Florida Laws & Rules Page 1 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
CDCA (Typodont manikin-based or patient examination)
Scores from ADEX Dental Licensing examinations administered in Florida are valid
for 365 days after the date the official examination results are published.
Scores from ADEX Dental Licensing Examinations administered in a jurisdiction
other than Florida must be completed on or after October 2, 2011.
Source: Florida Board of Dentistry - Dentist Licensing
Florida Statutes 466.006 Examination of dentists
(1)(a) It is the intent of the Legislature to reduce the costs associated with an
independent state-developed practical or clinical examination to measure an
applicant’s ability to practice the profession of dentistry and to use the American
Dental Licensing Examination developed by the American Board of Dental
Examiners, Inc., in lieu of an independent state-developed practical or clinical
examination. The Legislature finds that the American Dental Licensing Examination,
in both its structure and function, consistently meets generally accepted testing
standards and has been found, as it is currently organized and operating, to
adequately and reliably measure an applicant’s ability to practice the profession of
(b) Any person desiring to be licensed as a dentist shall apply to the department to
take the licensure examinations and shall verify the information required on the
application by oath. The application shall include two recent photographs. There
shall be an application fee set by the board not to exceed $100 which shall be
nonrefundable. There shall also be an examination fee set by the board, which shall
not exceed $425 plus the actual per applicant cost to the department for purchase
of some or all of the examination from the American Board of Dental Examiners or
its successor entity, if any, provided the board finds the successor entity’s clinical
examination complies with the provisions of this section. The examination fee may
be refundable if the applicant is found ineligible to take the examinations.
(2) An applicant shall be entitled to take the examinations required in this section
to practice dentistry in this state if the applicant:
(a) Is 18 years of age or older.
(b)1. Is a graduate of a dental school accredited by the American Dental
Association Commission on Dental Accreditation or its successor entity, if any, or
any other dental accrediting entity recognized by the United States Department of
Education; or
2. Is a dental student in the final year of a program at such an accredited dental
school who has completed all the coursework necessary to prepare the student to
perform the clinical and diagnostic procedures required to pass the examinations.
With respect to a dental student in the final year of a program at a dental school, a
passing score on the examinations is valid for 365 days after the date the
examinations were completed. A dental school student who takes the licensure
examinations during the student’s final year of an approved dental school must
have graduated before being certified for licensure pursuant to s. 466.011.
(c)1. Has successfully completed the National Board of Dental Examiners dental
examination; or
2. Has an active health access dental license in this state; and
a. The applicant has at least 5,000 hours within 4 consecutive years of clinical
practice experience providing direct patient care in a health access setting as
defined in s. 466.003; the applicant is a retired veteran dentist of any branch of the
United States Armed Services who has practiced dentistry while on active duty and
has at least 3,000 hours within 3 consecutive years of clinical practice experience
providing direct patient care in a health access setting as defined in s. 466.003; or
the applicant has provided a portion of his or her salaried time teaching health
Florida Laws & Rules Page 2 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
profession students in any public education setting, including, but not limited to, a
community college, college, or university, and has at least 3,000 hours within 3
consecutive years of clinical practice experience providing direct patient care in a
health access setting as defined in s. 466.003;
b. The applicant has not been disciplined by the board, except for citation offenses
or minor violations;
c. The applicant has not filed a report pursuant to s. 456.049; and
d. The applicant has not been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to, regardless
of adjudication, any felony or misdemeanor related to the practice of a health care
(3) If an applicant is a graduate of a dental college or school not accredited in
accordance with paragraph (2)(b) or of a dental college or school not approved by
the board, the applicant is not entitled to take the examinations required in this
section to practice dentistry until she or he satisfies one of the following:
(a) Completes a program of study, as defined by the board by rule, at an
accredited American dental school and demonstrates receipt of a D.D.S. or D.M.D.
from said school; or
(b) Submits proof of having successfully completed at least 2 consecutive
academic years at a full-time supplemental general dentistry program accredited by
the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation. This
program must provide didactic and clinical education at the level of a D.D.S. or
D.M.D. program accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on
Dental Accreditation. For purposes of this paragraph, a supplemental general
dentistry program does not include an advanced education program in a dental
(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of law in chapter 456 pertaining to the
clinical dental licensure examination or national examinations, to be licensed as a
dentist in this state, an applicant must successfully complete both of the following:
(a) A written examination on the laws and rules of the state regulating the practice
of dentistry.
(b) A practical or clinical examination, which must be the American Dental
Licensing Examination produced by the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc.,
or its successor entity, if any, that is administered in this state, provided that the
board has attained, and continues to maintain thereafter, representation on the
board of directors of the American Board of Dental Examiners, the examination
development committee of the American Board of Dental Examiners, and such
other committees of the American Board of Dental Examiners as the board deems
appropriate by rule to assure that the standards established herein are maintained
organizationally. A passing score on the American Dental Licensing Examination
administered in this state is valid for 365 days after the date the official examination
results are published.
1. As an alternative to such practical or clinical examination, an applicant may
submit scores from an American Dental Licensing Examination previously
administered in a jurisdiction other than this state after October 1, 2011, and such
examination results shall be recognized as valid for the purpose of licensure in this
state. A passing score on the American Dental Licensing Examination administered
out of state shall be the same as the passing score for the American Dental
Licensing Examination administered in this state. The examination results are valid
for 365 days after the date the official examination results are published. The
applicant must have completed the examination after October 1, 2011. This
subparagraph may not be given retroactive application.
2. If the date of an applicant’s passing American Dental Licensing Examination
scores from an examination previously administered in a jurisdiction other than this
Florida Laws & Rules Page 3 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
state under subparagraph 1. is older than 365 days, such scores are nevertheless
valid for the purpose of licensure in this state, but only if the applicant demonstrates
that all of the following additional standards have been met:
a. The applicant completed the American Dental Licensing Examination after
October 1, 2011. This sub-subparagraph may not be given retroactive application;
b. The applicant graduated from a dental school accredited by the American
Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation or its successor entity, if
any, or any other dental accrediting organization recognized by the United States
Department of Education. Provided, however, if the applicant did not graduate from
such a dental school, the applicant may submit proof of having successfully
completed a full-time supplemental general dentistry program accredited by the
American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation of at least 2
consecutive academic years at such accredited sponsoring institution. Such
program must provide didactic and clinical education at the level of a D.D.S. or
D.M.D. program accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on
Dental Accreditation. For purposes of this sub-subparagraph, a supplemental
general dentistry program does not include an advanced education program in a
dental specialty;
c. The applicant currently possesses a valid and active dental license in good
standing, with no restriction, which has never been revoked, suspended, restricted,
or otherwise disciplined, from another state or territory of the United States, the
District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico;
d. The applicant submits proof that he or she has never been reported to the
National Practitioner Data Bank, the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank,
or the American Association of Dental Boards Clearinghouse. This sub-
subparagraph does not apply if the applicant successfully appealed to have his or
her name removed from the data banks of these agencies;
e.(I)(A) The applicant submits proof of having been consecutively engaged in the
full-time practice of dentistry in another state or territory of the United States, the
District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in the 5 years
immediately preceding the date of application for licensure in this state; or
(B) If the applicant has been licensed in another state or territory of the United
States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for less than
5 years, the applicant submits proof of having been engaged in the full-time practice
of dentistry since the date of his or her initial licensure.
(II) As used in this section, “full-time practice” is defined as a minimum of 1,200
hours per year for each and every year in the consecutive 5-year period or, when
applicable, the period since initial licensure, and must include any combination of
the following:
(A) Active clinical practice of dentistry providing direct patient care.
(B) Full-time practice as a faculty member employed by a dental or dental hygiene
school approved by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association
Commission on Dental Accreditation.
