International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
Suriani Sukri
Fazlynda Abdullah
Waeibrorheem Waemustafa
School of Business Innovaion and Technopreneurship,
Universiti Malaysia Perlis, (Correspondence)
School of Business Innovation and Technopreneurship, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia
This case study has been conducted for the purpose of examining the differences of
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty between Malaysia Airlines (full service airline)
and AirAsia (low cost airline) in Malaysia. 152 usable questionnaires were obtained from
respondent at two major airline terminals in Kuala Lumpur. The descriptive data analysis
and statistical findings revealed that three dimensions were found to be critical in relation to
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty between Malaysia Airlines (full service airline)
and AirAsia (low cost airline) in Malaysia. The factors are service quality, price and
servicescapes. Generally, respondents gave different levels of satisfaction with service
quality provided by A i rA s i a but AirAsia was perceived better than Malaysia
Airlines pricewise. On the other hand, Malaysia Airlines was perceived better in service
quality. Meanwhile, both airline consumers accept the servicescapes of both airlines. The
paper highlights some of its theoretical and managerial implications of the development of
airline industry.
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, Service Quality, Price, Servicescapes, Airline
Customer satisfaction is important because many researchers have shown that customer
satisfaction has a positive effect on an organizations profitability. Due to this, the
consequences of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction must be considered properly for up
gradation or whatever to achieve optimum productivity. There is also a positive correlation
between customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention. Therefore, customer satisfaction, loyalty
and retention are all very important for an organization to be successful (Harkiranpal Singh,
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
Usha Lenka et al. (2009) suggested that better human, technical and tangible aspects of
service quality increase customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction enhances customer
loyalty. Human aspects are more important than technical and tangible aspects of service
quality that influence customer satisfaction eventually promote and enhance customer
According to Hansemark and Albinsson (2004), satisfaction is an overall customer
attitude towards a service provider, or an emotional reaction to the difference between what
customers anticipate and what they receive, regarding the fulfilment of some need, goal or
desire. Customer loyalty, on the other hand, according to Anderson and Jacobsen (2000)
is actually the result of an organization creating a benefit for a customer so that they
will maintain or increase their purchases from the organization.
Meanwhile, customer satisfaction surveys are typically the single largest tool of marketing
research spending, and in many services companies, this is the only systematic market
intelligence data gathered (Anderson et al., 2008; Morgan, Anderson, and Mittal, 2004).
Customer satisfaction is important to achieve the service satisfaction. The customers
participation and suggestion give its impact on firm revenues.
The world airline industry has gone through a roller coaster ride in the last decade. Among
factors contributing to the situations are increasing fuel price, escalating security insurance,
rapid deregulation of the industry, as well as natural disaster, ranging from the outbreak of
diseases to eruptions of volcanoes that hinder the air travel growth (Kee Mung, Wong and
Ghazali, Musa. 2011).
Currently, the domestic airline industry in Malaysia is going through an interesting
phase with heads on competition between Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia. According to
OConnell and Williams (2005), Malaysia Airline has been classified as a full service airline
meanwhile AirAsia has been classified as a low cost airline.
Malaysia Airlines services on its international and domestic routes across 100 destinations
worldwide. Skytarx awarded Malaysia Airline as one of the six airlines that have 5-star
rating. Meanwhile, AirAsia is the first low cost airline in this region. It operates on its
international and domestic routes across 75 destinations in 21 countries. The Skytarx World
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
Airline Award, voted AirAsia as one among the three best regional airlines in low cost airline
Price is one of the factors that is competitive between these two airlines. AirAsia has
been aggressively promoting itself with the tagline of
Now Everyone Can Fly. This has
challenged the branding position of the long known Malaysia Airlines. Both airlines serve
different customer base and offer different service experience. However, this may not
necessarily be true in the cases of domestic flights and some short distant international
flights, where the service differentiation is rather minimal. Nevertheless, it is expected that
the customer satisfaction level for both airlines is different as the customers perception on
full service airlines and low cost airlines are different (OConnell and Williams, 2005).
As stated earlier, the pricing strategy is the main way to differentiate between the two
airlines in Malaysia. However, most airlines are aware that cost cutting may not be the only
factor that contributes to an effective strategy. It is also important to differentiate themselves
from their competitors by providing quality services that improve customers satisfaction.
Based on previous studies, the airline industry has demonstrated that it is possible to achieve
a clear differentiation through service brands (McDonald et al., 2001). Lim Seng Poh and
M. Ghazali (2011) examined the branding satisfaction in the airline industry. However, till
date service satisfaction in airline industries is not achieved to its zenith. Its an ever
expanding phenomenon for theory and practical evaluations.
