Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
Regulations Governing
Occupational Therapists
Occupational Therapy Assistants
Mississippi State Department of Health
Office of Licensure
Professional Licensure Division
P. O. Box 1700
Jackson, Mississippi 39215-1700
(601) 364-7360 Fax (601) 364-5057
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
Title 15: Mississippi State Department of Health
Part 19: Bureau of Professional Licensure
Subpart 60: Professional Licensure
Table of Contents
Subchapter 1: General ............................................................................................................. 1
Rule 8.1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................. 1
Rule 8.1.2 Legal Authority ..................................................................................................... 1
Rule 8.1.3 Definitions ............................................................................................................. 1
Rule 8.1.4 Requirements to Perform Dry Needling ............................................................... 3
Rule 8.1.5 Publication ............................................................................................................. 5
Subchapter 2: Mississippi Advisory Council in Occupational Therapy (“Council”) ........ 5
Rule 8.2.1 Council Structure and Purpose .............................................................................. 5
Rule 8.2.2 Meetings ................................................................................................................ 5
Subchapter 3: State Board of Health (“Board”) .................................................................... 6
Rule 8.3.1 Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 6
Subchapter 4: Licensure .......................................................................................................... 6
Rule 8.4.1 Licensure Requirements ........................................................................................ 6
Rule 8.4.2 Licensure By Endorsement ................................................................................... 7
Rule 8.4.3 Foreign Trained Individuals .................................................................................. 7
Rule 8.4.4 Limited Permit....................................................................................................... 8
Rule 8.4.5 Conditions of a Limited Permit ............................................................................. 9
Rule 8.4.6 Inactive License................................................................................................... 10
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
Rule 8.4.7 Conditions of a Universal Occupational License ................................................. 10
Rule 8.4.8 Abandonment ...................................................................................................... 13
Subchapter 5: Professional Identification ............................................................................ 13
Rule 8.5.1 Titles and Abbreviations ..................................................................................... 13
Rule 8.5.2 Production and Display of License ..................................................................... 13
Subchapter 6: Renewal of License ........................................................................................ 14
Rule 8.6.1 General Provisions .............................................................................................. 14
Rule 8.6.2 Procedure for Renewal of License ...................................................................... 14
Rule 8.6.3 Failure to Renew ................................................................................................. 14
Subchapter 7: Continuing Education (CE) .......................................................................... 14
Rule 8.7.1 Definition and philosophy ................................................................................... 14
Rule 8.7.2 Requirements ....................................................................................................... 15
Rule 8.7.3 Content Criteria ................................................................................................... 15
Rule 8.7.4 Sources of Continuing Education ........................................................................ 16
Rule 8.7.5 Reporting Procedures for Continuing Education ................................................ 19
Subchapter 8: Revocation, Suspension and Denial of License ........................................... 19
Rule 8.8.1 Standards of Conduct .......................................................................................... 20
Rule 8.8.2 Summary Suspension .......................................................................................... 21
Rule 8.8.3 Complaints .......................................................................................................... 21
Rule 8.8.4 Investigation ........................................................................................................ 22
Rule 8.8.5 Notice of Charges and Hearing ........................................................................... 22
Rule 8.8.6 Sanctions ............................................................................................................. 23
Rule 8.8.7 Appeals ................................................................................................................ 24
Subchapter 9: Exceptions and Exemptions .......................................................................... 24
Rule 8.9.1 Exceptions ........................................................................................................... 24
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
Subchapter 10: Occupational Therapy Assistant .................................................................. 25
Rule 8.10.1 Definition ............................................................................................................ 25
Rule 8.10.2 Supervision or Consultation ................................................................................ 26
Subchapter 11: Criminal Offenses and Punishment ............................................................. 28
Rule 8.11.1 Criminal Offenses and Punishment ..................................................................... 28
Subchapter 12: Fees .................................................................................................................. 28
Rule 8.12.1 Method of Payment ............................................................................................. 28
Rule 8.12.2 Schedule of Fees.................................................................................................. 28
Rule 8.12.3 Examination Fee .................................................................................................. 29
Subchapter 13: Administrative Grievance Procedure .......................................................... 29
Rule 8.13.1 Administrative Appeals ....................................................................................... 29
Rule 8.13.2 Notification.......................................................................................................... 30
Rule 8.13.3 Hearing ................................................................................................................ 30
Subchapter 14: Suspension for Failure to Pay Child Support ............................................. 30
Rule 8.14.1 Suspension of License for Failure to Pay Child Support ...................................... 30
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
Title 15: Mississippi State Department of Health
Part 19: Bureau of Professional Licensure
Subpart 60: Professional Licensure
Subchapter 1: General
Rule 8.1.1 Purpose: The purpose of these regulations is to safeguard the public's health,
safety, and welfare by establishing minimum qualifications and creating exclusive titles
corresponding to the level of qualifications for individuals who wish to offer occupational
therapy services to the public. Further, in order to insure the highest degree of
professional conduct by those engaged in offering occupational therapy services to the
public, it is the purpose of these regulations to provide and impose disciplinary sanctions,
be they civil or criminal, against persons who do not meet or adhere to the procedures,
qualifications, and standards set out in these regulations.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.1.2 Legal Authority: The State Board of Health established and empowered by
Section 41-3-1 et seq. of Mississippi Code of 1972, annotated, is authorized to establish
and enforce these rules and procedures by virtue of "Mississippi Occupational Therapy
Practice Law," Sections 73-24-1, et seq. of Mississippi Code of 1972, annotated.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.1.3 Definitions: The following terms shall have the meaning set forth below, unless
the context otherwise requires:
1. Board shall mean the Mississippi State Board of Health.
2. Council shall mean the Mississippi Advisory Council in Occupational Therapy.
3. License shall mean the document of licensure issued by the Board.
4. Act shall mean the "Mississippi Occupational Therapy Practice Law" sections 73-
24-1 et seq. of Mississippi Code of 1972, annotated.
5. Examination shall mean the examination approved by the Board.
6. Department shall mean the Mississippi State Department of Health.
7. Occupational therapy means the therapeutic use of purposeful and meaningful
(goal-directed) activities and/or exercises to evaluate and treat an individual who
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
has, or is at risk for, a disease or disorder, impairment, activity limitation or
participation restriction which interferes with his ability to function independently
in daily life roles and to promote health and wellness across his lifespan.
