Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Co-Prime
Arrays: A Super Resolution Viewpoint
Zhao Tan, Student Member, IEEE,YoninaC.Eldar, Fellow, IEEE, and Arye Nehorai, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—We consider the problem of direction of arrival
(DOA) est
imation using a recently proposed structure of nonuni-
form linear arrays, referred to as co-prime arrays. By exploiting
the second order statistical information of the received signals,
ime arrays exhibit
degrees of freedom with only
sensors. A sparsity-based recovery algorithm is pro-
posed to fully utilize these degrees of freedom. The suggested
hod is based on the developing theory of super resolution,
which considers a continuous range of possible sources instead of
discretizing this range onto a grid. With this approach, off-grid
ffects inherent in traditional sparse recovery can be neglected,
thus improving the accuracy of DOA estimation. We show that
in the noiseless case it is theoretically possible to detect up to
sources with only sensors. The noise statistics of
co-prime arrays are also analyzed to demonstrate the robustness
of the proposed optimization scheme. A source number detection
method is presented based on the spectrum reconstructed from
the sparse method. By extensive numerical examples, we show the
superiority of the suggested algorithm in terms of DOA estimation
accuracy, degrees of freedom, and resolution ability over previous
techniques, such as MUSIC with spatial smoothing and discrete
sparse recovery.
Index Terms—Co-prime arrays, continuous sparse recovery,
direction of arrival estimation, source number detection, super
N the last few decades, research on direction of arrival
(DOA) esti
mation using array processing has focused
primarily on uniform linear arrays (ULA) [1]. It is well k now n
that using a ULA with
sensors, the n umber of sources that
can be res
olved by MUSIC-like algorithm s is
New geometries [3], [4] of non-uniform linear arrays have
been recently proposed to increase the degrees of freedom of
Manuscript received December 17, 2013; revised May 27, 2014 and August
25, 2014; accepted August 26, 2014. Date of publication September 04, 2014;
date of current version October 02, 2014. The associate editor coordinating the
review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Chong-Yung
Chi. The work of Z. Tan and A. Nehorai was supported by the AFOSR Grant
FA9550-11-1-0210, and ONR Grant N000141310050. The work of Y. C. Eldar
was supported in part by the Israel Science Foundation under Grant no. 170/10,
in part by the Ollendorf Foundation, and in part by a Magneton from the Israel
Ministry of Industry and Trade.
Z. Tan and A. N ehorai are with the Preston M. Green Department of
Electrical and Systems E n gineering Department, Washington University
in St. Lou is, St. Louis, MO 63130 USA (e-mail: [email protected]. edu ;
Y. C. Eldar is with the Departmen t of Electrical Engineering, Tech-
nion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel (e-mail: yonina@
Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TSP.2014.2354316
the array by exploiting t he covariance matrix of the received
signals. Vectorizing the covari ance m atrix, the system model
can be view
ed as a v irtual array w ith a wider aperture. In [3],
a nested array structure was proposed to increase the degrees
of freedom from
to ,withonly sensors.
some of the sensors in this structure are closely
located, which leads t o mutual coupling among these sensors.
To overco me this shortcomin g, co-prime arrays were prop osed
in [4]. S
uch arrays consist of two subarrays with
sensors respectively. It was shown th at by using
number of sensors, this structure can achieve degrees
of free
dom. In this paper we f ocu s o n co-prim e arrays.
The increased degrees of freedom provided by the co-prim e
structure can be utilized to improve DOA estimation. To this
end, two
main methodologies have been proposed to utilize t his
increased degrees of freedom for c o-prime arrays. The rst are
subspace methods, such as the MUSIC algorithm . In [5], a spa-
tial sm
oothing technique was impl emented prior to the appli -
cation of M USIC, and the authors showed that an increased
number of sources can be detected. However, the application
of spat
ial smoothin g reduces the obtained virtual array aperture
[6]. The second approach uses sparsity-based recovery to over-
come these d isadvantages of subspace m etho ds [6]–[9]. Tradi-
l sparsity techniques discretize the range of interest on to a
grid. Off-grid targets can lead to mismatches in the model and
deteriorate the performance signican tly [10]. In [11], [12] the
grid m
ismatches are estimated simultaneously with the origin a l
signal, leading to improved performance over traditional sparse
recovery methods. In [13], the joint sparsity between the orig-
signal and the mismatch is exploited d uring D OA estim a -
tion. Due to the rst-order approximation used in [13], the es-
timation perform a nce is still li mi ted by higher-order modeling
To overcome grid mismatch of traditional sparsity-based
methods, in this paper we apply the recently developed
matical theory of continuous sparse recovery for super
resolution [14]–[16] to DOA estimation with co-prime ar ray s.