One of the interesting definitions of satisfactions is everyone knows what a satisfaction is,
until asked to give a definition. Then, it seems, nobody knows it (Oliver, 1997). The
organization needs to decide whether the consumer is satisfied with their performance or to
deliver the maximum level of perceived service quality.
As we know, customers often react strongly to service failure, so it is critical that
organizational recovery efforts be equally strong and effective. When service failure occurs,
the organizations response to reinforce loyalty or to exacerbate the situation and drive the
customer to a competing firm (Amy K. Smith, Ruth N. Bolton and Wagner, J., 1999).
Firstly, having a good feedback from consumers, the organization needs to have a good
quality of their service. Feedback from consumers can help the organizations to do some
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
improvement in their service and make a correct decision to make the consumer satisfaction.
However, some feedback from consumers can give a negative effect to the organization.
They may use the “word of the mouthto their close friends and relatives. Some of them do
not take a serious view of it while giving the feedback. They criticize the organizational
service because they want to make the bad reputation to the organizations.
Moreover, the service quality has either a direct influence on the behavioural intensions of
customers or indirect influence on such intension, mediated through customer satisfaction.
In the airline industry, the organizations need to take a serious view about the quality. With
good quality, they can make the best first impression in the minds of the consumer. They
can promote their service by using the media to attract more consumers. Besides that, some
of the organizations make only the claims, but no action. They advertise their services but do
not follow what they have promised. They bring the service failure to their organizations.
Indeed, there are different aspects of consumer satisfaction in the domestic airline. Fornell
(1992) highlights several key benefits of high customer satisfaction for the firm; increased
loyalty to current customer, reduce price elasticity, insulation of current customer from
competitive efforts and enhance reputations. The organization also needs to focus on service
layout or location to achieve the service satisfaction so that, the organizations need to
accomplish and take action for achieving the highest customer satisfaction.
The present study of Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia airline services address this limitation
with three constructs namely, behavioural intentions, service quality and satisfaction. The
study choose to examine the relationship among these constructs in the Malaysia Airline and
AirAsia airline because service quality and customer satisfactions have become increasingly
important in the airline industry in this region in recent years. This study also examines the
importance of service quality, pricing strategy and the servicescapes in the airline service,
whether these factors have an effect on the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
Airline Industry in Malaysia is operated by Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and several small
companies. MAS serves in domestic flights and international flights sectors. Air
transportation is an efficient means of transportation- quickly, but at a high cost. Sabah and
Sarawak have many domestic airports. This is because many settlements are located in remote
areas of mountainous townships. Landform factors also discourage land transport to be
developed. Air transport can contribute to the economy. The travel time can be shortened and
connecting rural areas in Sabah and Sarawak. Air transportation also can promote
international trade and promote the tourism industry indirectly.
Airline Industry in Malaysia is also operated by a number of low cost air services such as
AirAsia, Pelangi Air and Water Sabah. AirAsia offers passenger transport services cheaper
than MAS with the tagline "Now Everyone Can Fly". This ad-campaign was well received
and made AirAsia to increase frequency of flights. For example, from the airport Labuan,
from the frequency of two flights per week increased to daily flights. This is a positive
development of the country's aviation system.
AirAsia Airline, offer the lowest fare in the m a r k e t first, later the prices rise as departure
dates draw closer and the seats are sold likewise. The general policy would seem to be to
sell a number of seats at the lowest fare and then increase the price. The price rises are
increased above the normal level or fewer seats are offered at each price bracket or
combinations of both; these strategies of sales on a particular flight are deemed for seats being
taken up too quickly.
Traditionally, service quality has been conceptualized as the difference between
customer expectations regarding the services to be received and perceptions of services
received (Grönroos, 2001; Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, 1988). In several studies
made beforehand, the quality of service has been referred as the extent to which services
meet customer needs or expectations (Lewis and Mitchell, 1990; Dotchin and Oakland,
1994). It is also conceptualized as a reflection of the overall consumption of inferiority or
superiority of services (Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman, 1990). Service quality has a
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
significant impact on business performance, lower cost, customer satisfaction and loyalty,
and profitability in an organization. (Leonard and Sasser, 1982; Cronin and Taylor, 1992;
Gammie, 1992; Hallowell, 1996; Chang and Chen, 1998; Gummesson, 1998; Lasser et al.,
2000; Silvestro and Cross, 2000; Newman, 2001; Sureshchander et al., 2002; Guru, 2003
etc.). In the aviation industry, service quality related to customer satisfaction and profits
have higher relation. (Heskett et al., 1994).
