Geologists’ Association - South Wales Group -- Cymdeithas y Daearegwyr - Grŵp De Cymru
Geological Walks in Wales -
Cribarth to Craig-y-Nos
Cribarth lies north of the upper Tawe
(Swansea) valley. Its summit,
reaching 428m, is a quarried
plateau. This walk of about 6km
climbs steeply to loop around the
plateau, looking at rocks, fossils and
scenery. The walk takes at least half
a day. Walking distance: is
approximately 4km.
Location: Parking is available at
Craig-y-nos Country Park off the
A4067, 40 km NE of Swansea, grid
reference SN 8400 1554, Post Code
SA9 1GL.
Maps: Ordnance Survey 1:50,000
Landranger Sheet 160 (Brecon
Beacons) and 1:25,000 Outdoor
Leisure Sheet 12 (Brecon Beacons West and Central); British Geological Survey 1:50,000 Sheet 231 (Merthyr Tydfil)
Caution: The path is steep at first, but well-marked. Beyond the stile (Locality 3) the terrain can be confusing in poor
visibility: take a map and compass and know how to use them. Beware of steep edges in quarries.
Turn left from the car park onto the road - beware traffic. Continue for 400m, past Craig-y-nos Castle and the Coach
House. Turn right at a gate marked "Geological Trail”.
Locality 1. The Craig-y-nos Quarry Heritage Trail follows an old tramway. By the gate are examples of the main rocks
in the area: Old Red Sandstone is made of sand and pebbles cemented together; the Carboniferous aged limestone
is grey, with white, crescent-shaped fossil shells; Marros Group (formerly called the Millstone Grit) has round, creamy
coloured pebbles cemented together.
The stones on the path are limestone, made of pieces of fossils cemented together. The fossils include brachiopods,
corals and crinoids that lived in a warm sea that covered southern Britain in the early Carboniferous period of time,
some 350 million years ago - long before today's
hills and valleys formed.
The British Isles were then south of the equator:
continental drift has since moved them
Look closely at the limestone - a magnifying glass is
useful. Some pieces are made of tiny circles, less
than 1mm across, called ooids. They formed as a
coating of lime around a shell fragment or silt grain
in shallow, turbulent water - they are not fossils.
The rock is called oolitic limestone.
Basemap © OpenStreetMap contributors
Geologists’ Association - South Wales Group -- Cymdeithas y Daearegwyr - Grŵp De Cymru
Take the path marked "Geological Trail". It is marked by white posts. After 400m, stop at a crest with crags of
limestone, at a point near a fence where there is an open view.
Locality 2. Across the valley is a limestone quarry at Penwyllt. Higher ground to its right is made of Marros Group,
which overlies the Carboniferous Limestone Supergroup - it formed later, and is younger.
The layers - beds- of rock are typical of sedimentary rocks, that
built up on the sea-bed over millions of years. The beds were
once horizontal and covered a vast area. They are now tilted
(dip) to the south, and erosion has carved out the landscape.
Notice the scarp-and-dip features - gentle slopes dip towards
the south, following bedding surfaces, while slopes facing north
are steeper, cutting across the bedding. Higher ground left of
the quarry ends in a wooded cliff above the Country Park - Craig
y Rhiwarth.
The Brecon Beacons are underlain by Old Red Sandstone, that
is older than Carboniferous Limestone supergroup. To the
north-west the Marros Group has scarp-and-dip features like at
Penwyllt. In between is the Carboniferous Limestone
Supergroup. The buildings left of the road are Dan-yr-ogof, with its caves and imitation dinosaurs. Closer to you, on
the extreme left, is a steep-sided valley with a large saucer-shaped depression, called "The Crater", near its head.
There are smaller depressions to its right.
These features formed by weathering of the limestone. Acidic rain
and water that has picked up acids from decaying plants in soil can
dissolve and widen cracks in limestone. Eventually streams flow
underground in cave systems like Dan-yr-ogof, leaving dry valleys
at the surface. The circular depressions are shake holes (dolines),
formed by collapse above a cave. The largest ones are where
Marros Group roofs over large limestone caves before collapsing.
Marros Group crags can be seen in Pwll-yr-Wydden shake hole
above and to the left of The Crater. At the end of the last Ice Age,
11,000 years ago, the ground was frozen: glacial meltwater could
not enter caves, but carved out the steep-sided valleys.
Look across the valley at Craig y Rhiwarth, above the Country Park.
Its gently sloping surface follows bedding in the limestone, but
beds in the crag itself are vertical. The limestone was bent (folded)
into an arch (anticline) before erosion took place.
Bearing Left, continue upwards; and up to the stile.
Locality 3. There are many fossils in the limestone blocks of the
wall - do not collect from these! There are also blocks of red rock:
these are erratics of Old Red Sandstone, carried here from the
north by ice during the last phase of glaciation, about 22,000 years
Cross the stile. Walk uphill away from the wall towards a rocky
knoll on the skyline.
