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Failure to Reach a Consensus in Polypharmacy
Denition: An Obstacle to Measuring Risks and
Impacts-Results of a Literature Review
N. Taghy, Linda Cambon, J. M. Cohen, C. Dussart
To cite this version:
N. Taghy, Linda Cambon, J. M. Cohen, C. Dussart. Failure to Reach a Consensus in Polypharmacy
Denition: An Obstacle to Measuring Risks and Impacts-Results of a Literature Review. Therapeutics
and Clinical Risk Management, 2020, 16, pp.57-73. �10.2147/tcrm.S214187�. �hal-03144568�
Failure to Reach a Consensus in Polypharmacy
Denition: An Obstacle to Measuring Risks and
ImpactsResults of a Literature Review
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management
Najwa Taghy
Linda Cambon
Jean-Marie Cohen
Claude Dussar t
Laboratory P2S (Health Systemic
Process), University of Lyon, University
Claude Bernard of Lyon 1, Lyon, EA4129,
Research Chair in Prevention,
University of Bordeaux, ISPED, Inserm,
Bordeaux Population Hea lth Research
Center, Team Methods for Population
Health Int ervention Research, Bordeaux,
Open Rome, Paris, France,
Laboratory P2S (Healt h Systemic
Process), University of Lyon, University
Claude Bernard Lyon 1, EA4129, France;
Lyon Public Hospices, Central Pharmacy,
Laboratory P2S (Healt h Systemic
Process), University of Lyon, University
Claude Bernard Lyon 1, EA4129, France
Introduction: The risk of polypharmacy is on the rise in most industrialized countries,
threatening to burden their health systems. Although many denitions exist and numerous
concepts are found in literature as synonyms, the phenomenon of polypharmacy remains
poorly dened. The aim of this literature review is to provide an overview of available
denitions of polypharmacy, to analyse their convergences and divergences and to discuss
the consequences on the assessment of the problem.
Methods: A literature review was conducted to identify all published systematic reviews on
denitions of polypharmacy available via Scopus and Pubmed databases. The Assessment of
Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) tool was used to appraise the methodological
quality of the selected reviews. Available denitions and other characteristics were extracted;
summarised in a table and analysed.
Results: Six systematic reviews were identied. They were published between 2000 and
2018. Three focussed on denitions of polypharmacy in the elderly; two in the general
population and one in children. The strategy adopted in reviews is more rigorous in the most
recent ones. However, they remain, at best, partially exhaustive. The denitions found in the
literature used two main approaches, either (i) quantitative, applying varying thresholds and
types of polypharmacy based on the number of medications being taken by the patient (ii)
qualitative, based on the clinical indications and effects of a given drug regimen, with a
growing number of characteristics to describe polypharmacy. The term inappropriate is
increasingly associated with polypharmacy especially in studies that aimed to use this
denition to identify possible solutions for healthcare providers in the eld related to aging.
Conclusion: This review conrms a high variability and an evolution in the approaches
dening polypharmacy in the absence of a consensus following standardized criteria. That
makes it very difcult to estimate and measure the outcomes associated with this phenomenon.
Keywords: polypharmacy, denition, literature review
The increasing life expectancy, the rising prevalence of chronic diseases and multi-
morbidity and the growing range of therapies are currently challenging public
health in most industrialized countries and leading to increased risk of polyphar-
macy. This phenomenon, which is on the rise today, affects the elderly and could
seriously threaten health systems. Despite this, there is no consensus denition for
polypharmacy. The World Health Organization (WHO) denes polypharmacy as
the administration of many drugs at the same time or the administration of an
Correspondence: Najwa Tagh y
University of Lyon, University Claude
Bernard Lyon 1, Laboratory P2 S (Health
Systemic Process), Lyon EA4129, France
Tel +33 633740378
Email najwa.tagh [email protected]
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excessive number of drugs.
Whether in practice or in
research, this term has numerous meanings and many
terms and concepts are used in the literature interchange-
ably as synonyms for polypharmacy. This vagueness in
polypharmacy denition creates confusion and makes it
difcult to assess the extent of the problem, to measure its
consequences and to search for solutions. In order to
identify and apply relevant knowledge and effective inter-
ventions on polypharmacy, it is necessary to assess exist-
ing discrepancies in the literature. Given that systematic
reviews are recognized as very useful in identifying evi-
dence and basing health care on it,
we conducted an
extensive search of systematic reviews to answer the fol-
lowing question: how is the term polypharmacy dened
and how it is used in the literature?
