Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Final Report
September 2011
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Final Report
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USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Overall Findings and Recommendations 5
Detailed Report 7
Introduction and Methodology 9
Respondent Background 11
Customer Satisfaction Index 14
Customer Satisfaction Model 15
Drivers of Satisfaction 19
System Integrity 27
Outreach and Communications 27
Outcomes 29
Priority Matrix 30
Appendix A: Survey Questionnaire 31
Appendix B: Non-Modeled Responses 47
Appendix C: Results Tables 67
Appendix D: Verbatim Comments 83
Appendix E: Addendum 185
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Overall Findings and Recommendations
This report focuses on the customer satisfaction of companies currently enrolled in the E-Verify
program. Satisfaction with E-Verify was strong last year and improved this year with a three point gain
to 85. This is 20 points above the current federal government average. Satisfaction among the other
sample groups was very similar. Recent users, those who had run a case since January 1, 2011, had
satisfaction of 86, while those who used E-Verify because of the FAR requirement had a satisfaction
score of 84. This year there was a slight but significant difference in satisfaction between small
businesses (84) and those that are not a small business (87). However, last year both segments rated
satisfaction 82, so both have improved.
Five drivers of satisfaction were identified and scores were very strong across all areas. The Photo
Matching Process was again the highest rated component with a score of 95. The process was easy
and users felt that Photo Matching was very helpful in preventing fraud. Using E-Verify was also highly
rated (90). Users felt that submitting I-9 information was easy and the E-Verify site was easy to
navigate. The initial response was received in a very speedy manner with next steps clearly described.
Users rated the Tutorial five points higher (85), which was the biggest gain in any driver’s score. Online
resources were accessible and useful. Content was clear and the time required to take the training was
not too burdensome. In fact, respondents felt much more positively about the time required for training
as the ease of completing training in terms of time required had an eight point gain from last year.
Respondents also felt more positively about Registration with a four point improvement to 85.
Submitting registration information was easy, and enrollment instructions were clear. User Name,
Password and E-Verify Web Address were received in a very timely manner.
Tentative Nonconfirmations were received by about one-quarter of respondents. While this was the
lowest scoring satisfaction driver, it still had a rating of 80. Ease and speed of resolving the case were
not issues and steps in the resolution process were clearly communicated. Because of its lower impact,
the Resolution process would not be an area to target for improvement despite scoring lower than the
other driver areas.
Customer Service was contacted only by 15% of respondents and technical assistance by only 5%.
Ratings by those who used these services show that both are effective. Users receive solid guidance
from highly professional, knowledgeable individuals who are able to understand issues and
communicate effectively. Eighty seven percent of those contacting customer service had their issue
resolved in one call and 93% of those contacting technical assistance had their issue resolved. One
area that E-Verify may wish to focus on is with customer service for those who contact them by e-mail.
This only affected 4% of users, but ratings were rather low (66) and timeliness of response was the
biggest issue.
System Integrity is not perceived as an issue by most users. Seventy-one percent of respondents
believe that E-Verify is doing enough to ensure companies using E-Verify adhere to policies, while 77%
believe that employers are using the E-Verify system properly.
Over one-quarter of users found out about E-Verify from Local, State or Federal law requirements,
while another quarter learned of E-Verify through their company, HR or corporate office. E-mail is
preferred by 86% of users as the method by which to get information about updates. However,
respondents were split between e-mail (46%) and phone (40%) as the method they would prefer to use
to contact E-Verify for help.
Users were very likely to continue to participate in E-Verify in the future with a rating of 94. They were
also very confident in the accuracy of the program (88) and likely to recommend (85) E-Verify to others.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
In order to improve customer satisfaction, it is recommended to target the areas that have a high impact
and are lower performing as priorities. Given the overall satisfaction score of 85, further improvements
in satisfaction may be somewhat difficult to achieve. The following recommendations are for each of the
higher impact areas. For the most part, E-Verify should focus on maintaining the level of performance in
these areas.
The Registration Process provides users with clear information, which includes the instructions
on enrollment and the memorandum of understanding clearly states responsibilities and next
steps. There does not appear to be a need to make changes to the information provided to
users. Additionally, the Registration Process itself is easy and users receive the information
they need for E-Verify such as the user name, password, and web address in a timely manner.
Maintaining the current Registration Process is recommended. While not reflecting in users’
scores, some did mention that they feel the requirement to change passwords is too frequent.
Last years ratings indicated that the Tutorial may have required too much time to take.
However, scores improved significantly this year and it does not appear to be an issue. The
Tutorial’s content is easy to understand. Online resources are highly accessible and helpful to
users. There does not appear to be a need to make significant changes to the Tutorial at this
time. E-Verify should monitor the score for the ease of completing online training in terms of
time required to ensure this is not an issue in the future.
Using E-Verify remains one of the high-impact areas. It is also highly rated by users. With a
score of 90, it will be difficult to further improve the functionality of E-Verify. Maintaining the
current functionality is recommended.
Lastly, Photo Matching is very highly rated (95). The process is easy and users believe it is very
helpful in preventing fraud. Maintain the current process.
Only about one-quarter of users encountered a Tentative Nonconfirmation during the past six months.
For those that did, the Resolution Process appears to be meeting their needs. Given the lower impact, it
is not recommended to focus on improvements in this area at this time.
Areas such as Customer Service and Technical Assistance, which were only used by a small
percentage of respondents were also high-performing. There does not appear to be a need to improve
in those areas with the possible exception of customer service provided for those contacting E-Verify by
e-mail. Scores indicate timeliness of response for these customers is an issue.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Introduction and Methodology
The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is the national indicator of customer evaluations of
the quality of goods and services available to U.S. residents. It is the only uniform, cross-
industry/government measure of customer satisfaction. Since 1994, the ACSI has measured
satisfaction, its causes, and its effects, for seven economic sectors, 41 industries, more than 200
private sector companies, two types of local government services, the U.S. Postal Service, and the
Internal Revenue Service. ACSI has measured more than 100 programs of federal government
agencies since 1999. This allows benchmarking between the public and private sectors and provides
information unique to each agency on how its activities that interface with the public affect the
satisfaction of customers. The effects of satisfaction are estimated, in turn, on specific objectives (such
as public trust).
Segment Choice
This study is about employers who have enrolled in E-Verifyan Internet-based system operated by the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration (SSA)
that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of their newly hired
Customer Samples and Data Collection
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
provided CFI Group with three random
samples of employers that have enrolled in E-Verify. (The samples were drawn in July, 2010.)
ALL Users a cross-section of employers that have used E-Verify since Jan. 1, 2010
RECENT Users an oversample {*} of employers that used E-Verify since Jan. 1, 2011
FAR Users an oversample of employers that are enrolled in E-Verify as federal
contractors and have used E-Verify since Jan. 1, 2011
{*} NOTE: The purpose for the two oversamples was to supplement the numbers of responses from
Recent and FAR Users that were expected in the All User cross-section.
Data were collected from July 27
through September 2
2011. The sample sizes and response rates
for the cross-section sample and oversamples are reported below:
Size of
{1} Number of
Type of Sample Surveys Response Usable
{2} Usable
USER Provided Returned Rate Surveys Responses
All 10,000 2,756 28% 2,675 2,675
Recent 2,500 760 30% 738 3,098
FAR 2,500 730 29% 706 1,128
{1} Initial sample sizes were based on the desired number of responses and expected completion rates.
{2} Due to ineligible respondents or missing data, not all surveys that were returned were usable.
{3} Includes respondents from the oversamples and the All Users cross-section. In several instances,
respondents from the All Users cross-section fell into more than one of the oversample categories.
Questionnaire and Reporting
The questionnaire used is shown in Appendix A. It was designed to be agency-specific in terms of
activities, outcomes, and introductions to the questionnaire and specific question areas. However, it
follows a format common to all the federal agency questionnaires that allow cause-and-effect modeling
using the ACSI model. CFI Group collaborated with USCIS to develop the questionnaire for the
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Most of the questions in the survey asked the respondent to rate items on a 1 to 10 scale, where “1” is
“poor” and “10” is “excellent.” Scores are converted to a 0 to 100 scale for reporting purposes. Appendix
B contains tables of responses to non-modeled questions. These are categorical and “Yes/No” type
questions where a response is not on a 1 to 10 scale. Appendix C contains score tables for questions
that were rated on a 1 to 10 scale at an aggregate level and segmented by groups. Appendix D
contains verbatim comments to the responses for open-ended questions.
Most of the results presented in this report are based on responses received from the random cross-
section sample of “All Users” . (See Customer Samples above.) Results for two other sample groups
(Recent Users and Far Users) are periodically shown in this report and additional tables for these
groups can be found in Appendices B and C.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Respondent Background
The table below shows respondents by state. Arizona (10%), California (8%), Missouri (6%), Georgia
(6%), Florida (5%) and Texas (5%) have the highest percentage of respondents and collectively
account for 40% of all responses. No other state accounts for as much as 5% of respondents.
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
AL 1% 14 1% 34
AK 0% 1 0% 6
AR 0% 4 1% 24
AZ 13% 138 10% 276
CA 7% 70 8% 216
CO 4% 37 3% 80
CT 1% 7 0% 13
DC 0% 3 0% 11
DE 0% 2 0% 5
FL 4% 37 5% 130
GA 4% 41 6% 156
GU 0% 0 0% 2
HI 0% 3 1% 15
ID 1% 7 1% 14
IA 1% 10 1% 22
IL 3% 34 2% 59
IN 1% 8 2% 41
KS 1% 9 2% 43
KY 1% 8 1% 20
LA 1% 10 1% 21
MA 2% 23 2% 48
MD 2% 21 2% 43
ME 0% 3 0% 8
MI 2% 18 2% 49
MN 2% 26 2% 53
MO 7% 74 6% 158
MS 2% 19 2% 46
MT 0% 1 0% 7
NC 3% 28 3% 79
ND 0% 5 0% 6
NE 2% 19 2% 55
NH 0% 4 0% 13
NJ 2% 24 2% 46
NM 1% 10 0% 12
NV 1% 8 1% 23
NY 2% 22 2% 63
OH 2% 18 2% 45
OK 2% 17 1% 38
OR 0% 4 1% 21
PA 3% 34 2% 42
PR 0% 0 0% 2
RI 1% 9 0% 13
SC 4% 43 4% 104
SD 0% 1 0% 9
TN 1% 9 2% 43
TX 6% 60 5% 145
UT 1% 10 3% 83
VA 4% 41 4% 119
VT 0% 0 0% 2
WA 3% 32 2% 63
WI 1% 14 1% 28
WV 0% 3 0% 3
WY 0% 1 0% 4
Number of
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
One-quarter (25%) of respondents were from an organization with 5 to 29 employees, while 27% were
with an organization of 30 to 99 employees and one-quarter (25%) were with organizations of 100 to
299 employees. Comparisons to last year are not shown because different employee categories were
used in 2010.
Percent Frequency
How many people do you employ
1-4 5% 142
5-29 25% 664
30-99 27% 720
100-299 25% 659
300-999 11% 295
1,000-9,999 6% 157
10,000+ 1% 24
Number of Respondents
About t
wo-thirds of respondents (65%) consider themselves a small business. This is up from last year
when 59% considered themselves a small business.
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Do you consider yourself a small business
Small business 59% 619 65% 1,740
Not a small business 38% 394 30% 800
Don´t know 3% 31 5% 121
Number of Respondents
uction/General Contracting (16%), manufacturing (14%) and healthcare/public health (8%) were
the industries most mentioned. Comparisons to last year are not shown because different industry
categories were used in 2010.
Percent Frequency
Primary industry in which your company or
organization conducts business
Agriculture/Food 2% 44
Defense/Defense Industry 2% 42
Communications/Media 0% 11
Construction/General Contracting 16% 419
Education 3% 92
Engineering 3% 83
Financial Services 2% 64
Healthcare/Public Health 8% 214
Hospitality 5% 121
Information Technology 5% 124
Manufacturing 14% 370
Non-Profit/Not-for-Profit 5% 135
Sales - Retail or Wholesale 6% 150
Staffing/Personnel 4% 96
Transportation 3% 70
Utilities/Energy/Natural Resources 1% 24
Professional Services/Consulting 3% 93
Government Services 5% 145
Other 14% 364
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
As was the case last year, a large majority of users are general users (91%); only 6% are temporary
agency or employment agencies. With respect to frequency of use, there were slightly more weekly
users last year (22%) compared to this year (17%). Those using monthly or two or three times per
month were nearly identical to last year. Only 5% use E-Verify less than once a year.
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Which best describes your organization as a user of E-Verify
General User 89% 927 91% 2,415
Temporary Agency or Employment Agency 7% 72 6% 153
E-Verify Employer Agent 4% 38 3% 84
Number of Respondents
Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify
Once a week or more 22% 232 17% 450
Two or three times a month 23% 234 22% 572
About once a month 14% 146 14% 380
Once every few months 26% 273 28% 731
Once or twice a year 12% 121 14% 383
Less than once a year 3% 31 5% 136
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Index
The Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) is a weighted average of three questions. The questions are
answered on 1 to 10 scale and converted to a 0 to 100 scale for reporting purposes. The model assigns
the weights to each question in a way that maximizes the ability of the index to predict changes in
agency satisfaction.
The 2011 Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) for USCIS E-Verify is 85 on a scale of 0 to 100. This
represents a significant 3-point improvement over last year and is 20 points higher than the current
Federal Government average (65). The Customer Satisfaction Index scores for each of the index
questions are provided in the chart below: overall satisfaction (86), satisfaction compared to
expectations (86) and satisfaction with E-Verify compared to the ideal online verification service (84).
Customer Satisfaction Index
Overall satisfaction
Meets expectations
Compared to ideal
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Models
The Customer Satisfaction Model is comprised of drivers of satisfaction, which are shown on the left-
hand side of the model picture below, the customer satisfaction index (shown in the middle) and
outcomes of satisfaction (shown on the right-hand side). This model shown below represents the cross-
section or all segment.
USCIS E-Verify Customer Satisfaction Model
Confident in
Using E-Verify
TNC Resolution
Customer Service
Internet Use
Non-modeled components
Each of the satisfaction drivers shown on the left-hand side of the model are comprised of an “index” of
individual questions that ask about unique attributes of that satisfaction driver. Attribute scores are the
mean (average) respondent scores to each individual question that was asked in the survey.
Respondents are asked to rate each item on a 1-to-10 scale with 1 being “poor” and 10 being
“excellent.” CFI Group converts the mean responses to these items to a 0-to-100 scale for reporting
purposes. It is important to note that these scores are averages, not percentages. The score is best
thought of as an index, with 0 meaning “poor” and 100 meaning “excellent.”
The satisfaction driver (also called “component”) is the weighted average of the individual attribute
ratings given by each respondent to the questions presented in the survey. A score is a relative
The 90% confidence interval around the E-Verify customer satisfaction index is +/- 0.5 points.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
measure of performance for a component, as given for a particular set of respondents. In the model on
the previous page, the component area “Registration” is an index of the ratings of five questions: Clarity
of instructions on how to enroll, Memorandum of understanding making the employer’s responsibilities
and next steps clear, Ease of submitting registration information, Speed of receiving User Name,
Password and E-Verify Web Address, and Ease of registration process overall (including the required
testing). Specific results for these questions with scores for individual attribute questions are shown in
the Drivers of Satisfaction section of this report.
Impacts should be read as the effect on the subsequent component if the initial driver (component)
were to be improved or decreased by five points. For example, if the score for Registration increased by
five points (85 to 90), Customer Satisfaction would increase by the amount of its impact, 1.0 point (85 to
86). If the driver increases by less than or more than five points, the resulting change in satisfaction
would be the corresponding fraction of the original impact. Impacts are additive. Thus, if multiple areas
were to each improve by five points, the related improvement in satisfaction would be the sum of the
impacts. Satisfaction, in turn, drives outcome behaviors shown on the right-hand side of the model.
These outcomes include recommending E-Verify, confidence in accuracy and likelihood to participate in
the future.
The impact that Satisfaction has on each of the outcomes is shown in the rectangle in the lower right
hand side of the box. For example, Recommend has an impact of 5.2. This means that a 5-point
improvement in Satisfaction will drive the likelihood to recommend by 5.2 points. Scores for outcomes,
Recommend, Confidence in agency and Future Participation, are averages reported on a 0 to 100 scale
and not percentages. Thus, the score of 85 for Recommend means that the average respondent is very
likely to recommend E-Verify and not that 85% of respondents would recommend E-Verify.
As the model on the previous page shows, Registration, Tutorial, Using E-Verify, and Photo Matching
all have impacts of one point or more on satisfaction and can be considered key drivers of satisfaction.
It is recommended to focus improvement on those key drivers with the lowest performance.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Model Recent Users
Additional data were collected to look specifically at Recent Users. The Customer Satisfaction Model for
Recent Users is shown below and the model structure used for Recent Users is the same as the cross-
section or overall USCIS model.
USCIS E-Verify Recent Users Customer Satisfaction Model
Confident in
Using E-Verify
TNC Resolution
Customer Service
Internet Use
Non-modeled components
For recent users, Registration, Tutorial and Using E-Verify all have impacts of one point or more on
satisfaction and can be considered key drivers of satisfaction. Unlike the overall or cross-section model,
among recent users, Photo Matching has a somewhat lower impact of 0.7. It is recommended to focus
improvement on those key drivers with the lowest performance.
The 90% confidence interval around the E-Verify customer satisfaction index is +/- 0.5 points.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Customer Satisfaction Model – FAR Users
Additional data were collected to look specifically at FAR Users. The Customer Satisfaction Model for
Far Users is shown below and the model structure used for Far Users is the same as the overall USCIS
USCIS E-Verify FAR Users Customer Satisfaction Model
Confident in
Using E-Verify
TNC Resolution
Customer Service
Internet Use
Non-modeled components
For FAR users, Registration, Tutorial and Using E-Verify all have impacts of one point or more on
satisfaction and can be considered key drivers of satisfaction. Photo Matching, which is the highest
rated component, also has the highest impact on satisfaction (1.9). It is recommended to focus
improvement on those key drivers with the lowest performance.
The 90% confidence interval around the E-Verify customer satisfaction index is +/- 0.9 points.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The main findings section of this report will focus on the Cross-Section USCIS results, which
were sampled in a way to be representative of all E-Verify users.
Drivers of Satisfaction
Impact on Satisfaction 1.0
Four-fifths (81%) of respondents from organizations who had enrolled in the last year had personally
registered their organization with E-Verify. Registration continues to have a considerable impact on
satisfaction. Ratings improved significantly for each of the five attributes in this area. Speed of
receiving user name, password and web address remains the highest rated item (88), with a two point
improvement. Respondents felt much more positive about the registration process overall (82) with a
six point increase from last year. Instructions on how to enroll are very clear (85) as is the
memorandum concerning responsibilities and next steps. Submitting registration information is easy
Awareness / Registration
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify
Web Address
Ease of submitting registration information
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities
and next steps clear
Ease of registration process overall
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Impact on Satisfaction 1.3
The Tutorial is one of the highest impact areas, 1.3, and it had a significant five point improvement from
last year. The ease of taking the online training in terms of content as well as the ease of accessing the
online resources remain the highest rated attributes with scores of 87. Respondents felt much better
about the time required to complete online training with an eight point jump from last year (82) and ease
of training process overall had a sizeable seven point improvement (85). Online resources (85) and
User Manual (85) were rated as being very useful and helpful.
Ninety-six percent (96%) of respondents thought the training was useful in helping employers pass the
mastery test and nearly the same percentage (95%) thought the tutorial and master test adequately
prepare employers to use E-Verify.
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding
Ease of accessing online resources
Helpfulness of information in User Manual
Usefulness of online resources
Ease of training process overall
Ease of completing online training in terms of time
Those who rated the ease of the training process overall lower than “6” (on a 1-10 scale) had the
opportunity to provide comment on the reason for their low rating. The complete list of verbatims is
included in the Appendix D of this report.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Using E-Verify
Impact on Satisfaction 1.3
Ninety-two percent (92%) of respondents had used E-Verify in the past six months. Using E-Verify was
another key driver area with an impact of 1.3. Ratings continue to be very strong for this component
with a two point increase to 90. The initial response was received in a speedy manner with a score of
94 and submitting I-9 information on E-Verify was rated as being easy (90) – both of these items
improved one point from last year. Clarity of next steps described in the response had the biggest
increase of the Using E-Verify questions and was up three points. Users continue to find the E-Verify
site easy to navigate (88).
Using E-Verify
Using E-Verify
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E
Clarity of next steps as described in the response
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site
* A total of 2,661 responses were collected for this segment. The sample size of 2,272 reflects that 389 cases were missing data
for the four Using E-Verify questions. Those 389 respondents were not offered the series of questions due to a programming
inaccuracy. Testing of data and model shows that findings are valid and the missing cases did not significantly impact the score.
See addendum in Appendix E for further explanation.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Resolution Process
Impact on Satisfaction 0.6
About one-quarter (24%) of the respondents received a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) to any of their
queries of the past six months. Of those with a TNC, over half (55%) had received only one and 37%
received between two and five.
While TNC Resolution Process was the lowest rated area of the drivers (80), it had a 3-point
improvement from last year. Additionally, Resolution Process remains a lower impact area with an
impact of 0.6. Speed and ease of resolving the case both scored 80 as did clarity of communications
about steps involved in the resolution process.
Resolution Process
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution
Speed of resolving the case
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the
resolution process
Ease of resolving the case
Those who rated the ease of resolving the case lower than “6” (on a 1-10 scale) had the opportunity to
provide comment on the reason for their low rating. The complete list of verbatims is included in the
Appendix D of this report.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Photo Matching
Impact on Satisfaction 1.3
Forty-four percent (44%) of respondents had been prompted to match a photo while using E-Verify in
the past 6 months. Nearly all (94%) who were prompted to match a photo had the required technology
to complete the photo matching process. The area continues to have a sizeable impact on satisfaction
with an impact of 1.3. Photo Matching was again the highest rated area with a score of 95, a two point
improvement from last year. The process of matching photos was found to be easy (95) and viewed to
be helpful in preventing fraud (95).
Photo Matching
Photo Matching
Ease of photo matching process
Helpfulness in preventing fraud
N= 1,175
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Non-Modeled Components
Customer Service
Only 15% of respondents contacted E-Verify customer service in the past six months; this was too low
of a percentage of responses to calculate an impact on satisfaction for Customer Service. With only
one agent assisting them (a transfer did not occur) the score for customer service was 88. Despite
being a one-point drop, it indicates a high level of service. Customer Service representatives were rated
highest for their professionalism (90). However, communication skills (89) and ability to understand the
issue (88) were rated nearly as high. Representatives remain accessible (87). Providing guidance on
policy (86) had a 3-point drop, but due to lower sample size it was not a significant difference. Ninety
percent (90%) of respondents were either very or somewhat satisfied with Customer Service.
Of those who contacted Customer Service, 32% were transferred during their call; 74% of those
transferred were transferred once and 20% were transferred twice. Customer Service Scores prior to
transfer was 80 and after transfer was 84. Eighty-four percent (84%) thought the wait before transfer
was acceptable. Four percent (4%) of respondents contacted customer service by e-mail. Ratings were
quite a bit lower with a score of 66 for Customer Service by e-mail. Most notably, timeliness of response
was rated 56.
Most who contacted customer service had their issue resolved (87%), the same percentage had their
issue resolved in their first call.
Customer Service
Customer Service
Communication skills
Ability to understand your questions/issue
Ease of accessing representative
Providing guidance on policy/questions
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Technical Assistance
Only 5% of respondents had contacted Technical Assistance in the past six months; this was too low of
a percentage of responses to calculate an impact on satisfaction for Technical Assistance. Technical
Assistance was a highly rated area (91) with a five point improvement from last year. Technical
Assistance staff received the highest scores for professionalism and communication skills with ratings
of 92 for both. Staff were able to understand issues, had knowledge of technical issues and provided
strong guidance all three items rated 90. Ease of access was not an issue either with a s score of 88.
Overall, 93% of respondents who contacted Technical Assistance had their issue resolved.
Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance
Communication skills
Ability to understand your questions/issue
Knowledge of technical issues
Technical guidance resolving your issue
Ease of accessing representative
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Internet Use
Respondents rated their interest in using the Internet to get answers to questions or help with problems
instead of contacting E-Verify; this item was rated 78. This question gauges level of interest; a score of
“0” would be interpreted as “not interested” and a score of “100” would mean extremely interested. The
score of 78 indicates a fairly high level of interest in using the Internet to get answers rather than
contacting E-Verify by phone or e-mail.
Internet Use
Internet Use
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or
email E-Verify
This question was not part of the customer satisfaction model but rather was to gauge the interest in using the Internet
instead of calling or e-mailing E-Verify. Data only includes those who had contacted E-Verify by e-mail. Those
respondents who answered (Q24a. Have you contacted E-Verify customer service by email ( as
“No” or “Don’t Know” did not receive the question. See Appendix E for further explanation.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
System Integrity
A majority of users (71%) believe that E-Verify is doing enough to ensure companies using E-Verify
adhere to policies. Likewise, 77% believe that adequate safeguards are in place to ensure that
employers use the E-Verify system properly.
Outreach and Communications
The most cited ways of finding out about E-Verify were Local, State or Federal law requirement (27%)
and the employee’s company/HR/Corporate Office (25%).
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How did you first learn about E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 14% 145 5% 131
E-Verify website 8% 86 6% 171
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 11% 113 4% 106
USCIS or SSA website 0% 0 2% 55
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 0% 0 25% 660
Colleague/Employee 0% 0 4% 119
Local, State or Federal Law requires us to participate in E-Verify/contractual requirement 0% 0 27% 711
Print advertisement 2% 23 0% 12
Online advertisement 1% 15 1% 30
Radio advertisement 1% 6 1% 14
Billboard advertisement 0% 1 0% 0
Media coverage 8% 83 3% 91
Information from a client 7% 76 4% 107
Information from a professional organization 22% 225 9% 228
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 2% 21 1% 21
Other 24% 250 8% 205
Number of Respondents
those that were required to participate, a follow-up question was asked about how they learned
about the requirement. Information from a client (18%), professional organization (17%) and the
employee’s company/HR/Corporate Office (15%) were most mentioned.
Percent Frequency
How did you learn about requirement to participate in E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 6% 46
E-Verify website 9% 61
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 4% 29
USCIS or SSA website 1% 8
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 15% 106
Colleague/Employee 2% 17
Print advertisement 2% 12
Online advertisement 1% 5
Radio advertisement 0% 2
Media coverage 9% 62
Information from a client 18% 129
Information from a professional organization 17% 120
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 0% 2
Other 16% 112
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Improving ability to verify work authorization (41%) was the most cited reason for company’s signing up
for E-Verify. However, state or local government or contractors and federal government and federal
contractors were mentioned by nearly one-third of respondents.
Percent Frequency
Why did your company sign up for E-Verify
Parent company required participation 11% 293
Required to by state or local/government/state or local contractor 33% 871
Required to by federal government/federal contractor 31% 822
To satisfy a client's request 9% 250
Believed using E-Verify would help us to avoid a U.S. ICE audit, raid or fine 14% 378
To improve ability to verify work authorization 41% 1,101
Believed it would make us more competitive with others in our industry 6% 150
Other 4% 96
Number of Respondents
Multiple answers allowed
E-mail remains the most preferred method of receiving information about changes or updates to E-
Verify with 86% selecting this mode of communication. E-mail (46%) and phone (40%) were the most
preferred methods of contacting E-Verify for help.
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How would you prefer to get information about
changes or updates to E-Verify
E-mail 87% 904 86% 2,271
Fax 0% 3 0% 6
Mailer 2% 22 2% 50
E-Verify system broadcast message 4% 41 3% 71
Phone call 0% 4 0% 6
Through the E-Verify website 5% 57 9% 235
Live presentation 0% 2 0% 5
Other 0% 4 0% 8
Number of Respondents
How would prefer to contact E-Verify for help
E-mail 37% 382 46% 1,213
Fax 0% 0 0% 1
Mail 0% 3 0% 4
Text or web chat 7% 70 5% 140
Phone call 42% 431 40% 1,072
Through the E-Verify website 14% 147 8% 214
Other 0% 4 0% 8
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Three outcome behaviors were measured in the survey. They were likelihood to recommend,
confidence in the accuracy of the program and likelihood to participate in the program in the future.
Scores shown in the table below reflect average scores on a 0 to 100 scale and not percentages.
Respondents were rather likely to recommend E-Verify, if asked, with a score of 85. Likewise, they had
a high degree of confidence in the accuracy of the program with a score of 88. Respondents were very
likely to participate in the program in the future with a score of 94. All of these changes were significant.
Satisfaction has a high impact on recommendation behavior with an impact of 5.2. Confidence in
accuracy was also strongly impacted by satisfaction with an impact of 3.4. Likelihood to participate in
the future was less impacted by satisfaction with an impact of 2.2. Given that requirements or other
reasons besides satisfaction may be driving the participation in the E-Verify program, satisfaction’s
lower impact on this behavior should be expected.
Likelihood to continue to participate in E-Verify in the
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify
How likely would you be to recommend E-Verify program
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Priority Matrix
By plotting performance (along the vertical axis) against impact on satisfaction (along the horizontal
axis) the matrix below illustrates the performance of each satisfaction driver compared to the impact it
has on satisfaction. Those drivers in the lower right-hand corner are the lower-performing, higher-
impact areas and should be a priority. Currently no driver area falls in that category.
With the exception of Resolution, all drivers fall into the upper right-hand corner for the high-performing,
high-impact drivers. Two of the highest impact areas, Photo Matching and Using E-Verify, are currently
scoring in the 90s; further improvements will be difficult to achieve. The focus should be on maintaining
the current levels of performance of those features. Additional, while scores for Tutorial and
Registration are slightly lower than those of Using E-Verify and Photo Matching, the rating of 85
represents a high level of performance and further improvements may be difficult to achieve in these
areas as well. Resolution is a lower impact area and is the lowest scoring relative to the other drivers.
Improvements to the area of TNC Resolution will likely not result in large gains in satisfaction. E-Verify
should monitor this area to ensure the score stays at current levels.
Impact on Satisfaction
Lower Impact,
Lower Performing
Lower Impact,
Lower Performing
Key Action Area
Lower Performing
Higher Impact,
Key Action Area
Lower Performing
Higher Impact,
Higher Impact,
Higher Performing
Higher Impact,
Higher Performing
Maintain/Improve Maintain
Lower Impact,
Higher Performing
Lower Impact,
Higher Performing
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Impact on Satisfaction
Lower Impact,
Lower Performing
Lower Impact,
Lower Performing
Key Action Area
Lower Performing
Higher Impact,
Key Action Area
Lower Performing
Higher Impact,
Higher Impact,
Higher Performing
Higher Impact,
Higher Performing
Maintain/Improve Maintain
Lower Impact,
Higher Performing
Lower Impact,
Higher Performing
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Impact on Satisfaction
Lower Impact,
Lower Performing
Lower Impact,
Lower Performing
Lower Impact,
Lower Performing
Lower Impact,
Lower Performing
Key Action Area
Lower Performing
Higher Impact,
Key Action Area
Lower Performing
Higher Impact,
Key Action Area
Lower Performing
Higher Impact,
Key Action Area
Lower Performing
Higher Impact,
Higher Impact,
Higher Performing
Higher Impact,
Higher Performing
Higher Impact,
Higher Performing
Higher Impact,
Higher Performing
Photo Matching
Lower Impact,
Higher Performing
Lower Impact,
Higher Performing
Lower Impact,
Higher Performing
Lower Impact,
Higher Performing
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Using E-Verify
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
E-Verify Customer Survey 2011
Final Version
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) would like to have feedback from employers
who have enrolled in E-Verifythe Internet-based system that allows employers to electronically verify
the employment eligibility of newly-hired employees, and in certain instances, existing employees.
Please take a few moments to respond to our survey.
In order to assure confidentiality, the survey is being administered by a third-party customer satisfaction
research organization, CFI Group. They will treat all information you provide as confidential. Moreover,
all information you provide will be combined with that of others for research and reporting purposes
only. Individual responses will not be released.
This survey has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget Control and is authorized
under number 1090-0007.
Awareness / Registration
QA. USCIS records indicate that your company is currently enrolled in E-Verify. Is that correct?
2. No Thank You. We will re-check our records. (TERMINATE)
QB. We would like the person who responds to this survey to be someone who is knowledgeable about
why your company signed up for E-Verify and your company’s use of E-Verify. Your name was
provided as someone who would be appropriate to respond. Is that correct?
1. Yes (SKIP TO Q1.)
QC. We would appreciate it if you would either:
(1) Forward the e-mail link for the survey to the person at your company who could best answer
our questions about your company’s use of E-Verify. [Please forward to just one person.]
(2) Provide us the name and e-mail address for that person.
1. NAME: ____________________________________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________
2. Thank you very much, we appreciate your assistance. (TERMINATE)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q1a. How did you first learn about E-Verify? (Select only one.)
1. E-Verify materials or presentation
2. E-Verify web site
3. US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or Social Security Administration (SSA)
materials or presentation
4. USCIS or SSA website
5. My Company / Human Resources (HR) / Corporate Office
6. Colleague / Employee
7. Local, State or Federal Law requires us to participate in E-Verify / contractual requirement
[ASK Q1b.]
8. Print advertisement
9. Online advertisement
10. Radio advertisement
11. Billboard advertisement
12. Media coverage (other than advertisements)
13. Information from a client
14. Information from a professional organization
15. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) audit or visit
16. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )
[IF “7” IS CHECKED IN Q1a. ASK Q1b.]
Q1b. If your company participates in E-Verify because it is required to do so, how did you learn about
that requirement? (Select only one.)
1. E-Verify materials or presentation
2. E-Verify web site
3. US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or Social Security Administration (SSA)
materials or presentation
4. USCIS or SSA website
5. My Company / Human Resources (HR) / Corporate Office
6. Colleague / Employee
7. {BLANK}
8. Print advertisement
9. Online advertisement
10. Radio advertisement
11. Billboard advertisement
12. Media coverage (other than advertisements)
13. Information from a client
14. Information from a professional organization
15. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) audit or visit
16. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q2. Why did your company sign up for E-Verify? (Select all that apply.)
1. Parent company required participation
2. Required to by state or local government / state or local contractor [ASK Q3a.]
3. Required to by federal government / federal contractor [ASK Q3a.]
4. To satisfy a client’s request
5. Believed using E-Verify would help us to avoid a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
(ICE) audit, raid, or fine
6. To improve ability to verify work authorization
7. Believed it would make us more competitive with others in our industry
8. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )
[IF “2” OR “3” IS CHECKED IN Q2. ASK Q3a.]
Q3a. If your company was no longer required to use E-Verify, how likely is it that you would continue to
use it anyway?
1. Very likely (SKIP TO Q4.)
2. Somewhat likely (SKIP TO Q4.)
3. Not Too Likely (CONTINUE)
4. Not At All Likely (CONTINUE)
Q3b. Why do you say that? {OPEN-END}
Q4. When did your organization enroll with E-Verify?
1. Within the last six months
2. Within the last six to 12 months
3. One or two years ago (SKIP TO USE Q11a.)
4. More than two years ago (SKIP TO USE Q11a.)
Q5. Did you enroll your organization with E-Verify?
1. Yes, I personally enrolled our organization (CONTINUE)
2. No, someone else in our organization enrolled us with E-Verify (SKIP TO TUTORIAL Q7.)
3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO TUTORIAL Q7.)
Q6. Next, think about the process when you enrolled your organization for E-Verify.
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.”
a. Clarity of instructions on how to enroll
b. Memorandum of understanding making the employer’s responsibilities and next steps clear
c. Ease of submitting registration information
d. Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address
e. Ease of registration process overall (including the required testing)
Q6f. What is your reason for rating ease of registration process overall lower than “6”? (OPEN END)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q7. Did you complete the training and online tutorial that is part of the E-Verify sign up process?
2. No (SKIP TO USE Q11a.)
Q8. Now, think about the training and online tutorial that is part of the sign up process.
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.
[ROTATE “a” THRU “e”; “f” MUST BE LAST.]
a. Helpfulness of information in User Manual
b. Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content
c. Ease of completing online training in terms of time required
d. Ease of accessing online resources
e. Usefulness of online resources
f. Ease of training process overall
Q8g. What is your reason for rating ease of training lower than “6”? (OPEN END)
Q9. Is the training provided useful in helping employers pass the required test?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
Q10. Do the tutorial and required test adequately prepare employers to use E-Verify effectively?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q11a. Have you used E-Verify in the past six (6) months?
1. Yes (SKIP TO Q12.)
3. Don’t Know (CONTINUE)
Q11b. Have you ever used E-Verify?
2. No (SKIP TO Q11e.)
3. DK (SKIP TO Q11e.)
Q11c. About how long has it been since you last used E-Verify?
1. Seven to 12 months
2. One to two years
3. More than two years
Q11d. Why haven’t you used E-Verify within the past six months?
1. Have not hired any new employees in past six months
2. No longer want to participate in E-Verify
3. It was too hard / difficult to use the E-Verify system
4. No longer see any value to using E-Verify
5. Using E-Verify required us to let go of some existing employees
6. Using E-Verify made us less competitive in the market-place
7. No one on our current staff has completed the E-Verify tutorial
8. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )
[ALL IN Q11d. SKIP TO Q12.]
Q11e. Why have you never used E-Verify?
1. Have not hired any new employees since enrolling in E-Verify
2. Do not want to participate in E-Verify
3. It seems too hard / difficult to use the E-Verify system
4. Do not see any value to using E-Verify
5. Using E-Verify may require us to let go of some existing employees
6. Using E-Verify will make us less competitive in the market-place
7. No one ever completed the E-Verify tutorial
8. Other (Please Specify: _______________ )
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q12. Which best describes your organization as a user of E-Verify?
1. General User -- users of E-Verify that are NOT employment services providers, E-Verify
Employer Agents (formerly Designated Agents), or the user of an E-Verify Employer Agent.
2. Temporary Agency or Employment Agency -- users of E-Verify that provide employment
services to other employers, that is, provide them with permanent or temporary workers.
3. E-Verify Employer Agent (formerly Designated Agent) -- users of E-Verify that enrolled for E-
Verify as an E-Verify Employer (or Designated) Agent, that is, as a company that provides E-
Verify services to other employers for a fee.
Q13. Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify?
1. Once a week or more
2. Two or three times a month
3. About once a month
4. Once every few months
5. Once or twice a year
6. Less than once a year
Using E-Verify
Q14. Now, think about using E-Verify system.
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.”
[ROTATE “a” THRU “d”.]
a. Ease of navigating the E-Verify site
b. Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify
c. Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify
d. Clarity of next steps as described in the response
Q15a. Have you received a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) in any of the cases you have submitted
to E-Verify in the past 6 months?
3. Don’t know (SKIP TO PHOTO MATCHING Q17.)
Q15b. Approximately how many Tentative Nonconfirmations (TNCs) have you received in the past 6
1. 1
2. 2 - 5
3. 6 - 9
4. 10 - 24
5. 25 or more
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q16. Now think about the Tentative Nonconfirmation resolution process. Please rate the following
using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.
[ROTATE “a” AND “b”; “c” MUST BE LAST.]
a. Speed of resolving the case
b. Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process
c. Ease of resolving the case
Q16d. What is your reason for rating ease of resolving case lower than “6”? (OPEN END)
Photo Matching
Q17. In the past 6 months while using E-Verify have you been prompted to match a photo?
Q18. Please rate the photo matching process in E-Verify on the following using a 10-point scale where
“1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” AND “b”.]
a. Ease of photo matching process
b. Helpfulness in preventing fraud
Q19. Do you typically have convenient access to the required technology (e.g. fax, digital camera,
copier, scanner, etc.) that is necessary to complete the photo matching process?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
Customer Service
Q20a. Have you contacted E-Verify customer service by phone (1-888-464-4218) in the past six
2. No (SKIP TO Q24a.)
3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO Q24a.)