8. Occupational therapy intervention includes:
a. remediation or restoration of performance abilities that are limited due to
impairment in biological, physiological, psychological or neurological
b. adaptation of task, process or the environment, or the teaching of
compensatory techniques in order to enhance functional performance;
c. disability prevention methods and techniques which facilitate the
development or safe application of functional performance skills; or
d. health promotion strategies and practices which enhance functional
performance abilities.
9. Occupational therapy service includes, but is not limited to:
a. evaluating, developing, improving, sustaining or restoring skill in activities
of daily living (ADLS), work or productive activities, including instrumental
activities of daily living (IADLS), play and leisure activities;
b. evaluating, developing, remediating or restoring physical, sensorimotor,
cognitive or psycho social components of performance;
c. designing, fabricating, applying or training in the use of assistive technology
or orthotic devices, and training in the use of prosthetic devices;
d. adaptation of environments and processes, including the application of
ergonomic principles, to enhance functional performance and safety in daily
life roles;
e. application of physical agent modalities as an adjunct to or in preparation for
engagement in an occupation or functional activity;
f. evaluating and providing intervention in collaboration with the client, family,
caregiver or other person responsible for the client;
g. educating the client, family, caregiver or others in carrying out appropriate
nonskilled interventions;
h. consulting with groups, programs, organizations or communities to provide
population-based services; or
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
i. participation in administration, education, and research, including both
clinical and academic environments.
10. Occupational Therapist means a person licensed in this state to practice
occupational therapy as defined in these regulations and whose license is in good
11. Occupational Therapy Assistant means a person licensed to assist in the
practice of occupational therapy under the supervision of or with the consultation
of a licensed occupational therapist and whose license is in good standing.
12. Occupational Therapy Aide means a person who is not licensed in the field of
occupational therapy and who assists occupational therapists and occupational
therapy assistants in the practice of occupational therapy under direct supervision.
The occupational therapy aides' activities require an understanding of
occupational therapy.
13. Person means any individual, partnership, unincorporated organization, or
corporate body, except that only an individual may be licensed under this chapter.
14. Direct supervision means the daily, direct, on-site contact at all times of a
licensed occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant when an
occupational therapy aide assists in the delivery of patient care.
15. Association shall mean the Mississippi Occupational Therapy Association.
16. Dry needling shall mean a physical agent modality that aims to restore and/or
optimize the neuro-muscular-skeletal systems. Dry needling involves the use and
insertion of solid filiform needles for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain and
soft tissue dysfunction by increased blood flow, decreased banding, decreased
spontaneous electrical activity, biomechanical and central nervous system
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.1.4 Requirements to Perform Dry Needling: As with all other physical agent
modalities in occupational therapy, dry needling is to be utilized in the therapeutic
process in order to ultimately achieve improved function and therefore not to be applied
as a stand-alone treatment. Dry needling does not include the stimulation of auricular or
distal points. Dry needling is not part of an occupational therapist’s academic or clinical
preparation for entry-level practice; therefore, this rule establishes the minimum
standards required for an occupational therapist to be deemed competent to perform dry
1. Dry needling shall be performed only by an occupational therapist who is competent by
education and training to perform dry needling as specified in this regulation.
Online/virtual/remote study and/or self-study for dry needling instruction shall not be
considered appropriate training.
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
2. An occupational therapist must meet the following requirements in order to be deemed
competent to perform dry needling:
a. A minimum of 3 years clinical experience as a licensed occupational therapist
b. Documented successful completion of dry needling course(s) of study approved by
the Department that includes:
(i) A minimum of 50 hours face-to-face instruction; an online study is not allowed.
Advanced dry needling (i.e., craniofacial, spine, abdominal, etc..,) will require
more advanced training than the minimum requirements. It is the responsibility
of each occupational therapist to acquire specialty certification through additional
training beyond the minimum requirements.
(ii) Each course shall specify which anatomical regions/structures are included in the
certification and whether the instruction was introductory or advanced concepts
in dry needling
(iii) Every course instructor must be a licensed healthcare provider and have a
minimum of two years of experience performing dry needling
(iv) A practical examination and a written examination with a passing score
(v) Anatomical review for safety and effectiveness
(vi) Indications and contraindications for dry needling
(vii) Management of adverse effects
(vii) Evidence-based instructions on the theory of dry needling
(ix) Sterile needle procedures which shall include the standards of the U.S. centers
for disease control or the U.S. occupational safety and health administration
c. An occupational therapist performing dry needling in his/her practice must have
written informed consent for each patient that is maintained in the patient’s
chart/medical record. The patient must sign and receive a copy of an informed
consent form created by the therapist. The consent form must, at a minimum, clearly
state the following information:
(i). Risks and benefits of dry needling
(ii). The occupational therapist’s level of education and training in dry needling
(iii). The occupational therapist will not dry needle any auricular or points distal to the
identified treatment area
3. Each licensed occupational therapist performing dry needling must have a written
physician’s order for dry needling or receive verbal authorization from the patient’s
physician approving dry needling that is documented in the patient’s chart/medical record.
4. When dry needling is performed, the occupational therapist must document in the patient’s
daily/encounter/procedure note. The note shall indicate how the patient tolerated the
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
intervention as well as the outcome of the intervention, including any adverse
reactions/events that occurred if any.
5. Dry needling shall not be delegated and must be performed only by a qualified, licensed
occupational therapist who has met the minimum standards in this section.
6. Dry needling is not to be performed by an occupational therapy assistant under any
circumstances including certification training or supervision.
7. After completion of the Department approved dry needling course, the occupational
therapist will submit proof of certification. This will include confirmation of passing scores
on written and practical exams. The Department must review and approve documents prior
to beginning use of dry needling. This also includes any advanced courses that may follow.
8. Failure of an occupational therapist who is performing dry needling to provide
written documentation that confirms he/she has met the requirements of this section
shall be evidence that the occupational therapist is not competent and not permitted
to perform dry needling. An occupational therapist performing dry needling in
violation of this section shall be subject to disciplinary action as specified in Rule
8.8.1(1), (2), (6), (20), and (21).
