Directorate for Education
and Human Resources
Division of Research,
Evaluation and Communication
National Science Foundation
The 2002 User-Friendly Handbook
for Project Evaluation
The 2002 User Friendly Handbook
for Project Evaluation
Prepared under Contract
REC 99-12175
Joy Frechtling
with a special section by
Henry Frierson
Stafford Hood
Gerunda Hughes
Conrad Katzenmeyer
Program Officer and COTR
Division of Research, Evaluation and Communication
National Science Foundation
NOTE: Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this report are those of the authors, and do not necessarily
represent the official views, opinions, or policy of the National Science Foundation.
January 2002
The National Science Foundation
Directorate for Education & Human Resources
Division of Research, Evaluation, and Communication
Section Page
Introduction ................................................................. 1
References....................................................... 2
I Evaluation and Types of Evaluation............................... 3
1. Reasons for Conducting Evaluations ........................ 3
2. Evaluation Prototypes............................................. 6
The Different Kinds of Evaluation ........................... 7
Formative Evaluation........................................ 8
Summative Evaluation ...................................... 10
Evaluation Compared to Other Types of Data
Gathering......................................................... 11
Summary ............................................................... 13
References....................................................... 13
II The Steps in Doing an Evaluation .................................. 15
3. The Evaluation ProcessGetting Started................. 15
Develop a Conceptual Model of the Project and
Identify Key Evaluation Points .......................... 16
Develop Evaluation Questions and Define
Measurable Outcomes....................................... 20
Develop an Evaluation Design................................. 24
Selecting a Methodological Approach................ 24
Determining Who Will be Studied and When..... 25
References....................................................... 30
4. The Evaluation Process: Carrying Out the Study
and Reporting......................................................... 31
Conducting Data Collection .................................... 31
Analyzing the Data................................................. 34
Reporting............................................................... 35
Background...................................................... 36
Evaluation Study Questions............................... 36
Evaluation Procedures....................................... 36
Data Analysis ................................................... 37
Section Page
Findings........................................................... 37
Conclusions (and Recommendations)................. 38
Other Sections .................................................. 38
How Do You Develop an Evaluation Report ...... 38
Disseminating the Information................................. 41
References....................................................... 42
III An Overview of Quantitative and Qualitative
Data Collection Methods............................................... 43
5. Data Collection Methods: Some Tips and
Comparisons .......................................................... 43
Theoretical Issues................................................... 43
Value of the Data.............................................. 43
Scientific Rigor ................................................ 44
Philosophical Distinction .................................. 44
Practical Issues....................................................... 45
Credibility of Findings ...................................... 45
Staff Skills ....................................................... 45
Costs ............................................................... 46
Time Constraints .............................................. 46
Using the Mixed-Method Approach......................... 46
References....................................................... 48
6. Review and Comparison of Selected Techniques ...... 49
Surveys.................................................................. 49
When to Use Surveys........................................ 50
Interviews.............................................................. 50
When to Use Interviews.................................... 51
Focus Groups ......................................................... 52
When to Use Focus Groups ............................... 53
Section Page
Observations .......................................................... 53
When to Use Observations ................................ 55
Tests...................................................................... 55
When to Use Tests............................................ 56
Other Methods........................................................ 57
Document Studies............................................. 57
Key Informant.................................................. 59
Case Studies..................................................... 61
Summary ............................................................... 62
References....................................................... 62
IV Strategies That Address Culturally Responsive
Evaluation.................................................................... 63
7. A Guide to Conducting Culturally Responsive
Evaluations ............................................................ 63
The Need for Culturally Responsive Evaluation........ 64
Preparing for the Evaluation.................................... 65
Engaging Stakeholders............................................ 65
Identifying the Purpose(s) and Intent of the
Evaluation........................................................ 66
Framing the Right Questions ................................... 67
Designing the Evaluation ........................................ 68
Selecting and Adapting Instrumentation ................... 68
Collecting the Data................................................. 69
Analyzing the Data................................................. 70
Disseminating and Utilizing the Data ....................... 71
References....................................................... 72
Other Recommended Reading ....................................... 74
Glossary....................................................................... 77
Appendix A. Finding an Evaluator ................................ 84
List of Exhibits
Exhibit Page
1 The project development/evaluation cycle ...................... 4
2 Levels of evaluation...................................................... 7
3 Types of evaluation ...................................................... 8
4 Types of data gathering activities................................... 12
5 Logic model................................................................. 16
6 Conceptual model for Local Systemic Change
Initiatives (LSCs) ......................................................... 18
7 Identifying key stakeholders.......................................... 21
8 Goal and objective writing worksheet............................ 23
9 Three types of errors and their remedies......................... 26
10a Matrix showing crosswalk of study foci and data
collection activities....................................................... 29
10b Crosswalk of study sample and data collection activities . 30
11 Formal report outline .................................................... 40
12 Example of mixed-methods design ................................ 47
13 Advantages and disadvantages of surveys....................... 50
14 Advantages and disadvantages of interviews .................. 52
15 Which to use: Focus groups or indepth interviews?........ 54
16 Advantages and disadvantages of observations ............... 55
17 Advantages and disadvantages of tests........................... 57
18 Advantages and disadvantages of document studies........ 59
19 Advantages and disadvantages of using key informants... 60
20 Advantages and disadvantages of using case studies ....... 61
his Handbook was developed to provide managers working
with the National Science Foundation (NSF) with a basic guide
for the evaluation of NSF’s educational programs. It is aimed at
people who need to learn more about both what evaluation can do and
how to do an evaluation, rather than those who already have a solid
base of experience in the field. It builds on firmly established
principles, blending technical knowledge and common sense to meet
the special needs of NSF and its stakeholders.
The Handbook discusses quantitative and qualitative evaluation
methods, suggesting ways in which they can be used as complements
in an evaluation strategy. As a result of reading this Handbook, it is
expected that program managers will increase their understanding of
the evaluation process and NSF’s requirements for evaluation, as well
as gain knowledge that will help them to communicate with
evaluators and manage the actual evaluation.
To develop this Handbook, we have drawn on the similar handbooks
and tools developed for the National Science Foundation (especially
the 1993 User-Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation and the
1997 User-Friendly Handbook for Mixed-Method Evaluations) and
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. However,
special attention has been given to aligning the Handbook to NSF’s
unique needs and experiences. In addition, several NSF program
areas have been selected to provide concrete examples of the
evaluation issues discussed. The Handbook is divided into four major
Evaluation and types of evaluation
The steps in doing an evaluation
An overview of quantitative and qualitative data collection
Strategies that address culturally responsive evaluation
We have also provided a glossary of commonly used terms as well as
references for those who might wish to pursue some additional
readings. Appendix A presents some tips for finding an evaluator.
Frechtling, J., Stevens, F., Lawrenz, F., and Sharp, L. (1993). The
User-Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation: Science,
Mathematics and Technology Education. NSF 93-152.
Arlington, VA: NSF.
Frechtling, J., and Sharp, L. (1997). The User-Friendly Handbook for
Mixed-Method Evaluations. NSF 97-153. Arlington, VA: NSF.
information to
help improve a
need not be
conducted in an
The notion of evaluation has been around a long timein fact, the
Chinese had a large functional evaluation system in place for their
civil servants as long ago as 2000 B.C. In addition to its long history,
evaluation also has varied definitions and may mean different things
to different people. Evaluation can be seen as synonymous with tests,
descriptions, documents, or even management. Many definitions have
been developed, but a comprehensive definition presented by the Joint
Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (1994) holds that
evaluation is “systematic investigation of the worth or merit of an
This definition centers on the goal of using evaluation for a purpose.
Accordingly, evaluations should be conducted for action-related
reasons, and the information provided should facilitate deciding a
course of action.
Why should NSF grantees do evaluation? There are two very
important answers to this question. First and foremost,
evaluation provides information to help improve the project.
Information on whether goals are being met and on how
different aspects of a project are working are essential to a
continuous improvement process. In addition, and equally
important, evaluation frequently provides new insights or new
information that was not anticipated. What are frequently called
“unanticipated consequences” of a program are among the most
useful outcomes of the assessment enterprise.
Over the years, evaluation has frequently been viewed as an
adversarial process. Its main use has been to provide a “thumbs-
up” or “thumbs-down” about a program or project. In this role,
it has all too often been considered by program or project
directors and coordinators as an external imposition that is
threatening, disruptive, and not very helpful to project staff.
While that may be true in some situations, evaluations need not
be, and most often are not, conducted in an adversarial mode.
The current view of evaluation stresses the inherent interrelationships
between evaluation and program implementation. Evaluation is not
separate from, or added to, a project, but rather is part of it from the
beginning. Planning, evaluation, and implementation are all parts of a
whole, and they work best when they work together. Exhibit 1 shows
the interaction between evaluation and other aspects of your NSF
information for
communicating to
a variety of
Exhibit 1.The project development/evaluation cycle
Second, evaluation provides information for communicating to
a variety of stakeholders. It allows projects to better tell their
story and prove their worth. It also gives managers the data they
need to report “up the line,” to inform senior decisionmakers
about the outcomes of their investments. This notion of
reporting on the outcomes of federal investments has received
increased emphasis over the last several years with the
establishment of the Government Performance and Results Act
(GPRA). GPRA requires federal agencies to report annually on
the accomplishments of their funded efforts. This requirement
includes establishing broad goals or strategic outcomes, performance
outcomes, and performance indicators against which progress will be
assessed. GPRA goes beyond counts of who is funded or who is
served, placing the focus instead on results or impacts of the federal
investment. In response, NSF has chosen to focus on three general
strategic outcomes:
Developing a diverse internationally competitive and globally
engaged workforce of scientists, engineers, and well-prepared
Enabling discoveries across the frontiers of science and
engineering connected to learning, innovations, and service to
society; and
Providing broadly accessible, state-of-the-art information bases
and shared research and education tools.
Projects will be asked to provide data on their accomplishments in
these areas, as relevant. Detailed requirements for the information to
be provided have been developed on a program-by-program basis.
NSF, FY 2002 GPRA Performance Plan, April 19, 2001, p. 2.
Needs assessment and
collection of baseline data
Project evaluation
Project implementation
Project directors should keep GPRA and these strategic outcomes in
mind in developing plans for project evaluation (more information on
NSF’s approach to GPRA can be found at
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a grounding in evaluation
and to discuss the kinds of information evaluation can provide. We
start with the assumption that the term “evaluation” describes
different models or data collection strategies to gather information at
different stages in the life of a project. A major goal of this chapter is
to help project directors and principal investigators understand what
these are and how to use them.
As we undertake this discussion, it is important to recognize that
within NSF there are two basic levels of evaluation: program
evaluation and project evaluation. While this handbook is directed at
the latter, it is important to understand what is meant by both. Let’s
start by defining terms and showing how they relate.
A program is a coordinated approach to exploring a specific area
related to NSF’s mission of strengthening science, mathematics, and
technology. A project is a particular investigative or developmental
activity funded by that program. NSF initiates a program on the
assumption that an agency goal (such as increasing the strength and
diversity of the scientific workforce) can be attained by certain
educational activities and strategies (for example, providing supports
to selected groups of undergraduate students interested in science or
mathematics). The Foundation then funds a series of discrete projects
to explore the utility of these activities and strategies in specific
situations. Thus, a program consists of a collection of projects that
seek to meet a defined set of goals and objectives.
Now let’s turn to the terms “program evaluation” and “project
evaluation.” A program evaluation determines the value of this
collection of projects. It looks across projects, examining the utility of
the activities and strategies employed. Frequently, a full-blown
program evaluation may be deferred until the program is well
underway, but selected data on interim progress are collected on an
annual basis. Project evaluation, in contrast, focuses on an individual
project funded under the umbrella of the program. The evaluation
provides information to improve the project as it develops and
progresses. Information is collected to help determine whether the
project is proceeding as planned and whether it is meeting its stated
program goals and project objectives according to the proposed
timeline. Ideally, the evaluation design is part of the project proposal,
and data collection begins soon after the project is funded. Data are
examined on an ongoing basis to determine if current operations are
satisfactory or if some modifications might be needed.
Project evaluations might also include examination of specific critical
components, as shown in Exhibit 2. A component of a project may be
a specific teacher training approach, a classroom practice, or a
governance strategy. An evaluation of a component frequently looks
to see the extent to which its goals have been met (these goals are a
subset of the overall project goals), and to clarify the extent to which
the component contributes to the success or failure of the overall
Exhibit 2.Levels of evaluation
The information in this Handbook has been developed primarily for
the use of project directors and principal investigators, although
project evaluators may also find it useful. Our aim is to provide tools
that will help those responsible for the examination of individual
projects gain the most from their evaluation efforts. Clearly, however,
these activities will also benefit program studies and the work of the
Foundation in general. The better the information is about each of
NSF’s projects, the more we can all learn.
The Different Kinds of Evaluation
Educators typically talk about two kinds or stages of evaluation
formative evaluation and summative evaluation. The purpose of a
formative evaluation is to assess initial and ongoing project activities.
The purpose of a summative evaluation is to assess the quality and
impact of a fully implemented project (see Exhibit 3).
Component Component Component Component Component Component
Exhibit 3.Types of evaluation
Formative Evaluation
Formative evaluation begins during project
development and continues throughout the life of the
project. Its intent is to assess ongoing project activities
and provide information to monitor and improve the
project. It is done at several points in the
developmental life of a project and its activities.
According to evaluation theorist Bob Stake,
“When the cook tastes the soup, that’s formative;
When the guests taste the soup, that’s summative.”
Formative evaluation has two components: implementation evaluation
and progress evaluation.
Implementation Evaluation. The purpose of
implementation evaluation is to assess whether the
project is being conducted as planned. This type of
evaluation, sometimes called “process evaluation,” may
occur once or several times during the life of the
program. The underlying principle is that before you can
evaluate the outcomes or impact of a program, you must
make sure the program and its components are really
operating and, if they, are operating according to the
proposed plan or description.
A series of implementation questions guides an implementation
evaluation. For example, questions that might be posed for the NSF
Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) are as
The purpose of
evaluation is to
assess whether
the project is
being conducted
as planned.
A formative
assesses ongoing
project activities.
Formative Summative
Implementation Progress
Early stages Later stagess
Were appropriate students selected? Were students with deficits
in precollege preparation included as well as ones with stronger
records? Was the makeup of the participant group consistent
with NSF’s goal of developing a more diverse workforce?
Were appropriate recruitment strategies used? Were students
identified early enough in their undergraduate careers to
provide the transitional supports needed?
Do the activities and strategies match those described in the
plan? Were students given both academic and personal
supports? To what extent were meaningful opportunities to
conduct research provided?
Was a solid project management plan developed and followed?
Sometimes the terms “implementation evaluation” and “monitoring
evaluation” are confused. They are not the same. An implementation
evaluation is an early check by the project staff, or the evaluator, to
see if all essential elements are in place and operating. Monitoring is
an external check. The monitor typically comes from the funding
agency and is responsible for determining progress and compliance on
a contract or grant for the project. Although the two differ,
implementation evaluation, if effective, can facilitate project
implementation and ensure that there are no unwelcome surprises
during monitoring.
Progress Evaluation. The purpose of a progress evaluation is
to assess progress in meeting the goals of the program and the
project. It involves collecting information to learn whether or
not the benchmarks of participant progress were met and to
point out unexpected developments. Progress evaluation
collects information to determine what the impact of the
activities and strategies is on participants, curriculum, or
institutions at various stages of the intervention. By measuring
progress, program staff can eliminate the risk of waiting until
participants have experienced the entire program to assess likely
outcomes. If the data collected as part of the progress evaluation fail
to show expected changes, the information can be used to fine tune
the project. Data collected as part of a progress evaluation can also
contribute to, or form the basis for, a summative evaluation conducted
at some future date. In a progress evaluation of the LSAMP program,
the following questions can be addressed:
Are the participants moving toward the anticipated goals of the
project? Are they enhancing their academic skills? Are they
gaining confidence in themselves as successful learners? Are
they improving their understanding of the research process?
