DOD MANUAL 4140.68
Originating Component: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
Effective: March 5, 2020
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website
Reissues and Cancels: DoD Manual 4140.68, “Integrated Materiel Management of
Nonconsumable Items,” September 2, 2014, as amended
Approved by: Peter J. Potochney, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment
Purpose: In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5134.12, the July 13, 2018 Deputy
Secretary of Defense Memorandum, and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 4140.01 and the procedures in DoD
Manual (DoDM) 4140.01, this issuance assigns responsibilities and provides procedures for:
Integrated materiel managers (IMMs) and others who work within or with the DoD supply system to
implement the integrated materiel management of nonconsumable items.
Eliminating duplicate national inventory management functions for those nonconsumable items that
are used by more than one DoD Component or participating federal agency.
Applying primary inventory control activity (PICA) and secondary inventory control activity (SICA)
materiel management objectives for nonconsumable items.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 4
1.1. Applicability. .................................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment. .............................................................. 5
2.2. DLA. ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.3. DoD Component Heads. ................................................................................................... 5
2.4. Secretaries of the Military Departments. .......................................................................... 6
2.5. Commander, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). ...................... 7
2.6. Administrators of Participating U.S. Government Civil Agencies. .................................. 7
SECTION 3: GENERAL PROCEDURES ................................................................................................ 8
3.1. NIMSCs. ........................................................................................................................... 8
3.2. PICA. .............................................................................................................................. 17
3.3. SICA. .............................................................................................................................. 18
3.4. Exceptions for SO-P Items.............................................................................................. 19
3.5. NIMSC Designation........................................................................................................ 20
4.1. Procedures for NIMSC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 0 items. ................................................. 24
4.2. Provisioning. ................................................................................................................... 24
4.3. PICA Assignment. .......................................................................................................... 25
4.4. IMC Changes and PICA or SICA Reassignment Requests. ........................................... 26
4.5. Item Adoption. ................................................................................................................ 28
4.6. Procurement. ................................................................................................................... 28
4.7. Cataloging. ...................................................................................................................... 29
4.8. Depot Maintenance. ........................................................................................................ 31
4.9. Disposition. ..................................................................................................................... 31
4.10. Inactive Items. ............................................................................................................... 32
4.11. Standardization. ............................................................................................................ 33
5.1. Review Items for Migration to NIMSC 5 or NIMSC 6. ................................................. 34
5.2. Single Submitter of Procurement Specifications and Depot-level Repair
Specifications. ................................................................................................................... 35
SECTION 6: NIMSC MIGRATION PROCEDURES ............................................................................. 37
6.1. Migration to NIMSC 5 or NIMSC 6. .............................................................................. 37
6.2. NIMSC Migration or PICA Reassignment. .................................................................... 37
6.3. Pre-ETD Time-Period. .................................................................................................... 40
6.4. ETD Time-Period............................................................................................................ 42
6.5. Post-ETD Time-period.................................................................................................... 42
7.1. Item Stockage.................................................................................................................. 44
7.2. Requirements Computation and Methodology. .............................................................. 44
7.3. Item Distribution. ............................................................................................................ 44
a. Item Transfer Actions. ................................................................................................. 44
b. Requisition Processing. ................................................................................................ 45
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c. Physical Inventory. ....................................................................................................... 45
7.4. Requisitioning Submissions. ........................................................................................... 46
7.5. Priority Application and Asset Release. ......................................................................... 46
7.6. Critical Item Management. ............................................................................................. 47
7.7. War Reserve Materiel (WRM) Requirements. ............................................................... 47
7.8. NIMSC 5 Materiel Returns. ............................................................................................ 48
SECTION 8: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES ................................................................... 50
8.1. Financial Management. ................................................................................................... 50
8.2. Budgeting and Funding. .................................................................................................. 51
8.3. Billing and Accounting. .................................................................................................. 52
8.4. NIMSC 5 and NIMSC 6 Item Reductions. ..................................................................... 53
8.5. Pricing Procedures for NIMSC 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 0 Items. ...................................... 54
9.1. Single Materiel Manager................................................................................................. 55
9.2. SO-P Items. ..................................................................................................................... 55
9.3. Technical Data. ............................................................................................................... 56
a. Support Equipment....................................................................................................... 56
b. Government Contract Property. ................................................................................... 56
c. Packaging, Handling, Shipping, and Transportability (PHST). ................................... 56
d. Facilities Determination and Planning. ........................................................................ 56
e. Contractor Engineering and Technical Services. ......................................................... 56
f. Inter-Service Depot Maintenance. ................................................................................ 56
9.4. Configuration Management. ........................................................................................... 56
9.5. Data Acquisition and Management. ................................................................................ 59
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 61
G.1. Acronyms. ...................................................................................................................... 61
G.2. Definitions. ..................................................................................................................... 62
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 73
Table 1. Numeric NIMSCs ............................................................................................................ 8
Table 2. Alphabetic NIMSCs ......................................................................................................... 9
Table 3. NIMSR Worksheet ........................................................................................................ 11
Table 4. Management Level Change or Reassignment Request Worksheet ............................... 13
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
a. This issuance applies to:
(1) OSD, the Military Departments (including the Coast Guard at all times, including
when it is a Service in the Department of Homeland Security by agreement with that
Department), the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the
Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the
Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD
(referred to collectively in this issuance as the “DoD Components”).
(2) Nonconsumable items that are:
(a) Used by more than one DoD Component.
(b) Assigned a level of authority (LOA) of 22 or 8D by the Integrated Materiel
Management Committee (IMMC) in accordance with Table 74, in Volume 10 of the Cataloging
Data and Transaction Standards.
b. This issuance does not apply to:
(1) Ships, aircraft, and other end items for which management and control are exercised
through the application of other identification systems (e.g. tail number).
(2) Items under the management of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear,
Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs, National Security Agency/Central Security Service
(NSA/CSS), and the DoD Components’ Joint Conventional Ammunition Production (JCAP)
coordinating group.
(3) Conventional ammunition items in Federal Supply Group (FSG) 13 under the DoD
Components’ JCAP coordinating group management, as listed in the online tool for FSGs on the
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) website at
(4) All nuclear ordnance items in FSG 11 and items regardless of federal supply
classification (FSC) with commercial and government entity codes 57991, 67991, 77991, and
87991 under the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense
Program management, as listed in the online tool for FSCs on the DLA website at
(5) Cryptological items identified in FSC 5810 and 5811, items with commercial and
government entity codes 02227, 11874, 15942, 28865, or 98230, and items regardless of class
under NSA/CSS management. Items in these categories not under NSA/CSS management are
processed in accordance with NSA/CSS Policy 6-2.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and
Sustainment, the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment:
a. Directs and administers the DoD IMMC established in Volume 3 of DoDM 4140.01.
b. Reviews recommendations from the IMMC on the assignment of:
(1) The single materiel manager for the management of items in the DoD supply chain.
(2) Item management codes (IMCs).
(3) Nonconsumable item materiel support codes (NIMSCs).
(4) PICAs and SICAs for items of supply.
c. Resolves differences on integrated materiel management of nonconsumable items that
cannot be resolved by IMMC.
2.2. DLA. Under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition and Sustainment and in addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.3., the
Director, DLA:
a. Administers and manages the operation of the Federal Logistics Information System
(FLIS) as the single source of federal cataloging and related logistics management data, which
incorporates the data requirements for cataloging, supply, and other logistics support needs of the
DoD, civil government agencies, and participating North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
b. Establishes, resources, and administers the Defense Logistics Management Standards with
the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, and Department of
Defense guidance, as applicable.
2.3. DOD COMPONENT HEADS. The DoD Component heads:
a. Plan for and acquire materiel necessary to provision nonconsumable items in accordance
with the procedures in Paragraph 4.2. of this issuance and Volume 2 of DoDM 4140.01.
b. Direct materiel managers to actively interface with the program manager for each weapon
system acquisition program, to ensure effective provisioning support of nonconsumable items to
the warfighter.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
c. Provide focal points responsible for receiving and monitoring data required for each DoD
Component to implement the procedures in this manual.
d. Revise internal procedures, as applicable, to accommodate the procedures contained in
this manual.
e. Implement a materiel returns program with the internal procedures to:
(1) Process and control transactions across organization lines.
(2) Account for excess assets and assets returned under a credit or exchange
(3) Accomplish reclamation or disposition of excess materiel in accordance with Volume
1 of DoDM 4160.21.
f. Assign representatives to the IMMC in accordance with Volume 3 of DoDM 4140.01,
who will submit recommendations on the assignment of:
(1) The single materiel manager for items in the DoD supply chain.
(2) IMCs.
(3) NIMSCs.
(4) PICAs and SICAs for items of supply.
g. Assign a PICA:
(1) When introducing nonconsumable items into the DoD inventory.
(2) For joint program items, when identified as the designated DoD Component
responsible for life-cycle management of a the weapon system, subsystem, or next higher
(3) When items are peculiar to one DoD Component.
(4) As approved by the IMMC.
h. Adjust the budgeting and funding programs of the DoD Components losing and gaining
nonconsumable items. Adjust the appropriation financial accounts for the DoD Component
based on responsibility changes for wholesale assets in accordance with Section 167 of Title 10,
United States Code.
responsibilities in Paragraph 2.3., the Secretaries of the Military Departments:
a. Determine the requirements and budget for, and fund support of, nonconsumable items.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
b. Budget and fund the procurement lead time for retail requirements, which may include:
(1) Prepositioned war reserve requirements, initial provisioning, and outfittings (e.g.,
initial spares support list) requirements.
(2) Follow-on provisioning or outfittings (e.g., follow on spares support list)
c. Provide life-cycle management for nonconsumable items, including the procurement of
spares, providing a source of supply (SOS), budgetary planning, depot maintenance, and
d. Retain engineering and technical authority in support of Service owned equipment or
e. Provide a negotiated maintenance work specification as part of the depot maintenance
inter-Service support agreements (DMISAs).
(USSOCOM). In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.3., the Commander,
a. Directs the cataloging of items unique to USSOCOM in the Federal Catalog System as
special operations-peculiar (SO-P) materiel for special operations forces (SOF).
b. Appoints a PICA to provide nonconsumable item materiel support for:
(1) All SOF units.
(2) All Military Information Support Operations (MISO) equipment, regardless of
procurement or adoption of that MISO equipment by a Military Department in accordance with
the procedures in Paragraph 4.5.
(3) SO-P equipment procured or adopted by a Military Department as mission-essential
equipment for MISO activities.
AGENCIES. The administrators of participating U.S. Government civil agencies, when agreed
to by these agencies, implement the procedures in this manual.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
3.1. NIMSCs.
a. The DoD Components use NIMSCs to describe the integrated materiel management for
nonconsumable items between organizations.
b. Designated SICAs provide integrated materiel management for nonconsumable items that
are assigned one of the numeric NIMSCs in Table 1. The NIMSCs in Table 1 describe the level
of integrated materiel management the designated SICA will provide.
Table 1. Numeric NIMSCs
Description of the Level of Integrated Materiel
Management Support
Exception Item (End Item
of Equipment).
SICA managed consumable and depot reparable end
items assigned to another PICA that is responsible
for the inventory management functions of single
submitter of cataloging data, acquisition
requirements, and disposal authority.
Depot-level Reparable
Component or SICA
Managed Consumable.
SICA managed depot-level reparable components or
SICA managed consumables that the SICA cannot
use repaired items, assigned to another DoD
Component which has responsibility for the logistics
functions of single submitter of cataloging data,
acquisition requirements, and disposal authority.
3 End Item PICA.
SICA managed depot-level reparable end items or
equipment assigned to another DoD Component
PICA that is responsible for the wholesale logistics
support functions of single submitter of cataloging
data, acquisition, and disposal authority and depot
maintenance, if required, to be provided pursuant to
Depot-level Reparable
Component (temporary).
SICA managed depot-level reparable components,
assigned to another PICA that is responsible for the
logistics functions of single submitter of cataloging
data, acquisition, disposal authority, and depot
maintenance to be provided by DMISA. NIMSC 4 is
temporarily assigned to items that are reviewed for
NIMSC logistics reassignment to NIMSC 5 every 2
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
Table 1. Numeric NIMSCs, Continued
Description of the Level of Integrated Materiel
Management Support
Depot-level Reparable
SICA managed depot-level reparable components,
assigned to another DoD Component that is
responsible for the logistics functions of single
submitter cataloger, acquisition and disposal
authority, depot maintenance, and that performs the
wholesale stock, store, and issue functions and
establishes, budgets, and funds the wholesale stock
level requirement.
Requisitioning Activity
Funded Items.
SICA activities have been authorized by the parent
DoD Component to submit requisitions for items
directly to the PICA. NIMSC 6 items are usually
managed as consumable items by the SICA.
7 JCAP Items.
Items under JCAP cognizance for which the DoD
Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition,
provides supply support. The procedures in this
manual do not apply to NIMSC 7 items.
Depot-level Reparable
SICA managed depot-level reparable components
that have been reviewed for migration to NIMSC 5.
Items with an Incomplete
Depot Maintenance
Items that have not received an assignment for
depot-level repair.
DLA Logistics
Information Services File
Conversion Code.
Items from existing wholesale inter-Service supply
support agreement designated as NIMSC 0 by DLA
during the initial file conversion program in the
c. Designated PICAs provide integrated materiel management support for nonconsumable
items that are assigned one of the alphabetic NIMSCs in Table 2. These alphabetic NIMSCs
describe the activity responsible for repair and the degree of materiel management support for
assigned nonconsumable items.
Table 2. Alphabetic NIMSCs
Description of Activity Assigned and the Degree of Integrated Materiel
Management Responsibilities
An activity within the Army provides depot maintenance support.
Multi-Service organic repair; two or more DoD Components perform
depot-level repair requirements.
An activity within the DLA provides depot maintenance support.
The PICA contracts for excess disposition.
An activity within the U.S. Air Force provides depot maintenance support.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
Description of Activity Assigned and the Degree of Integrated Materiel
Management Responsibilities
An activity within the General Services Administration (GSA) provides
repair capability.
The DoD single manager for conventional ammunition determines supply
support for items under JCAP cognizance in accordance with DoD
Directive 5160.65.
An activity within the U.S. Marine Corp provides depot maintenance
A commercial contract provides total depot maintenance.
Another DoD Component provides organic repair capability.
An activity within the FAA provides repair capability.
Unassigned. Maintenance inter-Service support management office
(MISMO) review not completed. Current depot-level repair arrangements
remain in effect.
An activity within the U.S. Navy provides depot maintenance support.
An activity within the National Weather Service provides repair capability.
All other activities assigned other integrated materiel management
d. SICAs provide materiel management functions that are not assigned to the PICA.
e. The DoD Components:
(1) Negotiate DMISAs for all items where:
(a) Depot level maintenance is required by the SICA.
