Viticultural Performance of Red and White Wine
Grape Cultivars in Southwestern Idaho
Krista C. Shellie
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. grapevine, phenology, heat accumulation, germplasm,
Vitis vinifera
UMMARY. A collection of 23 red and six white wine grape (Vitis vinifera) cultivars
were evaluated for viticultural performance in Parma, ID. Vine yield, fruit compo-
sition, and vegetative growth were measured over four growing seasons, and data
were used to compare relative cultivar performance based on yield to pruning ratio
and fruit maturity. Relative differences among cultivars in budbreak day of year
[96 (6 Apr.) to 122 (2 May)] and days from budbreak to harvest (143 to 179 days)
varied from year to year. The earliest and latest maturing cultivars in 3 of 4 years
were ‘Blauer Portugieser’ (143 days), ‘Nebbiolo’ (177 days), ‘Barbera’ (179 days),
‘Orange Muscat’ (144 days), ‘Flora’ (149 days), ‘Muscat of Alexandria’ (166 days),
and ‘Viognier (168 days). Cultivars differed in yield (2.4 to 7.0 tons/acre),
vegetative vigor (4.6 to 20.4 yield/pruning weight), and harvest soluble solids
concentration (21.1 to 26.5), but differences in harvest pH (3.0 to 4.1) and
titratable acidity (2.48 to 13.03 gL
) varied from year to year. Average heat unit
accumulation (1646) was 160 units higher than the 78-year site average. Few (less
than 150) units accumulated in April and October, most units accumulated in July,
and diurnal difference in air temperature was 15 C. Performance results from this
study can assist cultivar site selection by comparing climate data for an intended site
with that of Parma. For example, the low acidity and earliness of ‘Blauer Portugieser’
suggests it is best suited to a site with less heat unit accumulation than Parma, and the
high acidity and late maturity of ‘Barbera’, ‘Nebbiolo’, and ‘Carignan’ suggest these
cultivars are best suited to a site with more heat unit accumulation than Parma.
The inconsistent relationship between onset of budbreak and earliness observed
in this study suggests opportunity to match short-season cultivars late to break
bud such as Flora to short-season growing sites prone to late-season frost.
ew vineyard regions are
being tested and established
throughout North America
in climatic zones once considered
marginal or unsuitable for growing
grapes of European origin (Vitis vin-
ifera) for wine production (Evans
et al., 2005; Hamman, 1993; Kaps
and Odneal, 2001; Reynolds et al.,
2004; Wolf and Warren, 2000). Acre-
age expansion into marginal areas is
driven by the potentially high eco-
nomic value of associated agribusiness
and tourism as well as the high pro-
duction efficiency of wine grapes rel-
ative to other traditional agricultural
products. Determination of suitability
for cultivation of wine grapes based
on cold events or disease prevalence
is more easily accomplished than
matching of cultivars to particular
mesoclimates, yet districts of origin
in well-established production re-
gions demonstrate the importance of
cultivar site selection. When the Cal-
ifornia wine industry began growth in
the late 1800s, information from Old
World wine-producing countries pro-
vided limited assistance for determin-
ing cultivar suitability. After 50 years
of extensive cultivar testing con-
ducted in California under varied
environmental conditions, a climate
classification system based on heat
unit accumulation was developed to
compare and describe production
regions (Winkler et al., 1974). Culti-
var site evaluation also played an
important role in Washington state
wine industry growth where cultivar
trials were initiated in 1937 and con-
tinued into the late 1980s (Ahmedul-
lah, 1985; Clore et al., 1976; Nagel
and Spayd, 1990; Powers et al.,
The uniqueness of Idaho’s viti-
cultural climate and youth of its in-
dustry warrant evaluation of cultivar
suitability for commercial production
(fruit quality and quantity sufficient
to be competitive). Idaho’s principal
wine grape-growing district is located
in the western half of the Snake River
Plain, a crescent-shaped depression
that stretches roughly 600 km across
southern Idaho. The arid, continental
climate of the western Snake River
Plain is similar to other warm, arid
grape-growing regions in eastern
Washington, northern Nevada, west-
ern Colorado, and south central Brit-
ish Columbia, Canada, where the
growing season is delimited by spring
or fall frost events. In addition to
macroclimate, the diverse topography
within the grape-growing region cre-
ates distinct mesoclimates that greatly
impact cultivar suitability. The large
mesoclimate diversity offers opportu-
nities, but also poses additional chal-
lenges for cultivar site selection.
Wine grapes are Idaho’s second
largest fruit crop [U.S. Dept. Agr.
(USDA), 2007]. Acreage doubled
between 1993 and 1998 to 647 acres
in 27 vineyards, and the most recent
tree fruit census reported 1215 acres
in 49 vineyard operations. Cultivar
selection appears historically based
on a perceived need for cold
To convert U.S. to SI,
multiply by U.S. unit SI unit
To convert SI to U.S.,
multiply by
0.4047 acre(s) ha 2.4711
29.5735 fl oz mL 0.0338
0.3048 ft m 3.2808
3.7854 gal L 0.2642
2.5400 inch(es) cm 0.3937
0.4536 lb kg 2.2046
1.6093 mile(s) km 0.6214
28.3495 oz g 0.0353
0.001 ppm gL
2.2417 ton/acre mgha
(F – 32) O 1.8 F C (1.8 ·C) + 32
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research
Service, Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory,
29603 U of I Lane, Parma, ID 83660
I thank the Idaho Grape Growers and Wine Producers
and Essie Fallahi for planting the material evaluated in
this study and Jeff Acock, Chris Rennaker, David
Straley, Josh Gregersen, and Mark Redhead for their
technical assistance.
Mention of a trademark, proprietary product, or
vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of
the product by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and does
not imply its approval to the exclusion of other
products or vendors that also may be suitable.
