DeSoto County School District
”Excellence is a Commitment”
Milton Kuykendall
Questions or comments regarding this handbook
may be directed to:
Kerry Baker, Director
Tammy Thomas, Assistant Director
Employee Services Department
5 East South Street
Hernando, MS 38632
Table of Contents
I. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................8
EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK PURPOSE/INTERPRETATION.....................................................................8
MISSION STATEMENT............................................................................................................................8
VISION STATEMENT...............................................................................................................................8
II. EMPLOYMENT.....................................................................................................................................9
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ................................................................................................9
EMPLOYMENT - AT - WILL...................................................................................................................10
COMPLAINTS, GRIEVANCES AND HARASSMENT ...........................................................................10
ANTI-RETALIATION PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................15
AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA).......................................................................................15
COMMUNICABLE DISEASES-EMPLOYEES .......................................................................................16
CODE OF ETHICS..................................................................................................................................16
STATEMENT OF ETHICS FOR SCHOOL PERSONNEL......................................................................16
CONFLICT OF INTEREST .....................................................................................................................17
PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES....................................................................................18
POLICTAL ACTIVITY OF STAFF MEMBERS (GAHB).........................................................................18
SCHOOL EMPLOYEE FUND RAISING.................................................................................................20
DISCLAIMER OF EMPLOYMENT RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................20
RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION .......................................................................................................20
APPLICATION PROCESS ....................................................................................................................21
LICENSE REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................................21
NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION.........................................................................................................22
NEW EMPLOYEE MENTORING............................................................................................................22
ABANDONMENT OF JOB .....................................................................................................................23
REDUCTION IN FORCE.........................................................................................................................24
RENEWAL OF LICENSED EMPLOYEES .............................................................................................25
NON-RENEWAL OF LICENSED EMPLOYEES ....................................................................................25
REQUEST FOR TRANSFER TO ANOTHER SCHOOL ........................................................................26
EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS...........................................................................................................26
TIMEKEEPING AND ATTENDANCE.....................................................................................................27
AUTOMATION TIMEKEEPING SYSTEM ..............................................................................................30
OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT......................................................................................................................31
TUTORING STUDENTS FOR PAY........................................................................................................31
NEPOTISM .............................................................................................................................................31
PERSONNEL FILES...............................................................................................................................32
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION............................................................................................................32
EVALUATION OF LICENSED PERSONNEL ........................................................................................32
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................33
PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE.................................................................................................................34
PRE- DISMISSAL REVIEW....................................................................................................................35
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE...................................................................................................................35
SEPARATION PROCEDURES ..............................................................................................................36
III. LEAVE TIME......................................................................................................................................36
VACATION .............................................................................................................................................36
PERSONAL LEAVE ...............................................................................................................................37
SICK LEAVE...........................................................................................................................................38
FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (FMLA)...............................................................................................40
NON-QUALIFYING FMLA LEAVE OF ABSENCE (GBRIE ) ................................................................43
BEREAVEMENT LEAVE........................................................................................................................44
JURY DUTY............................................................................................................................................44
MILITARY DUTY ....................................................................................................................................45
IV. COMPENSATION .............................................................................................................................47
PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS ......................................................................................................................47
EXEMPT LICENSED CONTRACTED EMPLOYEES............................................................................47
EXEMPT CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES....................................................................................................47
NON- EXEMPT EMPLOYEES................................................................................................................47
TRAVEL RULES AND REGULATIONS.................................................................................................51
TRAVEL FOR NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEES.........................................................................................52
V. BENEFITS INSURANCE AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS.............................................................55
WORKERS’ COMPENSATION..............................................................................................................57
UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION ...................................................................................................57
VI. EMPLOYEE CONDUCT....................................................................................................................58
EMPLOYEE CONDUCT AND WORK RULES.......................................................................................58
SUBSTANCE USE AND ABUSE...........................................................................................................59
WORKPLACE VIOLENCE .....................................................................................................................60
UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS STATEMENT .........................................................................................62
PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND DEMEANOR ...................................................................................63
VII. ADMINISTRATION OPERATIONS..................................................................................................63
LUNCH AND BREAK PERIODS............................................................................................................63
PERSONAL REFRIGERATORS, MICROWAVES, AND/OR COFFEE POTS ......................................64
ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS......................................................................................................64
COMMUNICATION OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION.....................................................................66
VIII. USE OF COMPUTER RESOURCES..............................................................................................66
ACCESSING THE INTERNET................................................................................................................66
FRIVOLOUS USE...................................................................................................................................66
CONSERVATION OF ENERGY.............................................................................................................67
USE OF EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES.................................................................................................68
USE AND RETURN OF DISTRICT PROPERTY....................................................................................69
EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK RECEIPT AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT.......................................................70
AMENDMENTS ......................................................................................................................................72
Dear Employees,
Welcome to DeSoto County School District, the showcase school system of Mississippi. In 2008, we
will have 35 schools, 30,000 students and more than 3,000 teachers, assistant teachers, and staff.
More than 10 families a day are moving to DeSoto County to have our teachers teach their children.
There has never been a more exciting time to be part of the educator team at DeSoto County
The new Employee Services Department has revised this Employee Handbook so you will have a
guide to answer personnel questions. Even if you have been a DCS employee for many years, there
are many new sections in this revised handbook which include:
Employment – At – Will
Anti-Harassment Policy
Anti-Retaliation Policy
American With Disabilities Act (ADA)
New Employee Orientation
New Employee Mentoring
Employee Classifications
Automation Timekeeping system
Progressive Discipline
Pre-Dismissal Review
Family Medical leave Act (FMLA)
Bereavement Leave
Military Duty
Exempt Licensed Contracted Employees
Exempt Classified Employees
Workers’ Compensation
Changes have also been made to the vacation, personal leave and sick leave policies to align them
with our DeSoto County School Board Policies. I hope this Employee Handbook will be a great
resource to you. Our new Employee Services Department is committed to helping you address any
questions or concerns you have on employee matters. Please contact Kerry Baker or Tammy
Thomas at 662-449-7100 if they may be of help to you in any way.
Probably the one feature that makes DeSoto County Schools stand out is its exceptional teachers.
We are so happy to have you join in our efforts to assist children in realizing their potential and
achieving excellence.
Milton Kuykendall
Welcome to DeSoto County Schools (hereinafter referred to as “DCS” or “the District”).
We believe the contribution of your skills, knowledge, and positive attitude is essential to the
continued success and growth of this school district. You are a valued employee and
therefore we encourage you to let your supervisor know about achievements as well as
problems and your ideas on solving them. We believe in you and your contributions and
hope you will take pride in being a member of our team.
This handbook was developed to provide information you will need to get started on your
new job. It outlines the District’s expectations, policies, and programs, serving as a resource
throughout your employment. You should not interpret this handbook or any other
documents (such as benefits statements, performance evaluations, or any other written or
verbal communications) as an employment agreement or a contract of employment (either
expressed or implied). DCS Board policy supersedes all documented material published or
This handbook is not intended to be all-inclusive nor will it address every situation.
Therefore, you are encouraged to address questions with your direct supervisor. The
policies and other information contained in this handbook are subject to change at any time
due to organizational needs. While the District will normally provide employees with
advance notice of any change, the District reserves the absolute right to alter these policies at
any time, and from time to time without advance notice.
Questions regarding the content of this handbook can be addressed to your immediate
supervisor or the Employee Services Office.
DeSoto County Schools is dedicated to ensuring world-class academic excellence within a
safe learning environment, while providing a variety of exceptional extracurricular programs
that foster the physical, social, and emotional growth of all students.
DeSoto County Schools will be regionally and nationally recognized as a system of superior-
performing schools that ignite a passion for learning, while inspiring student success through
instructional excellence and exemplary leadership.
DCS is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination. It is the
policy of DCS that all applicants and employees are entitled to equal employment
opportunity regardless of race, color, religion or creed, gender (includes pregnancy or related
medical conditions), national origin, age, disability, veteran status or other protected
characteristics as required by local, state and federal law. In addition, the District’s
procedure specifically prohibits retaliation against any individual engaged in a protected
activity. Protected activities include making an honestly believed complaint of
discrimination; participating as a witness or otherwise in a discrimination investigation; or
requesting accommodations based on religion or disability.
In compliance with the provisions of all applicable state and federal civil rights laws, every
effort will be made to employ the most qualified individuals without regard to the above
factors. Additionally, it is and shall continue to be the District’s policy to provide promotion
and advancement opportunities in a non-discriminatory fashion. DCS is an equal
opportunity employer. DCS does not, and will not, permit any of its employees to engage in
discriminatory practices involving individuals that they come in contact with as
representatives of the District, or their co-workers.
DCS requires immediate reporting of all perceived incidents of discrimination. If you
believe you are being discriminated against, or if you believe your employment is being
affected by such conduct directed at someone else, you should immediately discuss your
concerns with your immediate supervisor, the Principal, Director of Employee Services or
Personnel Office. Should employees know of an incident of discrimination, they are
expected to immediately bring the incident to the attention of their supervisor, the Principal,
Director of Employee Services or Personnel Office.
This District will not discriminate in its operation, on the basis of race,
color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability in the provision of
educational programs and services or employment opportunities and
benefits, in accordance with federal and state laws.
REF: Title VI and Title VII; 1964 Civil Rights Act
Title IX; 1972 Education Amendments
Section 503; and 504 1973 Rehabilitation Act
Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards
While the District strives to make the employment relationship a mutually satisfying one,
DCS can make no assurances, either expressed or implied, concerning the duration of
employment. Employees of the District, who are “At-Will”, mean that either the District or
the employee can terminate employment at any time, with or without cause or
notice. Progressive Discipline does not altar the “At-Will” status. “At -Will” employees are
not entitled to a hearing. In addition, it should be noted that no one has the authority to
make promises or guarantees of employment, which are not consistent with the District’s
“At-Will” policy. Therefore, no statement or promise by a supervisor, manager or
department head may be interpreted as a change in policy nor will it constitute an agreement
made with an employee. An “At-Will” employee is any employee who does not receive a
contract of employment.
Select positions within DCS (i.e. Teachers) do receive employment contracts. Therefore,
they do not fall under employment “At-Will”. Employees who have a contract with DCS
are expected to abide by the terms of their contract.
DCS is committed to providing a work and school environment which is free from all forms
of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive,
including sexual harassment. Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s
age, sex, race, color, national origin, religion, disability, or any other legally protected
characteristic will not be tolerated.
It is the intent of DeSoto County Schools to maintain an environment free from sexual
harassment of any kind. Therefore, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are prohibited. It shall be a violation of School
Board policy for any employee to use sexual harassment toward any other employee or
student. The DeSoto County School District will investigate all formal and informal, verbal
and written complaints of sexual harassment. Any employee who is found to have used
sexual harassment toward any employee or student will be disciplined.
DCS Board Policy GAE:
Complaints of violation of the School Board policy regarding harassment may be made to
the appropriate administrative officer without fear of reprisal. If the grievance concerns
sexual harassment from an immediate supervisor, then the grievant should file a complaint
with the Title IX Coordinator/Federal Programs Director. Should violations prove to be
legitimate, the offending employee shall be subject to disciplinary action, including
involuntary termination of employment.
Any violations of the provisions of Title IX should be reported to your principal, or
immediate supervisor or to the:
The purpose of this grievance procedure is to secure at the first possible administrative level
an equitable solution to any complaint or grievance. A "grievance" is defined as a complaint
by an individual based upon an alleged violation of his or her rights under state or federal
law or board policy.
The following procedure shall be followed:
1. All complaints or grievances must be presented orally to the principal or immediate
supervisor of the grievant within ten (10) days of the act or omission complained of, and
the principal or immediate supervisor and grievant will attempt to resolve the matter
2. If the grievant is not satisfied with the action taken or the explanation given by his/her
principal or immediate supervisor, the grievant shall, within ten (10) business days after
meeting with his/her principal or immediate supervisor, file a written statement with
his/her principal or immediate supervisor setting forth in detail how the grievant claims
to have been discriminated against. This written statement shall contain, in addition to
the above, the time, place, and nature of the alleged act or omission and the state or
federal law or board policy violated. The statement must be signed by the grievant.
In the event the grievant does not submit to his/her principal or immediate supervisor a
written statement as required, his/her failure to do so shall be deemed as an acceptance of
the informal decision rendered by his/her principal or immediate supervisor.
After receipt of the written statement setting forth how the grievant was allegedly
discriminated against, the principal or immediate supervisor shall hold a hearing and render a
decision in writing to the grievant within ten (10) days.
The written decision of the principal or immediate supervisor shall be deemed to be
accepted by the grievant unless the grievant notifies the superintendent in writing within ten
(10) days of the date of the written decision of the grievant’s intention to appeal the written
decision of the principal or immediate supervisor.
1. Upon receipt by the superintendent of the written notice that the grievant intends to
appeal the decision of his/her principal or immediate supervisor, the superintendent
shall notify the grievant in writing within ten (10) days and shall advise the grievant of
the date, time, and place upon which the matter will be considered by the
superintendent. The superintendent shall schedule a hearing on the matter no later than
thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the grievant’s written notice of intention to
appeal the written decision of his/her principal or immediate supervisor.
2. The written statement submitted by the grievant to his/her principal or immediate
supervisor in Level One shall form the basis of the grievance before the superintendent.
The grievant shall submit to the superintendent in writing any and all additional
information on his/her behalf which he/she desires not later than ten (10) days prior to
the date upon which the matter is scheduled for hearing by the superintendent.
3. In the event the grievant does not personally attend the hearing scheduled by the
superintendent, his/her failure to attend shall be deemed as an acceptance of the written
decision rendered by his/her principal or immediate supervisor at LEVEL ONE.
4. The superintendent shall render a written decision to the grievant within ten (10) days of
the date upon which the matter was heard.
1. If the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant at LEVEL TWO, or if
the superintendent does not render a decision within ten (10) days, the grievant may file
the grievance with the secretary of the School Board.
2. If the grievance is not filed with the secretary of the School Board within ten (10) days of
the hearing at LEVEL TWO, the grievance shall be considered resolved.
3. Within ten (10) days after receipt of the grievance, the Board secretary, in concert with
the Board chairman and superintendent, shall schedule a hearing before the School
Board on the grievance.
