196    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
121° 120° 119° 118° 117°
Chart Coverage in Coast Pilot 7—Chapter 4
NOAA’s Online Interactive Chart Catalog has complete chart coverage
Santa Cruz Island
Newport Beach
San Diego
Del Mar
San Clemente
Los Angeles
Port Hueneme
Santa Barbara
Point Conception
Point Arguello
Santa Catalina Island
San Clemente Island
Santa Barbara Island
San Nicolas Island
Santa Rosa Island
Santa Miguel Island
08 SEP 2024
U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢     197
San Diego to Point Arguello,
(1) This chapter describes the 240-mile irregular coast
of southern California from the Mexican border to Point
Arguello. The coast extends in a general northwest
direction and includes the major ports of San Diego, Long
Beach, Los Angeles and Port Hueneme. This chapter also
describes the recreational and shing ports of Oceanside,
Newport Beach, Ventura, Santa Barbara and the many
other ports on San Pedro and Santa Monica Bays and
along the Santa Barbara Channel.
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(3) The lines established for this part of the coast are
described in 33 CFR 80.1104 through 80.1126, chapter 2.
Blue, fin and humpback whales
(5) All whales are protected under the Marine Mammal
Protection Act (MMPA) and, when in Sanctuary waters,
under the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA).
Certain large whales, including blue, n and humpback
whales, are also listed as endangered under the Endangered
Species Act (ESA). See chapter 3 for more information.
Chart - 18022
(7) There are several islands and dangers from 7 to 100
miles off the southern California coast; they are described
in chapter 5.
(8) Many restricted and danger areas are in these waters.
(See 33 CFR 334.860, 334.870, 334.880, and 334.890,
chapter 2 for limits and regulations.) In addition, missile
ring, gunnery and bombing operations are conducted
on and over offshore waters not included in the areas
dened in chapter 2 and at times endanger surface vessels.
Information about these areas is published in Local Notice
to Mariners issued by Commander, Eleventh Coast Guard
District, Alameda, CA, and Notices to Mariners issued by
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Washington,
(9) Submerged submarine operations are conducted
at various times in the waters off the coast of southern
California; proceed with caution.
Weather, San Diego to Point Arguello
(11) The mild climate from San Diego to Point Arguello
is controlled by the Pacic high-pressure system. Aided
by the sea breeze, it brings winds from off the water,
mainly south through north, which help keep coastal
temperatures up in winter and down in summer. Coldest
average temperatures range from the middle to upper
fties (12° to 16°C), while summertime readings are most
often in the seventies (22° to 27°C). Occasionally a hot
dry ow off the land in autumn will cause temperatures
to soar into the nineties (33° to 38°C), and a rare winter
outbreak from the east can drop temperatures to below
freezing (<0°C). Winter is the rainy season, although not
much rain falls along these coasts.
Between 31°N to 34°N and 116°W to 120°W
Wind > 33 knots ¹
0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.5 48
Wave Height > 9 feet ¹ 0.8 1.3 1.7 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.2 48
Visibility < 2 nautical miles ¹
4.4 4.5 2.8 2.4 1.5 3.2 2.9 2.2 3.0 4.7 3.3 4.0 48
Precipitation ¹
3.6 3.6 2.4 1.7 1.2 1.4 0.8 0.5 0.9 0.9 2.1 3.1 1.8
Temperature > 69° F 1.2 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.9 3.0 9.2 14.7 14.8 9.0 4.4 1.7 5.4
Mean Temperature (°F)
58.3 58.4 58.5 59.3 60.4 62.1 64.7 66.4 66.5 65.2 62.7 59.9 61.9
Temperature < 33° F ¹
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mean RH (%) 77 79 78 79 81 83 84 84 83 81 77 76 80
Overcast or Obscured ¹
19.4 21.4 22.2 25.7 37.9 48.1 45.7 38.8 31.4 26.3 15.4 16.7 29.3
Mean Cloud Cover (8
3.8 3.9 4.1 4.2 5.0 5.5 5.6 5.3 4.6 4.2 3.4 3.5 4.4
Mean SLP (mbs) 1018 1018 1017 1015 1015 1013 1013 1013 1012 1014 1017 1018 1015
Ext. Max. SLP (mbs)
1040 1040 1037 1034 1030 1029 1027 1027 1028 1031 1035 1040 1040
Ext. Min. SLP (mbs)
996 996 995 998 999 998 999 998 997 997 999 995 995
Prevailing Wind Direction NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW
Thunder and Lightning ¹
0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
¹ Percentage Frequency
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(12) Strong winds and rough seas, while less frequent
than farther north, can be a problem from the middle of
fall through late spring. Strong pressure gradients, distant
storms and infrequent close storms account for most of
the gales and seas of 12 feet (3.7 m) or more, particularly
off Point Arguello and in the Santa Barbara Channel.
Strong local winds (Santa Ana) also generate gales along
sections of this coast.
(13) Advection or sea fog, formed by warm moist air
owing over cool water, frequently confronts mariners in
these waters. It is a persistent and widespread problem,
particularly in the summer and fall north of Santa Monica
and in fall and winter south of Santa Monica.
Chart - 18740
(16) In clear weather, vessels coming from south will
sight Table Mountain and its surrounding high land
and Los Coronados before picking up the San Diego
(17) Table Mountain, conspicuous and at-topped, is in
Mexico, 25 miles southeast of Point Loma and 6 miles
(18) Los Coronados (Coronado Islands) are four
bare, rocky islands, extending 4.5 miles in a northwest
direction, 7 miles offshore in Mexican waters, and 15
miles south of Point Loma. These islands are prominent in
clear weather, and the passage east of them is commonly
used by vessels. Depths in the vicinity of the islands are
irregular, and in thick weather or at night caution must
be observed when near them.
(19) A light is shown from a white cylindrical masonry
tower on the south end of the south island; it is obscured
from certain directions by the north islands. Another
light is shown from a white square masonry tower near
the north end of the south island; local fog sometimes
obscures it.
(20) The boundary between the United States and Mexico
is marked by a 14-foot white marble obelisk on a pedestal
41 feet above the water near the edge of a low table bluff.
The visible marker is 200 yards from the beach and 10
miles 142° from Point Loma Light. A large circular
concrete arena is conspicuous just south of the marker.
A stone mound, 365 feet above the water and 1 mile east
of the obelisk, marks another point on the boundary line.
Directly north of the obelisk the mesa falls to the low
marshy land south of San Diego Bay.
(21) About 1.5 miles north of the border at Imperial
Beach is a shing pier extending 400 yards to seaward.
(22) In the approach from seaward in clear weather,
San Clemente Island, the southernmost of the off-lying
islands, will be sighted before the distinguishing features
of the coast are seen. This will check the vessel’s position
and indicate subsequent shaping of the course for Point
Loma. Upon a nearer approach, Cuyamaca Peak and the
high land of the interior, Los Coronados, and Point Loma
will be distinguished. Several aerolights in the vicinity of
San Diego are visible at night from seaward.
(23) When making the approach to San Diego, useful
radar targets are San Clemente Island, Los Coronados,
the pleasure piers at Imperial Beach and Ocean Beach,
the jetties of Mission Bay, Point Loma and Ballast Point.
(24) When entering the harbor, the buoys marking the
channel and Ballast Point are easily identied targets,
thence Shelter Island, the radar reector on North Island,
and the various piers on either side of the channel; thence
Harbor Island, the Coast Guard station pier, B Street Pier
and the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal.
San Diego Bay
(26) San Diego Bay is a crescent shaped bay, 10 miles
northwest of the U.S./Mexico boundary. The bay is one
of the nest natural harbors in the world, and affords
excellent protection in any weather; it is free of excessive
tidal current movements. A low, narrow sand spit, which
expands to a width of 1.6 miles at North Island on its
northwest end, separates the bay from the ocean. The
port of San Diego, which occupies much of the bay, is a
major U.S. Naval base and has good commercial marine
(27) The city of San Diego is on the northeast shore of
the bay. Coronado is on the sandspit opposite San Diego.
National City and Chula Vista are south of San Diego
on the southeast shore of the bay. The principal wharves
are at San Diego and National City. Coronado, connected
to San Diego by a highway bridge, is a residential and
resort area of little commercial importance.
Prominent features
(29) Point Loma, on the west side of the entrance to San
Diego Bay, is a ridged peninsula with heights of about
400 feet. The ridge is bare of trees except in the gullies
and where planted around the houses near the summit
and is sparsely covered with grass, sagebrush and cactus.
The tanks and buildings of a sewage treatment plant
are conspicuous about 0.9 mile north of the point. At a
distance the point usually has the appearance of an island.
Point Loma Light (32°39'54"N., 117°14'34"W.), 88 feet
above the water, is shown from a black house on a 90-foot
white square pyramidal skeleton tower at the south end
of the point. A mariner-radio-activated sound signal at
the light is initiated by keying the microphone ve times
on VHF-FM channel 81A. Thick kelp beds extend more
than 1.5 miles south of the point, and a sunken wreck is
about 0.5 mile south of the light.
(30) On the nearer approach, an abandoned lighthouse
will be seen on the highest part of the hill immediately
back of Point Loma Light. The old lighthouse and grounds
form the Cabrillo National Monument, honoring the
discoverer of San Diego Bay. The statue of Cabrillo,
about 300 yards northeast of the abandoned lighthouse,
is reported to be an excellent mark when fog obscures the
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old lighthouse. From inside the bay, prominent objects
along the crest of the ridge are a large red and white
checkered elevated tank, a green standpipe and a tall
lookout tower all about 2.5 miles north from the light.
(31) Ballast Point, low and sandy, projects 0.4 mile
northeast from the east side of Point Loma, 1.3 miles
north from Point Loma Light. Ballast Point Light B
(32°41'11"N., 117°13'58"W.), 16 feet above the water, is
shown from a dolphin with a green and white diamond-
shaped daymark off the end of the point. A mariner-radio-
activated sound signal at the light is initiated by keying
the microphone ve times on VHF-FM channel 81A.
Three piers of the Naval Submarine Base are just north
of Ballast Point.
(32) North Island, the lled northwest end of the sand
spit on the east side of the bay entrance, is Naval Base
Coronado. On its southeast side is the City of Coronado.
Prominent features that show up well from the entrance
are the tall condominiums at Coronado Shores 2.7 miles
east of the entrance, the cupola of Hotel del Coronado
3 miles east of the entrance, and the tower of the Naval
Air Station Administration Building, which is marked by
an aerolight and is operated intermittently with varying
characteristics. In clear weather the skyline of the city of
San Diego is very prominent on the south approach.
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(34) The lines established for San Diego Harbor are
described in 33 CFR 80.1104, chapter 2.
(36) A federal project provides for a dredged channel
with depths of 55 feet in the approach, thence 47 feet
in the entrance and through North San Diego Bay to
the turning basin on the northeast side of North Island
(near Pier K), thence 42 feet to just northwest of the San
Diego-Coronado Bay bridge, thence 37 feet to a basin
southwest of the National City Marine Terminal. For
detailed channel information and minimum depths as
reported by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE),
use NOAA Electronic Navigational Charts. Surveys
and channel condition reports are available through the
USACE hydrographic survey website listed in Appendix
(38) General anchorages, special anchorages and
anchorages for Government vessels have been established
in San Diego Bay. (See 33 CFR 110.1, 110.90, and
110.210, chapter 2, for limits and regulations. The Port
of San Diego has temporarily prohibited anchoring
or mooring in Special Anchorage A-8 (Sweetwater
Anchorage), in South San Diego Bay.
(39) Permission to use anchorage berths 212 through
216 and Mooring Buoy 19, south of Harbor Island, must
be obtained from Navy Aoat Training Group Pacic at
(40) Vessels waiting outside the entrance for a pilot will
nd good anchorage in 36 feet or more southeast of the
entrance to the channel, although permission to anchor in
the restricted area must be obtained from the local naval
authorities. For permission to use anchorage berths 125,
126, 147, 158 and 171, contact Navy Aoat Training
Group Pacic at 619–556–0914. For permission to use
anchorage berths 124, 135, 146, and 170, contact Navy
Region Southwest Port Operations at 619–556–3147 or
619–556–3148. For permission to use all other anchorage
berths off Silver Strand, contact COMNVBEACHGRU
at 619–437–2476. An obstruction in anchorage berth 171
is reported to be a fouled anchor in about 32°38'21"N.,
117°11'50"W.—mariners are advised against anchoring
near this area.
(41) The area in the lee of Point Loma, south of Ballast
Point and west of the east line of the project channel,
is reserved for pilot boats and harbor patrol or U.S.
Government craft. (See 33 CFR 334.880, chapter 2, for
limits and regulations.)
(43) A submerged jetty, marked by lights and a sound
signal at the seaward end, extends 1 mile south along
Zuñiga Shoal from Zuñiga Point, the southwest
extremity of North Island. The outer two-thirds of the
jetty has only small sections visible at high water. The
lights marking the jetty have a white daymark with
orange border and the words “DANGER SUBMERGED
(44) A submerged jetty, marked by lights with daymarks
that read “DANGER SUBMERGED JETTY,” extends
about 220 yards west from Zuñiga Point.
(45) There are numerous wrecks and obstructions in
the shallow area of southeast San Diego Bay. Caution
should be exercised when navigating outside the marked
Regulated navigation areas
Restricted Areas in San Diego Bay
Title and Part
Number Location
33 CFR 334.860 On the western shore of South San Diego Bay
33 CFR 334.865 North side of North Island in North San Diego Bay
33 CFR 334.870 • Between Ballast Point and Zuñiga Point
(degaussing station)
• West side of North Island.
• West of the dredged channel, 0.4 mile north of
Ballast Point.
• North San Diego Bay, surrounding the Navy Pier
33 CFR 334.880 In the lee of Point Loma and south of Ballast Point.
33 CFR 334.890 Large area south of Point Loma
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Safety and Security Zones in San Diego Bay
Title and Part
Number Location
33 CFR 165.1101 South San Diego Bay, Naval Station San Diego
(See Note)
33 CFR 165.1102 Between Ballast Point and Shelter Island,
Naval Base Point Loma (See Note)
33 CFR 165.1103 West Basin, west of Harbor Island
33 CFR 165.1104 North San Diego Bay, north side of North Island
(See Note)
33 CFR 165.1105 West side of North Island
33 CFR 165.1106 North San Diego Bay, east of Harbor Island
33 CFR 165.1108 Surrounding all cruise ships
33 CFR 165.1110 Surrounding the Coronado Bay Bridge
33 CFR 165.1120 Southeast of Glorietta Bay
Note – A series of oating protection barriers, anchored by lighted buoys,
surrounds the Naval facilities within these security zones.
(49) Regulated navigation areas have been established
in all waters of San Diego Bay, Mission Bay and their
approaches and adjacent to the Naval Submarine Base just
north of Ballast Point, extending east across the channel
to the west shore of North Island. (See 33 CFR 165.1122
and 165.1107, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
(51) A xed highway bridge linking San Diego and
Coronado crosses San Diego Bay 0.3 mile southeast of
the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal.
San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge Clearances (feet)
Span Horizontal Vertical
Piers 14 and 15 194 156
Piers 18 and 19 600 195
Piers 19 and 20 600 214
Piers 21 and 20 500 175
RACONS mark the center of the spans between piers 18-19 and 19-20 and
a sound signal is on pier 19.
(54) The currents set generally in the direction of the
channels. In the vicinity of the entrance the usual velocity
varies from 0.5 to 5 knots depending upon the stage of
the tide. South of the end of the jetty there is a slight set
toward Zuñiga Shoal on the ebb. Great care should be
taken while passing Ballast Point as a vessel may take
a sudden sheer because of a crosscurrent deected from
Ballast Point.
(55) The eddy usually encountered along the ends of the
municipal piers makes docking difcult. The velocity
and direction of the eddy are irregular, and the greatest
care must be exercised by even the most experienced.
Strangers should not attempt to dock large vessels
without a pilot. See the Tidal Current prediction service
at tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov for specic information
about times, directions, and velocities of the current at
numerous locations throughout the area. Links to a user
guide for this service can be found in chapter 1 of this
Weather, San Diego
(57) In the San Diego Bay area, visibilities are reduced
to less than 0.5 mile (0.9 km), mostly by radiation fog,
on about 3 to 7 days per month from September through
April. December is the foggiest month. This fog is worst
during the late night and early morning hours. Dense
fog is as frequent at North Island as it is at Imperial
Beach. However, sound signals indicate that in general
it is foggier around the entrance to the bay than it is in
the north sections. For example, in December, the sound
signal at Point Loma is operating about 20 percent of the
time, compared to 10 percent at Ballast Point.
(58) Winds in the area are strongest from March through
September, when they blow 17 knots or more about 2
percent of the time. Gales are unheard of. Wind gusts
have reached 50 knots or more during January. Strong
winds often have a southerly component, but they also
blow from the west and east. Winds along the coast are
often affected by local topography, particularly when the
ow is off the land. For example, at Imperial Beach, east
winds blow 15 to 20 percent of the time from November
through March. At Lindbergh Field Municipal Airport,
prevailing winds are out of the north through northeast
during this period. West through northwest winds are also
common at both places. They become increasingly more
frequent by March. During the late spring and summer,
southwest through northwest winds prevail at both
locations. However, at the more exposed Imperial Beach,
west winds occur up to 25 percent of the time, whereas
the ow is more variable at San Diego. By October, the
winter wind regime begins to reestablish itself.
(59) No vessel over 1,600 designed displacement tons
should transit the Coronado Bay Bridge in low visibility
conditions if the bridge is not held visually within stopping
distance. Tank ships or barges carrying petroleum
products, explosive or other hazardous materials should
not commence a movement in the approaches to or within
the outer or inner harbor of San Diego when visibility of
less than 0.5 mile or 1,000 yards is prevalent.
(60) The National Weather Service maintains an ofce at
Lindbergh Field Municipal Airport; barometers may be
compared there or by telephone.
Pilotage, San Diego
(62) All foreign vessels and vessels from a foreign port
or bound thereto, and all vessels over 300 gross tons
sailing under register between the port of San Diego
and any other U.S. port, are subject to pilotage. Further
information regarding pilotage requirements are detailed
in the Pilotage section of the Port of San Diego Tariff,
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available through the ship’s agent or directly from the
Port District at (619) 686–6343.
(63) Vessels sailing under enrollment and licensed, and
engaged in the coasting trade, between the port of San
Diego and other U.S. ports, are exempt from all pilotage,
unless a pilot is actually employed.
(64) Pilotage and berthing requirements for naval
vessels are coordinated by Navy Region Southwest Port
Operations, 619–556–1433.
(65) Estimated time of arrival is required 48 hours in
advance with changes at least 2 hours before arrival.
Vessels are advised to avoid arriving between 0715 and
1045 hours on Mondays, or on mornings following public
holidays, due to increased U.S. Naval vessel movements.
San Diego Bay is served by the San Diego Bay Pilots
Association, Inc. (Dispatch phone 619–233–3096). The
pilot boat monitors VHF-FM channels 16 and 12, 1 hour
prior to scheduled vessel arrivals; VHF-FM channel 12 is
used as a working frequency. If contact with the pilot is
needed prior to 1 hour in advance of arrival, information
should be relayed via the ship’s agent.
(66) Pilot boat NATIONAL CITY is a 38-foot white
monohull with the word PILOT on the forward-facing
bulkhead. An AIS transmitter identies the vessel as
“SD Pilot Boat.” International Code ag ‘H’ is displayed
during daylight hours and white over red lights are
displayed at night.