Are the numbers of students reached increasing? How do
changes in project participation relate to changes in the overall
enrollments in mathematics, science, and technology areas at
The purpose
of a progress
evaluation is
to assess
progress in
meeting the
The purpose of
evaluation is to
assess a mature
project’s success
in reaching its
stated goals.
their institutions? Are students being retained in their programs
at an increasing rate?
Does student progress seem sufficient in light of the long range
goals of the program and project to increase the number of
traditionally underrepresented students who receive degrees in
science, mathematics, or technology?
Progress evaluation is useful throughout the life of the project, but is
most vital during the early stages when activities are piloted and their
individual effectiveness or articulation with other project components
is unknown.
Summative Evaluation
The purpose of summative evaluation is to assess a
mature project’s success in reaching its stated goals.
Summative evaluation (sometimes referred to as
impact or outcome evaluation) frequently addresses
many of the same questions as a progress evaluation,
but it takes place after the project has been
established and the timeframe posited for change has
occurred. A summative evaluation of an LSAMP
project might address these basic questions:
To what extent does the project meet the stated goals for
change or impact?
Are greater numbers of students from diverse backgrounds
receiving bachelor’s of science degrees and showing increased
interest in scientific careers?
Are there any impacts on the schools participants attend? Are
there any changes in courses? Are there any impacts of the
LSAMP program on overall course offering and support
services offered by their institution(s)?
Which components are the most effective? Which components
are in need of improvement?
Were the results worth the program’s cost?
Can the program be sustained?
Is the program replicable and transportable?
evaluation collects
information about
outcomes and
related processes,
strategies, and
activities that have
led to them.
Summative evaluation collects information about outcomes and related
processes, strategies, and activities that have led to them. The evaluation
is an appraisal of worth, or merit. Usually this type of evaluation is
needed for decisionmaking. The decision alternatives may include the
following: disseminate the intervention to other sites or agencies;
continue funding; increase funding; continue on probationary status;
modify and try again; and discontinue.
In most situations, especially high-stakes situations or situations that are
politically charged, it is important to have an external evaluator who is
seen as objective and unbiased. Appendix A provides some tips for
finding an evaluator. If this is not possible, it is better to have an internal
evaluation than none at all. One compromise between the external and
the internal model is to conduct an internal evaluation and then hire an
outside agent to both review the design and assess the validity of the
findings and conclusions.
When conducting a summative evaluation, it is important to consider
unanticipated outcomes. These are findings that emerge during data
collection or data analyses that were never anticipated when the study
was first designed. For example, consider an NSF program providing
professional development activities for teacher leaders. An evaluation
intended to assess the extent to which participants share their new
knowledge and skills with their school-based colleagues might uncover a
relationship between professional development and attrition from the
teaching force. These results could suggest new requirements for
participants or cautions to bear in mind.
Evaluation Compared to Other Types of Data Gathering Activities
It is useful to understand how evaluation complements, but
may differ from, other types of data collection activities that
provide information on accountability for an NSF-funded
project. Exhibit 4 shows various types of data collection
activities, each of which provides somewhat different
information and serves somewhat differing purposes. The
continuum includes descriptive statistics, performance
indicators, formative evaluation, summative evaluation, and
research studies.
At the center of the effort is the project description, which provides
general information about a project. These data are commonly used to
monitor project activities (e.g., funding levels, total number of
participants), to describe specific project components (e.g., duration of
program activity, number of participants enrolled in each activity), and to
identify the types of individuals receiving services. Descriptive
information may be collected annually or even more frequently to
but is different
from other
kinds of
data collection
provide a basic overview of a project and its accomplishments. Obtaining
descriptive information usually is also part of each of the other data
gathering activities depicted. NSF has developed the FASTLANE system
as one vehicle for collecting such statistics.
FASTLANE allows for basic data to be collected across all programs in a
consistent and systematic fashion. In addition, some programs have
added program-specific modules aimed at collecting tailored data
Exhibit 4.Types of data gathering activities
Formative Evaluation
Indicators Basic Research
Summative Evaluation
Formative and summative evaluations are intended to gather information
to answer a limited number of questions. Evaluations include descriptive
information, but go well beyond that. Generally, formative and
summative evaluations include more indepth data collection activities,
are intended to support decisionmaking, and are more costly.
Performance indicators fall somewhere between general program
statistics and formative/summative evaluations. A performance indicator
system is a collection of statistics that can be used to monitor the
ongoing status of a program against a set of targets and metrics. Going
beyond descriptive statistics, performance indicators begin to provide
information that can be measured against a set of goals and objectives.
Indicator systems are typically used to focus policymakers, educators,
and the public on (1) key aspects of how an educational program is
operating, (2) whether progress is being made, and (3) where there are
problems (Blank, 1993). Because performance indicators focus on
tangible results, they often go beyond traditional reviews of program
expenditures and activity levels. In fact, the term “performance”
underscores the underlying purpose of indicator systems, i.e., to examine
a program’s accomplishments and measure progress toward specific
Project Description
Basic Research
goals. Performance indicators provide a snapshot of accomplishments in
selected areas; however, in contrast to evaluations, the information is
limited and is unlikely to provide an explanation of why a project may
have succeeded or failed.
Research studies include descriptive information and provide targeted
indepth exploration of issues, but differ along other dimensions. Instead
of being intended for decisionmaking, research efforts typically are
designed to explore conceptual models and alternative explanations for
observed relationships.
The goal of evaluation is to determine the worth or merit of some
procedure, project, process, or product. Well-designed evaluations also
provide information that can help explain the findings that are observed.
In these days of reform, educators are continually faced with the
challenges of evaluating their innovations and determining whether
progress is being made or stated goals have, in fact, been reached. Both
common sense and accepted professional practice would suggest a
systematic approach to these evaluation challenges. The role that
evaluation may play will vary depending on the timing, the specific
questions to be addressed, and the resources available. It is best to think
of evaluation not as an event, but as a process. The goal should be to
provide an ongoing source of information that can aid decisionmaking at
various steps along the way.
Blank, R. (1993) Developing a System of Education Indicators:
Selecting, Implementing, and Reporting Indicators. Educational
Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 15 (1, Spring): 65-80.
In the preceding chapter, we outlined the types of evaluations that
should be considered for NSF’s programs. In this chapter, we talk
further about how to carry out an evaluation, expanding on the steps
in evaluation design and development. Our aim is to provide an
orientation to some of the basic language of evaluation, as well as to
share some hints about technical, practical, and political issues that
should be kept in mind when conducting evaluation studies.
Whether they are summative or formative, evaluations can be thought
of as having six phases:
Develop a conceptual model of the program and identify key
evaluation points
Develop evaluation questions and define measurable outcomes
Develop an evaluation design
Collect data
Analyze data
Provide information to interested audiences
Getting started right can have a major impact on the
progress and utility of the evaluation all along the
way. However, all six phases are critical to
providing useful information. If the information
gathered is not perceived as valuable or useful (the
wrong questions were asked), or the information is
not seen to be credible or convincing (the wrong
techniques were used), or the report is presented too
late or is not understandable (the teachable moment
is past), then the evaluation will not contribute to
the decisionmaking process.
In the sections below, we provide an overview of the first three
phases, which lay the groundwork for the evaluation activities that
will be undertaken. The remaining three phases are discussed in
Chapter 4.
Getting started
right can have
a major impact
on the progress
and utility of
the evaluation
all along the
Develop a Conceptual Model of the
Project and Identify Key Evaluation Points
Every proposed evaluation should start with a conceptual model to
which the design is applied. This conceptual model can be used both
to make sure that a common understanding about the project’s
structure, connections, and expected outcomes exists, and to assist in
focusing the evaluation design on the most critical program elements.
Exhibit 5 presents the shell for a particular kind of conceptual model,
a “logic model.”
The model describes the pieces of the project and
expected connections among them. A typical model has four
categories of project elements that are connected by directional
arrows. These elements are:
Project inputs
Short-term outcomes
Long-term outcomes
Exhibit 5.Logic model
Inputs Activities Short-Term Outcomes Long-Term Outcomes
There are several different ways to show a logic model. The model presented here is one that
has been useful to the author.
Project inputs are the various funding sources and resource streams
that provide support to the project. Activities are the services,
materials, and actions that characterize the project’s thrusts. Short-
term impacts are immediate results of these activities. Long-term
outcomes are the broader and more enduring impacts on the system.
These impacts will reflect NSF’s strategic outcomes discussed on
page 4. A logic model identifies these program elements and shows
expected connections among them. PIs and PDs may find this model
useful not only for evaluation but also for program management. It
provides a framework for monitoring the flow of work and checking
whether required activities are being put in place.
The first step in doing an evaluation is to describe the project in terms
of the logic model.
One set of inputs is the funds that NSF provides. Other inputs
may come from other federal funding sources, local funding
sources, partnerships, and in-kind contributions.
The activities depend on the focus of the project. Potential
activities include the development of curricula and materials,
provision of professional development, infrastructure
development, research experiences, mentoring by a senior
scientist, or public outreach, alone or in combinations.
Short-term outcomes in a variety of shapes and sizes. One type
of outcome is sometimes called an “output.” An output is an
accounting of the numbers of people, products, or institutions
reached. For example, an output of a professional development
program for teachers could be “200 teachers trained.” The
output of a research program could be “17 students received
mentoring from NSF scientists.” The other type of outcome
looks at short-term changes that result from the experience.
Such an outcome might be “reported sense of renewal” for a
teacher given professional development support or “an impact
on choice of major” for an undergraduate receiving a research
Long-term outcomes are the changes that might not be
expected to emerge until some time after the experience with
the project. To continue with the examples provided above, a
long-term outcome of professional development could be
“changes in instructional practice reflective of a standards-
based approach.” For the undergraduate student, “selecting a
career in NSF-related research activity” would be a comparable
The logic model shows a process that flows from inputs to long-term
outcomes. In developing a model for your project, it may be useful to
reverse this flow. That is, project teams frequently find it more useful
to “work backwards,” starting from the long-term outcome desired
Exhibit 6.Conceptual model for Local Systemic Change Initiatives (LSCs)
Inputs Activities Short-Term Outcomes Long-Term Outcomes
NSF Funds
Local and State Funds
Other Professional
Development Grants
Adoption of High-
Quality Curricula and
Formation of Extended
Review of
New Polic ies
Effective Use of New
Materials and Curricula
Adoption of New
Pedagogies That
Encourage Inquiry
and Problem Solving
Instruction Tailored to
the Needs of Diverse
Institutionalization of
Challenging Instruction
Enhanced Student
Learning and
Improved Student
and then determining critical conditions or events that will need to be
established before these outcomes might be expected to occur. Exhibit 6
shows a preliminary conceptual model for one of NSF’s major
professional development programs, Local Systemic Change Initiatives
(LSCs) projects.
Under “inputs,” we have listed three streams of funding:
NSF funds
Local and state funds
Other professional development grants
For “activities,” we have highlighted:
Adoption of high-quality curricula and materials
Provision of extended standards-based professional development
Review of new policies
The short-term outcomes are linked to, and flow from, the overall goals
of the LSCs. Thus, we would look for:
Effective use of new materials and curricula
Adoption of new pedagogies that encourage inquiry and problem
Instruction tailored to the individual needs or students from
diverse populations
Finally, over time, the LSCs should result in:
Consistently challenging instruction for all students
Enhanced student learning and performance
Higher scores on assessments of student achievement
Once this logic model is developed and connections are established, the
next step is to clarify the timing for when the activities and impacts
would be expected to emerge. This is an area that should have been
addressed during the project’s planning phase, and determining expected
timeframes should be a revisiting of decisions rather than a set of new
considerations. However, either because some aspect was overlooked in
the initial discussions or some conditions have changed, it is important to
review the time schedule and make sure that the project is willing to be
held accountable for the target dates. Finally, the model can be used to
identify critical achievements as indicated by the logic model and
critical timeframes that need to met. These provide the starting point for
the next step, developing the evaluation questions.
Develop Evaluation Questions and Define Measurable Outcomes
The development of evaluation questions builds on the conceptual model
and consists of several steps:
Identifying key stakeholders and audiences
Formulating potential evaluation questions of interest to the
stakeholders and audiences
Defining outcomes in measurable terms
Prioritizing and eliminating questions
While it is obvious that NSF program managers and the directors of
individual projects are key stakeholders in any project, it is important in
developing the evaluation design to go beyond these individuals and
consider other possible audiences and their needs for information. In all
projects, multiple audiences exist. Such audiences may include the
participants, would-be participants, community members, NSF scientists,
school administrators, parents, etc. Further, some of the audiences may
themselves be composed of diverse groups. For example, most
educational interventions address communities made up of families from
different backgrounds with different belief structures. Some are
committed to the status quo; others may be strong advocates for change.
In developing an evaluation, it is important to identify
stakeholders early in the design phase and draw upon their
knowledge as the project is shaped. A strong stakeholder
group can be useful at various points in the project
shaping the questions addressed, identifying credible
sources of evidence, and reviewing findings and assisting
in their interpretation.
Although, in most cases, key stakeholders will share a number of
information needs (in a professional development program the impacts
on teaching quality will be of interest to all), there may be audience-
specific questions that also need to be considered. For example, while
exposure to the new technologies in an NSF lab may provide teachers
with important new skills, administrators may be concerned not only
with how the introduction of these skills may impact the existing
curriculum, but also in the long-term resource and support implications
for applying the new techniques. Depending on the situation and the
political context in which a project is being carried out, a judicious mix
of cross-cutting and audience-specific issues may need to be included.
It is important to
stakeholders early
in the design
Exhibit 7 presents a shell for organizing your approach to identifying
stakeholders and their specific needs or interests.
Exhibit 7.Identifying key stakeholders
List the audiences for your
Identify persons/spokespersons
for each audience
Describe the particular values,
interests, expectations, etc.,
that may play a key role as
criteria in the analysis and
interpretation stage of your
The process of identifying potential information needs usually results in
many more questions than can be addressed in a single evaluation effort.
This comprehensive look at potential questions, however, makes all of
the possibilities explicit to the planners of the evaluation and allows them
to make an informed choice among evaluation questions. Each potential
question should be considered for inclusion on the basis of the following
The contribution of the information to the goals of NSF and the
projects’ local stakeholders
Who would use the information
Whether the answer to the question would provide information
that is not now available
Whether the information is important to a major group or several
Whether the information would be of continuing interest
How the question can be translated into measurable terms
How it would be possible to obtain the information, given
financial and human resources
These latter two points require some additional explanation. First, the
question of measurability. There are some evaluation questions that
while clearly important, are very challenging to address because of the
difficulty of translating an important general goal into something that can
be measured in a reliable and valid way. For example, one of the goals of
a summer research experience for teachers might be generally stated “to
increase the extent to which teachers use standards-based instruction in
their science teaching.” To determine whether or not this goal is met, the
evaluation team would have to define an indicator or indicators of
standards-based instruction, establish a goal for movement on the part of
the teachers, and then set interim benchmarks for measuring success. A
variety of possible articulations exist. One could talk about the
percentage of teachers moving through various levels of proficiency in
standards-based instruction (once those levels were established); or the
outcome could be measured in terms of the percentage of time devoted to
different practices; or understanding, rather than actual practice, could be
examined. Each approach probably has strengths and weaknesses. The
critical thing, however, is determining a shared definition of what is
meant and what will be accepted as credible evidence of project success.
Exhibit 8 illustrates the steps to translating a general goal into a
measurable objective.
