task. (JP 5-0)
establishing directive — An order issued to specify the purpose of the support relationship.
(JP 3-02)
estimate — 1. An analysis of a foreign situation, development, or trend that identifies its
major elements, interprets the significance, and appraises the future possibilities and the
prospective results of the various actions that might be taken. 2. An appraisal of the
capabilities, vulnerabilities, and potential courses of action of a foreign nation or
combination of nations in consequence of a specific national plan, policy, decision, or
contemplated course of action. 3. An analysis of an actual or contemplated clandestine
operation in relation to the situation in which it is or would be conducted in order to
identify and appraise such factors as available as well as needed assets and potential
obstacles, accomplishments, and consequences. See also intelligence estimate.
(JP 2-01)
estimative intelligence — Intelligence that identifies, describes, and forecasts adversary
capabilities and the implications for planning and executing military operations.
(JP 2-0)
evacuation — 1. Removal of a patient by any of a variety of transport means from a theater
of military operation, or between health services capabilities, for the purpose of
preventing further illness or injury, providing additional care, or providing disposition of
patients from the military health care system. (JP 4-02) 2. The clearance of personnel,
animals, or materiel from a given locality. (JP 3-68) 3. The controlled process of
collecting, classifying, and shipping unserviceable or abandoned materiel, United States
or foreign, to appropriate reclamation, maintenance, technical intelligence, or disposal
facilities. (JP 4-09) 4. The ordered or authorized departure of noncombatant evacuees
from a specific area to another in the same or different countries by Department of State,
Department of Defense, or appropriate military commander. See also evacuee;
noncombatant evacuation operation. (JP 3-68)
evacuee — A civilian removed from a place of residence by military direction for reasons of
personal security or the requirements of the military situation. See also displaced
person; refugee. (JP 3-57)
evader — Any person isolated in hostile or unfriendly territory who eludes capture.
(JP 3-50)
evaluation — In intelligence usage, appraisal of an item of information in terms of credibility,
reliability, pertinence, and accuracy. (JP 2-01)
Terms and Definitions
evaluation agent — The command or agency designated in the evaluation directive to be
responsible for the planning, coordination, and conduct of the required evaluation of a
joint test publication. See also joint doctrine; joint test publication. (CJCSM 5120.01)
evaluation and feedback — In intelligence usage, continuous assessment of intelligence
operations throughout the intelligence process to ensure that the commander’s
intelligence requirements are being met. See intelligence process. (JP 2-01)
evasion — The process whereby isolated personnel avoid capture with the goal of
successfully returning to areas under friendly control. (JP 3-50)
evasion aid — In personnel recovery, any piece of information or equipment designed to
assist an individual in avoiding capture. See also blood chit; evasion; evasion chart;
pointee-talkee; recovery; recovery operations. (JP 3-50)
evasion chart — A special map or chart designed as an evasion aid. Also called EVC. See
also evasion; evasion aid. (JP 3-50)
evasion plan of action — A course of action, developed prior to executing a combat mission,
that is intended to improve a potential isolated person’s chances of successful evasion
and recovery by providing the recovery forces with an additional source of information
that can increase the predictability of the evader’s action and movement. Also called
EPA. See also course of action; evader; evasion. (JP 3-50)
event matrix — A cross-referenced description of the indicators and activity expected to
occur in each named area of interest. See also activity; area of interest; indicator.
(JP 2-01.3)
event template — A guide for collection planning that depicts the named areas of interest
where activity, or its lack of activity, will indicate which course of action the adversary
has adopted. See also activity; area of interest; collection planning; course of action.
(JP 2-01.3)
exclusion zone — A zone established by a sanctioning body to prohibit specific activities in
a specific geographic area in order to persuade nations or groups to modify their behavior
to meet the desires of the sanctioning body or face continued imposition of sanctions, or
use or threat of force. (JP 3-0)
exclusive economic zone — A maritime zone adjacent to the territorial sea that may not
extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the
territorial sea is measured. Also called
EEZ. (JP 3-15)
execute order — 1. An order issued by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at the
direction of the Secretary of Defense, to implement a decision by the President to initiate
military operations. 2. An order to initiate military operations as directed. Also called
EXORD. (JP 5-0)
Terms and Definitions
execution planning — The Adaptive Planning and Execution system translation of an
approved course of action into an executable plan of action through the preparation of a
complete operation plan or operation order. Also called EP. See also Joint Operation
Planning and Execution System. (JP 5-0)
executive agent — A term used to indicate a delegation of authority by the Secretary of
Defense or Deputy Secretary of Defense to a subordinate to act on behalf of the Secretary
of Defense. Also called EA. (JP 1)
exercise — A military maneuver or simulated wartime operation involving planning,
preparation, and execution that is carried out for the purpose of training and evaluation.
See also maneuver. (JP 3-0)
exfiltration — The removal of personnel or units from areas under enemy control by stealth,
deception, surprise, or clandestine means. See also special operations; unconventional
warfare. (JP 3-50)
expeditionary force — An armed force organized to achieve a specific objective in a foreign
country. (JP 3-0)
expendable supplies — Supplies that are consumed in use, such as ammunition, paint, fuel,
cleaning and preserving materials, surgical dressings, drugs, medicines, etc., or that lose
their identity, such as spare parts, etc., and may be dropped from stock record accounts
when it is issued or used. (JP 4-02)
exploitation — 1. Taking full advantage of success in military operations, following up initial
gains, and making permanent the temporary effects already created. 2. Taking full
advantage of any information that has come to hand for tactical, operational, or strategic
purposes. 3. An offensive operation that usually follows a successful attack and is
designed to disorganize the enemy in depth. See also attack. (JP 2-01.3)
explosive cargo — Cargo such as artillery ammunition, bombs, depth charges, demolition
material, rockets, and missiles. (JP 4-01.5)
explosive hazard — 1. Any material posing a potential threat that contains an explosive
component such as unexploded explosive ordnance, booby traps, improvised explosive
devices, captured enemy ammunition, and bulk explosives. (JP 3-15) 2. In explosive
ordnance disposal, a condition where danger exists because explosives are present that
may react in a mishap with potential unacceptable effects to people, property, operational
capability, or the environment. Also called EH.
(JP 3-42)
explosive hazard incident — The suspected or detected presence of unexploded or damaged
explosive ordnance that constitutes a hazard to operations, installations, personnel, or
material. Not included in this definition are the accidental arming or other conditions
Terms and Definitions
that develop during the manufacture of high explosive material, technical service
assembly operations, or the laying of mines and demolition charges. (JP 3-15.1)
explosive ordnance — All munitions and improvised or clandestine explosive devices,
containing explosives, propellants, nuclear fission or fusion materials, and biological and
chemical agents. (JP 3-42)
explosive ordnance disposal — 1. The detection, identification, on-site evaluation, rendering
safe, recovery, and final disposal of unexploded explosive ordnance. 2. The
organizations engaged in such activities. Also called EOD. (JP 3-42)
explosive ordnance disposal incident — The suspected or detected presence of unexploded
or damaged explosive ordnance that constitutes a hazard to operations, installations,
personnel, or material and requires explosive ordnance disposal procedures. (JP 3-42)
explosive ordnance disposal procedures — Any particular course or mode of action taken
by qualified explosive ordnance disposal personnel to detect and/or locate, access,
identify, triage, diagnose, stabilize, render safe or neutralize, recover, exploit, and dispose
of ordnance, explosives, or any hazardous material associated with an explosive
ordnance disposal incident. (JP 3-42)
explosive ordnance disposal unit — Personnel with special training and equipment who
render explosive ordnance safe, make intelligence reports on such ordnance, and
supervise the safe removal thereof. (JP 3-42)
explosives safety munitions risk management — A systematic approach that integrates risk
analysis into operational planning, military training exercises, and contingency
operations with the goal of identifying potentially adverse consequences associated with
munitions operations, risk reduction alternatives, and risk acceptance criteria for senior
officials to make the risk decision. Also called ESMRM. (CJCSI 4360.01A)
external audience — In public affairs, all people who are not United States military members,
Department of Defense civilian employees, and their immediate families. See also
internal audience; public. (JP 3-61)
external support contract Contract awarded by contracting organizations whose
contracting authority does not derive directly from the theater support contracting head(s)
of contracting activity or from systems support contracting authorities. See also systems
support contract; theater support contract. (JP 4-10)
facility — A real property entity consisting of one or more of the following: a building, a
structure, a utility system, pavement, and underlying land. (JP 3-34)
facility substitutes — Items such as tents and prepackaged structures requisitioned through
the supply system that may be used to substitute for constructed facilities. (JP 3-34)
family readiness The state of being prepared to effectively navigate the challenges of daily
living experienced in the unique context of military service, to include: mobility and
financial readiness, mobilization and deployment readiness, and personal and family life
readiness. (DODI 1342.22)
feasibility — The joint operation plan review criterion for assessing whether the assigned
mission can be accomplished using available resources within the time contemplated by
the plan. See also acceptability; adequacy. (JP 5-0)
feasibility assessment — A basic target analysis that provides an initial determination of the
viability of a proposed target for special operations forces employment. Also called FA.
(JP 3-05)
federal service — A term applied to National Guard members and units when called to active
duty to serve the United States Government under Article I, Section 8 and Article II,
Section 2 of the Constitution and Title 10, United States Code, Sections 12401 to 12408.
See also active duty; Reserve Component. (JP 4-05)
feint — In military deception, an offensive action involving contact with the adversary
conducted for the purpose of deceiving the adversary as to the location and/or time of the
actual main offensive action. (JP 3-13.4)
field artillery — Equipment, supplies, ammunition, and personnel involved in the use of
cannon, rocket, or surface-to-surface missile launchers. Also called FA. (JP 3-09)
fighter engagement zone — In air defense, that airspace of defined dimensions within which
the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests with fighter aircraft. Also
called FEZ. (JP 3-01)
fighter escort — An offensive counterair operation providing dedicated protection sorties by
air-to-air capable fighters in support of other offensive air and air support missions over
enemy territory, or in a defensive counterair role to protect high value airborne assets.
(JP 3-01)
fighter sweep — An offensive mission by fighter aircraft to seek out and destroy enemy
aircraft or targets of opportunity in a designated area. (JP 3-01)
Terms and Definitions
final governing standards — A comprehensive set of country-specific substantive
environmental provisions, typically technical limitations on effluent, discharges, etc., or
a specific management practice. Also called FGSs. (JP 3-34)
final protective fire — An immediately available prearranged barrier of fire designed to
impede enemy movement across defensive lines or areas. Also called FPF.
(JP 3-09.3)
finance support — A financial management function to provide financial advice and
recommendations, pay support, disbursing support, establishment of local depository
accounts, essential accounting support, and support of the procurement process. See also
financial management. (JP 1-06)
financial management — The combination of the two core functions of resource
management and finance support. Also called FM. See also finance support; resource
management. (JP 1-06)
fire direction center — That element of a command post, consisting of gunnery and
communications personnel and equipment, by means of which the commander exercises
fire direction and/or fire control. Also called FDC. (JP 3-09.3)
fires — The use of weapon systems or other actions to create specific lethal or nonlethal
effects on a target. (JP 3-09)
fire support — Fires that directly support land, maritime, amphibious, and special operations
forces to engage enemy forces, combat formations, and facilities in pursuit of tactical and
operational objectives. See also fires. (JP 3-09)
fire support area — An appropriate maneuver area assigned to fire support ships by the naval
force commander from which they can deliver gunfire support to an amphibious
operation. Also called FSA. See also amphibious operation; fire support. (JP 3-09)
fire support coordination — The planning and executing of fire so that targets are adequately
covered by a suitable weapon or group of weapons. (JP 3-09)
fire support coordination center — A single location in which are centralized
communications facilities and personnel incident to the coordination of all forms of fire
support for Marine forces. Also called FSCC. See also fire support; fire support
coordination; support; supporting arms coordination center. (JP 3-09)
fire support coordination line — A fire support coordination measure established by the
land or amphibious force commander to support common objectives within an area of
operation; beyond which all fires must be coordinated with affected commanders prior
to engagement, and short of the line, all fires must be coordinated with the establishing
commander prior to engagement. Also called FSCL. See also fires; fire support.
(JP 3-09)
Terms and Definitions
fire support coordination measure — A measure employed by commanders to facilitate the
rapid engagement of targets and simultaneously provide safeguards for friendly forces.
Also called FSCM. See also fire support coordination. (JP 3-0)
fire support coordinator 1. The officer in charge of the fire support coordination center.
Also called FSC. 2. The brigade combat team’s organic fires battalion commander; if a
fires brigade is designated as the division force field artillery headquarters, the fires
brigade commander is the division’s fire support coordinator and is assisted by the chief
of fires who then serves as the deputy fire support coordinator during the period the force
field artillery headquarters is in effect. Also called FSCOORD. (JP 3-09)
fire support element — That section of the tactical operations center at every echelon above
company responsible for targeting coordination and for integrating fires under the
control or in support of the force. Also called FSE. Also called fire cell (FC) within
the United States Army. See also fire support; force; support. (JP 3-09)
fire support officer — The field artillery officer from the operational to tactical level
responsible for advising the supported commander or assisting the senior fires officer of
the organization on fires functions and fire support. Also called FSO. See also field
artillery; fire support; support. (JP 3-09)
fire support station — An exact location at sea within a fire support area from which a fire
support ship delivers fire. Also called FSS. (JP 3-02)
fire support team — A field artillery team provided for each maneuver company/troop and
selected units to plan and coordinate all supporting fires available to the unit, including
mortars, field artillery, naval surface fire support, and close air support integration. Also
called FIST. See also close air support; field artillery; fire support; support.
(JP 3-09.3)
first responder — A primary health care provider who provides immediate clinical care and
stabilization in preparation for evacuation to the next health service support capability in
the roles of care, and treats Service members for common acute minor illnesses. See also
essential care; evacuation. (JP 4-02)
first responder care — The health care capability that provides immediate clinical care and
stabilization to the patient in preparation for evacuation to the next health service support
capability in the continuum of care. (JP 4-02)
fixed port — Terminals with an improved network of cargo-handling facilities designed for
the transfer of freight. See also maritime terminal. (JP 4-01.5)
fixed price contract — A type of contract that generally provides for a firm price or, under
appropriate circumstances, may provide for an adjustable price for the supplies or
services being procured. (JP 4-10)
Terms and Definitions
flame field expedient — Simple, handmade device used to produce flame or illumination.
Also called FFE. (JP 3-15)
flash burn — A burn caused by excessive exposure (of bare skin) to thermal radiation.
(JP 3-41)
flatrack — Portable, open-topped, open-sided units that fit into existing below-deck container
cell guides and provide a capability for container ships to carry oversized cargo and
wheeled and tracked vehicles. (JP 4-09)
fleet — An organization of ships, aircraft, Marine forces, and shore-based fleet activities all
under a commander who may exercise operational as well as administrative control. See
also numbered fleet. (JP 3-02.1)
Fleet Marine Force — A balanced force of combined arms comprising land, air, and service
elements of the United States Marine Corps, which is an integral part of a United States
fleet and has the status of a type command. (JP 4-02)
flexible deterrent option — A planning construct intended to facilitate early decision making
by developing a wide range of interrelated responses that begin with deterrent-oriented
actions carefully tailored to produce a desired effect. Also called FDO. See also
deterrent options. (JP 5-0)
flexible response — The capability of military forces for effective reaction to any enemy
threat or attack with actions appropriate and adaptable to the circumstances existing.
(JP 5-0)
flight — 1. In Navy and Marine Corps usage, a specified group of aircraft usually engaged in
a common mission. 2. The basic tactical unit in the Air Force, consisting of four or more
aircraft in two or more elements. 3. A single aircraft airborne on a nonoperational
mission. (JP 3-30)
flight deck — 1. In certain airplanes, an elevated compartment occupied by the crew for
operating the airplane in flight. 2. The upper deck of an aircraft carrier that serves as a
runway. The deck of an air-capable ship, amphibious aviation assault ship, or aircraft
carrier used to launch and recover aircraft. (JP 3-04)
flight deck officer — Officer responsible for the safe movement of aircraft on or about the
flight deck of an aviation-capable ship. Also called FDO. (JP 3-04)
flight quarters — A ship configuration that assigns and stations personnel at critical positions
to conduct safe flight operations. (JP 3-04)
floating craft company — A company-sized unit made up of various watercraft teams such
as tugs, barges, and barge cranes. (JP 4-01.6)
Terms and Definitions
floating dump — Emergency supplies preloaded in landing craft, amphibious vehicles, or in
landing ships that are located in the vicinity of the appropriate control officer, who directs
their landing as requested by the troop commander concerned. (JP 3-02)
fly-in echelon — Airlifted forces and equipment to include flight ferry aircraft and aviation
support equipment needed to support operations; typically associated with the use of pre-
positioned assets. Also called FIE. (JP 3-02.1)
follow-up — In amphibious operations, the reinforcements and stores carried on ships and
aircraft (not originally part of the amphibious force) that are off-loaded after the assault
and assault follow-on echelons have been landed. See also amphibious operation;
assault; assault follow-on echelon. (JP 3-02)
follow-up shipping — Ships not originally a part of the amphibious task force but which
deliver troops and supplies to the objective area after the action phase has begun.
(JP 3-02)
footprint — 1. The area on the surface of the earth within a satellite’s transmitter or sensor
field of view. 2. The amount of personnel, spares, resources, and capabilities physically
present and occupying space at a deployed location. (JP 4-01.5)
force — 1. An aggregation of military personnel, weapon systems, equipment, and necessary
support, or combination thereof. 2. A major subdivision of a fleet. (JP 1)
force/activity designator — Number used in conjunction with urgency of need designators
to establish a matrix of priorities used for supply requisitions. Also called F/AD. See
also force. (JP 4-09)
force beddown — The provision of expedient facilities for troop support to provide a
platform for the projection of force. See also facility substitutes. (JP 3-34)
force closure — The point in time when a supported joint force commander determines that
sufficient personnel and equipment resources are in the assigned operational area to carry
out assigned tasks. See also closure; force. (JP 3-35)
force health protection — Measures to promote, improve, or conserve the behavioral and
physical well-being of Service members to enable a healthy and fit force, prevent injury
and illness, and protect the force from health hazards. Also called FHP. See also force;
protection. (JP 4-02)
force management An organizing construct of processes, policies, organizational
information, and tools that informs senior leader decision making on the global joint
sourcing of the defense strategy. (DODI 8260.03)
Terms and Definitions
force module — A grouping of combat, combat support, and combat service support forces,
with their accompanying supplies and the required nonunit resupply and personnel
necessary to sustain forces for a minimum of 30 days. Also called FM. (JP 4-01.5)
force planning — 1. Planning associated with the creation and maintenance of military
capabilities by the Military Departments, Services, and US Special Operations
Command. 2. In the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System, the planning
conducted by the supported combatant command and its components to determine
required force capabilities to accomplish an assigned mission. (JP 5-0)
force projection — The ability to project the military instrument of national power from the
United States or another theater, in response to requirements for military operations. See
also force. (JP 3-0)
force protection — Preventive measures taken to mitigate hostile actions against Department
of Defense personnel (to include family members), resources, facilities, and critical
information. Also called FP. See also force; force protection condition; protection.
(JP 3-0)
force protection condition — A Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-approved standard for
identification of and recommended responses to terrorist threats against United States
personnel and facilities. Also called FPCON. See also antiterrorism; force
protection. (JP 3-07.2)
force protection detachment — A counterintelligence element that provides
counterintelligence support to transiting and assigned ships, personnel, and aircraft in
regions of elevated threat. Also called FPD. (JP 2-01.2)
force protection working group — Cross-functional working group whose purpose is to
conduct risk assessment and risk management and to recommend mitigating measures to
the commander. Also called FPWG. (JP 3-10)
force requirement number An alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify force entries
in a given operation plan time-phased force and deployment data. Also called FRN.
(JP 3-35)
force sequencing — The phased introduction of forces into and out of the operational area.
(JP 3-68)
force sourcing — The identification of the actual units, their origins, ports of embarkation,
and movement characteristics to satisfy the time-phased force requirements of a
supported commander. (JP 5-0)
Terms and Definitions
force structure The composition of Department of Defense organizations, both military
and civilian, that comprise and support United States defense forces as specified by the
National Defense Authorization Acts of current and applicable previous years, and
defines the organizational hierarchy through which leadership authorities are exercised.
(DODI 8260.03)
force tracking — The process of gathering and maintaining information on the location,
status, and predicted movement of each element of a unit including the unit’s command
element, personnel, and unit-related supplies and equipment while in transit to the
specified operational area. (JP 3-35)
force visibility — The current and accurate status of forces; their current mission; future
missions; location; mission priority; and readiness status. (JP 3-35)
forcible entry — Seizing and holding of a military lodgment in the face of armed opposition.
See also lodgment. (JP 3-18)
foreign assistance — Assistance to foreign nations ranging from the sale of military
equipment and support for foreign internal defense to donations of food and medical
supplies to aid survivors of natural and man-made disasters that may be provided through
development assistance, humanitarian assistance, and security assistance. See also
domestic emergencies; foreign disaster; foreign humanitarian assistance; security
assistance. (JP 3-0)
foreign disaster — A calamitous situation or event that occurs naturally or through human
activities, which threatens or inflicts human suffering on a scale that may warrant
emergency relief assistance from the United States Government or from foreign partners.
See also foreign disaster relief. (JP 3-29)
foreign disaster relief — Assistance that can be used immediately to alleviate the suffering
of foreign disaster victims that normally includes services and commodities as well as
the rescue and evacuation of victims; the provision and transportation of food, water,
clothing, medicines, beds, bedding, and temporary shelter; the furnishing of medical
equipment, medical and technical personnel; and making repairs to essential services.
Also called FDR. See also foreign disaster. (JP 3-29)
foreign humanitarian assistance — Department of Defense activities conducted outside the
United States and its territories to directly relieve or reduce human suffering, disease,
hunger, or privation. Also called FHA. See also foreign assistance. (JP 3-29)
foreign instrumentation signals intelligence — A subcategory of signals intelligence,
consisting of technical information and intelligence derived from the intercept of foreign
electromagnetic emissions associated with the testing and operational deployment of
non-US aerospace, surface, and subsurface systems. Foreign instrumentation signals
include but are not limited to telemetry, beaconry, electronic interrogators, and video data
links. Also called FISINT. See also signals intelligence. (JP 2-01)
Terms and Definitions
foreign intelligence — Information relating to capabilities, intentions, and activities of
foreign governments or elements thereof, foreign organizations, or foreign persons, or
international terrorist activities. Also called FI. See also intelligence. (JP 2-0)
foreign intelligence entity — Any known or suspected foreign organization, person, or group
(public, private, or governmental) that conducts intelligence activities to acquire United
States information, block or impair United States intelligence collection, influence
United States policy, or disrupts United States systems and programs. The term includes
foreign intelligence and security services and international terrorists. Also called FIE.
(JP 2-01.2)
foreign internal defense — Participation by civilian and military agencies of a government
in any of the action programs taken by another government or other designated
organization to free and protect its society from subversion, lawlessness, insurgency,
terrorism, and other threats to its security. Also called FID. (JP 3-22)
foreign military sales — That portion of United States security assistance authorized by the
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and the Arms Export Control Act of 1976,
as amended. This assistance differs from the Military Assistance Program and the
International Military Education and Training Program in that the recipient provides
reimbursement for defense articles and services transferred. Also called FMS.
(JP 4-08)
foreign national — Any person other than a United States citizen, United States permanent
or temporary legal resident alien, or person in United States custody. (JP 1-0)
foreign nation support Civil and/or military assistance rendered to a nation when
operating outside its national boundaries during military operations based on agreements
mutually concluded between nations or on behalf of intergovernmental organizations.
Also called FNS. See also host-nation support. (JP 1-06)
foreign object damage — Rags, pieces of paper, line, articles of clothing, nuts, bolts, or tools
that, when misplaced or caught by air currents normally found around aircraft operations
(jet blast, rotor or prop wash, engine intake), cause damage to aircraft systems or weapons
or injury to personnel. Also called FOD. (JP 3-04)
foreign service national — Foreign nationals who provide clerical, administrative, technical,
fiscal, and other support at foreign service posts abroad and are not citizens of the United
States. Also called FSN. (JP 3-68)
forensic-enabled intelligence The intelligence resulting from the integration of
scientifically examined materials and other information to establish full characterization,
attribution, and the linkage of events, locations, items, signatures, nefarious intent, and
persons of interest. Also called FEI. (JP 2-0)
Terms and Definitions
formerly restricted data — Information removed from the restricted data category upon a
joint determination by the Department of Energy (or antecedent agencies) and
Department of Defense that such information relates primarily to the military utilization
of atomic weapons and that such information can be adequately safeguarded as classified
defense information. (Section 142d, Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.)
(JP 2-01)
forward air controller — An officer (aviator/pilot) member of the tactical air control party
who, from a forward ground or airborne position, controls aircraft in close air support of
ground troops. Also called FAC. See also close air support. (JP 3-09.3)
forward air controller (airborne) — A specifically trained and qualified aviation officer,
normally an airborne extension of the tactical air control party, who exercises control
from the air of aircraft engaged in close air support of ground troops. Also called
FAC(A). (JP 3-09.3)
forward area — An area in proximity to combat. (JP 4-02)
forward arming and refueling point — A temporary facility, organized, equipped, and
deployed to provide fuel and ammunition necessary for the employment of aviation
maneuver units in combat. Also called FARP. (JP 3-09.3)
forward aviation combat engineering — A mobility operation in which engineers perform
tasks in support of forward aviation ground facilities. Also called FACE. See also
combat engineering; reconnaissance. (JP 3-34)
forward edge of the battle area — The foremost limits of a series of areas in which ground
combat units are deployed, excluding the areas in which the covering or screening forces
are operating, designated to coordinate fire support, the positioning of forces, or the
maneuver of units. Also called FEBA. (JP 3-09.3)
forward line of own troops — A line that indicates the most forward positions of friendly
forces in any kind of military operation at a specific time. Also called FLOT.
(JP 3-03)
forward-looking infrared — An airborne, electro-optical thermal imaging device that
detects far-infrared energy, converts the energy into an electronic signal, and provides a
visible image for day or night viewing. Also called FLIR. (JP 3-09.3)
forward observer — An observer operating with front line troops trained to adjust ground or
naval gunfire and pass back battlefield information. Also called FO. See also forward
air controller; spotter. (JP 3-09)
forward operating base — An airfield used to support tactical operations without
establishing full support facilities. Also called FOB. (JP 3-09.3)
Terms and Definitions
forward operating site A scaleable location outside the United States and US territories
intended for rotational use by operating forces. Such expandable “warm facilities” may
be maintained with a limited US military support presence and possibly pre-positioned
equipment. Forward operating sites support rotational rather than permanently stationed
forces and are a focus for bilateral and regional training. Also called FOS. See also
cooperative security location; main operating base. (CJCS CM-0007-05)
forward presence — Maintaining forward-deployed or stationed forces overseas to
demonstrate national resolve, strengthen alliances, dissuade potential adversaries, and
enhance the ability to respond quickly to contingencies. (JP 3-32)
forward resuscitative care — Care provided as close to the point of injury as possible based
on current operational requirements to attain stabilization, achieve the most efficient use
of life-and-limb saving medical treatment, and provide essential care so the patient can
tolerate evacuation, which is known as Role 2 care in the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization doctrine. Also called FRC. See also essential care; evacuation; medical
treatment facility. (JP 4-02)
foundation geospatial-intelligence data — The base underlying data to provide context and
a framework for display and visualization of the environment to support analysis
operations and intelligence, which consists of: features; elevation; controlled imagery;
geodetic sciences; geographic names and boundaries; aeronautical, maritime and human
geography. (JP 2-03)
463L system — A material handling system that consists of military and civilian aircraft
cargo restraint rail systems, aircraft pallets, nets, tie down, coupling devices, facilities,
handling equipment, procedures, and other components designed to efficiently
accomplish the air logistics and aerial delivery mission. (JP 4-09)
fragmentary order An abbreviated form of an operation order issued as needed after an
operation order to change or modify that order or to execute a branch or sequel to that
order. Also called FRAGORD. (JP 5-0)
freedom of navigation operations — Operations conducted to protect United States
navigation, overflight, and related interests on, under, and over the seas. (JP 3-0)
free drop — The dropping of equipment or supplies from an aircraft without the use of
parachutes. See also airdrop; air movement; free fall; high velocity drop; low
velocity drop. (JP 3-17)
free fall — A parachute maneuver in which the parachute is manually activated at the
discretion of the jumper or automatically at a preset altitude. See also airdrop; air
movement; free drop; high velocity drop; low velocity drop. (JP 3-17)
free-fire area — A specific area into which any weapon system may fire without additional
coordination with the establishing headquarters. Also called FFA. (JP 3-09)
Terms and Definitions
free mail — Correspondence of a personal nature that weighs less than 11 ounces, to include
audio and video recording tapes, from a member of the Armed Forces or designated
civilian, mailed postage free from a Secretary of Defense approved free mail zone.
(JP 1-0)
frequency deconfliction — A systematic management procedure to coordinate the use of the
electromagnetic spectrum for operations, communications, and intelligence functions.
Frequency deconfliction is one element of electromagnetic spectrum management. See
also electromagnetic spectrum; electromagnetic spectrum management; electronic
warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
friendly — A contact positively identified as friendly. (JP 3-01)
friendly force information requirement — Information the commander and staff need to
understand the status of friendly force and supporting capabilities. Also called FFIR.
(JP 3-0)
friendly force tracking The process of fixing, observing, and reporting the location and
movement of friendly forces. Also called FFT. (JP 3-09)
frustrated cargo — Any shipment of supplies and/or equipment which, while en route to
destination, is stopped prior to receipt and for which further disposition instructions must
be obtained. (JP 4-01.5)
full mobilization — Expansion of the active Armed Forces resulting from action by Congress
and the President to mobilize for the duration of the emergency plus six months all
Reserve Component units and individuals in the existing approved force structure, as
well as all retired military personnel, and the resources needed for their support to meet
the requirements of a war or other national emergency involving an external threat to the
national security. (JP 4-05)
full-spectrum superiority — The cumulative effect of dominance in the air, land, maritime,
and space domains, electromagnetic spectrum, and information environment (which
includes cyberspace) that permits the conduct of joint operations without effective
opposition or prohibitive interference. (JP 3-0)
function — The broad, general, and enduring role for which an organization is designed,
equipped, and trained. (JP 1)
functional component command — A command normally, but not necessarily, composed
of forces of two or more Military Departments which may be established across the range
of military operations to perform particular operational missions that may be of short
duration or may extend over a period of time. See also component; Service component
command. (JP 1)
Terms and Definitions
functional damage assessment — The estimate of the effect of military force to degrade or
destroy the functional or operational capability of the target to perform its intended
mission and on the level of success in achieving operational objectives established
against the target. See also damage assessment; target. (JP 3-60)
fusion — In intelligence usage, the process of managing information to conduct all-source
analysis and derive a complete assessment of activity. (JP 2-0)
general agency agreementA contract between the Maritime Administration and a
steamship company which, as general agent, exercises administrative control over a
government-owned ship for employment by the Military Sealift Command. See also
Military Sealift Command. (JP 3-02.1)
general cargo — Cargo that is suitable for loading in general, nonspecialized stowage areas
or standard shipping containers; e.g., boxes, barrels, bales, crates, packages, bundles, and
pallets. (JP 4-09)
general engineering — Those engineering capabilities and activities, other than combat
engineering, that provide infrastructure and modify, maintain, or protect the physical
environment. Also called GE. (JP 3-34)
general military intelligence — Intelligence concerning the military capabilities of foreign
countries or organizations, or topics affecting potential United States or multinational
military operations. Also called GMI. See also intelligence. (JP 2-0)
general support — 1. That support which is given to the supported force as a whole and not
to any particular subdivision thereof. See also close support; direct support; mutual
support; support. 2. A tactical artillery mission. Also called GS. See also direct
support; general support-reinforcing. (JP 3-09.3)
general support-reinforcing — The artillery mission of supporting the force as a whole and
of providing reinforcing fires for other artillery units. Also called GSR. (JP 3-09.3)
general unloading period — In amphibious operations, that part of the ship-to-shore
movement in which unloading is primarily logistic in character, and emphasizes speed
and volume of unloading operations. See also initial unloading period. (JP 3-02)
geographic coordinates — The quantities of latitude and longitude which define the position
of a point on the surface of the Earth with respect to the reference spheroid. (JP 2-03)
geospatial engineering — Those engineering capabilities and activities that contribute to a
clear understanding of the physical environment by providing geospatial information and
services to commanders and staffs. See also geospatial information and services.
(JP 3-34)
geospatial information — Information that identifies the geographic location and
characteristics of natural or constructed features and boundaries on the Earth, including:
statistical data and information derived from, among other things, remote sensing,
mapping, and surveying technologies; and mapping, charting, geodetic data and related
products. (JP 2-03)
Terms and Definitions
geospatial information and services — The collection, information extraction, storage,
dissemination, and exploitation of geodetic, geomagnetic, imagery, gravimetric,
aeronautical, topographic, hydrographic, littoral, cultural, and toponymic data accurately
referenced to a precise location on the Earth’s surface. Also called GI&S. (JP 2-03)
geospatial intelligence — The exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial
information to describe, assess, and visually depict physical features and geographically
referenced activities on the Earth. Geospatial intelligence consists of imagery, imagery
intelligence, and geospatial information. Also called GEOINT. (JP 2-03)
geospatial-intelligence base for contingency operations A mobile visualization tool that
provides access to geospatial data where networks or infrastructure have been damaged
or do not exist. Also called GIBCO. (JP 3-68)
geospatial intelligence operations The tasks, activities, and events to collect, manage,
analyze, generate, visualize, and provide imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial
information necessary to support national and defense missions and international
arrangements. Also called GEOINT operations. (JP 2-03)
Global Air Transportation Execution System — The Air Mobility Command’s aerial port
operations and management information system designed to support automated cargo
and passenger processing, the reporting of in-transit visibility data to the Global
Transportation Network, and billing to Air Mobility Command’s financial management
directorate. Also called GATES. See also Air Mobility Command. (JP 3-17)
global ballistic missile defense. Defense against ballistic missile threats that cross one or
more geographical combatant command boundaries and requires synchronization among
the affected combatant commands. Also called GBMD. (JP 3-01)
Global Combat Support System-Joint — The primary information technology application
used to provide automation support to the joint logistician. Also called GCSS-J.
(JP 4-0)
Global Command and Control System — A deployable command and control system
supporting forces for joint and multinational operations across the range of military
operations with compatible, interoperable, and integrated communications systems.
Also called GCCS. See also command and control; command and control system.
(JP 6-0)
Global Decision Support System — The command and control system employed by
mobility air forces that provides schedules, arrival and/or departure information, and
status data to support in-transit visibility of mobility airlift and air refueling aircraft and
aircrews. Also called GDSS. See also Air Mobility Command; in-transit visibility.
(JP 3-17)
Terms and Definitions
global distribution — The process that coordinates and synchronizes fulfillment of joint
force requirements from point of origin to point of employment. See also distribution.
(JP 4-09)
global distribution of materiel — The process of providing materiel from the source of
supply to its point of consumption or use on a worldwide basis. See also global
distribution. (JP 4-09)
global fleet station — A persistent sea base of operations from which to interact with partner
nation military and civilian populations and the global maritime community. Also called
GFS. (JP 3-32)
global force management 1. A process that provides near-term sourcing solutions while
providing the integrating mechanism between force apportionment, allocation, and
assignment. Also call GFM. (JP 3-35) 2. A process to align assignment, allocation, and
apportionment of forces to combatant commanders in support of the national defense
strategy and joint force availability requirements. (DODI 8260.03)
global maritime partnership — An approach to cooperation among maritime nations with
a shared stake in international commerce, safety, security, and freedom of the seas. Also
called GMP. (JP 3-32)
Global Patient Movement Requirements Center — A joint activity reporting directly to
the Commander, United States Transportation Command, which provides medical
regulating and aeromedical evacuation scheduling for the continental United States and
intertheater operations, provides support to the theater patient movement requirements
centers, and coordinates with supporting resource providers to identify available assets
and communicates transport to bed plans to the appropriate transportation agency for
execution. Also called GPMRC. See also medical treatment facility. (JP 4-02)
Global Positioning System — A satellite-based radio navigation system operated by the
Department of Defense to provide all military, civil, and commercial users with precise
positioning, navigation, and timing. Also called GPS. (JP 3-14)
global transportation management — The integrated process of satisfying transportation
requirements using the Defense Transportation System to meet national security
objectives. Also called GTM. See also Defense Transportation System. (JP 4-01)
go/no-go — A critical point at which a decision to proceed or not must be made. (JP 3-02)
governance The state’s ability to serve the citizens through the rules, processes, and
behavior by which interests are articulated, resources are managed, and power is
exercised in a society, including the representative participatory decision-making
processes typically guaranteed under inclusive, constitutional authority. (JP 3-24)
Terms and Definitions
governing factors — In the context of joint operation planning, those aspects of the situation
(or externally imposed factors) that the commander deems critical to the accomplishment
of the mission. (JP 5-0)
grid coordinates — Coordinates of a grid coordinate system to which numbers and letters
are assigned for use in designating a point on a gridded map, photograph, or chart.
(JP 3-09)
ground alert — That status in which aircraft on the ground/deck are fully serviced and armed,
with combat crews in readiness to take off within a specified period of time after receipt
of a mission order. See also airborne alert. (JP 3-01)
ground-based interceptor A fixed-based, surface-to-air missile for defense against long-
range ballistic missiles using an exo-atmospheric hit-to-kill interception of the targeted
reentry vehicle in the midcourse phase of flight. (JP 3-01)
ground-based midcourse defense A surface-to-air ballistic missile defense system for
exo-atmospheric midcourse phase interception of long-range ballistic missiles using the
ground-based interceptors. Also called GMD. (JP 3-01)
group — 1. A flexible administrative and tactical unit composed of either two or more
battalions or two or more squadrons. 2. A number of ships and/or aircraft, normally a
subdivision of a force, assigned for a specific purpose. 3. A long-standing functional
organization that is formed to support a broad function within a joint force commander’s
headquarters. (JP 3-33)
guarded frequencies — A list of time-oriented, enemy frequencies that are currently being
exploited for combat information and intelligence or jammed after the commander has
weighed the potential operational gain against the loss of the technical information. See
also electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
guerrilla force — A group of irregular, predominantly indigenous personnel organized along
military lines to conduct military and paramilitary operations in enemy-held, hostile, or
denied territory. (JP 3-05)
guided missile — An unmanned vehicle moving above the surface of the Earth whose
trajectory or flight path is capable of being altered by an external or internal mechanism.
See also ballistic missile. (JP 3-01)
gun-target line — An imaginary straight line from gun to target. Also called
(JP 3-09.3)
half-life — The time required for the activity of a given radioactive species to decrease to half
of its initial value due to radioactive decay. (JP 3-11)
hasty breach — The creation of lanes through enemy minefields by expedient methods such
as blasting with demolitions, pushing rollers or disabled vehicles through the minefields
when the time factor does not permit detailed reconnaissance, deliberate breaching, or
bypassing the obstacle. (JP 3-15)
hazard — A condition with the potential to cause injury, illness, or death of personnel;
damage to or loss of equipment or property; or mission degradation. See also injury;
risk. (JP 3-33)
hazardous cargo — Cargo that includes not only large bulk-type categories such as
explosives, pyrotechnics, petroleum, oils, and lubricants, compressed gases, corrosives
and batteries, but lesser quantity materials like super-tropical bleach (oxiderizer),
pesticides, poisons, medicines, specialized medical chemicals and medical waste that can
be loaded as cargo. (JP 3-02.1)
hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuels — The potential hazard that is created when
volatile combustibles, such as fuel, are exposed to electromagnetic fields of sufficient
energy to cause ignition. Also called HERF. (JP 3-04)
hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance — The danger of accidental actuation of
electro-explosive devices or otherwise electrically activating ordnance because of radio
frequency electromagnetic fields. Also called HERO. See also electromagnetic
radiation; HERO SAFE ordnance; HERO UNSAFE ordnance; ordnance.
(JP 3-04)
hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel — The potential hazard that exists when
personnel are exposed to an electromagnetic field of sufficient intensity to heat the human
body. Also called HERP. (JP 3-04)
head of contracting activity — The official who has overall responsibility for managing the
contracting activity. Also called HCA. (JP 4-10)
head-up display — A display of flight, navigation, attack, or other information superimposed
upon the pilot’s forward field of view. See also flight. (JP 3-09.3)
health care provider — Any member of the Armed Forces, civilian employee of the
Department of Defense, or personal services contract employee under Title 10, United
States Code, Section 1091 authorized by the Department of Defense to perform health
care functions. Also called DOD health care provider. (JP 4-02)
Terms and Definitions
health service support — All services performed, provided, or arranged to promote,
improve, conserve, or restore the mental or physical well-being of personnel, which
include, but are not limited to, the management of health services resources, such as
manpower, monies, and facilities; preventive and curative health measures; evacuation
of the wounded, injured, or sick; selection of the medically fit and disposition of the
medically unfit; blood management; medical supply, equipment, and maintenance
thereof; combat and operational stress control; and medical, dental, veterinary,
laboratory, optometric, nutrition therapy, and medical intelligence services. Also called
HSS. (JP 4-02)
health surveillance — The regular or repeated collection, analysis, and interpretation of
health-related data and the dissemination of information to monitor the health of a
population and to identify potential health risks, thereby enabling timely interventions to
prevent, treat, reduce, or control disease and injury, which includes occupational and
environmental health surveillance and medical surveillance subcomponents. (JP 4-02)
health threat — A composite of ongoing or potential enemy actions; adverse environmental,
occupational, and geographic and meteorological conditions; endemic diseases; and
employment of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons (to include
weapons of mass destruction) that have the potential to affect the short- or long-term
health (including psychological impact) of personnel. (JP 4-02)
heavy-lift cargo — 1. Any single cargo lift, weighing over 5 long tons, and to be handled
aboard ship. 2. In Marine Corps usage, individual units of cargo that exceed 800 pounds
in weight or 100 cubic feet in volume. (JP 4-01.5)
heavy-lift ship — A ship specially designed and capable of loading and unloading heavy and
bulky items and has booms of sufficient capacity to accommodate a single lift of 100
tons. (JP 4-01.2)
height of burst — The vertical distance from the Earth’s surface or target to the point of burst.
Also called HOB. (JP 3-41)
helicopter coordination section — The section within the Navy tactical air control center
that coordinates rotary-wing air operations with the air traffic control center(s) in the
amphibious force. Also called HCS. (JP 3-02)
HERO SAFE ordnance — Any ordnance item that is percussion initiated, sufficiently
shielded or otherwise so protected that all electro-explosive devices contained by the item
are immune to adverse effects (safety or reliability) when the item is employed in its
expected radio frequency environments, provided that the general hazards of
electromagnetic radiation to ordnance requirements defined in the hazards from
electromagnetic radiation manual are observed. See also electromagnetic radiation;
hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance; HERO SUSCEPTIBLE
ordnance; HERO UNSAFE ordnance; ordnance. (JP 3-04)
Terms and Definitions
HERO SUSCEPTIBLE ordnance — Any ordnance item containing electro-explosive
devices proven by test or analysis to be adversely affected by radio frequency energy to
the point that the safety and/or reliability of the system is in jeopardy when the system is
employed in its expected radio frequency environment. See also electromagnetic
radiation; hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance; HERO SAFE
ordnance; HERO UNSAFE ordnance; ordnance. (JP 3-04)
HERO UNSAFE ordnance — Any ordnance item containing electro-explosive devices that
has not been classified as HERO SAFE or HERO SUSCEPTIBLE ordnance as a result
of a hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance (HERO) analysis or test is
considered HERO UNSAFE ordnance. Additionally, any ordnance item containing
electro-explosive devices (including those previously classified as HERO SAFE or
HERO SUSCEPTIBLE ordnance) that has its internal wiring exposed; when tests are
being conducted on that item that result in additional electrical connections to the item;
when electro-explosive devices having exposed wire leads are present and handled or
loaded in any but the tested condition; when the item is being assembled or disassembled;
or when such ordnance items are damaged causing exposure of internal wiring or
components or destroying engineered HERO protective devices. See also
electromagnetic radiation; hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance;
HERO SAFE ordnance; HERO SUSCEPTIBLE ordnance; ordnance. (JP 3-04)
H-hour — 1. The specific hour on D-day at which a particular operation commences.
(JP 5-0) 2. In amphibious operations, the time the first landing craft or amphibious
vehicle of the waterborne wave lands or is scheduled to land on the beach, and in some
cases, the commencement of countermine breaching operations. (JP 3-02)
high altitude bombing — Horizontal bombing with the height of release over 15,000 feet.
(JP 3-09.3)
high-altitude missile engagement zone — In air defense, that airspace of defined dimensions
within which the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests with high-
altitude surface-to-air missiles. Also called HIMEZ. (JP 3-01)
high-density airspace control zone — Airspace designated in an airspace control plan or
airspace control order in which there is a concentrated employment of numerous and
varied weapons and airspace users. Also called HIDACZ. (JP 3-52)
high-payoff target — A target whose loss to the enemy will significantly contribute to the
success of the friendly course of action. Also called HPT. See also high-value target;
target. (JP 3-60)
high-risk personnel — Personnel who, by their grade, assignment, symbolic value, or
relative isolation, are likely to be attractive or accessible terrorist targets. Also called
HRP. See also antiterrorism. (JP 3-07.2)
Terms and Definitions
high value airborne asset protection — A defensive counterair mission using fighter escorts
that defends airborne national assets which are so important that the loss of even one
could seriously impact United States warfighting capabilities or provide the enemy with
significant propaganda value. Also called HVAA protection. See also defensive
counterair. (JP 3-01)
high-value target — A target the enemy commander requires for the successful completion
of the mission. Also called HVT. See also high-payoff target; target. (JP 3-60)
high velocity drop — A drop procedure in which the drop velocity is greater than 30 feet per
second and lower than free drop velocity. See also airdrop. (JP 3-17)
homeland — The physical region that includes the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii,
United States territories, and surrounding territorial waters and airspace. (JP 3-28)
homeland defense — The protection of United States sovereignty, territory, domestic
population, and critical infrastructure against external threats and aggression or other
threats as directed by the President. Also called HD. (JP 3-27)
homeland security — A concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the
United States; reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, major disasters, and other
emergencies; and minimize the damage and recover from attacks, major disasters, and
other emergencies that occur. Also called HS. (JP 3-27)
home station — The permanent location of active duty units and Reserve Component units.
See also active duty; Reserve Component. (JP 4-05)
homing — The technique whereby a mobile station directs itself, or is directed, towards a
source of primary or reflected energy, or to a specified point. (JP 3-50)
homing adaptor A device, when used with an aircraft radio receiver, that produces aural
and/or visual signals indicating the direction of a transmitting radio station with respect
to the heading of the aircraft. (JP 3-50)
horizontal stowage — The lateral distribution of unit equipment or categories of supplies so
that they can be unloaded simultaneously from two or more holds. (JP 3-02.1)
hostage rescue — A personnel recovery method used to recover isolated personnel who are
specifically designated as hostages. Also called HR. (JP 3-50)
hostile act — An attack or other use of force against the United States, United States forces,
or other designated persons or property to preclude or impede the mission and/or duties
of United States forces, including the recovery of United States personnel or vital United
States Government property. (JP 3-28)
Terms and Definitions
hostile environment Operational environment in which host government forces, whether
opposed to or receptive to operations that a unit intends to conduct, do not have control
of the territory and population in the intended operational area. (JP 3-0)
hostile intent — The threat of imminent use of force against the United States, United States
forces, or other designated persons or property. (JP 3-01)
host nation — A nation which receives the forces and/or supplies of allied nations and/or
NATO organizations to be located on, to operate in, or to transit through its territory.
Also called HN. (JP 3-57)
host-nation support — Civil and/or military assistance rendered by a nation to foreign forces
within its territory during peacetime, crises or emergencies, or war based on agreements
mutually concluded between nations. Also called HNS. See also host nation. (JP 4-0)
hub — An organization that sorts and distributes inbound cargo from wholesale supply
sources (airlifted, sealifted, and ground transportable) and/or from within the theater. See
also hub and spoke distribution; spoke. (JP 4-09)
hub and spoke distribution — A physical distribution system, in which a major port serves
as a central point from which cargo is moved to and from several radiating points to
increase transportation efficiencies and in-transit visibility. See also distribution;
distribution system; hub; in-transit visibility; spoke. (JP 4-09)
human factors — The physical, cultural, psychological, and behavioral attributes of an
individual or group that influence perceptions, understanding, and interactions.
(JP 2-0)
human intelligence — A category of intelligence derived from information collected and
provided by human sources. Also called HUMINT. (JP 2-0)
humanitarian and civic assistance — Assistance to the local populace, specifically
authorized by Title 10, United States Code, Section 401, and funded under separate
authorities, provided by predominantly United States forces in conjunction with military
operations. Also called HCA. See also foreign humanitarian assistance. (JP 3-29)
humanitarian assistance coordination center — A temporary center established by a
geographic combatant commander to assist with interagency coordination and planning
during the early planning and coordination stages of foreign humanitarian assistance
operations. Also called HACC. See also foreign humanitarian assistance;
interagency coordination. (JP 3-29)
humanitarian demining assistance — The activities related to the furnishing of education,
training, and technical assistance with respect to the detection and clearance of land
mines and other explosive remnants of war. (JP 3-29)
Terms and Definitions
humanitarian mine action — Activities that strive to reduce the social, economic, and
environmental impact of land mines, unexploded ordnance, and small arms ammunition.
Also called HMA. (JP 3-15)
humanitarian operations center — An international and interagency body that coordinates
the overall relief strategy and unity of effort among all participants in a large foreign
humanitarian assistance operation. Also called HOC. See also operation. (JP 3-29)
hung ordnance — Those weapons or stores on an aircraft that the pilot has attempted to drop
or fire but could not because of a malfunction of the weapon, rack or launcher, or aircraft
release and control system. (JP 3-04)
hydrographic reconnaissance — Reconnaissance of an area of water to determine depths,
beach gradients, the nature of the bottom, and the location of coral reefs, rocks, shoals,
and man-made obstacles. (JP 3-02)
hygiene services The provision of personal hygiene facilities and waste collection; and the
cleaning, repair, replacement, and return of individual clothing and equipment items in a
deployed environment. (JP 4-0)
hyperspectral imagery — Term used to describe the imagery derived from subdividing the
electromagnetic spectrum into very narrow bandwidths allowing images useful in precise
terrain or target analysis to be formed. Also called HSI. (JP 2-03)
identification — 1. The process of determining the friendly or hostile character of an
unknown detected contact. 2. In arms control, the process of determining which nation
is responsible for the detected violations of any arms control measure. 3. In ground
combat operations, discrimination between recognizable objects as being friendly or
enemy, or the name that belongs to the object as a member of a class. Also called ID.
(JP 3-01)
identification, friend or foe — A device that emits a signal positively identifying it as a
friendly. Also called IFF. See also air defense. (JP 3-52)
identification maneuver — A maneuver performed for identification purposes. (JP 3-52)
identity intelligence The intelligence resulting from the processing of identity attributes
concerning individuals, groups, networks, or populations of interest. Also called I2.
(JP 2-0)
imagery — A likeness or presentation of any natural or man-made feature or related object
or activity, and the positional data acquired at the same time the likeness or representation
was acquired, including: products produced by space-based national intelligence
reconnaissance systems; and likeness and presentations produced by satellites, airborne
platforms, unmanned aerial vehicles, or other similar means (except that such term does
not include handheld or clandestine photography taken by or on behalf of human
intelligence collection organizations). (JP 2-03)
imagery exploitation — The cycle of processing, using, interpreting, mensuration and/or
manipulating imagery, and any assembly or consolidation of the results for
dissemination. (JP 2-03)
imagery intelligence — The technical, geographic, and intelligence information derived
through the interpretation or analysis of imagery and collateral materials. Also called
IMINT. See also intelligence. (JP 2-03)
immediate air supportAir support to meet specific requests which arise during the course
of a battle and which by their nature cannot be planned in advance. (JP 3-09.3)
immediate decontamination — Decontamination carried out by individuals immediately
upon becoming contaminated to save lives, minimize casualties, and limit the spread of
contamination. Also called emergency decontamination. See also contamination;
decontamination. (JP 3-11)
immediate response Any form of immediate action taken in the United States and
territories to save lives, prevent human suffering, or mitigate great property damage in
response to a request for assistance from a civil authority, under imminently serious
conditions when time does not permit approval from a higher authority. (JP 3-28)
Terms and Definitions
immediate response authority — A Federal military commander’s, Department of Defense
component head’s, and/or responsible Department of Defense civilian official’s authority
temporarily to employ resources under their control, subject to any supplemental
direction provided by higher headquarters, and provide those resources to save lives,
prevent human suffering, or mitigate great property damage in response to a request for
assistance from a civil authority, under imminently serious conditions when time does
not permit approval from a higher authority within the United States. Immediate response
authority does not permit actions that would subject civilians to the use of military power
that is regulatory, prescriptive, proscriptive, or compulsory. (DODD 3025.18)
implementation — Procedures governing the mobilization of the force and the deployment,
employment, and sustainment of military operations in response to execution orders
issued by the Secretary of Defense. (JP 5-0)
implied task — In the context of joint operation planning, a task derived during mission
analysis that an organization must perform or prepare to perform to accomplish a
specified task or the mission, but which is not stated in the higher headquarters order.
See also essential task; specified task. (JP 5-0)
imprest fund — A cash fund of a fixed amount established through an advance of funds,
without appropriation change, to an authorized imprest fund cashier to effect immediate
cash payments of relatively small amounts for authorized purchases of supplies and
nonpersonal services. (JP 1-0)
improvised explosive device — A weapon that is fabricated or emplaced in an
unconventional manner incorporating destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic, or
incendiary chemicals designed to kill, destroy, incapacitate, harass, deny mobility, or
distract. Also called IED. (JP 3-15.1)
improvised nuclear device — A device incorporating fissile materials designed or
constructed outside of an official government agency that has, appears to have, or is
claimed to be a nuclear weapon that is no longer in the control of a competent authority
or custodian or has been modified from its designated firing sequence. Also call IND.
(JP 3-42)
inactive duty training — Authorized training performed by a member of a Reserve
Component not on active duty or active duty for training and consisting of regularly
scheduled unit training assemblies, additional training assemblies, periods of appropriate
duty or equivalent training, and any special additional duties authorized for Reserve
Component personnel by the Secretary concerned, and performed by them in connection
with the prescribed activities of the organization in which they are assigned with or
without pay. See also active duty for training. (JP 1)
inactive status — Status of reserve members on an inactive status list of a Reserve
Component or assigned to the Inactive Army National Guard. (JP 4-05)
Terms and Definitions
incapacitating agent — A chemical agent, which produces temporary disabling conditions
that can be physical or mental and persist for hours or days after exposure to the agent
has ceased. (JP 3-11)
incident An occurrence, caused by either human action or natural phenomena, that requires
action to prevent or minimize loss of life, or damage, loss of, or other risks to property,
information, and/or natural resources. See also information operations. (JP 3-28)
incident awareness and assessment — The Secretary of Defense approved use of
Department of Defense intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, and other intelligence
capabilities for domestic non-intelligence support for defense support of civil authorities.
Also called IAA. (JP 3-28)
incident command system — A standardized on-scene emergency management construct
designed to aid in the management of resources during incidents. Also called ICS.
(JP 3-28)
incident management — A national comprehensive approach to preventing, preparing for,
responding to, and recovering from terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other
emergencies. (JP 3-28)
incremental costs — Costs additional to the Service appropriations that would not have been
incurred absent support of the contingency operation. See also financial management.
(JP 1-06)
indications — In intelligence usage, information in various degrees of evaluation, all of
which bear on the intention of a potential enemy to adopt or reject a course of action.
(JP 2-0)
indicator — 1. In intelligence usage, an item of information which reflects the intention or
capability of an adversary to adopt or reject a course of action. (JP 2-0) 2. In operations
security usage, data derived from friendly detectable actions and open-source
information that an adversary can interpret and piece together to reach conclusions or
estimates of friendly intentions, capabilities, or activities. (JP 3-13.3)
indigenous populations and institutions — The societal framework of an operational
environment including citizens, legal and illegal immigrants, dislocated civilians, and
governmental, tribal, ethnic, religious, commercial, and private organizations and
entities. Also called IPI. (JP 3-57)
individual mobilization augmentee — An individual reservist attending drills who receives
training and is preassigned to an Active Component organization, a Selective Service
System, or a Federal Emergency Management Agency billet that must be filled on, or
shortly after, mobilization. Also called IMA. (JP 4-05)
Terms and Definitions
individual protective equipment — In chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear
operations, the personal clothing and equipment required to protect an individual from
chemical, biological, and radiological hazards and some nuclear hazards. Also called
IPE. (JP 3-11)
Individual Ready Reserve — A manpower pool consisting of individuals who have had some
training or who have served previously in the Active Component or in the Selected
Reserve, and may have some period of their military service obligation remaining. Also
called IRR. See also Selected Reserve. (JP 4-05)
industrial mobilization — The transformation of industry from its peacetime activity to the
industrial program necessary to support the national military objectives. See also
mobilization. (JP 4-05)
industrial preparednessThe state of preparedness of industry to produce essential
materiel to support the national military objectives. (JP 4-05)
industrial preparedness program — Plans, actions, or measures for the transformation of
the industrial base, both government-owned and civilian-owned, from its peacetime
activity to the emergency program necessary to support the national military objectives.