(67) Arrangements for pilots are made via ship’s agent
and boarding information via radio by calling “San Diego
Pilots” on VHF-FM channel 12. Pilots will monitor VHF-
FM channels 12 and 16 one hour prior to scheduled
(68) Pilots board vessels just southeast of the San Diego
Bay Approach Lighted Whistle Buoy SD in approximate
position 32°37'12"N., 117°14'00"W. Vessels should pass
to the south and east of the buoy leaving it on the port side
when making the approach, unless otherwise directed by
the pilot. When boarding, pilots request vessels maintain
a speed of 7 knots and rig the pilot ladder 6 feet (2 meters)
above the water on the lee side (typically starboard side).
(69) The San Diego Unied Port District operates a VHF-
FM radio station from Harbor Control Headquarters at
Shelter Island for contacting merchant ships, port pilots
and other nearby stations. Channel 16 is for calling;
channels 12 and 17 are for port operations. The station
call sign is KJC-824.
(71) Tugs to 5,000 hp are available from commercial
operators in the San Diego area. Naval tugs handle navy
vessels but will assist commercial vessels in emergencies.
Quarantine, customs, immigration and agriculture
(73) San Diego is a customs port of entry. U.S. Customs
requires that all non-commercial vessels, including
corporate yachts, less than 130 feet in length returning
from a foreign port or place, report directly to the Harbor
Police Dock (32°42'30"N., 117°14'05"W.) on Shelter
Island. When space is unavailable at the dock, vessels
should utilize one of the three quarantine buoys located
across from the dock until space is available. Commercial
and non-commercial vessels greater than 130 feet in
length returning from a foreign port or place must contact
the Harbor Police Communications Center at 619–686–
6272, eight hours prior to arrival and request dock space.
Only the master may leave the vessel to contact Customs
and Border Protection in order to request an inspector
respond to Shelter Island. All persons aboard the clearing
vessel are quarantined to the vessel until cleared by
Customs. Additionally, no visitors are allowed aboard
the vessel. Persons of foreign nationality should identify
themselves to make arrangements to declare entry into
the county with the Immigration and Naturalization
Service. Ofcials usually board documented vessels
at their berths. Customs and Border Protection can be
reached at 619–685–4300, 24 hours a day.
(74) Quarantine is enforced in accordance with
regulations of the U.S. Public Health Service. (See Public
Health Service, chapter 1.)
Coast Guard
(76) Coast Guard Sector San Diego is on the mainland just
northeast of the east end of Harbor Island. Coast Guard
Sector San Diego is a consolidated unit that includes
an air station, a small boat station, cutters, an aids-to-
navigation team, a command center and other personnel.
The Prevention Department handles the business of
the former Marine Safety Ofce (see Appendix A for
address); telephone, 619–278–7000. On San Diego Bay
adjacent to the base is a safety zone for Coast Guard
search and rescue and law enforcement missions.
Harbor regulations
(78) The Port of San Diego is under control of the San
Diego Unied Port District. Rules and regulations are
enforced by a Port Director, who is appointed by the
Board of Port Commissioners. The general ofces of the
port district are at 3165 Pacic Highway, San Diego. The
manager of marine operations and the chief wharnger
have ofces at the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal, 687
Switzer Street, San Diego. The ofce of wharnger can
be reached by telephone at 619–686–6346, by fax at
619–686–6354, or by email at [email protected].
(79) The Coast Guard Captain of the Port, San Diego,
has designated the ship channels in San Diego Harbor as
“narrow channels” for the purposes of enforcing Rule 9
of the Navigation Rules. Vessels of less than 20 meters
(65.6 feet), sailing vessels, vessels engaged in shing and
crossing vessels shall not impede the passage of a vessel
that can safely navigate only within a narrow channel.
(80) As a general rule, the areas of the bay that are not
regulated by a speed zone are to be navigated at a safe
and prudent speed with regards to Rule 6 of the U.S.
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Coast Guard Navigation Rules. South San Diego Bay
is governed by a 5 mph speed limit and is delineated
by concrete pylons. All lagoons are posted as 5 mph
zones. These include the Shelter Island Yacht Basin, the
America’s Cup Harbor, Harbor Island West and East
Lagoons and Glorietta Bay. The speed limit for areas near
anchorages is 5 mph.
(81) The Navy Port Operations Manager requests that
vessels slow to 7 knots when an aircraft carrier is moored
in the restricted area (See 33 CFR §334.865, chapter 2)
on the northeast side of North Island. This is especially
important for heavier/larger vessels as the surge is greater
than smaller vessels.
(82) The State of California, with the approval of the
Environmental Protection Agency, has established a
No-Discharge Zone (NDZ) in San Diego Bay. The NDZ
is comprised of the portion of San Diego Bay that is less
than 30 feet deep at mean lower low water (MLLW), as
determined from the most recent NOAA nautical chart.
(83) Within the NDZ, discharge of sewage, whether
treated or untreated, from all vessels is prohibited.
Outside the NDZ, discharge of sewage is regulated by
40 CFR 140 (see chapter 2).
(84) In addition to the No-Discharge Zone and concurrent
with the federal regulations above, the San Diego Unied
Port District Code (section 8.50) prohibits the discharge
of any material, including sewage, into San Diego Bay
without written permission by the Port Director.
Facilities in the Port of San Diego
Name Location
Handling Facilities
and Storage Purpose
Operated by:
B Street Pier
Cruise Ship Terminal
2,400 35-37 13 Passenger terminal Mooring cruise ships;
Boarding passengers
San Diego Unied
Port District
Broadway Pier 32°42'57"N.,
2,135 35 13 n/a Mooring cruise ships;
Mooring miscellaneous
excursion vessels and
craft for US Customs
San Diego Unied
Port District
Tenth Avenue Marine
(Berths 1 and 2)
1,120 30 13 Tank storage (167,850
barrels); Pipelines
extend from storage
tanks to berths
Receipt and shipment
of conventional and
containerized general
cargo and perishable
food; Bunkering
San Diego Unied
Port District/
Jankovich & Son
Tenth Avenue Marine
(Berths 3, 4, 5 and 6)
2,244 41 13 Covered storage (40,000
tons); Open storage (3.5
acres); Tank storage (3
million gallons); One
traveling gantry cement
unloader served by a
Receipt and shipment
of conventional and
containerized general
cargo and perishable
food; Receipt of bulk
fertilizer and cement;
Bunkering vessels
San Diego Unied
Port District/
Jankovich & Son/
Pacic Coast
Cement Corp.
Tenth Avenue Marine
(Berths 7 and 8)
920 41-42 13 Tank/Silo storage
(33,000 metric tons);
One traveling bulk
shiploader served by a
belt conveyer
Receipt and shipment
of miscellaneous dry
bulk commodities
and conventional/
containerized general
cargo; Bunkering
San Diego Unied
Port District/
Jankovich & Son/
North American
Terminals, Inc.
National City Marine
(Berths 24-1 and
1,400 20-35 13 Open storage (107
acres); Covered storage
(40,320 square feet);
Tank storage (348,000
Receipt and shipment
of general cargo
and automobiles;
Occasional reciept of
fuel oil
San Diego Unied
Port District
National City Marine
(Berths 24-3 and
1,000 35 13 One traveling container
crane (40 long tons);
One mobile straddle
carrier (40 tons)
Receipt and shipment
of conventional and
containerized general
cargo and automobiles;
Occasional reciept of
fuel oil
San Diego Unied
Port District
National City Marine
(Berths 24-10 and
1,430 35 13 Open storage (76 acres) Receipt and shipment
of conventional general
cargo and automobiles;
Receipt of lumber;
Shipment of cattle
San Diego Unied
Port District
* The depths given above are reported. For information on the latest depths contact the port authorities or the private operators.
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    203
(86) The San Diego Unied Port District owns the
deepwater commercial facilities in the bay and operates
them either independently or in conjunction with private
rms. The port piers and wharves have water, rail and
highway connections. There are a number of smaller
privately operated wharves and piers used for receiving
oil and repairing vessels and for mooring and fueling
small craft. Only the deep-draft commercial facilities are
listed in the table. The alongside depths given for each
facility listed are reported depths. (For information on
latest depths, contact the Port of San Diego.)
(88) General cargo at the port is usually handled by ship’s
tackle; special handling equipment, if available, is listed
in the table for the particular facility.
(89) In the port area, the San Diego Unied Port District
and private companies operate warehouses having a total
of 764,500 square feet of dry storage space and 1,997,400
cubic feet of cold storage space. A large amount of transit
shed space and open storage is available.
(91) Marine supplies of all kinds are available in San
Diego. Bunker fuel, diesel oil and lubricants are available.
Large vessels can be bunkered via pipeline at the Tenth
Avenue Marine Terminal, or arrangements can be made
to fuel at all commercial berths from barges. Water is
available at most of the berths.
(93) There are shipbuilding and repair yards in San Diego
with oating drydocks, the largest of which has a lifting
capacity of 44,000 tons. The largest marine railway can
handle craft up to 1,000 tons. Complete shipyard facilities
are available for all types of repair work.
(94) A U.S. Navy graving dock, located at the naval
station near the foot of 32nd Street, may be used by local
repair rms by prior arrangements with the San Diego
Unied Port District and local naval authorities. The dock
has a clear inside length of 693 feet and an entrance width
of 90 feet. The dock is served by a 27½-ton full portal
traveling crane. The graving dock at National Steel and
Shipbuilding Co., about 0.9 mile northwest of the Navy
graving dock, has a clear length of 1,000 feet and an
entrance width of 108 feet.
(96) San Diego has transcontinental railroad connections
to the north and east. Major airline service is available
at San Diego International Airport, Lindbergh Field. San
Diego is the port of call for many steamship and cruise
lines. Major bus, railroad and motor freight lines serve
the city.
Small-craft facilities
(98) Shelter Island. across the channel from North Island
and 1.5 miles above Ballast Point, includes the Shelter
Island Yacht Basin on the south and the Americas Cup
Harbor on the north. Shelter Island is the most important
small-boat area in San Diego Bay. The yacht basin has
several large marinas and yacht clubs. It can accommodate
more than 2,000 boats at its piers, oats, and moorings.
The entrance channel has depths of 20 feet to inside the
entrance, thence 15 feet to most of the facilities; the least
depth is 9 feet. The entrance is marked by lights and lighted
buoys. The 354° lighted range marking the entrance to
San Diego Bay also marks the approach to the entrance
to Shelter Island Yacht Basin. The harbor police are at
the Harbor Control Headquarters just inside the entrance
to the yacht basin. The police dock is also the boarding
station for the inspection of small craft by Customs,
Public Health, Immigration and Agricultural quarantine
personnel when such inspections are necessary. Harbor
police boats, providing re protection, law enforcement
and assistance to small boats in distress, operate from this
facility on a 24-hour basis. Overnight berths for transient
vessels are usually available at one of the marinas; if no
such berth is available, temporary mooring or berthing
may be made available through the harbor police. The
Americas Cup Harbor has accommodations for over 600
vessels and is the home port for many commercial shing
vessels. Repair yards in the basin have marine railways
that can handle craft up to 800 tons. All kinds of repairs
to small vessels may be obtained here. Both the yacht
basin and the Americas Cup Harbor have fueling docks,
a launching ramp and marine supplies.
(99) Harbor Island, about 0.5 mile northeast of
Shelter Island, is in the northernmost part of the bay.
Harbor Island West Basin has berthing and mooring
accommodations for nearly 1,600 craft. A number of
marinas, hotels, restaurants and shops are along the shore
of the basin. A light shows from atop a building near the
west end of the island.
(100) A 090°–270° measured nautical mile is off the
south side of Harbor Island. Each range is marked by
two diamond-shaped markers.
(101) Glorietta Bay, on the south side of Coronado and 6
miles from Ballast Point, is a small-craft harbor occupied
by a yacht club and a small marina. The facilities include
berths for over 215 yachts and small craft. A channel
marked by lighted and unlighted buoys and a 232° lighted
range leads from the main channel in San Diego Bay to
the basin in Glorietta Bay. In 2004, the controlling depth
in the channel was 15 feet; thence in 1993, depths of 15 to
17 feet were reported in the basin with lesser depths along
the edges. A 5 mph speed limit is enforced in Glorietta
Bay. Water, ice, and a launching ramp are available.
(102) A restricted area, marked by buoys, is outside the
southeast limit of the channel into Glorietta Bay. (See 33
CFR 334.860, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
204    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
(103) A security zone is also outside the southeast limit
of the channel into Glorietta Bay, within the restricted
area off the Naval Amphibious Base. (See 33 CFR 165.1
through 165.8, 165.30, 165.33, and 165.1120, chapter 2,
for limits and regulations.)
(104) Speed Control Lights cross South San Diego Bay,
near the head, north of Chula Vista.
(105) Chula Vista Harbor is on the east side near the head
of South San Diego Bay at Chula Vista. The entrance is
protected by breakwaters marked at the outer ends by
private lights. The entrance channel and basin channel
are marked by private buoys, lights and daybeacons. In
2002, the approach to the basin had a reported depth of 18
feet with 16 feet reported alongside the piers. Berthing,
electricity, water, ice, sewage pump-out, nautical supplies
and a launching ramp are available.
Chart - 18740
(107) The 80-mile coast between San Diego Bay and
San Pedro Bay is thickly settled, and the buildings of
numerous towns and resorts are prominent from offshore.
Several small-boat harbors and the port of Newport Bay
are along the coast.
(108) The rst 11 miles of the coast, between Point Loma
and Point La Jolla, is extremely rocky, and the kelp beds
extend up to 2 miles from shore; vessels should stay well
(109) About 1 mile north of Point Loma Light is a
submerged sewer outfall line extending about 1 mile to
the west.
(110) Ocean Beach, 5 miles north of Point Loma, has a
large Y-shaped shing pier with a private sound signal on
the end.
Weather, Gulf of Santa Catalina
(112) Over the Gulf of Santa Catalina and along its shores,
fog is a problem during fall and winter. This is most often
a land (radiation) fog that drifts out over the gulf at night.
By late morning, conditions begin to clear, particularly
along the coast. Offshore, fog reduces visibilities to less
than 0.5 mile (0.9 km) on about 4 to 9 days per month, from
September through February and in May. September and
October are the worst months. Along the coast, visibilities
drop below 0.5 mile (0.9 km) on about 2 to 8 days per
month from August through April. November, December
and February are the worst months.
(113) Gale force winds never occur as much as 1 percent
of the time in the Gulf of Santa Catalina. They are
infrequently encountered from November through April.
Wind speeds of 17 knots or more occur about 1 to 3 percent
of the time from December through May. Winds on the
coast are often light. At Camp Pendleton, winds less than
3 knots occur 40 to 50 percent of the time from September
through March. Seas are most likely to get choppy from
November through April, when distant storms south of
40°N. generate west swells. These swells are 6 feet (1.8
m) or more, about 2 to 5 percent of the time. In winter,
they occasionally exceed 9 feet (2.7 m) and some 12-foot
(3.7 m) swells have been reported.
Mission Bay to Del Mar
(115) Mission Bay, entered between two jetties 5.5 miles
north of Point Loma, is a recreational small-craft harbor
administered by the city of San Diego. Lights mark the
entrance to the bay as well as a sound signal on the outer
end of the north jetty. The mariner-radio-activated sound
signal is initiated by keying the microphone ve times
on VHF-FM channel 81A. A prominent feature when
approaching the harbor is the municipal shing pier at
Ocean Beach, 0.3 mile south of the entrance. The lighted
338-foot tower at Sea World is prominent 1.8 miles east
of the entrance. Sound signals are sounded from the
shing pier. A dredged channel leads from deep water in
the Pacic Ocean to the highway bridge about 1.3 miles
above the entrance. Quivira Basin and Mariners Basin,
on the east and west sides of the channel, respectively,
are entered about 1 mile above the entrance. A jetty
marked on its outer end by a light extends about 125
yards northwest from the south side of the entrance to
Quivira Basin.
(116) The entrance to Mission Bay can be difcult to
navigate under certain conditions. Large swells in
any season and from virtually any direction can break
completely across the entrance channel. With a rough sea
outside, a heavy surge exists inside the bay, especially in
Quivira Basin. Boats must be securely moored to prevent
damage from this surge condition. Mission Bay contains
an enormous amount of water that is funneled in and out
of the narrow entrance channel with tidal changes. During
periods of unusually large tidal ow, an extremely strong
current may be present in the channel; mariners are urged
to use caution when transiting the entrance.
No-Discharge Zone
(118) The State of California, with the approval of the
Environmental Protection Agency, has established a No-
Discharge Zone (NDZ) in Mission Bay. It encompasses
the entire bay; see the chart for zone limits.
(119) Within the NDZ, discharge of sewage, whether
treated or untreated, from all vessels is prohibited.
Outside the NDZ, discharge of sewage is regulated by
40 CFR 140 (see chapter 2).
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(121) The lines established for Mission Bay are described
in 33 CFR 80.1106, chapter 2.
(122) Two xed highway bridges cross Mission Bay. The
rst bridge, crossing above the entrance between Ventura
Point and Sunset Point, has a clearance of 38 feet. The
second bridge, connecting Vacation Isle with Crown
Point to the north and Dana Landing to the south, has a
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    205
clearance of 31 feet under the north span and 38 feet
under the south span.
(123) An aerial tramway cable, with a clearance of 42
feet, crosses the entrance to Perez Cove, immediately
southeast of Dana Landing.
(124) The San Diego City Lifeguard Headquarters and the
San Diego Police Department, Mission Bay Harbor Unit,
are on the south side of the entrance to Quivira Basin.
Harbor regulations are enforced and emergency assistance
is provided by the two units. The Lifeguard Service
maintains a 24-hour watch on VHF-FM Channel 16 and
handles all dispatches. Police matters are dispatched to
the Police Harbor Patrol. Calls for assistance in Mission
Bay and within 3 miles of the coastline, from Point Loma
to the south, to Blacks Beach, about 3 miles north of
Point La Jolla to the north, are the responsibility of the
Lifeguard Service. Both units have patrol boats and make
safety inspections. Water skiing, swimming, sailing,
shing and speed regulations are enforced in Mission Bay.
Most regulations are posted; complete regulations are
available from the City Lifeguard Headquarters Ofce. A
full service repair facility is available in Quivira Basin. A
100-ton hoist for hull and engine repairs, gasoline, diesel
fuel, water, ice and marine supplies are available. There
are numerous launching ramps and parking areas around
the bay. The inner bay has several marinas and many
private moorings.
(126) Special anchorages are along the west side of
Mission Bay in San Juan Cove, Santa Barbara Cove,
Bonita Cove, Mariners Basin and Quivira Basin. (See
33 CFR 110.1 and 110.91, chapter 2, for limits and
(127) Mission Beach, 6.5 miles north of Point Loma, is
an amusement place with prominent buildings. From
seaward the highest part of the roller coaster looks like a
(128) Pacic Beach, 8 miles north of Point Loma, has a
pleasure pier extending about 260 yards from the beach.
The pier was partially destroyed in the winter of 1984,
and submerged piles are reported within 90 yards of the
seaward end; caution is advised.
(129) A 2-mile rounding rocky point, 9 miles north of
Point Loma, is the rst high land north of San Diego Bay.
The point is a spur from 822-foot Soledad Mountain.
The south end of this headland is called False Point, and
the north end is Point La Jolla. In the vicinity of Point La
Jolla, rock cliffs with caves rise abruptly from the water to
heights of 80 feet. The buildings at La Jolla and Pacic
Beach, and the television towers on Soledad Mountain
are prominent.
(130) Scripps Institution of Oceanography, one of the
leading institutions in research in oceanography and
marine biology, has extensive facilities 12 miles north
of Point Loma. The institution maintains a long pier for
observation purposes.
(131) Just north of Scripps Institution the bluffs rise to a
height of 300 feet, then decrease gradually for the next 5
miles to heights of 20 to 80 feet.
(132) A 000°–180° measured nautical mile has been
established 13.5 miles north of Point Loma; each range
is marked by two steel towers.
