DeSoto County Schools Dress Code Policy
Policy JCDB-Dress Code
Proper attire and grooming are deemed important to scholastic achievement and orderliness. The
responsibility for the appearance of the students begins with the parents and the students themselves.
Students’ clothing, make-up, and hairstyles should reflect neatness, cleanliness, and self-respect so
that the school is a desirable place in which to promote learning and character development.
It is virtually impossible to formulate a set of regulations that adequately covers every detail of
proper grooming. Violations of the Dress Code will be dealt with in accordance with the DeSoto
County Schools Code of Discipline. It will be treated as insubordination and will be handled as stated
in the Code of Discipline of the DeSoto County Schools. Insubordination is a Level II violation.
First Violation: Administrator-Parent conference, home suspension, ALC, or
in-school suspension.
Second Violation: School suspension (three days)
Repeated Times: Suspension from school pending a disciplinary hearing
1. Hair must be neat, clean and worn in a manner that does not interfere with vision or cause a
disruption in the classroom. No combs, picks, rollers or extreme coloring will be allowed.
2. T-shirts with sleeves, white or colored, are acceptable. Shirts must be properly closed, zipped
or buttoned.
3. No article of clothing that pertains to or depicts the following will be acceptable:
a. Substances or activities illegal by law for minors, such as, alcohol, drugs, tobacco,
b. Profane, suggestive or violent language
c. Derogatory symbols; remarks directed to any ethnic group
4. Sufficient underclothes must be worn appropriately and must not be exposed.
5. Tank tops, tube tops, muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, thin straps, or tops that expose the
midriff, any part of the bust, excessive part of the back, are excessively tight or are
distracting in class are not permitted. No slits in shirts are to be above the waistline of pants
or skirts. Shirts are to be tucked in. Blouses/tops made to be worn outside should be at least
three (3) inches below the waistline and no longer than five (5) inches below the waistline.
6. Students in grades K thru 5 are allowed to wear shorts as part of their daily attire. Shorts
should be walking shorts or Bermuda shorts. Students in grades 6 thru 12 may wear walking
shorts or Bermuda shorts that are knee length. They should not be
excessively tight or baggy. Athletic shorts are not permitted unless they are a part of an
approved gym class or athletic class/activity.
7. Knee length dresses and skirts are allowed. No slits in these skirts or dresses above the knee
caps are allowed.
8. No spandex articles of clothing are allowed.
9. Shoes must be worn at all times, and no house shoes are allowed. Shoes with laces should be
laced and tied.
10. No visible tattoos will be allowed. Neither male nor female students will be permitted to wear
rings and/or studs in their noses, tongues, or any exposed body parts other than the ear and
appropriate rings on fingers.
11. Coaches, physical education classes or any organized athletics have the option to ban all
jewelry due to safety reasons and/or violation of the Mississippi High School Activity
Association regulations.
12. Sunglasses, other than prescription, must be removed when inside the building.
13. All pants must be worn fitted to the waist, at the waist, with or without a belt. Belts must be
worn and buckled appropriately for pants that have belt loops. Pants should fit appropriately.
No baggy pants are allowed. No writing is to be on the seat of the pants, even the
cheerleader’s uniform and dance team.
14. Leggings are allowed when worn with a top that meets the dress length guidelines specified
in #7.
15. Pants must have no exposed skin above the knee.
16. Hats, caps, sweatbands, or other head coverings are not to be worn in the buildings or on the
grounds of the school except for medical reasons as prescribed by a physician. Head
coverings as part of a religious belief will be allowed if there is sufficient proof the student is
a practicing member of the religious sect. Head coverings may be worn if authorized by the
faculty and/or administration, if it is part of a uniform (i.e., wearing a full baseball uniform
during games or practice) or as deemed necessary.
17. Specific outfits designated for extracurricular activities and decisions concerning any
questionable clothing will be left to the discretion of the principal.
18. Local principals or their designee have the power and discretion to make all decisions on
their campus.
I have read and understand the above dress code policy.