(JP 4-05)
inertial navigation systemA self-contained navigation system using inertial detectors,
which automatically provides vehicle position, heading, and velocity. Also called INS.
(JP 3-09)
influence mine — A mine actuated by the effect of a target on some physical condition in
the vicinity of the mine or on radiations emanating from the mine. See also mine.
(JP 3-15)
influence sweep — A sweep designed to produce an influence similar to that produced by a
ship and thus actuate mines. (JP 3-15)
information assurance — Actions that protect and defend information systems by ensuring
availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and nonrepudiation. Also called
IA. See also information operations. (JP 3-12)
information environment The aggregate of individuals, organizations, and systems that
collect, process, disseminate, or act on information. (JP 3-13)
information management — The function of managing an organization’s information
resources for the handling of data and information acquired by one or many different
systems, individuals, and organizations in a way that optimizes access by all who have a
share in that data or a right to that information. Also called IM. (JP 3-0)
Terms and Definitions
information operations — The integrated employment, during military operations, of
information-related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence,
disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision-making of adversaries and potential adversaries
while protecting our own. Also called IO. See also electronic warfare; military
deception; operations security; military information support operations. (JP 3-13)
information operations force — A force consisting of units, staff elements, individual
military professionals in the Active and Reserve Components, and DOD civilian
employees who conduct or directly support the integration of information-related
capabilities against adversaries and potential adversaries during military operations as
well as those who train these professionals. Also called IO force. (DODD 3600.01)
information operations intelligence integration — The integration of intelligence
disciplines and analytic methods to characterize and forecast, identify vulnerabilities,
determine effects, and assess the information environment. Also called IOII. (JP 3-13)
information-related capability A tool, technique, or activity employed within a
dimension of the information environment that can be used to create effects and
operationally desirable conditions. Also called IRC. (JP 3-13)
information report — Report used to forward raw information collected to fulfill
intelligence requirements. (JP 2-01)
information requirements — In intelligence usage, those items of information regarding the
adversary and other relevant aspects of the operational environment that need to be
collected and processed in order to meet the intelligence requirements of a commander.
Also called IR. See also priority intelligence requirement. (JP 2-0)
information superiority — The operational advantage derived from the ability to collect,
process, and disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information while exploiting or
denying an adversary’s ability to do the same. See also information operations.
(JP 3-13)
infrared imagery — That imagery produced as a result of sensing electromagnetic radiations
emitted or reflected from a given target surface in the infrared position of the
electromagnetic spectrum (approximately 0.72 to 1,000 microns). (JP 2-03)
infrared pointer — A low power laser device operating in the near infrared light spectrum
that is visible with light amplifying night vision devices. Also called
IR pointer.
(JP 3-09.3)
initial radiation — The radiation, essentially neutrons and gamma rays, resulting from a
nuclear burst and emitted from the fireball within one minute after burst. See also
residual radiation. (JP 3-11)
Terms and Definitions
initial reception point — In personnel recovery, a secure area or facility under friendly
control where initial reception of recovered isolated personnel can safely take place.
(JP 3-50)
initial response force — The first unit, usually military police, on the scene of a terrorist
incident. See also antiterrorism. (JP 3-07.2)
initial unloading period — In amphibious operations, that part of the ship-to-shore
movement in which unloading is primarily tactical in character and must be instantly
responsive to landing force requirements. See also general unloading period.
(JP 3-02)
initiating directive — An order to a subordinate commander to conduct military operations
as directed. Also called ID. (JP 3-18)
injury — 1. A term comprising such conditions as fractures, wounds, sprains, strains,
dislocations, concussions, and compressions. 2. Conditions resulting from extremes of
temperature or prolonged exposure. 3. Acute poisonings (except those due to
contaminated food) resulting from exposure to a toxic or poisonous substance. See also
casualty. (JP 4-02)
inland petroleum distribution system — A multi-product system consisting of both
commercially available and military standard petroleum equipment that can be
assembled by military personnel and, when assembled into an integrated petroleum
distribution system, provides the military with the capability required to support an
operational force with bulk fuels. Also called IPDS. (JP 4-03)
inner transport area — In amphibious operations, an area as close to the landing beach as
depth of water, navigational hazards, boat traffic, and enemy action permit, to which
transports may move to expedite unloading. See also outer transport area; transport
area. (JP 3-02)
instrument approach procedure — A series of predetermined maneuvers for the orderly
transfer of an aircraft under instrument flight conditions from the beginning of the initial
approach to a landing or to a point from which a landing may be made visually or the
missed approach procedure is initiated. (JP 3-04)
instrument meteorological conditions — Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of
visibility, distance from cloud, and ceiling; less than minimums specified for visual
meteorological conditions. Also called IMC. See also visual meteorological
conditions. (JP 3-04)
instruments of national power — All of the means available to the government in its pursuit
of national objectives. They are expressed as diplomatic, economic, informational and
military. (JP 1)
Terms and Definitions
in support of — Assisting or protecting another formation, unit, or organization while
remaining under original control. (JP 1)
insurgency — The organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge
political control of a region. Insurgency can also refer to the group itself. (JP 3-24)
integrated air and missile defense — The integration of capabilities and overlapping
operations to defend the homeland and United States national interests, protect the joint
force, and enable freedom of action by negating an adversary’s ability to create adverse
effects from their air and missile capabilities. Also called IAMD. (JP 3-01)
integrated consumable item support — A decision support system that takes time-phased
force and deployment data and calculates the ability of the Defense Logistics Agency to
support those plans. Also called ICIS. (JP 4-03)
Integrated Data Environment/Global Transportation Network Convergence The in-
transit visibility system of record providing expanded common integrated data and
application services enabling a common logistics picture, distribution visibility, and
materiel asset/in-transit visibility for distribution solutions. Also called IGC. (JP 4-09)
integrated financial operations The integration, synchronization, prioritization, and
targeting of fiscal resources and capabilities across United States departments and
agencies, multinational partners, and nongovernmental organizations against an
adversary and in support of the population. Also called IFO. (JP 1-06)
integrated logistic support — A composite of all the support considerations necessary to
assure the effective and economical support of a system for its life cycle. Also called
ILS. (JP 4-01.5)
integrated materiel management — The exercise of total Department of Defense-level
management responsibility for a federal supply group or class, commodity, or item for a
single agency, which normally includes computation of requirements, funding,
budgeting, storing, issuing, cataloging, standardizing, and procuring functions. Also
called IMM. (JP 4-09)
integrated staff — A staff in which one officer only is appointed to each post on the
establishment of the headquarters, irrespective of nationality and Service. See also
multinational staff; joint staff. (JP 3-16)
integration — 1. In force protection, the synchronized transfer of units into an operational
commander's force prior to mission execution. 2. The arrangement of military forces and
their actions to create a force that operates by engaging as a whole. 3. In photography, a
process by which the average radar picture seen on several scans of the time base may
be obtained on a print, or the process by which several photographic images are
combined into a single image. See also force protection. (JP 1)
Terms and Definitions
intelligence — 1. The product resulting from the collection, processing, integration,
evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of available information concerning foreign
nations, hostile or potentially hostile forces or elements, or areas of actual or potential
operations. 2. The activities that result in the product. 3. The organizations engaged in
such activities. See also acoustic intelligence; all-source intelligence;
communications intelligence; critical intelligence; domestic intelligence; electronic
intelligence; foreign intelligence; foreign instrumentation signals intelligence;
general military intelligence; imagery intelligence; joint intelligence; measurement
and signature intelligence; medical intelligence; national intelligence; open-source
intelligence; operational intelligence; scientific and technical intelligence; strategic
intelligence; tactical intelligence; target intelligence; technical intelligence. (JP 2-0)
intelligence annex — A supporting document of an operation plan or order that provides
detailed information on the enemy situation, assignment of intelligence tasks, and
intelligence administrative procedures. (JP 2-01)
intelligence asset Any resource utilized by an intelligence organization for an operational
support role. (JP 2-0)
intelligence community — All departments or agencies of a government that are concerned
with intelligence activity, either in an oversight, managerial, support, or participatory
role. Also called IC. (JP 2-0)
intelligence database — The sum of holdings of intelligence data and finished intelligence
products at a given organization. (JP 2-01)
intelligence discipline — A well-defined area of intelligence planning, collection,
processing, exploitation, analysis, and reporting using a specific category of technical or
human resources. See also counterintelligence; human intelligence; imagery
intelligence; intelligence; measurement and signature intelligence; open-source
intelligence; signals intelligence; technical intelligence. (JP 2-0)
intelligence estimate — The appraisal, expressed in writing or orally, of available
intelligence relating to a specific situation or condition with a view to determining the
courses of action open to the enemy or adversary and the order of probability of their
adoption. (JP 2-0)
intelligence federation — A formal agreement in which a combatant command joint
intelligence center receives preplanned intelligence support from other joint intelligence
centers, Service intelligence organizations, reserve organizations, and national agencies
during crisis or contingency operations. (JP 2-01)
intelligence information report — A formatted message utilized as the primary vehicle for
providing human intelligence information to the customer via automated intelligence
community databases. Also called IIR. (JP 2-01.2)
Terms and Definitions
intelligence interrogation — The systematic process of using approved interrogation
approaches to question a captured or detained person to obtain reliable information to
satisfy intelligence requirements, consistent with applicable law. (JP 2-01.2)
intelligence mission management — A systematic process by a joint intelligence staff to
proactively and continuously formulate and revise command intelligence requirements,
and track the resulting information through the processing, exploitation, and
dissemination process to satisfy user requirements. Also called IMM. (JP 2-01)
intelligence operations — The variety of intelligence and counterintelligence tasks that are
carried out by various intelligence organizations and activities within the intelligence
process. See also analysis and production; collection; dissemination and
integration; evaluation and feedback; planning and direction; processing and
exploitation. (JP 2-01)
intelligence planning The intelligence component of the Adaptive Planning and
Execution system, which coordinates and integrates all available Defense Intelligence
Enterprise capabilities to meet combatant commander intelligence requirements. Also
called IP. (JP 2-0)
intelligence preparation of the battlespace The analytical methodologies employed by
the Services or joint force component commands to reduce uncertainties concerning the
enemy, environment, time, and terrain. Also called IPB. See also joint intelligence
preparation of the operational environment. (JP 2-01.3)
intelligence process — The process by which information is converted into intelligence and
made available to users, consisting of the six interrelated intelligence operations:
planning and direction, collection, processing and exploitation, analysis and production,
dissemination and integration, and evaluation and feedback. See also analysis and
production; collection; dissemination and integration; evaluation and feedback;
intelligence; planning and direction; processing and exploitation. (JP 2-01)
intelligence production The integration, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of
information from single or multiple sources into finished intelligence for known or
anticipated military and related national security consumer requirements. (JP 2-0)
intelligence-related activities — Those activities outside the consolidated defense
intelligence program that: respond to operational commanders’ tasking for time-sensitive
information on foreign entities; respond to national intelligence community tasking of
systems whose primary mission is support to operating forces; train personnel for
intelligence duties; provide an intelligence reserve; or are devoted to research and
development of intelligence or related capabilities. (Specifically excluded are programs
that are so closely integrated with a weapon system that their primary function is to
provide immediate-use targeting data.) (JP 2-01)
Terms and Definitions
intelligence report — A specific report of information, usually on a single item, made at any
level of command in tactical operations and disseminated as rapidly as possible in
keeping with the timeliness of the information. (JP 2-01)
intelligence reporting — Intelligence information prepared by the collector and transmitted
to one or more intelligence-producing components. (JP 2-01.2)
intelligence requirement — 1. Any subject, general or specific, upon which there is a need
for the collection of information, or the production of intelligence. 2. A requirement for
intelligence to fill a gap in the command’s knowledge or understanding of the operational
environment or threat forces. Also called IR. See also intelligence; priority
intelligence requirement. (JP 2-0)
intelligence source — The means or system that can be used to observe and record
information relating to the condition, situation, or activities of a targeted location,
organization, or individual. See also intelligence; source. (JP 2-0)
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance — An activity that synchronizes and
integrates the planning and operation of sensors, assets, and processing, exploitation, and
dissemination systems in direct support of current and future operations. This is an
integrated intelligence and operations function. Also called ISR. See also intelligence;
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance visualization; reconnaissance;
surveillance. (JP 2-01)
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance visualization — The capability to
graphically display the current and future locations of intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance sensors, their projected platform tracks, vulnerability to threat
capabilities and meteorological and oceanographic phenomena, fields of regard, tasked
collection targets, and products to provide a basis for dynamic retasking and time-
sensitive decision making. Also called ISR visualization. See also intelligence;
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance; reconnaissance; surveillance.
(JP 2-01)
intelligence system — Any formal or informal system to manage data gathering, to obtain
and process the data, to interpret the data, and to provide reasoned judgments to decision
makers as a basis for action. (JP 2-01)
interagency — Of or pertaining to United States Government agencies and departments,
including the Department of Defense. See also interagency coordination. (JP 3-08)
interagency coordination — Within the context of Department of Defense involvement, the
coordination that occurs between elements of Department of Defense, and participating
United States Government departments and agencies for the purpose of achieving an
objective. (JP 3-0)
Terms and Definitions
intercontinental ballistic missile A land-based, long-range ballistic missile with a range
capability greater than 3,000 nautical miles. Also called ICBM. (JP 3-01)
interdiction — 1. An action to divert, disrupt, delay, or destroy the enemy’s military surface
capability before it can be used effectively against friendly forces, or to achieve enemy
objectives. 2. In support of law enforcement, activities conducted to divert, disrupt,
delay, intercept, board, detain, or destroy, under lawful authority, vessels, vehicles,
aircraft, people, cargo, and money. See also air interdiction. (JP 3-03)
intermediate-range ballistic missile A land-based ballistic missile with a range capability
from 1,500 to 3,000 nautical miles. Also called IRBM. (JP 3-01)
intermediate staging base — A tailorable, temporary location used for staging forces,
sustainment and/or extraction into and out of an operational area. Also called ISB. See
also base; staging base. (JP 3-35)
intermodal — Type of international freight system that permits transshipping among sea,
highway, rail, and air modes of transportation through use of American National
Standards Institute and International Organization for Standardization containers, line-
haul assets, and handling equipment. (JP 4-09)
internal audience — In public affairs, United States military members and Department of
Defense civilian employees and their immediate families. See also external audience;
public. (JP 3-61)
internal defense and development — The full range of measures taken by a nation to
promote its growth and to protect itself from subversion, lawlessness, insurgency,
terrorism, and other threats to its security. Also called IDAD. See also foreign internal
defense. (JP 3-22)
internally displaced person — Any person who has been forced or obliged to flee or to leave
their home or places of habitual residence, in particular as a result of or in order to avoid
the effects of armed conflict, situations of generalized violence, violations of human
rights or natural or human-made disasters, and who have not crossed an internationally
recognized state border. Also called
IDP. (JP 3-29)
internal security — The state of law and order prevailing within a nation. (JP 3-08)
international chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear response — United States
Government activity that assists foreign governments in responding to the effects from
an intentional or accidental chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear incident on
foreign territory. Also called ICBRN-R. (JP 3-41)
International Convention for Safe Containers — A convention held in Geneva,
Switzerland, on 2 Dec 1972, which resulted in setting standard safety requirements for
Terms and Definitions
containers moving in international transport. These requirements were ratified by the
United States on 3 January 1978. Also called CSC. (JP 4-09)
international military education and training — Formal or informal instruction provided
to foreign military students, units, and forces on a nonreimbursable (grant) basis by
offices or employees of the United States, contract technicians, and contractors.
Instruction may include correspondence courses; technical, educational, or informational
publications; and media of all kinds. Also called IMET. See also United States
Military Service funded foreign training. (JP 3-22)
interoperability — 1. The ability to act together coherently, effectively, and efficiently to
achieve tactical, operational, and strategic objectives. (JP 3-0) 2. The condition achieved
among communications-electronics systems or items of communications-electronics
equipment when information or services can be exchanged directly and satisfactorily
between them and/or their users. (JP 6-0)
interorganizational cooperation — The interaction that occurs among elements of the
Department of Defense; participating United States Government departments and
agencies; state, territorial, local, and tribal agencies; foreign military forces and
government agencies; international organizations; nongovernmental organizations; and
the private sector. (JP 3-08)
interpretation — A part of the analysis and production phase in the intelligence process in
which the significance of information is judged in relation to the current body of
knowledge. See also intelligence process. (JP 2-01)
inter-Service support — Action by one Service or element thereof to provide logistics and/or
administrative support to another Service or element thereof. See also support.
(JP 4-0)
intertheater airlift — The common-user airlift linking theaters to the continental United
States and to other theaters as well as the airlift within the continental United States. See
also intratheater airlift. (JP 3-17)
intertheater patient movement — Moving patients between, into, and out of the different
theaters of the geographic combatant commands and into the continental United States
or another supporting theater. See also en route care; evacuation; intratheater patient
movement. (JP 4-02)
in-transit visibility — The ability to track the identity, status, and location of Department of
Defense units, and non-unit cargo (excluding bulk petroleum, oils, and lubricants) and
passengers; patients; and personal property from origin to consignee or destination across
the range of military operations. Also called ITV. (JP 4-01.2)
Terms and Definitions
intratheater airlift — Airlift conducted within a theater with assets assigned to a geographic
combatant commander or attached to a subordinate joint force commander. See also
intertheater airlift. (JP 3-17)
intratheater patient movement — Moving patients within the theater of a combatant
command or in the continental United States. See also en route care; evacuation;
intertheater patient movement. (JP 4-02)
inventory control — That phase of military logistics that includes managing, cataloging,
requirements determinations, procurement, distribution, overhaul, and disposal of
materiel. Also called inventory management; materiel control; materiel
management; supply management. (JP 4-09)
inventory control point — An organizational unit or activity within a Department of Defense
supply system that is assigned the primary responsibility for the materiel inventory
management of a group of items either for a particular Service or for the Defense
Department as a whole. Also called ICP. (JP 4-09)
ionizing radiation — Particulate (alpha, beta, and neutron) and electromagnetic (X-ray and
gamma) radiation of sufficient energy to displace electrons from atoms, producing ions.
(JP 3-11)
irregular warfare — A violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and
influence over the relevant population(s). Also called IW. (JP 1)
isolated personnel — United States military, Department of Defense civilians and contractor
personnel (and others designated by the President or Secretary of Defense) who are
separated from their unit (as an individual or a group) while participating in a United
States sponsored military activity or mission and are, or may be, in a situation where they
must survive, evade, resist, or escape. See also combat search and rescue; search and
rescue. (JP 3-50)
isolated personnel report — A Department of Defense form containing information
designed to facilitate the identification and authentication of an isolated person by a
recovery force. Also called ISOPREP. See also authentication; evader. (JP 3-50)
item manager — An individual within the organization of an inventory control point or other
such organization assigned management responsibility for one or more specific items of
materiel. (JP 4-09)
Terms and Definitions
Intentionally Blank
joint — Connotes activities, operations, organizations, etc., in which elements of two or more
Military Departments participate. (JP 1)
joint air attack team — A combination of attack and/or scout rotary-wing aircraft and fixed-
wing close air support aircraft operating together to locate and attack high priority targets
and other targets of opportunity. Also called JAAT. See also close air support.
(JP 3-09.3)
joint air component coordination element — A general term for the liaison element that
serves as the direct representative of the joint force air component commander for joint
air operations. Also called JACCE. (JP 3-30)
joint air-ground integration center — A staff organization designed to enhance joint
collaborative efforts to deconflict joint air-ground assets in the division’s airspace. Also
called JAGIC. (JP 3-09.3)
joint air operationsAir operations performed with air capabilities/forces made available
by components in support of the joint force commander’s operation or campaign
objectives, or in support of other components of the joint force. (JP 3-30)
joint air operations center — A jointly staffed facility established for planning, directing,
and executing joint air operations in support of the joint force commander’s operation or
campaign objectives. Also called JAOC. See also joint air operations. (JP 3-30)
joint air operations plan — A plan for a connected series of joint air operations to achieve
the joint force commander’s objectives within a given time and joint operational area.
Also called JAOP. See also joint air operations. (JP 3-30)
joint base — In base defense operations, a locality from which operations of two or more of
the Military Departments are projected or supported and which is manned by significant
elements of two or more Military Departments or in which significant elements of two
or more Military Departments are located. See also base. (JP 3-10)
joint captured materiel exploitation center — An element responsible for deriving
intelligence information from captured enemy materiel. It is normally subordinate to the
intelligence directorate of a joint staff. Also called JCMEC. (JP 2-01)
joint civil-military operations task force — A joint task force composed of civil-military
operations units from more than one Service. Also called JCMOTF.
See also civil-
military operations; joint task force. (JP 3-57)
Terms and Definitions
joint combined exchange training — A program conducted overseas to fulfill United States
forces training requirements and at the same time exchange the sharing of skills between
United States forces and host nation counterparts. Also called JCET. (JP 3-05)
joint communications network — The aggregation of the joint multichannel trunking and
switching system and the joint command and control communications system(s) in a
theater. Also called JCN. (JP 6-0)
joint concept — Links strategic guidance to the development and employment of future joint
force capabilities and serve as “engines for transformation” that may ultimately lead to
doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel and
facilities (DOTMLPF) and policy changes. (CJCSI 3010.02)
joint contracting support board — A board established to coordinate all contracting support
and to determine specific contracting mechanisms to obtain commercially procured
common logistic supplies and services within the operational area. Also called JCSB.
See also combatant commander logistic procurement support board; joint
requirements review board. (JP 4-10)
joint counterintelligence unit — An organization composed of Service and Department of
Defense agency counterintelligence personnel that is formed under the authority of the
Secretary of Defense, assigned to a combatant commander, and focused on strategic and
operational counterintelligence missions. Also called JCIU. (JP 2-01.2)
joint data network operations officer The joint task force operations directorate officer
responsible to the commander for integrating data from supporting components into a
common database used to generate the common tactical picture. Also called JDNO.
(JP 3-01)
joint deployable intelligence support system — A transportable workstation and
communications suite that electronically extends a joint intelligence center to a joint task
force or other tactical user. Also called JDISS. (JP 2-0)
joint deployment and distribution enterprise The complex of equipment, procedures,
doctrine, leaders, technical connectivity, information, shared knowledge, organizations,
facilities, training, and materiel necessary to conduct joint distribution operations. Also
called JDDE. (JP 4-0)
joint deployment and distribution operations center — A combatant command movement
control organization designed to synchronize and optimize national and theater
multimodal resources for deployment, distribution, and sustainment, Also called
JDDOC. (JP 4-09)
joint desired point of impact — A unique, alpha-numeric coded precise aimpoint associated
with a target to achieve an explicit weaponeering objective, and identified by a three
Terms and Definitions
dimensional (latitude, longitude, elevation) mensurated coordinate. Also called a JDPI.
See also aimpoint; desired point of impact. (JP 3-60)
joint distribution — The operational process of synchronizing all elements of the joint
logistic system using the Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise for end-to-end
movement of forces and materiel from point of origin to the designated point of need.
(JP 4-09)
joint doctrine — Fundamental principles that guide the employment of United States military
forces in coordinated action toward a common objective and may include terms, tactics,
techniques, and procedures. See also Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
instruction; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual; joint publication; joint
test publication; multinational doctrine. (CJCSI 5120.02)
joint doctrine development community — The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the
Services, the combatant commands, the Joint Staff, the combat support agencies, the doctrine
development agencies of the Services and the joint community, the National Defense
University, the United States Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command, the
National Guard Bureau, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff controlled activities.
called JDDC. (CJCSI 5120.02)
Joint Doctrine Development System — The system of lead agents, Joint Staff doctrine
sponsors, primary review authorities, coordinating review authorities, technical review
authorities, assessment agents, evaluation agents, Joint Doctrine Planning Conferences,
procedures, and the hierarchical framework designed to initiate, develop, approve, and
maintain joint publications. (CJCSI 5120.02)
Joint Doctrine Planning Conference — A forum convened by the Joint Staff Directorate
for Joint Force Development that meets semiannually to address and vote on project
proposals; discuss key joint doctrinal and operational issues; discuss potential changes to
the joint doctrine development process; keep up to date on the status of the joint
publication projects and emerging publications; and keep abreast of other initiatives of
interest to the members. Also called JDPC. (CJCSM 5120.01)
joint document exploitation center — An element, normally subordinate to the intelligence
directorate of a joint staff, responsible for deriving intelligence information from
captured adversary documents including all forms of electronic data and other forms of
stored textual and graphic information. Also called JDEC. See also intelligence.
(JP 2-01)
joint electromagnetic spectrum management operations — Those interrelated functions
of frequency management, host nation coordination, and joint spectrum interference
resolution that together enable the planning, management, and execution of operations
within the electromagnetic operational environment during all phases of military
operations. Also called JEMSMO. (JP 6-01)
Terms and Definitions
joint electromagnetic spectrum operations Those activities consisting of electronic
warfare and joint electromagnetic spectrum management operations used to exploit,
attack, protect, and manage the electromagnetic operational environment to achieve the
commander’s objectives. Also called JEMSO. (JP 6-01)
joint engagement zone — In air defense, that airspace of defined dimensions within which
multiple air defense systems (surface-to-air missiles and aircraft) are simultaneously
employed to engage air threats. Also called JEZ. (JP 3-01)
joint facilities utilization board — A joint board that evaluates and reconciles component
requests for real estate, use of existing facilities, inter-Service support, and construction
to ensure compliance with Joint Civil-Military Engineering Board priorities. Also called
JFUB. (JP 3-34)
joint field office — A temporary multiagency coordination center established at the incident
site to provide a central location for coordination of federal, state, local, tribal,
nongovernmental, and private-sector organizations with primary responsibility for
incident oversight, direction, or assistance to effectively coordinate protection,
prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery actions. Also called JFO. (JP 3-28)
joint fires — Fires delivered during the employment of forces from two or more components
in coordinated action to produce desired effects in support of a common objective. See
also fires. (JP 3-0)
joint fires element — An optional staff element that provides recommendations to the
operations directorate to accomplish fires planning and synchronization. Also called
JFE. See also fire support; joint fires. (JP 3-60)
joint fires observer — A trained Service member who can request, adjust, and control
surface-to-surface fires, provide targeting information in support of Type 2 and 3 close
air support terminal attack control, and perform autonomous terminal guidance
operations. Also called JFO. (JP 3-09.3)
joint fire support — Joint fires that assist air, land, maritime, and special operations forces
to move, maneuver, and control territory, populations, airspace, and key waters. See also
fire support; joint fires. (JP 3-0)
joint flow and analysis system for transportation — System that determines the
transportation feasibility of a course of action or operation plan; provides daily lift assets
needed to move forces and resupply; advises logistic planners of channel and port
inefficiencies; and interprets shortfalls from various flow possibilities. Also called
JFAST. See also course of action; operation plan; system. (JP 3-35)
joint force — A force composed of elements, assigned or attached, of two or more Military
Departments operating under a single joint force commander. See also joint force
commander. (JP 3-0)
Terms and Definitions
joint force air component commander — The commander within a unified command,
subordinate unified command, or joint task force responsible to the establishing
commander for recommending the proper employment of assigned, attached, and/or
made available for tasking air forces; planning and coordinating air operations; or
accomplishing such operational missions as may be assigned. Also called JFACC. See
also joint force commander. (JP 3-0)
joint force chaplain — The military chaplain designated by the joint force commander to
serve as the senior chaplain for the joint force. Also called the JFCH. (JP 1-05)
joint force commander — A general term applied to a combatant commander, subunified
commander, or joint task force commander authorized to exercise combatant command
(command authority) or operational control over a joint force. Also called JFC. See
also joint force. (JP 1)
joint force land component commander — The commander within a unified command,
subordinate unified command, or joint task force responsible to the establishing
commander for recommending the proper employment of assigned, attached, and/or
made available for tasking land forces; planning and coordinating land operations; or
accomplishing such operational missions as may be assigned. Also called JFLCC. See
also joint force commander. (JP 3-0)
joint force maritime component commander — The commander within a unified
command, subordinate unified command, or joint task force responsible to the
establishing commander for recommending the proper employment of assigned,
attached, and/or made available for tasking maritime forces and assets; planning and
coordinating maritime operations; or accomplishing such operational missions as may be
assigned. Also called JFMCC. See also joint force commander. (JP 3-0)
joint force special operations component commander — The commander within a unified
command, subordinate unified command, or joint task force responsible to the
establishing commander for recommending the proper employment of assigned,
attached, and/or made available for tasking special operations forces and assets; planning
and coordinating special operations; or accomplishing such operational missions as may
be assigned. Also called JFSOCC. See also joint force commander. (JP 3-0)
joint force surgeon — A general term applied to a Department of Defense medical
department officer appointed by the joint force commander to serve as the joint force
special staff officer responsible for establishing, monitoring, or evaluating joint force
health service support. Also called JFS. See also health service support; joint force.
(JP 4-02)
joint functions — Related capabilities and activities placed into six basic groups of command
and control, intelligence, fires, movement and maneuver, protection, and sustainment to
help joint force commanders synchronize, integrate, and direct joint operations. (JP 3-0)
Terms and Definitions
joint individual augmentee — An unfunded temporary duty position (or member filling an
unfunded temporary duty position) identified on a joint manning document by a
supported combatant commander to augment headquarters operations during
contingencies. Also called JIA. (JP 4-05)
joint integrated prioritized target list — A prioritized list of targets approved and
maintained by the joint force commander. Also called JIPTL. See also target.
(JP 3-60)
joint intelligence — Intelligence produced by elements of more than one Service of the same
nation. (JP 2-0)
joint intelligence architecture — A dynamic, flexible structure that consists of the Defense
Joint Intelligence Operations Center, combatant command joint intelligence operations
centers, and subordinate joint task force intelligence operations centers or joint
intelligence support elements to provide national, theater, and tactical commanders with
the full range of intelligence required for planning and conducting operations. See also
intelligence. (JP 2-0)
joint intelligence operations center — An interdependent, operational intelligence
organization at the Department of Defense, combatant command, or joint task force (if
established) level, that is integrated with national intelligence centers, and capable of
accessing all sources of intelligence impacting military operations planning, execution,
and assessment. Also called JIOC. (JP 2-0)
joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment — The analytical process
used by joint intelligence organizations to produce intelligence estimates and other
intelligence products in support of the joint force commander’s decision-making process.
Also called JIPOE. (JP 2-01.3)
joint intelligence support element A subordinate joint force element whose focus is on
intelligence support for joint operations, providing the joint force commander, joint staff,
and components with the complete air, space, ground, and maritime adversary situation.
Also called JISE. See also intelligence; joint force; joint operations. (JP 2-01)
joint interagency coordination group — A staff group that establishes regular, timely, and
collaborative working relationships between civilian and military operational planners.
Also called JIACG. (JP 3-08)
joint interface control officer — The senior interface control officer for multi-tactical data
link networks in the joint force who is responsible for development and validation of the
architecture, joint interoperability and management of the multi-tactical data link
networks, and overseeing operations of a joint interface control cell. Also called JICO.
(JP 3-01)
Terms and Definitions
joint interrogation and debriefing center — Physical location for the exploitation of
intelligence information from detainees and other sources. Also called JIDC. See also
intelligence. (JP 2-01.2)
joint interrogation operations — 1. Activities conducted by a joint or interagency
organization to extract information for intelligence purposes from enemy prisoners of
war, dislocated civilians, enemy combatants, or other uncategorized detainees. 2.
Activities conducted in support of law enforcement efforts to adjudicate enemy
combatants who are believed to have committed crimes against US persons or property.
Also called JIO. See also enemy combatant. (JP 2-01)
joint land operations Land operations performed across the range of military operations
with land forces made available by Service components in support of the joint force
commander’s operation or campaign objectives, or in support of other components of the
joint force. (JP 3-31)
joint land operations plan A plan for a connected series of joint land operations to achieve
the joint force commander’s objectives within a given time and operational area.
(JP 3-31)
joint logistics — The coordinated use, synchronization, and sharing of two or more Military
Departments’ logistic resources to support the joint force. See also logistics. (JP 4-0)
joint logistics enterprise A multi-tiered matrix of key global logistics providers
cooperatively engaged or structured to achieve a common purpose without
jeopardizing the integrity of their own organizational missions and goals. Also called
JLEnt. (JP 4-0)
Joint Logistics Operations Center The Joint Logistics Operations Center is the current
operations division within the Logistics Directorate of the Joint Staff, which monitors
crises, exercises, and interagency actions and works acquisition and cross-servicing
agreements as well as international logistics. Also called JLOC. See also logistics.
(JP 4-01)
joint logistics over-the-shore commander — The commander selected by the joint force
commander and tasked to organize the efforts of all elements participating in
accomplishing the joint logistics over-the-shore mission. See also joint logistics over-
the-shore operations. (JP 4-01.6)
joint logistics over-the-shore operations — Operations in which Navy and Army logistics
over-the-shore forces conduct logistics over-the-shore operations together under a joint
force commander. Also called JLOTS operations. See also joint logistics; logistics
over-the-shore operations. (JP 4-01.6)
Terms and Definitions
joint manpower program — The policy, processes, and systems used in determination and
prioritization within and among joint Service manpower requirements. Also called JMP.
(JP 1-0)
joint meteorological and oceanographic coordination cell — A subset of a joint
meteorological and oceanographic coordination organization, which is delegated the
responsibility of executing the coordination of meteorological and oceanographic
support operations in the operational area. Also called JMCC. (JP 3-59)
joint meteorological and oceanographic coordination organization — A Service
meteorological and oceanographic organization that is designated within the operations
order as the lead organization responsible for coordinating meteorological and
oceanographic operations support in the operational area. Also called JMCO. (JP 3-59)
joint meteorological and oceanographic officer — Officer designated to provide direct
meteorological and oceanographic support to a joint force commander. Also called
JMO. (JP 3-59)
joint mission-essential task — A mission task selected by a joint force commander deemed
essential to mission accomplishment and defined using the common language of the
Universal Joint Task List in terms of task, condition, and standard. Also called JMET.
See also condition, universal joint task list. (JP 3-33)
joint mortuary affairs office — Plans and executes all mortuary affairs programs within a
theater. Provides guidance to facilitate the conduct of all mortuary programs and to
maintain data (as required) pertaining to recovery, identification, and disposition of all
US dead and missing in the assigned theater. Serves as the central clearing point for all
mortuary affairs and monitors the deceased and missing personal effects program. Also
called JMAO. See also mortuary affairs; personal effects. (JP 4-06)
joint network operations control center — An element of the communications system
directorate of a joint staff established as the single control agency for the management
and direction of the joint force communications systems. Also called JNCC. (JP 6-0)
joint operation planning Planning activities associated with joint military operations by
combatant commanders and their subordinate joint force commanders in response to
contingencies and crises. See also execution planning; Joint Operation Planning and
Execution System; joint operation planning process. (JP 5-0)
Joint Operation Planning and Execution System — An Adaptive Planning and Execution
system technology. Also called JOPES. See also joint operation planning; joint
operations; level of detail. (JP 5-0)
joint operation planning process — An orderly, analytical process that consists of a logical
set of steps to analyze a mission, select the best course of action, and produce a joint
Terms and Definitions
operation plan or order. Also called JOPP. See also joint operation planning; Joint
Operation Planning and Execution System. (JP 5-0)
joint operations — Military actions conducted by joint forces and those Service forces
employed in specified command relationships with each other, which of themselves, do
not establish joint forces. (JP 3-0)
joint operations area — An area of land, sea, and airspace, defined by a geographic
combatant commander or subordinate unified commander, in which a joint force
commander (normally a joint task force commander) conducts military operations to
accomplish a specific mission. Also called JOA. See also area of responsibility; joint
special operations area. (JP 3-0)
joint operations area forecast — The official baseline meteorological and oceanographic
forecast for operational planning and mission execution within the joint operations area.
Also called JOAF. (JP 3-59)
joint operations center — A jointly manned facility of a joint force commander’s
headquarters established to plan, monitor, and guide the execution of the commander’s
decisions. Also called JOC. (JP 3-41)
joint patient movement requirements center — A joint activity established to coordinate
the joint patient movement requirements function for a joint task force operating within
a unified command area of responsibility. Also called JPMRC. See also health service
support; joint force surgeon; joint operations area; medical treatment facility.
(JP 4-02)
joint patient movement team — Teams comprised of personnel trained in medical
regulating and movement procedures. (JP 4-02)
joint personnel accountability reconciliation and reporting A data repository
developed and implemented by the Defense Manpower Data Center that consumes and
reconciles data from existing Service deployment systems. Also called JPARR.
(JP 1-0)
joint personnel processing center A center established in an operational area by the
appropriate joint force commander with the responsibility for the in-processing and out-
processing of personnel upon their arrival in and departure from the theater. Also called
JPPC. (JP 1-0)
joint personnel recovery center — The primary joint force organization responsible for
planning and coordinating personnel recovery for military operations within the assigned
operational area. Also called JPRC. See also combat search and rescue; search and
rescue. (JP 3-50)
Terms and Definitions
joint personnel training and tracking activity — The continental United States center
established to facilitate the reception, accountability, processing, training, and onward
movement of individual augmentees preparing for overseas movement to support a joint
military operation. Also called JPTTA. (JP 1-0)
joint planning and execution community — Those headquarters, commands, and agencies
involved in the training, preparation, mobilization, deployment, employment, support,
sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization of military forces assigned or committed
to a joint operation. Also called JPEC. (JP 5-0)
joint planning group — A planning organization consisting of designated representatives of
the joint force headquarters principal and special staff sections, joint force components
(Service and/or functional), and other supporting organizations or agencies as deemed
necessary by the joint force commander. Also called JPG. See also crisis action
planning; joint operation planning. (JP 5-0)
joint proponent — A Service, combatant command, or Joint Staff directorate assigned
coordinating authority to lead the collaborative development and integration of joint
capability with specific responsibilities designated by the Secretary of Defense.
(SecDef Memo 03748-09)
Joint Public Affairs Support Element — A deployable unit assigned to assist a joint force
commander in developing and training public affairs forces in joint, interagency, and
multinational environments. Also called JPASE. (JP 3-61)
joint publication — A compilation of agreed to fundamental principles, considerations, and
guidance on a particular topic, approved by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that
guides the employment of a joint force toward a common objective.
Also called JP. See
also Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff manual; joint doctrine; joint test publication. (CJCSI 5120.02)
joint reception coordination center — An organization that, when established, ensures that
Department of Defense personnel and noncombatant evacuees receive adequate
assistance and support for an orderly and expedient debarkation, movement to final
destination in the United States, and appropriate follow-on assistance at the final
destination. Also called JRCC. (JP 3-68)
joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration — A phase of joint force
projection occurring in the operational area during which arriving personnel, equipment,
and materiel transition into forces capable of meeting operational requirements. Also
called JRSOI. See also integration; joint force; reception; staging. (JP 3-35)
joint requirements review board The joint task force or subunified commander’s
established board to review, validate, approve, and prioritize selected Service component
contract support requests. Also called JRRB. See also combatant commander logistic
procurement support board; joint contracting support board. (JP 4-10)
Terms and Definitions
joint restricted frequency list — A time and geographically oriented listing of TABOO,
PROTECTED, and GUARDED functions, nets, and frequencies and limited to the
minimum number of frequencies necessary for friendly forces to accomplish objectives.
Also called JRFL. See also electronic warfare; guarded frequencies; protected
frequencies; TABOO frequencies. (JP 3-13.1)
joint security area — A specific surface area, designated by the joint force commander to
facilitate protection of joint bases and their connecting lines of communications that
support joint operations. Also called JSA. (JP 3-10)
joint security coordination center — A joint operations center tailored to assist the joint
security coordinator in meeting the security requirements in the joint operational area.
Also called JSCC. (JP 3-10)
joint security coordinator — The officer with responsibility for coordinating the overall
security of the operational area in accordance with joint force commander directives and
priorities. Also called JSC. (JP 3-10)
joint servicing — That function performed by a jointly staffed and financed activity in
support of two or more Services. (JP 3-05)
joint special operations air component commander — The commander within a joint force
special operations command responsible for planning and executing joint special
operations air activities. Also called JSOACC. (JP 3-05)
joint special operations area — An area of land, sea, and airspace assigned by a joint force
commander to the commander of a joint special operations force to conduct special
operations activities. Also called JSOA. (JP 3-0)
joint special operations task force — A joint task force composed of special operations units
from more than one Service, formed to carry out a specific special operation or prosecute
special operations in support of a theater campaign or other operations. Also called
JSOTF. (JP 3-05)
joint staff — 1. The staff of a commander of a unified or specified command, subordinate
unified command, joint task force, or subordinate functional component (when a
functional component command will employ forces from more than one Military
Department), that includes members from the several Services comprising the force. 2.
(capitalized as Joint Staff) The staff under the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that
assists the Chairman and the other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in carrying out
their responsibilities. Also called JS. (JP 1)
Joint Staff doctrine sponsor — A Joint Staff directorate assigned to coordinate a joint
doctrine project with the Joint Staff. Also called JSDS. See also joint doctrine.
(CJCSM 5120.01)
Terms and Definitions
Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan — A plan that provides guidance to the combatant
commanders and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to accomplish tasks and missions based on
current military capabilities. Also called JSCP. See also combatant commander;
joint. (JP 5-0)
Joint Strategic Planning System — One of the primary means by which the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in consultation with the other members of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff and the combatant commanders, carries out the statutory responsibilities to assist
the President and Secretary of Defense in providing strategic direction to the Armed
Forces. Also called JSPS. (JP 5-0)
joint table of distribution — A manpower document that identifies the positions and
enumerates the spaces that have been approved for each organizational element of a joint
activity for a specific fiscal year (authorization year), and those accepted for the four
subsequent fiscal years (program years). Also called JTD. See also joint manpower
program. (JP 1-0)
joint targeting coordination board — A group formed by the joint force commander to
accomplish broad targeting oversight functions that may include but are not limited to
coordinating targeting information, providing targeting guidance, synchronization, and
priorities, and refining the joint integrated prioritized target list. Also called JTCB. See
also joint integrated prioritized target list; targeting. (JP 3-60)
joint target list — A consolidated list of selected targets, upon which there are no restrictions
placed, considered to have military significance in the joint force commander’s
operational area. Also called JTL. See also joint; target. (JP 3-60)
joint task force — A joint force that is constituted and so designated by the Secretary of
Defense, a combatant commander, a subunified commander, or an existing joint task
force commander. Also called JTF. (JP 1)
Joint Task Force-Civil Support — A standing joint task force established to plan and
integrate Department of Defense support to the designated lead federal agency for
domestic chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives
consequence management operations. Also called JTF-CS. (JP 3-41)
joint terminal attack controller — A qualified (certified) Service member who, from a
forward position, directs the action of combat aircraft engaged in close air support and
other offensive air operations. Also called JTAC. See also terminal attack control.
(JP 3-09.3)
joint test publication — A proposed publication produced for field-testing an emergent
concept that has been validated through the Joint Experimentation Program or a similar
joint process. Also called JTP. See also Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
instruction; joint doctrine; joint publication. (CJCSM 5120.01)
Terms and Definitions
Joint Transportation Board — Responsible to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the
Joint Transportation Board assures that common-user transportation resources assigned
or available to the Department of Defense are allocated to achieve maximum benefit in
meeting Department of Defense objectives. Also called JTB. See also common-user
transportation. (JP 4-01)
joint urban operations — Joint operations planned and conducted on, or against objectives
within a topographical complex and its adjacent natural terrain, where man-made
construction or the density of population are the dominant features. Also called JUOs.
See also joint operations. (JP 3-06)
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System — The sensitive compartmented
information portion of the Defense Information Systems Network, which incorporates
advanced networking technologies that permit point-to-point or multipoint information
exchange involving voice, text, graphics, data, and video teleconferencing. Also called
JWICS. (JP 2-0)
judge advocate —An officer of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps of the Army, Air Force,
or Navy, or officers of the Marine Corps or Coast Guard designated as a judge advocate.
Also called JA. (JP 1-04)
jumpmaster — The assigned airborne qualified individual who controls paratroops from the
time they enter the aircraft until they exit. (JP 3-17)
Terms and Definitions
Intentionally Blank
key position — A civilian position, public or private (designated by the employer and
approved by the Secretary concerned), that cannot be vacated during war or national
emergency. (JP 1-0)
keystone publications — Joint doctrine publications that establish the doctrinal foundation
for a series of joint publications in the hierarchy of joint publications. See also capstone
publications; joint publication. (CJCSM 5120.01)
key terrain — Any locality, or area, the seizure or retention of which affords a marked
advantage to either combatant. (JP 2-01.3)
kill box — A three-dimensional permissive fire support coordination measure with an
associated airspace coordinating measure used to facilitate the integration of fires.
(JP 3-09)
Terms and Definitions
Intentionally Blank
land control operations — The employment of land forces, supported by maritime and air
forces (as appropriate) to control vital land areas. See also sea control operations.
(JP 3-31)
land domain The area of the Earth’s surface ending at the high water mark and
overlapping with the maritime domain in the landward segment of the littorals.
(JP 3-31)
land forces — Personnel, weapon systems, vehicles, and support elements operating on land
to accomplish assigned missions and tasks. (JP 3-31)
landing aid — Any illuminating light, radio beacon, radar device, communicating device, or
any system of such devices for aiding aircraft in an approach and landing. (JP 3-04)
landing area — 1. That part of the operational area within which are conducted the landing
operations of an amphibious force. 2. In airborne operations, the general area used for
landing troops and materiel either by airdrop or air landing. 3. Any specially prepared
or selected surface of land, water, or deck designated or used for takeoff and landing of
aircraft. See also airfield; amphibious force; landing beach; landing force.
(JP 3-02)
landing area diagramA graphic means of showing, for amphibious operations, the beach
designations, boat lanes, organization of the line of departure, scheduled waves, landing
ship area, transport areas, and the fire support areas in the immediate vicinity of the boat
lanes. (JP 3-02)
landing beach — That portion of a shoreline required for the landing of an amphibious force.
(JP 3-02)
landing craft — A craft employed in amphibious operations, specifically designed for
carrying troops and their equipment and for beaching, unloading, retracting, and resupply
operations. (JP 3-02)
landing craft and amphibious vehicle assignment table — A table showing the assignment
of personnel and materiel to each landing craft and amphibious vehicle and the
assignment of the landing craft and amphibious vehicles to waves for the ship-to-shore
movement. (JP 3-02)
landing craft availability table — A tabulation of the type and number of landing craft that
will be available from each ship of the transport group. (JP 3-02)
landing diagram — A graphic means of illustrating the plan for the ship-to-shore movement.
(JP 3-02)
Terms and Definitions
landing force — A Marine Corps or Army task organization, which is part of the amphibious
force, formed to conduct amphibious operations. Also called LF. See also amphibious
force; amphibious operation; amphibious task force; task organization. (JP 3-02)
landing force operational reserve material Package of contingency supplies pre-
positioned and maintained onboard selected amphibious warfare ships to enhance
reaction time and provide support for the embarked landing force in contingencies. Also
called LFORM. (JP 3-02.1)
landing force support party — A temporary landing force organization composed of Navy
and landing force elements, that facilitates the ship-to-shore movement and provides
initial combat support and combat service support to the landing force. Also called
LFSP. See also combat service support; combat support; landing force; ship-to-
shore movement. (JP 3-02)
landing group — In amphibious operations, a subordinate task organization of the landing
force capable of conducting landing operations, under a single tactical command, against
a position or group of positions. (JP 3-02)
landing planIn amphibious operations, a collective term referring to all individually
prepared naval and landing force documents that, taken together, present in detail all
instructions for execution of the ship-to-shore movement. (JP 3-02)
landing sequence table — A document that incorporates the detailed plans for ship-to-shore
movement of nonscheduled units. (JP 3-02)
landing signalman enlisted — Enlisted man responsible for ensuring that
helicopters/tiltrotor aircraft, on signal, are safely started, engaged, launched, recovered,
and shut down. Also called LSE. (JP 3-04)
landing signals officer — Officer responsible for the visual control of aircraft in the terminal
phase of the approach immediately prior to landing. Also called LSO. See also terminal
phase. (JP 3-04)
landing site — 1. A site within a landing zone containing one or more landing points. See
also airfield. 2. In amphibious operations, a continuous segment of coastline over which
troops, equipment and supplies can be landed by surface means. (JP 3-02)
landing zone — Any specified zone used for the landing of aircraft. Also called
LZ. See
also airfield. (JP 3-17)
laser-guided weapon — A weapon that uses a seeker to detect laser energy reflected from a
laser marked/designated target and through signal processing provides guidance
commands to a control system, which guides the weapon to the point from which the
laser energy is being reflected. Also called LGW. (JP 3-09)
Terms and Definitions
laser rangefinder — A device that uses laser energy for determining the distance from the
device to a place or object. (JP 3-09)
laser seeker — A device based on a direction-sensitive receiver that detects the energy
reflected from a laser designated target and defines the direction of the target relative to
the receiver. See also laser-guided weapon. (JP 3-09.3)
laser spot — The area on a surface illuminated by a laser. See also spot. (JP 3-09)
laser spot tracker — A device that locks on to the reflected energy from a laser-marked or
designated target and defines the direction of the target relative to itself. Also called
LST. (JP 3-09)
laser target designator — A device that emits a beam of laser energy which is used to mark
a specific place or object. Also called LTD. See also target. (JP 3-09)
latest arrival date — A day, relative to C-Day, that is specified by the supported combatant
commander as the latest date when a unit, a resupply shipment, or replacement personnel
can arrive at the port of debarkation and support the concept of operations. Also called
LAD. (JP 5-0)
law enforcement agency — Any of a number of agencies (outside the Department of
Defense) chartered and empowered to enforce US laws in the United States, a state or
territory (or political subdivision) of the United States, a federally recognized Native
American tribe or Alaskan Native Village, or within the borders of a host nation. Also
called LEA. (JP 3-28)
law of armed conflict — See law of war. (JP 1-04)
law of war — That part of international law that regulates the conduct of armed hostilities.
Also called the law of armed conflict. See also rules of engagement. (JP 1-04)
lead — In intelligence usage, a person with potential for exploitation, warranting additional
assessment, contact, and/or development. (JP 2-01.2)
lead agency — The United States Government agency designated to coordinate the
interagency oversight of the day-to-day conduct of an ongoing operation. (JP 3-08)
lead agent — 1. An individual Service, combatant command, or Joint Staff directorate
assigned to develop and maintain a joint publication. (CJCSM 5120.01) 2. In medical
materiel management, the designated unit or organization to coordinate or execute day-
to-day conduct of an ongoing operation or function. Also called LA. (JP 4-02)
lead aircraft — 1. The airborne aircraft designated to exercise command of other aircraft
within the flight. 2. An aircraft in the van of two or more aircraft. (JP 3-09.3)
Terms and Definitions
lead federal agency — The federal agency that leads and coordinates the overall federal
response to an emergency. Also called LFA. (JP 3-41)
lead nation — The nation with the will, capability, competence, and influence to provide the
essential elements of political consultation and military leadership to coordinate the
planning, mounting, and execution of a multinational operation. See also logistic
support; multinational force. (JP 3-16)
lead Service or agency for common-user logistics — A Service component or Department
of Defense agency that is responsible for execution of common-user item or service
support in a specific combatant command or multinational operation as defined in the
combatant or subordinate joint force commander’s operation plan, operation order,
and/or directives. See also common-user logistics. (JP 4-0)
letter of assist — A contractual document issued by the United Nations to a government
authorizing it to provide goods or services to a peacekeeping operation. Also called
LOA. See also peacekeeping. (JP 1-06)
letter of authorization — A document issued by the procuring contracting officer or designee
that authorizes contractor personnel authorized to accompany the force to travel to, from,
and within the operational area; and, outlines government furnished support
authorizations within the operational area. Also called LOA. (JP 4-10)
letter of offer and acceptance — Standard Department of Defense form on which the United
States Government documents its offer to transfer to a foreign government or
international organization United States defense articles and services via foreign military
sales pursuant to the Arms Export Control Act. Also called LOA. See also foreign
military sales. (JP 4-08)
level of detail — Within the current joint planning and execution system, movement
characteristics for both personnel and cargo are described at six distinct levels of detail.
Levels I, V, and VI describe personnel and Levels I through IV and VI for cargo. Levels
I through IV are coded and visible in the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System
automated data processing. Levels V and VI are used by Joint Operation Planning and
Execution System automated data processing feeder systems. a. level I - personnel:
expressed as total number of passengers by unit line number. Cargo: expressed in total
short tons, total measurement tons, total square feet, and total thousands of barrels by
unit line number. Petroleum, oils, and lubricants is expressed by thousands of barrels by
unit line number. b. level II - cargo: expressed by short tons and measurement tons of
bulk, oversize, outsize, and non-air transportable cargo by unit line number. Also square
feet for vehicles and non self-deployable aircraft and boats by unit line number. c. level
III - cargo: detail by cargo category code expressed as short tons and measurement tons
as well as square feet associated to that cargo category code for an individual unit line
number. d. level IV - cargo: detail for individual dimensional data expressed in length,
width, and height in number of inches, and weight/volume in short tons/measurement
tons, along with a cargo description. Each cargo item is associated with a cargo category
Terms and Definitions
code and a unit line number). e. level V - personnel: any general
summarization/aggregation of level VI detail in distribution and deployment. f. level VI
- personnel: detail expressed by name, Service, military occupational specialty and
unique identification number. Cargo: detail expressed by association to a transportation
control number or single tracking number or item of equipment to include federal stock
number/national stock number and/or requisition number. Nested cargo, cargo that is
contained within another equipment item, may similarly be identified. Also called
JOPES level of detail. (CJCSM 3122.01A)
leverage — In the context of joint operation planning, a relative advantage in combat power
and/or other circumstances against the adversary across one or more domains or the
information environment sufficient to exploit that advantage. See also operational art;
operational design. (JP 5-0)
L-hour — 1. The specific hour on C-day at which a deployment operation commences or is
to commence. (JP 5-0) 2. In amphibious operations, the time at which the first helicopter
or tiltrotor aircraft of the airborne ship-to-shore movement wave touches down or is
scheduled to touch down in the landing zone (JP 3-02)
life cycle — The total phases through which an item passes from the time it is initially
developed until the time it is either consumed in use or disposed of as being excess to all
known materiel requirements. (JP 4-02)
lighterage — The process in which small craft are used to transport cargo or personnel from
ship-to-shore using amphibians, landing craft, discharge lighters, causeways, and barges.
