Casio FX-9750GII
Guide for Introductory Statistics
Includes step-by-step instructions,
practice exercises, and links to video
tutorials. Covers all calculator features
needed for AP® Statistics Exam
Instructions excerpted from
Advanced High School Statistics,
available for FREE at
Author of instructions
David Diez
OpenIntro, Inc.
Guide aggregated by
Leah Dorazio
San Francisco University High School
August 19, 2016
Copyright © 2016 OpenIntro, Inc.
Updated: August 19, 2016.
This guide is available under a Creative Commons license. Visit for a free
PDF, to download the source files, or for more information about the license.
AP® is a trademark registered and owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of,
and does not endorse, this product.
Summarizing data 4
Entering data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Calculating summary statistics and drawing a box plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Practice exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Probability 6
Computing the binomial coefficient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Binomial calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Practice exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Distribution of random variables 8
Finding area under the normal curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Find a Z-score that corresponds to a percentile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Practice exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Inference for categorical data 10
1-proportion z-interval and z-test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Practice exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2-proportion z-interval and z-test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Practice exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Finding area unders the Chi-square curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Chi-square goodness of fit test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Chi-square test for two-way tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Practice exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Inference for numerical data 17
1-sample t-test and t-interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Practice exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Matched pairs t-test and t-interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Practice exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2-sample t-test and t-interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Practice exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Introduction to linear regression 22
Finding b
, b
, R
, and r for a linear model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Practice exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Linear regression t-test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Summarizing data
Entering data
Casio fx-9750GII: Entering data
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. Optional: use the left or right arrows to select a particular list.
3. Enter each numerical value and hit EXE.
Calculating summary statistics and drawing a box plot
Casio fx-9750GII: Drawing a box plot and 1-variable statistics
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU, then hit 2) and enter the data into a list.
2. Go to GRPH (F1).
3. Next go to SET (F6) to set the graphing parameters.
4. To use the 2nd or 3rd graph instead of GPH1, select F2 or F3.
5. Move down to Graph Type and select the (F6) option to see more graphing
options, then select Box (F2).
6. If XList does not show the list where you entered the data, hit LIST (F1)
and enter the correct list number.
7. Leave Frequency at 1.
8. For Outliers, choose On (F1).
9. Hit EXE and then choose the graph where you set the parameters F1 (most
common), F2, or F3.
10. If desired, explore 1-variable statistics by selecting 1-Var (F1).
Calculating the summary statistics will return the following information. It will be
necessary to hit the down arrow to see all of the summary statistics.
¯x Mean minX Minimum
Σx Sum of all the data values Q
First quartile
Sum of all the squared data values Med Median
σx Population standard deviation maxX Maximum
n Sample size or # of data points
Practice exercises
Guided Practice 0.1 Enter the following 10 data points into the first list on a
calculator: 5, 8, 1, 19, 3, 1, 11, 18, 20, 5. Find the summary statistics and make a
box plot of the data. The summary statistics should be ¯x = 9.1, Sx = 7.475, Q1 = 3,
etc. The box plot should be as follows.
Computing the binomial coefficient
Casio fx-9750GII: Computing the binomial coefficient,
1. Navigate to the RUN-MAT section (hit MENU, then hit 1).
2. Enter a value for n.
3. Go to CATALOG (hit buttons SHIFT and then 7).
4. Type C (hit the ln button), then navigate down to the bolded C and hit EXE.
5. Enter the value of k. Example of what it should look like: 7C3.
6. Hit EXE.
Binomial calculations
Casio fx-9750GII: Binomial calculations
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU, then hit 2).
2. Select DIST (F5), and then BINM (F5).
3. Choose whether to calculate the binomial distribution for a specific number
of successes, P (X = k), or for a range P (X k) of values (0 successes,
1 success, ..., k successes).
For a specific number of successes, choose Bpd (F1).
To consider the range 0, 1, ..., k successes, choose Bcd(F1).
4. If needed, set Data to Variable (Var option, which is F2).
5. Enter the value for x (k), Numtrial (n), and p (probability of a success).
6. Hit EXE.
Practice exercises
Guided Practice 0.2 Find the number of ways of arranging 3 blue marbles and
2 red marbles.
Guided Practice 0.3 There are 13 marbles in a bag. 4 are blue and 9 are red.
Randomly draw 5 marbles with replacement. Find the probability you get exactly 3
blue marbles.
