Revised 07/2023
Florida Department of Health
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #CO8
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3258
RULES 64B5 and 64B27,
Revised 07/2023
INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………...…Page 3
CHAPTER 466, FLORIDA STATUTES…………………...…………………………………..Page 4
RULE 64B5, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE………………..……………………..Page 37
RULE 64B27, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE…………….……………………..Page 146
Revised 07/2023
The purpose of this booklet is to assemble and/or identify in one place the Florida laws and rules to
which the Board of Dentistry, the Department of Health and Florida licensed dentists and dental
hygienists must adhere.
All of the Florida statutes and administrative rules mentioned in this introduction are not included in this
booklet but are easily obtained on request. (Those in bold are included.)
Chapter 466, Florida Statutes, is the law which governs the practice of dentistry in the State of Florida.
In addition to the law, the Board promulgates rules to further define the mandate of the law.
Chapter 64B5 (formerly 59Q), Florida Administrative Code, includes the rules promulgated by the
Board of Dentistry. The Board is required by law to promulgate certain rules to implement specific
mandates with Florida Statutes, Chapters 466, 455, and 120, and the Board has specific authority to
promulgate other rules within these statutes so long as the rules are not inconsistent with the laws.
Chapter 456, Florida Statutes, is the law that governs the Department of Health. Within Chapter 456, the
Department’s and the Board’s scopes interrelate and intertwine and the Board must/may promulgate
rules in order for the Department to carry pit the mandate of the law.
Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, is the Administrative Procedures Act. The purpose of the act is to ensure
that the general public has access to information regarding the functions and duties of administrative
bodies, e.g. Board of Dentistry and Department of Health, whose actions may affect the interests of
private citizens.
Under Chapter 120, The Administration Commission (the Governor and Cabinet) has adopted model rules
(Chapter 28) by which agencies are required to abide when dealing with rulemaking and hearing
procedures to the extent that each agency does not adopt a specific rule of procedure covering the
subject matter material contained in the model rules applicable to that agency.
Complaints against a licensee……………………………………………………………………………………(850) 245-4339
Address for Board of Dentistry: Department of Health
Board of Dentistry
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-04
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Telephone: (850) 245-4474
Facsimile: (850) 921-5389
Revised 07/2023
466.001 Legislative purpose and intent.
466.002 Persons exempt from operation of chapter.
466.003 Definitions.
466.004 Board of Dentistry.
466.005 Expert witness certificate.
466.006 Examination of dentists.
466.0065 Regional licensure examinations.
466.0067 Application for health access dental license.
466.00671 Renewal of the health access dental license.
466.00672 Revocation of health access dental license.
466.00673 Repeal of a health access dental license.
466.007 Examination of dental hygienists.
466.0075 Applicants for examination; medical malpractice insurance.
466.008 Certification of foreign educational institutions.
466.009 Reexamination.
466.011 Licensure.
466.013 Renewal of license.
466.0135 Continuing education; dentists.
466.014 Continuing education; dental hygienists.
466.015 Inactive status.
466.016 License to be displayed.
466.017 Prescription of drugs; anesthesia.
466.018 Dentist of record; patient records.
466.019 Advertising by dentists.
466.021 Retention of dental laboratories by dentist; penalty.
466.022 Peer review; records; immunity; confidentiality.
466.023 Dental hygienists; scope and area of practice.
466.0235 Dental charting.
466.024 Delegation of duties; expanded functions.
466.025 Permitting of dental interns serving at state institutions; certification of dentists practicing at
government facilities; permitting of nonprofit corporations.
466.026 Prohibitions; penalties.
466.027 Sexual misconduct.
466.0275 Lawful investigations; consent handwriting samples; mental or physical examination.
466.02751 Establishment of practitioner profile for designation as a controlled substance prescribing
466.028 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
466.0282 Specialties.
466.0285 Proprietorship by nondentists.
466.031 Dental laboratories.
466.032 Registration.
466.033 Registration certificates.
466.034 Change of ownership or address.
466.035 Advertising.
466.036 Information; periodic inspections; equipment and supplies.
466.037 Suspension and revocation; administrative fine.
466.038 Rules.
466.039 Violations.
466.041 Hepatitis B carriers.
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466.001 Legislative purpose and intent.The legislative purpose for enacting this chapter is to
ensure that every dentist or dental hygienist practicing in this state meets minimum requirements for safe
practice without undue clinical interference by persons not licensed under this chapter. It is the legislative
intent that dental services be provided only in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and not be
delegated to unauthorized individuals. It is the further legislative intent that dentists and dental
hygienists who fall below minimum competency or who otherwise present a danger to the public shall be
prohibited from practicing in this state. All provisions of this chapter relating to the practice of dentistry
and dental hygiene shall be liberally construed to carry out such purpose and intent. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 1, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch.
91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1, ch. 97-67.
466.002 Persons exempt from operation of chapter.Nothing in this chapter shall apply to the
following practices, acts, and operations:
(1) The practice of her or his profession including surgical procedures involving the oral cavity by a
physician or surgeon licensed as such under the laws of this state.
(2) A qualified anesthetist giving an anesthetic for a dental operation under the direct supervision of a
licensed dentist.
(3) The practice of dentistry in the discharge of their official duties by graduate dentists or dental
surgeons in the United States Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, Public Health Service, Coast Guard, or
United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
(4) The practice of dentistry by licensed dentists of other states or countries at meetings of dental
organizations approved by the board, while appearing as clinicians.
(5) Students in Florida schools of dentistry and dental hygiene or dental assistant educational programs,
while performing regularly assigned work under the curriculum of such schools.
(6) Instructors in Florida schools of dentistry, instructors in dental programs that prepare persons
holding D.D.S. or D.M.D. degrees for certification by a specialty board and that are accredited in the
United States by January 1, 2005, in the same manner as the board recognizes accreditation for Florida
schools of dentistry that are not otherwise affiliated with a Florida school of dentistry, or instructors in
Florida schools of dental hygiene or dental assistant educational programs, while performing regularly
assigned instructional duties under the curriculum of such schools. A full-time dental instructor at a dental
school or dental program approved by the board may be allowed to practice dentistry at the teaching
facilities of such school or program, upon receiving a teaching permit issued by the board, in strict
compliance with such rules as are adopted by the board pertaining to the teaching permit and with the
established rules and procedures of the dental school or program as recognized in this section. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 2, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch.
91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 22, ch. 93-268; s. 2, ch. 94-104; s. 250, ch. 97-103; s. 1, ch. 2005-189.
466.003 Definitions.As used in this chapter:
(1) “Board” means the Board of Dentistry.
(2) “Dentist” means a person licensed to practice dentistry pursuant to this chapter.
(3) “Dentistry” means the healing art which is concerned with the examination, diagnosis, treatment
planning, and care of conditions within the human oral cavity and its adjacent tissues and structures. It
includes the performance or attempted performance of any dental operation, or oral or oral-maxillofacial
surgery and any procedures adjunct thereto, including physical evaluation directly related to such
operation or surgery pursuant to hospital rules and regulations. It also includes dental service of any kind
gratuitously or for any remuneration paid, or to be paid, directly or indirectly, to any person or agency.
The term “dentistry” shall also include the following:
(a) The taking of an impression of the human tooth, teeth, or jaws directly or indirectly and by any
means or method.
(b) Supplying artificial substitutes for the natural teeth or furnishing, supplying, constructing,
reproducing, or repairing any prosthetic denture, bridge, appliance, or any other structure designed to be
worn in the human mouth except on the written work order of a duly licensed dentist.
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(c) The placing of an appliance or structure in the human mouth or the adjusting or attempting to
adjust the same.
(d) Delivering the same to any person other than the dentist upon whose work order the work was
(e) Professing to the public by any method to furnish, supply, construct, reproduce, or repair any
prosthetic denture, bridge, appliance, or other structure designed to be worn in the human mouth.
(f) Diagnosing, prescribing, or treating or professing to diagnose, prescribe, or treat disease, pain,
deformity, deficiency, injury, or physical condition of the human teeth or jaws or oral-maxillofacial region.
(g) Extracting or attempting to extract human teeth.
(h) Correcting or attempting to correct malformations of teeth or of jaws.
(i) Repairing or attempting to repair cavities in the human teeth.
(4) “Dental hygiene” means the rendering of educational, preventive, and therapeutic dental services
pursuant to ss. 466.023 and 466.024 and any related extra-oral procedure required in the performance of
such services.
(5) “Dental hygienist” means a person licensed to practice dental hygiene pursuant to this chapter.
(6) “Dental assistant” means a person, other than a dental hygienist, who, under the supervision and
authorization of a dentist, provides dental care services directly to a patient. This term shall not include a
certified registered nurse anesthetist licensed under part I of chapter 464.
(7) “Department” means the Department of Health.
(8) “Direct supervision” means supervision whereby a dentist diagnoses the condition to be treated, a
dentist authorizes the procedure to be performed, a dentist remains on the premises while the
procedures are performed, and a dentist approves the work performed before dismissal of the patient.
(9) “Indirect supervision” means supervision whereby a dentist authorizes the procedure and a dentist is
on the premises while the procedures are performed.
(10) “General supervision” means supervision whereby a dentist authorizes the procedures which are
being carried out but need not be present when the authorized procedures are being performed. The
authorized procedures may also be performed at a place other than the dentist’s usual place of practice.
The issuance of a written work authorization to a commercial dental laboratory by a dentist does not
constitute general supervision.
(11) “Irremediable tasks” are those intraoral treatment tasks which, when performed, are irreversible
and create unalterable changes within the oral cavity or the contiguous structures or which cause an
increased risk to the patient. The administration of anesthetics other than topical anesthesia is considered
to be an “irremediable task” for purposes of this chapter.
(12) “Remediable tasks” are those intraoral treatment tasks which are reversible and do not create
unalterable changes within the oral cavity or the contiguous structures and which do not cause an
increased risk to the patient.
(13) “Oral and maxillofacial surgery” means the specialty of dentistry involving diagnosis, surgery, and
adjunctive treatment of diseases, injuries, and defects involving the functional and esthetic aspects of the
hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial regions. This term may not be construed to apply to
any individual exempt under s. 466.002(1).
(14) “Health access setting” means a program or an institution of the Department of Children and
Families, the Department of Health, the Department of Juvenile Justice, a nonprofit community health
center, a Head Start center, a federally qualified health center or look-alike as defined by federal law, a
school-based prevention program, a clinic operated by an accredited college of dentistry, or an accredited
dental hygiene program in this state if such community service program or institution immediately reports
to the Board of Dentistry all violations of s. 466.027, s. 466.028, or other practice act or standard of care
violations related to the actions or inactions of a dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant engaged in
the delivery of dental care in such setting.
(15) “School-based prevention program” means preventive oral health services offered at a school by
one of the entities defined in subsection (14) or by a nonprofit organization that is exempt from federal
income taxation under s. 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, and described in s. 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code.
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7 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 3, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch.
91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1, ch. 94-104; s. 126, ch. 94-218; s. 2, ch. 97-67; s. 107, ch. 97-264; s. 130,
ch. 2000-318; s. 1, ch. 2008-64; s. 4, ch. 2011-95; s. 270, ch. 2014-19.
466.004 Board of Dentistry.
(1) To carry out the provisions of this chapter, there is created within the department the Board of
Dentistry consisting of 11 members who shall be appointed by the Governor and subject to confirmation
by the Senate. Seven members of the board must be licensed dentists actively engaged in the clinical
practice of dentistry in this state; two members must be licensed dental hygienists actively engaged in
the practice of dental hygiene in this state; and the remaining two members must be laypersons who are
not, and have never been, dentists, dental hygienists, or members of any closely related profession or
occupation. Each member of the board who is a licensed dentist must have been actively engaged in the
practice of dentistry primarily as a clinical practitioner for at least 5 years immediately preceding the date
of her or his appointment to the board and must remain primarily in clinical practice during all
subsequent periods of appointment to the board. Each member of the board who is connected in any
way with any dental college or community college must be in compliance with s. 456.007. At least one
member of the board must be 60 years of age or older. Members shall be appointed for 4-year terms, but
may serve no more than a total of 10 years.
(2) To advise the board, it is the intent of the Legislature that councils be appointed as specified in
paragraphs (a), (b), and (c). The department shall provide administrative support to the councils and
shall provide public notice of meetings and agenda of the councils. Councils shall include at least one
board member who shall chair the council and shall include nonboard members. All council members shall
be appointed by the board chair. Council members shall be appointed for 4-year terms, and all members
shall be eligible for reimbursement of expenses in the manner of board members.
(a) A Council on Dental Hygiene shall be appointed by the board chair and shall include one dental
hygienist member of the board, who shall chair the council, one dental member of the board, and three
dental hygienists who are actively engaged in the practice of dental hygiene in this state. In making the
appointments, the chair shall consider recommendations from the Florida Dental Hygiene Association.
The council shall meet at the request of the board chair, a majority of the members of the board, or the
council chair; however, the council must meet at least three times a year. The council is charged with the
responsibility of and shall meet for the purpose of developing rules and policies for recommendation to
the board, which the board shall consider, on matters pertaining to that part of dentistry consisting of
educational, preventive, or therapeutic dental hygiene services; dental hygiene licensure, discipline, or
regulation; and dental hygiene education. Rule and policy recommendations of the council shall be
considered by the board at its next regularly scheduled meeting in the same manner in which it considers
rule and policy recommendations from designated subcommittees of the board. Any rule or policy
proposed by the board pertaining to the specified part of dentistry defined by this subsection shall be
referred to the council for a recommendation before final action by the board. The board may take final
action on rules pertaining to the specified part of dentistry defined by this subsection without a council
recommendation if the council fails to submit a recommendation in a timely fashion as prescribed by the
(b) A Council on Dental Assisting shall be appointed by the board chair and shall include one board
member who shall chair the council and three dental assistants who are actively engaged in dental
assisting. The council shall meet at the request of the board chair or a majority of the members of the
board. The council shall meet for the purpose of developing recommendations to the board on matters
pertaining to that part of dentistry related to dental assisting.
(c) With the concurrence of the State Surgeon General, the board chair may create and abolish other
advisory councils relating to dental subjects, including, but not limited to: examinations, access to dental
care, indigent care, nursing home and institutional care, public health, disciplinary guidelines, and other
subjects as appropriate. Such councils shall be appointed by the board chair and shall include at least one
board member who shall serve as chair.
(3) The board shall maintain its headquarters in Tallahassee.
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(4) The board is authorized to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the
provisions of this chapter and chapter 456, including the establishment of a fee to defray the cost of
duplicating any license certification or permit, not to exceed $10 per duplication.
(5) The board is authorized to publish and distribute such pamphlets, newsletters, and other
publications as are reasonably necessary.
(6) All provisions of chapter 456 relating to the board shall apply. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 4, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 17, ch. 87-172; s. 47, ch.
90-228; s. 1, ch. 90-341; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 97, ch. 92-149; s. 127,
ch. 94-218; s. 1, ch. 96-281; s. 1107, ch. 97-103; s. 69, ch. 98-166; s. 128, ch. 98-200; s. 55, ch. 99-5;
s. 1, ch. 99-183; s. 1, ch. 2000-115; s. 128, ch. 2000-160; s. 2, ch. 2005-189; s. 55, ch. 2006-1; s. 85,
ch. 2008-6.
466.005 Expert witness certificate.
(1)(a) The department shall issue a certificate authorizing a dentist who holds an active and valid
license to practice dentistry in another state or a province of Canada to provide expert testimony in this
state, if the dentist submits to the department:
1. A complete registration application containing the dentist’s legal name, mailing address, telephone
number, business locations, the names of the jurisdictions where the dentist holds an active and valid
license to practice dentistry, and the license number or other identifying number issued to the dentist by
the jurisdiction’s licensing entity; and
2. An application fee of $50.
(b) The department shall approve an application for an expert witness certificate within 10 business
days after receipt of the completed application and payment of the application fee if the applicant holds
an active and valid license to practice dentistry in another state or a province of Canada and has not had
a previous expert witness certificate revoked by the board. An application is approved by default if the
department does not act upon the application within the required period. A dentist must notify the
department in writing of his or her intent to rely on a certificate approved by default.
(c) An expert witness certificate is valid for 2 years after the date of issuance.
(2) An expert witness certificate authorizes the dentist to whom the certificate is issued to do only the
(a) Provide a verified written medical expert opinion as provided in s. 766.203.
(b) Provide expert testimony about the prevailing professional standard of care in connection with
medical negligence litigation pending in this state against a dentist licensed under this chapter.
(3) An expert witness certificate does not authorize a dentist to engage in the practice of dentistry as
defined in s. 466.003. A dentist issued a certificate under this section who does not otherwise practice
dentistry in this state is not required to obtain a license under this chapter or pay any license fees. An
expert witness certificate shall be treated as a license in any disciplinary action, and the holder of an
expert witness certificate shall be subject to discipline by the board.
History.s. 6, ch. 2011-233.
466.006 Examination of dentists.
(1)(a) It is the intent of the Legislature to reduce the costs associated with an independent state-
developed practical or clinical examination to measure an applicant’s ability to practice the profession of
dentistry and to use the American Dental Licensing Examination developed by the American Board of
Dental Examiners, Inc., in lieu of an independent state-developed practical or clinical examination. The
Legislature finds that the American Dental Licensing Examination, in both its structure and function,
consistently meets generally accepted testing standards and has been found, as it is currently organized
and operating, to adequately and reliably measure an applicant’s ability to practice the profession of
(b) Any person desiring to be licensed as a dentist shall apply to the department to take the licensure
examinations and shall verify the information required on the application by oath. The application shall
include two recent photographs. There shall be an application fee set by the board not to exceed $100
which shall be nonrefundable. There shall also be an examination fee set by the board, which shall not
exceed $425 plus the actual per applicant cost to the department for purchase of some or all of the
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examination from the American Board of Dental Examiners or its successor entity, if any, provided the
board finds the successor entity’s clinical examination complies with the provisions of this section. The
examination fee may be refundable if the applicant is found ineligible to take the examinations.
(2) An applicant shall be entitled to take the examinations required in this section to practice dentistry in
this state if the applicant:
(a) Is 18 years of age or older.
(b)1. Is a graduate of a dental school accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on
Dental Accreditation or its successor entity, if any, or any other dental accrediting entity recognized by
the United States Department of Education; or
2. Is a dental student in the final year of a program at such an accredited dental school who has
completed all the coursework necessary to prepare the student to perform the clinical and diagnostic
procedures required to pass the examinations. With respect to a dental student in the final year of a
program at a dental school, a passing score on the examinations is valid for 365 days after the date the
examinations were completed. A dental school student who takes the licensure examinations during the
student’s final year of an approved dental school must have graduated before being certified for licensure
pursuant to s. 466.011.
(c)1. Has successfully completed the National Board of Dental Examiners dental examination; or
2. Has an active health access dental license in this state; and
a. The applicant has at least 5,000 hours within 4 consecutive years of clinical practice experience
providing direct patient care in a health access setting as defined in s. 466.003; the applicant is a retired
veteran dentist of any branch of the United States Armed Services who has practiced dentistry while on
active duty and has at least 3,000 hours within 3 consecutive years of clinical practice experience
providing direct patient care in a health access setting as defined in s. 466.003; or the applicant has
provided a portion of his or her salaried time teaching health profession students in any public education
setting, including, but not limited to, a community college, college, or university, and has at least 3,000
hours within 3 consecutive years of clinical practice experience providing direct patient care in a health
access setting as defined in s. 466.003;
b. The applicant has not been disciplined by the board, except for citation offenses or minor violations;
c. The applicant has not filed a report pursuant to s. 456.049; and
d. The applicant has not been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, any
felony or misdemeanor related to the practice of a health care profession.
(3) If an applicant is a graduate of a dental college or school not accredited in accordance with
paragraph (2)(b) or of a dental college or school not approved by the board, the applicant is not entitled
to take the examinations required in this section to practice dentistry until she or he satisfies one of the
(a) Completes a program of study, as defined by the board by rule, at an accredited American dental
school and demonstrates receipt of a D.D.S. or D.M.D. from said school; or
(b) Submits proof of having successfully completed at least 2 consecutive academic years at a full-time
supplemental general dentistry program accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on
Dental Accreditation. This program must provide didactic and clinical education at the level of a D.D.S. or
D.M.D. program accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation. For
purposes of this paragraph, a supplemental general dentistry program does not include an advanced
education program in a dental specialty.
(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of law in chapter 456 pertaining to the clinical dental licensure
examination or national examinations, to be licensed as a dentist in this state, an applicant must
successfully complete both of the following:
(a) A written examination on the laws and rules of the state regulating the practice of dentistry.
(b) A practical or clinical examination, which must be the American Dental Licensing Examination
produced by the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc., or its successor entity, if any, that is
administered in this state, provided that the board has attained, and continues to maintain thereafter,
representation on the board of directors of the American Board of Dental Examiners, the examination
development committee of the American Board of Dental Examiners, and such other committees of the
American Board of Dental Examiners as the board deems appropriate by rule to assure that the standards
established herein are maintained organizationally. A passing score on the American Dental Licensing
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Examination administered in this state is valid for 365 days after the date the official examination results
are published.
1. As an alternative to such practical or clinical examination, an applicant may submit scores from an
American Dental Licensing Examination previously administered in a jurisdiction other than this state after
October 1, 2011, and such examination results shall be recognized as valid for the purpose of licensure in
this state. A passing score on the American Dental Licensing Examination administered out of state shall
be the same as the passing score for the American Dental Licensing Examination administered in this
state. The examination results are valid for 365 days after the date the official examination results are
published. The applicant must have completed the examination after October 1, 2011. This subparagraph
may not be given retroactive application.
2. If the date of an applicant’s passing American Dental Licensing Examination scores from an
examination previously administered in a jurisdiction other than this state under subparagraph 1. is older
than 365 days, such scores are nevertheless valid for the purpose of licensure in this state, but only if the
applicant demonstrates that all of the following additional standards have been met:
a. The applicant completed the American Dental Licensing Examination after October 1, 2011. This sub-
subparagraph may not be given retroactive application;
b. The applicant graduated from a dental school accredited by the American Dental Association
Commission on Dental Accreditation or its successor entity, if any, or any other dental accrediting
organization recognized by the United States Department of Education. Provided, however, if the
applicant did not graduate from such a dental school, the applicant may submit proof of having
successfully completed a full-time supplemental general dentistry program accredited by the American
Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation of at least 2 consecutive academic years at such
accredited sponsoring institution. Such program must provide didactic and clinical education at the level
of a D.D.S. or D.M.D. program accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental
Accreditation. For purposes of this sub-subparagraph, a supplemental general dentistry program does not
include an advanced education program in a dental specialty;
c. The applicant currently possesses a valid and active dental license in good standing, with no
restriction, which has never been revoked, suspended, restricted, or otherwise disciplined, from another
state or territory of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico;
d. The applicant submits proof that he or she has never been reported to the National Practitioner Data
Bank, the Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank, or the American Association of Dental Boards
Clearinghouse. This sub-subparagraph does not apply if the applicant successfully appealed to have his or
her name removed from the data banks of these agencies;
e.(I)(A) The applicant submits proof of having been consecutively engaged in the full-time practice of
dentistry in another state or territory of the United States, the District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico in the 5 years immediately preceding the date of application for licensure in this state; or
(B) If the applicant has been licensed in another state or territory of the United States, the District of
Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico for less than 5 years, the applicant submits proof of
having been engaged in the full-time practice of dentistry since the date of his or her initial licensure.
(II) As used in this section, “full-time practice” is defined as a minimum of 1,200 hours per year for each
and every year in the consecutive 5-year period or, when applicable, the period since initial licensure, and
must include any combination of the following:
(A) Active clinical practice of dentistry providing direct patient care.
(B) Full-time practice as a faculty member employed by a dental or dental hygiene school approved by
the board or accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation.
(C) Full-time practice as a student at a postgraduate dental education program approved by the board
or accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation.
(III) The board shall develop rules to determine what type of proof of full-time practice is required and
to recoup the cost to the board of verifying full-time practice under this section. Such proof must, at a
minimum, be:
(A) Admissible as evidence in an administrative proceeding;
(B) Submitted in writing;
(C) Submitted by the applicant under oath with penalties of perjury attached;
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(D) Further documented by an affidavit of someone unrelated to the applicant who is familiar with the
applicant’s practice and testifies with particularity that the applicant has been engaged in full-time
practice; and
(E) Specifically found by the board to be both credible and admissible.
(IV) An affidavit of only the applicant is not acceptable proof of full-time practice unless it is further
attested to by someone unrelated to the applicant who has personal knowledge of the applicant’s
practice. If the board deems it necessary to assess credibility or accuracy, the board may require the
applicant or the applicant’s witnesses to appear before the board and give oral testimony under oath;
f. The applicant submits documentation that he or she has completed, or will complete before he or she
is licensed in this state, continuing education equivalent to this state’s requirements for the last full
reporting biennium;
g. The applicant proves that he or she has never been convicted of, or pled nolo contendere to,
regardless of adjudication, any felony or misdemeanor related to the practice of a health care profession
in any jurisdiction;
h. The applicant has successfully passed a written examination on the laws and rules of this state
regulating the practice of dentistry and the computer-based diagnostic skills examination; and
i. The applicant submits documentation that he or she has successfully completed the applicable
examination administered by the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations or its successor
(5)(a) The practical examination required under subsection (4) shall be the American Dental Licensing
Examination developed by the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc., or its successor entity, if any,
provided the board finds that the successor entity’s clinical examination complies with the provisions of
this section, and shall include, at a minimum:
1. A comprehensive diagnostic skills examination covering the full scope of dentistry and an examination
on applied clinical diagnosis and treatment planning in dentistry for dental candidates;
2. Two restorations on a live patient or patients. The board by rule shall determine the class of such
3. A demonstration of periodontal skills on a live patient;
4. A demonstration of prosthetics and restorative skills in complete and partial dentures and crowns and
bridges and the utilization of practical methods of evaluation, specifically including the evaluation by the
candidate of completed laboratory products such as, but not limited to, crowns and inlays filled to
prepared model teeth;
5. A demonstration of restorative skills on a mannequin which requires the candidate to complete
procedures performed in preparation for a cast restoration;
6. A demonstration of endodontic skills; and
7. A diagnostic skills examination demonstrating ability to diagnose conditions within the human oral
cavity and its adjacent tissues and structures from photographs, slides, radiographs, or models pursuant
to rules of the board. If an applicant fails to pass the diagnostic skills examination in three attempts, the
applicant shall not be eligible for reexamination unless she or he completes additional educational
requirements established by the board.
(b) The department shall consult with the board in planning the times, places, physical facilities, training
of personnel, and other arrangements concerning the administration of the examination. The board or a
duly designated committee thereof shall approve the final plans for the administration of the
(c) If the applicant fails to pass the clinical examination in three attempts, the applicant shall not be
eligible for reexamination unless she or he completes additional educational requirements established by
the board; and
(d) The board may by rule provide for additional procedures which are to be tested, provided such
procedures shall be common to the practice of general dentistry. The board by rule shall determine the
passing grade for each procedure and the acceptable variation for examiners. No such rule shall apply
The department shall require a mandatory standardization exercise for all examiners prior to each
practical or clinical examination and shall retain for employment only those dentists who have
substantially adhered to the standard of grading established at such exercise.
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(6)(a) It is the finding of the Legislature that absent a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the
public, the relocation of applicants to practice dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this state,
who are lawfully and currently practicing dentistry in another state or territory of the United States, the
District of Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, based on their scores from the American
Dental Licensing Examination administered in a state other than this state, is substantially related to
achieving the important state interest of improving access to dental care for underserved citizens of this
state and furthering the economic development goals of the state. Therefore, in order to maintain valid
active licensure in this state, all applicants for licensure who are relocating to this state based on scores
from the American Dental Licensing Examination administered in a state other than this state must
actually engage in the full-time practice of dentistry inside the geographic boundaries of this state within
1 year of receiving such licensure in this state. The Legislature finds that, if such applicants do not
actually engage in the full-time practice of dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this state within
1 year of receiving such a license in this state, access to dental care for the public will not significantly
increase, patients’ continuity of care will not be attained, and the economic development goals of the
state will not be significantly met.
(b)1. As used in this section, “full-time practice of dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this
state within 1 year” is defined as a minimum of 1,200 hours in the initial year of licensure, which must
include any combination of the following:
a. Active clinical practice of dentistry providing direct patient care within the geographic boundaries of
this state.
b. Full-time practice as a faculty member employed by a dental or dental hygiene school approved by
the board or accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation and
located within the geographic boundaries of this state.
c. Full-time practice as a student at a postgraduate dental education program approved by the board or
accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation and located within the
geographic boundaries of this state.
2. The board shall develop rules to determine what type of proof of full-time practice of dentistry within
the geographic boundaries of this state for 1 year is required in order to maintain active licensure and
shall develop rules to recoup the cost to the board of verifying maintenance of such full-time practice
under this section. Such proof must, at a minimum:
a. Be admissible as evidence in an administrative proceeding;
b. Be submitted in writing;
c. Be submitted by the applicant under oath with penalties of perjury attached;
d. Be further documented by an affidavit of someone unrelated to the applicant who is familiar with the
applicant’s practice and testifies with particularity that the applicant has been engaged in full-time
practice of dentistry within the geographic boundaries of this state within the last 365 days; and
e. Include such additional proof as specifically found by the board to be both credible and admissible.
3. An affidavit of only the applicant is not acceptable proof of full-time practice of dentistry within the
geographic boundaries of this state within 1 year, unless it is further attested to by someone unrelated to
the applicant who has personal knowledge of the applicant’s practice within the last 365 days. If the
board deems it necessary to assess credibility or accuracy, the board may require the applicant or the
applicant’s witnesses to appear before the board and give oral testimony under oath.
(c) It is the further intent of the Legislature that a license issued pursuant to paragraph (a) shall expire
in the event the board finds that it did not receive acceptable proof of full-time practice within the
geographic boundaries of this state within 1 year after the initial issuance of the license. The board shall
make reasonable attempts within 30 days prior to the expiration of such a license to notify the licensee in
writing at his or her last known address of the need for proof of full-time practice in order to continue
licensure. If the board has not received a satisfactory response from the licensee within the 30-day
period, the licensee must be served with actual or constructive notice of the pending expiration of
licensure and be given 20 days in which to submit proof required in order to continue licensure. If the 20-
day period expires and the board finds it has not received acceptable proof of full-time practice within the
geographic boundaries of this state within 1 year after the initial issuance of the license, then the board
must issue an administrative order finding that the license has expired. Such an order may be appealed
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by the former licensee in accordance with the provisions of chapter 120. In the event of expiration, the
licensee shall immediately cease and desist from practicing dentistry and shall immediately surrender to
the board the wallet-size identification card and wall card. A person who uses or attempts to use a license
issued pursuant to this section which has expired commits unlicensed practice of dentistry, a felony of the
third degree pursuant to s. 466.026(1)(b), punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
775.084. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 13, 15, 25, 26, 30, 34, 62, ch. 80-406; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 8, 38,
41, ch. 82-179; s. 1, ch. 82-220; s. 1, ch. 83-172; s. 87, ch. 83-218; s. 4, ch. 85-156; ss. 5, 23, 24, ch.
86-291; s. 15, ch. 88-205; s. 10, ch. 89-66; s. 48, ch. 90-228; s. 2, ch. 90-341; ss. 13, 60, ch. 91-137; s.
7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 251, ch. 97-103; s. 108, ch. 97-264; s. 1, ch. 2004-300; s. 3, ch. 2005-
189; s. 2, ch. 2008-64; s. 9, ch. 2011-95; s. 1, ch. 2012-14; s. 23, ch. 2020-133.
466.0065 Regional licensure examinations.
(1) It is the intent of the Legislature that schools of dentistry be allowed to offer regional licensure
examinations to dental students who are in the final year of a program at an approved dental school for
the sole purpose of facilitating the student’s licensing in other jurisdictions. This section does not allow a
person to be licensed as a dentist in this state without taking the examinations as set forth in s. 466.006,
nor does this section mean that regional examinations administered under this section may be
substituted for complying with testing requirements under s. 466.006.
(2) Each school of dentistry in this state which is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the
American Dental Association or its successor agency may, upon written approval by the Board of
Dentistry, offer regional licensure examinations only to dental students in the final year of a program at
an approved dental school, if the board has approved the hosting school’s written plan to comply with the
following conditions:
(a) A member of the regional examination body’s board of directors or equivalent thereof must be a
member of the American Association of Dental Examiners.
(b) The student must have successfully passed parts I and II of the National Board of Dental Examiners
examination within 2 years before taking the regional examination.
(c) The student must possess medical malpractice insurance in amounts not less than the amounts
required to take the Florida licensure examinations.
(d) At least one of the examination monitors must be a dentist licensed in this state who has completed
all necessary standardization exercises required by the regional examination body. Recruitment of
examination monitors is the responsibility of the regional examination body.
(e) Adequate arrangements, as defined by the regional examination body and as otherwise required by
law, must be made, when necessary, for patients who require followup care as a result of procedures
performed during the clinical portion of the regional examination. The regional examination body must
inform patients in writing of their right to followup care in advance of any procedures performed by a
(f) The board chair or the chair’s designee must be allowed to observe testing while it is in progress.
(g) Each student, upon being deemed eligible by the dental school to apply to the regional examination
body to take the regional examination, must receive written disclosure in at least 12-point boldface type
that states: “This examination does not meet the licensure requirements of chapter 466, Florida Statutes,
for licensure in the State of Florida. Persons wishing to practice dentistry in Florida must pass the Florida
licensure examinations.”
(h) The student must be enrolled as a dental student in the student’s final year of a program at an
approved dental school that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Dental
Association or its successor agency.
(i) The student must have completed all coursework deemed necessary by the dental school to prepare
the student to perform all clinical and diagnostic procedures required to pass the regional examination.
(j) The student’s academic record must not include any evidence suggesting that the student poses an
unreasonable risk to any live patients who are required for the clinical portion of the regional
examination. In order to protect the health and safety of the public, the dental school may request
additional information and documents pertaining to the candidate’s mental and physical health in order to
fully assess the candidate’s fitness to engage in exercises involving a live patient.
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(3) A student who takes the examination pursuant to this section, a dental school that submits a plan
pursuant to this section, or a regional examination body that a dental school proposes to host under this
section does not have standing to assert that a state agency has taken action for which a hearing may be
sought under ss. 120.569 and 120.57.
History.s. 2, ch. 2004-300; s. 11, ch. 2011-95.
1466.0067 Application for health access dental license.The Legislature finds that there is an important
state interest in attracting dentists to practice in underserved health access settings in this state and
further, that allowing out-of-state dentists who meet certain criteria to practice in health access settings
without the supervision of a dentist licensed in this state is substantially related to achieving this
important state interest. Therefore, notwithstanding the requirements of s. 466.006, the board shall grant
a health access dental license to practice dentistry in this state in health access settings as defined in s.
466.003 to an applicant who:
(1) Files an appropriate application approved by the board;
(2) Pays an application license fee for a health access dental license, laws-and-rule exam fee, and an
initial licensure fee. The fees specified in this subsection may not differ from an applicant seeking
licensure pursuant to s. 466.006;
(3) Has not been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, any felony or
misdemeanor related to the practice of a health care profession;
(4) Submits proof of graduation from a dental school accredited by the Commission on Dental
Accreditation of the American Dental Association or its successor agency;
(5) Submits documentation that she or he has completed, or will obtain before licensure, continuing
education equivalent to this state’s requirement for dentists licensed under s. 466.006 for the last full
reporting biennium before applying for a health access dental license;
(6) Submits proof of her or his successful completion of parts I and II of the dental examination by the
National Board of Dental Examiners and a state or regional clinical dental licensing examination that the
board has determined effectively measures the applicant’s ability to practice safely;
(7) Currently holds a valid, active dental license in good standing which has not been revoked,
suspended, restricted, or otherwise disciplined from another of the United States, the District of
Columbia, or a United States territory;
(8) Has never had a license revoked from another of the United States, the District of Columbia, or a
United States territory;
(9) Has never failed the examination specified in s. 466.006, unless the applicant was reexamined
pursuant to s. 466.006 and received a license to practice dentistry in this state;
(10) Has not been reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank, unless the applicant successfully
appealed to have his or her name removed from the data bank;
(11) Submits proof that he or she has been engaged in the active, clinical practice of dentistry providing
direct patient care for 5 years immediately preceding the date of application, or in instances when the
applicant has graduated from an accredited dental school within the preceding 5 years, submits proof of
continuous clinical practice providing direct patient care since graduation; and
(12) Has passed an examination covering the laws and rules of the practice of dentistry in this state as
described in s. 466.006(4)(a). 3, 6, ch. 2008-64; s. 104, ch. 2010-5; s. 10, ch. 2011-95; s. 2, ch. 2014-108; s. 1, ch. 2020-
47; s. 24, ch. 2020-133.
1Note.Section 4, ch. 2020-47, and s. 55, ch. 2020-133, provide that the amendments and
reenactments made by those acts to ss. 466.0067, 466.00671, and 466.00672 are remedial in nature and
apply retroactively to January 1, 2020.
1466.00671 Renewal of the health access dental license.
(1) A health access dental licensee shall apply for renewal each biennium. At the time of renewal, the
licensee shall sign a statement that she or he has complied with all continuing education requirements of
an active dentist licensee. The board shall renew a health access dental license for an applicant who:
(a) Submits documentation, as approved by the board, from the employer in the health access setting
that the licensee has at all times pertinent remained an employee;
(b) Has not been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, any felony or
misdemeanor related to the practice of a health care profession;
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(c) Has paid a renewal fee set by the board. The fee specified herein may not differ from the renewal
fee adopted by the board pursuant to s. 466.013. The department may provide payment for these fees
through the dentist’s salary, benefits, or other department funds;
(d) Has not failed the examination specified in s. 466.006 since initially receiving a health access dental
license or since the last renewal; and
(e) Has not been reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank, unless the applicant successfully
appealed to have his or her name removed from the data bank.
(2) The board may undertake measures to independently verify the health access dental licensee’s
ongoing employment status in the health access setting. 4, 6, ch. 2008-64; s. 12, ch. 2011-95; s. 2, ch. 2014-108; s. 2, ch. 2020-47; s. 25, ch. 2020-
1Note.Section 4, ch. 2020-47, and s. 55, ch. 2020-133, provide that the amendments and
reenactments made by those acts to ss. 466.0067, 466.00671, and 466.00672 are remedial in nature and
apply retroactively to January 1, 2020.
1466.00672 Revocation of health access dental license.
(1) The board shall revoke a health access dental license upon:
(a) The licensee’s termination from employment from a qualifying health access setting;
(b) Final agency action determining that the licensee has violated any provision of s. 466.027 or s.
466.028, other than infractions constituting citation offenses or minor violations; or
(c) Failure of the Florida dental licensure examination.
(2) Failure of an individual licensed pursuant to s. 466.0067 to limit the practice of dentistry to health
access settings as defined in s. 466.003 constitutes the unlicensed practice of dentistry. 5, 6, ch. 2008-64; s. 8, ch. 2011-95; s. 2, ch. 2014-108; s. 3, ch. 2020-47; s. 26, ch. 2020-
1Note.Section 4, ch. 2020-47, and s. 55, ch. 2020-133, provide that the amendments and
reenactments made by those acts to ss. 466.0067, 466.00671, and 466.00672 are remedial in nature and
apply retroactively to January 1, 2020.
1466.00673 Repeal of a health access dental license.Effective January 1, 2020, ss. 466.0067-
466.00673 are repealed unless reenacted by the Legislature. Any health access dental license issued
before January 1, 2020, shall remain valid according to ss. 466.0067-466.00673, without effect from
History.s. 6, ch. 2008-64; s. 2, ch. 2014-108.
1Note.Sections 466.0067, 466.00671, and 466.00672 were revived retroactively to January 1, 2020, by
ss. 1-3, ch. 2020-47, and ss. 24-26, ch. 2020-133, respectively.
466.007 Examination of dental hygienists.
(1) Any person desiring to be licensed as a dental hygienist shall apply to the department to take the
licensure examinations and shall verify the information required on the application by oath. The
application shall include two recent photographs of the applicant. There shall be a nonrefundable
application fee set by the board not to exceed $100 and an examination fee set by the board which shall
not be more than $225. The examination fee may be refunded if the applicant is found ineligible to take
the examinations.
(2) An applicant is entitled to take the examinations required in this section to practice dental hygiene in
this state if the applicant:
(a) Is 18 years of age or older.
(b)1. Is a graduate of a dental hygiene college or school approved by the board or accredited by the
Commission on Accreditation of the American Dental Association or its successor entity, if any, or any
other dental hygiene program accrediting entity recognized by the United States Department of
Education; or
2. Is a graduate of a dental college or school accredited in accordance with s. 466.006(2)(b), or a
graduate of an unaccredited dental college or school, and has met the requirements of subsection (3).
(c)1. In the case of a graduate of a dental hygiene college or school under subparagraph (2)(b)1.:
a. Has successfully completed the National Board of Dental Hygiene examination at any time before the
date of application;
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b. Has been certified by the American Dental Association Joint Commission on National Dental
Examinations at any time before the date of application;
c. Effective January 1, 1997, has completed coursework that is comparable to an associate in science
d. Has not been disciplined by a board, except for citation offenses or minor violations; and
e. Has not been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, any felony or
misdemeanor related to the practice of a health care profession.
2. In the case of a graduate of a dental college or school under subparagraph (2)(b)2.:
a. Has successfully completed the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination or the National Board
Dental Examination;
b. Has not been disciplined by a board, except for citation offenses or minor violations; and
c. Has not been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, any felony or
misdemeanor related to the practice of a health care profession.
(3) A graduate of a dental college or school shall be entitled to take the examinations required in this
section to practice dental hygiene in this state if, in addition to the requirements specified in subsection
(2), the graduate meets the following requirements:
(a) Submits the following credentials for review by the board:
1. Transcripts totaling 4 academic years of postsecondary dental education; and
2. A dental school diploma which is comparable to a D.D.S. or D.M.D.
Such credentials shall be submitted in a manner provided by rule of the board. The board shall approve
those credentials which comply with this paragraph and with rules of the board adopted pursuant to this
paragraph. The provisions of this paragraph notwithstanding, an applicant of a foreign dental college or
school not accredited in accordance with s. 466.006(2)(b) who cannot produce the credentials required
by this paragraph, as a result of political or other conditions in the country in which the applicant received
his or her education, may seek the board’s approval of his or her educational background by submitting,
in lieu of the credentials required in this paragraph, such other reasonable and reliable evidence as may
be set forth by board rule. The board shall not accept such other evidence until it has made a reasonable
attempt to obtain the credentials required by this paragraph from the educational institutions the
applicant is alleged to have attended, unless the board is otherwise satisfied that such credentials cannot
be obtained.
(b) Successfully completes one or more courses, of a scope and duration approved and defined by
board rule, that meet the requirements of law for instructing health care providers on the human
immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome. In addition, the board may require an
applicant who graduated from a nonaccredited dental college or school to successfully complete
additional coursework, only after failing the initial examination, as defined by board rule, at an
educational institution approved by the board or accredited as provided in subparagraph (2)(b)1. A
graduate of a foreign dental college or school not accredited in accordance with s. 466.006(2)(b) may not
take the coursework set forth in this paragraph until the board has approved the credentials required by
paragraph (a).
(4) Effective July 1, 2012, to be licensed as a dental hygienist in this state, an applicant must
successfully complete the following:
(a) A written examination on the laws and rules of this state regulating the practice of dental hygiene.
(b) A practical or clinical examination approved by the board. The examination shall be the Dental
Hygiene Examination produced by the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc., (ADEX) or its successor
entity, if any, if the board finds that the successor entity’s clinical examination meets or exceeds the
provisions of this section. The board shall approve the ADEX Dental Hygiene Examination if the board has
attained and continues to maintain representation on the ADEX House of Representatives, the ADEX
Dental Hygiene Examination Development Committee, and such other ADEX Dental Hygiene committees
as the board deems appropriate through rulemaking to ensure that the standards established in this
section are maintained organizationally. The ADEX Dental Hygiene Examination or the examination
produced by its successor entity is a comprehensive examination in which an applicant must demonstrate
skills within the dental hygiene scope of practice on a live patient and any other components that the
board deems necessary for the applicant to successfully demonstrate competency for the purpose of
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(5) Effective July 1, 2012, an applicant who has completed the ADEX Dental Hygiene Examination in a
jurisdiction other than this state and who has obtained a passing score may practice dental hygiene in
this state if the applicant:
(a) Has successfully completed the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination at any time before the
date of application;
(b) Has been certified by the American Dental Association Joint Commission on National Dental
Examinations at any time before the date of application, as specified by state law;
(c) Has successfully completed a written examination on the laws and rules of this state regulating the
practice of dental hygiene;
(d) Has not been disciplined by a board, except for citation offenses or minor violations; and
(e) Has not been convicted of or pled nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, any felony or
misdemeanor related to the practice of a health care profession.
(6)(a) A passing score on the ADEX Dental Hygiene Examination administered out of state must be
considered the same as a passing score for the ADEX Dental Hygiene Examination administered in this
(b) If an applicant fails to pass the ADEX Dental Hygiene Examination in three attempts, the applicant is
not eligible to retake the examination unless the applicant completes additional education requirements
as specified by the board. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 6, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 16, ch. 88-205; s. 60, ch.
91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 98, ch. 92-149; s. 1, ch. 94-105; s. 2, ch. 96-281; s. 1108,
ch. 97-103; s. 70, ch. 98-166; s. 129, ch. 2000-160; s. 4, ch. 2005-189; s. 11, ch. 2008-64; s. 13, ch.
2011-95; s. 2, ch. 2012-14; s. 85, ch. 2013-15; s. 27, ch. 2020-133.
466.0075 Applicants for examination; medical malpractice insurance.The board may require
any person applying to take the examination to practice dentistry in this state or the examination to
practice dental hygiene in this state to maintain medical malpractice insurance in amounts sufficient to
cover any incident of harm to a patient during the clinical examination.
History.s. 4, ch. 96-281.
466.008 Certification of foreign educational institutions.
(1) The Legislature recognizes the need to ensure that graduates of foreign dental schools who have
received an education which is reasonably comparable to that of similar accredited institutions in the
United States and which adequately prepare their students for the practice of dentistry shall be subject to
the same licensure requirements as graduates of accredited dental schools or colleges. It is the purpose
of this section to provide for the evaluation of foreign dental schools and the certification of those foreign
dental schools which provide an education which is reasonably comparable to that of similar accredited
institutions in the United States and which adequately prepare their students for the practice of dentistry.
(2) The department shall be responsible for the certification of foreign dental schools based on
standards established pursuant to subsection (4). The department may contract with outside consultants
or a national professional organization to survey and evaluate foreign dental schools. Such consultant or
organization shall report to the department regarding its findings in the survey and evaluation.
(3) The department shall establish a technical advisory group to review and comment upon the survey
and evaluation of a foreign dental school contracted for pursuant to subsection (2) prior to any final
action by the department regarding certification of the foreign dental school. The technical advisory
group shall be selected by the department and shall consist of four dentists, two of whom shall be
selected from a list of five recognized United States dental educators recommended by the foreign school
seeking certification. None of the members of the technical advisory group shall be affiliated with the
school seeking certification.
(4) Any foreign dental school which wishes to be certified pursuant to this section shall make application
to the department for such certification, which shall be based upon a finding that the educational
program of the foreign dental school is reasonably comparable to that of similar accredited institutions in
the United States and adequately prepares its students for the practice of dentistry. Curriculum, faculty
qualifications, student attendance, plant and facilities, and other relevant factors shall be reviewed and
evaluated. The board, with the cooperation of the department, shall identify by rule the standards and
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review procedures and methodology to be used in the certification process consistent with this
subsection. The department shall not grant certification if deficiencies found are of such magnitude as to
prevent the students in the school from receiving an educational base suitable for the practice of
(5) Periodic surveys and evaluations of all certified schools shall be made to ensure continued
compliance with this section. Certification shall include provisional and full certification. The provisional
form of certification shall be for a period determined by the department, not to exceed 3 years, and shall
be granted to an institution, in accordance with rule, to provide reasonable time for the school seeking
permanent certification to overcome deficiencies found by the department. Prior to the expiration of a
provisional certification and before the full certification is granted, the school shall be required to submit
evidence that deficiencies noted at the time of initial application have been remedied. A school granted
full certification shall provide evidence of continued compliance with this section. In the event that the
department denies certification or recertification, the department shall give the school a specific listing of
the deficiencies which caused the denial and the requirements for remedying the deficiencies, and shall
permit the school, upon request, to demonstrate by satisfactory evidence, within 90 days, that it has
remedied the deficiencies listed by the department.
(6) A school shall pay a registration fee established by rule of the department, not to exceed $1,000, at
the time of application for certification and shall pay all reasonable costs and expenses the department
expects to incur, in an amount not to exceed $40,000, for the conduct of the certification survey.
(7) The department shall renew a certification upon receipt of a renewal application, accompanied by a
fee not to exceed $500. Each fully certified institution shall submit a renewal application every 7 years.
Any certification which is not renewed shall automatically expire.
History.s. 99, ch. 92-149.
466.009 Reexamination.
(1) The department shall permit any person who fails an examination which is required under s.
466.006 or s. 466.007 to retake the examination. If the examination to be retaken is a practical or clinical
examination, the applicant shall pay a reexamination fee set by rule of the board in an amount not to
exceed the original examination fee.
(2) If an applicant for a license to practice dentistry fails the practical or clinical examination because of
a failing grade on just one part or procedure tested, she or he shall be required to retake only that part
or procedure. However, if any such applicant fails more than one part or procedure of any such
examination, she or he shall be required to retake the entire examination.
(3) If an applicant for a license to practice dental hygiene fails one portion of the practical or clinical
examination, such applicant shall be required to retake only that portion if she or he reapplies within 12
months. If, however, the applicant fails the prophylaxis, she or he shall be required to retake the entire
examination. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-
156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 252, ch. 97-103; s. 14, ch. 2011-95.