(b) The PICA does not perform wholesale stock, store, and issue with credit or
exchange for the affected SICA.
(2) Document any exceptions to the maintenance assignment and submit the documents
to the SICA MISMO for inter-service MISMO resolution.
(3) Submit a nonconsumable item materiel support request (NIMSR) for a change in
integrated materiel management with the information listed in the NIMSR worksheet in Table 3.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
Table 3. NIMSR Worksheet
Part 1. Requesting Organization or Activity Information
1. From
Enter the one position service code of the requesting
organization or activity: A=Army, F=Air Force, M=Marine
Corps, N=Navy, B=FAA, C=Coast Guard. Enter the two
position alpha managing activity code, contact name, address
office symbol or code, and phone number of the requesting
organization or activity.
2. To
Enter the one position service code, two position alpha managing
activity code, and the address.
3. National stock number
Enter the NSN. If the NSN desired is in a DoD interchangeable
and substitutable family relationship, enter the master NSN.
Part 1. Requesting Organization or Activity Information
4. Air Force materiel
management aggregation
code or Navy cognizance
If Air Force managed, enter materiel management aggregation
code, if applicable. If Navy managed enter cognizance code, if
available. Otherwise, leave blank.
5. Primary part number
Enter the primary part number.
6. Weapon system or end
item application
Enter the type of weapon system or end item being supported.
7. Number of systems
Enter the number of weapon systems or end items being
Enter the requested SICA numeric NIMSC in Table 1 to indicate
the level of support the PICA is being requested to provide with
the PICA and SICA level of authority code from Table 74 in
Volume 10 of Cataloging Data and Transaction Standards.
9. Technical review
package (TRP)
Enter either “yes” or “no” to advise the PICA if a TRP will be
10. Repairability code
Enter the item SICA repairability code from AR 700-82,
OPNAVINST 4410-2A, or MCO 4400.120, as applicable.
11. IMC
Enter the IMC to indicate the management technique to be
applied from Volume 1 of DoD 4140.26-M.
12. Major organizational
entity (MOE) rule
Enter the appropriate MOE rule to be established in the total
item record (TIR).
13. Installed quantity
Enter the number of items installed in an end item that will be
14. Type Program
Enter one of the codes to indicate the type of program used to
determine item requirements: H=Hours, M=Miles, R=Rounds,
S=Starts, L=Landings, D=Days, T=Months, Y=Years.
15. NSN (suitable
If the desired NSN is a suitable substitute in a DoD
interchangeable and substitutable (I&S) family relationship, list
all related NSNs that the requestor wants to become a user on.
16. Operational annual
Enter the projected annual operational usage, e.g., 150,000
hours, 800 months, or 600 overhauls.
17. Initial quantity
Enter the initial quantity required.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
Table 3. NIMSR Worksheet, Continued
18. Date initial quantity
Enter the date the initial quantity is required.
19. Requested materiel
support date
Enter the date support is desired for Phase II (NIMSC 5 or
NIMSC 6) only. Applicable only if a TRP is not required.
20. Replenishment
Entry required only if line 8 of this worksheet is NIMSC 5 or
NIMSC 6. Enter projected replenishment demand by year for 5
21. Unserviceable returns
Entry required only if line 8 of this worksheet is NIMSC 5 or 6.
Enter the projected unserviceable assets to be returned to the
PICA for the corresponding 5-year period identified in line 20
of this worksheet.
22. SICA configuration
Enter the mailing address of the cognizant configuration or
engineering management organization element in the SICA
service code of approving official: A=Army, F=Air Force,
M=Marine Corps, N=Navy, B=FAA, C=Coast Guard.
23. SICA control number
Enter the SICA internal suspense control number.
24. Remarks
Enter additional data if necessary.
25. Signature, name, and
title of requesting official
Enter the signature, name, and title of the requesting official.
26. Date
Enter the signature date.
Part 2. Response Organization or Activity information
1. From
Enter the one position service code of the approving official:
A=Army, F=Air Force, M=Marine Corps, N=Navy, B=FAA,
C=Coast Guard. Enter the two position alpha managing activity
code, contact name, address office symbol or code, and phone
number of the approving official.
2. To
Enter the one position service code, two position alpha
managing activity code, and the address.
3. Level of Support
Concur or nonconcur with the NIMSC requested in Part 1, line
8 of the request.
4. Justification
If nonconcurrence entered in line 3 of this worksheet, provide
justification and the PICA proposed NIMSC.
5. Method of support for
initial quantity
Enter the method (military interdepartmental purchase requests
(MIPRs) or funded requisition) by which the initial quantity
will be supported.
6. Procurement lead time
in months
Enter the number of months which will elapse between receipt
of a SICA MIPR or requisition and the time materiel will be
available for release to the SICA.
7. Date funds required
Enter the date the MIPR or funded requisition is required by the
PICA: materiel support date (Part II, line 10 of this worksheet)
minus procurement lead time (Part II, line 6 of this worksheet)
minus PICA administrative MIPR processing time.
8. Unit cost
Enter the item unit cost.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
Table 3. NIMSR Worksheet, Continued
9. Total dollar value
Enter the total dollar value to be cited when materiel is to be
provided via MIPR.
10. Approved materiel
support date
When NIMSC requested is 5 or 6 in Part I, line 6 of this
worksheet and the PICA concurs in Part II, line 3 of this
worksheet, provide the date when support can be provided.
11. Unserviceable
receiving activity DoD
activity address code
(AAC) and address
For NIMSC 5 items, enter the DoD AAC and address for the
activity where unserviceables are to be shipped.
12. Document control
Enter the PICA document control number.
13. Date catalog data
submitted to DLA
Enter the date the catalog data was submitted to DLA for SICA
registration in accordance with DoDM 4100.39.
14. PICA configuration
Enter the mailing address of the cognizant configuration or
engineering management organization element in the SICA
15. Remarks
Enter additional data as required.
16. Signature and title of
approving official
Enter the signature, name, and title of the approving official
17. Date
Enter the signature date.
(4) Submit a PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment request with the
information listed in Table 4 to change a management level code or to recommend reassignment
of PICA or SICA responsibility.
Table 4. Management Level Change or Reassignment Request Worksheet
Part 1. To be completed by the requesting office.
1. From
Enter the one position Service code for the requesting office:
A=Army, F=Air Force, M=Marine N=Navy, B=FAA,
C=Coast Guard. Enter two position alpha managing activity
code, contact name address, office symbol or code, and phone
number for the requesting office.
2. To
Enter the one position service code, two position alpha
managing activity code, and the address.
3. NSN
Enter the NSN. If the NSN desired is in a DoD I&S family
relationship, enter the master NSN.
4. Primary part number
Enter the primary part number.
5. Application
Enter the type of weapon system or end item being supported.
6. Item name
Enter the item name.
7. NSN of suitable
If the desired NSN is in a DoD I&S family relationship, list all
NSNs in the family.
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Table 4. Management Level Change or Reassignment Request Worksheet, Continued
Part 1. To be completed by the requesting office.
8. Unit price
Enter the item unit price.
9. Actions recommended by
the PICA or SICA
Recommend reassignment of PICA or SICA responsibility
from and to managing activity codes.
Enter the two position alpha managing activity codes to
identify the changes being proposed. Identify if service use is
being discontinued.
10. Change in management
level code
Enter the proposed management level change:
a. From consumable or nonconsumable.
b. To consumable or nonconsumable.
11. Reason for request
Specify the reason for the change request:
a. Economic or technical factors.
b. Collocation of management.
c. Depot or maintenance assignment.
c. Depot or maintenance assignment.
e. Other reason.
Provide the rational for requesting the change in a separate
narrative document, if necessary.
12. Last two years demand
Enter demand.
13. Quantity on hand
Enter current stockage data.
14.a. Quantity due in
Enter current quantity on order.
14.b. Quantity due out
Enter current quantity due out.
15. Item management code
Enter current item management code.
16. PICA data elements
affected by the change
Enter the current and proposed PICA data elements requiring
the change:
a. NIMSC by specifying the current NIMSC and proposed
b. Catalog management data (CMD) (e.g., acquisition
advice code or repair code) by specifying the current CMD and
the proposed CMD.
c. Other code changes by specifying the current code and
the proposed code.
d. Note any continuing foreign military sales support
requirements by including information on the applicable
foreign military sales sponsor.
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Table 4. Management Level Change or Reassignment Request Worksheet, Continued
17. SICA data elements affected
by the change
Enter the current and proposed SICA data elements
requiring the change:
a. MOE rule by specifying the current MOE rule and
proposed MOE rule.
b. NIMSC by specifying the current NIMSC and
proposed NIMSC.
c. CMD (e.g., acquisition advice code or repair code)
by specifying the current CMD and the proposed CMD.
d. Other code changes by specifying the current code
and the proposed code.
e. Note any continuing foreign military sales support
requirements by including information on the applicable
foreign military sales sponsor.
18. Point of contact
Enter the name, office symbol or code, and phone
number of the individual to be contacted regarding this
19. Response due date
Enter the response due date.
20. Repair or overhaul
specification or publication number
Enter the specification or publication number.
Specification or publication is only required for changes
from consumable to nonconsumable.
21. Estimated overhaul cost
Enter the estimated repair costs.
22. Estimated credit for
unserviceable returns
Enter 65 percent for NIMSC 5 items.
23. Overhaul activity code
Enter activity code of repair facility.
24. Name and title of the
requesting official
Enter the name and title of the requesting official.
25. Signature of the requesting official
26. Signature Date
Part 2. To be completed by the approving authority.
1. From
Enter the approving authority one position service code:
A=Army, F=Air Force, M=Marine N=Navy, B=FAA,
C=Coast Guard.
Enter two position alpha managing activity code,
contact name address, office symbol or code, and phone
2. To
Enter the one position service code, two position alpha
managing activity code, and the address for the
approving authority.
3. Response to requested change
Specify concur or nonconcur and provide an explanation
if nonconcurring.
4. Approved NIMSC or MOE rule
Enter approved NIMSC. If LIM, also enter MOE rule
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
Table 4. Management Level Change or Reassignment Request Worksheet, Continued
Part 2. To be completed by the approving authority, continued.
5. Document control number
Enter the approving authority document control number.
6. Proposed effective transfer date
Enter the date.
7. Materiel support date
Enter the date.
8. Name and title of the approving
Enter the name and title of the approving authority.
9. Signature of the approving official
10. Signature Date
(5) Identify approved depot source of repair (DSOR) to the PICA for inclusion in the
FLIS TIR in accordance with the item identification procedures in DoDM 4100.39.
(6) Complete the FLIS TIR in accordance with the procedures in DoDM 4100.39.
f. Either the PICA or SICA may submit a PICA or SICA management level change or
reassignment request worksheet to:
(1) Recommend the transfer of PICA responsibility between DoD Components or
(2) Request changes in the management level support to or from a PICA or SICA.
g. The SICA may submit a PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment request
worksheet to obtain initial support from a PICA.
h. The PICA or SICA receiving a NIMSR or PICA or SICA management level change or
reassignment request:
(1) Provides a response to the DoD Component or agency initiating the request within 45
calendar days. The response should either:
(a) Concur with the PICA’s recommendation with an effective transfer date (ETD)
for each item in the PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment request; or
(b) Nonconcur with the PICA’s recommendation with a detailed justification as to
why the request is not acceptable and a recommendation on the appropriate NIMSC.
(2) Extends the response time beyond the 45-day window only when the complexity of
the request warrants such extension. For example, a change from NIMSC 4 to NIMSC 5 could
involve considerable evaluation of the depot maintenance or procurement specifications.
(3) Contacts the DoD Component or agency initiating the request to negotiate a mutually
acceptable response date if the response cannot be provided within 45 calendar days.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(4) Resolves all differences with the DoD Component or agency initiating the request
and establishes acceptable procurement and depot-level repair specifications between PICA and
(5) Existing depot maintenance arrangements remain in place until reassignment requests
are accepted and approved.
3.2. PICA. The PICA:
a. Submits cataloging data to the MOE rule segment of FLIS TIR, except for exclusions
identified in Paragraph 1.1.b.
b. Authorizes procurement, when applicable, for all items assigned.
c. Determines DoD requirements for items assigned and initiates authorized reclamation or
disposal actions when appropriate in accordance with Volume 6 of DoDM 4140.01 and Volume
1 of DoDM 4160.21.
d. Determines wholesale stock levels required to support PICA assigned items and SICA
assigned NIMSC 5 or 6 items.
e. Establishes, in conjunction with the SICA, the degree of nonconsumable item materiel
support to be provided as indicated by the NIMSC.
f. Provides item management support to the SICAs based on the NIMSC.
g. Negotiates DMISAs when required.
h. Identifies data required from the SICA, in correlation with the NIMSC.
i. Processes all MISMO inter-Service maintenance assignments. Although the PICA is
responsible for maintenance, another DoD Component or commercial contract may perform
actual maintenance as designated by the NIMSC.
j. Records the applicable PICA NIMSC in the FLIS TIR to reflect the depot maintenance
support arrangement.
k. Notifies the SICA of the maintenance activity responsible for depot-level repair.
l. Establishes item management requirements.
m. Budgets for and funds DoD Component requirements in accordance with the NIMSCs
n. Records PICA and SICA DSOR codes, as approved by the MISMOs, in the FLIS TIR.
o. Captures the records of demands and retrograde returns to calculate users’ wholesale
requirements support computation.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
p. Uses unique item identifiers for nonconsumable items that have a unique item level
traceability requirement, in accordance with Volume 9 of DoDM 4140.01 and DoDI 8320.04.
q. Considers counterfeit materiel, parts, unauthorized product substitution, or materiel which
may introduce other risks during each life cycle phase and take appropriate action in accordance
with Volumes 3 and 6 of DoDM 4140.01 and with DoDI 4140.67.
r. Identifies I&S item relationships that are assigned the LOA 22/8D in accordance with
Table 74, Volume 10 of the Cataloging Data and Transaction Standards.
3.3. SICA. The SICA:
a. Submits requests for acquisition of nonconsumable items to the assigned PICA.
b. Notifies the PICA of nonconsumable item excesses and initiates reclamation or
disposition actions for nonconsumable items as directed by the PICA.
c. Negotiates with the PICA:
(1) The level of item management support the SICA requires;
(2) The appropriate NIMSC to reflect the level of support using NIMSC 5 or 6
assignment to nonconsumable items.
(3) Forecasted increases and decreases to the SICAs nonconsumable item demands and
carcass returns on an item-by-item basis upon determination of change to the demands and
(4) The applicable NIMSC to update the FLIS TIR.
(5) Proposed data cataloging changes in accordance with DoDM 4100.39.
