Effective: August 2018
Version 1.2 RFTA Instruction Guide
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 1
DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 1
INFORMATION FOR TENANTS .................................................................................................................. 2
IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING MOVES & CHANGES IN INCOME .................................................. 2
RENT BURDEN ......................................................................................................................................... 2
REQUIRED FORMS FOR TENANTS ............................................................................................................. 2
INFORMATION FOR OWNERS ................................................................................................................... 3
OWNER CONTACT AND RESOURCE INFORMATION .................................................................................... 3
OWNER CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 4
OWNER BRIEFING SESSION ..................................................................................................................... 4
OWNER CERTIFICATION TRAINING .......................................................................................................... 4
OTHER OWNER REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................. 5
BASIC OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................................... 6
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OWNERS AND TENANTS ..................................................................................... 7
PROPOSED UNIT ..................................................................................................................................... 9
UTILITY FUEL TYPE & PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY .................................................................................. 10
HOUSING QUALITY STANDARDS OWNER CERTIFICATION ....................................................................... 11
RENT REASONABLENESS ........................................................................................................................ 12
PHILADELPHIA TAX AND RENTAL LICENSE REQUIREMENT ...................................................................... 12
LEAD-BASED PAINT OWNER CERTIFICATION .......................................................................................... 13
LEAD-BASED PAINT TENANT CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................... 13
CONFLICT OF INTEREST ........................................................................................................................ 14
OWNER SCREENING OF PROSPECTIVE TENANTS .................................................................................... 14
OWNER VAWA RESPONSIBILITY ............................................................................................................. 15
ANTI-FRAUD POLICY .............................................................................................................................. 17
HOUSING ASSISTANCE PAYMENTS ......................................................................................................... 20
NEW HCV OWNERS: OWNER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS ............................................................................. 20
CURRENT HCV OWNERS: OWNER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS ..................................................................... 21
ADDITIONAL PHA OWNER FORMS .......................................................................................................... 21
AGENT AUTHORIZATION........................................................................................................................ 22
W-9 FORM ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Your participation in and satisfaction with Philadelphia Housing Authority’s (PHA’s) Housing Choice
Voucher Program is important! The purpose of this RFTA Instruction Guide is to help you navigate
the leasing process and successfully submit all of the required documentation with the Request for
Tenancy Approval (“RFTA”). The Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA), landlord (referred to as the
“owner” in this document), and applicant/client (referred to as the “tenant” in this document), each
have different roles and responsibilities in the leasing process. This guide contains information on
tenant and owner responsibilities as well as forms that need to be completed before a unit can be
approved. You should review the entire guide, not only the sections which apply to you.
Note that an incomplete Request for Tenancy Approval (“RFTA”) will not be accepted and attempting
to submit an incomplete RFTA will delay the leasing process. Please read this guide carefully and if
you have any questions regarding the leasing process, please contact PHA’s Owner Services
Department at (215) 684-5596 or via email at hcvlandlords@pha.phila.gov You can also find more
information on PHA’s website at http://www.pha.phila.gov/housing/housing-choice-voucher.aspx .
Thank you!
Once the completed RFTA has been accepted, PHA’s Housing Choice Voucher Program will:
Schedule and complete an inspection of the unit;
Complete a rent reasonableness determination if/when the unit passes inspection;
Prepare a Lease and Housing Assistance Payment Contract; and
Schedule and complete Lease and HAP contract execution at PHA’s HCV office.
Please note that if the unit does not pass the Housing Quality Standards inspection, and/or if the
owner’s requested rent is not reasonable, the unit will not be approved. If the unit is not approved,
PHA will notify the tenant to start a search for a new unit.
The completed Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) must be delivered in person to the Philadelphia
Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher Office (by the tenant or by the owner) between the
hours of 8am and 5pm Monday through Friday. Please note that PHA cannot move forward until the
RFTA is completed in its entirety.
Housing Choice Voucher Office
2850 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19133
8am-5pm Monday Friday
As part of the leasing process, PHA has established tenant requirements that must be followed.
Please note that failure to adhere to established policies and procedures may result in delays and/or
disapproval of your unit. If you have any questions regarding the leasing process, please contact
Leasing at (215)684-3109 or email clientservices@pha.phila.gov.