_______________________________________________________ ____________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
DeSoto County Schools Discipline Policies
Policy JCDAD-Bus Conduct
The DeSoto County School District Transportation Department operates as an extension of the
school(s) and student conduct is governed accordingly. Students who do not conduct themselves
properly are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the DeSoto County School District
policies. Punishments may include but are not limited to suspension and expulsion from school or
from the bus for misconduct on the bus.
1. Responsibilities:
a. Bus drivers and aides are responsible and authorized to maintain student order and
discipline at all times.
b. Principals are responsible and authorized to administer any and all necessary student
discipline. Principals shall also ensure that all bus rules are communicated to eligible riders.
c. Students have the responsibility to obey all policies and procedures established by the
DeSoto County Board of Education, their respective schools and the Transportation
Department while waiting for, boarding, riding or off-loading a DeSoto County School Bus.
d. The Transportation Department shall post rules clearly on every school bus and shall
include but not be limited by the rules listed below.
2. Rules of Conduct
a. Be waiting at your stop 5 minutes early.
b. If you need to cross the street, wait for traffic to stop; driver will motion to you when it is
safe to pass in front of the bus to load or unload.
c. Obey the bus driver.
d. No unauthorized items on bus. (No weapons, tobacco, combustibles, pets, large items, etc.)
e. Be nice and courteous.
f. Keep the bus clean.
g. No profanity and no fighting.
h. Keep hands and head inside of bus.
i. Do not throw anything, anywhere.
j. Stay in your seat. Driver may assign seats.
k. No eating or drinking.
l. Damage to bus interior may result in student paying for damage.
m. Emergency door/windows may only be opened in case of emergency.
n. Do not distract or bother the driver through loud talking or misbehavior.
o. Report any problems you may have to the bus driver as soon as possible.
p. School District and drivers are not responsible for articles left on the bus.
q. Use or possession of gang graffiti, gang drawings, gang writings, gang dress, or gang
activity of any kind may result in expulsion from school.
I have read and understand the above policy.
______________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Policy JD-Code of Discipline
The uniform Discipline Code of the DeSoto County Schools provides a uniform standard of conduct
for all public school students. It describes inappropriate student behavior, ensures equal treatment for
misconduct, and presets specific actions for remediating prohibited behaviors. The Code is based on
the premise that rules must be enforced fairly, firmly and consistently and in a fashion equitable and
just, while complying with state mandates and regulations. It recognizes that as students progress in
school and advance in age and maturity, they will assume greater responsibility for their actions. It is
also recognized that differences in age and maturity require different types of disciplinary action.
In this Code, discipline is defined as the implementation of and adherence to behavioral rules and
regulations which will ensure an educational environment free of mental and physical hazards to
students, teachers and staff. Such an environment is conducive to the practice of good citizenship and
encourages learning. The enforcement of the Code will help ensure a safe and orderly school climate
for students and staff alike.
Specific provisions of the Code include:
1. A parent, guardian or custodian of a compulsory school age child enrolled in the DeSoto County
Schools shall be responsible financially for his or her minor child’s destructive acts against
school property or persons.
2. A parent, guardian or custodian of a compulsory school age child enrolled in the DeSoto County
Schools may be requested to appear at school by the school attendance officer or the principal,
for a conference regarding the destructive acts of their child, or for any other discipline
conference regarding the acts of the child.
3. Any parent, guardian or custodian of a compulsory school age child enrolled in the DeSoto
County Schools who refuses or willfully fails to attend such discipline conference specified in
paragraph (2) of this section may be summoned by proper notification by the superintendent of
schools or the school attendance officer and be required to attend such discipline conference.
4. A parent, guardian or custodian of a compulsory school age child enrolled in the DeSoto County
Schools shall be responsible for any criminal fines brought against such student for unlawful
activity occurring on school grounds or buses.
5. Any parent, guardian or custodian of a compulsory school age child who
(a.) fails to attend a discipline conference to which such parent, guardian or custodian has been
summoned under the provisions of this section, or
(b.) refuses or willfully fails to perform any other duties imposed upon him or her under the law
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction shall be fined not to exceed an amount
provided by law.
6. The DeSoto County Schools shall be entitled to recover damages in an amount not to exceed an
amount as provided by law, plus necessary court costs, from the parents of any minor (7-17) who
maliciously and willfully damages or destroys property belonging to this school district.