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.1.5 Publication: The Department shall publish, annually, a list of the names and
addresses of all persons licensed by the department and a list of all persons whose licenses have
been suspended, revoked, denied renewal, put on probationary status, censured, or reprimanded.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 2: Mississippi Advisory Council in Occupational Therapy (“Council”)
Rule 8.2.1 Council Structure and Purpose: There is hereby established the Mississippi
Advisory Council in Occupational Therapy under the jurisdiction of the State Board of
Health. The Council shall consist of five (5) members as set forth in the Act, for the
terms indicated therein, and shall serve under the jurisdiction of the State Board of
Health. The purpose of the Council is to serve in an advisory capacity to the Department.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.2.2 Meetings: The Council shall meet during the first month of the year. Additional
meetings may be held, at the discretion of the chairperson of the Council or the written
request of any two (2) members of the council. A quorum shall consist of three (3)
members of the Council, including the chairperson, and shall be necessary for the
Council to take action by vote.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
Subchapter 3: State Board of Health (“Board”)
Rule 8.3.1 Responsibilities: The Board, with the advice of the council, shall:
1. approve the examination, establish licensing and renewal of license criteria for
2. maintain an up-to-date list of all individuals licensed to practice occupational
therapy, with such list being available, upon request, to the public;
3. investigate alleged or suspected violations of the provisions of these regulations
or other laws of this state pertaining to occupational therapy and any rules and
regulations adopted by the board; for this purpose, any authorized agents of the
department shall have the power and right to enter and make reasonable
inspections of any place where occupational therapy is practiced, and may inspect
and/or copy any records pertaining to clients or the practice of occupational
therapy under these regulations;
4. refer disciplinary actions of any individual engaged in the practice of occupational
therapy to the appropriate government agency for prosecution, whether licensed
or otherwise, or, in its discretion, refer same to the appropriate committee or
5. conduct disciplinary hearings, upon specified charges, of a licensee;
6. maintain an up-to-date list of all individuals whose license has been suspended,
revoked, or denied and make such list available to public inspection and supply
such list to similar regulatory boards in other states or jurisdictions;
7. keep a record of all proceedings of the Board, and make said record available to
the public; and
8. direct the Department to promulgate and implement rules and procedures to carry
out the purpose of the Act.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 4: Licensure
Rule 8.4.1 Licensure Requirements: An applicant for a regular license as an occupational
therapist or occupational therapy assistant shall submit to the Department, verified by
oath, written evidence in form and content satisfactory to the Department that the
1. is of good moral character;
2. has been awarded a degree from an education program recognized by the Board;
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
3. has successfully completed a supervised field experience;
a. for an occupational therapist, as reflected in the current accrediting standards;
b. for an occupational therapy assistant, as reflected in the current accrediting
4. has passed an examination approved by the Department; and
5. has paid the required fee(s).
6. For an occupational therapist, the program shall be accredited by the
Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education of the American
Occupational Therapy Association or the board-recognized accrediting body.
7. For an occupational therapy assistant, the program shall be approved by the
Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education of the American
Occupational Therapy Association or the board-recognized accrediting body.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.4.2 Licensure By Endorsement: An applicant for licensure by endorsement shall
submit to the Department, verified by oath, written evidence in form and content
satisfactory to the Department that:
1. the applicant is currently licensed to practice occupational therapy under the laws
of another state, territory, or jurisdiction; and
2. the requirements for said license are equivalent to or greater than those required in
this state as set forth in Rules 8.4.1 and 8.4.3 of these regulations; and
3. said license is in good standing, and is not, presently, suspended or revoked; and
4. certification from NBCOT has not been subject to disciplinary action.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.4.3 Foreign Trained Individuals: An applicant for licensure who has been trained
as an occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant in a foreign country, and
desires to be licensed pursuant to the laws of the State of Mississippi, shall submit to the
Department, verified by oath, in form and content satisfactory to the Department:
1. that the applicant is of good moral character; and
2. that the applicant has successfully completed an educational program and a
supervised fieldwork experience program for occupational therapists or
occupational therapy assistants; and
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
3. documentary evidence that the educational program and the supervised fieldwork
experience are substantially equivalent to that required of a non-foreign trained
applicant for licensure; and
4. that the applicant has passed an examination approved by the Department; and
5. demonstrable proficiency in the English language by passing all of the following
English language examinations with scores to be determined by the Department:
a. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); and
b. Test of Spoken English (TSE); and
c. Test of Written English (TWE).
6. An applicant who is a graduate of an accredited school of occupational therapy
located in one of the following countries may request an exemption from the
required English proficiency examinations:
a. England
b. Scotland
c. Ireland
d. Wales
e. Australia
f. New Zealand
g. Canada (except the province of Quebec)
7. The department reserves the right to require a personal interview with any
applicant from any of the above countries for final determination of the exemption
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.4.4 Limited Permit: A limited permit to practice as an occupational therapist or
occupational therapy assistant may be granted to an applicant for licensure meeting the
requirements of Rule 8.4.1 or 8.4.3 who has not taken the approved examination or has
not received the results of the examination, subject to the conditions of Rule 8.4.5.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
Rule 8.4.5 Conditions of a Limited Permit:
1. A limited permit shall be granted for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days.
2. A limited permit holder shall restrict his practice to the State of Mississippi.
3. Supervision of Limited Permit
a. An occupational therapist issued a limited permit shall practice under the
supervision of or in consultation with an occupational therapist currently
licensed in Mississippi. Supervision or in consultation with an occupational
therapist for the purposes of this section means direct contact at least every 2
weeks at each treatment facility, with interim contact occurring by other
methods, such as telephone or written communication.
b. An occupational therapy assistant issued a limited permit shall practice under
the supervision of or in consultation with an occupational therapist currently
licensed in Mississippi. Supervision or in consultation with for the purposes
of this section means direct contact at least every week at each treatment
facility, with interim supervision occurring by other methods, such as
telephone or written communication.
c. An occupational therapist issued a limited permit may not supervise any
licensed OT or OTA.
d. Direct contact for either an occupational therapist or an occupational therapy
assistant should include:
i. A review of activities with appropriate revision or termination of the plan
of care
ii. An assessment of utilization of outside resources (whenever applicable)
iii. Documentary evidence of such visit
iv. Discharge planning as indicated
4. Documentation in form and substance acceptable to the Department that the
conditions of Rule 8.4.5(3)(a)(b) have been met must be on file with the
Department before a limited permit will be issued.
5. The limited permit of a person who is required to take the approved examination
and fails to take said examination will not be renewed.
6. A limited permit may be renewed, at the discretion of the department, only one
time, through the date that the next examination results are made public.
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
7. Any person who has taken but not passed the required examination in another
jurisdiction shall not be eligible for a limited permit.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.4.6 Inactive License:
1. A licensee may be granted inactive status upon filing a written request in form
and content satisfactory to the department and upon payment of the required fee.
A licensee granted inactive status shall not practice or hold himself or herself out
as an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant and is not
responsible for accruing the continuing education requirements.