The results of a very recent review were published at
the end of 2017 and provide a very precise quantitative
summary of the existing denitions for polypharmacy.
using the results of this work and all other systematic
reviews found, our literature review aims to provide an
overview of the different approaches adopted, their evolu-
tion over time, the convergences and divergences of their
results and to discuss their consequences on the evaluation
of the problem.
A literature review was conducted to nd all published
systematic reviews on polypharmacy denitions. Scopus
and Pubmed databases were searched from inception to
December 2018 using keywords: polypharmacy and
Selection of Articles
Inclusion criteria were as followed: (a) systematic reviews
focusing on polypharmacy denition; (b) systematic
reviews addressing polypharmacy issues and including
also polypharmacy denitions allowing for relevant data
extraction; (c) publications in English or French.
A rst selection was conducted based on titles and
abstracts followed by a second selection on full text. The
Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR)
tool was used to appraise the methodological quality of the
selected reviews.
The 16 elements leading to its assess-
ment criteria provide a reliable basis for evaluating sys-
tematic reviews of randomized and non-randomized
controlled studies.
Some criteria were not relevant for
our study, particularly those related to meta-analyses and
risks of bias (on the table = NA for Not Applicable).
Possible answers were Yes”“partial Yes”“No or NP
when the information was not provided.
Data Analysis
The selected articles were analysed through a full-text
reading and the following characteristics were extracted:
author, authors country, year of publication, title, aim and
purpose, review method (consulted databases, keywords,
period), number of studies analysed, concerned popula-
tion. Finally, all elements related to polypharmacy deni-
tion were also extracted in order to analyse convergences
and divergences.
Analyses and results are presented below in four main
Selection of Articles
Ninety-nine articles were initially identied; among which 79
were considered irrelevant after titles and abstract reading (not
systematic review, lack of a focus on polypharmacy denition;
no other relevant den ition elements; research protocol).
Twenty were selected for full-text reading. Finally, only ve
reviews were selected after full-text reading and one paper
mentioned in the selected reviews was manually retrieved.
Figure 1 illustrates the review ow chart (see Figure 1)
Description of Included Reviews
Five reviews were in English and one in French. They
were published between June 2000 and November 2018.
Of the six reviews selected, three focussed on the elderly
(one on elderly,
one on people aged 65 and over
and one
people aged 60 and over
). Two others dened polyphar-
macy in the general population
and 1 review, the most
recent, focused on paediatric polypharmacy.
The studies
included in these included reviews were published
between 1985 and July 2017.
Quality Assessment
The methodology used in reviews was analysed using the
AMSTAR grid. However, the score provided by the
AMSTAR tool was not calculated. Instead, available infor-
mation was summarised in a table providing some indica-
tions on the quality of the methodology used in each review
(Table 1). The strategy adopted in these reviews has evolved
and is more rigorous in the most recent reviews. However,
they remain, at best, partially exhaustive.
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Denition of Polypharmacy
The analysis of the selected reviews provided data on differ-
ent ways in which polypharmacy was dened in the litera-
ture. As the content varied from one review to another
(quantitative and/or descriptive synthesis, table or narrative
text), th e extracted denition elements have been sum-
marised in a table (See Table 2).
Towards Two Approaches to Dene
Among the reviews that we excluded because they were
not systematic, some presented nevertheless interesting
summaries of existing polypharmacy denitions.
rst of these, which is important to mention because it is
cited as a reference in most of the works studied, was
242 Records identified
through Scopus Database
107 Records identified
through PubMed Database
99 Titles or abstracts screened
- Sélection of « review » articles
- Duplicates removed
20 Full-text articles assessed for
79 irrelevant Titles and /or
abstracts excluded
15 excluded:
- Not systematic review
- Not focus on polypharmacy
- Not relevant definition
- Research protocol only.
1 review identified in references
and added by hand searching
Figure 1 Flow chart for review of systematic reviews of polypharmacy denition.
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Table 1 Quality Assessment Using the AMSTAR Tool
et al
et al 2017
et al
et al 2008
et al
et al
1. Did the research questions and inclusion criteria for the review include the components of PICO? NA
2. Did the report of the review contain an explicit statement that the review methods were established prior to
the conduct of the review
Yes Yes Partial Yes Partial Yes Yes Yes
3. Did the review authors explain their selection of the study designs for inclusion in the review? Yes Yes Yes No No No
4. Did the review authors use a comprehensive literature search strategy? Partial Yes Partial Yes Partial Yes No Partial Yes Partial Yes
5. Did the review authors perform study selection in duplicate? Yes Yes Yes NP NP NP
6. Did the review authors perform data extraction in duplicate? Yes Yes NP NP NP NP
7. Did the review authors provide a list of excluded studies and justify the exclusions? Yes Yes No No Partial Yes Partial Yes
8. Did the review authors describe the included studies in adequate detail? Yes (n=363) Yes (n=110) No (n=34) No (n=11) Yes (n=16) Yes (n=143)
9. Did the review authors use a satisfactory technique for assessing the risk of bias (RoB) in individual studies that
were included in the review?
