Parent Handbook 2023-24
Regina Early Childhood Center
2140 Rochester Ave
Iowa City, Iowa 52245
(319) 383-1017
Michala Cox, Director
Table of Contents
Welcome 2
Philosophy and Objectives 3
Curriculum 4
Facility 5
Personnel 5
Volunteers 6
Open-Door Policy 7
Licensing 7
Enrollment Procedures 7
Toilet Training 9
Photography Release 9
Health Promotion Documents 10
Accommodations of Special Needs 10
Dismissal Procedures 10
Our Schedule 11
Hours of Operation 11
Late Pick Up 11
Closures 12
Winter Weather Cancellations, Delays, and Early Dismissals 12
Tuition 13
Board of Education 13
Board Committees 14
Notice of Nondiscrimination 14
Suggestions, Compliments, and Grievance Procedures 15
Program Activities 15
Scheduled Rest Periods 16
Classroom Groupings and Transitions 16
Technology Usage and Communication 17
Supervision 17
Field Trips 18
Family - Sta Relationships 18
Parent Code of Conduct 19
Under the Influence 19
Health and Safety Promotion 19
Outdoor Play 19
Exclusion Criteria due to Illness 20
Illness while at Regina ECC 22
Medication Administration 22
Tobacco Use and Prohibited Substances 23
Safety 24
Procare Parent Engagement App 24
Dietary Modifications 25
Emergency Procedures 26
Regina Early Childhood Center was established in 1989 as a way to welcome our
youngest learners into the Regina community. Since our inception, we have worked to
surpass any standards set by law and provide the highest quality early education
Preschool-aged children are creative and receptive. Our Early Childhood Center strives
to nurture and encourage these qualities in all children who walk through our doors.
Our program reflects the belief that every activity in which your child invests time will
teach him or her something in return, both in skill and value.
Our primary purpose is to provide an exceptional education based in the Christian faith
- our whole-child approach includes the physical, social, emotional, intellectual, moral,
and religious development of each child. We utilize evidence-based early childhood
education curriculum guided by our professional expertise in child development.
Our caring sta provide a safe and comfortable environment where your child is met
right where they are at. Your child can be their own person, work at their own pace, and
in their own style. Each child is respected for being their individual self with a special
place in God’s world.
We welcome you to visit our busy, sometimes noisy, creative classrooms to see the
children at play. I look forward to working with you and sharing in the growth and
development of your child.
Michala Cox, Director
Philosophy and Objectives
At Regina Early Childhood Center, we believe that
growth takes love.
Learning through
love promotes loving to learn. We provide a warm, nurturing environment where
children are valued, respected, and feel important in the world. Every person in the
world possesses a unique individuality, not simply for mere existence, but to fulfill a
distinct purpose. Each child, created by God, must be recognized and accepted as an
individual with his/her unique qualities, needs, and pattern of growth.
Regina Early Childhood Center provides a positive learning environment enhancing the
child’s social, emotional, physical, and spiritual development. We seek to prepare
students socially and academically for kindergarten by encouraging exploration of
their world through creative art, literature, music, food preparation, self-awareness,
and play. Further, our pre-kindergarten programs provide your child with an
environment parallel to the security and love of your family. Our caring and qualified
sta work to aid your child in developing independence and self-control, while gaining
new knowledge and friendships.
Collaboration must exist between the administration, teachers, and family to provide
the best possible learning experience for our children.
Regina Catholic Education Center, as a complete body, seeks to make their unique
contribution to a God-centered education in the development of Roman Catholic
tradition in a changing society. Guided by this philosophy, our objective is to aid each
child in their unique development, focusing on these goals:
1. Foster a love of learning that lasts throughout the child’s academic career
2. Develop self-worth and positive feelings about themselves
3. Impart an understanding of the feelings and rights of others
4. Grow in an appreciation of God’s love
5. Provide a safe, stimulating environment where children can learn through a
variety of teacher and child-initiated activities
Regina Early Childhood Center seeks to provide a diverse and exciting learning
experience through a variety of means and methods including both instructor-led and
child-initiated activities.
Our pre-kindergarten programs implement the Creative Curriculum, a rigorous,
evidence-based framework of study that is developmentally-appropriate while meeting
the needs of individual learners. This curriculum features inquiry, exploration, and
discovery as the foundation of all learning. Daily learning objectives cover 9 major
developmental areas of:
Science and Technology
Social Studies
Art and Music
The first five years of life lay the foundation for all future learning and development
so focus on foundational skills and how they build upon each other to support children’s
development and learning through the early elementary grades.
Religion is an integral part of our everyday routine at Regina. We pray to begin our
day, before our meals, and as part of our morning meeting.
We follow
Stories of God’s Love,
a Scripture-based approach that presents the Bible
through developmentally-appropriate stories that connect to students’ everyday lives.
This curriculum is family-focused with weekly stories to take home, helping children and
their families connect to learning at school.