The term “super resolution” in this paper is related to the
grid problem and is different from the tradition al denition
commonly used in DOA estimation. In [14], [1 5] it was shown
that assuming a signal co nsists of spikes, the high frequency
ent of the signal’s spectrum can be perfectly recovered in
a robust fashion by sampling only the low end of its spectru m,
when the minimum distance between spikes satises certain
uirements. In [16], the author provides performance guar-
antees on the r ecov ered support set of the sparse signal. One
merit of this theory is that it considers all possible locations
hin the desired range, and thus does not suffer from mod el
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Here we extend the mathematical theo ry of super resolution
to DOA estimation with co-prime arrays under Gaussian noise.
The effective no ise resulting from the usage of co-prime arrays
consists of a term with a known structur e and another term con-
taining quadratic combinations of Gaussian noise. Therefore,
we modify the reconstruction m etho d to t t hese pa rticular noise
properties and prove the robustn ess of our approach by ana-
lyzing the noise statistics. We also prove that with
sors in a co-prime array, it is possible to detect up to
sources robustly. Previous identiability research using tradi-
tional com pressed seining for co-prime arrays [9] was based on
the idea of mutual coherence [17]. Using mutual coherence it
can be shown that co-prime arrays increase the number of de-
tected sources from
to , but this analysis is
valid only for very small values of the number of sources.
Source number detection i s another main application of array
processing. Various methods have been proposed over the years
based on the eigenvalues of the signal space, such as the Akaike
information criterio n [18], second-o rder statistic of eigenvalues
(SORTE) [19], and the predicted eigen-threshold approach [20].
The a uth ors of [21] showed that among these m ethods, S ORTE
often leads to better detection performance. Here we combine
the SORTE approach with the spectrum reconstructed f rom the
proposed DOA estimation algorithm to determine the numb
of sources. Through this source num ber detection, we identify
which reconstructed spikes are true detections and which are
false alarms.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we int rod uce
the DOA estimation model and explain how co-prime arrays
can increase the degrees of freedom. In Section III, w
the theory of super resolution to co-pr ime a r ray s, and analyze
the robustness of this ex tension by studying the statistics of t he
l method to
perform DOA estimation for co-prime arra ys in Section IV. We
then extend th is approach to detect the number of sources in
Section V. Section V I presents extensive numer
ical simulations
demonstrating the advantages of our method in terms of estima-
tion accuracy, degrees of freedom, and resolution ability.
Throughout the paper, we use capital italic bold
letters to
represent matrices and operators, and lowercase italic bold let-
ters to represent vectors. For a given matrix
, denotes the
conjugate transpose matrix,
denotes the t ra
resents the conjugate matrix witho ut transpose, and
notes the
th element of .Weuse to denote the Kro-
necker product of two matrices. For a given op
, de-
notes the conjugate op erato r of
. Given a vector ,weuse
and for the and norms; and are both
used to represent the
th element of .Give
n a function
are its norms.
Consider a linear sensor array with sensors which may
be non-uniformly lo cated. Assume that there are
band sources located at
with signal powers
. The steering vector for the th source located
is with th element ,
in which
is the location of the th sensor and is the
wavelength. The data collected by all sensors at time
can be
expressed as
is an i.i.d. white Gaussian noise ,
represents the source
signal vector w ith
distributed as . We assum e
that the sources are temporally uncorrelated.
The correlation matrix of the data can be expressed as
in which
is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elem ents
. After vectorizing the correlation matrix ,
we have
,and with
denoting a vector with all zero elements, except for the th ele-
ment, which equals one.
Comparing (1) with (3), we see that
behaves like a coherent
source and
becomes a deterministic noise term. The dis-
tinct rows in
act as a larger virtual array with sensors located
,with . Traditional DOA estimation al-
gorithms can be implemented to detect m ore sources when the
structure of the sensor array is properly designed. Following this
idea, nested arrays [3] and co-prime arrays [4] were introduced,
and then shown to increase the degrees of freedom from
to , and from to respectively. In the
following, we focus o nly on co-prime arrays; the resul ts follow
naturally for nested arrays.
Consider a co-prime array structure consisting of two arrays
and sensors respectively. Th e location s of the
sensors are in the set , and the locations
of the
sensors are in the set as
illustrated in Fig. 1. The rst sensors of these two arrays are
collocated. The geometry of such a co-prime array is shown in
Fig. 1. The locations of the virtual sensors in
from (3) are
given by the cross difference set
and the two self difference sets.