(C) Full-time practice as a student at a postgraduate dental education program
approved by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association
Commission on Dental Accreditation.
(III) The board shall develop rules to determine what type of proof of full-time
practice is required and to recoup the cost to the board of verifying full-time practice
under this section. Such proof must, at a minimum, be:
(A) Admissible as evidence in an administrative proceeding;
(B) Submitted in writing;
(C) Submitted by the applicant under oath with penalties of perjury attached;
Florida Laws & Rules Page 4 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(D) Further documented by an affidavit of someone unrelated to the applicant who
is familiar with the applicant’s practice and testifies with particularity that the
applicant has been engaged in full-time practice; and
(E) Specifically found by the board to be both credible and admissible.
(IV) An affidavit of only the applicant is not acceptable proof of full-time practice
unless it is further attested to by someone unrelated to the applicant who has
personal knowledge of the applicant’s practice. If the board deems it necessary to
assess credibility or accuracy, the board may require the applicant or the applicant’s
witnesses to appear before the board and give oral testimony under oath;
f. The applicant submits documentation that he or she has completed, or will
complete before he or she is licensed in this state, continuing education equivalent
to this state’s requirements for the last full reporting biennium;
g. The applicant proves that he or she has never been convicted of, or pled nolo
contendere to, regardless of adjudication, any felony or misdemeanor related to the
practice of a health care profession in any jurisdiction;
h. The applicant has successfully passed a written examination on the laws and
rules of this state regulating the practice of dentistry and the computer-based
diagnostic skills examination; and
i. The applicant submits documentation that he or she has successfully completed
the applicable examination administered by the Joint Commission on National
Dental Examinations or its successor organization.
(5)(a) The practical examination required under subsection (4) is the American
Dental Licensing Examination developed by the American Board of Dental
Examiners, Inc., or its successor entity, if any, provided the board finds that the
successor entity’s clinical examination complies with the provisions of this section,
and must include, at a minimum:
1. A comprehensive diagnostic skills examination covering the full scope of
dentistry and an examination on applied clinical diagnosis and treatment planning in
dentistry for dental candidates;
2. Two restorations on a manikin that has typodont teeth with simulated caries as
approved by the Commission on Dental Competency Assessments. The board by
rule shall determine the class of such restorations;
3. A demonstration of periodontal skills on a manikin that has typodont teeth with
simulated calculus as approved by the Commission on Dental Competency
4. A demonstration of prosthetics and restorative skills in complete and partial
dentures and crowns and bridges and the utilization of practical methods of
evaluation, specifically including the evaluation by the candidate of completed
laboratory products such as, but not limited to, crowns and inlays filled to prepared
model teeth;
5. A demonstration of restorative skills on a manikin which requires the candidate
to complete procedures performed in preparation for a cast restoration;
6. A demonstration of endodontic skills; and
7. A diagnostic skills examination demonstrating ability to diagnose conditions
within the human oral cavity and its adjacent tissues and structures from
photographs, slides, radiographs, or models pursuant to rules of the board. If an
applicant fails to pass the diagnostic skills examination in three attempts, the
applicant is not eligible for reexamination unless she or he completes additional
educational requirements established by the board.
(b) The department shall consult with the board in planning the times, places,
physical facilities, training of personnel, and other arrangements concerning the
administration of the examination. The board or a duly designated committee
thereof shall approve the final plans for the administration of the examination;
Florida Laws & Rules Page 5 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(c) If the applicant fails to pass the clinical examination in three attempts, the
applicant shall not be eligible for reexamination unless she or he completes
additional educational requirements established by the board; and
(d) The board may by rule provide for additional procedures which are to be
tested, provided such procedures shall be common to the practice of general
dentistry. The board by rule shall determine the passing grade for each procedure
and the acceptable variation for examiners. No such rule shall apply retroactively.
The department shall require a mandatory standardization exercise for all
examiners prior to each practical or clinical examination and shall retain for
employment only those dentists who have substantially adhered to the standard of
grading established at such exercise.
(6)(a) It is the finding of the Legislature that absent a threat to the health, safety,
and welfare of the public, the relocation of applicants to practice dentistry within the
geographic boundaries of this state, who are lawfully and currently practicing
dentistry in another state or territory of the United States, the District of Columbia,
or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, based on their scores from the American
Dental Licensing Examination administered in a state other than this state, is
substantially related to achieving the important state interest of improving access to
dental care for underserved citizens of this state and furthering the economic
development goals of the state. Therefore, in order to maintain valid active licensure
in this state, all applicants for licensure who are relocating to this state based on
scores from the American Dental Licensing Examination administered in a state
other than this state must actually engage in the full-time practice of dentistry inside
the geographic boundaries of this state within 1 year of receiving such licensure in
this state. The Legislature finds that, if such applicants do not actually engage in the
full-time practice of dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this state within 1
year of receiving such a license in this state, access to dental care for the public will
not significantly increase, patients’ continuity of care will not be attained, and the
economic development goals of the state will not be significantly met.
(b)1. As used in this section, “full-time practice of dentistry within the geographic
boundaries of this state within 1 year” is defined as a minimum of 1,200 hours in the
initial year of licensure, which must include any combination of the following:
a. Active clinical practice of dentistry providing direct patient care within the
geographic boundaries of this state.
b. Full-time practice as a faculty member employed by a dental or dental hygiene
school approved by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association
Commission on Dental Accreditation and located within the geographic boundaries
of this state.
c. Full-time practice as a student at a postgraduate dental education program
approved by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association
Commission on Dental Accreditation and located within the geographic boundaries
of this state.
2. The board shall develop rules to determine what type of proof of full-time
practice of dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this state for 1 year is
required in order to maintain active licensure and shall develop rules to recoup the
cost to the board of verifying maintenance of such full-time practice under this
section. Such proof must, at a minimum:
a. Be admissible as evidence in an administrative proceeding;
b. Be submitted in writing;
c. Be submitted by the applicant under oath with penalties of perjury attached;
d. Be further documented by an affidavit of someone unrelated to the applicant
who is familiar with the applicant’s practice and testifies with particularity that the
Florida Laws & Rules Page 6 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
applicant has been engaged in full-time practice of dentistry within the geographic
boundaries of this state within the last 365 days; and
e. Include such additional proof as specifically found by the board to be both
credible and admissible.
3. An affidavit of only the applicant is not acceptable proof of full-time practice of
dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this state within 1 year, unless it is
further attested to by someone unrelated to the applicant who has personal
knowledge of the applicant’s practice within the last 365 days. If the board deems it
necessary to assess credibility or accuracy, the board may require the applicant or
the applicant’s witnesses to appear before the board and give oral testimony under
(c) It is the further intent of the Legislature that a license issued pursuant to
paragraph (a) shall expire in the event the board finds that it did not receive
acceptable proof of full-time practice within the geographic boundaries of this state
within 1 year after the initial issuance of the license. The board shall make
reasonable attempts within 30 days prior to the expiration of such a license to notify
the licensee in writing at his or her last known address of the need for proof of full-
time practice in order to continue licensure. If the board has not received a
satisfactory response from the licensee within the 30-day period, the licensee must
be served with actual or constructive notice of the pending expiration of licensure
and be given 20 days in which to submit proof required in order to continue
licensure. If the 20-day period expires and the board finds it has not received
acceptable proof of full-time practice within the geographic boundaries of this state
within 1 year after the initial issuance of the license, then the board must issue an
administrative order finding that the license has expired. Such an order may be
appealed by the former licensee in accordance with the provisions of chapter 120.