However, this section shall not apply to parents whose parental control of such child has been
removed by court order or decree.
7. As an alternative to suspension, a student may remain in school by having the parent, guardian or
custodian, with the consent of the student’s teacher or teachers, attend class with the student for a
period of time specifically agreed upon by the teacher and school principal. If the parent,
guardian or custodian does not agree to attend class with the student or fails to attend class with
the student, the student shall be suspended in accordance with this Code.
Student Conduct:
Acts of Misconduct
These acts of misconduct include those student behaviors which disrupt the orderly educational process
in the classroom or on the school grounds including the following:
Level I
1 1 Tardiness
1 2 Running and/or making excessive noise in the hall or building
1 3 Inappropriate personal contact including but not limited to pushing and shoving, inappropriate
gestures and public displays of affection, recklessness, or any inappropriate contact which does
not result in physical harm, or any additional contact which the principal determines to be in
this level.
1 4 In unauthorized area without pass (halls, etc.)
1 5 Dress code violation
* 1 6 Displaying any behavior which is disruptive to the orderly process of education
Disciplinary Action
First Violation
Minimum: Teacher-Student Conference
Maximum: Teacher-Student-Parent Conference
Repeated or Flagrant Violation
Minimum: Mandatory Student -Parent-Administrator Conference (Home Suspension)
Maximum: Corporal Punishment, ALC, detention, and/or school suspension
* Students, who after having a student-teacher conference, a teacher-student-parent conference, home
suspension, Teacher Support Team interventions, continue displaying behavior which is disruptive to the
orderly process of education, can be suspended from school, pending a disciplinary hearing.
Level II
* 2 – 1 Leaving the school grounds without permission
* 2 – 2 Skipping class
* 2 – 3 Insubordination- refusal to follow written or verbal school rules after receiving specific
directions from a person in authority including, but not limited to breaking school or
classroom rules, failure to respond to staff request, refusal to complete assigned task, or
exhibiting disrespect towards adults
* 2 – 4 Possession and/or use of a tobacco product or substances used as smoking material, including
electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), vapes, vaporizers, or any alternative nicotine product
* 2 – 5 Exhibiting any hostile physical or verbal actions
* 2 – 6 Bullying (as defined in Board Policy JDDA)
** 2 – 7 Unauthorized use of personal electronic devices (as defined in Board Policy IJBA).
2 8 Cheating on tests or exams (The grade “0” will be assigned regardless of other punishment.)
Disciplinary Action
First Violation
Minimum: Administrator-Conference, ALC, mandatory student-parent-administrator conference,
corporal punishment
Maximum: School suspension (one to three days)
Repeated or Flagrant Violation
Minimum: School suspension (three days)
Maximum: School suspension (three days) and/or ALC for up to ten (10) days and/or Teacher Support
Team interventions
* Students who, after having a student-teacher conference, a teacher-student-parent conference, a
mandatory student-parent-administrator conference, and Teacher Support Team interventions,
continue displaying behavior which is disruptive to the orderly process of education, can be suspended
from school, pending a disciplinary hearing.
** Additional disciplinary action for unauthorized use of personal electronic devices (as defined in Board
Policy IJBA):
1st Offense: First offense will result in confiscation of the device and parental contact. The electronic
device will be returned at the end of the school day to the student or his/her
parent/guardian as determined by the building principal.
2nd Offense: School will take and keep device for 5 school days. After the device is retained for 5
school days, the electronic device will be returned to the student or his/her
parent/guardian as determined by the building principal.
3rd Offense: School will take and keep device for 10 school days. After the device is retained for 10
school days, the electronic device will be returned to the student or his/her
parent/guardian as determined by the building principal.
Offense: School will take and keep device for 20 school days. After the device is retained for 20
school days, the electronic device will be to the student or his/her parent/guardian as
determined by the building principal.
Level III
3 1 Fighting
3 2 Gambling
* 3 3 Theft or possession of stolen property
3 4 Acts which threaten the safety and well-being of students and/or staff: engaging in any
behavior (by word or act) that encourages, incites, or instigates threatening or aggressive acts
which can create the risk of harm to another person.