4. The board shall render its decision within fifteen (15) days of the hearing.
It shall be unlawful for any person to intimidate, threaten or coerce, or attempt to intimidate,
threaten or coerce, whether by illegal force, threats of force or by the distribution of
intimidating, threatening or coercive material, any person enrolled in any school for the
purpose of interfering with the right of that person to attend school classes or of causing
him not to attend such classes. Ms Code §37-11-20 (1972)
If any parent, guardian or other person shall abuse any superintendent, principal, teacher or
school bus driver or other school official while school is in session or at a school-related
activity, in the presence of school students, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor
more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00). §37-11-21 (1992)
If any person shall willfully disturb any session of the public school or any public school
meeting, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be
punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00).
Ms Code §37-11-23 (1970)
The governing authorities of the municipality may, at its discretion, investigate and provide
legal counsel for the defense of any claim, demand or action, whether civil or criminal, made
or brought against any school district employee as a result of his actions while acting in his
official capacity. Ms Code §25-1-47 (1971)
A person guilty of simple assault as defined by statute, upon a superintendent, principal,
teacher or other instructional personnel, school attendance officer, school bus driver, or
other individuals specified in state law while these individuals are acting within the scope of
their duty, office, or employment shall be punished by a fine of not more than one-thousand
dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment for not more than five (5) years or both.
A person guilty of aggravated assault, as defined by statute, upon an individual named above
shall be punished by a fine of not more than five-thousand dollars ($5,000) or by
imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) years or both. Ms Code §97-3-7 (1972)
The DeSoto County School District affirms employee protection provided under Title VII,
and therefore “shall not tolerate verbal or physical conduct by any employee, male or female,
which harasses, disrupts, or interferes with another’s work performance or which creates an
intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment.”
The DeSoto County School District endeavors to provide an environment conducive to
growth in mind, spirit, and community awareness which precludes the exploitation of
students or employees. It is the policy of the school district that all employees and students
have the right to work and learn in an environment free from sexual harassment and
unwelcome and unwanted sexual attention. Sexual harassment is specifically prohibited by
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1974, as amended, and Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972.
Sexual harassment is defined as including, but not limited to, unsolicited and unwelcome
sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and repeated derogatory sexual remarks. Sexual
harassment can consist of such behavior as making unsolicited written, verbal and/or visual
communication with sexual overtones, touching another student or employee in a sexually
offensive manner, continuing to express sexual interest after being informed the interest is
unwelcome, making reprisals, threats of reprisal, or implied threats of reprisal following a
negative response to sexual advances.
Violations of the Sexual Harassment Policy by administrators, teachers, staff and students
will be regarded as a violation of a person’s civil rights. Violators are subject to disciplinary
action. Reprisals against a complainant may also constitute unlawful behavior. Individuals
wishing to make a formal complaint about sexual harassment concerning a student or staff
member may use the School District Grievance Procedure or contact the guidance
counselors at their school/Superintendent’s Office/ principal of their school/teacher. The
right to confidentiality, for both the accuser and accused, will be respected consistent with
the school district’s legal obligations and with the necessity to investigate allegations of
misconduct and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred.
This policy similarly applies to non-employee volunteers who work subject to the control of
school authorities.
Conduct of a sexual nature may include verbal or physical sexual advances, including subtle
pressure for sexual activity; touching, pinching, or patting, or brushing against; comments
regarding physical or personality characteristics of a sexual nature; and sexually-oriented
“kidding,” “teasing,” and jokes.
Verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment when the
allegedly harassed employee has indicated, by his or her conduct, that it is unwelcome.Any
employee who has initially welcomed such by active participation must give specific notice to
the alleged harasser that such conduct is no longer welcome in order for any such
subsequent conduct to be deemed unwelcome.
It is sexual harassment for an administrator or supervisor to use his or her authority to solicit
sexual favors or attention from subordinates when the subordinate’s failure to submit will
result in adverse treatment, or when the subordinate’s acquiescence will result in preferential
Administrators and supervisors who either engage in sexual harassment or tolerate such
conduct by other employees shall be subject to sanctions, as described below.
It is sexual harassment for a non-administrative and non-supervisory employee to subject
another such employee to any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Employees who
engage in such conduct shall be subject to sanctions as described below.
It is the express policy of the DeSoto County Board of Education to encourage victims of a
sexual harassment to come forward with such claims. This may be done through the
Grievance Procedure.
Employees who feel that administrators or supervisors are conditioning promotions,
increases in wages, continuation of employment, or other terms or conditions of
employment upon sexual favors, are encouraged to report these conditions to the
appropriate administrator. If the employee’s direct administrator or supervisor is the
offending person, the report shall be made to the next higher level of administration or
Employees are also urged to report any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature by
supervisors or fellow employees if such conduct interferes with the individual’s work
performance or creates a hostile or offensive working environment.
Confidentiality will be maintained and no reprisals or retaliation will be allowed to occur as a
result of the good faith reporting of charges of sexual harassment.
In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment, the totality of the
circumstances, the nature of the conduct, and the context in which the alleged conduct
occurred will be investigated. The superintendent has the responsibility of investigating and
resolving complaints of sexual harassment.
Any employee found to have engaged in sexual harassment shall be subject to sanctions,
including, but not limited to, warning, suspension, or termination subject to applicable
procedural requirements.
If any person eighteen (18) years or older who is employed by any public or private school
district in this state is accused of fondling or having any type of sexual involvement with any
child under the age of eighteen (18) years who is enrolled in such school, the principal of
such school and the superintendent of such school district shall timely notify the district
attorney with jurisdiction where the school is located of such accusation, provided that such
accusation is reported to the principal and to the school superintendent and that there is
reasonable basis to believe that such accusation is true. Ms Code §97-5-24 (1994)
If any teacher and any pupil under eighteen (18) years of age of such teacher, not being
married to each other, shall have sexual intercourse, each with the other, they shall, for every
such offense, be fined in any sum, not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) each, and
the teacher may be imprisoned not less than three (3) months nor more than six (6) months.
Ms Code §97-29-3 (1980)
REF: Ms Code as cited above
Mississippi Public School Accountability Standards
DCS prohibits retaliation against any individual engaged in a protected activity. Protected
activities include making an honestly believed complaint of sexual or other forms of
harassment; participating as a witness or otherwise in a harassment investigation; or
requesting accommodations based on religion or disability. Thus, employees can raise
concerns, make reports, request accommodations, and participate in investigations without
fear of reprisal.
Retaliation conduct is seen as a adverse action that could dissuade a reasonable worker from
making or supporting a charge of discrimination. This includes actions such as termination,
demotion, refusal to promote, threats, unjustified negative evaluations, unjustified negative
references or increased surveillance. Retaliation will not be tolerated and will be cause for
If you believe that you are being retaliated against, or if you believe that your employment is
being affected by such conduct directed at someone else, you should immediately discuss
your concerns with your principal, or immediate supervisor. This information will be posted
at each worksite for employees to view.
The ADA covers employers with 15 or more employees and generally prohibits
discrimination against “qualified individuals with disabilities.” A qualified individual with a
disability is an applicant or employee who can perform the essential functions of the job in
question with or without reasonable accommodation. Disability is defined as: a physical or
mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; a record of such
impairment; or being regarded as having such impairment.
DeSoto County Schools will reasonably accommodate qualified applicants and employees
with disabilities unless making the accommodation imposes an undue hardship on the
school district. DeSoto County Schools will reasonably accommodate known disabilities.
Therefore, employees needing accommodation should speak directly with their supervisor.
The District expects the reasonable accommodation process to be a mutual process by
which the District and employee search for a mutually acceptable reasonable
DeSoto County Schools is also committed to not discriminate against any qualified
employees or applicants because they are related to or associated with a person with a
The DeSoto County District Board of Education may require any teacher, supervisor, janitor
or other employee of the school to submit to a thorough physical examination, deemed
advisable to determine whether he has any infectious or communicable disease.
REF: Ms Code § 37-11-17 (1) (1987)
All employees of DCS, both licensed and classified, are expected to conform to high
standards of ethical behavior in the performance of their duties. A code of ethics, developed
by DCS, is included in this employee handbook as a guide to ethical conduct. The code is
designed to protect the health, safety, and general well-being of students and employees in
the school district.
1. School district personnel should abide by federal, state, and local laws as well as the
policies of the DeSoto County Board of Education.
2. School district personnel should maintain an appropriate relationship with students
at all times, both in and outside the classroom.
3. School district personnel should make the well-being of students their primary
consideration in decision-making and actions.
4. School district personnel should exemplify honesty and integrity in the fulfillment of
their duties and responsibilities.
5. School district personnel should refrain from the use of alcohol or illegal or
unauthorized drugs while on school district property during school hours, or at
anytime while at any school-related activity involving students.
6. School district personnel should not use their positions in the school district for
personal gain.
7. School district personnel entrusted with public funds and/or school district property
should honor that trust with a high level of honesty, integrity, accuracy,
responsibility, and accountability.
8. School district personnel should comply with state and federal laws and the policies
of the DeSoto County Board of Education regarding the confidentiality of student
records, unless disclosure is required or permitted by law.
9. School district personnel should fulfill all the terms and obligations of their
employment contract with the DeSoto County School District for the duration of
the contract unless there is a prior release from the contract by the Board of
10. School district personnel should exhibit conduct that follows accepted standards of
behavior for the community.
11. Failure to interact courteously and tactfully with managers/supervisors, co-workers,
and students to the point that productivity or morale suffers may be grounds for
discipline including termination.
An employee of the DeSoto County School District shall not have a financial interest,
directly or indirectly, in any activity that conflicts or raises a reasonable question of conflict
with duties and responsibilities in the school district. No staff member shall engage in any
type of private business during school time and on school property.
Employees shall not engage in work of any type where the source of information concerning
customer, client, or employer originates from any information obtained through the school
district. No gifts from any person or group desiring or doing business with the school
district shall be solicited by a school employee except for normally valued instructional
products or advertising items that are widely distributed.
The DeSoto County Board of Education encourages the staff from each school to interact
regularly with the community at large. Specifically, interaction with city, county and state-
wide governmental entities, civic groups, service organizations and clubs, churches and
parents relative to building and maintaining good community relationships and support. To
that end, the DeSoto County Board of Education encourages administrators to participate in
civic clubs and service organizations to promote the school system as the heart of the
community and to maintain outstanding community support.
This policy is in support of Standard 18 which follows:
Standard 18. There is an organized system to encourage community involvement,
parental communication, and business partnerships in school district decision
making. {Ms Code 37-7-337}
The Board recognizes the right of its employees, as citizens, to engage in political activity.
The Board also recognizes that school property and school time should not be used for
political purposes except as provided for in policies pertaining to the use of school buildings
by civic and political organizations.
Nothing in this policy should be interpreted as prohibiting employees from conducting
appropriate activities which encourage students to become involved in the political processes
of the party of the student’s choice or as independents, nor does it prohibit the use of
political figures as resource persons in the classroom.
“School Time” shall be defined as the time an employee is required to be on school grounds
including the time before school begins, the time after school is dismissed and any school-
sponsored event, including extra-curricular activities.
Any employee who intends to campaign for an elective public office shall notify the school
board in writing at the earliest possible moment of the office which he intends to seek,
together with his decision as to whether he wishes to continue his employment and under
what terms and conditions. The essential element to be determined by the Board is whether
the activities proposed by the employee are compatible with the time requirements for
fulfilling his responsibilities to the district. The Board shall not require an employee seeking
public office to resign or take a leave of absence.
All employees shall be encouraged to exercise their constitutional rights as citizens, but they
shall not involve their schools in political campaigns.
Campaign literature supporting one or more candidates shall not be distributed within the
schools or on school buses by pupils, teachers, or others, nor shall campaign posters be
displayed on school-owned property. (Customary community political activities, however,
may be expected on election days at schools when schools are used as polling places.)
Employees shall not poll their pupils to determine how their parents are voting on any issue,
and shall not attempt to indoctrinate pupils with personal political and social philosophy;
however, employees are not prohibited from political activity after hours of official
Activities specifically prohibited during school time include, but are not limited to:
1. The circulation of political posters, petitions or other campaign material;
2. The collection or solicitation of funds in support of a candidate’s campaign;
3. The solicitation for campaign workers;
4. The writing or addressing of campaign material and distribution of campaign materials
on school property;
5. Any activity that indicates that an employee is using his or her position to further
personal views on candidates for office;
6. The intimidating, harassing or coercing an employee relative to a political race or issue;
7. The use of school system facilities, equipment or supplies;
8. A candidate talking to school personnel during school time regarding the candidate’s
Violations of this policy shall be reported and discussed in a conference between the
employee and the superintendent. In the event the political activity is associated with the
person seeking the office of county superintendent of education, violations of the policy
shall be reported in writing to the chairperson of the school board.
If the superintendent finds the complaint to be factual, he or she shall issue a written
reprimand to the employee(s) involved. This reprimand shall become a part of the
employee’s personnel file. Depending on the severity of the violation, the result may be
non-renewal of an employee’s contract or dismissal.
If the school board investigates a complaint against an employee seeking the office of county
superintendent of education and finds the complaint to be factual, it shall direct the school
board chairperson to issue a written reprimand to the employee(s) involved. This reprimand
shall become a part of the employee’s personnel file. Continuous violation of this policy
may result in additional disciplinary action.
School employees may participate in political activities, including the promotion of a school
bond issue, as long as their participation in such activities is limited to the hours when they
are not involved in their work-related duties. A school may not require employees to
actively campaign for promotion of a bond issue. (Horne, 2-25-00) (#175) (2000-0085)
A school employee may participate in political efforts as long as it is not during working
hours. It is within the discretion of the school board to determine the use of the school
property for public meetings and gatherings. A municipality may expend public funds to
inform the public regarding a school bond issue but it may not use public funds to attempt
to influence the outcome. (Cole, 3-21-94) (#175) (94-0128)
Employees of the DeSoto County School District may not undertake to sell products or
engage in any fund raising activities without the permission of their principal or department
head. This restriction applies to both the certified and the classified staff.
DeSoto County Schools (DCS) does not restrict its employees from providing personal
and/or professional recommendations to outside agencies, school districts, or companies.
Although it is believed that recommendations provided by employees of DCS are presented
in good faith, DCS makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy of
information unless the recommendation has been co-signed by the Superintendent, Deputy
Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, or Director of
Employee Services.