In the event of expiration, the licensee shall immediately cease and desist from
practicing dentistry and shall immediately surrender to the board the wallet-size
identification card and wall card. A person who uses or attempts to use a license
issued pursuant to this section which has expired commits unlicensed practice of
dentistry, a felony of the third degree pursuant to s. 466.026(1)(b), punishable as
provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
Florida Statutes 466.0065 Regional licensure examinations
(1) It is the intent of the Legislature that schools of dentistry be allowed to offer
regional licensure examinations to dental students who are in the final year of a
program at an approved dental school for the sole purpose of facilitating the
student’s licensing in other jurisdictions. This section does not allow a person to be
licensed as a dentist in this state without taking the examinations as set forth in s.
466.006, nor does this section mean that regional examinations administered under
this section may be substituted for complying with testing requirements under s.
(2) Each school of dentistry in this state which is accredited by the Commission on
Accreditation of the American Dental Association or its successor agency may,
upon written approval by the Board of Dentistry, offer regional licensure
examinations only to dental students in the final year of a program at an approved
dental school, if the board has approved the hosting school’s written plan to comply
with the following conditions:
(a) A member of the regional examination body’s board of directors or equivalent
thereof must be a member of the American Association of Dental Examiners.
(b) The student must have successfully passed parts I and II of the National Board
of Dental Examiners examination within 2 years before taking the regional
Florida Laws & Rules Page 7 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(c) At least one of the examination monitors must be a dentist licensed in this
state who has completed all necessary standardization exercises required by the
regional examination body. Recruitment of examination monitors is the
responsibility of the regional examination body.
(d) The board chair or the chair’s designee must be allowed to observe testing
while it is in progress.
(e) Each student, upon being deemed eligible by the dental school to apply to the
regional examination body to take the regional examination, must receive written
disclosure in at least 12-point boldface type that states: “This examination does not
meet the licensure requirements of chapter 466, Florida Statutes, for licensure in
the State of Florida. Persons wishing to practice dentistry in Florida must pass the
Florida licensure examinations.”
(f) The student must be enrolled as a dental student in the student’s final year of a
program at an approved dental school that is accredited by the Commission on
Accreditation of the American Dental Association or its successor agency.
(g) The student must have completed all coursework deemed necessary by the
dental school to prepare the student to perform all clinical and diagnostic
procedures required to pass the regional examination.
(3) A student who takes the examination pursuant to this section, a dental school
that submits a plan pursuant to this section, or a regional examination body that a
dental school proposes to host under this section does not have standing to assert
that a state agency has taken action for which a hearing may be sought under ss.
120.569 and 120.57.
History.s. 2, ch. 2004-300; s. 11, ch. 2011-95; s. 2, ch. 2022-32.
Florida Administrative Code 64B5-2.013 Dental Examination.
Each applicant applying for a Florida dental license is required to complete the
examinations as provided for in Section 466.006, F.S. The Florida examinations for
dentistry shall consist of a Written Examination, a Practical or Clinical Examination
and a Diagnostic Skills Examination. All three examinations will be conducted in
English. Applicants for examination or re-examination must have taken and
successfully completed of the National Board of Dental Examiners dental
(1) Practical or Clinical Examination:
(a) Effective October 1, 2011, the Florida Practical or Clinical Examination and the
Diagnostic Skills Examination is currently the American Dental Licensing
Examination (ADLEX) developed by the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc.,
or its successor entity if the successor entity is determined by the Board of Dentistry
to comply with the provision of Section 466.006, F.S. The ADLEX is inclusive of a
comprehensive diagnostic skills examination covering the full scope of the practice
of dentistry.
(b) All parts of the ADEX shall be completed within eighteen (18) months from the
initial start of any portion of the examination or from eighteen (18) months from July
1st of the applicant’s last year of dental school. A failure to complete all parts of the
examination within the time frames set forth above will require the applicant to
retake the entire examination.
(c) Each part of the ADEX shall be completed with a grade of at least seventy-five
(75%) percent.
(d) Provided the Board of Dentistry maintains representation on the Board of
Directors of the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc., and the Examination
Development Committee of the American Board of Dental Examiners Inc., the
practical or clinical examination procedures, standards, and criteria of the ADEX are
Florida Laws & Rules Page 8 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(e) If any portion of the clinical or practical portion of the ADEX exam was
completed in a jurisdiction other than Florida, applicants must comply with the
applicable provisions of Sections 466.006(4)(b)3. and 466.006(6), F.S., Rules
64B5-2.0150 and 64B5-2.0152, F.A.C.
(2) Written Examination:
(a) The Written Examination for dental licensure shall consist of the laws and rules
of the State of Florida regulating the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene.
(b) A final grade of seventy-five (75%) percent or better is required to pass the
Written Examination.
(3) This rule shall be reviewed, and if necessary, repealed, modified, or renewed
through the rulemaking process five years from the effective date.
64B5-2.014 Licensure Requirements for Applicants from Accredited Schools
or Colleges.
Any person who has graduated, or expects to graduate prior to the examination, or
is in their final year of a dental or dental hygiene program and has completed all the
coursework necessary to prepare the student to perform the clinical and diagnostic
procedures required to pass the examinations, from a school or college accredited
by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Dental Association or its
successor agency, or any other dental or dental hygiene program accredited by an
accrediting entity recognized by the United States Department of Education, may
seek licensure as a dentist or dental hygienist in the following manner:
(1) Dental Hygiene Candidates:
(a) Successfully complete the practical or clinical dental hygiene examination
developed by American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc. (ADEX), as specified in
Rule 64B5-2.0135, F.A.C., through the Commission on Dental Competency
Assessments (CDCA);
(b) Successfully complete the National Board Dental Hygiene Written Examination
prior to application;
(c) Submit a completed application for licensure, Dental Hygiene Licensure
Application, Form DH-MQA 1210 (Rev. 08/2020), incorporated herein by reference
and available at http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-13423, or
available on the Department of Health’s website at http://www.floridadentistry.gov.
An applicant is eligible for licensure upon receipt of a completed application,
passing scores from the ADEX clinical examination, National Board Dental Hygiene
Examination, and successful completion of the written examination on the laws and
rules of Florida regulating the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene. Applicants
must comply with all time requirements for passing the examinations as specified in
Rule 64B5-2.0135, F.A.C.
(2) Dental Candidates:
(a) Successfully complete the American Dental Licensing Examination (ADLEX),
produced by the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc., as specified in Rule
64B5-2.013, F.A.C., through the Commission on Dental Competency Assessments
(CDCA), which includes the Diagnostic Skills Examination. Candidates who have
completed the ADLEX, after October 1, 2011, in another jurisdiction other than
Florida and whose scores are over 365 days old are subject to additional
application requirements as mandated in Section 466.006(4)(b)3., F.S. Additionally,
all Candidates who submit ADLEX scores from another jurisdiction other than
Florida are subject to post licensure requirements as mandated in Section
466.006(6), F.S.
(b) Successfully complete the National Board of Dental Examiners Written
(c) Submit a completed application for licensure, Dental Licensure Application, DH-
MQA 1182 (Rev. 08/2020), incorporated herein by reference and available at
Florida Laws & Rules Page 9 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-13424, or available on the
Department of Health’s website at http://www.floridadentistry.gov. An applicant is
eligible for licensure upon receipt of a completed application, passing scores from
the ADEX clinical examination, Diagnostic Skills Examination, National Board
Dental Examination and successful completion of the written examination on the
laws and rules of Florida regulating the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene.
Applicants must comply with all time requirements for passing the examinations as
specified in Rule 64B5-2.013, F.A.C.
(3) It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the application for licensure is
complete, including ensuring that all required documents are submitted timely.