Language enrichment is also part of our daily routine. Lessons and songs introduce
both Spanish and American Sign Language to familiarize students with dierent types
of communication.
Located within the Regina Catholic Education Center, our newly-renovated Early
Childhood Center held its grand opening in August 2022. We have four classrooms that
encompass preschool and pre-kindergarten programs. Our Early Childhood Center also
includes an outdoor playground, a dedicated cafeteria room for snacks and lunch, a
Large Motor Classroom for indoor physical activity and movement, a STEM classroom,
and a Nature Explore Classroom for outdoor exploration and gardening.
Between 7:30-8:30 am, students may be dropped o at the Early Childhood Center
entrance. Parents and authorized pick-up persons may use a biometric reader or
assigned PIN and Passcode to enter the Early Childhood Center hallway. This process
ensures that all students are signed in and out of the school each day. After 8:30 am, all
visitors must enter through the Elementary school entrance before proceeding to the
Early Childhood Center.
Regina has at least one full-time lead teacher and one full-time assistant teacher
assigned to each classroom. Each lead teacher is required to have childcare experience
or have a degree in elementary education or early childhood. The lead teacher is
responsible for planning and implementing daily lesson plans. The assistant teacher is
under the direct supervision of the lead teacher and Director. Assistant teachers are
responsible for assisting with the daily activities in the classroom and the supervision of
Regina Early Childhood Center utilizes the following minimum requirements to guide
our adult - to - child ratios:
3 years one adult to every 10 children one adult to every eight children
4 years one adult to every 12 children one adult to every ten children
5 years one adult to every 12 children one adult to every ten children
Regina Early Childhood Center’s total capacity is 106 children. The following is the
maximum number of children allowed in each classroom:
3 years - 4 years
4 years - 5 years
4 years - 5 years
Eagles (Pre-K only)
4 years - 5 years
We welcome volunteers to join our classrooms for field trips and celebrations. If you
would like to volunteer, please see the Director to complete the necessary paperwork
as required by our licensing agency. We encourage parents and family members to
participate in Regina Early Childhood Center activities as much as possible. This may
include opportunities such as reading to the children, assisting with field trips,
preparing materials for activities, or providing treats for special celebrations. All
volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and sign a statement indicating:
1. Whether or not the potential volunteer has been convicted of any law in any
state or any record of founded child abuse or dependent adult abuse in any
state. All volunteers must pass both state and national criminal record and child
& dependent adult abuse registry checks. Regina Inter-Parish Catholic
Education Center is a Diocesan Entity in the Diocese of Davenport. Therefore, all
volunteers are also required to complete a 1-hour online training titled,
Protecting God’s Children,
as well as a separate background check through
2. Whether or not they have a communicable disease or other health concern that
could pose a threat to the health, safety, or well-being of children.
3. They have been informed of their responsibility as a mandatory reporter of child
Open-Door Policy
Parents are encouraged to visit their child at Regina at any time. Our open-door policy
states that parents may visit or pick up their child during our hours of operation.
When parental contact is prohibited, the custodial parent must provide Regina ECC
with a written court order documenting the restriction. If the restricted parent were to
arrive at Regina, the court order would allow us to receive police intervention while
asking that parent to vacate the premises. If no court order is on file at Regina, we are
only able to inform the custodial parent that the restricted person is at Regina -
however, we are unable to physically stop the person from taking the child.
Regina Early Childhood Center is fully-licensed under the Iowa Department of Human
Services. A copy of the Iowa Department of Human Services Licensing Standards and
Procedures is available on the Department of Human Services website. If there are
questions about these standards or practices, please contact our DHS licensing
Heidi Brown
315 Iowa Ave, Suite 2
Muscatine, Iowa 52761
(515) 631-8846
Child Care Complaint Hotline
(844) 786-1296
Enrollment Procedures
Regina Early Childhood Center admits children regardless of race, creed, color, sex,
national origin, or religion. Children who are between the ages of 3–5 years are eligible
to enroll. Admission requirements and enrollment procedures are as follows:
1. Enrollment is based on a first-come, first-served basis pending completion of
necessary paperwork. Preference is given to current Regina families during an
early-bird enrollment period in January and February each year.
2. When a spot becomes available, a $100 non-refundable registration fee is
required. This fee, in addition to the necessary forms, ensures your child a spot in
the program.
3. Children must be fully toilet trained to be admitted into Regina Early Childhood
a. Student must independently use the toilet for both urinating and stooling,
and communicates to others that they need to use the restroom (see full
criteria below).
4. All necessary (DHS-required) forms, such as medical and immunization records,
must be completed and on file in the ECC oce prior to the first day of the
child’s attendance.
5. As vacancies occur during the year, they are filled from the waiting list
according to the above procedures.