In order to implement spatial smoothing of MUSIC, or to use
other popular DOA estimation techniques, we are interested in
generating a co nsecutive range of virtual sensors. It was shown
Fig. 1. Geometry of co-prime arrays.
in [5] that when and are co-prime numbers, a consecutive
range can be created from
to , with
taken from the cross difference set and taken from any one
of the self d ifference sets.
By removing repeated rows of (3) and sorting the remaining
rows from
to , we have the linear m odel rear-
ranged as
is a vector whose
elements all equal zero, except t he
th element, which
equals one. The matrix
is given by
which is the steering matri x of a ULA with sen-
sors. Therefore, (5) can be regarded as a ULA detecting a co-
herent source
with determ ini stic noise term . By applying
MUSIC with spatial smoothing, the authors in [5] showed th at
sources can be detected, using this approach.
In this section we rst assume that the signal model (3) is
accurate, which means that the number of samples
is in-
nite, and also that the noise power
is known a priori. The
super resolution theory developed in [14] can then be applied to
co-prime arrays to demonstrate that we can detect up to
sources robustly as long as the distance between any two sources
is on the ord er of
. We then consider the case in which the
number of time samples
is limited a nd demonstrate the ro-
bustness of super resolution recovery via statistical analysis of
the noise structure.
A. Mathematical Theory of Super Resolution
Super resolution seeks to recover high frequency details from
the measurement of low frequency components. Mathem ati-
cally, given a measure
with , the Fourier series
coefcients are recorded as
Using the operator
to denote the low frequency measuring
operator which transforms a signal from its con tinuous time do-
main into its discrete frequency domain, we can represent (6) as
,inwhich and
Suppose that the measure
is sparse, i.e., is a
weighted sum of several spikes:
in which
can be complex valued and for all .
In order to recover
from the measurem ents ,total
variation minimization is introduced. This criterion encourages
,justas norm minimization
produces sparse signals in the discrete space. In the rest of the
paper, we will use
to denote the measure for simplicity.
The total variation for the complex measure
is dened as
the supremum being taken over all partitions of the set
into countable coll ectio ns o f disjoint measurable sets .When
has the form ( 7 ), ,whichresemblesthe
The f ollow ing con vex optimization formula was proposed
in [14] to solve the super resolution problem which recovers a
sparse measure from
When the distance between any two
and is larger than ,
then the o ri ginal sparse s ignal
is the unique solution to the
above convex optimization [14 ]. Th e continu ous opti mization
(10) can b e solved via the dual problem [14]:
is a H er mi tian matrix and
is the Lagrangian multiplier for the constraint
. The primal solution is obtained through a combined
process of rooting nding and least-squares [14].
B. DOA Estimation With TV- Norm Minimization
DOA estimation with co-prime arrays can be related to (8)
by a straightforward change of variables. Letting
for all , the linear model of (5) can be transformed
,and is a
sparse measure given in (7) with
. Note that the measure
is different from t he vector representation ,
and they are related by (7). The change of variables i s performed
to guarantee that
.Weuse to
denote the support set.
A theorem about the resolu tio n and degrees of freedom for
co-prime arrays can be directly derived using Theorem 1.2 in
[14]. Before introducing the theorem, we rst dene the min-
imum distance between any tw o sources as
Theorem I II.1 : Consider a co-prime array consisting of
two linea r arrays with
and sensors respectively. The
distances between two consecutive sensors are
for the
rst array and
for the second array, where and are
co-prime numbers, and
. Sup pose we h ave sources
located at
. If the minimum distance follows the
constraint that
then by solving the convex optimization (10) with the signal
, one can recover the locations for
exactly. The number of sources that can be detected
With a co-prime array using sensors, the contin-
uous sparse recovery method can detect up to
. The minimum distance constraint is a suf-
cient condition. In real applications we can expect a more re-
laxed distance condition for the sources. We will conrm this
point in the numerical results. With the utilization of co-prime
arrays, the same number of sensors can detect
as indicated by traditional M USIC theory [5]. We will show in
the numerical examples that implementing the super resolution
framework provides more degrees of freedom and ner reso-
lution a bility than those of MUSIC. This is because the spatial
smoothing in MUSIC reduces the o btained virtual array aper-
ture. F or the noiseless case, other methods, such as Prony’s
method [22] and matrix pencil [23] can be used for exact re-
covery of
sources. However, they require prior infor-
mation about the system order, which we do n ot require here.
