NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, July 2022 Update Page 1 of 6
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Corrective Actions
Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists
July 2022 Update
Statement of Purpose
“The purpose of this document and the attached checklists is to clearly define all options
and requirements for closure under Nevada’s Corrective Action regulations for sites that
have soil contamination resulting from releases of petroleum. It has been drafted to assist
property owners, environmental consultants, and NDEP case officers in making informed
decisions about petroleum cleanups, to promote consistency in closure decisions, and to
make petroleum cleanups efficient and protective.”
In 2009, the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Corrective Actions (NDEP)
amended its site cleanup regulations at NAC 445A.226 to 445A.22755 and removed its longstanding
numeric soil action level for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). The soil action level for TPH of 100
mg/kg was originally established as part of the leaking underground storage tank program and was later
included for all sites under corrective action. No other hazardous substances were given specific,
numeric action levels in regulation. Hazardous substances other than petroleum relied on risk-based
decision making to address these substances on a site- and chemical-specific basis. The removal of the
numeric standard in 2009 was intended to place petroleum in the same risk-based decision making
framework as all other hazardous substances.
Having a single action level for TPH did not accurately reflect the wide range of petroleum
products that may require site cleanup, and the use of the action level as a default cleanup standard
often led to costly cleanups that did not consider site risks. As defined in statute, petroleumrefers to a
range of petroleum mixtures and formulations which are liquid at standard temperature and pressure
and includes crude oil, diesel, heating oil, gasoline, mineral oil, or any other formulation. Each
formulation may behave differently when released to the environment based on their composition,
mobility, volatility, and persistence. Each formulation also consists of constituents with different
toxicities and exposure risks. The 100 mg/kg action level was established to ensure protectiveness for
the petroleum formulations that presented the greatest risk to human health. This resulted in releases
of less mobile and less toxic formulations being held to a restrictive standard.
Not only is the use of a single action level hindered by the range of formulations that falls under
the regulatory definition of petroleumbut also by the fact that each formulation of petroleum is itself
a mixture of many constituent hydrocarbon molecules. The 100 mg/kg petroleum action level in
regulation was based on analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). This approach does not
differentiate between individual petroleum constituents. Analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons may
not provide an accurate reflection of site risks because it does not differentiate between the
constituents that serve as risk-drivers based on the toxicity and mobility of constituents with known
health effects.
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The NDEP decided to deemphasize the 100 mg/kg TPH in soil action level at corrective action
sites by eliminating that numeric value from the regulations; however, the NDEP has not eliminated it as
a pathway to closure for sites with petroleum contamination. Rather, the use of a single numeric action
level has been placed alongside a number of equally valid pathways to closure that can be considered by
owners or operators of property where a petroleum release has occurred. All closure options discussed
in this document are fully supported by the corrective action regulations at Nevada Administrative Code
445A.226 to 445A.22755. This document is intended to identify and describe all options for closure so
that an owner or operator may select an approach that best meets their available resources,
timeframes, and intentions.
At this time, this document only addresses corrective actions involving petroleum. Corrective
actions involving other hazardous substances follow the same regulations and many of the same
considerations, but this document is specific to petroleum and to the issues related to petroleum
hydrocarbons. Some assumptions about the mobility and biodegradation of petroleum may not be
applicable to other hazardous substances. While the general precepts about corrective action and site
closure under Nevada regulations have wide applicability and can be used as a guide for all soil cleanups,
specific determinations for petroleum cleanups should not be applied to other cleanups without
chemical-specific consideration by property owners, consultants, and NDEP case officers.
Additionally, this document is intended for use at sites with soil contamination only. The NDEP
will not provide closure of a site until all contaminated media have been adequately addressed;
however, the soil-specific focus of this document may not be applicable at sites with both soil and
groundwater contamination.
Basis for Update
This July 2022 update supersedes the prior September 2014 version of this document and
provides an update to the “Analyte-Specific Closure Levels” found in Table 1 of Appendix B. The
concentrations shown in Table 1 of Appendix B represent those published in the May 2022 version of
the US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) “Regional Screening Levels Generic Tables”. The US
EPA Regional Screening Levels are periodically updated and published on the US EPA’s website
(https://www.epa.gov/risk/regional-screening-levels-rsls). The most current version of the Regional
Screening Levels should always be consulted prior to use.
Document Overview
The substance of this document is the checklists, tables, and technical papers located in the
appendices. These are tools to help NDEP case officers make consistent, defensible closure
determinations for petroleum releases. They are also intended to communicate requirements for soil
closure to property owners and environmental consultants. The next few sections of this document
describe some of the decision-making for determining the appropriate closure method and provide
justification for the general requirements applicable to all sites.
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, July 2022 Update Page 3 of 6
The Four Closure Options
For any Corrective Action project it is critical to identify an endpoint or goal that can guide site
cleanup decisions. To assist owners and operators the NDEP has identified four endpoints in its
corrective action regulations for sites with soil contaminated by petroleum. Each of the four closure
options relies on a few different regulatory citations and has different requirements for demonstration,
but all options are available and equally valid for use at all sites.
This section is intended to introduce the four closure options and to provide general
comparisons between them. The comparisons are intended to assist property owners and operators
make a determination about their preferred approach to site cleanup since each closure option may
have its own benefits or drawbacks. The NDEP does not dictate which closure option is appropriate for
sites but determines whether requirements have been satisfied. The four closure options are:
1) Clean Closure: all confirmation samples (using analytical EPA Method 8015 modified) at the site
are below 100 mg/kg for TPH. This is the reportable concentration that has been set for TPH by
the NDEP as generally posing an acceptable level of risk for all exposure scenarios.
2) Analyte-Specific Closure: all confirmation samples show that petroleum hydrocarbon
constituents are below default action levels established by the NDEP to be protective of direct
contact exposure and leaching to groundwater. Constituents to be screened are selected based
on their toxicity (both cancer and non-cancer hazards) and presence in petroleum formulations.
3) A-thru-K Closure: concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons and petroleum constituents above
default action levels may be left in place based on a site-specific analysis of the A-thru-K factors
listed in the corrective action regulations to show that known residual concentrations are still
protective even if they are above action levels.
4) ASTM RBCA Closure: all concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons and constituents are below
Site Specific Target Levels established through a Tier II or Tier III analysis conducted consistent
with the ASTM Risk-Based Corrective Action method E1739-95 or equivalent.
The ordering of the closure options is not intended to convey agency preference. Rather, the closure
options are presented as a continuum, from options that rely more on cleanup and removal of soil to
options that rely more on modeling or calculation of site risks.
There are many factors that weigh into an owner or operator’s decision about the best pathway
to closure. Among the many considerations are costs for assessment and cleanup; project turnaround
time; long-term liability and continuing obligations; future site uses; technical knowledge and
sophistication required to achieve closure; level of regulatory involvement and the likelihood of findings
of deficiencies by case officers; and property ownership issues. Each closure option represents a balance
of these factors: some closure options may have a lower cleanup cost that comes at the expense of
longer project times or greater continuing obligations, while others may favor swift resolution of issues
through excavation with little or no requirement for regulatory review of protectiveness determinations.
The most fundamental balancing factor amongst the closure options is the level of effort for
assessment versus cleanup necessary to achieve regulatory concurrence. Generally, sites that achieve
closure through excavation or treatment will require fewer resources for assessment and vice versa.
