International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
Inflight Service Quality of Malaysia Airlines: Validation
Using SEM and AMOS
*Ibrahim Rose, Zainudin Awang, and Shukri Yazid
Faculty of Economics & Management Sciences, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA)
DOI: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i10/3395 URL:
This study analysed Malaysia Airlines’ inflight service quality (IFSQUAL) from the perception of
passenger satisfaction because it was important to know passenger’s quality perception
regarding the airline’s quality improvement. A total of 2,000 complete questionnaires were
successfully compiled to build a sampling frame, and a total of 282 questionnaires were
selected using a simple random sampling technique, which was one of the probability sampling
methods. The data were analysed using the IBM-SPSS Amos 23.0 software. The latent construct
measurement model had been validated through the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
procedure, and developed 30-item scale based on 4 distinct dimensions: Personal Attributes,
Flight Safety, Inflight Service, and Passenger Satisfaction. The finding of Structural Equation
Modelling (SEM) showed that approximately 93% of the variance in Passenger Satisfaction was
accounted for with the predictors (R
=0.930). The direct and indirect (mediation) hypothesis
testing had been verified with bootstrapping with 1000 samples, and 95% confidence level.
Results revealed; five hypotheses were significant on the direct effect, and two mediation
effects were not significant. We were able to identify the gap of this study; inflight service
quality was not a ‘quick-fix’, and thus had to be approached from a long-term perspective.
Keywords: Airline, Inflight Services Quality, Passenger Satisfaction, SEM, AMOS
Air transportation plays an important role in moving people, or products fast from one place to
another either domestically or internationally. Airline industry is also at the heart of the travel
and tourism industry, and is the main contributor to many countries’ overall economy through
international tourist arrivals (Oyewole et al., 2007; Zahari et al., 2011; Norazah, 2014; Rahim,
2016; Rose et al., 2016). The positive development of the travel, and tourism industry has
created great competition among the large and small airline companies for passenger
satisfaction (Pincus 2001; Jankalová, 2016; Rose et al., 2016). Broad marketing with a full range
of innovative strategies can exploit to the fullest advantage through its quality inflight service in
inflight entertainment, cabin facilities, flight safety policy and its competent flight attendant.
This study aims to introduce the system of measuring the inflight service quality (IFSQUAL) from
passengers perspective; hence it is imperative to deal with this issue for passenger satisfaction.
The IFSQUAL falls under the airline’s product and inflight service excellence. To measure it is
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
more often being mentioned as part of the corporate practice, but it also being done at the
theoretical level (Jankalová, 2014; Giovanis, et al., 2015; Ranaweera & Sigala, 2015). The
situation in the area of measuring it is quite different from multinational institutions, non-
profit, and public organisations. We assume that passenger’s perception of IFSQUAL includes
more than mere satisfaction from the provided service as derive from the passenger’s
perspective on their disadvantages or inconveniences (Zeithaml et al., 2013; Jankalová, 2016;
Rose et al., 2016), which perceive that passenger’s opinion is affected also by the way her/his
request is received, method of timing for the need of satisfaction, clarity and willingness,
accuracy, and punctuality of dealing with the requests.
Juran (1974) coins quality as ‘fitness for use’ in user-based approach. Crosby (1979) interprets
quality as ‘conformance to requirements’ in manufacturing-based approach. There are five
main approaches that identify the definition of quality (Garvin, 1984; Yarimoglu, 2014;
Jankalová, 2016):
1. The transcendent approach of philosophy; according to the transcendent view, quality
means ‘innate excellence’. It is a mark of uncompromising standards and high attainment,
which can be recognised only through experience.
2. The product-based approach of economics, which quality is perceived as ‘a precise and
measurable variable’ and variances in quality reflect differences in the quantity element, or
attribute, so that better quality can only be obtained at a higher cost.
3. The user-based approach of economics, marketing, and operations management; quality is
associated with the satisfaction. The supreme quality means the best satisfaction of
consumers’ preferences.
4. The manufacturing-based; defined quality as ‘making it right the first time’. This is a supply
based and concerned with engineering and manufacturing practice. The airline is also
involved in engineering to ensure its aircrafts are airworthy.
5. Value-based approaches of operation management; defined quality in terms of cost and
price. Usually perceived as a function of price.
