CRR Supplemental Resource Guide
Volume 3
Configuration and
Change Management
Version 1.1
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Copyright 2016 Carnegie Mellon University
This material is based upon work funded and supported by Department of Homeland Security under Contract
No. FA8721-05-C-0003 with Carnegie Mellon University for the operation of the Software Engineering
Institute, a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the United States Department of
Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Department of Homeland Security or the United States
Department of Defense.
[Distribution Statement A] This material has been approved for public release and unlimited distribution.
Please see Copyright notice for non-US Government use and distribution.
CERT® and OCTAVE® are registered marks of Carnegie Mellon University.
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Table of Contents
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Series Welcome ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Audience .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
II. Configuration and Change Management ............................................................................................................... 4
Overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Configuration and Change Management Terms ........................................................................................................ 5
Configuration and Change Management Process ..................................................................................................... 5
III. Create a Configuration and Change Management Plan ....................................................................................... 8
Before You Begin ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Step 1. Obtain support for configuration and change management planning. ........................................................... 9
Step 2. Budget for configuration and change management. ...................................................................................... 9
Step 3. Define roles and responsibilities. ................................................................................................................... 9
Step 4. Gather existing policies, procedures, and documentation related to configuration and change
management. ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Step 5. Identify and prioritize critical organizational services that will require change and configuration
management. ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Step 6. Validate critical services with stakeholders and establish a configuration change review board. ................ 11
Step 7. Develop a change request process. ............................................................................................................ 11
Step 8. Determine how changes will be communicated to the organization. ........................................................... 12
Step 9. Develop a configuration and change management training plan. ................................................................ 12
Step 10. Identify tools for use in implementing and monitoring configurations. ........................................................ 12
Step 11. Plan for capacity management. ................................................................................................................. 13
Output of Section III ................................................................................................................................................. 14
IV. Identify Configuration Items ................................................................................................................................ 15
Before You Begin ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Step 1. Map critical organizational services to stakeholders and related services. .................................................. 15
Step 2. Identify assets related to the critical services. ............................................................................................. 16
Step 3. Identify the configuration items of the assets that will undergo change and require change and
configuration management. ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Step 4. Determine a configuration baseline for each configuration item. ................................................................. 17
Output of Section IV ................................................................................................................................................. 17
V. Implement and Control Configuration Changes ................................................................................................. 18
Before You Begin ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Step 1. Evaluate change requests and approvals. ................................................................................................... 19
Step 2. Model configuration changes in a test environment. .................................................................................... 20
Step 3. Deploy changes in the production environment. .......................................................................................... 21
Step 4. Determine the success or failure of changes. .............................................................................................. 22
Step 5. Roll back unsuccessful changes. ................................................................................................................. 23
Step 6. Close out completed changes. .................................................................................................................... 23
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Step 7. Change configuration baselines. ................................................................................................................. 25
Output of Section V .................................................................................................................................................. 26
VI. Monitor Configuration Changes .......................................................................................................................... 27
Before You Begin ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Step 1. Identify systems or components not specified in documentation. ................................................................ 27
Step 2. Identify disparities between authorized, approved baselines and actual, implemented baselines. .............. 28
Step 3. Monitor system logs for unauthorized changes. .......................................................................................... 28
Step 4. Collect existing audits and configuration control records. ............................................................................ 28
Step 5. Define remediation action. ........................................................................................................................... 29
Step 6. Execute monitoring plan. ............................................................................................................................. 29
Output of Section VI ................................................................................................................................................. 30
VII. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
Appendix A. Example Change Request Template ................................................................................................... 32
Appendix B. Example Change Impact Analysis Template ..................................................................................... 34
Appendix C. Configuration and Change Management Resources ........................................................................ 36
Appendix D. CRR/CERT-RMM Practice/NIST CSF Subcategory Reference .......................................................... 37
Endnotes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 39
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I. Introduction
Series Welcome
Welcome to the CRR Resource Guide series. This document is 1 of 10 resource guides developed by the
Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cyber Security Evaluation Program (CSEP) to help organizations
implement practices identified as considerations for improvement during a Cyber Resilience Review (CRR).
The CRR is an interview-based assessment that captures an understanding and qualitative measurement of an
organization’s operational resilience, specific to IT operations. Operational resilience is the organization’s
ability to adapt to risk that affects its core operational capacities.
It also highlights the organization’s ability to
manage operational risks to critical services and associated assets during normal operations and during times of
operational stress and crisis. The guides were developed for organizations that have participated in a CRR, but
any organization interested in implementing or maturing operational resilience capabilities for critical IT
services will find these guides useful.
The 10 domains covered by the CRR Resource Guide series are
1. Asset Management
2. Controls Management
3. Configuration and Change Management This guide
4. Vulnerability Management
5. Incident Management
6. Service Continuity Management
7. Risk Management
8. External Dependencies Management
9. Training and Awareness
10. Situational Awareness
The objective of the CRR is to allow organizations to measure the performance of fundamental cybersecurity
practices. DHS introduced the CRR in 2011. In 2014 DHS launched the Critical Infrastructure Cyber
Community or C³ (pronounced “C Cubed”) Voluntary Program to assist the enhancement of critical
infrastructure cybersecurity and to encourage the adoption of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology’s (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). The NIST CSF provides a common taxonomy and
mechanism for organizations to
1. describe their current cybersecurity posture
2. describe their target state for cybersecurity
3. identify and prioritize opportunities for improvement within the context of a continuous and repeatable
4. assess progress toward the target state
5. communicate among internal and external stakeholders about cybersecurity risk
2 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
The CRR Self-Assessment Package includes a correlation of the practices measured in the CRR to criteria of
the NIST CSF. An organization can use the output of the CRR to approximate its conformance with the NIST
CSF. It is important to note that the CRR and NIST CSF are based on different catalogs of practice. As a
result, an organization’s fulfillment of CRR practices and capabilities may fall short of, or exceed,
corresponding practices and capabilities in the NIST CSF.
Each resource guide in this series has the same basic structure, but each can be used independently. Each guide
focuses on the development of plans and artifacts that support the implementation and execution of operational
resilience capabilities. Organizations using more than one resource guide will be able to leverage
complementary materials and suggestions to optimize their adoption approach. For example, assets identified
in the Asset Management Resource Guide are often part of the configuration and change management plan.
Each guide derives its information from best practices described in a number of sources, but primarily from the
Resilience Management Model (CERT
The CERT-RMM is a maturity model for managing
and improving operational resilience, developed by the CERT Division of Carnegie Mellon University’s
Software Engineering Institute (SEI). This model is meant to
guide the implementation and management of operational resilience activities
converge key operational risk management activities
define maturity through capability levels
enable maturity measurement against the model
improve an organization’s confidence in its response to operational stress and crisis
The CERT-RMM provides the framework from which the CRR is derivedin other words, the CRR method
bases its goals and practices on the CERT-RMM process areas.
This guide is intended for organizations seeking help in establishing a configuration and change management
process and for organizations seeking to improve their existing configuration and change management process.
