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Data Governance Policy
Document type
Scope (applies to)
All staff
Applicability date
22 June 2021
Expiry date
Approved date
Director of Strategy and Policy
Document owner
Daniel Farrell
School / unit
IT Services
Document status
Information classification
Equality impact assessment
The purpose of this policy is to describe the University’s
approach to data governance in terms of data availability,
data accessibility and data quality and to outline how clear
accountability for each is managed.
Purpose / changes
Author of changes, role
and school / unit
For consideration as a
new IMEDA programme
IMEDA Programme Board
11 Dec 2020
For further comment
IMEDA Programme Board
27 Jan 2021
For further comment
Director of Strategy and
6 April 2021
For further comment
Director of Planning and
12 April 2021
For further comment
Head of Information
Assurance and
Governance; ACIO Cyber
Security and Resilience;
23 April 2021
Final draft for further
IMEDA Project Board;
DAMG; Head of
Information Assurance
and Governance; ACIO
Cyber Security and
7 May 2021
Final draft for comment
SDG (and specific
comments for review by
Head of Information
Assurance and
Governance; ACIO Cyber
Security and Resilience;
Director of RIS)
7 June 2021
Incorporating minor
changes following SDG
16 June 2021
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1. Purpose
1.1. The University of St Andrews needs high-quality data
to manage its activities,
sustain its ambitions for future growth, drive innovation and meet its obligations to
demonstrate accountability through accurate reporting and evidence-led decision-
1.2. Individuals and functions within the University rely on shared data so data
governance requires management activities that treat corporate data as an asset
owned by the institution rather than by organisational structures.
1.3. To treat corporate data as an asset it is essential that everyone who works for the
University understands their role in relation to the data they create or use throughout
the information life cycle.
1.4. As an evidence-led institution the University is committed to creating a culture and
an accountability framework that share understanding of and sensitivity for the value
of the institution’s data assets.
1.5. Data availability, data accessibility and data quality are measures of good data
governance. This policy describes the University’s approach to data governance in
those terms and outlines how clear accountability for each measure is managed.
2. Definitions
2.1. For this policy the following definitions apply:
‘Data’ is defined as ‘numbers, words or images that have yet to be organised or
analysed to answer a specific question.’
A data asset represents the source data along with associated metadata.
Corporate data means data collected, generated, or received by the University
for the purposes of operational or management information reporting.
‘Data accessibility’ refers to the retrieval of data in an authenticated manner
approved by the University. This may be for the purposes of reading, modifying,
copying or moving data from a system.
A ‘data domain’ is a large set of data related to a particular business area such
as Admissions, Registry, Finance, Estates, Development. Although data
domains may often appear to map to the University’s organisational hierarchy
they need not do so. Data domains may comprise smaller sets of data known as
sub-domains if the need arises.
‘Data governance’ includes the people, processes and technologies used by the
University to manage and protect its corporate data assets including definitions
for how the institution assigns accountability and control over the assets and their
See Appendix 1, ie, data that are accurate, valid, reliable, timely, relevant and complete.
‘Data accessibility’ has no reference to disability or related arrangements.
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‘Data linkage’ is the supplementation of one data set with another at the same
level of granularity or the pairing of records from different data sources.
Data literacy is the ability to read, write and communicate data in context,
including an understanding of data sources and constructs, analytical methods
and techniques applied and the ability to describe the use case, application
and resulting value.
‘Data quality’ refers both to the characteristics associated with high quality data
(see Appendix 1) and to the processes used to measure or improve the quality
of data.
‘Data security’ includes data confidentiality, data integrity, and data accessibility.
See section 13 below.
The Data Warehouse’ is the University’s central ITS-maintained repository for
data used for management information reporting or applications integration.
‘Enterprise’ is used to qualify aspects of infrastructure which are University-wide
and, although not exclusively so, centrally managed by IT Services.