Information supplied through a co-signed arrangement as referenced above is provided in
good faith that the information is complete, accurate, and up-to-date within the constraints
of the law. Therefore, the information is provided upon the condition that the organization
receiving same will make their own determination as to an applicant’s suitability for
employment. In no event will DCS be responsible for the actions of an applicant or
employee of another school district or agency who is acting outside their official capacity as
an employee of DCS.
The recruitment process of the DeSoto County School District involves a concerted effort
to search for the best people available to achieve the mission of the school district, educating
children and young people. The Recruitment and Retention Office has the major
responsibility of recruiting personnel. The Recruitment and Retention Office may designate
a representative from the DeSoto County School District to help recruit at college and
university campuses and at job fairs throughout the state and region. Employment
opportunities are posted on the school district’s website as a recruitment tool. The major
thrust of the recruitment program in the DeSoto County School District is to find the best
people available, not to hire just to fill a position. Although the Recruitment Office has the
major responsibility for recruitment, all employees can assist in recruiting personnel to the
school district by referring highly qualified people to the Office of Personnel. An
orientation program and a mentoring program are key components to getting new teachers
off to a good start and retaining them as experienced educators.
Persons interested in securing employment with the DeSoto County School District shall
complete an application and provide all required documents before employment is finalized.
Applications are available at the central office of the DeSoto County School District. They
are also available on the school district’s website,
Applications are kept on file in the Office of Personnel in the DeSoto County School
District for one year from the date it is received. An applicant may request that his/her
application be kept active for a longer period of time by writing or calling the Office of
Personnel and updating the application. Interviews are required prior to employment.
Applicants who are seeking employment in positions that require a license must hold, or be
eligible to hold, a valid license from the Mississippi Department of Education. In addition,
all licensed employees must renew their license by meeting specific requirements of the
Mississippi Department of Education. License renewal is a personal responsibility.
License renewal requirements can be found at
The following documents must be on file in the Employee Services Department before a
contract can be issued to licensed employees:
An application properly completed and filed
A valid Mississippi Educator License
A complete transcript of college or university credits
A verification of prior teaching experience
An application to the Mississippi Employees’ Retirement System (new employees
Any other documents required by state laws and/or School Board regulations
NOTE: In order to receive credit for prior experience if applicable, proof of verification
must be presented within two months of the employee’s hire date.
See Section on Compensation for more information regarding contracts.
The Superintendent shall be the final authority involving assignment and transfer of teachers
within the school district. A teacher’s contract is with the DeSoto County School Board.
The contract is not for a particular school, particular grade or subject.
In the placement of personnel, no immediate family members shall be placed on the same
school campus that would result in one family member supervising and/or recommending
another family member. The Board reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy if it
is in the best interest of the school district.
All new employees will be advised by their supervisor when to report to the Employee
Services Department for his/her orientation session. At that time benefits will be explained
and assistance will be given with the completion of necessary forms and background checks.
New employees will not be able to begin their first day of employment until all paperwork
has been processed by the Employee Services Department. It shall be the responsibility of
the principal/supervisor to reinforce the policies and procedures referred to in this
handbook to persons they employ.
The orientation of new teachers in the DeSoto County School District is a responsibility of
the Curriculum Office and/or the school where the teacher will be teaching. The
Curriculum Office will provide an instructional orientation to the school district,
instructional policies and procedures. Additional orientation will be provided at the school
level by the principal or his/her designee.
The DeSoto County School District has developed a mentoring program for new teachers as
a part of its induction program. Each new teacher is assigned a mentor(s).
Former employees with good records are eligible for rehire and consideration will be given
to rehiring such applicants. A former employee who is rehired begins as any other new
employee with respect to benefits (sick leave, vacation, personal leave).
Employees who have been terminated by DCS may not be eligible for rehire.
On or before March 1 of each year, principals shall be given notice of non-renewal of a
contract for a successive year.
On or before April 15, or within ten (10) days after the Governor approves the
appropriation bill for funding K-12 education (whichever date is later), teachers and other
administrators shall be notified of non-renewal for a successive year.
If a recommendation is made by the DeSoto County School District not to offer a renewal
contract for a successive year, the employee is entitled to an opportunity for a hearing (if
requested in writing within ten (10) days of notice) as cited in the “Education Employment
Procedures Law”. (Ms Code § 37-9-101 through Ms Code § 37-9-113)
Employees who have not been with the DeSoto County School District for two continuous
years, or one year with the DeSoto County School District and two continuous years of
employment in a Mississippi public school district are not entitled to the protections of this
References: Ms Code § 37-9-101 (2001)
Ms Code § 37-9-105 (2006)
Ms Code § 37-9-109 (2001)
MSBA: Education Employment Procedures Law Handbook
An employee who is absent from his/her employment and who has not informed his/her
principal/supervisor shall, after two consecutive days of such unauthorized absence, be
considered to have abandoned the position and will be considered as grounds for
termination, unless it is shown by the employee that special circumstances prevented
him/her from reporting to the place of work.
If it should be necessary for the DeSoto County School District to reduce the number of
teacher units (a teacher is defined as an employee whose salary is determined by placement
on the teacher salary schedule) because of insufficient funds, decline in enrollment, or the
elimination of subjects, programs and positions, the reductions shall be in accordance with
the following procedure:
1. When the school district finds it necessary to make reductions in teacher personnel,
any teacher affected shall be referred to the office of the Superintendent of Schools
by the Principal to:
a. Be placed in a vacant teaching position, if qualified and endorsed for the
position; or
b. Replace a teacher having the lowest seniority in the district (defined as full-time
professional employment) in a position for which the affected teacher is qualified
and endorsed, providing that the replacing teacher’s performance is satisfactory;
c. Be notified by the Board of Education, in accordance with statute, that there is
no position available which the affected teacher is qualified and endorsed to fill,
and that the teacher’s services shall not be needed the forthcoming year (in the
event of identical seniority status, satisfactory performance will be the
determining factor).
2. Teachers removed under sub-paragraphs 1(b) and 1(c) shall be declared surplus by
the DeSoto County Board of Education.
3. Teacher reduction shall be dictated by seniority, licensure, experience, curriculum or
program needs, accreditation requirements and race, if applicable.
4. A surplus teacher released by the DeSoto County School District shall have priority
in filling a vacancy during the year and his/her area(s) of endorsement. A surplus
teacher shall be reemployed based on seniority in the district (full-time professional
5. If a surplus teacher released by the DeSoto County School District is not reemployed
during the school year, the teacher shall notify the office of the Superintendent of
Schools on or before April 1 as to his/her availability for possible employment for
the next year.
6. Any teacher declared surplus, and having been employed for as much as one year,
may preserve sick leave benefits for a period of one year.
The DeSoto County Board of Education shall follow all sections of the Mississippi Code
known as the “Education Employment Procedures Law of 2001” found in the Ms Code §
37-9-101 through § 37-9-113
REF: Ms Code as cited
On or before April 1 of each year, the principal of each school shall recommend to the
superintendent of the school district the teachers and other professional educators to be
reemployed for the school involved.
A. In the event that a determination is made by DCS not to reemploy for a
successive year a licensed employee, written notice of non-renewal shall be
given no later than:
March 1 if the employee is a principal, or
April 15 if the employee is a teacher or other professional educator.
B. A licensed employee employed by DCS for a continuous period of two (2)
years with DCS or a licensed employee who has completed a continuous
period of two (2) years in a Mississippi public school district and one (1) full
year of employment with DCS shall be entitled to a hearing and:
1. Written notice of the reasons for non-reemployment, together with a
summary of the factual basis therefore, which notice shall be given at
least fourteen (14) days prior to any hearing;
2. An opportunity for a hearing at which to present matters relevant to
the reasons given for the non-reemployment decision, including any
reasons alleged by the employee to be the reason for non-
3. Receive a fair and impartial hearing before the board or hearing
4. Be represented by legal counsel at his/her own expense.
C. Licensed employees who do not have two (2) years of continuous
employment with DCS or who have not completed two (2) years in
Mississippi public school district and one (1) full year of employment with
DCS are not entitled to a hearing.
If the employee does not request a hearing, the decision of the board with regard to the
reemployment of the employee shall be final.
In the event an employee requests a hearing, it shall be held in accordance with Section 37-9-
111 of the Mississippi Code of 1972.
Request for Transfer to Another School
Teachers and other licensed personnel, and classified personnel within a school, may request
a transfer to another school within the school district.
1. Any employee in the school desiring a transfer shall first make a request in writing to
the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel, stating the specific reason(s) for the
request. The employee shall send copies of the request to his/her principal and to
the principal(s) of the requested school(s).
2. The request shall in no way prejudicially affect the teacher or classified employee
seeking the transfer.
3. A move must not put undue burden on the school district, and both principals
should concur on the change. When a school opens with a new or different school
area, both principals do not have to concur. The principal of the new school shall
present the staff that the principal desires to transfer to the new school, and the
Superintendent or his designee may approve the transfers. The principal of the
school to which the teacher or classified employee wishes to transfer shall evaluate
the potential of said employee.
4. If the principal in the receiving school desires the transfer, he/she shall give written
notice to the Superintendent.
5. The Superintendent shall simultaneously notify all parties concerned of the action
6. Transfers should be requested and approved by July 1.
7. The school district may transfer personnel whenever necessary to best serve the
students in the DeSoto County School District.
DeSoto County Schools classifies its employees as follows:
Full-Time Employee - A full-time employee is an individual whose employment is for
no definite term and who is scheduled to work 40 hours per week on a regular basis. In
order for an employee to be eligible for insurance benefits, he/she must work a minimum of
20 hours per week.
Part-Time Employee - A part-time employee is an individual whose employment is
for no definite term and who is scheduled to work less than 20 hours per week on a regular
basis. Part-time employees are not eligible for benefits.
Temporary Employee – On occasion, DeSoto County Schools may utilize the
services of employees to temporarily supplement the workforce or help complete a specific
project. Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits. Temporary employees are not
eligible for comptime.
Non-Exempt Employees – Employees who are required to document time worked
are eligible for comptime and/or overtime (i.e. comp/or overtime are calculated one-half
their regular rate of pay for hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek) in
accordance with applicable state and federal law.
Exempt Employees – Employees who are not required to be paid overtime, in
accordance with applicable federal and state wage and hour laws, for work performed
beyond 40 hours in a work week. Administrators, managers, teachers, professional
employees, and certain employees in administrative positions are exempt.
Employees are expected to be prompt and consistent in attendance. Personal appointments
should be scheduled after normal workday hours, whenever possible. Schedules differ
within the District according to job position, classification, and various business needs.
Your supervisor will have discussed your regular working hours with you prior to your first
day of employment. Schedules are subject to change and all employees are responsible for
checking the schedule on a regular basis.
As soon as an employee knows that he or she will be absent or late to work, the employee
must notify his or her primary supervisor to report the absence or tardiness within half an
hour of the scheduled starting time. Failure to promptly report the absence will result in an
unexcused absence. If the employee anticipates that he or she will require an extended
period of time off, he or she must communicate to the supervisor how many days expected
to be off. Unexcused or excessive absences or tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up
to and including termination.
Teachers are required to notify the Principal or his/her designee when he or she will be
absent or late to work. In the event of an absence, teachers are required to notify Kelly
Services in a timely manner through their online system. Kelly Services will then supply
DCS with a qualified substitute teacher to fill in for the teacher during his or her absence.
Teachers will be provided with an ID number to access this system.
Exempt employees are expected to be professionally responsible and work their regularly
scheduled hours plus any other hours required to satisfactorily complete their assigned
responsibilities. Non-exempt employees will not be paid for time not worked. Therefore,
arriving to work late, leaving work early, or any absence that is not taken as vacation, sick
leave, or personal will be without pay.
Any employee who fails to report to work without notice for two consecutive days will be
considered to have voluntarily terminated employment, effective at 5:00 p.m. on the second
day of unreported absence.
Job positions will not be held for employees who have unpaid, unprotected leave of
absences. These employees will be considered for reemployment and may reapply through
the application process once they are able to return to the District.
Employees are expected to maintain an acceptable attendance record by reporting to work as
scheduled and remaining at work until the end of the workday. Employees are expected to
follow established departmental procedures for reporting absence, tardiness or early
departure from work, requesting paid and unpaid time off, and returning to work upon
authorization after an approved leave of absence.
For the purpose of determining tardiness, an employee is tardy if he/she reports for work
any time after the designated start of the scheduled workday. In general, road construction,
traffic congestions, personal issues, and “normal” weather conditions are not acceptable
reasons for tardiness.
An employee’s attendance record may be considered unacceptable under the following
circumstances: 1) a pattern of absence(s), tardiness or early departures that adversely impacts
district operations and/or the employee’s overall performance, as determined by the
employee’s immediate supervisor; 2) the employee has a history of not following established
procedures for reporting absence(s); 3) an employee has exceeded his/her paid time off
balance and continues to be absent without Board approval resulting in a loss of
compensation; 4) the employee has a history of absences suggesting the employee is using
sick leave for purposes not allowed.
An immediate supervisor may consider an employee’s attendance record as a contributing
factor in rating of an employee’s overall job performance.
An employee may be subject to disciplinary action when the immediate supervisor has
determined that the attendance record is unacceptable as described in this policy.
Accurately recording time worked is the responsibility of every employee. Federal and state
laws require the District to keep an accurate record of time worked. Time worked is all the
time actually spent on the job performing assigned duties.
All employees are required to clock in at the beginning of their workday. Non-exempt
employees are required to clock out when they take their lunch break and clock back in once
the break is completed, as well as clock out at the end of each day. For record keeping
purposes, exempt employees are required to clock out if they are leaving before the end of
their scheduled workday.
Employees are encouraged to review their time and their accrual balances
shown on the time clock. If employees have questions regarding their time or accrual
balance, he/she should speak with the Timekeeper for their location. Employees should
also speak with the Timekeeper if corrections or modifications need to be made to the time
Employees subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act shall be paid for all hours worked.
Compensable time includes all time that an employee is required to be on duty. The work
week for the DeSoto County School District begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.
Employees are expected to work their full schedule each week and are to arrive and depart at
the time specified by their supervisor. If an employee cannot work his/her scheduled hours
each work week, the employee must apply for available leave, if applicable.
