2022 NYU IT User
Satisfaction Survey Report
Dec 2022
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 2
Survey Report 4
1. Purpose and Guiding Principles 4
1.1 Purpose 4
1.2 Guiding Principles 4
2. Survey Administration 5
2.1 Survey Instrument 5
2.2 Survey Distribution 7
3. Overall Results 9
3.1 Response Rate 9
3.2 Overall Service Satisfaction 12
3.3 Services with the Highest Satisfaction 14
3.4 Services with the Lowest Satisfaction 14
3.5 High-Level Takeaways 15
3.6 Analysis of Results 16
4. Results by Theme 17
4.1 The Technology Itself 17
4.2 Personalized Tech Support 18
4.3 Self-Service Help 19
4.4 Communications about Services 20
5. Next Steps 22
5.1 Feedback Loop with the NYU Community 22
5.2 Continuous Feedback 22
5.3 Lessons Learned 22
6. Appendix A: Results by Service 24
6.1 Accounts and Access 24
6.1a Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo) 24
6.1b NYU Password (Update/Reset) 25
6.2 Calendar and Events Management & Email and Communication 26
6.2a Email Direct 26
6.2b NYU Calendar (Google) 27
6.2c NYU Email (Google) 28
6.2d NYU Events Calendar 29
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 3
6.2e NYU Groups (Google) 30
6.2f Web Meetings (Zoom) 31
6.3 Computing Support 32
6.3a Classroom Technology Support 32
6.3b Desktop Support (NYU IT) 33
6.3c NYU Print Service 34
6.3d Service Desk (NYU IT) - Calling and Emailing 35
6.4 Data Services and Analytics 38
6.4a API/Data Portal 38
6.4b Data Visualization 39
6.4c Self-Service Reporting (Tableau) 40
6.4d Surveys (Qualtrics) 41
6.5 Digital Publishing, Webmaster Support, and Community and Portals 42
6.5a NYU Engage 42
6.5b NYUHome 43
6.5c Web Publishing (WordPress) 44
6.6 Document Collaboration and Sharing 45
6.6a Document Management (ImageNow) 45
6.6b Electronic Signature (DocuSign) 46
6.6c NYU Box 47
6.6d NYU Drive (Google) 48
6.7 Infrastructure 49
6.7a NYU Virtual Private Network (VPN) 49
6.7b NYU Wi-Fi 50
6.8 Research Computing Services 51
6.8a Digital Humanities 51
6.8b GIS and Mapping 52
6.8c LaGuardia Studio 3D Scanning and 3D Printing 53
6.8d Qualitative Data Analysis 54
6.8e Quantitative and Statistical Data Analysis 55
6.8f Research Workspace 56
6.9 Teaching and Learning Services 57
6.9a Course Capture 57
6.9b NYU Brightspace 58
6.9c Student Technology Centers 61
6.9d Training (LinkedIn Learning) 62
7. Appendix B: Additional Information 63
7.1 Variations on the Standard Service Questions 63
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 4
Survey Report
This report provides a summary of the 2022 NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey
administration, results, and analyses.
1. Purpose and Guiding Principles
The 2022 NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey was established by NYU IT to provide
metrics to support continual improvement of NYU IT services. The following purpose
and guiding principles were established to guide these efforts:
1.1 Purpose
Measure user satisfaction in a consistent way, over time, to support
continuous service improvement.
Gain deeper insight into the experience and needs of our users so we can
better support them in their work.
Establish a feedback loop with our users to demonstrate NYU IT is serious
about listening to our users and improving our services.
Empower service leaders in NYU IT and at schools with user feedback, along
with the analysis and tools to take action on it.
Support diversity and inclusion by surfacing viewpoints that may otherwise
not emerge.
Drive high satisfaction with central services to reduce the proliferation of
redundant services across the University.
1.2 Guiding Principles
Keep it simpleselect practices that can be applied consistently and
sustained over time.
Where possible, target only the relevant user population for the area being
surveyed. Do not waste respondents’ time asking about services that do not
apply to them.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 5
Receive user feedback seriously and non-defensively. Recognize it as just
one part of the story around a service and as part of continuous improvement.
Be transparent with the NYU community about survey results; include
response rates by role.
Be timely with communications to the NYU community around results and
actions NYU IT will take to establish a feedback loop with IT service users
and demonstrate the value of them participating.
2. Survey Administration
The project team contracted with the Office of Measurement Services (OMS) at the
University Minnesota as the vendor to deliver the survey and analyze the results.
OMS brought deep experience in surveying, as well as the ability to code large
amounts of text responses (a capability NYU IT does not have in-house) while
ensuring user confidentiality.