October–December 2007 17(4) 595
hardiness and low heat unit require-
ment because an estimated 60% of
acreage is comprised of cool season,
cold-hardy white wine cultivars
[‘Riesling’, ‘Chardonnay’, and
‘Gewurztraminer’ (Gillerman et al.,
2006)]. More recent plantings
include the red cultivars ‘Cabernet
Sauvignon’, ‘Merlot’, and ‘Syrah’,
demonstrating industry interest in
expanding cultivar selection. Despite
the growing importance of wine
grapes in Idaho’s economy, little pub-
lished information is available on
cultivar performance under Idaho
growing conditions. The objective
of this study was to compare the
viticultural performance of red and
white wine grape cultivars
under similar cultural practices to
assist cultivar site selection for future
Materials and methods
All of the cultivars evaluated in
this study have a history of commer-
cial production in well-established
viticulture regions but have either
never or only recently been planted
in southwestern Idaho. A description
of each cultivar with its correspond-
ing major area of production is pre-
sented in Table 1. The cultivars were
planted on their own roots in 1997
(Fallahi et al., 2004) or 1998 (Fallahi
et al., 2005) with planting material
purchased through Foundation Plant
Services, Davis, CA. Clonal designa-
tions are those used by Foundation
Plant Services. The cultivars were
evaluated at the University of Idaho
Parma Research and Extension Cen-
ter (lat. 4347# N, long. 11657# W,
elevation 750 m) in Parma, ID. Aver-
age annual precipitation for Parma is
9.7 inches of which 45% falls during
the growing season (1 Apr. through
31 Oct.) and provides 10% of pan
evapotranspiration (U.S. Dept. Inte-
rior, 2006). Climate data (1922–
2005) indicates a 90% probability of
a freeze (–1.46 C) event after 1 Apr.,
dropping to 20% by 1 May (USDA,
1972). The soil at the trial site was a
Turbyfill, fine sandy loam with a pH
of 7.9 in the top 12 inches and 0.9%
organic matter. Eight vines of each
cultivar were planted next to one
another. The vine groups were
planted in a completely randomized
fashion within four field replications.
The vines were spaced 7 ft apart in
north–south-oriented rows that were
Table 1. Region of major production for red and white wine grape cultivars
evaluated on their own roots in Parma, ID.
Cultivar (clone no.) Acronym Major acreage
Red skin
Barbera (02) BA Italy
Blauer Portugieser (02) BP Germany/Austria Pfalz/Vienna
Cabernet Franc (04) CF France
Cabernet Sauvignon (04) CS France
Carignan (06) CG France
Dolcetto (01) DL Italy Piemonte
Grenache (03) GR Spain
Lemberger (02) LE Germany
Malbec (06) MA Argentina
Merlot (08) ME France
Pinot Meunier (01) MN France
Nebbiolo (01) NB Italy Piemonte
Petit Verdot (01) PV France Bordeaux
Petite Sirah (03) PS California California
Pinot Noir (18) PN France
Pinotage (01) PT South Africa Stellenbosch
Primitivo (03) PR Italy Puglia
Sangiovese (04) SG Italy
Souzao (01) SZ Portugal Douro
Syrah (07) SY France
Touriga Nacional (02) TG Portugal Douro
Valdepenas (03) VP Spain
Zinfandel (03) ZN U.S.
White skin
Chardonnay (38) CH U.S.
Flora (04) FL U.S. California
Muscat of Alexandria (02) MU Spain
Orange Muscat (01) OM U.S. California
Pinot Gris (04) PG Italy
Viognier (01) VI France Rhone
Fegan, 2003.
Johnson, 1994.
One of the world’s 81 most widely planted grape cultivars (Fegan, 2003).
Table 2. Growing degree days and average daily maximum and minimum air
temperature at the University of Idaho Parma Experiment Station in Parma, ID.
Growing degree days
2002 2003 2004 2005 1922–2005
Growing degree days
April 36.0 41.3 82.2 45.8 35.5
May 151.4 168.7 149.5 158.5 139.9
June 305.6 329.3 298.5 222.7 245.3
July 465.9 503.5 434.4 431.4 383.5
August 346.9 427.1 395.5 410.6 350.2
September 227.2 247.8 200.2 194.3 180.4
October 46.9 133.5 83.8 47.3 35.5
Season 1579.9 1851.2 1644.1 1510.6 1486.8
Avg daily maximum temp (C)
July 35.9 36.1 34.2 33.7 33.4
August 31.0 33.7 32.8 33.7 32.5
September 28.5 27.9 26.1 26.1 26.8
Avg daily minimum temp (C)
July 14.6 16.0 14.1 13.2 12.6
August 10.9 13.7 13.3 12.6 11.2
September 7.9 7.9 7.4 5.9 6.2
Desert Research Institute, 2006.
Simple daily average 1 Apr. to 31 Oct. using a base of 10 C (50.0 F) with no upper limit (The Northwest Berry
and Grape Information Network, 2004).
(1.8 ·C) + 32 = F.
October–December 2007 17(4)
9 ft wide. Vines were trained as two
trunks, each with a unilateral cordon
located 40 inches above the soil
surface. Cordons were spur-pruned
each year and shoots were positioned
vertically upright with the aid of trellis
foliage wires.
Vineyard and vine management
was according to commercial re-
commendations for eastern Wash-
ington (Watson, 1999) and included
early season mowing of a cereal rye
(Secale cereale) cover crop between
rows and periodic spot application of
in-row herbicide for weed control.