466.011 Licensure.The board shall certify for licensure by the department any applicant who
satisfies the requirements of s. 466.006, s. 466.0067, or s. 466.007. The board may refuse to certify an
applicant who has violated any of the provisions of s. 466.026 or s. 466.028. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 50, ch. 90-228; s. 4, ch. 90-
341; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 3, ch. 94-105; s. 3, ch. 96-281; s. 8, ch.
2008-64; s. 15, ch. 2011-95.
466.013 Renewal of license.
(1) The department shall renew a license upon receipt of the renewal application and the fee set by the
board not to exceed $300.
(2) The department shall adopt rules establishing a procedure for the biennial renewal of licenses. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 36, ch. 89-162; s. 60, ch.
91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 180, ch. 94-119.
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466.0135 Continuing education; dentists.
(1) In addition to the other requirements for renewal set out in this chapter, each licensed dentist shall
be required to complete biennially not less than 30 hours of continuing professional education in dental
subjects, with a minimum of 2 hours of continuing education on the safe and effective prescribing of
controlled substances. Programs of continuing education shall be programs of learning that contribute
directly to the dental education of the dentist and may include, but shall not be limited to, attendance at
lectures, study clubs, college postgraduate courses, or scientific sessions of conventions; and research,
graduate study, teaching, or service as a clinician. Programs of continuing education shall be acceptable
when adhering to the following general guidelines:
(a) The aim of continuing education for dentists is to improve all phases of dental health care delivery to
the public.
(b) Continuing education courses shall address one or more of the following areas of professional
development, including, but not limited to:
1. Basic medical and scientific subjects, including, but not limited to, biology, physiology, pathology,
biochemistry, and pharmacology;
2. Clinical and technological subjects, including, but not limited to, clinical techniques and procedures,
materials, and equipment; and
3. Subjects pertinent to oral health and safety.
(c) The board may also authorize up to 3 hours of credit biennially for a practice management course
that includes principles of ethical practice management, provides substance abuse, effective
communication with patients, time management, and burnout prevention instruction.
(d) Continuing education credits shall be earned at the rate of one-half credit hour per 25-30 contact
minutes of instruction and one credit hour per 50-60 contact minutes of instruction.
(2) Programs meeting the general requirements of subsection (1) may be developed and offered to
dentists by any of the following agencies or organizations:
(a) The American Dental Association, the National Dental Association, and state, district, or local dental
associations and societies affiliated with the American Dental Association or the National Dental
(b) National, state, district, or local dental specialty organizations affiliated with the American Dental
(c) Dental colleges or schools accredited as provided in this chapter.
(d) Other organizations, schools, or agencies approved by the board.
(3) A dentist shall complete the required continuing education as provided in this section and shall
retain in her or his records any receipts, vouchers, or certificates necessary to document completion of
such continuing education.
(4) Compliance with the continuing education requirements of this section shall be mandatory for the
issuance of a renewal certificate by the department; however, the board shall have the authority to
excuse licensees, as a group or as individuals, from said requirements, or any part thereof, in the event
of an unusual circumstance, emergency, or special hardship. 3, 5, ch. 85-156; ss. 7, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-
429; s. 253, ch. 97-103; s. 5, ch. 2005-189; s. 26, ch. 2016-230; s. 1, ch. 2019-111.
466.014 Continuing education; dental hygienists.In addition to the other requirements for
relicensure for dental hygienists set out in this chapter, the board shall require each licensed dental
hygienist to complete at least 24 hours but not more than 36 hours of continuing professional education
in dental subjects, biennially, in programs prescribed or approved by the board or in equivalent programs
of continuing education. Programs of continuing education approved by the board shall be programs of
learning which, in the opinion of the board, contribute directly to the dental education of the dental
hygienist. The board shall adopt rules and guidelines to administer and enforce this section. The dental
hygienist shall retain in her or his records any receipts, vouchers, or certificates necessary to document
completion of such continuing education. Compliance with the continuing education requirements is
mandatory for issuance of the renewal certificate. The board may excuse licensees, as a group or as
individuals, from all or part of the continuing education requirements if an unusual circumstance,
emergency, or hardship has prevented compliance with this section.
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20 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 8, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch.
91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 254, ch. 97-103; s. 122, ch. 2000-153; s. 27, ch. 2016-230.
466.015 Inactive status.
(1) The board shall adopt rules relating to application procedures for inactive status, to the renewal of
inactive licenses, and to the reactivation of licenses. The board shall prescribe by rule an application fee
for inactive status, a biennial renewal fee for inactive status, a delinquency fee, and a fee for the
reactivation of a license. None of these fees may exceed the biennial renewal fee established by the
board for an active license.
(2) The department shall not reactivate a license unless the inactive or delinquent licensee has paid any
applicable biennial renewal or delinquency fee, or both, and a reactivation fee. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; s. 327, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 101, ch. 83-329; ss. 9, 23, 24,
ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 181, ch. 94-119.
466.016 License to be displayed.Every practitioner of dentistry or dental hygiene within the
meaning of this chapter shall post and keep conspicuously displayed her or his license in the office
wherein she or he practices, in plain sight of the practitioner’s patients. Any dentist or dental hygienist
who practices at more than one location shall be required to display a copy of her or his license in each
office where she or he practices. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-
156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 255, ch. 97-103.
466.017 Prescription of drugs; anesthesia.
(1) A dentist shall have the right to prescribe drugs or medicine, subject to limitations imposed by law;
perform surgical operations within the scope of her or his practice and training; administer general or
local anesthesia or sedation, subject to limitations imposed by law; and use such appliances as may be
necessary to the proper practice of dentistry.
(2) Pharmacists licensed pursuant to chapter 465 may fill prescriptions of legally licensed dentists in this
state for any drugs necessary for the practice of dentistry.
(3) The board shall adopt rules which:
(a) Define general anesthesia.
(b) Specify which methods of general or local anesthesia or sedation, if any, are limited or prohibited for
use by dentists.
(c) Establish minimal training, education, experience, or certification for a dentist to use general
anesthesia or sedation, which rules may exclude, in the board’s discretion, those dentists using general
anesthesia or sedation in a competent and effective manner as of the effective date of the rules.
(d) Establish further requirements relating to the use of general anesthesia or sedation, including, but
not limited to, office equipment and the training of dental assistants or dental hygienists who work with
dentists using general anesthesia or sedation.
(e) Establish an administrative mechanism enabling the board to verify compliance with training,
education, experience, equipment, or certification requirements of dentists, dental hygienists, and dental
assistants adopted pursuant to this subsection. The board may charge a fee to defray the cost of
verifying compliance with requirements adopted pursuant to this paragraph.
(4) A dentist or dental hygienist who administers or employs the use of any form of anesthesia must
possess a certification in either basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation for health professionals or advanced
cardiac life support approved by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross or an
equivalent agency-sponsored course with recertification every 2 years. Each dental office which uses any
form of anesthesia must have immediately available and in good working order such resuscitative
equipment, oxygen, and other resuscitative drugs as are specified by rule of the board in order to
manage possible adverse reactions.
(5) A dental hygienist under the direct supervision of a dentist may administer local anesthesia,
including intraoral block anesthesia, soft tissue infiltration anesthesia, or both, to a nonsedated patient
who is 18 years of age or older, if the following criteria are met:
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(a) The dental hygienist has successfully completed a course in the administration of local anesthesia
which is offered by a dental or dental hygiene program accredited by the Commission on Dental
Accreditation of the American Dental Association or approved by the board. The course must include a
minimum of 30 hours of didactic instruction and 30 hours of clinical experience, and instruction in:
1. Theory of pain control.
2. Selection-of-pain-control modalities.
3. Anatomy.
4. Neurophysiology.
5. Pharmacology of local anesthetics.
6. Pharmacology of vasoconstrictors.
7. Psychological aspects of pain control.
8. Systematic complications.
9. Techniques of maxillary anesthesia.
10. Techniques of mandibular anesthesia.
11. Infection control.
12. Medical emergencies involving local anesthesia.
(b) The dental hygienist presents evidence of current certification in basic or advanced cardiac life
(c) The dental hygienist possesses a valid certificate issued under subsection (6).
(6) Any dental hygienist seeking a certificate to administer local anesthesia must apply to the
department, remit an application fee, and submit proof of successful completion of a course in the
administration of local anesthesia pursuant to subsection (5). The board shall certify, and the department
shall issue a certificate to, any dental hygienist who fulfills the qualifications of subsection (5). The board
shall establish a one-time application fee not to exceed $35. The certificate is not subject to renewal but
is part of the dental hygienist’s permanent record and must be prominently displayed at the location
where the dental hygienist is authorized to administer local anesthesia. The board shall adopt rules
necessary to administer subsection (5) and this subsection.
(7) A licensed dentist may utilize an X-ray machine, expose dental X-ray films, and interpret or read
such films. The provisions of part IV of chapter 468 to the contrary notwithstanding, a licensed dentist
may authorize or direct a dental assistant to operate such equipment and expose such films under her or
his direction and supervision, pursuant to rules adopted by the board in accordance with s. 466.024
which ensure that said assistant is competent by reason of training and experience to operate said
equipment in a safe and efficient manner. The board may charge a fee not to exceed $35 to defray the
cost of verifying compliance with requirements adopted pursuant to this section.
(8) The provisions of s. 465.0276 notwithstanding, a dentist need not register with the board or comply
with the continuing education requirements of that section if the dentist confines her or his dispensing
activity to the dispensing of fluorides and chlorohexidine rinse solutions; provided that the dentist
complies with and is subject to all laws and rules applicable to pharmacists and pharmacies, including,
but not limited to, chapters 465, 499, and 893, and all applicable federal laws and regulations, when
dispensing such products.
(9) Any adverse incident that occurs in an office maintained by a dentist must be reported to the
department. The required notification to the department must be submitted in writing by certified mail
and postmarked within 48 hours after the incident occurs.
(10) A dentist practicing in this state must notify the board in writing by certified mail within 48 hours
after any adverse incident that occurs in the dentist’s outpatient facility. A complete written report must
be filed with the board within 30 days after the incident occurs.
(11) Any certified registered dental hygienist administering local anesthesia must notify the board in
writing by registered mail within 48 hours after any adverse incident that was related to or the result of
the administration of local anesthesia. A complete written report must be filed with the board within 30
days after the mortality or other adverse incident.
(12) A failure by the dentist or dental hygienist to timely and completely comply with all the reporting
requirements in this section is the basis for disciplinary action by the board pursuant to s. 466.028(1).
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(13) The department shall review each adverse incident and determine whether it involved conduct by a
health care professional subject to disciplinary action, in which case s. 456.073 applies. Disciplinary
action, if any, shall be taken by the board under which the health care professional is licensed.
(14) As used in subsections (9)-(13), the term “adverse incident” means any mortality that occurs
during or as the result of a dental procedure, or an incident that results in a temporary or permanent
physical or mental injury that requires hospitalization or emergency room treatment of a dental patient
which occurs during or as a direct result of the use of general anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate
sedation, pediatric moderate sedation, oral sedation, minimal sedation (anxiolysis), nitrous oxide, or local
(15) The board may adopt rules to administer this section. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 13, 15, 25, 27, 30, 34, 62, ch. 80-406; s. 328, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch.
81-318; s. 1, ch. 85-156; ss. 10, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 1, ch. 87-208; s. 37, ch. 89-162; s. 60, ch. 91-
137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 34, ch. 95-144; s. 256, ch. 97-103; s. 109, ch. 97-264; s. 3, ch.
2012-14; s. 28, ch. 2020-133.
466.018 Dentist of record; patient records.
(1) Each patient shall have a dentist of record. The dentist of record shall remain primarily responsible
for all dental treatment on such patient regardless of whether the treatment is rendered by the dentist or
by another dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant rendering such treatment in conjunction with, at
the direction or request of, or under the supervision of such dentist of record. The dentist of record shall
be identified in the record of the patient. If treatment is rendered by a dentist other than the dentist of
record or by a dental hygienist or assistant, the name or initials of such person shall be placed in the
record of the patient. In any disciplinary proceeding brought pursuant to this chapter or chapter 456, it
shall be presumed as a matter of law that treatment was rendered by the dentist of record unless
otherwise noted on the patient record pursuant to this section. The dentist of record and any other
treating dentist are subject to discipline pursuant to this chapter or chapter 456 for treatment rendered
the patient and performed in violation of such chapter. One of the purposes of this section is to ensure
that the responsibility for each patient is assigned to one dentist in a multidentist practice of any nature
and to assign primary responsibility to the dentist for treatment rendered by a dental hygienist or
assistant under her or his supervision. This section shall not be construed to assign any responsibility to a
dentist of record for treatment rendered pursuant to a proper referral to another dentist not in practice
with the dentist of record or to prohibit a patient from voluntarily selecting a new dentist without
permission of the dentist of record.
(2) If the dentist of record is not identified in the patient record as required by subsection (1), it shall be
presumed as a matter of law that the dentist of record is the owner of the dental practice in which the
patient was treated. Further, the dentist of record in a multidentist practice shall not change unless the
subsequent treating dentist acknowledges in writing in the record that she or he is now the dentist of
record for the patient. It shall be presumed as a matter of law that a new dentist of record has taken or
reviewed the patient’s medical history and dental records, that she or he has examined the patient, and
that she or he has either developed a new treatment plan or has agreed to continue the preexisting
treatment plan. However, the dentist of record shall be changed when the dentist of record leaves the
practice where the treatment was being rendered and the patient elects to continue treatment in the
office where treatment began.
(3) Every dentist shall maintain written dental records and medical history records which justify the
course of treatment of the patient. The records shall include, but not be limited to, patient history,
examination results, test results, and, if taken, X rays.
(4) In a multidentist practice of any nature, the owner dentist shall maintain either the original or a
duplicate of all patient records, including dental charts, patient histories, examination and test results,
study models, and X rays, of any patient treated by a dentist at the owner dentist’s practice facility. The
purpose of this requirement is to impose a duty upon the owner of a multidentist practice to maintain
patient records for all patients treated at the owner’s practice facility whether or not the owner was
involved in the patient’s treatment. This subsection does not relieve the dentist of record in a multidentist
practice of the responsibility to maintain patient records. An owner dentist of a multidentist practice may
be relieved of the responsibility to maintain the original or duplicate patient records for patients treated at
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the owner dentist’s practice facility if, upon request of the patient or the patient’s legal representative,
she or he transfers custody of the records to another dentist, the patient, or the patient’s legal
representative and retains, in lieu of the records, a written statement, signed by the owner dentist, the
person who received the records, and two witnesses, that lists the date, the records that were
transferred, and the persons to whom the records were transferred. Further, the dentist of record may be
relieved of the responsibility to maintain the original or duplicate patient records if she or he leaves the
practice where the treatment was rendered, transfers custody of the records to the owner of the practice,
and retains, in lieu of the records, a written statement, signed by the dentist of record, the owner of the
practice, and two witnesses, that lists the date and the records that were transferred. The owner dentist
shall provide reasonable access to duplicate records at cost.
(5) All patient records kept in accordance with this section shall be maintained for a period of 4 years
from the date of the patient’s last appointment. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 3, 41, ch. 82-179; ss. 11, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s.
60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 257, ch. 97-103; s. 71, ch. 98-166; s. 130, ch. 2000-
466.019 Advertising by dentists.
(1) The purpose of this section is to ensure that the public has access to information which provides a
sufficient basis upon which to make an informed selection of dentists while also ensuring that the public
is protected from false or misleading advertisements which would detract from a fair and rational
selection process. The board shall adopt rules to carry out the intent of this section, the purpose of which
shall be to regulate the manner of such advertising in keeping with the provisions hereof.
(2) No advertisement by a licensed dentist shall contain any false, fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive
statement or claim or any statement or claim which:
(a) Contains misrepresentations of fact;
(b) Is likely to mislead or deceive because in context it makes only a partial disclosure of relevant facts;
(c) Contains laudatory statements about the dentist or group of dentists;
(d) Is intended or is likely to create false, unjustified expectations of favorable results;
(e) Relates to the quality of dental services provided as compared to other available dental services;
(f) Is intended or is likely to appeal primarily to a layperson’s fears;
(g) Contains fee information without a disclaimer that such is a minimum fee only; or
(h) Contains other representations or implications that in reasonable probability will cause an ordinary,
prudent person to misunderstand or to be deceived.
(3) For purposes of this section, D.D.S. or D.M.D. are synonymous and may be used interchangeably by
licensed dentists who have graduated from an accredited American dental school with a D.D.S. or D.M.D.
degree, when advertising dental services. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 12, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; ss. 14, 60, ch. 91-137; s.
7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
466.021 Retention of dental laboratories by dentist; penalty.Each licensed dentist who uses
the services of any dental laboratory for the purpose of constructing, altering, repairing, or duplicating
any denture, implant, veneer, partial denture, bridge splint, orthodontic or other prosthetic appliance, or
other suitable form of artificial oral restorative device shall be required to furnish the dental laboratory
with a written prescription in a form prescribed by rule of the board. This prescription shall be dated and
signed by the dentist and shall include the license number of the dentist, the patient’s name or number
with sufficient descriptive information to clearly identify each separate and individual piece of work to be
performed by the dental laboratory, and a specification of materials to be contained in each work
product. A copy of the prescription shall be retained in a file in the prescribing dentist’s office for a period
of 4 years following the date the prescription was issued, and the original prescription shall be retained in
a file by the dental laboratory for a period of 4 years. A registered dental laboratory shall disclose in
writing at the time of delivery of the final restoration to the prescribing dentist the materials and all
certificates of authenticity that constitute each product manufactured and the point of origin of
manufacture of each restoration, including the address and contact information of the dental laboratory.
The file of prescriptions to be kept by the dentist and the dental laboratory shall be open to inspection at
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any reasonable time by the department or its constituted agent. Failure of the dentist to keep records of
each prescription shall subject the dentist to suspension or revocation of her or his license to practice
dentistry in this state. Failure of a dental laboratory that has accepted a prescription to have the original
or electronic copy of each prescription and to ensure the accuracy of each product’s material disclosure at
the time it is delivered to the prescribing dentist as required by this section is admissible evidence of a
violation of this chapter and constitutes a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in
s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. This section does not preclude a registered dental laboratory from working for
another registered dental laboratory if that work is performed pursuant to written authorization, in a form
to be prescribed by rule of the board, which evidences that the originating laboratory has obtained a valid
prescription and which sets forth the work to be performed and the resulting material certifications to be
provided. A dental laboratory accepting prescriptions from dentists is liable for damages caused by
inaccuracies in the material disclosure, certificates of authenticity, or point of origin provided by the
dental laboratory to the prescribing dentist. This section does not preclude a registered laboratory from
providing its services to dentists licensed and practicing in another state if that work is requested or
otherwise authorized in written form that clearly identifies the name and address of the requesting
dentist and sets forth the work to be performed and otherwise complies with all applicable laws and
treaties. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-
156; s. 93, ch. 91-224; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 258, ch. 97-103; s. 2, ch. 99-183; s. 126, ch. 99-397; s. 6, ch.
2005-189; s. 9, ch. 2008-64.
466.022 Peer review; records; immunity; confidentiality.
(1) The Legislature finds that effective peer review of consumer complaints by professional associations
of dentists is a valuable service to the public. In performing such service, any member of a peer review
organization or committee shall, pursuant to s. 466.028(1)(f), report to the department the name of any
licensee who he or she believes has violated this chapter. Any such peer review committee member shall
be afforded the privileges and immunities of any other complainant or witness which are provided by s.
456.073(11). Furthermore, a professional organization or association of dentists which sponsors,
sanctions, or otherwise operates or participates in peer review activities is hereby afforded the same
privileges and immunities afforded to any member of a duly constituted medical review committee by s.
(2) Information obtained from the official records of peer review organizations or committees shall not
be subject to discovery or introduction into evidence in any disciplinary proceeding against a licensee.
Further, no person who voluntarily serves on a peer review committee or who investigates a complaint
for the committee shall be permitted or required to testify in any such disciplinary proceeding as to any
evidence or other matters produced or presented during the proceedings of such organization or
committee or as to any findings, recommendations, evaluations, opinions, or other actions of such
organization or committee or any members thereof. However, nothing in this section shall be construed
to mean that information, documents, or records otherwise available and obtained from original sources
are immune from discovery or use in any such disciplinary proceeding merely because they were
presented during proceedings of a peer review organization or committee. Members of peer review
organizations shall assist the department in identification of such original sources when possible.
(3) Peer review information obtained by the department as background information shall remain
confidential and exempt from ss. 119.07(1) and 286.011 regardless of whether probable cause is found.
The provisions of s. 766.101 continue to apply in full notwithstanding the fact that peer review
information becomes available to the department pursuant to this chapter. For the purpose of this
section, official records of peer review organizations or committees include correspondence between the
dentist who is the subject of the complaint and the organization; correspondence between the
complainant and the organization; diagnostic data, treatment plans, and radiographs used by
investigators or otherwise relied upon by the organization or committee; results of patient examinations;
interviews; evaluation worksheets; recommendation worksheets; and peer review report forms.
(4) The provisions of this section shall apply to ethics review committees of a professional association of
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25 13, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 2, ch. 87-208; s. 8, ch. 89-162; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 22, ch. 91-140;
s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 35, ch. 95-144; s. 318, ch. 96-406; s. 1109, ch. 97-103; s. 72, ch.
98-166; s. 131, ch. 2000-160.
466.023 Dental hygienists; scope and area of practice.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in s. 466.024, only dental hygienists may be delegated the task of
removing calculus deposits, accretions, and stains from exposed surfaces of the teeth and from the
gingival sulcus and the task of performing root planing and curettage. In addition, dental hygienists may
expose dental X-ray films, apply topical preventive or prophylactic agents, and perform all tasks delegable
by the dentist in accordance with s. 466.024. The board by rule shall determine whether such functions
shall be performed under the direct, indirect, or general supervision of the dentist.
(2) Dental hygienists may perform their duties:
(a) In the office of a licensed dentist;
(b) In public health programs and institutions of the Department of Children and Families, Department
of Health, and Department of Juvenile Justice under the general supervision of a licensed dentist;
(c) In a health access setting as defined in s. 466.003; or
(d) Upon a patient of record of a dentist who has issued a prescription for the services of a dental
hygienist, which prescription shall be valid for 2 years unless a shorter length of time is designated by the
dentist, in:
1. Licensed public and private health facilities;
2. Other public institutions of the state and federal government;
3. Public and private educational institutions;
4. The home of a nonambulatory patient; and
5. Other places in accordance with the rules of the board.
However, the dentist issuing such prescription shall remain responsible for the care of such patient. As
used in this subsection, “patient of record” means a patient upon whom a dentist has taken a complete
medical history, completed a clinical examination, recorded any pathological conditions, and prepared a
treatment plan.
(3) Dental hygienists may, without supervision, provide educational programs, faculty or staff training
programs, and authorized fluoride rinse programs; apply fluorides; instruct a patient in oral hygiene care;
supervise the oral hygiene care of a patient; and perform other services that do not involve diagnosis or
treatment of dental conditions and that are approved by rule of the board.
(4) The board by rule may limit the number of dental hygienists or dental assistants to be supervised by
a dentist if they perform expanded duties requiring direct or indirect supervision pursuant to the
provisions of this chapter. The purpose of the limitation shall be to protect the health and safety of
patients and to ensure that procedures which require more than general supervision be adequately
supervised. However, the Department of Children and Families, Department of Health, Department of
Juvenile Justice, and public institutions approved by the board shall not be so limited as to the number of
dental hygienists or dental assistants working under the supervision of a licensed dentist.
(5) Dental hygienists may, without supervision, perform dental charting as provided in s. 466.0235.
(6) Dental hygienists are exempt from the provisions of part IV of chapter 468.
(7) A dental hygienist may administer local anesthesia as provided in ss. 466.017 and 466.024. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 14, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch.
91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 36, ch. 95-144; s. 5, ch. 96-281; s. 225, ch. 99-8; s. 1, ch. 2006-149; s. 5,
ch. 2011-95; s. 4, ch. 2012-14; s. 271, ch. 2014-19.
466.0235 Dental charting.
(1) For purposes of this section, the term “dental charting” means a recording of visual observations of
clinical conditions of the oral cavity without the use of X rays, laboratory tests, or other diagnostic
methods or equipment, except the instruments necessary to record visual restorations, missing teeth,
suspicious areas, and periodontal pockets.
(2) A dental hygienist may, without supervision and within the lawful scope of his or her duties as
authorized by law, perform dental charting of hard and soft tissues in public and private educational
institutions of the state and Federal Government, nursing homes, assisted living and long-term care
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facilities, community health centers, county health departments, mobile dental or health units, health
access settings as defined in s. 466.003, and epidemiological surveys for public health. A dental hygienist
may also perform dental charting on a volunteer basis at health fairs.
(3) Each person who receives a dental charting pursuant to this section, or the parent or legal guardian
of the person, shall receive and acknowledge a written disclosure form before receiving the dental
charting procedure that states that the purpose of the dental charting is to collect data for use by a
dentist at a prompt subsequent examination. The disclosure form shall also emphasize that diagnosis of
caries, soft tissue disease, oral cancer, temporomandibular joint disease (TMJ), and dentofacial
malocclusions can only be completed by a dentist in the context of delivering a comprehensive dental
(4) The board shall approve the content of charting and disclosure forms to be used under this section.
Both forms shall emphasize the inherent limitations of dental charting and encourage complete
examination by a dentist in rendering a professional diagnosis of the patient’s overall oral health needs.
(5) Dental charting performed under this section is not a substitute for a comprehensive dental
(6) Medical clearance by a physician or dentist is required before a periodontal probe may be used on a
person who receives a dental charting.
(7) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit direct reimbursement for dental charting
performed under this section by Medicaid, health insurers, health maintenance organizations, prepaid
dental plans, or other third-party payors beyond what is otherwise allowable by law.
(8) All referrals made in conjunction with the provision of dental charting services under this section
shall be in strict conformance with federal and state patient referral, anti-kickback, and patient brokering
(9) A dental hygienist performing dental charting without supervision shall not be deemed to have
created either a patient of record or a medical record.
History.s. 2, ch. 2006-149; s. 6, ch. 2011-95.
466.024 Delegation of duties; expanded functions.
(1) A dentist may not delegate irremediable tasks to a dental hygienist or dental assistant, except as
provided by law. A dentist may delegate remediable tasks to a dental hygienist or dental assistant when
such tasks pose no risk to the patient. A dentist may only delegate remediable tasks so defined by law or
rule of the board. The board by rule shall designate which tasks are remediable and delegable, except
that the following are by law found to be remediable and delegable:
(a) Taking impressions for study casts but not for the purpose of fabricating any intraoral restorations or
orthodontic appliance.
(b) Placing periodontal dressings.
(c) Removing periodontal or surgical dressings.
(d) Removing sutures.
(e) Placing or removing rubber dams.
(f) Placing or removing matrices.
(g) Placing or removing temporary restorations.
(h) Applying cavity liners, varnishes, or bases.
(i) Polishing amalgam restorations.
(j) Polishing clinical crowns of the teeth for the purpose of removing stains but not changing the existing
contour of the tooth.
(k) Obtaining bacteriological cytological specimens not involving cutting of the tissue.
(l) Administering local anesthesia pursuant to s. 466.017(5).
This subsection does not limit delegable tasks to those specified herein.
(2) A dental hygienist licensed in this state may perform the following remediable tasks in a health
access setting as defined in s. 466.003 without the physical presence, prior examination, or authorization
of a dentist:
(a) Perform dental charting as defined in s. 466.0235 and as provided by rule.
(b) Measure and record a patient’s blood pressure rate, pulse rate, respiration rate, and oral
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(c) Record a patient’s case history.
(d) Apply topical fluorides, including fluoride varnishes, which are approved by the American Dental
Association or the Food and Drug Administration.
(e) Apply dental sealants.
(f) Remove calculus deposits, accretions, and stains from exposed surfaces of the teeth and from tooth
surfaces within the gingival sulcus.
1. A dentist licensed under this chapter or a physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459 must
give medical clearance before a dental hygienist removes calculus deposits, accretions, and stains from
exposed surfaces of the teeth or from tooth surfaces within the gingival sulcus.
2. A dentist shall conduct a dental examination on a patient within 13 months after a dental hygienist
removes the patient’s calculus deposits, accretions, and stains from exposed surfaces of the teeth or from
tooth surfaces within the gingival sulcus. Additional oral hygiene services may not be performed under
this paragraph without a clinical examination by a dentist who is licensed under this chapter.
This subsection does not authorize a dental hygienist to perform root planing or gingival curettage
without supervision by a dentist.
(3) For all remediable tasks listed in subsection (2), the following disclaimer must be provided to the
patient in writing before any procedure is performed:
(a) The services being offered are not a substitute for a comprehensive dental exam by a dentist.
(b) The diagnosis of caries, soft tissue disease, oral cancer, temporomandibular joint disease (TMJ), and
dentofacial malocclusions will be completed only by a dentist in the context of delivering a comprehensive
dental exam.
(4) This section does not prevent a program operated by one of the health access settings as defined in
s. 466.003 or a nonprofit organization that is exempt from federal income taxation under s. 501(a) of the
Internal Revenue Code and described in s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code from billing and
obtaining reimbursement for the services described in this section which are provided by a dental
hygienist or from making or maintaining any records pursuant to s. 456.057 necessary to obtain
(5) A dental hygienist who performs, without supervision, the remediable tasks listed in subsection (2)
(a) Provide a dental referral in strict compliance with federal and state patient referral, anti-kickback,
and patient brokering laws.
(b) Encourage the establishment of a dental home.
(c) Maintain professional malpractice insurance coverage that has minimum limits of $100,000 per
occurrence and $300,000 in the aggregate through the employing health access setting or individual
(6) Notwithstanding subsection (1) or subsection (2), a dentist may delegate the tasks of gingival
curettage and root planing to a dental hygienist but not to a dental assistant.
(7) All other remediable tasks shall be performed under the direct, indirect, or general supervision of a
dentist, as determined by rule of the board, and after such formal or on-the-job training by the dental
hygienist or dental assistant as the board by rule may require. The board by rule may establish a
certification process for expanded-duty dental assistants, establishing such training or experience criteria
or examinations as it deems necessary and specifying which tasks may be delegable only to such
assistants. If the board does establish such a certification process, the department shall implement the
application process for such certification and administer any examinations required.
(8) Notwithstanding subsection (1) or subsection (2), a dentist may not delegate to anyone other than
another licensed dentist:
(a) Any prescription of drugs or medications requiring the written order or prescription of a licensed
dentist or physician.
(b) Any diagnosis for treatment or treatment planning.
(9) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a dentist is primarily responsible for all procedures
delegated by her or him.
(10) A dental assistant may not perform an intraoral procedure except after such formal or on-the-job
training as the board by rule shall prescribe.
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28 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 13, 15, 25, 28, 30, 34, 62, ch. 80-406; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 2, ch.
85-156; ss. 15, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 259, ch. 97-
103; s. 7, ch. 2011-95; s. 5, ch. 2012-14.
466.025 Permitting of dental interns serving at state institutions; certification of dentists
practicing at government facilities; permitting of nonprofit corporations.
(1) The department shall, upon presentation of satisfactory credentials meeting such requirements as
the board may by rule prescribe, issue a permit to a graduate of an approved dental school or college
who has not been licensed to practice dentistry in this state to serve as a dental intern in state-
maintained and state-operated hospitals or institutes of Florida that may offer such a post or in such
hospitals or institutions as shall be approved by the board; provided such hospitals or institutions
maintain a recognized staff of one or more licensed dentists. Such intern shall function under the general
supervision of the dental staff of such hospital. Her or his work shall be limited to the patients confined to
the hospital in which she or he serves, and she or he shall serve without fee or compensation other than
that received in salary or other remuneration from such hospital. The board shall have the power to
revoke the permit of any such intern at any time upon the recommendation by the executive officer of
the dental staff of the hospital or institution in which the intern serves or for any other just cause.
(2) The department shall have the authority to issue temporary certificates to graduates of accredited
dental schools to practice in state and county government facilities, working under the general
supervision of licensed dentists of this state in the state or county facility, provided such certificates shall
be issued only to graduates of schools approved by the board and further subject to cancellation for just
cause. A certificate issued under this section is valid only for such time as the dentist remains employed
by a state or county government facility.
(3) The department shall have the authority, upon presentation of satisfactory credentials and under
such rules as the board may prescribe, to issue a permit to a nonprofit corporation chartered for one or
more of the following purposes:
(a) Training and teaching dental assistants in the public schools of the state.
(b) Promoting research and training among duly licensed dentists in the state.
(c) Providing dental care for indigent persons.
Such nonprofit corporations shall function pursuant to rule of the board. The board shall have the power
to revoke the permit issued to any such corporations for any violation of the rules. Such permits shall be
granted and issued for a period of 1 year and shall be renewed only upon application and approval of the
board and upon a showing by the nonprofit corporation that it is complying and will comply with the rules
and regulations and all provisions prescribed by the board. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 13, 15, 25, 29, 30, 34, 62, ch. 80-406; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 16, 23,
24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 100, ch. 92-149; s. 260, ch. 97-
103; s. 7, ch. 2005-189.
466.026 Prohibitions; penalties.
(1) Each of the following acts constitutes a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.
775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084:
(a) Practicing dentistry or dental hygiene unless the person has an appropriate, active license issued by
the department pursuant to this chapter.
(b) Using or attempting to use a license issued pursuant to this chapter which license has been
suspended or revoked.
(c) Knowingly employing any person to perform duties outside the scope allowed such person under this
chapter or the rules of the board.
(d) Giving false or forged evidence to the department or board for the purpose of obtaining a license.
(e) Selling or offering to sell a diploma conferring a degree from a dental college or dental hygiene
school or college, or a license issued pursuant to this chapter, or procuring such diploma or license with
intent that it shall be used as evidence of that which the document stands for, by a person other than the
one upon whom it was conferred or to whom it was granted.
(2) Each of the following acts constitutes a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in
s. 775.082 or s. 775.083:
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(a) Using the name or title “dentist,” the letters “D.D.S.” or “D.M.D.”, or any other words, letters, title,
or descriptive matter which in any way represents a person as being able to diagnose, treat, prescribe, or
operate for any disease, pain, deformity, deficiency, injury, or physical condition of the teeth or jaws or
oral-maxillofacial region unless the person has an active dentist’s license issued by the department
pursuant to this chapter.
(b) Using the name “dental hygienist” or the initials “R.D.H.” or otherwise holding herself or himself out
as an actively licensed dental hygienist or implying to any patient or consumer that she or he is an
actively licensed dental hygienist unless that person has an active dental hygienist’s license issued by the
department pursuant to this chapter.
(c) Presenting as her or his own the license of another.
(d) Knowingly concealing information relative to violations of this chapter.
(e) Performing any services as a dental assistant as defined herein, except in the office of a licensed
dentist, unless authorized by this chapter or by rule of the board. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 17, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch.
91-156; s. 94, ch. 91-224; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 261, ch. 97-103; s. 56, ch. 2000-318.
466.027 Sexual misconduct.The dentist-patient relationship is founded on mutual trust. Sexual
misconduct in the practice of dentistry means violation of the dentist-patient relationship through which
the dentist uses said relationship to induce or attempt to induce the patient to engage, or to engage or
attempt to engage the patient, in sexual activity outside the scope of the practice or the scope of
generally accepted examination or treatment of the patient. Sexual misconduct in the practice of dentistry
is prohibited. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; s. 329, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch.
91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
466.0275 Lawful investigations; consent handwriting samples; mental or physical
examination.Every dentist who accepts a license to practice dentistry in this state shall, by so
accepting the license or by making and filing a renewal of licensure to practice in this state, be deemed
to have given consent, during a lawful investigation of a complaint to the following:
(1) To render a handwriting sample to an agent of the department and, further, to have waived any
objections to its use as evidence against her or him.
(2) Only in those circumstances where there is probable cause that the dentist is guilty of violations
involving moral turpitude, impairment, violations of laws governing controlled substances, or any violation
of criminal law, the dentist shall be deemed to waive the confidentiality and to execute a release of
medical reports pertaining to the mental or physical condition of the dentist herself or himself. The
department shall issue an order, based on the need for additional information, to produce such medical
reports for the time period relevant to the investigation. As used in this section, “medical reports” means
a compilation of medical treatment of the dentist herself or himself which includes symptoms, diagnosis,
treatment prescribed, relevant history, and progress. The dentist shall also be deemed to waive any
objection to the admissibility of the reports as constituting privileged communications. Such material
maintained by the department shall remain confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) until probable
cause is found and an administrative complaint issued.
History.s. 20, ch. 88-392; s. 1, ch. 89-296; ss. 60, 64, ch. 91-137; s. 23, ch. 91-140; ss. 7, 8, ch. 91-
156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 319, ch. 96-406; s. 1110, ch. 97-103.
466.02751 Establishment of practitioner profile for designation as a controlled substance
prescribing practitioner.The Department of Health shall establish a practitioner profile for dentists
licensed under this chapter for a practitioner’s designation as a controlled substance prescribing
practitioner as provided in s. 456.44.
History.s. 29, ch. 2011-141; s. 23, ch. 2016-224.
466.028 Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board.
(1) The following acts constitute grounds for denial of a license or disciplinary action, as specified in s.
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(a) Attempting to obtain, obtaining, or renewing a license under this chapter by bribery, fraudulent
misrepresentations, or through an error of the department or the board.
(b) Having a license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted
against, including the denial of licensure, by the licensing authority of another state, territory, or country.
(c) Being convicted or found guilty of or entering a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of
adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction which relates to the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene. A
plea of nolo contendere shall create a rebuttable presumption of guilt to the underlying criminal charges.
(d) Advertising goods or services in a manner which is fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading in
form or content contrary to s. 466.019 or rules of the board adopted pursuant thereto.
(e) Advertising, practicing, or attempting to practice under a name other than one’s own.
(f) Failing to report to the department any person who the licensee knows, or has reason to believe, is
clearly in violation of this chapter or of the rules of the department or the board. However, a person who
the licensee knows, or has reason to believe, is clearly unable to practice her or his profession with
reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness or use of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, chemicals,
or any other type of material, or as a result of a mental or physical condition, may be reported to a
consultant operating an impaired practitioner program as described in s. 456.076 rather than to the
(g) Aiding, assisting, procuring, or advising any unlicensed person to practice dentistry or dental
hygiene contrary to this chapter or to a rule of the department or the board.
(h) Being employed by any corporation, organization, group, or person other than a dentist or a
professional corporation or limited liability company composed of dentists to practice dentistry.
(i) Failing to perform any statutory or legal obligation placed upon a licensee.
(j) Making or filing a report which the licensee knows to be false, failing to file a report or record
required by state or federal law, knowingly impeding or obstructing such filing or inducing another person
to do so. Such reports or records shall include only those which are signed in the capacity as a licensee.
(k) Committing any act which would constitute sexual battery, as defined in chapter 794, upon a patient
or intentionally touching the sexual organ of a patient.
(l) Making deceptive, untrue, or fraudulent representations in or related to the practice of dentistry.
(m) Failing to keep written dental records and medical history records justifying the course of treatment
of the patient including, but not limited to, patient histories, examination results, test results, and X rays,
if taken.
(n) Failing to make available to a patient or client, or to her or his legal representative or to the
department if authorized in writing by the patient, copies of documents in the possession or under control
of the licensee which relate to the patient or client.
(o) Performing professional services which have not been duly authorized by the patient or client, or her
or his legal representative, except as provided in ss. 766.103 and 768.13.
(p) Prescribing, procuring, dispensing, administering, mixing, or otherwise preparing a legend drug,
including any controlled substance, other than in the course of the professional practice of the dentist.
For the purposes of this paragraph, it shall be legally presumed that prescribing, procuring, dispensing,
administering, mixing, or otherwise preparing legend drugs, including all controlled substances, in
excessive or inappropriate quantities is not in the best interest of the patient and is not in the course of
the professional practice of the dentist, without regard to her or his intent.
(q) Prescribing, procuring, dispensing, or administering any medicinal drug appearing on any schedule
set forth in chapter 893, by a dentist to herself or himself, except those prescribed, dispensed, or
administered to the dentist by another practitioner authorized to prescribe them.
(r) Prescribing, procuring, ordering, dispensing, administering, supplying, selling, or giving any drug
which is a Schedule II amphetamine or a Schedule II sympathomimetic amine drug or a compound
thereof, pursuant to chapter 893, to or for any person except for the clinical investigation of the effects of
such drugs or compounds when an investigative protocol therefor is submitted to, and reviewed and
approved by, the board before such investigation is begun.
(s) Being unable to practice her or his profession with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason
of illness or use of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or any other type of material or as a result of any
mental or physical condition. In enforcing this paragraph, the department shall have, upon a finding of
the State Surgeon General or her or his designee that probable cause exists to believe that the licensee is
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unable to practice dentistry or dental hygiene because of the reasons stated in this paragraph, the
authority to issue an order to compel a licensee to submit to a mental or physical examination by
physicians designated by the department. If the licensee refuses to comply with such order, the
department’s order directing such examination may be enforced by filing a petition for enforcement in the
circuit court where the licensee resides or does business. The licensee against whom the petition is filed
shall not be named or identified by initials in any public court records or documents, and the proceedings
shall be closed to the public. The department shall be entitled to the summary procedure provided in s.
51.011. A licensee affected under this paragraph shall at reasonable intervals be afforded an opportunity
to demonstrate that she or he can resume the competent practice of her or his profession with
reasonable skill and safety to patients.
(t) Fraud, deceit, or misconduct in the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene.
(u) Failure to provide and maintain reasonable sanitary facilities and conditions.
(v) Failure to provide adequate radiation safeguards.
(w) Performing any procedure or prescribing any therapy which, by the prevailing standards of dental
practice in the community, would constitute experimentation on human subjects, without first obtaining
full, informed, and written consent.
(x) Being guilty of incompetence or negligence by failing to meet the minimum standards of
performance in diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer performance,
including, but not limited to, the undertaking of diagnosis and treatment for which the dentist is not
qualified by training or experience or being guilty of dental malpractice. For purposes of this paragraph, it
shall be legally presumed that a dentist is not guilty of incompetence or negligence by declining to treat
an individual if, in the dentist’s professional judgment, the dentist or a member of her or his clinical staff
is not qualified by training and experience, or the dentist’s treatment facility is not clinically satisfactory or
properly equipped to treat the unique characteristics and health status of the dental patient, provided the
dentist refers the patient to a qualified dentist or facility for appropriate treatment. As used in this
paragraph, “dental malpractice” includes, but is not limited to, three or more claims within the previous
5-year period which resulted in indemnity being paid, or any single indemnity paid in excess of $25,000 in
a judgment or settlement, as a result of negligent conduct on the part of the dentist.
(y) Practicing or offering to practice beyond the scope permitted by law or accepting and performing
professional responsibilities which the licensee knows or has reason to know that she or he is not
competent to perform.
(z) Delegating professional responsibilities to a person who is not qualified by training, experience, or
licensure to perform them.
(aa) The violation of a lawful order of the board or department previously entered in a disciplinary
hearing; or failure to comply with a lawfully issued subpoena of the board or department.
(bb) Conspiring with another licensee or with any person to commit an act, or committing an act, which
would tend to coerce, intimidate, or preclude another licensee from lawfully advertising her or his
(cc) Being adjudged mentally incompetent in this or any other state, the discipline for which shall last
only so long as the adjudication.
(dd) Presigning blank prescription or laboratory work order forms.
(ee) Prescribing, ordering, dispensing, administering, supplying, selling, or giving growth hormones,
testosterone or its analogs, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), or other hormones for the purpose of
muscle building or to enhance athletic performance. For the purposes of this subsection, the term
“muscle building” does not include the treatment of injured muscle. A prescription written for the drug
products listed above may be dispensed by the pharmacist with the presumption that the prescription is
for legitimate medical use.
(ff) Operating or causing to be operated a dental office in such a manner as to result in dental
treatment that is below minimum acceptable standards of performance for the community. This includes,
but is not limited to, the use of substandard materials or equipment, the imposition of time limitations
within which dental procedures are to be performed, or the failure to maintain patient records as required
by this chapter.
(gg) Administering anesthesia in a manner which violates rules of the board adopted pursuant to s.
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(hh) Failing to report to the department any licensee under chapter 458 or chapter 459 who the dentist
knows has violated the grounds for disciplinary action set out in the law under which that person is
licensed and who provides health care services in a facility licensed under chapter 395, or a health
maintenance organization certificated under part I of chapter 641, in which the dentist also provides
(ii) Failing to report to the board, in writing, within 30 days if action has been taken against one’s
license to practice dentistry in another state, territory, or country.
(jj) Advertising specialty services in violation of this chapter.
(kk) Allowing any person other than another dentist or a professional corporation or limited liability
company composed of dentists to direct, control, or interfere with a dentist’s clinical judgment; however,
this paragraph may not be construed to limit a patient’s right of informed consent. To direct, control, or
interfere with a dentist’s clinical judgment may not be interpreted to mean dental services contractually
excluded, the application of alternative benefits that may be appropriate given the dentist’s prescribed
course of treatment, or the application of contractual provisions and scope of coverage determinations in
comparison with a dentist’s prescribed treatment on behalf of a covered person by an insurer, health
maintenance organization, or a prepaid limited health service organization.
(ll) Providing deceptive or fraudulent expert witness testimony related to the practice of dentistry.
(mm) Violating any provision of this chapter or chapter 456, or any rules adopted pursuant thereto.
(2) The board may enter an order denying licensure or imposing any of the penalties in s. 456.072(2)
against any applicant for licensure or licensee who is found guilty of violating any provision of subsection
(1) of this section or who is found guilty of violating any provision of s. 456.072(1).
(3) There shall be a minimum 6-month suspension of the license of a dentist who is convicted of a
violation of paragraph (1)(z).
(4) The department shall reissue the license of a disciplined licensee upon certification by the board that
the disciplined licensee has complied with all of the terms and conditions set forth in the final order.
(5) In addition, if the department finds that an applicant has a complaint filed against her or him in
another jurisdiction, the board may deny the application pending final disposition of the complaint.
(6) Upon the department’s receipt from an insurer or self-insurer of a report of a closed claim against a
dentist pursuant to s. 627.912 or upon the receipt from a claimant of a presuit notice against a dentist
pursuant to s. 766.106 the department shall review each report and determine whether it potentially
involved conduct by a licensee that is subject to disciplinary action, in which case the provisions of s.
456.073 shall apply. However, if it is reported that a dentist has had any indemnity paid in excess of
$25,000 in a judgment or settlement or has had three or more claims for dental malpractice within the
previous 5-year period which resulted in indemnity being paid, the department shall investigate the
occurrence upon which the claims were based and determine if action by the department against the
dentist is warranted.
(7) Subject to the authority and conditions established in s. 456.073, the probable cause panel of the
board may recommend that the department seek a specified penalty in cases in which probable cause
has been found and the panel has directed that an administrative complaint be filed. If the department
seeks a penalty other than that recommended by the probable cause panel, the department shall provide
the board with a written statement which sets forth the reasons therefor. Nothing in this subsection shall
preclude a probable cause panel of any other board under the jurisdiction of the department from making
similar recommendations as penalties.
(8) The purpose of this section is to facilitate uniform discipline for those acts made punishable under
this section and, to this end, a reference to this section constitutes a general reference under the
doctrine of incorporation by reference. 1, 3, ch. 79-330; s. 5, ch. 80-354; s. 330, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 2, ch. 83-172;
s. 5, ch. 85-6; ss. 18, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 42, ch. 88-1; s. 21, ch. 88-277; s. 21, ch. 88-392; s. 11, ch.
89-66; ss. 29, 49, ch. 90-228; s. 3, ch. 90-341; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 66, ch. 91-220; s.
4, ch. 91-429; s. 46, ch. 92-149; s. 6, ch. 92-178; s. 2, ch. 94-105; s. 61, ch. 95-144; s. 3, ch. 97-67; s.
262, ch. 97-103; s. 110, ch. 97-264; s. 73, ch. 98-166; s. 132, ch. 2000-160; s. 34, ch. 2001-277; s. 31,
ch. 2003-416; s. 11, ch. 2005-240; s. 86, ch. 2008-6; s. 7, ch. 2011-233; s. 17, ch. 2017-41.
466.0282 Specialties.
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(1) A dentist licensed under this chapter may not hold himself or herself out as a specialist, or advertise
membership in or specialty recognition by an accrediting organization, unless the dentist:
(a) Has completed a specialty education program approved by the American Dental Association and the
Commission on Dental Accreditation and:
1. Is eligible for examination by a national specialty board recognized by the American Dental
Association; or
2. Is a diplomate of a national specialty board recognized by the American Dental Association; or
(b) Has continuously held himself or herself out as a specialist since December 31, 1964, in a specialty
recognized by the American Dental Association.
(2) A dentist licensed under this chapter may not represent to the public without appropriate disclosure
that his or her practice is limited to a specific area of dentistry other than a specialty area of dentistry
authorized under subsection (1), unless the dentist has attained membership in or has otherwise been
credentialed by an accrediting organization which is recognized by the board as a bona fide organization
for such an area of dental practice. In order to be recognized by the board as a bona fide accrediting
organization for a specific area of dental practice other than a specialty area of dentistry authorized under
subsection (1), the organization must condition membership or credentialing of its members upon all of
the following:
(a) Successful completion of a formal, full-time advanced education program that is affiliated with or
sponsored by a university-based dental school and is:
1. Beyond the dental degree;
2. At the graduate or postgraduate level; and
3. Of at least 12 months in duration.
(b) Prior didactic training and clinical experience in the specific area of dentistry which is greater than
that of other dentists.
(c) Successful completion of oral and written examinations based on psychometric principles.