More specifically this guide
educates readers about the configuration and change management process
promotes a common understanding of the need for a configuration and change management process
identifies and describes key practices for configuration and change management
provides examples and guidance to organizations wishing to implement these practices
The guide is structured as follows:
I. Introduction—Introduces the CRR Resource Guide series and describes the content and structure of these
II. Configuration and Change ManagementPresents an overview of the configuration and change
management process and establishes some basic terminology.
III. Create a Configuration and Change Management PlanDetails the process of creating a configuration and
change management plan and identifies details that an organization should consider when developing its
IV. Identify Configuration Items—Details the process of identifying assets that support critical services and
will be configured and managed using this process.
CERT® is a registered mark owned by Carnegie Mellon University.
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V. Implement and Control Configuration Changes—Details the process by which changes are approved,
executed, and brought to closure.
VI. Monitor Configuration ChangesDetails the process for assessing whether changes have occurred and
procedures for addressing unauthorized changes.
VII. Conclusion—Summarizes the steps outlined in this document and suggests next steps for implementation.
The principal audience for this guide includes individuals who are responsible for designing, implementing, or
overseeing configuration and change management in an organization. Senior executives who develop policies
governing the implementation of configuration and change management may also benefit from this guide.
To learn more about the source documents for this guide and for other documents of interest, see Appendix C.
4 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
II. Configuration and Change Management
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 2: The integrity of technology and information assets
is managed.
1. Is configuration management performed for technology
assets? [TM:SG4.SP2]
PR.IP-1: A baseline configuration of information
technology/industrial control systems is created and
Configuration and change management (CCM) is the process of maintaining the integrity of hardware,
software, firmware, and documentation related to the configuration and change management process. CCM is a
continuous process of controlling and approving changes to information or technology assets or related
infrastructure that support the critical services of an organization. This process includes the addition of new
assets, changes to assets, and the elimination of assets.
The purpose of configuration and change management is to establish processes to ensure the integrity of assets,
using change control and change control audits” (CRR).
As the complexity of information systems increases, the complexity of the processes used to create these
systems also increases, as does the probability of accidental errors in configuration. The impact of these errors
puts data and systems that may be critical to business operations at significant risk of failure that could cause
the organization to lose business, suffer damage to its reputation, or close completely. Having a CCM process
to protect against these risks is vital to the overall security posture of the organization. Figure 1 summarizes
the four phases of the CCM process.
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Figure 1: The Configuration and Change Management Process
Configuration and Change Management Terms
The following terms are associated with the CCM process:
configuration item (CI)—an asset or series of related assets (typically focused on information or
technology) that is placed under configuration management
baseline configuration—a representation of the settings, software, and state of a CI, that is formally
reviewed and agreed to at a given point in time and can only be modified through a formal CCM process.
The baseline is used as a reference to manage the integrity of a CI over its lifecycle.
configuration and change management plan (CCMP)—the process by which changes to CIs are governed
and implementation is executed. This includes policies and processes to request, approve, reject,
implement, monitor, and improve changes to CIs.
configuration management database (CMDB)a database used to store configuration records throughout
their lifecycle. A configuration management system maintains one or more configuration databases, and
each database stores attributes of CIs and their relationships with other CIs.
configuration control review board (CCRB)—an organizational construct, made up of stakeholders, that is
responsible for supporting the assessment, prioritization, authorization, and scheduling of changes to CIs
and the implementation of policies governing those changes. ITIL refers to this construct as a Change
Advisory Board.
Configuration and Change Management Process
Create a Configuration and Change Management Plan
CCM enables the organization to control frequent changes to its high-value assets so that disruptions are
mitigated and benefits are optimized. Resilient organizations are able to adapt to or roll back from changes that
do not occur exactly as planned. For CCM, as with many activities, planning greatly impacts the success or
failure of a project.
6 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
The following are the core foundational activities in planning for CCM:
Obtain support for configuration and change management planning.
Budget for configuration and change management.
Define roles and responsibilities.
Gather existing policies, procedures, and documentation related to configuration and change management.
Identify critical organizational services that will require change and configuration management.
Validate critical services with stakeholders and establish a configuration change review board.
Develop a change request process.
Determine how changes will be communicated to the organization.
Develop a configuration and change management training plan.
Identify tools for use in implementing and monitoring configurations.
Plan for capacity management.
Identify Configuration Items
A configuration item is any system component, infrastructure component, document, or other item that needs
to be managed to control the introduction of errors into the critical system or service.
The following are the core foundational activities in identifying CIs:
Map critical organizational services to stakeholders and related services.
Identify assets related to the critical services.
Identify the CIs of the assets that will undergo change and require change and configuration management.
Determine a configuration baseline for each CI.
Implement and Control Configuration Changes
Once all of the CIs have been identified and the most current configuration baseline has been tested and
approved, changes can be applied to the systems. Baseline configurations are modified to maintain compliance
with internal and external requirements and organizational goals. For a typical information technology system,
the baseline should address installed software, patch levels, security posture, and system function. Where
possible, the use of automated tools to apply the configurations is recommended. This lowers the risk of
incorrectly applying configurations and provides an audit trail of the steps taken.
The following are the core foundational activities in implementing configurations:
Evaluate change requests and approvals.
Model configuration changes in a test environment.
Deploy changes in the production environment.
Determine the success or failure of changes.
Roll back unsuccessful changes.
Close out completed changes.
Change configuration baselines.
Monitor Configuration Changes
Controlling the changes to the baseline configurations of ever-evolving systems represents a major challenge
to organizations. In this phase, organizations ensure that changes are identified, proposed, reviewed, and tested
prior to implementation.
The following are the core foundational activities in monitoring configuration change:
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Identify systems or components not specified in documentation.
Identify disparities between authorized, approved baselines and actual, implemented baselines.
Monitor system logs for unauthorized changes.
Collect existing audits and configuration control records.
Define remediation action.
Execute monitoring plan.
8 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
III. Create a Configuration and Change Management Plan
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: The lifecycle of assets is managed.
1. Is a change management process used to manage
modifications to assets [ADM:SG3.SP2]
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are in place.
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin developing a CCM plan.
Input Guidance
Scoping statement
This statement defines what needs to be addressed by the CCM plan. The plan should
cover, at a minimum, all critical organizational services. Organizations that are not sure
where to start should focus on the most critical services that affect their mission. If your
organization has participated in a CRR, it may be beneficial to begin with the critical
services addressed during the CRR.
List of stakeholders
The list of stakeholders should be aligned to the scoping statement and include all
appropriate internal and external entities. Potential stakeholders include
executive and senior management
heads of business lines, especially critical service owners
relevant internal business units: information technology, human resources, legal
external stakeholderskey customers or consumers of critical services
third-party providers (e.g., off-site hosting services)
Approval of approach
to CCM
Approval from management
intended approach
to CCM,
acceptable risk tolerance for the identified critical assets and
Externally imposed
requirements for CCM
CCM requirements defined by regulations and external needs
Changes required to meet service-level agreement requirements for critical services
that are provided to external entities
Budget for CCM Identification of available funds to perform CCM planning and execution including
staffing resources
CCM software/hardware
third-party support
Assignment of CCM
roles and
Job descriptions for roles that have responsibilities for CCM planning, development,
and delivery and that have executive ownership of CCM
A list of categorized and prioritized risks. As risks change over time, the list must be
updated and made available. Any new risks may require modification of the CCM
plan, so identifying new risks is critical.