Service quality is very important to the organization because customers can make some
comparison between good or bad service providers because the service quality and delivery
are obvious (Park, Roberson, and Wu, (2004). Therefore, it was important for an airline
organization to develop the service focusing on customers by making some effort to
understand the customers expectation. Often researchers use SERVQUAL to measure the
service quality, especially the airline industry. This had been approved on Fick and Ritchie,
(1991); Sultan and Simpson, (2000) in their research that the airlines still need to improve
on the other aspects of Tangibles, Assurance, Reliability and Empathy. The SERVQUAL
instrument has been used by several researches to measure airline service quality.
Meanwhile, in Gour C. Saha, Theingi (2009) studies, they identified other multi-
dimensional constructs of airline service quality. Zagat, in his study related to an aviation
firm which provided airline services on the basis of five criteria; overall performance,
comfort, service, food and web site (Rhodes, 2006). To cite one more ex ample is
that the US Department of Transportation (DOT) also utilizes a multidimensional
conception of service quality in its regular reports on airline service quality, which provide
data on the following operational measures: flight delays, mishandled baggage, oversold
flights and consumer complaints.
Customer satisfaction is a well known and established concept in several areas like
marketing, consumer research, ergonomics, welfare-economics, and economics.
(Mohammad Muzahid Akbar and Noorjahan Parvez (2009) although satisfaction has been
defined as the difference between expectation and performance, but there are differences
between quality and satisfaction., Parasuraman et al. (1991) said that satisfaction is a
decision made after experience while quality is not the same. On the other hand, in
satisfaction literature, expectation for goods is a likely condition, whereas in service
quality, expectations for goods” is a mandatory condition. Bitner & Zeithaml (2003) stated
that satisfaction is the customers evaluation of a product or service in terms of whether that
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
product or service has met their needs and expectations. According to Boselie, Hesselink,
and Wiele (2002) satisfaction is a positive, affective state resulting from the appraisal
of all aspects of a partys working relationship with another. In order to achieve customer
satisfaction, La Barbera and Mazursky (1983) said that organizations must be able to satisfy
their customers needs and wants. Customers needs state the felt deprivations of a customer
(Kotler, 2000).
Indeed, customer satisfaction can be measured by using a customer satisfaction rating (CSR)
is often obtained through a questionnaire called customer satisfaction survey (CSS). This
method, however, suffers from the drawback of customers likely being emotionally
influenced while filling out these questionnaires (Murali Chemuturi, 2011). Moreover,
Westbrook (1980) suggested that future research, propose a multi - item scale for measuring
customer satisfaction, lowering measurement errors and improving the scale reliability at
the same time. Ashish Bhave, (2002) stated that it can be assessed by using various
methods such as Periodic Contract Reviews, Market research, Telephonic Interviews,
Personal Visits, Warranty Records, Informal Discussions and Satisfaction Surveys. It
depends on the customer base and available resource to choose the most effective method in
measuring the customers satisfaction.
Scanning over a decade, there has been a heightened emphasis on service quality and
customer satisfaction in business and academia alike. Sureshchandar et al, (2003)
identified that strong relationships exist between service quality and customer satisfaction
while emphasizing that these two are conceptually distinct constructs from the customers
point of view. Spreng and Mackoy (1996) also showed that service quality leads to
customer satisfaction while working on the model developed by Oliver (1997). In a recent
study conducted by Ribbink (2004) revealed that this relationship also exists in the
e-commerce industry.
As identified by the researchers that customer loyalty as a construct is comprised of both
customers attitudes and behaviours. Customers attitudinal component represents notions
like repurchase intention or purchasing additional products or services from the same
company, the willingness of recommending the company to others, demonstration of such
commitment to the company by exhibiting a resistance to switching to another competitor
(Cronin & Taylor, 1992; Narayandas, 1996; Prus & Brandt, 1995), and willingness to
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
pay a price premium (Zeithaml, Berry, & Parasuraman, 1996). On the other hand, the
behavioural component of customer loyalty represents acts such as repeat purchase of
products or services that include purchasing more and different products or services from
the same company, recommending the company to others, and reflecting a long-term choice
probability for the brand etc., (Feick, Lee, & Lee, 2001). It can be concluded that customer
loyalty expresses an intended behaviour related to the product or service or service or to the
company. Pearson (1996) has defined customer loyalty as the mindset of the customers
who hold favourable attitudes toward a company, commit to repurchase the companys
product/service, and recommend the product/service to others. In various studies the
relationship between service quality and customer preference, loyalty had been examined
(Boulding, Kalra, Stalin, & Zeithaml, 1993 and Cronin & Taylor, 1992). In their study
Cronin and Taylor (1992) focused solely on repurchase intentions, whereas Boulding et al.
(1993) focused on the elements of repurchasing as well as the willingness to recommend.
