Regional Economic Development Council Round XIII Programs
Below is a full list of programs that have been reviewed and scored by the Regional Economic Development
Councils as part of Round 13. As agencies make award announcements, the list of awards will be amended.
Empire State Development:
Empire State Development Grant Funds
Excelsior Jobs Program
Strategic Planning and Feasibility Studies Program
Market New York Program
New York State Business Incubator Program
Homes and Community Renewal:
New York Main Street Program
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation:
Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program for Parks, Preservation and Heritage (EPF)
Recreational Trails Program (RTP)
Department of State:
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program
Brownfield Opportunity Area Program
New York State Canal Corporation:
Canalway Grants Program
New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets:
NYS Grown & Certified Infrastructure, Technology & R&D Program
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority:
Carbon Neutral Economic Development Program
Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Carbon Challenge
Table of Contents
Empire State Development
ESD Capital Grants and Excelsior Jobs Program………………………….………….……………………….4
Strategic Planning and Feasibility Studies Program……………………………….……………….……..18
Business Incubator Program………………………….…………………………………………………….…….….21
Market New York Program………………………………………………………………….……………….……..24
Craft Beverage Micro Grant.………………………………………………………………….……………….……..29
Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program………………………………………………….……………….……..37
Homes and Community Renewal, Office of Community Renewal
New York Main Street Program……………………………………....…………………………..………….……..43
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Environmental Protection Funds Program………………………………………………….……….……….45
Recreational Trails Program………………………………………………………………………………………….53
Department of State
Brownfield Opportunity Areas Program………………….……………….…………………………………..55
Local Waterfront Reviatalization Program…………………….………….………………………………….57
New York State Canal Corporation
Canalway Grants Program…………….………………………………………………………………………….…..63
New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets
NYS Grown & Certified Infrastructure, Technology & R&D Program.………………………….…..64
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Commerical and Industrial Carbon Challenge……....…………………………………………………….…..65
Carbon Neutral Economic Development Program…..……………...……………………………….…..66
Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grants
126994 Albany
Pearl Over Look
Steamboat Square
Phase 2
Steamboat Square located in the City of Albany consists of 4 high-rise
towers. As part of phase 2, Pearl Over Look Corporation (POLC) and the
Albany Housing Authority (AHA) will work together to fit out
commercial space on the first and second floors of 2 of the towers.
$ 800,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
127219 Albany Maria College
Maria College
Maria College will renovate and expand existing simulation and skills
labs, add two new nursing simulation labs with Laerdal high fidelity
manikins, hospital equipment and virtual reality software/equipment.
This project will allow the college to increase nursing school enrollment
to 175-250 nursing professionals per year.
$ 800,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
128226 Albany
Community Loan
Fund of the Capital
Region, Inc.
Capital Region
Investment Trust
The Community Investment Trust (CIT), a project of the Community
Loan Fund of the Capital Region, Inc (CLFCR), will transform an
underutilized commercial space into a facility conducive for small
business growth and community development. Renovation will address
the building’s accessibility and visual appeal, both are vital to increasing
traffic in the building and decreasing blight in a neighborhood with
concentrated poverty.
$ 800,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
126291 Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute
Childcare Center -
Combined Apps
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will expand access to high-quality,
affordable childcare for local families through the construction of a
childcare center on its main campus in Troy, NY. The facility is planned
to feature 13 classrooms: 5 for infants, 5 for toddlers, and 3 for
preschool; space for afterschool programs; 2 indoor and 2 outdoor play
areas, with playground equipment; a garden; and administrative spaces.
$ 2,500,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
Central New
129968 Onondaga
Discovery Center of
Science and
Education Center
Discovery Center of Science and Technology will build out currently
unused space to support the MOST's mission. The new space will create
more classrooms for the MOST's day camps and programs, STEM
Library, and education offices.
$ 300,000 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 127563 Monroe
Rochester Institute of
RIT Battery
Prototyping Center
The Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) established the Battery
Prototyping Center on campus in 2014, providing advanced services
primarily for state-of-the-art lithium-ion pouch batteries (used in cell
phones and laptop computers). The expansion project will facilitate the
purchase of new machinery and equipment, double their current
footprint including dry room space, and increase their training capacity.
$ 2,197,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 128876 Monroe UltraPhiL LLC
UltraPhiL Pilot
Beverage RD Center
UltraPhil will establish a pilot manufacturing line and beverage research
and development center to support incubation and innovation of new
products in the food and beverage industry. The facility will allow users
to incubate and innovate new products along with ingredient and
packaging technologies more efficiently as they this will now be
available in NYS versus having to travel out of state to access this.
$ 600,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 129592 Monroe
University of
University of
Rochester Wilmot
Cancer Institute Lab
Renovations and
The University of Rochester will renovate the Wilmot Biobank Shared
Resource facility to expand research support for the Wilmot Cancer
Institute. Specialized processing equipment will also be acquired as part
of the project to further support Wilmot Cancer Institute research
efforts. Expansion of the Wilmot Biobank Shared Resource facility will
allow tissue samples to be preserved longer and improve efficiencies of
the research being done at the Wilmot Cancer Institute.
$ 339,850 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 130120 Monroe EquiCenter, Inc.
New Indoor Riding
EquiCenter, Inc. provides horse therapeutic programs that serve the
community including veterans, individuals with disabilities and youth
from schools in the region. EquiCenter will construct a new 80 foot by
120 indoor riding arena complimenting their existing 60 foot by 90 foot
arena. The new arena will allow EquiCenter to substantially expand
their services to community.
$ 150,000 11/13/2023
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 130148 Monroe
Rochester Broadway
Theatre League Inc
Auditorium Complex
The Rochester Broadway Theatre League Inc. plans to restore the
historic West Herr Auditorium Theatre to its original physical status. The
project will expand the accessibility of the building, improve energy
efficiency, replace elevators and, update performance spaces.
$ 2,000,000 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 130572 Monroe
Andluca Technologies
Expansion 2
Andluca, a smart window manufacturer, will acquire production
machinery and equipment for expansion of a glass lamination line at its
Eastman Business Park location. The new machinery and equipment will
improve manufacturing efficiencies and diversify product offerings.
$ 350,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD EJP Finger Lakes 130572 Monroe
Andluca Technologies
Expansion 2
Andluca, a smart window manufacturer, will acquire production
machinery and equipment for expansion of a glass lamination line at its
Eastman Business Park location. The new machinery and equipment will
improve manufacturing efficiencies and diversify product offerings.
$ 400,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 130809 Monroe NextCorps, Inc.
NextCorps Sibley
Square Incubator
NextCorps, Inc., will expand their footprint in the historic downtown
Rochester Sibley Building, complete renovations and purchase
furniture, fixtures and equipment. NextCorps offers a suite of programs
and services aimed at helping entrepreneurs build new startup
companies, and helping established companies increase revenues and
profitability. The organization has assisted over 150 businesses over
the past 5 years and operates the Luminate Accelerator, the Embark
Software Startup and For Climate Tech Accelerator Programs out of
their facility.
$ 2,426,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 131024 Monroe
Homesteads for
Hope, Inc.
Homesteads for
Hope Inclusive
Community Farm
Homesteads for Hope, a non-profit inclusive community farm for
individuals with and without disabilities, will renovate their campus in
Ogden, Monroe County, to improve safety and expand operations.
These improvements will include updated electrical, a sensory garden
and classroom, and a recreational trail.
$ 150,000 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 130225 Wyoming
Prestolite Electric
Prestolite Electric, an industrial manufacturer located in Arcade, NY will
acquire new machinery and equipment to establish a new
manufacturing line at their facility in Arcade, Wyoming County. The new
line will manufacture and assemble Motor Generator Units that will
meet new emissions standards.
$ 250,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD EJP Finger Lakes 130225 Wyoming
Prestolite Electric
Prestolite Electric, an industrial manufacturer located in Arcade, NY will
acquire new machinery and equipment to establish a new
manufacturing line at their facility in Arcade, Wyoming County. The new
line will manufacture and assemble Motor Generator Units that will
meet new emissions standards.
$ 400,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 126844 Yates Paco Palace LLC
production and
Paco Palace undertakes innovative agriculture and environmental
sustainability research and development. At their Sweet Farm location,
they will undertake infrastructure improvements including storm water
runoff, septic system, parking and purchase and installation of a state-
of-art biological safety level-2 greenhouse.
$ 125,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD EJP Long Island 127791 Nassau
Nassau Candy
Distributors, Inc.
I Love Candy
Nassau Candy based in Hicksville will add an additional production
facility, new equipment and add new jobs. This investment will allow
the company to add new candy and food products.
$ 750,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Long Island 128651 Nassau
NYSARC Inc, Nassau
County Chapter (DBA
AHRC Nassau)
AHRC Nassau Main
House Project:
Wheatley Farms and
Arts Educational and
AHRC Nassau is a nonprofit agency supporting people with intellectual
and developmental disabilities in Nassau County. AHRC Nassau will
renovate the existing main building located in the AHRC Wheatley
Farms and Arts Center in Brookville, Nassau County to create a space
with accessible features where people of all abilities will benefit from an
integrated environment to support learning, job opportunities, and the
building of pre-vocational and transferable vocational skills for
individuals with disabilities aspiring to enter the workforce.
$ 250,000 X 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants Long Island 129385 Nassau
Cornell Cooperative
Extension of Nassau
East Meadow Farm
Dynamic Learning
The Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County will construct a
new Dynamic Learning Center in East Meadow to host year round
educational programs for youth and adults in the areas of horticulture,
environmental sustainability, energy education, and food systems. The
building is to be constructed of decommissioned shipping containers
with a goal of net-zero energy.
$ 500,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Long Island 129903 Nassau AR Hicksville, LLC
99 Newbridge Rd
Hicksville NY
AR Hicksville will complete infrastructure work related to construction a
4 story mixed-use building near the train station in Hicksville as part of
Hicksville's downtown revitalization. This includes burying power lines,
upgrading water lines, streetscape improvements and more.
$ 1,000,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD EJP Long Island 127744 Suffolk LS Promotions, Inc Premier Promotions
LS Promotions, a Ronkonkoma manufacturer of candy and a supplier of
promotional items will invest in renovations to their existing facility and
add new product categories.
$ 400,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Long Island 128933 Suffolk
National Offshore
Wind Training Center,
National Offshore
Wind Training
The National Offshore Wind Training Center Inc. will build a global wind
organization training center in Brentwood, Suffolk County to provide
safety and technical certifications for everyone working in the offshore
environment. The project will include pre-apprenticeship opportunities,
provide summer programs for high school students related to energy
and sustainability; and advanced manufacturing training programs for
youth/adults, and support workforce career pathways with training and
certification opportunities.
$ 3,000,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Long Island 130670 Suffolk
Mastics Moriches
Shirley Community
366 Neighborhood
Road Park Outdoor
Program Space
The Mastic Moriches Shirley Community Library will revitalize a vacant
lot adjacent to the Mastic Beach library to accommodate outdoor
library programs and serve as a recreational space for the community.
$ 200,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Long Island 131261 Suffolk
Mattebella Vineyards
Winery Expansion
Mattebella Vineyards located in Southold will expand their wine
production by purchasing new equipment, completing renovations to
existing space, and building out a new space for processing and storage.
$ 90,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD EJP Long Island 131343 Suffolk Harvest Bakery
Harvest Bakery
Harvest Bakery a manufacturer of baked goods located in Holtsville will
invest in new machinery and equipment including some robotics to
increase their productivity and enabling them to expand into new
$ 150,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Mid-Hudson 130128 Dutchess
The Art Effect of the
Hudson Valley, Inc.
The Art Effect Final
Phase Capital
Expansion Project
The Art Effect will further expand and improve the previously vacant
Trolley Barn located in the City of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, into
an education and youth focused center for residents to express their
talents and learn of opportunities to further their education. The
project will transform the historic Poughkeepsie Trolley Barn gallery
into a community arts, culture, and arts-workforce development
campus with renovations and additional construction. This new space
will include classrooms and arts spaces for kids and teens to learn how
to express themselves and hone their artistic talents.
$ 2,000,000 11/13/2023
ESD Grants Mid-Hudson 130999 Orange
2 Girls 1 Boy Holdings
Cornwall Downtown
Hospitality &
Parking Project
The Cornwall Downtown Revitalization Project will adaptively re-use a
long vacant building in the downtown area and will create a hotel and a
full-service restaurant in the heart of the Cornwall business district,
providing the region with much needed lodging that will attract tourism
and visitation from outside the Mid-Hudson Valley.
$ 1,200,000 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants Mid-Hudson 126212 Putnam
Boscobel Restoration,
Improved Visitor
Boscobel is a nonprofit museum established sixty years ago and is now
an esteemed Historic House Museum containing one of the finest
collections of decorative arts from the Federal period. Boscobel
Restoration, Inc. has a larger campus-wide capital improvement plan
they will be undertaking with a goal of securing Boscobel as a thriving
cultural site and community resource, focused on serving a wider
audience through programming that explores nature, design, and
history. This phase of the project will increase public access and safety;
become a hub for regional visitors; and improve traffic congestion by
streamlining vehicles entering and departing the site. To improve
climate resiliency and mitigate flooding, Boscobel will convert a
significant portion of its site to a native planting’s meadow in addition
to installing new maintenance barn with photovoltaic panels.
$ 250,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD EJP Mid-Hudson 130474 Rockland Schreiner Group LP
Schreiner Group
Expansion Project
Schreiner Group is a manufacturer of high-tech labels and functional
parts that enable smart solutions. They will construct and equip a
manufacturing building to support the development of new products in
the manufacture of specialty labels. The expansion will incorporate
updates to existing manufacturing technologies, and implement new
technologies such as RFID chip technology.
$ 1,500,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
122440 Herkimer Herkimer County
Herkimer County
Children's Center
Herkimer County will build and operate a childcare facility on the
former Duofold Brownfield site, in Ilion. The facility will be run by
Herkimer County with support from Herkimer College, BOCES, and
other partners. The Children's Center will provide childcare,
developmental & healthcare services for children.
$ 1,400,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
128504 Oneida
Midtown Utica
Community Center
Reimagining &
Renovating the
Midtown Utica
Community Center
Midtown Utica Community Center (MUCC) offers programs including
summer youth employment program, youth employment services,
tutoring, an after school program, summer camp, youth sports teams
and a farm education program. These programs primarily serve the
refugee, immigrant and low-income youth in a severely distressed
neighborhood in Utica. MUCC will rehabilitate the rear wing of their
community center allowing for MUCC to expand their current
programming and their employment services to include adults. It will
also support the launch of a program with Utica City School District to
help orient newly arrived refugee, immigrant and newcomer youth into
the community.
$ 450,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
129689 Oneida
Renewable Energy
Development, LLC
Dunlop Building
Renewable Energy Development, LLC will rehabilitate the former
Dunlop Tire Factory building in Utica. The mixed use development will
feature modern condominium units and first floor office and retail
$ 440,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
129873 Oneida
Alternatives Network
Child Care &
Wellness Center
Integrated Community Alternatives Network, or ICAN, a not-for-profit
organization that provides individualized and non-traditional services
and care to the highest risk individuals and families with social,
emotional, mental health and behavioral challenges. ICAN will build a
childcare center addition onto the existing Elevate CNY Sports Complex.
The new childcare center will house classrooms, a kitchen, nursing
station, bathrooms, offices, multi-purpose room, and spaces for
children's diagnostic speech/OT Therapy. They will provide center-
based, quality childcare and after school care.
$ 1,800,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
New York
129120 Bronx Foodirect, Inc. Foodirect
Foodirect will update and renovate their food distribution center at the
Hunts Point Cooperative Market in the Bronx. The renovation will
include energy efficiency improvements, a state-of-the-art refrigeration
system and state-of-the-art insulation methods, which will significantly
reduce the operation’s carbon footprint. This project will also
contribute to the overall development initiative taking place at the
Hunts Point Market complex.
$ 1,000,000 X 11/13/2023
New York
129120 Bronx Foodirect, Inc. Foodirect
Foodirect will update and renovate their food distribution center at the
Hunts Point Cooperative Market in the Bronx. The renovation will
include energy efficiency improvements, a state-of-the-art refrigeration
system and state-of-the-art insulation methods, which will significantly
reduce the operation’s carbon footprint. This project will also
contribute to the overall development initiative taking place at the
Hunts Point Market complex.
$ 1,000,000 X 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants
New York
125259 Queens
Company Inc
2023 ESD Capital
Pursuit will build a community technology hub by redesigning and
renovating a full floor of the Altice building in Long Island City with the
aim of training low-income New Yorkers to become software engineers.
The tech hub will be designed specifically to meet so they can learn and
grow their potential—with 24/7 access, reliable Wi-Fi, and collaborative
learning spaces.
$ 1,560,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
New York
130639 Queens
Variety Boys and Girls
Club of Queens, Inc.
Variety Business
Variety Boys Girls Club of Queens (VBGCQ) is planning to demolish their
existing facility and construct a new five-story Club in Astoria, to meet
the needs of the growing population in Long Island City and Astoria.
This project will more than triple the size of the building and the
number of youth and families that the Club serves each year through
after school, summer camp, weekend workshops, and athletics
$ 3,000,000 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
New York
129514 Richmond Alina and Kosta LLC
Tiny Treasures
Second Site
Tiny Treasures Academy is a child care center provider located in the
Stapleton section of Staten Island, which began operations in late 2021
in response to the changing child care needs of parents during the
Covid-19 pandemic. At capacity and with a growing waitlist Tiny
Treasures will establish a second facility that will double the number of
children that they can service.
$ 150,000 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
New York
130667 Richmond
RediMix (an affiliated
company of Faztec
EcoCrete Recycled
Diamondback RediMix will purchase new machinery that processes
used construction material so it can be repurposed into concrete
production. This new equipment will expand Diamondback RediMix’s
capacity to recycle old construction material enabling their operation to
be more efficient and create a more sustainable product.
$ 140,000 X 11/13/2023
130882 Clinton Assemble Rite Ltd Portadam
Assemble Rite Ltd. will purchase machinery and equipment to
exclusively manufacturer steel frame Portadam flood barrier systems, in
Plattsburgh, NY. The new manufacturing operation will include
component purchasing, inbound and outbound logistics and quality
management for final assembly. The company plans to fabricate two
different sized barrier systems providing up to 100,000 linear feet of
flood protection each year for its customers.
$ 500,000 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
129961 Jefferson
103 General Smith
LLC DBA Harbor
House Inn
Sackets Harbor
Located in the heart of Sackets Harbor, NY, the Harbor House Inn will
be redesigned to enhance the hotel’s capacity, accessibility, energy
efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. This initiative includes: redesigning the
entrance into a spacious lobby; renovating the third-floor rooms, thus
increasing capacity by over 600; installing an elevator for improved
accessibility; replacing the fire escape with a multipurpose deck; and
upgrading the cooling system. These improvements aim to boost local
tourism and stimulate economic growth by attracting larger events and
enhancing the hotel's historic charm and guest experience.
$ 132,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
124445 St. Lawrence
Ogdensburg Bridge
and Port Authority
OBPA - Childcare
The Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority will construct a new
childcare facility in Commerce Park. This facility will provide childcare
options for parents in Ogdensburg who would otherwise have to travel
outside of the immediate area for childcare.
$ 954,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
130320 Chenango
US Silicon Trading,
US Silicon Trading
US Silicon Trading, LLC is a silicone manufacturer located in Norwich,
NY. The company specializes in producing, distributing, and acting as a
supply chain network for silicone chemicals. They will acquire and
renovate an existing facility with new cutting-edge equipment to
enhance manufacturing capabilities and to meet the growing demand
for silicone organic products in the U.S. market.
$ 500,000 X 11/13/2023
130320 Chenango
US Silicon Trading,
US Silicon Trading
US Silicon Trading, LLC is a silicone manufacturer located in Norwich,
NY. The company specializes in producing, distributing, and acting as a
supply chain network for silicone chemicals. They will acquire and
renovate an existing facility with new cutting-edge equipment to
enhance manufacturing capabilities and to meet the growing demand
for silicone organic products in the U.S. market.
$ 400,000 X 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants
129466 Delaware
Specialties, Inc
SSI Expansion
Sportsfield Specialties, Inc. (SSI) is a sports equipment manufacturer
located in Town of Delhi, NY. SSI will expand their manufacturing
operations by utilizing a vacant property adjacent to their existing site.
The project will include an expansion of their manufacturing plant with
modern equipment, a new office complex, mechanical shop and
$ 500,000 X 11/13/2023
129466 Delaware
Specialties, Inc
SSI Expansion
Sportsfield Specialties, Inc. (SSI) is a sports equipment manufacturer
located in Town of Delhi, NY. SSI will expand their manufacturing
operations by utilizing a vacant property adjacent to their existing site.
The project will include an expansion of their manufacturing plant with
modern equipment, a new office complex, mechanical shop and
$ 1,500,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
128543 Steuben HP Hood LLC
Dip Blending
HP Hood LLC, will expand its Heluva Good Dip processing and blending
operation located in Arkport, NY. This expansion will house new
processing equipment and installation of a new state-of-the-art dip
blending system.
$ 250,000 11/13/2023
128543 Steuben HP Hood LLC
Dip Blending
HP Hood LLC, will expand its Heluva Good Dip processing and blending
operation located in Arkport, NY. This expansion will house new
processing equipment and installation of a new state-of-the-art dip
blending system.
$ 150,000 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
New York
128311 Erie
MusicalFare Theatre
Company Inc
MusicalFare Theatre is a not-for-profit musical theatre company
located in Amherst. In partnership with the Town of Amherst,
MusicalFare is constructing a new theater that will increase space and
seating to better serve their audience.
$ 873,200 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
New York
128749 Erie
Richardson Center
Richardson Olmsted
Campus Capital
Building and
The Richardson Olmsted Campus, a former psychiatric hospital, turned
hotel and cultural complex, will complete work on the rehabilitation
and renovation of Buildings 9,13, and 43. This will include roof repair,
masonry restoration and selective demolition, and more. These
buildings would be used for the expansion of the hotel as well as
commercial space for complimentary businesses and nearby cultural
$ 1,000,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
New York
131319 Erie Jemal's Statler, LLC Statler
The Hotel Statler building has been purchased by Douglas Development
and will be renovated into multi-family apartments and hotel. The
lower commercial floors will be used for office, parking, and event
space. This project will support the development of the basement
parking garage. The rehabilitation of the Statler building will help
continue the revitalization efforts in Buffalo’s downtown area.
$ 2,500,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
New York
131821 Erie
Jewish Family
Services of WNY
CFA 2023 ESD Grant
Jewish Family Services of WNY provides support and programming for
the New American population. This project will renovate an existing
building at 70 Barker street that will be used to provide both services
and free childcare to the new immigrant and refugee population.
$ 400,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD Grants
Energy Catalyst, LLC
Energy Catalyst -
Troy Manufacturing
Energy Catalyst (EC) is a growing heat pump manufacturer and
technology company the produces the only ground source Energy Star-
certified heat pump in North America that can reuse existing home
baseboards and radiators. The project includes construction of a new
manufacturing facility including assemble line, testing lab, training and
office spaces. The project will create 50 new full time jobs over five
years in a severely economically distressed neighborhood in North Troy
(Rensselaer County).
$ 850,000 X 2/5/2024
Energy Catalyst, LLC
Energy Catalyst -
Troy Manufacturing
Energy Catalyst (EC) is a growing heat pump manufacturer and
technology company the produces the only ground source Energy Star-
certified heat pump in North America that can reuse existing home
baseboards and radiators. The project includes construction of a new
manufacturing facility including assemble line, testing lab, training and
office spaces. The project will create 50 new full time jobs over five
years in a severely economically distressed neighborhood in North Troy
(Rensselaer County).
$ 1,135,000 2/5/2024
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants
Central New
Denkavit Holding USA
Grober cold milk
separation and
Denkavit Holding USA Corporation dba Grober Nutrition, LLC will
upgrade its facility in Aurelius, Cayuga County. The project includes
building renovations and upgrading manufacturing equipment. The
facility produces animal feed products and dietary replacements for
livestock from dairy processing byproducts. The expansion will utilize
surplus milk, skimming cream from the milk, and returning the human
consumable products to local dairy processors and processing the
byproducts into their normal products. The project will help reduce the
amount of dumped milk from local dairy processors during seasonal
$ 500,000 X 2/5/2024
Central New
Denkavit Holding USA
Grober cold milk
separation and
Denkavit Holding USA Corporation dba Grober Nutrition, LLC will
upgrade its facility in Aurelius, Cayuga County. The project includes
building renovations and upgrading manufacturing equipment. The
facility produces animal feed products and dietary replacements for
livestock from dairy processing byproducts. The expansion will utilize
surplus milk, skimming cream from the milk, and returning the human
consumable products to local dairy processors and processing the
byproducts into their normal products. The project will help reduce the
amount of dumped milk from local dairy processors during seasonal
$ 250,000 2/5/2024
ESD Grants
Central New
DM3 of Cortland, LLC
Boutique Hotel
Village of Homer
DM3 of Cortland, LLC will renovate the building at 9 North Main St. in
Homer, Cortland County into a 32-room boutique hotel in the heart of
downtown Homer. The hotel will be the first of its kind in historic
Homer and is needed to accommodate its increasing number of
$ 1,500,000 X 2/5/2024
ESD Grants
Central New
The Partnership for
The Hub Upfit
Located in southern Madison County, the Hub Incubator provides co-
working and business mentorship space serving entrepreneurs and
business owners. Partnership for Community Development (PCD) will
buildout new space for The Hub including co-working space,
kitchenette, conference room, pop-up retail space, PCD's offices, and
new bathrooms and storage. The space will also be utilized by partner
agencies including Colgate University's Entrepreneurship & Innovation
program and will allow the Hub to continue serving as a regional center
for entrepreneurship and community vitality.
$ 200,000 X 2/5/2024
ESD Grants
Central New
PPC Broadband, Inc.
PPC Expansion for
US Infrastructure
PPC Broadband, Inc. will expand its operations at two facilities in East
Syracuse, Onondaga County. The expansion will enable PPC to design,
develop, manufacture, and distribute systems that facilitate broadband
expansion and deployment, specifically in fiber products.
$ 1,200,000 X 2/5/2024
Central New
PPC Broadband, Inc.
PPC Expansion for
US Infrastructure
PPC Broadband, Inc. will expand its operations at two facilities in East
Syracuse, Onondaga County. The expansion will enable PPC to design,
develop, manufacture, and distribute systems that facilitate broadband
expansion and deployment, specifically in fiber products.
$ 1,200,000 2/5/2024
ESD Grants
Central New
Valiant Real Estate
USA, Inc.
New York Bus Sales
Relocation and
Valiant Real Estate USA, which owns Valiant Bus Sales will purchase and
renovate a currently vacant and underutilized building on a major
commercial thoroughfare. The new facility will become the distribution
center for equipment and parts and a service center for buses. It will
enable Valiant Bus Sale to expand into the EV retrofitting and bus
customization market and become a distribution center for clean
energy school buses with new Electric Vehicle charging stations.
$ 325,000 X 2/5/2024
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 133184
Cornell Agriculture
and Food Technology
Park Corporation
Tech Farm
Cornell Agriculture and Food Technology Park Corporation will
construct a multi-tenant light manufacturing facility on a 5-acre site
within the Cornell Agriculture and Food Technology Park Corporation’s
Technology Farm. In addition to providing badly needed manufacturing
and food processing space for businesses accessing the resources of
Cornell AgriTech, the new facility will provide space for those
companies that have outgrown the CAFTPC’s existing incubator facility.
$ 1,400,000 X 2/5/2024
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants Long Island 131493
Nicholas Center Ltd
Building Inclusive
Workplaces -
Training and Work
for People w/
The Nicholas Center will partner with a commercial cookie business,
Hello Julia, to renovate and build a comprehensive vocational training
site within a working bakery. The new bakery will train individuals on
the spectrum with worker readiness and vocational training, they will
also obtain a food handler certificate and wrap around services to
retain jobs and careers.
$ 303,500 X 2/5/2024
ESD EJP Long Island 133578
Clever Devices LLC. Something Clever
Clever Devices LLC in Woodbury will invest in equipment and add new
high wage technology jobs as it expands it's transit software and
equipment manufacturing operations on Long Island.
$ 1,000,000 X 2/5/2024
ESD EJP Long Island 130624
Advanced Utility
Safe Haven
Advanced Utility Solutions plans to acquire a new building to serve as
their headquarters where they will train and hire new full time
$ 316,250 X 2/5/2024
ESD Grants Long Island 133623
A Work of Heart Inc.
A Work of Heart
A Work of Heart Childcare located in South Huntington, Suffolk County
will renovate buildings to increase their capacity for child care services.
$ 120,000 X 2/5/2024
ESD EJP Mid-Hudson 128182
Star Print Embroidery Shoot for the stars
Star Print Embroidery will make improvements to its manufacturing and
distribution facility in West Nyack, NY. Renovations and upgrades
include the purchase and installation of high-tech machinery and
equipment including digital screen-printing machinery, new embroidery
equipment, and automatic screen printing machines, dryers and pallets.
$ 175,000 X 2/5/2024
ESD Grants Mid-Hudson 127555
Peekskill Facilities
Gap Financing for
Peekskill Firehouse
Kitchen Incubator
The Peekskill Facilities Development Corp. (PFDC) will adaptively reuse
the former City Firehouse to develop a Kitchen Incubator. Its mission
will be to provide a pathway for local underserved individuals to create
culinary jobs and small business opportunities, partnering with
Westchester Community College, Peekskill schools, and private industry
in Peekskill.
$ 995,000 2/5/2024
ESD Grants
JCTOD Outreach Inc.
Community Center
neighborhood with
support services
The Johnson Park Green Community Center (JPC) is part of JCTOD's
latest project that addresses poverty, homelessness, and economic
instability within the Johnson Park-Cornhill neighborhood of Utica
which provides access to community skill-building classes, children’s
programs, childcare, a food pantry, and space for community events.
JCTOD will complete the community center by building out the 2nd
floor of the Johnson Park Community Center to house the current JPC
children’s program called Head, Hand, and Heart (HHH), as well as the
Head Start program.
$ 500,000 X 2/5/2024
Turbine Engine
Corporation DBA
Pursuit Aerospace
Pursuit Expansion
Project 2023
Pursuit Aerospace will invest in capital equipment, machinery, and
building infrastructure upgrades with the goal of increasing
manufacturing capacity. New machinery includes CMM's, EDMs, cutter
grinders as well as other support equipment. Areas of the
manufacturing floor will also be reconfigured to accommodate the new
machinery. Infrastructure upgrades include HVAC, electrical/power
systems, and air compressor capacity improvement, exterior painting,
and parking lot improvements. Pursuit currently has 15 other facilities,
but is choosing to make this significant capital investment into the
Whitesboro location. The building was constructed in 1957 has never
undergone infrastructure renovation or upgrades.
$ 2,000,000 X 2/5/2024
ESD Grants
New York
Parker Jewish
Institute for Health
Care and
Group Child Care
The Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation (“Parker”)
is a non-profit health care and rehabilitation center that offers a
comprehensive network of community health care programs for adults.
Parker will develop a Group Child Care Center that provides quality
services for children under the age of six from families of healthcare
$ 325,000 X 2/5/2024
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants
New York
The Jacobs Institute
Partner Investment
in the MedTech
Ecosystem and Next-
gen innovators in
The Jacobs Institute (JI) is a one-of-a-kind, NFP vascular medical
technology innovation center. JI will renovate and expand their medical
device technology incubator located in Buffalo by converting their
conference room into a state-of-the-art learning lab space that will
double their capacity and increase their ability to train and hire more
engineers to develop life saving devices. The renovations include an
overhaul of the AV equipment necessary to record and stream live case
as well specialized 3D printing and software equipment that will take JI's
anatomic modeling skills into treatment planning.