‘Information life cycle’ is an approach to data and storage management that
recognises that the value of information changes over time and that it must be
managed accordingly.
‘Personal data refers to the data covered by the UK General Data Protection
Regulation when read with the Data Protection Act 2018. The Data Protection
Laws outline principles for the collection and management of personal data.
While not all of the data the University works with are personal data, application
of the data protection principles, and other recognised standards and practices
for data management provide a framework for assuring the accuracy, integrity,
quality and sustainability of institutional data assets.
Reference data is any ‘data used to characterise or classify other data, or to
relate data to external information.’
‘Research data’ refers to data created by or used for research at the University.
3. Requirements
3.1. The University must ensure the availability and quality of its data assets to:
enable the creation of information that is fit-for-analysis, fit-for-purpose,
relevant, and right for context
produce accurate and reliable management information on which timely,
informed corporate decisions can be made
provide effective and timely services to students, staff, and other
Gartner Glossary,
DAMA, DMBOK, 2nd edition, 2017,
Gartner Glossary,
DAMA, DMBOK, 2nd edition, 2017,
Page 4
monitor and review business activities and operations
evaluate and control costs of business (research, education and corporate)
produce accurate external returns for funding and benchmarking purposes
demonstrate accountability to public and private regulators and sponsors
foster a data-driven business orientation
3.2. The requirement to maintain good data availability and quality is covered by
legislation such as the Data Protection Act 2018 (with UK GDPR from 1 January
2021). Funding bodies such as the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) and other
external bodies such as the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), the
Research Excellence Framework (REF) and UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
place quality requirements on the University over the data that are to be transferred
to them so they can carry out their statutory duties.
4. Risks and threats
4.1. The corporate health of the University suffers when the value of its data assets
depreciates through a loss of relevance, asset management standards or shared
4.2. This can happen through poor regulation or infrastructure, deficient data availability,
lack of capability to perform data linkages, erosion in data quality and/or
disconnection between staff responsible for data collection vs information creation.
4.3. Symptoms of poor corporate health are evidenced in enhanced risks such as:
inadequate reporting to funders and sponsors:
under-reporting resulting in financial penalties, sanctions, or funding
over-reporting resulting in over-payments and subsequent financial
ill-informed decision-making or inappropriate corporate conclusions
reputational damage in areas such as student access, recruitment, retention,
and attainment
misrepresenting performance in teaching and research
loss of productivity due to time spent on non-value-added tasks
4.4. Some symptoms may go unnoticed for periods of time. This is especially true of
inadequate reporting where inaccurate, inconsistent, out of date, incomplete,
missing, or misinterpreted data can accrue in corporate systems before being used
to create information.
5. Scope and success
5.1. The successful implementation of this policy will primarily be evidenced through the
governance of data domains (such as curriculum, estates, finance, staff, student)
represented in the University’s enterprise Data Warehouse; however, this policy is
not limited to data in the Data Warehouse.
5.2. The scope of this policy includes data used for operations or to inform analysis and
reporting, including statutory reporting, whether data are collected by the University
or gathered from partners or external sources.
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5.3. The scope of this policy covers all data held in enterprise systems (including the
collection of data into those systems from internal or external sources) and any data
used from those systems for internal or external reporting. The policy does not
cover data held by the University where the data owner is a third party, such as
student coursework.
5.4. Corporate data that are used to inform analysis and reporting do not all reside in
enterprise systems, but this remains a long term ambition; consequently, some of
the data within scope of this policy may exist in local systems such as MS Access
databases or spreadsheets.
5.5. Research data is in scope where it is stored (archived) in the University’s research
data repository for long term access and preservation primarily to meet open data
requirements and support publication of research results. Active research data (in
use during project lifecycles) is not in scope.
5.6. Delivery of the objectives in this policy relies on the successful application of data
security arrangements to protect data from unauthorised access from outside the
6. Principles
6.1. Principles are a key element in the structured processes that collectively define and
guide the University, from values through to actions and solutions.
