Data Governance and Classification Policy v3.10 Page 1 of 4
Policy Title:
Policy Number:
Data Governance &
Effective Date:
Policy Owner:
Information Technology
VP & CDO, Digital
Technology Solutions
Policy applicable for:
Prior Effective Date:
Responsible Office(s):
Office of Information
The University of Cincinnati uses a variety of data in support of its teaching, research
and outreach missions. Data is a valued resource the university must govern, classify
and protect. In addition, federal and state laws require that the university must limit
access to certain categories of data to protect the privacy of employees, students,
subjects, affiliates and patients.
The purpose of this policy and suite of accompanying resources is to help ensure the
governance, classification and protection of university data from unauthorized
access, damage, alteration or disclosure while preserving the ability of authorized
users to access and use institutional data for appropriate university purposes. This
policy refers to all university data, electronic as well as paper. This policy is applicable
to all data storage locations and is applicable to all university data used for
administration, research, teaching or other purposes.
Data governance is a discipline for assessing, managing, using, improving,
monitoring, maintaining and protecting university data. Data governance is used by
organizations to exercise control over processes and methods used by their Data
Stewards and Data Custodians in order to improve data quality and integrity. When
data is created the Data Trustee must classify the data and establish a governance
framework for the data that corresponds to the university rules for that data type
and applicable federal and state laws.
Data Classification and Data Types
This policy describes the actions necessary to secure and protect university data
defined as Controlled Unclassified Information, Restricted data, Controlled data and
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Public data. See Data Classification and Data Types for additional information and
Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI): Controlled Unclassified Information
(CUI) is information that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls
pursuant to and consistent with applicable law, regulations, and government-
wide policies but is not classified under Executive Order 13526 or the Atomic
Energy Act. Export Controlled data is a subset of CUI. Export Controlled data often
comes as a specific clause within the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation
Supplement (DFARS 252.204-7012)
Restricted: Data is classified as Restricted when the unauthorized disclosure,
alteration or destruction of that data could cause a significant level of risk to the
university or its affiliates. Users of Restricted data must follow all safeguards for
Controlled data plus additional safeguards identified for Restricted data. High
levels of security safeguards must be applied to Restricted data.
Controlled: Data is classified as Controlled when the unauthorized disclosure,
alteration or destruction of that data could result in a moderate level of risk to the
university or its affiliates. By default, all institutional data that is not explicitly
classified as CUI, Restricted or Public data must be treated as Controlled data. A
reasonable level of security safeguards must be applied to controlled data.
Public: Data that is readily available to the public. This data requires no
confidentiality or integrity protection. Public data needs no additional protection.
Minimum Safeguards
The responsibility of protecting university data is shared by everyone that uses,
accesses or stores such data. Required safeguards depend on the data classification.
See Minimum Safeguards for more information.
Roles and Responsibilities
There are four data user roles with differing levels of responsibilities. See Roles and
Responsibilities for more information.
Trustees: Senior university officials or their designees who have planning and
policy level responsibility for data within their functional areas and management
responsibility for defined segments of institutional data.
Stewards: University officials having direct operational-level responsibility for the
management of one or more types of institutional data. Data Stewards in
coordination with Data Custodians must implement and apply safeguards that
meet or exceed the Minimum Safeguards of each data classification.
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Custodians: Central or distributed university units or computer system
administrators responsible for the operation and management of systems and
servers which collect, manage and provide access to institutional data.
Users: University units or individual university community members who have
been granted access to institutional data in order to perform assigned duties or
in fulfillment of assigned roles or functions within the university.
Collectively these parties are responsible for identifying and implementing
safeguards for the different data types. Many university activities involve multiple
departments; for such activities that involve access to, or storage of, university data,
the procedures and safeguards must be coordinated by all Trustees, Stewards,
Custodians and Users involved.
Compliance and Remediation
Incidents involving CUI data must be immediately reported to the Office of
Information Security (OIS) via e-mail at [email protected]u. Incidents involving Export
controlled data must be reported to OIS and the Export Controls Office via e-mail at
[email protected]. In addition, any breach, loss, or unauthorized exposure of
Restricted or Controlled data shall be immediately reported to the unit head and OIS
via e-mail at [email protected]. OIS will then determine the appropriate actions to
comply with university Policy and local, state and federal law. See Compliance and
Remediation and the Incident Management and Response Policy for additional
Cloud Based File Storage
Only university approved cloud based file storage may be used for Restricted and
Controlled data. See Cloud Based File Storage for more information.
Controlled Unclassified Information
All departments, colleges or individuals that process, store or transmit CUI must
follow all the security controls for restricted data plus additional controls as outlined
in Controlled Unclassified Information document.
Contact Information
Office of Information Security
513-558-ISEC (4732)
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Related Links
The Data Governance and Classification Policy Supporting Documents:
Data Classification and Data Types
Minimum Safeguards
Roles and Responsibilities
Compliance and Remediation
Cloud Based File Storage
Controlled Unclassified Information
Export Controls Office