Families will be provided a Registration Packet to be completed prior to a child being
enrolled in our programs. This packet includes:
Electronic Application
Registration Forms:
Health Promotion Forms: Emergency Medical Consent, Medical
Information, Pick up Permission Forms
CACFP Enrollment Document
Dietary Modification Form (if applicable)
Emergency Action Plan (if applicable)
Letter of Financial Agreement
Regina Emergency Communication Form
Family Handbook
Tuition Express Form
Physical and Immunization records - updated annually and signed by the
student’s healthcare provider
Procare Parent Engagement App Registration Instructions
This information must be collected, along with a $100 non-refundable registration fee,
prior to your child’s first day. Periodically, Regina will request that this information be
updated. Failure to update the required forms when asked to do so may result in
suspension of a child’s enrollment. For a child to remain enrolled it is also expected that
account balances be paid in full by the 10th of each month during the academic year.
If a family needs assistance completing the necessary paperwork, understanding
communication from Regina Early Childhood Center, or finding services or resources in
the community, please contact the Director or Iowa Child Care Resource and Referral
and/or the Department of Human Services.
Regina Early Childhood Center prohibits discrimination against its customers,
employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin,
age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political
beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, or sexual orientation.
If you will be withdrawing your student from Regina Early Childhood Center, you are
required to submit a 30-day written notice to the Director. Full tuition will be charged
for the 30 days prior to a student’s withdrawal.
Toilet Training
Regina Early Childhood Center does not assist in teaching children how and when to
use the toilet. All children must meet the following definition of toilet training in order to
be admitted to our programs:
Student must independently pull pants and underwear up and down. Student uses the
toilet for both urinating and stooling. Student uses toilet paper to clean themselves
independently after using the toilet. Students recognizes when they need to use the
toilet and uses words to communicate to someone that they need to use the toilet.
If a student is admitted to Regina ECC but upon entry does not meet the above criteria,
the student’s admission may be deferred until toilet training is completed. Regina
acknowledges that accidents do sometimes occur after toilet training is completed, and
therefore does not believe in disciplining children when this occurs.
Photography Release
As part of new student enrollment, families will complete a photography release for use
on social media, classroom projects, and on our website for the purpose of promoting
our Center. No financial benefits from the use of photos will be paid. Families may opt
out of photos.
Health Promotion Documents
The enrollment packet contains the health forms that Regina is required to keep in each
child’s confidential file. Parents are responsible for reporting to Regina any changes to
these health documents when they occur. Parents will be asked to update these forms
prior to each academic year and as they change.
Regina requests that parents provide the following information:
Names and contact information of the student’s physician and dentist
Name of local hospital that the family wishes a student will be taken to in the
event of an emergency
Consent to obtain emergency medical care
A current physical record, signed by the child’s healthcare provider
A current immunization record, printed on an Iowa Immunization Certificate,
and signed by a healthcare provider ensuring compliance with Iowa’s
immunization laws for childcare.
Accommodations of Special Needs
Regina Early Childhood Center believes in providing the best possible educational
experience for all students. This includes children that may need some special needs
requirements providing reasonable accommodations. That being said, we are unable to
provide support for some children who need assistance addressing behavioral concerns
or assistance from a health professional. Regina ECC will work closely with the child’s
family and support professionals to decide whether admission is appropriate.
Dismissal Procedures
Sometimes our early childhood programs are not the most beneficial environment for a
child. If a child is exhibiting consistently disruptive or dangerous behavior, we may ask
you to withdraw your child.
No child will be withdrawn from our Center without conferences between parents,
teachers, and the Director. Parents are asked to provide one month’s notice if and when
they choose to withdraw from the program.
If a child demonstrates a pattern of aggressive behaviors that injures other children or
adults and requires regular removal from group activities, the child may be dismissed
from ECC programs. No child shall be dismissed from our programs without first
working with the child and family to reach a workable solution to improve behavioral
problems. If unacceptable or dangerous behavior continues, a notification of dismissal
will be given to the parents. In the event that a child’s behavior is threatening the
safety of the children in our ECC or impedes the learning and developmental process of
the group, the Director will recommend that the child be removed immediately. All
eorts will be made to avoid this outcome.
If monthly tuition fees are not paid within the time allotment and notices of late
payment are ignored, your child may be dismissed from the Early Childhood Center as
per agreement within the financial agreement form. Regina Early Childhood Center
reserves the right to dismiss a child at any time.
Our Schedule
Hours of Operation
Regina Early Childhood Center is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 am - 5:30 pm.
Our designated preschool and pre-kindergarten programming takes place from
8:30 - 11:30 am each day, Monday through Friday. Parents can choose for their student
to attend preschool/pre-k only programming, or add a wrap-around care option to
their program.
The wrap-around care option allows parents to drop o their students as early as 7:30
am, and pick their child up no later than 5:30 pm. Preschool/pre-k only drop-o time is
between 8:15 - 8:30 am and pick up is between 11:30 - 11:40 am.