Florida Statutes 466.006 Examination of dentists
(6)(a) It is the finding of the Legislature that absent a threat to the health, safety,
and welfare of the public, the relocation of applicants to practice dentistry within the
geographic boundaries of this state, who are lawfully and currently practicing
dentistry in another state or territory of the United States, the District of Columbia,
or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, based on their scores from the American
Dental Licensing Examination administered in a state other than this state, is
substantially related to achieving the important state interest of improving access to
dental care for underserved citizens of this state and furthering the economic
development goals of the state. Therefore, in order to maintain valid active licensure
in this state, all applicants for licensure who are relocating to this state based on
scores from the American Dental Licensing Examination administered in a state
other than this state must actually engage in the full-time practice of dentistry inside
the geographic boundaries of this state within 1 year of receiving such licensure in
this state. The Legislature finds that, if such applicants do not actually engage in the
full-time practice of dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this state within 1
year of receiving such a license in this state, access to dental care for the public will
not significantly increase, patients’ continuity of care will not be attained, and the
economic development goals of the state will not be significantly met.
(b)1. As used in this section, “full-time practice of dentistry within the geographic
boundaries of this state within 1 year” is defined as a minimum of 1,200 hours in the
initial year of licensure, which must include any combination of the following:
a. Active clinical practice of dentistry providing direct patient care within the
geographic boundaries of this state.
b. Full-time practice as a faculty member employed by a dental or dental hygiene
school approved by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association
Commission on Dental Accreditation and located within the geographic boundaries
of this state.
c. Full-time practice as a student at a postgraduate dental education program
approved by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association
Commission on Dental Accreditation and located within the geographic boundaries
of this state.
2. The board shall develop rules to determine what type of proof of full-time
practice of dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this state for 1 year is
required in order to maintain active licensure and shall develop rules to recoup the
cost to the board of verifying maintenance of such full-time practice under this
section. Such proof must, at a minimum:
a. Be admissible as evidence in an administrative proceeding;
b. Be submitted in writing;
c. Be submitted by the applicant under oath with penalties of perjury attached;
d. Be further documented by an affidavit of someone unrelated to the applicant
who is familiar with the applicant’s practice and testifies with particularity that the
Florida Laws & Rules Page 10 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
applicant has been engaged in full-time practice of dentistry within the geographic
boundaries of this state within the last 365 days; and
e. Include such additional proof as specifically found by the board to be both
credible and admissible.
3. An affidavit of only the applicant is not acceptable proof of full-time practice of
dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this state within 1 year, unless it is
further attested to by someone unrelated to the applicant who has personal
knowledge of the applicant’s practice within the last 365 days. If the board deems it
necessary to assess credibility or accuracy, the board may require the applicant or
the applicant’s witnesses to appear before the board and give oral testimony under
(c) It is the further intent of the Legislature that a license issued pursuant to
paragraph (a) shall expire in the event the board finds that it did not receive
acceptable proof of full-time practice within the geographic boundaries of this state
within 1 year after the initial issuance of the license. The board shall make
reasonable attempts within 30 days prior to the expiration of such a license to notify
the licensee in writing at his or her last known address of the need for proof of full-
time practice in order to continue licensure. If the board has not received a
satisfactory response from the licensee within the 30-day period, the licensee must
be served with actual or constructive notice of the pending expiration of licensure
and be given 20 days in which to submit proof required in order to continue
licensure. If the 20-day period expires and the board finds it has not received
acceptable proof of full-time practice within the geographic boundaries of this state
within 1 year after the initial issuance of the license, then the board must issue an
administrative order finding that the license has expired. Such an order may be
appealed by the former licensee in accordance with the provisions of chapter 120.
In the event of expiration, the licensee shall immediately cease and desist from
practicing dentistry and shall immediately surrender to the board the wallet-size
identification card and wall card. A person who uses or attempts to use a license
issued pursuant to this section which has expired commits unlicensed practice of
dentistry, a felony of the third degree pursuant to s. 466.026(1)(b), punishable as
provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
Florida Administrative Code 64B5-2.0150 American Dental Licensing Exam
Scores from Other Jurisdiction: Full-Time Practice Requirements
The Florida dental clinical or practical examination is currently the American Dental
Licensing Examination (ADLEX) developed by the American Board of Dental
Examiners, Inc. The examination shall be administered in Florida and shall be
graded by dentists licensed in Florida. An applicant for a dental license in Florida
can submit ADLEX scores from a jurisdiction other than Florida if the examination
was completed after October 1, 2011. If, however, the passing scores from the
ADLEX are over 365 days old, the results will not be recognized unless all criteria
below are met.
(1) Applicable Definitions:
(a) Full-time practice means completing one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours
of practice per calendar year; when applicable, the hours shall be broken down to
one hundred (100) hours per month.
(b) Month means thirty (30) days.
(c) Practice means any combination of the following: 1) Active clinical practice of
dentistry providing direct patient care; 2) Full-time practice as a faculty member
employed by a dental or dental hygiene school approved by the board or accredited
by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation, or 3) Full-
time practice as a student at a postgraduate dental education program approved by
Florida Laws & Rules Page 11 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
the board or accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental
(d) Recognized or Other Jurisdiction means a state or territory of the United
States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(e) Verified means the document shall be verified in compliance with Section
92.525, F.S.
(2) Mandatory Criteria: The applicant shall meet all of the following criteria.
(a) Compliance with all provisions of Section 466.006(4)(b)3., F.S. The applicant
should carefully review this section of the Florida Statutes.
(b) Provide documentation that the applicant has been consecutively engaged in
full-time practice in a recognized jurisdiction for the preceding five (5) years or since
initial licensure, if less than five years, prior to the date of application for licensure to
the Florida Board of Dentistry.
(3) Mandatory Documentation: The applicant shall comply with providing the
following mandatory documentation.
(a) Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet:
1. The submission of a calendar month-by-calendar month and year-by-year
chronological history of the applicant’s full-time practice in a spreadsheet format.
2. The spreadsheet shall be headed with the applicant’s full legal name and sub-
headed “History of Full-Time Practice.”
3. Each page shall be sequentially paginated in the lower right hand corner with the
applicant’s last name followed by a hyphen with an Arabic numeral. (Example:
Smith-2, Smith-3, Smith-4, etcetera).
4. The applicant shall verify the Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet by placing at the
end of the document, “Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the
foregoing History of Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet and that the facts stated in it
are true.” The applicant shall sign directly under the verification statement and date
the document. Reference Section 92.525, F.S., concerning verification of
5. Someone unrelated to the applicant shall verify the Full-Time Practice
Spreadsheet, by signing the same document with the same verification clause or by
submitting a document (affidavit) verified in compliance with Section 92.525, F.S.
The verified document must attest that the applicant has been engaged in the Full-
time Practice as indicated by the Full-time Practice Spreadsheet.
(b) Additional Verified Documents:
Each category of full-time practice claimed must be supported by the following
documentation, which establishes or supports the spreadsheet submitted. There
must be documentation submitted from subparagraph 1. and 2., below, if
1. A verified copy of financial or business record documents, reflecting the dates of
employment that match the spreadsheet; a verified copy of a patient log or
appointment schedule (names of patients shall be redacted to reflect the initials
only). The Board will request verified financial billing documents to corroborate the
patient log if the Board finds the patient log or appointment schedule lacking
2. An original and official letter from the dean of the school or program sent directly
from the program or school to the Board, that supports that the applicant did
engage in full-time practice as a faculty member or as a student which matches the
dates month-for-month and year-for-year as listed on the Full-time Practice
3. Any other verified documentation that supports the Full-Time Practice
(4) Mandatory Board Appearance and Delays:
Florida Laws & Rules Page 12 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(a) It is in the best interest of the applicant to carefully review all documents
submitted for accuracy, authenticity, legibility, and statutory and rule compliance to
avoid unnecessary delays, board appearances, or denials.
(b) The Board is authorized to require the applicant and the applicant’s witness to
appear before the Board to give oral testimony under oath to assess credibility or
accuracy of the full-time practice requirements. Section 466.006(4)(b)3.e.(IV), F.S.
