Please note that not all items will apply to every property.
Site Plan Checklist
1. Arrow the north arrow is important
because it orients your site plan. By
convention, the north arrow points up on a
site plan, but this does not have to be so.
The important factor is the readability of
the plan. So, orient the north arrow to give
your site plan the best result.
2. Vicinity Map the vicinity map is a
simple drawing to locate your property. It
does not have to be to scale. It needs to
show the major cross-streets and streets
leading to the property. It is usually placed
in the upper right corner of the site plan.
3. Scale the scale you have chosen to use
for your site plan needs to be indicated by
a scale bar on the site plan. For example:
1”= 30’
4. Parcel Number and Owner Block to
dentify the property for all reviewing
the parcel number must
be on the site plan, as well as the
owner name.
Property Line Dimensions the
property lines will be the major boundaries
of the site plan. All sides of the property
must be drawn and the dimension noted.
All Buildings and Structures with
Labeled Use Including Fences the
structures on the sample site plan include
the residence with garage, covered patio,
the pool and pool fence, the septic tank
with disposal areas noted, the CMU block
wall, the propane tank and the shed. On
your plan show all the structures on your
property labeled in like manner.
All Building Dimensions show all the
dimensions of all the structures you have
identified on your plan. Note that the
dimensions of the garage and patio are
shown separately from the house. This is
important for lot coverage designations
because the garage is not considered
livable space and the patio is not included
under the HVAC system for the residence,
see #8 below.
Typical Site Plan with Checklist
Lot coverage standards are determined
by zoning district. The purpose and
intent of establishing zoning districts is
to ensure that all development is
consistent with the goals, objectives and
policies of the Comprehensive Plan for
Maricopa County. These zoning districts
indicate what uses are allowed and have
site development regulations that
control the use of land in each district.
Consequently, lot coverage must be
reviewed to ensure that your project is
consistent with the zoning district for
the property. See attached Zoning Chart.
9. Setbacks from Property Lines -
Setbacks are established for zoning
districts to re
gulate the distance
structures must be from front, side and
rear property lines. These are referred to
as Building Setback Lines and are not
required to be on the site plan. If
included, they must be shown correctly.
However, setback measurements are
required from all structures to the property
lines. For the main residence, show a
setback measurement for all sides of the
building to the property lines. This will
normally be 4 measurements unless your
lot has more than 4 sides. For other
structures, 2 measurements are sufficient.
Setbacks are also used by other agencies
to establish proper distances for structures
or other features from wells and septic
systems, or floodplains, washes, etc.
Location of Septic Tank and Disposal
Field, if applicable, with Setbacks to
Nearby Structures
if your property has a septic system you
will need to show the location of all
elements of the system: the septic tank,
disposal field and reserve field. You will also
need to locate it on the site by showing the
setback of the tank to the house and the
Typical Site Plan with Checklist
8. Table of Square Footage
with Lot Coverage
- Lot coverage is the percent of the total
lot covered by buildings. For example,
houses, garages, sheds, gazebos, and
covered patios all
count as part of lot
coverage. However, overhangs of the
first 2 feet from the exterior walls of the
primary building and the first 1 foot from
the exterior walls of all accessory
buildings are not included in the
calculation of lot coverage.
Distance Between Buildings - show the
distances between each building.
Use of Adjacent Parcels state on the
site plan what the use is of parcels that are
adjacent to yours. For example, on the
sample plan, the parcel to the east has
another residence while the parcels to the
west and south are vacant. These uses can
affect the setback requirements for various
setbacks of the disposal field to the
property lines and any other setbacks
listed in the chart on the sample site plan.
13. Location of Well on Property, if
applicable with Setbacks to Septic
System - any well must be shown on the
site plan with the setback to any septic
system within 100’ of the well. Notice on
the sample site plan that there is a well on
an adjacent property. The setback from
that well to the septic tank is shown on
the plan. Also note that the water line from
the well on the property to the house is
shown. While this is not a requirement for
the Building permit, it is a requirement for
Environmental Services and will aid their
review of your project.
14. Easements show all easements on your
property. Easements may be described
on your deed or you can locate these
through your title company.
15. Washes show any washes that cross your
property. Washes are often clearly
visible on an aerial view of your property.
16. Dedicated Street Access and Names
show and name any streets that are
adjacent to your property.
a particular type of easement reserved for
transportation purposes. Any work in a ROW
must be permitted through MCDOT and
must be shown on the site plan.