Excavation and/or treatment of contaminated soils can represent a significant portion of project costs;
however, the costs of assessment, calculations, and modeling should not be discounted. Making a
defensible argument that residual petroleum contamination can remain in place above action levels
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, July 2022 Update Page 4 of 6
involves variable costs depending on the size of the project, regulatory scrutiny, land use assumptions,
and site conditions. In most instances, at small sites the costs of excavation and disposal will generally
be lower than the cost to make a defensible argument to leave the contamination in place. As the
volume and depth of contamination increases, the cost of excavation, disposal and/or treatment will
begin to exceed the costs of leaving it in place.
There may be other factors besides cost which influence an owner or operator’s decision about
an appropriate closure approach. Closure approaches that rely on excavation and disposal are generally
quicker than other approaches. If a site cleanup is under a time deadline because of property transfer or
construction, then additional costs for excavation and disposal of soils may be less important than the
time it takes to obtain a no further action determination from the NDEP. An owner’s long-term liability
or continuing obligations to maintain the protectiveness of leaving residual contamination in place may
be another consideration that is prioritized above cleanup cost. Because determinations to leave
residual contamination in place usually involve assumptions about land use and nearby populations,
these closures might be reevaluated in the future if assumptions change, or they may need to rely on
the protection of an environmental covenant; this can represent an unacceptable continuing obligation
or liability for a property owner, who may elect to avoid these obligations or liabilities by undertaking
additional cleanup. Also, individuals who are undertaking corrective action on property that they do not
own may be constrained by the desires of the property owner for a specific level of cleanup.
1) Clean Closure: cleanup proceeds until confirmation samples show
that TPH is below 100 mg/kg. Cleanup costs are higher because less
residual contamination is left behind, but the assessment and
analytical costs are lower for TPH analyses and there is less likelihood
of regulatory determinations requiring additional information for
cl os ure.
2) Analyte-Specific Closure: cleanup proceeds until confirmation
samples show that constituents are below action levels even while
residual TPH contamination remains. Assessment costs are higher
beca us e the laboratory a na lyses a re more costly, res i denti al vs.
industrial exposures must be addressed, and accurate volatile results
must be obtained.
3) A thru K Closure: residual petroleum contamination above action
levels may be left in place through a site-specific demonstration of
protectiveness. Protectiveness must be demonstrated through site
characterization and defensible arguments of fate and transport.
Assumptions may need to be controlled by land use restrictions.
4) ASTM RBCA Closure: s i te-s pecific target l evels a re developed for a
site through risk-based calculations of fate, transport, and toxicity. The
process is fully laid out in ASTM standards but requires site-specific
inputs for calculations. Assumptions may need to be controlled by land
us e res tri cti on.
General relationship between closure types and the level of effort for both assessment
and cleanup to achieve closure
Assessment &
Excavation & Treatment
It should be noted that once an owner or operator selects a closure option and a corrective
action approach, he or she is not irreversibly tied to that closure option or approach, since corrective
action sites might evolve as more information is collected. For instance, a property owner who decides
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, July 2022 Update Page 5 of 6
that clean closure is the appropriate goal may make a different decision later in the project if
significantly more contamination is discovered or if excavation becomes difficult because of utilities or
overlying structures. Corrective Action Plans will need to be amended to incorporate revised
approaches, but the NDEP will not hold a property owner or operator to a specific cleanup as long as
another viable approach to closure is presented.
General Provisions for All Closures
Each of the closure options has different requirements that must be demonstrated to allow the
NDEP to provide a “No Further Action” letter to a property owner or operator; however, there are some
requirements that are common to all closure decisions made by the NDEP. These requirements have
been identified as general provisions that apply to all soil corrective action cases regardless of which
closure option is being pursued:
General Provision #1 Ongoing Releases Addressed
All continuing inputs of petroleum contamination to the soil being addressed by corrective
action shall be identified and eliminated prior to closure. This includes ongoing releases from
underground storage tanks and associated piping; discharges from drains and washouts; leaks from
barrels or aboveground tanks; etc. This provision does not, in itself, create an obligation for an owner or
operator to address any other potential sources of petroleum that may result in future releases or to
address any sources not directly related to the contamination being addressed by corrective action.
General Provision #2 Abatement
Closure decisions are made on residual concentrations that remain in soil after actions are taken
to respond to the release of petroleum. None of the closure options are intended to relieve an owner or
operator from the obligation to take abatement actions in response to releases of petroleum, such as
the removal of released product and the excavation of grossly impacted soil. In instances where
historical contamination is discovered, there may no longer be any product or grossly impacted soil
present, and this provision for abatement may not apply.
General Provision #3 Complete Characterization
Closure shall be provided only with a full understanding of contaminant delineation. This
includes knowledge of the depth and lateral extent of soil contamination as well as a general
understanding of the location and volume of the areas with the highest remaining concentrations of
petroleum (and petroleum constituents, as appropriate). Closure will also be dependent on a full
understanding of exposure pathways relevant to the site including pathways and rates of migration for
contaminants and awareness of any potential receptors (although these factors may be more fully or
appropriately addressed as part of a specific closure type, rather than as a general provision).
General Provision #4 Aesthetics
While site closure is granted by the NDEP based on health-based standards and/or
determinations in accordance with Nevada statutes and regulations, the consideration of aesthetic
factors will assist in ensuring closure decisions are not reopened. Any visible staining or odoriferous soil
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, July 2022 Update Page 6 of 6
left at or near the surface, even if the release was closed using health-based standards, may result in
future notification by the public, adjacent property owners, or future operators to the NDEP as an
apparent release, which could result in the reopening of a case. The NDEP recommends a minimum of
one (1) foot of clean material be present, where feasible, over any underlying residual contamination
that remains in-place at closure to address potential aesthetic concerns. The NDEP may also recommend
additional actions to address aesthetic concerns.
General Provision #5 Imported Fill Is Consistent With Closure Conditions
Any fill material that is imported to the site as a component of corrective action to fill
excavations, restore grades, or cap residual contamination must meet closure criteria for the site, which
may be required to be demonstrated at NDEP’s discretion. Property owners/operators and CEMs are
also cautioned that use of fill containing hazardous substances above reporting limits established in NAC
445A.347 can be considered a separate reportable release for the site.
Using the Closure Checklists
Closure checklists (Appendix A) have been developed to summarize and condense the general
provisions and closure-specific requirements for cases with petroleum contamination in soil. The general
closure provisions, applicable for all cases, need to be satisfied to allow the case officer to advance
towards closure. If any of these general closure provisions is not satisfied for a given site, the case officer
is instructed to work with an owner or operator to resolve the deficiency prior to providing closure. For
the closure-specific checklists, only one of the separate checklists must be completed. If an owner or
operator cannot satisfy the requirements of a particular checklist, one of the other closure options may
be applicable.
Appendix B contains tables developed by the NDEP that provide greater detail for specific
closure types as referenced in the checklists in Appendix A.
Appendix C contains a technical paper published by the American Petroleum Institute that is
referenced in several of the closure-specific checklists.
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Corrective Actions
Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists
Appendix A
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, General Closure Provisions Page 1 of 3
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists
General Closure Provisions
Facility Name:
Facility ID:
In order to achieve closure for a site where petroleum has been released to the soil or where petroleum
has been discovered in soils as a result of subsurface investigation, a facility owner/operator must be
able to demonstrate that these five general closure conditions have been satisfied.