Another categorisation of approaches to defining inflight service quality:
1. Perceived quality vs. objective quality:
Passenger does not use the term of quality in the same way as researchers and marketers
do; they define it conceptually (the conceptual means distinguishes between mechanistic
and humanistic quality) (Garvin, 1983; Dodds & Monroe, 1984; Holbrook & Corfman,
1985; Jacoby & Olson, 1985; Zeithaml, 1987; Rose et al., 2016).
Mechanistic quality involves an objective aspect or feature of a thing or event, humanistic
quality involves the subjective response of flight attendant towards objects, and is
therefore a highly relativistic phenomenon that differs between judges (Holbrook &
Corfman, 1985; Jankalová, 2016).
2. Quality as attitude: The importance of the inflight service quality as an overall evaluation is
similar to attitude (Olshavsky, 1985; Parasuraman et al., 1985; Jankalová, 2016).
3. Quality vs. satisfaction: Perceived inflight service quality is a global judgment, or attitude,
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
relating to the superiority of the inflight service, whereas satisfaction is related to a specific
transaction (Howard & Sheth, 1969; Hunt, 1979; Oliver, 1981; Jankalová, 2016; Rose et al.,
4. Expectations compared to perceptions: Perceived inflight service quality is therefore viewed
as the degree and direction of discrepancy between passenger’s perceptions and
expectations (expectations can be viewed as passenger’s desires/wants, merely what s/he
feels the airline should offer rather than would offer (Sasser et al., 1978; Grönroos, 1982;
Lehtinen & Lehtinen, 1982; Parasuraman et al., 1985; Jankalová, 2016; Rose et al, 2016).
In the universal quality methods; present competitive environment can aid measuring systems
taking into account the environment of inflight service provision and individual quality of the
flight attendant (Zeithaml et al., 2013; Yarimoglu, 2014; Rose et al., 2016), which both the co-
existence and inconsistency of individual approaches to defining the concept of IFSQUAL
gradually can bring the need to determine the quality dimensions of inflight service.
There are some major differences about inflight service, flight safety policy, and product. The
nature of inflight service is intangible whereas product is tangible, and policy of flight safety is
tangible (Edkins & Coakes, 2007; Sengupta, 2011; Yang & Chang, 2012; Oster et al., 2013; Rose
et al., 2016). Since inflight service is intangible, measurement of IFSQUAL can be more
complicated because IFSQUAL is measuring all at the same time (Zeithaml et al., 2013; Rahim,
2016; Rose et al., 2016). IFSQUAL measures how much the inflight service being rendered
meets the passenger satisfaction. In order to measure the intangible quality of inflight service;
the term ‘perceived’ is commonly used by researchers (Parasuraman et al., 1985; Yarimoglu,
2014; Rose et al., 2016). Perceived IFSQUAL is a result of the comparison of perceptions about
inflight service delivery process and the actual outcome of inflight service (Grönroos, 1984;
Wirtz et al., 2012; Jankalová, 2016; Rose et al., 2016). Sweeney et al. (1997), Jankalová (2016),
Rose et al. (2016) analysed whether service quality in service encounter stage affects perceived
value and consumer willingness to buy; as a result of the study, they found that service quality
perceptions in service encounter stage affects consumers more than product quality. Rahim
(2016), Rose et al. (2016), and Sandada and Matibiri (2016) mention, due to increasing
competition in the market has led many airlines to consider quality as a strategic tool. IFSQUAL
is becoming more important and the airline should improve its inflight service to gain
sustainable competitive advantage, passenger satisfaction, and loyalty (Rahim, 2016; Rose et
al., 2016; Sandada & Matibiri, 2016). In extant literature shows that passengers who are
dissatisfied with inflight service spread their experiences to more than three other people
(Chinunda, 2013; Jankalová, 2016; Rose et al., 2016). Not everyone will identify with that kind
of perception, but airline should realise that it will not achieve business excellence without the
constant cycle of measuring the quality of its own inflight service (Shewhart, 1931; Vincoli,
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
Malaysia Airlines was the unit of analysis, and passengers were the survey respondents of this
study (Awang, 2014; Trochim et al., 2015). We selected Malaysia as the country to be
investigated, and the airline industry as the organisation to be examined. This airline had
registered with Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia for air/ground operator certification. It
comprised of international passengers who had at least travelled once in the last 12 months
arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), which meant the participants had a clear
view about airline(s) inflight service. We chose KLIA because it was the main international
airport that handled international flights in Malaysia. Observed the precise and specific scope of
the above, the target population of the study were: (1) All international flights above 6 hours
only; as these flights served more than one meal service per flight. Those flights were from
London, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Jeddah, Narita, Incheon, and Beijing; because
passengers were able to experience more from these flights; (2) Arrived at KLIA on Malaysia
Airlines only (not from all airlines in the world); (3) At KLIA only (not at any other airports).