You can also visit our website http://www.pha.phila.gov/housing/housing-choice-voucher.aspx
Prior to lease-up, tenants will be required to certify their current income. Once the move is
completed, PHA WILL NOT process an interim recertifications for reductions in income when the
reduced income was in effect at the time of lease-up. What this means is that tenants must ensure
that they are providing current income information prior to the date of lease-up or PHA may be force
to cancel your lease signing and will NOT change calculations after the leased is signed.
When a family initially leases a unit and the gross rent of the unit exceeds the applicable payment
standard for the family, the dwelling unit rent must be at a level where the family’s share of rent
does not exceeds 40% percent of the family’s monthly income or they will be disapproved for the
Tenants are required to sign the documents outlined below.
1. The original voucher signed and dated by both the Head of Household and a PHA official.
2. Completed Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA); including signing the Lead Based Tenant
Thank you for your interest in the Philadelphia Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher Program.
As part of the leasing process, PHA has established owner requirements that must be followed.
Please note that failure to adhere to established policies and procedures might result in delays
and/or disapproval of your unit.
If you have any questions regarding the leasing process, please contact PHA’s Owner
Services Department (215) 684-5596 or via email at [email protected] Thank
PHA WEBSITE: The following online resources can be accessed directly from the PHA website at
Landlord Data Center: The landlord data center can be accessed from PHA’s home page or by
selecting the option Housing Choice Voucher Program from the menu on the left side of the home
page. Follow the prompts to Landlord Data Center. Only landlords with leased units on the program
will have full access to the data center.
Landlord Information: Additional landlord information can be accessed by selecting “Housing”, then
select “Housing Choice Voucher”, then from the menu on the left side of the page select “Landlord
Facebook: PHA has a Facebook page for HCV Landlords. The link to the HCV Landlord Facebook
page can be found by selecting “Housing”, then select “Housing Choice voucher”, then select
“Landlord Information”. On the right side of the screen is a Facebook link which will bring you to the
HCV Landlord page on Facebook.
Go Section 8. Advertise your available units online at www.gosection8.comi
Questions may be submitted via email to PHA at hcvl[email protected]hila.gov.
Questions regarding Inspections may be submitted via email to hcvinspections@pha.pha.gov
Owners can contact Owner Services with any questions at (215) 684-5596
Owners can contact the Inspections Department at (215) 684-3860
Contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at 1-800-829-4933 and request LTR-147
PHA will conduct owner certifications for owners prior to approving an HCV program tenancy. Owners must
attend an Owner Briefing Session and Owner Certification Training prior to being certified as an owner in PHA’s
HCV program. PHA will confirm that owners are current on property taxes and have an updated rental license.
Finally, owners must provide required documents, as well as sign certain required forms. PHA will not approve
the assisted tenancy if PHA has been informed that the owner has been debarred, suspended, or subject to a
limited denial of participation under 24 C.F.R. part 24.
Outlined below are PHA’s owner certification requirements. Please note that these requirements are
consistent with maintaining PHA, local and HUD requirements for the HCV program.
If you are a new owner to the Housing Choice Voucher Program, you must attend the Owner Briefing
Session. Attendance at an Owner Briefing Session must be completed before a landlord can list a
property, schedule a Housing Quality Inspection or enter into a HAP contract. Additionally, if you
have not completed Owner Certification Training, you must sign up and attend this training session
as a condition for participation in the HCV program (further information below)
PHA conducts Landlord Briefing Sessions every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm at:
Housing Choice Voucher Program Administration Office
2850 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19133
Please note: There are 35 open seats and availability is on a first come, first served basis. No one
will be admitted to the briefing session after 6:15pm.
The second step to becoming an HCV landlord is to sign up and complete the HCV Owner
Certification Training. This training is free-of-charge but mandatory for continued participation in the
Housing Choice Voucher program. Landlords can sign up for the Owner Certification Training at the
Wednesday night briefing session or by calling 215-684-5596. Failure to attend this training is
considered non-compliance and will result in withholding of your Housing Assistance Payments.
The training sessions are conducted by PHA staff and will help owners understand HCV program
regulations and PHA policies. It covers how the HCV program works, your rights and responsibilities
as a participating property owner and how you can effectively conduct business with PHA.
*Current HCV owners are welcome to attend the Owner Certification for a refresher course on HCV
program regulation and PHA policies.