Furthermore, these methods are gener ally sensitive to noise i n
the model and therefore do not offer robustness guarantees.
C. Noisy Model for Sparse Recovery
In practice, the covariance m atrix
in (2) is typically un-
known, and cannot be estim a ted exactly unless the number of
goes to innity. Typically the covariance matrix is
approximated by the sam ple covariance:
Subtracting the noise covariance matrix from both sides, we
is a diagonal matrix w ith -th diagonal elem ent
and the
th element of isgivenby(see(1))
For simplicity of an a lysi s, we assume that
Similar to the operation in (3), vector izing (15) leads to
and . For co-prime ar-
rays, by removing repeated rows in (18), and sorting them as
consecutive lags from
to ,weget
in which
,and are dened in (5). The vector is obtain ed
after rearranging
, a nd only one element from corresponds
to the diagonal element from
. Applying the transformatio n
technique in (12), we have
,and is the measure denedin(7)
. Thus we can formulate the following continuous
sparse recovery problem, which c onsiders the noise:
This optimization can be solved by rst solving the dual
problem [15]:
As before, the primal solution is obtained through a combined
process of root nding and least-squares [15].
In order to analyze the robustness of the proposed approach
for co-prime arrays, we introduce a lemma that shows that the
probability of every element in
being larger than a constant is
upper bounded. The proof can be found in the appendix.
Lemma III.1: Let
be given in (17) and assume that
and .Thenfor ,wehave
When ,and ,weobtain
Here and are increasing functions of
The work of [16] provides an error boun d on the sup port
set estimation using (21) with noisy measurements. Com binin g
the result from [16] with Lemma III .1 , we have the following
Theorem I II.2 : Consider a co-prime array consisting of
two linea r arrays with
and sensors respectively. The
distances between two consecutive sensors are
for the
rst array and
for the second array, where and are
co-prime numbers, and
. Assume sample points are
collected for each receiver. Suppose we have
sources lo-
cated at
. The minimum distance Let
with and .
Consider app lyin g the transformation in (12) and solving the
optimization (21) with
, and denote
as the optim al solution, so th at
Then, for every
with probability at least
,where is an in-
creasing function of
.Here and are positive con-
,and is the support
set of the original measure
Proof: Since
,wehavethat for all after
transformation (12 ). It was show n in [16] that in order to obtain
(24)–(26) we only need to show that
with a certain
probability in (21). Thus the statistical behavior of
in (20) is
analyzed rst.
Note that
which leads to the inequality
The equality follow s from the fact that
cording to (19) and (20). Recall that
elements of are
taken from
when , and one element of is taken
when . Therefore, by applying the results of
Lemma III.1, we can show that
probability at least
and is a increasing func-
tion of
Equations (24) and (25) show that the estimated support set
clusters tightly around the true support, while (2 6) indicates that
the false peaks in the estimated set
have small amplitudes.
A nu mer ical method is proposed in the next section to further
rene the e sti mat ion, using a discrete sparse recovery method
after obtaining
When both DOAs and signal powers are of interest, we com-
bine the statistical analysis of the noise structure in co-prime
arrays with the super resolution resul ts in [15] to give a perfor-
mance guarantee on the reconstruction of the sparse measure
is a sparse m easure, there is no point in bounding
directly. Instead , which is a low pass lter with cut-off fre-
, is introduced. This kernel is referred to as
the Fejér kernel, and is given by
The cut-off frequency
can be much higher than . Thus
, we can sh ow that by solving t he convex optimiza-
tion problem in (21) the high resolution details of the original
can be recovered with high prob-
ability, even though the sample size
is nite.
Theorem III.3: Let the co-prime arrays and the locations of
the sou rces have the same setup as in Theorem III.2. The solu-
tion of the convex optimization (21) satises
with probability at least when
,where is a increasing
function of
.Here is a positive co nstant n umb er.
The proof can be obtained by combining Lemma III.1 with
the techn iques in [15]. Theorem III.3 allows to choose the
cut-off frequency
as large as one wants in order to boun d
the reconstructio n error up to a certain re solution. However,
this will entail an increase in the reconstruction error which is
proportional to
. This theorem also show s that the reconstruc-
tion of
is stable i n the presence of noise. T he probability of
successful reconstruction goes to one exponentially fast as the
number of samples
goes to .Whenxing the probability
of a stable reconstruction, by increasing the number of samples
we can allow for a decreased since is an increasing
function. Therefore we can have a larger
without increasing
the error bound in (30). By collecting m ore samples, one can
stably reconstruct the measure
We now derive an optimization framework to reconstruct
for co-prime arrays. Since the optimization is performed on a
continuous domain, we will refer to the proposed algorithm as
the continuous sparse recov ery in the rest of this paper.