The Crater and shake holes where Marros Group
has collapsed into caves in the limestone. Ditches in
the foreground are Rottenstone workings
Old Red Sandstone blocks stand out from
the grey limestone in the wall
Across the valley, Marros Group dipping to the South
Geologists’ Association - South Wales Group -- Cymdeithas y Daearegwyr - Grŵp De Cymru
Locality 4. These pale crags have rounded, fluted surfaces. They are natural limestone pavements, formed by solution
of the limestone when it was covered by soil. Notice that the bedding here is nearly horizontal.
Bear left. Cross the low edge of an old quarry. Follow the quarry floor to a level path.
Locality 5. This path follows the line of a tramroad, built in the 19th century when there were over 30 quarries on
Cribarth. Limestone was taken to the Swansea Canal at Abercrâf for agricultural use and later for the iron industry.
Fossils include sponges - large oval shapes with a delicate, cell-like structure. Bedding is tilted steeply to your left
(south. There are blocks of brown sandstone that were discarded during quarrying. Sandstone beds within the
limestone were deposited by rivers during the Carboniferous period when sea-level fell, forming islands like the
Bahamas today.
Locality 6. Above you and to the right are the old
quarries (optional diversion) where you can find
many hand sized pieces to inspect with a
Take Great Care if you enter the quarry because
the rocks underfoot are very loose.
Return to the Path and head SW; after 1 km, stop by a stone wall.
Locality 7. The tall crag ahead, near the corner in the wall, has
bedding dipping away from you - towards the north-west. This is
even more clearly seen by looking back towards the north side of the
crags you have walked the south side of. Along the path beds were
tilted to the south-east, while on the summit plateau they are
horizontal. Limestone beds on Cribarth form an arch - anticline - that
has been cut through by erosion.
The Cribarth Anticline continues the fold on Craig y Rhiwarth (Locality 2) and is part of a narrow zone of bent and
broken rocks called the Swansea Valley Disturbance.
If you knock together pieces of
limestone here, they make a
sulphurous smell, caused by the
decay of organic material.
Related processes result in the
formation of crude oil. Pale,
oolitic limestones form the
eroded core of the anticline:
they underlie and are older than
the dark, smelly limestones on
the ridge flanks. Hard, pale
lumps in the limestone here are
chert, made of silica that grew
chemically in the rock, like flint
nodules in the Chalk of southern
North-west dipping strata seen by looking back
from locality 7
The structure of Cribarth and
Swansea Valley
Geologists’ Association - South Wales Group -- Cymdeithas y Daearegwyr - Grŵp De Cymru
In some places chert grew as tiny crystals: weathering dissolved the limestone, leaving a porous rock called
rottenstone, that was quarried as a polishing agent (see Locality 8). You can also find white, glassy crystals of calcite,
the crystalline equivalent of limestone, which grew in cracks in the limestone.
Turn left at the corner in the wall. Ahead to the right it is an easy ascent to the triangulation pillar at the summit
Locality 8. The Swansea Valley is in line with the ridge of Cribarth, because erosion has picked out weaker rocks along
the Swansea Valley Disturbance. The valley has steep sides and a broad floor, typical of erosion by glaciers. During
the last phase of glaciation, 22,000 years ago, a glacier flowed from the Brecon Beacons along the Swansea Valley.
Walk north for about 50m across a damp hollow to a mound with small crags.
Locality 9. These crags are quartzite - cemented pure sand. They belong to the Marros Group, which overlies the
limestone. It formed when sand and pebbles were washed into the area about 320 million years ago, starting the
delta conditions of the late Carboniferous South Wales Coal Measures Group. Most of the boulders at Locality 8 were
Marros Group, including pieces of conglomerate - cemented
North from here you can see Pwll-yr-Wydden (see Locality 3).
Dark, lumpy ground to its right is where rottenstone was
quarried in the 1820's. The ditches between Localities 8 and 9
may be trial pits for rottenstone.
The Marros Group here is tilted steeply to the north-west.
Across the valley below you can see bedding surfaces sloping
towards you. This valley follows another fold - a downfold or
syncline - running alongside the Cribarth Anticline. Limestone
areas are well-drained, with short grass and thin soils,
whereas Marros Group ground is poorly drained, with peat
and ponds.
Make your way back along the tram road which runs along the
north-west side of the Cribarth plateau
Locality 10. Looking North you get another view across the
area you saw at Localities 3 and 9. You can see many of the
shake holes described previously.
Continue along the old tram road follows the north-
west edge of the plateau, ending after 1 km. As the
level path runs out, follow a path which rises to the
right then runs level (in the area of Locality 4) and
drops to a stone wall. Turn right to reach the stile
(Locality 3). Cross this and retrace your steps to the
Country Park.
Produced by the Geologists' Association South Wales
Group, Updated 2022 from an original leaflet by Dr.
Geraint Owen 1998.
Follow the Country Code and the Geological
Fieldwork Code. Do not cause damage. Do not stray
from paths. Collect from loose material rather than
from fresh rock
Tram road and path leading up and back to locality 4