Sacramento Intl Airport Inter-Terminal Directions
To get to Terminal A (from the ground level of Terminal B):
1. Take the escalator or the elevator up to level 3
2. Go to the right and cross the sky bridge to the garage
3. Take the elevator to level 3 and look for the designated walking path and signs
to Terminal A
4. Cross a sky bridge
5. You are now in Terminal A, level 2, where the TSA security checkpoint is.
To get to Terminal B (from ground level of Terminal A):
1. Take the escalator or the elevator up to level 2
2. Cross a sky bridge to the parking garage
3. Walk towards Terminal B (look for signs). As you get closer you will see a
designated walking path
4. Take the elevator in the back of the garage to level 5
5. Cross a sky bridge
6. You are now in Terminal B, level 3. The Automated People Mover shuttle to the
Terminal B concourse is located ahead and to the right of the Old Soul Baking
Please note: If you are making a connecting flight on an airline located in the other
terminal, you will need to go through the TSA security checkpoint to re-enter the
concourse to your gate