$ 1,000,000 X 2/5/2024
ESD Grants
New York
Buffalo Business Park,
Dunkirk Former
Bank Mixed Use
Buffalo Business Park, Inc. will renovate a former downtown bank
building in Dunkirk, near SUNY Fredonia, Lake Erie, and the improved
Dunkirk Pier, into a mixed-use development containing both residential
and commercial space. The City of Dunkirk is a Round VI DRI winner and
this renovation will support these efforts by putting new housing units
and commercial activity into the downtown.
$ 150,000 X 2/5/2024
ESD Grants
New York
500 3rd Street NF LLC
Radio Niagara - 500
and 512 3rd Street
Niagara Falls NY
Radio Niagara will result in a new four-season tourism and
entertainment venue in downtown Niagara Falls. Radio Niagara will
offer events and conference space, a full-service restaurant, several
bars, games and entertainment, a bowling lounge, and 6 boutique hotel
rooms. The facility will have an outdoor patio space for live events and
$ 400,000 X 2/5/2024
ESD Grants
Central New
Vitale Ready-Mix
Concrete Inc.
Auburn Concrete
Plant Expansion
Vitale Ready-Mix Concrete Inc., manufacturer of concrete and other
construction products, will construct and equip a new concrete
manufacturing plant in the Town of Sennett, Cayuga County. This
expansion will modernize the plant and increase capacity, improve load
time, and alleviate unplanned downtime, enabling the company to
grow and support regional economic development and infrastructure
$ 350,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
Central New
Ichor Life Sciences Ichor's Expansion
Ichor Life Sciences is a Full-Service Contract Research Organization
(CRO) that operates in various life sciences capacities including services
in protein research and testing, pharmacology, clinical trials as well as in
house development of aging-related therapeutics. As a Full-Service
CRO, they are a key component to the region’s innovation ecosystem.
Ichor will consolidate and expand their Lafayette and Potsdam locations
to a building located in a distressed community along a business
corridor in Syracuse, Onondaga County. The project involves the
acquisition and renovation of the building and the purchase and
installation of equipment. The new site will bring all of Ichor's services
under one roof and place them closer to current and potential partners,
and in a better position to access the local and regional workforce. The
site will be host to the company's research and development activities
and its biotech start-up accelerator.
$ 450,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
Central New
133571 Ontario Carrols Corporation 968 James Street
Carrols Corporation, the largest Burger King (BK) franchisee in the
United States, will renovate their Headquarters (HQ) in Syracuse, NY.
The project includes new energy efficient HVAC systems, basic office
renovations, new bathrooms, and electrical upgrades. The HQ oversees
the operations of 1,019 BK restaurants in 23 states and 62 Popeyes
restaurants in seven states. The investment includes renovations and
general improvements to the building.
$ 750,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 134928
Livingston County
Development Agency
Correctional Facility
The Livingston County IDA will complete site upgrades at the former
Livingston Correctional Facility. Upgrades include the establishment of
independent water, wastewater, and steam services that are necessary
to attract commercial and industrial tenants to the site.
$ 750,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 134617
Monroe Community
Optics Training Lab
Monroe Community College (MCC) will renovate three rooms at the
Brighton campus to accommodate space for a new fully dedicated
Optics Micro-Credential fast-track training lab. The lab will be located
next to their current optics educational space and allow MCC to fast-
track certification training for up to 24 students per year. With more
than 150 optics companies in the Finger Lakes Region, this project
which will assist with the growing demand for employment in the optics
$ 1,345,870 X 4/26/2024
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 134248
Yates Cultural and
Resources Inc
Yates Cultural
Capital Project
Yates Cultural and Recreational Resources, Inc is a not-for-profit
community organization that aims to enhance the physical and mental
well being of the community by providing cultural, recreational,
athletic, and educational opportunities. The center is currently located
in a low income area in Penn Yan and serves more than 2,000
community members each year. They will construct a new multi-use
indoor facility that will increase access and affordability and serve as a
space for community events, health programming, job fairs, health
screenings, and after-school programming. Overall, this multi-use
facility will become a hub for education, health, tourism, and
employment, significantly enriching the fabric of the rural community
offering programming accessible to all community members at no cost
and with no membership required.
$ 1,500,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD EJP Long Island 134218
Orbic Electronics
Manufacturing, LLC
Project Patriot
Orbic Electronics Manufacturing, LLC, located in Hauppauge, Suffolk
County, is a manufacturer of cell phones, tablets, laptops, wearables
(watches), hotspots, and routers. Current manufacturing and assembly
operations are being undertaken overseas in India and China. Orbic will
renovate an existing building and add specialized machinery and
equipment to allow the company to bring consumer electronics
product manufacturing and assembly to Long Island from overseas.
$ 10,000,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants Mid-Hudson 134669
Mohonk Preserve,
The Brook
Farmhouse Project
Mohonk Preserve will rehabilitate a historic farmhouse located within a
popular scenic landscape and trail network and renovate it for adaptive
reuse as a conservation science center and the site of its new
headquarters in the Town of New Paltz, Ulster County. The
rehabilitation, along with an offsite ground mount solar array
installation constitute the first phase of a multi-year project to improve
conservation, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance tourism.
$ 250,000 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
Village of Nelliston
Nelliston School
New Beginnings Academy along with the Village of Nelliston will
transform the historic Nelliston Schoolhouse into a childcare facility
complete with before and after school programming in Nelliston,
Montgomery County.
$ 490,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
Central Association
for the Blind, Inc.
rs Renovations
The Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired or ‘CABVI’ is
a New York State Preferred Source manufacturing and packaging facility
located in Utica. CABVI manufactures and packages PPE products while
employing people who are blind or visually impaired. CABVI will
renovate its existing manufacturing facility, a former General Electric
factory that is over 100 years old, and install new equipment resulting
in significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable
building practices.
$ 1,600,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
Kris-Tech Wire
Company Inc
2024 KT Expansion
Phase 2
KrisTech Wire Company Ince, a leading national electrical wire
manufacturing company, rooted in Rome, serves a range of building,
commercial and utility industries. Operating as a third-generation,
family-owned business, Kris-Tech manufactures all its materials at the
Griffiss Business & Technology Park in Rome. KrisTech will expand their
operations by constructing an addition to their current electrical wire
manufacturing facility, keeping all of their manufacturing in NYS. The
projects aims to support the growth of clean energy projects, fully
electric buildings, and the expanding electric vehicle market as well as
the Build America, Buy America, and will create new jobs for the local
$ 650,000 X 4/26/2024
Kris-Tech Wire
Company Inc
2024 KT Expansion
Phase 2
KrisTech Wire Company Ince, a leading national electrical wire
manufacturing company, rooted in Rome, serves a range of building,
commercial and utility industries. Operating as a third-generation,
family-owned business, Kris-Tech manufactures all its materials at the
Griffiss Business & Technology Park in Rome. KrisTech will expand their
operations by constructing an addition to their current electrical wire
manufacturing facility, keeping all of their manufacturing in NYS. The
projects aims to support the growth of clean energy projects, fully
electric buildings, and the expanding electric vehicle market as well as
the Build America, Buy America, and will create new jobs for the local
$ 750,000 X 4/26/2024
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants
Indium Corporation
of America
Indium Corporation is a materials refiner, smelter, manufacturer, and
supplier to the global electronics, semiconductor, thin-film, and thermal
management markets. They have locations in NY, Chicago, Asia and
Europe. Indium will establish a domestic gallium supply chain by
adapting the current process used overseas on a bench scale to enable
further scale-up in NY.
$ 500,000 X 4/26/2024
Indium Corporation
of America
Indium Corporation is a materials refiner, smelter, manufacturer, and
supplier to the global electronics, semiconductor, thin-film, and thermal
management markets. They have locations in NY, Chicago, Asia and
Europe. Indium will establish a domestic gallium supply chain by
adapting the current process used overseas on a bench scale to enable
further scale-up in NY.
$ 200,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
Soldier On, Inc Copper Village
Soldier On, Inc. is a private not-for-profit organization committed to
ending veteran homelessness. They will be partnering with Pennrose NY
LLC & Human Technologies Corporation on the Copper Village project,
an 11-acre mixed-use development site along the Erie Canal Waterfront
District in Rome. Copper Village will feature 250 affordable housing
units for various demographics including low income, formerly
homeless, disabled, and veterans, a new commercial district with public
waterfront plaza access and a new childcare facility.
$ 2,500,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
Pathfinder Village,
Training & Retail
Pathfinder Village is a not-for-profit that provides adult living, training,
school, camp, and day services to people with Developmental
Disabilities. Pathfinder will expand these services by using sustainable
building practices to renovate a historic dairy barn into a Farmstead
Employment Training & Retail Center to provide a larger home for their
growing vocational programs. Pathfinder Village partners with many
local employers as well as two local colleges, Colgate University and the
State University of New York at Oneonta to collaborate on classes,
seminars, and other activities. They have been selected as a Career
Specific Vocational Training site by the New York State Office for People
With Developmental Disabilities and this additional space will help
expand capacity to serve the more workers with disabilities in the area.
$ 1,800,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
New York
Passive House Center
Passive House Net
Zero Business
Founded in 2011, Passive House Center Inc. will transform their
Brooklyn location into an education hub for green and sustainable
construction practices, catering to both current students and the future
workforce in New York. The new space will serve as a training ground
for students from K-12 and higher education. Additionally, it offers
hands-on learning opportunities through constructions mock-ups. The
company plans to renovate the property, currently a parking garage,
into a net zero headquarters and showroom to showcase sustainable
construction practices.
$ 120,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
New York
New York
Back To Africa Corp.
Expansion of
Back To Africa specializes in natural personal care products, primarily
shea butter. The company will expand its product line and upgrade their
manufacturing capabilities by hiring additional staff and renovating its
facility for improved workflow and efficiency. Back To Africa’s project is
an eco-friendly expansion for improved product quality and job growth,
contributing to environmental sustainability and community
$ 120,000 X 4/26/2024
New York
New York
Back To Africa Corp.
Expansion of
Back To Africa specializes in natural personal care products, primarily
shea butter. The company will expand its product line and upgrade their
manufacturing capabilities by hiring additional staff and renovating its
facility for improved workflow and efficiency. Back To Africa’s project is
an eco-friendly expansion for improved product quality and job growth,
contributing to environmental sustainability and community
$ 200,000 X 4/26/2024
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants
New York
New York
Joyce Theater
Foundation, Inc.
New York Center for
Creativity & Dance
The Joyce Theater Foundation ("The Foundation") is a leading presenter
of dance in New York City and nationally. The Foundation owns a 7-
story building which houses it's New York Center for Creativity & Dance
in the East Village neighborhood of Manhattan which they will renovate
to create a more vibrant space ideal for practice dance studios and
small performances, offering up to 13 affordable spaces to hundreds of
non-profit dance companies, musicians, costumers, and allied artists.
The location is a former Boys Club location which closed in 2022 and
The Foundation is committed to ensuring the building remains a long-
term focus of community engagement while expanding their
programming and committing to green building practices.
$ 3,500,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
New York
Harmony Rockaway
Courthouse -
Coworking Space
Harmony Rockaway LLC, will converting the Rockaway Courthouse, a
property that has been unoccupied and unused for over six decades,
into a multi-tenanted business center, featuring plans for an on-site
preschool, co-working space, and healthcare services company. This
project is strategically located in an economically distressed area, in
close proximity to the Far Rockaways New York Forward Community,
and is poised to make a significant impact on the local economy,
sparking local economic revitalization.
$ 1,235,500 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
St. Lawrence
North Country
Children's Museum
Exhibit Fabrication
& Installation
The North Country Children’s Museum, located in Potsdam, New York’s
historic downtown district, will fabricate six new, interactive STEAM
educational exhibits for its second-floor display area. The new exhibits
include: Swartzentruber Amish Home Exhibit, Physics Trail, Maple
Forest Climber with STEAM interactives, Kids’ Stage Theater, Music &
Sound Lab, and Family Resource Room/Infant Play space.
$ 155,200 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
Association for Vision
Rehabilitation and
Employment, Inc
Association for Vision Rehabilitation and Employment, Inc (AVRE) will
expand and upgrade their manufacturing equipment and facility located
in downtown Binghamton, NY. The expansion and upgrades will support
increased capacity for paper production and enable the AVRE to
continue offering vision rehabilitation services to blind and visually
impaired individuals of all ages across the Southern Tier.
$ 200,000 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
New York
GSD Urban Solutions
LLC (DBA MSquared)
North Aud Block
GSD Urban Solutions LLC (DBA MSquared) will construct a new mixed
use development including residential units, commercial space, and
parking on the North Aud Block in Canalside. It will connect the
waterfront to the rest of downtown featuring access to mass transit,
pedestrian walkways and bike paths that will add to the vitality of the
area. The project will provide tourism offerings and experiences,
including restaurants, retail outlets, cultural attractions, vast public
spaces, and increased access to the Buffalo River, appealing to a wide
demographic of visitors and residents.
$ 2,500,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
New York
Conservancy, Inc.
Frank Lloyd Wright's
Graycliff Visitor
Center Expansion
Graycliff is a Frank Lloyd Wright-designed property on Lake Erie in
Derby, New York that serves as an architectural tourist attraction.
Graycliff Conservancy will expand their visitor center to more than
twice the current size to accommodate visitors and programs year-
round. The new space would be used for rotating exhibits, workshops,
lectures, presentations, special events and meetings.
$ 1,000,000 X 4/26/2024
ESD Grants
The Research
Foundation for SUNY
on behalf of SUNY
Polytechnic Institute
Processing to
Packaging Research,
Education and
Training Center
SUNY Polytechnic Institute, a globally recognized academic institution in
Marcy, NY, will establish a new Semiconductor Processing to Packaging,
Research, Education and Training Center on the SUNY Polytechnic
campus. The project involves the acquisition of semiconductor
processing and packaging toolsets, device testing, and metrology
instruments to create a unique training center which aims to meet the
research and workforce demands of the rapidly growing semiconductor
and advanced manufacturing industries in the Mohawk Valley Region
and NY State.
$ 4,000,000 X 4/30/2024
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants
Central New
135746 Onondaga
Equipment, Inc.
Equipment - 2024
Expansion of
Feldmeier Equipment, Inc., a manufacturer of stainless-steel tanks and
vessels, will expand its manufacturing facility in Syracuse, Onondaga
County. The project entails the construction of an expansion to its
existing facility and the purchase and installation of equipment. This
expansion will increase the facilities manufacturing capacity, add new
product lines, including larger vessels and component parts, that are
currently sourced out-of-state.
$ 400,000 X 7/18/2024
Central New
135746 Onondaga
Equipment, Inc.
Equipment - 2024
Expansion of
Feldmeier Equipment, Inc., a manufacturer of stainless-steel tanks and
vessels, will expand its manufacturing facility in Syracuse, Onondaga
County. The project entails the construction of an expansion to its
existing facility and the purchase and installation of equipment. This
expansion will increase the facilities manufacturing capacity, add new
product lines, including larger vessels and component parts, that are
currently sourced out-of-state.
$ 500,000 7/18/2024
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 135434
Gleason Corporation
Revitalize The
Gleason Works
Established in 1865, Gleason Corp is a leader in the design and
manufacturing of gear systems used in a number of industries including
automotive, aerospace, and production equipment and machinery.
They will renovate the Rochester facility to reconfigure production
operations, undertake building modernization upgrades and purchase
machinery and equipment to expand their automotive gears
$ 2,000,000 X 7/18/2024
ESD EJP Finger Lakes 135434
Gleason Corporation
Revitalize The
Gleason Works
Established in 1865, Gleason Corp is a leader in the design and
manufacturing of gear systems used in a number of industries including
automotive, aerospace, and production equipment and machinery.
They will renovate the Rochester facility to reconfigure production
operations, undertake building modernization upgrades and purchase
machinery and equipment to expand their automotive gears
$ 3,000,000 7/18/2024
ESD EJP Finger Lakes 135515
Vigneri Chocolate,
Vigneri Chocolate
Phase 2 Expansion
Vigneri Chocolate has been manufacturing premium chocolates in the
City of Rochester since 1971. In 2023, the company moved to a new
modern facility to increase production and efficiencies. Vigneri now
plans an additional expansion with the purchase of an adjacent vacant
building to expand onsite warehousing and distribution, add new
production machinery and equipment, and create jobs.
$ 250,000 7/18/2024
ESD Grants Finger Lakes 136018
DMK Endeavors, Inc.
Baird Road
Childcare Expansion
DMK Endeavors will expand the Baird Road Childcare Center in Fairport
to accommodate infant and toddler childcare, almost doubling the
space and child care spots. The expansion and renovations include
adding 6 classrooms, a kitchen and an indoor play area.
$ 658,000 7/18/2024
ESD Grants Mid-Hudson 129033 Dutchess Scenic Hudson, Inc.
Scenic Hudson's
Northside Hub
Scenic Hudson will establish a new headquarters in the Northside of
Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County and repurpose a vacant property in a
neglected and distressed neighborhood of Poughkeepsie. Funding will
support the establishment of a community green space on the
property. This 3 acre park will be situated at the entrance to the
Walkway Over the Hudson.
$ 1,000,000 7/18/2024
ESD Grants
People First THRIVE Cornhill
People First will develop THRIVE Cornhill, two mixed-use buildings in
Utica's Cornhill neighborhood. The development will include two
Community Impact Centers along with new 1&2-bedroom mixed-
income apartments. The Impact Centers will support the community by
including a multipurpose gym, space for arts, education, and workforce,
and other community gathering spaces.
$ 3,500,000 X 7/18/2024
ESD Grants
New York
Foundation of New
The GRACE Foundation will create a culinary workforce training center
in Staten Island for individuals impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder.
This project includes renovating and furnishing new commercial kitchen
space as well as classrooms to develop a comprehensive training, job
placement, and entrepreneurship program that empowers individuals
with disabilities to pursue careers in the culinary industry.
$ 500,000 X 7/18/2024
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
ESD Grant Funds and Excelsior Jobs Program (ESD Grants, ESD EJP)
ESD Grants
Essex Food Hub, Inc.
Main Street Food
Hub Build Out
Essex Food Hub, located in Westport, NY, will retrofit one of their
buildings into a multi-use facility to include a headquarters, commercial
kitchen, packing and retail space as well as dry and cold storages. This
project will lead to permanent, independent, production space for up
to three anchor tenants, as well as additional processing space to
expand the food hub’s production capacity.
$ 165,593 X 7/18/2024
ESD Grants
New Air Handling
System Purchase
Qubica AMF, located in Lowville, NY, will install a new dry ESP system
(electrostatic preceptors) that will limit particulate emissions from the
manufacturing process and better align with New York State’s
sustainability goals. Qubica AMF is currently the largest manufacturer
of bowling equipment in the world. This project will help retain their
workforce in Lowville and enable them to continue supporting the local
forest industry.
$ 160,000 X 7/18/2024
ESD Grants
New York
1273-1277 NIAGARA
1273 & 1277
Niagara Street
1273-1277 Niagra Street II LLC will adaptively reuse and renovate two
adjacent historic buildings located at 1277 and 1273 Niagara Street in
the Blackrock neighborhood of Buffalo. Each building will have one
ground floor commercial space and affordbale mixed-income
residential apartments on the second and third floors. The renovation
of the two structures will compliment the recent corridor
improvements by removing blight and contributing to the walkability
and attraction of the neighborhood.
$ 137,000 X 7/18/2024
ESD Grants
New York
Niagara Arts &
Cultural Center
Legacy Theater
The NACC is a nonprofit community-focused cultural center that houses
artists and hosts workshops, events, and classes. They will make
improvements and upgrades to the Legacy Theater to turn it into a fully
functional state-of-the-art modern theater venue. The theater's
restoration will grow NACC's position as the City's anchor for cultural
tourism by expanding job opportunities and serving as a hub for
community engagement. The project is part of a broader tourism and
placemaking investment under the Regional Revitalization Partnership
(RRP) among Empire State Development, local philanthropy, and the
City of Niagara Falls that aims to catalyze growth
along Pine Avenue and contribute to the economic revitalization of the
$ 426,000 X 7/18/2024
ESD Grants
New York
Carousel Society of
the Niagara Frontier
Music Room
The Carousel Society of the Niagara Frontier will reconstruct a space
within the Herschel Carousel Museum complex to house their extensive
collection of band organ artifacts. This addition to the museum will add
to existing tourist components and allow for the completion of the
historic complex.
$ 236,000 X 7/18/2024
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Central District
Central Avenue Real
Estate Feasibility
The Central District Management Association (CDMA), aka Central
Avenue BID, will conduct a real estate market feasibility analysis and a
consumer trend analysis to define opportunities for business growth on
the Central Avenue Corridor. Real estate analysis would include market
conditions, opportunities, barriers, available sites, and target markets
for retail, manufacturing, office, and other types of real estate while
consumer trend analysis will examine the current state of retail on
Central Avenue including projects, investments and disinvestments,
consumer characteristics, sales trends by store type, current and
historic retail vacancy rates, and changes since COVID-19.
$25,000 X 11/13/2023
Town of New
Town of New
Lebanon Public
Utilities Project
The Town of New Lebanon would develop a strategic plan and
feasibility study to address the issue of biological contamination that
has leached into well water, and stifled economic development in the
$25,000 X 11/13/2023
Greene, Ulster
The Catskill Center
for Conservation and
Development, Inc.
The Catskill Center
Resilient Tourism
Anchors Strategic
The Catskill Center for Conservation Development will develop a
Resilience Strategic Plan to document existing conditions; engage the
public and key partners; and develop policies, programs and projects
that will increase the economic impact of Catskill Center’s assets in the
Capital Region and Mid-Hudson Valley, particularly for its anchor
amenities, including the Platte Clove Preserve in Hunter, NY; Thorn
Preserve in Woodstock, NY; the Catskill Visitor Center in Mt. Tremper,
NY and various trails and programs.
$50,000 11/13/2023
Town of Glenville
Freemans Bridge
Road Market Study
The Town of Glenville seeks funding to complete a market study of
Freemans Bridge Road (FBR). The project would conduct a market
study to analyze existing housing demand, retail analysis to identify
market-based opportunities in today’s retail climate and the financial
feasibility of multiple potential development phases.
$25,000 11/13/2023
Central New
New York
Village of Mexico
Pathways to
Progress: Mapping
the Future of the
Village of Mexico's
Downtown with
help from NYS
Empire State
The village of Mexico will create a strategic comprehensive plan for its
downtown. The plan will focus on solutions for economic
diversification, job creation, increased revenue, and enhanced
infrastructure while preserving the historical identity of downtown.
$50,000 X 11/13/2023
Central New
Committee of
Syracuse, Inc.
Downtown Syracuse
The Downtown Committee of Syracuse, Inc. will develop a Downtown
Master Plan for the 82-block central business district. The master plan
will guide the continued redevelopment of downtown Syracuse and
direct targeted investment to meet the community's needs.
$100,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD SPFS Finger Lakes 129846
Village of Dansville
Castle on the Hill
Reuse Analysis
The Village of Dansville will complete a Strategic Planning and
Feasibility Study for the preservation of a historic structure, The Castle
on the Hill, and development of a gathering place for tourists and
residents in the Village.
$20,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD SPFS Long Island 130173
City of Long Beach
City of Long Beach
Parking Plan
The City of Long Beach will complete a comprehensive parking study to
better understand how parking can be restructured to more efficiently
utilize the City's land and better support the local economy.
$70,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD SPFS Long Island 130166
Town of Riverhead
Calverton Sports
The Town of Riverhead will conduct a feasibility study for a potential
sports complex at the EPCAL site in Calverton, Suffolk County.
$30,000 X 11/13/2023
ESD SPFS Mid-Hudson 130891
Village of Warwick
Village of Warwick
Multi-Use Trail
Feasibility Study
A feasibility study developing a walking/biking trail leading from the
center of the Village of Warwick to a major shopping, food and
employment center 1.5 miles away.
$50,000 11/13/2023
Empire State Development
Strategic Planning and Feasibility Studies Program (ESD SPFS)
ESD’s Strategic Planning and Feasibility Studies (SPFS) Program promotes economic development by encouraging economic and employment opportunities and stimulating development of communities and
urban areas. SPFS Program funding is awarded for working capital grants to support 1) strategic development plans for a city, county, or municipality or a significant part thereof and/or 2) feasibility studies for
site(s) or facility(ies) assessment and planning.
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Empire State Development
Strategic Planning and Feasibility Studies Program (ESD SPFS)
ESD’s Strategic Planning and Feasibility Studies (SPFS) Program promotes economic development by encouraging economic and employment opportunities and stimulating development of communities and
urban areas. SPFS Program funding is awarded for working capital grants to support 1) strategic development plans for a city, county, or municipality or a significant part thereof and/or 2) feasibility studies for
site(s) or facility(ies) assessment and planning.
ESD SPFS Mid-Hudson 130324
Mid Hudson Pattern
for Progress Inc
Hamlet of Wallkill
Strategic Economic
Development Action
Pattern for Progress will work with the Hamlet of Wallkill utilizing
public input and planning to help Wallkill focus strategic economic
development goals and tactics.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD SPFS Mid-Hudson 130035
City of Peekskill, NY
Planning for The
Peekskill HUB
The City of Peekskill is planning for the design of The Peekskill
Community HUB, a campus of facilities adjacent to City Hall on Main St.
in the City of Peekskill in Westchester County. The project will design
the adaptive reuse of the 19th century Hook and Ladder Firehouse, its
service buildings and the current Peekskill Community Center
immediately across the street. The campus will house a workforce
development center geared toward training in the food services
industry, a professional restaurant training facility, two kitchen areas,
dining spaces and a senior citizen services site.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD SPFS Mid-Hudson 131312
Village/Town of
Mount Kisco
Mount Kisco
Complete Streets
and Traffic Study
(2023 R13)
This project will involve a Complete Streets Plan for the Village of
Mount Kisco, in Westchester County, and will identify potential
opportunities to enhance the bicycle and pedestrian network, improve
signage and public infrastructure, and to encourage usage of active
transportation options in Mount Kisco.
$50,000 11/13/2023
New York
South Bronx Overall
Corporation (SoBrO)
SoBRO, in partnership with Majora Carter Group LLC, is seeking to
conduct a feasibility study for a Transit Oriented Development (“TOD”)
in the Hunts Point section of the South Bronx, creating significant
opportunities for local economic development in an historically
disadvantaged area. The proposed project area spans 2 blocks,
bounded by Bruckner Boulevard and Garrison Avenue, and Faile and
Barretto Streets. This study will determine a program that can support
a minimum of 1,000 units of mixed-income housing, including
homeownership, workforce, and market rate as well as commercial,
light manufacturing, community and cultural uses.
$55,000 X 11/13/2023
New York
New York
Union Settlement
East Harlem
Feasibility Study
Union Settlement proposes to conduct an inventory and an assessment
of underutilized theaters and cultural institutions in East Harlem and
evaluate their physical condition, assessing their potential for
renovation, robust programming and revenue generation. Its
objectives are to: 1) understand the benefits a theater district and
cultural corridor would have on both the local community and the
broader arts and culture scene in New York; 2) engage community
members and stakeholders in partnerships within the theater and
cultural community; 3) assess the efforts, advocacy, and costs involved
in revitalizing underutilized theaters and cultural institutions in East
Harlem; and 4) develop a strategic plan for the process of transforming
these underutilized theaters and other arts centers into thriving
cultural institutions and generating economic opportunities for the
East Harlem Community.
$60,000 X 11/13/2023
Franklin County
Franklin County
CEDS Update
The Franklin County Economic Development Corporation will update
its County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. The
existing strategy was last updated in 2014, and this new initiative aims
to provide Franklin County with a well-defined road map for future
economic growth and prosperity.
$40,000 11/13/2023
St. Lawrence
Village of Massena
Massena 2023 ESD
Water Treatment
Plant Study
The Village of Massena owns and operates a Water Treatment Plant
located on Pontoon Bridge Road. They will study the feasibility of
installing a branched connection off the village's primary raw water
intake pipe and a pump station to serve a proposed liquid hydrogen
production facility. The Preliminary Engineering Report proposes to
complete a unit process evaluation and condition assessment of the
treatment plant, including evaluation of the water intake and
distribution system storage tank, to identify deficiencies and
recommended improvements.
$38,500 X 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Empire State Development
Strategic Planning and Feasibility Studies Program (ESD SPFS)
ESD’s Strategic Planning and Feasibility Studies (SPFS) Program promotes economic development by encouraging economic and employment opportunities and stimulating development of communities and
urban areas. SPFS Program funding is awarded for working capital grants to support 1) strategic development plans for a city, county, or municipality or a significant part thereof and/or 2) feasibility studies for
site(s) or facility(ies) assessment and planning.
Village of Elmira
Strategic Plan
The Village of Elmira will conduct a feasibility study to address current
interest being shown by its residents to create a walkable community
by developing a new vision for its downtown, analyze its land use
regulations, address infrastructure and transportation patterns and
develop new strategies to achieve its vision. The expected outcome of
creating this type of plan is to give the Village of Elmira a strategic and
action plan for building a vibrant downtown.
$25,000 11/13/2023
New York
Allegany County Allegany Sewer
Allegany County will conduct a comprehensive sewer study to
understand the conditions of the existing sewer systems as well as the
needs of areas not covered by municipal systems. Additionally this
analysis will provide pre-engineer for five high-priority sewer projects
and create a sewer management plan helping prepare the county for
growth and future implementation.
$100,000 X 11/13/2023
New York
Town of Orchard
2023 Stadium Zone
Development Study
The Town of Orchard Park will conduct a feasibility study to assess
rezoning in the area surrounding the new Buffalo Bills Stadium. The
Town would like to rezone in order to capitalize on the tourism
industry and impacts surrounding the new Buffalo Bills Stadium.
$100,000 11/13/2023
New York
City of North
Weatherbest Slip
The City of North Tonawanda will conduct a feasibility study to assess
the development options for the Weatherbest Slip area located at 50
Dock Street in downtown North Tonawanda. Located at the confluence
of the Erie Canal, Little River, and Niagara River, this is a key area for
waterfront revitalization which currently has limited public access.
$25,000 X 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
130531 Albany
Albany College of
Pharmacy & Health
Accelerator for
Medical and
Sciences AMPS
The creation of Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences’
(ACPHS) Accelerator for Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (AMPS),
will support development and commercialization of innovative
research in the Capitol Region. This center builds on the success of the
Biomedical Acceleration and Commercialization Center (BACC), which
was certified in 2016, and expands capabilities to include
biotechnology and pharmacy. AMPS will be located at 150 New
Scotland Avenue, Albany, within walking distance of Albany Medical
College, Albany Medical Center, and Albany College of Pharmacy.
AMPS will provide laboratory and office space, research services and
business development services. The project leverages and adapts
successful ACPHS and BACC programs while expanding regional
laboratory and start-up/entrepreneurial space, offerings and support.
Its combined resources will provide end to end research and
commercialization for medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and biologics.
With transitionary mentorship from the BACC, this partnership will
continue AMC’s tradition of excellence, and mitigate investment risk by
building upon a proven, successful foundation.
$ 625,000 X 11/10/2023
New York
126683 Madison
The Partnership for
The Hub Business
The Hub is the only New York state-certified small business incubator in
Madison County. The space – located at 20 Utica Street in the Village of
Hamilton – caters to all types of businesses and entrepreneurs, but the
majority of the businesses we serve are main street lifestyle
businesses, small manufacturers, tech enterprises, and agribusinesses.