2. A licensee granted inactive status for five (5) licensure years must successfully
complete the following reentry requirements before resuming practice:
a. An American Occupational Therapy Association recognized reentry course
b. Practice under the supervision of a currently licensed occupational therapist
for a period of ninety (90) calendar days.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.4.7 Conditions of a Universal Occupational License:
1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department shall issue a license as
an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant at the same practice level
to a person who establishes residence in this state if, upon application to the
a. The applicant holds a current and valid license in good standing in another state
in an occupation with a similar scope of practice, as determined by the
Department, and has held this license from the occupational licensing board in
the other state for at least one (1) year; and
b. There were minimum education requirements and, if applicable, work
experience, examination, and clinical supervision requirements in effect, and the
other state verifies that the applicant met those requirements in order to be
licensed in that state; and
c. The applicant has not committed any act in the other state that would have
constituted grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of a license to practice
that occupation in Mississippi at the time the act was committed, and the
applicant does not have a disqualifying criminal record as determined by the
Department under Mississippi law; and
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
d. The applicant did not surrender a license because of negligence or intentional
misconduct related to the applicant's work in the occupation in another state;
e. The applicant does not have a complaint, allegation, or investigation pending
before an occupational licensing board or other board in another state that
relates to unprofessional conduct or an alleged crime. If the applicant has a
complaint, allegation, or investigation pending, the Department shall not issue
or deny a license to the applicant until the complaint, allegation, or investigation
is resolved, or the applicant otherwise satisfies the criteria for licensure in
Mississippi to the satisfaction of the Department; and
f. The applicant pays all applicable fees in Mississippi.
2. Notwithstanding any other law, the Department shall issue a license to an applicant
in occupational therapy and at the same practice level, as determined by the
Department, to a person who establishes residence in this state based on work
experience in another state, if all the following apply:
a. The applicant worked in a state that does not use a license to regulate a lawful
occupation, but Mississippi uses a license to regulate a lawful occupation with a
similar scope of practice, as determined by the Department;
b. The applicant worked for at least three (3) years in the lawful occupation; and
c. The applicant satisfies the provisions of paragraphs (c) through (f) of Rule
3. The Department may require an applicant to pass a jurisprudential examination
specific to relevant state laws in Mississippi that regulate occupational therapy if the
issuance of a license in Mississippi requires an applicant to pass a jurisprudential
examination specific to relevant state statutes and administrative rules in Mississippi
that regulate occupational therapy.
4. The Department may require proof of residency. Residence may be established by
demonstrating proof of a state-issued identification card or one (1) of the following:
a. Current Mississippi residential utility bill with the applicant's name and address;
b. Documentation of the applicant's current ownership, or current lease of a
residence in Mississippi;
c. Documentation of current in-state employment or a notarized letter of the
promise of employment of the applicant or his or her spouse; or
d. Any verifiable documentation demonstrating Mississippi residency.
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
5. A license issued under this section is valid only in this state and does not make the
person eligible to be part of an interstate compact.
6. The Department shall issue or deny the license to the applicant within one hundred
twenty (120) days after receiving an application.
7. If the application requires longer than two (2) weeks to process, the Department
shall issue a temporary practice permit within thirty (30) days after receiving the
application if the applicant submits an affidavit, under penalties of perjury,
affirming that he or she satisfies the provisions of Rule 8.4.7(3) or Rule 8.4.7(4) and
pays all applicable fees as required by Rule 8.4.7(1)(f).
a. The applicant may practice under the temporary permit until a license is
granted, or until a notice to deny the license is issued, in accordance with rules
adopted by the Department. A temporary license will expire in three hundred
sixty-five (365) days after its issuance if the applicant fails to satisfy the
requirement for licensure in Rule 8.4.7(1) through Rule 8.4.7(3), as applicable.
8. The Department shall grant a license to any person certified prior to July 1, 1988, as
an Occupational Therapist Registered (OTR) or a Certified Occupational Therapy
Assistant (COTA) by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA).
The Department may waive the examination, education, or experience requirements
and grant a license to any person certified by AOTA after July 1, 1988, if the
Department determines the requirements for such certification are equivalent to the
requirements for licensure in these Regulations.
9. The Department may waive the examination, education, or experience requirements
and grant a license to any applicant who shall present proof of current licensure as
an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant in another state, the
District of Columbia, or territory of the United States which requires standards for
licensure considered by the Department to be equivalent to the requirements for
licensure of this chapter. The issuance of a license by reciprocity to a military-
trained applicant, military spouse, or person who establishes residence in this state
shall be subject to the provisions of Section §73-50-1 or §73-50-2 of the Mississippi
Code of 1972, as applicable.
10. Foreign-trained occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants shall
satisfy the examination requirements of Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-19. The
Department shall require foreign-trained applicants to furnish proof of good moral
character and completion of educational and supervised fieldwork requirements
substantially equal to those contained in Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-19 before taking
the examination.
11. Denial of Universal License
a. The applicant may appeal any of the following decisions of the Department to a
court of general jurisdiction:
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
(i) Denial of a license;
(ii) Determination of the occupation;
(iii) Determination of the similarity of the scope of practice of the license
issued; or
(iv) Other determinations under this section.
b. The court shall determine all questions of law, including the interpretation of a
constitutional or statutory provision or a rule adopted by the Department,
without regard to any previous determination that may have been made on the
question in any action before the Department.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.4.8 Abandonment: An application shall be deemed abandoned by the Department if,
after six (6) months from the date of filing, the requirements for licensing have not been
completed and submitted to the Department.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 5: Professional Identification
Rule 8.5.1 Titles and Abbreviations: It is unlawful for any person who is not licensed
under these regulations as an occupational therapist or as an occupational therapy
assistant, or whose license has been suspended or revoked, to in any manner represent
himself as someone who provides occupational therapy services, or use , in connection
with his name or place of business the words "occupational therapist," "licensed
occupational therapy assistant," or the letters "O.T.”,"O.T.L.”,"L.O.T. "O.T.R.," "O.T.A."