(JP 4-01.6)
limiting factor — A factor or condition that, either temporarily or permanently, impedes
mission accomplishment. (JP 5-0)
line of communications — A route, either land, water, and/or air, that connects an operating
military force with a base of operations and along which supplies and military forces
move. Also called LOC. (JP 2-01.3)
line of demarcation — A line defining the boundary of a buffer zone used to establish the
forward limits of disputing or belligerent forces after each phase of disengagement or
withdrawal has been completed. See also buffer zone; disengagement; peace
operations. (JP 3-07.3)
line of departure — 1. In land warfare, a line designated to coordinate the departure of attack
elements. Also called LD. (JP 3-31) 2. In amphibious operations, a suitably marked
offshore coordinating line, which is located at the seaward end of a boat lane, to assist in
the landing of landing craft and amphibious vehicles on designated beaches at the
scheduled times. Also called LOD. (JP 3-02)
Terms and Definitions
line of effort In the context of joint operation planning, using the purpose (cause and effect)
to focus efforts toward establishing operational and strategic conditions by linking
multiple tasks and missions. Also called LOE. (JP 5-0)
line of operation — A line that defines the interior or exterior orientation of the force in
relation to the enemy or that connects actions on nodes and/or decisive points related in
time and space to an objective(s). Also called LOO. (JP 5-0)
link — 1. A behavioral, physical, or functional relationship between nodes. 2. In
communications, a general term used to indicate the existence of communications
facilities between two points. 3. A maritime route, other than a coastal or transit route
that connects any two or more routes together. See also node. (JP 3-0)
listening watch — A continuous receiver watch established for the reception of
communication addressed to, or of interest to, the unit maintaining the watch, with
complete log optional. (JP 3-50)
littoral — The littoral comprises two segments of operational environment: 1. Seaward: the
area from the open ocean to the shore, which must be controlled to support operations
ashore. 2. Landward: the area inland from the shore that can be supported and defended
directly from the sea. (JP 2-01.3)
loading plan — All of the individually prepared documents which, taken together, present in
detail all instructions for the arrangement of personnel, and the loading of equipment for
one or more units or other special grouping of personnel or material moving by highway,
water, rail, or air transportation. (JP 3-02.1)
load signal — In personnel recovery, a visual signal displayed in a covert manner to indicate
the presence of an individual or object at a given location. See also evasion; recovery
operations. (JP 3-50)
locate — In personnel recovery, the task where actions are taken to precisely find and
authenticate the identity of isolated personnel. (JP 3-50)
lodgment — A designated area in a hostile or potentially hostile operational area that, when
seized and held, makes the continuous landing of troops and materiel possible and
provides maneuver space for subsequent operations. (JP 3-18)
logistics — Planning and executing the movement and support of forces. (JP 4-0)
logistics over-the-shore operation area — That geographic area required to conduct a
logistics over-the-shore operation. Also called LOA. See also logistics over-the-shore
operations. (JP 4-01.6)
logistics over-the-shore operations — The loading and unloading of ships without the
benefit of deep draft-capable, fixed port facilities; or as a means of moving forces closer
Terms and Definitions
to tactical assembly areas dependent on threat force capabilities. Also called LOTS
operations. See also joint logistics over-the-shore operations. (JP 4-01.6)
logistic support Support that encompasses the logistic services, materiel, and
transportation required to support the continental United States-based and worldwide
deployed forces. (JP 4-0)
logistics supportability analysis Combatant command internal assessment for the Joint
Strategic Capabilities Plan on capabilities and shortfalls of key logistic capabilities
required to execute and sustain the concept of support conducted on all level three plans
with the time phased force deployment data. Also called LSA. (JP 4-0)
low-altitude missile engagement zone — In air defense, that airspace of defined dimensions
within which the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests with low- to
medium-altitude surface-to-air missiles. Also called LOMEZ. (JP 3-01)
low-level transit route — A temporary corridor of defined dimensions established in the
forward area to minimize the risk to friendly aircraft from friendly air defenses or surface
forces. Also called LLTR. (JP 3-52)
low velocity drop — A drop procedure in which the drop velocity does not exceed 30 feet
per second. (JP 3-17)
low-visibility operations — Sensitive operations wherein the diplomatic-military
restrictions inherent in covert and clandestine operations are either not necessary or
not feasible; actions are taken as required to limit exposure of those involved and/or
their activities and with the knowledge that the action and/or sponsorship of the
operation may preclude plausible denial by the initiating power. (JP 3-05)
Terms and Definitions
Intentionally Blank
magnetic mine — A mine that responds to the magnetic field of a target. (JP 3-15)
mail embargo — A temporary shutdown or redirection of mail flow to or from a specific
location. (JP 1-0)
main operating base A facility outside the United States and US territories with
permanently stationed operating forces and robust infrastructure. Main operating bases
are characterized by command and control structures, enduring family support facilities,
and strengthened force protection measures. Also called MOB. See also cooperative
security location; forward operating site. (CJCS CM-0007-05)
main supply route — The route or routes designated within an operational area upon which
the bulk of traffic flows in support of military operations. Also called MSR. (JP 4-01.5)
maintenance — 1. All action, including inspection, testing, servicing, classification as to
serviceability, repair, rebuilding, and reclamation, taken to retain materiel in a
serviceable condition or to restore it to serviceability. 2. All supply and repair action
taken to keep a force in condition to carry out its mission. 3. The routine recurring work
required to keep a facility in such condition that it may be continuously used at its original
or designed capacity and efficiency for its intended purpose. (JP 4-0)
major force — A military organization comprised of major combat elements and associated
combat support, combat service support, and sustainment increments. (JP 5-0)
major operation — 1. A series of tactical actions (battles, engagements, strikes) conducted
by combat forces, coordinated in time and place, to achieve strategic or operational
objectives in an operational area. 2. For noncombat operations, a reference to the relative
size and scope of a military operation. See also operation. (JP 3-0)
maneuver — 1. A movement to place ships, aircraft, or land forces in a position of advantage
over the enemy. 2. A tactical exercise carried out at sea, in the air, on the ground, or on
a map in imitation of war. 3. The operation of a ship, aircraft, or vehicle, to cause it to
perform desired movements. 4. Employment of forces in the operational area through
movement in combination with fires to achieve a position of advantage in respect to the
enemy. See also mission; operation. (JP 3-0)
manpower management — The means of manpower control to ensure the most efficient
and economical use of available manpower. (JP 1-0)
manpower requirements — Human resources needed to accomplish specified work loads
of organizations. (JP 1-0)
Marine air command and control system — A system that provides the aviation combat
element commander with the means to command, coordinate, and control all air
Terms and Definitions
operations within an assigned sector and to coordinate air operations with other Services.
Also called MACCS. See also direct air support center; tactical air operations
center. (JP 3-09.3)
Marine Corps special operations forces — Those Active Component Marine Corps forces
designated by the Secretary of Defense that are specifically organized, trained, and
equipped to conduct and support special operations. Also called MARSOF. (JP 3-05)
Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force — The surge sealift assets owned and
operated by the United States Department of Transportation/Maritime Administration
and Military Sealift Command (in contingency), crewed by civilian mariners. Also
called MARAD RRF. See also National Defense Reserve Fleet. (JP 4-01.6)
maritime domain — The oceans, seas, bays, estuaries, islands, coastal areas, and the airspace
above these, including the littorals. (JP 3-32)
maritime domain awareness — The effective understanding of anything associated with the
maritime domain that could impact the security, safety, economy, or environment of a
nation. Also called MDA. (JP 3-32)
maritime forces — Forces that operate on, under, or above the sea to gain or exploit
command of the sea, sea control, or sea denial and/or to project power from the sea.
(JP 3-32)
maritime interception operations — Efforts to monitor, query, and board merchant vessels
in international waters to enforce sanctions against other nations such as those in support
of United Nations Security Council Resolutions and/or prevent the transport of restricted
goods. Also called MIO. (JP 3-03)
maritime power projection — Power projection in and from the maritime environment,
including a broad spectrum of offensive military operations to destroy enemy forces or
logistic support or to prevent enemy forces from approaching within enemy weapons’
range of friendly forces. (JP 3-32)
maritime pre-positioning force operation — A rapid deployment and assembly of a Marine
expeditionary force in a secure area using a combination of intertheater airlift and
forward-deployed maritime pre-positioning ships. Also called MPF operation. See also
maritime pre-positioning ships. (JP 4-01.6)
maritime pre-positioning ships — Civilian-crewed, Military Sealift Command-chartered
ships that are usually forward-deployed and loaded with pre-positioned equipment and
up to 30 days of supplies to support Marine expeditionary brigades. Also called MPSs.
See also Navy cargo handling battalion. (JP 3-02.1)
maritime security operations — Those operations to protect maritime sovereignty and
resources and to counter maritime-related terrorism, weapons proliferation, transnational
Terms and Definitions
crime, piracy, environmental destruction, and illegal seaborne immigration. Also called
MSO. (JP 3-32)
Maritime Security Program — A program authorized in the Maritime Security Act of 2003
requiring the Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense,
to establish a fleet of active, commercially viable, militarily useful, privately-owned
vessels to meet national defense and other security requirements. Also called MSP.
(JP 4-01.2)
maritime superiority — That degree of dominance of one force over another that permits
the conduct of maritime operations by the former and its related land, maritime, and air
forces at a given time and place without prohibitive interference by the opposing force.
(JP 3-32)
maritime terminal — A facility for berthing ships simultaneously at piers, quays, and/or
working anchorages. Also called water terminal. (JP 4-01.5)
marking — To maintain contact on a target from such a position that the marking unit has an
immediate offensive capability. (JP 3-09.3)
marshalling — 1. The process by which units participating in an amphibious or airborne
operation group together or assemble when feasible or move to temporary camps in the
vicinity of embarkation points, complete preparations for combat, or prepare for loading.
2. The process of assembling, holding, and organizing supplies and/or equipment,
especially vehicles of transportation, for onward movement. See also staging area.
(JP 3-17)
marshalling area — A location in the vicinity of a reception terminal or pre-positioned
equipment storage site where arriving unit personnel, equipment, materiel, and
accompanying supplies are reassembled, returned to the control of the unit commander,
and prepared for onward movement. See also marshalling. (JP 3-35)
mass atrocity response operations — Military activities conducted to prevent or halt mass
atrocities. Also called MARO. (JP 3-07.3)
mass casualty — Any large number of casualties produced in a relatively short period of
time, usually as the result of a single incident such as a military aircraft accident,
hurricane, flood, earthquake, or armed attack that exceeds local logistic support
capabilities. Also called MASCAL. See also casualty. (JP4-02)
massed fire — 1. The fire of the batteries of two or more ships directed against a single target.
2. Fire from a number of weapons directed at a single point or small area. (JP 3-02)
master — The commander of a United States Naval Ship, a commercial ship, or a
government-owned general agency agreement ship operated for the Military Sealift
Command by a civilian company to transport Department of Defense cargo. (JP 3-02.1)
Terms and Definitions
master air attack plan — A plan that contains key information that forms the foundation of
the joint air tasking order. Also called MAAP. See also target. (JP 3-60)
materials handling equipment. Equipment used at air, ground, and sea ports to handle large
cargo. Also called MHE. (JP 4-01.5)
materiel — All items necessary to equip, operate, maintain, and support military activities
without distinction as to its application for administrative or combat purposes. See also
equipment; personal property. (JP 4-0)
materiel inventory objective — The quantity of an item required to be on hand and on order
on M-day in order to equip, provide a materiel pipeline, and sustain the approved United
States force structure and those Allied forces designated for United States materiel
support, through the period prescribed for war materiel planning purposes. (JP 4-09)
materiel planning — A subset of logistic planning consisting of the four-step process of: a.
requirements definition. Requirements for significant items are calculated at item-level
detail to support sustainability planning and analysis. b. apportionment. Items are
apportioned to the combatant commanders based on a global scenario to avoid sourcing
of items to multiple theaters. c. sourcing. Sourcing is the matching of available
capabilities on a given date against item requirements to support sustainability analysis
and the identification of locations to support transportation planning. d. documentation.
Sourced item requirements are translated into movement requirements and documented
in the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System database for transportation
feasibility analysis. (JP 4-09)
materiel release order — An order issued by an accountable supply system manager
directing a non-accountable activity within the same supply distribution complex to
release and ship materiel. Also called MRO. (JP 4-09)
materiel requirements — Those quantities of items of equipment and supplies necessary to
equip, provide a materiel pipeline, and sustain a Service, formation, organization, or unit
in the fulfillment of its purposes or tasks during a specified period. (JP 4-09)
maximum ordinate — In artillery and naval gunfire support, the height of the highest point
in the trajectory of a projectile above the horizontal plane passing through its origin. Also
called vertex height and MAXORD. (JP 3-09.3)
M-day — Mobilization day; unnamed day on which mobilization of forces begins. (JP 4-06)
measurement and signature intelligence — Information produced by quantitative and
qualitative analysis of physical attributes of targets and events to characterize, locate, and
identify targets and events, and derived from specialized, technically derived
measurements of physical phenomenon intrinsic to an object or event. Also called
MASINT. See also intelligence; scientific and technical intelligence. (JP 2-0)
Terms and Definitions
Measurement and Signature Intelligence Requirements System — A system for the
management of theater and national measurement and signature intelligence collection
requirements, providing automated tools for users in support of submission, review, and
validation of measurement and signature intelligence nominations of requirements to be
tasked for national and Department of Defense measurement and signature intelligence
collection, production, and exploitation resources. Also called MRS. See also
measurement and signature intelligence. (JP 2-01)
measurement ton — The unit of volumetric measurement of equipment associated with
surface-delivered cargo equal to the total cubic feet divided by 40. Also called MTON.
(JP 4-01.5)
measure of effectiveness — A criterion used to assess changes in system behavior, capability,
or operational environment that is tied to measuring the attainment of an end state,
achievement of an objective, or creation of an effect. Also called MOE. See also
combat assessment; mission. (JP 3-0)
measure of performance — A criterion used to assess friendly actions that is tied to
measuring task accomplishment. Also called MOP. (JP 3-0)
mechanical sweep — In naval mine warfare, any sweep used with the object of physically
contacting the mine or its appendages. (JP 3-15)
media operations center A facility established by the commander to serve as the focal
point for the interface between the military and the media during the conduct of military
operations. Also called MOC. (JP 3-61)
media pool — A limited number of news media who represent a larger number of news media
organizations for purposes of news gathering and sharing of material during a specified
activity. See also public affairs. (JP 3-61)
medical civil-military operations — All military health-related activities in support of a joint
force commander that establish, enhance, maintain or influence relations between the
joint or multinational force and host nation, multinational governmental and
nongovernmental civilian organizations and authorities, and the civilian populace in
order to facilitate military operations, achieve United States operational objectives, and
positively impact the health sector. Also called MCMO. (JP 4-02)
medical engagement protocols — Directives issued by competent military authority that
delineate the circumstances and limitations under which United States medical forces
will initiate medical care and support to those individuals that are not Department of
Defense health care beneficiaries or designated eligible for care in a military medical
treatment facility by the Secretary of Defense. (JP 4-02)
Terms and Definitions
medical intelligence — That category of intelligence resulting from collection, evaluation,
analysis, and interpretation of foreign medical, bio-scientific, and environmental
information that is of interest to strategic planning and to military medical planning and
operations for the conservation of the fighting strength of friendly forces and the
formation of assessments of foreign medical capabilities in both military and civilian
sectors. Also called MEDINT. See also intelligence. (JP 2-01)
medical intelligence preparation of the operational environment — A systematic
continuing process that analyzes information on medical and disease threats, enemy
capabilities, terrain, weather, local medical infrastructure, potential humanitarian and
refugee situations, transportation issues, and political, religious and social issues for all
types of operations. Also called MIPOE. (JP 4-02)
medical logistics support A functional area of logistics support for the joint force
surgeon’s health service support mission and that includes supplying Class VIII medical
supplies (medical material to include medical peculiar repair parts used to sustain the
health service support system), optical fabrication, medical equipment maintenance,
blood storage and distribution, and medical gases. Also called MEDLOG support.
(JP 4-02)
medical regulating — The actions and coordination necessary to arrange for the movement
of patients through the roles of care and to match patients with a medical treatment
facility that has the necessary health service support capabilities and available bed space.
See also health service support; medical treatment facility. (JP 4-02)
medical surveillance — The ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of
data derived from instances of medical care or medical evaluation, and the reporting of
population-based information for characterizing and countering threats to a population’s
health, well-being and performance. See also surveillance. (JP 4-02)
medical treatment facility — A facility established for the purpose of furnishing medical
and/or dental care to eligible individuals. Also called MTF. (JP 4-02)
medium-range ballistic missile. A ballistic missile with a range capability from about 600
to 1,500 nautical miles. Also called MRBM. (JP 3-01)
mensuration — The process of measurement of a feature or location on the earth to determine
an absolute latitude, longitude, and elevation. (JP 3-60)
message — 1. Any thought or idea expressed briefly in a plain or secret language and prepared
in a form suitable for transmission by any means of communication. (JP 6-0) 2. A
narrowly focused communication directed at a specific audience to support a specific
theme. Also called MSG. (JP 3-61)
Terms and Definitions
meteorological and oceanographic — A term used to convey all environmental factors,
from the sub-bottom of the Earth’s oceans through maritime, land areas, airspace,
ionosphere, and outward into space. Also called METOC. (JP 3-59)
meteorological and oceanographic data — Measurements or observations of
meteorological and oceanographic variables. (JP 3-59)
meteorological and oceanographic environment — The surroundings that extend from the
sub-bottom of the Earth’s oceans, through maritime, land areas, airspace, ionosphere,
and outward into space, which include conditions, resources, and natural phenomena, in
and through which the joint force operates. (JP 3-59)
meteorological and oceanographic information Actionable information to include
meteorological, climatological, oceanographic, and space environment observations,
analyses, prognostic data or products and meteorological and oceanographic effects.
(JP 3-59)
meteorological and oceanographic operations support community — The collective of
electronically connected, shore-based meteorological and oceanographic production
facilities/centers, theater and/or regional meteorological and oceanographic production
activities. Also called MOSC. See also meteorological and oceanographic. (JP 3-59)
meteorological watch — Monitoring the weather for a route, area, or terminal and advising
concerned organizations when hazardous conditions that could affect their operations or
pose a hazard to life or property are observed or forecast to occur. Also called
meteorology — The study dealing with the phenomena of the atmosphere including the
physics, chemistry, and dynamics extending to the effects of the atmosphere on the
Earth’s surface and the oceans. (JP 3-59)
midcourse phase — That portion of the flight of a ballistic missile between the boost phase
and the terminal phase. See also boost phase; terminal phase. (JP 3-01)
migrant — A person who (1) belongs to a normally migratory culture who may cross national
boundaries, or (2) has fled his or her native country for economic reasons rather than fear
of political or ethnic persecution. (JP 3-29)
military assistance advisory group — A joint Service group, normally under the military
command of a commander of a unified command and representing the Secretary of
Defense, which primarily administers the US military assistance planning and
programming in the host country. Also called MAAG. (JP 3-22)
Military Assistance Program — That portion of the US security assistance authorized by
the Foreign Assistance Act of l961, as amended, which provides defense articles and
services to recipients on a nonreimbursable (grant) basis. Also called MAP. (JP 3-22)
Terms and Definitions
military civic action — Programs and projects managed by United States forces but executed
primarily by indigenous military or security forces that contribute to the economic and
social development of a host nation civil society thereby enhancing the legitimacy and
social standing of the host nation government and its military forces. Also called MCA.
(JP 3-57)
military construction — Any construction, alteration, development, conversion, or
extension of any kind carried out with respect to a military installation. Also called
MILCON. (JP 3-34)
military deception — Actions executed to deliberately mislead adversary military,
paramilitary, or violent extremist organization decision makers, thereby causing the
adversary to take specific actions (or inactions) that will contribute to the
accomplishment of the friendly mission. Also called MILDEC. (JP 3-13.4)
Military Department — One of the departments within the Department of Defense created
by the National Security Act of 1947, which are the Department of the Army, the
Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Air Force. Also called MILDEP.
See also Department of the Air Force; Department of the Army; Department of the
Navy. (JP 1)
military engagement — Routine contact and interaction between individuals or elements of
the Armed Forces of the United States and those of another nation’s armed forces, or
foreign and domestic civilian authorities or agencies to build trust and confidence, share
information, coordinate mutual activities, and maintain influence. (JP 3-0)
military government — The supreme authority the military exercises by force or agreement
over the lands, property, and indigenous populations and institutions of domestic, allied,
or enemy territory therefore substituting sovereign authority under rule of law for the
previously established government. (JP 3-57)
military health system — A health system that supports the military mission by fostering,
protecting, sustaining, and restoring health and providing the direction, resources, health
care providers, and other means necessary for promoting the health of the beneficiary
population. (JP 4-02)
military information support operations — Planned operations to convey selected
information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives,
objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations,
groups, and individuals in a manner favorable to the originator’s objectives. Also called
MISO. (JP 3-13.2)
Military Intelligence Board — A decision-making forum which formulates Department of
Defense intelligence policy and programming priorities. Also called MIB. See also
intelligence. (JP 2-0)
Terms and Definitions
military intervention — The deliberate act of a nation or a group of nations to introduce its
military forces into the course of an existing controversy. (JP 3-0)
military occupation — A condition in which territory is under the effective control of a
foreign armed force. See also occupied territory. (JP 3-0)
Military Postal Service — The command, organization, personnel, and facilities established
to provide a means for the transmission of mail to and from the Department of Defense,
members of the United States Armed Forces, and other authorized agencies and
individuals. Also called MPS. (JP 1-0)
Military Postal Service Agency — The single manager operating agency established to
manage the Military Postal Service. Also called MPSA. (JP 1-0)
military post office — A branch of a designated United States-based post office established
by United States Postal Service authority and operated by one of the Services. Also
called MPO. (JP 1-0)
Military Sealift Command — A major command of the United States Navy reporting to
Commander Fleet Forces Command, and the United States Transportation Command’s
component command responsible for designated common-user sealift transportation
services to deploy, employ, sustain, and redeploy United States forces on a global basis.
Also called MSC. See also transportation component command. (JP 4-01.2)
Military Sealift Command force — Common-user sealift consisting of three subsets: the
Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force, common-user ocean transportation, and the special mission
support force. See also common-user sealift; Military Sealift Command. (JP 4-01.2)
military source operations — The collection, from, by and/or via humans, of foreign and
military and military-related intelligence. (JP 2-01.2)
military specification container — A container that meets specific written standards. Also
called MILSPEC container. (JP 4-09)
military standard requisitioning and issue procedure — A uniform procedure established
by the Department of Defense for use within the Department of Defense to govern
requisition and issue of materiel within standardized priorities. Also called MILSTRIP.
(JP 4-01)
military standard transportation and movement procedures — Uniform and standard
transportation data, documentation, and control procedures applicable to all cargo
movements in the Department of Defense transportation system. Also called
MILSTAMP. (JP 4-01.5)
Terms and Definitions
military technician — A Federal civilian employee providing full-time support to a National
Guard, Reserve, or Active Component organization for administration, training, and
maintenance of the Selected Reserve. Also called MILTECH. (CJCSM 3150.13)
military van (container) — Military-owned, demountable container, conforming to United
States and international standards, operated in a centrally controlled fleet for movement
of military cargo. Also called MILVAN. (JP 4-02)
mine — 1.In land mine warfare, a munition placed under, on or near the ground or other
surface area and designed to be exploded by the presence, proximity or contact of a
person or vehicle. 2. In naval mine warfare, an explosive device laid in the water with
the intention of damaging or sinking ships or of deterring shipping from entering an area.
See also mine warfare. (JP 3-15)
mine countermeasures — All methods for preventing or reducing damage or danger from
mines. Also called MCM. (JP 3-15)
minefield — 1. In land warfare, an area of ground containing mines emplaced with or without
a pattern. 2. In naval warfare, an area of water containing mines emplaced with or
without a pattern. See also mine; mine warfare. (JP 3-15)
minefield record — A complete written record of all pertinent information concerning a
minefield, submitted on a standard form by the officer in charge of the emplacement
operations. (JP 3-15)
minefield report — An oral, electronic, or written communication concerning mining
activities (friendly or enemy) submitted in a standard format by the fastest secure means
available. (JP 3-15)
minehunting — Employment of air, surface, or subsurface sensor and neutralization systems
to locate and dispose of individual mines in a known field, or to verify the presence or
absence of mines in a given area. See also minesweeping. (JP 3-15)
minesweeping — The technique of clearing mines using either mechanical sweeping to
remove, disturb, or otherwise neutralize the mine; explosive sweeping to cause
sympathetic detonations, damage, or displace the mine; or influence sweeping to produce
either the acoustic or magnetic influence required to detonate the mine. See also
minehunting. (JP 3-15)
mine warfare — The strategic, operational, and tactical use of mines and mine
countermeasures either by emplacing mines to degrade the enemy’s capabilities to wage
land, air, and maritime warfare or by countering of enemy-emplaced mines to permit
friendly maneuver or use of selected land or sea areas. Also called MIW. (JP 3-15)
Terms and Definitions
minimize — A condition wherein normal message and telephone traffic is drastically reduced
in order that messages connected with an actual or simulated emergency shall not be
delayed. (JP 6-0)
minimum force — Those minimum actions, including the use of armed force, sufficient to
bring a situation under control or to defend against hostile act or hostile intent, where the
firing of weapons is to be considered as a means of last resort. (JP 3-07.3)
minimum-risk route — A temporary corridor of defined dimensions recommended for use
by high-speed, fixed-wing aircraft that presents the minimum known hazards to low-
flying aircraft transiting the combat zone. Also called MRR. (JP 3-52)
missile defense — Defensive measures designed to destroy attacking enemy missiles, or to
nullify or reduce the effectiveness of such attack. (JP 3-01)
missile engagement zone In air defense, that airspace of defined dimensions within which
the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests with surface-to-air missile
systems. Also called MEZ. (JP 3-01)
mission — 1. The task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken
and the reason therefore. (JP 3-0) 2. In common usage, especially when applied to lower
military units, a duty assigned to an individual or unit; a task. (JP 3-0) 3. The dispatching
of one or more aircraft to accomplish one particular task. (JP 3-30)
mission assignment — The vehicle used by the Department of Homeland
Security/Emergency Preparedness and Response/Federal Emergency Management
Agency to support federal operations in a Stafford Act major disaster or emergency
declaration that orders immediate, short-term emergency response assistance when an
applicable state or local government is overwhelmed by the event and lacks the capability
to perform, or contract for, the necessary work. (JP 3-28)
mission command The conduct of military operations through decentralized execution
based upon mission-type orders. (JP 3-31)
mission needs statement — A formatted non-system-specific statement containing
operational capability needs and written in broad operational terms. Also called MNS.
(CJCSI 3180.01)
mission-oriented protective posture — A flexible system of protection against chemical,
biological, radiological, and nuclear contamination in which personnel are required to
wear only that protective clothing and equipment appropriate to the threat level, work
rate imposed by the mission, temperature, and humidity. Also called MOPP. See also
mission-oriented protective posture gear. (JP 3-11)
mission-oriented protective posture gear — Military term for individual protective
equipment including suit, boots, gloves, mask with hood, first aid treatments, and
Terms and Definitions
decontamination kits issued to military members. Also called MOPP gear. See also
decontamination; mission-oriented protective posture. (JP 3-11)
mission statement — A short sentence or paragraph that describes the organization’s
essential task(s), purpose, and action containing the elements of who, what, when, where,
and why. See also mission. (JP 5-0)
mission type order — 1. An order issued to a lower unit that includes the accomplishment
of the total mission assigned to the higher headquarters. 2. An order to a unit to perform
a mission without specifying how it is to be accomplished. (JP 3-50)
mobile security force — A highly mobile and dedicated security force with the capability to
defeat Level I and II threats in a joint security area. Also called MSF. (JP 3-10)
mobility — A quality or capability of military forces which permits them to move from place
to place while retaining the ability to fulfill their primary mission. (JP 3-17)
mobility air forces — Air components and Service components that are assigned and/or
routinely exercise command authority over mobility operations. Also called MAF.
(JP 3-17)
mobility corridor — Areas that are relatively free of obstacles where a force will be
canalized due to terrain restrictions allowing military forces to capitalize on the
principles of mass and speed. (JP 2-01.3)
mobilization — 1. The process of assembling and organizing national resources to support
national objectives in time of war or other emergencies. See also industrial
mobilization. 2. The process by which the Armed Forces of the United States or part of
them are brought to a state of readiness for war or other national emergency, which
includes activating all or part of the Reserve Component as well as assembling and
organizing personnel, supplies, and materiel. Also called MOB. (JP 4-05)
mobilization base — The total of all resources available, or that can be made available, to
meet foreseeable wartime needs. (JP 4-05)
mobilization site — The designated location where a Reserve Component unit or individual
mobilizes or moves after mobilization for further processing, training, and employment.
See also mobilization; mobilization station; Reserve Component. (JP 4-05)
mobilization station — The designated military installation to which a Reserve Component
unit or individual is moved for further processing, organizing, equipping, training, and
employment and from which the unit or individual may move to an aerial port of
embarkation or seaport of embarkation. See also mobilization; mobilization site;
Reserve Component. (JP 4-05)
Terms and Definitions
mode (identification, friend or foe) — The number or letter referring to the specific pulse
spacing of the signals transmitted by an interrogator or transponder used for radar
identification of aircraft. (JP 3-01)
mode of transport — One of, or a combination of, the following modes used for a movement:
a. inland surface transportation (rail, road, and inland waterway); b. sea transport (coastal
and ocean); c. air transportation; and d. pipelines. (JP 4-09)
Modernized Integrated Database — The national level repository for the general military
intelligence available to the entire Department of Defense Intelligence Information
System community and, through Global Command and Control System integrated
imagery and intelligence, to tactical units. Also called MIDB. (JP 2-01)
modified combined obstacle overlay — A joint intelligence preparation of the operational
environment product used to portray the militarily significant aspects of the operational
environment, such as obstacles restricting military movement, key geography, and
military objectives. Also called MCOO. See also joint intelligence preparation of the
operational environment. (JP 2-01.3)
moored mine — A contact or influence-operated mine of positive buoyancy held below the
surface by a mooring attached to a sinker or anchor on the bottom. See also mine.
(JP 3-15)
morale, welfare, and recreation The merging of multiple unconnected disciplines into
programs that improve unit readiness, promote fitness, build unit morale and cohesion,
enhance quality of life, and provide recreational, social, and other support services. Also
called MWR. (JP 1-0)
mortuary affairs — Provides for the search for, recovery, identification, preparation, and
disposition of human remains of persons for whom the Services are responsible by status
and executive order. Also called MA. See also joint mortuary affairs office.
(JP 4-06)
mounting —1. All preparations made in anticipation of an operation, including assembly in
the mounting area, preparation and maintenance within the mounting area, movement to
loading points, and subsequent embarkation into ships, craft, or aircraft if applicable. 2.
A carriage or stand upon which a weapon is placed. (JP 3-02.1)
mounting area — A general locality where assigned forces of an amphibious or airborne
operation, with their equipment, are assembled, prepared, and loaded in ships and/or
aircraft preparatory to an assault. See also embarkation area
. (JP 3-02.1)
movement control — The planning, routing, scheduling, and control of personnel and cargo
movements over lines of communications; includes maintaining in-transit visibility of
forces and material through the deployment and/or redeployment process. See also line
Terms and Definitions
of communications; movement control teams; non-unit cargo; non-unit-related
personnel. (JP 4-01.5)
movement control team — An Army team used to decentralize the execution of movement
responsibilities on an area basis or at key transportation nodes. Also called MCT.
(JP 4-09)
movement data — Those essential elements of information to schedule lift, obtain
transportation assets, manage movement of forces, and report in-transit visibility of
movements and associated forces (people, equipment, and supplies). (JP 4-09)
movement group — Those ships and embarked units that load out and proceed to rendezvous
in the objective area. (JP 3-02)
movement phase — In amphibious operations, the period during which various elements of
the amphibious force move from points of embarkation to the objective area. See also
amphibious force; amphibious operation. (JP 3-02)
movement plan — In amphibious operations, the naval plan providing for the movement of
the amphibious task force to the objective area. See also amphibious operation;
amphibious task force. (JP 3-02)
movement requirement — A stated movement mode and time-phased need for the
transport of units, personnel, and/or materiel from a specified origin to a specified
destination. (JP 4-09)
movement schedule — A timetable developed to monitor or track the movement of a
separate entity, whether it is a force requirement, cargo or personnel increment, or lift
asset, that reflects the assignment of specific lift resources, shows a flow and workload
at each location, and supports plan implementation. (JP 4-09)
movement table — A table giving detailed instructions or data for a move. (JP 4-09)
movement to contact — A form of the offense designed to develop the situation and to
establish or regain contact. (JP 3-50)
multinational — Between two or more forces or agencies of two or more nations or coalition
partners. See also alliance; coalition. (JP 5-0)
multinational doctrine — The agreed upon fundamental principles that guide the
employment of forces of two or more nations in coordinated action toward a common
objective. See also joint doctrine. (JP 3-16)
multinational force — A force composed of military elements of nations who have formed
an alliance or coalition for some specific purpose. Also called MNF. See also
multinational force commander; multinational operations. (JP 1)
Terms and Definitions
multinational force commander — A general term applied to a commander who exercises
command authority over a military force composed of elements from two or more
nations. Also called MNFC. See also multinational force. (JP 3-16)
multinational integrated logistic unit — An organization resulting when two or more
nations agree to provide logistics assets to a multinational logistic force under the
operational control of a multinational commander for the logistic support of a
multinational force. Also called MILU. See also logistic support; multinational.
(JP 4-08)
multinational logistics — Any coordinated logistic activity involving two or more nations
supporting a multinational force conducting military operations under the auspices of an
alliance or coalition, including those conducted under United Nations mandate. Also
called MNL. See also logistics; multinational. (JP 4-08)
multinational operations — A collective term to describe military actions conducted by
forces of two or more nations, usually undertaken within the structure of a coalition or
alliance. See also alliance; coalition. (JP 3-16)
multinational staff — A staff composed of personnel of two or more nations within the
structure of a coalition or alliance. See also integrated staff; joint staff. (JP 3-16)
multipoint refueling system — KC-135 aircraft equipped with external wing-mounted pods
to conduct drogue air refueling, while still maintaining boom air refueling capability on
the same mission. See also air refueling. (JP 3-17)
multi-Service publication A publication containing principles, terms, tactics, techniques,
and procedures used and approved by the forces of two or more Services to perform a
common military function consistent with approved joint doctrine. (CJCSM 5120.01)
multispectral imagery — The image of an object obtained simultaneously in a number of
discrete spectral bands. Also called MSI. (JP 3-14)
multispot ship — Those ships certified to have two or more adjacent landing areas. See also
spot. (JP 3-04)
munition — A complete device charged with explosives; propellants; pyrotechnics; initiating
composition; or chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear material for use in
operations including demolitions. (JP 3-42)
munitions effectiveness assessment — Conducted concurrently and interactively with battle
damage assessment, the assessment of the military force applied in terms of the weapon
system and munitions effectiveness to determine and recommend any required changes
to the methodology, tactics, weapon system, munitions, fusing, and/or weapon delivery
parameters to increase force effectiveness. Munitions effectiveness assessment is
Terms and Definitions
primarily the responsibility of operations with required inputs and coordination from the
intelligence community. Also called MEA. See also assessment; battle damage
assessment. (JP 2-01)
mutual support — That support which units render each other against an enemy, because of
their assigned tasks, their position relative to each other and to the enemy, and their
inherent capabilities. See also close support; direct support; support. (JP 3-31)
named area of interest — The geospatial area or systems node or link against which
information that will satisfy a specific information requirement can be collected, usually
to capture indications of adversary courses of action. Also called NAI. See also area of
interest. (JP 2-01.3)
narcoterrorism — Terrorism that is linked to illicit drug trafficking. (JP 3-07.4)
National Capital Region — A geographic area encompassing the District of Columbia and
eleven local jurisdictions in the State of Maryland and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Also called NCR. (JP 3-28)
National Communications System — The telecommunications system that results from the
technical and operational integration of the separate telecommunications systems of the
several executive branch departments and agencies having a significant
telecommunications capability. Also called NCS. (JP 6-0)
National Defense Reserve Fleet — 1. Including the Maritime Administration Ready Reserve
Force, a fleet composed of ships acquired and maintained by the Maritime
Administration for use in mobilization or emergency. 2. Less the Maritime
Administration Ready Reserve Force, a fleet composed of the older dry cargo ships,
tankers, troop transports, and other assets in Maritime Administration’s custody that are
maintained at a relatively low level of readiness. Also called NDRF. See also Maritime
Administration Ready Reserve Force. (JP 4-01.2)
National Detainee Reporting Center — The national-level center that accounts for all
persons who pass through the care, custody, and control of the Department of Defense
and that obtains and stores information concerning detainees and their confiscated
personal property. Also called NDRC. (JP 3-63)
National Disaster Medical System — A federally coordinated medical system, augmenting
the United States’ medical response capability to assist state, local, and tribal authorities
in dealing with medical impacts during major peacetime disasters. Also called NDMS.
(JP 3-41)
national emergency — A condition declared by the President or the Congress by virtue of
powers previously vested in them that authorize certain emergency actions to be
undertaken in the national interest. See also mobilization. (JP 3-28)
National Incident Management System — A national crisis response system that provides
a consistent, nationwide approach for federal, state, local, and tribal governments; the
private sector; and nongovernmental organizations to work effectively and efficiently
together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of
cause, size, or complexity. Also called NIMS. (JP 3-41)
Terms and Definitions
national intelligence — All intelligence, regardless of the source from which derived, and
including that which is gathered within or outside of the United States, that pertains to
more than one agency, and involves (1) threats to the United States, its people, property,
or interests, (2) the development, proliferation, or use of weapons of mass destruction, or
(3) any other matter bearing on US national or homeland security. (JP 2-01)
national intelligence estimate — A strategic estimate of the capabilities, vulnerabilities, and
probable courses of action of foreign nations produced at the national level as a
composite of the views of the intelligence community. Also called NIE. (JP 2-01)
National Military Command System — The priority component of the Global Command
and Control System designed to support the President, Secretary of Defense, and Joint
Chiefs of Staff in the exercise of their responsibilities. Also called NMCS. (JP 6-0)
national military strategy — A document approved by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff for distributing and applying military power to attain national security strategy and
Defense Strategic Guidance objectives. Also called NMS. See also national security
strategy; strategy; theater strategy. (JP 1)
national operations center — The primary national hub for domestic incident management
operational coordination and situational awareness. Also called NOC. (JP 3-28)
national policy — A broad course of action or statements of guidance adopted by the
government at the national level in pursuit of national objectives. (JP 1)
national security — A collective term encompassing both national defense and foreign
relations of the United States with the purpose of gaining: a. A military or defense
advantage over any foreign nation or group of nations; b. A favorable foreign relations
position; or c. A defense posture capable of successfully resisting hostile or destructive
action from within or without, overt or covert. See also security. (JP 1)
National Security Council — A governmental body specifically designed to assist the
President in integrating all spheres of national security policy. Also called NSC. (JP 1)
national security interests — The foundation for the development of valid national
objectives that define United States goals or purposes. (JP 1)
national security space — The space-related systems, services, capabilities, and associated
information networks of the Department of Defense and the national intelligence
community, or other space-related systems that the Secretary of Defense may designate
as national security space systems in coordination with the system owner, that support
United States national security and enable defense and intelligence operations during
times of peace, crisis, or conflict. (DODD 3100.10)
national security strategy — A document approved by the President of the United States for
developing, applying, and coordinating the instruments of national power to achieve
Terms and Definitions
objectives that contribute to national security. Also called NSS. See also national
military strategy; strategy; theater strategy. (JP 1)
national shipping authority — The organization within each Allied government responsible
in time of war for the direction of its own merchant shipping. Also called NSA.
(JP 4-01.2)
national special security event — A designated event that, by virtue of its political,
economic, social, or religious significance, may be the target of terrorism or other
criminal activity. Also called NSSE. (JP 3-28)
national stock number — The 13-digit number that identifies a stock item consisting of the
4-digit federal supply classification code plus the 9-digit national item identification
number and arranged as follows: 9999-00-999-9999. Also called NSN. (JP 4-09)
national support element — Any national organization or activity that supports national
forces that are a part of a multinational force. See also multinational force; support.
(JP 1)
National System for Geospatial Intelligence — The combination of technology, policies,
capabilities, doctrine, activities, people, data, and organizations necessary to produce
geospatial intelligence in an integrated, multi-intelligence environment. Also called
NSG. (JP 2-03)
natural disaster — An emergency situation posing significant danger to life and property
that results from a natural cause. See also domestic emergencies. (JP 3-29)
naval advanced logistic support site — An overseas location used as the primary
transshipment point in the theater of operations for logistic support. Also called NALSS.
See also logistic support; naval forward logistic site; support; theater of operations.
(JP 3-35)
Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization manual — Series of
general and specific aircraft procedural manuals that govern the operations of naval
aircraft. Also called NATOPS manual. (JP 3-04)
naval beach group — A permanently organized naval command within an amphibious force
composed of a commander and staff, a beachmaster unit, an amphibious construction
battalion, and assault craft units, designed to provide an administrative group from which
required naval tactical components may be made available to the attack force commander
and to the amphibious landing force commander. Also called NBG. See also shore
party. (JP 3-02)
naval construction force — The combined construction units of the Navy that are part of the
operating forces and represent the Navy’s capability for advanced base construction.
Also called NCF. (JP 3-34)
Terms and Definitions
naval forward logistic site — An overseas location, with port and airfield facilities nearby,
which provides logistic support to naval forces within the theater of operations during
major contingency and wartime periods. Also called NFLS. See also logistic support;
naval advanced logistic support site; staging. (JP 3-35)
naval gunfire supportFire provided by Navy surface gun systems in support of a unit or
units tasked with achieving the commander’s objectives. Also called NGFS. See also
naval surface fire support. (JP 3-09)
naval operation — 1. A naval action (or the performance of a naval mission) that may be
strategic, operational, tactical, logistic, or training. 2. The process of carrying on or
training for naval combat in order to gain the objectives of any battle or campaign.
(JP 3-32)
naval special warfare — A naval warfare specialty that conducts special operations with an
emphasis on maritime, coastal, and riverine environments using small, flexible, mobile
units operating under, on, and from the sea. Also called NSW. (JP 3-05)
naval special warfare group — A permanent Navy echelon III major command to which
most naval special warfare forces are assigned for some operational and all
administrative purposes. (JP 3-05)
naval special warfare task group — A provisional naval special warfare organization that
plans, conducts, and supports special operations in support of fleet commanders and joint
force special operations component commanders. Also called NSWTG. (JP 3-05)
naval special warfare task unit — A provisional subordinate unit of a naval special warfare
task group. Also called NSWTU. See also naval special warfare task group.
(JP 3-05)
naval surface fire support — Fire provided by Navy surface gun and missile systems in
support of a unit or units. Also called NSFS. See also fire support. (JP 3-09.3)
navigation warfare Deliberate defensive and offensive action to assure and prevent
positioning, navigation, and timing information through coordinated employment of
space, cyberspace, and electronic warfare operations. Also called NAVWAR.
Navy cargo-handling battalion — A mobile logistic support unit that is organized, trained,
and equipped to: a. load and offload Navy and Marine Corps cargo carried in maritime
pre-positioning ships and merchant breakbulk or container ships in all environments; b.
operate an associated temporary ocean cargo terminal; c. load and off-load Navy and
Marine Corps cargo carried in military-controlled aircraft; and d. operate an associated
expeditionary air cargo terminal. Also called NCHB. See also maritime pre-
positioning ships. (JP 3-02.1)
Terms and Definitions
Navy expeditionary logistics support group — A Navy Reserve command organized and
staffed to provide a wide range of supply and transportation support critical for peacetime
support, crisis response, humanitarian, and combat service support missions. Also called
NAVELSG. (JP 4-01.6)
Navy special operations forces — Those Active and Reserve Component Navy forces
designated by the Secretary of Defense that are specifically organized, trained, and
equipped to conduct and support special operations. Also called NAVSOF. (JP 3-05)
Navy support element — The maritime pre-positioning force element that is tasked to
conduct the off-load and ship-to-shore movement of maritime pre-positioned equipment
and/or supplies. Also called NSE. (JP 3-02.1)
Navy-unique fleet essential aircraft — Combatant commander-controlled airlift assets
deemed essential for providing air transportation in support of naval operations’
transportation requirements. Also called NUFEA. (JP 3-17)
need to know — A criterion used in security procedures that requires the custodians of
classified information to establish, prior to disclosure, that the intended recipient must
have access to the information to perform his or her official duties. (JP 2-01.2)
negation — In space operations, active and offensive measures to deceive, disrupt, degrade,
deny or destroy space capabilities being used to interfere with or attack United
States/allied systems. See also space control. (JP 3-14)
nerve agent — A potentially lethal chemical agent that interferes with the transmission of
nerve impulses. (JP 3-11)
net explosive weight — 1. The actual weight in pounds of explosive mixtures or compounds,
including the trinitrotoluene equivalent of energetic material, that is used in determination
of explosive limits and explosive quantity data arcs. (JP 4-09) 2. The total weight of all
explosives substances (i.e., high explosive weight, propellant weight, and pyrotechnic
weight) in the ammunition or explosive, expressed in pounds, used for transportation
purposes. Also called NEW. (DODM 6055.09)
networked munitions — Remotely controlled, interconnected, weapons systems designed to
provide rapidly emplaced ground-based countermobility and protection capability
through scalable application of lethal and nonlethal means. (JP 3-15)
network engagement — Interactions with friendly, neutral, and threat networks, conducted
continuously and simultaneously at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels, to help
achieve the commander’s objectives within an operational area. (JP 3-25)
Terms and Definitions
neutral — In combat and combat support operations, an identity applied to a track whose
characteristics, behavior, origin, or nationality indicate that it is neither supporting nor
opposing friendly forces. See also suspect; unknown. (JP 3-0)
neutrality — In international law, the attitude of impartiality during periods of war adopted
by third states toward a belligerent and subsequently recognized by the belligerent, which
creates rights and duties between the impartial states and the belligerent. (JP 3-0)
neutralize — 1. As pertains to military operations, to render ineffective or unusable. 2. To
render enemy personnel or materiel incapable of interfering with a particular operation.
3. To render safe mines, bombs, missiles, and booby traps. 4. To make harmless anything
contaminated with a chemical agent. (JP 3-0)
night vision device — Any electro-optical device that is used to detect visible and infrared
energy and provide a visible image. Also called NVD. See also forward-looking
infrared; night vision goggle. (JP 3-09.3)
night vision goggle — An electro-optical image intensifying device that detects visible and
near-infrared energy, intensifies the energy, and provides a visible image for night
viewing. Also called NVG. See also night vision device. (JP 3-09.3)
node — 1. A location in a mobility system where a movement requirement is originated,
processed for onward movement, or terminated. (JP 3-17) 2. In communications and
computer systems, the physical location that provides terminating, switching, and
gateway access services to support information exchange. (JP 6-0) 3. An element of a
system that represents a person, place, or physical thing. (JP 3-0)
no-fire area — An area designated by the appropriate commander into which fires or their
effects are prohibited. Also called NFA. See also fires. (JP 3-09.3)
nonappropriated funds — Funds generated by Department of Defense personnel and their
dependents used to augment funds appropriated by the Congress to provide a
comprehensive, morale-building welfare, religious, educational, and recreational
programs. Also called NAF. (JP 1-0)
nonbattle injury — A person who becomes a casualty due to circumstances not directly
attributable to hostile action or terrorist activity. Also called NBI. (JP 4-02)
noncombatant evacuation operation — An operation whereby noncombatant evacuees are
evacuated from a threatened area abroad, which includes areas facing actual or potential
danger from natural or manmade disaster, civil unrest, imminent or actual terrorist
activities, hostilities, and similar circumstances, that is carried out with the assistance of
the Department of Defense. Also called NEO. See also evacuation; noncombatant
evacuees; operation; safe haven. (JP 3-68)
Terms and Definitions
noncombatant evacuation operation tracking system An automated data processing
hardware and software package that has the capability to provide evacuee in-transit
visibility to combatant commanders and senior leadership during the conduct of a
noncombatant evacuation operation. Also called NTS. (JP 3-68)
noncombatant evacuees — 1. United States citizens who may be ordered to evacuate by
competent authority, and who are civilian employees of all agencies of the United States
Government and their dependents, excepting dependents who are residents in the country
concerned of their own volition; military personnel of the Armed Forces of the United
States specifically designated for evacuation as noncombatants; and dependents of
members of the Armed Forces of the United States. 2. United States citizens and non-
United States citizens who may be authorized or assisted to evacuate by competent
authority, and who are civilian employees of United States Government agencies and their
dependents who are residents in the country concerned of their own volition, but express
the willingness to be evacuated; private United States citizens and their dependents;
military personnel of the Armed Forces of the United States and their dependents; and
designated personnel, including dependents of persons ordered to evacuate, as prescribed
by the Department of State. See also noncombatant evacuation operation. (JP 3-68)
nonconventional assisted recovery — Personnel recovery conducted by
indigenous/surrogate personnel that are trained, supported, and led by special operations
forces, unconventional warfare ground and maritime forces, or other government
agencies’ personnel that have been specifically trained and directed to establish and
operate indigenous or surrogate infrastructures. Also called NAR. (JP 3-50)
nondestructive electronic warfare — Those electronic warfare actions, not including
employment of wartime reserve modes, that deny, disrupt, or deceive rather than damage
or destroy. See also electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
nongovernmental organization — A private, self-governing, not-for-profit organization
dedicated to alleviating human suffering; and/or promoting education, health care,
economic development, environmental protection, human rights, and conflict resolution;
and/or encouraging the establishment of democratic institutions and civil society. Also
called NGO. (JP 3-08)
nonlethal weapon — A weapon that is explicitly designed and primarily employed so as to
incapacitate personnel or materiel, while minimizing fatalities, permanent injury to
personnel, and undesired damage to property and the environment. (JP 3-28)
nonpersistent agent — A chemical agent that when released dissipates and/or loses its ability
to cause casualties after 10 to 15 minutes. (JP 3-11)
nonpersistent mine — Mine that remains active for a predetermined period of time until self-
destruction, self-neutralization, or self-deactivation renders the mine inactive. (JP 3-15)
Terms and Definitions
nonproliferation — Actions to prevent the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction by
dissuading or impeding access to, or distribution of, sensitive technologies, material, and
expertise. See also counterproliferation. (JP 3-40)
nonscheduled units — Units of the landing force held in readiness for landing during the
initial unloading period, but not included in either scheduled or on-call waves. (JP 3-02)
non-unit cargo — All equipment and supplies requiring transportation to an operational area,
other than those identified as the equipment or accompanying supplies of a specific unit.
(JP 4-01.5).
non-unit-related personnel — All personnel requiring transportation to or from an
operational area, other than those assigned to a specific unit. Also called NRP. (JP 1-0)
no-strike list — A list of objects or entities characterized as protected from the effects of
military operations under international law and/or rules of engagement. Also called
NSL. See also law of armed conflict. (JP 3-60)
not mission capable, supply — Material condition indicating that systems and equipment
are not capable of performing any of their assigned missions because of maintenance
work stoppage due to a supply shortage. Also called NMCS. (JP 4-09)
nuclear incident — An unexpected incident involving a nuclear weapon, facility, or
component, but not constituting a nuclear weapon(s) accident, resulting in any of the
following: a. an increase in the possibility of explosion or radioactive contamination; b.
errors committed in the assembly, testing, loading, or transportation of equipment, and/or
the malfunctioning of equipment and materiel which could lead to an unintentional
operation of all or part of the weapon arming and/or firing sequence, or which could lead
to a substantial change in yield, or increased dud probability; and c. any act of God,
unfavorable environment, or condition resulting in damage to the weapon, facility, or
component. (JP 3-41)
nuisance minefield — A minefield laid to delay and disorganize the enemy and to hinder the
use of an area or route. See also minefield. (JP 3-15)
numbered beach — In amphibious operations, a subdivision of a colored beach, designated
for the assault landing of a battalion landing team or similarly sized unit, when landed as
part of a larger force. (JP 3-02)
numbered fleet — A major tactical unit of the Navy immediately subordinate to a major fleet
command and comprising various task forces, elements, groups, and units for the purpose
of prosecuting specific naval operations. See also fleet. (JP 3-32)
objective — 1. The clearly defined, decisive, and attainable goal toward which every
operation is directed. 2. The specific target of the action taken which is essential to the
commander’s plan. See also target. (JP 5-0)
objective area — A geographical area, defined by competent authority, within which is
located an objective to be captured or reached by the military forces. Also called OA.
(JP 3-06)
observable — In military deception, the detectable result of the combination of an indicator
within an adversary’s conduit intended to cause action or inaction by the deception target.
(JP 3-13.4)
obstacle — Any natural or man-made obstruction designed or employed to disrupt, fix, turn,
or block the movement of an opposing force, and to impose additional losses in
personnel, time, and equipment on the opposing force. (JP 3-15)
obstacle belt — A brigade-level command and control measure, normally depicted
graphically, to show where within an obstacle zone the ground tactical commander
plans to limit friendly obstacle employment and focus the defense. See also obstacle.
(JP 3-15)
obstacle clearing — The total elimination or neutralization of obstacles. (JP 3-15)
obstacle restricted areas — A command and control measure used to limit the type or
number of obstacles within an area. See also obstacle. (JP 3-15)
obstacle zone — A division-level command and control measure to designate specific land
areas where lower echelons are allowed to employ tactical obstacles. See also obstacle.
(JP 3-15)
occupational and environmental health surveillance — The regular or repeated collection,
analysis, archiving, interpretation, and dissemination of occupational and environmental
health-related data for monitoring the health of, or potential health hazard impact on, a
population and individual personnel, and for intervening in a timely manner to prevent,
treat, or control the occurrence of disease or injury when determined necessary.
(JP 4-02)
occupational and environmental health threats — Threats to the health of military
personnel and to military readiness created by exposure to hazardous agents,
environmental contamination, or toxic industrial materials. See also health threat.
(JP 4-02)
Terms and Definitions
occupied territory — Territory under the authority and effective control of a belligerent
armed force and not being administered pursuant to peace terms, treaty, or other
agreement, express or implied, with the civil authority of the territory. (JP 4-02)
oceanography — The study of the sea, embracing and integrating all knowledge pertaining
to the sea and its physical boundaries, the chemistry and physics of seawater, and marine
biology. (JP 3-59)
offensive counterair — Offensive operations to destroy, disrupt, or neutralize enemy aircraft,
missiles, launch platforms, and their supporting structures and systems both before and
after launch, and as close to their source as possible. Also called OCA. See also
counterair; defensive counterair; operation. (JP 3-01)
offensive counterair attack operations — Offensive action by any part of the joint force in
support of the offensive counterair mission against surface targets which contribute to
the enemy’s air and missile capabilities. Also called OCA attack operations. See also
counterair; offensive counterair. (JP 3-01)
offensive counterintelligence operation — A counterintelligence activity conducted to
support Department of Defense and national intelligence, operational, and contingency
requirements, using a formally-recruited asset or notional persona, to develop
information on, and provide information, materials, or equipment to, a foreign
intelligence entity to penetrate the foreign intelligence entity or exploit, disrupt, or
manipulate the target in order to counter terrorism, espionage, or other clandestine
intelligence activities that threaten the security of the Department of Defense or the
United States. Also called OFCO. (JP 2-01.2)
offensive cyberspace operations Cyberspace operations intended to project power by the
application of force in or through cyberspace. Also called OCO. (JP 3-12)
offensive space control — Those operations to prevent an adversary’s hostile use of United
States/third-party space capabilities and services or negate (deceive, disrupt, degrade,
deny, or destroy) an adversary’s efforts to interfere with or attack United States/allied
space systems. Also called OSC. (JP 3-14)
office — An enduring organization that is formed around a specific function within a joint
force commander’s headquarters to coordinate and manage support requirements.
(JP 3-33)
officer in tactical command — In maritime usage, the senior officer present eligible to
assume command, or the officer to whom the senior officer has delegated tactical
command. Also called OTC. (JP 3-32)
officer of the deck — 1. When underway, the officer designated by the commanding officer
to be in charge of the ship, including its safe and proper operation. 2. When in port or at
Terms and Definitions
anchor, the officer of the deck is designated by the command duty officer, has similar
responsibilities, and may be enlisted. Also called OOD. (JP 3-04)
official information — Information that is owned by, produced for or by, or is subject to the
control of the United States Government. (JP 3-61)
offset costs — Costs for which funds have been appropriated that may not be incurred as a
result of a contingency operation. See also contingency operation. (JP 1-06)
offshore bulk fuel system — The system used for transferring fuel from points offshore to
reception facilities on the beach. Also called OBFS. See also amphibious bulk liquid
transfer system; offshore petroleum discharge system. (JP 4-01.6)
offshore petroleum discharge system — Provides bulk transfer of petroleum directly from
an offshore tanker to a beach termination unit located immediately inland from the high
watermark. Also called OPDS. See also facility; petroleum, oils, and lubricants;
single-anchor leg mooring. (JP 4-03)
off-the-shelf item — An item that has been developed and produced to military or
commercial standards and specifications, is readily available for delivery from an
industrial source, and may be procured without change to satisfy a military requirement.
(JP 4-10)
on-call — 1. A term used to signify that a prearranged concentration, air strike, or final
protective fire may be called for. 2. Preplanned, identified force or materiel requirements
without designated time-phase and destination information. (JP 3-01)
on-call target — Planned target upon which fires or other actions are determined using
deliberate targeting and triggered, when detected or located, using dynamic targeting.
See also dynamic targeting; on-call; operational area; planned target; target.
(JP 3-60)
on hand — The quantity of an item that is physically available in a storage location and
contained in the accountable property book records of an issuing activity. (JP 4-09)
on-scene commander — 1. An individual in the immediate vicinity of an isolating event who
temporarily assumes command of the incident. 2. The federal officer designated to direct
federal crisis and consequence management efforts at the scene of a terrorist or weapons
of mass destruction incident. Also called OSC. (JP 3-50)
on-station time — The time an aircraft can remain on station, which may be determined by
endurance or orders. (JP 3-50)
open ocean — Ocean limit defined as greater than 12 nautical miles from shore, as compared
with high seas that are over 200 nautical miles from shore. See also contiguous zone.
(JP 3-32)
Terms and Definitions
open-source information Information that any member of the public could lawfully
obtain by request or observation as well as other unclassified information that has limited
public distribution or access. (JP 2-0)
open-source intelligence — Relevant information derived from the systematic collection,
processing, and analysis of publicly available information in response to known or
anticipated intelligence requirements. Also called OSINT. See also intelligence.