Driveway Circular Driveway with
labels “In” and “Out” show the
driveway on the site plan. If it is a circular
drive, you must show an “in” and “out”
because only one
entrance to a property is
Typical Site Plan with Checklist
17. Any Right of Way – a Right of Way is
20. Any Accessory Structures like Storage
Tanks, Propane or Water Tanks
because these structures are
accessories on the property, they must
be shown with their setbacks to nearby
structures. If a tank, its size must be
noted and whether it is above or below
19. Driveway Surface Material – the surface
material of the drive must be noted on the
site plan (concrete, asphalt, crushed
granite, ABC, etc.).
Dimension: A measure in feet and inches of
how long something is, such as the length of a
wall, or how far something is from something
else, such as the distance between a building
and a property line.
Easement: A legal right to use a piece of
property owned by someone else. Quite often
an easement states that a property owner
cannot build on a portion of his or her property
to allow access for utility lines or vehicular
traffic. Easements are recorded and should be
available through your title agency.
Legal Description: The written description of
the property which legally defines the
property’s boundaries There are three principle
methods used for describing real property in
the U.S. The Meets and Bounds System, see
example below; the rectangular survey system,
and the subdivision lot and block system.
Legal descriptions are found on real property
tax statements and the deed to your property.
Lot Coverage: This is the percentage of the
area of a lot or parcel which is occupied, i.e.,
covered, by all buildings. Overhangs of the first
2 feet from the exterior walls of the primary
building and the first 1 foot from the exterior
walls of all accessory buildings are not
included in the calculation of lot
coverage. Lot coverage percentages vary
between zoning districts, so you must know
your zoning district to determine the lot
coverage allowable on your property.
Minimum Submittal Requirements: The
items requested by Planning and Development
to complete a review of your project. Certain
codes, regulations and ordinances affect every
project. We request only the minimum that is
required to satisfy these rules. If you want to
go beyond the building codes, for example, you
may submit those for review, but we would
only require the minimum.
Parcel Number: An assessor's parcel
number, or APN, is a number assigned to
parcels of real property by the tax assessor of
a particular jurisdiction for purposes of
identification and record-keeping. The
assigned number is unique within the
particular jurisdiction, and may conform to
certain formatting standards that convey basic
identifying information such as the property
type or location within the plat map. The parcel
number is typically required to be on all
important documents affecting the plot of land,
such as a deed and property tax bills. In
Maricopa County, the first three digits are
usually the Assessors book number, the
second two digits are the Assessor’s map
number, the next three are the Assessor’s
parcel number. Sometimes, when the parcel
has been split, you will see a letter after the
last three numbers.
Definition of Terms
Registrant Seal: A registered professional is
an architect or engineer registered by the
Arizona State Board of Technical Registration.
Their seal is stamped on the plans they draw to
indicate that they are registered in the State of
Arizona to perform the services for which they
are registered. The seal must have a current
date hand written by the registrant indicating
the date the plan was signed. The seal must
follow specific rules as laid out in the Arizona
Revised Statutes R4-304(E) & R4-304(E)(4).
Below is an example:
Scale: An indication of a proportion which
shows the size relationship
between the actual
size of something and the size of it as
represented on a drawing. If something is
actually 10 feet long and it appears on a
drawing as being 1 inch long, the scale of the
drawing would be 1 inch equals 10 feet or
Square Footage: Square footage is a
measurement of area, and area is
measurement of any two-dimensional space
contained within a set of lines. Square footage
of your property would be calculated using the
dimensions of your property lines.
Vicinity Map: The vicinity map on a site plan
serves to show where the subject property is in
relation to its surroundings and to provide a
guide to the property’s location for inspectors.
A vicinity map is not drawn to scale.
Setback: Generally, the distance from a
building or other structure to the property line.
Setbacks are established for zoning districts to
establish the distance structures must be from
front, side and rear property lines. These are
referred to as Building Setback Lines and are
not required to be on the site plan. If included,
they must be shown correctly. However,
setback measurements are required from all
structures to the property lines. Setbacks are
also used by other agencies to establish proper
distances for structures or other features from
wells and septic systems, or floodplains,
washes, etc.
Property Line: A line on a site plan that
accurately shows the legal dimensions of your
property. It shows how ling each edge of the
property is and shows the configuration of the
property as if viewing it from above.
This Checklist is provided for your convenience to use as you prepare your Site Plan.
This is the same form used at the Intake Review to determine if your Site Plan meets the Minimum Submittal Requirements.