A case officer should use his or her best professional judgment to determine whether information
provided by the facility owner/operator is sufficient to make a determination and to check off the
“Satisfied” box.
A set of general guidelines to help a case officer make a decision is included for each provision. A case
officer may fill out the “Notes:” section to provide a brief justification for the determination, if
General Closure Provision#1Ongoing Releases Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Requirement: All continuing inputs of contamination to the soil (directly related to the corrective action
case) have been identified and controlled to prevent redeposition of contaminants after closure.
Some things to look for when determining that the “Ongoing Releases” provision is Satisfied
• The release was a one-time, accidental event such as mobile source releases, gas station overfills,
etc. that does not represent a potential on-going source.
• If leak is from an active regulated UST, all compliance issues related to release prevention and leak
detection have been resolved or are being actively overseen by the appropriate UST compliance
• If the release occurred at a facility with a water pollution control permit or a RCRA waste
generation permit, the facility owner or operator has resolved all permit compliance issues arising
from the release.
• If the release was from a fixed source container that is not regulated by another program (i.e.,
aboveground storage tanks), the facility owner or operator has taken steps to prevent future releases.
• If the release source is not known, the facility owner or operator has provided adequate
documentation to demonstrate that there are no on-going sources to the contamination.
Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________
Recommended next steps: ______________________________________________________________
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, General Closure Provisions Page 2 of 3
General Closure Provision #2Abatement Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Requirement: Appropriate abatement actions were taken in response to the release to prevent further
degradation, and closure decisions are being made on residual soil contamination only.
Some things to look for when determining that the “Abatement” provision is Satisfied
• If the case was the result of a release to the ground, the owner or operator conducted abatement
and/or cleanup prior to applying action levels or pursuing a risk-based closure.
• The case was the result of discovery of subsurface contamination, and the owner or operator
pursues a risk-based closure after reducing the volume or concentration of contaminants remaining in
• If the NDEP used EMAR or other sources of funding to address an imminent and substantial hazard
at the site or another government agency expended funds to address hazards that are recoverable
through regulation, cost recovery has been resolved with the owner or operator.
Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________
Recommended next steps: ______________________________________________________________
General Closure Provision #3Characterization Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Requirement: Site decisions were made with an understanding of contaminant makeup, location,
concentrations, and exposure pathways.
Some things to look for when determining that the “Characterization” provision is Satisfied
• Vertical delineation of soil contamination has been determined with either non-detect samples at
depths below the contamination, a data set showing clear decreasing trends of contaminants at
depth (approaching action levels or other acceptable concentrations under a risk-based closure), or
samples from the soil column all the way to the top of the water table.
Lateral delineation of soil contamination has been determined by surface sampling, sidewall
sampling, or other exploratory sampling (drilling, boreholes, etc.).
• For sites with multiple release sources or commingled soil contamination, vertical and lateral
delineation has been achieved for all sources or areas of contamination.
• Density of confirmation samples is adequate to make an informed decision (e.g., equal to or greater
than the regulatory minimum established for a UST excavation or an equivalent density for larger
Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________
Recommended next steps: ______________________________________________________________
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, General Closure Provisions Page 3 of 3
General Closure Provision #4Aesthetics Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Requirement: The release has been addressed such that site conditions will not likely result in the re-
reporting of residual contamination by occupants, neighbors, or future owners based on visual or other
aesthetic conditions.
Some things to look for when determining that the “Aesthetics” provision is Satisfied
• Surface staining associated with remaining contaminants is not present in an area exceeding 4’ by
4’ after corrective action.
• Soils with contaminants near saturation are not present within 2 feet of ground surface after
corrective action, as this would likely cause surface staining in the future as a result of capillary action.
• Odors from volatile constituents are not noticeable and persistent in adjacent structures after
corrective actions.
Excavations have been filled in, and the site is free of depressions that would promote ponding.
• Solid waste indirectly related to the release (such as vehicle wreckage at mobile source cases, solid
wastes co-disposed with hazardous substances at illegal dumps, etc.) have been removed or
addressed to end perception of release and to not promote future illegal disposal.
Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________
Recommended next steps: ______________________________________________________________
General Closure Provision #5Imported Fill Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Requirement: Any material imported to the site as a component of corrective action to fill excavations,
restore grades, or cap residual contaminants has either been demonstrated to be consistent with closure
criteria or is not likely to be inconsistent with closure criteria.
Some things to look for when determining that the “Imported Fill” provision is Satisfied
• Source of imported fill is discussed in the closure request and reasonably rules out the presence of
hazardous substances, regulated substances, or hazardous waste.
• Sampling results are provided to reasonably rule out the presence of hazardous substances,
regulated substances, or hazardous waste at concentrations inconsistent with site closure.
Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________
Recommended next steps: ______________________________________________________________
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, “Clean Closure” Checklist Page 1 of 1
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists
“Clean Closure” Checklist
Facility Name:
Facility ID:
Clean Closure: all confirmation samples (using analytical EPA Method 8015 modified) at the site are
below 100 mg/kg for TPH. This is the reportable concentration that has been set for TPH by the NDEP as
generally posing an acceptable level of risk for all exposure scenarios.
Clean Closure Checklist
All Requirements In Grey Must Be Met
Proper field sample collection procedures used
Confirmation samples are taken as discrete samples and are collected and preserved using
appropriate procedures to minimize loss of volatile constituents prior to analysis.
Proper laboratory analytical method used
All confirmation samples are analyzed using EPA Method 8015 Modified for Petroleum Hydrocarbons
Proper laboratory sample preparation procedure used
The laboratory preparation procedure is appropriate for the type of petroleum product released:
GasolinePurge and Trap
Diesel and other mid-range productsPurge and Trap + Solvent Extraction
Oil and other high-range productsSolvent Extraction
UnknownPurge and Trap + Solvent Extraction
Appropriate detection limit achieved
The reported detection limit from the laboratory is less than 100 mg/kg for total petroleum
hydrocarbons for all confirmation samples.
Action level for clean closure met in all confirmation samples
All confirmation samples are below 100 mg/kg for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons.
Destruction certificates or disposal certificates provided for all excavated soil
All soil above 100 mg/kg TPH that was excavated as a result of corrective action or abatement actions
and that has been taken off-site for treatment or disposal has been accounted for with disposal or
destruction certificates. If soil has been treated on-site and remains on-site in accordance with an
approved corrective action plan, this requirement may be marked N/A and considered satisfied.
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, “Analyte-Specific Closure” Checklist Page 1 of 1
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists
“Analyte-Specific Closure” Checklist
Facility Name:
Facility ID:
Analyte-Specific Closure: all confirmation samples show that petroleum hydrocarbon constituents are
below default screening levels established by the NDEP to be protective of direct contact exposure and
leaching to groundwater. Constituents to be screened are selected based on their toxicity (both cancer
and non-cancer hazards) and presence in petroleum formulations.
Analyte-Specific Closure Checklist
All Requirements In Grey Must Be Met
Proper field sample collection procedures used
Confirmation samples are taken as discrete samples and are collected and preserved using
appropriate procedures to minimize loss of volatile constituents prior to analysis.
All contaminants of potential concern have been analyzed
Confirmation samples contain analytical results for all contaminants of potential concern associated
with the petroleum product released. The contaminants of potential concern are identified on Table 1
of Appendix B. If the petroleum product has not been identified, all constituents on the Table should
be analyzed.