In addition to the owner certification requirements, owners are required to:
Agree to Direct Deposit of Housing Assistance Payments;
Have a certified property manager if the owner’s primary residence or office is more than 25 miles
outside of Philadelphia,
Have provided a property management agreement if a property management company, agent or
representative is used to oversee the property and a valid government issued photo identification for
the agent and a completed Agent Authorization Form.
Complete the Lead-Based Paint/Hazard Disclosure included in PHA’s RFTA and PHA’s Lease
Agreement, disclosing the presence of known lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards in
housing built before 1978;
Provide a decree acknowledging the cost and payment including taxes at the time of settlement for
homes purchased through the Sheriff’s Department.
Provide a current email address
Provide current contact information at all times during the length of the HAP contract
The basic owner responsibilities in the HCV program are outlined in the regulations and include the
Perform all of the owner's obligations under the Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract, the
HUD Tenancy Addendum and the PHA Lease Agreement
Have PHA approval before moving a tenant into the unit;
Maintain the unit in accordance with the Housing Quality Standards (HQS), including performance of
ordinary and extraordinary maintenance;
Comply with equal opportunity requirements;
Prepare and furnish to PHA information required under the HAP contract;
Collect from the family any security deposit, the tenant’s contribution to rent (the part of rent to
owner not covered by the housing assistance payment from PHA), and any charges for unit damage
by the family;
Enforce tenant obligations under the dwelling lease;
Make modifications to a dwelling unit occupied or to be occupied by a disabled person;
Provide valid rental licenses on an annual basis;
Remain current on all city, state, and local taxes, fines, assessments and/or payment agreements
related to real estate taxes; and
Comply with the Violence against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) when screening and
terminating tenants.
In accordance with applicable fair housing laws and other requirements, owners are responsible for
screening tenants prior to occupancy;
Agree to a two year initial lease agreement and an approved contract rent.
Submission of the RFTA
PHA will not accept any Request for Tenancy Approvals (RFTAs) unless complete and required forms
and/or documents have been completed and executed. Your RFTA will be refused until all tenant
and owner certifications and submissions are complete.
Illegal Side Payments
Except for the rent to owner, owners may not charge any additional amounts and/or receive any
payments or other consideration (from the family, the PHA, HUD, or any other public or private
source) for rental of the contract unit during the HAP contract term. Owners charging tenants illegal
side payments are considered to be in breach of the HAP contract. PHA may pursue recovery of
overpayments, suspension of housing assistance payments, abatement or other reduction of
housing assistance payments, termination of housing assistance payments, and termination of the
HAP contract.
The RFTA Instruction Guide DOES NOT need to be returned to PHA.
Only return the Request for Tenancy Approval Form and the client voucher to PHA.
Client Information should match the Voucher provided by the Client
*Enter the address information for the proposed unit including:
Number of bedrooms unit
Year the unit was built
Proposed Contract rent the owner is requesting
Security Deposit requested (cannot exceed two months of the requested rent)
Date Unit will be ready for PHA inspection
Unit type
1. In the Payment Responsibility column enter an “X” Owner or Tenant responsibility to
identify the party responsible for payment of the utility bill.
2. In the Fuel Type column, enter an “X” identify the fuel which powers the utility.
3. Answer the Question regarding whether PGW is the provider of gas heat (if
4. Answer Yes or No if the owner WILL provide a refrigerator for the unit
By checking the Unit HQS Inspection BOX on the RFTA the owner certifies to comply with Housing Quality
The following items represent basic Housing Quality Standards (HQS) the unit must satisfy to qualify for
the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Please ensure your unit is fully compliant with these items:
The unit has a living room, kitchen, and bathroom. The unit has at least one living/sleeping room for
every two people in the tenant’s family.
The bathroom has a private toilet, sink, and bathtub or shower with hot and cold running water.
The kitchen has a refrigerator (may be supplied by the tenant), stove, sink with hot and cold running
water, and adequate storage, preparation and service space.
The bathroom and kitchen have an operable window, skylight, or exhaust fan
The living room and bedroom(s) have a window that can be opened.
The sidewalk, steps, porch, etc. outside the unit are level and free from any tripping hazards.
The walls and ceilings do not bulge, sag, or lean. Floors are level and free from any tripping hazards.
There are no exposed wires or exposed electrical outlets in the unit or building. All electrical outlets are
properly wired and properly grounded if applicable.
There are no holes in the walls of the unit or the building.
There are no water stains on the walls or ceiling or other evidence that the roof leaks.
All windows and exterior doors are weatherized.
