Welcome Aboard
(updated March 2020)
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
Welcome Aboard,
We ar
e pleased to present you with this package as a resource guide while on orders here at Naval Hospital Camp
Pendleton. This package will provide general information regarding the command, important contacts (e.g.
CMEO, SAPR, etc.), the check-in process, and other items of interest. If you have any questions, concerns, ideas,
or suggestions, please contact the Operational Support Office (OSO):
HMC Dayrit J. David
HM1 Charles Bumbard
PS3 Jacob J. Lowder
O Distribution email: usn.pendleton.navhospcam[email protected]
mp Pendleton is home to seven major units (see below) and over 50,000 Active Duty personnel and 9,700
Dependents. The base is located on a federal preserve in sunny Southern California approximately 35 miles
north of San Diego and 100 miles south of Los Angeles. We are a large base comprising approximately 250
square miles of breathtaking scenery, abundant plant and wildlife, and a wide assortment of places to go and
things to do. Camp Pendleton is a federal game preserve, as such, both plant and animal life, including
rattlesnakes and other endangered species, are protected. Fines of up to $500 may be imposed for offenders. Our
Climate here is Mild with average temperatures in the mid 70's; however, the temperature in the summer months
can reach 90-110 degrees.
st Marine Division (1
First Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF)
First Marine Logistics Group (1
Marine Aircraft Group 39 (MAG 39)
Naval Dental Battalion
Navy Expeditious Medical Training Institute (NEMTI)
Field Medical Training Battalion (FMTB)
e information available @ http://www.pendleton.marines.mil/
click on “About Camp Pendleton”.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
LEET FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER (FFSC) --- https://www.ffsp.navy.mil.
ILITARY ONE SOURCE --- www.militaryonesource.mil
Confidential non-medical counseling available to service members and families
Call: 1-800-342-9647
ITARY CRISIS / SUICIDE PREVENTION --- www.militarycrisisline.net
Call: 1-800-273-8255; Option 1
Text: 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
CHAPLAIN CARE --- http://www.navy.mil/local/chaplaincorps/
Communications are 100% Confidential unless service member decides otherwise.
Call: 1-855-628-9311
Free and Confidential professional health resource for service members, families, and clinicians
Call: 1-866-966-1020
Live chat: http://www.realwarriors.net/livechat
Provides Navy Reservists and their families full access to appropriate psychological health care services
Call: 1-866-578-PHOP (7467)
Command Climate Specialist: DCC Jason Lobb---619-578-1568
CMEO: HMCS David Toston---442-288-9268
Equal Employment Opportunity: Mr. Billy McCall---442-288-9282
Legal: LT Yagel---760-719-3679
24/7 Advocacy Response line: 760-500-1707
NHCP Victim Advocate: 760-828-1231
NHCP Quarterdeck: 760-725-1288
DOD Safe Helpline: 877-995-5247
Chaplain Support: 760-725-1223
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
Officers and Enlisted personnel that are Credentialed or Licensed providers MUST contact the Credentialing
Department at 760-719-3249 / 3056 / 4835 PRIOR to reporting to NHCP for your orders. This will ensure that
your credentialing/licensing information is up to date before providing patient care. Failure to contact the
credentialing department may result in the cancellation of your orders, thus it is your responsibility to contact
the Credentialing Department ASAP.
Uniform of the Day: Monday-Thursday (NWUs) and Friday (NSUs/Khakis)
All members must be in the prescribed Uniform of the Day upon check-in and check-out. Check-in at 0800 with the
Operational Support Officer (OSO) in one of the Staff Education and Training (SEAT) Classrooms or the Command
Library on the report date indicated in your orders. The SEAT Classrooms are located on the 4th floor, Room 4D01 –
4D03, likewise, the Command Library is located on the 4
floor, room 4194. The OSO Office is also located on the 4
floor of the Naval Hospital, Room 4152. Your orders will be endorsed by the OSO or HRD personnel. If you are
checking in after 1600, check-in will be with the Officer-of-the-Deck at the NHCP quarterdeck. You will then report to
the OSO at 0800 the next working day. Check-out will occur at 1200 on Fridays with the Operational Support Office
(OSO) in room 4152 or you may check-out at 1200 with NHCP quarterdeck or HRD.