Proper laboratory analytical methods used
All confirmation samples are analyzed using the appropriate laboratory method identified on Table 1
of Appendix B, and the laboratory has employed an appropriate sample preparation for the analytical
Appropriate detection limit achieved
The reported detection limit from the laboratory is below the screening level for all constituents. (This
may require the use of Selected Ion Monitoring for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons for sites
where they are a contaminant of potential concern.)
Action levels for Analyte-Specific Closure have been met
All concentrations are below the action levels for analyte-specific closure in all confirmation samples.
Residual TPH concentrations are not indicative of NAPL migration
All concentrations of TPH are below the levels indicative of NAPL migration for the soil type at the site
as published by the American Petroleum Institute in Appendix C
Land use assumptions are supported and protective
If the higher action levels for industrial or commercial exposure scenarios are used at the site,
information presented by the facility owner or operator should demonstrate that future land use will
remain industrial/commercial or is controlled through an environmental covenant.
Environmental Covenant discussed when residual petroleum contamination exceeds 100 yds
If greater than 100 yds
of petroleum impacted soil is to remain on the site, an environmental
covenant should be considered and discussed with a supervisor to determine whether future
management of petroleum contaminated soils needs to be controlled.
Destruction certificates or disposal certificates provided for all excavated soil
All soil above 100 mg/kg TPH that was excavated as a result of corrective action or abatement actions
and that has been taken off-site for treatment or disposal has been accounted for with disposal or
destruction certificates. If soil has been treated on-site and remains on-site in accordance with an
approved corrective action plan, this requirement may be marked N/A and considered satisfied.
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, “A-thru-K Closure” Checklist Page 1 of 1
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists
“A-thru-K Closure” Checklist
Facility Name:
Facility ID:
A-thru-K Closure: concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons and petroleum constituents above
screening levels may be left in place based on a site-specific analysis of the A-thru-K factors listed in the
corrective action regulations to show that known residual concentrations are still protective even if they
are above default action levels.
A-thru-K Closure Checklist
All Requirements In Grey Must Be Met
“A-thru-K” closure request presented in an acceptable format
The “A-thru-K” presents a coherent, defensible argument for closing the site with contamination
above action levels, and it includes all supporting data, figures, and calculations relied on in the
Data quality is sufficient to make defensible determinations about protectiveness
The “A-thru-K” analysis is based on data of sufficient quality as determined either by adherence to an
approved quality assurance project plan or to generally accepted standard operating procedures for
data collection and analysis.
All constituents of concern have been identified and properly addressed
The “A-thru-K” closure request addresses all constituents of concern at the site. Constituents of
potential concern include all the constituents associated with the petroleum product that has been
released; constituents of concern include all the constituents of potential concern that exceed health-
based standards (Table 1 of Appendix B).
All exposure pathways have been examined and properly addressed
The “A-thru-K” closure request examines all exposure pathways and determine whether they are
incomplete, potentially complete, or complete at the site.
The direct contact exposure pathway is demonstrated to be incomplete
Contamination in the top 6 feet at a site must be below analyte-specific action levels (Table 1 of
Appendix B) or demonstrated to be inaccessible both to excavation/treatment and to direct contact
by receptors.
Petroleum saturated soils have been remediated or removed to a reasonable extent
The facility owner or operator must make reasonable efforts to treat or remove soils that are
indicative of NAPL formation or migration (API, Appendix C) as a step to minimize further degradation
of subsurface soils or potential impacts to groundwater. The reasonableness of efforts may consider
the vicinity of structures, depths of contamination, or remoteness of the location. If petroleum
concentrations above screening levels for NAPL migration remain at the site, vadose zone modeling or
calculations must demonstrate that groundwater impacts will not occur or will be sufficiently
Environmental Covenant discussed when residual petroleum contamination exceeds 100 yds
If greater than 100 yds
of petroleum impacted soil is to remain on the site, an environmental
covenant should be considered and discussed with a supervisor to determine whether future
management of petroleum contaminated soils needs to be controlled through a covenant. The
covenant may also stipulate specific land use practices, engineering controls, and periodic review and
reporting to NDEP to affirm maintenance of the engineering and institutional controls.
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, “ASTM RBCA Closure” Checklist Page 1 of 1
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists
“ASTM RBCA Closure” Checklist
Facility Name:
Facility ID:
ASTM RBCA Closure: all concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons and constituents are below Site
Specific Target Levels established through a Tier II or Tier III analysis conducted consistent with the
ASTM Risk-Based Corrective Action method E1739-95 or equivalent.
ASTM RBCA Closure Checklist
All Requirements In Grey Must Be Met
ASTM RBCA conducted in accordance with Method E1739-95
The facility owner/operator and their consultant have submitted sufficient information to the NDEP
and in a format that allows the NDEP to determine whether the Method was followed appropriately.
Data quality is sufficient to make defensible determinations about protectiveness
The analyses in the ASTM RBCA are based on data of sufficient quality as determined either by
adherence to an approved quality assurance project plan or to generally accepted standard operating
procedures for data collection and analysis.
All constituents of concern have been properly addressed in the RBCA analysis
Procedures in the ASTM RBCA method are followed for the identification of contaminants of concern.
Site Specific Target Levels are developed for all contaminants of concern.
All exposure pathways have been examined and properly addressed
Procedures in the ASTM RBCA method are followed for the identification of completed exposure
pathways and the Site Specific Target Levels are established based on the most conservative exposure
pathway calculation for the site.
Confirmation sampling shows constituents of concern to be below Site Specific Target Levels
Samples show that residual contamination is below Site Specific Target Levels developed for the site.
The density and quality of samples is sufficient to demonstrate achievement of Site Specific Target
Residual TPH contamination addressed either directly or indirectly in the ASTM RBCA
Residual TPH contamination is shown to be unlikely to further degrade subsurface soils or
groundwater through either the development of SSTLs for TPH or through the excavation and
treatment of soils above screening levels for NAPL migration published by the API in their June 2000
“Soil and Groundwater Research Bulletin” (Appendix C).
Environmental Covenant discussed when residual petroleum contamination exceeds 100 yds
If greater than 100 yds
of petroleum impacted soil is to remain on the site, an environmental
covenant should be considered and discussed with a supervisor to determine whether future
management of petroleum contaminated soils needs to be controlled through a covenant. The
covenant may also stipulate specific land use practices, engineering controls, and periodic review and
reporting to NDEP to affirm maintenance of the engineering and institutional controls.
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Corrective Actions
Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists
Appendix B
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, Table 1: “Analyte-Specific Closure” Page 1 of 1
NDEP Petroleum In Soils Closure
Table 1: “Analyte-Specific Closure Levels
Analyte Name
Analytical Method
Heating oil
Jet Fuel
/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE)
3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
5035/8260B or 3540/8270C or D
3540/8270C or D
5035/8260B or 3540/8270C or D
5035/8260B or 3540/8270C or D
Xylene (mixture)
The use of this table is subject to the general and specific provisions listed in the Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists. The values shown
in this table represent those published in the May 2022 version of the US EPA “Regional Screening Levels Generic Tables”. The US EPA
Regional Screening Levels are periodically updated and published on the US EPA’s website (https://www.epa.gov/risk/regional-screening-
levels-rsls). The most current version of the Regional Screening Levels should always be consulted prior to use.
The EPA Methods listed for each constituent are accepted for use by this Division. Other Laboratory methods may be acceptable to the
Division but must be pre-approved prior to use.