Q20b. Overall, how satisfied were you with your experience when you contacted E-Verify customer
1. Very satisfied (SKIP TO Q21a.)
2. Somewhat satisfied (SKIP TO Q21a.)
3. Somewhat dissatisfied (CONTINUE)
4. Very dissatisfied (CONTINUE)
Q20c. What caused you to be dissatisfied with your experience when you called E-Verify customer
service? (OPEN END)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q21a. Think about your most recent call to E-Verify customer service, were you transferred during that
2. No (SKIP TO Q22.1.)
3. Don’t Know (SKIP TO Q22.1.)
Q21b. Was the amount of time you had to wait before the transferred call was answered acceptable to
you or did you feel it was too long?
1. Acceptable
2. Too long
Q21c. During that call how many times were you transferred?
1. Once
2. Twice
3. Three times
4. More than three times
[ALL IN Q21c. SKIP TO Q22.2.]
Q22.1 Think about the customer service that you received regarding E-Verify. Please rate the
customer service representative who assisted you on the following using a 10-point scale
where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “e”.]
a. Ease of accessing representative
b. Professionalism
c. Communication skills
d. Ability to understand your questions/issue
e. Providing guidance on policy/questions
[ALL IN Q22.1. SKIP TO Q23a.]
Q22.2. Think about the customer service that you received regarding E-Verify BEFORE your call was
transferred. Please rate the customer service representative(s) who assisted you on the
following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a”
THRU “e”.]
a. Ease of accessing representative
b. Professionalism
c. Communication skills
d. Ability to understand your questions/issue
e. Providing guidance on policy/questions
Q22.3. Think about the customer service that you received regarding E-Verify AFTER your call was
transferred. Please rate the customer service representative(s) who assisted you then on the
following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a”
THRU “e”.]
a. Ease of accessing representative
b. Professionalism
c. Communication skills
d. Ability to understand your questions/issue
e. Providing guidance on policy/questions
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q23a. Thinking about your most recent call to E-Verify customer service, was your question answered
or issue resolved?
2. No (GO TO Q24a.)
3. Don’t Know (GO TO Q24a.)
Q23b. How many calls were needed to resolve your issue?
1. Resolved during first call
2. Needed to call back one additional time to resolve issue
3. Needed to call back two additional times to resolve issue
4. Needed to call back three or more additional times to resolve issue
Q24a. Have you contacted E-Verify customer service by email ( in the past six
b. No (SKIP TO Q27.)
c. Don’t Know (SKIP TO Q27.)
Q24b. Overall, how satisfied were you with your experience when you emailed E-Verify customer
1. Very satisfied (SKIP TO Q25.)
2. Somewhat satisfied (SKIP TO Q25.)
3. Somewhat dissatisfied (CONTINUE)
4. Very dissatisfied (CONTINUE)
Q24c. What caused you to be dissatisfied with your experience when you emailed E-Verify customer
service? (OPEN END)
Q25 Please rate the customer service you received when you emailed E-Verify on the following using a
10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “d”.]
a. Ability to understand your questions/issue
b. The timeliness with which you received a response
c. Communication skills in the response you received
d. Providing guidance on policy/questions
Q26. Thinking about your most recent email to E-Verify customer service, was your question answered
or issue resolved?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
Q27. How interested would you be in using the Internet to get answers to questions or help with
problems on your own, anytime, rather than having to call or email E-Verify? Please use a 10-
point scale on which “1” means “not interested” and “10” means “extremely interested.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Technical Assistance
Q28a. Have you contacted E-Verify technical assistance (1-800-741-5023) in the past 6 months?
(This is a toll-free customer service line available to employers for assistance in resolving
technical questions about the E-Verify operating system.)
Q28b. Was the amount of time you had to wait before the transferred call was answered acceptable to
you or did you feel it was too long?
1. Acceptable
2. Too long
Q.29. Think about the technical assistance that you received when you contacted E-Verify. Please rate
the representative(s) who assisted you on the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is
“poor” and “10” is “excellent.” [ROTATE “a” THRU “f”.]
a. Ease of accessing representative
b. Professionalism
c. Communication skills
d. Ability to understand your questions/issue
e. Knowledge of technical issues
f. Technical guidance resolving your issue
Q30a. Was your reason or issue you called technical assistance resolved?
Q30b. How many calls were needed to resolve your issue?
1. Resolved during first call
2. Needed to call back one additional time to resolve issue
3. Needed to call back two additional times to resolve issue
4. Needed to call back three or more additional times to resolve issue
System Integrity
Q31. In your opinion, do you think E-Verify is doing enough to ensure that companies using E-Verify
adhere to the program’s policies and regulations?
1. Yes
2. Not Sure / Do not know
3. No
Q32. In your opinion, does E-Verify have adequate safeguards in place to ensure that employers use
the E-Verify system properly?
1. Yes
2. Not Sure / Do not know
3. No
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
[IF Q31. OR Q32. IS “NO”, ASK Q33.]
Q33. Please describe, briefly, what you think E-Verify should be doing to make sure that companies
adhere to the program’s policies and regulations and/or use the system properly. [OPEN END]
Q34. How would you prefer to get information about changes or updates to E-Verify? (Select only
1. E-mail
2. Fax
3. Mailer
4. E-Verify system broadcast message
5. Phone call
6. Through the E-Verify website
7. Live presentation
8. Other (Please specify: _______________ )
Q35. How would prefer to contact E-Verify for help? (Select only one.)
1. E-mail
2. Fax
3. Mail
4. Text or web chat
5. Phone call
6. Through the E-Verify website
7. Other (Please specify: _______________ )
Q36. How interested would you be in communicating with peers to get help and share ideas about E-
Verify or using the system? Please use a 10-point scale on which “1” meansnot interested” and
“10” means “extremely interested.
ACSI Benchmark Questions
As part of the lead-in to this series of questions, include something like:
“This includes things like the enrollment and tutorial process and,
if applicable, running cases in E-Verify and calling customer or technical service.
ACSI-1. First, please consider your overall experiences during the past year with E-Verify.
Using a 10-point scale on which “1” means “very dissatisfied” and “10” means “very satisfied,” how
satisfied are you with E-Verify?
ACSI-2. To what extent has E-Verify met your expectations?
Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" means "not met your expectations" and "10" means, "exceeds
your expectations."
ACSI-3. Now, imagine the ideal online verification service. How well does E-Verify compare with that
Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" means "Not very close to the ideal" and "10" means "Very
close to the ideal."
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
ACSI-4. If asked how likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others?
Please use a 10-point scale where “1” means “Not Very Likely” and “10” means “Very likely.”
ACSI-5. How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program? Please use a 10-point scale
where “1” means “Not Very Confident” and “10” means “Very Confident.”
ACSI-6. How likely are you to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future? Please use
a 10-point scale where “1’ means “Not Very Likely” and “10” means “Very Likely.
ACSI-7. Please provide any final comments on how we can improve E-Verify to better serve
you.(OPEN END)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
D1. In which state are you located?
D2. How many people do you employ?
1. 1 4
2. 5 - 29
3. 30 - 99
4. 100 - 299
5. 300 999
6. 1,000 - 9,999
7. 10,000+
D3. Do you consider yourself a small business?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Don’t Know
D4. Which category among the list below best describes the primary industry in which your company
or organization conducts business? (Select one)
1. Agriculture / Food Processing
2. Defense / Defense Industry
3. Communications / Media
4. Construction / General Contracting
5. Education (all levels)
6. Engineering (of any kind)
7. Financial Services (Banking, Insurance, Finance, etc.)
8. Healthcare / Public Health
9. Hospitality (Hotel / Motel / Restaurant, etc.)
10. Information Technology
11. Manufacturing
12. Non-Profit / Not-for-Profit
13. Sales Retail or Wholesale
14. Staffing / Personnel
15. Transportation
16. Utilities / Energy / Natural Resources
17. Professional Services / Consulting (Medicine, Law, Architecture, Research etc.)
18. Government Services
19. Other (Please Specify: _______________)
Thank you for participating in this survey.
We greatly appreciate your time and effort and value the information you have provided.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
All (Cross-Section)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How did you first learn about E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 14% 145 5% 131
E-Verify website 8% 86 6% 171
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 11% 113 4% 106
USCIS or SSA website 0% 0 2% 55
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 0% 0 25% 660
Colleague/Employee 0% 0 4% 119
Local, State or Federal Law requires us to participate in E-Verify/contractual requirement 0% 0 27% 711
Print advertisement 2% 23 0% 12
Online advertisement 1% 15 1% 30
Radio advertisement 1% 6 1% 14
Billboard advertisement 0% 1 0% 0
Media coverage 8% 83 3% 91
Information from a client 7% 76 4% 107
Information from a professional organization 22% 225 9% 228
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 2% 21 1% 21
Other 24% 250 8% 205
Number of Respondents
How did you learn about requirement to participate in E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 0% 0 6% 46
E-Verify website 0% 0 9% 61
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 0% 0 4% 29
USCIS or SSA website 0% 0 1% 8
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 0% 0 15% 106
Colleague/Employee 0% 0 2% 17
Print advertisement 0% 0 2% 12
Online advertisement 0% 0 1% 5
Radio advertisement 0% 0 0% 2
Media coverage 0% 0 9% 62
Information from a client 0% 0 18% 129
Information from a professional organization 0% 0 17% 120
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 0% 0 0% 2
Other 0% 0 16% 112
Number of Respondents
Likelihood to continue using E-Verify if no longer required to do so
Very likely 57% 313 61% 897
Somewhat likely 27% 148 26% 380
Not Too Likely 9% 47 7% 109
Not At All Likely 7% 39 6% 87
Number of Respondents
When did your organization enroll with E-Verify
Within the last six months 13% 136 10% 258
Within the last six to 12 months 27% 280 17% 444
One or two years ago 39% 409 43% 1,139
More than two years ago 21% 219 31% 820
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
All (Cross-section) (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Did you enroll your organization with E-Verify
I personally enrolled our organization 75% 312 81% 570
Someone else in our organization enrolled us with E-Verify 23% 95 18% 124
Don´t know 2% 9 1% 8
Number of Respondents
Completed training and online tutorial during E-Verify sign up process
Completed the training 99% 413 98% 689
Did not complete the training 1% 3 2% 13
Number of Respondents
Is the training provided useful in helping employers pass the required test
Training provided is useful 94% 390 96% 662
Training provided is not useful 2% 7 1% 8
Don´t know 4% 16 3% 19
Number of Respondents
Tutorial and required test adequately prepare employers to use E-Verify
Test prepares employers 95% 391 95% 656
Test does not prepare employers 1% 6 1% 5
Don´t know 4% 16 4% 28
Number of Respondents
Have you used E-Verify in the past six months
Used E-Verify past 6 months 94% 977 92% 2,441
Have not used E-Verify in past 6 months 6% 63 8% 204
Don´t know 0% 4 1% 16
Number of Respondents
Have you ever used E-Verify
Used E-Verify 90% 60 96% 211
Have not used E-Verify 9% 6 3% 7
Don´t know 1% 1 1% 2
Number of Respondents
About how long has it been since you last used E-Verify
Seven to 12 months 85% 51 76% 160
One to two years 15% 9 24% 50
More than two years 0% 0 0% 1
Number of Respondents
Which best describes your organization as a user of E-Verify
General User 89% 927 91% 2,415
Temporary Agency or Employment Agency 7% 72 6% 153
E-Verify Employer Agent 4% 38 3% 84
Number of Respondents
Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify
Once a week or more 22% 232 17% 450
Two or three times a month 23% 234 22% 572
About once a month 14% 146 14% 380
Once every few months 26% 273 28% 731
Once or twice a year 12% 121 14% 383
Less than once a year 3% 31 5% 136
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
All (Cross-section) (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Received a TNC in the past 6 months
Received TNC 29% 296 24% 644
Did not receive TNC 68% 710 73% 1,924
Don´t know 3% 31 3% 84
Number of Respondents
How many TNCs received in the past 6 months
One 41% 122 55% 354
2-5 47% 140 37% 241
6-9 8% 23 5% 31
10-24 2% 6 2% 14
25 or more 2% 5 1% 4
Number of Respondents
Past 6 months while using E-Verify have you been prompted to match a photo
Prompted to match a photo 32% 317 44% 1,179
Not prompted to match a photo 68% 680 51% 1,355
Don´t know 0% 0 4% 118
Number of Respondents
Have access to the required technology to complete the photo matching process
Have convenient access 92% 292 94% 1,109
Do not have convenient access 5% 16 4% 45
Don´t know 3% 9 2% 25
Number of Respondents
Contacted E-Verify customer service by phone in the past 6 months
Contacted customer service 20% 211 15% 387
Did not contact customer service 78% 806 84% 2,217
Don´t know 2% 20 2% 48
Number of Respondents
Satisfaction with your experience when you contacted E-Verify customer service
Very satisfied 74% 157 67% 260
Somewhat satisfied 18% 37 23% 90
Somewhat dissatisfied 5% 11 5% 21
Very dissatisfied 3% 6 4% 16
Number of Respondents
Transferred during most recent call to E-Verify customer service
Transferred during the call 35% 74 32% 125
Not transferred during the call 56% 118 53% 206
Don´t know 9% 19 14% 56
Number of Respondents
Amount of time you had to wait before the transfer was acceptable or too long
Acceptable 89% 66 84% 105
Too long 11% 8 16% 20
Number of Respondents
During that call how many times were you transferred
Once 77% 57 74% 92
Twice 15% 11 20% 25
Three times 7% 5 2% 2
More than three times 1% 1 5% 6
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
All (Cross-section) (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Issue resolved during most recent call to E-Verify customer service
Issue resolved 94% 199 87% 335
Issue not resolved 4% 8 11% 41
Don´t know 2% 4 3% 11
Number of Respondents
How many calls were needed to resolve your issue
Resolved during first call 88% 176 87% 292
Needed to call back one additional time to resolve issue 9% 17 11% 36
Needed to call back two additional times to resolve issue 3% 5 1% 5
Needed to call back three or more additional times to resolve issue 1% 1 1% 2
Number of Respondents
Contacted E-Verify customer service by email in the past 6 months
Emailed customer service 0% 0 4% 118
Have not emailed customer service 0% 0 94% 2,487
Don´t know 0% 0 2% 47
Number of Respondents
Satisfaction with your experience when you emailed E-Verify customer service
Very satisfied 0% 0 39% 46
Somewhat satisfied 0% 0 27% 32
Somewhat dissatisfied 0% 0 15% 18
Very dissatisfied 0% 0 19% 22
Number of Respondents
Question answered or issue resolved after emailing E-Verify customer service
Issue resolved after emailing 0% 0 67% 79
Issue not resolved after emailing 0% 0 31% 37
Don´t know 0% 0 2% 2
Number of Respondents
Have you contacted E-Verify technical assistance in the past 6 months
Contacted technical assistance 6% 63 5% 122
Have not contacted technical assistance 92% 952 93% 2,475
Don´t know 2% 22 2% 55
Number of Respondents
Amount of time before the call was transfer was acceptable or too long - TA
Acceptable 95% 60 84% 103
Too long 5% 3 16% 19
Number of Respondents
Was your reason or issue you called technical assistance resolved
Issue resolved 94% 59 93% 113
Issue not resolved 3% 2 5% 6
Don´t know 3% 2 2% 3
Number of Respondents
E-Verify is doing enough to ensure companies using E-Verify adhere to policies
Yes 60% 619 71% 1,871
Not Sure / Do not know 39% 403 28% 755
No 1% 15 1% 26
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
All (Cross-section) (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Adequate safeguards to ensure employers use E-Verify system properly
Yes 65% 676 77% 2,031
Not Sure / Do not know 34% 348 23% 600
No 1% 13 1% 21
Number of Respondents
How would you prefer to get information about changes or updates to E-Verify
E-mail 87% 904 86% 2,271
Fax 0% 3 0% 6
Mailer 2% 22 2% 50
E-Verify system broadcast message 4% 41 3% 71
Phone call 0% 4 0% 6
Through the E-Verify website 5% 57 9% 235
Live presentation 0% 2 0% 5
Other 0% 4 0% 8
Number of Respondents
How would prefer to contact E-Verify for help
E-mail 37% 382 46% 1,213
Fax 0% 0 0% 1
Mail 0% 3 0% 4
Text or web chat 7% 70 5% 140
Phone call 42% 431 40% 1,072
Through the E-Verify website 14% 147 8% 214
Other 0% 4 0% 8
Number of Respondents
AL 1% 14 1% 34
AK 0% 1 0% 6
AR 0% 4 1% 24
AZ 13% 138 10% 276
CA 7% 70 8% 216
CO 4% 37 3% 80
CT 1% 7 0% 13
DC 0% 3 0% 11
DE 0% 2 0% 5
FL 4% 37 5% 130
GA 4% 41 6% 156
GU 0% 0 0% 2
HI 0% 3 1% 15
ID 1% 7 1% 14
IA 1% 10 1% 22
IL 3% 34 2% 59
IN 1% 8 2% 41
KS 1% 9 2% 43
KY 1% 8 1% 20
LA 1% 10 1% 21
MA 2% 23 2% 48
MD 2% 21 2% 43
ME 0% 3 0% 8
MI 2% 18 2% 49
MN 2% 26 2% 53
MO 7% 74 6% 158
MS 2% 19 2% 46
MT 0% 1 0% 7
NC 3% 28 3% 79
ND 0% 5 0% 6
NE 2% 19 2% 55
NH 0% 4 0% 13
NJ 2% 24 2% 46
NM 1% 10 0% 12
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
All (Cross-section) (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
NV 1% 8 1% 23
NY 2% 22 2% 63
OH 2% 18 2% 45
OK 2% 17 1% 38
OR 0% 4 1% 21
PA 3% 34 2% 42
PR 0% 0 0% 2
RI 1% 9 0% 13
SC 4% 43 4% 104
SD 0% 1 0% 9
TN 1% 9 2% 43
TX 6% 60 5% 145
UT 1% 10 3% 83
VA 4% 41 4% 119
VT 0% 0 0% 2
WA 3% 32 2% 63
WI 1% 14 1% 28
WV 0% 3 0% 3
WY 0% 1 0% 4
Number of Respondents
How many people do you employ
1-4 0% 0 5% 142
5-29 0% 0 25% 664
30-99 0% 0 27% 720
100-299 0% 0 25% 659
300-999 0% 0 11% 295
1,000-9,999 0% 0 6% 157
10,000+ 0% 0 1% 24
Number of Respondents
Do you consider yourself a small business
Small business 59% 619 65% 1,740
Not a small business 38% 394 30% 800
Don´t know 3% 31 5% 121
Number of Respondents
Primary industry in which your company or organization conducts business
Agriculture/Food 4% 34 2% 44
Defense/Defense Industry 3% 24 2% 42
Communications/Media 0% 0 0% 11
Construction/General Contracting 0% 0 16% 419
Education 0% 0 3% 92
Engineering 0% 0 3% 83
Financial Services 0% 0 2% 64
Healthcare/Public Health 11% 92 8% 214
Hospitality 0% 0 5% 121
Information Technology 7% 58 5% 124
Manufacturing 18% 147 14% 370
Non-Profit/Not-for-Profit 0% 0 5% 135
Sales - Retail or Wholesale 0% 0 6% 150
Staffing/Personnel 0% 0 4% 96
Transportation 3% 27 3% 70
Utilities/Energy/Natural Resources 0% 0 1% 24
Professional Services/Consulting 0% 0 3% 93
Government Services 8% 66 5% 145
Other 47% 392 14% 364
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Recent Users
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How did you first learn about E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 14% 164 5% 147
E-Verify website 8% 94 6% 189
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 11% 123 4% 135
USCIS or SSA website 0% 0 2% 64
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 0% 0 26% 806
Colleague/Employee 0% 0 4% 133
Local, State or Federal Law requires us to participate in E-Verify/contractual requirement 0% 0 27% 822
Print advertisement 2% 25 1% 17
Online advertisement 1% 17 1% 30
Radio advertisement 0% 3 0% 13
Billboard advertisement 0% 2 0% 0
Media coverage 7% 86 4% 110
Information from a client 8% 88 4% 111
Information from a professional organization 22% 255 8% 262
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 3% 32 1% 26
Other 24% 282 7% 224
Number of Respondents
How did you learn about requirement to participate in E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 0% 0 7% 60
E-Verify website 0% 0 10% 80
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 0% 0 5% 37
USCIS or SSA website 0% 0 1% 10
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 0% 0 16% 134
Colleague/Employee 0% 0 2% 18
Print advertisement 0% 0 1% 11
Online advertisement 0% 0 1% 6
Radio advertisement 0% 0 0% 3
Media coverage 0% 0 9% 75
Information from a client 0% 0 15% 125
Information from a professional organization 0% 0 17% 141
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 0% 0 0% 1
Other 0% 0 15% 121
Number of Respondents
Likelihood to continue using E-Verify if no longer required to do so
Very likely 59% 369 62% 1,061
Somewhat likely 26% 163 25% 431
Not Too Likely 9% 55 7% 120
Not At All Likely 6% 40 6% 99
Number of Respondents
When did your organization enroll with E-Verify
Within the last six months 14% 163 11% 334
Within the last six to 12 months 27% 321 16% 480
One or two years ago 38% 442 42% 1,300
More than two years ago 21% 245 32% 975
Number of Respondents
Did you enroll your organization with E-Verify
I personally enrolled our organization 75% 364 80% 650
Someone else in our organization enrolled us with E-Verify 23% 111 19% 155
Don´t know 2% 9 1% 9
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Recent Users (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Completed training and online tutorial during E-Verify sign up process
Completed the training 99% 479 98% 796
Did not complete the training 1% 5 2% 18
Number of Respondents
Is the training provided useful in helping employers pass the required test
Training provided is useful 96% 459 97% 771
Training provided is not useful 2% 8 1% 8
Don´t know 3% 12 2% 17
Number of Respondents
Tutorial and required test adequately prepare employers to use E-Verify
Test prepares employers 95% 455 96% 762
Test does not prepare employers 1% 6 1% 8
Don´t know 4% 18 3% 26
Number of Respondents
Have you used E-Verify in the past six months
Used E-Verify past 6 months 98% 1,149 97% 3,009
Have not used E-Verify in past 6 months 2% 20 2% 70
Don´t know 0% 2 0% 10
Number of Respondents
Have you ever used E-Verify
Used E-Verify 77% 17 91% 73
Have not used E-Verify 18% 4 8% 6
Don´t know 5% 1 1% 1
Number of Respondents
About how long has it been since you last used E-Verify
Seven to 12 months 88% 15 81% 59
One to two years 12% 2 18% 13
More than two years 0% 0 1% 1
Number of Respondents
Which best describes your organization as a user of E-Verify
General User 90% 1,046 91% 2,797
Temporary Agency or Employment Agency 7% 82 6% 182
E-Verify Employer Agent 3% 38 3% 103
Number of Respondents
Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify
Once a week or more 25% 286 19% 593
Two or three times a month 24% 277 24% 749
About once a month 14% 168 16% 483
Once every few months 27% 310 28% 854
Once or twice a year 9% 110 11% 333
Less than once a year 1% 15 2% 70
Number of Respondents
Received a TNC in the past 6 months
Received TNC 30% 355 27% 836
Did not receive TNC 66% 774 69% 2,140
Don´t know 3% 37 3% 106
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Recent Users (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How many TNCs received in the past 6 months
One 43% 153 55% 463
2-5 46% 162 37% 313
6-9 7% 25 5% 38
10-24 2% 8 2% 16
25 or more 2% 7 1% 6
Number of Respondents
Past 6 months while using E-Verify have you been prompted to match a photo
Prompted to match a photo 33% 367 50% 1,530
Not prompted to match a photo 67% 753 47% 1,435
Don´t know 0% 0 4% 117
Number of Respondents
Have access to the required technology to complete the photo matching process
Have convenient access 93% 342 94% 1,431
Do not have convenient access 4% 15 4% 58
Don´t know 3% 10 3% 41
Number of Respondents
Contacted E-Verify customer service by phone in the past 6 months
Contacted customer service 23% 271 16% 499
Did not contact customer service 75% 872 82% 2,521
Don´t know 2% 23 2% 62
Number of Respondents
Satisfaction with your experience when you contacted E-Verify customer service
Very satisfied 72% 195 67% 335
Somewhat satisfied 19% 51 24% 118
Somewhat dissatisfied 7% 18 6% 29
Very dissatisfied 3% 7 3% 17
Number of Respondents
Transferred during most recent call to E-Verify customer service
Transferred during the call 33% 89 35% 175
Not transferred during the call 56% 153 52% 258
Don´t know 11% 29 13% 66
Number of Respondents
Amount of time you had to wait before the transfer was acceptable or too long
Acceptable 92% 82 82% 144
Too long 8% 7 18% 31
Number of Respondents
During that call how many times were you transferred
Once 73% 65 72% 126
Twice 18% 16 22% 39
Three times 7% 6 2% 3
More than three times 2% 2 4% 7
Number of Respondents
Issue resolved during most recent call to E-Verify customer service
Issue resolved 93% 251 89% 442
Issue not resolved 6% 15 9% 45
Don´t know 2% 5 2% 12
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Recent Users (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How many calls were needed to resolve your issue
Resolved during first call 88% 222 86% 380
Needed to call back one additional time to resolve issue 8% 21 12% 52
Needed to call back two additional times to resolve issue 3% 7 2% 7
Needed to call back three or more additional times to resolve issue 0% 1 1% 3
Number of Respondents
Contacted E-Verify customer service by email in the past 6 months
Emailed customer service 0% 0 4% 132
Have not emailed customer service 0% 0 94% 2,886
Don´t know 0% 0 2% 64
Number of Respondents
Satisfaction with your experience when you emailed E-Verify customer service
Very satisfied 0% 0 40% 53
Somewhat satisfied 0% 0 27% 35
Somewhat dissatisfied 0% 0 13% 17
Very dissatisfied 0% 0 20% 27
Number of Respondents
Question answered or issue resolved after emailing E-Verify customer service
Issue resolved after emailing 0% 0 69% 91
Issue not resolved after emailing 0% 0 28% 37
Don´t know 0% 0 3% 4
Number of Respondents
Have you contacted E-Verify technical assistance in the past 6 months
Contacted technical assistance 6% 72 5% 151
Have not contacted technical assistance 92% 1,069 93% 2,865
Don´t know 2% 25 2% 66
Number of Respondents
Amount of time before the call was transfer was acceptable or too long - TA
Acceptable 96% 69 87% 131
Too long 4% 3 13% 20
Number of Respondents
Was your reason or issue you called technical assistance resolved
Issue resolved 93% 67 94% 142
Issue not resolved 3% 2 3% 5
Don´t know 4% 3 3% 4
Number of Respondents
E-Verify is doing enough to ensure companies using E-Verify adhere to policies
Yes 61% 711 72% 2,233
Not Sure / Do not know 38% 441 27% 821
No 1% 14 1% 28
Number of Respondents
Adequate safeguards to ensure employers use E-Verify system properly
Yes 66% 774 78% 2,392
Not Sure / Do not know 32% 377 21% 660
No 1% 15 1% 30
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Recent Users (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How would you prefer to get information about changes or updates to E-Verify
E-mail 86% 1,008 85% 2,624
Fax 0% 1 0% 7
Mailer 2% 28 2% 56
E-Verify system broadcast message 4% 50 3% 88
Phone call 0% 5 0% 6
Through the E-Verify website 6% 68 9% 288
Live presentation 0% 2 0% 5
Other 0% 4 0% 8
Number of Respondents
How would prefer to contact E-Verify for help
E-mail 36% 422 45% 1,384
Fax 0% 0 0% 1
Mail 0% 3 0% 2
Text or web chat 8% 90 5% 157
Phone call 42% 486 41% 1,272
Through the E-Verify website 14% 159 8% 250
Other 1% 6 1% 16
Number of Respondents
AL 1% 17 1% 33
AK 0% 2 0% 6
AR 0% 5 1% 25
AZ 13% 149 10% 310
CA 7% 84 8% 253
CO 3% 39 3% 94
CT 1% 8 1% 18
DC 0% 2 0% 12
DE 0% 2 0% 6
FL 3% 35 5% 162
GA 4% 52 6% 181
GU 0% 0 0% 2
HI 0% 3 1% 16
ID 1% 9 0% 15
IA 1% 9 1% 27
IL 3% 38 2% 66
IN 1% 9 2% 50
KS 1% 10 2% 50
KY 1% 7 1% 26
LA 1% 12 1% 27
MA 2% 24 2% 54
MD 2% 22 2% 51
ME 0% 2 0% 8
MI 2% 23 2% 51
MN 3% 31 2% 65
MO 7% 82 6% 174
MS 2% 20 2% 56
MT 0% 2 0% 8
NC 2% 28 3% 83
ND 0% 5 0% 5
NE 2% 25 2% 71
NH 0% 3 0% 15
NJ 2% 24 2% 50
NM 1% 11 0% 14
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Recent Users (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
NV 1% 11 1% 28
NY 2% 24 2% 72
OH 2% 20 2% 63
OK 2% 20 1% 44
OR 1% 7 1% 32
PA 3% 38 1% 45
PR 0% 0 0% 3
RI 1% 14 0% 14
SC 4% 49 4% 138
SD 0% 1 0% 12
TN 1% 12 1% 45
TX 6% 76 5% 166
UT 1% 15 3% 93
VA 3% 39 4% 126
VT 0% 0 0% 4
WA 3% 34 2% 69
WI 1% 13 1% 36
WV 0% 2 0% 9
WY 0% 2 0% 6
Number of Respondents
How many people do you employ
1-4 0% 0 4% 111
5-29 0% 0 22% 667
30-99 0% 0 28% 876
100-299 0% 0 27% 820
300-999 0% 0 12% 385
1,000-9,999 0% 0 6% 192
10,000+ 0% 0 1% 38
Number of Respondents
Do you consider yourself a small business
Small business 57% 673 62% 1,923
Not a small business 39% 459 33% 1,023
Don´t know 3% 39 5% 143
Number of Respondents
Primary industry in which your company or organization conducts business
Agriculture/Food 4% 37 2% 53
Defense/Defense Industry 3% 26 1% 43
Communications/Media 0% 0 0% 10
Construction/General Contracting 0% 0 15% 474
Education 0% 0 3% 101
Engineering 0% 0 3% 87
Financial Services 0% 0 3% 78
Healthcare/Public Health 12% 117 9% 274
Hospitality 0% 0 5% 144
Information Technology 6% 58 4% 137
Manufacturing 17% 162 14% 441
Non-Profit/Not-for-Profit 0% 0 5% 162
Sales - Retail or Wholesale 0% 0 6% 185
Staffing/Personnel 0% 0 4% 120
Transportation 3% 30 2% 75
Utilities/Energy/Natural Resources 0% 0 1% 30
Professional Services/Consulting 0% 0 3% 95
Government Services 7% 71 6% 179
Other 47% 449 13% 401
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Far Users
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
How did you first learn about E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 15% 120 4% 48
E-Verify website 6% 45 3% 31
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 7% 59 3% 30
USCIS or SSA website 0% 0 1% 11
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 0% 0 30% 333
Colleague/Employee 0% 0 2% 19
Local, State or Federal Law requires us to participate in E-Verify/contractual requirement 0% 0 38% 430
Print advertisement 1% 10 1% 6
Online advertisement 1% 11 0% 5
Radio advertisement 0% 0 0% 1
Billboard advertisement 0% 2 0% 0
Media coverage 4% 33 2% 21
Information from a client 10% 79 4% 47
Information from a professional organization 25% 195 8% 86
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 3% 22 0% 0
Other 28% 219 5% 56
Number of Respondents
How did you learn about requirement to participate in E-Verify
E-Verify materials or presentation 0% 0 5% 21
E-Verify website 0% 0 9% 40
USCIS or SSA materials or presentation 0% 0 2% 10
USCIS or SSA website 0% 0 1% 6
My Company/HR/Corporate Office 0% 0 15% 63
Colleague/Employee 0% 0 3% 15
Print advertisement 0% 0 0% 0
Online advertisement 0% 0 1% 4
Radio advertisement 0% 0 0% 1
Media coverage 0% 0 4% 18
Information from a client 0% 0 23% 99
Information from a professional organization 0% 0 15% 65
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement audit or visit 0% 0 0% 1
Other 0% 0 20% 87
Number of Respondents
Likelihood to continue using E-Verify if no longer required to do so
Very likely 54% 308 59% 529
Somewhat likely 29% 163 28% 248
Not Too Likely 11% 62 8% 71
Not At All Likely 6% 34 6% 53
Number of Respondents
When did your organization enroll with E-Verify
Within the last six months 20% 156 8% 89
Within the last six to 12 months 50% 397 19% 217
One or two years ago 24% 191 53% 599
More than two years ago 6% 51 19% 219
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Far Users (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Did you enroll your organization with E-Verify
I personally enrolled our organization 70% 388 73% 224
Someone else in our organization enrolled us with E-Verify 29% 158 26% 79
Don´t know 1% 7 1% 3
Number of Respondents
Completed training and online tutorial during E-Verify sign up process
Completed the training 98% 542 99% 304
Did not complete the training 2% 11 1% 2
Number of Respondents
Is the training provided useful in helping employers pass the required test
Training provided is useful 95% 513 94% 286
Training provided is not useful 3% 15 3% 8
Don´t know 3% 14 3% 10
Number of Respondents
Tutorial and required test adequately prepare employers to use E-Verify
Test prepares employers 95% 517 95% 288
Test does not prepare employers 2% 10 1% 3
Don´t know 3% 15 4% 13
Number of Respondents
Have you used E-Verify in the past six months
Used E-Verify past 6 months 96% 762 90% 1,016
Have not used E-Verify in past 6 months 4% 31 9% 100
Don´t know 0% 2 1% 8
Number of Respondents
Have you ever used E-Verify
Used E-Verify 70% 23 94% 101
Have not used E-Verify 27% 9 6% 7
Don´t know 3% 1 0% 0
Number of Respondents
About how long has it been since you last used E-Verify
Seven to 12 months 91% 21 71% 72
One to two years 9% 2 28% 28
More than two years 0% 0 1% 1
Number of Respondents
Which best describes your organization as a user of E-Verify
General User 93% 731 92% 1,025
Temporary Agency or Employment Agency 5% 40 6% 66
E-Verify Employer Agent 2% 14 2% 26
Number of Respondents
Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify
Once a week or more 24% 187 19% 208
Two or three times a month 23% 183 24% 264
About once a month 17% 130 16% 178
Once every few months 24% 188 23% 255
Once or twice a year 9% 68 14% 161
Less than once a year 4% 29 5% 51
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Far Users (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Received a TNC in the past 6 months
Received TNC 34% 265 24% 270
Did not receive TNC 64% 499 71% 798
Don´t know 3% 21 4% 49
Number of Respondents
How many TNCs received in the past 6 months
One 42% 112 50% 135
2-5 42% 112 42% 114
6-9 11% 28 4% 11
10-24 4% 10 2% 6
25 or more 1% 3 1% 4
Number of Respondents
Past 6 months while using E-Verify have you been prompted to match a photo
Prompted to match a photo 32% 241 53% 590
Not prompted to match a photo 68% 519 42% 468
Don´t know 0% 0 5% 59
Number of Respondents
Have access to the required technology to complete the photo matching process
Have convenient access 95% 230 96% 566
Do not have convenient access 3% 8 2% 11
Don´t know 1% 3 2% 13
Number of Respondents
Contacted E-Verify customer service by phone in the past 6 months
Contacted customer service 24% 192 15% 162
Did not contact customer service 73% 576 84% 933
Don´t know 2% 17 2% 22
Number of Respondents
Satisfaction with your experience when you contacted E-Verify customer service
Very satisfied 61% 117 66% 107
Somewhat satisfied 26% 49 23% 37
Somewhat dissatisfied 9% 18 9% 14
Very dissatisfied 4% 8 2% 4
Number of Respondents
Transferred during most recent call to E-Verify customer service
Transferred during the call 40% 76 37% 60
Not transferred during the call 50% 96 44% 71
Don´t know 10% 20 19% 31
Number of Respondents
Amount of time you had to wait before the transfer was acceptable or too long
Acceptable 84% 64 83% 50
Too long 16% 12 17% 10
Number of Respondents
During that call how many times were you transferred
Once 75% 57 68% 41
Twice 18% 14 20% 12
Three times 7% 5 8% 5
More than three times 0% 0 3% 2
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Far Users (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Issue resolved during most recent call to E-Verify customer service
Issue resolved 87% 166 86% 140
Issue not resolved 10% 19 10% 17
Don´t know 3% 6 3% 5
Number of Respondents
How many calls were needed to resolve your issue
Resolved during first call 81% 135 84% 117
Needed to call back one additional time to resolve issue 16% 26 14% 19
Needed to call back two additional times to resolve issue 2% 4 3% 4
Needed to call back three or more additional times to resolve issue 1% 1 0% 0
Number of Respondents
Contacted E-Verify customer service by email in the past 6 months
Emailed customer service 0% 0 5% 52
Have not emailed customer service 0% 0 93% 1,040
Don´t know 0% 0 2% 25
Number of Respondents
Satisfaction with your experience when you emailed E-Verify customer service
Very satisfied 0% 0 40% 21
Somewhat satisfied 0% 0 33% 17
Somewhat dissatisfied 0% 0 12% 6
Very dissatisfied 0% 0 15% 8
Number of Respondents
Question answered or issue resolved after emailing E-Verify customer service
Issue resolved after emailing 0% 0 73% 38
Issue not resolved after emailing 0% 0 21% 11
Don´t know 0% 0 6% 3
Number of Respondents
Have you contacted E-Verify technical assistance in the past 6 months
Contacted technical assistance 6% 48 4% 40
Have not contacted technical assistance 91% 716 95% 1,056
Don´t know 3% 21 2% 21
Number of Respondents
Amount of time before the call was transfer was acceptable or too long - TA
Acceptable 98% 47 83% 33
Too long 2% 1 18% 7
Number of Respondents
Was your reason or issue you called technical assistance resolved
Issue resolved 94% 45 88% 35
Issue not resolved 4% 2 10% 4
Don´t know 2% 1 3% 1
Number of Respondents
E-Verify is doing enough to ensure companies using E-Verify adhere to policies
Yes 56% 441 68% 763
Not Sure / Do not know 43% 334 30% 339
No 1% 10 1% 15
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Far Users (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
Adequate safeguards to ensure employers use E-Verify system properly
Yes 65% 513 76% 850
Not Sure / Do not know 33% 262 23% 259
No 1% 10 1% 8
Number of Respondents
How would you prefer to get information about changes or updates to E-Verify
E-mail 88% 690 87% 967
Fax 1% 4 0% 0
Mailer 2% 15 2% 18
E-Verify system broadcast message 4% 33 3% 35
Phone call 0% 2 0% 2
Through the E-Verify website 5% 36 8% 88
Live presentation 0% 1 0% 3
Other 1% 4 0% 4
Number of Respondents
How would prefer to contact E-Verify for help
E-mail 39% 309 43% 475
Fax 0% 0 0% 0
Mail 0% 0 0% 0
Text or web chat 6% 47 5% 51
Phone call 41% 321 44% 492
Through the E-Verify website 13% 104 9% 95
Other 1% 4 0% 4
Number of Respondents
AL 2% 12 2% 18
AK 1% 5 1% 7
AR 0% 3 0% 5
AZ 2% 14 2% 18
CA 9% 69 9% 106
CO 3% 22 3% 35
CT 1% 6 1% 8
DC 1% 6 1% 6
DE 0% 3 0% 3
FL 5% 42 5% 61
GA 3% 23 4% 43
GU 0% 0 0% 3
HI 1% 7 1% 11
ID 1% 7 1% 9
IA 1% 6 1% 16
IL 3% 20 3% 35
IN 2% 12 1% 15
KS 2% 13 2% 17
KY 1% 9 1% 12
LA 1% 8 1% 9
MA 2% 17 2% 26
MD 5% 38 5% 53
ME 0% 2 0% 2
MI 3% 22 2% 25
MN 2% 12 2% 18
MO 4% 28 3% 33
MS 1% 7 0% 2
MT 0% 2 0% 5
NC 3% 24 4% 40
ND 1% 4 0% 2
NE 1% 7 1% 9
NH 1% 5 1% 7
NJ 1% 11 2% 18
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Far Users (cont.)