Members reporting on orders must have in their possession:
(1) Original set of orders (with order modifications (ORDMOD), if applicable)
(2) Military ID card/CAC
(3) BLS card and any additional certifications
(4) Proper seasonal uniforms
(5) Certificates of completion for required training
a. HIPAA----
b. DOD-IA Cyber Awareness Challenge----( access through “My Navy Portalhttps://my.navy.mil and select
“NeL” for Navy eLearning.
c. Anti-Terrorism---( access through “My Navy Portal” https://my.navy.mil and select “NeL” for Navy eLearning.
3. BERTHING (https://www.mccscp.com/lodging)
Government berthing for Officers and Enlisted personnel is available onboard Marine Corps Base Camp
Pendleton at the following locations:
Harborsite Inn ---Bldg. 210440—located on 5
Street just beyond the Main gate --760-763-5730
Inns of the Corps
-Pacific Views Lodge --- Bldg. 202870---760-763-7805
-Ward Lodge --- Bldg. 1310---located on Mainside---760-725-5304
NOTE: You must provide a credit card number to guarantee the room reservation; ensure your GOVCC
is activated before check-in. Certificates of Non-Availability (CNA) can be obtained through “Harborsite
Inn” personnel.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
If a room is not available at any of these locations, you will be given a Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA)
from base billeting before making off-base lodging reservations. If off-base lodging is arranged without a CNA,
reimbursement may not be authorized and you may be responsible for all lodging costs. SELRES who are
performing Inactive Duty Training Travel (IDTT) before or after their annual training must inform the OSO so
that appropriate billeting arrangements may be made for all dates covered. Please bring Original IDTT Orders
with you.
PER DIEM RATES FOR CAMP PENDLETON: DOD Per Diem Rates by location can be found by logging
on to: http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/index.cfm
“Travel Regulations/Allowances” “Per Diem as of
Oct. 01, 2019- Dec.31, 2019 Jan. 01-Dec.31, 2020
a. Lodging $166/day $173/day
b. Meals $66/day $66/day
The Proportional Meal Rate (PMR) is $40 and the Government Meal Rate (GMR) is $13.90.
The dining facility is located on the 1
floor of the hospital and is operated on an item-pricing system. If you are
receiving per diem, you will pay the surcharge rates. Officer and Enlisted personnel, who live locally and
commute daily, will receive PMR. Those having to stay off-base in hotels/motels, will be required to obtain a
CNA Number from Base Billeting and orders will be endorsed “Government Berthing/Messing” Unavailable.
There is a daily menu available via the command intranet or on the display board near the entrance to the galley.
Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton Dining Room Meal Hours are as follows:
(Monday - Friday) (Saturday - Sunday)
Breakfast 0600-0800 0700-0830
Lunch 1100-1300 1100-1300
Dinner unavailable unavailable
While you are on orders, you will be integrated into the hospital staff and function within Naval Hospital Chain
of Command. The Department Head/Supervisor/LCPO/LPO of your assigned work area will be responsible for
assigning work schedules. Some personnel will be assigned to regular duty hours (0730 to 1600), evening and
night shifts, or they may be required to work 12-hour shifts (i.e. ED, labor and delivery). If there are any
conflicts with a work schedule, the appropriate Chain of Command shall be used within your assigned
department. If you choose to perform your orders over a holiday weekend, you will be expected to work on the
Friday or Monday of the holiday weekend. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the OSO.
Authorized pay & allowances will be handled through your NOSC prior to your arrival. They will instruct you on
how to properly submit all travel claims through DTS when your orders are completed. Reimbursement for
rental cars, hotels, gas, parking etc. will be submitted as part of your travel claim. You must submit your travel
claim within 5 days of completion of your orders.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
NOTE: Itemized receipts are required for all lodging expenses. Hotel lodging on “day of travel” must be
supported by a CNA Number from Camp Pendleton Base Billeting Office (760-763-5730); otherwise it is an
out-of-pocket expense. All non-lodging expenses (i.e. taxi fares, airport parking, gas, etc.) require an original
paid receipt and may be submitted with your travel claim. It is highly recommended that ORDMOD (i.e. for
rental car, changes in dates) be requested by member via your NOSC and DTS prior to executing orders.