The unit is adequately heated (68° F in winter).
The unit is clean, in good condition, and ready for occupancy or continued occupancy.
There is no evidence of rats, mice, or other vermin.
All required smoke and CO
detectors are present and operable.
There is an extension pipe and release valve on the hot water heater.
All utilities are connected.
The unit is currently vacant, unless the current tenant is leasing in place.
If the unit is an apartment, there is a private entrance for the unit from the hallway.
If the building has an elevator, it is operable and has all necessary certifications.
There is a handrail wherever there are four or more steps, whether inside or outside the unit.
The unit is currently vacant, unless the current tenant is leasing in place.
If a child under six (6) lives in the unit and the unit was built before January 1, 1978 any deteriorated
paint surfaces (i.e. cracking, scaling, chipping, peeling or loose paint) must be stabilized. This includes
paint surfaces in the unit, the common areas servicing the unit, and the exterior associated with the unit
or common areas.
The owner must certify on the RFTA that the rent requested for the assisted tenant is not more than the rent
charged for other unassisted comparable units on the premises. If requested, the owner must give PHA
information regarding rents charged for other units on the premises and may submit private market leases
with this RFTA.
The owner must certify on the RFTA that the unit has a current valid Philadelphia rental license and that the
owner is current on all Philadelphia real estate taxes. The owner also certifies that he/she is current on
payment of fines, assessments and/or payment agreements related to Philadelphia real estate taxes.
The owner MUST attach a copy of a current Rental License for the unit with the submitted RFTA.
PHA will conduct ongoing checks to confirm that owners on the HCV program are current with
Philadelphia taxes, assessments. If a City Revenue Check reveals that as an owner owes any monies
related to fines, state or local taxes, assessments, then the owner may be disapproved for participation
or terminated from the program. In addition, if the owner has neglected any related payment
agreements related to taxes and/or cannot produce a rental license, or the rental license is expired,
then the owner may be disapproved for participation or terminated from the program.
PHA will confirm that owners are current on any existing payment agreements for outstanding city tax
and/or rental licenses. If no payment agreement is in effect and there are outstanding city tax and no
rental license for any of the units, the owner will be required to make payment in full or establish a
payment agreement in order to receive consideration for a lease. The owner will also have to show proof
of a rental license for each unit. PHA may place a hold on Housing Assistance Payments or terminate
the HAP contract if regular owner certification requirements are not satisfied.
Owners will be given ten (10) business days from the date of notification to provide proof that the open
items/debts are completed/satisfied. Failure to resolve these matters may cause the property to be
denied acceptance into the program or may result in an owner’s termination of participation in the
The owner must check off one of the following boxes on the RFTA:
Lead-based paint disclosure requirements do not apply because this unit was built on or after
January 1, 1978.
The unit, common areas servicing the unit, and exterior painted surfaces associated with such
unit or common areas have been found to be lead based paint free by a lead-based paint
inspector certified under the Federal certification program or under a federally accredited state
certification program.
A completed statement is attached containing disclosure of known information on lead-based
paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the unit, common areas or exterior painted surfaces,
including a statement that the owner has provided the lead hazard information pamphlet to the
The tenant must answer the following questions on the RFTA:
Yes No Have your children UNDER 6 YEARS OF AGE ever been tested for lead? If yes, please provide the date and test
results in the chart below.
N/A I do not have children under 6 years of age
Date Tested
Test Results (positive or negative)
If lead test results are positive PHA must receive a copy of the test results from a medical professional.
If any of your children show symptoms such as loss of appetite, irritability, vomiting, slowdown of playful activity, slowness
in development or if you suspect that your children have been exposed to lead-based paint, contact the Childhood Lead
Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) at 215-684-2788 to have your child tested immediately.
Yes No Has your family received the pamphlet titled, “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home”?
The owner must sign the conflict of Interest section on the RFTA to certify the following:
The owner and Housing Choice Voucher Program recipient certify that the owner (including a principal or
other interested party) is not the spouse, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister or brother of any
member of the voucher holder’s household that is seeking to rent the unit. (PHA may allow an exception to
this policy as a reasonable accommodation for persons with a disability, if requested by the tenant, by
completing a Reasonable Accommodation Request form.)
The owner also certifies that they are not a present or former member or officer of PHA (except a client
commissioner); an employee of PHA, or any contractor, subcontractor or agent of PHA, who formulates policy
or who influences decisions with respect to the programs; a public official, member of a governing body, or
state or local legislator, who exercises functions or responsibilities with respect to the programs; or a member
of the Congress of the United States.