For DOA estimation the noise power
is often unknown.
Therefore, the optimization must be modied to include this
effect. A more realistic optimization is reformulated as
in which
,and is dened in (5). The dual
problem takes on the f orm
The derivation of (32) is given in the Appendix. Since
a feasible solution, strong duality holds according to the general
Slater condition [24].
Due to the rst constraint in (32), the prob lem itself is still an
innite dimensional optimization . It was shown in [ 14] that the
rst constraint can be recast as a semidenite matrix constraint.
Thus the innite dimensional dual problem is equivalent to the
following semidenite program (SDP):
is a Hermitian matrix. This
optimization problem can be easily solved, for example b y using
the CVX package [24], t o yield t he o pti mal dual solution.
The following lemma is introduced to link the solutions of
the primal and dual problems.
Lemma IV.1: Let
and be the optimal
solutions of the primal problem (31) and dual problem (33) re-
spectively. Then
for al l
such that Here is the ad joint operator
, and it transforms a vector into a continuous signal by
taking the inverse Fourier transform.
Proof: Let
be the noise power estimated in the primal
problem. Since strong duality holds, we hav e
The rst inequality follows from the C auch y-Schwarz in-
equality and the fact that
second inequality results from
. In addition, we
also have
where we used the fact that
. Combining (35)
and (36) leads to
, which implies
According to Lemma IV.1, the supports of satisfy
(34), and thus can be retr
ievedbyroot-nding based on the
trigonometric p olynomial
.Let deno te
the recovered set of roots of this po lynomial with cardinality
,andlet denote ele
ments in
Amatrix can then be formulated, w ith
expressed as
in which
Due to numerical issues in the root nding process, the car-
dinality of
is normally larger than the cardinality of ,i.e.,
. It is p ossible in some cases that ,
which would lead to an ill- cond iti oned linear system (37). Spar-
sity can then be exploited on
. A co nvex optimization in the
discrete dom ain can be formulated as
We choose
in (38) to be larger than in (31) since the noise
level is expected to be higher in (37) due to inevitable error in-
troduced in the root nding process. Assuming that the solutio n
of (38) is , the estimation of the measure in
the continuo us domain can be represented a s
V. E
Conventional source number detection for array processing is
typically performed b y exp loi ting eigenvalues from the sample
covariance matrix. For co-prime arrays, this covariance matrix
can be obtained by performing spatial smoothing on
in (5).
The same idea can also be implemented on the sparse signal
recovered from the previous section. Ideally, after sorting
its elements in a descending order, the signal
from (38) should follow
The SORTE algorithm can be applied to this series. The dif-
ference of the elements from
The gap measure in SORTE is given as
The number of sources can be estimated as
This approach requires
due to the denition of
in (4 2). W hen ,since is obtained
from the rooting nding p rocess b ased on the continuous
sparse recovery, we simply l et
. We will refer to this
continuous sparse recovery based SORTE as CSORTE.
In this section, we present several numerical examples to
show the merits of im pl emen ting our continuous sparse re-
covery techniques to co-prime arrays.
We consider a co-prime array with 10 sensors. One set of sen-
sors is located at positions
, and the s econd set
is located at
,where is taken as half of
the wavelength. The rst sensors from both sets are collocated.
It is easy to show that the correlation matrix generates a vir-
tual arr a y with lag s from
to . We compare continuous
sparse recovery (CSR) techniques with MUSIC and also with
discrete sparse recovery method (DSR) considering grid mis-
matches [13]. In [1 3], a LASSO formulation is used to perform
the DOA estimation. Here we implement an equivalent form
of LASSO, i.e., Basis Pursuit, to perform the comparison. The
Fig. 2. Normalized spectra for CSR, MUSIC, and DSR, with and
MUSIC method in this simulatio n follows the spatial smoothing
technique in [5]. For the discrete sparse recovery method, we
take the grid from
to 1, with step size 0.005 for .The
noise levels
in the optimization formulas are chosen by cross
validation. We consider 15 narrow band signals located at
We show that continuo us sparse recovery yields better results in
terms of detection ability, resolution, and e stimation accuracy.