2.1 Survey Instrument
The survey was built in NYU’s Surveys (Qualtrics) service with OMS-provided
customizations, which provided an efficient, user-friendly survey design.
Respondents were presented with a mix of Likert scale and open-ended questions
about NYU IT services, as well as some general questions about NYU IT.
Standard Questions for Services
The following questions were used for the majority of services surveyed.
Respondents were asked to rate their experience with each service on six different
aspects on a scale of “very dissatisfied” (1.0) to “very satisfied” (6.0).
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 6
Please rate your experience with [service].
Scale: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Slightly dissatisfied, Slightly satisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied, Not
The technology itself (Tools and features)
Self-service help (FAQs, recorded training, step-by-step instructions, etc.)
Personalized tech support (Help desk, live training, etc.)
Awareness and training communications (What it is, how to use it, what’s new, etc.)
Service status alerts (Maintenance and outages)
The service overall
What do you like about [service]?
What is one thing we could do to improve your experience with [service]?
This consistent set of questions was used in order to provide a simpler user
experience for survey recipients.
A different version of the standard questions was used for the IT Service Desk,
Desktop Support, and Classroom Technology Support, due to the different nature of
those services. In addition, for NYU Brightspace, faculty and staff were asked to rate
the product on a few additional aspects, which are listed in Appendix B.
NYU IT General Questions
All survey recipients were asked the following questions about NYU IT:
In what ways would you like to learn about new NYU IT services or service
In what ways would you like to receive NYU IT support? (Select all that apply.)
Live remote support (Zoom, live chat, screen sharing)
In-person support (Scheduled consultations, walk-in support, in-person training)
Self-service help (FAQs, recorded training, step-by-step instructions, etc.)
Chatbot (automated chat support with transfer to live staff as needed)
What is one thing we could do to improve your experience with NYU IT?
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 7
Service Selection
NYU IT surveyed roughly half (37) of its community-facing services this year, with the
goal of surveying the remaining services next year. This was done to keep the
number of services in the survey manageable. The list was determined through
consultation with Service Owners and Directors. A full list of the services surveyed
this year is listed in Appendix A: Results by Service. (Note: Some services may be
surveyed annually, based on the nature of the service and/or specific needs.)
2.2 Survey Distribution
Survey Dates
The survey was administered in two rounds, over the following dates:
Round 1: March 22 - April 5, 2022
Round 2: April 7 - April 20, 2022
The survey audience was a random sampling of New York-based faculty, students,
and staff, balanced across schools/units (NYU IT excluded). The table below provides
the number of users surveyed based on role.
University Role
Round 1
Round 2
Full Time
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 8
University Role
Round 1
Round 2
Grand Totals
Distribution Method
Survey-related emails were sent by the survey vendor through Qualtrics to
maintain confidentiality.
Each member of the survey audience received an email invitation from “Don
Welch, VP for IT and Global University CIO,” with a unique link to the survey.
Follow-up reminders were sent from the NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey
Administrator. Final reminder emails were targeted separately to faculty,
students, and staff.
Personalization of Survey Questions
Individuals received questions based on their role, school/unit, or known use
of a service, information that was stored in Qualtrics. This allowed us to
present users with only those questions relevant to them. It also eliminated
the need for respondents to spend time entering demographic information.
In addition to a core set of questions about NYU IT, users were presented with
a list of services based on their demographic information stored in Qualtrics.
They were asked to select services they “have used in the last six months and
would like to provide feedback on.” This further ensured respondents were
not required to scroll through pages of survey questions not relevant to them.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 9
3. Overall Results
3.1 Response Rate
Response Rate by Role
The following graphic shows the response rate by University role:
Review Response Rate by Role chart as a data table.
The following table provides additional details:
University Role
Response Rate
No. of Responses /
No. of Recipients
355 / 2,743
878 / 4,091
779 / 17,961
2,012 / 24,795
The overall response rate was low, due to the low response rate of students. Ways to
remediate this issue in future surveys are noted in the Lessons Learned section.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 10
Response Rate by School / Unit
The charts below provide the response rate by school/unit. Open the source file to
view an accessible version of this data in Google Sheets.
Review Response Rates by School/Unit chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 11
Review Response Rates by School/Unit, Continued chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 12
3.2 Overall Service Satisfaction
As noted above, users were asked a standard set of Likert scale and open-ended
questions about each service. (See the Survey Instrument section.) When looking at
respondents’ ranking of “the service overall” across all services, we see that all NYU
services received an average rating of “slightly satisfied” (4.0) to “very satisfied”
The charts below show the average rating of “the service overall” Likert scale
question across all surveyed IT services. These are divided into two categories: (1)
services available to all users to provide feedback on, and (2) services available only to
specific lists of users to provide feedback on. These included services that were
specific to a given role at the University, as well as services with a small user base.