3 5 Extortion- use of intimidation, coercion or force
* 3 6 Vandalism of personal and/or school property
3 7 Using profane, obscene, indecent, immoral, or offensive language and/or gestures, and/or
possession of obscene, indecent, immoral or offensive materials
3 8 Inappropriate sexual conduct, including unwelcomed sexual contact, indecent exposure, or
transferring sexually suggestive images through personal electronic devices
First Violation
Minimum: School suspension from one to three days, ALC, corporal punishment
Maximum: School suspension (three days), report to authorities when applicable
Repeated or Flagrant Violation
Minimum: School suspension (three days), ALC (ten days), and/or Levels 3-4 and 3-8 Teacher Support
Team interventions
Maximum: School suspension (three days) and possible assignment to DeSoto County Alternative
Center pending the results of a disciplinary hearing.
* For theft or vandalism restitution shall be made regardless of other punishment
Level IV
4 1 Possession, use or under the influence of alcohol, synthetic drugs, counterfeit drugs, illegal
drugs, narcotics, controlled substance(s) or paraphernalia.
4 2 Assault on a student. Assault is defined as purposely or recklessly causing or
attempting to cause bodily injury (including pain or discomfort) to another.
4 3 Assault on a school employee. Assault is defined as purposely or recklessly causing or
attempting to cause bodily injury (including pain or discomfort) to another.
4 4 Using profane, obscene, indecent, immoral, threatening or offensive language and/or gestures
directly to a staff member
Any student in violation of the above shall be suspended by the principal for three days and ordered to
appear for a disciplinary hearing before a District Hearing Officer.
Disciplinary Action
Minimum: Assignment to the DeSoto County Alternative Center and a report will be made to the
appropriate law enforcement authorities
Maximum: Expulsion
Students below grade 6 may be given other punishment.
Level V
5 1 Weapon(s) possession or use of a weapon including any toy or look alike weapon
Any toy or look alike weapon that looks enough like an authentic weapon to be reasonably mistaken for
authentic will be considered.
Disciplinary Action
Minimum: Possession other than gun will result in assignment to the DeSoto County Alternative
Center and a report will be made to the appropriate law enforcement authorities
Maximum: Possession of a fire arm/gun or use of other weapon will result in expulsion from school
for a period of not less than one year (under certain circumstances expulsion can be from
the student’s assigned school to the DeSoto County Alternative Center)
For students below grade 6, the hearing officer may recommend other punishment if the
behavior does not require expulsion and the student is likely to benefit from remediation
5 2 Sale or distribution, or conspiring to sell counterfeit drugs, synthetic drugs, illegal
drugs/alcohol, narcotics or controlled substance(s)
Disciplinary Action
Minimum: Assignment to the DeSoto County Alternative Center and a report will be made to the
appropriate law enforcement authorities
Maximum: Expulsion
For students below grade 6, the hearing officer may recommend other punishment if the
behavior does not require expulsion and the student is likely to benefit from remediation
5 3 Students are prohibited from wearing, displaying, or possessing in any manner on school
property or at school-sponsored events clothing, apparel, accessories, drawings, or messages
associated with any gang or social club that is associated with criminal activity, as defined by
law enforcement agencies.
Disciplinary Action
Minimum: Mandatory student/parent/resource officer/administrator meeting to investigate
situation and determine proper discipline consequence
Repeated: Assignment to the DeSoto County Alternative Center
Maximum: Expulsion for repeated violations and/or gang activity that includes but is not limited to:
Acts which disrupt the process of orderly education
Recruitment with use of intimidation
Tagging or marking
For students below grade 6, the hearing officer may recommend other punishment if the
behavior does not require expulsion and the student is likely to benefit from remediation.
In addition to these penalties, provisions of the Mississippi Criminal Code are applicable to illegal
behavior. Principals are required to report illegal activities to the police. Students committing any crime
or involved with any criminal behavior are subject to arrest by local law enforcement.
The DeSoto County Board of Education permits individual schools to adopt additional regulations
governing actions not covered by Conduct Code. However, such additional regulations may neither
substitute for nor negate any of the provisions, in spirit or intent of the Conduct Code, and must be
approved in writing by the School Superintendent.