Residential screening levels for all constituents are based on numbers developed by the US EPA as the “Regional Screening Levels for
Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites” for a default residential exposure scenario with a target cancer risk (TR) of 1E-06 and a target
hazard quotient (THQ) of 1.0.
Industrial screening levels for all constituents are based on numbers developed by the US EPA as the “Regional Screening Levels for
Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites” for a default exposure scenario with a target cancer risk (TR) of 1E-06 and a target hazard
quotient (THQ) of 1.0. Industrial screening levels can be allowed at industrial and commercial sites where a case officer is comfortable
that the reasonable expectation of future land use is industrial or commercial; if there is any doubt about future land use or surrounding
land use, an environmental covenant should be considered in order to control the land-use assumption or additional corrective action
should be undertaken to meet residential screening levels.
EPA Method 3550 for ultrasonic extraction is also an acceptable method with any 8270C or D analysis in this table. When using method
3550 it is necessary to determine whether the low-concentration procedure or moderate/high-concentration procedure is appropriate.
The low-concentration procedure is appropriate if anticipated concentrations are below 20 mg/kg.
A differentiation is made between JP-4 and other formulations of jet fuel. Where a constituent is marked “4”, that constituent should only
be sampled if the source of contamination is suspected to be JP-4. An “X” indicates that the constituent should be sampled for any
formulation of jet fuel.
An optional procedure in EPA Method 8270 for lower detection limits on polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) is Selected Ion
Monitoring (SIM). In order to achieve detection limits below residential screening levels and some industrial screening levels, the NDEP is
currently recommending the use of SIM on confirmation samples for PAHs.
A facility owner/operator or CEM may exclude MTBE from gasoline sampling if the NDEP case officer agrees with the argument for
exclusion based on the timeframe of the release or otherwise conclusive proof that the additive was not present at the time of release.
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, Table 2: “A-thru-K Closure Page 1 of 3
NDEP Petroleum in Soils Closure
Table 2: Types of information that may be appropriate for an A-thru-K Closure
Simple Sites
Small volume of residual soils
Low concentrations
Incomplete exposure pathways
Qualitative analysis
Complex Sites
Large volume of residual soils
High concentrations
Complete exposure pathways
Quantitative analysis
(a) The depth of any groundwater
A narrative of contaminant locations in relation
to the top-most water table from site-specific
investigations or reasonably accurate,
published sources
An understanding of all productive saturated
zones underlying the site
First-order fate and transport calculations
Site comparisons of contaminant migration to
groundwater from similar sites in the vicinity
Multi-phase vadose zone modeling of
contaminant transport to the top-most water
Identification of all nearby sources of hydraulic
head such as areas of heavy irrigation,
infiltration basins, leaking utilities, etc.
Analysis of historic water table fluctuations
(b) The distance to irrigation wells or wells for drinking water
Inventory of all wells within a ¼-mile, ½-mile, and
1-mile radius
Narrative of general groundwater consumption in
the vicinity of the site, i.e. prevalence of
irrigation, domestic use, and municipal supply
General depths of drinking water and irrigation
extraction from area groundwater
Construction details of wells in the vicinity of the
Saturated zone modeling of potential
groundwater contaminant transport with
established wells as target points
Environmental covenant on groundwater use to
preclude future well installations
(c) The type of soil that is contaminated
A discussion of soil type and its relation to
migration of contaminants to groundwater or
exposure of residual contaminants due to
erosion or runoff
Site lithology and the presence or absence of
Quality of imported fill
Derivation or collection of soil properties for
vadose zone modeling including effective
porosity, bulk density, soil organic carbon, and
water content
Biological activity of the soil and biodegradation
of residual contaminants
Environmental covenant which precludes export
of site soils for use as fill in other locations
(d) The annual precipitation
A narrative of precipitation and storm events
typical for the site and its relation to vadose
zone migration and surface runoff
Infiltration calculations
Presence of site features that may act
equivalently to engineered controls or caps to
prevent run-off or infiltration, such as paved
Identification of any major sources of additional
hydraulic head in the vicinity of the site
Use of site-specific precipitation regime in vadose
zone modeling
Drainage analysis for a 24-hour 25-year storm
Engineered controls for prevention of run-off or
Use of designed and maintained evapo-
transpirative covers
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, Table 2: “A-thru-K Closure Page 1 of 3
(e) The type of waste or substance that was released
For petroleum releases, the specific petroleum
product involved in the release should be
known or deduced based on site sampling
The age of the release and the amount of
weathering of petroleum contamination should
be determined
While the NDEP is already aware of the mobility,
toxicity, and amenability to treatment of most
petroleum products, it should be shown how
these factors were considered as part of a
determination to leave contamination in-place
TPH fractional analysis for use to model total
petroleum hydrocarbon behavior in the
Leach tests of site samples as an input to vadose
and saturated zone modeling
(f) The extent of the contamination
As a general condition of closure, all sites should
have an understanding of the lateral and
vertical extent of remaining contaminants
Simple mass calculations for remaining
contaminants, contaminants removed through
corrective action, and contaminants released to
the environment, if known
Identification and extent of any contaminants at
concentrations that indicate potential soil
Stratigraphic analysis of subsurface
concentrations for a conceptual model of
historic fate and transport of petroleum
constituents in the soil
Modeling of potential LNAPL formation and
movement in the vadose zone
Mass flux potential to groundwater
(g) The present and potential use for the land
An operational site history including present use
and recently past uses
A discussion of property uses in the vicinity of the
Property zoning
Identification or location of overlying or adjacent
Redevelopment Zones
Deed restrictions
Environmental covenant containing specific land
use restrictions
Durable engineering controls intended to prevent
future exposures regardless of land use
(h) The preferred routes of migration
A complete Conceptual Site Model including
migration pathways and receptors
Vapor intrusion screening
Identification of preferential paths for migration
for any and all pathways, such as utility
corridors, vaults, unsealed well bores,
discontinuities in aquitards, sand lenses, etc.
Detailed vapor intrusion studies and risk
(i) The location of structures or impediments
If petroleum constituents above health-based
action levels are left in-place in the top six feet
of soil, a fully detailed rationale should be given
as to why the location of structures or
impediments prevents corrective action
An updated, correctly scaled and labeled site map
showing locations of residual contamination in
relation to all surface structures and subsurface
utilities, to the extent known
Structural analysis to support termination of
excavation of contaminants at depth, including
both the integrity of surrounding structure
foundations and excavation shoring
NDEP, Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists, Table 2: “A-thru-K Closure Page 1 of 3
(j) The potential for a hazard related to fire, vapor or an explosion
A professional judgment as to whether the
volume and concentrations of residual
contamination would be able to produce
flammable vapors
Identification of all adjacent subsurface, enclosed
spaces, particularly any utility vaults or any
other space with potential ignition sources
PID readings from any adjacent subsurface vaults,
basements, crawlspaces, or sub-basements
Installation of vapor barrier, ventilation or
recovery systems
(k) Any other information specifically related to the site which the director determines is appropriate
Recalcitrance of site contaminants to past
corrective actions
Data Quality Assessment in accordance with
federal guidelines
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Corrective Actions
Petroleum in Soils Closure Checklists
Appendix C
American Petroleum Institute
“Soil & Groundwater Research Bulletin” June 2000
Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Mobility Limits in Soil
assessment. This paper is confined to discussion of the mobility
of non-aqueous phase liquids, either as pure chemicals or as
chemical mixtures.