Open the source files to view accessible versions of this data in Google Sheets.
Review Services Available to All Respondents chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 13
Review Services Available to a Specific List of Users chart as a data table.
(1) Very Unsatisfied
(4) Slightly Satisfied
(2) Unsatisfied
(5) Satisfied
(3) Slightly Unsatisfied
(6) Very Satisfied
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 14
3.3 Services with the Highest Satisfaction
When respondents rated "the service overall,” the following services had the highest
percentage of “satisfied” (5.0) or “very satisfied” (6.0) responses. Services in purple
(and with an asterisk) received high satisfaction ratings across all University roles.
NYU Events Calendar
NYU Calendar (Google)*
NYU Email (Google)*
NYU Calendar (Google)*
NYU Zoom
NYU Calendar (Google)*
NYU Email (Google)*
NYU Email (Google)*
NYU Drive (Google)
NYU Zoom
NYU Drive (Google)
GIS and Mapping
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning
* These services (in purple) received high satisfaction ratings across all University roles.
Note: The “GIS and Mapping” service was only available for specific users to rate.
3.4 Services with the Lowest Satisfaction
When respondents rated "the service overall", the following services had the highest
percentage of “dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied.” responses. Services in purple (and
with an asterisk) received low satisfaction ratings across all University roles
Note: When reviewing these results, bear in mind that all NYU IT services received
an average rating of “slightly satisfied” to “very satisfied.”
NYU Brightspace
IT Service Desk (Email)*
NYU Print Service
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 15
IT Service Desk (Email)*
IT Service Desk (Call)
MFA (Duo)
IT Service Desk (Call)
NYU Brightspace
IT Service Desk (Email)*
MFA (Duo)
NYU Password
* These services (in purple) received low satisfaction ratings across all University roles
Note: There are instances of WordPress at NYU that are not run by NYU IT, so some user
responses may be referring to a non-NYU IT service.
3.5 High-Level Takeaways
Based on the quantitative (i.e., Likert scale question results) of the survey, the
following high-level takeaways were observed:
Faculty Satisfaction Is Generally Lower Than Staff Satisfaction
Based on the mean “Service Overall” score, faculty reported lower satisfaction
than staff across most technologies, with the exceptions of NYU Events
Calendar and NYU IT Service Desk (Calling & Emailing), which were rated
similarly by faculty and staff.
Google Services Rate Highly
Respondents in all roles rated NYU Google Services highly (“satisfied” or “very
NYU MFA Received the Most Ratings
NYU Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo) received the highest number of
responses among services available to all respondents, followed by NYU Email
and NYU Zoom.
Request Resolution Time
“The time it takes to resolve my request” had the lowest reported average
satisfaction for IT Service Desk (Call), IT Service Desk (Email), NYU IT Desktop
Support, and NYU IT Classroom Technology Support.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 16
IT Service Desk Email Support
Respondents were less satisfied with emailing the IT Service Desk compared
to calling, across every aspect of the service. This was most evident with “the
staff’s ability to communicate clearly”, where the difference in satisfaction
between calling and emailing was 13.8%.
Student Response Rate
Faculty and staff rates are relatively similar to other campus surveys. The
student response rate was lower than expected and had a negative impact on
the overall response rate.
3.6 Analysis of Results
The vendor provided de-identified data for the Likert scale question results. The
project team and NYU IT Tableau service team created a Tableau dashboard to view
the quantitative results and shared it with NYU IT service teams and UCIO Council
The vendor coded qualitative comments using an agreed-upon set of high-level
themes. These mirrored the different service aspects that users were asked about in
the standard Likert scale question format:
The technology itself
Self-service help
Personalized tech support
Awareness and training communications
Service status alerts
In addition, the vendor identified notable sub-themes within each theme, based on
the content of respondents’ comments. Prominent sub-themes include:
Time to resolution
Staff's ability to resolve requests
Documentation and training
Overall awareness of services offered
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 17
4. Results by Theme
The following section presents key findings based on the vendor’s coding of
respondents’ comments. The vendor coded comments with major themes, which
were based on the service aspects in the Likert scale questions the technology itself,
personalized tech support, etc.). In addition, the vendor applied finer-grained sub-
themes, which emerged from the respondents’ comments.