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Step 1. Obtain support for configuration and change management planning.
Management support is essential for an effective CCM plan (CCMP). Senior executive (C-level) support is
often necessary for a CCMP being developed for an entire organization. For plans scoped to an individual
service, only sponsorship from senior management responsible for the service may be necessary. For example,
consider a hospital that has the following departments: Emergency Room, Cardiology, Radiology, Laboratory,
Pharmacy, Surgical Services, Orthopedics, Physical Therapy, Information Services, and Materials
Management. Configuration changes may affect each of these critical business functions differently, and large-
scale changes could impact them all. Senior management needs to balance the responsiveness of CCM
managed at each individual unit against the cost savings that can be achieved by managing it at a higher level.
Step 2. Budget for configuration and change management.
As part of obtaining initial support for a CCMP, the organization should allocate a budget for ongoing
planning, execution, monitoring, and improvement of CCMP activities. This budget should include line items
for the following:
people resources (staff effort, outside consulting, and contracting)
purchasing and supporting automated tools (hardware and software)
creating and maintaining a modeling and testing environment (described in Section V)
training staff who will be executing the change
consulting services and contractors to help implement configuration changes
training for users of updated CIs
contingency funds for emergency change execution and management
Step 3. Define roles and responsibilities.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: The lifecycle of assets is managed.
3. Is capacity management and planning performed for
assets? [TM:SG5.SP3]
PR.DS-4: Adequate capacity to ensure availability is
Goal 2: The integrity of technology and information assets
is managed.
4. Are integrity requirements used to determine which staff
members are authorized to modify information assets?
PR.AC-4: Access permissions are managed, incorporating the
principles of least privilege and separation of duties.
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are in place.
PR.IP-11: Cybersecurity is included in human resources
practices (e.g., deprovisioning, personnel screening).
8. Has a process for managing access to technology assets
been implemented? [TM:SG4.SP1]
PR.AC: Access to assets and associated facilities is limited to
authorized users, processes, or devices, and to authorized
activities and transactions.
Table 1 defines typical CCMP roles and responsibilities. The roles and responsibilities defined here do not
include other roles and responsibilities that the organization defines and may assign to an individual. For
example, the configuration manager may also be the human resources manager. The CCM software that the
organization selects may label the roles and describe their responsibilities differently.
Table 1: Typical CCMP Roles and Responsibilities
Role Responsibilities
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Responsible for setting
change management (CM) policies and implementing CM at the
highest level for the organization.
10 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
System Owner/Manager
Responsible for developing functional requirements and verifying that the requirements are
implemented appropriately. This individual may also play a role in establishing and selecting
members for the configuration control review board (CCRB). System owners and managers
also fulfill the following roles in the execution of configuration changes:
CI owner
configuration baseline owner
configuration implementation owner
Configuration Manager
Oversees all aspects of the CCMP. The configuration manager is responsible for all day-to-
day activities necessary to support the CMMP and may call on other personnel for assistance.
Configuration Control Review
The governing body for CCM policy and guidance affecting the organization. The CCRB
should appoint a chairperson to oversee the activities of the board.
Information System
Help develop configuration baselines, impact analysis, and monitoring activities and are also
responsible for complying with the CCMP for implementing changes to systems.
Information System Users
Responsible for reporting any weaknesses that are identified in current versions of the
hardware, software, and components. Users initiate change requests, assist in testing
baselines, and comply with the CCMP.
Configuration and Change
Management Auditor
Responsible for auditing and reporting all phases of the CCM. Provides reporting to CIO,
system owners, configuration manager, and CCRB.
While defining roles and responsibilities, access policies for configuration changes to CIs must be defined and
included. These should be developed using the resiliency requirements for the services that each CI supports.
Organizations should also consider the principles of least privilege and separation of duties when developing
access policies. When determining who needs access to be able to modify information and technology assets,
always consider how an individual’s access might affect the asset’s integrity. The goal is to ensure that the
following qualities of the information remain unchanged:
complete and intact
accurate and valid
authorized and official
Access to CIs can be controlled using two primary methods:
physical—includes limiting physical access to computer rooms, file rooms, work areas, and facilities
electronic—includes applying access control lists (ACLs) to networks, servers, applications, databases,
and files
Access to CIs should be monitored closely, and the organization’s internal regulatory divisions should address
any deviations from the expected access. Section VI details the monitoring of CIs.
Step 4. Gather existing policies, procedures, and documentation related to
configuration and change management.
Existing documentation will provide insight into the organization’s unique requirements for implementing
changes. It will also help identify any relevant external requirements, including regulatory boards or entities
that must be considered in the design and implementation of changes. Also gather information collected as part
of any other CRR implementations to reference when developing a CCMP.
Step 5. Identify and prioritize critical organizational services that will require
change and configuration management.
Compile a list of the critical organizational services and the various CIs essential to each service. This is
performed as part of an organization’s asset management activities (see the Asset Management Resource
Guide, Volume 1 of this series). The relative priority of the CIs and related services should receive special
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 11
attention. Often, organizations do not have the resources available to address all of the concerns immediately.
Prioritization will allow an organization to address high priorities first and schedule lower priority areas to be
addressed later. Some considerations for determining critical business functions are the following:
What business objective does the service support?
Do other services depend on this service to complete their tasks?
What is the cost of disruption if the service fails?
What is the potential punishment (e.g., fines, litigation) for failure of the service?
Is there a potential for revenue or reputation loss?
Who is responsible for service (list the person, role, or group)?
Once all of the critical services have been identified and prioritized, record all information in a chart. This
chart could be in the form of a business impact analysis.
Step 6. Validate critical services with stakeholders and establish a
configuration change review board.
Meet with stakeholders to validate the identified critical services and add any other critical CIs that may not
have been identified. It is important to include stakeholders external to the organization in this process.
External entities may also support the CCMP, so they may be part of the approval process for a particular
change. Internal entities that may be involved include
executive sponsor(s) of the CCMP
senior leadership that can provide authority to enact changes
heads of critical business units
leads of the organization’s functional departments responsible for enacting configuration changes (IT,
facilities, HR)
information system owners and administrators
service owners
end users of the service internal to the organization
This step results in the establishment of a configuration change review board (CCRB) responsible for
reviewing, approving, and evaluating the efficacy of changes. The organization should develop a charter that
gives this group the formal authority to approve and deny changes. This group is also responsible for the
approval of any changes to the baseline configuration of any CIs. Section V discusses this in greater detail.
Step 7. Develop a change request process.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: The lifecycle of assets is managed.
2. Are resilience requirements evaluated as a result of
changes to assets? [RRM:SG1.SP3]
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are in place.
The CCRB should develop and implement a process for individuals to request changes to CIs. (Appendix A
includes an example of a change request form.) Typically, change requests are routed to a designated change
manager, who will then complete the following activities in support of the CCRB:
1. Gather these requests and periodically review them with the CCRB.
2. Gather information from stakeholders about impacts of the change.
o When changes would cause a large impact on the organization, obtain approval and scheduling
guidance from the CCRB and senior leadership.
12 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
3. Communicate
o approved changes to the change owner for implementation
o denied changes, with an explanation, back to the change requestor
It is important to consider how changes to assets might also affect the resilience requirements of those assets.