The owner must certify on the RFTA that the owner understands that PHA does not screen the tenant for
suitability. Screening is the owner’s responsibility. PHA will provide owners with the tenant's current and
prior address (as shown in PHA records), and the name and address (if known to PHA) of the landlord at the
tenant's current and prior address.
To request a tenant’s information please call Owner Services at 215-684-5596 or email
By signing the RFTA the owner certifies to comply with the Violence Against Women Act.
In 2013, a law known as Violence Against Women Act or VAWA” was signed and approved by the
President. VAWA provides new protections for victims of domestic violence, dating violence and
stalking who are tenants of public housing or who are assisted with Housing Choice Voucher Program
rental assistance. You should know that:
1. Admissions: If an applicant is or has been the victim of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking
or sexual assault (PHAs Administrative Plan contains the VAWA policies and definitions and is
available upon request), this is not an appropriate basis on which to deny program assistance or to
deny admission if the applicant otherwise qualifies for assistance or admission.
2. Lease terms:
An incident or incidents of actual or threatened domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking will
not be considered to be a serious or repeated” violation of the lease by the victim or threatened
victim of that violence and shall not be good cause for terminating the assistance, tenancy or
occupancy rights of the victim of that violence.
Additionally, you may not terminate a tenancy, assistance or occupancy rights as a result of
criminal activity, if that criminal activity is directly related to domestic violence, dating violence
stalking or sexual assault engaged in by a member of a household, a guest or another person
under the control of that
household, and another household member is the victim.
However there are some limitations to these protections:
You may terminate tenancy and/or assistance if you can demonstrate an actual and
imminent threat to other tenants or to persons employed at or providing services to the
If a tenant claims protection under VAWA against termination of tenancy or assistance, you may ask
the tenant to deliver a certification, which the tenant must provide in 14 days, concerning the
incident or incidents that raises the VAWA protections.
3. Certification: For certification of a claim, PHA requires a completed Certification of Domestic
Violence, Dating Violence, or Stalking (HUD Form-50066), which the tenant can request from
his/her Service Representative. In addition to the HUD-approved form, PHA will also require either a
police report or court record, or documentation signed by an employee, agent, or volunteer of
a victim service provider, an attorney, or medical professional, from whom the victim has sought
assistance in addressing domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, or the effects of abuse, in
which the professional attests under penalty of perjury under 28 U.S.C. 1746 to the professionals
belief that the incident or incidents in question are bona fide incidents of abuse, and the victim
of domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking has singed or attested to the documentation.
The tenant must deliver the
within 14 business days after receipt of your request for
or the tenant may not claim protection under VAWA.
4. Confidentiality: Information provided by a tenant about an incident or incidents of domestic
violence, dating violence stalking or sexual assault must be held by the owner, manager, and/or
PHA in confidence and not shared without the tenant’s consent, except that this information
may be disclosed in an eviction proceeding or
as necessary to meet the requirements of
5. Removal of/Termination of Assistance to Perpetrator of Physical Violence: An owner
or manager may terminate the tenancy of and evict a tenant or other lawful occupant, and/or PHA
may terminate assistance to a participant in the Housing Choice Voucher Program, who engages in
criminal acts of physical violence against family members or others. This action may be taken
against the individual alone, without evicting, terminating the tenancy of, removing, denying
assistance to, or otherwise penalizing other household members.
6. Evictions. Owners, managers and PHA must make tenants aware of their rights under VAWA.
7. Moving to Another Location. If a household is otherwise in compliance with its lease and other HCV
Program requirements, and the tenant reasonably believes that the household must relocate to
protect a member of the household from an imminent threat of harm by domestic violence,
dating violence, or stalking, PHA may issue a voucher to the household to permit a move (port) to
another location even though this action would break an existing lease. PHA may request the
certification described above before issuing the voucher.
8. For Additional Information: Contact Owner Services at 215-684-5596 or email
By signing the RFTA the owner certifies to comply with PHA’s Anti-Fraud Policy.
PHA is committed to protecting the integrity of its housing programs and preserving and protecting the
use of funds to serve the low-income residents of Philadelphia in compliance with Federal, State, and
local requirements. This policy is intended to explain PHA’s policy on fraud, methods for reporting fraud,
penalties for fraudulent acts, and whistleblower protection.
