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Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Prerequisite Requirements and
other Admissions Criteria
Quick Links
Science GPA
Application Deadlines
Nursing GPA
California Residency
“Adjusted” Nursing GPA
Prerequisite Courses
Minimum Admission Point Total
Corequisite Courses
In Progress Policy
Articulation Information
Repeat Policy
ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)
Additional Requirements
The following prerequisites are required for application to the Traditional BSN program:
University Admission
California Residency (DACA, AB 540, Military Fee Waiver exception)
Prerequisite courses - 8
Corequisite courses - 4 (strongly recommend completion before admission, not required)
Minimum Science GPA - 3.0 (anatomy or A&P I, physiology or A&P II, chemistry, and microbiology)
Minimum Nursing GPA - 3.3 (on the 8 prerequisite and 4 corequisite courses completed at the time of
Minimum ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) Score 75.0%
Minimum Admission Point Total - 60
Supplemental Nursing Application
BSN Non-Refundable Evaluation Fee $35
If you are selected for admission, you will receive detailed information regarding additional admission
requirements such as immunizations, background screening, and more with your orientation materials. Please
do not complete until you receive instructionsthank you!
California Residency
Due to impaction, California residency is required to apply to the Traditional Pre-Licensure
BSN program.
There is an exception for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and AB 540 students;
and students with an approved military fee waiver.
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For additional information, please contact the Residency Screening Office, Lassen Hall, Room
1102, (916) 278-1000 (option 1) or via email at careside[email protected].
Application Deadlines
Admission to the baccalaureate nursing program is a two-step process: 1) application to the
University, and 2) supplemental application to the School of Nursing.
Due to impaction, application deadlines are strictly enforced.
If you applied to the University, but have not received your admission decision yetthat is
okay! You may apply to the School of Nursing pending receipt of your formal University
admission decision.
The University and Nursing application evaluation fee may not be transferred or used to apply to
another term.
Sacramento State students who have graduated are required to reapply to the University and
meet the same deadlines.
Sacramento State students who have had a lapse of enrollment, may be required to reapply to
the University and meet the same deadlines.
For additional information regarding University admission, please contact Admissions &
Outreach, Lassen Hall - Room 1102, (916) 278-1000 (option 1), or
(include your first name, last name, and student ID number (if you have one) in your email.
University Application
October 1 November 30
August 1 August 31
Nursing Application
February 1 March 1
September 1 October 1
Prerequisite Courses
Courses are acceptable regardless of date completedno recency requirement.
Courses must be completed with a C- or better grade.
1. Oral Communication (any G.E. Area A1 course)
2. Written Communication (any G.E. Area A2 course)
3. Critical Thinking (any G.E. Area A3 course)
4. Statistics (any G.E. Area B4 statistics course)
5. Chemistry
Any college-level general OR inorganic OR organic OR integrated course (with associated lab if
required at the institution where the course was taken; otherwise not required). An overview
or preparatory course for college-level chemistry is not acceptable.
6. Anatomy or Anatomy and Physiology I (with in-class, virtual, or online lab)*
7. Physiology or Anatomy and Physiology II (with in-class, virtual, or online lab)*
8. Microbiology (with in-class, virtual, or online lab)*
*Effective Fall 2018 per EO 1100.
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Corequisite Courses
1. “Life Span” Human Development (adult component required)
2. Introductory Psychology
3. Nutrition
4. A Societal-Cultural Patterns Course must be completed before graduation (e.g. SOC 1,
ANTH 2, ANTH 101, ANTH 186, ETHN 011, ETHN 100, or HRS 161 or equivalent).
Courses are acceptable regardless of date completedno recency requirement.
Courses must be completed with a C- or better grade.
Students are strongly encouraged to complete the corequisite courses prior to admission to the
clinical majornot required.
The number of corequisite courses completed is not a factor in the selection process.
If needed, student schedules will be modified to allow additional time to finish the corequisite
courses, before beginning the clinical nursing curriculum.
