2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option A is correct
The First Amendment includes specific freedoms, including the freedom of religion. One
effect of this includes protecting ministers who deliver religious messages to anyone who
chooses to listen.
Option B is incorrect
The First Amendment protects the freedom of religion, including the freedom to not
engage with any religion. Because of this, political leaders cannot require religious tests to
hold office.
Option C is incorrect
The Establishment Clause, which is part of the First Amendment, ensures that a national
religion cannot be established.
Option D is incorrect
An effect of the First Amendment does not include political leaders requiring churches to
pay taxes.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option C is correct
Option A is incorrect
Option B is incorrect
Option D is incorrect
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Part A: Option C
is correct
Frederick Douglass shared his personal experiences as an escaped enslaved person and hoped
this would persuade Northerners to help end all slavery in the United States. For this item, the
student applies critical-thinking skills to support a point of view on a social studies issue.
Part A: Option A
is incorrect
Although Frederick Douglass was an adviser to political leaders, he was not elected to office.
Part A: Option B
is incorrect
Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison were both opposed to slavery, and Douglass
worked with abolitionists to end slavery.
Part A: Option D
is incorrect
Although Frederick Douglass noted that his own education was lacking, he did not argue that
education was the main way to challenge slavery.
Part B: Option D
is correct
Frederick Douglass was important to the abolitionist movement because his personal narrative
as an enslaved person revealed the inhumanity of the system in which he grew up. For this
item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to support a point of view on a social studies
Part B: Option A
is incorrect
Frederick Douglass was a good speaker; however, the content of his speeches being about his
own experiences are what made his impact so powerful, not his acquaintance with William Lloyd
Part B: Option B
is incorrect
Frederick Douglass was a good speaker; however, the content of his speeches being about his
own experiences are what made his impact so powerful, not his impression on William Lloyd
Part B: Option C
is incorrect
Frederick Douglass was important to the abolitionist movement because his personal narrative
as an enslaved person revealed the inhumanity of the system in which he grew up. Frederick
Douglass was uncomfortable speaking because he did not think he had the capabilities to speak
and be understood. He believed this based on his life of slavery and lack of education. He
wanted to share information about life in enslavement to help people understand, empathize
with enslaved people, and end slavery.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option D is correct
To balance the interests of both the large and small states, the framers divided the power
between the two houses. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to acquire
information about the founding of the United States.
Option A is incorrect
The Great Compromise did not address issues of voting rights.
Option B is incorrect
The Great Compromise solved the issues of state representation, not issues between
Federalists and Anti-Federalists.
Option C is incorrect
The Great Compromise focused on representation, not taxation.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option B is correct
The plantation system in the southern colonies focused on agriculture, especially the growing
of cash crops. This was made possible by the regions longer growing season. For this item,
the student applies critical-thinking skills to interpret information from a chart.
Option A is incorrect
The characteristics of the New England colonies during the late 1600s supported shipbuilding
and lumber harvesting rather than agriculture. The industrialization of the northern economy
would not occur until the 1800s.
Option C is incorrect
The economy of the southern colonies relied on agriculture and cash crops. Industrialization
occurred primarily in the North and did not begin until the 1800s.
Option D is incorrect
While the New England colonies did have a large portion of their population living in rural
areas, it was not in order to increase agricultural production.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option D is correct
Spain primarily colonized large parts of North and South America for reasons that
included wanting to find sources of gold and spreading Catholicism. For this item, the
student applies critical-thinking skills to analyze a primary source to acquire information
to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
England primarily established colonies in North America to gain land, to exercise religious
freedom, and to seek wealth.
Option B is incorrect
France primarily established colonies in North America to develop trade opportunities and
spread the Catholic faith.
Option C is incorrect
Germany did not colonize large areas of North or South America, nor did they aim to
spread the Catholic faith.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Score 2 points for
correct answers that
include reference to
any two:
Proclamation of 1763:
The British restricted/prevented westward expansion and settlement.
Stamp Act:
All colonists had to pay taxes on documents and paper.
Taxes had to be paid in silver, which was difficult to acquire.
Lack of representation in Parliament:
Colonists had to pay taxes that were created by a government in which they did not
have representation.
British economic policies following the French and Indian War:
The British used taxes from the colonies to pay off debt from the war.