6.2. The principles in Appendix 2 should be applied to the management of all corporate
data within the University and should also be applied to associated operational
processes, goals, and staff training.
6.3. Exceptions to these principles must be documented and visible even when
principles allow for exception handling (eg, “Data should be collected and recorded
once only wherever possible without the need for multiple systems”).
7. Data governance framework
7.1. Data governance is needed to guide and facilitate information technology, data
processes, and decision-making to support the University in reaching its goals.
Good data governance is only meaningful when it aligns with institutional goals and
values in a sustainable manner.
7.2. The University is committed to ensuring that a sustainable data governance
framework exists to achieve good data accessibility, availability and quality and to
mitigate against associated potential risks.
7.3. In response to its commitment, the University has adopted a framework built on the
concept of community stewardship with clear lines of accountability.
7.4. Sustainability is achieved by nurturing staff competencies based on a common set
of best practices in data management across the institution with special attention
paid to consistency in approach at all levels of engagement.
7.5. The data governance framework enables a coherent approach to the development,
curation and oversight of institutional reference data (eg, organisational
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7.6. To ensure successful adoption a data governance policy must be published and
familiarised at all levels across the University along with relevant targeted training.
7.7. Good data governance should mature and adapt to the institution’s changing needs
and processes. The management and implementation of data availability and data
quality activities requires experience and expertise, and the University is committed
to ensuring enough resources are available to enable the delivery of this policy to
the highest standard.
8. Roles and responsibilities in the data stewardship community
8.1. Every member of staff who interacts with data at any level within the University has
a role to play in the improvement of data accuracy and completeness in compliance
with University requirements.
8.2. Individuals often play multiple roles at the University and certain staff have roles
defined within the data governance framework. Together these role holders form
the University’s data stewardship community.
8.3. To be effective each role in the data stewardship community must have
unambiguous, easily understood and publicly documented responsibilities and
where appropriate these will be incorporated into job descriptions so that the
identified responsibilities form part of substantive University posts rather than
parallel or satellite activities.
8.4. The information life cycle recognises different relationships to data. Data
producers (whether people or systems) control the data they create. Sometimes
data are created for one purpose but are used for other purposes by data
consumers. Because data producers have knowledge of the purposes and
functions of associated processes they own they can modify processes to ensure
they meet the needs of data consumers.
8.5. Any person (or system) who has access to institutional data is a data consumer
therefore data consumers encompass most University staff whether they contribute
directly to data collection or edits. Data consumers have a responsibility to follow
established guidelines for accessing, sharing, and updating data as well as
participate in activities that define data for use.
8.6. The data governance practice at the University is formalised through the close and
collective working of the Director of Planning, Head of Information Assurance
and Governance and the Head of Data Transformation. Together these three
roles provide coherence for the institutional data governance function because they
have responsibilities associated with compliance, are accountable for ensuring
business needs are addressed, and bring oversight to, and ensure delivery of the
data principles.
Page 7
8.7. Accountability and responsibility for delivering the activities defined in this policy lies
with an institutional network of staff in data ownership and data stewardship roles.
(Appendix 3 provides a full list of responsibilities for the roles identified in the
8.8. Data owners will typically be senior managers such as Heads of Unit with
responsibility for business operations. They have responsibility for challenging data
quality and are accountable for the accuracy and completeness of data and
information within their data domain(s). They have responsibility for data
accessibility arrangements within their data domain(s). Ownership of research data
remains with individual researchers, with the University providing support for
stewardship of archived research data.
8.9. Data stewards carry out their responsibilities on behalf of data owners. Data
stewards will be nominated by data owners and will typically be subject matter
experts or team leaders with responsibility and oversight of processes and people
who interact with corporate data. They have responsibility for the accuracy and
quality of data and information within specific data domains, for undertaking data
quality checks and for identifying and implementing data quality improvement
8.10. Data stewards collaborate in the Data Assets Management Group (DAMG) which
provides a forum to highlight data domain issues, seek support and assess the
impacts of local changes on corporate data.