Conventional fungicide applications
were made throughout the season
for control of powdery mildew (Unci-
nula necator), and insecticides were
applied as needed. The vines were
irrigated twice weekly using drip tub-
ing suspended from the lower trellis
wire 18 inches above the soil sur-
face; 1 gal/h punch-in emitters were
located 6 inches on either side of
the vine. Vine management consisted
of shoot thinning to an average of
15 shoots per meter of canopy shortly
after budbreak and shoot positioning
and hedging as needed to maintain
an average shoot length of 1.2 m.
Dormant canes were annually pruned
to an average of eight spurs per meter
with two-bud spurs on red and three-
bud spurs on white cultivars.
Data collected each season
included dates of major phenological
events, yield components and fruit
chemistry at harvest, and cane prun-
ing weights. The day of year for bud-
break, bloom, and veraison was
determined by visual inspection for
stages 4, 23, and 35 using the modi-
fied E-L system (Coombe, 1995).
Harvest date for each cultivar was
based primarily on berry soluble sol-
ids concentration (SSC) and seconda-
rily on titratable acidity (TA) and pH.
Target SSC was 24% for red and white
cultivars. The target TA and pH for
red and white cultivars, respectively,
was 7 or 8 gL
and 3.6 or 3.45. Data
were collected from the middle vines
within each group of eight vines. The
number of clusters per vine was
counted at harvest and yield per vine
was used to calculate average cluster
weight. Berry weight and must TA
and SSC at harvest were measured
from a sample of 10 clusters harvested
equally from the east and west sides of
the canopy. Berry weight was deter-
mined from a 100-berry subsample
randomly selected from five locations
(four cardinal quadrants and one cen-
ter) on each cluster in the 10-cluster
sample. The remaining berries in
the 10-cluster sample were passed
through a hand-operated crusher,
filtered, and a 40-mL must sample
was used to measure SSC with a model
RE40 temperature-compensating re-
fractometer (Mettler-Toledo, Colum-
bus, OH). Juice pH was measured
before titration as described by Shellie
(2006). Determination of maturity
for harvest was based on repeated
analyses of a 10-cluster sample from
nondata vines. The multiseason data
were analyzed separately for each skin
color using SAS GLM procedure
Table 3. Budbreak day of year for red and white wine grape cultivars
at Parma, ID.
Bud break (day of yr)
Avg 2002–2005 2002 2003 2004 2005
Red skin
Nebbiolo 106.0 109.0 105.4 96.5 113.3
Sangiovese 106.3 107.3 108.0 96.0 114.1
Grenache 106.7 109.0 105.9 96.8 115.0
Cabernet Franc 107.2 109.0 106.9 98.0 115.0
Pinotage 107.3 109.0 105.8 100.3 114.1
Lemberger 107.3 109.0 105.6 97.8 116.8
Merlot 107.4 109.0 108.2 97.3 115.0
Barbera 107.5 110.6 106.3 98.3 115.0
Blauer Portugieser 107.9 110.6 106.3 99.3 115.0
Malbec 108.2 109.0 109.1 100.5 114.1
Syrah 108.5 110.6 108.8 99.5 115.0
Touriga Nacional 108.8 109.0 110.5 100.8 115.0
Zinfandel 108.9 109.0 110.0 99.8 116.8
Pinot Noir 109.6 113.7 109.4 101.1 114.0
Valdepenas 110.4 109.0 109.1 101.5 122.0
Souzao 110.4 109.0 112.8 100.4 119.4
Petit Verdot 110.7 109.0 111.1 104.0 118.5
Petite Sirah 111.0 114.5 111.5 99.5 119.4
Primitivo 111.2 118.0 111.5 99.3 115.9
Carignan 111.4 115.5 107.5 103.8 119.4
Dolcetto 111.7 112.4 110.0 102.3 122.0
Cabernet Sauvignon 111.9 109.0 114.3 104.0 120.3
Pinot Meunier 114.6 122.0 112.9 103.1 120.3
Avg 109.2 111.0 109.0 100.0 116.7
8.1 3.8 2.1 3.9
White skin
Orange Muscat 104.9 ne
104.3 97.3 113.3
Chardonnay 106.5 111.6 102.5 97.0 115.0
Muscat of Alexandria 108.3 109.0 107.8 102.0 113.6
Viognier 109.0 111.5 111.4 98.0 115.0
Pinot Gris 110.7 110.6 111.9 100.8 119.4
Flora 113.2 122.0 111.8 100.8 119.4
Avg 108.8 113.0 108.3 99.3 115.9
MSD 9.1 2.4 4.2 6.7
P > F
Red skin
Cultivar (CV) <0.0001 0.0507 0.0171 0.0022 0.0448
Year (Y) <0.0001
CV · Y 0.0441
White skin
Cultivar (CV) 0.0036 0.3127 0.0101 0.6349 0.2043
Year (Y) <0.0001
CV · Y 0.1417
Cultivars within each skin type are listed in order of 2002–2005 average value.
Clonal designations are listed in Table 1.
Minimum significant difference using Waller-Duncan k-ratio £0.05.
ne = not evaluated.
October–December 2007 17(4) 597
(SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Single-
season data were analyzed using the
SAS GLM procedure with the mini-
mum significant difference generated
by Waller–Duncan k-ratio t test. The
calculated 4-year average ratios for
fruit maturity (SSC and TA) and vine
balance (yield to pruning weight
ratio) for each cultivar were graphed
as X, Y pairs in a scattergram using
SigmaPlot (SPSS, Chicago).
Results and discussion
The average (1922–2005) grow-
ing season heat unit accumulation
(GDD) at the Parma site (Table 2)
was within the upper range of
California Climatic Region II (Winkler
et al., 1974). Average heat unit accu-
mulation was 160 GDDs higher than
the 78-year site average with 2 years
(2003 and 2004) falling within the
temperature range for California
Climatic Region III. The coolest
growing season was 2005 (1511
GDD) and the warmest was 2003
(1851 GDD). Early and midseason
maturing cultivars are reported to
require a minimum of 1500 GDD
within a period of 150 d frost-free
(Weaver, 1976). The frost-free period
and heat unit accumulation at Parma
during the years of this study
exceeded these minimum values.