10. Did the review authors report on the sources of funding for the studies included in the review?
11. If meta-analysis was pe rformed, did the review authors use appr opriate methods for statistical combination of results?
12. If meta-analysis was performed, did the review authors assess the potential impact of RoB in individual
studies on the results of the meta-analysis or other evidence synthesis?
13. Did the review authors account for RoB in primary studies when interpreting/discussing the results of the review?
14. Did the review authors provide a satisfactory explanation for, and discussion of, any heterogeneity observed
in the results of the review?
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
15. If they performed quantitative synthesis did the review authors carry out an adequate investigation of
publication bias (small study bias) and discuss its likely impact on the results of the review?
16. Did the review authors report any potential sources of conict of interest, including any funding they
received for conducting the review?
Yes Yes No No No No
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Table 2 Denitions of Polypharmacy
Author/ Year/ Country/ Title /Aim/Purpose Sources/Method/ Period/ Number of Studies Population Polypharmacy Denitions
Bakaki et al
Dening pediatric polypharmacy: A scoping review.
To describe denitions and terminology of pediatric
(Conforms to the PRISMA checklist.)
CENTRAL, and the Web of Science Core Collection databases
were searched for English language articles with the concepts of
polypharmacy and children. Data were extracted about
study characteristics, polypharmacy terms and denitions from
qualifying studies, and were synthesized by disease conditions.
From inception to October 2016 and was updated on July 11,
(n= 363 studies included)
Children 324 studies provided numeric denitions, 131 specied duration of
polypharmacy, and 162 explicitly dened it.
Over 81%
(n = 295) of the studies dened polypharmacy as two or mor e
medications or therapeutic classes.
The most common comprehensive denitions of pediatric
polypharmacy included: two or more concurrent medications for 1
day (n = 41), two or more concurrent medications for 31 days (n =
15), and two or more sequential medications over one year (n = 12).
Commonly used terms included polypharmacy , polytherapy,
combination pharmacotherapy, average number, and concomitant
The term polypharmacy was more common in psychiatry literature
while epilepsy literature fav ored the term polytherap y.
This revie w found 162 studies that offered 203 distinct denitions of
polypharmacy in the text:
Only 19% (n = 35 outpatient, 3 inpatient) of the text denitions
provided both a medication threshold number and a period
A list of all 203 text denitions is available at the journal website
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Table 2 (Continued).
Author/ Year/ Country/ Title /Aim/Purpose Sources/Method/ Period/ Number of Studies Population Polypharmacy Denitions
Masnoon et al
BMC Geriatrics
What is polypharmacy? A systematic review of denitions.
To explore the denitions in existing literature. Additionally, to
explore whether articles differentiated between appropriate and
inappropriate polypharmacy and how this distinction was made.
(Conforms to the PRISMA checklist).MEDLINE (Ovid),
EMBASE and Cochrane.
Grey literature.
Between 1st Januar y 2000 and 30th May 2016
Published in English,
(n=110 studies included)
All A total of 138 denitions and associated terms. Denitions were
categorised as:
111 Numerical only (using the number of medications to dene
polypharmacy): a wide range of variability in the denitions as well as
associated terms (minor , moderate, major), the most commonly
used term was polypharmacy but there was variation with regard
to the actual denition of polypharmacy, which ranged from 2 or
more medications to 11 or more medications. The most commonly
used denition was 5 or more medication da ily (51 studies). The
second most common denition was 6 or more medications (10
studies). Only one study dene d polypharmacy as the number of
drug classes used by patient.
15 Numerical with an associated:
Duration of therap y (11 studies): ranged from use of two or
more medications for more than 240 days (long term use)to
ve to nine medications used for 90 days or more.
or healthcare setting (4 studies): included the use of ve or
more medications at hospital discharge, and the use of 10 or
more medications during hospital stay.
12 Descriptive (using a brief description to dene polypharmacy) as:
Patients visiting multiple pharmacies to obtain medications; Co-
prescribing multiple medicat ions; Simultaneous and long term use of
different drugs by the same individual; Polypharmacy denition
ranges from the use of a large number of medications, to the use of
potentially inappropriate medications, medication underuse and
medication duplication; P ot entially inappropriate medications; Use of
multiple medications concurrently and the use of additional
medications to corr ect adverse effects; Use of medications which ar e
not clinically indicated.