In addition, the Board can require a mandatory appearance regarding any licensure
application and a failure to appear at one of the next two regularly scheduled
meetings shall result in a denial of licensure and will toll the time for ruling on the
application. Section 456.013(3), F.S. Finally, any incomplete submission can delay
the application process. Section 120.60(1), F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.006(4)(b)3.e.(III) FS. Law Implemented
466.004, 466.006(6) FS. HistoryNew 7-1-12.
64B5-2.0152 Licenses Granted Based on The American Dental Licensing
Exam From Other Jurisdiction: Full-Time Practice Requirements.
The Florida dental clinical or practical examination is currently the American Dental
Licensing Examination (ADLEX) developed by the American Board of Dental
Examiners, Inc. The examination shall be administered in Florida and shall be
graded by dentists licensed in Florida. An applicant for a dental license in Florida
can submit ADLEX scores from a jurisdiction other than Florida if the examination
was completed after October 1, 2011. Applicants who are relocating to this state
based on scores from the ADLEX that was administered in a jurisdiction other than
Florida must engage in the Full-time Practice of Dentistry inside the geographical
boundaries of this state within the first year of receiving a dental license in Florida.
In order to maintain the dental license the licensee must meet the following criteria.
(1) Applicable Definitions:
(a) Full-time Practice means completing one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours
of practice within the geographical boundaries of Florida within the first year of
obtaining a Florida dental license.
(b) Practice means any combination of the following: 1) Active clinical practice of
dentistry providing direct patient care; 2) Full-time Practice as a faculty member
employed by a dental or dental hygiene school approved by the board or accredited
by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation; or 3) Full-
time Practice as a student at a postgraduate dental education program approved by
the board or accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental
(c) Another or Other Jurisdiction means another state or territory of the United
States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(d) Full-time Practice Log means a log the licensee must keep from the initial date
of licensure in Florida which documents the daily practice time of the licensee.
(e) Relocating Applicants means those applicants who are lawfully and currently
practicing dentistry in another jurisdiction who apply for licensure in Florida based
on the ADLEX administered in another jurisdiction. Lawfully and currently means
those applicants that have or had a license to practice dentistry in another
jurisdiction within the past six (6) months and those who have practiced the
profession in any manner utilizing such license within the past six (6)months, prior
to submitting the application for licensure in Florida.
(f) Verified means the document shall be verified in compliance with Section
92.525, F.S.
(2) Mandatory Criteria:
The licensee shall meet all of the following criteria.
(a) Compliance with all provisions of Section 466.006(6), F.S. The dentist should
carefully review this section of the Florida Statutes.
Florida Laws & Rules Page 13 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(b) Provide documentation that the relocating dentist has been consecutively
engaged in full-time practice within the first year of licensure in Florida.
(c) Maintain a Full-time Practice Log.
(d) A failure to meet the required full-time practice requirements will cause the
dental license to expire as enumerated in Section 466.006(6), F.S.
(3) Mandatory Documentation:
The dentist shall comply with providing the following mandatory documentation.
(a) Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet:
1. The submission of a month-by-month chronological history of the dentist’s full-
time practice in a spreadsheet format from the date of initial license in Florida.
2. The spreadsheet shall be headed with the dentist’s full legal name and sub-
headed “History of Full-time Practice.”
3. Each page shall be sequentially paginated in the lower right hand corner with the
dentist’s last name followed by a hyphen with an Arabic numeral. (Example: Smith-
2, Smith-3, Smith-4, etcetera.).
4. The dentist shall verify the Full-time Practice Spreadsheet by placing at the end
of the document, “Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the
foregoing History of Full-time Practice Spreadsheet and that the facts stated in it are
true.” The dentist shall sign directly under the verification statement and date the
document. Reference Section 92.525, F.S., concerning verification of documents.
5. Someone unrelated to the dentist shall verify the Full-time Practice Spreadsheet,
by signing the same document with the same verification clause or by submitting a
document (affidavit) verified in compliance with Section 92.525, F.S. The verified
document must attest that the dentist has been engaged in the full-time practice as
indicated by the Full-time Practice Spreadsheet.
(b) Additional Verified Documents:
Each category of Full-time Practice claimed must be supported by the following
documentation, which establishes or supports the spreadsheet submitted.
1. A verified copy of financial or business record documents, reflecting the dates of
employment that match the spreadsheet; a verified copy of a patient log or
appointment schedule (names of patients shall be redacted to reflect initials only).
The Board will request verified financial billing documents to corroborate the patient
log if the Board finds the patient log or appointment schedule lacking credibility.
2. A verified copy of the Full-time Practice Log.
3. An original and official letter from the dean of the school or program sent directly
from the program or school to the Board, that supports that the dentist did engage
in full-time practice as a faculty member or as a student which matches the dates
month-for-month as listed on the spreadsheet.
4. Any other verified document that supports the Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet.
(4) Mandatory Submission:
(a) All documentation shall be submitted to the Board office within thirty days prior
to the expiration of the first year of practice. The initial day of licensure shall not
count. A failure to timely submit all required documentation will lead to the
expiration of licensure in compliance with Section 466.006(6)(c), F.S.
(b) The dentist shall make certain that all submissions are timely, accurate, legible,
and authentic to avoid the expiration of the dental licensee. The Board is authorized
to require the licensee and the licensees’ witnesses to appear before the Board and
give oral testimony under oath to assess credibility and accuracy,
Florida Statutes 466.0282 Specialties
(1) A dentist licensed under this chapter may not hold himself or herself out as a
specialist, or advertise membership in or specialty recognition by an accrediting
organization, unless the dentist:
Florida Laws & Rules Page 14 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(a) Has completed a specialty education program approved by the American
Dental Association and the Commission on Dental Accreditation and:
1. Is eligible for examination by a national specialty board recognized by the
American Dental Association; or
2. Is a diplomate of a national specialty board recognized by the American Dental
Association; or
(b) Has continuously held himself or herself out as a specialist since December
31, 1964, in a specialty recognized by the American Dental Association.
(2) A dentist licensed under this chapter may not represent to the public without
appropriate disclosure that his or her practice is limited to a specific area of
dentistry other than a specialty area of dentistry authorized under subsection (1),
unless the dentist has attained membership in or has otherwise been credentialed
by an accrediting organization which is recognized by the board as a bona fide
organization for such an area of dental practice. In order to be recognized by the
board as a bona fide accrediting organization for a specific area of dental practice
other than a specialty area of dentistry authorized under subsection (1), the
organization must condition membership or credentialing of its members upon all of
the following:
(a) Successful completion of a formal, full-time advanced education program that
is affiliated with or sponsored by a university-based dental school and is:
1. Beyond the dental degree;
2. At the graduate or postgraduate level; and
3. Of at least 12 months in duration.
(b) Prior didactic training and clinical experience in the specific area of dentistry
which is greater than that of other dentists.
(c) Successful completion of oral and written examinations based on psychometric
(3) Notwithstanding the requirements of subsections (1) and (2), a dentist who
lacks membership in or certification, diplomate status, or other similar credentials
from an accrediting organization approved as bona fide by either the American
Dental Association or the board may announce a practice emphasis in any other
area of dental practice if the dentist incorporates in capital letters or some other
manner clearly distinguishable from the rest of the announcement, solicitation, or
advertisement the following statement: “ (NAME OF ANNOUNCED AREA OF
DENTISTRY.” If such an area of dental practice is officially recognized by an
organization which the dentist desires to acknowledge or otherwise reference in the
dentist’s announcement, solicitation, or advertisement, the same announcement,
solicitation, or advertisement shall also state prominently: “ (NAME OF
(4) The purpose of this section is to prevent a dentist from advertising without
appropriate disclosure membership in an organization which may be perceived by
the public as recognizing or accrediting specialization or other unique competencies
in an area of dentistry that is not recognized or accredited by the American Dental
Association or the board in accordance with this section. The purpose of this
section is also to prohibit a dentist from advertising a specialty or other area of
dental practice without appropriate disclosure unless the special competencies held
by the dentist satisfy the requirements of subsection (1) or subsection (2). The
Legislature finds that dental consumers can reasonably rely on these requirements
as satisfactory evidence of a dentist’s attainment of meaningful competencies in the
Florida Laws & Rules Page 15 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
specialty or other bona fide area of dental practice advertised. The Legislature also
finds that this process for the recognition of dental specialties and other bona fide
areas of dental practice is the least restrictive means available to ensure that
consumers are not misled about a dentist’s unique credentials.