In cases where the imposition of punishment is for a suspension of three (3) days or less, the student
will be orally informed of the charges lodged against him. The student shall have a right to respond and
refute these charges. There may be a delay between the time that “notice” is given and the time of the
parent/student right to respond. A parent will be notified of the suspension by telephone, if possible,
and in writing. The student’s parent/guardian has a right to discuss this matter further and have the
charge and punishment explained by the administration along with all other rights provided by board
When a student appears before a disciplinary hearing, the student will be subject to additional
punishment up to and including suspension of more than three (3) days, assignment to an alternative
educational setting for more than ten (10) days, or an expulsion from school.
For additional information on due process and disciplinary hearings, please refer to Board Policy JDD
Disciplinary Procedures.
After a student is referred for consideration of placement at DeSoto County Alternative Center (DCAC),
the District Review Board and Transition Team will determine appropriate placement for the student.
Once a student is accepted into DCAC, the District Review Board and Transition Team will develop an
Individualized Instruction Plan (IIP) for each student. The plan will follow the program and class schedule
of the home school. DCAC follows the frameworks that are established by the state of Mississippi for the
subject matter to be taught in each course. Certified personnel will send a daily feedback sheet home
that requires a parent signature for all students attending DCAC.
An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) committee meets to determine every change of placement for our
special education students. Students with special education rulings follow their IEP while at DCAC.
Parents are notified of the recommendation for placement at DCAC during the disciplinary hearing. The
home school will contact the parent once acceptance is granted by the District Review Board. All parents
and students will meet with a DCAC administrator to discuss the DCAC program and requirements. The
minimum time that is required to complete DCAC is 30 school days, but the stay can be longer if the
student does not progress properly.
The District Review Board consists of school-level administrators, district-level administrators, and
counselors as determined by the Director of Pupil Services.
When a student appears before a disciplinary hearing, the student will be subject to additional
punishment up to and including suspension of more than three (3) days, assignment to an
alternative educational setting for more than ten (10) days, or an expulsion from school.
I have read and understand the above policy.
______________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Policy JDA-Corporal Punishment
The DeSoto County Board of Education recognizes corporal punishment as a method that may be
used in controlling student behavior. Other punishments should have been tried before corporal
punishment is inflicted. This punishment may be administered to students of all ages, but it is
suggested that students in grades 6-12 be given a choice of other punishment instead of corporal
Corporal punishment shall consist of no more than three (3) licks per incident on the buttocks with an
appropriate instrument approved by the principal.
Even though parental permission is not required, parents may request in writing that this punishment
is prohibited for their child.
Except in the case of excessive force or cruel and unusual punishment, licensed personnel, acting
within the course and scope of his employment shall not be liable for any action carried out in
conformity with state or federal law or rules or regulations of the State Board of Education or the
local school board regarding the control, discipline, suspension and expulsion of students. A second
licensed employee shall be a witness to the corporal punishment and be informed in the presence of
the student of the reason the student is being punished. The local school board shall provide any
necessary legal defense to licensed personnel, acting within the course and scope of his employment
in any action which may be filed against them. The DeSoto County School District shall be entitled
to reimbursement for legal fees and expenses from its employee if a court finds that the act of the
employee was outside the course and scope of his employment, or that the employee was acting with
criminal intent.
Corporal punishment administered in a reasonable manner, or any reasonable action to maintain
control and discipline of students taken by a licensed employee acting within the scope of his
employment or function and in accordance with any state or federal laws or rules or regulations of
the State Board of Education or the local school board does not constitute negligence or child abuse.
No licensed employee acting shall be held liable in a suit for civil damages alleged to have been
suffered by a student as a result of the administration of corporal punishment, or the taking of action
to maintain control and discipline of a student, unless the court determines that licensed employee
acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose or in a manner exhibiting a wanton and willful disregard
of human rights or safety. For the purposes of this subsection, "corporal punishment" means the
reasonable use of physical force or physical contact by a licensed employee as may be necessary to
maintain discipline, to enforce a school rule, for self-protection or for the protection of other
students from disruptive students.