Life Span Human Development, Introductory Psychology, and Nutrition must be completed prior
to enrollment in the second semester of the clinical nursing program.
A Societal-Cultural Patterns course must be completed prior to graduation.
Good news! Pharmacology has been integrated across the Nursing curriculum. Students
applying for admission Spring 2014 forward no longer need a separate, pharmacology course.
Pharmacology is recommended, but not required.
Articulation Information
These guidelines are intended for the Sac State Traditional BSN program only. We recommend you seek
advisement from each program you are consideringpolicies vary!
Recommended courses at Sac State
California community college ASSIST articulation agreements. See Prerequisite & Corequisite
Courses link for instructions.
Second Bachelor articulation information (see FAQs 16 23).
High School Advanced Placement (AP) credit information (select Credit by Examination, may need
to scroll down).
o Course equivalency for written communication, statistics, and introductory psychology
is absolutely acceptable.
o AP score of 3 or better required.
o Treated as a pass in the Nursing GPA calculationno units/grade points.
o Any college-level general OR inorganic OR organic OR integrated course (with
associated lab if required at the institution where the course was taken; otherwise not
required). An overview or preparatory course for college-level chemistry is not
o Chemistry lab optional.
Anatomy or A&P I, Physiology or A&P II, and Microbiology:
o In-class, virtual, or online labs are acceptable (effective Fall 2018, EO 1100).
o We recommend you seek advisement from each program you are consideringpolicies
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o A GE Area B4 statistics course completed within your major is absolutely acceptable
(e.g. Los Rios, PSYC 330 Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences).
o We recommend you seek advisement from each program you are consideringpolicies
Life Span Human Development:
o Adult content required.
o A birth through adolescence course alone is not acceptable.
Societal-Cultural Patterns:
o A study of multiple societies and the cultural norms of those societies.
o Awareness of cultural norms is very important in patient care.
o For example, Introductory Sociology or Cultural Anthropology.
o Physical Anthropology is not acceptable.
o Equivalent course work completed at any regionally accredited college is acceptable.
o Confirm the course title matches the content area and the total units are 3 for
non- science and 4 to 5 for science lab courses.
o Quarter-system courses may be slightly less when converted to semester units.
o If you completed a course with a lab titled Anatomy you’re all set! If you completed a
unique course such as Zoology, or the units are less than noted above, please contact
the School of Nursing.
Science GPA
No points awarded, eligibility only.
A minimum Science GPA of 3.0 is required to apply.
Science Courses: Anatomy or A&P I, Physiology or A&P II, Chemistry, and Microbiology.
The GPA must include a minimum of 3 grades.
Only 1 course may be in progress at the time of application.
Only 1 course may be a repeat.
All science courses are calculated as 4 units.
Pluses and minuses are not included in any of the Nursing GPA calculations (for example, a B- or
B+ is calculated as a B grade).
A grade of C- or better is required in each course.
Nursing GPA
No points awarded, eligibility only.
A minimum Nursing GPA of 3.300 is required to apply.
The Nursing GPA includes the 8 prerequisite and 4 corequisite courses completed at the time of
application onlya maximum of 12 courses.
All science courses are calculated as 4 units.
All other courses are calculated as 3 units.
Science Courses: Anatomy or A&P I, Physiology or A&P II, Chemistry, and Microbiology.
Only 3 of the 12 prerequisite and corequisite grades may be repeats.
Only 1 of the 3 repeats may be a science course.
If you repeat a course, but you use your first attempt, it is not considered a repeat.
One non-science and one science prerequisite course, two total, may be in progress at the time
of application.
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There is no limit on the number of in-progress corequisite courses.
Candidates are strongly encouraged, but not required, to complete the corequisite courses prior
to admission.
All 8 prerequisite courses must be completed by the end of the spring term when applying for
fall; fall when applying for springno exceptions.
Pluses and minuses are not included in any of the Nursing GPA calculations (for example, a B- or
B+ is calculated as a B grade).