There are four program options for preschool and pre-kindergarten:
Preschool/Pre-k only, MWF 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Preschool/Pre-k only, M-F 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Preschool/Pre-k + wrap-around, MWF 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Preschool/Pre-k + wrap-around, M-F 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Late Pick Up
All children must be picked up by 5:30 pm. Families who pick up after 5:30 pm will be
charged a late pick-up fee of $1.00 per minute, per child. The Department of Human
Services will be contacted for children not picked up by 6:00 pm.
Regina Early Childhood Center will generally follow the Elementary School academic
calendar. Please follow our Early Childhood Center Calendar for details concerning
center closures. Generally, the Center will be closed on:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
President’s Day
Spring Break
Good Friday (noon dismissal)
Easter Monday
The entire week prior to Summer Camp
Independence Day
The entire 2 weeks after Summer Camp
Labor Day
Thanksgiving holiday break
The entire 2 weeks of Christmas break
And any other scheduled teacher in-service days as noted on the Regina
Academic Calendar.
Winter Weather Cancellations, Delays, and Early Dismissals
Regina Early Childhood Center will follow the Regina Education Center’s emergency
closure procedures. If the Elementary School is closed due to inclement weather, the
ECC will also close. Generally, Regina will follow the Iowa City Public School
dismissal/cancellation notices for weather. Please sign up for Regina Powerschool
notices via text/call to stay up to date.
If the Elementary School is delayed, morning preschool programs will be canceled. The
wrap-around care program will begin at 10:00 AM on delayed school days. If the
Elementary School is dismissed early due to weather conditions, the Early Childhood
Center will dismiss 30-45 minutes prior to the Elementary dismissal time to ensure that
safety is maintained in the parking lots. Look for communication via email and Procare
from the Director on these days.
Tuition is due monthly on the 10th day of each month. No refunds will be issued for
illness, vacations, snow days, etc. This means that tuition will be due during the
academic calendar year each month regardless of breaks or closures and will not be
prorated. Regina Early Childhood Center does not currently accept childcare assistance
from the Iowa Department of Human Services.
As a parent, it is important that tuition is paid on time. In the event that tuition
payments are late, parents will be given up to one month to make restitution. If, after
one month, payment has not been made, you will be asked to withdraw your child from
Regina Early Childhood Center. Tuition rates for the 2023-24 school year are as follows:
Board of Education
The Regina Board of Education is the governing body of the Regina Inter-Parish
Catholic Education Center as of July 1, 2022. The Board consists of three
representatives from each of the four parishes and the pastor from each parish.
Ex-ocio non-voting members include the five program administrators. The Bishop is
president, one pastor acts as “Provost,” who is a member of the executive committee
and signs legal documents with the chairperson. The legal name of our institution is
“Regina Inter-Parish Catholic Education Center.” The functions of the Board of
Education are to:
Ensure that the operation of the Regina Inter-Parish Catholic Education Center
complies with the laws of the State and with diocesan policy and is in accord
with the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church.
Develop the budget for the Regina Inter-Parish Catholic Education Center.
Oversee the collection and disbursement of financial resources necessary for the
operation of the Regina Inter-Parish Catholic Education Center.
Provide and maintain the facilities necessary to meet the educational goals of
the Center.
Determine and implement a long-range plan for the Center.
Formulate and adopt general, educational, and financial policies that will guide
the administration and enable the Center to function eciently and in such a
manner as to maximize educational opportunities and enhance the quality of
education provided.
Conduct an educational evaluation of the performance of the President.
Board Committees
Regina Inter-Parish Catholic Education Center’s board committees help Regina
implement many of the areas listed above and are open to any interested parent.
Please contact the school administrators or any board member if you are interested in
serving on any of these committees: Communication, Education, Finance,
Policy/By-Laws, Building and Grounds, Strategic Planning, Faith Formation, and Health
Safety. Further information on these committees is contained in the Regina Elementary
Handbook or by inquiry to the Business Oce.
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents, employees, sources of
referral of applicants for admission and employment with schools in the Diocese of
Davenport are hereby notified that the schools do not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, age, or disability as defined in Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, in admission
or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Any person
having inquiries concerning schools’ compliance with the regulations implementing Title
VI, and Title IX, of the Civil Rights Laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section
504 is directed to contact: Char Maaske, Human Resource Coordinator, who has been
designated to coordinate the schools’ eorts to comply with the regulations related to
these laws.
Contact: Char Maaske, Human Resource Coordinator
2706 N. Gaines Street, Davenport, Iowa 52804-1998
Phone: (319) 324-1911 Fax: (319) 324-5811
Diocesan Victims’ Assistant Coordinator: Alicia Owens (563) 349-5002
Suggestions, Compliments, and Grievance Procedures
We encourage you to provide us with insight and suggestions throughout the year. One
of our objectives at Regina is to help parents, teachers, administration, Board of
Education, and lay board members to develop into a “family.” A family is defined as a
group of people united by a common philosophy and a common set of beliefs and
goals. At Regina, these beliefs are encompassed within the Catholic faith - the
philosophy is based on the Christian belief to love one’s neighbor - the goal is to
educate the children in the fundamentals of the Catholic faith within the context of life
Open communication is vital to the health of the Regina community. However, a family
is more than a group of people who can converse in a civil manner. The Catholic school
family is bound together by Christian love. This love allows family to eectively address
problems and resolve conflicts without any single member being harmed. Further, it
fosters the growth of each member’s spirit, faith, and self-image, thereby improving the
individual’s ability to navigate through our world.