The Parma growing site accumulated
slightly more heat units than wine
grape trial sites in Reno, NV (Evans
et al., 2005), British Columbia,
Canada (Reynolds et al., 2004), and
Prosser, WA (Nagel and Spayd, 1990;
Powers et al., 1992) but was less
than Grand Junction, CO (Hamman,
1993) and Winchester, VA (Wolf
and Warren, 2000). Despite higher
seasonal heat unit accumulation in
Winchester, VA, average onset of
budbreak at Parma was 5 d earlier
and 10 d shorter between budbreak
and harvest (Wolf and Miller, 2001).
The monthly pattern of heat unit
accumulation in Grand Junction, CO,
and Prosser, WA, was similar to the
trial site in this study in that few (less
than 150) heat units accumulate in
April and October, and maximum heat
unit accumulation occurred during
July. Other similar climatic features
of growing sites in British Columbia,
Nevada, Washington, and Colorado
are low growing season precipitation,
high evaporative demand, high solar
radiation, and a large difference (15
C) in diurnal air temperature.
The timing of major phenolog-
ical events (budbreak, bloom, veraison,
and harvest) reflect genotype by envi-
ronment interaction and impact cul-
tivar site suitability because growing
conditions at different stages of berry
development uniquely impact fruit
production and quality. The environ-
mental conditions that induce release
from dormancy are known to vary
according to genotype, and in this
study, a range of 26 d was observed
among the cultivars. The 4-year aver-
age day of year (DOY) for budbreak
was 109 (19 Apr.) and was earliest
in 2004 (DOY 100) when heat unit
accumulation was approximately twice
the amount of other years (Table 2)
Table 4. Elapsed days from budbreak to harvest for red and white wine grape
cultivars at Parma, ID.
Bud break to harvest (d)
Avg 2002–2005 2002 2003 2004 2005
Red skin
Blauer Portugieser 142.6 131.4 144.4 152.8 142.0
Pinot Meunier 151.2 137.0 153.1 169.9 144.8
Dolcetto 152.3 139.6 156.0 170.8 143.0
Cabernet Sauvignon 155.4 143.0 151.8 169.0 157.8
Merlot 156.1 182.0 137.8 154.8 150.0
Valdepenas 156.2 174.5 137.9 169.5 143.0
Syrah 157.3 158.4 154.5 166.5 150.0
Pinotage 160.5 157.0 160.3 165.8 158.9
Malbec 161.1 157.0 150.9 165.5 170.9
Lemberger 161.5 157.0 145.4 175.3 168.3
Pinot Noir 161.7 166.1 156.6 173.9 151.0
Cabernet Franc 163.8 160.0 159.1 173.0 163.0
Petite Sirah 164.1 134.5 161.5 187.5 165.6
Petit Verdot 164.8 157.0 161.9 188.0 172.5
Primitivo 165.8 173.0 154.5 173.8 162.1
Souzao 168.2 166.0 160.3 174.6 171.6
Grenache 168.5 159.5 160.1 178.3 176.0
Touriga Nacional 168.9 157.0 162.5 186.3 170.0
Zinfandel 169.6 160.0 163.0 187.3 168.3
Carignan 171.3 159.5 165.5 188.6 171.6
Sangiovese 172.5 176.3 152.0 191.0 170.9
Nebbiolo 176.7 166.0 167.6 195.5 177.8
Barbera 179.2 180.4 166.8 193.8 176.0
Avg 163.0 158.8 155.8 176.1 162.0
6.1 4.9 1.7 2.7
White skin
Orange Muscat 144.8 ne
133.8 156.8 143.8
Flora 148.8 143.0 134.3 153.3 145.6
Chardonnay 153.5 161.4 144.5 161.0 147.0
Pinot Gris 159.3 164.4 154.1 165.3 153.6
Muscat of Alexandria 166.2 143.0 165.3 185.0 171.4
Viognier 168.2 167.0 161.6 180.0 164.0
Avg 156.8 159.9 148.9 166.9 154.2
MSD 12.4 2.3 3.8 6.5
P > F
Red skin
Cultivar (CV) <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0002 <0.0001 <0.0001
Year (Y) <0.0001
CV · Y <0.0001
White skin
Cultivar (CV) <0.0001 0.2412 0.0001 0.0013 0.041
Year (Y) <0.0001
CV · Y 0.0043
Cultivars within each skin type are listed in order of 4-year average.
Clonal designations are listed in Table 1.
Minimum significant difference using Waller-Duncan k-ratio £0.05.
ne = not evaluated.
October–December 2007 17(4)
and latest in 2005 (DOY 117) (Table
3). The 4-year average DOY for
bloom and veraison were 164 (160
to 172) and 225 (215 to 230), and
onset each year corresponded inver-
sely with growing season heat unit
accumulation. Budbreak DOY varied
more among cultivars within a skin
color group than between skin color
groups, and significant cultivar-by-
year interaction indicates that relative
differences among cultivars varied
from year to year. The earliest culti-
vars to break bud in at least 3 of 4
years for each color group were:
‘Nebbiolo’, ‘Sangiovese’, ‘Grenache’,
‘Cabernet Franc’, ‘Lemberger’,
‘Pinotage’, ‘Merlot’, ‘Orange Mus-
cat’, and ‘Chardonnay’ (Table 3).
The cultivars last to break bud in at
least 3 of 4 years were: ‘Pinot Meu-
nier’, ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’, ‘Cari-
gnan’, and the white cultivar ‘Flora’.