(JP 2-0)
operating stocks Fuel required to sustain daily operations and ensure fuel availability to
support United States military forces worldwide. Also called OS. (JP 4-03)
operation — 1. A sequence of tactical actions with a common purpose or unifying theme.
(JP 1) 2. A military action or the carrying out of a strategic, operational, tactical, service,
training, or administrative military mission. (JP 3-0).
operational access The ability to project military force into an operational area with
sufficient freedom of action to accomplish the mission. (JP 3-0)
operational approach — A description of the broad actions the force must take to transform
current conditions into those desired at end state. (JP 5-0)
operational area — An overarching term encompassing more descriptive terms (such as area
of responsibility and joint operations area) for geographic areas in which military
operations are conducted. Also called OA. See also amphibious objective area; area
of operations; area of responsibility; joint operations area; joint special operations
area; theater of operations; theater of war. (JP 3-0)
operational art — The cognitive approach by commanders and staffs — supported by their
skill, knowledge, experience, creativity, and judgment — to develop strategies,
campaigns, and operations to organize and employ military forces by integrating ends,
ways, and means. (JP 3-0)
operational chain of command One of the two branches of the chain of command
described in Joint Publication 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States,
through which command is exercised from the President through the Secretary of
Defense to the combatant commanders, to whom forces are assigned and allocated via
the global force management process. (DODI 8260.03)
operational characteristics — Those military characteristics that pertain primarily to the
functions to be performed by equipment, either alone or in conjunction with other
equipment; e.g., for electronic equipment, operational characteristics include such items
as frequency coverage, channeling, type of modulation, and character of emission.
(JP 5-0)
Terms and Definitions
operational command structure The organizational hierarchy through which operational
authorities are exercised, as contrasted by the administrative command structure through
which administrative leadership is exercised. (DODI 8260.03)
operational contract support The process of planning for and obtaining supplies,
services, and construction from commercial sources in support of joint operations. Also
called OCS. (JP 4-10)
operational contract support integration cell A cell established to coordinate, and
integrate operational contract support actions across all primary and special staffs for an
operational area. Also called OCSIC. (JP 4-10)
operational control — The authority to perform those functions of command over
subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning
tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish
the mission. Also called OPCON. See also combatant command; combatant
command (command authority); tactical control. (JP 1)
operational control authority — The naval commander responsible within a specified
geographical area for the naval control of all merchant shipping under Allied naval
control. Also called OCA. (JP 3-15)
operational decontamination — Decontamination carried out by an individual and/or a unit,
restricted to specific parts of operationally essential equipment, materiel and/or working
areas, in order to minimize contact and transfer hazards and to sustain operations. See
also decontamination; immediate decontamination; thorough decontamination.
(JP 3-11)
operational design — The conception and construction of the framework that underpins a
campaign or major operation plan and its subsequent execution. See also campaign;
major operation. (JP 5-0)
operational design element — A key consideration used in operational design. (JP 5-0)
operational energy The energy required for training, moving, and sustaining military
forces and weapons platforms for military operations. (JP 4-0)
operational environment — A composite of the conditions, circumstances, and influences
that affect the employment of capabilities and bear on the decisions of the commander.
Also called
OE. (JP 3-0)
operational exposure guidance — The maximum amount of nuclear/external ionizing
radiation that the commander considers a unit may be permitted to receive while
performing a particular mission or missions. Also called OEG. See also radiation
exposure status. (JP 3-11)
Terms and Definitions
operational intelligence — Intelligence that is required for planning and conducting
campaigns and major operations to accomplish strategic objectives within theaters or
operational areas. See also intelligence; strategic intelligence; tactical intelligence.
(JP 2-0)
operational level of warfare — The level of warfare at which campaigns and major
operations are planned, conducted, and sustained to achieve strategic objectives within
theaters or other operational areas. See also strategic level of warfare; tactical level of
warfare. (JP 3-0)
operational limitation — An action required or prohibited by higher authority, such as a
constraint or a restraint, and other restrictions that limit the commander’s freedom of
action, such as diplomatic agreements, rules of engagement, political and economic
conditions in affected countries, and host nation issues. See also constraint; restraint.
(JP 5-0)
operational necessity — A mission associated with war or peacetime operations in which
the consequences of an action justify the risk of loss of aircraft and crew. See also
mission. (JP 3-04)
operational pause — A temporary halt in operations. (JP 5-0)
operational preparation of the environment — The conduct of activities in likely or
potential areas of operations to prepare and shape the operational environment. Also
called OPE. (JP 3-05)
operational reach — The distance and duration across which a force can successfully employ
military capabilities. (JP 3-0)
operational readiness — The capability of a unit/formation, ship, weapon system, or
equipment to perform the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed.
Also called OR. (JP 1-0)
operational reserve — An emergency reserve of men and/or materiel established for the
support of a specific operation. (JP 5-0)
operational support airlift — Airlift movements of high-priority passengers and cargo with
time, place, or mission-sensitive requirements. Also called OSA. (JP 3-17)
operational testing — A continuing process of evaluation that may be applied to either
operational personnel or situations to determine their validity or reliability. (JP 4-02)
operation and maintenance — Maintenance and repair of real property, operation of
utilities, and provision of other services such as refuse collection and disposal,
entomology, snow removal, and ice alleviation. Also called O&M. (JP 3-34)
Terms and Definitions
operation order — A directive issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for the
purpose of effecting the coordinated execution of an operation. Also called OPORD.
(JP 5-0)
operation plan — 1. Any plan for the conduct of military operations prepared in response to
actual and potential contingencies. 2. A complete and detailed joint plan containing a
full description of the concept of operations, all annexes applicable to the plan, and a
time-phased force and deployment data. Also called OPLAN. See also operation
order. (JP 5-0)
operations center — The facility or location on an installation, base, or facility used by the
commander to command, control, and coordinate all operational activities. Also called
OC. See also base defense operations center. (JP 3-07.2)
operations research — The analytical study of military problems undertaken to provide
responsible commanders and staff agencies with a scientific basis for decision on action
to improve military operations. Also called operational research; operations analysis.
(JP 3-31)
operations security — A capability that identifies and controls critical information,
indicators of friendly force actions attendant to military operations, and incorporates
countermeasures to reduce the risk of an adversary exploiting vulnerabilities. Also called
OPSEC. See also operations security indicators; operations security measures;
operations security planning guidance; operations security vulnerability.
(JP 3-13.3)
operations security assessment An evaluative process to determine the likelihood that
critical information can be protected from the adversary’s intelligence. (JP 3-13.3)
operations security countermeasures Methods and means to gain and maintain essential
secrecy about critical information. (JP 3-13.3)
operations security indicators — Friendly detectable actions and open-source information
that can be interpreted or pieced together by an adversary to derive critical information.
(JP 3-13.3)
operations security planning guidance — Guidance that defines the critical information
requiring protection from the adversary and outlines provisional measures to ensure
secrecy. (JP 3-13.3)
operations security survey A collection effort by a team of subject matter experts to
reproduce the intelligence image projected by a specific operation or function simulating
hostile intelligence processes. (JP 3-13.3)
Terms and Definitions
operations security vulnerability — A condition in which friendly actions provide
operations security indicators that may be obtained and accurately evaluated by an
adversary in time to provide a basis for effective adversary decision making. (JP 3-13.3)
operations support element — An element that conducts all administrative, operations
support, and services support functions within the counterintelligence and human
intelligence staff element of an intelligence directorate. Also called OSE. (JP 2-01.2)
operations to restore order — Operations intended to halt violence and support, reinstate,
or establish civil authorities so that indigenous police forces can effectively enforce the
law and restore civil authority. See also operation; peace operations. (JP 3-07.3)
opportune lift — That portion of lift capability available for use after planned requirements
have been met. (JP 4-02)
ordered departure — 1. A procedure by which the number of United States Government
personnel, their dependents, or both are reduced at a foreign service post. 2. Mandatory
departure of some or all categories of personnel and dependents to designated safe havens
as directed by the Department of State, with the implementation of the theater evacuation
plan. (JP 3-68)
order of battle — The identification, strength, command structure, and disposition of the
personnel, units, and equipment of any military force. Also called OB; OOB.
(JP 2-01.3)
ordnance — Explosives, chemicals, pyrotechnics, and similar stores, e.g., bombs, guns and
ammunition, flares, smoke, or napalm. (JP 3-15)
ordnance handling Applies to those individuals who engage in the breakout, lifting, or
repositioning of ordnance or explosive devices in order to facilitate storage or stowage,
assembly or disassembly, loading or downloading, or transporting. (JP 3-04)
organic — Assigned to and forming an essential part of a military organization as listed in its
table of organization for the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and are assigned to the
operating forces for the Navy. (JP 1)
Organizational and Force Structure Construct The standardized precepts for the
digitization of hierarchical enterprise force structure data for Department of Defense-
wide integration and use. Also called OFSC. (DODI 8260.03)
organization for combat — In amphibious operations, task organization of landing force
units for combat, involving combinations of command, ground and aviation combat,
combat support, and combat service support units for accomplishment of missions
ashore. See also amphibious operation; task organization. (JP 3-02)
Terms and Definitions
organization for embarkation — In amphibious operations, an organization consisting of
temporary landing force task organizations established by the commander, landing force
and a temporary organization of Navy forces established by the commander, amphibious
task force for the purpose of simplifying planning and facilitating the execution of
embarkation. See also amphibious operation; embarkation; landing force; task
organization. (JP 3-02)
organization for landing — In amphibious operations, the specific tactical grouping of the
landing force for the assault. (JP 3-02)
Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force — The network of regional task
forces that coordinates federal law enforcement efforts to combat the national and
international organizations that cultivate, process, and distribute illicit drugs. Also called
OCDETF. (JP 3-07.4)
originating medical treatment facility — A medical facility that initially transfers a patient
to another medical facility. (JP 4-02)
originator — The command by whose authority a message is sent, which includes the
responsibility for the functions of the drafter and the releasing officer. (JP 2-01)
oscillating mine — A hydrostatically controlled mine that maintains a pre-set depth below
the surface of the water independent of the rise and fall of the tide. See also mine.
(JP 3-15)
outer transport area — In amphibious operations, an area inside the antisubmarine screen
to which assault transports proceed initially after arrival in the objective area. See also
inner transport area; transport area. (JP 3-02)
outsized cargo — A single item that exceeds 1,000 inches long by 117 inches wide by 105
inches high in any one dimension. See also oversized cargo. (JP 4-01.6)
overhead persistent infrared Those systems originally developed to detect and track
foreign intercontinental ballistic missile systems. Also called OPIR. (JP 3-14)
overpressure — The pressure resulting from the blast wave of an explosion referred to as
“positive” when it exceeds atmospheric pressure and “negative” during the passage of
the wave when resulting pressures are less than atmospheric pressure. (JP 3-11)
Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document A set of objective criteria and
management practices developed by the Department of Defense to protect human health
and the environment. Also called OEBGD. (JP 3-34)
oversized cargo — 1. Large items of specific equipment such as a barge, side loadable
warping tug, causeway section, powered, or causeway section, nonpowered that require
transport by sea. 2. Air cargo exceeding the usable dimension of a 463L pallet loaded to
Terms and Definitions
the design height of 96 inches, but equal to or less than 1,000 inches in length, 117 inches
in width, and 105 inches in height. See also outsized cargo. (JP 3-17)
over-the-horizon amphibious operation — An operational initiative launched from beyond
visual and radar range of the shoreline. (JP 3-02)
overt — Activities that are openly acknowledged by, or are readily attributable to, the United
States Government, including those designated to acquire information through legal and
open means without concealment through the use of observation, elicitation, or from
knowledgeable human sources. (JP 2-01.2)
overt operation — An operation conducted openly, without concealment. See also
clandestine operation; covert operation. (JP 2-01.2)
packup kit — Service-provided maintenance gear sufficient for a short-term deployment,
including spare parts and consumables most commonly needed by the deployed
helicopter detachment. Supplies are sufficient for a short-term deployment but do not
include all material needed for every maintenance task. Also called PUK. (JP 3-04)
parallel chains of command — In amphibious operations, a parallel system of command,
responding to the interrelationship of participating forces, wherein corresponding
commanders are established at each subordinate level of all components to facilitate
coordinated planning for, and execution of, the amphibious operation. (JP 3-02)
paramilitary forces — Forces or groups distinct from the regular armed forces of any
country, but resembling them in organization, equipment, training, or mission. (JP 3-24)
partial mobilization — Expansion of the active Armed Forces resulting from action by
Congress (up to full mobilization) or by the President (not more than 1,000,000 for not
more than 24 consecutive months) to mobilize Ready Reserve Component units,
individual reservists, and the resources needed for their support to meet the requirements
of a war or other national emergency involving an external threat to the national security.
(JP 4-05)
partner nation — A nation that the United States works with in a specific situation or
operation. Also called PN. (JP 1)
passage of lines — An operation in which a force moves forward or rearward through another
force’s combat positions with the intention of moving into or out of contact with the
enemy. (JP 3-18)
passive air defense — All measures, other than active air defense, taken to minimize the
effectiveness of hostile air and missile threats against friendly forces and assets. See also
air defense. (JP 3-01)
passive defenseMeasures taken to reduce the probability of and to minimize the effects
of damage caused by hostile action without the intention of taking the initiative. See also
active defense. (JP 3-60)
patient movement — The act or process of moving a sick, injured, wounded, or other person
to obtain medical and/or dental care or treatment. Functions include medical regulating,
patient evacuation, and en route medical care. See also patient movement items;
patient movement requirements center. (JP 4-02)
patient movement items — The medical equipment and supplies required to support patients
during aeromedical evacuation, which is part of a standardized list of approved safe-to-
fly equipment. Also called PMIs. (JP 4-02)
Terms and Definitions
patient movement policy — Command decision establishing the maximum number of days
that patients may be held within the command for treatment. See also evacuation.
(JP 4-02)
patient movement requirements center — 1. A joint activity that coordinates patient
movement by functionally merging of joint medical regulating processes, Services’
medical regulating processes, and patient movement evacuation requirements planning
(transport to bed plan). 2. Term used to represent any theater, joint or the Global Patient
Movement Requirements Center function. Also called PMRC. (JP 4-02)
Patriot A point and limited area defense surface-to-air missile system capable of
intercepting aircraft and theater missiles, including short-, medium-, and intermediate-
range ballistic missiles in the terminal phase. (JP 3-01)
peace building — Stability actions, predominately diplomatic and economic, that strengthen
and rebuild governmental infrastructure and institutions in order to avoid a relapse into
conflict. Also called PB. See also peace enforcement; peacekeeping; peacemaking;
peace operations. (JP 3-07.3)
peace enforcement — Application of military force, or the threat of its use, normally pursuant
to international authorization, to compel compliance with resolutions or sanctions
designed to maintain or restore peace and order. See also peace building;
peacekeeping; peacemaking; peace operations. (JP 3-07.3)
peacekeeping — Military operations undertaken with the consent of all major parties to a
dispute, designed to monitor and facilitate implementation of an agreement (cease fire,
truce, or other such agreement) and support diplomatic efforts to reach a long-term
political settlement. See also peace building; peace enforcement; peacemaking;
peace operations. (JP 3-07.3)
peacemaking — The process of diplomacy, mediation, negotiation, or other forms of
peaceful settlements that arranges an end to a dispute and resolves issues that led to it.
See also peace building; peace enforcement; peacekeeping; peace operations.
(JP 3-07.3)
peace operations — A broad term that encompasses multiagency and multinational crisis
response and limited contingency operations involving all instruments of national power
with military missions to contain conflict, redress the peace, and shape the environment
to support reconciliation and rebuilding and facilitate the transition to legitimate
governance. Also called PO. See also peace building; peace enforcement;
peacekeeping; and peacemaking. (JP 3-07.3)
performance work statement — A statement of work for performance based acquisitions
that describe the results in clear, specific, and objective terms with measurable outcomes.
Also called PWS. (JP 4-10)
Terms and Definitions
period The time it takes for a satellite to complete one orbit around the earth. (JP 3-14)
permissive environment Operational environment in which host country military and law
enforcement agencies have control, as well as the intent and capability to assist
operations that a unit intends to conduct. (JP 3-0)
persistent agent — A chemical agent that, when released, remains able to cause casualties
for more than 24 hours to several days or weeks. (JP 3-11)
persistent mine — A land mine, other than nuclear or chemical, that is not designed to self-
destruct; is designed to be emplaced by hand or mechanical means; and can be buried or
surface emplaced. (JP 3-15)
personal effects — All privately owned moveable, personal property of an individual. Also
called PE. See also mortuary affairs; personal property. (JP 4-06)
personal locator beacon — An emergency device carried by individuals, to assist locating
during personnel recovery. Also called PLB. See also emergency locator beacon.
(JP 3-50)
personal property — Property of any kind or any interest therein, except real property,
records of the United States Government, and naval vessels of the following categories:
surface combatants, support ships, and submarines. (JP 4-06)
personal protective equipment — The protective clothing and equipment provided to shield
or isolate a person from the chemical, physical, and thermal hazards that can be
encountered at a hazardous materials incident. Also called PPE. See also individual
protective equipment. (JP 3-11)
personal staff — Aides and staff officers handling special matters over which the commander
wishes to exercise close personal control. (JP 3-33)
person authorized to direct disposition of human remains — A person, usually primary
next of kin, who is authorized to direct disposition of human remains. Also called
PADD. See also mortuary affairs. (JP 4-06)
person eligible to receive effects — The person authorized by law to receive the personal
effects of a deceased military member. Receipt of personal effects does not constitute
ownership. Also called PERE. See also mortuary affairs; personal effects. (JP 4-06)
personnel — Individuals required in either a military or civilian capacity to accomplish the
assigned mission. (JP 1-0)
personnel accountability The process of identifying, capturing, and recording the
personal identification information of an individual usually through the use of a database.
(JP 1-0)
Terms and Definitions
personnel effects inventory officer An officer appointed to establish clear chain of
custody for all personal effects of an individual from the time they establish control of
the effects until they release the effect to mortuary affairs personnel. Also called PEIO.
(JP 4-06)
personnel increment number — A seven-character, alphanumeric field that uniquely
describes a non-unit-related personnel entry (line) in a Joint Operation Planning and
Execution System time-phased force and deployment data. Also called PIN. (JP 5-0)
personnel recovery — The sum of military, diplomatic, and civil efforts to prepare for and
execute the recovery and reintegration of isolated personnel. Also called PR. See also
combat search and rescue; evasion; personnel; recovery; search and rescue.
(JP 3-50)
personnel recovery coordination cell — The primary joint force component organization
responsible for coordinating and controlling component personnel recovery missions.
Also called PRCC. (JP 3-50)
personnel recovery reference product A reference document for personnel recovery
containing specific information on a particular country or region of interest. Also called
PRRP. (JP 3-50)
personnel security investigation — An inquiry into the activities of an individual, designed
to develop pertinent information pertaining to trustworthiness and suitability for a
position of trust as related to loyalty, character, emotional stability, and reliability.
(JP 2-01)
personnel services support Service-provided sustainment activities that support a Service
member during both exercises and operations. Also called PSS. (JP 1-0)
petroleum, oils, and lubricants — A broad term that includes all petroleum and associated
products used by the Armed Forces. Also called POL. (JP 4-01.6)
phase — In joint operation planning, a definitive stage of an operation or campaign during
which a large portion of the forces and capabilities are involved in similar or mutually
supporting activities for a common purpose. (JP 5-0)
phase line —
A line utilized for control and coordination of military operations, usually an
easily identified feature in the operational area. Also called PL. (JP 3-09)
phony minefield — An area free of live mines used to simulate a minefield, or section of a
minefield, with the object of deceiving the enemy. See also minefield. (JP 3-15)
physical characteristics — Those military characteristics of equipment that are primarily
physical in nature. (JP 3-60)
Terms and Definitions
physical damage assessment — The estimate of the quantitative extent of physical damage
to a target resulting from the application of military force. See also battle damage
assessment. (JP 3-60)
physical security —1. That part of security concerned with physical measures designed to
safeguard personnel; to prevent unauthorized access to equipment, installations, material,
and documents; and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, damage, and theft.
(JP 3-0) 2. In communications security, the component that results from all physical
measures necessary to safeguard classified equipment, material, and documents from
access thereto or observation thereof by unauthorized persons. See also communications
security; security. (JP 6-0)
placement — An individual’s proximity to information of intelligence interest. (JP 2-01.2)
plan for landing — In amphibious operations, a collective term referring to all individually
prepared naval and landing force documents which, taken together, present in detail all
instructions for execution of the ship-to-shore movement. (JP 3-02)
plan identification number — 1. A command-unique four-digit number followed by a suffix
indicating the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan year for which the plan is written. 2. A
five-digit number representing the command-unique four-digit identifier, followed by a
one-character, alphabetic suffix indicating the operation plan option, or a one-digit
number numeric value indicating the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan year for which the
plan is written. Also called PID. (JP 5-0)
planned target — Target that is known to exist in the operational environment, upon which
actions are planned using deliberate targeting, creating effects which support
commander’s objectives. There are two subcategories of planned targets: scheduled and
on-call. See also on-call target; operational area; scheduled target; target.
(JP 3-60)
planning and direction — In intelligence usage, the determination of intelligence
requirements, development of appropriate intelligence architecture, preparation of a
collection plan, and issuance of orders and requests to information collection agencies.
See also intelligence process. (JP 2-01)
planning factor — A multiplier used in planning to estimate the amount and type of effort
involved in a contemplated operation. (JP 5-0)
planning factors database — Databases created and maintained by the Services for the
purpose of identifying all geospatial information and services requirements for emerging
and existing forces and systems. Also called PFDB. See also geospatial information
and services. (JP 2-03)
Terms and Definitions
planning order — A planning directive that provides essential planning guidance and directs
the initiation of execution planning before the directing authority approves a military
course of action. Also called PLANORD. See also execution planning. (JP 5-0)
planning phase — In amphibious operations, the phase normally denoted by the period
extending from the issuance of the initiating directive up to the embarkation phase. See
also amphibious operation. (JP 3-02)
planning team — A functional element within a joint force commander’s headquarters
established to solve problems related to a specific task or requirement, and which
dissolves upon completion of the assigned task. (JP 3-33)
point defense — The defense or protection of special vital elements and installations; e.g.,
command and control facilities or air bases. (JP 3-52)
pointee-talkee — A language aid containing selected phrases in English opposite a
translation in a foreign language used by pointing to appropriate phrases. See also
evasion aid. (JP 3-50)
point of employment — In distribution operations, a physical location designated by the
commander at the tactical level where force employment, emplacement, or commodity
consumption occurs. (JP 4-09)
point of need — In distribution operations, a physical location within a desired operational
area designated by the geographic combatant commander or subordinate commander as
a receiving point for forces or materiel, for subsequent use or consumption. (JP 4-09)
point of origin — In distribution operations, the beginning point of a deployment,
redeployment, or movement where forces or materiel are located. (JP 4-09)
polar orbitA satellite orbit that passes over the North and South Poles on each orbit, has
an angle of inclination relative to the equator of 90 degrees, and eventually passes over
all points on the earth. (JP 3-14)
population at risk — The strength in personnel of a given force structure in terms of which
casualty rates are stated. Also called PAR. (JP 4-02)
port complex — One or more port areas in which activities are geographically linked either
because these areas are dependent on a common inland transport system or because they
constitute a common initial destination for convoys. (JP 4-01.5)
port of debarkation — The geographic point at which cargo or personnel are discharged.
Also called POD. See also port of embarkation. (JP 4-0)
port of embarkation — The geographic point in a routing scheme from which cargo or
personnel depart. Also called POE. See also port of debarkation. (JP 4-01.2)
Terms and Definitions
port operations group — A task-organized unit, located at the seaport of embarkation and/or
debarkation that assists and provides support in the loading and/or unloading and staging
of personnel, supplies, and equipment from shipping. Also called POG. See also
landing force support party; task organization. (JP 3-35)
port security — The safeguarding of vessels, harbors, ports, waterfront facilities, and cargo
from internal threats such as destruction, loss, or injury from sabotage or other subversive
acts; accidents; thefts; or other causes of similar nature. See also physical security;
security. (JP 3-10)
port support activity — A tailorable support organization composed of mobilization station
assets that ensures the equipment of the deploying units is ready to load. Also called
PSA. See also support. (JP 3-35)
positive control — A method of airspace control that relies on positive identification,
tracking, and direction of aircraft within an airspace, conducted with electronic means by
an agency having the authority and responsibility therein. (JP 3-52)
positive identification An identification derived from observation and analysis of target
characteristics including visual recognition, electronic support systems, non-cooperative
target recognition techniques, identification friend or foe systems, or other physics-based
identification techniques. (JP 3-01)
post-launch abort — Deliberate action taken post-separation to cause a precision munition
to miss its target. Also called PLA. (JP 3-09.3)
precipitation static — Charged precipitation particles that strike antennas and gradually
charge the antenna, which ultimately discharges across the insulator, causing a burst of
static. Also called P-STATIC. (JP 3-13.1)
precise time and time interval — A reference value of time and time interval (frequency).
Also called PTTI. (JP 3-59)
precision-guided munition — A guided weapon intended to destroy a point target and
minimize collateral damage. Also called PGM, smart weapon, smart munition.
(JP 3-03)
prelanding operations — Operations conducted by the amphibious force upon its arrival in
the amphibious objective area or operational area and prior to H-hour and/or L-hour.
(JP 3-02)
preparation of the environment An umbrella term for operations and activities conducted
by selectively trained special operations forces to develop an environment for potential
future special operations. Also called PE. (JP 3-05)
Terms and Definitions
prepare to deploy order — An order issued by competent authority to move forces or
prepare forces for movement (e.g., increase deployability posture of units). Also called
PTDO. (JP 5-0)
preplanned air supportAir support in accordance with a program, planned in advance of
operations. (JP 3-09.3)
pre-position — To place military units, equipment, or supplies at or near the point of planned
use or at a designated location to reduce reaction time, and to ensure timely support of a
specific force during initial phases of an operation. (JP 4-0)
pre-positioned war reserve stock — The assets that are designated to satisfy the pre-
positioned war reserve materiel requirement. Also called PWRS. (JP 4-03)
presail — The time prior to a ship getting under way used to prepare for at-sea events.
(JP 3-04)
Presidential Reserve Call-up — Provision of a public law (Title 10, United States Code,
Section 12304) that provides the President a means to activate, without a declaration of
national emergency, not more than 200,000 members of the Selected Reserve and the
Individual Ready Reserve (of whom not more than 30,000 may be members of the
Individual Ready Reserve), for not more than 365 days to meet the requirements of any
operational mission, other than for disaster relief or to suppress insurrection. Also called
PRC. See also Individual Ready Reserve; mobilization; Selected Reserve. (JP 4-05)
pressure mine — 1. In land mine warfare, a mine having a fuze that responds to the direct
pressure of a target. 2. In naval mine warfare, a mine having a circuit that responds to
the hydrodynamic pressure field of a target. See also mine. (JP 3-15)
preventionIn space usage, measures to preclude an adversary’s hostile use of United States
or third-party space systems and services. See also space control. (JP 3-14)
prevention of mutual interference — In submarine operations, procedures established to
prevent submerged collisions between friendly submarines, between submarines and
friendly surface ship towed bodies and arrays, and between submarines and any other
hazards to submerged navigation. Also called PMI. (JP 3-32)
preventive maintenance — The care and servicing by personnel for the purpose of
maintaining equipment and facilities in satisfactory operating condition by providing for
systematic inspection, detection, and correction of incipient failures either before they
occur or before they develop into major defects. (JP 4-02)
preventive medicine — The anticipation, communication, prediction, identification,
prevention, education, risk assessment, and control of communicable diseases, illnesses
and exposure to endemic, occupational, and environmental threats. Also called
PVNTMED. (JP 4-02)
Terms and Definitions
primary agency — The federal department or agency assigned primary responsibility for
managing and coordinating a specific emergency support function in the National
Response Framework. (JP 3-28)
primary control officer — In amphibious operations, the officer embarked in a primary
control ship assigned to control the movement of landing craft, amphibious vehicles, and
landing ships to and from a colored beach. Also called PCO. (JP 3-02)
primary control ship — In amphibious operations, a ship of the task force designated to
provide support for the primary control officer and a combat information center control
team for a colored beach. Also called PCS. (JP 3-02)
primary flight control — The controlling agency on air-capable ships that is responsible for
air traffic control of aircraft within 5 nautical miles of the ship. On most Coast
Guard cutters, primary flight control duties are performed by a combat information
center, and the term “PRIFLY” is not used. Also called PRIFLY. (JP 3-04)
primary review authority — The organization, within the lead agent's chain of command,
that is assigned by the lead agent to perform the actions and coordination necessary to
develop and maintain the assigned joint publication under the cognizance of the lead
agent. Also called PRA. See also joint publication; lead agent. (CJCSM 5120.01)
prime contract — A contract or contractual action entered into by the United States
Government for the purpose of obtaining supplies, materials, equipment, or services of
any kind. (JP 4-10)
prime vendor — A contracting process that provides commercial products to regionally
grouped military and federal customers from commercial distributors using electronic
commerce. Also called PV. See also distribution system. (JP 4-09)
principal federal official — The federal official designated by the Secretary of Homeland
Security to act as his/her representative locally to oversee, coordinate, and execute the
Secretary’s incident management responsibilities under Homeland Security Presidential
Directive 5. Also called PFO. (JP 3-41)
principal officer — The officer in charge of a diplomatic mission, consular office, or other
foreign service post, such as a United States liaison office. (JP 3-08)
priority designator — A two-digit issue and priority code placed in military standard
requisitioning and issue procedure requisitions to provide a means of assigning relative
rankings to competing demands placed on the Department of Defense supply system.
(JP 4-01)
priority intelligence requirement — An intelligence requirement, stated as a priority for
intelligence support, that the commander and staff need to understand the adversary or
Terms and Definitions
other aspects of the operational environment. Also called PIR. See also information
requirements; intelligence; intelligence process; intelligence requirement. (JP 2-01)
prisoner of war — A detained person (as defined in Articles 4 and 5 of the Geneva
Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War of August 12, 1949) who,
while engaged in combat under orders of his or her government, is captured by the armed
forces of the enemy. Also called POW. (JP 3-50)
private sectorAn umbrella term that may be applied to any or all of the nonpublic or
commercial individuals and businesses, specified nonprofit organizations, most of
academia and other scholastic institutions, and selected nongovernmental organizations.
(JP 3-57)
privity of contract — The legal relationship that exists between two contracting parties.
(JP 4-10)
probability of damage — The probability that damage will occur to a target expressed as a
percentage or as a decimal. Also called PD. (JP 3-60)
procedural control — A method of airspace control which relies on a combination of
previously agreed and promulgated orders and procedures. (JP 3-52)
procedural identification An identification based on observation and analysis of target
behaviors including location and trajectory, as well as compliance with airspace control
measures. (JP 3-01)
procedures — Standard, detailed steps that prescribe how to perform specific tasks. See also
tactics; techniques. (CJCSM 5120.01)
procedure word — A word or phrase limited to radio telephone procedure used to facilitate
communication by conveying information in a condensed standard form. Also called
proword. (JP 3-09.3)
processing — A system of operations designed to convert raw data into useful information.
(JP 2-0)
processing and exploitation — In intelligence usage, the conversion of collected information
into forms suitable to the production of intelligence. See also intelligence process.
(JP 2-01)
process owner — The head of a Department of Defense component assigned a responsibility
by the Secretary of Defense when process improvement involves more than one Service
or Department of Defense component. (JP 4-0)
procurement lead time — The interval in time between the initiation of procurement action
and receipt of the products or services purchased as the result of such actions. (JP 4-10)
Terms and Definitions
procuring contracting officer — A contracting officer who initiates and signs the contract.
Also called PCO. See also administrative contracting officer; contracting officer.
(JP 4-10)
production base — The total national industrial production capacity available for the
manufacture of items to meet materiel requirements. (JP 4-05)
production requirement An intelligence requirement that cannot be met by current
analytical products resulting in tasking to produce a new product that can meet this
intelligence requirement. Also called PR. (JP 2-0)
proof — In mine warfare, to verify that a breached lane is free of live mines by passing a
mine roller or other mine-resistant vehicle through as the lead vehicle. (JP 3-15)
protected emblems — The red cross, red crescent, and other symbols that designate that
persons, places, or equipment so marked have a protected status under the law of war.
(JP 3-60)
protected frequencies — Friendly, generally time-oriented, frequencies used for a particular
operation, identified and protected to prevent them from being inadvertently jammed by
friendly forces while active electronic warfare operations are directed against hostile
forces. See also electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
protected persons/places —Persons (such as enemy prisoners of war) and places (such as
hospitals) that enjoy special protections under the law of war and which may or may not
be marked with protected emblems. (JP 1-04)
protection — Preservation of the effectiveness and survivability of mission-related
military and nonmilitary personnel, equipment, facilities, information, and
infrastructure deployed or located within or outside the boundaries of a given
operational area. (JP 3-0)
protection of shipping — The use of proportionate force, when necessary for the protection
of United States flag vessels and aircraft, United States citizens (whether embarked in
United States or foreign vessels), and their property against unlawful violence.. (JP 3-0)
protective clothing — Clothing especially designed, fabricated, or treated to protect
personnel against hazards. (JP 3-11)
protective minefield — 1. In land mine warfare, a minefield employed to assist a unit in its
local, close-in protection. 2. In naval mine warfare, a minefield emplaced in friendly
territorial waters to protect ports, harbors, anchorages, coasts, and coastal routes. See
also minefield. (JP 3-15)
Terms and Definitions
provincial reconstruction team — A civil-military team designed to improve stability in a
given area by helping build the legitimacy and effectiveness of a host nation local or
provincial government in providing security to its citizens and delivering essential
government services. Also called PRT. (JP 3-57)
public — In public affairs, a segment of the population with common attributes to which a
military force can tailor its communication. See also external audience; internal
audience. (JP 3-61)
public affairs — Communication activities with external and internal audiences. Also called
PA. See also command information; public information. (JP 3-61)
public affairs assessment — An analysis of the news media and public environments to
evaluate the degree of understanding about strategic and operational objectives and
military activities and to identify levels of public support. See also assessment; public
affairs. (JP 3-61)
public affairs guidance — Constraints and restraints established by proper authority
regarding public communication activities. Also called PAG. See also public affairs.
(JP 3-61)
public diplomacy — 1. Those overt international public information activities of the United
States Government designed to promote United States foreign policy objectives by
seeking to understand, inform, and influence foreign audiences and opinion makers, and
by broadening the dialogue between American citizens and institutions and their
counterparts abroad. 2. In peace building, civilian agency efforts to promote an
understanding of the reconstruction efforts, rule of law, and civic responsibility through
public affairs and international public diplomacy operations. (JP 3-07.3)
public information — Within public affairs, information of a military nature, the
dissemination of which is consistent with security and approved for public release.
(JP 3-61)
public key infrastructure — An enterprise-wide service that supports digital signatures and
other public key-based security mechanisms for Department of Defense functional
enterprise programs, including generation, production, distribution, control, and
accounting of public key certificates. Also called PKI. (JP 2-03)
Q-route — A system of preplanned shipping lanes in mined or potentially mined waters used
to minimize the area the mine countermeasures commander has to keep clear of mines
in order to provide safe passage for friendly shipping. (JP 3-15)
quadruple container — A 57.5 inches x 96 inches x 96 inches container box with a metal
frame, pallet base, and International Organization for Standardization corner fittings;
four of these boxes can be lashed together to form a 20-foot American National Standards
Institute or International Organization for Standardization intermodal container. Also
called QUADCON. (JP 4-09)
qualifying entity — A non-governmental organization to which the Department of Defense
may provide assistance for special events by virtue of statute, regulation, policy, or other
approval by the Secretary of Defense or his or her authorized designee.
(DODD 3025.18)
Terms and Definitions
Intentionally Blank
radiation dose — The total amount of ionizing radiation absorbed by material or tissues.
(JP 3-11)
radiation dose rate — Measurement of radiation dose per unit of time. (JP 3-11)
radiation exposure status — Criteria to assist the commander in measuring unit exposure to
radiation based on total past cumulative dose, normally expressed in centigray. Also
called RES. (JP 3-11)
radio frequency countermeasures — Any device or technique employing radio frequency
materials or technology that is intended to impair the effectiveness of enemy activity,
particularly with respect to precision guided weapons and sensor systems. Also called
RF CM. (JP 3-13.1)
radiological dispersal device — An improvised assembly or process, other than a nuclear
explosive device, designed to disseminate radioactive material in order to cause
destruction, damage, or injury. Also called RDD. (JP 3-11)
radiological exposure device — A radioactive source placed to cause injury or death. Also
called RED. (JP 3-11)
raid — An operation to temporarily seize an area in order to secure information, confuse an
enemy, capture personnel or equipment, or to destroy a capability culminating with a
planned withdrawal. (JP 3-0)
railhead — A point on a railway where loads are transferred between trains and other means
of transport. (JP 4-09)
Rangers — Rapidly deployable airborne light infantry organized and trained to conduct
highly complex joint direct action operations in coordination with or in support of other
special operations units of all Services. (JP 3-05)
rapid global mobility — The timely movement, positioning, and sustainment of
military forces and capabilities across the range of military operations. See also
mobility. (JP 3-17)
rationalization — Any action that increases the effectiveness of allied forces through more
efficient or effective use of defense resources committed to the alliance. (JP 3-16)
reachback — The process of obtaining products, services, and applications, or forces, or
equipment, or material from organizations that are not forward deployed. (JP 3-30)
readiness — The ability of military forces to fight and meet the demands of assigned
missions. See also national military strategy. (JP 1)
Terms and Definitions
Ready Reserve — The Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve liable for active duty
as prescribed by law (Title 10, United States Code, Sections 10142, 12301, and 12302).
See also active duty; Individual Ready Reserve; Selected Reserve. (JP 4-05)
ready-to-load date — The date when a unit will be ready to move from the origin, i.e.,
mobilization station. Also called RLD. (JP 5-0)
Realistic Military Training — Department of Defense training conducted off federal property
utilizing private or non-federal public property and infrastructure. (DODI 1322.28)
real property — Lands, buildings, structures, utilities systems, improvements, and
appurtenances, thereto that includes equipment attached to and made part of buildings
and structures, but not movable equipment. (JP 3-34)
reattack recommendation — An assessment, derived from the results of battle damage
assessment and munitions effectiveness assessment, providing the commander
systematic advice on reattack of a target. Also called RR. See also assessment; battle
damage assessment; munitions effectiveness assessment; target. (JP 3-60)
receiving ship — The ship in a replenishment unit that receives the rig(s). (JP 4-03)
reception — 1. All ground arrangements connected with the delivery and disposition of air
or sea drops. 2. Arrangements to welcome and provide secure quarters or transportation
for defectors, escapees, evaders, or incoming agents. 3. The process of receiving, off-
loading, marshalling, accounting for, and transporting of personnel, equipment, and
materiel from the strategic and/or intratheater deployment phase to a sea, air, or surface
transportation point of debarkation to the marshalling area. (JP 3-35)
recognition — 1. The determination by any means of the individuality of persons, or of
objects such as aircraft, ships, or tanks, or of phenomena such as communications-
electronics patterns. 2. In ground combat operations, the determination that an object is
similar within a category of something already known. (JP 3-01)
recognition signal — Any prearranged signal by which individuals or units may identify each
other. (JP 3-50)
reconnaissance — A mission undertaken to obtain, by visual observation or other detection
methods, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or adversary, or to
secure data concerning the meteorological, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics
of a particular area. (JP 2-0)
recovery — 1. In air (aviation) operations, that phase of a mission that involves the return of
an aircraft to a land base or platform afloat. (JP 3-52) 2. The retrieval of a mine from
the location where emplaced. (JP 3-15) 3. In personnel recovery, actions taken to
physically gain custody of isolated personnel and return them to friendly control.
Terms and Definitions
(JP 3-50) 4. Actions taken to extricate damaged or disabled equipment for return to
friendly control or repair at another location. See also evader; evasion. (JP 3-34)
recovery and reconstitution — 1. Those actions taken by one nation prior to, during, and
following an attack by an enemy nation to minimize the effects of the attack, rehabilitate
the national economy, provide for the welfare of the populace, and maximize the combat
potential of remaining forces and supporting activities. 2. Those actions taken by a
military force during or after operational employment to restore its combat capability to
full operational readiness. See also recovery. (JP 3-35)
recovery mechanism — An indigenous or surrogate infrastructure that is specifically
developed, trained, and directed by United States forces to contact, authenticate, support,
move, and exfiltrate designated isolated personnel from uncertain or hostile areas back
to friendly control. Also called RM. (JP 3-50)
recovery operations — Operations conducted to search for, locate, identify, recover, and
return isolated personnel, human remains, sensitive equipment, or items critical to
national security. (JP 3-50)
recovery site — In personnel recovery, an area from which isolated personnel can be
recovered. See also escapee; evader; evasion. (JP 3-50)
recovery team — In personnel recovery, designated United States or United States-directed
forces, that are specifically trained to operate in conjunction with indigenous or surrogate
forces, and are tasked to contact, authenticate, support, move, and exfiltrate isolated
personnel. Also called RT. (JP 3-50)
recovery vehicle — In personnel recovery, the vehicle on which isolated personnel are
boarded and transported from the recovery site. (JP 3-50)
redeployment — The transfer or rotation of forces and materiel to support another joint force
commander’s operational requirements, or to return personnel, equipment, and materiel
to the home and/or demobilization stations for reintegration and/or out-processing. See
also deployment. (JP 3-35)
red team — An organizational element comprised of trained and educated members that
provide an independent capability to fully explore alternatives in plans and operations in
the context of the operational environment and from the perspective of adversaries and
others. (JP 2-0)
reduced operating status — Military Sealift Command ships withdrawn from full operating
status because of decreased operational requirements. Also called ROS. See also
Military Sealift Command. (JP 4-01.2)
reduction — The creation of lanes through a minefield or obstacle to allow passage of the
attacking ground force. (JP 3-15)
Terms and Definitions
refraction — The process by which the direction of a wave is changed when moving into
shallow water at an angle to the bathymetric contours. (JP 4-01.6)
refugee — A person who, owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of
race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion,
is outside the country of his or her nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is
unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of that country. See also dislocated
civilian; displaced person; evacuee; stateless person. (JP 3-29)
regimental landing team — A task organization for landing composed of an infantry
regiment reinforced by those elements that are required for initiation of its combat
function ashore. (JP 3-02)
regional air defense commander — Commander, subordinate to the area air defense
commander, who is responsible for air and missile defenses in the assigned region and
exercises authorities as delegated by the area air defense commander. Also called
RADC. (JP 3-01)
regional response coordination center — A standing facility that is activated to coordinate
regional response efforts, until a joint field office is established and/or the principal
federal official, federal or coordinating officer can assume their National Response
Framework coordination responsibilities. Also called RRCC. (JP 3-28)
regional satellite communications support center — United States Strategic Command
operational element responsible for providing the operational communications planners
with a point of contact for accessing and managing satellite communications resources.
Also called RSSC. (JP 3-14)
regional security officer — A security officer responsible to the chief of mission
(ambassador), for security functions of all United States embassies and consulates in a
given country or group of adjacent countries. Also called RSO. (JP 3-10)
rehabilitative care — Therapy that provides evaluations and treatment programs using
exercises, massage, or electrical therapeutic treatment to restore, reinforce, or enhance
motor performance and restores patients to functional health allowing for their return to
duty or discharge from the Service. Also called restorative care. See also patient
movement policy; theater. (JP 4-02)
rehearsal phase — In amphibious operations, the period during which the prospective
operation is practiced. See also amphibious operation. (JP 3-02)
reinforcing obstacles — Those obstacles specifically constructed, emplaced, or detonated
through military effort and designed to strengthen existing terrain to disrupt, fix, turn, or
block enemy movement. See also obstacle. (JP 3-15)
Terms and Definitions
reintegrate — In personnel recovery, the task of providing medical care and psychological
decompression to allow the conduct of appropriate debriefings to ultimately return
recovered personnel back to duty and their family. (JP 3-50)
release altitude — Altitude of an aircraft above the ground at the time of ordnance release.
(JP 3-09.3)
relief in place — An operation in which, by direction of higher authority, all or part of a unit
is replaced in an area by the incoming unit and the responsibilities of the replaced
elements for the mission and the assigned zone of operations are transferred to the
incoming unit. (JP 3-07.3)
religious advisement — The practice of informing the commander on the impact of religion
on joint operations to include, but not limited to: worship, rituals, customs, and practices
of US military personnel, international forces, and the indigenous population; as well as
the impact of military operations on the religious and humanitarian dynamics in the
operational area. (JP 1-05)
religious affairs — The combination of religious support and religious advisement.
(JP 1-05)
religious support — Chaplain-facilitated free exercise of religion through worship, religious
and pastoral counseling services, ceremonial honors for the fallen, crisis intervention,
and advice to the commander on ethical and moral issues, and morale as affected by
religion. Also called RS. See also combatant command chaplain; command
chaplain; religious support team. (JP 1-05)
religious support team — A team, comprised of at least one chaplain and one enlisted
support person, that works together in designing, implementing, and executing the
command religious program. Also called RST. See also combatant command
chaplain; command chaplain; religious support. (JP 1-05)
remain-behind equipment — Unit equipment left by deploying forces at their bases when
they deploy. (JP 4-05)
render safe procedures — The portion of the explosive ordnance disposal procedures
involving the application of special explosive ordnance disposal methods and tools to
provide for the interruption of functions or separation of essential components of
unexploded explosive ordnance to prevent an unacceptable detonation. (JP 3-42)
rendezvous area — In an amphibious operation, the area in which the landing craft and
amphibious vehicles rendezvous to form waves after being loaded, and prior to
movement to the line of departure. (JP 3-02)
repairable item — An item that can be reconditioned or economically repaired for reuse
when it becomes unserviceable. (JP 4-09)
Terms and Definitions
repair cycle — The stages through which a repairable item passes from the time of its removal
or replacement until it is reinstalled or placed in stock in a serviceable condition.
(JP 4-09)
repatriation — 1. The procedure whereby American citizens and their families are officially
processed back into the United States subsequent to an evacuation. See also evacuation.
(JP 3-68) 2. The release and return of enemy prisoners of war to their own country in
accordance with the 1949 Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of
War. (JP 1-0)
replacement in kind — The provision of material and services for a logistic exchange of
materials and services of equal value between the governments of eligible countries.
Also called RIK. (JP 1-06)
reportable incident — Any suspected or alleged violation of Department of Defense policy
or of other related orders, policies, procedures or applicable law, for which there is
credible information. (JP 3-63)
request for assistance A request based on mission requirements and expressed in terms
of desired outcome, formally asking the Department of Defense to provide assistance to
a local, state, tribal, or other federal agency. Also called RFA. (JP 3-28)
request for information — 1. Any specific time-sensitive ad hoc requirement for intelligence
information or products to support an ongoing crisis or operation not necessarily related
to standing requirements or scheduled intelligence production. 2. A term used by the
National Security Agency/Central Security Service to state ad hoc signals intelligence
requirements. Also called RFI. See also intelligence. (JP 2-0)
required delivery date — The date that a force must arrive at the destination and complete
unloading. Also called RDD. (JP 5-0)
requirements determination All activities necessary to develop, consolidate, coordinate,
validate, approve, and prioritize joint force contract support requirements. (JP 4-10)
requirements development The process of defining actual contract support requirements
and capturing these requirements in acquisition ready contract support requirements
packages. (JP 4-10)
requirements management system — A system for the management of theater and national
imagery collection requirements that provides automated tools for users in support of
submission, review, and validation of imagery nominations as requirements to be tasked
on national or Department of Defense imagery collection, production, and exploitation
resources. Also called RMS. See also imagery. (JP 2-01)
Terms and Definitions
requiring activity — A military or other designated supported organization that identifies
and receives contracted support during military operations. See also supported unit.
(JP 4-10)
rescue combat air patrol — An aircraft patrol provided over that portion of an objective area
in which recovery operations are being conducted for the purpose of intercepting and
destroying hostile aircraft. Also called RESCAP. See also combat air patrol.
(JP 3-50)
rescue coordination center A unit, recognized by International Civil Aviation
Organization, International Maritime Organization, or other cognizant international
body, responsible for promoting efficient organization of search and rescue services and
coordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations within a search and rescue
region. Also called RCC. (JP 3-50)
reserve — 1. Portion of a body of troops that is kept to the rear, or withheld from action at
the beginning of an engagement, in order to be available for a decisive movement. 2.
Members of the uniformed Services who are not in active service but who are subject to
call to active duty. 3. Portion of an appropriation or contract authorization held or set
aside for future operations or contingencies and, in respect to which, administrative
authorization to incur commitments or obligations has been withheld. See also
operational reserve. (JP 4-05)
Reserve Component — The Armed Forces of the United States Reserve Component consists
of the Army National Guard of the United States, the Army Reserve, the Navy Reserve,
the Marine Corps Reserve, the Air National Guard of the United States, the Air Force
Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve. Also called RC. See also component; reserve.
(JP 4-05)
reserved obstacles — Those demolition obstacles that are deemed critical to the plan for
which the authority to detonate is reserved by the designating commander. See also
obstacle. (JP 3-15)
reset A set of actions to restore equipment to a desired level of combat capability
commensurate with a unit’s future mission. (JP 4-0)
resettled person — A refugee or an internally displaced person wishing to return somewhere
other than his or her previous home or land within the country or area of original
displacement. (JP 3-29)
residual forces — Undeployed United States forces that have an immediate combat potential
for continued military operations, and that have been deliberately withheld from
utilization. (JP 4-09)
Terms and Definitions
residual radiation — Nuclear radiation caused by fallout, artificial dispersion of radioactive
material, or irradiation that results from a nuclear explosion and persists longer than one
minute after burst. See also contamination; initial radiation. (JP 3-11)
resilience — The ability of an architecture to support the functions necessary for mission
success with higher probability, shorter periods of reduced capability, and across a wider
range of scenarios, conditions, and threats, in spite of hostile action or adverse conditions.
Resilience may leverage cross-domain or alternative government, commercial, or
international capabilities. (DODD 3100.10)
resistance movement — An organized effort by some portion of the civil population of a
country to resist the legally established government or an occupying power and to disrupt
civil order and stability. (JP 3-05)
resource management — A financial management function that provides advice and
guidance to the commander to develop command resource requirements. Also called
RM. See also financial management. (JP 1-06)
resources — The forces, materiel, and other assets or capabilities apportioned or allocated to
the commander of a unified or specified command. (JP 1)
rest and recuperation — The withdrawal of individuals from combat or duty in a combat
area for short periods of rest and recuperation. Also called R&R. (JP 1-0)
restraint — In the context of joint operation planning, a requirement placed on the command
by a higher command that prohibits an action, thus restricting freedom of action. See
also constraint; operational limitation. (JP 5-0)
restricted area — 1. An area (land, sea, or air) in which there are special restrictive measures
employed to prevent or minimize interference between friendly forces. 2. An area under
military jurisdiction in which special security measures are employed to prevent
unauthorized entry. See also restricted areas (air). (JP 3-34)
restricted areas (air) — Designated areas established by appropriate authority over which
flight of aircraft is restricted. See also restricted area. (JP 3-52)
restricted items list — A document listing those logistic goods and services for which nations
must coordinate any contracting activity with a commander’s centralized contracting
organization. (JP 4-08)
restricted operations zone Airspace reserved for specific activities in which the
operations of one or more airspace users is restricted. Also called ROZ. (JP 3-52)
Terms and Definitions
restricted reporting Reporting option that allows sexual assault victims to confidentially
disclose the assault to specified individuals (e.g., sexual assault response coordinator,
sexual assault prevention and response victim advocate, or healthcare personnel) and
receive medical treatment and counseling without triggering an official investigation.
(JP 1-0)
restricted target — A valid target that has specific restrictions placed on the actions
authorized against it due to operational considerations. See also target. (JP 3-60)
restricted target listA list of restricted targets nominated by elements of the joint force
and approved by the joint force commander or directed by higher authorities. Also called
RTL. See also restricted target; target. (JP 3-60)
restrictive fire area — An area in which specific restrictions are imposed and into which
fires that exceed those restrictions will not be delivered without coordination with the
establishing headquarters. Also called RFA. See also fires. (JP 3-09)
restrictive fire line — A line established between converging friendly surface forces that
prohibits fires or their effects across that line. Also called RFL. See also fires.
(JP 3-09)
resupply — The act of replenishing stocks in order to maintain required levels of supply.
(JP 4-09)
resuscitative care — Advanced emergency medical treatment required to prevent immediate
loss of life or limb and to attain stabilization to ensure the patient could tolerate
evacuation. (JP 4-02)
retained personnel — Detainees who fall into one of the following categories: a.
Designated enemy medical personnel and medical staff administrators who are
exclusively engaged in either the search for, collection, transport, or treatment of the
wounded or sick, or the prevention of disease; b. Staff of National Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies and that of other volunteer aid societies, duly recognized and
authorized by their governments to assist medical service personnel of their own
armed forces, provided they are exclusively engaged in the search for, or the
collection, transport or treatment of wounded or sick, or in the prevention of disease,
and provided that the staff of such societies are subject to military laws and
regulations; c. Chaplains attached to enemy armed forces. Also called RP. See also
personnel. (JP 3-63)
Retired Reserve — All reserve members who receive retirement pay on the basis of their
active duty and/or reserve service; those members who are otherwise eligible for
retirement pay but have not reached age 60 and who have not elected discharge and are
not voluntary members of the Ready Reserve or Standby Reserve. See also active duty;
Ready Reserve; Standby Reserve. (JP 4-05)
Terms and Definitions
retrograde — The process for the movement of non-unit equipment and materiel from a
forward location to a reset (replenishment, repair, or recapitalization) program or to
another directed area of operations to replenish unit stocks, or to satisfy stock
requirements. (JP 4-09)
returnee — A displaced person who has returned voluntarily to his or her former place of
residence. (JP 3-29)
return to base — An order to proceed to the point indicated by the displayed information or
by verbal communication. Also called RTB. (JP 3-01)
revolving fund account An account authorized by specific provisions of law to finance a
continuing cycle of business-type operations, and which are authorized to incur
obligations and expenditures that generate receipts. (JP 1-06)
riot control agent — Any chemical, not listed in a schedule of the Convention on the
Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons
and on their Destruction that can produce rapidly in humans sensory irritation or
disabling physical effects that disappear within a short time following termination of
exposure. Also called RCA. See also chemical warfare. (JP 3-11)
rising mine — In naval mine warfare, a mine having positive buoyancy, which is released
from a sinker by a ship influence or by a timing device. (JP 3-15)
risk — Probability and severity of loss linked to hazards. See also hazard; risk
management. (JP 5-0)
risk assessment — The identification and assessment of hazards (first two steps of risk
management process). Also called RA. (JP 3-07.2)
risk management — The process to identify, assess, and control risks and make decisions
that balance risk cost with mission benefits. Also called RM. See also risk. (JP 3-0)
riverine operations — Operations conducted by forces organized to cope with and exploit
the unique characteristics of a riverine area, to locate and destroy hostile forces, and/or
to achieve or maintain control of the riverine area. (JP 3-32)
role specialist nation — A nation that has agreed to assume responsibility for providing a
particular class of supply or service for all or part of the multinational force. Also called
RSN. See also lead nation; multinational force. (JP 4-08)
roll-on/roll-off discharge facility — A platform made up of causeway sections that provide
a means of embarking and disembarking vehicles from a roll-on and roll-off ship at sea
to lighterage. Also called RRDF. See also facility; lighterage. (JP 4-01.6)
Terms and Definitions
rough terrain container handler — A piece of materials handling equipment used to pick
up and move containers. Also called RTCH. (JP 4-01.6)
rules of engagement — Directives issued by competent military authority that delineate the
circumstances and limitations under which United States forces will initiate and/or
continue combat engagement with other forces encountered. Also called ROE. See also
law of war. (JP 1-04)
ruse — In military deception, an action designed to deceive the adversary, usually involving
the deliberate exposure of false information to the adversary’s intelligence collection
system. (JP 3-13.4)
Terms and Definitions
Intentionally Blank
safe haven — 1. Designated area(s) to which noncombatant evacuees of the United States
Government’s responsibility and commercial vehicles and materiel may be evacuated
during a domestic or other valid emergency. (JP 3-68) 2. A protected body of water or
the well deck of an amphibious ship used by small craft operating offshore for refuge
from storms or heavy seas. (JP 4-01.6)
safe house — An innocent-appearing house or premises established by an organization for
the purpose of conducting clandestine or covert activity in relative security. (JP 3-07.2)
safing — As applied to weapons and ammunition, the changing from a state of readiness for
initiation to a safe condition. Also called de-arming. (JP 3-09.3)
salvage — 1. Property that has some value in excess of its basic material content but is in
such condition that it has no reasonable prospect of use for any purpose as a unit and its
repair or rehabilitation for use as a unit is clearly impractical. 2. The saving or rescuing
of condemned, discarded, or abandoned property, and of materials contained therein for
reuse, refabrication, or scrapping. (JP 4-0)
sanction enforcement — Operations that employ coercive measures to control the movement
of certain types of designated items into or out of a nation or specified area. (JP 3-0)
scheduled target — Planned target upon which fires or other actions are scheduled for
prosecution at a specified time. See also planned target; target. (JP 3-60)
schedule of fire — Groups or series of fires that are fired in a definite sequence according to
a definite program. (JP 3-09)
scheme of fires — The detailed, logical sequence of targets and fire support events to find
and engage targets to support the commander’s objectives. (JP 3-09)
scheme of maneuver — The central expression of the commander’s concept for operations
that governs the design of supporting plans or annexes of how arrayed forces will
accomplish the mission. (JP 5-0)
scientific and technical intelligence — The product resulting from the collection, evaluation,
analysis, and interpretation of foreign scientific and technical information that covers: a.
foreign developments in basic and applied research and in applied engineering techniques;
and b. scientific and technical characteristics, capabilities, and limitations of all foreign
military systems, weapons, weapon systems, and materiel; the research and development
related thereto; and the production methods employed for their manufacture. Also called
S&TI. See also intelligence; technical intelligence. (JP 2-01)
screening — In intelligence, the evaluation of an individual or a group of individuals to
determine their potential to answer collection requirements or to identify individuals who
Terms and Definitions
match a predetermined source profile coupled with the process of identifying and
assessing the areas of knowledge, cooperation, and possible approach techniques for an
individual who has information of intelligence value. (JP 2-01.2)
sea areas — Areas in the amphibious objective area designated for the stationing of
amphibious task force ships. See also amphibious objective area; fire support area;
inner transport area; sea echelon area. (JP 3-02)
sea barge A type of barge-ship that can carry up to 38 loaded barges and also carry tugs,
stacked causeway sections, various watercraft, or heavy-lift equipment to better support
joint logistics over-the-shore operations. (JP 4-01.2)
seabasing — The deployment, assembly, command, projection, reconstitution, sustainment,
and re-employment of joint power from the sea without reliance on land bases within the
operational area. See also amphibious operation. (JP 3-02)
sea control operations — The employment of forces to destroy enemy naval forces, suppress
enemy sea commerce, protect vital sea lanes, and establish local military superiority in
vital sea areas. See also land control operations. (JP 3-32)
sea echelon — A portion of the amphibious warfare ships or other ships that withdraws from
or remains out of the transport area during an amphibious landing and operates in
designated areas to seaward in an on-call or unscheduled status. (JP 3-02)
sea echelon area — In amphibious operations, an area to seaward of a transport area from
which ships are phased into the transport area, and to which ships withdraw from the
transport area. (JP 3-02)
sea echelon plan In amphibious operations, the distribution plan for amphibious shipping
in the transport area to minimize losses due to enemy attack by weapons of mass
destruction and to reduce the area to be swept of mines. See also amphibious operation.