Before deciding whether to modify assets that affect critical services, the CCRB should be made aware of each
asset’s resilience requirements. The change request should also include this information, which the critical
service owner(s) should review as part of the change impact analysis.
Step 8. Determine how changes will be communicated to the organization.
Create a communications plan that details how change notifications will be delivered. The communications
plan should tailor the periodicity and type of information to the needs of each stakeholder. The scope, impact,
and risks of any configuration change will also determine the level of communication detail required.
Step 9. Develop a configuration and change management training plan.
Implementing a CCMP usually entails a change in the fundamental culture of an organization. Determining if
there are gaps in the staff’s relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities and if the organization has appropriate
training will greatly impact the success of the plan. It is also important for an organization to determine if it has
staff qualified to enact the needed changes. Training those responsible for evaluating, approving, initiating, and
monitoring changes is necessary to reduce the probability of executing unsuccessful changes. It may be
beneficial to create a skills matrix for each role involved in the configuration and change process and compare
it against any existing skills inventories. This will help identify gaps and suggest areas where training should
be offered or additional staff may need to be hired. End users of the changed CIs and other stakeholders may
also require training on any new usage patterns and workflows.
See the Training and Awareness Resource Guide, Volume 9 of this series.
Step 10. Identify tools for use in implementing and monitoring configurations.
There are various tools for managing the general CCM process. These tools track the overall process of
configuration changes, including requests, status, communications, and issues related to changes. An
organization should select a tool that meets its particular needs. Configuration information, including
configuration baselines and historical changes to baselines and assets, is often consolidated in a configuration
management database tool. There are also software tools, such as versioning repositories, that help manage
changes in documentation. The CIs subject to the configuration management process, and their associated
software, will often determine the choice of tools. Automated facility management tools that control electrical
and HVAC resources can configure and monitor facilities assets. Various software packages can update
engineering diagrams and other information assets, though licensed professionals should be involved in the
updating of building engineering documents. Other tools can track skills inventories of people assets and give
an overall view of training levels across an organization. The choice of tools also depends on the budget that is
available for implementing configuration management.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 13
Step 11. Plan for capacity management.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: The lifecycle of assets is managed.
3. Is capacity management and planning performed for
assets? [TM:SG5.SP3]
PR.DS-4: Adequate capacity to ensure availability is
Capacity planning and management is closely tied to CCM, but it is normally performed outside of the CCMP
process. Capacity planning should lead to the specification of resilience requirements, which will impact the
CCMP. The factors that determine an organization’s capacity needs over time are dependent on the
organization’s business needs and growth. Some factors that should be considered when creating a capacity
management plan include
current utilization, whose analysis and metrics can be used to help plan any increase
anticipated organizational growth or contraction as from mergers or spin-offs of organizational entities
current and historical people, information, technology, and facility projections
Table 2 outlines some of the factors to consider when performing capacity planning:
Table 2: Capacity Planning Factors per Asset Type
People Information Technology Facilities
resources currently
supporting critical services
supporting external
size of databases for
documentation of critical
size and utilization of i
and external contact
computational capacity
memory capacity
disk storage
network bandwidth
software licenses
user access licenses
electricity (available
cooling (BTU)
physical storage space
staff workspace
meeting workspace
14 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Output of Section III
Output Guidance
Scope of the CCMP
This defines the overall goals of the plan and addresses the organization’s current
concerns and areas of greatest need. Knowing the scope of the plan allows an
organization to implement the CCMP in a phased approach to address the most
critical areas first. If your organization has participated in a CRR, it may be beneficial
to reference the results. See Appendix D for a cross reference between the CRR and
the steps in this guide.
Budget for CCM Available funding to support the CCMP process, to include
human resources (staff, contractors, consulting)
tools used to enact change
o CM databases and other CM tools
o development of custom tools
o consulting fees for tool implementation
contingency funding for emergency or unplanned changes
Formal charter for CCRB
This document outlines the role of the CCRB and includes a statement of support by
senior leadership that gives the CCRB the authority to enact and manage
configuration changes in the organization, even in emergency situations.
List of critical services This list is essential to properly defining the CIs.
Matrix of roles and
responsibilities for CCMP
Defines the following roles in detail:
change manager
change owner
system owners
List of stakeholders Defines the following stakeholder groups:
o customers
o external suppliers (contractors, tool vendors)
o regulatory boards and agencies
o senior management
o human resources department
o compliance personnel (internal audit, information assurance team)
o service owners
o users
o nonuser staff
o system/application owners
Capacity Management Plan
Requests for increases in capacity will feed into the CCMP process. The capacity
management plan is developed outside the change management process and should
capacity forecasts for assets
statistics and metrics that will be used to measure capacity and performance
Changes in configuration may positively or adversely impact future capacity
management plans.
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IV. Identify Configuration Items
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin identifying CIs.
Input Guidance
List of critical
Identifying critical organizational services will determine which systems must be
subjected to the configuration management process. Some considerations for
determining critical business functions are the following:
What business objective does the service support?
Do other functions depend on this function to complete their tasks?
What is the cost of disruption if the function fails?
What is the potential punishment (e.g., fines, litigation) for failure of the function?
Is there a potential for revenue or reputation loss?
Who is responsible for the function (list the person, role, or group)?
requirements for
critical services
The resilience requirements for services will determine the requirements for the
associated assets that become CIs. These should be documented when the CI is
It is crucial to produce an accurate listing of all systems that require CCM. It is at this level that each CI’s
baseline configuration is developed, reviewed, and approved. Recall that CIs are assets or series of related
assets (typically information or technology focused) that are placed under configuration management. The
configuration baseline serves as the basis for further activity for the CI and can be changed only through the
formal process of change management. Also in this step, the organization determines the impact that a failure
or loss of a CI would have on the critical services. Identifying if the CI has a high, medium, or low impact on
the organization will determine what level of CCM the CI will be subject to. Identifying assets that do not
require CCM is also important at this stage.
Step 1. Map critical organizational services to stakeholders and related
In this step, critical organizational services are associated with stakeholders and other related services. To
illustrate, consider the example of an online retail site. The website must be available for browsing, the
shopping cart must be available for customer checkout, the forms for customer input must be available, and the
order must be able to be placed. These services all depend on each other, and a loss of any of these functions
could cost the business a loss of revenue and potentially of reputation. The criticality of these services would
be considered high. Table 3 maps these services to the person or team responsible, impacted stakeholders, and
impacted services.
16 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Table 3: Example Mapping of Critical Services
Service Criticality
Impacted Services
Site catalog High Web Team Customers Order processing
Shopping cart
Web Team
Customers, accounting
Order processing
Checkout High Accounting
Customers, accounting,
supply chain
Order processing,
accounts receivable,
inventory management
information input
High Customer Relations
Customers, external
governing bodies
Order processing,
Step 2. Identify assets related to the critical services.