‘Nebbiolo’, ‘Sangiovese’, and ‘Lem-
berger’ were also found to break bud
earlier than ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ in
Winchester, VA (Wolf and Miller,
The number of days required
between budbreak and harvest (DTHV)
to produce fruit with optimum com-
position for wine production is
known to vary by genotype and by
growing site environmental condi-
tions. Red cultivars required 7 d more
between budbreak and harvest (163
DTHV) than white cultivars (156
DTHV), but the large range among
cultivars within each skin color group
(40 DTHV for reds and 29 DTHV
for whites) suggests sufficient varia-
bility to identify relatively short-sea-
son red cultivars as well as long-
season white cultivars (Table 4). ‘Bla-
uer Portugieser’ stands out as
a relatively short-season (shortest
DTHV in at least 3 of 4 years) red
cultivar, and ‘Viognier’ and ‘Muscat
of Alexandria’ were the latest matur-
ing white cultivars. The longest sea-
son, red cultivars in at least 3 of
4 years were ‘Barbera’ and ‘Nebbiolo’,
and the shortest season white culti-
vars were ‘Orange Muscat’ and
‘Flora’. This long season trait of
‘Nebbiolo’ was not observed in Win-
chester, VA (Wolf and Miller, 2001)
where its maturity was similar to
‘Lemberger’ and earlier than ‘Caber-
net Sauvignon’. Onset of budbreak
did not always correspond with ear-
liness. For example, ‘Orange Muscat’
was early to break bud and short-
season. whereas ‘Flora’ was late to
break bud and also short-season. Cul-
tivars that break bud early would be
best suited for sites with low spring
frost risk and short-season cultivars
would be best suited for sites with
high risk of late spring and early fall
frost events.
Cultivars differed in yield com-
ponents, vegetative vigor, and har-
vest SSC (Table 5). All cultivars
produced fruit each year and the
Table 5. Yield components, pruning weight, and fruit harvest soluble solids
concentration (SSC) of red and white wine grape cultivars at Parma, ID.
Berry wt
Cluster wt
(g) SSC (%)
Red skin
VP 7.2 a 1.6 b 212.6 abc 24.0 cdefg
PT 7.1 a 1.1 ijk 151.4 defg 24.3 bcdef
CG 6.7 ab 1.7 ab 223.7 ab 22.9 h
PR 6.5 abc 1.6 b 207.1 abc 25.1 b
GR 6.3 abcd 1.4 ef 193.0 abcd 24.5 bcde
SG 6.3 abcd 1.5 bcd 179.5 bcde 23.5 fgh
MA 6.2 abcd 1.5 bcd 116.0 gh 23.6 efgh
BA 5.9 abcde 1.8 a 170.3 cdef 26.5 a
LE 5.8 abcde 1.3 fgh 187.7 abcd 23.5 fgh
TG 5.6 bcde 1.1 hij 134.2 efgh 24.5 bcde
DL 5.5 bcde 1.3 efg 211.7 abc 24.9 bc
PS 5.4 bcde 1.3 fgh 155.6 defg 23.79 defgh
NB 5.2 bcdef 1.5 cde 228.7 a 24.8 bc
CF 5.1 cdefg 1.2 ghij 167.4 cdef 24.1 cdefg
SZ 4.9 defg 1.4 def 127.7 fgh 24.4 bcdef
CS 4.8 defg 1.0 kl 115.3 gh 23.3 gh
BP 4.5 efgh 1.3 fghi 155.3 efgh 21.1 i
ME 4.5 efgh 1.1 jk 110.6 gh 24.2 bcdef
ZN 4.4 efgh 1.6 bc 209.4 abc 26.0 a
SY 3.7 fgh 1.2 ghij 136.0 efgh 24.3 bcdef
MN 3.6 gh 1.2 ghij 97.7 h 23.8 defg
PN 3.1 ih 1.1 ijk 98.1 h 23.7 efgh
PV 1.9 i 0.9 l 38.1 i 24.7 bcd
White skin
Muscat of Alexandria 7.9 a 3.6 a 182.3 a 23.5 a
Pinot Gris 6.5 ab 1.1 c 127.4 bc 23.7 a
Orange Muscat 5.5 bc 1.9 b 152.2 b 23.6 a
Viognier 5.0 bc 0.9 e 109.1 cd 24.3 a
Chardonnay 4.7 bc 1.0 d 106.1 cd 23.4 a
Flora 4.5 c 0.9 e 97.5 d 24.3 a
P > F
Red skin
Cultivar (CV) 0.0022 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
Year (Y) <0.0001 0.0004 0.0013 0.1565
CV · Y 0.6251 0.5874 0.1687 0.3493
2002 7.0 a 1.2 c 216.3 a 24.1 a
2003 5.2 b 1.4 ab 162.9 b 24.1 a
2004 5.3 b 1.3 b 151.1 bc 24.1 a
2005 4.3 c 1.4 a 141.6 c 24.3 a
White skin
Cultivar (CV) 0.0609 <0.0001 0.0245 0.8717
Year (Y) 0.2816 0.5063 0.9010 0.0400
CV · Y 0.5914 0.0852 0.4754 0.0784
2002 8.0 a 0.8 b 126.1 a 22.7 a
2003 4.7 c 1.5 a 126.6 a 24.3 a
2004 6.4 b 1.5 a 124.9 a 23.5 ab
2005 4.7 c 1.5 a 118.3 a 24.0 a
Cultivars within each skin type are listed in order of yield. Unless labeled otherwise, values are average of years
Acronyms and clonal designations are listed in Table 1.
1 kg = 2.2046 lb, 1 g = 0.0353 oz.