(JP 3-02)
SEAL delivery vehicle team United States Navy forces organized, trained, and equipped
to conduct special operations with SEAL delivery vehicles, dry deck shelters, and other
submersible platforms. (JP 3-05)
sealift enhancement features — Special equipment and modifications that adapt merchant-
type dry cargo ships and tankers to specific military missions. Also called SEFs. See
also Military Sealift Command; Ready Reserve. (JP 4-01.2)
SEAL team United States Navy forces organized, trained, and equipped to conduct special
operations with an emphasis on maritime, coastal, and riverine environments. (JP 3-05)
Terms and Definitions
seaport — A land facility designated for reception of personnel or materiel moved by sea,
and that serves as an authorized port of entrance into or departure from the country in
which located. See also port of debarkation; port of embarkation. (JP 4-01.2)
search — A systematic reconnaissance of a defined area, so that all parts of the area have
passed within visibility. (JP 3-50)
search and rescue — The use of aircraft, surface craft, submarines, and specialized rescue
teams and equipment to search for and rescue distressed persons on land or at sea in a
permissive environment. Also called SAR. See also combat search and rescue;
isolated personnel; joint personnel recovery center; personnel recovery
coordination cell. (JP 3-50)
search and rescue numerical encryption grid A predesignated ten-letter word without
repeated letters used exclusively by recovery forces or isolated personnel to encrypt
numerical data such as position, time, and/or headings in a covert manner. (JP 3-50)
search and rescue point A predesignated specific location, relative to which isolated
personnel provide their position to recovery forces. Also called SARDOT. (JP 3-50)
search and rescue region — An area of defined dimensions, recognized by the International
Civil Aviation Organization, International Maritime Organization, or other cognizant
international body, and associated with a rescue coordination center within which search
and rescue services are provided. (JP 3-50)
sea state — A scale that categorizes the force of progressively higher seas by wave height.
(JP 4-01.6)
secondary loads — Unit equipment, supplies, and major end items that are transported in the
beds of organic vehicles. (JP 3-02.1)
secret — Security classification that shall be applied to information, the unauthorized
disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause serious damage to the national
security that the original classification authority is able to identify or describe.
(EO 13526)
SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network — The worldwide SECRET-level packet
switch network that uses high-speed internet protocol routers and high-capacity Defense
Information Systems Network circuitry. Also called SIPRNET. See also Defense
Information Systems Network. (JP 6-0)
section — 1. As applied to ships or naval aircraft, a tactical subdivision of a division. 2. A
subdivision of an office, installation, territory, works, or organization; especially a major
subdivision of a staff. 3. A tactical unit of the Army and Marine Corps smaller than a
platoon and larger than a squad. 4. An area in a warehouse extending from one wall to
the next; usually the largest subdivision of one floor. (JP 3-33)
Terms and Definitions
sector air defense commander — Commander subordinate to an area/regional air defense
commander, who is responsible for air and missile defenses in the assigned sector and
exercises authorities delegated by the area/regional air defense commander. Also called
SADC. (JP 3-01)
security — 1. Measures taken by a military unit, activity, or installation to protect itself
against all acts designed to, or which may, impair its effectiveness. (JP 3-10) 2. A
condition that results from the establishment and maintenance of protective measures
that ensure a state of inviolability from hostile acts or influences. (JP 3-10) 3. With
respect to classified matter, the condition that prevents unauthorized persons from having
access to official information that is safeguarded in the interests of national security. See
also national security. (JP 2-0)
security assistance — Group of programs authorized by the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961,
as amended, and the Arms Export Control Act of 1976, as amended, or other related
statutes by which the United States provides defense articles, military training, and other
defense-related services by grant, loan, credit, or cash sales in furtherance of national
policies and objectives. Security assistance is an element of security cooperation funded
and authorized by Department of State to be administered by Department of
Defense/Defense Security Cooperation Agency. Also called SA. See also security
cooperation. (JP 3-22)
security classification — A category to which national security information and material is
assigned to denote the degree of damage that unauthorized disclosure would cause to
national defense or foreign relations of the United States and to denote the degree of
protection required. There are three such categories: top secret, secret, and
confidential. See also classification; security. (EO 13526)
security clearance — An administrative determination by competent authority that an
individual is eligible for access to classified information. (JP 1-0)
security cooperation All Department of Defense interactions with foreign defense
establishments to build defense relationships that promote specific US security interests,
develop allied and friendly military capabilities for self-defense and multinational
operations, and provide US forces with peacetime and contingency access to a host
nation. Also called SC. See also security assistance. (JP 3-22)
security cooperation organization All Department of Defense elements located in a
foreign country with assigned responsibilities for carrying out security
assistance/cooperation management functions. It includes military assistance
advisory groups, military missions and groups, offices of defense and military
cooperation, liaison groups, and defense attaché personnel designated to perform
security assistance/cooperation functions. Also called SCO. (JP 3-22)
Terms and Definitions
security force assistance The Department of Defense activities that contribute to unified
action by the US Government to support the development of the capacity and capability
of foreign security forces and their supporting institutions. Also called SFA. (JP 3-22)
security forces Duly constituted military, paramilitary, police, and constabulary forces of
a state. (JP 3-22)
security review — The process of reviewing information and products prior to public
release to ensure the material will not jeopardize ongoing or future operations. See
also security. (JP 3-61)
security sector reform — A comprehensive set of programs and activities undertaken by a
host nation to improve the way it provides safety, security, and justice. Also called SSR.
(JP 3-07)
security service — Entity or component of a foreign government charged with responsibility
for counterespionage or internal security functions. (JP 2-01.2)
segregation — In detainee operations, the removal of a detainee from other detainees and
their environment for legitimate purposes unrelated to interrogation, such as when
necessary for the movement, health, safety, and/or security of the detainee, the detention
facility, or its personnel. (JP 3-63)
seize — To employ combat forces to occupy physically and to control a designated area.
(JP 3-18)
seizures — In counterdrug operations, includes drugs and conveyances seized by law
enforcement authorities and drug-related assets confiscated based on evidence that they
have been derived from or used in illegal narcotics activities. See also counterdrug
operations; law enforcement agency. (JP 3-07.4)
Selected Reserve — Those units and individuals within the Ready Reserve designated by
their respective Services and approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as so essential to initial
wartime missions that they have priority over all other reserves. See also Ready
Reserve. (JP 4-05)
selective identification feature — A capability that, when added to the basic identification
friend or foe system, provides the means to transmit, receive, and display selected coded
replies. (JP 3-52)
selective loading — The arrangement and stowage of equipment and supplies aboard ship in
a manner designed to facilitate issues to units. (JP 3-02.1)
selective mobilization — Expansion of the active Armed Forces resulting from action by
Congress or the President to mobilize Reserve Component units, Individual Ready
Terms and Definitions
Reservists, and the resources needed for their support to meet the requirements of a
domestic emergency that is not the result of an enemy attack. (JP 4-05)
selective off-loading — The capability to access and off-load vehicles, supplies, and
equipment without having to conduct a major reconfiguration or total off-load;
influenced by the number and types of ships allocated, and the space made available for
the embarkation of the landing force. (JP 3-02.1)
selective unloading — In an amphibious operation, the controlled unloading from
amphibious warfare ships, and movement ashore, of specific items of cargo at the request
of the landing force commander. (JP 3-02)
senior airfield authority — An individual designated by the joint force commander to be
responsible for the control, operation, and maintenance of an airfield to include the
runways, associated taxiways, parking ramps, land, and facilities whose proximity
directly affects airfield operations. Also called SAA. (JP 3-17)
senior contracting official — The staff official designated by a Service head of contracting
activity to execute theater support contracting authority for a specific command and/or
operational area. Also called SCO. (JP 4-10)
senior meteorological and oceanographic officer — Meteorological and oceanographic
officer responsible for assisting the combatant commander and staff in developing and
executing operational meteorological and oceanographic service concepts in support of
a designated joint force. Also called SMO. See also meteorological and
oceanographic. (JP 3-59)
sensitive — An agency, installation, person, position, document, material, or activity
requiring special protection from disclosure that could cause embarrassment,
compromise, or threat to the security of the sponsoring power. (JP 2-01)
sensitive compartmented information — All information and materials bearing special
community controls indicating restricted handling within present and future community
intelligence collection programs and their end products for which community systems of
compartmentation have been or will be formally established. (These controls are over
and above the provisions of DOD 5200.1-R, Information Security Program Regulation.)
Also called SCI. (JP 2-01)
sensitive compartmented information facility — An accredited area, room, group of rooms,
or installation where sensitive compartmented information may be stored, used,
discussed, and/or electronically processed, where procedural and physical measures
prevent the free access of persons unless they have been formally indoctrinated for the
particular sensitive compartmented information authorized for use or storage within the
sensitive compartmented information facility. Also called SCIF. See also sensitive
compartmented information. (JP 2-01)
Terms and Definitions
sensitive site A geographically limited area that contains, but is not limited to, adversary
information systems, war crimes sites, critical government facilities, and areas suspected
of containing high value targets. (JP 3-31)
sequel — The subsequent major operation or phase based on the possible outcomes (success,
stalemate, or defeat) of the current major operation or phase. See also branch. (JP 5-0)
serial — 1. An element or a group of elements within a series that is given a numerical or
alphabetical designation for convenience in planning, scheduling, and control. 2. A
group of people, vehicles, equipment, or supplies and is used in airborne, air assault,
amphibious operations, and convoys. (JP 3-02)
serial assignment table — A table that is used in amphibious operations and shows the serial
number, the title of the unit, the approximate number of personnel; the material, vehicles,
or equipment in the serial; the number and type of landing craft and/or amphibious
vehicles required to boat the serial; and the ship on which the serial is embarked. (JP 3-
Service — A branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, established by act of Congress,
which are: the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard. (JP 1)
Service-common — Equipment, material, supplies, and services including base operating
support adopted by a Service to support its own forces and those assigned to the
combatant commands; items and services defined as Service-common by one Service
are not necessarily Service-common for all other Services. See also special operations-
peculiar. (JP 3-05)
Service component command — A command consisting of the Service component
commander and all those Service forces, such as individuals, units, detachments,
organizations, and installations under that command, including the support forces that
have been assigned to a combatant command or further assigned to a subordinate unified
command or joint task force. See also component; functional component command.
(JP 1)
Service-organic transportation assets — Transportation assets that are assigned to a
Military Department for functions of the Secretaries of the Military Departments set forth
in Title 10, United States Code, Sections 3013(b), 5013(b), and 8013(b). (JP 4-01)
Service-unique container — Any 20- or 40-foot International Organization for
Standardization container procured or leased by a Service to meet Service-unique
requirements. See also common-use container; component-owned container.
(JP 4-09)
sexual assault forensic examination kit
The medical and forensic examination kit used
to ensure controlled procedures and safekeeping of any bodily specimens in a sexual
assault case. Also called SAFE kit. (JP 1-0)
Terms and Definitions
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program A Department of Defense program
for the Military Departments and Department of Defense components that establishes
sexual assault prevention and response policies to be implemented worldwide. Also
called SAPR program. (JP 1-0)
sexual assault response coordinator The single point of contact at an installation or
within a geographic area who overseas sexual assault awareness, prevention, and
response. Also called SARC. (JP 1-0)
shelter — An International Organization for Standardization container outfitted with live- or
work-in capability. (JP 4-09)
shielding — 1. Material of suitable thickness and physical characteristics used to protect
personnel from radiation during the manufacture, handling, and transportation of
fissionable and radioactive materials. 2. Obstructions that tend to protect personnel or
materials from the effects of a nuclear explosion. (JP 3-11)
ship-to-shore movement — That portion of the action phase of an amphibious operation that
includes the deployment of the landing force from ships to designated landing areas.
(JP 3-02)
shore fire control party — A specially trained unit for control of naval gunfire in support of
troops ashore. Also called SFCP. (JP 3-09)
shore party — A task organization of the landing force, formed for the purpose of facilitating
the landing and movement off the beaches of troops, equipment, and supplies; for the
evacuation from the beaches of casualties and enemy prisoners of war; and for facilitating
the beaching, retraction, and salvaging of landing ships and craft. Also called beach
group. See also beachmaster unit; beach party; naval beach group. (JP 3-02)
shortfall — The lack of forces, equipment, personnel, materiel, or capability, reflected as the
difference between the resources identified as a plan requirement and those apportioned
to a combatant commander for planning, that would adversely affect the command’s
ability to accomplish its mission. (JP 5-0)
short-range air defense engagement zone — In air defense, that airspace of defined
dimensions within which the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests
with short-range air defense weapons and may be established within a low- or high-
altitude missile engagement zone. Also called SHORADEZ. (JP 3-01)
short-range ballistic missile A land-based ballistic missile with a range capability up to
about 600 nautical miles. Also called SRBM. (JP 3-01)
Terms and Definitions
short takeoff and landing — The ability of an aircraft to clear a 50-foot (15 meters) obstacle
within 1,500 feet (450 meters) of commencing takeoff or in landing, to stop within 1,500
feet (450 meters) after passing over a 50-foot (15 meters) obstacle. Also called STOL.
(JP 3-04)
short title — A short, identifying combination of letters, and/or numbers assigned to a
document or device for purposes of brevity and/or security. (JP 2-01)
show of force — An operation planned to demonstrate United States resolve that involves
increased visibility of United States deployed forces in an attempt to defuse a specific
situation that, if allowed to continue, may be detrimental to United States interests or
national objectives. (JP 3-0)
signal operating instructions — A series of orders issued for technical control and
coordination of the signal communication activities of a command. In Marine Corps
usage, these instructions are designated communication operation instructions. Also
called SOI. (JP 6-0)
signals intelligence — 1. A category of intelligence comprising either individually or in
combination all communications intelligence, electronic intelligence, and foreign
instrumentation signals intelligence, however transmitted. 2. Intelligence derived from
communications, electronic, and foreign instrumentation signals. Also called SIGINT.
See also communications intelligence; electronic intelligence; foreign
instrumentation signals intelligence; intelligence. (JP 2-0)
signals intelligence operational control — The authoritative direction of signals intelligence
activities, including tasking and allocation of effort, and the authoritative prescription of
those uniform techniques and standards by which signals intelligence information is
collected, processed, and reported. (JP 2-01)
signals intelligence operational tasking authority — A military commander’s authority to
operationally direct and levy signals intelligence requirements on designated signals
intelligence resources; includes authority to deploy and redeploy all or part of the signals
intelligence resources for which signals intelligence operational tasking authority has
been delegated. Also called SOTA. (JP 2-01)
significant wave height — The average height of the third of waves observed during a given
period of time. See also surf zone. (JP 4-01.6)
simultaneous engagementThe concurrent engagement of hostile targets by combination
of interceptor aircraft and surface-to-air missiles. (JP 3-01)
single-anchor leg mooring — A mooring facility dedicated to the offshore petroleum
discharge system, which permits a tanker to remain on station and pump in much higher
sea states than is possible with a spread moor. Also called SALM. See also offshore
petroleum discharge system. (JP 4-01.6)
Terms and Definitions
single manager— A Military Department or agency designated by the Secretary of Defense
to be responsible for management of specified commodities or common service activities
on a Department of Defense-wide basis. (JP 4-01)
single manager for transportation — The United States Transportation Command is the
Department of Defense single manager for transportation, other than Service-organic or
theater-assigned transportation assets. See also Service-organic transportation assets;
theater-assigned transportation assets (JP 4-01)
single port manager — The transportation component, designated by the Department of
Defense through the United States Transportation Command, responsible for
management of all common-user aerial and seaports worldwide. Also called SPM. See
also transportation component command. (JP 4-01.5)
single-service manager — A Service component commander who is assigned the
responsibility and delegated the authority to coordinate and/or perform specified
personnel support or personnel service support functions in the theater of operations. See
also component. (JP 1-0)
site exploitation A series of activities to recognize, collect, process, preserve, and analyze
information, personnel, and/or materiel found during the conduct of operations. Also
called SE. (JP 3-31)
situation report — A report giving the situation in the area of a reporting unit or formation.
Also called SITREP. (JP 3-50)
situation template — A depiction of assumed adversary dispositions, based on that
adversary’s preferred method of operations and the impact of the operational
environment if the adversary should adopt a particular course of action. See also
adversary template; course of action. (JP 2-01.3)
sociocultural analysisThe analysis of adversaries and other relevant actors that integrates
concepts, knowledge, and understanding of societies, populations, and other groups of
people, including their activities, relationships, and perspectives across time and space at
varying scales. Also called SCA. (JP 2-0)
sociocultural factors — The social, cultural, and behavioral factors characterizing the
relationships and activities of the population of a specific region or operational
environment. (JP 2-01.3)
solatium — Monetary compensation given in areas where it is culturally appropriate to
alleviate grief, suffering, and anxiety resulting from injuries, death, and property loss
with a monetary payment. (JP 1-06)
sortie — In air operations, an operational flight by one aircraft. (JP 3-30)
Terms and Definitions
sortie allotment message — The means by which the joint force commander allots excess
sorties to meet requirements of subordinate commanders that are expressed in their air
employment and/or allocation plan. Also called SORTIEALOT. (JP 3-30)
source — 1. A person, thing, or activity from which information is obtained. 2. In clandestine
activities, a person (agent), normally a foreign national, in the employ of an intelligence
activity for intelligence purposes. 3. In interrogation activities, any person who furnishes
information, either with or without the knowledge that the information is being used for
intelligence purposes. See also agent; collection agency. (JP 2-01)
source management — The process to register and monitor the use of sources involved in
counterintelligence and human intelligence operations to protect the security of the
operations and avoid conflicts among operational elements. (JP 2-01.2)
source registry — A source record or catalogue of leads and sources acquired by collectors
and centralized for management, coordination, and deconfliction of source operations.
(JP 2-01.2)
space asset — Equipment that is an individual part of a space system, which is or can be
placed in space or directly supports space activity terrestrially. (JP 3-14)
space assignment — An assignment to the individual Military Departments/Services by the
appropriate transportation operating agency of movement capability, which completely
or partially satisfies the stated requirements of the Military Departments/Services for the
operating month and that has been accepted by them without the necessity for referral to
the Joint Transportation Board for allocation. (JP 4-01)
space capability — 1. The ability of a space asset to accomplish a mission. 2. The ability of
a terrestrial-based asset to accomplish a mission in or through space. See also space
asset. (JP 3-14)
space control — Operations to ensure freedom of action in space for the United States and
its allies and, when directed, deny an adversary freedom of action in space. See also
combat service support; combat support; negation; space systems. (JP 3-14)
space coordinating authority — A commander or individual assigned responsibility for
planning, integrating, and coordinating space operations support in the operational area.
Also called SCA. (JP 3-14)
space environment — The environment corresponding to the space domain, where
electromagnetic radiation, charged particles, and electric and magnetic fields are the
dominant physical influences, and that encompasses the earth’s ionosphere and
magnetosphere, interplanetary space, and the solar atmosphere. (JP 3-59)
Terms and Definitions
space force application — Combat operations in, through, and from space to influence the
course and outcome of conflict by holding terrestrial targets at risk. See also ballistic
missile; force protection. (JP 3-14)
space force enhancement — Combat support operations and force-multiplying capabilities
delivered from space systems to improve the effectiveness of military forces as well as
support other intelligence, civil, and commercial users. See also combat support.
(JP 3-14)
space forces — The space and terrestrial systems, equipment, facilities, organizations, and
personnel necessary to access, use and, if directed, control space for national security.
See also national security; space systems. (JP 3-14)
space power — The total strength of a nation’s capabilities to conduct and influence activities
to, in, through, and from space to achieve its objectives. (JP 3-14)
space situational awareness — Cognizance of the requisite current and predictive
knowledge of the space environment and the operational environment upon which space
operations depend. (JP 3-14)
space superiority — The degree of dominance in space of one force over any others that
permits the conduct of its operations at a given time and place without prohibitive
interference from space-based threats. (JP 3-14)
space support — Launching and deploying space vehicles, maintaining and sustaining
spacecraft on-orbit, rendezvous and proximity operations, disposing of (including
deorbiting and recovering) space capabilities, and reconstitution of space forces, if
required. See also combat service support. (JP 3-14)
space surveillance — The observation of space and of the activities occurring in space. See
also space control. (JP 3-14)
space systems — All of the devices and organizations forming the space network. (JP 3-14)
space weather — The conditions and phenomena in space and specifically in the near-Earth
environment that may affect space assets or space operations. See also space asset.
(JP 3-59)
special access program — A sensitive acquisition, intelligence, or operations and support
program, that imposes need-to-know and access controls beyond those normally
provided for access to confidential, secret, or top secret information. Also called SAP.
(JP 3-05)
special cargo — Cargo that requires special handling or protection, such as pyrotechnics,
detonators, watches, and precision instruments. (JP 4-01.5)
Terms and Definitions
special event — An international or domestic event, contest, activity, or meeting, which by
its very nature, or by specific statutory or regulatory authority, may warrant security,
safety, and/or other logistical support or assistance from the Department of Defense.
(DODD 3025.18)
special forces — United States Army forces organized, trained, and equipped to conduct
special operations with an emphasis on unconventional warfare capabilities. Also called
SF. (JP 3-05)
special forces group — The largest Army combat element for special operations consisting
of command and control, special forces battalions, and a support battalion capable of
long duration missions. Also called SFG. (JP 3-05)
specialization — An arrangement within an alliance wherein a member or group of members
most suited by virtue of technical skills, location, or other qualifications assume(s)
greater responsibility for a specific task or significant portion thereof for one or more
other members. (JP 3-16)
special mission unit — A generic term to represent an organization composed of operations
and support personnel that is task-organized to perform highly classified activities. Also
called SMU. (JP 3-05)
special operations — Operations requiring unique modes of employment, tactical
techniques, equipment and training often conducted in hostile, denied, or politically
sensitive environments and characterized by one or more of the following: time sensitive,
clandestine, low visibility, conducted with and/or through indigenous forces, requiring
regional expertise, and/or a high degree of risk. (JP 3-05)
special operations command and control element — A special operations element that is
the focal point for the synchronization of special operations forces activities with
conventional forces activities. Also called SOCCE. See also command and control;
joint force special operations component commander; special operations; special
operations forces. (JP 3-05)
special operations forces — Those Active and Reserve Component forces of the Services
designated by the Secretary of Defense and specifically organized, trained, and equipped
to conduct and support special operations. Also called SOF. See also Air Force special
operations forces; Army special operations forces; Navy special operations forces.
(JP 3-05)
special operations joint task force A modular, tailorable, and scalable special operations
task force designed to provide integrated, fully-capable, and enabled joint special
operations forces to geographic combatant commanders and joint force commanders.
Also called SOJTF. (JP 3-05)
Terms and Definitions
special operations liaison element — A special operations liaison team provided by the joint
force special operations component commander to coordinate, deconflict, and
synchronize special operations air, surface, and subsurface operations with conventional
air operations. Also called SOLE. See also joint force air component commander;
joint force special operations component commander; special operations. (JP 3-05)
special operations-peculiar — Equipment, material, supplies, and services required for
special operations missions for which there is no Service-common requirement. See also
Service-common; special operations. (JP 3-05)
special operations task force A scalable unit, normally of battalion size, in charge of the
special operations element, organized around the nucleus of special operations forces and
support elements. Also called SOTF. (JP 3-05)
special operations weather team — A task organized team of Air Force personnel
organized, trained, and equipped to collect critical environmental information from data
sparse areas. (JP 3-05)
special operations wing — An Air Force special operations wing. Also called SOW.
(JP 3-05)
special reconnaissance — Reconnaissance and surveillance actions conducted as a special
operation in hostile, denied, or diplomatically and/or politically sensitive environments
to collect or verify information of strategic or operational significance, employing
military capabilities not normally found in conventional forces. Also called SR.
(JP 3-05)
special tactics team — An Air Force task-organized element of special tactics that may
include combat control, pararescue, tactical air control party, and special operations
weather personnel. Also called STT. See also combat search and rescue; special
operations; special operations forces; terminal attack control. (JP 3-05)
specified combatant command — A command, normally composed of forces from a single
Military Department, that has a broad, continuing mission, normally functional, and is
established and so designated by the President through the Secretary of Defense with the
advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (JP 1)
specified task — In the context of joint operation planning, a task that is specifically assigned
to an organization by its higher headquarters. See also essential task; implied task.
(JP 5-0)
split-mission oriented protective posture — The concept of maintaining heightened
protective posture only in those areas (or zones) that are contaminated, allowing
personnel in uncontaminated areas to continue to operate in a reduced posture. Also
called split-MOPP. (JP 3-11)
Terms and Definitions
spoke — The portion of the hub and spoke distribution system that refers to transportation
mode operators responsible for scheduled delivery to a customer of the “hub”. See also
distribution; distribution system; hub; hub and spoke distribution. (JP 4-09)
spot — 1. To determine by observation, deviations of ordnance from the target for the purpose
of supplying necessary information for the adjustment of fire. 2. To place in a proper
location. 3. An approved shipboard helicopter landing site. See also ordnance.
(JP 3-04)
spot net — Radio communication net used by a spotter in calling fire. (JP 3-09.3)
spot report — A concise narrative report of essential information covering events or
conditions that may have an immediate and significant effect on current planning and
operations that is afforded the most expeditious means of transmission consistent with
requisite security. Also called SPOTREP. (Note: In reconnaissance and surveillance
usage, spot report is not to be used.) (JP 3-09.3)
spotter An observer stationed for the purpose of observing and reporting results of naval
gunfire to the firing agency and who also may be employed in designating targets.
(JP 3-09)
spotting — Parking aircraft in an approved shipboard landing site. (JP 3-04)
spreader bar — A device specially designed to permit the lifting and handling of containers
or vehicles and breakbulk cargo. (JP 4-01.6)
squadron — 1. An organization consisting of two or more divisions of ships, or two or more
divisions (Navy) or flights of aircraft. 2. The basic administrative aviation unit of the Army,
Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force. 3. Battalion-sized ground or aviation units. (JP 3-32)
stability activities — Various military missions, tasks, and activities conducted outside the
United States in coordination with other instruments of national power to maintain or
reestablish a safe and secure environment, provide essential governmental services,
emergency infrastructure reconstruction, and humanitarian relief. (JP 3-0)
stabilized patient — A patient whose airway is secured, hemorrhage is controlled, shock
treated, and fractures are immobilized. (JP 4-02)
stable patient — A patient for whom no inflight medical intervention is expected but the
potential for medical intervention exists. (JP 4-02)
staff judge advocate A judge advocate so designated in the Army, Air Force, or Marine
Corps, and the principal legal advisor of a Navy, Coast Guard, or joint force command
who is a judge advocate. Also called SJA. (JP 1-04)
Terms and Definitions
staging — Assembling, holding, and organizing arriving personnel, equipment, and
sustaining materiel in preparation for onward movement. See also staging area.
(JP 3-35)
staging area — 1. Amphibious or airborne — A general locality between the mounting
area and the objective of an amphibious or airborne expedition, through which the
expedition or parts thereof pass after mounting, for refueling, regrouping of ships, and/or
exercise, inspection, and redistribution of troops. 2. Other movements — A general
locality established for the concentration of troop units and transient personnel between
movements over the lines of communications. Also called SA. See also airborne;
marshalling; staging. (JP 3-35)
staging base — 1. An advanced naval base for the anchoring, fueling, and refitting of
transports and cargo ships as well as replenishment of mobile service squadrons.
(JP 4-01.2) 2. A landing and takeoff area with minimum servicing, supply, and shelter
provided for the temporary occupancy of military aircraft during the course of movement
from one location to another. (JP 3-18)
stakeholder — In public affairs, an individual or group that is directly impacted by military
operations, actions, and/or outcomes, and whose interests positively or negatively
motivate them toward action. (JP 3-61)
standardization — The process by which the Department of Defense achieves the closest
practicable cooperation among the Services and Department of Defense agencies for the
most efficient use of research, development, and production resources, and agrees to
adopt on the broadest possible basis the use of: a. common or compatible operational,
administrative, and logistic procedures; b. common or compatible technical procedures
and criteria; c. common, compatible, or interchangeable supplies, components, weapons,
or equipment; and d. common or compatible tactical doctrine with corresponding
organizational compatibility. (JP 4-02)
standard operating procedure — A set of instructions applicable to those features of
operations that lend themselves to a definite or standardized procedure without loss of
effectiveness. Also called SOP; standing operating procedure. (JP 3-31)
standard use Army aircraft flight route — Route established below the coordination level
to facilitate the movement of Army aviation assets; it is normally located in the corps
through brigade rear areas of operation and does not require approval by the airspace
control authority. Also called SAAFR. (JP 3-52)
Standby Reserve — Those units and members of the Reserve Component (other than those
in the Ready Reserve or Retired Reserve) who are liable for active duty only, as provided
in Title 10, United States Code, Sections 10151, 12301, and 12306. See also active duty;
Ready Reserve; Reserve Component; Retired Reserve. (JP 4-05)
Terms and Definitions
standing rules for the use of force — Preapproved directives to guide United States forces
on the use of force during various operations. Also called SRUF. (JP 3-28)
stateless person — A person who is not considered as a national by any state under the
operation of its law. See also dislocated civilian; displaced person; evacuee; refugee.
(JP 3-29)
station time — In air transport operations, the time at which crews, passengers, and cargo are
to be on board and ready for the flight. (JP 3-17)
status-of-forces agreement — A bilateral or multilateral agreement that defines the legal
position of a visiting military force deployed in the territory of a friendly state. Also
called SOFA. (JP 3-16)
sterilizer — In mine warfare, a device included in mines to render the mine permanently
inoperative on expiration of a pre-determined time after laying. (JP 3-15)
stockage objective — The maximum quantities of materiel to be maintained on hand to
sustain current operations, which will consist of the sum of stocks represented by the
operating level and the safety level. (JP 4-08)
stop-loss — Presidential authority under Title 10, United States Code, Section 12305, to
suspend laws relating to promotion, retirement, or separation of any member of the
Armed Forces determined essential to the national security of the United States, to
include reservists if serving on active duty under Title 10, United States Code authorities
for Presidential Reserve Call-up, partial mobilization, or full mobilization. See also
mobilization; partial mobilization; Presidential Reserve Call-up. (JP 4-05)
stowage — The placement of cargo into a hold, compartment, or on a deck of a ship in such
a way as to prevent damage from load shifts while the ship is underway. (JP 3-02.1)
stowage factor — The number that expresses the space, in cubic feet, occupied by a long ton
of any commodity as prepared for shipment, including all crating or packaging.
(JP 4-01.2)
stowage plan — A completed stowage diagram showing what materiel has been loaded and
its stowage location in each hold, between-deck compartment, or other space in a ship,
including deck space. (JP 4-01.5)
strategic communication — Focused United States Government efforts to understand and
engage key audiences to create, strengthen, or preserve conditions favorable for the
advancement of United States Government interests, policies, and objectives through the
use of coordinated programs, plans, themes, messages, and products synchronized with
the actions of all instruments of national power. Also called SC. (JP 5-0)
Terms and Definitions
strategic concept — The course of action accepted as the result of the estimate of the strategic
situation which is a statement of what is to be done in broad terms. (JP 5-0)
strategic direction — The processes and products by which the President, Secretary of
Defense, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff provide strategic guidance to the Joint
Staff, combatant commands, Services, and combat support agencies. (JP 5-0)
strategic estimate — The broad range of strategic factors that influence the commander’s
understanding of its operational environment and its determination of missions,
objectives, and courses of action. See also estimate; national intelligence estimate.
(JP 5-0)
strategic intelligence — Intelligence required for the formation of policy and military plans
at national and international levels. See also intelligence; operational intelligence;
tactical intelligence. (JP 2-01.2)
strategic level of warfare — The level of warfare at which a nation, often as a member of
a group of nations, determines national or multinational (alliance or coalition) strategic
security objectives and guidance, then develops and uses national resources to achieve
those objectives. See also operational level of warfare; tactical level of warfare.
(JP 3-0)
strategic mobilityThe capability to deploy and sustain military forces worldwide in
support of national strategy. (JP 4-01)
strategic plan — A plan for the overall conduct of a war. (JP 5-0)
strategic sealift — The afloat pre-positioning and ocean movement of military materiel in
support of United States and multinational forces. (JP 4-01.5)
strategic sealift shipping — Common-user ships of the Military Sealift Command force,
including pre-positioned ships after their pre-positioning mission has been completed
and they have been returned to the operational control of the Military Sealift Command.
See also Military Sealift Command; Military Sealift Command force. (JP 4-01.2)
strategy — A prudent idea or set of ideas for employing the instruments of national power in
a synchronized and integrated fashion to achieve theater, national, and/or multinational
objectives. (JP 3-0)
strike — An attack to damage or destroy an objective or a capability. (JP 3-0)
strike coordination and reconnaissance — A mission flown for the purpose of detecting
targets and coordinating or performing attack or reconnaissance on those targets. Also
called SCAR. (JP 3-03)
stuffing — Packing of cargo into a container. See also unstuffing. (JP 4-09)
Terms and Definitions
submarine operating authority — The naval commander exercising operational control of
submarines. Also called SUBOPAUTH. (JP 3-32)
subordinate campaign plan A combatant command prepared plan that satisfies the
requirements under a Department of Defense campaign plan, which, depending upon the
circumstances, transitions to a supported or supporting plan in execution. (JP 5-0)
subordinate command — A command consisting of the commander and all those
individuals, units, detachments, organizations, or installations that have been placed
under the command by the authority establishing the subordinate command. (JP 1)
subordinate unified command — A command established by commanders of unified
commands, when so authorized by the Secretary of Defense through the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, to conduct operations on a continuing basis in accordance with the
criteria set forth for unified commands. See also area command; functional
component command; operational control; subordinate command; unified
command. (JP 1)
subsidiary landing — In an amphibious operation, a landing usually made outside the
designated landing area, the purpose of which is to support the main landing. (JP 3-02)
subversion — Actions designed to undermine the military, economic, psychological, or
political strength or morale of a governing authority. See also unconventional warfare.
(JP 3-24)
sun-synchronous orbit — An orbit in which the satellite’s orbital plane is at a fixed
orientation to the sun, i.e., the orbit precesses about the earth at the same rate that the
earth orbits the sun. (JP 3-14)
supercargo — Personnel that accompany cargo on board a ship for the purpose of
accomplishing en route maintenance and security. (JP 4-01.5)
supplies — In logistics, all materiel and items used in the equipment, support, and
maintenance of military forces. See also component; equipment. (JP 4-0)
supply — The procurement, distribution, maintenance while in storage, and salvage of
supplies, including the determination of kind and quantity of supplies. a. producer
phase—That phase of military supply that extends from determination of procurement
schedules to acceptance of finished supplies by the Services. b. consumer phase—That
phase of military supply that extends from receipt of finished supplies by the Services
through issue for use or consumption. (JP 4-0)
supply chain — The linked activities associated with providing materiel from a raw materiel
stage to an end user as a finished product. See also supply; supply chain management.
(JP 4-09)
Terms and Definitions
supply chain management — A cross-functional approach to procuring, producing, and
delivering products and services to customers. See also supply; supply chain.
(JP 4-09)
supply support activity — Activities assigned a Department of Defense activity address code
and that have a supply support mission. Also called SSA. (JP 4-09)
support — 1. The action of a force that aids, protects, complements, or sustains another force
in accordance with a directive requiring such action. 2. A unit that helps another unit in
battle. 3. An element of a command that assists, protects, or supplies other forces in
combat. See also close support; direct support; general support; inter-Service
support; mutual support. (JP 1)
supported commander — 1. The commander having primary responsibility for all aspects
of a task assigned by the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan or other joint operation planning
authority. 2. In the context of joint planning, the commander who prepares operation
plans or operation orders in response to requirements of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff. 3. In the context of a support command relationship, the commander who
receives assistance from another commander’s force or capabilities, and who is
responsible for ensuring that the supporting commander understands the assistance
required. See also support; supporting commander. (JP 3-0)
supported unit — As related to contracted support, a supported unit is the organization that
is the recipient, but not necessarily the requester of, contractor-provided support. See
also requiring activity. (JP 4-10)
supporting arms — Weapons and weapons systems of all types employed to support forces
by indirect or direct fire. (JP 3-02)
supporting arms coordination center — A single location on board an amphibious warfare
command ship in which all communication facilities incident to the coordination of fire
support of the artillery, air, and naval gunfire are centralized. Also called SACC. See
also fire support coordination center. (JP 3-09.3)
supporting commander — 1. A commander who provides augmentation forces or other
support to a supported commander or who develops a supporting plan. 2. In the
context of a support command relationship, the commander who aids, protects,
complements, or sustains another commander’s force, and who is responsible for
providing the assistance required by the supported commander. See also
supported commander. (JP 3-0)
supporting fire — Fire delivered by supporting units to assist or protect a unit in combat.
(JP 3-09)
Terms and Definitions
supporting operations — In amphibious operations, those operations conducted by forces
other than those conducted by the amphibious force. See also amphibious force;
amphibious operation. (JP 3-02)
supporting plan — An operation plan prepared by a supporting commander, a subordinate
commander, or an agency to satisfy the requests or requirements of the supported
commander’s plan. See also supported commander; supporting commander.
(JP 5-0)
suppression — Temporary or transient degradation by an opposing force of the performance
of a weapons system below the level needed to fulfill its mission objectives. (JP 3-01)
suppression of enemy air defenses Activity that neutralizes, destroys, or temporarily
degrades surface-based enemy air defenses by destructive and/or disruptive means. Also
called SEAD. See also electromagnetic spectrum; electronic warfare. (JP 3-01)
surface action group — A temporary or standing organization of combatant ships, other than
carriers, tailored for a specific tactical mission. Also called SAG. See group; mission.
(JP 3-32)
surface combatant — A ship constructed and armed for combat use with the capability to
conduct operations in multiple maritime roles against air, surface and subsurface threats,
and land targets. (JP 3-32)
surface-to-air missile site — A plot of ground prepared in such a manner that it will readily
accept the hardware used in surface-to-air missile system. (JP 3-01)
surface warfare — That portion of maritime warfare in which operations are conducted to
destroy or neutralize enemy naval surface forces and merchant vessels. Also called
SUW. (JP 3-32)
surf line — The point offshore where waves and swells are affected by the underwater surface
and become breakers. (JP 4-01.6)
surf zone — The area of water from the surf line to the beach. See also surf line. (JP 4-01.6)
surveillance — The systematic observation of aerospace, cyberspace, surface, or subsurface
areas, places, persons, or things, by visual, aural, electronic, photographic, or other means.
(JP 3-0)
survivability — All aspects of protecting personnel, weapons, and supplies while
simultaneously deceiving the enemy. (JP 3-34)
survival, evasion, resistance, and escape — Actions performed by isolated personnel
designed to ensure their health, mobility, safety, and honor in anticipation of or
preparation for their return to friendly control. Also called SERE. (JP 3-50)
Terms and Definitions
suspect — 1. In counterdrug operations, a track of interest where correlating information
actually ties the track of interest to alleged illegal drug operations. See also counterdrug
operations; track of interest. 2. An identity applied to a track that is potentially hostile
because of its characteristics, behavior, origin, or nationality. See also assumed friend;
neutral; unknown. (JP 3-07.4)
sustainment The provision of logistics and personnel services required to maintain and
prolong operations until successful mission accomplishment. (JP 3-0)
sustainment, restoration, and modernization The fuels asset sustainment program
within Defense Logistics Agency Energy that provides a long-term process to cost-
effectively sustain, restore, and modernize fuel facilities. Also called SRM. (JP 4-03)
synchronization — 1. The arrangement of military actions in time, space, and purpose to
produce maximum relative combat power at a decisive place and time. 2. In the
intelligence context, application of intelligence sources and methods in concert with the
operation plan to answer intelligence requirements in time to influence the decisions they
support. (JP 2-0)
synthesis — In intelligence usage, the examining and combining of processed information
with other information and intelligence for final interpretation. (JP 2-0)
system — A functionally, physically, and/or behaviorally related group of regularly
interacting or interdependent elements; that group of elements forming a unified whole.
(JP 3-0)
systems support contract — A prearranged contract awarded by a Service acquisition
program management office that provides technical support, maintenance and, in some
cases, repair parts for selected military weapon and support systems. See also external
support contract; theater support contract. (JP 4-10)
table of allowance — An equipment allowance document that prescribes basic allowances
of organizational equipment, and provides the control to develop, revise, or change
equipment authorization inventory data. Also called TOA. (JP 4-09)
TABOO frequencies — Any friendly frequency of such importance that it must never be
deliberately jammed or interfered with by friendly forces including international distress,
safety, and controller frequencies. See also electronic warfare. (JP 3-13.1)
tactical air command center — The principal US Marine Corps air command and control
agency from which air operations and air defense warning functions are directed. Also
called Marine TACC. (JP 3-09.3)
tactical air control center — The principal air operations installation (ship-based) from
which all aircraft and air warning functions of tactical air operations are controlled. Also
called Navy TACC. (JP 3-09.3)
tactical air control party — A subordinate operational component of a tactical air control
system designed to provide air liaison to land forces and for the control of aircraft. Also
called TACP. (JP 3-09.3)
tactical air coordinator (airborne) — An officer who coordinates, from an aircraft, the
actions of other aircraft engaged in air support of ground or sea forces. Also called
TAC(A). See also forward observer. (JP 3-09.3)
tactical air direction center — An air operations installation under the overall control of the
Navy tactical air control center or the Marine Corps tactical air command center, from
which aircraft and air warning service functions of tactical air operations in support of
amphibious operations are directed. Also called TADC. (JP 3-09.3)
tactical air officer — The officer under the amphibious task force commander who, until
control is passed ashore, coordinates planning of all phases of air participation of the
amphibious operation and air operations of supporting forces en route to and in the
objective area. Also called TAO. (JP 3-02)
tactical air operations centerThe principal air control agency of the United States Marine
Corps air command and control system responsible for airspace control and management.
Also called TAOC. (JP 3-09.3)
tactical assembly area — An area that is generally out of the reach of light artillery and the
location where units make final preparations (pre-combat checks and inspections) and
rest, prior to moving to the line of departure. See also line of departure. (JP 3-35)
Terms and Definitions
tactical combat casualty care — A set of trauma management guidelines customized for use
on the battlefield that maintains a sharp focus on the most common causes of preventable
deaths on the battlefield: external hemorrhage; tension pneumothorax; and airway
obstruction. (JP 4-02)
tactical combat force — A rapidly deployable, air-ground mobile combat unit, with
appropriate combat support and combat service support assets assigned to and capable
of defeating Level III threats including combined arms. Also called TCF. (JP 3-10)
tactical control — The authority over forces that is limited to the detailed direction and control
of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish missions
or tasks assigned. Also called TACON. See also combatant command; combatant
command (command authority); operational control. (JP 1)
tactical data link — A Joint Staff-approved, standardized communication link suitable for
transmission of digital information, which interfaces two or more command and control
or weapons systems via a single or multiple network architecture and multiple
communication media for exchange of tactical information. Also called TDL. (JP 6-0)
tactical exploitation of national capabilities — Congressionally mandated program to
improve the combat effectiveness of the Services through more effective military use of
national programs. Also called TENCAP. (JP 2-01)
tactical intelligence — Intelligence required for the planning and conduct of tactical
operations. See also intelligence. (JP 2-01.2)
tactical level of warfare — The level of warfare at which battles and engagements are
planned and executed to achieve military objectives assigned to tactical units or task
forces. See also operational level of warfare; strategic level of warfare. (JP 3-0)
tactical-logistical group — Representatives designated by troop commanders to assist Navy
control officers aboard control ships in the ship-to-shore movement of troops, equipment,
and supplies. Also called TACLOG group. (JP 3-02)
tactical minefield — A minefield that is employed to directly attack enemy maneuver as part
of a formation obstacle plan and is laid to delay, channel, or break up an enemy advance,
giving the defending element a positional advantage over the attacker. (JP 3-15)
tactical obstacle — An obstacle employed to disrupt enemy formations, to turn them into a
desired area, to fix them in position under direct and indirect fires, or to block enemy
penetrations. (JP 3-15)
tactical questioning — The field-expedient initial questioning for information of immediate
tactical value of a captured or detained person at or near the point of capture and before
the individual is placed in a detention facility. Also called TQ. (JP 3-63)
Terms and Definitions
tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel — A Marine Corps mission performed by an
assigned and briefed aircrew for the specific purpose of the recovery of personnel,
equipment, and/or aircraft when the tactical situation precludes search and rescue assets
from responding and when survivors and their location have been confirmed. Also called
TRAP. (JP 3-50)
tactical reserve — A part of a force held under the control of the commander as a
maneuvering force to influence future action. (JP 3-02)
tactics — The employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other. See
also procedures; techniques. (CJCSM 5120.01)
target — 1. An entity or object that performs a function for the adversary considered for
possible engagement or other action. 2. In intelligence usage, a country, area,
installation, agency, or person against which intelligence operations are directed. 3. An
area designated and numbered for future firing. 4. In gunfire support usage, an impact
burst that hits the target. See also objective area. (JP 3-60)
target acquisition — The detection, identification, and location of a target in sufficient detail
to permit the effective employment of weapons. Also called TA. See also target
analysis. (JP 3-60)
target analysis — An examination of potential targets to determine military importance,
priority of attack, and weapons required to obtain a desired level of damage or casualties.
See also target acquisition. (JP 3-60)
target area of interestThe geographical area where high-value targets can be acquired
and engaged by friendly forces. Also called TAI. See also area of interest; high-value
target; target. (JP 2-01.3)
target audience — An individual or group selected for influence. Also called TA. (JP 3-13)
target complex — A geographically integrated series of target concentrations. See also
target. (JP 3-60)
target component — A set of targets within a target system performing a similar function.
See also target. (JP 3-60)
target development — The systematic examination of potential target systems - and their
components, individual targets, and even elements of targets - to determine the necessary
type and duration of the action that must be exerted on each target to create an effect that
is consistent with the commander’s specific objectives. (JP 3-60)
targeteer — An individual who has completed formal targeting training in an established
Service or joint school and participates in the joint targeting cycle in their current duties.
(JP 3-60)
Terms and Definitions
target folder — A folder, hardcopy or electronic, containing target intelligence and related
materials prepared for planning and executing action against a specific target. See also
target. (JP 3-60)
target information center — The agency or activity responsible for collecting, displaying,
evaluating, and disseminating information pertaining to potential targets. Also called
TIC. See also target. (JP 3-02)
targeting — The process of selecting and prioritizing targets and matching the appropriate
response to them, considering operational requirements and capabilities. See also joint
targeting coordination board; target. (JP 3-0)
target intelligence — Intelligence that portrays and locates the components of a target or
target complex and indicates its vulnerability and relative importance. See also target;
target complex. (JP 3-60)
target location error — The difference between the coordinates generated for a target and
the actual location of the target. Also called TLE. (JP 3-09.3)
target materials — Graphic, textual, tabular, digital, video, or other presentations of target
intelligence, primarily designed to support operations against designated targets by one
or more weapon(s) systems. See also Air Target Materials Program. (JP 3-60)
target nomination list — A prioritized list of targets drawn from the joint target list and
nominated by component commanders, appropriate agencies, or the joint force
commander’s staff for inclusion on the joint integrated prioritized target list. Also called
TNL. See also candidate target list; joint integrated prioritized target list; target.
(JP 3-60)
target of opportunity — 1. A target identified too late, or not selected for action in time, to
be included in deliberate targeting that, when detected or located, meets criteria specific
to achieving objectives and is processed using dynamic targeting. 2. A target visible to
a surface or air sensor or observer, which is within range of available weapons and
against which fire has not been scheduled or requested. See also dynamic targeting;
target; unplanned target; unanticipated target. (JP 3-60)
target reference point — A predetermined point of reference, normally a permanent
structure or terrain feature that can be used when describing a target location. Also called
(JP 3-09.3)
target system — 1. All the targets situated in a particular geographic area and functionally
related. 2. A group of targets that are so related that their destruction will produce some
particular effect desired by the attacker. See also target; target complex. (JP 3-60)
Terms and Definitions
target system analysis — An all-source examination of potential target systems to determine
relevance to stated objectives, military importance, and priority of attack. Also called
TSA. (JP 3-60)
target system assessment — The broad assessment of the overall impact and effectiveness
of the full spectrum of military force applied against the operation of an enemy target
system, significant subdivisions of the system, or total combat effectiveness relative to
the operational objectives established. See also target system. (JP 3-60)
target system component — A set of targets belonging to one or more groups of industries
and basic utilities required to produce component parts of an end product, or one type of
a series of interrelated commodities. (JP 3-60)
task A clearly defined action or activity specifically assigned to an individual or
organization that must be done as it is imposed by an appropriate authority. (JP 1)
task component — A subdivision of a fleet, task force, task group, or task unit, organized by
the respective commander or by higher authority for the accomplishment of specific
tasks. (JP 3-32)
task element — A component of a naval task unit organized by the commander of a task unit
or higher authority. (JP 3-32)
task force — A component of a fleet organized by the commander of a task fleet or higher
authority for the accomplishment of a specific task or tasks. Also called TF. (JP 3-32)
task force counterintelligence coordinating authority —An individual in a joint force
intelligence directorate, counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element, joint
task force configuration that coordinates counterintelligence activities with other
supporting counterintelligence organizations and agencies to ensure full
counterintelligence coverage of the task force operational area. Also called TFCICA.
See also counterintelligence; counterintelligence activities; joint task force.
(JP 2-01.2)
task group — A component of a naval task force organized by the commander of a task force
or higher authority. Also called TG. (JP 3-32)
tasking order — A method used to task and to disseminate to components, subordinate units,
and command and control agencies projected targets and specific missions as well as
general and specific instructions for accomplishment of the mission. Also called
TASKORD. See also mission; target. (JP 3-05.1)
task order — Order for services placed against an established contract. See also civil
augmentation program. (JP 4-10)
Terms and Definitions
task organization — An organization that assigns to responsible commanders the means with
which to accomplish their assigned tasks in any planned action. (JP 3-33)
task unit — A component of a naval task group organized by the commander of a task group
or higher authority. (JP 3-32)
tear line — A physical line on an intelligence message or document separating categories of
information that have been approved for foreign disclosure and release. (JP 2-0)
technical analysis — In imagery interpretation, the precise description of details appearing
on imagery. (JP 2-03)
technical assistance — The providing of advice, assistance, and training pertaining to the
installation, operation, and maintenance of equipment. (JP 3-22)
technical escort — An individual technically qualified and properly equipped to accompany
designated material requiring a high degree of safety or security during shipment.
(JP 3-15.1)
technical evaluation — The study and investigations by a developing agency to determine
the technical suitability of material, equipment, or a system for use in the Services.
(JP 3-15.1)
technical intelligence — Intelligence derived from the collection, processing, analysis, and
exploitation of data and information pertaining to foreign equipment and materiel for the
purposes of preventing technological surprise, assessing foreign scientific and technical
capabilities, and developing countermeasures designed to neutralize an adversary’s
technological advantages. Also called TECHINT. See also exploitation; intelligence.
(JP 2-0)
technical nuclear forensics — The collection, analysis and evaluation of pre-detonation
(intact) and post-detonation (exploded) radiological or nuclear materials, devices, and
debris, as well as the immediate effects created by a nuclear detonation. (JP 3-41)
technical review authority — The organization tasked to provide specialized technical or
administrative expertise to the lead agent, primary review authority, Joint Staff doctrine
sponsor, or coordinating review authority for joint publications. Also called TRA. See
also coordinating review authority; joint publication; primary review authority.
(CJCSM 5120.01)
technical surveillance countermeasures — Techniques to detect, neutralize, and exploit
technical surveillance technologies and hazards that permit the unauthorized access to or
removal of information. Also called TSCM. See also counterintelligence. (JP 2-01.2)
techniques — Non-prescriptive ways or methods used to perform missions, functions, or
tasks. See also procedures; tactics. (CJCSM 5120.01)
Terms and Definitions
telecommunications — Any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writings,
images, sounds, or information of any nature by wire, radio, visual, or other
electromagnetic systems. (JP 6-0)
telemedicine — Rapid access to shared and remote medical expertise by means of
telecommunications and information technologies to deliver health services and
exchange health information for the purpose of improving patient care. (JP 4-02)
temporary interment — A site for the purpose of: a. the interment of the remains if the
circumstances permit; or b. the reburial of remains exhumed from an emergency
interment. See also mortuary affairs. (JP 4-06)
terminal — A facility designed to transfer cargo from one means of conveyance to another.
See also facility. (JP 4-01.6)
terminal attack control — The authority to control the maneuver of and grant weapons
release clearance to attacking aircraft. See also joint terminal attack controller.
(JP 3-09.3)
terminal control — 1. A type of air control with the authority to direct aircraft to maneuver
into a position to deliver ordnance, passengers, or cargo to a specific location or target.
2. Any electronic, mechanical, or visual control given to aircraft to facilitate target
acquisition and resolution. See also terminal guidance. (JP 3-09.3)
terminal guidance — 1. The guidance applied to a guided missile between midcourse
guidance and arrival in the vicinity of the target. 2. Electronic, mechanical, visual, or
other assistance given an aircraft pilot to facilitate arrival at, operation within or over,
landing upon, or departure from an air landing or airdrop facility. See also terminal
control. (JP 3-03)
terminal guidance operations Actions using electronic, mechanical, voice, or visual
communications that provide approaching aircraft and/or weapons additional
information regarding a specific target location. Also called TGO. (JP 3-09)
terminal operations — The reception, processing, and staging of passengers; the receipt,
transit, storage, and marshalling of cargo; the loading and unloading of modes of
transport conveyances; and the manifesting and forwarding of cargo and passengers to
destination. See also operation; terminal. (JP 4-01.5)
terminal phase — That portion of the flight of a ballistic missile that begins when the
warhead or payload reenters the atmosphere and ends when the warhead or payload
detonates, releases its submunitions, or impacts. See also boost phase; midcourse
phase. (JP 3-01)
Terms and Definitions
termination criteria — The specified standards approved by the President and/or the
Secretary of Defense that must be met before a joint operation can be concluded.