The incubator offers one-on-one mentoring, workshops and trainings,
co-working and pop-up retail spaces, space for advertising, and
connections to resources. Co-working memberships include 24/7
access, which includes amenities and meeting spaces. In addition to
our close relationship with Colgate University, we have relationships
with others such as WISE, SBDC, SBA, TDO, CenterState CEO, CACDA,
Madison County, Buy Madison, and CCEs. These partnerships increase
the resources we can make available to our clients. Through these
efforts we will see an increase in new startups, jobs, and women-
owned businesses. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand used The Hub to
announce legislation that puts rural communities front and center. We
will build upon the foundation we have established to continue
creatively assisting businesses at every stage.
$ 625,000 X 11/10/2023
ESD BIP Long Island 126828 Nassau Hofstra University
ideaHUb Incubator
at Hofstra
Established in 2015, ideaHUb serves as a catalyst to incubate and grow
companies led by entrepreneurs from underrepresented communities.
Its clients include minorities, women, veterans, students, and alumni
entrepreneurs. ideaHUb's focus on healthcare and music business
sectors along with companies founded by students, alumni-led, and
minority/women-owned-businesses aligns with the goals of the Long
Island Regional Economic Development Council. ideaHUb was awarded
the New York State Business Incubator designation in April 2019. It has
cultivated and grown 28 startups of which 21 are M/WBE or veteran-
owned business clients. ideaHUb supported companies have created
57 jobs, retained 63 jobs, received $ 3,468,700 in increased revenue,
and secured $7,252,000 in grants and/private investments. ideaHUb is
seeking a continuation of its New York State Business Incubator
designation to expand and update existing programming and training
and to continue to provide critical resources and services to ensure
early-stage startup companies and entrepreneurs from all communities
in Long Island recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic can participate
fully in the region’s economic revitalization.
$ 625,000 X 11/10/2023
Empire State Development
New York State Business Incubator Program (ESD BIP)
Designated Business Incubators will be eligible for operating grants from ESD for five years. Business Incubators accelerate the development of early-stage companies through a structured array of business support
resources and services targeted to the needs of startup companies.
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Empire State Development
New York State Business Incubator Program (ESD BIP)
Designated Business Incubators will be eligible for operating grants from ESD for five years. Business Incubators accelerate the development of early-stage companies through a structured array of business support
resources and services targeted to the needs of startup companies.
ESD BIP Long Island 126915 Nassau
New York Institute of
and Technology
Innovation Center
ETIC proposes to continue to support existing regional businesses,
startups, and other incubators by offering high
technology early phase prototyping services, technology-focused
educational seminars, intellectual property consulting, and workforce
preparation programs for companies, students and job seekers, as it
has since 2016 and helped 30+ N.Y.S. companies in idea formulation,
creating functional prototypes for investor demos, and safeguarding
ideas with provisional patent preparation services. These services are
primarily available at NYIT's Old Westbury, Long Island location, with
additional support for its NYC campus location. The project offers
sought-after deliverables and services, valued by regional companies
hiring for high-tech roles, startups needing prototype development
funds, and N.Y.S. incubators with progressing startups unable to
showcase their technology. The project's desired outcomes include the
growth of a skilled tech workforce in the region, faster revenue
generation for startups through ETIC's technology support, and an
increase in regional technology employment by fostering the growth of
technology startups.
$ 625,000 X 11/10/2023
Center for
Development And
NYS Farm and Food
Business Incubator
For 32 years, CADE is NY’s longest running farm & food business
incubator based in the Mohawk Valley, aimed at increasing
agribusiness profitability, driving economic growth, nourishing
communities, and building a thriving food system. Joining with SUNY
Cobleskill in 2015--a first recipient of the ESD Business Incubator grants-
-CADE incubated/accelerated nearly 2,000 agribusinesses across the
supply chain. Over 8 yrs, CADE’s capacity has grown, prompting us to
apply for our own ESD grant, while continuing our partnership with
SUNY Cobleskill as independent entities. We deliver innovative,
relevant content through technical assistance, education, mentoring,
partnerships, advocacy and research on:
• business & product development
• access to capital, enterprise budgeting & financial planning
• legal support
• market R&D/planning
• producer/buyer matchmaking
$ 625,000 X 11/10/2023
New York
130462 Richmond
RF of CUNY - College
of Staten Island
College of Staten
Island Technology
The CSI Tech Incubator, located at 60 Bay St, walking distance from the
Staten Island Ferry, is a catalyst for regional innovation and
entrepreneurship. We started as a small program in 2017 and have
grown into a respected technology hub. We are seeking to expand our
current programs, prioritizing upskilling, and technical training for
entrepreneurs. Our entrepreneurial programs have served over 79
companies. Furthermore, to date, our alumni companies have raised
$25M+ in venture capital funding. If awarded, we also plan to execute
an MOU with NYC Innovation Hot Spot to provide additional resources
to Staten Island's entrepreneurs. Our programs are successfully driving
job growth in high-growth careers. The programs have directly placed
99 students in internships and 38 of those interns have gone on to full-
time or contract roles as software engineers. Our workshops are highly
revered within our entrepreneurial ecosystem with a total of 1,157
registered participants. By aligning with our strategic plan, this funding
will empower us to scale our outcomes further. Together, we'll
continue contributing to the thriving entrepreneurial landscape in
Staten Island and NYC.
$ 625,000 11/10/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Empire State Development
New York State Business Incubator Program (ESD BIP)
Designated Business Incubators will be eligible for operating grants from ESD for five years. Business Incubators accelerate the development of early-stage companies through a structured array of business support
resources and services targeted to the needs of startup companies.
129042 Chemung
Alfred Technology
NYS Business
IncubatorWorks (IW) a 501(c) 3 independent nonprofit, operates two
incubator facilities, one in Corning NY in the Southern Tier REDC
(STREDC) , and one in Alfred, NY in the Western NY REDC. This
application is for the Corning incubator with STREDC. IW will
continue its programing serving Chemung, Schuyler and Steuben
counties and expand the opportunities for entrepreneurs to receive
support as they develop their ideas, create startups, and launch them.
Since 2019, IW has developed an entrepreneurial community and a
network of resources to support those entrepreneurs. During that
time, 98 participants have completed the program of which 80 are in
the Southern Tier REDC. Of these entrepreneurs, 31% are BIPOC, 58%
are women and 3% are veterans. In addition, IW, as part of the New
Energy New York (NENY) coalition headed by SUNY Binghamton, has
leveraged this grant with local funding for an expanded incubator
location in Downtown Elmira, to expand services for underestimated
high school students in Elmira, to expand entrepreneurship
programming from its accelerator program and new business planning
workshops offered twice each year.
$ 625,000 11/10/2023
Cornell University
REV: Ithaca Startup
Rev: Ithaca Startup Works (Rev) is a business incubator in Ithaca which
supports high-growth startups regardless of their industry sector. With
support from ESD, Rev will be able to continue providing mentorship,
resources, and services to help regional startups launch and grow. In
addition to continued incubator services, this support from ESD will
support expansion of Rev’s Hardware Accelerators. These accelerators
(Prototyping and Manufacturing) help bridge the gap between
prototyping to manufacturing. Once product-based startups have
developed a working prototype, they require specific expertise such as:
design for manufacturing, outsourced product production, supply chain
management and quality control. Since 2014, Rev has successfully
supported 116 startups and 124 hardware project teams and startups.
By continuing to provide startups with programming to help them
understand and navigate the manufacturing process (from prototyping
to production), they will be able to more effectively and efficiently
grow and scale there businesses here in the region.
$ 625,000 11/10/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
129430 Albany
The Albany Institute
of History & Art
The Albany Institute of
History and Art Working
The Albany Institute of History & Art will use grantee funds towards the
marketing of Two Worlds: The Dutch and Mohican Commemoration
Project, the Albany Institute of History & Art’s upcoming
commemoration of 400 years of Dutch culture in the region, including
the founding of Fort Orange, the first permanent Dutch settlement that
developed into the city of Albany.
$51,000 11/15/2023
Albany, Chautauqua,
Chemung, Erie,
Jefferson, Nassau,
Richmond, Seneca,
Museum Association
of New York
Museum Association of
New York Working Capital
Museum Association of New York will use tourism funding to produce an
interactive website and execute a comprehensive and targeted
marketing campaign to attract over 50,000 visitors to 12 museums
across NYS, promoting a special Smithsonian Institute exhibition “Voices
and Votes: Democracy in America”.
$135,500 11/15/2023
128131 Columbia Art Omi, Inc. Art Omi Pavilions Capital
Art Omi, Inc. will use the grant to fund a portion of a major capital
project, located in the Capital District region, that will include pavilions
anchored by a visitors center providing a unique exhibition experience
to visitors.
$2,000,000 11/15/2023
130681 Columbia
Klocke Estate
Holdings, LLC
Klocke Estate Working
Capital Project
Klocke Estate Holdings, LLC will use grant funds to promote and host
special tourism events and expand existing marketing to build the
region’s reputation as a global destination.
$275,000 X 11/15/2023
130691 Columbia
Hudson Opera House,
Hudson Jazz Festival
Working Capital
Hudson Opera House, Inc. will be used to produce and promote Hudson
Hall’s Hudson Jazz Festival as a destination event to strengthen Hudson’s
local and regional economy by engaging visitors and residents and
visitors alike in Hudson’s creative economy.
$70,650 X 11/15/2023
127503 Rensselaer
The Arts Center of the
Capital Region
Troy Glow Working Capital
The Arts Center of the Capital Region will use grant funds to host and
promote, Troy Glow, a tourism special event, public art light installation,
highlighting twenty sites around Troy’s historic downtown area,
showcasing cutting-edge art, drawing thousands of tourists to the area,
and the overall Capital District.
$115,000 11/15/2023
130100 Rensselaer
Troy Savings Bank
Music Hall
Troy Music Hub Capital
Expansion Project
Troy Savings Bank Music Hall Corporation will use the grant funds to
support a portion of the costs to preserve the Troy Savings Bank building
and the concert hall through renovations to allow for more flexible
event space and replacing outdated HVAC systems, to better
accommodation visitors.
$500,000 11/15/2023
130559 Saratoga
Saratoga Performing
Arts Center, Inc.
SPAC Tourism
Advancement Working
Capital Project
Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Inc. will use Market NY grant funds to
promote SPAC and Saratoga Springs as a premier arts and culture
destination through a strategic marketing and public relations campaign.
The campaign aims to attract visitors to SPAC and the city from key
markets in New York, Connecticut, and Canada, expanding SPAC’s
overall economic impact in the Capital Region.
$375,000 X 11/15/2023
Central New
129144 Cayuga
Cayuga County Visitor
& Conventions Bureau
Go Beyond Campaign
Working Capital Project
Cayuga County Visitor & Conventions Bureau will use funds to market
and expand awareness of Cayuga County as a destination to go beyond
your comfort zone and try something new and exciting.
$50,000 X 11/15/2023
Central New
130564 Madison
Cazenovia Area
Cazenovia Outdoor
Recreation and Downtown
Marketing Initiative
Working Capital
Cazenovia Area Community Development Association (CACDA), in
partnership with Caz Life, will host and market events focused on
enhancing our visibility as an outdoor recreation destination as well as
promoting our historic business district.
$50,000 X 11/15/2023
Central New
130600 Onondaga
Friends of the
Rosamond Gifford
Zoo at Burnett Park
Enhancing the Experience
Botanical Gardens Capital
Friends of the Rosamond Gifford Zoo at Burnett Park will use grant funds
to construct a Botanical Garden and replace the existing Sound/Visual
System with a state-of-the-art enhanced system. This project will
enhance the zoo as a destination and key attraction for visitors to the
CNY region of NY.
$432,000 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Finger Lakes 129207 Monroe
Orchestra, Inc.
2024 Total Solar Eclipse
Celebration Concert
Working Capital Project
Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, Inc., in collaboration with the
ROC2024 Total Solar Eclipse Task Force, the grantee will use the grant
funds to host and promote a special community concert at Blue Cross
Arena on Sunday, April 7, the evening preceding the day of the eclipse.
$118,000 X 11/15/2023
Empire State Development
Market New York (ESD MNY)
Market New York is a grant program established to strengthen tourism and attract visitors to New York State by promoting destinations, attractions and special events. Funding is available for tourism marketing initiatives,
capital/construction projects and the recruitment and/or execution of special events, including meetings, conferences, conventions, festivals, agritourism/craft beverage events, athletic competitions and consumer and industry trade
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Empire State Development
Market New York (ESD MNY)
Market New York is a grant program established to strengthen tourism and attract visitors to New York State by promoting destinations, attractions and special events. Funding is available for tourism marketing initiatives,
capital/construction projects and the recruitment and/or execution of special events, including meetings, conferences, conventions, festivals, agritourism/craft beverage events, athletic competitions and consumer and industry trade
ESD MNY Finger Lakes 130211 Monroe
Rochester Fringe
Festival, Inc.
Rochester Fringe Festival
Working Capital
Rochester Fringe Festival, Inc. will use tourism funding to develop and
promote a tourism special event that will bring internationally
recognized artist Architects of Air’s “Luminarium” installation to
Rochester, expecting to draw 100,000 visitors to the city of Rochester
and the overall region.
$163,000 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Finger Lakes 130342 Monroe
Margaret Woodbury
Strong Museum
The Strong Museum:
International Tourism
Working Capital Project
The Strong Museum will use the grant funds to support a portion of the
costs to market and promote a Canadian focused marketing initiative to
significantly increase tourism from the Toronto region to the museum
and surrounding Finger Lakes region.
$131,250 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Finger Lakes 130522 Monroe
University of
Rochester Film Music
Festival Working Capital
University of Rochester will use funds to host and market the “Rochester
Film Music Festival, a tourism special event featuring screenings with
live orchestral performances and other presentations, to attract guests
to the Finger Lakes region.
$100,000 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Finger Lakes 130606 Monroe
Genesee Country
Genesee Country Museum
Working Capital
Genesee Country Museum will use funding to host and promote special
events, including unique solar eclipse related events, at this tourism
attraction promoting visitation to the Genesee Valley and Finger Lakes
region , and increasing spending per visitor
$71,450 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Finger Lakes 128340 Ontario
Rochester Museum &
Science Center
Rochester Museum &
Science Center Capital
Rochester Museum & Science Center will use capital grant funds to
construct a Treehouse Village in the iconic Red pine forest at the
Cumming Nature Center (CNC). The Treehouse Village will be a one of a
kind space for educational programming and events and will grow the
CNC as a year-round recreational and tourist destination.
$263,157 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Long Island 129101 Nassau, Suffolk Discover Long Island
Discover Long Island
Working Capital
Discover Long Island will use the grant funds to create and solidify
awareness that Long Island is a top-tier destination for Golf Travel
through strategic branding and marketing.
$250,000 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Long Island 126426 Suffolk
The Whaling Museum
Whaling Museum Capital
The Whaling Museum Society will use a portion of the funds for: the
expansion of the new Conservation Pavilion, which will house New York
State's first Sperm Whale skeleton; the opening of the historic 1894
Wright House to public visitation; and the renovation of existing gallery
space and gift shop.
$150,000 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Long Island 128748 Suffolk
Adventureland, Inc.
Long Island Adventureland
Working Capital
L.I. Adventureland, Inc. will use tourism capital fund towards a project to
include the addition of a new thrill ride, Top Spin, a new kiddie ride, a
Miniature Pirate Ship, the refurbishing of the Viking Voyage, and the
installation of a water main in the park.
$205,600 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Long Island 129752 Suffolk
Long Island Music and
Entertainment Hall of
Long Island Music and
Entertainment Hall of Fame
Working Capital
The Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame will use tourism
marketing funding to host and promote a year-long exhibition featuring
the life and music of world-renowned music artist Billy Joel with the
debut of the "Billy Joel-My Life" exhibit.
$125,000 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Mid-Hudson 130640 Dutchess
Dia Center for the
Dia Beacon South Lawn
Improvements Capital
Dia Art Foundation will use tourism capital funding to support a portion
of the costs to develop a landscape design project which will convert the
museum’s large south lawn space into a public outdoor area with
walkable connections to the Beacon Train Station and the regional trail
$1,397,000 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Mid-Hudson 128302 Orange Storm King Art Center
Storm King Art Center
Strategic Marketing
Working Capital
Storm King Art Center will use the funds to support marketing efforts
promoting both the opening of the Capital Project and our 2025 Season,
the first full season to make use of the Capital Project
$141,750 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Mid-Hudson 131162
Orange, Rockland,
Phoenix Theatre
2024 Phoenix Festival: Live
Arts in Hudson Valley
Working Capital
Phoenix Theatre Ensemble will use funds to host and promote the
Phoenix Festival: Live Arts tourism special event welcoming visitors to
experience the overall Hudson Valley region of NY.
$120,000 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Mid-Hudson 129264 Sullivan
Bridgeville Ski
Company, Inc.
Holiday Mountain Ski & Fun
Park Capital Expansion
Bridgeville Ski Company, Inc. will use funding towards the cost of major
upgrades to Holiday Mountain Ski & Fun Park in Monticello, including
installing snowmaking systems, a new chairlift, adding 3-phase power,
and improved lighting as part of overall plans to revitalize the facility to
make it an attractive destination for winter recreation.
$372,000 X 11/15/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Empire State Development
Market New York (ESD MNY)
Market New York is a grant program established to strengthen tourism and attract visitors to New York State by promoting destinations, attractions and special events. Funding is available for tourism marketing initiatives,
capital/construction projects and the recruitment and/or execution of special events, including meetings, conferences, conventions, festivals, agritourism/craft beverage events, athletic competitions and consumer and industry trade
ESD MNY Mid-Hudson 131420 Sullivan
Sullivan County
Visitors Association
Sullivan County Visitors
Association Working Capital
Sullivan County Visitors Association will be utilized to host and market
Catskill Cuisine, a multi-day event, including a golf tournament, Food
Festival, and other culinary/agricultural themed itineraries further
increasing visitation into the Catskill and Mid-Hudson regions.
$115,000 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Mid-Hudson 127803 Westchester Historic Hudson Valley
Historic Hudson Valley
Sunnyside Event Working
Historic Hudson Valley will use grant funds to launch and promote a new
multimedia event at Washington Irving’s Sunnyside that will bring local
lore and legends to life and will enhance the historic site as a key
destination for visitors to Westchester County and the Mid-Hudson
$253,000 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Mid-Hudson 129025 Westchester
Hudson River
Museum of
Hudson River Museum of
Westchester Working
Hudson River Museum will use grant funds to develop and promote
solar eclipse related programming to increase visitation to this attraction
and to the overall Mid-Hudson region.
$50,000 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Mid-Hudson 131228 Westchester
Village of Sleepy
Sleepy Hollow 150th
Anniversary Celebration
Working Capital
Village of Sleepy Hollow will be used to host an anniversary celebration
to bring residents and visitors from near and far together to celebrate
150 years of its legendary roots and community traditions. The event
will feature family-friendly festivities, such as a parade, live music, and
food and game vendors, and more to increase visitation to the area and
overall region.
$50,000 X 11/15/2023
126285 Oneida Sticks For Kids, Inc.
2024 World Lacrosse Box
Championships Working
Sticks For Kids, Inc. will use tourism funds for the execution and
promotion of the 2024 World Lacrosse Box Championship, scheduled to
take place in September 2024, at the Adirondack Bank Center and Utica
University NEXUS Center in Utica, NY.
$200,000 X 11/15/2023
129662 Oneida
Proctor Arts Institute
Arts Destination Rebrand
Campaign Working Capital
Munson will use tourism funding to promote and market their new
rebranding campaign. This rebrand offers a crucial opportunity to
advance this destination's marketing reach well beyond the Mohawk
Valley, capturing a statewide and national audience, bringing attention
to Utica as an arts tourism destination.
$100,000 X 11/15/2023
130290 Oneida Accelerate Sports LLC
Outdoor Athletic
Tournament Facilities
Accelerate Sports LLC will use the tourism capital funds to add multi-
purpose sports fields, enhancing the abilities of this facility and
furthering its goal to become a premier location for tournaments and
local events of increasing size and attraction.
$600,000 11/15/2023
131146 Oneida County of Oneida
2024 International Ice
Hockey Federation IIHF
Women's World
Championship Working
The County of Oneida will use tourism grant funds to host and promote
the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) World Women's
Championship, a international tournament played over a 16-day period,
anticipated to draw over 80,000 visitors to the Mohawk Valley region.
$125,000 11/15/2023
127222 Otsego The Farmers' Museum
Annual Holiday Light Show
Marketing Campaign
Working Capital
The Farmers’ Museum will use funds to promote and grow Glimmer
Nights, an electrifying six-week holiday light show that will bring tens of
thousands of visitors to Cooperstown. This annual attraction is expected
to extend the tourism season in Otsego County and the Mohawk Valley,
increasing revenue and enhancing quality of life throughout the region.
$100,000 X 11/15/2023
130021 Otsego
National Baseball Hall
of Fame and Museum
National Baseball Hall of
Fame and Museum:
Japanese Baseball Initiative
Working Capital
National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum will be launching a
marketing initiative focused on Japanese baseball, coinciding with Ichiro
Suzuki’s first year of being eligible for election into the Hall of Fame.
Known simply as Ichiro by baseball fans around the world, his Induction
would be a first for a Japanese player.
$232,500 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY New York City 127694 Kings BRIC Arts Media Bklyn
BRIC Arts Media Working
BRIC will use Market NY funding to support their marketing and
promotional activities to promote a tourism special event, BRIC
Celebrate Brooklyn! (BCB) Festival season as a tourist attraction. BCB is
New York City's longest-running free summer music and performing arts
festival, featuring local and global artists, with a reach of over 250,000
people annually.
$75,000 11/15/2023
ESD MNY New York City 130868 Kings Caribbeing, Inc.
Island Hopping Strategic
Marketing Working Capital
Caribbeing, Inc. will use funds, through the utilization of strategic
marketing initiatives, to attract tourists from outside of New York State
and introduce them to the rich tapestry/heritage of Caribbean culture in
the heart of Brooklyn. “Island Hopping in Brooklyn’s Little Caribbean
creates an immersive and educational experience for tourists, inviting
them to explore the rich Caribbean heritage of Brooklyn.
$195,000 11/15/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Empire State Development
Market New York (ESD MNY)
Market New York is a grant program established to strengthen tourism and attract visitors to New York State by promoting destinations, attractions and special events. Funding is available for tourism marketing initiatives,
capital/construction projects and the recruitment and/or execution of special events, including meetings, conferences, conventions, festivals, agritourism/craft beverage events, athletic competitions and consumer and industry trade
ESD MNY New York City 128046 New York
Theatre Development
Fund, Inc.
Theatre Development Fund
Working Capital
Theatre Development Fund, Inc. will use tourism marketing funding for
the marketing and promotion of the TKTS by TDF Discount Ticket Booth,
in the heart of Manhattan's Times Square. This targeted marketing
campaign for domestic tourists highlights the affordability of including
Broadway shows as part of an extended vacation in New York City.
$150,000 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY New York City 128787 New York
National September
11 Memorial and
Museum at the World
Trade Center
9/11 Memorial and
Museum Working Capital
The National September 11 Memorial and Museum will be used to
support a portion of the costs to host a commemorative public art
installation on the night of September 11, an iconic symbol that both
honors those killed and celebrates the unbreakable spirit of New York.
$216,925 11/15/2023
ESD MNY New York City 129011 New York
Times Square District
Association, Inc.
Times Square Alliance
Working Capital
Times Square Alliance will present over 80 free concerts and programs
in 2024 through TSQ LIVE, its annual summer outdoor programming
initiative that celebrates the best of New York’s arts and culture
offerings and brings them to the heart of the city.
$100,000 11/15/2023
ESD MNY New York City 129157 New York
Vineyard Theatre and
Workshop Center, Inc.
Vineyard Theatre Capacity
Building & Capital
Vineyard Theatre and Workshop Center, Inc. will use capital funding to
complete a full renovation of its building with a focus on accessibility,
and the changed post-pandemic needs of audience members and
artists, enhancing the theatre as a key attraction and destination for
visitors to the Union Square neighborhood of New York City.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY New York City 128291 Queens
American Museum of
the Moving Image
American Museum of the
Moving Image Working
MoMI will present Welcoming the World through Film and Media at
MoMI , a year-long marketing campaign to increase regional, national,
and international audiences. This marketing will drive visitors to Queens
for exhibitions, festivals, film screenings, and promotional events,
bringing economic benefits to MoMI and the region.
$150,000 11/15/2023
128089 Essex
The Fort Ticonderoga
The Fort Ticonderoga
Association Working Capital
The Fort Ticonderoga Association will create a marketing plan to
promote and market northern New York historic sites, including Fort
Ticonderoga, Saratoga, and other New York State Historic Sites as part of
the national 250th commemorative period
$660,000 X 11/15/2023
129670 Franklin
Saint Regis Mohawk
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
Working Capital
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe will use Market New York grant funds to
enhance Akwesasne as a Cultural Heritage Tourism Destination, through
the execution of initiatives that will effectively increase brand
awareness, promote Akwesasne's tourism offer, improve visitor
outreach and ultimately drive overnight & multi-day visitation within the
$62,002 11/15/2023
129787 Franklin
Natural History
Museum of the
Shining a Light on the
Adirondacks Tourism
Working Capital
The Wild Center will host and promote a suite of special events, exhibits
& programs inspired by the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse, which will be fully
visible from Tupper Lake, NY.
$362,740 X 11/15/2023
131334 St. Lawrence Sandy Main, Inc.
2024 Solar Eclipse Working
Sandy Main, Inc. will use the funding to promote a transformative
tourism initiative bringing the celestial wonder of a 100% totality solar
eclipse to Potsdam, NY. This project enhances accommodation capacity,
fosters regional partnerships, and showcases the untamed beauty of the
Adirondack region, driving economic growth and sustainable
$97,400 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Southern Tier 126372 Chemung
Community Nature
Center, Inc.
Tanglewood Canopy
Walkway Capital Project
Tanglewood Community Nature Center, Inc. will use the capital tourism
grant funds to support a portion of the costs to construct a Canopy
Walkway in the heart of the Southern Tier REDC and Finger Lakes
Tourism Region, providing residents and tourists with a new perspective
of the natural environment, bringing people eye-level with the tree
canopy and its many inhabitants.
$600,000 X 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Southern Tier 128845 Steuben FLX Grapes LLC
Weis Vineyards Tasting
Room Capital Expansion
FLX Grapes LLC will use awarded capital funds to expand its current
facilities to include new tasting bars, retail areas, an indoor beverage
service station, event space and more, all overlooking Keuka Lake and
powered by geothermal energy, to elevate the craft beverage tasting
experience for consumers traveling to our region in an environmentally
sustainable way.
$320,000 11/15/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Empire State Development
Market New York (ESD MNY)
Market New York is a grant program established to strengthen tourism and attract visitors to New York State by promoting destinations, attractions and special events. Funding is available for tourism marketing initiatives,
capital/construction projects and the recruitment and/or execution of special events, including meetings, conferences, conventions, festivals, agritourism/craft beverage events, athletic competitions and consumer and industry trade
ESD MNY Southern Tier 127532 Tompkins Tompkins County
Tompkins County Working
Tompkins County will use grant funds to upgrade the
website to assist travelers to discover outdoor adventures in Tompkins
County, NY. The updated website will promote outdoor recreation to
diverse audiences, connect to our tourism promotion agency and public
transit, and establish a tool to support long term preservation of
cherished outdoor attractions in the Southern Tier region.
$60,000 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Southern Tier 130115 Tompkins Tea Leaves, Inc.
Ithaca Reggae Fest Working
Tea Leaves, Inc. will use Market New York funds to host and promote
Ithaca Reggae Fest, a tourism special event held in the Southern Tier of
NY, attracting visitation to the Ithaca area and the region overall.
$50,000 11/15/2023
ESD MNY Southern Tier 131282 Tompkins Opera Ithaca, Inc.
Opera Ithaca Festival
Working Capital
Opera Ithaca, Inc. will use the funds to host and promote the Opera
Ithaca Festival, a month-long showcase highlighting the creativity,
ingenuity, and cultural strength of the Southern Tier.
$100,000 11/15/2023
Western New
129467 Chautauqua
National Comedy
Center, Inc.
National Comedy Center
Working Capital Expanded
National Comedy Center will use grant funding to market, build
awareness and increase attendance for the nation's official museum
dedicated to comedy, based in Lucille Ball’s hometown -- Jamestown,
$490,000 X 11/15/2023
Western New
129284 Erie
Graycliff Conservancy,
Graycliff Visitor Center
Capital Expansion Project
Graycliff Conservancy, Inc. will be used to renovate and expand the
Graycliff Visitor Center to accommodate the increasing level of visitors
to the Western New York Region and enhance the visitor experience.
$250,000 X 11/15/2023
Western New
130344 Erie
Frank Lloyd Wright's
Martin House
Frank Lloyd Wright's Martin
House Working Capital
Frank Lloyd Wright's Martin House will use grant funding to increase
marketing efforts to boost off-season visitation to this exceptional
historic site and the Western NY region during the off-season months.
$50,000 X 11/15/2023
Western New
131087 Erie
Buffalo Niagara
Convention & Visitors
Bureau, Inc.
Freedom's Footsteps
Marketing Working Capital
Buffalo Niagara Convention & Visitors Bureau, Inc. will use the funds to
develop and implement a destination marketing initiative designed to
promote and create economic activity in the African American heritage
sector of Buffalo. By sharing the previously untold stories of Buffalo’s
African American heritage, the Freedom’s Footsteps initiative will inspire
visitation to the area and overall region.
$100,000 X 11/15/2023
Western New
128406 Niagara
Artpark &
Company, Inc.
Amphitheater Winter Lights
Festival Working Capital
Artpark & Company will use grant funds to build an Artistic Light
Installation, tourism special event in Earl W. Brydges Artpark State Park
to increase tourism during the park's off-season between January and
March 2025.
$150,000 X 2/4/2024
Western New
130069 Niagara
Old Fort Niagara
Old Fort Niagara Marketing
Campaign Working Capital
Old Fort Niagara Association will be used to support a marketing
campaign focused on raising awareness Old Fort Niagara, a significant
historical attraction in Western NY, keeping the Fort top-of-mind for
locals and tourists.
$50,000 2/4/2024
Western New
130888 Niagara
The Aquarium of
The Aquarium of Niagara
Marketing Campaign
Working Capital
The Aquarium of Niagara will use grant funds to amplify the Aquarium of
Niagara’s planned marketing efforts to celebrate the opening of Great
Lakes 360. This campaign will drive local, regional, and international
visitation towards the Aquarium’s largest expansion, connecting guests
with wildlife found in the Great Lakes region.
$100,000 X 2/4/2024
Western New
131377 Niagara Becker Family Farms
Becker Family Farms
Working Capital
Becker Farms will use the grant funds to promote and increase visitation
to showcase agricultural based experiences, including large scale events
including a Solar Eclipse Festival, through a strategic branding and
marketing initiative.
$99,000 2/4/2024
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 130838 Saratoga
Quinn Borchardt
Brewing LLC
Artisanal Brew Works
Expansion Project
The award will allow Artisanal Brew Works to expand its dining area and bar, including an
indoor/outdoor service area, increasing its capacity which will more than double the number
of guests they can host. It will also allow them to host special events and keep the taproom
open for normal business at the same time.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 131046 Warren
Adirondack Pub &
Brewery, Inc.