(3) Notwithstanding the requirements of subsections (1) and (2), a dentist who lacks membership in or
certification, diplomate status, or other similar credentials from an accrediting organization approved as
bona fide by either the American Dental Association or the board may announce a practice emphasis in
any other area of dental practice if the dentist incorporates in capital letters or some other manner clearly
distinguishable from the rest of the announcement, solicitation, or advertisement the following
If such an area of dental practice is officially recognized by an organization which the dentist desires to
acknowledge or otherwise reference in the dentist’s announcement, solicitation, or advertisement, the
same announcement, solicitation, or advertisement shall also state prominently: “ (NAME OF
(4) The purpose of this section is to prevent a dentist from advertising without appropriate disclosure
membership in an organization which may be perceived by the public as recognizing or accrediting
specialization or other unique competencies in an area of dentistry that is not recognized or accredited by
the American Dental Association or the board in accordance with this section. The purpose of this section
is also to prohibit a dentist from advertising a specialty or other area of dental practice without
appropriate disclosure unless the special competencies held by the dentist satisfy the requirements of
subsection (1) or subsection (2). The Legislature finds that dental consumers can reasonably rely on
these requirements as satisfactory evidence of a dentist’s attainment of meaningful competencies in the
specialty or other bona fide area of dental practice advertised. The Legislature also finds that this process
for the recognition of dental specialties and other bona fide areas of dental practice is the least restrictive
means available to ensure that consumers are not misled about a dentist’s unique credentials.
History.s. 4, ch. 94-105; s. 6, ch. 96-281; s. 1111, ch. 97-103; s. 3, ch. 99-183.
466.0285 Proprietorship by nondentists.
(1) No person other than a dentist licensed pursuant to this chapter, nor any entity other than a
professional corporation or limited liability company composed of dentists, may:
(a) Employ a dentist or dental hygienist in the operation of a dental office.
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(b) Control the use of any dental equipment or material while such equipment or material is being used
for the provision of dental services, whether those services are provided by a dentist, a dental hygienist,
or a dental assistant.
(c) Direct, control, or interfere with a dentist’s clinical judgment. To direct, control, or interfere with a
dentist’s clinical judgment may not be interpreted to mean dental services contractually excluded, the
application of alternative benefits that may be appropriate given the dentist’s prescribed course of
treatment, or the application of contractual provisions and scope of coverage determinations in
comparison with a dentist’s prescribed treatment on behalf of a covered person by an insurer, health
maintenance organization, or a prepaid limited health service organization.
Any lease agreement, rental agreement, or other arrangement between a nondentist and a dentist
whereby the nondentist provides the dentist with dental equipment or dental materials shall contain a
provision whereby the dentist expressly maintains complete care, custody, and control of the equipment
or practice.
(2) The purpose of this section is to prevent a nondentist from influencing or otherwise interfering with
the exercise of a dentist’s independent professional judgment. In addition to the acts specified in
subsection (1), no person who is not a dentist licensed pursuant to this chapter nor any entity that is not
a professional corporation or limited liability company composed of dentists shall enter into a relationship
with a licensee pursuant to which such unlicensed person or such entity exercises control over the
(a) The selection of a course of treatment for a patient, the procedures or materials to be used as part
of such course of treatment, and the manner in which such course of treatment is carried out by the
(b) The patient records of a dentist;
(c) Policies and decisions relating to pricing, credit, refunds, warranties, and advertising; and
(d) Decisions relating to office personnel and hours of practice.
(3) Any person who violates this section commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in
s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(4) Any contract or arrangement entered into or undertaken in violation of this section shall be void as
contrary to public policy. This section applies to contracts entered into or renewed on or after October 1,
1997. 4, 41, ch. 82-179; ss. 19, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch.
91-429; s. 4, ch. 97-67.
466.031 Dental laboratories.
(1) As used in this chapter, the term “dental laboratory” includes any person, firm, or corporation that
performs for a fee of any kind, gratuitously, or otherwise, directly or through an agent or an employee,
by any means or method, or supplies or manufactures artificial substitutes for the natural teeth;
furnishes, supplies, constructs, or reproduces or repairs any prosthetic denture, bridge, or appliance to be
worn in the human mouth; or in any way represents itself as a dental laboratory. The term does not
include a dental laboratory technician who constructs or repairs dental prosthetic appliances in the office
of a licensed dentist exclusively for that dentist under her or his supervision and work order.
(2) An employee or independent contractor of a dental laboratory, acting as an agent of that dental
laboratory, may engage in onsite consultation with a licensed dentist during a dental procedure. 2, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch.
91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 263, ch. 97-103; s. 29, ch. 2020-133.
466.032 Registration.
(1) Every person, firm, or corporation operating a dental laboratory in this state shall register biennially
with the department on forms to be provided by the department and, at the same time, pay to the
department a registration fee not to exceed $300 for which the department shall issue a registration
certificate entitling the holder to operate a dental laboratory for a period of 2 years.
(2) Upon the failure of any dental laboratory operator to comply with subsection (1), the department
shall notify her or him by registered mail, within 1 month after the registration renewal date, return
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receipt requested, at her or his last known address, of such failure and inform her or him of the
provisions of subsections (3) and (4).
(3) Any dental laboratory operator who has not complied with subsection (1) within 3 months after the
registration renewal date shall be required to pay a delinquency fee of $40 in addition to the regular
registration fee.
(4) The department is authorized to commence and maintain proceedings to enjoin the operator of any
dental laboratory who has not complied with this section from operating a dental laboratory in this state
until she or he has obtained a registration certificate and paid the required fees.
(5) A dental laboratory owner or at least one employee of any dental laboratory renewing registration
on or after July 1, 2010, shall complete 18 hours of continuing education biennially. Programs of
continuing education must be programs of learning that contribute directly to the education of the dental
technician and may include, but are not limited to, attendance at lectures, study clubs, college courses,
or scientific sessions of conventions and research.
(a) The aim of continuing education for dental technicians is to improve dental health care delivery to
the public as such is impacted through the design, manufacture, and use of artificial human oral
prosthetics and related restorative appliances.
(b) Continuing education courses shall address one or more of the following areas of professional
development, including, but not limited to:
1. Laboratory and technological subjects, including, but not limited to, laboratory techniques and
procedures, materials, and equipment; and
2. Subjects pertinent to oral health, infection control, and safety.
(c) Programs that meet the general requirements of continuing education may be developed and
offered to dental technicians by the Florida Dental Laboratory Association and the Florida Dental
Association. Other organizations, schools, or agencies may also be approved to develop and offer
continuing education in accordance with specific criteria established by the department.
(d)1. This subsection does not apply to a dental laboratory that is physically located within a dental
practice operated by a dentist licensed under this chapter.
2. A dental laboratory in another state or country which provides service to a dentist licensed under this
chapter is not required to register with the state and may continue to provide services to such dentist
with a proper prescription. However, a dental laboratory in another state or country may voluntarily
comply with this subsection. 2, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 21, 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 38, ch. 89-162; s. 1, ch.
89-374; s. 1, ch. 89-543; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 7, ch. 96-281; s. 1112,
ch. 97-103; s. 10, ch. 2008-64; s. 28, ch. 2016-230.
466.033 Registration certificates.The department shall not require an examination, but shall
issue a registration certificate upon completion of the registration form and compliance with any rules
promulgated by the department under s. 466.038. 2, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-
156; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
466.034 Change of ownership or address.When the ownership or address of any dental
laboratory operating in this state is changed, the owner thereof shall notify the department within 30
days of such change of ownership or address. 2, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-
156; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
466.035 Advertising.Dental laboratories shall not solicit or advertise, directly or indirectly, by mail,
card, newspaper, pamphlet, radio, television, or otherwise to the general public to construct, reproduce,
or repair prosthetic dentures, bridges, plates, or other appliances to be used or worn as substitutes for
natural teeth or for the regulation of natural teeth. 2, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-
156; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
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466.036 Information; periodic inspections; equipment and supplies.The department may
require from the applicant for a registration certificate to operate a dental laboratory any information
necessary to carry out the purpose of this chapter, including proof that the applicant has the equipment
and supplies necessary to operate as determined by rule of the department, and shall require periodic
inspection of all dental laboratories operating in this state at least once each biennial registration period.
Such inspections must include, but need not be limited to, inspection of sanitary conditions, equipment,
supplies, and facilities on the premises. The department shall specify dental equipment and supplies that
are not allowed in a registered dental laboratory. 2, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 2, ch. 89-374; s. 60, ch. 91-
137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 3, ch. 98-130; s. 30, ch. 2020-133.
466.037 Suspension and revocation; administrative fine.The department may suspend or
revoke the certificate of any dental laboratory registered under s. 466.032, for failing to comply with the
provisions of this chapter or rules adopted by the department under this chapter. The department may
impose an administrative fine. 2, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 3, ch. 89-374; s. 60, ch. 91-
137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 35, ch. 2001-277.
466.038 Rules.The department, upon consultation with the Board of Dentistry and industry
representatives of the dental laboratory profession, has authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss.
120.536(1) and 120.54 to enforce the provisions of this chapter pertaining to and regulating dental
laboratories. 2, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 4, ch. 89-374; s. 60, ch. 91-
137; s. 7, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 129, ch. 98-200.
466.039 Violations.It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to operate as a dental
laboratory as defined in this chapter, except those registered as provided in s. 466.032. Violation shall
constitute a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. 2, 3, ch. 79-330; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 23, 24, ch. 86-291; s. 60, ch. 91-137; s. 7, ch. 91-
156; s. 95, ch. 91-224; s. 4, ch. 91-429.
466.041 Hepatitis B carriers.
(1) Any licensee or applicant for licensure who is a carrier of the hepatitis B virus is required to so notify
the board.
(2) The board shall by rule establish procedures for reporting carrier status and shall establish practice
requirements which will protect the public from transmission of the hepatitis B virus in a dental practice
setting or during dental procedures.
(3) Any report of hepatitis B carrier status filed by a licensee or applicant in compliance with the
requirements established by the board shall be confidential and exempt from the provisions of s.
119.07(1), except for the purpose of the investigation or prosecution of alleged violations of this chapter
by the department. 18, 19, ch. 89-374; ss. 60, 65, ch. 91-137; s. 25, ch. 91-140; ss. 7, 9, ch. 91-156; s. 4, ch.
91-429; s. 320, ch. 96-406.
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Rule 64B5, Florida Administration Code
Board of Dentistry
Chapter 64B-1
Board Organization and Procedure
64B5-1.001 Public Command
64B5-1.002 Unexcused Absences of Board Members
64B5-1.021 List of Approved Forms; Incorporation (Repealed)
64B5-1.025 Delegation of Certification for Licensure to Chair of Examination Committee; When
Permitted (Repealed)
64B5-1.001 Public Comment.
The Board of Dentistry invites and encourages all interested parties to provide comment on matters or
propositions before the Board or a committee of the Board. The opportunity to provide comment shall be
subject to the following:
(1) Interested parties will be given an opportunity to provide comment on subject matters before the
Board after an agenda item is introduced at a properly noticed board meeting.
(2) Interested parties shall be limited to three (3) minutes to provide comment. This time shall not
include time spent by the presenter responding to questions imposed by Board members, staff or board
counsel. The chair of the Board may extend the time to comment if time permits.
(3) An interested party shall notify board staff in writing of its interest to be heard on a proposition or
matter before the Board. The notification shall identify the party, indicate its support, opposition, or
neutrality, and identify who will speak on behalf of the party if the interested party is a group or faction of
persons consisting of five (5) or more persons. Interested parties may use pseudonyms if they do not wish
to identify themselves.
Rulemaking Authority 286.0114 FS. Law Implemented 286.0114 FS. History‒New 3-9-14.
64B5-1.002 Unexcused Absences of Board Members.
(1) A Board member’s absence from a Board meeting shall be considered unexcused if the Board
member had not received approval of the Chair or the Chair’s designee prior to missing the meeting.
Reasons for granting excused absences shall be, but not limited to the following:
(a) Illness or injury of the Board member;
(b) Illness, injury or death of family member;
(c) Court order, subpoena, or business with a federal or state court or other governmental body;
(d) Travel delays or cancellations; and
(e) Any conflict or extraordinary circumstance or event approved by the Board Chair.
(2) Arriving late for a Board meeting or leaving early from a Board meeting without prior approval of
the Chair or the Chair’s designee shall be considered an unexcused absence.
Rulemaking Authority 456.011(3) FS. Law Implemented 456.011(3) FS. HistoryNew 3-12-23.
64B5-1.021 List of Approved Forms; Incorporation.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 120.52(15) FS. HistoryNew 8-19-97, Amended 9-20-
01, 5-28-09, Repealed 10-29-15.
64B5-1.025 Delegation of Certification for Licensure to Chair of Examination Committee;
When Permitted.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.013(2) FS. HistoryNew 4-19-87, Formerly
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21G-1.025, 61F5-1.025, 59Q-1.025, Amended 5-20-01, Repealed 2-13-12.
64B5-2.0125 Examination Security (Repealed)
64B5-2.0126 Conduct at Examination Site (Repealed)
64B5-2.013 Florida Dental Examinations
64B5-2.0135 Dental Hygiene Examination
64B5-2.014 Licensure Requirements for Applicants from Accredited Schools or Colleges
64B5-2.0142 Application for Health Access Dental License
64B5-2.0144 Licensure Requirements for Dental Hygiene Applicants from Unaccredited Dental Schools
or Colleges
64B5-2.0146 Licensure Requirements for Applicants from Non-Accredited Schools or Colleges
64B5-2.0148 Credentials Requirements for Applicants from Non-Accredited Schools or Colleges, Whose
Records Are
Unavailable (Repealed)
64B5-2.0150 American Dental Licensing Exam Scores from Other Jurisdiction: Full-Time Practice
64B5-2.0152 Licenses Granted Based on The American Dental Licensing Exam From Other Jurisdiction:
Full-Time Practice
64B5-2.0155 Time Requirements for Application, Disposition of Untimely or Incomplete Applications and
Associated Fees
64B5-2.016 Evaluation of Credentials (Repealed)
64B5-2.017 Acceptable Variance of Examiners (Repealed)
64B5-2.020 Selection of Examiners (Repealed)
64B5-2.021 Additional Education Requirements for Reexamination
64B5-2.022 Examination Review (Repealed)
64B5-2.0125 Examination Security.
Rulemaking Authority 456.017(1)(d) FS. Law Implemented 456.017(1)(d) FS. HistoryNew 3-25-90,
Formerly 21G-2.0125, 61F5-2.0125, 59Q-2.0125, Repealed 10-29-15.
64B5-2.0126 Conduct at Examination Site.
Rulemaking Authority 456.004(5), 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.017(1)(d), 456.079 FS. History
New 2-7-96, Amended 5-21-96, Formerly 59Q-2.0126, Amended 5-1-02, Repealed 3-18-12.
64B5-2.013 Dental Examination.
Each applicant applying for a Florida dental license is required to complete the examinations as provided
for in Section 466.006, F.S. The Florida examinations for dentistry shall consist of a Written Examination,
a Practical or Clinical Examination and a Diagnostic Skills Examination. All three examinations will be
conducted in English. Applicants for examination or re-examination must have taken and successfully
completed of the National Board of Dental Examiners dental examination.
(1) Practical or Clinical Examination:
(a) Effective October 1, 2011, the Florida Practical or Clinical Examination and the Diagnostic Skills
Examination is currently the American Dental Licensing Examination (ADLEX) developed by the American
Board of Dental Examiners, Inc., or its successor entity if the successor entity is determined by the Board
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of Dentistry to comply with the provision of Section 466.006, F.S. The ADLEX is inclusive of a comprehensive
diagnostic skills examination covering the full scope of the practice of dentistry.
(b) All parts of the ADEX shall be completed within eighteen (18) months from the initial start of any
portion of the examination or from eighteen (18) months from July 1st of the applicant’s last year of dental
school. A failure to complete all parts of the examination within the time frames set forth above will require
the applicant to retake the entire examination.
(c) Each part of the ADEX shall be completed with a grade of at least seventy-five (75%) percent.
(d) Provided the Board of Dentistry maintains representation on the Board of Directors of the American
Board of Dental Examiners, Inc., and the Examination Development Committee of the American Board of
Dental Examiners Inc., the practical or clinical examination procedures, standards, and criteria of the ADEX
are approved.
(e) If any portion of the clinical or practical portion of the ADEX exam was completed in a jurisdiction
other than Florida, applicants must comply with the applicable provisions of Sections 466.006(4)(b)3. and
466.006(6), F.S., Rules 64B5-2.0150 and 64B5-2.0152, F.A.C.
(2) Written Examination:
(a) The Written Examination for dental licensure shall consist of the laws and rules of the State of
Florida regulating the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene.
(b) A final grade of seventy-five (75%) percent or better is required to pass the Written Examination.
(3) This rule shall be reviewed, and if necessary, repealed, modified, or renewed through the
rulemaking process five years from the effective date.
Rulemaking Authority 456.017(1)(b), 466.004(4), 466.006(5)(a) FS. Law Implemented 456.017(1)(b), (2),
466.006(4), 466.006(5)(a), 466.009 FS. HistoryNew 10-8-79, Amended 6-22-80, 12-3-81, 12-6-82, 5-24-
83, 12-12-83, 5-2-84, 5-27-84, Formerly 21G-2.13, Amended 12-8-85, 12-31-86, 5-10-87, 10-19-87, 12-
10-89, 12-24-91, 2-1-93, Formerly 21G-2.013, 61F5-2.013, Amended 1-9-95, 2-7-96, 7-16-97, Formerly
59Q-2.013, Amended 8-25-98, 3-25-99, 11-15-99, 8-3-05, 7-17-07, 8-1-08, 6-28-09, 8-25-10, 5-8-12, 2-
25-15, 6-24-21, 9-22-22, 5-18-23.
64B5-2.0135 Dental Hygiene Examination.
(1) Practical or Clinical Examination:
(a) Currently, the Florida practical or clinical examination is the Dental Hygiene Examination developed
by the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc. (ADEX) and administered by the Commission on Dental
Competency Assessments (CDCA). Any ADEX Dental Hygiene Examination administered after June 1, 2010,
will meet the clinical or practical examination requirement, regardless of the jurisdiction in which the exam
was administered.
(b) Any dental hygiene applicant, who fails to pass the Practical or Clinical Examination in three (3)
attempts, shall not be eligible for reexamination until the successful completion of one academic semester
of clinical course work at the senior clinical practice level at a dental hygiene school approved by the
American Dental Association Commission on Accreditation. A failure to comply with the remedial course
work in this paragraph will result in a denial of licensure or a denial to sit for reexamination.
(c) The Board of Dentistry hereby approves the practical or clinical Dental Hygiene Examination
developed by ADEX. All ADEX clinical or practical examination procedures, standards, and criteria are
approved and shall remain approved contingent on the Board of Dentistry maintaining representation on
the ADEX House of Representatives and the ADEX Dental Hygiene Examination Development Committee.
(2) Laws and Rules Examination:
(a) The written examination shall be an examination covering the laws and rules applicable to the
practice of a health care profession, the practice of dentistry and the practice of dental hygiene in the State
of Florida.
(b) The examination shall, at a minimum, cover the following subject areas:
1. The provisions of Chapter 466, F.S.,
2. The provisions of Chapter 456, F.S.; and,
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3. The provisions of Division 64B5, F.A.C.
(c) No more than three percent (3%) of the examination shall cover the topic of Chapter 456, F.S.
(3) All parts of the ADEX shall be completed within eighteen (18) months from the initial start of any
portion of the examination or after eighteen (18) months from July 1st of the applicant’s last year of dental
hygiene school. A failure to complete all parts of the examination within the time frames set forth above
will require the applicant to retake the entire examination.
(4) Grading, Passing Results, and Time Requirements:
(a) The practical or clinical examination must be completed with a score of seventy-five (75) points or
greater on both portions of the examinations, whether administered in Florida or another jurisdiction.
(b) The written examination shall be completed with a seventy-five percent (75%) or greater.
(5) Historical Note Florida Dental Hygiene Exam:
(a) On March 23, 2012, legislation became effective, SB 1040, which amended Section 466.007, F.S.
Beginning July 1, 2012, the amendment made the Florida Dental Hygiene Exam the hygiene examination
developed by ADEX.
(b) Prior to the legislative change, the Board voted and implemented the Dental Hygiene Exam
developed by ADEX and set June 1, 2010, as the controlling date for acceptance of this exam. Preceding
June 1, 2010, the hygiene examination was an independent administered state exam.
(c) In accordance with the applicable rules and statutes, June 1, 2010, is the earliest date the Board
shall accept for a valid Dental Hygiene Exam developed by ADEX, as this is the earliest date the Board and
Council found the ADEX exam met the requirements of Section 466.007, F.S.
(6) This rule shall be reviewed, and if necessary, repealed, modified, or renewed through the
rulemaking process five years from the effective date.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.007 FS. HistoryNew 3-16-82, Amended 5-2-
84, 5-19-85, 10-8-85, 12-8-85, Formerly 21G-2.135, Amended 12-31-86, 10-19-87, 2-21-88, 5-29-88,
Formerly 21G-2.0135, 61F5-2.0135, Amended 11-15-95, Formerly 59Q-2.0135, Amended 10-31-01, 7-6-
05, 12-31-09, 10-10-10, 12-28-11, 8-8-12, 1-27-15, 9-1-15, 5-3-21, 9-22-22, 5-18-23.
64B5-2.014 Licensure Requirements for Applicants from Accredited Schools or Colleges.
Any person who has graduated, or expects to graduate prior to the examination, or is in their final year of
a dental or dental hygiene program and has completed all the coursework necessary to prepare the student
to perform the clinical and diagnostic procedures required to pass the examinations, from a school or
college accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Dental Association or its successor
agency, or any other dental or dental hygiene program accredited by an accrediting entity recognized by
the United States Department of Education, may seek licensure as a dentist or dental hygienist in the
following manner:
Dental Hygiene Candidates
(a) Successfully complete the practical or clinical dental hygiene examination developed by American
Board of Dental Examiners, Inc. (ADEX), as specified in Rule 64B5-2.0135, F.A.C., through the Commission
on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA);
(b) Successfully complete the National Board Dental Hygiene Written Examination prior to application;
(c) Submit a completed application for licensure, Dental Hygiene Licensure Application, Form DH-MQA
1210 (Rev. 08/2020), incorporated herein by reference and available at, or available on the Department of Health’s
website at An applicant is eligible for licensure upon receipt of a completed
application, passing scores from the ADEX clinical examination, National Board Dental Hygiene Examination,
and successful completion of the written examination on the laws and rules of Florida regulating the practice
of dentistry and dental hygiene. Applicants must comply with all time requirements for passing the
examinations as specified in Rule 64B5-2.0135, F.A.C.
Dental Candidates
(a) Successfully complete the American Dental Licensing Examination (ADLEX), produced by the
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American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc., as specified in Rule 64B5-2.013, F.A.C., through the Commission
on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA), which includes the Diagnostic Skills Examination. Candidates
who have completed the ADLEX, after October 1, 2011, in another jurisdiction other than Florida and whose
scores are over 365 days old are subject to additional application requirements as mandated in Section
466.006(4)(b)3., F.S. Additionally, all Candidates who submit ADLEX scores from another jurisdiction other
than Florida are subject to post licensure requirements as mandated in Section 466.006(6), F.S.
(b) Successfully complete the National Board of Dental Examiners Written Examination;
(c) Submit a completed application for licensure, Dental Licensure Application, DH-MQA 1182 (Rev.
08/2020), incorporated herein by reference and available at, or available on the Department of Health’s
website at An applicant is eligible for licensure upon receipt of a completed
application, passing scores from the ADEX clinical examination, Diagnostic Skills Examination, National
Board Dental Examination and successful completion of the written examination on the laws and rules of
Florida regulating the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene. Applicants must comply with all time
requirements for passing the examinations as specified in Rule 64B5-2.013, F.A.C.
(3) It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the application for licensure is complete, including
ensuring that all required documents are submitted timely.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 466.004, 466.006, 466.007 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.048,
456.0635, 466.006, 466.007, 466.028 FS. HistoryNew 10-8-79, Amended 4-1-80, 4-20-81, 3-16-82, 5-2-
84, 9-4-84, Formerly 21G-2.14, Amended 12-31-86, 10-8-87, 11-16-89, 10-18-90, Formerly 21G-2.014,
61F5-2.014, Amended 9-24-96, Formerly 59Q-2.014, Amended 8-20-97, 3-16-06, 12-26-06, 4-26-10, 3-18-
12, 8-5-12, 12-11-12, 11-7-16, 10-4-18, 10-22-19, 8-31-21.
64B5-2.0142 Application for Health Access Dental License.
Any person wishing to be issued a Health Access Dental License shall apply to the Board of Dentistry. The
application shall be made on the Application for Health Access Dental License form #DH-MQA 1154 (Rev.
08/2020), available at, hereby adopted and
incorporated by reference, and can be obtained at
Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.048, 456.0635, 466.006,
466.0067 FS. HistoryNew 2-12-12, Amended 12-11-12, 11-7-16, 10-4-18, 10-22-19, 8-31-21.
64B5-2.0144 Licensure Requirements for Dental Hygiene Applicants from Unaccredited
Dental Schools or Colleges.
Applicants for licensure as dental hygienists who have graduated from an unaccredited dental school or
college may seek licensure in the following manner:
(1) Submit the following: A completed credentials application, Application for Dental Hygiene
Credentials Review for Graduates From Non-Accredited Dental Colleges or Schools, Form DH-MQA 1253,
08/2020, and incorporated herein by reference. Application for Dental Hygiene Credentials Review for
Graduates From Non-Accredited Dental Colleges or Schools, Form DH-MQA 1253, 08/2020, can be obtained
at, or at
(2) An initial credential evaluation is not an approval for licensure; rather, the applicant must comply
with all provisions of Chapter 466, F.S.
(3) A certified photocopy of the dental school diploma and a certified translation if the diploma is in a
language other than English, which diploma shall be comparable to a D.D.S. or a D.M.D.
(4) Final official transcripts received directly from the schools where post-secondary dental education
was received and from the dental school which reflects the applicant’s matriculation and graduation dates
and degree earned; the transcript shall be authenticated by the official school stamp or seal as well as the
signature of an authorized school official and shall be accompanied with a certified translation if the
documents are in a language other than English.
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(5) Proof which establishes successful completion of 4 academic years of post-secondary dental
education. Proof of the 4 years of required education shall include a report from an Education Credential
Evaluators (ECE) approved evaluating service, which evaluation includes a year by year evaluation of the
applicant’s credentials. Said report shall not be conclusive, but shall only be advisory to the Board.
(6) Any graduate of a foreign dental college or school not accredited or approved in accordance with
Section 466.007(2)(b), F.S., and not accredited in accordance with Section 466.006(2)(b), F.S., who seeks
licensure as a dental hygienist pursuant to Section 466.007(2)(b)2., F.S., but is unable to supply proper
educational credentials due to the political or other conditions of the country in which the education was
received, shall submit any and all documents which would tend to support the applicant’s claim of proper
credentials and shall submit with the application.
(a) A written statement which shall include:
1. A complete chronological account of all schools attended during the candidate’s entire education,
including dates of attendance and graduation, the addresses of all schools attended,
2. A description of all dental school courses which the applicant successfully completed.
(b) At least five (5) written statements concerning the applicant’s dental education from persons who
are directly acquainted with the candidate’s educational credentials. If the applicant relies on these written
statements to establish qualifications for licensure, then at least three (3) of the written statements must
be from dentists who are not related to the applicant.
(c) Any applicant who provides false information to the Florida Board of Dentistry on his or her licensure
application and/or written statements as required by this rule will be referred for criminal prosecution
pursuant to Section 456.067, F.S.
(d) Unless the Board is otherwise satisfied that the credentials required by subsections (3) through (5),
above, cannot be obtained, the Board will not accept such other evidence as described in this section until
the applicant has demonstrated to the Board that he or she has made a reasonable attempt to obtain the
(7) Proof received directly from the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations, that the
National Board of Dental Examiners Written Examination has been successfully completed, or that the
National Board of Dental Hygiene Examination has been successfully completed.
(8) If the applicant’s name has changed since initiation of dental education, a certified copy of the legal
document changing the name or an affidavit sworn before a notary public or other person authorized to
administer oaths that the person named in credentials submitted and the applicant are the same person.
(9) Two 2 inch by 2 inch photographs of the applicant which are suitable for identification.
(10) Upon approval of the credentials, the applicant shall apply for licensure in the following manner:
(a) Successfully complete the Florida practical or clinical examination developed by the American Board
of Dental Examiners, Inc. (ADEX), as specified in Rule 64B5-2.0135, F.A.C., through the Commission on
Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA); and,
(b) Submit a complete application, Dental Hygiene Licensure Application, Form DH-MQA 1210 (Rev.
08/2020), incorporated herein by reference and is available at, or An applicant
is eligible for licensure upon receipt of a completed application, passing scores from the ADEX dental
hygiene examination, the National Board Dental Hygiene or National Board Dental Examination, and
successful completion of the written laws and rules of Florida regulating the practice of dentistry and dental
hygiene. Applicants must comply with all time requirements for passing the examinations as specified in
Rule 64B5-2.0135, F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 466.004, 466.007 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.0635, 466.007 FS.
HistoryNew 1-18-95, Formerly 59Q-2.0144, Amended 8-19-97, 8-20-97, 5-20-01, 12-21-06, 5-8-08, 4-26-
10, 3-18-12, 12-11-12, 12-15-14, 4-17-16, 11-7-16, 10-22-19, 8-31-21.
64B5-2.0146 Licensure Requirements for Applicants from Non-Accredited Schools or
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Prior to applying to take the American Dental Licensing Examination (ADLEX) and the Laws and Rules Exam
(Written Examination), as specified in Rule 64B5-2.013, F.A.C., complete and submit Application for Dental
Credentials Review For Graduates From Non-Accredited Dental Colleges or Schools, Form DH-MQA 1254
(08/2020), incorporated herein by reference and available at, or the Department of Health’s website at
(1) An applicant who otherwise meets the requirements of Section 466.006(3), F.S., and chooses to
apply pursuant to Section 466.006(3)(a), F.S., will be required to:
(a) Complete, at an accredited American dental school, a matriculated general dental program which
consists of either 4 years of dental subjects or 2 years of predental education followed by 3 years of dental
(b) Receive a D.D.S. or D.M.D. from the institution at which the dental school is located.
(c) Present to the Board at least 30 days prior to the dental examination the following documents:
1. Official transcripts issued by the dental school which verify completion of all coursework requirements
of the dental program or certified copies thereof.
2. A D.D.S. or D.M.D. issued by the dental school or a certified copy thereof.
(2) An applicant who otherwise meets the requirements of Section 466.006(3), F.S., and chooses to
apply pursuant to Section 466.006(3)(b), F.S., will be required to:
(a) Complete two consecutive academic years at a full-time, matriculated Commission on Dental
Accreditation of the American Dental Association accredited supplemental general dentistry program, which
provides didactic and clinical education to the level of an accredited D.D.S. or D.M.D. program, this program
does not include specialty or advanced education programs for the purpose of licensure.
(b) Receive a dental diploma, degree or certificate from the sponsoring institution upon successful
completion of the program.
(c) Present to the Board the following documents:
1. Official transcripts issued by the sponsoring institution which verify completion of all coursework
requirements of the supplemental dental education program,
2. A dental diploma, degree or certificate issued by the sponsoring institution or a certified copy thereof;
(3) It is the applicant’s responsibility to assure that the application for licensure is complete, including
assuring that all required documents are submitted timely.
(4) After approval to sit for the ADLEX examination, the applicant shall successfully complete the
practical or clinical examination which is the American Dental Licensing Examination (ADLEX) produced by
the American Board of Dental Examiners and the Diagnostic Skills Examination, as specified in Rule 64B5-
2.013, F.A.C., through the Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA). Candidates who have
completed the ADLEX, after October 1, 2011, in another jurisdiction other than Florida are subject to
additional requirements as stated in Section 466.006, F.S.
(5) After completion of the ADLEX examination, applicants shall submit Dental Licensure Application,
Form DH-MQA 1182 (Rev. 08/2020), incorporated herein by reference and available at, or the Department of Health’s website at
Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 466.004(4), 466.006(3) FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.048, 456.0635,
466.006 FS. HistoryNew 10-15-92, Formerly 21G-2.0146, 61F5-2.0146, Amended 9-24-96, Formerly 59Q-
2.0146, Amended 8-19-97, 5-20-01, 6-7-05, 12-26-06, 6-30-09, 3-18-12, 12-11-12, 2-25-15, 11-7-16, 6-
4-18, 10-4-18, 10-22-19, 8-31-21.
64B5-2.0148 Credentials Requirements for Applicants from Non-Accredited Schools or
Colleges, Whose Records Are Unavailable.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.006 FS. HistoryNew 11-16-89, Amended 10-
Revised 07/2023
18-90, Formerly 21G-2.0148, 61F5-2.0148, 59Q-2.0148, Amended 7-29-97, 12-26-06, 3-18-12, Repealed
64B5-2.0150 American Dental Licensing Exam Scores from Other Jurisdiction: Full-Time
Practice Requirements.
The Florida dental clinical or practical examination is currently the American Dental Licensing Examination
(ADLEX) developed by the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc. The examination shall be administered
in Florida and shall be graded by dentists licensed in Florida. An applicant for a dental license in Florida can
submit ADLEX scores from a jurisdiction other than Florida if the examination was completed after October
1, 2011. If, however, the passing scores from the ADLEX are over 365 days old, the results will not be
recognized unless all criteria below are met.
(1) Applicable Definitions:
(a) Full-time practice means completing one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours of practice per
calendar year; when applicable, the hours shall be broken down to one hundred (100) hours per month.
(b) Month means thirty (30) days.
(c) Practice means any combination of the following: 1) Active clinical practice of dentistry providing
direct patient care; 2) Full-time practice as a faculty member employed by a dental or dental hygiene school
approved by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental
Accreditation, or 3) Full-time practice as a student at a postgraduate dental education program approved
by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation.
(d) Recognized or Other Jurisdiction
means a state or territory of the United States, the District of
Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(e) Verified means the document shall be verified in compliance with section 92.525, F.S.
(2) Mandatory Criteria: The applicant shall meet all of the following criteria.
(a) Compliance with all provisions of Section 466.006(4)(b)3., F.S. The applicant should carefully review
this section of the Florida Statutes.
(b) Provide documentation that the applicant has been consecutively engaged in full-time practice in a
recognized jurisdiction for the preceding five (5) years or since initial licensure, if less than five years, prior
to the date of application for licensure to the Florida Board of Dentistry.
(3) Mandatory Documentation: The applicant shall comply with providing the following mandatory
(a) Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet:
1. The submission of a calendar month-by-calendar month and year-by-year chronological history of
the applicant’s full-time practice in a spreadsheet format.
2. The spreadsheet shall be headed with the applicant’s full legal name and sub-headed “History of
Full-Time Practice.”
3. Each page shall be sequentially paginated in the lower right hand corner with the applicant’s last
name followed by a hyphen with an Arabic numeral. (Example: Smith-2, Smith-3, Smith-4, etcetera).
4. The applicant shall verify the Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet by placing at the end of the document,
“Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing History of Full-Time Practice
Spreadsheet and that the facts stated in it are true.” The applicant shall sign directly under the verification
statement and date the document. Reference Section 92.525, F.S., concerning verification of documents.
5. Someone unrelated to the applicant shall verify the Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet, by signing the
same document with the same verification clause or by submitting a document (affidavit) verified in
compliance with Section 92.525, F.S. The verified document must attest that the applicant has been
engaged in the Full-time Practice as indicated by the Full-time Practice Spreadsheet.
(b) Additional Verified Documents:
Each category of full-time practice claimed must be supported by the following documentation, which
establishes or supports the spreadsheet submitted. There must be documentation submitted from
subparagraph 1. and 2., below, if applicable.
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1. A verified copy of financial or business record documents, reflecting the dates of employment that
match the spreadsheet; a verified copy of a patient log or appointment schedule (names of patients shall
be redacted to reflect the initials only). The Board will request verified financial billing documents to
corroborate the patient log if the Board finds the patient log or appointment schedule lacking credibility.
2. An original and official letter from the dean of the school or program sent directly from the program
or school to the Board, that supports that the applicant did engage in full-time practice as a faculty member
or as a student which matches the dates month-for-month and year-for-year as listed on the Full-time
Practice Spreadsheet.
3. Any other verified documentation that supports the Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet.
(4) Mandatory Board Appearance and Delays:
(a) It is in the best interest of the applicant to carefully review all documents submitted for accuracy,
authenticity, legibility, and statutory and rule compliance to avoid unnecessary delays, board appearances,
or denials.
(b) The Board is authorized to require the applicant and the applicant’s witness to appear before the
Board to give oral testimony under oath to assess credibility or accuracy of the full-time practice
requirements. Section 466.006(4)(b)3.e.(IV), F.S. In addition, the Board can require a mandatory
appearance regarding any licensure application and a failure to appear at one of the next two regularly
scheduled meetings shall result in a denial of licensure and will toll the time for ruling on the application.
Section 456.013(3), F.S. Finally, any incomplete submission can delay the application process. Section
120.60(1), F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.006(4)(b)3.e.(III) FS. Law Implemented 466.004, 466.006(6) FS.
HistoryNew 7-1-12.
64B5-2.0152 Licenses Granted Based on The American Dental Licensing Exam From Other
Jurisdiction: Full-Time Practice Requirements.
The Florida dental clinical or practical examination is currently the American Dental Licensing Examination
(ADLEX) developed by the American Board of Dental Examiners, Inc. The examination shall be administered
in Florida and shall be graded by dentists licensed in Florida. An applicant for a dental license in Florida can
submit ADLEX scores from a jurisdiction other than Florida if the examination was completed after October
1, 2011. Applicants who are relocating to this state based on scores from the ADLEX that was administered
in a jurisdiction other than Florida must engage in the Full-time Practice of Dentistry inside the geographical
boundaries of this state within the first year of receiving a dental license in Florida. In order to maintain
the dental license the licensee must meet the following criteria.
(1) Applicable Definitions:
(a) Full-time Practice means completing one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours of practice within
the geographical boundaries of Florida within the first year of obtaining a Florida dental license.
(b) Practice means any combination of the following: 1) Active clinical practice of dentistry providing
direct patient care; 2) Full-time Practice as a faculty member employed by a dental or dental hygiene school
approved by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental
Accreditation; or 3) Full-time Practice as a student at a postgraduate dental education program approved
by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation.
(c) Another or Other Jurisdiction means another state or territory of the United States, the District of
Columbia, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(d) Full-time Practice Log means a log the licensee must keep from the initial date of licensure in
Florida which documents the daily practice time of the licensee.
(e) Relocating Applicants means those applicants who are lawfully and currently practicing dentistry
in another jurisdiction who apply for licensure in Florida based on the ADLEX administered in another
jurisdiction. Lawfully and currently means those applicants that have or had a license to practice dentistry
in another jurisdiction within the past six (6) months and those who have practiced the profession in any
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manner utilizing such license within the past six (6)months, prior to submitting the application for licensure
in Florida.
(f) Verified means the document shall be verified in compliance with Section 92.525, F.S.
(2) Mandatory Criteria:
The licensee shall meet all of the following criteria.
(a) Compliance with all provisions of Section 466.006(6), F.S. The dentist should carefully review this
section of the Florida Statutes.
(b) Provide documentation that the relocating dentist has been consecutively engaged in full-time
practice within the first year of licensure in Florida.
(c) Maintain a Full-time Practice Log.
(d) A failure to meet the required full-time practice requirements will cause the dental license to expire
as enumerated in Section 466.006(6), F.S.
(3) Mandatory Documentation:
The dentist shall comply with providing the following mandatory documentation.
(a) Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet:
1. The submission of a month-by-month chronological history of the dentist’s full-time practice in a
spreadsheet format from the date of initial license in Florida.
2. The spreadsheet shall be headed with the dentist’s full legal name and sub-headed “History of Full-
time Practice.”
3. Each page shall be sequentially paginated in the lower right hand corner with the dentist’s last name
followed by a hyphen with an Arabic numeral. (Example: Smith-2, Smith-3, Smith-4, etcetera.).
4. The dentist shall verify the Full-time Practice Spreadsheet by placing at the end of the document,
“Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing History of Full-time Practice
Spreadsheet and that the facts stated in it are true.” The dentist shall sign directly under the verification
statement and date the document. Reference Section 92.525, F.S., concerning verification of documents.
5. Someone unrelated to the dentist shall verify the Full-time Practice Spreadsheet, by signing the same
document with the same verification clause or by submitting a document (affidavit) verified in compliance
with Section 92.525, F.S. The verified document must attest that the dentist has been engaged in the full-
time practice as indicated by the Full-time Practice Spreadsheet.
(b) Additional Verified Documents:
Each category of Full-time Practice claimed must be supported by the following documentation, which
establishes or supports the spreadsheet submitted.
1. A verified copy of financial or business record documents, reflecting the dates of employment that
match the spreadsheet; a verified copy of a patient log or appointment schedule (names of patients shall
be redacted to reflect initials only). The Board will request verified financial billing documents to corroborate
the patient log if the Board finds the patient log or appointment schedule lacking credibility.
2. A verified copy of the Full-time Practice Log.
3. An original and official letter from the dean of the school or program sent directly from the program
or school to the Board, that supports that the dentist did engage in full-time practice as a faculty member
or as a student which matches the dates month-for-month as listed on the spreadsheet.
4. Any other verified document that supports the Full-Time Practice Spreadsheet.
(4) Mandatory Submission:
(a) All documentation shall be submitted to the Board office within thirty days prior to the expiration
of the first year of practice. The initial day of licensure shall not count. A failure to timely submit all required
documentation will lead to the expiration of licensure in compliance with Section 466.006(6)(c), F.S.
(b) The dentist shall make certain that all submissions are timely, accurate, legible, and authentic to
avoid the expiration of the dental licensee. The Board is authorized to require the licensee and the licensees’
witnesses to appear before the Board and give oral testimony under oath to assess credibility and accuracy.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.006(6)(b)2 FS. Law Implemented 466.004, 466.006(6) FS. History
New 5-13-12.
Revised 07/2023
64B5-2.0155 Time Requirements for Application, Disposition of Untimely or Incomplete
Applications and Associated Fees.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 466.006, 466.007 FS. HistoryNew 11-16-89,
Formerly 21G-2.0155, 61F5-2.0155, 59Q-2.0155, Repealed 3-18-12.
64B5-2.016 Evaluation of Credentials.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 466.006, 466.007 FS. HistoryNew 10-8-79, Amended
10-26-80, 5-2-84, Formerly 21G-2.16, Amended 11-16-89, Formerly 21G-2.016, 61F5-2.016, 59Q-2.016,
Repealed 3-18-12.
64B5-2.017 Acceptable Variance of Examiners.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.006(5)(d) FS. Law Implemented 466.006(5)(d) FS. HistoryNew 12-
10-79, Amended 6-22-80, 4-20-81, 5-24-82, 12-6-82, 5-24-83, 5-2-84, 5-19-85, Formerly 21G-2.17, 21G-
2.017, 61F5-2.017, 59Q-2.017, Amended 10-12-04, 10-10-10, 1-10-12, Repealed 3-30-21.
64B5-2.020 Selection of Examiners.
Rulemaking Authority 456.017(1)(b), 466.004(3) FS. Law Implemented 456.017(1)(b) FS. HistoryNew 5-
24-83, Amended 5-27-84, Formerly 21G-2.20, 21G-2.020, 61F5-2.020, 59Q-2.020, Amended 2-15-06,
Repealed 5-28-20.
64B5-2.021 Additional Education Requirements for Reexamination.
(1) Any applicant who has failed to pass the clinical examination in three attempts shall not be eligible
for reexamination until he or she completes a one year general practice residency, advanced education
general dentistry residency, or pedodontic residency or a minimum of one academic year of undergraduate
clinical coursework in dentistry at a dental school approved by the American Dental Association’s
Commission on Dental Accreditation. At the time of application for reexamination the applicant must furnish
proof from the educational institution of successful completion of one of the residency programs listed
above or the required coursework. However, for those applicants completing their coursework immediately
prior to the examination or those applicants who have completed at least 9 months of a general practice
residency, who cannot provide an official transcript, proof of having successfully completed the required
coursework or residency shall consist of a statement from the dean of the school where the coursework or
residency was completed that the requirements of this rule will have been met prior to the date set for
issuance of examination grades. Grades received by a candidate taking the examination pursuant to this
exception will not be certified, and grade results will be null and void if successful completion of the
coursework or residency has not been established prior to the date set for issuance of examination grades.
Successful completion of coursework shall be established by submission of an official transcript.
(2) The statutory provision that an applicant complete additional educational requirements if he or she
fails to pass a specified portion of the examination three times is interpreted by the Board to mean that
additional education shall be required after every third unsuccessful attempt, i.e., after the third, sixth,
ninth, etc., attempts.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 466.006 FS. HistoryNew 9-4-84, Formerly 21G-2.21,
Amended 1-6-87, 11-16-89, Formerly 21G-2.021, 61F5-2.021, 59Q-2.021, Amended 6-12-00.
64B5-2.022 Examination Review.
Rulemaking Authority 456.017(2) FS. Law Implemented 456.017(2) FS. HistoryNew 3-25-90, Formerly
21G-2.022, 61F5-2.022, 59Q-2.022, Repealed 10-29-15.
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Chapter 64B5-4
64B5-4.002 Advertising and Soliciting by Dentists
64B5-4.003 Advertisement of Fees and Discounted Services
64B5-4.004 Advertising Specialty Services (Repealed)
64B5-4.005 Advertising of HIV/AIDS Status (Repealed)
64B5-4.002 Advertising and Soliciting by Dentists.
(1) As used in the rules of the Board, the terms “advertisement” and “advertising” shall mean any
statements, oral or written, disseminated to or before the public or any portion thereof with the intent of
furthering the purpose, either directly or indirectly, of selling professional services, or offering to perform
professional services, or inducing members of the public to enter into any obligation relating to such
professional services. The provisions of this rule shall apply to media exposure of any nature regardless of
whether it is in the form of paid advertising.
(2) All advertising in any media must identify the Florida licensed dentist, who assumes total
responsibility for the advertisement. The term “identify” shall mean the use of the license number of the
dentist as it appears on his license and renewal certificate or the use of the licensee’s commonly used name
together with the current address and telephone number the licensee has on file with the Department.
(3) No dentist shall disseminate or cause the dissemination of any advertisement or advertising which
is in any way fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading in form or content. Additionally, no dentist shall
disseminate or cause the dissemination of any advertisement or advertising which:
(a) Contains misrepresentations of fact;
(b) Is likely to mislead or deceive because in its context or in the context in which it is presented it
makes only a partial disclosure of relevant facts;
(c) Contains laudatory statements about the dentist or group of dentists;
(d) Is intended or is likely to create false, unjustified expectations of favorable results;
(e) Relates to the quality of dental services provided as compared to other available dental services;
(f) Contains other representations or implications that in reasonable probability will cause an ordinary
prudent person to misunderstand or to be deceived. For example, it is fraudulent, false, deceptive, and
misleading for a dentist who utilizes the laser in his dental practice to advertise that the use of lasers is
painless, heals faster, or provides better results than other dental procedures. However, a dentist may
advertise that he treats patients with a laser in certain instances;
(g) Is intended or is likely to appeal primarily to a layperson’s fears.
(4) In person and telephone solicitation of dental services by a dentist or his agent poses an inherent
danger to the public because such advertising cannot be supervised, may exert pressure, and often
demands an immediate response without affording the recipient an opportunity for comparison or
reflection. Unlike an advertisement appearing in print or on television or radio, in person and telephone
solicitation does not simply provide information and leave the recipient free to act or not, but is ripe with
the potential for overbearing persuasion. Accordingly, in person and telephone solicitation of dental services
by a dentist or his agent is prohibited. The term “solicitation” as used in this rule does not include in person
or telephone communication by a dentist or his or her agent with a patient or former patient for purposes
of scheduling an appointment or offering follow-up care.
(5) Advertising which includes the name of a person who is not either actually involved in the practice
of dentistry at the advertised location or an owner of the practice being advertised is not permitted.
However, to facilitate the smooth transition of a practice after its sale from one licensee to another, it is
permissible to identify the previous owner in advertising by the new owner for a reasonable period of time
not to exceed a period of 2 years. This rule does not provide authority to use a previous owner’s name in
any advertising without first obtaining that licensee’s written permission to do so.
(6) Any dentist who advertises by, through or with a referral service shall be held responsible for the
content of such advertising and all such advertisements shall comply with this rule and contain the
Revised 07/2023
(a) A statement that the advertisement is for a dental referral service and is in behalf of the dentist
members of the referral service.
(b) A statement that the referral service refers only to those dentists who have paid or been otherwise
selected for membership in the referral service.
(c) A statement that membership in the referral service is limited by the referral agency.
(d) A statement that dentists who receive referrals from the referral service charge no more than their
usual and customary professional fees for service.
(e) These required statements shall be present in reasonably recognizable print or volume equivalent
to the size or volume of other information in the advertisement.
(7) No licensee may use, or cause the use of the term “sleep dentistry” in any advertisement, unless
the licensee possesses a valid general anesthesia permit issued by the Board of Dentistry pursuant to the
requirement of subsection 64B5-14.003(1), and Rule 64B5-14.005, F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.019 FS. Law Implemented 466.019, 466.028(1)(d) FS. HistoryNew
7-7-87, Amended 1-11-89, 10-29-90, 4-24-91, 7-14-92, Formerly 21G-4.002, Amended 3-30-94, Formerly
61F5-4.002, 59Q-4.002, Amended 5-20-01, 1-29-03, 2-26-06.
64B5-4.003 Advertisement of Fees and Discounted Services.
(1) An appropriate disclosure regarding advertised fees is necessary to protect the public since there
is no uniform code available which would enable a fair and rational selection based upon advertised fees.
(2) Any advertisement containing fee information shall contain a disclaimer that the fee is a minimum
fee only.
(3) Any advertised fee for a dental service shall state a specified period during which the fee is in effect
or that service shall remain available at or below the advertised fee for at least 90 days following the final
advertisement for that service.
(4) Any dental service for which a fee is advertised shall be accompanied either by a description of that
service using the exact wording for that service contained in the American Dental Association’s “Code on
Dental Procedures and Nomenclature” which is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference or by the
specific ADA Code number or numbers which accurately and fully describes the advertised dental service.
Listing of a category of service (diagnostic, preventive, restorative, endodontics, periodontics,
prosthodontics-removable, prosthodontics-fixed, oral surgery, orthodontics) or a sub-category (any
procedure whose ADA Code # ends in 00, i.e., root canal therapy 03300) is not sufficient for the purpose
of advertising a fee. The advertisement must specify by use of exact nomenclature or exact code number
what procedure within the sub-category is being offered. If no fee is specified for a procedure advertised
then a general description of procedure by category or sub-category is permitted.