Population and Sampling
The average number of total passengers travelling with this airline was about 50,000 on 360
flights a day (Malaysia Airlines, n.d.). The next level was to select the group of international
passengers from which the sample was actually selected, and termed as the sampling frame
(Awang, 2014; Trochim et al., 2015). The sampling frame was identical to the target populating
since it was desirable that all passengers of the target population were potential passengers, or
the sample. The sampling frame for this research comprised all passengers travelling with
Malaysia Airlines and arriving from international flights during two months’ period of February
and March 2015. We expected approximately 30% of the distributed questionnaire to be
completed, and returned within four months after the survey distributions were completed.
We distributed 2,000 questionnaires on 40 selected flights at a rate of 50 questionnaires for
each flight directly to passengers who agreed to contribute in the study (refer to Table 1).
Though questionnaires were distributed to those passengers who agreed to participate, only
915 questionnaires were returned giving the response rate of 45.75%. After careful scrutiny of
the data, the completed questionnaires were coded and statistically analysed. Sample size of
900 (45%) was retained for further analysis on the random sampling by using SPSS 23.0. The
excluded questionnaires were either inaccurate or incomplete responses.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
Table 1: Collecting Data on Selected Flights of the Eight Weeks
In the case of this study, because of the mobile and polarised passengers on the jet plane there
was no proper sampling frame for the specific available passengers, hence the study had to
develop the sampling frame for this purposes. We distributed questionnaire randomly to 50
incoming passengers per flight at KLIA. The obtained responses of 2,000 samples were listed
into a grand list of passengers, and then the study employed the probability random sampling
procedure to obtain a random sample of 282 passengers from the sampling frame for this study
(Awang, 2014; Hair et al., 2015; Trochim et al., 2015), sampling design helped this study to
understand easily the research process, and to analyse data.
Sampling Design
Sampling was the selection of a subset of cases of the total number of units in order to be
able to draw general conclusions about the entire body of units (Babbie, 2013; Awang, 2014;
Trochim et al., 2015). We selected an appropriate method of sampling to generalise results,
especially when the population was very large (Babbie 2013; Awang, 2014; Hair et al. (2015). It
was considered unusual if this study were to survey a big total of population because this
research type was cross-sectional; as it had to comply with airline’s policy; had to comply with
KLIA’s policy; had financial constraints and time limit.
Sample for heterogeneities were to include all opinions, or views (Takeuchi, 2008; Tashakkori &
Teddlie, 2010; Awang, 2014; Trochim et al., 2015). Awang (2014), and Trochim et al. (2015)
mentioned that in many brainstorming, or nominal group processes (including concept
mapping), heterogeneity sampling were used because the primary interest was in getting broad
spectrum of ideas, not identifying the ‘average’ or ‘modal instance’ ones, in fact, the sampling
was not about people, but ideas. Indeed and undoubtedly, in order to get all of the ideas, and
especially the outlier or unusual ones, broad and diverse ranges of participants were included
(Hair et al., 2015; Trochim et al., 2015; Bakar & Afthanorhan, 2016). That was the reason 2,000
questionnaires were distributed to eight international flights.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
Sample Size for Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)
There were many approaches, including a number of different formulas, for calculating sample
size. To employ SEM in this study there was no clear-cut answer of how many number of
respondents should be obtained because every research differs (among other things) in terms
of the population characteristics, and the number of constructs that were employed in a model
(Tanaka, 1993; Awang, 2014; 2015; Hair et al., 2014; 2015).
Research Instruments (Questionnaire Design)
This study’s questionnaire comprised of two main sections and took approximately eight
minutes to complete. In answering the questions, respondents were required to circle the most
suitable answer on the scale. The questionnaire was in English because it was an international
language, using simple, and direct question. The intention was to keep the questionnaire
simple, so that it would not take too much of the respondent’s time (Parasuraman et al., 1988;
Awang, 2014; Trochim et al., 2015). It was a 2-page questionnaire to keep in environmentally
responsible and user friendly way. In the questionnaire survey the 7-point Interval scale was
employed, which was possible to be quantified in the research, and to see two different
contraries (Likert, 1932; Parasuraman et al., 1985; 1988; Pitt et al., 1995; Johns, 2010; Losby &
Wetmore, 2012; Sekaran & Bougie, 2013; Awang, 2014; Trochim et al., 2015).