(133) Del Mar, 18 miles north of Point Loma, is a resort
(134) The coast from Del Mar north for 31 miles to San
Mateo Point is a low, at tableland with abrupt cliffs 60
to 130 feet high and with broad beaches. The tableland is
intersected by numerous deep valleys with streams that
usually dry in the summer. In the north part, the high ridges
of the interior are much nearer the coast. Paralleling this
coast are U.S. Highway 101 and a Class I railroad.
Chart - 18740
(136) Carlsbad, 30 miles north of Point Loma, is a resort
area with a number of hotels and motels. A submerged
pipeline extends 0.9 mile seaward; caution is advised.
Near the north edge of town the low white square tower on
the west end of the San Diego Army and Navy Academy
is distinctive.
(137) The pleasure pier at Oceanside, 32.5 miles north of
Point Loma, has a sh haven covered 10 feet around its
seaward end. The pier is marked by lights.
(138) Oceanside Harbor, at the north end of the city, 1.2
miles northwest of the pleasure pier, is a small-craft harbor
administered by the City of Oceanside, Department of
Harbor and Beaches. The harbor, which can accommodate
about 950 small craft, shares a common entrance with Del
Mar Boat Basin (Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base)
to the north.
(139) Prominent features when approaching the harbor
include a large lighted sign reading “OCEANSIDE” in
white letters on a blue background located on a grassy bluff
overlooking the middle of the harbor, a tall condominium
on the east side of the harbor, a lighted tower on the
southeast side of the harbor resembling a lighthouse, and
a hotel in the vicinity of the harbor entrance.
(140) The common entrance to Oceanside Harbor and Del
Mar Boat Basin is between two jetties. The long west
jetty is marked by a single light at the seaward end. The
short east jetty has a north and south extension that are
both marked by lights. A mariner-radio-activated sound
signal at the light on the south extension is initiated by
keying the microphone ve times on VHF-FM channel
81A. Inside the common entrance is a lighted junction
buoy separating the entrance channels to Oceanside
Harbor and Del Mar Boat Basin. The entrance channel
for Oceanside Harbor is marked by lighted buoys, lights
and a daybeacon. A submerged jetty, just north of the
entrance channel to Oceanside Harbor, is marked by a
danger buoy at its outer end.
206    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
No-Discharge Zone
(142) The State of California, with the approval of the
Environmental Protection Agency, has established a
No-Discharge Zone (NDZ) in Oceanside Harbor. It
encompasses the entire harbor including Del Mar Boat
(143) Within the NDZ, discharge of sewage, whether
treated or untreated, from all vessels is prohibited.
Outside the NDZ, discharge of sewage is regulated by
40 CFR 140 (see chapter 2).
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(145) The lines established for Oceanside Harbor are
described in 33 CFR 80.1108, chapter 2.
(147) A dredged channel leads from deep water through
the entrance jetties, thence branches east to Oceanside
Harbor and north to Del Mar Boat Basin. Strangers should
not attempt the entrance at night in rough seas without
assistance. The entrance channel is subject to severe wave
action and shoaling, and buoys are frequently shifted with
changing conditions. Mariners are requested to contact
the harbor patrol on VHF-FM channel 16 before entering.
Harbor regulations
(149) The harbor is under the control of the City of
Oceanside, Department of Harbor and Beaches. The
harbor headquarters building is on the east side of
the harbor opposite the entrance. About 50 berths for
transient craft are available at the harbor headquarters. All
moorage must be arranged with the harbor ofce in the
headquarters building. Prepaid reservations are accepted
for 24 guest slips, with the remainder available on a rst
come, rst served basis. The Oceanside Harbor Police
operates from the headquarters building. The police boats
are equipped with rescue and re ghting equipment. The
police boats monitor VHF-FM channel 16, 24 hours a
day, and work on channel 12.
Weather, Oceanside
(151) Wind speeds at Oceanside rarely get above 28 knots;
they are most likely to occur from December through
April. Fog is sometimes a late night and early morning
navigational hazard from August through March. During
this period, visibilities drop below 0.5 mile (0.9 km) on
2 to 8 days per month; November is usually the foggiest
month. The worst time of day is between midnight and
0500. Swells are most frequent from January through
(153) Gasoline and diesel fuel are pumped at the fuel dock.
Marine supplies, ice and pumpout facilities are available.
(155) A repair yard just north of the harbor district
headquarters has a mobile lift that can handle craft to 42
feet and 14 tons. Hull, engine and electronic repairs are
(156) Del Mar Boat Basin (Camp Pendleton), just north
of Oceanside Harbor, is part of the U.S. Marine Corps
reservation. (See 33 CFR 334.910, chapter 2, for limits
and regulations of the restricted area.) The boat basin
shares a common entrance with Oceanside Harbor. The
channel is marked by buoys and daybeacons. A restricted
area is off the outer breakwater. (See 33 CFR 334.900,
chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
(157) A military exercise area extends about 3 miles
seaward from about 2 miles northwest of the boat basin
northwestward to San Clemente. Mariners are advised
to consult Eleventh Coast Guard District Local Notice to
Mariners for scheduled exercise dates and times.
(158) A restricted area is within the military exercise
area and centered about 4.5 miles northwest of Del Mar
Boat Basin entrance. (See 33 CFR 334.905, chapter 2,
for limits and regulations.)
(159) A red and white checkered elevated tank, 1.7 miles
northeast of the boat basin, is prominent from well
offshore. The highway bridge and the trestlework of the
railroad crossing of the Santa Margarita River, 1.7
miles west of the tank, also are prominent. A large white
building nearly 7 miles northwest of the boat basin is
conspicuous from seaward.
(160) San Onofre Mountain, 44 miles north of Point
Loma and 1.5 miles inland, is the highest of the coastal
range in the area.
(161) San Mateo Point, locally known as Cottons Point
and 47 miles northwest of Point Loma, ends in cliffs 60
feet high and is the north head at the mouth of San Mateo
Creek. Both San Mateo Creek and Arroyo San Onofre, a
mile southeast, are crossed by a trestle. Two large domes
of a nuclear power plant are 2.3 miles southeast of San
Mateo Point. A smaller dome-shaped building is on top
of the bluff a few hundred yards southeast.
(162) <Deleted Paragraph>
Chart - 18740
(164) From San Mateo Point to Dana Point, 7.5 miles
northwest, the land is higher and more rugged and is
broken by San Juan Creek about 1.5 miles east of Dana
Point. The railroad and the highway run close together
along the beach under the bluffs in this stretch of the coast
to San Juan Creek, where the railroad turns inland.
(165) San Clemente, 2 miles north of San Mateo Point,
has many white houses with red-tiled roofs, making the
place conspicuous from the sea. There is a small pleasure
pier at the town; a sh haven covered 10 feet is off its
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    207
seaward side. A reef that uncovers 3 feet is about 700
yards northwest of the pier.
(166) Dana Point, 8 miles northwest of San Mateo Point,
is the seaward end of a high ridge. The spur forming the
point ends in a moderately bold sandstone cliff 220 feet
high with a precipitous broken face. Outlying rocks and
ledges marked by a lighted whistle buoy extend offshore
for 350 yards. San Juan Rock, 6 feet high and about
50 feet in extent, is 340 yards south of the highest point
on the cliff, and a rock covered 2 fathoms is 2.4 miles
southeast of the point.
<Deleted Chart Header>
(168) Dana Point Harbor is a small-craft harbor in the lee
of Dana Point. The harbor, administered by the Orange
County Harbor, Beaches, and Parks District, is entered
from the east between two breakwaters each marked by
a light on the seaward end. A mariner-radio-activated
sound signal at the south light is initiated by keying
the microphone ve times on VHF-FM channel 81A.
A church with a giant cross is very visible on the hill
above the harbor. A submerged sewer outfall line extends
about 0.6 mile from shore, passing about 300 yards east
of the south breakwater light. A rock, covered feet and
marked by a lighted buoy, is about 300 yards northeast
of the south breakwater light. When entering the harbor
care should be taken to remain clear of these dangers,
especially during low stages of the tide and/or periods of
heavy southeast swell.
(169) Numerous uncharted private racing buoys are off the
entrance to the harbor.
(170) The harbors east and west basins are separated
by a xed highway bridge with a 45-foot channel span
and a clearance of 20 feet. Berths in the east basin can
accommodate over 1,400 vessels, and berths in the
west basin can accommodate over 1,000 vessels. A
harbormaster assigns berths in the harbor.
(171) The Dana Point Harbor Patrol has an ofce in
the most southeasterly building observed after passing
through the breakwater. Patrol craft equipped with rescue
and re ghting equipment are stationed here. The patrol
maintains a 24-hour radio watch on 2182 kHz and VHF-
FM channel 16. Berthing assignments for about 42
transient craft are available at the harbor patrol ofce.
(172) A speed limit of 5 mph is enforced in Dana Point
Harbor. A swimming area, marked by private buoys, is
in the northwest corner of the harbor.
(174) A special anchorage is in the west part of the harbor.
(See 33 CFR 110.1 and 110.93, chapter 2, for limits and
No-Discharge Zone
(176) The State of California, with the approval of the
Environmental Protection Agency, has established a
No-Discharge Zone (NDZ) in Dana Point Harbor. It
encompasses the entire harbor; see the NOAA charts for
zone limits.
(177) Within the NDZ, discharge of sewage, whether
treated or untreated, from all vessels is prohibited.
Outside the NDZ, discharge of sewage is regulated by
40 CFR 140 (see chapter 2).
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(179) The lines established for Dana Point Harbor are
described in 33 CFR 80.1110, chapter 2.
Supplies and repairs
(181) Most supplies and repairs are available at the marinas
and service facilities at the harbor. Lifts to 25 tons are
(182) San Juan Capistrano, a small town about 4 miles
inland from Dana Point, is the site of the old mission
founded in 1776. The grounds and the buildings have
undergone extensive preservation, and services are held
regularly in the chapel used by founding Father Junipero
Serra. This mission is famous for the return of the
swallows each March 19.
(183) The 11.5-mile coast from Dana Point to Newport
Bay is bold with rocky cliffs 40 to 100 feet high; these
are the seaward ends of ridges separated by narrow, deep
valleys. The community of Laguna Beach is midway
along this stretch. A shing and pleasure pier is near the
mouth of Aliso Creek about 3.5 miles northwest of Dana
(184) Santiago Peak, 17.5 miles northeast of Dana Point
and visible 80 miles, is the dominant feature of this part of
the coast; the peak is double headed and dark in contrast
with the immediate coastal range.
Newport Bay
(186) Newport Bay, 64 miles northwest of Point Loma,
is an extensive lagoon bordered on the seaward side by
a 3-mile sandspit. The bay is an important yachting and
sport shing center and offers excellent anchorage for
large yachts and small craft under all weather conditions.
The city of Newport Beach embraces the districts of
Newport and Balboa, on the sandspit, and Corona del
Mar, east of the entrance.
Prominent features
(188) The numerous houses and buildings along the beach
and on the hills back of the bay are prominent from
seaward. The tall ofce buildings at the Newport Center,
1.4 miles north of the harbor entrance, are the most
conspicuous. The memorial hospital building, 0.3 mile
north of the turning basin, and the light-colored concrete
school buildings on the high ground 1 mile back from the
beach are also conspicuous.
208    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
(189) The entrance to Newport Bay is between jetties 275
yards apart with lights at their outer ends. A mariner-
radio-activated sound signal at the west jetty light is
initiated by keying the microphone ve times on VHF-
FM channel 81A. A lighted bell buoy is off the entrance.
(190) A 111°37'–291°37' measured nautical mile is in
San Pedro Channel, about 1.3 miles west of the entrance
to Newport Bay. The east range is marked in front by a
daymark on an 800-foot pleasure pier and in the rear by
a daymark on shore at Balboa Beach. The west range
is marked by daymarks on shore at Newport Beach.
Another 950-foot pleasure pier is 2.8 miles northwest of
the west jetty.
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(192) The lines established for Newport Bay are described
in 33 CFR 80.1112, chapter 2.
(194) A federal project provides for a 20-foot main
channel from the entrance to a turning basin of the same
depth northwest of Lido Isle and a 10-foot Balboa Island
North Channel extending north from the entrance along
the east and north sides of Balboa Island. (See Notice
to Mariners and latest editions of charts for controlling
(196) Special anchorages are in Newport Bay. (See 33 CFR
110.1 and 110.95, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
Assignments are made by the harbormaster.
(198) A speed limit of 5 mph in Newport Bay has been
established by the Orange County Harbors, Beaches, and
Park District. The upper reaches of the bay are extremely
(200) There are no bridges over the main channel. None
of the bridges to the islands in the bay restrict passage to
the anchorage areas.
Weather, Newport Bay
(202) Severe storms are rare. The Santa Ana is an
exceptional wind that blows from the northeast or east
with great violence, although of short duration. (See
Weather, Los Angeles, indexed as such, this chapter for
discussion of Santa Ana winds.)
Harbor regulations
(204) The City of Newport Harbor Department controls
the movement and berthing of vessels under the direction
of a harbormaster. The harbormasters ofce is located
at the Marina Park Community and Sailing Center, 1600
W. Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach, CA—about
miles from the bay’s entrance. Patrol and assistance craft
operate from the harbor ofce on a 24-hour basis. The
harbor ofce may be contacted by telephone 949–270–
8159 or VHF-FM channel 17. The patrol boats monitor
VHF-FM channel 16.
Coast Guard
(206) A search and rescue craft of the U.S. Coast Guard
is stationed at the pier adjacent to the Harbor District
(208) The numerous small wharves and landings in the bay
are mostly for the use of local yachts and shing craft.
Five berths and several offshore moorings are available
for transient craft at the Harbor District Headquarters pier.
The harbormaster must be consulted before mooring. Five
other transient berths are usually available at a marina at
the northwest end of the turning basin.
(210) Fuel, water, and marine supplies are available at
most of the facilities in the bay.
(212) The largest marine railway in Newport Bay has a
capacity of 325 tons and can handle craft up to 150 feet.
Machine shops are available. Several shipyards can haul
out small boats for general repairs.
Huntington Beach State Park to Sunset Beach
(214) The 20-mile coast from Newport Bay to Point Fermin
is low, and there are several lagoons near the beach. There
are no trees near the shore; towns and resorts are almost
continuous along the beach.
(215) Huntington Beach State Park is a recreational area
that extends 2 miles northwest along the coast from the
mouth of Santa Ana River, which is 4.5 miles northwest
of Newport Bay entrance. The trestle crossing the mouth
of this river is conspicuous. A buoy marks the seaward
end of a terminal structure of a water conduit extending
from shore 1.4 miles northwest of Santa Ana River. The
twin stacks of the Southern California Edison Co. plant
on shore and a spire about 1 mile back from the beach are
conspicuous from any direction.
(216) A submerged oil pipeline extends nearly 1.2 miles
seaward, 2 miles northwest of Santa Ana River; mooring
buoys are off the end of the pipeline. Huntington
Beach, a resort 5 miles northwest of Newport Beach, is
identied by its many oil derricks. The city has a shing
and pleasure pier that has a sh haven covered 10 feet
around its seaward end. Sunset Beach is a small town 5
miles northwest of Huntington Beach. An elevated tank
is near the west extremity of the town.
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Anaheim Bay to Alamitos Bay
(218) Anaheim Bay, 14 miles northwest of Newport Bay,
is the site of the U.S. Naval Weapons Station. Jetties
protect the entrance to the bay. Waters inside the jetties
are within a restricted area, and explosive anchorages
have been established on the east and west sides of the
channel. (See 33 CFR 334.930 and 33 CFR 110.215,
chapter 2, for limits and regulations.) All boating trafc
is required to stay within the small craft channel at all
(219) An entrance channel leads northeast between
converging jetties to a turning basin inside Anaheim Bay.
The channel is marked by lighted and unlighted buoys,
lights and a 036°48' lighted range. The outer ends of the
jetties are marked by lights. A mariner-radio-activated
sound signal on the west jetty light is initiated by keying
the microphone ve times on VHF-FM channel 81A. An
inner breakwater is under construction (2022) centered
at about 33°43’56”N., 118°05’43”W., covered 15 feet;
caution is advised.
(220) In Anaheim Bay, during a ooding tide, the current
50 to 75 yards from the Naval Weapons Station’s pier
ows east to west as opposed to the normal ow of west
to east. This causes a ship approaching the berth for a
portside mooring to experience difculty in twisting to
starboard. An ebbing tide has an opposite effect. After a
heavy rain, runoff water from the area north of Anaheim
Bay during an ebbing tide increases the rate of ebb up to
5 knots with resultant swirls and countercurrents.
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(222) The lines established for Anaheim Bay are described
in 33 CFR 80.1114, chapter 2.
(223) Huntington Harbour, a small-boat basin, is
just south of Anaheim Bay. The harbor is a private
development, and, with the exception of two small
marinas, consists of private docks adjacent to waterfront
(224) The harbor is entered through the restricted waters
of Anaheim Bay, and permission to pass must be obtained
from the Commanding Ofcer, U.S. Naval Weapons
Station, Seal Beach, CA. (See 33 CFR 334.930, chapter
2, for regulations governing passage.)
(225) The Harbor Patrol ofce is adjacent to the boat
launch ramp in the northwest corner of the harbor. A
repair yard can handle craft to 50 feet and 25 tons for
engine and hull repairs. Gasoline, diesel fuel and marine
supplies are available in the harbor. Launching ramps are
in the northwest and southeast corners of the harbor.
(226) Seal Beach, just northwest of Anaheim Bay, has
several resort structures and a 1,650-foot pleasure pier,
which has a sh haven covered 9 feet at its seaward end.
(227) Alamitos Bay, 15 miles northwest of Newport Bay,
is the site of the Long Beach Marina, a small-craft
harbor administered by the city of Long Beach Marine
Department. The harbor is entered from the south between
two jetties each marked by a light on the seaward end. A
mariner-radio-activated sound signal at the light on the
west jetty is initiated by keying the microphone ve times
on VHF-FM channel 81A.
(228) A dangerous wreck (33°43'45"N., 118°07'26"W.) is
in the approach to the entrance of Alamitos Bay and a
dangerous wreck (33°44'10"N., 118°07'35"W.), covered
19 feet, is just west of the entrance.
(229) A general anchorage has been designated around
the entrance channel to Alamitos Bay. (See 33 CFR
110.214, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
(230) The xed bridge across Marine Stadium, which
forms the inner part of the bay, has a xed span with a
clearance of 32 feet. A xed bridge with a clearance of
13 feet crosses the junction of the west waterway and
Marine Stadium. A xed bridge, with a clearance of 11
feet, crosses the east waterway off Marine Stadium that
leads to a northeast basin. A xed bridge, with a clearance
of 4 feet, crosses the west waterway between Naples and
Belmont Shore. The ve xed bridges crossing the Rivo
Alto Canal on Naples Island have a least clearance of 7
feet, and the power cable has a reported clearance of 55
(231) Berths in Long Beach marina are limited to about
1,800 boats, but extensive parking and ramp-launching
areas are provided for trailer-drawn craft. Visiting yachts
may obtain temporary berthing on a rst-come rst-served
basis. All mooring is controlled by a harbormaster, who
has an ofce on the east side of the entrance channel near
the end of the point about 500 yards above the bend in the
Supplies and repairs
(233) All types of supplies and services are available at
the marinas and service facilities in the bay. The largest
repair yard can handle craft up to 40 tons and 60 feet.
(234) A pleasure pier on the west side of Belmont Shore,
1.7 miles northwest of Alamitos Bay entrance, extends
about 340 yards from the beach; a sh haven is 100 feet
off the seaward end. A reported wreck covered 16 feet is
about 940 yards south of the end of Belmont Pier.