Once all of the critical services have been identified and mapped to stakeholders, the organization should
identify the assets that those services use. The assets may include the following:
storage arrays
networking equipment and infrastructure (including cable and fiber runs)
facilities (data centers, Independent Distribution Frame [IDF] and Main Distribution Frame [MDF]
power and cooling equipment (generators, uninterrupted power supplies, Automatic Transfer Switch
The criticality of each asset is determined by the highest criticality of any of the services that it supports. For
example, if an asset supports both high- and medium-criticality business functions, it will receive a criticality
of high. Consider a server that is used as a hypervisor for a virtual environment. The server may host many
servers and workstations. If one of the them is running a system with a high criticality, the entire hypervisor
will have a high criticality. If the hypervisor fails, then the virtual machine supporting the service will also fail.
Step 3. Identify the configuration items of the assets that will undergo change
and require change and configuration management.
Each asset should be broken down into the components that will require configuration and change
management. These are the CIs that will be managed. CIs can be one or a combination of the following:
documentation (e.g., process documentation and service-level agreements)
Like assets, each CI will receive the same criticality designation of the highest criticality system and business
service it supports. Each CI should be assigned a unique identifier so that it can be tracked through the service
lifecycle. The following is a partial list of attributes to track for the item:
unique identifier
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 17
item type (e.g., hardware, software, firmware, documentation)
system name
system purpose
system owner
serial number
Step 4. Determine a configuration baseline for each configuration item.
Each CI will have a configuration baseline. The configuration baseline is the agreed-to description of the state
of a CI’s attributes, and it will serve as the basis for change management. Most baselines are established at a
fixed point in time. The baseline should include the patch level, firmware version, and document release
version. The following is a list of attributes that, at a minimum, should be collected about the CI.
CI unique identifier
patch level or document release version
firmware version
software version
last approved configuration change
related CIs
Output of Section IV
Output Guidance
List of critical organizational
Determines what services must be protected. This could be a business impact
analysis for organizational services.
Functions or services mapped
to stakeholders
Mapping functions or services to stakeholders will give perspective on who data
owners are.
Systems related to critical
services are identified
Will determine what level of configuration and change management must be applied.
CIs that need configuration
and change management are
Once all systems are broken into individual CIs, the items can be tracked within the
Configuration baselines An agreed-to description of the attributes required for the baseline of a CI.
18 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
V. Implement and Control Configuration Changes
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin implementing configuration changes.
Input Guidance
baselines for CIs
The baseline configurations for each CI will be the starting point for any configuration
Modeling and testing
An environment should be in place to allow for testing of configuration changes prior to
deployment. This environment should mirror the production environment as closely as
possible given financial and other resource constraints.
Matrix of roles and
List of individuals responsible for evaluating, testing, and implementing changes.
Only individuals with a need should have access to CIs.
Use physical means (e.g., room access, locked cabinets) and logical means (e.g.,
ACLs, firewall rules) for controlling access.
Access levels should be documented and changes to access should be approved by
system owners and primary stakeholders.
These are addressed in detail in Section III.
Use automated tools whenever possible to perform configuration changes.
To maintain consistency when performing any type of configuration change, use automated tools and systems
wherever possible. This will help ensure changes are applied uniformly across CIs and allow for automated
rollback of any changes that are not successful. There are many tools available that can perform these tasks,
but the better tools have these features:
tight integration with a configuration management database (CMDB)
work on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, HP-UX, OSX)
support applications and documentation in addition to operating systems and hypervisors
automatically scan existing configurations and compare them against the current baseline and against
requirements from external regulators (e.g., Protected Critical Infrastructure Information program, Defense
Information Systems Agency)
granular security and access controls that integrate into the existing authentication environment and
auditing systems
When a single tool is not available to address all needs, verify that multiple tools are compatible and can all tie into
the CMDB.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 19
Step 1. Evaluate change requests and approvals.
Any formally requested configuration change should go through a process of evaluating change requests and
impact assessment as illustrated in Figure 2.
1. All change requests should be entered in a standard format (see Appendix A for an example of a change
management request form).
2. When a new configuration change is requested, key stakeholders should analyze the impact of this change
PRIOR to the meeting of the CCRB (see Appendix B for an example of an change impact analysis
template). The analysis results must be available to the CCRB when they evaluate the requested change.
3. Some routine changes may not require CCRB approval. For example, the process for adding new users
may be well defined and documented, and the submission and tracking of required documentation may be
all that the CCRB requires. The CCRB should provide guidance on what may fall into this category.
4. Change requests should then be presented to the CCRB to be assessed for the following aspects:
o benefits to the critical service supported
o appropriateness of change management at CCRB level (small changes that do not impact the critical
service might be managed at a lower level)
o resilience requirements of the organization and how this change will impact those requirements
o financial implications
o potential risks of performing or not performing the change
o impacts to resilience requirements of the CIs and related assets
o urgency
o change manager
o system or application users who should be involved with the technical evaluation of the request
5. Once the CCRB approves the change, the change manager should evaluate the request and the system or
application owners should assess the technical implications. Aspects to consider include
o impacts to connected systems
o impacts to users and usability
o impacts to non-IT systems
o training or technical expertise required to enact the change
o scheduling considerations to minimize any disruptions caused by the change
20 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Figure 2: Change Request Evaluation Process
Step 2. Model configuration changes in a test environment.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 2: The integrity of technology and information assets
is managed.
7. Are modifications to technology assets tested before being
committed to production systems? [TM:SG4.SP4]
PR.DS-7: The development and testing environment(s) are
separate from the production environment.
The modeling and testing of changes is often an overlooked step in the CM process. Ignoring this step leads to
an unusually high occurrence of changes that must be rolled back and a greater number of unsuccessful
changes. Organizations with a mature CCM process have an established modeling and test environment for all
critical systems, and they document the testing of all changes. An adequate modeling and testing environment
should have the following:
isolated systems whose configurations are identical to the current approved baseline
data sets that closely mimic those in production (often these are clones of the live data)
o Follow all regulatory requirements when working even with clones of live data.
o Document any access of copies of personally identifiable information (PII), financial information, and
protected health information.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 21
o Use synthetic data as long as it closely mirrors the structure of actual data.
inter-system connectivity mirroring that of the production environment (networking, ACLs, access
access given to system owners and key stakeholders who use the system, but restricted access to all others
incorporated tools and procedures that test the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the test data
before and after a change is implemented
Adequate testing of large configuration changes may take significant effort. The testing process should not be
hastened or modified to save time, except when emergency changes arise. These are addressed later in this
section. Figure 3 depicts the modeling and change process.
Figure 3: Configuration Change Modeling and Testing Process
CCRB approves
change for
owners or
change for test
in test
modified to
resolve issues
prepared for
plan finalized
When modeling and testing changes, the organization should use the same rigor and discipline as if it were
making the changes on a production system. Each step of the change should be documented, along with steps
required to roll back the change. These steps will eventually become the procedure for the production
deployment. Also, the same automation and monitoring tools should be used, and the same metrics that assess
the success of the change should be employed in modeling and testing as in production. These steps and
metrics will be aggregated into the configuration deployment plan that will govern the execution of the change
onto production systems.
Step 3. Deploy changes in the production environment.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: The lifecycle of assets is managed.
5. Are stakeholders notified when they are affected by
changes to assets? [SC:SG3.SP4]
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are in place.
Configuration changes that are approved by the CCRB and are big enough to require management will then be
executed by system administrators using steps A through C below. Figure 4 gives an overview of the change
execution process.