or O.T.A.L. "C.O.T.A." or any other words, letters, abbreviations or insignia indicating or
implying that he is an occupational therapist or an occupational therapy assistant or that
he provides occupational therapy services; or to show in any way, orally, in writing, in
print or by sign, directly or by implication, or to represent himself as an occupational
therapist or an occupational therapy assistant, or someone who provides occupational
therapy services.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.5.2 Production and Display of License: A person licensed to practice occupational
therapy in Mississippi shall be issued a "Certificate of Licensure" and "License
Identification Letter.The licensee shall prominently display the "Certificate of
Licensure" or copy thereof at their place(s) of employment.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
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Amended February 2023
Subchapter 6: Renewal of License
Rule 8.6.1 General Provisions:
1. The Board shall issue licenses which shall be subject to renewal biennially.
2. The licensure period shall be construed as May 1 through April 30 of even
numbered years.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.6.2 Procedure for Renewal of License: The Department shall mail renewal notices,
approximately sixty (60) days prior to the end of the licensure period, to the last home
address registered with the Department, to the persons to whom licenses were issued or
renewed during the preceding licensure period. The licensee shall:
1. complete the renewal form(s);
2. submit proof of continuing education credit as detailed in Subchapter 7 of these
3. pay the renewal fee; and
4. file the above with the Department prior to the end of the licensure period.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.6.3 Failure to Renew:
1. A licensee who does not file, with the Department, his renewal application prior
to the end of the licensure period will be deemed to have allowed his license to
lapse. Said license may be reinstated by the Department, in its discretion, by the
payment of the renewal fee, the late renewal/reinstatement fee, and the required
continuing education hours provided said application for renewal is made within
two (2) years after its last expiration date.
2. A license may not be reinstated after having lapsed for two (2) consecutive years.
A new application must be made and the licensure regulations in effect at that
time must be met.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 7: Continuing Education (CE)
Rule 8.7.1 Definition and philosophy: Each individual licensed as an occupational
therapist or occupational therapy assistant is responsible for optimum service to the
consumer and is accountable to the consumer, the employer, and the profession for
evidence of maintaining high levels of skill and knowledge. Continuing education is
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
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defined as education beyond the basic preparation required for entry into the profession,
directly related to the performance and practice of occupational therapy.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.7.2 Requirements:
1. Regulations set the requirement of 20 contact hours (CH) or 2 Continuing
Education Units (CEU) to be accrued during the licensure period. No carryover
of continuing education hours from one licensure period to another shall be
allowed. Minimum requirements shall be:
a. At least 30 percent (6 Contact Hours or .6 CEU) of the required continuing
education must be directly related to the clinical practice of occupational
therapy. The six (6) contact hours related to clinical practice shall be live
face- to-face training i.e., no internet training, video training, television
training, etc.
b. Of the remaining required 14 hours of training, 50 percent or 7 hours may
be non-live face-to-face training. Non-live training may include home
study courses, video, internet, etc.
c. Two (2) contact hours of an ethics course specifically related to the practice
of occupational therapy shall be required during each licensure period.
Ethics training may be live face-to-face training or non-live training. The
hours awarded shall be included in the hours allowed for the type of
training selected.
d. All training shall be from approved sources.
2. Individuals may choose to renew licensure by submitting proof of the National
Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT)’s certification in lieu
of continuing education certificates. NBCOT certification must be current and
active at the time of licensure renewal.
3. Individuals applying for initial licensure within a licensing term must accrue
continuing education hours on a prorated scale. Written notification of required
hours will be sent to the applicant at the time of licensure.
4. Persons who fail to accrue the required continuing education hours shall be issued
a CE probationary license for the licensure term. Failure to accrue the required
hours during the CE probationary period will result in the revocation of the
license. Hours accrued are first credited for the delinquent hours lacking from the
previous licensure period, and then applied to the current (CE probationary)
licensing period.
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5. CE probationary licenses will be issued for one licensure term only. No ensuing
license may be CE probationary as a result of not meeting continuing education
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.7.3 Content Criteria: The content must apply to the field of occupational therapy
and performance and must be designed to meet one of the following goals:
1. Update knowledge and skills required for competent performance beyond entry
level as described in current legislation and regulations.
2. Allow the licensee to enhance his knowledge and skills.
3. Provide opportunities for interdisciplinary learning.
4. Extend limits of professional capabilities and opportunities.
5. Facilitate personal contributions to the advancement of the profession.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.7.4 Sources of Continuing Education: Continuing education hours may be accrued
from the following sources, when the content of the programs relates to the profession of
occupational therapy:
1. Attendance at educational programs:
a. Attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is
given and approved by the Mississippi Occupational Therapy Association
b. Attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is
given and approved by the American Occupational Therapy Association
(AOTA), including other state association educational programs.
c. Attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is
given and/or approved by the National Board for Certification in
Occupational Therapy (NBCOT).
d. Attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is
given and approved by the American Medical Association (AMA) and its
e. Attendance at other programs approved for continuing education credit by
AOTA, AMA, APTA, ASHA, or their components.
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
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f. Attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is
given and approved by accredited universities or colleges.
g. Attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is
given and approved by a licensure authority of any jurisdiction in the United
States for occupational therapy.
h. Attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is
given and approved by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA),
including other state association educational programs.
i. Attendance at educational programs where continuing education credit is
given and approved by the American Speech and Hearing Association
(ASHA), including other state association educational programs.
j. A course/provider not approved by one of the organizations listed in Rule
8.7.4(1) will not be accepted as continuing education for licensure renewal
purposes. A course not approved by an organization listed in this section of
the regulations may be reviewed by the department. Contact the department
for information.
2. Presentations made before recognized groups of occupational therapists, medical
practitioners, or other health related professionals and directly related to the
profession of occupational therapy. To be considered for continuing education
credit, material outline and a synopsis must be submitted to the Department prior
to the presentation date. Notice of approval or disapproval will be sent following
a review by the Department. For approved presentations, the presenter may
accrue one (1) hour of continuing education credit for each hour of the actual
presentation, and one (1) hour of preparation time, for a total of (2) two hours.
Presenter credit is given one (1) time only, even though the session may be
presented multiple times. No more than 30% of total required hours may be
accrued through presentations.
3. Academic course work:
a. Academic course work taken for credit from a regionally accredited college or
university. The courses must relate to the profession of occupational therapy.
One academic semester hour shall be equivalent to fifteen (15) clock hours for
continuing education credit. No more than fifty percent (50%) of total
required hours may be accrued through academic course work.
Undergraduate level courses are acceptable only when they can be
demonstrated to update or enhance competency in licensee's specific practice
field, and documented that course work has not been taken previously, to the
satisfaction of the department. Graduate level courses are acceptable for
occupational therapists. Undergraduate courses are acceptable for
occupational therapy assistants.
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b. Academic course work taken by an OT/OTA for credit toward an advanced
degree in occupational therapy may be counted as meeting the full continuing
education requirements.