A particular challenge in developing measurable objectives is
determining the criteria for success. That is, deciding how much change
is enough to declare the result important or valuable. The classical
approach to this question is to look for changes that are statistically
significant, i.e., typically defined as unlikely to occur by chance in more
than 1 to 5 percent of the observations. While this criterion is important,
statistical significance may not be the only or even the best standard to
use. If samples are large enough, a very small change can be statistically
significant. When samples are very small, achieving statistical
significance may be close to impossible.
What are some ways of addressing this problem? First, for very large
samples, “effect size” is frequently used as a second standard against
which to measure the importance of an outcome. Using this approach,
the change is measured against the standard deviation, and only those
significant outcomes that result in a change that exceed one-third of a
standard deviation are considered meaningful. Second, it may be
possible to use previous history as a way of determining the importance
of a statistically significant result. The history can provide a realistic
baseline against which the difference made by a project can be assessed.
Exhibit 8.Goal and objective writing worksheet
1. Briefly describe the purpose of the project.
2. State the above in terms of a general goal:
3. State an objective to be evaluated as clearly as you can:
4. Can this objective be broken down further? Break it down to the smallest unit. It must be
clear what specifically you hope to see documented or changed.
5. Is this objective measurable (can indicators and standards be developed for it)?
If not, restate it.
6. Once you have completed the above steps, go back to #3 and write the next objective.
Continue with steps 4, and 5, and 6.
Third, with or without establishing statistical significance, expert
judgment may be called on as a resource. This is a place where
stakeholder groups can again make a contribution. Using this approach,
standards are developed after consultation with differing stakeholder
groups to determine the amount of change each would need to see to find
the evidence of impact convincing.
There is also the issue of feasibility given resources. Three kinds of
resources need to be considered: time, money, and staff capability. The
presence or absence of any of these strongly influences whether or not a
particular question can be addressed in any given evaluation.
Specifically, there are some questions that may require specialized
expertise, extended time, or a large investment of resources. In some
cases, access to these resources may not be readily available. For
example, it might be considered useful conceptually to measure the
impact of a student’s research experience in terms of the scientific merit
of a project or presentation that the student completes before the end of a
summer program. However, unless the evaluation team includes
individuals with expertise in the particular content area in which the
student has worked, or can identify consultants with the expertise,
assessing scientific merit may be too much of a stretch. Under these
circumstances, it is best to eliminate the question or to substitute a
reasonable proxy, if one can be identified. In other cases, the evaluation
technique of choice may be too costly. For example,
classroom observations are valuable if the question of
interest is “How has the LSC affected classroom practices?”
But observations are both time-consuming and expensive.
If sufficient funds are not available to carry out
observations, it may be necessary to reduce the sample size
or use another data collection technique such as a survey. A
general guideline is to allocate 5 to 10 percent of project
cost for the evaluation.
Develop an Evaluation Design
The next step is developing an evaluation design. Developing the design
Selecting a methodological approach and data collection
Determining who will be studied and when
Selecting a Methodological Approach
In developing the design, two general methodological approaches
quantitative and qualitativefrequently have been considered as
alternatives. Aside from the obvious distinction between numbers
(quantitative) and words (qualitative), the conventional wisdom among
A general
guideline is to
allocate 5 to
10 percent of
project cost for
the evaluation.
evaluators is that quantitative and qualitative methods have different
strengths, weaknesses, and requirements that will affect evaluators’
decisions about which are best suited for their purposes.
In Chapter 5 we review the debate between the protagonists of each of
the methods and make a case for what we call a “mixed-method” design.
This is an approach that combines techniques traditionally labeled
“quantitative” with those traditionally labeled “qualitative” to develop a
full picture of why a project may or may not be having hoped-for results
and to document outcomes. There are a number of factors that need to be
considered in reaching a decision regarding the methodologies that will
be used. These include the questions being addressed, the timeframe
available, the skills of the existing or potential evaluators, and the type of
data that will be seen as credible by stakeholders and critical audiences.
Determining Who Will be Studied and When
Developing a design also requires considering factors such as sampling,
use of comparison groups, timing, sequencing, and frequency of data
Sampling. Except in rare cases when a project is very small and affects
only a few participants and staff members, it is necessary to deal with a
subset of sites and/or informants for budgetary and managerial reasons.
Sampling thus becomes an issue in the development of an evaluation
design. And the approach to sampling will frequently be influenced by
the type of data collection method that has been selected.
The preferred sampling methods for quantitative studies are those that
enable evaluators to make generalizations from the sample to the
universe, i.e., all project participants, all sites, all parents. Random
sampling is the appropriate method for this purpose. However, random
sampling is not always possible.
The most common misconception about sampling is that
large samples are the best way of obtaining accurate
findings. While it is true that larger samples will reduce
sampling error (the probability that if another sample of
the same size were drawn, different results might be
obtained), sampling error is the smallest of the three
components of error that affect the soundness of sample
designs. Two other errorssample bias (primarily due
to loss of sample units) and response bias (responses or
observations that do not reflect “true” behavior,
characteristics or attitudes)are much more likely to
jeopardize validity of findings (Sudman, 1976). When
planning allocation of resources, evaluators should give
priority to procedures that will reduce sample bias and
response bias, rather than to the selection of larger
When planning
allocation of
give priority to
procedures that will
reduce sample bias
and response bias,
rather than to the
selection of larger
Let’s talk a little more about sample and response bias. Sample bias
occurs most often because of nonresponse (selected respondents or units
are not available or refuse to participate, or some answers and
observations are incomplete). Response bias occurs because questions
are misunderstood or poorly formulated, or because respondents
deliberately equivocate (for example, to protect the project being
evaluated). In observations, the observer may misinterpret or miss what
is happening. Exhibit 9 describes each type of bias and suggests some
simple ways of minimizing them.
Exhibit 9.Three types of errors and their remedies
Type Cause Remedies
Sampling Error Using a sample, not the entire
population to be studied.
Larger samplesthese reduce but do not
eliminate sampling error.
Sample Bias Some of those selected to
participate did not do so or
provided incomplete information.
Repeated attempts to reach nonrespondents.
Prompt and careful editing of completed
instruments to obtain missing data;
comparison of characteristics of non-
respondents with those of respondents to
describe any suspected differences that may
Response Bias Responses do not reflect “true”
opinions or behaviors because
questions were misunderstood or
respondents chose not to tell the
Careful pretesting of instruments to revise
misunderstood, leading, or threatening
questions. No remedy exists for deliberate
equivocation in self-administered interviews,
but it can be spotted by careful editing. In
personal interviews, this bias can be reduced
by a skilled interviewer.
Statistically valid generalizations are seldom a goal of qualitative
evaluation; rather, the qualitative investigation is primarily interested in
locating information-rich cases for study in depth. Purposeful sampling is
therefore practiced, and it may take many forms. Instead of studying a
random sample or a stratified sample of a project’s participants, an
evaluation may focus on the lowest achievers admitted to the program, or
those who have never participated in a similar program, or participants
from related particular regions. In selecting classrooms for observation of
the implementation of an innovative practice, the evaluation may use
deviant-case sampling, choosing one classroom where the innovation is
reported as “most successfully” implemented and another where major
problems are reported. Depending on the evaluation questions to be
answered, many other sampling methods, including maximum variation
sampling, critical case sampling, or even typical case sampling, may be
appropriate (Patton, 1990). The appropriate size of the sample may also
differ when the different methodologies are adopted, with precision in
numbers based on statistical considerations playing a much larger role
for the quantitative approach.
In many evaluations, the design calls for studying a population at several
points in time, e.g., students in the 9th grade and then again in the 12th
grade. There are two ways to do this. In a longitudinal approach, data are
collected from the same individuals at designated time intervals; in a
cross-sectional approach, new samples are drawn for each successive
data collection. While longitudinal designs that require collecting
information from the same students or teachers at several points in time
are best in most cases, they are often difficult and expensive to carry out
both because students and teachers move and because linking
individuals’ responses over time is complicated. Furthermore, loss of
respondents because of failure to locate or to obtain cooperation from
some segments of the original sample is often a major problem.
Depending on the nature of the evaluation and the size of the population
studied, it may be possible to obtain good results with cross-sectional
Comparison Groups. In project evaluation, especially summative
evaluation, the objective is to determine whether or not a set of
experiences or interventions results in a set of expected outcomes. The
task is not only to show that the outcomes occurred, but to make the case
that the outcomes can be attributed to the intervention and not to some
other factors. In classical evaluation design, this problem of attribution is
addressed by creating treatment and control or comparison groups and
randomly assigning the potential pool of participants to these varying
conditions. In the ideal world, project evaluators would like to be able to
adopt this same approach and examine program impacts under well-
controlled experimental conditions. Unfortunately, in most real-world
applications and most NSF projects, these conditions simply cannot be
There are two basic problems: first, there is self-
selection. Teachers, students, and faculty participate in
NSF efforts because they choose to, by and large.
While there may be circumstances under which a
participant is encouraged or even coerced into
participating, that is likely to be the exception. Thus,
there is reason to believe that those who volunteer or
seek out programs are different from those who don’t.
Second, it is frequently difficult to identify a valid
comparison group and obtain its cooperation with study
efforts. The more elaborate and potentially intrusive the
evaluation, the more difficult the task.
There is no perfect way to solve the problem, but in designing an
evaluation it is important to address, rather than ignore, the attribution
question. Sometimes this is possible by drawing a comparison group
from a waiting list (when one exists) and comparing those who
participated with those who self-selected but applied too late. Assuming
that the groups are found to be equivalent on critical variables that might
be associated with the outcome of interest, it is possible to relate
differences to differences in program experiences.
In designing an
evaluation it is
important to
address, rather
than ignore, the
In other cases, it may be possible to use historical data as a benchmark
against which to measure change, such as comparing a school’s previous
test score history to test scores after some experience or intervention has
taken place. If the historical approach is adopted, it is important to rule
out other events occurring over time that might also account for any
changes noted. In dealing with student outcomes, it is also important to
make sure that the sample of students is sufficiently large to rule out
differences associated with different cohorts of students. To avoid what
might be called a “crop effect,” it is useful to compare average outcomes
over several cohorts before the intervention with average outcomes for
multiple cohorts after the intervention.
A third alternative is to look for relationships between levels of
implementation of some program and the outcome variable(s) of interest
(Horizon and Westat, 2001). To some extent, a set of internal comparison
groups is created by drawing on actual implementation data or a
surrogate such as years in the program or level of treatment. For
example, in a teacher enhancement project where teachers received
different amounts of professional development, subgroups could be
created (derived from teacher surveys and/or classroom observation) to
categorize classrooms into high, medium, and low implementation status.
With this approach, the outcome of interest would be differences among
the project subgroups. It is assumed in this design that there is generally
a linear relationship between program exposure or implementation and
change along some outcome dimension. The evaluation thus examines
the extent to which differences in exposure or implementation relate to
changes in outcomes.
Finally, checking the actual trajectory of change against the conceptual
trajectory, as envisioned in the logic model, often provides support for
the likelihood that impacts were in fact attributable to project activities.
Timing, Sequencing, Frequency of Data Collection, and Cost. The
evaluation questions and the analysis plan largely determine when data
should be collected and how often various data collections should be
scheduled. In mixed-method designs, when the findings of
qualitative data collection affect the structuring of quantitative
instruments (or vice versa), proper sequencing is crucial. As a
general rule, project evaluations are strongest when data are
collected at least two points in time: before an innovation is
first introduced, and after it has been in operation for a sizable
period of time. Studies looking at program sustainability need
at least one additional point of evidence: data on the program
after it has been established and initial funding is completed.
All project directors find that both during the design phase, when plans
are being crafted, and later, when fieldwork gets underway, some
modifications and tradeoffs may become necessary. Budget limitations,
problems in accessing fieldwork sites and administrative records, and
are strongest
when data
are collected
in at least two
points in time.
difficulties in recruiting staff with appropriate skills are among the
recurring problems that should be anticipated as far ahead as possible
during the design phase, but that also may require modifying the design
at a later time.
What tradeoffs are least likely to impair the integrity and usefulness of an
evaluation, if the evaluation plan as designed cannot be fully
implemented? A good general rule for dealing with budget problems is to
sacrifice the number of cases or the number of questions to be explored
(this may mean ignoring the needs of some low-priority stakeholders),
but to preserve the depth necessary to fully and rigorously address the
issues targeted.
Once decisions are reached regarding the actual aspects of your
evaluation design, it is useful to summarize these decisions in a design
matrix. Exhibit 10 presents the shell for each matrix using the Minority
Research Fellowship Program as an illustrative example. This matrix is
also very useful later on when it is time to write a final report (see
Chapter 4).
Exhibit 10a.Matrix showing crosswalk of study foci and data collection activities
Data collection activities
Study focus
National data
What did MRFP awardees do during their
award period? In an extension if granted?
ü ü ü
Specifically, and as appropriate for
postdoctoral scholars, to what extent have
the individual research projects of the
postdoctoral Fellows achieved their
narrower and immediate scientific goals?
To what extent is this reflected in the
formal scientific record as publications and
ü ü ü ü
How if at all did MRFP awardees use their
experience to shape their career direction
and development?
ü ü ü
How do employment and activity patterns
among MRFP awardees compare with
patterns in national data on Ph.D.
recipients who have been postdoctoral
researchers? How does the NSF proposal
and award history of MRFP awardees
compare with that of other faculty
members who received Ph.D.s in the fields
and time period covered by the MRFP
ü ü
Exhibit 10b.Crosswalk of study sample and data collections activities
Data collection activities
Study sample
National data
All MRFP awardees (n=157) ü ü
ü ü
Sample of MRFP awardees (n=30)
Horizon and Westat. (2001). Revised Handbook for Studying the Effects
of the LSC on Students. Rockville, MD: Westat.
Patton, M.Q. (1990). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods, 2nd
Ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Sudman, S. (1976). Applied Sampling. New York: Academic Press.
In this section we discuss the steps to be undertaken after a design has
been developed:
Data collection
Data analysis
Conducting Data Collection
Once the appropriate information-gathering techniques have been
determined, the information must be gathered. Both technical and
political issues need to be addressed.
Obtain necessary clearances and permission.
Consider the needs and sensitivities of the respondents.
Make sure your data collectors are adequately trained and will
operate in an objective, unbiased manner.
Obtain data from as many members of your sample as possible.
Cause as little disruption as possible to the ongoing effort.
First, before data are collected, the necessary clearances
and permission must be obtained. Many groups,
especially school systems, have a set of established
procedures for gaining clearance to collect data on
students, teachers, or projects. This may include
identification of persons to receive/review a copy of the
report, restrictions on when data can be collected, and
procedures to safeguard the privacy of students or
teachers. It is important to find out what these procedures
are and to address them as early as possible, preferably as
part of the initial proposal development. When seeking
cooperation, it is always helpful to offer to provide
information to the participants on what is learned, either through
personal feedback or a workshop in which findings can be discussed. If
this is too time-consuming, a copy of the report or executive summary
may well do. The main idea here is to provide incentives for people or
organizations to take the time to participate in your evaluation.
Second, the needs of the participants must be considered. Being part of
an evaluation can be very threatening to participants, and they should be
told clearly and honestly why the data are being collected and how the
Many groups,
especially school
systems, have a
set of established
procedures for
gaining clearance
to collect data on
students, teachers,
or projects.
results will be used. On most survey type studies, assurances
are provided that no personal repercussions will result from
information presented to the evaluator and, if at all possible,
individuals and their responses will not be publicly
associated in any report. This guarantee of anonymity
frequently makes the difference between a cooperative and a
recalcitrant respondent.