Brewery expansion
Adirondack Pub & Brewery, Inc. Will build an addition onto the existing brewery to expand
the products they manufacture on site to include hard cider, hard seltzer and canned
cocktails. They will purchase a can depalletizer, additional tanks, and chilling equipment to
install in the addition.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 131050 Albany
Indian Ladder Farms
Cidery & Brewery,
Cider Production
Indian Ladder Farms will expand their production with the purchase and installation of three
10,000-liter fermentation vessels, a glycol chiller and new pumps and stainless-steel fittings
required for the upgrade. The supplemental production will increase both the volume and
variety of ciders offered on site. They will also be able to expand their wholesale distribution
throughout New York and eventually to other states.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 127377 Schenectady
Van Schaick Beer
Craft Bev Micro Grant
Great Flats Brewing will purchase a new malt mill and augur to increase overall brewhouse
efficiency and capacity to grow their distribution business. They will also purchase new flow
meters to allow for more accurate brewing, more efficient water usage, and waste tracking
and a new insulated brite tank for more effective temperature control and more efficient
$25,279 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 126963 Saratoga
Speckled Pig Brewing
Co., LLC
Craft Beverage Micro
Speckled Pig Brewing will upgrade its brewhouse equipment and purchase a new canning line
and a keg cleaning system. This additional equipment will provide Speckled Pig with the
ability to expand the sale of its New York State craft beer to over 100 restaurants/bars, as
well as distribute their beer throughout the state.
$42,500 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 127983 Washington
Main Street Distillery,
Equipment Purchase
Main Street Distillery will purchase and install a new still, fermenters, a bottler, and glycol
cooling equipment. The new equipment will allow them to significantly increase production
to meet growing demand and helps them to continue to produce spirits using NYS’s finest
locally grown ingredients.
$33,096 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 128643 Schenectady
Murray's Fools
Distilling Co., LLC
Glenville Facility
Murray's Fools Distilling will upgrade its production facility and tasting room with the
purchase of new equipment to enable increased production and foster greater sustainability
in the manufacturing process employed by the Company. Equipment purchases will include
fermentation tanks, a tank and chiller for a closed loop cooling system, two liquid transport
pumps, a reverse osmosis machine and an ice machine.
$25,038 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 129569 Columbia
Silver Brothers Spirits
Company LLC
Infrastructure and Plant
Silver Brothers Spirts Company will purchase new equipment for the blending and bottling
line and build out a tasting room. The blending and bottling equipment will allow them to
efficiently bottle and package 5,000 bottles per month and the completion of the tasting
room will create a welcoming space for guests and visitors where they can experience their
farm distillery and world class whiskies.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 128041 Albany
Nine Pin Ciderworks
Nine Pin Ciderworks
Tasting Room Expansion
Nine Pin Ciderworks will install a new operable fork truck gate, build a barrel-half wall, and
repurpose unused space into expanded seating in their popular Albany location. This will
allow for unencumbered fork truck access and create visually-appealing storage for aging
their products in oak barrels, that also serves as a creative division between production and
tasting areas. They will connect the expanded space to the existing outdoor patio, thus
creating an event space containing both indoor and outdoor elements for private functions.
The new space will permit more daylight and views of the neighboring park, Albany’s iconic
Nipper statute and other nightlife establishments in Albany’s Warehouse District.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 130945 Greene
Old Factory Brewing
Company. LLC
Old Factory Brewing
Old Factory Brewing Company will purchase new equipment to increase production to meet
existing demand. The new equipment includes a grain silo, grain auger, and a walk in cooler,
which allows them to store more ingredients and prodcut on site.
$34,500 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 129641 Columbia Josephine Place LLC Sabba Vineyard
Sabba Vineyard will streamline the wine production process and elevate the caliber of their
wines with the acquisition of modern equipment, including two climate-controlled
fermenting tanks and aging equipment. They will improve the customer experience by
covering the patio in the outdoor consumption area, adding overhead fans, as well as
reinforcing the side porch for additional outdoor, shaded seating. The project will also add
solar panels to the roof for increased energy efficiency.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Capital Region 129638 Columbia SPE Brewing LLC
Union Street Brewing
Union Street Brewing Co. will purchase equipment to increase capacity and better serve their
customer base. In the brewery, they will add 20 BBLs of fermentation capacity, a 30 BBL cold
liquor tank, four 10 BBL serving tanks and a Pentair dissolved oxygen meter. This additional
equipment in the brewery, taproom, and additional kitchen equipment will improve the
customer experience, allow the tap room to serve more customers, make more styles of
beers available on tap or in cans, provide an outstanding dining experience during busy
weekends and allow them to host larger events.
$48,625 11/13/2023
Empire State Development
Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program
The Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program supports capital-based projects intended to increase the production capacity, business infrastructure and profitability of businesses licensed to produce wine, beer, spirits, hard cider and mead by
providing matching funds for equipment purchases and facility upgrades.
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program
The Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program supports capital-based projects intended to increase the production capacity, business infrastructure and profitability of businesses licensed to produce wine, beer, spirits, hard cider and mead by
providing matching funds for equipment purchases and facility upgrades.
ESD CRAFT Central NY 126807 Onondaga
Underground Beer
Lab, LLC.
UBL Production Capacity
Underground Beer Lab, LLC will expand their brewery capacity and tasting facility in Syracuse,
Onondaga County. The project involves the purchase of a 10-barrel (bbl) brewhouse, five 10
bbl fermenters, a low-pressure steam boiler, and other ancillary equipment. The expansion
will increase production and fermenting capacity, and add temperature-controlled storage
capacity. This expansion will allow Underground Beer Lab to meet growing demand, extend
distribution to new accounts in the Syracuse area and beyond.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Central NY 130364 Cayuga
Heirloom Cider
Company, LLC
Heirloom Cider Company
Production Expansion
Heirloom Cider Company, LLC, Sterling, Cayuga County, will invest in equipment to expand
cider production. The investment includes an increased quantity of fermentation and aging
vessels, equipment for the efficient production of forced and natural carbonation, a high-
efficiency label applicator, and storage racks. The expanded capacity will allow the company
to scale up and eventually develop a new production facility and dedicated tasting room.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Central NY 127762 Cayuga
Prison City
Brewing, LLC
Prison City Brewing
Equipment Upgrade
Prison City Brewing, located in Auburn, Cayuga County NY, will invest in production
equipment upgrades. The investment will upgrade to a 5 bbl., 2 vessel automated
brewhouse, which will be more efficient and increase production sixfold at their original
Auburn location. The improvements to efficiencies and the product will allow Prison City
Brewing to remain competitive and enhance the customer experience.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Central NY 130942 Madison
Madison County
Distillery, LLC
Storage Barn
Madison County Distillery, LLC, located in Cazenovia, Madison County, will invest to expand
the storage and spirit aging capacity for the family-owned, small-batch, farm distillery. The
investment involves the construction of a 40'x80' one story, storage pole barn adjacent to
the primary production and tasting room. In addition to expanding the aging capacity, the
added space would allow for larger quantities of grain and other production materials to be
purchased, enabling operational efficiencies and the company’s growth.
$30,750 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Central NY 127361 Cayuga
West Bay Estates,
LLC dba Colloca
Estate Winery
Wine Making Expansion
Project Phase 2
West Bay Estates, LLC, dba Colloca Estate Winery, will invest in a canning line that can
accommodate the packaging of still and carbonated products. The canning line will enable
the winery to expand its product line to include cans for the packaging of wines, sparkling
wines, and hard ciders. The project will enable the expansion of its market, increase
company revenues, brand recognition, customer convenience, and tourism to the area.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Central NY 129925 Cayuga
Shepherds Brewing
Company, LLC
Canning Machine
Shepherds Brewing Company, LLC, located in downtown Auburn, Cayuga County, will invest
in canning and labeling equipment. The new equipment will expand their production and
distribution options, while continuing to serve the downtown Auburn community.
$25,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Central NY 130709 Cayuga Olfactory Farm, LLC Wine Expansion
Olfactory Farm, LLC, located in Red Creek, Cayuga County, will expand the winery production
and tasting room. The investment includes building a new foot production facility, tasting
room, new tasting room deck, and purchasing production and storage equipment. The
investment will enhance the micro farm winery’s production, storage, and tasting room
accommodations, which will be available for larger groups of visitors.
$44,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Central NY 130555 Cayuga
Chaotic Ales, Inc. dba
Brewing Co
Aurora Brewing
Brewhouse Equipment
Chaotic Ales, Inc. dba Aurora Brewing Co., located in King Ferry, Cayuga County, will expand
their brewing capacity and make improvements to the kitchen and taproom at the King Ferry
location. The investments include two 10-barrel Fermenters, water quality equipment, and
kitchen and bar equipment and furniture.
$31,505 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Central NY 129326 Onondaga Bullfinch Brewpub Bullfinch Brewpub
Bullfinch Brewpub, LLC, located in Syracuse, Onondaga County, will invest in an automated
canning line and keg washing system. The investment will significantly enhance production
capabilities, operational efficiency, and expand distribution options by adding a variety of
beer to cans. The increased distribution will increase the brewery's market presence and
competitiveness, while contributing to the local brewing industry.
$45,645 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Central NY 130744 Cortland
Homer Hops
Operation, LLC
New Chiller / Kitchen
Homer Hops Operation, LLC, located in Homer, Cortland County, will invest in a new chiller
for the brewery and taphouse. The new split chiller configuration will provide more reliable,
energy efficient production.
$25,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Central NY 130532 Cayuga
Combgrown, LLC dba
Combgrown Mead
Production and sales
capacity expansion
Combgrown, LLC dba Combgrown Mead, Auburn, Cayuga County, will invest in increased
production capacity and efficiency, and for the expansion and improvement of the tasting
room. The investment includes a fermenting and brite tank, storage and aging tank, keg
filling machine, a canning line, and furnishings for an expanded tasting room.
$33,474 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 130976 Ontario
Enterprises LLC
Frequentem Production
Frequentem Brewing will purchase a canning line and add brewing equipment, at its location
in Canandaigua Ontario County, to improve efficiency and meet growing demand for draft
and packaged products.
$50,000 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program
The Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program supports capital-based projects intended to increase the production capacity, business infrastructure and profitability of businesses licensed to produce wine, beer, spirits, hard cider and mead by
providing matching funds for equipment purchases and facility upgrades.
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 126990 Seneca Hosmer Inc.
Hosmer Winery 10 Spout
Bottling Line Purchase
Hosmer Winery will expand their double their bottling capacity with the purchase of a new
10 spout line. The new bottling line is more efficient, allowing the Hosmer to reduce energy
and water usage.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 130592 Monroe
Railroad Street
Company, Inc.
Rohrbach 97 Railroad
Street Expansion
Railroad Street Brewing (Rohrbach Brewing Company) will expand at their current location
completing renovations and purchasing equipment for 16 ft. by 30 ft. cold storage space.
The project will allow the company to increase production volume and expand new
packaging offerings for their innovative products.
$49,500 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 129809 Yates
Giving Tree
Cidery LLC
Giving Tree Cidery
Giving Tree Cidery will renovate a pull barn at their facility to accommodate an increase in
production and expansion of their tasting room capacity. The newly renovated barn will
allow them to install a new chiller glycol system and tanks for their products.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 129614 Ontario
Distilling LLC
Hollerhorn Bottling line
Hollerhorn Distilling will build a new bottling line to increase production output at their
location in Naples, Ontario County.
$30,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 127687 Seneca Seneca Cove, Inc.
Seneca Cove (Knapp
Seneca Cove (Knapp Winery) will install a new chilling system at their facility to increase
production. The project will also allow the facility to operate more efficiently reducing
operational costs.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 128441 Seneca
Martin's Honey Farm
Meadery, LLC
Montezuma Winery Glycol
Chiller Purchase
Martin's Honey Farm and Meadery (Montezuma Winery) will purchase a calibrated dosing
pump allowing them to utilize the Velcron preservative in their beverage production. This
product will allow Montezuma to better control the quality and flavor of their craft
beverages. It will also make their operation more attractive to other craft beverage
producers seeking to bottle their products.
$48,500 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 126748 Wayne
Young Sommer
Winery, LLC
Young Sommer Winery
Equipment Update
Young Sommer Winery will add a permanent cover to their patio area to accommodate more
customer visits and acquire new fermentation equipment to improve efficiency of
$49,854 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 131223 Yates
Glenora Wine Cellars,
Glenora Wine Cellars
Barrel Hall
Glenora Wine Cellars will construct a new barrel hall adjacent to their winery building to
expand storage of wine barrels at their winery in Dundee, Yates County.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 131011 Seneca
Growlin Beer
Growlin Beer (Lake Drum)
Growlin Beer Corporation (Lake Drum Brewing) will purchase new glycol chilled tanks,
membrane filters and brewing diagnostic tools that will allow them to expand production.
The project will also allow the business to operate more efficiently reducing operating costs.
$31,059 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 128937 Seneca
Crossflow Filter
Wagner Business Operations, LLC will upgrade equipment to a crossflow filtration system to
improve quality of wine, improve yields, and increase efficiency.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 128993 Wyoming Three Falls Cidery
Equipment And
Three Falls Cidery will upgrade equipment and increase the output production of a high
quality hard cider. It will also expand the capacity to serve the customer base with more
seating, and space to enjoy the hard cider product.
$26,635 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 131096 Monroe
Nulton Business
Holdings II LLC
Iron Tug Brewing
Equipment Expansion
Iron Tug Brewing will upgrade the current fermentation and carbonation vessels. This
includes purchasing a new keg washer, upgrading cold storage space, upgrading glycol and
chiller systems, upgrading to mobile pumps for cleaning and transfers, upgrading the heat
exchanger, and upgrading the grain mill/auger systems.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 131284 Ontario
Inspire Moore
Winery Vineyard
Production Facility
Inspire Moore Winery Vineyard will renovate a barn on their property for wine storage that is
currently done offsite. The winery will also purchase equipment including a labeling machine
to be located in the renovated barn.
$47,500 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 130743 Seneca Osmote Wine LLC
Sparkling Wine Technology
and Production Expansion
Osmote Wine will acquire equipment to expand its sparkling wine production capacity at its
location in Ovid, Seneca County
$45,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 129633 Ontario
Brewing LLC
2023 Micro Grant
Ardennes Brewing will purchase canning and fermentation equipment at its brewing location
in Geneva, Ontario County.
$49,735 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 129796 Ontario
Birdhouse Brewing
Company Inc.
Brewery Expansion Project
Birdhouse Brewing is expanding its brewing facility to include additional brewing space.
Birdhouse Brewing will also upgrade its brewing system from its current three-barrel brewing
system to a seven-barrel brewing system.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 130943 Yates
Fox Run
Vineyards, Inc.
Enhancing Wine
Production Capacity
Fox Run Vineyards will purchase additional tanks which will allow increased wine production. $36,750 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 127152 Seneca
Three Brothers
Wineries &
Estates, LLC
Three Brothers Craft Bev
Micro Grant Program
War Horse Brewing Company will restore its production facility floor and upgrade equipment
to improve cleaning and sanitation at its brewery in Seneca County.
$48,500 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program
The Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program supports capital-based projects intended to increase the production capacity, business infrastructure and profitability of businesses licensed to produce wine, beer, spirits, hard cider and mead by
providing matching funds for equipment purchases and facility upgrades.
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 128815 Wayne
Preparing for the Future
Ten Decade Enterprises will retrofit an existing building near their current production area.
Upgrades will include a new roof, concrete floor, and adequate insulation throughout the
entire structure.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 127312 Ontario
Forking Paths
Vineyards, Inc
Forking Paths Vineyards
Sparkling Wine Expansion
Forking Paths Vineyard (Ravines Wine Cellars) will replace and upgrade equipment related to
their sparking wine product. The equipment will allow Ravines to expand production five fold
over their current capacity.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 126947 Yates A and M Hiller LLC
Cidery Expansion and
Efficiency Upgrades
A and M Hiller, DBA Apple Barrel Orchards, will renovate its barn roof to open it up as a
tasting room in Penn Yan, Yates County. Apple Barrel Orchards will also upgrade its brewing
equipment to improve the efficiency of its operations.
$35,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 130566 Yates Frost Wines, LLC
Equipment Upgrades and
Frost Wines will add a Screw Cap Closure Production Line for the Winery, which will allow for
faster bottling and increased overall production efficiency. Frost Wines will also add a
Gyropallette system into the sparkling wine production process. This system will allow for an
over twofold increase in production of bottles of wine.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Finger Lakes 127448 Monroe
Copper Leaf Brewing
Copper Leaf Brewery
Expansion Project
Copper Leaf Brewing will acquire new production equipment. With the new equipment,
Copper Leaf Brewing will shift production to an offsite location with increased capacity.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 128590 Suffolk
PWG Wine Company
Premium Wine Group, one of Long Island's only co-packers, will purchase an in-line
carbonator. This will enable them to produce carbonated products at their facility, enhancing
the products and service they can offer to the vineyards they work with.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 129691 Suffolk
Expansion and
Ubergeek Brewing is a contract brewer located in downtown Riverhead. They will invest in
new machinery and equipment to increase the production for both themselves and the
breweries they work with. The project will create new jobs in Riverhead and expand brewing
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 128281 Suffolk
Matchbook Distilling
Company LLC
Trucent centrifuge
Matchbook Distilling, located in downtown Greenport will invest in a new trucent centrifuge
which will replace their existing filtration system. This update will increase efficiency and
production of their own line of products as well as the contracted products they produce.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 127887 Nassau
Point Lookout
Company LLC
Bright Eye Production
Bright Eye Brewing Company will purchase new fermentation equipment and a canning line
to increase their brewing capacity and distribution. Located directly in downtown Long
Beach, blocks from the beach and railroad station, this project will add to the product
offerings available and help draw in new visitors to the brewery and area.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 126740 Nassau
Noble Savage
Company, LLC
Brewhouse and Packaging
Line Upgrades
Noble Savage Brewing is located in downtown Glen Cove. They will expand production of
their lager and hazy IPA by purchasing new brewing equipment and a canning line. The
project will help increase distribution and draw new visitors.
$48,882 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 128223 Suffolk
The Better Man
Company Inc.
Key Products Equipment
The Better Man Distilling Company is a distillery that produces rye, vodka, and gin-
specializing in lavender gin. They will purchase new machinery and equipment to expand
production of some of their popular products, improve their labeling, and increase efficiency.
$37,622 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 127764 Nassau
South Shore Craft
Brewery Corp.
Canning Line
South Shore Craft Brewery plans to invest in new machinery and equipment so they can start
canning their products in house. This will allow them to increase their production and expand
distribution to additional retailers and restaurants.
$40,747 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 129845 Suffolk
The Greenport
Company, LLC
Retail Tasting Room
Expansion and Production
Greenport Harbor Brewing will invest in a Membrane BioReactor system that would filter,
treat, and repurpose brewery wastewater. Purchase of this machinery will create more
operational efficiency and limit the negative environmental outputs of their brewing process.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 128445 Suffolk
Westhampton Beach
Brewing Company,
Westhampton Beach brewing will invest in a new softener and heater for their boiler to
prevent corrosion and increase efficiency. They will also purchase a canning line that will
enable them to produce 100 cans /minute, significantly adding to production and distribution
$46,150 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 130647 Suffolk
Pointe LLC
Winery Upgrades
Sparkling Pointe, a vineyard on Long Island that specializes in sparkling wine, will invest in a
new chiller that will allow them to process grapes more quickly as they come off the vine.
This will increase production as grapes are processed more efficiently and help them respond
to new patterns in the growing season.
$30,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Long Island 130177 Suffolk
Tipping Cow Distillery
Equipment for Growth
Twisted Cow Distillery is a new distillery that will expand their product offerings by investing
in equipment to start producing hard seltzer. This new product line will help raise the profile
of their business and increase distribution. 100% of the wheat in the vodka used for the
seltzer will be NYS produced.
$50,000 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program
The Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program supports capital-based projects intended to increase the production capacity, business infrastructure and profitability of businesses licensed to produce wine, beer, spirits, hard cider and mead by
providing matching funds for equipment purchases and facility upgrades.
ESD CRAFT Long Island 127327 Nassau
Jones Beach Brewing
Company, Inc.
2023 Brewery Expansion
Jones Beach Craft Brewery will open a production facility and tasting room in Wantagh, NY.
They will renovate a former restaurant and purchase production equipment to expand their
current beer offerings and create a space for visitors to enjoy their beer.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 126902 Dutchess
Winery, Inc.
Bottling Line
Millbrook Winery will purchase and install a modern bottling line that is energy efficient and
safer to work. The line will allow for screw tops, expanding the reach of the winery.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 127865 Dutchess
Denning's Point
Distillery, LLC
Denning's Point Distillery will purchase additional brewing equipment that will assist in
increasing their production capacity.
$42,050 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 128589 Dutchess
Hudson Valley
Beverage Co. Inc.
Sloop Brewery
Improvement - CBMG
Sloop Brewery will purchase and install specialized and advanced brewing equipment to their
Brewery in Hopewell Junction, NY. Once installed, this new equipment will allow the facility
to operate 24 hours a day, drastically increasing their production capacity.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 128696 Dutchess Current Cassis LLC CCTR
This project will allow Current Cassis to expand their production capabilities through both
increased crop production, liqueur production and storage space.
$31,250 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 128953 Ulster
Magnanini Farm
Winery Inc.
Tasting Room Expansion
Magnanini Farm Winery Inc. produces estate wines at its farm winery in the Hamlet of
Wallkill in the Town of Shawangunk, Ulster County. Due to increased demand and space
constraints, the company plans to expand its production facility, wine cellar storage to
increase capacity and improve efficiencies for production and packaging and will increase the
size of its tasting room to improve accessibility by adding new ADA compliant restrooms.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 129321 Sullivan
Vineyards LLC
Sustainable Increase
Production Project
Bashakill Vineyard Inc plans to increase production capacity by purchasing large wine tanks,
must pump and walk-in cooler. This expansion will double wine production, increase volume
of current wine and allow the company to create new wines and grow their distribution
$30,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 129354 Rockland
Two Ladders Brewing
Company LLC
Equipment upgrade
Two Ladders Brewing intends to establish a second location in Rockland County. The
company will invest in new, cutting-edge equipment, enabling it to expand its operations and
taproom and grow its clientele.
$40,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 130002 Orange
Winery LLC
Craft Beverage CoPacking
Applewood Winery will purchase and install a new bottling line so that they are better able
to meet the growing demand for their product.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 130059 Sullivan Cantina Cantina LLC Cantina Cantina
Cantina Cantina plans to relocate and expand its craft brewery operation to a larger facility in
Jeffersonville, Sullivan County. The new location will involve the renovation and adaptive
reuse of a former bus depot into its new primary location for brewing production which will
support the continued growth and increased demand for its artisanal beer products. They
will also create a new tap room that will grow its customer base and establish it as an
agritourism destination.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 130169 Rockland
Stony Point Brewing
Company LLC
Stony Point Brewing Co. is a nano-brewery with a taproom model in Northern Rockland
County. They will invest in equipment to increase the efficiency of the current production line
and give the company the technology to create additional product lines.
$25,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 130251 Dutchess
Brewing LLC
Craft Beverage Micro
Grant- Brewery
Wastewater Pre-treatment
Spectacle Brewing will purchase and install modern wastewater pre-treatment equipment in
Lockport, NY and will reduce the strain on municipal water treatment facilities.
$49,975 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 130614 Orange
Drowned Lands
Drowned Lands Cellar
Drowned Lands Brewery will renovate its basement to be able to store and produce
additional casks of their highly rated beer. They will also expand their seating space and open
the renovated basement to tours.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mid-Hudson 131200 Ulster Murray Hollow LLC
Quartz Rock Vineyard and
Bedrock Cidery Equipment
Quartz Rock Vineyard and Bedrock Cidery, located in Marlboro, Ulster County and listed on
the Shawangunk Wine Trail, will expand its production capacity. The expansion will improve
efficiencies of its award winning wines and hard cider by equipping its facility with upgraded
winemaking and cidermaking machinery and equipment, setting the company up for future
ESD CRAFT Mohawk Valley 126942 Herkimer
Hillbilly Farm Winery,
Farm Winery Grant
Hillbilly Farm Winery will renovate and convert a building previously used as a Farm Brewery
to a Farm Winery. The renovation will include the purchase of necessary equipment for
fermentation including the sanitization, preparation, pasteurization, filtering, bottling,
labeling, aging, and storage of wine. It will also include Improvements to wine tasting and
production areas, including energy efficiency updates such as upgraded insulation and high
efficiency HVAC upgrades.
$50,000 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program
The Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program supports capital-based projects intended to increase the production capacity, business infrastructure and profitability of businesses licensed to produce wine, beer, spirits, hard cider and mead by
providing matching funds for equipment purchases and facility upgrades.
ESD CRAFT Mohawk Valley 126734 Schoharie
Beverages LLC
Sauvage Distillery
Sauvage Distillery is a local farm distillery specializing in production of vodka called Upstate
which is made from apples sourced from local farms in New York. Sauvage Distillery will
purchase a lift to be able to move their product within the facility more efficiently as well as
upgrade the road leading to their facility.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mohawk Valley 127360 Schoharie
Wayward Lane
Craft Beverage Micro
Wayward Lane Brewing will purchase a proper canning line that will enable them to can their
beer for sale in the tap room, farmers markets, events and distributors.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Mohawk Valley 126679 Herkimer DikinDurt Distillery DikinDurt Distillery
DikinDurt Distillery will restore a vacant commercial, 3 story building located on Main Street
in Newport, NY and transform it into a distillery/bourbon tourism destination.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT North Country 127341 St. Lawrence
In-Law Brewing
Company, LLC
In-Law Brewing Expansion
from 7 BBL to 30 BBL
In-Law Brewing Company will expand from a 7 BBL to a 30 BBL brewhouse. This expansion
comes with the transfer of its current operating license to a larger 3,500 square foot facility
in order to accommodate increased wholesale demand. they will renovate the space to
create a new taproom and will purchase additional machinery and equipment, including
brewing transfer pumps, a glycol chiller and commercial keg washer.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT North Country 126788 Essex
Ledge Hill Farm
Brewery, LLC
Ledge Hill Farm Brewery
Ledge Hill Farm Brewery, LLC a 2-barrel craft/farm brewery and tasting room located in
downtown Ticonderoga will expand the production by investing in the purchase of new
machinery and equipment, including a commercial keg washer, brewing transfer pumps, a
glycol chiller and component parts for the management of the beer cellar. Ledge Hill will also
upgrade the floor in the brewhouse and taproom and expand their parking lot.
$35,904 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT North Country 127541 Jefferson Riverhens, LLC Garland City Beer Works
Garden City Beer Works will purchase an automated canning system and a canner kit
designed for packaging and maintaining the quality of small product volumes. These systems
incorporate patented seaming and filling technology that deliver a superior consistency of
high speed/volume. The machine will accommodate multiple can heights allowing the
company flexibility and customization for their products.
$25,791 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT New York City 127907 Richmond
Gordon James, LLC
d/b/a The Flagship
Brewing Company
Flagship Brewery
Automation Improvements
The Flagship Brewing Company will purchase and install an automated grain auger system, a
gas meter to monitor CO2 and O2 levels and additional shelving for improved storage and
organization. These renovations will streamline workflows, increase production, lower costs
of goods and enhance quality control.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT New York City 129647 Kings
Standard Spirit
Craft Beverage Micro
Grant Program
Standard Wormwood Distillery will acquire a new 250 gallon stainless steel steam jacketed
kettle, a controller unit for that kettle, and two still columns that are used to place on the
kettle being purchased. This complete system of kettle, controller unit, and still column is
what makes up the equipment to produce alcoholic spirits at a distillery.
$49,500 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT New York City 127446 Kings Green Farms II LLC Green Farms II Canning
Green Farms II LLC, located in Brooklyn NY, will purchase new canning equipment that will
help evolve their spirits entity in the changing beverage market. This new equipment will
allow Green Farms II to expand production and support new product research and
$44,297 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT New York City 131187 Kings
The Red Hook Winery
The Red Hook Winery LLC will convert current storage space to a retail space and cider
production area. Once the project is complete the winery will be capable of producing up to
3000 cases of cider annually.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT New York City 130253 Kings
Other Half
Brewing Co Inc
Craft Beverage Micro
Grant Program
Other Half Brewing Company will replace aging canning equipment at their Brooklyn facility.
The new equipment will allow Other Half Brewing to maintain consistent production capacity
and product quality.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT New York City 127267 Kings
Kings County
Kings County Distillery
Bottling Machine Grant
Kings County Distillery, founded in 2010, makes handmade bourbon, rye, and other whiskeys
out of the 123-year-old Paymaster Building in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The distillery will
acquire a full-service bottling line which will allow them to increase production.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 131176 Broome
Beer Tree Brew
Works, Inc.
Brewery expansion
Beer Tree Brew Works, Inc. will increase the overall brewing capacity from with the purchase
and installation of additional 60BBL fermentation vessels and an additional 60BBL brite tank.
The addition of these tanks will allow Beer Tree to continue to serve and grow distribution
across NYS, the USA and globally.
$36,645 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 131031 Delaware Bovina Spirits LLC
Craft Beverage Micro
Bovina Spirits, LLC will purchase and install a fully automated bottling line and install solar
panels to power their distillery equipment. The automated bottling line will revolutionize
their bottling process by increasing their efficiency from 90 bottles per hour to 900 bottles
per hour.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 130981 Tompkins
Wild Nectar Mead will expand their mead production facility by adding a fermentation room,
refrigeration, and storage space for inventory in a sustainable and efficient way.
$37,500 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program
The Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program supports capital-based projects intended to increase the production capacity, business infrastructure and profitability of businesses licensed to produce wine, beer, spirits, hard cider and mead by
providing matching funds for equipment purchases and facility upgrades.
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 130884 Schuyler
Finger Lakes Distilling
Expanding the Foundation
for the Next Generation of
NYS Craft Beverages
Finger Lakes Distilling, located in Burdett, will increase production and bottling capacity with
the purchase of equipment for the pre-distillation process, the distillation process, and the
packaging/finishing process. This includes investments in the chilling system, an automated
labeling machine, and a wax dipping machine.
$47,750 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 130609 Steuben
Tub Town
Brewing LLC
TTB - Equipment Expansion
Tub Town Brewing LLC, located in Bath, will make machinery and equipment upgrades at
their facility. They will purchase and implement a 5 barrel self-contained brew system,
increasing production capacity and enhancing the customer experience.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 130060 Steuben
Dr. Konstantin Frank
Dr. Franks - Craft Beverage
Dr. Franks will expansion their existing wine cellar including upgrading of concrete floors,
drains, insulation and steel siding, allowing additional oak barrels to be stored. Temperature
and humidity control mechanisms will also be installed. The winery will be able to increase
production capacity substantially, ensuring a steady supply of their exceptional wines to
meet market demand.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 130047 Schuyler
Damiani Wine
Cellars, LLC
Finger Lakes Winery Needs
New Warehouse to Meet
Damiani Wine Cellars, will construct a temperature-controlled structure on the winery site
for storage of up to 18,000 annual cases. This expansion will bring off site storage back
onsite and improve the short- and long-term system currently used for storing cases, as well
as any overflow storage, for the winery.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 129904 Steuben
Steuben Brewing
Steuben Brewing Company
Steuben Brewing Company will expand their production facility and acquire new brewing and
cellar equipment. The increased production space, brewing capacity, and cellar equipment
will be designed to create a more efficient space for increased production.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 129373 Steuben
Living Roots Wine &
Company LLC
LRSCV Production Buildout
Living Roots Wine & Co, LLC will lease a new winery building with both tasting room and
production space from Shale Creek Vineyards, LLC, at its vineyard site in Hammondsport,
NY. The wine production operations will include much larger capacity equipment and, a first-
time bottling and labeling line. In-house bottling will allow Living Roots to operate with much
greater efficiency, save money spent by utilizing a mobile bottler and ensure operations
continuity in the event that the third-party bottler is not available in the future.