“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you.
If they listen to you, you have won them over…” Matthew 18:15
A family promotes love and goodwill through a continual series of simple gestures, such
as greetings, compliments, concern for one another, sharing, listening, and helping.
When conflict arises in these settings, there is concern for individuals and a willingness
to resolve the conflict without harm. The suggested format for conflict grievance
procedures for teachers/employees, administrators, and board members is contained
within the Elementary Handbook found online.
Program Activities
Each classroom at Regina Early Childhood Center establishes and implements a written
plan of daily activities. The objective of the program of daily activities is to foster
incremental developmental progress. Written plans are posted outside of each
classroom door. All ECC classrooms follow the same daily routines and sequences of
activities (e.x., coats away, bathroom/wash hands, sign in), but the routine is tailored to
each age group and their developmental needs. A planned but flexible schedule allows
children to make decisions about their activities and fosters both independence and
creative expression.
Our daily activities include:
Structured and unstructured activities
Teacher-directed and child-initiated experiences
Family involvement
Indoor and outdoor exploration
Active and quiet activities
Individual and group times
Health, safety, and nutrition instruction
Scheduled Rest Periods
Regina Early Childhood Center provides an opportunity for, but does not require, sleep
and rest for students who enroll in the wrap-around care program. We make available a
regularly scheduled rest period from 1 pm 2:15 pm each day. Each student is assigned
a cot and will need to bring their own “cot cover.” Cot covers may be purchased from
Regina or families may purchase their own. Cot covers must accompany the child to
school on a Monday, and will be sent home each Friday afternoon to be washed.
Students are able to bring their own comfort object with them for rest time. For children
who are unable to sleep, Regina ECC provides time and space for quiet play.
Classroom Groupings and Transitions
Regina Early Childhood Center’s classrooms are largely grouped by age and consist of
children in similar developmental stages. Students will stay in their assigned classroom
through the entirety of the academic year. With that in mind, we believe that each child
is an individual who develops at their own unique pace. If in an extenuating
circumstance Regina ECC sta agree that a student shows developmental readiness for
a dierent classroom and it is in the child’s best interest, we would suggest a transition
to another classroom at the end of a semester.
Some children take more time to feel comfortable with a new setting and dierent
routines, whether they are transitioning to Regina for the first time or transitioning to
another room within our ECC. If a child is having a dicult time transitioning to the
new classroom, both parents and teachers will work together to individualize the
Technology Usage and Communication
Regina Early Childhood Center uses the Procare Parent Engagement app as a primary
communication tool with families. Email is a secondary communication method.
Classroom teachers use iPads to take photos and send information to families
throughout the day via Procare App. Each classroom also has a Smart Panel installed
that is used for movement activities, music, and other educational activities.
Regina Early Childhood Center schedules parent-teacher conferences both in the fall
and in the spring. Parents may request a formal conference at any time during the year.
Regina Catholic Education Center utilizes PowerSchool K-12 software for both
emergency and non-emergency messages related to school closing, late arrival, early
dismissal, and other miscellaneous notification messages from the school or
extracurricular sta. When enrolling in the ECC, families will be given the opportunity to
register for text/phone/email notifications from this software. It is important to keep
contact information current and complete in PowerSchool so the message center is
using the most up-to-date information.
Teachers directly supervise preschool children by sight and sound at all times, even
when the children are in sleeping areas. Teachers will regularly count children on a
scheduled basis, at every transition, and whenever leaving one area and arriving at
another, to confirm the safe whereabouts of every child at all times. Developmentally
appropriate adult:child ratios are maintained at all times during hours of operation,
including indoor and outdoor play as well as field trips.
If a child is noted to be missing from the group, the teacher will ask for the help of the
Director as well as building administrators to find the child. An administrator will page
throughout the building and ask for everyone to search their classrooms and the
administration will check the playgrounds, oces, bathrooms, and dining areas. After a
search of the building is complete, if the child is not found, the Iowa City Police
Department and the child’s emergency contacts will be notified. The Director will notify
the DHS Childcare Licensing Consultant that a child is missing. The teacher assigned to
the child will be placed on immediate suspension. The future of those person’s
employment at Regina Catholic Education Center will be dependent upon the findings
from the DHS investigation, the circumstances, and the safety level of the child when
he/she was found.
Field Trips
Activities outside the Early Childhood Center will require a separate permission form.