(5) Any advertisement for free or discounted services must comply with the requirements of Section
456.062, F.S., and must also clearly identify the dates that free, discounted or reduced fee services will be
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.019 FS. Law Implemented 466.019, 466.028(1)(d) FS. HistoryNew
1-11-89, Amended 10-29-90, 3-11-92, Formerly 21G-4.003, 61F5-4.003, 59Q-4.003.
64B5-4.004 Advertising Specialty Services.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.019 FS. Law Implemented 466.019, 466.028(1)(d), 466.0282 FS.
HistoryNew 1-11-89, Formerly 21G-4.004, 61F5-4.004, Amended 6-9-96, Formerly 59Q-4.004, Repealed
64B5-4.005 Advertising of HIV/AIDS Status.
Rulemaking Authority 456.032, 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 456.032, 466.019 FS. HistoryNew 12-10-
91, Formerly 21G-4.005, 61F5-4.005, 59Q-4.005, Repealed 4-25-17.
Revised 07/2023
64B5-7.001 Requirements for Approval and Operation of Internship and Residency Programs
64B5-7.003 Permit Requirements for Dental Interns and Residents
64B5-7.0035 Temporary Certificate Requirements for Dentists Practicing in State and County
Government Facilities
64B5-7.005 Teaching Permits
64B5-7.006 Non-Profit Corporation Permits
64B5-7.007 Limited License as Allowed in Section 456.015, F.S.
64B5-7.001 Requirements for Approval and Operation of Internship and Residency
(1) For the purpose of receiving a dental intern permit pursuant to Section 466.025(1), F.S., dental
internships include dental residency programs for dental school graduates.
(2) All dental internships or residency programs approved by the American Dental Association’s
Commission on Dental Accreditation are deemed to be Board approved programs.
(3) Any hospital or institution which seeks to provide a dental internship or residency program which
has not been approved pursuant to subsection 64B5-7.001(2), F.A.C., shall apply to the Board for approval.
The application for approval shall contain:
(a) A plan for operation of the program which establishes compliance with subsection 64B5-7.001(4),
(b) An outline of the duties and proposed schedule for dental interns or residents;
(c) Any information relating to the program review by the American Dental Association’s Commission
on Dental Accreditation or information regarding the program not being reviewed; and,
(d) Any other information requested by the Board which is relevant to the Board’s evaluation of the
(4) Any dental internship or residency program shall be directed by an identified staff consisting of at
least one Florida licensed dentist who shall provide for the continued education and instruction of the dental
interns or residents.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.025 FS. Law Implemented 466.025 FS. HistoryNew 1-1-75,
Formerly 21G-7.01, Amended 1-29-89, Formerly 21G-7.001, 61F5-7.001, 59Q-7.001, Amended 3-28-99.
64B5-7.003 Permit Requirements for Dental Interns and Residents.
(1) Any person wishing to be issued a permit as a dental intern or resident, pursuant to Section
466.025(1), F.S., shall apply on the Residency/Intern Application, form DH-MQA 1224, (Rev. 08/2020),
incorporated herein by reference and available at
13443, or on the Department of Health’s website at, and provide proof of the
(a) Applicant’s name and age;
(b) Applicant’s graduation from a dental college or school or verification that the applicant is expected
to graduate within the next sixty days. (The proof submitted shall include either a true and correct copy of
a diploma awarded by the dental school or college or a letter from the dean of the dental school or college.);
(c) Applicant’s licensure status in other jurisdictions, including disciplinary action and pending
disciplinary action;
(d) The status of any dental malpractice actions that have been noticed or filed in any jurisdiction;
(e) The name and address of the internship or residency program at which the applicant will be
practicing dentistry; and,
(2) Graduates of dental schools or colleges that are not accredited by the ADA shall be issued permits
only for practice in internship or residency programs that are accredited by the ADA.
(3) Any hospital, institution or clinic employing a dental intern or resident shall inform the Board office
of the termination of that individual. Such notice shall be in writing and within 30 days of termination of
employment or training.
(4) Experience obtained by an individual pursuant to a permit issued under the authority of this rule
and Section 466.025, F.S., is not acceptable for the purpose of fulfilling the supplemental education
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program set forth in Section 466.006(3)(b), F.S.
(5) Every applicant is required to provide proof of current CPR certification prior to being issued a
permit. Applicants who are not certified but who are otherwise eligible for a permit shall be allowed 60
days to obtain such certification following issuance of the permit.
(6) Dental intern and resident permits are subject to cancellation, revocation or other discipline by the
Board for failure to comply with Chapters 456 and 466, F.S., and Division 64B5, F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 466.004(4), 466.025 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.0635,
466.025 FS. HistoryNew 1-1-75, Amended 1-9-77, Formerly 21G-7.03, Amended 1-29-89, Formerly 21G-
7.003, Amended 8-12-93, 3-30-94, 7-18-94, Formerly 61F5-7.003, Amended 7-12-95, Formerly 59Q-7.003,
Amended 11-10-98, 3-28-99, 11-19-12, 4-11-17, 10-4-18, 10-22-19, 9-7-21.
64B5-7.0035 Temporary Certificate Requirements for Dentists Practicing in State and
County Government Facilities.
(1) Any unlicensed dentist who wishes to practice dentistry at a state or county government facility in
Florida is required to obtain a temporary certificate using application form DH-MQA 1226 (08/2020), entitled
“Application for Temporary Certificate for Employment With a State or County Government Facility,”
incorporated herein by reference and available at
13444, or available on the Department of Health’s website at
(2) Any unlicensed dentist who is a graduate of a dental school accredited by the Commission on
Accreditation of the American Dental Association and who applies to the Board for such certification shall
be certified by the Board for receipt of a temporary certificate.
(3) Prior to issuance of a temporary certificate, the unlicensed dentist shall submit proof of current CPR
certification. The facility at which the unlicensed dentist intends to practice shall provide to the board office
the name(s) and license number(s) of the licensed dentist(s) under whose supervision the certificate holder
shall work.
(4) Each state or county facility at which an unlicensed dentist practices dentistry shall inform the Board
office of the termination or transfer of the temporary certificate holder. Such notice shall be in writing and
within 30 days of termination or transfer of the certificate holder.
(5) A temporary certificate shall be renewed each biennium. At the time of renewal the certificate
holder shall sign a statement that he or she has complied with all continuing education requirements of
active licensees. Additionally, each certificate holder shall complete, no later than upon first renewal, a
Board-approved course on Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome (AIDS) pertinent to the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene. A temporary certificate shall be
canceled by the Board upon the unlicensed dentist being terminated from employment by a state or county
government facility or upon a finding by the Board that the temporary certificate holder has violated any
provision of Section 466.027 or 466.028, F.S., or has failed the Florida dental licensure examination.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.033, 456.0635, 466.017(4), 466.025 FS.
HistoryNew 8-12-93, Formerly 61F5-7.0035, 59Q-7.0035, Amended 11-10-98, 3-25-99, 12-25-01, 1-12-
04, 12-25-06, 10-4-18, 10-22-19, 9-7-21.
64B5-7.005 Teaching Permits.
(1) A teaching permit shall be issued by the Board of Dentistry to a full time dental instructor of a
dental program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association
and, except for the orthodontic specialty program at Jacksonville University, shall be located within a dental
school as defined herein or in a medical school accredited by the American Medical Association’s Liaison
Committee for Medical Education upon the request of the dean if the faculty member:
(a) Has a degree in dentistry and either: 1) Is eligible to take the Florida dental licensure examination
and has not failed the examination on three occasions or; 2) Was at one time eligible to take the Florida
examination, and has not failed the Florida dental licensure examination on three occasions, or; 3) Has
successfully completed a post-doctoral training program of at least two years in duration and accredited by
the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association or; 4) Is not eligible to take
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the Florida examination, but obtained the degree from a foreign dental education program and agrees to
practice dentistry only under the general supervision of a Florida licensed dentist; and,
(b) Is a full-time dental instructor; and,
(c) Passes the Florida Dental Laws & Rules Examination; and,
(d) Does not engage in the practice of dentistry, except at the teaching facilities under the accredited
dental program.
(2) A dental school is an educational institution that includes a predoctoral dental education program
of not less than four years from which students graduate with a D.D.S. or D.M.D. degree.
(3) A teaching permit or temporary teaching permit authorizes the holder to practice dentistry at the
teaching facility under the following terms and conditions:
(a) All records pertaining to the teaching practice shall be subject to review and available to the Board.
(b) Upon the Board’s request, the permit holder shall submit any information the Board deems
necessary to evaluate compliance with Chapters 456 and 466, F.S., and Division 64B5, F.A.C.
(c) Permits shall be in effect only as long as the holder is a full-time dental instructor and shall be
automatically cancelled and nullified by the termination of the holder as a dental instructor at the teaching
facility or third time failure of the Florida dental licensure examination.
(d) Teaching permits are subject to cancellation or revocation by the Board for failure to comply with
Chapters 456 and 466, F.S., and Division 64B5, F.A.C.
(e) Pursuant to Rule 64B5-12.0135, F.A.C., teaching permit holders are exempt from the continuing
education requirements.
(4) Prior to issuance of a teaching permit, each faculty member must provide proof of current CPR
certification. If otherwise eligible, the faculty member will be granted a permit with the requirement that
current CPR certification be obtained within 60 days. Each faculty member holding a teaching faculty permit
shall maintain current CPR certification.
(5) An applicant for a teaching permit shall submit Application for Teaching Permit, form DH-MQA 1225
(08/2020), incorporated herein by reference and available at, or on the Department of Health’s website
Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 466.002(6), 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.048,
456.0635, 466.002(6) FS. HistoryNew 4-30-80, Amended 1-13-81, Formerly 21G-7.05, Amended 1-29-89,
Formerly 21G-7.005, 61F5-7.005, Amended 10-16-96, 3-16-97, Formerly 59Q-7.005, Amended 11-10-98,
8-3-00, 1-12-04, 9-11-06, 11-19-12, 9-17-13, 11-7-16, 5-16-18, 10-4-18, 10-22-19, 9-7-21.
64B5-7.006 Non-Profit Corporation Permits.
(1) Any non-profit corporation which is chartered for the purposes specified in Section 466.025(3), F.S.,
seeking a permit to employ a non-Florida licensed dentist who is a graduate of a dental school accredited
by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association shall file an application with
the Board which contains the following information:
(a) A certified copy of the non-profit corporation’s charter which establishes one or more of the
purposes for the organization which are specified in Section 466.025(3), F.S., and proof of registration with
the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit organization pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §501(c)(3).
(b) Justification for the need to provide dental services by dentists who are not licensed in this state.
(c) A plan of operation which establishes that any non-Florida licensed dentist employed by the permit
holder will be practicing dentistry under the general supervision of a Florida licensed dentist.
(d) For non-profit corporations which provide dental care to indigent patients, statistics which establish
that only indigent patients have been treated or admission criteria that only indigent patients will be treated.
A description of the physical plant, available equipment and resources which establish that minimum
standards of dentistry are or will be practiced at the facility.
(e) Any other information pertinent to the application which is requested by the Board.
(f) As to each non-Florida licensed dentist employed or sought to be employed:
1. The dentist’s name and age,
2. Proof of said dentist’s graduation from an accredited dental college or school,
3. The dentist’s licensure status in other jurisdictions, including disciplinary action and pending
disciplinary action,
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4. The status of any dental malpractice actions that have been noticed or filed in any jurisdiction,
5. Proof of having successfully completed Board approved courses on Human Immunodeficiency Virus
and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a course in domestic violence, and proof of current CPR
(2) A non-profit corporation permit holder shall follow the requirements of subsection 64B5-7.001(4),
F.A.C., and Rule 64B5-7.003, F.A.C., regarding application, requirements for conducting the program and
qualifications for any permit holders who will be employed at their facility.
(3) Any non-Florida licensed dentist employed by the holder of a permit pursuant to this rule shall be
bound by all requirements for permit holders set forth in Rule 64B5-7.003, F.A.C., and shall be compensated
only by salary which is not based upon productivity.
(4) Each non-profit corporation at which a non-Florida licensed dentist practices dentistry shall inform
the Board office of the termination of practice of said dentist. Such notice shall be in writing and within
thirty (30) days of termination.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.025(3) FS. HistoryNew 11-16-89, Formerly
21G-7.006, 61F5-7.006, 59Q-7.006, Amended 3-25-99, 6-12-00, 12-25-06.
64B5-7.007 Limited License as Allowed in Section 456.015, F.S.
(1) A limited license shall be issued by the Board of Dentistry to an applicant who has retired or intends
to retire from the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene and intends to practice only pursuant to the
restrictions of the limited license granted pursuant to Section 456.015, F.S., if the applicant:
(a) Has been licensed for practice in any jurisdiction in the United States for at least ten (10) years in
the profession for which the applicant seeks a limited license.
(b) Has not committed or is not under investigation for prosecution for any act which would constitute
the basis for discipline pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 466, F.S.
(c) Practices only in the employ of public agencies or non-profit agencies or institutions which meet the
requirements of section 501(c)(3), of the Internal Revenue Code, are permitted under Rule 64B5-7.006,
F.A.C., and which provide professional liability coverage for acts or omissions of the limited licensee.
(d) Complies with all continuing education requirements of active licensees.
(e) If the applicant for a limited license submits a notarized statement from the employer stating the
applicant will not receive monetary compensation for any service involving the practice of dentistry or
dental hygiene, the application fee and all licensure fees shall be waived.
(f) Submits Form DH-MQA 1201, Application for Limited Licensure Dentist/Dental Hygienist (Rev.
08/2020), incorporated herein by reference and available at, or available on the Department of Health’s
website at
(2) A limited licensee may provide services only to the indigent, or critical need populations within the
state. The standard for determining indigency shall be recognized by the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines
produced by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 456.015, 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.015, 456.048,
456.0635, 466.006, 466.007, 466.011 FS. HistoryNew 7-19-01, Amended 6-22-05, 11-29-12, 11-7-16, 10-
4-18, 9-7-21.
Chapter 64B5-9
Prescriptions For Dental Hygiene Services And Certification of Dental Radiographers
64B5-9.010 Prescriptions for the Services of a Dental Hygienist
64B5-9.011 Radiography Training for Dental Assistants
64B5-9.010 Prescriptions for the Services of a Dental Hygienist.
(1) For the purposes of Section 466.023(2)(d), F.S., a dentist’s prescription for his patient of record for
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dental hygiene services shall contain the following information:
(a) The patient’s name and address;
(b) The dentist’s name, business address and license number;
(c) The name, business address and professional license number of the dental hygienist who is being
authorized to perform the service; and
(d) A statement of the specific services authorized and the frequency of the services authorized.
(2) The prescribing dentist shall maintain an electronic or paper copy of the prescription within the
patient’s dental record.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.023(2)(d) FS. HistoryNew 8-4-80, Formerly
21G-9.10, Amended 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-9.010, 61F5-9.010, 59Q-9.010, Amended 3-22-17.
64B5-9.011 Radiography Training for Dental Assistants.
(1) Dental assistants may position and expose dental radiographic images only if they have been
certified by the Department as dental radiographers or have graduated from a Board-approved dental
assisting school or program.
(2) Dental assistants, who have not graduated from a Board-approved dental assisting school or
program, may be certified as dental radiographers if they comply with the following requirements:
(a) Apply for certification on DH-MQA 1202, Dental Radiography Certification Application (Rev.
05/2022), incorporated herein by reference and available at, and available on the Department of
Health’s website at, and submit the
nonrefundable fee prescribed by Rule 64B5-15.015, F.A.C.;
(b) Document having completed at least 3 months of continuous on-the-job training through assisting
in the positioning of digital radiographic sensors and positioning and exposing of dental radiographic images
under the direct supervision of a Florida licensed dentist; and,
(c) Document successful completion of a Board-approved course which meets the requirements of
subsection 64B5-9.011(3), F.A.C., within 12 months of completion of the on-the-job training required by
subsection 64B5-9.011(2), F.A.C.
(3) Only courses which provide training in the following areas may receive Board approval:
(a) Dental radiography practice and equipment;
(b) Radiation biology and radiation safety techniques;
(c) Hands-on instruction in the positioning of digital radiographic sensors and films through the use of
appropriate mannequins that will provide the didactic objectives;
(d) Radiographic anatomy;
(e) Radiographic images, films, and processing;
(f) Intra-oral radiographic techniques;
(g) Supplemental techniques of dental radiography; and,
(h) Infection control and sterilization techniques.
(4) A dental assistant’s certification as a dental radiographer must be conspicuously displayed to the
public in any dental office where these services are performed.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 466.004, 466.017(7) FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.0635, 466.017(7) FS. History
New 9-20-80, Amended 1-28-81, Formerly 21G-9.11, Amended 12-31-86, 1-18-89, 4-24-91, Formerly 21G-9.011, 61F5-
9.011, 59Q-9.011, Amended 6-12-00, 5-20-01, 12-11-12, 5-12-16, 4-11-17, 10-22-19, 8-31-21, 4-3-22, 9-14-22.
Chapter 64B5-10
Inactive Licensure Status, Renewal, Reactivation, and Exemptions
64B5-10.004 Exemption of Spouses of Members of Armed Forces From Licensure Renewal Provisions
64B5-10.005 Inactive Status and Renewal of Inactive Status
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64B5-10.007 Requirements for Reactivation of an Inactive License (Repealed)
64B5-10.010 Delinquent Status License (Repealed)
64B5-10.011 Retired Status and Reactivation of Retired Status License
64B5-10.004 Exemption of Spouses of Members of Armed Forces From Licensure Renewal
A licensee who is the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces of the United States and was caused to be
absent from the State of Florida for a period of at least six consecutive months because of the spouse’s
duties with the armed forces and who at the time the absence became necessary was in good standing
with the Board of Dentistry and entitled to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in Florida shall be exempt
from all licensure renewal provisions under these rules. The licensee must show satisfactory proof of the
absence and the spouse’s military status through official military documents issued by the United States
Armed Forces.
Rulemaking Authority 456.024(2), 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.024(2) FS. HistoryNew 12-31-
86, Formerly 21G-10.004, 61F5-10.004, 59Q-10.004, Amended 12-11-19.
64B5-10.005 Inactive Status and Renewal of Inactive Status.
(1) A licensee may elect at any time to place the license into inactive status by filing with the
Department a completed application for inactive status as set forth in section 456.036, F.S., and the
appropriate fees required by rule Chapter 64B5-15, F.A.C. Active status licensees choosing inactive status
at the time of license renewal must pay the fee for renewal of inactive license required by Rule 64B5-
15.008, F.A.C., any applicable delinquency fee as required by Rule 64B5-15.011, F.A.C., and the Change
of Status Processing fee required by Rule 64B5-15.012, F.A.C. Active status licensees choosing inactive
status at any time other than at the time of license renewal shall pay the change of status processing fee
required by Rule 64B5-15.012, F.A.C.
(2) Inactive licenses must be renewed biennially including payment of the renewal fee set forth in Rule
64B5-15.008, F.A.C.
(3) An inactive license can be reactivated at any time provided the licensee meets the requirements of
Rule 64B5-10.007, F.A.C. Inactive status licensees choosing active status at the time of license renewal
must pay the renewal fee required by Rule 64B5-15.006, F.A.C., the reactivation fee as required by Rule
64B5-15.009, F.A.C., any applicable delinquency fee as required by Rule 64B5-15.011, F.A.C., and the
change of status processing fee required by Rule 64B5-15.012, F.A.C. Inactive status licensees choosing
active status at any time other than at the time of license renewal shall pay the reactivation fee as required
by rule 64B5-15.009, F.A.C., and the change of status processing fee required by Rule 64B5-15.012, F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 456.036, 466.004(4), 466.015 FS. Law Implemented 456.036 FS. HistoryNew 7-12-
95, Formerly 59Q-10.005, Amended 5-20-01.
64B5-10.007 Requirements for Reactivation of an Inactive License.
An inactive license shall be reactivated upon demonstration that the licensee has paid the applicable fees
set forth in rule Chapter 64B5-15, F.A.C., and has complied with the following requirements:
(1) As a condition to the reactivation of an inactive license, a dentist or dental hygienist must submit
proof of having completed the appropriate continuing education requirements as set forth in Rule 64B5-
12.013, F.A.C.
(2) However, any licensee whose license has been inactive for more than two consecutive biennial
licensure cycles and who has not practiced for two out of the previous four years in another jurisdiction
shall be required to appear before the Board and establish the ability to practice with the care and skill
sufficient to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. At the time of such appearance, the
licensee must:
(a) Show compliance with subsection (1), above;
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(b) Account for any activities related to the practice of dentistry in this or any other jurisdiction during
the period that the license was inactive and establish an absence of malpractice or disciplinary actions
pending in any jurisdiction;
(c) Prove compliance with the financial responsibility requirements of Section 456.048, F.S., and Rule
64B5-17.011, F.A.C. (dentists only);
(d) Prove compliance with Section 456.033, F.S., and Rule 64B5-12.019, F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 456.036, 466.004(4), 466.015 FS. Law Implemented 456.036, 466.015 FS. History
New 7-12-95, Formerly 59Q-10.007, Amended 5-20-01, 4-29-21.
64B5-10.010 Delinquent Status License.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.015 FS. Law Implemented 456.036 FS. HistoryNew 7-12-95,
Formerly 59Q-10.010, Repealed 10-29-15.
64B5-10.011 Retired Status and Reactivation of Retired Status License.
(1) A licensee may place an active or inactive license in retired status at any time. If the license is
placed in retired status at the time of renewal the licensee shall pay the retired status fee set forth in Rule
64B5-15.0122, F.A.C. If the licensee chooses to place the license in retired status at any time other than
at the time of license renewal the licensee shall pay the change of status processing fee set forth in Rule
64B5-15.0121, F.A.C., and the retired status fee set forth in Rule 64B5-15.0122, F.A.C.
(2) A licensee may reactivate a retired status license at any time, subject to meeting the following
(a) Paying the reactivation fee mandated in Section 456.036(12), F.S., which mandates that the
licensee “pay any renewal fees imposed on an active status licensee fee all biennial licensure periods during
which the licensee was on retired status.”
(b) Showing documentary proof of satisfying the continuing education requirements of Rules 64B5-
12.013, 64B5-12.016, F.A.C., for each licensure biennial period in which the license was in retired status.
(c) Dentists must demonstrate compliance with Rule 64B5-17.011, F.A.C., Financial Responsibility.
(3) Any dentist whose license has been on retired status for more than five (5) years or a licensee from
another state who has not been in the active practice of dentistry within the past five (5) years shall be
required to appear before the Board and establish the ability to practice with care and skill sufficient to
protect the health, safety and welfare of the public. At the time of such appearance, the dentist must:
(a) Demonstrate compliance with subsection (2), above;
(b) Account for any activities related to the practice of dentistry during the period that the licensee was
on retired status or not practicing in another jurisdiction and establish an absence of malpractice or
disciplinary actions pending in any jurisdiction.
(4) The Department shall refuse to reactivate the license of a retired status dentist who is under
investigation or prosecution in any jurisdiction for an action that would constitute a violation of this chapter
or the professional practice acts administered by the department and the boards, until 15 days after the
Department receives the final results of the investigation or prosecution.
Rulemaking Authority 456.036 FS. Law Implemented 456.036 FS. HistoryNew 2-14-06, Amended 6-9-10,
64B5-12.013 Continuing Education Requirements; Specific Continuing Education Course Requirements;
and Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR) Certification
64B5-12.0135 Licensees Excused from Continuing Educational Requirements
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64B5-12.014 Committee on Continuing Professional Education (Repealed)
64B5-12.016 Subject Area Requirements
64B5-12.017 Application for Provider Status
64B5-12.0175 Standards for Approved Providers
64B5-12.018 Individual Study
64B5-12.0185 Standards for Board Approval of Pro Bono Programs
64B5-12.019 Courses Required for Initial Licensure, Renewal, or Reactivation (Repealed)
64B5-12.020 Courses Required of Licensees for Renewal and Reactivation (Repealed)
64B5-12.013 Continuing Education Requirements; Specific Continuing Education Course
Requirements; and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Certification.
(1) Minimum Continuing Education Hours: During each licensure biennium renewal period (biennium),
dentists shall complete a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education and dental hygienists shall complete
a minimum of 24 hours of continuing education.
(2) Prevention of Medical Errors and CPR Certification: During each biennium or for reactivation of a
license the dentist and dental hygienist shall complete the following specific continuing education, training
and certification:
(a) A board-approved two (2) hour continuing education course on the prevention of medical errors.
To be approved by the board, the course shall include a study of root cause analysis, error reduction and
prevention, and patient safety. This course shall count towards the requirement of subsection (1). In
addition, a two (2) hour prevention of medical errors course approved by the Board of Medicine pursuant
to paragraph 64B8-13.005(1)(c), F.A.C., (effective 3-2-22), which is hereby incorporated by reference and
available at, shall also fulfill the
requirements of subsection 64B5-12.013(2), F.A.C.
(b) Training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at the basic support level, including one-rescuer
and two-rescuer CPR for adults, children, and infants; the relief of foreign body airway obstruction for
adults, children, and infants; the use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED); and the use of ambu-
bags. The CPR training shall result in the certification or recertification by the American Heart Association,
the American Red Cross or an entity with equivalent requirements. CPR training and certification shall be
taken in-person or through a blended learning course. A blended learning course includes online CPR
training and hands-on skill competency completed in person for certification. Online training without hands-
on training completed in person for certification shall not be accepted by the board. CPR training and
certification shall not court towards the requirement of subsection (1).
(3) Domestic Violence Continuing Education: As a part of every third biennial licensure renewal or for
reactivation of a license, the dentist and dental hygienist shall complete a board-approved two (2) hour
continuing education course on domestic violence as defined in Section 741.28, F.S., which course shall
cover the substantive areas set forth in Section 456.031, F.S. To be approved by the board, the course
must be approved by any state or federal agency or professional association or be offered through a board-
approved continuing education provider. This course shall court towards the requirement of subsection (1).
(4) HIV/AIDS Continuing Education: No later than upon the first licensee renewal or for reactivation of
a license, a dentist and dental hygienist shall complete a board approved two (2) hour continuing education
course on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). To be
approved by the board, the course shall consist of instruction on HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases pertinent
to the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene that shall include instruction on, but need not be limited to,
viral counts, hepatitis, sterilization and infection control requirements, identification of oral lesions
associated with infectious disease, how the presence of infectious disease directly affects treatment
decisions of dentists, and the subject areas set forth in Section 456.033, F.S.
(a) Any course completed outside of Florida, which otherwise complies with this subsection (4), besides
the Florida law and subject areas set for in Section 456.033(1), F.S. shall be approved by the board if the
licensee submits to the board a statement that he or she has reviewed and studied the Florida law set forth
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in Section 456.033(1), F.S.
(b) Home study courses are permitted for the purposes of meeting the HIV/AIDS and infectious
diseases pertinent to the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene, provided the home study courses comply
with the entirety of this subsection of the rule.
(c) The HIV/AIDS course shall count towards the requirement of subsection (1).
(5) Prescribing of Controlled Substances: As part of every biennial licensure renewal or for reactivation
of a dental license, all licensed dentists shall complete a board-approved, two-hour continuing education
course on the safe and effective prescribing of controlled substances.
(a) The Board hereby deems the courses previously approved pursuant to Section 456.0301, F.S., as
approved to meet the requirement of this subsection.
(b) This course shall count towards the requirement of subsection (1).
(c) In addition, a two (2) hour prescribing of controlled substances course approved by the Board of
Medicine pursuant to Rule 64B8-13.008, F.A.C., (effective 11-30-20), which is hereby incorporated by
reference and available at, shall also fulfill
the requirements of subsection 64B5-12.013(5), F.A.C.
(6) Award of Continuing Education Credit: Continuing education credit shall be awarded only for
educational experiences that are specifically appropriate for, and contain useful information directly
pertinent to, dentistry or dental hygiene and only if received through the following methods:
(a) By taking courses offered by a board -approved continuing education provider.
(b) By taking courses offered by:
1. The American or National Dental Associations and their constituent and component and affiliate
dental associations and societies, including affiliated specialty organizations or a provider organization
recognized by either the American or National Dental Associations;
2. The American or National Dental Hygiene Associations and their constituent and component
associations and societies;
3. The Academy of General Dentistry and its constituent and component organizations or a provider
approved by the Academy of General Dentistry’s National Sponsor Approval Program;
4. A dental, dental hygiene or dental assisting school accredited by the American Dental Association’s
Commission on Dental Accreditation;
5. A hospital, college, university, or community college, accredited by an accrediting agency approved
by the United States Department of Education;
6. The American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society; and,
7. An educational program or course associated with a medical school which is accredited by the
American Medical Association’s Liaison Committee for Medical Education.
8. The American Academy of Dental Hygiene.
(c) By participating in board-approved individual study pursuant to Rule 64B5-12.018, F.A.C.
(d) By participating in examination standardization exercises for the examinations that are required for
dental or dental hygiene in Florida. Dentists and dental hygienists may receive a maximum of six (6)
continuing education credits per biennium for participating in the dental hygiene exercise; dentists may
receive a maximum of eight (8) continuing education credits for the dental clinical exercise; and dentists
may receive a maximum of eleven (11) continuing education credits per biennium for participating in both
(e) By participating in programs approved by the board pursuant to Rule 64B5-12.0185, F.A.C., that
provide substantial pro bono dental and dental hygiene services to the indigent, to dentally underserved
populations or to persons who reside in areas of critical need within Florida. Dentists and dental hygienists
may obtain a maximum of six (6) hours per biennium of required continuing education credit for
participating in such programs. Continuing education credit shall be calculated at a ratio of 1 continuing
education credit for each 1 hour of patient services provided to approved programs.
(f) By participating as an expert witness in the review of disciplinary cases, a licensee may receive a
maximum of eleven (11) hours of continuing education credit for completing five disciplinary cases in each
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biennium. By participating as an expert witness in the review of disciplinary cases, a licensee may receive
a maximum of four (4) hours of continuing education credit for completing two disciplinary cases in each
(g) By teaching a course at a dental, dental hygiene or dental assisting school accredited by the
Commission on Dental Accreditation, its successor agency or other nationally recognized accrediting
agency, an adjunct, part-time faculty member may receive three (3) continuing education hours per
semester/quarter by providing to the board office documentation from the teaching institution which shall
include the number of the semesters/quarters the licensee taught the course.
(h) Up to four (4) hours of credit per renewal cycle may be earned by attending a meeting of the Board
of Dentistry wherein disciplinary cases are considered. The licensee must check in with staff prior to the
beginning of the disciplinary proceedings. After the conclusion of the meeting, board staff will issue a
certificate of attendance to the licensee. Credit hours shall be awarded on an hour for hour basis up to a
maximum of four (4) hours. Credit hours may not be earned when the licensee attends a disciplinary case
session as a party to a disciplinary action.
(i) By participating as an anesthesia inspection consultant, a licensee may receive two hours of
continuing education credit each biennium.
(7) This rule shall be reviewed, and if necessary, repealed, modified, or renewed through the
rulemaking process five years from the effective date.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013(9), 456.0301, 456.031, 466.004(4), 466.0135, 466.014 FS. Law
Implemented 456.013(9), 456.0301, 456.031, 456.033, 466.0135, 466.014, 466.017(3), (4) FS. History
New 4-2-86, Amended 12-31-86, 4-26-87, 7-20-87, 9-16-87, 11-18-89, 7-9-90, Formerly 21G-12.013,
Amended 5-19-94, 7-18-94, Formerly 61F5-12.013, Amended 11-15-95, 4-8-96, Formerly 59Q-12.013,
Amended 2-17-98, 2-15-99, 3-11-99, 11-9-00, 5-20-01, 8-25-03, 5-31-04, 7-13-05, 2-14-06, 12-25-06, 10-
10-10, 4-19-18, 8-6-18, 12-11-19, 11-16-21, 6-2-22, 7-10-23.
64B5-12.0135 Licensees Excused from Continuing Educational Requirements.
(1) Licensees shall not be required to complete continuing education requirements during the biennium
in which they receive initial licensure.
(2) Dentists shall not be required to complete continuing education requirements during any biennium
in which they are:
(a) Enrolled full-time in a post-graduate specialty training or residency program at a dental school
accredited by the American Dental Association’s Commission on Dental Accreditation, or
(b) Serving as full-time faculty members at a dental, dental hygiene or dental assisting school
accredited by the American Dental Association’s Commission of Dental Accreditation.
(3) Dental hygienists shall not be required to complete continuing education requirements during any
biennium in which they are:
(a) Enrolled full-time in an academic program directly related to dentistry or dental hygiene, or
(b) Serving as full-time faculty members at a dental, dental hygiene school or dental assisting school
accredited by the American Dental Association’s Commission on Dental Accreditation.
(4) No provision of this section shall relieve a licensee from the obligation to obtain training required
by Sections 456.013(7), 456.031, 456.033, 456.0301, F.S., as a condition of licensure renewal.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.0135, 466.014 FS. Law Implemented 456.013(7), 456.0301,
456.031, 456.033, 466.0135, 466.014 FS. HistoryNew 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-12.0135, 61F5-12.0135,
59Q-12.0135, Amended 5-17-06, 8-6-18.
64B5-12.014 Committee on Continuing Professional Education.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.014 FS. Law Implemented 466.0135, 466.014 FS. HistoryNew 4-
2-86, Amended 6-30-86, 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-12.014, 61F5-12.014, 59Q-12.014, Repealed 10-29-15.
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64B5-12.016 Subject Area Requirements.
(1) Regardless of the manner by which a licensee obtains continuing education, no credit will be
awarded unless the subject matter falls within the following subject matter categories:
(a) Basic medical and scientific subjects, including but not limited to biology, microbiology, anatomy,
dental anatomy, microscopic anatomy, pathology, physiology, chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry,
neurology, pharmacology, anesthesia, analgesia, diet and nutrition as it relates to the conditions of the
human oral cavity.
(b) Clinical and technical subjects, including but not limited to techniques in general dentistry or
recognized specialties, dental materials and equipment, diagnosis and treatment planning, asepsis and
sterilization techniques and radiology.
(c) Patient health and safety subjects including but not limited to public health problems,
communicable diseases, emergency care, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, advanced life support, anesthesia,
patient stress management and risk management.
(d) Subjects dealing with licensees’ legal responsibilities, including but not limited to the laws and rules
governing the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene.
(e) Formal group discussions concerning case presentations sponsored by approved providers.
(2) Except as expressly allowed below in this section, no continuing education credit shall be given for
courses which do not directly relate to providing dental care. The following types of courses do not relate
directly to providing dental care organization or design of a dental office, practice development or
management, marketing of dental services, investments or financial management and personnel
(3) No continuing education credit shall be given for identical courses taken during the same biennium.
(4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, a dentist and a dental hygienist
may earn up to three hours of continuing education renewal credit per biennium, by completing an
approved course in dentistry practice management, that meets the criteria set forth in paragraph (c), of
subsection 466.0135(1), F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.0135, 466.014 FS. Law Implemented 456.031, 466.0135, 466.014
FS. HistoryNew 4-2-86, Amended 1-18-89, 7-9-90, 2-1-93, Formerly 21G-12.016, 61F5-12.016, Amended
9-27-95, Formerly 59Q-12.016, Amended 10-29-00, 5-20-01, 5-31-04, 7-6-06, 12-25-06, 12-15-14.
64B5-12.017 Application for Provider Status.
(1) Entities or individuals who wish to become approved providers of continuing education shall register
with and apply through CE Broker at using the form as referenced in
subsection 64B-5.003(1), F.A.C., and submit the following information, documentation and fee:
(a) The fee set forth in subsection 64B5-15.022(1), F.A.C.;
(b) The name of the contact person who will fulfill the reporting and documentation requirements for
approved providers and who will assure the provider’s compliance with Rule 64B5-12.0175, F.A.C.; and,
(c) The qualifications of all instructors, which may be evidenced by a curriculum vitae or professional
licensure in the subject area taught. Because domestic violence courses must contain information
specifically appropriate for, directly pertinent to, and useful in, dentistry, all domestic violence instructors
shall identify dental injuries indicative of domestic violence, mandatory reporting and patient records
confidentiality for dentists under Florida and federal law, and incidence statistics in the dental profession.
(2) Provider approval may be granted for a period not to exceed the time from the date of approval to
the end of the next successive licensure biennium after approval was obtained. Application for renewal of
provider status shall be made at least 90 days prior to the end of the biennium in which approval expires
and must be accompanied by the biennial renewal fee set forth in subsection 64B5-15.022(2), F.A.C.
Renewal applications shall contain all information required for initial provider approval as well as course
outlines and information evidencing compliance with Rule 64B5-12.0175, F.A.C., for each course offered
during the provider status.
(3) Study clubs which are composed of at least five licensees, are formed for the purpose of scientific
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study and which have adopted written by-laws may apply to become approved continuing education
Rulemaking Authority 456.027, 466.004(4), 466.014 FS. Law Implemented 456.027, 466.0135, 466.014
FS. HistoryNew 4-2-86, Amended 10-26-87, 1-18-89, 7-9-90, 5-2-91, Formerly 21G-12.017, 61F5-12.017,
59Q-12.017, Amended 8-19-97, 10-29-00, 5-20-01, 8-6-19.
64B5-12.0175 Standards for Approved Providers
Approved continuing professional education providers and providers authorized pursuant to paragraph
64B5-12.013(2)(b), F.A.C., shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) All courses shall reflect appropriate didactic and clinical training for the subject matter and shall
be designed to meet specifically stated educational objectives.
(2) Instructors shall be adequately qualified by training, experience or licensure to teach specified
courses. Because domestic violence courses must contain information specifically appropriate for, directly
pertinent to, and useful in, dentistry, all domestic violence instructors shall be familiar with dental injuries
indicative of domestic violence, reporting obligations under Florida and federal law, and incidence
statistics in the dental profession. Instructors who have had a professional license revoked, suspended, or
otherwise acted against, in Florida or in another jurisdiction, shall be disqualified when the nature and
number of disciplinary actions indicate a conscious disregard for the laws, rules and ethics of the
(3) Any clinical dental hygiene course in which patients are treated during instruction must be
supervised by a licensed dentist.
(4) Facilities and equipment for each course in which patients are treated during instruction shall be
adequate for the subject matter and method of instruction.
(5) Course length shall be sufficient to provide meaningful education in the subject matter presented.
One half hour or one hour of continuing education credit shall be awarded for each 25 or 50 minutes of
actual classroom or clinical instruction, respectively. No continuing education credit shall be awarded for
participation of less than 25 minutes.
(6) Providers shall provide written or electronic certification to each participant who completes a
continuing education course or portion of that course which consists of at least 25 minutes of instruction.
Certification shall include the participant’s name and license number, the provider’s name and number,
the course title, instructor, location, date offered and hours of continuing education credit awarded and
validation through the signature of the provider, official representative or instructor.
(7) Providers’ courses shall be subject to Board review. Failure to maintain the standards set forth in
this rule shall subject the provider to the suspension or rescission of the providership.
(8) The provider number shall not be used on any advertisement or certification for a course that
does not meet the requirements of Rule 64B5-12.016, F.A.C.
(9) A licensee who has been approved as a provider may not give more than 12 hours of continuing
education credit in subjects other than cardiopulmonary resuscitation to office staff, employees, or fellow
employees during a biennium.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.014 FS. Law Implemented 466.0135, 466.014 FS. HistoryNew 1-
18-89, Amended 7-9-90, Formerly 21G-12.0175, 61F5-12.0175, 59Q-12.0175, Amended 10-3-99, 10-29-
00, 3-7-02, 6-2-22.
64B5-12.018 Individual Study.
(1) Licensees may receive continuing education credit for individual study by submitting an application
for approval on a form provided by the Board which is accompanied by documentation of compliance with
the requirements of this rule.
(2) Credit for individual study shall only be awarded in the following manner, for the following
educational experiences:
(a) The initial presentation of material falling within the subject areas set forth in Rule 64B5-12.016,
F.A.C., which is part of a professional conference or meeting or which is offered at a formal course given
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in conjunction with a professional conference or meeting. Two hours of continuing education credit shall
be awarded for each 50 minute segment of a presentation. The licensee must submit documentation which
includes: the name of the professional conference or meeting and its sponsoring organization; the date,
location and subject of the presentation; and written confirmation of this information by the sponsoring
(b) Publication of an article or book devoted to a subject area set forth in Rule 64B5-12.016, F.A.C., in
journals or other media which select materials through an editorial review process. Continuing education
credits in an amount determined by the Board may be awarded for a published article or for a published
book upon the licensee’s documentation of the following: the title, authors, subject and length of the article
or book; the publisher’s name and date published; and if the licensee co-authored an article or book,
documentation of the licensee’s actual contribution to the finished product.
(c) Presentation of a lecture devoted to a subject area set forth in Rule 64B5-12.016, F.A.C., when
given as part of a course at a dental, dental hygiene or dental assisting school accredited by the American
Dental Association’s Commission on Dental Accreditation, its successor agency or other nationally
recognized accrediting agency, or as part of a formal course or program approved by the Board pursuant
to Rule 64B5-16.002, F.A.C. Two hours of continuing education credit shall be awarded for each 50 minutes
of actual lecture time upon the licensee’s documentation of the following: name of the institution, course
and program; subject, length and date of the lecture; and written confirmation of this information from the
sponsoring institution or program. Licensees may obtain a maximum of 15 hours per biennium.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.014 FS. Law Implemented 466.0135, 466.014 FS. HistoryNew 4-
2-86, Amended 9-7-87, 3-28-88, 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-12.018, 61F5-12.018, 59Q-12.018, Amended 7-
64B5-12.0185 Standards for Board Approval of Pro Bono Programs.
(1) To receive Board approval, programs seeking to provide continuing education credit for the
provision of pro bono dental services must meet the following guidelines:
(a) Programs must be organized as or as part of a not-for-profit entity that provides substantial pro
bono dental services to the indigent or dentally underserved populations or persons who reside in areas of
critical need within Florida.
(b) The program must require the dentist and dental hygienist volunteers to provide beneficial dental
services to indigent patients, without compensation.
(c) Any volunteer dental hygienist must be under the appropriate supervision of a Florida licensed
dentist as set forth in Chapter 64B5-16, F.A.C., unless volunteering in a health access setting as defined in
Section 466.003(14), F.S., and following all requirements set forth in Sections 466.024 (2) through (5),
(d) The program must require the volunteer dentist or dental hygienist to register with the program
director or designee before commencing to provide dental or dental hygiene services. Such registration
shall occur on each day that the volunteer participates in the pro bono activities.
(e) The program must retain documentation of the number of hours of volunteer professional service
contributed by each volunteer involved in the program’s pro bono activities. This documentation shall
contain the name and license number of each participant; the dates and times of all pro bono activity; the
location of the related patient records; and in the case of dental hygienist volunteers not providing services
in health access settings, the name and license number of the supervising Florida licensed dentist. Such
records must be maintained for a minimum of 4 years following the biennium in which the pro bono services
are provided.
(2) Programs that request board approval shall apply to the Board office through CE Broker and shall
submit all documentation that shall prove compliance with this rule.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013(9) FS. Law Implemented 456.013(9) FS. HistoryNew 2-15-99, Amended 5-
12-16, 12-11-19, 5-10-21.
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64B5-12.019 Courses Required for Initial Licensure, Renewal, or Reactivation.
Rulemaking Authority 456.031, 456.033 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.031, 456.033 FS. HistoryNew
1-18-89, Amended 10-28-91, 2-1-93, Formerly 21G-12.019, Amended 6-14-94, Formerly 61F5-12.019,
Amended 11-15-95, 2-10-97, Formerly 59Q-12.019, Amended 10-29-00, 8-2-01, 9-27-01, 12-23-02, 1-12-
04, 12-25-06, Repealed 12-11-19.
64B5-12.020 Courses Required of Licensees for Renewal and Reactivation.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 456.013(6), (7), (8), 466.0135, 466.014, 466.017(4)
FS. HistoryNew 4-11-94, Amended 7-18-94, Formerly 61F5-12.020, 59Q-12.020, Amended 1-23-01, 6-7-
01, 9-27-01, 12-23-02, 10-8-03, 5-11-05, Repealed 12-11-19.
Chapter 64B5-13
Disciplinary Action
64B5-13.001 Determination of Probable Cause
64B5-13.002 Time for Payment of Administrative Fines (Repealed)
64B5-13.0045 Minor Violations
64B5-13.0046 Citation Authority
64B5-13.005 Disciplinary Guidelines
64B5-13.006 Post Board Order Activity
64B5-13.001 Determination of Probable Cause.
(1) The probable cause panel by majority vote shall determine whether probable cause exists to believe
that a licensee has violated the provisions of Chapter 456 or 466, F.S., or the rules of the Department or
(2) The probable cause panel shall be appointed by the Chairman and shall be composed of three
members, two of which must be dentists who hold valid and active dental licenses in this State. At least
two members of the probable cause panel must be present to constitute a quorum. If only two members
are present, the determination of probable cause shall require the affirmative vote of both members
(a) One or two members may be former dentist or consumer Board members.
(b) At least one member must be a current Board member who holds a valid and active license in this
(c) At least one member must be a current or former consumer member of the Board if one is available
and willing to serve.
(d) When an investigation report of a dental hygienist or a dental radiographer will be considered by
the panel, for those investigation reports only, at least one member must be a current or former dental
hygienist member of the Board if one is available and willing to serve.
(e) Any former dentist member of the Board appointed to the panel must currently hold a valid and
active dental license in this State.
(f) Probable cause panel members shall serve for one year terms but may serve successive terms.
(3) The probable cause panel shall meet as necessary to conduct business as determined by the
Chairman of the Board or the Chairman of the panel.
Rulemaking Authority 456.073(4), 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.073(4) FS. HistoryNew 11-11-
79, Amended 12-7-81, 7-13-82, Formerly 21G-13.01, Amended 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-13.001, Amended
11-22-93, Formerly 61F5-13.001, 59Q-13.001, Amended 9-27-01, 2-27-18.
64B5-13.002 Time for Payment of Administrative Fines.
Rulemaking Authority 456.072(2), 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.072(2) FS. HistoryNew 10-26-
80, Formerly 21G-13.02, Amended 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-13.002, 61F5-13.002, 59Q-13.002, Repealed 10-
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64B5-13.0045 Minor Violations.
(1) Subject to the limitations imposed by this rule, the following violations are designated as minor for
the purposes of Section 456.073(3), F.S.
(a) Violation of Section 466.026(1)(a), F.S., by practicing for a period of less than two months without
an active license.
(b) Violation of Section 466.028(1)(d), F.S., by the following errors or omissions:
1. Violation of subsection 64B5-4.002(2), F.A.C.
2. Violation of subsection 64B5-4.003(2), (3), (4) or (5), F.A.C., so long as there is no allegation of
consumer injury as a result of the violation and the advertisement which is in violation is capable of being
withdrawn from circulation to the public within 15 days of issuance of the notice of noncompliance.
(c) Violation of Section 466.028(1)(n), F.S., so long as the records have been released.
(d) Violation of Section 466.028(1)(mm), F.S., by violating Rule 64B5-17.0011, F.A.C., which requires
the licensee to notify the Board of changes of address.
(e) Violation of Section 466.028(1)(dd), F.S., by presigning laboratory work order forms.
(2) This designation of violations as minor for the purposes of Section 456.073(3), F.S., is limited to
initial violations.
(3) A monthly report of notices of noncompliance issued by the Department shall be reviewed by the
Board to monitor the use and success of this procedure.
Rulemaking Authority 456.073(3) FS. Law Implemented 456.073(3) FS. HistoryNew 7-9-90, Formerly 21G-
13.0045, 61F5-13.0045, 59Q-13.0045, 5-12-16.
64B5-13.005 Disciplinary Guidelines.
(1) When the Board finds an applicant, licensee, certificate holder, or telehealth registrant whom it regulates
under Chapter 466, F.S., has committed any of the acts set forth in Section 456.072(1), 466.028, or 456.47,
F.S., it shall issue a final order imposing appropriate penalties as recommended in these disciplinary
guidelines. For any violation found that is for fraud or making a false or fraudulent representation, the
Board will impose a fine of $10,000.00 per count or offense. The use of terms to describe the offenses
herein within the individual guidelines is intended to be only a generally descriptive use of the terms. For
an accurate description of the actual offenses, the reader should refer to the statutory disciplinary
provisions. The maximum penalties set forth in any individual offense guideline include all of the less severe
penalties that would fall in between the maximum and the minimum penalties stated. For telehealth
registrants, a suspension may be accompanied by a corrective action plan that addressees the conduct
which resulted in the underlying disciplinary violations. The Board may require a corrective action plan be
completed prior to reinstatement of the suspended registration or the corrective action plan may follow a
suspension for a definite term.
(a) Attempting to
obtain, obtaining or
renewing a license
by bribery,
or error of the
456.072(1)(h), F.S.)
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1. Obtain license by
First Offense
$5,000 fine and one
(1) year
Denial of
Revocation or
Denial of
Second Offense
$10,000 fine and
2. Obtain license by
First Offense
Denial/or five (5)
year suspension,
$10,000 fine and
referral to State
Attorney’s office if
not licensed.
Denial of
Revocation or
Denial of
Second Offense
$10,000 fine and
revocation or
permanent denial.
Revocation or
Revocation or
(b) Having a license
to practice dentistry
or dental hygiene
revoked, suspended,
or otherwise acted
against, including
the denial of
licensure, by the
licensing authority of
another state,
territory, or country.
456.072(1)(f), F.S.)
First Offense
until the license is
unencumbered and
active in the
Letter of
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Revised 07/2023
jurisdiction in which
the disciplinary
action was
originally taken, up
to five years,
followed by
probation and
$5,000 fine.
Second Offense
Suspension until
the license is
unencumbered in
the jurisdiction in
which disciplinary
action was taken,
followed by five (5)
years’ probation
and $10,000 fine.
One (1) month
Three (3) year
Third Offense
Revocation and
permanent denial
and $10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(c) Guilty of a crime
directly relating to
practice or ability to
456.072(1)(c), F.S.)