(JP 3-0)
terrain analysis — The collection, analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of geographic
information on the natural and man-made features of the terrain, combined with other
relevant factors, to predict the effect of the terrain on military operations. (JP 2-03)
terrain avoidance system — A system that provides the pilot or navigator of an aircraft with
a situation display of the ground or obstacles so that the pilot can maneuver the aircraft
to avoid the obstruction. (JP 3-50)
terrain flight — Flight close to the Earth’s surface during which airspeed, height, and/or
altitude are adapted to the contours and cover of the ground in order to avoid enemy
detection and fire. Also called contour flight; low-level flight; nap-of-the-earth flight.
(JP 3-09.3)
terrestrial environment — The Earth’s land area, including its man-made and natural
surface and sub-surface features, and its interfaces and interactions with the atmosphere
and the oceans. (JP 3-59)
territorial airspace — Airspace above land territory and internal, archipelagic, and territorial
waters. (JP 1)
territorial waters — A belt of ocean space adjacent to and measured from the coastal states
baseline to a maximum width of 12 nautical miles. (JP 1)
terrorism — The unlawful use of violence or threat of violence, often motivated by religious,
political, or other ideological beliefs, to instill fear and coerce governments or societies
in pursuit of goals that are usually political. See also antiterrorism; combating
terrorism; counterterrorism; force protection condition. (JP 3-07.2)
terrorist threat level — A Department of Defense intelligence threat assessment of the level
of terrorist threat faced by United States personnel and interests in a foreign country; the
levels are expressed as LOW, MODERATE, SIGNIFICANT, and HIGH. (JP 3-07.2)
theater — The geographical area for which a commander of a geographic combatant
command has been assigned responsibility. (JP 1)
theater antisubmarine warfare commander — A Navy commander assigned to develop
plans and direct assigned and attached assets for the conduct of antisubmarine warfare
within an operational area. Also called TASWC. (JP 3-32)
theater-assigned transportation assets — Transportation assets that are assigned under the
combatant command (command authority) of a geographic combatant commander. See
Terms and Definitions
also combatant command (command authority); single manager for
transportation. (JP 4-01)
theater detainee reporting center — The field operating agency of the National Detainee
Reporting Center responsible for maintaining information on all detainees and their
personal property within a theater of operations or assigned area of operations. Also
called TDRC. (JP 3-63)
theater distribution — The flow of personnel, equipment, and materiel within theater to
meet the geographic combatant commander’s missions. See also distribution; theater;
theater distribution system. (JP 4-09)
theater distribution system — A distribution system comprised of four independent and
mutually supported networks within theater to meet the geographic combatant
commander’s requirements: the physical network; the financial network; the information
network; and the communications network. See also distribution; distribution plan;
distribution system; theater; theater distribution. (JP 4-01)
theater event system — Architecture for reporting ballistic missile events, composed of three
independent processing and reporting elements: the joint tactical ground stations, tactical
detection and reporting, and the space-based infrared system mission control station.
Also called TES. (JP 3-14)
theater hospitalization capability — Essential care and health service support capabilities
to either return the patient to duty and/or stabilization to ensure the patient can tolerate
evacuation to a definitive care facility outside the theater, which is known as Role 3 in
North Atlantic Treaty Organization doctrine. (JP 4-02)
theater of operations — An operational area defined by the geographic combatant
commander for the conduct or support of specific military operations. Also called TO.
See also theater of war. (JP 3-0)
theater of war — Defined by the President, Secretary of Defense, or the geographic
combatant commander as the area of air, land, and water that is, or may become, directly
involved in the conduct of major operations and campaigns involving combat. See also
area of responsibility; theater of operations. (JP 3-0)
theater patient movement requirements center — The activity responsible for intratheater
patient movement management (medical regulating and aeromedical evacuation
scheduling), the development of theater-level patient movement plans and schedules, the
monitoring and execution in concert with the Global Patient Movement Requirements
Center. Also called TPMRC. (JP 4-02)
theater special operations command — A subordinate unified command established by a
combatant commander to plan, coordinate, conduct, and support joint special operations.
Also called TSOC. See also special operations. (JP 3-05)
Terms and Definitions
theater strategy — An overarching construct outlining a combatant commander’s vision for
integrating and synchronizing military activities and operations with the other
instruments of national power in order to achieve national strategic objectives. See also
national military strategy; national security strategy; strategy. (JP 3-0)
theater support contract — A type of contingency contract awarded by contracting officers
in the operational area serving under the direct contracting authority of the Service
component or designated joint head of contracting activity for the designated
contingency operation. See also external support contract; systems support contract.
(JP 4-10)
thermal crossover — The natural phenomenon that normally occurs twice daily when
temperature conditions are such that there is a loss of contrast between two adjacent
objects on infrared imagery. (JP 3-09.3)
thermal radiation — 1. The heat and light produced by a nuclear explosion. 2.
Electromagnetic radiations emitted from a heat or light source as a consequence of its
temperature. (JP 3-41)
thorough decontaminationDecontamination carried out by a unit to reduce
contamination on personnel, equipment, materiel, and/or working areas equal to natural
background or to the lowest possible levels, to permit the partial or total removal of
individual protective equipment and to maintain operations with minimum degradation.
See also immediate decontamination; operational decontamination. (JP 3-11)
threat analysis — In antiterrorism, a continual process of compiling and examining all
available information concerning potential terrorist activities by terrorist groups which
could target a facility. See also antiterrorism. (JP 3-07.2)
threat assessment In antiterrorism, examining the capabilities, intentions, and
activities, past and present, of terrorist organizations as well as the security
environment within which friendly forces operate to determine the level of threat.
Also called TA. (JP 3-07.2)
threat warning — The urgent communication and acknowledgement of time-critical
information essential for the preservation of life and/or vital resources. (JP 2-01)
throughput — 1. In transportation, the average quantity of cargo and passengers that can pass
through a port on a daily basis from arrival at the port to loading onto a ship or plane, or
from the discharge from a ship or plane to the exit (clearance) from the port complex.
(JP 4-01.5) 2. In patient movement and care, the maximum number of patients (stable
or stabilized) by category, that can be received at the airport, staged, transported, and
received at the proper hospital within any 24-hour period. (JP 4-02)
Terms and Definitions
throughput capacityThe estimated capacity of a port or an anchorage to clear cargo
and/or passengers in 24 hours usually expressed in tons for cargo, but may be expressed
in any agreed upon unit of measurement. See also clearance capacity. (JP 4-01.5)
time-definite delivery — The consistent delivery of requested logistic support at a time and
destination specified by the receiving activity. See also logistic support. Also called
TDD. (JP 4-09)
time of flight — In artillery, mortar, and naval gunfire support, the time in seconds from the
instant a weapon is fired, launched, or released from the delivery vehicle or weapons
system to the instant it strikes or detonates. Also called TOF. (JP 3-09)
time on target — The actual time at which munitions impact the target. Also called TOT.
(JP 3-09.3)
time-phased force and deployment data — The time-phased force data, non-unit cargo and
personnel data, and movement data for the operation plan or operation order or ongoing
rotation of forces. Also called TPFDD. See also time-phased force and deployment
list. (JP 5-0)
time-phased force and deployment list — Appendix 1 to Annex A of the operation plan,
which identifies types and/or actual units required to support the operation plan and
indicates origin and ports of debarkation or ocean area. Also called TPFDL. See also
Joint Operation Planning and Execution System; time-phased force and
deployment data. (JP 4-05)
times — The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff coordinates the proposed dates and times
with the commanders of the appropriate unified and specified commands, as well as any
recommended changes to when specified operations are to occur (C-, D-, M-days end at
2400 hours Universal Time [Zulu time] and are assumed to be 24 hours long for
planning). (JP 5-0)
time-sensitive target — A joint force commander validated target or set of targets requiring
immediate response because it is a highly lucrative, fleeting target of opportunity or it
poses (or will soon pose) a danger to friendly forces. Also called TST. (JP 3-60)
time to target — The number of minutes and seconds to elapse before aircraft ordnance
impacts on target. Also called TTT. (JP 3-09.3)
tophandler — A device specially designed to permit the lifting and handling of containers
from the top with rough terrain container handlers. See also container. (JP 4-01.6)
topographic map A map that presents the vertical position of features in measurable form
as well as their horizontal positions. (JP 2-03)
Terms and Definitions
top secret — Security classification that shall be applied to information, the unauthorized
disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage
to the national security that the original classification authority is able to identify or
describe. (EO 13526)
total mobilization — Expansion of the active Armed Forces resulting from action by
Congress and the President to organize and/or generate additional units or personnel
beyond the existing force structure, and the resources needed for their support, to meet
the total requirements of a war or other national emergency involving an external threat
to the national security. (JP 4-05)
toxic industrial biological — Any biological material manufactured, used, transported, or
stored by industrial, medical, or commercial processes which could pose an infectious or
toxic threat. Also called TIB. (JP 3-11)
toxic industrial chemical — A chemical developed or manufactured for use in industrial
operations or research by industry, government, or academia that poses a hazard. Also
called TIC. (JP 3-11)
toxic industrial material — A generic term for toxic, chemical, biological, or radioactive
substances in solid, liquid, aerosolized, or gaseous form that may be used, or stored for
use, for industrial, commercial, medical, military, or domestic purposes. Also called
TIM. (JP 3-11)
toxic industrial radiological — Any radiological material manufactured, used, transported,
or stored by industrial, medical, or commercial processes. Also called TIR. (JP 3-11)
track — 1. A series of related contacts displayed on a data display console or other display
device. 2. To display or record the successive positions of a moving object. 3. To lock
onto a point of radiation and obtain guidance therefrom. 4. To keep a gun properly aimed,
or to point continuously a target-locating instrument at a moving target. 5. The actual
path of an aircraft above or a ship on the surface of the Earth. 6. One of the two endless
belts on which a full-track or half-track vehicle runs. 7. A metal part forming a path for
a moving object such as the track around the inside of a vehicle for moving a mounted
machine gun. (JP 3-01)
track correlation — Correlating track information for identification purposes using all
available data. (JP 3-01)
tracking — Precise and continuous position-finding of targets by radar, optical, or other
means. (JP 3-07.4)
track management — Defined set of procedures whereby the commander ensures accurate
friendly and enemy unit and/or platform locations, and a dissemination procedure for
filtering, combining, and passing that information to higher, adjacent, and subordinate
commanders. (JP 3-01)
Terms and Definitions
track of interest — In counterdrug operations, contacts that meet the initial identification
criteria applicable in the area where the contacts are detected. Also called TOI. See also
suspect. (JP 3-07.4)
tradecraft — 1. Specialized methods and equipment used in the organization and activity of
intelligence organizations, especially techniques and methods for handling
communications with agents. 2. Operational practices and skills used in the performance
of intelligence related duties. (JP 2-01.2)
traffic management — The direction, control, and supervision of all functions incident to
the procurement and use of freight and passenger transportation services. (JP 4-09)
training aid — Any item developed or procured with the primary intent that it shall assist in
training and the process of learning. (JP 1-06)
training and readiness oversight — The authority that combatant commanders may exercise
over assigned Reserve Component forces when not on active duty or when on active duty
for training. Also called TRO. See also combatant commander. (JP 1)
transient forces — Forces that pass or stage through, or base temporarily within, the
operational area of another command but are not under its operational control. See also
force. (JP 1)
transitional military authority — Temporary military government exercising the functions
of civil administration in the absence of a legitimate civil authority. (JP 3-07)
transit zone — The path taken by either airborne or seaborne smugglers. See also arrival
zone. (JP 3-07.4)
transmission security — The component of communications security that results from all
measures designed to protect communications from interception and exploitation by
means other than cryptanalysis. Also called TRANSEC. See also communications
security. (JP 6-0)
transnational threat — Any activity, individual, or group not tied to a particular country or
region that operates across international boundaries and threatens United States national
security or interests. (JP 3-26)
transport area — In amphibious operations, an area assigned to a transport organization for
the purpose of debarking troops and equipment. See also inner transport area; outer
transport area. (JP 3-02)
transportation closure — The actual arrival date of a specified movement requirement at
port of debarkation. (JP 3-35)
Terms and Definitions
transportation component command — A major command of its parent Service under
United States Transportation Command, which includes Air Force Air Mobility
Command, Navy Military Sealift Command, and Army Military Surface Deployment
and Distribution Command. Also called TCC. (JP 4-01.6)
transportation feasibility — A determination that the capability exists to move forces,
equipment, and supplies from the point of origin to the final destination within the time
required. See also operation plan. (JP 4-09)
transportation feasible — A determination made by the supported commander that a draft
operation plan can be supported with the apportioned transportation assets. (JP 5-0)
transportation priorities — Indicators assigned to eligible traffic that establish its movement
precedence. (JP 4-09)
transportation system — All the land, water, and air routes and transportation assets engaged
in the movement of United States forces and their supplies during military operations,
involving both mature and immature theaters and at the strategic, operational, and tactical
levels of war. (JP 4-01)
transport group — An element that directly deploys and supports the landing of the landing
force, and is functionally designated as a transport group in the amphibious task force
organization. (JP 3-02)
transshipment point — A location where material is transferred between vehicles.
(JP 4-01.5)
troop space cargo — Cargo such as sea or barracks bags, bedding rolls or hammocks, locker
trunks, and office equipment, normally stowed in an accessible place, as well as normal
hand-carried combat equipment and weapons to be carried ashore by the assault troops.
(JP 3-02.1)
turnaround — The length of time between arriving at a point and being ready to depart from
that point. (JP 4-01.5)
turning movement — A variation of the envelopment in which the attacking force passes
around or over the enemy’s principal defensive positions to secure objectives deep in the
enemy’s rear to force the enemy to abandon his position or divert major forces to meet
the threat. (JP 3-06)
unanticipated target — A target of opportunity that was unknown or not expected to exist
in the operational environment. See also operational area; target; target of
opportunity. (JP 3-60)
unauthorized commitment — An agreement that is not binding solely because the United
States Government representative who made it lacked the authority to enter into that
agreement on behalf of the United States Government. (JP 4-10)
uncertain environment Operational environment in which host government forces,
whether opposed to or receptive to operations that a unit intends to conduct, do not have
totally effective control of the territory and population in the intended operational area.
(JP 3-0)
unconventional assisted recovery — Nonconventional assisted recovery conducted by
special operations forces. Also called UAR. See also evader; recovery. (JP 3-50)
unconventional assisted recovery coordination cell — A compartmented special operations
forces cell, established to coordinate, synchronize, and deconflict nonconventional
assisted recovery operations within the operational area assigned to the joint force
commander. Also called UARCC. See also joint operations center; joint personnel
recovery center; special operations forces; unconventional assisted recovery.
(JP 3-50)
unconventional warfare — Activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or
insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by
operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, and guerrilla force in a denied area.
Also called UW. (JP 3-05.1)
undersea warfare — Military operations conducted to establish and maintain control of the
undersea portion of the maritime domain. Also called USW. See also antisubmarine
warfare; mine warfare. (JP 3-32)
underwater demolition — The destruction or neutralization of underwater obstacles that is
normally accomplished by underwater demolition teams. (JP 3-34)
underwater demolition team — A group of officers and enlisted specially trained and
equipped to accomplish the destruction or neutralization of underwater obstacles and
associated tasks. (JP 3-34)
unexploded explosive ordnance — Explosive ordnance that has been primed, fused, armed
or otherwise prepared for action, and that has been fired, dropped, launched, projected,
or placed in such a manner as to constitute a hazard to operations, installations, personnel,
or material and remains unexploded either by malfunction or design or for any other
cause. Also called UXO. See also explosive ordnance. (JP 3-42)
Terms and Definitions
unified action — The synchronization, coordination, and/or integration of the activities of
governmental and nongovernmental entities with military operations to achieve unity of
effort. (JP 1)
unified combatant command — See unified command. (JP 1)
unified command — A command with a broad continuing mission under a single
commander and composed of significant assigned components of two or more Military
Departments that is established and so designated by the President, through the Secretary
of Defense with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Also called unified combatant command. See also combatant command;
subordinate unified command. (JP 1)
Unified Command Plan — The document, approved by the President, that sets forth basic
guidance to all unified combatant commanders; establishes their missions,
responsibilities, and force structure; delineates the general geographical area of
responsibility for geographic combatant commanders; and specifies functional
responsibilities for functional combatant commanders. Also called UCP. See also
combatant command; combatant commander. (JP 1)
uniformed services — The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Public Health Services. See also
Military Department; Service. (JP 1-0)
unit — 1. Any military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority. 2. An
organization title of a subdivision of a group in a task force. 3. A standard or basic
quantity into which an item of supply is divided, issued, or used. Also called unit of
issue. 4. With regard to Reserve Component of the Armed Forces, a selected reserve
unit organized, equipped, and trained for mobilization to serve on active duty as a unit or
to augment or be augmented by another unit. (JP 3-33)
unit aircraft — Those aircraft provided an aircraft unit for the performance of a flying
mission. (JP 3-17)
United States — Includes the land area, internal waters, territorial sea, and airspace of the
United States, including a. United States territories; and b. Other areas over which the
United States Government has complete jurisdiction and control or has exclusive
authority or defense responsibility. (JP 1)
United States Armed Forces — Used to denote collectively the Army, Marine Corps, Navy,
Air Force, and Coast Guard. See also Armed Forces of the United States.
(JP 1)
Terms and Definitions
United States-controlled shipping — Shipping under United States flag and selected ships
under foreign flag considered to be under effective United States control. See also
effective United States-controlled ships. (JP 4-01.2)
United States message text format — A program designed to enhance joint and combined
combat effectiveness through standardization of message formats, data elements, and
information exchange procedures. Also called USMTF. (JP 3-50)
United States Naval Ship — A public vessel of the United States that is in the custody of the
Navy and is: a. Operated by the Military Sealift Command and manned by a civil service
crew; or b. Operated by a commercial company under contract to the Military Sealift
Command and manned by a merchant marine crew. Also called USNS. See also
Military Sealift Command. (JP 4-01.2)
United States person — A United States citizen; an alien known by the concerned
intelligence agency to be a permanent resident alien; an unincorporated association
substantially composed of United States citizens or permanent resident aliens; or a
corporation incorporated in the United States, except for those directed and controlled by
a foreign government or governments. (JP 2-01.2)
unit identification code — A six-character, alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies
each Active, Reserve, and National Guard unit of the Armed Forces. Also called UIC.
(JP 1-0)
unit line number — A seven-character alphanumeric code that describes a unique increment
of a unit deployment, i.e., advance party, main body, equipment by sea and air, reception
team, or trail party, in the time-phased force and deployment data. Also called ULN.
(JP 3-35)
unit movement control center — A temporary organization activated by major subordinate
commands and subordinate units during deployment to control and manage marshalling
and movement. Also called UMCC. See also deployment; marshaling; unit.
(JP 3-35)
unit movement data — A unit equipment and/or supply listing containing corresponding
transportability data. Tailored unit movement data has been modified to reflect a specific
movement requirement. Also called UMD. (JP 3-35)
unit personnel and tonnage table — A table included in the loading plan of a combat-loaded
ship as a recapitulation of totals of personnel and cargo by type, listing cubic
measurements and weight. Also called UP&TT. (3-02.1)
unit type code — A Joint Chiefs of Staff developed and assigned code, consisting of five
characters that uniquely identify a “type unit.” Also called UTC. (JP 4-02)
Terms and Definitions
unity of command — The operation of all forces under a single responsible commander who
has the requisite authority to direct and employ those forces in pursuit of a common
purpose. (JP 3-0)
unity of effort — Coordination and cooperation toward common objectives, even if the
participants are not necessarily part of the same command or organization, which is the
product of successful unified action. (JP 1)
Universal Joint Task List — A menu of capabilities that may be selected by a joint force
commander to accomplish the assigned mission. Also called UJTL. (JP 3-33)
universal polar stereographic grid — A military grid prescribed for joint use in operations
in limited areas and used for operations requiring precise position reporting. It covers
areas between the 80 degree parallels and the poles. (JP 2-03)
Universal Time — A measure of time that conforms, within a close approximation, to the
mean diurnal rotation of the Earth and serves as the basis of civil timekeeping. Also
called ZULU time. (Formerly called Greenwich Mean Time.) (JP 5-0)
unknown — 1. A code meaning “information not available.” 2. An unidentified target. An
aircraft or ship that has not been determined to be hostile, friendly, or neutral using
identification friend or foe and other techniques, but that must be tracked by air defense
or naval engagement systems. 3. An identity applied to an evaluated track that has not
been identified. See also assumed friend; friend; neutral; suspect. (JP 3-01)
unmanned aircraft — An aircraft that does not carry a human operator and is capable of
flight with or without human remote control. Also called UA. (JP 3-30)
unmanned aircraft system — That system whose components include the necessary
equipment, network, and personnel to control an unmanned aircraft. Also called UAS.
(JP 3-30)
unplanned target — A target of opportunity that is known to exist in the operational
environment. See also operational area; target; target of opportunity. (JP 3-60)
unrestricted reporting — A process that a Service member uses to disclose, without
requesting confidentiality or restricted reporting, that he or she is the victim of a sexual
assault. (JP 1-0)
unstable patient — A patient whose physiological status is in fluctuation and for whom
emergent, treatment, and/or surgical intervention are anticipated during treatment or
evacuation; and the patient’s rapidly changing status and requirements are beyond the
standard en route care capability and requires medical/surgical augmentation. (JP 4-02)
unstuffing — The removal of cargo from a container. Also called stripping. (JP 4-09)
Terms and Definitions
use of force policy — Policy guidance issued by the Commandant, United States Coast
Guard, on the use of force and weapons. (JP 3-03)
US forces — All Armed Forces (including the Coast Guard) of the United States, any person
in the Armed Forces of the United States, and all equipment of any description that either
belongs to the US Armed Forces or is being used (including Type I and II Military Sealift
Command vessels), escorted, or conveyed by the US Armed Forces. (JP 1)
US national — US citizen and US permanent and temporary legal resident aliens. (JP 1)
Terms and Definitions
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validate — Execution procedure used by combatant command components, supporting
combatant commanders, and providing organizations to confirm to the supported
commander and United States Transportation Command that all the information records
in a time-phased force and deployment data not only are error-free for automation
purposes, but also accurately reflect the current status, attributes, and availability of units
and requirements. (JP 5-0)
validation — 1. A process associated with the collection and production of intelligence that
confirms that an intelligence collection or production requirement is sufficiently
important to justify the dedication of intelligence resources, does not duplicate an
existing requirement, and has not been previously satisfied. (JP 2-01) 2. A part of target
development that ensures all vetted targets meet the objectives and criteria outlined in
the commander’s guidance and ensures compliance with the law war and rules of
engagement. (JP 3-60) 3. In computer modeling and simulation, the process of
determining the degree to which a model or simulation is an accurate representation of
the real world from the perspective of the intended uses of the model or simulation. (JP
3-35) 4. Execution procedure whereby all the information records in a time-phased force
and deployment data are confirmed error free and accurately reflect the current status,
attributes, and availability of units and requirements. See also time-phased force and
deployment data; verification. (JP 3-35)
vehicle-borne improvised explosive device — A device placed or fabricated in an
improvised manner on a vehicle incorporating destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic,
or incendiary chemicals and designed to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract. Also
called VBIED. (JP 3-10)
vehicle cargo — Wheeled or tracked equipment, including weapons, that require certain deck
space, head room, and other definite clearance. (JP 4-01.2)
vehicle summary and priority table — A table detailing all vehicles by priority of
debarkation from a combat-loaded ship. Also called VS&PT. (JP 3-02.1)
verification — 1. In arms control, any action, including inspection, detection, and
identification, taken to ascertain compliance with agreed measures. (JP 3-41) 2. In
computer modeling and simulation, the process of determining that a model or simulation
implementation accurately represents the developer’s conceptual description and
specifications. See also configuration management; validation. (JP 3-13.1)
vertical envelopment — A tactical maneuver in which troops that are air-dropped, air-
landed, or inserted via air assault, attack the rear and flanks of a force, in effect cutting
off or encircling the force.. (JP 3-18)
vertical replenishment — The use of a helicopter for the transfer of materiel to or from a
ship. Also called VERTREP. (JP 3-04)
Terms and Definitions
vertical stowage A method of stowage in depth within a single compartment by which
loaded items are continually accessible for unloading, and the unloading can be completed
without corresponding changes or prior unloading of other cargo. (JP 3-02.1)
vetting — A part of target development that assesses the accuracy of the supporting
intelligence to targeting. (JP 3-60)
visual information — Various visual media with or without sound that generally includes
still and motion photography, audio video recording, graphic arts, and visual
presentations. Also called VI. (JP 3-61)
visual meteorological conditions — Weather conditions in which visual flight rules apply;
expressed in terms of visibility, ceiling height, and aircraft clearance from clouds along
the path of flight. Also called VMC. See also instrument meteorological conditions.
(JP 3-04)
Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement — An agreement that provides the Department
of Defense with assured access to United States flag assets, both vessel capacity and
intermodal systems, to meet Department of Defense contingency requirements. Also
called VISA. See also intermodal (JP 4-01.2)
voluntary tanker agreement — An agreement established by the Maritime Administration
to provide for United States commercial tanker owners and operators to voluntarily make
their vessels available to satisfy the Department of Defense to meet contingency or war
requirements for point-to-point petroleum, oils, and lubricants movements. Also called
VTA. (JP 4-01.2)
vulnerability — 1. The susceptibility of a nation or military force to any action by any means
through which its war potential or combat effectiveness may be reduced or its will to
fight diminished. (JP 3-01) 2. The characteristics of a system that cause it to suffer a
definite degradation (incapability to perform the designated mission) as a result of having
been subjected to a certain level of effects in an unnatural (man-made) hostile
environment. (JP 3-60) 3. In information operations, a weakness in information system
security design, procedures, implementation, or internal controls that could be exploited
to gain unauthorized access to information or an information system. See also
information operations. (JP 3-13)
vulnerability assessment — A Department of Defense, command, or unit-level evaluation
(assessment) to determine the vulnerability of an installation, unit, exercise, port, ship,
residence, facility, or other site to a terrorist attack. Also called VA. (JP 3-07.2)
walk-in — An unsolicited contact who provides information. (JP 2-01.2)
warden system — An informal method of communication used to pass information to United
States citizens living in affected areas overseas during emergencies. See also
noncombatant evacuation operation. (JP 3-68)
warning intelligence — Those intelligence activities intended to detect and report time-
sensitive intelligence information on foreign developments that forewarn of hostile
actions or intention against United States entities, partners, or interests. (JP 2-0)
warning order — 1. A preliminary notice of an order or action that is to follow. 2. A planning
directive that initiates the development and evaluation of military courses of action by a
supported commander and requests that the supported commander submit a commander’s
estimate. 3. A planning directive that describes the situation, allocates forces and resources,
establishes command relationships, provides other initial planning guidance, and initiates
subordinate unit mission planning. Also called WARNORD. (JP 5-0)
war reserve materiel requirement — That portion of the war materiel requirement required
to be on hand on D-day. This level consists of the war materiel requirement less the sum
of the peacetime assets assumed to be available on D-day and the war materiel
procurement capability. (JP 4-02)
war reserve stock — That portion of total materiel assets designated to satisfy the war reserve
materiel requirement. Also called WRS. See also reserve; war reserve materiel
requirement. (JP 2-03)
wartime reserve modes — Characteristics and operating procedures of sensor,
communications, navigation aids, threat recognition, weapons, and countermeasures
systems that will contribute to military effectiveness if unknown to or misunderstood by
opposing commanders before they are used, but could be exploited or neutralized if
known in advance. Also called WARM. (JP 3-13.1)
Washington Liaison Group — An organization consisting of members of Department of
State and Department of Defense, chaired by a representative of Department of State,
which has basic responsibility for the coordination and implementation of plans for the
protection and evacuation in emergencies of persons abroad for whom the Secretaries of
State or Defense are responsible. Also called WLG. (JP 3-68)
waterspace management — The allocation of waterspace in terms of antisubmarine warfare
attack procedures to permit the rapid and effective engagement of hostile submarines
while preventing inadvertent attacks on friendly submarines. Also called WSM.
(JP 3-32)
Terms and Definitions
wave — A formation of forces, including ships, landing craft, amphibious vehicles or aircraft,
required to beach or land about the same time. (JP 3-02)
weaponeer — An individual who has completed requisite training to determine the quantity
and type of lethal or nonlethal means required to create a desired effect on a given target.
(JP 3-60)
weaponeering — The process of determining the quantity of a specific type of lethal or
nonlethal means required to create a desired effect on a given target. (JP 3-60)
weapon engagement zone — In air defense, airspace of defined dimensions within which
the responsibility for engagement of air threats normally rests with a particular weapon
system. Also called WEZ. (JP 3-01)
weapons control status An air defense control measure declared for a particular area and
time by an area air defense commander, or delegated subordinate commander, based on
the rules of engagement designed to establish the freedom for fighters and surface air
defense weapons to engage threats. Also call WCS. (JP 3-01)
weapons free zone — An air defense zone established for the protection of key assets or
facilities, other than air bases, where weapon systems may be fired at any target not
positively recognized as friendly. (JP 3-01)
weapons of mass destruction — Chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons
capable of a high order of destruction or causing mass casualties, and excluding the
means of transporting or propelling the weapon where such means is a separable and
divisible part from the weapon. Also called WMD. See also special operations.
(JP 3-40)
weapons of mass destruction proliferation The transfer of weapons of mass destruction
or related materials, technology, and expertise from suppliers to state or non-state actors.
(JP 3-40)
weapons readiness state — The degree of readiness of air defense weapons which can
become airborne or be launched to carry out an assigned task and normally expressed in
numbers of weapons and numbers of minutes. (JP 3-01)
weapons release authority The authority originating from the President to engage or
direct engagement of ballistic missile threats using ground-based interceptors of the
ground-based midcourse defense. Also call
WRA. (JP 3-01)
weapons technical intelligence A category of intelligence and processes derived from the
technical and forensic collection and exploitation of improvised explosive devices,
associated components, improvised weapons, and other weapon systems. Also called
WTI. (JP 3-15.1)
Terms and Definitions
weapon system — A combination of one or more weapons with all related equipment,
materials, services, personnel, and means of delivery and deployment (if applicable)
required for self-sufficiency. (JP 3-0)
wellness — Force health protection program that consolidates and incorporates physical and
mental fitness, health promotion, and environmental and occupational health. See also
force health protection. (JP 4-02)
wing — 1. An Air Force unit composed normally of one primary mission group and the
necessary supporting organizations. 2. A fleet air wing is the basic organizational and
administrative unit for naval-, land-, and tender-based aviation. 3. A balanced Marine
Corps task organization of aircraft groups and squadrons, together with appropriate
command, air control, administrative, service, and maintenance units. 4. A flank unit;
that part of a military force to the right or left of the main body. (JP 3-09.3)
withdrawal operationA planned retrograde operation in which a force in contact
disengages from an enemy force and moves in a direction away from the enemy.
(JP 3-17)
witting A term of intelligence art that indicates that one is not only aware of a fact or piece
of information but also aware of its connection to intelligence activities. (JP 2-01.2)
wounded warrior programsA system of support and advocacy to guide and assist the
wounded, ill, and injured Service members and family or designated caregiver through
treatment, rehabilitation, return to duty, or military retirement into the civilian
community. Each Military Department has a unique wounded warrior program that
addresses its Service members' needs. (DODI 6025.22)
working capital fund — A revolving fund established to finance inventories of supplies and
other stores, or to provide working capital for industrial-type activities. (JP 1-06)
working group — An enduring or ad hoc organization within a joint force commander’s
headquarters consisting of a core functional group and other staff and component
representatives whose purpose is to provide analysis on the specific function to users.
Also called WG. (JP 3-33)
Terms and Definitions
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Terms and Definitions
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Terms and Definitions
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zone of action — A tactical subdivision of a larger area, the responsibility for which is
assigned to a tactical unit; generally applied to offensive action. (JP 3-09)
zone of fire — An area into which a designated ground unit or fire support ship delivers, or
is prepared to deliver, fire support. Also called ZF. (JP 3-09)
Terms and Definitions
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A&P analysis and production
A-1 director of manpower, personnel, and services
(Air Force)
A2 antiaccess
A-2 intelligence staff officer (Air Force)
A-3 operations directorate (COMAFFOR staff);
operations staff officer (Air Force)
A-4 director of logistics (Air Force)
A-5 plans directorate (COMAFFOR staff)
A-6 communications staff officer (Air Force)
A-7 director of installations and mission support (Air Force)
AA assessment agent; avenue of approach
AA&E arms, ammunition, and explosives
AAA antiaircraft artillery; arrival and assembly area
AABB American Association of Blood Banks
AAC activity address code
AACG arrival airfield control group
AADC area air defense commander
AADP area air defense plan
AAFES Army and Air Force Exchange Service
AAFS amphibious assault fuel system
AAG aeronautical assignment group
AAGS Army air-ground system
AAMDC United States Army Air and Missile Defense Command
AAOG arrival and assembly operations group
AAP Allied administrative publication
AAR after action report; after action review; air-to-air refueling
AATCC amphibious air traffic control center
AAV amphibious assault vehicle
AB air base
ABCA American, British, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand
ABCS Army Battle Command System
ABCT armored brigade combat team
ABFC advanced base functional component
ABFDS aerial bulk fuel delivery system
ABGD air base ground defense
ABL airborne laser
ABLTS amphibious bulk liquid transfer system
ABP air battle plan
A/C aircraft
AC Active Component
AC2 airspace command and control
airlift clearance authority; airspace control authority;
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
airspace coordination area
ACB amphibious construction battalion
ACC Air Combat Command; area coordination center
ACCE air component coordination element
ACD automated cargo documentation
ACE Allied Command Europe; aviation combat
element (USMC)
ACEOI automated communications-electronics operating
ACINT acoustic intelligence
ACL allowable cabin load
ACM airspace coordinating measure
ACO administrative contracting officer; airspace control order
ACOS assistant chief of staff
ACP airspace control plan; Allied communications publication
ACS air-capable ship; airspace control system
ACSA acquisition and cross-servicing agreement
ACT advance civilian team; Allied Command Transformation
ACU assault craft unit
AD air defense; area denial; automatic distribution
ADA air defense artillery; Antideficiency Act
A/DACG arrival/departure airfield control group
ADAFCO air defense artillery fire control officer
ADAM air defense airspace management
ADAM/BAE air defense airspace management/brigade aviation element
ADAMS Allied Deployment and Movement System
ADC air defense commander; area damage control
ADCON administrative control
ADE airdrop damage estimate
ADIZ air defense identification zone
ADM air defense measure
ADOS active duty for operational support
ADP Army doctrine publication; automated data processing
ADR airfield damage repair
ADRP Army doctrine reference publication
ADS air defense section; air defense sector;
amphibian discharge site; authoritative data source
ADT active duty for training
ADUSD(TP) Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense,
Transportation Policy
ADVON advanced echelon
ADWC air defense warning condition
ADZ amphibious defense zone
A/E ammunition/explosives
AE aeromedical evacuation; assault echelon
AECA Arms Export Control Act
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
AECT aeromedical evacuation control team
AEF air expeditionary force
AEG air expeditionary group
AEHF advanced extremely high frequency
AELT aeromedical evacuation liaison team
AEODP allied explosive ordnance disposal publication
AEODPS Automated Explosive Ordnance Disposal Publication
AEOT aeromedical evacuation operations team
AESC aeromedical evacuation support cell
AETC Air Education and Training Command
AETF air expeditionary task force
AEW airborne early warning
AF Air Force; Air Force (form); amphibious force
AF/A2 Air Force Director of Intelligence, Surveillance,
and Reconnaissance
AFAPD Air Force Applications Program Development
AFARN Air Force air request net
AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
AFB Air Force base
AFCAP Air Force contract augmentation program
AFCC Air Force Component Commander
AFCEC Air Force Civil Engineer Center
AFCEE Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment
AFCESA Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency
AFDA Air Force doctrine annex
AFDD Air Force doctrine document
AFE Armed Forces Entertainment
AFFOR Air Force forces
AFH Air Force handbook
AFHSC Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center
AFI Air Force instruction
AFIAA Air Force Intelligence Analysis Agency
AFICA Air Force Installation Contracting Agency
AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
AFIS American Forces Information Service
AFISRA Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance Agency
AFJI Air Force joint instruction
AFLE Air Force liaison element
AFMAN Air Force manual
AFMC Air Force Materiel Command
AFME Armed Forces Medical Examiner
AFMES Armed Forces Medical Examiner System
AFMS Air Force Medical Service
AFNORTH Air Force North
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
AFO advance force operations
AFOE assault follow-on echelon
AFOSI Air Force Office of Special Investigations
AFOSIMAN Air Force Office of Special Investigations manual
AFPAM Air Force pamphlet
AFPC Air Force Personnel Center
AFPD Air Force policy directive
AFR Air Force Reserve
AFRAT Air Force Radiation Assessment Team
AFRC Air Force Reserve Command
AFRCC Air Force Rescue Coordination Center
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory
AFRRI Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
AFRTS American Forces Radio and Television Service
AFSB afloat forward staging base; Army field support brigade
AFSC Army Field Support Center
AFSCN Air Force Satellite Control Network
AFSMO Air Force Spectrum Management Office
AFSOAC Air Force special operations air component
AFSOAD Air Force special operations air detachment
AFSOAE Air Force special operations air element
AFSOC Air Force Special Operations Command
AFSOF Air Force special operations forces
AFSPC Air Force Space Command
AFSTRAT Air Forces Strategic
AFTAC Air Force Technical Applications Center
AFTRANS Air Force Transportation Component
AFTTP Air Force tactics, techniques, and procedures
AFTTP(I) Air Force tactics, techniques, and procedures (instruction)
AFW Air Force Weather
AFWA Air Force Weather Agency
AGL above ground level
AGS aviation ground support
AH attack helicopter
AHA alert holding area
AHD antihandling device
AI acquisition instruction; air interdiction
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AIMD aircraft intermediate maintenance department
AIMT air interdiction of maritime targets
AIP aeronautical information publication
AIRCOR air corridor
AIRSUPREQ air support request
AIS automated information system
AIT automated information technology;
automatic identification technology
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
AJ anti-jam
AJBPO area joint blood program office
AJD allied joint doctrine
AJODWG allied joint operations doctrine working group
AJP Allied joint publication
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable
ALCF airlift control flight
ALCM air-launched cruise missile
ALCOM United States Alaskan Command
ALCT airlift control team
ALD available-to-load date
ALEP amphibious lift enhancement program
ALERTORD alert order
ALLOREQ allocation request
ALN ammunition lot number
ALO air liaison officer
ALOC air line of communications
ALP allied logistic publication
ALSA Air Land Sea Application (Center)
ALSE aviation life support equipment
ALSS advanced logistic support site
ALT acquisition, logistics, and technology
ALTRV altitude reservation
AM amplitude modulation
AMC airborne mission coordinator; Air Mobility Command
AMCC allied movement coordination center
AMCM airborne mine countermeasures
AMC/SGXM Air Mobility Command/Command Surgeon’s Office
AMCT air mobility control team
AMD air and missile defense; air mobility division
AMDC air and missile defense commander
AMedP allied medical publication
AMEMB American Embassy
AMETL agency mission-essential task list
AMHS automated message handling system
AMLO air mobility liaison officer
AMOC Air and Marine Operations Center (DHS)
AMOG air mobility operations group
AMOS air mobility operations squadron
AMOW air mobility operations wing
analysis of mobility platform
AMP-PAT analysis of mobility platform suite of port analysis tools
AMS Aerial Measuring System (DOE); air mobility squadron;
Asset Management System
AMS-TAC Automated Manifesting System–Tactical
AMT aerial mail terminal
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
amu atomic mass unit
AMX air mobility express
ANG Air National Guard
ANGLICO air-naval gunfire liaison company
ANR Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Command
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AN/VRC Army Navy vehicle radio communications
ANZUS Australia-New Zealand-United States Treaty
AO action officer; air officer; area of operations
AOA amphibious objective area
AOC air operations center
AOD air operations directive
AODB air operations database
AOF azimuth of fire
AOG Army Operations Group
AOI area of interest
AOR area of responsibility
AOS aircraft on station
AOTR Aviation Operational Threat Response
AP allied publication; antipersonnel
APAN All Partners Access Network
APE airfield pavement evaluation
APEX Adaptive Planning and Execution
APF afloat pre-positioning force
APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA)
APL antipersonnel land mine
APO Army post office
APOD aerial port of debarkation
APOE aerial port of embarkation
APP allied procedural publication
APS Army pre-positioned stocks
APS-3 Army pre-positioned stocks-3
APTD aircraft position target designation
APU auxiliary power unit
AR air refueling; Army regulation
ARC air Reserve Components; American Red Cross
ARCENT United States Army Central Command
ARCT air refueling control team
ARDEC United States Army Armament Research, Development,
and Engineering Center
ARFOR Army forces
ARG Accident Response Group (DOE); amphibious ready
ARM air reference measure; antiradiation missile
ARNG Army National Guard
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
ARS acute radiation syndrome
ARSOF Army special operations forces
ARTYMET artillery meteorological
A/S anti-spoofing
ASA(ALT) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition,
Logistics, and Technology
ASAP as soon as possible
ASAT antisatellite weapon
ASBP Armed Services Blood Program
ASBPO Armed Services Blood Program Office
ASC Army Sustainment Command
ASCC Army Service component command;
Army Service component commander
ASCOPE areas, structures, capabilities, organizations, people, and
ASCS air support control section; air support coordination
ASD(GSA) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic
ASD(HA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)
ASD(HD&ASA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense and
Americas’ Security Affairs)
ASD(HD&GS) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Homeland Defense and
Global Security)
ASD(L&MR) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel
ASD(NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information
ASD(OEPP) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy
Plans and Programs
ASD(PA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
ASD(RA) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs)
ASD(S&R) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Strategy and Requirements)
ASD(SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations and
Low-Intensity Conflict)
ASD(SO/LIC&IC) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations
and Low-Intensity Conflict and Interdependent
ASG Allied System for Geospatial Intelligence
ASIC Air and Space Interoperability Council
ASLT air support liaison team; assault support landing table
ASM air-to-surface missile; Army Spectrum Manager
ASMO Army Spectrum Management Office
ASN(RD&A) Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research,
Development and Acquisition
ASOC air support operations center
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
ASOG air support operations group
ASOS air support operations squadron
ASP ammunition supply point
A-Space Analytic Space
ASPR Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and
Response (DHHS)
ASR air support request
ASW antisubmarine warfare
ASWC antisubmarine warfare commander
AT antiterrorism
ATA antiterrorism assistance
ATACMS Army Tactical Missile System
ATC air traffic control
ATCM air traffic control measure
ATCS air traffic control section
ATEP Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal
ATF amphibious task force; Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms, and Explosives (DOJ)
ATI asset target interaction
AtN attack the network
ATO air tasking order; antiterrorism officer
ATOC air terminal operations center
ATP advanced targeting pod; allied tactical publication; Army
tactical publication; Army technical publication;
Army techniques publication
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (DHHS)
ATTP Army tactics, techniques, and procedures
AU African Union
AUF airborne use of force
AUSCANNZUKUS Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, United Kingdom,
United States
AV asset visibility
AVC Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and
Compliance (DOS)
AVCAL aviation consolidated allowance list
AVGAS aviation gasoline
AVL anti-vehicle land mine
AVS asset validation system
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System
AWG Asymmetric Warfare Group (Army)
AWNIS Allied Worldwide Navigational Information System
AWOL absent without leave
AXO abandoned explosive ordnance
BAE brigade aviation element
BAH basic allowance for housing
BALO battalion air liaison officer
BALS berthing and loading schedule
BAS basic allowance for subsistence
bbl barrel (42 US gallons)
BCA border crossing authority
BCC battle control center
BCD battlefield coordination detachment (Army)
BCG beach control group
BCL battlefield coordination line
BCOC base cluster operations center
BCT brigade combat team
BD barge derrick
BDA battle damage assessment
BDAREP battle damage assessment report
BDC blood donor center
BDE brigade
BDOC base defense operations center
BDR battle damage repair
BDZ base defense zone
BE basic encyclopedia
BEAR base expeditionary airfield resources
BEB brigade engineer battalion
BEI biometrics-enabled intelligence
BEWL biometrics-enabled watch list
BI battle injury
BIA behavioral influences analysis
BIAR biometric intelligence analysis report
BIAS Battlefield Illumination Assistance System
BICES battlefield information collection and exploitation
system (NATO)
BICON double container
BIFS Border Intelligence Fusion Section
BII base information infrastructure
BIMA Biometrics Identity Management Agency
BIS Bureau of Industry and Security (DOC)
BKB blue kill box
BLCP beach lighterage control point
BLM Bureau of Land Management
BLOS beyond line-of-sight
BLT battalion landing team
BM ballistic missile; beach module
BMCT begin morning civil twilight
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
BMD ballistic missile defense
BMDS ballistic missile defense system
BMET biomedical electronics technician
BMNT begin morning nautical twilight
BMU beachmaster unit
BN battalion
BOC bomb on coordinate
BOG beach operations group
BOS base operating support
BOS-I base operating support-integrator
BOSS base operating support service
BOT bomb on target
BP battle position
BPA blanket purchase agreement
BPC building partnership capacity
BPG beach party group
BPLAN base plan
bps bits per second
BPT beach party team
BRACE Base Resource and Capability Estimator
BSA beach support area; brigade support area
BSB brigade support battalion
BSC behavioral science consultant
BSI base support installation
BSRP bureau strategic resource plan
BSZ base security zone
BT bathythermograph
BTB believed-to-be
BTC blood transshipment center
BTU beach termination unit
BTWC Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
BVR beyond visual range
BW biological warfare
BWC Biological Weapons Convention
BZ buffer zone
C Celsius
C&E communications and electronics
C&LAT cargo and loading analysis table
C2 command and control
C2CRE command and control chemical, biological, radiological,
and nuclear response element
C2S command and control support
C-2X coalition Intelligence Directorate counterintelligence
and human intelligence staff element
C3 command, control, and communications
C3I command, control, communications, and intelligence
C4I command, control, communications, computers, and
C4S command, control, communications, and computer
CA chaplain assistant; civil administration; civil affairs;
combat assessment; coordinating altitude; credibility
assessment; criticality assessment
CAA combat aviation advisors;
command arrangement agreement
CAAF contractors authorized to accompany the force
CAC common access card
CACOM civil affairs command
CAD Canadian air division; contract administration delegation
CADS containerized ammunition distribution system
CAF Canadian Air Force; combat air forces; commander,
airborne/air assault force; commander, amphibious force;
Conflict Assessment Framework (USAID)
CAG civil affairs group
CAGO contractor-acquired, government-owned
CAIS civil authority information support
CAISE civil authority information support element
CAL caliber; critical asset list
CALCM conventional air-launched cruise missile
CALICS communication, authentication, location, intentions,
condition, and situation
CAMOC Caribbean Air and Marine Operations Center
CAMPS Consolidated Air Mobility Planning System
CANR Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command
CANUS Canada-United States
CANUS BDD Canada-United States Basic Defense Document
CANUS CDP Canada-United States Combined Defense Plan
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
CAO chief administrative officer; civil affairs operations;
controlled asset operation
CAOC combined air operations center
CAP Civil Air Patrol; civil augmentation program; combat air
patrol; crisis action planning
CAPM credibility assessment program manager
CAPT civil affairs planning team
CARA chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield
explosives analytical and remediation activity
CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
CARP computed air release point
CARVER criticality, accessibility, recuperability, vulnerability,
effect, and recognizability
CAS close air support
CASEVAC casualty evacuation
CASF contingency aeromedical staging facility
CAT category; civil affairs team; crisis action team
CATF commander, amphibious task force
CBCP Customs and Border Clearance Program (DOD)
CBG coalition building guide
CBIRF Chemical-Biological Incident Response Force
CBMU construction battalion maintenance unit
CBP capabilities-based planning; Customs and Border
Protection (DHS)
CBR chemical, biological, and radiological
CBRN chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
CBRNE chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield
CBSA Canadian Border Services Agency
CbT combating terrorism
CC component commander; critical capability
CCA close combat attack; combat cargo assistant;
contract construction agent
CCAS contingency contract administration services
CCB configuration control board
CCC coalition coordination center
CCD camouflage, concealment, and deception
CCDB consolidated counterdrug database
CCDR combatant commander
CCEB Combined Communications-Electronics Board
CCG combat communications group
CCICA command counterintelligence coordinating authority
CCIF Combatant Commander Initiative Fund
CCIP continuously computed impact point
CCIR commander’s critical information requirement
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
CCLI commerce control list item
CCMD combatant command
CCO central control officer; combat cargo officer;
container control officer; contingency contracting
CCP casualty collection point; consolidated cryptologic
program; consolidation and containerization point
CCR closed circuit refueling
C-CS communication and computer systems
CCS central control ship; commander’s communication
synchronization; core capability set
CCT combat control team
CCTV closed circuit television
CCW 1980 United Nations Convention on Conventional
CD compact disc; counterdrug; customer direct
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (DHHS)
CDD chemical decontamination detachment
CDE collateral damage estimation
CDEMA Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency
CDHAM Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance
CDI cargo disposition instructions
CDIP combined defense improvement project
CDIPO counterdrug intelligence preparation for operations
CDM collateral damage methodology
CDO commander, detainee operations
CDOPS counterdrug operations
CDP commander’s dissemination policy
CDR commander
CDRAFNORTH Commander, Air Force North
CDRAFSOF commander, Air Force special operations forces
CDRJSOTF commander, joint special operations task force
CDRNORAD Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command
CD-ROM compact disc read-only memory
CDRTSOC commander, theater special operations command
CDRUSAFRICOM Commander, United States Africa Command
CDRUSARNORTH Commander, United States Army, North
CDRUSCENTCOM Commander, United States Central Command
CDRUSCYBERCOM Commander, United States Cyber Command
CDRUSELEMNORAD Commander, United States Element, North American
Aerospace Defense Command
CDRUSEUCOM Commander, United States European Command
CDRUSNORTHCOM Commander, United States Northern Command
CDRUSPACOM Commander, United States Pacific Command
CDRUSSOCOM Commander, United States Special Operations Command
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
CDRUSSOUTHCOM Commander, United States Southern Command
CDRUSSTRATCOM Commander, United States Strategic Command
CDRUSTRANSCOM Commander, United States Transportation Command
CDS Chief of Defence Staff (Canada); container delivery system
CDSO counterdrug support office
C-E communications-electronics
CE circular error; command element (USMC);
communications-electronics; core element;
counterespionage; critical element
CEA captured enemy ammunition
CEB combat engineer battalion
CEC civil engineer corps
CECOM communications-electronics command
CEE captured enemy equipment
CEHC Counter Explosive Hazards Center (Army)
CELLEX cellular exploitation
CEMIRT civil engineer maintenance, inspection, and repair team
CENTRIXS Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange
CEOI communications-electronics operating instructions
CEP Chairman’s Exercise Program
CERF Central Emergency Revolving Fund (UN)
CERFP chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and
high-yield explosives enhanced response force package
CERP Commanders’ Emergency Response Program
CERT computer emergency response team; contingency
engineering response team
CEW civilian expeditionary workforce
CEXC combined explosives exploitation cell
CF carrier furnished; causeway ferry;
conventional forces
CFA critical factors analysis
CFACC combined force air component commander
CFB Canadian forces base
CFC Combined Forces Command, Korea
CF-COP counterfire common operational picture
CFL coordinated fire line
CFLCC coalition forces land component commander
CFO chief financial officer
CFPM causeway ferry power module
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CFST coalition forces support team
CG Coast Guard; commanding general
CG-652 Coast Guard Spectrum Management and
Telecommunications Policy Division
CGCG Coast Guard Cryptologic Group
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
CGCIS Coast Guard Counterintelligence Service
CGDEFOR Coast Guard defense force
CGIS United States Coast Guard Investigative Service
CGP Coast Guard publication
CGTTP Coast Guard tactics, techniques, and procedures
CH contingency hospital
CHB cargo-handling battalion
CHCSS Chief, Central Security Service
CHD counterintelligence and human intelligence detachment
CHE cargo-handling equipment; container-handling equipment
CHRP contaminated human remains pouch
CI civilian internee; counterintelligence
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIAP Central Intelligence Agency program
CIB combined information bureau; controlled image base
CIC combat information center
CICA counterintelligence coordinating authority
CICR counterintelligence collection requirement
CID combat identification
CIDNE Combined Information Data Network Exchange
CIE collaborative information environment; cultural
intelligence element
CIEA classification, identification, and engagement area
C-IED counter-improvised explosive device
CIFA counterintelligence field activity
CI/KR critical infrastructure and key resources
CIL command information library; critical information list;
critical item list
CIM civil information management; compartmented
information management
CIMIC civil-military cooperation
CIN cargo increment number
CIO chief information officer; command intelligence officer
CIOC counterintelligence operations cell
CIOTA counterintelligence operational tasking authority
CIP critical infrastructure protection
CIS common item support
CISAR catastrophic incident search and rescue
CISD critical incident stress debriefing
CISO counterintelligence staff office
CITE computer intrusion technical exploitation
CITP counter-improvised explosive device targeting program
CIVMAR civil service mariner
CIVPOL civilian police
CJ-4 combined-joint logistics officer
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff instruction
CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff manual
CJDA critical joint duty assignment
CJE component joint data networks operations officer equivalent
CJEODC combined joint explosive ordnance disposal cell
CJFC combined joint force commander
CJLOTS combined joint logistics over-the-shore
CJMAB Central Joint Mortuary Affairs Board
CJOC Canada Joint Operations Command
CJSART Criminal Justice Sector Assessment Rating Tool
CJSMPT Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool
CJTF combined joint task force (NATO); commander, joint
task force
C-JWICS Containerized Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications
CL coordination level
CLA landing craft, air cushion launch area
CLASSRON class squadron
CLB combat logistics battalion
CLDP Commercial Law Development Program
CLF combat logistics force; commander, landing force
CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
CLPSB combatant commander logistic procurement support board
CLR combat logistics regiment
CLS contractor logistic support
CLT civil liaison team
CLZ cushion landing zone; landing craft, air cushion
landing zone
CM Chairman’s memorandum; collection manager;
combination module; countermine; cruise missile
cm centimeter
CMAA cooperative military airlift agreement
CMAOC Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Center
CMAT consequence management advisory team
CMC Commandant of the Marine Corps;
Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation (USAID)
CMCB civil-military coordination board
CMCC combined movement coordination center
CMD cruise missile defense
CMDO command military deception officer
CME civil-military engagement
CMM Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation (USAID)
CMMA collection management mission application
CMO civil-military operations; collection management office(r)
CMOC cargo movement operations center; civil-military
operations center
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
CMOS cargo movement operations system; Cargo Movement
Operations System (USAF)
CMP contractor management plan
CMPF commander, maritime pre-positioning force
CMSE civil-military support element
CMST consequence management support team
C-NAF component numbered air force
CNBG commander, naval beach group
CNC Crime and Narcotics Center (CIA)
CNCI Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative
CNE computer network exploitation
CNGB Chief, National Guard Bureau
CNIC Commander, Navy Installations Command
CNM classified notice to mariners
CNMI Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
CNMOC Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
CNR combat net radio
CNWDI critical nuclear weapons design information
CO commanding officer; cyberspace operations
COA course of action
COB contingency operating base
COC combat operations center
CoC Code of Conduct
COCO contractor-owned, contractor-operated
COCOM combatant command (command authority)
COD carrier onboard delivery; combat operations division
COE common operating environment; concept of employment
COEDMHA Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and
Humanitarian Assistance (USPACOM)
COF chief of fires; conduct of fire
COG center of gravity; continuity of government
COI community of interest
COIC counter-improvised explosive device operations
integration center; Counter-Improvised Explosive
Device Operations/Intelligence Integration
Center (JIEDDO)
COIN counterinsurgency
COLDS cargo offload and discharge system
COLISEUM community on-line intelligence system for end-users and
COLPRO collective protection
COLS concept of logistic support
COLT combat observation and lasing team
COM chief of mission; collection operations management
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
COMAFFOR commander, Air Force forces