Section A: Focused on respondent’s profile, there were seven questions.
Section B: Refer to Appendix A
a) This section focused on personal attributes as an independent variable. Initially, there were
10 questions before exploratory factor analysis (EFA); the questions were measuring the
respondent’s acknowledgement of the personal attributes aspects of the flight attendant,
which they observed and experienced during their journey. Those characteristics were obvious
in IFSQUAL because the flight attendant had attended various training programmes as their on-
going personal development. This section measured the respondent’s agreement towards flight
attendant’s personal attributes throughout the flight.
b) The questionnaire was measuring flight safety as another independent variable. Initially,
there were 10 questions; the questions were measuring respondents’ understanding of the
existence of the flight safety as it was considered to be important to the extreme of humans,
things or situations in the form of policies. This section measured the respondent’s
understanding and awareness of the flight safety during their journey.
c) This questionnaire focused on inflight service, as the mediator. Initially, there were 10
questions; the instruments for this section were created from a comprehensive literature
review and training manuals, hypotheses, and researcher’s working experience as a flight
attendant. This section measured the respondent’s perception of the inflight service offered by
the airline.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
d) The questionnaire focused on passenger satisfaction as dependent variable towards the
overall quality from passenger expectation and experience. Initially, there were 10 questions;
the questions were influencing respondent’s knowledge. The instruments for this section were
created from a comprehensive literature review, from researcher’s working experience as she
received face-to-face feedback from passengers during flight, and her observation when
travelled with other airlines. This section influenced, and measured the respondent’s feedback
about the airline’s products, inflight service and their awareness of flight safety.
Measurement of Construct
Essentially, too few items would not capture the construct, but too many items would tire the
subject, who would either not answer the items or would not answer them carefully (Pett et al.,
2003; Sekaran & Bougie, 2013; Awang, 2014; Trochim et al., 2015). Babbie (2013), Sekaran &
Bougie (2013), and Trochim et al. (2015) mentioned that most researchers made the mistake of
asking too many questions, which was the greatest enemy in survey research that caused poor
response rate. They suggested clear and concise questionnaires to get the best response. They
continued to explain that in determining the number of items that was initially needed to be
included in an instrument, researchers must consider the format of the item, time availability of
the subject, and the characteristics of the population from the data to be gathered. This study
employed its survey instruments designed by extant researchers. They were the prominent
researchers in service quality, and had designed instruments to measure items associated with
personal attributes, flight safety, inflight service, and passenger satisfaction. Hence, we adapted
and customised their items below to suit with our study, which were verified and validated by
two experts on the content for the content validity (Awang, 2014).
Parasuraman et al. (1985) analysed the dimensions of service quality, which offered an
important framework for defining and measuring service quality. Parasuraman et al. (1985)
developed the GAP Service Quality Model through the findings from exploratory research. The
GAP relations and names were shown below (Parasuraman et al., 1985; Wirtz et al., 2012;
Saglik et al., 2014; Yarimoglu, 2014):
GAP 1: Customer expectation-management perceptions gap (the Knowledge Gap).
GAP 2: Management perception-service quality specifications gap (the Policy Gap).
GAP 3: Service quality specifications-service delivery gap (the Delivery Gap).
GAP 4: Service delivery-external communications gap (the Communications Gap).
GAP 5: Expected service-perceived service gap (the Service Quality Gap).
Haywood-Farmer (1988) discussed his service quality model comprising of three basic
attributes, which the model associated with Parasuraman et al.’s Service Quality Determinants
(1985). Parasuraman et al. (1988) develop simplified SERVQUAL, which was an advanced model
for measuring service quality. In SERVQUAL model there were 5 dimensions and 22 items
presented in 7-point Likert scale. SERVQUAL measured especially functional service quality
through empirical studies in banking, credit card, repair and maintenance, and long-distance
telephone services, which had been adopted/adapted by other researchers for other types of
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
studies (Haywood-Farmer, 1988; Bari et al., 2001; Saglik et al., 2014; Yarimoglu, 2014; Debasish
& Dey, 2015).