First Offense
Denial or 2 years
followed by 2 years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) month
Three (3) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Denial or five (5)
year suspension
followed by
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(d) Advertising
goods or services in
a manner which is
fraudulent, false,
Revised 07/2023
deceptive, or
misleading in form.
466.028(1)(d), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) month
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
years probation
with conditions and
$8,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Eighteen (18)
Third Offense
Revocation and
permanent denial
and $10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(e) Advertising,
practicing, or
attempting to
practice under a
name other than
one’s own.
466.028(1)(e), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Two (2) years
followed by two (2)
years probation and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(f) Failing to report
any person in
violation of this
chapter or of the
rules of the
department or the
456.072(1)(i), F.S.)
Revised 07/2023
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$1,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Six (6) months
suspension, one (1)
year probation with
conditions and
$3,000 fine.
Six (6) months
One (1) year
Third Offense
One (1) year
suspension, one (1)
year probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) year
(g) Aiding, assisting,
procuring, or
advising any
unlicensed person to
practice dentistry or
dental hygiene.
456.072(1)(j), F.S.)
First Offense
Six (6) months
followed by one (1)
year probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Reprimand or
Denial of
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
2 years suspension
followed by two (2)
years probation
with conditions and
$8,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
and $10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(h) Being employed
by any corporation,
organization, group,
or person other than
a dentist or a
corporation or
limited liability
company composed
Revised 07/2023
of dentists to
practice dentistry.
466.028(1)(h), F.S.)
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by one (1)
year probation with
conditions and
$8,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(i) Failing to perform
any statutory or
legal obligation
placed upon a
456.072(1)(k), F.S.)
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(j) Making or filing a
false report, failing
to file a report or
record required by
state or federal law,
knowingly impeding
or obstructing such
456.072(1)(l), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Revised 07/2023
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by one (1)
year probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
and $10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(k) Sexual battery,
as defined in
Chapter 794, F.S.,
upon a patient.
466.028(1)(k), F.S.)
First Offense
Denial or
Denial or
Second or
Subsequent Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
Denial or
Denial or
(l) Making deceptive,
untrue, or fraudulent
representations in or
related to the
practice of dentistry.
456.072(1)(a), F.S.)
First Offense
Six (6) months
probation with
conditions and
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Six (6) months
suspension and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(m) Failing to keep
written records and
history justifying the
course of treatment
of the patient.
466.028(1)(m), F.S.)
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Revised 07/2023
Second Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$10,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(n) Failing to make
available to a patient
or client, copies of
documents which
relate to the patient
or client.
466.028(1)(n), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(o) Performing
professional services
which have not been
authorized by the
patient or client.
466.028(1)(o), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(p) Prescribing,
mixing, or otherwise
preparing a legend
drug or controlled
Revised 07/2023
substance, other
than in the course of
the professional
practice of the
466.028(1)(p), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(q) Prescribing any
medicinal drug
scheduled in Chapter
893, F.S., to herself
or himself.
466.028(1)(q), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
followed by
probation with
including PRN
referral and $5,000
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(r) Prescribing any
drug which is a
Schedule II
amphetamine or a
Revised 07/2023
Schedule II
amine drug,
pursuant to Chapter
893, F.S.
466.028(1)(r), F.S.)
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
years probation and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(s) Being unable to
practice her or his
profession with
reasonable skill and
safety to patients by
reason of illness or
use of alcohol,
drugs, narcotics,
chemicals, or any
other type of
material or as a
result of any mental
or physical
456.072(1)(z), F.S.)
First Offense
Denial of
Application or
Suspension until
demonstration of
ability to practice
with reasonable
skill and safety.
Two (2) year
demonstration of
ability to practice
with reasonable
skill and safety as
condition of
Revised 07/2023
Second Offense
followed by
probation and
$10,000 fine.
Two (2) year
demonstration of
ability to practice
with reasonable
skill and safety as
condition of
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
Five (5) year
demonstration of
ability to practice
with reasonable
skill and safety as
condition of
(t) Fraud, deceit, or
misconduct in the
practice of dentistry
or dental hygiene.
466.028(1)(t), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
years probation and
$10,000 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(u) Failure to provide
and maintain
reasonable sanitary
facilities and
466.028(1)(u), F.S.)
Revised 07/2023
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
years probation
with conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Not Applicable to
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
(v) Failure to provide
adequate radiation
466.028(1)(v), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by
probation and
$7,500 fine.
Not Applicable to
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
(w) Performing any
procedure which
would constitute
experimentation on
human subjects,
without first
obtaining full,
informed, and
written consent.
466.028(1)(w), F.S.)
First Offense
Probation with
conditions and
$3,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
followed by
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Revised 07/2023
probation and
$10,000 fine.
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(x) Being guilty of
incompetence or
including, but not
limited to, being
guilty of dental
466.028(1)(x), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Reprimand or
Denial of
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$10,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(y) Practicing
beyond the scope
that she or he is
competent to
456.072(1)(o), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Reprimand or
Denial of
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by one (1)
year probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(z) Delegating or
contracting for
Revised 07/2023
responsibilities to a
person who is not
qualified to perform
456.072(1)(p), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Reprimand or
Denial of
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
years probation and
$10,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
Any violation of Section 466.028(1)(z), F.S., will result in a minimum licensure suspension of six months,
in addition to any other penalty authorized for this violation, except where revocation is imposed.
(aa) The violation of
a lawful order of the
board, or failure to
comply with
subpoena of the
board or
456.072(1)(q), F.S.)
First Offense
Suspension until
compliant with
order or subpoena,
probation with
conditions and
$10,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Suspension until
compliant with
order or subpoena
followed by
probation with
conditions and
$10,000 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(bb) Conspiring with
another licensee or
Revised 07/2023
with any person to
commit an act,
which would tend to
coerce, intimidate,
or preclude another
licensee from
advertising services.
First Offense
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
years probation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(cc) Being adjudged
incompetent in this
or any other state,
the discipline for
which shall last only
so long as the
First and any
subsequent offense.
Suspension until
competent by same
Denial of
Application or
suspension until
competent by
same court.
Denial of
Application or
suspension until
competent by
same court.
(dd) Presigning
blank prescription or
laboratory work
order forms.
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Revised 07/2023
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
years probation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(ee) Prescribing
growth hormones,
testosterone or its
analogs, human
gonadotropin (HCG),
or other hormones
for the purpose of
muscle building or to
enhance athletic
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Reprimand or
Denial of
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Three (3) years
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(ff) Operating a
dental office such as
to result in dental
treatment that is
below minimum
standards of
performance for the
466.028(1)(ff), F.S.)
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Revised 07/2023
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(gg) Administering
anesthesia in a
manner which
violates rules of the
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
Second Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$7,500 fine.
Not Applicable to
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
(hh) Failing to report
any licensee under
Chapter 458 or 459,
F.S., who the dentist
knows has violated
the grounds for
disciplinary action.
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
$7,500 fine and two
(2) years probation.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
$10,000 fine and
two (2) years
One (1) year
Revised 07/2023
(ii) Failing to report
to the board, within
30 days action has
been taken against
one’s license to
practice dentistry in
another state,
territory, or country.
466.028(1)(ii), F.S.)
First Offense
$5,000 fine and
denial of application
or two (2) years
followed by three
(3) years probation.
Reprimand or
Denial of
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
$7,500 fine and two
(2) years
suspension or
Six (6) month
Third Offense
$10,000 fine and
denial of application
or revocation.
One (1) year
(jj) Advertising
specialty services in
violation of this
466.028(1)(jj), F.S.)
First Offense
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
years probation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(kk) Allowing any
person to interfere
with a dentist’s
clinical judgment.
Revised 07/2023
First Offense
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(ll) Violating any
provision of
Chapters 456 and
466, F.S., or any
rules adopted
pursuant thereto.
First Offense
Six (6) months
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
One (1) year
followed by
probation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(mm) Failing to
comply with the
educational course
requirements for
456.072(1)(e), F.S.)
First Offense
Six (6) months
probation with
conditions and
$1,500 fine.
Not Applicable to
Revised 07/2023
Second Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
Third Offense
Eighteen (18)
months probation
with conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Not Applicable to
(nn) Having been
found liable in a civil
proceeding for
knowingly filing a
false report or
complaint with the
department against
another licensee.
456.072(1)(g), F.S.)
First Offense
Six (6) months
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(oo) Making
deceptive, untrue, or
representations in or
related to the
practice of a
profession or
employing a trick or
scheme in or related
to the practice of a
456.072(1)(m), F.S.)
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Revised 07/2023
years probation
with conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Third Offense
Five (5) years
suspension and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(pp) Exercising
influence on the
patient or client for
the purpose of
financial gain of the
licensee or a third
456.072(1)(n), F.S.)
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Reprimand or
Denial of
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
years probation
with conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(qq) Wrong patient,
procedure, a wrong
procedure, medically
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Reprimand or
Denial of
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by two (2)
years probation
Six (6) month
Revised 07/2023
with conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(rr) Improperly
interfering with an
investigation or
authorized by
statute, or with any
456.072(1)(r), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
followed by
probation and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(ss) Failing to
comply with the
educational course
requirements for
domestic violence.
456.072(1)(s), F.S.)
First Offense
Probation with
conditions and
$2,500 fine.
Not Applicable to
Second Offense
Probation with
conditions and
$4,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
Third Offense
Probation with
conditions and
$8,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
(tt) Failing to comply
with Sections
Revised 07/2023
381.026 and
381.0261, F.S.,
patient rights and
how to file a patient
456.072(1)(u), F.S.)
First Offense
Probation with
conditions and
$2,500 fine.
Not Applicable to
Second Offense
Probation with
conditions and
$4,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
Third Offense
Probation with
conditions and
$8,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
(uu) Engaging or
attempting to
engage in sexual
misconduct as
defined and
prohibited in Section
456.063(1), F.S.
456.072(1)(v), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
followed by three
(3) years probation
with conditions and
$7,500 fine.
One (1) year
Revocation or
Denial of
Second Offense
$10,000 fine and
three (3) year
followed by five (5)
years probation
with conditions or
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
(vv) Failing to report
to the board, in
writing within 30
days after the
licensee has been
Revised 07/2023
convicted or found
guilty of, or entered
a plea of nolo
contendere to
regardless of
adjudication, a crime
in any jurisdiction.
456.072(1)(x), F.S.)
First Offense
One (1) year
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$7,5000 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(ww) Using
information about
people involved in
motor vehicle
accidents which has
been derived from
accident reports.
456.072(1)(y), F.S.)
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Four (4) years
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
One (1) year
followed by five (5)
years probation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(xx) Leaving a
foreign body in a
Revised 07/2023
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Not Applicable to
Second Offense
Five (5) years
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Not Applicable to
Third Offense
$10,000 fine and
two (2) years
followed by five (5)
years probation
with monitoring or
Not Applicable to
(yy) Testing positive
for any drug, on any
preemployment or
drug screening.
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Six (6) month
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Four (4) years
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
One (1) year
Third Offense
One (1) year
followed by five (5)
years probation
with conditions and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(zz) Intentionally
submitting a
personal injury
protection claim
required by Section
627.736, F.S.,
statement that has
been “upcoded” as
defined in Section
627.732, F.S.
Revised 07/2023
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Four (4) years
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
One (1) year
followed by five (5)
years probation
with conditions and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(aaa) Intentionally
submitting a
personal injury
protection claim
required by Section
627.736, F.S., for
services that were
not rendered.
456.072(1)(ff), F.S.)
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Four (4) years
probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
One (1) year
followed by five (5)
years probation
with conditions and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(bbb) Engaging in a
pattern of practice of
medicinal drugs or
substances which
demonstrates a lack
of reasonable skill or
safety to patients or
Revised 07/2023
a violation of
Sections 893.055
and 893.0551, F.S.,
or law and rules
relating to
First Offense
Two (2) years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
One (1) year
suspension and
$7,500 fine.
Six (6) month
Third Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
One (1) year
(ccc) Failing to
comply with, failing
to successfully
complete, or being
terminated from an
impaired practitioner
treatment program.
First Offense
Suspension until
compliant, followed
by 5 years
probation with
conditions and
$5,000 fine.
Denial of
Application or
Suspension until
followed by
Corrective Action
Denial of
Application or
Suspension until
followed by
Corrective Action
Second or
Subsequent Offense
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
(ddd) Being
convicted of, or
entering a plea of
nolo contendere to,
any misdemeanor or
felony, regardless of
adjudication, under
Revised 07/2023
18 U.S.C. s. 669, ss.
285-287, s. 371, s.
1001, s. 1035, s.
1341, s. 1343, s.
1347, s. 1349, or s.
1518, or 42 U.S.C.
ss. 1320a-7b,
relating to the
Medicaid program.
456.072(1)(ii), F.S.)
First Offense
$10,000 fine,
Second Offense
Misdemeanor or
Felony Revocation
and $10,000 fine.
Misdemeanor or
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
Misdemeanor or
Revocation and
$10,000 fine.
(eee) Failing to remit
the sum owed to the
state for any
overpayment from
the Medicaid
program pursuant to
a final order,
judgement, or
stipulation or
456.072(1)(jj), F.S.)
First Offense
$7,500 fine and one
(1) year
Reprimand and
One (1) year
Revocation or
Denail of
Second Offense
$10,000 fine,
(fff) Being
terminated from the
state Medicaid
program pursuant to
Section 409.913,
F.S., any other state
Medicaid program,
or the federal
Medicare program,
unless eligibility to
participate in the
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program from which
the practitioner was
terminated has been
456.072(1)(kk), F.S.
First Offense
$5,000 fine, one (1)
year suspension
followed by two (2)
years probation.
Reprimand and
One (1) year
Revocation or
Denail of
Second Offense
$10,000 fine and
two (2) year’s
followed by three
(3) years probation.
Third Offense
$10,000 fine and
(ggg) Being
convicted of, or
entering a plea of
guilty or nolo
contendere, to any
misdemeanor or
felony, regardless of
adjudication, a crime
in any jurisdiction
which relates to
health care fraud.
456.072(1)(ll), F.S.)
First Offense
$10,000 fine,
Felony Revocation
$10,000 fine.
Reprimand and
One (1) year
Revocation or
Denail of
Second Offense
Misdemeanor or
Felony $10,000
fine, revocation.
(hhh) Failure to
comply with the
controlled substance
requirements of
Section 456.44, F.S.
Revised 07/2023
First Offense
Revocation and an
administrative fine
of $10,000.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Revocation and an
administrative fine
in the amount of
Six (6) month
(iii) Providing false
or deceptive expert
witness testimony
related to the
practice of dentistry.
466.028(1)(ll), F.S.)
First Offense
Revocation and an
administrative fine
of $10,000.
One (1) year
Suspension or
Denial of
Second Offense
Revocation and an
administrative fine
of $10,000.
Six (6) month
(jjj) Willfully failing
to comply with
Section 627.64194
or 641.513, F.S.,
with such frequency
as to indicate a
general business
First Offense
Probation with
conditions and
$7,500 fine.
Not Applicable to
Revised 07/2023
Second Offense
$10,000 fine and
Not Applicable to
(kkk) Failure to
comply with the
parental consent
requirements of
Section 1014.06,
456.072(1)(rr), F.S.)
First Offense
Reprimand and
$500 fine.
One (1) month
Second Offense
Probation with
One (1) month
Six (6) month
Third or Subsequent
One (1) year
suspension and
$5,000 fine.
One (1) year
Denial or
revocation of
(lll) Being convicted
or found guilty of,
entering a plea, or
committing or
soliciting, or
conspiring to commit
an act that would
constitute a violation
of any of the
offenses listed in
Section 456.074(5),
F.S. or similar
offense in another
First Offense
Denial or revocation
of license and
$5,000 fine.
Denial or
revocation of
Denial or
revocation of
Second or
Subsequent Offense
of license and
$10,000 fine.
Denial or
revocation of
Denial or
revocation of
(2) Based upon consideration of aggravating or mitigating factors, present in an individual case, except for
explicit statutory maximum and minimum penalty requirements, the Board may deviate from the penalties
recommended in subsection (1), above, and subsection (3), below. The Board shall consider as aggravating
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or mitigating factors the following:
(a) The danger to the public;
(b) The number of specific offenses, other than the offense for which the licensee is being punished;
(c) Prior discipline that has been imposed on the licensee;
(d) The length of time the licensee has practiced;
(e) The actual damage, physical or otherwise, caused by the violation and the reversibility of the damage;
(f) The deterrent effect of the penalty imposed;
(g) The effect of the penalty upon the licensee;
(h) Efforts by the licensee towards rehabilitation;
(i) The actual knowledge of the licensee pertaining to the violation;
(j) Attempts by the licensee to correct or stop the violation or refusal by the licensee to correct or stop the
violation; and,
(k) Degree of contrition and acceptance of responsibility by Respondent.
(3) Penalties imposed by the Board pursuant to subsections (1) and (2), above, may be imposed in
combination or individually, and are as follows:
(a) Issuance of a reprimand or letter of concern, which may be imposed in any disciplinary case, regardless
of whether the penalty is referenced in any individual offense guideline;
(b) Imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed $10,000.00 for each count or separate offense; for
any violation found that is for fraud or making a false or fraudulent representation, the Board will impose
a fine of $10,000.00 per each count or offense, pursuant to Section 456.072(2)(d), F.S. Unless stated
otherwise in the disciplinary order, any imposed adminstrative fines are due within 90 days of the effective
date of a final order imposing fines;
(c) Restriction of the authorized scope of practice or license. In taking disciplinary action against any person,
whether or not the action also involves placing a licensee on probation, or imposing any penalty, the Board
may impose restrictions on the practice or the license that include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Requiring remedial education as a requirement of continued practice,
2. Restricting the licensee from practicing in certain settings,
3. Restricting the licensee to work in only certain settings or under designated conditions,
4. Restricting the licensee from performing or providing designated clinical and administrative services,
5. Restricting the licensee from practicing a designated number of hours,
6. Any other restriction found to be necessary for the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare.
(d) Placement of the licensee on probation for a period of time and subject to such conditions as the Board
may specify:
1. Probation Term. Unless otherwise specified above within each individual offense guideline, or unless a
lesser period of time is stated in the order imposing probation, the period of probation will be for a period
of five (5) years,
2. Probation Conditions. Probation conditions may include but not be limited to the following and may be
imposed regardless of whether the term “conditions” is referenced in an individual offense guideline:
a. Requiring the licensee to attend additional continuing education courses or remedial education,
b. Requiring the licensee to pass an examination on the content and requirements of Chapters 456 and
466, F.S., and Division 64B5, F.A.C.,
c. Requiring the licensee to work under the supervision of another licensee, including the submission of
documents and reports from the supervisor and licensee,
d. Tolling of the running of the probationary period when the licensee ceases to practice in Florida, or fails
to maintain compliance with the probation requirements,
e. Compliance with all terms of the order that imposes probation,
f. Evaluation by an impaired practitioners network or program and entering or maintaining compliance with
a recommended impaired practitioners program contract,
g. Submitting to a continuing education audit for the next two consecutive biennial licensure renewal
periods beginning with the date of the order imposing probation,
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h. Corrective action related to the violation, including but not limited to the repayment of any fees billed
and collected from a patient or third party on behalf of the patient.
i. The licensee is responsible for all costs associated with compliance with the terms of probation.
(e) Suspension of a license. Unless otherwise specified above within each individual offense guideline, or
unless a lesser period of time is stated in the order imposing suspension, the period of suspension will be
for a period of three years;
(f) Revocation of a license; which shall be permanent unless specified otherwise in the final order;
(g) Denial of an application for licensure, any violation of a provision of Section 456.072(1) or 466.028(1),
F.S,. may be the basis for denial or issuance of licensure with restrictions or conditions; and,
(h) Costs. The licensee is responsible for payment of all costs of investigation and prosecution related to a
disciplinary case. Additionally, all costs related to compliance with an order taking disciplinary action are
the obligation of the licensee. Unless stated otherwise in the disciplinary order, any imposed costs are due
within 90 days of the effective date of a final order imposing costs.
(4) The provisions of subsections (1) through (3), above, are not intended and shall not be construed to
limit the ability of the Board to informally dispose of disciplinary actions by stipulation, agreed settlement
or consent order pursuant to Section 120.57(4), F.S.
(5) The provisions of subsections (1) through (4), above, are not intended and shall not be construed to
limit the ability of the Board to pursue or recommend the Agency pursue collateral civil or criminal actions
when appropriate.
Rulemaking Authority 456.079(1),
456.47(7) FS. Law Implemented 456.072(2), 456.079(1), 456.47(4),
466.028 FS. HistoryNew 12-31-86, Amended 2-21-88, 1-18-89, 12-24-91, Formerly 21G-13.005, 61F5-
13.005, 59Q-13.005, Amended 4-2-02, 8-25-03, 2-27-06, 12-25-06, 6-11-07, 9-15-10, 12-2-10, 1-24-12,
4-25-17, 11-14-18, 11-9-22.
64B5-13.006 Post Board Order Activity.
(1) Any licensee whose license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene has been revoked or suspended
by the Board shall:
(a) Immediately surrender the revoked or suspended license to the Department of Health or its
authorized representatives. When a suspension is ordered, the license shall be held by the Department for
the duration of the suspension period;
(b) Refrain from misrepresenting the status of his license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene to any
patient or to the general public;
(c) Be prohibited from receiving any compensation from any person, group practice, partnership, or
corporate practice for dental or dental hygiene services provided to any person subsequent to revocation
or during the period of suspension. This subsection is not intended to preclude a revoked or suspended
licensee from receiving fees to which he is entitled as a result of services performed prior to the effective
date of his suspension or revocation but which are received subsequent to revocation or during the period
of suspension;
(d) During a period of suspension, a licensee shall not accept fees from any capitation or third party
payment program to which he might otherwise be entitled. This subsection is not intended to preclude a
suspended licensee from receiving such fees for services performed during a period of time prior to the
effective date of his suspension.
(2) Any licensee whose license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in Florida has been revoked or
suspended for a period of one (1) year or more in length shall:
(a) Notify his patients of record of the suspension or revocation by mail no later than one (1) month
after the effective date of the suspension or revocation;
(b) Remove any telephone listings identifying him as licensed to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in
the State of Florida;
(c) Remove his name from any sign, door or advertising material identifying him as one licensed to
practice dentistry or dental hygiene in the State of Florida;
(d) Refrain from addressing the public in any manner which may suggest that he is licensed to practice
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dentistry or dental hygiene in the State of Florida.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.028(2) FS. HistoryNew 9-1-87, Formerly 21G-
13.006, 61F5-13.006, 59Q-13.006.
64B5-14.001 Definitions
64B5-14.002 Prohibitions
64B5-14.003 Training, Education, Certification, and Requirements for Issuance of Permits
64B5-14.0032 Itinerate/Mobile Anesthesia Physician Anesthesiologist
64B5-14.0034 Itinerate/Mobile Anesthesia General Anesthesia Permit Holders
64B5-14.0036 Treatment of Sedated Patients by Dentists Without an Anesthesia Permit
64B5-14.0038 Use of a Qualified Anesthetist
64B5-14.004 Additional Requirements
64B5-14.005 Application for Permit
64B5-14.006 Reporting Adverse Occurrences
64B5-14.007 Inspection of Facilities and Demonstration of Sedation Technique
64B5-14.008 Requirements for General Anesthesia or Deep Sedation: Operatory, Recovery Room,
Equipment, Medicinal Drugs, Emergency Protocols, Records, and Continuous Monitoring
64B5-14.009 Moderate Sedation Requirements: Operatory, Recovery Room, Equipment, Medicinal
Drugs, Emergency Protocols, Records, and Continuous Monitoring
64B5-14.010 Pediatric Moderate Sedation Requirements: Operatory; Recovery Room, Equipment,
Medicinal Drugs, Emergency Protocols, Records, and Continuous Monitoring
64B5-14.001 Definitions.
(1) Anesthesia The loss of feeling or sensation, especially loss of the sensation of pain.
(2) General anesthesia A controlled state of unconsciousness, produced by a pharmacologic agent,
accompanied by a partial or complete loss of protective reflexes, including inability to independently
maintain an airway and respond purposefully to physical stimulation or verbal command. This modality
includes administration of medications via parenteral routes; that is: intravenous, intramuscular,
subcutaneous, submucosal, or inhalation, as well as enteral routes, that is oral, rectal, or transmucosal.
(3) Deep Sedation A controlled state of depressed consciousness accompanied by partial loss of
protective reflexes, including either or both the inability to continually maintain an airway independently or
to respond appropriately to physical stimulation or verbal command, produced by pharmacologic or non-
pharmacologic method or combination thereof. Deep sedation includes administration of medications via
parenteral routes; that is intravenous, intra muscular, subcutaneous, submucosal, or inhalation, as well as
enteral routes, that is oral, rectal, or transmucosal.
(4) Moderate sedation A depressed level of consciousness produced by the administration of
pharmacologic substances, that retains the patient’s ability to independently and continuously maintain an
airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation and verbal command. This modality includes
administration of medications via all parenteral routes, that is, intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous,
submucosal, or inhalation, as well as enteral routes, that is oral, rectal, or transmucosal. The drugs, and
techniques used shall carry a margin of safety wide enough to render unintended loss of consciousness
(5) Pediatric Moderate Sedation A depressed level of consciousness produced by the administration
of pharmacologic substances, that retains a child patient’s ability to independently and continuously
maintain an airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation or verbal command. This modality
includes administration of medication via all parenteral routes; that is intravenous, intramuscular,
subcutaneous, submucosal, or inhalation, and all enteral routes; that is oral, rectal, or transmucosal. The
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drugs, doses, and techniques used shall carry a margin of safety wide enough to render unintended loss
of consciousness unlikely. For the purposes of this chapter, a pediatric patient is defined as an individual
under 18 years of age, or any person who has special needs, which means having a physical or mental
impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
(6) Nitrous-oxide inhalation analgesia The administration by inhalation of a combination of nitrous-
oxide and oxygen producing an altered level of consciousness that retains the patient’s ability to
independently and continuously maintain an airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation or
verbal command.
(7) Local anesthesia The loss of sensation of pain in a specific area of the body, generally produced
by a topically applied agent or injected agent without causing the loss of consciousness.
(8) Analgesia Absence of sensibility of pain, designating particularly the relief of pain without loss of
(9) Office team approach A methodology employed by a dentist in the administration of general
anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate sedation, and pediatric sedation whereby the dentist uses two or
more qualified assistants/dental hygienists who, working under the direct supervision of the dentist, assist
the dentist, and assist in emergency care of the patient. A dentist who is permitted by these rules to
administer and employ the use of general anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate sedation, or pediatric
moderate sedation shall employ the office team approach. A dentist who is permitted by these rules to
administer and employ the use of general anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate sedation, or pediatric
moderate sedation shall employ the office team approach.
(10) Minimal Sedation The perioperative use of medication to relieve anxiety before or during a dental
procedure which does not produce a depressed level of consciousness and maintains the patient’s ability
to maintain an airway independently and to respond appropriately to physical and verbal stimulation. This
minimal sedation shall include the administration of a single enteral sedative or a single narcotic analgesic
medication administered in a single dose appropriate for the unsupervised treatment of anxiety and pain.
If clinically indicated, an opiod analgesic may also be administered during or following a procedure if needed
for the treatment of pain. Except in extremely unusual circumstances, the cumulative dose shall not exceed
the maximum recommended dose (as per the manufacturers recommendation). It is understood that even
at appropriate doses a patient may occasionally drift into a state that is deeper than minimal sedation. As
long as the intent was minimal sedation and all of the above guidelines were observed, this shall not
automatically constitute a violation. A permit shall not be required for the perioperative use of medication
for the purpose of providing minimal sedation.
(11) Titration of Oral Medication The administration of small incremental doses of an orally
administered medication until an intended level of moderate sedation is observed.
(12) Physician anesthesiologist Any physician licensed pursuant to Chapter 458 or 459, F.S., who is
currently board certified or board eligible by the American Board of Anesthesiology or the American
Osteopathic Board of Anesthesiology, or currently holds anesthesia clinical privileges in a hospital or
ambulatory surgical facility licensed pursuant to Chapter 395, F.S., and such privileges are commensurate
with the anesthesia being provided in a dental office (e.g., pediatric anesthesia privileges is pediatric
patients are being treated in the dental office).
(13) Qualified Anesthetist: means an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse who is licensed in this state
to practice professional nursing and who is certified in the advanced or specialized nursing practice as a
certified registered nurse anesthetist pursuant to Chapter 464, Part I, F.S.
(14) Certified Registered Dental Hygienist: means any Florida licensed dental hygienist who is certified
by the Board and has received a certificate from the Department of Health that allows the administration
of local anesthesia while the CRDH is directly supervised by a Florida licensed dentist.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017(3), 466.017(6)
FS. Law Implemented 466.017(3), 466.017(5)
FS. HistoryNew 1-31-80, Amended 4-7-86, Formerly 21G-14.01, Amended 12-31-86, 6-1-87, 9-1-87, 2-1-
93, Formerly 21G-14.001, Amended 12-20-93, Formerly 61F5-14.001, Amended 8-8-96, Formerly 59Q-
14.001, Amended 3-9-03, 11-4-03, 7-3-06, 6-11-07, 8-5-12, 11-13-17, 3-10-20.
Revised 07/2023
64B5-14.002 Prohibitions.
(1) Levels of Anesthesia. No dentist licensed in this state shall administer or employ the use of general
anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate sedation, and pediatric moderate sedation until they have obtained a
permit as required by the provision of this chapter, unless specifically authorized otherwise by this chapter.
The permit requirements of this chapter do not apply when treating patients at hospitals or ambulatory
surgery centers licensed pursuant to Chapter 395, F.S.
(2) Nitrous-oxide inhalation analgesia. No dentist or dental hygienist licensed in this State shall assist
the dentist in initiating nitrous-oxide inhalation analgesia in the practice of dentistry until they have
complied with the provisions of this rule chapter, nor shall a hygienist assist the denist in initiating nitrous-
oxide to a patient previouly sedated. No agents other than nitrous-oxide and oxygen shall be used for
inhalation analgesia pursuant to Rule 64B5-14.003, F.A.C.
(3) Local anesthesia. Dentists licensed in this State may use local anesthetics to produce local
anesthesia in the course of their practice of dentistry. Certified Registered Dental Hygienists are the only
hygienists allowed to adminster local anesthesia.
(4) Titration of Oral Medication. The Board of Dentistry has determined that the perioperative titration
of oral medication(s) with the intent to achieve a level of moderate sedation poses a potential overdosing
threat due to the unpredictability of enteral absorption and may result in an alteration of the state of
consciousness of a patient beyond the intent of the practitioner. Such potentially adverse consequences
may require immediate intervention and appropriate training and equipment. No dentist licensed in this
state shall use any oral medication(s) to induce moderate sedation until such dentist has obtained a permit
as required by the provisions of this rule chapter. The use of enteral sedatives or narcotic analgesic
medications for the purpose of providing minimal sedation as defined by and in accordance with subsection
64B5-14.001(10), F.A.C., shall not be deemed titration of oral medication and shall not be prohibited by
this rule.
(5) The following general anesthetic drugs shall not be employed on or administered to a patient by a
dentist unless the dentist possesses a valid general anesthesia permit: propofol, methohexital, thiopental,
etomidate, ketamine, dexmedetomidine, or volatile gases (i.e., sevoflurane, isoflurane).
(6) A hygienist certified by the board to administer local anesthesia shall not administer local anesthesia
to a patient sedated by general anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate sedation, or pediatric moderate
sedation. If a dentist or dental hygienist has assisted the dentist in initiating nitrous-oxide inhalation
analgesia to the patient, the certified dental hygienist may administer local anesthesia under the direct
supervision of the supervising dentist. A patient who has been prescribed a medical drug by their licensed
health care provider for the purposes of life functions may be administered local anesthesia by the certified
dental hygienist under the direct supervision of the supervising dentist. If, however, the medical drug is
prescribed or administered for the purposes of a dental procedure which is intended to induce minimal
sedation, the hygienist may not administer local anesthesia to the patient.
(7) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to allow a dentist or dental hygienist or assistant to
administer to herself or himself or to any person any drug or agent used for anesthesia, analgesia or
sedation other than in the course of the practice of dentistry.
(8) A dentist utilizing general anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate sedation, or pediatric moderate
sedation in the dental office may only have one patient at a time induced. A second patient shall not be
induced until the first patient is awake, alert, conscious, spontaneously breathing, has stable vital signs, is
under the care of a responsible adult, and that portion of the procedure requiring the participation of the
dentist is complete. In an office setting where two or more permit holders are present simultaneously, each
may sedate one patient provided that the office has the necessary staff and equipment for each sedated
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017(3), 466.017(6) FS. Law Implemented 466.017(3), 466.017(5) FS. History
New 1-31-80, Amended 4-20-81, 2-13-86, Formerly 21G-14.02, 21G-14.002, Amended 12-20-93, Formerly 61F5-
14.002, Amended 8-8-96, Formerly 59Q-14.002, Amended 3-9-03, 11-4-03, 6-15-06, 12-25-06, 12-11-11, 8-5-12, 12-
15-14, 7-14-16, 11-13-17, 3-10-20, 9-12-22.
Revised 07/2023
64B5-14.0025 Application for Permit.
(1) Unless authorized by this chapter, no dentist shall administer, supervise or permit another health
care practitioner, as defined in Section 456.001, F.S., or perform the administration of general anesthesia,
deep sedation, moderate sedation or pediatric moderate sedation in a dental office for dental patients,
unless such dentist possesses a permit issued by the Board. A permit is required even when another health
care practitioner, as defined in Section 456.001, F.S., administers general anesthesia, deep sedation,
moderate sedation, or pediatric moderate sedation in a dental office for a dental patient. The dentist holding
such a permit shall be subject to review and such permit must be renewed biennially. Each dentist in a
practice who performs the administration of general anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate sedation or
pediatric moderate sedation shall each possess an individual permit. Nothing in this paragraph shall be
construed to prohibit administration of anesthetics as part of a program authorized by Rule 64B5-14.003,
F.A.C., for training in the anesthetic being administered, or pursuant to a demonstration for inspectors
pursuant to Rule 64B5-14.007, F.A.C.
(2) An applicant for any type of anesthesia permit must submit proof of:
(a) Training in the particular type of anesthesia listed in Rule 64B5-14.003, F.A.C.; and,
(b) Documentation of actual clinical administration of anesthetics to 20 dental or oral and maxillofacial
patients within two (2) years prior to application of the particular type of anesthetics for the permit applied
for. An applicant for a pediatric moderate sedation permit who completed the actual clinical demonstration
of anesthetics more than two (2) years prior to the submission of the application, shall be entitled to a
permit if the applicant also submits documentation of having completed the American Academy of Pediatric
Dentistry’s comprehensive course on the Safe & Effective Sedation for the Pediatric Dental Patient. This
course shall be completed within six (6) months of the submission of the pediactric moderate sedation
permit application.
(3) Prior to the issuance of such permit, an on-site inspection of the facility, equipment, drugs and
personnel shall be conducted pursuant to Rule 64B5-14.007, F.A.C., to determine if the requirements of
this chapter have been met.
(4) An application for a general anesthesia permit must include the application fee specified in Rule
64B5-15.017, F.A.C., which is non-refundable; the permit fee specified in Rule 64B5-15.018, F.A.C., which
may be refunded if the application is denied without inspection of the applicant’s facilities; evidence
indicating compliance with all the provisions of this chapter; and identification of the location or locations
at which the licensee desires to be authorized to use or employ general anesthesia or deep sedation.
(a) Completed Application for General Anesthesia Permit, Form DH-MQA-1205 (08/2021), incorporated
herein by reference and available at, or
available on the Board’s website at;
(b) The application fee specified in Rule 64B5-15.017, F.A.C., which is non-refundable;
(c) The permit fee specified in Rule 64B5-15.018, F.A.C., which may be refunded if the application is
denied without inspection of the applicant’s facilities; and
(d) Identification of the location or locations at which the licensee desires to be authorized to use or
employ general anesthesia or deep sedation.
(5) An application for a moderate sedation permit must include:
(a) Completed Application for Moderate Sedation Permit, Form DH-MQA-1204 (08/2021), incorporated
herein by reference and available at, or
available on the Board’s website at;
(b) The application fee specified in Rule 64B5-15.017, F.A.C., which is non-refundable;
(c) The permit fee specified in Rule 64B5-15.018, F.A.C., which may be refunded if the application is
denied without inspection of the applicant’s facilities; and
(d) Identification of the location or locations at which the licensee desires to be authorized to use or
employ moderate sedation.
(6) An application for a pediatric moderate sedation permit must include:
Revised 07/2023
(a) Completed Application for Pediatric Moderate Sedation Permit, Form DH-MQA-1203 (08/2021),
incorporated herein by reference and available at
13636, or available on the Board’s website at;
(b) The application fee specified in Rule 64B5-15.017, F.A.C., which is non-refundable;
(c) The permit fee specified in Rule 64B5-15.018, F.A.C., which may be refunded if the application is
denied without inspection of the applicant’s facilities; and
(d) Identification of the location or locations at which the licensee desires to be authorized to use or
employ moderate sedation.
(7) The Department shall renew the permit biennially upon application by the permit holder, proof of
continuing education required by Rule 64B5-14.004, F.A.C., and payment of the renewal fee specified by
Rule 64B5-15.019, F.A.C.
(8) The holder of any general anesthesia, moderate sedation, or pediatric moderate sedation permit is
authorized to practice pursuant to such permit only at the location or locations previously reported to the
Board office.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.017(3), 466.017(6) FS. Law Implemented 466.017 FS. HistoryNew 3-
10-20, Amended 11-1-21.
64B5-14.003 Training, Education, Certification, and Requirements for Issuance of Permits.
(1) General Anesthesia Permit.
(a) To be eligible for a permit to authorize the use of general anesthesia or deep sedation at a specified
practice location or locations on an outpatient basis for dental patients the dentist shall comply with Rule
64B5-14.0025, F.A.C., and:
1. Complete a minimum of a two year residency program accredited by the Commission on Dental
Accreditation in dental anesthesiology or complete an oral and maxillofacial surgical residency program
accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation beyond the undergraduate dental school level, or
2. Is a diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, or
3. Is eligible for examination by the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
(b) A dentist employing or using general anesthesia or deep sedation shall maintain a properly equipped
facility for the administration of general anesthesia, pursuant to Rule 64B5-14.008, F.A.C. Administration
of general anesthesia or deep sedation requires at least three individuals, each trained in accordance with
this chapter: the operating dentist, a person responsible for monitoring the patient, and a person to assist
the operating dentist.
(c) A dentist employing or using general anesthesia or deep sedation and all assistant/dental hygienist
personnel shall be certified in an American Heart Association or American Red Cross or equivalent Agency
sponsored cardiopulmonary resuscitation course at the basic life support level to include one person CPR,
two person CPR, infant resuscitation and obstructed airway, with a periodic update not to exceed two years.
A dentist and all assistant/dental hygienist personnel shall also be trained in the use of either an Automated
External Defibrillator or a defibrillator and electrocardiograph as part of their cardiopulmonary resuscitation
course at the basic life support level. In addition to CPR certification, a dentist utilizing general anesthesia
or deep sedation must be currently trained in ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support). Effective March 1,
2022, if treating a patient 7 years of age or under, a dentist utilizing any level of sedation must be currently
trained in PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support).
(d) A dentist permitted to administer general anesthesia or deep sedation under this rule may
administer moderate sedation, pediatric moderate sedation and nitrous-oxide inhalation moderate sedation.
(2) Moderate Sedation Permit.
(a) To be eligible for a permit to authorize the use of moderate sedation at a specified practice location
or locations on an outpatient basis for dental patients, the dentist shall comply with Rule 64B5-14.0025,
F.A.C., and:
1. Complete a formal training course offered through a Commission on Dental Accreditation accredited
dental school or program in the use of moderate sedation or though an accredited teaching hospital. Clinical
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training must take place at the accredited dental school or accredited teaching hospital; and,
2. Is certified by the institution where the formal training was received to be competent in the
administration of moderate sedation; and, is competent to handle all emergencies relating to moderate
(b) The institution’s certification shall specify the type, the number of hours, the number of patients
treated and the length of training. The minimum number of didactic hours shall be sixty (60), which must
include four (4) hours of airway management. Airway management must include emergency airway
management protocols. Clinical training shall include personal administration for at least twenty (20)
patients including supervised training, clinical experience and demonstrated competence in airway
management of the compromised airway. The program must certify that a total of three (3) hours of clinical
training was dedicated to hands-on simulated training in emergency airway management of the
compromised airway.
(c) Personal Administration of Moderate Sedation: The board shall award credit towards the required
twenty (20) dental patients, if and only if, the applicant is responsible for and remains with the patient
from pre-anesthetic evaluation through discharge. The evaluation and responsibilities include the following:
pre-anesthetic evaluation, induction, maintenance, emergency, recovery, and approval for discharge. The
board will not award credit for dental anesthetic procedures performed that are greater than or less than
the administration of moderate sedation.
(d) A dentist utilizing moderate sedation shall maintain a properly equipped facility for the
administration of moderate sedation, pursuant to Rule 64B5-14.009, F.A.C. Administration of moderate
sedation requires at least three individuals, each trained in accordance with this chapter: the operating
dentist, a person responsible for monitoring the patient, and a person to assist the operating dentist.
(e) A dentist utilizing moderate sedation and his assistant/dental hygienist personnel shall be certified
in an American Heart Association or American Red Cross or equivalent agency sponsored cardiopulmonary
resuscitation course at the basic life support level to include one person CPR, two person CPR, infant
resuscitation, and obstructed airway with a periodic update not to exceed two years. A dentist and all
assistant/dental hygienist personnel shall also be trained in the use of either an Automated External
Defibrillator or a defibrillator and electrocardiograph as part of their cardiopulmonary resuscitation course
at the basic life support level. In addition to CPR certification, a dentist utilizing moderate sedation must
be currently trained in ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support). Effective March 1, 2022, if treating a patient
7 years of age or under, a dentist utilizing moderate sedation must be currently trained in PALS (Pediatric
Advanced Life Support).
(f) Dentists permitted to administer moderate sedation may administer nitrous-oxide inhalation
moderate sedation.
(g) Dentists permitted to administer moderate sedation may also administer pediatric moderate
sedation in compliance with rule 64B5-14.010, F.A.C.
(3) Pediatric Moderate Sedation Permit.
(a) To be eligible for a permit to authorize the use of pediatric moderate sedation at a specified practice
location or locations on an outpatient basis for dental patients, the dentist shall comply with Rule 64B5-
14.0025, F.A.C., and:
1. Complete formal training in the use of pediatric moderate sedation through a Commission on Dental
Accreditation accredited dental school or program, or through an accredited teaching hospital, or through
an accredited pediatric residency program. Clinical training must take place at the accredited dental school
or accredited teaching hospital; and,
2. Is certified by the institution where the formal training was received to be competent in the
administration of pediatric moderate sedation and is competent to handle all emergencies relating to
pediatric moderate sedation. This certification shall specify the type, the number of hours, the number of
patients treated and the length of training. The minimum number of didactic hours shall be sixty (60),
which must include four (4) hours of airway management. Clinical training shall include personal
administration for at least twenty (20) patients including supervised training, management of sedation,
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clinical experience and demonstrated competence in airway management of the compromised airway. The
program must certify that three (3) hours of clinical training was dedicated to hands-on simulated training
in emergency airway management of the compromised airway.
(b) This certification shall specify the type, the number of hours, the number of patients treated and
the length of training. The minimum number of didactic hours shall be sixty (60), which must include four
(4) hours of airway management. Clinical training shall include personal administration for at least twenty
(20) patients including supervised training, management of sedation, clinical experience and demonstrated
competence in airway management of the compromised airway. The program must certify that three (3)
hours of clinical training was dedicated to hands-on simulated training in emergency airway management
of the compromised airway; and,
(c) Personal Administration of Pediatric Moderate Sedation: The board shall award credit towards the
required twenty (20) pediatric dental patients, if and only if, the applicant is responsible for and remains
with the patient from pre-anesthetic evaluation through discharge. The evaluation and responsibilities
include the following: pre-anesthetic evaluation, induction, maintenance, emergency, recovery, and
approval for discharge. The board will not award credit for dental anesthetic procedures performed that
are greater than or less than the administration of pediatric moderate sedation.
(d) A dentist utilizing pediatric moderate sedation shall maintain a properly equipped facility for the
administration of pediatric moderate sedation, pursuant to Rule 64B5-14.010, F.A.C. Administration of
pediatric moderate sedation requires at least three individuals, each trained in accordance with this chapter:
the operating dentist, a person responsible for monitoring the patient, and a person to assist the operating
(e) A dentist utilizing pediatric moderate sedation and his assistant/dental hygienist personnel shall be
certified in an American Heart Association or American Red Cross or equivalent agency sponsored
cardiopulmonary resuscitation course at the basic life support level to include one person CPR, two person
CPR, infant resuscitation, and obstructed airway with a periodic update not to exceed two years. A dentist
and all assistant/dental hygienist personnel shall also be trained in the use of either an Automated External
Defibrillator or a defibrillator and electrocardiograph as part of their cardiopulmonary resuscitation course
at the basic life support level. In addition to CPR certification, a dentist utilizing pediatric moderate sedation
must be currently trained in PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support).
(f) Dentists permitted to administer pediatric moderate sedation may administer nitrous-oxide
inhalation moderate sedation.
(4) Nitrous-Oxide Inhalation Analgesia.
(a) A dentist may use, or employ and authorize a dental hygienist to assist the dentist in initiating
under indirect supervision, as specified by Rule 64B5-16.006, F.A.C., nitrous-oxide inhalation analgesia on
an outpatient basis for dental patients provided such dentist and dental hygienist have:
1. Completed no less than a two-day course of training as described in the American Dental
Association’s “Guidelines for Teaching Pain Control and Sedation to Dentists and Dental Students (eff.
10/16), which is hereby incorporated by reference and available at or available at, or its equivalent, or
2. Training equivalent to that described above while a student in an accredited school of dentistry or
dental hygiene; and,
3. A dental nitrous-oxide delivery system with fail-safe features and a 30% minimum oxygen flow.
(b) A dentist utilizing nitrous-oxide inhalation analgesia and such dentist’s assistants and dental
hygienist personnel shall be certified in an American Heart Association or American Red Cross or equivalent
Agency sponsored cardiopulmonary resuscitation course at the basic life support level to include one man
CPR, two man CPR, infant resuscitation and obstructed airway with a periodic update not to exceed two
years. A dentist and all assistant/dental hygienist personnel shall also be trained in the use of either an
Automated External Defibrillator or a defibrillator and electrocardiograph as part of their cardiopulmonary
resuscitation course at the basic life support level. In addition to CPR certification, a dentist utilizing pediatric
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moderate sedation must be currently trained in PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support).
(c) A dentist who regularly and routinely utilized nitrous-oxide inhalation analgesia on an outpatient
basis in a competent and efficient manner for the three-year period preceding January 1, 1986, but has
not had the benefit of formal training outlined in subparagraphs 1. and 2. of paragraph (4)(a), above, may
continue such use provided the dentist fulfills the provisions set forth in subparagraph 3. of paragraph
(4)(a), and the provisions of paragraph (b), above.
(d) Nitrous oxide may be used in combination with a single dose enteral sedative or a single dose
narcotic analgesic to achieve a minimally depressed level of consciousness so long as the manufacturer’s
maximum recommended dosage of the enteral agent is not exceeded. Nitrous oxide may not be used in
combination with more than one (1) enteral agent, or by more than a single dose, or by dosing a single
enteral agent in excess of the manufacturer’s maximum recommended dosage unless the administering
dentist holds a moderate sedation permit issued in accordance with subsection 64B5-14.003(2), F.A.C., or
a pediatric moderate sedation permit issued in accordance with subsection 64B5-14.003(3), F.A.C.
(e) Dental assistants may monitor nitrous-oxide inhalation analgesia under the indirect supervision of
a dentist if the dental assistant has complied with the training requirements in paragraph 64B5-
14.003(4)(b), F.A.C., and has completed, at a minimum, a two-day course of training as described in the
American Dental Association’s “Guidelines for Teaching Pain Control and Sedation to Dentists and Dental
Students” or its equivalent. After the dentist or dental hygienist has induced a patient and established the
maintenance level, the assistant may monitor the administration of the nitrous-oxide oxygen making only
diminishing adjustments during this administration and turning it off at the completion of the dental
(5) Local Anesthesia Certificate or Permit: A permit or certificate to administer local anesthesia under
the direct supervision of a Florida licensed dentist to non-sedated patients eighteen (18) years of age or
older shall be issued by the Department of Health to a Florida licensed dental hygienist who has completed
didactic and clinical education and experience as required by Section 466.017(5), F.S., and who has been
certified by the Board as having met all the requirements of Section 466.017, F.S.
(a) A registered dental hygienist who is seeking a permit or certificate for administering local anesthesia
must apply to the department on form DH-MQA 1261 (08/2020), Application for Dental Hygiene Certification
Administration of Local Anesthesia, herein incorporated by reference and available at, or available on the Florida Board of
Dentistry website at
(b) An applicant shall submit the following with the application:
1. A thirty-five dollar ($35) non refundable certificate or permit fee,
2. A certified copy of the applicant’s transcripts that reflect the required didactic and clinical education
and experience,
3. A certified copy of the diploma or certificate issued by the applicant’s institution, program, or school;
4. Proof of acceptable certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for health professionals or
Advanced Cardiac Life Support as defined in Section 466.017, F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017(3), (6) FS. Law Implemented 466.017(3), (4), (5), (6) FS. HistoryNew 1-
31-80, Amended 4-20-81, 2-13-86, Formerly 21G-14.03, Amended 12-31-86, 11-8-90, 2-1-93, Formerly 21G-14.003,
Amended 12-20-93, Formerly 61F5-14.003, Amended 8-8-96, 10-1-96, Formerly 59Q-14.003, Amended 2-17-98, 12-
20-98, 5-31-00, 6-7-01, 11-4-03, 6-23-04, 6-11-07, 2-8-12, 8-16-12 (1)(a)-(f), 8-16-12 (5), 8-19-13, 12-16-13, 3-9-
14, 7-14-16, 11-13-17, 3-10-20, 8-5-21, 9-12-22.