Guided Practice 0.4 There are 13 marbles in a bag. 4 are blue and 9 are red.
Randomly draw 5 marbles with replacement. Find the probability you get at most 3
blue marbles (i.e. less than or equal to 3 blue marbles).
Use n = 5 and k = 3 to get 10.
Use n = 5, p = 4/13, and x (k) = 3 to get 0.1396.
Use n = 5, p = 4/13, and x = 3 to get 0.9662.
Distribution of random
Finding area under the normal curve
Casio fx-9750GII: Finding area under the normal curve
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU, then hit 2).
2. Select DIST (F5), then NORM (F1), and then Ncd (F2).
3. If needed, set Data to Variable (Var option, which is F2).
4. Enter the Lower Z-score and the Upper Z-score. Set σ to 1 and µ to 0.
If finding just a lower tail area, set Lower to -12.
For an upper tail area, set Upper to 12.
5. Hit EXE, which will return the area probability (p) along with the Z-scores
for the lower and upper bounds.
Find a Z-score that corresponds to a percentile
Casio fx-9750GII: Find a Z-score that corresponds to a percentile
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU, then hit 2).
2. Select DIST (F5), then NORM (F1), and then InvN (F3).
3. If needed, set Data to Variable (Var option, which is F2).
4. Decide which tail area to use (Tail), the tail area (Area), and then enter the
σ and µ values.
5. Hit EXE.
Practice exercises
Example 0.5 Use a calculator to determine what percentile corresponds to a Z-
score of 1.5.
Always first sketch a graph:
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
To find an area under the normal curve using a calculator, first identify a lower bound
and an upper bound. Theoretically, we want all of the area to the left of 1.5, so the
left endpoint should be -. However, the area under the curve is nearly negligible
when Z is smaller than -4, so we will use -5 as the lower bound when not given a
lower bound (any other negative number smaller than -5 will also work). Using a
lower bound of -5 and an upper bound of 1.5, we get P (Z < 1.5) = 0.933.
Guided Practice 0.6 Find the area under the normal curve to right of Z = 2.
Guided Practice 0.7 Find the area under the normal curve between -1.5 and 1.5.
Example 0.8 Use a calculator to find the Z-score that corresponds to the 40th
Letting Area be 0.40, a calculator gives -0.253. This means that Z = 0.253 corre-
sponds to the 40th percentile, that is, P (Z < 0.253) = 0.40.
Guided Practice 0.9 Find the Z-score such that 20 percent of the area is to the
right of that Z-score.
normalcdf gives the result without drawing the graph. To draw the graph, do 2nd VARS, DRAW,
1:ShadeNorm. However, beware of errors caused by other plots that might interfere with this plot.
Now we want to shade to the right. Therefore our lower bound will be 2 and the upper bound will be
+5 (or a number bigger than 5) to get P (Z > 2) = 0.023.
Here we are given both the lower and the upper bound. Lower bound is -1.5 and upper bound is 1.5.
The area under the normal curve between -1.5 and 1.5 = P (1.5 < Z < 1.5) = 0.866.
If 20% of the area is the right, then 80% of the area is to the left. Letting area be 0.80, we get
Z = 0.841.
Inference for categorical data
1-proportion z-interval and z-test
Casio fx-9750GII: 1-proportion z-interval
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. Choose the INTR option (F4 button).
3. Choose the Z option (F1 button).
4. Choose the 1-P option (F3 button).
5. Specify the interval details:
Confidence level of interest for C-Level.
Enter the number of successes, x.
Enter the sample size, n.
6. Hit the EXE button, which returns
Left, Right ends of the confidence interval
^p sample proportion
n sample size
Casio fx-9750GII: 1-proportion z-test
The steps closely match those of the 1-proportion confidence interval.
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. Choose the TEST option (F3 button).
3. Choose the Z option (F1 button).
4. Choose the 1-P option (F3 button).
5. Specify the test details:
Specify the sidedness of the test using the F1, F2, and F3 keys.
Enter the null value, p0.
Enter the number of successes, x.
Enter the sample size, n.
6. Hit the EXE button, which returns
z Z-statistic
p p-value
^p the sample proportion
n the sample size
Practice exercises
Guided Practice 0.10 A candidate selects a random sample of size n = 500.
The proportion of people in the sample that support her is 52%. Is there significant
evidence that greater than 50% of the population support her? Use a calculator to
find the p-value for a test with H
: p > 50%.