Annual Training (AT) is when a member’s order is less than 30 days. The pay is processed at the end of the
member’s order. HRD will stamp the detaching date and process the members orders through TOPS. The
Annual Training (AT) pay should be reflected within 5 to 7 days after completion of orders.
A member ordered to Annual Training (AT) for less than 30 days is entitled to pay and allowances at 1/30 of the
monthly rate for each day actually served, including the 31st day of a calendar month.
Active Duty Training (ADT) is when a member’s order is for 30 days or more. The member is paid on the 1
of the month.
SELRES on orders are no longer given Fitness Reports (FITREPS) or Enlisted Evaluations (EVALs). Your
assigned work center is responsible for providing a Performance Information Memorandum (PIM) upon
completion of your orders in accordance with BUPERSINST 1610.10.
Taxi service is not recommended due to the high cost; however, it can be included in your travel claim with a
receipt. Shuttle buses offer the most reliable service to hotels. Cost will vary depending on company, time, and
number of occupants. Check with the San Diego Airport USO (619-296-3192) for transportation information.
They are located at Lindbergh’s Field Terminal #2 and are open from 8am 11pm; please ensure you obtain a
valid receipt for reimbursement purposes.
Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton does not provide daily transportation to and from the base billeting. A city bus
service (North County Transit) runs on base; a copy of bus schedules may be obtained from OSO or from the
Morale, Welfare and Recreation office on the Mainside of Camp Pendleton. Privately Owned Vehicles (POV's)
or Rental Cars are the preferred means of transportation.
Visitors' passes are available at the Main Gate from Interstate 5(I-5). If you are local and do not have a DoD
Decal, you may be required to register your POV or rental car with Marine Corps Base Joint Reception Center.
If this occurs, you must have a current driver's license, valid registration, proof of insurance, and your military ID
card/CAC. By order of the Marine Corps Base Commanding General, Field Sobriety tests or random inspections
may be given at any gate at any time. All base regulations and speed limits are strictly enforced. Seat belts are
mandatory! Hands-Free Cellphone use is mandatory! Gas for POV’s is not a reimbursable item.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
A rental car authorization must be included in your original orders for reimbursement, or an ORDMOD must be
submitted along with the rental car claim. Gasoline expenses are reimbursed as long as there is a valid receipt
attached to claim (save all gas receipts while on orders).
If you become ill or injured or need to leave due to an emergency situation at home while on orders, you are
required to immediately notify the OSO staff. For injuries and illness, arrangements will be made for you to be
seen in the Family Medicine Clinic. After hours emergencies are seen in the Emergency Room. If you become
injured and cannot continue your orders, they will be terminated. Notification of orders termination will be
conveyed to your Detachment Training Officer and your NOSC or Reserve Activity’s Medical department (Line
of Duty Investigation will be initiated).
NOTE: While on orders, you must immediately notify the OSO staff of any of the following issues/concerns:
- Absences (authorized or unauthorized)
- Deaths or family emergencies requiring termination of orders
- Illnesses and/or Injuries
- Requests or ORDMODs (actions will be taken by your Reserve Activity/NOSC)
Personnel may be granted liberty in conjunction with command priorities and mission, as specified in Navy
Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN) 1050-290 or NHCP Leave/Liberty Policies.
a. Types of Liberty
(1) Regular Commences at the end of the normal working or duty hours and expires at the beginning of the
next normal working or duty day.
(2) Special Exceeds regular liberty periods but may not exceed four days; granted on the basis of special
need and/or merit.
b. Approving Authority
(1) Regular Liberty Division Officers and Chief Petty Officers in Charge are authorized to approve regular
liberty periods not to exceed 48 hours.
(2) One day (24 hour) / Two Days (48 hours) Special Liberty -- Division Officers and Chief Petty Officers in
Charge are authorized to approve special liberty periods not to exceed 48 hours.
