ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
Does Superscoring Increase Subgroup Differences?
Krista Mattern, PhD, and Justine Radunzel, PhD
When applicants take the ACT
more than once,
how do colleges and universities reconcile and
make sense out of the multiple scores? In terms
of validity, fairness, and impact on subgroup
differences, are certain score-use polices better
than others? Given that the proportion of
students retaking the ACT has increased over
time (Harmston & Crouse, 2016), answers to
these questions have become increasingly
relevant and pressing. The focus of this
technical brief is to summarize empirical
evidence on the validity and fairness of various
score-use policies with an emphasis on
superscoring. Specifically, findings from a study
that examined the differential validity and
predictions of different score-use policies that
was published in 2018 will be reviewed.
Additionally, new analyses demonstrating the
impact of superscoring on subgroup differences
will be presented. Finally, responses to ACT’s
Higher Education Score Use Survey are
presented to help contextualize these findings.
The intent is to arm higher education
professionals with the most recent evidence to
help support informed decision making on their
own campus.
Composite score (superscoring). And still others
have different and sometimes multiple policies in
place. In particular, based on responses from
115 higher education professionals who
completed ACT’s Higher Education Score Use
Survey in April of 2019, 33% indicated that they
superscore the ACT, whereas 49% indicated
that they superscore the SAT (ACT, 2019). The
percentage that superscore both tests was 32%.
Of those that superscore the ACT, all but one
said they also superscore the SAT with the one
exception indicating that they do not use the
SAT. Among those that superscore the SAT, a
different pattern emerges: 66% superscore the
ACT, 32% use the highest score from a single
administration on the ACT, and 2% do an in-
depth review of all the ACT scores. This finding
raises two issues that need further attention.
First, given that superscoring is a fairly common
practice among postsecondary institutions, what
are the implications of this score-use policy in
terms of validity and fairness? Second, given
that many institutions have inconsistent score-
use policies depending on the test (ACT vs.
SAT), what are the validity and fairness
implications for ACT test-takers? This report will
focus on the first issue. ACT has provided the
following recommendations as it relates to the
second issue:
A survey of the current landscape of college
admissions found that there isn’t a “one-size-fits-
all” solution to how institutions of higher
education treat multiple test records from the
same applicant. Some postsecondary
institutions use a student's most recent score.
Others “pick and choose,” selecting the best
scores a student has earned in each content
area over the course of multiple test
administrations and forming a combined highest
1. Con
sistency. Whatever score-use policy an
institution chooses, that policy should be
applied consistently to all applicants.
Concerns of fairness arise if one score-use
policy (most recent score) is applied to some
groups of applicants (e.g., females, ACT test-
takers) and a different score-use policy
(superscore) is applied to other groups of
applicants (e.g., males, SAT test-takers).
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ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
2. Concordance. For institutions that receive
both ACT and SAT scores from applicants,
the 2018 ACT-SAT concordance should be
used to convert SAT scores to ACT scores
and vice versa (The College Board & ACT,
2018). Given the change in the score scale
for the 2016 SAT, using the previous ACT-
SAT concordance puts ACT test-takers at an
unfair disadvantage (ACT, 2009).