This form will include all relevant information about the field trip including the means of
transportation and will require a parent/guardian signature. Regina transportation
policies will be followed on each field trip. If a parent or family member would like to
attend the field trip as a volunteer, they will be required to complete a volunteer
statement before attending the field trip and provide proof of identification.
Attendance records and emergency contact information must be with the group at all
times when leaving campus.
Regina contracts with a bussing company to transport students to and from field trips.
Sta to child ratios are maintained while being transported to and from field trip
locations. Any driver who transports students for Regina Early Childhood Center must
be at least 21 years of age and must have:
A valid driver’s license that authorizes the driver to operate the bus being driven.
No record of substance abuse or conviction for crimes of violence or child abuse.
No alcohol or other drugs associated with impaired ability to drive within 12
hours prior to transporting students. Drivers ensure that any prescription drugs
taken will not impair their ability to drive.
No criminal record of crimes against or involving children, child neglect or abuse,
or any crime of violence.
Family - Sta Relationships
At Regina, it is our goal to develop a relationship between our sta and families to
ensure that our school environment is a continuation of the home environment, and
vice versa. Parents and teachers are encouraged to speak freely with each other about
concerns and suggestions as it relates to the student. There is a reciprocal responsibility
of the family and caregiver to observe, participate, and be trained in the care that each
child requires. Involved, non-custodial parents have access to the same developmental
and behavioral information given to the custodial parent, if they have joint legal
custody, permission by court order, or written consent from the custodial parent.
Teachers should informally share with the family about their child’s needs and activities.
This communication primarily takes place through daily communication via Procare
and verbal communication at drop-o and pick-up.
Preschool is often a student’s first experience in a school setting. This experience will be
most beneficial if parents and teachers develop feelings of mutual respect and trust. In
such a situation, children feel a continuity of aection and concern, which facilitates
their adjustment to separation.
If a parent or guardian has a concern or a need not able to be met by the classroom
teacher, they should see the Director. The Director is available via in-person meeting,
phone call, or email to address questions or concerns at any time.
Parent Code of Conduct
Regina Early Childhood Center requires parents of all enrolled students to behave in a
manner consistent with our values of decency, courtesy, and respect. We are a Catholic
institution and our behavior as a community must reflect these shared values. Parents
who violate our code of conduct will not be permitted on Regina property thereafter.
No parent is allowed to curse or use other inappropriate language on Regina property
at any time, whether in the presence of children or not. Parents must be in control of
their behavior at all times. Appropriate dress attire is required to pick up and drop o
your children (i.e., shirts, shoes, pants pulled up above waist).
Under the Influence
If a parent or authorized pickup person arrives at Regina Early Childhood Center and a
sta member believes the person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the sta
member is required to immediately notify the Director. The Director will inform the
person that they are not believed to be in a condition to care for the student and the
alternate contact/emergency contact will be called. If the person chooses to leave with
the student, the police will be contacted to report that an intoxicated person has left
our school with a student. Both parents will be notified.
Health and Safety Promotion
Outdoor Play
Children will play outdoors when weather and air quality conditions do not pose a
significant health risk. During cold weather, children should wear layers of loose-fitting,
lightweight clothing. Outerwear such as coats should be tightly-woven and be at least
water repellent. Hats, coats, and mittens should be snug at the wrist.
The National Weather Service states that weather that poses a significant health risk
includes a wind chill at or below 15 degrees Fahrenheit or a heat index at or above 90
degrees Fahrenheit. Air quality conditions that pose a significant health risk will be
identified by announcements from local health authorities.
Children will be protected from the sun by using shade and sunscreen with UVB-ray and
UVA-ray protection of SPF-50 or higher, with parental permission. Before prolonged
physical activity in warm weather, children will be well-hydrated and will be encouraged
to drink water during the activity. Open spaces in outdoor areas encourage children to
develop gross motor skills and fine motor play that are dicult to duplicate indoors.
Nevertheless, some weather conditions make outdoor play hazardous. Teachers must
protect children from adverse weather and air quality.
The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), Healthy Child Care Iowa has prepared a
convenient color-coded guide for childcare providers to use to determine which
weather conditions are comfortable for outdoor play, which require caution, and which
are dangerous. Teachers should check the children for comfort every 15 minutes. When
outdoor play is not permitted, we will use the Large Motor Classroom located in the
Early Childhood Center. The IDPH Weather Watch guide is available at:
Regina also consults the Air Quality Index to determine if it is safe for children to play
outside or have classroom windows open. Outdoor play time may be canceled due to
poor air quality conditions:
Exclusion Criteria due to Illness
Iowa Department of Health and Human Services and the Iowa Department of Public
Health outline specific criteria for excluding children who are acutely ill or injured:
Temporary exclusion from our program is recommended when the student:
Has an illness that prevents the student from participating comfortably in daily
Center activities.
Has an illness that results in a need for care that is greater than sta can
provide without compromising the health and safety of other students.
Has a severely ill appearance, such as lethargy, irritability, persistent crying,
diculty breathing, or a rash.