All employees are required to report any fraud or suspected fraud they become aware of to the Office of
Audit and Compliance (OAC).
Fraud is defined by the HUD Office of Inspector General as the intentional, false representation or
concealment of a material fact inducing another to act upon it to his or her injury. Fraud involves actions,
omissions, or false statements intended to deceive or mislead, resulting in funds being misused or
program rules violated.
For purposes of this policy, fraud includes, but is not limited to:
fraudulent activity by any person employed by or contracted with the PHA;
bribery, kickbacks, and official corruption, including demands for bribes or kickbacks;
theft or misappropriation of PHA funds or benefits, and use of PHA funds or property for personal
impropriety with respect to reporting financial transactions;
forgery or unauthorized alteration of documents;
profiting from insider knowledge;
concealment of assets;
theft, destruction, removal or inappropriate use of furniture, fixtures, equipment, or other PHA
property; and
serious breaches of integrity, including conflict of interests.
Some examples of prohibited activities covered by this policy include:
extortion or attempted extortion by PHA employees or officials;
acceptance or solicitation of bribes;
submission of fraudulent documents;
employee collusion with contractors or vendors, including promising or assisting the awarding of
contracts in
exchange for kickbacks;
material misstatements of facts in contracts or documents relating to service performed or
materials provided;
willful misrepresentation or providing false statements/certifications on reports, forms, or
bid rigging;
disclosure of confidential or proprietary information; and
any similar or related inappropriate conduct.
Covered Parties
The following are “Covered Parties” under this policy:
1) All PHA employees and officials;
2) All contractors, subcontractors, vendors and consultants doing business with the PHA;
3) NOTE: Contractors are responsible for compliance with the Fraud Policy by their subcontractors.
4) All owners of housing who receive subsidies from PHA;
5) Any other individual or entity doing business with or seeking to do business with the PHA; and
6) All PHA residents of public housing and housing choice voucher tenants (“Residents”).
All “Covered Parties” shall have the affirmative obligation to report, directly and without undue delay, to
the OAC any and all information concerning conduct which they know or should reasonably know to
involve corrupt or other criminal activity or conflict of interest. The OAC, in its sole discretion, shall
promptly investigate any credible or substantiated acts of fraud or other similar conduct. All Covered
Parties are required to cooperate fully with the OAC in any ensuing investigation.
If a PHA employee has knowledge of fraudulent activities and doesn’t report it, that employee could face
disciplinary action or termination, or other more serious penalties in a court of law. A PHA employee who
interferes or obstructs an OAC investigation could be removed from office or employment, or face
criminal or civil penalties. PHA management is responsible for creating an environment of honesty and
integrity where fraud is not tolerated. All PHA management officials are responsible for ensuring that all
employees, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, consultants, property owners, tenants and/or
subtenants understand how to report fraud or suspected fraud. Each member of the management team
will be familiar with the types of improprieties that might occur within his or her area of responsibility,
and be alert for any indication of irregularity, unethical or questionable activities.
Investigative Process
Employees who report allegations of fraud should not attempt to conduct investigation on their own.
Persons investigating allegations of fraud should refrain from discussing the allegations with anyone
other than those with a legitimate need to know, such as those involved in the investigation or the
oversight of the investigation. Decisions to prosecute and decisions to refer the results of the internal
investigation to the appropriate law enforcement or regulatory agency for independent investigation or
criminal prosecution will be made by the Director of the OAC.
Penalties for Fraudulent Actions
Individuals or contractors who are found to have committed a fraudulent act may be subject to civil or
criminal penalties and any other action deemed appropriate by PHA officials. In addition, employees may
be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Contractors, subcontractors, vendors
and any other individual or entity doing business with the PHA may be subject to loss of contract and/or
debarment from future contracts. Residents may be subject to termination of their PHA-subsidized
Awareness and Acknowledgment of Fraud Policy by Covered Parties
The following individuals will be required to sign this policy acknowledging that they have read and will
adhere to this policy: all PHA employees and officials; all contractors, subcontractors (contractors are
responsible for securing signed statements from subcontractors), consultants, other individuals and
representatives of business entities that conduct business with the PHA and Residents in PHA
subsidized housing programs.
The OAC will attempt to keep all information reported to it as confidential as possible, and the identity of
those reporting information to the OAC will be protected to the extent possible.