(6) A DMISA when depot-level repair is desired for items assigned NIMSC other than 1,
2, 5, or 6.
d. Provides program item data to the PICA, when required for the PICA to meet the materiel
support commitments.
e. Budgets for and funds DoD Component requirements in accordance with NIMSCs
f. Provides DSOR codes approved by the SICA MISMO to the PICA inventory control point
(ICP) for recording in the FLIS TIR.
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3.4. EXCEPTIONS FOR SO-P ITEMS. When the USSOCOM is the PICA for NIMSC 1 and
2 items that are used by the SOF component of more than one Military Department:
(1) Provides nonconsumable item materiel support for:
(a) All SOF units.
(b) All MISO-peculiar equipment, regardless of the whether a Military Department
procures the MISO-peculiar equipment or if a Military Department adopts that MISO-peculiar
equipment using procedures in Paragraph 4.5.
(c) SO-P equipment procured or adopted by a Military Department as mission-
essential equipment for MISO activities.
(2) Determines if nonconsumable items are required for SOF missions.
(3) Offers up materiel that is no longer required for SOF missions in accordance with
Volume 6 of DoDM 4140.01.
(4) Submits data in the MOE rule segment of the FLIS TIR for logistics functions of
cataloging, acquisition, depot maintenance, contracted logistics support, and disposal.
(5) Performs the wholesale stock, store, and issue functions for SOF units.
b. A Military Department that has procured or adopted a USSOCOM PICA-managed item
for its conventional forces:
(1) Has acquisition authority for the USSOCOM PICA-managed item and procures
wholesale spares as needed to support conventional forces with the USSOCOM PICA-managed
(2) Exercises complete materiel management authority to include providing its own
SOS, budgetary planning requirements, depot maintenance, and disposal authority.
c. The USSOCOM and the Military Departments mutually agree on the list of equipment
designated as SO-P peculiar in a memorandum of agreement or memorandum of understanding,
in accordance with DoD Directive 5100.03.
d. When a Military Department procures or adopts an item for its conventional forces that
had been managed by the USSOCOM as the PICA, as authorized by Section 164(c) of Title 10,
United States Code, the Military Department:
(1) Supersedes the USSOCOM as the PICA.
(2) Assumes acquisition authority and responsibility for procuring wholesale spares
to support the previously USSOCOM PICA-managed item.
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(3) Exercises complete materiel management authority to include providing SOS,
budgetary planning requirements, depot maintenance, and disposal authority.
(4) Adds the item to internal Military Department item management responsibilities.
(5) Provides materiel support for the item to the both the SOF component and
conventional forces.
(6) Submits a request for the transfer of PICA management responsibility from the
USSOCOM to the procuring or adopting Military Department with the information in Table 4.
(7) Coordinates with the USSOCOM on the request for the transfer of PICA
management responsibility at the time of the procurement or adoption.
(8) Assumes SICA responsibilities for all MISO-peculiar and SO-P equipment
procured or adopted by the Military Department for MISO activities.
a. The PICA:
(1) Contacts DLA Logistics Information Services to change a NIMSC for an item in the
(2) Applies a numeric NIMSC to the record the SICA keeps for an item.
(3) Identifies the materiel support relationship when the SICA LOA is 8D for inter-
Service supply support agreements in accordance with Table 74, Volume 10 of the Cataloging
Data and Transaction Standards.
(4) Identifies the numeric NIMSC for the wholesale logistics functions the PICA
performs in support of the SICA.
(5) Applies the alphabetic NIMSC only to PICA item records and the PICA’s sources for
depot maintenance.
(6) Does not normally request a MIPR to support NIMSC 5 requirements.
b. For the numeric NIMSCs, the SICA:
(1) Submits supply support requirements for NIMSC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 items to the
PICA on MIPRs unless otherwise directed by the PICA.
(2) If requesting a PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment, provides
the information in Table 4, with:
(a) Documented justification for the item and type of change requested.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(b) Pertinent information for the PICA or SICA management level change or
reassignment request.
(c) Documented justification for retaining depot maintenance capability for end items
of equipment.
(d) Specific SOS or SOS modifiers that are appropriate for the SICA managing
activity, in the supply support requirements.
(3) Forwards the PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment request
documentation to the responsible MISMO for a decision, in the event that the PICA and SICA
cannot reach an agreement or are unaware of or do not concur with the approved DSOR.
(4) Applies the USSOCOM exception for SO-P items (see Paragraph 3.4.) for which the
USSOCOM is the PICA and that are used exclusively by the SOF component of a single Military
Department, which is the SICA.
c. For NIMSC 1:
(1) The SICA:
(a) Manages the wholesale stock, store, and issue functions in support of SICA
activities and retains depot-level repair capability where applicable.
(b) Documents justification for retaining depot maintenance capability for end items
of equipment.
d. For NIMSC 2, the SICA:
(1) Retains the wholesale stock, store, and issue functions in support of SICA activities
and retains depot-level repair capability, where applicable.
(2) Documents justification for retaining depot maintenance capability for the depot-
level reparable components.
e. For NIMSC 3, the SICA:
(1) Coordinates with the PICA on MIPR or other payment mechanisms for supply
support requirements.
(2) Manages the wholesale stock, store, and issue functions for nonconsumable items.
f. For NIMSC 4, the SICA:
(1) Manages the wholesale stock, store, and issue functions for nonconsumable items.
(2) Reviews items for NIMSC logistics reassignment to NIMSC 5 at a minimum of
every 2 years.
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g. For NIMSC 5, the SICA:
(1) Submits supply support requirements to the PICA on requisitions that are funded by a
designated point within the SICA.
(2) Submits initial or additional requirements on MIPRs that could be submitted on
funded requisitions if mutually agreed to by the PICA and the SICA.
(3) Returns unserviceable SICA assets to the PICA for credit.
(4) Provides item or program data required by the PICA to meet materiel support
h. For NIMSC 8:
(1) The SICA:
(a) Manages wholesale stock, store, and issue functions for nonconsumable items.
(b) Submits supply support requirements to the PICA via MIPRs.
(2) The PICA is responsible for submitting data into the FLIS TIR for item
identification, cataloging, acquisition, disposal authority, and depot maintenance that is provided
by a DMISA activity.
i. For NIMSC 9, the PICA:
(1) Manages cataloging data, acquisition, and disposal actions for items that do not have
an assignment for depot-level repair.
(2) Reassigns NIMSC 9 items to NIMSC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 based on the assignment for
depot-level repair, after completion of the depot maintenance review.
j. For NIMSC 0:
(1) The PICA:
(a) Assigns the NIMSC “P” for items supported through a commercial contract for
depot maintenance.
(b) Assigns NIMSC 0 to inter-Service used items where the SICA with LOA 8D is
supported wholly by the PICA with LOA 22 through contracted logistics support of a
performance-based agreement.
(2) DLA Logistics Information Services:
(a) Assigns NIMSC 0 to items with an existing wholesale inter-Service support
agreement during the initial file conversion program to change the NIMSC in the FLIS in
accordance with DoDM 4100.39.
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(b) Reassigns items from NIMSC 0 to NIMSC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 upon completion
of item reviews in accordance with Section 5 and Volume 6 of DoDM 4140.01.
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4.1. PROCEDURES FOR NIMSC 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, OR 0 ITEMS.
a. The PICA acts as the single submitter for cataloging MOE rule data in the FLIS TIR in
accordance with DoDM 4100.39.
b. For depot-level reparable components designated as NIMSC 0 and managed as SO-P, the
(1) Manages the logistics functions for:
(a) Single submitter cataloging actions.
(b) Acquisition, depot maintenance, contracted logistics support, and disposal
(c) Wholesale stock, store, and issue actions.
(2) Establishes a budget and funds the wholesale and retail stock level requirements.
(3) Processes Service SOF SICA supply requirements for requisitions that are centrally
funded by the USSOCOM PICA for the SOF SICAs.
4.2. PROVISIONING. The DoD Components:
a. Develop a coordinated maintenance plan for each nonconsumable item during the
provisioning process with a description of repair or maintenance actions.
b. Compute and document initial requirements for nonconsumable items in accordance with
AR 700-82, OPNAVINST 4410-2A, MCO 4400.120, Volume 3 of DoDM 4140.01, and DoDM
c. Use uniform source, maintenance, and recoverability codes in accordance with Army
Regulation 700-82, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction 4410-2A, Marine Corps
Order 4400.120.
d. Document justification for decisions to establish an IMC different from the PICA
established IMC.
e. Submit NIMSRs to the PICA for provisioning nonconsumable items.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
a. The IMMC assigns integrated materiel management of nonconsumable items entering the
DoD inventory to:
(1) A designated DoD Component.
(2) The DoD Component that introduces items that are not replacements for items
currently established in the DoD inventory.
(3) The designated DoD Component assigned as PICA on such joint program items with
life-cycle management responsibility for a joint provisioning action or joint acquisition of a
weapon system, subsystem, or next higher assembly requiring the new item.
(4) The DoD Component that requires peculiar items that no other DoD Component
(5) The DoD Component that manages a Defense Working Capital-funded depot-level
reparable component.
b. The designated DoD Component assigns the PICA functions to:
(1) An organic activity for items not managed by contracted logistics support.
(2) An organic activity for items currently managed by contracted logistics support,
when feasible.
(3) A contractor activity for items currently managed by contracted logistics support,
when it is not feasible to assign an organic activity as the PICA. If there are PICA functions that
the contractor cannot accomplish (e.g., registration and supporting secondary users), then the
DoD Component must provide alternative means for accomplishing those functions.
(4) To the PICA for previously assigned nonconsumable items that are replaced by new
items entering the DoD inventory.
c. In those instances where the MISMO is not designated before the provisioning conference
conducted as part of the Defense acquisition processes in accordance with the Defense
Acquisition Guidebook, the designated DoD Component:
(1) Records PICA assignments in the FLIS TIR for PICA NIMSC U” and SICA
NIMSC “9.”
(2) Reviews these items after receipt of depot-level repair assignment by the MISMO.
d. If the MISMO has not projected depot repair requirements, recommends contract repair,
or if the PICA is the recommended organic repair activity, the PICA:
(1) Negotiates with the SICA on the required level of SICA support.
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(2) Records the appropriate NIMSC in the FLIS TIR.
e. When the MISMO designates a DoD Component as the organic depot-level repair activity
and that DoD Component is not the PICA, the PICA:
(1) Determines if the responsibility for depot-level repair should be transferred to that
DoD Component.
(2) Negotiates the transfer of PICA responsibilities to the appropriate DoD Component
(3) Or, retains the PICA management responsibilities, with depot maintenance
performed by a SICA, and:
(a) Forwards the justification to their PICA IMMC member for documentation.
(b) Takes appropriate cataloging action with the PICA NIMSC to identify the DoD
Component that will actually be performing the depot maintenance.
(c) Provides the rationale for requiring a change to the depot maintenance assignment
to the MISMO for negotiation.
(d) Takes the appropriate cataloging action.
f. The DoD Component with responsibility for an inconsistently managed Defense Working
Capital Funded depot-level reparable item will be assigned as the PICA for the inconsistently
managed item.
a. Before proposing IMC changes, management level changes, or requests for PICA or SICA
reassignments, the requesting PICA or SICA:
(1) Completes prior coordination with each DoD Component using the item(s).
(2) Sends the information in Part 1 of Table 4 to the PICA and the SICA for each DoD
Component using the item.
(3) Gathers responses from each DoD Component using the item.
b. The SICA receiving proposed IMC changes reviews the rationale provided to determine
the appropriate IMC changes.
c. PICAs and SICAs will provide a response to requests for IMC changes within 45 days by
completing Part 2 of Table 4.
d. The PICA:
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(1) Completes a DSOR determination on items requiring depot level maintenance in
accordance with DoDI 4151.24.
(2) Initiates a DSOR action with its MISMO to obtain a DSOR decision.
e. For items converted to nonconsumables as a result of an IMC change, when the current
manager is an IMM, the GIM:
(1) Updates the FLIS TIR with the appropriate PICA or SICA MOE or LOA rules to
reflect nonconsumable item management.
(2) Negotiates an agreement on the appropriate materiel management action with all
involved parties before working with DLA Logistics Information Services to make any changes
to the materiel management assignment.
(3) Reassigns existing wholesale inventories:
(a) If the change in management results in an inconsistent management situation
under a numeric NIMSC other than NIMSC 5 or NIMSC 6 procedures.
(b) On a basis that recognizes the new division of wholesale support responsibilities
for the item.
(c) Basing the reconstitution of a SICA wholesale inventory on existing support
f. If the current manager is an IMM, the DoD Component:
(1) Converting an item to a nonconsumable will notify all other military users of the
proposed action to obtain materiel management responsibilities from the IMM.
(2) Requesting the return of nonconsumable items provides the same degree of logistics
support to all users as previously provided by the IMM until a change is directed by the PICA or
g. The PICA will process IMC changes that result in consistently managed consumables in
accordance with Volume 1 of DoD 4140.26-M.
h. If an IMC change effects or alters the MISMO maintenance assignment, the PICA:
(1) Notifies the MISMO within 30 days of the need for a joint resolution.
(2) Requests a resolution from the MISMO within 90 days.
(3) Completes cataloging actions in accordance with DoDM 4100.39 to reflect the latest
MISMO maintenance decision.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
a. The USSOCOM will catalog and register SICAs in the FLIS for SOF materiel for all DoD
b. A DoD Component that has a requirement for and desires to adopt an item assigned to a
(1) Identifies the appropriate NIMSC from Tables 1 and 2 with the worksheet
information in Table 4.
(2) Sends the NIMSR to the PICA and negotiates the materiel support changes with the
(3) Provides the necessary data to the PICA to enable the PICA to update the TIR to
reflect changes to applicable MOE rules.
(4) Negotiates a DMISA with the PICA for depot-level repair, if required.
(5) Provides the PICA with any additional data required by the PICA.
(6) When a contracted logistics support is in place as identified by the SOS in FLIS, the
requesting SICA will forward the NIMSR information in Table 3 to the DoD Component PICA.
c. When a DoD Component formally desires to adopt a USSOCOM managed item for its
SICA usage, the DoD Component:
(1) Assumes all materiel support requirements for the SOF component within the
adopting DoD Component.
(2) Establishes its own SOS for the item’s inventory.
(3) Coordinates with the USSOCOM PICA program management office for provisioning
and contractual guidance for procurement of the item, as needed.
(4) Submits a NIMSR with the worksheet information in Table 3 to the USSOCOM to
request the addition of the DoD Component’s MOE rule as a SICA.
a. The SICA:
(1) Forwards MIPRs or funded requisitions, as instructed by the PICA, for initial stock
and nonrecurring requirements.