Validity and Fairness of
ACT Working Paper with an overview provided
in the 2017 Higher Education Research Digest
(Mattern, Radunzel, Bertling, & Ho, 2017; ACT,
2017) and later published in a peer-reviewed
journal (Mattern, Radunzel, Bertling, & Ho,
2018). Contrary to expectations, the results
showed that scores based on the superscoring
method (referred to as superscores) were just as
predictive (actually slightly more predictive) of
first-year grades as compared to other scoring
methods (recent, average, highest). Moreover,
superscoring resulted in the least amount of
differential prediction by the number of times a
ACT has been examining the validity and
student tests. Interestingly, we found that first-
fairness of different scoring practices over the
year grades for students who tested more often
last several years. Results from an initial study
were underpredicted even when prediction
were first made publicly available as both an
models were based on superscores (see Figure
Figure 1. Magnitude of Differential Prediction by Number of Testing Occasions and Four Composite
Scoring Methods when ACT Composite Score is Held Constant at the Sample Mean of 23
1 Time 2 Times 3 Times 4 or More Times
Prediction Error
Number of Testing Occasions
Last Average Highest Superscore
Note: Prediction error is calculated by subtracting one’s expected FYGPA based on the overall model from the
expected value based on the model that includes retesting subgroup indicators and the interaction between the
ACT Composite score and retesting indicators. Negative values indicate overprediction; positive values indicate
ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
As shown in Figure 1, retesters performed better
in college than what was expected based on
their test scores. And this prediction error was
minimized when superscores were used, as
compared to the other scoring methods. If
superscores reflected positive measurement
errorthat is, an overestimate of one’s true
achievement levelthen superscores would
predict students to earn higher grades in college
than what they actually earned, and this
overprediction would increase as the number of
retests increases. However, the results of the
study suggested exactly the opposite.
Why is this the case? One hypothesis is that
superscores and number of retests reflect not only
academic preparation but also a motivational
component. Specifically, students who are willing
to forgo multiple Saturdays to sit for a multiple-
hour test with the hope of maybe increasing their
score are also the students who are likely to ask
questions in their college courses, visit their
professor during office hours, and take advantage
of any extra credit opportunities to ensure the best
possible grade. Future research should explore
these hypotheses.
Another contribution of this study is the
evaluation of the diversity implications of
employing one scoring method versus another.
Interestingly, despite the fact that underserved
students are less likely to retest (Harmston &
Crouse, 2016), the superscoring method did not
result in a less diverse admitted class as
compared to the other three methods. In fact,
the gender, racial, and parental income
distributions of a simulated admitted class were
identical across the four scoring methods.
Current Study
The focus of the current study is to extend the
previous research with an emphasis on further
exploring the diversity implications of
superscoring. As mentioned above, underserved
students are less likely to retest as compared to
their affluent peers. For students who test only
once, superscoring has no impact on their ACT
Composite score. Only students who retest have
the potential to increase their ACT Composite
score through superscoring, and the magnitude of
this difference should be related to the number of
times the student retests, in general. With that in
mind, one potential concern or unintended
consequence of superscoring is that subgroup
differences will be exacerbated under this scoring
policy. The focus of the current study is to
investigate the extent to which superscoring
increases, decreases, or has no impact on
subgroup differences.
Using data on the 2018 ACT-tested graduating
class, we compared the average ACT
Composite score for various student subgroups
based on their most recent ACT Composite
score as well as a superscore ACT Composite
score. We estimated subgroup performance
differences in terms of both:
1. Mean differences or unstandardized
differences (USTD): the difference between
the mean value in two groups
2. Standardized differences (STD): the difference
between the mean value in two groups,
divided by the overall standard deviation.
We estimated performance differences by the
following student characteristics: race/ethnicity,
gender, household income, and parental
education. These characteristics were self-
reported by students at the time they registered
to take the ACT.
Retesting Rates. Samples sizes and retesting
rates for the 2018 ACT-tested graduating high
school class are summarized in Table 1.
Results are presented for the overall sample and
by the student subgroups of interest. The total
group consisted of over 1.9 million students. Of
those students, 44% took the ACT more than
once. As previously documented, we find that
minority students and students from lower socio-
economic households are less likely to retest.
ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
For example, the retest rates for African
American and Hispanic students were 43% and
34%, respectively, as compared to 49% for both
White and Asian students. Differences by family
income and highest parental education level
were more pronounced. Students whose parents
did not attend college had a retest rate of 36%
compared to 62% for students whose highest
parental education level was more than a
bachelor’s degree.