Guided Practice 0.11 What percent of Americans believe the Supreme Court is
doing a good job? A random sample of n = 976 yields a sample percent of 44%. Use
a calculator to find a 90% confidence interval for the percent of all Americans that
believe the Supreme Court is doing a good job.
p-value = 0.19
The interval is (0.414, 0.471) = (41.4%, 47.1%).
2-proportion z-interval and z-test
Casio fx-9750GII: 2-proportion z-interval
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. Choose the INTR option (F4 button).
3. Choose the Z option (F1 button).
4. Choose the 2-P option (F4 button).
5. Specify the interval details:
Confidence level of interest for C-Level.
Enter the number of successes for each group, x1 and x2.
Enter the sample size for each group, n1 and n2.
6. Hit the EXE button, which returns
Left, Right the ends of the confidence interval
^p1, ^p2 the sample proportions
n1, n2 sample sizes
Casio fx-9750GII: 2-proportion z-test
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. Choose the TEST option (F3 button).
3. Choose the Z option (F1 button).
4. Choose the 2-P option (F4 button).
5. Specify the test details:
Specify the sidedness of the test using the F1, F2, and F3 keys.
Enter the number of successes for each group, x1 and x2.
Enter the sample size for each group, n1 and n2.
6. Hit the EXE button, which returns
z Z-statistic ^p1, ^p2 sample proportions
p p-value ^p pooled proportion
n1, n2 sample sizes
Practice exercises
Guided Practice 0.12 Use the data in Table 1 and a calculator to find a 95%
confidence interval for the difference in proportion of dogs with cancer that have
been exposed to 2,4-D versus not exposed to 2,4-D.
cancer no cancer
2,4-D 191 304
no 2,4-D 300 641
Table 1: Summary results for cancer in dogs and the use of 2,4-D by the
dog’s owner.
Guided Practice 0.13 Use the data in Table 1 and a calculator to find the Z-score
and p-value for one-sided test with H
: dogs with cancer are more likely to have been
exposed to 2,4-D than dogs without cancer, p
> 0.
Correctly going through the calculator steps should lead to an interval of (0.01484, 0.11926). There is
no value given for the pooled proportion since we do not pool for confidence intervals.
Correctly going through the calculator steps should lead to a solution with Z = 2.55 and p-value =
0.0055. The pooled proportion is ˆp = 0.342.
Finding areas under the Chi-square curve
Casio fx-9750GII: Finding an upper tail area under the chi-sq. curve
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. Choose the DIST option (F5 button).
3. Choose the CHI option (F3 button).
4. Choose the Ccd option (F2 button).
5. If necessary, select the Var option (F2 button).
6. Enter the Lower bound (generally the chi-square value).
7. Enter the Upper bound (use a large number, such as 1000).
8. Enter the degrees of freedom, df.
9. Hit the EXE button.
Chi-square goodness of fit test
Casio fx-9750GII: Chi-square goodness of fit test
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. Enter the observed counts into a list (e.g. List 1) and the expected counts
into list (e.g. List 2).
3. Choose the TEST option (F3 button).
4. Choose the CHI option (F3 button).
5. Choose the GOF option (F1 button).
6. Adjust the Observed and Expected lists to the corresponding list numbers
from Step 2.
7. Enter the degrees of freedom, df.
8. Specify a list where the contributions to the test statistic will be reported
using CNTRB. This list number should be different from the others.
9. Hit the EXE button, which returns
chi-square test statistic
p p-value
df degrees of freedom
CNTRB list showing the test statistic contributions
Chi-square test for two-way tables
Casio fx-9750GII: Chi-square test of homogeneity and independence
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. Choose the TEST option (F3 button).
3. Choose the CHI option (F3 button).
4. Choose the 2WAY option (F2 button).
5. Enter the data into a matrix:
Hit MAT (F2 button).
Navigate to a matrix you would like to use (e.g. Mat C) and hit EXE.
Specify the matrix dimensions: m is for rows, n is for columns.
Enter the data.
Return to the test page by hitting EXIT twice.
6. Enter the Observed matrix that was used by hitting MAT (F1 button) and
the matrix letter (e.g. C).
7. Enter the Expected matrix where the expected values will be stored (e.g. D).
8. Hit the EXE button, which returns
chi-square test statistic
p p-value
df degrees of freedom
9. To see the expected values of the matrix, go to MAT (F6 button) and select
the corresponding matrix.