In the study by Cronin and Taylor service quality did not appear to have a significant
(positive) effect to repurchase intentions (in contrast to the significant positive impact of
satisfaction on repurchase intention), whereas Boulding et al. (1993) found positive
relationships between service quality and repurchase intentions and willingness to
Several authors have found a positive correlation between customer satisfaction and loyalty
(Anderson & Sullivan, 1993; Bolton & Drew, 1991; Fornell, 1992). Numerous studies in the
service sector have also empirically validated the link between satisfaction and behavioural
intensions, such as customer retention and word of mouth (Anderson & Sullivan, 1993:
Bansal & Taylor, 1999; Cronin & Taylor, 2000). Hart and Johnson (1999) have added
that one of the conditions of true customer loyalty is total satisfaction. According to
Coyne (1989), there are two critical thresholds that affect the relationship between
satisfaction and loyalty. On the high end, when satisfaction reaches a certain level, loyalty
increases dramatically at the same time, when satisfaction fell to a certain point, loyalty falls
as dramatically (Oliva, Oliver & MacMillan, 1992).
Many studies have analysed low-cost businesses, highlighting the keys to lower costs
(Alamdari and Fagan, 2005; Doganis, 2006; Franke, 2004), and the role played by
entrepreneurship (Cassia et al., 2006). Revenue analysis is an important element that has
been less studied. Indeed, the generation of revenues is one distinctive aspect differentiating
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
low-cost from full-cost airline policies. Piga and Filippi (2002) have analysed the pricing
policies of the low-cost business model in comparison with the pricing strategies of the
full-cost airlines. Coherent choices seem to be essential in pricing policies as well. For
instance, the widespread use of the Internet for the sale of tickets tends to decrease
price dispersion. This phenomenon may in part be attributed to the efficiency of electronic
markets, as defined by Smith et al., (2000).
Price is one factor that has been in competition with these two airlines. AirAsia has
aggressively promoted itself with the slogan "Now Everyone Can Fly". This was a
challenging position known term branding of Malaysia Airlines. Both airlines serving
different customer base and offer the experience of different services. However, this is not
necessarily true in the case of domestic flights and international flights are much shorter, the
difference is rather minimal services. However, it is expected that the level of customer
satisfaction for both airlines are different regarding the perceptions of customers’ with
respect to full service airlines and low cost airline (O'Connell and Williams, 2005).
Price is the weapon of choice for many low-cost airlines in competition for market share.
The regional pricing strategy of low cost airlines is to issue free tickets to boost the market
and compete in the ticket price. It has been assumed to be an effective strategy to influence
customer buying decisions (Lim Seng Poh and Mohd Ghazali Mohayidin, 2011).
Keith J Mason, (2011) investigated that the low cost carriers have both growth and
penetrated in these market, especially garnering the consumer perception on the low fares
offered. By extensive advertising and effective use of public relations, this perception has
been developed into a proven strategy. For example, in the recent Keith J Mason
(2011) research, it is not surprising if there is great media coverage of these
carriers, which in turn generates more interest in the services because Ryan air has
offered fares as low as one penny(plus taxes).Both Ryan air and EasyJet have been very
effective in using media coverage of their legal wrangles with traditional carriers such
as British Airways and Lufthansa to promote their services and lower fares.
Most consumers are checking the price and more likely to purchase straight away because
they are confident that no lower price will appear later. The consumer also needs to buy two
way ticket if they want a return ticket because the airline only sell tickets for one-way ticket.
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
The advantage of this for passengers is that they can book short stay trips without having to
pay flexible return ticket prices.
Service layout requirements are somewhat different from manufacturing, but the same
terminology is used. In both services and manufacturing, we find the fixed- position layout,
process layout, and product, or in this case, service-based layout. In service layout there are
two elements which are servicecapes and e-servicecapes. Servicecapes include all physical
elements in venues of service providers such as lighting, signage, textures, materials,
upholstery, colour, music, fragrances, and temperature of the environment contributed
to create the servicescape (Namasivayam and Lin, 2008). Meanwhile, e-servicecapes are
the website which facilitates the customers purchase experiences. Both elements have an
important effect on customers mood states and helps consumers booking and buying.
E-commerce shares ultimately many service characteristics irrespective of offering products
or services (Williams and Dargel, 2004). The atmosphere on a website facilitates customers’
purchase experiences and is likely to influence customer feelings toward an organization
(Mummalaneni, 2005). When sales or service encounters occur through the website, the e-
servicescape may become particularly critical because it is the key factor representing
the organization to customers (Rafaeli & Pratt, 2005). The internet allows customers a
convenient way to explore a broader range of products and product attributes, and
provides customers with chances to compare features of a product/service and prices on
multiple websites (Williams & Dargel, 2004).