22 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Figure 4: Configuration Change Modeling and Testing Process
scheduled for
sent to
deployed per
notified of
Change is
rolled back to
request closed
successful in
test and
and testing
notified of
schedules post
mortem with
system owners
and change
Staff training
plans updated
as necessary
A. Schedule configuration changes for deployment into production.
1. Send a general announcement to all staff who have dependencies on the affected system, application,
or documentation.
2. Allow adequate time for information to be disseminated to stakeholders.
3. Verify that downtime procedures are in place for mission-critical services.
4. Preferentially schedule configuration changes during non-peak times.
Avoid end of month, quarter, or year for financial systems.
Avoid peak production times for industrial systems.
Avoid times of high patient volume for health-care systems.
Avoid critical organizational deadlines or external regulatory audits.
B. Notify key stakeholders immediately prior to the change execution.
1. Prepare on-call or onsite list.
2. Maintain multiple contact avenues for key stakeholders (cell phone, home phone, email, etc.).
C. Deploy changes, following the configuration deployment plan.
Step 4. Determine the success or failure of changes.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: The lifecycle of assets is managed.
5. Are stakeholders notified when they are affected by
changes to assets? [SC:SG3.SP4]
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are in place.
The success or failure of any change depends on several factors. Many of the metrics for these factors are
defined when the configuration deployment is developed. The metrics collected as part of the change process
can be used to evaluate the overall CCMP as part of the continual improvement process. Examples of change
success metrics include the following:
Did the configuration change have the intended impact on the CI?
Was the change completed within the window allotted to make the change?
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 23
Did the change have to be rolled back due to unidentified issues?
Did the change have significant, adverse impacts on systems or users not identified prior to the change?
Did the change have positive or adverse impacts on the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the
Did the change improve performance of the CI or user experience with the CI?
Did the communications plan adequately notify stakeholders of the impending change and the progress of
the change?
o This will be largely dependent on the volume of reported issues related to the change.
o This can also be assessed by using a post-change survey of key stakeholders.
Many other metrics can be used to assess the success of a change. Each organization will need to use metrics
that best suit its needs.
Step 5. Roll back unsuccessful changes.
Often configuration changes do not occur as planned. The likelihood of unsuccessful changes can be greatly
reduced by deploying all changes in a modeling and test environment (see Step 2 above) prior to any
production changes. Even with a robust modeling and testing procedure, some changes will still be
unsuccessful in production environments. The organization should take the following steps when a change is
A. IMMEDIATELY roll back the change to a state prior to the beginning of change execution.
o Gather any information about the change failure.
o Restore all configurations for CIs.
o Restore backups of any changed data to a point immediately prior to the change execution.
o Execute the testing plan for the system to validate that it is functioning as expected.
B. Notify key stakeholders of the change failure and outline the steps taken to restore expected
o Have representatives for stakeholder groups verify the functionality of the systems affected.
o Notify executive leadership if the impact affects the entire organization.
C. Schedule a post mortem meeting with the change manager, those who executed the change, and any
key stakeholders who require situational awareness.
D. The change manager should instruct the change execution team to begin researching alternative
ways to execute the change that will be successful.
o These alternatives should all be tested in the modeling and testing environment.
o Also consider the impact of not performing the change.
Step 6. Close out completed changes.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 1: The lifecycle of assets is managed.
4. Are change requests tracked to closure? [TM:SG4.SP3] PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are in place.
All successful, completed changes should be formally closed out during a meeting of the CCRB. The CCRB
should consider the following factors when officially closing out a change:
Did the change meet its desired objectives and the objectives of the organization?
24 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Were there any unanticipated impacts of the change?
Will this change necessitate additional changes?
Was the change performed within its original budget and resource allocation?
Are key stakeholders satisfied with the result of the change?
What can be improved as a result of lessons learned?
o scheduling
o process
o training
o resource allocation
o equipment and automation
Also discuss changes to the configuration baselines of any CIs that were affected by the change.
Addressing Emergency Changes to Configurations
Emergency situations sometimes hasten the configuration change control process. Some examples include
major incidents (see the Incident Management Resource Guide, Volume 5 of this series)
o natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, storms)
o loss of critical supply chain or utility support (material supply vendor outages, electricity, water)
o technological incidents (denial of service attacks, virus outbreaks, security events, network cable cuts)
o loss of critical facilities (data center outages, building evacuations for extended periods)
o external vendor incidents (cloud provider outages, network and telecom provider outages)
critical security patches released by vendors
zero-day vulnerabilities that require immediate remediation until a patch can be developed
To effectively mitigate the impact of these events, the organization needs to accelerate its change management
process to implement solutions rapidly. This does not mean that all rigor surrounding the change management
process should be abandoned. In emergency situations, organizations should consider the following
suggestions to quickly implement changes:
Organize an emergency CCRB that can meet on extremely short notice to approve changes that need
immediate implementation.
Include senior leadership, management of critical lines of business, and management of key IT areas in
CCRB membership.
Plan for multiple methods of meeting (in person, conference bridge, web-meeting) in case the emergency
occurs outside normal business hours.
Create an emergency change implementation plan that includes a list of individuals on the emergency
CCRB and a list of procedures that are modified from the standard CCMP.
Certain phases of the implementation process can be compressed to save time, but testing and modeling must
still be performed prior to any release of configuration changes into the production environment. Some
methods for reducing time to deployment include the following:
Reduce the number of use cases addressed in modeling and testing.
o Address several primary use cases, and plan to remediate issues with niche use cases.
o Perform smaller scale testing in the modeling environment. For example:
Deploy patches to 10 test machines instead of 50 or 500.
Maintain a list of pilot “superusers” who can more easily acclimate to emergency changes and can
communicate temporary remediation tactics to their peers.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 25
Discuss minimum recovery point objectives (RPOs) with stakeholders for emergency situations. This may
reduce the time required to perform backups of systems that may have been recently backed up.
Utilize emergency downtime procedures to allow systems to be taken completely offline in emergencies.
This will allow for outages and reboots in times of heavy utilization to expedite configuration change
Example: In a hospital environment, make sure that all medical units have paper downtime procedures that allow
patient care to continue during complete outages of IT resources. These procedures should detail any information
that needs to be printed prior to the outage and procedures for entering all data back into IT systems once
connectivity is restored. Many hospitals also maintain older tube systems that could be used to transmit lab,
pharmaceutical, and radiological orders to the appropriate units.
Leverage senior management to communicate the urgency of any emergency change and to help achieve
rapid consensus for decisions affecting the change implementation timeline.
Perform periodic emergency drills in the test and modeling environment to mentally prepare IT staff to
deal with the additional stress of emergency change. Review the results of these drills and document any
improvements to be made from the lessons learned.
Step 7. Change configuration baselines.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 3: Asset configuration baselines are established.
2. Is approval obtained for proposed changes to configuration
baselines? [TM:SG4.SP3]
PR.IP-1: A baseline configuration of information
technology/industrial control systems is created and
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are in place.
Once changes are completed successfully and the configuration changes are entered into the CMDB, the
organization must update the CI’s baseline configuration. This new baseline will be the basis for deployment
of any additional instances of that CI, and it will serve as the starting point for any restoration of that CI’s
Note that, in step 1, provisions were made for change requests which did not require CCRB review. The
process for managing those change requests should also define whether or not those changes will result in a
new baseline configuration.