64B5-14.0032 Itinerate/Mobile Anesthesia Physician Anesthesiologist.
The provisions of this rule control the treatment of dental patients in an outpatient dental office setting
where a physician anesthesiologist has performed the sedation services. This rule shall control
notwithstanding any rule provision in this chapter that prohibits such conduct. The level of sedation is not
restricted to the level of the permit held by the treating dentist. The level of sedation may be any level
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necessary for the safe and effective treatment of the patient.
(1) General Anesthesia Permit Holders:
A dentist who holds a general anesthesia permit may treat their adult, pediatric, or special needs patients
when a physician anesthesiologist performs the sedation services. The following conditions shall apply:
(a) The physician anesthesiologist performs the administration of the anesthesia and the physician
anesthesiologist is responsible for the anesthesia procedure;
(b) A physician anesthesiologist shall only have one patient at a time induced. A second patient shall not
be induced until the first patient has been discharged out of the dental office or is arousable, spontaneously
breathing, has stable vital signs and is under the care of a licensee or assistant that is trained in anesthesia
(c) The dental treatment takes place in the general anesthesia permit holder’s dental office that is on file
with the board as an authorized location to perform sedation services and that has been inspected pursuant
to Rule 64B5-14.007, F.A.C.
(2) Pediatric Moderate Sedation Permit Holders:
A pediatric dentist, as recognized by the American Dental Association, who holds a pediatric Moderate
sedation permit may treat their pediatric or special needs dental patients when a physician anesthesiologist
performs the sedation services. The following conditions shall apply:
(a) The physician anesthesiologist performs the administration of the anesthesia, and the physician
anesthesiologist is responsible for the anesthesia procedure;
(b) A physician anesthesiologist shall only have one patient at a time induced. A second patient shall not
be induced until the first patient has been discharged out of the dental office or is arousable, spontaneously
breathing, has stable vital signs and is under the care of a licensee or assistant that is trained in anesthesia
(c) The treatment takes place in the permit holder’s dental office that is on file with the board as an
authorized location to perform sedation services and that has been inspected pursuant to Rule 64B5-
14.007, F.A.C.
(d) The dental office meets the supply, equipment, and facility requirements as mandated in rule 64B5-
14.008, F.A.C.;
(e) A board-approved inspector performs an additional inspection of the dental office and the inspector
reports the office to be in full compliance with the minimum supply, equipment, and facility requirements.
(3) Moderate Sedation Permit Holders:
A dentist who holds a moderate sedation permit may treat their adult or adult special needs dental patients
when a physician anesthesiologist performs the sedation services. The following conditions shall apply:
(a) The physician anesthesiologist performs the administration of the anesthesia, and the physician
anesthesiologist is responsible for the anesthesia procedure;
(b) A physician anesthesiologist shall only have one patient at a time induced. A second patient shall not
be induced until the first patient has been discharged out of the dental office or is arousable, spontaneously
breathing, has stable vital signs and is under the care of a licensee or assistant that is trained in anesthesia
(c) The treatment takes place in the permit holder’s dental office that is on file with the board as an
authorized location to perform sedation services and that has been inspected pursuant to Rule 64B5-
14.007, F.A.C.
(d) The dental office meets the supply, equipment, and facility requirements as mandated in Rule 64B5-
14.008, F.A.C.;
(e) A board-approved inspector performs an additional inspection of the dental office and the inspector
reports the office to be in full compliance with the minimum supply, equipment, and facility requirements.
(4) Non-Sedation Permit Holders:
All provisions of this Chapter relating to the administration of any type of anesthesia or sedation and
treatment to sedated patients shall remain in full force and effect. Nothing in this section supersedes, alters,
or creates a variance to any prohibitions and mandates applicable to non-sedation permit holding dentists.
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(5) Staff or Assistants:
A dentist treating a patient pursuant to this rule must have at least three (3) properly credentialed
individuals present as mandated in Rule 64B5-14.003, F.A.C. To fulfill the mandatory minimum required
personnel requirements of Rule 64B5-14.003, F.A.C., an anesthesiologist assistant licensed pursuant to
Section 458.3475, F.S., or Section 459.023, F.S., or a certified registered nurse anesthetist, in addition to
or in lieu of a dental assistant or dental hygienist, may be utilized. However, the dentist must have a
dedicated member of the team to assist in the dental procedure or during emergencies.
(6) Equipment:
A dentist may comply with the electrocardiograph equipment requirements set by Rule 64B5-14.008, F.A.C.,
by utilizing the physician’s mobile or non-fixed equipment if the dentist meets the following conditions:
(a) During the required board inspection, the equipment is available for inspection, or the dentist supplies
an inspection of the equipment, which a health care risk manager performed. A health care risk manager
inspection is valid for a period of twelve months; and,
(b) The dentist shall make the inspected equipment available during all required inspections, if specifically
requested within 48 hours in advance of the inspection, and the equipment must be immediately available
for an adverse incident inspection.
(c) As long as the permit holder’s dental office meets the supply, equipment, and facility requirements as
mandated in Rule 64B5-14.008, F.A.C., nothing in this rule shall be interpreted to prevent a physician
anesthesiologist from utilizing their non-fixed mobile equipment when providing anesthesia services in the
permit holder’s dental office.
(7) Records:
The treating dentist shall maintain a complete copy of the anesthesia records in the patient’s dental chart.
The dentist shall make certain that name and license numbers identify the treating dentist, the physician
anesthesiologist, and all personnel utilized during the procedure.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017(3) FS. Law Implemented 466.017(3) FS. HistoryNew 8-20-12,
Amended 11-19-12, 2-21-13, 12-16-13, 11-13-17, 3-10-20.
64B5-14.0034 Itinerate/Mobile Anesthesia General Anesthesia Permit Holders.
The provisions of this rule control the treatment of dental patients in an outpatient dental office where a
dentist with a general anesthesia permit performs the sedation services for a treating dentist. The treating
dentist must possess a general anesthesia permit, moderate sedation permit, or pediatric moderate
sedation permit. The level of anesthesia administered shall be to any level necessary to safely and
effectively treat the dental patient. This rule shall control notwithstanding any rule provision in this chapter
that prohibits such conduct.
(1) General Anesthesia Permit Holder’s Office:
A general anesthesia permit holder may perform sedation services for a dental patient of another general
anesthesia permit holder or moderate or pediatric moderate sedation permit holder in his or her office or
in another general anesthesia permit holder’s office. In this setting, the following shall apply:
(a) The dental treatment may only be performed by a treating dentist who holds a valid anesthesia permit
of any level;
(b)The treating dentist and the anesthesia provider are both responsible for the adverse incident reporting
under Rule 64B5-14.006, F.A.C.
(2) Moderate and Pediatric Moderate Sedation Permit Holder’s Office:
A general anesthesia permit holder may perform sedation services for a dental patient of another dentist
who holds a moderate sedation permit or a pediatric moderate sedation permit at the office of the treating
dentist. In this setting, the following shall apply:
(a) The dental treatment may only be performed by the moderate sedation or pediatric moderate sedation
permit holder;
(b) The general anesthesia permit holder may perform general anesthesia services once an additional
board-inspection establishes that the office complies with the facility, equipment and supply requirements
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of Rule 64B5-14.008, F.A.C.;
(c) The treating dentist and the anesthesia provider are both responsible for the adverse incident reporting
requirements under Rule 64B5-14.006, F.A.C.
(3) Equipment:
When the general anesthesia permit holder performs the anesthesia services in a dental office of a
moderate or pediatric moderate sedation permit holder’s office, the electrocardiograph mandates may be
met as follows:
(a) The general anesthesia permit holder provides the equipment which has already been inspected during
the general anesthesia permit holder’s required inspection;
(b) The equipment is available for inspection during the office’s mandated inspection; and,
(c) The equipment is immediately available for an adverse incident report inspection.
(4) Staff or Personnel:
An anesthesia provider and the treating dentist are both responsible for ensuring that a minimum number
of three (3) personnel are present during the procedure. The personnel must meet the minimum
credentialing requirements of Rule 64B5-14.003, F.A.C.
(5) Records: The treating dentist shall maintain a complete copy of the anesthesia records in the patient’s
dental chart. The dentist performing the anesthesia must maintain the original anesthesia records. The
treating dentist must identify by name and license number all personnel utilized during the procedure.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017 FS. Law Implemented 466.017 FS. HistoryNew 3-14-13,
Amended 11-13-17, 3-10-20.
64B5-14.0036 Treatment of Sedated Patients by Dentists Without an Anesthesia Permit.
The provisions of this rule control the treatment of patients where an anesthesia permitted dentist sedates
the dental patient in his or her dental office that is on file with the board as an authorized location to
perform sedation services that has been inspected pursuant to Rule 64B5-14.007, F.A.C., and a Florida
licensed dentist without an anesthesia permit performs the dental treatment. This rule shall control
notwithstanding any rule provision in this chapter to the contrary, which prohibits such conduct.
(1) The permitted dentist shall perform the sedation in his or her out-patient dental office where the
permitted dentist is authorized to perform the anesthesia services;
(2) The permitted dentist shall remain with the patient from the onset of the performance of the anesthesia
until discharge of the patient;
(3) The permitted dentist shall have no other patient induced with anesthesia or begin the performance of
any other anesthesia services until the patient is discharged;
(4) The treating dentist shall have taken a minimum of four hours of continuing education in airway
management prior to treating any sedated patient. Two hours must be in didactic training in providing
dentistry on sedated patients with compromised airways and two hours must include hands-on training in
airway management of sedated patients. After the initial airway management course, the treating dentist
shall continue to repeat a minimum of four hours in airway management every four years from the date
the course was last taken by the dentist. The continuing education courses taken may be credited toward
the mandatory thirty hours of continuing education required for licensure renewal. The requirement that a
dentist must first have taken an initial airway management course before treating a sedated patient shall
not take effect until March 1, 2014.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017 FS. Law Implemented 466.017 FS. HistoryNew 3-14-13,
Amended 8-19-13, 3-10-20.
64B5-14.0038 Use of a Qualified Anesthetist.
In an outpatient dental office, and pursuant to Section 466.002(2), F.S., a dentist may supervise a qualified
anesthetist who is administering anesthetic for a dental procedure on a patient of the supervising dentist.
The type of supervision required is direct supervision as defined in Section 466.003(8), F.S. In an outpatient
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dental office, the supervising dentist must have a valid permit for administering sedation to the level of
sedation that the qualified anesthetist will be administering to the dental patient during the dental
procedure. The dentist must maintain all office equipment and medical supplies required by this chapter to
the level of the sedation that the qualified anesthetist will administer to the dental patient.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017 FS. Law Implemented 466.002(2), 466.017, 466.003(8) FS.
History‒New 11-11-13.
64B5-14.004 Continuing Education Requirement.
(1) Each Biennium, all dentists who hold an active sedation permit of any level must complete a four
hour board-approved continuing education education course in Medical Emergencies. The continuing
education required by this subsection may be included in the thirty (30) hours required by Section 466.0135,
(2) To be approved by the board, the Medical Emergencies continuing education course must include
a hands-on airway management component.
(3) The Medical Emergencies continuing education course must be taken through a board approved
continuing education provider.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017(3) FS. Law Implemented 466.017(3) FS. HistoryNew 1-31-80, Amended
2-13-86, Formerly 21G-14.04, Amended 12-31-86, 12-28-92, Formerly 21G-14.004, Amended 12-20-93, Formerly
61F5-14.004, Amended 8-8-96, Formerly 59Q-14.004, Amended 11-4-03, 6-23-04, 5-24-05, 8-19-13, 11-13-17, 3-10-
20, 6-2-22.
64B5-14.005 Application for Permit.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.017(3), 466.017(6) FS. Law Implemented 466.017 FS. HistoryNew 4-
7-86, Amended 1-29-89, 11-16-89, 11-8-90, 4-24-91, Formerly 21G-14.005, Amended 12-20-93, Formerly
61F5-14.005, Amended 8-8-96, Formerly 59Q-14.005, Amended 12-12-00, 11-4-03, 6-23-04, 2-22-06, 6-
28-07, 7-5-10, 8-5-12, 11-13-17, Repealed 3-10-20.
64B5-14.006 Reporting Adverse Occurrences.
(1) Definitions:
Adverse occurrence
means any mortality that occurs during or as the result of a dental procedure, or
an incident that results in the temporary or permanent physical or mental injury that requires hospitalization
or emergency room treatment of a dental patient that occurred during or as a direct result of the use of
general anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate sedation, pediatric moderate sedation, minimal sedation,
nitrous oxide, or local anesthesia.
Supervising Dentist
means the dentist that was directly responsible for supervising the Certified
Registered Dental Hygienist (CRDH) who is authorized by proper credentials to administer local anesthesia.
(2) Dentists: Any dentist practicing in the State of Florida must notify the Board in writing by registered
mail within forty-eight hours (48 hrs.) of any mortality or other adverse occurrence that occurs in the
dentist’s outpatient facility. A complete written report shall be filed with the Board within thirty (30) days
of the mortality or other adverse occurrence. The complete written report shall, at a minimum, include the
(a) The name, address, and telephone number of the patient;
(b) A detailed description of the dental procedure;
(c) A detailed description of the preoperative physical condition of the patient;
(d) A detailed list of the drugs administered and the dosage administered;
(e) A detailed description of the techniques utilized in administering the drugs;
(f) A detailed description of the adverse occurrence, to include 1) the onset and type of complications and
the onset and type of symptoms experienced by the patient; 2) the onset and type of treatment rendered
to the patient; and, 3) the onset and type of response of the patient to the treatment rendered; 4) final
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disposition of the patient; and,
(g) A list of all witnesses and their contact information to include their address.
(3) A failure by the dentist to timely and completely comply with all the reporting requirements mandated
by this rule is a basis for disciplinary action by the Board, pursuant to Section 466.028(1), F.S.
(4) Certified Registered Dental Hygienists: Any CRDH administering local anesthesia must notify the Board,
in writing by registered mail within forty-eight hours (48 hrs.) of any adverse occurrence that was related
to or the result of the administration of local anesthesia. A complete written report shall be filed with the
Board within thirty (30) days of the mortality or other adverse occurrence. The complete written report
shall, at a minimum, include the following:
(a) The name, address, and telephone number of the supervising dentist;
(b) The name, address, and telephone number of the patient;
(c) A detailed description of the dental procedure;
(d) A detailed description of the preoperative physical condition of the patient;
(e) A detailed list of the local anesthesia administered and the dosage of the local anesthesia administered;
(f) A detailed description of the techniques utilized in administering the drugs;
(g) A detailed description of any other drugs the patient had taken or was administered;
(h) A detailed description of the adverse occurrence, to include 1) the onset and type of complications and
the onset and type of symptoms experienced by the patient; 2) the onset and type of treatment rendered
to the patient; and, 3) the onset and type of response of the patient to the treatment rendered; and,
(i) A list of all witnesses and their contact information to include their address.
(5) A failure by the hygienist to timely and completely comply with all the reporting requirements mandated
by this rule is a basis for disciplinary action by the Board pursuant to Section 466.028(1), F.S.
(6) Supervising Dentist:
If a Certified Registered Dental Hygienist is required to file a report under the provisions of this rule, the
supervising dentist shall also file a contemporaneous report in accordance with subsection (2).
(7) The initial and complete reports required by this rule shall be mailed to: The Florida Board of Dentistry,
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C08, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3258.
(8) When a patient death or other adverse occurrence is reported to the Board pursuant to this rule, the
initial report shall be transmitted to the Chairman of the Board’s Probable Cause Panel or another
designated member of the Probable Cause Panel to determine if there is legal sufficiency that there has
been a violation of the practice act. If so, the Adverse Incident Report shall be referred to the Department
of Health, Consumer Services Unit as a complaint and the provision of Section 456.073, F.S. shall control.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017(3), (6) FS. Law Implemented 466.017(3), (5) FS. HistoryNew
2-12-86, Amended 3-27-90, Formerly 21G-14.006, Amended 12-20-93, Formerly 61F5-14.006, Amended
8-8-96, Formerly 59Q-14.006, Amended 11-4-03, 12-25-06, 8-5-12, 11-13-17, 3-10-20.
64B5-14.007 Inspection of Facilities and Demonstration of Sedation Technique.
(1) The Department, in consultation with the Anesthesia Chair shall appoint consultants who are Florida
licensed dentists who hold an active general anesthesia permit, moderate sedation permit, or a pediatric
moderate sedation permit to inspect facilities where general anesthesia, deep sedation, moderate sedation,
or pediatric moderate sedation is performed. Consultants shall receive instruction in inspection procedures
prior to initiating an inspection.
(2) Prior to issuance of a general anesthesia permit, moderate sedation permit, or pediatric moderate
sedation permit, the applicant shall pass an initial inspection. The initial inspection shall require the applicant
to demonstrate compliance with Rule 64B5-14.008, 64B5-14.009 or 64B5-14.010, F.A.C., as applicable and
demonstrate that he or she has knowledge of the use of the required equipment and drugs as follows:
(a) Demonstration of General Anesthesia/Deep Sedation. A dental procedure utilizing general
anesthesia/deep sedation must be observed and evaluated. Any general anesthesia/deep sedation
technique that is routinely employed may be demonstrated. Demonstration must include placement of
intravenous catheter. The patient shall be monitored while sedated and during recovery. Furthermore, the
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dentist and his or her team must physically demonstrate by simulation a response to the following
emergencies that express full knowledge and treatment of the patient:
1. Airway obstruction,
2. Bronchospasm,
3. Aspiration of foreign object,
4. Angina pectoris,
5. Myocardial infarction,
6. Hypotension,
7. Hypertension,
8. Cardiac arrest,
9. Allergic reaction/Anaphylactic reaction,
10. Convulsions,
11. Hypoglycemia,
12. Syncope; and,
13. Respiratory depression/Apnea.
(b) Demonstration of Moderate Sedation. A dental procedure utilizing moderate sedation must be
observed and evaluated. Any moderate sedation technique that is routinely employed may be
demonstrated. Demonstration must include placement of intravenous catheter. The patient shall be
monitored while sedated and during recovery. Furthermore, the dentist and his or her team must physically
demonstrate by simulation a response to the following emergencies that express full knowledge and
treatment of the patient:
1. Airway obstruction,
2. Bronchospasm,
3. Aspiration of foreign object,
4. Angina pectoris,
5. Myocardial infarction,
6. Hypotension,
7. Hypertension,
8. Cardiac arrest,
9. Allergic reaction/Anaphylactic reaction,
10. Convulsions,
11. Hypoglycemia,
12. Syncope; and,
13. Respiratory depression/Apnea.
(c) Demonstration of Pediatric Moderate Sedation. A dental procedure utilizing pediatric moderate
sedation must be observed and evaluated. Any pediatric moderate sedation technique that is routinely
employed may be demonstrated. The patient shall be monitored while sedated and during recovery.
Furthermore, the dentist and his or her team must physically demonstrate by simulation a response to the
following emergencies that express full knowledge and treatment of the patient:
1. Airway obstruction,
2. Bronchospasm,
3. Aspiration of foreign object,
4. Angina pectoris,
5. Myocardial infarction,
6. Hypotension,
7. Hypertension,
8. Cardiac arrest,
9. Allergic reaction/Anaphylactic reaction,
10. Convulsions,
11. Hypoglycemia,
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12. Syncope; and,
13. Respiratory depression/Apnea.
(d) Demonstrations of General Anesthesia/Deep Sedation, Moderate Sedation, and Pediatric Moderate
Sedation as set forth above in paragraphs (2)(a)-(c) of this rule shall be conducted in accordance with the
minimum standards of diagnosis and treatment when measured against generally prevailing peer
performance. A demonstration that is not performed in accordance with such minimum standard shall be
cause for a failing grade.
(3) Any applicant who fails to comply with any of the above requirements as a result of the initial
inspection shall receive a failing grade and shall be denied a permit for general anesthesia, moderate
sedation or pediatric moderate sedation.
(4) Any dentist who has a general anesthesia permit, moderate sedation permit, or pediatric moderate
sedation permit shall be subject to announced or unannounced routine inspection and evaluation by an
inspection consultant. Routine inspections shall be conducted, at a minimum of, every three years. The
routine inspection shall include:
(a) Compliance with the requirements of Rule 64B5-14.008, 64B5-14.009 or 64B5-14.010, F.A.C., as
applicable, by assigning a grade of pass or fail.
(b) A permit holder who fails an inspection conducted in accordance with subsection (4) of this rule
shall be so notified by the anesthesia inspection consultant and shall be given a written statement at the
time of inspection which specifies the deficiencies which resulted in a failing grade. The consultant shall
give the permit holder 20 days from the date of inspection to correct any documented deficiencies. Upon
notification by the permit holder to the inspection consultant that the deficiencies have been corrected, the
inspector shall reinspect or accept a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to ensure that the deficiencies have been
corrected. If the deficiencies have been corrected, a passing grade shall be assigned. No permit holder who
has received a failing grade shall be permitted 20 days to correct deficiencies unless he voluntarily agrees
in writing that no general anesthesia or deep sedation or moderate sedation will be performed until such
deficiencies have been corrected and such corrections are verified by the anesthesia inspection consultant
and a passing grade has been assigned.
(c) Upon a determination of the consultant that a permit holder has received a failing grade and that
the permit holder has not chosen to exercise his option by taking remedial action within the 20 day time
period and submitting to reinspection, or reinspection has established that remedial action has not been
accomplished, the consultant shall refer the permit holder to the Department of Health, Consumer Services
Unit, wherein the disciplinary provision of Section 456.073, F.S. shall control.
(5) The holder of any general anesthesia, moderate sedation, or pediatric moderate sedation permit
shall inform the Board office in writing of any change in authorized locations for the use of such permits
prior to accomplishing such changes. Written notice shall be required prior to the addition of any location
or the closure of any previously identified location. Any additional location shall be subject to a routine
inspection no later than one year from the date of the added location
(6) Failure to provide access to an inspection consultant on two successive occasions shall be grounds
for discipline for failure to comply with a legal obligation.
Rulemaking Authority 466.017(3) FS. Law Implemented 120.60(8), 466.017(3) FS. HistoryNew 10-24-88,
Amended 3-27-90, 11-8-90, 4-24-91, 2-1-93, Formerly 21G-14.007, Amended 12-20-93, Formerly 61F5-
14.007, Amended 8-8-96, Formerly 59Q-14.007, Amended 11-4-03, 6-11-07, 11-13-17, 3-10-20, 11-28-22.
64B5-14.008 Requirements for General Anesthesia or Deep Sedation: Operatory, Recovery
Room, Equipment, Medicinal Drugs, Emergency Protocols, Records, and Continuous
General Anesthesia Permit applicants and permit holders shall comply with the following requirements at
each location where anesthesia procedures are performed. The requirements shall be met and equipment
permanently maintained and available at each location.
(1) Operatory: The operatory where anesthesia is to be administered must:
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(a) Be of size and design to accommodate the patient on a table or in an operating chair and permit an
operating team consisting of at least three individuals to freely move about the patient. An operating table
or chair which permits the patient to be positioned so the operating team can maintain the airway, quickly
alter patient position in an emergency, and provide a firm platform for the management of CPR;
(b) Be equipped with a chair or table adequate for emergency treatment, including a chair or
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) board suitable for CPR;
(c) Be equipped with suction and backup suction equipment, also including suction catheters and tonsil
(2) Recovery Room: If a recovery room is present, it shall be equipped with suction and back up suction
equipment, positive pressure oxygen and sufficient light to provide emergency treatment. The recovery
room shall also be of adequate size and design to allow emergency access and management. The recovery
room shall be situated to allow the patient to be observed by the dentist or an office team member at all
(3) Standard Equipment: The following equipment must be readily available to the operatory and recovery
room and maintained in good working order:
(a) A positive pressure oxygen delivery system and backup system, including full face mask for adults and
for pediatric patients, if pediatric patients are treated;
(b) Oral and nasal airways of various sizes;
(c) Blood pressure cuff and stethoscope;
(d) Cardioscope electrocardiograph (EKG) machine, pulse oximeter, and capnograph;
(e) Precordial stethoscope;
(f) Suction with backup suction, including suction catheters and tonsil suction;
(g) Thermometer (Continuous temperature monitoring device, if volatile gases are used);
(h) A backup lighting system; and,
(i) A scale to weigh patients.
(4) Emergency Equipment: The following emergency equipment must be present, readily available and
maintained in good working order:
(a) Appropriate I.V. set-up, including appropriate supplies and fluids;
(b) Laryngoscope with spare batteries and spare bulbs;
(c) McGill forceps, endotracheal tubes, and stylet;
(d) Appropriate syringes;
(e) Tourniquet and tape;
(f) CPR board or chair suitable for CPR;
(g) Defibrillator equipment appropriate for the patient population being treated;
(h) Cricothyrotomy equipment; and,
(i) A Supraglottic Airway Device (SAD) or a Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA).
(5) Medicinal Drugs: The following drugs or type of drugs with a current shelf life must be maintained and
easily accessible from the operatory and recovery room and must be maintained in sufficient amounts to
address medical emergencies:
(a) Epinephrine;
(b) A narcotic (e.g., Naloxone) and benzodiazepine (e.g., Flumazenil) antagonist, if these agents are used;
(c) An antihistamine (e.g., Diphenhydramine);
(d) A corticosteroid (e.g., Dexamethasone);
(e) Nitroglycerin;
(f) A bronchodilator (e.g., Albuterol inhaler);
(g) An antihypoglycemic agent (e.g., D50W IV solution);
(h) Amiodarone;
(i) A vasopressor (e.g., Ephedrine);
(j) An anticonvulsant (e.g., Valium or Versed);
(k) Antihypertensive (e.g., Labetalol);
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(l) Anticholinergic (e.g., atropine);
(m) Antiemetic;
(n) A paralytic agent that is appropriate for the breakage of a laryngospasm or for the use of rapid sequence
(o) An appropriate antiarrhythmic medication (e.g., Lidocaine);
(p) Adenosine; and,
(q) Dantrolene or ryanodex, if volatile gases are used.
(6) Emergency Protocols: The applicant or permit holder shall provide written emergency protocols, and
shall annually provide training to familiarize office personnel in the treatment of the following clinical
(a) Laryngospasm;
(b) Bronchospasm;
(c) Emesis and aspiration;
(d) Airway blockage by foreign body;
(e) Angina pectoris;
(f) Myocardial infarction;
(g) Hypertension/Hypotension;
(h) Hypertensive crisis;
(i) Allergic and toxicity reactions;
(j) Seizures;
(k) Syncope;
(l) Phlebitis;
(m) Intra-arterial injection;
(n) Hyperventilation/Hypoventilation;
(o) Cardiac arrest; and,
(p) Cardiac arrhythmias.
The applicant or permit holder shall maintain for inspection a permanent record, which reflects the date,
time, duration, and type of training provided to named personnel annually.
(7) Records: The following records are required when general anesthesia or deep sedation is administered:
(a) The patient’s current written medical history, including known allergies and previous surgery;
(b) Physical examination including airway evaluation and risk assessment (e.g., Mallampati Classification,
Body Mass Index, and ASA Classification);
(c) Base line vital signs, including blood pressure, and pulse; and,
(d) An anesthesia record which shall include:
1. Continuous monitoring of vital signs, which are taken and recorded at a minimum of every 5 minute
intervals during the procedure;
2. Drugs administered during the procedure, including route of administration, dosage, time and sequence
of administration;
3. Duration of the procedure, including the start and finish time of the procedure;
4. Documentation of complications or morbidity (See rule 64B5-14.006, F.A.C., for Adverse Incident
Reporting Requirements);
5. Status of patient upon discharge, and to whom the patient is discharged; and,
6. Names of participating personnel.
(8) Continuous Monitoring: The patient who is administered drug(s) for general anesthesia or deep sedation
must be continuously monitored intra-operatively by electrocardiograph (EKG), pulse oximeter, and
capnograph to provide heart rhythm and rate, oxygen saturation of the blood, and ventilations (end-tidal
carbon dioxide). This equipment shall be used for each procedure.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.017 FS. Law Implemented 466.017 FS. HistoryNew 10-24-88,
Amended 11-16-89, Formerly 21G-14.008, Amended 12-20-93, Formerly 61F5-14.008, Amended 8-8-96,
Formerly 59Q-14.008, Amended 5-31-00, 6-23-04, 9-14-05, 3-23-06, 10-24-11, 3-9-14, 3-10-20.
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64B5-14.009 Moderate Sedation Requirements: Operatory, Recovery Room, Equipment,
Medicinal Drugs, Emergency Protocols, Records, and Continuous Monitoring.
Moderate Sedation Permit applicants and permit holders shall comply with the following requirements at
each location where anesthesia procedures are performed. The requirements shall be met and equipment
permanently maintained and available at each location.
(1) Operatory: The operatory where anesthesia is to be administered must:
(a) Be of size and design to accommodate the patient on a table or in an operating chair and permit an
operating team consisting of at least three individuals to freely move about the patient. An operating table
or chair which permits the patient to be positioned so the operating team can maintain the airway, quickly
alter patient position in an emergency, and provide a firm platform for the management of CPR;
(b) Be equipped with a chair or table adequate for emergency treatment, including a chair or
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) board suitable for CPR;
(c) Be equipped with suction and backup suction equipment, also including suction catheters and tonsil
(2) Recovery Room: If a recovery room is present, it shall be equipped with suction and backup suction
equipment, positive pressure oxygen and sufficient light to provide emergency treatment. The recovery
room shall also be of adequate size and design to allow emergency access and management. The recovery
room shall be situated to allow the patient to be observed by the dentist or an office team member at all
(3) Standard Equipment: The following standard equipment must be readily available to the operatory and
recovery room and must be maintained in good working order:
(a) A positive pressure oxygen delivery system and backup system, including full face mask for adults and
for pediatric patients, if pediatric patients are treated;
(b) Oral and nasal airways of various sizes;
(c) Blood pressure cuff and stethoscope;
(d) A pulse oximeter which provides continuous monitoring of pulse and rate of oxygen saturation of the
blood shall be used during each procedure;
(e) A Precordial stethoscope;
(f) Capnograph;
(g) Suction with backup suction, also including suction catheters and tonsil suction;
(h) Thermometer;
(i) A backup lighting system; and,
(j) A scale to weigh patients.
(4) Emergency Equipment: The following emergency equipment must be present, readily available and
must be maintained in good working order:
(a) Appropriate I.V. set-up, including appropriate supplies and fluids;
(b) Laryngoscope with spare batteries and spare bulbs;
(c) McGill forceps, endotracheal tubes, and stylet;
(d) Appropriate syringes;
(e) Tourniquet and tape;
(f) CPR board or chair suitable for CPR;
(g) Defibrillator equipment appropriate for the patient population being treated;
(h) Cricothyrotomy equipment; and,
(i) A Supraglottic Airway Device (SAD) or a Lyryngeal Mask Airway (LMA).
(5) Medicinal Drugs: The following drugs or type of drugs with a current shelf life must be maintained and
easily accessible from the operatory and recovery room and must be maintained in sufficient amounts to
address medical emergencies:
(a) Epinephrine;
(b) A narcotic (e.g., Naloxone) and benzodiazepine (e.g., Flumazenil) antagonists, if these agents are used;
(c) An antihistamine (e.g., Diphenhydramine);
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(d) A corticosteroid (e.g., Dexamethasone);
(e) Nitroglycerin;
(f) A bronchodilator (e.g., Albuterol inhaler);
(g) An antihypoglycemic agent (e.g., D50W IV solution);
(h) Amiodarone;
(i) A vasopressor (e.g., Ephedrine);
(j) An anticonvulsant (e.g., Valium or Versed);
(k) Antihypertensive (e.g., Labetalol);
(l) Anticholinergic (e.g, atropine);
(m) Antiemetic;
(n) A paralytic agent that is appropriate for the breakage of a laryngospasm or for the use of rapid sequence
(o) An appropriate antiarrhythmic medication (e.g., Lidocaine); and,
(p) Adenosine.
(6) Emergency Protocols: The applicant or permit holder shall provide written emergency protocols, and
shall annually provide training to familiarize office personnel in the treatment of the following clinical
(a) Laryngospasm;
(b) Bronchospasm;
(c) Emesis and aspiration;
(d) Airway blockage by foreign body;
(e) Angina pectoris;
(f) Myocardial infarction;
(g) Hypertension/Hypotension;
(h) Hypertensive crisis;
(i) Allergic and toxicity reactions;
(j) Seizures;
(k) Syncope;
(l) Phlebitis;
(m) Intra-arterial injection;
(n) Hyperventilation/Hypoventilation;
(o) Cardiac arrest; and,
(p) Cardiac arrhythmias.
The applicant or permit holder shall maintain for inspection a permanent record, which reflects the date,
time, duration, and type of training provided to named personnel annually.
(7) Records: The following records are required when moderate sedation is administered:
(a) The patient’s current written medical history, including known allergies and previous surgery;
(b) Physical examination including airway evaluation and risk assessment (e.g., Mallampati Classification,
Body Mass Index, and ASA Classification);
(c) Base line vital signs, including blood pressure, and pulse; and,
(d) A sedation or anesthesia record which shall include:
1. Continuous monitoring of vital signs, which are taken and recorded at a minimum of every 5 minute
intervals during the procedure;
2. Drugs administered during the procedure, including route of administration, dosage, time and sequence
of administration;
3. Duration of the procedure including the start and the finish times of the procedure;
4. Documentation of complications or morbidity (See rule 64B5-14.006, F.A.C., for Adverse Incident
Reporting requirements);
5. Status of patient upon discharge, and to whom the patient is discharged; and,
6. Names of participating personnel.
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(8) Continuous Monitoring: The patient who is administered a drug(s) for moderate sedation must be
continuously monitored intraoperatively by pulse oximetry, and capnograph to provide pulse rate, oxygen
saturation of the blood, and ventilations (end-tidal carbon dioxide). A precordial/pretracheal stethoscope
must be available to assist in the monitoring of the heart rate and ventilations.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.017 FS. Law Implemented 466.017 FS. HistoryNew 10-24-88,
Amended 11-16-89, 4-24-91, Formerly 21G-14.009, 61F5-14.009, Amended 8-8-96, 10-1-96, Formerly
59Q-14.009, Amended 8-2-00, 11-4-03, 6-23-04, 3-23-06, 10-26-11, 3-9-14, 4-17-16, 11-13-17, 3-10-20.
64B5-14.010 Pediatric Moderate Sedation Requirements: Operatory; Recovery Room,
Equipment, Medicinal Drugs, Emergency Protocols, Records, and Continuous Monitoring.
Pediatric Moderate Sedation Permit applicants and permit holders shall comply with the following
requirements at each location where anesthesia procedures are performed. The requirements shall be met
and equipment permanently maintained and available at each location.
(1) Operatory: The operatory where the sedated child patient is to be treated must:
(a) Be of size and design to accommodate the patient on a table or in an operating chair and permit an
operating team consisting of at least three individuals to freely move about the patient. An operating table
or chair which permits the patient to be positioned so the operating team can maintain the airway, quickly
alter patient position in an emergency, and provide a firm platform for the management of CPR.
(b) Be equipped with a chair or table adequate for emergency treatment, including a cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) board of chair suitable for CPR.
(c) Be equipped with suction and backup suction equipment, also including suction catheters and tonsil
(2) Recovery Room: If a recovery room is present, it shall be equipped with suction and backup suction
equipment, positive pressure oxygen and sufficient light to provide emergency treatment. The recovery
room shall also be of adequate size and design to allow emergency access and management. The recovery
room shall be situated so that the patient can be observed by the dentist or an office team member at all
(3) Standard Equipment: The following equipment must be readily available to the operatory and recovery
room and maintained in good working order:
(a) A positive pressure oxygen delivery system and backup system, including full face mask for pediatric
(b) Oral and Nasal Airways of appropriate size for the pediatric patient;
(c) Blood pressure cuff and stethoscope or automated unit;
(d) A pulse oximeter which provides continuous monitoring of pulse and rate of oxygen saturation of the
blood shall be used during each procedure;
(e) A Precordial stethoscope;
(f) Capnograph;
(g) Suction with backup suction, also including suction catheters and tonsil suction;
(h) Thermometer;
(i) A backup lighting system; and,
(j) A scale for weighing pediatric patients.
(4) Emergency Equipment: The following emergency equipment must be present, readily available and
maintained in good working order:
(a) Appropriate I.V. set-up, including appropriate supplies and fluids;
(b) Laryngoscope with spare batteries and spare bulbs;
(c) McGill forceps, endotracheal tubes, and stylet;
(d) Suction with backup suction, also including suction catheters and tonsil suction;
(e) Appropriate syringes;
(f) Tourniquet and tape;
(g) CPR board or chair suitable for CPR;
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(h) Defibrillator equipment appropriate for the patient population being treated; and,
(i) Cricothyrotomy equipment.
(j) A Supraglottic Airway Device (SAD) or a Lyryngeal Mask Airway (LMA).
(5) Medicinal Drugs: The following drugs or type of drugs with a current shelf life must be maintained and
easily accessible from the operatory and recovery room and must be maintained in sufficient amounts to
address medical emergencies:
(a) Epinephrine;
(b) A narcotic (e.g., Naloxone) and benzodiazepine (e.g., Flumazenil) antagonists, if these agents are used;
(c) An antihistamine (e.g., Diphenhydramine HCl);
(d) A corticosteroid (e.g., Dexamethasone);
(e) Nitroglycerin;
(f) A bronchodilator (e.g., Albuterol inhaler);
(g) An antihypoglycemic agent (e.g., D50W IV solution);
(h) Amiodarone;
(i) A vasopressor (e.g., Ephedrine);
(j) An anticonvulsant (e.g., Valium or Versed);
(k) Antihypertensive (e.g., Labetalol);
(l) Anticholinergic (e.g., atropine);
(m) Antimetic;
(n) A paralytic agent that is appropriate for the breakage of a laryngospasm or for the use of rapid sequence
(o) An appropriate antiarrhythmic medication (e.g., Lidcaine); and,
(p) Adenosine.
(6) Emergency Protocols: The applicant or permit holder shall provide written emergency protocols, and
shall annually provide training to familiarize office personnel in the treatment of the following clinical
(a) Laryngospasm;
(b) Bronchospasm;
(c) Emesis and aspiration;
(d) Airway blockage by foreign body;
(e) Angina pectoris;
(f) Myocardial infarction;
(g) Hypertension/Hypotension;
(h) Hypertensive crisis;
(i) Allergic and toxicity reactions;
(j) Seizures;
(k) Syncope;
(l) Phlebitis;
(m) Intra-arterial injection;
(n) Hyperventilation/Hypoventilation;
(o) Cardiac arrest; and,
(p) Cardiac arrhythmias.
The applicant or permit holder shall maintain for inspection a permanent record, which reflects the date,
time, duration, and type of training provided to named personnel annually.
(7) Records: The following records are required when pediatric moderate sedation is administered:
(a) The patient’s current written medical history, including known allergies, history of previous surgery and
anesthesia, and the patient’s age, weight, and calculation of maximum allowable local anesthesia;
(b) Physical examination including airway evaluation and risk assessment (e.g., Mallampati Classification,
Body Mass Index, and ASA Classification);
(c) Base line vital signs, including pulse, percent hemoglobin oxygen saturation, and when possible, blood
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pressure; and,
(d) An anesthesia or sedation record which shall include:
1. Periodic vital signs recorded a minimum of every 5 minute intervals during the procedure;
2. Drugs, including local anesthetics, administered during the procedure, including route of administration,
dosage, time and sequence of administration;
3. Duration of the procedure, including the start and finish times of the procedure;
4. Documentation of complications or morbidity (See Rule 64B5-14.006, F.A.C., for Adverse Incident
Reporting Requirements);
5. Status of patient upon discharge, and to whom the patient is discharged; and,
6. Names of participating personnel.
(8) Continuous Monitoring: The patient who is administered a drug(s) for pediatric moderate sedation must
be continuously monitored intra-operatively by pulse oximetry and capnograph to provide pulse rate,
oxygen saturation of the blood, and ventilations (end-tidal carbon dioxide).
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.017 FS. Law Implemented 466.017 FS. HistoryNew 8-8-96, Formerly
59Q-14.010, Amended 8-2-00, 5-20-01, 3-23-06, 10-26-11, 3-9-14, 4-17-16, 11-13-17, 3-10-20.
Chapter 64B-15
Fee Schedule
64B5-15.001 Collection and Payment of Fees (Repealed)
64B5-15.002 Applicantion Fees
64B5-15.003 Examination Fees (Repealed)
64B5-15.004 Reexamination Fees (Repealed)
64B5-15.006 Licensure and Renewal Fees
64B5-15.008 Fee for Renewal of Inactive License
64B5-15.009 Fee for Reactivation of Inactive License
64B5-15.0091 Fee for Reactivation of Retired License (Repealed)
64B5-15.011 Delinquency Fee
64B5-15.012 Change of Status Processing Fee
64B5-15.0121 Change of Status Processing Fee for Retired Status
64B5-15.0122 Retired Status Fee
64B5-15.015 Fee for Certification as a Dental Radiographer
64B5-15.016 Fee for Duplicating Licenses, Certifications, and Permits
64B5-15.017 Application Fees for General Anesthesia, Pediatric Conscious Sedation, and Parenteral
Conscious Sedation Permits
64B5-15.018 Intial Permit Fees for General Anesthesia, Pediatric Conscious Sedation, and Parenteral
Conscious Sedation Permits
64B5-15.019 Renewal Fees for General Anesthesia, Pediatric Conscious Sedation, and Parenteral
Conscious Sedation Permits
64B5-15.020 Examination Review Fee (Repealed)
64B5-15.022 Fees for Continuing Education Providers
64B5-15.023 Fee for Certification of a Public Record (Repealed)
64B5-15.024 Fees for Enforcement of Unlicensed Practice Prohibitions
64B5-15.025 Registration Fee for Dispensing Practitioners
64B5-15.030 One Time Fee (Repealed)
64B5-15.001 Collection and Payment of Fees.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.025 FS. HistoryNew 4-1-80, Formerly 21G-
15.01, 21G-15.001, 61F5-15.001, 59Q-15.001, Repealed 11-10-15.
64B5-15.002 Application Fees.
The application fee for licensure as a dentist shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00), and the application
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fee for licensure as a dental hygienist shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). The application fee for a Health Access
Dental License shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00).
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.006(1), 466.007 FS. HistoryNew 4-1-80,
Amended 5-9-82, Formerly 21G-15.02, 21G-15.002, 61F5-15.002, 59Q-15.002, Amended 4-27-09.
64B5-15.003 Examination Fees.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.006(1), 466.007(1) FS. Law Implemented 466.006(1), (3)(c),
466.007(1) FS. HistoryNew 4-1-80, Amended 10-26-80, 5-9-82, 3-11-84, 10-8-85, Formerly 21G-15.03,
Amended 9-14-87, 10-4-88, Formerly 21G-15.003, 61F5-15.003, 59Q-15.003, Repealed 11-10-15.
64B5-15.004 Reexamination Fees.
Rulemaking Authority 456.017(2), 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.017(2), 466.009(1) FS. History
New 4-1-80, Amended 6-22-80, 5-9-82, 3-11-84, Formerly 21G-15.04, Amended 9-14-87, 10-24-88,
Formerly 21G-15.004, 61F5-15.004, 59Q-15.004, Repealed 4-25-17.
64B5-15.006 Licensure and Renewal Fees.
(1) The fee for biennial renewal of both a dental license and of a health access dental license shall be
$300.00. The biennial renewal fee for a dental hygiene license shall be $75.00.
(2) Initial licensure fees shall be the same as renewal fees. However, applicants granted initial licensure
during the second year of the biennium shall pay one half of the normal fee.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 456.025, 466.013 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.025, 466.013 FS.
HistoryNew 4-1-80, Amended 1-25-82, 10-3-83, Formerly 21G-15.06, Amended 11-16-89, 8-13-92,
Formerly 21G-15.006, 61F5-15.006, Amended 5-6-96, Formerly 59Q-15.006, Amended 8-2-01, 6-11-07, 4-
27-09, 10-20-15, 3-25-20.
64B5-15.008 Fee for Renewal of Inactive License.
The fee for renewal of an inactive dental license shall be $300. The fee for renewal of an inactive dental
hygiene license shall be $75.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.015 FS. Law Implemented 466.015 FS. HistoryNew 4-2-84, Formerly
21G-15.08, Amended 1-18-87, 11-16-89, 8-13-92, Formerly 21G-15.008, 61F5-15.008, Amended 5-6-96,
Formerly 59Q-15.008, Amended 9-27-01, 6-18-07, 9-1-15, 12-20-21.
64B5-15.009 Fee for Reactivation of Inactive License.
The fee for reactivation of an inactive dental license shall be $300. The fee for reactivation of an inactive
dental hygiene license shall be $80.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.015 FS. Law Implemented 466.015 FS. HistoryNew 4-2-84, Formerly
21G-15.09, Amended 1-18-87, 11-16-89, 8-13-92, Formerly 21G-15.009, 61F5-15.009, Amended 5-6-96,
Formerly 59Q-15.009, Amended 9-27-01, 6-18-07, 9-1-15.
64B5-15.0091 Fee for Reactivation of Retired License.
Rulemaking Authority 456.036 FS. Law Implemented 456.036 FS. HistoryNew 2-14-06, Repealed 11-10-
64B5-15.011 Delinquency Fee.
The fee for delinquent status of a dental license shall be $50.00 for renewals postmarked no later than
March 31 of the even numbered years. The fee for delinquent status of a dental license renewal postmarked
after March 31 of the even numbered years shall be $150.00. The fee for delinquent status of a dental
hygiene license shall be $25.00 for renewals postmarked no later than March 31 of the even numbered
years. The fee for delinquent status of a dental hygiene license renewal postmarked after March 31 of the
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even numbered years shall be $75.00.
Rulemaking Authority 456.036, 466.004(4), 466.013, 466.015 FS. Law Implemented 456.036, 466.015 FS.
HistoryNew 7-12-95, Amended 5-6-96, Formerly 59Q-15.011, Amended 9-27-01, 5-11-05.
64B5-15.012 Change of Status Processing Fee.
The fee for processing a licensee’s request to change status at any time other than at the beginning of a
licensure cycle shall be $300 for a dental license and $75 for a dental hygiene license.
Rulemaking Authority 456.036, 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.036 FS. HistoryNew 7-12-95,
Amended 5-6-96, Formerly 59Q-15.012, Amended 9-27-01, 6-11-07, 9-1-15, 12-20-21.
64B5-15.0121 Change of Status Processing Fee for Retired Status.
The fee for changing to retired status at any time other than at license renewal shall be $300 for a dental
license and $80 for a dental hygiene license.
Rulemaking Authority 456.036 FS. Law Implemented 456.036 FS. HistoryNew 2-14-06, Amended 6-11-
07, 9-1-15.
64B5-15.0122 Retired Status Fee.
The retired status fee shall be $50.00.
Rulemaking Authority 456.036 FS. Law Implemented 456.036 FS. HistoryNew 2-14-06.
64B5-15.015 Fee for Certification as a Dental Radiographer.
The fee for certification as a dental radiographer pursuant to Rule 64B5-9.011, F.A.C., shall be $35.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.017(5) FS. HistoryNew 1-18-87, Formerly
21G-15.015, 61F5-15.015, 59Q-15.015, Amended 6-11-07.
64B5-15.016 Fee for Duplicating Licenses, Certifications, and Permits.
The Board shall charge a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per duplication to defray the cost of duplicating
any license, certification, or permit.
Rulemaking Authority 456.025(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.025(4) FS. HistoryNew 1-18-87, Amended 1-
7-92, Formerly 21G-15.016, 61F5-15.016, 59Q-15.016.
64B5-15.017 Application Fees for General Anesthesia, Pediatric Moderate Sedation, and
Moderate Sedation Permits.
(1) The application fee for a General Anesthesia Permit shall be $100.00.
(2) The application fee for a Moderate Sedation Permit shall be $100.00.
(3) The application fee for a Pediatric Moderate Sedation Permit shall be $100.00.
(4) Application fees are not refundable.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.017 FS. Law Implemented 466.017 FS. HistoryNew 11-16-89,
Formerly 21G-15.017, 61F5-15.017, 59Q-15.017, Amended 9-9-98, 2-14-06, 9-12-17.
64B5-15.018 Initial Permit Fees for General Anesthesia, Pediatric Moderate Sedation, and
Moderate Sedation Permits.
(1) The initial fee for a General Anesthesia Permit shall be $200.00.
(2) The initial fee for a Moderate Sedation Permit shall be $200.00.
(3) The initial fee for a Pediatric Moderate Sedation Permit shall be $200.00.
(4) Initial permit fees may be refunded if the applicant is denied the permit without inspection.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.017 FS. Law Implemented 466.017 FS. HistoryNew 11-16-89,
Formerly 21G-15.018, 61F5-15.018, 59Q-15.018, Amended 9-9-98, 2-14-06, 9-12-17.
64B5-15.019 Renewal Fees for General Anesthesia, Pediatric Moderate Sedation, and
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Moderate Sedation Permits.
(1) The biennial renewal fee for a General Anesthesia Permit shall be $200.00.
(2) The biennial renewal fee for a Moderate Sedation Permit shall be $200.00.
(3) The biennial renewal fee for a Pediatric Moderate Sedation Permit shall be $200.00.
(4) Renewal fees are not refundable.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.017 FS. Law Implemented 466.017 FS. HistoryNew 11-16-89,
Formerly 21G-15.019, 61F5-15.019, 59Q-15.019, Amended 9-9-98, 2-14-06, 9-12-17.
64B5-15.020 Examination Review Fee.
Rulemaking Authority 456.017(2) FS. Law Implemented 456.017(2) FS. HistoryNew 3-25-90, Formerly
21G-15.020, 61F5-15.020, 59Q-15.020, Repealed 4-30-07.
64B5-15.022 Fees for Continuing Education Providers.
(1) The initial fee for approval as a continuing education provider shall be $200.
(2) The biennial renewal fee for an approved continuing education provider shall be $200.
Rulemaking Authority 456.025(3) FS. Law Implemented 456.025(3), 466.014 FS. HistoryNew 5-2-91,
Formerly 21G-15.022, 61F5-15.022, 59Q-15.022, Amended 6-11-07.