A study of virtual servicescape was conducted to examine the impacts of aesthetics and
professionalism on customer feelings of pleasantness, satisfaction, and approach toward
service interaction of a service organization (Vilnai-Yavets & Rafaeli, 2006). It was found
that aesthetic aspects were influential on customers’ feelings of pleasantness, satisfaction,
and approach toward service interactions, as well as professionalism which influences
customer satisfaction. Williams and Dargel (2004) discussed intangible benefits of
interactions with the Website as offerings of the cyberspace, such as saved time,
convenience, and a reduced risk of customer dissatisfaction due to adequately provided
information. The researchers also discussed how the internet minimizes the risk of
customers’ post purchase dissatisfaction, since it enables customers to enhance their own
search and evaluation capabilities.
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
Moreover, it allows them to achieve this search and evaluation beyond traditional
distribution channels and physical environments, designed and planned to manipulate
internal cognitive and emotional responses (Williams and Dargel, 2004).
Kuala Lumpur was selected as the study place for its suitability in relation to the limited
resource and time. This capital city is one of the metropolises of Malaysia. It has a number
of airlines, as well as the confluence of all levels of social strata in Malaysia. It was
expected that customers were interested to use the airline service rather than other
transportations that might take longer time to reach the destinations. To access the
respondents of this study, the questionnaires were distributed to the respondents by hand
personally. Confidentiality was assured by encouraging the respondent to return back the
questionnaire directly. The questionnaires were distributed to all categories of customer
that were met in the KLIA and LCCT. As soon as the respondents had completed the
questionnaires, they were collected personally. The data were collected from customers who
were using the airline service. The complete set of data was collected over a period of seven
Research Design
In order to conduct this study an exploratory approach was initially designed to obtain
information on issues related to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Soon after identifying the
variables related to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty factors, the study adopted
descriptive study design, since the study was focused on fact-finding methodology. Hence
the descriptive study design was finalized.
The respondents of the sample were the customers of Malaysia Airline and AirAsia users.
Those were the customers that had been experienced in using the both Malaysia Airline and
AirAsia or either one of them. A convenience sampling was done for the sampling
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
purposes, as this method of sampling was considered as an easier, faster, and most efficient
way to collect the information that were needed.
Questionnaire Design
For services quality, a questionnaire was used to collect data for analysis and the items of
the questionnaire were adapted from M. M. Bozorgi (2006). Another questionnaire elicited
information about customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, price and servicescapes and the
factors such as: ease of use o f the online booking, security and safety, airport service,
normative beliefs and attitude. A three page questionnaire was used as the research
instrument. Zikmund (2000) described that the questionnaire designed might keep the
respondents identity as secrecy. Especially in this study also the respondents were not asked
to write their names on the questionnaire. In this study, a Likert type scale was used where
the respondents could check the statements regarding their attitudes and intention on how
strongly they agree or disagree. An open-ended questionnaire, a structure questionnaire and
focus group sessions were used to explore the different factors to relate ease of use of the
online booking, security and safety, airport service, normative beliefs and attitude that
influence customers intention towards airline service.
Data Collection
A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed among randomly selected respondents. 100
each questionnaire were separately distributed for the two airlines at the selected sites
KLIA and LCCT vide 100 questionnaires for Malaysia Airlines (MAS) users and 100
questionnaires for AirAsia users respectively. However, only 76 questionnaires for
Malaysia Airlines and 83 questionnaires for AirAsia Airline were returned by the
respondent of which only 76 of total questionnaires distributed among AirAsia users were
satisfactorily completed and tested for correctness of data. Statistical Packages for Social
Sciences (SPSS) software was used for statistical analysis of collected data.
After the data were collected, the data analysis was done. In this research only the complete
data were analysed to ensure the accuracy of the analysis. The data were analysed
statistically with SPSS Version 11. The data were analysed with statistical tools such as the
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
frequency or the distribution of the respondents, reliability analysis and factor analysis,
descriptive analysis and regressions to get the best results of this research.
Demographic characteristics of respondents
Out of 152 respondents, there were more female than male respondent. For Malaysia
Airlines the results show that 56.6% of the respondents were females and the remaining
43.4% were males. Meanwhile, AirAsia results show that 59.2 % of the respondents were
females and the remaining 40.8% were males. Higher response rates from female had been
observed on several recent studies in Malaysia such as Ahmad and Juhdi (2008), Sulaiman
et al. (2008), and Zailani et al., (2008). In this study too the same aspect was recorded
and noted.