October–December 2007 17(4) 599
4-year average yield ranged from
4.3 kg/vine in 2005 to 7.0 kg/vine
in 2002. The red cultivars ‘Zinfan-
del’, ‘Petit Verdot’, and ‘Souzao’
produced the least amount of fruit
per vine and ‘Valdepenas’, ‘Malbec’,
‘Pinotage’, and ‘Carignan’ produced
the most. The ratio of yield to prun-
ing weight is a measure of vine bal-
ance between vegetative and
reproductive growth. The yield to
pruning weight ratio for most culti-
vars was within the recommended
range of 5 to 10; however, ‘Petit
Verdot’ was 4.6, and ‘Dolcetto’,
‘Grenache’, ‘Pinotage’, ‘Pinot Gris’,
‘Flora’, and ‘Muscat of Alexandria
were greater than 10. Berry weight is
an index of size and red wines made
from smaller berries are thought
to have more favorable character
(Kennedy, 2002). The weight of ber-
ries and clusters varied among culti-
vars with ‘Valdepenas’, ‘Carignan’,
‘Primitivo’, ‘Zinfandel’, and ‘Muscat
of Alexandria’ having the largest and
‘Petit Verdot’ the smallest.
Must SSC, TA, and pH are com-
mon indicators of fruit maturity and
known to vary by genotype and envi-
ronment. Cultivar differences in har-
vest SSC were consistent from year to
year (Table 5), but TA (Table 6) and
pH (Table 7) varied seasonally. The
4-year average must SSC at harvest of
all cultivars was 24%, but ‘Blauer
Portugieser’ was harvested at 21%
SSC because must TA was below
and pH was above target levels. ‘Bar-
bera’ was harvested at higher than
24% SSC because its level of TA was
higher and pH lower than target.
Growing season impacted the TA
and pH of red more than white
cultivars, and the relative difference
among red cultivars varied seasonally.
The average harvest pH of white
cultivars was 3.4 and was highest
in 2003, the warmest growing
Evaluation of wine grape cultivar
performance requires interpretation
of fruit maturity in relation to vine
balance. The ratio of SSC to TA is an
index of quality for wine production
and higher than optimum values sug-
gest less desirable, advanced maturity.
The optimum ratio of SSC to TA
ranged from 2.7 to 3.5 for wines
produced from ‘Thompson Seedless’
(Ough and Alley, 1970). The opti-
mum ratio of SSC to TA for this
study, based on harvest criteria, was
3.4 for red and 3.0 for white cultivars.
Calculated values for fruit maturity
and yield to pruning weight averaged
over multiple growing seasons were
used to group cultivar performance
into one of three categories with three
outliers [‘Blauer Portugieser’, ‘Mus-
cat of Alexandria’, and ‘Petit Verdot’
(Fig. 1)]. Cultivars with closest to
optimum vine balance and fruit
maturity are assumed best suited to
the Parma growing site. Although not
part of the present study, one can
speculate that cultivars with advanced
fruit maturity under optimum or
higher than optimum vine balance
Table 6. Titratable acidity of must at harvest for red and white wine grape
cultivars at Parma, ID.
Titratable acidity (gL
Avg 2002–2005 2002 2003 2004 2005
Red skin
Blauer Portugieser 3.48 5.00 3.75 2.48 3.83
Sangiovese 4.47 4.75 4.10 4.43 4.75
Dolcetto 4.94 5.95 4.93 3.70 5.70
Cabernet Franc 4.99 4.60 4.60 4.80 5.68
Merlot 5.02 5.38 6.15 3.90 4.65
Cabernet Sauvignon 5.06 5.40 5.45 3.78 5.78
Pinot Meunier 5.31 ne
5.40 4.18 6.35
Syrah 5.35 5.10 4.35 5.58 6.20
Pinotage 5.56 6.10 5.56 5.43 5.58
Touriga Nacional 5.57 6.10 5.60 5.03 5.95
Valdepenas 5.64 4.75 5.90 5.53 5.93
Pinot Noir 5.66 ne 4.97 5.20 6.53
Grenache 6.01 6.15 6.35 3.75 7.88
Primitivo 6.06 6.00 7.00 4.18 7.03
Lemberger 6.07 8.30 6.65 4.58 5.88
Malbec 6.34 5.63 6.35 7.30 6.10
Petite Sirah 6.36 6.20 5.80 6.05 7.33
Zinfandel 6.40 5.50 5.48 5.83 8.13
Souzao 7.44 8.50 6.15 5.93 9.20
Carignan 7.96 ne 7.65 6.05 10.20
Nebbiolo 8.01 7.60 7.50 6.05 10.70
Barbera 8.98 13.10 7.88 7.22 9.80
Petit Verdot 10.29 ne 11.75 6.10 13.03
Avg 6.13 6.32 6.06 5.09 7.05
2.26 2.49 0.69 1.25
White skin
Pinot Gris 5.67 6.70 4.70 6.03 6.03
Flora 5.92 5.60 5.68 5.18 6.98
Orange Muscat 6.23 ne 6.60 4.98 7.13
Muscat of Alexandria 6.68 ne 6.17 5.97 7.60
Chardonnay 6.76 7.50 6.53 5.78 7.80
Viognier 6.99 6.05 6.10 7.08 8.28
Avg 6.38 6.46 5.96 5.83 7.30
MSD 1.44 1.19 1.12
P > F
Red skin
Cultivar (CV) <0.0001 0.0390 0.0077 <0.0001 <0.0001
Year (Y) <0.0001
CV · Y 0.0165
White skin
Cultivar (CV) 0.0223 0.2705 0.5120 0.0999
Year (Y) 0.1620
CV · Y 0.8827
Cultivars within each skin type are listed in order of 2002–2005 average value.
Acronyms for cultivar names are explained in Table 1.
= 1000 ppm.
ne = not evaluated.
Minimum significant difference using Waller-Duncan k-ratio £0.05.