Los Angeles/Long Beach
(236) San Pedro Bay, between Seal Beach on the east and
Point Fermin on the west, is 82 miles northwest of San
Diego. On the shores of the bay are the cities and port
areas of Long Beach and Los Angeles. Terminal Island,
in the northwest part of San Pedro Bay, separates the outer
bay from Los Angeles and Long Beach inner harbors. The
bay is protected by breakwaters and is a safe harbor in
any weather.
(237) Long Beach Harbor, in the east part of San Pedro
Bay, includes the City of Long Beach and part of Terminal
210    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
Vessel Operating Procedures for Los Angeles/Long Beach
(Best Maritime Practices)
Anchoring Procedures
In addition to observing all port tari s and U.S. Coast Guard regulations, the Master of any commercial vessel at anchor
shall implement the following Standards of Care:
Maintain a 24-hour bridge watch by an English speaking licensed deck offi cer monitoring VHF-FM Channel 16.
Make frequent checks to assure vessel is not dragging anchor.
When winds exceed 40 knots, have the propulsion plant on standby ready to bring on line on short notice and make
another anchor ready to let go. Accurate wind speed can be determined by contacting either VTS or the appropriate pilot
Provide 15-minute advance notice to the Long Beach pilot station (for inside anchorages) or to VTS (for outside
anchorages) before heaving anchor to get underway.
General Anchoring Guidelines
Santa Catalina Island
The three federal anchorages off shore of Santa Catalina Island (A, B and C) will be assigned by the Vessel Traffi c Service.
Outside the Federal breakwaters:
All anchorages outside the Federal breakwater will be managed and monitored by the Vessel Traffi c Service (VTS).
Any vessel desiring to use one of these anchorages must advise their intentions to VTS on VHF-FM Channel 14 and
receive clearance to do so from VTS.
VTS will not assign an anchorage to tankers or vessels exceeding 200 meters in length overall (LOA) on the fi rst row
of anchorage sites closest to the breakwater (G-1 to G-3 and F-1 to F-4).
VTS will not provide shoreside radar direction during anchoring; however, ranges and bearings for either the Angel’s
Gate or Queen’s Gate Light to the center of a particular anchorage site will be off e
red, if requested.
Pilot or tug assistance outside the federal breakwater is not required for anchoring.
Inside the Federal breakwaters:
All anchorages inside the Federal breakwater will be managed and monitored by the Long Beach Pilot Station.
All vessels with a draft of 15.2 meters or greater must use a minimum of one tug to ensure proper placement of the
anchor and chain, as well as to assist in turning the vessel at the proper placement of the anchor site. Tank vessel masters
shall refer to the tug escort/assistant standards.
Under-Keel Clearance
Masters and Pilots should use their vessel’s deepest draft in still water when calculating under-keel clearance. Masters
and pilots should apply a plus or minus allowance for the tide when calculating depth of water, and consider the following
factors: Vessel trim and list characteristics, depth of transit area, depth at the facility or anchorage, tide and current
conditions and weather impact on water depth.
Port of Los Angeles
Between Los Angeles Approach Channel Lighted Buoy 1 and Los Angeles Main Channel Lighted Buoy 11, minimum
under-keel clearance before correction for roll and pitch is 10 percent of vessel’s draft.
In the channel between Los Angeles Main Channel Lighted Buoy 11 and a position off the designated berth, minimum
under-keel clearance is 2.0 feet (0.61 meters).
Vessels must always remain afl oat in the fi nal approach to the berth and while at berth.
Shifts via outer harbor between Los Angeles and Long Beach, minimum under-keel clearance is 3.0 feet (0.91 meters).
Port of Long Beach
n the Long Beach Channel Approach Lighted Whistle Buoy LB and Long Beach Channel Lighted Buoy 3,
minimum under-keel clearance before correction for roll and pitch is 10 percent of vessel’s draft.
In the channel between Long Beach Channel Lighted Buoy 3 and a position off the designated berth, minimum under-
keel clearance is 2.0 feet (0.61 meters).
Vessels must always remain afl oat in the fi nal approach to the berth and while at berth.
At anchorages inside the breakwater, minimum under-keel clearance is 4.0 feet (1.22 meters) for Anchorages B-7 and B-11
when vessels dra is 50 feet (15.24 meters) or more and 2.5 feet (0.76 meters) for all other anchorages.
Shifts via outer harbor between Los Angeles and Long Beach, minimum under-keel clearance is 3.0 feet (0.91 meters). Tank
vessel masters and operators should also be guided by the under-keel clearance regulations for tank vessels contained in 33
CFR §157.455. Chapter XIV of the Harbor Safety Plan includes formulas for calculating the increase in draft due to pitch or
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    211
Vessel Operating Procedures for Los Angeles/Long Beach
(Best Maritime Practices)
Inclement WeatherStandards of Care for Vessel Movements
Inclement weather requires heightened awareness and vigilance. This section is intended to provide clear guidance
to mariners as to what is expected of them when navigating in inclement weather in the area covered by the Harbor
Safety Plan. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the master of a vessel to commence a transit during
inclement weather, nor does this section replace compliance with the COLREGS. It is recognized, however, under certain
circumstances, vessels may safely transit during inclement weather provided that equivalent safety levels are applied.
Inclement Weather Defi nitions
High winds are de ned once the National Weather Service issues a small craft advisory for sustained winds of 21 to 33 knots,
potentially in combination with wave heights exceeding 10 feet (or wave steepness values exceeding local thresholds).
Restricted visibility is defi ned once conditions of visibility fall below the following:
• For tankers 150,000 DWT or greater: 1 nautical mile
• For tankers greater than 60,000 DWT, but less than 150,000 DWT: 0.75 nautical mile
• For all other vessels 45-foot draft or more: 0.75 nautical mile
• For all other tankers and petroleum barges: 0.5 nautical mile
• For all other vessels: Three (3) times vessel’s LOA
Guidelines for Commencing a Transit During Inclement Weather Defi nitions
Vessel characteristics, navigational equipment and the availability of shoreside support must be considered when a movement
is undertaken during inclement weather. Conditions of visibility and wind can vary considerably throughout the port
complex at any given time and may impact the decision to proceed. While specifi c movement parameters are diffi cult, if not
impossible, to defi ne, it is recommended that mariners carefully consider commencing vessel movements inside the federal
breakwater when conditions reach the defi ned thresholds shown above under Inclement Weather Defi nitions.
Piloted Vessel Guidelines
When inclement weather exists along a vessel’s intended route, the respective pilot station management will be notifi ed. Prior
to commencing a transit, the operating pilot will conduct a risk analysis that includes consultation with a second pilot. This
expanded participation is a key risk reduction measure.
Reduced Visibility
When visibility inside the federal breakwater is less than 0.5 mile, the respective vessel traffi c center (VTC) will impose
one-way traffi c restrictions when and where appropriate.
When commencing a vessel movement in reduced visibility (0.75 nautical mile) shoreside radar assistance and carry-on
enhanced navigational tools such as a Portable Pilot Unit (PPU) shall be readily available for use.
When reduced visibility is encountered after commencing a transit, the operating pilot should take appropriate precautions to
minimize the risk of collision. Precautions may include but are not limited to continuing the transit or anchoring, reducing
speed, enlisting shore-based radar support and securing additional tug assistance.
High Winds
Vessel movements will proceed on a case by case basis. Depending on direction and force of wind, type and characteristics of
the vessel, movements requiring more than 50 tons of force to hold the vessel against a wind on the beam shall be carefully
considered. Below are examples of wind velocities acting on corresponding sail areas that would require 50 tons of counter
force exerted by tugs and/or thrusters.
Wind Force
Force (tonnes per square meter)
Wind force (knots) Wind force (m/sec) 1000 m
5000 m
7500 m
10,000 m
12,000 m
14,000 m
16,000 m
5 2.5 0.3 1.74 2.60 3.5 4.2 4.9 5.6
10 5 1.4 6.94 10.42 13.9 16.7 19.4 22.2
15 7.5 3.1 15.63 23.44 31.3 37.5 43.8 50.0
20 10 5.6 27.78 41.67 55.6 66.7 77.8 88.9
25 12.5 8.7 43.40 65.10 86.8 104.2
121.5 138.9
30 15 12.5 62.50 93.75 125.0 150.0 175.0 200.0
35 17.5 17.0 85.07 127.60 170.1 204.2 238.2 272.2
40 20 22.2 111.11 166.67 222.2 266.7 311.1 355.6
45 22.5 28.1 140.63 210.94 281.3 337.5 393.8 450.0
50 25 34.7 173.61 260.42 347.2 416.7 486.1 555.6
/18 = tonnes per 1000 m
V = wind speed in m/sec
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(238) Los Angeles Harbor, at the west end of San Pedro
Bay, includes the districts of San Pedro and Wilmington
and a major part of Terminal Island.
(239) Long Beach and Los Angeles Harbors are connected
by Cerritos Channel. The distance between the seaward
entrance to the two harbors is about 4 miles.
(240) Four oil production islands, marked by lights, are to
the north and east of Long Beach Pier J. A sound signal
is sounded from the south end of each island.
(241) The Port of Long Beach, one of the largest ports on
the Pacic coast, has the reputation of being America’s
most modern port. It has extensive foreign and domestic
trafc with modern facilities for the largest vessels. It is
a major container cargo port with several of the largest
and most efcient container terminals on the Pacic
coast. Principal exports are bulk petroleum, bulk coke,
chemicals, waste paper and foods. Principal imports
are crude petroleum, electronics, plastics, furniture and
(242) The Port of Los Angeles, also one of the largest
ports on the Pacic coast, has a history of leading the
Pacic coast ports in terms of tonnage handled. It has
extensive facilities to accommodate all types of trafc.
Some of the principal exports are crude minerals, iron
and steel scrap, inorganic chemicals, animal feed, cotton,
manufactured fertilizers and fresh fruits and nuts. Some
of the principal imports are iron and steel products, motor
vehicles and parts, organic chemicals, fresh fruits/nuts,
paper/paperboard, sugar, molasses and syrups, glass and
fresh/frozen sh.
Prominent features
(244) San Pedro Hill, 3.3 miles northwest of Point
Fermin, is the distinguishing feature for making San
Pedro Bay from southeast or west. The hill terminates
seaward in steep, rocky cliffs about 60 feet high, with
several horizontal terraces between them and the summit.
On top of the summit are two large white radar domes.
(245) Because it is high above the usual low-lying fog area,
the lighted tower atop Santa Catalina Island is reported
a useful guide for vessels approaching the Los Angeles-
Long Beach area; the light can be seen for about 16 miles.
(246) Point Fermin, the southeast extremity of San Pedro
Hill, is a bold cliff about 100 feet high. Point Fermin
Vessel Operating Procedures for Los Angeles/Long Beach
(Best Maritime Practices)
Non-piloted Vessel Guidelines
It is recommended that all vessels develop, and follow, their own internal operating guidelines for inclement weather transits,
including a provision for second opinion consultation.
Application of Equivalent Safety Levels
When a vessel master intends to commence a transit during inclement weather, at a minimum, the following equivalent safety
levels should be adhered to.
Vessels 1600 GT or greater:
• When operating inside the federal breakwater, be under the control of a USCG licensed pilot with the appropriate
endorsement for the vessel and area of operation.
• Have shore-based radar immediately available to assist the vessel.
All vessel masters and pilots (if employed) should make a positive evaluation of the following:
• The number of vessels transiting within the harbor and expected traffic concentrations.
• Planned transit speeds appropriate for the prevailing conditions.
• The maneuvering characteristics of the vessel.
• The quality of the vessel’s radar and navigation systems.
• The vessel’s size and draft in relation to the area to be transited.
• Number, type and power of assist tugs.
• Number and power of bow/stern thrusters available.
• Maneuvering room at various stages of the transit.
• Quality of the vessel’s bridge team.
Special circumstances to be encountered (e.g. dredging projects, obstructions).
Wind direction in relation to planned maneuvers.
COTP Notication of Intention to Move in Inclement Weather Without Applying Equivalent Safety Levels
Vessels 1600 GT or greater that intend to commence a vessel transit during inclement weather without complying with
inclement weather standards of care for vessel movements (including shore-based radar support) shall make the following
broadcast to the VTS on VHF Channel 14 at least 15 minutes prior to getting underway:
Vessel name/call sign, making our inclement weather COTP notification, as per guidance within the Harbor Safety Plan,
that we intend to transit from vessel location to intended destination.”
In addition, a safety broadcast will be made on Channel 13 and the vessel will coordinate its movement with the appropriate
pilot station and the VTS.
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    213
Light (33°42'17"N., 118°17'38"W.), 120 feet above the
water, is shown from a pole on the southern extremity of
the point. A prominent pavilion (The Bell of Friendship)
is on the high ground about 0.3 mile north of the light.
(247) In Long Beach Harbor, prominent charted objects
are a hotel tower located just north of the Municipal
Auditorium and the white stone tower of another hotel 0.4
mile east and the lighted large white dome on the south
side of the entrance to Queensway Bay. The derricks on
the articial oil islands east of Long Beach Pier J are
constructed to appear as high-rise apartment buildings.
(248) Prominent charted objects in Los Angeles Harbor
that are of use to the navigator are the green and white
tank near the south end of Pier 1, the lighted radio tower
atop San Pedro City Hall and the stack on Terminal
(249) Long Beach Light (33°43'23"N., 118°11'13"W.),
50 feet above the water, is shown from a 42-foot white
rectangular tower on a white building on the east end of
Middle Breakwater; a sound signal is at the light.
(250) Note: The Long Beach Pilots have established a
current meter in about 57 feet of water 0.41 mile and
bearing 198.5° from Long Beach Light. A cable runs
from the meter to the Long Beach Light. Mariners are
requested to avoid anchoring or bottom shing in this
(251) Los Angeles Light, (33°42'31"N., 118°15'06"W.),
73 feet above the water, is shown from a white cylindrical
tower with black stripes on a concrete block on the outer
end of the San Pedro breakwater; a sound signal is at the
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(256) The lines established for San Pedro Bay are described
in 33 CFR 80.1114, chapter 2.
Traffic Separation Scheme
(258) Trafc Separation Schemes for Los Angeles/Long
Beach are between the Gulf of Santa Catalina and San
Pedro Channel and along the coast between Point Arguello
and Point Vicente—see 33 CFR 167.1 through 167.15,
167.450 through 167.452 and 167.500 through 167.503.
This Trafc Separation Scheme is recommended for use
by all vessels traveling between the points involved.
They have been designated to aid in the prevention of
collisions at the approaches to major harbors and along
heavily traveled waters but are not intended in any way
to supersede or to alter the applicable Navigation Rules.
Separation zones are intended to separate inbound and
outbound trafc and to be free of ship trafc. Separation
zones should not be used except for crossing purposes.
Mariners should use extreme caution when crossing trafc
lanes and separation zones. Rule 10 of the Navigation
Rules apply to this Trafc Separation Scheme. Note—
parts of the charted Trafc Separation Scheme have been
amended by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO), and have not been updated in the Code of Federal
Regulations. (See IMO COLREG.2/Circ.64.)
(259) Extreme caution must be exercised in the
Precautionary Area off the entrances to Los Angeles and
Long Beach Harbors as both incoming and outgoing
vessels use this area. (See also Trafc Separation
Schemes, chapter 1, for additional information.)
(260) Ferry Routes in the Gulf of Santa Catalina and San
Pedro Channel differ from the Trafc Separation Scheme
in that area. Mariners using the area’s Trafc Separation
Scheme are advised to use caution and beware of
crossing ferries enroute between local coastal ports and
ports at Santa Catalina Island.
Vessel Traffic Service
(262) The Vessel Trafc Service (VTS) Los Angeles/
Long Beach, jointly operated by the U.S. Coast Guard
and the Marine Exchange, has been established within
the approaches to San Pedro Bay and the ports of Los
Angeles and Long Beach. The VTS is a California State
mandatory service and a federally mandated Vessel
Movement Reporting System (VMRS). It is designed to
enhance navigational safety in the main approaches to the
ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
(263) The VTS area consists of the waters of San Pedro
Bay and San Pedro channel, including Santa Monica
Bay, within a 25-nautical-mile radius of Point Fermin
Light and Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors,
inside the breakwater. This includes parts of the Trafc
Separation Scheme Lanes and the Precautionary Area.
Communication in the VTS area outside the breakwater
will be handled by the Marine Exchange Vessel Trafc
Center (VTC) and inside the breakwater by the appropriate
Pilot Station. All reports and communications made to the
VTC (voice call San Pedro Trafc) shall be on VHF-FM
channel 14, to Los Angeles Pilots on VHF-FM channel
73, and to Long Beach Pilots on VHF-FM channel 12.
All stations monitor VHF-FM channels 16 and 13.
(264) Participating vessels are to ensure that a copy of the
VTS User Manual is available on board the vessel when
operating within the VTS area. The manual is available
at no charge from the Marine Exchange of Southern
California, P.O. Box 1949, San Pedro, CA 90733,
phone 310–832–6411. The manual can be viewed and
downloaded at www.mxsocal.org.
(265) The State of California has established Tank Vessel
Escort Regulations for tank vessels underway in the Los
Angeles/Long Beach Harbor and their approaches. The
full text of the regulations can be found at wildlife.ca.gov/
ospr or can be obtained from the California Ofce of
Spill Prevention and Response 24-hour Communications
Center at 916–445–0045.
(266) Tug Escort Applicability: All laden tank vessels
(tankers or barges carrying as cargo a total volume of oil
greater than or equal to 5,000 metric tons of oil) entering
the port should ensure proper implementation of either
the Tanker Force Selection Matrix or the Tank Barge and
214    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
Tug Matching Criteria listed below. In addition, except
for tank barge/primary towing units that have total
displacements of 20,000 metric tons or less, escort tugs
must be tethered.
(267) Three Tank Vessel Escort Zones are established as
(268) Zone 1: Upon all waters within 2.0 nautical miles to
seaward of the Federal Breakwater, escort tugs required
for all laden tank vessels.
(269) Zone 2: Upon all waters in the approaches to the
Port of Long Beach within 3.5 nautical miles to seaward
of the Federal Breakwater, escort tugs required for all
laden tank vessels with static deep draft greater than 16.5
(270) Zone 3: Upon all waters in the approaches to the
Port of Los Angeles within 4.0 nautical miles to seaward
of the Federal Breakwater, escort tugs required for all
laden tank vessels with static deep draft greater than 14.0
(271) Inbound, laden Oil and Chemical Tank Vessels
shall not proceed closer than the seaward limit of the
applicable Tank Vessel Escort Zone, unless the prescribed
escort tug(s) are in position at the seaward limit of the
applicable Tank Vessel Escort Zone. Masters shall also
ensure the anchors are ready for letting go prior to entering
the applicable Tank Vessel Escort Zone. The tank vessel
master/pilot shall hold a “pre-escort conference” that
should at a minimum include:
(272) 1. Contacting the escort tug operator to conrm the
number and position of the escort tug(s); and
(273) 2. Establishing the radio frequency to be used; and
(274) 3. Establishing the destination of the tank vessel; and
(275) 4. Discussing any other pertinent information that
the master/pilot and escort tug operator deem necessary.
(276) An “escort tug,” as dened by California regulations,
is a tug that is designed primarily for pushing or pulling
ahead or astern, or towing alongside another vessel. A tug
is considered to be designed for escort work whether or
not it is involved in such activity. In the harbors of Los
Angeles/Long Beach, an “assist/escort tug” means any
tug that is accepted by the tank vessel master and/or pilot
to escort a tank vessel that is transiting waters where an
assist/escort is required. Arrangements should be made
via the vessel agent, tug company and appropriate pilot
service. Outbound laden tank vessels are not required to
use tugs once they have safely cleared the breakwater.
