NAME: ________________________ DATE: ______________ COMPANY: __________________
I understand and agree that while onboard Marine Corps Base Camp
Pendleton the following restrictions apply:
1. All vehicles and drivers must comply with all California
traffic laws and California Department of Motor Vehicles
2. All drivers must comply with Federal law while on board
Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Pendleton. Federal law prohibits
the possession of marijuana and all products derived therefrom.
As such, no driver may possess marijuana on board MCB Camp
3. All drivers must comply with all of MCB Camp Pendleton’s
posted speed limits and restrictions.
4. All drivers must remain in their vehicle at all times except
to assist fares in loading/unloading.
5. All drivers must travel to pick up points via the most direct
6. All drivers must exit the installation after drop off via the
most direct route.
7. Photography is not authorized aboard MCB Camp Pendleton.
8. All drivers are subject to Random Antiterrorism Measures
(RAMS), and Command Authorized Vehicle Inspections (CAVIS).
9. The following access procedures will be observed by all
taxicab, rideshare, shuttle and limousine drivers while on board
MCB Camp Pendleton.
a. MCB Camp Pendleton authorized pick up locations:
(1) All family housing addresses in neighborhoods
aboard the Base.
(2) MCX Mainside Plaza, Bldg. 15100
(3) MCX Pacific Views MCX, Bldg. 2010
(4) MCX 21 Area Mini-Mart, Camp Del Mar, Bldg. 210600
(5) MCX 22 Area Mini-Mart Chappo, Bldg. 22196
(6) Pacific Views Event Center, Bldg. 202850
(7) Casa Del Mar Beach Resort, Bldg. 210841
(8) 1795 Event Center, Bldg. 1795
(9) MCX 43 Area Mini-Mart, Camp Las Pulgas, Bldg. 4330
(10) MCX 53 Area Mini-Mart, Camp Horno, Bldg. 53319
(11) MCX 52 Area Mini-Mart, School Of Infantry, Bldg.
(12) MCX 62 Area Mini-Mart, Camp San Mateo, Bldg.
(13) MCX 51 MCX San Onofre, Bldg. 510092
(14) MCX 41 Area Mini-Mart, Camp Las Flores, Bldg.4155
(15) San Onofre Beach Club, Bldg. 51811
(16) Ward Lodge, Bldg. 1310
(17) MCX 33 Area Magarita, Bldg. 330360
(18) MCX Stuart Mesa, Bldg. 22196
(19) MCX Wire Mountain, Bldg. 201015
(20) MCX 31 Area Edson Range, Bldg. 310604
(21) SMP Margarita 33 Area, Bldg. 3348
(22) MCX 24 Area Pico, Bldg. 24026
(23) Marine Memorial Golf Course, Bldg. 18415
(24) MCTSSA, Bldg. 31331A
(25) ACU-5, Bldg. 31900
(26) Naval Hospital, Bldg. H-200
(27) Wounded Warrior Bn, Bldg. 27847
(28) MCX 25 Area MCAS, Bldg. 2398
(29) MCX 64 Area Talega, Bldg. 64331
b. In the event of implementation of Force Protection
Condition (FPCON) “Charlie” or higher or by direction of the
Commanding General, taxis, rideshare, limousines and shuttles
will not be allowed access to MCB Camp Pendleton under any
c. Taxicab, rideshare, limousine and shuttle vehicles will
be allowed to drop fares off on the Base, without entering any
posted restricted area. After dropping of their fare they will
return to an authorized taxi stand or depart the base directly.
d. Under no circumstance will any taxicab, rideshare,
limousine or shuttle vehicle be authorized to roam MCB Camp
Pendleton in search of fares or loiter in an unauthorized area
awaiting fares. The designated taxi stands are the only
authorized locations to pick up fares.
10. No person shall possess any of the following:
a. Any highly explosive substance, including, but not
limited to:
(1) Ammunition
(2) Fireworks
(3) Molotov cocktails
(4) Pipe bombs
b. Any dangerous or deadly weapons, such as any instrument
or weapon of the kind commonly known as a:
(1) Black jack
(2) Sling shot
(3) Billy/sand club
(4) Nunchakus
(5) Sand bag
(6) Metal knuckles
(7) Dirk or dagger
(8) Switchblade or butterfly knife
(9) Knife with a blade 2 1/2" or longer
(10) Razor with an unguarded blade
(11) Pipe, bar, or mallet to be used as a club
(12) Compressed air or spring fired pellet gun
(13) Tear gas/pepper spray weapon
(14) Pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun or any
other firearm
(15) Bows, arrows or crossbows
(16) Bowie or hunting knife
(17) Any weapon prohibited by state law
(18) Any object similar to the aforementioned
(19) Any offensive or defensive weapon not
described herein with a high probability of injury to self or
c. Any abrasive, caustic, acid, chemical agent or similar
substance with which to inflict property damage or personal
11. If any taxi, rideshare, limousine or Shuttle company, or a
driver thereof, fails to comply with any part of this
instruction, access to MCB Camp Pendleton may be terminated
Company Representative DBIDS Credential Holder
Printed Name