(2) Contacts the PICA to determine which procurement documents are required.
b. The PICA:
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(1) Manages the acquisition of all assigned items of supply.
(2) Initiates procurement of assigned items in accordance with the Federal Acquisition
Regulation, the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, and applicable DoD
Component acquisition procedures.
(3) Provides written authorization for the SICA to initiate appropriate procurement
action except for items designated by the AAC for local purchase.
(4) Provides the SICA with expected delivery dates when a procurement is funded by the
(5) Checks available wholesale stocks before initiating procurement actions to meet a
(6) Attempts to fill the requirement out of available stock, based requisition priorities.
(7) Provides SICAs with estimated delivery dates of items to fill requisitions.
(8) Assigns the appropriate priority rating for the purchase and allocation of assigned
items in accordance with DoD 4400.1-M.
(9) Manages nonconsumable items provided to, or requisitioned by, contractors, for the
performance of contracts in accordance with DoDI 4161.02.
c. The SICAs will submit requirements on MIPRS for end items (NIMSC 1 and NIMSC 3)
and submit MIPRs or funded requisitions for end items (NIMSC 5 and NIMSC 6) as directed by
the PICA.
d. The SICA will not procure items without written permission from the PICA, except:
(1) When the PICA is the USSOCOM and the SICA is acquiring a NIMSC 1 or NIMSC
2 item; or
(2) As authorized by the Subpart 8 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
a. PICAs and SICAs may submit proposed cataloging changes to item data to the responsible
PICA, with the worksheet information in Table 4. The responsible PICA:
(1) Reviews submissions and determines the proper cataloging actions in accordance
with DoDM 4100.39.
(2) Collaborates with all users of the items in accordance with DoDM 4100.39.
(3) Submits assignments, changes, or deletions of DSOR codes to the MISMOs for
review. Proceeds with DSOR code change actions only after receiving MISMO approval.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(4) Resolves all conflicts between users of the items before submitting catalog changes
to DLA Logistics Information Services.
b. DLA Logistics Information Services:
(1) Processes item changes applicable to the MOE rule segment of the FLIS TIR, but
only when such item changes are received from the responsible PICA.
(2) Uniquely identifies the PICA in the FLIS by MOE rule with LOA 22.
(3) Uniquely identifies the SICA in the FLIS by MOE rule with LOA 8D.
(4) Processes NIMSRs from the PICA that registered in the FLIS for the nonconsumable
(5) Returns rejected NIMSR to the submitter for re-submission to the recorded PICA.
(6) Completes cataloging actions in accordance with DoDM 4100.39.
c. The DoD Component introducing new items to the FLIS will request and record the items
in the FLIS TIR with the appropriate codes for the PICA MOE rule, LOA, NIMSC, and DSOR.
d. When another DoD Component desires to adopt an established item, the DoD Component
will complete and submit a NIMSR worksheet (Table 3) to the PICA.
e. PICAs and SICAs:
(1) Send updates for their individual DoD Component CMD directly to DLA Logistics
Information Services in accordance with DoDM 4100.39.
(2) Send management level change requests that would impact the responsible SICA to
the impacted SICA.
(3) Identify the SOS for SICA activities reflecting NIMSC of 1 through 5 or 8 and 9.
Identify the appropriate AAC for the SICA SOS and requisition guidelines.
(4) Identify the PICA SOS and AAC for SICA activities reflecting a NIMSC 6 in
accordance with DoDM 4100.39.
(5) Update the PICA CMD in the FLIS automatically for corresponding SICA CMD
elements. This does not include PICA CMD updates for other than SICA-peculiar data with the
appropriate SOS and AAC.
(6) Submit requirements to establish or change MOE rules or for a NIMSC using the
PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment request worksheet in Table 4.
(7) Collaborate with all DoD Components involved in cataloging changes when the item
management changes from consumable to nonconsumable or vice versa. After gaining
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
concurrence from the DoD Components, submit the PICA or SICA management level change or
reassignment worksheet in Table 4.
(8) Submit all catalog requirements for SO-P items to the USSOCOM.
(1) Determines and manages all data for SO-P items without collaboration with or
concurrence from the other Military Departments, except when a Military Departments is a SICA
for NIMSC 1 or 2 items.
(2) As a single submitter, determines the appropriate codes for MOE rules SO-P
(3) Performs the joint cataloging capabilities, as both the submitter and collaborator.
g. For the transfer of item management responsibility to another Military Department:
(1) PICAs will send a PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment request
worksheet (Table 4) to PICA that is the dominant user of an item.
(2) If the PICA that is the dominant user concurs, that PICA will forward a copy of the
completed PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment request to the other item
users for information or materiel management action.
h. For a change in materiel management that adds responsibility for items:
(1) The SICA requesting the change sends a PICA or SICA management level change or
reassignment request worksheet (Table 4) to the PICA currently responsible for the item.
(2) If the current PICA concurs, the current PICA forwards the completed PICA or SICA
management level change or reassignment request to the other users for information or action.
(3) The PICA that is assigned responsibility for the item informs all SICAs that adopt or
use the item.
4.8. DEPOT MAINTENANCE. The DoD Components will implement the DSOR process in
accordance with DoDI 4151.24 for all nonconsumable items that are subject to depot-level
a. The SICA:
(1) Determines what quantities of nonconsumable items are in excess of the SICA’s
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(2) Identifies excess assets to the PICA and initiates a request for disposition instructions
in accordance with Volume 1 of DoDM 4160.21.
(3) Executes the disposition instructions by returning assets to the PICA, in accordance
with applicable DoD policies, and U.S. laws and regulations, including Volume 1 of DoDM
4160.21 and DoDIs 2030.08 and 4160.28.
(4) Identifies items requiring reclamation and advises the Military Department and
Defense Agency ICPs or IMMs of items with reclamation potential, in accordance with Volume
1 of DoDM 4160.21.
b. The PICA:
(1) Determines if a requirement for the excess materiel exists including advising other
military users of the available excess materiel.
(2) Identifies materiel quantities that are excess to PICA requirements.
(3) Offers excess assets to other users before taking disposal action, in accordance with
the procedures in Volume 6 of DoDM 4140.01 and Volume 1 of DoDM 4160.21.
(4) Makes recommendations for the reclamation or disposal of excess materiel under its
(5) Develops disposition instructions for excess materiel in accordance with Volume 1 of
DoDM 4160.21 and DoDIs 2030.08 and 4160.28.
(6) Provides disposition instructions for excess materiel to the SICA upon confirmation
of other requirements for the excess materiel.
(7) Accomplishes excess reporting and responses with the SICA using procedures in
Volume 10 of DoDM 4140.01 and Volume 1 of DoDM 4160.21.
a. The PICA:
(1) Identifies or selects potentially inactive items for possible elimination from the
supply system and Federal Catalog, in accordance with the procedures in DoDM 4100.39 and
Volume 9 of DoDM 4140.01.
(2) Identifies inactive items to registered users in the FLIS and SICAs for an item
management review and a delete or retain decision in accordance with Volume 9 of DoDM
(3) Deletes items from the DoD supply system after receiving concurrence from all
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(4) Considers a SICA’s non-response to an inactive item review notification as a
concurrence in accordance with Section 5 and Volume 9 of DoDM 4140.01.
(5) Purges items from the DoD supply system that are no longer needed in accordance
with Paragraph 4.9.
b. The SICAs:
(1) Review the recommended inactive items for future potential use by the SICA.
(2) Coordinate with the International Logistics Center Office, DLA, as appropriate.
(3) Provide the PICA with a recommendation for retention, reclamation, or deletion of an
item in the DoD supply system.
a. The DoD Components:
(1) Standardize documentation and descriptions of nonconsumable items in accordance
with the procedures in DoDI 4120.24 and DoDMs 4100.39 and 4120.24.
(2) Coordinate actions to standardize the documentation and description of
nonconsumable items with the responsible PICA.
b. The responsible PICA:
(1) Coordinates standardization actions affecting its assigned nonconsumable items:
(a) When a standardization document for nonconsumable items is needed but does
not exist.
(b) When standardization documents for nonconsumable items are inadequate.
(2) Coordinates the standardization of nonconsumable item documentation and
descriptions in accordance with the procedures in DoDI 4120.24 and DoDMs 4100.39 and
(3) Refers to current standardized item documentation in federal and military
specifications, standards, and handbooks listed in the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards
for standardization actions, Part 102-27 of the Federal Management Regulation.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
a. The PICA:
(1) Reviews:
(a) The assignment of IMMs to eliminate duplicate national inventory management
functions for those nonconsumable items that are used by more than one DoD Component or
participating federal agency.
(b) The application of materiel management objectives to promote consistent PICA
assignments and consistent NIMSC assignments for nonconsumable items:
1. Scheduled for inter-Service repair on negotiated DMISAs.
2. Currently scheduled for purchase.
3. On an individual NSN basis.
4. On a system or equipment basis.
(2) Identifies items and negotiates an annual item management review schedule with the
(3) Provides the review schedule to the DoD Component focal points.
b. IMMs:
(1) Select and conduct annual item management reviews for migration of:
(a) All national stock numbered nonconsumable items assigned to a PICA.
(b) All consistently managed items and depot-level reparable components.
(c) All inconsistently managed items to PICA wholesale support.
(d) Nonconsumable items upon item adoption by another DoD Component.
(2) Conduct an annual item management review of items in Paragraph 5.1.b.(1) except:
(a) Items currently recorded in the FLIS with NIMSC 5 or NIMSC 6.
(b) Consistently managed end items.
(c) Navy air launched missile items.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(d) USSOCOM PICA managed items.
a. Based on the requirement for an annual materiel management review of items for
migration to NIMSC 5 or NIMSC 6, the PICA provides the SICA a materiel management review
(1) On a PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment request worksheet
(Table 4).
(2) With a recommended change to a single submitter of procurement specifications and
depot-level repair specifications for NIMSC 5 or NIMSC 6 as appropriate.
b. The SICA:
(1) Responds to the PICA’s materiel management review request within 45 days from
the date of the PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment request.
(2) Provides a response to the PICA’s review request and either:
(a) Concurs with the PICA’s recommended change and follows the procedures in
Section 6 of this manual.
(b) Nonconcurs with the PICA’s recommendation, with a detailed justification as the
basis for its position, and requests materiel management support under NIMSC 2 or NIMSC 8 as
c. The PICA has 30 days to resolve all differences in information or recommended actions.
The SICA retains item management and continues the existing depot arrangement when the
PICA cannot reach an agreement with the SICA on a change to procurement and depot-level
repair specifications.
d. The PICA assigns:
(1) NIMSC 8 if a DMISA exists.
(2) NIMSC 2 if no DMISA exists.
e. SICAs review PICA depot-level repair specifications for items that a SICA manages as
consumable, to determine if there is an item repaired under the PICA’s repair specification, or an
acceptable revision to the PICA repair specification, that would satisfy the SICA’s requirement.
(1) The SICA has 45 days to respond to a PICA materiel management review request. If
additional time is required, an extension must be negotiated between the PICA and the SICA.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(2) If a repaired PICA asset would not satisfy the SICA’s requirement, the SICA will
continue to manage the repaired PICA asset as NIMSC 2.
f. All DoD Components establish consistent item management during the secondary phase of
the item procurement and depot-level repair specifications review.
g. DoD Components managing an item as a consumable will review depot-level repair
specifications established by another Military Department using the item to determine if any
depot repaired items meet the DoD Component’s operational requirements.
(1) If one or more depot repaired items meet the DoD Component’s operational
(a) The SICA will initiate an action to change the item’s (or items’) management
level coding to nonconsumable.
(b) The PICA assigns NIMSC 5 to the item(s) with an ETD for each approved item
in the PICA or SICA management level change or reassignment request.
(2) If depot repaired items will not meet the DoD Component’s operational
requirements, the PICA assigns NIMSC 2 to the depot repaired item that does not meet the DoD
Component’s operational requirement.
(3) If one or more depot repaired items meet the DoD Component’s operational
requirements, but those requirements preclude carcass exchange, the PICA will assign NIMSC 6
to the depot repaired items.
h. When the PICA and at least one SICA accepts the management level change to a single
procurement specification and a single submitter of depot-level repair specifications, the PICA
will assign NIMSC 5 to the item and migrate the item to the PICA for management.
i. When a SICA does not concur with the change to a single submitter of procurement
specifications and a single submitter of depot-level repair specifications, the SICA will continue
to manage the item in accordance with support arrangements as reflected by the NIMSC assigned
to the item managed by the SICA.
j. When the PICA nonconcurs with the SICA justification for retention, the IMMC will
make the final resolution in accordance with the procedures in Volume 6 of DoDM 4140.01.
k. Each ICP will establish and identify the contact points to process all item management
l. When a DoD Component has a requirement to adopt an item previously assigned to a
PICA, the adopting DoD Component will provide consistent management with a comparable
IMC to the IMC in the item identification records.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
a. The DoD Components use these procedures to migrate nonconsumable items from a
NIMSC other than NIMSC 5 or NIMSC 6 to NIMSC 5 or NIMSC 6 or PICA logistics
reassignments made in accordance with Section 5 of this manual.
b. The DoD Components will follow the procedures and reporting requirements for NIMSC
migration in Chapter 11, Volume 2 of Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25.
c. The DoD Components will organize migration based on the agreed upon ETD. The DoD
(1) Plan the logistics reassignment actions necessary for migration into three time-
periods: pre-ETD, ETD, and post-ETD.
(2) Start pre-ETD actions when the PICA or SICA management level change or
reassignment request is approved.
(a) The current PICA or losing item manager (LIM) will establish the ETD for a
NIMSC migration.
(b) The gaining inventory manager (GIM) will establish the ETD for a PICA
(c) DLA Logistics Information Services establishes the NIMSC in the FLIS as a data
(3) Discuss any actions involving data requirements that reflect item conditions as of the
(4) Delineate the specific actions required to take place during NIMSC migration and
PICA reassignment and segregate the actions into the pre-ETD, ETD, and post-ETD time-
a. IMMs submit a worksheet with the information in Table 4 to request a NIMSC migration
or PICA reassignment.
b. The PICA:
(1) Submits a request to the SICA for a change to the NIMSC with the ETD using the
worksheet in Table 4 when appropriate based on an item management review.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(2) Identifies an item subject to adjustments to appropriation financial accounts based on
changes to responsibilities, unless otherwise negotiated when changing a NIMSC to 5 or 6 from
other than NIMSC 5 or 6.
(3) Establishes the effective date for a NIMSC change and uses this date as the ETD.
The GIM will input cataloging changes after negotiating a change in PICA assignment.
(4) Maintains stock levels for items being logistically reassigned to a PICA or NIMSC
migration through the pre-ETD time-period.