All tank vessels shifting within the harbor(s) (including
dock to anchor, anchor to anchor, and dock to dock)
shall comply with the escort requirements. Arrangements
should be made via the vessel agent, tug company or
appropriate pilot service to ensure compliance.
Tanker Displacement Forces For Tug(s) Tethered at
the Stern (see notes below)
Metric Tons Short Tons
0 to < 60,000 10
60,000 to < 100,000 20
100,000 to < 140,000 30
140,000 to < 180,000 40
180,000 to < 220,000 50
220,000 to < 260,000 62
260,000 to < 300,000 75
300,000 to < 340,000 87
340,000 to < 380,000 105
380,000 to < 420,000 128
Note 1: Ahead forces for tugs using stern lines (e.g., Voith-
Schneider propeller VSP tugs). Astern forces for tugs using
headlines (e.g., azimuth stern drive ASD tugs)
Note 2: The Forces For Tugs described in the Tanker Force Se-
lection Matrix were evaluated in a water depth equal to 1.2 times
the tankers deep draft for tankers with a displacement of less
than 260,000 metric tons, and in a water depth equal to 1.1 times
the tankers deep draft for tankers with a displacement equal to or
greater than 260,000 metric tons.
Small Tank Barge Matrix
Total Displacement Tonnage
of the Tank Barge and the
Primary Towing Tug
Minimum Required Escort Tug(s)
Static Bollard Pull tethered escort
tug(s)/un-tethered escort tug(s)
0 to 20,000 displacement tons 10 short tons/15 short tons
> 20,000 displacement tons A total astern static bollard pull (in
pounds) equal to or greater than the sum
of both the primary towing tug(s) and
barge(s) total displacement tonnage. (e.g.,
where the total towing tug and tank barge
displacement is 25,000 displacement
tons, the escort tug(s) astern static bollard
pull shall be at least 25,000 pounds or
12.5 short tons.)
(279) All the escort tugs required to satisfy the Tanker
Force Selection Matrix shall be tethered on the tankers
(280) These force requirements reect favorable
circumstances and conditions. The tanker master/
pilot shall arrange for additional escort tug(s) should
adverse weather conditions, unusual port congestion, the
contemplated movement of the vessel or other conditions
or circumstances so require.
(281) (See 33 CFR 157, chapter 2, for regulations for
Tank Vessels Carrying Oil in Bulk and Maneuvering
Performance Capability.)
(282) Vessel Speed Reductions, in addition to the
mandatory 12 knot speed limit in the Los Angeles/Long
Beach Vessel Trafc Service (VTS) Precautionary Area,
the following excerpt is from Rule 402 from the South
Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD):
(283) The Port of Long Beach asks every vessel entering
or leaving the port to observe the voluntary 12-knot
speed limit that extends seaward 40 nautical miles from
Point Fermin. Reducing ship speed will reduce exhaust
emissions into Southern California’s air, which will
result in better air quality. The speed of every vessel
in the speed reduction zone is measured and recorded
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    215
by the Marine Exchange of Southern California; please
contact the Marine Exchange for more information. Your
cooperation with this important air quality improvement
program is greatly appreciated.
(284) Vessels making the breakwater entrances should
proceed at speeds no greater than is necessary for steerage.
Vessels that approach the entrance close in and attempt to
turn at or near the entrance are in danger of collision with
outbound vessels, especially with smaller craft at night
when their lights are not easily distinguishable at low tide
or against the background of lights in the harbor.
(285) Vessels awaiting a pilot should stay well to seaward
and east of the outer fairway buoys.
(286) San Pedro Breakwater extends about 0.9 mile in a
southeast direction from the east side of Point Fermin, then
turns east-northeast for another 0.9 mile to Los Angeles
Light. Middle Breakwater extends east-northeast for 2.1
miles from the Los Angeles entrance, thence east for 1
mile to the Long Beach entrance, and is marked at both
ends by lights. Long Beach Breakwater extends east 2.2
miles from Long Beach entrance and is marked by lights
on both ends. Ranges for a 090°–270° measured nautical
mile are on the Long Beach Breakwater. They are yellow
diamond-shaped daymarks on iron pipes.
(287) Kelp beds are along the inside edge of the west end of
Middle Breakwater and a shallow water habitat is on the
inside edge of San Pedro Breakwater; the shallow water
habitat is surrounded by a submerged dike and is marked
by lights.
(288) Fish Harbor, on the south side of Terminal Island
near its west end, is protected by two sets of breakwaters
and the mole of Pier 300, the outer ends of which are
marked by lights. A dredged channel with a controlling
depth of about 14 feet leads between the outer and inner
breakwaters to Fish Harbor, which has depths of about 16
to 18 feet. The seawall is lined with canneries and other
sh works. The outer breakwaters enclose the Yacht Club
Anchorage, sometimes called the Fish Harbor Extension.
This anchorage has depths of 17 to 20 feet east and depths
of 11 to 14 feet west of the dredged channel.
(290) Long Beach Channel leads northwest from west of
Long Beach Breakwater for 2.2 miles to Middle Harbor,
thence north to Back Channel and the Inner Harbor.
A restricted harbor entrance area has been designated
in the channel and side areas that extends from about 1
mile north of the breakwater to inside Middle Harbor.
The Board of Harbor Commissioners maintains these
regulations in the Port of Long Beach, Tariff Number 004.
These regulations grant priority to outbound vessels and
stipulate a 6-knot speed limit in this restricted area. The
tariff is available from the Port of Long Beach website,
(291) Most of the channels in Long Beach Harbor are
maintained at more than the project depth of 35 feet.
(See Notice to Mariners and latest editions of charts for
(292) Los Angeles Main Channel leads northwest from
east of the San Pedro Breakwater for about 1 mile, thence
north to the Inner Harbor turning basin, thence northeast
through East Basin Channel and Cerritos Channel.
About 0.6 mile northwest of the breakwater, Super
Tanker Channel leads west from the Main Channel to
the deep-draft facilities at Berths 45–50. Los Angeles
Main Channel from the breakwater to the Super Tanker
Channel and the Super Tanker Channel are maintained
at more than the project depth of 45 feet and 40 feet,
respectively. (See Notice to Mariners and latest editions
of charts for depths.)
(293) Los Angeles Main Channel is marked by lights,
lighted buoys and a 295.8° lighted range.
(294) The Los Angeles and Long Beach main channels are
considered narrow channels. Vessels less than 20 meters
in length, sailing vessels, vessels engaged in shing, or
any vessel attempting to cross these channels shall not
impede a vessel that can only safely navigate within a
narrow channel per Inland Navigation Rules, Rule 9. To
obtain information on the movement of deep draft vessels
inside the Federal Breakwater, contact the Los Angeles
Pilot Station on VHF-FM channel 73 or Long Beach Pilot
Station of VHF-FM channel 74.
(296) Limits and regulations of general, naval, explosives
and special anchorage areas in San Pedro Bay are given
in 33 CFR 110.1, 110.100, and 110.214, chapter 2. When
inside the breakwaters, vessels are required to anchor in
the anchorage area prescribed in the regulations except in
cases of great emergency. The Santa Ana is the only wind
dangerous to vessels anchored inside the breakwaters.
(297) The shallow water habitat along the east side of Pier
400 and about 0.4 mile south of the Naval Base Mole
extends into Special Anchorage B-1 (33 CFR 110.100);
however, there are no boating or anchorage restrictions
associated with the shallow water habitat.
(298) Vessels are cautioned against anchoring in the
vicinity of pipeline and cable areas shown on the charts.
(300) A shoal area, with rocks having a least depth of 2
feet, extends about 0.3 mile south of the shore just east of
Point Fermin Light. A lighted whistle buoy is about 300
yards southwest from the south end of the shoal area.
Regulated navigation areas
(302) A regulated navigation area has been established
in the waters south of the Los Angeles-Long Beach
breakwater encompassing the approaches to both
Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors, the pilot areas,
and Commercial Anchorage G. (See 33 CFR 165.1
through 165.13 and 165.1152, chapter 2, for limits and
216    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
(303) Safety zones have been established in San Pedro
Bay, including around the oil drilling platforms, in
33°35'45"N., 118°08'27"W. Platform Edith (§147.1108)
33°35'00"N., 118°07'40"W. Platform Elly (§147.1104)
33°34'57"N., 118°07'42"W. Platform Ellen (§147.1104)
33°33'50"N., 118°07'00"W. Platform Eureka (§147.1111)
(305) See 33 CFR 147.1 through 147.20 for general
regulations and the specic regulations listed above in
chapter 2; also see Oil Well Structures in chapter 3 for
additional information.
(306) A naval restricted area is in the West Basin off
the south shore of Terminal Island inside the jetty of the
Naval Base Mole (See 33 CFR 334.990, chapter 2, for
limits and regulations.)
(307) A restricted area is off the east side of Reservation
Point. (See 33 CFR 334.938, chapter 2, for limits and
(310) The tidal currents follow the axis of the channels and
rarely exceed 1 knot. See the Tidal Current prediction
service at tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov for specic
information about times, directions, and velocities of the
current at numerous locations throughout the area. Links
to a user guide for this service can be found in chapter 1
of this book.
(312) Both Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors are
subject to seiche and surge. The most persistent and
conspicuous oscillation has a period of approximately 1
hour. In the vicinity of Reservation Point and near the east
end of Terminal Island, the hourly surge is very prominent,
causing velocity variations that at times may be as great as
1 knot, and which often overcome the lesser tidal current
so that the current oods and ebbs at half-hour intervals.
Because of the more restricted channel, the surge through
Back Channel at the east end of Terminal Island usually
reaches a greater velocity than through the channel west of
Reservation Point. In Back Channel, the hourly variation
may sometimes be 1.5 knots or more. The hourly surge,
together with other oscillations of shorter period and of
more irregular occurrence, at times causes a very rapid
change both in height of the water and the velocity and
direction of the current and may endanger vessels tied up
at the piers. A 3-minute surge is reported to be responsible
for major ship movements and damage. Pilots advise taut
lines to reduce the effect of the surge.
Weather, Los Angeles
(314) Fog is most likely from October through February.
Out over the bay, it drops visibilities below 0.5 mile
(0.9 km) on about 11 days per month during this period.
It is mostly a land (radiation) fog that drifts out and is
worst in the late night and early morning. Smoke from
nearby industrial areas often adds to the thickness and
persistence of the fog. There are times when it will hang
over the inner channels for several days and along the
coast can be very local in occurrence. For example, at
Long Beach, which is particularly susceptible to cold air
drainage, fog reduces visibilities to less than 0.5 mile
(0.9 km) on an average of 18 more days annually than
at nearby Los Angeles International Airport. Along the
shores, visibilities drop to less than 0.5 mile (0.9 km) on
about 3 to 8 days per month from August through April;
December is usually the worst month.
(315) Winds are variable particularly in fall and winter.
They are also strongest during this period when the
Santa Ana wind can blow. This is an offshore desert
wind which, though infrequent, may be violent. It occurs
when a strong high-pressure system sits over the plateau
region and generates a northeast to east ow over southern
California. The air streams through Cajon Pass into the
Great Valley, swings toward the southwest, and follows
either the Santa Ana River Canyon through the Santa Ana
Mountains or moves directly over the low mountains
south of the canyon and then follows a well-dened path
Structures across the Channels of Long Beach and Los Angeles Harbor
Name Type Location
Clearance (feet)
Horizontal Vertical*
Vincent Thomas Bridge xed 33°44'58"N., 118°16'17"W. 1,150 165 (185 for central
500 feet)
Henry Ford Bridge vertical lift 33°45'57"N., 118°14'25"W. 180 165 (up)
6 (down)
Notes 1 and 2
Commodore Schuyler F. Heim Bridge xed 33°45'58"N., 118°14'23"W. 180 52
Note 2
Overhead power cables 33°46'09"N., 118°13'35"W. 155
Note 3
Long Beach International Gateway Bridge suspension
33°45'53"N., 118°13'16"W. 302 205
Queen’s Way/Magnolia Avenue Bridge xed 33°45'35"N., 118°11'58"W. 500 31 (45 at center)
* Vertical clearance is referenced to mean high water
Note 1 – See 33 CFR 117.1 through 117.59 and 117.147, chapter 2, for draw bridge regulations.
Note 2 – It is reported that clearance gages have been established on a pier anking the navigable span of the Heim Bridge and on the dolphins anking the Henry Ford
Bridge. The gages indicate the vertical navigational clearance beneath each of the bridges at any height of tide.
Note 3 – Vessels are required to have a clearance of at least 6 feet under the cables to avoid the danger of arcing.
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    217
over the plains of Orange County to reach the ocean near
Newport. It diminishes little in intensity immediately
after passing over the bay, and some reports credit it with
blowing far out to sea. However, beyond 50 miles (93 km)
from shore, Santa Anas are of little concern. These winds
have reached speeds of 50 knots or more along the coast.
(316) Aside from weather forecasts, there is little warning
of the onset of a Santa Ana. For some hours preceding its
arrival, good visibility and unusually low humidity often
prevail. Shortly before its arrival on the coast, the Santa
Ana may be observed as an approaching dark-brown dust
cloud. This will often give from 10 to 30 minutes warning
and is a positive indication. The Santa Ana may come at
any time of the day. It can be reinforced by a land breeze
in the early morning or weakened by a sea breeze during
the afternoon.
(317) Winter storms are also responsible for strong winds
over San Pedro Bay, particularly from the southwest
through northwest. Winds of 17 knots or greater occur
about 1 to 2 percent of the time from November through
May. Winter winds often have an east component,
although west-northwest winds are most frequent at
Long Beach. At Los Angeles International Airport, west
and northeast winds are the most common, while at
Los Alamitos, northeast, east and southwest winds are
frequent. However, at both locations, calm conditions
are as common or more so from fall through spring.
Southwest through west winds begin to prevail in spring,
and this lasts through the summer and into early fall. Gales
are rare and have occurred occasionally during March
and November. March, April and May are the windiest
months and December the most calm. An all-time peak
gust of 54 knots was recorded in March 1952.
(318) The National Weather Service maintains an ofce in
Los Angeles—see Appendix A for address. Barometers
may be compared here or by telephone/internet.
Pilotage, Port of Los Angeles
(320) All vessels 300 gross registered tons and over and
all foreign vessels leaving, entering or shifting within
the Port of Los Angeles are subject to pilotage. Vessels
licensed and engaged in the shing trade and enrolled
vessels of the United States under the direction of an
ofcer federally licensed for the port are exempt from
(321) The Port of Los Angeles Pilot Service boards vessels
in the vicinity of Los Angeles Approach Channel Lighted
Whistle Buoy 3. Tank vessels will be boarded at least
two miles from the Los Angeles entrance. Deep-draft
vessels (draft more than 55 feet) will be boarded in the
vicinity of Los Angeles Approach Channel Lighted Buoy
1. The pilot boats, STEPHEN M. WHITE and PHINEAS
BANNING, have black hulls and white cabins with L.A.
PILOTS displayed on each side. The pilot station is at the
southeast end of Pier 1. Pilotage can be arranged through
the pilot station, telephone 310–732–3805, or VHF-FM
channels 73 and 16; call sign KEB-260. The pilot station
and boats monitor and use as working frequencies VHF-
FM channels 73, 14 and 16. The pilot boats display the
standard day and night signals. The pilot station requests
2 hours advance notice of estimated time of arrival on
VHF-FM channel 73. The pilots normally board the
vessels on the starboard side with the ladder about 1
meter above the water. Vessels may not be boarded during
periods of poor visibility or severe weather.
Pilotage, Port of Long Beach
(323) All foreign vessels and U.S. vessels of 300 gross
registered tons and over sailing under register are subject
to a pilotage fee whether or not a municipal pilot is
actually employed. Vessels sailing under U.S. enrollment
and licensed and engaged in coastwise, intercoastal or
shing trades under the direction of an ofcer federally
licensed for the port are exempt from pilotage unless a
municipal pilot is employed.
(324) The Jacobsen Pilot Service, Inc., handles pilotage
for San Pedro Bay, Los Angeles Harbor, Anaheim Bay
and primarily Long Beach Harbor. The pilots board
vessels 1 mile south of Long Beach Approach Lighted
Whistle Buoy LB. Large deep-draft vessels are boarded
2 miles or more south of the approach buoy. The pilot
yellow hulls and white cabins with LONG BEACH
PILOTS displayed on each side. The pilot station is at
the northwest end of Pier F. Pilotage can be arranged by
telephone (562–432–0664) or through VHF-FM channel
12. The pilot station monitors VHF-FM channels 12 and
16; the pilot boats monitor VHF-FM channels 12, 13, 14
and 16. The pilot boats display the standard day and night
signals. The pilot station requests 2 hours advance notice
of estimated time of arrival (ETA) by radiotelephone; call
sign, KMA-372. Vessels should state name, call sign, ETA
at the pickup station and draft and, for vessels equipped
with bow or stern thrusters, the operational status of the
thrusters. Vessels will be given information regarding the
desired lee for boarding. In normal weather, pilots board
on the starboard side, with the ladder about 2 meters
above the water, and a moderate speed. Accommodation
ladders must not be used outside the breakwater. In very
thick fog vessels may be requested to anchor outside the
breakwater in Anchorage F.
(326) Several tugboat companies operate in the Los
Angeles-Long Beach area with tugs up to 5,000 hp
available. Large vessels usually have one or more tugs
in attendance while berthing at or departing from the
wharves along the inner channels.
Quarantine, customs, immigration and agricultural
(328) The Los Angeles/Long Beach Seaport is a customs
port of entry (See Vessel Arrival Inspections, chapter 3.)
218    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
Facilities in the Port of Los Angeles
Name Location
Space Depths*
Handling Facilities
and Storage Purpose Operated by
POLA Liquid Bulk Terminal
(Berths 45-47)
1063 47 16 Two hydraulic unloading
Crude oil Port of Los Angeles
POLA Breakbulk Terminal
(Berths 49-53)
2100 35-51 14.6 Open storage
(24 acres)
Breakbulk steel Port of Los Angeles
(Berths 54-55)
1340 35 14 Transit shed
(211,000 sq feet)
Imported meats,
Imported fruits
Stevedoring Services of
(Berths 70-71)
800 35 14.8 Tank storage
(593,000 barrels)
Liquid bulk Westway Terminal
World Cruise Center
(Berths 91-93)
2850 37 15 Terminal buildings and
passenger vessels
Pacic Cruise Ship
West Basin Container Terminal
(Berth 100)
1200 45-53 15 • Four Panamax cranes
• Open storage (75 acres)
General cargo in
West Basin Container
Terminal LLC
Kinder Morgan Liquid Terminal 33°45'22"N.,
825 35 13 Tank storage
(498,000 barrels)
Petroleum products Kinder Morgan, Inc.
West Basin Container Terminal
(Berths 121-131)
3500 35-45 15 • Eight Panamax cranes
• Open storage
(186 acres)
General cargo in
West Basin Container
Terminal LLC
TraPac Terminal
(Berths 135-139)
4050 35-53 15.7 • Eleven Panamax cranes
• Open storage (173 acres)
General cargo in
Trans Pacic Container
Service Corp.
ConocoPhillips Terminal
(Berths 148-151)
1328 37 15.2 Tank storage
(825,000 barrels)
Petroleum products ConocoPhillips
Warehouse Terminal
(Berths 153-155)
1781 34 12.8 Covered storage
(26,880 sq ft)
General cargo Port of Los Angeles
Valero (Berths 163-164) 33°45'36"N.,
888 40 13.7 Tank storage
(1.5 million barrels)
Petroleum products Valero
Ultramar (Berth 164) 33°45'35"N.,
888 40 13.7 Tank storage
(947,000 barrels)
Petroleum products Ultramar
Borax (Berths 165-166) 33°45'30"N.,
679 37 14.2 Storage for (350 tons) Industrial borates U.S. Borax Inc.