Percent Frequency Percent Frequency
NM 1% 10 1% 7
NV 0% 2 0% 4
NY 5% 36 4% 43
OH 4% 34 3% 37
OK 2% 12 1% 11
OR 2% 14 2% 21
PA 4% 29 4% 43
PR 0% 1 0% 3
RI 0% 1 0% 3
SC 2% 15 2% 20
SD 0% 3 0% 5
TN 2% 14 2% 25
TX 6% 47 5% 61
UT 1% 7 1% 10
VA 7% 56 7% 82
VT 0% 1 0% 2
WA 3% 25 3% 38
WI 2% 16 2% 24
WV 1% 5 1% 6
WY 0% 1 0% 2
Number of Respondents
How many people do you employ
1-4 0% 0 6% 65
5-29 0% 0 20% 227
30-99 0% 0 24% 274
100-299 0% 0 25% 286
300-999 0% 0 14% 158
1,000-9,999 0% 0 9% 96
10,000+ 0% 0 2% 18
Number of Respondents
Do you consider yourself a small business
Small business 52% 414 56% 634
Not a small business 44% 351 40% 450
Don´t know 4% 30 4% 40
Number of Respondents
Primary industry in which your company or organization conducts business
Agriculture/Food 0% 2 0% 4
Defense/Defense Industry 9% 62 6% 63
Communications/Media 0% 0 1% 7
Construction/General Contracting 0% 0 19% 210
Education 0% 0 2% 23
Engineering 0% 0 6% 73
Financial Services 0% 0 2% 27
Healthcare/Public Health 14% 95 8% 92
Hospitality 0% 0 1% 6
Information Technology 7% 48 5% 54
Manufacturing 18% 119 15% 167
Non-Profit/Not-for-Profit 0% 0 4% 44
Sales - Retail or Wholesale 0% 0 2% 22
Staffing/Personnel 0% 0 4% 41
Transportation 3% 21 3% 39
Utilities/Energy/Natural Resources 0% 0 1% 7
Professional Services/Consulting 0% 0 7% 74
Government Services 8% 53 5% 52
Other 41% 275 11% 119
Number of Respondents
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
This page intentionally left blank.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Awareness / Registration 81 85 * 1.0
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 80 85 * --
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 80 84 * --
Ease of submitting registration information 83 87 * --
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 86 88 * --
Ease of registration process overall 76 82 * --
Tutorial 80 85 * 1.3
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 80 85 * --
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 82 87 * --
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 74 82 * --
Ease of accessing online resources 82 87 * --
Usefulness of online resources 81 85 * --
Ease of training process overall 78 85 * --
Using E-Verify 88 90 * 1.3
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 86 88 * --
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 89 90 * --
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 93 94 * --
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 86 89 * --
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 77 80 0.6
Speed of resolving the case 77 80 --
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 77 80 * --
Ease of resolving the case 79 80 --
Photo Matching 93 95 * 1.3
Ease of photo matching process 94 95 * --
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 93 95 * --
Customer Service 89 88 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 88 87 --
Professionalism 91 90 --
Communication skills 89 89 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 89 88 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions 89 86 --
Customer Service Prior transfer 81 80 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 82 79 --
Professionalism 86 87 --
Communication skills 82 82 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 77 76 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions 77 73 --
Customer Service after Transfer 84 84 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 84 84 --
Professionalism 86 88 --
Communication skills 85 85 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 83 82 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions 82 81 --
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Cross-Section (cont.)
Sample Size
Customer Service by Email -- 66 N/A
Ability to understand your questions/issue -- 73 --
The timeliness with which you received a response -- 56 --
Communication skills in the response you received -- 73 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions -- 69 --
Internet Use 71 78 * N/A
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 71 78 * --
Technical Assistance 86 91 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 85 88 --
Professionalism 88 92 * --
Communication skills 87 92 * --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 85 90 --
Knowledge of technical issues 86 90 --
Technical guidance resolving your issue 85 90 --
Interested in Communicating with Peers 38 34 * N/A
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 38 34 * --
Satisfaction 82 85 * N/A
Overall satisfaction 83 86 * --
Meets expectations 84 86 * --
Compared to ideal 81 84 * --
Recommend 83 85 * 5.2
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 83 85 * --
Confident in Accuracy 84 88 * 3.4
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 84 88 * --
Future Participation 93 94 * 2.2
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 93 94 * --
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Recent Users
Sample Size
Awareness / Registration 82 86 * 1.0
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 80 86 * --
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 80 84 * --
Ease of submitting registration information 84 87 * --
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 87 88 --
Ease of registration process overall 76 83 * --
Tutorial 80 85 * 1.3
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 81 85 * --
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 82 87 * --
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 75 83 * --
Ease of accessing online resources 82 87 * --
Usefulness of online resources 81 85 * --
Ease of training process overall 79 85 * --
Using E-Verify 89 91 * 1.3
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 87 89 * --
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 90 91 * --
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 93 94 * --
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 86 90 * --
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 77 79 * 0.6
Speed of resolving the case 77 79 --
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 76 80 * --
Ease of resolving the case 78 80 --
Photo Matching 94 95 * 0.7
Ease of photo matching process 94 95 --
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 93 94 --
Customer Service 88 89 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 87 88 --
Professionalism 90 91 --
Communication skills 88 90 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 88 89 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions 87 86 --
Customer Service Prior transfer 80 80 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 81 79 --
Professionalism 85 86 --
Communication skills 81 82 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 76 76 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions 73 72 --
Customer Service after Transfer 83 84 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 84 83 --
Professionalism 86 87 --
Communication skills 84 85 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 82 83 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions 80 82 --
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Customer Service by Email -- 68 N/A
Ability to understand your questions/issue -- 75 --
The timeliness with which you received a response -- 56 --
Communication skills in the response you received -- 74 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions -- 71 --
Internet Use 72 79 * N/A
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 72 79 * --
Technical Assistance 87 91 * N/A
Ease of accessing representative 86 89 --
Professionalism 89 92 --
Communication skills 87 92 * --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 85 91 * --
Knowledge of technical issues 86 91 * --
Technical guidance resolving your issue 86 91 --
Interested in Communicating with Peers 39 35 * N/A
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 39 35 * --
Satisfaction 83 86 * N/A
Overall satisfaction 83 86 * --
Meets expectations 84 87 * --
Compared to ideal 81 85 * --
Recommend 83 86 * 5.1
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 83 86 * --
Confident in Accuracy 84 88 * 3.7
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 84 88 * --
Future Participation 93 94 * 2.2
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 93 94 * --
Recent Users (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Awareness / Registration 81 86 * 1.7
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 80 85 * --
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 80 84 * --
Ease of submitting registration information 83 88 * --
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 86 90 * --
Ease of registration process overall 76 82 * --
Tutorial 79 87 * 1.2
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 79 86 * --
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 81 89 * --
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 75 83 * --
Ease of accessing online resources 82 89 * --
Usefulness of online resources 81 86 * --
Ease of training process overall 78 86 * --
Using E-Verify 88 89 1.4
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 86 87 --
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 90 90 --
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 91 93 * --
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 85 88 * --
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 74 81 * 0.1
Speed of resolving the case 73 80 * --
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 74 81 * --
Ease of resolving the case 74 82 * --
Photo Matching 91 93 * 1.9
Ease of photo matching process 92 94 * --
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 91 93 * --
Customer Service 84 87 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 85 85 --
Professionalism 88 89 --
Communication skills 84 88 * --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 81 86 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions 81 86 --
Customer Service Prior transfer 75 77 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 77 79 --
Professionalism 83 84 --
Communication skills 76 79 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 71 72 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions 66 66 --
Customer Service after Transfer 79 82 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 79 81 --
Professionalism 85 88 --
Communication skills 83 84 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 79 79 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions 78 77 --
Far Users
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Customer Service by Email -- 72 N/A
Ability to understand your questions/issue -- 76 --
The timeliness with which you received a response -- 59 --
Communication skills in the response you received -- 77 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions -- 74 --
Internet Use 71 82 * N/A
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 71 82 * --
Technical Assistance 84 85 N/A
Ease of accessing representative 83 83 --
Professionalism 86 87 --
Communication skills 85 86 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 82 84 --
Knowledge of technical issues 83 85 --
Technical guidance resolving your issue 83 84 --
Interested in Communicating with Peers 38 34 * N/A
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 38 34 * --
Satisfaction 80 84 * N/A
Overall satisfaction 81 85 * --
Meets expectations 81 85 * --
Compared to ideal 79 82 * --
Recommend 79 82 * 5.7
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 79 82 * --
Confident in Accuracy 81 87 * 3.4
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 81 87 * --
Future Participation 92 94 * 1.7
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 92 94 * --
Far Users (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Awareness / Registration 81 85 80 87 84 90
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 80 85 80 87 83 91
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 80 84 79 85 80 90
Ease of submitting registration information 83 87 83 88 88 90
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 86 88 85 90 91 90
Ease of registration process overall 76 82 75 86 77 88
Tutorial 80 84 80 90 79 91
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 81 84 80 89 83 91
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 82 86 82 91 78 92
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 74 80 75 88 70 88
Ease of accessing online resources 81 85 83 91 82 91
Usefulness of online resources 81 84 81 88 82 88
Ease of training process overall 78 84 78 90 77 91
Using E-Verify 88 89 88 92 91 93
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 85 87 86 90 89 90
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 89 90 90 92 92 93
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 93 93 92 94 95 97
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 86 88 85 90 89 91
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 80 79 75 80 83 85
Speed of resolving the case 79 79 75 80 80 82
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 80 79 73 80 83 85
Ease of resolving the case 81 79 76 81 81 88
Photo Matching 93 95 93 94 97 97
Ease of photo matching process 93 95 94 95 97 97
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 93 95 92 94 97 96
Customer Service 89 89 89 86 96 96
Ease of accessing representative 87 87 88 86 93 96
Professionalism 90 91 91 88 96 97
Communication skills 89 90 89 86 96 96
Ability to understand your questions/issue 88 89 89 87 96 93
Providing guidance on policy/questions 90 85 86 84 96 97
Customer Service Prior transfer 82 84 81 78 76 78
Ease of accessing representative 82 82 81 75 89 83
Professionalism 86 89 85 84 85 88
Communication skills 82 84 82 81 85 79
Ability to understand your questions/issue 79 82 78 72 59 69
Providing guidance on policy/questions 82 79 76 69 52 63
Customer Service after Transfer 85 87 84 82 83 85
Ease of accessing representative 84 87 85 80 85 87
Professionalism 86 89 86 86 89 89
Communication skills 86 88 85 83 85 87
Ability to understand your questions/issue 84 85 82 80 85 80
Providing guidance on policy/questions 84 84 82 79 70 80
Not a
(Cross Section) Do you consider yourself a small business?
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Customer Service by Email -- 67 -- 62 -- 77
Ability to understand your questions/issue -- 71 -- 76 -- 84
The timeliness with which you received a response -- 58 -- 50 -- 50
Communication skills in the response you received -- 71 -- 75 -- 87
Providing guidance on policy/questions -- 67 -- 72 -- 72
Internet Use 72 77 69 80 65 75
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 72 77 69 80 65 75
Technical Assistance 87 92 84 90 82 85
Ease of accessing representative 87 89 82 88 83 84
Professionalism 88 94 88 91 83 87
Communication skills 88 93 84 90 78 87
Ability to understand your questions/issue 87 91 83 90 83 83
Knowledge of technical issues 87 91 84 90 83 85
Technical guidance resolving your issue 87 91 83 89 83 83
Interested in Communicating with Peers 36 32 42 38 41 39
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 36 32 42 38 41 39
Satisfaction 82 84 82 87 85 89
Overall satisfaction 83 85 82 88 84 90
Meets expectations 84 85 83 88 89 90
Compared to ideal 81 83 80 86 82 88
Recommend 83 84 84 88 86 90
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 83 84 84 88 86 90
Confident in Accuracy 84 87 83 89 84 89
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 84 87 83 89 84 89
Future Participation 92 93 94 95 91 96
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 92 93 94 95 91 96
Not a
(Cross Section) Do you consider yourself a small business? (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Awareness / Registration 85 87 79 85 -- -- -- --
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 83 86 79 85 -- -- -- --
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 84 84 77 84 -- -- -- --
Ease of submitting registration information 86 88 81 86 -- -- -- --
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 90 91 84 86 -- -- -- --
Ease of registration process overall 80 83 73 82 -- -- -- --
Tutorial 82 87 79 84 -- -- -- --
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 82 87 80 84 -- -- -- --
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 84 89 81 86 -- -- -- --
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 78 84 72 81 -- -- -- --
Ease of accessing online resources 82 88 82 86 -- -- -- --
Usefulness of online resources 82 86 81 84 -- -- -- --
Ease of training process overall 80 86 77 85 -- -- -- --
Using E-Verify 89 92 88 90 87 89 90 91
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 88 90 86 88 84 86 88 89
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 89 93 89 90 89 90 90 91
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 92 94 92 92 93 94 94 95
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 87 91 86 89 83 87 88 90
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 74 80 76 81 75 81 84 78
Speed of resolving the case 72 81 76 82 76 81 84 77
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 75 80 76 80 73 82 84 78
Ease of resolving the case 74 81 77 82 76 82 87 78
Photo Matching 93 95 92 96 93 94 95 95
Ease of photo matching process 94 95 93 96 94 94 95 95
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 91 95 92 96 93 94 94 95
Customer Service 91 91 86 89 90 89 96 85
Ease of accessing representative 88 88 86 89 87 89 95 84
Professionalism 91 92 88 90 91 90 95 90
Communication skills 91 90 87 89 90 90 96 87
Ability to understand your questions/issue 91 92 86 89 90 88 95 86
Providing guidance on policy/questions 90 91 85 89 90 86 96 80
Customer Service Prior transfer 83 80 72 84 76 80 93 81
Ease of accessing representative 86 82 69 84 76 78 95 79
Professionalism 88 87 77 86 81 86 96 87
Communication skills 81 82 72 82 78 81 94 83
Ability to understand your questions/issue 78 74 68 84 74 75 88 76
Providing guidance on policy/questions 80 68 69 84 71 72 89 73
Customer Service after Transfer 84 80 77 86 79 84 97 85
Ease of accessing representative 84 82 77 88 79 83 98 84
Professionalism 85 82 78 86 83 88 98 88
Communication skills 85 80 78 85 80 87 97 86
Ability to understand your questions/issue 83 76 76 87 77 81 95 83
Providing guidance on policy/questions 83 77 78 85 74 80 95 82
Within the
last six
Within the
last six to
12 months
One or
two years
More than
two years
(Cross Section) When did your organization enroll with E-Verify?
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Customer Service by Email -- 68 -- 70 -- 66 -- 64
Ability to understand your questions/issue -- 79 -- 71 -- 74 -- 70
The timeliness with which you received a response -- 66 -- 64 -- 54 -- 49
Communication skills in the response you received -- 79 -- 71 -- 77 -- 69
Providing guidance on policy/questions -- 74 -- 70 -- 66 -- 69
Internet Use 75 87 73 85 70 75 68 74
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 75 87 73 85 70 75 68 74
Technical Assistance 87 94 86 95 82 88 93 90
Ease of accessing representative 88 93 87 96 80 85 91 87
Professionalism 88 95 87 94 85 91 94 92
Communication skills 88 94 86 94 83 90 93 91
Ability to understand your questions/issue 86 94 84 97 82 87 92 89
Knowledge of technical issues 86 95 85 96 82 86 94 90
Technical guidance resolving your issue 86 94 85 94 81 86 94 90
Interested in Communicating with Peers 42 37 36 34 39 33 38 35
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 42 37 36 34 39 33 38 35
Satisfaction 82 87 81 84 82 84 84 87
Overall satisfaction 83 87 81 84 82 85 85 89
Meets expectations 83 89 83 84 83 86 85 88
Compared to ideal 82 86 81 83 80 83 83 86
Recommend 82 87 80 85 83 83 87 89
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 82 87 80 85 83 83 87 89
Confident in Accuracy 84 89 82 88 84 87 86 89
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 84 89 82 88 84 87 86 89
Future Participation 93 93 90 91 93 93 96 96
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 93 93 90 91 93 93 96 96
Within the
last six
Within the
last six to
12 months
One or
two years
More than
two years
(Cross Section) When did your organization enroll with E-Verify? (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Awareness / Registration 78 86 83 89 85 86 83 87 71 83 84
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 76 86 84 89 81 87 83 86 71 84 85
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 75 86 83 87 83 85 83 86 69 83 85
Ease of submitting registration information 79 88 88 91 87 88 85 88 71 84 79
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 84 85 86 93 90 88 88 90 77 85 93
Ease of registration process overall 73 87 77 86 82 83 78 82 65 79 76
Tutorial 78 91 84 87 81 86 79 85 74 84 80
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 79 91 84 86 82 86 79 85 76 83 86
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 80 92 87 89 83 87 80 87 78 86 81
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 72 89 78 85 77 83 74 80 70 81 59
Ease of accessing online resources 80 91 87 88 83 87 81 87 75 86 90
Usefulness of online resources 81 90 85 87 81 85 81 84 73 84 88
Ease of training process overall 76 91 82 87 80 86 78 84 71 85 74
Using E-Verify 88 92 90 93 91 92 89 90 86 87 80
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 86 91 88 91 88 89 85 88 81 83 75
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 89 91 90 93 92 92 90 91 88 88 78
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 91 94 93 95 95 96 93 94 91 91 86
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 85 90 87 91 87 90 85 89 83 86 77
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 75 79 82 81 79 80 73 80 -- 77 --
Speed of resolving the case 75 78 83 82 76 80 75 80 -- 77 --
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 75 79 80 81 79 80 71 80 -- 78 --
Ease of resolving the case 77 80 83 82 82 81 74 80 -- 75 --
Photo Matching 93 94 95 95 91 94 95 96 87 92 10
Ease of photo matching process 93 94 95 96 93 94 94 96 87 91 10
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 93 94 94 95 89 93 94 96 88 93 10
Customer Service 89 87 90 88 92 91 86 89 92 86 --
Ease of accessing representative 87 85 88 87 92 91 85 89 88 83 --
Professionalism 91 89 93 91 91 92 87 91 93 88 --
Communication skills 90 87 89 89 91 91 86 91 93 85 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue 90 87 90 89 92 90 84 89 93 87 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions 88 84 89 83 93 90 87 88 93 86 --
Customer Service Prior transfer 82 79 81 82 71 73 84 90 77 75 78
Ease of accessing representative 82 78 83 82 76 68 85 90 74 80 78
Professionalism 86 87
87 87 76 81 86 90 81 74 89
Communication skills 83 81 83 82 69 79 84 89 81 69 78
Ability to understand your questions/issue 80 73 75 81 67 63 81 89 70 80 67
Providing guidance on policy/questions 79 70 76 75 67 68 83 90 78 76 78
Customer Service after Transfer 85 83 87 86 73 81 84 91 83 85 78
Ease of accessing representative 86 83 86 87 73 78 83 92 81 83 78
Professionalism 87 87 90 88 73 85 86 90 81 85 78
Communication skills 85 84 88 86 73 82 85 91 81 85 78
Ability to understand your questions/issue 82 80 85 84 73 79 84 91 85 85 78
Providing guidance on policy/questions 83 79 83 83 73 79 81 89 85 87 78
Once a
week or
Two or
times a
once a
every few
Once or
twice a
(Cross Section) Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify?
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Customer Service by Email -- 58 -- 63 -- 66 -- 79 -- 71 --
Ability to understand your questions/issue -- 75 -- 65 -- 70 -- 83 -- 74 --
The timeliness with which you received a response -- 46 -- 51 -- 54 -- 71 -- 59 --
Communication skills in the response you received -- 72 -- 69 -- 69 -- 80 -- 73 --
Providing guidance on policy/questions -- 71 -- 61 -- 66 -- 79 -- 73 --
Internet Use 67 73 73 85 73 81 72 77 71 67 61
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 67 73 73 85 73 81 72 77 71 67 61
Technical Assistance 83 91 94 93 86 84 83 93 77 85 67
Ease of accessing representative 83 88 93 92 84 81 84 93 78 84 67
Professionalism 86 94 96 94 89 84 82 93 78 84 67
Communication skills 85 93 94 92 86 85 84 93 78 84 67
Ability to understand your questions/issue 83 90 93 92 86 84 84 94 72 91 67
Knowledge of technical issues 84 91 95 93 86 82 81 94 78 84 67
Technical guidance resolving your issue 81 91 96 93 87 85 83 93 78 84 67
Interested in Communicating with Peers 45 43 38 35 41 38 37 31 31 26 17
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 45 43 38 35 41 38 37 31 31 26 17
Satisfaction 82 88 85 88 83 86 83 85 79 82 73
Overall satisfaction 83 89 85 89 84 87 83 86 78 82 72
Meets expectations 84 90 86 89 83 86 84 86 80 83 74
Compared to ideal 79 86 84 87 82 85 82 84 77 81 72
Recommend 85 90 85 89 85 87 82 86 77 80 70
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 85 90 85 89 85 87 82 86 77 80 70
Confident in Accuracy 83 89 86 89 84 89 85 89 81 85 77
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 83 89 86 89 84 89 85 89 81 85 77
Future Participation 94 97 95 96 94 94 91 94 89 90 84
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 94 97 95 96 94 94 91 94 89 90 84
Once a
week or
Two or
times a
once a
every few
Once or
twice a
(Cross Section) Which best describes how frequently you use E-Verify? (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Awareness / Registration 81 85 72 86 82 86
Clarity of instructions on how to enroll 81 85 73 85 80 86
Memorandum of understanding makes responsibilities and next steps clear 80 84 74 83 80 81
Ease of submitting registration information 84 87 70 87 74 82
Speed of receiving User Name, Password and E-Verify Web Address 86 88 75 88 91 92
Ease of registration process overall 76 82 66 88 89 88
Tutorial 80 85 82 86 77 88
Helpfulness of information in User Manual 81 85 82 87 78 89
Ease of taking online training in terms of understanding content 82 87 82 88 77 89
Ease of completing online training in terms of time required 74 82 78 82 76 87
Ease of accessing online resources 82 87 83 87 75 89
Usefulness of online resources 81 85 82 87 77 89
Ease of training process overall 78 85 81 86 76 87
Using E-Verify 88 90 90 90 88 88
Ease of navigating the E-Verify site 86 88 87 89 86 86
Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify 89 91 91 90 86 88
Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify 93 94 94 93 92 89
Clarity of next steps as described in the response 85 89 86 89 86 88
Tentative Nonconfirmation Resolution 77 80 80 81 78 74
Speed of resolving the case 77 80 78 80 77 74
Clarity of communications about the steps involved in the resolution process 76 80 79 82 79 74
Ease of resolving the case 79 81 83 82 79 73
Photo Matching 93 95 94 94 90 95
Ease of photo matching process 94 95 94 94 90 96
Helpfulness in preventing fraud 93 95 94 95 89 95
Customer Service 88 88 98 88 87 78
Ease of accessing representative 87 88 96 86 83 74
Professionalism 90 91 98 88 91 76
Communication skills 88 89 98 89 91 78
Ability to understand your questions/issue 88 89 99 87 83 83
Providing guidance on policy/questions 88 86 98 86 83 80
Customer Service Prior transfer 81 81 91 81 58 66
Ease of accessing representative 82 81 93 79 58 51
Professionalism 86 87 93 88 64 87
Communication skills 82 82 92 84 56 80
Ability to understand your questions/issue 77 77 89 82 53 44
Providing guidance on policy/questions 77 75 89 68 58 50
Customer Service after Transfer 85 85 95 81 58 85
Ease of accessing representative 85 84 96 78 58 87
Professionalism 87 88 96 84 61 91
Communication skills 85 85 96 83 61 91
Ability to understand your questions/issue 84 82 92 81 53 78
Providing guidance on policy/questions 82 82 96 78 53 69
General User
Agency or
(Cross Section) Which best describes your organization?
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Sample Size
Customer Service by Email -- 67 -- 53 -- 79
Ability to understand your questions/issue -- 73 -- 62 -- 83
The timeliness with which you received a response -- 56 -- 42 -- 83
Communication skills in the response you received -- 75 -- 56 -- 78
Providing guidance on policy/questions -- 69 -- 60 -- 72
Internet Use 70 78 74 85 81 62
Interested to use the Internet rather than having to call or email E-Verify 70 78 74 85 81 62
Technical Assistance 86 91 91 90 76 84
Ease of accessing representative 85 89 89 89 80 82
Professionalism 88 93 90 92 78 80
Communication skills 87 92 92 91 78 82
Ability to understand your questions/issue 86 90 92 90 73 91
Knowledge of technical issues 86 91 90 90 76 84
Technical guidance resolving your issue 86 91 90 88 69 84
Interested in Communicating with Peers 37 33 50 43 47 46
Interested in communicating with peers about E-Verify or using the system 37 33 50 43 47 46
Satisfaction 82 85 85 88 80 86
Overall satisfaction 82 86 85 89 82 87
Meets expectations 83 86 86 89 82 86
Compared to ideal 81 84 83 85 77 84
Recommend 83 85 90 89 81 85
How likely would you be to recommend the E-Verify program to others 83 85 90 89 81 85
Confident in Accuracy 84 88 85 90 82 90
How confident are you in the accuracy of the E-Verify program 84 88 85 90 82 90
Future Participation 92 94 95 95 93 93
Likelihood to continue to participate in the E-Verify program in the future 92 94 95 95 93 93
General User
Agency or
(Cross Section) Which best describes your organization? (cont.)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q1a. How did you first learn about E-Verify (Other)
a colleague told me to look online for a website that is free that will verify documentation
a company we do work for, required that we do E-Verify
A federal contractor we wanted to do business with required it.
A grant we were applying for required that we be members of E-Verify
a job required E-Verify on our employees, we didn't know about it.
a potential client requires all their business associates to use E-verify
a requirement of a government contract
A technician works in my company needs to extend her practical training and needs E-verify ID
Accountant (3)
ADP Payroll
agents from Homeland Security
Alabama's Stupid New Immigration Law
An Applicant
Another company that used E-Verify
Arizona's new law for business'
Association of County Commissioners
at a NACO workshop
Attorney (2)
Attorney's Firm
AZ Law
Background check company
Basic Pilot Participant
Bell Helicopter
City of Murrieta required it for business license renewals
Class at local Vo-Tech School
Client Referral
Client requirement
Company Controller
Company I contract with requires i use it
Company that we have a contract with
Construction Project Requirement
Contract Requirement (2)
Contract requirement prompted research
Contract requirement with General Contractor
Contract Requirements
Contract specification
Contract with FedEx required
Contractor-W.W.Gay Mechanical Contr., Inc.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Contractual requirement, as hiring process, my predecessor & her boss decided.
Contracting agency
Corporate attorney of my former employer
Corporate office
Corporate office did research to ensure compliance
Costco started using E-Verify
Customer required it
Customer required suppliers to comply
Customer required we be signed up with E-verify
Customer requirement (2)
DES Child Support Office
Devereux Corporate Human Resources
DOE requirement
Don't recall
Don't recall, has been years ago
Don't remember (3)
During Graduate school
Edge Information System
EEO/AAP Consultant
EEOC Conference
Email notifications
E-Verify contacted us to see if we would participate in their pilot program.
FAR Clause in Federal contract
Federal Contract
Federal job requirement
Federal subcontractor requirement
FedEx requirement
FEMA contract for EMS ambulance response to disasters.
FL Governor requires us to participate
Former Employer Corporate HR
Fox News
Fred Pryor Seminar
Friend (2)
Friend mentioned it and I Googled.
From a friend at ICE
From General Services Administration Contracting
From our CPA
General Contractor doing work for government agency in Mississippi
General contractor requirement
General Service Administration
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
Google search
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Googled and researched results
Government Job Contractor
Government contract requirement
Government contracts
Governor said to do it.
Gov't sub contract
Grant requires that we participate
GSA (2)
GSA Contract (2)
Had a Non-Resident Alien issue and thought it was mandatory.
Have used since 2005.
HR Association
HR Conference
HR Consultant
HR Corporate office of former employer
HR Seminar regarding upcoming changes
HR Training, former employers
HSI RAC Representative
Hurlburt Field
I actually don't remember where I heard about it.
I do not remember anymore. I have been using E-Verify for a very long time because we are a Federal
I don't recall
I don't remember
I have been aware of this program since its inception.
I have been using so long can not remember
I re-searched issue on the web for program for my company
I used e-Verify with the last company I worked at.
I used it at a previous employer
I used it at my last company
I was filling out the I-9 by hadn’t a long time ago then received information that it can be done on line.
immigration attorney firm
Immigration Counsel
Immigration lawyer
Immigration lawyer for our company
In place when I started working here
Indiana Industry Liaison Group (IILG)
Information from contractor
Information from Franchisor Dunkin' Brands
Information from our lawyer
Information from payroll service
Information in a newsletter from a law firm
Information related to OPT STEM extension
International student interns
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Invitation to participate in pilot program
Job Requirement
knowledge from previous company
Labor Attorney
Legal counsel
Library book
Local HR org
Local senate
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
MO Governor mandated that all state agencies would utilize this system for verification of authorization
to work in the US.
My Accountant
My company was a part of the pilot group.
My last place of employment at Gov't Office
My lawyer
My payroll company
NC Office of State Personnel
Needed to sign up for contract agreement
Newport News Northrop Grumman
Newport News Shipbuilding required us as a vendor of there's to us E-Verify
Newspaper article (2)
Notified that we were required to participate
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Recommendation for use
Office of Immigrant Worker Compliance
One of our attorneys is an immigrations lawyer who advised us that we need to do this.
One of our General Contractors required it
One Source Background Checking Company
Other contractor
Our accountants
Our Attorney
Our company volunteered for the Pilot Program in 2001
Our Employment Law attorney
Our Gaming Commission from Ohkay Owingeh
Our Labor Attorney
Our payroll company
Our risk management company
outside contracted jobs required that our employees be e-verified
Paychex HR
Payroll Company
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Payroll processing company
Payroll seminar
Payroll Seminar
Phone call to SS administration
Presentation by an immigration attorney
Previous company
Previous employer (3)
Previous employer's corp. office
Previous job
Prior Company
Prior employer
Proposal for one of our projects required this criteria be met
Recommended by potential customer
Required by Arizona state employment laws
Required by Contracting with Federal Bureau of Prisons
Required by customer - USDOE Contractor
Required by law
Required by local or state governments to participate in order to contract to them.
Required by one of our clients
Required by State Law of Arizona
Required for a government contract the company has.
required for a specific contract
required to employ folks on OPT (F-1 visa, optional practical training)
requirement for a construction job we did.
Requirement for Affirmative Action Plan
Requirement of Contract with Government Money
Requirement on a Federal Contract
Requirement for grant we received
ResCare Homecare
School I was visiting in GA required it
SHRM (8)
SHRM and my local SHRM (SHRM-JC)
SHRM membership for HR professionals
SHRM Seminar
Social Security Admin.
Social Security Seminar
Society for Human Resource Management
Society of Human Resources
Some contract require us to E-Verify
State law (2)
State law required participation. It has since been repealed.
State mandate
State of AZ
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
State of Maine Dept of Labor
State of TN
State requires private employers to e-verify. We are local govt but thought it would be a good idea to e-
State unemployment program
Subcontract FAR requirement flow-downs
Suggested by franchise
Supervisor used E-Verify in previous position
The company I contract for used e-verify
The company I used to work for voluntarily participated in the Pilot Program when E-Verify was first
The company that our company contracts with: FedEx Ground
The president of our company asked me to look into it, I do not know how he heard about it
The program/system was used with a former employer.
The state of Arizona
The State of Utah passed a law requiring us to enroll and participate. The frustration is there is no
penalty for not complying
Through our training grant LEA
Thru the MS AGC
Trade association
Used at last employer
Used e-verify previously with other company
Used E-Verify System previously
Used it at my previous employment
Used service in previous employment
User at my previous employer
Vendor requirement by one of our customers
Voluntarily signed up when it was Web BP
Wal-mart vendor contract
We began using E-verify b/c we were seeking federal contracts and knew it would be required once we
We got the CD from an HR Conference.
We had been asking for it for years and were actually turned down as a participant during the pilot
we have been on e-verify since it started. We had a change in ownership so had to start over with new
EIN number
We participated in the DHS/SSA Database Pilot Program and have been with the system since 2005
We participated in the Pilot program several years ago. Heard about it from another employer.
We provide HR services to several federal agencies who are required to participate.
We started as a volunteer w/Pilot Program in 2002
We were asked to provide employment verification through the E Verify site by Contract whom we were
working for at the time
We were part of the Pilot Program back in 2002
Went to an HR seminar - got the info
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
When I first worked at my last company, we were part of the pilot program and I brought the program to
my current company
Worked at an office that used it
Worked for US Census last year
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q1b. If your company participates in E-Verify because it is required to do so, how did you learn
about that requirement?
A Federal Job Requirement
A government contract required all workers to participate in
ACCG Training Classes
Affiliated county government association
Application for GSA Contract
Army & air force exchange contractor
as part of doing business with the county we had to participate
AZ State Government
Bill enacted in 2008 in the state of Mississippi
Can't remember (3)
CARF Accreditation Process
City Attorney
City Government contract document
City requires us to use e-verify
Client told me I had to enroll
Communication from state
Company Attorney
Company that completes out background screenings
Company we contract for.
Contract Administrator
Contract details
Contract documents
Contract from a Prime
Contract mod by US Government
Contract Modification Requiring Participation
Contract Proposal Requirement
Contract requirement (4)
Contract requirement for potential client
Contract requirement from customer
Contracting office at Fort Bragg, N.C.
Contractual Documents
Contractual obligations requiring our employees provide proof of citizenship, prompted us to find a tool
for that requirement.
Contractual requirement for MOS
Corp office of company we contract with
Correspondence from SHRM (Professional HR organization)
Criteria in State contract
Customer required
Department of Labor
Dept of Senior Services
Designated in contract requirements
Division of Workforce Development
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Do not recall
DOD Contract
Doing Federal background checks for security clearance
Don't remember
Employment Law conference
FAR clause on our government contract
FAR clauses, government contracts
Fed Ex requires all contractors to enroll in the program.
Federal contract requirement
Fort Bragg compliance office
From a General Contractor
From government agency
From our government contacts
Funding Organization
funding sources
General Contractor sent materials
Georgia Municipal Association
Government Contract
Government Contract Regulations
Government contract requirements
Government contracts
Grant provider
GSA (3)
GSA Contract Amendment
GSA contract notification
GSA contract requirement
GSA Schedule update
HR Attorney
HR Educational Seminars
Human Resources Association
I can't remember
I do not recall
I do not remember specifically
I don't remember (2)
I really do not remember how we learned about it, I guess it was publically talked about in the media?
Immigration Attorney
Information came from our state agency (Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services)
Information from General Contractor we wished to do business with.
information from the Governor's Office
information from the State of Missouri
Information from those we have contract with
Information gleaned at conferences and attorney
Information in Subcontract Agreement
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Information provided in our JOBZ contract
Information related to our Federal Contract
Information sent by State of Indiana
Information sent out by State of Colorado
Information stated in our government contract
Information that came with our contract
Informational sessions that was presented by Federal representatives at the University of Hawaii
ITAR Attorney
Knew the law was changing soon and we Googled how to verify an employee
Labor Attorney's firm bulletin
Language in our contract
Legal guidance
Letter from Federal Contract Owner
Letter from state of RI
Link provided by organization with which we have a contract
Listed as a State requirement
Local Agency
Local County Government
Local Federal Housing Authority
Local law enforcement required me to do so for contract
Management Resources Association
MBA Education
MO Department of Revenue
MO State Food Program
MS State Personnel Board
News Article
Newspaper (2)
NISH program
Notification from state agency
Notified by Federal department holding contract
Office of Personnel Management
One of our providers notified us.
Our accountant
Our attorney(2)
Our business clients required E-Verify
Our lawyer
Past work experience
Payroll processor
Prime Contractor on Federal Contract
Prime contractor requirement
Read the contract that said we needed to E-Verify
Reading the new Alabama law
Received a contract with the E-Verify clause called out.
Received an email with 'legal' updates
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Request for proposal
Required as part of government contract
required by a sub-contract we were awarded
required for city bid
Required under Government contract
Requirement of contract
Sandia National Labs website
Specified in Contract
Specified in federal/state bid solicitation
Specified in government contract modification
State and Local government grant
State Contract Requirement
State Employment Office
State Government office
State Human Resources Office
State Law information
State law passed - we are quasi state.
State law purchasing requirements
State of Arizona sent a letter
State of CO staff-contractor
State of Florida Bid Advertisement - Request for Proposal
State of GA asked for me to be a test pilot location for TCSG
State of Georgia Contract Requirement
State of Missouri
State required all public employers to participate
State website
Terms of our business loan require it, the bank informed us when we applied for the loan
The City that we work in sent a letter,
The first requirement came through a customer contract.
The requirement was written into our contract for local funding
The requirements for a job site/ learned in contract
The state funder
Through a Federal Grant we received
Through contracts.
Through GSA Registration Process
Thru federal grant contracts
U.S. Forest Service contracts that I bid.
Unfortunately I do not remember where I got started but it was possibly an email
United States Senate Employment Office
US Dept of Transportation (grantor)
US Forest Service (2)
Used it at my other job
Was notified that it would be a contractual requirement and had the option to initiate participation
voluntarily before it was actually required
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
We are a state agency - Office of Personnel Management notified us
We were subcontractors - General Contractor Required it.
Went to your website to read requirements
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q2. Why did your company sign up for E-Verify?
Alabama's Stupid New Immigration Law
All TIMCO divisions were required to participate in the DHS/SSA Database Pilot Program per our
Parent Company
As far as I could remember it was a voluntary pilot program and we felt it was important to do
everything possible to streamline and automate our processes.
At one time we were subcontracting to some fellows from Bosnia. We wanted to be sure they were on
the right side. Also immigrant seem to be the future of trucking.
Began as required by Arizona and then expanded to use nationally
Belief that it would soon be a requirement
Believed all employers were required to use E-Verify
Believed it was going to be mandated in the future and potential that our company could take on federal
contracts at some point
Believed it would be required by gov. contracts soon and wanted to be ready
Believed more efficient than I-9 alone
Best efforts to comply w/laws
By a non-citizen employee who needed to renew his work permit
By request of our employee who needed to have our company register
City of Murrieta required it for business license renewals for our Massage Therapists
Company was part of the pilot program.
Complete and thorough way to make sure we are compliant overall
Corporate Office signed an IMAGE agreement and participation in Basic Pilot was a requirement
Corporate office suggested this site
Decision was made before I started my position
Don't know
EEO audit necessitated
Employee was required to be employed by a company that used e-verify. So to hire him - we signed up.
Employee with OPT status required it
FAR clause
FedEx Ground required it to continue business relationship
FedEx required
Felt it was the best way to verify and made since to do so
For an RFP that required it
For my technician to extend her practical training
General Contractor required it
General Contractor wanted everyone on the job site checked.
H1 Visa employee
H1B candidates
Have been using SSN On-Line verification but this is more through and protects us better
Help to keep illegals from getting jobs or wanting to be here illegally
Hired OPT
HQ required all offices to comply
I am part of federal government
I believe it was because it is required by the state but not sure if they committed before it was required.
I do not know
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I felt more confident in making hires - that they were legitimate.
I thought it is required
I thought it was mandatory
I thought it was mandatory.
I thought we were supposed to.
I was not here when company signed up for E-verify
I wasn't here when we enrolled, so this is my best guess.
I’m a FedEx contractor and they require that we do it.
I’m not sure
In addition to verification process, this site was recommended for use by a grantor of our not-for-profit
In anticipation of federal government contracts
In case of employees filing for OPT STEM extension
Interns on OPT are required to submit E-verify number to their schools for I 20 form authorizing work
It is my understanding that all employers will be required to use E-Verify. I verify all new employees
social security numbers and E-Verify does this for me.
It was a contractual obligation.