Many organic chemicals, including hydrocarbons, are nearly
immiscible in water. Release of a non-aqueous phase liquid
(NAPL) to near-surface unsaturated soil can result in downward
gravity-driven migration of the NAPL towards the water table.
At the water table, light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPL),
including petroleum, which are less dense than water, will
mound and spread horizontally. LNAPL may also move with
the groundwater gradient. Dense nonaqueous phase liquids
(DNAPL) will migrate downward, mound, and spread
horizontally, until a path of least resistance further downward
into the saturated region is found. This could be when the
accumulation is great enough to exceed the capillary entry
pressure into the saturated zone, or when the DNAPL mound
reaches a region of high vertical permeability, or when it reaches
a fracture.
The volume of mobile NAPL depletes as immobile residual
chemical is left behind through the soil column in which the
NAPL is descending. NAPL migration may be limited by this
depletion, or by physical barriers, such as low permeability
layers. Our intent in this paper is to determine conservative
NAPL concentrations in unsaturated soil, below which the NAPL
will be immobile. By "conservative" we mean under-predicting
the concentration at which mobility would actually occur.
For a pure chemical, NAPL will not be present at concentrations
below the soil saturation limit (USEPA, 1996; ASTM E1739,
PS104-98), defined as:
soil saturation limit for chemical i (mg/kg)
pure chemical aqueous solubility limit for
chemical i (mg/L)
soil water content (cm
Conservative screening concentrations for non-aqueous phase
liquids (NAPL) that could be considered immobile in unsaturat-
ed zone soils are presented. Total concentrations measured at a
crude oil or petroleum product release site (using total petrole-
um hydrocarbon [TPH] or a similar analysis method) can be
compared to the screening concentrations to determine the
potential for NAPL to migrate in soil. The screening values are
based on an analysis of published data for a range of soil texture
classifications and a range of NAPL density from 0.7 to 1.5
The paper includes summary tables and histograms of residual
NAPL void fraction, Sr, as a function of soil type. These provide
a basis for selecting conservative values used in calculating
screening concentrations for immobile NAPL. For example, in
medium to coarse sands, with Sr = 0.06 cm3-oil/cm3-void, one
would expect that NAPL would be immobile in 90% of samples
with equivalent NAPL concentration levels for this soil type.
Measured concentrations of immobile NAPL reported in the lit-
erature vary considerably with soil type, chemical composition,
and the measurement method. The proposed screening levels
are conservative (lower range) estimates within the range of
measured residual NAPL concentration values. Higher values
could be applicable in many cases, both in unsaturated and sat-
urated soil conditions.
This paper addresses immobile bulk NAPL in soils at concen-
trations up to the threshold of mobility. This document does not
address the movement and flow of NAPL, the dissolution of
NAPL chemical into soil pore water solution, nor NAPL
volatilization into soil pore air. Transport by these mechanisms
may be estimated using other published and accepted methods.
Organic chemicals released to soil may migrate as vapors in soil
gas, as dissolved constituents in soil pore water, or as a bulk
phase liquid which is immiscible in water. Assessment of poten-
tial migration pathways for chemical releases into the
environment are discussed in several related documents
(USEPA 1996, 1991; ASTM E1739, PS104-98). These
migration pathways are important in a general risk-based site
A summary of research
results from the American
Petroleum Institute & GRI.
June 2000 No. 9
organic carbon/water partition coefficient
for chemical i (L-water/kg-oc)
mass fraction of organic carbon in soil (g-oc/g-soil)
dry soil bulk density (g/cm
Henry's law coefficient for chemical i
soil air content (cm
For a pure chemical, C
is a value above which the chemical
is present in soil pore water at its aqueous solubility limit, and is
present in soil pore air at its saturated vapor concentration.
Equilibrium partitioning of the chemical between soil (sorbed),
pore water, and pore vapors at concentrations below C
For mixtures of miscible chemicals that are fractionally soluble
in water, including petroleum, the concentration at which NAPL
will be present is a function of the mixture composition. The soil
saturation limit for the mixture, using methods presented in
Johnson et al., (1990), Mott (1995), and Mariner (1997), is:
soil saturation limit for the NAPL mixture,
total concentration (mg/kg)
mass fraction of each chemical i in the NAPL
mixture (kg/kg)
N the number of individual chemicals in the mixture
Note that Eq. [2] simplifies to Eq. [1] for a single chemical. The
component concentration of a chemical i at the soil saturation
limit in a mixture is (C
). The soil saturation limit
calculated for a pure chemical, in every case, will be greater
than the chemical component concentration (C
) calcu-
lated for a mixture, that is:
Eq. [1] overstates C
for components in a mixture because it
does not consider effective vapor pressure and solubility limits
(Rault's law) for the mixture components (USEPA, 1996). The
soil saturation limits for mixtures (and pure chemicals) tabulated
in this paper were calculated with computer codes included with
DeVaull et. al., (1999). This method is consistent with the
references cited above.
Our intent in this paper is to define a soil concentration, C
below which the NAPL, if present, will not migrate due to
convection or gravity. This refers to a pure chemical concentration
or a total chemical mixture concentration, as applicable. This
residual NAPL concentration in soil is specified as:
= S
residual NAPL concentration in soil (mg-res/kg-soil)
residual non-aqueous phase volume fraction
density of chemical residual non-aqueous phase
liquid (g-res/cm
dry soil bulk density (g-soil/cm
soil porosity (cm
fraction of residual non-aqueous phase filled void
Residual non-aqueous phase volume fraction (θ
, or retention
capacity) is similarly defined by Cohen and Mercer (1990) and
Zytner et. al., (1993), but in dimensional units of (cm
The value of C
is generally much larger than the soil
saturation limit, C
. Eq. [3] includes only the residual NAPL
volume. Additional chemical mass within the soil matrix is
contained in soil pore water and soil pore air, and is sorbed onto
soil. These volumes may be included in a slightly more compli-
cated equation consistent with the assumptions in Eqs. [1] and
[2]; these terms may generally be neglected. This leaves the
residual NAPL concentration in soil, C
, directly related to
the residual NAPL volume fraction in soil, θ
, or the residual
NAPL fraction in the voids, S
Below the residual NAPL concentration in soil, C
, capillary
retention forces are greater than the gravitational forces which
tend to mobilize the NAPL. These capillary forces (in this
context, including surface tension effects, van der Waals, and
Coulombic forces), particularly at low residual non-aqueous
phase levels, may exceed the gravitational force by several
orders of magnitude. The residual NAPL concentration in soil,
, may depend on NAPL properties including liquid density,
surface tension, and viscosity. It also may depend on soil
properties including porosity, organic carbon fraction, moisture
content, relative permeability, moisture wetting history, and soil
For concentrations greater than the threshold C
capillary retention forces are less than the gravitational forces,
and the NAPL is mobile. Movement of NAPL in soil is beyond
the scope of this paper. It is covered in a number of references,
however, including Charbeneau (1999), Huntley and Beckett
(1999), USEPA (1991), Cohen and Mercer (1990), and
Pfannkuch (1983).
This paper describes the determination of screening values for
NAPL immobility in soil. Screening values are expressed as the
residual NAPL concentration in soil, C
, the non-aqueous
phase volume fraction in soil, θ
, and the residual non-aqueous
phase fraction in the soil voids. Our study included a review of
existing measured data on residual NAPL concentration in soil,
published empirical models, and methods of field measurement.