Shell Oil
(Berths 167-169)
1238 40 13 Tank storage
(580,000 barrels)
Petroleum products Shell Oil
Pasha (Berths 174-181) 33°45'43"N.,
3300 35-45 15 Three cranes (40 tons)
• Transit shed
(235,000 sq feet)
Steel Pasha Properties Inc.
Vopak (Berths 187-191) 33°45'50"N.,
2336 38 15 • Tank storage (700,000
• Covered storage
(86,000 sq feet)
Liquid bulk
chemical products
WWL Vehicle Services
(Berths 195-199)
2250 32-34 16-18 Storage for up to 8000
Automobiles WWL Vehicle Services
Americas, Inc.
POLA Container Terminal
(Berths 206-209)
2180 40-45 15.5 • Four gantry cranes
• Open storage
(86 acres)
General cargo in
Port of Los Angeles
Hugo Neu-Proler
(Berths 210-211)
1500 35 13.7 Open storage (26.7 acres) Scrap metal
Hugo Neu-Proler Co.
Yusen Terminal
(Berths 212-225)
5800 35-45 15 • 10 Panamax cranes
• Open storage
(185 acres)
General cargo in
Yusen Terminals Inc.
Seaside Terminal
(Berths 226-236)
4700 38-45 13-15 • Eight Panamax cranes
• Open storage
(205 acres)
General cargo in
Seaside Transportation
Services, LLC
(Berths 238-240C)
903 37 14 Tank storage
(2.3 million barrels)
Petroleum products ExxonMobil
LAXT (Berth 301) 33°43'51"N.,
1000 72 16 •Open and domed storage
•Enclosed conveyor
Petroleum coke Los Angeles Export
Terminal, Inc.
APL Terminal/Global Gateway
(Berths 302-305)
4000 50 15 • 12 Panamax cranes
• Open storage
(292 acres)
General cargo in
Eagle Marine
APM Terminals/Pier 400
(Berths 401-406)
7190 55 15.2 • 14 Panamax cranes
• Open storage
(484 acres)
General cargo in
APM Terminals
Dimensions given are in feet
* The depths given above are reported. For information on the latest depths contact the port authorities or the private operators.
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    219
Facilities in the Port of Long Beach
Name Location
Space Depths*
Handling Facilities and
Storage Purpose Operated by:
Pier J (Berths 266-270) 33°44'11"N.,
2711 47-56 15 • 16 gantry cranes
• Open storage (64 acres)
General cargo in
SSA Marine
Pier J (Berths 243-247) 33°44'36"N.,
3300 36-40 16 • Open storage (57 acres)
• Covered storage
(100,000 sq feet)
General cargo in
SSA Marine
Pier G (Berths 226-236) 33°44'39"N.,
6379 36-42 15 • 16 gantry cranes
• Open storage (160 acres)
• Container freight station
(70,000 sq feet)
General cargo in
Transportation Service
Pier G (Berths 212-215) 33°44'52"N.,
1900 50 18-19 • Two traveling shiploaders
• Covered storage
(540 tons)
Petroleum Coke, Coal,
Potash, Borax, Soda ash,
Concentrates, Prilled
Pier F
(Berths 211A and 209)
800 43 19 • Pipeline system
• Tank storage
(425,000 barrels)
Petroleum products Chemoil Marine
Pier F (Berth 211) 33°45'02"N.,
1100 40 19 • Terminal services for bulk
Petroleum coke Koch Carbon, Inc.
Pier F (Berth 210) 33°44'59"N.,
700 40 19 Belt conveyor system Bulk salt Morton Salt Company
Pier F (Berth 208) 33°44'54"N.,
420 29-33 19 • Storage space
(50,000 sq feet)
• Belt conveyor system
Bulk cement MCC-Lucky Cement
Pier F (Berths 206-207) 33°44'46"N.,
1200 32 18.5 • Open storage
(12.2 acres)
• Covered storage
(190,000 sq feet)
Steel products, Plywood,
Lumber, Large machinery
Crecent Terminal
Pier F (Berths 204-205) 33°44'38"N.,
1265 36 18.5 • Open storage (5.5 acres)
• Covered storage
(180,000 sq feet)
Steel products, Plywood,
Cooper/T. Smith
Pier F (Berths 6-10) 33°45'15"N.,
2750 50 14.4 • Seven gantry cranes
• 240 reefer outlets
General cargo in
Long Beach Container
Terminal, Inc.
Pier E (Berths 24-26) 33°45'35"N.,
2100 48 17.7 • Five gantry cranes
• Open storage (58 acres)
• 400 reefer outlets
General cargo in
California United
Pier D (Berths 30-31) 33°45'31"N.,
700 43 19.5 • Tank storage
(6.7 million gallons)
Tallow, Vegetable oils Baker Commodities,
Pier D (Berths 32-33) 33°45'31"N.,
680 36 13.8 • Silo storage (50k tons)
• Open storage (87k sq. feet)
Bulk cement Pacic Coast Cement
Pier T (Berths 134-140) 33°45'13"N.,
5000 55 14.7 • 14 gantry cranes
• Open storage (237 acres)
• 1088 reefer outlets
General cargo in
TTI-Hanjin Shipping
Pier T (Berth 122) 33°45'17"N.,
600 40 23 • Open storage (7.7 acres)
• Covered storage
(15,000 sq feet)
Lumber and Lumber
Fremont Forest Group
Pier T (Berth 121) 33°45'24"N.,
1140 76 20 • Tank storage available in
Crude oil and Petroleum
Pier T (Berth 118) 33°45'39"N.,
900 36 22 • Vessel loading crane
• Open storage
(13.5 acres)
Recyclable metal & steel
SA Recycling Co.
Pier T (Berths 116-117) 33°45'47"N.,
600 32-35 23 • Open storage (9.9 acres) Lumber and Lumber
Pier D (Berth 46) 33°46'10"N.,
640 40 17.2 • Belt-conveyor system
• Storage shed (40,000 tons)
Gypsum Georgia Pacic
Gypsum Corp.
Pier D (Berths 50-54) 33°46'16"N.,
2370 36 10-17 • Open storage (6.9 acres)
• Transit shed (495,000 sq
Newsprint and Lumber Crescent Warehouse
Pier C (Berths 60-62) 33°46'13"N.,
1800 42 14.5 • Three gantry cranes
• Open storage (57 acres)
General cargo in
containers & Automobiles
SSA Marine-Matson
Pier B (Berths 76-78) 33°46'33"N.,
2200 46 14.4 Tank storage
(1.8 million barrels)
Petroleum products BP
Pier B (Berths 82-83) 33°46'28"N.,
1300 45 14.4 • Tank storage (410k barrels)
• Open storage (110 acres)
• Transit shed (150k sq. feet)
Bulk and Automobiles Petro-Diamond and
Pier B (Berths 84-87) 33°46'20"N.,
1980 52 16.8 Tank storage (254k barrels) Crude oil, Petroleum
products, Bunker fuel
Tesoro Rening and
Marketing Company
220    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
(329) Quarantine is enforced in accordance with
regulations of the U.S. Public Health Service. (See Public
Health Service, chapter 1.)
Coast Guard
(331) A sector ofce is located in the Los Angeles/Long
Beach Harbor complex. (See Appendix A for addresses.)
(332) Los Angeles/Long Beach Coast Guard Station is
on the east side of Main Channel at Reservation Point.
Harbor regulations
(334) Local rules and regulations for the Port of Los
Angeles are enforced by the Port Warden of the Harbor
Department. The Los Angeles Harbor Department
Headquarters are at 425 South Palos Verdes Street, San
(335) Similar regulations for the Port of Long Beach
are enforced by the Executive Director of the Harbor
Department assigned by a Board of Harbor Commissioners.
The Long Beach Harbor Department Administration
Building is located at 415 W. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach,
CA 90802. The speed limit for Middle Harbor and Inner
Harbor is 6 knots.
(336) Permits are required from the Port Warden for any
method of underwater diving within Los Angeles Harbor.
Similarly, a permit from the Port Manager is required in
Long Beach Harbor.
(337) Copies of the regulations may be obtained from the
local ofce concerned.
(339) All land of the Port of Los Angeles is owned by the
City of Los Angeles. This land is leased to various
facilities listed in the table; only the major deep-draft
facilities are listed. The alongside depths given in the
table are reported. (For information on the latest depths
contact the port authorities or the private operators.) Most
of the piers and wharves have shore connections
(electrical/water), highway and railroad connections.
(341) General cargo at the port is usually handled by ship’s
tackle. Special handling equipment, if available, is noted
in the table. Floating cranes to 350 tons are available.
(342) The ofce of the chief wharnger is at 425 South
Palos Verdes Street, San Pedro.
(343) All land of the Port of Long Beach is owned by the
City of Long Beach. This land is leased to various
facilities listed in the table; only the major deep-draft
facilities are listed. The alongside depths given in the
table are reported. (For information on the latest depths
contact the port authorities or the private operators.) Most
of the piers and wharves have shore connections
(electrical/water), highway and railroad connections.
(345) The famous passenger liner QUEEN MARY, retired
in 1967 and purchased by the Port of Long Beach, is
moored on the northeast side of Pier H, parallel to the
skyline of the city of Long Beach. The ship is used as a
oating museum, hotel and convention center.
(346) The large lighted white dome south of the QUEEN
MARY was once the exhibit center for Howard Hughes’
famous ying boat SPRUCE GOOSE. The dome is now
used by Carnival Cruise Lines to support the Long Beach
Cruise Terminal.
(348) Fuel oil, water and marine supplies can be had in
any quantity at both Los Angeles and Long Beach. Fuel
oil can be supplied at the oil docks or by barge.
(350) Los Angeles Harbor is well equipped with marine
repair plants. The largest marine railway, at Berth 264 in
the northeast end of Fish Harbor in East San Pedro, has
a hauling power of 1,000 tons. There are a number of
smaller facilities. There are no graving docks. The port
is well equipped with salvage facilities. A trained salvage
crew and a corps of expert divers are ready at all times to
render aid in any disaster to shipping along the coast and
at distant localities.
(351) Long Beach Harbor is also well equipped for marine
repairs. A variety of barge cranes are available in the
40- to 275-ton capacity range. There are several marine
railways for small craft at Long Beach Harbor.
(353) Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors have
connections to the extensive freeway system that
connects the cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach and
their suburbs; four U.S. or Interstate highways extend
from the area freeway system to the north, south and east.
The harbors are served by three major railroads and many
airlines. The harbors are ports of call for many foreign
and domestic steamship lines and by coastal barge lines.
(354) While the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach
are separate entities, their harbor facilities are closely
Facilities in the Port of Long Beach
Name Location
Space Depths*
Handling Facilities and
Storage Purpose Operated by:
Pier A (Berths 88-96) 33°46'09"N.,
3600 50 14.2 • Ten gantry cranes
• Open storage (90 acres)
• 652 reefer outlets
General cargo in
SSAT Long Beach
Dimensions given are in feet
* The depths given above are reported. For information on the latest depths contact the port authorities or the private operators.
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    221
Small-craft facilities
(356) The major small-craft facilities in Long Beach are
Long Beach Marina in Alamitos Bay and the Downtown
Marina on Queensway Bay, west of oil Island Grissom.
Other facilities in Long Beach Harbor are just inside the
entrances to both Channel Two and Channel Three. All
repair facilities, supplies, fuel, moorage and related yacht
requirements may be had at individual private marinas or
from other establishments in the Middle Harbor. Several
boatyards are in Channel Two and Channel Three.
(357) Los Angeles Harbor has small-craft facilities on both
sides of Cerritos Channel from the Heim lift bridge to
East Basin, on the east side of East Basin, in Watchhorn
Basin and along the west side of West Channel. All the
berths, fuel, supplies and services required for small boats
are available at the individual private marinas or may be
obtained nearby.
Point Fermin to Point Vicente
(359) From Point Fermin the coast trends in a general west
direction 6.5 miles to Point Vicente and forms the north
shore of San Pedro Channel, which is discussed in chapter
5. From Point Vicente the shoreline curves north. The
coast is free of off-lying dangers and is well marked by
(360) The Trafc Separation Scheme between Point
Fermin and Point Conception is discussed earlier in this
(361) Several submarine sewers extend 1.3 miles offshore
near White Point, 1.3 miles northwest from Point Fermin.
(362) Point Vicente, 6.3 miles northwest of Point Fermin,
is a steep rocky cliff, 120 feet high, white and red in
color, with red predominating. A rock awash is 250 yards
southwest from the point with kelp extending 100 yards
farther to seaward. A small black 25-foot high pyramidal
rock is close inshore 0.3 mile east of the point.
(363) Point Vicente Light (33°44'31"N., 118°24'38"W.),
185 feet above the water, is shown from a cylindrical
tower on the southwest end of the point.
Danger zone
(365) A danger zone for practice ring extends off Point
Vicente. (See 33 CFR 334.940, chapter 2, for limits and
Chart - 18740
(367) Palos Verdes Point, 2 miles north-northwest of
Point Vicente, is a bold, bluff point, 120 feet high, rising
abruptly to the west extremity of Palos Verdes Hills.
There are no dangers off the point, but heavy kelp extends
0.6 mile offshore and is marked by a lighted bell buoy 0.7
mile west of the point.
(368) Lunada Bay is a small bight on the south side of
Palos Verdes Point. Resort Point forms the south side of
this bay.
(369) Flat Rock Point, 1.7 miles northeast of Palos Verdes
Point, is on the south side of Santa Monica Bay. A narrow
spur protrudes from the otherwise rounded point. Flat
Rock, 6 feet high, and Bit Rock, 5 feet high, are 175 yards
and 250 yards, respectively, off the end of the spur. Bluff
Cove is a shallow bight on the south side of Flat Rock
Point. The beach is covered with boulders.
(370) Santa Monica Bay is formed by the curving coast
between Point Vicente and Point Dume. From Flat Rock
Point to Santa Monica the shore is comparatively low
with a sand beach backed by a continuous city area to
the inland mountains. The depths of Santa Monica Bay
are comparatively shoal, the 10-fathom curve in general
lying about 1 mile from shore, except at Redondo Beach
where a deep submarine valley, Redondo Canyon, heads
close to the shore.
(371) Malaga Cove, just north of Flat Rock Point, is used
occasionally by shing boats with local knowledge, but it
is open to the prevailing west winds. Boats enter through
a break in the kelp and anchor inside in 6 to 7 fathoms,
with the south point of the cove bearing 207°.
(372) King Harbor, 4.5 miles north-northeast of Palos
Verdes Point, is a large small-craft harbor at Redondo
Beach. The harbor is used mostly by pleasure craft and
accommodates upwards of 1,400 boats.
Prominent features
(374) At the north end of King Harbor and about 200 yards
inshore is a large power plant with ve large smokestacks
approximately in line and parallel with the beach. A
private light is shown from atop the power plant.
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(376) The lines established for Redondo Harbor are
described in 33 CFR 80.1116, chapter 2.
(377) The entrance is between two lights at the ends of the
breakwaters at the south end of the harbor. A mariner-
radio-activated sound signal at the light on the east side
of the entrance is initiated by keying the microphone ve
times on VHF-FM channel 81A. A lighted bell buoy is
south-southwest of the south end of the west breakwater.
The channel is marked by private buoys, with lights at
the entrances to Basins 1 and 2. Natural depths through
the entrance are 27 to 30 feet with a depth of 8 feet in the
three basins, except for an isolated depth of 6 feet in the
northeasternmost channel of Basin 1. In 1977, shoaling
was reported on the south side of the entrance to Basin
3, and in 1989, rocks awash were reported near the north
side of the entrance to the basin.
Harbor regulations
(379) The harbor is administered by the city of Redondo
Beach and is under the control of a harbormaster, who
has an ofce near the entrance to Basin 2. Transients
222    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
should contact the harbormaster for berth assignments.
The harbor patrol operates from Basin 2. Both the harbor
ofce and the patrol monitor radiotelephone VHF-FM
channel 16 and can be reached be telephone at 310–318–
(381) There is a fuel dock that has gasoline and diesel fuel;
most other small-craft supplies are available.
(382) A yacht club is in Basin 3.
(384) A boatyard here can handle craft up to 50 feet and
60 tons for all general repairs.
(386) The city of Los Angeles advises that under certain
tidal conditions, underwater installations between King
Harbor and Marina del Rey, seaward to 9 fathom depths,
present possible hazards to surface navigation.
(387) Sport shing barges usually anchor 1 or 2 miles
offshore during the summer; caution is advised to avoid
Submarine oil seepage
(389) About 1.5 miles off Redondo Beach, in the deep
water of Redondo Canyon, there is a submarine oil
seepage and the water surface is often covered with a
lm of petroleum. Gas bubbles have been reported in
several locations in this vicinity. A second seepage 3.5
to 4 miles to the northwest is more noticeable and more
continuously in action. On calm days, globules and large
blobs of oil have been seen projected clear of the water
surface. Gas also escapes continuously in large bubbles
often 3 to 6 inches in diameter.
Chart - 18740
(391) Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach are between
Redondo Beach and El Segundo; both have public shing
piers with sh havens covered 9 feet around their seaward
ends. The pier at Hermosa Beach is about 1.3 miles
north of Redondo Beach and extends about 275 yards
from shore; a private sound signal is at the outer end.
The Manhattan Beach pier, 2.5 miles north of Redondo
Beach, extends almost 175 yards from shore.
(392) El Segundo, about 2 miles north of Manhattan
Beach, has extensive oil reneries with several large oil
tanks on high ground being prominent. Other prominent
features are an aero light north of El Segundo at Los
Angeles International Airport, two 334-foot striped
stacks in about 33°55'06"N., 118°25'39"W., and a power
plant with four stacks about 0.6 mile south-southeast of
the striped stacks. A rock groin, marked at its outer end
by a private light, extends seaward from the north end of
the power plant.
(393) An offshore oil terminal with two multi-buoy
sea berths is about 1.3 miles west of El Segundo. The
terminal, operated by Chevron USA, loads and discharges
tankers through several submerged hoses and pipelines. A
private lighted bell buoy is west of the offshore terminal
and a safety zone surrounds the terminal. (See 33 CFR
165.1156, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.) Two
anchorages are west-southwest of the offshore terminal
for vessels awaiting berthing assignments at the terminal.
Vessels intending to use these anchorages must rst
contact the Vessel Trafc Information Service on VHF-
FM channel 14 for assignment and further instruction.
(395) Mariners should exercise caution when navigating
over the sewer outfalls and submerged pipelines that
extend seaward from El Segundo. Numerous uncharted
buoys and other potential hazards to navigation exist
within this area.
(396) A restricted area extends about 7 miles offshore at
El Segundo. (See 33 CFR 162.195, chapter 2, for limits
and regulations.)
(397) Marina del Rey, 7.6 miles north-northwest of
Redondo Beach and King Harbor, is a large manmade
small-craft harbor. It has a capacity for over 6,000
pleasure craft.
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(399) The lines established for Marina del Rey are
described in 33 CFR 80.1118, chapter 2.
(400) A detached breakwater parallel to the shore is just to
seaward of the jetties protecting the entrance channel.
(402) A dredged entrance channel leads northeast from the
detached breakwater for about 0.7 mile, then the harbor
channel continues north for about 0.6 mile to the north
end of the harbor. There are two openings between the
jetties and the detached breakwater; the chart is the best
guide for navigating the openings. The north and south
ends of the detached breakwater and the outer ends of the
jetties are marked by lights. A mariner-radio-activated
sound signal at the light on the outer end of the north
jetty is initiated by keying the microphone ve times on
VHF-FM channel 81A.