Score 1 point:
Response provides only half of the correct details.
Score 0 points:
Does not provide a response, or the response is incorrect or irrelevant.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option A is correct
Congress is granted the ability to pass laws over presidential veto by securing a
two-thirds majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. For this
item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to use valid primary sources to
acquire information about the United States.
Option B is incorrect
While Congress has the power to ratify amendments, this power was not a way of
addressing the grievance in the excerpt.
Option C is incorrect
While the House of Representatives has the power to introduce tax bills, this power
is not a way of addressing the grievance in the excerpt.
Option D is incorrect
While the Senate has the power to ratify treaties, this power is not a way of
addressing the grievance in the excerpt.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option D is correct
Pro-slavery Southerners wrote the Lecompton Constitution, but it was never accepted
by Congress. The Lecompton Constitution permitted slavery and did not allow free
blacks to live in Kansas. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to
interpret a primary source.
Option A is incorrect
Opponents of Manifest Destiny were not in favor of the expansion of slavery and would
not have written the Lecompton Constitution.
Option B is incorrect
Supporters of abolitionism were not in favor of the expansion of slavery and would not
have written the Lecompton Constitution.
Option C is incorrect
Anti-slavery Northerners were not in favor of the expansion of slavery and would not
have written the Lecompton Constitution.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option C is correct
Areas to the east of the Appalachian Mountains were more densely populated
because the Appalachians were a barrier to westward expansion. For this item, the
student applies critical-thinking skills to interpret information from a map.
Option A is incorrect
There are no very densely populated areas in the southern states on the map. Most
very densely populated areas are located in the northern and mid-Atlantic states on
the map.
Option B is incorrect
The Proclamation of 1763 was a British policy that was no longer in effect in 1790. It
also did not prevent movement away from coastal areas; it only limited how far west
people could settle.
Option D is incorrect
The Appalachian Mountains, not the Rocky Mountains, were a barrier to expansion in
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option D is correct
Slater’s mill contributed to the rapid growth of the U.S. textile industry because it
introduced British industrial production methods to the United States economy. For
this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to analyze a primary source to
acquire information to answer a historical question.
Option A is incorrect
Slater’s mill contributed to significant growth in the U.S. textile industry. Labor laws
during this time did not limit child labor. Factories established after the opening of
Slater’s mill often employed children.
Option B is incorrect
Interchangeable parts increased the production of many goods, including textiles,
and were important to the American Industrial Revolution. Slater’s mill did not limit
the need for interchangeable parts.
Option C is incorrect
Slater’s mill is not associated with contributing to the enactment of expanded
regulations on foreign trade.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option D is correct
The Pilgrims landed in this location, which is Plymouth, Massachusetts. For this item,
the student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and interpret information from
a map.
Option A is incorrect
The location indicated was the first permanent English settlement of Jamestown,
Option B is incorrect
This location is Baltimore, Maryland, and is not where the Pilgrims landed.
Option C is incorrect
This location is New York, New York, which is not where the Pilgrims landed.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option “All states had to
approve amendments.
is correct
The Articles of Confederation required a unanimous agreement to amend them. This
made changing the Articles very difficult and prevented the central government from
responding to new challenges. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills
to analyze information by applying absolute and relative chronology through
Option “States coined
their own money.” is
The Articles of Confederation did not grant the central government the power to coin
money. Interstate trade became difficult and confusing without one national, uniform
system of currency.
Option “The one-house
legislature was based on
population.” is incorrect
Under the Articles of Confederation, the one-house legislature was not based on
population. Each state had one vote regardless of the size of its population.
Option “The central
government held too
much power.” is
The central government under the Articles of Confederation was weak in relation to the
power of the individual state governments.
Option “Slavery was
banned in the Northwest
Territory.” is incorrect
While slavery was banned in the Northwest Territory under the 1787 Northwest
Ordinance, this piece of legislation was considered an accomplishment of the
government under the Articles of Confederation.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option B is correct
The Reconstruction Act of 1867 created five military districts in the South and gave the
U.S. military martial-law powers to enforce federal laws and protect the rights of African
Option A is incorrect
Martial law was established by the Reconstruction Act of 1867 and gave authority to U.S.
troops to enforce laws, not to prevent businesses from being taken over, a practice
embodied in the term carpetbaggers.
