Updated: 8/15/2024
Work-Study Job Listing
2024 Fall
On-Campus Listing
Aide to Instrumental Department
Aide to Instrumental Department- Heidi Hepola/Audrey Miller
Apply to: Heidi Hepola/Audrey Miller Spafford 315 626-2497
Art Lab Assistant - Digital Media & Film/TV/Streaming
Art Lab Assistant - Digital Media & Film/TV/Streaming- Jason Knowles/Heidi Hepola
Apply to: Heidi Hepola/Jason Knowles Spafford Hall Room 315 626-2497/DH208B 626-7763
Athletic Dept. Staff Assistant
Athletic Dept. Staff Assistant- Terri Holmes and Celia Tosh
Apply to: Celia Tosh Barnett Center - Room 37
Athletic Marketing & Development Student Assistant
Athletic Marketing & Development Student Assistant- Celia Tosh
Apply to, stop in to the Athletics offices in the Barnett Center or email [email protected]
a cover letter, resume and transcript. Canididates will be contacted via email or phone to
schedule an interview.
Barnett Center Lifeguard
Barnett Center Lifeguard- Kaden Huntrods
Apply to: Kaden Huntrods Barnett Center - Room 31
By Emailing [email protected]
Circulation Assistant
Circulation Assistant- Reference Librarian: Lynn Klundt
Pick up an application at the library front desk.
Lynn Klundt
Library 605-626-7773"
Educational Program/ Classroom Assistant
Educational Program/ Classroom Assistant- George Nora or Jessica Furney
Equipment Room/ Laundry Attendant
Equipment Room/ Laundry Attendant- Celia Tosh
Apply to: Celia Tosh in BC-39. Apply in Person.
Updated: 8/15/2024
Work-Study Job Listing
2024 Fall
On-Campus Listing
Football Manager/Film Operator
Football Manager/Film Operator- Mike Schmidt Barnett Center - Room 27
Apply to: Mike Schmidt
Barnett Center - Room 27
By Emailing [email protected]
Information Desk
Information Desk-
Interlibrary Loan Assistant
Interlibrary Loan Assistant- Systems Librarian/ILL Manager: Nicole Christiansen
Pick up an application at the Library front desk
Nicole Christiansen
Mail Clerk
Mail Clerk- Lisa Gerety
Apply to: Lisa Gerety NSU Post Office
Mascot Thunder
Mascot Thunder- Sam Masten
Apply to: Sam Masten [email protected]
NSU Athletic Department Assistant/Event Worker/Tm Store
NSU Athletic Department Assistant/Event Worker/Tm Store- Amanda Fair or Celia Tosh
Apply in person with Celia Tosh Barnett Center Main Office
NSU Development & Alumni Services Secretarial Assistant
NSU Development & Alumni Services Secretarial Assistant- Alicia Huber
Apply to: Alicia Huber Beckman Building 626-2550
OCE Student Office Assistant
OCE Student Office Assistant- Jessica Papa Administration Bldg. - Room 206 626-2568
Updated: 8/15/2024
Work-Study Job Listing
2024 Fall
On-Campus Listing
School of Business Office Assistant
School of Business Office Assistant- Kristi Bockorny
Apply to: Kristi Bockorny Lincoln Hall - Room 101 or 605-626-2402
Statistician/Clerical/Video Webcast
Statistician/Clerical/Video Webcast- Ashley Gauer
Apply to: Ashley Gauer Barnett Center - Room 27 [email protected]
Student Office Assistant
Student Office Assistant-
Apply to: Dawn Preszler Krikac 107 626-2415
Theater Assistance
Theater Assistance- Brian Omland
Apply to: Brian Omland at [email protected] 605-626-7932, JC 119A
By Emailing: [email protected]
Weight Room/ Wellness Center Attendant
Weight Room/ Wellness Center Attendant- Zach Neer
Apply to: Zach Neer Barnett Center Fitness Center Apply in person
Updated: 8/15/2024
Work-Study Job Listing
2024 Fall
Off-Campus Listing
Academic Tutor
Academic Tutor-
Apply to: [email protected] Central High School 725-8116
Assistant Childcare Teacher
Assistant Childcare Teacher-
"Apply to:
Molly Johnson
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Or find a YMCA application online at: www.aberdeenymca.org"
Child Watch Caregiver
Child Watch Caregiver-
"Apply to:
Molly Johnson
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Or find a YMCA application online at: www.aberdeenymca.org"
Gym & Activity Center Supervisor
Gym & Activity Center Supervisor-
"Apply to:
Molly Johnson
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Or find a YMCA application online at: www.aberdeenymca.org"
Lifeguard and/or Swim Instructor
Lifeguard and/or Swim Instructor-
"Apply to:
Molly Johnson
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, SD 5740
Or find a YMCA application online at: www.aberdeenymca.org"
Updated: 8/15/2024
Work-Study Job Listing
2024 Fall
Off-Campus Listing
Member Services Representative
Member Services Representative-
"Apply to:
Molly Johnson
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
School Age Childcare Worker
School Age Childcare Worker-
"Apply to:
Molly Johnson
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Or find a YMCA application online at: www.aberdeenymca.org"
Wellness Center Coach
Wellness Center Coach-
"Apply to:
Molly Johnson
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Or find a YMCA application online at: www.aberdeenymca.org"
Wellness Director
Wellness Director-
Apply to:
Molly Johnson
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Or find a YMCA application online at: www.aberdeenymca.org
Updated: 8/15/2024
Work-Study Job Listing
2024 Fall
Off-Campus Listing
Youth Sports Worker and or Official-
"Apply to:
Caleb DeBoer ([email protected])
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Or find a YMCA application online at: www.aberdeenymca.org"
Child Care Assistant Teacher
Child Care Assistant Teacher-
Pick up an application at the YMCA
Child Watch Representative
Child Watch Representative-
Or you may pick up an application at the front desk of the Aberdeen Family YMCA and return it
to the same location.
Group Fitness Instructor
Group Fitness Instructor-
Or you may pick up an application at the front desk of the Aberdeen Family YMCA and return it
to the same location.
Gym & Activity Supervisor
Gym & Activity Supervisor-
Please complete a YMCA application and return to [email protected] or drop off at
the YMCA
Aberdeen Family YMCA
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, South Dak
Updated: 8/15/2024
Work-Study Job Listing
2024 Fall
Off-Campus Listing
Aberdeen Family YMCA
5 South State Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
HIRING DIRECTOR IF QUESTIONS: Dan Severson [email protected]
Member Services Representative
Member Services Representative-
Return your YMCA application and resume to the Aberdeen Family YMCA
pick up and application at the YMCA