October–December 2007 17(4)
may achieve better fruit composition
if harvested at a SSC lower than 24%,
cropped at a higher yield to pruning
weight ratio, or grown in a cooler
site. The advanced fruit maturity of
‘Blauer Portugieser’ when harvested
at 21% SSC (Table 5) at optimum vine
balance suggests that this cultivar is
better suited to a cooler growing site.
The high yield to pruning weight
ratio of ‘Muscat of Alexandria’ is
partly the result of large cluster and
berry size but may also be indicative
of dormant season desiccation and
sensitivity to cold injury. The clone
of ‘Petit Verdot’ evaluated in this trial
is known for low productivity. More
productive clones of this cultivar are
available but were not evaluated in
this study.
Data from this study as well
as other cultivar evaluation trials can
be used to further guide cultivar
selection within each of the groupings
depicted in Figure 1. ‘Malbec’, ‘Petite
Sirah’, and ‘Chardonnay’ were re-
ported best suited to California
Climatic Region II (Amerine and
Winkler, 1944), which is similar to
the Parma site. ‘Malbec’ and ‘Petite
Sirah’ produced well in Prosser, WA
(Nagel and Spayd, 1990) and ‘Petite
Sirah’ produced well yet was sensitive
to cold injury in Grand Junction,
CO (Hamman, 1993). Under similar
bud numbers, ‘Malbec’ yielded more
than twice the amount of fruit as
‘Souzao’ (Table 5), suggesting higher
potential for economic return. ‘Char-
donnay’ was rated cold-hardy (Ahme-
dullah, 1985; Hamman, 1993; Wolf
and Warren, 2000) and produced
good quality fruit over a wide range
of growing conditions, including
Prosser, WA (Powers et al., 1992),
Grand Junction, CO (Hamman,
1993), Winchester, VA (Wolf and
Warren, 2000), Reno, NV (Evans
et al., 2005), and British Columbia,
Canada (Reynolds et al., 2004). ‘Bar-
bera’, ‘Nebbiolo’, and ‘Carignan’
were reported best suited for California
Climatic Region III or IV (Amerine
and Winkler, 1944), which is warmer
than the Parma site, and our results
support this classification. The high
acidity of these cultivars, despite
higher than average heat unit accu-
mulation during the years of this
study, suggests that these cultivars
may produce better balanced fruit
when grown in a site warmer than
Parma. ‘Barbera’ was reported as
cold-hardy and ‘Nebbiolo’ cold-
sensitive in Grand Junction, CO
(Hamman, 1993) and Winchester,
VA (Wolf and Miller, 2001). Basal
bud infertility was observed in ‘Neb-
biolo’ (Wolf and Miller, 2001).
‘Viognier’ grown in a site 250
GDDs warmer than Parma (Winches-
ter, VA) matured 11 d earlier but had
higher than optimum levels of pH
(Wolf and Warren, 2000), suggesting
it may be better suited to a cooler site.
‘Viognier’ was reported as cold-hardy
but had a high incidence of basal bud
necrosis (Wolf and Warren, 2000).
Pruning weight was not collected in
this study for ‘Orange Muscat’, but
its ratio of SSC to TA was 3.8,
Table 7. Must pH at harvest for red and white wine grape cultivars at Parma, ID.
Must pH
Avg 2002–2005 2002 2003 2004 2005
Red skin
Barbera 3.27 3.04 3.27 3.39 3.27
Nebbiolo 3.33 3.13 3.31 3.56 3.23
Souzao 3.33 3.13 3.33 3.61 3.25
Petit Verdot 3.38 ne
3.26 3.67 3.18
Lemberger 3.38 3.23 3.12 3.61 3.50
Petite Sirah 3.41 3.27 3.49 3.49 3.34
Carignan 3.43 ne 3.34 3.65 3.30
Grenache 3.46 3.36 3.24 3.90 3.30
Malbec 3.52 3.53 3.49 3.41 3.68
Primitivo 3.55 3.77 3.37 3.87 3.39
Dolcetto 3.55 3.37 3.41 3.81 3.55
Zinfandel 3.57 3.73 3.59 3.67 3.43
Cabernet Sauvignon 3.58 3.58 3.37 3.91 3.47
Pinot Noir 3.59 ne 3.51 3.81 3.49
Cabernet Franc 3.60 3.84 3.48 3.68 3.57
Pinotage 3.60 3.87 3.48 3.62 3.61
Touriga Nacional 3.61 3.61 3.45 3.76 3.62
Syrah 3.62 3.97 3.55 3.67 3.56
Sangiovese 3.63 3.53 3.59 3.69 3.65
Valdepenas 3.65 3.96 3.49 3.72 3.62
Pinot Meunier 3.67 ne 3.46 4.03 3.53
Merlot 3.70 3.81 3.58 3.71 3.71
Blauer Portugieser 3.89 3.95 3.72 4.09 3.86
Avg 3.54 3.56 3.43 3.71 3.48
0.39 0.29 0.15 0.12
White skin
Flora 3.31 3.51 3.57 3.14 3.21
Viognier 3.32 3.33 3.54 3.31 3.12
Chardonnay 3.33 3.51 3.47 3.18 3.29
Muscat of Alexandria 3.36 ne 3.47 3.35 3.30
Pinot Gris 3.40 3.48 3.51 3.33 3.37
Orange Muscat 3.40 ne 3.46 3.31 3.43
Avg 3.35 3.46 3.50 3.27 3.29
MSD 0.11 0.11 0.15
P > F
Red skin
Cultivar (CV) <0.0001 0.1095 0.1114 0.0055 0.0010
Year (Y) <0.0001
CV · Y 0.0296
White skin
Cultivar (CV) 0.3474 0.4215 0.1845 0.1591
Year (Y) 0.0003
CV · Y 0.0644
Cultivars within each skin type are listed in order of 2002–2005 average value.