All classified, non-exempt staff shall “punch” a time clock (in and out) as to accurately
record their actual hours worked each day while in the employ of the DeSoto County School
District. The district uses a biometric punch system which requires the employee to key in
his/her employee ID number and to place his/her finger on a pad at the time clock. It shall
be the responsibility of each principal or department head of each school or department to
train and make certain that each employee becomes familiar enough with the time clock
system so that each such employee accurately and truly records his/her time for actual hours
worked. Missed punches are considered a violation of district policy.
All overtime must be pre-approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor except in the
event of an emergency as verified by the immediate supervisor. Overtime not approved by
an employee’s immediate supervisor will not be tolerated and any employee working
unapproved overtime or suffering another to work unapproved overtime will be subject to
appropriate sanctions, up to and including termination. Overtime compensation due an
employee shall be computed on the basis of hours worked over 40 hours in each work week.
Compensation for overtime work will be paid in the form of compensatory time.
Compensatory time shall be awarded on the basis of 1-1/2 hours for each hour of overtime
worked. No employee shall accumulate more than 160 overtime hours.
In the event the district decides to pay for overtime work in the form of monetary
remuneration, the employee shall be paid not less than 1-1/2 times his/her regular rate of
pay for all hours worked over 40 hours in a work week.
Supervisors may adjust schedules within a work week to prevent the necessity of an
employee working more than 40 hours in that work week.
Employees are expected to work their full schedule each week and are to arrive and depart at
the time specified by their supervisor. If an employee cannot work his/her schedule each
work week, the employee must apply for available leave, if applicable. The work week for
the DeSoto County School District begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday.
All certified/classified exempt staff shall be required to “punch in” a time clock to record
attendance. It is the supervisor’s decision to require an exempt employee to “punch out”
unless the employee cannot complete his/her scheduled day. The employee is then required
to “punch out.” The district uses a biometric punch system which requires the employee to
key in his/her employee ID number and to place his/her finger on a pad at the time clock.
It shall be the responsibility of each principal or department head of each school or
department to train and make certain that each employee becomes familiar enough with the
time clock system so that each such employee accurately and truly records his/her time for
actual hours worked. Missed punches are considered a violation of district policy.
All employees shall follow established District and/or departmental procedures for reporting
an absence, requesting paid time off, leaves of absence, and returning to work after an
approved leave of absence.
Administrators/Principals shall ensure that the same attendance standard is applied to every
employee in the school and/or department.
There is a seven-minute rounding rule on the punch in and out punch for the day.
There is no rounding off for the lunch break.
Exempt employees are required to punch in.
It is the supervisor’s decision to require an exempt employee to punch out.
Exempt employees will punch out if they leave early.
Hourly employees are required to punch in/out including a lunch break. (Employees
must not eat lunch at their desk once they have punched out.)
All leave (sick, personal, and etc.) will be converted from days to hours.
The first increment of leave must be a minimum of 15 minutes.
An exempt employee can take leave in four-hour increments or eight-hour
Altering, falsifying, tampering with time records, or recording time on another employee’s
time record may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of
employment. Any deviation to an employee’s schedule will need to be documented on the
appropriate form. It is the employee’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of all time
recorded at the end of each week.
Each location will be subject to an internal audit to ensure that proper documentation on the
timecards are kept on file.
All compensated time must be pre-approved in writing.
Employees choosing to work outside DCS may do so as long as it does not create a conflict
of interest or interfere with their work schedule or job performance. Outside employment
that affects an employee's attendance, work performance, productivity, or conduct, either
directly or indirectly, or that creates a conflict of interest of any kind, is strictly prohibited.
If employees choose to seek outside employment, they first must discuss this matter with
their principal or primary supervisor and receive approval of their plans. Schedules will not
be adjusted and special considerations will not be made for employees who have outside
Employees must not seek employment that would be an embarrassment or bring reproach
to the employee or the school district.
To assure all students reasonable assistance without charge from their own teachers and to
avoid placing a teacher in a position where he/she may have a conflict of interest, teachers
shall receive no money for tutoring any student they have in class or upon whose evaluation
or assignment they will be called upon to make. Furthermore, no tutoring for which a
teacher receives a fee will be carried on in the school building.
No teacher shall use his/her official position to obtain pecuniary benefit for himself/herself
other than that compensation provided by law, or to obtain pecuniary benefit for any relative
or any business with which he/she is associated.
It is well accepted that employment of relatives in the same area of an organization can cause
serious conflicts and problems with favoritism and morale. In these circumstances, all
parties, including supervisors, leave themselves open to charges of inequitable consideration
in decisions concerning work assignments, transfer opportunities, demotions, disciplinary
actions and discharge. In addition to claims of preferential treatment at work, personal
conflicts from outside the work environment can be carried into day-to-day working
relationships. While the District has no prohibition against hiring relatives, one general
restriction has been established to help assure fair treatment of all employees.
In the placement of personnel, immediate family members cannot be
placed on the same school campus that would result in one family
member supervising and/or recommending another family member.
If the relative relationship is established after employment, the individuals concerned will
decide who is to be transferred or discharged. If that decision is not made within 30 days,
the Superintendent will decide.
In other cases where a conflict of interest or the potential for conflict arises, even if there is
no supervisory relationship involved, the parties may be separated by reassignment or
terminated from employment.
The Board reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy if it is in the best interest of
the school district.
All personnel files are confidential and maintained by the Employee Services Department in
accordance with state and federal regulations. Forms pertaining to hiring, performance
reviews, counseling statements, and termination should be included in these files.
Supervisors are responsible for documenting any interaction related to current employees
and forwarding such information to the Employee Services Department for filing in the
employees’ personnel file.
Each employee is responsible for promptly notifying the Employee Services Department of
any changes in personal data. Personal mailing addresses, telephone numbers, number and
names of dependents, individuals to be contacted in the event of emergency, educational
accomplishments and other such status reports should be accurate and current at all times.
Personnel files are the property of DCS and access to the information they contain is
restricted. Generally, only supervisors and DCS management personnel who have a
legitimate reason to review information in a file are allowed to do so. Employees who wish
to review their own file should contact the Employee Services Department. With a
reasonable 7 day advance notice, employees may review their own personnel file in DCS
offices and in the presence of an authorized Employee Services Department or DCS
representative. Confidential files are not permitted to leave the Employee Services
Department area.
DCS utilizes both formative and summative evaluation of its licensed employees. Formative
evaluations may be viewed as growth-oriented supervision and is designed to help teachers
and other licensed personnel improve their instructional skills. Its purpose is primarily
developmental. Summative evaluations, on the other hand, assesses competency and is used
for accountability purposes.
According to School Board policy, the Superintendent, utilizing central office personnel,
principals, and other personnel he/she deems necessary, will observe and evaluate licensed
employees in accordance with the District adopted and state approved Teacher Appraisal
Program. All teachers shall be observed at least twice each year. At least one of these
observations shall be done during the first semester. A conference shall be held following
each formal observation.
Each licensed teacher shall be formally evaluated once during each school year.
After a teacher has been observed twice and the teaching performance is deemed
unacceptable in the judgment of the principal, the teacher may be placed under intensive
supervision. During this time the teacher will have a conference with the principal and/or
observer(s) and may expect frequent observations from the principal and/or central office
staff. When, in the opinion of the principal, necessary adjustments have been made and
teacher performance has become acceptable, intensive supervision shall be terminated. In
the event performance does not improve to an acceptable level, the principal may take
necessary action to recommend to the Superintendent non-renewal of contract.
At any time during the observation/evaluation process, a teacher may request a conference
with the observer and/or evaluator for the purpose of discussing and providing input
regarding the evaluation and/or observation.
In accordance with the DeSoto County School District’s commitment to excellence among
its employees, the school district shall provide opportunities for professional development
for all its employees that complements and supports the District’s educational program.
The Superintendent or his designee shall appoint annually a district-wide committee,
comprised of representatives to fulfill professional development plans.
The plan shall contain the following components:
Goals and objectives which specify what the professional development program is to
Assessment of district professional development needs through on-the-job
performance evaluations.
Collaborative structures as evidenced by a district-level professional development
Program implementation strategies addressing professional training activities and
support activities.
A plan for determining successful completion of the professional development
Program evaluation strategies.
Program review and revision strategies, which specify how evaluation information
will be used to revise the professional development program.
Provisions for conducting professional development activities during the District’s
stated contractual working hours.
The professional development program shall be evaluated and revised annually to
remain compatible with the mission and performance needs of the school district,
and the results of the evaluation shall be summarized and presented to the
superintendent in written form.
Successful completion of the approved professional development program shall be a
consideration for continued employment. The hours and/or days needed to
accomplish these activities will be designated in the professional development plan.
The purpose of this policy is to state DCS’ position on administering equitable and
consistent discipline for misconduct and unsatisfactory job performance in the workplace.
The intent of progressive discipline is to reinforce the conduct and performance standards
of the District and to focus on meeting those standards. If an employee does not meet these
or other standards, DCS may take corrective action. DCS’ goal is to ensuring fair treatment
of all employees and making certain that corrective actions are prompt, uniform and
impartial. Progressive Discipline emphasizes the individual's responsibility for improving
performance or conduct while providing consequences for the lack of acceptable progress.
Progressive Discipline may include a verbal warning, written warning, probation, or
termination of employment, depending on the nature and severity of the issue. It should be
noted that there may be circumstances when one or more steps are bypassed.
Progressive Discipline may consist of the following actions when
Verbal Warning - The employee’s supervisor brings the conduct or performance issue
to the employee’s attention, verifies the employee understands the standards, suggests how
the problem may be remedied and warns the employee against further occurrences.
Written Disciplinary Warning - If the same or a separate issue occurs, the
employee may receive a written warning that refers to the verbal warning, states the nature
of the problem, required corrective counseling and possible consequences if the problem is
not corrected. A copy of the written warning (signed by both the employee and supervisor)
will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
Supervisors/Principals are required to discuss the reason for an employee’s pending
termination with the Director of Employee Services and the Assistant Superintendent of
Personnel prior to dismissing the employee. Supervisors/Principals are also required to
submit a Pre-Termination List.
Dismissal - The goal of corrective counseling is to provide an employee with the
opportunity to correct performance or conduct issues and become a productive member of
DCS’ team. However, if issues persist despite discipline, the employee may be dismissed.
Dismissal for unsatisfactory conduct or performance may make an employee ineligible for
There are certain types of employee issues that may warrant termination of employment
without progressing through the outlined corrective/discipline steps. An employee may be
discharged without notice for serious offenses including, but not limited to, failure to
perform adequately the duties and responsibilities of the job; frequent absences or tardiness;
unauthorized disclosure of employee or school confidential information; rude or
discourteous behavior towards visitors, administration or other employees, including the use
of foul language, profanity, or vulgarity; solicitation of gratuities, gifts, rebates or bribes from
visitors, or vendors; sexual or other forms of harassment; flagrant neglect of work;
insubordination; possession of or being under the influence of alcohol or a controlled
substance while on school business or school premises; theft; physical assault on a fellow
employee; falsification of any records, including time sheets, expense reports or other
District documents; possession of weapons on school premises; willful destruction of
school property; or for any other action having an adverse impact on the work and the
reputation of the District.
Additionally, conduct outside the workplace including, but not limited to, violation of the
law and/or actions that may involve material risk to District operations and/or potential
damage to the District’s reputation/good standing in the community may give rise to
discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Therefore, it is the employee’s
responsibility to inform the District immediately of convictions of any criminal offenses.
Failure to notify the District may subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment.
Every employee in the DeSoto County School District will be treated fairly and with dignity,
and it is the belief of the Board of Education that most conflicts and misunderstandings can
be resolved through open communication, discussion and compromise. However, when an
issue cannot be resolved in this manner, there is a grievance procedure that an employee may
follow to secure, at the first possible administrative level, an equitable resolution to any
The following definitions shall apply in this grievance procedure:
1. A “grievance” is a complaint by an individual based upon an alleged violation of a
person’s rights under state or federal law or board policy.
2. A “grievant” is a person or persons making the complaint.
3. The term “days” shall mean working school days and shall exclude weekends or
vacation days.
Procedures for Processing Grievances
Grievances shall be processed in accordance with Board Policy GAE as stated on page 10 of
this handbook.
If for personal or professional reasons an employee elects to resign from DCS, he or she
should give proper notice in writing. DCS requests employees to give a minimum of a two
(2) week notice in writing, or per the terms of the contract if applicable. Teachers are
requested to give a (30) day notice. When an employee resigns, all full paid accumulative
accruals will be reported to Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) per written request
of employee. Insurance programs will terminate on the last day of the month in which
termination occurs. Continuation and conversion of insurance coverage are available in
accordance with local, state and federal laws.
DCS recognizes the importance of vacation time in providing the opportunity for rest,
recreation, and personal activities for its employees. For this reason, DCS grants annual,
paid vacations to its full-time 240 day regular employees according to the following
Twelve-month, 240 day, employees shall earn vacation days at the rate of one day per month
for each full month employed. These days will be credited to the employee in advance on
the last working day of the first month actually worked. Only employment from and
including the first day of each month through the last day of the month will qualify an
employee for an earned vacation day. These are in addition to the two (2) personal days
granted to twelve-month employees each year. A twelve month employee may accumulate a
maximum of fifteen (15) vacation days and five (5) personal days. All personal and vacation
days in excess of these maximums will be converted to “A” sick leave days. Vacation and
personal leave for non-exempt (classified) employee will be converted to hours with each
day of leave equal to eight (8) hours of leave.
Beginning on July 1, 2007, and each month thereafter, vacation days will be accrued on a
monthly basis rather than allocated in advance on the first day of the first month employed.
At the end of each month in which the employee was actually employed every day of that
month, he/she will be credited with one (1) day of vacation up to the maximum of (15) days,
after which the vacation day will be converted to an “A” sick leave day and credited to
School level employees (licensed and classified) may not take vacation while school is in
session unless a written request is approved by the Superintendent and/or his designee. All
vacation days must be approved in advance by the employee’s immediate supervisor.
Principals taking vacation time while school is in session must be approved by the
At the beginning of each school year, each employee in the school district shall be credited
with a maximum personal leave allowance, with pay, of two (2) days for absences caused by
personal reasons during the school year. Such personal leave shall not be taken on the first
day of the school term, the last day of the school term, on a day previous to a holiday or a
day after a holiday. No deduction from the pay of such employee may be made because of
absence of such employee caused by personal reasons until after all personal leave allowance
credited to such employee has been used.