(3) Three Days (72 hours) Special Liberty Department heads are authorized to approve liberty periods of
three days. When a three day liberty encompasses a regular liberty; such as Saturday and Sunday with a Monday;
holiday time off is treated as regular liberty.
(4) Four Days (96 hour) Special Liberty – The Commanding Officer is the only one who may authorize a four
day liberty. Four day liberty is normally granted for special recognition or on a case-by-case basis at the
discretion of the Commanding Officer.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
c. Visits to Mexico
For all visits to Mexico, a special liberty request chit routed through your Chain of Command will be
signed/approved by the Commanding Officer.
Navy Working Uniform (NWUs) Year round
Navy Service Uniform/Khakis (NSUs) Year round
Summer Whites 01 Apr- 30 Sep (may vary from 01 May - 31 Oct)
Winter Blues 01 Oct - 31 Mar (may vary from 01 Nov – 30 Apr)
For more detail log onto: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/uniforms/uniformregulations
The primary consideration is to have a neatly groomed appearance while wearing naval uniforms.
Grooming standards are based on several elements including neatness, cleanliness, safety, military image and
appearance. The standards established here are not intended to be overly restrictive nor are they designed to
isolate Navy personnel from society. The limits set forth are reasonable, enforceable, and insure that personal
appearance contributes to a favorable military image. The difference between men's and women's grooming
policies recognizes the difference between the sexes; sideburns for men, different hairstyles and cosmetics for
women. Establishing identical grooming and personal appearance standards for men and women would not be in
the Navy's best interest and is not a factor in the assurance of equal opportunity
PERSONAL APPEARANCE. Because it is impossible to provide examples of every appropriate or unacceptable
hairstyle or of “conservative” or “eccentric” grooming and personal appearance, the good judgment of leaders at
all levels is key to enforcement of Navy grooming policy. Therefore, hair/grooming/personal appearance while
in uniform shall present a neat, professional appearance.
A. Men. Keep hair neat, clean and well groomed. Hair above the ears and around the neck shall
be tapered from the lower natural hairline upwards at least 3/4 inch and outward not greater than 3/4 inch to
blend with hairstyle. Hair on the back of the neck must not touch the collar. Hair shall be no longer than four
inches and may not touch the ears, collar, extend below eyebrows when headgear is removed, show under front
edge of headgear, or interfere with properly wearing military headgear. The bulk of the hair shall not exceed
approximately two inches. Bulk is defined as the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp. Hair
coloring must look natural and complement the individual.
Faddish styles and outrageous multicolored hair are not authorized. The unique quality and texture of curled,
waved, and straight hair are recognized, and in some cases the 3/4 inch taper at the back of the neck may be
difficult to attain. In those cases hair must present a graduated appearance and may combine the taper with a line
at the back of the neck. One (cut, clipped or shaved) natural, narrow, fore and aft part is authorized.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
Varying hairstyles, including afro, are permitted if these styles meet the criteria of maximum length and bulk,
tapered neck and sides, and do not interfere with properly wearing military headgear. Plaited or braided hair
shall not be worn while in uniform or in a duty status. Keep sideburns neatly trimmed and tailored in the same
manner as the haircut. Sideburns shall not extend below a point level with the middle of the ear, shall be of even
width (not flared) and shall end with a clean shaven horizontal line. "Muttonchops", "ship's captain", or similar
grooming modes are not authorized.
(1) Shaving and Mustaches. The face shall be clean shaven unless a shaving waiver is
authorized by the Commanding Officer per BUPERSINST 1000.22. Mustaches are authorized but shall be kept
neatly and closely trimmed. No portion of the mustache shall extend below the lip line of the upper lip. It shall
not go beyond a horizontal line extending across the corners of the mouth and no more than 1/4 inch beyond a
vertical line drawn from the corner of the mouth. The length of an individual mustache hair fully extended shall
not exceed approximately ½ inch. Sideburns shall not extend below a point level with the middle of the ear.