$49,775 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 129227 Schuyler
Lakewood Vineyards,
Bottling Line
Modernization and
Lakewood Vineyards will upgrade their wine bottling operations to incorporate a single-head
screw capping machine. This will allow the Lakewood to offer wines under increasingly
popular screw cap closures and offer the option of screw cap closure to other NY farm
wineries they bottle for. In addition, they will install sound absorbing panels in the bottling
facility which are engineered panels that absorb production noise on the line allowing
employees to work more safely, comfortably and communicate more effectively while at the
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 126794 Steuben FLX Grapes, LLC
Equipment for Expanding
Production Capacity
FLX Grapes LLC (dba Weis Vineyards) will purchase five new tanks and a new lees filter
press to expand their production capacity and efficiency in both the winemaking operation as
well as their newly formed distilling operation. This new equipment investment will enable
increased wine production, a distilling operation, and custom crush services for smaller
wineries in the area.
$50,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 130513 Schuyler McGibbs, Inc.
Toast Winery Building
McGibbs, Inc will build a pole barn structure with a concrete floor. The building will be used
to store materials for production. This will allow for increased production by freeing up
production space that is currently used to store materials.
$25,000 11/13/2023
ESD CRAFT Southern Tier 127417 Schuyler
Flatt Rock Wine
Flatt Rock Wine Cellars will provide wine made in a style similar to old world wines. They plan
to increase production by paving a road for their heavy production equipment, clear land and
expand their parking lot, and add an outdoor tasting space.
$50,000 11/13/2023
Western New
131054 Chautauqua
Robert Mazza, Inc
Five & 20 Spirits
2023 Five 20 Bottling
Upgrade Craft Beverage
Five & 20 Spirits will acquire new rinsing and filling equipment to increase production and
$50,000 11/13/2023
Western New
131060 Erie WNY Beer Club LLC
Brewery Expansion and
Rusty Nickel Brewing Company will expand their facility to help increase production and
provide an enhanced space for more customers.
$50,000 11/13/2023
Western New
126875 Niagara
Vizcarra Family
Vineyards LLC
Capital Grant for Craft
Beverage Destination at
Becker Farms
Becker Farms will purchase new brite tanks for the storage of hard cider and sparking wine in
order to increase their capacity and grow their customer base.
$45,850 11/13/2023
Western New
128853 Erie RBCPROD, LLC CO2 Capture
Resurgence Brewery will purchase CO2 recapture equipment to help with supply and provide
cost savings and environmental benefits.
$50,000 11/13/2023
Western New
129197 Erie
Brewing Company
BriarBrothers Brewing Company will purchase equipment to increase cold storage that will
allow for more production and growth.
$27,500 11/13/2023
Western New
129753 Erie Lilly Belle Meads Expansion 2023
Lilly Meade will purchase automation equipment to help expedite production of mead and
craft soda products as well as make necessary enhancements to the tasting room.
$28,900 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program
The Craft Beverage Micro Grant Program supports capital-based projects intended to increase the production capacity, business infrastructure and profitability of businesses licensed to produce wine, beer, spirits, hard cider and mead by
providing matching funds for equipment purchases and facility upgrades.
Western New
128474 Erie
Froth Brewing
Froth Brewing Co
Production Capacity &
Efficiency Expansion
Froth Brewing Co. LLC will purchase equipment including fermenters, brite tanks and dry
storage to increase production capacity.
$33,729 11/13/2023
Western New
127515 Erie Brazen Brewing LLC
Brazen Brewing LLC will invest in new equipment that will help to expand their brewing
capacity as well as kitchen upgrades for increased event space.
$50,000 11/13/2023
Western New
127666 Erie TIL Brewing, LLC Lancaster Phase 2
TIL Brewery will invest in new brewhouse equipment that will increase their capacity for their
new location in the Village of Lancaster.
$50,000 11/13/2023
Western New
129483 Chautauqua 3811 Holdings LLC
Westfield NY Capacity
Expansion Phase I
Ghostfish Brewing will purchase new equipment to expand their capacity to produce more
NYS gluten-free product and develop an in-house canning line.
$50,000 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Albany Jewish
Community Center
Saving the Betty Clark
Version 2
The Jewish Community Center's 60 year old Betty Clark indoor pool will be restored and
available for year round use for members and participants. The project includes the
replacement of the main drains, support deck brackets, structural concrete repairs, total
piping replacement for deck drains, and gutter drains. The project will allow the JCC to
resume learn to swim classes, senior fitness, and lifeguard training courses for community
$50,000 11/13/2023
Historic Cherry Hill
Investing in the
Infrastructure of Heritage
Tourism: Visitor Parking at
Historic Cherry Hill
Historic Cherry Hill (HCH), a cultural attraction and historic site in the South End of Albany,
will construct a parking area and update existing paved surfaces to make the site more
attractive, accessible, welcoming, and walkable. Updates will improve visitor experiences
and accommodate attendance growth.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Domestic Violence and
Rape Crisis Services of
Saratoga County
Accessibility and Safety
Wellspring is the domestic violence and sexual assault services agency for Saratoga
County. The project would install two battery operated door openers to increase handicap
accessibility for people who use wheelchairs or have other physical challenges entering
the building and install one interior door to improve security and safety in the private
client services wing to lock down the facility in the event an abuser attempts to gain
$26,850 11/13/2023
New York
128660 Onondaga
Empower Parkinson,
Empower Parkinson, Inc.
Expansion and New
Empower Parkinson is the preeminent organization in Upstate New York supporting those
with Parkinson’s disease by offering comprehensive programs and services to improve
one’s quality of life. They will acquire and renovate a new facility that includes gym space,
clinical space, shared space (community room, education and support space, common
area, restrooms, and locker rooms).
$100,000 11/13/2023
New York
130881 Onondaga
Syracuse Habitat for
Humanity Inc
514 W Genesee Building
Syracuse Habitat for Humanity (SHFH), an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International,
repair their building at 514 West Genesee Street, including the brick parapet currently in
danger of structural failure and replacing the roof. This project will allow SHFH to remain
in their existing location which is situated just outside of downtown Syracuse.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Regional Arts Council
Culinary Kitchen
Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council will renovations the GO ART! Cultural Culinary
Kitchen located at 201 E Main St, Batavia. Updates include kitchen roof replacement,
kitchen exhaust hood fan replacement, and installation of an ice machine, convection
oven, flat top grill, mixers, and point of sale system.
$32,775 11/13/2023
Monroe, Ontario,
Wayne, Wyoming
United Way of Greater
Rochester and The
Finger Lakes, INC.
United Way Capital
Improvements for
Economic and Community
The United Way will repair and preserve an historic building located in the downtown
Rochester area by replacing the boiler system and fixing the east stone façade. The
United Way of Rochester along with multiple other non-profits provide important services
across the region that focus on improving health, education, and economic mobility for
local people from this historic location. This renovation will allow for the community
services provided by organizations within it to safely continue their work as well as provide
a lasting economic impact for the region.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Flower City Habitat for
GRHFH Culver Road Office
Flower City Habitat for Humanity will repair the roof at their main location to support
expansion within their building in Rochester, NY. The renovation and expansion of the
culver road office will enable further expansion of the programs offered to the community
including homeownership, home repairs, and workforce development.
$100,000 11/13/2023
St. John's Foundation Dementia Resource Center
John’s Home will create a Dementia Resource Center (DRC) inside its location in the City of
Rochester to provide caregivers with the skills, resources, counseling, education, and
respite that are critical for those who care for older adults with dementia.
$84,642 11/13/2023
Holy Childhood
Special Touch Bakery
Equipment to Empower
Special Touch Bakery, Inc. inclusively employs adults with intellectual and developmental
disabilities in commercial manufacturing. Special Touch Bakery will purchase a new pie-
filing machine that will support increased production of a wide variety of products for an
expanding their customer base.
$45,358 11/13/2023
Urban League of
Rochester, NY, Inc.
Urban League of
Rochester Nonprofit
Capital Grant
The Urban League of Rochester NY (URL) offers essential wraparound services and
workforce opportunities to the Greater Rochester community from an historic building
located in the heart of downtown Rochester. To ensure better safety and a more
functional space for offering these programs, they will make renovations to the lobby, fire
system, carpets, security system, and restrooms at 265 North Clinton Avenue.
$25,000 11/13/2023
Empire State Development
Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program
The Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program supports not-for-profit organizations that provide economic and community benefits within their region by providing matching funds for capital improvements.
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program
The Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program supports not-for-profit organizations that provide economic and community benefits within their region by providing matching funds for capital improvements.
The Center for Youth
Services, Inc.
Bridge to Peace Access to
The Center for Youth Development will install an elevator at their legacy building allowing
safe and accessible entry to the elevated first and upper 2 floors. The project will open
full access to entire building allowing the organization to expand their programs and
services to at-risk youth and the community in the City of Rochester.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Christ For Kids
Ministries INC.
Subsidiary we are
applying for is Miss
Julie's School of Beauty
Miss Julies School Of
Miss Julie's School of Beauty will start a school in the Sibley Building to provide free
cosmetology training to survivors of human trafficking, enabling them to obtain a
cosmetology license and gainful employment in the cosmetology field.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Rochester Downtown
Rochester Commissary
Equipment Purchases-
Feeding our Rochester
Community and Small
Food-Related Businesses
Located in the Sibley building in downtown Rochester, the Commissary will purchase
additional kitchen equipment allowing for more entrepreneurs to utilize the facility. The
incubator kitchen facility provides the use of space and equipment along with food
industry specific assistance to aspiring entrepreneurs, pre-startup and virtual
restauranteurs, caterers, bakers, home-based food business looking to legalize, and small-
scale packaged food manufacturers.
$89,432 11/13/2023
Education Success
Foundation, Inc.
Education Success
Window Project
The Education Success Foundation will replace inefficient 1950s era windows and
complete asbestos abatement for an integral building of the Sands Family Campus, an
educational and social services hub for more than 2,400 Rochester students and their
families. The building is where EnCompass: Resources for Learning, Inc., an affiliated
nonprofit, delivers cradle-to-career community development and educational
$100,000 11/13/2023
Willow Domestic
Violence Center of
Greater Rochester, Inc.
Security System Upgrades
for Survivor Safety
Willow Domestic Violence Center’s Security System Upgrade for Survivor Safety Project
will replace the end-of-life security system – including electronic access
control fob system and video surveillance system – in a residential housing building at
Willow’s Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter.
$75,000 11/13/2023
AutismUp, Inc. AutismUp Ice Cream Truck
AutismUp will purchase and operate an ice cream truck that will be used to train, employ
and provide hands-on work experience for those individuals with autism. The program
will also include classes on financial literacy and work etiquette. The project will allow
AutismUp to expand their services for their clients, preparing those who have graduated
high school but may lack skills needed for employment opportunities.
$75,000 11/13/2023
HVAC System for
Employment and Training
The Arc Ontario will replace two HVAC units to expand available space to establish a
specialized Employment and Training Center. The Employment and Training Center will
support Agribusiness and Agritourism and provide training for youth, individuals with
disabilities, and the recently incarcerated. Programming will include hospitality, janitorial,
culinary, retail, manufacturing/line production, and horticulture/agriculture pathways and
will include hands-on-training for skill building.
$65,000 11/13/2023
Arc GLOW HVAC KidStart
Arc GLOW will install 10 new HVAC units at our KidStart location in Mt. Morris. These
HVAC systems will replace those which are at the end of their lives and be able to take
COVID compliant filters. Childcare needs are especially challenging to access in rural
communities, this organization serves over 150 children with intellectual and
developmental disabilities from 8 counties and 18 school districts. The building also has a
preschool program called Head Start.
$100,000 11/13/2023
ESD NFP Long Island 128103
Rising Stars Youth
RSYF Capital Project
Rising Stars Youth Foundation (RSYF) has utilized the power of teamwork to promote
education, reinforce positive values, and provide youth with a safe environment to play,
learn and grow. Located in Freeport Nassau County, the foundation will outfit their new
athletic center facility in order to host, train, and mentor thousands of children and their
$100,000 11/13/2023
ESD NFP Long Island 130093
Life's WORC
WORC Force Vocational
Automotive Service
Garage Bays
Life’s WORC provides comprehensive services and support to people with intellectual and
developmental disabilities and their families. They will construct an external garage with
four service bays adjacent to their training center in Garden City to train people of all
abilities in automotive careers.
$100,000 11/13/2023
ESD NFP Long Island 127298
Alzheimer's Foundation
of America
AFA Long Island
Education, Resource &
Training Center
Programming Rooms
The Alzheimer Foundation of America will construct an education, resource and training
center in Amityville, Suffolk county that will offer activity programming, training classes
and information designed to help individuals affected by Alzheimer’s disease, family
caregivers, healthcare professionals and the public.
$100,000 11/13/2023
ESD NFP Long Island 127692
Long Island Cares, Inc. -
The Harry Chapin
Regional Food Bank
Long Island Cares Capital
Long Island Cares, a food bank with headquarters in Hauppauge, will make upgrades to
their building including a new awning, lighting, and windows that will enable them to
improve their overall food distribution process allowing more food to be distributed to
those in need.
$100,000 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program
The Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program supports not-for-profit organizations that provide economic and community benefits within their region by providing matching funds for capital improvements.
ESD NFP Long Island 129329
United Way of Long
Net Zero Economic and
Community Benefit
United Way of LI will invest in energy saving equipment to transform their headquarters in
Deer Park, Suffolk County, into a net zero building that produces as much energy as is
$100,000 11/13/2023
ESD NFP Long Island 130603
NYSARC, Inc. - Suffolk
AHRC Suffolk's Seiff
Educare Center
Playground Revitalization
The AHRC Suffolk Saul & Elaine Seiff Educare Center serves children ages 3 – 21 years of
age who have a range of intellectual and developmental needs, as well as those who are
medically fragile. The Center, located in Bohemia, will purchase and install accessible
playground equipment to expand services provided to their students.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Mid Hudson Workshop
for the Disabled, Inc.
Building Rejuvenation &
Safety Upgrades
The Mid Hudson Workshop for the Disabled will renovate the interior and workspace for
the trainees, including replacing the building doors, upgrading the floors and adding
modern locks and other security features to better serve the needs of disable individuals.
$25,000 11/13/2023
Anderson Center for
Dental Student Training
and Dental Desensitization
Center for Patients with
Anderson Center for Autism will construct the first dental office focused on
desensitization and sensory input management, specifically to train new dentists on how
to manage and treat patients with Autism and prepare the patients for the process.
$48,016 11/13/2023
Family Services, Inc.
Critical Facility
Improvements in Family
Services' Annex
Family Services, Inc. will renovate the family services building, specifically where the crisis
hotline operates. The focus of the project will be on installing new flooring and asbestoses
$75,000 11/13/2023
Ferncliff Nursing Home
New onsite child care
The Ferncliff Nursing hope will construct an addition onto their current site to use as a
childcare facility for their staff. The project will also furnish the space and allow the home
to hire childcare staff.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Girl Scout Council of
Greater New York Inc.
Camp Kaufmann Capital
Founded in 1953, Camp Kaufmann is located in Holmes, Dutchess County and provides
incredible outdoor experiences in the Hudson Valley region. Camp Kaufmann will
construct a new all-season central facility, including classrooms and a dining hall to open
the camp to year round programing, expanding the opportunities for the Girl Scouts and
other youth organizations to utilize the camp in all seasons.
$50,000 11/13/2023
Abilities First, Inc.
Myers Preschool
The established Myers Preschool will renovate their space to better utilize their location
and allow for additional students.
$100,000 11/13/2023
YMCA of Central and
Northern Westchester
Camp Combe Pool
The YMCA of Central and Northern Westchester (the Y) is a nonprofit organization that
offers services to the local populations in Putnam and Westchester counties. The Y will
renovate the pool at Camp Combe in Putnam County to enable them to continue
providing the community with programs like open swimming, water safety instruction,
lifeguard training, and other services.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Rockland Independent
Living Center dba
Sensory Room
Rockland Independent Living Center, doing business as BRIDGES, is a community-based,
peer-driven, cross-disability, not-for-profit organization dedicated to advocacy and
leadership on behalf of people with disabilities. They will be opening a Sensory Room in
the Palisades Center Mall in West Nyack. The company plans to purchase and install
equipment like sensory lighting, visual stimuli, and sensory integration tools, to expand
services to help children with disabilities engage with their surroundings and interact with
their environment.
$50,000 11/13/2023
Center for Spectrum
Renovation of Sensory
Immersive Space for
Children with Autism
The Center for Spectrum Services provides critical Educational, Occupational and Physical
therapy to children with autism in the Mid-Hudson region. The Center for Spectrum
Services will renovate and equip its occupational and physical therapy space at its
Kingston, Ulster County campus with state-of-the-art equipment and outfit it with new
sensory-oriented fixtures to improve the delivery of services to children with Autism.
$62,500 11/13/2023
YWCA White Plains &
Central Westchester
YWCA White Plains &
Central Westchester North
Street Activity Center
Chiller Replacement
The YWCA White Plains; Central Westchester (YWCA) is a non-profit that serves the
community of White Plains and surrounding communities in Westchester County. The
project involves the replacement and installation of a new HVAC system. A new HVAC will
ensure that the YWCA can continue providing educational, empowerment, and health and
wellness programming to the thousands of women, children, and their families that rely
on it.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Yonkers Partners In
Grant Application
Yonkers Partners In Education (YPIE) has established College and Career Centers in each of
the district's eight high schools in the City of Yonkers, Westchester County, as part of its
commitment to help students enter and complete college. YPIE will renovate and equip
the space to make it more welcoming and useful for students.
$25,000 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program
The Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program supports not-for-profit organizations that provide economic and community benefits within their region by providing matching funds for capital improvements.
Lifting Up Westchester
Lifting Up Westchester
Energy Improvement
Lifting Up Westchester (LUW) is a not-for-profit that assists men, women, and children in
need in White Plains and surrounding communities by providing them with food, shelter,
and support to overcome the challenges of poverty, homelessness, hunger, health, and
education. LUW will renovate their main building at 35 Orchard Street in White Plains, the
hub of their organization, including building energy upgrades and replace an aging HVAC
and roof.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Young Men's Christian
Association of Rye NY
Expanded Childcare
Facilities at the Rye YMCA
The Rye YMCA will open a new childcare center in Port Chester, a community near Rye.
The Rye Y, in collaboration with Rye Presbyterian Church, will construct seven classrooms
for infants and children.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Jewish Community
Center on the Hudson,
Shames JCC - ESD NFP
Grant Program
The JCC is a non-profit organization that serves Tarrytown and the surrounding towns in
Westchester County. The JCC will convert an obsolete commercial kitchen at the former
General Motors training center into a full-service café operated by neurodivergent
individuals who receive on-the-job training.
$75,000 11/13/2023
New York Covenant
Initial Outfitting for
Community Kitchen and
Youth Workforce
The New York Covenant Community Development Corporation (NYCCDC) is a non- profit
that serves the community of New Rochelle and surrounding communities in Westchester
County. They will move to a new location where they will outfit a community kitchen and
workforce development classrooms with furniture and fixtures. The new space will
provide an array of vital programming open to the public and a community kitchen to
combat food insecurities.
$80,081 11/13/2023
129123 Otsego Springbrook NY Inc.
Springbrook Employment
Services Hub
Springbrook NY Inc. is a not-for-profit located in Downtown Oneonta that specializes in
providing support and services to people with developmental disabilities throughout the
Susquehanna Region. Springbrook will purchase new office equipment for two new
workstations at their Supported Employment Services Hub located in Downtown Oneonta.
$53,750 11/13/2023
130869 Otsego
Greater Oneonta
Historical Society
Exterior Brickwork at the
Oneonta History Center
The Greater Oneonta Historical Society (GOHS) is a non-profit organization that works
toward a mission of promoting Greater Oneonta’s past by collecting and preserving
authentic objects and documents, disseminating knowledge, and providing stimulating
educational experiences through dynamic programs and exhibitions. The Historical Society
will replace the brickwork on the Oneonta History Center building located in Downtown
Oneonta to adequately secure and protect the building’s exterior and structure, and to
keep the center open and accessible.
$82,500 11/13/2023
New York
The Inspired
Community Project, Inc.
Nonprofit Securing Early
Intervention Workforce
Development Program
The Inspired Community Project (TICP) was founded in 2021 with a mission to ensure
equal access to special education instruction, resources, and workforce development
training. TICP focuses on providing quality early childhood education, childcare options,
and therapy services in the economically distressed Bronx. TICP will furnish and build out a
new location in the Bronx to establish an early intervention therapy center and childcare
facility that provides specialized education for neurodivergent children. The project will
also include workforce development programs focused on training members of the
community to become certified Registered Behavior Technicians that can then work with
the population TICP is serving.
$100,000 11/13/2023
New York
New York
Welcome to Chinatown
Small Business Innovation
As part of its Community Building initiative, Welcome to Chinatown is establishing a Small
Business Innovation Hub, a first of its kind gathering space for the Chinatown community
to empower small businesses, build bridges, and champion sustainable growth. Within the
Hub it will create an accelerator that supports API entrepreneurs by offering guidance on
accessing capital, matchmaking between entrepreneurs and potential investors, and
developing business plans; on-site, pro-bono or low-cost centralized technical trainings;
and a space for new and legacy entrepreneurs to support each other.
$100,000 11/13/2023
New York
New York
The James Beard
Foundation, Inc.
Full Content Capture
Studio Equipment
The James Beard Foundation was established in 1986 by Culinary Chef James Beard, the
Foundation supports American food culture with the aim of creating a standard for good
food anchored in talent, equity, and sustainability. In an effort to grow their audience the
Foundation will purchase and install audio-visual equipment to enriched their online
content and educational resources.
$100,000 11/13/2023
New York
Queens Community
House, Inc.
Forest Hills Community
Center Kitchen FY24
Queens Community House (QCH) will renovate the commercial kitchen at their Forest Hills
Community Center in Queens. The renovations will help QCH prepare approximately
27,000 nutritious meals for older adults who attend the center annually, as well as
improve the operational safety of the kitchen.
$65,000 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program
The Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program supports not-for-profit organizations that provide economic and community benefits within their region by providing matching funds for capital improvements.
Adirondack Public
Observatory Inc
APO - Enhanced Access to
Astronomy Programs
The Adirondack Sky Center and Observatory, in Tupper Lake, NY, will purchase a
handicapped accessible Digital StarLab inflatable planetarium as an additional versatile
and immersive tool for teaching astronomy and discovering the universe. This equipment
will complement the observatory night sky observing with realistic simulations during the
day and when skies are not clear for viewing encouraging more community and tourist
$25,000 11/13/2023
Adirondack Historical
Association d/b/a The
Adirondack Experience
ADKX - Main Building
HVAC Upgrades
Adirondack Experience, located in Blue Mountain Lake, will replace various boilers and
chillers that serve six buildings, including the main museum, on its campus. These
upgrades will ensure the preservation of irreplaceable museum collections for patrons to
$100,000 11/13/2023
St. Lawrence
The Salvation Army-
Empire Division
Massena Salvation Army
Kitchen Renovations and
Job Training Program
The Salvation Army – Empire Division, will design and construct a new kitchen at the
Massena Corps that includes more space to prepare and serve food to those in need.
Additionally, the new kitchen will establish space for a new job training program, in
partnership with the Massena Central School District, Social Services, Massena
Neighborhood Center, restaurants and area churches, for those interested in food service
and/or hospitality industry jobs.
$50,000 11/13/2023
St. Lawrence
United Helpers, Inc.
RiverLedge Laundry
United Helpers -
Restoration Project
United Helpers’ RiverLedge Laundry, will convert a former single-story, 3,600 square foot
garage into a commercial laundry facility, that will provide essential laundry services to
United Helpers (UH) and other medical facilities in the community. This state-of-the-art
facility will include the purchase of two new washers, six new dryers, ten linen carts, and
20 transport carts and will add a loading dock for receiving and shipping. The project adds
overhead doors to the three-bay garage for easy access and is designed to complement
the existing structure.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Finger Lakes Gateway
FLX Works CoWorking in
Downtown Watkins Glen
Finger Lakes Gateway Community Development Corporation is a non-profit formed to
improve the economic well-being in Schuyler County. They will complete the renovation
and outfitting of a co-working space located at 214 North Franklin Street, Watkins Glen,
Schuyler County. The project will provide 24/7 access and is ideal for entrepreneurs,
freelance contract workers, and small ventures desiring a versatile and modern space with
the amenities of an urban office environment.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Young Men's Christian
Association of Hornell
New York, Inc.
2023 Pool HVAC
The YMCA of Hornell NY, Inc. (the Y), is a non-profit that serves the community of Hornell
and 30 surrounding communities in Steuben County. The Y will the replace and
installation of the pool’s HVAC system enable them to continue offering programming to
the community including open swimming, water safety lessons, lifeguard training, and
$100,000 11/13/2023
New York
Cooperative Extension
Association in the State
of NY - Allegany County
CCE Allegany Conference
Room Expansion Project
The Cooperative Extension Association of Allegany will expand their facility to add
teaching space for 4H, Agriculture/Horticulture and Culinary Education as well as an
improved drainage system to redirect surface water.
$100,000 11/13/2023
New York
Allegany County
Opportunities and Rural
Development, Inc.
ACCORD Capital Grant
ACCORD, a non-profit community action agency, will replace their deteriorating driveway
and the sewer lines underneath to provide safe access for the food pantry and additional
program clientele.
$50,000 11/13/2023
New York
Assembly House 150 Inc
Assembly House Roof
Assembly House 150 is an artist-led nonprofit art, design and construction incubator
located in an historic, former Immaculate Conception Church in the Allentown District.
Assembly House will replace the 100+ year old slate roof, ensuring the continuation of
their workforce training programs as well as increase the community space needed for
many public tours and special events.
$100,000 11/13/2023
New York
County Chapter
Black Water Acres
Black Water Acres is a community organization for the developmental disabled, namely
adults with autism Black Water Acres will construct a building to support workforce
training programs in woodworking, equipment operation/repair and custodial science for
people with disabilities.
$100,000 11/13/2023
New York
Cornell Cooperative
Extension of Erie County
Cornell Cooperative
Extension of Erie County
Capital Project
The Cornell Cooperative Extension of Erie County will construct a new facility on farmland
in Orchard Park to provide dedicated outdoor agricultural space and programming
available to a more diverse population.
$80,000 11/13/2023
New York
Buffalo Federation of
Neighborhood Centers,
Food Pantry Renovation
The Buffalo Federation of Neighborhood Centers operates as a food pantry for low-
income households and offers other wrap-around services necessary to help individuals
reach a point of economic stability. They will expand and renovate their existing space to
increase services and food storage.
$62,500 11/13/2023
New York
Veterans One-stop
Center of Western New
York, Inc.
Capital improvements for
economic and
organizational growth.
Veteran's One-Stop Center of Western New York will reconfigure and renovate their space
to include training for the conversion of diesel engines to electric, as well as improve their
parking lot for better access.
$100,000 11/13/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award Date Announced
Empire State Development
Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program
The Not-for-Profit Capital Grant Program supports not-for-profit organizations that provide economic and community benefits within their region by providing matching funds for capital improvements.
New York
Buffalo Therapeutic
Riding Center
BTRC Capital Project
THE BRTC, a non-profit organization providing horse riding therapy services for disabled
and disadvantaged children, will restore the roof and gutters as well as purchase a new
generator to ensure the continued safety and success of their therapy programs.
$27,500 11/13/2023
New York
Erie, Niagara,
The Challenger Learning
Center of Orleans,
Niagara, and Erie
STEAM Center
The STEAM Center will create a state-of-the-art planetarium that will provide seating,
enhanced learning programs and opportunities using space exploration as a theme .
$100,000 11/13/2023
New York
Heart, Love & Soul, Inc.
Heart Love and Soul
Facilities Renovation
Heart, Love and Soul is a nonprofit community organization that provides hunger relief
and social care to low-income individuals and families. Heart, Love and Soul will renovate
and expand their current facility to increase their ability to service more clients.
$100,000 11/13/2023
Page | 42
Agency /
Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
128246 Albany
Capitalize Albany
Liberty Park Downtown
Stabilization Project
Capitalize Albany Corporation will use New York Main Street funds to perform
stabilization and abatement activities in a long vacant building in the City of
Albany's Downtown Neighborhood of Liberty Park and prepare it for an
adaptive re-use.
$356,250 X 11/20/2023
127984 Columbia
Beautification, Inc.
Philmont Rising - Main
Philmont Beautification, Inc. will use New York Main Street funds to assist in
the renovation of commercial and residential units in mixed-use buildings in
the Village of Philmont's downtown. .
$215,194 11/20/2023
129281 Rensselaer City of Troy
Lansingburgh Technical
The City of Troy will use New York Main Street Technical Assistance funding to
conduct comprehensive building assessments and develop target area-wide
recommendations for revitalization and reinvestment in the Lansingburgh
$20,000 X 11/20/2023
127228 Warren
Town of
Warrensburg Building
Renovation Program
The Town of Warrensburg will use New York Main Street funds to assist in the
renovation of commercial and residential units in mixed-use buildings in the
heart of the historic hamlet.
$300,000 X 11/20/2023
128273 Washington Village of Granville
Village of Granville Main
Street Technical Assistance
The Village of Granville will use New York Main Street Technical Assistance
funds to assist four property owners in developing a plan for the rehabilitation
and reuse of priority buildings on Main Street.
$20,000 X 11/20/2023
Central New
128285 Onondaga
Committee of
Syracuse, Inc.
Downtown Syracuse
Building Renovation
The Downtown Committee of Syracuse, Inc. will use New York Main Street
funds to assist in the renovation of mixed-use buildings in downtown Syracuse.
$232,540 X 11/20/2023
HCR NYMS Finger Lakes 128985 Ontario Village of Victor
Victor Building Renovation
The Village of Victor will use New York Main Street funds to assist in
renovating commercial and residential units in mixed-use buildings in the
Village's core business district.
$335,000 11/20/2023
HCR NYMS Finger Lakes 130406 Ontario City of Canandaigua
Canandaigua Feasibility
The City of Canandaigua will use New York Main Street Technical Assistance
funds to undertake a feasibility analysis for specific properties between 28-
254 South Main Street regarding rehabilitation and re-use options and
associated costs, advancing the community's revitalization of this mixed use
corridor by providing property owners with resources to make informed
renovation decisions.
$20,000 11/20/2023
HCR NYMS Finger Lakes 129616 Seneca
Seneca Falls
Sorella Anchor
The Seneca Falls Development Corporation will use New York Main Street
funds to assist in the renovation of 60 State Street into Sorella, a 110-seat
restaurant and event space.
$475,000 11/20/2023
HCR NYMS Finger Lakes 126723 Wayne Town of Lyons
Lyons Building Renovation
The Town of Lyons will use New York Main Street funds to assist in the
renovation of commercial and residential units in mixed-use buildings on
Canal Street.
$363,554 X 11/20/2023
HCR NYMS Mid-Hudson 130842 Ulster Town of Shandaken
Pine Hill Main Street
Technical Assistance
The Town of Shandaken will use New York Main Street Technical Assistance
funds to conduct a downtown assessment, establish design guidelines, and
create facade drawings for buildings on Main Street in Pine Hill.
$20,000 11/20/2023
128504 Oneida
Midtown Utica
Community Center
Reimagining & Renovating
the Midtown Utica
Community Center
The Midtown Utica Community Center will use New York Main Street funds to
renovate the rear wing of a multi-purpose building located at 40 Faxton Street
in the City of Utica's Downtown Cornhill Neighborhood. Improvements will
stabilize the exterior, address environmental conditions, improve ADA access,
and completely transform the interior space.
$500,000 X 11/20/2023
New York
129074 Kings
Pitkin Avenue
District Management
Pitkin Avenue Renaissance
Program IV
The Pitkin Avenue District Management Association will use New York Main
Street funds to assist in the renovation of commercial facades and residential
units in mixed-use buildings in the neighborhood of Brownsville in Brooklyn.