Two days prior to the planned absence, the employee shall request in writing to his/her
immediate supervisor approval to take a personal leave day. At the school level, the request
must be made to the principal. An exception to this is an emergency. If an employee is
under contract for less than a full school year, personal leave will be prorated for total days
under contract as follows:
For twelve month employees (licensed and classified)
Up to 6 months = 1 day
6- 9 months = 1 ½ days
9-12 months = 2 days
Unused personal leave in excess of five (5) days shall become sick “A” leave.
Unused leave (sick, personal, vacation) may be applied toward retirement credit as follows:
15-77 days equals 1 quarter
78-140 days equals ½ year
141-203 days equals 3 quarters
204-260 days equals 1 year
For information regarding the employee leave policy for clerical personnel, teacher assistants
and aides (daily and ten month salaried employees), please refer to Policy GCRGB in the
School Board Policy Manual.
DCS provides paid sick leave benefits to all eligible employees for temporary absence due to
illness or injuries. Eligible employees may use sick leave benefits for an absence due to their
own illness or injury or that of an eligible family member.
Sick Leave Benefits for Licensed Employees
¾ Employees with Contracts for 187 or More, but Less Than 240 Days
At the beginning of each year, each 187 to 230 day employee shall be credited with a
minimum sick leave allowance, with pay, of seven (7) days for absences caused by illness or
physical disability of the employee or a member of the immediate family of the employee
during that school year. Any unused portion of annual sick leave will be carried over to the
next year and credited to the employee. Unused sick leave benefits will be allowed to
accumulate indefinitely. Sick leave benefits are intended solely to provide income protection
in the event of illness or injury and may not be used for any other purpose. No deduction
from the pay of the licensed employee may be made because of illness or physical disability
until after all sick leave allowance credited to an employee has been used.
If an employee is under contract for less than a full school year, sick leave will be prorated
for total days under contract as follows:
Day Under Contract Sick Leave Days
187-151 7
150-126 6
125-101 5
100-76 4
75-51 3
50-26 2
25-2 1
For the first ten (10) days of absence of the licensed employee because of illness or physical
disability, in any school year, in excess of the sick leave allowance credited to such employee,
there may be deducted from the pay of the employee the established substitute amount of
the compensation paid in the school district. Thereafter, the regular pay of such absent
licensed employee may be suspended and withheld in its entirety for any period of absence
because of illness or physical disability during that school year. These days are not
If a licensed employee is under contract for less than a full year, substitute deduction days
shall be prorated at one day per month of employment.
¾ Twelve Month Employees
Each twelve (12) month employee, at the beginning of each school year, shall be credited
with a minimum sick leave allowance, with pay, of eight (8) days for absences caused by
illness or physical disability of the employee or a member of the immediate family of the
employee during that school year. Any unused portion of annual sick leave will be carried
over to the next year and credited to the employee. Unused sick leave benefits will be
allowed to accumulate indefinitely.
Sick leave benefits are intended solely to provide income protection in the event of illness or
injury and may not be used for any other purpose. No deduction from the pay of the
licensed employee may be made because of illness or physical disability until after all sick
leave allowance credited to an employee has been used.
If an employee is employed under contract for less than a full school year, sick leave will be
prorated for total days under contract as follows:
* One sick leave day per 30 days employed.
¾ Twelve Month Classified Employees
Each twelve (12) month classified employee, at the beginning of each school year, shall be
credited with a minimum sick leave allowance, with pay, of eight (8) days for absences
caused by illness or physical disability of the employee or a member of the immediate family
of the employee during that school year. These shall be referred to as “A” days.
Any unused portion of the total sick leave allowance shall be credited over to the next
school year and credited to such employee if the employee remains employed in the school
district. Accumulation of sick leave allowed in the school district shall be unlimited. No
deduction from the pay of the classified employee may be made because of illness or
physical disability until after all sick leave allowance credited to such employee has been
If an employee is employed for less than a full school year, sick leave will be provided for
total days under contract as follows:
* One sick leave day per 30 days employed.
For the first ten (10) days of absence of the employee because of illness or physical disability,
in any school year, in excess of the sick leave allowance credited to such employee, there
shall be deducted from the pay of such employee $15.00 per day.
Thereafter, the regular pay of such absent employee may be suspended and withheld in its
entirety for any period of absence because of illness or physical disability during that school
If an employee is under contract for less than a full school year, “B” days shall be prorated at
one pay per month of employment.
If the employee is under an employment notice for less than a full school year, the days
described in the paragraph above shall be prorated at one day per month of employment.
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides a means for employees to balance their
work and family responsibilities by taking unpaid leave that meets a specific criteria
. The Act
is intended to promote the stability and economic security of families. FMLA is a benefit.
Family and medical leave may be taken for the birth or adoption of a child; placement of a
foster child; the care of the serious health condition of a seriously ill parent, spouse, or child;
or the care of the employee’s own serious health condition.
Request Procedures
As soon as the employee knows that he or she will need time off for a family or medical
leave of absence, he/she should follow the procedures outlined below:
If an employee has a health condition or injury and needs time off from work, the employee
should notify their supervisor as soon as possible. Whenever possible, a 30-day notice is
required. In the event of any emergency, the request should be submitted to the supervisor
as soon as practicable (ordinarily meaning at least verbal notice within 1 - 2 business days
following the commencement of the injury, illness, or disability). If the employee cannot
contact the supervisor personally, the employee should have someone contact the supervisor
on his/her behalf. The District will decide whether or not the absence or request for leave
qualifies under FMLA and will notify the employee within two business days of this decision.
Once the employee makes their supervisor aware of the need to be absent from work due to
a health condition of their own or that of a family member, appropriate forms (Medical
Certification Form ) will be provided to the employee for completion. A health care
provider’s certification is required in cases of serious health conditions, whether the
employee’s or that of the employee’s spouse, child or parent. The Medical Certification
Form must be completed by your doctor and returned to the Employee Services
Department within 15 days. The District also reserves the right to require - at its own cost -
a second, or even third, medical opinion. It should be noted, we may delay the start of the
employee’s leave until certification is submitted. If certification is not provided, leave may
be denied.
Furthermore, DCS may designate your absence as FMLA, if an employee is eligible (see
eligibility requirements below), even though the employee did not specifically request FMLA.
Employees who have been employed by DCS for one year (12 months) and who have
worked a minimum of 1,250 hours during the previous 12-month period are entitled to take
leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Please note that some employees of DCS, such as bus drivers and child nutrition employees,
may not qualify for FMLA based on the number of hours/days worked during the past
twelve months.
Under the family leave portion of the policy, a seriously ill family member is defined as a
parent, child, or spouse who has a serious health condition that warrants the participation of
the employee during the period of medical treatment.
Length of Leave
Employees may take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period. DCS will
observe a rolling 12-month period measured backward from the date an employee uses any
FMLA leave. Therefore, each time an employee takes FMLA leave the remaining leave
entitlement would be any balance of the 12 weeks, which has not been used during the
immediately preceding 12 months.
Example: Mary uses 2 weeks of FMLA in July 2007 and 3 weeks in December 2007;
Mary requests FMLA again in February 2008; Looking back to February 2007 (12 months
prior), Mary is eligible for 7 weeks of FMLA since she used a combined five weeks in July
and December.
In addition, should both the employee and his or her spouse be employed by the District,
they may not necessarily each receive 12 weeks of leave. They may receive only a total of 12
weeks of leave for the birth, adoption, or placement of a child or to care for a sick parent.
Intermittent leave is available when medically necessary. Leave because of a serious health
condition, may be taken intermittently (in separate blocks of time due to a single covered
health condition) or on a reduced leave schedule (reducing the usual number of hours the
employee works per workweek or workday) if medically necessary. For administration
purposes, the minimum increment of intermittent leave is one hour. Leave for the birth or
adoption of a child may not be taken intermittently. Employees should coordinate
intermittent leave with their primary supervisor to minimize disruption to District business.
The District may require the employee to transfer temporarily to an available alternative
position (which has equivalent pay and benefits) for which the employee is qualified and that
better accommodates recurring leave periods than the employee’s regular position.
Compensation and Benefits during FMLA
Employees are not entitled to compensation during a family and medical leave; however, the
District requires employees to exhaust any accrued sick leave as part of FMLA time off.
Employees must exhaust all paid leave in conjunction with a family and medical leave. All
types of leave (including vacation, sick leave, and FMLA) shall run concurrently.
During an approved family or medical leave, the employee’s health benefits will be provided
as though he or she had continued to work. Arrangements must be made for timely
monthly payment for the employee’s portion of the health insurance and other applicable
premiums. An employee has a minimum 30-day grace period in which to make premium
If payment is not made timely, an employee’s group health insurance coverage may be
cancelled, provided we notify the employee in writing at least 15 days before the date his/her
health insurance will lapse.
To the full extent allowed under the FMLA and state law, the District reserves the right to
recover health insurance premiums paid by the District from employees who fail to return to
work at the end of the FMLA qualifying leave.
Benefits that operate on an accrual basis will not be accrued during unpaid family and
medical leave. The employee will be considered to have continuing service for the eligibility
and vesting purposes of the District’s retirement plan.
Return from Leave and Job Restoration
Upon requesting FMLA, employees are responsible for communicating the expected date of
return to the supervisor. If the employee is unable to return on the planned date, he or she
must inform the Employee Services Department at least 15 days prior to the original
expected date of return. Failure to return to work on schedule will be considered a voluntary
resignation/termination of employment, effective at the end of the employee’s regularly
scheduled shift on the second day the employee fails to report to work. All procedures for
reporting back to work after FMLA must be followed to protect the employee’s status.
Prior to returning to work after a family or medical leave of absence because of the
employee’s own serious health condition, a physician’s certification must be submitted
stating that the employee is able to return to work. This form must be submitted to the
Employee Services Department.
At the end of family and medical leave, the employee generally will be restored to the same
position or to an equivalent position, with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment
terms and conditions. However, employees are subject to the business circumstances or
conditions (such as layoffs) that would have applied had he or she been working.
DCS will comply with any state or federal laws that allow more
leave than the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Non-Qualifying FMLA Leave of Absence (GBRIE )
An employee who does not qualify for leave based on the Family Medical Leave Act
(FMLA) of 1993 may take a leave of absence up to 30 business days if the employee is going
to return to work within those 30 days.
The employee may be responsible for timely payment of all insurance premiums while on
approved leave of absence.
General Provisions:
In order to qualify for the additional 30 day leave of absence the following must apply:
1. An employee anticipating an absence of five days or more must apply for leave of
absence with the Employee Services Department.
2. The employee reported to work on the first day of employment.
3. The employee does not qualify for Family Medical Leave (FML) based on the
following criteria:
a. Employee has not been employed with DeSoto County Schools for at least
12 months;
b. Employee has not worked for DeSoto County Schools at least 1250 hours.
4. Qualifying for the leave of absence follows the same criteria and procedure as
described in FMLA regulations.
a. Birth of a child and/or to care for a newborn child of the employee.
b. Placement with the employee of a child through adoption.
c. Care for the employee’s spouse, dependent child, or parent of the employee
who has a serious health condition.
d. A serious health condition that renders the employee unable to perform the
function of his/her job.
5. All leave of absences require final approval of the Employee Services Department.
6. Failure to return to work on the determined return-to-work day will be considered as
a resignation by the employee.
7. The employee must use any available accrued paid leave concurrently with the leave
of absence. Otherwise, compensation will not be paid during leave.
8. The leave of absence must be used continuously. It will not be available for
intermittent use.
1. A request for leave of absence must be made on the Request for Leave of
Absence form having the approval of the Principal/Supervisor and the
Employee Services Department.
2. Medical documentation supporting the request must be provided to the
Employee Services Department within five (5) days of the request for leave.
3. The Request for Leave of Absence form must be filed in the employee’s
personnel file.
4. The Employee Services Department is responsible for approval of the leave of
absence as well as maintaining documentation that is associated with the leave of
5. The Employee Services Department must be notified of the expected date the
employee returns. The employee must provide documentation from the
physician stating the employee’s return to work date.
6. All forms and/or letters will be issued through the Employee Services
Employees will be allowed up to five (5) days off in the event of a death in the immediate
family to arrange for and/or attend the funeral. Two (2) days off will be provided for a
death in the extended family. Time off will be paid leave if the employee has paid leave
available. If no paid leave is available, then the leave will be unpaid.
Those individuals who are considered immediate family members under this policy are as
follows: spouse, son/daughter (in-law), father/mother (in-law), brother/sister (in-law),
grandchildren, and grandparents (in-law). In addition, immediate family includes any other
person who is related to the employee by blood or by law who regularly resides with or is
primarily supported by the employee. Extended family is defined as the employee’s or
spouse’s aunt, uncle, cousin, niece or nephew.
DeSoto County Schools encourages its employees to fulfill his/her civic responsibilities by
serving jury duty when required.
Employees are eligible for jury duty leave for the time they serve on the jury. The employee
is expected to provide his/her principal or supervisor with a copy of the jury duty summons
as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made to accommodate the possible absence
from work. Employees must obtain documentation from the court clerk stating that he/she
reported to jury duty as well as the dates that the employee served jury duty. . The
documentation must be provided to the payroll department immediately after the employee
returns to work. Employees are expected to report to work any time they are released from
jury duty during their regularly scheduled work hours.
Employees who are eligible for paid jury duty leave will be compensated at his/her base rate
of pay for the number of hours he/she would normally have worked that day. Jury fees
received from the court system shall be retained by the employee. Expenses for meals,
lodging, travel will not be reimbursed by the district. All employees of DCS are eligible for
paid jury duty leave.
Employees who are subpoenaed to appear in court as a witness in a case involving DCS will
be considered a “school business” day and will be paid for the time he/she normally is
scheduled to work.
Should an employee be subpoenaed to appear in court as a witness on his/her own behalf,
or by a part other than DCS, the employee may use available paid leave according to policy
guidelines in order to be compensated for the absence (i.e. personal leave, vacation leave,
and/or compensatory time). The employee will use “leave without pay” if no paid leave is
Employees are expected to provide his/her principal or supervisor with a copy of the
subpoena as soon as possible in order to make accommodations for the absence from work.
Employees are expected to report to work when they are no longer required in court during
the regularly scheduled work hours.
DeSoto County Schools does not discriminate in hiring, reemployment, promotion or
benefits based on membership or service in the United States uniformed services.
