P.O. Box 308
LAND OWNER: Please do not submit a permit without these items checked. Thank you!
Provide a copy of your sewage disposal permit from the Health Department or a
letter from Health Department stating that the existing sewage disposal is approved for
additions or new construction.
Provide a copy of the approved application from Craig County PSA
Evidence that all the required setbacks and zoning requirements will be met, detailed
measurements must be noted on Plot Plan.
Entrance permit from Virginia Department of Transportation, unless there is an existing
entrance to the property
Building Plans (1 set paper or electronic .pdf) include labeled floor plan showing structural
details and life safety elements. Additional drawings or engineering may be required
depending on the scope of the project.
Your Job Site E-911 address must be included on the application. If this is a new home,
completed. Note: All E-911 address numbers must be added to your home or posted at
your driveway prior to your final inspection.
(Ph) 540-864-5010 (Fax) 540-864-5590
New Castle, Virginia 24127
Completed application for Building Permit (either printed or fillable form)
your E-911 address will be provided to you by this office after your footing inspection is
Craig County Virginia Zoning Guidelines
County Administrator’s Office
P.O. Box 308, New Castle, Va 24127 (540)864-5010
Zoning District A-1 Agriculture Limited
A. Minimum lot size per residential unit is 5 acres
B. Minimum frontage of lot or parcel of land on road is 200 feet
C. Minimum front, structure shall be located 50 feet or more from the front
property line or easement line.
D. Minimum side yard is 25 for each side yard
E. Minimum rear yard is 50 feet
Zoning District RR Rural Residential (formerly A-2)
A. Minimum lot size per residential unit is 1 acre with the exception of two
family dwellings will require a lot size of 1-1/2 acres or more
B. Minimum frontage of lot or parcel on land on road is 125 feet at the
setback line.
C. Minimum front yard is 50 feet
D. Minimum side yard is 15 feet per side
E. Minimum rear yard is 35 feet
F. Corner lot, min. 35’ for main house and accessory building on street side
Zoning District R-1 Residential
A. Minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet or more, with the exception
of two family dwellings will have a minimum lot size of 30,000 square feet
or more
B. Minimum frontage of lot width at the setback line shall be 100 feet
C. Minimum front yard is 30 feet
D. Minimum side yard shall be 15 feet
E. Minimum rear yard shall be 30 feet
F. Corner lot, minimum 25 feet or more from street side for main house and
accessory building
*Please note, this document is for general guidelines only, for complete
Zoning information, please review the Zoning Ordinance for Craig County.
Zoning Site Plan
A Site Plan must be submitted and approved prior to the permit being issued. Please provide the
information requested in the blank space below or submit a separate site plan if you already have one
prepared (make sure it contains the listed information).
Tax Map Parcel #________________ Zoning District ________
This parcel is in a Conservation Easement: Yes No
(If yes, provide documentation stating any restrictions)
1. Draw the lot(s) or parcel of land.
2. Show adjoining streets or roads to property and driveways.
3. Draw proposed structure(s) on the property:
a. show dimensions (in feet) of structure, porches, carports, garages, out buildings and basements
b. show setbacks (in feet) from proposed structure to front, back right and left sides of lot line
4. Show location of sewer, or proposed septic tank & well
5. Show location of power lines
6. Show any existing buildings or structures on property
Affidavit: I hereby affirm that I have measured the distances of the above setbacks and they are true and correct as
stated in the drawing. If measurements are found to be incorrect, I will remedy the required setbacks at my own expense.
______________________________________ Date:________________________
(Applicants Signature)
P.O. Box 308
New Castle, Virginia 24127
540-864-5010 Phone
540-864-5590 Fax
Agreement in Lieu of
Erosion and Sediment Control of a single-family residence
I _______________________________________, hereby understand
that in lieu of submission of an Official Erosion and Sediment Control Plan,
I agree to comply with the County of Craig’s Erosion and Sediment
Control Ordinance. These requirements shall be based on the
conservation standards contained in the Virginia Department of
Conservation and Recreation’s Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook.
As a minimum, I understand the following measures must be addressed:
1. Silt fencing shall be properly installed downhill from any and all
disturbed areas and around all soil stockpiles.
2. Construction entrances consisting of VDOT #1, course aggregate
stone shall be installed at the access point off any existing public or
private Right-of-Way.
3. All denuded areas on the property shall be stabilized with
permanent seeding within 7 days of final grading. If an area is not
of final grade but is to be left bare for more than thirty days the area
shall be temporarily seeded.
4. Pipe inlet and outlet protection shall be provided around all culvert
inlets and outlets.