Clonal designations are listed in Table 1.
ne = not evaluated.
Minimum significant difference using Waller-Duncan k-ratio £0.05.
October–December 2007 17(4) 601
suggesting inclusion in this group.
‘Orange Muscat produced high-
quality wine in Prosser, WA (Nagel
and Spayd, 1990) and was rated
superior to ‘Muscat of Alexandria’
(Amerine and Winkler, 1944).
The majority of cultivars in this
study had optimum vine balance with
advanced fruit maturity. ‘Lemberger’,
‘Zinfandel’, and ‘Primitivo’ had closest
to optimum maturity. ‘Lemberger’ is
reported best suited to California Cli-
matic Regions I and II (Amerine and
Winkler, 1944), which is cooler or
similar to the Parma site. ‘Lemberger
was found to be cold-hardy in Prosser,
WA (Ahmedullah, 1985), Grand Junc-
tion, CO (Hamman, 1993), and
Winchester, VA (Wolf and Miller,
2001) and produced fruit in Reno,
NV (Evans et al., 2005). ‘Zinfandel’
is best suited to California Climatic
Regions II and III (Amerine and
Winkler, 1944), which is similar to
the Parma site. ‘Primitivo’, a selection
from the same cultivar as Zinfandel’,
was reported to have earlier fruit
maturity and superior production
attributes than ‘Zinfandel’ in the cen-
tral San Joaquin Valley (Fidelibus,
2005). ‘Zinfandel’ was found to be
cold-sensitive in Grand Junction, CO
(Hamman, 1993) and produced
mediocre quality wine in Prosser, WA
(Nagel and Spayd, 1990). In this study
under similar bud number, ‘Primitivo
yielded twice the amount of fruit
as ‘Zinfandel (Table 5), suggesting
greater potential economic return.
The Bordeaux cultivars ‘Cabernet Sau-
vignon’, ‘Merlot’, and ‘Cabernet
Franc’ yielded similarly in this study
and performed well in Grand Junction,
CO (Hamman, 1993). ‘Cabernet
Franc’ produced fruit in Reno, NV
(Evans et al., 2005), and ‘Merlot’
performed well in Napa Valley, CA
(Benz et al., 2006), the Okanagan
Valley, British Columbia, Canada
(Reynolds et al., 2004), and Prosser,
WA (Powers et al., 1992). Mild cold
injury has been observed on ‘Cabernet
Sauvignon’ (Wolf and Miller, 2001)
and ‘Merlot’ (Ahmedullah, 1985;
Hamman, 1993). ‘Syrah’ performed
well in Grand Junction, CO, had
inconsistent quality in Winchester,
VA (Wolf and Miller, 2001), and
was sensitive to cold injury (Hamman,
1993; Wolf and Miller, 2001). ‘Pinot
Noir’ is best suited for California
Climatic Region I (Amerine and Win-
kler, 1944), which is cooler than the
Parma site. ‘Pinot Noir’ has been
evaluated in Prosser, WA (Ahmedul-
lah, 1985), the Willamette Valley, OR
(Castagnoli and Vasconcelos, 2006),
Reno, NV (Evans et al., 2005), Los
Carneros, CA (Mercado-Martin et al.,
2006), and the Okanagon Valley
(Reynolds et al., 2004) and is
reported as more cold-tolerant than
the Bordeaux cultivars (Ahmedullah,
1985; Hamman, 1993). ‘Sangiovese’
and ‘Valdepenas’ produced fruit of
mediocre quality and were less cold-
hardy than ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ in
Winchester, VA (Wolf and Miller,
2001). No comparative trial results
were found in the literature for ‘Tour-
iga Nacional’.
Three red (‘Grenache’, ‘Pinot-
age’, and ‘Dolcetto’) and two white
(‘Flora’ and ‘Pinot Gris’) cultivars
produced fruit with advanced matur-
ity when cropped at higher than opti-
mum vine balance. ‘Grenache’ has
been reported best suited for Califor-
nia Climatic Regions I and II, which
is cooler or similar to the Parma site,
and to have low heat tolerance
(Amerine and Winkler, 1944). ‘Gren-
ache’ was rated cold-hardy (Ahme-
dullah, 1985) in Prosser, WA.
Comparative data were not available
for ‘Dolcetto’ or ‘Pinotage’. The
white cultivars ‘Flora’ and ‘Pinot
Gris’ produced high-quality wine
(Nagel and Spayd, 1990) and ‘Pinot
Gris’ produced fruit in Reno, NV
(Evans et al., 2005). In this study,
‘Pinot Gris’ yielded more fruit than
‘Flora’ (Table 5), suggesting higher
potential economic return.
Conclusions and grower
Matching germplasm to site
location is a fundamental viticultural
practice to enhance yield and fruit
quality. Results from this study
describe the viticultural performance
of a diverse collection of red and
white wine grape cultivars as a guide
to aid cultivar selection for planting
sites. Knowledge of heat unit accu-
mulation and freeze events in an
intended new planting site is a critical
prerequisite for using the results from
this research. The vines evaluated in
this study were planted after the
last major cold event (Feb. 1989)
where temperatures reached a mini-
mum of –30 C. Future temperatures
may not be as moderate as the
years observed during this study and
reported cold-hardiness data from
other trial sites should be considered.
Fig. 1. Four-year average values for harvest fruit maturity [ratio of soluble solids
concentration (SSC) to titratable acidity (TA)] and yield to pruning weight ratio of
red and white cultivars evaluated at Parma, ID. Optimum values for vine balance
and fruit maturity are depicted as lines on each axis. Cultivar acronyms are listed in
Table 1.
October–December 2007 17(4)
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