Employees of DeSoto County Schools will be granted leave of absence for service in the
uniformed services, provided that:
a. The employee provides written or verbal notice of said military service as soon as
practicable, unless precluded by military necessity or impracticability, and;
b. The employee’s total length of military service does not exceed five years, and;
c. The employee satisfactorily completes his or her military service, and
d. The employee remains qualified for employment with DeSoto County Schools, and;
e. The employee provides written notice to DeSoto County Schools that he or she
intends to continue employment with DeSoto County Schools within 90 days of the
end of his or her military service.
During the time that an employee of DeSoto County Schools is on leave for military service,
he or she:
a. Will continue to be paid at his or her current rate of pay for the first fifteen days of
military service; These fifteen days are accrued annually and must be used on an
annual basis in conjunction with the employee’s contract or work year (July 1 – June
30). Unused days do not accumulate from year to year.
b. Will continue to accrue seniority and leave during his or her military service;
c. May choose to use his or her accumulated leave time at the beginning of military
service, but is not and may not be required to do so;
d. May keep his or her medical insurance provided by DeSoto County Schools to the
same extent as other on-leave employees, for a period of up to two years from the
beginning of military service or until he or she elects not to return to employment
with DeSoto County Schools, whichever occurs first;
e. Will be treated for the purposes of retirement as having no break in his or her
employment with DeSoto County Schools.
Upon having completed military service, an employee of DeSoto County Schools will be
reemployed using the following priorities:
a. The employee will be employed at the same or a similar position which he or she
would have held had he or she not been absent for military service.
b. If the employee is not qualified for the position he or she would have held if not for
the absence, the employee will be employed at the same or a similar position he or
she held upon leaving for military service.
c. If the employee is not qualified for either position, he or she will be employed at the
position which most closely approximates the position he or she would have held or
that he or she held upon leaving, with the seniority he or she would have had if not
for the absence.
DeSoto County Schools will provide notice to its employees of their rights under this policy
and under Mississippi and federal law, as required by law.
LEGAL REF.: Miss. Code Ann. (1972) §33-1-21, 38 U.S.C. 4312 et seq.
Inclement Weather
DCS does not want employees taking undue risks in traveling to work in inclement weather;
however, it remains the employee’s responsibility to report to work during these times. This
expectation is based on the need to continually operate the office.
In the event of inclement weather, the following policies apply:
240-Day Exempt
employees are expected to report to work. Exempt employees who
choose not to work may use the day as sick leave, personal leave or vacation. If the day that
is used to make up the day missed is not a scheduled workday for these employees, each will
be credited with a floating holiday to be used at any time during that fiscal year. This is the
only time floating days will be used.
240-Day Non-Exempt
employees who choose not to work may also use the day as sick
leave, personal leave, vacation or they may choose not to be paid for that day. Non-Exempt
employees who have earned compensatory time may use those hours to make up for the
hours missed at the discretion of their supervisor. If the day that is used to make up for the
day missed is not a scheduled work day for these employees, each will receive their usual
hourly rate of pay for the hours worked.
Employees of DCS are paid on the last working day of the calendar month.
The law requires payroll deductions to cover federal, state, and local income taxes and Social
Security/Medicare (FICA) and retirement. These deductions are made automatically. Other
deductions for other programs will be made upon a written authorization by the employee
and with the approval of the District.
Deductions can be made for health, life and salary protection insurance as well as board
approved tax-sheltered annuities, and teacher credit union contributions. All requests for
changes in deductions must be submitted, in writing, prior to the 1st of each month.
Deductions may also stem from garnishments. When a garnishment is imposed, the
administration of DCS complies by withholding a percentage of the employee’s salary, as
mandated by law.
It is our policy to comply with the salary basis requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act
(FLSA). Therefore, we prohibit any improper deductions from the salaries of exempt
employees. We want employees to be aware of this policy and that the District does not
allow deductions that violate the FLSA.
Deductions from exempt employees’ salaries are prohibited, except as allowed by applicable
Contracted Licensed employees must not work over their number of contracted days.
DCS recognizes that all professional employees work beyond regular school hours on a
regular basis, and the school district acknowledges and appreciates the dedication of its
professional employees. However, professional employees are exempt and are not eligible
for overtime.
The workweek for full-time employees shall not exceed forty (40) hours. The school district
encourages the completion of assigned tasks during the regular workday. Non-exempt
employees are not to work overtime without prior approval from Principal/Supervisor.
Comptime can be accumulated but can only be used when approved by
Each supervisor shall maintain accurate records of all hours worked by each employee
The DeSoto County School Board accepts and approved the term "year of teaching
experience" to mean nine (9) months of actual teaching in the DeSoto County School
District or any other public or private school of this or another state. In no case shall more
than one (1) year of teaching experience be given for all services in one (1) calendar or
school year. In determining a teacher's experience, no deduction shall be made because of
the temporary absence of the teacher because of illness or other good cause, and the teacher
shall be given credit therefore. Beginning with the 2003-2004 school year, the State Board of
Education was given the authority to increase the number of days a teacher may be absent
from the job and continue his/her eligibility for employment. Therefore, the DeSoto
County School Board adopts the following policy in this regard: No certificated personnel
shall exceed forty-five (45) consecutive school days of absences during a contract period of
employment and still be considered to have been in full-time employment for a regular
scholastic term. If a teacher exceeds the number of days established by the DeSoto County
School Board and the State Board of Education that a teacher may not be under contract but
may still be employed, that teacher shall not be credited with a year of teaching experience.
In determining the experience of school librarians, each complete year of continuous, full-
time employment as a professional librarian in a public library in this or some other state
shall be considered a year of teaching experience. If a full-time school administrator returns
to actual teaching in the public schools, the term "year of teaching experience" shall include
the period of time he or she served as a school administrator. In determining the salaries of
teachers who have experience in any branch of the military, the term "year of teaching
experience" shall include each complete year of actual classroom instruction while serving in
the military. Ms Code § 37-151-5 (m) (1997)
The pay scale for any teacher employed in the DeSoto County School District shall be based
on the salary schedule approved by the Mississippi Legislature. No teacher shall receive less
than the state minimum salary. In the case of a part-time teacher, the salary shall be based on
the number of years experience and the number of periods taught on a regular school day
unless otherwise approved by the DeSoto County School Board. A school district may adopt
or continue a program or plan whereby teachers are paid varying salaries according to the
teaching ability, classroom performance and other similar standards. Ms Code § 37-151-87
It is the policy of this school board to attempt to pay its licensed employees at a level which
will attract and hold people with ability who can exercise professionalism in the school
district. If, at any point of the scholastic year, any licensed employee shall present to the
Superintendent of the DeSoto County School District a license of a higher grade than that
specified in such individual's contract, such individual may be paid from such funds the
amount to which such higher degree/certification to the end of the current scholastic year
from such funds the amount to which such higher grade license would have entitled the
individual, had the license been held at the time the contract was executed. Ms Code § 37-
9-17 (1) (1997)
The superintendent shall enter into a contract with each licensed employee who is elected
and approved for employment by the school board. Such contracts shall be in such form as
shall be prescribed by the State Board of Education and shall be executed in a duplicate with
one (1) copy to be retained by the appropriate superintendent and one (1) copy to be
retained by the licensed employee or person recommended for a licensed position contracted
with. The contract shall show the name of the district, the length of the school term, the
position held, the scholastic years which it covers, the total amount of the annual salary and
how same is payable. The amount of salary to be shown in such contract shall be in the
amount which shall have been fixed and determined by the school board, but as to licensed
employees paid in whole or in part with minimum education program funds, such salary
shall not be less than that required under the provisions of Chapter 19 of this title. Any
person recommended for a licensed position who is anticipating either graduation from an
approved teacher education program before September 1 or December 31, as the case may
be, or the issuance of a proper license before October 15 or February 15, as the case may be,
shall receive substitute pay until such license is issued unless the Superintendent, at his
discretion, chooses to enter into a contract with such employee. If the Superintendent
chooses to enter into a contract with any person recommended for a licensed position who
is anticipating either graduation from an approved teacher education program before
September 1 or December 31, as the case may be, or the issuance of a proper license before
October 15 or February 15, as the case may be, shall be a conditional contract and shall
include a provision stating that the contract will be null and void, if as specified in the
contract, the contingency upon which the contract is conditioned has not occurred. If any
licensed employee or person recommended for a licensed position who has been elected and
approved shall not execute and return the contract within ten (10) days after same has been
tendered to him for execution, then, at the option of this school board, the election of the
licensed employee and the contract tendered to him shall be null and void and of no effect.
Ms Code § 37-9-23 (1998)
The salaries of licensed employees shall be paid by pay certificates issued by the school
district superintendent or the administrative superintendent. Such pay certificates may be
issued without additional authorization of this school board where the amount of salary has
been fixed and a contract entered into as is provided in this chapter. All pay certificates shall
be preserved by him as a part of the official records of his office for the same time and in
the same manner as other records are preserved. Except as is herein provided, the said
warrants shall be governed in all respects by the same laws regulating the issuance of other
warrants for other purposes. All pay certificates and warrants issued shall show the gross
amount of the salary and all authorized deductions there from for income taxes, social
security, retirement contributions and other lawful purposes. Ms Code § 37-9-41 (1997)
It shall be unlawful for any licensed employee to be paid for any services as such until a written
contract has been executed as is provided and required by this chapter. If any superintendent
shall make any such payment prior to the execution of the contract he shall be civilly liable for
the amount thereof, and, in addition, shall be liable upon his bond. If any licensed employee,
shall willfully and without just cause breach his contract and abandon his employment he shall
not be entitled to any further salary payments either for services rendered prior to such breach or
for services which were thereafter to have been rendered. Nothing in this section, however,
shall prevent the employment and payment of substitute teachers without a written contract. Ms
Code § 37-9-43 (1997)
Any licensed employee in this school district who is under contract to teach or perform other
duties and who desires to be released from such contract shall make application in writing to this
school board for release there from, in which application the reasons for such release shall be
clearly stated. If this board acts favorably upon such application for release, such licensed
employee shall be released from his contract, and said contract shall be null and void on the date
specified in the school board's order. Ms Code § 37-9-55 (1997)
If any licensed employee in any public school of this state shall arbitrarily or willfully breach his
or her contract and abandon his or her employment without being released there from as
provided in Section 37-9-55, the contract of such licensed employee shall be null and void. In
addition thereto the license of such licensed employee may be suspended by the State Board of
Education for a period of one (1) year as provided in Section 37-3-2(8) upon written
recommendation of the majority of the members of this school board. Ms Code § 37-9-57
All individuals being offered contracts are required to furnish the Superintendent of Schools or
his designee the following:
1. all information required by the state of Mississippi; and
2. all information required by the Employee Services, Payroll, and Personnel departments
All personnel shall be elected for a specified number of days as determined by the state of
Mississippi and the DeSoto County School Board.
LEGAL REF.: MS CODE as cited
Officers/employees of the district shall be reimbursed for travel expenses which comply
with the following:
while performing duties related to job,
when such travel is at the request of and/or approved by the employee’s supervisor,
has prior written approval by the superintendent and/or principal
complies with State Department of Finance and Administration daily limits on
expenditures for meals and mileage reimbursement rates.
1. Travel for business should be conducted at a minimum cost.
2. All travel must be approved in advance on a requisition form.
3. Travel reimbursement forms should be typed or completed in ink, signed by the
employee and verified by principal or purchasing agent.
4. One employee shall not pay for another employee’s room, airfare or meals and be
5. Conference/Seminar literature or registration form should be attached to the
reimbursement of expenses form.
Automobile Travel
Point of travel begins at the regular place of work when using private vehicle.
The rate is subject to change according to the Department of Finance and
When a rental car is used for in state travel, only the actual cost of the rental car can
be claimed for reimbursement when such rental is less expensive than the rate
according to the Department of Finance and Administration.
A receipt is required for hotel/airport parking and taxi/shuttle services. Taxi and
shuttle is only reimbursed for transport from airport to conference hotel and back.
No reimbursement is allowed for optional restaurant and sight seeing excursions.
usually defined by $ 2.00 per bag for each level of handling.
Out of State
Same as In-State except for the following:
If traveling out of state by private vehicle, the total travel expenses must be less than air
fare/rental car, etc. unless written justification is approved.
Whether public transportation, state-owned vehicle, privately owned vehicle, etc.
reimbursement will be made for the most direct practicable route. Please refer to or
Travel in first or business class is not reimbursable.
Meals and Phone
In accordance with IRS regulations, meals may be claimed only if employee had to stay
Receipts for meals are preferred but not mandatory. Only the actual cost for meals shall be
reimbursed not to exceed the daily maximums as established by the state. Check with
bookkeeper or A/P for current reimbursement rates.
15% gratuity is allowed on all meals.
Phone charges are allowed for valid business. Phone calls itemized on a hotel bill should be
circled and indication made if they were business, or deducted and not claimed if they were
personal calls.
Travel reimbursement for meals is a reimbursement. Meals are for actual expenditures
incurred and are not a per diem allowance. An advance payment for meals such as at a
conference, must be deducted from the daily allowance when reimbursement is requested.
Receipts must be submitted for travel advances such as field trips.
Travel Advances
DCS may pay for an employee’s air fare, lodging and conference fees in advance. An
itemized receipt from the hotel and conference must be turned in upon return, and a flight
receipt/itinerary must accompany the request for reimbursement.
The employee will be responsible for repaying the District if they do not attend a
conference. Exceptions are when there is a personal medical emergency verified by a
doctor’s excuse or the conference is cancelled.
Travel For Non-Exempt Employees
Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) a non-exempt employee must be paid for all
hours the employee is “suffered or permitted to work.” This document addresses under
what circumstances time spent traveling is considered compensable (i.e., the time is counted
as hours worked).
In general, the FLSA does not consider ordinary
commuting as hours worked. Ordinary commute time is not compensable.
Talking on a phone, running errands (e.g., picking up supplies) while traveling from
home to work or vice versa is considered compensable if it is work related.
Non compensable
Ordinary travel from home to work is not considered hours worked.
traveling as part of the employer’s principal activity counts as hours worked (e.g., travel from
job site to job site is compensable.)
Travel during the work day as part of the employer’s principal activity counts as
hours worked. (e.g., travel from job site to job site).