(5) Sends a request for a NIMSC migration or a logistics reassignment to the logistics
representatives on the Joint Staff:
(a) To discontinue a SO-P capability or requirement for a USSCOM funded and
procured item if the USSOCOM is the LIM PICA.
(b) To transfer items to a GIM outside of the USSOCOM.
(6) Transfers items to a GIM outside of the USSOCOM only when in receipt of specific
authorization and direction from the logistics representatives on the Joint Staff to discontinue a
SO-P capability or requirement.
c. When it is determined that an SO-P item meets a common item requirement, the PICA
negotiates the logistics reassignment with the GIM and LIM on:
(1) The disposition of the remaining on-hand assets.
(2) Adjustments to the appropriation financial accounts based on responsibility changes
for remaining on-hand assets.
(3) Additional negotiation necessary based on existing memorandum of agreements for
the item between the LIM and other item managers.
d. IMMs:
(1) Perform a physical inventory of the on-hand wholesale assets within 150 days before
ETD and reconcile inventory records based on the results of the physical inventory as required.
(2) Establishes retail and wholesale stock levels before ETD.
(3) Adjust appropriate financial accounts based on changes to responsibilities for all on-
hand wholesale assets excess to total system retail requirements of the LIM, in place on ETD,
unless otherwise negotiated with the LIM, using the procedures pursuant to Volume 2 of Defense
Logistics Manual 4000.25. Make adjustments for items:
(a) Designated or held for specific program or projects within the DoD Components.
(b) Held in supply condition codes (SCCs) G,” “H,” “J,K,” “L,M,” and “P” in
accordance with the procedures in Volume 2 of Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(4) Dispose of items with SCC “H.”
(5) Complete reclamation of items with SCC “P.”
(6) Submit requests to the LIM for reports on availability of items with SCC “H” and
(7) Reclassify items with SCCG,” “J,K,” “L,” and “M” materiel to an acceptable
SCC before ETD, if possible.
(8) Adjust appropriation financial accounts based on responsibility changes for materiel
with SCC “G,” “J,” “K,” “L,” and “M” to the GIM unless otherwise specified.
(9) Attempt to reclassify assets located at another DMISA site or at a commercial repair
site before the ETD. Update records of the physical inventory for reclassified materiel, upon
converting the reclassified materiel to an acceptable SCC after ETD of the materiel to the GIM,
unless otherwise specified.
e. The LIM’s responsible contracting office:
(1) Process to completion all existing contracts covering the transferred items.
(2) Review indefinite delivery type contracts or multi-year contracts for all transferred
items, when the contract period remaining for the transferred items exceeds one calendar year
from the ETD.
(3) Coordinate with the responsible contracting offices of the PICA and SICAs involved
to determine whether it is best to:
(a) Transfer indefinite delivery type contracts or multi-year contracts to the GIM,
when the contract period remaining for the transferred items exceeds one calendar year from the
(b) Continue contract administration responsibility of contracts not assigned to the
Defense Contract Management Agency.
f. The storage site LIM:
(1) Maintains physical care and custody of stocks until the GIM provides direction to
issue, relocate, or dispose of the stocks.
(2) Relocates stocks when the PICA or SICA that has requested management level
change or reassignment determines it is more economical or essential to physically consolidate
or ship materiel to storage locations under the control of the PICA or SICA rather than to reduce
the stocks in place through attrition.
(3) Bills the PICA or SICA that has requested management level change or reassignment
for the transportation and accessorial costs for relocation of stocks for consolidation.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
g. The PICA:
(1) Inputs the appropriate NIMSC change for NIMSC 5 or NIMSC 6 items to the FLIS
TIR within 30 days of receipt of the coordinated PICA or SICA management level change or
reassignment request.
(2) Establishes the ETD for the NIMSC change as the ETD for logistics reassignment.
h. The SICA establishes internal procedures to update accountable and financial records for
wholesale assets on the ETD, as otherwise negotiated by the LIM and the GIM.
i. Once the SICA receives notification from DLA Logistics Information Services or from the
PICA of the effective date for the NIMSC change to NIMSC 5 or NIMSC 6, the SICA:
(1) Validates the SICA SOS and initiates changes to the SOS, if appropriate.
(2) Advises all units supported by the SICA to start the adjustment of the accountable
and financial records of the items affected by the logistics reassignment, if required.
(3) Updates cataloguing management data lines in the FLIS with the SICA SOS for
NIMSC 5 items and the PICA SOS for NIMSC 6 items.
j. When a LIM will no longer use an item:
(1) The LIM should negotiate the item’s reassignment to a GIM and document the item
reassignment in the FLIS when the GIM confirms acceptance of the LIM’s PICA
(2) The SICA should accept GIM responsibility when the materiel support requirements
are in place.
(3) And if the GIM has been assigned responsibility for depot maintenance for the item,
the LIM will notify the PICA MISMO to evaluate the depot maintenance assignment, as
necessary to support all item users.
(4) And if a DoD Component other than the original LIM has been assigned depot
maintenance responsibility for the item, that DoD Component will continue providing the depot
maintenance for all others that use the item.
(5) And if the SICA does not agree to become GIM, the existing recorded LIM must
continue furnishing supply support, including depot repair, if assigned, even though the LIM
does not use the item.
6.3. PRE-ETD TIME-PERIOD. During the pre-ETD time-period:
a. The LIM:
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(1) Validates back orders in accordance with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2 and
materiel obligation validation procedures in accordance with Volume 9 of DoDM 4140.01 before
(2) Discontinues redistribution of wholesale stocks of items assigned to a PICA 60 days
before ETD.
(3) Notifies the GIM during the pre-ETD time-period of any item that is, or may become,
in short supply (e.g., less than minimum reserve or control level necessary to meet customer
demands) so that the LIM and GIM can take mutually agreed-to corrective actions.
(4) Furnishes management data, if requested by the GIM, such as price history, bidders
list, requirements type contracts, industrial readiness information, and other purchase
(5) Coordinates with the GIM to transfer data on a specified date.
(6) Furnishes the GIM requirements in accordance with the electronic data standards in
the FLIS and Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2 no less than 90 days before ETD.
(7) Submits updated requirements in accordance with the electronic data standards in the
FLIS and Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2 after initial submission, if appropriate.
(8) Provides an asset report to the GIM that both reflects information for the wholesale
assets as of the submission date and projects information for the wholesale assets available on
the ETD.
(9) If requested by the GIM, starts action approximately 45 days before the ETD to:
(a) Amend existing contracts or purchase orders where feasible for items being
(b) Provide directions to divert shipments of stock buy items from delivery to the
LIM storage depots to delivery to the GIM’s storage depots for the items being transferred.
b. The GIM:
(1) Reviews outstanding contracts, along with the LIM.
(2) Determines whether to deliver items to LIM wholesale storage depots or to divert
items to GIM storage depots.
(3) Submits a request to the LIM to:
(a) Initiate an amendment to existing contracts or purchase orders for items being
transferred, if feasible.
(b) Divert shipments of stock buy items into the GIM storage depots with the
addresses for the GIM storage depots.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(4) Determines the number of items required in the wholesale system.
(5) Considers all items that are available from losing organizations.
(6) Determines if the total of the wholesale assets and LIM assets are sufficient to
support new PICA wholesale levels.
(7) Negotiates with the LIM, on a case-by-case basis, to obtain required funds or assets
for support up to the amount the LIM would have expended for support.
(8) Schedules necessary procurements and repairs through the current funding period.
c. The GIM and the LIM will adjust records for assets on the same date.
6.4. ETD TIME-PERIOD. During the ETD time-period:
a. The LIM:
(1) Transfers accountability for wholesale assets to the GIM on the ETD in accordance
with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2.
(2) Submits a report to the GIM with a list of the wholesale item quantities in SCCG,
J,” “K,” “L,” and “M” that cannot be transferred on ETD due to the supply condition.
(3) Completes transfer actions on the ETD.
(4) Fills backorders with on hand assets before ETD.
(5) Sends information on any unfilled backorders to the GIM for action as needed.
b. The GIM:
(1) Assumes responsibility for wholesale supply support on ETD.
(2) Accepts the receipt of funded authorized requisitions delivered on or after the ETD.
6.5. POST-ETD TIME-PERIOD. During the post-ETD time-period:
a. The LIM:
(1) Processes delivery orders to complete all contracts executed by the DoD Component
before the NIMSC migration or PICA logistics reassignment.
(2) Prepares and submits inventory adjustments in automated inventory management
systems to increase or decrease quantities of previously transferred items in accordance with the
provisions of Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(3) Furnishes the GIM with documentation of the item price history, bidders list, copies
of the contractors’ requirement type contracts for the items, industrial readiness information, and
other procurement data within 30 days of a request from the GIM.
b. The SICA:
(1) Performs contract administration unless the contract administration responsibility is
assigned to another contract administration office.
(2) Updates item management records for wholesale stock (in acceptable condition
codes) identified for reduction by the LIM within 1 year after ETD to the GIM on an expedited
basis. Updates item management records for residual stock reductions such as:
(a) Stock in transit.
(b) Stock previously suspended with SCCJ,K,” “G,or “M.”
(c) Stock previously held due to litigation with SCC “L.”
(d) Stock received by the GIM from procurement regardless of when they are
(3) Reports any wholesale stock to the GIM that is identified by the LIM as excess,
subsequent to the ETD plus 1 year, in accordance with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25.
c. The GIM:
(1) Issues, relocates, or disposes of wholesale materiel at SICA attrition sites or other
nonpermanent storage locations, after the ETD.
(2) Issues or relocates wholesale materiel with materiel release orders using data formats
in Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2.
(3) Holds stocks at attrition sites and issue ahead of other stocks, if possible.
(4) Sends requests to the LIM for information needed such as the price history, bidders
list, requirement type contracts, industrial readiness information, and other procurement data,
and allows 30 days for the response from the LIM.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
a. Coordinates with the SICAs to determine if an item should be stocked at the wholesale
level of organized DoD supply in accordance with Volumes 2 and 3 of DoDM 4140.01.
b. Coordinates with the SICAs to determine whether to designate an NIMSC 5 item as
nonstocked (e.g., AAC “J” for not stocked, centrally procured items).
c. Determines if new items, assigned to the PICA, should be stocked or nonstocked.
Records stockage decisions with the AAC in the FLIS TIR according to FLIS procedures.
d. Coordinates with the SICA on changes to an item’s stockage status, from stocked to
e. Continues to maintain wholesale stock if a SICA determines that wholesale stocks must be
maintained in order to provide timely resupply to its customers.
f. Negotiates the transfer of item management from the PICA to the SICA, and requirements
for wholesale stock.
a. The PICA uses its parent DoD Component’s requirements, procedures, and methodology
to compute wholesale stock requirements in accordance with Volume 2 of DoDM 4140.01 based
on the item demand projections provided by the SICA.
b. The SICA:
(1) Provides the PICA with item demand projections for computing wholesale stock
(2) Provides the PICA with projected materiel requirements.
(3) Provides annually projected materiel requirements to the PICA for every NIMSC 5
item by February 1 of each year in accordance with the procedures in Volume 2 of DoDM
a. Item Transfer Actions.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(1) The PICA determines the overall item distribution for wholesale requirements
objectives in accordance with the procedures in Volume 2 of DoDM 4140.01.
(2) The SICA:
(a) Determines the distribution of items for each retail activity.
(b) Establishes and maintains separate accounts at each activity with reduced
wholesale stock that is on hold for the gaining PICA.
(c) Determines the quantity of items to stock in the SICA’s retail inventory based on
the ETD.
(d) Updates records for the remaining quantity of materiel in place at each supply
activity on ETD.
(e) Notifies the PICA of the materiel reductions in accordance with Defense
Logistics Manual 4000.25-2.
(f) Establishes records of item attrition.
(g) Issues materiel transferred by logistics reassignment upon receipt of
requisitioning and issue documentation from the PICA in accordance with Defense Logistics
Manual 4000.25-1.
(h) Submits requisitioning, issue, transaction, and accounting documentation to the
PICA in accordance with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-1 and Defense Logistics Manual
b. Requisition Processing. The SICA:
(1) Submits requisition documentation to the appropriate SOS for PICA-managed
nonconsumable items in accordance with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2.
(2) Identifies assets available to fill requisitions.
(3) Issues attrition stocks held in SICA storage sites ahead of stock located at other sites.
(4) Fills requisitions from nonregistered users if possible.
c. Physical Inventory. DoD Component storage sites:
(1) Conduct physical inventories in accordance with Volume 5 of DoDM 4140.01.
(2) Transmit physical inventory requests and results between the PICA and the SICA
attrition sites as specified in accordance with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2.
(3) Complete physical relocation of stocks from attrition sites, e.g., SICA storage sites.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(4) Complete distribution and redistribution of wholesale assets only by direction of the
(5) Position stocks as directed by the PICA, based on the emerging overall demand
pattern in accordance with Volumes 3 and 5 of DoDM 4140.01.
(6) Negotiate with other DoD Components to position wholesale stocks at other DoD
Component’s activities.
a. The DoD Components:
(1) Use the requisitioning procedures in accordance with Defense Logistics Manual
(2) Provide directions to DLA Transaction Services for maintaining SOS by item.
(3) Prescribe the flow for processing requisitions within a given DoD Component, except
requisitions for NIMSC 5 items.
(4) Direct the flow for processing requisitions for NIMSC 5 items from SICA activities
via the SICA ICP for funding, prioritization, and requisition control purposes.
(5) Submit transactions, in accordance with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-1, that
are applicable to NIMSC 5 items to the SICA via DLA Transaction Services consistent with
assigned status codes and distribution codes entries.
b. DLA Transaction Services maintain SOS by item, as directed by the individual DoD
c. The SICA transmits requisitions via DLA Transaction Services to the PICA.
d. The SICA submits funded requisitions for NIMSC 6 items directly to the PICA through
DLA Transaction Services.
a. IMMs:
(1) Assign the appropriate issue priority designator to requisitions, in accordance
Volume 8 of DoDM 4140.01.
(2) Fill requisitions from PICA wholesale stocks in accordance with the procedures in
Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-1, without regard to the affiliation of the requisitioning
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
b. The PICA:
(1) Establishes control levels and maximum release quantities for each item.
(2) Processes requisitions in accordance with the assigned Uniform Materiel Movement
and Issue Priority System (UMMIPS) issue priority designators and time standards in accordance
with Volume 8 of DoDM 4140.01.
(3) Fills requisitions in the UMMIPS sequence in accordance with Defense Logistics
Manual 4000.25-1 and Volume 8 of DoDM 4140.01.
(4) Advises customers of actions taken to fill requisitions in accordance with Defense
Logistics Manual 4000.25-1.
a. In accordance with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25 and Volumes 4 and 11 of DoDM
4140.01, each PICA and SICA:
(1) Employs an item management program for critical or essential items.