Table 1. Proportion Retesting by Student Demographic Characteristics
Group N Proportion Retesting
1,914,814 0.44
893,609 0.41
991,973 0.48
29,232 0.37
African American
243,077 0.43
American Indian
15,449 0.36
996,712 0.49
307,358 0.34
91,899 0.49
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
5,753 0.27
85,316 0.42
169,250 0.38
Annual family income
Less than $36,000 (Low)
353,315 0.40
$36,000 to $80,000 (Mid)
382,947 0.47
More than $80,000 (High)
498,300 0.60
680,252 0.34
Parental education level
No college
308,539 0.36
Some college
354,574 0.45
Bachelor's degree
418,863 0.55
Beyond bachelors
353,896 0.62
478,942 0.27
Note: The total number of students in the 2018 national ACT-tested cohort that are
reported here differs from that previously reported (e.g., ACT Condition of College and
Career Readiness Report and National Profile Report) due to a small number of
students since then being identified as being included more than once.
ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
Table 2. Subgroup Unstandardized (USTD) and Standardized (STD) Differences in ACT Composite Scores by Scoring Method
Most recent score Superscore Most recent score -
Male 20.8 -0.1 -0.02 21.3 -0.2 -0.03 0.10 0.02
Missing 17.6 -3.3 -0.57 18.1 -3.4 -0.58 0.10 0.01
Female 20.9
African American 16.9 -5.3 -0.91 17.4 -5.4 -0.92 0.10 0.00
American Indian 17.3 -4.9 -0.84 17.7 -5.1 -0.86 0.20 0.02
Hispanic 18.8 -3.4 -0.59 19.2 -3.6 -0.61 0.20 0.02
Asian* 24.5 2.3 0.40 25.1 2.3 0.39 0.00 -0.01
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 18.2 -4.0 -0.69 18.5 -4.3 -0.73 0.30 0.04
Multiracial 21.1 -1.1 -0.19 21.6 -1.2 -0.20 0.10 0.01
Missing 19.8 -2.4 -0.41 20.2 -2.6 -0.44 0.20 0.03
White 22.2
Annual family income
Less than $36,000 (Low) 18.2 -5.7 -0.98 18.7 -5.9 -1.00 0.20 0.02
$36,000 to $80,000 (Mid) 20.7 -3.2 -0.55 21.3 -3.3 -0.56 0.10 0.01
Missing 20.0 -3.9 -0.67 20.4 -4.2 -0.71 0.30 0.04
More than $80,000 (High) 23.9
Parental education level
No college 17.9 -7.0 -1.21 18.3 -7.3 -1.24 0.30 0.03
Some college 19.8 -5.1 -0.88 20.4 -5.2 -0.88 0.10 0.00
Bachelor's degree 22.5 -2.4 -0.41 23.2 -2.4 -0.41 0.00 -0.01
Missing 18.9 -6.0 -1.03 19.2 -6.4 -1.08 0.40 0.05
Beyond bachelors 24.9 25.6
Note: refers to differences in unstandardized (USTD) and standardized (STD) subgroup differences for most recent score - superscore. Positive values
indicate that superscoring increases subgroup differences. Negative values indicate that superscoring reduces subgroup differences. Referent group is
* For Asian students, the subgroup differences were positive; therefore, the signs for USTD and ∆USD were reversed to maintain consistency in directionality.
ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
Subgroup Differences. Table 2 provides the
means, USTDs, and STDs in ACT Composite
scores based on students’ most recent ACT
Composite score and their superscore ACT
Composite score for the student subgroups.
The difference in USTDs and STDs for the two
scoring methodsmost recent versus
superscoringwas calculated to directly test
whether superscoring resulted in larger, smaller,
or similar subgroup differences as compared to
using students’ most recent score. Those results
are presented in the last two columns of Table 2.
The results indicate that superscoring increased
subgroup differences marginally. On average,
USTDs are 0.17 larger (on a 1 to 36 scale) for
superscores as compared to the most recent
scores (differences range from 0.00 to 0.40
among the subgroups examined; refer to ∆USTD
For example, the average ACT Composite score
for African American students is 5.3 points lower
than White students (16.9 versus 22.2) when
based on the most recent ACT Composite
score. Comparatively, the average ACT
Composite score for African American students
is 5.4 points lower than White students (17.4
versus 22.8) when based on a superscore ACT
Composite score, resulting in a difference in
USTD of 0.10 (5.4 minus 5.3).