A. Degrees of Freedom
In t h is rst num erical example, we verify that the proposed
continuous sparse recovery increases the degrees of freedom to
by implementing the co-prime arrays’ structure. The
number of tim e samples is 500 and the SNR is chosen to be
.The for CSR is taken as 5, and is taken as 10 while
DSR uses
the true dir ections of arrival. T h e CPU time for running CSR
was 7.30 seconds. DSR took 7.82 seconds, whereas MUSIC al-
gorithm took only 0.81 seconds. In MUSIC, we implement a
root MUSIC algorithm to estimate the location of each source,
where the number of sources is assumed to be given. T he av-
erage estim ation errors for CSR, DSR, and root MUSIC are
0.23%, 0.26%, and 0.42% respectively. We can see that all three
methods achieve
. In the following subsectio n, we test
the estimation accuracy of these three methods via Monte Carlo
B. Estimation Accuracy
In this section, we compare CSR, DSR and MUSIC via Monte
Carlo simulations. Since traditional MUSIC does not yield the
DOA of each source directly, we consider the Root MUSIC al-
gorithm instead. For simplicity, we will still refer to it as MUSIC
in this section. The number of sou rces is assumed to be known
for the M USIC algor ithm in th is simulation, whereas sparse
Fig. 3. DOA estimation errors for CSR, MUSIC, and D SR, with .
methods do not assume this a priori. The values of and are
chosen to be 5 and 10, while discrete SR uses
Fig. 3 shows the DOA estimation error as a function of SNR
after 50 Monte Carlo simulatio ns. The estimation error is calcu-
lated based on the sine function of the DOAs. The average CPU
1.46 s respectively. We can see that CSR performs better than
DSR uniformly with less computing time. Both sparse recovery
methods achieve better DOA estimation accuracy than MUSIC.
The accuracy of DSR can be further improved by taking a ner
grid with a smaller step-size. However, this will slow dow n DS R
In Fig. 4 we show that with a varying n umber of sn apshots the
proposed CSR also exhibits better estimation accuracy than ei-
ther DSR or MUSIC. The average CPU times for running C SR,
DSR and M USIC are 6.50 s, 7.91 s, and 1.43 s respectively. The
performance of MUSIC and DSR approaches the perform ance
of CSR when the num ber of snapshots is close to 5000. We can
see that implem ent ing CSR can save sampling time by taking a
small number of snapshots to achieve the sam e estimation ac-
curacy as the MU SIC algorithm. The parameters
and are
equal to 5 and 10 in this simulation.
C. Source Number Detection Performance Comparison
We now compare the source number detection performance
of the proposed CSORT E with that o f traditional SORT E ap-
plied to the covariance matrix after spatial smoothing. The SNR
is set to 0 dB while the number of snapshots is 3000. We vary
the number of sou rces from 11 to 17. Since this co-prime array
structure yields consecutive lags from
to ,17isthe
maximum number of sources that can be detected theoretically
via techniques based on the covariance matrix.
Fig. 7 shows the probability o f detection with respect to the
number of sources after 50 Monte Car lo simulatio ns. In CSR,
is chosen to be ,and is set to be . When the number of
sources is less than 15, CSORTE and SORTE yield comparable
result. However, SORTE fails after the number of sources is
larger than 15, while CSORTE provides stable performance and
also exhibits perfect detectio n even when the numb er of sources
reaches the theoretical limit of 17. DSR can also be combined
Fig. 4. DOA estimation error for CSR, MUSIC, and DSR, with
Fig. 5. Source number detection using CSORTE and SO RTE, with
, .
with SORTE to perform source number detection. H owever, the
detection accuracy is jeopardized by the spurious signal from
the reconstru cted signals using DSR. Theref or e SORTE based
on DSR is not included here.
D. Resolutio n Ability
Finally we c ompare the resolution abili ties of CSR and
MUSIC, and show that CSR is capable of resolving very
closely located signals. In the rst simulation, two sources are
closely located at
and . The value of is chosen
to be
and is set to be in CSR, where is the noise
Fig. 6 shows a numerical exam ple in which the SNR is 0
dB and the number of snapshots is 500 . Norm a lized spectra
are plotted f or three methods. MUSIC method A is the MUSIC
algorithm with the assump tion that the number of sources is
known while the MUSIC m eth od B is MUSIC relying on tra-
ditional SORTE to provide the estimated number of sources.
We can see that MUS I C method B f ails to resolve these two
Fig. 6. Source num ber detection using CSR and the MUSIC algorithm, with
, .