More drugs being prescribed or taken than are clinically appropriate
in the context of a patients comorbidities. (Some studies used
different wording but conve yed the same denition ex:
Coprescribing multiple medications and Simultaneous and long term
use of different drugs by the same individual).
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7studiesdened appropriate or rational polypharmacy, or
recognised the distinction between appropriate and inappr opriate
medications: dened polypharmacy using a brief description only (3
studies) or used a brief description and polypharmacy tools such as
the Be ers criteria and the Medication Appropriateness Index (MAI)
(4 studies). (None of the studies explicitly identied the need to
distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate polypharmacy
based on the pharmacology of medications involv ed, how they
interact with each other and comorbidities for a specicpatient).
Only one of the 110 studies included in the review highlighted the
inconsistencies in the denitions of polypharmacy in the literature
and suggested that polypharmacy be dened as patients visiting
multiple pharmacies which may be associated with safety concerns
relating to potential outcomes such as medication duplication, drug-
drug interactions and adverse effects.
Monégat et al
Questions déconomie de la
Polypharmacy: Denitions, Measurement and Stakes Involved
Review of the Literature and Measurement Tests
Based on a review of the literature, different denitions of
polypharmacy were identied and the measurement of
polypharmacy was examined according to different thresholds.
The review of the literature was carried out using the Medline
and Gediweb databases.
Completed with research based on references included in
selected articles.
The following key words were used to designate polypharmacy:
polypharmacy, polymedication, polyprescription,
multimedication, multiprescription.
Inclusion criteria were: articles or literature reviews on the
denition and measurement of polypharmacy, studies on the
prevalence of polypharmacy (excluding polypharmacy centered
on a single therapeutic class or pathology) and articles in French
or in English.
Between 2000 and 2013
(n= 34 studies included)
All Dened by the World Health Organisation as the
administration of many drugs at the same time or the
administration of an excessive number of drugs
Notion of drug misuse: Polypharmacy refers to the
administration of more drugs than clinically necessary.
By extension, polypharmacy is said to be appropriate when
the prescription of numerous medications is justied, and
inappropriate when wrongly or indiscriminately prescribed.
According to the time slots used to measure polypharmacy:
Simultaneous polypharmacy: Corresponds to the number
of drugs concurrently taken by a patient on a given day. A
variant of this denition imposes that the simultaneous use
of numerous medications should be prolonged through
time; at least 60 consecutive days quarterly, for example.
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Table 2 (Continued).
Author/ Year/ Country/ Title /Aim/Purpose Sources/Method/ Period/ Number of Studies Population Polypharmacy Denitions
Cumulative polypharmacy (also known as multiple
medication): is dened by the sum of different medications
administered over a given period of time. Numerous
studies use a three-month period, the time necessary to
take into account 95% of prescriptions based on the
standard prescription renewal time (three months). Other
periods (six months, twelve months) have also been used.
Continuous polypharmacy: it is similar to cumulative
polypharmacy but limited to medications taken for
prolonged and regular periods. It only takes into account
medications present in two given time periods spaced by
an interval of six months, for example. Or by taking into
account only medications present in the preceding quarter
and the following quarter.
According to a dened thresholds: Numerous thresholds have
been identied
- Essentially 5 or more medications
- 10 medications or over
- Other thresholds: 5to7; 8 and over; Threshold of 8
medications; 6 medications and over
According to the number of medications administered:
Minor polypharmacy: the administration of 2 to 4 medications
Major polypharmacy: the use of 5 medications and over.
hyperpolypharmacy or excessive multi-medication: the
consumption of 10 or more medications.
In an article published in 2014:
The consumption of over 10 medications is now
considered as major
20 medications or over is considered excessive.
The consumption of 5 medications or under is now
considered as non-polypharmacy or oligopharmacy
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Bushardt et al
Clinical Interventions in Aging
Polypharmacy: Misleading, but manageable
To identify a consensus denition for polypharmacy and evaluate
its prevalence among elderly outpatients.
A review conducted within OVID for original articles.
Using the following search terms and phrases: polypharmacy,
elderly,”“geriatrics,”“inappropriate medication, and multiple
medication use.
English language articles available in local holding, which
described polypharmacy or the issue of the simultaneous use
of multiple medications in elderly patients, were evaluated.