They must be even in width and end in a clean shaven horizontal line. Handlebar mustaches, goatees, beards or
eccentricities are not permitted. If a shaving waiver is authorized, no facial/neck hair shall be shaved, manicured,
styled or outlined nor exceed 1/4 inch in length. Supervisors of individuals with shaving waivers shall
actively monitor and ensure treatment regimen is followed.
B. Women. This policy applies to female Sailors while wearing the Navy uniform and when
wearing civilian clothes in the performance of duty.
(1) Acceptable Hairstyle Criteria. Hairstyles and haircuts shall present a professional and
balanced appearance. Appropriateness of a hairstyle shall be evaluated by its appearance when headgear is
worn. All headgear shall fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the head without distortion or
excessive gaps. Hairstyles will not interfere with the proper wearing of headgear, protective masks or
equipment. When headgear is worn, hair shall not show from under the front of the headgear. Hair is not to
protrude from the opening in the back of the ball cap, except when wearing a bun or ponytail hairstyle. All buns
and ponytails shall be positioned on the back of the head to ensure the proper wearing of all headgear.
Lopsided and extremely asymmetrical hairstyles are not authorized. Angled hairstyles will have no more than a
1-1/2 inch difference between the front and the back length of hair. Layered hairstyles are authorized provided
layers present a smooth and graduated appearance.
Hair length, when in uniform, may touch, but not fall below a horizontal line level with the lower edge of the
back of the collar. With jumper uniforms, hair may extend a maximum of 1-1/2 inches below the top of the
jumper collar. Long hair, including braids, shall be neatly fastened, pinned, or secured to the head. When bangs
are worn, they shall not extend below the eyebrows. Hair length shall be sufficient to prevent the scalp from
being readily visible (with the exception of documented medical conditions).
Hair bulk (minus the bun) as measured from the scalp will not exceed 2 inches. The bulk of the bun shall not
exceed 3 inches when measured from the scalp and the diameter of the bun will not exceed or extend beyond the
width of the back of the head. Loose ends must be tucked in and secured.
Hair, wigs, or hair extensions/pieces must be of a natural hair color (i.e. blonde, brunette, brown, red, gray, or
black). Hair extensions/pieces must match the current color of hair. Wigs, hairpieces and extensions shall be of
such quality and fit so as to present a natural appearance and conform to the grooming guidelines listed herein.
Tints and highlights shall result in natural hair colors and be similar to the current base color of the hair.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
(2) Hairstyles. Hairstyles shall not detract from a professional appearance in uniform. Styles
with shaved portions of the scalp (other than the neckline), those with designs cut, braided, or parted into the
hair, as well as dyed using unnatural colors are not authorized. The unique quality and texture of curled, waved
and straight hair are recognized. All hairstyles must minimize scalp exposure. While this list shall not be
considered all inclusive, the following hairstyles are authorized.
a. Three strand braids and two strand braids (also referred to as twists) are authorized. Braided
hairstyles shall be conservative and conform to the guidelines listed herein
b. Multiple braids. Multiple braids consist of more than 2 braids and encompass the whole head.
When a hairstyle of multiple braids is worn, each braid shall be of uniform dimension, small in diameter (no
more than 1/4 inch), and tightly interwoven to present a neat, professional, well groomed appearance. Foreign
material (e.g., beads, decorative items) shall not be braided into the hair. Multiple braids may be worn loose, or
may be pulled straight back into a bun, within the guidelines herein.
c. Two individual braids. One braid worn on each side of the head, uniform in dimension and no
more than one inch in diameter. Each braid extends from the front to back of the head near the lower portion of
the hair line (i.e., braids are closer to the top of the ear than the top of the head to prevent interference with
wearing of headgear). A single French braid may be worn starting near the top of the head and be braided to the
end of the hair. The end of the braid must be secured to the head and braid placement shall be down the middle
of the back of the head.
d. Corn rows. Must be in symmetrical fore and aft rows, and must be close to the head, leaving
no hair unbraided. They must be no larger than 1/4 inch in diameter and show no more than approximately 1/8
inch of scalp between rows. Corn row ends shall not protrude from the head. Rows must end at the nape of the
neck and shall be secured with rubber bands that match the color of the hair. Corn rows may end in a bun
conforming to the guidelines listed herein, if hair length permits.