It was easier to verify through E-Verify than to do SSA verification alone
It was encouraged by our employment attorney
It was our understanding that we were required, however, it turned out we are not, but decided to
continue using it anyway to be consistent.
It's a good tool.
It's the right thing to do
Just thought it was the right thing to do
Knew it would be included in future contracts
Knew it would be required before long. We decided to stay 'ahead' of the game.
Local University uses E-Verify and requires us to for hiring of students to work for us
Mandated by Governor of Missouri for all state agencies
Mentioned by an employee
My payroll company recommended I do so
Needed to verify a work visa
New hire could only work for an employer who participated with E-Verify. And we figured it would be
beneficial for the business in the future.
Newport News Northrop Grumman requirements
Not really sure the reasoning behind it, but it is very useful.
NRC recommendation as part of unescorted access authorization at nuclear power plant
Option for South Carolina Immigration Act
Our clients are required to do so by law so we needed to do so also
Our corp. was using when I was hired in HR
Our Gaming Commission suggested we use this
Parent company highly suggested that we do sign up.
Per Labor Attorney Request
Possible law in Fremont, NE
Potential for contract business requiring participation
Potential government business we may acquire, so decided to start using it
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Previous use of E-Verify
Previously done by our Corporate office, but now done in each branch office.
Recommended at an HR Seminar
Required by Franchisor
Required by our FL Governor
Required by potential employee(s) for OPT visa
Required by state law
Required for GSA Contractors
Required to hire folks on optional practical training (a status given for F-1 visa, after they finish their
Required to receive grant money
Required to sign up for an employee's OPT visa extension.
Required to use E-verify since we have OPT associates
Seemed like the right thing to do (I am a home employer)
SEVIS OPT application asks for E-verify acct
Simply to be sure and doing the best we can on backgrounds before we hire someone.
Since we are national and several states required, decided to implement co. wide versus wait on state
Some of our programs within our State department have federal contracts with the clause requiring use
of E-verify
State of Alabama will soon require
State requires private employers to e-verify. We are local govt but thought it would be a good idea to e-
Tax incentive
Thought it was now required by all employers not just contractors
Thought it would be more effective and efficient
To do our part in compliance for local gov. law.
To enable us to better manage our process
To ensure that illegal immigrants are never hired since we believe that illegal immigration is ruining our
country and since the Federal Govt is not enforcing the laws.
To file a green card application for an employee
To insure we didn't employee illegals
To satisfy an employee's request
To satisfy an employee's request
To understand first-hand how it is to used and help clients use it at their companies.
To verify worker's authorization to legally work
Training grant requirement
Wanted to be sure we were legal and could make wiser choices.
wanted to make sure our new employees are who they said they were
wanted to make sure the SSN's provided to us were correct
Wanted to put into place prior to it being required
Was checking social security numbers with the SSA anyway so thought it would be more thorough
checking it through E-Verify
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Was necessary for some grants
We are a state govt agency
We are now required to as a federal contractor, but initially it helped our employees on optional
practical training F visa extend their OPT time
We believe in complying with the immigration laws of our country.
We had an employee that needed us to participate
We have one location that it is mandatory so we made it companywide.
We knew that correctly following I-9 instructions would not ferret out bogus documentation and we
would still be hiring illegals.
We knew we would be required soon
We thought it was required.
We were hiring lots of people weekly and doing verifications with the SS office by letter
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q3b. Why do you say that? (If your company was no longer required to use E-Verify, those not
too likely or not at all likely to continue to use it)
99.9% of the people in our area that perform the work we do are US citizens.
Added expense with little or no value.
Added layer of effort
Additional extra work and administrative processes.
Additional work load and papers to be filed
Adds one more task to the hiring process and I am a one person department. Also prevent us from
starting a new employee unless i am in the office for the 3 day processing requirement
All employees are required to complete the I-9 form and provide identification. Through the Social
Security Administration we have only had one Social Security number come back and it was because a
number was transposed not because the person was not approved to work in the United States.
All my employees require high level security clearances, and are required to be US Citizens. Since all
my candidates already have clearances, I already know they are US citizens.
All of our employees require government clearances so their citizenship and right to work in the US is
verified through that process.
All our employees belong to a union and must carry a union card, must be legal residents
Almost our entire employee population has a security clearance - it is just additional work for us.
Already using I-9 to verify.
Although it is useful, its an extra step in the onboarding process
Am in an area and business that doesn't seem to have problems
An additional step; however, it is effective.
Another burden for this very small business to undertake
Another step that wastes time.
Any time you can reduce the amount of administrative expenses and workloads the better.
As payrolls shrink and job responsibilities grow this additional step requires a large up-front investment
of time (training on-site users and admins) for what is essentially a duplicative task.
Because every time I log on I have to invent a new password and then last time I had to do a really
obnoxious tutorial. I wanted to do a 3 minute task and it took me 30 minutes to go through all the red
tape. The idea is not bad, but the inconvenience is horrible.
Because I have only one employee.
Because if I still work for the company, and they decided not to use I would have to follow the company
Because it does not accomplish anything.
Because it duplicates the I9 process
Because it is a hassle to get on. The password change complication.
Because it is not intuitive and it's difficult to use. Also most of the people we work with are
contractors/freelancers and we have very few actual employees.
Because it is not required. We don't often incorporate extra work into our processes unnecessarily
Because it is too labor intensive for just a simple task.
Because it makes verifying employment authorization easier and faster.
Because its a pain and we are a small nonprofit
Because it's a waste of my time!
Because it's just another government regulation
Because of the ease if use
Because of your stupid password requirements. You have stupid rules about what a password can
contain and then you make me change the password too often
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Because the illegal immigrants have more rights than the citizens of the USA. The illegals get more
money and the person trying to make a living is being discriminated against.
Because the people here are required to get DOE clearances so would not feel the need to use it.
Because the terms that we as employers must agree to are absurd. This is not a NAZI state but you
wouldn't know it after reading them.
Because they are other ways to capture illegals. Why do you have to verify U.S. citizens? If someone
can't provide the correct documentation then I could see E-Verify them, not everyone you hire. Look in
the school system and see the number of children that can't even speak our language or receive some
type of benefit (i.e. food stamps)and we are suppose accommodate
Because using E-verify is a requirement to our company by Federal Government, and our company
complies with the requirement, if the requirement is no longer required then I personally don't see the
reason to use it.
Because we already verify anyone's eligibility to work for us with our own in house procedures.
Because we are a very small company having less than 50 employees during our peak season, and
most are hired out of a local union hall or by word of mouth. We do not advertise for employees.
Because we would have no reason to do it
Believe I9 is sufficient.
Checks on the employee
Citizenship is not a priority when hiring
Concerned with the quality of information I will am receiving back from the system about new hires that
were entered in.
Constantly changing password etc.
Cumbersome, not reliable.
Does not give enough time to enroll new hire. 3 days is not long enough
Don't like to have to update training on it so often.
Duplication of the I-9 form. We should do one or the other. Not both.
Duplicative effort with background checks.
E verify seems to be a duplication of other state requirements and causes more administrative work.
Employment eligibility is basically already determined by Federal background investigations prior to on-
E-Verify continues to have significant issues with accuracy and a lack of ability to keep illegal aliens
from getting through the system. When data is sent that is found to be incorrect and we contact E-
Verify to get the information corrected, we are told to just keep our own records and they make no
attempt to correct wrong data such as DOB, misspelled names and other critical information. We are
much likely to go with a company who has a better way to increase the accuracy of data through proven
technology and processes. We suspect that there is a growing number of illegal immigrants who have
found a way to overcome E-Verify's processes and obtain legal work authorization status by using
relatives' data or stolen data.
E-Verify has a margin of error that causes extra work on the part of HR and our new hires, which they
generally don't have time to deal with.
Extra step from our original process.
Extra step in employment orientation process
Extremely slim chance of hiring non-citizen
Here in the Office of International Affairs our staff is knowledgeable of immigration requirements and
documents. We also complete the still required paper I-9 forms with a high degree of accuracy. We
strive to complete the paper I-9's within 3 days of employment. Given all the other compliance related
tasks involved with bringing in a new international employee it is very difficult to also complete E-Verify
within the same three days. Further it is a duplication of the paper I-9 that is already done. An added
frustration for our office is that ALL participants in our own J-1 Exchange Visitor Program are subject in
E-Verify to processing that requires at least one day and most receive a 'Tentative Non-Confirmation'
decision involving follow up with the employee as well as with Department of Homeland Security. It is
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
frustrating that since we issued the J-1 document, are familiar with the documents, and are responsible
for SEVIS 'validation,' and therefore know for a fact that a given J-1 exchange visitor is legally present
and legally eligible to work we must still follow up until an electronic system decides to agree with us. In
the 2.5 years we have used E-Verify we have NEVER discovered an employee who was not eligible to
work. For us E-Verify is additional 'busy' work that accomplishes no objective other than to comply and
sucks up staff time that could better be used on other projects.
Human capital is difficult to obtain to work in our career field. If they can supply the correct paperwork
to work, I would hire them. We have not had 1 person screened that failed the e-verify compliance
I am a sole proprietor of my business, and it seems like overkill for me to go through this process when
I've been invited to visit a school to work with elementary students.
I am already reporting new hires for state, now new hires for the federal government. I feel it is a
duplicate process for small offices.
I am an employee and would only do what is required only.
I am guessing: because we are very small and my time as administrator costs my boss money.
I am in a small niche in an industry and know the status of my employees at the time they are
I am quite certain that the people we hire are authorized to work in the US. I check their documents as
required by Form I-9. E-Verify is time consuming for a small company, especially when a site feature
has changed and a tutorial and test have to be completed before starting a new case.
I believe it's the right thing to do to ensure identity & legal status of individuals wanting to work in the
I believe that we do not have any illegal immigrates in our RURAL area.
I believe we are able to complete the I-9 effectively without additional verification. We verify SSN as
I can take employee info. Since I am in no way responsible for its authenticity, I will take my employees
word that their documentation is legal. After all, I have been told this is a federal responsibility, not my
states or mine, so I will stay out of it until the I have to and if there's a question, I can always dismiss a
questionable employee for any reason.
I can verify my employees status using documents presented, without the hassle of using E-Verify. One
more time consuming government requirement my business must be burdened with.
I don't make that decision - our main office does.
I feel it is an invasion of privacy
I feel that having a completed I-9 form should suffice
I haven't found it to be a very valuable tool.
I know the people who work for us and I know they are not illegal aliens.
I think it is important to screen those for the requirements for employment.
I think the already existing I-9 verification requirements allowed us to sufficiently verify prospective
employees' legal working status.
I think the old system of completing the I-9 was sufficient
I usually know the people we hire, it's a small industry, and not one that immigrants typically are
working in.
I very rarely have a new hire and I usually have known these people all of their lives.
I work for the company and follow their guidelines/policies.
I would not continue using the E-Verify, because the company policy.
I would not have access to use the E verify website if company does not use it, but would definitely
suggest the organization to use it.
I would only use it if I am required to use it for job compliance.
If it is not required, why do it.
If It's
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I'm doubtful of the program's efficacy; there are likely better things the federal gov can spend time and
money on.
It doesn’t prevent illegal aliens from gaining employment and exposes our company to hiring people
who use forged documents. And why open ourselves to that exposure and pay for the time to
administer it too.
It does not provide me with anything that I don't already have.
It does not seem to be very effective
It doesn't provide a value-add to our company. Rather, it is another government-mandated
administrative burden.
It is a cost with no benefit to us. We have our own internal procedure for confirming citizenship.
it is a government requirement. One more thing to do with limited personnel
It is a time consuming requirement
It is absolutely unnecessary. We are more than capable of verifying citizenship with current forms of ID.
IT is an added administrative task.
It is an additional database and process to onboard a New Hire.
It is an additional hiring step that could be avoided. Also, every time the site is updated I have to take
another tutorial and pass another test to continue using the site.
It is an extra burden on our small business and we have a very low turnover and less than 20
It is another form of discrimination.
it is difficult to use
It is extremely cumbersome and difficult to use
It is inconvenient and time consuming.
It is inconvenient to have to contact the employee's who work in the field in step process's for
signatures and date limits.
It is just an extra step
It is not a user friendly program.
It is one more step to remember to do. Takes more time.
It is one more task to complete and manage in the hiring process.
It is pointless. You don't verify someone in less than 2 seconds. And you don't follow up on it.
It is stupid. does not weed out questionable people
It is time consuming.
It is too difficult to resolve issues that occasionally come up which delays hiring for too long.
It is too time consuming.
It is unnecessary and time consuming.
It requires a lot more steps than are needed to fill out a Form i-9
It seems to be an inefficient and incomplete system when some companies are required to participate,
and others have a choice of whether to or not. Meaning, it is a 'hit & miss' program.
It takes a lot of data pulling to get the list of those that are new hires as applicable.
It takes too much time
It takes too much time. The continuing training required when changes are made on the website is a
waste of time - I could easily figure it out, but I can't bypass the training to do the work. Also, we are in
a very rural area where everyone is known so it is really unnecessary for us except that it is Nebraska
state law that the Village does it.
It was a total pain and very time consuming. We are not in a business where there is a one in a million
chance of hiring a non-U.S. Citizen.
It would release my time to do other things.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
It's a fairly quick system to use, but I have enough other employment paperwork to do that it feels like
an additional burden
It's a hassle to enter the information.
It's a hassle. It's much easier to just fill out the paperwork and file away.
It's a pain to use. It's complicated and time consuming. The added items in the tutorial was crazy. I feel
it's a waste of time for my company.
It's a requirement for federal employment. If they do away with the requirement it will probably be
because there is a different system that they want us to use.
Its added work for a company
It's a lot of work to go thru when employees come and go like flies.
It's an extra step in hiring process and prefer autonomy.
It's another step in processing new hires, most of which are done by email or fax. When we filled out
the I-9s, it was easier. Our work force comes from a union hall so we've never hired anyone
It's just one more thing to add to new hire list, which is already large.
It’s not bad as long as someone gives us valid information. If someone doesn't it is a pain and time
consuming to take the action needed to verify the information with the employee and wait for them to
give us correct info. Each time I have gone through all that work the employee ends up quitting anyway.
I've never had a problem with illegal employees or those working illegally in the US
Just another added layer of time consuming bureaucracy forced on much time is spent
verifying the same information for payroll Davis Bacon act, ARRA, EEO requirements - it's cumbersome
and borderline ridiculous
Just another duplicative step for us in a highly regulated and licensed industry anyway.
Just another step in the orientation, hiring process.
Just another thing for us to have to check.
Kirby-Smith does not find it
Low employee turnover and we hire mostly degreed employees.
Low turnover, Feels intrusive
Management Decision
More government duplication! Wasted tax dollars and time when SSA can validate SSN's. Money better
spent on preventing illegals to start with.
More paperwork
Most employees are cleared contractors
Most employees have other, more thorough background checks
Most of our employees are here on the H2B program. These workers go though an extensive process
at the US Consulate to be able to come, so we already know those workers are legally eligible to work
in the US.
Most of our employees are required by Dept. of Elder Affairs to be fingerprinted and have a background
Most of our employees have security clearances, which means we are not required to complete the E-
Verify process for them anyway. This makes it difficult to remember that E-Verify is a required step on
the rare occasion that we do hire someone without a clearance.
My company no longer exists.
my employees are all obvious U.S. Persons and have been with company for quite a while. new
employees are similar, I am not in a high risk area.
My service is very specific and limited
New Hire process for a newly appointed applicant to the State is extremely long. Therefore, any
modifications made to make the process not as long would be followed.
Not my job to police
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Not necessary. Takes time away from being able to do other things. Unsure if system is entirely
Not sure it adds any value. We have never found a problem with an employee.
Not sure of the effectiveness of the program.
Onboarding process is so time consuming.
one more form to handle
Other corporate entities in States that do not require e-verify do not use e-verify. For consistency sake
among affiliated companies would probably discontinue use.
Our business is a family business so I know all employees have a right to work in the United States
because they are wife and kids.
Our city is very small and in 16 years I have never seen the city hire anyone that isn't known around
Our company hires employees that have or have had in the past security clearances so I do not believe
that it is necessary in our business
Our company hires few individuals yearly. Most of our positions are for part-time employment and it
seems this task should be completed through the state's new hire reporting mechanism rather than
force businesses to be involved in enforcement actions.
Our company only participates because it is required. We have 15 companies throught out the US and
it requires a great deal of extra work for our office professionals.
Our employees are required to have background checks through the FAA/TSA.
Our employees are state employees already. Their eligibility is verified through the state.
Our employees are usually from around the area.
Our field does not have a lot of turnover and the organization has not had any issues to date with
citizenship in its vicinity. I think if we were in a different locality though, that might be a totally different
Our home office in California does not use E-Verify as it is not required. We in Arizona use it as we are
Our labor base in this area is comprised of U.S. Citizens; illegal aliens do not apply for government
Our policy requires a much more intensive background check
Philosophically uncomfortable with the requirement
Primarily because of the 3-day rule of the system. We focus our energies on onboarding new hires
correctly and doing the I9. E-Verify is an additional step and somewhat redundant to I9.
Prior to E-Verify, my company had in place a very effective process to verify a person's right to work.
And, we are a gov't contractor where our employees have security clearances that require US
citizenship. E-Verify is redundant for us
Rarely hire anyone who I do not personally know.
Redundant with W9 for our purposes. Not redundant for Federal govt purposes. Does not meet our
needs. Use one or the other but not both and you will meet our needs.
Seems to not have an impact on our business practices in our area.
Seems unnecessary
Small sub-contractor with well known employees.
Sole proprietor with a Passport. Why should I need more paperwork or proof simply to bid on a job?
Clearly vital for SOME industries; excessive and invasive regulation in my situation.
Staffing issues and volume of work, this is an extra step that is time consuming.
Stringent requirements add little value to determining citizenship status
System is very cumbersome to use
Takes more time than just filling out forms.
Takes too much time.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The company does not hire very often and the password is very complicated. It changes often and is a
pain to generate a new one. I have spent more time with the password process than verifying
The government should be policing its borders, not employers.
The I-9 form is adequate for confirming employment eligibility. We are a small employer and only hire a
few people each year.
The I-9 is a required form in the hiring process. I require & check the documents provided by my Newly
hired employees.
The nature of our hiring process makes the 3-day E-Verify requirement very difficult to manage. We
hire at regional locations, but HR paperwork is completed at a central headquarters. Also we train
employees but they are not hired until we have a job opening for them at which time they are no longer
at our central location. This system does not mesh well with the E-Verify structure. Finally our federal
contract requires us to retroactively E-Verify employees and the majority of our workforce does not live
in our headquarters city.
The number of government regulations requiring compliance time has increased exponentially in the
last few years. I sometimes feel like I work more for the government than for the company that pays my
The scope of running the people has grown beyond the original mandate. We now have to enter more
details re: passport matching, Driver License documentation. This has added and in some cases
double the time to run a person through the system. I am not happy it has grown in scope after we
were promised it would be a quick and easy tool when this was mandated to federal contractors.
The steps for hiring employees, mandated by the government are getting more and more extreme.
Between E-Verify, All the Paper Work (Required from way back..), State Employee reporting
requirements, and the additional 'costs' of hiring an employee - insurance, taxes (matching what they
don't even contribute for FICA), High Unemployment Rates, High Insurance Rates, etc. - all these steps
combined cost employers more money than the employee is worth. We have refrained from New Hires,
on the basis of all these requirements. We CAN'T afford to keep getting Mandated on how to run our
business, especially by a government who can't run their own.
The system can be a bit labor intensive.
The system is very cumbersome and not very useful in our industry.
The system required us to thoroughly train and then re-train periodically. Our per hire cost is currently
running between $400 and $800. We were perfectly able to administer I-9 forms and follow the
procedures before E-Verify. It is an unnecessary burden to small business.
The system, though useful, is backwards, you have to hire them use e-verify to see if they are
approved. This should be able to be done before they are hired. Like all government programs, they
don't accomplish what they were intended to do.
The user training is ridiculously longer than it needs to be, and the system is redundant to other
information (security and background checks, I-9 forms, etc.) that we conduct before hiring.
The website is so cumbersome and you keep having to take the test to report. If we are required to
comply then why can't we just report, make it easy
There are already too many governmental administrative requirements for businesses, none of which
produce revenue.
There is no use for a student employee at a university to have to be verified through E-Verify. People
who are not authorized to work will not pay tuition at a university in order to get a minimum wage job.
The time my staff spends on E-verify on over 1500 student cases each year is significant. They could
be doing much more important things, especially with all of the budget cuts in the last 4 years.
This is a governmental check that is time consuming and creates extra work in the hiring process. If the
employee is classified as not being eligible to work in the US, you then need to go thru the termination
process. It would make more since to do the E-verify step before the person is hired; if they are then
not eligible to work in the US the hiring process could stop.
This is just 1 more task to be performed that takes time we do not have in order to meet 3-day
requirement. Time constraints of 3 days are too short for small businesses where staff perform many
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
functions. It would be easier if we used the documents we examined to meet the 3-day requirement
and then had 7 days to E-verify.
This is very time consuming, we have over 500 employees and we get new hires and rehires daily.
This particular location is a small franchise. We have used information require on the I-9 for several
years without a problem. The e-verify is one extra step.
Time consuming and not at all useful
Time consuming for 67 employee's
Time consuming over manual process
Time consuming, difficulty with system if name is slightly different, causing delays, etc. in hiring in
industry where time is very important.
Time consuming.
Time intensive
To cumbersome to use - changing of password too many times - training requirements before being
able to access system, & when you only have 3 days to enter information and you are forced to take
time for the training, it takes away from all your other deadlines. E-Verify demands priority above all
other HR responsibilities. It should be more flexible with the training requirements - more notices ahead
of time (prior to accessing system to check employment eligibility) that training is required prior to
accessing system again.
To eliminate unnecessary administrative tasks
Too hard to log in, do not have enough new hires, so every time I have a new one I have to reset my
To work for us, we must verify selectee is a US Citizen as only US Citizen can be hired for our
Too aggravating
Too cumbersome
Too cumbersome & government should not place the onus of enforcing immigration law on employers.
Too cumbersome to fill out I9 and utilize E-Verify also. Should only have to do one or the other. Maybe
do away with I-9 form altogether
Too much administrative hassle.
Too much paper work.
Too much time and effort required for hiring only one employee per year.
Too much trouble
Too much trouble changing passwords.
Too time consuming. password complications.
Unfair / complicated. Many employers would not use it and that would limit our ability to find willing and
able workers. It is complicated due to the various regulations surrounding employment...I am not
allowed to ask to see any of the I-9 documents so if a name is wrong E-Verify spits it out.....happens
Very hard to use
Waste of time and effort
Waste of time since all of my employees must be cleared U.S. citizens.
We already comply with the I-9 law this is a redundant step.
We already do so much to verify eligibility this is quite time consuming
We already have too much to do and too many regulations to follow.
We are a federal contractor and almost all of our employees have clearances or were previous military.
It seems unnecessary. We are hiring a very skilled niche highly paid workforce.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
We are a federal labor union. All of our employees are also federal employees who have already
passed a national security background check. E-Verify is redundant.
we are a less than (10) employee company
We are a niche business. Local employees. Likelihood that an unauthorized worker is very unlikely.
We are a non-profit with limited staff and would probably get around to using it eventually but would not
be a top priority unless someone was making us do it. It did involve a long process to get set up.
We are a roofing contractor and most of our prospective employees are illegal immigrants from Mexico.
This has impacted our ability to hire experienced workers.
We are a small church and most of our employees have family ties to the congregation and people who
have known them since birth.
We are a small community - most persons we hire as well as contract with are known to us.
We are a small company and only have at the most 10 employees
We are a small company and screen our employees well
We are a small company in a small town and we trust the people we hire in the 19 years we have been
in business we have never had a problem with citizens or non citizens - I personally believe that it is a
waste of taxpayers’ money and another way for the Federal Government to just collect information on
employees - a type of privacy invasion.
We are a small company- most of our employees - we know and have known for years
We are a small company that does not hire people very often. When we do, they are usually local.
We are a small contractor and do not have a high rate of employee turnover.
We are a small firm with little turnover -- it seems like EACH time I sign on to verify a new employee I
need to take ADDITIONAL time to go thru MORE training on the system. In small firms, folks wear alot
of hats -- and don't necessarily plan on having to take an additional 30 minutes or so to complete a task
which generally takes only a few minutes.
We are a small political subdivision, the password that I have to change each time to log on takes me
several minutes to even get a password that the system will allow. There is NO way I could remember
it. So I have to write it down somewhere to find later. And then, once I finally do get logged on, I find
out I have to repeat the online training. The rules about photo identification are so way out there on the
left wing side, it’s unreal. I like the idea behind the process but on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the
best I would have to rate it a “4”.
We are a smaller company without a lot of turnover. We do not have to process many I-9 forms in a
year so using that form is not too cumbersome.
We are a very small company and seldom have new hires.
We are a very small company in rural MN. So far we have known all our employees before we hired
them. We do a background check and a drug screen. We might use it if an employee was completely
unknown to us.
We are a very small employer and as a small employer it just seems like more and more things are
added to my plate to do, and only keep getting busier. We do not have the money to hirer more
employees to help because the industry is paying us less and less. The employees we hire are not
illegal immigrants and it is just one more thing to remember for me.
We are an extremely small company - it is not convenient (or I believe necessary as many are local
residents)to check our new hires and many times when I log in I am required to take a new tutorial or
change a password which often takes longer than the one or two checks I need to perform.
We are blessed to have employees that have been here for 10 to 25 years. We don't have a turn over
and live in a small town where everybody knows everybody.
We are doing it because it was a government requirement. If it is no longer a requirement, we wouldn't.
We are not federal contractors. We probably have about 3-4 new employees a year and the hassle to
get into the system takes longer than the time it takes to run someone through the system.
We are not hiring that much anymore. Plus I have to do it in NC system anyway.
We are satisfied that the drivers license and social security cards are enough proof of the person has
the right to work in the USA.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
We are verifying employees assigned to a federal contract. At this point all who are assigned have been
verified already
We are very careful with I-9 documentation and follow-up.
We are very decentralized and it is a huge undertaking to get verification access to all who need it. We
also still have to complete the I-9 which causes duplicate work, therefore e-verify doesn't really add
value to the hire, just cost.
We are very small and hire only well established professionals.
We are very understaffed and with the large amount of seasonal hiring we do, it takes a lot of staff time
to participate.
We can verify social security numbers via SSA Business site.
We currently only use e-verify for employees on federal contracts that require it. WE don’t use it for
others due to an exemption we qualify for. I believe we were initially nervous about the administrative
burden it would impose. We have learned that it is better than we expected, but I still think it would be
unlikely for us to adopt the change.
we do 3 background checks
We do not have any foreign employees nor do we see hiring any in the future.
We do not have issues with non-citizens trying to gain employment
We do not hire very frequently
We do very extensive background checks on all our new hires and would know before hiring them if
they were eligible to work for us or not
We don’t see much benefit to the system. For us, we are looking to hire the most qualified candidate
and this system does not assist us in doing that.
We gather information with the I-9. Not likely we would verify.
We have a large J-1, F-1 and H1-B population and remain concerned about the percentage of initial
TNCs for this group, even though they seem to be easily resolved.
We have a very low turnover of employees, in a small town and almost all are local hires
We have alternate, local ways that are also required to obtain an employee’s status
We have another service that does background checking for all employees.
We have never had an issue with undocumented employees and feel that E-Verify would be wasted
time if we were not required by law to use it.
We have never had any employment problems in the past
We have other mechanisms to verify information regarding employees.
We have to follow what corporate says and if they say not to use it any longer then we don't.
We have very few employees & hire rarely. It becomes difficult to remember not only to do the e-verify
but to also remember how. Also getting photo copies from a job site is difficult when we don't have
We have very few employees that we know usually on a personal basis as it is a family run business.
We hire 5 to 10 people a year. Although it is easy to use, I usually have to go through a new tutorial
every time I log in and the process is time consuming. It slows down the hiring process.
We hire a person here and there -- not a large staff and very little changes occur.
We hire more sales staff or administrative staff and we do not fell that it would be a must.
We hire mostly local employees that usually have lived in our area for a while.
We hire our electricians from the Local Union Hall. 95% of our work force is union electricians. They
go through verification before they are allowed in to the union. So we know before we hire them that
they are eligible for work but we still have to e-verify them anyway. Also they are hired and let go
constantly. The same man may come and go numerous times during the month or year. So we are
required to e-verify them every time even though we already know, because of the union rules, that
they are legal workers. The few office employees that we hire are the only people we really need to e-
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
We hire security-cleared personnel only. To have a clearance, a prospective employee must be a US
We hire very few new employees and the ones we hire we get through the local Carpenters' Union and
believe they have already confirmed the employees status.
We hire very high level technical resources who are required to carry clearances which require
citizenship. It's an additional step that seems unnecessary. We don't have foreseeable immigration
We know our applicants. They're usually related to someone presently working here. No need to do e-
We live in a rural area with very little immigrant population
We look at two forms of identification, complete the I-9 form, and complete Family Care Safety Registry
background checks as well as Missouri State Highway Patrol background checks which will confirm or
disproved their eligibility. Both those agencies use the Social Security number, names, dates of birth to
verify background screening. If these do not match, these agencies do not provide a favorable
background screening, so for us, E-Verify seems to be unnecessary. We also complete first source
verification of education which will also have to match the same criteria as E-Verify.
We no longer have a FAR clause in the Federal contracts
We often do work for military contractors
We only have 1-2 new employees each year and they are usually residents in the town where we live,
so we know them personally.
We only have three employees - not a lot of immigrants applying for work as we have no openings and
will not have for years.
We verify citizenship for our employees as a standard practice.
We're small and pretty selective in our hiring.
While I believe it is worthwhile, we are extremely short staffed and it does take time away from other
Why do something you are not required to do?
Why would we?
With the W-9, this is redundant.
Would not be necessary
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q6f. What is your reason for rating ease of registration process overall lower than “6”?
Always require to take test every time there's an update.
Because prefer no registration which takes 'no' time.
Because the questions were somewhat vague and my company was kicked out and had to reregister
after talking to someone
Changing passwords every certain period of time is a pain. its hard enough to remember one but to
have to remember a different one always that is not convenient for the employer
Could not find our email registration information easily
Did not have the necessary information at my finger tips, a couple of employees had to be consulted
and required a tremendous amount of time initially.
establishing a password is very difficult given the parameters
E-verify is not user friendly when verifying resident aliens cards or anyone who has multiple last names.
I spend time sending employees to social security office to get verification which is 35 miles away from
my location.
Had some trouble setting an acceptable password
I felt the testing process was a bit excessive
I found it difficult to understand the reasons for some of the questions
I have had to complete three tutorials since signing up with E-Verify.
I just remember that I was frustrated with the process.
It is a complicated system and difficult to understand what applies to each employee
It is a long process and takes quite a bit of time to review those documents.
It takes too long to set up and to use
It took me 3 days to read and understand everything and 5 minutes to actually submit
It took too long.(2)
It was a total pain and very time consuming for a small non-profit that does not have a dedicated HR
It was a lot to read over before you could take the test. Then after I was OK'd to use the site, you
added another 20 page tutorial on the drivers license.
It was complicated and time-consuming
It was difficult and tedious
It's another useless government waste of money for a bureaucratic system that can't possibly
accomplish what it is intended to do.
It's somewhat of a hassle when you have a very busy schedule.
Just feel I or (we should not have to do this)
Literally HOURS of time invested in the ridiculous, and mandatory, tutorial - all so that I can enter about
5 pieces of info into a form and get a yes/no response. It's comical that the IRS expects me to
understand tax code all on my own - but to fill in a form the requires little more info that any online credit
card transaction would require - I have to take a multi-part online course, most of which merely repeats
the same few, simple things over and over again. HUGE FAIL folks
Registration process is too long. Readings and online material is ridiculous, password setting is nearly
impossible and I have several degrees. There should be a distinction between the registration process
and the process for the person who will be the corporations prime contact for e-verify. Also the
timeframes are a bit strict. It may take more than 3 days from the start of work to obtain all of the
necessary docs.
Required obtaining a DUNS number
Some of the questions were not very clear. They could have had two answers but only one was right
Takes too much of my time to read MOU and take quizzes
testing is excessive and time consuming
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Testing is required and understandable but is lengthy when you have a job to attend to. Continue with
the testing it's needed.
Testing should not be a requirement
Tests were a waste of time
The initial test for getting approved to using E-verify.
The process is set up for a 2 year old to understand. We are not idiots out here, I found the innuendos
to our lack of intelligence insulting.
The process of knowing which one group you fell under was terribly confusing and not helpful - I called
and had one answer and then received another one. Test and the process to complete are easy.
The question includes 'required testing'. The testing, and re-testing, is a lengthy and cumbersome
The registration / instruction process for registering was very long, much longer than it needed to be in
my opinion. It was very, very clear, but I felt it was probably even clearer/more redundant than was
necessary. Maybe you could make an option for people who feel that they may be confused by the
process and an option for those that think it looks fairly easy. Using the program is fairly easy, I just felt
that the instructions and testing process were longer than was necessary.
The registration process is cumbersome, unclear, time-consuming and tedious. We had to hire an
outside contractor to set up our company in the system. We are a tiny company and do not have
personnel who can specialize in HR issues.
The required 'testing' was spurious. It is a form of compliance for the E-Verify program. Testing
presupposes that the test taker was taught something first, it is doubtful that anyone who took the test
will remember anything from it within a few days time.
The required training took a really long time, given the simple concepts it was trying to convey.
The test and tutorial was laughable and too time consuming.
The test is long, time consuming and not necessary. Then you go through that process only to find yet
another test before you can proceed. There are many other things we need to do on the HR world and
getting bogged down with this can be problematic
The testing process and overall process is too lengthy. I understand the need for most companies to
use e-verify but we are a group of 8 employees
The testing process. I know you want individuals to gain knowledge for ease of application. I just hope
that each time I utilize the program that I am not required to go through a tutorial. The submission part
is fast. It's just that stopping to take of a (unexpected) tutorial can turn an expected 5 - 10 mins into 30 -
60 mins.
The tutorials are a pain
The videos where time consuming and in a small office with many things going on at once i had to
watch them several times to get the required information. would have liked the information to be in
written format as well as video format
The whole process is ridiculous. Proper User Interface experts should have been hired to develop the
The whole process took up half of the morning, including the tutorials and testing. That's too long
The whole process wasn't clear: - why I was being asked to sign up for e-Verify i.e. there are a
thousand reasons to sign-up with E-verify, and you note every one of them, many times. What I wanted
to know was why our firm was being required to by our client -that information was not as clear. - the
name 'e-Verify' doesn't suggest verification for US citizenship, you could be verifying anything. And, the
name E-Verify sounds like a scam. - There should have been a quick overview to the entire process.
Instead you have a very long description of the specific steps to verify. That made it confusing. -
There is no need for a test
There were so many steps to go through to get the company set up and take the quiz. Also the
username and password requirements were so complicated that it took me 30 minutes to come up with
something that the system would accept. And it's not something I'll ever remember. Now E-verify also
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
wants me to change the password regularly and it will definitely get lost. It's just not a practical system
for a small business that does not have an HR person.
Time consuming.
Too hard to create a password that meet the requirements
Too cumbersome, much of the testing and process is common sense.
Too long and repetitious
Too much information, too bureaucratic
Took way too much time.
Tutorials make it a time consuming process.
User name and Password requirements, partially unclear and / or complex, made for difficulty in
producing something that would be memorable for future return to web site.
Very lengthy
Very time consuming
Very time consuming to enroll, not a quick process, took too long to get registered for use.
When you say it will only take 30 minutes it has taken much longer to get everything processed.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q8g. What is your reason for rating ease of training lower than “6”?
Again the video process is too time consuming for a small office
Again, it is long and unnecessary
Amt of time for tutorial and testing
Anyone with ANY HR experience would find the questions & tutorial elementary as best, almost
insulting to my intelligence
Because it was a waste of time - too many words for simple actions.
Because it was taking up my time doing something we could do much more quickly manually.
Convoluted. Silly we are not to verify the person using the ID appears to be the same person pictured in
the ID.
Every time you log in you have to take a tutorial. Even if I just needed to get some info
I didn’t find your site user friendly
I would have much preferred to quickly read the instructions and take the test. It took way too long to
get to the simple test. It was ridiculous having to scroll through the whole presentation before you could
take the test. A waste of my time.
It is time consuming and at times seems redundant
It takes quite a bit of time for the training.
It took too much time and did not seem necessary once you started a case.
It was difficult and tedious like this survey
It was simply too long.
It was time consuming just to get my employee on a military base. We needed to be on the base
sooner, but we had to get the E-Verify done first.
It wasn't easy. There should have been a step by step guide instead of information in paragraph form.
Long time to complete could be done sooner
Repeats instructions, questions, etc. too many times. Takes too much time to complete.
See prior answer RE: tutorial is a complete waste.
some parts were repetitive.
Takes too long
Takes too long. Reference material is all that is needed for this kind of work.
Taking too long
Technically it was easy (the information was easy to understand and the process was uncomplicated to
complete), but when I factor in how long it look/how extensive the instructions were my rating of the
overall process goes down.
The concepts were simple, but presented over and over again. It felt like it could have been much
The I-9 does the job. E-Verify is redundant and requires time that could be used elsewhere.
The test and tutorial was laughable and too time consuming.
The training process was very repetitive and took a lot of time to complete.
the training requirement was very time consuming and provided no value to our company for the time
spent on it
The tutorials were too long, as are the updated tutorials you must take to continue using E-verify. A
couple months ago I sat down to quickly enter a new employee, only to find out I had to take an
updated test. I didn't have the time to do this therefore my input of the new employee was a week late.
There is a lot of information that was given and then you can't go back to double check your answers. If
you miss too many you need to retake it all over again.
There was a loop in your 'new' training module on driver's license information. The tutorial had a bug.
It kept skipping back to the initial screen. This was subsequently corrected. I reported the problem to
the developer.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Time consuming (2)
Time-consuming. In past, I had to enroll 9 different subsidiaries and had to do the tutorial for each one.
Very inefficient.
to many instruction and too time consuming; combined with the test its not worth the effort
Too lengthy
Too many steps. Confusing on who is what role with the program.
Too much information, the rules s/b simpler.
Too much time and repetition in materials
Too time consuming and again we are not idiots out here in the real world.
Took too long
Took too long, too many chapters
Took too much of MY time up
Very time consuming, and ultimately unnecessary for our business!
Waste of time (3)
Way too time consuming!
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q11d. Why haven’t you used E-Verify within the past six months?
All of the employees we've hired in that time have security clearances, which does not require us to
complete the E-Verify process.
As an educational institution, we use for new employees who are participating in grants that require us
Can't log in. E-Verify says we didn't register however I have two confirmations from two employees we
verified that says we have. I have two more employees to register but can't get access.
Can't seem to get on now
citizenship was not in question
Closing business
Company is closing
Company is insolvent
Economy...In a Hiring Freeze
Employee candidates cleared and verified through Defense Security Service clearance process
Forgot password locked out
Have not hired any new employees in the past one to two years that work under a federal contract that
requires E-Verify.
Have not hired any new employees on federal contracts that require it.
Have not hired new employees that are paid under the Government Contract which requires us to E-
Haven’t hired new employees required to use E Verify
HR Director uses it now
I am a back up for the primary user
I am HRM and each branch has own account and handles own e-verify entries
I have been assigned to a different position.
I have delegated to my HR/Payroll staff
I have not needed to use it
I haven't used E-Verify more than 6 months because I been with company only 4 months
I'm the back up - another employee is primary
Lost log in information
New Job within my company
No employees in State of AZ
No federal contracts with the E-verify clause
No longer my job responsibility
No longer required by Contract
No new government contracts that require its use.
None of the above
Not clear how to deal when the employee leaves and our binding for the duration
Not currently working with client that requested we use E-Verify
On maternity LOA and just returned
One man company. Once verified no need to do it again
Only use on an as needed basis
Other individuals use e-verify
Our Governor repealed the state law requiring us to use it.
Password issues
Password re-set too difficult and too often
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Passwords too difficult to remember, Resetting is near impossible
Required to Enroll employees that work on the government contract only
Season- November business
Staff and time issue
The e-verify duty has been assigned to another staff member.