Click here for
online renewal
web site for
Florida Statutes 466.013 Renewal of license
(1) The department shall renew a license upon receipt of the renewal application
and the fee set by the board not to exceed $300.
(2) The department shall adopt rules establishing a procedure for the biennial
renewal of licenses.
Florida Statutes 466.0135 Continuing education; dentists
(1) In addition to the other requirements for renewal set out in this chapter, each
licensed dentist shall be required to complete biennially not less than 30 hours of
continuing professional education in dental subjects, with a minimum of 2 hours of
continuing education on the safe and effective prescribing of controlled substances.
Programs of continuing education shall be programs of learning that contribute
directly to the dental education of the dentist and may include, but shall not be
limited to, attendance at lectures, study clubs, college postgraduate courses, or
scientific sessions of conventions; and research, graduate study, teaching, or
service as a clinician. Programs of continuing education shall be acceptable when
adhering to the following general guidelines:
(a) The aim of continuing education for dentists is to improve all phases of dental
health care delivery to the public.
(b) Continuing education courses shall address one or more of the following areas
of professional development, including, but not limited to:
1. Basic medical and scientific subjects, including, but not limited to, biology,
physiology, pathology, biochemistry, and pharmacology;
2. Clinical and technological subjects, including, but not limited to, clinical
techniques and procedures, materials, and equipment; and
3. Subjects pertinent to oral health and safety.
(c) The board may also authorize up to 3 hours of credit biennially for a practice
management course that includes principles of ethical practice management,
provides substance abuse, effective communication with patients, time
management, and burnout prevention instruction.
(d) Continuing education credits shall be earned at the rate of one-half credit hour
per 25-30 contact minutes of instruction and one credit hour per 50-60 contact
minutes of instruction.
(2) Programs meeting the general requirements of subsection (1) may be
developed and offered to dentists by any of the following agencies or organizations:
(a) The American Dental Association, the National Dental Association, and state,
district, or local dental associations and societies affiliated with the American Dental
Association or the National Dental Association.
(b) National, state, district, or local dental specialty organizations affiliated with the
American Dental Association.
(c) Dental colleges or schools accredited as provided in this chapter.
(d) Other organizations, schools, or agencies approved by the board.
(3) A dentist shall complete the required continuing education as provided in this
section and shall retain in her or his records any receipts, vouchers, or certificates
necessary to document completion of such continuing education.
(4) Compliance with the continuing education requirements of this section shall be
mandatory for the issuance of a renewal certificate by the department; however, the
board shall have the authority to excuse licensees, as a group or as individuals,
from said requirements, or any part thereof, in the event of an unusual
circumstance, emergency, or special hardship.
Florida Laws & Rules Page 16 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
History.ss. 3, 5, ch. 85-156; ss. 7, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch.
91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 253, ch. 97-103; s. 5, ch. 2005-189; s. 26, ch. 2016-230;
s. 1, ch. 2019-111.
Florida Administrative Code 64B5-12.013 Continuing Education
Requirements; Specific Continuing Education Course Requirements; and
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Certification.
(1) Minimum Continuing Education Hours: During each licensure biennium
renewal period (biennium), dentists shall complete a minimum of 30 hours of
continuing education and dental hygienists shall complete a minimum of 24 hours of
continuing education.
(2) Prevention of Medical Errors and CPR Certification: During each biennium or
for reactivation of a license the dentist and dental hygienist shall complete the
following specific continuing education, training and certification:
(a) A board-approved two (2) hour continuing education course on the prevention
of medical errors. To be approved by the board, the course shall include a study of
root cause analysis, error reduction and prevention, and patient safety. This course
shall count towards the requirement of subsection (1).
(b) Training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at the basic support level,
including one-rescuer and two-rescuer CPR for adults, children, and infants; the relief
of foreign body airway obstruction for adults, children, and infants; the use of an
automatic external defibrillator (AED); and the use of ambu-bags. The CPR training
shall result in the certification or recertification by the American Heart Association,
the American Red Cross or an entity with equivalent requirements. CPR training and
certification shall be taken in-person or through a blended learning course. A blended
learning course includes online CPR training and hands-on skill competency
completed in person for certification. Online training without hands-on training
completed in person for certification shall not be accepted by the board. CPR training
and certification shall not court towards the requirement of subsection (1).
(3) Domestic Violence Continuing Education: As a part of every third biennial
licensure renewal or for reactivation of a license, the dentist and dental hygienist shall
complete a board-approved two (2) hour continuing education course on domestic
violence as defined in Section 741.28, F.S., which course shall cover the substantive
areas set forth in Section 456.031, F.S. To be approved by the board, the course
must be approved by any state or federal agency or professional association or be
offered through a board-approved continuing education provider. This course shall
court towards the requirement of subsection (1).
(4) HIV/AIDS Continuing Education: No later than upon the first licensee renewal
or for reactivation of a license, a dentist and dental hygienist shall complete a board
approved two (2) hour continuing education course on human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). To be approved by
the board, the course shall consist of instruction on HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases
pertinent to the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene that shall include instruction
on, but need not be limited to, viral counts, hepatitis, sterilization and infection control
requirements, identification of oral lesions associated with infectious disease, how
the presence of infectious disease directly affects treatment decisions of dentists, and
the subject areas set forth in Section 456.033, F.S.
(a) Any course completed outside of Florida, which otherwise complies with this
subsection (4), besides the Florida law and subject areas set for in Section
456.033(1), F.S. shall be approved by the board if the licensee submits to the board
a statement that he or she has reviewed and studied the Florida law set forth in
Section 456.033(1), F.S.
(b) Home study courses are permitted for the purposes of meeting the HIV/AIDS
and infectious diseases pertinent to the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene,
Florida Laws & Rules Page 17 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
provided the home study courses comply with the entirety of this subsection of the
(c) The HIV/AIDS course shall count towards the requirement of subsection (1).
(5) Prescribing of Controlled Substances: As part of every biennial licensure
renewal or for reactivation of a dental license, all licensed dentists shall complete a
board-approved, two-hour continuing education course on the safe and effective
prescribing of controlled substances.
(a) The Board hereby deems the courses previously approved pursuant to
Section 456.0301, F.S., as approved to meet the requirement of this subsection.
(b) This course shall count towards the requirement of subsection (1).
(6) Award of Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit shall be
awarded only for educational experiences that are specifically appropriate for, and
contain useful information directly pertinent to, dentistry or dental hygiene and only if
received through the following methods:
(a) By taking courses offered by a board -approved continuing education
(b) By taking courses offered by:
1. The American or National Dental Associations and their constituent and
component and affiliate dental associations and societies, including affiliated
specialty organizations or a provider organization recognized by either the American
or National Dental Associations;
2. The American or National Dental Hygiene Associations and their constituent
and component associations and societies;
3. The Academy of General Dentistry and its constituent and component
organizations or a provider approved by the Academy of General Dentistry’s National
Sponsor Approval Program;
4. A dental, dental hygiene or dental assisting school accredited by the American
Dental Association’s Commission on Dental Accreditation;
5. A hospital, college, university, or community college, accredited by an
accrediting agency approved by the United States Department of Education;
6. The American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and the American
Cancer Society; and,
7. An educational program or course associated with a medical school which is
accredited by the American Medical Association’s Liaison Committee for Medical
8. The American Academy of Dental Hygiene.
(c) By participating in board-approved individual study pursuant to Rule 64B5-
12.018, F.A.C.