Discrete denitions of polypharmacy were identied and
Between January 1997 and May 2007
(n=11 studies included)
Elderly Several different denitions involved one of the following
concepts (24 nitions):
Medication does not match the diagnostic (the most commonly
cited, in 4 articles); Many medications; Duplication of
medication; Drug/drug interactions; Inappropriate dosing
frequency (excessive, too low, too long); Medication prescribed
to treat the side effect of another medication (except for case
where there is no other option); Two or more agents with the
same chemical class; Two or more meds to treat the same
condition; Two or more agents with the same or similar
pharmacologic actions to treat different conditions; Minor
polypharmacy = 24 meds/Major polypharmacy 5 meds; 3, 5
or 6 different medications; Two or more medications; Greater
than 5 medications; Excessive use of medication; Unnecessary
use of medication; Medications prescribed greater than twice
per day; Complicated drug regimen effecting compliance;
Contraindicated in the elderly; Taking an OTC medication, an
herbal product or another persons medication; Availability of an
equally effective, lower-cost alternative; Patient
misunderstanding of the use of the medication (purpose, how to
take it, side effects possible, toxicity signs, etc.); Dosage does
not reect age/renal/liver status; Improvement after
discontinuation of medication; Diagnosis no longer present.
The term inappropriate was part of denitions used in six
Some denitions for polypharmacy place a value on the number
of concurrent medications; the most commonly referenced
number was 6 medications or more.
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Table 2 (Continued).
Author/ Year/ Country/ Title /Aim/Purpose Sources/Method/ Period/ Number of Studies Population Polypharmacy Denitions
Fulton et al
Journal of the American
Academy of Nurse
Polypharmacy in the elderly: a literature review.
To review the body of literature addressing polypharmacy in
individuals aged 60 years and older to (a) determine primary
care providers denition of polypharmacy, (b) explore how
polypharmacy was assessed in primary care, and (c) seek tested
interventions that address polypharmacy.
A systematic review;
Bibliographic databases:
EBSCOHost, InfoTrac, OVID, FirstSearch, and FirstSearch
The search terms polypharmacy,”“polypharmacy and elderly,
polypharmacy and research, and multiple medications.
Between January 1991 and October 2003
(n=16 studies included)
(60 years)
Multiple denition are utilized:
- Two or more drugs for 240 days or more
- Concurrent use of two or more drugs
- Use of for or more medications
-Use of ve or more different prescription medications
Additional denitions include regular daily consumption of
multiple medication as well as the use of high-risk medi-
cations and questionable dosing
Untoward iatrogenic sequel of the use of multiple, inter-
acting medications
European studies dened polypharmacy according to the
number of medications taken, whereas the studies con-
ducted in the United states dened polypharmacy
according to whether a medication was clinically indicated
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Veehof et al
European Journal of General
Polypharmacy in the elderly A literature review.
To d e ne polypharmacy; to determine the extent and nature of
polypharmacy in the elderly; and to discover the problems
which may result from polypharmacy in general practice.
A Medline search from 1985 to 1998 yielded.
Entries: polypharmacy and aged (=65 years and older) in
combination with: adverse drug reactions, drug interactions,
drug combinations.
(n= 143 articles included)
(65 years)
Dened in two ways in the literature: Quantitative vs
In quantitative descriptions the emphasis lies mainly on the
amount of drugs, and qualitative descriptions focus on
polypharmacy as a problem.
For instance, polypharmacy dened as the prescription,
administering or use of more drugs than is clinically indicated for
a certain patient.
The term polypharmacy was also applied when several drugs are
used with one of the following characteristics:
Drug use with no apparent indication;
Use of two identical drugs;
Concurrent use of interacting drugs;
Use of contraindicated drugs;
Use of drugs to treat adverse drug reactions;
Improvement after stopping or interrupting medication.
When mentioning polypharmacy some authors describe a
regime in which there is at least one drug that is superuous or
the use of any drug that is not essential to the management of a
medical problem.
When approaching polypharmacy quantitatively, the criterion
often used is the simultaneous use of more than ve drugs (But
it must be remembered that situations exist where the simul-
taneous prescription of several drugs is necessary and has to be
considered effective pharmacotherapy).
For the purpose of this study: polypharmacy means simply the
simultaneous use of two or more drugs; the use of more than
ve drugs is dened as major polypharmacy.
Abbreviations: OTC, over the counter; PIM, potentially inappropriate medication; WHO, World Health Organization.
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published back in 1998 by a general practitioner (R. David
Lee) in the Journal of the American Board of Family
This article already identied polypharmacy
as a serious problem because of the lack of relevant
research data on its prevalence, complications and man-
agement solutions. According to the author, the denition
of polypharmacy varies from one study to another, making
it difcult to translate research results into useful informa-
tion for primary care. Lee denes polypharmacy in its
strictest sense as the concomitant use of many drugs and
describes it as a practice that implies the prescribing of
excessive medication. He also introduces two main
approaches that we found in all selected reviews. The
rst approach focuses on the number of medications the
patient is taking. The authors disagree, however, on the
number of medications and on whether or not to consider
medications over-the-counter drugs or herbal and alterna-
tive medications. The second approach which allows for
an individualized approach to a patients drug regimen
focus on the clinical indications and effects of a given
drug regimen, regardless of the number of medications
used. Polypharmacy would therefore imply that more med-
ications are used or prescribed than those that are clini-
cally indicated.