The calculated value, C
, as previously defined in Eqs. [1]
and [2] predicts the presence or absence of a residual NAPL.
Since a NAPL must be present to be mobile, it also represents a
conceivable screening concentration for NAPL mobility.
However, observed residual NAPL concentrations based either
on laboratory measurement or physical removal of NAPL from
impacted sites are typically several orders of magnitude higher
than C
. The value C
specifies the presence or absence of
a residual phase; it does not address mobility. In this effort, we
have used available data to define values for C
which can be
conservatively used to screen sites for NAPL mobility. A
comparison of calculated C
values with measured values
of C
is shown in Table 1 for selected chemicals and
hydrocarbon mixtures.
The trend of C
in Table 1 decreases with decreasing chemical
(or mixture) solubility and vapor pressure. The measured
values of residual NAPL concentration in soil and residual
NAPL fraction in voids do not show a similar decreasing trend.
Therefore, using a calculated C
value as a screening level for
the mobility of a residual phase becomes increasingly and
significantly more conservative for less soluble, less volatile
chemicals and chemical mixtures.
Screening levels for NAPL mobility consistent with the
definition of residual NAPL concentration n soil, C
, have
already been implemented in a number of programs. The State
of Ohio [OAC 3745-300-08 Generic Numerical Standards] has
promulgated rules, including values of residual NAPL concen-
tration in soil, for several combinations of specified soil types
and petroleum composition ranges. The State of Washington
[WAC 173-340-747 Part VII Cleanup Standards] has proposed
values based on a similar methodology. CONCAWE (1979,
1981) provides residual NAPL concentration in soil values for a
range of petroleum products and soil types.
Monographs are available which detail the movement of NAPL
in soils (Charbeneau, 1999; Huntley and Beckett, 1999; USEPA,
1991; Cohen and Mercer, 1993; and Pfannkuch, 1983). Several
investigators have specifically developed empirical models for
predicting immobile NAPL, as a residual NAPL concentration
in soil, C
, for a limited number of NAPL types in various
soil matrices. Summaries of two published approaches follow.
Hoag and Marley (1986) proposed an empirical method to
estimate residual NAPL saturation values for gasoline in dry
sand and in sand matrices containing moisture at field capacity.
Their equations, which relate measured gasoline retention at
residual saturation with soil particle surface area, are:
residual NAPL concentration in soil (mg-res/kg-soil)
average sand particle diameter (cm)
density of water (g/cm
) = 1
Eqs. [4a] and [4b] refer, respectively, to residual NAPL
concentration in dry soil and soil initially at field moisture
capacity. An assumption in these equations is that the soil
particles and soil surface area can be defined by an average soil
particle diameter (Sauter mean diameter). These authors found
that changes in soil surface area adequately predicted changes in
residual NAPL saturation. Smaller soil particles have greater
available surface area in a given volume or weight of soil, and
the associated narrower pores will result in greater capillary
forces. Residual NAPL concentration in soil therefore decreases
with increasing particle size. At field capacity moisture content,
measured C
was reduced. At field capacity moisture, many
of the smaller pore spaces are saturated with water. This
reduces the overall pore volume available for trapping NAPL.
Eqs. [4a] and [4b] were developed using Connecticut sands
sieved into three classifications; fine (d
= 0.0225 cm), medium
= 0.0890 cm) and coarse (d
= 0.2189 cm ). A fourth set of
experiments was conducted using mixed sands with the mixture
being made from equal portions of each of the above three clas-
sifications. Effectively, Eqs. [4a] and [4b] have been developed
for data in the range of:
0.02 cm < d
< 0.22cm
Zytner et. al., (1993) correlated measured soil retention capacity
with soil porosity, soil bulk density, and NAPL density. Their
experiments included several NAPL types in a variety of natural
soils. The soils were air dried (less than 1.5% moisture),
saturated with NAPL, and then allowed to drain. Their empirical
equation, for dry soils is:
Table 1. Residual NAPL Concentration in Soil Compared to Soil Saturation Limit.
residual NAPL concentration in soil (mg-res/kg-soil)
soil porosity (cm
density of chemical residual NAPL (g-res/cm
dry soil bulk density (g-soil/cm
This study was limited to air dried soils and did not specifically
include sand. It does, however, show a dependence of C
soil porosity, θ
, and chemical density, ρ
A wide range of natural soils was used in the development of
Eq. [5], including sandy loam (θ
= 0.45), clay (θ
= 0.466),
organic top soil (θ
= 0.555), two different peat mosses (θ
0.8), as well as mixtures of these soils. Three NAPL types were
included in their work to assess the influence of NAPL density
on retention capacity: tetrachloroethene (ρ
= 1.622 g/cm
trichloroethene (ρ
= 1.456 g/cm
), and gasoline (ρ
= 0.75 g/cm
values obtained in their study ranged from 414,000 to
6,894,000 mg/kg for PCE, 329,000 to 5,219,000 mg/kg for
TCE, and 94,000 to 2,738,000 mg/kg for gasoline. Effectively,
Eq. [5] has been developed for data in the range of:
The broad range of values for C
can be attributed to the
range in soil densities, from 0.2 g/cm
(peat moss) to 1.5 g/cm
(sandy loam).
Although the C
measurements used in developing Eqs. [4]
and [5] were conducted by different researchers using different
soils, a comparison of dry fine sand data (Hoag and Marley,
1986; θ
= 0.4, and ρ
= 1.6 g/cm
) with dry sandy loam data
(Zytner et. al., 1993; θ
= 0.45, ρ
= 1.5 g/ cm
) show very good
agreement of C
of 104,000 and 115,000 mg/kg, respectively,
for gasoline.
Cohen and Mercer (1990) compiled measured residual NAPL
saturation data from several investigators, including residual
NAPL fraction in the voids, S
, or residual NAPL volume
fraction, θ
, for a number of organic liquids and soil types. These
values represent the residual amount of hydrocarbon remaining
in soil pore volume after the soil was saturated with hydrocarbon
and then allowed to drain. Values from Cohen and Mercer, with
additional tabulated data from other references, are included
in Table 2 (see pages 5 and 6). This table also includes
additional values derived from the experimental data, including
the residual NAPL concentration in soil, C
The values in Table 2 vary considerably between experiments,
soil types, and chemicals. While this may be due to differences
in laboratory test methods, it may also indicate the reasonable
range in measured residual NAPL concentration in soils encoun-
tered between different soil types, chemical types, and measure-
ment observations.
Calculated values for the soil saturation limit, C
, for the
indicated chemicals or chemical mixtures, are included in Table
2. These values are plotted in Figure 1. In all cases, C
greater than C
. As a measure of immobile NAPL, C
Figure 1. Comparison of data for residual NAPL concentration
in soil, C
, to the calculated soil saturation limit, C
. All
plotted values are from Table 2. The solid diagonal line marks a
direct correspondence between residual NAPL concentration in
soil and soil saturation limit. For ranges of residual NAPL
concentration in soil data in the same test series (Table 2), the
upper and lower values are joined by a horizontal line. In all
cases the calculated soil saturation limit is much less than the
measured residual NAPL concentration in soil.