OVERNIGHT TRAVEL In general, whether travel time counts as hours worked
when an employee travels overnight, depends on whether the travel occurs within the
employee’s normal work schedule. Travel time that occurs within the employee’s normal
work schedule is compensable.
Any portion of authorized travel that occurs within an employee’s normal work
schedule counts as hours worked. Travel on non work days (like weekends) also
counts as hours worked if it occurs within the employee’s normal work schedule.
Driving a vehicle, regardless of whether the travel takes place within or outside
normal work hours, counts as hours worked. In other words, the act of driving is
considered manual labor activity which must be counted as hours worked if it is for
the benefit of the employer.
If an employee is required to attend meals, social events, etc., that time is counted as
hours worked.
Time spent waiting at the airport counts as hours worked if it occurs within normal
work hours.
Any work while traveling, which an employee is required to perform, is counted as
hours worked (e.g., answering e-mails, taking business related phone calls.)
If an employee is required to ride as an assistant or helper in an automobile, the
travel time counts as hours worked.
Non compensable
Regular meal periods do not count as hours worked.
Riding as a passenger outside of normal work hours, via airplane, train, boat, bus
or automobile does not count as hours worked. In other words, the act of riding as a
passenger is not considered work.
Time spent sleeping does not count as hours worked.
Time spent waiting at the airport outside of normal work hours does not count as
hours worked.
Travel between home and work or between hotel and worksite is considered normal
commuting time and does not count as hours worked.
When an employee travels between two or more time zones, the time zone
associated with the point of departure should be used to determine whether the
travel falls within normal work hours.
If an employee drives a car as a matter of personal preference when an authorized
flight or other travel mode is available and the travel by car would exceed that of the
authorized mode, only the estimated travel time associated with the authorized mode
will be counted as hours worked.
If the employer provides hotel accommodations for overnight travel but the
employee wishes to drive back home each evening, this time is not counted as hours
On days when an employee is out of town (but not traveling), the employee is
compensated for hours worked such as attending a conference or a meeting. The
employee is not compensated for time not working even if it occurs within the
employee’s regular work schedule (e.g., employee goes sightseeing instead of
attending a session of the conference or the conference sessions are only from 9 - 4).
SAME DAY TRAVEL/OUT-OF-TOWNIn general time spent traveling out-of-
town and returning in the same day, counts as hours worked without regard to whether the
employee is driving or riding as a passenger and without regard to whether the travel occurs
within the employee’s normal work schedule. Travel counts as hours worked.
Time spent traveling to and from a one day seminar, conference, meeting, etc. is
counted as hours worked.
Non Compensable
Regular meal periods do not count as hours worked.
Insurance and Retirement Benefits
The District is interested in the health and well-being of both employees and their families.
This section of the employee handbook briefly describes each district-sponsored employee
benefit program. Employees receive summary plan descriptions, which describe certain
benefit programs in greater detail. The plan description and official plan documents (such as
insurance master contracts) contain information regarding eligibility requirements, coverage
limits, deductibles, premiums, and fees.
Employees are expected to read the plan descriptions carefully to understand rights and
responsibilities. Should a conflict exist between the official benefit plan documents and this
employee handbook or the plan descriptions, the official plan documents will control in all
The District reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to rescind or amend
benefits, to change insurance carriers, or to require a change in employee contributions
toward premium costs, deductibles, or co-payments. The District may make such changes at
any time, for any reason; financial necessity is not required. Employees will be promptly
notified of any such changes. While the District's intention is to continue offering the
District-sponsored benefit programs, it cannot guarantee that such benefits will always be
DCS offers the following benefits to regular full-time employees. Part-time employees may
or may not be eligible for these benefits based on the individual plan requirements:
MEDICAL INSURANCE – DCS participates in the State of Mississippi health
insurance plan for school employees. Information regarding the options available to school
employees may be obtained by contacting the Employee Services Department in the school
district’s central administrative office.
CAFETERIA PLAN – DCS participates in the Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan,
commonly known as the cafeteria plan. Participation by employees in the cafeteria plan is
optional. Additional information regarding the cafeteria plan is available in the Employee
Services Department.
RETIREMENT PLAN - All regular full-time employees must participate in the
Mississippi Public Employees’ Retirement System. Current Mississippi law requires eight (8)
years of service as of July 1, 2007 for vested interest. Twenty-five (25) years are required for
under sixty (60) years of age for full retirement benefits without penalty.
Employees desiring more specific information regarding their retirement should contact the
Employee Services department or the Mississippi Public Employees’ Retirement System.
403 ( b ) PLAN -All employees of DeSoto County Schools are eligible to participate in the
403(b) Plan(s) that is offered through the district.
If the employee, the employee’s spouse, or the employee’s dependents lose group health
insurance coverage due to employment termination or any other “qualifying event,” any and
all may be eligible to elect continuation of group health coverage in accordance with the
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).
COBRA entitles employees and their dependents to elect or decline continued group health
insurance coverage upon a “qualifying event.” Under federal law, a qualifying event is an
event that would ordinarily cause an employee, spouse, or dependent to lose group health
insurance coverage. Qualifying events include termination of employment, retirement,
discharge for poor performance, reduction of work hours, death of a covered employee,
divorce or legal separation from a covered employee, losing “dependent child” status, or
Medicare eligibility. Employees discharged for gross misconduct may not be eligible for
continuation benefits.
Employees and dependents are responsible for notifying the District’s Benefits Manager
immediately following any qualifying event and upon any change in address of the employee
and/or dependents. Employees and dependents who elect continued coverage following a
qualifying event will be required to pay 100% of the applicable premium coverage cost plus
any applicable administration fees.
The covered individual has sixty (60) days to elect coverage from the date of notification. If
the covered individual chooses to continue coverage and pays all premiums, benefits will be
continued for 18 months. A covered employee, spouse, or dependent who is disabled
(according to the Social Security Administration) at the time of the qualifying event may be
eligible to continue coverage for up to 29 months. An employee’s covered spouse or
dependent may be able to continue coverage up to 36 months in the event the covered
employee dies, becomes entitled to Medicare, divorces or legally separates from the spouse,
or the dependent child ceases to qualify as a dependent under the District’s insurance plan
In the event of a second qualifying event occurring during the period of coverage for an
original event, the period of coverage will be extended to 36 months from the date of the
original qualifying event.
Employees may obtain additional information about COBRA from the Employee Services
Workers’ Compensation
It is the District’s goal to provide a safe work environment. Each employee shall comply
with all occupational safety, health policies and standards. Should an accident occur, the
employee must report any injury or illness, no matter how minor it may seem, immediately
to the Supervisor/ Principal. The supervisor must report the incident to the Workers’
Compensation Coordinator. Failure to do so may jeopardize eligibility for workers’
Employees are covered against certain loss of earnings due to injuries on the job by a
workers’ compensation insurance policy furnished by the District. No compensation will be
allowed for an injury, illness or death due to willful misconduct, intentional self-inflicted
injury, intoxication, or willful failure or refusal to use safety devices or lack of compliance
with prescribed safety procedures. The payment of medical bills and compensation
payments will be in accordance with all applicable workers’ compensation laws.
If an employee suffers an occupational injury or illness, the following steps should be taken:
Any necessary first-aid treatment should be administered.
When physically able, the employee should immediately report the injury or illness to
his or her Supervisor/Principal.
Both the employee and supervisor must complete a Report of Accident/Injury form
within 24 hours of the injury. These forms are available from the employee’s
supervisor. Both forms must be signed and dated by the supervisor and forwarded
to the Workers’ Compensation Coordinator in the Employee Services Department as
soon as possible.
Employees are encouraged to attend a medical facility tendered by DCS or the
employee may choose a Physician of his/her own choice. However, if the employee
chooses his/her physician they must report the information to DCS. DCS requires
all Workers’ Compensation claims to report to DeSoto Family Medical Center for
drug screening within 24 hours.
If medical attention is required, the employee must be seen by a medical doctor or
facility approved by the District, unless in an emergency.
Unemployment Compensation
Employees are not eligible for unemployment benefits in the summer months between
school terms. An employee hired during the school term who has reasonable assurance of
employment for the same or similar work for the following school term will be denied
unemployment benefits.
Employee Conduct and Work Rules
To ensure safe and orderly operations in the school district and provide the best possible
work environment, the District expects all employees to follow rules of conduct that will
protect the interests and safety of everyone in the organization. It is not possible to list all
the forms of behavior which are considered unacceptable in the workplace. Therefore, the
following are examples of rules of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment:
negligence towards or endangerment of students
intentional damage to school property or equipment
violation of law or school board policy
theft or inappropriate removal or possession of school district property
falsification of records, including timekeeping records
working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the
workplace, while on duty, or while operating school-owned vehicles or equipment
violation of safety or health rules
sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment
possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials, such as explosives or firearms, in
the workplace
unauthorized absence from work station during the workday
unauthorized use of telephones, mail system, or other employer-owned equipment
failure to maintain classroom discipline or an appropriate educational environment
violation of personnel policies
unsatisfactory performance or conduct
Failure to interact courteously and tactfully with supervisor/managers, co-workers,
students, and vendors to the point that productivity or morale suffers may be
grounds for discipline and possible termination.
Licensed employees are subject to the provisions of the School Employment Procedures Act
and further can be suspended or terminated for specific, statutorily enumerated infractions
and other good causes. Classified employees serve at the will of the Superintendent or his
designee and may be terminated at any time, with or without cause, and without advance
notice. Classified employees are not entitled to a hearing.
Confidential Information
During the course of employment, employees will have access to confidential information.
Confidential information may include, but is not limited to, compensation information,
student information, financial information, and other related confidential information. This
information is critical to the success of the District and must not be divulged. Employees
must not discuss confidential matters or release confidential information to any outside
Unauthorized picture taking, voice recording, or video recording (includes inappropriate use
of picture cell phones) of conversations or District material at work are prohibited.
Employees who improperly utilize or disclose district or confidential information may be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Breach in confidentiality
could result in disciplinary action including termination.
Additionally, an employee’s salary is confidential and should be held in strict confidence by
the employee and DeSoto County Schools. Individual employee’s salary/wages is not public
information and therefore is encouraged to remain private. Confidentiality is required.
Substance Use and Abuse
It is the District’s intention to maintain a drug free work environment that is safe for all
employees. Whenever use or abuse of controlled substances (such as alcohol and illegal
drugs) interferes with the workplace, appropriate action may be taken, including testing or
discipline (up to and including termination) when warranted. School officials will cooperate
fully with law enforcement in prosecution of drug violations occurring in the workplace.
“Workplace” is defined as the site for the performance of work done including a school
building or other school premises; any school-owned vehicle or any other school-approved
vehicle used to transport students to and from school or school activities; off-school
property during any school-sponsored or school-approved activity, event, or function, such
as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under the jurisdiction of the school
As a condition of employment, each employee shall abide by the terms of the school district
policy respecting a drug-free workplace and shall report to work without any alcohol or
illegal substances in their systems.
The following is prohibited and is grounds for discipline including termination of
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of any intoxicating
beverage, intoxicant, illegal drug or controlled substance on DCS premises or while
conducting District-related activities off DCS premises.
Reporting for work or remaining on duty while under the influence of any intoxicating
beverage or intoxicant; having any illegal drug or controlled substance at any detectable
amount in your system.
It is a violation of the District policy for any employee to use prescription drugs illegally, i.e.,
to use prescription drugs that have not been legally obtained or for a purpose other than as
prescribed. However, nothing in this policy precludes the appropriate use of legally
prescribed medications.
Storage or transportation of any intoxicating beverages, intoxicants, illegal drugs, or
controlled substances on DCS property is prohibited.
The above prohibitions do not include drugs taken according to a verifiable prescription and
taken under the direction of a licensed physician. However, an employee who is taking
prescription drugs or other medication, which may affect his or her work safety or the safety
of others, must notify his or her supervisor before beginning work. Failure to report such
medication may subject the employee to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
It is a condition of continued employment that employees shall comply with the school
board policy regarding a drug-free workplace and shall notify their supervisor of any
conviction involving a controlled substance in the workplace no later than five (5) days after
such conviction. In addition, an employee aware of a fellow employee’s on-the-job drug use
is required to notify the administrative office in charge of the drug user.
DCS reserves the right to require drug/alcohol screens as a condition of continued
employment if reasonable suspicion exists that an employee’s work performance or safety is
impaired by the use of drugs or alcohol. Specifically, authorized DCS representatives or
agents may: 1) require employees to submit to testing for intoxicants as a condition of
continued employment, and/or 2) conduct searches of personal effects, vehicles, lockers,
desks and rooms for intoxicants and related paraphernalia as a condition of continued
employment. Items discovered through such search may be turned over to law enforcement
Reasonable suspicion for believing an employee is under the influence or impaired by the
use of an intoxicant includes, but is not limited to: abnormal conduct, appearance, behavior,
speech or odor; detection of a prohibited substance in the area where an employee has been
working; an unexplained decline in work performance or attendance; or a workplace accident
or safety violation.
Additionally, drug testing may be conducted in conjunction with any medical treatment
required as a result of an on-the-job injury.
Workplace Violence
DCS desires to maintain a work environment which is safe and secure in nature. Threats,
threatening behavior, or any acts of violence against employees, students or other individuals
on the premises will not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including
immediate termination, and/or criminal prosecution.
Any person who engages in violent behavior, such as making substantial threats, or
intentionally hitting, kicking, or striking a person or property on DCS premises may be
removed by administration from the premises as quickly as safety permits, and is to remain
off DCS premises pending the outcome of an investigation.
Additionally, the District Policy prohibits firearms or weapons of any type on the premises.
The DCS Board of Education recognizes the possession of pistols, firearms or other
weapons on school premises or at school functions by persons other than duly authorized
law enforcement officials creates an unreasonable and unwarranted risk of injury or death to
District employees, students, visitors or guest. Because of such dangers, the Board hereby
prohibits the possession of pistols, firearms, or weapons in any form by any person other
than duly authorized law enforcement officials on school premises or at school functions,
regardless of whether any such person possesses a valid permit to carry weapons, previously
mentioned (BOARD POLICY EBC). Possession of a firearm or weapon while on the
premises will be handled with appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination
of employment.
All employees will fully cooperate with DCS Administration and with law enforcement
agencies to eliminate workplace violence risks.