(403) A restricted area governing navigation inside the
detached breakwater has been established. (See 162.200,
chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
(404) Trafc separation lanes have been established in
the entrance channel to Marina del Rey. These lanes are
marked by State Waterway Regulatory Buoys with the
words “No Sail.” All vessels under power, or power and
sail, shall keep these buoys to their port when entering or
departing the harbor. The center lane between the buoys
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    223
is used by vessels solely under sail, both entering or
departing the harbor.
(406) A special anchorage is in the upper reach of the
harbor channel. (See 33 CFR 110.1 and 110.111, chapter
2, for limits and regulations.)
Coast Guard
(408) A search and rescue craft is stationed at the pier just
south of the harbor ofce, on the east side of the bend in
the entrance channel.
Harbor regulations
(410) The harbor is administered by the Los Angeles
County Department of Beaches and Harbors. The
Harbormaster, under the Los Angeles County Sheriffs
Department, has an ofce on the east side of the bend in
the entrance channel. Guest berths are available further
down the channel at Burton Chace Park.
(411) The Sheriffs Harbor Patrol operates the ofce on
the east side of the entrance channel, providing 24-hour
service. Radiotelephone VHF-FM channel 16 is monitored
on a 24-hour basis, and the Sheriffs Department can be
reached by telephone at 310–823–7762.
(413) Marine supplies of all kinds can be obtain at most
of the marinas and repair yards. Gasoline and diesel fuel
are available at the fuel docks. Several yacht clubs are
on the shores of the various basins. Medical facilities are
available at the harbor, and a hospital is nearby.
(415) There are two boatyards in the harbor that have hull
and engine repair facilities. The largest lift can handle
vessels to 100 tons.
(416) Fish havens, marked by private buoys, are about 1.1
miles west of the light at the north end of the detached
Chart - 18740
(418) About 1 mile north of the entrance to Marina del Rey
is the 1,100-foot-long Los Angleles city public shing
pier at Venice; a sh haven covered 10 feet surrounds its
seaward end.
(419) A 144°40'-324°40' measured nautical mile is off
Marina del Rey. The south range is two triangular white
and orange markers located at the midpoint of Marina
del Rey detached breakwater. The north range is an
orange and white triangle located on the centerline of
Los Angeles city public shing pier.
(420) Santa Monica, 3.5 miles northwest of Marina
del Rey, has a large pleasure pier, but there is no water
commerce. A private sound signal is on the outer end of
the pier. A 0.3-mile-long breakwater, submerged at high
tide, is off the outer end of the pier and parallel to the
(421) The city of Santa Monica Harbor Patrol maintains
a temporary ofce on the large pleasure pier. VHF-FM
channels 12 and 16 are monitored on a 24-hour basis. A
rescue boat is on call for emergencies.
(422) The buildings and structures along the beach are
prominent. Most conspicuous from offshore are the tall
General Telephone Building with a red and white antenna
on top, and the clock tower atop a bank building.
(423) The 16-mile coast between Santa Monica and Point
Dume is bold, rocky, and rugged. Steep cliffs rise abruptly
from the waters edge, ascending gradually within 3 or
4 miles to the summits of the Santa Monica Mountain
Range, about 3,000 feet high. The seaward termination of
this range is at Point Mugu, 14 miles west of Point Dume.
(424) Kellers Shelter, 9 miles west of Santa Monica at
Malibu Beach, is an open bight offering protection from
north and west winds in 2 to 7 fathoms, sandy bottom.
A reef marked by kelp extends a short distance offshore
about 0.5 mile west of the anchorage.
(425) A shing and pleasure pier, 700 feet long with 15
feet of water at its outer end, is on the west side of Kellers
Shelter. Twin white buildings are prominent marks at
the outer end of the pier. Private mooring buoys are
maintained east of the pier for the use of sport shing
boats that leave for the nearby shing grounds. Frequently
the headlights of automobiles on the highway along the
beach are directed toward the sea.
(426) Paradise Cove, 2 miles northeast of Point Dume,
affords protection similar to Kellers Shelter. The
anchorage is abreast the fourth break or arroyo in the
cliffs from Point Dume, and is immediately outside the
kelp line, in 6 to 7 fathoms, sand bottom, with Point Dume
bearing 240°. Kelp should be avoided because of possible
dangers. A 300-foot sport shing pier is on the northwest
side of Paradise Cove. A rescue vessel is moored in
Paradise Cove.
(427) In 1985, hazardous submerged pilings were reported
about 300 yards south-southwest of the shing pier in
about 34°01.1'N., 118°47.1'W.
(428) Point Dume is the seaward end of a rather low
plateau that terminates in a dome-shaped head, about
200 feet high, rising from a bold rocky bluff. The bluff is
reddish, with white cliffs east and west. A small bare rock
is 150 yards south of the point, and a reef that uncovers
is 150 yards farther out. Foul ground extends about 500
yards east of the reef.
(429) A rescue boat is moored at Zuma Beach, about
1 mile northwest of Point Dume. The rescue boat can
be contacted through the Coast Guard or the lifeguard
station, which monitors VHF-FM channel 16, from 0900-
1700 daily; call sign, Bay Watch.
(430) Dume Canyon is a submarine valley with extremely
steep slopes running about 0.3 mile offshore from Point
Dume and extending northwest roughly parallel to
224    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
the beach. Moderately strong currents of a confused
directional nature have been observed in the vicinity of
this submarine valley.
Chart - 18720
(432) The 14-mile coast between Point Dume and Point
Mugu is very rugged, and there are no known outlying
dangers. About 2 miles east of Point Mugu, on the beach
at the foot of a very high bluff, is a 140-foot sand dune.
This is quite prominent and can be made out on clear
moonlit nights. The dune is charted as a “prominent
(433) Point Mugu, the seaward termination of the Santa
Monica Mountains, is prominent because of the lowland
of the Santa Clara Valley to the west. The cuts and lls
of the highway that skirt the shore from Point Mugu east
are prominent. Aluminum-colored twin tanks, 1.5 miles
northwest of the point and on the west slopes of Laguna
Peak, show well from southeast through west. A pipeline
runs from the tanks to a prominent white radar structure
atop Laguna Peak. The tanks and the pipeline are marked
by ashing red lights.
Weather, Point Mugu
(435) Fog hampers visibilities most often from July
through December, when the visibility drops below 0.5
mile on about 5 to 8 days per month; September is usually
the worst month. North through northeast winds are
common from October through March, while west winds
prevail from April through September. While gales are
infrequent, wind gusts have reached 50 to 60 knots from
fall through spring. These strong winds often blow out of
the east-northeast. Calm conditions are frequent all year
round, but particularly from May through October.
(438) The U.S. Navy advises navigation interests and
others that continuous hazardous operations may take
place on the Point Mugu Sea Range, Monday through
Sunday. The range extends for 180 miles in a southwest
direction from Point Mugu and is up to 210 miles wide.
The specic danger portions of the ring area are broadcast
daily Monday through Friday at 0900 and 1200 on 2638
kHz and 2738 kHz (See Eleventh Coast Guard District
Local Notice to Mariners for additional information).
The U.S. Navy will make broadcast every 30 minutes
on VHF-FM Marine bridge-to-bridge radio channels 11
and 16 during hazardous operations. For information
regarding the current hazardous operations status contact
“PLEAD CONTROL” on VHF-FM channels 11 or 16,
or at 805–989–8841/8843 from 0600-1800, or 805–
816–0792 RODO (Range Operation Duty Ofcer) after
1800. A recorded message is available at 805–989–1470.
If PLEAD CONTROL cannot be reached, contact “San
Pedro Trafc” on VHF-FM channel 14 or 310–832–6411.
(439) The U.S. Navy requests all vessels transiting through
the Point Mugu Sea Range submit a notication to PLEAD
CONTROL indicating the vessel name, destination and
estimated time of entry into and departure from the test
range. Notications can be faxed to 805–989–0102. This
is for information only and does not constitute approval
to enter the range. When inbound, contact PLEAD
CONTROL or “San Pedro Trafc” to determine when
and where an exercise is scheduled. Communicate in
sufcient time to divert or adjust vessel speed to avoid
naval operations. When outbound, advise “San Pedro
Trafc” intention to transit “Northbound” (through the
Santa Barbara Channel) or “Westbound” (south of the
Channel Islands) when reporting fteen minutes prior to
departing the federal breakwater. San Pedro Trafc will
Between 34°N to 36°N and 119°W to 125°W
Wind > 33 knots ¹
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.2 1.8 1.5 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.3
Wave Height > 9 feet ¹ 4.4 6.0 8.1 10.4 10.6 8.1 5.3 4.4 3.9 3.8 4.6 6.4 6.4
Visibility < 2 nautical miles ¹
4.5 6.3 4.6 4.9 5.7 5.8 8.5 8.0 7.7 8.7 5.5 5.6 6.3
Precipitation ¹
5.5 5.8 5.0 3.2 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.4 3.4 4.8 3.0
Temperature > 69° F 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 1.4 3.4 3.6 4.2 2.6 1.5 0.8 1.7
Mean Temperature (°F)
55.5 55.8 55.9 56.7 57.6 59.4 61.1 62.1 62.8 61.7 59.5 57.4 58.8
Temperature < 33° F ¹
0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mean RH (%) 79 79 80 80 82 84 86 86 85 84 81 79 82
Overcast or Obscured ¹
21.2 25.7 24.4 24.5 32.1 40.0 50.6 48.2 36.6 29.4 18.9 20.4 31.4
Mean Cloud Cover (8
4.1 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.5 4.7 5.4 5.4 4.6 4.3 3.7 3.9 4.5
Mean SLP (mbs) 1019 1019 1018 1017 1016 1015 1015 1015 1014 1016 1018 1019 1017
Ext. Max. SLP (mbs)
1036 1036 1045 1043 1035 1031 1033 1030 1032 1034 1040 1039 1045
Ext. Min. SLP (mbs)
987 992 990 996 997 995 998 998 996 998 996 991 987
Prevailing Wind Direction NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW NW
Thunder and Lightning ¹
0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1
¹ Percentage Frequency
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    225
provide the most recent information regarding hazardous
naval operations.
Danger zone
(441) Danger zones for Navy small-arms ring ranges
extend about 2 miles offshore at Point Mugu and about 3
miles offshore at Laguna Point. (See 33 CFR 334.1120
and 334.1125, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
(442) Mugu Canyon is a submarine valley with its head
near Mugu Lagoon. The 50-fathom curve is about 0.5
mile offshore.
(443) Santa Barbara Channel is discussed in chapter 5.
Point Hueneme
(445) Point Hueneme (pronounced: y-nee-me), 22 miles
west-northwest of Point Dume is low, rounding, and
sandy. It is the outermost point of the low land of the
Santa Clara Valley.
(446) Port Hueneme Light (34°08'43"N., 119°12'36"W.),
52 feet above the water, is shown from a 48-foot white
square tower on a building. A mariner-radio-activated
sound signal at the light is initiated by keying the
microphone ve times on VHF-FM channel 81A. A
sewer outfall line, about 1.4 miles south-southeast of
Point Hueneme Light, extends about 1 mile from shore.
Weather, Point Hueneme
(448) In the coastal waters from Point Hueneme to Santa
Barbara, sea fog hampers navigation most often from July
through October. It is generally more widespread and often
more persistent than land (radiation) fog. Visibilities fall
below 0.5 mile (0.9 km) on about 5 to 10 days per month
during these months; August and September are usually
the worst.
(449) Port Hueneme is an inland basin, about 1,400 feet
long by 1,200 feet wide, located at the head of a submarine
canyon, Hueneme Canyon. It is under the control of the
U.S. Navy, Naval Base Ventura County. The southeast
part of the basin is owned by the Oxnard Harbor District
and is operated as a deep-draft commercial terminal.
The commercial terminal is used by cargo vessels,
commercial and offshore supply vessels operating from
here to offshore drilling rigs.
Prominent features
(451) The most prominent objects around the shores of
the harbor are two lighted red and white striped stacks at
a power plant, 2.4 miles southeast of the harbor, a good
night mark.
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(453) The lines established for Port Hueneme are described
in 33 CFR 80.1120, chapter 2.
(454) A Safety Fairway leading to the channel has been
established. (See 33 CFR 166, chapter 2, for limits and
(456) The dredged channel leads between two jetties and
through a land cut into the basin. The outer ends of the
jetties are marked by lights. A lighted whistle buoy is
about 800 yards southwest of the outer end of the east
jetty. Lighted buoys and a 037° lighted range mark the
(457) A federal project provides for a depth of 40 feet in
the entrance channel and 40 feet in the basin. Mariners
are advised that between periodic dredging, depths
in the channel and basin are subject to change due to
minor silting. Vessels with deep drafts are advised to
consult with the Port Hueneme Pilots Association
(805–986–3213) concerning the available depths prior
to vessel arrival. General guidelines call for under-keel
clearances of 3 feet for inbound vessels and 2 feet for
outbound vessels, taking tidal height into consideration.
The narrowest width of the entrance channel is 330 feet.
However, because of prevailing fresh winds only one-
way trafc is permitted for large ships. The pilots control
the trafc direction.
(459) There is no anchorage area in the harbor basin
because of space limitations. The recommended
anchorage for deep-draft vessels is about 1.7 miles south
of Port Hueneme Light. This location offers no protection
in heavy weather.
(461) A naval restricted area is in Port Hueneme. (See 33
CFR 334.1 through 334.1127, chapter 2, for limits and
(463) The Port Hueneme inner harbor is not noticeably
affected by tidal streams or currents. However, the
shoreline current that normally sets down the coast,
but occasionally sets the opposite direction, is most
noticeable just outside the entrance jetties. This shoreline
current varies with several inuences including wind
direction and force, state of the tide, and freshwater runoff
during storm conditions. The shoreline current can pose
problems for vessels as they enter the harbor.
(463.002) The mean range of tide at Port Hueneme is 3.7 feet.
The diurnal range of tide is about 5.4 feet and a range of
about 9 feet may occur at times of maximum tide. The
lowest water is about 1.6 feet below Mean Lower Low
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Pilotage, Port Hueneme
(465) All commercial vessels 300 gross registered tons
and over entering, leaving or shifting within the Port
of Hueneme, including the area of the Oxnard Harbor
District, must be piloted by a port pilot duly licensed to
perform the services of piloting vessels within the Port.
The Oxnard Harbor district does not maintain pilots.
Requests for pilots may be made by calling the Port
Hueneme Pilots Association, telephone 805–986–3213.
Pilots are available on a 24-hour basis and board vessels
from a tug at a point 2 miles from the sea buoy on the
entrance range. When pilots are boarding, vessels should
stay on the range line and reduce speed to 6 knots or less.
(466) Per IMO and SOLAS regulations, pilot ladder
should be rigged on the lee side (normally starboard while
inbound, port side outbound) amidship, about 5 feet (1.5
m) above the water. Pilot ladder should be rigged well
away from any overboard discharge. At night, the ladder
must be properly lighted.
(467) Access to and from the ladder to the deck of the ship
should be through a break in the rail, or if the ladder tends
over the rail, then steps should be provided on the inboard
side to permit access back to the deck level. Manropes
should NOT be rigged, when boarding a Pilot, coming
from sea.
(468) A proper ring-buoy (with light and line attached)
should be provided at the boarding area. The Harbormasters
guard VHF-FM channel 14 and VHF-FM channel 16,
24-hours per day, 365 days per year. Vessels should
check in with the Harbormasters on VHF-FM channel 14.
Vessels are cautioned to remain a safe distance offshore
when calling pilots because dock space must be cleared.
(470) Tug service for the port is furnished by a private tug
company. Requests for service may be made by telephone,
805–986–1600. Tugs up to 5,000 hp are available on a
24-hour basis.
Quarantine, customs, immigration and agricultural
(472) Port Hueneme is a U.S. Customs port of entry and
can be reached at 805–488–8574. (See Vessel Arrival
Inspections, chapter 3.)
(473) Quarantine is enforced in accordance with
regulations of the U.S. Public Health Service. (See Public
Health Service, chapter 1.)
Agricultural quarantine
(475) All vessels from outside of California that dock at
Port Hueneme, except those specically exempt, must
be inspected by U.S. Department of Agriculture and/or
the Ventura County Department of Agriculture. There are
local representatives in the Oxnard area.
Harbor regulations
(477) The U.S. Navy exercises overall Port Control
Authority. Port Hueneme, Control One, is on duty from
0800-1600 Monday through Friday, no weekends or
holidays. The Oxnard Harbor District is responsible for
its commercial operations. The Wharnger is on duty at
all times and guards VHF-FM channel 14; the entrance
to the Naval Base Ventura County is restricted, and
photography is not permitted.
(478) No garbage, waste or refuse shall be discharged in
in any manner from any vessel in accordance with the
California Administrative Code. A 5-knot speed limit is
enforced in the harbor.
(480) The Port of Hueneme has two deep draft wharves.
Wharf No. 1 (the southern wharf) is 1,800 feet long
and consists of two berths (1 and 2). These two berths
are where the port typically lands container and tanker
vessels. The north wharf (Wharf No. 2) is 1,450 feet long
and consists of berths 4 and 5. These berths are where
the port typically lands roll on/roll off vessels. There
is also a smaller berth (Berth No. 3) at the west end of
the port that is 379 feet long and is typically used for
commercial shing and other offshore industries. The
port has an active Joint Use Agreement (JUA) in place
with Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) Port Hueneme
that permits the commercial port, via advanced notice and
an approved JUA request, to utilize Navy Wharf No. 3
(NW3) and for assigned labor and supportive equipment
to transit via Gate 14 on a not to interfere basis. This wharf
is a commercial low use wharf that is typically used by
container and or roll/roll off vessels. Navy Wharf No. 3
is approximately 1,000 feet long.
(481) Wharf No. 1: 40 feet alongside from the 1,800 to the
600-foot mark; 35 feet alongside from the 600 to the 50-
foot mark, deck height, 14 feet; one dockside refrigerated
warehouse is on the east end.
(482) Wharf No. 2: 1,450 feet long; 35 feet alongside; deck
height, 14 feet.
(482.001) Berth No. 3: 15 to 18 feet alongside.
(482.002) Navy Wharf No. 3 (NW3): 35 feet alongside; deck
height, 14 feet.
(484) Water and most marine supplies are available. Diesel
oil is obtainable from dockside pipeline.
(486) Minor repairs may be made in the port. Machine
shops in Ventura and Oxnard are qualied for normal
voyage repair work.
(488) Oxnard has good rail, air and highway connections
with Los Angeles and points north.
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Channel Islands Harbor to Santa Barbara
(490) Channel Islands Harbor, 1 mile northwest of Port
Hueneme and 5.8 miles southeast of Ventura Marina, is a
small-craft harbor. It is used by pleasure and sport shing
vessels and has existing berthing facilities for over 2,400
No-Discharge Zone
(492) The State of California, with the approval of the
Environmental Protection Agency, has established a No-
Discharge Zone (NDZ) in Channel Islands Harbor. It
encompasses the entire harbor; see the chart for the zone
(493) Within the NDZ, discharge of sewage, whether
treated or untreated, from all vessels is prohibited.
Outside the NDZ, discharge of sewage is regulated by
40 CFR 140 (see chapter 2).
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(495) The lines established for Channel Islands Harbor are
described in 33 CFR 80.1122, chapter 2.
(497) The entrance to Channel Islands Harbor is between
two jetties protected by an offshore breakwater. Each
end of the breakwater and both the seaward and inshore
ends of both jetties are marked by lights. A mariner-radio-
activated sound signal at the light on the south jetty is
initiated by keying the microphone ve times on VHF-
FM channel 81A.
(498) The areas southeast of the entrance channel and
northwest of the north jetty are subject to rapid and
uncertain shoaling. Mariners are advised to approach the
entrance channel from the south and to exercise caution
when approaching the harbor at night.