Following the administration of the punishment, the school shall provide a report to parents giving
the reason for the punishment, the person who administered the punishment and the name of the
At all times, licensed employees must adhere strictly to the guidelines laid down by their building
REF: Ms Code § 37-11-57 (1997)
I have read and understand the above policy.
______________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Policy JDAA-Discipline Plan
1. A copy of the DeSoto County School District's discipline plan shall be distributed to each student
enrolled in the district, and the parents, guardian or custodian of such student shall sign a statement
verifying that they have been given notice of the discipline policies. The school board shall have its
official discipline plan and code of student conduct legally audited on an annual basis to insure that its
policies and procedures are currently in compliance with applicable statutes, case law and state and
federal constitutional provisions.
2. The discipline plan of DeSoto County School Districts shall include, but not be limited to, the
(a.) A parent, guardian or custodian of a compulsory-school-age child enrolled in a public school
district shall be responsible financially for his or her minor child's destructive acts against school
property or persons;
(b.) A parent, guardian or custodian of a compulsory-school-age child enrolled in a public school
district may be requested to appear at school by the school attendance officer or an appropriate school
official for a conference regarding acts of the child specified in paragraph (a) of this subsection, or for
any other discipline conference regarding the acts of the child;
(c.) Any parent, guardian or custodian of a compulsory-school-age child enrolled in a school district
who refuses or willfully fails to attend such discipline conference specified in paragraph (b) of this
section may be summoned by proper notification by the superintendent of schools or the school
attendance officer and be required to attend such discipline conference; and
(d.) A parent, guardian or custodian of a compulsory-school-age child enrolled in a public school
district shall be responsible for any criminal fines brought against such student for unlawful activity
occurring on school grounds or buses.
3. Any parent, guardian or custodian of a compulsory-school-age child who (a) fails to attend a
discipline conference to which such parent, guardian or custodian has been summoned under the
provisions of this section, or (b) refuses or willfully fails to perform any other duties imposed upon
him or her under the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon
conviction, shall be fined not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00).
4. Any public school district shall be entitled to recover damages in an amount not to exceed Twenty
Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), plus necessary court costs, from the parents of any minor under the
age of eighteen (18) years and over the age of six (6) years, who maliciously and willfully damages or
destroys property belonging to such school district. However, this section shall not apply to parents
whose parental control of such child has been removed by court order or decree. The action
authorized in this section shall be in addition to all other actions which the school district is entitled to
maintain and nothing in this section shall preclude recovery in a greater amount from the minor or
from a person, including the parents, for damages to which such minor or other person would
otherwise be liable.
REF: Ms Code § 37-11-53 (2001)
I have read and understand the above policy.
______________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Policy JDB-Detention of Students
The DeSoto County Board of Education recognizes that for various reasons and purposes, students
may be required to remain at school after the end of the regular school day. A licensed school
employee must supervise any student or students that are detained.
I have read and understand the above policy.
______________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Policy JDC-Bullying/Harassing Behavior
The Desoto County School District does not condone and will not tolerate bullying or harassing
behavior. Bullying or harassing behavior is any pattern of gestures or written, electronic or verbal
communications, or any physical act or any threatening communication, or any act reasonably
perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived differentiating characteristic that (a) places a
student or school employee in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to
his or her property, or (b) creates or is certain to create a hostile environment by substantially
interfering with or impairing a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits. A
“hostile environment” means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying or harassing
behavior and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would
agree that it is bullying or harassing behavior. Bullying or harassing behavior will not be condoned or
tolerated when it takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, or on a school
bus, or when it takes place off school property when such conduct, in the determination of the school
superintendent or principal, renders the offending person’s presence in the classroom a disruption to
the educational environment of the school or a detriment to the best interest and welfare of the pupils
and teacher of such class as a whole.
The DeSoto County School District will make every reasonable effort to ensure that no student or
school employee is subjected to bullying or harassing behavior by other school employees or
students. Likewise, the District will make every reasonable effort to ensure that no person engages in
any act of reprisal or retaliation against a victim, witness or a person with reliable information about
an act of bullying or harassing behavior. The District encourages anyone who has witnessed or has
reliable information that a student or school employee has been subject to any act of bullying or
harassing behavior to report the incident to the appropriate school official.