Whistle Blower Protection
The Pennsylvania Whistleblower Law, codified at 43 P.S. § 1421, et seq., (the “Act”) renders it unlawful
for any employer to “discharge, threaten or otherwise discriminate or retaliate” against an employee in
compensation or in terms or conditions of employment because the employee has made, or is about to
make, a good faith report to the employer or to an “appropriate authority” about an instance of
“wrongdoing or waste.” The law defines “waste” as conduct or omissions which result in substantial
abuse, misuse, destruction or loss of public funds or resources. The law defines “wrongdoing” as a
violation which is not of a merely technical or minimal nature of any statute, regulation, ordinance, code
of conduct or code of ethics designed to protect the interest of the public or of the housing authority. The
Act also renders it unlawful for an employer to discriminate or retaliate against an employee because he
or she has been requested by an appropriate authority to participate in an investigation, hearing or
inquiry regarding the employer’s alleged wrongdoing or waste. Anyone who provides information to PHA’s
Office of Audit and Compliance in good faith may not be discharged, demoted or otherwise subject to
any adverse employment action as result of reporting wrongdoing. Any person who retaliates against
someone for reporting wrongdoing may be subject to disciplinary action and/or civil or criminal liabilities
and penalties. Additionally, any Covered Parties who believes that a PHA officer or employee has taken
an adverse personnel action
Additionally, any Covered Parties who believes that a PHA officer or employee has taken an adverse
personnel action in violation of this policy may report such action to the OAC. Upon a determination that
a retaliatory adverse personnel action has been taken, the Director of OAC shall without undue delay
report his or her findings and, if appropriate, recommendations to the Board of Commissioners and the
Executive Director, who (i) shall determine whether to take remedial action, and (ii) shall report such
determination to the Director of OAC in writing.
The PHA will comply with the Pennsylvania Whistleblower Law and will implement this policy in
compliance with that law. Where, however, a Covered Party provides PHA with false or misleading
information either to initiate an investigation or in the course of an investigation, PHA may take
appropriate steps against the Covered Party.
Nothing in this policy shall be construed to limit the rights of any Covered Parties with regard to any
administrative procedure or judicial review, nor shall anything in this policy be construed to diminish or
impair the rights of a PHA employee or employer under any law, rule, regulation or collective bargaining
agreement or to prohibit any personnel action which otherwise would have been taken regardless of any
report of information made pursuant to this section.
By signing the RFTA, the certifies that if the tenant moves the tenant moves into the unit before the date
authorized by PHA, the tenant is responsible for the entire rent until the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)
Contract is signed and authorized by PHA.
PHA is NOT authorized to pay any rental subsidy until the unit has a PHA approved HQS inspection AND a
PHA approved rent. There will be no subsidy payments for any period prior to the inspection and rent
approval dates. If a tenant moves into a unit prior to the PHA approved inspection and rent the tenant
will be responsible for the entire rent for that period.
No subsidy payment will be released to the owner until there is an approved inspection, approved rent,
executed lease and executed HAP contract.
If you have a question as to whether an inspection and/or rent has been approved please call (215)
684-5596 or email hcvlandlords@pha.phila.gov
Required Documents for New PHA Owners or Owners with a new Tax ID:
1. Photo ID. Valid, government issued photo identification for the owner and agent (where
2. Rental License: Current and Valid City of Philadelphia Rental License
3. Direct Deposit Form (form provided in this guide)
4. Voided bank check (or a letter from the bank, on their letterhead, with the routing number,
your account name, and account number)
5. Proof of Ownership of the unit. A copy of the Deed of Records (all pages) obtained from City
Hall, Room 154 OR HUD 1 Settlement Sheet or Bureau of Real Estate Taxes Report; If you
represent a Corporation, LLC or owner, you must be able to provide verification that you are
authorized to sign documents for this tenancy. Such verification may include your name on
the EIN document, HUD 1 Settlement Statement, Charter of Incorporation, Company
Website and/or an Agent Agreement.
6. Tax ID Verification. Verification of Social Security Number or Employer Identification Number
(i.e., Social Security card or letter from IRS stating Employer Identification Number (EIN)).
For EIN verification documents, contact the IRS (800-829-4933) and request LTR-147C*;
7. Proof of PHA’s Owner Training Class. Must provide copy of the Philadelphia Housing
Authority Owner Training Certificate.