e. Rolls. Two individual rolls, one on each side of the head, must be near the lower portion of
the hair line (i.e., rolls are closer to the top of the ear than the top of the head and will not interfere with wearing
of headgear). Rolls must be of uniform dimension and no more than one inch in diameter.
f. Locks. Lock hairstyle (Locks) for the purpose of Navy Uniform Regulations grooming
standards consists of one section of hair that twists from or near the root to the end of the hair and creates a
uniform ringlet or cord-like appearance. Locks may be worn in short, medium, and long hair lengths in the
following manner:
(1) Locks must continue from the root to the end of the hair in one direction (no zig-zagging,
curving, or ending before the end of the lock to dangle as a wisp or loose hair) and should encompass the whole
head. Locks partings must be square or rectangle in shape in order to maintain a neat and professional
(2) Locks can be loose (free-hanging where no hair is added to the lock once it is started other
than hair extensions that are attached to natural hair). When worn loose, locks will be spaced no more than three-
eighths of an inch apart, diameter/width will not exceed three-eighths of an inch, and locks will be tightly
interlaced to present a neat and professional military appearance. Locks may also be worn in a bun provided all
hair grooming requirements are met. Faux locks are authorized provided the hairstyle worn is in compliance with
female hair grooming requirements. Locks may not be worn in combination with other hair styles (e.g. twists,
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
(3) New growth (defined as hair that naturally grows from the scalp and has not yet been locked)
will not exceed one-half inch at any time.
(4) Locks that do not meet the above standards and do not present a neat and professional
military appearance will not be worn in uniform. Commanding Officers have the ultimate responsibility for
determining when hairstyles are eccentric, faddish, or out of standards.
g. Ponytails. The wear of a single braid, French braid, or a single ponytail in Service, Working,
and PT uniforms is authorized. The initial accessory for the ponytail will not be visible when facing forward.
Authorized accessory devices must be consistent with the color of the hair. The end of the braid or ponytail may
extend up to three inches below the lower edge of the collar of the shirt, jacket or coat. In spaces or
environments where there are operational hazards such as rotating gear, etc., the hair may not be worn below the
bottom of the collar.
h. Unauthorized Hairstyles. While this list shall not be considered all inclusive, the following
hairstyles are not authorized: pigtails; braids that are widely spaced and/or protrude from the head; and locks.
Locks, also called dreads, are fused or coiled strands of hair that cannot easily be combed out.
i. Grooming Standards Exception. During group Command/Unit physical training, Commanding
Officers are authorized to standardize unit policy for the relaxation of female hair grooming standards with
regard to having hair secured to head (e.g., ponytails). Hair restraining devices, if worn, will be consistent with
the current hair color.
(3) Hair Accessories. When hair accessories are worn, they must be consistent with the hair
color. A maximum of two small barrettes, similar to hair color, may be used to secure the hair to the head. Bun
accessories (used to form the bun), are authorized if completely concealed. Additional hairpins, bobby pins,
small rubber bands, or small thin fabric elastic bands may be used to hold hair in place, if necessary. The intent
is for pinned-up hair to be styled in a manner that prevents loose ends from extending upward or outward from
the head. For example, when using barrettes or hairpins, hair will not extend loosely from the head; when hair is
in a bun, all loose ends must be tucked in and secured. Hair accessories shall not present a safety or foreign
object damage (FOD) hazard. Hair nets shall not be worn unless authorized for a specific type of duty.
Headbands, scrunchies, combs, claws and butterfly clips, are examples of accessories that are not authorized; this
list is not to be considered all inclusive.
2. HAIRPIECES. Wigs or hairpieces shall be of good quality and fit, present a natural appearance and conform
to the grooming standards set forth in these regulations. They shall not interfere with the proper performance of
duty nor present a safety or FOD (Foreign Object Damage) hazard.
A. Men. Wigs or hairpieces may be worn by active duty personnel while in uniform or duty
status only for cosmetic reasons to cover natural baldness or physical disfigurement. Wigs may be worn by
Naval Reserve personnel engaged in inactive duty for training.