From the rst review we selected in 2000 to the last one
published in 2018, we nd this notion of qualitative
approach vs. quantitative approach in the denition of poly -
pharmacy. What changes are the nuances found in the results
of each review; nuances that are a consequence of
approaches and methods that have evolved and that are
different from on review to another according to the purpose
of each (for example: specic population, more or less in-
depth analysis of the original articles). The progressive gain
of ground in the denition by increasingly precise concepts
(qualitative approach) as well as the progressive emergence
of notion of inappropriate polypharmacy are also reected in
the comparison of the results of the different reviews.
An interesting approach to denition by attempting to
measure polypharmacy is found in the French Institute for
Research and Information in Health Economics (IRDES)
systematic review from 2014.
Their results include all the
aforementioned varieties of denitions (based on thresholds,
on the number of medications or on other related character-
istics) and focus specically on time slots to measure poly -
pharmacy. This approach distinguishes several types of
polypharmacy: simultaneous, cumulative (or multiple medi-
cation) and continuous (see Table 2).
As mentioned above, in 2017, an Australian team pub-
lished in the BMC Geriatri c the results of a systemat ic
literature review including 110 articles dening
This review describes and quanties avail-
able denitions by categories (numerical only; numerical
with an associated duration of therapy or healthcare setting;
descriptive). The vast majority of existing denitions
(80.4%) are only quantitative; the most commonly used
threshold is ve or more daily medications (51 studies).
Only one study, published in 2011 in the British Medical
Journal dened polypharmacy as the number of drug classes
used by patient.
Nearly eleven percent of studies added the
criterion of dur ation of thera py or healthcare setting to the
numerical denition. In addition, 8.9% of revised studies had
a descriptive approach to dene polypharmacy while some of
them used different terms when referring to the same deni-
tion. Final ly, this re view identies studies that dene appro-
priate or rational polypharmacy as opposed to potentially
inappropriate medication. Of the 110 studies included, it
highlights a recent article (2015) that highlights the incon-
sistency in the denitions of polypharmacy and refers to
situations where patients visiting multiple pharmacies
which may be associated with safety concerns relating to
potential outcomes such as medication duplication, drug
drug interactions and adverse effects.
The last selected review is a sc oping review published by
an American team in November 2018, including 363 articles.
It describes denitions and terminology of paediatric polyphar-
macy and provides an overview of the wide range of denitions
associated to the term polypharmacy in paediatric studies.
This reviews results are similar to those found in other reviews
concerning the general population: the vast majority of deni-
tions are quantitative; the differenc e is the number of medica-
tions. In over 80% of the reviewed studies, polypharmacy
among children was dened on the basis of two or more
medications or two or mor e therapeutic classes. Commonly
used terms included polypharmacy, polytherapy, combi-
nation pharmacotherapy, average number,andconc omi-
tant medications.Thetermpolypharmac y was more
common in the psychiatric literature, while the term polyther-
apy was more frequently found in epilepsy literature.
A Need for a Consensus Denition to
Enable Action: A Field of Application
Related to Ageing
Between 2000 and 2008, we found three reviews with the
same objective: to identify a consensus denition for
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polypharmacy in the literature.
All of them focused on
the elderly. This is quite logical as the elderly are affected
by polypharmacy. The denitions found in the literature
concern the two approaches described above: (i) quantita-
tive, with varying thresholds and types of polypharmacy
determined by the number of medications (e.g., minor,
major, excessive); (ii) qualitative, with a growing number
of concepts and characteristics to describe polypharmacy,
including treatment duration and many other contextual
elements and concepts (example: Bushardt in 2008 identi-
ed 24 different denitions,
the most cited being
Medication does not match the diagnosis).
The term inappropriate is increasingly associated
with polypharmacy, particularly in reviews that aimed to
use this denition to identify possible solutions for
healthcare providers. Several evaluation tools and var-
ious methods have been developed for this purpose: The
most well known are the Beers criteria developed in
Beers criteria help clinicians identify adverse
reactions and medications to be avoided or used with
caution among the elderly. These criteria were included
in several research studies on inappropriate prescriptions
in the late 1990s.
Other interventions for assess and
control polypharmacy include brown bag approach
using mnemonics such as SAIL or TIDE,
or the 10-
step approach.
