Dening polypharmacy in the elderly:
a systematic review protocol
Seyede Salehe Mortazavi,
Mohsen Shati,
Abasali Keshtkar,
Seyed Kazem Malakouti,
Mohsen Bazargan,
Shervin Assari
To cite: Mortazavi SS,
Shati M, Keshtkar A, et al.
Defining polypharmacy in the
elderly: a systematic review
protocol. BMJ Open 2016;6:
e010989. doi:10.1136/
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Received 28 December 2015
Revised 23 February 2016
Accepted 4 March 2016
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Dr Seyed Kazem Malakouti;
Ageingalong with its associated
physiological and pathological changesplaces
individuals at a higher risk of multimorbidity and
treatment-related complications. Today, polypharmacy,
a common and important problem related to drug use,
occurs subsequent to this multimorbidity in the elderly
in all populations. In recent decades, several scientific
investigations have studied polypharmacy and its
correlates, using different approaches and definitions,
and their results have been inconclusive. Differences in
definitions and approaches in these studies form a
barrier against reaching a conclusion regarding the risk
factors and consequences of polypharmacy. It is
therefore imperative to establish an appropriate
definition of polypharmacy.
Methods and analysis: A systematic review will be
conducted using PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science,
EMBASE, PsycINFO and AgeLine bibliographic
databases, as well as the grey literature on
polypharmacy in older adults to answer these two
questions: What definitions in the literature are being
used for polypharmacy in older people?, and Which
definitions are more comprehensive and applicable? 2
independent reviewers will conduct the primary
screening of the articles and data extraction, and
eligible sources will be selected after discussing non-
conformities. All extracted data from selected articles
will be categorised based on the type of study
participants, study design and setting, the
methodological quality of primary studies and any
other potential source of heterogeneity, and results will
be summarised in a table, which will contain the levels
of evidence and methodological quality of the included
studies. The most comprehensive definition of
polypharmacy will be selected from the final list of
definitions through an international expert webinar.
Ethics and Dissemination: This research is exempt
from ethics approval because the work is carried out
on published documents. We will disseminate this
protocol in a related peer-reviewed journal.
Drug-related harm among the elderly is one
of the most challenging public health issues
Older people are more vulnerable
to morbidity and mortality secondary to
drug-related harms because of age-related
changes and pathologies; comorbidity of
chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular
diseases and psychological disorders; and dif-
ferent pharmacokinetics and pharmaco-
dynamics. Consequently, older adults are
more susceptible to adverse drug reactions
The term polypharmacy, which rst
appeared in the medical literature more
than one and half centuries ago,
was origin-
ally coined to refer to certain issues related
to multiple drug consumption and excessive
drug use.
Since then, it has been used in
different papers and reports, and with differ-
ent meanings and denitions including but
not limited to unnecessary drug use and
medication use without indication.
Problems associated with medication use
in general, and polypharmacy in particular
(with either of the above denitions), are
more prevalent in the aged population
because of numerous contributing factors.
Lower compliance and adherence due to
multiple and complex drug regimens are
some of the issues among the elderly that
can interfere with the treatment process,
exacerbate disease and eventually increase
the need for medication.
13 14
As aforementioned, multimorbidity is one
of the major problems that arise as popula-
tions age. In addition to issues in taking their
Strengths and limitations of this study
This systematic review develops a consensus on
the definition of polypharmacy, a controversial
term in medical articles.
Primary screening of the articles, data extraction
and quality assessment will be performed inde-
pendently by two persons with extensive experi-
ence in systematic review methodology, to
minimise the probability of personal biases.
In this study, databases in languages other than
English (French, German, Chinese, etc) will not
be searched or included. This limitation may
cause language bias.
Mortazavi SS, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010989. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010989 1
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medication themselves, multimorbid senior patients are
more vulnerable to prescription problems. Even in the
best case scenarios, using good clinical practice and
accepted guidelines for prescribing medication, the phys-
ician is obliged to use multiple guidelines for the treat-
ment of various conditions within the same patient. On
the other hand, available guidelines are usually devised
with focus on a single disease, and overlook the possibil-
ity of comorbidities and the consumption of other medi-
cations by the patient. This increases the chances of
ADR, drugdrug interaction and drugdisease inter-
action, and eventually poses greater risks to the patient
as a result of a prescription cascade and already deterior-
ating health. This is a condition described as problematic
or inappropriate polypharmacy, as opposed to appropri-
ate polypharmacy, where the use of a combination of
medicines has been optimised.