B. Women. Wigs or hairpieces meeting women's grooming standards are authorized for wear by
personnel while in uniform or duty status.
3. COSMETICS (Women). Cosmetics may be applied in good taste so that colors blend with natural skin tone
and enhance natural features. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles are not authorized with the uniform and
shall not be worn. Care should be taken to avoid an artificial appearance. Lipstick colors shall be conservative
and complement the individual. Long false eyelashes shall not be worn when in uniform.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
A. Men. Fingernails shall not extend past fingertips. They shall be kept clean. The tips of the
nails may be round to align with the contour of the fingertip. Buffed nails or clear coat nail polish is authorized.
Colored nail polish is not authorized for men.
B. Women. Fingernails shall not exceed 1/4 inch measured from the fingertip. They shall be
kept clean. The tips of the nails may be round, almond/oval, or square in shape. Nail polish may be worn, but
colors shall be conservative and inconspicuous. White, black, red, yellow, orange, green, purple, blue, hot pink,
grey, glitter, striped, or any sort of pattern/decorative nail polish are examples of unauthorized nail polish colors.
French and American manicures (white and off-white tips with neutral base color ONLY) are authorized.
5. JEWELRY. Conservative jewelry is authorized for all personnel and shall be in good taste while in uniform.
Eccentricities or faddishness are not permitted. Jewelry shall not present a safety or FOD (Foreign Object
Damage) hazard. Jewelry shall be worn within the following guidelines:
A. Rings. While in uniform, rings shall be conservative and in good taste. Eccentric or faddish
rings are not authorized. Rings may consist of natural metals or fabricated materials (i.e. plastic, wood, silicone)
and may be gold, silver, copper, grey, tan, brown, black, white, or light pink in color. Only one ring per hand is
authorized, plus a wedding/engagement ring set. Double stacking wedding rings with military
academy/educational institution rings is authorized on one hand. Rings shall not present a safety or foreign
object damage (FOD) hazard. Rings are not permitted to be worn on the thumb
B. Earrings
(1) Men. Not authorized while in uniform. Additionally, earrings are not authorized in
civilian attire when in a duty status or while in/aboard any ship, craft, aircraft, or in any military vehicle or within
any base or other place under military jurisdiction, or while participating in any organized military recreational
activities. When considered appropriate by the prescribing authority under article
7201.2, earrings may be
prohibited while in foreign countries.
(2) Women. One earring per ear (centered on earlobe) may be worn while in uniform.
Earrings shall be 4mm - 6mm ball (approximately 1/8 - 1/4 inch), plain with shiny or brushed matte finish, screw
on or with posts. When wearing Working and Service Uniforms, officers and CPOs will wear gold earrings and
E6 and below females shall wear silver earrings. When wearing Dress Uniforms White Pearl earrings are
optional. White Pearl and Diamond earrings are authorized for optional wear with the Dinner Dress White or
Blue Jacket uniform. Synthetic variants of pearl or diamond earrings are acceptable if they meet color and size
C. Body Piercing. Not authorized while in uniform. No articles, other than earrings for women
specified above, shall be attached to or through the ear, nose, or any other body part. Additionally, body piercing
is not authorized in civilian attire when in a duty status or while in/aboard any ship, craft, aircraft, or in any
military vehicle or within any base or other place under military jurisdiction, or while participating in any
organized military recreational activities. When considered appropriate by the prescribing authority under article
7201.2, body piercing may be prohibited while in foreign countries.
D. Necklaces/Choker. While in uniform, only one necklace may be worn and it shall not be
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
E. Wristwatch/Bracelets. While in uniform, bracelets shall be conservative and in good taste.
Eccentric or faddish bracelets are not authorized. Bracelets may consist of natural metals or fabricated materials
(i.e., plastic, wood, silicone) and may be gold, silver, copper, grey, tan, brown, black, white, or light pink in
color. Only one bracelet may be worn while in uniform. Ankle bracelets in uniform are not authorized.