64B5-15.023 Fee for Certification of a Public Record.
Rulemaking Authority 456.025(5) FS. Law Implemented 456.025(5) FS. HistoryNew 1-7-92, Formerly 21G-
15.023, 61F5-15.023, 59Q-15.023, Repealed 11-10-15.
64B5-15.024 Fees for Enforcement of Unlicensed Practice Prohibitions.
Rulemaking Authority 456.004 456.065, 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.065(3) FS. HistoryNew 8-
29-93, Formerly 61F5-15.024, 59Q-15.024, Amended 10-31-01, Repealed 2-13-12.
64B5-15.025 Registration Fee for Dispensing Practitioners.
Each licensed dentist who dispenses medicinal drugs for human consumption to patients in the regular
course of dental practice for fee or remuneration of any kind, whether direct or indirect, must register and
pay a fee of $100.00 at the time of registration and upon each biennial renewal of licensure.
Rulemaking Authority 465.0276 FS. Law Implemented 465.0276 FS. HistoryNew 11-22-93, Formerly 61F5-
15.025, 59Q-15.025.
64B5-15.030 One-Time Fee.
Rulemaking Authority 456.025(4), 466.004(4), 466.015(1), (2) FS. Law Implemented 456.025(5) FS.
History-New 10-23-07, Amended 4-27-08, Repealed 2-13-12.
64B5-16.001 Definitions of Remediable Tasks and Supervision Levels
64B5-16.002 Required Training
64B5-16.005 Remediable Tasks Delegable to Dental Assistants
64B5-16.006 Remediable Tasks Delegable to a Dental Hygienist
64B5-16.007 Levels of Supervision for Dental Hygienists
64B5-16.0075 Dental Charting by Dental Hygienists
64B5-16.008 Emergency Remediable Tasks
64B5-16.009 Display of Certificates
64B5-16.010 Prior Certification and Training
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64B5-16.001 Definitions of Remediable Tasks and Supervision Levels.
(1) Remediable tasks, also referred to as expanded functions of dental hygienists and dental assistants,
which are enumerated in Rules 64B5-16.006, 64B5-16.0061, 64B5-16.005, 64B5-16.0051, F.A.C., are those
intra-oral tasks which do not create unalterable changes in the oral cavity or contiguous structures, are
reversible and do not expose a patient to increased risks. The use of a laser or laser device of any type is
not a remediable task, unless utilized as an assessment device.
(2) A dentist may delegate a remediable task to dental hygienists, and dental assistants so long as
delegation of the task poses no increased risk to the patient and the requirements of training and
supervision set out in Chapter 64B5-16, F.A.C., are met.
(3) Remediable tasks are those specified in Section 466.024, F.S., and those designated as such by the
Board. The Board hereby designates the tasks listed in Chapter 64B5-16, F.A.C., as remediable tasks.
(4) Direct supervision requires that a licensed dentist examine the patient, diagnose a condition to be
treated, authorize the procedure to be performed, be on the premises while the procedure is performed,
and approve the work performed prior to the patient’s departure from the premises.
(5) Indirect supervision requires that a licensed dentist examine the patient, diagnose a condition to
be treated, authorize the procedure to be performed, and be on the premises while the procedure is
(6) General supervision requires that a licensed dentist authorizes the procedures to be performed but
need not be present when the authorized procedures are being performed. The authorized procedures may
also be performed at a place other than the dentist’s usual place of practice.
(7) Any authorization for remediable tasks to be performed under general supervision is valid for a
maximum of 24 months; after which, no further treatment under general supervision can be performed
without another clinical exam by a Florida licensed dentist.
(8) Without supervision dental hygienists may perform the remediable tasks specified in Sections
466.023(3), 466.0235, and 466.024(2), F.S., as long as all provisions of the respective statute are met.
(9) Any tasks delegable to dental assistants will be delegable to dental hygienists under the same
supervision level, unless otherwise stated in the rules.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.024(1), (7) FS. Law Implemented 466.023, 466.0235, 466.024,
466.003(11), (12) FS. HistoryNew 4-30-80, Amended 8-20-80, 1-28-81, 3-4-81, 10-8-85, Formerly 21G-
16.01, Amended 6-30-86, 12-31-86, 7-5-87, 2-21-88, 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-16.001, Amended 3-30-94,
Formerly 61F5-16.001, Amended 4-6-97, Formerly 59Q-16.001, Amended 1-6-99, 10-29-00, 2-5-09, 3-29-
17, 12-9-18, 6-4-19, 3-25-20, 11-28-22.
64B5-16.002 Required Training.
(1) Formal training which is required for the performance of certain remediable tasks consists of a
dental hygienist’s or dental assistant’s successful completion of an expanded duty course or program which
meets one of the following requirements:
(a) The course or program is administered or was developed as a part of the regular curriculum at a
school of dentistry, dental hygiene or dental assisting accredited by the American Dental Association’s
Commission on Dental Accreditation, its successor agency or any other nationally recognized accrediting
agency; or
(b) The course or program has been approved by the Board for the purpose of providing expanded-
duties training for dental hygienists and dental assistants; or
(2) For the purpose of positioning and exposing radiographs by dental assistants, formal training may
consist of having received certification as a dental radiographer pursuant to Rule 64B5-9.011, F.A.C.
(3) The Board shall approve a course or program specified in paragraph 64B5-16.002(1)(b), F.A.C., in
expanded duties only upon the application of the entity seeking to offer the course or program which
establishes compliance with the following requirements. Failure to adhere to these requirements shall
subject the course or program to revocation of Board approval.
(a) The course or program curriculum reflects appropriate didactic and clinical training in each
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remediable task which requires completion of Board-approved formal training and shall be designed to
meet specifically stated educational objectives;
(b) Documentation of the training and experience of faculty members which establishes their
qualifications to teach specified subject areas. Dentists and dental hygienists shall have a minimum of one
year experience in expanded duty functions and expanded duty dental assistants shall have a minimum of
5 years of hands-on experience prior to approval. The student/teacher ratio shall not exceed one instructor
to ten students. Applicants who have had a professional license revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted
against, in Florida or in another jurisdiction, may be disqualified from participation as instructors;
(c) Submission of a detailed syllabus of the course or program which specifies the educational objectives
for participants, the manner of achieving these specified objectives, including subject matter, hours of
instruction and choice of instructional method (clinical or didactic) and the method of assessing a
participant’s performance. Any course offered shall also include instruction regarding sterilization and
disinfection procedures as stated in Rule Chapter 64B5-25, F.A.C., and instruction in the dental practice act
and administrative code as it relates to dental auxiliaries.
(d) The course or program requires participants to pass clinical or written examinations which
adequately test competency in each subject area. Participants must obtain a score of at least 75% out of
a possible score of 100%. The choice of a clinical or written examination shall be based on the specified
objectives for each subject area; and
(e) Each participant who successfully completes the course or program is issued a certificate which
contains the following information: name of course or program sponsor; title of course; date course offered;
number of hours of instruction; participant’s name; signature authorized by the sponsor which attests to
the certificate’s validity; and a list of all remediable tasks in which the participant has received formal
(f) Any clinical course in which patients are treated during instruction must be supervised by a dentist
licensed pursuant to Chapter 466, F.S.
(g) Facilities and equipment for each course in which patients are treated during instruction shall be
adequate for the subject matter and method of instruction.
(4) On-the-job training required for the performance of certain remediable tasks consists of training in
those tasks by a licensed dentist who assumes full responsibility for assuring that the dental hygienist or
dental assistant has completed hands-on training in order that he/she is competent to perform the tasks.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.024 FS. Law Implemented 466.023, 466.024 FS. HistoryNew 4-30-80,
Amended 8-20-80, 1-28-81, 3-4-81, 4-20-81, Formerly 21G-16.02, Amended 6-30-86, 12-31-86, 7-5-87, 2-
21-88, 7-12-88, 1-18-89, 11-16-89, Formerly 21G-16.002, 61F5-16.002, Amended 6-12-97, Formerly 59Q-
16.002, Amended 1-29-07, 4-27-09, 11-16-11, 5-2-12.
64B5-16.005 Remediable Tasks Delegable to Dental Assistants.
(1) The following remediable tasks may be performed by a dental assistant who has received formal
training and who performs the tasks under direct supervision:
(a) Placing or removing temporary restorations with non-mechanical hand instruments only;
(b) Polishing dental restorations of the teeth when not for the purpose of changing the existing contour
of the tooth and only with the following instruments used with appropriate polishing materials burnishers,
slow-speed hand pieces, rubber cups, and bristle brushes;
(c) Polishing clinical crowns when not for the purpose of changing the existing contour of the tooth
and only with the following instruments used with appropriate polishing materials slow-speed hand pieces,
rubber cups, bristle brushes and porte polishers;
(d) Removing excess cement from dental restorations and appliances with non-mechanical hand
instruments only;
(e) Cementing temporary crowns and bridges with temporary cement;
(f) Monitor the administration of the nitrous-oxide oxygen making adjustments only during this
administration and turning it off at the completion of the dental procedure;
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(g) Selecting and pre-sizing orthodontic bands, including the selection of the proper size band for a
tooth to be banded which does not include or involve any adapting, contouring, trimming or otherwise
modifying the band material such that it would constitute fitting the band;
(h) Selecting and pre-sizing archwires prescribed by the patient’s dentist so long as the dentist makes
all final adjustments to bend, arch form determination, and symmetry prior to final placement;
(i) Selecting prescribed extra-oral appliances by pre-selection or pre-measurement which does not
include final fit adjustment;
(j) Preparing a tooth surface by applying conditioning agents for orthodontic appliances by conditioning
or placing of sealant materials which does not include placing brackets;
(k) Using appropriate implements for preliminary charting of existing restorations and missing teeth
and a visual assessment of existing oral conditions;
(l) Fabricating temporary crowns or bridges intra-orally which shall not include any adjustment of
occlusion to the appliance or existing dentition; and
(m) Packing and removing retraction cord, so long as it does not contain vasoactive chemicals and is
used solely for restorative dental procedures;
(n) Removing and recementing properly contoured and fitting loose bands that are not permanently
attached to any appliance.
(o) Inserting or removing dressings from alveolar sockets in post-operative osteitis when the patient is
uncomfortable due to the loss of a dressing from an alveolar socket in a diagnosed case of post-operative
(p) Making impressions for study casts which are being made for the purpose of fabricating orthodontic
(q) Taking of impressions for and delivery of at-home bleaching trays.
(r) Taking impressions for passive appliance, occlusal guards, space maintainers and protective mouth
(2) The following remediable tasks may be performed by a dental assistant who has received formal
training and who performs the tasks under indirect supervision:
(a) Making impressions for study casts which are not being made for the purpose of fabricating any
intra-oral appliances, restorations or orthodontic appliances;
(b) Making impressions to be used for creating opposing models or the fabrication of bleaching stents
and surgical stents to be used for the purpose of providing palatal coverage as well as impressions used
for fabrication of topical fluoride trays for home application;
(c) Placing periodontal dressings;
(d) Removing periodontal or surgical dressings;
(e) Placing or removing rubber dams;
(f) Placing or removing matrices;
(g) Applying cavity liners, varnishes or bases;
(h) Applying topical fluorides which are approved by the American Dental Association or the Food and
Drug Administration, including the use of fluoride varnishes; and
(i) Positioning and exposing dental and carpal radiographic film and sensors;
(j) Applying sealants;
(k) Placing or removing prescribed pre-treatment separators;
(l) Securing or unsecuring an archwire by attaching or removing the fastening device; and
(m) Removing sutures.
(3) The following remediable tasks may be performed by a dental assistant who has received on-the-
job training and who performs the tasks under direct supervision:
(a) Applying topical anesthetics and anti-inflammatory agents which are not applied by aerosol or jet
spray and;
(b) Changing of bleach pellets in the internal bleaching process of non-vital, endodontically treated
teeth after the placement of a rubber dam. A dental assistant may not make initial access preparation.
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(4) The following remediable tasks may be performed by a dental assistant who has received on-the-
job training and who performs the tasks under indirect supervision:
(a) Retraction of lips, cheeks and tongue;
(b) Irrigation and evacuation of debris not to include endodontic irrigation;
(c) Placement and removal of cotton rolls; and
(d) Taking and recording a patient’s blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration rate, case history and oral
(e) Removing excess cement from orthodontic appliances with non-mechanical hand instruments only.
(5) The following remediable tasks may be performed by a dental assistant who has received on-the-
job training and who performs the tasks under general supervision:
(a) Instructing patients in oral hygiene care and supervising oral hygiene care.
(b) Provide educational programs, faculty or staff programs, and other educational services which do
not involve diagnosis or treatment of dental conditions.
(c) Fabricating temporary crowns or bridges in a laboratory.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.024(3) FS. Law Implemented 466.024 FS. HistoryNew 1-18-89,
Amended 11-16-89, 3-25-90, 9-5-91, 2-1-93, Formerly 21G-16.005, Amended 3-30-94, Formerly 61F5-
16.005, Amended 1-9-95, 9-27-95, 6-12-97, Formerly 59Q-16.005, Amended 1-8-01, 4-22-03, 7-13-05, 3-
64B5-16.0051 Delegation of Remediable Restorative Functions to Dental Assistants;
Supervision Level; and Training and Experience Requirements.
Notwithstanding any other rule provision to the contrary, a dentist may delegate remedial intraoral
restorative functions to a Dental Assistant in strict compliance with the provisions of this rule. All functions
delegated under this rule shall be performed under direct supervision.
(1) Delegable Restorative Functions: After a dentist has prepared a tooth, a dentist may delegate to a
dental assistant, who has met the mandatory training requirements of this rule, the task of placing, packing
and contouring amalgam and composite restorations and the fitting and contouring of stainless-steel
crowns (tasks). However, a dental assistant shall not permanently cement stainless steel crowns.
(a) The tasks shall only be performed using a slow speed handpiece and hand instruments.
(b) The delegating dentist shall not supervise more than four (4) dental hygienists or dental assistants
in combination who are simultaneously performing the tasks pursuant to this rule or a rule authorizing the
same or similar delegable tasks for dental hygienists.
(c) The delegating dentist shall ensure that the patient’s dental chart is annotated to reflect the initials
of the dental assistant who performed the tasks.
(d) The delegating dentist shall also ensure that the patient’s dental chart reflects that the final
restoration was verified by the delegating dentist and the result of the verification shall also be documented.
(2) Mandatory Training Course Prerequisites: To be eligible to be admitted into the mandatory training
course required in subsection (3), a dental assistant (Candidate) shall meet the following conditions:
(a) The Candidate shall be at least 18 years of age.
(b) The Candidate shall be a high school graduate or have a High School Equivalency Certificate.
(c) The Candidate shall have a current Basic Life Support for Healthcare Provider certificate.
(d) The Candidate shall be a graduate of a dental assisting program that is accredited by a dental
accrediting entity recognized by the United States Department of Education or shall have received formal
training in expanded duties pursuant to paragraph 64B5-16.002(1)(b), F.A.C. The Candidate shall have
never had a dental assisting license suspended or revoked in any jurisdiction.
(e) Within 24 months prior to being admitted to the mandatory training course in subsection (3), the
Candidate must have documented proof of 2,400 hours of clinical work experience in either a dental office
or as an educator of dental assisting.
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(f) All students must have a delegating dentist to enroll in the program. The commitment of the
delegating dentist is to supervise and evaluate a portion of their clinical requirements and submit a report
to the CE provider.
(g) The delegating dentist must attend a two-hour online interactive video conference mandatory
training on the Laws and Rules of Remediable Restorative Functions, and calibration of the clinical
requirements and procedures.
(3) Mandatory Training Course: The mandatory training course shall be offered by a dental or dental
hygiene school or program that is accredited by a dental accrediting entity recognized by the United States
Department of Education. The training course must be specifically designed and implemented to comply
with the provisions of this rule. The training program shall ensure that the candidate meets all the
qualifications in subsection (2) before accepting the candidate into the training program. At a minimum,
the training shall include and contain the following:
(a) 105 clock hours including a minimum of 10 hours dedicated to preclinical didactic hours, and a
clinical portion consisting of a minimum 70 hours dedicated to simulated lab and a minimum of 25 hours
dedicated to live patients, divided in 12 clinical hours with the delegating dentist, and 13 clinical hours at
the course provider institution. The preclinical didactic hours, may be offered online. At the completion of
the preclinical didactic hours, the course shall require the passing of an initial written examination prior to
the clinical portion of the training. A passing score shall require a score of 75 percent or above.
(b) A clinical and lab session for Amalgam Restorations Class I, II, and V, which shall include live
(c) A clinical and lab session for Composite Restorations Class I, II, III, and V, which shall include live
(d) A lab case-based clinical scenario session to size, fit and contour, but not permanently cement,
stainless steel crowns.
(e) The training program shall verify competency by requiring an exit or final written examination and
clinical examination that includes live patients. The written portion of the examination shall include a section
covering the Laws and Rules of Dentistry in Florida. A passing score shall require a 75 percent or above on
both the written and clinical examination and the examinations shall not be weighted to achieve an overall
score of 75 percent or better. The clock hours dedicated to the exit or final written and clinical examination
shall not count towards the required minimum 105 total clock hours required by the course.
(f) Upon the successful completion of the training course, a certificate of successful completion of the
Restorative Function Course shall be issued.
(4) Documentation of Training: A Dentist who delegates tasks pursuant to this rule shall ensure that a
copy of the Restorative Function Course training certificate is immediately available at the location where
tasks are delegated, and the certificate shall be produced by the dentist when requested by the Board
Office or any authorized inspector.
(5) Responsibility: The delegating and supervising dentist shall remain fully responsible for all delegated
tasks and for ensuring that the dental assistant meets the training requirements of this rule.
(6) This rule shall be reviewed, and if necessary, repealed, modified, or renewed through the
rulemaking process five years from the effective date.
Rulemaking Authority 456.013, 466.024 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 466.024, 466.024(1) FS. History
New 6-23-19, Amended 5-18-23.
64B5-16.006 Remediable Tasks Delegable to a Dental Hygienist.
(1) By virtue of their training and licensure, dental hygienists are authorized to perform the following
remediable tasks without additional training as defined in Chapter 64B5-16, F.A.C. under Direct supervision:
Gingival curettage.
(2) The following remediable tasks may be performed by a dental hygienist who has received training
in these procedures in pre-licensure education or who has received formal training as defined by Rule 64B5-
16.002, F.A.C., and who performs the tasks under Direct supervision:
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(a) Fabricating temporary crowns or bridges intra-orally which shall not include any adjustment of
occlusion to the appliance or existing dentition;
(b) Selecting and pre-sizing orthodontic bands, including the selection of the proper size band for a
tooth to be banded which does not include or involve any adapting, contouring, trimming or cementing or
otherwise modifying the band material such that it would constitute fitting the band;
(c) Selecting and pre-sizing archwires prescribed by the patient’s dentist so long as the dentist makes
all final adjustments to bend, arch form determination, and symmetry prior to final placement;
(d) Selecting prescribed extra-oral appliances by pre-selection or pre-measurement which does not
include final fit adjustment;
(e) Preparing a tooth surface by applying conditioning agents for orthodontic appliances by conditioning
or placing of sealant materials which does not include placing brackets;
(f) Packing and removing retraction cord, so long as it does not contain vasoactive chemicals and is
used solely for restorative dental procedures;
(g) Removing and re-cementing properly contoured and fitting loose bands that are not permanently
attached to any appliance;
(h) Inserting or removing dressings from alveolar sockets in post-operative osteitis when the patient is
uncomfortable due to the loss of a dressing from an alveolar socket in diagnosed cases of post-operative
osteitis; and,
(i) Assist the dentist in the initiation of nitrous-oxide inhalation analgesia to a special needs or American
Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Category IV dental patients provided the patient has not been previously
sedated and the Dental Hygienist is in full compliance with the requirements of paragraph 64B5-
14.003(4)(b), F.A.C.
(3) The following remediable task may be performed by a dental hygienist who has received on-the-
job training and who performs the task under Direct supervision: Changing of bleach pellets in the internal
bleaching process of non-vital, endodontically treated teeth after the placement of a rubber dam. A dental
hygienist may not make initial access preparations.
(4) Administration of Local Anesthesia:
(a) Notwithstanding Section 466.003(11), F.S., the administration of local anesthesia becomes a
remediable and delegable task if a Florida licensed dental hygienist has been appropriately certified by the
Board and has received a certificate from the Florida Department of Health authorizing the dental hygienist
to administer local anesthesia in compliance with and pursuant to Section 466.017(5), F.S. Upon the
issuance of the certificate, the hygienist will be referred to as a Certified Registered Dental Hygienist.
(b) Under Direct supervision, a CRDH may administer local anesthesia in accordance with the following:
1. The patient must be eighteen years of age or older,
2. The patient must not be sedated; and,
3. The CRDH may administer intraoral block and soft tissue infiltration anesthesia.
(c) A Registered Dental Hygienist may apply for certification as a Certified Registered Dental Hygienist
after completion of the required education mandated by Section 466.017(5), F.S., and in accordance with
Rule 64B5-14.003, F.A.C.
(5) By virtue of their training and licensure, dental hygienists are authorized to perform the following
remediable tasks without additional training as defined in Chapter 64B5-16, F.A.C., under Indirect
Removal of excess remaining bonding adhesive or cement following orthodontic appliance removal with
slow-speed rotary instrument, hand instrument or ultrasonic scalers.
(6) The following remediable tasks may be performed by a dental hygienist who has received training
in these procedures in pre-licensure education or who has received formal training as defined by Rule 64B5-
16.002, F.A.C., and who performs the tasks under Indirect supervision:
(a) Placing or removing rubber dams;
(b) Placing or removing matrices;
(c) Applying cavity liners, varnishes or bases;
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(d) Securing or unsecuring an archwire by attaching or removing the fastening device;
(e) Marginating restorations with finishing burs, green stones, and/or burlew wheels with slow-speed
rotary instruments which are not for the purpose of changing existing contours or occlusion;
(f) Cementing temporary crowns and bridges with temporary cement;
(g) Assist the dentist in the initiation of nitrous-oxide inhalation analgesia to American Society of
Anesthesiologists (ASA) Category I III dental patients provided the Dental Hygienist is in full compliance
with the requirements of paragraph 64B5-14.003(4)(b), F.A.C.; and,
(h) Using adjunctive oral cancer screening medical devices approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
(7) By virtue of their training and licensure, dental hygienists are authorized to perform the following
remediable tasks without additional training as defined in Chapter 64B5-16, F.A.C. under General
(a) Removing calculus deposits, accretions and stains from exposed surfaces of the teeth and from the
tooth surfaces within the gingival sulcus (prophylaxis);
(b) Placing and exposing dental and carpal radiographic film and sensors;
(c) Root Planing.
(8) The following remediable tasks may be performed by a dental hygienist who has received training
in these procedures in pre-licensure education or who has received formal training as defined by Rule 64B5-
16.002, F.A.C., and who performs the tasks under General supervision:
(a) Polishing restorations which is not for the purpose of changing the existing contour of the tooth
and only with the following instruments used with appropriate polishing materials burnishers, slow-speed
hand pieces, rubber cups, and bristle brushes;
(b) Polishing clinical crowns of the teeth which is not for the purpose of changing the existing contour
of the teeth and only with the following instruments used with appropriate polishing materials slow-speed
hand pieces, bristle brushes, rubber cups, porte polishers and air-abrasive polishers;
(c) Applying of topical fluorides that are approved by the American Dental Association or the Food and
Drug Administration, including the use of fluoride varnishes and silver diamine fluoride. These procedures
may also be performed as provided in subsection (10) of this rule.
(d) Removing excess cement from dental restorations and appliances with non-mechanical hand
instruments or ultrasonic scalers only;
(e) Placing periodontal or surgical dressings;
(f) Removing periodontal or surgical dressings;
(g) Removing sutures;
(h) Using appropriate implements to assess and chart suspected findings of the oral cavity;
(i) Applying sealants;
(j) Placing or removing prescribed pre-treatment separators; and,
(k) Insert and/or perform minor adjustments to sports mouth guards and custom fluoride trays.
(l) Placing subgingival resorbable chlorhexidine, doxycycline hyclate, or minocycline hydrochloride.
(m) Apply bleaching solution, activate light source, monitor and remove in-office bleaching materials.
(n) Taking impressions for study casts which are not being made for the purpose of fabricating any
intra-oral appliances, restorations or orthodontic appliances;
(o) Taking impressions to be used for creating opposing models or the fabrication of bleaching stents
and surgical stents to be used for the purpose of providing palatal coverage as well as impressions used
for fabrication of topical fluoride trays for home application;
(p) Taking of impressions for and delivery of at-home bleaching trays;
(q) Taking impressions for passive appliances, occlusal guards, space maintainers and protective mouth
(9) The following remediable tasks may be performed by a dental hygienist who has received training
in these procedures in pre-licensure education or on-the-job training and who performs the tasks under
General supervision:
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(a) Fabricating temporary crowns and bridges in a laboratory;
(b) Applying topical anesthetics and anti-inflammatory agents which are not applied by aerosol or jet
(c) Taking or recording patients’ blood pressure rate, pulse rate, respiration rate, case history and oral
(d) Retracting lips, cheeks and tongue;
(e) Irrigating and evacuating debris not to include endodontic irrigation;
(f) Placing and removing cotton rolls;
(g) Placing or removing temporary restorations with non-mechanical hand instruments only; and,
(h) Obtaining bacteriological cytological (plaque) specimens, which do not involve cutting of the tissue
and which do not include taking endodontic cultures, to be examined under a microscope for educational
(10) By virtue of their training and licensure, dental hygienists are authorized to perform the following
remediable tasks without additional training as defined in Chapter 64B5-16, F.A.C., without supervision:
(a) Provide educational programs, faculty or staff training programs, and authorized fluoride rinse
(b) Apply fluoride varnishes, and silver diamine fluoride, instruct patients in oral hygiene care and
supervising patient oral hygiene care and other services which do not involve diagnosis or treatment of
dental conditions.
(c) Perform the remediable tasks specified in Sections 466.023(3), 466.0235, and 466.024(2), F.S., as
long as all provisions of the respective statute are met.
(11) The following remediable tasks may be performed by a dental hygienists who has received training
in these procedures in pre-licensure education or who has received formal training as defined by Rule 64B5-
16.002, F.A.C., and who performs the tasks without supervision:
(a) Perform the remediable tasks specified in Sections 466.023(3), 466.0235, and 466.024(2), F.S., as
long as all provisions of the respective statute are met;
(b) Screening of a patient, including state or federally mandated screenings, to determine an
individual’s need to be seen by a dentist for a diagnosis;
(c) Assessment of a patient, a limited clinical inspection that is performed to identify possible signs of
oral or systemic disease, malformation, or injury, and the potential need for referral for diagnosis and
treatment to a licensed practitioner.
(d) All CRDH must follow the procedure for reporting adverse incidents outlined in subsection 64B5-
14.006(4), F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017(6), 466.023, 466.024 FS. Law Implemented 466.017(6), 466.023, 466.024
FS. HistoryNew 1-18-89, Amended 11-16-89, 3-25-90, 9-5-91, 2-1-93, Formerly 21G-16.006, Amended 3-30-94,
Formerly 61F5-16.006, Amended 1-9-95, 6-12-97, Formerly 59Q-16.006, Amended 1-25-98, 9-9-98, 3-25-99, 4-24-00,
9-27-01, 7-13-05, 2-14-06, 3-24-08, 7-20-09, 10-17-10, 8-5-12, 6-28-17, 8-29-17, 2-27-18, 12-9-18, 3-25-20, 3-30-
21, 9-12-22.
64B5-16.0061 Delegation of Remediable Restorative Functions to Dental Hygienists;
Supervision Level; and Training and Experience Requirements.
Notwithstanding any other rule provision to the contrary, a dentist may delegate remedial intraoral
restorative functions to a Dental Hygienist in strict compliance with the provisions of this rule. All functions
delegated under this rule shall be performed under direct supervision.
(1) Delegable Restorative Functions: After a dentist has prepared a tooth, a dentist may delegate to a
dental hygienist, who has met the mandatory training requirements of this rule, the task of placing, packing
and contouring amalgam and composite restorations and the fitting and contouring of stainless-steel
crowns (tasks). However, a dental hygienist shall not permanently cement stainless steel crowns.
(a) The tasks shall only be performed using a slow speed handpiece and hand instruments.
(b) The delegating dentist shall not supervise more than four (4) dental hygienists or dental assistants
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in combination who are simultaneously performing the tasks pursuant to this rule or a rule authorizing the
same or similar delegable tasks for dental assistants.
(c) The delegating dentist shall ensure that the patient’s dental chart is annotated to reflect the initials
of the dental hygienist who performed the tasks.
(d) The delegating dentist shall also ensure that the patient’s dental chart reflects that the final
restoration was verified by the delegating dentist and the result of the verification shall also be documented.
(2) Mandatory Training Course Prerequisites: To be eligible to be admitted into the mandatory training
course required in subsection (3), a dental hygienist (Candidate) shall meet the following conditions:
(a) The Candidate shall be at least 18 years of age.
(b) The Candidate shall be a high school graduate or have a High School Equivalency Certificate.
(c) The Candidate shall have a current Basic Life Support for Healthcare Provider certificate.
(d) The Candidate shall have an active unrestricted dental hygiene license from any U.S. state or
territory. The Candidate shall have never had a dental hygiene license suspended or revoked in any
(e) Within 24 months prior to being admitted to the mandatory training course in subsection (3), the
Candidate must have documented proof of 2,400 hours of clinical work experience in either a dental office
or as an educator of dental hygiene or is a graduate of a dental hygiene program, accredited by a dental
accrediting entity recognized by the United States Department of Education, within 24 months prior to
being admitted to the mandatory training course.
(3) Mandatory Training Course: The mandatory training course shall be offered by a dental or dental
hygiene school or program that is accredited by a dental accrediting entity recognized by the United States
Department of Education. The training course must be specifically designed and implemented to comply
with the provisions of this rule. The training program shall ensure that the candidate meets all the
qualifications in subsection (2) before accepting the candidate into the training program. At a minimum,
the training shall include and contain the following:
(a) 85 clock hours including a minimum of 5 hours dedicated to preclinical didactic hours, and a clinical
portion consisting of a minimum 55 hours dedicated to simulated lab and a minimum of 25 hours dedicated
to live patients. The pre-clinical didactic hours may be offered online. At the completion of the preclinical
didactic hours, the course shall require the passing of an initial written examination prior to the clinical
portion of the training. A passing score shall require a score of 75 percent or above.
(b) A clinical and lab session for Amalgam Restorations Class I, II, and V, which shall include live
(c) A clinical and lab session for Composite Restorations Class I, II, III, and V, which shall include live
(d) A clinical and lab session to size, fit and contour, but not permanently cement, stainless steel
crowns, which shall include live patients.
(e) The training program shall verify competency by requiring an exit or final written examination and
clinical examination that includes live patients. The written portion of the examination shall include a section
covering the Laws and Rules of Dentistry in Florida. A passing score shall require a 75 percent or above on
both the written and clinical examination and the examinations shall not be weighted to achieve an overall
score of 75 percent or better. The clock hours dedicated to the exit or final written and clinical examination
shall not count towards the required minimum 85 total clock hours required by the course.
(f) Upon the successful completion of the training course, a certificate of successful completion of the
Restorative Function Course shall be issued.
(4) Documentation of Training: A Dentist who delegates tasks pursuant to this rule shall ensure that a
copy of the Restorative Function Course training certificate is immediately available at the location where
tasks are delegated, and the certificate shall be produced by the dentist when requested by the Board
Office or any authorized inspector.
(5) Responsibility: The delegating and supervising dentist shall remain fully responsible for all delegated
tasks and for ensuring that the dental hygienist meets the training requirements of this rule.
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Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.024 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 466.024, 466.024(7) FS.
HistoryNew 6-26-19.
64B5-16.007 Levels of Supervision for Dental Hygienists.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004, 466.023, 466.024 FS. Law Implemented 466.023, 466.024(7) FS. History
New 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-16.007, 61F5-16.007, Amended 9-27-95, 6-12-97, Formerly 59Q-16.007,
Amended 1-8-01, 6-11-07, 7-20-09, 6-28-17, 8-29-17, Repealed 12-9-18.
64B5-16.0075 Dental Charting by Dental Hygienists.
(1) Each person who receives a dental charting, or the parent or legal guardian of the person receiving
dental charting, by a dental hygienist pursuant to Section 466.0235, F.S., and this rule shall receive a dental
charting form that contains the following information and the patient shall acknowledge the following
information before receiving the dental charting procedure:
(a) The patient’s name and the names of the patient’s parent or legal guardian if the patient is a minor.
(b) The patient’s address or the address of the patient’s parent or legal guardian if the patient is a
(c) The date of the dental charting.
(d) The name, license number, and place of employment of the dental hygienist performing the dental
(e) The location where the dental charting is being performed.
(f) A statement that the purpose of dental charting is to collect data for use by a dentist at a prompt
subsequent examination.
(g) A statement that the dental charting performed is not a substitute for a comprehensive dental
(h) A statement emphasizing that diagnosis of caries, soft tissue disease, oral cancer, temporo-
mandibular joint disease (TMJ), and dentofacial malocclusions can only be completed by a dentist in the
context of delivering a comprehensive dental examination.
(i) A statement emphasizing the inherent limitations of dental charting and encouraging the patient to
receive a complete examination by a dentist in rendering a professional diagnosis of the patient’s overall
health needs.
(j) Before performing periodontal probing as part of a dental charting, dental hygienists shall include a
written statement on the dental charting form that the patient has received medical clearance from a
physician or dentist.
(2) Dental hygienists charting and collecting data for epidemiological surveys for public health may use
the dental charting forms without identifying patient information or the name, license number, and place
of employment of the dental hygienists or dentists.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.0235 FS. Law Implemented 466.0235 FS. HistoryNew 12-26-06,
Amended 6-11-07, 7-1-12, 1-27-15.
64B5-16.008 Emergency Remediable Tasks.
In an emergency in which a dentist of record is unable to be physically present to pre-examine the patient,
and the patient will be seen by a dentist within 3 days, the following remediable tasks may be performed
by both dental assistants and dental hygienists who hold current CPR certification from the American Red
Cross, the American Heart Association or an equivalent CPR training agency and who are trained pursuant
to Rule 64B5-16.002, F.A.C., without pre-examination by a dentist:
(1) Removing and re-cementing properly contoured and fitting loose bands that are not permanently
attached to any appliance;
(2) Securing or unsecuring an archwire by attaching or removing the fastening device;
(3) Inserting or removing dressings from alveolar sockets in post-operative osteitis when the patient is
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uncomfortable due to the loss of a dressing from an alveolar socket in diagnosed cases of post-operative
(4) Placing or removing periodontal dressings when the patient is uncomfortable due to the loss of a
periodontal pack during the prescribed period of treatment;
(5) Cementing temporary crowns or bridges using temporary cement when the patient is uncomfortable
due to the loss of a temporary crown or bridge; and
(6) Placing temporary medicinal restorative material when the patient is uncomfortable due to the loss
of a temporary medicinal restoration.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.023, 466.024 FS. Law Implemented 466.023, 466.024 FS. History
New 1-18-89, Formerly 21G-16.008, 61F5-16.008, Amended 6-12-97, Formerly 59Q-16.008, Amended 8-
64B5-16.009 Display of Certificates.
The supervising licensee is responsible for ensuring that any dental assistant or dental hygienist who
performs remediable tasks as a result of formal training shall display the certificate received at the
conclusion of the training in a conspicuous public place where the tasks are performed. The supervising
licensee shall also keep a copy of each such certificate on file in the dental office at which the dental
assistant or dental hygienist performs remediable tasks.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.024(3) FS. HistoryNew 1-18-89, Formerly
21G-16.009, 61F5-16.009, Amended 8-8-94, Formerly 59Q-16.009.
64B5-16.010 Prior Certification and Training.
Dental hygienists and dental assistants trained prior to April 30, 1980, who were at that time authorized to
perform tasks set forth by Board Rule may continue to perform those tasks without the formal training
required by Rule Chapter 64B5-16, F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.024(3) FS. Law Implemented 466.023(4), 466.024(3) FS. History
New 4-30-80, Formerly 21G-16.04, Amended 12-31-86, Formerly 21G-16.004, Amended 1-18-89, Formerly
21G-16.010, 61F5-16.010, 59Q-16.010.
Chapter 64B5-17
Dental Practice and Principles
64B5-17.001 Required Availability of Dental Records Upon Relocation or Termination of Practice, or
Death Practitioner
64B5-17.011 Change of Address
64B5-17.002 Written Dental Records; Minimum Content; Retention
64B5-17.003 Patient Referrals
64B5-17.004 Emergency Care
64B5-17.0045 Standards for the Use of Controlled Substances for Treatment of Pain
64B5-17.005 Identification of Removable Prosthetic Devices
64B5-17.006 Prescription Forms
64B5-17.009 Patient Records; Copying Charges; Timely Release
64B5-17.010 Unlicensed Practice of Dentistry
64B5-17.0105 Ownership of Dental Instruments by a Dental Hygienist
64B5-17.011 Financial Responsibility
64B5-17.012 Use of Sargenti Material
64B5-17.013 Proprietorship by Nondentists
64B5-17.014 Removal of Amalgam Fillings
64B5-17.015 Office Safety Requirement
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64B5-17.001 Required Availability of Dental Records Upon Relocation or Termination of
Practice, or Death of Practitioner.
(1) Patient records are confidential and may not be released unless authorized by the patient in writing.
This confidentiality prohibits review of the records by a dentist other than the dentist of record or by other
health care providers unless they are actually involved in care or treatment of the patient. Maintenance of
patient records by a deceased dentist’s estate, authorized agent of the estate or by a successor-owner
dentist of a practice does not authorize review of patient records. However, limited review for the purpose
of obtaining a patient’s name, address and last date of treatment in order to comply with this rule is
(2) Within 90 days of a dentist’s death, the dentist’s estate or agent shall place all patient records of
the deceased dentist in the care of another Florida licensed dentist.
(a) The patient records of the deceased dentist shall be maintained and made available to patients for
a period of 4 years.
(b) Within 90 days of a dentist’s death the dentist’s estate or agent shall cause a notice to be published
in the newspaper of greatest general circulation in the county where the dentist practiced which advises
patients of the dentist’s death. The notice shall advise patients that they may obtain copies of their dental
records and specify the name, address and telephone number of the person from whom the copies of
records may be obtained. The notice shall appear at least once a week for four consecutive weeks.
(c) The subsequent Florida licensed dentist shall cause to be published a similar notice whenever the
patient records of the deceased dentist are subsequently transferred to another licensed Florida dentist if
such transfer is within 4 years of the dentist’s death.
(d) During the four year retention period required by this rule each licensed Florida dentist who is in
possession of the deceased dentist’s patient records shall insure that the original patient records, or in
cases where the patient has requested that the records be released or transferred, copies thereof remain
in his possession.
(3) Dental records of a practitioner who is terminating or relocating his practice shall be retained by
the dentist or his authorized agent, which may be a successor-owner dentist, and made available to patients
for 4 years from the date the patient was last examined or treated.
(4) Within one month of a dentist’s termination of practice or relocation of practice outside the local
telephone directory service area of his or her current practice, a notice shall be published in the newspaper
of greatest general circulation in the county where the dentist practiced which advises patients of the
dentist’s termination of practice or relocation. The notice shall advise patients that they may obtain copies
of their dental records and specify the name, address and telephone number of the person from whom
copies of records may be obtained. The notice shall appear at least once a week for 4 consecutive weeks.
(5) If a dentist relocates his practice but maintains a listing in the same local telephone directory used
in his previous practice location, notice of relocation shall be clearly posted at his practice location for one
month prior to relocation. The notice shall state the date of relocation and the address to which the office
is being relocated.
(6) Records shall be made available at a location within the county where the dentist practices or
practiced and shall be made available at reasonable times.
Rulemaking Authority 456.058, 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.058 FS. HistoryNew 10-26-80,
Formerly 21G-17.01, Amended 7-16-90, 10-28-91, 4-23-90, Formerly 21G-17.001, 61F5-17.001, 59Q-
64B5-17.0011 Change of Address.
Each licensee shall provide written notification to the department of the licensee’s current mailing address
and place of practice. The term “place of practice” means the primary physical location where the licensee
practices the profession of dentistry or dental hygiene.
Rulemaking Authority 456.035, 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.035, 466.013 FS. HistoryNew 3-27-
90, Formerly 21G-17.0011, 61F5-17.0011, 59Q-17.0011, Amended 2-15-22.
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64B5-17.002 Written Dental Records; Minimum Content; Retention.
A dentist shall maintain patient dental records in a legible manner and with sufficient detail to clearly
demonstrate why the course of treatment was undertaken.
(1) Dental Record: The dental record shall contain sufficient information to identify the patient, support
the diagnosis, justify the treatment and document the course and results of treatment accurately, by
including, at a minimum, patient histories; X-rays (if taken;) examination results; test results; records of
drugs prescribed, dispensed, or administered; reports of consultation or referrals; and copies of records or
reports or other documentation obtained from health care practitioners at the request of the dentist and
relied upon by the dentist in determining the appropriate treatment of the patient.
(2) Record Alterations: Any additions, corrections, modifications, annotations, or alterations
(hereinafter “change”) to the original dental record entry must be clearly noted as such and must include
the date when the change was made, must be initialed by the person making the change, and must have
an explanation for the change. An original entry to the record cannot be partially or wholly removed. Rather,
to represent the deletion of a record entry, the entry must be struck through where it will remain legible.
A change made on the same date of the original entry must also include the time of change.
(3) Record Transfer or Release: Whenever patient records are released or transferred, the dentist
releasing or transferring the records shall maintain either the original records or copies thereof and a
notation shall be made in the retained records indicating to whom the records were released or transferred
and the authority for such release. Transfer of records in a multidentist practice office shall be done and
documented in strict accordance with Section 466.018, F.S.
(4) Record Retention Period: A dentist shall maintain the written dental record of a patient for a period
of at least four (4) years.
(a) The four (4) year retention period shall be calculated from the date the patient was last examined
or treated by the dentist.
(b) Upon the death of the dentist, the retention provisions of Rule 64B5-17.001, F.A.C., are controlling.
(5) Appointment Book: Each dentist shall retain a copy of each entry in his or her patient appointment
book or such other log, calendar, book, file or computer data, used in lieu of an appointment book, for a
period of no less than four (4) years from the date of each entry thereon.
(6) Dentist of Record: All records that are required by this rule and any other patient record shall be
properly annotated to identify the dentist of record. The dentist of record is the dentist who:
(a) Is identified and noted in the patient record as the dentist of record;
(b) Provides a specific treatment or service and is noted in the patient record as the dentist of record
for that treatment or service;
(c) If there has been more than one provider of treatment, is the dentist who places the final
restoration, does the surgical procedure, makes the diagnosis or finishes the service or procedure in
question, or
(d) If the dentist of record is not identifiable, then the owner of the dental practice in which the patient
was treated is the dentist of record.
(7) Owner of Dental Practice: All dental records required by this rule and any additional records
maintained in the course of practicing dentistry shall be the property of the owner dentist of the dental
practice in which the dental patient is seen or treated and the owner dentist shall be ultimately responsible
for all record keeping requirements set forth by statute or rule.
(a) The owner dentist is responsible for the records of patients seen or treated by any employee,
associate, or visiting dentist.
(b) Multiple owners are severally and equally responsible for the records of patients seen or treated
with the dental practice of that dental group.
(c) A lessor or owner dentist is not responsible for the records of an independent dentist who is merely
leasing or renting space or staff services for the operation of a separate dental practice within the owner
dentist’s physical facility.
(8) Electronic Dental Records: Patient records may be kept in an electronic format, provided that the
dentist maintains a back-up copy of information stored in the back-up data processing system using disk,
tape, or other secure electronic back-up system, onsite or off-site, as long as the back-up system is updated
in a time frame that does not exceed seventy-two hours (72 hrs.), to assure that data is not lost due to
system failure. Any electronic data system must be capable of producing a hard copy on lawful demand in
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accordance with and pursuant to federal or state laws and rules.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.057, 456.058, 466.028(1)(m), 466.018 FS.
HistoryNew 10-8-85, Formerly 21G-17.02, Amended 10-28-91, Formerly 21G-17.002, Amended 11-22-93,
Formerly 61F5-17.002, 59Q-17.002, Amended 11-15-99, 4-22-03, 3-14-13, 5-14-15, 4-17-16.
64B5-17.003 Patient Referrals.
(1) Split-fee arrangements relating to the referral of patients by a client to another health care practice
are prohibited.
(2) As used herein, the term “health care practice” shall mean a lawful and distinct business entity
owned and operated under one name by an individual or group of duly licensed health care providers with
facilities at one or more locations such as a solo dental practice, group practice, or professional service
corporation, which offers health care services to the public within the limits of the professional licenses
held by the owners, employees and agents of the business.
(3) Referral of a patient to another dentist in the same health care practice, so long as any remuneration
shared by the dentists is not based upon the number of referrals within the practice and the referral of a
patient to another dentist within the practice is in the best interest of the patient, is not a split-fee
(4) Fee arrangements between dentists in the same health care practice which are based upon
productivity or shared net profits are not split-fee arrangements.
(5) Notification forms signed by patients in accordance with subsection (5), above, shall be maintained
in the patient’s record.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.052 FS. HistoryNew 8-30-90, Formerly 21G-
17.003, 61F5-17.003, 59Q-17.003, Amended 8-19-97, 2-15-22.
64B5-17.004 Emergency Care.
It is the responsibility of every dentist practicing in this State to provide, either personally, through another
licensed dentist, or through a reciprocal agreement with another agency, reasonable twenty-four (24) hour
emergency services for all patients under his continuing care.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.028(1)(t), (x) FS. HistoryNew 4-26-87,
Formerly 21G-17.004, 61F5-17.004, 59Q-17.004.
64B5-17.0045 Standards for the Use of Controlled Substances for Treatment of Pain.
The standards of practice in this rule do not supersede the level of care, skill and treatment recognized in
general law related to healthcare licensure. All dentists who are authorized to prescribe controlled
substances shall comply with the following:
(1) Definitions.
(a) Acute Pain. For the purpose of this rule, “acute pain” is defined as the normal, predicted,
physiological, and time-limited response to an adverse chemical, thermal, or mechanical stimulus associated
with surgery, trauma, or acute illness. The term does not include pain related to:
1. Cancer.
2. A terminal condition. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term “terminal condition” means a
progressive disease or medical or surgical condition that causes significant functional impairment, is not
considered to be reversible without the administration of life-sustaining procedures, and will result in death
within 1 year after diagnosis if the condition runs its normal course.
3. Palliative care to provide relief of symptoms related to an incurable, progressive illness or injury.
4. A traumatic injury with an Injury Severity Score of 9 or greater.
(b) Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) or “the system.” For the purpose of this rule, the
system is defined as the Florida Department of Health’s electronic system to collect and store controlled
substance dispensing information as set forth in section 893.055, F.S.
(c) Substance Abuse. For the purpose of this rule, “substance abuse” is defined as the use of any
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substances for non-therapeutic purposes or use of medication for purposes other than those for which it is
(2) Standards. The nature and extent of the requirements set forth below will vary depending on the
practice setting and circumstances presented to the dentist. The Board has adopted the following standards
for the prescribing of controlled substances for acute pain:
(a))Evaluation of the Patient. A medical history and physical examination appropriate for the patient’s
clinical condition must be conducted and documented in the medical record. The medical record also shall
document the presence of one or more recognized medical indications for the use of a controlled substance.
(b) Treatment Plan. The written treatment plan shall indicate if any further diagnostic evaluations or
other treatments are planned including non-opioid medications and therapies if indicated. After treatment
begins, the dentist shall adjust medication therapy, if necessary, to the individual medical needs of each
(c) Informed Consent and Agreement for Treatment. The dentist shall discuss the risks and benefits of
the use of controlled substances including the risk of abuse and addiction as well as physical dependence
with the patient, persons designated by the patient, or with the patient’s surrogate or guardian if the patient
is incompetent. The discussion shall also include expected pain intensity, duration, options, use of pain
medications, non-medication therapies, and common side effects. Special attention must be given to those
pain patients who are at risk of misuse or diversion of their medications.
(d) Periodic Review. Based on the circumstances presented, the dentist shall review the course of
treatment and any new information about the etiology of the pain. Continuation or modification of therapy
shall depend on the dentist’s evaluation of the patient’s progress. If treatment goals are not achieved,
despite medication adjustments, the dentist shall reevaluate the patient and determine the appropriateness
of continued treatment. The dentist shall monitor patient compliance of medication usage and related
treatment plans.
(e) Consultation. The dentist shall refer the patient as necessary for additional evaluation and treatment
in order to achieve treatment objectives. The management of pain in patients with a history of substance
abuse or with a comorbid psychiatric disorder requires extra care, monitoring, and documentation, and
may require consultation with or referral to an expert in the management of such patients.
(f) Medical Records. The dentist is required to keep accurate and complete records to include, but not
be limited to:
1. The medical history and a physical examination, including history of drug abuse or dependence, if
2. Diagnostic, therapeutic, and laboratory results,
3. Evaluations and consultations,
4. Treatment objectives,
5. Discussion of risks and benefits,
6. Treatments,
7. Medications (including date, type, dosage, and quantity prescribed),
8. Instructions and agreements,
9. Drug testing results if indicated,
10. Justification for deviation from the 3-day prescription supply limit for a Schedule II opioid controlled
substance for acute pain,
11. Outline of problems encountered when attempting to consult the PDMP, if the system was non-
operational or the clinician, or his or her designee, is unable to access the PDMP due to a temporary
technological or electrical failure; and
12. Periodic reviews. Records must remain current, maintained in an accessible manner, readily
available for review, and must be in full compliance with rule 64B5-17.002, F.A.C., sections 456.057,
466.018, and 466.028(1)(m), F.S.
(g) Compliance with Laws and Rules. Dentists shall at all times, remain in compliance with this rule and
all state and federal laws and regulations addressing the prescribing and administration of controlled
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Rulemaking Authority 456.44(4), 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 456.44(4) FS. HistoryNew 8-12-02,
Amended 12-4-18.