Table 1: Demographic characteristics of respondents
Percentages %
17 26
27 36
37 46
Above 47 years old
Income level
Below RM 500
RM 501 RM1500
RM1501 RM2500
Above RM2501
The majority of respondents who used both airlines were aged 17-26 years old, 60.5% for
MAS and 64.5% for AirAsia. Meanwhile, 19.7 (15) and 23.7 (18) were aged between
2736 years old and 12% (12) and 9,2% (7) were between age 3746 years old for MAS
and AirAsia Airline. The minority of respondents who used both airlines were above 47
years old, 3.9% (3) for MAS and 2.6% (2) for AirAsia. In short, most travelers in both
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
airlines were young and well educated which supports other research findings such as
Atalik (2009), Juwaheer (2004), Saha and Theingi (2009), Tiernan et al. (2008), and Wen
and Yeh (2010). Based on a recent research by K.M Wong and G. Musa (2011) the
majority of respondents were Chinese and this was followed by Malay and I ndian. Total
races for both airlines were Chinese with 50% for MAS and 53.9 for AirAsia. Meanwhile,
40.8% (31) and 38.2 % (29) were Malay, same percentages 3.9 % (3) were Indian and lastly
5.3% (4) and 3.9% (3) were other. As for the income level, for MAS the greater number
of respondents were drawing RM1501RM2501 (38.2%) while the same that of
A i r A s i a was RM501RM1500 (39.5%). In MAS, there were 34.2% (26) respondents
were drawing from RM501RM1500 whereas the AirAsia respondents income level
were 30.3% (23) and they were from RM1501RM2500 income group. A lower
percentage 14.5% (11) and 18.4% (14) were drawing below RM500 respectively among
MAS and AirAsia users. The lowest numbers of the respondents were 13.2% (10) for
MAS and 11.8% (9) for AirAsia who were drawing a monthly income above RM 2501.
Reliability Analysis
The results shown in Table 2 were the Cronbach Alpha for corresponding items of each
dependent variable, namely Service Quality, Price, Servicescapes, Customer Satisfaction
and Customer Loyalty. The Cronbachs coefficient alpha values for all factor in MAS that
ranged from 0.708 to 0.933. Meanwhile, the Cronbachs coefficient alpha values for all
factors in AirAsia Airline that ranged from 0.779 to 0.904.
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
Number of
Cronbach Alpha
Service Quality
Malaysia Airlines
AirAsia Airline
Malaysia Airlines
AirAsia Airline
Services capes
Malaysia Airlines
AirAsia Airline
Customers Satisfaction and Customer
Malaysia Airlines
AirAsia Airline
Table 2: Results of Reliability Test
Both ranges indicated good inter-item consistency for each factor. Essentially,
this means that respondents who tended to select high scores for one item also tended to
select high scores for the others; similarly, respondents who selected low scores for one
item tended to select low scores for the other variable. Thus, knowing the score for one
variable item would enable one to predict with some accuracy of the possible scores for
the other two variable items. If alpha value had been low, this ability to predict scores
from one item would not be possible.
Sekaran (1992) explained that the reliability of quantification is established by testing the
consistency and stability of data collected. Consistency of data shows the degree of an
item independently measured of a concept. Reliability analysis was used to measure the
goodness of data. This is to ensure that all items used in each variable are free from error
and thus, providing consistent results. Cronbachs alpha values were the assurance for that.
According to statistical manuals alpha values above 0.8 is considered to be good, whereas
range of 0.70 is considered to be acceptable.
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
As shown in Table 2, the researcher obtained an alpha value 0.933 and 0.890 for the
independent variable service quality for MAS and AirAsia Airline respectively. It means
that all twenty six (26) items asked to the respondents about the service quality, could be
considered having a high reliability value. For the independent variable price satisfaction,
alpha value of 0.811 (MAS) and 0.799 (AirAsia), implies that all eight (8) items asked
about the price satisfaction considered to have a high reliability value. For the
independent variable servicescapes, the alpha values were 0.708 (MAS) and 0.904
(AirAsia) respectively. That means all nineteen (19) items r e s p o n d e d b y the
respondents about the servicescapes relationship considered to have a high reliability
value. Lastly, for the dependent variable, Customers Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty,
there were six (6) items that were asked to the respondents. The alpha value for that were
0.842 (MAS) and 0.833 (AirAsia) respectively. The overall alpha values were considered
as acceptable ones. Hence the data and tool were held high reliable.
Descriptive Analysis of All Variables
The fundamental descriptive statistics, which include the mean and standard
deviation for the independent and dependent variables were tabulated in Table 3.