There may, however, be some cases when identification of
the respondent is deemed necessary, perhaps to enforce the
credibility of an assertion. In studies that use qualitative
methods, it may be more difficult to report all findings in ways that make
it impossible to identify a participant. The number of respondents is often
quite small, especially if one is looking at respondents with
characteristics that are of special interest in the analysis (for example,
older teachers, or teachers who hold graduate degrees). Thus, even if a
finding does not name the respondent, it may be possible for someone (a
colleague, an administrator) to identify a respondent who made a critical
or disparaging comment in an interview. In such cases, the evaluation
should include a step wherein consent is obtained before including such
information. Informed consent may also be advisable where a sensitive
comment is reported, despite the fact that the report itself includes no
names. Common sense is the key here. The American Evaluation
Association has a set of Guiding Principles for Evaluators (AEA, 1995)
that provide some very important tips in this area under the heading
“Respect for People.”
Third, data collectors must be carefully trained and supervised,
especially where multiple data collectors are used. This training should
include providing the data collectors with information about the culture
and rules of the community in which they will be interacting (especially
if the community differs from that of the data collector) as well as
technical skills. It is important that data collectors understand the idiom
of those with whom they will be interacting so that two-way
communication and understanding can be maximized.
The data collectors must be trained so that they all see things
in the same way, ask the same questions, and use the same
prompts. It is important to establish inter-rater reliability:
when ratings or categorizations of data collectors for the
same event are compared, an inter-rater reliability of 80
percent or more is desired. Periodic checks need to be
conducted to make sure that well-trained data collectors do
not “drift” away from the prescribed procedures over time.
Training sessions should include performing the actual task
(extracting information from a database, conducting an
interview, performing an observation), role-playing (for
interviews), and comparing observation records of the same
event by different observers.
should be told
clearly and
honestly why the
data are being
collected and
how the results
will be used.
Periodic checks
need to be carried
out to make sure
that well-trained
data collectors do
not “drift” away
from the prescribed
procedures over
When the project enters a new phase (for example, when a second round
of data collection starts), it is usually advisable to schedule another
training session, and to check inter-rater reliability again. If funds and
technical resources are available, other techniques (for example,
videotaping of personal interviews or recording of telephone interviews)
can also be used for training and quality control after permission has
been obtained from participants.
Evaluations need to include procedures to guard against possible
distortion of data because of well intended but inappropriate “coaching”
of respondentsan error frequently made by inexperienced or overly
enthusiastic staff. Data collectors must be warned against providing
value-laden feedback to respondents or engaging in discussions that
might well bias the results. One difficult but important task is
understanding one’s own biases and making sure that they do not
interfere with the work at hand. This is a problem all too often
encountered when dealing with volunteer data collectors, such as parents
in a school or teachers in a center. They volunteer because they are
interested in the project that is being evaluated or are advocates for or
critics of it. Unfortunately, the data they produce may reflect their own
perceptions of the project, as much as or more than that of the
respondents, unless careful training is undertaken to avoid this
“pollution.” Bias or perceived bias may compromise the credibility of the
findings and the ultimate use to which they are put. An excellent source
of information on these issues is the section on accuracy standards in The
Program Evaluation Standards (Joint Committee on Standards for
Educational Evaluation, 1994).
Fourth, try to get data from as many members of your
sample as possible. The validity of your findings depends
not only on how you select your sample, but also on the
extent to which you are successful in obtaining data from
those you have selected for study. It is important to
follow up with individuals who are nonresponsive to the
initial contact to try to get them to participate. This can
mean sending surveys out two to three times or
rescheduling interviews or observations on multiple
occasions. An ambitious rule of thumb for surveys is to
try to gather data from at least 80 percent of those
sampled. Wherever possible, assessing whether there is some systematic
difference between those who respond and those who do not is always
advisable. If differences are found, these should be noted and the impact
on the generalizability of findings noted.
Finally, the data should be gathered, causing as little disruption as
possible. Among other things, this means being sensitive to the schedules
of the people or the project. It also may mean changing approaches as
situations come up. For example, instead of asking a respondent to
provide data on the characteristics of project participantsa task that
may require considerable time on the part of the respondent to pull the
It is important to
follow up with
who are non-
responsive to the
initial contact to
try to get them to
data together and develop summary statisticsthe data collector may
need to work from raw data, applications, and monthly reports, etc., and
personally do the compilation.
Analyzing the Data
Once the data are collected, they must be analyzed and interpreted. The
steps followed in preparing the data for analysis and interpretation differ,
depending on the type of data. The interpretation of qualitative data may
in some cases be limited to descriptive narratives, but other qualitative
data may lend themselves to systematic analyses through the use of
quantitative approaches such as thematic coding or content analysis.
Analysis includes several steps:
Check the raw data and prepare them for analysis.
Conduct initial analysis based on the evaluation plan.
Conduct additional analyses based on the initial results.
Integrate and synthesize findings.
The first step in quantitative data analysis is the checking of data for
responses that may be out of line or unlikely. Such instances include
selecting more than one answer when only one can be selected, always
choosing the third alternative on a multiple-choice test of science
concepts, reporting allocations of time that add up to more than
100 percent, giving inconsistent answers, etc. Where such problematic
responses are found, it may be necessary to eliminate the item or items
from the data to be analyzed.
After this is done, the data are prepared for computer analysis; usually
this involves coding and entering (keying or scanning) the data with
verification and quality control procedures in place.
The next step is to carry out the data analysis specified in the evaluation
plan. While new information gained as the evaluation evolves may well
cause some analyses to be added or subtracted, it is a good idea to start
with the set of analyses that seemed originally to be of interest. Statistical
programs are available on easily accessible software that make the data
analysis task considerably easier today than it was 25 years ago. Analysts
still need to be careful, however, that the data sets they are using meet
the assumptions of the technique being used. For example, in the analysis
of quantitative data, different approaches may be
used to analyze continuous data as opposed to
categorical data. Using an incorrect technique can
result in invalidation of the whole evaluation
project. Recently, computerized systems for
quantitative analysis have been developed and are
becoming more widely used to manage large sets of
narrative data. These provide support to the analyst
It is very likely
that the initial
analyses will
raise as many
questions as
they answer.
and a way of managing large amounts of data that are typically collected
(but do not eliminate the need for careful analysis and decisionmaking on
the part of the evaluator.) Two popular programs are Ethnograph and
It is very likely that the initial analyses will raise as many questions as
they answer. The next step, therefore, is conducting a second set of
analyses to address these further questions. If, for example, the first
analysis looked at overall teacher performance, a second analysis might
subdivide the total group into subunits of particular interesti.e., more
experienced versus less experienced teachers; teachers rated very
successful by mentors versus teachers rated less successfuland
examine whether any significant differences were found between them.
These reanalysis cycles can go through several iterations as emerging
patterns of data suggest other interesting avenues to explore. Sometimes
the most intriguing of these results emerge from the data; they are ones
that were not anticipated or looked for. In the end, it becomes a matter of
balancing the time and money available against the inquisitive spirit in
deciding when the analysis task is completed.
It should be noted that we have not attempted to go into any detail on the
different statistical techniques that might be used for quantitative
analysis. Indeed, this discussion is the subject of many books and
textbooks. Suffice it to say that most evaluations rely on fairly simple
descriptive statisticsmeans, frequencies, etc. However, where more
complex analyses and causal modeling are derived, evaluators will need
to use analyses of variance, regression analysis, or even structural
equation modeling.
The final task is to choose the analyses to be presented, to integrate the
separate analyses into an overall picture, and to develop conclusions
regarding what the data show. Sometimes this integration of findings
becomes very challenging as the different data sources do not yield
completely consistent findings. While it is preferable to be able to
produce a report that reconciles differences and explains the apparent
contradictions, sometimes the findings must simply be allowed to stand
as they are, unresolved and, it is hoped, thought provoking.
The next stage of the project evaluation is reporting what has been found.
This requires pulling together the data collected, distilling the findings in
light of the questions the evaluation was originally designed to address,
and disseminating the findings.
Formal reports typically include six major sections:
Evaluation study questions
Evaluation procedures
Data analysis
Conclusions (and recommendations)
The background section describes (1) the problem or needs addressed,
(2) a literature review, if relevant, (3) the stakeholders and their
information needs, (4) the participants, (5) the project’s objectives, (6)
the activities and components, (7) location and planned longevity of the
project, (8) the resources used to implement the project, and (9) the
project’s expected measurable outcomes.
Notable constraints that existed in what the evaluation was able to do are
also pointed out in this section. For example, it may be important to point
out that conclusions are limited by the fact that no appropriate
comparison group was available or that only the short-term effects of
program partic ipation could be examined.
Evaluation Study Questions
The evaluation is based on the need for specific information, and
stakeholders, such as Congress, NSF-funded program and project
directors, and the participants, have somewhat different information
needs. There are many questions to be asked about a project, and they
cannot be answered at one time. This section of the report describes the
questions that the study addressed. As relevant, it also points out some
important questions that could not be addressed because of factors such
as time, resources, or inadequacy of available data gathering techniques.
Evaluation Procedures
This section of the report describes the groups that participated in the
evaluation study. It describes who these groups were and how the
particular sample of respondents included in the study was selected from
the total population available, if sampling was used. Important points
noted are how representative the sample was of the total population;
whether the sample volunteered (self-selected) or was chosen using some
sampling strategy by the evaluator; and whether or not any comparison
or control groups were included. If comparison groups were included, it
is important to provide data attesting to their equivalence or indicate how
the problem of imperfect equivalence will be addressed.
This section also describes the types of data collected and the
instruments used for the data collection activities. For example, they
could be:
Data for identified critical indicators, e.g., grades for specific
subjects, grade point averages (GPAs);
Ratings obtained in questionnaires and interviews designed for
project directors, students, faculty, and graduate students;
Descriptions of classroom activities from observations of key
instructional components of the project; and
Examinations of extant data records, e.g., letters, planning papers,
and budgets.
It is helpful at the end of this section to include a matrix or table that
summarizes the evaluation questions, the variables, the data gathering
approaches, the respondents, and the data collection schedule.
Data Analysis
This section describes the techniques used to analyze the data that were
collected. It describes the various stages of analysis that were
implemented and the checks that were carried out to make sure that the
data were free of as many confounding factors as possible. Frequently,
this section contains a discussion of the techniques used to make sure
that the sample of participants that actually participated in the study was,
in fact, representative of the population from which it came. Any
limitations in the generalizability of findings are noted. (That is, there is
sometimes an important distinction between the characteristics of the
sample that was selected for participation in the evaluation study and the
characteristics of those who actually participated, returned
questionnaires, attended focus groups, etc.)
Again, a summary matrix is a very useful illustrative tool.
This section presents the results of the analyses described previously.
The findings are usually organized in terms of the questions presented in
the section on evaluation study questions. Each question is addressed,
regardless of whether or not a satisfactory answer can be provided. It is
just as important to point out where the data are inconclusive as where
the data provide a positive or negative answer to an evaluation question.
Visuals such as tables and graphical displays are an appropriate
complement to the narrative discussion.
At the end of the findings section, it is helpful to have a summary that
presents the major conclusions. Here, “major” is defined in terms of both
the priority of the question in the evaluation and the strength of the
finding from the study. However, the summary of findings would always
include a statement of what was learned with regard to outcomes,
regardless of whether the data were conclusive.
Conclusions (and Recommendations)
The conclusions section reports the findings with more broad-based and
summative statements. These statements must relate to the findings of
the project’s evaluation questions and to the goals of the overall program.
Sometimes the conclusions section goes a step further and includes
recommendations either for NSF or for others undertaking projects
similar in goals, focus, and scope. Care must be taken to base any
recommendations solely on robust findings that are data-based, and not
on anecdotal evidence, no matter how appealing.
Other Sections
In addition to these six major sections, formal reports also include one or
more summary sections. These might be:
An abstract: a summary of the study and its findings presented in
approximately one-half page of text.
An executive summary: a summary, which may be as long as 4 to
10 pages, that provides an overview of the evaluation, its findings,
and implications. Sometimes the executive summary also serves as
a nontechnical digest of the evaluation report.
How Do You Develop an Evaluation Report?
Although we usually think about report writing as the last step in an
evaluation study, a good deal of the work actually can and does take
place before the project is completed. The background section, for
example, can be based largely on the original evaluation design
document. While there may be some events that cause minor differences
between the study as planned and the study as implemented, the large
majority of information, such as research background, the problem
addressed, the stakeholders, and the project’s goals, will remain
essentially the same. Reports that are simply written technical
documents are no longer acceptable; successful reporting involves giving
careful thought to the creation and presentation of the information in
ways that will be accessible to broad lay audiences, as well as to
professional audiences. Derivative, nontechnical summaries, as well as
electronic media, are becoming increasingly important means of sharing
For example, many agencies share information broadly by putting it on
the web, which requires special formatting for reading or downloading
from a web site. Sometimes information is posted on a CD-ROM, which
allows large amounts of informationincluding copies of instruments,
data sets, and other technical analysesas well as the written report to
be contained on a small, easy-to-access carrier. In addition, electronic
tools can be used to make colorful, clear, attention-getting presentations
about a study and its findings.
If there is a written evaluation design, the material in this design can be
used for the section on evaluation study questions and sample, data
collection, and instrumentation. The data analysis section is frequently an
updated version of what was initially proposed. However, as we noted
earlier, data analysis can take on a life of its own, as new ideas emerge
when data are explored. The final data analysis may be far different than
what was initially envisioned.
The findings and conclusions sections are the major new sections to be
written at the end of an evaluation study. These may present somewhat
of a challenge because of the need to balance comprehensiveness with
clarity, and rigorous, deductive thinking with intuitive leaps. One of the
errors frequently made in developing a findings section is what we might
call the attitude of “I analyzed it, so I am going to report it.” That is,
evaluators may feel compelled to report analyses that at first appeared
fruitful, but ultimately resulted in little information of interest. In most
cases, it is sufficient to note that these analyses were conducted and that
the results were inconclusive. Presentation of tables showing that no
differences occurred or no patterns emerged is probably not a good idea
unless there is a strong conceptual or political reason for doing so. Even
in the latter case, it is prudent to note the lack of findings in the text and
to provide the backup evidence in appendices or some technical
One tip to follow when writing these last sections is to ask colleagues or
stakeholders to review what you have written and provide feedback
before the report reaches its final form. These reviewers can assist in
assessing the clarity and completeness of what you have written, as well
as providing another set of eyes to examine your arguments and,
possibly, challenge your interpretations. It is sometimes very hard to get
enough distance from your own analyses after you have been immersed
in them.
Finally, the information needs to be provided in a manner and style that
is appropriate, appealing, and compelling to the person being informed.
For example, a detailed numerical table with statistical test results might
not be the best way to provide a school board member with achievement
data on students. Different reports may have to be provided for the
different audiences, and it may well be that a written report is not even
the preferred alternative. Today written reports are frequently
accompanied by other methods of communicating findings, such as
PowerPoint presentations or web-based documents in full or shortened
form. Still, the formal, technical report remains the primary way of
communicating evaluation findings, and a sample outline for such a
document is presented in Exhibit 11.
Exhibit 11.Formal report outline
I. Summary sections
A. Abstract
B. Executive summary
II. Background
A. Problems or needs addressed
B. Literature review
C. Stakeholders and their information needs
D. Participants
E. Project’s objectives
F. Activities and components
G. Location and planned longevity of the project
H. Resources used to implement the project
I. Project’s expected measurable outcomes
J. Constraints
III. Evaluation study questions
A. Questions addressed by the study
B. Questions that could not be addre
ssed by the study
(when relevant)
IV. Evaluation procedures
A. Sample
1. Selection procedures
2. Representativeness of the sample
3. Use of comparison or control groups, if applicable
B. Data collection
1. Methods
2. Instruments
C. Summary matrix
1. Evaluation questions
2. Variables
3. Data gathering approaches
4. Respondents
5. Data collection schedule
V. Findings
A. Results of the analyses organized by study question
VI. Conclusions
A. Broad-based, summative statements
B. Recommendations, when applicable
It should be noted that while discussions of communicating study results
generally stop at the point of presenting a final report of findings, there
are important additional steps that should be considered. Especially
when a new product or practice turns out to be successful, as determined
by a careful evaluation, dissemination is an important next step. Planning
for dissemination is important and can be as challenging as the
evaluation itself.
