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P.O. Box 34019
Seattle, WA 98124-4019
(206) 684-8600
Seattle Permits
Seattle Department of Construction
and Inspections
— part of a multi-departmental City of Seattle series on getting a permit
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Lot Coverage, Height, Yard,
and Garage Standards for
Homes in Neighborhood
Residential Zones
Updated June 12, 2023
Seattle has three zones in which single family homes are
the predominant type of development: NR3, NR2 and
NR1. The abbreviation “NR” stands for Neighborhood
Residential, and the numbers following the abbreviation
indicates the minimum lot area generally needed to build
a home in that zone.
Other than the differing lot size
requirements, Land Use Code standards that regulate
the size and location of buildings are the same for all
neighborhood residential zones. Development in Neigh-
borhood Residential Small Lot (RSL) zones is subject to
different standards and is beyond the scope of this Tip.
New buildings and modifications to existing homes must
conform to the lot coverage, height and yard standards
described in the Land Use Code. Some examples of,
and exceptions to, the requirements are presented here;
however, you should also review the sections of the
code that might apply to your project before prepar-
ing plans for a permit application. Code references are
included in this Tip for convenience.
In addition to reading this pamphlet and the Land Use
Code, you are welcome to discuss your project with a
planner through the SDCI Applicant Services Center,
cant-services-center or (206) 684-8850.
Some existing lots are smaller than the minimum size, and the code
allows creation of small lots under certain conditions - see Section
23.44.010 of the Land Use Code, which is found in Title 23 of the
Seattle Municipal Code (SMC). The section references used in this
bulletin all begin with the chapter number (23), followed by the section
number (.44) and the subsection (.020).
Homes (principal structures) and associated struc-
tures (accessory structures) may cover 35 percent of
the lot on lots 5,000 square feet or greater in area. On
lots less than 5,000 square feet in area, these struc-
tures may cover 1,000 square feet plus 15 percent of
the lot (23.44.010C). When calculating lot coverage,
it is important to note that distinct portions or areas
of a lot that have dimensions less than 10 feet will be
excluded when calculating the overall lot area for the
purpose of determining lot coverage.
This calculation is made on the footprint of all structures
on the entire lot. Balconies, bay windows, and architec-
tural projections must be included in calculating the foot-
print even though they do not actually touch the ground.
However, the first 36 inches of eaves and gutters are
exempted from this calculation.
Accessory structures and permitted portions of
principal structures may cover no more than 40
percent of the required rear yard (23.44.016E).
Detached ADUs may cover up to an additional 20
percent (up to 60 percent) of a required rear yard
as long as no exceptional trees or trees over 2 feet
in diameter measured 4.5 feet above the ground
are removed.
Lot Coverage Exceptions (23.44.010D)
If any of your lot lines abut a dedicated alley, you may
add half the area of the alley to your total lot area, up to
a maximum of 10 percent of your lot area, when com-
puting lot coverage.
Certain structures are not counted in lot coverage.
These include:
n Pedestrian access bridges that are 5 feet wide or
less (uncovered and unenclosed).
n Barrier-free access ramps or other access for the dis-
abled or elderly meeting Washington State Building
Code Chapter 11.
n Decks or parts of decks which are not over 36 inches
above the existing grade.
SDCI Tip #220—Lot Coverage, Height, Yard & Garage Standards for Homes in Neighborhood Residential Zones
page 2
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This Tip should not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. The applicant is responsible for compliance
with all code and rule requirements, whether or not described in this Tip.
n Freestanding structures such as fences, bulkheads
and freestanding walls, but not arbors.
n Underground structures or the underground portion
of a structure.
n The first 36 inches of eaves and gutters projecting
from principal or accessory structures.
n Solar collectors meeting the provisions of 23.44.046 and
swimming pools meeting the provisions of 23.44.044.
Permit Application Requirements for Lot
Coverage Calculations
As described in Tip 103, Site Plan Requirements and Tip
103A, Site Plan Guidelines, you must calculate the lot
coverage of existing and proposed development on your
lot and show it on the site plan that you are required to
submit with your application. If you are not sure of the
requirements, ask a Permit Specialist in the Applicant
Services Center for help.
The base height of homes (principal structures) is 30 feet
above average grade (23.44.012).