Table 3: Descriptive Analysis
Standard Deviation
Services Quality
Customers Satisfaction And Customer
Table 3 shows that the means of all variables fall 3.1574 to 3.9889 for MAS meanwhile
3.4457 to 3.6864 for AirAsia. The mean and standard deviation for independent variable
measures which are Service Quality, Price Satisfaction and Servicescapes for MAS
were 3.8551, 3.1574, and 3.9889. While for AirAsia the mean and standard deviation for
independent variables were 3.5749, 3.4457 and 3.5935. For dependent variables, Customers
Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty had means of 3.9846 (MAS), 3.6864 (AirAsia) and
standard deviation of MAS (0.55255) and AirAsia (0.60612). This implies that MAS is
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
superior in term of service quality compared to AirAsia. The study also shows that AirAsia
is better in term of price as a low cost carrier compared to its MAS counterpart. However,
MAS is perceived as better airline in term of other services such as servicescapes unlike
AirAsia which emphasis more on in reducing cost. The overall result of customers
satisfaction and customer loyalty indicate that MAS’s customer is more satisfied and loyal
compared to AirAsia.
Assumption of multi co-linearity
Note the VIF number under the box titled co-linearity statistics. VIF stands for variance
inflation factor. The rule-of-thumb is that the number should be less than 10. If it is
greater than 10, that means the independent variables are highly correlated with one
another. As a result, remove that variable with the large VIF from the
analysis and
perform a new regression.
Table 4: Multi co-linearity assumption
Co-linearity Statistics
Service Quality
For both airlines, there was no multi collinearity with all independent variables (all the
values were less than 10).
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
Regression Analysis
Table 5: Results of Regression Analysis
Sig. t
Services Quality
Services Capes
R square
Durbin- Watson
Sig. F
Condition index
Table 6: The significant of the coefficient estimate in the model (MAS and AirAsia)
Relationship between independent variable and dependent
Service quality
Customer satisfaction and loyalty
Price strategy
Customer satisfaction and loyalty
Customer satisfaction and loyalty
In the case of Malaysia Airline service quality, price and servicescapes could only be
explained 48.4% (R square = 0.484) variation of customer satisfaction and customer
Meanwhile, services quality, price and servicescapes could only be explained 57% (R
square = 0.570) variation of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Durbin Watson
values fell within the acceptable range with the values 1.681 (MAS) and 2.517
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
(AirAsia), therefore there were no auto correlation problem with the data. This study were
normally distributed and F-value was found to be significant at 1% significance level (sig.
F = 0.000). This concludes that the regression model used in this study was adequate or in
other words, the model was fit. Based on the regression analysis done to determine the
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the airline industry, the result indicates that
the coefficient of service quality was positively correlated but no significant effect on
Malaysia Airlines (sig. t = 0.326) and has a significant effect on AirAsia Airline (sig. t =0
.000) on customer satisfaction and loyalty. This could be explained by the service
provided by both airlines. Implied, the consumers would not use Malaysia Airline service,
if they had bad service, because the price was expensive. Meanwhile, consumer would
stay to use the AirAsia airline even though the MAS service better than AirAsia airline
because AirAsia airline have most effective service quality than MAS. In other words,
Malaysian Airlines was perceived better in tangibles, core service, reputation, and
staffing of
employees, but not effective (Wong and Musa, 2011).
The Hypothesis H
and H
which stated there was a significant relationship between
service quality, customers satisfaction and customer loyalty in MAS was substantiate
while AirAsia was not substantiate.
For MAS, the regression analysis result also indicates that the relationship between price as
independent variable and customer satisfaction and customer loyalty as t h e dependent
variable was positively correlated and had a significant effect (sig. t = 0.005). Pricing
strategy was the major way to differentiate between the two airlines in Malaysia.
Therefore hypothesis H
that price has an impact on customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty was supported. Meanwhile, AirAsia regression analysis indicated that price did not
have significant effect to (sig. t =0.133) customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
Therefore hypothesis H
that price had an impact on customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty was not supported. McDonald et al., (2001) stated that most airlines are aware that
cost cutting may not be the only factor that contributes to an effective strategy. It is also
important to differentiate themselves from their competitors by providing quality services
that improve customers satisfaction. Based on previous studies, the airline industry has
demonstrated that it is possible to achieve a clear differentiation through service brands.
This shows that the customers still used airlines not because of the price offered. A
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
higher perception means were obtained for AirAsia compared to MAS on price. This result
is consistent with the study done by Wong and Musa (2011).
The result stated that the coefficient estimate of servicescapes positively correlated and
no significant effect on both airlines (sig. t = 0 .117 and 0 .217) with customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty. Servicescapes do not play a role in influencing
customer to leave or continued to use both airlines. Therefore hypothesis H
and H
had no
impact on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
Hypothesis H
examined the relationship between customers’ perceived service quality
and customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in AirAsia Airline and this hypothesis was
accepted. Meanwhile, hypothesis H
examined the relationship between customers’
perceived service quality and customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Malaysia
Airlines and these hypotheses was not accepted. According to OConnell and Williams
(2005) and Pitt and Brown (2001) research, higher expectation was expected on Malaysia
Airlines on the core service, reputation, and staffing of employees as what had been
expected in the classification as a full service airline. The lower level of expectation was
the expectation on AirAsia on the core service, reputation, and staffing of employees
as what had been expected in the classification as a low cost carrier service airline but for
AirAsia had good efficiency service quality than Malaysia Airlines.