Fig. 7. Source number detection using CSR and MUSIC algorithm, with
, .
targets because traditional S ORTE fails to estimate t he number
of sources correctly. CSR resolves the two sources successfully
even though a priori information about the number of so urces is
and we notice that even given the number of sources, MUSIC
fails to resolve the two closely located sources wh ile CSR re-
solves them successfully.
Note, that while a separation of
is sufcient for The-
orem III.1 to hold, in real applications, we expect to observe
a better result. Thus we intentionally chose two sources which
are more closely lo cated, t o sho w that the proposed method still
worksevenwithastronger constraint.
Finally w e conduct a simulation based on Monte Carlo runs
to comp are the resolution ability of CS ORTE and the tradi -
tional SORTE algorithm. Fig. 8 shows the resolution perfor-
mance i n detecting two sources located at
and ,using
CSORTE and SORTE after 50 Mon te Carlo runs. The parameter
is chosen to be ,and is set to be in CSR. We can see
that CSORTE outperforms trad itional SO RTE when detecting
the two closely located sources.
Fig. 8. Comparison of resolution performance of CSORTE and SORTE, with
In this work, we extended the mathem atical theory of super
resolution to DOA estimatio n using co-prime arrays. A primal-
dual approach was utilized to transform the original innite
dimensional optim ization problem to a solvable sem idenite
program. After estimating the candidate supp ort sets by root
nding, a small scale sparse recovery problem is solved. The
robustness of the prop osed super resolution approach was veri-
ed by performing statistical analysis of the noise inherent in
co-prime array processing. A source number detection algo-
rithm w as then pr oposed by combining the existing SORTE
algorithm with the reconstructed spectrum from convex o pti-
mization. Via num erical exam ples, we showed that the proposed
method achieves a more accurate DOA estimation while pro-
viding more degrees of freedom , and also exhibits improved res-
olution ability over traditional MUSIC with spatial smoot hing.
Although implementing the continuous sparse recovery
method sav es sampling time in obt aining a certain estimation
accuracy compared with MU SIC, one shortcom ing of this
approach is that solving the semidenite program is more tim e
consuming than MUSIC. Fast algorith m dev elop men t could
be an interest ing topic for f uture work. It is a lso of interest to
and in the optimization
formulas. One m ajor assumption made in current research on
co-prime arrays research is that the sources are uncorrelated.
Incorporating correlations among sources is another important
topic for future work.
To derive the statistical behavior of each element in in
Lemma III.1 we rely on two lemmas regarding the concentration
behavior of complex Gaussian rando m variables. Their proofs
are based on results from [25].
Lemma A.1: Let
and be sequ ences of
i.i.d., c ircularly-symmetric complex normal variables with zero
mean and variances equal to and re spectively. That is
and .Then
Proof: First we have
Following the same procedure used in the proof of Lemma III.1,
we have
Applying Lemma 6 from [25] concludes the proof.
Before introducing the next lemma, we need to show that
f i.i.d G aussian random variables concentrate
around the sum of their variances. The results below rely on
Lemma 7 fr om [25].
Lemma A .2: Let
be a sequence of i.i.d.
Gaussian random variables with zero mean and variance equal
,i.e., .Then
for .
Proof: From the resu lts in [25], for any positive
the asymmetric bounds
When ,weobtain
Combing t he above two inequalities leads to
which yie lds the result by replacing with while main-
Lemma A.3: Let be a se-
quence of i.i.d., circularly-symmetric complex normal random
variable. When
, we have
Proof: We begin by noting that
Applying Lemma A.2, we establish the result.
ProofofLemmaIII.1: We use ,and to denote the
rst three terms in (17). The last two term s are denoted by
which leads to the inequality
We also have
The last inequality follows from the fact that
for all
for some with .UsingLemmaA.1
For the second term ,wehave
Following similar arguments as for
, we obtain that
Applying Lemma A.1, we have
For the third term, we have the same results as the second
one, given as
,thelastterm , and by
Lemma A.1,
.When , the last term is given
, thus the probability is bounded
and according to Lemma A .3.
Applying the results from (47), (49), (50), (51) and (52) to in-
equality (45), we obtain the desired result.
A. Derivation of the Dual Problem in Section IV
By introducin g the variable
, the original prim al
problem is equivalent to the following opti mi zation:
With the Lagrangian multiplier and ,the
Lagrangian fu nction is given as
The dual function is given as
The Lagrang ian multipliers and in the domain of the dual
function have to satisfy the following three constraints:
From the third constraint, we have , resulting in the
dual problem stated in (33).
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Zhao Tan (S’12) received the B.Sc. degree in
electronic information science and technology from
Fudan University of China in 2010. He received
M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Wash-
ington University in St. Louis in 2013.