Coast Guard
(500) The Channel Islands Harbor Coast Guard Station is
just south of the harbormasters ofce. Search and rescue
vessels are stationed here.
Harbor regulations
(502) The harbor is administered by the Harbor County
Department, Ventura County, and is under control of a
harbormaster, who has an ofce on the east side of
the harbor about 400 yards north of the rst bend in the
channel. The harbor ofce maintains guest berths for 70
craft. Transients should report to the harbormaster for
berth assignments. The harbormaster guards VHF-FM
channel 16, 24 hours a day. Harbor patrol boats operate
from the ofce.
(504) Gasoline and diesel fuel are pumped at a fueling
dock on the east side of the harbor just north of the harbor
ofce. Water, ice and most marine supplies are available.
(506) Two full-service marine repair yards are on the
east side of the channel, about 0.5 mile north of the
harbormasters ofce. Mobile lifts can handle craft to 25
tons, and a xed lift can handle vessels to 60 tons.
(507) A 147°51'–327°51'measured nautical mile is
off the breakwater and beach just north of the harbor
entrance. The south range is marked by the breakwater
south light and the south jetty light. The north range is
marked by less visible poles on the beach.
(508) A row of cottages extends northwest along the beach
for 2 miles from Point Hueneme. From the point, low
sand beaches and dunes trend northwest for 9 miles to
the mouth of Ventura River.
(509) A striped 209-foot stack having a bright ashing red
light on top is 0.6 mile north of Mandalay Beach and is
conspicuous throughout the area.
(510) Ventura is 8.5 miles north of Point Hueneme on
Pierpont Bay. It has a 1,960-foot shing pier with about
19 feet of water at the outer end, and about 18 feet at the
inner end of a 250-foot loading face.
(511) Freshwater is piped to the pier, and gasoline is
available in the town.
(512) Two sh havens are about 2.3 miles southwest and
1.7 miles south, respectively, from Ventura Pier.
(513) Small craft may anchor anywhere in Pierpont Bay,
but the anchorage is unprotected and is not recommended
except for short day use. Boats may obtain moorage at
Ventura Harbor.
(514) The most prominent features around Ventura are the
lighted microwave tower, atop a hill 1.8 miles northeast
of the seaward end of Ventura Pier, and the tall motel,
about 300 yards west of the pier. Also prominent are the
railroad trestle crossing Ventura River, just west of town,
and Padre Junipero Serra Cross, on a 350-foot hill
immediately northwest of the center of town. There are
several aluminum-colored tanks and many oil derricks
high up the slopes of the hills northwest of town.
(515) Ventura Harbor, 6.7 miles north of Point Hueneme
and just north of Santa Clara River, is a small-craft harbor
used by pleasure craft and commercial shing vessels.
It has existing berthing facilities for about 1,500 boats.
Commercial sh-handling facilities are available in the
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(517) The lines established for Ventura Harbor are
described in 33 CFR 80.1124, chapter 2.
(518) The entrance to Ventura Harbor is between two jetties
protected by a 1,800-foot detached breakwater. The south
end of the breakwater and the seaward ends of both jetties
228    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
are marked by lights. A mariner-radio-activated sound
signal at the light on the south jetty is initiated by keying
the microphone ve times on VHF-FM channel 81A.
(519) Dangerous breakers can develop in the approach
area to the entrance channel in winter when the prevailing
winds are from the west. Inbound and outbound vessels
are advised by local interests to run a direct course
between Ventura Marina Entrance Lighted Whistle Buoy
2V and the breakwater entrance.
(521) The dredged entrance channel leads northeast
between the jetties, then turns east into the harbor. The
buoys in the entrance channel and harbor are frequently
relocated due to changing conditions. Mariners are
advised to exercise extreme caution and to contact the
harbormaster for the latest channel and harbor conditions
prior to entering.
Harbor regulations
(523) Ventura Harbor is administered by the Ventura Port
District and is under the control of a harbormaster, who
has an ofce on the point north of the entrance basin.
Transients should report to the harbormaster for guest
slip assignments. The harbormaster monitors VHF-FM
channels 16 and 12, from 0600 to 0200 daily.
(525) Gasoline and diesel fuel are available just east of the
harbormasters ofce and at the south end of the harbor.
Water, ice and marine supplies are available. Two yacht
clubs are on the shores of the harbor.
(527) Boatyards in the harbor have mobile lifts that can
haul out vessels to 150 tons for hull and engine repairs.
Electronic service is also available.
(528) From Ventura River, the Santa Ynez Mountains
extend to Point Conception and Point Arguello. For 11
miles west from the river to Rincon Point the coast is
very rugged; elevations of over 2,000 feet being found
within 1 mile of the beach. The dangers do not extend
over 0.5 mile from the beach, which is well fringed with
kelp. Between Ventura and Santa Barbara are several
small towns, and the highway and railroad skirt the shore;
retaining walls are a common feature.
(529) Pitas Point, 5.5 miles northwest of Ventura, is the
rst bold point west of Ventura River. A very steep gulch
is on the west side. East of the point is 1 mile of beach
cottages. High on the steep slopes above the cottages are
the derricks and tanks of an oil eld. Aluminum-colored
tanks and oil-processing plants are prominent 1 mile east
of the point.
(530) Punta Gorda, 9 miles northwest of Ventura, is low at
its outer extremity but rises rapidly to prominent Rincon
Mountain. Tanks and numerous derricks are along the
highway southeast of Punta Gorda. A causeway extends
south from Punta Gorda for 0.5 mile to an articial island
used for oil operations.
(531) Rincon Point, 11 miles northwest of Ventura, is low
and sandy. Sand Point, 3.5 miles west of Rincon Point,
is low and rounding. A rock that uncovers is 550 yards
offshore from Sand Point.
(532) Just east of Carpinteria, several submerged
pipelines lead to offshore oil drilling platforms over three
miles offshore. A pier here is used to load support boats
operating to and from the oil platforms.
(533) Ortega Hill, just west of Summerland and 18 miles
northwest of Ventura, is 250 feet high and conspicuous
because of the extensive cuts for the highway; from
offshore it has the appearance of a large slide.
(534) Santa Barbara, 29 miles northwest of Point
Hueneme, is a resort city and popular yachting harbor.
The harbor is used mostly by pleasure craft and shing
vessels. There are about 1,200 slips in the harbor.
(535) Santa Barbara Light (34°23'47"N., 119°43'21"W.),
142 feet above the water, is shown from a 24-foot white
tower about 2 miles west of the harbor entrance. Lavigia
Hill, 0.6 mile northeast of the light is 459 feet high and
the distinguishing feature in approaching Santa Barbara
from the east or west.
(536) Submerged shellsh structures are about 0.7 mile
southeast of Santa Barbara Light in about 34°23'15"N.,
(537) Santa Barbara Point, 1 mile east of the light, is a
high cliff at the southeast limit of the narrow tableland
extending from Lavigia Hill. The point is the beginning
of a sand beach extending 0.6 mile east to Point Castillo,
the west point of the breakwater forming Santa Barbara
(538) Conspicuous landmarks are the neon-lighted hotel
tower on the beach 1 mile east of the town, the several
radio towers and the many residences on the hillsides
back of the town. At night the lights of Santa Barbara are
prominent from the channel, but they are obscured from
the west by Lavigia Hill.
COLREGS Demarcation Lines
(540) The lines established for Santa Barbara Harbor are
described in 33 CFR 80.1126, chapter 2.
(541) The harbor has a 500-yard breakwater extending
northeast from Point Castillo to an extensive sandbar that
forms the south side of the harbor. A jetty extends across
the sandbar about 400 yards north from the northeast end
of the breakwater. A light is at the end of the jetty and a
light and sound signal mark the connection between the
breakwater and jetty. The sound signal is activated by the
Santa Barbara Harbor Patrol. The northeast side of the
harbor is formed by Stearns Wharf; the wharf is marked
by a light at the south end. A groin, about 125 yards long,
extends south from shore about 0.3 mile west of Stearns
Wharf. At night, sometimes the lights are difcult to see
against the background of city lights.
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(543) A dredged entrance channel leads northwest between
the breakwater and Stearns Wharf then turns southwest
into the harbor. The channel is marked by lighted buoys
which are frequently relocated due to changing conditions.
The entrance and harbor are subject to rapid shoaling.
The harbormaster advises that the entrance channel has a
tendency to shoal after southeast storms. Mariners should
contact the harbormaster on VHF-FM channel 16 for
channel conditions and assistance in entering.
(545) A special anchorage area is in the basin behind the
breakwater. (See 33 CFR 110.1 and 110.115, chapter 2,
for limits and regulations.) Anchoring inside the harbor
is usually prohibited by the harbormaster. A seasonal
anchorage area (April–October) and a permitted mooring
area are east of Stearns Wharf; the mooring area contains
several mooring buoys. Anchorage is prohibited within
300 feet east of Stearns Wharf. Large vessels should
anchor outside the anchorage and mooring areas in better
holding ground. The harbormaster desires advanced
requests for permission to anchor (805–564–5530).
Regulated navigation area
(547) A security zone exists within a 100-yard radius of
any cruise ship located within 3 nautical miles of the
Santa Barbara Harbor Breakwater Light. (See 33 CFR
165.1157, chapter 2, for limits and regulations.)
(549) The long sandbar north of the breakwater light is
inconspicuous on a high-tide night, but the masts of boats
moored in the harbor are quite visible over the breakwater.
The harbormaster reports that these circumstances have
caused several groundings on the sandbar when strangers
making for the harbor at night failed to identify the
breakwater light, failed to see the sandbar, but sighted the
masts in the harbor and steered toward them, consequently
going hard aground on the sandbar. The shoreline of the
sandbar is subject to continual change. Caution should
be exercised when entering at night; the buoyed channel
should be carefully followed.
Weather, Santa Barbara
(551) Fog plagues the harbor most often from August
through November, when it reduces visibilities to less
than 0.5 mile (0.9 km) on 4 to 7 days per month. Morning
is usually the worst time. Winds are often calm at Santa
Barbara. Winds of 3 knots or less occur 18 percent of
the time or more year round and 25 to 40 percent of the
time from September through March. The sea breeze
helps reduce this percentage. These spring and summer
winds are mainly out of the east through west-southwest.
Northeast winds, common throughout the year, are the
most frequent winds from November through February,
though a distant second to calm conditions.
Coast Guard
(553) A Coast Guard rescue vessel is stationed at the city
pier in the southwest part of the harbor; Marine Safety
Detachment is nearby.
Harbor regulations
(555) Santa Barbara Harbor is administered by the City
of Santa Barbara Water Front Department and is under
the control of a harbormaster, who has an ofce at the
southwest corner of the harbor. Transients should report
to the harbormaster for guest slip assignments. The ofce
monitors VHF-FM channel 16 and can be reached by
telephone 805–564–5530.
(556) The harbor patrol is on 24-hour duty and monitors
VHF-FM channel 16. Strangers desiring assistance
entering the harbor will be assisted by a patrol boat as
needed when requested.
(558) The City Pier, inside the harbor, has diesel fuel,
gasoline, commercial ice, water and other marine
(560) The City Pier has a hoist with a maximum lift of
2 tons. There is a boatyard on the southwest side of the
basin that can handle craft up to 25 tons and 50 feet for
hull and engine repairs. A small oating drydock in the
harbor can lift craft up to 20 tons for hull maintenance and
repair. There are several other boat builders and repair
yards in the city of Santa Barbara.
(562) Communication is by rail and motor vehicle and
by airplane. The Santa Barbara Municipal Airport is at
Goleta, 7 miles west of the harbor.
Goleta Point to Point Arguello
(564) The 8-mile coast from Santa Barbara west to Goleta
Point consists of bluffs 30 to 100 feet high with short
stretches of sand beach and is fringed with kelp 0.2 mile
(565) Goleta Point, 6.2 miles west of Santa Barbara Light,
is low and terminates in a cliff about 30 feet high. The
buildings of the University of California at Santa Barbara
are conspicuous just north of the point and are dominated
by a lone tower. The aerolight 1.5 miles north and the two
lighted radio towers 1.5 miles northeast of the point are
good marks at night. A 1,475-foot pleasure pier is in the
bight east of the point. A 4-ton hoist is available.
(566) The 32-mile coast from Goleta Point to Point
Conception is more rugged than that Eastward. Cañada
230    ¢    U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4 08 SEP 2024
de la Gaviota, 12 miles east of Point Conception, is a
conspicuous break in the mountains back of this coast. A
railroad skirts the shore over trestles and embankments
that cross the mouths of numerous gulches and arroyos.
The kelp grows quite heavily and in some places extends
over a mile offshore. The Pacic Coast Highway parallels
the coast from Santa Barbara to Gaviota, where it turns
(567) Oil well production heads covered 6 fathoms or
more and submerged pipelines to shore extend as much
as 3 miles offshore between Goleta Point and Point
Conception. Several oil-well structures in the area are
lighted and equipped with racons and fog signals.
Safety zones
(569) Safety zones have been established around oil
drilling platforms and an offshore storage and treatment
vessel mooring area, about 13 miles west of Goleta Point,
(570) 34°23'27"N., 120°07'14"W. (Platform Hondo);
(571) 34°22'36"N., 120°10'03"W. (Platform Harmony);
(572) 34°21'01"N., 120°16'45"W. (Platform Heritage);
(573) 34°24'19"N., 120°06'00"W. (vessel mooring
area). (See 33 CFR 147.1 through 147.20, 147.1105,
147.1106, 147.1114 and 147.1115, chapter 2, for limits
and regulations and chapter 3 under Oil well structures
for additional information.)
(574) Temporary drilling platforms can be found along this
coastline and may be moved periodically. Mooring buoys
for tankers are southwest of Coal Oil Point and south of
(575) Coal Oil Point, 1.8 miles west of Goleta Point,
is low and may be distinguished by the strong odor of
petroleum discharged by a spring. This odor is noticeable
over 2 miles offshore.
(576) Pilings of former piers and ruins of a drilling rig may
exist from Coal Oil Point for about 2.5 miles northwest
to the pier at Ellwood. The private 2,300-foot pier is
owned by Arco Oil. Passage without local knowledge is
not advisable.
(577) A rock covered 14 feet is at 34°25'18"N.,
119°57'06"W., about 4.3 miles west of Coal Oil Point
and 0.9 mile offshore; it is surrounded by kelp.
(578) Capitan, 7.5 miles west of Coal Oil Point, is in a
small bight that offers little protection to small craft. A
lone tank stands on a bare hill 500 feet high and 0.3 mile
(579) Refugio Beach at Orella, 2.5 miles west of Capitan,
is a state park for camping at the mouth of the canyon. A
small bight here offers some protection for small boats
in northwesterly winds in about 15 feet.
(580) Oil is loaded from a submerged pipeline at Gaviota,
13.5 miles east of Point Conception. A number of large
green storage tanks mark the inshore end of the pipeline.
About 1 mile west of Gaviota is a state beach park with
a 545-foot pleasure-shing pier. An electric hoist for
launching skiffs is available. The railway trestle along
the beach is quite prominent.
(581) Cojo Anchorage, 1.5 miles east of Point Conception,
affords protection off the mouth of the Cojo Valley from
moderate west and northwest winds. The suggested
anchorage is opposite a culvert under the railroad tracks
in 5 to 10 fathoms, hard sandy bottom. The cove 1.7 miles
east of this anchorage known as Little (Old) Cojo is foul
and affords little protection.
(582) Point Conception, 118 miles northwest of Point
Fermin and at the west end of Santa Barbara Channel, is
a bold headland 220 feet high that marks an abrupt change
in the trend of the coast. There is comparatively low land
immediately behind it. At a distance from north or east, it
usually looks like an island.
(583) Point Conception has been called the Cape Horn
of the Pacic because of the heavy northwest gales
encountered off it during the passage through Santa
Barbara Channel. A marked change of climatic and
meteorological conditions is experienced off the point,
the transition often being remarkably sudden and well
dened. When the northwesterly winds are strong they
blow down the canyons between Point Conception and
Capitan and cause heavy offshore gusts.
(584) Point Conception Light (34°26'55"N.,
120°28'15"W.), 133 feet above the water, is shown from
a 52-foot white tower behind a building near the west part
of the point. A low black rock, nearly awash at high tide,
is 220 yards offshore, southwest of the light.
Danger and safety zones
(586) Danger zones extend offshore from Point
Conception to Point Sal. (See 33 CFR 334.1130, chapter
2, for limits and regulations.) For additional information
on Vandenberg Danger Zones, contact 800–648–3019 or
(587) Safety zones have been established around oil
drilling platforms in:
(588) 34°27'19"N., 120°38'47"W. (Platform Hermosa);
(589) 34°28'10"N., 120°40'46"W. (Platform Harvest); and
(590) 34°29'42"N., 120°42'08"W. (Platform Hidalgo); see
33 CFR 147.1 through 147.20, 147.1109, 147.1110, and
147.1112, chapter 2, for limits and regulations and chapter
3 under Oil well structures for additional information.)
(591) From Point Conception, the coast trends in a gentle
curve northwest for 12 miles to Point Arguello and
consists of bold rocky cliffs, 100 to 400 feet high. The
coast railroad runs along these cliffs and through several
(592) The 100-fathom depth curve off Point Arguello, and
to a lesser extent off Point Conception, is characterized by
a succession of indenting deeps or gorges. In following
the curve during thick weather with an echo sounder,
these submarine features should be found extremely
08 SEP 2024 U.S. Coast Pilot 7, Chapter 4     ¢    231
(593) Espada Bluff is a prominent cliff 378 feet high, 5.5
miles north-northwest of Point Conception. The cliffs on
each side drop sharply to less than 100 feet in height.
(594) Tranquillon Mountain, near the seaward end of the
Santa Ynez Mountains, is prominent in clear weather.
It terminates in Rocky Point, Point Arguello and Point
(595) Rocky Point, 1.2 miles south of Point Arguello, has
numerous detached rocks extending in some cases 300
yards offshore.
(596) Point Arguello is a narrow, jagged, rocky projection,
extending about 800 yards west of the general trend of
the coast. An outlying rock is about 200 yards seaward.
The extremity of the point overhangs the waters edge,
and about 200 yards inshore the point is nearly divided
by gullies on the north and south sides. These form a
saddle which, from north and south, looks like two heads.
Point Arguello Light (34°34'37"N., 120°38'50"W.), 97
feet above the water, is shown from a 15-foot high post
on the west end of the point.
Weather, Point Arguello
(598) Off Point Arguello, sea fog becomes a persistent
and frequent navigational hazard. The cool California
Current is responsible for a sudden increase in fog
frequencies. These fogs are often thick, and Point
Arguello is considered by mariners to be one of the most
dangerous areas along the coast. The observing station at
Point Arguello, 371 feet (113 m) above mean sea level,
records an annual average of twice as many days with
visibilities less than 0.5 mile (0.9 km) as at any location
farther south. From June through October, visibilities
drop below 0.5 mile (0.9 km) on about 12 to 20 days per
month; July and August are the worst months.
Lake Mead
(600) Lake Mead, Arizona-Nevada, is a National
Recreation Area on the Colorado River impounded by
Hoover Dam (36°01.0'N., 114°44.2'W.).
(601) Restricted and anchorage areas established by
federal regulations are in Lake Mead. (See 33 CFR
110.1, 110.127, and 162.220, chapter 2, for limits and
regulations.) Additional information may be obtained
from the local ofce of the National Park Service,
U.S. Department of the Interior, 601 Nevada Highway,
Boulder City, NV 89005.
(602) Eleventh Coast Guard District Local Notice to
Mariners contains information concerning boating
events, boating safety, bridge construction and lighting,
aids to navigation, and anchorages on the Colorado
River, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, and Glen
Canyon National Recreation Area. These notices may be
obtained through the web address listed in Appendix A
under Publications and Services.