COMAFSOAC commander, Air Force special operations air component
COMALOC commercial air line of communications
COMARFOR commander, Army forces
COMCAM combat camera
COMDTINST Commandant of the Coast Guard instruction
COMFLTCYBERCOM Commander, Fleet Cyber Command
COMINEWARCOM Commander, Mine Warfare Command
COMINT communications intelligence
COMLANTAREACOGARD Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic Area
COMMARFOR commander, Marine Corps forces
COMNAVELSG Commander, Navy Expeditionary Logistics Support Group
COMNAVFOR commander, Navy forces
COMNAVMETOCCOM Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography
COMNAVSURFLANT Commander, Naval Surface Force, Atlantic
COMNAVSURFPAC Commander, Naval Surface Force, Pacific
COMNET communications network
COMPACAF Commander, Pacific Air Forces
COMPACAREACOGARD Commander, Coast Guard Pacific Area
COMPASS Computerized Movement Planning and Status System
COMSC Commander, Military Sealift Command
COMSCINST Commander, Military Sealift Command instruction
COMSEC communications security
COMSTAT communications status
COMSUBLANT Commander Submarine Force, United States Atlantic Fleet
COMSUBPAC Commander Submarine Force, United States Pacific Fleet
COMTENTHFLT Commander, Tenth Fleet
COMUSFLTFORCOM Commander, United States Fleet Forces Command
COMUSPACFLT Commander, United States Pacific Fleet
CONCAP construction capabilities contract (Navy);
construction capabilities contract program
CONEX container express
CONOPS concept of operations
CONPLAN concept plan; operation plan in concept format
CONR continental United States North American Aerospace
Defense Command Region
CONUS continental United States
COOP continuity of operations
COP common operational picture
COR contracting officer representative
CORE contingency response program
CORIVRON coastal riverine squadron
COS chief of staff
COSMIC North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) security
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
COSR combat and operational stress reactions
COT commanding officer of troops
COTS cargo offload and transfer system; commercial off-the-shelf
CP collection point; command post; contact point;
control point; counterproliferation
CPD combat plans division
CPG Contingency Planning Guidance
CPO chief petty officer
CPU central processing unit
CR civil reconnaissance; critical requirement
CRA continuing resolution authority; coordinating
review authority
CRAF Civil Reserve Air Fleet
CRC Civilian Response Corps (DOS); coastal riverine company;
control and reporting center; crisis reaction center
CRD chemical reconnaissance detachment
CRE contingency response element
CREAPER Communications and Radar Electronic Attack Planning
Effectiveness Reference
CREW counter radio-controlled improvised explosive device
electronic warfare
CRF coastal riverine force; contingency response force
CRG contingency response group
CRIF cargo routing information file
CRM collection requirements management; comment
resolution matrix
CrM crisis management
CRO combat rescue officer
CROP common relevant operational picture
CRRC combat rubber raiding craft
CRS coastal riverine squadron
CRSG country reconstruction and stabilization group
CRSP centralized receiving and shipping point
CRT chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield
explosives response team; contingency response team
CRTS casualty receiving and treatment ship
CRW contingency response wing
CS call sign; circuit switch; combat support; critical source
CSA combat support agency
CSAR combat search and rescue
CSB contracting support brigade
CSB (MEB) combat support brigade (maneuver enhancement brigade)
CSC convoy support center; International Convention for
Safe Containers
CSE combat support equipment; contingency support element;
cyberspace support element
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
CSEL combat survivor evader locator; command senior
enlisted leader
CSG carrier strike group; cryptologic services group;
Cryptologic Support Group
CSIP contract support integration plan
CSL cooperative security location
CSNP causeway section, nonpowered
CSO Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations
(DOS); Center for Special Operations (USSOCOM)
CSOR contract statement of requirement
CSP career sea pay; causeway section, powered;
contracting support plan
CSS Central Security Service (NSA); combat service support
CSSA combat service support area
CSSAMO combat service support automation management office
CSSB combat sustainment support battalion
C-SSE consolidated satellite communications system expert
CSSM contracted support synchronization matrix
CSST combat service support team
CSW coordinate seeking weapons
CT computed tomography; counterterrorism; country team
CTA common table of allowance
CTAF counterterrorism analytical framework
CTBT Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
CTC cargo transfer company (USA)
CTDB combating terrorism database
CTEP combined training and education plan
CTF commander, task force; counter threat finance
CTF IAMD commander, task force integrated air and missile defense
CTFP Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program
CTIP combating trafficking in persons
CTKB combating terrorism knowledge base
CTL candidate target list
CTN countering threat networks
CTP common tactical picture
CTR cooperative threat reduction
CTS commodity tracking system; Contingency Tracking
System; controlled technical services
CTU commander, task unit
CUI controlled unclassified information
CUL common-user logistics
CULT common-user land transportation
CV aircraft carrier; critical vulnerability
CVN aircraft carrier, nuclear
CVS commercial vendor services
CVT criticality-vulnerability-threat
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
CVW carrier air wing
CW chemical warfare; continuous wave
CWA chemical warfare agent
CWC Chemical Weapons Convention; composite warfare
CWG counterdeception working group
CWMD countering weapons of mass destruction
CWP causeway pier
CWT customer wait time
CY calendar year
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
D&D denial and deception
D&F determinations and findings
D&M detection and monitoring
D3A decide, detect, deliver, and assess
DA Department of the Army; direct action; Directorate for
Mission Services (DIA); double agent
DA&M Director of Administration and Management
DAA designated approving authority
DAADC deputy area air defense commander
DAAS defense automatic addressing system
DAB Defense Acquisition Board
DAC Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) counterintelligence
and security activity; Development Assistance
Committee (OECD)
DACAS digitally aided close air support
DACG departure airfield control group
DAF Department of the Air Force
DAFL directive authority for logistics
DAL defended asset list
DALIS Disaster Assistance Logistics Information System
DALS downed aviator locator system
DAO defense attaché office
DAR Defense Acquisition Regulation
DART disaster assistance response team
DAS deep air support (USMC)
DASC direct air support center
DASC(A) direct air support center (airborne)
DASD(PS) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Program Support)
DATT defense attaché
DAWIA Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act
DBDB digital bathymetric database
DBDB-V digital bathymetric database variable
DBIDS Defense Biometric Identification System
DBSMC Defense Business Systems Management Committee
DBSS Defense Blood Standard System
DBT design basis threat
DC3 Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center
DC Deputies Committee; direct current; dislocated civilian
DCA Defense Cooperation Agreements; defensive counterair
DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency
DCAM Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS)
customer assistance module
DCAPES Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning and
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Execution Segments
DCCC defense collection coordination center
DCE defense coordinating element
D-cell deployment cell
DCGS distributed common ground/surface system
DCHA Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian
Assistance (USAID)
DCHC Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center
DCI defense critical infrastructure; Director of Central
D/CIA Director, Central Intelligence Agency
DCID Director of Central Intelligence directive
DCIP Defense Critical Infrastructure Program
DCISE Defense Industrial Base Collaborative Information
Sharing Environment
DCJTF deputy commander, joint task force
DCM deputy chief of mission
DCMA Defense Contract Management Agency
DCNO Deputy Chief of Naval Operations
DCO debarkation control officer; defense coordinating officer;
defensive cyberspace operations
DCO-IDM defensive cyberspace operations - internal defensive
DCO-RA defensive cyberspace operations response actions
DCP Defense Continuity Program; detainee collection point
DCRF defense chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
response force
DCS Defense Collaboration Services; deputy chief of staff
DCTC Defense Combating Terrorism Center
DCW Defense Collection Watch (DIA)
DD Department of Defense (form);
deputy director
DDA deputy development advisor
DDED defense distribution expeditionary depot
DDI Director of Defense Intelligence
DDL digital data link
DDM Defense Logistics Agency Distribution Mapping
DDMS Deputy Director for Military Support (NRO)
DDN Defense Data Network
DDOC Deployment and Distribution Operations Center
DDP detailed deployment plan
DDR disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration
DDS Deployable Disbursing System
DDSBn deployment and distribution support battalion
DDSM Defense Distinguished Service Medal
DDST deployment and distribution support team
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
DE decedent effects; directed energy
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration (DOJ)
DEARAS Department of Defense Emergency Authorities
Retrieval and Analysis System
DeCA Defense Commissary Agency
DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DEFSMAC Defense Special Missile and Aerospace Center
DEL deployable equipment list
DEP delayed entry program
DEPORD deployment order
DERP Defense Environmental Restoration Program
DES deception event schedule
DESC Defense Energy Support Center
DEST domestic emergency support team
DEW directed-energy warfare
DF dangerous fallout; direction finding
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DFC detention facility commander
DFE Defense Intelligence Agency forward element; Defense
Joint Intelligence Operations Center forward element
DFRIF Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet
DFSP defense fuel support point
DG defense guidance
DGT designated ground target
DHA detainee holding area
DHB Defense Health Board
DHE defense human intelligence executor
DHE-M Defense Human Intelligence Enterprise-manual
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DHM defense human intelligence manager
DHP Defense Health Program
DHS Defense Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Service;
Department of Homeland Security
DI Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Directorate for Analysis;
DIA Directorate for Intelligence Production
DI&E data integration and exploitation
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DIAM Defense Intelligence Agency manual
DIAP Defense Intelligence Analysis Program
DIAR Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) regulation
DIB defense industrial base
DID Defense Intelligence Digest
DIDO designated intelligence disclosure official
DIE deception intelligence estimate
Defense Intelligence Executive Board
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
DIGO Defence Imagery and Geospatial Organisation (Australia)
DIJE Defense Intelligence Joint Environment (United Kingdom)
DIMOC Defense Imagery Management Operations Center
DINFOS Defense Information School
DIPF defense intelligence priorities framework
DIRINT Director of Intelligence (USMC)
DIRLAUTH direct liaison authorized
DIRMOBFOR director of mobility forces
DIRNSA Director, National Security Agency
DIRSPACEFOR director of space forces (USAF)
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DISA-LO Defense Information Systems Agency - liaison officer
DISN Defense Information Systems Network
DISO deception in support of operations security
DJ-7 Director, Joint Staff Directorate for Joint
Force Development
DJIOC Defense Joint Intelligence Operations Center
DJS Director, Joint Staff
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
DLD digital liaison detachment
DLEA drug law enforcement agency
DLIS Defense Logistics Information Service
DLM defense logistics manual
DLMS Department Logistics Management System
DLQ deck landing qualification
DLSA Defense Legal Services Agency
DM docking module
DMA Defense Media Activity
DMDC defense management data center; Defense Manpower
Data Center
DMHS Defense Message Handling System
DMIGS Domestic Mobile Integrated Geospatial-Intelligence System
DMLSS Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support
DMMPO Defense Medical Materiel Program Office
DMORT Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team
DMSM Defense Meritorious Service Medal
DMSO Defense Modeling and Simulation Office
DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
DMT disaster management team (UN)
DMZ demilitarized zone
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DNBI disease and nonbattle injury
DNC digital nautical chart
DND Department of National Defence (Canada)
DNDO Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DHS)
DNI Director of National Intelligence; Director of Naval
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
DOA days of ammunition
DOB date of birth
DOC Department of Commerce; designed operational capability
DOCNET Doctrine Networked Education and Training
DOD Department of Defense
DODD Department of Defense directive
DODFMR Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation
DODI Department of Defense instruction
DODIC Department of Defense identification code
DODIIS Department of Defense Intelligence Information System
DODIN Department of Defense information network
DODM Department of Defense manual
DODS-CWMD Department of Defense Strategy for Countering Weapons
of Mass Destruction
DOE Department of Energy
DOEHRS Defense Occupational and Environmental Health
Reporting System
DOI Department of the Interior
DOJ Department of Justice
DOL Department of Labor
DOMEX document and media exploitation
DON Department of the Navy
DOS days of supply; denial of service; Department of State
DOT Department of Transportation
DOTEO Department of Transportation emergency organization
DOTMLPF doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and
education, personnel, and facilities
DOTMLPF-P doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and
education, personnel, facilities, and policy
DOWG deception operations working group
DOX-T direct operational exchange-tactical
DP decisive point; displaced person
DPA danger pay allowance; Defense Production Act
DPAA Defense Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Accounting
DPAP Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy
DPAS Defense Priorities and Allocation System
DPC deception planning cell; Defense Planning Committee
DPG Defense Planning Guidance
DPI desired point of impact
DPIP departing initial point
DPKO Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UN)
DPM dissemination program manager
DPMO Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
DPO Defense Press Office; distribution process owner
DPPDB digital point positioning database
DR dead reckoning; disaster relief
DRL Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DOS)
DRMS Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service
DRO departmental requirements officer
DRRS Defense Readiness Reporting System
DRS detainee reporting system
DRSN Defense Red Switched Network
DRT decontamination and reconnaissance team
DS Directorate for Management and Chief Information
Officer (DIA); direct support
DSC defensive space control; dual-status commander
DSCA Defense Security Cooperation Agency; defense support
of civil authorities
DSCS Defense Satellite Communications System
DSE direct support element
DSF deployable specialized force; District Stability
Framework (USAID)
DSG Defense Strategic Guidance
DSM decision support matrix
DSN Defense Switched Network
DSO Defense Spectrum Organization; defensive systems
DSP Defense Support Program
DSPD defense support to public diplomacy
DSR Defense Strategy Review
DSRSG Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General
DSS Defense Security Service; Distribution Standard System
DSS/ALOC direct support system/air line of communications
DSSCS Defense Special Security Communications System
DSSM Defense Superior Service Medal
DSSO defense sensitive support office
DSSR Department of State Standardized Regulation
DST decision support template; Defense Logistics Agency
support team; deployment support team; district
support team
DSTS-G Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) Satellite
Transmission Services - Global
DT Directorate for MASINT and Technical Collection (DIA)
DTA dynamic threat assessment
DTAM defense terrorism awareness message
DTC defense transportation coordination
DTCI Defense Transportation Coordination Initiative
DTD Deployable Training Division; detailed troop
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
DTED digital terrain elevation data
DTG date-time group
D/T/ID detect/track/identify
DTIP Disruptive Technology Innovations Partnership (DIA)
DTIRP Defense Treaty Inspection Readiness Program
DTO drug trafficking organization
DTR defense transportation regulation
DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency
DTS Defense Transportation System; Defense Travel System
DTWR defense terrorism warning report
DU depleted uranium
DURC dual-use research of concern
DUSD deputy under Secretary of Defense
DUSD (CI&S) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for
Counterintelligence and Security
DUSD(L&MR) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics and
Materiel Readiness
DVA Department of Veterans Affairs
DVD digital video device; digital video disc
DVIDS Defense Video and Imagery Distribution System
DWAS Defense Working Capital Accounting System
DWT deadweight tonnage
DZ drop zone
DZC drop zone controller
DZST drop zone support team
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
E total probable error
E3 electromagnetic environmental effects
EA electronic attack; emergency action; executive agent
EAC emergency action committee
EAD earliest arrival date
EADRU Euro-Atlantic disaster response unit
EADS Eastern Air Defense Sector
EAES expeditionary aeromedical evacuation squadron
EAF expeditionary airfield
EAM emergency action message
EAP emergency action plan
EAPC Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
EASTPAC eastern Pacific Ocean
EBS environmental baseline survey
EC electronic combat
ECC engineer coordination cell; evacuation control center
ECES expeditionary civil engineer squadron
ECHA Executive Committee for Humanitarian Affairs (UN)
ECHO European Commission Directorate General for
Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection
ECM electromagnetic countermeasures; electronic
ECN Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network
ECO electronic combat officer
ECOSOC Economic and Social Council (UN)
ECP entry control point
ECS expeditionary combat support
EDA Economic Development Administration (DOC);
excess defense articles
EDI electronic data interchange
EEA environmental executive agent
EEBD emergency escape breathing device
EECT end evening civil twilight
EED electro-explosive device; emergency-essential designation
EEDAC emergency essential Department of the Army civilian
EEE emergency and extraordinary expense
EEFI essential element of friendly information
EEI essential element of information
EENT end of evening nautical twilight
EEO equal employment opportunity
EER enlisted employee review
EEZ exclusive economic zone
EFAC emergency family assistance center
EFP explosively formed projectile
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
EFT electronic funds transfer
EGAT Bureau of Economic Growth, Agriculture, and Trade (USAID)
EGM Earth Gravity Model
EH explosive hazard
EHCC explosive hazards coordination cell
EHDB explosive hazard database
EHF extremely high frequency
EHO environmental health officer
EHRA environmental health risk assessment
EHSA environmental health site assessment
EHT explosive hazard team
EI environmental information
EID electrically initiated device
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
eJMAPS electronic Joint Manpower and Personnel System
EJPME enlisted joint professional military education
ELCAS elevated causeway system
ELCAS(M) elevated causeway system (modular)
ELINT electronic intelligence
ELIST enhanced logistics intratheater support tool
ELT emergency locator transmitter
EM electromagnetic; emergency management
EMAC emergency management assistance compact
E-mail electronic mail
EMALL electronic mall
EMBM electromagnetic battle management
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
EMCON emission control
EMD expeditionary military information support detachment
EME electromagnetic environment
EMEDS expeditionary medical support
EMF expeditionary medical facility
EMI electromagnetic interface; electromagnetic interference
EMIO expanded maritime interception operations
EMOE electromagnetic operational environment
EMP electromagnetic pulse
EMS electromagnetic spectrum; emergency medical services
EMSC electromagnetic spectrum control
EMSM electromagnetic spectrum manager
EMT emergency medical treatment; expeditionary military
information support team
EMU expeditionary medical unit
EMV electromagnetic vulnerability
EO electro-optical; executive order
EOB electromagnetic order of battle; electronic order of battle;
enemy order of battle
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
EOC emergency operating center; emergency operations center
EOCA explosive ordnance clearance agent
EOD explosive ordnance disposal
EODB explosive ordnance disposal bulletin
EODESU explosive ordnance disposal expeditionary support unit
EODGRU explosive ordnance disposal group (Navy)
EODMU explosive ordnance disposal mobile unit
EODMU-1 explosive ordnance disposal mobile unit one
EODT&T explosive ordnance disposal technology and training
EODTEU explosive ordnance disposal training and evaluation unit
EODTIC Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technical Information
Centre (NATO)
EO-IR electro-optical-infrared
EO-IR CM electro-optical-infrared countermeasure
EP electronic protection; emergency preparedness;
emergency procedures; excess property; execution
EPA Environmental Protection Agency; evasion plan of action
EPBS expeditionary prime base engineer emergency force
EPC Emergency Procurement Committee
EPF expeditionary fast transport
EPH emergency planning handbook
EPIC El Paso Intelligence Center
EPIRB emergency position-indicating radio beacon
EPLO emergency preparedness liaison officer
EPU expeditionary port unit
EPW enemy prisoner of war
ERC emergency relief coordinator; exercise related construction
ERDC Engineer Research and Development Center
ERG Emergency Response Guidebook
ERPSS En Route Patient Staging System
ERT emergency response team (FEMA); engineer
reconnaissance team
ERU emergency response unit
ERW explosive remnants of war
ES electronic warfare support; executive secretariat;
expeditionary salvage
ESAC Electromagnetic-Space Analysis Center (NSA)
ESB engineer support battalion
ESC expeditionary sustainment command
ESD expeditionary transfer dock
ESF Economic Support Fund; emergency support function
ESG executive steering group; expeditionary strike group
ESM expeditionary site mapping
ESMRM explosives safety munitions risk management
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
ESO environmental science officer;
Expeditionary Support Organization (DFAS)
ESOH environmental, safety, and occupational health
ESORTS Enhanced Status of Resources and Training System
ESP engineer support plan
E-Space Electromagnetic-Space
ESR external supported recovery
EST embarked security team
ET electronics technician
ETA estimated time of arrival
ETD estimated time of departure
ETF electronic target folder
ETM essential tasks matrix
ETO Emergency Transportation Operations (DOT)
ETSS extended training service specialist
ETX end of text
EU European Union
EUSC effective United States controlled
EUSCS effective United States-controlled ships
EVC evasion chart
EVE equal value exchange
EW early warning; electronic warfare
EWC electronic warfare cell
EWCA electronic warfare control authority
EWCC electronic warfare coordination cell
EWE electronic warfare element
EWG electronic warfare group
EWO electronic warfare officer
EWWG electronic warfare working group
EXECSEC executive secretary
EXORD execute order
EXU1 Expeditionary Exploitation Unit One
EZ exchange zone
F Fahrenheit
F2T2EA find, fix, track, target, engage, and assess
F3EAD find, fix, finish, exploit, analyze, and disseminate
F&ES fire and emergency services
FA feasibility assessment; field artillery
FAA Federal Aviation Administration (DOT); Foreign
Assistance Act
FAAO Federal Aviation Administration order
FAC forward air controller
FAC(A) forward air controller (airborne)
FACE forward aviation combat engineering
FACT field advance civilian team; field assessment and
coordination team
F/AD force/activity designator
FAH final attack heading; foreign affairs handbook
FALOP Forward Area Limited Observing Program
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (UN); foreign area
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation; formal assessment report
FARC flyaway recompression chamber; Revolutionary Armed
Forces of Colombia
FARP forward arming and refueling point
FAS Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA); frequency
assignment subcommittee
FASCAM family of scatterable mines
FAST fleet antiterrorism security team
FAX facsimile
FB forward boundary
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation (DOJ)
FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service
FC final coordination; fires cell (Army); floating causeway
FCA Foreign Claims Act
FCC Federal Communications Commission; functional
combatant commander
FCE forward command element
FCO federal coordinating officer
FCP functional campaign plan
FCT firepower control team
FD first draft; from temporary duty
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FDC fire direction center
FDO flexible deterrent option; flight deck officer;
foreign disclosure officer
FDP forward distribution point
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
FDPMU forward-deployable preventive medicine unit
FDR foreign disaster relief
FE fires element
FEA front-end analysis
FEBA forward edge of the battle area
FEC facilities engineering command
FEI forensic-enabled intelligence
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS)
FEP foreign excess property
FEPP foreign excess personal property
FES fire emergency services
FEST foreign emergency support team; forward engineer
support team
FET facility engineer team
FEZ fighter engagement zone
FFA free-fire area
FFC force fires coordinator
FFCC force fires coordination center (USMC)
FFE field force engineering; flame field expedient
FFIR friendly force information requirement
FFP fresh frozen plasma; Office of Food for Peace (DOS)
FFT friendly force tracking
FGS final governing standard; Force Generation Service (UN)
FH fleet hospital
FHA Bureau for Food and Humanitarian Assistance; foreign
humanitarian assistance
FHP force health protection
FHWA Federal Highway Administration (DOT)
FI foreign intelligence
FID foreign internal defense
FIE fly-in echelon; foreign intelligence entity
FinCEN Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
1st IOC 1st Information Operations Command (Land)
FIS Foreign Intelligence Service
FISINT foreign instrumentation signals intelligence
FISS foreign intelligence and security services
FIST fire support team; fleet intelligence support team
FLC fleet logistics center
FLETC Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (DHS)
FLIP flight information publication
FLIR forward-looking infrared
FLITE federal legal information through electronics
FLO/FLO float-on/float-off
FLOT forward line of own troops
FLS forward logistic site
FLSG force logistic support group
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
FLTCYBERCOM Fleet Cyber Command (Navy)
FLTSAT fleet satellite
FLTSATCOM fleet satellite communications
FM field manual (Army); financial management; force
module; frequency modulation
FM/A functional manager for analysis
FMA foreign materiel acquisition
FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
FMF foreign military financing
FMFP foreign military financing program
FMO frequency management office; functional manager office
FMP foreign materiel program
FMS force module subsystem; foreign military sales
FMTS Fourth Estate Manpower Tracking System
FMV full motion video
FN foreign nation
FNMOD Fleet Numerical Meteorological and Oceanographic
FNS foreign nation support
FO forward observer
FOB forward operating base
FOC full operational capability
FOD field operations division; foreign object damage
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FORCE fuels operational readiness capability equipment (Air Force)
FORSCOM United States Army Forces Command
FOS forward operating site; full operational status
FOUO for official use only
FOV field of view
FP firing point; force protection
FPA foreign policy advisor
FPCON force protection condition
FPD force protection detachment; foreign post differential
FPF final protective fire
FPO fleet post office
FPOC focal point operations center
FPS Federal Protective Service (DHS)
FPWG force protection working group
FRA Federal Railroad Administration (DOT)
FRAGORD fragmentary order
FRC forward resuscitative care
FRMAC Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center
FRN force requirement number
FRO flexible response option
FRRS frequency resource record system
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
FRTP fleet response training plan
FSA fire support area
FSB fire support base; forward staging base
FSC fire support cell; fire support coordinator (USMC)
FSCC fire support coordination center (USMC)
FSCL fire support coordination line
FSCM fire support coordination measure
FSCOORD fire support coordinator (Army)
FSE fire support element
FSEM fire support execution matrix
FSF foreign security forces
FSI Foreign Service Institute
FSN foreign service national
FSO fire support officer
FSP functional support plan
FSR field service representative
FSRT fatality search and recovery team
FSS fast sealift ship; fire support station
FSSP fuel system supply point
FST fire support task
FSW feet of seawater
ft feet; foot
ft3 cubic feet
FTN force tracking number
FTO foreign terrorist organization
FW fixed-wing
FWA fraud, waste, and abuse
FWC fleet weather center
FY fiscal year
G-1 Army or Marine Corps component manpower or personnel
staff officer (Army division or higher staff,
Marine Corps brigade or higher staff)
G-2 Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence; Army or
Marine Corps component intelligence staff officer
(Army division or higher staff, Marine Corps brigade or
higher staff)
G-2X Army counterintelligence and human intelligence staff
G-3 Army or Marine Corps component operations staff
officer (Army division or higher staff, Marine Corps
brigade or higher staff); assistant chief of staff,
G-4 Army or Marine Corps component logistics staff officer
(Army division or higher staff, Marine Corps brigade or
higher staff); Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics
G-5 assistant chief of staff, plans
G-6 Army or Marine Corps component command, control,
communications, and computer systems staff officer;
assistant chief of staff for communications; signal staff
officer (Army)
G-7 Army component information operations staff officer;
assistant chief of staff, information engagement
GA geospatial analyst
GAFS General Accounting and Finance System
GAMSS Global Air Mobility Support System
GAO Government Accountability Office
GAR gateway access request
GARS Global Area Reference System
GAT governmental assistance team
GATES Global Air Transportation Execution System
GBL government bill of lading
GBMD global ballistic missile defense
GBR ground-based radar
GBS Global Broadcast Service; Global Broadcast System
GC general counsel; Geneva Convention Relative to the
Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War
GCC geographic combatant commander; global contingency
GCCC global contingency construction contract
GCCMAC Global Contingency Construction Multiple Award
Contract (Navy)
GCCS Global Command and Control System
GCCS-A Global Command and Control System-Army
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
GCCS-I3 Global Command and Control System Integrated
Imagery and Intelligence
GCCS-J Global Command and Control System-Joint
GCCS-M Global Command and Control System-Maritime
GCE ground combat element (USMC)
GCI ground control intercept
GCM global container manager; Global Information Grid
(GIG) Content Management
GCP global campaign plan; ground commander’s pointer
GCP-CWMD Global Campaign Plan for Combating Weapons of Mass
GCS ground control station
GCSC global contingency service contract
GCSMAC Global Contingency Services Multiple Award
Contract (Navy)
GCSS Global Command Support System
GCSS-J Global Combat Support System-Joint
GDF Guidance for Development of the Force
GDIP General Defense Intelligence Program
GDP gross domestic product
GDSS Global Decision Support System
GE general engineering
GEF Guidance for Employment of the Force
GEM Global Information Grid (GIG) Enterprise Management
GENTEXT general text
GEO geosynchronous Earth orbit
GEOINT geospatial intelligence
GEOLOC geographic location
GEOREF geographic reference
GETS geospatial enterprise tasking, processing, exploitation,
and dissemination service
GFE government-furnished equipment
GFM global force management; global freight management
GFMAP Global Force Management Allocation Plan
GFMB Global Force Management Board
GFMIG Global Force Management Implementation Guidance
GFP government-furnished property
GFS global fleet station; government-furnished support
GHz gigahertz
GI geomatics and imagery
GI&S geospatial information and services
GIANT Global Positioning System Interference and
Navigation Tool
geospatial-intelligence base for contingency operations
GICNT Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism
GIE global information environment
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
GIMS Geospatial Intelligence Information Management Services
GIO Geospatial Intelligence Organisation (New Zealand)
GIP gridded installation photograph
GIS geographic information system
GL government-leased
GLCM ground-launched cruise missile
GLD ground liaison detachment
GLINT gated laser intensifier
GLO ground liaison officer
GLOC ground line of communications
GLTD ground laser target designator
GMD ground-based midcourse defense
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GMI general military intelligence
GMLRS Global Positioning System Multiple Launch
Rocket System
GMP global maritime partnership
GMSC Global Mission Support Center (USSOCOM)
GMTI ground moving target indicator
GNA Global Information Grid (GIG) Network Assurance
GNCC global network operations center
GND Global Information Grid (GIG) Network Defense
GNSC global network operations support center
GNSS global navigation satellite system
GO government-owned
GO/FO general officer/flag officer
GOTS government off-the-shelf
GPC geospatial planning cell; government purchase card
GPD gallons per day
GPE geospatial intelligence preparation of the environment
GPL Geospatial Product Library
GPM gallons per minute; global pallet manager
GPMIC Global Patient Movement Integration Center
GPMJAB Global Patient Movement Joint Advisory Board
GPMRC Global Patient Movement Requirements Center
GPOI Global Peace Operations Initiative
GPS Global Positioning System
GPSOC Global Positioning System Operations Center
GPW Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of
Prisoners of War
GRG gridded reference graphic
GRL global reach laydown
GS general service; general support
GSA General Services Administration
GSE ground support equipment
GSO general services officer
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
GSORTS Global Status of Resources and Training System
GSR general support-reinforcing; ground surveillance radar
GSSC global satellite communications (SATCOM)
support center
GST geospatial support team
GTA graphic training aid
GTAS ground-to-air signals
GTL gun-target line
GTM global transportation management
G/VLLD ground/vehicle laser locator designator
GWS Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the
Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces
in the Field
GWS Sea Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the
Condition of the Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked
Members of the Armed Forces at Sea
H&S headquarters and service
HA holding area; humanitarian assistance
HAC human intelligence analysis cell
HACC humanitarian assistance coordination center
HAP humanitarian assistance program
HARC human intelligence analysis and reporting cell
HAST humanitarian assistance survey team
HAZMAT hazardous materials
HBCT heavy brigade combat team
HC Directorate for Human Capital (DIA); humanitarian
HCA head of contracting activity; humanitarian and civic
HCCC harbormaster command and control center
HCO helicopter control officer
HCS helicopter coordination section
HD harbor defense; homeland defense
HDC harbor defense commander; helicopter direction center
HDCU harbor defense command unit
HDM humanitarian demining
HDO humanitarian demining operations
HDR humanitarian daily ration
HDTC Humanitarian Demining Training Center
HE high explosives
HEI high explosives incendiary
HEMP high-altitude electromagnetic pulse
HEO highly elliptical orbit
HEPA high efficiency particulate air
HERF hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuels
HERO hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance
HERP hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel
HEWSweb Humanitarian Early Warning Service
HF high frequency
HFA human factors analysis
HFP hostile fire pay
HHC headquarters and headquarters company
HHQ higher headquarters
HIC humanitarian information center
HIDACZ high-density airspace control zone
HIFR helicopter in-flight refueling
HIMAD high-to-medium-altitude air defense
HIMARS High Mobility Artillery Rocket System
HIMEZ high-altitude missile engagement zone
high intensity radio transmission area
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
HIU humanitarian information unit (DOS)
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HMA humanitarian mine action
HMCS helmet-mounted cueing system
HMIRS Hazardous Material Information Resource System
HMMWV high mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
HMOD harbormaster operations detachment
HN host nation
HNC host-nation coordination
HNCC host nation coordination center
HNS host-nation support
HNSCC host-nation support coordination cell
HNSF host-nation security forces
HOB height of burst
HOC human intelligence operations cell; humanitarian
operations center
HOCC humanitarian operations coordination center
HOM head of mission
HOSTAC helicopter operations from ships other than aircraft carriers
(USN publication)
HPM high-power microwave
HPT high-payoff target
HQ headquarters
HQCOMDT headquarters commandant
HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army
HQMC Headquarters, Marine Corps
HR helicopter request; hostage rescue
HRB high-risk billet
HRC high-risk-of-capture; Human Resources Command
HRF homeland response force
HRI high risk of isolation
HRO humanitarian relief organizations
HRP high-risk personnel; human remains pouch
HRT health response team
HS health services; helicopter antisubmarine (Navy);
homeland security
HSC helicopter sea combat (Navy); Homeland Security Council
HSD health service delivery
HSI hyperspectral imagery; Office of Homeland Security
Investigations (DHS)
HSIN Homeland Security Information Network (DHS)
HSIP Homeland Security Infrastructure Program
HSM humanitarian service medal
HSPD homeland security Presidential directive
HSS health service support
high-speed transport
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
HSV high-speed vessel
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUMINT human intelligence
HUMRO humanitarian relief operation
HVA high-value asset
HVAA high value airborne asset
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
HVCDS high-velocity container delivery system
HVI high-value individual
HVT high-value target
HW hazardous waste
Hz hertz
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
I2 identity intelligence
I2WD Intelligence and Information Warfare Division (Army)
I&A Office of Intelligence and Analysis (DHS)
IA imagery analyst; implementing arrangement; individual
augmentee; information assurance
IAA incident area assessment; incident awareness and
IADS integrated air defense system
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency (UN)
IAM inertially aided munition
IAMD integrated air and missile defense
IAMSAR International Aeronautical and Maritime Search
and Rescue manual
IAP incident action plan; integrated assessment and planning;
international airport
IAPP Interagency Partnership Program
IAS International Assistance System
IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee (UN)
IAVM information assurance vulnerability management
IAW in accordance with
IBB International Broadcasting Bureau
IBCT infantry brigade combat team
IBET integrated border enforcement team
IBS Integrated Booking System; integrated broadcast service;
Integrated Broadcast System
IBS-I Integrated Broadcast Service-Interactive
IBS-S Integrated Broadcast Service-Simplex
IC incident commander; intelligence community
IC3 integrated command, control, and communications
ICAF Interagency Conflict Assessment Framework (DOS)
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICAT interagency conflict assessment team
ICBM intercontinental ballistic missile
ICBRN-R international chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear response
ICC information coordination center;
Intelligence Coordination Center (USCG);
International Criminal Court
ICDS improved container delivery system
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS)
ICEPP Incident Communications Emergency Policy
and Procedures
IC/EXCOM Intelligence Community Executive Committee
ICF intelligence contingency funds
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
ICIS integrated consumable item support
ICITAP International Criminal Investigative Training
Assistance Program (DOJ)
ICJ International Court of Justice
ICM image city map
ICODES Integrated Computerized Deployment System
ICP intertheater communications security package;
inventory control point
ICR Intelligence Collection Requirements
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
ICS incident command system; integrated country strategy
ICT information and communications technology
ICU intensive care unit
ICVA International Council of Voluntary Agencies
ICW in coordination with
ID identification; identifier; initiating directive
IDAD internal defense and development
IDENT Automated Biometric Identification System (DHS)
IDF indirect fire
ID/IQ indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity
IDL integrated distribution lane
IDM improved data modem; information dissemination
IDP imagery derived product; imminent danger pay;
internally displaced person
IDRA infectious disease risk assessment
IDSRS Integrated Defense Source Registration System
IED improvised explosive device
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEM installation emergency management
IER information exchange requirement
IFC intelligence fusion center
IFF identification, friend or foe
IFO integrated financial operations; intermediate fuel oil
IFP integrated force package
IFR instrument flight rules
IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
IG inspector general
IGC Integrated Data Environment/Global Transportation
Network Convergence
IGL intelligence gain/loss
IHC international humanitarian community
IHO industrial hygiene officer
IHS international health specialist
IICT Interagency Intelligence Committee on Counterterrorism
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
IIP Bureau of International Information Programs (DOS);
interagency implementation plan
IIR intelligence information report
ILAB Bureau of International Labor Affairs (DOL)
ILO in lieu of; International Labor Organization (UN)
ILOC integrated line of communications
ILS integrated logistic support
IM information management; intermediate module
IMA individual mobilization augmentee
IMAAC Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment
IMC instrument meteorological conditions
IMDG international maritime dangerous goods (UN)
IMET international military education and training
IMF International Monetary Fund (UN)
IMINT imagery intelligence
IMM integrated materiel management; intelligence mission
IMO information management officer; International Maritime
IMP information management plan; inventory
management plan
IMPP integrated mission planning process
IMPT integrated mission planning team
IMRL individual material requirements list
IMS information management system; interagency
management system; Interagency Management System
for Reconstruction and Stabilization
IMSP information management support plan
IMTF integrated mission task force
INCLE International Narcotics Control and Law
Enforcement (DOS)
IND improvised nuclear device
INDRAC Interagency Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction
Database of Responsibilities, Authorities, and Capabilities
INFLTREP inflight report
INFOCON information operations condition
INL Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement
Affairs (DOS)
INLS improved Navy lighterage system
INM international narcotics matters
INMARSAT international maritime satellite
INR Bureau of Intelligence and Research (DOS)
INS inertial navigation system
INSARAG International Search and Rescue Advisory Group
INSCOM United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
INTELSAT International Telecommunications Satellite Organization
InterAction American Council for Voluntary International Action
INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization
INTERPOL-USNCB International Criminal Police Organization, United States
National Central Bureau (DOJ)
IO information operations
IOB intelligence oversight board
IOCB information operations coordination board
IOII information operations intelligence integration
IOM International Organization for Migration
IOSS Interagency Operations Security Support Staff
IOW information operations wing
IOWG information operations working group
IP initial point; initial position; intelligence planning;
Internet protocol
IPA intelligence production agency
IPB intelligence preparation of the battlespace
IPC integration planning cell; interagency planning cell;
interagency policy committee
IPDP inland petroleum distribution plan
IPDS inland petroleum distribution system (Army)
IPE individual protective equipment
IPG isolated personnel guidance
IPI indigenous populations and institutions
IPOE intelligence preparation of the operational environment
IPP impact point prediction
IPR in-progress review
IPR F plan approval in-progress review
IPS Integrated Planning System (DHS);
Interim Polar System
IPT integrated planning team; Integrated Product Team;
intelligence planning team
I/R internment/resettlement
IR incident report; information requirement;
infrared; intelligence requirement
IRA Provisional Irish Republican Army
IRAC Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee (DOC)
IRBM intermediate-range ballistic missile
IRC information-related capability; internet relay chat
IRCM infrared countermeasures
IR pointer infrared pointer
IRR Individual Ready Reserve
IRS Internal Revenue Service
IRSCC interagency remote sensing coordination cell
IRTPA Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act
IS information superiority; information system
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
ISA individual Service augmentee; international
standardization agreement
ISAC information sharing and analysis center
ISAF International Security Assistance Force
ISB intermediate staging base
ISDDC Integrated Mission Support for Surface Deployment and
Distribution Command
ISE information sharing environment
ISG isolated soldier guidance
ISI2R identify, separate, isolate, influence, and reintegrate
ISIL Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
ISN Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
(DOS); internment serial number
ISO International Organization for Standardization; isolation
ISOPAK International Organization for Standardization package
ISOPREP isolated personnel report
ISR intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
ISRD intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance division
ISRLO intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
liaison officer (USAF)
ISR WG Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing
ISS in-system select
ISU internal airlift or helicopter slingable container unit
I/T interpreter and translator
IT information system technician; information technology
ITA International Trade Administration (DOC)
ITF intelligence task force (DIA)
ITL intelligence task list
ITO installation transportation officer
ITU International Telecommunications Union
ITV in-transit visibility
ITW/AA integrated tactical warning and attack assessment
IV intravenous
IW irregular warfare
IWC information operations warfare commander
IWG intelligence working group; interagency working group
IWW inland waterway
IWWS inland waterway system
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
J-1 manpower and personnel directorate of a joint staff
J-2 intelligence directorate of a joint staff
J-2E joint force exploitation staff element
J-2X joint force counterintelligence and human intelligence
staff element
J-3 operations directorate of a joint staff
J-4 logistics directorate of a joint staff
J-5 plans directorate of a joint staff
J-6 communications system directorate of a joint staff
J-7 engineering staff section of a joint staff; Joint Staff
Directorate for Joint Force Development; operational
plans and interoperability directorate of a joint staff;
training directorate of a joint staff
J-8 Joint Staff Directorate for Force Structure, Resource, and
Assessment; force structure, resource, and
assessment directorate of a joint staff
J-9 civil-military operations directorate of a joint staff
J-31 Joint Force Coordinator (Joint Staff)
J-35 future operations cell
J-39 DDGO Joint Staff, Deputy Director for Global Operations
JA judge advocate
JAARS Joint After-Action Reporting System
JAAT joint air attack team
JA/ATT joint airborne and air transportability training
JAC joint analysis center
JACCE joint air component coordination element
JACE joint air coordination element
JACS joint automated communication-electronics operating
instructions system
JADOC Joint Air Defense Operations Center (NORAD)
JADOCS Joint Automated Deep Operations Coordination System
JAG judge advocate general
JAGIC joint air-ground integration center
JAMMS Joint Asset Movement Management System
JAOC joint air operations center
JAOP joint air operations plan
JARN joint air request net
JASSM joint air-to-surface standoff missile
JAT joint assessment team
JBPO joint blood program office
JCA joint capability area
JCASO Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office (DLA)
JCC joint collaboration cell; joint contracting center; joint
cyberspace center
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
JCCA joint combat capability assessment
JCCC Joint Combat Camera Center; joint communications
control center
JCCSE Joint Continental United States Communications Support
JCEOI joint communications-electronics operating instructions
JCET joint combined exchange training
JCEWR joint coordination of electronic warfare reprogramming
JCEWS joint force commander’s electronic warfare staff
JCISA Joint Command Information Systems Activity
JCIU joint counterintelligence unit
JCMA joint communications security monitoring activity
JCMB joint collection management board
JCMEB joint civil-military engineering board
JCMEC joint captured materiel exploitation center; Joint Captured
Materiel Exploitation Center (DIA)
JCMO joint communications security management office
JCMOTF joint civil-military operations task force
JCMS Joint Construction Management System
JCN joint communications network; joint communications
JCRM Joint Capabilities Requirements Manager
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JCSB joint contracting support board
JCSE joint communications support element; Joint
Communications Support Element (USTRANSCOM)
JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition
JDAT joint deployable analysis team
JDD joint doctrine distribution
JDDC joint doctrine development community
JDDE joint deployment and distribution enterprise
JDDOC joint deployment and distribution operations center
JDDT joint doctrine development tool
JDEC joint document exploitation center
JDEIS Joint Doctrine, Education, and Training Electronic
Information System
JDIGS Joint Digital Information Gathering System
JDISS joint deployable intelligence support system
JDN joint data network;
joint doctrine note
JDNC joint data network operations cell
JDNO joint data network operations officer
JDOMS Joint Director of Military Support
JDPC Joint Doctrine Planning Conference
JDPI joint desired point of impact
JDPO joint deployment process owner
JDTC Joint Deployment Training Center
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
JECC Joint Enabling Capabilities Command (USTRANSCOM)
JED Joint Education and Doctrine
JEDD Joint Education and Doctrine Division
JEFF Joint Expeditionary Forensic Facility (Army)
JEL Joint Electronic Library
JEL+ Joint Electronic Library Plus
JEMB joint environmental management board
JEMSMO joint electromagnetic spectrum management operations
JEMSO joint electromagnetic spectrum operations
JENM joint enterprise network manager
JEODOC joint explosives ordnance disposal operations center
JEODTF joint explosives ordnance disposal task force
JEP Joint Exercise Program
JEPES Joint Engineer Planning and Execution System
JET joint expeditionary team; Joint Operation Planning and
Execution System editing tool
JEWC Joint Electronic Warfare Center
JEWCS Joint Electronic Warfare Core Staff (NATO)
JEZ joint engagement zone
JFACC joint force air component commander
JFAST Joint Flow and Analysis System for Transportation
JFC joint force commander
JFCC joint functional component command
JFCC-GS Joint Functional Component Command for Global Strike
JFCC-IMD Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated
Missile Defense
JFCC-ISR Joint Functional Component Command for Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (USSTRATCOM)
JFCC NW Joint Functional Component Command for Network
JFCC-Space Joint Functional Component Command for Space
JFCH joint force chaplain
JFE joint fires element
JFHQ joint force headquarters
JFHQ–NCR Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region
JFHQ–State joint force headquarters-state
JFLCC joint force land component commander
JFMC joint fleet mail center
JFMCC joint force maritime component commander
JFMO joint frequency management office
JFO joint field office; joint fires observer
JFP joint force provider; Joint Frequency Panel (MCEB)
JFRG II joint force requirements generator II
JFS joint force surgeon
JFSOCC joint force special operations component commander
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
JFTR joint Federal travel regulations
JFUB joint facilities utilization board
JGWE joint global warning enterprise
JHNS Joint Hometown News Service
JHSV joint high-speed vessel
JIA joint individual augmentation; joint individual augmentee
JIACG joint interagency coordination group
JIATF joint interagency task force
JIATF-S Joint Interagency Task Force-South
JIATF-W Joint Interagency Task Force-West
JIC joint information center
JICC joint interface control cell
JICO joint interface control officer
JIDC joint interrogation and debriefing center
JIDO Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Organization (DTRA)
JIEE Joint Information Exchange Environment
JIEP joint intelligence estimate for planning
JIMB joint information management board
JIMPP joint industrial mobilization planning process
JIO joint interrogation operations
JIOC joint intelligence operations center
JIOCPAC Joint Intelligence Operations Center, Pacific
JIOC-SOUTH Joint Intelligence Operations Center, South
JIOC-TRANS Joint Intelligence Operations Center–Transportation
JIOWC Joint Information Operations Warfare Center
JIPCL joint integrated prioritized collection list
JIPOE joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment
JIPTL joint integrated prioritized target list
JIS joint information system
JISE joint intelligence support element
JITF-CT Joint Intelligence Task Force for Combating Terrorism
JIVU Joint Intelligence Virtual University
JKnIFE Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization
Knowledge and Information Fusion Exchange
JLCC joint lighterage control center; joint logistics coordination
JLE joint logistics environment
JLEnt joint logistics enterprise
JLLIS Joint Lessons Learned Information System
JLLP Joint Lessons Learned Program
JLOA joint logistics over-the-shore operation area
JLOC joint logistics operations center
JLOTS joint logistics over-the-shore
JLRC joint logistics readiness center
JLSB joint line of communications security board
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
JLSE joint legal support element
JMAC Joint Mortuary Affairs Center (Army)
JMAO joint mortuary affairs office
JMAR joint medical asset repository
JMAT joint medical analysis tool
JMC joint movement center
JMCC joint meteorological and oceanographic coordination cell
JMCG joint movement control group
JMCO joint meteorological and oceanographic coordination
JMD joint manning document
JMEEL joint mission-essential equipment list
JMEM Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual
JMET joint mission-essential task
JMETL joint mission-essential task list
JMIC joint modular intermodal container
JMICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System
mobile integrated communications system
JMIE joint maritime information element
JMIP joint military intelligence program
JMISTF joint military information support task force
JMITC Joint Military Intelligence Training Center
JMMT joint military mail terminal
JMO joint maritime operations; joint meteorological and
oceanographic officer; joint munitions office
JMOC joint medical operations center
JMP joint manpower program
JMPA joint military postal activity
JMPAB Joint Materiel Priorities and Allocation Board
JMPS Joint Mission Planning System
JMPT Joint Medical Planning Tool
JMRR Joint Monthly Readiness Review
JMTCA joint munitions transportation coordinating activity
JMUA Joint Meritorious Unit Award
JMWG joint medical working group
JNCC joint network operations control center
JNMS joint network management system
JNSC Joint Navigation Warfare Center Navigation Warfare
Support Cell
JNWC Joint Navigation Warfare Center
joint operations area
JOAF joint operations area forecast
JOC joint operations center
JOCC joint operations command center
JOERAD joint spectrum center ordnance electromagnetic
environmental effects risk assessment database
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
JOG joint operations graphic
JOPES Joint Operation Planning and Execution System
JOPG joint operations planning group
JOPP joint operation planning process
JOPPA joint operation planning process for air
JOSE Joint Operations Security Support Element (Joint Staff)
JOTC joint operations tasking center
JP joint publication
JP4 jet propulsion fuel, type 4
JP5 jet propulsion fuel, type 5
JP8 jet propulsion fuel, type 8
JPAC joint planning augmentation cell; Joint POW/MIA
Accounting Command
JPADS joint precision airdrop system
JPAG Joint Planning Advisory Group
JPARR joint personnel accountability reconciliation and reporting
JPASE joint public affairs support element; Joint Public Affairs
Support Element (USTRANSCOM)
JPC joint postal cell
JPEC joint planning and execution community
JPED joint personal effects depot
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPERSTAT joint personnel status and casualty report
JPG joint planning group
JPME joint professional military education
JPMRC joint patient movement requirements center
JPN joint planning network
JPO joint petroleum office; Joint Program Office
JPOC joint personnel operations center; joint planning
orientation course
JPP joint planning process
JPPC joint personnel processing center
JPRA Joint Personnel Recovery Agency
JPRC joint personnel recovery center
JPSE Joint Planning Support Element (USTRANSCOM)
JPTTA joint personnel training and tracking activity
JRC joint reconnaissance center
JRCC joint reception coordination center
JRERP Joint Radiological Emergency Response Plan
JRFL joint restricted frequency list
JRIC joint reserve intelligence center
JRIP Joint Reserve Intelligence Program
JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Council
JRRB joint requirements review board
JRS joint reporting structure
JRSOI joint reception, staging, onward movement, and integration
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
JRTC joint readiness training center
JS Joint Staff; the Joint Staff
JSA joint security area
JSAM Joint Service Achievement Medal
JSAP Joint Staff action processing
JSC joint security coordinator; Joint Spectrum Center
JSCC joint security coordination center
JSCM Joint Service Commendation Medal
JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
JSDS Joint Staff doctrine sponsor
JSETS Joint Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking
Electronic Tracking System
JSF joint support force
JSHO joint shipboard helicopter operations
JSIR joint spectrum interference resolution
JSIVA Joint Staff Integrated Vulnerability Assessment
JSME joint spectrum management element
JSO joint security operations
JSOA joint special operations area
JSOAC joint special operations air component; joint special
operations aviation component
JSOACC joint special operations air component commander
JSOC joint special operations command
JSOTF joint special operations task force
JSOU Joint Special Operations University
JSPA joint satellite communications panel administrator
JSPOC Joint Space Operations Center
JSPS Joint Strategic Planning System
JSR joint strategy review
JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
JSTO joint space tasking order
JTA joint technical architecture
JTAC joint terminal attack controller
JTAIC Joint Technical Analysis and Integration Cell (Army)
JTAR joint tactical air strike request
JTB Joint Transportation Board
JTCB joint targeting coordination board
JTCC joint transportation coordination center
JTCOIC Joint Training Counter-Improvised Explosive Device
Operations Integration Center
JTD joint table of distribution
JTF joint task force
JTF-AK Joint Task Force-Alaska
JTFCEM joint task force contingency engineering management
JTF-CM joint task force - consequence management
JTF-CS Joint Task Force-Civil Support
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
JTF-GNO Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations
JTF-HD Joint Task Force-Homeland Defense
JTF-MAO joint task force - mortuary affairs office
JTF-N Joint Task Force-North
JTF-PO joint task force-port opening
JTF-State joint task force-state
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information Distribution System
JTL joint target list
JTLM joint theater logistics management
JTMD joint table of mobilization and distribution; Joint
Terminology Master Database
JTMS joint theater movement staff; joint training master schedule
JTP joint test publication; joint training plan
JTR Joint Travel Regulations
JTS Joint Training System
JTSCC joint theater support contracting command
JTTF joint terrorism task force
JTWG joint targeting working group
JU Joint Tactical Information Distribution System unit
JUH-MTF Joint User Handbook-Message Text Formats
JUIC joint unit identification code
JUO joint urban operation
JUON joint urgent operational need
JVB joint visitors bureau
JWAC Joint Warfare Analysis Center
JWG joint working group
JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System
k thousand
Ka Kurtz-above band
kbps kilobits per second
kg kilogram
K-Kill catastrophic kill
KLE key leader engagement
km kilometer
kph kilometers per hour
KQ ID tactical location identifier
kt kiloton(s); knot (nautical miles per hour)
Ku Kurtz-under band
kW kilowatt
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
LA lead agent; legal adviser
LAD latest arrival date; launch area denied
LAN local area network
LARC lighter, amphibious resupply, cargo
LARC-V lighter, amphibious resupply, cargo, 5 ton
LASH lighter aboard ship
LAV light armored vehicle
lb pound
lbs. pounds
LC legal counsel
LCAC landing craft, air cushion
LCADS low-cost aerial delivery system
LCC amphibious command ship; land component commander;
lighterage control center
LCE logistics combat element (USMC)
LCM landing craft, mechanized; letter-class mail; life-cycle
LCO landing craft air cushion control officer
LCP lighterage control point
LCS landing craft air cushion control ship
LCU landing craft, utility
LD light damage; line of departure
LDA limited depository account
LDO laser designator operator
LDR low data rate
LE law enforcement; low-order explosives
LEA law enforcement agency
LEC lead environmental component
LED light emitting diode
LEDET law enforcement detachment (USCG)
LEGAT legal attaché
LEIP Law Enforcement Intelligence Program (USCG)
LEMP low-altitude electromagnetic pulse
LEO law enforcement operations; low Earth orbit
LEP law enforcement professional
L-EWE land-electronic warfare element
LF landing force
LFA lead federal agency
LFOC landing force operations center
LFORM landing force operational reserve material
LFSP landing force support party
LG deputy chief of staff for logistics
LGB laser-guided bomb
LGM laser-guided missile; loop group multiplexer
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
LGW laser-guided weapon
LHA amphibious assault ship (general purpose)
LHD amphibious assault ship (multipurpose)
LIDAR light detection and ranging
LIMDIS limited distribution
LIPS Logistics Information Processing System
LJDAM laser-guided joint direct attack munition
LL lessons learned
LLLTV low-light level television
LLTR low-level transit route
LMARS Logistics Metrics Analysis Reporting System
LMSR large, medium-speed roll-on/roll-off
LN lead nation; local national
LNI Library of National Intelligence
LNO liaison officer
LOA letter of assist; letter of authorization; letter of offer
and acceptance; logistics over-the-shore operation area
LOAC law of armed conflict
LOAL lock-on after launch
LOBL lock-on before launch
LOC line of communications
LOD line of departure
LOE letter of evaluation; line of effort
LOG logistics
LOGCAP logistics civil augmentation program (Army)
LOI letter of instruction
LO/LO lift-on/lift-off
LOMEZ low-altitude missile engagement zone
LOO line of operation
LO/RO lift-on/roll-off
LOS line of sight
LOTS logistics over-the-shore
LOX liquid oxygen
LPD amphibious transport dock; low probability of detection
LPI low probability of intercept
LRC logistics readiness center
LRF laser range finder
LRN Laboratory Response Network (DHHS)
LRO lighterage repair officer
LRP load and roll pallet
LRST long-range surveillance team
LRT logistics response time
LSA logistic support analysis; logistics supportability analysis
LSC lead Service for contracting
LSCC lead Service for contracting coordination
LSD dock landing ship
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
LSE landing signalman enlisted; logistic support element
LSO landing signals officer
LSS laser spot search; logistics support system
LST laser spot tracker
LSV logistics support vessel
LT long ton
LTD laser target designator
LTF logistics task force
LTIOV latest time information is of value
LTL laser-to-target line
LZ landing zone
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
M million
M&E monitoring and evaluation
MA mortuary affairs
MAAG military assistance advisory group
MAAP master air attack plan
MAC mobility assault company
MACB multinational acquisition and contracting board
MACCS Marine air command and control system
MACG Marine air control group
MACP mortuary affairs collection point
MACRMS mortuary affairs contaminated remains mitigation site
MACS Marine air control squadron
MAF mobility air forces
MAG Marine aircraft group; maritime assessment group;
military assignment group
MAGTF Marine air-ground task force
MAGTF ACE Marine air-ground task force aviation combat element
MAJCOM major command (USAF)
MANPADS man-portable air defense system
MAOC-N Maritime Analysis and Operations Center-Narcotics
MAP Military Assistance Program
MARAD Maritime Administration
MARAD RRF Maritime Administration Ready Reserve Force
MARCORLOGCOM Marine Corps Logistics Command
MARDIV Marine division
MARFOR Marine Corps forces
MARFORSTRAT United States Marine Corps Forces, United States
Strategic Command
MARINCEN Maritime Intelligence Center
Marine TACC Marine Corps tactical air command center
MARLE Marine liaison element
MARO mass atrocity response operations
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
from Ships
MARS Military Auxiliary Radio System
MARSOC United States Marine Corps Forces, Special Operations
MARSOF Marine Corps special operations forces
MARTS Mortuary Affairs Reporting and Tracking System
MAS maritime air support
MASCAL mass casualty
mobile aeromedical staging facility
MASINT measurement and signature intelligence
MASLO measurement and signature intelligence liaison officer
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
MAST mobile ashore support terminal
MAW Marine aircraft wing
MAXORD maximum ordinate
Mbps megabytes per second
MC Military Committee (NATO); mission-critical;
mobile communications
MC4EB Military Command, Control, Communications and
Computers Executive Board
MCA mail control activity; military civic action;
movement control agency
MCAG maritime civil affairs group