On lots 30 feet or less in width, the base height is limited
to 25 feet (detailed measurement techniques are found
in Chapter 23.86 of the Land Use Code and in Direc-
tor's Rule 9-2011).
Pitched Roofs
The ridge of a pitched roof on a principal structure may
extend up to 5 feet above the base height limit as long as
the pitch of the roof is at least 4 to 12 (see Fig. A).
No portion of a roof with only one sloping plane may
extend beyond the base height limit (commonly known as
"shed roof" design").
Exemptions for Rooftop Features
Under certain conditions, radio and television antennas
and flagpoles are exempt from height limits.
Open rails and planters may extend no higher than the
ridge of a pitched roof or four feet above a flat roof. Pro-
jections that accommodate windows, such as dormers,
clerestories, skylights and greenhouses, may extend
no higher than the ridge of a pitched roof or four feet
above a flat roof provided that they are also limited to 30
percent of the area of the roof and meet separation and
setback standards discussed in 23.44.012C.
Chimneys may extend four feet above the ridge of a
pitched roof or above a flat roof. Additional exemptions
can be found in 23.44.012C.
Documenting Compliance with
Height Limits
All projects must demonstrate compliance with
applicable height limits for each structure on the site.
Height limits may vary depending on the location on
the property, and the use of the structure. The following
information should be incorporated into the plan set for
each structure proposed:
Average Grade – project plans need to document
average grade and how it was determined. There are
several options for calculating average grade, please re-
fer to Director’s Rule 9-2011 for a complete description
of the method for determining average grade.
Average Grade for Projects in a Shoreline Zone -
For projects located in a shoreline zone, please refer to
Land Use Code Section 23.60.952 for information about
how to determine average grade for a site.
Site Plan Documentation – Applicants will choose a
method for determining average grade. The site plan
needs to reflect all midpoint elevation grade points,
exterior wall lengths and the related calculations that are
required to fully document the average grade elevation
being used for height measurement purposes, based
on Director’s Rule 9-2011 or Land Use Code section
23.60.952. A stamped topographic survey, prepared
by a licensed surveyor, may be required if grade will be
disturbed for construction of the project and when any
exterior wall of the new structure, in the area where grade
is being disturbed, is within two feet of the allowed height
limit as measured above existing grade. A survey may
also be required if the grade information provided by an
SDCI Tip #220—Lot Coverage, Height, Yard & Garage Standards for Homes in Neighborhood Residential Zones page 3
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This Tip should not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. The applicant is responsible for compliance
with all code and rule requirements, whether or not described in this Tip.
applicant is not consistent with general site contours that
are reflected in city GIS systems.
Site plan documentation should also identify the follow-
ing elevation points depending on roof design:
n Roof ridge elevations or topmost elevation of a slop-
ing roof with a shed or butterfly roof
n Top of flat roof elevations
n Top of parapet or guardrail elevations
n Top most elevation of any feature extending above the
base height limit utilizing a height exemption, such as but
not limited to roof planters, clerestories, etc.
n Freestanding structures such as fences, bulkheads,
freestanding walls but not arbors.
Elevation View Documentation – Each building eleva-
tion drawing should incorporate the following elevation
n Existing grade elevations at the “midpoints” used
in calculating the average grade.
n The average grade elevation and a line depicting
where this average grade lies in relation to the height
of the structure.
n Elevations for each floor level.
n Top plate elevations. For structures with a pitched
roof, which qualifies for a height exception, the base
height limit for the structure will be measured from
the average grade elevation to the top plate elevation
of the walls. All portions of roof above the height limit
must qualify for the pitched roof exceptions described
in the code for the zone or in the measurements sec-
tion of the code.
n Top of roof elevations. For structures that are not
utilizing a pitched roof exception, the elevation of the
highest element of the roof must be documented and
must be within the base height limit for the structure
plus exception for the roof.