Self-medication is a potential cause of polypharmacy
and the availability of diverse over-the-counter drugs,
especially potentially inappropriate medications for
older people, exacerbate this problem. Other issues
related to drug use include low literacy in general or low
health literacy in particular. Additional contributing
factors include miscommunication or misunderstanding
physician orders as a result of cognitive dysfunction, and
mistaking drugs because of similarity in shape or colour,
both of which can arise more often in older age
Although the concept of polypharmacy is used inter-
changeably to describe multiple, excessive, unnecessar y,
or unindicated drug consumption, each type of poly-
pharmacy has specic consequences on both the patient
and the health system. Each denition of polypharmacy
implies that the patient has been exposed to a different
risk, and is therefore subject to a variety of different con-
sequences, including higher costs, higher prevalence of
ADR, reduced compliance and adherence, lower quality
of life, higher risk of hospitalisation and even
Regardless of its denition, polypharmacy is a multi-
factorial problem that occurs in a variety of settings and
11 2124
Previous studies have used different
diagnostic criteria and indicators for the assessment of
this problem,
and consequently reported various types
of medication use and prescription problems as poly-
pharmacy, and introduced a wide range of its aetio-
logical patterns and outcomes with a wider range of
effects and associations.
23 2528
A clear unique denition
is required to make these heterogeneous results compar-
able and to explain existing differences feasibly, because
it seems that many of these differences are rooted in the
different denitions that have been used (regardless of
their level of accuracy). This review will be conducted to
ll this important gap and to reach a consensus on the
denition of polypharmacy, to make future studies more
valid and reliable.
This study will be performed with the following two
questions in mind:
What denitions are being used in the literature for
polypharmacy in the elderly?
Which denitions are more comprehensive and
The objectives of this study are as follows:
1. To identify polypharmacy denitions among older
age populations;
2. To assess the heterogeneity of these denitions;
3. To nd potential sources of heterogeneity in primary
4. To reach a consensus about the denition of poly-
pharmacy in the elderly within an expert group.
Eligibility criteria
Study characteristics
This systematic review will include observational (case
report, case series, cross-sectional, casecontrol, cohort,
etc) and interventional (quasi-experimental studies, ran-
domised controlled trials, community trials, eld trials,
etc) studies in which polypharmacy is considered one of
the main dependent or independent variables, and
where a clear and practical denition is given. Animal
studies will not be considered.
Types of participants
This systematic review will target studies in which groups
or subgroups of participants are comprised of males or
females aged 60 years and older.
Setting and time frame
In this systematic review, no limit will be set for the study
setting or time frame. All studies, including those con-
ducted in clinical settings (hospital or nursing centres)
as well as those conducted in community settings, will be
considered. Also, articles will enter the initial screening
stage without a time limit for execution or publication,
to allow for observation of chan ging trends in the den-
ition since the term entered the literature.
Report characteristics
Only articles that have their abstract in English will be
chosen. No limitation will be considered for date of
acceptance or publication. As for publication status, we
will consider only articles that are published or in press.
Information sources
Our sources of information will include electronic data-
bases, trial registries, different types of grey literature,
and researches and authors themselves. An electronic
search will be performed through PubMed, Scopus, Web
of Science, EMBASE, PsycINFO and AgeLine biblio-
graphic databases. To identify appropriate key words, in
addition to Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms,
popular and commonly used phrases stated in related
2 Mortazavi SS, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010989. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010989
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literature will be utilised. First, the search strategy will be
developed and completed in PubMed, and then the
same strategy will be applied to the other databases.
Other sources will be searched to identify related grey
literature. ProQuest will be searched for dissertations.
Meeting abstracts will be searched through Scopus, Web
of Science and pertinent websites. Reference lists of rele-
vant articles and systematic reviews, and tables of con-
tents of key journals in this eld, will be searched as
Search strategy
Our initial search syntax for PubMed will be:
1. polypharm*[tiab]
2. Later life[tiab] OR Senior[tiab] OR Nonagenarian
[tiab] OR Octogenarian[tiab] OR
Centenarian[tiab] OR oldest old[tiab] OR older
old[tiab] OR geriatric*[tiab]
3. Elder*[tiab] OR old age[tiab] OR aging[tiab] OR
veteran*[tiab] OR ageing[tiab]
4. Older people[tiab] OR old people[tiab] OR
oldest people[tiab]
5. Older adult[tiab] OR older adults[tiab] OR old
adult[tiab] OR old adults[tiab] OR
oldest adult[tiab] OR oldest adults[tiab]
6. Older person[tiab] OR older persons[tiab] OR
old person[tiab] OR old persons [tiab]
OR oldest person[tiab] OR oldest persons[tiab]
population[tiab] OR old population[tiab]
OR oldest population[tiab]
8. Older individual[tiab] OR Older individuals[tiab]
OR old individual[tiab] OR old individuals[tiab]
OR oldest individual[tiab] OR oldest
9. Older patient[tiab] OR older patients[tiab] OR
old patient[tiab] OR old patients[tiab]
OR oldest patient[tiab] OR oldest patients[tiab]
10. Aged people[tiab] OR aged adult[tiab] OR aged
adults[tiab] OR aged patient[tiab]
OR aged patients[tiab] OR aged person[tiab] OR
aged persons[tiab] OR aged
OR aged individual[tiab] OR
aged individuals[tiab]
11. OR #2 /#10
12. #1 AND #11
The search syntax for other databases are presented in
online supplementary appendix 1.