$250,000 X 11/20/2023
128083 Clinton City of Plattsburgh
Downtown Building
Renovations Study
The City of Plattsburgh will use New York Main Street Technical Assistance
funds to provide property owners with redevelopment and reuse options of
buildings in the City's downtown.
$20,000 11/20/2023
Homes and Community Renewal, Office of Community Renewal
New York Main Street Program (HCR NYMS)
The New York Main Street (NYMS) program was formally established in Article 26 of New York State Private Housing Finance Law. The NYMS program is administered by the Office of Community Renewal (OCR) under the direction of the
Housing Trust Fund Corporation (HTFC). NYMS funds are awarded to units of local government and not-for-profit organizations that are committed to revitalizing historic downtowns, mixed-use neighborhood commercial districts, and
village centers. NYMS grants are available for technical assistance projects or targeted improvements such as facade renovations, interior commercial and residential building renovations, and streetscape enhancement projects.
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Agency /
Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Homes and Community Renewal, Office of Community Renewal
New York Main Street Program (HCR NYMS)
The New York Main Street (NYMS) program was formally established in Article 26 of New York State Private Housing Finance Law. The NYMS program is administered by the Office of Community Renewal (OCR) under the direction of the
Housing Trust Fund Corporation (HTFC). NYMS funds are awarded to units of local government and not-for-profit organizations that are committed to revitalizing historic downtowns, mixed-use neighborhood commercial districts, and
village centers. NYMS grants are available for technical assistance projects or targeted improvements such as facade renovations, interior commercial and residential building renovations, and streetscape enhancement projects.
131040 Essex
Ticonderoga, Inc.
AuSable Forks: Downtown
Revitalization and
Innovative Design
PRIDE of Ticonderoga will use New York Main Street Technical Assistance
funds for a multifaceted revitalization initiative in Au Sable Forks' historic
downtown. Efforts include facade recommendations, building reuse analyses,
interior renovation studies, and the creation of design guidelines, aiming to
drive economic revitalization and enhance the district's architectural
$20,000 X 11/20/2023
130111 Jefferson
Clayton Local
Ringer Gallery Building
The Clayton Local Development Corporation will use New York Main Street
funds to provide technical assistance, including a hazardous materials survey
and structural assessments, to the mixed-use building located at 537 Riverside
Drive in Clayton. The technical assistance will aid in the development of vacant
space on the upper floors.
$18,750 11/20/2023
126415 Lewis Lewis County
Lowville Downtown Design
Lewis County will utilize New York Main Street Technical Assistance funds to
develop County-wide design guidelines.
$20,000 X 11/20/2023
128356 Lewis Lewis County
Stevens Building Mixed-Use
Downtown Stabilization
Lewis County will use New York Main Street funds to assist in the
environmental remediation and other developmental barriers in the mixed-
use building located in Lowville's village center at 7623 North State Street.
$500,000 11/20/2023
129171 Broome City of Binghamton
Binghamton Building
Renovation Program
The City of Binghamton will use New York Main Street funds to assist in the
rehabilitation of mixed-use properties in the City of Binghamton's Downtown
Arts District.
$210,275 X 11/20/2023
130605 Chemung
Elmira Downtown
Development, Inc.
201 Baldwin Street
Elmira Downtown Development, Inc. will use New York Main Street funds to
assist with the removal of asbestos containing materials at 201 Baldwin Street
in Elmira to prepare the building for reuse.
$354,375 11/20/2023
129475 Chenango City of Norwich 1315 South Broad Street
The City of Norwich will use New York Main Street Technical Assistance funds
to assist the owner of 13-15 South Broad Street in the city's downtown with
the architectural design and engineering for 11 new apartment units on the
second and third floors in this mixed-use building.
$20,000 X 11/20/2023
127335 Delaware M-ARK Project, Inc. Kirkside Project
The M-ARK Project, Inc. will use New York Main Street funds to assist with the
adaptive reuse and rehabilitation of the first floor of the historic Kirkside
mansion, located at 53865 State Highway 30 in Roxbury. Improvements will
produce a teaching kitchen, restaurant, and atrium bar.
$500,000 X 11/20/2023
New York
129201 Chautauqua Village of Fredonia
Fredonia Building
Renovation Program
The Village of Fredonia will use New York Main Street funding to support the
renovation of commercial and residential units in the Village's downtown.
$230,000 X 11/20/2023
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Agency/ Program Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
Central New
128285 Onondaga
Downtown Committee
of Syracuse, Inc.
Downtown Playground
The Downtown Committee of Syracuse, Inc., together with the City of
Syracuse, will facilitate the construction of Syracuse's first public
downtown playground, located at the Armory Square Trailhead on the
Onondaga Creekwalk, across from the Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of
Science and Technology.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HAS D Long Island 130785 Suffolk
Suffolk County
Vanderbilt Museum
Suffolk County
Vanderbilt Museum
Boathouse Stabilization
The Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum will stabilize and restore its
shuttered, deteriorating boathouse, and adapt it for educational and
recreational use. The project will preserve an important piece of history
for future generations to enjoy. The stabilized boathouse will attract
heritage tourism, benefit local businesses, and stimulate economic
growth. It will serve as an educational resource, with programs and
events that promote maritime history and cultural learning.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HAS D Southern Tier 127443 Broome
Discoveries In
Sculpture, Inc.
Randall House
Discoveries In Sculpture, Inc. will stabilize and renovate the historic
Randall House at 22 Front Street in Binghamton for use as art galleries,
studio space and for arts education in conjunction with the Roberson
Museum and Science Center.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Capital Region 127429 Albany City of Cohoes
City Hall Phase II Roof
The City of Cohoes will complete the Roof Restoration on City Hall. This
phase II project will focus on the police station wing. The City will
complete the rehabilitation of the slate roof to stop leaks, improve public
safety, and revitalize City Hall as a primary cultural resource for our
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Capital Region 130982 Albany
Albany County
Historical Association
Ten Broeck Mansion
Historic Landscape
The Albany County Historical Association will acquire, plan, and restore
critical contributing elements to the Ten Broeck Mansion historic
landscape. Acquisition involves the permanent protection of part of the
1764 Ten Broeck Mansion land plot, including a burial lot and orchard,
preserving a viewshed of the historic grounds. Planning and
archaeological surveys allow the installation of accessible walkways,
stabilization, interpretive signage and Phase 1 of the historic orchard
$119,952 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Capital Region 129395 Columbia
Preservation Society
Lighthouse Foundation
The Hudson-Athens Preservation Society will repair, and restore the
underwater foundation of the Hudson-Athens Lighthouse. This Phase II
project will involve interior foundation floor core, foundation design,
interior basement wall repairs, replacement of timber frame for the cast-
iron bell, asbestos and coal removal and electrical system upgrade. This
phase will allow the critical big work on the underwater foundation to
begin shortly.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Capital Region 129255 Rensselaer
Arts Center and
Theatre of
Schenectady, Inc. dba
Proctors Schenectady
American Theatre
Proctors will renovate the long-vacant American Theatre in downtown
Troy into a first-run movie theatre that will provide a year-round daily
cinema program. Work will restore the historic structure according to
national preservation standards.
$100,000 X 11/15/2023
Central New
127626 Cortland
Young Women's
Christian Association of
Cortland, New York,
Preserving the Randall
Building at YWCA
YWCA Cortland of 14 Clayton Avenue will renovate the historic exterior of
its 1869 building while improving accessibility of the ramp which was
added to the building in 1930.
$444,484 11/15/2023
Central New
127970 Cortland
The Alumni Association
of the State University
College at Cortland,
Lynne Parks 68 SUNY
Cortland Alumni House
The SUNY Cortland Alumni Association proposes to restore the terrace
veranda entrance to the 1912 Lynne Parks '68 SUNY Cortland Alumni
House at 29 Tompkins Street, listed in the local and national
Tompkins/Main Street National Historic District. The project addresses
safety and accessibility issues, the continued economic viability of the
Parks Alumni House to be a landmark for community gatherings, and an
educational source of community pride, demonstrating the value of
Cortland’s heritage.
$500,000 11/15/2023
Central New
126651 Onondaga
George and Rebecca
Barnes Foundation
Health and Safety Phase
2 at the Barnes-Hiscock
The George and Rebecca Barnes Foundation located at 930 James Street
in Syracuse will complete Phase 2 Health and Safety of the Barnes-
Hiscock Mansion. The Foundation will add an accessible ramp, accessible
bathroom, restore the south portico, and provide a fire rated enclosure
on the second floor. In addition, the Foundation will remove old fire
escapes, restore the west porch, remove glass enclosures and restore
exterior columns.
$375,000 11/15/2023
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Environmental Protection Fund: Parks, Preservation and Heritage Grants (OPRHP: PKS: A/P/D; HP: A/P/D; HAS: A/P/D)
The Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program (EPF) provides matching grants on a competitive basis for the acquisition, planning, and development of parks, historic properties, and heritage areas located within the physical boundaries of
the State of New York. Parks is for the acquisition, development and planning of parks and recreational facilities to preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures for park, recreation or conservation purposes and for structural
assessments and/or planning for such projects. Historic Preservation is to acquire, improve, protect, preserve, rehabilitate or restore properties listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places and for structural assessments and/or
planning for such projects. Heritage Areas is for projects to acquire, preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures identified in the approved management plans for Heritage Areas designated under section 35.03 of the Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, and for structural assessments or planning for such projects.
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Agency/ Program Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Environmental Protection Fund: Parks, Preservation and Heritage Grants (OPRHP: PKS: A/P/D; HP: A/P/D; HAS: A/P/D)
The Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program (EPF) provides matching grants on a competitive basis for the acquisition, planning, and development of parks, historic properties, and heritage areas located within the physical boundaries of
the State of New York. Parks is for the acquisition, development and planning of parks and recreational facilities to preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures for park, recreation or conservation purposes and for structural
assessments and/or planning for such projects. Historic Preservation is to acquire, improve, protect, preserve, rehabilitate or restore properties listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places and for structural assessments and/or
planning for such projects. Heritage Areas is for projects to acquire, preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures identified in the approved management plans for Heritage Areas designated under section 35.03 of the Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, and for structural assessments or planning for such projects.
OPRHP EPF HP D Finger Lakes 128364 Monroe
George Eastman
Restoring the Rock
Garden's Grape Arbor
The George Eastman Museum, a National Historic Landmark, will address
necessary and urgent repairs to the Rock Garden’s Grape Arbor so that it
may be safely enjoyed. Significant accessibility improvements will provide
a welcoming experience for all visitors and community members.
Restoration work will assure that this key structure in the original Rock
Garden design is sustained for future generations.
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Finger Lakes 128315 Ontario
1816 Farmington
Quaker Meetinghouse
1816 Farmington
Quaker Meetinghouse
The 1816 Farmington Quaker Meetinghouse Museum will restore the
nationally significant 1816 Meetinghouse for use as an interpretive center
and community gathering place. Highlighting the national importance of
movements for equal rights in the Finger Lakes region, the restored
Meetinghouse will enhance quality of life for local residents and promote
regional economic development through heritage tourism.
$481,592 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Finger Lakes 126680 Wyoming Silver Lake Institute Epworth Hall
The Silver Lake Institute, located on the eastern shore of Silver Lake, will
renovate Epworth Hall, a 131-year-old 5,000 square foot historic
auditorium. Renovations will include restoration of the ground floor
areas. The newly renovated building will offer more usable space for
diverse types and sizes of community events.
$234,281 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Mid-Hudson 129225 Rockland
John Green
Preservation Coalition,
Rehabilitation of the
John Green House
Phase 3
The John Green Preservation Coalition will use funding to restore the
western wall of the John Green House as part of its over-all rehabilitation
of the 1819 building. The existing wall will be disassembled and rebuilt
using the same stones and matching replacements for those that are
damaged. Together with recently completed and planned future phases,
the project will restore the house to its historic appearance when it was
owned by John Green, river sloop captain and transportation pioneer.
$90,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Mohawk Valley 125540 Fulton
Gloversville Public
Dome Rehabilitation
The Gloversville Public Library, built in 1904, will rehabilitate its historic
$363,259 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Mohawk Valley 128129 Herkimer
Friends of Historic
Herkimer County
Historic Herkimer Jail
Tourism Development
Project: Phase 2
Exterior Restoration
Friends of Historic Herkimer County will continue with Phase 2
restoration of the original 1834 Herkimer County Jail in Downtown
Herkimer. The Friends will restore the exterior structure, specifically the
north facade facing Church Street with the most deteriorated conditions,
and enhance windows on the south and west sides to encourage climate
$285,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Mohawk Valley 126414 Oneida
Tabernacle Baptist
Church of Utica
Phase 3 Tabernacle
The Tabernacle Baptist Church of Utica will complete Phase 3 Tabernacle
restoration, including the sanctuary side-aisle roof replacement and
Thorn Chapel flat-roof replacement, as well as repointing masonry and
replacing sections of metal gutter and cornice work on Thorn Chapel.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Mohawk Valley 130097 Schoharie Town of Wright
Gallupville House
Renovation Project
The Town of Wright will rehabilitate the historic 1872 Gallupville House to
provide fully accessible community space for cultural, arts, educational,
and community meeting spaces.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Mohawk Valley 130963 Schoharie
Cobleskill Agricultural
Cobleskill Fairgrounds
Grandstand Restoration
The Cobleskill Agricultural Society will complete repairs to the historic
Grandstand structure at the Cobleskill Fairgrounds in the Village of
Cobleskill. Improvements to the structure include repairs to the building
foundation, roof replacement, and structural repairs to preserve the
$480,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D New York City 126822 New York
Community Access,
Gouverneur Court
Masonry Restoration
Community Access, Inc. will restore the historic Gouverneur Hospital
(now, Gouverneur Court), located at 621 Water Street in Lower
Manhattan. This project will focus on restoring the building’s brick walls
and parapets, decorative terra cotta and brownstone and cast stone
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D New York City 129782 New York
Save Our Ships New
Fireboat John J Harvey
Preservation Project
Fireboat John J Harvey, berthed at Pier 66 on the Hudson River in
downtown Manhattan, operated by Save Our Ships New York will head to
the Shipyard for installation of new hull plating that will restore the
integrity of the hull. Fireboat Harvey is about to enter her 93rd year of
service to New York and its environs, and the lengthy, constant exposure
to salt water requires work that will enable the fireboat to continue the
mission of educating and inspiring people of all ages.
$410,798 11/15/2023
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Agency/ Program Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Environmental Protection Fund: Parks, Preservation and Heritage Grants (OPRHP: PKS: A/P/D; HP: A/P/D; HAS: A/P/D)
The Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program (EPF) provides matching grants on a competitive basis for the acquisition, planning, and development of parks, historic properties, and heritage areas located within the physical boundaries of
the State of New York. Parks is for the acquisition, development and planning of parks and recreational facilities to preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures for park, recreation or conservation purposes and for structural
assessments and/or planning for such projects. Historic Preservation is to acquire, improve, protect, preserve, rehabilitate or restore properties listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places and for structural assessments and/or
planning for such projects. Heritage Areas is for projects to acquire, preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures identified in the approved management plans for Heritage Areas designated under section 35.03 of the Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, and for structural assessments or planning for such projects.
OPRHP EPF HP D New York City 130262 New York
Renee and Chaim
Gross Foundation
Facade and Roof
The Renee and Chaim Gross Foundation will restore the street-facing
facade and roof of 526 LaGuardia Place in Manhattan. The project will
retain the building's 19th century character while preventing water
$200,186 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D North Country 129824 Clinton City of Plattsburgh
Plattsburgh City Hall
The City of Plattsburgh will complete Phase 1 of restoring its historic 1917
City Hall building, which includes reconstruction of the steps to their
intended original design and meeting accessibility standards. Restoration
of the basement will prevent water damage from destroying the historic
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D North Country 129515 Franklin Historic Saranac Lake
Saranac Laboratory Roof
Historic Saranac Lake will perform repairs to the historic slate roof at the
Saranac Laboratory Museum in Saranac Lake, New York. The repairs will
protect and stabilize this architecturally and historically important building
that is a center for downtown revitalization.
$115,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D North Country 128880 Hamilton
Adirondack Historical
Association dba
Adirondack Experience
Preservation of the Log
The Adirondack Historical Association (dba Adirondack Experience) will
preserve the late 19th-century Log Hotel and its two annex buildings,
located on the museum’s campus. The Log Hotel is thought to be the
oldest surviving structure in the central Adirondacks and is an important
early example of Adirondack vacation culture. Preservation work is
necessary to ensure the continued survival of this historical complex.
$310,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP D Southern Tier 129463 Tompkins Town of Caroline
Old Caroline Town Hall
The Town of Caroline will complete restoration and repair the exterior of
the Old Town Hall in Slaterville Springs. In use since 1869, the
preservation of this Tompkins County iconic asset is now an important
sustainability project to continue as a public space, to house the Caroline
History Room, as the Town Justice Court and for all functions of municipal
$375,000 11/15/2023
Western New
128718 Cattaraugus
Gowanda's Historic
Hollywood Theater, Ltd
Preservation of
Hollywood Theater
Gowanda's Historic Hollywood Theater, Ltd. will continue its preservation
efforts by securing the original stage beams that have crowned the
theater stage since its opening in April 1926. Improvements will play a
major role in preparing the stage area for additional theatrical equipment.
Stage improvements are expected to promote tourism, attract quality
performers and create a more audience friendly experience.
$185,156 X 11/15/2023
Western New
126649 Erie
Our Lady of Victory
National Shrine
Centennial Capital
The Our Lady of Victory (OLV) National Shrine & Basilica, a national
treasure and international destination located in the City of Lackawanna,
is celebrating the centennial anniversary of its construction (1921-1926).
To ensure that this architectural and cultural masterpiece remains viable
for another 100 years, OLV is undertaking major capital improvements on
the Basilica. Through this project, the original copper main dome will be
replaced, which has experienced significant deterioration.
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP P Mid-Hudson 130055 Dutchess
Bannerman Castle
Trust, Inc.
Bannerman Castle
Stabilization Planning
The Bannerman Castle Trust, Inc. will use funding to prepare a Feasibility
Study to report on existing conditions and present an implementable plan
for full stabilization and preservation of the historic structures of the
Bannerman Castle Arsenal Complex on Pollepel Island in the Hudson
$35,062 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF HP P Mid-Hudson 128227 Sullivan
Delaware Valley Arts
Arlington Hotel Planning
The Delaware Valley Arts Alliance (DVAA) will use funding to begin the
planning phase to restore, renovate and add additional programming
space to the Arlington Hotel. In addition to its two galleries, recital hall,
administrative offices, and shop the Alliance will add two floors of usable
programming space and historic interpretation.
$70,875 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS A Mid-Hudson 127841 Ulster Town of Marbletown
Osterhoudt Flats
Acquisition Project
The Town of Marbletown will use funding to acquire the Osterhoudt
Flats in Stone Ridge. The historic farm will be transformed into a public
park and nature preserve with a multi-use trail, ideal for walkers, bikers,
birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. The park will provide a no-fee
recreational space, accessible from major roads. Underlain by the School
Aquifer and in the Esopus/Hudson Watershed, the park will protect a
precious natural resource – clean water.
$500,000 11/15/2023
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Agency/ Program Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Environmental Protection Fund: Parks, Preservation and Heritage Grants (OPRHP: PKS: A/P/D; HP: A/P/D; HAS: A/P/D)
The Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program (EPF) provides matching grants on a competitive basis for the acquisition, planning, and development of parks, historic properties, and heritage areas located within the physical boundaries of
the State of New York. Parks is for the acquisition, development and planning of parks and recreational facilities to preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures for park, recreation or conservation purposes and for structural
assessments and/or planning for such projects. Historic Preservation is to acquire, improve, protect, preserve, rehabilitate or restore properties listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places and for structural assessments and/or
planning for such projects. Heritage Areas is for projects to acquire, preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures identified in the approved management plans for Heritage Areas designated under section 35.03 of the Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, and for structural assessments or planning for such projects.
OPRHP EPF PKS D Capital Region 127902 Columbia
Friends of the Public
Square Hudson, Inc.
Hudson's Public Square
Friends of the Public Square Hudson will complete Phase I of rejuvenating
the Seventh Street Park in Hudson, consistent with its original design and
the historic district surrounding it. The goal is to make needed
improvements of existing features, including pavement, seating, signage,
lighting and landscaping and prepare the Square for a traditional fountain
and plaza that will be installed in Phase II.
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Capital Region 128307 Columbia Town of New Lebanon
Shatford Memorial Park
The Town of New Lebanon will undertake improvements at Shatford
Memorial Park. The project will include a new inclusive accessible
playground for all, an accessible senior fitness equipment area with
associated fitness walking loop, accessible loop trails of varying lengths to
accommodate all users with strategically placed benches and new shade
trees, as well as accessible connecting pathways leading to new and
existing park amenities.
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Capital Region 130547 Saratoga
Wilton Wildlife
Preserve & Park, Inc.
Accessible Outdoor
Education Center at
Camp Saratoga
Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park will develop the Larry Gordon Outdoor
Education Center at Camp Saratoga by renovating and repurposing the
original Boy Scout buildings. The goal is to improve accessibility and
increase public opportunities in outdoor recreation, conservation, and
education through enhanced interpretation of the natural, historic and
cultural history and creating a welcoming gateway to the unique and
significant outdoor resources available to residents and visitors to the
$187,964 11/15/2023
Central New
128412 Oswego Town of Granby Granby Park Project
The Town of Granby will utilize grant funding to create the Town’s first
public park to increase recreational opportunities for children and adults
of all ages, abilities, and income levels; while also improving the quality of
life for residents and supporting local businesses by attracting more
people to the area.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
Central New
131076 Oswego Town of Schroeppel
William J. Farley, Jr.
Park Improvements
The Town of Schroeppel will transform Farley Park into a recreational
facility that is better able to accommodate increased year-round use by
constructing a new community center/pavilion and permanent restrooms
and resurfacing the walkway encircling the park. These improvements will
address community recreational needs as well as attract new users and
special events, aligning with revitalization efforts already underway in the
Town and Village of Phoenix.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Finger Lakes 129413 Genesee City of Batavia Revitalize Austin Park
The City of Batavia will revitalize Austin Park in downtown Batavia,
including replacement of outdated playground equipment with new
accessible equipment. The project will increase usage of the park by all
children and offer improved recreational opportunities.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Finger Lakes 128944 Ontario County of Ontario
Improvements to Deep
Run Park
Ontario County will renovate Deep Run Park, one of only 9 public access
parks on Canandaigua Lake. This project will add a paddle point, provide
beach upgrades, green infrastructure and bioretention, parking lot and
sidewalk improvements, a multi-use building with restrooms, general
storage area, picnic pavilion, lifeguard chairs, gateway features, signage,
and other amenities. There will be a focus on ADA-compliance and
universal design throughout.
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Long Island 130492 Nassau
Village of Port
Washington North
Accessible Playground
and Walking Trail at
Channel Drive
The Village of Port Washington North will dedicate three acres of Village-
owned property as parkland for a recreational facility the entire
community can use. Improvements will include an accessible playground
that would cater to children of all ages with disabilities or individuals with
autism spectrum disorder as well as an accessible walking trail.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Long Island 128736 Suffolk Town of Riverhead
Riverfront Adaptive
Children's Playground
The Adaptive Children's Playground is part of the Town of Riverhead's
downtown redevelopment plan which includes the Town Square. The
project creates a fully accessible children's playground on a parking lot
facing the Peconic River. It will feature unique Long Island
marine/maritime themed play structures for children of all abilities and
ages. The project will draw visitors and allow full inclusion for physically
challenged children and their families lacking accessible recreation.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
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Agency/ Program Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Environmental Protection Fund: Parks, Preservation and Heritage Grants (OPRHP: PKS: A/P/D; HP: A/P/D; HAS: A/P/D)
The Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program (EPF) provides matching grants on a competitive basis for the acquisition, planning, and development of parks, historic properties, and heritage areas located within the physical boundaries of
the State of New York. Parks is for the acquisition, development and planning of parks and recreational facilities to preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures for park, recreation or conservation purposes and for structural
assessments and/or planning for such projects. Historic Preservation is to acquire, improve, protect, preserve, rehabilitate or restore properties listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places and for structural assessments and/or
planning for such projects. Heritage Areas is for projects to acquire, preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures identified in the approved management plans for Heritage Areas designated under section 35.03 of the Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, and for structural assessments or planning for such projects.
OPRHP EPF PKS D Long Island 131205 Suffolk
Village of
Westhampton Beach
Ria Del Bene Memorial
The Village of Westhampton Beach will install a new playground to
replace aged equipment and surfacing. This project will provide outdoor
recreational opportunities for the children and families of Westhampton
Beach and its neighboring communities as well as the seasonal visitors to
the Village.
$342,250 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mid-Hudson 127745 Dutchess Town of Stanford
Stanford Playground
and Recreation
Challenge/SPARC Park
Playground Project
The Town of Stanford will use funding to renovate the beloved Stanford
Playground and Recreation Challenge – known as SPARC Park playground
to meet modern accessibility and safety standards, ensuring that
members of the community of all ages, regardless of mental or physical
abilities, are able to enjoy the natural amenities that make Stanford a
great place to live, work, and play.
$274,420 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mid-Hudson 129683 Orange
New York-New Jersey
Trail Conference
Learning Pavilion at
Welch Trail Education
The Trail Conference will use funding to construct a Learning Pavilion at
Welch Trail Education Center, a historic group camp in Harriman State
Park they have restored in collaboration with Palisades Interstate Park
Commission. The camp provides housing for Conservation Corps
members who maintain trails, remove invasive species and provide vital
land stewardship in New York State parks. The Pavilion will be a central
gathering point to train and educate Corps members, volunteers, and the
$239,750 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mid-Hudson 128790 Sullivan Town of Liberty
Sullivan OW Rail Trail
Parksville Extension
The Town of Liberty will use funding to extend the Parksville section of
the Sullivan O&W Rail Trail, giving users the opportunity to travel on the
rail trail and rural roads from Parksville to Livingston Manor. The project
includes improvements to existing former railroad infrastructure and on
road signage. The Town of Liberty and Town of Rockland are teaming
with Sullivan County on this segment of what will one day be the 50-mile
continuous Sullivan O&W Rail Trail.
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mid-Hudson 127737 Ulster Open Space Institute
Lake Awosting Carriage
Road Reconstruction
Open Space Institute (OSI) will use funding to restore historic Lake
Awosting Carriage Road in Minnewaska State Park Preserve. Currently in
an advanced state of disrepair and unusable to most patrons, restoration
will allow four-season access around Lake Awosting -- the largest sky lake
in the park. OSI has worked over the last decade to refurbish the network
of the Victorian-era carriage roads, increasing the use and enjoyment of
the Shawangunk Ridge overall.
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mid-Hudson 127874 Westchester Village of Tarrytown
Lagana Park
Improvement Project
The Village of Tarrytown will use funding to undergo renovations at
Lagana Park. The Village will improve the existing basketball court, multi-
purpose field, playground, and upgrade the tennis courts to
accommodate both tennis and pickleball. Tarrytown will also invest in a
new pavilion and picnic tables. Completion of these improvements will
help the Village meet local objectives to bolster climate resilience and
supply residents with safe and high-quality recreational facilities.
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mid-Hudson 128368 Westchester Village of Irvington
Matthiessen Park Stage
The Village of Irvington will use funding to construct an open-air stage
with a roof, electrical system and sound systems in Matthiessen Park. The
general-purpose stage will be used for a variety of cultural functions
including musical concerts, cultural presentations, lectures, theatrical
performances, art exhibitions, graduation, and other community events.
The project is designed to be sustainable and resilient to the impacts of
climate change.
$500,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mid-Hudson 129126 Westchester City of New Rochelle
Ward Acres Park Trail
Improvement Project
The City of New Rochelle will use funding to make trail improvements in
Ward Acres Park. The project will include environmental assessment,
architectural and engineering services, creation of trail signage and
information kiosks, historic bridge repair, catwalks construction in
sections through forested swamps, and trail restoration and
$250,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mid-Hudson 129640 Westchester
Village of Hastings-on-
MacEachron Park
Resilience Project
The Village of Hastings-on-Hudson will use funding to build a resilient
shoreline in MacEachron Park, install a pier and kayak launch, and make
needed improvements to the park amenities. The goal is to prepare
MacEachron Park for the challenges of climate change and preserve it for
future generations.
$500,000 11/15/2023
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Agency/ Program Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Environmental Protection Fund: Parks, Preservation and Heritage Grants (OPRHP: PKS: A/P/D; HP: A/P/D; HAS: A/P/D)
The Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program (EPF) provides matching grants on a competitive basis for the acquisition, planning, and development of parks, historic properties, and heritage areas located within the physical boundaries of
the State of New York. Parks is for the acquisition, development and planning of parks and recreational facilities to preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures for park, recreation or conservation purposes and for structural
assessments and/or planning for such projects. Historic Preservation is to acquire, improve, protect, preserve, rehabilitate or restore properties listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places and for structural assessments and/or
planning for such projects. Heritage Areas is for projects to acquire, preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures identified in the approved management plans for Heritage Areas designated under section 35.03 of the Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, and for structural assessments or planning for such projects.
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mid-Hudson 130551 Westchester City of Peekskill
Pugsley Park and
Monument Park
The City of Peekskill will use funding to revitalize Pugsley and Monument
Parks to help alleviate social isolation among its youngest and oldest
residents. The project will provide state of the art public space within ¼
mile of 529 affordable homes for families and seniors.
$500,000 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mid-Hudson 130997 Westchester
Rye Town Park
Rye Town Park Historic
Bathhouse Renovation
The Rye Town Park Commission will use funding to upgrade the facilities
and infrastructure at Rye Town Park to ensure that all visitors can safely
and easily access the park and historic features. The Commission will
renovate the interior and exterior of the bathhouse, which includes
accessibility improvements to the park’s primary bathroom facility, create
an accessible permit and security office, and the remove unsound stucco
from the building’s exterior to make it watertight.
$427,250 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D Mohawk Valley 129250 Otsego Village of Cooperstown
Improving Access to
Otsego Lake - Lakefront
Park Platform
The Village of Cooperstown will construct a platform for fishing and
scenic enjoyment at Lakefront Park in order to provide greater access to
Lake Otsego. The platform will be located at the foot of Pioneer Street
and provide an accessible compliant pathway for residents and visitors to
fish, enjoy the view, and learn about the natural environment.
$224,478 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D North Country 126987 Essex Town of Willsboro
Florence Hathaway Park
Improvement Project
The Town of Willsboro will implement improvements at Florence
Hathaway Park, including the construction of a walking/running track with
fitness stations and the installation of accessible playground equipment.
The improvements will promote health and wellness, enhance existing
public open space and recreation areas, and provide residents and
visitors of all ages and abilities with an improved municipal recreation
$177,885 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D North Country 129046 Essex Town of Elizabethtown
Preservation of Windsor
Memorial Park
The Town of Elizabethtown will enhance Windsor Memorial Park and
Deep Hollow Pond to complement other active town efforts that focus on
recreation, historic preservation, and open space conservation.
$222,567 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D North Country 110180 Jefferson Town of Wilna
Herrings Recreational
The Town of Wilna will begin development of the Herrings Waterfront
Park at the former Crown Cleaners site. The goal is to transform the
property from a former environmentally contaminated industrial site into
a recreational area for the community.
$285,000 11/15/2023
OPRHP EPF PKS D North Country 123108 Jefferson Town of Philadelphia
Town of Philadelphia
Town Park Revitalization
The Town of Philadelphia will renovate and update their town park
located on Plank Road in the Town of Philadelphia. Phase I will include the
renovation of the soccer, baseball, and playground fields, the paving of
the walkway from the pavilion to the dock, and the extension of the trail
$500,000 2/4/2024
OPRHP EPF PKS D North Country 130398 Lewis Village of Lowville
Village of Lowville
Veterans Park Project
The Village of Lowville will revitalize Veterans Memorial Park by installing
accessible walkways, green infrastructure improvements, and enhanced
amenities to create a vibrant, accessible space for community gatherings,
cultural programs, and safe recreational activities, fostering regional
economic growth and community revitalization.