The three reviews conducted between 2000 and 2008
identify many variations in denitions from one school
to another. Some authors note that European studies
often dened polypharmacy according to the number
of medications taken, while studies conducted in the
United States tend to dene polypharmacy according
to the clinical indication of medication.
This qua litative
approach is essential to studies focused on onco-geria-
trics for example. In this multi-morbidity context,
beyond the number of medications prescribed and
used, polypharmacy is dened more broadly than poten-
tially inappropriate medication (PIM) use Medications
of a specic drug t ype or class t hat may not be appro-
priate for a given patient because of age or a concurrent
illness/condition, Medication underuse Medications
with a c lear benet for a given illness/condition that a
patient is not taking, and Medication duplication
Medications of the same or a similar drug class or
therapeutic effect concurrently being used that may not
be benecial.
A Lack of Consensus on Polypharmacy
This literature review further conrms the lack of standar-
dization in the use of the term polypharmacy both, in
research and practice. The WHO denition (the adminis-
tration of many drugs at the same time or the administra-
tion of an excessive number of drugs) is broad enough so
as to allow for the emergence of different denitions
. The
rst part suggests an administration of many drugs with-
out specifying to which number this excessive nature
corresponds. Moreover, the notion of same time raises
the issue of the temporal dimension according to which
polypharmacy is considered and measured. The other part
of the denition refers to an excessive number of drugs
introducing, thus, another notion; that of drug misuse.
literature review conducted by a Canadian team, published
in 1981, seeking to dene polypsychopharmacy (poly-
pharmacy in the eld of psychiatry), had already revealed
a large variability in denitions in the medical literature.
While being used for more than a century and a half,
term has not reached a consensus yet in its denition.
Instead, the most recent publications reveal a great hetero-
geneity in approaches and the impossibility of establishing
a standard denition for polypharmacy.
Moreover, although not standardised, these denitions
have been enriched and rened over time to include new
characteristics and concepts linked to the quality of pre-
scription (appropriate, rational vs. inappropriate), duration
or context of therapy , etc. This qualitative approach
moves away from stricter denitions that are limited to the
number of drugs consumed. Nevertheless, the most recent
review shows that more than 80% of the denitions used
in the literature are quantitative.
Denition by Measurement: Different
Several research studies have focused on the study and
development of indicators and potential tools to reliably
measure polypharmacy. We mentioned the work of IRDES
researchers, which denes indicators and assesses the tech-
nical feasibility of their calculation.
They compare ve of
the most frequently used measurement tools and test them
on the basis of IMS-Health data to assess the ability of
these indicators to identify polypharmacy. From this
review of the literature, they retained four polypharmacy
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indicators. Three indicators represent simultaneous poly-
pharmacy and one, cumulative polypharmacy. To these,
they added a continuous polypharmacy indicator, also
found in the literature and retained within the PAERPA
program framework.
A table summarizes the name, cal-
culation and sources of each indicator (8, table T).
Two additional publications deal with the same issue.
The rst one
refers to explicit and implicit instruments,
such as the Beers Criteria, STOPP/START criteria, and
Medication Appropriateness Index, which are common
criteria that can be used to identify high-risk medications
that suggest reconsideration.
It also discusses the rele-
vance of other ways to assess the medication burden in
older adults using tools that consider pharmacological
principles (i.e. doseresponse and cumulative effects) and
target-specic medications such as those with clinically
signicant anticholinergic effects and sedative effects
(i.e. Anticholinergic Drug Score, Anticholinergic Risk
Scale, Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scale, Sedative
Load, and Drug Burden Index). The authors emphasize the
importance of establishing clinically relevant cutoffs for
polypharmacy, meaning that they must be measured and
interpreted according to the clinical context, multimorbid-
ity, patient preferences and goals of care.
The most recent paper in this eld is a systematic review
and expert consensus study that identies what they consider
to be the key elements of a measure of prescribing appropri-
ateness in the context of polypharmacy.
Panel members
particularly valued indicators concerned with adverse drug
reactions, contraindications, drugdrug interaction s, and the
conduct of medication reviews. A set of 12 indicators of
clinical importance considered relevant to polypharmacy
appropriateness has been identied (29, Table 2). This review
concludes by recalling that the use of these indicators in
clinical practice and informatics systems is dependent on
their operationalization and their utility (e.g. risk stratica-
tion, targeting and monitoring polypharmacy interventions)
requires subsequent evaluation.
No Standard Denition: An Obstacle to
Measuring Outcomes
This lack of consensus makes it very difcult to estimate
and measure the outcomes associated with polypharmacy.