(d) By participating in examination standardization exercises for the examinations
that are required for dental or dental hygiene in Florida. Dentists and dental hygienists
may receive a maximum of six (6) continuing education credits per biennium for
participating in the dental hygiene exercise; dentists may receive a maximum of eight
(8) continuing education credits for the dental clinical exercise; and dentists may
receive a maximum of eleven (11) continuing education credits per biennium for
participating in both exercises.
(e) By participating in programs approved by the board pursuant to Rule 64B5-
12.0185, F.A.C., that provide substantial pro bono dental and dental hygiene services
to the indigent, to dentally underserved populations or to persons who reside in areas
of critical need within Florida. Dentists and dental hygienists may obtain a maximum
of six (6) hours per biennium of required continuing education credit for participating
in such programs. Continuing education credit shall be calculated at a ratio of 1
continuing education credit for each 1 hour of patient services provided to approved
Florida Laws & Rules Page 18 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(f) By participating as an expert witness in the review of disciplinary cases, a
licensee may receive a maximum of eleven (11) hours of continuing education credit
for completing five disciplinary cases in each biennium. By participating as an expert
witness in the review of disciplinary cases, a licensee may receive a maximum of four
(4) hours of continuing education credit for completing two disciplinary cases in each
(g) By teaching a course at a dental, dental hygiene or dental assisting school
accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, its successor agency or other
nationally recognized accrediting agency, an adjunct, part-time faculty member may
receive three (3) continuing education hours per semester/quarter by providing to the
board office documentation from the teaching institution which shall include the
number of the semesters/quarters the licensee taught the course.
(h) Up to four (4) hours of credit per renewal cycle may be earned by attending a
meeting of the Board of Dentistry wherein disciplinary cases are considered. The
licensee must check in with staff prior to the beginning of the disciplinary proceedings.
After the conclusion of the meeting, board staff will issue a certificate of attendance
to the licensee. Credit hours shall be awarded on an hour for hour basis up to a
maximum of four (4) hours. Credit hours may not be earned when the licensee
attends a disciplinary case session as a party to a disciplinary action.
(i) By participating as an anesthesia inspection consultant, a licensee may
receive two hours of continuing education credit each biennium.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013(9), 456.0301, 456.031, 466.004(4), 466.0135,
466.014 FS. Law Implemented 456.013(9), 456.0301, 456.031, 456.033, 466.0135,
466.014, 466.017(3), (4) FS. HistoryNew 4-2-86, Amended 12-31-86, 4-26-87, 7-
20-87, 9-16-87, 11-18-89, 7-9-90, Formerly 21G-12.013, Amended 5-19-94, 7-18-94,
Formerly 61F5-12.013, Amended 11-15-95, 4-8-96, Formerly 59Q-12.013, Amended
2-17-98, 2-15-99, 3-11-99, 11-9-00, 5-20-01, 8-25-03, 5-31-04, 7-13-05, 2-14-06, 12-
25-06, 10-10-10, 4-19-18, 8-6-18, 12-11-19, 11-16-21, 6-2-22.
64B5-12.0135 Licensees Excused from Continuing Educational
(1) Licensees shall not be required to complete continuing education
requirements during the biennium in which they receive initial licensure.
(2) Dentists shall not be required to complete continuing education requirements
during any biennium in which they are:
(a) Enrolled full-time in a post-graduate specialty training or residency program
at a dental school accredited by the American Dental Association’s Commission on
Dental Accreditation, or
(b) Serving as full-time faculty members at a dental, dental hygiene or dental
assisting school accredited by the American Dental Association’s Commission of
Dental Accreditation.
(3) Dental hygienists shall not be required to complete continuing education
requirements during any biennium in which they are:
(a) Enrolled full-time in an academic program directly related to dentistry or dental
hygiene, or
(b) Serving as full-time faculty members at a dental, dental hygiene school or
dental assisting school accredited by the American Dental Association’s Commission
on Dental Accreditation.
(4) No provision of this section shall relieve a licensee from the obligation to
obtain training required by Sections 456.013(7), 456.031, 456.033, 456.0301, F.S.,
as a condition of licensure renewal.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.0135, 466.014 FS. Law Implemented
456.013(7), 456.0301, 456.031, 456.033, 466.0135, 466.014 FS. HistoryNew 1-18-
89, Formerly 21G-12.0135, 61F5-12.0135, 59Q-12.0135, Amended 5-17-06, 8-6-18.
Florida Laws & Rules Page 19 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
64B5-12.014 Committee on Continuing Professional Education.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.014 FS. Law Implemented 466.0135,
466.014 FS. HistoryNew 4-2-86, Amended 6-30-86, 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-12.014,
61F5-12.014, 59Q-12.014, Repealed 10-29-15.
64B5-12.016 Subject Area Requirements.
(1) Regardless of the manner by which a licensee obtains continuing education,
no credit will be awarded unless the subject matter falls within the following subject
matter categories:
(a) Basic medical and scientific subjects, including but not limited to biology,
microbiology, anatomy, dental anatomy, microscopic anatomy, pathology,
physiology, chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, neurology, pharmacology,
anesthesia, analgesia, diet and nutrition as it relates to the conditions of the human
oral cavity.
(b) Clinical and technical subjects, including but not limited to techniques in
general dentistry or recognized specialties, dental materials and equipment,
diagnosis and treatment planning, asepsis and sterilization techniques and radiology.
(c) Patient health and safety subjects including but not limited to public health
problems, communicable diseases, emergency care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation,
advanced life support, anesthesia, patient stress management and risk management.
(d) Subjects dealing with licensees’ legal responsibilities, including but not limited
to the laws and rules governing the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene.
(e) Formal group discussions concerning case presentations sponsored by
approved providers.
(2) Except as expressly allowed below in this section, no continuing education
credit shall be given for courses which do not directly relate to providing dental care.
The following types of courses do not relate directly to providing dental care
organization or design of a dental office, practice development or management,
marketing of dental services, investments or financial management and personnel
(3) No continuing education credit shall be given for identical courses taken
during the same biennium.
(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, a dentist
and a dental hygienist may earn up to three hours of continuing education renewal
credit per biennium, by completing an approved course in dentistry practice
management, that meets the criteria set forth in paragraph (c), of subsection
466.0135(1), F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.0135, 466.014 FS. Law Implemented
456.031, 466.0135, 466.014 FS. HistoryNew 4-2-86, Amended 1-18-89, 7-9-90, 2-
1-93, Formerly 21G-12.016, 61F5-12.016, Amended 9-27-95, Formerly 59Q-12.016,
Amended 10-29-00, 5-20-01, 5-31-04, 7-6-06, 12-25-06, 12-15-14.
64B5-12.017 Application for Provider Status.
(1) Entities or individuals who wish to become approved providers of continuing
education shall register with and apply through CE Broker at
https://cebroker.com/providers using the form as referenced in subsection 64B-
5.003(1), F.A.C., and submit the following information, documentation and fee:
(a) The fee set forth in subsection 64B5-15.022(1), F.A.C.;
(b) The name of the contact person who will fulfill the reporting and
documentation requirements for approved providers and who will assure the
provider’s compliance with Rule 64B5-12.0175, F.A.C.; and,
(c) The qualifications of all instructors, which may be evidenced by a curriculum
vitae or professional licensure in the subject area taught. Because domestic violence
courses must contain information specifically appropriate for, directly pertinent to, and
useful in, dentistry, all domestic violence instructors shall identify dental injuries
Florida Laws & Rules Page 20 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
indicative of domestic violence, mandatory reporting and patient records
confidentiality for dentists under Florida and federal law, and incidence statistics in
the dental profession.