In terms of STDs, superscoring increases
subgroup differences by 0.02, on average
(differences ranging from -.01 to .05; refer to
∆STD column), representing a very small effect.
The largest effects were found for students with
missing data for either household income or
parental education level. Building off the
previous example comparing African American
students’ performance to White students’
performance, the results indicate no change in
STD with the implementation of superscoring.
Subgroup Differences by Number of Testing
Occasions. The next set of analyses explored
subgroup differences by scoring method
controlling for the number of testing occasions.
The rationale for these additional analyses was
to be able to tease apart subgroup differences
from differential retesting rates, given that
undeserved students are less likely to retest.
Table 3 provides the distribution of students in
terms of the number of testing occasions along
with the average ACT Composite score based
on most recent score and superscoring. For this
sample, 56% of the sample took the ACT only
once. Among retesters (44%), the breakdown
by the number of testing occasions was as
follow: 24% tested twice, 11% tested three
times, and 9% tested four or more times.
Table 3. Mean ACT Composite Scores by Scoring Method and Number of Times Tested
Number of times tested N (%)
Most recent score
Mean SD Mean SD
1 1,064,222 (56%) 19.3 5.5 19.3 5.5
2 465,650 (24%) 22.0 5.7 22.9 5.6
3 215,527 (11%) 23.3 5.5 24.7 5.3
4 or more 169,415 (9%) 23.9 5.1 25.6 4.8
Total 1,914,814 (100%) 20.8 5.8 21.3 5.9
Note: SD = standard deviation. The total number of students in the 2018 national ACT-tested cohort that are reported here
differs from that previously reported (e.g., ACT Condition of College and Career Readiness Report and National Profile
Report) due to a small number of students since then being identified as being included more than once.
ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
Students who tested more often tended to have
higher ACT Composite scores. Moreover, the
difference between the average ACT Composite
score based on the most recent score as
compared to superscoring increased as the
number of testing occasions increased, as
expected. For example, for students who tested
once, the average ACT Composite score was
19.3. For students who tested twice, the
difference in the average Composite score
between the two methods was 0.9 (22.9 minus
22.0). For students who tested four or more
times, this difference increased to 1.7. The
results broken out by student subgroups are
provided in the Appendix.
Table 4. Scoring Method Differences in USTD and STD in ACT Composite Score by Number of Times Tested
Number of Times Tested
One Two Three Four or more
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.10 0.02
Missing 0.00 0.00 -0.30 -0.04 -0.40 -0.06 -0.30 -0.05
African American 0.00 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -0.10 0.02 -0.30 0.01
American Indian 0.00 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -0.10 0.01 -0.20 0.00
Hispanic 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 -0.10 0.01
Asian* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.04
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01
Multiracial 0.00 0.00 -0.10 -0.01 0.00 0.01 -0.10 -0.01
Missing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 -0.10 -0.01
Annual family income
Less than $36,000 (Low) 0.00 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -0.10 0.02 -0.20 0.01
$36,000 to $80,000 (Mid) 0.00 0.00 -0.10 -0.01 -0.10 0.00 0.00 0.03
Missing 0.00 0.00 -0.20 -0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01
More than $80,000 (High)
Parental education level
No college 0.00 0.00 -0.10 0.00 -0.20 0.01 -0.10 0.04
Some college 0.00 0.00 -0.10 0.00 0.00 0.03 -0.10 0.03
Bachelor's degree 0.00 0.00 -0.10 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02
Missing 0.00 0.00 -0.10 0.00 0.00 0.02 -0.10 0.00
Beyond bachelors
Note: ∆ refers to differences in unstandardized (USTD) and standardized (STD) subgroup differences for most recent score -
superscore. Positive ∆ values indicate that superscoring increases subgroup differences. Negative ∆ values indicate that
superscoring reduces subgroup differences. Referent group is italicized.
* For Asian students and males, the subgroup differences were positive; therefore, the signs for ∆USTD and ∆STD were
reversed to maintain consistency in directionality.
ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
Table 4 provides the difference (∆) in USTD and
STD in ACT Composite score for the two scoring
methods by the number of testing occasions.
The directionality of the subgroup differences
were the same as those suggested in Table 2,
except for gender where ACT scores were
higher on average for males than for females
among students who took the ACT two, three, or
four or more times. As discussed, the most
recent and superscore results are identical for
students who tested only once. When the results
are disaggregated by the number of testing
occasions, we see even smaller increases
attributed to superscoring than previously
described and often the results reverse where
superscoring results in smaller subgroup
differences (as indicated by negative values).
For students who tested twice, USTDs are 0.09
smaller on average (ranging from -.30 to .00)
and STDs are the same (0.00 on average;
differences ranging from -.04 to .01) when based
on superscoring as compared to when based on
the most recent score. For students who tested
three times, USTDs are 0.06 smaller (ranging
from -.40 to .01) and STDs are 0.01 higher, on
average (differences ranging from -.06 to .03).
For students who tested four or more times,
USTDs are 0.09 smaller (ranging from -.30 to
.01) and STDs are 0.01 higher, on average
(differences ranging from -.05 to .04).
In sum, the results indicate that subgroup
differences are largely unaffected by the two
scoring policies examined in the current study
most recent versus superscoring. Given that
students tend to improve their scores through
retesting and the high reliability of ACT scores, it
is not surprising that results based on a
student’s most recent test record are quite
similar to those based on superscoring. Also
contributing to the finding of small to no
differences based on superscoring is the
relatively low frequency (less than half of
students) of retesting overall and retesting more
than once.
The results also suggest that the slight increases
in USTDs and STDs can be attributed to
differences in retest rates among subgroups.
Analyses controlling for the number of times a
student retests indicated that subgroup differences
were more likely to decrease rather than increase
when superscoring was applied. These results
are very promising. If we improve retesting rates
among groups who are less likely to retest, such
as underserved students, through programs and
initiatives, these results suggest that superscoring
may help reduce subgroup differences.
For example, broader awareness that ACT
provides two fee waivers to low-income students
for national test administrations may help
promote retesting among underserved students.
However, awareness may not be sufficient.
ACT data indicate that low-income students who
register for the ACT with a fee waiver have
higher no-show rates than students who pay to
take the ACT22% for fee waiver students
versus 6% for students who pay for their
registration (Cruce, Hahn, & Metcalfe, 2017).
Future research should explore ways to not only
promote registering for the ACT via the fee
waiver program but also encourage fee waiver
students to show up for the test.
The results of the current study provide a preview
into the impact of superscoring on subgroups
differences. Superscoring had little to no effect on
subgroup differences and in some cases,
resulted in smaller subgroup differences when
the number of retests was held constant. Despite
these positive findings, the results may change if
retesting behavior changes significantly in the
future in terms of who retests and how often.
ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
1. Research on the SAT found similar findings pertaining to superscoring (Boldt, Centra, & Courtney,
2. The reason why there is a slight increase in the USTD but no change in the STD is due to the fact
that the standard deviation of superscores is larger than the standard deviation of the most recent
scores (5.9 vs. 5.8, respectively).
ACT, Inc. (2009). ACT-SAT Concordance Tables. Iowa City, IA: ACT. Retrieved from the ACT website:
ACT, Inc. (2017). 2017 Higher Education Research Digest. Iowa City, IA: ACT.
ACT, Inc. (unpublished manuscript). 2019 ACT’s Higher Education Score Use Survey. Iowa City, IA: ACT.
Boldt, R. F., Centra, J. A., & Courtney, R. G. (1986). The validity of various methods of treating multiple
scores (College Board Report No. RR-86-4). New York, NY: The College Board.
The College Board & ACT. (2018) Guide to the 2018 ACT/SAT Concordance. Retrieved from the ACT
Cruce, T. M., Hahn, R. W., & Metcalfe, R. D. (2017). Nudging to No Effect: Attempts to Improve the
College Entrance Exam Attendance Rates of Low-Income Students. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Association for Education Finance and Policy. Washington: D.C.