4. Home Study Courses approved by the department.
5. Professional publications where the licensee is an author. To be considered for
continuing education credit, a reprint of the published article must be submitted to
the department. Notice of approval or disapproval will be sent out after review by
the department. A maximum of 3 contact hours may be accrued through
professional publication.
6. Supervision of Level I and Level II occupational therapy and occupational
therapy assistant students by a Mississippi licensed occupational therapy
practitioner may not exceed 12 hours during a licensure period. Supervision of
Doctoral Capstone occupational therapist students by a Mississippi licensed
occupational therapist may not exceed 14 hours during a licensure period. Level I
and Level II student supervision hours may not be combined with Doctoral
Capstone supervision hours. To be considered for continuing education credit, full
direct supervision of a student must be performed for a complete clinical rotation.
The educational institution must provide written documentation of the
a. Supervision of Level I occupational therapy and occupational therapy
assistant students. One continuing education hour per student supervised will
be awarded for the full supervision. No more than a maximum of twelve (12)
hours may be accrued under this provision during a licensure period. Only the
primary supervisor is eligible to receive continuing education credit under this
b. Supervision of Level II occupational therapy and occupational therapy
assistant students. One continuing education hour per week of supervision per
student supervised will be awarded for the full supervision. The supervising
OT(s) shall record dates and times of supervision provided to each student.
No more than a maximum of twelve (12) hours may be accrued under this
provision during a licensure period.
c. Supervision of Doctoral Capstone occupational therapist students. One
continuing education hour per week of supervision per student supervised will
be awarded for full supervision. The supervising OT shall record dates and
times of supervision provided to each student. No more than a maximum of
fourteen (14) hours may be accrued under this provision during a licensure
7. Specific UNACCEPTABLE activities include:
a. All in-service programs not approved under Rule 8.7.4(1) of these regulations.
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b. Orientation to specific work-site programs dealing with organizational
structures, processes, or procedures.
c. Meetings for purposes of policy decision.
d. Non-educational meetings at annual conferences, chapter, or organizational
e. Entertainment or recreational meetings or activities.
f. Committee meetings, holding of office, serving as an organizational delegate.
g. CPR education.
h. Self-directed studies other than those previously outlined.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.7.5 Reporting Procedures for Continuing Education: It is the responsibility of the
licensee to insure that the following criteria are met with respect to continuing education
1. Attendance at seminars, workshops, presentations, etc., approved by an
organization listed in Rule 8.7.4(1) is automatically accepted for credit unless
sessions are duplicated. Verification of attendance may be made by submitting a
continuing education certificate (must include source, number of continuing
education hours and date of attendance) and proof of approval for the
2. Credit for presentations: Submit a copy of the Department's approval letter.
3. Academic course work credits must meet the content criteria in Rule 8.7.3, and
must be accompanied by a course description from the college or university
catalog and a copy of the transcript or final grade report. A minimum course
grade of "C" is required for CE credit.
4. Home Study Course: A certificate of completion must be submitted to receive
continuing education credit.
5. Publication: A letter of approval from the department.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 8: Revocation, Suspension and Denial of License
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
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Amended February 2023
Rule 8.8.1 Standards of Conduct: Licensees subject to these regulations shall conduct their
activities, services, and practice in accordance with this section. Licensees may be
subject to the exercise of the disciplinary sanctions enumerated in Rule 8.8.6 of these
regulations if the Department finds that a licensee is guilty of any of the following:
1. Negligence in the practice or performance of professional services or activities.
2. Engaging in dishonorable, unethical, or unprofessional conduct of a character
likely to deceive, defraud, or harm the public in the course of professional
services or activities.
3. Perpetrating or cooperating in fraud or material deception in obtaining or
renewing a license or attempting the same.
4. Being convicted of any crime which has a substantial relationship to the licensee's
activities and services or an essential element of which is misstatement, fraud, or
5. Being convicted of any crime which is a felony under the laws of this state or the
United States.
6. Engaging in or permitting the performance of unacceptable services personally or
by others working under the licensee's supervision due to the licensee's deliberate
or negligent act or acts or failure to act, regardless of whether actual damage or
damages to the public is established.
7. Continued practice although the licensee has become unfit to practice as a
occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant due to:
a. failure to keep abreast of current professional theory or practice; or
b. physical or mental disability; the entry of an order or judgment by a court of
competent jurisdiction that a licensee is in need of mental treatment or is
incompetent shall constitute mental disability; or
c. addiction or severe dependency upon alcohol or other drugs which may
endanger the public by impairing the licensee's ability to practice.
8. Having disciplinary action taken against the licensee's license in another state.
9. Making differential, detrimental treatment against any person because of race,
color, creed, sex, religion, or national origin.
10. Engaging in lewd conduct in connection with professional services or activities.
11. Engaging in false or misleading advertising.
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12. Contracting, assisting, or permitting unlicensed persons to perform services for
which a license is required under these regulations.
13. Violation of any probation requirements placed on a license by the Board.
14. Revealing confidential information except as may be required by law.
15. Failing to inform clients of the fact that the client no longer needs the services or
professional assistance of the licensee.
16. Charging excessive or unreasonable fees or engaging in unreasonable collection
17. For treating or attempting to treat ailments or other health conditions of human
beings other than by occupational therapy as authorized by these regulations.
18. For applying or offering to apply occupational therapy as an occupational
therapist within the scope of occupational therapy, or for acting as an
occupational therapy assistant other than under the supervision or in consultation
with a licensed occupational therapist.
19. Violations of the current code of ethics for occupational therapists and
occupational therapy assistants adopted by the American Occupational Therapy
Association or its successor organization.
20. Violations of any rules or regulations promulgated pursuant to these regulations.
21. Has engaged in any conduct considered by the Board to be detrimental to the
profession of occupational therapy.
22. The Department may order a licensee to submit to a reasonable physical or mental
examination if the licensee's physical or mental capacity to practice safely is at
issue in a disciplinary proceeding. Failure to comply with a board order to submit
to a physical or mental examination shall render a licensee subject to the summary
suspension procedures described in Rule 8.8.2 of these regulations.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.8.2 Summary Suspension:
1. The Department may summarily suspend a license without a hearing,
simultaneously with the filing of a formal complaint and notice of hearing, if the
Department determines that:
a. the health, safety, or welfare of the general public is in immediate danger; or
b. the licensee's physical capacity to practice his profession is in issue; or
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
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Amended February 2023
c. the licensee's mental capacity to practice his profession is in issue.