Below, key findings across services for the major thematic areas (e.g., the technology
itself) and their related sub-themes (e.g., usability) are identified. (See the Analysis of
Results section for details.)
4.1 The Technology Itself
Roughly half of respondents’ comments about services were tagged with the theme
“the technology itself.” In further analyzing these comments, three sub-themes
Design and Aesthetics
Findings related to these sub-themes are provided below.
Usability was the most common area in which respondents said NYU IT services
could improve. Respondents cited multiple services as “not user-friendly” or “difficult
to use.” Another common refrain from respondents related to “confusing UI” that
prevented them from easily accomplishing tasks.
Design and Aesthetics
Closely related to concerns around usability, many respondents expressed
dissatisfaction with the design and aesthetics of services, with many pointing to
“clunky,” “ugly,” or “annoying” interfaces. As the design quality of applications and
websites that users encounter in their daily lives (outside of NYU) continues to
improve, their expectations for similarly modern, easy-to-use digital experiences in
their professional and academic lives at NYU increases as well.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 18
While NYU IT’s services target a more specialized user base than many larger
consumer productsand therefore do not have comparable design and
development resourcesthere are still many opportunities to improve the look and
feel of NYU IT’s services. This is true even in the case of Software as a Service (SaaS)
products, where there are often opportunities for product configurationand
sometimes small changes can make a big difference for users.
Respondents noted that NYU IT could improve the reliability of its services. A
number of comments related to having to log in multiple times across different
“SSO-ed” services. Overall, respondents’ reliability concerns focused on inconsistent
performance, unavailable or inconsistent print services, unexpected application
timeouts/logouts, and unstable Wi-Fi connections.
4.2 Personalized Tech Support
Respondents acknowledged the tremendous challenges the COVID-19 pandemic
presented for NYU and expressed appreciation for the hard work of user-facing
support personnel. When asked what NYU IT could do to improve personalized tech
support, four top sub-themes emerged:
Time to resolution
Staff's ability to resolve requests
Availability of staff / headcount
Live training
Note: This survey was conducted a month after the IT Service Desk transitioned
email support to a managed service provider (MSP), in February 2022.
Time to Resolution
The most common sub-theme within the respondents’ comments was a need to
have issues resolved more quickly. Many respondents said their requests are not
answered in a reasonable amount of time or that too many back-and-forth
communications are required. In particular, respondents said that issues requiring
handoff to other teams took too long or were never resolved, with some tickets
being closed without a resolution.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 19
Respondents expressed a desire for more resolution at the first point of contact.
Relatedly, many respondents said they would like to have warm transfers to other
teams or school helpdesks. Other respondents wanted a simplified workflow for
addressing requests, especially those that are more basic in naturee.g., multiple
respondents said they wanted the ability to resolve issues over chat, rather than
having to call or email.
Staff's Ability to Resolve Requests
The second major sub-theme within personalized tech support related to the staff’s
ability to resolve requests. Comments tagged with this sub-theme indicated a need
for better and more consistent training of front line staff. Some respondents said
their support experience differed widely depending on who happened to answer
their call or email. Other respondents noted difficulty with communication,
including the use of jargon, or with support personnel responding without first fully
reading and understanding the user’s issue.
Availability of Staff / Headcount
Many respondents suggested the need to add more staff to teams providing user-
facing support. In some cases, respondents noted they’ve waited for long periods of
time for support. In the case of Classroom Technology Support,* in particular,
respondents requested more support during early morning or evening hours, as well
as during peak times of the semester.
* Note: A significant percentage of comments tagged with the “availability of staff /
headcount” sub-theme were related to Classroom Technology Support. However, it
is difficult to know which comments relate to NYU IT versus school-supported
Live Training
Some respondents expressed a need for more, and better, end user training. There
were comments that mentioned the need for “live / webinar training” for individual
4.3 Self-Service Help
In analyzing the comments across services that applied to “self-service help,” two
major sub-themes emerged:
Documentation / knowledge base
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 20
Self-service training
Findings for these sub-themes are provided below.
Documentation / Knowledge Base
The most common area in which respondents said self-service help could be
improved was documentation. Across a variety of services, respondents said they
wanted “better documentation,” noting that they often encountered unclear
instructions or found it difficult to find the right documentation. Respondents also
expressed a desire for written training manuals and clear FAQs. Referring to
knowledge base documentation specifically, respondents noted a need for
“instructions with graphics,” “guides that are based on functional purposes,” and “in-
depth explanations.”
Self-Service Training
Respondents expressed a desire for more self-service training resources. As one
student noted, for some services, these materials are “nonexistent. Students have to
teach each other how to do it.” Another user suggested that training resources be
made available consistently on iLearn, particularly when a tool’s use is effectively
required by their employment (e.g., Google services, Tableau, etc.).