Disseminating the Information
The final stage in project evaluation is dissemination. Ideally, planning
for dissemination begins in the early stages of developing a project, with
audiences and their needs for information determined simultaneously
with project design. It is useful to make a listing of the various audiences
with whom you would like to share findings. The listing may be very
similar to those included in your stakeholder group and would include:
The funding source(s)
Potential funding sources
Others involved with similar projects or areas of research
Community members, especially those who are directly involved
with the project or might be involved
Members of the business or political community, etc.
In developing a dissemination approach, two areas need to be
considered: what these various groups need to know, and the best manner
for communicating information to them. For example, NSF will want
both a formal final report with technical details and an executive
summary with highlights of the findings. This report should link your
project to NSF’s overall goals for the program and show how what you
accomplished informs or relates to these goals. It is also important to
identify contributions to the overall research or knowledge base in your
area of investigation. Keep in mind NSF’s three strategic outcomes
discussed in Chapter 1, as identified in GPRA, as you develop your
A report to the community that is directly involved, or might be
involved, would be presented in a less formal and detailed fashion, with a
minimum of technical detail. This report could take many forms, e.g., a
newsletter, a fact sheet, or even a short journalistic article. In-person
presentations in which interactive discussion can occur may be especially
useful. In developing a report for this group, it is important both to share
the results and to help these stakeholders understand what the results
mean for them and what they might do with the information.
If your work is successful and you have a product to share, such as a
module for instruction, other strategies may be used. At a minimum,
presentations at conferences and meetings will increase awareness of
your work and may cause others to build on or adopt your product. More
formally, it may be useful to seek support to package your product for
others to use along with support materials and even training workshops.
Although the idea of dissemination is most frequently associated with
instances where projects have “worked” (with what this means differing
depending on the context of the project), it is also important to share
results in instances where hypotheses have not been supported or well-
constructed attempts at innovation have not proven fruitful. Such
knowledge is probably most relevant to your funders and your colleagues
in the research world and can be shared through professional
American Evaluation Association. (1995). Guiding Principles for
Evaluators. New Directions for Program Evaluation, No. 66. San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Joint Committee on the Standards for Educational Evaluation (1994).
The Program Evaluation Standards. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Publication, Inc.
In the previous chapter, we identified two broad types of evaluation
methodologies: quantitative and qualitative. In this section, we talk more
about the debate over the relative virtues of these approaches and discuss
some of the advantages and disadvantages of different types of
instruments. In such a debate, two types of issues are considered:
theoretical and practical.
Theoretical Issues
Most often these center on one of three topics:
The value of the types of data
The relative scientific rigor of the data
Basic, underlying philosophies of evaluation
Value of the Data
Quantitative and qualitative techniques provide a tradeoff between
breadth and depth, and between generalizability and targeting to specific
(sometimes very limited) populations. For example, a quantitative data
collection methodology such as a sample survey of high school students
who participated in a special science enrichment program can yield
representative and broadly generalizable information about the
proportion of participants who plan to major in science when they get to
college and how this proportion differs by gender. But at best, the survey
can elicit only a few, often superficial reasons for this gender difference.
On the other hand, separate focus groups (a qualitative technique related
to a group interview) conducted with small groups of men and women
students will provide many more clues about gender differences in the
choice of science majors, and the extent to which the special science
program changed or reinforced attitudes. The focus group technique is,
however, limited in the extent to which findings apply beyond the
specific individuals included in the groups.
Scientific Rigor
Data collected through quantitative methods are often believed to yield
more objective and accurate information because they were collected
using standardized methods, can be replicated, and, unlike qualitative
data, can be analyzed using sophisticated statistical techniques. In line
with these arguments, traditional wisdom has held that qualitative
methods are most suitable for formative evaluations, whereas summative
evaluations require “hard” (quantitative) measures to judge the ultimate
value of the project.
This distinction is too simplistic. Both approaches may or may not satisfy
the canons of scientific rigor. Quantitative researchers are becoming
increasingly aware that some of their data may not be accurate and valid,
because the survey respondents may not understand the meaning of
questions to which they respond, and because people’s recall of events is
often faulty. On the other hand, qualitative researchers have developed
better techniques for classifying and analyzing large bodies of
descriptive data. It is also increasingly recognized that all data
collectionquantitative and qualitativeoperates within a cultural
context and is affected to some extent by the perceptions and beliefs of
investigators and data collectors.
Philosophical Distinction
Researchers and scholars differ about the respective
merits of the two approaches, largely because of
different views about the nature of knowledge and how
knowledge is best acquired. Qualitative researchers feel
that there is no objective social reality, and all
knowledge is “constructed” by observers who are the
product of traditions, beliefs, and the social and
political environments within which they operate.
Quantitative researchers, who also have abandoned
naive beliefs about striving for absolute and objective
truth in research, continue to adhere to the scientific
model and to develop increasingly sophisticated
statistical techniques to measure social phenomena.
This distinction affects the nature of research designs. According to its
most orthodox practitioners, qualitative research does not start with
clearly specified research questions or hypotheses to be tested; instead,
questions are formulated after open-ended field research has been
completed (Lofland and Lofland, 1995) This approach is difficult for
program and project evaluators to adopt, since specific questions about
the effectiveness of interventions being evaluated are expected to guide
the evaluation. Some researchers have suggested that a distinction be
made between Qualitative work and qualitative work: Qualitative work
(large Q) involves participant observation and ethnographic field work,
Researchers and
scholars differ
about the respective
merits of the two
approaches, largely
because of different
views about the
nature of knowledge
and how knowledge
is best acquired.
whereas qualitative work (small q) refers to open-ended data collection
methods such as indepth interviews embedded in structured research
(Kidder and Fine, 1987). The latter are more likely to meet NSF
evaluation needs.
Practical Issues
On the practical level, four issues can affect the choice of method:
Credibility of findings
Staff skills
Time constraints
Credibility of Findings
Evaluations are designed for various audiences, including funding
agencies, policymakers in governmental and private agencies, project
staff and clients, researchers in academic and applied settings, and
various other stakeholders. Experienced evaluators know that they often
deal with skeptical audiences or stakeholders who seek to discredit
findings that are too critical or not at all critical of a project’s outcomes.
For this reason, the evaluation methodology may be rejected as unsound
or weak for a specific case.
The major stakeholders for NSF projects are policymakers within NSF
and the federal government, state and local officials, and decisionmakers
in the educational community where the project is located. In most cases,
decisionmakers at the national level tend to favor quantitative
information because these policymakers are accustomed to basing
funding decisions on numbers and statistical indicators. On the other
hand, many stakeholders in the educational community are often
skeptical about statistics and “number crunching” and consider the richer
data obtained through qualitative research to be more trustworthy and
informative. A particular case in point is the use of traditional test results,
a favorite outcome criterion for policymakers, school boards, and
parents, but one that teachers and school administrators tend to discount
as a poor tool for assessing true student learning.
Staff Skills
Qualitative methods, including indepth interviewing, observations, and
the use of focus groups, require good staff skills and considerable
supervision to yield trustworthy data. Some quantitative research
methods can be mastered easily with the help of simple training manuals;
this is true of small-scale, self-administered questionnaires in which most
questions can be answered by yes/no checkmarks or selecting numbers
on a simple scale. Large-scale, complex surveys, however, usually
require more skilled personnel to design the instruments and to manage
data collection and analysis.
It is difficult to generalize about the relative costs of the two methods:
much depends on the amount of information needed, quality standards
followed for the data collection, and the number of cases required for
reliability and validity. A short survey based on a small number of cases
(25-50) and consisting of a few “easy” questions would be inexpensive,
but it also would provide only limited data. Even cheaper would be
substituting a focus group session for a subset of 25-50 respondents;
while this method might provide more “interesting” data, those data
would be primarily useful for generating new hypotheses to be tested by
more appropriate qualitative or quantitative methods. To obtain robust
findings, the cost of data collection is bound to be high regardless of
Time Constraints
Similarly, data complexity and quality affect the
time needed for data collection and analysis.
Although technological innovations have shortened
the time needed to process quantitative data, a good
survey requires considerable time to create and
pretest questions and to obtain high response rates.
However, qualitative methods may be even more
time consuming because data collection and data
analysis overlap, and the process encourages the
exploration of new evaluation questions. If
insufficient time is allowed for evaluation, it may be
necessary to curtail the amount of data to be
collected or to cut short the analytic process, thereby
limiting the value of the findings. For evaluations that operate under
severe time constraintsfor example, where budgetary decisions depend
on the findingschoosing the best method can present a serious
The debate with respect to the merits of qualitative versus quantitative
methods is still ongoing in the academic community, but when it comes
to the choice of methods in conducting project evaluations, a pragmatic
strategy has been gaining increased support. Respected practitioners have
argued for integrating the two approaches by putting together packages
of the available imperfect methods and theories, which will minimize
biases by selecting the least biased and most appropriate method for each
evaluation subtask (Shadish, 1993). Others have stressed the advantages
of linking qualitative and quantitative methods when performing studies
and evaluations, showing how the validity and usefulness of findings will
benefit from this linkage (Miles and Huberman, 1994).
Using the Mixed-Method Approach
We feel that a strong case can be made for including qualitative elements
in the great majority of evaluations of NSF projects. Most of the
programs sponsored by NSF are not targeted to participants in a carefully
For evaluations that
operate under severe
time constraintsfor
example, where
budgetary decisions
depend on the findings
choosing the best method
can present a serious
controlled and restrictive environment, but rather to
those in a complex social environment that has a
bearing on the success of the project. To ignore the
complexity of the background is to impoverish the
evaluation. Similarly, when investigating human
behavior and attitudes, it is most fruitful to use a
variety of data collection methods. By using
different sources and methods at various points in
the evaluation process, the evaluation team can build
on the strength of each type of data collection and
minimize the weaknesses of any single approach. A
multimethod approach to evaluation can increase
both the validity and the reliability of evaluation data.
The range of possible benefits that carefully designed mixed-method
designs can yield has been conceptualized by a number of evaluators.
The validity of results can be strengthened by using more than one
method to study the same phenomenon. This approachcalled
triangulationis most often mentioned as the main advantage of the
mixed-methods approach. Combining the two methods pays off in
improved instrumentation for all data collection approaches and in
sharpening the evaluator’s understanding of findings. A typical design
might start out with a qualitative segment such as a focus group
discussion alerting the evaluator to issues that should be explored in a
survey of program participants, followed by the survey, which in turn is
followed by indepth interviews to clarify some of the survey findings
(Exhibit 12).
Exhibit 12.Example of mixed-methods design
Qualitative Quantitative Qualitative
Data Collection Approach:
Exploratory focus
Survey Personal
It should be noted that triangulation, while very powerful when sources
agree, can also pose problems for the analyst when different sources
yield different, even contradictory information. There is no formula for
resolving such conflicts, and the best advice is to consider disagreements
in the context in which they emerge. Some suggestions for resolving
differences are provided in Altshuld and Witkin (2000).
But this sequential approach is only one of several that evaluators might
find useful. Thus, if an evaluator has identified subgroups of program
participants or specific topics for which indepth information is needed, a
limited qualitative data collection can be initiated while a more broad-
based survey is in progress.
Mixed methods may also lead evaluators to modify or expand the
adoption of data collection methods. This can occur when the use of
mixed methods uncovers inconsistencies and discrepancies that should
A strong case can
be made for
elements in the
great majority of
evaluations of
NSF projects.
alert the evaluator to the need for re-examining data collection and
analysis procedures. The philosophy guiding the suggestions outlined in
this handbook can be summarized as follows:
The evaluator should attempt to obtain the most useful
information to answer the critical questions about the
project and, in so doing, rely on a mixed-methods
approach whenever possible.
This approach reflects the growing consensus among evaluation experts
that both qualitative and quantitative methods have a place in the
performance of effective evaluations, be they formative or summative.
Altshuld, J., and Witkin, B.R. (2000). Transferring Needs into Solution
Strategies. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Kidder, L., and Fine, M. (1987). Qualitative and Quantitative Methods:
When Stories Converge. Multiple Methods in Program Evaluation.
New Directions for Program Evaluation, No. 35. San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass.
Lofland, J., and Lofland, L.H. (1995). Analyzing Social Settings: A
Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Miles, M.B., and Huberman, A.M. (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis,
2nd Ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Shadish, W.R. (1993) Program Evaluation: A Pluralistic Enterprise.
New Directions for Program Evaluation, No. 60. San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass.
In this section we describe and compare the most common quantitative
and qualitative methods employed in project evaluations. These include
surveys, indepth interviews, focus groups, observations, and tests. We
also cover briefly some other less frequently used qualitative techniques.
Advantages and disadvantages are summarized. For those interested in
learning more about data collection methods, a list of recommended
readings is provided at the end of the report. Readers may also want to
consult the Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL) web site
(, which provides information on approaches used in
NSF project evaluations, as well as reports, modules on constructing
designs, survey questionnaires, and other instruments.
Surveys are a very popular form of data collection, especially when
gathering information from large groups, where standardization is
important. Surveys can be constructed in many ways, but they always
consist of two components: questions and responses. While sometimes
evaluators choose to keep responses “open ended,” i.e., allow
respondents to answer in a free flowing narrative form, most often the
“close-ended” approach in which respondents are asked to select from a
range of predetermined answers is adopted. Open-ended responses may
be difficult to code and require more time and resources to handle than
close-ended choices. Responses may take the form of a rating on some
scale (e.g., rate a given statement from 1 to 4 on a scale from “agree” to
“disagree”), may give categories from which to choose (e.g., select from
potential categories of partner institutions with which a program could be
involved), or may require estimates of numbers or percentages of time in
which participants might engage in an activity (e.g., the percentage of
time spent on teacher-led instruction or cooperative learning).
Although surveys are popularly referred to as paper-and-pencil
instruments, this too is changing. Evaluators are increasingly exploring
the utility of survey methods that take advantage of the emerging
technologies. Thus, surveys may be administered via computer-assisted
calling, as e-mail attachments, and as web-based online data collection
systems. Even the traditional approach of mailing surveys for self-guided
response has been supplemented by using facsimile for delivery and
Selecting the best method for collecting surveys requires weighing a
number of factors. These included the complexity of questions,
resources available, the project schedule, etc. For example, web-based
surveys are attractive for a number of reasons. First, because the data
collected can be put directly into a database, the time and steps between
data collection and analysis can be shortened. Second, it is possible to
build in checks that keep out-of-range responses from being entered.
However, at this time, unless the survey is fairly simple (no skip patterns,
limited use of matrices), the technology needed to develop such surveys
can require a significant resource investment. As new tools are
developed for commercial use, this problem should diminish.
When to Use Surveys
Surveys are typically selected when information is to be collected from a
large number of people or when answers are needed to a clearly defined
set of questions. Surveys are good tools for obtaining information on a
wide range of topics when indepth probing of responses is not necessary,
and they are useful for both formative and summative purposes.
Frequently, the same survey is used at spaced intervals of time to
measure progress along some dimension or change in behavior. Exhibit
13 shows the advantages and disadvantages of surveys.
The use of interviews as a data collection method begins with the
assumption that the participants’ perspectives are meaningful, knowable,
and can be made explicit, and that their perspectives affect the success of
the project. An in-person or telephone interview, rather than a paper-and-
pencil survey, is selected when interpersonal contact is important and
when opportunities for followup of interesting comments are desired.