Trained another employee to use E-Verify
Transferred to different department, no longer Payroll
Using MS employment service
We have another staff member that completes that function
We hired a HR manager and he take care of it, only if he is not here I'll do it.
Will be E-verifying some this week
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q11e. Why have you never used E-Verify?
Another person in the company has done all of the e-verifying
Delegated to another
Done by HR director
I had no need to use it as our HR person did this.
I have staff that use E-Verify
I'm new in the position
My business office manager does it for us
Premature just to bid for work
Staffing Managers over new hires use the program
Thought it was only for that one time use
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q16d. What is your reason for rating ease of resolving case lower than “6”?
(Employee gave incorrect SS#.) I tried to end the session when I was asked to again verify info. Had
trouble getting out so I could check info with employee.
A lot of steps to take, time between resolution, dependant on EE
Because all of this happens after the employee is hired and in the system.
Because resolving the case is not in my hands, it is the responsibility of the employee. They don't seem
to care that we have deadlines and are not quick to respond. In many cases, I can't reach the individual
because they are on the job site & I'm in the office. They don't understand E-Verify. Unions need to be
involved. They could have a class or letter explaining need.
Clarity of communication needs to be made easier, requiring several steps can be confusing.
Clarity of the initial instructions.
Demographics We have to involve other associates of our organization to carry out the resolution
process, because associates are located all over the country.
Didn't realize had to print paperwork for employee to take to SSN office before case could be resolved.
Employee went before paperwork printed to take to SSN office.
Difficulty in locating the Homeland Security address.
Directions are not clear as to the process of resolving the case.
Each case had to do with the driver's license database not being updated.
Employee followed instructions to contact DHS and was told we, the employer, should void the case
and start over later because they would not be able to resolve the issues within the time frame dictated
by E-verify.
Employee was listed as a no show but he did contact DHS regarding Nonconfirmation. Took time to get
paperwork verifying status but wrong form number for emp. auth which is causing problems verifying.
Also his hyphenated name is not consistent on all his docs, some with some without, and also caused
problems verifying online. It is not clear on the instructions on how to resolve this and resubmitting did
not resolve this with the correction of hyphenated name.
Employee was told to call DHS but was confused by the prompts. Finally supervisor had to come with
him into the office to act as translator and we called together.
From and ER perspective, the EE had some trouble getting his information corrected. So it was hard to
resolve quickly and easily. The EE had to miss work because of the office hours and such.
Hard for employees to understand why they are receiving this.
I called several times and they did not give me a good explanation on the delay. The employee was
termed so I closed the case.
I completed the entry process and submitted the information. Upon Nonconfirmation, I discovered I
made an entry error on the Social Security Number. I could not find any clear instructions to correct.
Therefore, I started over and resubmitted the correct information and received a confirmation. I don't
know what happened to the Nonconfirmation report. To the best of understanding, the Nonconfirmation
report was automatically deleted.
I don't have a response from E-Verify, its taking to long
I don't know that it was ever resolved ... never received anything further.
I thought the process could be made easier for the employers to use.
I wish there was a way for it to be faster, and more clear for the employee and what they need to do to
resolve the matter.
Incorrect entry. TNC statement that came back did not say it was OK to re-enter. Phone message to E-
Verify was answered more than 2 weeks later. Email answered about 10 days later.
It appears in most cases that it requires the employee to research and resolve problems that exist
between the entities involved in the E-Verify process.
It has been a few months and I still have heard nothing back about the case.
It is a cumbersome process. Time-intensive and could be made simpler.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
It is the frustration of employee having to go through the whole process when they have lived and
worked all their life in the US and reason for Nonconfirmation is normally SS office issue
It takes too long to get the info back, and we have to check it constantly to see if it has been resolved
It was confusing
It was never resolved. Although the employee had proper documentation through his university, the E-
Verify info was less than helpful and pretty useless.
It would be much simpler to e-verify applicants prior to hiring them rather than having 'waiting' periods
to potentially clear up issues. I have yet to find out how to actually pay an employee for hours worked
prior to terminating them for non-compliance other than giving them cash.
It's complicated. SS can't give us an answer, we have to wait. WE send people multiple times
It is not easy to go back in and resolve the case. Case doesn't automatically clear.
It's neither easy nor hard. Because of how we are set up, it is a tedious process for us.
Kept getting different answers for the same question. Nobody seem to be sure on some of the new
policies in place
Long waiting period to receive answer. Then answer provided wasn't helpful.
Most cases are easily resolved, however directing the employee through this process and addressing
their concerns can be very time consuming.
Most of the time the tentative Nonconfirmations are for reasons of mistaken identity, e.g. person forgot
to change last name after getting married. There are a lot of false positives with e-verify.
Most Tentative Nonconfirmations are international students on F-1 visas who get tentative non-
confirmations for no apparent reason. They must go through a long process and gives them undue
Much of the 'resolving' is left up to the employee and we have no control over them in these matters.
Need more frequently asked questions. It takes too long to resolve a case with a tn involved. Lot of
reading to make sure it is being done correctly and different scenarios. Need more frequently asked
No one got back to us for more than a month for a question I asked. Also, two screens prior to this one
was too small to note the questions being asked.
Not clear on who to call or what steps to take on the problem. And the employee had a difficult time
taking care of the issues.
Not easy, we had to let a very productive employee go.
Once the employee went to Social Security Administration to resolve her problem with the Social
Security card, it took SSA approximately 2- 3 weeks to input the info into the system.
One employee was misinformed at the SSA office. The process took longer than necessary.
Painfully slow, because 1 of the employees was stagnating on Workman's Comp. case.
Person had name order wrong on their paperwork, would have taken months to resolve. They quit
rather than comply. Expensive for them to resolve. Had to go back to Russia to resolve.
Problem with SSA making adjustment in a timely manner after employee had provided required info.
Process is too cumbersome & use of scarce employer resources to fulfill government responsibility.
Productivity down time in sending employee to social security office if Hispanic Americans has more
than three last names.
Resolving tentative Nonconfirmations is very burdensome and time consuming on the employee
because they have to leave work and spend hours in line at the local Social Security Administration
Office or on the telephone.
Social Security and E-Verify did not have same information
Sometimes the 'next steps' required are not always clear
Sometimes the steps as presented were very confusing. One time we thought that we hit the correct
button to initiate the process, but had not, the steps are a bit confusing to follow online. The paperwork
to give the person is ok.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
submitted incorrect ssn (typo) and was not allowed to correct it. I had to delete and start over. Also why
to i have to take a test every time i sign it. It is very frustrating if I don't use it that often to have to take a
test again. In the past year I have had to take the test three times. This is typical gov't harassment.
Takes too long for response.
Tentative Non-confirmation was due to 'SSN does not match'. Information presented was double
checked for accuracy (typos) and confirmed to be correct. When individual contacted SSA they had no
idea why they were being contacted--the SSN matched their records.
The delay was with the local Social Security office. Employee made several attempts to resolve; was
told it was resolved; wasn't resolved, blah, blah, blah.
The new hire and I had to call and speak with at least 8 different employees at both USCIS and the E-
Verify division of USCIS in order to get the issue resolved. With E-Verify, each time we call I would
have to explain the entire situation to the general info/call screener, then a specialist, then a case
resolution specialist, before being sent to the one person that could help me at the local office. Only that
last individual could look at all systems - E-Verify, SEVIS, and USCIS case systems to find out the
problem. The employee had work authorization but we were still getting a Final Non-Confirmation. It
has been resolved since but I do not think E-Verify did enough investigating before returning a Final
Non-Confirmation. If we were not persistent in resolving the issue, we could have accepted the ruling
and let go of the employee unfairly.
The participants should receive one letter and opportunity to correct it within the time - two steps is hard
when people work shifts other than when you complete the forms.
The problem came when we contacted the social security administration. They didn't act like they were
trained to deal with this situation. Our employee had to take a day off, travel 1 hour to have someone
verify he was eligible to work. We had to tell the employee what they needed to do.
The process can be a little confusing, and all of my employees that received a TN were legal and had
issues resolving the case. I feel like every employee that has an alien # comes back as nonconfirmed
and I think the process needs to get better.
The process is bulky -- by that I mean there are too many steps. I don't know how to stream line it but
think there is probably an easier way. The majority of the Tentative Nonconfirmations that I have dealt
with in the past 6 years have been due to a person becoming a naturalized citizen and there is some
loose end at SSA -- it takes them 20 minutes to clear up at the office; however, it can take a few days
for the system to clear the case.
The process seems slow. It's possible I need to review procedures, as this happens so rare.
The recent TNC involved an employee whose official name was different from the name he used
'commonly' which resulted in he feeling like there was too much red tape, took too much valuable time
to 'resolve'. Basically an employee relations issue in 'inconveniencing' the employee. HR was put in an
awkward position of pushing him for resolution
The SSA office did not update E-Verify when the information was provided by the employee and we
received a Final Nonconfirmation from E-Verify but the SSA office said everything was cleared up.
The SSA offices and DHS offices often give employees incorrect information causing delayed
The steps required to resolve the issue were not clear and required our company to contact E-Verify to
receive instructions.
The waiting period is too long before we can let an employee go for lack of eligibility. At this point, our
company has already invested in the employee through hiring and training, then we need to let them
go. This is very unfair for the employer.
There are no communications regarding the status of a claim or how to easily follow up.
There was confusion on how to follow up with the employee and we were unsure how to proceed.
They are unclear as to what the new employee is to do if they have to call DHS.
This person just became a citizen with brand new credentials which weren't in the E-Verify system yet.
And we were not allowed to use the old credentials. And she was very confused as to what to do. We
had to terminate her and it was your fault! I still don't know her fate. But not a nice way to treat a new
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
This record has been on my system for four months. I have called the E-verify support line twice to get
it resolved. Each time they promise to get it resolved. To date nothing has been done.
Time delay
Took a while to get a resolution and how to communicate it.
Unfortunately employees and the local Social Security office were poorly trained on the requirements of
E-Verify. They had no idea what some of the results were asking and what their roll was in fixing the
issue. Created a number of headaches for my employees who were in fact authorized to work in the
Usually the worker either quits and does not return the paperwork or they continue to work without
verifying the information.
We are a temporary staffing agency where the employee may only be in the office once, then it is
difficult to have employee come back to go through TNC process.
We bring in 200-300 J-1 exchange visitors per year. It is difficult to understand why any of them should
receive a 'tentative non-confirmation.' While resolution rarely takes longer than 2 or 3 days, that is 2 or
3 days longer than should be required. If E-Verify is to be successful it needs to be better linked with
the SEVIS system so that these delays do not occur.
We have had a few situations where we did not get resolution (here again, I can ask the employee if it
was resolved, but might not see docs) for several months...although that might not have be recently.
When an employee is not a US citizen but it authorized to work in the company the first result is
automatically a TNC.
When calling for clarification, you can be transferred five times and receive five different answers.
When needed to contact a representative for concerns the answers are never really explained and it is
like everything is handled with a cookie cutter approach, one ends up more confused than before
Wrong last names. Person has multiple names.
You haven't answered my e-mail requesting assistance.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
20c. What caused you to be dissatisfied with your experience when you called E-Verify
customer service?
Because the first tier never can answer yet the insist on you telling them the whole problem. Then when
they do give you an answer they are just reading it probably from the same M-274 manual that I have.
Could not reach a person and left a message no one called me back
Customer service was short in speaking to me and would not allow me time to fully ask my question.
Did not receive call back
Had to talk to many people before I got my answer.
I am the only trained user of E-Verify at my employer. I had to be out of town the week that we had a
new associate come to work. I called to ask what the proper course would be when I knew that I would
not be able to do the E-Verify within the 72 hour window. No one really had a good answer for this
I called because the system was undergoing maintenance and wanted to find out when it would be
back up. they did not know. It is frustrating to login, put the persons information in and then have a
message system not available at this time. The system should be able to tell us that before we log in.
The system must be on east coast time and I am on west coast. Often it is 9pm or so Arizona time
when I get this message. Would be nice to tell us what time the system is normally available.
I called on two occasions and both times I waited on hold for a while. I called because expiration dates
on drivers license where longer than what was available to choose from. I see that problem has been
I get varied answers and 'opinions' from representatives.
I had trouble logging in after I completed a tutorial called several times and never heard back from
I have received poor advice on how the system works. Knowledge varies greatly on who is answering
the phone.
I left a message and did not receive a response for several weeks after. But I did resolve the issue in
the meantime
I left several messages with no response. I then emailed and got a response several days later.
Quicker response time would be helpful!
I was continuing to get TNC for each employee I tried to verify. When I called to see if there was a
glitch in the system the customer service acted as if I was incapable of type the information correctly.
When I got into the office the next morning everyone was eligible for employment, which means there
was a glitch the night before. I was just dissatisfied because there was a problem and she didn't follow
up on it.
I was having issue entering an existing employee (client required. His status had changed since his hire
date and I called to inquired which into to use- they could not help me
I was referred to several people and phone numbers before I got the answers I needed. I still don't
know what caused the problem I was calling about.
I was returning a message, but the E-Verify staff could not connect me to the person that originally call
me nor was there record of the case ID so the person that I spoke to could not help because the did not
know the reason for the call. Also, I was on hold for 45 mins.
I was told to contact my attorney when I asked about the legalities of becoming aware of an invalid or
duplicate social security number of an employee
I was trying to ask what to do when an audit turned up a couple employees who were not E-Verified
even though they were hired months earlier. I know we made a mistake but I wanted to know if I could
verify them then.
kept getting transfer to someone else. (4 times) to answer some simple website issues I was having at
the time of set up.
Lack of knowledge over non-tentative confirmation.
Lengthy hold, had to be transfer 2x to get answer to question
Long wait time and less than friendly
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Long wait times, unclear direction, and endless red tape for a fairly simple request.
My question was not answered, I was told to follow protocol, basically 'it is what it is'
No one was able to address my question - They kept saying it is not their department and going around
and around. Horrible!
Person could not answer question and I did not like the answer from the supervisor. Employee gave
me ID's which did not match last name on form and was told it was ok - made no sense to me !
Poor customer service, typical government employee. Very uneducated about e-verify. Was sent to
several different people & phone numbers before getting a half answer...never fully addressed my
Refer to previous response about resolving a case. I think there are too many layers of customer
service reps to go through. I understand the initial screening for those answering general questions,
but a specialist should be knowledgeable and have the resources to answer all questions and resolve
See my previous answer about Tentative Non-conformation
The inconsistency of the answers provided. You could be transferred five times and receive five
different answers.
The customer service representative did not appear confident with her response. I was put on hold so
that she could ask someone else for the correct answer and then was not absolute in her response.
The E-Verify people were fantastic!!! I was very impressed.
The information given to me was false. I also emailed a question and it took a very long time for a
The issue was not resolved. We need our password reset and it hasn’t been successfully done
The message I left was answered more than 2 weeks after I called.
The person I spoke with may have tried to be helpful, but was so highly scripted that I was not sure they
understood my situation.
The person who answers the phone reads canned information and is not knowledgeable beyond what
they read from their materials.
The reps read scripts on the phone and do not talk to you like that are alive.
They could not answer the question, referred to another dept even though it is implied that questions
can be answered by calling. Or emailing.
They had no idea what email I was talking about and kept sending me around
They just read from the manual; couldn't really answer my question.
They say we have never registered yet I have an ID and a password as well as a company # and I have
registered two employees. Now I need to register two more and check on some of our subs that we are
They were uncertain how to enter my interns. Had to figure it out by myself
Took several calls to obtain the requesting information.
Transactional cost.
Very poor response time
Very vague response to a specific question.
Wait time was very long; left a message and never received a return call
Wasn't able to resolve a simple reversal of names on ID. Couldn't get straight answer if employee had
to be terminated after resolution period.
We received conflicting answers about whether a company using e-verify only as required for federal
contractor could employ foreign nationals on the STEM extension. We are still unsure.
Well at times it feels like you get the answer depending on who picks up the phone. I have contacted
via e-mail and did not get a response. I have contacted them over the phone asked if they can send me
that info via e-mail (for my back up) and they say they can't.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
You can never get to speak with anyone with the problem or question you have at that time. When you
leave a message it takes a long time to get an answer. There should always be someone on hand to
answer questions that we need answered in order to do our job properly.
You have a multi-tiered help desk that does not talk to each other. At every tier, I have to re-state the
entire issue and go through unnecessary steps up to and including giving my information 3 separate
times before I can even ask my question. I have been an E-Verify user since April 2007 and the help
desk has declined over the years to the point where I can Google my answer faster than getting one
from your organization.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q24. What caused you to be dissatisfied with your experience when you email E-Verify
customer service?
Did not get back to me in a proper time limit.
Didn’t get the info I needed
Didn't receive a response for close to a month about how to resolve a TNC.
E-mail was not answered for over a week. We ended up calling instead to get our answer.
I could not get to speak with anyone I left a message on what was my problem over the phone and also
sent an email on June 22nd did not get a response until July 20th.
I e-mailed last Friday and have not received a response at all. It's now Wednesday.
I had an urgent matter in regards to signing a contract and submitted an email June 16 and didn't get a
response until July 6. The email response was not that helpful at all. I ended up calling the CS line after
no response for 2 days any way.
I had to follow up on my question many times and the issue was not resolved for about 4 month.
Several times I received reply that would not help me and few times I did not get any response. I also
had to follow up with phone calls.
I have not heard back.
I have sent 2 emails - 02/02/2011 and 03/07/2011 - and to date have received no response.
I just got a boilerplate message in return that they could not help and I should read the online info.
referred me to the Social Security admin office.
I never got a response back on the matter of a conflict of information between E-Verify and our 3rd
party background check company HireRight.
I never received a response to my email question/issue.
I never received a response.
I still have not received a response to reset my password.
It took a while to get a response... and then the response was different than what I was previously told
over the phone a week before.
It took about a month to get response. Then the response was very generic and did not have any solid
answers for me to use.
It was more than 10 days after the email that I received an answer.
My email was answered several months later, and all the response stated was . . . 'Tried to contact you
several times unsuccessfully'. However, each time they called me, it was after business hours here in
this State (Georgia). I received calls @ 9 or 10 pm (my time). They also did not leave a message that
included a call back number.
My email was never answered. Multiple follow up emails were also never answered.
Never heard a response from them.
Never received a reply.
Never received a response to my question
No one responded - was attempting to answer a question and was told that a response would come but
it did not
No reply to my e-mail.
No response (2)
No response. I had trouble with my password and no one responded to me. I could not find a
customer service phone number.
Response not timely
Response time is too long.
Response time. I did not receive a response for at least 2 weeks.
Response to email took weeks! This was after a phone call that did not answer my question. The
email did understand and resolve my question/issue.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Same as I have said before. I did write customer service again yesterday giving them my user ID so
hopefully we can find out what happened that disabled my account.
Same issue about employing foreign nationals on the STEM extension. We still are not sure whether
as a federal contractor using e-verify if that is allowed.
See question about tentative non-conforming.
Sent email on 7/18 and have not rec'd a response
The reply was slow - I believe it took over 3 days to get a response, and all it said was to call in.
The time that it took for me to get a response back. It was two days later.
The timing was EXTREMELY SLOW. I was waiting for an answer to my question about the Tentative
Nonconfirmation, and no one emailed me back until after the employee got a hold of the DHS and fixed
the issue himself. E-Verify emailed me about 3-4 weeks later.
The website claims that all emails will be responded to (with or without an answer, and if they don't
have an answer that they will at least acknowledge receipt of the email) within 2 business days - two of
my emails were responded to about a month after having initiating contact.
They did not respond to my email
They responded to my question about 2 weeks later. Too late.
Time for response
Time it took to receive a response
Took over 2 weeks to get a response
Took over a month for a response back.
Transactional Cost
Unclear directions and the resolution seemed to be copied and pasted
Unusable response
Very poor response time
When we email USCIS with a question, it is not a 'What if Situation' We have someone across the desk
from us and we are trying to complete the process. So 4 to 6 weeks response is totally unacceptable.
To the point where we have forgotten why we sent the email.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q33. Please describe briefly what you think E-Verify should be doing to make sure that
companies adhere to the program’s policies and regulations and/or use the system properly.
Answer e-mails.
Don't do anything more than you are. Makes my life simpler. Or drop it altogether
Don’t use enough to really give input
DUMP that stupid tutorial and related 'test' - a complete waste of time and money. Give people some
basic instructions and they will figure it out. It's so painfully simple to do - I cannot fathom why you
thought someone would need such involved 'training' to accomplish what is a very simple task. That
tutorial is worthless.
Establish a reputation for accuracy through the use of bio-metric or photographic means as an normal
process for correct identification
E-Verify could do a better job at ensuring companies are adhering to policies and regulations by putting
more audit controls in the system. E-Verify could do a better job with communicating new product
release information (upgrades, enhancements, system changes etc.)
E-Verify is burdening the employers needless, creating the disincentive to hire people. If employment
eligibility needs to be verified, the onus should be on the candidate to get authentic employment
E-verify is intimidating and frustrating. The class is important but intimidating. If it were easier to use,
all employers would use it.
E-Verify should be required by every State not just a few. Our company has 17 divisions throughout
the US and only 2 divisions are required by law to do E-Verify. However, we the Corporate office have
mandated that all divisions must do E-Verify for all new employees. thanks for asking.
Follow up with SS to insure that employers are reporting all those who are being Paid. Get rid of the I-9
and use e-verify ONLY!!!
Get connected with the state's driver's licensing bureaus. Similar to the passport data, you can cross
check driver's licensing. It appears that one could falsify the expiration date in the system and still get a
cleared to work.
Have capability to determine if 1 or more persons are using a specific social security number
I believe all documents submitted with a photo (i.e. drivers license) should be photo verified.
I don’t feel that it is 1005 accurate
I have not yet seen one of the most pertinent questions asked in this survey: 'Are you satisfied that E-
Verify accurately matches Social Security numbers with the job applicant to make a positive
determination that the job applicant is in the US legally?'
I personally know of companies who falsify information so that they don't have to comply
I think a public message campaign directed towards owners/executives emphasizing adherence to the
program's policies would improve compliance
I think it should be a mandatory program.
I think it should the Owner/President responsible for the verification procedures as well as whomever
they employee to do the processing.
I think it's a useless program. I don't find it regulates any illegal workers that want to work in the US.
I think that TNC's are confusing and the circumstances vary. A dedicated department for that situation
would be helpful.
I wish the information on when / what verification processes are required was in chart / summary form
versus the long narrative. I got lost in all the verbiage.
I would like to see E-Verify visit employers as a training platform. This may be possible just not sure.
I would like to see the photo match for Drivers licenses and Id cards as well.
I'm not sure what can be done, but I do believe that employers can work the system enough to use E-
Verify as a pre-employment tool.
In my opinion, email updates would be helpful. Tips and reminders would be appreciated.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Install a system that lets the user know when a person's SSN has already been entered into the system
by the same user in the past.
Instead of using just social security number as teh primary backup when date of birth does not match,
we suggest that E-verify also do a verification of the date of birth. For this example, there should have
been some sort of alert that required that new employee to prove date of birth.
It would be nice if someone tried enforcing policies and regulations.
It's still a casual user, not strictly enforced unless you are on Fed. Contracts. All Employers should have
to E-Verify.
Login should be ein number. Automated phone system - enter ss number and voice prompt I9. Receive
verification within 90sec.
Make it a law ASAP. Put DL photos of citizens on website.
Many companies in my area do not use E-Verify not are they required
Need some form of audit. Otherwise, how do you know I am not just going to use it for interviewing or
checking on current employees
Needs to flag identity theft
Not enough available information on it.
Not sure I can say how. However, clear and concise information regarding the do's and don'ts of when
and how to use E-Verify with respect to government contracts would be extremely helpful. It is currently
very vague or not found easily.
Nothing. I think the program is largely a waste of time and a cover-your-a&* program for the
government -- looks like it actually does something but it does not -- just a SSN table look up. I actually
have to call the SS office to get valid confirmation on the SSN to be sure.
Passwords to be reset....very confusing have to try over and over again. Unable to sign on after not on
for a bit without having to take tests. Do not have time to be tested over and over again.
Require all companies and have the system match new hires to the E-Verify case numbers?
Testing before being allowed to use system need to go, Especially tests for 'New Features'. I know that
you require competence in use, by My Gosh!! Have system have two settings: a Wizard mode for
beginners, and an Advanced mode for people whom feel they are familiar with the system.
The ease and speed of the program and training need to be more efficient and less cumbersome.
The enrollment process is complicated and time-consuming. It would be very easy for a company to
register incorrectly.
The E-Verify website has glitches where it will not allow you to enter a new hire. This causes delays in
inputting employees into the system within the 3 day window provided. If these glitches can be fixed
than I would have no complaints.
The president's (Obama) position on illegal immigration is encouraging companies to ignore or not use
the E-Verify system. It seems that if he doesn't care about enforcing the current immigration laws, why
should anyone else?
The program is only as good as the companies participating in them. Not all companies use the
program and not all companies who use the program enter in all hires or do it correctly. There is also
the issue of fraudulent IDs. Anyone can fake a driver's license.
The system does not seem to verify all the information provided only the social security #. Verification of
all other documents would be very helpful
Training users not only in the use of the system, but also on how and why is people trying to fool the
Undocumented people still have the ability to get through.
We need someone to go to any state funded job. and check every company.
Whatever it takes.
Would be nice if E-Verify had a stop-gap system that would notify a user if a particular Social Security
Number or name had already been ran for the company. This would help with the running of duplicate
queries for employers with multiple offices in multiple states.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q34. How would you prefer to get information about changes or updates to E-Verify? (Other)
And system broadcast message
Both email and website
Email and mail
Email but it must look legit and not like spam
Email or mailer
Multiple ways
On-line presentation
Our payroll service
Through my company's HR Director
Through our E-Verify service provider
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Q35. How would you prefer to contact E-Verify for help? (Other)
All of the Above - give the Employer the choice
Answered phone call by someone who know E-Verify
Both Email and Phone
Both email and phone. Not providing a convenient phone number is ridiculous!
Email and/or phone
Email or phone
Email or Phone
I won't contact e-verify for help!
Live chat on web
Live On Line Help
Multiple options
Phone and website
Phone, then email
Service provider
Thru our payroll service
Web chat through the website
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
ACSI-7 Please provide any final comments on how we can improve E-Verify to better serve you.
1. Simplify the questions on your survey (when you use the same term 'E-verify' as a noun and a verb
in the same sentence, the content becomes confusing), and make the survey shorter. 2. During the
testing phase of the training, the questions should be worded EXACTLY as the training documentation
is presented. During the testing phase, I missed a question because the question was worded in such
a manner that made the correct answer 'in-correct'. I was required to review the training again -
requiring extra time that I don't have, although I understood the information correctly. That was
incredibly annoying.
A good service if provided by the Federal Government, to help protect our Country from potential illegal
A great easy program to use
A more straightforward approach to the E-Verify process would be nice. Tutorials are a waste of time
when step-wise instructions could be given instead.
Absolutely cannot stand the password criteria and how often it is required to be changed. Other than
that, E-verify is a great operating system
Add a comment section to the website so someone can get back to us with answers when there is a
problem. Give us more than 3 days to enter new candidates. Allow us to enter candidate on the date
Add a line that says potential employment. We sometimes need to have everything check out before
we offer a position to an employment applicant.
Add a 'Next Open Case' button as an option when finished closing one of several cases.
add more reasons to the list when the verification is more than 3 days after the hire date
Addition of Driver's License photos would be helpful.
advise users of the tutorials so when they log on they can plan the extra time to answer questions.
After the initial training, we found the process very easy to use. Good design.
After you receive a Non-Confirmation and you give it to the employee you can't get any information in
regards to what is going on during this process. It takes a while before this information is ever updated
on your system it seems to me. Maybe have Social Security have to update from their system to you as
soon as the employee comes in to get it clarified somehow???
Again, E-verify is not needed for student employees at a university.
Again, needs to be less cumbersome. It takes up too much clerical employee manpower to process
each request. That's time and money to an employer's bottom line and takes away from overall
All employees should be run through the system, not just new employees.
All employers (not just fed contractors) should be required to use E-Verify. The playing field is not even
for all employers and thus our competition who are not federal contractors can hire those we cannot
hire. Also, E-Verify does not prevent identity theft. Now illegals are buying entire identities that pass E-
Allow a one-time 'catch-up' whereby employees hired prior to enrollment in E-Verify can be verified to
assure no one slipped thru on documents that 'appeared' valid, but were not. Workforce stability is an
issue should an audit occur, and individuals be identified that although I-9 requirements were
completed properly, high-quality forged documents or stolen identity documents were undetected.
Employers should be afforded this tool to help assure its workforce, and thereby its operations or key
elements thereof, are not at risk of disruption due to former less effective verification tools. E-Verify
lessens that risk notably. Common HR functions are not document experts, nor do they have access to
the same data E-Verify does, so even 'good faith' practices are vulnerable to higher error rates than E-
Allow companies the ability to have more than one user/password
Allow data to be entered on keyboard as well as through drop-down menus (dates, states, etc.).
Compress info on initial data entry screen (name, DOB, ID info) all fit on one screen w/o need to scroll
down or move the 'Expiration Date' and 'hire Date' into a side-by-side format. Their current
arrangement creates delays when user accidently changes expiration date because you think you are
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
in the 'hire date' field. Also, after employment status is confirmed, what is the purpose of the 2 separate
questions re: continued employment. They appear redundant and unnecessary. why would we be e-
verifying an employee who is not working with the company at the time we e-verify?
Allow passwords to be valid for a longer period of time. It seems to require a password change too
Allow us to E-Verify rehires. Catch identity theft, perhaps by using photo ID.
although illegal immigrants are not our primary concern, we have had to refuse many applicants to our
construction business. E-verify is required by some of our contracted bids. We are accommodating this
request. The program does what it is intended to do.
Although it might be an extra step when you log on and have to take a knowledge test, it ensures you
truly understand the changes. I think that is the best way to handle. I have a hard time coming up with
so many passwords though! The process is very easy and website is designed well. Only thing E-Verify
cannot prevent in regards to fraud is if a person has a valid card, but it is not theirs. In that case the
picture and information would match, but we can't 100% confirm the person on the picture, especially if
it was taken a long time ago or if they have weight fluctuations and they claim they are the person on
the picture.
Although I've used E-Verify in the past, I don't use it enough to be 'completely confident' in my use. I
can get through the website and get the reports I need for personnel, but not much beyond that. If I
were a larger employer and used it on a more frequent basis, I'm sure I would be more confident. I do
appreciate the service, as it meets my contract requirements.
An online live chat option would be of great benefit if able to chat while entering a particular new hire's
information. This is when questions come up.
answer e-mails.
Areas of improvement: 1.) When issues are found, make the issue resolution process easier and
quicker. 2.) The user interface is not intuitive and does not explain well the different documents that
you can use to get numbers from (i.e. - visa, work permit..etc) 3.) We definitely see a need for this type
of verification but in its present form, it's too slow to resolve issues when they come up. Also, we have
had a couple of times where SSN's were reported as invalid when they were valid.
Arizona requires use of the system. And I like the system and will continue to use it. The more
employers that use the system, the better it will become. Federal law should require employers to use
E-Verify. System must become much more accurate in the future.
As a commercial contractor, it is sometimes tough for us to get employees e-verified within 3 days. It
would be a huge help to us if the 3 day requirement was extended to 5 or 7 days.
As a one person operation it took too much time to learn the rules of the system in order to verify that I,
a natural born U.S. Citizen was qualified to work. It would be better to make available a site for an
individual like me to go to in order to qualify myself. I did not need to spend hours on the tutorial. I have
no plans to hire any employees.
As an occasional user the program has been easy to use. The tutorials are helpful, the screens are
easy to navigate and appealing to the eye meaning they aren't too cluttered. Not having had difficulties
with the system I can't provide more. Thanks for asking.
As someone previously unschooled in the E-Verify process, I found that (not counting the other
employees-authorized experiences) my initial tutorials study & exam (4.5 hrs)and reading of printed
supplemental materials (1.5 hrs) takes up a bit too much time in the business day of a struggling, small
company (six office staff) such as ours. Also, it wasn't until the fourth reset of my password as a newly-
authorized user that Tech-Support recognized that my continuous login problems were simply due to
me entering through an incorrect portal. Other users here still have issues never solved, such as their
logins not working on different office computers.
As someone who uses E-Verify on a very occasional basis, it would be helpful to have pop up
information to remind me of the crucial items throughout the process. It's hard to remember things that
you haven't used in 3 months.
Ask yourself why this unfunded mandate needs to continue to exist.
at the moment i think everything is being handled properly
At this time I have no comments on improving the E-Verify.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
At this time no comments!
At this time the process is working for us.
At this time the system has met my every expectation and the ease of using it is just great.
Attempted to log into our company profile to see what needed to be updated as requested by e-verify
and could not even find tabs or places to click in response to their instructions.
Because hiring has been slow I have not used it much, but I have appreciated the ease of the tutorial
and the E-Verify system when I have used it.
Because of the technical problem I had difficulty using E-Verify for a while. I recently did a couple of
other tutorials and now it works. I think it is great that employers can verify like this; everyone should
WANT to do this!
Because we were part of the Pilot Program, it has been very easy for us to make the transition into E-
Verify. It also has given us the insight of how much the program has been improved. E-Verify serves
us well with regards to compliance with the I-9 documentation.
Being required to change the password every quarter and having stupid rules about how many letters
from the previous password can be used is not only a colossal waste of time, it makes keeping track of
completely new passwords every quarter a chore and a liability. Allow me to change my password as I
see fit - or not!
Better guidance for employers to resolve TNC's.
Better instructions for how to enter identifying information from passports, permanent resident cards,
resident alien identifications.
Better reporting
Better Technology. More user friendly.
Both tutorial and the usage of the website is very good, nothing much to say ...good keep going.
By adding criminal background
By partnering with the SSA and pinging their system for flags or issues
Can the system cross with Missouri Employer Reporting Services - Mandatory Employer Reporting
Requirements. I feel I am entering the same information for them.
Can you extend the length of time from hire date to accessing E-Verify?
Can't think of any way to improve it.
Can't think of anything lacking in E-Verify. Just keep communicating re: changes/updates/training.
Change procedures to verify only the ones that provide the correct documentation
Change the password complexity issue to make it easier to pick and remember an acceptable
password. It seems like every time we use the system we have to come up with new passwords.
Perhaps the requirement to change passwords would be tied to the number of uses of the system
rather than a time frame.
Changing my password every time that I log on to E-Verify is very annoying. Since I only use it once or
twice a year (and with layoffs, I did not use it at all one year) this is particularly annoying to have to
change the password.
Changing password is a real problem
Close the loophole. Have pictures of state ID's/Driver's licenses to stop someone from attempting
identity theft. Employers should not have to be ID experts - too many states/issuing authorities to be
familiar with each one.
Company contact needs to be Kelley Thomas HR Manager
Completely Happy with the system.
Confirms that we are hiring employees that are authorized to work in the US. I think it is a good
systems for employers that want to obey the laws of our nation.
Considering I have not had any problems with the E-Verify system so far I am very satisfied with the
system. It is easy to navigate through and when something changes the tutorials are very helpful and
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Consistent rules with regards to the I-9 verses E-Verify (i.e. A List B document on an I-9 does not
require a photo, nor should we advise an individual what item to present; however if you use E-Verify
then the List B document is required to have a photo)
Contacted before changes are made that require additional training before system can be used. I am
under time constraints when hiring, having to do training before I try to E-verify someone is no good.
Continual taking of the tests to be able to utilize the system, just because of a slight change, is very
inconvenient to scheduling issues.
continue with the program as is, simple and straight forward.
Could be clearer for those working on a visa.
Creating a password, is the only complaint I have about the website. It can take up to an hour for me
and my other co-worker when we have to renew. I will follow the guidelines and it still will tell me, I need
to change my password. I always make sure that none of the characters match and they are in different
positions from the previous password and I will still get password errors.
Current system works very efficiently.
Customer service/technical assistance needs to be better. Phone numbers should be readily available
on the website and should be adequately staffed to help all employers including those on the west
coast after 2:00 p.m.
Develop a system that notifies the user when an SSN has already been entered into the E-Verify
network. Good info to have would be [1] date when SSN was entered and [2] State where SSN was
entered. Another useful thing to have would be photo identification capabilities for drivers licenses and
state identification cards.
Discontinue doesn't work
Do away with the test and 90% of the instructions. all you need is a simple drop down window for the
requested information.
Do not ask to change password every time you login.
Do not like changing passwords to often
Do not like that the password needs to change often.
Do not require a change in our password so frequently!
Do not take up my time with unnecessary surveys.
Doing a good job now.
Don't have us treat those who cannot be initially verified like criminal. I don't want to ask new
employees to sign threatening-looking paperwork on their first day of work!
Don't keep making it more difficult to log in or require more info to complete! Don't keep changing how it
works or looks!!!
Don't require a tutorial and test every time some little something changes.
Due to the economy, we have only hired four people during the past year. Each time I have used E-
Verify I have had to take a new tutorial and test. I understand that you need to keep users informed of
changes, but the items covered have seemed very elementary to me and take valuable time to
complete. When minor changes have been to the system, it would seem that a notice of those
changes when you sign in would be sufficient to inform users. And, if a person responded incorrectly to
a question/item, the system could then advise them of the error and suggest additional or refresher
Due to the fact that I have not received any tentative non-confirmations in the past year or two, I worry
that E-Verify isn't accurate and somehow non-legal workers are slipping through. But I have to trust that
you are doing all you can.
During the past year there were many positive changes with the E-verify system - almost bullet proof to
use but I did type in a name with one incorrect letter and it did not catch that - otherwise satisfied.
During the process after a person is approved/pass it seems strange to verify that they employee still
remains employed.
E Verify is imperative to employing legal workers in the United States. I feel it should be mandatory in
all states. It is easy and doesn't require much time.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Easier setting of passwords and once I have been tested, I would like to be able to get on and not have
to be tested again.
Easier password requirements, but I understand the need for security. Thank you!
easy to use works well
Easy to use, easy to trust the results.
Email notifications when someone previously verified documents are about to expire.
Email us when there are updates to the system that require you to take tutorial and test out of it so that
we can log on and do it when it's convenient and not when you're logging in to process someone
quickly and you unexpectedly have to take an additional 30 minutes to complete a tutorial.
Employers should have additional time to complete E-Verify process. Reasons: Employee vacations,
illness or unexpected work load. Our company only has one person available to process verifications.
Also as our hiring needs increase, additional time to process will be a necessity
Employers should have at least 10 days to E- verify after hiring an employee because of small
company's E-verify responsible personal do go on vacation. By the he or she returns it is too late too
verify employment.
encourage more businesses to use E-verify. We were required to do so but prior to that, had not even
heard of it. We would have enrolled earlier.
Enforce immigration laws already on the books.
Entering hire dates, birth dates etc. you should be able to just enter the data and not have to use the
drop down boxes, takes too much time to enter.
entry screens could be simplified
Eventually have the photo verify for state ID's and DL's too. Also, if there is a discrepancy with DHS
records, it is frustrating to get the 'DHS verification in process' message instead of a TNC immediately
because you have to wait for the TNC to print out the papers for them to sign which sometimes means
making them come back the next day. Also, it would make it much easier if you would provide a simple,
easy to read and basic 'to the point' script in English and Spanish for us to explain to them exactly what
it means to 'contest or not contest'. Sometimes I think it's hard for them to understand no matter how we
try to explain it even in their own language.
E-Verify asks to come up with new passwords/ password combinations too frequently. Would prefer
selecting one password to use.
E-Verify can be a little hard to follow but with patience I can solve a case.
E-Verify does not address the issue of identity theft which I think is much more of an issue. As long as
the SSN and identification presented is valid, it passes the person. The person could very likely have
stolen the SSN.
E-Verify gives us confidence that we are following the right employment law.
E-verify has always been very user friendly.
E-Verify has been a good addition to our company's verification process. Before it was hard to know for
sure if IDs were official or not. We have to assume the information and process on the E-Verify end is
thorough and accurate. Continue requiring the tutorials when new processes or updates occur.