I understand that periodic site inspections can and will be made by the
County of Craig Erosion and Sediment Control Program Manager or
his/her authorized agents to ensure that all E & S measures have been
implemented and are adequately functioning. Failure to comply with such
requirements within the specified time could result in enforcement actions
for violation of the County of Craig Erosion and Sediment Control
Ordinance. Enforcement actions are, but not limited to, “Stop Work
Order”, revocation of permit and legal action.
Initials: ________.
By signing this Agreement, you acknowledge that the landowner is
ultimately responsible for ensuring that all Erosion and Sediment Control
measures are properly installed and periodically maintained. I hereby
grant permission to enter this property for the purposes of Inspection and
to my knowledge the information I have provided on both sides of this form
is correct and accurate.
BUILDING PERMIT #_______________________
All erosion controls are to be installed prior to any land disturbing
The County of Craig shall notify the owner/contractor of any E & S
violations. Craig County will also identify corrective action(s) and a
date at which these violations are to be corrected.
Address__________________________________City:_______________VA ________
Tax Map #_____________ Slope/Grade________________ Hydrologic ID:___________
Type of Project: ( ) Single Family Dwelling including driveway and Septic System
( ) Detached Building ( ) Driveway ( ) Land Clearing
( ) Other:__________________________________
Area to be disturbed:____________________________________________(square feet)
(43,560 sq ft = 1 acre)
I__________________________________, hereby understand that if I disturb greater
than one (!) acre, or if constructing in a residential subdivision developed by another
party, a Virginia Storm water Management Program Permit must be obtained from the
Virginia Department of S=Conservation and Recreation (DCR). Failure to obtain this
permit could result in strict enforcement from DCR. For more information,
www.dcr.virginia.gov/sw/vsmp.htm or contact DCR at (804) 786-3998.
Department of Conservation and Recreation Storm water Permitting
203 Governor Street, Suite 206
Richmond, VA 23129
Reviewed by:__________________________________ Date___________________
VSMP Permit Required: (Yes) (No)
Include any:
Live water courses and drainage areas
Cut and Fill Operations with accurate measurements
Locations of erosion and sediment control measures
General topography
Please note that disturbed areas over 10,000 square feet will require a licensed Responsible
Land Disturber (RLD) who is insured and bonded to sign on to the project until final stabilization.
Anyone who fails to meet these requirements or goes over 10,000 square feet without an RLD
will be subject to an immediate STOP WORK ORDER on their project.
If needed please provide the following information:
Print name of RLD:_________________________________________________________
RLD Signature:_________________________________________________________
License Number:________________________________________________________
Proof of Insurance And Bond Information.
Craig County Building Department
PO BOX 308
108 Court Street • New Castle, VA 24127
540‐864-5010 • Fax 540‐864-5590
Plan Requirements for One and Two Family Dwellings
1) Sketch of layout showing:
a. Grade level doors if present
b. Location and dimension of all thickened slabs, piers, etc.
c. Location and size of lintels (if used)
2) Typical Section of Displaying
a. Depth (24 inch minimum)
b. Reinforcement
c. Thickness
1) Sketch of layout showing:
a. Unbalanced fill height
b. Size of masonry units used (specify if to be filled) or thickness of wall and compressive strength of concrete if a poured wall
is to be used
c. Size and spacing of reinforcement (if used)
d. Location of anchor bolts
e. Location and dimension of all openings
f. If crawl space list number, size and location of vents
g. Method of waterproofing
1) Plan view for each floor and roof detailing all members, beams, columns (size, span, length, spacing, grade and species of
NOTE: as alternative to plan views a commentary may be submitted
NOTE: if engineered materials are used (trusses, tji’s, lvls, etc.) spec sheets must be provided for framing
1) Floor plans for each level showing:
a. All rooms labeled with intended use (areas intended for future use labeled)
b. Location of smoke detectors
c. Location of electric service and all sub panels
d. Location of HVAC equipment
e. Location of water heater
f. Sizes of all egress components
g. Kitchen layout
1) Size of Electric Service and Sub Panels
2) Size and Type of HVAC equipment
3) R‐Value of insulation to be used (floor, wall, ceiling)
4) Type of Siding and Roofing
Building and Zoning Permit Application
108 Court Street - PO Box 308
New Castle, VA 24127
(Ph) 540-864-5010 (Fax) 540-864-5590
Permit Type (Select all that apply)
Residential: Commercial: New: Addition: Alteration/Repair: Demolition:
Scope of Work:
Job Site Information
Tax Parcel No: Floodplain: Zoning:
Property Owner
Name: Phone:
Mailing Address:
Applicant / Contractor
Name: Phone:
Mailing Address:
Contractor Name: License:
Phone: Email: Exp. Date:
Electrician: Phone:
Mechanical: Phone:
Plumber: Phone:
Permit Data (fill out what is applicable)
All Structures
Manufactured Homes
Foundation Type -
Number of Sections -
Number of Stories -
Manufacturer -
Number of Bedrooms -
Year -
Number of Full Baths -
Cost -
Number of Half Baths -
Square Footage -
Cost of Work -
Water Service:
Well Public
Power Company:
Sewer Service:
Septic Public
Fees (to be calculated by County)
Square Footage:
Permit Fee:
Zoning Fee:
I certify that I am the Owner of the above property, or that I have been authorized to make this application as the
designated agent. I agree to conform to all applicable state and local regulations, codes, rules and policies. In
addition, I understand that this permit authorizes the County Inspectors to access the above described property /
work area during reasonable hours to evaluate code compliance.