The School Board directs the superintendent or designee to design and implement procedures for
reporting, investigating, and addressing bullying and harassing behaviors. The procedures should be
appropriately placed in District personnel policy handbooks, school handbooks that include
discipline policies and procedures, and any other policy or procedure that deals with student or
employee behavior. The discipline policies and procedures must recognize the fundamental right of
every student to take “reasonable actions as may be necessary to defend himself or herself from an
attack by another student who has evidenced menacing or threatening behavior through bullying or
harassing. Furthermore, the DeSoto County School District defines “reasonable action” as
promptly reporting the behavior to a teacher, principal, counselor, or other school employee
when subjected to bullying or harassing behavior.
Ref: SB 2015; MS Code Ann. § 37-7-301 (e)
Students and employees in the DeSoto County School District are protected from bullying or
harassing behavior by other students or employees. It is the intent of the Board and the administration
to maintain an environment free from bullying and harassing behavior. This complaint procedure
provides a process for filing, processing, and resolving complaints of such conduct. Adherence to
these procedures is mandatory. The failure of any person to follow these procedures will constitute a
waiver of the right to pursue a complaint at any level, including review by the Board.
Bullying or harassing behavior is any pattern of gestures or written, electronic or verbal
communications, or any physical act or any threatening communication, or any act
reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or perceived differentiating
characteristic that (a) places a student or school employee in actual and reasonable fear of
harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property, or (b) creates or is certain to
create a hostile environment by substantially interfering with or impairing a student’s
educational performance, opportunities or benefits.
A “hostile environment” means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying
or harassing behavior and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a
reasonable person would agree that it is bullying or harassing behavior.
Bullying or harassing behavior will not be condoned or tolerated when it takes place on
school property, at any school-sponsored function, or on a school bus, or when it takes
place off school property when such conduct, in the determination of the school
superintendent or principal, renders the offending person’s presence in the classroom a
disruption to the educational environment of the school or a detriment to the best interest
and welfare of the pupils and teacher of such class as a whole.
Any student, school employee, or volunteer who feels he/she has been a victim of
bullying or harassing behavior, or has witnessed or who has reliable information that a
student, school employee, or volunteer has been subject to bullying or harassing behavior
shall report such conduct to a teacher, principal, counselor or other school official. The
report shall be made promptly after the alleged act or acts occurred. The school official
shall complete a “Bullying/Harassing Behavior” complaint form which shall include the
name of the reporting person, the specific nature and date of the misconduct, the name of
the victim(s) of the misconduct, the names of any witnesses and any other information
that would assist in the investigation of the complaint. The report shall be given promptly
to the principal or superintendent who shall institute an immediate investigation.
Complaints against the principal shall be made to the superintendent.
The complaint shall be investigated promptly. Parents will be notified of the nature of any complaint
involving their student. The District official will arrange such meetings as may be necessary with all
concerned parties after the initial receipt of the complaint by the District.
I have read and understand the above policy.
______________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Policy JDCA-Gang Policy
The DeSoto County School District prohibits gang activity, defined hereinafter. Students
who engage in gang activity will be subject to discipline pursuant to the District’s Code of
Discipline, up to and including possible expulsion.
A “gang” is defined as a group that initiates, advocates, or promotes illegal activities,
activities that threaten the safety or well being of persons or property on school grounds, or at
supervised school functions, or activities that are harmful to the education process.
Prohibited “gang activity” includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Soliciting students to become gang members;
(2) Participating in gang initiation or other gang ceremonies;
(3) Deliberately wearing, displaying or possessing prohibited gang symbols;
(4) Engaging in gang-related violence or threats of violence;
(5) Threatening others, including threats by brandishing a weapon or a replica of
a weapon on school campuses, or at supervised school functions; or
(6) Engaging in any behavior undertaken in such a manner as to be reasonably
likely to incite violence or endanger persons or property.
Prohibited “gang symbols” may include any type of clothing decoration, jewelry, patches,
bandanas, gang names, depiction of gang signs or symbols, and/or body signal/movement
which is recognized as denoting a gang or is a sign, signal or movement utilized in
connection with gang communications, including, but not limited to those appearing with the
“Gang Awareness” pamphlet attached hereto as well as the additions thereto in the future.