E-verify has been a huge help in speeding up the process of verifying eligibility for employment.
E-verify has been very helpful for our company, have never have any problems with the system
E-Verify is a good system that works.
E-Verify is a good tool, apparently doing exactly what it was intended to do. The real problem is the
inability of the US Gov't to make up their mind on the subject of immigration and who can and who can't
be employed in the US. The problem is compounded by the fact that Gov't agencies say two different
things about the subject. It would help everyone if the Gov't spoke with one voice.
E-Verify is a great on-line service! No improvement needed!
E-Verify is a great on-line system. It is very simple and user friendly. I love it.
E-verify is a great resource. I'm pleased to see this kind of technology used.
E-Verify is a great service and I highly recommend it.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
E-Verify is a great service to reduce the potential misuse of others identification and to crack down on
illegal immigrants. I don't know what else can be put into place to further make this service excellent. I
am glad that this service is in place for employers to regulate and identify potential employees.
E-verify is a simple and a powerful tool.
E-Verify is a very good systems which help you and dictates that you follow a process. It is very useful
to our organization to have some processes in place the ensure proper employment checks.
E-Verify is a very user-friendly site. The biggest problem I have is changing my password.
E-Verify is an excellent service to check work authorization of an employee. I think it is use to use and
process any information that is required.
E-Verify is easy to use and fast. Training and updates are always easy to navigate. It saves a whole
lot of time in verifying the status of new employees. Good job!
E-Verify is easy, immediate response, and give me a sense we are complying with all Federal, State,
and Local laws. It is GREAT!
E-Verify is excellent
E-Verify is exponentially superior to the old SSA call-in and match method.
E-Verify is EXTREMELY user friendly & much easier to confirm rather than the old system of
verification through SSA. Thanks
E-Verify is good for us in the that way that we are more confident to hire any employee because we
get complete information for employee working status
E-Verify is great a tool; and I really enjoy using it.
E-Verify is great! However, if there were a program to pre-screen an applicant it would save much time
and paperwork for the employer and government.
E-Verify is great. Let's keep American jobs for American citizens and legal residents/immigrants
E-Verify is nice because it is electronic, but the administration part is more burdensome than filling out
the Form I-9 and then moving on.
E-verify is so much better than calling for verification
E-Verify is very easy to use and explains step by step what is required. The program gives our
company the confidence in knowing eligibility is verified.
E-verify is very fast and accurate, I don't think any changes need to be made
E-Verify is very pro-active in responding to the changes in our environment. The tutorials are always
available for a refresher course if need be.
E-Verify isn’t really necessary in my industry with regard to the people that I hire--most people are local,
citizens, or have visas with proper identification. I also believe that this is a kind of discrimination
against people just trying to earn a living. I plan on un-enrolling as soon as I am able.
E-Verify makes a huge difference in our confidence in hiring legal workers. I have a sign in my lobby.
People that are not qualified to work in this country don't stay for the interview.
E-Verify needs a certificate that can be printed and given to federal contractors to show that we are
using the system and verifying our employees that are assigned to their contract
E-Verify needs to be mandatory for all businesses--not just a select few. E-Verify's effectiveness and
usefulness is marginal because its enforced use is marginal.
E-Verify needs to be opened up to be able to be used any time that any person applies for unescorted
access. It is so limited at this time to only be able to verify our own employees within three days of hire.
Our biggest risk is for fraud resides with persons that are contractors regardless of their hire date who
apply for unescorted access to our Nuclear Power Plant. This has been communicated to NRC several
E-Verify provides this company with peace of mind knowing that the information received is up-to-date
and can be trusted for proof of employment eligibility.
E-Verify should be a mandatory requirement and match up to other employment records. i.e. W-2's
AND 1099's
E-Verify should be required for ALL companies, not just federal contractors.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
E-Verify should be required of all employers in the USA.
E-Verify should have at least more than 3 days limit to enter in the system.
E-Verify should hire agents that will do this work. Employers should interface with the agent and supply
photo and ID information, the rest would be done within E-Verify, freeing company employee time.
E-Verify site is vey user friendly and I like the updated tutorials that are mandatory to take otherwise
most users would bypass that step.
E-Verify system was improved and now looks so much better than it was originally deployed. Now
appears to be user friendly and is very reliable. We enjoy using it. We recommend everyone use it.
E-Verify was a great tool for my company. Unfortunately, I am closing Champion Masonry. I am
however; opening a new company in the next 2 months (Recycling Business) and will sign up again for
E-Verify. Thank You
E-Verify was forced on us through a FAR Clause. It is yet another layer of red-tape and redundancy
that requires time and money. E-Verify does not accomplish anything that we are not already learning
through SF-85 and related background checks on our employees.
E-Verify works very well but I thought the level of effort required to begin was much too complicated
(i.e. hours of slides to work through).
E-verify works well for me. I wish there were more useful training and documentation on how to
correctly fill out the I9 form. I have the required information to use E-Verify, but I am concerned it is not
entered correctly on the I9 and may not be conforming to specific entry requirements. I'd love to know
where to get that advice, training, resource...
E-verify works, but it takes to long to learn and is to hard to remember all the rules for a small business
will continue to use on all new employees
Every time I have used E-Verify the employee has been authorized and I've been able to close each
case without further attention. Though I have no personal experience processing cases further, I have
no reason to believe that I would be less than satisfied with the E-Verify system.
Everyone I have talked to at E-Verify are 'SUPER NICE'. Your company has done a GREAT job in
training everyone. Wish you could train all the people in every company to be as nice as yours. Thank
Every time we log in, we have to change the password since we don't use it very often (hire only 1 or 2
a year) and have to take a tutorial. I don't have time to take a tutorial all the time. Get real, its not that
Excellent system and very user friendly
Excellent idea that provides peace of mind specially for a small business because having this on-line
system facilitates compliance for companies with limited resources. We welcome future improvements
to the system and look forward to continue using it.
Excellent resource and believe it should be legislated that all companies participate
Excellent system - no improvements that I can see.
Excellent system. Very easy to use.
Excellent Tool and I would highly recommend it to any company.
Exempt people who don't need to verify status because they've already been cleared by the U.S. Gov't.
Extend 3 day deadline for enrolling new employees, preferably 5 days.
Extend the time period for the use of a password.
Extend Three-Day rule to enter into E-Verify. The first two weeks of employment seems more
Fix the login and entry glitches. Add more information on visa processes like changing from one type of
visa to another. For example if a person is on a student visa and working to get an H1b have
information available upon entry of the person into the E-Verify system tell the agent what are the
employees possible visa status choices from the type they currently have and provide any information
related to dates and processing times.
For me the logon and online training tutorials need improved. The logon process and new password
changing cluster, set the tone for a bad experience. I was wanting to get someone hired, E-verified and
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
get on with my duties for the day. Not spend an hour of my time getting logged on and re-taking a
tutorial. Even If I hired someone that did not meet the I-9 standards, the system should be able to notify
me that he is not eligible to work at a later date, or additional information is needed. I would not
discriminate against any potential employee in the process that way. They would work until I was
notified that they cannot. In the past without E-verify an employee could have worked months or even
years without even being looked at by the government. This is laps ahead of the old system.
For me, the hardest part is the three day window. When I'm busy and a weekend is in between, it
presents a problem. The system is great and the customer service on the call I used was super
pleasant. I am really pleased with E-Verify.
For now I don’t have any comments on how to improve it, so far when I have used e-verify my purposes
have been met.
For our purpose E-Verify is user friendly and efficient.
For us, the 3-day window around the employee's hire date is the biggest challenge. We would prefer to
have a little more time, either before the employee starts or after they hire on. We have missed the
opportunity to verify some employees because we were not able to process their information within 3
forced tutorials make me want to claw my eyes out.
From experience in using E-Verify in the staffing industry I have seen people use other peoples
information. The Picture match has helped a lot but when someone uses a citizen's information we
don't have a picture to look at. It would be good that something could be done about that.
Give more information why the person is a Tentative Nonconfirmation.
Give more than three days of hire to acquire the documents. People don't normally carry their Social
Security Card or other personal documents on them. Most of the time they are locked away in some
lock box, etc.
Glad we are doing this now. We need to make sure our workers are legal.
Going through the initial enrollment process is a horrendous inconvenience and an impediment to using
the service. Requiring users to re-take the tutorial to continue using the service after a period of
dormancy is also an obstacle that strongly hinders use of the service. Please see something like the
IRS' e-services program for tax professionals for a service that is much more user-friendly and still
deals with highly confidential information.
Going to more 'plain language' as opposed to the technical nature of the site would make it more user-
Good program that doesn't take a lot of time and I feel better about staying legal.
Good system cannot think of any changes
Good system, I've been pleased with the results thus far.
Government Red Tape needs to be reduced in the overall experience.
great program
Great program, fairly easy to use- a little more education on Tentative Nonconfirmations would be
Great Program/System
Great service for employer from E-VERIFY
Great service, makes my job easier.
Great system from the government thank you.
Great system. Fast and easy.
Great System....
Great tool - good system
Great tool, easy to use
Had extreme difficulty finding the login page! And I am very savvy on a computer!!!!!! It sucked and took
a lot of my time.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Happy with program only concern is passwords, id etc change frequently. I understand need but is
have been very impressed with the system so far; also think the tutorials are very easy to use. only
challenge has been when calling with a question that is not answerable via info available on the web, it
takes a bit to get through the first level of representative to get to someone who is able to get to
questions beyond what we can research online ourselves. Also, it is kind of tiring for frequent callers to
have to wait for the first line reps to repeat the email address etc. closing comments they are required
to state. That said, totally understand that it is process to ensure consistency.
Have found E-Verify to be very user friendly, easy to navigate and am pleased with the prompt
response after entering data.
Have had some problems with our SLED sight, so therefore I begin to ?? whether this sight is extremely
correct. Up to now, had no reason to ?? EV
Have made my job easier. Now we know we are hiring legal people from the day person start working.
Thank you
Have no suggestions at this time.
Having a visa with temporary status cannot be entered in the system.
Having to complete within 3 days is very difficult at times. Perhaps this could be extended?
Having to pass a test every few months just to use E-verify is ridiculous. As a school most of our
employees are local people who have attended area colleges - not really applicable to our situation
Having to retake the tutorial all the time is one of the biggest time wasters with the program.
I think this survey was too long.
I always feel assured that the new person we are bringing into the company has all the qualifications
USCIS and the SSA require. I think it brings as close as we can get to total compliance with the laws.
I am a very infrequent user of e-verify because we do not hire that many people. It seems like every
time I sign on, I have to change my password and that takes time because the passwords have to meet
so many conditions and I can't use passwords I have used in the past. I do think the system is easy to
use. I also like the idea of confirming documents with some facility rather than just looking at them
myself. I do not understand why you ask if the employee is still working here. I usually enter the
information on the day they start work.
I am currently satisfied with the service that we receive form E-verify.
I am much more comfortable performing employment eligibility verification with E-Verify than without
I am not required to use E-Verify, but some of our client contracts require it. The system questions me
for entering them late
I am not sure of one thing with using E-Verify. Having just enrolled are we allowed to verify all of our
current employees or only the future employees?
I am not sure you can help here but in my job I wear many hats. I will get kicked out of the system to
fast and it does take a bit to get back on. Otherwise I have done verification the old school way...this is
more certain the info you are receiving is correct.
I am satisfied the way it is set up now.
I am satisfied with the program and feel it meets our needs.
I am the corporate administrator so do not use the E-Verify system to enter queries on a daily basis.
Maybe the questions on this survey should have been more addresses to the type of user within E-
Verify that I am.
I am unable to respond to all of your questions since we have super users in the field that use the I-9/E-
Verify process through a third party. However, I am not aware of any issues that we have encountered
with e-Verify.
I am very pleased with e-verify it saves the time of wondering if an employee is qualified to work without
problem with the social security # I have experience the social not matching the employee if E-verify
was not available I don’t think I would have not been aware of it am very pleased with the updates and I
don’t see any improvement at this time.
I am very pleased with this tool as an HR professional.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I am very satisfied (2)
I am very satisfied and have nothing to say concerning improvement.
I am very satisfied with the ease and customer friendly usage of E-Verify.
I am well satisfied with the program
I am only a back up but have heard nothing but good things from the primary users.
I believe it is an excellent tool for verifying employment eligibility and staying in compliance with
immigration laws. It is also easy to use once you have taken the tutorials and understand how it is
I believe the 3 business days is not enough time. Process a new employee can sometime be time
consuming. The state allows you 10 business days.
I believe the e verify system is working for us.
I believe the E-Verify program is a good program and should be used to insure that people are legally
qualified to work in the United States.
I believe the tutorials are useful whenever updates are required.
I cannot think of anything; E-Verify has been much easier to use than I expected after all the media
hype, so I am very pleased with the system at this point. The tutorial are thorough and helped me
navigate without any major issues.
I can't think of any improvements.
I can't think of any improvements. E-Verify has been very easy to use.
I completed the tutorial, and didn't need to use it until recently. When I went to use the system, I
learned that I had to go through another tutorial. I haven't had the office time to do this, yet. But,
really...the more time and labor intensive you make E-Verify, the less likely people will use it.
I did not like that I had to take a 'test' to check out the validity of my family members' right to work in the
US but I guess that is all part of running a business.
I didn't like frequent changes and the need to constantly take new tutorials when I thought I could be on
and off the system in five minutes. I also don't think rehires of laid off natural born American citizens
checked one time should need to be rechecked. Last I heard the US govt. is not yanking people's
citizenship status from natural born citizens. Also, even an expired passport is proof of citizenship.
I didn't like that since I didn't have a turnover and didn't need a new employee, my account was closed
and I had to retake the entire training course. I think it would be better to allow to enter, and if there is a
problem, I can go to FAQ or the system helps me correct the mistake. I don't see the need for me to
become an expert on the system. I believe it would be better if an HR representative would do all the E-
Verify's for everyone, and we need to just verify whether the person and the documents are looking real
and authentic.
I do have issues whenever I have to enter employees that have hyphenated names or two word last
names (Von Kampen, etc). It seems like I have to try a few combinations before it matches.
I do not see any needed improvements. Department of Army has made it a requirement to use for all
new hires.
I do not think surveys, or any other emails by non-government companies, should be sent by email
unless 1)company is previously notified in writing by USCIS, and 2) it is posted on USCIS website
where company can verify legitimacy of email. There are too many scams/viruses which look
legitimate. I checked the website before calling USCIS for verification, and couldn't find anything -- it
should have been posted in a clear and easy to find manner to let company know about it. I then called
USCIS to verify, and there is no option to speak to representative nor any message in voice mail
advising about the survey. My personal opinion is that government agencies never care about the
amount of time and work a small company (less than 20 employees) has to commit for government
activities. I support verifying legality of working public, however, please make contact information
easier for a company just trying to cooperate; there isn't an option on telephone for speaking to a
consultant. Thank you.
I do not want to change my password every time I log on. Even once a year is too often since I only log
on once or twice a year. Also, I am not stupid and I do not need a mandatory tutorial. I want good
context help, only.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I don’t have any else to say everything is so simple.
I don't have anything to say, because you improved a lot in last year.
I don't have any.
I don't like being surprised about significant E-verify changes requiring a mandatory and capricious
graded tutorial when I log in. Using E-verify is a tense experience to get it right and I don't need
I don't like every 1 - 2 months I have to take a tutorial test again, again and again for new updates
I don't like when I log on to E-Verify and I have to do the tutorial first and pass the test before I can
verify a new employee. Maybe it would be nice to receive an email when a new tutorial/quiz is there to
take so I can take it when I want to?
I don't think you should make employers take random survey's and tests in order to continue using E-
Verify. This is very annoying and makes me not want to use your site. I was given 2 tests within a year
which I had to take in order to use E-verify the handful of times that I do. This is not productive to a
company or your site - please do away with these!
I don't use it frequently and it is time consuming to have to change my password every time and to redo
I especially like and are more confident in the system after the recent changes. I particularly like the
Driver's License verification.
I feel like employer responsibilities have expanded significantly within the last year. I feel that the scope
has grown from the level in which congress approved the mandated requirement for federal contractors.
This is unfortunate.
I feel that e-verify helps us to stay in compliance and it gives us an e-mail trail as well as a paper trail if
we ever need it. I wish everyone used E-Verify.
I feel this program is easy to use and gives me the confidence to always be in compliance with
immigration laws. If I could change anything, I wish I had more than three days to verify, sometimes I
have to rush to get that done in the three days.
I feel we should not have to do this at all
I find E-Verify a very helpful tool, we verify around 50 new hires every 2 weeks. I have spoken to
professional groups on the benefits of E-Verify as part of a broader I9 training that I give.
I find E-verify very easy to use.
I find E-Verify very helpful and I appreciate being able to use this service. Colleen Husain
I find it simple to use and fast and accurate. The only problems I have are when I mistype info. Then it
prompts me to re look at my data which I do and then continue on. It is always very fast, although
sometimes I must multi-task and may get the YOU'RE taking too long message. ( session will close
etc). I try not to do anything else while I am doing my E-Verify. I think it is an important an useful
program and I like the updates regarding the license and state # on the drivers license. That seems to
me like it would smoke out the fraudulent people. Thank You!! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!
I find it very frustrating to go into e-verify to open a new case and then have to stop what I'm doing to
take another tutorial. It would be an improvement to send me an email to tell me that I need to go
through another tutorial beforehand.
I find this system extremely easy to use and understand.
I found the tutorial too lengthy and repeated instructions too many times
I had a difficult time figuring out who to contact when I had an issue. When I did find an e-mail address,
it is not 4 days later and I still have not received a response.
I hate doing the training every time I hire a new person. I think the time period to require re-training be
I HATE surveys
I hate that every time I log into E-Verify I have to change my password. I also dislike that I am required
to go through tutorials because E-Verify has changed something. I am a small business owner and do
not have the time to go through this process every time I log on. I would like it to be a quick and easy
process to E-Verify my employees. Otherwise I think it is working just fine.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I have been involved in this business for the past 18 years and have only once had a problem verifying
an employee’s I-9 records (showed up as an invalid SS# through the IRS). I feel that perhaps there are
certain areas of this country which are more prone to hiring illegal immigrants than others. The
employers who do things the right way are the ones that are being inconvenienced by being forced to
take that one extra step. The employers who are going to buck the system by hiring illegals aren't the
ones who are using E-Verify. In fact, it is highly likely that these employers are paying their cheap labor
under the table avoiding all payroll taxes and other associated employee based costs. Just my opinion.
I have been satisfied with the service. I had called about an unusual situation and I got it resolved in
two phone calls. I think that's great.
I have been thoroughly impressed with the customer service assistance, and the speed and ease with
which questions have been answered, or matters have been resolved consistently. It is likely the best
experience I have ever had in dealing with a government entity. OUTSTANDING JOB!
I have been very please with E-Verify. I consider E-Verify to be a valuable and reliable resource for all
employers to use to conduct employment verifications.
I have enjoyed my experience with e- verify so far.
I have found E-Verify to be very easy to use. The update training is easy but usually is at a time when I
am using the system for the first time in a couple of months and I am in a hurry. E-mail notification
when there is a mandatory tutorial would allow me to complete the tutorial at my convenience, not when
I am trying to register a new employee. The initial tutorial and pages and pages of reading material
were excessive and would be my only drawback in recommending E-verify to others. The requirements
for a password are truly ridiculous. It generally takes me several tries to formulate a password that
meets all of the requirements. We have had only one situation where our applicant was not
immediately approved. The instructions for correcting the situation were relatively clear and helpful.
I have found the E-Verify program very easy to use and helpful
I have found the E-Verify system very easy to use and navigate.
I have had a few issues with regard to the accuracy of the system which is why my last answers had
such a wide range. I once submitted an incorrect Passport number (looking at one thing and typed in
another) and it was submitted through the system and cleared! I immediately called the 800# to report
it because the system would not allow me to cancel the submission. I was told to make note of the
incident (which I did) and that I could not resubmit with the correct information. I am concerned that
some info is not correct in the system. Another incident happened when I transposed a date - instead
of 1959 I typed in 1595 as a date of birth. The system accepted this date and I didn't even realize it
until I received (I'd call it a nasty little letter) from E-Verify informing me that I had input incorrect
information and basically not to do that again. I called the 800# to let you know that the system should
not have accepted the date to begin with and I didn't appreciate the nasty little note. I have to say that
your Representatives are great and she apologized for the tone of the note and let me know that it was
fine. All of your techs and reps have been great...might want to work on your form letters. Overall --
the system is very good and has improved greatly since we first starting using it in 2005.
I have had no problems using the system, it is easy and fast to use
I have many more problems on the SAVE program than the E-verify system. So if the survey was on
SAVE the answers would be much different.
I have no choice but to participate in the program.
I have not had any problems and the system works fine for our needs. Thank you.
I have not liked the issue of logging in and finding out that I have to go through a tutorial and pass a test
without prior notification of this. Most of the time when I go into the e-verify system I do not have time to
do this and would prefer email notification when a tutorial is issued so that I can do the tutorial ahead of
time before I need a verification done when time allows.
I have one suggestion, if possible add functionality, remove e-verification record after region the
I have only had 1 TNC in all the time I have used E-Verify. I was not very clear about the steps to take
and which one was the 'letter'. I am unclear why I even ended up with a TNC since I was provided a
USA Passport and the picture matched. Took me two tries to figure it out. All resolved promptly.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I have problems with the I9 form. It would help if when I have input the alien # or ID # wrong, I would
get a pop up that would give me an example of the format I need to input.
I have talked with older individuals that would benefit from more written information on using E-Verify
than them having to seek it out online even though they will have to submit employee information
online. If they read more about how to use it they may become more comfortable with it ahead of
actually trying it.
I have the most trouble when processing an international person who is allowed to work temporarily. the
documents still confuse me. the foreign passport with the D/S number plus I20 form. wish there was a
simpler way because I often enter the incorrect numbers. thanks.
I have used E-Verify consistently for the past one and a half years and have found it to be extremely
easy to use and reliable. I would highly recommend it.
I haven't encountered any issues or problems with E-Verify. Based on the current version, I trust DHS
professionals to continue to tweak it as they see fit.
I honestly don't know how it could be improved. It makes us feel much more confident in the hiring
process than trying to verify eligibility on our own.
I hope this system goes continuously
I just wish I did not have to change my password as often
I know that an individual was approved through the system when he should not have been. I know an
individual that resulted in a tentative non-confirmation that should not have issues.
I like E-verify. However, I do not like that when doing a photo comparison, you are comparing photo to
photo, not photo to live person.
I like that a person answers the phone when I called with my questions
I like that it doesn't allow you to proceed without completing the necessary fields. I also like that it
provides you with a chance to correct any errors, before receiving a TCN. Only improvement I could
recommend is less screens; the additional questions of 'does this person still work for you'. etc. Capture
all on one screen, with less clicking.
I like using E-Verify, the system is user friendly and quick and I have confidence in the results.
I love e-verify and have recommended it to other within in the staffing profession. However, I do feel
that the training provided was too lengthy and could have been cut in half.
I love E-Verify and wish everyone had to use it. It should be noted, though, that I haven't had any
tentative non-confirmations. My opinion might change if that process were cumbersome. I loved the
User Manual and referred to it while learning the system.
I love everything about this system and process other than the email help desk...That brings down your I said, 'everything else is top notch.'
I love this service, it's easy and very user friendly.
I often have difficulty verifying late in the evening. They seem to have system problems and/or the data
base is not available at that time and I am prompted to try again later.
I originally had to use the BASIC Program the first year it started. A year ago my new employer had to
start using E-verify, It's improved 100 fold from the BASIC Program.
I participate in the E-verify program because we have to due to certain contracts otherwise I would not
care to use the system albeit it is a simple enough process its just creates more work tracking to do.
I realize the testing process is necessary, but having to go through the re-testing every time the system
is upgraded is quite frustrating and time consuming. The website is designed to be relatively 'intuitively
obvious'. I do realize that most people do not have the capability to actually think, but the rest of us do.
So having to be spoon fed the information is frustrating.
I really like this system and would continue using it even if I did not do business in Arizona.
I saw a couple of questions here about whether or not we would continue to use the E-Verify system. It
is my understanding that we do not have a choice. If regulations have changed and E-Verify has
become optional, please let us know.
I think E verify only allows the user to input the potential employees name twice then it tell you that its
non--confirmed. Many Hispanic names have several variations such as 2 first names and 2 last names.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
E verify should allow more inputs of the names until all variations have been exhausted before it sends
it to non-confirmed
I think E-Verify is a great tool, however every job that we have been on, I can't see a difference. So
many illegal workers. example Salem Junior High school, Salem UT.
I think E-Verify is an extremely useful tool to be sure that we are compliant with immigration laws. I
can't think of a thing to improve it. I am very satisfied with it.
I think E-Verify is the best practice to verify I-9 documents
I think E-Verify is very informative and helpful to all employers. Just keep it up.
I think having to answer the tutorial questions every time you sign on is ridiculous. It takes long enough
to go thru all the other procedures alone.
I think if someone’s ID comes up with a problem we should not have to go through so much. I think we
should just be able to tell the employee that the ID did not match and to bring us correct ID without
having to go through the paperwork. That is the only reason I do not really like having to use E-Verify.
The process is too time consuming and too much follow up when ID is not a match. Everyone I have
had that has not been a match ends up quitting anyway as soon as they find out they were not a match.
I think all we should have to do is verbally tell them their ID was not a match and then ask them for
correct info without having to go through the rest of the stuff
I think it is a very good program.
I think it is great program
I think it is very valuable. I am able to have a printable document to go along with the IDs that the new
hire brings for documentation. It is a double verification.
I think it works fine. I would not recommend changes.
I think it works great. No complaints what so ever
I think it's a good system helps protect the company.
I think its superfluous. already use I-9's, basically its up to employers to be honest about having the
correct copies of legal and allowed id from new hires. you don’t really know if we have them or not, its
easy for employers to lie on line. not serving any real security purpose just takes up more of my time.
I think it's very easy to maneuver, don't know how you can make it easier!
I think that the system works very well and will eliminate any problems that we would have as a
government contractor with hiring employees.
I think the customer service employees should have more training with regards to the non-tentative
I think the government has done a good job of using the web to make requirements that we have to
satisfy easier. Thank you!
I think the information and navigation are simplistic and accurate to the point of no changes needed.
I think the initial training was very time consuming.
I think the initial web training was way too long, too detailed, and felt like they thought we had never
used a computer; insulting to me and not necessary for technical companies like ourselves who are
very computer-savvy.
I think the on-line experience could be improved. I only use the system three or four times a year. I
always have a hard time locating the actual log in page from the home page. Then I'll probably have to
work through another tutorial. Most of the information in that is pretty elementary, but eats up a lot of
time. Once I get past all that to the actual process, it's easy to use and very helpful.
I think the only thing is a little bit more speed going from page to page. It actually has improved a lot
since I first started the process.
I think the program is great
I think the program is very easier to use and speed to confirm people for work.
I think the program works very well. When I verify on the program it takes away any doubt that the
employee may be using falsified documents which I have seen in the past.
I think the time to input the information should be increased from 3 days to five days.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
I think the tutorial was excellent and entering cases is easy to do. I also believe it is a system that gives
me confidence that we will be in compliance with the law.
I think this is a great system. You have a major problem thought: the interface. You are by no means
user-friendly. It's confusing and takes a long time to do the 'training' and such. I would suggest you
study successful user interfaces so that you can make the system streamlined. It would be an incentive
to use when the system is super easy to use.
I think too much questions there, it just too much. its great if you guys can minimize it.
I think you are doing a great job. Personally, I want to be able to hire whoever is right for the job. More
rules makes for a slower economy. I also know that you probably have no control over this. In any case,
the service works for what it was intended to do and I would leave well enough alone and spend our tax
dollars on something that will make a bigger difference for our economy.
I tried to sign up previously with E-Verify, but it was very confusing. Decided to try again and it was
definitely easier to understand the second time
I understand that the passwords for E-verify need to be unique but creating a new password every time
is incredibly tedious - almost painful.
I understand the need to change the passwords every once in a while but when you have to change it
the system makes it very difficult to get another acceptable one in place. I spend more time with this
than with using the system for what it was meant to be used for.
I use E-verify about 3-4 times a year. It seems I have to update or take a tutorial lesson 50% of the
time. I know things change but it is very time consuming and maybe an alert should be emailed out that
a new lesson will need to be completed before the next session.
I use it just enough that my password is ALWAYS out of date. And I have a hard time getting another
password to work.
I was a little confused by the process and have started doing it through the company we use for
background checks. It made it simpler for me since the new employee's information was already in their
system and I just have to click on one more button to add the e-verify process. No big deal.
I was a little intimidated by the program during the training period, but since using it, I've found it to be
simple, quick, and without issue.
I was crabby that the state of AZ is one of only three states to make this verification mandatory. The
state legislature does little to govern well but demands this process of someone like me who has only
one employee. When I used E-Verify you made it so easy I was not longer upset at having to verify an
employee. However, I still dislike our idiot Governor and Republican legislature. The Fed did a great job
on this service. GREAT! Congratulations job well done!
I was told the e-verify was mandated by law and that I had no choice but to participate. If that is not the
case, I don't need to participate we have a very low turnover and are a small company, it just creates
extra work for me.
I will be utilizing E-Verify in the near future, once I complete the tutorial training. Thank you.
I will continue to use the program as long as it is required.
I will continue to use the program as long as it is state law. I think that, if it is state law, it should replace
the W-9.
I will provide you my comments when I'm ready to.
I wish I didn't have to change my password so often.
I wish that a picture of the candidate/employee automatically show up so that I can make sure the
correct person's information is the person I'm hiring.
I wish that I could enter an employer prior to start date. At the this time I have wait until the actual start
I wish there was more consistency between the Form I-9 and E-verify. E-verify has different rules than
does the Form I-9, especially with copying photos. With the Form I-9 you have to make copies of all
photos, or not make any copies at all to avoid discrimination. With E-verify you only have to make a
copy when a photo is submitted for the photo matching, but that contradicts the Form I-9 policy of
making copies of photos for everyone, or not making them at all. It is confusing and I do not
understand why both the Form I-9 and E-verify are not regulated by the same organization. I have
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
posed these question to my local DHS/ICE office and to E-VERIFY and the response was do not hold
my breath for an answer. My questions will probably go into a dark hole and who knows when it will get
posed to the correct person. So I will just keep using my best judgment and hope I am complying to the
best of my ability on the Form I-9 and E-verify.
I wish you did not have to change the password as often I think twice a year would be enough
I would like clarity on what to do if an employee’s social security is incorrect and they just never come
back or go to the Social Security Office. Also, does the company have to fire someone?
I would like for a photo match when just using DMV Driver or ID license to make sure their license isn't
a fake. It works well with the passport.
I would like for there to be photo matching for all state issued photo identification. It seems if the
federal documents can be set up this way, state documents should be able to follow the same process.
Just one suggestion to further prevent fraud.
I would like more time to enter new hire information into E-Verify. I am very busy and three days just is
not enough time.
I would like to be able to use E-verify for pre-employment screening. It would save a lot of training cost
to be able to not hire someone to begin with based on the result than to put them to work, only to have
to terminate someone with a final Nonconfirmation two weeks later and have to start all over with a new
I would like to be notified when there is new tutorials or classes to take before I open the web page.
Advance notice of these would be better than being surprised when you login.
I would like to know if we can e-verify existing employees with temp work permit in the future..AC
I would like to know why my employees case was marked a 'no show' when he did call in a timely
I would like to see a law passed where all employers are required to use E-Verify, no exceptions. Then
USIS would have another tool to monitor employers that are hiring illegal immigrants. This would take
away any excuse for a company to have illegal aliens working them. The people that hire Illegal
workers are by far worse criminals than the illegals themselves. If you stop the Illegal hiring you will
reduce the number of illegals trying to enter our country.
I would like to see a photo for every e-verify. Maybe the photo from the DMV DL or ID.
I would like to see the 3 day time limit to enter a new employee extended to 5 business days.
I would like to verify employment earlier than the actual day of hire. We should be able to check it at
the same time as we are waiting for drug screen and back ground check. We don't know if they are
cleared to work until the day they are to start.
I would not make any changes, I think its easy to use and accurate.
I would say, if you do have a question hopefully wait time on a phone call is not long and you can talk to
a live person not any automation
I would suggest more time then 3 days after start date to submit information. I sometimes takes at least
a week to get all of the information turned in, we have outside state locations.
If you don't let the illegals in the country, then your service would probably not be necessary. Save
money on Government--probably.
If a tutorial needs to be done, I don't want to take the time to do this, when I log on to verify a new
employee. I usually don't have the time. Maybe an alert stating a tutorial is needed & you can log in &
take it at a time that is more convenient.
If changing the pass word we not so difficult that would be great
If E-Verify can be made simple for small business employers to use, it would be very grateful. It should
be simple enough for someone to quickly login and verify the information, and should not be
complicated to need to hire someone to use the system. For us, we really want to make sure we hire
only those with work authorization. We want the system to be easier for use. Since my business doesn't
generate much income I also work fulltime. For someone like me it further dips into my time. In
Summary I like the whole idea of being able to verify who is authorized to work, but the process needs
to be simplified.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
If I could change anything, I would change the password requirements. It takes me forever (about 20
minutes) to figure out a new password, it is like taking a logic test. I like to think I am logical but the
password requirement is too extensive
If only all websites and online services were as great as this one!
If someone's social security number has already been entered and then entered a second time, the
system should advise you of this to avoid a second entry. We have employees that come and go and it
is very hard to remember if they had already been E-Verified.
If the site was faster and you could more easily save the PDF results. I have to copy the information to
Word and then save it as a PDF. Also it NEEDS TO BE MAC COMPATIBLE. It is ridiculous that I have
a PC only to be able to utilize E-Verify.
If this was a require system for the entire US that the information was passed to the individual states, it
would be effective. NC and SC require you to do the same thing in their states.
If you are serious about this program and what it was meant to do then it should be mandatory for all
businesses to use it.
If you could prompt via email for changes in status of employee w.r.t visa or employment giving links for
updating that would keep the records real. Now we do not care to update status as it is not necessary.
If you haven't been on E-Verify for awhile, it is frustrating if you have a new hire to report on a busy
schedule and you open E-Verify to find you need to take a test. Prior warning by email would be
If you want small businesses (those of us without an HR department) to use the system - that ridiculous
tutorial and test need to bite the dust. The gov regularly trusts us with all kinds of forms and systems.
sans tutorial and test - how this one be so complicated as to require such intensive instruction is
beyond me.
I'm a firm believer that our 'jobs' should be giving to legal workers, and I trust the E-Verify system is
making sure of that. I'm sorry to say I have NO proof of what is done at E-Verify, but will like to.
I'm afraid my answers are probably not very helpful. As a sole proprietor of my business, I had to go
through the whole process just to verify MYSELF. I don't have any experience with E-Verify and any
other businesses, or individuals.
I'm impressed with the program. Never any issues with processing errors.
I'm not sure if it's been fixed, since it's been a while since I've logged on, but I have had issues with the
system kicking me out/returning me to the initial log-in screen while trying to use the system. This
problem occurred on multiple computers I tried to access the system from. It can be frustrating. Other
than that, I think E-Verify is great - it can just be a real hassle to log in.
I’m not sure that I have used it long enough to know
I'm not the main e-Verify user here at my company - I'm the backup. So when I have to log on to e-
Verify, some time has likely elapsed since the last time I logged on - and each time I've been required
to pass a test in order to continue using e-Verify. Since I have to get the e-Verify completed to validate
the I-9, I'm in a time crunch. It would be very helpful for me if I would know at what point I'm going to
have to update my knowledge base so that when I have to use e-Verify I'm not stopped by this tutorial
which always comes at a time when I don't have time for that. If I knew in advance, I could update my
login ID without being in a time crunch.
I'm satisfied. I've been late on verification and everything has worked out.
I'm sure this program is fine for big companies that hire seasonal workers. A small non-profit, with a
small staff, hiring only full time employees with college and graduate degrees should not have to mess
with this! It just didn't make sense and was a waste of time!!
In a perfect world, a 'REAL' time system would work best for us. Thanks!
In cases of Tentative Nonconfirmation, it would be helpful to know what piece of information was
problematic. For instance, in a recent case, the supervisor, assisting the employee in filling out the I-9
form, had recorded the birth date incorrectly. (Something the employee himself would probably not
have done!) It took us way to long to determine that that was the problem. NOTE: I have told the
supervisors many times not to do this...
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
In construction field, we hire every date and rehire after months or years depending on where the
project is located. I need a pop up warning or an easier way to know if I have already E-verified an
employee. I am not the only person in the office doing E-verify and we cannot always recall names and
current report system is inadequate.
In entering dates, it would be much better to have the months as numbers instead of entering the name
of the month. I don't understand the two questions that are asked after entering the initial information.
One of the questions is: Is the employee still actively working? They have just been hired and in some
cases have not actually started yet, so, I don't understand the need for that question.
In my opinion the website and the services are very excellent.
In order for E-Verify to regain the confidence of its users, you will need to establish an improved
process using measures like bio-metric scans such as photos, finger print, or other methods in ensure
its accuracy rate and provide means to correct data, when it is discovered to be inaccurate. E-Verify
will also need to expend resources to increase its public relations to overcome criticism from such
organizations as the Society of Human Resource Management, and obtain endorsements from various
organizations for employers to accept E-Verify as a credible way to ensure that only those who are
eligible to work, can do so in the United States of America.
In referencing the only TNC notice, was just yesterday....The employee had gotten married and had not
yet changed her driver's license or social security card, therefore when I entered her married name,
even though your system asked for the maiden name, it didn't seem to matter. There should be an
option on one of the screens asking some questions like, has this employee recently gotten married?
Has this person applied for a new driver's license or a new social security card with her new married
name? Some questions to establish WHY the 'Nonconfirmation, TNC'
Include instructions on how the employer can locate its DUNS number.
initial training and setup wasn't intuitive
Insert an advisory, when first I get a mismatch on an employee, to check with the employee for their
correct birth date (which is where I had been given incorrect info). We all double check the name and
SSN, but may not be as careful for the birth date.
Instead of making the employers go through a myriad set of documents and procedures to verify
employment eligibility, why not make the candidate responsible for it? Let every candidate get an
employment-verification id (and they get verified by providing their documents to e-verify or some other
system). Once verified, just provide employer with employment verification id.
Is there a choice? if this is not mandatory, I would love to drop it
It is an extremely good system.
It is good system.
It can be annoying when you want to enter someone & you have to do the tutorial before you can get
started (when you are pressed for time.)
It can be hard to upload a photo if proper technology is not around to send the photo. Would prefer to
not have to be required to send photo, but still do the photo match.
It does not target the groups that truly need to have employees verified
It feels a little big brother-ish to me and a bit scary but my employer likes being enrolled so we are.
It is a fast, easy, and efficient way to process new employees.
It is a great tool to ensure employers employ only those authorized to work in the US
It is a pretty complicated system to use for a small business. The system is fairly easy to use but all the
knowledge and information required is complicated. The tutorial is so time consuming. Since we hire
employees so infrequently, I have so much to review just to verify one employee.
It is a simple, easy to use, quick &convenient system. I can't imagine why to not use it. I asked this
question at a seminar recently and replies were about 'big brother watching' and 'illegals need a job
too.' Maybe something could address these concerns that others have.
It is a very easy program to use actually.
It is a very handy tool to check illegal immigrants and I am very happy with the service . Thanks to all !
It is a very helpful tool in the Payroll arena.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
It is an excellent tool to use to verify employment status.
It is annoying that E-Verify requires periodic retraining.
It is easy to use, and good resource to verify employee's status without spending lots of time and
It is frustrating for me to have to change my password so frequently and also to have to complete
update tutorials BEFORE I can verify the next employee. I think it would be helpful to receive an email
of the updates or need for password update so that I can accomplish that at a less critical time, and not
hold up my process when trying to verify a new employee.
It is good as it is, but any improvement is welcome.
It is good, helpful but update user id and password is issue.