Summary responsibilities
Director of Planning
set and approve institutional reporting requirements and
approve the associated methodologies for transforming
corporate data for the purpose of reporting
Head of Information
Assurance and
advise on and/or support the creation of policy, procedures
and governance arrangements for the management of
personal data and its lawful use including the sharing of
personal data with external parties
Head of Data
ensure institutional business needs can be met through
corporate data structures; set and oversee data
transformation frameworks and standards; oversee the
delivery of the data governance policy; manage the
activities of the Data Governance Office (DGO); facilitate
collaborative activities in the data stewardship community,
including the Data Assets Management Group (DAMG)
Summary responsibilities
Data owner
ensure compliance; act as escalation point for matters relating
to data governance in their domain; manage, protect, and
ensure the integrity and usefulness of University data; ensure
data improvements are implemented; authorise user access
requests where there is legitimate need
Data steward
implement data standards; monitor data quality in their domain;
manage enquiries about domain data and monitor usage;
participate in Data Assets Management Group (DAMG)
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8.11. All role holders in the data stewardship community will be supported by a Data
Governance Office (DGO) that provides a point of institutional contact and an
advisory service for data-related activities. The DGO has a co-ordinating function
to support consistency of practice, enable data governance exception handling and
plan the delivery of related training requirements. In addition, the DGO has
responsibility for managing the change request process in relation to the Data
Warehouse. (Appendix 4 provides a full list of responsibilities.)
9. Data assignment
9.1. Each corporate data domain is assigned a data owner and, where expedient, a data
9.2. Where possible a single owner of corporate data will be assigned but where this is
not possible or desirable then ownership at a lower level will be established to avoid
multiple ownership.
9.3. Data aggregations and summaries in the Data Warehouse will be assigned an
owner based on publication or visualisation requirements.
9.4. The methodologies used to transform data in the Data Warehouse will be assigned
an owner, often the Director of Planning if the transformations are for institutional
10. Data quality capability
10.1. The University will develop its technical infrastructure capability to enable data
owners to monitor and measure data quality in their data domains.
10.2. The University will be able to monitor the corporate health of data identified for use
in the Data Warehouse as they are captured and transformed by systems and
processes. Specific attention will be given to the availability of data for use in cross-
institutional aggregations of data for reporting.
10.3. This capability will be supported across multiple layers of the institution by
automations and software and will include data both before and after consumption
by the Data Warehouse.
10.4. Successful implementation of this data quality capability will be evident through:
successful delivery of the data governance framework
proactive measuring against the six characteristics or dimensions of good
data in Appendix 1
the use of data quality flags and reports maintained by data stewards and
visible to data owners
continuous data quality monitoring and data improvement activities focussed
on the Data Warehouse
10.5. The delivery of the University’s data quality capability will be overseen by the Head
of Data Transformation supported by the DGO who will support data owners in
relation to the co-ordination and delivery of relevant activities especially in relation
to data consumed by or created in the Data Warehouse.
11. Data quality oversight
Page 9
11.1. High-quality data originate from a culture that understands the importance of data
accuracy and that is embedded in the institution’s operational, performance and
governance arrangements. A mature organisation demonstrates its ability to meet
the need for high-quality data by thinking holistically and having the correct
processes, systems, responsibilities and training in place to ensure appropriate data
management and governance through relevant roles that collaborate.
11.2. The strategic oversight of corporate data quality including the definition of current
data quality metrics and the forecasting of future needs is the collective
responsibility of the Director of Planning, Head of Information Assurance and
Governance and Head of Data Transformation.