A grade of C- or better is required in each course.
“Adjusted” Nursing GPA
Maximum 40 points.
Same guidelines as Nursing GPA with exceptions noted below.
Under the conditions outlined below, candidates may omit up to two courses from their
Adjusted Nursing GPA.
The Adjusted Nursing GPA must include at least 2 science grades.
Science Courses: Anatomy or A&P I, Physiology or A&P II, Chemistry, and Microbiology.
Candidates with 10-12 grades may omit 2 grades from their Adjusted Nursing GPA.
Candidates with 9 grades, may omit 1 grade from their Adjusted Nursing GPA.
Candidates with 8 or few grades, may not omit any grades.
AP examination credit is considered a grade (no units/grade points).
In-progress courses are not considered omissions.
TEAS ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills
Maximum 30 points.
Three attempts allowed.
Important TEAS information: The last day we will accept online proctored TEAS exams will be
August 1, 2023. After this date Sacramento State School of Nursing will only accept in person
proctored TEAS exams unless taken prior to August 1, 2023.ny version is acceptable (1.0 7.0 or
future version).
A minimum score of 75.0% is required to apply.
Completion of the TEAS is required for all students applying to the clinical nursing program.
The test may be taken three times within a five-year period preceding the Supplemental
Nursing Application deadline; the highest score will be used.
Scores over five years old are acceptable; however, they will NOT be considered an attempt
when determining the three-attempt limit.
There are no rules regarding the length of time between each test, but ATI recommends a
month to allow time to review test results and focus on those areas where improvement is
You can sign up to take the TEAS through the ATI website
Sac State is not offering the TEAS exam at this time. You can find other locations where
you can take the exam by creating an account through ATI.
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The last day to take the TEAS for fall is March 1; October 1 for springthere are no exceptions
to these deadlines.
For TEAS tests taken at a non-Sacramento State location, an official TEAS transcript must be
purchased online from ATI and submitted by ATI directly to the CA State Sacramentoresults
are usually received same day!
We recommend you seek advisement from each nursing program you are considering
policies vary!
In-Progress Policy
One science and one non-science prerequisite course, two total, may be in progress at the
time of applicationno exceptions allowed.
The science prerequisites include: anatomy or A&P I, physiology or A&P II, chemistry, and
The non-science prerequisites include: oral communication, written communication, critical
thinking, and statistics.
All 8 prerequisites must be completed by the end of the spring term when applying for fall; fall
when applying for spring.
When applying for a fall term, course work completed in summer will not be considered.
You are strongly encouraged, but not required, to complete the corequisite courses prior to
Nutrition, life span human development and introductory psychology must be completed prior
to the second semester of the clinical nursing program. A societal-cultural patterns course must
be completed prior to graduation.
There is no limit on the number of in-progress corequisite courses.
Quarter-System Schools - Candidates attending quarter-system schools may apply for fall with
winter and spring courses in progress; application will not be processed until winter grades are
submitted to the School of Nursing. Candidates attending quarter-system schools may apply for
spring with summer and fall courses in progress; application will not be processed until summer
grades are submitted to the School of Nursing.
Repeat Policy
Only 3 of the 12 prerequisite and corequisite grades may be repeats.
Only 1 of the 3 repeats may be a science course (Anatomy or A&P I, Physiology or A&P II, Chemistry,
and Microbiology).
A third attempt will not be considered. You will not be ineligible if you have a third attempt, you
just will need to use your first or second attempt grade.
Courses over 7 years old on the first day of instruction are acceptable, but not included in repeat
count. (However, you will not receive the “no repeat” optional criteria points)
Repeats are evaluated based on content; not course numbers. Any course which satisfies a
content area is considered an attempt.
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If you repeat a course, but you use your first attempt, it is not considered a repeat.
The In-Progress Policy above applies to repeated courses.
Withdrawals (W/WU/EW grades) are not considered repeats.
