Reducing harm
from polypharmacy
in older people
Effectiveness Matters is a summary of reliable research evidence
about the effects of important interventions for practitioners and
decision makers in the NHS and public health. This issue was
produced by CRD in collaboration with the Yorkshire and Humber
AHSN Improvement Academy and Connected Yorkshire, part of
Connected Health Cities. Effectiveness Matters is extensively
peer reviewed.
August 2017
Polypharmacy is common
among older people; it can
increase the risk of adverse drug
reactions and interactions, as
well as reduce compliance and
Positive (but inconsistent) effects
of deprescribing interventions
have been observed
Patient and practitioner decisions
about stopping medications are
influenced by social influences,
expected consequences, and
factors such as consultation
Practitioners said their own
knowledge and skills, plus beliefs
about the capabilities of patients
could influence their decisions
Patients said their emotions,
treatment goals, and willingness
to experiment could also
influence their decisions
A multifaceted person-centred
coordinated care approach,
as advocated in NICE clinical
guidelines and by the ‘House of
Care’ model, should underpin
efforts to reduce harm from
polypharmacy in older people
Polypharmacy in older people
The use of multiple medications is often referred to
as polypharmacy.
Epidemiological evidence shows
that as people age they develop a greater number of
conditions (multimorbidity), with a related increase in
NICE guidance on medicines optimisation distinguishes
between “appropriate polypharmacy” (where medicines
use has been optimised and prescribed according
to best evidence) and “problematic polypharmacy”
(where the prescribing of multiple medicines is either
inappropriate or sub-optimal).
This bulletin will focus
on approaches that aim to reduce problematic forms of
Scale of the problem
During the period 2005-2015, 60.4% of all prescription
items in England were dispensed to patients aged 60
and over,
and approximately one in ve prescriptions
to older people living in their own homes may be
Among older people in care homes, up
to 91%, 74%, and 65% of residents take more than ve,
nine, and ten medications, respectively.
Consequences of polypharmacy in older people
Polypharmacy may increase risk of adverse drug
reactions, drug-drug and drug-disease interactions, and
reduce compliance and adherence (due to complexity of
drug regimens).
NICE guideline evidence suggests that polypharmacy
(ve or more drugs) is associated with increased risks
of unplanned hospital admission and mortality, with
even greater risks at higher levels of polypharmacy.
Polypharmacy (when dened as ≥13 drugs) is
associated with increased risk of admission to a care
home. No evidence was identied on how polypharmacy
inuences health-related quality of life.
Systematic review evidence has shown polypharmacy
to be associated with falls among both nursing home
residents and community-dwelling older people.
However, the potentially harmful consequences of
polypharmacy are difcult to estimate precisely.
Identifying people at risk of harm
NICE guidelines describe people who may benet
from an approach to care that takes account of
multimorbidity. This includes adults who are prescribed
15 or more regular medicines, or adults prescribed
fewer than 15 regular medicines who are at particular
risk of adverse events.
Additional reasons for re-appraising an older person’s
medication needs might include: emergence of adverse
drug effects; onset of dementia or end-stage disease;
loss of symptom control; ongoing use of high risk
medications (alone or in combination); newly available
evidence on a medication; and concerns around
intolerance or non-adherence.
Within the wider population of older adults, subgroups
at particular risk of harm from polypharmacy could
include people recently admitted to hospital, care home
residents, and those living with frailty.
Identifying frailty among older adults with
NICE guidelines recommend assessing people with
multimorbidity for frailty.
Frailty can be conceptualised
and measured in a number of ways; up-to-date
information on how to recognise and manage frailty in
primary care in general is available elsewhere.
Few published studies report the relationship between
measures of frailty and subsequent inappropriate
medication use.
One recent retrospective database
study reported a signicant correlation between Frailty
Index (FI) score and both potentially inappropriate
prescribing (PIP) and adverse drug reactions (ADR) in
older hospitalised patients.
However, the use of FI
scores to reduce PIP and ADR has yet to be tested.
Evidence on interventions to reduce harm from
problematic polypharmacy
Multiple approaches to improve polypharmacy
have been proposed, including organisational (e.g.
medication review, specialist clinics, computerised
decision support, risk screening tools), professional
(e.g. educational programmes), nancial (e.g. incentive
schemes) and regulatory methods.
One Cochrane review found that complex, multi-
faceted pharmaceutical approaches for improving the
appropriate use of polypharmacy in older people led to
some benets in terms of Medication Appropriateness
Index scores and number of Beers medications (a list of
potentially inappropriate medications to be avoided in
older adults),
though evidence on hospital admissions
and medication-related problems was inconsistent.
A second Cochrane review concluded that interventions
to optimise prescribing for older people living in care
homes may lead to fewer days in hospital, a slower
decline in health-related quality of life, identication and
resolution of medication-related problems, and improved
medication appropriateness, but may make little or no
difference to adverse drug events or mortality.
Evidence on deprescribing approaches
While the Cochrane reviews evaluated prescribing
optimisation, other evaluations have focused solely on
deprescribing. This is the complex process needed to
ensure the safe and effective withdrawal (i.e. tapering or
stopping) of inappropriate medicines.