64B5-17.005 Identification of Removable Prosthetic Devices.
(1) The Board takes official notice of the large number of elderly dental patients residing in Florida and
that many of them are confined to hospitals, nursing homes, and other health care institutions. The Board
also recognizes the continuing difficulty in providing ongoing dental care to these individuals which is
created as a result of the inadvertent misplacing or switching of their removable dental prosthetic devices,
which can enhance the transmission of communicable diseases. Accordingly, in an effort to enhance the
likelihood that these individuals will receive minimally competent dental treatment consistent with the
requirements of Section 466.028(1)(x), F.S., the Board establishes an identification standard for removable
prosthetic devices.
(2) Every licensed dentist in this State making or directing to be made a removable prosthetic device,
bridge, appliance or other structure to be used and worn as a substitute for natural teeth and/or supporting
structure shall offer to the patient for whom the prosthesis is intended the opportunity to have such
prosthesis marked at the time of fabrication. The location and method used for marking the prosthesis shall
be determined by the dentist and this marking shall be permanent, legible, and cosmetically acceptable
and shall include the patient’s name.
(3) If the dentist determines that identification is not practicable or clinically safe, the offer to mark the
prosthesis need not be made.
(4) Any removable dental prosthesis fabricated prior to the effective date of this rule, shall be subject
to the provisions of subsection (2), during a laboratory relining or rebasing of the prosthesis.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.028(1)(x) FS. HistoryNew 4-26-87, Amended
6-20-89, Formerly 21G-17.005, 61F5-17.005, 59Q-17.005.
64B5-17.006 Prescription Forms.
(1) Approved prescription forms must contain all information necessary for completion of the assigned
work and must include at a minimum:
(a) Title “Laboratory Procedure Prescription”;
(b) Name, address and license number of the registered dental laboratory;
(c) Name, address and license number of the Florida licensed dentist who owns the prescription form
and is authorizing the procedure;
(d) Patient’s name or number;
(e) Date sent to lab;
(f) Signature of the licensed dentist, which may be an electronic signature;
(g) Sufficient descriptive information to clearly identify each separate and individual piece of work to
be performed by the dental laboratory; and,
(h) Specification of materials to be contained in each work product.
(2) Copies of prescription forms must be maintained, either on paper or stored electronically in an
encrypted data base, in the prescribing dentist’s office for a period of four (4) years following the date the
prescription was issued. The original prescription shall be retained in a file by the dental laboratory for a
period of four (4) years.
(3) A registered dental laboratory may perform work for another registered dental laboratory if that
work is performed pursuant to a written authorization form containing all information necessary for
completion of the assigned work and must include at a minimum:
(a) Title “Laboratory Procedure Authorization”;
(b) Name, address and license number of the originating registered dental laboratory;
(c) Name, address and license number of the registered dental laboratory performing the work;
(d) Evidence that the originating laboratory has obtained a valid prescription which shall include the
name, address and license number of the licensed dentist who wrote the original prescription authorizing
the procedure;
(e) Sufficient descriptive information to clearly identify each separate and individual piece of work to
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be performed by the dental laboratory; and,
(f) Specification of materials to be contained in each work product.
Rulemaking Authority 466.021 FS. Law Implemented 466.021 FS. HistoryNew 12-21-99, Amended 3-23-
06, 10-9-06, 5-28-09.
64B5-17.009 Patient Records; Copying Charges; Timely Release.
(1) A dentist who makes an examination of, or administers treatment to any person, shall upon the
request of such person or his legal representative furnish copies of all reports or records made of such
examination or treatment, including x-rays. The furnishing of copies shall not be conditioned upon payment
of an unpaid or disputed fee for services rendered.
(2) A dentist may charge a fee for copying reports or records not to exceed the cost per page charged
by the Clerk of the County Court where the dentist practices. The fee for copies of x-rays shall not exceed
actual cost of duplication. Payment of copying fees may be required upon delivery of the copies.
(3) A dentist shall comply with a patient’s written request for copies of records and reports in a timely
manner, with due regard for the patient’s health needs. In the absence of circumstances beyond the control
of the licensee, timely shall mean less than 30 days.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.057 FS. HistoryNew 4-26-87, Amended 6-20-
89, Formerly 21G-17.009, 61F5-17.009, 59Q-17.009, Amended 1-23-01.
64B5-17.010 Unlicensed Practice of Dentistry.
For the purposes of interpreting Sections 466.003(3), 466.026(1)(a) and 466.028(1)(g)(bb), F.S., the Board
shall not consider it to be the unlicensed practice of dentistry for an unlicensed person to furnish, supply,
construct or reproduce an appliance to be worn in the human mouth or to verify the patient’s shade-
selection outside the dentist’s direct supervision for fixed partial prosthesis if:
(1) The appliance is a removable mouth protection device that is inserted and removed by the user
without adjustment by a licensed dentist (e.g. athletic mouth guards);
(2) A prescription or dentist’s order is not required in order to obtain the appliance;
(3) The appliance does not adjust or otherwise affect the natural features of the face or mouth or affect
any appliance placed in the mouth by a licensed dentist;
(4) The appliance or device does not have the potential to cause significant or irreparable damage to
the dentition and/or oral tissue;
(5) The request for the shade verification is accompanied by a prescription form or work order written
by a licensed dentist to meet the requirements of Section 466.021, F.S.;
(6) The dentist has previously completed the initial shade selection;
(7) The shade verification site is approved by the dentist and meets all requirements of Sections
466.028(1)(u), 466.031(1) and 466.032(1), F.S.;
(8) During shade verification, no appliances or prosthetic devices are to be placed, removed or sealed
in the oral cavity at the site except by a licensed dentist on a patient of record in accordance with the
requirements of Sections 466.024(5) and 466.028(1)(m), F.S.;
(9) During shade verification, contact to the patient is limited to visual contact only;
(10) During shade verification, soft or hard tissue shall not be manipulated;
(11) During shade verification, the patient shall be instructed on how to retract his or her own lip, and
the shade tab shall only be held in proximity, but without physical contact to the patient’s dentition; and,
(12) During shade verification, photography shall be limited to the patient’s visible dentition during
smile and the patient’s dentition with the patient retracting their lips.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.026(1)(a), 466.028(1)(g), (bb) FS. History
New 9-5-91, Formerly 21G-17.010, 61F5-17.010, Amended 5-9-95, Formerly 59Q-17.010, Amended 10-8-
64B5-17.0105 Ownership of Dental Instruments by a Dental Hygienist.
For purposes of interpreting sections 466.0285, 466.024, 466.023 and 466.0235, F.S., a Dental Hygienist
is not precluded from owning dental instruments used by her or him in the provision of dental hygiene
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services, working under the authorization of dentist or providing dental hygiene services to carry out
provisions outlined in the statute when a supervising dentist is not required.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 466.0285 FS. HistoryNew 12-23-02, Amended 6-3-
64B5-17.011 Financial Responsibility.
As a prerequisite for licensure or license renewal every dentist is required to maintain medical malpractice
insurance or provide proof of financial responsibility as set forth herein:
(1) Obtaining and maintaining professional liability coverage in an amount not less than $100,000 per
claim, with a minimum annual aggregate of not less than $300,000, from an authorized insurer as defined
under Section 624.09, F.S., from a surplus lines insurer as defined under Section 626.914(2), F.S., from a
risk retention group as defined under Section 627.942, F.S., from the Joint Underwriting Association
established under Section 627.351(4), F.S., or through a plan of self-insurance as provided in Section
627.357, F.S.
(2) Obtaining and maintaining an unexpired, irrevocable letter of credit, established pursuant to
Chapter 675, F.S., in an amount not less than $100,000 per claim, with a minimum aggregate availability
of credit of not less than $300,000. The letter of credit shall be payable to the dentist as beneficiary upon
presentment of a final judgment indicating liability and awarding damages to be paid by the dentist or upon
presentment of a settlement agreement signed by all parties to such agreement when such final judgment
or settlement is a result of a claim arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, dental care and
services. Such letter of credit shall be nonassignable and nontransferable. Such letter of credit shall be
issued by any bank or savings association organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida or
any bank or savings association organized under the laws of the United States that has its principal place
of business in this state or has a branch office which is authorized under the laws of this state or of the
United States to receive deposits in this state.
(3) Upon application to the Board, the following licensees shall be exempted from meeting the
requirements of this rule:
(a) Any dentist who practices exclusively as an officer, employee or agent of the federal government
or of the State of Florida or its agencies or subdivision. For purposes of this rule, an agent of the State of
Florida, its agencies or its subdivisions is a person who is eligible for coverage under any self insurance or
insurance program authorized by the provisions of Section 768.28(14), F.S., or who is a volunteer under
Section 110.501(1), F.S.
(b) Any dentist whose license has become inactive under Chapter 466, F.S., and who is not practicing
in this state. Any dentist applying for reactivation of a license must show either that such licensee
maintained tail insurance which provided liability coverage for incidents that occurred on or after October
1, 1993, or the initial date of licensure in this state, whichever is later, and incidents that occurred before
the date on which the license became inactive; or such licensee must submit an affidavit stating that such
licensee has no unsatisfied medical malpractice judgments or settlements at the time of application for
(c) Any dentist licensed or certified under Chapter 466, F.S., who practices only in conjunction with
his/her teaching duties at an accredited school or in its main teaching hospitals. Such dentist may engage
in the practice of dentistry to the extent that such practice is incidental to and a necessary part of duties
in connection with the teaching position in the school.
(d) Any dentist holding an active license under Chapter 466, F.S., who is not practicing in this state. If
such person initiates or resumes practice in this state, he/she must notify the Board of such activity.
(e) Any dentist who can demonstrate to the Board that he/she has no malpractice exposure in the
State of Florida.
(4) Every dentist complying with these requirements pursuant to either subsection (1) or (2), above,
shall ensure that such insurance or proof covers liability for actions of any dental hygienist supervised by
the dentist. Dental hygienists working unsupervised pursuant to Section 466.0235, F.S., shall be required
to maintain medical malpractice insurance or provide proof of financial responsibility if he or she is not a
volunteer under Section 110.501(1), F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.048 FS. HistoryNew 11-22-93, Amended 3-
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31-94, Formerly 61F5-17.011, 59Q-17.011, Amended 12-20-98, 3-19-02, 6-13-07.
64B5-17.012 Use of Sargenti Material.
The Board of Dentistry has determined pursuant to Sections 466.001 and 466.028(1)(x) and (ff), F.S., that
the use of “Sargenti Cement” (e.g., N2, RC2B, or RC2W or essentially similar compounds) as an endodontic
filling material or cement does not meet the minimum standards of performance for competent dental
practice in Florida. The Board specifically finds that “Sargenti Cement” containing paraformaldehyde, when
used as an endodontic filling material or cement, can cause severe and irreversible damage to patients.
“Sargenti Cement” that is improperly used or which escapes beyond the root canal is much more likely to
cause significant damage than incorrectly performed endodontic procedures using alternative filling
materials or cements. Most licensed dentists in Florida do not use “Sargenti Cement” in endodontic therapy.
Therefore, the use of Sargenti Cement” as an endodontic filling material does not meet the existing
minimum standard of performance for competent dental practice in Florida.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.001, 466.004(4), 466.028(1)(x), (ff) FS.
HistoryNew 5-29-96, Formerly 59Q-17.012.
64B5-17.013 Proprietorship by Nondentists.
(1) No corporation, lay body, organization, or individual other than a licensed dentist or a professional
corporation or limited liability company composed of dentists shall engage in the practice of dentistry
through the means of engaging the services, upon a salary, commission, or other means of inducement,
of any person licensed to practice dentistry in this state. The provisions of this rule are not applicable to
dentists working under any of the settings described in Section 466.025, F.S.
(2) No dentist shall enter into any agreement with a nondentist which directs, controls, or interferes
with the dentist’s clinical judgment, or which controls the use of any dental equipment or material while
such is being used for the provision of dental services. Nor shall any dentist enter into an agreement which
permits any entity which itself is not a licensed dentist to practice dentistry, or to offer dentistry services
to the public through the licensed dentist. The clinical judgment of the licensed dentist must be exercised
solely for the benefit of his/her patients, and shall be free from any compromising control, influences,
obligations, or loyalties. To direct, control, or interfere with a dentist’s clinical judgment shall not be
construed to include those matters specifically excluded by Section 466.0285(1)(c), F.S.
(3) For the purposes of this rule:
(a) The term “clinical means having a significant relationship, whether real or potential, direct or
indirect, to the actual rendering or outcome of dental care, the practice of dentistry or the quality of dental
care being rendered to one or more patients.
(b) The term “control” shall mean to exercise authority or dominating influence over; having the
authority or ability to regulate, direct, or dominate.
(4) A licensed dentist may enter into an agreement with a nondentist to receive “Practice Management
Services.” The term “Practice Management Services” is defined to include consultation or other activities or
services offered by someone other than a Florida licensed dentist regarding one or more of the following
types of products or services:
(a) The suitability of dental office space, furnishings and equipment;
(b) Staff necessary to operate a dental practice;
(c) Regulatory compliance expertise and services;
(d) Methods to increase productivity of a dental practice;
(e) Inventory and supplies required to operate a dental practice;
(f) Information systems designed to produce financial and operational data on the dental practice;
(g) Marketing plans or advertising to increase productivity of a dental practice;
(h) Site selection, relocation, design or physical layout of a dental practice, or
(i) Financial services such as accounting and bookkeeping, monitoring and payment of accounts
receivable, payment of leases and subleases, payroll or benefits administration, billing and collection for
patient services, payment of federal or state income tax, personal property or intangible taxes,
administration of interest expense or indebtedness incurred to finance the operation of the dental practice,
or malpractice insurance expenses.
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(5) For purposes of implementing the provisions of Sections 466.0285, 466.003 and 466.028(1)(g) and
(z), F.S., no dentist shall enter into a practice management agreement with anyone other than a dentist or
group of dentists which provides or offers to provide, whether by contract or employment, with or without
fee, any practice management service which attempts to govern in any way, whether directly or indirectly,
the clinical sufficiency, suitability, reliability or efficacy of a particular product, service, process or activity
as it relates to the delivery of dental care. Practice management agreements between dentists and anyone
other than a dentist or group of dentists shall not:
(a) Preclude or otherwise restrict, by penalty or operation, the dentist of record’s ability to exercise
independent professional judgment over all qualitative and quantitative aspects of the delivery of dental
(b) Allow anyone other than a dentist of record or the dentist of record’s practice to supervise and
control the selection, compensation, terms, conditions, obligations or privileges of employment or retention
of clinical personnel of the practice;
(c) Limit or define the scope of services offered by the dentist of record or the dentist of record’s
(d) Limit the methods of payment accepted by the dentist of record or the dentist of record’s practice;
(e) Require the use of patient scheduling systems, marketing plans, promotion or advertising for the
dentist of record or the dentist of record’s practice which, in the judgment of the dentist of record or the
dentist of record’s practice will have the effect of discouraging new patients from coming into the practice
or discouraging patients of record from seeing the dentist or postponing future appointments or which
gives scheduling preference to one individual, class or group of existing or new patients over another
individual, class or group of existing or new patients;
(f) Directly or indirectly condition the payment or the amount of the management fee on the referral
of patients, and in addition, the management fee shall reasonably relate to the fair market value of the
services provided;
(g) Penalize the dentist of record or the dentist of record’s practice for reporting perceived violations
of this section to, or seeking clarification from, appropriate state or federal agencies, departments or
(6) For purposes of implementing the provisions of Section 466.028(1)(h), F.S., no dentist shall enter
into any agreement, or series of agreements, with anyone other than a dentist or group of dentists, which
violates the parameters established in subsection (4) or (5), above, and entering into such a contract
constitutes a de facto employment of the dentist by a nondentist. Except as permitted by Chapter 542,
F.S., licensed dentists are prohibited from agreeing not to compete in the provision of dental services with
any entity which is not itself a licensed dentist, or which is not licensed or otherwise permitted by law to
provide the services which are the subject of the agreement not to compete.
(7) The provisions of this rule are not intended to impair the validity of any contract in existence as of
the effective date of this rule. Any existing contract renewed or extended after the effective date of this
rule shall be subject to the provisions of this rule.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 466.003, 466.028(1)(g), (z), 466.0285,
466.0285(1)(c) FS. HistoryNew 10-16-96, Formerly 59Q-17.013, Amended 3-27-02.
64B5-17.014 Removal of Amalgam Fillings.
(1) The Board of Dentistry has determined that claims regarding amalgam fillings as a causal factor in
systemic illnesses are not supported by the Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Public Health Service,
or the National Institutes of Health. The Board therefore deems that the removal of amalgam fillings for
the purported purpose of curing or preventing systemic illness constitutes alternative or complementary
health care. In compliance with Section 456.41, F.S., any dentist performing such alternative or
complementary health care treatment shall inform the patient of the following:
(a) The nature of the treatment and the benefits and risks associated with the treatment; and,
(b) The dentist’s education, experience and credentials regarding the complementary or alternative
treatment option.
(2) Each dentist shall indicate on the patient’s record the method(s) by which the requirements of
Section 456.41, F.S., were met.
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Rulemaking Authority 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 456.41, 466.028(1)(l), (w), (x), (y) FS. HistoryNew
64B5-17.015 Office Safety Requirement.
As part of the minimum standard of care, every dental office location shall be required to have an automatic
external defibrillator by February 28, 2006. Any dentist practicing after February 28, 2006, without an
automatic external defibrillator on site shall be considered to be practicing below the minimum standard of
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4), 466.017(3)(c) FS. Law Implemented 466.017(4), 466.028(1)(x) FS.
HistoryNew 5-31-04.
Chapter 64B5-25
Sterilization and Disinfection Procedures
64B5-25.001 Purpose
64B5-25.002 Definitions
64B5-25.003 Required Sterilization and Disinfection Procedures
64B5-25.004 Licensees Infected With Hepatitis B Virus
64B5-25.005 Monitoring of Licenses Infected with the Hepatitis B Virus
64B-25.006 Emergency Suspension of Licensees Infected with the Hepatitis B Virus; Initiation of
64B5-25.007 Disposition of Biohazardous Waste
64B5-25.008 Shipment to Dental Laboratories
64B5-25.001 Purpose.
The failure to follow proper sterilization and disinfection procedures in the practice of dentistry presents a
significant danger to the public due to the potential for transmission of infectious diseases to patients during
treatment. Failure to follow proper sterilization and disinfection procedures as set forth in Rule 64B5-25.003,
F.A.C., constitutes failure to provide reasonable sanitary facilities and conditions in violation of Section
466.028(1)(u), F.S., and constitutes negligence in the practice of dentistry in violation of Section
466.028(1)(x), F.S., as practice which is below the minimum standards of the practice of dentistry.
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.028(1)(u), (x) FS. HistoryNew 2-24-87,
Formerly 21G-25.001, 61F5-25.001, 59Q-25.001.
64B5-25.002 Definitions.
(1) “Sterilization” is defined to mean the process by which all forms of minrobial life within an
environment are totally destroyed.
(2) Disinfection” is defined to mean the destruction or inhibition of most pathogenic bacteria while
they are in their active growth phase and the inactivation of some viruses. Disinfection allows the potential
for viable pathogens to remain (e.g., Tubercle bacilli and some viruses, including A, B and C hepatitis virus,
and nonA-nonB (NANB) viruses which may survive depending upon the chemicals used).
(3) For purposes of this rule, the term “infected with the Hepatitis B virus” means that the licensee is
sero-positive for the Hepatitis B surface antigen and the Hepatitis B e-antigen.
(4) “CDC Guidelines” are the Center for Disease Control’s Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in
Healthcare Facilities, 2008, adopted and incorporated by reference and available at and from
(5) “OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogen Standardsare the Occupational Safety and Health Standards, 29
CFR §1910.1030 (2012), adopted and incorporated by reference and available at and
Rulemaking Authority 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 466.028(1)(u), (x), 466.041 FS. HistoryNew 2-
24-87, Amended 1-7-92, 2-1-93, Formerly 21G-25.002, 61F5-25.002, 59Q-25.002, Amended 5-20-01, 12-
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64B5-25.003 Required Sterilization and Disinfection Procedures.
(1) At least one of the following procedures must be used in order to provide proper sterilization:
(a) Steam under pressure (e.g., autoclave);
(b) Dry-heat;
(c) Chemical vapor;
(d) Ethylene oxide;
(e) Devices used to achieve sterilization must be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) for sterilization.
(f) Disinfectant/sterilant. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved disinfectant/sterilants
or U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved sterilant may be used but are only appropriate for
sterilization when used in appropriate dilution and for the time periods set forth in the manufacturer’s
instructions for use and only on non-heat tolerant instruments which do not penetrate soft tissue.
(2)(a) Surgical and other instruments that normally penetrate soft tissue or bone, including, but not
limited to, forceps, scalpels, bone chisels, scalers, and surgical burs, must be sterilized after each use.
(b) Instruments that are not intended to penetrate oral soft tissue or bone, including, but not limited
to, high speed dental handpieces, contra-angles, prophy angles, amalgam condensers, plastic instruments,
and burs, but that may come into contact with oral tissues must be sterilized after each use according to
the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
(c) However, if heat, steam under pressure, or chemical vapor sterilization of an instrument is not
technically feasible, due to its size or composition, the instrument must undergo sterilization with a
disinfectant/sterilant that destroys viruses and spores. Disinfectants must be registered by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a disinfectant/sterilant and must be used in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations and in accordance with CDC Guidelines as defined and incorporated by
reference in subsection 64B5-25.002(4), F.A.C.
(d) High speed dental handpieces, slow speed dental sleeves and contra-angles and prophy angles
must be sterilized after each use using a heat or heat with pressure or heat with chemical method. The
method used must be capable of sterilization.
(e) Heat-sensitive instruments may require up to 10 hours of exposure in a liquid chemical agent
registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a disinfectant/sterilant.
(3) Before sterilization, instruments must be cleaned to remove debris. Cleaning must be accomplished
by a thorough scrubbing with soap or a detergent and water or by using an FDA approved mechanical
device, such as an ultrasonic cleaner or an FDA-approved instrument washer following the manufacturer’s
instructions for use. Metal or heat-stable dental instruments must be sterilized after each use by one of the
procedures identified in paragraphs (a)-(d), of subsection (1), above.
(4) Oral prosthetic appliances received from a dental laboratory must be washed with soap or a
detergent and water, rinsed well, appropriately disinfected and rinsed well again before the prosthetic
appliance is placed in the patient’s mouth.
(5) At the completion of dental treatment, all surfaces that may have become contaminated with blood,
saliva or other bodily fluids must be disinfected in accordance with CDC Guidelines as defined and
incorporated by reference in subsection 64B5-25.002(4), F.A.C.
(6) Disinfectant/sterilants appropriate for use under paragraph (e) of subsection (1), above, are only
those disinfectant/sterilants that are registered by the EPA. Those disinfectant/sterilants must be used in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations for correct use as a disinfectant/sterilant.
(7) The sterilization and disinfection procedures required by this rule must be followed unless
appropriate disposable items are used. Disposable items may only be used on a one time basis and may
never be used on more than one dental patient. The use of disposable items is encouraged.
(8) Surgical or examination gloves and surgical masks shall be worn by all dentists, dental hygienists,
and dental assistants while performing or assisting in the performance of any intra-oral dental procedure
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on a patient in which contact with blood and/or saliva is imminent. Surgical or examination gloves must be
changed between patients. Hands shall be washed with soap and water and dried immediately after
removing and prior to replacing gloves. A healthcare grade alcohol-based hand rub may also be used
according to the most current CDC Guidelines as defined and incorporated by reference in subsection 64B5-
25.002(4), F.A.C. Gloves are never to be washed and reused. Surgical or examination gloves that are
punctured or torn must be removed and replaced immediately with new gloves following rewashing of
provider’s hands with soap and water. Protective eyewear must be worn by all dentists, dental hygienists,
and dental assistants while performing or assisting in the performance of any dental procedure on a patient
in accordance with OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, as defined and incorporated by reference in
subsection 64B5-25.002(5), F.A.C., and the CDC Guidelines as defined and incorporated by reference in
subsection 64B5-25.002(4), F.A.C.
(9) The procedures and equipment used for sterilization must have their efficacy tested periodically.
Adequacy of steam under pressure (e.g. autoclave) or chemical vapor sterilization must have their efficacy
verified by appropriate biological monitoring at least once every 40 hours (2400 minutes) of use or at least
once every thirty days, whichever comes first. Dry heat and ethylene oxide sterilizers must have their
efficacy verified with appropriate biological monitoring every 120 hours of operation at sterilization
parameters or every thirty days, whichever comes first. (Use time is determined by multiplying the number
of cycles by the individual cycle time.) Disinfectant/sterilants as set forth in paragraph (e) of subsection
(1), above, when used instead of heat sterilization procedures, must be used according to the
manufacturer’s recommended dilution and exposure time and must be changed according to the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
(10) All OSHA category 2 employees must be provided with and must use the barrier techniques
required by this rule when they are in situations where they may be exposed to blood, saliva, or other
bodily fluids from the patient during the treatment or examination process.
Rulemaking Authority 456.032, 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.032, 466.028(1)(u), (x), 466.041 FS.
HistoryNew 2-24-87, Amended 12-6-87, 10-24-88, 1-7-92, 4-5-93, Formerly 21G-25.003, Amended 11-
22-93, Formerly 61F5-25.003, 59Q-25.003, Amended 10-31-01, 3-19-02, 12-11-19.
64B5-25.004 Licensees Infected With Hepatitis B Virus.
(1) The Board of Dentistry is charged with the responsibility of protecting the public from dentists or
dental hygienists who present a danger to the public. The Board finds that licensees who are infected with
the Hepatitis B virus present a grave danger to the public by virtue of the communicability of this infectious
disease in a clinical setting. Absent the identification of infected licensees and the implementation of proper
barrier techniques, these practitioners represent an unacceptable risk to the health and safety of their
patients. Licensees bear the ultimate responsibility for the safety of their patients when the licensee or
personnel employed by the licensee represent a health risk through direct or indirect contact with patients.
This rule assures the ability of infected licensees to practice so long as adequate safeguards are maintained.
(2) Any Florida licensed dentist or dental hygienist practicing in this State who is infected with the
Hepatitis B virus is required to notify the Board of such in writing no later than 14 days after learning of his
or her infection with the Hepatitis B virus. Such notice shall include a copy of the lab report showing the
result of that dentist’s or dental hygienist’s Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBSAG) test results. The Board will
respond to the licensee in writing acknowledging the notification and will provide the licensee with an
outline of criteria to be complied with which are designed to limit the potential spread of the virus. The
criteria are:
(a) All licensees infected with the Hepatitis B virus must successfully complete, no later than 6 months
after receiving acknowledgment of their status from the Board, an educational program approved by the
Board which will aid in a better understanding of the disease. In order to receive Board approval, the
program must be at least 6 clock hours in duration and the program’s curriculum must include, but is not
limited to:
1. History and nomenclature of Hepatitis B virus,
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2. Clinical relationship of Hepatitis B virus to other forms of viral hepatitis,
3. Hepatitis B virus mode of transmission and replication,
4. Blood curves in the clinical course of the Hepatitis B virus,
5. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of Hepatitis B virus infections,
6. The Hepatitis B virus infected licensee and his or her lifestyle,
7. The Hepatitis B virus infected licensee as a practicing health care professional,
8. Barrier techniques,
9. The consequences of a break in barrier techniques,
10. Proper mechanisms for reporting breaks in barrier techniques,
11. Sterilization and disinfection procedures in the operatory,
12. Sterilization and disinfection procedures in the laboratory,
13. Insurance and legal problems of Hepatitis B virus infected licensees; and,
14. Hepatitis B virus vaccine.
Additionally, to obtain Board approval the program must also administer a written comprehensive
examination covering each of the topics listed above which must be satisfactorily completed by a participant
before the participant will be certified as having completed the program.
(b) Infected licensees will be monitored on a random basis at least once a year by Board approved
consultants for the purpose of verifying compliance with sterilization, disinfection and barrier techniques.
The monitors will verify compliance by utilizing the criteria set forth in Rule 64B5-25.005, F.A.C.
The random monitoring will be performed in addition to any checks conducted by any county health
department. The monitor’s report shall be forwarded to the Board’s Executive Director within 14 days of
the monitor’s visit.
(c) Infected licensees shall notify the patient, the Board’s Executive Director and the local county health
department at any time a barrier technique has been or may have been broken. The patient must be
notified immediately. Telephonic notification must be accomplished within 24 hours and must be followed
up by written notification no later than 72 hours after the barrier technique has been broken. Notification
by the infected licensees shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
1. What barrier technique was broken,
2. Steps undertaken to notify affected patient; and,
3. Steps undertaken to overcome the break in technique.
(3) A break in barrier technique includes but is not limited to any puncture, tear or cut in the gloves at
any time during which contact with the patient is made or at any time a break, abrasion or cut of the skin
occurs which could expose the patient to risk of infection.
(4) Each and every notice or report required pursuant to this rule or as a result of the application of
this rule shall be confidential and exempt from the provisions of Section 119.07(1), F.S., as set forth in
Section 466.041(3), F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 456.032, 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 456.032, 466.028(1)(t), (v), (y),
466.041(3) FS. HistoryNew 7-12-88, Amended 10-28-91, Formerly 21G-25.004, Amended 8-12-93,
Formerly 61F5-25.004, 59Q-25.004.
64B5-25.005 Monitoring of Licensees Infected With the Hepatitis B Virus.
Rulemaking Authority 456.032, 466.004(4), FS. Law Implemented 456.032, 466.028(1)(t), (v), (y),
466.041(3) FS. HistoryNew 7-12-88, Amended 10-28-91, Formerly 21G-25.005, 61F5-25.005, Amended
10-16-96, Formerly 59Q-25.005, Repealed 12-11-19.
64B5-25.006 Emergency Suspension of Licensees Infected With the Hepatitis B Virus;
Initiation of Complaints.
Rulemaking Authority 455.601, 466.004(4) FS. Law Implemented 455.601, 466.028(1)(t), (v), (y) FS.
HistoryNew 7-12-88, Amended 10-28-91, Formerly 21G-25.006, 61F5-25.006, 59Q-25.006, Repealed 12-
64B5-25.007 Disposition of Biohazardous Waste.
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(1) Licensees who generate biohazardous waste as defined by Department of Health Rules contained
in Chapter 64E-16, F.A.C., Biomedical Waste, variously effective 06/01/2009, which are incorporated herein
by reference hereto and which may be obtained from or, shall comply with the requirements
of that chapter in order to maintain minimum sanitary conditions as required by Section 466.028(1)(u),
F.S., and to meet minimum acceptable standards of dental treatment.
(2) Extracted teeth used for scientific, educational or testing purposes or returned to the patient or
patient’s legal guardian, should first be cleaned of adherent patient material. Teeth should then be
decontaminated in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Rule 64B5-25.003, F.A.C., and kept in a
sealed labeled sterilized pouch.
(3) To render an extracted tooth non-biohazardous it must be decontaminated in accordance with the
guidelines set forth in Rule 64B5-25.003, F.A.C.
(4) Extracted teeth and tissue fragments not required for microscopic examination shall be discarded
as biohazardous waste or as a sharp in accordance with Chapter 64E-16, F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 456.032, 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 456.032, 466.028(1)(u), (ff), (8), 466.041(2)
FS. HistoryNew 11-16-89, Amended 1-7-92, Formerly 21G-25.007, Amended 3-30-94, Formerly 61F5-
25.007, 59Q-25.007, Amended 9-7-21.
64B5-25.008 Shipment to Dental Laboratories.
Impressions, appliances and contaminated dental models sent to dental laboratories must be sealed in an
impervious container and labeled “treat as infectious material” prior to shipment from a dental office.
Rulemaking Authority 456.032, 466.004 FS. Law Implemented 456.032, 466.028(1)(v), (y), 466.041 FS.
HistoryNew 1-7-92, Formerly 21G-25.008, 61F5-25.008, 59Q-25.008.
Chapter 64B27-1
Dental Laboratories
64B27-1.001 Dental Laboratories Inspections, and Practice and Procedure for Healthy and Safe Dental
Laboratory Operation
64B27-1.002 Dental Laboratory Biennial Registration
64B27-1.003 Continuing Education Requirements
64B27-1.001 Dental Laboratory Inspections, and Practice and Procedure for Healthy and
Safe Dental Laboratory Operation.
(1) Each dental laboratory registered by the Department of Health to operate in the State of Florida
shall be subject to periodic inspections by Department personnel at least one time during the calendar year.
Such inspections shall be conducted during regular business hours and may occur with or without notice.
(2) The following practice and procedure shall be implemented by each registered dental laboratory in
the State of Florida and be subject to inspection pursuant to subsection (1), of this section. Each registered
dental laboratory shall:
(a) Be clean and orderly and in good repair, with regard to normal fabrication procedures at time of
(b) All waste materials properly disposed of at the end of each day according to local restrictions;
(c) Maintain on the laboratory premises a copy of the laboratory registration so it is readily available
for inspection by Department personnel;
(d) Maintain on the laboratory premises for four years the original or electronic copy of a prescription
from a licensed dentist for each separate appliance or artificial oral restorative oral device authorizing
construction or repair of the specified artificial oral appliance; and,
(e) Maintain on the laboratory premises a written policy and procedure document on sanitation. Said
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policy shall include, but not necessarily be limited to:
1. Intake and disinfection procedure for each appliance, impression, bite, or other material posing a
possible contamination risk received by the laboratory; and,
2. Separate procedure for handling dental appliances, and impressions previously identified by the
dentist, known to have come from carriers of the HBV and/or HIV virus.
(3) Each registered dental laboratory shall have a designated receiving area. The following procedure
shall be followed in the receiving area:
(a) Work surfaces and counter tops shall be constructed of non-porous materials which shall be
disinfected daily with a chlorine compound, a combination synthetic phenolic, or an iodophor solution that
has been diluted according to the manufacturer’s directions.
(b) Employees working in the receiving area shall wear disposable gloves, and as an option may wear
a facial mask or protective eyewear.
(4) The following dental equipment and supplies shall not be permitted in a registered dental laboratory
in this state:
(a) Dental chairs.
(b) X-ray machines.
(c) Anesthetics, sedatives, or medicinal drugs, other than personal prescriptions.
Rulemaking Authority 466.038 FS. Law Implemented 466.021, 466.036 FS. HistoryNew 5-26-91, Formerly
21-29.001, 61E4-1.001, 59CC-1.001, Amended 8-6-06, 1-31-18.
64B27-1.002 Dental Laboratory Biennial Registration.
The Department shall issue a registration certificate entitling the holder to operate a dental laboratory for
a period of two years, after the Department has received from the registering person, firm, or corporation:
(1) The registration form DH-MQA 1228 (7/17), Dental Laboratory Registration Application,
incorporated by reference and available at
(2) A biennial registration fee of $200.00; and,
(3) The operator of a dental laboratory shall notify the Department of a change in ownership or address
within 30 days. The closure of the laboratory constitutes a change of address. Failure to timely notify the
Department of a change in ownership or address, including closure of a laboratory, is grounds to deny an
application for registration of a laboratory.
Rulemaking Authority 466.038 FS. Law Implemented 456.0635, 466.032(1), 466.033 FS. HistoryNew 2-
10-93, Formerly 21-29.002, 61E4-1.002, Amended 10-29-95, Formerly 59CC-1.002, Amended 1-9-02, 10-
23-05, 4-5-10, 1-31-18.
64B27-1.003 Continuing Education Requirements.
(1) On or after July 1, 2010, each registered dental laboratory owner/operator or a designated
employee must complete 18 hours of continuing education (CE) biennially. The owner/operator or agent
as listed on the registration has the responsibility to ensure that the CE provider has submitted or the
owner has self-submitted course completion information within the CE tracking system in accordance with
rule Chapter 64B-5, F.A.C. The records retained by the laboratory to document completion of the required
CE shall either include evidence that the owner/operator completed the course hours or that the course
hours were completed by a designated employee who worked at the laboratory for at least one full year
during the biennium as documented by time cards, pay stubs, or federal W-2 forms.
(2) Organizations, schools, and agencies that meet the criteria set in Section 466.032, F.S., and in this
rule shall apply and will be granted approval to develop and offer continuing education courses in
accordance with Rule 64B5-12.017, F.A.C.
(3) As part of the hours required biennially, the owner/operator or designated employee must complete
two hours of coursework relating to the prevention of medical errors including root-cause analysis, error
reduction and prevention, patient safety, infection control, and/or standards on employee safety required
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by state or federal laws or regulations.
(4) As part of the hours required biennially, the owner/operator or designated employee must complete
a one to three hour course on the laws and rules that govern dental laboratories and dental technicians.
(5) Attendance at lectures, study clubs, college courses, conventions, and research shall be included
for fulfillment of the CE requirement if sponsored for dentists or dental technicians by an approved provider
or if approved by the executive director for dental laboratories and the Board of Dentistry as meeting the
content requirements specified by law. For an up-to-date report on approved providers contact the office
regulating dental laboratories at 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin #C08, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, telephone
number (850)245-4474.
(6) Owners or designated employees that are certified by the National Board for Certification in Dental
Laboratory Technology as a Dental Laboratory Technician during the biennium can demonstrate compliance
with the continuing education requirements of this rule by entering his or her Certified Dental Technician
certification number and submitting a copy of his or her active certification card in the CE tracking system.
(7) As part of the hours required biennially, the owner/operator or designated employee may satisfy
up to four hours by the performance of pro bono services to the indigent or to underserved populations or
in areas of critical need provided that the prescribing dentist is serving these populations and the patient
beneficiary falls within one of these categories.
(8) The CE requirement does not apply to a dental laboratory physically located within the office of a
licensed dentist.
Rulemaking Authority 466.032, 466.038 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 466.032 FS. HistoryNew 5-21-09,
Amended 1-31-18.
Chapter 64B27-2
64B27-2.001 Disciplinary Guidelines
64B27-2.002 Notice of Noncompliance for Minor Violations
64B27-2.003 Citation Authority
64B27-2.004 Mediation
64B27-2.001 Disciplinary Guidelines.
(1) The Department shall impose disciplinary penalties upon a determination that the holder of a
registration certificate has violated any provision of Chapter 466 or 456, F.S., or any rules promulgated by
the Department or the Board of Dentistry.
(2) Violations and Range of Penalties. In imposing discipline, the Department shall act in accordance
with the following disciplinary guidelines and shall impose a penalty within the range corresponding to the
severity and repetition of the violations as set forth below. The final order shall explain any mitigating or
aggravating circumstances used to justify any deviation from the specified guidelines. The verbal
identification of offenses are descriptive only; the full language of each statutory provision cited must be
consulted in order to determine the conduct included. Any and all offenses listed are sufficient grounds for
initial refusal of registration to an applicant.
In addition to the penalty imposed, the Department shall recover the costs of the investigation and
prosecution of the case. In addition to any other penalty imposed, if the violation includes proof of fraud
or fraudulent misrepresentation, the Department shall impose a penalty of $10,000.00 per count or offense.
(a) Attempting to renew or renewing by bribery, false representation or error (Sections 466.028(1)(a),
456.072(1)(h), F.S.). For an error, the first offense is a minimum fine of $200.00 to a maximum fine of
$750.00. For a second offense the minimum fine is $500.00 and the maximum fine is $2,000.00. For bribery
or false representation the penalty is revocation.
(b) Having a registration or license to operate a dental laboratory denied or acted against in another
jurisdiction (Sections 466.028(1)(b), 456.072(1)(f), F.S.). First offense From a minimum fine of $300.00
to a maximum fine of $2,000.00 and/or suspension of the license for up to five years. For a second or
subsequent offense From a minimum fine of $1,000.00 to a maximum fine of $10,000.00 and revocation.
(c) Any advertising or misleading advertising to dentists or using another’s name (Section 466.028(1)(d)
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or (e), 466.035, F.S.). First offense From a minimum fine of $500.00 to a maximum fine of $3,000.00
and/or one year of probation. For a second or subsequent offense From a minimum fine of $750.00 to a
maximum fine of $5,000.00 and/or suspension of the license for two years.
(d) Assisting unlicensed practice (Sections 486.028(1)(g), 456.072(1)(j), F.S.). First offense From a
minimum fine of $1,000.00 to a maximum fine of $5,000.00 and/or suspension for up to five years. For a
second or subsequent offense revocation and a fine of up to $5,000.00.
(e) Failing to perform any statutory or legal obligation (Sections 466.028(1)(i), 456.072(1)(k), F.S.).
First offense From a minimum fine of $300.00 to a maximum fine of $1,000.00 and/or probation for up
to five years. For a second or subsequent offense From a minimum fine of $750.00 and probation for six
months to a maximum fine of $5,000.00 and/or revocation.
(f) Filing a false report (Sections 466.028(1)(j), 456.072(1)(l), F.S.). First offense From a minimum
fine of $500.00 to a maximum fine of $2,000.00 and or suspension for up to five years. For a second or
subsequent offense revocation.
(g) Making deceptive, untrue, or fraudulent representations (Sections 466.028(1)(l), 456.072(1)(m),
F.S.). First offense From a minimum fine of $1,000.00 and/or probation for two years to a maximum fine
of $10,000.00 and/or revocation. For a second offense, from a minimum fine of $2,000.00 and/or probation
for three years to a maximum fine of $10,000.00 and revocation. For a third or subsequent offense,
(h) Failing to keep dental records, specifically work orders for two years (Section 466.028(1)(m), F.S.).
First offense From a minimum fine of $1,000.00 and/or probation for three years to a maximum fine of
$6,000.00 and/or suspension for up to three years. For a second or subsequent offense, from a minimum
fine of $2,000.00 to revocation.
(i) Fraud, deceit or misconduct (Section 466.028(1)(t), F.S.). First offense From a minimum fine of
$500.00 and suspension for three months to a maximum fine of $10,000.00 and/or revocation. For a second
or subsequent offense, a fine of $10,000.00 and/or revocation.
(j) Failure to maintain sanitary conditions (Section 466.028(1)(u), F.S.). First offense From a minimum
fine of $350.00 to a maximum fine of $1,500.00 and/or suspension for one year. For a second or subsequent
offense, from a fine of $750.00 to $5,000.00 and/or suspension for up to five years.
(k) Practicing beyond the scope permitted by law (Sections 466.028(1)(y), 456.072(1)(o), F.S.). First
offense From a minimum fine of $500.00 to a maximum fine of $5,000.00 and/or suspension for six
months followed by one year of probation. For a second or subsequent offense, from a minimum fine of
$1,000.00 to a maximum fine of $10,000.00 and/or revocation.
(l) Delegating professional responsibility to unqualified person (Section 466.028(1)(z), F.S.). First
offense From a minimum fine of $750.00 to a maximum fine of $5,000.00 and suspension for six months.
For a second or subsequent offense, from a minimum fine of $2,500.00 to a maximum fine of $7,500.00
and/or revocation.
(m) Violation of an order or failure to comply with subpoena (Sections 466.028(1)(aa), 456.072(1)(q),
F.S.). First offense From a minimum fine of $500.00 to a maximum fine of $2,500.00 and/or suspension
for three months. For a second or subsequent offense, from a minimum fine of $1,500.00 to revocation.
(n) Operating below the minimum standards of performance (Section 466.028(1)(ff), F.S.). First offense
From a minimum fine of $500.00 to a maximum fine of $1,500.00 and up to three years of probation.
For a second or subsequent offense, from a fine of $1,500.00 to revocation.
(o) Failure to report action taken in another jurisdiction (Section 466.028(1)(ii), F.S.). First offense
From a minimum fine of $250.00 to suspension for three years. For a second or subsequent offense, a
minimum fine of up to $1,000.00 and/or suspension for three years up to a maximum of revocation.
(p) Violating any pertinent statute or rule (Sections 466.028(1)(ll), 456.072(1)(dd), F.S.). First offense
From a minimum fine of $200.00 and/or three months probation to a maximum fine of $3,000.00 and
suspension for up to three years followed by up to two years of probation. For a second or subsequent
offense, from a minimum fine of $1,000.00 and three months suspension to a fine of $10,000.00 and/or
(q) Interfering with an investigation or inspection (Section 456.072(1)(r), F.S.). First offense From a
fine of $1,000.00 and one year of probation to revocation. For a second or subsequent offense a fine of
$5,000.00 and/or revocation.
(r) Being convicted of or entering a plea to any misdemeanor or felony under 18 U.S.C. s. 669, ss. 285-
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287, s. 371, s. 1001, s. 1035, s. 1341, s. 1343, s. 1347, s. 1349, or s. 1518, or 42 U.S.C. ss. 1320a-7b,
relating to Medicaid (Section 456.072(1)(ii), F.S.) misdemeanor: First Offense From a minimum of one
year of suspension followed by two years of probation and a fine of $1,000.00 to revocation and a fine of
$10,000.00; felony: Revocation and a fine of $10,000.00.
(s) Failing to remit the sum owed for an overpayment from the Medicaid program or from a final order,
judgment, stipulation, or settlement (Section 456.072(1)(jj), F.S.) First offense from a minimum fine of
$300.00 to a fine of $1,000.00 and from a reprimand to two years of probation. For a second or subsequent
offense from a minimum fine of $1,000.00 and six months probation to revocation and a fine of
(t) Being terminated from a state Medicaid program or from the federal Medicare program unless
participation eligibility restored (Section 456.072(1)(kk), F.S.) First offense from a minimum fine of
$500.00 and a reprimand to a maximum fine of $5,000.00 and revocation. For a second or subsequent
offense from a minimum fine of $2,000.00 and two years probation to revocation and a fine of $10,000.00.
(u) Being convicted of or entering a plea to any misdemeanor or felony relating to health care fraud
(Section 456.072(1)(ll), F.S.) First offense misdemeanor a fine of $10,000.00 and two years of probation
to a fine of $10,000.00 and revocation; felony a fine of $10,000.00 and revocation.
(3) The range of disciplinary penalties which the Department is authorized to impose includes those
set forth in Sections 466.037 and 456.072, F.S. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action to be
imposed in each case, the Board shall take into consideration the following mitigating and aggravating
(a) The danger to the public;
(b) The length of time since the date of the violation;
(c) The number of previous disciplinary cases filed against the certificate holder or registrant;
(d) The length of time the laboratory has been in business;
(e) The actual damage to the dentist or the patient;
(f) The deterrent effect of the penalty imposed;
(g) The effect of the penalty upon the certificate holder’s or registrant’s livelihood;
(h) Improvement or correction efforts;
(i) Any other mitigating or aggravating circumstances.
(4) Stipulation or Settlements. The provisions of this rule are not intended and shall not be construed
to limit the ability of the Department to dispose informally of disciplinary actions by stipulation, agreed
settlement, or consent order pursuant to Section 120.57(4), F.S.
(5) Other Action. The provisions of this rule are not intended to and shall not be construed to limit the
ability of the Department to pursue collateral civil or criminal actions when appropriate.
Rulemaking Authority 466.038 FS. Law Implemented 456.072, 456.079, 466.028, 466.037 FS. HistoryNew
3-28-05, Amended 10-28-10, 11-2-15.
64B27-2.002 Notice of Noncompliance for Minor Violations.
The Department shall issue a notice of noncompliance as a first response to a minor violation. Failure of
the registration certificate holder to take action to correct the violation within 15 days shall result in either
the issuance of a citation when appropriate or the initiation of regular disciplinary proceedings. The minor
violations which result in a notice of noncompliance are:
(1) Failure to notify of a change of address within 30 days as required by Section 466.034, F.S.
(2) Failure to renew registration by the February 28 biennial renewal date provided that the
establishment was not in operation without an active registration.
Rulemaking Authority 120.695, 456.073(3) FS. Law Implemented 120.695, 456.073(3), 466.032 FS.
HistoryNew 3-28-05, Amended 7-28-09.
64B27-2.003 Citation Authority.
(1) Unless otherwise specified, all citation violations must be corrected within 60 days.
(2) The following violations with accompanying penalty may be disposed of by citation with the specified
(a) Failure to notify of a change of address within 30 days as required by Section 466.034, F.S., $100.00
Revised 07/2023
(b) Operating on a delinquent license under Section 466.032, F.S., $200.00 fine.
(c) Advertising or operating a laboratory under the name of another laboratory under Section
466.028(1)(e), F.S., $200.00 fine.
(d) Failure to maintain on the premises a copy of the laboratory registration provided that the laboratory
is properly registered under paragraph 64B27-1.001(2)(c), F.A.C., $150.00 fine.
(e) Failure to maintain on the premises a written policy and procedure on sanitation under paragraph
64B27-1.001(2)(e), F.A.C., provided that this required policy document is provided to the inspector within
20 days, $150.00 fine.
(f) A single instance of waste materials not being disposed of properly under paragraph 64B27-
1.001(2)(b), F.A.C., $100.00 fine.
(g) Failure of the owner or a designated employee to complete five or fewer hours of approved required
continuing education courses within the biennium, $200.00 fine.
(h) Failure of the owner or a designated employee to complete six to 18 hours of approved required
continuing education courses within the biennium, $500.00 fine.
(3) When an initial violation for which a citation could be issued occurs in conjunction with a violation
for which a citation could not be issued, the procedures of Section 456.073, F.S., shall apply.
Rulemaking Authority 456.077 FS. Law Implemented 456.072(4), 456.077, 466.032 FS. HistoryNew 3-28-
05, Amended 7-28-09.
64B27-2.004 Mediation.
(1) “Mediation” means a process whereby a mediator appointed by the Department acts to encourage
and facilitate resolution of a legally sufficient complaint. It is an informal and nonadversarial process with
the objective of assisting the parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.
(2) For purposes of Section 456.078, F.S., the Board designates as being appropriate for mediation:
(a) First time violations of Section 456.032, F.S., by the issuance to the Department of a check not
supported by sufficient funds.
(b) First time disputes or issues with regard to whether the registration certificate holder provided the
necessary information to carry out the purposes of Chapter 466, F.S., including proof of having the
necessary equipment and supplies in the appropriate condition as required by Section 466.036, F.S.
(c) First time disputes or issues with regard to whether the registration certificate holder is in violation
of Rule 64B27-1.001, F.A.C.
Rulemaking Authority 456.078 FS. Law Implemented 456.078 FS. HistoryNew 3-28-05.