Figure B
B EI 107.7
EI 106
Roof Ridge
E1 134
top plate
fin grd
EI 132
1st Flr
EI 106
Top Plate
EI 126
EI 134
EI 105.87
2nd Flr
EI 116
EI 132
EI 96'
Sample Calculation, Figures B and C
Formula 2: Average grade calculations, least rectangle
(A x a) + (B x b) + (C x c) + (D x d)
a + b + c +d
Figure C
(106 x 72) + (107.7 x 60) + (106.6 x 72) + (103 x 60)
72 + 60 + 72 + 60
(7632) + (6462) + (7675.2) + (6180)
Average grade = 105.87
SDCI Tip #220—Lot Coverage, Height, Yard & Garage Standards for Homes in Neighborhood Residential Zones
page 4
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This Tip should not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. The applicant is responsible for compliance
with all code and rule requirements, whether or not described in this Tip.
n Top of roof features. For portions of structures that
qualify for another type of height exception (such as,
but not limited to, clerestories, solar collectors, open
guardrails or planters), the elevation of the highest el-
ement of the feature must be documented and must
be within the allowable height limit plus exception for
the feature.
n Overall height dimension lines. Show dimension
lines from the average grade line, to the top plate, to
the top of roof and top of highest roof features.
n Exceptions to these height documentation require-
ments may be allowed in consultation with the plan
reviewer responsible for the zoning compliance and
shall be based on the specifics of each project.
YARDS (Land Use Code section 23.44.014)
Required Front Yard: 20 feet or the average of the
front yards of the single family residence on either side of
your lot, whichever is less.
Required Rear Yard: 25 feet, or 20 percent of lot
depth (minimum of 10 feet) whichever is less.
Required Side Yard: 5 feet. 10 feet for street facing
side yard of a reversed corner lot.
The Land Use Code requires that certain portions of your
lot be set aside for front, rear and side yards. In general,
no portion of your house may extend into these required
yards. You may place accessory structures such as
garages, sheds, decks, porches or arbors in these areas
only if certain criteria are met. Exceptions from standard
yard requirements are described in the following sec-
tions. Of course, you may provide more than the required
minimum yard. Yards are measured from the property line
in toward your structure. Property lines are not always
obvious. Do not rely on physical features such as fences
and sidewalks to indicate property lines. They may be on
your neighbor’s property or in the street right-of-way.
The basic yard requirements for neighborhood residential
zones are illustrated on Fig. D.
Additional requirements or exceptions may apply to a
yard that borders an alley, is a corner lot, has an irregular
shape, is a through lot (a lot with two street frontages
opposite of each other), or is on a sloping lot that is
greater than 35 percent. Please check the Land Use
Code or ask an Applicant Services Center staff member
for help if you have one of these conditions on your lot.
Figure D
REAR YARD = 25',
Figure E
SDCI Tip #220—Lot Coverage, Height, Yard & Garage Standards for Homes in Neighborhood Residential Zones
page 5
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This Tip should not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. The applicant is responsible for compliance
with all code and rule requirements, whether or not described in this Tip.
Exceptions to Standard Yard Requirements
Additions to the principal structure in front, side
and rear yards (when the structure is already
built into that yard): If an existing structure is already
“nonconforming” with respect to a required yard, and
the nonconforming wall is at least 60 percent of the total
width of the respective facade, then the existing wall line
may be extended according to Sec. 23.44.014D4.
Additional conditions apply to front and rear yards. The
portion of an existing structure that is non-conforming
with respect to front or rear yard setbacks can be
increased, to a limited extent, in order to accommodate a
habitable basement or attic, per Sec. 23.42.112A1.
Projections into front yard on lots 30 feet or less:
On lots 30 feet or less in width, portions of the front
façade that begin 8 feet or more above finished grade
may project 4 feet into the required front yard. A mini-
mum 5-foot front yard must be provided (see Fig. E).
The chart on page 7 illustrates other possible exceptions
that may be applicable to your lot. Please check the
designated section of the Land Use Code for details.
Additional Information for Yard
Requirements And Exceptions
In addition to the specific references described in the
preceding table on page 7, there may be additional re-
quirements that are applicable to your project. Sections
23.44.016, 23.44.044 and 23.44.048 describe devel-
opment standards for structures that are permitted as
accessories to your home, such as garages, swimming
pools and solar collectors.
Measurement techniques are presented in Sections
23.86.008 and 23.86.010 and definitions of technical
zoning terms are found in Chapter 23.84A.
In addition, you should consult the Seattle Residential
Code and Seattle Building Code, which also regulates
construction close to the property line.