Has a fever (temperature > 100.4ºF by any method) with or without behavioral
Has diarrhea, defined by stools that are more frequent or less formed for the
individual student, and are not associated with changes in diet. Exclusion for
diarrhea is required if the student is having accidents.
Unique circumstances requiring specific exclusion criteria include:
Diarrhea with blood or mucus requires clearance from a healthcare professional
prior to readmission.
Vomiting in the previous 24 hours, unless the vomiting is determined to be
caused by a non-infectious condition and the student remains adequately
hydrated. Student is excluded until 24 hours after the last vomiting episode or
until a healthcare provider determines that the student is not contagious and
that the student is not in danger of dehydration.
Abdominal pain lasting more than 2 hours or intermittent pain accompanied by
fever or other signs of illness.
Rash with fever or behavioral changes, the student must be excluded until the
student’s healthcare provider has determined that the illness is not infectious.
Conjunctivitis (i.e., pink eye), student is excluded until 12 hours after beginning
Norovirus, student is excluded until 24 hours after diarrhea and/or vomiting
cease, and until stools are formed.
Erythemia infectiosum (i.e., 5th Disease), student is excluded until fever subsides.
Active tuberculosis, until the child’s primary healthcare provider or Johnson
County Public Health communicates that the student is on an appropriate
treatment plan and may return to school.
Impetigo, exclusion is required until lesions can be covered and student is
undergoing treatment.
Streptococcal pharyngitis (i.e., strep throat), student must be excluded until at
least 12 hours after treatment has begun.
Head lice, excluded only if the student has not been treated after notifying
parents at the end of the prior school day.
Scabies, excluded only if the student has not been treated after notifying
parents at the end of the prior school day.
Varicella (i.e., chickenpox), exclusion is required until all lesions have dried or
crusted, usually 6 days after onset and no new lesions have appeared for at least
24 hours.
Rubella, student is excluded until 7 days after the rash appeared.
Pertussis, student is excluded until 5 days after antibiotic treatment began.
Mumps, student is excluded until 5 days after onset of parotid gland swelling.
Measles, student is excluded until 4 days after the onset of rash.
Hepatitis A viral infection, student is excluded for 1 week after symptom onset or
as directed by the Johnson County Public Health.
Meningitis (bacterial), student is excluded until 24 hours after beginning
Covid-19: please see the CDC website for the current isolation guidelines that
align with your family situation.
Any student who has been determined by the local health department to be
contributing to the transmission of illness during an outbreak must be excluded.
Illness while at Regina ECC
If a student becomes ill while at school and it is determined that the student should be
excluded, the following procedure will be followed:
Immediate contact by Director or On-Site Supervisor to the parent, legal
guardian, or first listed emergency contact.
Child will be separated from the group activity to be cared for.
Appropriate care and attention will be provided to the student until parent
arrives, including a designated quiet area.
Sanitation procedures will be executed: i.e., hand washing, disinfecting surfaces,
using universal precautions.
The student should be picked up within 90 minutes of the initial contact with
parents or guardians.
At Regina ECC, the designated quiet area for students who are ill or injured is the
Director’s oce, currently located in the northern corner of the Lambs classroom.
Children will be provided a soft chair and a quiet activity while waiting for parents or
pickup persons.
Medication Administration
Regina Early Childhood Center will administer medication, prescription or over the
counter, with the written authorization of a parent or guardian as well as from the
prescribing physician. A medication form must be completed that includes the
medication name, dosage, route of administration, time of administration desired, date
to be administered, and any special instructions. All information must match with the
medication label or prescription instructions. Medications will not be administered
without the medication form fully completed. The medication must not be expired and
will be stored in a locked container in the Director’s oce until administered by a sta
member trained in medication administration.
If possible, we ask that parents try to schedule medication doses to be completed
outside of school hours. Regina will not administer the first dose of any medication in
case of reaction. Students will be monitored by a sta member after medication is
administered. All medication will be returned home after the period of time written on
the medication form. To ensure compliance with DHS and Iowa Health Department
Over the Counter Medication must come in the original container and must not have
expired. Medication must have written dosage for the age of the student being
administered the dose. Regina will not supply Ibuprofen or Tylenol. Prescription
medications must be brought in the original labeled prescription container. For
long-term medications, please do not send more than one month’s supply at a time. For
medical devices like Epi Pens or Inhalers, Regina must have a copy of the written
instructions or indications for use that include signs and symptoms for when the
medication is necessary. Parents must demonstrate the device’s use to all sta who will
be using the device. Training will be provided annually or as needed with employee or
device change.
All Epi Pens and inhalers will travel with the student’s class in each classroom backpack
along with include instructions for use.