MCAS Marine Corps air station
MCAST maritime civil affairs and security training
MCAT maritime civil affairs team
MCB movement control battalion
MCC Marine component commander; military
coordinating committee; military counterintelligence
collections; mission control center;
mobility control center; movement control center
MCCDC Marine Corps Combat Development Command
MCD medical crew director
MCDP Marine Corps doctrine publication
MCEB Military Communications-Electronics Board
MCESG Marine Corps Embassy Security Group
MC/FI mass casualty/fatality incident
MCI multinational communications integration
MCIA Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
MCIO military criminal investigative organization
MCIOC Marine Corps Information Operations Center
MCIP Marine Corps interim publication; military customs
inspection program
MCM maneuver control measure; Manual for Courts-Martial;
military committee memorandum (memorandum issued
in the name of the Chairman); mine countermeasures
MCMC mine countermeasures commander
MCMO medical civil-military operations
MCMOPS mine countermeasures operations
MCMREP mine countermeasure report
MCMRON mine countermeasures squadron
MCO major combat operation; Mapping Customer Operations
(Defense Logistics Agency); Marine Corps order
MCOO modified combined obstacle overlay
MCRP Marine Corps reference publication
MCS modular causeway system
MCSB Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion
MCSFR Marine Corps Security Force Regiment
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
MCT movement control team
MCTOG Marine Corps Tactics and Operations Group
MCWL Marine Corps Warfighting Lab
MCWP Marine Corps warfighting publication
MCX Marine Corps Exchange
MD moderate damage
MDA maritime domain awareness; Missile Defense Agency
MDBS blood support medical detachment
MDCO Military Department counterintelligence organization
MDDOC Marine air-ground task force deployment and
distribution operations center
MDM maritime defense measure
MDMA methylenedioxymethamphetamine
MDO military deception officer
MDRO mission disaster response officer
MDS Message Dissemination Subsystem; mobile diving and
MDSS II Marine air-ground task force Deployment
Support System II
MDSU mobile diving and salvage unit
MEA munitions effect assessment; munitions effectiveness
MEB maneuver enhancement brigade; Marine expeditionary
ME/C medical examiner and/or coroner
MEDCC medical coordination cell
MEDCOM US Army Medical Command
MEDCOM (DS) medical command (deployment support) (Army)
MEDEVAC medical evacuation
MEDINT medical intelligence
MEDLOG medical logistics (USAF AIS)
MEDLOG support medical logistics support
MEDNEO medical noncombatant evacuation operation
MEF Marine expeditionary force
MEJA Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act
MEO medium Earth orbit; military equal opportunity
MEP mobile electric power
MESF maritime expeditionary security force
MESFC maritime expeditionary security force commander
MESO maritime expeditionary security operations
MET mobile environmental team
METCON control of meteorological information (roughly translated
from French)
METL mission-essential task list
METOC meteorological and oceanographic
METSAT meteorological satellite
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
METT-T mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support
available-time available
METT-TC mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support
available-time available and civil considerations (Army)
METWATCH meteorological watch
MEU Marine expeditionary unit
MEVA mission essential vulnerable area
MEZ missile engagement zone
MF mobile facility
MFC multinational force commander
MFE mobile field exchange
MFO multinational force and observers
MGRS military grid reference system
MGW maximum gross weight
MHD maritime homeland defense
MHE materials handling equipment
MHS maritime homeland security; Military Health System
MHz megahertz
MI military intelligence; movement instructions
MIA missing in action
MIB Military Intelligence Board
MIC Multinational Interoperability Council
MIDAS model for intertheater deployment by air and sea
MIDB modernized integrated database; modernized intelligence
MILAIR military airlift
MILALOC military air line of communications
MILCO minelike contact
MILCON military construction
MILDEC military deception
MILDEP Military Department
MILSATCOM military satellite communications
MILSPEC military specification
MILSTAMP military standard transportation and movement procedures
MIL-STD military standard
MILSTRAP military standard transaction reporting and accounting
MILSTRIP military standard requisitioning and issue procedure
MILTECH military technician
MILU multinational integrated logistic unit
MILVAN military van (container)
MIMP Mobilization Information Management Plan
MIO maritime interception operations
MIOC maritime interception operations commander
MIP military intelligence program
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
MIPOE medical intelligence preparation of the operational
MIPR military interdepartmental purchase request
MIR multisensor imagery reconnaissance
MIRCS mobile integrated remains collection system
MIS military information support
MISG military information support group
MISO military information support operations
MISREP mission report
MIST military information support team
MISTF military information support task force
MITAM mission tasking matrix
MIW mine warfare
MIWC mine warfare commander
MIWG multinational interoperability working group
MJLC multinational joint logistic center
M-Kill mobility kill
MLA mission load allowance
MLEA Maritime Law Enforcement Academy
MLEM Maritime Law Enforcement Manual
MLG Marine logistics group
MLI munitions list item
MLMC medical logistics management center
MLP mobile landing platform
MLRS multiple launch rocket system
MLS multilevel security
MLSA mutual logistics support agreement
MLW mean low water
MMAC military mine action center
MMG Department of Defense Master Mobilization Guide
MMS marine mammal system
MNC multinational corporation
MNCC multinational coordination center
MNEODCC multinational explosives ordnance disposal control center
MNF multinational force
MNFACC multinational force air component commander
MNFC multinational force commander
MNFLCC multinational force land component commander
MNFMCC multinational force maritime component commander
MNFSOCC multinational force special operations component commander
MNJLC multinational joint logistics component
MNL master net list; multinational logistics
MNLC multinational logistic center
MNS mission needs statement
MNTF multinational task force
MOA memorandum of agreement
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
MOB main operating base; mobilization
MOBREP military manpower mobilization and accession status
report; mobilization report
MOC maritime operations center; media operations center
MOD ministry of defense; modification
Mod model
MOE measure of effectiveness
MOEI measure of effectiveness indicator
MOG maximum (aircraft) on ground
MOGAS motor gasoline
MOMAT mobility matting
MOP measure of performance; memorandum of policy
MOPP mission-oriented protective posture
MOS military occupational specialty
MOSC meteorological and oceanographic operations support
MOTR maritime operational threat response
MOU memorandum of understanding
MOVREP movement report
MP military police (Army and Marine); multinational publication
MPA maritime patrol aircraft; mission planning agent
MPAT military patient administration team; Multinational Planning
Augmentation Team
MPE/S maritime pre-positioning equipment and supplies
MPF maritime pre-positioning force
MPFUB maritime pre-positioning force utility boat
mph miles per hour
MPICE measuring progress in conflict environments
MPNTP Master Positioning Navigation and Timing Plan
MPO military post office
MPP maritime procedural publication
MPR maritime patrol and reconnaissance
MPS maritime pre-positioning ship; Military Planning
Service (UN); Military Postal Service
MPSA Military Postal Service Agency
MPSRON maritime pre-positioning ships squadron
MR milliradian
MRAT medical radiobiology advisory team
MRBM medium-range ballistic missile
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
MRO mass rescue operation; materiel release order; medical
regulating office; medical regulating officer
MRR minimum-risk route
MRS measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT)
requirements system
MRT maintenance recovery team
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
MRX mission readiness exercise
MS Microsoft
MSA Maritime Security Act
MSC major subordinate command; Military Sealift Command
MSCA military support to civilian authorities
MSCAT maritime security center augment team
MSCO Military Sealift Command Office
MSD mobile security division
MSE mission support element
MSF mission support force; mobile security force
MSG Marine security guard; message
MSGID message identification
MSHARPP mission, symbolism, history, accessibility, recognizability,
population, and proximity
MSI modified surface index; multispectral imagery
MSIC Missile and Space Intelligence Center
MSL mean sea level; military shipping label
MSO map support office; maritime security operations;
military source operation; military strategic objective;
military support operations
MSOAG Marine special operations advisor group
MSOC Marine special operations company
MSOR Marine Special Operations Regiment
MSP Maritime Security Program; mission support plan
MSPA Missing Service Personnel Act
MSR main supply route; mission support request
MSRP mission strategic resource plan
MSRT Maritime Security Response Team (USCG)
MSST maritime safety and security team
MST mission support team
MTAB Military Technical Acceptance Board
MTAC Multiple Threat Alert Center (DON)
MT Bn motor transport battalion
MTCR Missile Technology Control Regime
mtDNA mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid
MTF medical treatment facility; military information support
operations task force
MTN multi-tactical data link network
MTO mission type order
MTON measurement ton
MTP Marine tactical publication; mission tasking packet
MTS Marine tactical system; Movement Tracking System
MTW major theater war
MUOS Mobile Users Object System
MUSE mobile utilities support equipment
MV merchant vessel
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
MWC Missile Warning Center (NORAD)
MWD military working dog
MWG mobilization working group
MWR morale, welfare, and recreation
MWSD Marine wing support detachment
MWSG Marine wing support group
MWSS Marine wing support squadron
MWT modular warping tug
N-2 Director of Naval Intelligence; Navy component
intelligence staff officer
N-6 Director of Naval Communications Networks
NA5CRO non-Article 5 crisis response operation (NATO)
NAC North Atlantic Council (NATO)
NAD 83 North American Datum 1983
NADR nonproliferation, antiterrorism, demining,
and related programs
NAE Navy acquisition executive
NAEC-ENG Naval Air Engineering Center - Engineering
NAF nonappropriated funds; numbered air force
NAI named area of interest
NALC Navy ammunition logistics code
NALE naval and amphibious liaison element
NALSS naval advanced logistic support site
NAMS National Air Mobility System
NAR nonconventional assisted recovery; notice of ammunition
NARAC national atmospheric release advisory capability;
National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center (DOE)
NARP Nuclear Weapon Accident Response Procedures
NAS naval air station
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASIC National Air and Space Intelligence Center
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATOPS Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures
NAVAIDS navigational aids
NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command
NAVCYBERFOR Navy Cyber Forces
NAVELSG Navy expeditionary logistics support group
NAVEODTECHDIV Naval Explosives Ordnance Disposal Technology
NAVFAC Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NAVFACENGCOM Naval Facilities Engineering Command
NAVFAC EXWC Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare
NAVFOR Navy forces
NAVMTO Navy Material Transportation Office
NAVOCEANO Naval Oceanographic Office
NAVSAT navigation satellite
NAVSCOLEOD Naval School Explosive Ordnance Disposal
NAVSEA Naval Sea Systems Command
NAVSEAINST Naval Sea Systems Command instruction
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
NAVSOC Naval Satellite Operations Center; naval special
operations command
NAVSOF Navy special operations forces
NAVSPACECOM Naval Space Command
NAVSPECWARCOM Naval Special Warfare Command
NAVSUP Naval Supply Systems Command
NAVWAR navigation warfare
NAWCAD Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division
Navy TACC Navy tactical air control center
NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical
NBG naval beach group
NBI nonbattle injury
NBVC Naval Base Ventura County Agency
NCAGS naval cooperation and guidance for shipping
NCAPS naval coordination and protection of shipping
NCB noncompliant boarding
NCC Navy component command; Navy
component commander
NCCS Nuclear Command and Control System
NCDC National Climatic Data Center
NCES Net-Centric Enterprise Services
NCESGR National Committee of Employer Support for the Guard
and Reserve
NCF naval construction force
NCG naval construction group
NCH natural and cultural resources and historic properties
NCHB Navy cargo-handling battalion
NCIJTF-AG National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force-Analytical
Group (DOD)
NCIS Naval Criminal Investigative Service
NCIX National Counterintelligence Executive
NCMI National Center for Medical Intelligence
NCMP Navy Capabilities and Mobilization Plan
NCO noncombat operations; noncommissioned officer
NCOIC noncommissioned officer in charge
NCOS naval control of shipping
NCP National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution
Contingency Plan
NCPC National Counterproliferation Center
NCR National Capital Region (US); naval construction
NCRCC National Capital Region Coordination Center; United
States Northern Command Rescue Coordination Center
NCRDEF national cryptologic representative defense
NCR-IADS National Capital Region-Integrated Air Defense System
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
NCS National Clandestine Service; National Communications
System; net control station
NCSC National Counterintelligence and Security Center
NCSD National Cyber Security Division (DHS)
NCTC National Counterterrorism Center
NDAA national defense authorization act
NDAF Navy, Defense Logistics Agency, Air Force
NDB nondirectional beacon
NDCS national drug control strategy
NDDOC North American Aerospace Defense Command and
United States Northern Command Deployment and
Distribution Operations Cell
NDHQ National Defence Headquarters, Canada
NDIC National Defense Intelligence College
NDMS National Disaster Medical System (DHHS)
NDP national disclosure policy
NDPC National Disclosure Policy Committee
NDRC National Detainee Reporting Center
NDRF National Defense Reserve Fleet
NDSF National Defense Sealift Fund
NDT nuclear disablement team
NDU National Defense University
NEA Northeast Asia
NEAT naval embarked advisory team
NEC National Economic Council
NECC Navy Expeditionary Combat Command
NEIC Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command
NELR Navy expeditionary logistics regiment
NEO noncombatant evacuation operation
NEOCC noncombatant evacuation operation coordination center
NEP National Exercise Program
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NES National Exploitation System
NESDIS National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information
Service (DOC)
NEST nuclear emergency support team (DOE)
NETWARCOM Naval Network Warfare Command
NEW net explosive weight
NFA no-fire area
NFC numbered fleet commander
NFELC Naval Facilities Expeditionary Logistics Center
NFESC Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
NFI national foreign intelligence
NFIB National Foreign Intelligence Board
NFIP National Flood Insurance Program (FEMA)
NFLS naval forward logistic site
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
NG National Guard
NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
NGB National Guard Bureau
NGB-OC National Guard Bureau-Office of the Chaplain
NGCC National Guard Coordination Center
NGCDP National Guard Counterdrug Program
NGCSP National Guard Counterdrug Support Program
NGFS naval gunfire support
NGIC National Ground Intelligence Center
NG JFHQ-State National Guard joint force headquarters-state
NGLO naval gunfire liaison officer
NGO nongovernmental organization
NGP National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Program
NHMD National Human Intelligence Manager directive
NIC National Intelligence Council
NICC National Intelligence Coordination Center
NICCL National Incident Communications Conference Line
NICCP National Interdiction Command and Control Plan
NIE national intelligence estimate
NIH National Institutes of Health (DHHS)
NIL National Information Library
NIMS National Incident Management System
NIOC Navy Information Operations Command
NIP National Intelligence Program
NIPF National Intelligence Priority Framework
NIPRNET Nonsecure Internet Protocol Router Network
NISP national intelligence support plan
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIT nuclear incident team
NITF national imagery transmission format
NJOIC National Joint Operations and Intelligence Center
NJTTF National Joint Terrorism Task Force
NLT not later than
nm nautical mile
NMAWC Naval Mine and Anti-Submarine Warfare Command
NMC Navy Munitions Command
NMCB naval mobile construction battalion
NMCC National Military Command Center
NMCS National Military Command System; not mission
capable, supply
NMCSO Navy and Marine Corps spectrum office
NMEC National Media Exploitation Center
NMIC National Maritime Intelligence Center
NMIO National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office
NMIST National Military Intelligence Support Team (DIA)
NMO National Measurement and Signature Intelligence Office
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
NMS national military strategy
NMSA North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Mutual
Support Act
NMSC Navy and Marine Corps Spectrum Center
NMS-CO National Military Strategy for Cyberspace Operations
NMS-CWMD National Military Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass
NMSP-WOT National Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism
NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE)
NNWC Naval Network Warfare Command
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC)
NOACT Navy overseas air cargo terminal
NOC National Operations Center (DHS); network operations
NOE nap-of-the-earth
NOFORN not releasable to foreign nationals
NOK next of kin
NOLSC Naval Operational Logistics Support Center
NOMWC Navy Oceanographic Mine Warfare Center
non-CAAF contractors not authorized to accompany the force
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command
NOSC network operations and security center
NOSSA Navy Ordnance Safety and Security Activity
NOTAM notice to airmen
NPF national planning framework
NPPD National Protection and Programs Directorate (DHS)
NPS National Park Service; nonprior service
NPT Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons
NRAT nuclear/radiological advisory team
NRC National Response Center (USCG); non-unit-related cargo
NRCHB Naval Reserve cargo-handling battalion
NRF National Response Framework
NRG notional requirements generator
NRO National Reconnaissance Office
NRP non-unit-related personnel
NRT near real time
NSA National Security Agency; national shipping authority;
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Standardization Agency
NSABB National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NIH)
NSA/CSS National Security Agency/Central Security Service
NSARC National Search and Rescue Committee
NSAT United States Northern Command situational awareness
NSAWC Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center
NSC National Security Council
NSC/DC National Security Council/Deputies Committee
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
NSC/IPC National Security Council/interagency policy committee
NSC/PC National Security Council/Principals Committee
NSCS National Security Council System
NSD National Security Directive; National Security Division (FBI)
NSDD national security decision directive
NSDM national security decision memorandum
NSE Navy support element
NS/EP national security and emergency preparedness
NSF national security forces; National Strike Force (USCG)
NSFS naval surface fire support
NSG National System for Geospatial Intelligence
NSHS National Strategy for Homeland Security
NSL no-strike list
NSMS National Strategy for Maritime Security
NSN national stock number
NSOC National Security Operations Center
NSP National Search and Rescue Plan
NSPD national security Presidential directive
NSPI National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza
NSS National Search and Rescue Supplement; national
security strategy; national security system
NSSE national special security event
NST National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency support team
NSTAC National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTS National Secure Telephone System
NSW naval special warfare
NSWCDD Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division
NSWC IHEODTD Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive
Ordnance Disposal Technology Division
NSWTF naval special warfare task force
NSWTG naval special warfare task group
NSWTU naval special warfare task unit
NTA nontraditional agent
NTACS Navy tactical air control system
NTIA National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (DOC)
NTM national or multinational technical means of verification;
notice to mariners
NTRP Navy tactical reference publication
NTS noncombatant evacuation operation tracking system
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
NTTP Navy tactics, techniques, and procedures
NUC non-unit-related cargo
NUFEA Navy-unique fleet essential aircraft
NURP non-unit-related personnel
NVD night vision device
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
NVDT National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency voluntary
deployment team
NVG night vision goggle
NVOAD National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
NWDC Navy Warfare Development Command
NWP Navy warfare publication
NWS National Weather Service
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
1MC general announcing system
1NCD 1st Naval Construction Division
O&I operations and intelligence
O&M operation and maintenance
OA objective area; operational area
OAE operational area evaluation
OAFME Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner
OAI oceanographic area of interest
OAM Office of Air and Marine (DHS)
OAP offset aimpoint
OAS offensive air support; Organization of American States
OASD Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
OASD(NII/CIO) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks
and Information Integration/Chief Information Officer)
OASD(PA) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
OASD(RA) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs)
OAU Organization of African Unity
O/B outboard
OB order of battle
OBA Office of Biotechnology Activities (NIH);
oxygen breathing apparatus
OBFS offshore bulk fuel system
OBIM Office of Biometric Identity Management (DHS)
OC operations center
OCA offensive counterair; operational control authority
OCBD Office of Capacity Building and Development (USDA)
OCCA ocean cargo clearance authority
OCDETF Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force
OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
OCIE organizational clothing and individual equipment
OCJCS Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
OCO offensive cyberspace operations; offload control officer
OCONUS outside the continental United States
OCP operational capability package
OCS operational contract support
OCSIC operational contract support integration cell
OCU offload control unit
ODC Office of Defense Cooperation
ODCSLOG Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (Army)
ODNI Office of the Director of National Intelligence
OE operational environment
OE&AS organization for embarkation and assignment to shipping
OEBGD Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
OEC Office of Emergency Communications (DHS)
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OEG operational experts group; operational exposure guidance;
operations security executive group
OEH occupational and environmental health
OER officer evaluation report
OES office of emergency services
OFAC Office of Foreign Assets Control (Treasury)
OFCO offensive counterintelligence operation
OFDA Office of United States Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID)
OFSC Organizational and Force Structure Construct
OHDACA Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (DSCA)
OHDM Office of Humanitarian Assistance, Disaster Relief, and
Mine Action
OI operating instruction; operational interest
OIA Office of Insular Affairs (DOI); Office of International
Affairs (Treasury)
OIC officer in charge
OICC officer in charge of construction
OIIL Office of Intelligence and Investigative Liaison (CBP)
OIR other intelligence requirements
OJT on-the-job training
OLEM Office of Land and Emergency Management (EPA)
OMA Office of Military Affairs (CIA and USAID)
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OMC Office of Military Cooperation
OMS Office of Mission Support
OMSPH Office of Medicine, Science, and Public Health (DHHS)
ONDCP Office of National Drug Control Policy
ONI Office of Naval Intelligence
OOB order of battle
OOD officer of the deck
OODA observe, orient, decide, act
OOS out of service
OP observation post; ordnance publication
OPC Ocean Prediction Center (DOC)
OPCON operational control
OPDAT Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development,
Assistance, and Training (DOJ)
OPDEC operational deception
OPDS offshore petroleum discharge system (USN)
OPDS-Future offshore petroleum discharge system-future (USN)
OPDS-L offshore petroleum discharge system-legacy (USN)
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
OPE operational preparation of the environment
OPELINT operational electronic intelligence
OPEO Office of Preparedness and Emergency Operations (DHHS)
OPFOR opposing force; opposition force
OPG operations planning group
OPGEN operation general matter
OPIR overhead persistent infrared
OPLAN operation plan
OPLAW operational law
OPM Office of Personnel Management
OPMG Office of the Provost Marshal General
OPNAV Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
OPNAVINST Chief of Naval Operations instruction
OPORD operation order
OPP off-load preparation party; orderwire patch panel
OPR office of primary responsibility
OPREP operational report
OPROJ operational project
OPS operational project stock
OPSDEPS Service Operations Deputies
OPSEC operations security
OPSTK operational stock
OPT operational planning team
OPTAR operating target
OPTASK operation task
OPTASKLINK operations task link
OPTEMPO operating tempo
OR operational readiness
ORBAT order of battle
ORD Office of Research and Development (EPA)
ORM operational risk management
ORP ocean reception point
ORS operationally responsive space
ORSA operations research and systems analysis
OS operating stocks; operating system
OSA operational support airlift
OSC offensive space control; on-scene commander; on-site
commander; Open Source Center (CIA)
OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense
OSD/DMDPO Office of the Secretary of Defense, Defense Military
Deception Program Office
OSE operations support element
OSEI operational significant event imagery
OSINT open-source information; open-source intelligence
OSM Office of Spectrum Management (NTIA)
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
OSOCC on-site operations coordination center
OSR on-station report
OT&E operational test and evaluation
OTA Office of Technical Assistance (Treasury)
OTC officer in tactical command; over the counter
OTERA organize, train, equip, rebuild/build, and advise
OTH over the horizon
OTI Office of Transition Initiatives (USAID)
OUB offshore petroleum discharge system utility boat
OUSD Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
OUSD(AT&L) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics)
OUSD(C) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
OUSD(C/CFO) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
(Comptroller/Chief Financial Officer)
OUSD(I) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Intelligence)
OUSD(P) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
OWS operational weather squadron
P publication
PA physician assistant; primary agency; probability of arrival;
public affairs
PACAF Pacific Air Forces
PAD patient administration director
PADD person authorized to direct disposition of human remains
PAG public affairs guidance
PALCON pallet container
PAM preventive and aerospace medicine
PaM passage material
PAO public affairs office; public affairs officer
PAR population at risk
PARS Personnel and Accountability System
PAWS phased array warning system
PAX passengers; public affairs plans
PB peace building
PB4T planning board for training
PBA performance-based agreement; production base analysis
PBIED person-borne improvised explosive device
PBOS Planning Board for Ocean Shipping
PC patrol craft; preliminary coordination;
Principals Committee
PC&S post, camp, and station
PCA Posse Comitatus Act
PCASS Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening System
PCC police contributing country; policy coordination
PCO primary control officer; procuring contracting officer
PCRTS primary casualty receiving and treatment ship
PCS permanent change of station; primary control ship
PCTC pure car and truck carrier
PD position description; priority designator;
probability of damage; probability of detection;
program directive; public diplomacy
PDA preliminary damage assessment
PDC Pacific Disaster Center
PDD Presidential decision directive
PDF portable data file
PDSS predeployment site survey
PDT partnership development team
PDUSD(P&R) Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel
and Readiness)
PE personal effects; preparation of the environment;
program element
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
PED processing, exploitation, and dissemination
PEIO personnel effects inventory officer
PEO peace enforcement operations; program executive office
PEP personnel exchange program
PERE person eligible to receive effects
PERMA planning, embarkation, rehearsal, movement, and action
PERMREP permanent representative (NATO)
PERSCO personnel support for contingency operations
PFA primary federal agency
PFDB planning factors database
PFO principal federal official
PfP Partnership for Peace (NATO)
PGI procedures, guidance, and information
PGM precision-guided munition
PHEO public health emergency officer
PHIBCB amphibious construction battalion
PHIBOP amphibious operation
PHIBRON amphibious squadron
PHIT port handling/in-land transportation
PI pandemic influenza; point of impact;
purposeful interference
probability of incapacitation
PI&ID pandemic influenza and infectious disease
PIAB President’s Intelligence Advisory Board
PIC payment in cash
PID plan identification number; positive identification
PII pre-incident indicators
PIN personnel increment number
PIO public information officer
PIR priority intelligence requirement
PIREP pilot report
PIRT purposeful interference response team
PISA post isolation support activity
PIU patient isolation unit
PJ pararescue jumper
PK probability of kill
PKB purple kill box
PKI public key infrastructure
PKO peacekeeping operations
PKSOI Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute
PL phase line
PLA post-launch abort
PLAD plain language address directory
PLANORD planning order
PLB personal locator beacon
PLS palletized load system
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
PLT platoon
PM Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (DOS); patient
movement; peacemaking; preventive medicine; program
management; program manager; provost marshal
PMA political/military assessment
PMC private military company
PMCF post maintenance check flight
PME professional military education
PMESII political, military, economic, social, information, and
PMGM program manager’s guidance memorandum
PMI patient movement item; prevention of mutual interference
PMITS Patient Movement Item Tracking System
PMO production management office(r); program management
PMR patient movement request; patient movement requirement
PMRC patient movement requirements center
PN partner nation
PNA postal net alert
PNT positioning, navigation, and timing
PO peace operations; petty officer
POA plan of action
POB persons on board
POC point of contact
POCD port operations cargo detachment
POD plan of the day; port of debarkation; probability of
POE port of embarkation; port of entry
POES polar operational environment satellite
POF priority of fires
POG port operations group
POL petroleum, oils, and lubricants
POLAD policy advisor; political advisor
POLCAP bulk petroleum capabilities report
POLMIL political-military
PORTSIM port simulation model
POS point of sale; Point-of-Service; probability of success
POTUS President of the United States
POV privately owned vehicle
POW prisoner of war
POW/MIA prisoner of war/missing in action
PPAG proposed public affairs guidance
PPBE Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution
PPD Presidential policy directive
PPE personal protective equipment
PPF personnel processing file
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
PPLI precise participant location and identification
PPTO petroleum pipeline and terminal operating
PR personnel recovery; Phoenix Raven;
production requirement; program review
PRA patient reception area; primary review authority
PRC populace and resources control; Presidential Reserve
Call-up; primary receiving center
PRCC personnel recovery coordination cell; personnel recovery
coordination center
PRCS personnel recovery coordination section
PRD personnel readiness division; Presidential review directive
PRDO personnel recovery duty officer
PREPO pre-positioned force, equipment, or supplies;
PREREP pre-arrival report
PRF pulse repetition frequency
PRG personnel recovery guidance
PRIFLY primary flight control
Prime BEEF prime base engineer emergency force
PRISM Planning Tool for Resource, Integration, Synchronization,
and Management
PRM Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (DOS)
PRMS personnel recovery mission software
PROVORG providing organization
PRP Personnel Retrieval and Processing
PRRP personnel recovery reference product
PRT patient reception team; provincial reconstruction team
PRTF personnel recovery task force
PS port security
PSA port support activity; principal staff assistant
PSC private security contractor
PSD port security detachment
PSI Proliferation Security Initiative
psi pounds per square inch
PSO peace support operations (NATO); post security officer
PSS personnel services support
PSS-SOF Precision Strike Suite-Special Operations Forces
P-STATIC precipitation static
PSU port security unit
PTDO prepare to deploy order
PTM personnel transport module
PTTI precise time and time interval
PUK packup kit
PV prime vendor
PVNTMED preventive medicine
PVT positioning, velocity, and timing
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
PWG protection working group
PWRR pre-positioned war reserve requirements
PWRS petroleum war reserve stocks; pre-positioned war reserve
PWS performance work statement
PWT precision weapons team
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
QA quality assurance
QAR quality assurance representative
QAT quality assurance team
QC quality control
QDR quadrennial defense review
QHDA qualified hazardous duty area
QIP quick impact project
QM quartermaster
QRF quick reaction force; quick response force
QRP quick response posture
QS quality surveillance
QSTAG quadripartite standardization agreement
QUADCON quadruple container
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
R&D research and development
R&R rest and recuperation
R&S reconstruction and stabilization
R2P2 rapid response planning process
RA response action; risk analysis; risk assessment
RAC-OT readiness assessment system - output tool
RAD routine aerial distribution
RADBN radio battalion
RADC regional air defense commander
RADCON radiological control team
RAF Royal Air Force (UK)
RAM raised angle marker; random antiterrorism measure
RAMCC regional air movement control center
RAP Radiological Assistance Program (DOE)
RAS-OT readiness assessment system-output tool
RATE refine, adapt, terminate, execute
RBA reimbursable budget authority
RBC red blood cell
RC Reserve Component; resident coordinator (UN)
RCA riot control agent
RCC regional contracting center; rescue coordination center
RCD regional collection detachment
RCEM regional contingency engineering management
RCIED radio-controlled improvised explosive device
RCM Rules for Courts-Martial
RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RCO regional contracting office
RCT regimental combat team; rescue coordination team (Navy)
RDCFP Regional Defense Counterterrorism Fellowship Program
RDCTFP Regional Defense Combating Terrorism
Fellowship Program
RDD radiological dispersal device; required delivery date
RDO request for deployment order
RDT&E research, development, test and evaluation
REA Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment
REAC/TS radiation emergency assistance center/training site (DOE)
RED radiological exposure device
RED HORSE rapid engineer deployable heavy operational repair
squadron engineer
REF Rapid Equipping Force (Army)
REPOL bulk petroleum contingency report
REPUNIT reporting unit
RES radiation exposure status
RESCAP rescue combat air patrol
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
RESCORT rescue escort
RESPROD responsible production
RF radio frequency; reserve force
RFA request for assistance; restrictive fire area
RFC request for capabilities; revision final coordination
RF CM radio frequency countermeasures
RFD revision first draft
RFF request for feedback; request for forces
RFI radio frequency interference; request for information
RFID radio frequency identification
RFL restrictive fire line
RFP request for proposal
RFS request for service; request for support
RGS remote geospatial intelligence services
Rh Rhesus
RHIB rigid hull inflatable boat
RICO regional interface control officer
RIK replacement in kind
RLD ready-to-load date
RM ramp module; recovery mechanism; resource
management; risk management
RMC rescue mission commander
RMO regional Marine officer
RMP religious ministry professional
RMS requirements management system
RMT response management team
ROC rehearsal of concept
ROE rules of engagement
ROICC resident officer in charge of construction
ROK Republic of Korea
ROM restriction of movement; rough order of magnitude
ROMO range of military operations
RON remain overnight
RO/RO roll-on/roll-off
ROS reduced operating status
ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps
ROWPU reverse osmosis water purification unit
ROZ restricted operations zone
RP religious program specialist; retained personnel
RPG rocket propelled grenade
RPM revolutions per minute
RPO rendezvous and proximity operations
RPOE rapid port opening element
RQT rapid query tool
RR reattack recommendation
RRCC regional response coordination center
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
RRDF roll-on/roll-off discharge facility
RRF rapid response force; Ready Reserve Force
RS religious support
RSC regional service center; rescue sub-center
RSE retrograde support element
RSF recovery support function
RSI rationalization, standardization, and interoperability
RSN role specialist nation
RSO reception, staging, and onward movement; regional
security officer; remote split operations
RSOI reception, staging, onward movement, and integration
RSS really simple syndication
RSSC regional satellite communications support center;
regional space support center
RSSC-LO regional space support center liaison officer
RST religious support team
RSTA reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition
RT recovery team; rough terrain
RTB return to base
RTCC rough terrain container crane
RTCH rough terrain container handler
RTD returned to duty
RTF return to force
RTL restricted target list
RUF rules for the use of force
RV rendezvous
RW rotary-wing
RWR radar warning receiver
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
618 AOC (TACC) 618 Air Operations Center (Tanker Airlift Control Center)
S&R search and recovery
S&T science and technology; scientific and technical
S&TI scientific and technical intelligence
S-1 battalion or brigade manpower and personnel staff
officer (Marine Corps battalion or regiment)
S-2 battalion or brigade intelligence staff officer (Army; Marine
Corps battalion or regiment)
S-3 battalion or brigade operations staff officer (Army; Marine
Corps battalion or regiment)
SA security assistance; situational awareness; staging area
SAA senior airfield authority
SAAFR standard use Army aircraft flight route
SAAM special assignment airlift mission
SAC special actions cell; supporting arms coordinator
SACC supporting arms coordination center (USMC)
SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (NATO)
SACT Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
SADC sector air defense commander
SADL situation awareness data link
SADO senior air defense officer
SAFE secure analyst file environment; selected area for evasion;
sexual assault forensic examination
SAG surface action group
SALM single-anchor leg mooring
SALT supporting arms liaison team
SAM surface-to-air missile
SAO security assistance office; security assistance officer
SAP special access program
SAPO subarea petroleum office
SAPR sexual assault prevention and response
SAR satellite access request; search and rescue;
special access requirement; suspicious activity
report; synthetic aperture radar
SARC sexual assault response coordinator
SARDOT search and rescue point
SARIR search and rescue incident report
SAROPS Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System
SARREQ search and rescue request
SARSAT search and rescue satellite-aided tracking
SARSIT search and rescue situation summary report
SATCOM satellite communications
SBCT Stryker brigade combat team
SBU sensitive but unclassified
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
SC security cooperation; strategic communication
SCA sociocultural analysis; space coordinating authority;
support to civil administration
SCAR strike coordination and reconnaissance
SCC service cryptologic component; shipping
coordination center
SCC-WMD United States Strategic Command Center for Combating
Weapons of Mass Destruction
SCF(US) Save the Children Federation (United States)
SCG Security Cooperation Guidance
SCHBT shape, clear, hold, build, and transition
SCI sensitive compartmented information
SCIF sensitive compartmented information facility
SCL standard conventional load
SCM security countermeasure; Service container manager
SCO secondary control officer; security cooperation
organization; senior contracting official; state
coordinating officer
SCP security cooperation plan; service control point
S/CRS Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction
and Stabilization (DOS)
SCT shipping coordination team
S/CT Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism (DOS)
SD severe damage; strategy division
SDA senior development advisor
SDB Satellite Communications Database; small diameter bomb
SDDC Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
SDDCTEA Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
Transportation Engineering Agency
SDF self defense force
SDO senior defense official; ship’s debarkation officer
SDO/DATT senior defense official/defense attaché
SDP strategic distribution platform
SDZ self-defense zone
SE site exploitation; spherical error
SEA ships’ bunkers easy acquisition; Southeast Asia
Seabee Navy construction engineer
SEAD suppression of enemy air defenses
SEC submarine element coordinator
SECAF Secretary of the Air Force
SECARMY Secretary of the Army
SecDef Secretary of Defense
SECDHS Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
SECHS Secretary of Homeland Security
SECNAV Secretary of the Navy
SECNAVINST Secretary of the Navy instruction
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
SECOMP secure en route communications package
SECSTATE Secretary of State
SECTRANS Secretary of Transportation
SEF sealift enhancement feature
SEL senior enlisted leader
SEMA special electronic mission aircraft
SEPLO state emergency preparedness liaison officer
SERE survival, evasion, resistance, and escape
SES senior executive service
SEW shared early warning
SEWOC signals intelligence/electronic warfare operations centre
SF security force; special forces; standard form
SFA security force assistance
SFAF standard frequency action format
SFAT spectrum flyaway team
SFC single-fuel concept
SFCP shore fire control party
SFG special forces group
SFMS special forces medical sergeant
SFOR Stabilization Force
SG steering group; surgeon general
SGS strategic guidance statement
SGXM Headquarters, Air Mobility Command/Surgeon
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe
SHF super-high frequency
SHORAD short-range air defense
SHORADEZ short-range air defense engagement zone
SI United States Strategic Command strategic instruction
SIC supporting intelligence center
SICO sector interface control officer
SIDO senior intelligence duty officer
SIF selective identification feature
SIGINT signals intelligence
SIM system impact message
SIMLM single integrated medical logistics manager
SINCGARS single-channel ground and airborne radio system
SIO senior intelligence officer
SIOC Strategic Information and Operations Center (FBI)
SIPRNET SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network
SIR specific information requirement; Strategic Military
Intelligence Review
SITREP situation report
SIV special interest vessel
SJA staff judge advocate
SJFHQ(CE) standing joint force headquarters (core element)
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
SJFHQ-E standing joint force headquarters – elimination
SJS Secretary, Joint Staff
SLA special leave accrual
SLBM submarine-launched ballistic missile
SLCM sea-launched cruise missile
SLCP ship lighterage control point; ship’s loading
characteristics pamphlet
SLO space liaison officer
SLOC sea line of communications
SLRP survey, liaison, and reconnaissance party
SLWT side loadable warping tug
SM spectrum management
SMB spectrum management branch
SMC search and rescue mission coordinator
SMCA single manager for conventional ammunition
SMCM surface mine countermeasures
SME subject matter expert
SMO senior meteorological and oceanographic officer;
strategic mobility office(r)
SMRC Specialized Medical Response Capabilities
SMS Single Mobility System
SMU special mission unit
SMWDC Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center
SN serial number
SNA social network analysis
SNCO staff noncommissioned officer
SNF strategic nuclear forces
SOA special operations aviation (Army); sustained
operations ashore
SOAGS special operations air-ground system
SOC special operations commander
SOCCE special operations command and control element
SOCCET special operations critical care evacuation team
SOC-FWD special operations command-forward
SOCM special operations combat medic
SOCPAC Special Operations Command, Pacific
SOD special operations division
SOE special operations executive
SOF special operations forces
SOFA status-of-forces agreement
SOF-CF special operations forces-conventional forces
SOFLE special operations forces liaison element
SOG special operations group
SOI signal operating instructions
SOIC senior officer of the intelligence community
special operations joint task force
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
SOLE special operations liaison element
SOLO special operations liaison officer
SOMA status of mission agreement
SOMARDS Standard Operation and Maintenance Army Research and
Development System
SOMARDS NT Standard Operation and Maintenance Army Research and
Development System Non-Technical
SOP standard operating procedure
SORTIEALOT sortie allotment message
SORTS Status of Resources and Training System
SOSB special operations support battalion
SOST special operations support team
SOTA signals intelligence operational tasking authority
SOTF special operations task force
SOW special operations wing; standoff weapon; statement of
SP security police
SPE senior procurement executive
SPECAT special category
SPG Strategic Planning Guidance
SPI sensor point of interest; special investigative (USAF)
SPINS special instructions
SPM service postal manager; single port manager
SPMAGTF special purpose Marine air-ground task force
SPOD seaport of debarkation
SPOE seaport of embarkation
SPOT Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker
SPOTREP spot report
SPP Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America;
State Partnership Program (NG)
SR special reconnaissance
SRBM short-range ballistic missile
SRG Seabee readiness group
SRI surveillance, reconnaissance, and intelligence
(Marine Corps)
SRM sustainment, restoration, and modernization
SROE standing rules of engagement
SRR search and rescue region
SRSG special representative of the Secretary-General
SRUF standing rules for the use of force
SS steamship
SSA security sector assistance; software support activity; space
situational awareness; special support activity (NSA);
supply support activity
SSB single side band
SSC small scale contingency; special security center
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
SSCO shipper’s service control office
SSE space support element
SSI standing signal instruction
SSM surface-to-surface missile
SSN Social Security number
SSO special security office(r)
SSPM single-service postal manager
SSR security sector reform
SSS Selective Service System
SST special support team (National Security Agency)
SSTR stability, security, transition, and reconstruction
SSWG space support working group
ST short ton; strike team
STANAG standardization agreement (NATO)
STAR sensitive target approval and review
STARS Standard Accounting and Reporting System
START Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
S-Team staff augmentation team
STEP standardized tactical entry point
STO special technical operations
STOL short takeoff and landing
STON short ton
STS special tactics squadron
STT special tactics team
STU secure telephone unit
STW strike warfare
STWC strike warfare commander
SUBOPAUTH submarine operating authority
SUPP supplement
SUPPO supply officer
SUROBS surf observation
SUST BDE sustainment brigade
SUW surface warfare
SUWC surface warfare commander
SVC stored value card
SW shallow water
SWO staff weather officer
SWPC Space Weather Prediction Center
SYG Secretary-General (UN)
SYSCOM systems command
SZ surf zone
2-D two-dimensional
2E Role 2 enhanced
2LM Role 2 light maneuver
2X counterintelligence and human intelligence staff element
3-D three-dimensional
T&E test and evaluation
T2 technology transfer
TA target acquisition; target audience; technical arrangement;
theater Army; threat assessment
TAA tactical assembly area; target audience analysis
TAACOM theater Army area command
TAAMDCOORD theater Army air and missile defense coordinator
TAC terminal attack control
TAC(A) tactical air coordinator (airborne)
TACAIR tactical air
TACAN tactical air navigation
TACC tanker airlift control center
TAC-D tactical deception
TACLOG tactical-logistical
TACO theater allied contracting office
TACON tactical control
TACOPDAT tactical operational data
TACP tactical air control party
TACRON tactical air control squadron
T-ACS auxiliary crane ship
TACS tactical air control system; theater air control system
TACSAT tactical satellite
TACT tactical aviation control team
TAD tactical air direction; temporary additional duty
(non-unit-related personnel); theater air defense
TADC tactical air direction center
TAF tactical air force
TAFT technical assistance field team
TAG technical assistance group; the adjutant general
TAGS theater air-ground system
T-AH hospital ship
TAI target area of interest
T-AKR fast logistics ship
TAMP Transitional Assistance Management Program
TAO tactical air officer
TAOC tactical air operations center (USMC)
TAR tactical air request
TARWI target weather and intelligence
TASKORD tasking order
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
TASWC theater antisubmarine warfare commander
TAT tactical analysis team; technical assistance team
TATC tactical air traffic control
T-AVB aviation logistics support ship
TBC theater business clearance
TBM theater ballistic missile
TBMCS theater battle management core system
TBMD theater ballistic missile defense
TB MED technical bulletin medical
TB(X) transportation brigade (expeditionary)
TC training circular
TCA traditional combatant commander activity
TC-AIMS II Transportation Coordinator’s Automated Information for
Movement System II
TCC transportation component command; troop contributing
TCEM theater contingency engineering management
TCF tactical combat force
TCM theater construction manager; theater container manager
TCMD transportation control and movement document
TCN third country national; transportation control number;
troop contributing nations
TCO termination contracting officer; transnational criminal
TCP theater campaign plan
TCPED tasking, collection, processing, exploitation, and
TCS theater communications system
TCSP theater consolidation and shipping point
TD temporary duty (USMC); theater distribution; tie down
TDC target development cell
TDD time-definite delivery
TDF theater detention facility
TDL tactical data link
TDN tactical data network; target development nomination
TDP theater distribution plan
TDRC theater detainee reporting center
TDY temporary duty
TEA Transportation Engineering Agency
TEC theater engineer command
TECHCON technical control
TECHELINT technical electronic intelligence
TECHINT technical intelligence
TEDAC Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center (FBI)
TEL transporter-erector-launcher
TEMPER tent extendible modular personnel
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
TENCAP tactical exploitation of national capabilities program
TEO team embarkation officer
TEP theater engagement plan
TERCOM terrain contour matching
TES theater event system
TET targeting effects team
TETK TeleEngineering Toolkit
TEU technical escort unit; twenty-foot equivalent unit
TEWLS Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System
TF task force
TFC threat finance cell
TFCICA task force counterintelligence coordinating authority
TFE tactical field exchange; threat finance exploitation
TFF total force fitness
TFMS-M Transportation Financial Management System-Military
TG task group
TGM terminally guided munitions
TGO terminal guidance operations
THAAD Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
THT tactical human intelligence team
THX theater express
TI threat identification
TIA theater intelligence assessment
TIB theater intelligence brigade; toxic industrial biological
TIC target information center; toxic industrial chemical
TIDE Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment
TIM toxic industrial material
TIO target intelligence officer
TIP target intelligence package; trafficking in persons
TIR toxic industrial radiological
TJAG the judge advocate general
T-JTB theater-joint transportation board
TLA theater logistics analysis
TLAM Tomahawk land-attack missile
TLAMM theater lead agent for medical materiel
TLE target location error
TLM target list management; topographic line map
TLO theater logistics overview
TM target materials; technical manual
TMAO theater mortuary affairs office; theater mortuary affairs
TMD theater missile defense
TMEP theater mortuary evacuation point
TMIP theater medical information program
TMM transregional, multi-domain, and multi-functional
TMO traffic management office; transportation management
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
T/M/S type, model, and/or series
TMT time-phased force and deployment data management tool
TNCC theater network operations control center
TNL target nomination list
TO technical order; theater of operations
TO&E table of organization and equipment
TOA table of allowance
TOC tactical operations center
TOD tactical ocean data
TOF time of flight
TOI track of interest
TOPINT technical operational intelligence
TOR term of reference
TOS time on station
TOT time on target
TP transportation priority
TPE theater provided equipment
TPED tasking, processing, exploitation, and dissemination;
theater personal effects depot
TPFDD time-phased force and deployment data
TPFDL time-phased force and deployment list
TPMRC theater patient movement requirements center
TPT tactical petroleum terminal
TQ tactical questioning
TRA technical review authority
TRAC2ES United States Transportation Command Regulating
and Command and Control Evacuation System
TRADOC United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
Trans BDE transportation brigade
Trans Det RPO transportation detachment rapid port opening
TRANSEC transmission security
TRAP tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel (Marine Corps);
tactical related applications
TRIADS Tri-Wall Aerial Distribution System
TRICON triple container
TRO training and readiness oversight
TROPO tropospheric scatter
TRP target reference point
TS time-sensitive; top secret
TSA target system analysis; Transportation
Security Administration (DHS)
TSC theater security cooperation; theater support command;
theater sustainment command (Army)
TSCM technical surveillance countermeasures
TSCP theater security cooperation plan
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
TSOC tactical special operations command; theater special
operations command
TSS target sensing system
TSSA transitional security sector assistance
TST terminal support team; time-sensitive target
TSWA temporary secure working area
TT&C telemetry, tracking, and commanding
TTAB Technical Training Acceptance Board
TTAN transportation tracking account number
TTD tactical terrain data
TTL tagging, tracking, and locating
TTN transportation tracking number
TTP tactics, techniques, and procedures; trailer transfer point
TTT time to target
TTU transportation terminal unit
TU task unit
TUCHA type unit characteristics file
TV television
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
TW&A threat warning and assessment
TWCF Transportation Working Capital Fund
TWDS tactical water distribution system
TYCOM type commander
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
UA unmanned aircraft
UAR unconventional assisted recovery
UARCC unconventional assisted recovery coordination cell
UAS unmanned aircraft system
UAV unmanned aerial vehicle
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
UCP Unified Command Plan
UCT underwater construction team
UDL unit deployment list
UEWR upgraded early warning radar
UFAC Underground Facilities Analysis Center
UFC Unified Facilities Criteria
UFO ultrahigh frequency follow-on
UGA ungoverned area
UGIRH Urban Generic Information Requirements Handbook
UGO unified geospatial-intelligence operations
UHF ultrahigh frequency
UIC unit identification code
UJTL Universal Joint Task List
UK United Kingdom
ULN unit line number
ULSD ultra-low sulfur diesel
UMCC unit movement control center
UMCM underwater mine countermeasures
UMD unit movement data
UMMIPS uniform material movement and issue priority system
UMO unit movement officer
UMS unmanned system
UN United Nations
UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
UN CMCoord United Nations humanitarian civil-military coordination
UNCT United Nations country team
UND urgency of need designator
UNDAC United Nations disaster assessment and coordination
UNDFS United Nations Department of Field Support
UN-DMT United Nations disaster management team
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNDPKO United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations
UNEP United Nations environment programme
UNHAS United Nations Humanitarian Air Service
UNHCHR United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNHQ United Nations Headquarters
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
UNITAF unified task force
UNMEM United Nations military expert on mission
UNO unit number
UNOCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
UNOSOM United Nations Operations in Somalia
UNPA United Nations Participation Act
UNPROFOR United Nations protection force
UNSC United Nations Security Council
UNSCR United Nations Security Council resolution
UNSG United Nations Secretary-General
UON urgent operational need
UP&TT unit personnel and tonnage table
URL uniform resource locater
URN unit reference number
US&R urban search and rescue
USA United States Army
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
USACFSC United States Army Community and Family Support
USACHPPM United States Army Center for Health Promotion and
Preventive Medicine
USACIDC United States Army Criminal Investigation Command
USAEDS United States Atomic Energy Detection System
USAF United States Air Force
USAFE United States Air Forces in Europe
USAFR United States Air Force Reserve
USAFRICOM United States Africa Command
USAFSOS United States Air Force Special Operations School
USAID United States Agency for International Development
USAMC United States Army Materiel Command
USAMMA United States Army Medical Materiel Agency
USAMRICD United States Army Medical Research Institute of
Chemical Defense
USAMRIID United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious
USAMRMC United States Army Medical Research and Materiel
USAR United States Army Reserve
USARCENT United States Army, Central Command
USARDECOM United States Army Research, Development, and
Engineering Command
USAREUR United States Army, European Command
USARNORTH United States Army, North
USARPAC United States Army, Pacific Command
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
USARSO United States Army, Southern Command
USASMDC/ARSTRAT United States Army Space and Missile Defense
Command/Army Forces Strategic Command
USASOC United States Army Special Operations Command
USC United States Code; universal service contract
USCENTCOM United States Central Command
USCG United States Coast Guard
USCGR United States Coast Guard Reserve
USCIS United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
USCS United States Cryptologic System
USCYBERCOM United States Cyber Command
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
USDAO United States defense attaché office
USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology,
and Logistics
USD(C) Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
USD(I) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
USD(P) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
USD(P&R) Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
USELEMNORAD United States Element, North American Aerospace
Defense Command
USERID user identification
USERRA Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment
Rights Act
USEUCOM United States European Command
USFF United States Fleet Forces Command
USFK United States Forces, Korea
USG United States Government
USGS United States Geological Survey
USIP United States Institute of Peace
USLO United States liaison office
USMARFORNORTH United States Marine Corps Forces North
USMC United States Marine Corps
USMCR United States Marine Corps Reserve
USMILGP United States military group
USML United States Munitions List
USMOG-W United States Military Observer Group - Washington
USMS United States Marshals Service
USMTF United States message text format
USN United States Navy
USNAVSO US Naval Forces Southern Command
USNMR United States national military representative
USNO United States Naval Observatory
USNORTHCOM United States Northern Command
USNR United States Navy Reserve
USNS United States Naval Ship
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
USPACOM United States Pacific Command
USPHS United States Public Health Service (DHHS)
USPS United States Postal Service
USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command
USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command
USSS United States Secret Service (Treasury)
USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command
USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command
USUN United States Mission to the United Nations
USW undersea warfare
USYG under secretary general
UTC Coordinated Universal Time; unit type code
UTM universal transverse mercator
UTO unit table of organization
UUV unmanned underwater vehicle; unmanned underwater vessel
UW unconventional warfare
UXO unexploded explosive ordnance; unexploded ordnance
VA Department of Veterans Affairs; victim advocate;
vulnerability assessment
VAAP vulnerability assessment and assistance program
VBIED vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
VBSS visit, board, search, and seizure
VCJCS Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
VDL video downlink
VE vertical error
VEE Venezuelan equine encephalitis
VEO violent extremist organization
VERTREP vertical replenishment
VFR visual flight rules
VFS validating flight surgeon
VHF very high frequency
VI visual information
VID visual identification
VIP very important person
VIPPSA very important personnel protection support activity
VIRIN visual information record identification number
VIRS verbally initiated release system
VISA Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement
VISION ID visual information professional identifier
VLF very low frequency
VMap vector map
VMAQ Marine tactical electronic warfare squadron
VMC visual meteorological conditions
VMF variable message format
VMI vendor managed inventory
VOD vertical onboard delivery
VPV virtual prime vendor
VS&PT vehicle summary and priority table
VSW very shallow water
VTA voluntary tanker agreement
VTC video teleconferencing
VTOL vertical takeoff and landing
VTOL-UAS vertical takeoff and landing unmanned aircraft system
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
WADS Western Air Defense Sector
WAI weather area of interest
WAN wide-area network
WANGO World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations
WARM wartime reserve mode
WARNORD warning order
WARP web-based access and retrieval portal
WAS wide area surveillance
WASP war air service program
WB wideband
WBGTI wet bulb globe temperature index
WBIED waterborne improvised explosive device
WCE weapons of mass destruction coordination element
WCO World Customs Organization
WCS weapons control status
WDCO well deck control officer
Web SM Web scheduling and movement
WETM weather team
WEU Western European Union
WEZ weapon engagement zone
WFP World Food Programme (UN)
WG working group
WGS Wideband Global Satellite Communications
WGS 84 World Geodetic System 1984
WHNS wartime host-nation support
WHO World Health Organization (UN)
WIA wounded in action
WIT weapons intelligence team
WLG Washington Liaison Group
WMD weapons of mass destruction
WMD-CST weapons of mass destruction-civil support team
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WMP Air Force War and Mobilization Plan
WOC wing operations center (USAF)
WOD wind-over deck
WOT war on terrorism
WP white phosphorous; working party
WPB Coast Guard patrol boat
WPR War Powers Resolution
WRA Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (DOS);
weapons release authority
WRAIR Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
WRM war reserve materiel
WRS war reserve stock
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
WRSA war reserve stocks for allies
WS weather squadron
WSESRB Weapon System Explosive Safety Review Board
WSM waterspace management
WSR weapon system reliability
WSV weapons system video
WT warping tug
WTI weapons technical intelligence
WWII World War II
WWX worldwide express
WX weather
XCDS Extracted Container Delivery System
XCVR transceiver
XMPP extensible messaging and presence protocol
XO executive officer
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
YR year
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
ZF zone of fire
ZULU time zone indicator for Universal Time
Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
Intentionally Blank
1. Supersession
a. This document supersedes the DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms,
as of February 2017. The terms and definitions in the DOD Dictionary will be updated
according to policy with modifications, deletions, or additions that have been approved in
accordance with DODI 5025.12 and CJCSI 5705.01.
b. Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms in the DOD Dictionary are solely derived
from currently approved JP glossaries. As of May 2016, those not currently found in active
JPs were removed.
c. Record of Updates:
March 2017: JP 3-13.4 and JP 4-01.6 added.
February 2017: JP 3-0 and JP 3-25 added.
15 December 2016: PL 114-92, DOD issuances, and other administrative changes
15 November 2016: JP 3-08 added.
15 September 2016: JP 1-04, JP 3-03, JP 3-07, JP 3-15, JP 3-41, and JP 3-42 added.
15 August 2016: JDPC vote and JSAP J7-A 00201-16 added.
15 June 2016: JP 1-0, DODD 3100.10, DODI 2000.21, DODI 4151.20, and DODM
3150.08 added.
15 May 2016: JP 2-01.2 and CJCSI 4360.01A added.
2. Terms Removed or Replaced as of March 2017
Terms Removed or Replaced
Term Action Source Rationale
berm Removed JP 4-01.6 Not used
strategic sealift forces Removed JP 4-01.6 Not used
dummy Removed JP 3-13.4 Not used
honey pot Removed JP 3-13.4 Not used
Figure 1. Terms Removed or Replaced
3. Terms Added or Modified as of March 2017
Terms Added or Modified
Term Action Source
amphibious bulk liquid transfer system Modified JP 4-01.6
Navy expeditionary logistics support group Modified JP 4-01.6
competing observable Added JP 3-13.4
conduits Modified JP 3-13.4
counterdeception Modified JP 3-13.4
deception goal Added JP 3-13.4
deception means Modified JP 3-13.4
decoy Modified JP 3-13.4
Administrative Instructions
demonstration Modified JP 3-13.4
observable Added JP 3-13.4
ruse Modified JP 3-13.4
Figure 2. Terms Added or Modified
4. Distribution
Joint Staff, J-7, does not print copies of the DOD Dictionary for distribution. Electronic
versions are available on JDEIS [Joint Doctrine, Education, and Training Information
System] JEL+ [Joint Electronic Library Plus] at
(NIPRNET) and (SIPRNET), and on the JEL [Joint
Electronic Library] at (Internet).