2. If the Department summarily suspends a license, a hearing must begin within
twenty (20) days after such suspension begins, unless continued at the request of
the licensee.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.8.3 Complaints: All complaints concerning a licensee, his business, or professional
practice, shall be reviewed by the Department. Each complaint received shall be logged,
recording at a minimum the following information:
1. licensee's name;
2. name of the complaining party, if known;
3. date of complaint;
4. brief statement of complaint; and
5. disposition.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.8.4 Investigation: All complaints will be investigated and evaluated by Department.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.8.5 Notice of Charges and Hearing
1. Following the investigative process, the Department may file formal charges
against the licensee. Such formal complaint shall, at a minimum, inform the
licensee of the facts which are the basis of the charge and which are specific
enough to enable the licensee to defend against the charges.
2. Each licensee, whose conduct is the subject of a formal charge which seeks to
impose disciplinary action against the licensee, shall be served notice of the
formal charge at least thirty (30) days before the date of hearing. A hearing shall
be presided over by the Board or the Board's designee. Service shall be
considered to have been given if the notice was personally received by the
licensee, or the notice was mailed certified, return receipt requested, to the
licensee at the licensee's last known address as listed with the Department. The
notice of the formal hearing shall consist at a minimum of the following
a. the time, place and date of hearing;
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
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b. that the licensee shall appear personally at the hearing and may be represented
by counsel;
c. that the licensee shall have the right to produce witnesses and evidence in the
licensee's behalf and shall have the right to cross-examine adverse witnesses
and evidence;
d. that the hearing could result in disciplinary action being taken against the
licensee's license;
e. that rules for the conduct of these hearings exist and it may be in the licensee's
best interest to obtain a copy; and
f. that the Department, or its designee, shall preside at the hearing and following
the conclusion of the hearing shall make findings of facts, conclusions of law
and recommendations, separately stated, to the Board as to what disciplinary
action, if any, should be imposed on the licensee.
3. The Department may order a licensee to submit to a reasonable physical or mental
examination if the licensee's physical or mental capacity to practice safely is at
issue in a disciplinary proceeding. Failure to comply with a board order to submit
to a physical or mental examination shall render a licensee subject to the summary
suspension procedures described in Rule 8.8.2 of these regulations.
4. The Department or its designee shall hear evidence produced in support of the
formal charges and contrary evidence produced by the licensee. At the
conclusion of the hearing, the Board shall issue an order, within sixty (60) days.
5. Disposition of any complaints may be made by consent order or stipulation
between the Board and the licensee.
6. All proceedings pursuant to this section are matters of public record and shall be
preserved pursuant to state law.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.8.6 Sanctions: The Department may impose any of the following sanctions, singly or
in combination, when it finds that a licensee is guilty of any of the above offenses:
1. Revoke the license.
2. Suspend the license, for any period of time.
3. Censure the licensee.
4. Impose a monetary penalty of not more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00).
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5. Place a licensee on probationary status and require the licensee to submit to any of
the following:
a. report regularly to the Department, or its designee, upon matters which are the
basis of probation;
b. continue to renew professional education until a satisfactory degree of skill
has been attained in those areas which are the basis of probation; or
c. such other reasonable requirements or restrictions as are proper.
6. Refuse to renew a license.
7. Revoke probation which has been granted and impose any other disciplinary
action in this subsection when the requirements of probation have not been
fulfilled or have been violated.
8. The Department may seek the counsel of the Mississippi Advisory Council in
Occupational Therapy regarding disciplinary actions.
9. Disposition of any formal complaint may be made by consent order or stipulation
between the board and the licensee.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.8.7 Appeals: Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Department shall have a
right of appeal in the manner provided for in the Act and the Laws of the State of
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 9: Exceptions and Exemptions
Rule 8.9.1 Exceptions: Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as preventing or
restricting the practice, services or activities of:
1. Any person, licensed in this state by any other law, from engaging in the
profession or occupation for which he or she is licensed;
2. Any person who is employed as an occupational therapist or occupational therapy
assistant by the United States armed services, the U.S. Public Health Service, the
Veteran's Administration or other federal agencies, if such person provides
occupational therapy solely under the director or control of the organization by
which he is employed;
3. Any person pursuing a course of study leading to a degree or certificate in
occupational therapy in an accredited, recognized or approved educational
program, or advanced training in a specialty area, if such activities and services
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
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constitute a part of the supervised course of study, and if such person is
designated by a title which clearly indicates his status as a trainee or student;
(revised 2/20/98)
4. Any person fulfilling the supervised fieldwork experience requirements of Section
73-24-19, if such activities and services constitute a part of the experience
necessary to meet the requirements of that section;
5. Any person employed as an occupational therapy aide or who works under the
supervision of a licensed occupational therapist; or
6. Any person performing occupational therapy services in the state, if these services
are performed for no more than thirty (30) days in a calendar year under the
supervision of an occupational therapist licensed under this chapter, if:
a. The person is licensed under the law of another state which has licensure
requirements at least as stringent as the requirements of this chapter, or
b. The person is certified as an Occupational Therapist Registered (OTR) or a
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA), established by the
National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) or its
successor organization.
7. Any licensee who will supervise a person performing occupational therapy
services in the state shall ensure that the following information is on file and
satisfactory with the department prior to the person performing occupational
therapy services:
a. Proof that the person meets one or both of the requirements in subsection
6(a)(b) of this section of the regulations; and
b. A schedule indicating when the person will be performing occupational
therapy services; and
c. The name(s) of the facility(ies) where the person will perform occupational
therapy services.
8. Any person certified by the American Board of Certification in Orthotics and
Prosthetics as a Certified Orthotist, C.O., Certified Prosthetist, C.P., Certified
Prosthetist/Orthotist, C.P.O., or anyone working under their direct supervision.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 10: Occupational Therapy Assistant
Rule 8.10.1 Definition: An occupational therapy assistant (OTA), shall be defined as an
individual who meets the qualifications and requirements as set forth in Subchapter 4 of
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
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these regulations, and has been issued a license by the Department. The roles and
responsibilities of an OTA are:
1. To practice only under the supervision of, or in consultation with, an occupational
therapist licensed to practice in Mississippi.
2. To assist with but not perform total patient evaluations.
3. To perform treatment procedures as delegated by the occupational therapist.
4. To supervise other supportive personnel as charged by the occupational therapist.
5. To notify the occupational therapist of changes in the patient's status, including all
untoward patient responses.