Bracelets shall not present a safety or FOD hazard. While in uniform, wristwatches shall be conservative and in
good taste. Eccentric or faddish watches are not authorized. Only one watch and one bracelet may be worn
simultaneously (one on each wrist) while in uniform.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
Location – Camp Del Mar 21 Area (Bldg. 210841)
Rate: One Bedroom starting at $85
Rate: Two Bedroom starting at $179
Reservation Desk (Open 24/7)
Commercial: (760) 725- 2134
Email: DelMarBeach@usmc-mccs.org
Location – San Onofre Area 51 Area (Bldg. 51811)
Rate: One Bedroom starting at $60
Rate: Two Bedroom starting at $95
Rate: Three Bedroom starting at $100
Reservation Desk (Sunday – Saturday 0800-2230)
Commercial: (760) 763-SURF or (760) 763-SAND
Email: SanOnofreBeach@usmc-mccs.org
There is one large main commissary, two annexes, and 19 convenience stores aboard Camp Pendleton. A
small exchange, barbershop, film development center, and post office are available in the hospital. The
Navy/Marine Corps country store is located on Mainside (13 Area). The main exchange and
commissary are both located near the front gate, just off Interstate 5. To use the Exchange or
Commissary, you must have your military ID card.
Area pools & gyms and fitness centers are available throughout the Camp Pendleton base for your use.
Please visit http://www.mccscp.com/getfit/ for locations and times. Additionally, the scuba center is
located in Bldg. 14116; adjacent to 14 Area Pool. PADI Certification.
Contact the ITT Office located by commissary near the main gate about recreational activities available
both on military bases and in local communities. Special discount tickets are also available for a number
of local amusement parks like Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, and Six Flags Magic Mountain. In
addition, beaches with camper spaces, a bowling alley, a state of the art movie theater, an auto hobby
shop, paint ball tournament field, ceramics and pottery classes, golf course, horse stables/rodeo, lake and
recreational facilities are all, available on base. For more information about recreational ideas aboard
Camp Pendleton log-on to http://www.mccscp.com
. Discounts provided for special events. Call
Information, Tickets and Travel (ITT) for details at (760) 725-5863 or 5805.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
CoCo’s Bakery and Restaurant
Domino’s Pizza
Dunkin Donuts
Johnny Rockets
Maui Wowi Hawaiian Coffee and Smoothies
Moe’s Southwest Grill
Mulligan’s golf course Grill
Panda Express
Ramone’s Mexican BBQ
Roberto’s Mexican Food
Schlotzsky’s, Cinnabon, and Carvel
…and many more
Please visit http://www.mccscp.com/food/
for locations and hours of operations
The uniform shop is located in Marine Corp Exchange by the main gate off of I-5, and the phone number
is (760) 725- 4392. Naval uniform items and supplies are limited. Uniform shops in the San Diego area
are located at Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar, Naval Station 32
Street, San Diego and
Marine Corps Recruit Depot.
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.
Take Mission Ave-Fallbrook Road Exit
Stay on Mission Ave
Go right on Ammunition Road.
Enter Naval Weapons Station (must show military ID)
Enter- Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton
Turn right on Vandegrift Blvd.
Continue on Vandegrift Blvd for 11 miles
Turn left on Comfort Way
NHCP will be on your left
Operational Support Office is located on 4th floor, Rm. 4153
Take Camp Pendleton Exit
Turn left at stop sign
Enter MCB Camp Pendleton
Continue on Vandegrift for 0.06 miles
NHCP will be on your right side
Operational Support Office is located on 4th floor, Rm. 4153
Take Camp Pendleton Exit
Enter MCB Camp Pendleton
Stay on Vandegrift Blvd for 0.06 miles
NHCP will be on your right
Operational Support Office is located on 4th floor, Rm. 4153
FROM ESCONDIDO Hwy 78 West to 1-5 North
Take Camp Pendleton Exit
Enter MCB Camp Pendleton
Stay on Vandegrift Blvd for 0.06 miles
NHCP will be on your right
Operational Support Office is located on 4th floor, Rm. 4153
All Reserve Personnel on orders are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice
(UCMJ) and Navy Regulations.