Practice exercises
Guided Practice 0.14 Use a calculator to find the area to right of 5.1 for a chi-
square distribution with 5 degrees of freedom, i.e. find the upper tail area using a
cutoff of 5.1.
Guided Practice 0.15 Use the table below and a calculator to find the X
tic, df, and p-value for chi-square goodness of fit test.
Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+ Total
Observed values 1532 760 338 194 74 33 17 2948
Expected values 1569 734 343 161 75 35 31 2948
Table 2: Distribution of the waiting time until a positive trading day. The
expected counts are based on a geometric model.
Guided Practice 0.16 Use the table below and a calculator to find the expected
values and the X
statistic, df, and p-value for the corresponding chi-square test.
Obama Democrats Republicans Total
Approve 842 736 541 2119
Disapprove 616 646 842 2104
Total 1458 1382 1383 4223
Table 3: Pew Research poll results of a March 2012 poll.
Using df = 5 and a lower bound of 5.1 for the tail, the upper tail area is 0.4038.
You should find that X
= 15.08, df = 6, and p-value = 0.0196.
First create a 2 × 3 matrix ith the data. The final summaries should be X
= 106.4, p-value =
8.06 × 10
0, and df = 2. Below is the matrix of expected values:
Obama Congr. Dem. Congr. Rep.
Approve 731.59 693.45 693.96
Disapprove 726.41 688.55 689.04
Inference for numerical data
1-sample t-test and t-interval
Casio fx-9750GII: 1-sample t-test
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. If necessary, enter the data into a list.
3. Choose the TEST option (F3 button).
4. Choose the t option (F2 button).
5. Choose the 1-S option (F1 button).
6. Choose either the Var option (F2) or enter the data in using the List option.
7. Specify the test details:
Specify the sidedness of the test using the F1, F2, and F3 keys.
Enter the null value, µ0.
If using the Var option, enter the summary statistics. If using List,
specify the list and leave Freq values at 1.
8. Hit the EXE button, which returns
alternative hypothesis ¯x sample mean
t T statistic sx sample standard deviation
p p-value n sample size
Casio fx-9750GII: 1-sample t-interval
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. If necessary, enter the data into a list.
3. Choose the INTR option (F3 button), t (F2 button), and 1-S (F1 button).
4. Choose either the Var option (F2) or enter the data in using the List option.
5. Specify the interval details:
Confidence level of interest for C-Level.
If using the Var option, enter the summary statistics. If using List,
specify the list and leave Freq value at 1.
6. Hit the EXE button, which returns
Left, Right ends of the confidence interval
¯x sample mean
sx sample standard deviation
n sample size
Practice exercises
Guided Practice 0.17 The average time for all runners who finished the Cherry
Blossom Run in 2006 was 93.29 minutes. In 2012, the average time for 100 randomly
selected participants was 95.61, with a standard deviation of 15.78 minutes. Use a
calculator to find the T statistic and p-value for the appropriate test to see if the
average time for the participants in 2012 is different than it was in 2006.
Guided Practice 0.18 Use a calculator to find a 95% confidence interval for the
average run time for participants in the 2012 Cherry Blossum Run using the sample
data: ¯x = 95.61 minutes, s = 15.78 minutes, and the sample size was 100.
Let µ
be 93.29. Choose 6= to correspond to H
. T = 1.47, df = 99, and p-value= 0.14.
The interval is (92.52, 98.70).
Matched pairs t-test and t-interval
Casio fx-9750GII: matched pairs t-test or confidence interval
1. Compute the paired differences of the observations.
2. Using the computed differences, follow the instructions for a 1-sample t-test
or confidence interval.
Practice exercises
Guided Practice 0.19 Use the first 7 values of the data set produced below and
calculate the T score and p-value to test whether, on average, Amazon’s textbook
price is cheaper that UCLA’s price.
Guided Practice 0.20 Use the same table below to calculate a 95% confidence
interval for the average difference in textbook price between Amazon and UCLA.
dept ucla amazon
1 Am Ind 27.67 27.95
2 Anthro 40.59 31.14
3 Anthro 31.68 32.00
4 Anthro 16.00 11.52
5 Art His 18.95 14.21
6 Art His 14.95 10.17
7 Asia Am 24.7 20.06
Table 4: A partial table of the textbooks data.