Two types of interviews are used in evaluation research: structured
interviews, in which a carefully worded questionnaire is administered,
and indepth interviews, in which the interviewer does not follow a rigid
form. In the former, the emphasis is on obtaining answers to carefully
phrased questions. Interviewers are trained to deviate only minimally
from the question wording to ensure uniformity of interview
Exhibit 13.Advantages and disadvantages of surveys
Good for gathering descriptive data
Can cover a wide range of topics
Are relatively inexpensive to use
Can be analyzed using a variety of existing software
Self-report may lead to biased reporting
Data may provide a general picture but lack depth
May not provide adequate information on context
administration. In the latter, however, the interviewers seek to encourage
free and open responses, and there may be a tradeoff between
comprehensive coverage of topics and indepth exploration of a more
limited set of questions. Indepth interviews also encourage capturing
respondents’ perceptions in their own words, a very desirable strategy in
qualitative data collection. This allows the evaluator to present the
meaningfulness of the experience from the respondent’s perspective.
Indepth interviews are conducted with individuals or a small group of
When to Use Interviews
Interviews can be used at any stage of the evaluation process. Indepth
interviews are especially useful in answering questions such as those
suggested by Patton (1990):
What does the program look and feel like to the participants? To
other stakeholders?
What do stakeholders know about the project?
What thoughts do stakeholders knowledgeable about the program
have concerning program operations, processes, and outcomes?
What are participants’ and stakeholders’ expectations?
What features of the project are most salient to the participants?
What changes do participants perceive in themselves as a result of
their involvement in the project?
Specific circumstances for which indepth interviews are particularly
appropriate include situations involving complex subject matter, detailed
information, high-status respondents, and highly sensitive subject matter.
Exhibit 14 shows the advantages and disadvantages of interviews.
Exhibit 14.Advantages and disadvantages of interviews
Usually yield richest data, details, new insights
Permit face-to-face contact with respondents
Provide opportunity to explore topics in depth
Allow interviewer to experience the affective as well as
cognitive aspects of responses
Allow interviewer to explain or help clarify questions,
increasing the likelihood of useful responses
Allow interviewer to be flexible in administering interview to
particular individuals or in particular circumstances
Expensive and time-consuming
Need well-qualified, highly trained interviewers
Interviewee may distort information through recall error,
selective perceptions, desire to please interviewer
Flexibility can result in inconsistencies across interviews
Volume of information very large; may be difficult to
transcribe and reduce data
Focus Groups
Focus groups combine elements of both interviewing and participant
observation. The focus group session is, indeed, an interviewnot a
discussion group, problem-solving session, or decision-making group. At
the same time, focus groups capitalize on group dynamics. The hallmark
of focus groups is the explicit use of the group interaction to generate
data and insights that would be unlikely to emerge otherwise. The
technique inherently allows observation of group dynamics, discussion,
and firsthand insights into the respondents’ behaviors, attitudes,
language, etc.
Focus groups are a gathering of 8 to 12 people who share some
characteristics relevant to the evaluation. Originally used as a market
research tool to investigate the appeal of various products, the focus
group technique has been adopted by other fields, such as education, as a
tool for data gathering on a given topic. Initially, focus groups took place
in a special facility that included recording apparatus (audio and/or
visual) and an attached room with a one-way mirror for observation.
There was an official recorder, who may or may not have been in the
room. Participants were paid for attendance and provided with
refreshments. As the focus group technique has been adopted by fields
outside of marketing, some of these features, such as payment or
refreshments, have sometimes been eliminated.
When to Use Focus Groups
Focus groups can be useful at both the formative and summative stages
of an evaluation. They provide answers to the same types of questions as
indepth interviews, except that they take place in a social context.
Specific applications of the focus group method in evaluations include:
Identifying and defining problems in project implementation
Pretesting topics or idea
Identifying project strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations
Assisting with interpretation of quantitative findings
Obtaining perceptions of project outcomes and impacts
Generating new ideas
Although focus groups and indepth interviews share many
characteristics, they should not be used interchangeably. Factors to
consider when choosing between focus groups and indepth interviews
are displayed in Exhibit 15.
Observational techniques are methods by which an individual or
individuals gather firsthand data on programs, processes, or behaviors
being studied. They provide evaluators with an opportunity to collect
data on a wide range of behaviors, to capture a great variety of
interactions, and to openly explore the evaluation topic. By directly
observing operations and activities, the evaluator can develop a holistic
perspective, i.e., an understanding of the context within which the project
operates. This may be especially important where it is not the event that
is of interest, but rather how that event may fit into, or be affected by, a
sequence of events. Observational approaches also allow the evaluator to
learn about issues the participants or staff may be unaware of or that they
are unwilling or unable to discuss candidly in an interview or focus
Exhibit 15.Which to use: Focus groups or indepth interviews?
Factors to consider Use focus groups when… Use interviews when…
Group interaction interaction of respondents may
stimulate a richer response or new and
valuable thought.
group interaction is likely to be limited
or nonproductive.
group/peer pressure will be valuable in
challenging the thinking of respondents
and illuminating conflicting opinions.
group/peer pressure would inhibit
responses and cloud the meaning of
Sensitivity of
subject matter
subject matter is not so sensitive that
respondents will temper responses or
withhold information.
subject matter is so sensitive that
respondents would be unwilling to talk
openly in a group.
Depth of individual
the topic is such that most respondents
can say all that is relevant or all that
they know in less than 10 minutes.
the topic is such that a greater depth of
response per individual is desirable, as
with complex subject matter and very
knowledgeable respondents.
Data collector
it is desirable to have one individual
conduct the data collection; a few
groups will not create fatigue or
boredom for one person.
it is possible to use numerous
individuals on the project; one
interviewer would become fatigued or
bored conducting all interviews.
Extent of issues
to be covered
the volume of issues to cover is not
a greater volume of issues must be
Continuity of
a single subject area is being examined
in depth and strings of behaviors are
less relevant.
it is necessary to understand how
attitudes and behaviors link together on
an individual basis.
with interview
enough is known to establish a
meaningful topic guide.
it may be necessary to develop the
interview guide by altering it after each
of the initial interviews.
Observation by
it is desirable for stakeholders to hear
what participants have to say.
stakeholders do not need to hear
firsthand the opinions of participants.
an acceptable number of target
respondents can be assembled in one
respondents are dispersed or not easily
assembled for other reasons.
Cost and training
quick turnaround is critical, and funds
are limited.
quick turnaround is not critical, and
budget will permit higher cost.
Availability of
qualified staff
focus group facilitators need to be able
to control and manage groups.
interviewers need to be supportive and
skilled listeners.
When to Use Observations
Observations can be useful during both the formative and summative
phases of evaluation. For example, during the formative phase,
observations can be useful in determining whether or not the project is
being delivered and operated as planned. During the summative phase,
observations can be used to determine whether or not the project has
been successful. The technique would be especially useful in directly
examining teaching methods employed by the faculty in their own
classes after program participation. Exhibit 16 shows the advantages and
disadvantages of observations.
Tests provide a way to assess subjects’ knowledge and capacity to apply
this knowledge to new situations. Tests take many forms. They may
require respondents to choose among alternatives (select a correct
answer, select an incorrect answer, select the best answer), to cluster
choices into like groups, to produce short answers, or to write extended
responses. A question may address a single outcome of interest or lead to
questions involving a number of outcome areas.
Exhibit 16.Advantages and disadvantages of observations
Provide direct information about behavior of individuals and
Permit evaluator to enter into and understand situation/context
Provide good opportunities for identifying unanticipated
Exist in natural, unstructured, and flexible setting
Expensive and time consuming
Need well-qualified, highly trained observers; may need to be
content experts
May affect behavior of participants
Selective perception of observer may distort data
Behavior or set of behaviors observed may be atypical
Tests provide information that is measured against a variety of standards.
The most popular test has traditionally been norm-referenced assessment.
Norm-referenced tests provide information on how the target performs
against a reference group or normative population. In and of itself, such
scores say nothing about how adequate the target’s performance may be,
only how that performance compares with the reference group. Other
assessments are constructed to determine whether or not the target has
attained mastery of a skill or knowledge area. These tests, called
criterion-referenced assessments, provide data on whether important
skills have been reached but say far less about a subject’s standing
relative to his/her peers. A variant on the criterion-referenced approach is
proficiency testing. Like the criterion-referenced test, the proficiency test
provides an assessment against a level of skill attainment, but includes
standards for performance at varying levels of proficiency, typically a
three- or four-point scale ranging from below basic to advanced
Criticisms of traditional, short-answer, norm-referenced tests have
become widespread. These criticisms focus on the fragmented and
superficial nature of these tests and the consequent, negative influence
they have on instruction, especially where the tests are used for high-
stakes decisionmaking. Critics call instead for assessments that are more
authentic in nature, involving higher order thinking skills and the
coordination of a broad range of knowledge. The new tests, called
performance assessments, require students to engage in solving more
complex problems and may involve activities such as oral interviews,
group problem-solving tasks, portfolios, or personal documentation.
When to Use Tests
Tests are used when one wants to gather information on the status of
knowledge or the change in status of knowledge over time. They may be
used purely descriptively or to determine whether the test taker qualifies
in terms of some standard of performance. Changes in test performance
are frequently used to determine whether a project has been successful in
transmitting information in specific areas or influencing the thinking
skills of participants. Exhibit 17 shows the advantages and
disadvantages of tests.
In choosing a test, it is important to assess the extent to which the test
measures knowledge, skills, or behaviors that are relevant to your
program. Not all tests measure the same things, nor do they do so in the
same ways. The critical word here is “alignment.” There are a number of
different ways to assess alignment. Some useful suggestions are offered
at the following web sites:
Other Methods
The last section of this chapter outlines less common, but potentially
useful qualitative methods for project evaluation. These methods include
document studies, key informants, and case studies.
Document Studies
Existing records often provide insights into a setting and/or group of
people that cannot be observed or noted in another way. This information
can be found in document form. Lincoln and Guba (1985) defined a
document as “any written or recorded material” not prepared for the
purposes of the evaluation or at the request of the inquirer. Documents
can be divided into two major categories: public records, and personal
documents (Guba and Lincoln, 1981).
Public records are materials created and kept for the purpose of “attesting
to an event or providing an accounting” (Lincoln and Guba, 1985).
Public records can be collected from outside (external) or within
(internal) the setting in which the evaluation is taking place. Examples of
external records are census and vital statistics reports, county office
records, newspaper archives, and local business records that can assist an
Exhibit 17.Advantages and disadvantages of tests
The advantages and disadvantage of
tests depend largely on the type
of test being considered and the personal opinion of the stakeholder.
However, the following claims are made by proponents.
Provide objective information on what the test taker knows and
can do
Can be constructed to match a given curriculum or set of skills
Can be scored in a straightforward manner
Are accepted by the public as a credible indicator of learning
May be oversimplified and superficial
May be very time consuming
May be biased against some groups of test takers
May be subject to corruption via coaching or cheating
evaluator in gathering information about the larger community and
relevant trends. Such materials can be helpful in better understanding the
project participants and making comparisons among groups/
For the evaluation of educational innovations, internal records include
documents such as student transcripts and records, historical accounts,
institutional mission statements, annual reports, budgets, grade and
standardized test reports, minutes of meetings, internal memoranda,
policy manuals, institutional histories, college/university catalogs,
faculty and student handbooks, official correspondence, demographic
material, mass media reports and presentations, and descriptions of
program development and evaluation. They are particularly useful in
describing institutional characteristics, such as backgrounds and
academic performance of students, and in identifying institutional
strengths and weaknesses. They can help the evaluator understand the
institution’s resources, values, processes, priorities, and concerns.
Furthermore, they provide a record or history that is not subject to recall
Personal documents are first-person accounts of events and experiences.
These “documents of life” include diaries, portfolios, photographs,
artwork, schedules, scrapbooks, poetry, letters to the paper, etc. Personal
documents can help the evaluator understand how the participant sees the
world and what she or he wants to communicate to an audience. Unlike
other sources of qualitative data, collecting data from documents is
relatively invisible to, and requires minimal cooperation from, persons
within the setting being studied (Fetterman, 1989). Information from
documents also can be used to generate interview questions or identify
events to be observed. Furthermore, existing records can be useful for
making comparisons (e.g., comparing project participants to project
applicants, project proposal to implementation records, or documentation
of institutional policies and program descriptions prior to and following
implementation of project interventions and activities).
The usefulness of existing sources varies depending on whether they are
accessible and accurate. When using such instruments, it is advisable to
do a quick scan to assess data quality before undertaking extensive
analysis. Exhibit 18 shows the advantages and disadvantages of
document studies.
Key Informant
A key informant is a person (or group of persons) who has unique skills
or professional background related to the issue/intervention being
evaluated, is knowledgeable about the project participants, or has access
to other information of interest to the evaluator. A key informant can also
be someone who has a way of communicating that represents or captures
the essence of what the participants say and do. Key informants can help
the evaluation team better understand the issue being evaluated, as well
as what the project participants say and do. They can offer expertise
beyond the evaluation team. They are also very useful for assisting with
the evaluation of curricula and other educational materials. Key
informants can be surveyed or interviewed individually or through focus
Many different types of people can play the key informant role. At a
university, a key informant could be a dean, a grants officer, or an
outreach coordinator. In a school system, key informants range from a
principal, to the head of a student interest group, to a school board
member. Both the context and the politics of a situation affect who may
be seen in the key informant role.
Exhibit 18.Advantages and disadvantages of document studies
Available locally
Grounded in setting and language in which they occur
Useful for determining value, interest, positions, political
climate, public attitudes
Provide information on historical trends or sequences
Provide opportunity for study of trends over time
May be incomplete
May be inaccurate or of questionable authenticity
Locating suitable documents may pose challenges
Analysis may be time consuming and access may be difficult
The use of advisory committees is another way of gathering information
from key informants. Advisory groups are called together for a variety of
To represent the ideas and attitudes of a community, group, or
To promote legitimacy for the project
To advise and recommend
To carry out a specific task
Members of such a group may be specifically selected or invited to
participate because of their unique skills or professional background;
they may volunteer; they may be nominated or elected; or they may
come together through a combination of these processes. Exhibit 19
shows the advantages and disadvantages of key informants.
Exhibit 19.Advantages and disadvantages of using
key informants
Information concerning causes, reasons, and/or best
approaches is gathered from an “insider” point of view
Advice/feedback increases credibility of study pipeline to
pivotal groups
May have side benefit to solidify relationships among
evaluators, clients, participants, and other stakeholders
Time required to select and get commitment may be
Relationship between evaluator and informants may influence
type of data obtained
Informants may interject own biases and impressions
Disagreements among individuals may be hard to resolve
Case Studies
Classical case studies depend on ethnographic and participant observer
methods. They are largely descriptive examinations, usually of a small
number of sites (small towns, projects, individuals, schools) where the
principal investigator is immersed in the life of the site or institution,
combs available documents, holds formal and informal conversations
with informants, observes ongoing activities, and develops an analysis of
both individual and cross-case findings.
Case studies can provide very engaging, rich explorations of a project or
application as it develops in a real-world setting. Project evaluators must
be aware, however, that doing even relatively modest, illustrative case
studies is a complex task that cannot be accomplished through
occasional, brief site visits. Demands with regard to design, data
collection, and reporting can be substantial (Yin, 1989). Exhibit 20
shows the advantages and disadvantages of case studies.
Exhibit 20.Advantages and disadvantages of using case studies
Provide a rich picture of what is happening, as seen through
the eyes of many individuals
Allow a thorough exploration of interactions between
treatment and contextual factors
Can help explain changes or facilitating factors that might
otherwise not emerge from the data
Require a sophisticated and well-trained data collection and
reporting team
Can be costly in terms of the demands on time and resources
Individual cases may be overinterpreted or overgeneralized
There are many different types of data collection methods that can be
used in any evaluation. Each has its advantages and disadvantages and
must be chosen in light of the particular questions, timeframe, and
resources that characterize the evaluation task. While some evaluators
have strong preferences for quantitative or qualitative techniques, today
the prevailing wisdom is that no one approach is always best, and a
carefully selected mixture is likely to provide the most useful
Fetterman, D.M. (1989). Ethnography: Step by Step. Applied Social
Research Methods Series, Vol. 17. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Guba, E.G., and Lincoln, Y.S. (1981). Effective Evaluation. San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Lincoln, Y.S., and Guba, E.G. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Beverly
Hills, CA: Sage.