8. Agent Authorization form (if an agent will be representing you for PHA transactions)
1. Rental License: Current and valid City of Philadelphia Rental License
2. Proof of Ownership of the unit: A copy of the Deed of Records (all pages) obtained from City
Hall, Room 154 OR HUD 1 Settlement Sheet OR Bureau of Real Estate Taxes Report; If you
represent a Corporation, LLC or owner you must be able to provide verification that you are
authorized to sign documents for this tenancy. Such verification may include your name on
the EIN document, HUD 1 Settlement Statement, Charter of Incorporation, Company
Website and/or an Agent Agreement.
Forms required if changes to your HCV Owner account.
Direct Deposit Form and voided check (only if changing your bank account information)
Agent Authorization form (only required if changing your agent)
PHA Owner Forms are only required for new owners, owner using a new Tax ID or current owners
requesting a change in agent or Direct Deposit. If you have any questions about the forms, please call
Owner Services at 215-684-5596 or email hcvlandlo[email protected]
1) Agent Authorization Form
If there is an existing Agent Authorization or Management Agreement in place for this unit, please
attach to the RFTA. If there is not an Agent Authorization or Management Agreement in place, this
authorization is to be completed by the legal owner of the designated property when an individual or
entity, other than the owner, will be managing the property
2) Owner Authorization of Direct Deposit
Owners must agree to direct deposit of Housing Assistance Payments. Please complete the Direct
Deposit form with your bank account information. Documentation from your bank must be
submitted with the form
3) W-9 Form
Owners must provide PHA with a Tax ID number on the W-9 form. Verification of Social Security
Number or Employer Identification Number (i.e., Social Security card or letter from IRS stating
Employer Identification Number (EIN)) must be attached with the form.
For EIN verification documents, contact the IRS (800-829-4933) and request LTR-147C*;
If there is an existing Agent Authorization or Management Agreement in place for this unit, please attach to
the PHA RFTA Form when submitted. If there is not an Agent Authorization or Management Agreement in
place, this authorization is to be completed by the legal owner of the designated property when an individual
or entity, other than the owner, will be managing the property. Please keep a copy of this authorization on
Property Address:
Street Apt # City State Zip
Tenant Name:
I, , hereby authorize
(Owner’s Name)
, known as my
(Agent’s Name)
to conduct the following business with the Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) on my behalf for the above
captioned unit.
Please indicate the agent’s authorized responsibilities:
Contract with PHA and tenant (i.e. negotiate rent, execute tenant lease and HAP contract) Yes No
Receive Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) and tenant rental payments Yes No
Grant access to the rental unit Yes No
Access contract and payment information Yes No
Maintain the unit and responsibility for repairs and inspections Yes No
Inform the Owner of obligations under 42 U.S.C. 4852d and is responsible for ensuring Yes No
Contact information for my Agent is as follows:
Company Name:
Contact Name:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
E-Mail Address:
If the Agent’s responsibilities are described in a separate agreement, I will provide a copy of that document
and any amendments thereto to PHA. I acknowledge that the appointment of the Agent does not in any way
abridge, negate, modify or otherwise eliminate my/our responsibilities and requirements under the Housing
Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract with PHA and that I am responsible for ensuring that the Agent and
Property comply in all respects with such responsibilities and requirements.
Signature of Legal Owner Date
Signature of Agent Date
Owner Name: Vendor ID:
Section 1: Unit Information
Unit Information:
Street Apt # City State Zip
Please Select One:
Update Please check this box if this unit has previously been part of the HCV program and you
would like to update your banking information for all units recorded under this Federal Tax ID. If checked,
proceed to section 2.
Add Please check this box if this is a new unit to the HCV Program. If checked, proceed to section 2.
Section 2: Bank Account Information
Payee Name: Telephone:
I HEREBY AUTHORIZE the Philadelphia Housing Authority to initiate credit entries to my account.
Select One
: Checking Savings
Please indicate below the Financial Institution where you wish the Housing Authority Payments to be deposited:
Name of Financial Institution:
City: State:
Routing Number: Account Number:
Please attach a copy of a valid government-issued photo ID and a voided check (or a letter from the bank, on
their letterhead, with the routing number, your account name, and account number) to this form.
Section 3: Authorization Confirmation
Owner Name: Tax ID #:
Date: Signature:
Philadelphia Housing Authority
2850 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19133
telephone: (215) 684-5596 email: hcvland[email protected]ila.gov