The price strategy relationship with customer satisfaction and customers loyalty in Malaysia
Airlines was significant so the consumers looked forward to use this tool if the price was
satisfatory whereas the price relationship with customer satisfaction and customers loyalty
in AirAsia was not significant. Hypothesis H
examined prices has relationship with
customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and it was accepted, but the hypothesis H
was not accepted. This shows consumer used AirAsia because of its lower prices while
consumers avoided using Malaysia Airlines because of their expensive price. Malaysia
Airlines had the intention of driving AirAsia out from the industry and to obtain market
dominance (McGee, 1958 and Gundlach, 1995). Priced its product below variable cost and
tried to recoup the losses once AirAsia exits the market. However, respondents had their
ways of higher expectations for the price compared between AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines.
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
Previous studies on low cost airline shows that the price is seen as a key marketing strategy
in capturing the attention of the market (O'Connell and Williams, 2005; Saha and Theingi,
2009; Tiernan et al, 2008; Wen and Yeh, 2010). Also the study by Pitt and Brown (2001)
suggests that low cost airlines are expected to have lower fares than full service airlines due
to the design of cheaper products. The study on the perception of high prices is similar to the
findings of Wen and Yeh (2010). Jetstar Asia Airways is a low cost airline has
positioned itself as a leader in price and achieves greater satisfaction in this dimension.
Widespread perception about Malaysia Airlines and AirAsia when acknowledged is that it
represents a low cost (O'Connell and Williams, 2005).
Hypotheses H
and H
examined the relationship between servicescapes and customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty were not accepted. This is because most of Malaysian
consumers managed to go to the seller place if they want to use the service. They dont
have any option to choose servicescapes they want. For example, to take the case of
AirAsia, they do not provide comfortable seats in flights, but still the consumers using this
airline. A servicescape is crucial in service organizations because customer usually
encounters servicescapes prior to his/her interactions with a service provider (Namasivayam
and Mattila, 2007). In their study, Namasivayam and Mattila investigated whether
servicescapes have an important effect on customers mood states. Same as Malaysia
Airlines, they dont have a high possibility of booking and buying a ticket through the
internet, but the customers are still able to do booking and buying tickets manually. Sales or
service encounters occur through the website, the e-servicescapes may become particularly
critical because it is the key factor representing the organization to customers (Rafaeli &
Pratt, 2005). The internet allows customers a convenient way to explore a broader range of
products and product attributes, and provides customers with chances to compare features of
a product/service and prices on multiple websites (Williams & Dargel, 2004).
The result of the present study showed that it was important for the both airlines to be aware
of the service quality and price that have influence on customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty. Both airlines need to make advertising to promote their product and attract
consumer with their strength. Kumar et al., (2009) indicated that sales can be improved
through proper marketing strategies or proper marketing resources allocation (Wen and
Yeh, 2010). But Parasuraman et al., (1985) warned that an organization should not over-
promise its customers as it may result in higher expectation, thus making satisfaction more
International Case Study Conference, Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia 18-19 August 2014 ICSC 2014
difficult to achieve. Both airlines should maintain their service quality and price concepts
that received the highest perception. Management innovations such as customers self
selection of pricing levels, dynamic demand scheduling, and wireless services on air may
further enhance airlines competitiveness as highlighted in recent airlines studies by
Atalik (2009) and Kumar et al., (2009).
The present study has its limitations too, because the results depend on sampling method
which only drew sample only from Malaysia and respondents were Malaysian. There are
international services which consist the respondents non Malaysian and foreigners. Indeed,
the present study only focused on two main terminals in Kuala Lumpur whereas there
are other airline terminals such as Penang International airport. Moreover, time constraint
was another limitation of the present study.
In conclusion, this study had succeeded in exploring the service satisfaction using two of
the best airlines in the world (Malaysian Airlines and AirAsia). Future study could usefully
further refine the measurement items of these dimensions using other airlines as case studies.
Despite overall dissatisfaction recorded by the passengers of both airlines, the information
of the detailed service satisfaction dimension scores could be used by both airlines in
their efforts to develop new services, improve management, servicecapes and operations
as well as the price offered.
Concerning the recommendations for future research, the researcher likes to suggest that all
the limitation of the present study, as stated above should be overcome. Future study may
want to develop a better model and expand their population. Indeed, future research will
have to include the consumers who use other peripheral airports in Malaysia including those
in Sabah and Sarawak.
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