4.4 Communications about Services
In analyzing the comments across services that applied to communications about
services, four sub-themes were observed:
Preferred modes of communication
Overall service awareness
Visibility and quality of support materials
Service status alerts
Findings and a few potential next steps for these sub-themes are provided below.
Note: This section has some overlap with the Self-Service Help section findings due
to the interconnected nature of the topics.
Preferred Modes of Communication
When asked “In what ways would you like to learn about new NYU IT services or
service updates”, a significant majority of survey respondents (56%) prefer email,
followed by newsletter (8%) and website (7%). The IT/Download newsletter received
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 21
positive feedback in comments from respondents who prefer newsletters. This
feedback appears to validate the service communications approach and channels
that NYU IT currently prioritizes.
Overall Service Awareness
Multiple respondents indicated that they’d like to know more about:
when and why they might want to use a particular service
the best practices for using it
new service features
Visibility and Quality of Support Materials
Many respondents report inaccurate, inadequate, or missing service support
information, particularly in the ServiceLink knowledge base (see also the
Documentation / Knowledge Base section, above). In some cases, the support
exists but the user is not aware of it.
It’s often unclear what website or support resource the respondent is referring to in
their survey feedback. It may be difficult for respondents to distinguish content
provided by NYU IT versus content provided by their school or unit.
A number of respondents expressed frustration with the frequency or need for IT
service changes and policies (service upgrades, interface redesigns, password resets,
MFA, etc.).
Service Status Alerts
A number of respondents said they are not aware when services are going to
be down—or, when they’re down, when they will be back up.
Respondents reported not knowing about changes to a given service until
they logged into that service.
There is a desire for more custom service-level notifications about service
Many students wanted more information about when printers would be
down, before going to a lab to print.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 22
5. Next Steps
5.1 Feedback Loop with the NYU Community
NYU IT has shared report results to the NYU community through the NYU IT website,
the March 2023 issue of the Download newsletter, and in meetings with key
5.2 Continuous Feedback
Over 300 survey respondents indicated they would be interested in providing
additional feedback to NYU IT. These respondents also specified the ways in which
they would be willing to provide feedback, which included:
One-on-one interviews and usability testing
Focus groups
Additional surveys
Piloting new tools and services
NYU IT will consult with the NYU Usability Lab on how to best leverage these
volunteers in improving the quality of our services.
5.3 Lessons Learned
The project will review lessons learned to improve future IT User Satisfaction Surveys
and survey-related projects. In the interim, the team has identified a few areas for
future improvement:
The response rate for faculty, and especially students, was lower than
anticipated. The team would like to explore offering incentives for
Such a large number of staff and faculty were surveyed that it may make
sense to survey all faculty and staff in New York in the next survey. This will
allow for broad communications, from both NYU IT and schools, to encourage
faculty and staff to complete the survey.
Services with relatively small user bases were seen (in the list of services to
choose from) only by individuals who have accounts in those systems. While
this allowed for smaller services to be surveyed, in most cases, not enough
respondents selected them to yield a meaningful number of responses. The
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 23
team may consider displaying the questions about smaller services to all
respondents with accounts, and only allowing respondents to self-select the
larger “commodity” services (e.g., Google, NYUHome) they’d like to provide
feedback on.
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6. Appendix A: Results by Service
The following section provides a consolidated and comprehensive view of service-
level results.