Deprescribing interventions can include: screening tools
or criteria (e.g. Beers criteria, STOPP/START tool),
specic medication- or population-specic guidelines,
or more structured frameworks for deprescribing (e.g.
Good Palliative-Geriatric Practice algorithm, CEASE
framework, The 7 Steps).
Several systematic reviews have evaluated the effects
of deprescribing interventions (including comprehensive
and drug-specic medication reviews, education
programmes for prescribers, and patient-specic
interventions) on the total number of prescribed or
inappropriate medications,
hospitalisation rates,
and mortality.
While positive effects
were observed in many primary studies, reviews often
failed to draw denitive conclusions about the relative
effectiveness of different deprescribing approaches
due to the poor quality and high variability of research
evidence in this area.
In addition, interventions are often complex and it can
be unclear how best to organise and implement these to
achieve a reduction in inappropriate polypharmacy.
Evidence on barriers and enablers to
Three systematic reviews have synthesised qualitative
data on the perceived barriers and enablers to
deprescribing inappropriate medications in adults.
Much of this evidence focuses on the perceptions and
beliefs of primary care practitioners and older patients
(see online for details).
Factors identied by practitioners fell into the following
Knowledge and skills (e.g. being unaware of
inappropriate prescribing; needing more education
in geriatric pharmacology;
lacking condence,
feeling insecure, overwhelmed or inadequately
Beliefs about the capabilities of others (e.g.
assuming that older patients lack health literacy or
don’t share information about their medicine intake)
Beliefs about consequences (e.g. fears about the
possible risks of deprescribing)
Environmental context and resources (e.g. lack
of time or remuneration;
the impact of multiple
disease guidelines;
lack of communication or clarity
about responsibilities among professional groups)
Social inuences (e.g. patient reluctance;
professional attitudes favouring more rather than
less medication use)
Factors that might inuence a patient’s decision to
cease a medication included:
Beliefs about consequences (e.g. perceived
effectiveness and side effects; hopes of future
benet; peace of mind from keeping medications;
scepticism about non-pharmacological
Intentions (e.g. experimenting with certain
medications to understand the effect of stopping)
Goals (e.g. prioritising treatments according to their
effects on survival, physical function, and symptom
Environmental context and resources (e.g. lack of
consultation time, GP support or clear procedures;
dislike of medications;
distrust of the system;
perceived lack of generalist knowledge or
cooperation between specialists; concerns about
pharmaceutical industry inuence);
Social inuences (e.g. perceived pressure from
family or health professionals;
the need for a
trusting relationship and good communication with
Emotion (e.g. fear of worsening illness or withdrawal
Solutions proposed by GPs have included: relaxing
treatment targets, applying patient-centred and
patient education strategies, optimising medication
management processes and relying on IT system
Implications for practitioners and
While much of the research evidence on effectiveness is
heterogeneous and of relatively low quality, it suggests
that tools and strategies that promote appropriate
deprescribing need to be considered at both the level
of individual patient–prescriber encounters and the
systems of care.
The environmental and resource barriers identied by
patients and practitioners reect those identied in other
areas of integrated care. These include services being
focused on single condition guidelines,
communication or coordination between professional
groups, and a lack of emotional/psychological support.
NHS England and its partners have responded to such
barriers by proposing the ‘House of Care’ model for
person-centred coordinated care (see gure 1).
Prescribers should be aware that deprescribing is
likely to be relevant to their own clinical practice and,
when done appropriately and carefully, can have
a positive and worthwhile impact. Where possible,
deprescribing methods should address prescribers’
information needs, including information about
previous prescribing decisions, and any known benet-
harm trade-offs for relevant medications or special
patient populations. NICE guideline on multimorbidity
specically recommends using its supporting database
of treatment effects
to inform medication reviews.
Polypharmacy guidance issued by NHS Scotland
also provides information on the efcacy of several
commonly prescribed medications.
This includes the
number of patients who would need to be treated with
each medication for one patient to benet on relevant
health outcomes. In addition, the NHS Business
Service Authority’s ePACT 2 includes a Polypharmacy
Figure 1.‘House of Care’ model illustrating the building blocks of high
quality person-centred coordinated care
Dashboard (incorporating a collection of polypharmacy-
related indicators), which is being rolled out across
England in the summer of 2017.
In line with existing recommendations,
should be patient-centred, incorporating shared
decision-making, informed patient consent, and
appropriate monitoring arrangements. Patient concerns
and beliefs about deprescribing can mirror those
of prescribers, so everyone involved in the clinical
consultation should be empowered to discuss openly
the available options, along with their possible benets
and harms. Where available, appropriate decision aids
may be used to support these discussions.
Both patients and clinicians have identied inter-
professional communication as an important inuence
on polypharmacy. NICE guidance recommends
that organisations consider a multidisciplinary team
approach to improve outcomes for people who have
long-term conditions and take multiple medicines.
This includes consideration of a structured medication
review for people taking multiple medicines, and use
of a screening tool such as STOPP/START to identify
potentially inappropriate medication in older people.
NICE guidance also recommends individualised
management plans for patients with multimorbidity
that take into account disease and treatment burden
(including the medicines they are taking), as well as
patient goals, values and priorities.
Implementation of such recommendations will require
professional awareness of the likely enablers and
barriers to success, alongside the fostering of a trusting,
patient-centred consultation style within a supportive
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