Option C is incorrect
The U.S. military provided supplies to formerly enslaved people along the Atlantic Coast
but did not supply weapons.
Option D is incorrect
The Fourteenth Amendment contained a clause that former Confederate leaders could
not run for state or national office, but it did not prevent African Americans from running
for public office. During Reconstruction, thousands of African Americans were elected to
local, state, and federal offices.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option experiences of
individuals” is correct
The First Great Awakening placed greater importance on the experiences of the
individual than on religious doctrine.
Option “advancements
of the arts” is incorrect
The First Great Awakening was not an art movement.
Option “system of
slavery” is incorrect
George Whitefield helped advance the First Great Awakening in the thirteen British
colonies, but not as a support for slavery in the thirteen colonies.
Option “democratic
feelings” is correct
The First Great Awakening in the thirteen British colonies promoted spiritual
equality and contributed to the spread of democratic feelings, encouraging a sense
of independence among many colonists.
Option “economic
opportunities” is
The First Great Awakening in the thirteen British colonies promoted spiritual
equality and contributed to the spread of democratic feelings. It did not spread
economic opportunities in the colonies.
Option technological
advances is incorrect
The First Great Awakening did not lead to advances in technology in the 1730s and
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option D is correct
The list includes governmental actions that affected trade and the colonial
economy. Following the American Revolution, the newly established United States
supported the development of a government that would intervene in the affairs of
private businesses at a minimal level. For this item, the student applies critical-
thinking skills to interpret information.
Option A is incorrect
The list includes governmental actions that affected trade and the colonial
economy. These laws encouraged the Founders to limit government interference
with private businesses, not with foreign relations or policy.
Option B is incorrect
The list includes governmental actions that affected trade and the colonial
economy. Following the establishment of the United States, the Founders
prioritized protecting the rights of citizens to avoid forming an authoritarian
Option C is incorrect
The Founders did not promote the establishment of taxes on the states. The
Articles of Confederation and the Constitution did not provide the federal
government with the ability to tax the states.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option B is correct
The city of Vicksburg, Mississippi, was in the middle of the Confederate States of
America. It was a strategic victory for the Union Army because it gave them more
control of the Mississippi River.
Option A is incorrect
The Battle at Chattanooga, not the Battle of Vicksburg, paved the way for the siege
targeting Atlanta.
Option C is incorrect
The Battle of Vicksburg did not prevent a Confederate invasion of the North, as
Vicksburg was in the middle of the Confederacy, not on the border.
Option D is incorrect
The victory at Antietam, not Vicksburg, paved the way for Lincolns Emancipation
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option C is correct
Industrialization in the 1800s attracted immigrants who came seeking employment
opportunities, especially in the Northern cities. The increased immigrant population led
to increased nativist feelings.
Option A is incorrect
The United States was able to produce more goods domestically and did not rely on
imported goods.
Option B is incorrect
While industrialization reduced U.S. dependence on foreign-produced goods, it did not
lead to isolationist views about conflicts in other countries.
Option D is incorrect
While industrialization increased demand for Southern-grown cotton, it did not directly
lead to concerns over slavery.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option C is correct
People protested the passage of the Intolerable Acts, which were laws passed by
Parliament that punished the people of Boston following the Boston Tea Party.
Colonists were forced to house and feed British soldiers to help pay for the cost of the
troops protecting the colonists. People tried to continue expanding self-government in
the colonies even after the period of salutary neglect. These actions were part of the
Revolutionary Period.
Option A is incorrect
Reconstruction occurred after the end of the Civil War, from 1865 to 1877.
Option B is incorrect
Sectionalism was the era leading up to the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861.
Option D is incorrect
The early republic was the era from the late 1780s to the 1820s.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option “Wrote about the
hardships of slaveryis
a contribution made by
Harriet Beecher Stowe
In her novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote about the hardships of
Option “Worked to
improve conditions for
the mentally illis a
contribution by
Dorothea Dix
Dorothea Dix advocated for the mentally ill, and her work helped create the first
mental asylums.
Option “Led efforts to
promote women’s right
to voteis a
contribution by
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a writer and activist who was an important leader in the
women’s suffrage movement.