Harmston, M. & Crouse, J. (2016). Multiple testers: What do we know about them? Iowa City, IA: ACT.
Mattern, K., Radunzel, J., Bertling, M., & Ho, A. D. (2018). How should colleges treat multiple admissions
test scores? Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 37(3), 1123.
Mattern, K., Radunzel, J., Bertling, M., & Ho, A. D. (2017). How should colleges treat multiple admissions
test scores? ACT Working Paper 2017-4. Iowa City, IA: ACT.
ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
Table A1. Mean ACT Composite Scores by Scoring Method, Number of Times Tested, and Student Subgroup
One Time Two Times Three Times Four or More Times
Group % Recent Superscore % Recent Superscore % Recent Superscore % Recent Superscore
All students 56% 19.3 19.3 24% 22.0 22.9 11% 23.3 24.7 9% 23.9 25.6
Male 59% 19.2 19.2 23% 22.3 23.2 10% 23.6 25.0 8% 24.1 25.9
Female 52% 19.4 19.4 26% 21.9 22.8 12% 23.2 24.5 10% 23.8 25.5
Missing 63% 16.5 16.5 25% 18.4 19.6 6% 21.1 22.8 5% 22.7 24.7
African American 57% 16.1 16.1 25% 17.6 18.6 11% 18.3 19.7 8% 19.1 21.0
American Indian 64% 16.2 16.2 21% 18.1 19.1 8% 20.1 21.5 7% 21.6 23.4
White 51% 20.6 20.6 25% 23.3 24.2 13% 24.3 25.6 11% 24.7 26.3
Hispanic 66% 17.9 17.9 23% 20.2 21.1 7% 21.8 23.1 4% 22.5 24.2
Asian 51% 23.2 23.2 26% 25.5 26.4 13% 26.3 27.6 10% 26.4 28.1
73% 17.0 17.0 18% 20.3 21.2 6% 22.7 24.0 3% 23.5 25.1
Multiracial 58% 19.8 19.8 24% 22.3 23.3 11% 23.5 24.8 7% 23.9 25.6
Missing 62% 18.1 18.1 22% 21.7 22.6 9% 23.6 24.9 7% 24.1 25.8
Annual family
Less than $36,000 60% 17.4 17.4 25% 19.0 19.9 9% 19.7 21.1 6% 20.5 22.4
$36,000 to
53% 19.7 19.7 26% 21.4 22.3 12% 22.2 23.6 10% 22.9 24.6
More than
40% 22.6 22.6 28% 24.5 25.3 17% 25.0 26.3 15% 25.1 26.8
66% 18.5 18.5 20% 21.8 22.8 8% 23.9 25.2 5% 24.6 26.3
Parental education
No college 64% 17.2 17.2 23% 18.7 19.7 8% 19.5 21.0 5% 20.6 22.4
Some college
55% 19.0 19.0 26% 20.4 21.4 11% 21.2 22.5 8% 21.9 23.7
Bachelor's degree 45% 21.3 21.3 28% 23.0 24.0 15% 23.8 25.1 13% 24.1 25.8
Beyond bachelor's 38% 23.7 23.7 29% 25.5 26.4 17% 25.9 27.2 15% 25.7 27.4
Missing 73% 17.9 17.9 18% 20.7 21.7 6% 23.0 24.3 4% 23.8 25.6
ACT Research & Policy | Technical Brief | July 2019
The authors thank Wayne Camara and Jeff Allen for their feedback on earlier versions of this brief.
Krista Mattern, PhD
Krista Mattern is a senior director in Validity and Efficacy Research whose research focuses on predicting
education and workplace success through evaluating the validity and fairness of cognitive and non-cognitive
measures. Also known for work in evaluating the efficacy of learning products to help improve intended learner
Justine Radunzel, PhD
Justine Radunzel is a principal research scientist in Validity and Efficacy Research specializing in postsecondary
outcomes research and validity evidence for the ACT test.