(2) Designates items as critical when they are in short supply or expected to be in short
supply for an extended period.
(3) Reports critical items.
b. The PICA:
(1) Establishes critical item procedures with, at a minimum, physical inventory
guidelines, expedited acquisition and depot repair, handling and shipping routines, and special
asset release techniques.
(2) Establishes criteria for managing critical items.
(3) Considers recommendations from the SICA to designate an item as critical.
(4) Places restrictions on issuing items as soon as the items are designated as critical.
(5) Makes every effort to ensure assets are allocated and distributed.
(6) Fills requirements in accordance with Volume 6 of DoDM 4140.01.
Volumes 2, 4, 10, and 11 of DoDM 4140.01 and DoDI 3110.06:
a. Each SICA provides WRM requirements to the PICA.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
b. The PICA:
(1) Consolidates all WRM requirements to arrive at the total wholesale WRM
(2) Offsets the total wholesale WRM requirement through industrial preparedness
(3) Accomplishes inventory management responsibilities for the wholesale WRM
(4) Consolidates each DoD Component’s requirements of each DoD Component to
arrive at the total wholesale WRM requirement.
(5) Protects and reserves wholesale WRM.
(6) Limits issues from WRM to fill peacetime requirements only for conditions
authorized by DoDI 3110.06.
(7) Reconstitutes any WRM after making issues to fill a peacetime requirement.
(8) Applies funds that are available to fill deficits in war reserve materiel requirements.
(9) Procures the prepositioned war reserve stock upon receipt of appropriate funding
documents (e.g. a MIPR) and delivers the stock to the SICA.
(10) Issues the prepositioned war reserve materiel in accordance with the procedures in
Volumes 6 and 10 of DoDM 4140.01.
c. Each DoD Component:
(1) Computes a war reserve materiel requirement for nonconsumable items under the
management of another DoD Component in accordance with the procedures in Volumes 6 and
10 of DoDM 4140.01.
(2) Subtracts its prepositioned war reserve requirement from its war reserve materiel
requirement to determine its other war reserve materiel requirements.
(3) Forwards its other war reserve materiel requirements to the PICA.
(4) Completes computation and inventory management of its prepositioned war reserve
requirement and prepositioned war reserve stock in accordance with Volumes 2 and 10 of DoDM
a. Each SICA:
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
(1) Returns all unserviceable NIMSC 5 items with SCCs “E” and “F” to the designated
PICA collection point.
(2) Processes NIMSC 5 condemned items with SCC “H” in accordance with the PICA’s
b. Each PICA with unserviceable NIMSC 5 items:
(1) Provides the SICA with the designated collection point for unserviceable NIMSC 5
items with SCCs “E” and “F” for exchange credit processing in accordance with Volume 6 of
DoDM 4140.01.
(2) Only directs unserviceable assets to a government service or agency organic
collection point, or service managed collection and distribution hub, for items being repaired by
the PICA on a commercial contract.
(3) Returns unserviceable NIMSC 5 items for repairs in accordance with Volume 6 of
DoDM 4140.01.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
a. In accordance with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-1, Defense Logistics Manual
4000.25-2 and Volume 4 of Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25, the PICA:
(1) Sends a bill to the SICA for 100 percent of the standard price for wholesale stock
issues to include the acquisition cost plus surcharges that are applicable in accordance with
Volume 10 of DoDM 4140.01 and Volume 4, Chapter 4 of DoD 7000.14-R.
(2) Processes a net credit of the difference between the standard price and the exchange
price (repair cost plus surcharge) for all unserviceable returns from the SICA to the PICA.
(3) Processes receipt without a credit for unserviceable returns that are beyond
restoration in accordance with Volume 6 of DoDM 4140.01.
(4) Processes receipt without a credit for unserviceable returns when a requisition for a
replacement item has not been submitted.
(5) Provides the resources for assigned logistics responsibilities, including the funding
for wholesale inventory.
(6) Budgets and manages the funds for:
(a) The wholesale supply support.
(b) DoD depot maintenance or overhaul requirements in support of reparable returns
and the PICA’s retail requirements based on forecasts of customer demand calculated in
accordance with Volume 2 of DoDM 4140.01.
(c) Items identified as the PICA’s responsibility in DMISAs or other agreements.
b. The SICA:
(1) In accordance with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-1, reimburses the PICA for:
(a) All issues from wholesale stocks.
(b) Items provided by the PICA in support of SICA wholesale requirements.
(c) Support of SICA retail requirements provided by the PICA, including foreign
military sales, security assistance programs, and grant aid.
(2) Uses MIPRs for retail requirements that require the PICA to initiate procurement.
(3) Offers serviceable items generated as excess within the SICA retail system to the
PICA, in accordance with the materiel returns procedures in Volume 6 of DoDM 4140.01.
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c. Each DoD Component:
(1) Plans for the procurement lead-time and budgets for and manages funds for retail
requirements, e.g.:
(a) Protectable prepositioned war reserve requirements.
(b) Requirements for initial provisioning and outfittings (i.e., initial spares support
(c) Requirements for follow-on provisioning or outfittings and follow on spares
support lists.
(2) May use other billing techniques that are documented in an agreement between two
Military Departments.
d. The PICA and SICAs will coordinate on funding changes for procurement, repairs, or
other requirements, especially funding constraints established by higher headquarters.
a. The PICA:
(1) Budgets and funds for the recurring wholesale stockage levels forecasted as
necessary to meet the SICAs’ requirements in accordance with Volume 2 of DoDM 4140.01.
(2) Budgets and funds for the projected reparables returned for depot maintenance,
including depot condemned reparables in accordance with Volumes 4 and 6 of DoDM 4140.01.
(3) Differentiates between PICA and SICA requirements by DoD Component in budget
planning documents.
b. The SICA:
(1) Budgets for and funds:
(a) Recurring and nonrecurring retail stock requirements.
(b) Nonrecurring requirements for all SICA prepositioned WRM and war reserve
(c) Initial, follow-on, or nonrecurring provisioning or outfitting (follow-on spares
support list) requirements.
(2) Furnishes a completed MIPR or funded requisition in accordance with the Defense
Logistics Manual 4000.25-1 for stock provisioning and unprogrammed budgeting and funding
requirements as identified by the PICA.
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(3) Clearly identifies priorities and need dates on each MIPR.
(4) Negotiates the funding plan with the PICA, as necessary, to document the MIPR with
the revised costs or additional costs incurred by the PICA to fulfil the SICA’s requirements.
(5) Issues amendments to funding documents when it is necessary to increase, decrease,
or otherwise change fund authorizations in documents such as a MIPR.
(6) Identifies the appropriate funding codes for subsequent billing or crediting actions on
both initial stocking requirements, item returns, and replenishment requisitions.
a. Prepares monthly bills for items provided to the SICA, provides the bills to the SICA
upon request, and submits the bills to the paying office in accordance with Defense Logistics
Manual 4000.25-2 and Volume 4 of Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25, as appropriate.
b. Prepares monthly bills for all reimbursable items issued to the SICA and creditable returns
(i.e., all unserviceable reparable items returned when associated with a stock replacement
c. Sends the monthly bill with the:
(1) NSN for each item.
(2) Reimbursable issues.
(3) Requisition number and shipping document number.
(4) Unserviceable item receipts by requisition document number.
(5) Creditable serviceable item receipts by requisition document number.
(6) Quantity of creditable items received.
(7) Unit of issue by NSN.
(8) Reduced or corrected price for an item based on the reimbursable issue credit
(9) Difference between the debit for the item cost or the reimbursable issue credit.
d. Issues all serviceable nonconsumable items to the SICA on a reimbursable basis. Bills the
SICA at 100 percent of standard price.
e. Processes stock replacement requisitions with a net credit to the SICA for:
(1) The difference between the standard price and the exchange price for the repair cost.
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(2) The surcharge for all unserviceable items returned to the PICA.
a. For items to be assigned to NIMSC 5, DoD Components:
(1) Transfer inventory by appropriation without charge or income, i.e., on a non-
reimbursable basis.
(2) Update the inventory management records with changes in on-hand wholesale stock
b. The LIM:
(1) Establishes item pricing in the wholesale inventory for the GIM.
(2) Updates the inventory management records to reflect changes in the price recorded in
the CMD record.
(3) Reflects the unit price in the transfer documents processed in accordance with
Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2.
c. The gaining PICA will not normally adjust prices of transferred items until the time of a
new procurement of like items.
d. The SICA:
(1) Adjusts the inventory management records for items in-place by the LIM.
(2) Provides operational resources for storage, repair, or handling of items transferred to
a PICA until such attrition stock are issued or relocated from the SICA’s location.
e. The PICA assumes financial management responsibility and accountability for wholesale
inventories of an item on the ETD.
f. The LIM funds the:
(1) Continuation of open procurement actions (e.g., contracts, purchase requests, and
recommended buy quantity), unless otherwise requested by the PICA.
(2) Restoration costs of unserviceable materiel in maintenance before the ETD.
(3) Litigation or termination costs related to open procurement actions.
(4) Costs of first destination transportation for undelivered orders at time of transfer.
(5) Relocation costs (e.g., warehousing services and transportation) incidental to a SICA-
requested movement of stock from a losing SICA to a gaining PICA designated storage site,
unless otherwise negotiated.
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g. The gaining PICA will fund the incidental costs of:
(1) Transportation for materiel movements directed by the PICA other than those
covered in Paragraphs 8.4.e and 8.4.f.
(2) Repackaging and repacking due to any PICA directed changes in unit of issue or
(3) Restoration for materiel after the transfer and updates to the records are completed.
8.5. PRICING PROCEDURES FOR NIMSC 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, AND 0 ITEMS. The PICA:
a. Establishes and maintains a single standard price and an exchange price for each item that
is assigned to an IMM or depot-level reparable component.
b. Establishes an exchange price for each item regardless of the item’s condition.
c. Uses the same standard price for reimbursement or credit exchange purposes, unless price
reductions are authorized in accordance with Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-1, Defense
Logistics Manual 4000.25-2 and Volume 4 of Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25.
d. Establishes a standard price for each item that includes:
(1) The current market or production cost of the item at the time the price is established
on a NSN.
(2) A surcharge to cover authorized transportation costs in accordance with the Defense
Transportation Regulation 4500.9-R.
e. Reviews standard prices at least annually. Conducts interim and annual reviews of
standard prices for items:
(1) That have had a procurement of like items during the current year.
(2) Where pricing errors are obvious.
(3) As needed.
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a. Coordinate with the single materiel manager to designate a lead DoD Component to fulfil
the SICA responsibilities for each item. If at all possible, the lead DoD Component for an item
will be the single materiel manager for the item.
b. Coordinate with the designated single materiel manager on support requirements when
making a PICA assignment from a different DoD Component other than the single materiel
c. When designated as the lead DoD Component for an item, assign a single materiel
manager to:
(1) Coordinate with other DoD Components on developing and updating life-cycle
management plans and actions for the item, in accordance with the procedures in Volume 1 of
DoDM 4140.01.
(2) Designate a PICA to coordinate life-cycle management actions for the assigned item.
9.2. SO-P ITEMS.
a. Each Military Department:
(1) Provides item management support for SO-P items used by its SOF component and
its components that are not SOF.
(2) Designates a SOS to manage SO-P items it uses.
(3) Coordinates with the USSOCOM PICA program management office for provisioning
and procuring the SO-P items.
(1) Validates SO-P authorizations and allowances for the SOF component in each
Military Department and for use by the Military Departments’ components that are not SOF.
(2) Is the PICA and supports the Military Departments’ SOF components.
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a. Support Equipment. When the PICA is the repair activity for assigned items, the PICA
will be solely responsible for designing, funding, selecting, acquiring, and modifying peculiar
support equipment required for depot repair of items assigned to the PICA.
b. Government Contract Property. The user places particular emphasis on the early and
orderly identification of nonconsumable items to be provided to, or requisitioned by, contractors
for contract performance in accordance with DoDI 4161.02, and will initiate actions to procure
nonconsumable items as government contract property.
c. Packaging, Handling, Shipping, and Transportability (PHST). The PICA exercises
management responsibility for PHST and related data for all NIMSC 5 and 6 items and makes
sure all users’ PHST requirements are accommodated. The SICA advises the PICA of any PHST
requirements peculiar to the SICA’s operations. The PICA identifies any required packaging and
transportation instructions concerning retrograde materiel.
d. Facilities Determination and Planning. The DoD Component assigned depot
maintenance responsibility for a nonconsumable item is responsible for facility engineering,
planning, and acquisition in support of depot maintenance. Each user is responsible for facility
engineering, planning, and acquisition below the depot level.
e. Contractor Engineering and Technical Services. The PICA is responsible for all
contractor engineering and technical services required to support multi-Service used
nonconsumable items, with particular emphasis upon requirements in support of the depot and
SICA operational needs. The SICA ensures its requirements are provided to the PICA, along
with funding and approval as required.
f. Inter-Service Depot Maintenance. The PICA, when requesting depot maintenance
support for an item from another DoD Component, makes sure the depot work specifications for
the item are compatible with all DoD Components’ operational needs, and coordinates such
specifications with involved SICAs, unless a PICA or SICA management level change or
reassignment request has been executed for the item.
9.4. CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT. The DoD Components address configuration
management in all nonconsumable item life-cycle phases: design, development, production,
deployment, and operational phases.
a. The PICA:
(1) Identifies the configuration or engineering management organizational element in the
SICA on the NIMSR using the worksheet in Table 1.
(2) Identifies and records the PICA configuration and engineering management
organizational element on the NIMSR, using the worksheet in Table 1, when responding to a
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(3) Directly liaisons with the configuration and engineering management organizational
(4) Apprises the materiel management activities identified in the NIMSR “From” and
“To” blocks of any actions taken regarding configuration changes.
(5) Establishes configuration item baselines, as appropriate, for nonconsumable items
with a NIMSC of 5 or 6.
(6) Coordinates required configuration status accounting, to meet the involved DoD
Components’ needs.
(7) Coordinates any SICA proposed configuration changes with the original PICA.
(8) Identifies materiel deficiency information and coordinates corrective actions with
users in the involved DoD Components.
b. Field units submit materiel deficiency reports of defective materiel to their respective
DoD Component focal points in accordance with Volumes 6 and 7 of DoDM 4140.01.
c. The DoD Component focal points distribute deficiency data for defective materiel to all
usersconfiguration and engineering management elements as designated in the NIMSR.
d. If it is jointly determined by the DoD Component focal points that further investigative
action is required, the PICA:
(1) Arranges either organic or contractor engineering services to investigate and resolve
deficiencies in accordance with Volumes 6 and 7 of DoDM 4140.01.