Option “Argued for
universal access to
education” is an
incorrect response
None of these three individuals argued for universal access to education.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option B is correct
The addition of the territory ceded by Mexico led to increased debate over
expanding slavery.
Option A is incorrect
The Mexican Cession is associated with increasing debate over the expansion of
slavery and increased sectional tension, not with the unification of different cultural
Option C is incorrect
The border established in 1848 following the Mexican Cession was not temporary.
Option D is incorrect
The Mexican Cession is not associated with contributing to the development of a
canal system.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option B is correct
In Gibbons v. Ogden, the U.S. Supreme Court held that states may be subject to
federal regulation of commerce. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking
skills to use valid primary sources to acquire information about the United States.
Option E is correct
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states had the authority to regulate trade only
within their borders; only the federal government could regulate trade between
Option A is incorrect
Only the federal government has the power to control commerce that involves foreign
Option C is incorrect
The U.S. Supreme Court decision made it clear that the power to regulate interstate
commerce remained with the federal government only.
Option D is incorrect
The U.S. Supreme Court decision clarified that the power to regulate interstate
commerce was denied to the states.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option A is correct
President Jackson used this proclamation to address the constitutional
question of whether states can nullify federal laws. For this item, the student
applies critical-thinking skills by using primary sources to acquire information
about the United States.
Option B is incorrect
While the power of eminent domain is included in the U.S. Constitution, the
question of whether the federal government can take control of private
property was not raised and debated because of the actions described in the
Option C is incorrect
While reciprocity is included in the U.S. Constitution, the question of whether
states can apply full faith and credit to one another was not raised and
debated because of the actions described in the excerpt.
Option D is incorrect
While due process is included in the U.S. Constitution, the question of whether
the federal government can guarantee due process was not raised and
debated because of the actions described in the excerpt.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Part A: Option B is
James Madison advocated for federalism because it split governmental power between
two levels, state and federal. Each has its powers, and some are shared, ultimately
limiting the power of each. For this item, the student applies criticalthinking skills to use
a valid primary source to acquire information about the United States.
Part A: Option A is
James Madison advocated for federalism because it split the government into different
levels of power between state governments and the national government.
Part A: Option C is
James Madison does not argue that federalism will prevent conflict.
Part A: Option D is
James Madisons mention of security refers to securing the rights of the people, not
military security.
Part B: Option D is
James Madison believed that federalism would help protect the rights of the people. For
this item, the student applies criticalthinking skills to use a valid primary source to
acquire information about
the United States.
Part B: Option A is
James Madison did not argue that federalism was effective because power was
surrendered by the people.
Part B: Option B is
James Madison believed that different levels of government would restrict the others
powers; he did not believe in a single government body or power.
Part B: Option C is
This statement does not support the answer to Part A. James Madison argued in favor of
federalism and of supporting state governments and one national government; he did
not limit his support to local governments.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option A is correct
Thinkers of the Enlightenment, such as John Locke, helped inspire citizens to seek out
representative government. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills by
doing an analysis to categorize information.
Option B is incorrect
The ideas of John Smith and other English soldiers did not lead to the growth of
representative government.
Option C is incorrect
This is an economic need that does not fit with the table and would not be a reason for
the growth of representative democracy.
Option D is incorrect
This is an economic interest, and it is not related to the growth of a representative
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option B is correct
As an early American writer, Walt Whitman wrote about and celebrated the individualism
the American people believed they possessed. For this item, the student applies critical-
thinking skills by drawing inferences from a primary source.
Option A is incorrect
Song of Myself describes individualism and does not include references to the civic
responsibilities of citizens.
Option C is incorrect
The goal of the temperance movement was to stop the sale and consumption of alcohol.
This excerpt does not contain any reference to the temperance movement.
Option D is incorrect
The goal of the Hudson River School of art was to capture the natural beauty of the
American landscape. This excerpt does not reference that art movement.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Options “Declares
wars and Makes the
lawsare powers of the
Legislative Branch
The U.S. Constitution gives the legislative branch the power to declare wars and to
make (write) laws in Article I.
Options “Commands
armed forces and
Enforces the lawsare
powers of the
Executive Branch
The U.S. Constitution gives the executive branch the power to command the armed
forces and to enforce laws in Article II.