6.1 Accounts and Access
6.1a Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo)
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
4.63 / 6
Response Rate
4.92% (1,218 / 24,795)
7.47% (205 / 2,743)
12.61% (516 / 4,091)
2.77% (497 / 17,961)
Review Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 25
6.1b NYU Password (Update/Reset)
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
4.80 / 6
Response Rate
2.02% (501 / 24,795)
4.12% (113 / 2,743)
5.35% (219 / 4,091)
0.94% (169 / 17,961)
Review NYU Password chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 26
6.2 Calendar and Events Management & Email
and Communication
6.2a Email Direct
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
4.97 / 6
Response Rate
4.38% (34 / 776)
0.00% (0 / 79)
5.41% (34 / 628)
0.00% (0 / 69)
Review Email Direct chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 27
6.2b NYU Calendar (Google)
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
5.34 / 6
Response Rate
3.13% (777 / 24,795)
4.96% (136 / 2,743)
8.90% (436 / 4,091)
1.14% (205 / 17,961)
Review NYU Calendar (Google) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 28
6.2c NYU Email (Google)
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
5.34 / 6
Response Rate
4.13% (1,026 / 24,795)
6.56% (180 / 2,743)
11.44% (468 / 4,091)
2.11% (378 / 17,961)
Review NYU Email (Google) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 29
6.2d NYU Events Calendar
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
5.19 / 6
Response Rate
0.68% (168 / 24,795)
1.13% (31 / 2,743)
2.42% (99 / 4,091)
0.21% (38 / 17,961)
Specific users (admins)
“Service Overall” Rating
4.97 / 6
Response Rate
7.82% (38 / 486)
0.00% (0 / 137)
8.96% (38 / 424)
0.00% (0 / 33)
Review NYU Events Calendar chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 30
6.2e NYU Groups (Google)
All roles
“Service Overall” Rating
4.83 / 6
Response Rate
1.17% (289 / 24,795)
1.68% (46 / 2,743)
5.13% (210 / 4,091)
0.18% (33 / 17,961)
Review NYU Groups (Google) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 31
6.2f Web Meetings (Zoom)
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
5.18 / 6
Response Rate
3.58% (888 / 24,795)
5.76% (158 / 2,743)
10.46% (428 / 4,091)
1.68% (302 / 17,961)
Review Web Meetings (Zoom) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 32
6.3 Computing Support
6.3a Classroom Technology Support
“Service Overall” Rating
4.98 / 6
Response Rate
6.74% (185 / 2,743)
Review NYU IT Classroom Technology Support chart as a data table.
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6.3b Desktop Support (NYU IT)
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
5.13 / 6
Response Rate
30.61% (15 / 49)
0.00% (0 / 1)
31.25% (15 / 48)
Review NYU IT Desktop Support chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 34
6.3c NYU Print Service
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
4.12 / 6
Response Rate
1.04% (259 / 24,795)
0.29% (8 / 2,743)
0.71% (29 / 4,091)
1.24% (222 / 17,961)
Review NYU Print Service chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 35
6.3d Service Desk (NYU IT) - Calling and Emailing
Service Desk - Calling
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
4.66 / 6
Response Rate
4.47% (1,108 / 24,795)
8.75% (240 / 2,743)
13.91% (569 / 4,091)
1.66% (299 / 17,961)
Review NYU IT Service Desk (Calling) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 36
Service Desk - Emailing
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
4.38 / 6
Response Rate
4.43% (1,099 / 24,795)
8.02% (220 / 2,743)
15.16% (620 / 4,091)
1.44% (259 / 17,961)
Review NYU IT Service Desk (Emailing) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 37
Review Calling the Service Desk versus Emailing the Service Desk chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 38
6.4 Data Services and Analytics
6.4a API/Data Portal
Specific List (Staff)
“Service Overall” Rating
5.00 / 6
Response Rate (Staff)
18.42% (7 / 38)
Review API/Data Portal chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 39
6.4b Data Visualization
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
5.67 / 6
Response Rate
2.38% (3 / 126)
100.00% (1 / 1)
0.00% (0 / 12)
1.77% (2 / 113)
*Not enough data for reliability
Review Data Visualization chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 40
6.4c Self-Service Reporting (Tableau)
“Service Overall” Rating
4.61 / 6
Response Rate
1.81% (74 / 4,091)
Review Self-Service Reporting (Tableau) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 41
6.4d Surveys (Qualtrics)
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
5.71 / 6
Response Rate
8.79% (8 / 91)
12.50% (1 / 8)
20.69% (6 / 29)
1.85% (1 / 54)
*Not enough data for reliability
Review Surveys (Qualtrics) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 42
6.5 Digital Publishing, Webmaster Support, and
Community and Portals
6.5a NYU Engage
“Service Overall” Rating
4.67 / 6
Response Rate
0.47% (85 / 17,961)
Review NYU Engage chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 43
6.5b NYUHome
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
5.00 / 6
Response Rate
2.92% (724 / 24,795)
5.58% (153 / 2,743)
9.41% (385 / 4,091)
1.04% (186 / 17,961)
Review NYUHome chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 44
6.5c Web Publishing (WordPress)