Cronin and Taylor (1992) developed SERVPERF, which was a performance-only model for
measuring service quality with empirical studies in banking, pest control, dry-cleaning, and fast
food sectors. They developed a service quality scale dimensions of expectation (22 items-same
as SERVQUAL), performance (22 items-same as SERVQUAL), importance (22 items-same as
SERVQUAL), future purchase behaviour (1 item), overall quality (1 item), and satisfaction (1
item), which were measured by 7-point semantic differential scale. Performance-based
SERVPERF scale and the gap-based SERVQUAL scale could measure service quality
(Parasuraman et al., 1988; Cronin & Taylor, 1992; Saglik et al., 2014; Yarimoglu, 2014; Alotaibi,
2015; Debasish & Dey, 2015).
Bari et al. (2001) discussed airline service quality (AIRQUAL) model including five basic
attributes. To achieve their goal they followed two important methods; the first method was
the sequence of 8 steps presented by Churchill (1999). Secondly, the AIRQUAL was also
associated with SERVQUAL instrument revealed by Parasuraman et al. (1988) that were based
on PerceptionsExpectations, which was known as a disconfirmation Paradigm (Alotaibi, 2015).
Table 2 was analysed to adapt and customise the items in our study.
Table 2: Dimensions of Service Quality Models
Parasuraman et al.,
GAP Model
Reliability, Responsiveness, Competence, Access,
Courtesy, Communication, Credibility, Security,
Understanding/Knowing the Customer, Tangibles
Physical facilities, processes and procedures; People
behaviour and conviviality; Professional judgment
Parasuraman et al.,
Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance,
Cronin & Taylor,
Same as SERVQUAL but with performance only
Bari et al., 2001
Airline tangibles, Terminal tangibles, Personnel,
Empathy, Image
Rahim, 2016
Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Customisation,
Employees, Facilities, Flight patterns, Passenger
satisfaction, Customer loyalty
Rose et al., 2016
Personal Attributes, Inflight Service, Flight Safety,
Customer Satisfaction
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
This study applied the two-steps approach of modelling and analysing the structural model
namely Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and SEM. According to Hair et al. (2014), Awang
(2015), and Byrne (2016) the measurement model of latent constructs must pass three types of
validity: (1) Construct Validity was assessed through Fitness Indexes of the Measurement
Model; (2) Convergent Validity was assessed through Average Variance Extracted (AVE); (3)
Discriminant Validity was assessed through the Discriminant Validity Index Summary. As for the
reliability, it was assessed though the Composite Reliability (CR). The CR replaced the Internal
Reliability measurement using Cronbach’s Alpha as this study was analysing using SEM, and the
latent construct was considered valid when fitness indexes achieved the three Model Fit
categories (see Table 3) (Awang, 2014; 2015; Hair et al., 2014; 2015; Bakar & Afthanorhan,
2016; Byrne, 2016; Hoque et al, 2017).
We simplified the analyses by converting the second order construct into first order by taking
the composite mean for every sub-construct. Afthanorhan et al. (2014), Hair et al. (2014),
Awang (2015), Byrne (2016), and Hoque et al. (2017) mentioned that prior to modelling the
structural model and executing SEM, researcher must prove that all constructs involved in the
model were discriminant of each other, or they were not highly correlated especially between
the exogenous constructs; if the two exogenous constructs were highly correlated (correlation
coefficient greater than 0.85), then a serious problem called Multi-collinearity occurred.
Following the above theory by them, the two exogenous (Personal Attributes and Flight Safety),
mediation (Inflight Service), and endogenous (Passenger Satisfaction) constructs in the model
became second-order constructs with certain number of sub-constructs and every sub-
construct was measured using certain number of items from the questionnaire.
Pooled Measurement Model for All Constructs
For this procedure, all constructs were combined together and executed the Pooled-CFA;
the conversion was carried out by computing a single composite mean for items in every sub-
construct of the measurement model (Afthanorhan et al., 2014; Awang, 2015; Byrne, 2016;
Bakar & Afthanorhan, 2016; Hoque et al, 2017). Figure 1 demonstrated the initial measurement
model for each construct in the Pooled Measurement model.
In Figure 1, the fitness indexes did not meet the required level as proposed by Afthanorhan et
al. (2014), Hair et al. (2014), Awang (2015), Byrne (2016), and Hoque et al. (2017); in order to
remedy this problem, they suggested researcher must inspect the poor factor loading items,
and remove them from the model (one item at a time from each sub-construct and re-analyse
the CFA); the process continued until the measurement model achieved the threshold values.