Tobacco Use and Prohibited Substances
Regina Catholic Education Center prohibits the use of tobacco and nicotine products
including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snu, vape, pipes,
snus, Electronic Smoking Devices, and nicotine products that are not approved by the
Food and Drug Administration for smoking cessation. This regulation applies to
students, employees, and visitors. These policies apply at all times and both indoors
and outdoors on Regina school grounds. Those who fail to comply with these policies
are required to dispose of their tobacco product or vacate Regina school grounds. Our
ECC sta members are prohibited from wearing clothing that smells of smoke when
At Regina, safety is at the heart of everything we do. The Early Childhood Center was
completely renovated as the final phase of Regina’s Capital Campaign and opened in
August of 2023. Along with updated classrooms and technology, several safety features
were installed. The exterior of our building is equipped with 24-7 video surveillance
cameras and exterior doors that are locked on a timer. Security camera records are for
Regina’s internal use only in the event that recordings must be referenced.
The entrance to Regina Early Childhood Center remains locked with the exception of
specific times of day: 7:30 AM 8:30 AM for drop-o, 11:25 AM 11:45 AM for preschool
pickup, and 3:30 PM 5:30 PM for PM pickup. If you need to access the ECC outside of
these windows of time, you must enter through the Elementary School entrance where
you are buzzed in through a locked door by an Elementary sta member.
Procare Parent Engagement App
Regina Early Childhood Center uses the Procare Parent Engagement App for tuition
payment, security, record-keeping, and family communication. In the registration
packet, you will receive a form that requires you to set up automatic withdrawal
payments through Procare. Each parent will also receive a unique 10-character code to
register their child in the Procare Parent Engagement mobile app. Once your child is
registered, you can edit their profile (i.e., allergies, medications) and authorized pickup
persons. Our sta use Procare in the classroom for photo sharing, messaging, and
communication about lesson plans and class activities.
Inside the Early Childhood Center hallway, there is a second set of locked doors that
provides an extra layer of security for our youngest students. Next to the door, there is
an electronic sign-in station mounted to the wall. Each authorized pickup person is
assigned a unique four-digit PIN number and a unique four-digit PASSCODE that is
required for signing in and out each student every day. You must enter the pin and
passcode for the door to unlock.
Procedures for drop-o and pick-up are as follows:
1. Enter your pin/passcode at the sign-in station inside the Early Childhood
Center entrance door. Press “Sign-in” or “Sign-out.”
2. The hallway door will unlock.
3. Walk your child into their classroom to meet their teacher.
*Please note, drop o occurs between 7:30-8:30 each day. All families (including Lambs)
will drop at the Early Childhood Center door utilizing their pin/passcode.
To pick up your student:
1. Enter your pin/passcode at the sign-in station inside the Early Childhood
Center entrance door. Press “Sign-in” or “Sign-out.”
2. The hallway door will unlock.
3. Pick up your child from their classroom. For PM program, you may pick up
outside on the playground or in the Lions classroom.
If you do not remember your pin and passcode, you may contact the Elementary oce
or the Director. Parents may add/remove authorized pickup persons at any time by
notifying the Director.
Dietary Modifications
Regina Early Childhood Center serves a morning snack, hot lunch, and an afternoon
snack as included in the monthly tuition fee. All meals served align with the State of
Iowa’s Child and Adult Care Food Program standards for healthy foods. We are
consistently working to incorporate cultural foods into our meals that reflect the
traditions of our students. All of our meals are served family style - this means that
students get practice setting the table, serving themselves, and pouring their own milk.
Lunch time begins at 12:00 PM and typically lasts around 45 minutes to provide children
enough time to serve themselves and eat without pressure. Snack and lunch menus are
sent home the week prior to a new month beginning.
At Regina, families have the ability to bring homemade snacks and treats for special
events and birthdays. We encourage parents to be mindful of the food allergies that
exist within their student’s classroom.
If a dietary modification is necessary based upon an individual student’s needs, Regina
will make every eort to accommodate the child’s needs in cooperation with the
student’s family and medical provider. If food must be provided from home, it should
be stored in a safe container, such as a lunch box, and must meet the CACFP nutritional
requirements for the intended meal. Each student with a dietary modification must
complete a Dietary Modification Form to keep in the student’s file. Students with food
allergies must provide the school a valid Allergy Action Plan completed by the student’s
healthcare provider.
Emergency Procedures
To obtain DHS licensure, Regina Early Childhood Center is required to create and
maintain an emergency response preparedness plan. This plan includes emergency
contact information, a risk assessment, evacuation and lockdown procedures, and
parent reunification plans.
In the event of an emergency, students and adults will evacuate to one of the
designated safe areas on Regina’s campus unless instructed to evacuate o site by
emergency personnel. Parents will be notified via phone call and text the reunification
location and procedure in the event of an emergency. In all emergency situations, our
emergency backpacks with emergency contact information, student medications,
Center cell phone, and first aid kits will remain with students.
Each month, our Center conducts fire and tornado practice drills. Twice per year, we
practice intruder situations. These drills are helpful for students to learn where the exits
are and where the safe location is in the event of an emergency.