Create a list of the differences, and use the data or list option to perform the test. Let µ
be 0,
and select the appropriate list. Freq should be 1, and the test sidedness should be >. T = 3.076 and
p-value= 0.0109.
Choose a C-Level of 0.95, and the final result should be (0.80354, 7.0507).
2-sample t-test and t-interval
Casio fx-9750GII: 2-sample t-test
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. If necessary, enter the data into a list.
3. Choose the TEST option (F3 button).
4. Choose the t option (F2 button).
5. Choose the 2-S option (F2 button).
6. Choose either the Var option (F2) or enter the data in using the List option.
7. Specify the test details:
Specify the sidedness of the test using the F1, F2, and F3 keys.
If using the Var option, enter the summary statistics for each group. If
using List, specify the lists and leave Freq values at 1.
Choose whether to pool the data or not.
8. Hit the EXE button, which returns
µ1 µ2 alt. hypothesis ¯x1, ¯x2 sample means
t t statistic sx1, sx2 sample standard deviations
p p-value n1, n2 sample sizes
df degrees of freedom
Casio fx-9750GII: 2-sample t-interval
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. If necessary, enter the data into a list.
3. Choose the INTR option (F4 button).
4. Choose the t option (F2 button).
5. Choose the 2-S option (F2 button).
6. Choose either the Var option (F2) or enter the data in using the List option.
7. Specify the test details:
Confidence level of interest for C-Level.
If using the Var option, enter the summary statistics for each group. If
using List, specify the lists and leave Freq values at 1.
Choose whether to pool the data or not.
8. Hit the EXE button, which returns
Left, Right ends of the confidence interval
df degrees of freedom
¯x1, ¯x2 sample means
sx1, sx2 sample standard deviations
n1, n2 sample sizes
Practice exercises
Guided Practice 0.21 Use the data from the ESC experiment shown in Table 5
to find the appropriate degrees of freedom and construct a 90% confidence interval.
Guided Practice 0.22 Use the data from this example to find an appropriate
statistic, degrees of freedom, and p-value for a two-sided hypothesis test.
n ¯x s
ESCs 9 3.50 5.17
control 9 -4.33 2.76
Table 5: Summary statistics for the embryonic stem cell data set.
The interval is (4.3543, 11.307) with df = 12.2.
T = 4.008, df = 12.2, and p-value= 0.00168.
Introduction to linear
Finding b
, b
, R
, and r for a linear model
Casio fx-9750GII: finding b
, b
, R
, and r for a linear model
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. Enter the x and y data into 2 separate lists, e.g. x values in List 1 and y
values in List 2. Observation ordering should be the same in the two lists.
For example, if (5, 4) is the second observation, then the second value in the
x list should be 5 and the second value in the y list should be 4.
3. Navigate to CALC (F2) and then SET (F6) to set the regression context.
To change the 2Var XList, navigate to it, select List (F1), and enter
the proper list number. Similarly, set 2Var YList to the proper list.
4. Hit EXIT.
5. Select REG (F3), X (F1), and a+bx (F2), which returns:
a b
, the y-intercept of the best fit line
b b
, the slope of the best fit line
r r, the correlation coefficient
, the explained variance
MSe Mean squared error, which you can ignore
If you select ax+b (F1), the a and b meanings will be reversed.
Practice exercises
fed spend poverty
1 6.07 10.6
2 6.14 12.2
3 8.75 25.0
4 7.12 12.6
5 5.13 13.4
6 8.71 5.6
7 6.70 7.9
Guided Practice 0.23 The table contains values of federal spending per capita
(rounded to the nearand percent of population in poverty for seven counties. This is
a subset of a data set from Chapter 1. Use a calculator to find the equation of the
least squares regression line for this partial data set.
Linear regression t-test
Casio fx-9750GII: Linear regression t-test on β
1. Navigate to STAT (MENU button, then hit the 2 button or select STAT).
2. Enter your data into 2 lists.
3. Select TEST (F3), t (F2), and REG (F3).
4. If needed, update the sidedness of the test and the XList and YList lists.
The Freq should be set to 1.
5. Hit EXE, which returns:
t t statistic b b
, slope of the line
p p-value s st. dev. of the residuals
df degrees of freedom for the test r r, correlation coefficient
a b
, y-intercept of the line r
, explained variance
a = 5.136 and b = 1.056, therefore ˆy = 5.136 + 1.056x.