Study records
Selection process: Two authors will independently perform
the primary article screening. First they will review the
title and abstract of the articles independently, and then
their selected articles will be categorised into three
groups: relevant, irrelevant and unsure. Articles cate-
gorised as irrelevant by both reviewers will be eliminated
from the study. Then, each reviewer will review the full
text of the remaining articles and make a list of articles
to be included. The two lists will then be compared and
non-conformities will be discussed. When an agreement
is not reached, the whole team will make the nal
Data management: Data will be extracted from papers
and entered into data sheets (see online supplementary
appendix 2) independently by two reviewers. These two
sheets and their differences will be checked by a third
reviewer. Any potential difference among reviewers will
be discussed with the team and, if not resolved, the
manuscript authors will be contacted. Also, if the
required data are missing from the article or are incom-
plete or unclear, enquiries will be sent to the authors.
Data items
From each article, the following information will be
extracted: author, publication year, journal title, format
(summary, journal article), study design, study setting,
denitions for polypharmacy, risk factors and conse-
quences of polypharmacy, tools, sample dem ographics
(age, sex, etc), type of participants, sample size, and geo-
graphical and time range of data collection.
Risk of bias in individual studies
Critical appraisal of articles will be perform ed using the
checklist developed by the authors (shown in online
supplementar y appendix 3) to assess the methodological
quality of each article based on its proposed denition.
Moreover, the full texts will be appraised by two
researchers separately, as aforementioned.
Data synthesis
In the nal report, we will present a range of different
denitions in a list based on different subgroups.
Manuscripts will rst be grouped by med ical specialty
eld of medicine (psychology, cardiology, neurology,
etc). Then, subgroups will be formed by level of evi-
dence, type of study participants (inpatient, outpatient,
general population, etc) and study setting (eg, hospital,
clinics, community, etc). Studies will also be assigned to
subgroups by their stated types of risk factors and conse-
quences of polypharmacy. Eventually, stated denitions
of polypharmacy will be recorded in results tables for
each specialty eld in order of importance and desirabil-
ity, which will be based on the quality of their method-
ology, robustness of results and level of evidence. These
denitions will then be compared with discuss similar-
ities and differences. Collected information will also be
used to illustrate the temporal changes in the denition
of polyphar macy.
After performing data synthesis and categorising
studies as described above, the nal report will be pre-
pared following the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guide-
lines. In this step, the list of denitions will be shared
with an international group of experts in the eld of
geriatric medicine via a webinar. Their feedback about
the best denition of polypharmacy in elderly people
Mortazavi SS, et al. BMJ Open 2016;6:e010989. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010989 3
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will be collected, and the nal consensus will be built
using Delphi techniques.
Although polypharmacy has been studied in numerous
observational and interventional primary studies in the
past two decades,
22 26 27 30
this important health problem
still lacks a unique and precise denition.
As a conse-
quence, all reviews performed on this subject are at risk
of different types of heterogeneity due to various popula-
tions, research designs and study settings, as well as of
unavoidable bias due to non-homogeneous denitions.
The results of this systematic review can help clarify the
exact meaning of polypharmacy for researchers who wish
to design new primary or secondar y studies concerning
this issue. Moreover, it can play an important role in
improving the internal validity of future evidence.
Author affiliations
Mental Health Research Center, Tehran Institute of PsychiatrySchool of
Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health, Iran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran
Department of Aging, University of Social Welfare & Rehabilitation Sciences,
Tehran, Iran
Department of Health Sciences Education Development, School of Public
Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Family Medicine, Charles R Drew University of Medicine and
Science, Los Angeles, USA
Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture, and Health, School of Public
Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Contributors SSM and MS initiated and designed the study. AK, SKM and SA
participated in study design. SSM, MS and AK drafted the manuscript. All the
authors contributed to the revision of the manuscript and approved the final
Funding This work is funded by the Mental Health Research Center of the
Iran University of Medical Sciences (grant number 93-04-121-25254).
Competing interests None declared.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with
the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-
commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided
the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://
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