We recommend you seek advisement from each program you are consideringpolicies vary!
Admission Point Total & Tiebreakers
Selection Criteria - Point Assignments
Maximum Points 88
o Adjusted Nursing GPA 40
o TEAS Score 30
o Optional Criteria 18
A minimum admission point total of 60 points is required to apply. The Minimum Admission
Point Total will be posted on the Nursing website each application cycle.
Same point total tiebreakers:
o Non-Adjust Nursing GPA
o If needed, fewest prerequisite/corequisite course repeats
o If needed, TEAS score
o If needed, military service
Health Requirements
Students admitted to the Clinical Nursing program are required to have specified immunizations
by the Student Health Center or a private physician prior to beginning nursing coursework.
Drug and alcohol screening is required before beginning clinical nursing (see below for details).
Health insurance is required.
Complete information on health requirements for nursing students may be secured from the
School of Nursing.
Technology Competence
To be successful in the curriculum, students must be able to demonstrate competency in
computer technology, such as word processing, use of the Internet, e-mail, and database
Clinical nursing students are required to own a personal computer.
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Professional Liability Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Transportation and
CPR Certification
All students enrolled in clinical laboratory courses in the nursing major must pay the University
fee for professional liability insurance, provide proof of automobile insurance, and have a means
of transportation to extended campus facilities.
Professional liability insurance is mandatory prior to beginning clinical experiences.
CPR certification for medical professionals is required as a prerequisite to the program and
recertification must be maintained according to the requirements of the American Heart
Association or Red Cross.
Background Checks
Nursing students must satisfactorily complete all clinical, community and laboratory
requirements in order to progress in courses, progress in the program and to receive their
In order to make an initial determination as to whether there are any current barriers to
admitted students qualifying for and/or participating in clinical programs, all admitted students
must submit to a background check and drug screen under the direction of the nursing program
prior to enrollment.
Results of background checks and drug screens will be provided to the nursing program's
affiliating clinical agencies (partner agencies) which must approve the background checks and
drug screens in order for students to qualify for participation in and fulfillment of the required
clinical component.
Students will be advised of any identified issues impacting their eligibility for participation in
required clinical and community placements prior to making their decision to enroll.
The full policy concerning background checks and drug screening in the nursing program can be
found on the School of Nursing website.
Students should also be aware that the State of California Board of Registered Nursing makes
determinations for licensure based in part on background checks. Students who have concerns
regarding their background checks should review the BRN website for information related to
initial licensure before determining whether to apply and/or enroll in the nursing program.
Licensure Requirements
Admission into programs leading to licensure, credentialing, or certification eligibility does not
guarantee that students will obtain a license, credential, or certification.
Licensure, credentialing, or certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled
by or affiliated with the CSU and requirements can change at any time.
For example, licensure, credentialing, or certification requirements can include evidence of the
right to work in the United States (e.g., social security number or tax payer identification
number) or successfully passing a criminal background check.
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Students are responsible for determining whether they can meet licensure, credentialing, or
certification requirements.
The CSU will not refund tuition, fees, or any associated costs, to students who determine
subsequent to admission that they cannot meet licensure, credentialing, or certification
Information concerning licensure, credentialing, or certification requirements are available from
our Office Manager, at 916/278-6714. Mailing address: 6000 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95819-
6096. Physical address: 7667 Folsom Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95826.
Challenge by Examination
The School of Nursing offers the opportunity of petitioning certain nursing courses for credit by
Students who by reason of special study, experience or training, already possess the skills,
knowledge, and attitudes which are the objectives of the given course, may petition for credit by
A maximum of 30 units may be challenged.
Licensed Registered Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses, and Corpsmen are examples of
students who may be eligible to challenge specific nursing courses.
Additional information may be obtained by referring to "Credit by Examination" in the College
Catalog or by contacting the School of Nursing.
Course Credit for Previous Education/Experience
Military SB466 Compliance Policy
Military Credit (SB 466) Documentation Form Credit Request Form