Options “Declares laws
unconstitutional and
“Interprets the laws
are powers of the
Judicial Branch
The U.S. Constitution gives the judicial branch the power to interpret laws and declare
them unconstitutional in Article III and in the U.S. Supreme Court decision of Marbury
v. Madison.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option D is correct
Many Chinese immigrants came to take part in the gold rush. They also helped construct
the Transcontinental Railroad.
Option A is incorrect
This quotation is describing an immigrant from Ireland who fled the potato famine.
Because of their Catholic faith, Irish immigrants were often discriminated against.
Option B is incorrect
This quotation is describing a German immigrant. Many Germans left to avoid political
problems and settled in the Midwest, where they began farming.
Option C is incorrect
This quotation is referring to an immigrant from Scotland who left to avoid harsh English
rule. Additionally, much Scottish immigration to the Carolina backcountry occurred in the
eighteenth century.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option C is correct
Henry David Thoreau was an abolitionist who believed that slavery was wrong and that the
U.S.-Mexican War was an excuse to expand slavery in the United States. He did not want
his tax money going toward institutions and wars he did not support. For this item, the
student applies critical-thinking skills to examine a primary source to acquire information
about the United States.
Option A is incorrect
The cause of Henry David Thoreaus civil disobedience was not related to differences
between the rich and the poor or the class system.
Option B is incorrect
Henry David Thoreaus problem with the poll tax was not related to increasing taxes nor to
taxes being used in urban areas.
Option D is incorrect
Henry David Thoreau’s concerns were about involvement in the U.S.-Mexican War, not with
the Civil War.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option D is correct
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the war between the United States and Mexico.
Mexico ceded parts of its territory, which included most of the present-day southwestern
United States. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills by interpreting
information from a map.
Option A is incorrect
This land was acquired following a war with Mexico, not Spain.
Option B is incorrect
The war was fought against Mexico, not Great Britain.
Option C is incorrect
This land was acquired through a treaty with Mexico, not France.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Score two points for
correct answers that
include a reference to
Price of wheat:
The price of wheat went up.
Wheat was more expensive.
Reason price increased:
When there was less wheat, more people wanted to buy it, so sellers raised their prices.
When there was less wheat, it had to be imported from other areas, so the price increased.
For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills by analyzing information to acquire
information about the United States.
Score 1 point:
Response provides only half of the correct details.
Score 0 points:
Does not provide a response, or the response is incorrect or irrelevant.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option A is correct
The Declaration of Sentiments, modeled after the Declaration of Independence, listed areas
in which women faced inequality and demanded women be granted the right to vote. For
this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to analyze a primary source to acquire
information to answer a historical question.
Option B is incorrect
This document was created in support of the suffrage movement. This document listed
inequalities faced by women and demanded women be granted the right to vote. The
excerpt does not include references to the temperance movement.
Option C is incorrect
This document was created in support of the suffrage movement. This document listed
inequalities faced by women and demanded women be granted the right to vote. The
excerpt does not include references to abolitionist beliefs.
Option D is incorrect
This document was created in support of the suffrage movement. This document listed
inequalities faced by women and demanded women be granted the right to vote. The
excerpt does not include references to education reform.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option C is correct
Prior to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, slavery was prohibited in areas above the 36th
parallel. The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed this and gave each territory the power to
decide whether it wanted to allow slavery (i.e., popular sovereignty).
Option A is incorrect
Although South Carolina did threaten to secede during the Nullification Crisis, it did
not actually leave the union until Abraham Lincolns election in 1860.
Option B is incorrect
The Missouri Compromise allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state and
Maine to enter as a free state.
Option D is incorrect
The Compromise of 1850 allowed California to enter the union as a free state.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option D is correct
Canals were a major means of transportation in the nineteenth century, providing a
faster and less-expensive method than wagons to ship raw materials and
manufactured goods before the advent of railroads. For this item, the student applies
critical-thinking skills to organize and interpret information from maps.
Option A is incorrect
While canals can be used as a source for irrigation, the canals on the map did not
serve this function.
Option B is incorrect
While canals can serve as a means of flood control, the canals on the map did not
serve this function.