All DCS personnel are responsible for immediately notifying their supervisor, Principal,
Assistant Superintendent of Personnel or the Director of Employee Services of any threats,
threatening behavior or acts of violence, which they have witnessed, received or have been
told that another person has witnessed or received. Even without an actual threat, personnel
should also report any behavior they have witnessed which they regard as threatening or
violent when that behavior is employment or job-related or might be carried out on DCS
premises. The supervisor or Principal who receives the report is responsible for informing
the Director of Employee Services so proper documentation of the incident can be
All individuals who apply for or obtain a protective or restraining order which lists DCS
locations as being protected areas must provide to the Director of Employee Services as well
as the immediate supervisor, a copy of any temporary protective or restraining order which is
granted, and a copy of any protective restraining order which is made permanent. DCS
understands the sensitivity of such information and will follow confidentiality procedures,
which recognize and respect the privacy of the reporting employee(s).
DCS is concerned with the safety of all its employees, students and guests. All employees
must observe and abide by safety standards and be safety conscious at all times. It is policy
of DCS that every employee is entitled to work under the safest possible conditions. Every
reasonable effort will be made to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work place, safe
equipment, proper materials, and to establish and insist upon safe methods and work
practices at all times.
DCS has developed a workplace safety program. The Assistant Superintendent for Finance
and Operations at the central administrative office and the principals at each school building
level have the primary responsibility for implementing, administering, monitoring, and
evaluating the safety program. However, its success depends on the alertness and personal
commitment of everyone in the school district. Ideas or suggestions for improving
workplace safety are encouraged by school officials.
Employees are responsible for immediately reporting all accidents and injuries to his or her
primary supervisor, regardless of how minor the occurrences may seem at the time.
Retaliation will not be permitted against any employee who reports a workplace hazard or
In addition, any unsafe condition or practice an employee observes should be reported to
their supervisor.
To prevent accidents or injuries, the following safety standards should be followed:
All heavy objects should be lifted or moved by personnel trained in the use of the
proper equipment and techniques for these tasks.
Keep classrooms, work areas and floors free from clutter and spills.
Do not obstruct doorways, hallways, or stairways in any manner.
Know the location of the fire extinguishers and emergency exits in the building.
Do not work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If reasonable suspicion
of drug or alcohol use exists and is witnessed, the employee will be immediately
escorted from the work premises.
Do not engage in horseplay. Practical jokes and horseplay can lead to accidents
and are not considered appropriate on-the-job behavior.
Use tools and equipment only if you have been properly trained in their use and only
for the intended purpose of their use.
Use of hazardous sprays or liquids should be only used in well-ventilated areas by
personnel trained in their proper use.
Universal Precautions Statement
Universal precautions are work practices that help prevent contact with blood and certain
other body fluids. Universal precautions are a person’s best protection against AIDS,
Hepatitis B, and other infectious diseases. To help prevent the spread of diseases
communicated by body secretions, the following precautions are recommended:
Wear disposable plastic or rubber gloves when in contact with body secretions and
do not reuse the disposable gloves.
Wash hands after contact with children with open wounds or who have body
secretions of any kind. Use disposable paper towels. Encourage children to wash
their hands after bathroom use or if they have any other body fluids on their hands.
To clean up body fluids, always use an approved disinfectant. Clean work surfaces
any time they become contaminated with blood or other body fluids.
Do not eat or drink in work areas where blood or other body fluids may be present.
Do not handle contact lenses or apply lip balm/cosmetics in these areas.
Ask questions when in doubt, and always follow safety procedures.
DCS promotes a smoke-free environment. In accordance with School Board Policy,
smoking and all other uses of tobacco by district employees, students and visitors in schools
buildings, on school grounds and property, and on or in district buildings and vehicles,
including school buses, shall be prohibited at all times.
Personal Appearance and Demeanor
Employees are expected to reflect favorably on DCS through their demonstrated personal
integrity, job demeanor and personal appearance, including their community relations and
the avoidance of behavior which is offensive, or infringes on the rights of others.
All employees are expected to be neat and well-groomed at all times while at work.
Immodest clothing is considered inappropriate attire and should not be worn. Supervisors
reserve the right to make determinations as to the appropriateness of employee appearance
and will do so in a non-discriminatory manner. Supervisors may ask an inappropriately
dressed employee to leave work and return with proper attire. Violation of this policy may
subject an employee to discipline, up to and including termination.
Lunch and Break Periods
Lunch schedules are determined by the employee’s work location and schedule.
Telephones are an integral part of communications within our District. Therefore,
telephones should be used primarily for school business purposes. Personal calls are
permitted to a reasonable extent; however, they must be limited and this privilege not
Employees who have access to school cell phones are to understand the device is used in
order to help them perform their jobs as efficiently and effectively as possible and not to be
used for personal matters in any way. All principals/supervisors are asked to submit a
written request to the accounts payable department with the employee’s name, school
location and description of job for use of the phone.
Personal cell phones of instructional personnel should be turned off or on vibrate during
instructional time.
Employees upon resignation or termination must return all District property on or before
the last day of work. All phones are fixed assets of the District. All transfers and surplus of
equipment must have the appropriate paperwork submitted to the person in charge of fixed
Personal refrigerators, microwaves, coffee pots, and open-flamed candles are not allowed in
classrooms or offices. These items are a safety hazard and do not meet our energy
management goals.
Employees with medical issues requiring refrigeration of medicines may receive a waiver to
this policy approved in writing by his/her supervisor.
Electronic Communications
Employees of DCS have access to a variety of forms of electronic media and services,
including computers, networks, electronic mail, fax machines, printers, and the internet.
These services are made available to employees in order to help them perform their jobs as
efficiently and effectively as possible and should not be misused.
All employees should remember that electronic media and services provided by the District
are the property of the District and their purpose is to facilitate and support the District. No
right of privacy exists in favor of any employee of the District with respect to information
placed on the electronic media systems by such employee. All electronic media systems,
including but not limited to desktop PCs, laptop PCs, networks, electronic mail, telephone
and fax records, printed documents, Internet activity, computer disks and CDs stored in the
District’s offices are subject to review by the District. The District has the right to review,
audit, interrupt, access and disclose messages created, received, or sent over the electronic
media systems of the District.
Furthermore, the District has the right to utilize software that makes it possible to identify
and block access to Internet sites containing sexually explicit or other material deemed
inappropriate in the workplace.
The District or its authorized designee reserves the right to review at any time, all
information contained in these systems (even if previously deleted or archived).
Prohibited Uses
Employees are strictly prohibited from using work time, equipment, or technology for
personal or entertainment use or for using the voice mail, e-mail or other electronic
communications systems/computer network in connection with any of the following
Engaging in illegal, fraudulent, or malicious activities;
Utilizing the computer network and DCS property to obtain, display, copy, store,
transmit or otherwise distribute materials that are defamatory, sexually explicit,
discriminatory, or otherwise offensive in nature (also includes via e-mail or any other
form of electronic communication such as bulletin boards, chatrooms, Usenet
groups, etc.);
Utilizing the computer network to disseminate, view or store commercial or personal
advertisements, solicitations, promotions, destructive code (e.g., viruses, self-
replicating programs, etc.), political material, pornographic text or images, or any
other unauthorized materials.
Sending (uploading) or receiving (downloading) copyrighted materials, proprietary
financial information, or other forms of information deemed to be confidential to
outside parties or unauthorized internal parties;
Using another individual’s account or identity without explicit authorization;
Attempting to test, circumvent, or defeat security or auditing systems;
Permitting any unauthorized individual to access the electronic media and services of
the District.
Illegal Copying
Employees may not illegally copy material protected under copyright law or make that
material available to others for copying. Employees are responsible for complying with
copyright law and applicable licenses that may apply to software, files, graphics, documents,
messages, and other material employees wish to download or copy. Employees may not
agree to a license or download any material for which a registration fee is charged without
first obtaining the express written permission of the District.
Communication of Confidential Information
Unless expressly authorized to do so, employees are prohibited from sending, transmitting,
or otherwise distributing proprietary information, data, or other confidential information
belonging to the District. Unauthorized dissemination of such material may result in severe
disciplinary action as well as substantial civil and criminal penalties under state and federal
Economic Espionage laws.
Material developed by employees under the scope of their employment at DCS becomes the
property of the District and must be treated as such.
VIII. Use of Computer Resources
Accessing the Internet
To ensure security and avoid the spread of viruses, employees accessing the Internet through
a computer attached to the District’s network must do so through an approved Internet
firewall or other security device. Bypassing the District’s computer network security by
accessing the Internet directly by modem or other means is strictly prohibited unless the
computer in use is not connected to the District’s network.
Frivolous Use
Computer resources are not unlimited. Network bandwidth and storage capacity have finite
limits, and all users connected to the network have a responsibility to conserve these
As such, employees must not deliberately perform acts that waste or endanger computer
resources or unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others. These acts include,
but are not limited to, sending mass mailings or chain letters, opening unsolicited
commercial e-mail, spending excessive amounts of time on the Internet, playing games,
engaging in online chat groups including Instant Messenger or other similar programs,
uploading or downloading large files including MP3 files, accessing streaming audio and/or
video files, subscribing to non-business related groups, or otherwise creating unnecessary
loads on network traffic associated with non-business-related uses of the Internet.
Virus Detection
Files obtained from sources outside the District, including disks brought from home, files
downloaded from the Internet, newsgroups, bulletin boards, or other online services; files
attached to e-mail, and files provided by vendors, may contain dangerous computer viruses
that may damage the District's computer network.
Employees should never download files from the Internet, accept e-mail attachments from
outsiders, or use disks from non-DCS sources, without first scanning the material with
District-approved virus checking software. If you suspect that a virus has been introduced
into the District's network, notify the Network Administrator immediately.
The various electronic communications systems should never take the place of a personal
visit when working in an environment that promotes "team work." Sensitive personnel
issues should always be handled in person, especially where disciplinary communication
and/or action is concerned. Any employee who violates this policy or uses electronic
communication systems for improper purposes shall be subject to discipline, up to and
including termination.
Solicitation and Distribution of Literature
The District prohibits soliciting for any cause or distributing goods or literature, handbills,
circulars, or other printed materials at any time when:
The distribution occurs in a working area;
The employee soliciting or distributing is on work time (which excludes breaks,
lunch periods, and other periods when an employee is not expected to be working
such as before and after work); or
The employee being solicited or receiving the distribution is on work time (which
excludes breaks, lunch periods, and other periods when an employee is not expected
to be working such as before and after work).
The District restricts at any time on its property:
Solicitation to individual employees;
The sale or distribution by non-employees of any products such as cosmetics,
hosiery, clothing, tickets to sporting and entertainment events, raffles or
lotteries, and pools; and
The distribution by non-employees of literature, including but not limited to,
any promotional and/or advertising materials.
Conservation of Energy
All employees in the DeSoto County School District are responsible for conserving energy
and natural resources. Energy costs are a major expenditure in the school district’s budget.
The school district maintains records of energy consumption and energy costs and this
information will be used to monitor energy use throughout the school district. The
information will be available to the news media and to the general public so that the school
district may share its goals of conserving energy and the progress that the school district is
making in energy conservation. Employees are expected to set a good example for students
regarding energy conservation and encourage students to conserve energy and natural
All employees are expected to adhere to the purchasing procedures established by state law.
All purchases made in the name of the DeSoto County School District must have a purchase
order before the purchase is made. The District is not obligated to reimburse an employee
for purchases made without the prior approval of a purchasing agent.
At the school level, the principal is the only purchasing agent.
Sales tax must be paid on any items to be resold. If purchased directly from a vendor, the
sales tax must appear on the invoice. If not, the items must be returned and repurchased
properly. Not following procedure is in violation of the State Tax Code.
Receipts and invoices are required for every purchase order. The only exception is for
employee reimbursement for meals or mileage associated with his/her own travel.
Do not give the District’s tax identification number to any organization to use without the
consent of the Central Office. This includes PTO’s, PTA’s, and booster clubs.
Employees of the District may not be an authorized signer on a checking account for any
PTO, PTA, or booster club that supports any school in the District.
Use of Equipment and Vehicles
Equipment and vehicles owned by the DeSoto County School District are expensive and
may be difficult to replace. When using equipment and vehicles essential to accomplishing
job duties, employees are expected to exercise care, perform required maintenance, and
follow all operating instructions, safety standards, and procedures.
If any equipment, machines, tools, or vehicles appear to be damaged, defective, or in need of
repair, employees should notify their immediate supervisor. Prompt reporting of damages,
defects, and the need for repairs could prevent deterioration of equipment and possible
injury to employees and others. The supervisor should be able to answer any questions
about an employee’s responsibility for maintenance and care of equipment or vehicles used
on the job.
Use and Return of District Property
Employees are responsible for items issued to them by DCS or in their possession or
control, such as the following:
Books and educational materials (including calculators)
Official grade books and student work needed for grades
Manuals including this employee handbook
Protective equipment
Written materials
ID Badge
All other items purchased by federal and/or district funds
The employee must return all DCS property on or before the last day of work, according to
procedures established by the school district. Failure to promptly return any school district
property in the employee’s possession will result in action to recover the property by any
legal means.
I, _________________________________________ have read DeSoto County Schools’
Employee Handbook, and I agree to comply with the policies and procedures described in
the handbook.
“At- Will” Employees
I understand and agree that I am an “employee-at-will.” I understand my employment is for
an unspecified period of time, and that either the District or I may terminate employment at
any time, with or without reason or notice. I understand the policies described in this
handbook do not explain every employment situation. These are merely guidelines. Further,
I acknowledge the employee handbook is NOT an employment contract, nor is it intended
to create any contractual rights, obligations, or guarantees of my future employment with the
District. In addition, I understand no one has the right to alter the employment-at-will
relationship other than the Superintendent.
Licensed Employees
I understand I am a “licensed” employee. I understand the policies described in this
handbook do not explain every employment situation. These are merely guidelines. I
understand that district management, in accordance with legitimate district considerations,
may make exceptions and clarifications to these policies. Further, I acknowledge that the
District may add, change, or delete any policy in this policy handbook with or without
If I have any questions about any policy in this handbook, I understand I may talk to my
primary supervisor, the Employee Services Department, or the Superintendent.
Further, this employee handbook is the property of DeSoto County Schools. I understand it
has been compiled for information purposes, and it is to be returned when I leave the
employment of this organization.
Check Applicable: _____ “At – Will” Employee _____ Licensed Employee
Signed: _______________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________
cc: Employee Services Personnel file