The change manager and the implementation team should review the new configuration baseline and then
formally present it to the CCRB for approval at its next regular meeting. The CCRB should receive
documentation on the following:
differences between the new and currently approved baseline
benefits of the new baseline
follow-up changes that should or need to be performed as a result of the new baseline
possible risks due to the implementation of the new baseline
Once the CCRB reviews and approves the new baseline, the configuration manager should enter the new
baseline into the CMDB, along with the implementation date and any relevant details.
26 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Output of Section V
Output Guidance
Change request form
See Appendix A for an example. Tailor the form to the organization’s needs and
business justification for change
impacted critical services
key stakeholders
budget or resources required for change
urgency for change or impacts of not performing the change
Impact assessment from key
The realization of any anticipated impacts of the change should be documented with
the change request:
Did any of these occur?
Were the response or remediation measures sufficient to minimize the effects on
Configuration deployment
Created during modeling and testing process
Includes timing, tools to be used, and rollback procedures
Same tools and metrics are used in testing and production changes
Updates to the CMDB
Successful changes and procedures to enact those changes are documented in the
CMDB for future reference.
Emergency CCRB
Contact information for a group of individuals high in the organizational structure who
can approve emergency changes for implementation.
Include senior management representation.
Include key line-of-business executives.
Include technical leads from key IT areas (networking, systems, applications,
Technical evaluation is often performed by technical teams in concert with key
Emergency CCMP
A plan that outlines the responsible parties and procedures for enacting emergency
configuration changes.
Include differences between the emergency CCMP and the standard CCMP.
Include detail of any known impacts to critical services when emergency change is
Include emergency downtime procedures if they have been developed.
Tailor emergency CMP to your organizations service-level agreements and the
criticality of key services.
Updates to the CI baselines Successful changes require updates to the current CI baselines.
CCRB must approve all changes to baselines.
Technical teams often perform technical evaluation in concert with baseline
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 27
VI. Monitor Configuration Changes
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 2: The integrity of technology and information assets
is managed.
2. Are techniques in use to detect changes to technology
assets? [TM:SG4.SP2]
PR.DS-6: Integrity checking mechanisms are used to verify
software, firmware, and information integrity.
Before You Begin
The following checklist summarizes the tasks you will need to complete and the information you will need to
gather before you can begin monitoring configuration changes.
Input Guidance
Audit reports
Reports from recent system audits will outline the current configuration state of the
Approved baseline
configuration reports
Used to determine the latest approved baseline for a CI.
Configuration change
requests since last
Used to verify that all requests have been processed and implemented.
configuration change
Reports from recent system audits will outline the current configuration state of the
systems. Use these audit results to verify that outstanding change requests are still
accurately recorded.
Monitoring validates that the system managed by a CCMP is adhering to the approved policies and procedures
of the organization. Identifying misconfigurations, unauthorized changes, vulnerabilities, and undocumented
systems can reduce the exposure of an organization to unnecessary risks. The use of automated tools will help
eliminate mistakes in collecting and organizing data and lead to a more efficient monitoring system.
Step 1. Identify systems or components not specified in documentation.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 3: Asset configuration baselines are established.
1. Do technology assets have configuration baselines?
PR.IP-1: A baseline configuration of information
technology/industrial control systems is created and
Scanning of organizational assets will help the organization discover systems and components that are not part
of the original recorded inventory. For example, a piece of equipment installed to test a configuration that is
never disconnected could provide an unauthorized user access to the infrastructure. Regular scans will alert the
28 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
organization to components that may have accidentally or intentionally connected to the organization. When
the scans identify unauthorized systems, define
actions to be taken
reporting requirements
Step 2. Identify disparities between authorized, approved baselines and
actual, implemented baselines.
Scanning will identify the differences between the actual, installed baselines and the documented baselines,
which will allow the organization to take action to remediate the issue. For example, an unapproved
workstation application that implements several system changes can increase the risk of system compromise.
Not all patches or updates can be tested, making the scans valuable for documenting unexpected changes to the
baselines. When scanning identifies unauthorized baselines, define
actions to be taken
reporting requirements
Step 3. Monitor system logs for unauthorized changes.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 2: The integrity of technology and information assets
is managed.
5. Is the integrity of information assets monitored?
PR.DS-6: Integrity checking mechanisms are used to verify
software, firmware, and information integrity.
Collecting and auditing the system logs for unauthorized access or changes will identify systems that need
monitoring or auditing to determine any changes from their approved baseline. Centralized logging that can
collect the data and display it in a manner that enables sorting can help identify single changes that have
affected one or multiple systems. For example, if a newly installed server application pushed a change out to a
number of workstations, a log audit would identify the offending application as well as all the affected
workstations. When log audits reveal unauthorized changes, define
actions to be taken
reporting requirements
Step 4. Collect existing audits and configuration control records.
The organization should map the existing audits of the systems, including both completed and outstanding
configuration change requests, against the current baseline reported by the system scans. Identifying changes
that have been approved and implemented but not documented in the system will prevent inconsistencies that
lead to improper changes or changes that can adversely affect performance due to configurations that are not
compliant with the current baseline. For example, if an application has been updated to the newest version but
the change is not documented, a patch that is pushed to a baseline that is directly affected by the current
version could lead to unwanted system behavior, including system failure.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 29
Step 5. Define remediation action.
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM Reference]
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Goal 2: The integrity of technology and information assets
is managed.
3. Are modifications to technology assets reviewed?
[TM:SG4.SP3; TM:SG4:SP2]
PR.IP-1: A baseline configuration of information
technology/industrial control systems is created and
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are in place.
6. Are unauthorized or unexplained modifications to
technology assets addressed [TM:SG4.SP2; TM:SG4:SP3]
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are in place.
Remediation of unidentified or unauthorized systems and configurations can be automated or manual.
Automated remediation can remove the offending system from the environment without user intervention, but
it can cause system disruptions by taking critical systems offline. Automated remediation can send alerts to
system owners or even disconnect the system from the network. Regardless of the action taken, remediation
should identify who made the change, determine if the change matches what was approved, document whether
the change was accidental or intentional, and identify errors in the implementation.
Step 6. Execute monitoring plan.
Execute the monitoring plan as described in the plan documentation. Once all the results have been collected
and analyzed, the plan should be reviewed for identified inconsistencies and shortfalls. The corrective actions
should then be documented and the monitoring plan updated to ensure the organizational requirements are
being met.
Figure 5: Configuration Change Monitoring Process
Analyze results
of system
actions to be
taken when
items are
items are
metrics to be
Take action as
defined by
with any
30 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Output of Section VI
Output Guidance
Implement monitoring
Implement monitoring program to scan network for unauthorized changes to systems,
and define metrics to be gathered.
Identify unauthorized systems
Continuous scans of organizational systems for unauthorized systems not contained in
the original inventory.
Define actions to be taken when unauthorized systems are identified.
Define reporting requirements.
Identify disparities between
authorized and implemented
Scan systems for baselines that are unauthorized or misconfigured.