Figure 2. Comparison of data for residual NAPL concentration in
soil, C
, from Table 2 to the models of Eq. [4a] Hoag and
Marley (1986), zero soil moisture; Eq. [4b] Hoag and Marley
(1986), field capacity soil moisture; and Eq. [5] Zytner et al.,
(1993). Filled points indicate the data value is within the
intended range of model applicability. For ranges of residual
NAPL concentration in soil data (Table 2), both the upper and
lower values are shown as points. The solid diagonal line marks
a direct correspondence between measured and modeled residual
NAPL concentration in soil. The plot indicates that the empirical
models generally predict higher residual NAPL concentration in
soil than the measured values given in Table 2.
Table 2. Summary values of residual NAPL concentration in soil, C
, residual NAPL volume fraction, θ
, and residual NAPL
fraction in the voids, S
. Calculated values for soil saturation limit, C
, are also shown. Parameters for the calculations are shown
in the second part of the table.
Table 2. (continued) Values for soil properties used in the calculations.
Several histograms of measured residual NAPL void fraction,
, as a function of soil type, are shown in Figure 3. These his-
tograms are based on the relevant data in Table 2 and provide a
basis for estimating conservative values of S
within a specified
statistical tolerance limit. Numerical values are given in Table
3. For example, with a medium to coarse sand, in specifying a
screening level of S
= 0.06, we would expect 90% of individ-
ual samples with equivalent NAPL concentrations below this
level to be immobile in this soil type.
We expect that the tolerance limits in Table 3 and Figure 3 are biased
conservatively, given that the Table 2 data showed lower residual
NAPL concentration in soils than the empirical correlations of Eqs.
[4] or [5]. The data in Table 2 is for NAPLs with densities ranging
from about 0.7 to 1.5 g/cm
. The screening values for residual
NAPL fraction in the voids, S
, in Table 3, should be valid and rea-
sonably conservative for this range in NAPL density.
Consolidated minimum values for S
are shown in Table 4 for
the various NAPL types in Table 2 listed as "medium sands".
Again, these should be reasonably conservative screening
values for NAPL mobility, for the indicated pure chemicals and
hydrocarbon mixtures. No tolerance limits are specified for the
Table 4 values, given the sparse data available when the screening
values are qualified by both soil type and NAPL composition. If
a tolerance limit is needed, or for chemicals not listed in Table
4 (with densities in the range of 0.7 to 1.5 g/cm
petroleum and crude oil), we suggest the use of the S
in Table 3 as screening values. A tolerance limit of 90% is
reasonable in most cases.
These screening values are intended to be worst-case estimates
for mobility. Higher values may be applicable on a site-specific
basis. For example, with an adequate distance in unsaturated
Figure 3. Cumulative distribution for measured residual NAPL
void fraction, S
, as a function of soil type. These cumulative
histograms are based on the data in Table 2. Values for the
"medium to course sand" and the "fine to medium sand" are very
similar over the distribution. The "coarse sand and gravel" shows
much lower values and narrower distribution of S
over the range
of different experiments. Tolerance limits for these distributions
are given in Table 3.
Table 3. Screening values for residual phase void fraction
as a function of soil type. The tabulated values are based on
distributions of data from Table 2 for each soil type. The 95%
statistical tolerance limit indicates that 5% of individual measure-
ments showed lower values for S
; the 50% tolerance limit is
the median value for the soil type. The 90% tolerance limit is
sufficiently conservative for most screening applications. The
distribution of values is plotted in Figure 3.
Table 4. Residual Saturation Screening Values. Values are
tabulated for medium to coarse sand and represent lower limits
from Table 2. If a tolerance limit is needed, or for chemicals
not listed (but with densities in the range of 0.7 to 1.5 g/cm
including petroleum products and crude oil), we suggest the
use of the S
parameters in Table 3 as screening values.
underpredicts measured values of C
by a factor ranging
from 5 to over 50,000. As was noted in Table 1, the difference
between C
and C
increases with decreasing NAPL
volatility and decreasing aqueous solubility.
A comparison of the data in Table 2 for residual NAPL concen-
tration in soil, C
to the models of Eq. [4a], [4b], and [5] is
shown in Figure 2. Within the applicable range of values in the
original references, both models predict values of C
are, on average, biased high relative to the comparable values
listed in Table 2. In all cases, excepting point 38 (tetra-
chloroethene) in Table 2, for Eq. [4a], the model to data ratio
ranges from 0.7 to 69; for Eq. [4b], the ratio ranges from 0.3 to
27; for Eq. [5], the model to data ratio ranges from 0.3 to 11.
Point 38 has an exceptionally broad range of measured C
values in the same soil.
Both the models of Zytner et. al., (1993) and Hoag and Marley
(1986) are correlations based on measured data. The indicated
bias between the models and data of Table 2 could be due to
differences in data measurements methods, or may indicate the
reasonable range in variability for this type of measurement.
Based on the model to data comparisons of the last section, it is
possible to specify conservative screening values for NAPL
mobility based on a range of qualifying information. In many
cases the screening levels will be very conservative estimates of
mobility. In such cases, site-specific measurements may be used
to refine the estimate, if necessary. Such measurements, for
example, could include observation (or lack thereof) of floating
and migrating hydrocarbon in shallow groundwater wells
surrounding a known NAPL source area.
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soil between the lower depth of a mobile NAPLand groundwater,
it may also be reasonable to account for potential NAPL redis-
tribution in the unsaturated soil layer. This redistribution would
decrease the concentrations of mobile NAPL to concentrations
in soil equivalent. to S
. After this redistribution, an acceptable
distance between the deepest expected NAPL penetration and
the historical top boundary of the water table capillary fringe
must still remain.
These screening values, as already discussed, are intended for
use in estimating conservative limits of NAPL mobility. The
data of Table 2 may be used for other purposes, such as relating
a known released volume of NAPL to an equivalent soil volume
at the residual concentration level. While it is not the purpose of
this paper to detail this type of calculation, the variability of an
estimated residual concentration level, as illustrated in Figure 3,
clearly needed to be considered.
Screening values describing residual saturation of NAPLs in
unconsolidated vadose zone soils have been tabulated. These
values are proposed for use in estimating concentrations of
immobile NAPL in soil. The values, in Tables 3 and 4, are based
on measured, published values for residual NAPL concentra-
tions in soil, C
, in the unsaturated soil zone.
Another value, the soil saturation limit, C
, has already found
use as a screening level for NAPL mobility. C
is a calculat-
ed value estimating the presence of a residual NAPL. Data in
this paper shows C
, is a factor up to 50,000 times less than
the residual NAPL concentration in soil, C
. For screening
immobile NAPL concentrations the soil saturation limit is
exceptionally conservative. We would instead recommend use
of the values in Tables 3 and 4.
A complete site assessment, in addition, would also include
evaluation of other potential transport mechanisms, including
soluble dissolution into mobile soil pore water, and volatiliza-
tion into soil pore air. These transport mechanisms, as noted
previously, are discussed elsewhere.
Use of residual NAPL concentration in soil values for screening
immobile NAPL presumes homogenous soils and soil properties.
Consolidated soil matrices, macropores, and fractures will
greatly affect the flow and movement of NAPL and must be
recognized when these screening values are applied. Further, we
note that the values have been developed using a limited data
set, from multiple authors, and no attempt has been made to
judge bias or error in the individual measurement techniques.
Support for preparing this document from American Petroleum
and GRI (formerly the Gas Research Instutite) under GRI
Contract No. 5097-210-3874 is gratefully acknowledged.
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(202) 682-8319; E-MAIL: EHS@API.ORG
1220 L Street, Northwest
Washington, D.C. 20005