(2) Prepares contracts for investigation of deficiencies with requests for engineering
change proposals (ECPs) to resolve deficiencies in accordance with American National Standard
Institute Electronic Industries Alliance 649.
(3) Provides for simultaneous release of ECPs that resolve deficiencies to all Military
(4) Negotiates shared costs for the ECPs with the Military Departments.
e. Each DoD Component opting for investigative action of a deficiency is responsible for a
pro rata share of the cost, based upon the number of installed units.
f. Each DoD Component processes ECPs to correct the deficiencies through internal
configuration control boards before sending the change requirements to the PICA.
g. The PICA and the SICA coordinate ECP implementation and validate the ECP with the
production management specialists or engineer technicians for the items.
h. When all users of the items are in agreement as to the action to be taken with the ECP, the
PICA will assume responsibility to procure kits, if required, for the total DoD program.
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i. Each SICA is responsible for funding of kits equal to the total of all installed items plus
retail stocks.
j. The item users establish I&S item relationships to include identification of I&S item
relationships in their respective ECPs in accordance with the procedures in DoDM 4100.39.
k. When all stakeholders cannot agree to approve ECPs, the PICA may convene a joint
service configuration control board (JSCCB) with the DoD Components.
l. As Chair of the JSCCB, the PICA convenes a JSCCB to:
(1) Review the configuration control requirements from all DoD Components.
(2) Review all costs for establishing a new item, if necessary to resolve the deficiency.
(3) Document the ECP review process and final decisions on the ECP or other action
necessary to resolve the deficiency.
(4) Negotiate the PICA and SICA relationships for new items if needed to replace the
deficient items or to complete the ECP.
(5) Review new items resulting from an ECP with the original PICA.
(6) Retain the repaired item for PICA management, except where justified otherwise by
the PICA.
(7) Reduce changes to item configuration and increase standardization of item
configuration, whenever possible.
m. The DoD Component opting for a new item to resolve an item deficiency:
(1) Procures kits for the new item.
(2) Funds kits for the new item and any additional supply pipeline stocks of the new
(3) Funds the field level modification costs accomplished below depot level.
n. The PICA:
(1) Negotiates with the nonconcurring SICAs for the nonreimbursable return of a
quantity of old configuration wholesale stock, based upon a pro rata share of installed items.
(2) Provides only the quantity of assets that were originally managed by the SICA.
(3) Manages the procurement of kits for new items.
(4) Funds the depot level modification cost of wholesale stocks.
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(5) Adjusts the standard prices of reconfigured items as required.
(6) Initiates special depot retrofit program of SICA stocks with reimbursement from the
(7) Applies the division of wholesale stocks if the SICA is opting for the new
configuration and the old configuration assets can be modified.
a. The PICA:
(1) Obtains and maintains configuration management data required to manage assigned
nonconsumable items.
(2) Coordinates, prepares, funds, acquires, updates, and distributes depot level
maintenance technical manuals for assigned items with the involved SICAs, e.g., the exchange of
maintenance and operational data.
(3) Communicates with the design agency or contractor concerning engineering drawing
revisions resulting from approved changes and the technical files that support the item.
(4) Notifies the appropriate design agency when revisions to technical data are needed.
(5) Provides instructions for marking and delivering items to the engineering site for
inspection, analysis, or testing when required.
(6) Funds costs when initiating engineering actions to correct deficiencies.
b. The SICA:
(1) Acquires services from the PICA when using the same contractual source as the
PICA to acquire technical manuals.
(2) Notifies the PICA of data requirements for item management.
(3) Funds costs when initiating engineering actions to correct deficiencies.
c. The PICA and the SICA:
(1) Identify and document data deficiencies such as missing information, specifications,
or drawing changes in the FLIS TIR.
(2) Initiate corrective actions to correct the FLIS TIR or other systems of record for an
item with updates to the design specification or drawing changes that affect an item.
c. Each DoD Component:
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(1) Prepares, funds, acquires, updates, and distributes DoD Component unique technical
(2) Acquires or develops, and maintains, the technical data for items when leading the
design efforts, to include marking for distribution, in accordance with DoDI 5230.24.
(3) Uses the PICA’s technical files and data for integrated materiel management.
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acquisition advice code
Army Regulation
catalog management data
Defense Logistics Agency
depot maintenance inter-Service support agreement
DoD instruction
DoD manual
depot source of repair
engineering change proposal
effective transfer date
Federal Logistics Information System
federal supply classification
Federal Supply Group
gaining inventory manager
General Services Administration
inventory control point
item management code
integrated materiel manager
Integrated Materiel Management Committee
interchangeable and substitutable
Joint Conventional Ammunition Production
Joint Services Configuration Control Board
losing item manager
level of authority
Marine Corps order
military interdepartmental purchase request
maintenance inter-Service support management office
Military Information Support Operations
major organizational entity
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
nonconsumable item materiel support code
nonconsumable item materiel support request
National Security Agency/Central Security Service
national stock number
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction
packaging, handling, shipping, and transportability
primary inventory control activity
psychological operations
supply condition code
secondary inventory control activity
special operations forces
special operations-peculiar
source of supply
total item record
technical review package
Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System
United States Special Operations Command
war reserve materiel
G.2. DEFINITIONS. These terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this issuance.
AAC. Codes that specify requirements, restrictions, and methods for acquiring an item listed in
Table 58, Volume 10 of the Cataloging Data and Transaction Standards.
action. Any materiel management action taken to initiate, establish, or change the status of an
item in a system of record, e.g., a cataloging action or transfer action that identifies specific
information about an item and is documented in the TIR.
adopt. Incorporate an item into a DoD Component’s inventory that is already established as a
part of another DoD Component’s inventory.
accessorial costs. Expenses incident to issues, sales, and transfers of materiel e.g., costs
incurred for packing, crating, and handling; transportation; and port loading and unloading.
acquisition. Obtaining support, supplies, or services under an acquisition agreement or under a
cross-servicing agreement. This includes purchasing (whether for payment in currency,
replacement-in-kind, or by exchange for equal value), renting, leasing, or any method of
temporarily obtaining support, supplies, or services.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
attrition. The consumption or issue of all on-hand stock until no stock is available to fill
carcass. Reparable part that can be rebuilt or repaired.
cataloging. The function or process of uniformly identifying, describing, classifying,
numbering, and including in the Federal Catalog System all items of personal property (items of
supply) repetitively procured, stored, issued, and used by federal agencies.
CMD. The total range of information compiled and published in FLIS TIR management data
commercial and government entity code. A 5-digit code that combines the FSC for
manufacturers and the FSC for non-manufacturers of the end items or parts.
common item. Equipment, materiel, supplies, and services adopted by a DoD Component for
use by its own forces and activities. These include standard military items, base operating
support, and the supplies and services provided by a DoD Component to support and sustain its
own forces, including those assigned to the Combatant Commands. Items and services defined
as a common item by one DoD Component are not necessarily a common item for all other DoD
consistently managed items. Those items where all the using Military Departments manage the
item under the same concept, e.g. as a consumable item of supply, as an end item of supply, or as
a depot-level reparable component.
consumable. An item of supply or an individual item (except explosive ordnance and major end
items of equipment) that is normally expended or used up beyond recovery in the use for which
it is designed or intended.
contracted logistics support. Commercial sources of supply where customer requirements are
satisfied through a contractor that performs logistics functions such as materiel management,
engineering, maintenance, and procurement.
counterfeit materiel. Materiel whose identity has been deliberately altered, misrepresented, or
falsified including, but not limited to, any type of materiel that consists of:
A substitute or unauthorized copy of a valid product from an original manufacturer.
A product in which the materials used or the performance of the product has been changed
with notice by a person other than the original manufacturer of the product.
degree of integrated materiel management support. The degree of support for an item
assigned the NIMSCs in Table 2 which describe the activities and their degree of responsibilities.
demand. An indication of a requirement, a requisition, or similar request for an item of supply
or individual item. Demand is categorized as either recurring or non-recurring.
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depot-level reparable component. An item of supply that is designated for repair at the depot
level, or that is designated for repair below the depot level for which condemnation authority
must be exercised by the responsible depot level repair activity using the procedures in Volume 1
of DoDM 4160.21.
disposition. The process of reusing, recycling, converting, redistributing, transferring, donating,
selling, demilitarizing, treating, destroying, or fulfilling other end of life tasks or actions for DoD
property. Does not include real (real estate) property.
distribution. The official delivery of supplies to meet a documented requirement. The
operational process of synchronizing all elements of the logistic system to deliver the right things
to the right place at the right time.
DMISA. A formalized agreement similar to a contract whereby one Military Department (the
agent) obligates itself to provide depot maintenance support to another Military Department (the
principal). DMISAs may also be used when a Military Department is the agent, and another
Federal Government department or agency, or element thereof, is the principal.
DSOR. The authorized activity or facility assigned to perform depot level repair on an item.
end item. A final combination of end products, component parts, or materiel that is ready for its
intended use, e.g., ship, tank, mobile machine shop, or aircraft.
ETD. The day that the LIM transfers integrated materiel management accountability to the
excess. Items of DoD Component owned property that are not required for their needs and the
discharge of their responsibilities as determined by the head of the Service or Agency.
exchange price. Repair cost for an item plus a surcharge established for depot maintenance in
accordance with Chapter 1, Volume 2A of DoD 7000.14-R.
first destination transportation. Defined in the Defense Transportation Regulation 4500.9-R.
FLIS. An automated data processing system designed to provide a centralized databank to
support the DoD, federal civil agencies, and foreign countries participating in the integrated
logistics support program.
focal point. Representative or office designated by a DoD Component for implementing the
specified procedures in this manual on behalf of the DoD Component.
function. Group of inventory management actions that fulfil the purpose or requirements for a
specific area of inventory management, e.g., the cataloging function is the group of actions or
tasks performed to fulfil the cataloging requirements for an item.
GIM. The inventory manager responsible for assuming IMM responsibilities.
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I&S family. A group of items that possess physical and functional characteristics to provide
comparable performance for a given requirement under given conditions. This applies when two
or more items have an interchangeable and substitutable relationship with another. The head of
the family is called the master item, i.e., an item is a suitable substitute with an interchangeable
and substitutable relationship with every member of the family.
ICP. An organizational unit or activity within the DoD supply system assigned the primary
responsibility for the materiel management of a group of items either for a particular Military
Department or for the DoD as a whole. In addition to materiel manager functions, an ICP may
perform other logistics functions in support of a particular Military Department or for a particular
end item (e.g., centralized computation of retail requirements levels and engineering tasks
associated with weapon system components).
inactive item. An item without a wholesale demand in the last five years for which no current or
future requirements are anticipated by any registered user or the materiel manager.
inconsistently managed items. An item which the using DoD Components manage differently
from each other; that is, in some combination of end items, depot-level reparable components,
consumables, and special management items.
IMM. Any activity or agency that has been assigned integrated wholesale materiel management
responsibility for the DoD and participating federal agencies. Integrated materiel management
responsibilities include requirements determination, procurement, distribution overhaul and
repair of reparable materiel, and disposal of materiel.
integrated materiel management. Integrated wholesale materiel management responsibility
that is assigned to an activity or agency for the DoD and participating federal agencies.
Integrated wholesale materiel management responsibilities include requirements determination,
procurement, distribution, overhaul and repair of reparable materiel, and disposal of materiel.
interchangeable. An item that possesses such functional and physical characteristics as to be
equivalent in performance, reliability, and maintainability to another item of similar or identical
purpose; and is capable of being exchanged for the other item without alteration of the items
themselves or of adjoining items, except for adjustment.
inventory. Materiel, titled to the U.S. Government, held for sale or issue, held for repair, or held
pending transfer to disposal.
item identification. A collection and compilation of data to establish the essential
characteristics of an item that give the item its unique character and differentiate it from other
items of supply.
item of supply. A category of items identified by an NSN with the same form, fit, and function.
The individual items (units) included in this category could be manufactured by multiple sources.
kits. Assembled repair parts and components required for maintenance support of an end item.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
level of support. Levels of item management generally indicated by the LOA or NIMSC from
Table 1 with specified responsibilities to submit or establish item management data; cataloging
data; acquisition, budget, or funding requirements; disposal authority; stock, store, or issue
life cycle. The total phases through which a system or an item passes from the time it is initially
developed until the time it is either consumed in use or disposed of as being excess to all known
materiel requirements.
LIM. The organization responsible for relinquishing IMM functions.
LOA. A set of codes used to identify PICA and SICA levels of authority and responsibilities for
materiel management. LOA categories are listed in Table 74 in Volume 10 of the Cataloging
Data and Transaction Standards.
logistics reassignment. The transfer of IMM, PICA, or SICA responsibilities from one manager
to another manager or a migration of item management from one NIMSC to another based on the
degree of materiel support or repair responsibility.
major end item. A final combination of end products that is ready for its intended use; e.g.
missiles, tanks, mobile machine shop, industrial material, weapons, vehicles, and aircraft
management level change. An action that changes an item from consumable to nonconsumable
or from nonconsumable to consumable.
materiel. All items necessary to equip, operate, maintain, and support military activities without
distinction as to their application for administrative or combat purposes, excluding real property,
installations, and utilities. Materiel is either serviceable (i.e., in an issuable condition) or
unserviceable (i.e., in need of repair to make it serviceable).
materiel management. Continuing actions relating to planning, organizing, directing,
coordinating, controlling, and evaluating the application of resources to ensure the effective and
economical support of military forces. That phase of military logistics that includes managing,
cataloging, requirements determinations, demand and supply planning, procurement,
distribution, overhaul, and disposal of materiel.
materiel manager. Any DoD organization or Defense Agency that has been assigned materiel
management responsibilities for the DoD and participating federal agencies. The term includes
responsibilities performed by either wholesale materiel managers or retail materiel managers.
Those responsibilities include managing, cataloging, demand and supply planning, determining
and defining requirements, and performing activities such as procurement, distribution, overhaul
and repair of reparable materiel, and disposal of materiel.
materiel release order. An order issued by an accountable supply system manager (usually an
ICP or accountable depot or stock point) directing a non-accountable activity (usually a storage
site or materiel drop point) within the same supply distribution complex to release and ship.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
Also used to direct redistribution and shipment of materiel from a post, camp, station, or base to
another similar organization to satisfy a specific demand.
materiel support. Materiel management specifications for the level and source of supply to
maintain item inventories. DoD Components meet customer requirements by selecting a
materiel support alternative based on a best value assessment that balances support goals, total
supply chain costs and performance factors in accordance with Volume 3 of DoDM 4140.01.
Examples of materiel support alternatives are:
Military Services or DLA managed sources of supply.
Other U.S. Government sources, e.g., General Services Administration (GSA) to provide
supplies to organic sources of supply or directly to customers.