He is currently working tow ards a Ph.D. degree
with the Preston M. Green Department of Electrical
and Systems Engineering at Washington University
under the guidance of Dr. A. Nehorai. His research
interests are mainly in the areas of optimization al-
gorithms, compressed sensing, sensor arrays, radar
signal processing, and state estimation and scheduling in smart grid.
Yonina C. Eldar (S’98–M’02–SM’07–F’12) re-
ceived the B.Sc. degree in physics and the B.Sc.
degree in electrical engineering both from Tel-Aviv
University (TAU), Tel-Aviv, Israel, in 199 5 and
1996, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
engineering and computer science from the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge,
in 2002.
From January 2002 to July 2002, she was a
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Dig ital Signal Processing
Group at MIT. She is currently a Professor in the
Department of Electrical Enginee rin g at the Technion—Israel I nstitute o f
Technology, Haifa, and holds The Edwards Chair in Engineering. She is also a
Research Afliate with the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT and a
Visiting Professor at Stanford University, Stanford, CA. Her research interests
are in the broad areas of statistical signal processing, sampling theory and
compressed sensing, optimizatio n me thods, and their applications to biology
and optics.
Dr. Eldar was in the program for outstanding students at TAU from 1992 to
1996. In 1998 , she held the Rosenblith Fello wship for study in electrical engi-
neering at MIT, and in 2000, she held an IBM Research Fellowship. From 2002
to 2005, she was a Horev Fellow of the Leaders in Science and Technology
program at the Technion and an Alon Fellow. In 2004, she was awarded the
Wolf Fo un dation Krill Prize f or Excellence in Scientic Research, in 2005 the
Andre and Bella Meyer L ectureship, in 2007 the Henry Taub Prize for Excel-
lence in Research, in 2008 the Hershel Rich Innovation Award, the Award for
Women with Distinguished Contributions, the Muriel & David Jacknow Award
for Excellence in Teaching, and the Technion Outstanding Lecture Award, in
2009 the Technion’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, in 2010 the Michael
Bruno Memorial Award from the Rothschild Foundation, and in 2011 the Weiz-
mann Prize for Exact Sciences. In 2012, she was elected to the Young Israel
Academy of Science and to the Israel Comm ittee for Higher Educatio n , and
elected an IEEE Fellow. In 2013, she received the Technion’s Award for E xce l-
lence in Teaching, the Hershel Rich Innovation Award, and the IEEE Signal Pro-
cessing Technical Achievement Award. She received several Best Paper awards
together with her research students and colleagues. She is a Signal Processing
Society Distinguished Lecturer, and Ed itor-in-Chief of Foundations and Trends
in Signal Processing. In the past, she was a member of the IEEE Signal Pro-
cessing Theory and Methods and Bio Imaging Signal Processing technical com-
mittees, and served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE T
SIGNAL PROCESSING, the EURASIP Journal of Signal Processing,theSIAM
Journal on M atrix Analysis and Applications,andtheSIAMJournal on Imaging
Arye Nehorai (S’80–M’83–SM’90–F’94) received
the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the Technion, Is-
rael, and the Ph.D. from Stanford University, CA.
He is the Eugene and Martha Lohman Professor
and Chair of the P reston M. Green Department of
Electrical and Systems Engineering (ESE), Pro-
fessor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering
(by courtesy) and in the Division of Biolo gy and
Biomedical Studies (D BBS) at Washington Univer-
sity, St. Louis (WUSTL), MO. He serves as Director
of the Center for Sensor Signal and Information
Processing at WUSTL. Under his leadership as department chair, the under-
graduate enrollment has mor e than tripled in the last four years. Earlier, he was
a faculty member at Yale University and the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Dr. Nehorai served as Ed itor -in -Chief of the IEEE T
PROCESSING from 2000 to 2002. From 2003 to 2005, he w as the Vice President
(Publications) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS), the Chair of the
Publications Board, and a memb er of the Executive Committee of this Society.
He was the founding editor of the special columns on Leadership R eecti ons in
IGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE from 2003 to 2006. He received the 2006
IEEE SPS Technical Achievement Award and the 2010 IEEE SPS Meritorious
Service Award. He was elected Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE SPS for
a term lasting from 2004 to 2005. He received several best pape r awards in
IEEE journals and conferences. I n 2001, he was named University Scholar of
the U niv ersity of Illinois. He has been a Fellow of th e Royal Statistical Society
since 1996 and a Fellow of AAAS since 2012.