School officials will keep a booklet containing known “gang symbols” in each school office.
In addition, prohibited “gang symbols” shall be published at the start of each school year in
the Student Handbook. Students and parents who may have questions regarding this policy
should contact the school principal for further clarification of any part of the policy.
Students may be disciplined for engaging in any activity prohibited by this policy
including the prohibited “gang activity” enumerated in the third paragraph hereof. District
officials will cooperate with local law enforcement to provide the school with gang
information to aid in the prevention of violence, gangs, and drugs in our schools. This
information shall include, but is not limited to: gang names, colors, symbols, signals, and
gestures associated with gangs (all of which are prohibited gang activity). School officials
will publish notice of these prohibited names, signals, gestures, colors and symbols in the
school office as made available by local police department and government authorities or
otherwise made known to school officials. Amendments and updates to the list of prohibited
gang symbols and gang activity and/or handbook must be submitted to the Director of Pupil
Services for approval. Thereafter, the Director of Pupil Services will distribute the amended
and/or updated information to the appropriate district officials. The school will continually
update the information posted in the school office relating to prohibited gang symbols and
gang activity. Notice of updated prohibited gang activity and/or gang symbols will be sent
home with each student, said notice shall advise students that the prohibited gang activity and
gang symbols has been updated with updates maintained in the school office and the District
Each school shall make regular announcements to the student body advising that gang
activity and gang symbols are strictly prohibited.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, nothing herein prohibits the
display of recognized religious symbols such as the Star of David or the Crescent or the
Cross unless these or other religious symbols are altered or augmented in some way.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, wearing of clothing or
particular colors in and of itself is not prohibited unless the clothing (color or otherwise) is
worn in combination with other prohibited gang signs or symbols. The wearing or displaying
in any manner of gang names however, is prohibited.
I have read and understand the above policy.
______________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Policy JDD- Disciplinary Procedures
I. Hearing Bodies:
Except in cases punishable by reprimand, detention, in-school suspension, etc., all cases of
student discipline will be heard by one of the following.
A. Principal or his/her designee
B. School Disciplinary Committee or Hearing Officer
C. District Disciplinary Committee or Hearing Officer
D. The DeSoto County Board of Education
II. Jurisdiction:
The Principal, or his/her designee, of the respective schools have jurisdiction to hear and decide
matters of student discipline and impose the necessary punishment, once guilt or innocence is
determined. The categories of punishment shall consist of reprimand, in-school suspension of no
more than ten (10) days, corporal punishment, school suspension of no more than three (3) days,
or other punishments that do not involve removing the student from school.
Cases involving a suspension of more than three (3) days, assignment to an alternative
educational setting for more than ten (10) days, or an expulsion from school will be heard by a
disciplinary committee or a hearing officer. The disciplinary committee shall consist of three (3)
professional staff members. This committee and/or hearing officer shall be appointed by the
school superintendent or his designee. After the decision of the disciplinary committee or hearing
officer has been made, appeals will be made to the district appeal officer or district appeal
committee. After this appeal, the DeSoto County School Board will hear any final appeal of this
III. Notification of Charges:
(A.) In cases where the imposition of punishment is for a suspension of three (3) days or less, the
student will be orally informed of the charges lodged against him. The student shall have a right to
respond and refute these charges. There may be a delay between the time that “notice” is given and
the time of the hearing. A brief record will be kept on these proceedings. A parent will be notified of
the suspension by telephone, if possible, and in writing.
(B.) In cases where the punishment may involve removal from school for more than three (3) days,
the following procedure shall be followed:
1.The student will be informed of the charges and a hearing held as outlined above. The
student may be suspended by for three (3) days, pending the hearing.
2. The student shall be notified in writing of the specific charge or charges and the time
and place of the hearing. Such notice will be hand delivered to the student, the parent notified
by telephone, if possible and a copy mailed to the parent.
3.The notification will specifically inform the student the following:
a. Witnesses may be produced in behalf of the student;
b. Student may be accompanied by a parent or guardian;
c. Witnesses appearing against the student may be cross-examined; and
d. Student may be represented by an attorney at his/her expense.
I have read and understand the above policy.
______________________________________________ ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date