(2) Provider approval may be granted for a period not to exceed the time from
the date of approval to the end of the next successive licensure biennium after
approval was obtained. Application for renewal of provider status shall be made at
least 90 days prior to the end of the biennium in which approval expires and must be
accompanied by the biennial renewal fee set forth in subsection 64B5-15.022(2),
F.A.C. Renewal applications shall contain all information required for initial provider
approval as well as course outlines and information evidencing compliance with Rule
64B5-12.0175, F.A.C., for each course offered during the provider status.
(3) Study clubs which are composed of at least five licensees, are formed for the
purpose of scientific study and which have adopted written by-laws may apply to
become approved continuing education providers.
Rulemaking Authority 456.027, 466.004(4), 466.014 FS. Law Implemented
456.027, 466.0135, 466.014 FS. HistoryNew 4-2-86, Amended 10-26-87, 1-18-89,
7-9-90, 5-2-91, Formerly 21G-12.017, 61F5-12.017, 59Q-12.017, Amended 8-19-97,
10-29-00, 5-20-01, 8-6-19.
64B5-12.0175 Standards for Approved Providers.
Approved continuing professional education providers and providers authorized
pursuant to paragraph 64B5-12.013(2)(b), F.A.C., shall comply with the following
(1) All courses shall reflect appropriate didactic and clinical training for the subject
matter and shall be designed to meet specifically stated educational objectives.
(2) Instructors shall be adequately qualified by training, experience or licensure
to teach specified courses. Because domestic violence courses must contain
information specifically appropriate for, directly pertinent to, and useful in, dentistry,
all domestic violence instructors shall be familiar with dental injuries indicative of
domestic violence, reporting obligations under Florida and federal law, and incidence
statistics in the dental profession. Instructors who have had a professional license
revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against, in Florida or in another jurisdiction,
shall be disqualified when the nature and number of disciplinary actions indicate a
conscious disregard for the laws, rules and ethics of the profession.
(3) Any clinical dental hygiene course in which patients are treated during
instruction must be supervised by a licensed dentist.
(4) Facilities and equipment for each course in which patients are treated during
instruction shall be adequate for the subject matter and method of instruction.
(5) Course length shall be sufficient to provide meaningful education in the
subject matter presented. One half hour or one hour of continuing education credit
shall be awarded for each 25 or 50 minutes of actual classroom or clinical instruction,
respectively. No continuing education credit shall be awarded for participation of less
than 25 minutes.
(6) Providers shall provide written or electronic certification to each participant
who completes a continuing education course or portion of that course which consists
of at least 25 minutes of instruction. Certification shall include the participant’s name
and license number, the provider’s name and number, the course title, instructor,
location, date offered and hours of continuing education credit awarded and
validation through the signature of the provider, official representative or instructor.
(7) Providers’ courses shall be subject to Board review. Failure to maintain the
standards set forth in this rule shall subject the provider to the suspension or
rescission of the providership.
(8) The provider number shall not be used on any advertisement or certification
for a course that does not meet the requirements of Rule 64B5-12.016, F.A.C.
Florida Laws & Rules Page 21 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(9) A licensee who has been approved as a provider may not give more than 12
hours of continuing education credit in subjects other than cardiopulmonary
resuscitation to office staff, employees, or fellow employees during a biennium.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.014 FS. Law Implemented 466.0135,
466.014 FS. HistoryNew 1-18-89, Amended 7-9-90, Formerly 21G-12.0175, 61F5-
12.0175, 59Q-12.0175, Amended 10-3-99, 10-29-00, 3-7-02, 6-2-22.
64B5-12.018 Individual Study.
(1) Licensees may receive continuing education credit for individual study by
submitting an application for approval on a form provided by the Board which is
accompanied by documentation of compliance with the requirements of this rule.
(2) Credit for individual study shall only be awarded in the following manner, for
the following educational experiences:
(a) The initial presentation of material falling within the subject areas set forth in
Rule 64B5-12.016, F.A.C., which is part of a professional conference or meeting or
which is offered at a formal course given in conjunction with a professional
conference or meeting. Two hours of continuing education credit shall be awarded
for each 50 minute segment of a presentation. The licensee must submit
documentation which includes: the name of the professional conference or meeting
and its sponsoring organization; the date, location and subject of the presentation;
and written confirmation of this information by the sponsoring organization.
(b) Publication of an article or book devoted to a subject area set forth in Rule
64B5-12.016, F.A.C., in journals or other media which select materials through an
editorial review process. Continuing education credits in an amount determined by
the Board may be awarded for a published article or for a published book upon the
licensee’s documentation of the following: the title, authors, subject and length of the
article or book; the publisher’s name and date published; and if the licensee co-
authored an article or book, documentation of the licensee’s actual contribution to the
finished product.
(c) Presentation of a lecture devoted to a subject area set forth in Rule 64B5-
12.016, F.A.C., when given as part of a course at a dental, dental hygiene or dental
assisting school accredited by the American Dental Association’s Commission on
Dental Accreditation, its successor agency or other nationally recognized accrediting
agency, or as part of a formal course or program approved by the Board pursuant to
Rule 64B5-16.002, F.A.C. Two hours of continuing education credit shall be awarded
for each 50 minutes of actual lecture time upon the licensee’s documentation of the
following: name of the institution, course and program; subject, length and date of the
lecture; and written confirmation of this information from the sponsoring institution or
program. Licensees may obtain a maximum of 15 hours per biennium.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.014 FS. Law Implemented 466.0135,
466.014 FS. HistoryNew 4-2-86, Amended 9-7-87, 3-28-88, 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-
12.018, 61F5-12.018, 59Q-12.018, Amended 7-13-05.
64B5-12.0185 Standards for Board Approval of Pro Bono Programs.
(1) To receive Board approval, programs seeking to provide continuing education
credit for the provision of pro bono dental services must meet the following guidelines:
(a) Programs must be organized as or as part of a not-for-profit entity that
provides substantial pro bono dental services to the indigent or dentally underserved
populations or persons who reside in areas of critical need within Florida.
(b) The program must require the dentist and dental hygienist volunteers to
provide beneficial dental services to indigent patients, without compensation.
(c) Any volunteer dental hygienist must be under the appropriate supervision of
a Florida licensed dentist as set forth in Chapter 64B5-16, F.A.C., unless volunteering
in a health access setting as defined in Section 466.003(14), F.S., and following all
requirements set forth in Sections 466.024 (2) through (5), F.S.
Florida Laws & Rules Page 22 of 22
Updated: 19 May 2023
The ADA attempts to keep this information current based on information from state dental boards, clinical testing agencies and state dental
associations. Individuals seeking dental licensure should consult with the state board of dentistry and their professional advisors for the complete
and most recent dental licensure information, application requirements, forms and fees.
(d) The program must require the volunteer dentist or dental hygienist to register
with the program director or designee before commencing to provide dental or dental
hygiene services. Such registration shall occur on each day that the volunteer
participates in the pro bono activities.
(e) The program must retain documentation of the number of hours of volunteer
professional service contributed by each volunteer involved in the program’s pro bono
activities. This documentation shall contain the name and license number of each
participant; the dates and times of all pro bono activity; the location of the related
patient records; and in the case of dental hygienist volunteers not providing services
in health access settings, the name and license number of the supervising Florida
licensed dentist. Such records must be maintained for a minimum of 4 years following
the biennium in which the pro bono services are provided.
(2) Programs that request board approval shall apply to the Board office through
CE Broker and shall submit all documentation that shall prove compliance with this
Rulemaking Authority 456.013(9) FS. Law Implemented 456.013(9) FS. History
New 2-15-99, Amended 5-12-16, 12-11-19, 5-10-21.