ACT vs SAT: Key differences between the ACT and SAT
ACT vs SAT: which test is a better fit for your student? Students may take whichever test they prefer (assuming there are availa-
ble testing locations for both tests). If you’re not sure which test your child would prefer, consider the key differences between the
ACT and SAT. Some students find that the ACT caters to their strengths more so than the SAT, and vice versa.
Need a quick side-by-side comparison of the tests? Check out our ACT vs. SAT Comparison Chart.
content-based test
Type of Test
content-based test
Reading: 1, 65-min section; Math: 1, 25-
min section (no calculator) & 1, 55-min
section (w/ calculator); Writing & Lan-
gauge: 1, 35-min section; Essay: 1, 50-
min section (optional)
Test Format
English: 1, 45-min section; Math: 1, 60-
min section; Reading: 1, 35-min sec-
tion; Science: 1, 35-min section; Writ-
ing: 1, 40-min essay (optional)
reading, relevant words in context, math,
grammar & usage, analytical writing
Content Covered
grammar & usage, math, reading, sci-
ence reasoning, and writing (optional)
questions are evidence and context-
based in an effort to focus on real-world
situations and multi-step problem-solving
Test Style
straightforward, questions may be long
but are usually less difficult to decipher
Math and Evidence-Based Reading &
Writing are each scored on a scale of 200
-800. Composite SAT score is the sum of
the two section scores and ranged from
English, Math, Reading, and Science
scores will each range between 1-
36. Composite ACT score is the aver-
age of your scores on the four sections;
ranges between 1-36
no – you do not lose points for incorrect
Penalty for Wrong
no – you do not lose points for incorrect
yes – you can choose which set(s) of SAT
scores to submit to colleges
Score Choice?
yes – you can choose which set(s) of
ACT scores to submit to colleges
questions increase in difficulty level as
you move through that question type in a
section (except reading passage ques-
tions, which progress chronologically
through the passage)
Difficulty Levels
difficulty level of the questions is ran-
arithmetic, problem-solving & data analy-
sis, heart of algebra, geometry, and trigo-
nometry; formulas provided.
Math Levels
arithmetic, algebra I and II, functions,
geometry, trigonometry; no formulas
are provided
with private schools and schools on the
east and west coasts; however, every four
-year college in the US accepts SAT
Tends to be more
with public schools and schools in the
Midwest and south; however, every
four-year college in the US accepts
ACT scores
seven times per year: January, March or
April, May, June, October, November,
Offered when?
six times per year: February, April,
June, September, October, December
(note that some states offer the ACT as
part of their state testing requirements;
these tests are not administered on the
typically about four weeks before the test
Registration dead-
typically about five to six weeks before
the test date
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