11.3. Together these three roles act as a Data Steering Group that will:
collaborate with data owners on external requirements
communicate with senior leaders the expectations and requirements of data
governance described in the policy
identify and prioritise strategic data quality initiatives
arbitrate on differing practices of data quality management
guide data management and instruct data operationalisation activities
12. Training and education
12.1. The University will foster a culture of education and data literacy to support the data
quality requirements defined in this policy.
12.2. The DGO will ensure that data governance and management training as part of staff
induction and continuous staff development are available for all role holders in the
data stewardship community.
12.3. Wherever possible, training will be delivered on a cyclical basis (eg, all staff are
required to complete data protection training once every 3 years).
12.4. The DGO and DAMG will develop and deliver educational materials to support data
quality issue analysis and remediation.
12.5. The DAMG will provide a forum for data stewards to support the communication and
adoption of good practice in relation to data quality.
13. Data security
13.1. For the University to function, innovate and demonstrate compliance with security
legislation data must be readily available.
13.2. Compromised data availability negatively impacts the day-to-day delivery of
business services and the ability of the University to deliver its strategic objectives.
13.3. Data availability in relation to data classification and user accessibility is governed
by relevant other University policies. It is the responsibility of data owners to ensure
that data have a classification based on the information classification policy. See
below Section 16.
13.4. Technical security measures for data storage should match the requirements of the
information classification.
Page 10
13.5. Data availability is a shared responsibility between IT Services and data owners
supported by the DGO.
13.6. All members of the data community have a responsibility to report any compromise
of systems or data to the University incident response team (stacsirt@st- and the University Data Protection Officer (dataprot@st- as soon as possible.
14. Communication and review
14.1. This policy will be published online via the University Governance Zone and will be
communicated to stakeholders publicly via the University website
14.2. The University’s data requirements will change over time. Regular review will
ensure ongoing dialogue with users in the University and external communities. This
policy will be reviewed at least annually to keep pace with those conversations and
the maturity of experience. If there are periods of rapid change this policy will be
modified as needed to reflect current priorities, infrastructure, research, or
14.3. This policy applies from the date of publication.
15. Related documentation
15.1. Internal
Regulations governing the use of University information and communications
technology (ICT) facilities
Information classification policy
Research Data Management policy
Data protection policy
In development
15.2. External
Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR and
protection-now-the-transition-period-has-ended/the-gdpr/ and
HESA Student Data Quality Report
Page 11
Appendix 1 The six characteristics or dimensions of data quality
1. Accuracy
Data should provide a clear representation of the activity/interaction
Data should be in sufficient detail
Data should be captured once only as close to the point of activity as possible
2. Validity
Data should be recorded and used in accordance with agreed requirements, rules,
and definitions to ensure integrity and consistency
3. Reliability
Data collection processes must be clearly defined and stable to ensure consistency
over time, so that data accurately and reliably reflect any changes in performance
4. Timeliness
Data should be collected and recorded as quickly as possible after the event or
Data should remain available for the intended use within a reasonable or agreed time
5. Relevance
Data should be relevant for the purposes for which it is used
Data requirements should be clearly specified and regularly reviewed to reflect any
change in needs
The amount of data collected should be proportionate to the value gained
6. Completeness
Data should be complete
Data should not contain redundant records
Paraphrased from DAMA, DMBOK, 2
edition, 2017,, Table 29.
Page 12
Appendix 2 - Data principles
Enterprise data principles
Data are an asset
Data have value to the University and are managed
Data are shared
Users have access to the data necessary to perform
their roles and responsibilities; therefore, data are
shared across University functions and departments
Data are accessible
Data are accessible for users to perform their functions
Data are quality assured
Each data element has at least one recognised role
accountable for data quality
Data are protected
Data are secured from accidental or malicious access
(or alteration) by unauthorised users, whether in transit,
at rest or in storage; and data are made available for
legitimate need through authorised processes
Data are reused
Data are more valuable if they can be reused or used for
more than one purpose. NOTE: The reuse of personal
data, as defined by the Data Protection Act 2018, for a
secondary purpose which is incompatible with the purpose for
which data were originally collected, is unlawful.