Signature: Date:
Lien Agent:
If Applicable
Type of Heat -
Number of Fireplaces -
Rev. 06/23 www.craigcountyva.gov
Building Office
108 Court St - PO Box 308
New Castle, VA 24127
(Ph) 540-864-5010
(Fx) 540-864-5590
Owner/Builder Affidavit
Title 54.1-1111 Prerequisites to obtaining building, etc., permits - Code of Virginia
Any person applying to the building official or any other authority of a county, city, or town in this
Commonwealth, charged with the duty of issuing building or other permits for the construction of
any building, highway, sewer, or structure, or any removal, grading or improvement shall furnish
prior to the issuance of the permit, either (i) satisfactory proof to such code official or authority
that he is duly licensed or certified under the terms of this chapter to carry out or superintend the
same, or (ii) file a written statement, supported by affidavit, that he is not subject to licensure or
certification as a contractor or subcontractor pursuant to this chapter. The applicant shall also
furnish satisfactory proof that the taxes or license fees required by any county, city, or town have
been paid so as to be qualified to bid upon or contract for the work for which the permit has been
Title 54.1-1115 Prohibited Acts - Code of Virginia
Any person who undertakes work without (i) any valid Virginia contractor's license or certification
when a license or certificate is required by this chapter or (ii) the proper class of license as
defined in §54.1-1100 for the work undertaken, shall be fined an amount not to exceed $500 per
day for each day that such person is in violation, in addition to the authorized penalties for the
commission of a Class 1 misdemeanor
Title 54.1-1101 (Exemptions) - The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
-Any person who performs or supervises the construction, removal, repair or improvement
of no more than one primary residence owned by him and for his own use during any 24-
month period
-Any person who performs or supervises the construction, removal, repair or improvement
of a house upon his own real property as a bona fide gift to a member of his immediate
family provided such member lives in the house. For purposes of this section, "immediate
family" includes one's mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandchild,
grandparent, mother-in-law and father-in-law.
-Any person who performs or supervises the repair or improvement of industrial or
manufacturing facilities, or a commercial or a retail building for his own use
-Any person who performs or supervises the repair or improvement of residential dwelling
units owned by him that are subject to the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (§
55.1-1200 et seq.)
I affirm that I have read and understand the above affidavit and will abide by the stated laws.
Owner Signature
(Read and sign if you will be doing the work as the property Owner)
Building Office
108 Court St - P.O. Box 308
New Castle, Virginia 24127
540-864-5010 Phone
540-864-5590 Fax
Sequence of Inspections
Don’t call for inspection until you have hard copy of building permit (Placed at Job Site)
Temporary Power Inspection
Footings (before placement of concrete)
Foundation reinforcement
Under-slab Plumbing or Electrical (if applicable)
Slab Prep (before placement of concrete if applicable)
Foundation Waterproofing and Draintile (if applicable)
Electrical, Gas, Plumbing,
Mechanical Rough-In and Framing Inspections (Can all be done
If performed individually, framing should always be last.)
Permanent Power (building must be weathertight)
Electrical, Gas, Plumbing, and Mechanical Final Inspections
E-911 Address is permanently posted on home and at your driveway
Final, after all finish work is completed, and all above inspections completed
Do not move in Home (or store any furniture) until you have a final or temporary occupancy
permit from the inspector, or your Certificate of Occupancy will be denied
If you do not know the building codes, Hire a licensed contractor. If you move in without
final or temporary occupancy, you may have your Electrical power removed until one is
These things are for your safety. We hope you have a great building experience in Craig County!
Remember when you call in for an inspection, allow 24 hour notice for inspections to take place,
and have your building permit number available. Thank you.