6. To discontinue immediately any treatment procedures which in their judgment
appear to be harmful to the patient.
7. To refuse to carry out treatment procedures that they believe to be not in the best
interest of the patient.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.10.2 Supervision or Consultation:
1. An occupational therapy assistant issued a limited permit (see Rule 8.4.5).
2. An occupational therapy assistant issued a regular license.
a. Supervision or consultation which means face-to-face meetings of supervisor
and supervisee (OT and OTA) to review and evaluate treatment and progress
at the work site, and regular interim communication between the supervisor
and supervisee. A face-to-face meeting is held at least once every seventh
treatment day or 21 calendar days, whichever comes first.
b. The supervising occupational therapist must be accessible by
telecommunications to the occupational therapy assistant on a daily basis
while the occupational therapy assistant is treating patients.
c. Regardless of the practice setting, the following requirements must be
observed when the occupational therapist is supervising or consulting with the
occupational therapy assistant:
i. The initial visit for evaluation of the patient and establishment of a plan of
care must be made by the supervising or consulting occupational therapist.
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ii. A joint supervisory visit must be made by the supervising occupational
therapist and the occupational therapy assistant with the patient present at
the patient's residence or treatment setting once every 7 treatment days or
every 21 days, whichever comes first.
iii. A supervisory visit should include:
1. A review of activities with appropriate revision or termination of the
plan of care;
2. An assessment of utilization of outside resources (whenever
3. Documentary evidence of such visit;
4. Discharge planning as indicated.
iv. An occupational therapist may not supervise/consult with more than two
(2) occupational therapy assistants except in school settings, or settings
where maintenance or tertiary type services are provided, such as the
regional treatment centers under the direction of the Department of Mental
3. Occupational therapy aides:
a. An occupational therapy aide is an unlicensed person who assists an
occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant as defined in Rule
8.1.3 of these regulations. An occupational therapy aide is a worker who is
trained on the job.
b. Duties assigned to an occupational therapy aide must be determined and
directly supervised by a licensed occupational therapist or occupational
therapy assistant and must not exceed the level of specific training,
knowledge, skill and competence of the individual being supervised.
c. The supervising occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant is
professionally responsible for the acts or actions performed by any
occupational therapy aide supervised by the licensee in the occupational
therapy setting.
d. Documentation of all training specific to the aide's duties must be in the aide's
e. Duties or functions which occupational therapy aides shall not perform
include the following:
i. Interpreting referrals or prescriptions for occupational therapy services;
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ii. Performing evaluative procedures;
iii. Developing, planning, adjusting, or modifying treatment procedures;
iv. Preparing written documentation of patient treatment or progress; and
v. Act independently without the direct supervision of a licensed
occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant during patient
therapy sessions.
4. The supervision/consultation requirements stated in these regulations are minimal.
It is the professional responsibility and duty of the licensed occupational therapist
to provide the occupational therapist assistant with more supervision if deemed
necessary in the occupational therapist's professional judgment.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 11: Criminal Offenses and Punishment
Rule 8.11.1 Criminal Offenses and Punishment
1. Any person who violates any provision of Subchapter 5 of these regulations, upon
conviction, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for each violation.
2. Any person who knowingly shall make a material false statement in his
application for license under these regulations or in response to any inquiry by the
department or the board shall be fined not less than One Hundred Dollars
($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned for not
less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days, or both such fine and
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 12: Fees
Rule 8.12.1 Method of Payment In accordance with the Act, the following non-refundable
fees, where applicable, are payable to the Mississippi State Department of Health by
check or money order.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.12.2 Schedule of Fees:
1. Application Fee ................................................................................................$100.00
2. Initial Licensure fee
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
a. Occupational Therapist ..............................................................................$150.00
b. Occupational Therapy Assistant ................................................................$100.00
3. Renewal Fee
a. Occupational Therapist ..............................................................................$150.00
b. Occupational Therapy Assistant ................................................................$100.00
4. Late Renewal/Reinstatement Fee .....................................................................$125.00
5. License Certificate Replacement Fee ................................................................$ 25.00
6. Duplicate License Certificate Fee .....................................................................$ 25.00
7. [Reserved]
8. License Verification Fee ...................................................................................$ 25.00
9. Inactive License Fee .........................................................................................$ 50.00
10. Examination Fee:
a. Occupational Therapist .......................................................................................**
b. Occupational Therapy Assistant .........................................................................**
**Contact the examination administrant for current examination fees.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.12.3 Examination Fee: Fees for the examination are to be paid to the appropriate
examination administrant.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 13: Administrative Grievance Procedure
Rule 8.13.1 Administrative Appeals:
1. Any person aggrieved by a decision regarding the initial application for licensure
or the renewal of licensure shall have the right of a second review by the Director
of Professional Licensure and Council or a designated member of the Council.
2. Any person aggrieved by a decision rendered after the second review shall have
the right of administrative appeal and a public hearing to be conducted in
accordance with the policies of the Department of Health.
Regulations Governing Licensure of Occupational Therapists Mississippi State Department of Health - Office of Health Protection
and Occupational Therapy Assistants Office of Licensure - Professional Licensure Bureau
Amended February 2023
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.13.2 Notification: Written notice will be provided to all applicants regarding denial of
an original license or a renewal license. Such notice shall contain the reason thereof.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Rule 8.13.3 Hearing:
1. If requested in writing within the specified time frame a hearing will be provided
in which the applicant may show cause why the license should be granted or
2. Within sixty (60) days of the hearing, or other such time frame as determined
during the hearing, written findings of fact, together with a recommendation for
action on the license in question, shall be forwarded to the State Health Officer.
The State Health Officer shall decide what action will be taken on the
recommendation within five days of its receipt. Written notice shall be provided
to the applicant.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13
Subchapter 14: Suspension for Failure to Pay Child Support
Rule 8.14.1 In addition, the Department is authorized to suspend the license of any licensee
for being out of compliance with an order for support, as defined in Section 93-11-153.
The procedure for suspension of a license for being out of compliance with an order for
support, and the procedure for reissuance or reinstatement of a license suspended for that
purpose, and the payment of any fees for the reissuance or reinstatement of a license
suspended for that purpose, shall be governed by Section 93-11-157 or 93-11-163, as the
case may be. If there is any conflict between any provision of Section 93-11-157 or
93-11-163 and any provision of this chapter, the provisions of Section 93-11-157 or
93-11-163, as the case may be, shall control.
SOURCE: Miss. Code Ann. §73-24-13