Commercial sources of supply where customer requirements are satisfied through local
Contracted logistics support where a contractor performs approved engineering materiel
management, maintenance, and procurement functions associated with materiel support.
Commercial and organic partnerships with prime vendor programs where a vendor provides
wholesale support to DoD retail supply activities or directly to consuming customers.
Depot maintenance public-private partnerships where a commercial vendor provides supply
support to a DoD maintenance facility.
Commercial sources of supply for reparable items partnering with a DoD maintenance
facility for repair services.
migration. A logistics reassignment that changes the item management one NIMSC to another
NIMSC based on the degree of materiel support or repair responsibility, e.g., migration from
MISMO. The office within a Military Department responsible for formulating policy, guidance,
and procedures for the implementation, management, and operation of the inter-Service Depot
Maintenance Program.
MISO equipment. Equipment designed for, or used by, psychological operations (PSYOP)
MISO forces in support of conventional and SOF. The designation is used to convey selected
information and indicators to foreign audiences. MISO equipment’s purpose is to influence
emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and, ultimately, the behavior of foreign governments,
organizations, groups, and individuals. The USSOCOM and the Military Departments mutually
agree on the list of equipment designated as MISO. MISO is formerly known as PSYOP. The
DoD differentiates in the formal use of the terms MISO for the activity and PSYOP for the
forces that conduct MISO activities. However, in the DoD or within North Atlantic Treaty
Organization allies, both the forces and the activity are referred to as PSYOP.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
MOE. The principal subdivision of government organization under which component
organization entities are identified (e.g., Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, USSOCOM,
DLA, or participating U.S. Government civil agencies).
MOE rule. A rule in the TIR that identifies the MOE for an item.
NIMSC. Alphanumeric codes assigned to nonconsumable items, which indicate the degree of
materiel support (numeric) or repair responsibility (alphabetic). NIMSCs for PICA actions are
always alphabetic and NIMSCs for SICA actions are always numeric.
nonconsumable item. Item of supply that is a major end item, depot-level reparable component,
or special management item.
NSN. The 13-digit stock number replacing the 11-digit federal stock number. It consists of the
4-digit federal supply classification code and the 9-digit national item identification number.
The national item identification number consists of a 2-digit National Codification Bureau
number designating the central cataloging office (whether North Atlantic Treaty Organization or
other friendly country) that assigned the number and a 7-digit (xxx-xxxx) non-significant
number. The number will be arranged as follows: 9999-00-999-9999.
on-hand items. Items that are physically on the shelf.
organic. A DoD-owned and DoD-operated activity established, equipped, and staffed to carry
out DoD tasks.
outfittings. Spare parts needed to support nonconsumable items to include the initial spares for
support during initial fielding and follow-on spares necessary for operational support.
peculiar. Designed for, or used by, certain forces in support of a specific mission and not
commonly used by more than one organization or for more than one purpose.
physical inventory. The process of physically counting DoD-owned assets in order to verify the
on-hand assets match the current record balances with documentation of events such as receipts,
shipments, inventory adjustments and changes to condition, ownership, or location. Inventory
processes that produce an accurate accountability of DoD-owned-assets with a full reconciliation
to the financial records.
PICA. The DoD Component ICP designated as the single activity within the DoD responsible
for providing integrated materiel management support.
post-ETD. Period of time that begins when the LIM processes the current delivery order to
complete all contracts executed by the DoD Component before the migration of NIMSC code or
PICA logistics reassignment.
pre-ETD. Period of time which starts when the PICA or SICA management level change or
reassignment request is approved and takes place before the ETD.
preposition. Defined in the DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
procurement actions. Actions to establish or change contracts, purchase requests, and
recommended buy quantities.
provision. The management process of determining and acquiring the range and quantity of
support items necessary to operate and maintain an end item for an initial period of service.
reclamation. A cost avoidance or savings measure to recover useful (serviceable) end items,
repair parts, components, or assemblies from one or more principal end items or assemblies for
the purpose of restoration to use through replacement or repair of one or more unserviceable, but
repairable principal end items of equipment or assemblies. Reclamation is preferable before
disposition (e.g., DLA Disposition Services site turn-in), but end items or assemblies may be
withdrawn from DLA Disposition Services sites for such reclamation purposes.
reconstitute. Actions taken during or after operational employment to restore a capability to
meet requirements.
redistribution. The official delivery of materiel from its original distribution point to a follow-
on location based on a new requirement or a change in requirements.
relocation cost. Warehousing services and transportation.
reparable. An item of supply subject to economical repair and for which the repair (at either
depot or field level) is considered in satisfying computed requirements at any inventory level.
requirement. When used in association with a stockage computations in this volume, the
inventory quantity computed as part of supply planning to satisfy a future need for item stocks.
As prescribed in this volume’s stockage computations, those needs can be either readiness-based,
demand-based, or non-demand-based; can be at the wholesale or retail echelon of supply; and
can directed at satisfying peacetime or wartime customer demand.
requisition. An order for materiel initiated by an established, authorized organization (i.e., a
DoD or non-DoD organization that has been assigned a DoD activity address code) that is
transmitted either electronically, by mail, or telephoned to a supply source within the DoD or
external to the DoD (the General Services Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration,
or other organizations assigned management responsibility for categories of materiel), according
to procedures specified in Chapter 4 of Volume 2 of DLM 4000.25 and DLM 4000.25-1.
restoration. Recover useful (serviceable) end items, repair parts, components, or assemblies
from one or more principal end items of equipment or assemblies (usually SCCs “H,” “P,” and
“R”) for use in the replacement or repair of one or more unserviceable, but repairable principal
end items of equipment or assemblies (usually SCCs “E,” “F,” and “G”).
retail. Level of inventory below the wholesale level, either at the consumer level for the purpose
of directly providing materiel to ultimate users or at the intermediate or region level for the
purpose of supplying consumer levels or ultimate users in a geographical area.
retention. Used to categorize items in the inventory that are authorized to meet inventory
requirements and should be retained or categorize items in the inventory that are excess to
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
established inventory requirements and should not be retained in accordance with Volume 6 of
DoDM 4140.01.
retrograde. Return or transfer of an unserviceable asset from an operating unit to the ICP.
SCCs. Codes used to segment and identify the physical state of the materiel or actions underway
to change the status of the materiel on the inventory control record. SCCs are described in
Appendix 2.5 of the Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2.
SICA. The DoD Component ICP receiving materiel support from the PICA for selected
logistics functions as indicated by the NIMSCs.
single submitter. Activity assigned the authority and responsibility to submit integrated
materiel management actions into an automated system for an item, e.g., single submitter of item
identification and cataloging information into the FLIS database.
single materiel manager. The DoD Component assigned to coordinate the development of and
update the management plans and actions to meet system lifecycle requirements of all DoD
Components, to include: acquisition, engineering, production, configuration management,
quality assurance, product improvement, publications, provisioning, supply support, depot level
maintenance training and support equipment, depot maintenance or overhaul, testing, technical
data, and field engineering services, packaging handling, storage, transportability, and
SO-P. Equipment, materiel, supplies, and services required for special operations missions for
which there is no common requirement established for other DoD Components. These are
limited to items and services initially designed for, or used by, SOF until adopted for common
use by one or more DoD Components; modifications approved by the Commander, USSOCOM,
for application to standard items and services used by the DoD Components; and items and
services approved by the Commander, USSOCOM, as critically urgent for the immediate
accomplishment of a special operations mission.
standard price. Acquisition cost plus surcharge.
stockage. The amount of inventory kept on hand or scheduled to be on hand by materiel
managers to meet customer requirements based on the type of item (reparable or consumable),
the supply performance goal (weapon system readiness or time to fill a demand), and the demand
forecastability for the item.
stock buy. The purchase of items in quantities based on the number of items and delivery
schedule necessary to satisfy customer requirements in accordance with Volume 4 of DoDM
4140.01. The requirements for a stock buy are generally consolidated for multiple users and
filled by a contract with a vendor based on the production lead-times and time needed to deliver
the items directly to designated customer locations.
stock level. The amount of inventory that materiel managers keep on hand to meet customer
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
stock position. The quantity of items and level of supply items stocked at a physical location.
Stock positioning decisions are integrated with inventory planning to minimize the total cost to
meet customer requirements. Customer requirements may be in the form of system availability
goals for weapon system stocks or customer response time goals for non-weapon system stocks.
Customer response time goals may be substituted for system availability goals if no current
capability exists to position weapon system stocks based on system availability. To the
maximum extent possible, stock positioning decisions satisfy established performance
agreements with weapon system program managers and end-use customers, while minimizing
cost and the logistics footprint.
supply chain. The linked activities associated with providing materiel to end users for
consumption. Those activities include supply activities (such as organic and commercial
inventory control points or retail supply activities), maintenance activities (such as organic and
commercial depot level maintenance facilities or intermediate repair activities), and distribution
activities (such as distribution depots and other storage locations, container consolidation points,
ports of embarkation and debarkation, and ground, air, and ocean transporters).
supply support. Requirements for nonconsumable items submitted by the DoD Component
introducing materiel or a weapon system to ensure that sufficient stock is available to satisfy
initial requisitions received from the customers.
sustainment. For purpose of materiel management, the life-cycle phase for an item of supply
that deals with the planning and execution of materiel management activities starting when the
item is introduced into the DoD supply system and ending when a determination is made to
remove the item from the DoD supply system.
TIR. The portion of the FLIS data bank containing all available information for the
identification and logistical support of items with an NSN.
UMMIPS. A structure that establishes time standards, based on the mission and urgency of
need of the requestor, for the supply of materiel from the date of the requisition to the time that
the acknowledgment of physical receipt is posted to the requisitioner’s inventory record.
unauthorized product substitution. A situation arising when a supplier knowingly provides
materiel other than that specified in the contract without obtaining prior approval from the
contracting organization.
unserviceable return. Materiel that is unserviceable and processed as a return to a designated
depot maintenance or wholesale distribution activities for a repair, replacement, return, or
war reserve stock. Defined in the DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.
wholesale. The highest level of organized DoD supply that procures, repairs, and maintains
stocks to resupply the retail levels of supply. Synonymous with wholesale supply, wholesale
level of supply, wholesale echelon, and national inventory.
WRM. Defined in the DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
WRM requirement. Defined in the DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms.
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
American National Standard Institute Electronic Industries Alliance 649, “Configuration
Management Standard,” current edition
AR 700-82, OPNAVINST 4410-2A, MCO 4400.120, “Joint Regulation Governing the Use and
Application of Uniform Source Maintenance and Recoverability Codes,” October 10, 2007
Cataloging Data and Transaction Standards, Volume 10, “Multiple Application References /
Instructions / Tables and Grids” August 8, 2019
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms,”
current edition
Defense Acquisition Guidebook, current edition
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, current edition
Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25, “Defense Logistics Management System,” May 19, 2014, as
Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-1, “Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures
(MILSTRIP),” June 13, 2012, as amended
Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25-2, “Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accounting
Procedures (MILSTRAP),” June 13, 2012, as amended
Defense Transportation Regulation 4500.9-R, current edition
DoD 4140.26-M, Volume 1, “DoD IMM for Consumable Items: Operating Procedures for Item
Management Coding (IMC),” September 24, 2010, as amended
DoD 4400.1-M, “Department of Defense Priorities and Allocations Manual,” February 21, 2002,
as amended
DoD 7000.14-R, “Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations (FMRs),” dates
vary by volume
DoD Directive 5100.03, “Support of the Headquarters of Combatant and Subordinate Unified
Commands,” February 9, 2011, as amended
DoD Directive 5134.12, “Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness
(ASD(L&MR)),” May 25, 2000, as amended
DoD Directive 5160.65, “Single Manager for Conventional Ammunition (SMCA),”
August 1, 2008, as amended
DoD Instruction 2030.08, “Implementation of Trade Security Controls (TSC) for Transfers of
DoD Personal Property to Parties Outside DoD Control,” February 19, 2015, as amended
DoD Instruction 3110.06, “War Reserve Materiel (WRM) Policy,” January 7, 2019
DoD Instruction 4120.24, “Defense Standardization Program (DSP),” July 13, 2011, as amended
DoD Instruction 4140.01, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Policy,”
March 6, 2019
DoD Instruction 4140.67, “DoD Counterfeit Prevention Policy,” April 26, 2013, as amended
Available on
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
DoD Instruction 4151.19, “Serialized Item Management (SIM) for Life-Cycle Management of
Materiel,” January 9, 2014, as amended
DoD Instruction 4151.24, “Depot Source of Repair (DSOR) Determination Process,”
October 13, 2017, as amended
DoD Instruction 4160.28, “DoD Demilitarization (DEMIL) Program,” April 7, 2011, as amended
DoD Instruction 4161.02, “Accountability and Management of Government Contract Property,”
April 27, 2012, as amended
DoD Instruction 5230.24, “Distribution Statements on Technical Documents,” August 23, 2012,
as amended
DoD Instruction 8320.04, “Item Unique Identification (IUID) Standards for Tangible Personal
Property,” September 3, 2015, as amended
DoD Manual 4100.39, “Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS) Procedures,
March 8, 2017, as amended
DoD Manual 4120.24, “Defense Standardization Program (DSP),” September 24, 2014, as
DoD Manual 4140.01, Volume 1, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures:
Operational Requirements,” December 13, 2018
DoD Manual 4140.01, Volume 2, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures:
Demand and Supply Planning,” November 9, 2018, as amended
DoD Manual 4140.01, Volume 3, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures:
Materiel Sourcing,” February 10, 2014, as amended
DoD Manual 4140.01, Volume 4, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures: Make
and Maintain Materiel,” February 10, 2014, as amended
DoD Manual 4140.01, Volume 6, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures:
Materiel Returns, Retention, and Disposition,” March 8, 2017, as amended
DoD Manual 4140.01, Volume 8, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures:
Materiel Data Management and Exchange,” February 10, 2014, as amended
DoD Manual 4140.01, Volume 9, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures:
Materiel Programs,” February 16, 2018, as amended
DoD Manual 4140.01, Volume 10, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures:
Supply Chain Inventory Reporting and Metrics,” March 9, 2017, as amended
DoD Manual 4140.01, Volume 11, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures:
Inventory Accountability and Special Management and Handling,” March 8, 2017, as
DoD Manual 4160.21, Volume 1, “Defense Materiel Disposition: Disposal Guidance and
Procedures,” October 22, 2015, as amended
Federal Acquisition Regulation, current edition
Federal Management Regulation, Section 102-27, “DoD Index of Specifications and Standards”
Available on the internet at
DoDM 4140.68, March 5, 2020
National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) Policy 6-2, “Management and
Use of NSA/CSS Organic Depots,” August 9, 2017
U.S. Code, Title 10
Available through the NSA/CSS Office of Policy. Distribution is limited.