Several of these reviews aimed at dening polypharmacy
in order to study its prevalence in a given population
(geriatric, onco-geriatric, paediatric or psychiatric) or to
prove and quantify the association between polypharmacy
and its associated consequences (falls, hospitalization,
non-compliance with treatment, increased expenses ,
etc.). The denition of these parameters is a fundamental
step and a real challenge for researchers interested in
developing adequate solutions based on evidence and pro-
ven methods including recommendations to guide practice
and interventions targeting patients or healthcare provi-
ders. All reviews that attempted to conduct meta-analyses
or to compare the results of previous work share a com-
mon limitation related to the use of different methodolo-
gies from one study/school to another. Several elements
may vary: population prole, threshold denition (dura-
tion, number), healthcare environment (home, hospital,
institution ), and specicities of contexts and health
systems from one country to another.
Results show that the prevalence of polypharmacy in
the elderly can vary from 13% to 92% depending on the
denition used and the characteristics of the population
A recent study exploring the correlation between
polypharmacy and falls in a cohort of people over 60 years
old in the United Kingdom, illustrated this variation: using
the threshold of 4 or more drugs (adjusting for socio-
demographic, medical and other lifestyle factors), the
rate of falls is 18% higher among polymedicated people
than among others (IRR 1.18, 95% CI 1.08 to 1.28), while
the use of the threshold of 10 or more drugs was 50%
higher (IRR 1.50, 95% CI 1.34 to 1.67).
The results of
another systematic review that assessed prevalence and
associated clinical signs through variations in polyphar-
macy denition and mood variation in adults with bipolar
disorder showed a prevalence that varied between 85%
and 36% depending on whether the study used a permis-
sive (2 drugs simultaneously) or more conservative (4
and more) denition.
It is also difcult to estimate the cost of polypharmacy
and its burden on health systems. For instance, in Great
Britain, we can have the total number of drugs dispensed
and its evolution (1.08 billion 19.9 drugs/person in 2015
Vs. 962 million 183 drugs/per cent in 2011
); in USA
the cost associated with the management of falls among
people over 65 years old (£6million/day or £2.3 billion/
year for the NHS in 2010
has been estimated in $20
billion in 2006
). However, even if we accept the proven
link between polypharmacy and falls,
again, the
absence of a standard denition makes it difcult to pre-
cisely quantify this cost.
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The fact that we have limited ourselves to systematic
reviews without studying all the original articles could be
considered as a limitation to this work. But this option was
chosen in order to get an overview of the existing literature
and to be able to assess whether there was a consensus
denition of polypharmacy.
Published literature reports a high variability in the use of
the term polypharmacy in the absence of a consensus
following standardized criteria. In all reviews, we nd this
notion of qualitative approach vs quantitative approach
in the denition of polypharmacy. The results (existing
denitions of polypharmacy) were different from one
review to another depending on the purpose and method
of each and have, a fortiori, evolved over time.
Some researchers make trade-offs by choosing a de-
nition for the purposes of their research. Others are trying
to dene relevant indicators to move towards a precise
measurement of polypharmacy whether comparing the
ability of indicators to identify polypharmacy and evaluat-
ing the technical feasibility of their calculations,
ing alternative terminologies
or, much more recently,
establishing a standard denition of the term polyphar-
macy based on an index including the many parameters
associated with comorbidity and multi-morbidity.
Research on polypharmacy is moving towards an
increasingly holistic approach. Polypharmacy could be
dened, therefore, within the intersection between its
many etiological or risk factors (health status, general
frailty, comorbid conditions, certain diagnoses, prescribing
cascades, self-medication, inappropriate prescription, etc.);
signicant demographic factors (age, sex, level of educa-
tion); healthcare environment; and the other factors inu-
encing the number of doctor visits prescribers and hospital
admissions. Paradoxically, this approach brings us further
away from a standard denition because it denes several
situations or types of polypharmacy. By combining all
these considerations, some denitions qualify polyphar-
macy as appropriate when the prescription of numerous
medications is justied, and as inappropriate when
wrongly or indiscriminately prescribed.
In the
same vein, we can de ne inappropriate polypharmacy
as opposed to situations where the use of several medica-
tions would be desirable, justied and even necessary. This
practice corresponds to the simultaneous administration of
several medications, at least one of which would be inap-
propriate regarding its indications and/or the iatrogenic
risks potentially implied by its administration.
AMSTAR, Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews;
IRDES, Institute for Research and Information in Health
Economics; IRR, Incident Rate Ratio; MAI, Medication
Appropriateness Index; NA, Not applicable; NHS,
National Health Service; NP, Not provided; OTC, Over
the counter; PIM, Potentially inappropriate medication;
WHO, World Health Organization.
The authors report no conicts of interest in this work.
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