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
4.18 / 6
Response Rate
0.35% (88 / 24,795)
0.84% (23 / 2,743)
1.27% (52 / 4,091)
0.07% (13 / 17,961)
Review Web Publishing (WordPress) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 45
6.6 Document Collaboration and Sharing
6.6a Document Management (ImageNow)
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
4.08 / 6
Response Rate
2.94% (26 / 883)
0.00% (0 / 308)
4.68% (26 / 556)
0.00% (0 / 19)
Review Document Management (ImageNow) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 46
6.6b Electronic Signature (DocuSign)
Specific list
“Service Overall” Rating
5.01 / 6 “Satisfied”
Response Rate
14.70% (81 / 551)
12.50% (5 / 40)
15.12% (75 / 496)
2.50% (1 / 40)
Review Electronic Signature (DocuSign) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 47
6.6c NYU Box
Faculty and Staff
“Service Overall” Rating
4.76 / 6
Response Rate
6.53% (446 / 6,834)
3.68% (101 / 2,743)
8.43% (345 / 4,091)
Review NYU Box chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 48
6.6d NYU Drive (Google)
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
5.27 / 6
Response Rate
3.09% (766 / 24,795)
4.81% (132 / 2,743)
9.97% (408 / 4,091)
1.26% (226 / 17,961)
Review NYU Drive (Google) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 49
6.7 Infrastructure
6.7a NYU Virtual Private Network (VPN)
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
4.86 / 6
Response Rate
2.03% (504 / 24,795)
3.17% (87 / 2,743)
8.51% (348 / 4,091)
0.38% (69 / 17,961)
Review NYU Virtual Private Network (VPN) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 50
6.7b NYU Wi-Fi
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
4.70 / 6
Response Rate
3.34% (829 / 24,795)
5.61% (154 / 2,743)
8.63% (353 / 4,091)
1.79% (322 / 17,961)
Review NYU Wi-Fi chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 51
6.8 Research Computing Services
6.8a Digital Humanities
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
6.00 / 6
Response Rate
3.12% (1 / 32)
4.76% (1 / 21)
0.00% (0 / 2)
0.00% (0 / 9)
*Not enough data for reliability
Review Digital Humanities chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 52
6.8b GIS and Mapping
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
5.21 / 6
Overall Response Rate
2.73% (20 / 732)
8.57% (3 / 35)
6.67% (2 / 30)
2.25% (15 / 667)
Review GIS and Mapping chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 53
6.8c LaGuardia Studio 3D Scanning and 3D Printing
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
5.80 / 6
Response Rate
2.18% (5 / 229)*
2.94% (1 / 34)
0.00% (0 / 25)
2.35% (4 / 170)
*Not enough data for reliability
Review LaGuardia Studio 3D Scanning and 3D Printing chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 54
6.8d Qualitative Data Analysis
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
5.67 / 6
Response Rate
3.61% (3 / 99)
10.00% (1 / 10)
7.69% (1 / 13)
1.32% (1 / 76)
*Not enough data for reliability
Review Qualitative Data Analysis chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 55
6.8e Quantitative and Statistical Data Analysis
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
5.25 / 6
Response Rate
2.04% (5 / 245)
12.50% (1 / 8)
5.26% (1 / 19)
1.38% (3 / 218)
Review Quantitative and Statistical Data Analysis chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 56
6.8f Research Workspace
Specific List
“Service Overall” Rating
4.89 / 6
Response Rate
4.35% (10 / 230)
7.14% (7 / 98)
4.48% (3 / 67)
0.00% (0 / 65)
Review Research Workspace chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 57
6.9 Teaching and Learning Services
6.9a Course Capture
“Service Overall” Rating
4.44 / 6
Response Rate
0.36% (10 / 2,743)
Review Course Capture chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 58
6.9b NYU Brightspace
Faculty and Staff
“Service Overall” Rating
4.16 / 6
Response Rate
4.76% (325 / 6,834)
7.26% (199 / 2,743)
3.08% (126 / 4,091)
“Service Overall” Rating
4.63 / 6
Response Rate
2.86% (513 / 17,961)
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 59
Review NYU Brightspace (Faculty/Staff) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 60
Review NYU Brightspace (Students) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 61
6.9c Student Technology Centers
“Service Overall” Rating
5.43 / 6
Response Rate
0.04% (7 / 17,961)
Review Student Technology Centers chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 62
6.9d Training (LinkedIn Learning)
All Roles
“Service Overall” Rating
5.09 / 6
Response Rate
0.60% (150 / 24,795)
0.55% (15 / 2,743)
2.71% (111 / 4,091)
0.13% (24 / 17,961)
Review Training (LinkedIn Learning) chart as a data table.
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 63
7. Appendix B: Additional
7.1 Variations on the Standard Service Questions
NYU Standard Service Questions
The following questions were used for the majority of services surveyed:
Please rate your experience with [service].
Scale: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Slightly dissatisfied, Slightly satisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied, Not
The technology itself (Tools and features)
Self-service help (FAQs, recorded training, step-by-step instructions, etc.)
Personalized tech support (Help desk, live training, etc.)