$500,000 2/4/2024
OPRHP EPF PKS D Southern Tier 127462 Delaware Village of Walton
Walton Recreation Area
and Riverwalk
The Village of Walton, in partnership with the Town of Walton and the
Delaware County Planning Department, will renovate the open
greenspace area located primarily at 21 Water Street in the Village of
Walton. The goal of the project is to make the greenspace a usable and
fully accessible land and water-based recreation area for all residents and
visitors, enhancing the natural attraction of the West Branch Delaware
River and increasing the community's economic viability.
$220,261 2/4/2024
OPRHP EPF PKS D Southern Tier 127411 Schuyler Town of Montour
Havana Glen Park
The Town of Montour will enhance Havana Glen Park, located in the
Village of Montour Falls. This project will replace an existing bathhouse to
enhance accessibility and energy efficiency. Additionally, the Town will
renovate camping areas, install new signage, and complete safety
enhancements to the park entry. The project will improve facility access,
visitor safety, and overall user experience.
$500,000 X 2/4/2024
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Agency/ Program Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Environmental Protection Fund: Parks, Preservation and Heritage Grants (OPRHP: PKS: A/P/D; HP: A/P/D; HAS: A/P/D)
The Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program (EPF) provides matching grants on a competitive basis for the acquisition, planning, and development of parks, historic properties, and heritage areas located within the physical boundaries of
the State of New York. Parks is for the acquisition, development and planning of parks and recreational facilities to preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures for park, recreation or conservation purposes and for structural
assessments and/or planning for such projects. Historic Preservation is to acquire, improve, protect, preserve, rehabilitate or restore properties listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places and for structural assessments and/or
planning for such projects. Heritage Areas is for projects to acquire, preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures identified in the approved management plans for Heritage Areas designated under section 35.03 of the Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, and for structural assessments or planning for such projects.
OPRHP EPF PKS D Southern Tier 129088 Tompkins City of Ithaca
Cass Park Capital
The City of Ithaca will implement their Cass Park Capital Plan, beginning
with replacement of aging restroom and pavilion facilities, and installation
of a driveway loop with new parking spaces to increase accessibility to the
new facilities for all ages and abilities.
$500,000 X 2/4/2024
Western New
130141 Chautauqua Village of Westfield
Portage Inn
The Village of Westfield will establish an outdoor terraced amphitheater
and park space at the old Portage Inn site at 18-28 North Portage Street.
The revitalized open space will enhance the downtown and deliver local
programming to a variety of groups.
$450,040 X 2/4/2024
Western New
126786 Erie Town of Grand Island
Grand Island Veterans
Park Inclusive Access
The Town of Grand Island will upgrade the universal accessibility and
navigability of its Veterans Park and the reliable availability of a diverse
offering of athletic and social gathering facilities. This project will install a
comprehensive drainage system around the Park’s primary athletic
facilities, including field turf restoration, and installation of accessible
asphalt pathways.
$500,000 X 2/4/2024
Western New
129372 Erie
Erie County
Department of Parks,
Recreation and
Seneca Bluffs Natural
Habitat Park
Erie County will construct a raised wetland boardwalk with accessibility
updates to promote inclusive recreation and environmental conservation.
The accessible trail fosters community engagement, meets the needs of
the South Buffalo population, encourages youth participation, and
safeguards the delicate wetland habitat. A transformative initiative to
connect nature enthusiasts, it contributes to Buffalo's climate-resilient
infrastructure and provides a safe and educational space for all.
$450,000 X 2/4/2024
Western New
130185 Niagara
City of North
Memorial Pool
Memorial Pool is a unique, historic recreational facility in the City of North
Tonawanda, designed and built in 1947 as a tribute to WWII veterans.
North Tonawanda intends to bring Memorial Pool up to safer standards
and offer more modern amenities to provide a centrally-located area to
enjoy water activities and cool off in hot weather, all while maintaining
and celebrating its history.
$750,000 X 2/4/2024
OPRHP EPF PKS P Capital Region 128679 Albany City of Albany
Washington Park
Playground Design Plan
The City of Albany will partner with the Washington Park Conservancy
and the Playground Committee to complete a final design for a new
destination playground for visitors and an engaging all-inclusive playscape
and gathering space for Albany residents. The design will offer fun,
challenging, unique and accessible play opportunities to children of all
abilities and means while honoring the park’s historic landscape design
and reduce environmental impact.
$146,250 2/4/2024
Central New
128478 Oswego Village of Pulaski Dunbar Park Planning
The Village of Pulaski will utilize grant funding for Design and
Engineering needed to upgrade the recreational facilities at Dunbar Park,
connecting it to the Haldane Center with a pedestrian bridge on the
Salmon River Greenway.
$67,500 X 2/4/2024
OPRHP EPF PKS P Finger Lakes 126814 Monroe Town of Clarkson Hafner Park Planning
The Town of Clarkson will create a planning report to recommend a series
of improvements to Hafner Park. The report will include a feasibility
study, public outreach, public interest survey, and initial concept designs.
$45,000 2/4/2024
OPRHP EPF PKS P Long Island 127642 Suffolk
Village of Port
Six Acre Park Planning
The Village of Port Jefferson will transform a vacant, village-owned parcel
in Upper Port near the Long Island Rail Road station into a well-designed
passive park as envisioned by the community and as recommended by
the Village’s Comprehensive Plan. This first phase will advance the
planning of the park from concept through detailed design built on the
initial drawings prepared by the Six-Acre Park Committee and adopted by
the Board of Trustees following a robust community engagement effort.
$200,000 X 2/4/2024
OPRHP EPF PKS P New York City 127270 Queens
The Trust for Public
QueensWay - Bridging
the Gap
The Trust for Public Land will work with New York City to convert an
abandoned former railway into the Queens Way, a linear park in central
Queens creating new recreation areas, safe cycling and walking trails, and
community spaces. The Trust for Public Land will pursue the design of the
bridges connecting the Met Hub, the first phase of the project, to the
existing entrance to Forest Park creating a safe means of crossing Union
Turnpike and additional access to Forest Park.
$468,750 2/4/2024
Page | 51
Agency/ Program Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Environmental Protection Fund: Parks, Preservation and Heritage Grants (OPRHP: PKS: A/P/D; HP: A/P/D; HAS: A/P/D)
The Environmental Protection Fund Grants Program (EPF) provides matching grants on a competitive basis for the acquisition, planning, and development of parks, historic properties, and heritage areas located within the physical boundaries of
the State of New York. Parks is for the acquisition, development and planning of parks and recreational facilities to preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures for park, recreation or conservation purposes and for structural
assessments and/or planning for such projects. Historic Preservation is to acquire, improve, protect, preserve, rehabilitate or restore properties listed on the State or National Register of Historic Places and for structural assessments and/or
planning for such projects. Heritage Areas is for projects to acquire, preserve, rehabilitate or restore lands, waters or structures identified in the approved management plans for Heritage Areas designated under section 35.03 of the Parks,
Recreation and Historic Preservation Law, and for structural assessments or planning for such projects.
OPRHP EPF PKS P North Country 128484 Clinton City of Plattsburgh
Sailors Beach
Rehabilitation Feasibility
The City of Plattsburgh will conduct a rehabilitation feasibility study for
Sailor’s Beach to determine the feasibility of site improvements and
establish community-led design alternatives for development in order to
expand the recreational opportunities found within the public space. The
study will create a plan to connect residents and visitors to the local
waterfront area, bolster recreational opportunities, and address
environmental and location-specific safety concerns.
$41,000 2/4/2024
OPRHP EPF PKS P Finger Lakes 127866 Monroe City of Rochester
Martin Luther King Jr
Memorial Park - Phase 4
The City of Rochester will design improvements at the entrances of
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park, including the Court and Chestnut
Street frontages along with the south berm garden entrance. The
improvements will build upon the recommendations of the 2002 Master
Plan Strategy and respect the intent and integrity of the original 1971
Lawrence Halprin design.
$187,500 X 2/4/2024
Western New
Erie Cattaraugus Rail
Trail, Inc.
Cascade Bridge Planning
and Trail Development
Erie Cattaraugus Rail Trail (ECRT), Inc. will assess the structural integrity
of the historic, high trestle Cascade Bridge spanning Cattaraugus Creek
between the Towns of Concord and Ashford, and determine a cost
estimate for a new decking design incorporating features based on public
and stakeholder input. The ECRT will also design and construct a trail
approaching from north to the bridge. This key bridge will be a highlight
of the ECRT and future Southern Tier Trail.
$278,800 2/4/2024
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Agency/ Program Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Date Announced
Central New
Winona Forest
Trail Maintenance
Winona Forest Recreation Association will purchase of a snowmobile
trail groomer to maintain snowmobile trails and enhance winter
outdoor recreation.
$239,405 X 11/15/2023
Central New
127257 Madison Town of Lenox
Lenox Rail Trail,
Phase Two
Construction of a paved trail parallel to Donald Hicks Dew Drive
between the existing Lenox and Canastota to Wampsville Trail trailhead
parking and North Court Street, to improve safety by relocating
bicyclists and pedestrians off Donald Hicks Dew Drive, a non-
illuminated narrow town road with no shoulders.
$143,526 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP RTP D Finger Lakes 129200 Ontario City of Geneva
Geneva Trail
The City of Geneva will complete key improvements along the elevated
section of the former Lehigh Rail Line. This project will install a
prefabricated pedestrian bridge along one section of the trail at the
Doran Ave crossing, reinforce a section of the trail that has been
eroded, and create an access point where the trail becomes an at-
grade continuance.
$180,000 X 11/15/2023
129043 St. Lawrence
St Lawrence
Association, Inc.
St Lawrence
County Groomer
for Remsen Lake
Placid Railroad
The St. Lawrence County Snowmobile Association, Inc. is purchasing
trail grooming equipment to groom trails on the Remsen-Lake Placid
Railroad Snowmobile Corridor.
$250,000 11/15/2023
New York
128539 Chautauqua
Cherry Creek
Sno-Goers Inc.
Trail Groomer
The Cherry Creek Sno-Goers Snowmobile Club will purchase new
environmentally friendly trail grooming equipment to offer snowmobile
enthusiasts in Cassadaga and surrounding areas of Chautauqua County
safe, pristine, and exquisite trails for years to come.
$250,000 11/15/2023
127602 Lewis
Association Inc.
Groomer Drag
Osceola Snowmobile Association, Inc. will purchase a snowmobile drag
for trail grooming.
$30,646 11/15/2023
127288 Oneida
Snowmobile Club,
Snowmobile Trail
Trailbusters Snowmobile Club will purchase two new groomer drags
designed for low snow and warmer temperatures and acquire a dump
trailer for year-round maintenance and equipment transportation.
$69,121 11/15/2023
New York
129332 Erie
Erie County
Department of
Parks, Recreation
and Forestry
Erie County Parks
Trail Accessibility
The Erie County Department of Parks will maintain existing trails and
construct new accessible trails at Eighteen Mile Creek Conservation
Park and Boston Forest Conservation Park.
$228,000 X 11/15/2023
128785 Saratoga Town of Halfmoon
Canalway Trail
Extension Project
The Town of Halfmoon will construct an out-and-back trail at the
Empire State Trail’s Upper Newtown Road North Trailhead. The trail will
begin at the trailhead and traverse along the historic Champlain Canal
following the former towpath. This will continue the development of
the Champlain Canalway Trail and provide an off-road scenic spur for
Empire State Trail users.
$127,280 X 11/15/2023
130112 Saratoga
City of Saratoga
Railroad Run Trail
Lighting Project
The City of Saratoga Springs will install energy-efficient lighting to
illuminate the Railroad Run mixed-use path which connects the south
edge of Downtown Saratoga Springs to Saratoga Spa State Park. The
new lighting, along with the removal of two large trees, will ensure
visibility along the trail.
$30,422 X 11/15/2023
OPRHP RTP NM Mid-Hudson 130638 Orange
Village of Cornwall-
Dock Hill Road
Connector Trail
The Village of Cornwall-on-Hudson will build the Dock Hill Connector
Trail, which will connect two existing trails and three key resources:
Hudson Street (downtown), Donahue Farm and Donahue Memorial
$223,875 11/15/2023
OPRHP RTP NM Mid-Hudson 128790 Sullivan Town of Liberty
Sullivan O&W Rail
Trail Parksville
The Town of Liberty will use funding to extend the Parksville section of
the Sullivan O&W Rail Trail, giving users the opportunity to travel on the
rail trail and rural roads from Parksville to Livingston Manor. The project
includes improvements to existing former railroad infrastructure and
on-road signage. The Town of Liberty and Town of Rockland are
teaming with Sullivan County on this segment of the Sullivan O&W Rail
$250,000 11/15/2023
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Recreational Trails Program Federal Grants (OPRHP RTP: D; M; MD; NM; NMD)
The Recreational Trails Program provides funds to develop and maintain recreational trails for both motorized and non-motorized recreational trail use. Funding is available for the maintenance and restoration of existing
recreational trails, development and rehabilitation of trailside and trailhead facilities and trail linkages for recreational trails, purchase and lease of recreational trail construction and maintenance equipment, construction of new
recreational trails, acquisition of easements and fee simple title to property for recreational trails or recreational trail corridors, and assessment of trail conditions for accessibility and maintenance.
Page | 53
Agency/ Program Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Date Announced
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Recreational Trails Program Federal Grants (OPRHP RTP: D; M; MD; NM; NMD)
The Recreational Trails Program provides funds to develop and maintain recreational trails for both motorized and non-motorized recreational trail use. Funding is available for the maintenance and restoration of existing
recreational trails, development and rehabilitation of trailside and trailhead facilities and trail linkages for recreational trails, purchase and lease of recreational trail construction and maintenance equipment, construction of new
recreational trails, acquisition of easements and fee simple title to property for recreational trails or recreational trail corridors, and assessment of trail conditions for accessibility and maintenance.
OPRHP RTP NM Mid-Hudson 129798 Westchester
Town of Pound
Pound Ridge Trails
The Town of Pound Ridge will build safe walking and biking trails for
recreation, linking residents to the Pound Ridge Town Park, open
spaces, nature preserves, businesses and cultural centers. The new
trails will connect to an existing paved path and future planned phases
will extend these corridors.
$250,000 11/15/2023
127597 Fulton Town of Caroga
Caroga Connector
The Wheelerville-Caroga Connector Trail will connect users from the
existing network of trails to the neighboring business district.
$88,600 X 11/15/2023
129247 Chenango
Conservancy, Inc.
Stone Quarry Trail
The Chenango Greenway Conservancy, Inc. will enhance public access
to the Stone Quarry trail system by improving parking, adding a new
switchback trail to the overlook, installing trail kiosks, way-finding signs,
interpretive signs, trailside benches, and purchasing a trail
maintenance vehicle. The Stone Quarry trail system includes hiking
trails, unique stone features, and mountain bike trails.
$111,968 11/15/2023
Page | 54
Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
DOS BOA Capital Region 128580 Warren City of Glens Falls
City of Glens Falls Warren
Street Brownfield
Opportunity Area Plan
The City of Glens Falls intends to complete BOA Plan for an approximately 500 acre
area on the eastern portion of the City along Warren Street, south to the Hudson
River. The proposed area includes numerous industrial uses along the
southernmost border, most notably being the recently shuttered Lehigh Hanson
Cement Co. plant. The primary objective is determining the best re-use potential for
these former industrial and other underutilized sites.
$225,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS BOA Capital Region 128807 Warren Town of Queensbury
South Queensbury
Brownfield Opportunity
Area Plan
The Town of Queensbury intends to complete a BOA Plan for a 540-acre area in the
South Queensbury Neighborhood. Challenges to be addressed include addressing
vacant and underutilized structures, aesthetics, transportation, and pedestrian
safety. The goal is to develop a plan that encourages complete streets, recreational
opportunities, and waterfront investment to spur quality infill redevelopment.
$135,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS BOA Finger Lakes 129188 Wyoming Village of Warsaw
Village of Warsaw
Brownfield Opportunity
Area Plan
The Village of Warsaw intends to complete a BOA plan centered around a 69-acre
vacant and underutilized site on Industrial Street to determine potential re-use
strategies. The primary objective is to return dormant brownfield and underutilized
sites back to productive uses with community benefits. The BOA planning process
will be utilized to present a clear and attainable community vision, identify
opportunities and challenges, and pinpoint key redevelopment options.
$130,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS BOA Mid-Hudson 130228 Orange City of Middletown
City of Middletown
Community Campus
Brownfield Opportunity
Area Plan
The City of Middletown, in partnership with Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress,
intends to complete a BOA Plan for the Middletown Community Campus, the 220-
acre site former Middletown Psychiatric Center. The intended outcomes of the
project include development of a plan that includes potential reuse approaches for
multiple historical buildings as well as other blighted and potential brownfield sites.
The BOA Plan will build upon recent public and private investment and revitalization.
$250,772 11/21/2023
DOS BOA Mohawk Valley 127739 Herkimer
Herkimer County
Development Agency
Herkimer County
Brownfield Pre-planning
Inventory and Analysis
Herkimer County IDA intends to complete a County-wide Pre-planning inventory and
analysis of brownfield-affected areas. The estimated 150+ brownfields on over 450
acres, including 52 documented contaminated sites will be inventoried, assessed
and analyzed to identify concentrations of brownfield or underutilized properties
that could benefit from future planning efforts.
$270,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS BOA Mohawk Valley 129797 Montgomery
County of
Nelliston-Fort Plain
Brownfield Opportunity
Area Plan
Montgomery County, in partnership with the Villages of Fort Plain and Nelliston
intend to develop a BOA Plan for a 1,642 acre area encompassing both villages. The
proposed BOA contains approximately 30 potential brownfield sites and 11 priority
sites located in the downtown centers of the two communities. Challenges to be
addressed include reducing residential and commercial vacancy, improving job
creation, and identification of new housing opportunities.
$100,350 X 11/21/2023
DOS BOA New York City 129253 Queens Figment Project, Inc.
Edgemere Brownfield
Opportunity Area Plan
The Residents Acquiring Land (REAL) Edgemere CLT intends to develop a BOA Plan
for an approximately 100-acre area Edgemere, a Queens neighborhood facing
challenges with blight and a lack of available housing. The goal is to repurpose
vacant and blighted lots to offer recreative space for residents and offer affordable,
resilient housing where appropriate.
$112,914 X 11/21/2023
DOS BOA North Country 128920 Clinton County of Clinton
Clinton County Brownfield
Pre-planning Inventory and
Clinton County intends to complete a County-wide Pre-planning inventory and
analysis of potential brownfield concentrations within 18 municipalities. Activities
will include the identification of underutilized, vacant, and abandoned parcels and
will result in the creation of a county-wide inventory of areas where significant
adverse impacts such as disinvestment, pollution, and a stagnant local economy are
present. This effort will result in strategies for future planning efforts.
$180,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS BOA Southern Tier 128330 Broome County of Broome
Bradywine Corridor BOA
Predevelopment Activities
Broome County, in conjunction with the City of Binghamton, intends to complete
predevelopment activities to advance the recommendations of the Brandywine BOA
Study. Objectives to be achieved include developing a revitalization and master
plan, completing a fiscal and market feasibility analysis, developing a stormwater
management and flood mitigation plan, creating a streetscape and connectivity
plan, and developing a branding and marketing strategy.
$448,200 X 11/21/2023
DOS BOA Southern Tier 129489 Broome City of Binghamton
First Ward BOA Clinton
Avenue Predevelopment
The City of Binghamton intends to complete Predevelopment activities within the
First Ward Brownfield Opportunity Area. The intended activities will further the
redevelopment of a primary commercial corridor on Clinton Street. Activities include
site engineering, architectural work, sustainability consultations, brownfield
consulting, market studies, legal work, and technical analysis of ground conditions.
$500,000 X 11/21/2023
Department of State
Brownfield Opportunity Area Program (DOS BOA)
The Department of State’s Brownfield Opportunity Area program, funded under the Environmental Protection Fund, provides grants on a competitive basis to eligible municipalities, certain community-based not-for-profit organizations, and
NYC Community Boards to complete Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) County-wide Pre-Planning activities for brownfield identification and preliminary analysis of one or more areas within a county; the development of a Brownfield
Opportunity Area (BOA) Plan, a planning and revitalization study, for a community affected by known or suspected brownfields; to undertake predevelopment activities to advance project implementation within a State-designated BOA or to
undertake environmental site assessments within a State-designated BOA. This program provides resources to New York communities to transform known and suspected brownfields from liabilities to community assets that generate
businesses, jobs and revenues for local economies and provide new housing and public amenities.  
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Department of State
Brownfield Opportunity Area Program (DOS BOA)
The Department of State’s Brownfield Opportunity Area program, funded under the Environmental Protection Fund, provides grants on a competitive basis to eligible municipalities, certain community-based not-for-profit organizations, and
NYC Community Boards to complete Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) County-wide Pre-Planning activities for brownfield identification and preliminary analysis of one or more areas within a county; the development of a Brownfield
Opportunity Area (BOA) Plan, a planning and revitalization study, for a community affected by known or suspected brownfields; to undertake predevelopment activities to advance project implementation within a State-designated BOA or to
undertake environmental site assessments within a State-designated BOA. This program provides resources to New York communities to transform known and suspected brownfields from liabilities to community assets that generate
businesses, jobs and revenues for local economies and provide new housing and public amenities.  
Western New
127230 Chautauqua
Chautauqua Region
Chadakoin River
Central/Eastern BOA
Priority Site Pre-
Development Activities
The Chautauqua Region EDC, the City of Jamestown, and the Chautauqua County
IDA intend to complete Predevelopment activities within the Chadakoin River
Central/Eastern BOA. Among other objectives, the project will create a market
analysis and site inventories and analyses for five priority sites, with the specific aim
of understanding ideal future uses at those sites. This project will attract business
investment, create new jobs and further economic revitalization in the BOA.
$201,402 X 11/21/2023
Western New
131097 Erie Village of Gowanda
Village of Gowanda BOA
Predevelopment Activities
The Village of Gowanda intends to complete predevelopment activities to include
development of a market study, technical marketing materials for strategic sites as
identified in the Gowanda Brownfield Opportunity Area Plan and undertake the
development of a master plan to advance BOA revitalization and redevelopment
efforts. The primary community revitalization objective to be achieved is to foster
redevelopment of long-standing vacant, highly visible and underutilized properties.
$180,000 X 11/21/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
DOS LWRP Capital Region 128446 Rensselaer City of Troy
City of Troy Local
Revitalization Program
The City of Troy will develop a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program
(LWRP) to address smart growth, resiliency and sustainability. The LWRP
will identify a vision and guide development for the City's eight-mile
Hudson River waterfront and align with the recently completed zoning
update "ReCode Troy".
$100,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Capital Region 128399 Saratoga Town of Stillwater
Saratoga Lake Water
Quality Study
The Town of Stillwater will begin to implement the Saratoga Lake Water
Quality Study by designing and constructing rain gardens and interpretative
signage at Browns Beach and Stillwater Glen Hollow Park. These
enhancements will improve water quality of Saratoga Lake by reducing
stormwater runoff and nutrient loading.
$64,575 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Capital Region 128914 Warren Town of Horicon
Brant Lake Watershed
Management Plan
The Town of Horicon, in partnership with the Brant Lake Association, will
develop a Watershed Management Plan for Brant Lake. The Plan will
identify strategies and policy recommendations to address threats to water
quality including invasive species, road salt pollution, aging and failing
septic systems, climate change, and harmful algal blooms.
$56,250 11/21/2023
Central New
Cortland, Lewis,
County of
Oneida Lake Nine
Element Plan Phase II
Madison County in partnership Central New York Regional Planning and
Development Board will continue their collaboration on the Oneida Lake
Watershed Nine Element Plan. The Plan will update a 2004 Management
Plan to quantify nutrient loading across the watershed. This community-
driven plan will use advanced modeling to analyze watershed conditions,
ensuring that resources are targeted to produce the greatest
improvements to water quality.
$72,500 X 11/21/2023
Central New
130567 Madison
Village of
Revitalize Canastota
Design Phase II
The Village of Canastota will complete final designs for improvements to
revitalize its downtown corridor along the Old Erie Canal between North
Main Street and Diamond Street. The project will advance the Old Erie
Canal Local Waterfront Revitalization Program by setting the stage for
downtown investments to increase public waterfront access, boating and
fishing amenities, walkability, economic development, and tourism.
$127,536 X 11/21/2023
Central New
127071 Onondaga
County of
Otisco Lake
Management Plan
Onondaga County will update the 2014 Otisco Lake Watershed
Management Plan to incorporate current conditions and expected impacts
from climate change and invasive species. Otisco Lake is an important
drinking water source as well as a recreational asset for Onondaga County
and the region, the Plan will help ensure the use and enjoyment of the lake
for future generations.
$60,000 X 11/21/2023
Central New
130476 Onondaga Town of Salina
Town of Salina and
Village of Liverpool
Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program
The Town of Salina and Village of Liverpool will develop a joint Local
Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) for enhancing public access to
Onondaga Lake, Lake Park, and Long Branch Park. The LWRP will create a
thoughtful plan to guide protection of the fragile ecology and water quality,
improve recreational opportunities, enhance connectivity conditions along
Old Liverpool Road and the County’s Loop the Lake Trail, and support the
local economy.
$68,000 X 11/21/2023
Central New
131128 Onondaga City of Syracuse
Syracuse Inner Harbor
Park Construction
The City of Syracuse will construct renovations at the Syracuse Inner
Harbor Park to enhance recreational opportunities for residents and
visitors. This project will begin to implement the vision of the City’s draft
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program by transforming this underutilized
park into a waterfront destination which complements ongoing public and
private investments in the Inner Harbor.
$1,125,000 X 11/21/2023
Central New
131137 Oswego
Town of
Town of Schroeppel
Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program
The Town of Schroeppel will prepare a Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program (LWRP) for its Oswego and Oneida River waterfronts. The LWRP
will develop a comprehensive vision and strategy to increase waterfront
public use and public spaces, create recreational amenities, and provide
direction for future projects that will realize the potential of the Town's
waterfront as a true community asset.
$106,250 X 11/21/2023
Department of State
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (DOS LWRP)
The Department of State's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), funded under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund, provides matching grants on a competitive basis to eligible villages, towns, cities,
and counties located along New York’s coasts or designated inland waterways for planning, design, and construction projects to revitalize communities and waterfronts. Grant categories include preparing or updating an
LWRP; preparing an LWRP Component, including a watershed management plan; updating an LWRP to mitigate future physical climate risks (UCR); and implementing an LWRP or a completed LWRP Component. This
program helps communities breathe new life into their waterfront and underused assets in ways that ensure successful and sustainable revitalization.
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Department of State
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (DOS LWRP)
The Department of State's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), funded under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund, provides matching grants on a competitive basis to eligible villages, towns, cities,
and counties located along New York’s coasts or designated inland waterways for planning, design, and construction projects to revitalize communities and waterfronts. Grant categories include preparing or updating an
LWRP; preparing an LWRP Component, including a watershed management plan; updating an LWRP to mitigate future physical climate risks (UCR); and implementing an LWRP or a completed LWRP Component. This
program helps communities breathe new life into their waterfront and underused assets in ways that ensure successful and sustainable revitalization.
DOS LWRP Finger Lakes 128253 Monroe City of Rochester
Maplewood Park Site
The City of Rochester will construct site improvements at Maplewood Park
along the Genesee River to support the development of the Maplewood
Nature Center, a state-of-the-art recreational and educational facility that
will offer an array of nature based programming. Work will advance the
City’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program goals of increasing
recreational amenities at city parks and fostering a greater connection to
nature within the urban environment.
$975,000 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Finger Lakes 129517 Monroe Town of Penfield
LaSalle's Landing Park
Comfort Facility
Town of Penfield will design and construct a comfort facility at LaSalle's
Landing Park including a public restroom and open-air pavilion. The project
advances the goals of the Town’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program
by providing additional amenities to improve park visitors experience and
enhancing public access along Irondequoit Bay.
$624,000 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Finger Lakes 129843 Monroe Town of Henrietta
Towpath Village and
Canalside Park Master
To begin implementing its draft Local Waterfront Revitalization Program,
The Town of Henrietta will prepare the Towpath Village and Canalside Park
Master Plan to guide appropriate development and creation of a new
public park along the Erie Canal. The preliminary design and engineering
will be based on a comprehensive assessment of the site conditions, local
and regional needs, public input, and feedback from permitting agencies.
$112,500 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Finger Lakes 127272 Ontario Town of Geneva
Marsh Creek
Restoration Design
Implementing the Seneca-Keuka Watershed 9E Plan, the Town of Geneva
and the Seneca Watershed Intermunicipal Organization will prepare designs
to restore a degraded 22-acre parcel of land adjoining Marsh Creek. Design
goals will focus on addressing flooding and stormwater issues, improving
floodplain connection and water quality, in addition to providing
educational and passive recreational amenities.
$102,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Finger Lakes 127846 Ontario
City of
Lagoon Park
Accessible Kayak
The City of Canandaigua and the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council will
complete design and installation of an ADA-compliant, accessible kayak
launch at the Lagoon Park on Canandaigua Lake. This project implements
the Canandaigua Lake 9E Plan and the 2014 Update to the Canandaigua
Waterfront Lake Watershed Management Plan by increasing public access
and connectivity along the Canandaigua Lake Water Trail, promoting water-
dependent recreation, and supporting watershed-based tourism.
$66,975 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Finger Lakes 128023 Ontario, Yates
City of
Engineering Study for
Upgrades to Increase
Resiliency of the
Canandaigua Lake
Outlet Gates
Implementing the 2014 Update to the Canandaigua Waterfront Lake
Watershed Management Plan, the City of Canandaigua, the Canandaigua
Lake Watershed Council and its partners, will complete an engineering
study of the Canandaigua Lake outlet gates to address flood resiliency and
protect the many vital uses of the lake in the face of a changing climate.
The Study will identify upgrades necessary for long-term watershed
$62,625 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Finger Lakes 130041 Wayne Village of Newark
Village of Newark
Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program
The Village of Newark will develop a Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program (LWRP) for its Erie Canal waterfront. The LWRP will identify and
address shoreline erosion, flooding, water quality, and public access issues
and propose stormwater management improvements and recreation
opportunities enhancements that foster job creation and economic
investment in the community and the Finger Lakes Region.
$50,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Finger Lakes 130933 Wyoming Village of Arcade
Village of Arcade Local
Revitalization Program
The Village of Arcade will develop a Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program to establish a community vision and strategic plan for their
Cattaraugus Creek waterfront, which runs through the heart of the Village.
Strategies identified in the program will improve public access to the Creek,
create multi-modal connections between the waterfront and downtown,
flood mitigation through green infrastructure, water quality protection, and
help generate economic investment in the community.
$97,750 X 11/21/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Department of State
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (DOS LWRP)
The Department of State's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), funded under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund, provides matching grants on a competitive basis to eligible villages, towns, cities,
and counties located along New York’s coasts or designated inland waterways for planning, design, and construction projects to revitalize communities and waterfronts. Grant categories include preparing or updating an
LWRP; preparing an LWRP Component, including a watershed management plan; updating an LWRP to mitigate future physical climate risks (UCR); and implementing an LWRP or a completed LWRP Component. This
program helps communities breathe new life into their waterfront and underused assets in ways that ensure successful and sustainable revitalization.