The Seattle Building Code (SBC) and the Seattle Resi-
dential Code (SRC) both regulate the construction of
buildings near property lines to prevent the spread of
fire. SBC Sections 602.1 and 704 and SRC section
R302 regulate the construction of walls, projections from
exterior walls and openings in walls near property lines.
Permit Application Requirements for
Yard Calculations
Your basic site plan will give the SDCI staff most of the
information it needs to check your plans for compliance
with yard requirements. Provide front yard information
(graphically show the dimensions on your plans) of
adjacent properties if you are averaging to determine your
required front yard. If your lot is sloping, you may need to
provide additional topographic information.
If you wish to take advantage of exceptions to yard
requirements that require an agreement or easement, you
must bring the agreement or easement with you.
Garages (23.44.016F)
Garage entrances on corner lots may be located on only
one street front. Garage width standards will be mea-
sured based on the width of the facade facing the same
street as the garage entrance.
The size and location of garages are regulated to reduce
their visual impact. The combined width of garage en-
trances on a street-facing façade may not be more than
50 percent of the structure width or 10 feet, whichever
is greater (see Fig. F). This standard does not apply to
detached garages located behind the principal home or
garages that face alleys.
SDCI Tip #220—Lot Coverage, Height, Yard & Garage Standards for Homes in Neighborhood Residential Zones page 6
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This Tip should not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. The applicant is responsible for compliance
with all code and rule requirements, whether or not described in this Tip.
Garages may not project beyond the front of a home.
Specifically, no attached garage wall may be closer to the
street lot line than 80 percent of the street-level façade
that is not a garage (see Fig G). If the entire street-level
façade is garage, no portion of the garage may be closer
to the street lot line than 80 percent of the façade of the
story above the street-level façade. The façade of a
building is measured from the outside of the exterior wall
and does not include eaves. Where the façade includes a
covered porch or deck, the façade will be measured from
exterior of the covered porch or deck.
Limited exemptions to the garage entrance standards are
allowed for sites with irregular lot shape, topography, or
structure configuration and are listed in 23.44.016 F3.
Figure F - Allowed Width of Garage
Allowed NOT AllowedNOT Allowed
Figure G - Garage Projections
SDCI Tip #220—Lot Coverage, Height, Yard & Garage Standards for Homes in Neighborhood Residential Zones page 7
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This Tip should not be used as a substitute for codes and regulations. The applicant is responsible for compliance
with all code and rule requirements, whether or not described in this Tip.
Exception for: Permitted in: Features Code Section
Non-conforming principal
Front or rear yard May be extended in order to ac-
commodate habitable basement
or attic
Principal structure Side yard Zero lot line with side yard ease-
Detached accessory struc-
Side yard Zero lot line with side yard agree-
ment with neighbor
Uncovered porches no higher
than 4 feet
Front, side or rear yards Various provisions
Chimneys, cornices, col-
umns, and eaves
Front, side or rear yards May project no more than 18
Bay windows Front, rear and street side
May project no more than 2 feet;
limited to 8 feet in width
(see also 6d)
Garden windows Front, side or rear yards Minimum of 30 inches above
floor, 6 feet tall and 8 feet wide
(see also 6d)
Attached, covered and unen-
closed deck
Rear yard Various provisions
Garages Front, side or rear yard Various provisions
(see also 016E, 016F)
Pedestrian access bridges Front, side or rear yard 5 feet in width, no less than 3
feet to the side lot line
Barrier-free access Front, side or rear yard Meeting WA State Building Code
Fences, free-standing struc-
tures, bulkheads
Front, side or rear yard 6-foot height with additional
height with special conditions
Decks Front, side or rear yard No higher than 18 inches
Heat pumps Front, side or rear yard No closer than 3 feet to any lot
Solar collectors Front, side or rear yard 3 feet from side yard, 15 feet
from rear yard and 6 feet into
23.44.014C13 and
Critical areas Front and rear yards 25 percent reduction, up to a
maximum of 5 feet
Arbors Front, side or rear yards 40 sq. feet coverage with maxi-
mum 8 feet height, 50 percent
Arbors Yards abutting a street 30 square feet coverage over
pedestrian walkway, 40 square
fee coverage with maximum 8
feet height, 50% open
Accessory Dwelling Units
Backyard Cottages
Yards abutting a street pedestrian walkway, 40 square
fee coverage with maximum 8
feet height, 50 percent open