We identified eight poor factor loading items less than 0.6 namely IFSQ1 (0.17), IFSQ5 (0.20),
IFSQ6 (0.23), IFSQ10 (0.33), PAX7 (0.37), PAX1 (0.53), PAX2 (0.54), and PAX6 (0.57). These poor
items had caused the model to be unfit. In Figure 2, the Fitness Indexes readings were good and
fit after several procedures, and the significance level for coefficients was p<0.001, see Table 3.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
Figure 1: The Initial Measurement Model
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
Figure 2: The Final Measurement Model after PAX6 was removed
Assessment for Validity and Reliability
After few CFA procedures, the measurement model results were as follows:
a) Construct validity (Table 3). The fitness indexes as the constructs had achieved the
required level (Afthanorhan et al., 2014; Awang et al., 2015; Byrne, 2016; Hoque et al.,
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
Table 3: Construct Validity
Model Fit
Fit Criteria
Absolute Fit
Range 0.05 to 0.1
Hu & Bentler, 1999;
Awang, 2015; Byrne, 2016
Close to 0.95
Jöreskog & Sörbom, 1996;
Awang, 2015; Byrne, 2016
Fit Index
Close to 0.95
Jöreskog & Sörbom, 1996;
Awang, 2015, Byrne, 2016
Close to 0.95
Hu & Bentler, 1999;
Awang, 2015, Byrne, 2016
Close to 0.95
Hu & Bentler, 1999;
Awang, 2015, Byrne, 2016
Close to 0.95
Hu & Bentler, 1999;
Awang, 2015, Byrne, 2016
Fit Index
Below 5.00
Hair et al., 2014;
Awang, 2015, Byrne, 2016
NB: The indexes in bold were recommended since they were frequently reported in literature (Awang, 2015).
b) Convergent validity. All items in measurement model were statistically significant. The
convergent validity was also verified by computing AVE and CR (Table 4) for every construct.
Afthanorhan et al. (2014), Hair et al. (2014), Awang (2015), Byrne (2016), and Hoque et al.
(2017) agreed that the values of AVE should not less than 0.5, and CR should not less than 0.6;
low result could affect low AVE and CR; as both were computed based on the factor loading.
Table 4: AVE and CR for the main constructs
Factor Loading
Personal Attributes
Flight Safety
Inflight Service
Safety Satisfaction
C) Discriminant validity (Table 5). This study model was free from redundant items. The
diagonal values in bold were the square root of AVE, which was higher than the values in its
row and column, thus the discriminant validity had achieved the required level (Afthanorhan et
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
al., 2014; Hair et al., 2014; Awang, 2015; Awang et al., 2015; Byrne, 2016). While other values
were the correlation between the respective constructs.
Table 5: Discriminant Validity Index Summary
Personal Attributes
Flight Safety
Inflight Service
Passenger Satisfaction
Table 6 was the hypotheses results of the direct effects between the constructs (see Figure 3).
Table 6: Regression Weights and Its Significance
Inflight Service
Personal Attributes
Personal Attributes
Inflight Service
Flight Safety
Flight Safety
Inflight Service
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
Figure 3: Regression Weights
Table 7 was the mediation hypotheses results; the analyses were computed from Figure 3,
using AMOS:
Table 7: Bootstrapping Summary of Mediation Effect (H6 & H7)
Indirect Effect
Direct Effect
Personal Attributes
Bootstrapping Results
Bootstrapping P-Value
Not Supported
Type of Mediation
No Mediation (Not Supported)
Flight Safety to
Bootstrapping Results
Bootstrapping P-Value
Not Supported
Type of Mediation
No Mediation (Not Supported)
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
H6: Inflight Service mediates the relationship between Personal Attributes and Passenger
Satisfaction Not Supported (refer Table 7). Results indicated that Inflight Service was not a
significant mediation predictor of Personal Attributes, = 0.376, SE = 0.068, p<0.05; but Inflight
Service was a direct predictor of Passenger Satisfaction, = 0.221, SE = 0.065, p<0.05. The
result was not significant; thus it did not support the mediation hypothesis. Personal Attributes
was still a direct, and significant predictor of Passenger Satisfaction after it was controlled by
the mediator (Inflight Service), = 0.118, SE = 0.060, consistent with No Mediation (Kafaji,
2013; Osman & Sentosa, 2013; Hair et al, 2014; Awang, 2015; Byrne, 2016; Rahim, 2016).