Data are defined by a common
Data are defined consistently throughout the University,
and definitions are understandable and appropriately
All data elements have an owner
Every data element has a named owner and ownership
persists regardless of the use of that data
All data elements have a master (a
Single Source of Truth)
Every data element has a single, known source (a
Master data source) rather than multiple (potentially
inconsistent) sources of the truth
Data governance and management principles
Data governance is everyone’s
All data stakeholders contribute to data governance
policies and their implementation and adoption
Data integrity is maintained
Any use of data is lawful across all decisions taken
about the data
Data use is transparent
Whenever possible, all parties using data or whose data
are being used will know how they are being used.
NOTE: In data protection terms there is an exemption for
management forecasting and planning, which allows for any
subject access requests or privacy notices surrounding that
activity (eg, planning for a merger) to be suspended.
Data are standardised
Specific guidelines and rules (including data definitions,
availability, and privacy arrangements) are followed to
ensure data are standardised
Data are audited
All data are open to audits and all decisions, controls,
and processes about data can be subject to audits
Data are managed by trained staff
Staff with responsibility for, and access to, data are
appropriately trained and know where their responsibility
for data lies including how to process or format data,
and what to do in the event of a breach
Data use is maximised
Data are usable by anyone who needs them within
authorised and lawful limits to optimise impact
Data are controlled
Control procedures are in place to preserve the integrity
of data (or data elements within records) and are used
for the creation, storage, validation, updating, archiving
Page 13
and destruction of data (or data elements within
records). NOTE: Control procedures, in so far as they relate
to data elements of records, are aligned with University
retention schedules.
Data are assigned a lifecycle
All data elements have a lifecycle status assigned to
identify if the data element is active or obsolete/inactive
within lawful limits
Obsolete/inactive data are
archived or destroyed
Obsolete data are archived or destroyed following
audit/compliance policies
Bulk data transfers are conducted
only through a managed file
Bulk data transfers between applications are only
undertaken through a managed file transfer method
Data transfers between
applications are governed by data
delivery agreements (DDAs)
Data Delivery Agreements (DDAs) are used as binding
contracts between the source and target systems for
any kind of data transfer between applications
Data transfers from the University to external parties
must be managed and as appropriate be subject to
controls and approvals.
Data are distributed/published only
through managed interfaces
Managed interfaces are used to distribute or publish
data and direct access to data tables is restricted
Data quality rules are managed as
configurable data
Data quality rules are not hard coded into the code of
the application, instead a configuration driven data
quality management tool manages the rules and their
Sensitive data are identified,
classified as confidential and
Data identified as sensitive are protected and classified
as confidential in line with the University’s information
classification policy of four tiers: Strictly confidential,
Confidential, Internal and Public
Data lineage is recorded and
Data lineage provides important metadata for data
consumers and should be recorded and available where
Page 14
Appendix 3 - Roles and responsibilities of the data stewardship
The data stewardship community comprises all staff who interact with data as part of their role
at the University. Every member of staff has a role to play in the improvement of data quality;
however, certain University officers have ownership or stewardship responsibilities for the
active governance and management of data.
Data owners
Data owners have responsibility for ensuring data are maintained to agreed quality standards.
Accountability: In line with University principles and guidelines data owner(s) are responsible
for data management and governance activities in their data domain(s).