It is great that we can verify employees now by using their driver's licenses. But it seems like the
previous system was much easier to navigate, and would spit out results very quickly.
It is required in the state of Arizona to use E-Verify. I would not use it if not required. The password
system is more time consuming than need be. I have spent more time and frustration just trying to
enter the website due to the over complicated password system. The site is very easy to use once the
user is in.
It is sometimes hard to get a new password that is accepted.
It is very easy to use.....
It is very user friendly. Please continue doing what you are doing. Thank you for asking.
It needs to apply equally to all companies in all states in order to be fully effective.
It promotes identity theft, that is why the capability to verify that 1 person is using that ss number is
It seems like an easy system to use. No comments on how to improve as I have no complaints so far.
It seems that every time I go to use the system, I have to undergo some burdensome training and
testing. If there is any way to streamline the process of imparting new information, that would be
greatly appreciated. We are not morons.
It seems that more often than not, when I log onto the E-Verify system, I get a message that something
has changed and that I will need to read and pass the tutorial before I can go any further with the
It seems to be working fine.
It takes too long to enter each person's data and click through all the required screens.
It takes too long to get response from a TNC
It think the retesting process should be changed. It prompt you to test if you have not access the
system in more than 30 days. Time wasted
It used to be confusing...didn't understand that a case had to be closed, but the wording has changed
and it makes more sense now. I have no complaints.
It works better than expected.
It works fine just the way it is. Changes make it more difficult.
It works for me right now. We are infrequent users and a very small business
It works great
It works well now, so I don't have any suggestions for improvement. Instructions are simple, the
process is completed in a very timely manner, easy instructions.
it works! Don't mess with it!
It would be appreciated if you gave 5 days from hire date to verify instead of 3
It would be beneficial if you would notify users of tutorial so that they could take them prior to going in to
the system to do a quick input and then having to take the tutorial before you can enter anything.
It would be beneficial to be able to edit certain fields after being submitted. I know one of my co-workers
submitted the incorrect hire date, we were told we could not edit and correct those fields once the case
was closed.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
It would be beneficial to show ID or TX Driver License photos as well due to persons trying to steal
identities. Individuals are losing their ID's and are accessible for fraud. If the photo matches with the
state this would also be a better tool.
It would be good if you could give at least 2 logins before you have to take a test on knowledge of new
system changes. There have been many times when I do NOT have time to be prompted through a
test and at least I could do it when things are not so hectic being that I have to have this info verified
within 3 days of hire! Or maybe a warning e-mail that a test will be required when logging in again the
next time!
It would be good if you offered a picture of the individual when we run E-Verify due to Social Security
cards being stolen as well as identity. That way we could tell if the person is being honest of who they
really are.
It would be helpful if I didn’t have to attend the same tutorial for multiple locations. If we have one
parent company log in and then able to choose different locations rather than a separate log in for each
location/company that would be helpful.
It would be helpful to have a email alert notifying me of upcoming expirations or actions I may need to
It would be helpful to have more than 3 days from date of hire to submit information to e-verify.
It would be helpful to have picture verification for State driver licenses and to be able to accept TWIC
cards with picture verification.
It would be ideal if during the Tentative Non-Confirmation process the employer did not have to
continue to schedule the employee for work. This only results in wasted payroll dollars nearly every
time. If the Non-Confirmation is resolved, the person remains employed; but employer should have
discretion to suspend the employee pending results of E-Verify.
It would be nice if E Verify could link with Social Security and the states for new hire reporting and
Social Security number information verification. Right now we must verify through 3 different websites,
it's very time consuming.
It would be nice if e-verify would pull in the I-9 process, so you would only have to do one.
It would be nice not have to change your password so often
It would be nice not to have to wait till a person starts working before you can e-verify. Business has to
pay out a lot in time and money to set up new files on employees Then to e-verify them and then there
is problems with their status.
It would be nice to be able to re-run current employees through the system when SSA sends a mis-
match notice
It would be nice to have a section for rehires.. someone who has worked for up, laid off then rehired for
example. also, what about hiring temps... there’s nothing which states hiring on temp status.. only
currently working or no longer working...
It would be nice to have prior notification when a new tutorial is required before use of the system can
It would help if all employers were required to do this to set up new employment rather than be
It would seem that in the state of Louisiana we are going to be required to E-Verify all employees
starting January 1, 2012. As per the MOU as I understand it, you are really not allowed to E-Verify all
current employees. I would like some clarification on that and wonder what E-Verify will do to match the
state laws that are being passed referring to E-Verify.
It's a great system, I have no suggestions.
It's a great tool to verify applicants identity & work status permissions.
It's completely impractical for a small business. We don't have an HR person, much less and HR
department to handle this kind of thing.
It's good once you come up with a password that meets all of the criteria. I use it so infrequently that I
have to create a new password with practically every use. I suggest that the password change be
required after a number of uses vs. a set amount of time.
It's simple, easy and fast.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
It's useful for compliance purposes - as a DoD contractor, we have to use it... and, it seems to be
effective. Since we need to make sure our employees are US citizens, it's good to have a free way to
verify that. More generally, as a US Citizen, I find it creepy.
it's working well the way it is
I've only used E-Verify once since enrolling and was very satisfied. I haven't any complaints or
suggestions for improvement at this time.
Just let me log in without having to retake the test!!!!!!
Just my opinion - don't always change passwords or at least not so confusing to set up.
Just staff a center that can verify SSNs. Photos and appearances can change and often do. I do
background checks on my employees and that should be enough without a bunch of government
bureaucracy. The current government is just going to continue to let illegals come in without
requirement and legalize everyone here, so what's the point?
Keep it simple (2)
Keep it Simple and be Up to date on the Technological Advances. This System is Pretty User Friendly.
Keep on doing a good Job to protect our country
Keep the program simple. I only go on once a year if that and it always seems I have to do a new
tutorial to refresh because something has changed. Keep the verification simple so doing the tutorial
can be eliminated... I have a lot on my plate and it seems like more and more 'email' and technology
keeps being thrown at us (small employer) which makes life more and more complicated and stressful.
Keep up the good work! (3)
Keep up the online updates and seminars on-line.
keep verifying companies.
Learning can be increased my including more videos.
Less tutorials.
Like the program
Limited use, but good so far. Easy to use, quick results. Must be accurate because we had one that
was held immediately but resolved within 24 hours. Thanks, folks.
Live Chat would be fantastic! My various locations have questions that I wish I could answer
immediately rather than wait for a day or two. Also, there are soooo many real life situations that crop
up and are not covered in the BIG to have some quick responses/perhaps other client
chats, too.
Look into longer periods of time for changing passwords.
Looking forward to much more enhanced User interface.
Love E-verify!
Love it.
Love the program!!!
Love this system. Please continue to fund, develop and require its usage. Thank you.
Maintaining an account and adding users is not very transparent. Try to think 'is this as easy to use as' Right now the answer is no. And Amazon is a pretty complex web site, but it is intuitive.
Hope this helps...
Make it easier to develop a password.
Make it easier to find the log-in link. The one I use is part of a list and does not pop out at me when I go
to use the site. Since I don't use the site very often, it cuts into my time to find the correct link.
Make it easier to move from tutorial to verification process for those who seldom use the website.
make it easier to use!
Make it mandatory for every employer nationwide to use E-verify. 1 or more employees, you should be
using E-Verify!!!
Make it mandatory for every employer period. That would give everyone a level playing field.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Make it more Industry-specific. Make it a FINAL requirement rather than initial one. Do NOT require
periodic updates unless and until my company information or status has changed. Provide an
alternative e-V to (like US Passport or SECURE Green card). Exempt (or modify process) in select Biz
categories (Farms but NOT construction) where typical Americans do not show up to do the work.
PERHAPS make e-Verify 'optional-with-benefits' weighted in a Bids process (ie: all things considered
equal, e-Verified gets the job).
Make it simple and clear- too much information and 'training material'- system clearly designed by
government agency- a little too procedural than necessary.
Make it user friendly
Make sure all employers comply.
Make sure all versions of perm resident/alien/work authorization cards are showing so one can
compare if presented with a card that one does not recognize.
Make sure you send an image of applicant to help substantiate they are who they say they are.
Make the date fields so I can enter them numerically 12/16/2011
Make the log in process more user friendly.
make the system mandatory for all employers
Make the tentative non-verification process easier to follow for the new employee, ie, something that
can be taken care of on the spot. Make sure e-verify provide an alert when there is a discrepancy in
the date of birth..
Make the timing out session a little longer.
Make the TNC process less cumbersome.
Make the tutorial easier to read or format differently.
Make the tutorial updates less time consuming. Coming up with a password that works is the hardest
Make the tutorials shorter. We just don't have time in out office to do tests.
Make the user name and password system easier to use!
Mandatory tutorials, although helpful for new information, are redundant. Many times the questions
Maybe it was happen-stance or just my luck, but I experienced technical problems with the website
several times and then couldn't get responses to my email inquiries. It appears to be much better /
faster in the last several months. Thanks!
More detailed information on Non-confirmation procedures.
More picture matching for driver's licenses or other picture ID provided by employee.
My boss was the one that decided to use E-Verify. I don't know what prompted that decision. Haven't
had much opportunity to use it. As with learning anything new, it takes time. From what my experience
has been, it has been easy to use for training and processing.
My Company has not hired anyone for several years. Recently I had to get on the E-Verify website for
some reason other than to verify employment eligibility. I could not do anything unless I took the tutorial
first. This was a big waste of my time because I was only seeking information. I have had to take the
tutorial several times to keep my credentials even though we haven't hired anyone in 6 years. We may
be hiring later this year and I'm sure I will have to take it yet again before I can do anything. It is
burdensome. I would prefer to take it only once right before using it.
My experience using E-Verify has been positive - thanks.
My impression of E-Verify prior to signing up that it would be very difficult and time consuming. In
reality it is very easy to use and has become one of the easier duties with onboarding a person after
hire. I have not had anyone rejected, so I would hope that when/if that happens that process is not as
bad as imagined.
My main challenge is the frequency and difficulty in choosing a password. I know it has to be secure,
but this seems pretty severe.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
My main complaint is that when a person's 'deadline' for resolving their TNC comes around, the website
does not update for up to weeks after that deadline. I have to assume that the person did not resolve
their issue until I hear for certain. Otherwise, the system has been helpful for us.
My one issue with the e-verify program is the frequent requirement of completing tutorials before
proceeding. This can be a frustrating roadblock during a busy workday.
My only complaint was the amount of time you can be put on hold, and if disconnected, the amount of
time you must hold again. My wait time was excessive and disruptive.
My only issue with E-Verify is that in our office, there are two of us who use E-Verify. I am the backup,
so I don't use it very often. When I do, I have to retake the tutorial, which takes a lot of time. I don't
think I need this, as I have my notes to refer to.
My only negative for the program is the lack of communication when you make changes that require me
to take a new tutorial prior to using the service. Generally, when I log into E-Verify I am trying to go
through a checklist of things that need to be done for a new employee... I don't have time (at the
moment) to take a tutorial - my recommendation is that you send an email to users letting them know
that they will need to take a tutorial before they can use the program again... that way I can take the
tutorial when I have time... not when I am anxious to finish setting up an employee in our system
My only real complaint is the VERY subtle changes that are made and then I have to take another
tutorial before I can move on with verifying. Also, I sometimes have gone stretches of time where I don't
hire for a while and my password expires with no notice. An e-mail notice of both events would be
helpful to my time management.
My overall experience with E-Verify had been very good. I would like to say that when I go in, which is
not too often (we're a small company), and there is an update and I have to go through a tutorial. I
would have liked to receive an email letting me know that the next time I log into E-Verify I have to take
a tutorial before I can complete my request. Sometimes I'm in a hurry and don't have time to take the
tutorial, but I need to add the new employee ASAP. Thanks
my payroll company does it for me
My understanding is that once we enroll in E-verify, we are obligated to continue to use it. If I had a
choice, I would not bother with E-verify. It adds one more time-consuming step to our employment
National or Federal ID/photo for all to compare to during this process.
navigating throughout fields is cumbersome for someone who enjoys being efficient and who also
utilizes shortcuts.
Near the end of the process, I'm always uncomfortable about what point I can still get a printout. I
usually end up printing twice. The system would be better if it was clear at what point to get a 'final'
printout of the results.
Need more than 3 days in which to verify a new employee.
Need more than the 3 day window to easily have new hires attend orientation and be E-Verified. It can
be a real burden, 7 days would be more realistic since not all location managers can use E-Verify. This
is the right thing to do, just give us more time.
Need photos of citizens as well. Identity theft is on the rise.....
Need some way to report illegals that companies come across. Had an illegal come in and he had two
SS cards. By the time I found someone to listen he was packed up and gone.
Needs more structured/definitive instructions on how to handle a TNC. Let the employee work for ten
days while requiring them to handle the situation themselves? Don't let them work? Enter them into
our payroll with fraudulent information? I'm not comfortable with that. Truly, E-verify needs to allow
employer to verify work eligibility pre-employment.
Nice to hear a presentation on where e-Verify is going
No additional comments; my ratings reflect my overall, total satisfaction of the system.
No comments at this time. E-Verify is an excellent system for verifying employment eligibility, and our
organization is very pleased with E-Verify.
No comments or suggestions at this time
No comments, you're meeting my expectations.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
None at this time!
None at this time, the last program changes did alot to simplify the setup!
None that I can think of. Great job.
None, it is a very easy, friendly user.
Not every outcome results with a picture, prefer a picture to further verify identity.
Not have the SSN input broken out by sections - allow for single input of the numbers.
not having to reset password if you forgot it once
Not make the password so difficult. To many rules.
Not mandate that we use it.
Notice of required training (by email) prior to next login attempt and being locked out because you
haven't completed training.
Notification that there are new tutorials vs waiting until you need to use the system to find out. This way
you could do the tutorial when you are not so rushed to get verifications completed.
Notify me via e-mail if there are any required tutorials so that I don't get taken by surprise when I'm
trying to do a verification and I'm in a hurry.
Notify me via email when 1-9 documents are about to expire.
Notify via email of update training required so that user is prepared when needing to use system.
Notifying me of any new updates or changes in the system.
On Updates to E-Verify, would like to receive them both by email & mailings.
Once an individual has been authorized, the button to close the case doesn't stand out very much. I've
had to go in and close cases that had been authorized but not yet closed because others in my office
didn't realize there was another step. The green check mark once someone is authorized leads some
users to think they've completed the E-Verify process.
Once improvement i would definitely recommend and that would be to not need to change password
every 90 days. we do not have a high turnover of employee and find it annoying to change password
each time.
One improvement needed is to permit employers to eVerify before the hired starts to work and to
recheck employees from time to time. We work in sensitive areas, and do need to put an employee to
work for up to 11 days without knowing he is authorized.
One suggestion I would make is extending the 3 day period to 5 days, as most small companies do not
hire people thru the human resources department and may not know a new employee has been hired
as quickly as bigger companies.
Only concern is how to detect fraud.
Only if required!
Only one person who received a temporary non-confirmation notice and instructions in over two years
ever completed the process. Most guys will continue to work for the number of days they have to
contact DHS or the SSA and then they just vanish. Even when they insist they are legal, they do not
want to risk possible trouble. Is there a way to assure employees that by contacting DHS or SSA to
correct any id problems they will not be deported or arrested and they might find that the process could
help them clear their status? In the construction industry it is very difficult to find willing able workers
and it is particularly sad to see strong able legal immigrants turn away from honest work because they
don't understand the documentation process.
Only problem is the frequent changes which require retraining before the e-verify service can be used
again. This really slows down the process due to many changes.
Only will use E-verify if required to do so in order to conduct business.
Our agency provides HR services to several federal agencies. We receive the information from the
home agency. Therefore, it's sometimes difficult to get matters resolved within the 3-day limit. Also,
the passport picture is sent electronically after being examined by HR person in home agency. It is
often difficult to see. It would be more efficient to have the person doing the orientation to examine the
passport and confirm that it matches before they sign the certification section.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Our company believes in participating with a legal and user friendly work authorization program. You're
on the right track but would like more web base interaction when communicating on issues and
questions. Thank you Sincerely, The Kauffman Group, Inc.
Our company doesn't deal directly with E-Verify, we use a payroll service provider that uses E-Verify,
therefore we complete the necessary forms to be processed.
Our company uses e-verify through a third party with our employment verifications.
Our company worked with ADP in setting up the e-verify system. They were involved in our training
Our company would like to see the state IDs have the photo matching tool also. This would be an
added measure of protection to make sure we are hiring eligible workers.
Overall a very good service except for the initial registration process which is brutal.
Overall system is great - documents and instructions on the Tentative Non-Confirmation process could
be a little easier to follow.
Overall very pleased. The error handling could be a little better i.e. when you put in a wrong DOB etc
the messages could be better.
Overall we are happy with the program and hope it will be enforced for all employers to utilize in the
Overall, great app. Helps me ensure I am providing qualified candidates for federal contract
Overall, I have been very happy with E-verify, except for the phone conversation in which I was given
the wrong answer, put on hold forever, and finally received an answer about 2 weeks later through
email. It was a very important question to me, and required a lot of extra work on my part.
Overall--Very Satisfied
Pass sensible immigration reform legislation.
Pass words expire to quickly
Password requirement is too stringent
Password requirement too complicated
Password requirements are a bit confusing.
Password requirements are too onerous!!
password rules are TOO cumbersome........
Passwords are complicated
Please be advised we have suspended operations and have no need of this service at this time.
Please change the date formats back to a numeric entry. It's a bit annoying having to scroll down to the
month, then day, then year rather than just typing in the corresponding numerals. I'd be much obliged.
Please change the tutorial process. Advance notice of the tutorial and the option to take the tutorial at a
later time would be an improvement to the current system of requiring an additional 10-15 minutes to
take a tutorial (without notice) when I just want to verify an employee.
Please give me 5 days to enter it instead of 3. It is always so stressful for I have employees all over the
Please send email with heads up on new site changes that require tutorials. Site is very nice. Only
frustration is when I go in to use the system and find I have to complete a tutorial before I can proceed
to site.
Please stop making me change my password so frequently
Pleased with the service.
Possibly provide ability to enter paperwork in advance of hire date to ease administration timing. Also,
consider a larger window of time for entering paperwork for new hires that are offsite. Sometimes
paperwork is not received in HR dept within the 3 day window and have to use 'other' as reason and
type explanation each time.
Prefer not to change password so frequently
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Preventing identify theft when someone has stolen document used for verification.
Prior to the E-verify program, there was no way for an Employer to verify that the individual being hired
was in fact legally authorized to work in this Country. All an Employer had to do was fill out the I-9 form
with the information that the applicant presented. The determination of whether the information provided
was factual or falsified was left totally up to the Employer. I was excited about the E-verify program from
its inception. It takes the guess work out of the hiring process. I no longer have to worry about whether
or not I have hired an individual that is authorized to live and work in this Country. I believe that E-verify
Program should be passed into law and that it is made mandatory for all Employers to sign up and use
the program.
problems with middle names and double last names.
Processing an I-9 was a simple process; one ID from column A, 2 IDs from column B etc. Signature,
photocopy done. The current process is so overboard on procedures and rights in terms of pre-testing;
all things that could be codified into the actual interface: a. print this handout to employee for IDs b.
go to web site and follow script c. Say 'X' because of result 'Y'. The training is very technical and
mostly superfluous; it could be broken down into < 10 rules for the normal hire and the exceptions dealt
with as they came up in processing. It is a shitty, shitty system that was clearly not well designed and is
too expensive for my company to use.
Provide Photo ID for Drivers Lic & State ID's
Provide a
provide current issues regarding immigration to be current by e-mail, fax or mail.
Provide instructions on how to enter a person that has a long name that uses maternal and paternal last
names as well as initials on their social security documentation.
Provide training on why Administrators see cases showing as 'Open' in the Administrator's view, when
users have already closed those cases.
public education
Question about 'Is the person still/currently employed with your company' is somewhat confusing as we
use e-verify as part of our onboarding process where the person is not considered employed until their
employment eligibility has been determined. Requirement for entry within 3-days is not always
practical given delays in obtaining documentation and scheduling constraints within a small business
with multiple locations.
Quick and easy.
Quizzes and other info requested seem a bit burdensome for a small company with only a few
employees who rarely use the service.
Random tutorials should not pop up when you're reading to verify employment. I would prefer using an
email that a tutorial is necessary before being able to use E-Verify again.
Re the question about communicating with others about E-Verify - we already do that within our region.
Recent changes such as being able to add an applicant prior to their start date has been very helpful.
The new format is also easier to navigate through.
Reduce the frequency of required training updates, or allow a single use when additional training is
required. This helps a person who is an occasional user and enters the system and learns that they
must complete a class before they can verify an employee.
Reduce the number of times a password has to be reset.
Require all employers use the system
Require all state and federal employers to use it
Required password changes are too often and we would like to see a photo on every verification.
Required training before doing anything else in the system for E-Verify updates are inconvenient and
the questions asked are generally not that good in my opinion.
Requiring both an I-9 and E-Verify seems like duplication. If we must use E-Verify, why not eliminate
the I-9?
requiring changing of passwords frequently is cumbersome
Resetting your password is somewhat difficult at times. Please make re-setting password easier.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Respond to questions on a timely manner.
Satisfied with the process
Satisfied with the program.
See how you could stream line the Tutorial. All else has been great. Get rid of the I-9's once you have
Seems like every time I need to use E-Verify, I have to take a tutorial first :(
Seems like I have to do updated training on changes almost every time I use system. I think changes
can be addressed during use instead.
Seems very well done. It is a necessary and useful program for employers!
Seminars, state wise, to educate the employers and their representatives by USCIS experts are
recommended. Nominal enrolment fee may be charged to subsidize the expenses.
Send an email notifying users of required training updates so they can choose to take the tutorial at that
time or prior to next use. It can be inconvenient to take tutorial at log-in for employee approval if time is
an issue.
Send notification that a tutorial is required for upgrades to the website before you can use it again. HR
professionals are very busy and E-Verify is very quick, unless you get stopped by a tutorial. I don't
always have time to do the tutorial in order to E-Verify a new employee, but I don't have any choice but
to take the time if I need to verify a new employee.
Should be able to E-Verify someone before they are required to report to work. If a TNC is received, it is
possible that I have to keep that person on my payroll and working until the issue is resolved. This can
cost me a great deal having to keep that person on my payroll and then having to terminate that person
because to the TNC. This can results in training time and money being wasted on someone who is not
authorized to work in the US. Plus it can also cause me not being able to hire someone that is
authorized to work in US because I have (temporarily) filled that position with someone who I did not
know was unauthorized to work in US.
Should require you to update verification when documents expire, not just 'remind' you.
Shut it down. It's a monumental waste of time.
Shutting down the company. I believe E-Verify should be required by all employers or screen applicants
(assuming it is accurate)
Silly we are not to match the person presenting the ID with the ID presented.
simplify password re-set
Simplify your password requirements!
Since I don't do a lot of hiring it can be months between times that I use E-Verify. It is frustrating that I
have to take a tutorial just about every time I use the system. I can understand to some extent the
need to make sure people are up to date but the extra time it takes to go through the tutorials causes a
lot of frustration with the system.
Since I use the site infrequently, something is always different and I need to take another tutorial almost
every time I use it. As simple as the system is to use, I don't see the need for the time consuming
tutorials and tests. I understand, however, that you have to make the site user friendly to everyone, but
it is very easy to navigate.
Since I work for a small business and don't always log into the system every month, e-mail reminders
for new tutorials and updates would be helpful so that I'm always up-to-date with using the system.
Thanks for considering my comments!
Since we don't hire new employees very often, every time I log on to E-Verify, I am forced to change my
password. The password selection is sometimes very difficult. Maybe the time between changing
passwords could be longer.
Since we don't use E-Verify that frequently, it is somewhat time-consuming to have to re-take the
tutorials. If the same user is entering the information, wouldn't it be more efficient to communicate
changes/updates via email or some other method?
Since we don't use it often, it is frustrating to have to change the password so much
So far everything is working well
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
So far, E-Verify is good.
Some of my responses are a consequence this is an office of one--me--and I needed to check out
myself for a fee-for-service contract we undertaking. It was all okay and if I needed to verify new
employees or knew of someone else needing this service, I would recommend you.
Some of the people we hire have two last names. If we get a non-confirmation on an employee, wish
we had a person to contact that would reverse the names and look them up to make sure it truly is a
Some of these questions do not apply well as we contract with a vendor to interface with E-Verify and
electronic I-9
Sometimes employee comes first time to US and apply for SSN. it takes 2-3 weeks. can it be e-verified
without SSN based on VISA or I-94?
Sometimes I have a hard time finding the right place after i go online to verify an employee
Sometimes logging on to verify a new employee and having to stop to go thru a new tutorial or change
is annoying ... is there any way in advance to know that changes have been made a new tutorial/test is
required before verifying a new employee?
Sometimes the training sessions are somewhat redundant, and they tend to make verification take
more time than it should when you do not use the system very often.
Speeding up the process would help tremendously.
State law blackmails firms into using E-Verify. Even if it didn't the stigma that attaches to cancelling E-
Verify smacks too much of Big Brother.
Stop bugging me for surveys and just let me use E-Verify -- without more government interruptions and
spending money for surveys.
Stop having the employer change their passwords all the time
Stop having us change the password all the time.
stop making us change the password so often
Stop requiring us to change passwords all the time- it's absolutely useless to do that! Since I am the
only person in the company that uses it, there's no point to changing it every 3 months.
Stop the tutorials. The real world doesn't have time for them. Also: frequent password changing? Is the
system secure or not?
Stop updating. every time I log in there is a new test before you con get the info you need.
Stop with the ongoing tutorials every few months. Also, allow us to not fill out I-9 forms if we are using
E-verify. It duplicates the work.
Stop with the updates. It's pretty simple: ID & social security card - finished. If a photo match comes up,
look at the picture and match it to the person. Typical government making everything hard. All the
'extra' information just makes it confusing.
Suggest email notification alerts sent to registered users of a new required tutorial BEFORE being
notified when needing to perform a verification event.
System seems to work pretty well
System seems to work well - but I have not encountered any employee not being approved or any
System works fine and is a dependable tool for our company.
Systems works very well
Thank you for helping us to verify work authorizations
Thank you for making E-Verify simple and straight forward to use.
Thank you for making the process so easy.
Thank you for your services
Thank you, it is much needed verification. Should be required by all com
Thanks for making it easy, efficient and painless to confirm the eligibility of our new staff.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Thanks for providing a service to help keep our country safe. Authorized employment is important for
our country to move forward and E-Verify allows us to do that.
Thanks for the opportunity and continued improvements in your program!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback!
The 2 main concerns I hear is (1) the time it takes to re-take the tutorials and their frequency and (2)
The system often is unstable and 'drops' a connection at times when trying to complete employee
The 3 day window is a little annoying...sometimes I get busy and don't have the time to get the new
people in within the 3 days. It's always within 7 days, that would be a better time frame.
The 3 day window within which new/rehires should be E-verified is too short. It should be at least 1
week. Also, because of the thoroughness of Transportation Workers Identification Credential
(TWIC)certification process, holders of TWIC cards should be exempt from e-verification.
The 3 days is sometimes not enough due to we are a small business with a limited staff that is
overloaded on work and not enough time to get everything done most of the time.
The actual E-Verify process is fine - the tutorial was very time consuming and cumbersome.
The amount of mandatory tutorials are too time consuming. I understand that the system when through
many phases and it may have been necessary for so many 'new' tutorials and 'tests' but it is hard to
focus on test taking at work thus taking me away from my normal desk duties just for a test. I believe
that the system is necessary and very much needed and I believe that the system is near perfection so
hopefully not many more upgrades will be necessary.
The biggest challenge with the site is the password set-up. I find I have to reset my password almost
every time I access the system. It is as if the system doesn't remember and gives me an error when I
try to enter the password I used for my last session. This is the only frustrating part of the system.
The change made a few years ago to provide more immediate feedback was a good change.
The changing of the password every 3 months is burdensome. Is that really necessary??
The changing of the password so often is a pain. I do not feel we need to change more than once a
year if that.
The complexity and frequency required on changing the password is very frustrating.
The complexity of the password requirements are extreme. Has to start or end with this, has to have
that, has to has to has to. Please simplify.
The concept of E-Verify is great but the execution of the requirement is horrible. There are so many
questions about the definition and what qualifies for an employee who needs to be screened and who
can be excluded. The legal phrasing is horrible and incredibly vague that large companies have a very
difficult time interpreting what the program is trying to encourage/discourage, etc. My company has
spent thousands of dollars with inside and outside legal counsel to figure out what the spirit of e-verify is
supposed to be. Frankly, e-verify needs to be rewritten to the point that a 3rd grader could easily
explain the following: 1. Why use e-verify 2. Who needs to be screened using E-Verify (this is my
biggest frustration because the terminology is so lose) 3. When it should be used 4. An what needs to
be done with an employee is unable to resolve a tentative non-confirmation. Lastly, the Tentative Non-
Confirmation (at least for my company) has been a huge waste of time asking employees to take time
off to update his/her social security card or other government issued I.D.. Please clarify the process so
it is easy to understand and doesn't include so much legal jargon that no two companies can agree on
the intent/spirit of the program.
The customer service I have experience is great
The customer service reps need to be more knowledgeable about E-Verify and there needs to be more
of them. It takes too long for a person to answer my call
The enrollment process is extremely long. Once the enrollment process was complete E-verify is easy
to use.
The E-Verify program is awesome. The only issue I have had is with the permanent resident cards. A
better description of what each piece of information on the card means would be nice. Also, specifying
which name is first, middle and last.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The E-Verify program is great. It's the backup that's lacking. Make it a Federal law to enroll in the
program (no exclusions) and enforce the law stringently through state governance.
The E-Verify program is not as useful as it could be, because you cannot enter a request for verification
of employment eligibility status until after you have already hired a person and cannot take an action
based on the results of that verification if that person is not eligible. The program is useless to the
average employer; i.e. If the results come back that an employee is not legally in the US or is otherwise
not eligible to work within the US no adverse action can be taken against that person after being hired.
This information needs to be available prior to the person being hired in the first place. E-Verify is a
bad program for the employer; if an employer employs a person that is not legally eligible to work in the
US the employer is held accountable by the Government; if an employer fails to verify the eligibility, that
employer is held accountable by the Government; E-Verify is not to be used as a screening tool by a
potential employer; the employer has to have hired the employee before submitting the request for
eligibility; no adverse action may (dismissal, etc.) be taken against the employee based on the results
of the information received from E-Verify. What use is it?
The E-Verify system helps small businesses like ours comply with Federal immigration regulations in an
simple and convenient way. By continuing to provide this service, it will safeguard us small businesses,
ensuring that we remain compliant with immigration laws and for any local, state or federal contract
work we can get.
The E-Verify system is an excellent program for employers. The one problem I have is with your
customer service - needing help with questions-not being able to talk to someone or when I do getting
the right person to give you answers - waiting for a long time to get answers back via email. How are
we able to LEARN more of how to use E-Verify there are many things I still need to know HOW TOO.
The E-verify system works well for me. Do not like filling out surveys. Don't have the time. The
process of new hires is already complicated without adding additional work such as surveys.
The first time I called for assistance, she was going to walk me through but I had to complete another
tutorial before I could address the issue. The home website can be hard to navigate.
The Help prompts in E-Verify are very helpful. Especially in cases where you are presented with an
uncommon ID and are not sure which numbers to enter.
The idea behind this program is awesome and much needed. The idiots that designed it are clueless
however, and the terms - stupid, stupid, stupid.
The initial learning requirements for the administrator was overly complex. The learning and skill test
could and should be simpler.
The initial tutorial was too long/time consuming. In general, it is disturbing to enter & deal with people's
private information online. It is unacceptable, considering the daily security breaches to various online
services. I understand the system as a helpful tool, however the fact that only some employers are
required to use it and not others, makes the whole system ridiculous.
The last email I sent regarding log-in trouble/question was not responded to for a whole month! The
person I spoke with on the phone couldn't help me, and basically told me that he didn't know what to tell
me. By the end I was so frustrated my boss had to create a new account for me because I still couldn't
log on, turns out I had the wrong link - for some reason my link was changed from the general user to
some other type of log in - - if someone had just taken a little time we wouldn't have had to create a new
account for me. Over-all my experience since I started using E-Verify 2 years ago has been very good,
until the issue a few months ago.
The law needs to be changed so that we can check E-Verify BEFORE hiring someone. It is plain
STUPID to do this after you have made the employment offer.
the length of time for a time out should be longer. sometimes interruptions happen during the process
and it's annoying to sign back in and start over.
The limitation on the size of the files for the I-9 supporting documents is very restrictive. It is difficult to
reduce some documents to such a small file size.
The major complaint I have is the password standard. I use E-verify maybe twice a year, which by the
standard means every time I use the system I have to create a new password. It takes me longer to
meet the password criteria than it does to verify a new employee. I find the update 'testing' to be over
simplified, but I suppose that is do to vast capability of your target audience. Other than that I am happy
with the system and feel it meets my local & state requirements. Thank you
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The major problem I have with E-verify is signing up, understanding the different user classes and also
setting up password. The password requirement is too complicated and makes setting up a nightmare!
The mandatory training is too much
The most important thing that I can stress is please provide consistent and accurate answers.
The new driver's license number requirement is burdensome.
The new requirement of ID and expiration date is a problem if an employee does not have an unexpired
driver license - this recently happened to us and because the system does not allow you to open a file I
could not enter anything for the employee. In this instance the employee quit before obtaining a current
ID. (However, he had a social security card and an expired driver's license that was clearly him.)
The on screen instructions for entering the alien number could be a little clearer.
The only concern that I have is when the system logout after a short time for non activity. Going back
and logging in again and again is somewhat in convenient. please have a longer time limit for auto
logout. Thank you.
the only difficult part was the original tutorial which was way too long and burdensome
The only difficulty that I have with the program is that I need to update the password almost every
single time I need to check a new employee, and to pick a new password is not easy; other than that I
have no problem using the program.
The only frustrating part of using the E-Verify system is find out through it the inaccuracies of the SSA's
information. Also, I find the steps are not clear enough when presented a 'Tentative Non-Confirmation'
The only hard thing about e-verify is the password you have to choose every few months. Other than
that it all works great.
The only issue we have had so far is the delay in the online system updating the I-94 data of individuals
arriving into the country. While it is updated in a couple of days, we suggest the system is made more
real-time. It will be only an enhancement - the E-verify system as it, is very efficient. Thanks.
The only problem I have had with E-Verify is when I 1st get into it & type the person's information
sometimes it knocks me back to the user name & password. This if very aggravating.
The only problem I have is the password being so particular...I have already spent 30 minutes just
trying to change it.
The only problem I have is the sign in passwords. The E-verify logon times out to soon, every time that I
need to sign in, the first thing I do is to reactivate my sign in info. I use this service about 1 or 2 times a
year at Christmas. The only other time is if I need temporary help. I fortunately have permanent
workers. The changing of the password takes about 15 mins based on your qualifications, it just isn't
user friendly.
The only problem we have with e verify is that we can't check potential employees in advance so that
we can be sure they are legal. For instance if I need a crew of 20 people I would like to be able to
screen each one's identification 2 weeks prior to employment. If there is a problem then that would give
us 2 weeks to search for a replacement. It makes it very hard to find out just a day or so before our
season that perhaps a person is not legal. I hope I have made this clear.
The only real problem I have had is getting booted off after I have logged in begun the process. It's
frustrating to have to start over four or five times because you can't get past the second or third screen
without getting booted.
The only real problem I have with E-Verify is more of a problem with the law. We have the E-Verify to
help insure that employees are here illegally, but the system is set up to make sure that anyone here
illegally can just walk away. What’s the point of that?
The only reason we participate in E-Verify is because we are required by state law to do so. We will
continue to use this service only because we are required to. Otherwise, we would not use this service.
Thank you for allowing us to participate in this survey and provide comments.
The only thing I am unhappy with is the frequency and difficulty of creating a new username and
The only thing I do not like about the E-Verify system is how complex your password needs to be
(certain number of letters, numbers, etc. -- can't be a 'real word', can't be any sequence you've used
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
before). I know it is for security reasons, but it is often difficult to come up with passwords. Other than
that small matter, everything else with E-Verify works very well.
The only thing I don't like about E-verify is having to take the tutorial every time I go onto the website..It
is very time consuming..
The only thing I don't like about the system is that we have 3 days from date of hire to enter the
employee into the system. As the owner of a small temporary agency, sometimes it's hard to get all the
paperwork processed and entered within 3 days of hire.
The only thing I don't like is that we have two companies registered with E-verify and it would be nice if I
only had to do one tutorial instead of one for each company.
The only thing I really don't like about the process is the password requirements and how frequently you
have to change it. It can be very frustrating, there has to be a better way. Also the frequent need to do
tutorials can be aggravating also.
The only thing that would help in my world is the three day rule. At times, it has been difficult to meet
the time limit, with other duties that require my attention promptly. Thank you.
The overall system seems well constructed. Frustrated at having to take a tutorial and test periodically
in order to continue to use the system.
The password and testing process is cumbersome for infrequent users - it seems as though almost
every time our company logs on we have to change the password (and the password guidelines are
stricter than any other password we have to provide) and take another training session and test. When
you're busy the process seems time-consuming. I do feel it's worthwhile however.
The password changes are too frequent. I use the system about once per quarter and I have to change
my password every time. I understand this is a safeguard and maybe this can be done every six
months as opposed to what it is currently set at. I dread doing this every time because I know I will
have to change the password and that process takes to long because whatever I put in the first few
times the system rejects.
The password changes too often. I don't need to use E-Verify very much since we don't have a lot of
job turnover and we are not growing. So changing my password and trying to keep track of it is a
nuisance and I do not feel it adds to the security of the program.
The password criteria and changes every 45 days are hard especially since we don't use the system
The password is the most difficult part of the whole process. It constantly needs to be changed - why? It
seems every time I go verify an individual I have to change my password & it has to be something
completely different from the last one. Rather frustrating! Over all I like the system except the password
The password process is frustrating. You must constantly change it. The continuous tutorials are also
The password protection is to difficult to create; to many 'rules'.
The password requirements and frequent changes are a bit difficult.
The password requirements and frequent changes required are cumbersome.
the password requirements are a little overboard. need easier login!!!!!
The password requirements are extremely difficult. It's not safe for me to have such a complicated
password that I have to write down. It would be better if I could use alpha numeric plus one special
character and be able to use words.
The password reset requirements seem to be a bit steep. I have had to reset my password a number
of times because I forgot what it was.
The password restrictions I feel are too much! I understand it's for security, but I hate it! It must be
changed too often and the complexity of the setting is too complicated! It takes me too long to reset the
password because the system is so sensitive and has so many restrictions! Also, if I remember
correctly, it doesn't tell you the restrictions or what you've done wrong until you entered and attempted
to reset. Some password reset systems will let you know the strength and correct format as you type so
that you don't need to spend so many times attempting to create a password that fits with the
requirements. Please look into these options and I'll like using the system better :)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The password selection process is too difficult. That needs to be made easier.
The password system is too cumbersome.
The photo match is great for Permanent Resident Cards, I would like to see photo match on state
drivers license. I think this would reduce the amount of TNC notifications.
The process does not always apply to me. We use substitute teachers, and the question 'Did you
continue to employ this person' does not really apply, as subs are on a 'as needed' basis. The time limit
of 3 days to report a new employee is too short. I am a one person office with 130 employees and new
subs. Give us at least 2 weeks to get the information entered.
The program and service is already serving us good. So no suggestions / recommendations for now
The program has worked well, we have only had a couple of new hires that required US documentation
The program is fine in usage, but the registration process was way too time consuming and customer
service is not helpful
The prompts listed on the hotlines are a bit confusing and long.
The question: How confident are you in the accuracy of the E Verify program? I have no way of
knowing the accuracy. That is the only question I did not answer. My overall experience with the E
Verify system has been great.
The questions at the end of verify are a waste of time.
The quicker you partner with the DMV's to expand the photo-match tool the better the system will be.
Other than that, it's a great tool for employers who wish to do the right thing - employ individuals who
are authorized to work in the USA!