H7: Inflight Service mediates the relationship between Flight Safety and Passenger Satisfaction
Not Supported (refer Table 7). Results indicated that Inflight Service was not a significant
mediation predictor of Flight Safety, = 0.345, SE = 0.060, p<0.05. The result was not
significant; hence the result did not support the mediation hypothesis. Flight Safety was still a
direct, and significant predictor of Passenger Satisfaction after it was controlled by the
mediator (Inflight Service), = 0.077, SE = 0.045, consistent with No Mediation (Kafaji, 2013;
Osman & Sentosa, 2013; Awang, 2015; Byrne, 2016; Rahim, 2016).
Approximately 93% of the variance in Passenger Satisfaction was accounted for by the
predictors; the coefficient of determination, or R-Square (R
) for the model was 0.93.
=0.930); the direct and indirect effects were tested using bootstrap estimation approach
with 2,000 samples, and 95% of confidence level (Hair et al., 2014; Awang, 2015; Byrne, 2016).
Hence, the value implied in the model, which comprised of two exogenous constructs and one
mediator namely Personal Attributes, Flight Safety, and Inflight Service managed to estimate
93% of the information in Passenger Satisfaction (Hair et al., 2014; Awang, 2015; Byrne, 2016).
‘Supported’ and ‘not supported’ assumption results: (1) Personal Attributes dimension was the
flight attendant’s characteristics her/his soft skills and technical skills in IFSQUAL were built
from the sequence of training programmes that s/he had been attended, and also the
knowledge and experience from day-to-day work. Though flight attendant was the airline
product but her/his appearance, personality, knowledge, dedication, decision-making, and
leadership skills in delivering IFSQUAL might not be similar to her/his peers, hence this Personal
Attributes dimension could only be a direct effect to the passengers who recognised and
understand the ‘transcendent approach’, which will definitely mark their satisfaction level
according to how they consumed the IFSQUAL (Garvin, 1984; Zeithaml et al., 2013; Jankalová,
2016; Rose et al., 2016). Consequently, an Inflight Service could not mediate this human skills
and tacit knowledge. (2) Flight safety dimension was a policy, thus it could not be mediated by
Inflight Service, because the policy could not be adjusted simply to suit the passenger
emotional needs during her/his journey. Policy was a principle of action; it was implemented
and approved by the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia, airline’s own policy, international
association such as International Air Transport Association (IATA), and International Civil
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
Aviation Organisation (ICAO) for the safety of the people on board, and the aircraft (Crosby,
1979; Yang & Chang, 2012; Baker, 2013; Jankalová, 2016; Rose et al., 2016; Sandada & Matibiri,
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2015; Ngo & Nguyen, 2016; Rahim, 2016).
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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
2017, Vol. 7, No. 10
ISSN: 2222-6990
Types of Statistical Analyses of the Study
Section A
Gender, age, education level, occupation, number of times
travelling with any airlines, travelling class, and reason for
choosing Malaysia Airlines
Section B
1. Flight attendant is efficient
7-point Interval
2. Flight attendant is competent
3. Flight attendant is confident
4. Flight attendant is approachable
5. Flight attendant smiles at me
6. Flight attendant always pleasant
7. Flight attendant is friendly
8. Flight attendant communicates well
9. PA announcement is clear
10. Flight attendant is courteous
Flight Safety
1. Highly safe air transportation experience
7-point Interval
2. Reliable air transportation service
3. I am confident to fly with this airline
4. Flight attendant checks cabin for take-off
5. Flight attendant checks cabin for landing
6. Flight attendant checks cabin during bad weather
7. Flight attendant complies with safety
8. Flight attendant is conversant with safety
9. Flight attendant is well trained in safety
10. Aircraft is new
Inflight Service
1. Adequate seat facilities
7-point Interval
2. Comfortable seat
3. My seat is clean when I boarded
4. Consistent inflight service delivery
5. Completed meal service at the right time
6. Cabin temperature is satisfactory
7. Cabin ambience is satisfactory
8. Variety choice of food
9. Variety choice of beverages
10. Inflight entertainment is easy to use
1. Airline should improve on seat quality
7-point Interval
2. Airline should improve on food
3. Airline should improve on safety
4. Satisfied with inflight service
5. Satisfied with on board food
6. Inflight service value for money
7. Satisfactory inflight entertainment
8. Satisfied with current inflight service provision
9. Fly with this airline again
10. Recommend this airline to friend