In line with University requirements the data owner will:
Champion institutional compliance with the data governance policy
Promote good data governance and data literacy in their business area
Ensure consistency of approach in data collection, definition and sharing processes
Maintain the principle of using ‘golden source data wherever reasonably possible
Support data profiling activities in support of University strategies and initiatives
Maintain relevant entries in institutional data dictionaries and local business
Assign classifications to data items depending on their sensitivity based on the
University Information Classification policy
Authorise user access requests to golden source data where there is legitimate need
Monitor data quality in line with approved and published dimensions
Support data stewards to analyse data quality issues and identify and fix root causes
of poor data quality
Propose and manage data quality improvement activities
Define and monitor data quality metrics
Mandate changes to business processes and applications to improve data quality
Propose new standards to improve data quality
Escalate to the DGO if data quality issues cannot be resolved within a single domain
Ensure the DGO has an accurate record of data stewardship assignments
Data stewards
Data stewards are caretakers of systems data and are responsible for various day-to-day
processes to ensure data fulfil business requirements including the understanding of current
and downstream use of data for public information.
Accountability: In line with University principles and guidelines data stewards are accountable
for local data usage in their data domain(s).
In line with University requirements the data steward will:
Serve as a first point of contact for colleagues with data domain queries
Train and coach system(s) users to understand and use data effectively
Analyse data quality issues and propose improvements and/or solutions to data
owners to eliminate root causes of poor data quality
Follow agreed data management processes to manage data quality
Support data owners to define and measure data quality metrics
Page 15
Manage approval processes for the use of domain data
Adhere to the University Information Classification policy when using or providing
Propose new or amended data structures based on requirements for developments
and initiatives
Support the creation of conceptual data models and mappings
Propose new standards to improve data quality
Escalate to data owners if data quality issues cannot be locally resolved
Support collaborative data governance and data literacy initiatives
Provide the central point of communication for DAMG-related business
Data consumers
Data consumers have responsibilities to participate in activities that define data for use.
Accountability: Data consumers are accountable for the proper usage of data as defined in
Data Sharing Agreements.
In line with University requirements data consumers will:
Participate in defining business terms and definitions to ensure usability within their
business processes
Participate in the identification of business rules, data quality rules, and data quality
Participate in defining Data Sharing Agreements so they understand the authoritative
source of data and any data constraints, such as security and privacy, for data usage
Participate in the resolution of data issues as requested by data owners or their
Consume data only from authoritative sources identified by the DGO
Identify data needs that are not supported by authoritative sources
Identify data issues and bring them to the attention of data owners as soon as they
are recognised
Identify data control requirements that should be implemented by data owners to
ensure quality and integrity in the data supply chain based upon the compliance
requirements of the business processes
Page 16
Appendix 4 - Responsibilities of the Data Governance Office (DGO)
The data stewardship community is supported by the framework elements identified in this
policy including the Data Governance Office. The DGO, led by the Head of Data
Transformation, co-ordinates and facilitates corporate data improvement activities and issue
Accountability: The DGO has overall accountability for monitoring the University’s data
quality capability with specific responsibilities for corporate data held in the Data Warehouse.
The Data Governance Office will:
Champion good data governance and data literacy across the institution
Ensure data-related roles and responsibilities are understood and adopted across the
Ensure master and reference data are sourced from agreed source(s) and available
for institutional use
Curate Data Warehouse reference data to ensure institutional alignment
Manage data change request processes in relation to the Data Warehouse
Monitor who may create and maintain data in the Data Warehouse
Monitor local processes for authorising data access requests
Monitor corporate data quality in the Data Warehouse in line with approved and
published dimensions
Plan the delivery of related training requirements
Manage the publication of the role-based data community matrix and maintain data
Maintain and periodically review and recommend changes to data governance
standards, guidelines, and procedures
Ensure that conflicts with data rights and limitations are resolved speedily and
through agreed processes
Ensure all data items are classified depending on their sensitivity based on the
University Information Classification policy
Manage the currency and publication of the data governance and data management
Where reasonably possible, ensure data are of the structure and granularity required
for use in operations, reporting, decision making and planning
Ensure that end user documentation allows meaningful and consistent use and
interpretation of source data
Support the procurement of new data source systems
Ensure that issues affecting data usage, understanding or quality are addressed
through approved University structures
Ensure that auditors have access to data as and when required
Support the Data Steering Group with activities defined by the University’s strategic