The recent changes have made a huge improvement with the ease of entering the information. E-Verify
has taken the 'valid' ID guessing game out of my hands and greatly improved our American system.
Thank you.
The required on-line training is far too long for the content necessary. Please streamline for more
beneficial use.
The required re-training or training updates are too cumbersome and time consuming.
The requirement to re-take the tutorial at certain process points is problematic. Advance notice of
needing to take the tutorial again would be helpful. Or, understanding why the tutorial is needed would
also help (i.e., is it due to a system upgrade; a period of dis-use; etc...) Unless there is drastic system
changes, once passed, the tutorial should not be required again.
The requirements for the password and the frequency in which you must change it are very challenging.
It is like completing a puzzle every couple of months just to access the system. Maybe the password
could just be changed once a year. Also, it seems very redundant to have the e-verify the same person
over and over and over if they are a normal US Citizen.
The rules for a Federal Contractor/Sub-contractor are so different and I believe they should be the
same. On a side note.......we are a sub-contractor and I still have GC's that ask for I-9 documentation
despite being given an E-verify report. E-verify report should be sufficient and I'm still researching if
they are even legally allowed to ask for copies of our employee I-9's.
The system about what I can and cannot do scares me especially when dealing with immigrants. Too
many regulations makes me not even want to deal with any potential immigrants legal or illegal so I
don't if possible.
The system could be designed for easier and faster input. I use it daily and the pull downs are not
designed for fast input. It should have the capability of typing in OR pull down. The pull down makes
you STOP when we could just keep typing.
The system has been fairly easy to navigate. We have had no problems with it so far.
The system is complicated unless you use it frequently enough in order maintain knowledge of how to
use it. This company is quite small and we seldom hire new employees and keep on the personnel we
have therefore, we have not used the system enough to justify retention of the knowledge base
required for E-verify use.
The system is easy enough to use. However, it is an additional administrative step for HR. It is
additional compliance overhead.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The system is easy to use and self-explanatory.
The system is not perfect, there is not photo verification for citizen so, someone could be using
someone else's identification and E-verify does not have the way to confirm the real person. It is still a
great tool and tons better than what we did before (s.s verification through social security office.
The system is reliable, efficient, and simple to use. Criticisms seem more political than practical.
The system is very user friendly and does not take long to enter the required information. I like the fact
that you get results immediately and can print the results out then put the paperwork away. The
training and instructions are written in an easy to understand format.
The system is very simple and I have enjoyed it over the past 4 years. I am a bit concerned that we are
headed to a cumbersome process going forward. I urge you to keep it simple. This is basic stuff.
The system works great, easy to use, and it's fast. The only technical problems I've had have been on
my end.
The system works just fine for me - since we don't have much employee turnover or new jobs it may be
a year b4 I use the system and then I have to change password which is a pain because it always is for
me - other than that it's a great system and the tutorials are fine
The system gives me confidence that we are in compliance with all laws. My concern is with the
generous waiting period for employee-based resolution to discrepancies. Much too lenient.
the tentative non-confirmation process - I do like now we can track the movement in resolution -but
what if the resolution is delayed well beyond 2 weeks - how can we follow up - do we contact the
specific agency to receive a verbal status update. Also we are in multiple states.
The test should not be mandatory to enroll in E-Verify system.
The testing process is very long and tedious. While I know the user needs to be educated on the
system, I think the testing process is excessive. In addition, I think the security settings are a pain for
users that do not use the services that frequently. I constantly have to change my password and it
makes using the system tiresome. I would like to easily go in and out of the system to compete this
process easily. Overall, the program is good though.
The time limitation should be extended. With workload and the fact that I am not here everyday. It is
sometimes hard to get them done within e-verify guidelines. I also have run into erroneous information
in the system, the fact that this is a verification system to me means THE INFORMATION IN YOUR
the 'training' for each new login is a huge deterrent.
The tutorial is too long for someone familiar with employment verification. You should have two: one for
beginners and one for people with prior experience since it is mandatory for use of E-Verify.
The tutorial is very long. Plus, I had to retake the tutorial when I forgot my password and it was reset.
It was all very time-consuming.
The tutorial process is too long and does not really pertain to the verification process at all. A different
process should be used or discontinued.
The tutorial took too much time!
The tutorial was a little bit long for the liking, however, I understand that it is necessary.
The tutorial was fairly long and had to be done over a few days. This made it a little harder to retain the
information for the test, especially to a new user. I would suggest either having a test for each section
or a test for multiple sections at a time
The tutorials are repetitious and too long. I completed it because it is now mandatory in my state. If it
was voluntary, I would have stopped with the first tutorial due to time constraints.
The tutorials are SO tedious, and I hate it when I want to do a quick E-Verify but then am stopped in my
tracks by the sudden notice that I need to do an additional tutorial (because of some update) before I
can run the check I need. It would be friendlier if you gave advance notice somehow OR gave us
some amount of time to do the tutorial update while still allowing us to use E-Verify on new hires.
The tutorials are time-consuming and unnecessary. As user-friendly as E-Verify is, I don't believe the
tutorials are needed - each question asked is self-explanatory.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
The tutorials make the system easy to follow. I have no further recommendations.
The verification of state drivers' licenses needs to be strengthened. Fake licenses along with a
(sometimes valid)social security number results in an 'Employment Verified' status.
The website is easy to use. Using the E-Verify system gives me a sense of confidence that I am
complying with government regulations.
The website needs to be update and easier to use
There are some people that are taking the U.S. Citizens identity not to Residents. It should be a way to
improve the system to verify with a picture. It is easy pass without photo.
There does need to be a better system of answering questions that come up other than quoting from
the 274 Handbook or not answering question at all. It seems thru the survey a better system is being
considered - PLEASE FIGURE ONE OUT!!!
There has been a couple of times, over a year period, where I will verify employment on someone,
close the case and then a year later it's open again. Not sure why...., then I'll close it again. A glitch
There is a delay in the system for newly entered foreign employees into the US.
There is not a way to delete an entry made in error, i.e. a duplicate entry.
There is sometimes, too much security. The password requirements are borderline absurd.
There seems to be a high incidence of false 'tentative non-confirmations.' In one case this caused us to
lose a desirable employee. Our confidence with the system would increase if the results were
consistently accurate.
There was some confusion between the administrator log in and the user log in. Everything else was
well explained.
This has been a good process for my company. Recently had trouble with a physician requirements
and Representative from E-Verify called and clear everything up with us. Great response and follow
through with this case.
This has been a great tool to make us better organization in making sure the personnel being hired is
authorized to work in the USA.
This is a very good program. We originally started with it because we had government contracts and
were required to. Now NYS requires us to I believe. I would more than likely continue use even if we
were not required to.
This is a very helpful system in the process of performing background checks on new employees.
This is very helpful in verifying the eligibility of new employee to work in our company.
This office is a 2 person office-which we carry many duties and one of mine is to handle all new
employees-due to I don't use E-verify except when we hire someone it is not often-it ever time I have a
new hire-have to take a test and a lot of times I do not have time for this. Why so many test?????
This process is very simple and should be required by all companies to use. It is a wonderful tool, thank
This program is really good. From our personal experience if the extent of verifying a candidate through
E-verify process can be increased to one or two weeks that will be great instead of 3 days from the date
of employment.
this survey is redundant. too many questions
This survey promised to only take a few moments but it turned out to not be true. I don't appreciate
being deceived into completing the survey.
This system seems to have a significant value but is hard to use, seemed to be geared toward large
companies not small ones like mine. We don't feel it necessary to have to run all employee's through
the system.
This system was much easier to use than I first thought it would be, thank you for making
understandable and user friendly
This system would be improved my deleting the requirement that I have to change my password every
3 months. I seldom use the system more than that, and I find that I have to change my password every
time I log in...RRRRRR...
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
This was a longer survey than I expected, and some of the questions I was not sure if you meant me,
personally or our company who made the arrangements for us to participate
This was a waste of time for me....sorry!
Timely response to email would be appreciated!
TNC resolution on site during hiring (at least start it)
to make access of site easier make the E-Verify link larger/more noticeable.
Too bad we can't go back and screen current employees. Also, had an issue with I9 ID. Employee
submitted Driver License and SS Card, but marked 'A lawful permanent resident' on the I9. E-Verify
required his Alien # in addition to License and SS Card. Why can he use B & C List ID if we need info
from an A List ID? This took additional time for me.
Too complicated; more concern about violating an illegal workers rights than actually verifying their
legal status. more liability for discrimination than it is worth. Just need a system to make sure people
are legal quit all the discrimination bull shit
Too cumbersome to use and not user friendly
Too frequent tutorials on even the slightest change (some changes are obvious and do not warrant a
Too long of a survey.
Top of the Day to Ya! You have done good by me, Please keep up the Good Work. With all the
variables in life and your job duties I'm sure you have more fun and excitement than anyone else.
Train customer service reps to listen to what the caller is asking and not read a script back.
Train the phone assistance people so they can answer questions.
Training material is too long and takes a lot of time to read and answer the tests. Once a person is
enrolled in the system there should be no more required training and/or tests, except if there is a
change that requires new knowledge.
Training sessions tend to be too long. Shorter segments of training at different times would be better
for the busy professional.
Trying to come up with the password is difficult and sometimes takes 4-5 times to have the password
Tutorial had too many screens for the amount of information presented.
Tutorials and tests treat people like idiots, too simple and time consuming. Just list changes and, if
necessary, short test.
Tutorials are too long
Tutorials you use seem to be geared to undereducated people and make me feel you don't believe I
can understand simple instructions
Understand that even though we might have done I-9 verification in 3 days, Its not always possible
timing wise to log-in in 4 days or less and give us a few more days lee-way. The option of 'I was busy'
as to why it was entered late would be helpful.
Unfortunately, I do not see a value-add to business. E-Verify is a time-sink that produces information
after hiring someone. If something were to come back negatively or even in limbo, it just creates more
burden on the company (time and $)rather than the opposite.
Unsure if the program adequately addresses the new employee who may have stolen another's identity
& documents. The documents may come back as authorized for employment, while the person who
possesses the documents may be someone else, who is not authorized for employment.
Update me anytime changes are made or add.
Updates requiring re-training are annoying, try to limit them to once a year.
USCIS should stop wasting tax payer funds by authorizing CFI Group surveys.
Use it because I have to
Verification comes back very fast. How can we be sure the record does match?
Very beneficial program. Has been incorporated into new hire orientation and benefits process.
Very convenient and efficient means of verification.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Very difficult to reset pass word....not sure why it would not take many attempts to change pass word as
I followed the instructions very carefully.
Very easy system to use.
Very good program, a big help for all human resources people. Thank you.
Very Good Program. It's make an easy steps, for us to Hire a Right Person.
Very happy
Very happy with e-verify
Very informative and pleasant tech support
Very pleased with the system. It's easy to use and provides quick responses.
Very satisfied with E Verify
Very satisfied with service but password requirements are too stringent and tricky to create new
passwords that are acceptable to the system. Sometimes spend 10-15 minutes trying to create a new
password when prompted to change. That is the biggest detractor to e-verify. Would be nice to be able
to match state ID and driver license photos.
Very satisfied with the service it provides!
Very well done.
We always want 100% accuracy. When considering the volume of data this is GREAT verification tool;
one that should be continued!
We are a construction based company. Due to the poor economy we have laid off over the past year
and have not hired any new employees so I have only used this one time, i am probably not the best
person to do a survey for you
We are a family company that does not hire. We have used E-Verify because it is required for some our
work. I believe that when E-Verify is required, the procedures should be changed to use E-Verify to
initially verify eligibility. To hire someone and then find out that that person is not eligible to be hired is a
tremendous and expensive burden on small employers. It would be much better to provide initial
screening for eligibility before any interviewing or hiring.
We are a public school district and with the 3 day verification process of start date, we have a difficult
time. We hire in the summer but the new teachers do not actually start until fall. I usually wait until just
prior to the school start date to verify, but am worried that I may forget to do so. Is there any way to
make this a more simplified process for schools?
We are a small company that requires its employees to be E-Verified to work on government contracts.
it is a good way to improve the lawful employment of staff
We are a small construction company so I will never be using E-Verify every month but I do want to
comply with the laws and want to be able to access it when we hire a new laborer. So, that being said,
I want the user ID and password that I am assigned to work even if it has been six months since I last
logged on.
We are a small entity where employees where several 'hats'. As we don't hire new employees on a
regular basis, the paperwork gets done as we can fit it in. This usually means we're in a hurry to meet
the 3 day rule. When you have to go through a mandatory training for changes before you can enter an
employee, this can cause a problem. It would be nice if you had some time to do the training and still be
able to enter a new employee during that time period.
We are legally required to use both E-Verify and AZ New hire. I always do the AZ New hire first
because E-Verify is so much more pleasant to use. I put in information, I get information back and a
printable verification. Very fast, simple, efficient. Same cannot be said for AZ New hire..
We are okay with it.
We are still waiting on the videos in case we have a non. thanks.
We are very satisfied with all the functions, keep up the good work!
We are very satisfied with E-Verify and feel that it has been a great tool in our hiring process.
We are very satisfied with E-Verify which provides prompt results and very easy to navigate the
We aren't given a choice to participate or not. It's an extra expense with no value that I can see.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
We believe the system is excellent and I have recommended it numerous times. We began using it
even before we were aware as a Federal contractor that we were required to use it. Even if your
Federal contractor status changed, we would continue to use it anyway.
We don't have a choice right now. We have follow the law.
We don't have a large turnover of employees or large amounts of new hires so the process of using E-
Verify is very simple and easy to use. I have had no complaints about using the system.
We find the system easy to use and very intuitive
We have 2 companies for which I have HR responsibilities and both are registered on E-Verify. I find it
sometimes cumbersome that I have to go through the tutorials for both companies as I am the
administrator for both. It would be nice to only have to do the tutorial once. It may be that I have
something set up incorrectly and maybe I wouldn't have to go through this process. Other than that, it
makes my job so much easier to have access to the E-Verify system. I am confident in employment
eligibility verifications thanks to the system!
We have 7 locations so I am not sure what their experience or thoughts are on E-verify.
We have a central office and many construction job sites in other states. It is sometimes difficult to get
the information in within the 3 day limit. Our field supervisors have a lot to do on job sites and between
calling the union for a new person, signing up a new employee, running the entire job, and getting the
information to the office -it is sometimes later than the three days. If you only have one person in the
office to enter the info and that person is gone, then there is another delay. Otherwise I really like the
system - it is quick, easy and accurate.
We have a small staff and do not hire very often. It has been useful in winning bids that requires the
use of E-Verify.
We have been very satisfied with e-verify so far. Only improvement would be more prompt responses
to e-mails.....
We have had reason to call for customer service in the past and was not very user friendly. This is an
area that could be improved.
We have illegals steal identity for employment. We have no way to know that that particular SS #
could potentially being used as part of identity theft. We could stop a lot more issues if this flag would
be there.
We have locations across the US and it's sometimes hard to get the new hires in here within three days'
time. also would be nice to verify an employee ahead of the start date (we sometimes get the hire
packs in a few days before the actual start date even though the hire date has already passed)
We have more that one business. It would be nice if I didn't have to go through all the tutorials again to
set up our new business. I am going to call to see if there is a way to get around that. Also, I don't
typically have to use E-Verify very often and sometimes it is frustrating to have to change the pass word
almost every time I get on.
We have not had any concerns, so do not know how can better be served. But remember the 1st time
and all the tutorials and the time spent on that. Hope the area has been improved since, I had to do it.
We haven't had any problems, but I have only used e-verify on about nine people. We have a small
company. I could imagine a situation where there might be problems, and I am not confident that e-
verify would resolve it well. I also have not had to call for support. But, in years past (on a personal
matter with the IRS) it took me about 1 year to resolve a typo on their part. Yipes. What a nightmare if
some small typo somewhere prevented someone getting a job. It also feels like people could abuse the
system. I don't get a good feeling about using the system. I don't think that is something that you can
(or should) try to fix. People need to always question authority.
we hire few employees in an area where manual verification is very simple. E Verify is a waste of your
and our time.
We hire over 1000 employees per year. The E-Verify system takes too long per employee. Uploading
mass data would be helpful.
We love the program and we look forward to future improvements in the system
We must communicate to our representatives how critical it is for employers to have a tool like E-Verify,
since we are liable for ascertaining if an employee is legal to work in the US or not. Our
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Congresswoman Diana DeGette, amazingly to me, did not want to support E-Verify's renewal since it
'might discriminate'... better than E-Verify would be to, in addition to continuing to have employer
access to E-Verify, would be to also close our borders and enforce the swift and thorough deportation
of anyone in the US illegally.
We need a better user friendly website with better instructions. We end up with 5 employees, on the
average, every month that end up in the pending status. we need better guidance on how we can avoid
not ending up with unfinished records in your system. I highly recommend better and easier reporting.
I do like the excel formatting, but when opening a report it takes me back 10 years in regards to the
computer setup and layout of the reports. It is so plain and blah, put a little color or something to the
reports. just my opinion.
We started using e-verify only because it is requirement by our clients when we engage in a federal
contract. We will continue to use it from now on since it is a good tool to insure adherence to
government regulations regarding hiring new employees
We use a third party administrator named EBI (Employment Background Investigations) and they assist
with questions that have come up. This has been very helpful to us as we got started with E-Verify. We
have been pleased with the site and the purpose that it accomplishes.
We use an electronic I-9 which does improve the validity of the information in section 1 and the ease of
completing section 2.
We use E-Verify at each customer's request, and it needs to happen fairly quickly. When I log on, there
is usually a tutorial to take. It would be great to get an e-mail that something has changed so I can take
the tutorial when the change occurs, because there are sometimes time constraints when I log in to
check on someone. Thank you.
We use it because we have to. I felt just as confident about our process for verifying eligibility before we
had to use the system. This is just an added step in the process.
We utilize an online/web-based system called LawLogix to enter I-9s into a system and then those I-9s
are submitted electronically to E-Verify. We do not have to log on to E-Verify to submit I-9s anymore.
This online tool is very helpful and seems to work well with E-Verify.
We would like to receive e-mails when cases are updated rather than having to remember to go into the
website to check status of cases.
We would like to see the program linked to the state new hire program. This would lessen our reporting
requirements and should aid in enforcing child support orders.
We would like to see verification of state driver license's and Id's
Web site enroll problem call immediately
website is not user friendly.
Well, I don’t agree with changing the pass word every 90 days. other that its real great. thanks for a
great program.
What is frustrating is the expectation of having all documentation returned to HR for new hires within 3
days. This does not always happen, or, if it does happen we are not always able to enter in E-verify
even though we can verify the I9 info.
What was very frustrating for me was E-Verify had twice upgraded its process and required me to take
another online tutorial and test before I could e-verify an employee. They should notify us of this in
advance, so I can take the tutorial and test when it's convenient, rather than here I am on a busy day
trying to e-verify a new employee and I need almost an hour to take the tutorial and test before I can do
When a document expires, there is no place to enter the new document expiration date. I would like to
be able to use the 'alert' for the new expiration date also. Now all I do is dismiss the 'alert' when I get
new documentation.
When a new tutorial needs to be reviewed, please contact the users via email to let us know in
advance. At times, we are in a 'time crunch' and when we log onto E-Verify and it informs us we must
complete a tutorial and exam before continuing with the verification process. Advanced notice would be
extremely helpful and appreciated. Thank you!
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
When an employee was approved by the E-Verify system it would show a photo of the individual for the
employer to visually confirm that photo on file matches the actual employee.
When calling for assistance, often the representative may be able to answer the question but cannot
tell/show one where that information is in the guidebook, so, one has to just take that CSR's word for it.
Also, when one makes a keystroke error or misspells a name, E-verify still authorizes the person.
Makes one wonder just how closely the system is really based on Social Security information.
When changes are made. An e-mail advising that re-certification would be helpful. It is difficult to
recertify at the same time you want to process a case.
when E-Verify put the photo on this site that is what really helped.
When inputting the dates, please allow us to use numbers for the months instead of having to hit 'J' 3
times for July or 'A' 2 times for August or the drop down box - it slows down the process and I use this
system at least once a week.
When it comes to accepting school ID's I'm a bit confused because of the authentication of the ID. (for
example) I verified a Dallas ISD ID but it didn't say if the person was a student, it just had her picture,
name and Dallas ISD. To me it was not authentic but this is all I could go by, not much else I could do.
When presented with 'non standard' documents - could be a foreign passport or the I-94
Arrival/Departure record - I find it challenging to process this information. The new feature with the pop-
ups is very helpful but in general I have to refer to the E-Verify hard copy manual and sometimes I have
to call. The E-Verify system seems to presume that every employer has firsthand knowledge of every
possible document. I am not sure there is an answer here...but possibly in the future the ability to scan
a line code which takes the employer out of the 'immigration' document knowledge equation might be
When SS# is being used in several different geographic locations give a tentative non confirmation
When there is a system-wide problem, users should be notified immediately so that phone calls to
report problems are not needed.
When updates are made to the site, a tutorial of the changes is good, but not necessary to have to take
a quiz before you can continue.
When we were first required to us E-Verify there was some anxiety; however, the research was
informative through the E-Verify website. I thought the implementation period; signing the MOU,
registering the users, etc was completed by myself without any technical difficulties and compared to
other program implementation was a breeze. I'm glad that we had that little extra 'push' from our state
to register for E-Verify, as if they removed the mandate we would continue to use the product anyway.
When you upgrade the system and require a tutorial before the user can continue, please send out an
email that this is the case rather than wait for the user to log in next time there is a new employee to
enter. This happened to me recently and it was very inconvenient as I was not planning on the extra
time to go through the tutorial, take the quiz, etc... just wanted to enter a new employee and be done
with it!
While understanding the need to teach or tutor new users, the length and depth of the process seems a
bit much (to many modules and testing).
While we do not use E-Verify on a consistent basis, we have found it be easy to use with explanations
when needed.
Why don't you show a picture when DL is used for id
Will continue to use the system because it is mandated for companies holding Federal Contracts.
With email becoming such a prominent means of communication, the e-verify team needs to be able to
respond to emails faster. And if they can't, then the email address should be taken off the website
because it isn't efficient to sit and wait on hold when you call the 1-800 number and then have to wait
another month for e-verify to email back.
With regard to frequency of use; we E-Verify all new hires upon 1st day, so usage depends upon our
need to hire.
With the limited experience I have using E-Verify, I am very pleased with how easy it is to use.
Within the last year I have had to change password 5 times. We do not have that many new employees
and seems like every time that I do E-verify I have to change the password.
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Works fine. if it isn't broken, don't fix it.
Works very well no problems
Works very well, am pleased with the process and the results
Would appreciate a few more days to input new employees. Sometimes employees are a little slow at
getting their info to us and it is also easier to input a few people at a time.
Would be helpful if the time to enter information was extended from 3 days to 10 days.
Would like an expanded time frame to enter new hires; 3 days is often too short. Sometimes annoying
to have to do another tutorial every time there's an update; esp. when I really need to enter a bunch of
new hires quickly. Lastly, but most important; wish there were a way to recall a case I just did if I notice
a mistake; but currently, once a case is closed you can't recall it and you're not supposed to enter the
person twice; except you end up having to since you can't recall a closed case to correct a mistake.
Would like for them to verify more information, i.e. photo id's, documents numbers, name as printed on
Would like more than 3 day to submit employees... we are an emergency support company and most
times it takes longer than 3 days to get the proper paper work in to the office.
Would like to see Driver license pictures also available to match up. Still going to have identity fraud
but e-verify helps address that.
Would like to see more DMV records connect to E-Verify further expanding the photo tool; would also
like to see a cleaner process for those recently naturalized or those that have received extensions
under TPS.
Would like to see more information about potential employee, ie., Are they currently permitted to work in
the US and if so, expiration of Visa.
Would prefer to type dates(ex 07-27-2011) verses drop down boxes Last (2) in verification process
unnecessary(ex. still employed)
You are missing one option for answering your questions..'Don't Care'
You have started using the Drivers License but only ask for the state and expiration date. i would think
you would ask for the ID# and have a photo ID such as the Passport.
You require changing password way too often. I still prefer autonomy than to E-Verifying. And even
though I've not had mismatches, I still don't trust the system. Maybe it is the private enterprise spirit in
You should be able to use E-Verify on current employees. Not just new hires
You should have a mechanism for companies to report other companies who are required to use it by
Federal Law, but who are not using it.
Your survey is a waste of time and money again. The answers to most of your questions are available
to you by looking at your computer records.
Your tests for the tutorials are too specific. Just see if the person understands the concept, not each
word in the tutorial. Too much time.
Your tutorials need improvement. The tutorial is ok, but the following test is foolishly simple. It could be
better served to ensure the system is used properly.
Your 'updates' in your system make it very discouraging to in...every time I think it will be a
simple 10 minute process to enter an employee’s have another little 'tutorial/test' that
has to be completed before I can get into the system. ...and the extra time involved is not always
available....if you could do your updates and notify via email so that we could do them 'as time permits
us'....our schedules do not always match what you think we should be able to do...and your system is
VERY cumbersome....
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
D4. Which category among the list below best describes the primary industry in which your
company or organization conducts business? (Other)
A/C contractor
A/C services
Accounting Firm
Advertising Agency
Aerospace industry (2)
Agriculture /Insurance
Airline catering
Ambulance District
Appliance and Lawn Garden equipment Repair and Servicing
Arboricultural services
Architecture (2)
Artist studio and wholesaler
Audio Video Equipment Sales & Installation
Audio Visual Design & Integration
Auto Auction
Auto Rental
Automotive & Industrial Distribution
Automotive repair
Automotive/Car Rental
Automotive/Truck Service
Aviation (3)
Aviation sales and service of electric components
beauty salon
Building Maintenance
Building Management
Business Jet maintenance and services
Business Services (2)
Call Centers (2)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Chemical (2)
Children's book author/illustrator
Church (2)
Cleaning Services
Commercial air conditioning & refrigeration
Commercial building services
Commercial Laundry
Commercial Printer
Commercial roofing
Commercial Foodservice Equip. Contractor
Community Behavioral Health
Community Corrections
Community development financial institution
Companion Care
Construction/Sub Contractor
Construction Consulting
Construction Industry
Construction Trades, Mechanical, HVAC
Consultant - Strategic Planning and Org. Development
Consumer electronics
Contract Packaging of promotional items
Corrections (3)
Cosmetology Services
Country Club
County government
County Government Road Commission
County-based purchasing entity
Courier Service
Creative artist
Cultural Resource Management
Cultural Resource Management/Consulting Firm
Cultural Resource Management/Archeology
Custodial, Waste Management
Custodial/facility services
Data Deduplication & Storage, Software
Data management, data entry, scanning services
Deaf, deaf/blind services
Debt Collections
Delivery service
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Department of revenue/mandatory
Design consultancy
Digital Media Management / Software Provider
Distribution (6)
Distributor (2)
Distributor of Electronic Components
Distributor of Goods
Distributor of mill and mine supplies
DNA Testing Laboratory
DoD Contractor
Dry cleaners
Economic development consulting
Educational Publisher
Electrical Contractor
Electrical contractor - construction
Elevator/Escalator Manufacturing/Sales/Installation/Service
Emergency food service for disasters
Employee Benefits and Insurance
Engineering and Consulting
Engineering and General Contractor
Engineering/Government Contractor Services
Entertainment (2)
Entertainment Industry
Environmental (2)
Environmental Analysis
Environmental Consulting (2)
Environmental remediation & emergency response
Environmental Services (3)
Environmental Testing Laboratory
Environmental Waste Recycling
Escrow/title industry
Export Merchandising
FAA Commercial Aircraft Component Repair Station
Fabricate exhibits
Fabrication machinery repair
Facility Maintenance
Facility support services
Fast Food Restaurant (3)
Fastener Distributer
Fastener distributor
Federal Contracting Services
Federal Contractor (2)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Federal Government (2)
FedEx contractor
Fingerprinting software and hardware
Fire and Emergency Medical Services
Fire and Safety Equipment/Clothing Distributor
Fire District/Ambulance Service
Fire Equipment Sales and Service
Fire Protection
Fitness Club Chain
Food reseller
Food service management and support services
Forest Labor contractor
Forestry (2)
Forestry services
General Maintenance Company
General Services
Glass installer for auto, homes, businesses
Golf Course (2)
Government Agency
Government Contracting
Government Services Contractor
Grounds maintenance
Hair Salon
Hair Salon and Spa
Health Insurance
Health IT
Heat Treating & Brazing
Heating & Air Conditioning
Heavy Equip Dealer-sell, service Construction Equip
Heavy Highway construction
Hobby Industry
Home Employer
Home Services
Horticulture/arboriculture services
Hotel management and brokerage
House Cleaning
Household employer
Human Services
Human Services (foster care, adoption, development disabilities & mental health) Non-Profit
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
HVAC & Plumbing Service (2)
HVAC Service Provider
Industrial Motors for all industries
Inspection offshore
Install fire extinguishers/suppression systems & service same
Insurance (3)
Insurance Company
Insurance Industry
International Development
ITS Professional Services
Janitorial (4)
Janitorial Cleaning
Janitorial for commercial buildings
Janitorial Maintenance
Janitorial Services (2)
Jewelry retail and Au and Ag bullion sales
Job Shop
Labor Contractor
Labor union
Land Surveying
Landscape Maintenance
Landscape Services
Landscaping (4)
Landscaping/Grounds keeping
Lawn and Landscape services
Lease and Rent of Equipment
Legal (2)
Live Production Audio Visual Services
Living history museum (non-profit) and resort (for profit)
Local government agency, a community services board providing services to people with mental health,
intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse diagnosis
Logging/road construction
Logistics (2)
Logistics/Third Party
Low-Voltage Life and Security Systems
Lumber and hardware supply
Lumber/wood packaging inspection service
Machine Shop
Maid service
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Maintenance Contractor
Managed Food Services
Management Company
Management Consulting
Management of Businesses
Manufacture high performance cable and cable assemblies
Manufacture of rock products, supplier of concrete & asphaltic products & asphalt paving contractor
Manufacturing services
Market Research (3)
Marketing Communications & Design Services
Marketing research company
Massage Therapy clinic
Material Handling Distributorship/dealership
Material Recovery Processing
Materials Testing Laboratory
Mechanical Contractor
Med Surg. Distribution
Medical Device Research
Medical Distributor
Medical manufacturing
Mental health services
Meter Reading/Installation Service
Mining Company
Mining Industry
Mortgage Banking
Mortgage Industry
Mosquito control products & services
Motorsports Entertainment
Multiple auto dealerships
Municipal (2)
Non Haz Waste Interceptor company
Non Profit Fraternal Organization
Nondestructive Testing
Non-Emergency Medical Transport
Non-profit /private pre-school educational program
Non-profit Fine Arts Museum
Office Interiors
Offshore Support
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Oil & Gas Industry
Online security services
Online Education
Other Electronic Parts/Equipment
Outdoor advertising
Out-patient Care Facility
Package Delivery (4)
Pallet recycler
Paving contractor
PEO (2)
Perfumes & cosmetics distribution center
Pharmaceutical/medical sales
Pharmacy Benefit Management Company
Pipe Line Inspections
Police Dept.
Political subdivision of the state
Potash Mine
Pre-Release Facility/ Corrections
Preventative maintenance
Printing - Direct Marketing
Prison-detention Center
Private Correctional Facility
Private golf club
Private Security/Investigations
Professional Background Screening
Professional fundraiser
Professional Services/Commercial Cleaning/Entrepreneur Franchise
Property development and management including Assisted Living
Property Maintenance Services
Property Management (5)
Property Management - Commercial
Protective services
Protective services/security
Provider of affordable housing through HUD funds
Public Affairs/Consulting
Public Housing Authority & Social Services
Public library (2)
Public school
R&D, manufacturing
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Radio broadcasting
Rail road maintenance
Real Estate (5)
Real Estate - Apartment Own and Manage
Real Estate Agency
Real Estate Management
Real estate/property management
Recreation Services - Seasonal
Recreation-Golf Club with Restaurant & Overnight facilities
Refining & Marketing
REIT (2)
Religious Cable Industry
Renewable Energy Installation
Repair & Maintenance Services
Repairs, Service and Sales of Diesel products
Research & Development (2)
Research and evaluation for public policy
Residential Property Management
Restaurant Industry
Restaurant Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Services
Retail (2)
Retirement Community
Safety Industrial Wholesale
Sale of robotic equipment, services, and training
Sales and marketing of robotic laboratory instruments
Sales of Floor Cleaning Equipment
Sand and gravel mining
Scale maintenance, sales, repairs, rentals, service, etc.
School Foodservice
Scientific & technical consulting
Scrap metal recycling
Secondary metals recycler
Security installation
Security Officers
Security services (2)
Security solutions
Security Surveillance
Self Storage
Self-serve car wash
Service (3)
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Service - Heating and Air Conditioning
Service - Repair/Refurbish
Service company
Service Industry, Security
Service Provider
Service Thermal Processing Industry
Service trade contractor
Service-Process Controls
Sheet Metal
Ship repair (2)
Ski Industry
Skilled Nursing, Rehab and Assisted Living
Social Services (3)
Sod layers
Software (3)
Software development (3)
Software provider for local governments, municipalities and schools
Software sales and services
Software Service Provider
Space planning and project management
Sports and Recreation
Staffing service
State agency-healthcare
State Corrections
State historic site
State Judicial System
State supported institution (University)
Storage rental
Sub-contractor - sealants, waterproofing & restoration
Systems Integration & Installation
Technical staff placement
Technology Development
Technology Integrator
Telecommunications (3)
Telecommunications Contractor
Temp agency
Temporary labor
Temporary service finding jobs in the Admin and Industrial fields
Temporary staffing agency
Temporary Staffing Agency - general labor
Temporary/Employment agency
Test and measurement, design, mfg, sales
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Textile Distributer
Tire Recycling
Tour and Travel
Trade Show / Convention Exhibits
Traditional Assisted Living/with Behavioral/Dementia Units
Trailer Leasing
Travel management company making corp. and leisure travel arrangements for clients
Tree relocation & nursery
Tree service
Tree Work
Tribal Casino
Truck wash company
Uniform Services Provider
Urban Forestry
Utility Nuclear Power Plant
Vegetation Management / Construction for Power Companies
Veterinary Hospital
Video Surveillance and Card Access Systems
Warehouse (2)
Warehousing (2)
Warehousing & Distribution
Warehousing and Transportation (Trucking)
Waste Management
Water Conservancy District (Local Government)
Water Treatment
We have 4 different companies - software - direct mailing - list data services and sports apparel
We make live Christmas wreaths
Weather Data Services
Web/high tech
Wholesale and Packing Warehouse
Wholesale distribution (3)
Wholesale distributor
Wholesale service
Wireless Communications
Wireless Telecom
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
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USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Verification of results from the four “Using E-Verify” questions
Due to a programming error the four “Using E-verify” Questions 14a-d
were initially not offered to
certain respondents. The missing data did not have a significant impact on the overall score or model.
Initial responders to the survey that answered “Yes” to Question 11a (Have you used E-Verify in the
past six months?), were not offered the opportunity to respond to the “Using E-Verify” questions
(Questions 14a-d). Those answering Question 11a, “No” or “Don’t know” were not affected and were
offered Questions 14a-d. This includes a total of 614 cases, collected on the first day of fielding.
Reminder invitations, which were sent August 4
, 10
, and 16
to non-responders did offer the series
of questions 14a-d with the correct skip pattern; of the 15,000 e-mail addresses in the sample 14,386
individuals were presented with the questions during the data collection process.
After analysis of the data the results for the four E-Verify questions 14a-d from 2011 study are valid and
the score computed for the “Using E-Verify” component is representative of the E-Verify user
population. While analysis provided below is specific to the cross-section sample, the findings and
analysis also holds for Recent User and FAR samples.
An initial analysis comparing those respondents who received Questions 14a-d to those who did not
shows some small but significant differences in the populations of the groups. Those who responded
within the first day and did not receive the “Using E-Verify” questions 14a-d were more likely to indicate
they were NOT a small business and to report they were more frequent users of E-Verify. However, a
portion of all respondents, those not answering the “Using E-Verify” questions 14a-d represent a small
enough percentage that it has no significant impact on the score for the “Using E-Verify” component.
The tables below show total sample of these groups compared to the sample providing scores. In the
sample providing scores for “Using E-Verify” 14a-d, 66% were small businesses. Overall 65% of the
sample was small businesses; therefore small businesses were overrepresented by 1% in the “Using E-
Verify” questions 14a-d data. Likewise, not frequent users
were overrepresented by 1% in the
population providing scores.
Small/Not Small
Small Business
Not a Small Business
Don’t Know
Question 14 - Now, think about using E-Verify system.
Please rate the following using a 10-point scale where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent.
[ROTATE “a” THRU “d”.]
a. Ease of navigating the E-Verify site
b. Ease of submitting I-9 information on E-Verify
c. Speed of receiving an initial response from E-Verify
d. Clarity of next steps as described in the response
Not frequent users are defined as using E-Verify once a month or less
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Frequent Use/Not
Frequent Use
Frequent User
Not a Frequent User
Below is an explanation of how the 1% over-representation of small businesses and/or NOT frequent
users in the population has no significant impact on the score for Using E-Verify.
In 2011, there is a small but significant difference between how frequent users and less-frequent users
rated Using E-Verify. Likewise, there was a small but significant difference between how small
business respondents and NOT small business respondents rated Using E-Verify. In both cases, the
difference was three points. In 2010, there was no difference between how small business respondents
and not small business respondents rated Using E-Verify. For this analysis assume that there is an
actual difference of three points in scores as shown in the 2011 results.
Small business respondents and the NOT frequent users rated Using E-Verify 89.
NOT small businesses respondents and frequent users rated Using E-Verify 92.
Adjusting the score for Using E-Verify so that small business respondents and NOT frequent
users are correctly represented only changes the score by 14 one-hundredths of a point (0.14).
The adjusted score is illustrated using the frequent versus non-frequent users as an example.
Reweighting the Using E-Verify score so that NOT frequent users score only represents 61% of the
total score instead of 62% and frequent users represent 39% of the score instead of 38% produces a
score of 90.14 instead of 90 as reported with all data. This difference of .14 is below any threshold of
significance. American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) scores are reported to the nearest whole
number. Additionally, given that the total data used for calculating the “Using E-Verify” score (2,272
cases) is approximately ten-fold the number of responses in a typical ACSI government study where
250 responses are collected. In summary the score produced with the data that was collected for
Question 14a-d is representative of E-Verify users and the missing data does not impact the results.
Using E-Verify
to Score
to Score
to Score
to Score
Frequent/Not Frequent
Frequent User
Not Frequent User
The following explains the sample size for Question 27.
The 2011 survey included a non-model question to gauge the level of interest of users in using the
Internet to receive assistance.
Q27. How interested would you be in using the Internet to get answers to questions or help with
problems on your own, anytime, rather than having to call or email E-Verify? Please use a 10-
point scale on which “1” means “not interested” and “10” means “extremely interested.
Frequent user is defined as using E-Verify once a week or two or more times a month
USCIS – E-Verify 2011 Customer Satisfaction Survey
Due to a programming error survey responders who answered Question 24a (Have you contacted E-
Verify customer service by mail (E-[email protected]
) in the past six months?) as “Yes” received
Question 27, those who answered “No” or “Don’t Know” did not receive the question.
The question was only asked to a small percentage of respondents (within the Cross-section
respondents, n=117), scores again indicate a generally high level of interest in using the Internet for
support rather than contacting E-Verify.
With the 2010 survey, Question 27, when asked to all respondents was rated 71. In 2011, when asked
to only those contacting E-Verify by e-mail the rating was 78. This question is not a measure of
performance, but rather a gauge of interest in a potential service. The score should be interpreted a bit
differently versus a performance measures since the anchor points of “0” and “100” do not represent
“poor” and “excellent” but rather “not interested” and “extremely interested.” Scores of 71 (in 2010) and
78 (in 2011) should be interpreted as showing a rather high level of interest in the service. Additionally,
the question does not ask about performance and does not have an impact on customer satisfaction
and only its score is reported with the other “non-modeled” scores, such as Customer Service and
Technical Assistance.