Awareness and training communications (What it is, how to use it, what’s new, etc.)
Service status alerts (Maintenance and outages)
The service overall
What do you like about [service]?
What is one thing we could do to improve your experience with [service]?
NYU IT Service Desk (Calling)
All survey recipients received the following questions about calling the NYU IT
Service Desk.
Please rate your experience when you call the NYU IT Service Desk (212-998-3333)
for support.
Don’t Know/Use Service
Scale: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Slightly dissatisfied, Slightly satisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied, Not
The staff’s understanding of my question or request
The staff’s ability to communicate clearly
The staff’s ability to answer my question or resolve my request
The time it takes to answer my question or resolve my request
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 64
My overall experience when I call the NYU IT Service Desk
What do you like about your experience when calling the NYU IT Service Desk
for support?
What is one thing we could do to improve your experience when calling the
NYU IT Service Desk?
NYU IT Service Desk (Emailing)
All survey recipients received the following questions about emailing the NYU IT
Service Desk.
Please rate your experience when you email the NYU IT Service Desk
([email protected]) for support.
Don’t Know/Use Service
Scale: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Slightly dissatisfied, Slightly satisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied, Not
The staff’s understanding of my question or request
The staff’s ability to communicate clearly
The staff’s ability to answer my question or resolve my request
The time it takes to answer my question or resolve my request
My overall experience when I call the NYU IT Service Desk
What do you like about your experience when emailing the NYU IT Service
Desk for support?
What is one thing we could do to improve your experience when emailing the
NYU IT Service Desk?
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 65
NYU IT Desktop Support
A subset of survey recipients received the following questions about NYU IT
Desktop Support:
Please rate your experience when you meet in person or online with NYU IT
Desktop Support.
Don’t Know/Use Service
Scale: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Slightly dissatisfied, Slightly satisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied, Not
The staff’s understanding of my question or request
The staff’s ability to communicate clearly
The staff’s ability to answer my question or resolve my request
The time it takes to answer my question or resolve my request
My overall experience when I call the NYU IT Service Desk
What do you like about your experience when emailing the NYU IT Service
Desk for support?
What is one thing we could do to improve your experience when emailing the
NYU IT Service Desk?
NYU IT Classroom Technology Support
All faculty recipients received the following questions about NYU IT Classroom
Technology Support:
Do you mostly teach classes in: (choices below are radio buttons)
Registrar-scheduled classrooms
School- or department-scheduled classrooms
Not sure
Please rate your experience when you meet in person or online with NYU IT
Classroom Technology Support.
Scale: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Slightly dissatisfied, Slightly satisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied, Not
The time it takes to reach a technician
The staff’s understanding of my request
The staff’s professionalism
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 66
The staff’s ability to resolve my request
The time it takes to resolve my request
My overall experience when I meet with NYU IT Classroom Technology
What do you like about your experience with Classroom Technology Support?
What is one thing we could do to improve with Classroom Technology
NYU Brightspace (Faculty and Staff)
All faculty and staff recipients received the following questions about NYU
Brightspace if they selected it from the list of services to provide feedback on. (Note:
Students received the standard survey questions for NYU Brightspace.)
Please rate your experience with the following aspects of NYU Brightspace.
Don’t Know/Use Service
Scale: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Slightly dissatisfied, Slightly satisfied, Satisfied, Very satisfied, Not
Creating your course site and making it available to students
Delivering syllabus and course materials to students
Creating announcements and communicating with students
Facilitating discussions and collaboration among students
Creating and grading assignments
Creating and grading assessments (Tests/Quizzes)
Maintaining a course gradebook
Please rate your experience getting support for Brightspace.
Self-service help (FAQs, recorded training, step-by-step instructions, etc.)
Personalized tech support (Help desk, live training, etc.)
Awareness and training communications (What it is, how to use it, what’s new, etc.)
Service status alerts (Maintenance and outages)
Please rate your experience with the Brightspace service overall
What do you like about Brightspace?
What is one thing we could do to improve your experience with Brightspace?
NYU IT User Satisfaction Survey Community Report - December 2022 67
NYU IT General Questions
All survey recipients were asked the following questions about NYU IT:
In what ways would you like to learn about new NYU IT services or service
In what ways would you like to receive NYU IT support? (Select all that
Live remote support (Zoom, live chat, screen sharing)
In-person support (Scheduled consultations, walk-in support, in-person training)
Self-service help (FAQs, recorded training, step-by-step instructions, etc.)
Chatbot (automated chat support with transfer to live staff as needed)
What is one thing we could do to improve your experience with NYU IT?