Monitor system logs Monitor system logs for unauthorized access and changes.
Collect existing change
Collect existing documentation that reflects changes to baselines and systems that
have been approved or implemented.
Define remedial action Define actions in response to inconsistencies discovered in systems.
Update plan Update plan with any procedural changes identified as a result of the system scan.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 31
VII. Conclusion
An organization’s assets have many components that are connected in a variety of configurations to provide
services that meet a variety of business needs. Managing the risks inherent in the introduction of new systems,
or in the upgrading and improvement of existing systems, is critical to the resilience of the organization.
Applying patches to existing systems can introduce security vulnerabilities that allow access by unauthorized
users and can lead to loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data. Introducing new assets that
conflict with current assets can reduce users’ productivity by requiring them to enter data into two systems.
Establishing and supporting a CCM program enables your organization to evaluate and control the impact of
changes that may adversely affect employees, assets, customers, or the security posture of the organization.
Many government and private organizations also require CCM, as defined in guidance by FISMA, NIST,
The following documents provide broad program guidance:
NIST Special Publication SP 800-128 (
The CERT Resilience Management Model (CERT-RMM) [Caralli 2010] is the basis for the CRR and
contains more in-depth guidance for establishing practices.
For more information about the Cyber Resilience Review, please email the Cyber Security Evaluation Program
at [email protected].gov or visit
32 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Appendix A. Example Change Request Template
<Organization Name> Change Request
Title of Change Request:
Change Control ID:
Change Requestor:
Detailed Description of Change:
Proposed Date / Time of Change:
Stakeholder Groups Impacted:
Business Justification for Change:
Expected Impact of Change:
Expected Impact
to Resilience Requirements of Asset:
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 33
Rollback Procedures:
Change Urgency:
Low / Medium / High / EMERGENCY
Justification for emergency change:
Preliminary Assessment by CCRB:
CCRB Decision:
Approved | Rejected | Additional Information Required | Deferred
CCRB Comments:
CCRB Chair Signature: Date:
34 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Appendix B. Example Change Impact Analysis Template
<Organization Name> Change Impact Analysis
Title of Change Request:
Change Control ID:
Change Requestor:
Stakeholder Group:
Technical Implications:
Stakeholder Groups Impacted:
Business Impact:
Schedule Impact:
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 35
Financial Impact:
People Impact:
Resilience Impact:
Organizational Risks of This Change:
Rollback Implications:
Alternatives to Change:
Approved By: Date:
36 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Appendix C. Configuration and Change Management Resources
Gartner (requires subscription)
o Critical Capabilities for Configuration Management Database
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ITIL (Requires a Fee)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
o NIST Computer Security Division, Computer Security Resource Center
Special Publication 800-128, Guide for Security-Focused Configuration Management of
Information Systems
NIST Special Publication 800-40r3, Guide to Enterprise Patch Management Technologies
Software Engineering Institute, CERT Division
o CERT Resilience Management Model
o OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation)
o Concepts in Configuration Management Systems
United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT)
o Situational awareness information
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 37
Appendix D. CRR/CERT-RMM Practice/NIST CSF Subcategory Reference
Table 4 cross-references the CRR Configuration and Change Management Domain goals and practice
questions to the NIST CSF Categories/Subcategories and the sections of this guide that address those
questions. Users of this guide may wish to review the CRR Question Set with Guidance available at for more information on interpreting practice questions. The NIST CSF,
available at, also provides informative references for interpreting Category
and Subcategory statements.
Table 4: Cross-Reference of CRR Goals/Practices and NIST CSF Category/Subcategory Against the Configuration
and Change Management Resource Guide
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Configuration and
Change Management
Resource Guide
Goal 1: The lifecycle of assets is managed.
1. Is a change management process used to
manage modifications to assets?
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are
in place.
Section III
2. Are resilience requirements evaluated as a
result of changes to assets? [RRM:SG1.SP3]
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are
in place.
Section III, Step 7
3. Is capacity management and planning
performed for assets? [TM:SG5.SP3]
PR.DS-4: Adequate capacity to ensure availability is
Section III, Step 3
Section III, Step 11
4. Are change requests tracked to closure?
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are
in place.
Section V, Step 6
5. Are s
takeholders notified when they are
affected by changes to assets? [SC:SG3.SP4]
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are
in place.
Section V, Step 3
Section V, Step 4
Goal 2: The integrity of technology and
information assets is managed.
1. Is configuration management performed for
technology assets? [TM:SG4.SP2]
PR.IP-1: A baseline configuration of information
technology/industrial control systems is created and
Section II
2. Are techniques in use to detect changes to
technology assets? [TM:SG4.SP2]
PR.DS-6: Integrity checking mechanisms are used to
verify software, firmware, and information integrity.
Section VI
3. Are modifications to technology assets
reviewed? [TM:SG4.SP3; TM:SG4:SP2]
PR.IP-1: A baseline configuration of information
technology/industrial control systems is created and
Section VI, Step 5
PR.IP-3: Configuration change
control processes are
in place.
4. Are integrity requirements used to determine
which staff members are authorized to modify
information assets? [KIM:SG5:SP1]
PR.AC-4: Access permissions are managed,
incorporating the principles of least privilege and
separation of duties.
Section III, Step 3
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are
in place.
PR.IP-11: Cybersecurity is included in human
resources practices (e.g., deprovisioning, personnel
5. Is the integrity of information assets
monitored? [KIM:SG5.SP3]
PR.DS-6: Integrity checking mechanisms are used to
verify software, firmware, and information integrity.
Section VI, Step 3
6. Are unauthorized or
modifications to technology assets addressed
[TM:SG4.SP2; TM:SG4:SP3]
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are
in place.
Section VI, Step 5
7. Are modifications to technology assets
tested before being committed to production
systems? [TM:SG4.SP4]
PR.DS-7: The development and testing environment(s)
are separate from the production environment.
Section V, Step 2
38 Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
CRR Goal and Practice [CERT-RMM
NIST CSF Category/Subcategory
Configuration and
Change Management
Resource Guide
8. Has a process for managing access to
technology assets been implemented?
PR.AC: Access to assets and associated facilities is
limited to authorized users, processes, or devices, and
to authorized activities and transactions.
Section III, Step 3
Goal 3: Asset configuration baselines are
1. Do technology assets have configuration
baselines? [TM:SG5.SP2]
PR.IP-1: A baseline configuration of information
technology/industrial control systems is created and
Section VI, Step 1
2. Is approval obtained for proposed changes
to configuration baselines? [TM:SG4.SP3]
PR.IP-1: A baseline configuration of information
technology/industrial control systems is created and
Section V, Step 7
PR.IP-3: Configuration change control processes are
in place.
Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited 39
1. For more information on the Cyber Resilience Review, please email the Cyber Security Evaluation Program at
2. The CERT-RMM (Glossary of Terms) [Caralli 2010].
3. Caralli, R. A.; Allen, J. A.; & White, D. W. CERT
Resilience Management Model: A Maturity Model for
Managing Operational Resilience (CERT-RMM, Version 1.1). Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010. For more
information on the CERT-RMM, please visit
4. Hunneback, Lou.Glossary of Terms.” ITIL Service Design (2011 Edition). The Stationery Office, 2011.