DOS LWRP Long Island 128036 Suffolk Town of Southold
Bay to Sound
Integrated Trails
Initiative Phase 4
The Town of Southold will implement Phase 4 of the Bay to Sound Trails
Initiative, aimed at developing trailways connecting the Peconic Bay to the
shores of Long Island Sound. The project will include ADA trails, habitat
restoration including developing right sizing plans for a tidal culvert,
educational materials, blueway signage and trail markings, and
infrastructure improvements.
$379,125 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Long Island 129195 Suffolk
Town of East
Sustainable Planning
in Coastal
Communities: Risk
Revitalization and
Building upon their Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, the Town of
East Hampton will develop a proactive plan for the Montauk business
district to achieve sustainable revitalization that supports a year-round,
resilient community. Planning will include community-supported options
for building and zoning code updates, strategies for reducing coastal
hazards and climate risk vulnerability, and restoring natural resources to
protect vital economic infrastructure and the tourism industry.
$600,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Long Island 129612 Suffolk
Village of
Village of Northport
Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program
The Village of Northport will prepare a Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program (LWRP) for the Northport Harbor coastal area, an embayment of
the Long Island Sound. The LWRP will develop the community vision for a
sustainable, resilient waterfront community and provide a framework for
the protection of crucial resources, address climate change and sea level
rise adaptation, improve water quality, advance downtown revitalization,
expand public access, and incorporate smart growth principles.
$112,500 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Long Island 130164 Suffolk
Town of
Town of Brookhaven
North Shore Local
Revitalization Program
and Harbor
Management Plan
The Town of Brookhaven will complete development of its Local
Waterfront Revitalization Program by including planning for its north shore,
resulting in a comprehensive program that covers the town’s entire coastal
area. The project will develop a community-based vision for appropriate
waterfront development and harbor management and identify sustainable
projects to mitigate coastal erosion, promote strong tourism and
aquaculture industries, and climate resiliency for the bayfront area.
$294,312 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Long Island 130400 Suffolk
Village of
Huntington Bay
Village of Huntington
Bay Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program
The Village of Huntington Bay will complete the preparation of its Local
Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) for its sixty-one miles of Long
Island Sound waterfront. The LWRP will address public access and
recreational opportunities, protection of local natural, cultural, and scenic
resources, and identify goals and recommend strategies and projects that
will make the waterfront more resilient to sea-level rise, extreme weather
events, runoff, flooding, and shoreline erosion.
$59,454 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Long Island 131089 Suffolk County of Suffolk
The Long IslandAR
Blueway Trail Portal
Suffolk County will develop the Long IslandAR Portal and mobile app which
will function as a county-wide field guide to Suffolk County's Blueway Trail.
Users will be able to use their phones to see trail routes, distance markers
and wayfinding information while on Suffolk County's waterways (its
Blueway) and for accessing these waterways by walking or biking via the
County's pedestrian and bicycle network.
$75,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Mid-Hudson 129170 Dutchess
City of
Fall Kill Blueway
Waterfront Design
The City of Poughkeepsie, in partnership with Northside Collaborative, will
prepare Fall Kill Blueway Waterfront Design Guidelines to inform future
waterfront projects. The project will implement the City’s Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program by developing specific design strategies to address
deteriorating flood and retaining wall conditions, mitigate flood risk,
improve biodiversity and waterway health, and increase public space along
the waterfront.
$765,150 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Mid-Hudson 128888 Rockland
Village of
Village of Haverstraw
Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program
Update Completion
The Village of Haverstraw will complete an update of its 2005 Local
Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP). The LWRP addresses emerging
issues and needs in the Village's Hudson River waterfront area,
incorporates the goals, objectives, and policies of the 2021 Comprehensive
Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Initiative, develops a new harbor
management plan and addresses resiliency and adaptation to climate
change, storm surges, extreme weather, and sea level rise.
$50,150 X 11/21/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Department of State
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (DOS LWRP)
The Department of State's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), funded under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund, provides matching grants on a competitive basis to eligible villages, towns, cities,
and counties located along New York’s coasts or designated inland waterways for planning, design, and construction projects to revitalize communities and waterfronts. Grant categories include preparing or updating an
LWRP; preparing an LWRP Component, including a watershed management plan; updating an LWRP to mitigate future physical climate risks (UCR); and implementing an LWRP or a completed LWRP Component. This
program helps communities breathe new life into their waterfront and underused assets in ways that ensure successful and sustainable revitalization.
DOS LWRP Mid-Hudson 129061 Rockland Village of Nyack
Memorial Park
Shoreline Pathway
The Village of Nyack, implementing its Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program, will design and construct the Memorial Park section of its
waterfront pathway along the Hudson River, from the Park’s gazebo north
to the Inlet Bridge, connecting Memorial Park to the Village Marina. The
project will install park amenities, an ADA-compliant shoreline walkway,
and utilize materials and new landscaping to stabilize the shoreline making
it more resilient to storm surge and climate change impacts.
$417,276 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Mid-Hudson 127478 Ulster City of Kingston
Kingston Point
Wetland Restoration
and Public Access
The City of Kingston will restore wetlands and construct a public access
point to the water at the confluence of the Rondout Creek and Hudson
River. The project will advance the goals of the City's Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program by enhancing resiliency and providing access to a
unique riverine habitat. Work includes demolition of two condemned City-
owned houses in the flood zone and construction of a small parking area, a
boardwalk, and pier with educational interpretive signage.
$552,500 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Mid-Hudson 128312 Westchester
Village of Sleepy
Sleepy Hollow
Commons Access and
The Village of Sleepy Hollow will advance the goals of its Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program by transforming the east parcel of the General
Motors site into a meaningful public space that serves as a lynchpin of local
trail and transit connections, linking community assets along the Hudson
River waterfront. This project includes design and construction of a
waterfront promenade, on-street parking and street lighting
improvements, a community garden, and racket sport courts.
$2,400,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Mid-Hudson 128627 Westchester
Village of Sleepy
Ichabod's Landing
Public Access
The Village of Sleepy Hollow will implement its Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program by constructing public access improvements along
the recently rehabilitated Ichabod Landing Bulkhead located on the Hudson
River. Improvements will include landscaping, lighting, site amenities, and
decorative pavers to transform the bulkhead into a waterfront promenade
and provide a connection to the RiverWalk.
$259,777 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Mohawk Valley 127424 Montgomery
City of
Amsterdam Southside
The City of Amsterdam will construct a boardwalk along the southside of
the Erie Canal and Mohawk River. The project will implement the City's
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and Downtown Revitalization
Initiative Strategic Plan by creating a new public gathering space for arts,
entertainment, and recreation on a vacant and underutilized site attracting
visitors and locals to the waterfront and southside businesses.
$2,500,000 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Mohawk Valley 129336 Otsego
Village of
Otsego Lake
Watershed Nine
Element Plan
The Village of Cooperstown, in partnership with other watershed
municipalities, non-profit organizations, and community stakeholders, will
develop a Nine Element Watershed Management Plan for Otsego Lake. The
Plan will engage the community in a discussion of vision and goals,
complete a quantitative analysis of pollutant loading, identify sources of
pollutants affecting the lake, and prioritize recommendations for water
quality improvement.
$503,456 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP New York City 129900
Bronx, Kings,
New York,
New York City
Department of
City Planning
Waterfront Action
The NYC Department of City Planning will develop a Waterfront Action
Agenda to track and inform New Yorkers about waterfront initiatives that
advance the goals of the 2021 New York City Comprehensive Waterfront
Plan (CWP). The Agenda will detail accomplishments and next steps the City
will take to deliver on the goals of each of the CWP’s topic areas - climate
resiliency and adaptation, waterfront public access, economic opportunity,
water quality and natural resources, ferries, and governance.
$292,720 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP New York City 130768
Bronx, Kings,
New York,
New York City
Department of
Parks and
Wetland Mitigation
The NYC Department of Parks & Recreation, in consultation with sister
agencies and regulatory partners, will research and propose a new wetland
mitigation program that will facilitate regulatory compliance and improve
wetland mitigation outcomes for waterfront projects. This proposal will
focus on public projects and mitigation on City parkland with the goal of
increasing predictability and maximizing benefits of coastal resiliency.
$483,801 X 11/21/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Department of State
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (DOS LWRP)
The Department of State's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), funded under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund, provides matching grants on a competitive basis to eligible villages, towns, cities,
and counties located along New York’s coasts or designated inland waterways for planning, design, and construction projects to revitalize communities and waterfronts. Grant categories include preparing or updating an
LWRP; preparing an LWRP Component, including a watershed management plan; updating an LWRP to mitigate future physical climate risks (UCR); and implementing an LWRP or a completed LWRP Component. This
program helps communities breathe new life into their waterfront and underused assets in ways that ensure successful and sustainable revitalization.
DOS LWRP North Country 128208 Essex
Village of Saranac
Baldwin Park
The Village of Saranac Lake will construct improvement to revitalize
Baldwin Park on Lake Flower, part of the Saranac River. This project will
implement the Village’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and
Downtown Revitalization Initiative Strategic Plan by improving waterfront
access and increasing recreation opportunities while preserving natural
features, updating facilities, providing multimodal transportation access,
and promoting interpretive education.
$894,937 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP North Country 129388 Essex
Town of
West Branch
Sediment Study and
Restoration Plan
The Town of Wilmington, in partnership with the Ausable River
Association, will advance the Ausable River Watershed Management Plan
by creating an actionable plan for building flood resilience in the West
Branch Ausable River. The project will assess restoration potential, identify
causes of river sedimentation and dysfunction, and outline projects to
reduce bank erosion, restore river and fishery integrity, and protect
communities and their infrastructure in the face of a changing climate.
$320,643 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP North Country 127511 Franklin
Village of Tupper
Flanders Park
The Village of Tupper Lake will design and construct improvements at
Flanders Park along its waterfront. The Project will implement the Village’s
Waterfront Master Plan, Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, and
Downtown Revitalization Initiative Strategic Plan goals by improving park
accessibility for those with mobility challenges, upgrading the adjacent
streetscape, and expanding recreational amenities to enhance visitor
experience and allow the Village to host regional events year round.
$533,500 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP North Country 128659 St. Lawrence
Village of
Sandstoner Park
Recreation Center
The Village of Potsdam will prepare design plans to overhaul and expand its
50-year-old Pine Street Arena located adjacent to the Raquette River. The
project will advance the goals of Village's Downtown and Waterfront
Revitalization Plan by enabling Potsdam to improve recreational facilities
and support the local economy by hosting year-round regional athletic
events and competitions.
$202,650 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP North Country 129361 St. Lawrence Town of Canton
Town and Village of
Canton Local
Revitalization Program
The Town of Canton, in partnership with the Village of Canton, will develop
a joint Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) for their Grasse
River waterfront. The LWRP will address development needs, waterfront
access, protection of natural and cultural resources, erosion and flooding
concerns, and recreational opportunities.
$81,986 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Southern Tier 126692 Schuyler
Village of Watkins
Watershed Water
Quality Protection
The Village of Watkins Glen, in partnership with Seneca-Keuka watershed
specialists, local and regional planners, will develop holistic water quality
protection guidance material supporting watershed municipal officials and
staff. Technical documents, digital content, and direct engagement will
collectively increase the capacity of municipalities to identify, develop, and
execute water quality and resiliency improvement opportunities as
proposed by the Seneca-Keuka Watershed Nine Element Plan.
$90,750 X 11/21/2023
DOS LWRP Southern Tier 128209 Steuben Town of Pulteney
Keuka Lake Level
Management Study
To advance the goals of the Seneca-Keuka Watershed Nine Element Plan
for Phosphorous, the Town of Pulteney with the Seneca-Keuka Watershed
Partnership Group, will prepare a study to modernize Keuka Lake level
management. Planning will develop a predictive water level response
model tool to inform water release management decisions and a feasibility
study on infrastructure improvement and predicative model integration
needs for the Penn Yan gate structure.
$135,000 11/21/2023
Western New
129036 Erie City of Buffalo
Buffalo Waterfront
Preliminary Design
The City of Buffalo will develop preliminary design of four intersections
along Tonawanda Street to improve safety, accessibility, connectivity,
speed reduction, wayfinding, green infrastructure, transit and bicycle
facilities, and pedestrian traffic signals. The project will implement the
City's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and RiverRock Connections
Plan by better connecting neighborhoods to the historic Riverside Park and
the City's extensive waterfront trail system.
$104,795 X 11/21/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Department of State
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (DOS LWRP)
The Department of State's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), funded under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund, provides matching grants on a competitive basis to eligible villages, towns, cities,
and counties located along New York’s coasts or designated inland waterways for planning, design, and construction projects to revitalize communities and waterfronts. Grant categories include preparing or updating an
LWRP; preparing an LWRP Component, including a watershed management plan; updating an LWRP to mitigate future physical climate risks (UCR); and implementing an LWRP or a completed LWRP Component. This
program helps communities breathe new life into their waterfront and underused assets in ways that ensure successful and sustainable revitalization.
Western New
128644 Niagara Village of Wilson
Village of Wilson Local
Revitalization Program
The Village of Wilson will develop a Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program (LWRP) for its Lake Ontario waterfront. The LWRP will address
underutilized or deteriorated areas and plan for their sustainable
revitalization, plan for mixed land uses, development opportunities and
downtown revitalization, explore brownfield reuse, and identify
enhancements to public access and recreation opportunities, while
protecting natural resources.
$56,250 X 11/21/2023
Western New
130203 Niagara
Village of
Middleport Canal
Dock Improvements
Phase II
The Village of Middleport will complete implementation of the Canal Dock
improvements including upgraded electrical and water service, and site
amenities. This project will continue the implementation of the Village’s
Local Waterfront Revitalization Program by enhancing the Erie canal front
dock space to better accommodate more vessels and to connect boaters
from other regions to the Middleport community.
$79,400 X 11/21/2023
Capital Region 129606 Greene Village of Athens
Village of Athens Local
Revitalization Program
The Village of Athens will update its 2002 Local Waterfront Revitalization
Program to balance sustainable development with resilient growth along its
Hudson River waterfront. The Update will build on the Village's 2020
Comprehensive Plan and Resilience Vision to further address smart growth,
resiliency, sustainability, downtown revitalization, and expansion of public
$75,000 X 11/21/2023
Mid-Hudson 130880 Dutchess Village of Tivoli
Village of Tivoli Local
Revitalization Program
The Village of Tivoli will complete the update of their 1991 Local
Waterfront Revitalization Program. This update will serve as the guide for
Tivoli's critical resources and climate change initiatives, address resiliency
and climate adaptation, encourage improved Hudson River connections,
and support economic growth.
$50,000 11/21/2023
North Country 126775 Jefferson Village of Clayton
Village and Town of
Clayton Local
Revitalization Program
The Village and Town of Clayton will update their joint Local Waterfront
Revitalization Program (LWRP) for their ten-mile stretch of waterfront
along the St. Lawrence River. The LWRP will develop an updated vision and
strategy for the waterfront, allowing the community to continue to grow
and improve community resiliency, while also protecting their valuable
natural resources.
$90,000 11/21/2023
North Country 130580 St. Lawrence
Village of
Village and Town of
Waddington Local
Revitalization Program
The Village and Town of Waddington will update their joint Local
Waterfront Revitalization Program to guide appropriate development along
their St. Lawrence River waterfront. The Update will address community
challenges including becoming more resilient to water level changes,
identify potential uses for underutilized land and potential projects to
create a vibrant waterfront, improve connectivity, and promote economic
investment and revitalization of Waddington's downtown and waterfront.
$90,000 11/21/2023
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Canals Finger Lakes 127156 Monroe Village of Brockport
Commissary Park
The Village of Brockport will construct a public boathouse at
Commissary Park. Commissary park is located at SUNY Brockport, and
the boathouse will provide a platform to promote tourism and
communal recreation through rowing, kayaking, and other community
events along the Erie Canal.
$150,000 X 11/9/2023
Canals Finger Lakes 129341 Monroe
Village of Fairport
Development Agency
Thomas Creek
The Village of Fairport IDA will construct and implement necessary
safety, parking, and other capital improvements at the entrance of
the Thomas Creek Wetlands, which is located adjacent to the Erie
Canal and Empire State Trail. This project will enhance a popular
community placemaking asset providing improved access to an
important ecological and educational resource for the community.
$50,000 X 11/9/2023
Canals Finger Lakes 129090 Wayne Town of Macedon
Bullis Park
The Town of Macedon will construct additional sidewalks and paths in
Bullis Park in an effort to promote use and connectivity between the
Erie Canal, Empire State Trail, and different amenities and facilities in
and around the park.
$150,000 X 11/9/2023
Canals Finger Lakes 129342 Wayne Village of Newark
Port of Newark
Accessible Kayak
The Village of Newark will design and install a new ADA accessible
kayak launch in downtown Newark along the Erie Canal.
$150,000 X 11/9/2023
127424 Montgomery City of Amsterdam
City of Amsterdam
Boardwalk Project
The City of Amsterdam, in partnership with the Southside Realm
Project and Amsterdam Community Foundation, will construct a new
boardwalk extension off of the south side of the Mohawk Valley
Gateway Overlook Bridge (MVGOB) with the intent of creating a
pedestrian friendly space that will activate a vacant parcel as an
amenity for the community, and potential catalyst for new
$150,000 X 11/9/2023
127727 Oneida City of Rome
SFM Waterfront
The City of Rome, in partnership with the SFM Skatepark Project and
Rome Community Foundation, will construct a modern, concrete skate
park on the former General Cable Rod Mill site on the Erie Canal.
$150,000 11/9/2023
New York
131154 Erie
Buffalo Maritime
Seneca Chief Launch
and Preparation for
Bicentennial Voyage
In anticipation of the Erie Canal's 2025 bicentennial, the Buffalo
Maritime Center will continue the construction and historical
augmentation of Governor Dewitt Clinton’s 1825 Canal Boat.
Specifically, this
project will include the acquisition of additional resources that will
assist with the boat's navigation across the State of New York, and the
development of educational exhibits that will be included as part of
the program.
$125,460 X 11/9/2023
New York
127144 Niagara
City of North
Mayor's Park Kayak
Launch and Fishing
The City of North Tonawanda will install a boat launch and fishing pier
at Mayor's Park. This project will provide formalized access to the Erie
Canal for small boats, canoes, and kayaks while also providing
additional opportunities for fishing at the park. This project will fill an
important gap in North Tonawanda's resources for water recreation by
connecting the Erie Canal, a popular boating and kayaking destination,
with all of the amenities and assets that Mayor's Park has to offer
including picnic pavilions, picnic areas, a new playground, and
restroom facilities.
$30,000 X 11/9/2023
New York State Canal Corporation
Canalway Grants Program (NYS Canals)
The Canalway Grant Program funds capital projects through a competitive matching grant program available to eligible municipalities, 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, and Federally recognized Native American
Tribes along the New York State Canal System. Projects funded through the program generally help expand public access, increase visitation and recreational use, stimulate private investment, improve services and
amenities for Canalway land and water trail users, and enhance the connections between the canal and the corresponding region consistent with the Reimagine the Canals initiative, and Regional Economic
Development Councils Strategic Plans.
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
Albany, Clinton, Columbia, Essex,
Franklin, Fulton, Greene,
Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Montgomery, Oneida,
Otsego, Rensselaer, Saratoga,
Schenectady, Schoharie, St.
Lawrence, Warren, Washington
New York Farm
Viability Institute
Certified RD Grant
The New York State Grown & Certified Infrastructure, Technology,
Research and Development Grant Program provides grants on a
competitive basis to eligible applicants (Program Administrators) that
will operate a grant program to assist New York farms with growing
their business. The program will help agricultural entities to invest in
critical farm infrastructure, adopt state-of-the-art practices, purchase
innovative technology or equipment, or conduct cutting edge
research to aid in the development of new food products, marketed
under the New York State Grown & Certified program (NYS G&C), that
meet rising consumer demand.
$1,700,000 X 4/11/2024
Central New
Cayuga, Chenango, Cortland,
Genesee, Livingston, Madison,
Monroe, Onondaga, Orleans,
Oswego, Seneca, Wayne,
Wyoming, Yates
New York Farm
Viability Institute
FL CNY Grown Certified
RD Grant Program
The New York State Grown & Certified Infrastructure, Technology,
Research and Development Grant Program provides grants on a
competitive basis to eligible applicants (Program Administrators) that
will operate a grant program to assist New York farms with growing
their business. The program will help agricultural entities to invest in
critical farm infrastructure, adopt state-of-the-art practices, purchase
innovative technology or equipment, or conduct cutting edge
research to aid in the development of new food products, marketed
under the New York State Grown & Certified program (NYS G&C), that
meet rising consumer demand.
$1,200,000 X 4/11/2024
New York
Bronx, Dutchess, Kings, Nassau,
New York, Orange, Putnam,
Queens, Richmond, Rockland,
Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster,
New York Farm
Viability Institute
Mid-Hudson, NYC, LI
Grown Certified RD
Grant Program
The New York State Grown & Certified Infrastructure, Technology,
Research and Development Grant Program provides grants on a
competitive basis to eligible applicants (Program Administrators) that
will operate a grant program to assist New York farms with growing
their business. The program will help agricultural entities to invest in
critical farm infrastructure, adopt state-of-the-art practices, purchase
innovative technology or equipment, or conduct cutting edge
research to aid in the development of new food products, marketed
under the New York State Grown & Certified program (NYS G&C), that
meet rising consumer demand.
$1,700,000 X 4/11/2024
Allegany, Broome, Cattaraugus,
Chautauqua, Chemung, Delaware,
Erie, Niagara, Schuyler, Steuben,
Tioga, Tompkins
New York Farm
Viability Institute
WNY Southern Tier
Grown Certified RD
Grant Program
The New York State Grown & Certified Infrastructure, Technology,
Research and Development Grant Program provides grants on a
competitive basis to eligible applicants (Program Administrators) that
will operate a grant program to assist New York farms with growing
their business. The program will help agricultural entities to invest in
critical farm infrastructure, adopt state-of-the-art practices, purchase
innovative technology or equipment, or conduct cutting edge
research to aid in the development of new food products, marketed
under the New York State Grown & Certified program (NYS G&C), that
meet rising consumer demand.
$1,200,000 4/11/2024
NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets
NYS Grown & Certified Infrastructure, Technology & R&D Program (GCITRD)
The New York State Grown & Certified Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Development Grant Program provides grants on a competitive basis to eligible applicants (Program Administrators) that will operate a grant program to assist
New York farms with growing their business. The program will help agricultural entities to invest in critical farm infrastructure, adopt state-of-the-art practices, purchase innovative technology or equipment, or conduct cutting edge
research to aid in the development of new food products, marketed under the New York State Grown & Certified program (NYS G&C), that meet rising consumer demand.
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
Central New
131296 Onondaga
Busch, LLC
Baldwinsville Brewery
Carbon Neutral Brewing
Anheuser-Busch will work on multiple projects in pursuit of Carbon Neutral
Brewery (CNB) at their plant in Baldwinsville, NY. By utilizing proven technology in
novel ways, the projects incorporate a combination of a novel brewing process to
reduce steam demand, new wort coolers for heat recovery, industrial packaged
ammonia heat pumps to generate high-temperature hot water, and electric boilers
to generate steam. These four measures will decarbonize industrial process
heating loads through process changes and electrify loads formerly served by
natural gas fueled steam and hot water generation systems.
$4,790,010 X 11/14/2023
Finger Lakes 130480 Monroe
University of
University of Rochester -
Electrification & Energy
The University of Rochester will pursue a project to switch the Central Utility Plant
(CUP) chillers from steam to electric. The entire project will accomplish significant
carbon reduction and reduce Genesee River aquatic impacts while providing
increased chilled water capacity. The University was awarded funding by NYSERDA
CICC in 2022 for initial milestones for electrical enabling, a cooling tower, and one
electric chiller. In addition to an expanded scope of chiller electrification, the
University has identified a Fault Detection Diagnostics (FDD) system as a separate
$4,988,910 X 11/14/2023
New York
121697 New York
Irving Medical
CUIMC Carbon Challenge
Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) will undergo a deep energy
efficiency and electrification process upgrade. Based on a comprehensive $1.8
million ASHRAE Level III audit of all CUIMC spaces, they will modernize labs by
replacing an existing absorption chiller with an electrically driven chiller. The
current absorption chiller uses natural gas to run and conversion to an electricity
driven chiller will reduce emissions.
$1,264,390 X 11/14/2023
New York
128561 New York Pace University
Pace University Carbon
Pace University is reimagining its flagship 1 Pace Plaza in New York City, currently
its most energy intensive building with old, inefficient HVAC equipment and
infrastructure. The project utilizes beneficial electrification for the central plant by
installing water source heat pumps to handle the heating and cooling load and
installing heat pumps in the 19-story Maria’s Tower that extends above the podium
of 1 Pace Plaza. The change to both central and localized heat pumps will decrease
the amount of steam used by over 75% and increased efficiency will reduce the
total electric consumption of the building.
$1,486,720 X 11/14/2023
New York
131278 Chautauqua
Nestle Purina
PetCare Co.
Purina Dunkirk Carbon
The Nestle Purina factory in Dunkirk, NY will partner with The Babcock & Wilcox
Company (B&W) to install OxyBright, an oxy-combustion technology that replaces
combustion air with a mixture of pure oxygen and recycled flue gas. This results in
a gas exhaust stream that is mostly pure CO2 and significantly reduces co-
pollutants. The higher concentration of CO2 allows for carbon capture, utilization
and/or storage (CCUS), a critical technology for industrial sector decarbonization.
$5,000,000 X 11/14/2023
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Commercial and Industrial Carbon Challenge (NYSERDA CICC)
NYSERDA's C&I Carbon Challenge provides awards to large energy users to unlock highly cost-effective carbon reduction opportunities. C&I Carbon Challenge helps companies and organizations implement their best energy-saving/carbon-
reduction projects through a competitive proposal process. Challenge winners will work one-on-one with a dedicated NYSERDA resource on all their proposed projects rather than navigating multiple different NYSERDA or utility initiatives.
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
Capital Region 129994 Albany
Railroad History
Project of the Capital
Region, Inc.
Interpretive Center
The Interpretive Center is a new net zero energy building that includes
reuse of salvaged materials, geothermal HVAC, and solar. The Center will
incorporate CORE Living Building Challenge Standards whose sustainability
goals include energy efficiency, reduced carbon emissions, sustainable
materials, and universal access. The building will be a model of carbon
neutral performance in addition to being the go-to place for educational
opportunities related to African American history.
$1,107,457 X 11/14/2023
Capital Region 126661 Columbia
Montgomery Street
Projects LLC
Kaz Carbon Neutral
The Kaz, a former industrial site in the heart of Hudson’s Downtown
Revitalization Initiative district, will create a vibrant new arts and food hub,
a dynamic year-round, multi-use space that will complement other activity
on Hudson's waterfront. The carbon neutral design includes all-electric
mechanical and energy systems and rigorous weatherization.
Rehabilitating a former industrial site to carbon neutral performance
makes this project a model for adaptive reuse.
$1,526,168 X 11/14/2023
Capital Region 126291 Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute
Rensselaer Childcare
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) will expand access to high-quality,
affordable childcare for local families. The Rensselaer Childcare Center will
provide childcare for children from birth through pre-school to the public
and the RPI community strengthening the region’s economy by increasing
workforce participation. The project will achieve Passive House and carbon
neutral performance with all-electric heat pumps, energy recovery
ventilation, and a highly energy efficient envelope.
$900,000 X 11/14/2023
Finger Lakes 131294 Monroe
Sustainable Energy
GreenSpark Solar
Green Workforce
Training Center
This project will relocate the headquarters for GreenSpark Solar to
Rochester, NY and will include the construction of a net zero energy facility
on a remediated brownfield. This building will include an industry-leading
training center to provide workforce development for solar installers. The
new building will transform and revitalize a waterfront space, positively
contributing to the adjacent High Falls State Park and the growth of the
Genesee River Trail and the Roc the Riverway initiative.
$2,000,000 X 11/14/2023
Mid-Hudson 126637 Dutchess
Studios LLC
GarageWORKS Studios
Carbon Neutral
GarageWORKS Studios will transform a derelict former automotive garage
located in Beacon, NY into a vibrant community resource housing artist
studios and spaces for community programming and events. The building
will be renovated to be 100% carbon neutral, featuring all-electric
mechanical systems, a high-performance thermal envelope, roof-mounted
solar panels and exterior plantings that will support energy-efficient
heating and cooling.
$1,983,156 11/14/2023
Mid-Hudson 130436 Orange
Salisbury Mills
Holdings LLC
Cornwall Social
Cornwall Social will be a multi-building agricultural facility, providing
tourists and residents an opportunity to experience Hudson Valley
agricultural and artisan products. The property includes two farm-to-table
restaurants, a greenhouse, historic barn, and a recreational hall. The
project will complete the rehabilitation of the greenhouse and historic
barn which will achieve Passive House and Carbon Neutral performance
with geothermal HVAC, solar, and battery storage.
$1,018,109 X 11/14/2023
Mid-Hudson 126642 Ulster
Mohonk Preserve,
The Brook Farmhouse
The 19th-century Brook Farmhouse, will be the new home of Mohonk
Preserve’s Conservation Science program, where researchers will monitor
the region’s ecosystems. The project will rehabilitate the building to
achieve carbon neutral performance through improved windows, doors,
insulation, lighting, appliances, all-electric HVAC and hot water, and install
a ground mounted solar array. The farmhouse is located within a popular
scenic landscape and trail network.
$750,510 11/14/2023
Mohawk Valley 129926 Montgomery
Mohawk Valley
Collective, Inc.
Unity Hall Community
Mohawk Valley Collective's Unity Hall, in Fort Plain, NY, will be
rehabilitated to be fully electric, achieving carbon neutral and net zero
energy performance. This project includes installation of a closed loop
vertical bore geothermal system for building cooling, heating and
domestic hot water, an energy recovery ventilation system, and solar
panels on the roof. The project team will utilize multiple consultants to
address site constraints and contribute to the historic nature of the
$558,000 X 11/14/2023
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development Program (NYSERDA CNCED)
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development program encourages the planning design and installation of economic development projects that operate at carbon
neutral or net zero energy performance in two categories. In Category A, the program supports eligible commercial, industrial and institutional applicants for the construction of, or renovation to, buildings designed to achieve carbon
neutral or net zero energy performance. In Category B, the program supports eligible community, campus or large-scale private development applicants with incentives for planning at the community-level to achieve carbon neutral
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Region CFA # County Applicant Project Title Description Award
REDC Priority
Date Announced
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development Program (NYSERDA CNCED)
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s Carbon Neutral Community Economic Development program encourages the planning design and installation of economic development projects that operate at carbon
neutral or net zero energy performance in two categories. In Category A, the program supports eligible commercial, industrial and institutional applicants for the construction of, or renovation to, buildings designed to achieve carbon
neutral or net zero energy performance. In Category B, the program supports eligible community, campus or large-scale private development applicants with incentives for planning at the community-level to achieve carbon neutral
New York City 128204 New York
The Trustees of
Columbia University
in New York
Columbia University
Irving Medical Center
Research Building
A new research building will enhance the university's research capacity by
offering new laboratory and office spaces that align with Columbia
University’s Sustainable Columbia Plan 2030 goals of not introducing any
new fossil fuels during new construction. The building design is all-electric
and highly energy efficient. The building will rely on air-source heat pumps
to cover all heating and cooling needs. The project has been designed to
achieve carbon neutral and LEED Gold certification.
$2,000,000 11/14/2023
Western New York 130241 Niagara Siva Powers America
Siva Powers America
SIVA Powers America will build a new wind turbine assembly facility to
serve the booming North American distributed wind market. The primary
focus of this facility will be wind turbine nacelle assembly and an
innovative blade manufacturing process for production within the U.S. The
carbon neutral building will use energy efficient equipment to minimize
energy use and will optimize the renewable energy capacity at the site
with both wind and solar systems.
$519,000 X 11/14/2023
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