Option C is incorrect
While canals can be used to supply freshwater, the canals on the map did not serve
this function.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option A is correct
There were many battles before Saratoga, but this was a major victory that
convinced the French to form an alliance with the United States and support the
Americans in their war for independence against Great Britain.
Option B is incorrect
The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, and thus preceded the
victory at Saratoga in October 1777.
Option C is incorrect
There were many more battles after Saratoga before the end of the American
Revolution. The victory at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781 brought about the Treaty of
Paris in 1783.
Option D is incorrect
General George Washington was leader of the Continental Army from 1775 until the
end of the American Revolution.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option D is correct
The gold rush increased mining in the West, which was a major economic activity in the
region during the 1850s. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills by
organizing and interpreting information in a chart.
Option A is incorrect
Tariffs would likely have either a positive or negative effect on both regions, not just
the West.
Option B is incorrect
The West did not reduce its agricultural output during this time but instead saw an
increase in agricultural production as its population grew.
Option C is incorrect
The West experienced an increase, not a decrease, in demand for consumer goods as
its population grew because of the gold rush.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option history and
experience prove that
foreign influence is one
of the most [harmful
enemies] of Republican
Government” is correct
This line from the excerpt emphasizes the effect President Washington believed forming
permanent alliances would have on the U.S. government. For this item, the student applies
critical-thinking skills by drawing conclusions about a primary source.
Option The name of
American, which
belongs to you, in your
national capacity is
This line from the excerpt emphasizes national identity; it does not address the formation of
permanent alliances.
Option habits which
lead to political
prosperity, Religion
and morality are
indispensable supports
is incorrect
This line from the excerpt emphasizes ideals President Washington considered important; it does
not address the formation of permanent alliances.
Option Promote then
as an object of primary
Institutions for the
general diffusion of
knowledge is incorrect
This line from the excerpt emphasizes the importance of educational institutions; it does not
address the formation of permanent alliances.
Option As a very
important source of
strength & security,
cherish public credit” is
This line from the excerpt emphasizes the importance of public credit; it does not address the
formation of permanent alliances.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option C is correct
The excerpt is about the freedom of the press, which is a fundamental belief/right in
the United States Constitution, because it promotes a democratic republic. For this
item, the student applies critical-thinking skills to identify a cause-and-effect
Option A is incorrect
The excerpt is about the freedom of the press, which allows political parties to share
information about their opponents.
Option B is incorrect
The First Amendment protects the people from governmental review of information
prior to its publication, which was one of the things that the Founding Fathers
wanted to prevent.
Option D is incorrect
The First Amendment protects the right of people to criticize elected officials.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option C is correct
President Davis believed that the secession of the Southern states was a necessity
forced by the actions of the United States and that the Confederacy would be the
new government for the South, while President Lincoln believed in the preservation
of the union. For this item, the student applies critical-thinking skills by using
primary sources to acquire information about the United States.
Option A is incorrect
President Davis believed that secession was being forced upon the Confederate
states because of actions by the United States and that it was lawful based on text
from the U.S. Constitution.
Option B is incorrect
President Lincoln believed that the U.S. Constitution did not provide any right to
wage war against the United States and that such an action was illegal.
Option D is incorrect
President Lincoln believed that the U.S. Constitution did not give states the right to
secede and that the union must be preserved.
2023 STAAR Grade 8 Social Studies Rationales
Option B is correct
According to the excerpt, both enslaved people and free blacks were discriminated
against. In the South, free blacks gradually began to lose their rights as freemen.
In the North, many free blacks were excluded from jobs that were reserved for
Option A is incorrect
In the South, enslaved people could not travel freely, and over time the rights of
free blacks were limited, including the ability to travel freely. In some areas of the
North, there were limits on the freedoms of free blacks.
Option C is incorrect
In the South, enslaved people could not own businesses, while free blacks may
have owned businesses. However, over time the rights of free blacks were severely
reduced. In the North, free blacks were allowed to own businesses, but there were
restrictions in many areas.
Option D is incorrect
In the South, enslaved people were often loaned out to work for other people, and
in limited instances enslaved people were allowed to keep some of the money they
earned. In the North, free blacks were paid for their labor, but in many situations,
they were paid less than whites were.