Patton, M.Q. (1990). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Method,
2nd Ed. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Yin, R.K. (1989). Case Study Research: Design and Method. Newbury
Park, CA: Sage.
responsiveness is
gaining recognition as
a critical feature of the
evaluation process.
Henry T. Frierson, Stafford Hood, and Gerunda B. Hughes
Culture is a cumulative body of learned and shared behavior, values,
customs, and beliefs common to a particular group or society. In
essence, culture makes us who we are.
In doing project evaluation, it is also important to
consider cultural context in which the project
operates and be responsive to it. How can an
evaluation be culturally responsive? An evaluation
is culturally responsive if it fully takes into account
the culture of the program that is being evaluated.
In other words, the evaluation is based on an
examination of impacts through lenses in which the
culture of the participants is considered an
important factor, thus rejecting the notion that
assessments must be objective and culture free, if
they are to be unbiased.
Moreover, a culturally responsive evaluation attempts to fully describe
and explain the context of the program or project being evaluated.
Culturally responsive evaluators honor the cultural context in which an
evaluation takes place by bringing needed, shared life experience and
understandings to the evaluation tasks at hand.
Why should a project director be concerned with the cultural context of a
program undergoing evaluation? Simply put, as American society
becomes increasingly diverse racially, ethnically, and linguistically, it is
important that program designers, implementers, and evaluators
understand the cultural contexts in which these programs operate. To
ignore the reality of the existence of the influence of culture and to be
unresponsive to the needs of the target population is to put the program
in danger of being ineffective and to put the evaluation in danger of
being seriously flawed.
Being sensitive and responsive to the culture of
the participants and the cultural environment in
which the programs exists is a process that
should be an important component of program
evaluation. Fortunately, cultural responsiveness
as it relates to evaluation is gaining recognition
Evaluation is based
on an examination of
impacts through
lenses in which the
culture of the
participants is
considered an
important factor.
There are no
educational tests,
or societal laws.
as a critical feature of the evaluation process. This is particularly true for
programs in which the participants’ culture is acknowledged to have a
major impact on program outcomes.
The Need for Culturally Responsive Evaluation
It may seem obvious to some, if not to most, professionals that cultural
responsiveness should be an integral part of the project development and
evaluation process. After all, who could argue against taking into account
the cultural context when designing and conducting an evaluation?
Doesn’t everyone consider the cultural context? The answers to these
questions are, respectively, “many” and “no.” Apparently, not everyone
agrees that implementing culturally responsive evaluation is a good idea.
Essentially, there are two frequently stated arguments against using
culturally responsive strategies and techniques in educational
evaluations. First, there is the claim that evaluations should be culture
free. Second, some individuals argue that while an evaluation should
take into account the culture and values of the project or program it is
examining, it should not, however, be responsive to them.
Let us examine the first argument. Just as surely as there
are no culture-free evaluations, there are no culture-free
evaluators, educational tests, or societal laws. Our values
are reflected in our social activities, whether they are
educational, governmental, or legal. The responsibility
that educational evaluators have is to recognize their own
personal cultural preferences and to make a conscious
effort to restrict any undue influence they might have on
the work.
The second argument, that educational evaluations should not be in the
business of responding to the cultural contexts in which they are
undertaken, is more troublesome. It is one thing to accept or recognize
the reasonableness of the requirement to describe the cultural context. It
is quite another to adopt evaluation strategies that are consonant with the
cultural context(s) under examination. It is precisely this last point of
view that is being advocated in this chapter. The field of educational
evaluation has advanced over the past three decades, through its
recognition of the role that fullness of description plays in a
comprehensive evaluation process (e.g., Stake, 1967). In fact, it is
becoming increasingly recognized that a responsive evaluation can
greatly benefit the project and its stakeholders. Still, it remains all too
rare that educational evaluation is designed to be responsive to the
cultural context associated with the program or project that is being
This chapter discusses strategies that have been found to be useful in
conducting culturally responsive evaluation and to identify areas where
further help is needed. We examine the role of culturally responsive
evaluation at each of the critical phases of the evaluation process,
showing how its principles can be applied to enhance good inquiry.
Preparing for the Evaluation
Preparing for the actual evaluation and assembling an
evaluation team, is, of course, a critical stage in the
evaluation process. At the outset, the sociocultural
context in which the programs or projects are based
must be taken into account. Situations where
programs involve ethnically diverse participants and
stakeholders call for the “creation of multi-ethnic
evaluation teams to increase the chances of really
hearing the voices of underrepresented students”
(Stevens, 2000). Stevens reminds us that evaluators
may, and often do, listen to what stakeholders say when
they collect data on site from students, teachers, parents, and other
participants or stakeholders. But the crucial question she asks is, do they
hear what those individuals are saying? Stevens implies that the
evaluator or evaluation team must have the “shared lived” experience to
truly hear what is being said. At the very least, the evaluator or
evaluation team should be fully aware of and responsive to the
participants’ and stakeholders’ culture, particularly as it relates to and
influences the program.
Given the important role of the evaluation team, care should be taken in
selecting its members. Those members, whenever possible, should be
individuals who understand or who at least are clearly committed to
being responsive to the cultural context in which the project is based.
Project directors should not, however, assume that racial/ethnic
congruence among the evaluation team, participants, and stakeholders
equates to cultural congruence or competence that is essential for
carrying out culturally responsive evaluations (Thomas, 2001).
Engaging Stakeholders
When designing an evaluation that seeks to be culturally responsive,
considerable attention must be given to the identification of the
stakeholders. Stakeholders play a critical role in all evaluations,
especially culturally responsive ones, providing sound advice from the
beginning (framing questions) to the end (disseminating the evaluation
results). It is important to develop a stakeholder group representative of
the populations the project serves, assuring that
individuals from all sectors have the chance for input.
Indeed, those in the least powerful positions can be
the most affected by the results of an educational
evaluation. Students, for example, may qualify for
consideration, as might their parents or care givers.
When targeting an evaluation toward program
improvement and decisionmakers’ needs, it is easy to
overlook the critical roles that students and parents
might play in an educational evaluation.
evaluation teams
increase the
chances of really
hearing the voices
of underrepresented
Stakeholders play
a critical role in
all evaluations,
responsive ones.
In individual projects such as the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority
Participation and the Alliance for Graduate Education for the
Professoriate, if participants’ and stakeholders’ perceptions and views
are not taken into account from a cultural perspective, the evaluation may
prove flawed, particularly if qualitative methods are employed.
Moreover, even if quantitative methods are the primary methodological
format, the various “voices” should be heard in the interpretation and
presentation of the results. It is important that all key voices are
accurately heard and listened to. If they are not, the entire evaluation
process may be limited in its accuracy and opportunities for meaningful
program improvement drastically reduced.
Identifying the Purpose(s) and Intent of the Evaluation
Another important step is to ensure that there is a clear understanding of
the evaluation’s purpose and intent. Generally speaking, as stated
earlier, comprehensive program evaluation is designed to answer two
basic questions: (1) Is the project being conducted as planned and is
progress being made toward meeting its goals? and (2) Ultimately, how
successful is the project in reaching its goals? To answer these
questions, three basic types of evaluations are conducted: process,
progress, and summative. The first two types of evaluations are called
formative evaluations because they measure and describe program
operations in order to “inform” project staff (and stakeholders) about the
status of the program. Summative evaluations, on the other hand, reveal
whether and to what extent the program achieved its goals and
Process evaluations examine the connections between
and among program activities. Culturally responsive
process evaluations examine those connections
through culturally sensitive lenses. Careful
documentation of the implementation of program
activities is critical to making sense of the subsequent
summative evaluation results. Having an evaluator or
a team of evaluators that is culturally sensitive to the
program environment will ensure that cultural nuances
large and smallwill be captured and used for interpreting progress and
summative evaluations.
Progress evaluations seek to determine whether the participants are
progressing toward achieving the stated goals and objectives. Culturally
responsive progress evaluations help determine whether the original
goals and objectives are appropriate for the target population. In seeking
to ascertain whether the participants are moving toward the expected
outcomes, a culturally responsive progress evaluation can reveal the
likelihood that the goals will be met, exceeded, or not exceeded given the
program timeline and the results of the process evaluation.
responsive progress
evaluations examine
connections through
culturally sensitive
Summative evaluations provide information about program
effectiveness. Culturally responsive summative evaluations examine the
direct effects of the program implementation on the participants and
attempt to explain the results within the context of the program. For
example, improved student achievement is influenced by and correlated
with a variety of school and personnel background variables. Thus, to
fully measure the effectiveness of the program and determine its true
rather than superficial worth, it is important to identify the correlates of
participant outcomes (e.g., student achievement, student attitudes) and
measure their effects as well.
Framing the Right Questions
An important key to successful evaluation is to ensure that the proper and
appropriate evaluation questions have been framed. For an evaluation to
be culturally responsive, it is critical that the questions of significant
stakeholders have been heard and, where appropriate, addressed.
The questions that will guide an educational
evaluation are crucial to the undertaking and
ultimately to the success of the venture. Poorly
framed questions rarely yie ld useful answers.
Further, framing evaluative questions is not
easily accomplished. In a culturally responsive
evaluation, the questions will have been carefully
considered not only by the evaluator and project
staff, but by other stakeholders as well. It takes time
and diligence to reach agreement on the questions to be pursued. One
stakeholder group may care little about questions that are seen as vital by
another group. However, it is crucial that all significant voices are heard.
Once an agreed-upon list of questions has been articulated to the
satisfaction of the evaluation team and stakeholders, an epistemological
task of great import comes to the fore, but again, it is not an easy task.
They must ask, “What will we accept as evidence when we seek answers
to our evaluative questions?” This, too, should be decided before
embarking on a culturally responsive evaluation. It avoids subsequent
rejection of evidence by a stakeholder who might say, for example, “This
is interesting, but it really isn’t hard data.” Stakeholders often will be
interested in the results that bear on one group over all others. If one
particular group has not been involved or asked questions they consider
as key, then the rest of the data may be viewed as suspect or irrelevant.
Discussions of what is important, and how we will
know if we have acceptable evidence, are often messy
and may be heated. The discussions, however, are
always necessary. A more democratic approach to
evaluation increases the need for competent evaluators
who have a shared lived experience with the
stakeholders. A democratic process also increases the
likelihood that evaluative efforts will have all voices
It is critical that the
questions of significant
stakeholders have been
heard and, where
appropriate, addressed.
regarding what
evidence should
be discussed
before conducting
the evaluation.
Designing the Evaluation
After the evaluation questions have been properly framed, sources of
data have been identified, and the type of evidence to be collected has
been decided, it is then time to identify the appropriate evaluation design.
There are a number of different evaluation designs that can be used to
organize the processes of data collection and analysis and subsequently
answer the evaluation questions. The evaluation design that you use does
not necessarily need to be elaborate. It just needs to be appropriate for
what you want to do.
As stated earlier, most comprehensive evaluation designs have both a
qualitative and a quantitative component. Each component provides data
in a format that is different from the other, but that can also be
complementary to the other.
In addition, designs that incorporate data collection at multiple times
provide an opportunity to examine the degree to which some aspect of
the participants’ behavior changed as a result of the project
intervention(s). Furthermore, when comparison or control groups are
incorporated into the pre-test/post-test design, evaluators are able to
determine to what extent some aspect of participants’ behavior changed
relative to where it would have been had they not been subject to the
project intervention(s).
Selecting and Adapting Instrumentation
Instrumentation provides the means for
collecting much of the data for program and
project evaluation. Therefore, it is very
important that instruments be identified,
developed, or adapted to reliably capture the
kind and type of information needed to answer
the evaluation questions. Also at issue is the validity of the inferences
about the target population that are drawn from data collected using
evaluation instruments. While it is preferable to use instruments that
have some history, that have been tried out and have established validity
and reliability, previous use does not guarantee cultural responsiveness.
Oftentimes, measures that have been normed on a cultural group
different from the target population are used in the evaluation process. In
such instances, additional pilot testing of the instruments should be done
with the cultural group or groups involved in the study to examine their
appropriateness. If problems are identified, refinements and adaptations
of the instruments should be made so that they are culturally sensitive
and thus provide reliable and valid information about the target
Previous use does not
guarantee cultural
Collecting the Data
Culturally responsive evaluation makes substantial
use of qualitative evaluation techniques. One of the
tenets of qualitative methodology is that the
individual who is collecting the data is the
instrument. With that in mind, an instrument (or
individual) that is an improper measure provides
invalid data. Consequently, when collecting qualitative data directly
from individuals, e.g., via interviews or observations, if those who are
collecting and recording the data are not attuned to the cultural context in
which the program is situated, the collected data could be invalid. While
it may not appear to matter very much whether a person collecting
student test papers in the classrooms is culturally responsive, cultural
responsiveness does matter in many forms of data collection. In truth, it
may indeed matter how the test papers are handed out to the students,
how the test is introduced, and what the atmosphere is at the site where
the students are being tested. The situation becomes far more complex in
the collection of evaluative information through observations and
interviews. The need to train data collectors in evaluation studies is great
and, unfortunately, largely overlooked. Training them to understand the
culture in which they are working is an even rarer event.
There may not be much an evaluation team can do about the age, gender,
race, and appearance of its members, but to deny that such factors
influence the amount and quality of the data is imprudent. One thing that
can be done to increase the probability of gathering evaluative
information in a culturally responsive manner is for the project director
to ensure that the principal evaluator and team members involved in the
data collection know what they are hearing and observing.
Nonverbal behaviors can often provide a
key to data interpretation among culturally
diverse populations. One African
American psychologist, Naim Akbar (1975
as cited in Hale-Benson, 1982), describes a
few nonverbal behaviors in African
American children. He notes that the
African American child “expresses herself or himself through
considerable body language, adopts a systematic use of nuances of
intonation and body language, such as eye movement and position, and is
highly sensitive to others’ nonverbal cues of communication.” When
observing African Americans participating in the program under
evaluation, much could be lost toward reaching “understanding.” Too
often the nonverbal behaviors are treated as “error variance” in the
observation and ignored. The same can be true when interviewing an
African American program participant and stakeholder. In one sense, the
evaluators have to know the territory. For example, Floraline Stevens
(2000) described how she and her colleagues overcame difficulties
attendant to being responsive to culture during an evaluation project
The need to train data
collectors in evaluation
studies is great.
Too often the nonverbal
behaviors are treated as
“error variance” in the
observation and ignored.
within a large metropolitan school district. She pointed out that their
extensive knowledge of the culture in the classroom and cultural
background of the students overcame difficulties in collecting accurate
Lack of knowledge about cultural context is quickly evident when
interview data are examined. Reviews of interview transcripts and
observation protocol data that are done by reviewers without the ability
to interpret meaning based on the (largely) unwritten rules of cultural
discourse are likely to result in interpretations that are more frequently
wrong than right. Similarly, subsequent discussions of flawed reviews
limit communication and ultimately doom the possibility of shared
understanding between participants and stakeholders of color and the
evaluator who proves to be culturally nonresponsive.
Knowledgeable trainers, using the medium of videotaping, can and have
produced considerable improvement in the skills of interviewers who
must collect data in cultural settings unfamiliar to them. The training
process can be very revealing for participants who seek to understand
more about the nonverbal language they communicate and their own
flawed communication habits. If interviewer training is entered with the
spirit of openness and self-improvement, the results for collecting
culturally responsive evaluative data can be considerable. Similar
improvements in data collection and interpretation through observation
can be achieved through intensive training and mentoring. Although the
authors commend such training, in-service training is not the preferred
solution. Greater and longer lasting improvements in the collection of
culturally responsive evaluative data and in the conduct of program
evaluations can be realized principally by recruiting evaluation data
collectors and analyzers who already possess a shared lived experience
with those who are being evaluated.
Analyzing the Data
One may conduct appropriate statistical techniques, such as analyses of
variance, and examine test score distributions without much concern for
the cultural context in which the data were collected, although that may
actually be somewhat shortsighted. But the analysis of interview data
and the interpretation of descriptions of behavior related to programs
undergoing evaluation cannot be achieved without considerable
sensitivity to, and understanding of, the cultural context in which the data
are gathered.
Determining an accurate meaning of what has been observed is central in
culturally responsive evaluation. Having adequate understanding of
cultural context when conducting an evaluation is important, but the
involvement of evaluators who share a lived experience may be even
more essential. The charge for minority evaluators is to go beyond the
Knowing the language of a group’s culture guides one’s attention to the
nuances in how language is expressed and the meaning it may hold
beyond the mere words. The analyst of data gathered in a culturally
diverse context may serve as an interpreter for evaluators who do not
share a lived experience with the group being evaluated.
To this end, a good strategy is the creation of review panels principally
comprising representatives from stakeholder groups to examine
evaluative findings gathered by the principal evaluator and/or an
evaluation team. When stakeholder groups composed of separate panels
of parents, students, and community representatives, for example, review
evaluative findings, the meaning of evaluative data is frequently fresh,
and is not always aligned with confirming interpretations. Again, the
results of the deliberations of review panels will not lend themselves
necessarily to simple, easy answers. Our contention, however, is that
they will more accurately reflect the complexity of the cultural context in
which the data were gathered.
Disaggregation of collected data is a procedure that
warrants increased attention. Disaggregation of data
sets is highly recommended because evaluative findings
that dwell exclusively on whole-group statistics can
blur rather than reveal important information. Worst
still, they may even be misleading. For example, studies
that examine the correlates of successful minority
students rather than focusing exclusively on the
correlates of those who fail are important. It can be
enlightening to scrutinize the context in which data that are regarded as
“outliers” occur. The examination of a few successful students, in a
setting that commonly produces failure, can be as instructive for program
improvement as an examination of the correlates of failure for the
In sum, the data rarely speak for themselves, but rather are given voice
by those who interpret them. The voices that are heard are not only those
who are participating in the project, but also those of the analysts who
are interpreting and presenting the data. Deriving meaning from data in
program evaluations that are culturally responsive requires people who
understand the context in which the data were gathered.
Disseminating and Utilizing the Results
Dissemination and utilization of evaluation outcomes are
certainly important components in the overall evaluation
process. Moreover, a critical key is to conduct an
evaluation in a manner that increases the likelihood that
the results will be perceived as useful and, indeed, used.
Culturally responsive evaluations can increase that
likelihood. Hence, evaluation results should be viewed
by audiences as not only useful, but truthful as well
(Worthen, Sanders, and Fitzpatrick, 1997).
Disaggregation of
collected data is a
procedure that
results should be
viewed by
audiences as not
only useful, but
truthful as well.
Information from good and useful evaluations should be widely
disseminated. Further, communications pertaining to the evaluation
process and results should be presented clearly so that they can be
understood by all of the intended audiences.
Michael Q. Patton (1991) pointed out that evaluation should strive for
accuracy, validity, and believability. Patton (1997) further stated that
evaluation should assure that the information from it is received by the
“right people.” Building on his cogent observation we would add that
the “right people” are not restricted to the funding agency and project or
program administration and staff, but should include a wide range of
individuals who have an interest or stake in the program or project.
The dissemination and use of evaluation outcomes should be thought
through early when preparing an evaluation, that is, during the
evaluation-planning phase. Moreover, the use of the evaluation should
be firmly consistent with the actual purposes of the evaluation. Further,
the purpose of the evaluation should be well defined and clear to those
involved in the project itself.
As we talk about dissemination, our discussion comes full circle, and we
return to the earliest steps in evaluation design, the evaluation questions.
These questions themselves are always keys to a good evaluationthose
that would provide information that stakeholders care about and on
which sound decisions can be based must always guide the work. The
right questions, combined with the right data collection techniques, can
make the difference between an evaluation that is only designed to meet
limited goals of compliance and one that meets the needs of the project
and those who are stakeholders in it. Applying the principles of culturally
responsive evaluation can enhance the likelihood that these ends will be
met, and that the real benefits of the intervention can be documented.
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Accuracy: The extent to which an evaluation is truthful or valid in what
it says about a program, project, or material.
Achievement: Performance as determined by some type of assessment
or testing.
Affective: Consists of emotions, feelings, and attitudes.
Anonymity (provision for): Evaluator action to ensure that the identity
of subjects cannot be ascertained during the course of a study, in
study reports, or in any other way.
Assessment: Often used as a synonym for evaluation. The term is
sometimes recommended for restriction to processes that are
focused on quantitative and/or testing approaches.
Attitude: A person’s opinion about another person, thing, or state.
Attrition: Loss of subjects from the defined sample during the course of
data collection.
Audience(s): Consumers of the evaluation; those who will or should
read or hear of the evaluation, either during or at the end of the
evaluation process. Includes those persons who will be guided by
the evaluation in making decisions and all others who have a stake
in the evaluation (see stakeholders).
Authentic assessment: Alternative to traditional testing that focuses on
student skill in carrying out real-world tasks.
Background: Information that describes the project, including its goals,
objectives, context, and stakeholders.
Baseline: Facts about the condition or performance of subjects prior to
treatment or intervention.
Behavioral objectives: Measurable changes in behavior that are
targeted by a project.
Bias: A point of view that inhibits objectivity.
Case study: An intensive, detailed description and analysis of a single
project, program, or instructional material in the context of its
Categorical scale: A scale that distinguishes among individuals by
putting them into a limited number of groups or categories.
Checklist approach: The principal instrument for practical evaluation,
especially for investigating the thoroughness of implementation.
Client: The person or group or agency that commissioned the evaluation.
Coding: To translate a given set of data or items into descriptive or
analytic categories to be used for data labeling and retrieval.
Cohort: A term used to designate one group among many in a study. For
example, “the first cohort” may be the first group to have
participated in a training program.
Component: A physically or temporally discrete part of a whole. It is
any segment that can be combined with others to make a whole.
Conceptual scheme: A set of concepts that generate hypotheses and
simplify description, through the classification and categorization
of phenomena, and the identification of relationships among them.
Conclusions (of an evaluation): Final judgments and recommendations.
Content analysis: A process using a parsimonious classification system
to determine the characteristics of a body of material or practices.
Context (of an evaluation): The combination of factors accompanying
the study that may have influenced its results, including
geographic location, timing, political and social climate, economic
conditions, and other relevant professional activities in progress at
the same time.
Continuous scale: A scale containing a large, perhaps infinite, number
of intervals. Units on a continuous scale do not have a minimum
size but rather can be broken down into smaller and smaller parts.
For example, grade point average (GPA) is measured on a
continuous scale, a student can have a GPA or 3, 3.5, 3.51, etc.
(See categorical scale.)
Criterion, criteria: A criterion (variable) is whatever is used to measure
a successful or unsuccessful outcome, e.g., grade point average.
Criterion-referenced test: Test whose scores are interpreted by referral
to well-defined domains of content or behaviors, rather than by
referral to the performance of some comparable group of people.
Cross-case analysis: Grouping data from different persons to common
questions or analyzing different perspectives on issues under
Cross-sectional study: A cross-section is a random sample of a
population, and a cross-sectional study examines this sample at
one point in time. Successive cross-sectional studies can be used
as a substitute for a longitudinal study. For example, examining
today’s first year students and today’s graduating seniors may
enable the evaluator to infer that the college experience has
produced or can be expected to accompany the difference between
them. The cross-sectional study substitutes today’s seniors for a
population that cannot be studied until 4 years later.
Data display: A compact form of organizing the available information
(for example, graphs, charts, matrices).
Data reduction: Process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting,
and transforming data collected into written field notes or
Delivery system: The link between the product or service and the
immediate consumer (the recipient population).
Descriptive data: Information and findings expressed in words, unlike
statistical data, which are expressed in numbers.
Design: The process of stipulating the investigatory procedures to be
followed in doing a specific evaluation.
Dissemination: The process of communicating information to specific
audiences for the purpose of extending knowledge and, in some
cases, with a view to modifying policies and practices.
Document: Any written or recorded material not specifically prepared
for the evaluation.
Effectiveness: Refers to the worth of a project in achieving formative or
summative objectives. “Success” is its rough equivalent.
Elite interviewers: Well-qualified and especially trained persons who
can successfully interact with high-level interviewees and are
knowledgeable about the issues included in the evaluation.
Ethnography: Descriptive anthropology. Ethnographic program
evaluation methods often focus on a program’s culture.
Executive summary: A nontechnical summary statement designed to
provide a quick overview of the full-length report on which it is
External evaluation: Evaluation conducted by an evaluator outside the
organization within which the project is housed.
Field notes: Observer’s detailed description of what has been observed.
Focus group: A group selected for its relevance to an evaluation that is
engaged by a trained facilitator in a series of discussions designed
for sharing insights, ideas, and observations on a topic of concern
to the evaluation.
Formative evaluation: Evaluation designed and used to improve an
intervention, especially when it is still being developed.
Goal: A broad-based description of an intended outcome.
Hypothesis testing: The standard model of the classical approach to
scientific research in which a hypothesis is formulated before the
experiment to test its truth.
Impact evaluation: An evaluation focused on outcomes or payoff of a
Implementation evaluation: Assessing program delivery (a subset of
formative evaluation).
Indepth interview: A guided conversation between a skilled interviewer
and an interviewee that seeks to maximize opportunities for the
expression of a respondent’s feelings and ideas through the use of
open-ended questions and a loosely structured interview guide.
Informed consent: Agreement by the participants in an evaluation to the
use, in specified ways for stated purposes, of their names and/or
confidential information they supplied.
Instrument: An assessment device (test, questionnaire, protocol, etc.)
adopted, adapted, or constructed for the purpose of the evaluation.
Internal evaluator: A staff member or unit from the organization within
which the project is housed.
Inter-rater reliability: A measure of the extent to which different raters
score an event or response in the same way.
Intervention: Project feature or innovation subject to evaluation.
Intra-case analysis: Writing a case study for each person or unit studied.
Key informant: Person with background, knowledge, or special skills
relevant to topics examined by the evaluation.
Longitudinal study: An investigation or study in which a particular
individual or group of individuals is followed over a substantial
period of time to discover changes that may be attributable to the
influence of the treatment, or to maturation, or the environment.
(See also cross-sectional study.)
Matrix: An arrangement of rows and columns used to display multi-
dimensional information.
Measurement: Determination of the magnitude of a quantity.
Meta-evaluation: Evaluation of the merit of the evaluation itself.
Mixed-method evaluation: An evaluation for which the design includes
the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods for data
collection and data analysis.
Moderator: Focus group leader; often called a facilitator.
Nonparticipant observer: A person whose role is clearly defined to
project participants and project personnel as an outside observer or
Norm-referenced tests: Tests that measure the relative performance of
the individual or group by comparison with the performance of
other individuals or groups taking the same test.
Objective: A specific description of an intended outcome.
Observation: The process of direct sensory inspection involving trained
Ordered data: Nonnumeric data in ordered categories (for example,
students’ performance categorized as excellent, good, adequate,
and poor).
Outcome: Post-treatment or post-intervention effects.
Paradigm: A general conception, model, or “worldview” that may be
influential in shaping the development of a discipline or
subdiscipline (for example, “the classical, positivist social science
paradigm in evaluation”).
Participants: Those individuals who are directly involved in a project.
Participant observer: An evaluator who participates in the project (as
participant or staff) in order to gain a fuller understanding of the
setting and issues.
Performance evaluation: A method of assessing what skills students or
other project participants have acquired by examining how they
accomplish complex tasks or the quality of the products they have
created (e.g., poetry, artwork).
Population: All persons in a particular group.
Prompt: Reminder used by interviewers to obtain complete answers.
Purposive sampling: Creating samples by selecting information-rich
cases from which one can learn a great deal about issues of central
importance to the purpose of the evaluation.
Qualitative evaluation: The approach to evaluation that is primarily
descriptive and interpretative.
Quantitative evaluation: The approach to evaluation involving the use
of numerical measurement and data analysis based on statistical
Random sampling: Drawing a number of items of any sort from a larger
group or population so that every individual item has a specified
probability of being chosen.
Recommendations: Suggestions for specific actions derived from
evidence-based conclusions.
Sample: A part of a population.
Secondary data analysis: A reanalysis of data using the same or other
appropriate procedures to verify the accuracy of the results of the
initial analysis or for answering different questions.
Self-administered instrument: A questionnaire or report completed by
a study participant without the assistance of an interviewer.
Stakeholder: One who has credibility, power, or other capital invested
in a project and thus can be held to be to some degree at risk with
Standardized tests: Tests that have standardized instructions for
administration, use, scoring, and interpretation with standard
printed forms and content. They are usually norm-referenced tests
but can also be criterion referenced.
Strategy: A systematic plan of action to reach predefined goals.
Structured interview: An interview in which the interviewer asks
questions from a detailed guide that contains the questions to be
asked and the specific areas for probing.
Summary: A short restatement of the main points of a report.
Summative evaluation: Evaluation designed to present conclusions
about the merit or worth of an intervention and recommendations
about whether it should be retained, altered, or eliminated.
Transportable: An intervention that can be replicated in a different site.
Triangulation: In an evaluation, an attempt to get corroboration on a
phenomenon or measurement by approaching it by several (three
or more) independent routes. This effort provides confirmatory
Utility: The extent to which an evaluation produces and disseminates
reports that inform relevant audiences and have beneficial impact
on their work.
Utilization of (evaluations): Use and impact are terms used as
substitutes for utilization. Sometimes seen as the equivalent of
implementation, but this applies only to evaluations that contain
Validity: The soundness of the inferences made from the results of a
data-gathering process.
Verification: Revisiting the data as many times as necessary to cross-
check or confirm the conclusions that were drawn.
Appendix A
Finding An Evaluator
There are many different sources for locating a project evaluator.
The one that works best will depend on a number of factors including the
home institution for the project, the nature of the project, and whether or
not the principal investigator has some strong feeling about the type(s) of
evaluation that are appropriate.
There are at least three avenues that can be pursued:
If the project is being carried out at or near a college or university,
a good starting point is likely to be at the college or university
itself. Principal investigators can contact the department chairs
from areas such as education, psychology, administration, or
sociology and ask about the availability of staff skilled in project
evaluation. In most cases, a few calls will yield several names.
A second source for evaluation assistance comes from independent
contractors. There are many highly trained personnel whose major
income derives from providing evaluation services. Department
chairs may well be cognizant of these individuals and requests to
chairs for help might include suggestions for individuals they have
worked with outside of the college or university. In addition,
independent consultants can be identified from the phone book,
from vendor lists kept by procurement offices in state departments
of education and in local school systems, and even from resource
databases kept by some private foundations, such as the Kellogg
Foundation in Michigan.
Finally, suggestions for evaluators can be obtained from calls to
other researchers or perusal of research and evaluation reports.
Western Michigan University also has a list of evaluators in their
web site at A strong personal
recommendation and a discussion of an evaluator’s strengths and
weaknesses from someone who has worked with a specific
evaluator is very useful when starting a new evaluation effort.
Although it may take a chain of telephone calls to get the list
started, most principal investigators will ultimately find that they have
several different sources of evaluation support from which to select. The
critical task then becomes negotiating time, content, and, of course,
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